#let us not even talk about the supernatural books I didn’t realize they were there until I went to make this post lmfao
rigginsstreet · 2 years
Don’t talk to me or my son or my son or my son ever again
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He also comes in a keychain
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Shout out to @saberghatz ! (For the plushy and keychain not the funkos lol)
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A nice story about Jensen Ackles on Reddit. Text:
Poster: I “worked” with him/ for him for several years before I realized he was a celebrity/ on a major tv show.
I swear he is the most humble, genuine, and respectful man I’ve ever worked with. Probably why I never would have guessed he was famous.
Question: What did you do for him?
Poster: Full disclosure- this was from 2011 to 2012 (ish) so I dont remember the smaller details of our interactions, but anyway…
I worked at a high end “executive car service”. Basically wealthy business people, agents, sports players, etc. would book us for an SUV or town car to take them to meetings, the airport, whatever. We didn’t have limos or party busses or anything, it was strictly for professionals in a professional setting.
Anyway, I had been talking with Jensen usually twice a week for a good 6+ months. I’d book him trips to the airport in Canada and Malibu? I think that’s where the CA side was. All I really knew was he “traveled a lot for work” and his wife and new baby were at home.
I worked with major assholes, which was to be expected. Attorneys assistants especially. They would get fired if they didn’t use the right colored post-it. That kinda crap. So they understandably were always stressed the hell out, which would get taken out on me. Whatever. That’s all part of the game.
But anytime I answered the phone and it was Jensen, I knew at least for those few minutes my job would actually be enjoyable. He’d always ask about ME. How my day was, what the weather in SoCal was like since he’d be on his way there. Small talk, but always SO damn nice. He’d occasionally mention how he’d miss his family during the longer trips or tell me how it’d be a short stay that particular week so he’d be able to get back home to his baby. SO sweet.
One day months later the owner of “my” company called me to ask about the schedule. Mentioned Jensen was to be picked up the following day and she chuckled and asked, “you know who that is, right?” Uhhh, no? Then she told me he was on tv and was traveling to film every week. Based on how humble, soft spoken, and incredibly nice he was, I figured he was just starting out in the business or was kinda an unknown. That’s when my boss told me he was shooting this huge show, he was really famous, etc etc.
I never woulda guessed it in a million years. With celebrities, we always dealt with their agents. Jensen would always pick up the phone and call me himself. He just seemed like a completely normal, humble guy who didn’t let his fame change who he was.
I worked there for another several months and then moved onto a different company, but damn did I miss “working” with him. I always knew there’d be no drama when he called.
To this day I still haven’t seen him in anything (or even a single episode of Supernatural) but I’ll always hold a soft spot for him just based on the way he treated me. I was relentlessly harassed but he was always so, so kind.
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wittywallflower · 1 month
DBDA post-s1 Catwin fic. rated G 2k words
Edwin went back to Port Townsend several months after their extended stay. He would never admit to expecting a warmer welcome from the shapeshifter who had professed to be so fond of him. But despite the time apart Edwin found he could still read beneath the facade of the apparently-disinterested man who didn’t stand to greet him and offered only desultory small talk.
He might cultivate an aura of boredom and indifference but of course the Cat King was feeling wary and a bit petulant, convinced he’d been forgotten about. Dubious of Edwin’s long absence and his motives for returning.
Edwin had simply needed to take the time to cope with everything that had happened. 
Time to mourn for Niko, the first friend he’d made in anything approaching a normal way. His friendship with Charles was something unshakeable, but the circumstances of their first meeting had been rather extraordinary. Edwin and Crystal had formed a mutual affection only begrudgingly, after going through a lot together. But Niko… befriending her had come so naturally. Edwin’s afterlife was so supernatural that the easy simplicity of it all had made Niko even more special. Edwin missed her terribly.
Time was also needed to recover from round 2 of Hell, or more accurately to firmly repress as much of that experience as he could. He had talked extensively of Hell to Charles early in their acquaintance; nothing needed to be rehashed, in Edwin’s opinion. It had been more of the same and he much preferred other uses of his time.
Like the time spent letting his unrequited heart be soothed by Charles’ platonic devotion. To be sure that his feelings for his best friend wouldn’t complicate things. He hadn’t worried too much about their work, knowing Charles was similarly dedicated to their cause. He was nervous about the leisure time spent alone together, always so comfortable and often fun in ways some people thought Edwin incapable of. What would Edwin even do without Charles to help fill all the hours a ghost didn't spend on sleeping or eating or grooming?
Nothing had changed though. Their friendship stayed just the same. Edwin had frankly expected it to hurt a lot more. It wasn’t painless, but as he continued to talk and laugh and solve cases with his dearest friend, Edwin realized that he didn’t need to pine for the romantic love Charles didn’t return. What Charles could give him was more than enough. He knew he had Charles' love and respect and admiration; no one could possibly care for Edwin more than the boy who went to Hell to bring him back.  Charles gave him protection, help, an ear when he needed it, and gave him equal time and attention as he gave Crystal. 
Just because Edwin hadn’t seen the appeal in kisses until recently, didn’t mean that his relationship with Charles was somehow lesser for the lack of them. 
And on the subject of kissing, it had come time for Edwin to actually come to terms with the things he had recently realized about himself. This meant research. The local library had a very helpful display front and center, actually. Edwin couldn’t have known beforehand, but it was quite auspicious that he had begun his research in June. He had learned a lot. 
In the safe space of the Cat King’s private lair, with the man he didn’t have to hide with, who liked his secret parts, Edwin had the courage to say as much - though rather more succinct and impersonal words.
“Is that why you’re here then?" the Cat King inquired. "Curiosity? Need a queer mentor for the questions the books can't answer?”
“I would think you of all people would appreciate a bit of curiosity.”
For the first time since Edwin had arrived, the Cat King’s smile looked the way he remembered it.
Edwin couldn’t help a small smile in return, sensing how fun it could be to banter with the man now that there were no high stakes involved.
“So, what then," the Cat King asked further, "looking for tips on how to make that second kiss a winner? I could probably offer some… personal instruction in that.”
The words were suggestive, and a wink accompanied them, but it rang a bit hollow. Edwin didn’t fail to notice that before he rolled his eyes in exasperation.
“Why do people keep offering me kissing lessons?” he huffed.
That got the Cat King’s attention, and he sat up sharply, abandoning his indolent pose on the shabby pallet throne.
“Who?” he asked, barely managed to make it a question rather than a demand. 
Edwin had to swallow some emotion before he could speak. 
“Niko was the only person I had ever talked to about… kissing. She said she would be a ‘guinea pig’ if it would help me be less anxious about it. She thought I should save it for someone i really liked, but she still made the offer anyway.” 
Such a romantic soul, but willing to do anything to help her friends. 
Edwin sighed and shook off the creeping sadness. 
“Anyway, somehow Crystal got wind of the conversation and felt a need to point out that Niko really didn’t have the experience to be very helpful. Then Crystal offered to teach me herself, if I found a way to suggest to Charles that he adopt some of her preferred techniques.”
The Cat King stared unblinking for a long moment, then shook his head slightly is dismay.
“Hon, this love triangle you’ve got going on is a little perverse. Tell me you turned Crystal down.” 
Obviously there was no way the prim prissy ghost accepted either offer. The idea was ridiculous. But it would still be nice to hear it said out loud. 
The Cat King would accept any of Edwin’s kisses, but it did sting how narrowly he had missing having Edwin’s first. He would have been properly appreciative of it; he would have done it right, not as a surprise in some dark, shitty forest. 
Second kiss wasn’t bad though. Second was still his goal. 
Edwin answered with a look of exasperation. “Obviously I did not accept. Even if I were so inclined, I can’t see how the inevitable awkwardness would be worth it.”
“If you were 'so inclined', the fun would be worth it. The want, and pleasure.”
The Cat King’s smile was smoldering as he called back to their first conversation. Edwin’s non-corporeal body didn’t blush, but he suddenly had a rather strong memory of that it felt like to have his cheeks heat.
“Yes, well,” Edwin straightened his collar, and his posture, “I don’t have any experience with that sort of…fun. I’ll have to take your word for it.”
“I could show you.”
Edwin looked at him closely, and took a step nearer. The Cat King’s head tilted back to look up at the tall ghost as he approached where the shorter man sat.
“That’s why I am here,” Edwin said without fanfare.
The Cat King almost choked on air, eyes wide, mouth dropping open. 
