#let me know if I need to repost this
iguessitsjustme · 9 months
Choose Your Own BL Adventure - Day 24
Laugh and walk back to the table, away from the mistletoe. Join your friends and enjoy the rest of your evening laughing and talking.
Stand there awkwardly and wait to see if anyone stands up to join you.
Walk to where Gelt is sitting, pull him up and back to the mistletoe with you.
Panic and run away back to the bathroom. Splash water on your face a few times before you go back out to your friends. Avoid walking under the mistletoe this time.
Day 23 here.
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immortallaughter · 10 months
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You know how cat eyes do the thing™? Hear me out. (inspired by a conversation with @baldurstaint and friends)
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t-u-i-t-c · 10 days
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"You actually were alive?"
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ineffableigh · 10 months
Hey friendly reminder NOT to repost art
Seeing an alarming amount of this in the Good Omens spaces on here, as well as others of course, but - if you like an art you saw on another site, TRY and find the artist on here before just reposting the art! It's great to want to share an awesome painting, but it's important to make sure the artist that made the thing gets credit and linked.
There are SO many reposted copies of art with no credit, many with WAY more notes than the original artist's post! It's a huge bummer for artists online and makes it easier for their work to be outright stolen.
And if you see some art on here that you love and want to reblog? Take a sec to make sure the other art on the blog seems consistent, make sure it reads like it's not a hasty paste-and-post, to avoid accidentally boosting stolen/reposted work.
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tubbo--updates · 4 months
Tubbo replied to Twitter user @sweevanna's tweet on his main at 21:50 BST
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(the @ goes to a tumblr account, not the twitter acct or tweet!)
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hollowsart · 6 months
I see pics of happy sloths and I think "acedia"
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I know the photo is fake as no sloth looks like that, there's something very uncanny and off about it, but it's such a gentle expression..
It's also very Acedia. Happy Acedia is a good Acedia!!!
Sloths always look like they're up to something or just utterly zooted/zonked. And, of course, they always look 24/7 big sleepy. it's so silly and cute, and relatable, too!
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asksimonghostriley · 9 months
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catboynutsack · 4 months
One day you'll get there Urianger. Animation by @DoovadHohdan on Twitter/X! (their tumblr is @doovadhohdan but they haven't been active here since last year so I'm crediting their more active socials first)
Original Source Link: https://x.com/DoovadHohdan/status/1790917634763919776
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galactaknightyaoi · 16 days
"For Yaoi Reasons"
Are You One Of Those
fuckkk what the fuck what the fuckkk
what happened to hello good morning how are you your art is nice
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miyakuli · 6 months
hello! by any chance do you happen to have a list of confirmed art reposters that we can block/avoid?
Hello anon <3 sorry, I never made one because...let's be honest, the list would be just too long and I'd have to update it all the time since I would have to do it for every fandoms I know x') it would be too much time consuming for me ;;
But I have a "reposters" tag on my blog though that gathers many warnings that I've made about some blogs or that I received through asks by other people. Maybe it can help already a bit to block some?
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autism-corner · 9 months
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they're talking about me <3
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bishonenspit · 8 months
just a reminder it's my personal preference that my scans (and artwork but that's another topic entirely) aren't reposted at all especially to another tumblr blog thank you xo
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meatriarch · 8 months
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘. / breakdown on her abilities. based heavily on personal interpretation.
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content warning for written examples of self injury, p.sychological torture, not being in control of ones own body, of insect references, self-c.annibalism, g.ore & fatal injury. can avoid the bottom section descriptions if too much! they are simply examples. ♡
do refer to THIS POST in terms of interactions with her as she's request-only.
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the vast majority of this is highly personally sewn together and integral to how i portray her. anyone i write with is free to reference ANY OF THIS to respond to anything i either send you from my nancy or in threads, plotting, etc! i am leaning into the fact that her canon ability is not normal in the slightest, you can call it a type of witchcraft or pact with a devil of some kind - who truly knows what it is or how she obtained it but herself.
mutuals are free to take any example from here ( or similar ) and run wild with it in responses with my portrayal of her! this is more or less to provide ya'll some context & guide in a sense on how she works with how i write her.
and of course, subject to being continuously updated. :)
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𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆. nancy's capabilities of tracking are unnatural - she does not often use traditional means in order to follow her targets from the shadows. her tracking ability allows her, for a period of time, to see through the eyes of her victims, visualizing a rough image in her minds' eye of where they are on the vast sawyer property. her hearing in this state is HIGHLY SENSITIVE - she can hear noises from quite a distance away if she's able to concentrate without interruption.
𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. with nancy's tracking, she can only properly use this ability either when she is nearby her victim, or when they are within the confines of the entire sawyer - hewitt territories. by that i quite literally mean: every single inch, every acre, every building, every tree line, every field on their combined properties she is capable of tracking on. this is accomplished with a consistent schedule of, over the span of a weekend every so often, she must go around the entirety of the properties and re-mark rune-like symbols to encompass their land, re-strengthen those boundaries. if she does not freshen them up, its like a scent marker: it fades away, and the weaker it becomes the weaker her tracking becomes, the more blurred the image in her mind's eye shows her.  
𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 & 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑. her tracking does take a toll on her when she uses it - the drawback and deterrent from her overdoing herself. her mind becomes foggy, vision twisting and spinning the world around her. she becomes temporarily disoriented and must allow herself a few moments to recollect herself. she will often try to find one of sissy's wildflower poison stations scattered all over the properties to help regain focus and clarity. unlike the familys' victims, nancy has developed a high tolerance to venom and poison in many forms, something she does in her spare time. a hobby if you will.  
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐒. relatively minor in respect to when nancy dabbles in a bit of possession, victims to her tracking - upon her taking over and then 'returning their eyes' so to speak' - will feel a sense of disorientation and confusion, dizziness and a brief moment of uncertainty of where they are. it passes fairly quickly however, they will know something isn't quite right with what they just experienced. its unsettling, unnerving, to have someone seemingly take control of one of your senses.
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𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. proximity to or visual on a victim is crucial for nancy to be able to possess. the closer she is, the stronger her hold is to the host. HOWEVER, nancy is capable of possession in alternate ways, should the victim not be nearby or in direct line of sight. mirrors, reflective surfaces like water can be utilized by her - so long as she has a clear view through it. mirrors are claimed to be gateways to the soul / the dead, and for nancy's unnatural abilities, she can use mirrors as a gateway in order to possess someone long-distance if necessary, so long as they are within view of a mirror. for example: how she manages to possess thomas all the way from hers and the sawyer properties to the hewitts? because he spends most of his time in the basement of the hewitt home - where he has a mirror on one of the support beams. so long as he is in view of that mirror from her end? she can possess him. the distance, however, does make it difficult to bounce back to her normal self when she stops, so its something she does carefully.  
𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 & 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑. possessing someone for nancy is a far more daunting task than simply tracking them. it uses up more physical energy than she cares for, especially in situations where she uses the possessed to inflict harm - be it on themselves or others. should the host be injured in any capacity as she is actively possessing them, she will suffer mirrored internal wounds - not nearly as bad as the hosts', but enough to make an impact on her own body. it is why she will prefer to use stronger, larger, tanking types of victims to latch her claws into. it will also take a while longer for her to grow re-accustomed to returning to her own body - refamiliarize herself within her own skin and organ. ( this is usually the best opportune time to kill her, if i'm being frank about it. ) otherwise, mid-possession, the only way to stop her from using another is to directly attack her own body - doing so, with enough force, will knock her back into her own.  
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐒. those who nancy takes on as host during her possession are otherwise completely at her dispense, it is incredibly difficult for the host themselves to break free of her grasp once she's garnered control. many physically strong and strong of mind have crumbled under her control. as for side effects they may encoutner, it is a feeling of disconnect from their bodies for a period when she's ripped out of them. they feel lost, unfamiliar - radio static throughout their bones, waves of pain from any sustained injury hitting them in one solid blow. air feels sharp, cold, harsh and unnatural filling and expelling itself from lungs. it is like stepping into a skin suit that is not yours, despite it very much being so. it is relearning how your own body moves, feels things, sees things.  
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𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. unfortunately, the only limitation to this is her proximity to you. at least, initially. the hell basement below nancy's house is one section of the large, intertwined tunnels system the family utilizes to travel across the expansive properties, where only she keeps access to - no other family is allowed in most of it. it is where her special victims are kept - until she bores of them, until there's nothing left of them. for nancy's psychological torment to really take hold, she must have unrestricted access to the victims over a prolonged period of time. to allow them to settle deep within their being, soak into every fiber. she, however, can passively cause hallucinations so long as the victim is within range / barriers of runes she has around the property, in the basement, fields, etc. THIS POST talks about it a little more - but, main example of a place set up specifically for this is the Dire Field of Hell behind the tall overgrown trees and brush right behind car battery exit on nancy's map. maria in her main verses especially knows what this is like firsthand. and it is what heavily haunts her in her wilted flower / shine again verses.  
𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 & 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑. there are none.  
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐒. when they are actively being possessed: victims are fully conscious of the actions their bodies are forced to make. they are capable to feeling every little movement, every injury they sustain, every taste sight and smell that attacks their senses. they are fully aware of what they are being forced to do and yet they, physically and mentally, cannot do a thing to stop it. so, if they are alone at the time of possession? it will be very difficult to make it stop unless you can get to her. self-inflicting injuries not limited to: clawing at their skin, ripping off flesh with their own teeth / self-c.annibalizing, gouging their eyesockets, cracking their skulls open on any hard surface or with any blunt tool, d.isembowling themselves, repeated stab wounds, and so on. for an idea of what could happen. you are in charge of your muse - you may go as wild as you wish with any affects on them caused by nancy. :)  
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all to be added upon as she develops ( can skip if needed! ) : 
𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋. ie. seeing insects, animals, unknown creatures stalking up to you, crawling across skin, burrowing through each layer until hidden beneath. it is looking up at her ( or others ) and seeing skin rot as smile grows unnaturally across her face, slipping off bone and muscle, slopping on the ground between you or worse, on you if she leans close enough. it is watching as your own skin begins to decay before your eyes, before panic hits, and you find yourself having torn yourself apart to try and make it stop. it is seeing shadowed figures and creatures swarming all around you, peeking at you from behind and under and over objects. it is seeing people whose faces you know so well - and yet, uncanny, not them at all, and often appearing to you in horrific fashion: with head in hands, d.ecapitated, or blood spilling from deepened gash in throat.  
𝐀𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘. ie. distorted voices beside ears, whispers of curses, of taunts, belittlement, coaxes for you to plunge blade into gut, or to set enraged eyes upon another poor soul trapped across the way - restrained, while you are not; unable to move, while you can. it is screams - your own - echoing in your mind, forcing revisits of the moments that made them rip from your lungs in the first place. it is hearing scurrying and movement when there is nothing around.  
𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐄. ie. of organs twisting and moving, unnaturally bulging as if about to burst, snaking about in abdominal cavity as if about to eject from throat. it is of tiny legs crawling over and under skin, pushing and settling between openings of wounds, burrowing itself inside. it is feeling skin ablazed and blistering in spite of no flame, of pain so unbearable you simply must rid yourself of flesh it originates from. to be added at another time:  
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smileysvech · 9 months
there are basically only two active blogs that regularly create and post canes gifs here so it’s really not that hard to tell when y’all repost their content to other platforms like twitter and pinterest without giving those creators credit.
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So I went back through and fixed some of the stuff that wasn't quite right from the Super Board Trailer to the Actual MV and I couldn't be more proud of how close I was most of the time!
Also contiplating adding 3 more paint cans if I can think of interesting names that are references to something SKZ that has a specific color to it.
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sofastuffing · 1 year
this isn't meant to be derogatory but i think one massive sign that someone's a newbie artist is the way they add very prominent warnings not to repost their work
#it's bc they (ie. me) have seen a lot of like. art youtubers and others who make content ABOUT creating art stress the evils of reposting#which isn't wrong. reposting someone's online work is Bad in the context of individual smaller artists#but like. babygirl. i say this in the nicest way possible. nobody knows your art exists let alone is planning to repost it#i feel like after a certain amount of fame artists get more chill about reposts since they're kind of inevitable at that point#plus a larger artist isn't really harmed that much by it#and vice versa i feel like the people most stressed about reposts are newbies who. aren't really at risk of reposts#for the record this is not endorsing reposts. credit the fucking artist or die#it's just. a trend i've noticed#(or maybe i'm just surrounded by more chill artists and there are actually plenty of famous artists who are neurotic about reposts. idk)#apologies if this isn't structued very well I'm. rambling#not art™#art#reposting#edit: oh yeah forgot to add i think it's also a lack of perspective (which tbf is kind of obvious)#a lot of young artists online view the discourse(?) around making art through a very online lens since that's all their exposed to#which shows through even in vocabulary like 'repost'#anyways i need to go 2 Bed goodnight#i say all this like i'm some big artist lol. i'm not i'm just in that awkward intermediate phase#both skill wise and popularity wise (though ik popularity doesn't actually work* like that)#*like you cannot work to gain online popularity the way you can work to improve art skill. it's primarily luck that gets you Big#and very few people get lucky anyway goodnight for real now
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