#let me just say. i have been deep into 911 but if only you saw the conversation i had about misha yesterday.
Buck x reader - my shield
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A Buck (911) shy reader please? His friends thinks Buck is making things up that he has a girlfriend or shy reader picked her best friend to be they godfather of their newborn son who’s a mama boi. Then Buck thought it’s a good idea bringing his friend to the hospital to see his family - Anon💜
Buck smiled down at his phone as he saw the message notification from you, and he opened the text.
“What’s got you so happy?” Eddie asked.
Everyone looked up from where they were sat over to the young firefighter.
“My girlfriend messaged me.” Buck beamed.
“We’re still going on about that? Really?” Chim laughed.
Buck furrowed his brows a little bit.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we know you, you’ve probably slept with more women then everyone here combined. No offence.” Hen said.
Buck put his phone into his pocket.
“I’m capable of having a girlfriend!”
“We’re not saying that! We’re just saying it’s not likely.” Chin snickered.
Buck stormed away, and when his shift ended he immediately went to your apartment and knocked on the door.
It didn’t take long for you to answer, and one looked at him and you had your arms around him.
Buck hugged you tightly, burying his face into your shoulder as he let out a deep sigh.
You placed your hand on the back of his head and just held him for a few minutes in silence, standing out in the hallway of the apartment complex.
“What’s wrong…?” You whispered.
You pulled away and slowly dragged him into your apartment and closed the door, leading him over to the couch.
Sitting him down, you sat cross legged next to him, taking his hands in yours as you gazed at him.
“I’m.. im so fed up of everyone saying I don’t have a girlfriend!” He exclaimed.
You furrowed your brows a little bit.
“They think because I was a dick when I first joined I still am. But I’ve been trying to tell them for months I’m not like that anymore…” he mumbled.
You gave Bucks hands a small squeeze and smiled softly at him.
“I know you’re not Evan.”
He sighed softly.
“It’s just frustrating you know… I want them to believe me…”
You nodded your head in understanding.
“Well, they’re doing that BBQ tomorrow… right?”
Buck nodded his head and looked up at you.
“I’ll come with you.”
“You don’t like things like that.”
“No. But you do, and then they can see you’re telling the truth.”
You smiled sweetly up at him, and Buck smiled back, leaning down to capture you in a soft kiss before he pulled away.
“You’re amazing…”
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him, cuddling you while you guys just watched some crappy films.
When the next day rolled around, you both got ready to go to the station for the BBQ.
It was his day off, but he said he’d go anyways, and since he was going you wanted to go with him to show everyone he wasn’t lying and you were real.
But as you guys drove there, you were nervous. You couldn’t stop fidgeting and when Buck pulled his car into a spot, he stopped and reached over, taking your hand in his.
“You don’t have to do this you know that right?”
He looked at you in concern and you smiled at him, nodding your head.
“I know. But I.. I want to.”
Buck smiled and nodded his head and you both got out of the car, and he took your hand in his, letting you hide yourself behind him slightly.
He smiled down at you.
“When you’re ready to go we’ll go.” He said softly.
“Thank you…”
He led you around the front of the building and you saw a group of people all laughing and talking.
“And he finally shows up!”
“Shut it Chim.” Buck snapped.
You squeeze his hand and he sighed, giving you an apologetic look.
“And he’s brought company, who’s this?” Bobby smiled.
“Guys, this is (Y/N). My girlfriend.”
You gave them a shy wave and all they could do was stare in shock as they looked at you.
You were so different from Buck, shy, quiet, but they could only smile warmly at the sight of you using him as your shield
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thefixations-ofmine · 2 months
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Pairing: Evan Buckley x Tommy Kinard AU (911)
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: age gap, blowjob (m receiving), rimming, pet names
Summary: Former high school football star Evan Buckley navigates his new adult life. A broken down car takes him to the nearest body shop, where a very handsome 30-something mechanic catches his eye - and he's good with his hands too!
A/N: Yay, a new fic! This has been sitting in my head for a while and I finally put it down into words after seeing this manip photo of Oliver with longer hair. Sadly, I put aside some things I had already started, but I'm happy to get more work out there! Constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!
Main Masterlist | Drabbles Masterlist
“Helping number 36!” A young lady announces over the intercom. A shared gasp fills the room at the loud intrusion, and everyone has a look at their ticket. Evan sighs finally! He walks into the service area and heads to where an assistant is waiting to get his ticket.
“36?” A short man in glasses questions.
“That’s me! I’m Evan,” he answers with a handshake.
“Great, Evan. What brings you in today?”
He goes on for a solid fifteen minutes about all the troubles with his car. From the screeching breaks to the clicking steering and so on. His folks couldn’t afford a new car for when he got his license, and with their money and his combined, a deadbeat ‘64 Buick Skylark was all he could get - while still looking badass. It got him from point A to point B, albeit all the times he had to stop to nudge something back in place or to make sure the oil level was still right. He was saving to get himself a car that was at least of the decade, but it was proving longer than initially planned with all the fixing and maintenance on this one.
“Well, we have a really great old school mechanic, and an open schedule, so we can actually get started today if you’d like!” The assistant states, and proceeds to give him a rundown of the costs. Evan nods and runs back to his car to back it into a garage spot.
“Little further!” He hears a voice call from behind the trunk, unable to see the face of the man in the mirror. “Alright!” He adds waving his hands, and Evan breaks abruptly. He gets out of the car and starts rambling about what needs to be fixed, until a hand on his shoulder stops him.
“We’ve got it, kid.” The deep voice says again, and Evan turns this time, getting a first look at his face. And what a face! He’s surprised at first that he has to look up at him (even for just a few inches), and he rapidly gets lost in his striking blue eyes. “We’ll take care of it like it’s our own,” the mystery man says, bringing Evan back to reality.
“Um, thanks. Yeah, that would be, um, great!” He’s met with a reassuring smile, crinkly nose and all. He smiles back, trying to act as cool.
“I see you play,” Tommy (Evan remembered he could read for a second and saw his name tag) tries to start a conversation, pointing at the high school logo on his t-shirt. He nods. Tommy laughs. “I also used to a few years back. Same high school. Didn’t stick though, I was good with my hands but for different reasons.” If the blush on Evan’s cheeks wasn’t already apparent, that last statement accompanied by a wink surely painted his face a lovely crimson shade. If anything, it keeps Evan from telling him he actually graduated last year, but that’s besides the point.
He lets his eyes wander on the man’s body as he walks around to the hood; he guesses he’s around thirty. His thick veiny hands run along the metal, and thicker, veinier arms struggle to stay contained in the white t-shirt, proving he did in fact play sports in his youth. He likes what he sees, and doesn't know how to act about it. There was one thing a small town high school couldn’t provide you with; a well diverse sex-ed class. Not that nobody talked about it, but it was more often in a bad light than in a supportive kind of chit-chat in the back of a locker room. He had only been exposed to “educative” material through dodgy websites - though he owed his quarter-back wrist strength to that!
Today though, Evan would be happy to learn and explore.
“I’m sorry, do you guys have any water?” He manages to blurt out, running a finger into the neck of his shirt and his other hand up the side of his jeans.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to use the hose, kid.” Tommy points him to the side of the building a few feet away. Evan rushes to it, and almost drowns from the big gulps he’s inhaling, and doesn’t notice Tommy’s watching. Doesn’t see how he licks his lips at the sight of his own mouth pursed, and the sway of his Adam’s apple as he swallows vigorously. How Tommy’s eyes run down his arched back as he’s holding himself up with a hand on his knee. When he’s done drinking, some stray drops run down his chin and Tommy wants to lap at them. He clears his throat and goes back to examining the engine when their eyes meet.
A couple hours has brought the awkward moment to a well established conversation between the two as they exchange about cars and Fantasy Football predictions - both of them stealing looks every once in a while, silently eating the other up. When Evan runs his hand on his stomach as it growls, Tommy takes the opportunity to ask:
“Do you wanna grab a bite?”
“Huh?” Evan asks, his brain scrambled from the heat and the blood filling his semi.
“I think I’ll need at least another day before I’m done, and the last piece I took out will keep you from driving home,” he begins. “I thought maybe we could grab a bite and I can drive you back?” There’s another sensation added to the hunger in Evan’s stomach, one he had felt a long time ago when an exchange student from England had arrived at their school. He’d gotten Evan in a corner one day and kissed his lips, and Evan let him for several seconds before he pushed him away, embarrassed - confused. He told him he wasn’t mad, but that this didn’t have to happen again or be made known to others. He still hates himself after all those years for not apologizing before the guy went back home.
“I. Yeah, yeah. That would be great.” He finds the strength to answer.
“Awesome. Let me get out of these overalls and I’ll be right there.”
Evan guides Tommy down the streets of his neighbourhood after leaving the diner, where he had the best burgers of his life. Didn’t I tell ya, kid? He remembers Tommy had said when Evan moaned at the taste of the greasy patty. He turned red right there again, but when his eyes landed on Tommy’s, he realized they were both bothered and hot by the situation. If he was reading it right…
Kid. Evan can’t shake the hold that pet name has on him, a weird mix of adoration and degradation. He wasn’t a kid! He was 19! But then again, in contrast to the well-established, rugged man sitting next to him, as he watches his fingers drum absentmindedly to a Kiss song on the steering wheel, Evan can understand why he uses that word. He hopes it isn’t derogatory, but is willing to prove Tommy wrong. 
When they get to Evan’s house, Tommy drives his car into the empty driveway and turns the engine off with a content sigh. “I guess that’s my stop,” Evan jokes and clumsily goes to tap the center console, unaware that Tommy had leaned his arm onto it, the contact of his hand hitting the strong skin sends a shiver down his spine. Like a deer in headlights, he stays like this, not budging a finger until he hears Tommy chuckle deeply.
“You okay there, buddy?” That was a new one, Evan notes, and he’s sure now that he read the situation wrong because Tommy must see him as a bro, as his little brother’s friend who’s always squatting in the basement. But the second later, Evan is shoved into a new reality when he feels Tommy’s left hand come to cradle his chin to turn his head his way. He’s unable to tell if he’s still breathing, but that can be done manually so he should survive even in the confined space around them. There’s a tentative look in Tommy’s expression, a light smirk as his eyes volley in a triangle between Evan’s lips, his eyes, and the few bunches of curls that pop out of his cap. When the hand on his arm tightens instinctively, Tommy takes the plunge and crashes their lips together.
It’s hungry and unfiltered, and what Buck gives in clumsiness Tommy can redirect and show him he’s really into this. As if his grunts or the hand creeping to the back of Evan’s neck weren’t enough proof that Tommy wasn’t just trying to be nice. That’s when Evan realizes he’s kissing back, and grunting too, and he’s not going to have to feel sorry for the near future because of his stupid brain. He unfastens his seatbelt to try and kneel onto the seat until Tommy laughs into his mouth, now open from having been explored by a hungry tongue.
“Evan,” he begins, “are you sure about this?” There’s a frown on Evan’s face and he wonders what he did wrong, until Tommy corrects: “I mean, is this okay here in the car? Won’t anybody just walk by?” And then Evan smiles.
“My parents are out of town for the week, if you would, um. If you’d like, we can go inside.” It’s like the puffiness of his lips is keeping him from talking properly, but Tommy’s eager to get out of the car and follows Evan to the door, hooking one of his fingers into a loop at the back of his jeans, that way he can pull Evan against him as he shuts the door. They makeout in the entryway for several minutes, hands rushing to touch the other’s skin.
“Sit on the couch,” Tommy says firmly. Evan’s stomach flips again. He obliges, and sits awkwardly on one side of the couch, leaving room for Tommy, completely oblivious to his intentions. Until Tommy grabs both sides of Evan’s ass and manhandles him onto the center, and finds a comfortable spot between his legs on his knees, then Evan understands where this is going and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t send a sweat down his back.
“I, um,” he struggles. “This is um... Has never happened before.” He’s already a panting, sweaty mess even though he’d been in this position before - granted the subjects on the floor were much more petite, delicate and feminine. This was uncharted territory he definitely wanted to wander into, but he felt like he forgot his flashlight and was walking barefoot in gravel through the expedition.
“It’s alright, kid. I just want to take care of you for tonight if you’ll let me, no expectations.” It reassures him already, and he nods in approbation. “You stop me whenever, tap my shoulder and I’ll be gone.” He chuckles along with Tommy, and bites his bottom lip when he’s already working on his fly. He makes quick work of it; good with his hands, Evan thinks back.
And boy does he prove it fast. Evan’s not sure he even got to take three breaths in before Tommy was running his thumb along the bottom of his head, applying a faint pressure that had his blood pumping just right, filling his length the rest of the way, causing him to hiss sharply through his teeth. There seems to be a surprised excitement in Tommy’s expression, and he’s not sure if it’s at his size or the way he’s pathetically putty in his hands already, but he’d let that live in the back of his mind forever.
“Breathe, baby boy,” Tommy encourages as he pumps him now. It’s not the usual technique he’d use on himself, but Tommy found that one to be a safe bet most of the time. He feels Evan relax under him, his legs falling a little further apart and Tommy takes advantage to creep into the new space. His arms are holding Evan’s hips down, his left hand wanders under his t-shirt onto the tight, soft stomach of the sweet boy before him. He’s in pain, straining the zipper of his jeans and he curses himself for wanting to look nice rather than throw on some sweats. But it’s not about him. He hasn’t had dick in his mouth for way too long now, and when that buff twink walked into the garage, he knew there was something to play with in those hugging blue jeans.
“That’s it,” he praises, kissing the tip and sucking the bead of precum that had threatened to glide down. “You taste so good.”
“Than- Thank you sir,” Evan moans from deep in his chest. Tommy’s eyes roll to the back of his head, and he sucks in just the tip, then maybe an inch or two, then three, until Evan is a shaking mess under his grip. He sucks his cheeks in on his way up, trying to wet him as much as possible, before connecting their gaze and sinking down fully in a single movement, his nose poking the taunt pubic flesh. Tommy could almost come in his pants at the sight of Evan’s reaction. He can only imagine nobody had gotten that monster down fully without struggling before, and Tommy secretly thanks his first busy years out of the closet for the practice. He pops off after a few seconds.
“Is that okay?” He’s teasing, of course. The wet sounds of his hand pumping with purpose already answer his question.
“Is that… Are you, are you fucking kidding?” He throws his head back with a punched laugh, sending his cap to fall onto his lap. Tommy grabs it and puts it on backwards, and Evan has to shut his eyes or he’ll embarrass himself in the next seconds. The look makes Tommy pass for one of his team mates, and there’s a jolt in his stomach at the idea of fooling around with him in the lockers in high school. Though the age difference dynamic is still strongly present; he can confirm from the tricks Tommy is pulling on him. “It’s, it’s so good Tommy.” He pulls out his name in a high pitched moan. Tommy knows he doesn’t have that many pulls left before he’s tipping him over the edge.
He pulls the coffee table behind him a little closer, until his body is slightly nudged underneath it, and he gently lifts Evan’s feet so they rest on it, spreading him just how he intends. He doesn’t waste his time plunging in, dragging his nose along the crease of Evan’s thigh, then the other, pushing into his balls in the passing. His hands have found a safe place just under his knees, so his dick can get a break as he explores him, smells him. He digs a little lower, and gives a trial lick to Evan’s taint, reading his immediate moan as a sign to keep going until he’s fully making out with his asshole moments later. Tommy groans into him when he feels the curious drag of the boy’s fingers into his hair,  the cap long discarded, asking him to stay right there just a tad longer until he’s a writhing mess and Tommy knows he’s gotta take action. Evan’s legs are burning, his stomach feels stiff and he’s not sure whether the pressure in his head is from an upcoming aneurysm or simply that he’s never had his soul sucked out of his body this expertly.