Edwin leaned in to press a finger to the underside of the shapeshifter's chin, lifting until his mouth closed again.
“I know you could show me things I can’t even imagine,” Edwin almost stuttered when the cat king’s pupils blew wide and the magical being inhaled deeply. Suddenly he looked every inch like a predator ready to pounce. 
Edwin managed to continue, “and for some reason you’re perhaps the only person I could see myself trusting enough to be comfortable with.”
Too surprised by Edwin’s forthrightness to have a response to that, the Cat King could only stare up at him.
Edwin smiled almost sadly and dropped his hand from the other’s chin. 
“But that would have undoubtedly complicated things I was already struggling to figure out. Since Hell , the first time, I was always running and hiding from Death, and in a way also from myself. I didn’t let myself want anything, except to stay out of Hell. Now that it’s not a threat, things have changed. I had to figure out something to aspire to, a goal, something I want rather than just want to avoid.” 
“And what do you want?” The Cat King’s voice was underlain with a purr that had Edwin remembering goosebumps on his skin.
“To continue my work,” he answered plainly.
The shapeshifter rolled his eyes. He was not the least bit surprised and wasn’t that kinda the worst part of it?
“Even now that you don't need the good deeds as leverage to avoid Hell?” he asked anyway, even though he really could have expected no less from the ghost.
The reminder of what he had admitted under the influence of the Cat King’s truth spell was unpleasant to Edwin.
“As I said, I was ashamed of that motive. But that was never my only reason for being a detective. And now without the guilt hanging over me, I can enjoy myself more. I won't have to worry about watching our backs from Death, I can focus on the cases and be better at my work.”
The Cat King nodded, knowing that was true. Edwin did love being a detective, using that big beautiful brain of his to solve puzzles and save the day. It was his calling and it would always be his main priority.
“Sounds like you’ve got it worked out then. Got your dream job, got your weird little situationship with your best buddy. What more could a dead boy want?” he asked, a pleasant but oddly empty smile on his face.
“I want to spend time with you,” Edwin answered with hesitation.
The Cat King’s face fell in surprise at the bald admission.
“I want to talk with you,” Edwin went on. “Speak as equals without a magic bracelet or an urgent case hanging over us.” 
“I’ve never really had your full attention, have I?” the Cat King realized with a pout. “Always such a busy little detective.”
Edwin’s lip quirked upward despite himself. 
“I do take my work very seriously. Too seriously, according to some. But despite appearances, I don’t work all the time. And now it should… feel easier to take time off”
Now he wouldn’t feel so guilty if he wasn’t helping someone every single day.
The implication that Edwin wanted to spend his time off with the Cat King was just delightful. The older man tried but it was clear from the way he had to hide a smile as he playfully feigned a protest.
“Kings are busy too, you know.”
Edwin nodded gravely, as if his eyes weren’t sparkling with mirth just as much as the king’s were. 
“I’m certain we can manage to coordinate our schedules.” 
“To schedule time for a chat?” 
Only a chat? was the unspoken question.
Edwin raised an eyebrow, somehow both humorous and haughty.
“I am amenable to some recreational activities. Or a meal, if you don’t mind being the only one eating.”
“Careful there, ghostie. It's starting to sound like you’re asking me on a date.”
The Cat King could no longer restrain a wide grin. He knew he probably looked like a lovesick idiot. Which was… not inaccurate.
Edwin let himself smile back fully, without restraint. He known all along that the Cat King was intrigued by him, had been attracted to him since that first moment in Port Townsend. But now it was quite clear that it was more than simply a cat’s curiosity, or a hedonist’s lust. Edwin was a bit surprised how the idea of a chaste date had the other man looking like the cat that got the cream.
“I am doing just that,” Edwin confirmed. Then pretended at ruefulness. “And I'm sure you are insufferably pleased about the fact.”
The Cat King chuckled and reached out to take Edwin’s hand.
“Oh you handsome thing, you have no idea.” 
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bebepac · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday 05.21.23 / Mood Music Monday
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I have a new obsession peeps.  I am watching this series called FROM currently, and it  has all my senses tingling.  Talking to some friends I have realized, 1. I like shows set in small towns where weird stuff is happening. 2. If the people are trapped in said town and there is spooky, weird or supernatural stuff going on, or something that just can’t be explained, I’m all about that life.   And From tickles my fancy,  watch it be cancelled tomorrow, as this tends to happen with all of my weird favorited shows.  
Work has been crazy, but just recently in the past few days, even though work is still insane,  I’ve been inspired to write, even though my whole day is spent typing for  my job.  Go figure.  
So here’s amazingly what i’ve posted in the last little bit:
The Life of Riley: Book Two:  Garden Party Photo  Op
The Rotten Apple 🍎:  The Last Part: 
Original post: 05/21/23 at 7:52PM EST.
Here’s what I have in the pipeline 
This one is a surprise.  It came to me after I had a conversation with @angelasscribbles about Drake.  
It could be honestly seen as a prequel to my fic with If Only For The Night
The Book:  TRR Mood Music Monday Submission:  That Don’t Impress Me Much by Shania Twain The Moments In Between Pairings:  None:  TRR MC is single Status:  Still in the writing process, nearly complete!
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To be honest, I wasn’t even surprised about how the trip was going being in Lythikos for Olivia’s tribute to Prince Liam.  The room she put me in was basically a refurbished broom closet, dinner was served to my table cold with portions of the entree missing.  But what struck me and what did surprise me is that Liam didn’t notice, and never checked up on us, supposedly his true blue friends were all sitting at the neglected table and he didn’t even glance in our direction the whole evening,  
And not to mention….the kiss. He let her kiss him in front of the whole court. He genuinely appeared surprised when it happened, but everyone at the table, all their eyes were trained on me for a response.  I mean honestly, what could I say?  Prince Liam is not my boyfriend, I’m a suitor in this game we’re all playing.  I am competing for a man that at this point has no true allegiance to me.
Nonchalantly I shrugged my shoulders.  “She went for it.  You know, she doesn’t usually get this much individual time with the Prince, so I can’t fault her for shooting her shot.”  
“You’re a lot calmer than I thought you would be, Brooks.”  
“I mean, these so-called 'noble' royals have been showing me who they are this whole time, I’d be a fool not to believe them.”  
“You deserve a drink Brooks,  meet up with me later, and we’ll find where the good stuff you like is stored in this keep.”  
“I really might have to take you up on that.”  
Liam finally cornered me for a brief moment, as I stood on the balcony letting the cool wind revitalize me.  
“Are you angry with me for what happened?”
“I thought you might be.”  
“How can I Liam? you haven’t so much as stated any intentions you have for me, or of any feelings you might feel for me because you say, you can’t.  You have a duty to your people and I get that.  But don’t forget, all of us are “your people, and we are getting mistreated by some of these people that are supposed to be the “Nobility.”
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Mood Music Monday Submission:  This Woman’s Work by Kate Bush Final Chapter: The Wedding The Book: TRH Series:  The Rotten Apple 🍎 Pairings:  Elle x Nico (Eleanor x M!OC) Status:  Still in the writing process
The family was sitting at the table eating breakfast when there was an urgent knock to the door.
“I wonder who that could be this early?”
“You’re not expecting anyone?”
“No.” Nico wiped his mouth with his napkin and rose from the table, as Tomas  immediately headed towards the door behind Nico.
“Should we be concerned?”  Liberty asked.  
“I don’t think so, it’s probably nothing.”
A few moments later Nico and Tomas returned with one more gentleman in tow.
"Liberty you have a guest, Michail has come to see you. Apparently you told him you were leaving today, he wanted to make sure he saw you before you left."
“Hello Liberty.”  
Elle wanted to laugh at the side eye her father was giving poor Michail.
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“Hi Michail.” She had never heard her sister’s voice sound so giddy before. 
Liberty gasped immediately reaching for her hair.
"You look perfect Libby," Elle whispered to her sister. Now Elle felt the way her sister had felt; she was the matchmaker.  "Go say hello to him."
She watched her sister smiling and talking to her young gentleman caller who had brought her a bouquet of hand picked flowers, that Liberty didn't mind in the least. There was a light flush to her cheeks.
Elle smiled walking up to the two of them.
"Is your guest staying for breakfast?"
She didn't wait for him to answer in true Mama K fashion.
"I'll fix you a plate. And I'll put these in water. Nico please get a chair for Libby's guest."
"Thank you."
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Chapter 5: Moonlight Rendevous The Series:  The Blue Honey Cafe The Book: TRR Pairings: TRR MC is single Status:  Still in the writing process
He sat down on the blanket with Riley placing the popcorn between the two of them.  
“I’m glad you could come over here for a bit Mason, to sit here with me.”  
“Me too.”  
Mason tried not to read too much into it, but as the movie went on Riley seemed to inch closer to him.  She was so close to him that he could smell  the perfume of her body and the scent of her shampoo in her hair.  
After the movie,  Mason helped Riley pick up her things and fold her blanket.  
“I had a great time with you Riley.”
“Me too Mason.   I loved the movie. They definitely left it open for a sequel. What did you think of the movie?”
“She did a lot of terrible stuff.  But I don’t know why, I still want her to be happy.”
“Because she’s not all bad. She felt guilt and remorse.”
“Exactly……. Well this is awkward.”  
“What’s wrong?”
“The food truck, my ride is gone, therefore I have no way to get back to the restaurant and my vehicle.”  
“I’ll take you.”
“Thanks Riley, that's nice of you.”
Mason carried all her stuff to the car for her.        
“Hey I know, you’re depending on me to get back to your car, but I was wondering if  you felt up for doing something else for a little bit.  I mean we’re already out, and we both said we need to be more social.”
“What did you have in mind?”  
“Okay hear me out.. I’ve always wanted to go to this place.”
“Wheelz?!?!?!  This used to be my favorite place as a kid.  I had several birthday parties here. Midnight skating slaps.”
“But you said this was your favorite place as a kid?”
“Kids can be teenagers too.”
“Are you good at skating?”
“I am great at skating, are you Riley?”  
“Yes, I wouldn’t have mentioned this place if I couldn’t.  I’m not trying to embarrass myself.  But I wanted to have someone to go with. I don’t have a date, so would you maybe be my plus one?”
“Yes. I’d be honored to be your plus one Riley Brooks.”
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soupsspoons · 1 year
5. Fighting
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Carl liked Alexandria. It was nice compared to what he and the group were used to. It had kind people, real homes, and running water; there wasn't much else he could ask for. It would be a nice place for Judith to grow up. It was what she deserved. He had gotten to grow up in the real world, at least for a little bit, and this would be the closest she could get to that. This is the kind of place Lori would have wanted for him, for everyone. Kind people, real homes, and running water.
The boy was sitting on his living room couch, only just getting used to the feeling of real, clean blankets underneath him. He had been sitting here for the past twenty minutes, considering his interview with Deanna. He knew it was risky, to tell Deanna about his past, but he really did want to trust these people. The kids at Ron's had seemed so carefree, so content. Ron seemed genuinely excited to meet him, as if he was a real kid again. As annoying as she had seemed, Hannah was kind to him too. She wanted him to feel welcomed, he understood that. During the tour, she had tried to joke with them, make them feel whatever normal she could give them. Carl realized, he wanted to live like those kids too, even if it meant opening up about things he never wanted to revisit.
He looked up from his hands when a figure made its way into his peripheral. Through the somewhat dusty window, Carl could see Enid stalking her way to the tall metal gate. She reached the wall, letting her hands run over the rust coating, before pulling out two pipes from her bag. Carl stood, watching as she began to climb.
Is this what they do for fun? He wondered. The girl swung her legs over the fence, letting herself fall to where Carl could no longer see her. Carl smiled when the girl disappeared. Maybe they aren't as helpless as he thought.
Hannah couldn't help but ruminate over what had happened at Ron's. Earlier, as the boys played video games, she and Enid stayed on the bed. Eventually, Hannah picked up the comic book Enid had taken back. It was an old comic, about a man who worked as a scientist, trying to find a cure for his disease. Each night, the man would turn into a wolf, feasting on anything he could find, human or animal. He was devastated by the things he had done, so before he changed, he would test out his new theory for a cure. Hannah had never been interested in supernatural stories, werewolves included, but she always liked comic books. Enid was good at finding stories that interested Hannah, things that went deeper than superheroes and villains. She liked stories with layers, where people were more than what they seemed. As she read the book, she felt eyes on her, looking away and then looking back moments later. It was Carl who would look at her every once in a while, almost as if to check if she was still there. She had given him a small, polite smile one of the times, acknowledging his looks, though he quickly turned his head back to the video screen. Hannah didn't smile when he turned his head back again, instead just continuing her comic.
Enid had told Hannah earlier that she was going on one of her runs. Hannah didn't like when Enid did this, but she understood why the girl had to. As Hannah sat on her porch, one leg crossed over the other, she saw Enid climb the fence. It was dangerous, she knew that. But she trusted Enid. When she first came to Alexandria, Enid didn't talk much. She was too focused on what had happened outside to even consider a future here. But when she did speak, Enid talked to Hannah. At first, it was a surprise, Hannah wondered why she had been chosen by the girl. But soon, their conversations were easy, simple, as if they had been friends for years. She knew when Enid had left for the first time. When she came back that night, Hannah had asked her why? Why would she put herself in danger like that?
"We're supposed to be outside," Enid had told her, "I can't forget what it's like." Hannah knew what she meant. Though Enid had just come from the outside, they were no different in what they had experienced.
"It's easier to run outside than it is to run in your dreams"
The sun was beginning to set on the town and Hannah had been so ready to turn in for the night. But instead, she ran from her porch when she heard the fighting. She had been sitting just on the edge of the step, a book she had reread many times in her lap. In her hand, dangling in between her index and middle, Hannah held onto the photo she used as a bookmark. It was the picture her parents had taken long before things had gone bad. Hannah wanted to keep it in her house, desperate for it to be nearby, but something in her felt that it would only be safe here, under the floorboards of the gazebo. As she ran to the opening of the gate, Hannah remembered her own commotion as a kid, playing around with her peers at school. She prayed that was all it was. She prayed that it wasn't what she thought. Prayed that no one was hurt. When she reached the center of town, Hannah was met by the members of the new group, crowding around an injured Eric. her prayers hadn't been answered. Someone was hurt.
"What's happening?" She asked Enid, reaching her side. The girl had obviously come back from her run, grass stains lacing her pants and dirt beneath her nails. Hannah would have to ask how it went later.
"I'm not sure?" She replied, slightly out of breath.
"I want everyone to hear me, okay?" Deanna yelled to the group. Daryl, the man with the arrows, was being held back by Rick, staring Aiden down like a predator, as if the man could disappear any second, leaving him without a meal.
"Rick and his people are part of this community now, in all ways, as equals." She looked to Aiden, "Understood?" After a few begrudging nods, the crowd began to disperse around her, and Hannah realized Carl was nearing her and Enid.
"You don't like me do you?" He asked Enid, who only looked at him before walking away. He then looked to the other girl, scanning her face for more answers. Hannah searched his as well but found nothing she could understand.
Hannah looked away and went to follow Enid, leaving the boy in the cowboy hat on his own.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。
Hi Lovelies!!! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's very simple, but I wanted to give you guys a view into what Carl is thinking. I promise more Harl content coming very soon!
Thanks for Reading!!
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medea10 · 10 months
So This is 2023 and What Have I Watched (& Played)
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Hello Internet, it’s Medea once again doing her usual schtick. 2023 was definitely a…year! Yeah, I don’t see 2023 as anything worth while as 2024 is the year that’s going to cause a lot of havoc in my book. I’m hitting another old bitch milestone and I’m not digging it if you get my drift. But in terms of anime, there was no shortage of exciting moments. We’ve been introduced to new gems like Frieren, Skip & Loafer, and Oshi no Ko. Saw the satisfying conclusions to Attack on Titan. Surprise returns like Rurouni Kenshin! And of course, the best thing to happen in anime. Tracey Sketchit spoke for the first time in 16 ½ years.
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Okay, let’s talk about the other crap that wasn’t as important as Tracey Sketchit. Per usual, I will give special acknowledgement for certain anime and games with these special categories. And I don’t discriminate in the year these animes and games were released, just as long as I watched or played it this year. So, if something was released in 2021, it totally counts here. Let’s hit it!