Evan doesn’t even realize Tommy’s lips are back around his dick until he teases his teeth along the top of his tip, soothing it immediately with a pass of his tongue, ellissiting the loudest, most embarrassing sound he’s ever let out in his - numerous - sexual experiences. His fingers are going numb into the fabric of the couch, his nails threatening to strip off. But he’s not close to putting a stop to whatever Tommy had going on; he hasn’t peeped down in a few minutes, scared that the sight of Tommy looking back at him would have him spill way too quickly. He’s biting his tongue now, because he’s just as close and doesn’t know how to let Tommy know.
There’s no actual moment to think because the next second, Tommy’s nose is up against his pubes and he swallows around him once, and twice. And maybe a third time for good measure. And Evan has to let him know he’s about to coat the back of his throat before he’s making a fool of himself, but Tommy’s deadly grip onto his hips is acting on his ability to enunciate anything.
“To-” He’s at least going to try. “Tommy,” he adds. He brings a hand to venture into his curls again, tugging a little hoping he catches the clue. But Tommy is urging on and has his mind set on the goal. He looks up, winks at Evan and takes one last breath before sinking back down fully, swishing his tongue on the bottom of Evan’s dick and managing to bring it out just enough to give his balls some attention.
Evan’s ears start ringing, he’s seeing white. Am I fucking dying? Then Tommy pulls back and tugs on him a few times until the string snaps and he’s emptying himself into the cup Tommy formed with his tongue, moaning and screaming and gasping for air and he’s panicking at the never ending ropes. He’d come again if he had any energy left when Tommy retrieves his tongue and swallows his load with a deep groan of satisfaction.
“I knew you’d be fucking sweet,” he states. Tommy runs his hands along Evan’s thighs, soothing the downfall of such a high.  He kisses along the muscles of his stomach and up to his neck, where he lays a long, open-mouth kiss to the sweet spot behind his ear. “Was that okay?” He’s genuinely asking.
“You’ve gotta stop doubting yourself, sir.” Evan puffs out a laugh. “This, um - This was the best fucking thing I’ve ever experienced.” He leans back into the couch and runs a hand into his hair, still unsure if the light from earlier wasn’t the end of the tunnel. But the warmth Tommy radiates around his body proves he’s still very alive..
“Well, I’m glad you had a good time, baby,” Tommy answers, daring a quick peck to his lips. He gets up and extends his hands to help Evan up also, making the poor boy realize the big problem he’s created;
“Do you, um. Should I-” He looks down.
“Oh, kitten, no. Don’t worry about me, okay?” Tommy deflects his intentions, hoping to buy himself a separate alone time with the pretty boy. “Plus, I’ll see you tomorrow for your appointment, huh?” He winks. Evan makes a mental note to be refreshed and energized for the day, already planning his undeniable turn for the deed. There’s a light stress in his chest at the thought of having his first experience as a giver with a man be so soon. But he’s on fire standing in front of the most handsome man he’s ever seen, who’s more than likely going to ravish him as soon as he lifts a finger, so he’s not going to fuck this chance up.
“I’ll be there on time, sir.” He nods, walking with Tommy to the front door. He owes him at least a decent goodnight.
“Bring that cute smile of yours.” Tommy has Evan blushing effortlessly, but he’s feeling a little bold. Before Tommy’s hand can turn the handle, he’s got him plastered to the door, and rushes to kiss him silly, moaning and toying with his tongue until they’re both breathless again - and as a preview, lets his hand cup at the slowly dying erection in Tommy’s jeans, earning a playful bite to his bottom lip.
“I’ll bring more than that.”
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milfswriter · 2 years
Is this heaven?
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: you’re back after a hiatus, Rhea’s emotional.
Notes and warnings: this is legit ao3 material. Childhood best friends to lovers, angst with happy ending, car accident, blood, near death experience, reunion, confession, semi public sex (it’s outdoor but nobody’s there??), daddy kink, thigh riding, cunnilingus, fingering, bruh this has angst, fluff, smut whatever you need LMAO. a little long? P.S I do not take pride in my writing abilities so PLZ don’t judge I write for fun lool also this has been briefly proofread so ignore any mistakes.
Word Count: 3.2K
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You sat with your knees hugged to your chest as your breathed in the unusually cold, fresh air of Orlando on the very edge of the very familiar hill. You knew this place, you loved this place. 
You watched the small cars pass by before memories of this place started playing in your head. You’ve been on a very long hiatus due to an accident. Having been sent to Tokyo for specialized physiotherapy, you couldn’t see any of your friends or family for the past year and a half and came today for the elimination chamber PPV to say hi to your friends, having no plans of a return anytime soon.
As your memories of this place played, you realized that they were all connected to the same person. The person you wanted to see the most, the person you loved the most (not that you’d ever admit it). You heard crackling of leaves behind you but paid it no mind, it was 6 am, no one would be here.
 You wished this specific person would show up magically behind and- “Hoped I’d find ya here” a very familiar voice said and you gasped lightly, having no guts to turn around and look her in the eye. 
You stood up with a smile, taking a deep breath in before turning around and looking her in the eye, you looked the tall woman up and down with a hum.
 “You’ve grown even taller, how is that possible?” you questioned jokingly before you saw her features tremble, scoffing before rushing to you and almost crushing you in her arms, your legs dangling in the air. 
“hello, to you too, Demi” you said, your voice muffled by her shoulder. “shut up” she groaned, clearly crying now because you were starting to feel her tears on your shoulder.
Ok, now you were crying, too. “you’re..you’re walking?” she put you down and stepped back a few steps to see you standing straight and let out a relieved sigh, wiping her tears. 
“yeah, I’m okay Demi” she gulped, scanning you. She walked to you again, pulling you into her more gently now. “That day you weren’t” she whispered, now that she wasn’t pulling you up, your temple was now resting on her collarbone.
You closed your eyes, nodding as a different kind of memories played in rhea’s mind. 
Rhea waited impatiently for you on the couch as the others played monopoly, you were supposed to be here half an hour ago. She went to the kitchen, dialing your phone and it rang once, twice, three times before you answered. 
“D...Demi..” you gasped for air, causing Rhea to furrow her eyebrows in confusion. “y/n, where are you? you were supposed to be at Alexa’s a long time ago, wait, are you running?” she chuckled before you started muttering weird sounds.
“Y/n? are..are you okay?” she heard your sobs, it sounded like you were in pain, like..like you couldn’t breath. “Y/n answer me!!” she yelled into the phone causing Sonya to get into the kitchen. “chill out, man..we’re just starting, don’t rush her” she brushed Sonya off. 
She heard you gather all your strength in a breath before muttering barely coherently. “I crashed my..car..at..the light next to Alexa’s, p..please”.
“I’m coming..I’m coming right now, don’t close your eyes, keep breathing!” she ran out of the apartment, confusing everyone there before calling 911. Meanwhile, your car’s personal assistant was the only way you could have answered that call. 
“Incoming call from RheRhe , answer it?” Mercedes asked, “y..yes” you mumbled and sighed in relief, tears running down your cheeks as it understood you and answered the call. 
Rhea ran and ran until she saw the light and your car swerved into a wall, the hood completely smashed and a car behind yours that looked like it hit you so hard you swerved into that wall. 
“oh god..y..y/n?” she called before running to your door, seeing the glass smashed and opened the door, your face so bloody she only recognized you by your ‘Brutality’ t-shirt, which was originally hers but you decided to keep it, making it even harder for her to deal with this. 
“love?” she called, taking off her jacket and wiping the blood off your face with it. “Y/n please answer me” she heard the deafening sounds of ambulance and police sirens and picked you up with a great effort, not caring about the shreds of glass piercing her skin. 
“oh..he..hey Dee” you smiled up at her in a failed attempt to comfort her. Like you were accepting your fate. “It’s o..okay, d..demi” she looked around for any sign of the ambulance but they were none. She looked at you with her lips trembling, shaking her head.
“no, no it’s not! IT’S NOT OKAY! Yo..You can’t just leave me here!” her tears refused to dry and her vision began to blur. You gave her another smile, gulping in pain as you tried to move so you can face her. “is..is it because you never taught me your prism trap?..it..it’s okay..I’m..not mad...and you shouldn’t be either..” Rhea scoffed a laugh, she couldn’t believe you were joking at a time like this. 
“I’ll teach you my prism trap, just stay alive for me so I can do that, hm?” she heard the sirens from a distance and tried to keep you alert. She snapped her fingers in front of you, making you jolt awake as you closed your eyes.  
“remember when we met? hm?” she started, smiling at relief as you nodded. you’re still conscious. good. “we were kids..god, you were cocky” you let out a breathy laugh. she nodded with a small smile, you knew what she was doing and you were grateful because you felt yourself slipping.
“tell me more” she held your hand and kissed it, removing bits of glass that landed on the back of your hand when she saw the main source of bleeding, your side. 
She let you keep talking before she lifted the hem of your shit to see blood oozing out and you winced. “I’ve got you, we’ve got to stop the bleeding, okay? help is on the way” she applied pressure and you screamed in pain, scratching and pushing on her.
“I’m sorry, I know you’re in pain” she felt her tears running down her cheeks again as your hands went to squeeze her biceps, whimpering. As she saw the red and blue lights of the ambulance, she held you in her arms, not caring about the shreds of glass that pierced her skin in the meantime. 
Demi couldn’t remember you ever being this heavy, she’s picked you up countless of times, giving you piggyback rides after your matches as a tag team. you were a flyer, she saw you do the most perfect moonsaults and splashes so she assumed it was her knees that threatened to betray her as she saw your condition. She ran with you to the stretcher that the paramedic pulled out of the car, placing you on it as she explained to him what had happened to you and notified him about the source of bleeding.
you closed your eyes, hearing her pleading for you to wake up but you couldn’t open your eyes anymore. The next time you did, you were in an empty room. Hospital, you quickly deduced as you saw the countless IVs and bandages covering your body. “Oh..” You heard and looked up, seeing a nurse coming in with a clipboard. “you’re finally awake” she smiled gently, “can you hear me?” she added after a few seconds have gone by and you still hadn’t said anything.
You nodded, “good..good” she nodded at you. You felt her move closer to you, placing the clipboard somewhere before she stood directly next to your bed. “can you squeeze my hand?” you felt her her hand engulf yours and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, trying to move your hand but it’s like you couldn’t find the right wire in your brain to do so. 
The nurse pursed her lip in empathy before letting go of your hand. You let out a sound of desperation as you finally gained control of your hand and chasing hers, squeezing the tips of her fingers. “There you go, you’re okay” she smiled.
you cleared your throat, which was way too dry. “h..how...long..” she seemed to understand what you meant, nodding. “you’ve been in a coma for a couple of weeks” your eyes widened. You’ve been out for weeks?.
“your family and friends are here to visit you, though they’re a little early for visiting hours. I will let them in after I call the doctor” you nodded.
After the doctor checked on you, the door was opened by the nurse who was followed by a running Rhea, panting as she grinned at you. “You’re awake!” she giggled, hugging you way too gently. “h..hi demi” you croaked out and she leaned down to kiss your forehead. “hello, possum” she cupped your bruised cheek.
“are you sure they’re not dating?” the nurse asked Sonya who was lurking in the back. “I know, right?!” Rhea turned to glare at her before turning back to you. 
“your parents went to get coffee before they told us you were awake, they’ll be here in a jiffy, hm?” you nodded with a smile. To be honest, you were glad you were not dead, because the way she looked at you right now made you feel things you never thought were possible to feel. 
you were leaving for Tokyo. The doctors said there was nothing they could do for you here to regain normal mobility. “I’ll never walk again” Demi shushed you. “of course you will! that’s why you’re going there, no? you’ll be completely fine and you’ll walk to me the day you come back, okay?” You nodded, you didn’t know what you’d do if you didn’t have Rhea in your life.
she drove you to the airport, and held your hand until the last second before you were supposed to find your terminal, where she wasn’t allowed in without a boarding pass. “I’ll miss you” Your lips trembled and she nodded, hugging you. “I’ll miss you, my possum” she kissed your temple before letting you go.
 “get better for me” you nodded, limping to your terminal. You turned around one more time to see Rhea from afar with tears soaking her face. You gulped, your eyes burning before taking a deep breath and turning back around, pulling your suitcase.
After 1 year and 3 months, you’ve finally regained complete mobility and they’ve also cleared you out to wrestle. You booked the nearest flight to Orlando and said nothing to your friends and family. And here you are, in your favorite place of all.
“That day I wasn’t” you affirmed,  you stepped back a little and lifted your shirt, showing her the remaining scar of the surgery on your side. “at least I still got this bad boy” you smirked and she giggled, “it does look cool hm?” you nodded. 
She looked like she had something on her mind, but you didn’t say anything as you pulled her down to lay with you on the grass to watch the sunrise. you linked hands, your head falling onto her shoulder as you watched the city being lit by the enormous sun. “I..need to tell you something” she stammered for a bit and she looked away. “Is everything ok?” you were starting to worry, she was fine moments ago.“Everything’s great..you’re here” she smiled nervously, turning to look at the sky.
“Y/n, I um..I’ve known you for over a decade. Yeah?” you nodded, smiling. “And um..you’re my best friend” she bit her lip, contemplating on whether to spit it out or not.
 “Demi, what’s wrong? Are you dying?” you whispered and she looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. “No, y/n..I’m not dying, it’s just…all those years we were friends, I wished we weren’t..” you raised your eyebrows in surprise, was that how she felt?.
“Every time I saw you, I wished we were something more, I wished I could protect you from all these bitches that hurt you..and I can’t forgive myself for letting you drive that day instead of just taking you with me. y/n/n I..I can’t believe it took me all those years to realize that I am so, so in love with you” she rambled and you kept your head on her shoulder, gasping softly.
“All this time I think I was bound to fall in love with you. It was only a matter of when and where..and it was that day,..we were at Wrestlemania, and…we were watching Lita in her match and…you looked so happy when she won.. you hugged me so hard and I didn’t want it to stop. I wore that hoodie for days after because it smelled like you..we were kids..and I was in love you...and now we’re older..and I’m still in love you” she took a deep breath and your eyes were tearing up. 
“you don’t feel the same, I know that..I kept telling everyone that. But it’s physically painful for me to keep that from you any longer than I had, you don’t have to do or say anything, I just wanted to-” she was cut off by your lips on hers as you straddled her lap, leaning down to kiss her so she would stop saying all these things. She hummed, her hands automatically going to your waist under your shirt.
You broke the kiss, breathing heavily. “is that an enough explanation of how I feel?” you asked, and she nodded, shrugging. “I can live with that” she sat up, giggling as she kissed you again, and again. “I can’t believe you almost died and I still couldn’t tell you” you joined your foreheads.
“It’s okay..I love you, too” You smiled, kissing her again before wrapping your arms around her neck, playing with the ends of her short hair. You both stared into each other’s souls, this couldn’t get any better. Or so you thought. 
She moved her hands from your waist to your thighs, squeezing them as she peppered kisses over your jawline, making her way down to your neck. “you..are so beautiful” she whispered in your ear, you felt a familiar sensation between your legs, and the rough material of her jeans didn’t make this any better.
You started testing the waters, moving your hips back and forth against her, your hands gripping her shirt from the back as she chuckled, her breath tingling your ear. “naughty girl” she tutted, holding your hips in place, making you moan. 
“you want this?” she asked, looking you in the eye. You’ve never seen this version of Rhea, but you were glad you are cause she couldn’t be any hotter than right now. 
You nodded furiously, “please” you whimpered. A smirk placed itself on her face, her hands making their way to your ass. She suddenly flipped your positions, your head making a soft thud as it landed on the grass. “please what?” her smirk turned into something you couldn’t recognize, but oh did you love it.