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First Fandom of 2023: Oshi no Ko
Yeah, I’ve given this a lot of thought. I realize that this anime didn’t release until April 2023. Nothing against the animes I watched in the winter months, but the second I watched Oshi no Ko, I literally forgot what I watched in an instant. I think there was a Tokyo Revengers sequel and an anime about a tomboy girl. Like most of the internet, I was hooked because of the 82-minute premier. I was so enamored that I wanted to recommend this anime even though just one episode had just aired. It even got me to start reading manga again to see what happens next. I’m just glad Kinokuniya had several volumes. Oshi no Ko shows us the dark side to the entertainment industry in Japan. If you’re an idol and get married and have babies, it’s all over for your career. If you’re a child actor, things might not go well for you once you grow up. Social media can kill! This series seems to open up the conversation of how fans hold their favorite personalities to different standards and it can get all kinds of toxic from that.
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Favorite Main Character of 2023: Liko from Pokemon Horizons
Look at that, a Pokemon main character I really like. Yeah, I’ve more often than not have given my blah feelings for Ash Ketchum and Red throughout the years. Despite my thoughts on those two, I was very conflicted when it came to Pokemon ending Ash and Pikachu’s adventure. But when they introduced Liko and Roy in that same breath, it gave me a little bit of optimism for the franchise. How often do we ever get an actual female lead in Pokemon? But does she live up to the hype? That’s for you to decide. My opinion is always janky at best. Liko was barely a day in a new school with her first pokemon before her world is turned upside-down with a shady group after her, a mysterious pokemon appearing to her inside of her pendant, and joining an explorer group where Crispin Freeman plays the leader. Liko, seems to handle herself really well considering all that just went down. Every week, I feel as though she’s improving, gaining more confidence, and ready to take on this lore that we’re learning more and more as the story progresses.
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Favorite Villain of 2023: Kanoko, Kaya, and Shinichi Saimori from My Happy Marriage
I’ve made myself perfectly clear that when it comes to this category, I may hate the particular villain but will put them on this category if they’re truly evil enough. These three family members are that special category of rotten. Imagine you’re the main character and you have your father, step-mother, and step-sister treating you like a slave. That’s just layer one to the Saimori family. Miyo Saimori has lived this hell for nearly her whole life due to the fact that she doesn’t have supernatural powers like the rest of the family. Her actual father shunned her because of that fact. Her step-mother, Kanoko destroyed everything that belonged to Miyo’s birth mother and that brought Miyo comfort. And Kaya made it her mission to just destroy any shred of happiness Miyo comes across.
Now, you would think leaving the Saimori property at the end of episode 1 and getting engaged to someone would have ended the Saimori hell. No, it didn’t. Papa Saimori is still doing some shady dealings behind the scenes. And when Kanoko and Kaya learned that Miyo was happy living with Lord Kudou, they took it upon themselves to kidnap Miyo off the street, hold her captive in a shack, and beat her until she gives up her happiness with Kiyoka. I know at this point it felt like it was adding more fuel to the shock-value fire and in many ways, it was overkill. I’ll admit, it was. And I still hate these people. I know I should hate Eren Yeager more or Tetta Kisaki or even that guy who harmed Ai Hoshino. But this is my 2023 choice and I can’t see anyone else top…
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YOU! Okay, hold my wig! Imma smack this bitch down!
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Favorite Video Game Character of 2023: Bowser
From what? Nearly anything this year. And any other year for that matter! Every now and then, I will enjoy the shenanigans from that giant green lizard. Take your pick. Super Mario Wonder and RPG came out this year giving us some fun moments. Particularly with RPG where he kisses Mario, has nearly the best expressions of the game, and just proves to be the best bad-ass. Hell, even replaying some of my older titles from SNES and some Switch titles like Golf and Mario Party, he’s still the life of the party. And let’s not forget his big screen debut where Jack Black does the role justice. I knew he was going to be the best part of that film. Was I right? Fuck to the yeah, I was.
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Jack Black is that awesome!
Favorite Game of 2023: …
I’ve had an interesting year when it comes to playing games. Earlier this year, I hit the nostalgia button by going backwards in game consoles. For several months, I found myself playing the following Pokemon games; Emerald, Platinum, HeartGold, and Black. Don’t judge, every now and then I will want this nostalgia where I play old Pokemon games while blasting some jazz music that used to play on the Weather Channel. Don’t we all? I know what you must be thinking.
But Medea, why those games? The window for getting event pokemon has closed eons ago. And unless you’re a genius with tools, you can’t change the clock battery on those GBA games.
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Yeah, I know and don’t care. Emerald has the best pokemon and OST. Platinum and Black were guilty pleasures. And HeartGold, nay EVERY gen 2 game is my favorite!
It wasn’t until the middle of the year where I ventured onto a franchise I never played before and had fun with two of their games. One of them was released this year and the other was released in 2021. My favorite is the latter.
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Story of Seasons – Pioneers of Olive Town
Yes, I love A Wonderful Life. I just happened to really like the other one just a smidge better. I think it’s because I feel like I have more time in Olive Town than Forgotten Valley. AWL has only 10 days a month while POOT has 28. Imagine what I learned after 40 days and you’re in the new year. That’s a death I’m still not over. I think it’s also because of some of the game mechanics and things you can do and get that kinda won me over. There’s a little more freedom when it comes to planting and animal care in Olive Town that I think I’ve come to appreciate a little more.
So…yeah. That’s my one not 2023 mention in this entry.
Final note for this entry: Iori is best boy of POOT and Nami is best everything in AWL.
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Favorite Het Couple of 2023: Sylphiette x Rudeus Greyrat from Mushoku Tensei
Spoiler warning for this entry. Skip ahead if you’re not currently caught up with Mushoku Tensei. This is your only warning.
Never mind the spoilers of Rudeus’s love life and all of the drama that went down last season between him and Eris. This here was my OTP. I was a supporter of this from the get-go and in a preliminary move, called Eris a bitchy she-beast that Rudeus would never have interest in. Ha! Silly 2021 Medea and her silly thoughts. Well, time makes fools of us all and we wound up watching Rudeus get ditched. After that, he makes a detour at Lake Flaccid. A wonderful limbo where all you can do is play with two deflated blue balls. I am making absolutely no sense here, am I?
During the limp dick arc, Rudeus enters a magic academy where he meets a certain student that ended up reigniting that fire in his pants he sorely needed. Confusingly, though. Yeah, Rudy-boy thought for a second that he fell for another boy. But what Rudeus doesn’t know is that this is a girl and not just any girl, IT’S SYLPH! I and I’m pretty sure a multitude of fans were screaming at the top of their lungs every time these two were together during an episode. Yes, I just love seeing these two together after so many years away from each other. But Rudeus doesn’t know that’s her and Sylph is staying quiet. Eventually, these two officially reunite and Sylph even goes the extra mile to cure Rudeus’s erectile dysfunction. And after a night of passion and dick-curing, they’re engaged. I don’t care how disgustingly fucked it was to get to this point, a win is a win.
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Favorite Yuri Couple of 2023: Hime Shiraki x Mitsuki Yano from Yuri is my Job!
It’s in the title. Was it my favorite ship of the year? Far from it. It’s just that this was the only Yuri couple I saw this year and, well, if the category fits. Plus, I’m not supporting the other ship that came from this title. Mitsuki and Yano were good friends years ago. But there was a falling out from them due to a misunderstanding. Now they’re in high school and they end up meeting each other again under strange circumstances. They are both employed at a café that’s heavy into acting like a Yuri-based, high school manga. Seriously, this is literally lesbian Ouran here. I’m glad these two are becoming friends again. Will it evolve into something more? Mitsuki’s blushing is a good indicator.
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Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2023: Shuumei Sasaki x Yoshikazu Miyano from Sasaki to Miyano
Hey, two years in a row! Yeah, Sasaki to Miyano returned again this year with a movie. And just like last time, I was filled with the bubblies watching them again. Everyone was excited for the return of this wholesome couple, especially Crunchyroll and Kinokuniya. Probably to market the anime and manga, I guess! I have to give this story a lot of credit here as there’s talk of others accepting Sasaki and Miyano’s relationship for what it is including their friends, classmates, and even family members. Let’s not forget that while there are anime out there with gay couples, Japan (the country these stories come out of) are not too liberal about that. While not as extreme as places like Russia or Saudi Arabia, they’re also not cool with it like the U.S.
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Fandom That You Didn’t Expect to Get Into: Pokemon Horizons
Yes, like everyone else who was attached to the original Pokemon anime, I was skeptical about this direction we were taking. The story of Ash and Pikachu was being retired and all of the characters and their pokemon we’ve all grown to love over the past 25 years were no longer going to be featured week to week. At least I got to see my baby Tracey one more time.