Her knee placed itself between your legs, spreading them. “please, fuck me..daddy” her eyes darkened before smashed her lips against yours in a moan. “god, I want you so bad” she groaned, sneaking her hand to your pants, unbuttoning it, pulling the zipper down painfully slow.
You dreamed of this moment for so long, you didn’t wanna wait anymore. “please, Demi!” you urged her and she complied, leaning her head down to whisper filth into your ear. 
“yeah? you want my fingers, darling? right here..where anyone could see us? ” she breathed heavily as you felt her hand sneak into your pants, you heard her whine into your ear as she felt your slick pussy.
You threw your head back against the grass, “all for me?” she asked, kissing your jawline as she pressed her middle finger against your clit, you gripped her shirt from the back, god it’s been so long and now that it’s with Rhea, you never wanted it to stop. 
Rhea took a deep breath in, taking her hand out of your pants, making you whine desperately. “Can I take it off, possum?” she smiled, her hands resting on your knees as she got off you and sat on knees in front of you. You nodded, silently hoping no one makes their way up this hill and sees you.
“I am going to worship you” she smirked, pulling your pants along with your panties down your legs, throwing them aside and spreading your legs. She froze for a second as she saw your glistening heat. You felt your cheeks heat up as she stared but you kept your legs spread.
she leaned down, keeping eye contact with you as she used her thumbs to spread your labia, licking a long, hard stripe from your entrance to your clit and you let out a guttural moan. You ran your hand through her hair, pulling on her scalp as she ate you out.
she hummed against your pussy, closing her eyes as she sucked the life out of you. “please, daddy” your other hand pulled on her hair, too and she sneaked one of her hands to your mouth, her middle and ring finger stroked your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, taking them in your mouth to the knuckles.
She took them out of your mouth, before thrusting them back in, practically fucking your mouth. She took them out again, lining them up with your entrance and sliding them in, bottoming out instantly. 
“fffuck” you moaned, letting go of her hair before you rip it out. gripping the grass next to you instead. 
She fucked her fingers in and out of your pussy. “god you’re so fucking tight, love” she kissed your inner thigh, “Oh, I wish I had my strap right now”.
Just picturing her fucking you senseless with her cock made your pussy clench impossibly tight against her fingers. “yes..yes..I’m..Oh god, I’m cumming!” she fucked you even harder, wrapping her lips back around your clit, licking it in circular motion. 
you couldn’t help but pull on her hair again, breathing heavily as she curled her fingers inside you, screaming her name as your orgasm washed over you as you closed your eyes tightly. she chuckled against your thigh, sitting up on her knees and kissing you softly. You groaned as you tasted yourself, pulling her by the back of her neck to kiss you harder. “is this heaven?” you mumbled, opening your eyes. 
“Would you stop with the death jokes? seriously” she frowned and you let out a howl, throwing your head back as you giggled. “I’m sorry, come here” you wrapped your arms around her, hugging her close.
you sneaked your hand to her zipper before she stopped you. “not here..I’d like to worship you better at home first” you smiled at the thought of seeing your shared house again. 
She peppered kisses all over your face, smoothing your hair out of your face. “I love you” she mumbled shyly and you chuckled, “love you” you kissed her lips again and she helped you put your pants back on.
She stood up, giving you her hand to pull up before picking you up bridal style. She froze as she looked into your eyes. What you didn’t know was that she was holding your bloody form in the same way a year and a half ago.
“I..I didn’t hurt you, did I?” she asked, gulping. You furrowed your eyebrows, shaking your head. “no..no it was perfect” she cupped her cheek. she nodded, a small smile appearing on her face before she took you to her car and drove you home.
This definitely wasn’t the way you thought today was gonna go, but you definitely weren’t complaining. :)
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maywinchester · 1 year
You Think You Do
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: 911
Warnings: Based around the end of season 9, Sick reader, Dean's self pity, angst, fluff
Author's Note: Holy shit balls so I've never posted a fanfic before! I have written many in my brain for my own self-indulgence but I've never written any out much less posted anything other than sharing other's works. So with that I'll say sorry in advance if it sucks, all feedback is appreciated! I don't own any rights to Supernatural, so lets get started!! :D
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It had been weeks since you felt like yourself, & it hadn’t gone unnoticed. Your headaches had become almost constant with short spells of relief in between & you felt like you had a weight inside your chest, making it hard to breathe & pulling your chest to the ground. Your other symptoms included fatigue (& the dark circles that came with it) irritability, general weakness & wheezing, especially when you slept. Things were only getting worse, which meant that the boys constant fussing over you was getting worse too.
Sam was logical; when you first started showing symptoms he suggested fluids & rest, he treated it like a cold, which is what you thought it was. Now that it was apparently more, he was hitting the medical books in the Men of Letters laboratory. 
Dean, however, had treated it like the Spanish Flu from the beginning &, now that it had turned out to be more serious, he was almost insufferable.
One thing had really peaked Dean’s interest though: Why wasn’t anyone else catching this? Dean had been right under you from the moment he noticed a change & before that he was constantly around you as well. The question only heightened his anxiety & so did Sam’s silence when Dean brought it to his attention.
“I don’t know man. Something’s not sittin’ right with me. Y/N never gets sick, ever.” 
His voice was extra gritty, lined with worry. It carried down the hall to you & Dean’s shared room where you laid, trying to fall asleep, & listened as your heart broke for him. You knew it was serious & it was probably too late for anything short of angelic. With Cas still MIA, things were starting to look bleak, but you still didn’t want to let in on just how bad you felt.
“I know” Sam sounded tired “We’ll find something Dean.” 
You heard Dean coming down the hall, dragging his feet as he walked. The guilt crept in, you could tell they were exhausted. You held your breath until you saw him in the doorway & gave him a faint smile, trying your hardest not to seem as weak as you felt. 
“D” your voice was barely a whisper, but he was close enough to hear as he sat beside you on the bed, brushing your hair back. You closed your eyes & hummed, taking in the feel of his rough but gentle hand as he rested it on your cheek & the smell of whiskey as his warm breath fanned over your face. 
“We’re trying to find something sweetheart” He had that look, the one for when hope was dwindling down & he was preparing himself for the worst but trying to put on a face for you. 
“I know.. I heard” You move over to make room for him & he lays down before you even have to ask, wrapping an arm around you & pulling you into his chest. 
“Are you okay?” He scoffs at that & you look up at him. Why are you asking if he’s okay when you so clearly are not? You see the battle in his eyes as he contemplates his answer.
“I wish it was me.” You take a deep breath & a moment to appreciate that he told you the truth, & to realize what that means to Dean Winchester. What you mean to him, & your heart breaks a little more. You wanted to tell him just how bad you felt, to lean on him the way you knew you could, but he was already feeling defeated & the last thing you wanted to do was confirm his fears.
“I know.. but then I’d be wishing it were me.” You give him a knowing look, you know he’d rather take the illness & whatever consequences than sit there & watch you deal with it.
“Let's be honest though, I handle these things better than you” You shoot him a playful smile that he tries to return. 
“You shouldn’t have to handle them at all Y/N. You don’t deserve this.”
“But you think you do.” It wasn't a question & he refused to meet your eyes, staring a hole in the door.
“I think we both deserve for Cas to show his ass & fix this.” Dean’s tone was harsh, probably more than he meant to be. His everyday frustrations were elevated by the Mark, but you’d learned to let it go, you knew he was doing his best.
“Maybe, but he has other people to look after now.” He looks at you then, wondering how you can be so understanding while being so miserable. You read him like a book.
“I know, I’m a saint.” you grin, the biggest you’ve had the energy for in days, & he returns it, genuinely this time. He holds your gaze for a moment before you look away, shy for no reason in particular, other than the green eyes staring back at you.
“You really are” you look back at him then, a questioning brow raised “You deal with my crap constantly, you take care of me & Sam. You’ve stuck by us even when everyone else left. You’ve been tortured for us, you’ve died for us.”
“Well, it was more for you, but yes” you laughed. “I love Sam, but some of those demons really do have a gift” He winced at the memory.
“I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get you better” He looked deep into your eyes, making sure you understood the seriousness of his promise.
“I know.. you always have.”
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tvfangirladdict · 6 months
Rant about all the Bi-Buck Arc hate surfacing.
Made the mistake of scrolling through comments on Instagram surrounding 911 and the cast.
I need to blow off steam, so this is gonna probably start harsh.
While there was so much heartfelt appreciation for Buck's storyline, the negative comments kept stealing my attention. I'm so tired of hearing(reading) that people think the whole show is ruined because two grown men kissed. Like, get the fuck over yourselves already. You don't agree with the relationship, you're just gonna have to deal with it the same we've dealt with Buck and Eddie's half-assed, flat, forced heterosexual relationships for the last 7 years, okay?
They all want to justify their biphobia/homophobia by saying that it's "forced" or it "doesn't make sense," or that they "never saw Buck even hint at it and it's just pandering to fans." Like, bitch, welcome to real life. If you're a real fan of this show, and you watched from the beginning, you know Athena and Michael's marriage ended first thing when he came out as gay. A muscular, "straight", black guy with a wife and two kids who'd been in the closet/denial his whole life, came out to his family, and none of them saw it coming, even if they might have suspected "deep down". This shit happens every day, okay? They're all mad cause "if he was gonna be gay, they should have made him gay from the beginning". Why? So you could form your opinion of him based on who he's attracted to? Why does this bother you so much. You were okay with it when it was Michael and Hen cause you knew from the beginning and they were your token gay characters that you've just learned to "put up with" to appease the rainbow crowd.
And it's not even the ones who are just straight up, like "it's wrong"/"it's a sin"/"it's gross", etc. that bother me the most. It's the "I don't care, you do you, but don't shove it down my throat", people that make me mad. Why is simply witnessing a queer person or relationship "shoving it down your throat"? Y'all realize they exist in real life too, right? Like, personally, I have family, friends, co-workers, bosses, who are all apart of the lgbtq+ community, and I'm from a smaller suburban/rural area of Ohio. Those are just the people in my life who are out. Why is seeing them represented in modern media so bad? This isn't covid, it's not fucking contagious. If it was your brother, your cousin, your best friend, would it be okay then? Both of my brothers have only ever dated women, but if one of them came out and said "hey, I think I might like guys too," I'm not gonna throw a fucking fit and invalidate them by telling them it's not possible because they've only ever dated women. No, I'll thank them for trusting me, and gush to them about boys because I never had a sister to do that with.
Every time I read those comments, all I can think is, you just proved that you're not a safe person to be trusted if someone in your life wants to come out.
Just, how do you give up on an entire show after one kiss? And then claim that you don't have a problem with it? You can't have it both ways. If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't react so strongly and so negatively to it. 911 and ABC's intention isn't to question your sexuality. You don't have to worry that you're suddenly going to have to kiss Buck too, okay? Chill.
The whole "Buck has only ever slept with women" and "suddenly he's gay" responses are exactly why this storyline is so important. So many people to this day refuse to acknowledge sexualities outside of straight and gay. Why is it always, "made gay"? It doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both, or neither.
I say this with the experience of having a mom who's still in the "I don't care as long as I don't have to see it" camp. If seeing it upsets you, you've got a problem. If it really doesn't matter and you're cool letting everyone be themselves, seeing two men together should be just as accepted as a man and a women together. Unless you're also saying we need to stop portraying men and women in romantic, sexual relationships together with kissing scenes or more graphic ones, then you can't rule with a double standard. Me and my mom loved watching Teen Wolf together, but any time there was a scene with Danny kissing another guy, she'd get uncomfortable. She even told me once, that she didn't think they should show scenes like that but she wasn't sure why when watching het couples together didn't make her feel the same way.
Safe, sane, and consensual. As long as they follow that, and are happy, why can't you just be happy for them?
If you're old enough to have been following along with this show, you're old enough to know that everyone is different. And life as an adult is about opening yourself up to the outside world and learning about what makes people different. From race to religion to sexuality to nationality and beyond. Your views, beliefs, ideologies, etc, are not the only ones that matter. Getting and giving acceptance goes hand in hand.
I get it to a certain extent. Coming from a different time and all that, but it just means you've had more time to learn. Being stubborn and holding onto what you were brought up in doesn't mean a whole lot to me if you refuse to open your mind up as an adult to look beyond yourself.
Okay, I'm done now. That felt chaotic, but I feel better. If you've made it this far, thanks for coming to my TED talk☺️
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rdng1230 · 4 months
911 spoilers
god where do I even begin???
First of all, I was ready to flip a fucking table when Gerard said that to Tommy. I really love the detail of Chim standing up to him though, I think it’s nice that 911 continually reminds us that Tommy isn’t just buck’s boyfriend, he also has his own history with the 118 gang. I could see how tense Tommy was and my heart broke for him. I also love Buck getting in Gerard’s face a little as he walked away. We Stan a protective boyfriend.
I was never a foster kid but because of custody fights I know EXACTLY how it feels to be ripped away from the family you love because of what a judge says. My heart breaks for Mara and for Henren, when Denny got in the middle my heart tore even more. That councilwoman genuinely is evil. She has no idea how long lasting and deep those wounds are for a kid.
the last supper montage/scene with Bobby hurt my feelings, but I loved the voiced acknowledgement of bucks growth. I think Buck still has lingering self doubts, and Bobby coming out and saying “you’re not that guy anymore” I think will help Buck let more of those doubts go.
the scene with Buck discovering Kim played out pretty much exactly as it had in my head. I don’t know why I just had the feeling Buck was going to encounter her first before shit hit the fan. I loved his concern for Eddie *and* for Kim. “Does this poor woman know she’s a carbon copy of your late wife?” I think he’s really good at saying things that genuinely reach Eddie. Buck knows that Eddie doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and so he uses that to wedge the door open. Listen, I’m not opposed to buddie happening one day (although I really don’t want a Bucktommy breakup) but whatever happens, them being friends who can be honest with each other is so important. They’re great partners for each other in really every sense of the word.
I can see Athena’s desperation but I also think her completely disregarding Amir’s boundaries and needs is a fucking dick move. Bobby needs a therapist, and probably some in patient mental health treatment too. Amir should be left in peace.
I knew the Kim thing had been too easy and as soon as that door opened and I saw her hair, I fucking knew Chris was going to see. But god Ryan did SO WELL with that scene. He genuinely had me choked up. He Shoulders so much loneliness and anger and hurt and he never really unloads it. I really can’t imagine the grief he feels even if I don’t always buy that he was *in* love with Shannon. I think she was very special to him, but I don’t think she was the love of his life. I still can’t decide what I feel about Kim for that. Truly, on the one hand girl WHAT THE FUCK and on the other, yeah maybe that was the only way Eddie was ever gonna say all that shit out loud. Her motives are as yet a total mystery to me.
Chris gets his own bullet point. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I really can’t imagine the hurricane of emotions he must have felt and will feel. I truly do not know how his relationship with Eddie will ever recover, and it would not shock me in the least if chris went and stayed with Buck for a while. I get what Ryan means when he says Eddie’s gonna end the season really isolated.
Im gonna miss that house, it really was gorgeous.
I love a good fretting over someone in the hospital scene and this cast in particular does so well with them. Looking forward to next week and also fucking terrified at the emotional fallout of everything particularly for Chris, Mara, and Denny.
boy “punched in the gut repeatedly” really was accurate huh?
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA: The M Files take-a-peek pt. 2
Just realized yesterday that I misspelled peek. Or rather, used another word that had the sound pronunciation. Way to go, Dr. Nutcase.
Chapter 2
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Wow! Link can walk on water!
I'm guessing that the illustrator had a hard time going back & forth between Link having human feet or ape feet
So Link gave his side of the coin for his origin story
I'm not all knowledgeable with what species were around at the start of the Ice Age (aside from some of the animals & whatnot in the Ice Age cartoons lol), let alone all the exact details of evolution, but this "link" between prehistoric humanity & aquatic ancestry is a bit of a mind boggler. I think Link's species would come from the 20 million years ago range, not 20K years range
My biggest question: where'd he get that straw?