Moving onto Horizons, it was a nice change of pace to see new characters, a different kind of adventure that doesn’t revolve around winning gym badges, following not just Liko and Roy but older characters like Mollie and Friede, new villains not affiliated with Team Rocket, and a female heroine. Yes, I know Roy is there but…come on, she’s the first person we meet. We meet like six other main characters before Roy! There is so much mystery and intrigue when it comes to nearly every character on this show that I really wish Ash and his companions got more fleshed out during their time. Well, that’s why we have fanfics.
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Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Rurouni Kenshin
Did I expect a return of this 1990s classic? No, but I will happily take it. ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM ASIDE! Yes, I’m not going to sit here and deny what the creator of Rurouni Kenshin did. I really thought he deserved a harsher punishment than what he got, but that’s life unfortunately. And don’t cast stones that I’m watching something made by a convicted cum-bucket. Most of you will still sit there and watch the old episodes of Rick and Morty or Ren and Stimpy and those creators did horrendous things too. You ain’t squeaky clean!
Moving on! When executed correctly, a reboot can capture the audience of old and new fans. First of all, the animation is stupendous. They’re done by the same studio that did Tokyo Revengers and Cells at Work: Code Black. The music is wonderful, especially the opening and ending themes. And best of all, they’re sticking to the manga adaptation compared to the original series. No disrespect to the original, but you all have to admit that after the Kyoto arc, it all went straight to Hell. Especially after Studio Deen took over! As of this date, I’m hoping for a second season, for people to not cast judgement on the people who work on this (creator excluded), and that the series continues to go in this positive direction.
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Fandom That Inspired the Most Crack: The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
Every week watching this anime, I am mouth-on-the-floor. Is this another one of those borderline-hentai series that I’ve been throwing on this list every other year. No, it’s a harem. But not just any other harem anime. In the same year as Rent-A-Girlfriend’s 3rd season and in the same fucking anime season as the second season to Girlfriend, Girlfriend, we get an anime of a boy who is pre-destined to have 100 girlfriends. No fucking shit, 100 girlfriends! Rentaro has blown both Kazuya and Naoya out of the water and onto some jagged rocks.
Obviously, we’re not going to get the full 100 girlfriends any time soon. Hell, the season will probably end at 13 episodes with the same number we’re at as I’m writing this (which is 5). Still more than Naoya and Kazuya. Rentaro’s girlfriends consist of a curvaceous pink-haired girl with vivid sexual fantasies, a blonde tsundere with a flat-chest, a petite girl who communicates through a book on her phone, a girl we’re pretty sure she’s not a robot despite her name being Nano Eiai, and a confusing cluster-fuck that loves drugs and can change from a loli to a Tits-Mcgee in seconds. And all 5 end up doing more than just kissing and holding hands. ARE WE REALLY SURE THIS ISN’T A HENTAI?!
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There’s also a vice principal that French kisses any student that runs down the halls and is voiced by Orochimaru.
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Last Fandom of 2023: Tokyo Revengers – Tenjiku Arc
I know I started Tokyo Revengers at the beginning of the year. But I kept going back and forth with liking it and thinking it’s okay. Probably because of Hakkai’s family drama that did it. Or maybe the disappointment I felt when the Christmas Massacre felt like a fizzle once Mikey came in and ended Taiju’s career with one kick to the head. But then I was told to wait until this arc when shit does indeed go down.
Yeah, they’re right. I’ve been at the edge of my seat for a lot of this season. Yes, it is very clear that Takemichi is the underdog, the crybaby, the physically weakest member of the Tokyo Manji gang. His record shows that in nearly every fight up to this point. But he stands his ground against all odds and over 300 grunts Izana and Kisaki can throw at him. I’ve often referred to Takemichi as Homer Simpson in the episode “The Homer They Fall”. You can punch him, kick him, and even shoot him in the foot. He’s still standing. And it’s not easy when the top men of Toman are out of commission due to death in the family or got severely injured. It’s a shame every week I’m enjoying myself so much that as soon as I start hearing, “SAY MY NAME” I get pissed. And then I jam out because once again, the ED theme is a banger.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s10e18 book of the damned (w. robbie thompson)
charlie roleplaying hiro protagonist from snow crash? hacker with a sword. and the nola vampire mob or whatever this group is. surely there's a connection with benny and they didn't just pick yet another character with a very specific regional accent
i like charlie, i like felicia day as charlie, but i am lukewarm on her playing a more action oriented version of charlie. i am on board with her kicking ass, but not sure felicia is the best person to take charlie there. and really straining my suspension of disbelief that charlie just stabbed a guy in a throat, got distracted by a tattoo and shot in the leg but still gets away. wait, not even leg, in the abdomen???? come on, y'all. that's not manageable without medical intervention
started this ep late and flu+covid boosters are startin to kick my ass a little bit, reconvene tomorrow. ass still being kicked by this spikevax - still Stressed. but it's earlier and i've taken some ibuprofen that's still working. let's see
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dean in sweats, well i'll be
sam, if you don't come clean after dean is telling you everything that went down with crowley and rowena... 🔪
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wiki says charlie was born in 85, so she's two years younger than sam. anyway, 🎵kid sister, kid sister. kid sister and me!🎵
DEAN We’re due for a win, okay? Overdue. I’ll tell you another thing, if this actually does work, we’re gonna take some time off. SAM What, like a vacation? DEAN Mm-hmm. And I’m not talking just like a weekend in Vegas or sitting in some crap motel watching pay-per-porn. No, I’m talking about a beach. Drinking cervezas, go for a swim, mingle with the local wildlife. When was the last time either one of us was on a beach? SAM Never. DEAN Sand between our toes, Sammy. Sand between our toes.
asking for the apocalypse right there. how many seasons until they get a successful vacation together? (15x20?)
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also sign me up for the inner-workings-free meatsuit
METATRON What? I thought we were having a moment. Can’t we be besties? CASTIEL No. Because you killed my friend. METATRON Oh pfhht. Dean is fine, mostly. Can’t you get past that? CASTIEL Never.
thinking about the boys perpetually stowing their baggage, but we can respect someone who holds tight to a grudge
often bitch about the musical score but i like this sound design and filming. more atmospheric and creative than they usually go
oh, dean. sammy, tell him about cas and metatron rawrgh
every tom, dick, and harry has an angel blade. so goofy. is that a standard issue cupid weapon?
DEAN And you call yourselves nerds. Come on. You got this. CHARLIE He’s right. Let’s get our Alan Turing on. Decypt this bitch.
neal stephenson (who wrote the aforementioned snow crash) also wrote cryptonomicon which contains a fictionalized version of alan turing. and
According to Stephenson, the title is a play on Necronomicon, the title of a book mentioned in the stories of horror writer H. P. Lovecraft
necronomicon aka the book of the dead (not damned but close). also mentioned evil dead/army of darkness recently and this heartbeat drum beat thing for when dean's gettin the whammy from the book reminds me of ... that. (evil dead movie contains the necronomicon)
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SAM Look, just let us translate the book, okay? If there’s a cure, we’ll do it and deal with the consequences later. I can’t lose you. DEAN Really? SAM Yeah, really. DEAN You change your mind on that, cause that’s not what you said last time. SAM Oh, come on, man. You know I didn’t mean that.
many thoughts. sad and tired thoughts. realizing now, would dean even remember how sam said he lied about that right before dean died? and this is one rough conversation to be having in front of charlie. really part of the family, esp if she's on board with the fuck the consequences we gotta fix dean. hurts to think dean really is still doubting sam's commitment to him. hurts and is exhausting that sam still hasn't told him about what he got up to.
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this cabin sure is swanky for one-of-many bobby-managed hunter safehouses
CHARLIE What did Dean mean? When he said you changed your mind? SAM So, awhile back, we had a chance to, um…close the gates of Hell. And in order to do that, I would’ve had to die. And, I was okay with that, and I am okay with that, but Dean was not. And so, he uh… CHARLIE He saved you. SAM Yeah, he saved me. CHARLIE And let me guess, in doing so, he did something you didn’t want, and that pissed you off. And you said something that hurt him? SAM Yeah, that sounds about right.
round and round we go on the patented winchester merry-go-round
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either they're mending my emotional connection to the show or padalecki is just that good but got me crying. felt very genuine
SAM You know, when Dean came to get me at school, I-I told myself… one last job, you know? One more job. And then when – when I, um…. When I lost Jess, I, again, told myself one more job. There’s always one more job, you know? And one more job, and one more job, and then I was gonna go back to law and – and to my life. CHARLIE You were the Dread Pirate Roberts of hunting. SAM Yeah. I guess I really understand now that….this is my life. I love it. But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t…. CHARLIE I got it. I-I do.
that was nice, having her give him the out to stop and collect himself
samateur hour, hated that it made me laugh
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so does cas get like, extra powerup now that he had someone else's grace and his own back? like super mario bros flower power, shooting fireballs. based on those raggedy ass wings, guessing not
dean slippin into southern accent talking to this bad nola witch man
DEAN It’s calling to me, Sam, okay? I can hear it. It’s calling to the Mark. It wants me to take the book and run away with it. Burn it now.
reminds me of naomi and the rocket with the protomolecule sample in the expanse. why yes, i will destroy this, of course.