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And Link just slept through that? That insatiable curiosity must've worn him out
Omg!! I almost had a heart attack! I thought his tail broke off! False alarm
"Morty" - no comment
Wandering paleontologists? Kyrie Eleison upon those dummies...*face palm*
Also, disappointed with the sleeping pose instead of...you know, what we saw in the movie
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Sandwiches in a lab. No. GRAY sandwiches. No. And mayo is a much different flavor and is inferior to mustard. That's a definite No
"Some fool". More like some FOOLS--plural! They were all there with those buckets. They may or may not have known what they were getting themselves into. Or they must've been too distracted by those gray sandwiches
Somehow, Link was already fluent in modern English, slang and all
The old guy, lol 😯
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In reality, Link must've been like "WTH IS THIS?!?" not this "what's a monster?" borderline derp. This was a totally different world from the pre-Ice Age world he came from. If I woke up after a deep 20K year long sleep to find my home filled with an unknown species of creatures, I'd probably go on a rampage too
Requesting cold cuts and mustard in an emergency call. Almost reminds me of a story of someone calling 911 in 2020 because they ran out of toilet paper during lockdown
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Link, you son of a gun you
But centuries? Really? Dude, you just thought you took a little nap. Or...were you already a few centuries old when you were frozen? Oooooh...
I just noticed that at least two ladies are bald with a patch of hair dangling from their heads
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So much for that rampage. Or the fending off coeds & the National Guard and the Coast Guard...and also the life guard. Again, this is a kids' book
Wow, that wild array of weapons. I'm surprised a slingshot didn't make it in this
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Disappointment right here. Again, kids' book
That's one tight squeeze. Is one of Link's abilities the ability to fit into/through small spaces? Also, he fell for that offer of "help"?
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I don't think ice cream trucks like that existed in the 50s/early 60s. It was these dingy little freezers on wheels, if anything
So, they're just gonna freeze Link again? Poor guy
Private Monger. In the movie, he said he captured monsters over the course of 50 years, but he didn't say if he was large & in charge for the entirety of those 50 years. But Monger must've been a total jerk in his younger years; I mean, he ran over Link with his jeep later on in BBB
Come to think of it, Link was the only one of the 5 monsters that wasn't the result of an accident/coincidence/whatever. He was just already there, and it makes no sense that he's labeled a monster. He's a prehistoric part of evolution, not a freak of nature. But he's also a parody of Creature From the Black Lagoon, which is considered a monster movie, so...my argument's gonna stop right here
Until then!
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friendly-jester · 4 months
honestly considering how last episode went i feel like it could be possible that one of the two of them realize their feelings in the finale and that becomes a major storyline for next season. like all season buck has been talking nonstop about eddie and his entire sexuality arc and the buck x tommy stuff has been basically haunted by eddie. i thought i was losing it or something fr because i went back and rewatched and literally EVERY. SCENE. BUCK AND TOMMY HAVE EDDIE IS EITHER THERE OR MENTIONED. THEIR FIRST KISS SCENE I COUNTED THAT BUCK SAYS EDDIES NAME EIGHT FUCKING TIMES. tommy even said “my attention?” like he was shocked and thought it was about eddie 😭 and maddie saying “you seem confused and if you have anything you need to tell eddie you will when you’re ready” felt SO pointed too. idk if they’ll do a full blown triangle with them but i do think a potential breakup with buck and tommy will be about eddie tbh. they made such a point to put eddie in the narrative when they really didn’t have to. im trying so hard not to get my hopes up but when the dots make a clear picture you cant help but connect them
also this sounds so crazy but the shannon clone has a birthmark in her hair. the white stripe? its the most noticeable in the boat scene but once i saw it i was like 😀 hey why did they do that. one of my friends back in high school had one. and then making buck meet her……. and then EDDIE only comes clean once BUCK lightly asks him about it and says hes worried……….. i feel like im that one meme from its ways sunny in philedelphia
also im fully convinced bobby isnt retiring and he’ll be fine and have some sort of wakeup call idc im in denial
also holy fuck @ the hen and karen storyline??????? when will the writers let them keep their foster kids its been years let them be happy and have their family 😭
anyway sorry for the essay in ur inbox i have so many thoughts about this show and idk where to put them. my friends are probably so sick of me because i cannot shut up about it -ebd anon
i would actually lose my mind if it happened in the finale asdfghjkl. i'm also trying not to get my hopes up (i've been burned so many times 😭) but i could totally see buck telling tommy about the whole doppelgänger wife thing and talking about how concerned he is for eddie and tommy being the one to realize "this doesn't sound platonic" and points it out to buck. tommy's whole role has been for buck to discover things about himself and i would love if tommy helped him realize he has feelings for eddie. i honestly think buck and tommy are really cute together but they just don't have the chemistry buck and eddie have and i just think it would be neat if tommy's the first one (besides maddie lbr) to notice it and bow out gracefully. that's just the kind of guy he is 🥺
WAIT i didn't realize it was a birthmark i thought it was just a gray streak but!!!! that FEELS SO INTENTIONAL *screams*
i am also in denial we can be in denial together 🤝 if he does retire there's no way he'd be gone from the show. not just because he's athena's husband but because he's dad!!! he's got too important of a role to leave!!!
FOR REAL JUST LET MY GIRLS BE A HAPPY FAMILY!!!!! they have to get mara back. that whole scene made me want to cry. she finally got a family and they finally got a daughter and denny finally got a sibling LET THEM BE HAPPY 😭😭
feel free to drop by and ramble anytime! my only other friend who watches 911 isn't caught up so i have no one else to talk about it with besides my mom who is not in as deep as i am lmaooo
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pics-and-fanfics · 2 years
Bad Blood (Part 1)
Pairing: Loki x 911-Operator!Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of stalking, stalking
Summary: You help a young girl while somebody follows her through the streets as a 911 operator, trying not to think of the very similar situation you had…
Find my other works on my Masterlist if you are interested!
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You sigh, grabbing your lunch box off the counter. “See you later, hun.” You kiss the top of Loki’s head, feeling him shift under you. You smile, grabbing your keys off the counter, and write a quick note. You grab your phone off the charger, and rush out the door.
You pull up your hair, clocking in. Alex had to go to the hospital, she’d started violently puking, and was getting dehydrated. That’s why you’d been called in, and you were glad to help out a friend.
You walk over to an empty station, putting your stuff down. Phone on the charger, and headphones on. The light on your station turns on as you hear the sound of a phone ringing on the computer. You pick up, and get to work. Today was going to be long.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
Loki rolled over, going to cuddle his wife, but saw she wasn’t there. He shoots up in bed, worry running through him. Were you alright? He makes his way to the kitchen, trying to calm down enough to think.
Loki looks around, seeing your lunchbox was gone and a note on the counter.
Sorry, I got called in. Alex had to go to the hospital, and they needed someone to cover her station. I’ll call you when I get a chance. Love you, have a good day. ❤️
Loki smiles, relaxing. You were just at work. He could feel his heart slowing down, no longer panicking. Loki looks at the note again, seeing a time: 4:26. So you’d been gone for 2 and a half hours. You always wrote the time if you got called in while Loki was asleep.
He could relax, knowing you were safe. Loki turns on the kettle, and goes to your shared room, getting dressed. Loki checks his phone, seeing no new messages. No news was good news.
Loki smiles, remembering how he’d met you.
You had been walking down the street, tired after a long day. You only had two more blocks, and you’d be at your apartment. But you couldn’t, not yet, somebody was following you.
You had ducked into the nearest store, wandering through the aisles as you looked for your taser. You weren’t going to take any chances.
Loki watched as a woman walked into the store, looking in her purse, her eyes darting up and around every few seconds. Was she in trouble? He shook his head, why should he care? He didn’t know her, it wasn’t any of his business.
He watched as a man walked in only mere seconds after you, and Loki could tell- this man was danger. The way he was furtively looking around, the way he was carrying himself, his thoughts…
You glanced up, looking in the curved mirror above the aisles, seeing the person who’d been following you. You quickly duck around the end of the aisle, silently taking the taser out of its case.
You’d wait until he tried to do something, then it’d be self defense.
Loki carefully watched, wanting to do something, but what? It wouldn’t be justified, he didn’t know what was happening, but he could assume that that man meant to do harm to you.
You waited, your heart pounding. Your hand grips the taser, finger hovering over the power button. You could see him getting closer in the reflection of the glasses on the shelves, and you take a deep, silent breath.
“Alright, do you know where you are, honey?” you ask, chewing on your lip. “No, I’m scared.” You take a deep breath, holding it before slowly breathing out. “Okay, I want you to look around, pull any earbuds out of your ears, and just start talking to me like you would a friend, alright?”
You hear a shuffling and muttering, and then the girl’s voice again. “Okay, so you were saying? Sorry, my headphones just died.” You let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding. Please work with me, you pray.
“Alright, look around again. Are there any stores you think you could duck into for safety? No sketchy stores, alright?” You wait, your heart pounding the longer the pause goes on.
Ding! Oh thank god. “Yeah, I just- give me a second.” You hear more shuffling and muffled somethings, and you curl and uncurl your hands.
“Okay, thanks. Yeah, I’m at the Dollar Tree on 5th and East, when are you going to get here?” You slump in your seat, relief flooding through your body. You quickly type in the address, checking all the necessary boxes and things.
“Alright, they’re on their way, stay put, but only if you feel safe, alright? Stay on the line, don’t hang up.”
“I know, but I’ve got stuff to do, and I need to get moving if I want to get it done.” Footsteps, and you feel your hands twitch. “If you need to go, go. Just don’t hang up until I let you know it’s safe. Can you ask for the bathroom key?” you ask, eyes darting between computer screens.
More unintelligible things, and you then a small jingle. “Yeah, Rebecca, I know, but what am I supposed to do? Just let her bully me?” A door opening, then a lock clicking shut, lights turning off.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back.” Small beeps, and then you can hear her breathing again. “Alright Rose, did you lock the door behind you?” you ask, and a quiet “yes” is your response.
“They should be there in about…” you check another monitor. “3-4 minutes, can you stay with me until then?”
You swallow after hearing her mutter in agreement, trying to not think. If you thought, let your brain wander from helping Rose even for a second, you’d be screwed.
Thank you so much for reading, yes, there will be a part two for you wonderful people. Sorry Loki wasn’t really in this one, but he might be in part 2!
If you want to be tagged in any future posts, just let me know darlings! Have a good day!
@vbecker10 @silverfire475 @huntress-artemiss @vickie5446 @sheris532 @lokixryss @lokidokieokie @stupidthoughtsinwriting @crimson25
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
it’s been a hot minute since i’ve gone on a deep dive about station 19 (partially my faul because i’m busy losing my marbles on twitter, what can i say) anyways, i wanted to go in depth about the episodes because it’s nice to do what i started doing and two it allows me to rewatch the episode and catch details that i normally wouldn’t when i’m watching it live. after all that being said, buckle up folks it’s 6x07 time! as usual spoilers ahead:
picking up right where we left off, the incident at meredith’s which of course was the scene where 19 was called at and of course what mortified all of us for more than 100 days, maya’s fall and her injuries once someone found her + also interesting to notice that beckett allowed andy to handle the scene, does that mean he was unable to call the shots or he’s playing safe here? + jack finding maya made sense since he was there but i’m curious, he noticed her turnouts on the floor and didn’t wonder where she was? like if she was on desk duty her turnouts wouldn’t be there in the first place idk
something that lots of people pointed out is that jack just carried maya without any support on her neck and back and i agree with them, he didn’t know the extent of her injuries or how long she was down, i’m wondering why he didn’t call 911 first and just waited for them to help but i guess that was made for the drama (?) + i’m wondering how the whole mayor storyline will unfold, like is montgomery gonna quit being a firefighter or what? unless dixon gets arrested or something for a scandal i don’t know where this is headed
i just wished ross character wasn’t involved romantically with sullivan that would be great + oh travis you messed up big time + this story was wild af, to think that these things happen all the time and they turn way worse than this is disgusting + the way maya pushed herself to that limit hurts my soul, to know that she will get the help she needs down the road gives me a little comfort but right now it hurts + i have to say the cuffs threw me off so badly😂
“where’s carina?” oh no poor maya this is just the beginning of a rollercoaster + “you look guilty” lmao busted + this is so random for sure + poor kid :( + the second carina saw jack she knew something was wrong, the tremble in her voice gave it away + i have to say danielle’s performance is so incredible, you can notice how broken maya looks by just staring at her eyes + and of course she doesn’t realize how bad she is… trauma and abuse is a hell of a thing
hughes, herrera and ross were the mvp of this episode totally + i was so tense the entire scene geez + this scene is so important when jack tells carina about maya, at first i was like ugh not again jack being in the middle of maya and carina but rewatching it i noticed how this seems to be the moment where carina chooses to help maya whether she wants it or not.
these women are incredible and i wished they would fight sexism and the abuse within the force because i know they can
not adrdessing the ladies too much because the two storylines happening are literally the only thing i was able to think for this entire episode
the way maya doesn’t even begin to see how hurt she is and how badly she needs to allow others to help hurts me, the worst part is that so many people can relate to this, growing up under abusive parenting can result into this and even worse things, i just wanna hug maya so badly
i also want to hug carina so badly, i don’t think she knows the extent of maya’s trauma maybe just bits and pieces but not the whole story which makes me wonder if the show will ever let them figure this out and have a conversation about it + i hate how they all worried after maya literally was vanishing in front of them like ugh + i’m surprised how no one has actually caught beckett day drinking, this man has been slipping since he got to station 19 + carina leaving really broke me :(
that was such an emotional episode like wow i ended up having to lay down for a minute or two because my head was spinning. i watched this live, i read lots of opinions about maya and carina and i just have to say there’s no good or bad in this story, maya has endured abuse her entire life and as result she pushes herself to the point of hurting, physically and mentally of course; carina also has endured abuse but the way she was affected by this is clearly different from maya’s, she isn’t a bad person by taking some space and time to understand the next steps, she has to take care of herself and in order to do that she needed maya to understand she needs help too. it’s so easy to point fingers and say “oh maya is horrible for saying those things” or “carina is awful because she left”. maya is hurt and obviously what she said wasn’t nice by any means but i remember reading somewhere that hurt people hurts people, and again carina has spend basically her entire life taking care of others, she needs the space to heal and allow maya to heal too.
station 19 came back stronger than ever and after this episode and 6x08 (which i watched live but i’m gonna rewatch because the streaming was wacky) it makes me feel that we’re getting something far better than we got in season 5 and for that i’m grateful. it may or may not be the writer’s intention but they created the most layered and best character in the entire show and her name is maya bishop. catch ya in the next one!
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i-m-a-gin-e · 2 years
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I was sat at the front of Literature last lesson of the day, while Mrs. Roberts was at the front teaching something about poems, I already knew what she was talking about, so I stared out the window instead, watching as the autumn leaves drifted to the ground effortlessly, some together like they were in a dance. Some alone, just like I was.
I looked at the seat next to me the extremely vandalized chair, with various insults on it; a few swear words and copious amounts of names that had been engraved into it on it over time. I sighed and shook my head, turning my head to the window once again. My pen wondered aimlessly around the blank page in my notepad.
Well, it wasn't so blank anymore, I'd been scribbling in it for over an hour now and my doodles were starting to overlap. I was never like his, not paying attention in Literature, but ever since the new guy, Kim Nam Joon came to school in September, I hadn't been able to concentrate. For five months, he hadn't noticed me, and the only words he's ever spoke to me were, "move", in the hall. No please after it or even a thank you, just a stiff "move", and if you didn't, you'd get shoved a make him even more impatient for the next person.
Just before the bell was about to go, the teacher reminded us about the creative poem that was personal to us that had to be in tomorrow, before the weekend started and I'd have to put up with where in reverse, so instead of having Literature last, we'd have it first and I'd have to put up with giggling teenagers for rest of the day, s they murmur freak, or some other mean word behind my back. They even question how I live my life; though my parent is easily capable with providing me I don't want extravagance. I sighed as I packed my stuff away and stood, just as the bell went.
I got to my locker and shoved all my books into my bag and walked as fast as I could to my car. it was Porsche 911 which is a deep blue in color that matched my eyes.
I threw my bag into the passenger seat and closed my door. I looked out the window, while unconsciously fingering the control for the entire window to roll down, one is resting lazily over the steering wheel as I gazed out the window, while Nam Joon said good-bye to his friend- Jimin and Elizabeth, they were at least nice to me- and got in his shiny and sleek black Lamborghini, with the license plate saying R4PM0N, which I'm guessing was meant to be Kim, if you replaced the 4 with an A and the 0 with an O.
I watched longingly as he pulled away, music blasting from his stereo, I saw Lizabeth and Jimin looking at my direction of my mirror as I put the car in forward and drove. I paid no attention to them to let them know they had been spotted. I drove home in a daze, made myself dinner, while shouting my hello's into my mother's studio and then going up to my room to finish the poem off. Tomorrow is going to be bad enough, without me making fool of myself because the poem as wrong.
I worked on it all night and into the early morning, snaking on chocolate without noticing, just to keep my stomach at bay. But then again, what girl could resist the temptation of chocolate. Finally, once I felt it was finished, I fell asleep on m be, poem on my bedside table as I drifted into unconsciousness.
My alarm woke me, and I went through motions of making breakfast, then grading a quick shower and getting ready before I had to leave for school. I was there ten minutes before the bell, I met Spencer, my best friend by my locker, and we talked until it was time for homeroom, and Literature.
It was another boring lesson, all the popular people stuck there hands up to go firs, like Kathleen and Ashlyn, and all the other...you know...in class, then some of the guys, and five minutes before the bell, I had my poem sitting in front of me and my bag on my shoulder.
"Lissa," Mrs. William said, I looked and stared, when I didn't move. "Will you come up and read your poem please?" she said, grow a little impatient.
"Oh...um...sure?" I said, not sound quite sure myself, but tucked a red lock of hair behind my ear and cleared my suddenly dry throat. "So, um, it's, uh, it's called loneliness." I said and looked down at the paper.
In the hours of darkness,
I lay here alone;
Unable to sleep,
Holding my pillow tight;
Seem to be gone-everyone around me.
I'm left cold, unloved and alone,
Just like my heart.
Companionship wasn't meant for me.
On my own, with loneliness to bare.It seems to be my only friend,
When deafening silence, takes over my mind.In a deserted emptiness is where I hide,
In my own loneliness.
I finished, just as the bell went and I caught Nam Joon's eyes. I slammed the paper down on the desk and ran out the room, feeling completely embarrassed, and humiliated. I ran to the girl's restroom and hid out in there till the bell to signal the next lesson had begun.
I grabbed some tissue and dabbed at my face, making sure the little make-up I wore hadn't run. I walked out of the restroom, only to be stopped dead in my tracks as Kim Nam Joon stood, leaning to the lockers opposite to the door of the girl's restroom, one foot planted on the lockers and arm crossed over his chest. He was looking down as his hair made a little curtain between him and me.
I was hoping I could escape back into the restroom and avoid him, but then, he looked up and smiled at me. No wait, it couldn't have been me. I looked behind me and no one was there. And when and on one was there. When I looked back, he was still smiling. I gulped and tried to steady my breathing as he walked forward, pushing off from the lockers.
Looking so graceful, he would have been like angel, and only imperfection he had, was chip in his left incisors when he smiled, like he was now, as he got closer.
Then it hit me. Oh my gosh, Kim Nam Joon smiling at me. ME! Lissa Chatleys! I breathed in through my mouth but only a little so he wouldn't notice and when he got too close I had to stop back, but when he kept advancing, I ended up backing into a wall. Oh crap. He put his hand on one side of my head while he leaned in.
"Hi," he said with that cocky and arrogant-ish smirk that made more irascible. I gulped and squeaked out my own hi. "Listen Lissa..." and I completely zoned out. Because Kim Nam Joon knew my name, "Are you even paying attention?" he asked, slightly annoyed.
"No" I said more normally, he laughed.
"Most girls would have just nodded and told me to carry on." He smirked.
"Well I'm not most girls and I'm going to ask you to start from the beginning." I said, folding my arms over my chest, looking up into the golden eyes that held a lot of amusement in them.
"I said, listen Lissa, I know I've never really talked to you much, and I've been a jerk to pretty much everyone, and I'm guessing that I was being more than a jerk to on more than one occasion and I want to say I'm sorry, I just tend to be a little harsh to the people I like." He said, smiling that smile again, and looking very hard into my eyes.
"Oh-kay?" I said, clearly not getting where this going.
"God! Take a hint woman, I like you okay. And when you stood in front of the class and practically poured your heart out, I felt sorry for you. You looked so beautiful up there, with all that hurt in your voice that I just wanted to wrap my arms around you, hold you and kiss you until you were better. I want to sit with you at lunch and hold your hand in public, and I want you to want me back." He frustrated, I hadn't realized he was squeezing my hand.
I looked down, as our fingers where locked together. A faint smile crossed my lips and I looked back up into his eyes.
"I do, but..." I started.
"But?" he said, leaning in close and making it even harder to think, how was I supposed to form a sentence with him looking this good in those dark wash jeans and that light grey long sleeved shirt so up close and personal
"I just..." I sighed and looked down, closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest. "I just know how separate reality from fiction, like I know I'll pass art, that's reality, and I know I'll date someone popular, that's fiction. And as obvious as it is you are popular, Jon. I know your unreachable because your completely popular and all those sk - uh - cheerleaders after you, and I am the complete opposite. I am unpopular and could never even consider going out with anyone like you an - " he cut me of.
"Has anyone ever told you, you talk to much?" Then he leaned in and kissed me, not a short little peck, or a little sweet kiss on the cheek, but a full - on passionate kiss on the lips. And it was all I could, so not to melt into his body as his arms wrapped around my waist and held me close to him. I fisted his shirt as, our lips moved n sync with each other.
When I pulled away he was smiling down at me, every time I'd try to talk, hid cut me off with a little kiss on his lips. I smiled and put my hand in front of his mouth.
"You like me?" I asked. He nodded. "And you want to go out, like me be your girlfriend." I said. He nodded again, then kissed my palm, and pulled my hand away.
"I have liked you for a while now Lissa but I've never had the guys to talk to you. I just didn't know how you felt that same way." He said, then pulling me into his arms and hugging me. I smiled into his chest, as people clapped and cheer. I looked over his shoulder and saw Elizabeth and Jimin standing there, with sarcastic love struck eyes, supporting each other while they both held a hand over their hearts.
I rolled my eyes and hid in Jon's embrace again. As arm tightened around me, I felt him kiss the top of my head, "Kalissa Chatleys, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and you don't have to be lonely anymore." I looked up and he kissed me again.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 2 years
(In) Dependent (KTH Oneshot)
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Pairing/s: Rich Mafia!Taehyung X Female!Reader
Genre: Smut, lil' angst
Rating: 18+ Sexual Themes
Warnings: unprotected sex (reader is on the pill), slight tit play, sadist!Taehyung, dom! Taehyung, daddy kink, oral sex (both receiving), PWP basically, reader quitting her job, toxic relationship based on my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️, shitty ass writing, and ig that's it, unedited.
Word Count: 2.1k
Sorry @thvhoe if this wasn't what you wanted, not exactly a sugar daddy AU but almost there
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You sighed looking over at the clock...10:23
Just 7 more minutes until your shift ends. You worked as a part timer at a cafe. You loved your job but being a cafe worker meant long hours of wait and the only busy hours being the mornings. Not that you needed this job but it just gave you a feeling of independence.
You started packing up, no one would know that you closed the shop a few minutes early right? You exited the counter, leaving your apron in the laundry. Just as you walked closer to the door a significantly loud crash followed by gunshots was heard.
Your mind went blank for a while and you just stood there processing the scene outside the glass doors.
A man lying in a pool of blood.
Gathering yourself, you quickly rushed outside, leaving the cafe unattended.
"E-Excuse me, c-can you-" the man tried to speak but was too weak. Calling 911 seemed like the foremost option. You kneeled down besides the man and scrambled your hand inside your pocket to look for your phone.
"I wouldn't do that, baby." You turned around hearing a familiar deep voice.
"Taehyung! He's shot, do something!" You got up and held your boyfriend's hand.
"Tch, such pity." Taehyung walked over to the man and squated near him. "The man who was once a billionaire, had a model as his wife, now asking help from a pretty little girl."
The so-called billionaire clutched his chest gasping for air, "P-Please, I'm s-sorry. Take this chain it's worth millions! But l-let me live."
Taehyung scoffed at him, "Oh, I'll take the chain alright." Saying this he yanked the platinum jewellery from the man's neck.
"Tae, what are you doing?" You squirmed looking at the slightly bleeding neck.
"Baby, it's that gang leader I told you about." He got up and kicked the man. "Don't worry it's all covered up."
"So this is one of your rivals?"
Taehyung smiled and nodded, "Should we head home now?" He ignored the man dying behind him.
"Mr. K-Kim!" He yelled grabbing Taehyung's ankle.
"These guys are so stubborn." Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and pulled out a gun. "Maybe if you weren't so cold while killing my men, you wouldn't have been here." He pulled the trigger. The sound made you visibly flinch.
"All done at the cafe?" He tucked his gun inside his coat pocket and you nodded.
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The drive back to your home was quiet. You knew your boyfriend was mafia. He dealt with illegal materials and killed a lot of people. But you learned to live with it. That is until today; the first time you saw him kill someone.
You stared outside the window, watching civilization retreat and the roads were surrounded with dense forests now. His mansion was secluded.
Taehyung looked over at you, concerned about your behaviour. You were never the type the be quiet while around him. Always whining about customers and rejecting him when he jokingly asks you to quit your job.
He figured you were shocked after what you saw. He decided to talk to you.
"Hey Y/N-ah." He saw you recoil a bit and putting on a fake smile.
"About what happened today-"
"It's fine, I told you I don't mind your way of living."
"It isn't fine." His voice was slightly raised, "Don't say it's fine cause it isn't." He took your hand in his. "I'll make it up to you, I swear." He kissed your knuckles one by one putting a smile on your face, this time a real one.
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Eventually his car pulled up in the vicinity of his mansion. Exiting the car, you rushed inside and upstairs towards your shared bedroom. You wanted nothing more than you curl up inside the covers and never get up.
However a hand much larger than yours gripped your wrist mid-staircase.
"I know you're mad at me but that man, he..."
"No, Tae." You were quick to cup his face. "I'm not mad at you, I don't have the right to be mad at you. I chose this." You intertwined one of your hands with his. "I chose us, you"
"I love you so much, you have no idea." He whispered and leaned in to kiss you. It was as if he wanted to savour every second of kissing you.
You pulled away only to find a teary eyed Taehyung smiling at you. "Tae? What's wrong?"
"It's really stupid. You can have any normal guy but you settled for me, a killer, a smuggler. Why?"
"Because underneath all that crazy, is a man who needs me."
You wiped his stray tear and kissed him again, his time deeper and full of love.
"Babygirl, you sure you're not mad at me?" He looked at you reassuringly.
"Daddy, I love you. It'll be okay." And that was the last straw.
A day full of stress and dealing with his business had Taehyung dried out from exhaustion. All he needed was you, just you.
He quickly lifted his prized possession (you) in his arms and headed straight upstairs towards your room. You couldn't help but giggle at his sudden display of eagerness.
"What's so funny?"
"You and your stupid horny dick."
Taehyung just smirked and threw you onto the bed after entering.
"My dick is funny?" Climbing to be over you, he took off his coat & shirt to toss it across the floor.
"Off, everything!" He licked his lips.
"See so horny." You obeyed, grinning at his behaviour.
Taehyung would never not be nervous when seeing you naked. You belonged to him and he knew that but you being in such a vulnerable state made him even more possesive.
"You've got a big mouth, baby." He got off the bed to clumsily remove his pants and belt seperately after you were completely exposed for him.
Getting on top of you again he yanked your arm to get you on all fours.
"Who's stupid and horny again?" He asked running his belt across your slit.
"Shit, you!" Smack!
"Me!" Another smack. "Me daddy!" You hissed out.
"As much as I want to stop punishing you for calling my dick funny and stupid, I'm so sorry." You could hear the smirk in his voice. He landed a few more hits on your ass before he was satisfied and threw the belt away.
At this point you were shaking, leaking all over his expensive sheets.
"Look at you, slut. You even got my belt wet." He clicked his tongue, "Wasting such a precious thing."
Without any warning, you felt his tongue lick straight lines from the bottom of your thighs all the way up to the source. He moaned loudly tasting the sweet nectar.
"I bet a lot of dealers would love to buy this." You felt yourself clench at his words. "Too bad someone else will have ruined you."
"Fuck, daddy please ruin me." Satisfied, he dove his tongue right into your cunt, deeply. The more he lapped at his paradise, the more he got to hear your beautiful moans.
He could barely handle his rock hard cock tenting in his boxers, hearing and seeing you like this.
He continued delving his tongue deeper and wanting more, he could argue that he was enjoying this more than you. You felt that he neglected your clit, so you slowly slipped your fingers amongst the folds only to get flipped again by Taehyung.
"Did I fucking tell you to touch yourself?" His being hands cupped your breasts, the view itself being too sinful to watch.
"I-I'm sorry." You pouted.
He didn't even listen to your reply before taking your perky buds within his teeth. Taehyung knew he couldn't resist looking at your tits for long. You instantly moaned loudly at the sudden pain.
"Gonna cover you up with my mark, would that be fine?" He went straight for your sweet spot. "How will you go to work tomorrow? People wouldn't like to take their coffee from a slut." Biting hard he proceeded to mark more of you.
Your breath was shallow and you could barely nod your head.
You wanted to see his angry cock. Feel it inside all of your holes.
"Tae, I want to feel you." You spoke gathering your breath.
"Such a cockslut you are. Wasn't my dick stupid?"
He kissed you and his hands went to his boxers getting rid of them. The two of you were naked and at mercy of one another.
"Suck." Was all he had to say to make you obey.
You got on your knees and stared at his red tip for a while. Taehyung's cock was the best you've ever had. He was blessed with length as well as girth and he was not afraid to use his privileges on your cunt.
"Well, what're you waiting for?"
Grabbing his base which barely let your thumb and middle finger meet, you started stroking it. He hissed and held your head to slowly let his dick inside.
"Fuck, baby. Choke on it." And choke you did. Taehyung could barely form any words when you started bobbing your head up and down and gagging on his cock.
You cupped his balls and rubbed them simultaneously.
He moaned in his deep voice which had your pussy gushing.
Taehyung needed to cum and he wanted to cum inside your pussy.
"Baby, that's enough, on your back." He yanked you up by your hair.
You were so eager for his manhood that you couldn't even hide it. He was quick to cup your boobs and shove his tongue inside your mouth.
Gathering your slick from your folds he pushed his tip in making you moan. It was always too overwhelming to take Taehyung inside you.
"So big, daddy." You said between the kisses.
Taehyung hummed, smirking, "I know and you're going to take it all."
He didn't wait for your approval instead he pushed his entire length in and started moving. You nearly screamed at his action.
He loved seeing you like this. Call him a sadist, but he did.