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SAM Well, you know what, Cas? You got your Grace back. You’re back. You did the right thing. CASTIEL You did the right thing. That book needed to be destroyed. We will find another way, Sam.
you did destroy it, right, sam?? very convincing reaction here
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that was cuter than i expected
i continue to not understand why sam doesn't just tell dean about the cas and metatron thing! jesus christ. do we have to do this?? making cas lie about it too. sigh. so tiresome
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these lyrics and the slomo pizza party as sam has a minor internal breakdown over lying about, SHOCKER, not destroying the book. made me laugh, not gonna lie. hammering the point down way too hard. this is how you lose me, show
having sam's voiceover as he talks to (as yet unseen rowena) while still on the shot of sam looking increasingly Stressed at their little party is unusual for this show too. i like to see them trying different things, like with the clip i had at the beginning
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hopefully this will be interesting, at least?
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spn s5e10
(god, remember the party before jo and ellen died? that had vibes and atmosphere. cas getting drunk with the girls, and first ep with crowley)
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atherix · 2 years
Cracked open a word doc for this because this one is gonna be long, settle in. It might be screaming. It’s probably mostly gonna be screaming. Frankly. God. I read this for the first time at 6 am.
GOD THE CALM AFTER THE STORM THE WAY THIS STORY STARTS MAKES ME INSANE GOD THE PARALLELS??????? THE FACT THAT RIGHT FROM THE START I JUST WANTED TO SCREAM BECAUSE SCAR’S HAIR HAD LEAVES AND STICKS AND BLOOD IN IT? AHHH I do love that it took the three of them to be this beat up to actually lay it all out on the table to be honest. It’s very fitting. I do also love how they only talked about what they were supposed to talk about for like 5 minutes before completely derailing to emotionally devastate themselves and each other
Related but the fact that they never come back to grian going up against blondie on his own is so funny the man avoided so hard that he would rather tell them he killed three gods. Mood, Grian.
Now. We are going to deal with the fact that Grian can SPEAK ANCIENT bc of the WATCHER BIBLE because its making me insane. He’s got two supernatural boyfriends who speak their language [and I think the fae had their own?] AND Natural and Grian just. Casually. Bc of this holy tome. Knows Ancient and didn’t even realize it was disconnected from Avian bc of the midnight alley. I’m. I am shaking him.
WE’RE ALSO GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE CHANGELING THING. ‘Don’t worry about it’ SCAR I AM GOING TO. Especially w my secret friend knowledge slkdfhs GOD. I AM WORRIED
And then the whole magic flux thing and scar’s dad dying and SCAR WATCHING HIS DAD DIE AUGH. The fact that this whole time everyone’s been saying watching a sorcerer go out isn’t pretty and somehow I didn’t properly connect the dots until the lead up to the talking about it my LITTLE HEART AH. This scene genuinely made me cry while I was reading it.
I love that with Scar the story always come back to not being able to make decisions for other people. It’s a cycle – Scar tries to let go of that part of himself, something happens that puts someone in danger, he clams back up but he clams up too tight and gets himself on the path to hurting himself, someone puts him  on the right path – ad infimum until the cycle breaks. God. Parallels between that and Mumbo’s ‘Putting myself back out there to try and do some good – Oh god Ive fucked up and everything is bad – I need to hole myself away for decades and hide from my mistakes – the coast is clear and this time I’ll do it right’. Mwah.
Also the Dad stuff going on here. How Scar and Mumbo get either other on a deeper level because they are/were parents. They can put themselves in each others shoes in a way grian can’t [yet]. But also Grian fucking chirping and making bird noises is. So.
‘I was useless as a natural and Im useless now” right okay that’s why Scar has what I believe to be a good handful of history books ABOUT YOU AND HOW USEFUL YOU WERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY IN YOUR LIFE okay jumbo. But god also the fact that the thing he talked about was all his friends dying in the revoltion and not his wife getting slaughtered means that is probably still locked away so tight in his lil noggin oh boy. That’s gonna rear its head hard and fast one day if I know anything about you. But also ‘a memory only he can pass on’ H I T me. Like a moving car.
And then all his kids dying lsdakg this poor dude. He just wanted a kid. [its fine hes got tubbo now] and then Anna dlgkfh lord. Mumbooooooooooo
I did notice he didn’t actually talk about Anna he just got in his head and G O D that is gonna come back to bite all of them in the ass at some point huh. Isnt it.
‘four and a half centuries is plenty of time’ NO????? FOUR AND HALF CENTURIES IS PLENTY OF TIME TO HAVE MORE TRAGEDY, SURE. SURE. RECOVERY? NO.
Also his name being Alexandre Moore is so cute and fitting for c!Mumbo wow. Mwah. AND I WANT HIM TO START INVENTING AGAIN PLEASE THE REDSTONE CONSTANTLY BUZZING IN MY HEAD BEGS FOR IT LDKSGHSD
Also grians nestmates are fucking dead aren’t they. They’re like absolutely fucking deceased in that cave huh. Bottom of the cavern, never came out? Dead. Dead dead.
But the fact that Grian talks about being chosen but he was just like a servant l;dsaghklllkdf a servant to the watchers is my guess that fucks me up so bad like he thought his life was so elevated and im never ognna forget when him and scar were talking and scar realized grian was definitely not a noble im.
And the WAY grian talks himself in circles and into corners like Scar and Mumbo’s shit is clearly emotionally devastating but they’ve clearly at least processed it somewhat but we KNOW bc we’re often is grian’s pov that he avoids even thinking about midnight alley for himself so he probably hasn’t processed anything properly and ahhhhh just the way he talks about midnight alley is so different from how scar talked about his dad or mumbo talked about his friends and family. Part of that is character difference sure but. But part of that is definitely that grian hasn’t actually processed anything isn’t it. Oh god going to the alley again is going to fuck the three of them up like crazy isn’t it.
AND THEN THE WHOLE DREAM THING ON TOP OF THAT TOO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT GRIAN WAS ACTUALLY UNWORTHY BECAUSE IF HE WAS THEN WHY THE HELL IS HE HAVING PROPHETIC DREAMS!!! Heres a theory I just pulled out of my ass – Grian was already a watcher, he didn’t absorb a watcher soul when he killed three of them because he was already a godling. Something about the fact that he’s held onto the god soul for 2 years with basically no side effects. Somethings not adding up here. His body should be having to fight it based on how Scar is talking about it – ATHERIX I AM SHAKING YOU
And then the fact that Mumbo and Scar and Fate and Tying Grian back to everything good that’s happened and the way it grounds him I am shaking the bars of my enclosure like a New York sewer rat.
And the fact that theyre all sitting there realizing that Grian is now basically a ticking time bomb the same way scar is. That Mumbo is realizing sitting there that his mates, the two people he loves as deeply as he loved Anna, are ticking time bombs. That Scar who just confessed he doesn’t want people to die because of him, is now looking at his boyfriend like hes a ticking time bomb. DESPITE ALL MY RAGE I AM STILL JUST A RAT IN A CAGE. AND GRIAN DOESN’T EVEN REALLY PROCESS IT EITHER DOES HE he just files it away in his ‘Traumatic Junk’ FOLDER.
BUT then they go to bed and mumbo has to go to bed with thew knowledge that both his mates are ticking time bombs and he doesn’t know how to stop it. I AM SHAKING YOU SO HARSHLY.