He slowly picked up pace making you a mess. The sound of skin-slapping added to your arousal.
"Are you close? You're clenching." You nodded.
"Cum inside me." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him flush against your chest.
You couldn't hold it in anymore, one more thrust and you were creaming on his cock. This was the sign for Taehyung to chase his own orgasm. He moved both of your legs to be on top of his shoulders. This newer angle put him over the edge and he launched the fattest load of his seed into you.
Kissing the soles of your feet as he slowly thrusted his cum deeper into you, "You're so beautiful baby. So good to me."
Still resting his length in you, he laid beside you leaving soft butterfly kisses all over your face. You nestled into his chest and hummed being satisfied.
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You tried to turn to your other side but your boyfriend held you firmly in his arms from behind.You couldn't help but smile feeling his morning wood inside you. He pulled you closer when you tried to move.
"Quit moving or I'll make sure you can't go to your job today." His deep rattling voice made you shiver.
"I've been wondering..."
"How about I take a day off from work."
"Really? And why is that?" He chuckled. "Was daddy too hard on you?" He cooed.
"I'd rather stay at home. Be dependent on you and we'll spend the whole day together.*
"What are you talking about?"
"I'll quit my job."
Was Taehyung hearing things? He quickly pulled out and turned you over to hover on you.
"You what?"
"I'd like to take up your offer. Be my sugar daddy, spoil me. I'd like to be dependent on you for my entire life."
Taehyung cupped your cheek, "Y/N, are you sure?" He couldn't believe that the independent ass girl he knew, to whom he asked millions of times to stay home, was finally giving in.
"Ofcourse I am. You can be the bread earner. I'll be waiting home like an obedient wife and be naked in bed. You can fuck me after a long day of work." You smiled, "It'll be perfect."
"More than perfect." He went over your words, "Wait wife?"
"Propose to me you big baby. I want a huge stone on my finger." You said playfully.
"I'll definitely make a wife out of you." He smirked.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
please Please PLEASE give us more street racer Bucky. You’ve got me absolutely hooked and I would soak up anything you give me about them - even if it’s just them getting a coffee together. Your writing is so gorgeous 💕
You might regret it, I'm in a hurting kinda mood ❤️‍🩹
Run These Streets {3} || Street Racer!Bucky
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, medical terms, car crash, injury, fluff, angst WC: 1.4k
Bucky Masterlist || Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four
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This was your very worst nightmare and it was unfolding right before your eyes. The acrid scent of burning steel and the sharp burn of smoke in your lungs, choking you with every breath. A part of you was grateful it wasn’t Bucky’s car on fire as you heard the other driver screaming for help that you couldn’t give, you had to get to Bucky. The 70’s muscle car hadn’t crumpled like the late model Subaru that had crashed into him, shunting him towards a concrete barrier before flipping onto its top. 
“Bucky!” You screamed as you dropped to your stomach, glass snagging at your skin as you crawled through the passenger window. Bucky’s hands were slack against the roof as he hung suspended from his seat, the harness keeping a secure hold on him as you inched through the tight space and saw the trickle of blood running down his face. “Baby, I need you to talk to me, open your eyes, anything dammit!”
“Give her girlfriend status and suddenly she’s all bossy.” Bucky chuckled before groaning. “Where’s the kid?”
“Don’t worry about him, he damn near killed you.” You growled. “What hurts?”
“What doesn’t?” He groaned, wiggling his fingers through his racing gloves and sighing with relief. “I need you to unbuckle me, doll.”
“Shouldn’t we wait for the EMT? You might have a spinal injury.” Even through the blood and grimace you could see his eyebrow quirk up. “What? I saw it on Grey's Anatomy.”
“I’m fine. I’ll brace myself, I just need you to hit the release before the fire hits the kid’s NOS bottle.”
“Shit.” You cursed before nodding and reaching up to the buckle where the four points of the harness met. “3, 2, 1.”
The belts fell away and Bucky grunted as his full weight fell onto his already aching arms. Backing up, you reversed your way out the window with Bucky slowly trailing you, his nose wrinkling as he tried to hide the pain he was in. 
“Here, lean on me.” You ordered as he struggled to pull himself to his feet. His arm draped over your shoulder and you curled yours around his waist, trying to be tender as you took some of his weight. “Steve!”
Steve sprinted over from where he had been on the phone to 911 and laughed with shock as he found his best friend upright and alive. “You’re a fucking jerk, scaring me like that. Fuck. Let’s get you checked out, EMT’s will be here shortly.”
“Seriously? EMT’s bring cops you punk.” Bucky growled as he punched Steve in the arm before groaning and clutching his stomach. “I can’t get caught again.”
“Don’t worry about that right now.” You said as you reached down and pulled Bucky’s shirt up, gasping at the bruise that painted his stomach a sickly purple shade. “Steve, how soon did you say until they get here?”
Steve’s face paled as he saw the bruise spreading before his eyes, reaching his ribs just as Bucky’s breathing began to change. “Buck? Talk to me pal, take a deep breath.”
“Help! Somebody help!” You screamed to the crowd as Bucky started to collapse in your arms. 
Steve caught him before you could drop him and laid him gently on the grass verge beside the street as a woman stepped out from the crowd. “I might be able to help. I’m not a doctor but I did some medic training when I was enlisted.”
Her eyes darted to the dog tags hanging from Bucky’s neck and you tucked them back into his shirt, knowing how precious they were to him. “Sorry, I just didn’t realise he was a vet.”
“He’s not, they were his fathers. Can you help him?” Your hands trembled as you held Bucky’s with one and brushed his messy hair back with the other, careful not to touch the cuts on his face.
“I’ll try.” She sighed before pulling his shirt further up his body, tapping her fingers over the bruising as Bucky drifted in and out of consciousness. “He’s got internal bleeding, best guess is a ruptured spleen, and a collapsed lung.”
Your entire body sobbed with the cry that broke free, the thought of losing him seeming to short circuit your brain as you knelt at his side. “You can’t die, not now, not ever - you hear me. I need you baby. Please, do something.”
“I need a needle or something sterile and hollow to fit between his ribs.” She said as he reached into her handbag and pulled out a bottle of hand sanitiser. 
Steve was already racing into the crowd asking for supplies anyone might have and returned quickly with a syringe still in the sterile packaging. “Don’t even ask.”
You knew there were plenty of drugs that circulated the sport and its supporters, the thin grey line between illegal racing soon merging with other illegal activities, so it was no surprise Steve got a needle from one of them. You were just grateful he found one that hadn’t been used. 
“Are you sure you know what you are doing?” You asked as she felt between his ribs and smeared hand sanitiser over his skin.
“No, but do you have any other choice?” She said as she held the needle over his chest. “Your boyfriend’s not breathing and I don’t hear any sirens yet.”
“Ok, do it.” You murmured as you held his hand tighter and pressed your lips to his cheek. “I love you.”
A small hiss of air pulled you away from watching Bucky’s light blue lips and you flinched at the sight of the needle stabbed into his chest. You were squeezing his fingers so tight you didn’t feel them twitch and you nearly jumped out of his skin as he gasped a ragged breath in. 
“Oh, thank god.” You sagged with relief before hearing the sirens echo along the road. “You’re gonna be alright baby.”
“Told you.” He rasped, his breaths still shaky and shallow. “M fine.”
“Tough bastard.” Steve exhaled, his own sense of relief taking over as he hugged the woman who had saved his best friend's life. “Thank you, anything you need, dinner, movies? I’m there, my shout.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled as Steve somehow managed to snag a date from Bucky’s disaster, he would be proud. “How about we get Bucky to the hospital first? Then you can start planning how many children you’re gonna have.”
You were exhausted but unable to sleep as you waited in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs at the hospital. Steve had tried to get you to rest, rolling up his jumper for you to use as a pillow but it hadn’t worked. Now he sat beside you, mouth hanging open as he snored lightly, the chair next to him filled by the woman who had saved Bucky’s life. Her head had fallen onto Steve’s shoulder and you couldn’t help taking a photo so you could remind him of the day he met his future wife. 
Suddenly, the doors to the operating rooms opened and a surgeon came out with a yawn. “Family of Barnes?”
“That's us!” You said as you elbowed Steve and stood up. “Can we see him?”
“Soon, he’s just going to the recovery room now.” The doctor said with a nod. “We had to remove his spleen and part of his liver that was damaged but I should think he will make a full recovery.”
Dawn was just breaking over the city when you were finally allowed in his room, his length leaving his toes hanging from the end of the bed. Cuts and bruises covered his face but he was still as handsome as ever as you took the seat beside him and held his hand. 
“You really scared me, Bucky.” You confessed to the quiet room filled only with the beats of his heart on the machine. “You’re not allowed to leave me, ever.”
His fingers twitched in your grasp and the heart monitor jumped as he woke from the sedation, blue eyes unfocused as they looked around the room and landed on you. “Who are you?”
Your throat constricted and fear gripped your chest as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Then a flicker of something else passed behind his eyes you had loved since you first saw them, something…mischievous.
“James Buchanen Barnes, if you are fucking with me right now, I swear to god…”
“C’mere, doll.” His laughter warmed your soul as he pulled your hand closer and kissed your knuckles. “I could never forget you.”
Click here for part four.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐) || sub!bucky barnes x dominatrix!reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 || every client is different, with different needs; but this client is, in every way, exceptional.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 || 5k
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 || smut (cnc), dom/sub relationship, ‘mistress’ title, pain kink, cockwarming, orgasm denial/control, use of a cockring, slapping, objectification/degradation, some angst and hurt/comfort, crying after sex, touchstarved!bucky
new parts posted on thursdays!  join the taglist here
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"And you can promise complete and total discretion?” the deep and husky voice on the other end of the line repeated, low enough that it was almost a whisper.
You laughed a little. “Of course,” you answered. Most clients were serious about privacy, but this guy was next level. He must be famous, you thought to yourself, or married. Or both.
But just as much as your clients wanted to keep you separate from their personal life, you would rather they know nothing about who you are. Of course it was always a risk, since nobody could hide their face and you had to work out of your apartment, but you did what you could to keep your job just that— a job.
You told your friends you were a consultant, because people didn’t question that. Sure, it was hard to keep up the lie sometimes when you got last-minute bookings and had to cancel plans, but it was worth it for the money these men were willing to pay.
And this new guy? He was shelling out all kinds of cash, on a long set of conditions. Including an NDA. You wouldn’t have given him up either way, but if the contract made him feel better (and made him pay more) then you were happy to sign it.
“So it’s all anonymous, then? No ID, no credit card…?” he pressed.
“I mean, if cash is easier for you—”
“It is.”
You were starting to worry that this was a major red flag, as if he didn’t want to be traceable back to you at all. It was almost a dealbreaker, until you glanced down at the legal pad you’d written his offer on and remembered that you couldn’t afford to turn him down. “Then cash is fine,” you decided, making a note to yourself to have 911 already dialed when he came by in case his aversion to ID was really about a desire to get away with something.
“When can we start?”
“Um, well the soonest I can do is tomorrow at seven” you explained.
"Great, I'll be there," he answered firmly, apparently about to hand up.
“Hey, hey, slow down!” you chuckled. “Can I at least get a name?”
“I didn’t think we needed to do names.”
“We don’t… but if you’re willing, I’d like to know something to call you.”
“James,” he answered after a tense pause. “James is fine.”
“Alright, James, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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Upon opening the door, you instantly noticed three things about him: he was tall, he was big, and he was sexy.
You had sort of been hoping that his appearance wouldn’t match his voice, but it did, and it was going to make this so much harder.  Maybe easier in a few ways, but overall worse.  It was important that you didn’t get too emotionally invested with your clients.
His eyes were dragging over you like he was just as taken aback.  Which was odd, because he must have seen your picture online before he called you.  
“James,” you greeted. “Glad you made it.”
You stepped aside to let him enter, guiding him to take a seat in your living room.  Before clients came by, you hid any signs of life and kept the space as neutral as possible, which was why the only furniture was the white couch he sat on, the black chair across from it, and a glass table in between.
You sat in the black chair and crossed your legs, noticing with pride the way his eyes studied your every move.
“It’s important that we have a discussion about boundaries and limits before this goes any further," you explained sternly, and he nodded slightly.  "Tell me what you do and don't want."
“Uh, well, I guess I was just looking for… somebody who can administer, um, discipline… you know, someone who sets rules and enforces them.  But could also be kind of, uh, sweet I guess, to.  Not too sweet, just… not too mean either."
You smiled a little; he sounded right up your alley.  "I can do that."
"You should know I… I have a… disability.  My left arm it's, um, it's a prosthetic."
"How would you like me to accommodate that?"
"Just don't say anything about it, please.  Treat it like a normal arm.  And, uh, if you could ignore my scars, too…" he added awkwardly.
"Of course,” you nodded, “I would never want to make you feel insecure."
"Well, I mean, I'm not against degradation," he admitted sheepishly, making you smile a little.
"Right: that's different.  Anything else you're distinctly not against?"
“I can take a lot of pain,” he explained matter-of-factly.  “However much you think I can handle, double it.  I wanna feel it.”
You could almost hear the words he wasn’t saying: I wanna feel something.
“Okay, we can do that.  You’ve probably heard of the color system," you posited.
“I haven’t.”
"Oh."  That threw you off slightly… how new was he to this scene?  “Well, it’s traditionally green, yellow, red; like a stoplight.  Red means stop.  Yellow means proceed with caution.  Green means continue.”
“Sounds simple enough.”
“Too simple for me, in fact.  I have my own version: ‘red’ will make me stop what I’m doing, but only ‘black’ ends the scene entirely.  And then there’s ‘blue.’  That means you want more.”
He smirked a little; a strong show of emotion compared to his stoicism so far.  “I think I’ll use that one most.”
“Just don’t be afraid to use anything else, alright?  I’d never be disappointed in you for safewording, or even just needing a break.”
He nodded.  “Can we get to it then?”
“You’re rushing as always,” you laughed.  “I’m not charging you for this part.  We have plenty of time— don’t we?”
“Yes, but—” he sighed.  “You look really… I walked in and, I guess I’m just really looking forward to this.”
You almost would’ve smiled at the compliment but you thankfully suppressed it.  “And what is it that you’re looking forward to?  What do you want me to do to you?”
His jaw tightened as he looked away from you.  “Um, there’s a lot.”
“Enlighten me.”
“Ropes.  Strongest you have.  I can buy you stronger ones if you need them, for next time…”
He’s already thinking about next time?  He’s already thinking about buying me things?
“Alright, I can do ropes: wrists and ankles?  Or more than that?”
He seemed a bit confused by that question.  “Is there anywhere else?”
“Torso,” you enumerated, “neck—” you stopped because you saw his reaction to that, and it made you smile a bit.  “Okay, so maybe the neck is something to try.  Do you like being choked?”
“I… I don’t know…” he sighed.
“Have you ever been choked before?”
“Not… sexually...”
You felt your eyebrows rise, but didn’t want to press; a story for another time, perhaps.
“We’ll have to discuss silent safewords and signals so you can tap out, but if you’d be willing to try it—”
You laughed.  “Eager, are we?”
He swallowed, and you wondered if you shouldn’t have let your ‘dom voice’ slip out in that moment… but he looked so good flustered like that.  He adjusted himself slightly in his chair and you hoped he was already hard.  And with that thought in mind, you couldn’t stop yourself from teasing him further.
“Do you like being called certain things?” you asked, voice lower as you leaned forward.  “How do you feel about ‘pet’?” 
He almost kept up his poker face, but his gaze faltered at the same time he moved in his chair again.  “Um, ‘pet’ is okay.”
“Baby boy?”
“Not really my speed,” he shrugged.
You slipped out of your chair and stood up, approaching him slowly as the click of your heels echoed across the tile.  He watched you with wide eyes and quickening breaths.
“What do you like?  Tell me,” you demanded, though you kept your tone light.
“Uh,” he paused, watching your hand as it rested on his leg, “I like… I like being called a good boy.”
You grinned as you pulled your hand away, watching him tense up with disappointment.  “I can do that,” you agreed, lifting his chin with a finger until he looked at you with those beautiful, desperate eyes, “if you actually are being a good boy for me.” “I will,” he promised quickly, “I’ll be so good.”
“Mmm, I bet you will,” you purred.  “So willing to please…”
“Tell me how,” he sighed as your hand trailed from his chin down to his chest, slipping under the loose collar of his henley and rubbing his chest.  “Tell me how to please you.”
“Well, for starters, I have a name, too: Mistress.”
He sighed like the wind had been knocked out of him, but nodded.
“And if I ask you a question, I expect you to answer ‘Yes, Mistress’ or ‘No, Mistress’.  Is that clear?”
“Uh-huh,” he agreed before suddenly correcting himself, “um, yes, Mistress.”
“I’ll let you have that one,” you frowned, “but further infractions will be punished.”
“Yes, Mistress; I’m sorry, Mistress,” he moaned, melting under your touch as your hand moved down to rub his thigh through his jeans.
“Now, just for fun,” you smiled, leaning down until your lips were nearly brushing his ear, “tell me what you want.”
“Please touch me, Mistress,” he sighed.
“But I am touching you.”
“Touch my… touch my cock," he clarified, adorably embarrassed. "It’s so hard for you…”
“We’ll get to that eventually.  Let’s go to the bedroom first, okay?”
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However good he looked standing in your doorway half an hour ago, it was nothing compared to how he looked naked and hard and tied to your bed.
Yes, the prosthetic and the scars that attached it to his body were hard to ignore.  He had failed to warn you that it was metal, so you couldn’t hide the slight shift of your face when it caught the light; you hoped he didn’t think it was a look of judgment or disgust, because you truly didn’t think it was anything upsetting.  Maybe the scars were a little worrying… but they didn’t seem to bother him now, at least physically.
But truly, if anything was distracting about his body, it wasn’t the arm.  It was his muscles— no wait, it had to be his cock, right?  It’s tough to call: on one hand, his entire body was toned and hardened beyond the peak of human conditioning, his thick thighs making your mouth water already, his chiseled abs almost making you jealous; but on the other hand, between those lovely thighs and curving up against those perfect abs was a cock that rivalled anything you'd ever seen before, with a blue vein running up one side and a drip of precum rolling down the other.
You finally sauntered up to the bed and ran your fingers over the taught ropes, pretending to ignore him watching you impatiently.  It was almost hotter knowing that he could pull out of the ropes if he really wanted to.  More than most, he was choosing to submit to them and to you.
“How’s this knot feel?  Too tight?” you hummed, tugging the rope just beside his wrist and watching his hand move limply with it.
“No, it’s good.”
You stepped back to the foot of the bed and stripped slowly, peeling off your black dress to reveal a matching lace set underneath.  You left your heels on as you stepped out of the dress and kicked it aside.
Turning back to face him, James looked like he was all but drooling.  You could see in his eyes how much he wished the ropes weren’t holding him back so he could run his hands all over your body.
But you could tell he craved being denied what he wanted, by the way his cock flexed of its own volition.
You let yourself smile as you crawled your way up the bed and over his body, like a panther stalking its prey, and boy did he look ready to be devoured.
"Are you scared?" you asked quietly.  He shook his head.  "Are you ready?"
He nodded.  You sat up as you straddled him, positioned just right such that no part of you was really touching him, and watched with delight as he tugged against the ropes slightly to try to get closer.
"So needy," you grinned, somewhere between praising and scolding him.  Your fingers ghosted over his chest and he shivered; he asked you to treat his prosthetic like a normal arm, so you dragged your nails down the metal and watched his eyes flutter shut.  When you pulled your hand back and left him untouched again, he whined slightly.
“Aw, poor thing,” you pouted as you examined him, desperation emanating off of him in an invisible aura.  “Your cock is all red and leaking… it must hurt, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, Mistress,” he groaned.
“What if I touch it a little?” you offered.
You traced your fingers lightly up and down his length, tickling the skin and giving him the least pressure that you could.  He whimpered and you chuckled mockingly.  “I said I’d touch it a little, sweet boy, are you not satisfied?”
He bucked up into your touch as best he could, causing you to pull your hand away.  “Baby, please—” 
You cut him off with a slap to the face, as hard as you could muster.
“Mistress!” he corrected with a whine.  “Mistress, please… please wrap your hand around it.”
“Around what?” 
“Around… my cock.  Stroke me, please…”
“All you had to do was ask,” you grinned, finally tightening your hand around him and moving slowly up and down the shaft.  His head fell back with a soft moan, just from that.  Your teasing had certainly helped get him this worked up, but you knew it wasn't just that… he was plenty sensitive all on his own, apparently.
It made your mouth water.
"Does this feel good, James?" you asked huskily.
"S-so good," he whimpered, "please can you… stroke it a little faster, please, Mistress…"
"Hmm, not yet," you decided, feeling him tense up beneath you.  "Relax," you instructed with a free hand rubbing his thigh gently.  
You continued to teasingly stroke his length, never quite giving him the pressure or speed he needed to get closer to his release, savoring every whimper and whine and sigh from him along with the satisfying weight of his cock against your palm.
It felt like you'd never get tired of wielding so much power in your hand.
"Please," he sighed, "I need more…"
"You want me to stroke you faster?" you pressed, already knowing that wasn't what he meant.  He shook his head and you grinned, leaning in closer but letting go of his cock. 
Slowly, you let the lace covering your core rub up against his shaft, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head.  "Ohhhhh," he moaned, "oh fuck, Mistress…"
You grinned and kept rocking against him, easily feeling the warmth of him through your panties— meaning he, in turn, could feel the warmth of you.  "How does it feel, baby?" 
"Good," he choked out, "really, really good… fuck, I want more, I need more, please…"
"Are you my good boy, James?" you asked in a low purr.  He nodded eagerly, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed nothing.  "Do you want to be inside me?" you finally whispered against his ear, letting a finger run lazily up his spine and feeling him shiver so hard it was more like he was convulsing.
"Please, Mistress, I'll do anything…"
You didn't touch all of your clients sexually, due in part to the fact that they usually wanted a lot more pain than pleasure.  You'd only had sex with one or two of them, and it wasn't a routine thing.  Before today you never would've imagined doing this with a first-time client, but to be completely honest… he was fucking hot.  The kind of guy you'd be spreading your legs for instantly if you weren't at work and he wanted to buy you a drink or grab lunch.  And he was here, at your disposal, begging you for more.  How could you say no?  
You pulled your panties aside and gripped his cock tightly to guide it to your entrance, studying his face twisted in anticipation before sinking down and watching him gasp and sigh all at once, somehow.
It took a lot of effort to hide your own pleasure when he was stretching you out so perfectly, but you managed to suppress the desire to moan and just smile at his fucked-out expression instead.
Finally, your hips met with his and you got to sit there and enjoy the look of dawning agony as he realized you were staying completely still.
“Move, please,” he sobbed, “oh god, Mistress, please move…”
“But I thought you wanted to be inside me?  Isn’t this what you asked for?”
He whined and tried to wiggle his hips; all that got him was two hard slaps to the face.  
“No whining,” you instructed through your teeth.  “Good boys don’t whine.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he whimpered, “‘m your good boy, I promise.”
“I know you are,” you grinned, “or at least, I know you can be.  Show me how good and patient you are.”
Reaching to the side a bit without getting off of him, you pulled a vibrator from your drawer.  His eyes went a little wide when he saw it, and you laughed.
"Don't worry, this isn't for you.  It's for me," you explained as you turned it on, inserting it between your body and his to touch the toy against your clit.  He winced as you sighed contentedly.  "Fuck, it feels good.  Can you feel it on your cock?"
"A… a little…" he hissed.
"I bet it feels good for you too," you posited, "but not good enough to make you come."
After a little pause, he nodded breathlessly.
"Good," you smiled.  "I just wanna come with your cock inside me.  I wanna know how it feels to get off with my favorite toy while being full of my newest toy."
"Fuck," he groaned.
"Do you like that, pretty boy?  Do you like me using your cock, being your Mistress' dumb little fucktoy?"
"Yes," he sobbed, hips shifting ever so slightly beneath you as he sought more stimulation from your flexing walls.  Shifting the vibe to hit right on your clit, you cried out— and he did too, at the feeling of you tightening around him.
"God, you love being Mistress' dildo, don't you?"
He nodded, biting hard on his lip until you worried he'd hurt himself.  He moaned again as another jolt of pleasure forced your channel to clench on his cock.
"You're making too much noise for a fucktoy, you need to be quiet."
He opened his mouth for a second, but closed it again and nodded instead.  
"You can do it yourself right?" you pressed, seeing him nod.  "You don't need me to gag that pretty mouth?" 
He whined but shook his head, keeping his lips pressed together.
That went on for a few more moments as you teased yourself with the vibe, hoping to draw this out for the sake of his struggle.  Wanting to up the ante, you took the vibe off your clit and turned it off for a moment.  "I think this would feel better with a little lube… will you get it wet for me, James?"
You brought the toy to his lips and he eagerly wrapped them around it, sucking lightly on the silicone with those pretty lashes resting on his cheeks.
"There you go, that's a good boy," you praised, pulling the toy from his mouth, "that's my good boy…"
"Yours…" he repeated weakly, "wanna be good for you, just for you…"
This time when you turned it on and pressed it to your clit again, you instantly gasped and felt your walls bare down on him; turning up the vibration, you actually moaned aloud and saw him wince.  "Oh, can you feel it now?" you asked tauntingly.  He bit his lip and nodded.
It really wasn't even intentional but you felt your hips start to rock, making him gasp as his eyes shot open.  For a guy who had been begging you to move not too long ago, he looked pretty overwhelmed by it now.
"Fuck, I'm gonna make myself come on your cock… do you wanna feel me come, baby?"
He seemed conflicted, which was exactly what you were going for.  You wanted him to struggle, just enough, between his need to satisfy himself and his desire to please you.  "I… I want to make you come, Mistress," he finally choked out, notably answering a slightly different question than the one you'd asked.  
You smiled and leaned in to whisper in his ear: "Are you afraid that if you feel me come around you, you won't be able to hold back?  That you might accidentally come inside me?"
He made a needy little groan and nodded.
"Don't worry, baby, I'm gonna help you," you promised sweetly, but of course as soon as he saw you grab a cockring from your drawer he changed his tune.
"N-no, Mistress, please," he begged with wide eyes, "I'll be good, just not that— don't put that on me."
You smirked and sat up, pulling off of him and slowly slipping the ring on his throbbing length as he quietly pleaded for mercy.  He winced when you pushed it down to the base of him, his cheeks burning hot red now.
"Is it a little too tight, baby?" you cooed, grinning when he nodded.  "Good."
You sank back down into him and let your hips grind on his, working your clit with the vibe and even kicking it up to the next highest setting.  He jolted beneath you, clearly feeling the vibrations strongly now, and you let the view of his beautifully broken facial expression egg on your own climax.
"Mm, I'm close, baby," you whispered, "just stay still and let Mistress use you like a good little boy."
He made a small noise through his teeth but seemed to manage okay, even when your walls began to pulse rhythmically around him and your head fell back, your free hand palming at your breast through the lace bra just to add that last little edge of sensation.
"Oh fuck, fuck," you moaned, "that's my good boy…"
You shakily pulled the vibe away and turned it off, still a little numb on your clit but feeling your channel still rippling slightly with aftershocks; he seemed to feel them in spite of their subtlety, if the panting breaths that filled his muscular chest rapidly were any indication.
As slow as you could manage, you pulled your body off of him and sat back on his legs to stare at his cock.  The remnants of your orgasm left plenty of lubrication to stroke it, focusing on the head which had turned almost purple now.
"M-Mistress," he groaned, writhing under your touch.
Amazingly, his cock was already flexing in your hand, and a growl of pride and hunger echoed in your chest.
“Oh fuck, can you come for me, James?” you moaned, pumping him so fast your hand was a blur.  “Can you be my good boy and come right through the cockring?”
“Yes,” he sobbed, “gonna come, Mistress, please—”
“Come right now,” you demanded, watching his face instantly fall slack as he spurted out onto his own chest and stomach, cock flexing and pulsing in your hands as his legs quivered and his hips thrusted wildly.
And the tears were flowing soon after.  You weren’t sure if it was sub drop or just the power of his release, but between weak sobs he whispered broken apologies.
“You did so good,” you cooed as you slipped off the ring and wrapped your arms around him, subtly trying to reach over to untie the ropes.  But you didn’t need to; he flexed his arms and the restraints popped like floss.  He embraced you in return as you let his head fall onto your chest.  “You’re so good, it’s okay,” you continued, stroking his hair.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated again, breathing quickly and wetting you with his tears.
This, you realized, is what he had made you sign the contract to protect.  It wasn’t that he was excessively embarrassed about his sexual proclivities, but that this was his space to be soft, and weak, and broken.  Apparently he wasn’t ready for anyone else to know that he wasn’t steel all the way down.
“Shh, it’s okay… you’re okay…” you breathed, indulging him in this moment even though it was more intimate than you preferred to get with customers.  Aftercare was an important part of your job, certainly, but so was enforcing boundaries.
He began to soothe as you kissed his forehead gently, whispering well-deserved affirmations and praise.  As his breathing slowed and moved back to normal, he pulled back and looked up at you.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated one more time, but not as wavering as before, “I didn’t think I would… that was unexpected.”
“No, it’s somewhat normal,” you exaggerated slightly, “this kind of thing… it’s taxing, I pushed you to your limits.  You were really tough, and it’s all very vulnerable.”
“Thanks,” he sighed, sniffling and wiping his eyes.  “And sorry about your ropes,” he smiled as he noticed the frayed ends coming off of where his wrists were still tied.
“Let me help you get those off,” you smiled, loosening the knots and sliding the binds off of him, quickly massaging the places that the rope had constricted.  “Blood flow’s okay?”
“Yep,” he nodded.
“You numb anywhere?” you pressed.
“Uh, just my dick.  And my brain is all fuzzy…” 
You smiled.  “Can’t help the first one.  Let me get you some water for the second.”
“No!” he yelped suddenly.  “Um, don’t go yet, please…”
“Of course,” you smiled.  “I’ll untie your ankles, then.”
He still seemed disappointed, as if he expected you to hug him for hours and never move.  He let you go this time, though, and loosened his grip so you could slide down to the foot of the bed.  
"Was that sort of what you were hoping for when you called me?" you asked as you untied the ropes slowly and took a moment to massage the skin underneath, hoping to restore any lost blood flow.
"So much better than what I was hoping for," he admitted with a breathless chuckle.  "You're… really good."
"Well, thank you," you shrugged, "it comes with practice and experience.  You held your own, too."
"I wish I could say that was from practice and experience.  I didn't want to say anything before but I've, uh, never actually… been to a domme before."
You smiled slightly, coming back up and being pulled into another embrace.  "Um, I'll admit I can kind of tell…" you mumbled.
"I'm not supposed to touch you like this," he realized quietly, relaxing his grip on you and pulling back.  "I'm sorry."
"No, it's alright, just don't get too comfortable because we only have—" you glanced at the clock— "eight more minutes until you need to leave."
"I'll get up and get dressed soon," he offered with a sigh as you got up and quickly slipped on a robe, grabbing him a damp washcloth for the drying come on his torso.
You tilted your head as you watched him clean up, and you wanted to offer some touch that was a bit less intimate than a hug, so you found yourself blurting out: "do you like having your hair played with?"