See me cracking my fingers bc I need to go to bed but I'm stubborn-
YEAH MY MANS WAS MESSED UP HJFSKJS. I mean what's a little emotional instability without Near Death Experiences to highlight what's at stake here hjgfkfd Ah yes, avoidance. They're all very good at that. Nothing like a good Emotional Talk to distract from the fact that they'd all rather let themselves die than Inconvenience Each Other or Put Each Other In Danger hjkgfdkjfd
Look, man swerved so hard they ended up on a completely different plane. What's a little battle against Blondie when you find out you're dating a literal god-
Yis, the Fae have their own language yis <3 Haha Midnight Alley speaks Avian and reads/writes Ancient. Honestly it's a miracle Grian even knows Natural. Wonder if he had to crash-course learn it in his first year out of the Alley because I highly doubt they taught it there :) hehe-
LMAAOOOO you have every right to be worried. Scar has too much faith honestly <3
This is even funnier considering I PROBABLY GAVE YOU MORE HINTS TO IT THAN ANYONE ELSE LMAAOOOO JKFSKJS good good, I was going for emotional devastation. Max angst and trauma for the little Elf man AND the readers-
You get it <3 I love parallels and bookends and themes. Vicious cycles that need to be broken and lessons that need to be learned and just jhfdjksk it's something I wanted to explore from the start with this story. It's all about the regrets and the fears. Mumbo learning to accept he's a Vampire and taking his place in Vampire society, Scar learning to accept that he deserves to be happy, too, and he can't make the decision for other people...... also has anyone noticed the irony in Scar? He rejects a lot of his Fae instincts and attributes because Fae magic is naturally manipulative and he doesn't want to control people, but then he tries to manipulate them anyway. Has- has anyone noticed this? I'm-
LOOK. I love that Scar and Mumbo have that Dad to Dad communication and understanding <3 And you just KNOW if Mumbo had found out about Tubbo earlier things would have been so Different jhfskj I love it. ALSO GRIAN deserves to make bird sounds sorry not sorry <3
Hahaha he sure skipped over that part :) You know. Blondie looks a LOT like her sister. I'm sure that :) won't come back to bite :) The fact that he instantly stumbled when talking about Anna dying :) The fact he froze up when Blondie got Grian :):) hehe. LOOK. LOOK. Something that KILLS me about history is that there are SO MANY LITTLE THINGS we will never know, because they weren't "important" enough to record and only the people who were there could ever pass it down. It destroys me on a deep emotional level so I knew I had to include that line somehow-
Pretty weird how all three children died huh- cough cough anyway he will acquire children one day <3 Which sounds. Vaguely threatening but I swear it's wholesome, he becomes Dad again <3 Though the moment Tubbo realizes Mumbo has elevated to Other Father is hilariously tragic but. But. You know all about that-
Heheh :) Maybe :)
The name popped into my head and I was immediately like "Yep that's it <3" HE WILL START INVENTING AGAIN I PROMISE. HE WILL REAWAKEN THE PASSION <3
:) Hahaha guess you'll have to wait for Midnight Alley to find out huh :)
Grian's life view was greatly skewed growing up, he was too young to really understand what was happening and by the time he was old enough it was just Normal to him and he felt like he owed them so much... hjfkjskd sometimes I think about that scene from Scar's perspective tbh, just listening to Grian talk about his life inside the Midnight Palace and unconsciously comparing it to your own and realizing This Is Not The Same and just jkfgdkjdk-
YEAH. They may not have recovered but they've at least processed. Grian has been avoiding this for- gee, I think in-story it's been almost 4 years now?? I know my timeline is vague as SHIT but Midnight Misunderstandings didn't happen until nearly a year after Grian met Scar, so this conversation comes roughly 4 years after Grian left Midnight Alley. That's 4 years he's been avoiding even thinking about this shit. (quick timeline note- Tubbo turned 18 shortly after Scar met Grian; this is when Scar told Grian he has an apprentice now. Tubbo is 19 during Midnight Visit, and now Tubbo's 20th birthday is approaching- so it's been roughly 2 years since Grian met Scar and Mumbo hjkfdkj.) Hahaha going to the Alley is. Going to uh. Be. Um. Yeah :) That is going to be Fun and I am CHOMPING to start writing it-
Haha I told you on Discord but you're paaaartially correct here, not 100% but definitely onto something :) But you know. It's interesting :) Isn't it :) that all of this stuff with the Watchers is happening now :) After Grian has Mumbo and Scar and the Coven... :) You know. Like he. Uh. Like he's fulfilled part of the Tenets to be a Watcher. :)
Grian will Always be on the lookout for Blondie now. Soft moments? He's glancing around. No more walks in the woods at 2 AM, no more dancing in the clearing, none of that. He is. Definitely worried. :)
KFSKLFJKS yesssss. Grian came into their lives and broke down Scar's walls at exactly the right moment and just. So much would be different if Grian wasn't there and if that's not Fate then idk what is hjfgdkkd-
Grian is very good at compartmentalizing. Unfortunately he's NOT good at the "get back to it later" part. This bird man. I swear- BUT YEAH HHHJSHJ Mumbo already having to deal with and accept that Scar is basically one magic overload from his deathbed finding out Grian is one step from either Death or Immortality and just hjfdhjsjks it's scary fhjdskfds SHAKE THE BARS ON YOUR RAT CAGE HEHEH-
Hehehehehe I hope they sleep well :) I'm sure there won't be any nightmares after this :) I'm sure Mumbo will sleep just fine even knowing that both his mates could literally die any minute-
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chronologer · 1 year
🤥🌈🔥❤️📏👻for the oc ask game! Any oc, I’d love to hear about them!
hehehehe >:3 it’s oc posting time!!! i have many more ocs now and i am v happy to talk abt them, so ty for the opportunity!! i’ve been swamped with stuff so sorry this took like….. over two months haha! <3333
so first a little rundown of four of my new ocs!!!!!!
first i’ve got reynie!! (he/him)
reynie got reincarnated into a book he had read when he was younger but also not really???
the book that he thinks he got reincarnated in was a story about these two siblings discovering this hidden magical world after staying with their distant relatives over the summer
and he got reincarnated as their older brother but again. not really. i’ll get into it later.
but for now he’s desperate not to ruin things bc of his presence
i’ve been on a bit of an isekai/reincarnation kick lately so this is largely inspired by those concepts haha
then there’s the boy (he/him, but eventually she/her(?) <— i decided to trans her gender like… ten minutes ago so my thoughts abt this r kinda incoherent rn,,, but she finds out she’s a she/her over the course of the story, but i’ll use he/him to refer to her sometimes to indicate that those moments are specifically before her big gender realization)
she’s a sad, depressed, overworked high school student who is so lonely she unintentionally ends up creating a ghost/god/cryptid/monster/???????
then the monster is. v angry abt being created then abandoned. so she gets terrorized by them.
she doesn’t have a name bc i honestly just couldn’t think of one haha. calling her ‘the boy’ for now bc it’s what she thinks she is,, but her lack of a name parallels the monster’s lack of a name too so it all works out in the end 👍
and the monster (she/her at first but then eventually they/them <— they were created to essentially be a mirror of the boy’s innermost desires n stuff, so she’s a she/her at first, but then they like…. slowly branch out from that and become their own person and get their own pronouns (?) or smth?? idk.)
they’re the monster that the boy accidentally created. and even though the boy didn’t realize she created the monster, the monster is still angry so they’ve hatched this whole plot to torment her
and plot twist!! they gets attached and the two become weirdly codependent n overall just have. kind of a weird thing going on.
is it platonic? is it romantic? is it familial? idk but it’s definitely kinda fucked up!!
and finally there’s labyrinth (no pronouns??? idk……. they/them for now)
they’re also from a world where there is secretly supernatural shenanigans, but labyrinth has magic powers so they get recruited to go to this boarding school in like… massachusetts or smth, but they couldn’t care less.
as in it literally could not care less. it is physically impossible for them to care about anything bc they are like. two steps away from being fully catatonic at all times. and is also almost completely incapable of forming new memories
yeah they’re like totally dissociating at all times.
(it’s bc they have so much grief over the past that they cannot let go of it and cannot participate in the present)
but they gets better with the help of their very good roomie daniel. yeah 👍
also doesn’t have a name. also bc i didn’t wanna think of one. but smth smth it emphasizes their disconnect to the world and their life, blah blah blah plays into the themes n narratives smth along those lines.
tbh im not supppperrr happy w how i’ve characterized labyrinth??? so i might end up changing everything abt their personality. idk.
so now…. onto the ask game!