"Um, I don't… I don't know," he admitted as he reached up to card his fingers through the hair in question.  "No one else has ever really touched my hair before."
"Really?" you laughed, getting back on the bed to sit beside him.  "It looks pretty luscious.  I figured any girlfriend of yours would want to get her hands on it."
"Oh, well, the last time I had a girlfriend… it wasn't long then," he explained, and you kept on your best poker face.  His hair looked like he'd been growing it out for at least two years, unless it grew crazy fast or something.  How long had he been single?  With a body like that you could barely believe that he was single now.
"Do you mind if I touch it?" you offered quietly, and once he gave you a nod you reached forward and combed your fingers through it, reaching deeper to scratch at his scalp, occasionally pulling the strands lightly into loose braid-like patterns that fell away almost immediately afterwards.  He sank into your touch until you found yourself supporting his head against your chest, mindlessly playing with his hair until you noticed his eyes were shut, his breathing was slowed, and his body was limp on top of yours.
He fell asleep.
You laughed silently to yourself, realizing that you couldn't get him off of you without his cooperation since he was so heavy and you had no shot at lifting him.  And, of course, his cooperation required his consciousness… which required waking him up.
And, for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.  He just looked too peaceful, for a guy who had never seemed truly relaxed around you.
Was there any other way he could relax?  Cause it kinda seemed like he really, really needed this.  And you were in the business of meeting needs, to say the least.
So, with an apologetic text to your last client of the night that you needed to reschedule, you let James sleep on you as you closed your eyes and drifted off as well.
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
Oh (e.b.)
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Summary: buck runs into his ex fling, taylor kelly, leaving you to feel like nothing but a second choice
AN: inspired by the winter finale of 911
You were a catch. You were smart, had a good job, beautiful. Guys were lining up to date you and yet the man you wanted to be with didn’t want you.
It seemed to everyone around you that the two of you were meant to be but to Buck, it wasn’t that obvious. He didn’t see how you looked at him, didn’t hear how you talked about him. Clearly, he didn’t know how you felt about him.
So, you stuck it out. You put your feelings on the back burner and just decided to be his friend. If he wanted to be with you, he would.
But you couldn’t ignore the feeling in your chest when he told you he was having dinner with Taylor Kelly.
“We got to talking at that call and then Albert said him and Veronica were having dinner and I just, called and asked if she wanted to come.” Buck explained. “And she said yes?” You asked.
“Yeah, she seemed on board. Maybe this is the universe telling me something.” He said. “The universe? You’ve never believed in that stuff.” You told him. “But this is Buck 3.0. I’m all for a change.” Buck answered. “When is this dinner again?” You asked. “Wednesday at 6.” He said. 
“Oh.” You muttered quietly. Wednesday was your birthday. And it seemed that Buck was caught up in bettering himself and finding someone that he had completely forgotten about you. But you had enough trying to remind him and get him to see that you were right there the whole time. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked at the mug in your hands. “You okay?” He asked. “Uh, yeah. I think I’m gonna head home. I have a long shift tomorrow.” You said, rising from your seat.
“You just got here.” Buck pointed out. “Buck, I just, I gotta go.” You said in a more stern manner. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and watched you leave his apartment.
You let out a large sigh as you got in your car before the tears came.
How were you so unlucky that the guy you were head over heels for, wanted someone else? He wanted someone else so much, he forgot about her birthday. When you were right there through everything? You were there through Abby leaving, Ally breaking up with him, the lawsuit against the department, his parents, everything. And yet you were left on the back burner. 
You always put his feelings above your own, not because you felt like you should. But because you cared about him and if he was happy, you were happy. Though, the more you thought about it, the more you realized that he sometimes didn’t give you that same courtesy. 
Your day was like the day from hell. Everything that could go wrong in your line of work, went completely wrong. To make matters worse, you had lost one of your favorite patients. She had stage 3 leukemia but she never let that change her personality. 
She made going to the hospital after shifts worth while because at least you got to spend time with her. But the cancer was too aggressive for the chemo and she died in her sleep that night. You tried not to let losses get to you but she had been your patient since you started volunteering at the hospital. You were really hoping you’d see her remission but the universe had other plans. 
All you wanted to do was lay on the couch with Buck and just cry. You got in your car and dialed his number, getting a few rings before he picked up. “Hey, you!” He greeted you. “Hey, do you maybe want to come over later? I’ve had the worst day. I lost a patient and-” You started before he cut you off. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I can’t. I have a date tonight, trying to put myself back out there.” He said. “I can come over after.” He added. “No, forget it. It’s fine.” You said. “You sound upset.” Buck said. “I’m fine, Buck. Enjoy your date.” You replied before hanging up the phone. 
Since that evening, you had been avoiding Buck like the plague. On shifts, you wouldn’t talk to him. Sticking to Chimney and Hen like glue to avoid any conversation with Buck. 
You went so far to ask to ride in the ambulance to calls, rather than in the fire engine like usual. It wasn’t odd for you to be in the ambulance because you were an EMT but you usually rode with the rest of the team.
“Does anyone know why Y/N won’t ride with us anymore?” Buck asked his crew. “Are you that dumb?” Hen asked. “Hen,” Bobby started. “It’s because of you, dude.” Eddie answered. “Me? What did I do?” Buck questioned. “Well, you blow her off all the time, completely ignore her feelings and ditch her for dates and you’re so oblivious you can’t see that she’s totally in love with you.” Eddie explained. “When you were hurt in the hospital, she didn’t come to work for days because she didn’t want you the throw a clot. She had to work triple shifts just to make enough to pay her rent because of all the days she missed sitting with you. Did you ever thank her for that?” Bobby added. “Well, no, but-” He started. 
“And when she lost her favorite patient, Emily, did you ask her if she was okay?” Bobby asked. “I-I couldn’t I had a date. And she didn’t say it was Emily.” Buck said, trying to defend yourself. “If you don’t reciprocate her feelings, that’s fine. But she’s your best friend. And as her best friend, you are supposed to be there when she needs you. She shouldn’t have to explain herself.” Bobby concluded. “You also forgot her birthday.” Chimney added as they all got out of the engine. 
The rest of his shift, Buck tried getting you to talk to him. But it was always, ‘I’m busy, Buck’ or ‘Can’t talk, we’re working.’ He’d given up when he tried to stop you after a call and you had given him a look he had never seen before. 
The guilt was eating him alive. He was a terrible friend to you and he thought being with you was a pipe dream. Until Hen and Eddie told him you loved him. But regardless of your feelings for him, you had done so much for him and he didn’t realize it until you were gone. 
That night, Buck went over to Taylor’s to gain more perspective on what he could do to fix what he royally screwed up. 
“I don’t know what to do. She hasn’t talked to me in weeks. We’ve never gone this long without talking.” Buck explained to Taylor.
“Well, you did forget her birthday. And not give it a second thought that she was hurting over the loss of a patient.” She said. “That’s not helping.” He replied. “You asked for my help and I’m being honest. You really hurt her. She almost got evicted because she was so worried about you. The first person she wanted to be with after her friend died was you and you went on a date instead.” Taylor said. “I know. I tried to talk to her but she won’t answer any of my calls or texts. She won’t even look at me anymore.” Buck said. 
“You are so stupid sometimes.” Taylor laughed. “What?” Buck asked. “She has feelings for you. Why else would she get so upset? If she only saw you as a friend, you would be getting screamed at not avoided.” She explained.
“Everyone keeps saying that but there’s no way Y/N has feelings for me. She’s...perfect. Perfect doesn’t fall for damaged goods.” Buck rebutted. “Trust me, she loves you.” Taylor told him. “And do you love her?” She asked. “Of course I do. But being with her seemed like it was too good to happen so I tried to move on. I guess I tried so hard I ended up hurting her anyways.” Buck answered. 
“Then tell her. And do a whole lot of graveling while you’re at it.” Taylor said. 
Buck quickly left the apartment and got into his car driving like a bat out of hell. When he arrived at your apartment, he didn't even bother to park in the parking stall correctly, his main focus was just getting to you.
When he finally reached your door, he knocked on it rather harshly and heard the sound of your urgent footsteps coming to find out who it was.
"Buck? What are you doing here?" You asked. Buck couldn't even find the words to answer because he was more focused on what you were wearing.
You had on a formed fitting red dress, your hair was curled and flowing over your shoulders and you looked beautiful.
"Wh-Why are you dressed like that?" He stammered. "I have a date." You answered. "You have a date? With who?" Buck asked. "Emily's brother. We became close when Emily had chemo and after she died we kept in tough. Why are you here?" You questioned.
"Don't go on the date. Please, for the love of god, don't go on that date. Because I love you, Y/N. I was too stupid to see it until you weren't around anymore. And I was terrible to you. I was supposed to be your best friend and I was so worried about my own life I dnd't even ask you how you were doing and oh my god I missed your birthday." Buck rambled.
"Slow down, Buckley, and talk to me at a normal rate, please." You said.
Buck took a deep breath and looked at you intently. "I'm in love with you. I-I always have but being with you always seemed like a pipe dream because you're perfect. You have always been perfect and you know that I'm not." Buck explained.
"Exactly. I've seen you at your worst and I still love you but even as your best friend you never gave me the time of day. Missing my birthday to go to dinner with Taylor Kelly. Brushing me off after Emily died because you had a date." You laughed bitterly. "I have stood by you no matter what. But god forbid I need you once in a while." You added.
"And I am so sorry, Y/N. You have every right to be upset with me, I'm upset with me. I'm pissed off at myself because I didn't realize what I had until it was too late." Buck replied. "Evan, do you understand the situation you just put me in? I get to go on a date with a great guy, one who actually pays attention and then the man I've been in love with for years, shows up at my doorstep to tell me he loves me back." You started.
Buck's facial expression fell, fearing the worst and anticipating you telling him that you'd moved on and he was too late.
"And I have to call that guy and tell him that I can't make it. Because the person I actually want to be with is right here." You finished.
The light in Buck's eyes returned at your words, looking at you with a gentle smile.
"Really?" He asked. "Yes, really and please don't make me regret it. You've screwed up a lot lately, let's not add us to the list." You said. "So there's an us now?" Buck questioned. "I-If that's okay with you." You stuttered. "It's absolutely okay with me." Buck said with a smile.
"I guess I got all dressed up for nothing." You sighed, letting Buck inside your apartment.
Buck was quiet for a moment as he watched you take your heels off and your earrings, placing them on the table by the door. "Then let's not make it for nothing. Let me take you out on our first official date." He said.
"Besides, I need to see you in that dress more often." He added a smirk on his face. "Alright then, Buckley. Take me on a date. You have a lot to make up for." You smiled, offering him your hand.
Buck took your hand in his, happily, and held you steady as you put your shoes back on. “Trust me, Y/N, it’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on.” He said. 
In the moment, you laughed at his words but after the date had concluded and all was said and done, it had indeed been the best date you have ever been on. 
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Hey it’s me again m, I have another request , I’d like Angst Prompt #10 "I'm on my way" with Gibbs. He answers the phone and is told something happened to the reader, and the reader is at the hospital and later on it leads to finding out the reader has Angst Prompt #55 Chronic illness. Please and thanks and you amazing at writing!!
Changes Nothing
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gif by dwaynepride
Pairing: Gibbs x Reader
Warnings!: chronic illness, mentions of epilepsy, , mentions of seizures,, hospital, angst, pain, fluffy ending
Description: Gibbs rushes to the hospital when he finds out you were admitted. How will you tell him its because of an illness?
Author's Note: I don't have much experience with chronic illness, so if I messed something up. Just lmk. Hope you enjoy reading!!
You had been having seizures since you were a kid. It took the doctors a year and half for them to realize it was epilepsy. It took another year to figure out the best medication to use for a 9 year old. You had been in hospitals a gazillion times by the time you were 11. Growing up with epilepsy was hard, you couldn't do very much as a kid.
But you learnd to live with your condition, as did most people. As you got older, the medications got better, and the seizures became rare occurrences. But they did still happen. You still visited hospitals at least a dozen times a year. But you never let it stop you from living your life, or being with someone else. The only thing was, you still hadn't told your current boyfriend about your condition.
You and Gibbs had been together for about a year before he heard about your first "episode". It had been a relatively normal day. You had left Gibbs house that morning, giving him a deep kiss on your way out the door to work. He had smacked your ass as you left, giving you a sly grin before you drove off.
He had gotten his coffee, gone to work, and did his paperwork, just like everyday. Only today was different.
He didn't get his usual morning text from you. Sure he had just seen you, but you always sent him an i love you text, or a have a good day text after getting to work. But you didn't today. That had been the first thing that set him off.
The second being you not showing up for lunch. He had called and called. But you hadn't answered. He was only growing more worried throughout the day.
He knew something was wrong when a call from an unknown number popped up on his phone.
"Agent Gibbs." Was his quick answer.
"Agent Gibbs, this is Doctor Harrold Green from St. Elizabeths hospital. I'm calling because Y/n Y/l/n is in the hospital, and your listed as her emergency contact." He didn't let the doctor explain. Hearing your name and hospital in the same sentence scared the hell out of him.
"I'm on my way." He got out quickly before hanging up, not waiting to listen to why you were in the hospital. He grabbed his coat and took off towards the stairs. He was too impatient to wait for the elevator. The team was shocked to see their boss leaving in such a hurry at only 2 in the afternoon, without a word.
Gibbs broke just about evey speeding law on his way to the hospital, barely parking the car before he was out and running towards the front doors. His eyes searched frantically for the front desk, sprinting to it immediately.
"I'm looking for Y/n Y/l/n." He was so out of breath. Panting in front of the woman as she searched the name on her computer.
"Room A23, down the hall to your left." He nodded in thanks and took off down the hall, nearly sprinting past the room he was in such a rush.
He opened your door, walking in to see you lying in a hospital gown, an IV hooked up to your arm.
"Jethro!" You exclaimed in surprise. You had completely forgotten you had recently changed your emergency contact.
"Y/n. Are ya okay? What happened?" He demanded, his voice raspy from being so breathless.
"Shit. This is not how I wanted to tell you." You looked almost ashamed, guilty even.
"Tell me what?" Gibbs asked hesitantly.
"I had a siezure today. Well more than one seizure, multiple seizures. They were bad to say the least, and I ended up passing out." You paused gaugung his reaction. "My coworker called 911, and they ran some tests. I uh... I have a condition. I have since I was little, I just didn-" he cutoff your ramble.
"A condition?" He asked. Why hadn't you told him?
"W-whats wrong?" Here goes nothing.
"I have epilepsy." You saw his eyes widen slightly as he swallowed audibly. He didn't say anything. "I um, I didnt tell you because I didn't know how you would react. Most people don't want to be with people who have chronic illnesses. It's a huge burden to take on and I just didn't want to add that to your life, but I was selfish because I really love you and I thought telling you would make you leave and I ju-" he cut off your ramble once again, but this time with a kiss. A sweet innocent little kiss that meant the world to you. He broke away, but cupped your face softly.
"Sweetheart, I will always love you. No matter what. This changes nothing. I wish ya would've told me sooner, but I understand why ya didn't." Tears formed in your eyes. "Ya scared the hell outa me though." You let out a watery laugh
"I love you. You have no idea how much this means to me." He brought you in close, leaning his forehead against your own, interlocking your fingers.
"You are my everything, and nothing is going to change that." He kissed you again, just to prove his point. This kiss was sweeter than his usual pecks. It was more meaningful.
You gave him quite the scare, but he was so happy you were okay. And you were happy that he was accepting you for who you are. You had never had that before in a partner. You heart was soaring.
He took you home that night, holding you as close as possible, only letting go when he absolutely had to.
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! I have a lot of requests to get through, so i am so sorry if it takes me a while to get to yours!!! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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