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reynie is pretty decent at lying, largely out of necessity. he’s trying to hide his knowledge of the plot as much as possible, so once he figures out he’s in a book he starts lying as much as possible so people don’t find out that he knows the future. and he gets away w it, not bc he’s like… a master of lying, but moreso bc his family has no reason to think that he’s lying so they don’t suspect him of anything.
the boy is,,,… okay at lying... she’s good at the things that matter to her, but she’s bad at lying to anyone who knows her well enough, or when taking to certain topics. but also she lies all the time sooo idk.
the monster is the Liar™. biggest liar in the world and also the greatest. if there was a lying contest, they would win it. they are the most gaslighting lying faker of all time. but also tbh it’s lowkey kinda omnipotent and sometimes changes reality so the lie is no longer a lie??? still loves lying tho, especially to the boy to like. psychologically torture her.
labyrinth doesn’t lie. like. at all. tbh they really don’t understand the concept of lying. well, they do, but they don’t really see the need for it?? idk how to explain it. ig they’re not really present enough to lie. sure, that makes sense if you squint really hard. 👍
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tbh it depends on what time they are in each of the stories and all bc they r all very different at the end of each of their stories than at the beginning.
for reynie…. hmmm….. he’d probably tell his younger self to not ignore the crippling migraines that he gets and also pay wayyyyy more attention to his dreams. like… get a dream journal or smth. (it’s bc he can see the future in them) also he’d definitely just tell his younger self a complete list of everything that goes wrong and how to fix it
(although this would inevitably end up making other things go wrong and probably worse but reynie would be too obsessed with fixing things to realize this fact)
the boy would probably tell her younger self to not apply to the fancy boarding school bc it’ll murder his health. or maybe she would tell him to apply bc it led to the monster being created??? tbh i think she regrets every decision she made that led her to the monster but after all’s said and done she wouldn’t change any of it. She’d probably tell her younger self that it’ll all work out in the end.
wait actually nvm all that she’d tell him what snacks to buy at the grocery store for the best price-to-flavor ratio. yeah. 👍
the monster would… uhhhh… kinda be the same ig???? idk they might try to speed the whole love-hate-overall-just-weird thing they have with the boy along by telling their younger self that the boy’s actually lowkey kinda funkalicious. groovy mcgroovical. coolio. and that they should maybe not psychologically torture her and pretend to be a ghost n all. or not. they’re whimsical like that.
labyrinth would only give their younger self advice after they start actually moving on from the past and become more present, but it wouldn’t really do anything bc younger labyrinth would not hear any of the advice at all. so it really doesn’t matter what the advice is bc both labyrinths know it wouldn’t change anything. i think they’d just hang out together and braid their past self’s hair :]
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hahahhahahhahahahhahhah self destructive tendencies…… hahah hahaaha where do i begin….
reynie….. martyr complex + imposter syndrome + hates being vulnerable so will never reveal anything to anyone ever + huge perfectionist riddled by anxiety so he’s terrified of changing the plot (and doesn’t realize that his very existence has changed things) + has no regard for his own health and safety. overall just really self destructive, especially later on when he realizes that he no longer knows the plot of the story bc he’s inadvertently changed too much, making him,,,, kinda unhinged????
the boy’s mentally ill af!!!! she has crippling anxiety abt everything, which that and combined with her fear of being vulnerable causes her to be very lonely and have no support system to help. she will not reach out for help even if she needs it, which is lowkey the root of all her problems, especially the monster, since they were literally created bc the boy wanted a friend/support system so bad she ended up accidentally making one. also,,, super duper closeted and repressed.
the monster is just kinda of a huge asshole tbh which gets in the way of them forming any genuine human connections. they also hold grudges for ages and ages even when said grudges are completely unjustified, so they get so focused on revenge that it’s difficult for them to grow past it. plus they’ve got a god complex but they kinda are one??? so it’s maybe a bit justified.
labyrinth is literally so overwhelmed by their own grief over the past that they are physically unable to interact with the present most of the time. they can’t even remember their dad’s name most of the time bc they cannot process the present and their current life. they’ve got a lot of trauma and unresolved issues but they’re subconsciously repressing it and refusing to move forward which…. really screws them up…..
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had to search up what all the love languages were bc i forgor lol
i’m not super sure abt any these?????? so they’re all liable to change at any given moment lol
reynie likes to do acts of service/give affirmations, and he likes to receive quality time (not that he’ll ever ask for it…)
the boy likes both giving and receiving physical touch and quality time
the monster likes giving gifts and quality time, and is above having human desires like a preferred love language to receive (it’s quality time and words of affirmation.)
uhhhh it’s kinda hard to know labyrinth’s love language??? i think they like giving gifts, and receiving… quality time??? i don’t think they care abt receiving tbh….
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reynie’s pretty educated. in his past life he went to college, and in his current life he’s a high school student again, although he’s mainly just cruisin’. he was pursuing more advanced education outside of school, reteaching himself what he learned in college through self-study, but then he found out abt how he got reincarnated into a book and the existence of the supernatural, which caused most of those plans to be put on hold.
the boy goes to some fancy schmancy boarding school for smarty farty kids, although she’s not doing great there, although that’s more of an executive disfunction/the school’s way of teaching isn’t the way that works for the boy/unrealized neurodivergence/etc. type of thing. but she’s still getting a funky education.
the monster’s is super educated but that’s cause they’re omnipotent and omnipresent, so they literally do know everything (at least most of the time [when they feel like it]). they also go to the same school of the boy, but it’s not to be educated, it’s to screw with her.
labyrinth is…. okay???? they do well on tests n all that bc of,,,,, reasons??? but they actually know anything. they’re currently going to the magic boarding school in massachusetts or whatever.
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ok so tbh…. they all live in worlds were ghosts are real (or could be real in the case of the boy and the monster) so tldr; yes.
reynie, once he learns abt the supernatural, absolutely believes in ghosts, although that’s largely bc he knows for sure that they exist cause they were in the book. i’m actually planning on having him become a ghost hunter later on, bc he’s going to go on a road trip to do supernatural stuff for plot reasons, and he’ll do ghost hunting stuff for cash (this entire part of his storyline was created when i finally got phasmaphobia a while back haha)
the boy and the monster,,,, uh technically the monster is a ghost??? kind of…. it’s like if god were a ghost but also a building and the boy’s future n past self,,,… it’s complicated. but the monster also gaslights the boy into thinking that they’re the ghost of some dead student from the 60s. the boy definitely believes in ghosts tho, while the monster doesn’t, or at the very least they know that ghosts aren’t naturallly occurring in the world.
labyrinth believes in ghosts, but only bc they were taught abt them in their magic massachusetts school. that’s abt it. they were told ghosts were real, n just kinda went along w it.
thanks for reading and thanks for the ask!!!! i’ll probably end up making some more posts that explain these ocs more, and introduce some of my other ones sometime soon!!!!!!! hopefully…… i also want to draw my ocs soon too but my brain just won’t let me :( sigh….
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Let’s Roleplay Boyfriends
Summary:  Dean is helplessly in love with his best friend, who is in a relationship with someone else. When Cas gets dumped, he wants to make Balthazar jealous, so he asks Dean to roleplay as his boyfriend at the next Supernatural LARP-ing event. Dean is helpless and can't refuse. Dean's sure this week will break him.
Dean was able to keep this a secret for so long from anyone close to him, able to go once a year for a week on a ‘business trip’. And yet the boy with the messy black hair and vibrant blue eyes fell into his life as his prince, and now Dean’s fucked. He first became friends with this boy during the LARP for this book series called Supernatural that Dean is obsessed with. And not just because he resonates with the brotherly bond or anything or hopes for an angel of his own that loves him like the angel loves one of the brothers in the series that Dean most resonates with. Anyways, he played a hunter every time because it’s freaking badass . During this particular roleplay week, Dean was being rescued from hell due to an angel pulling him out of perdition. And this angel was H.O.T. Dean can admit it, he had a little crush and his skin burned where the angel held his bare arm as he pulled him out of the pit of foam they used to represent hell.
They became best friends, constantly texting, calling, skyping, anything. And they continued their roleplay as the best friend hunter and angel duo fighting demons and angels as they went, usually having to find different places in the woods to camp out in between fights because they couldn’t be caught. Cas had only died once in the roleplay and Dean died once, the other insisting on being killed as well to go out with the best friend to lounge together in a motel for the rest of the week they were meant to be gone. Dean didn’t mind, especially as his stupid crush turned into more and he finally admitted that he was in love with this angel, this real life angel that was kind, generous, funny, and so, so ignorant to pop culture, much like the angel in the book. And he is in love with his best friend. His best friend who is not single.
He had come out to Sammy as a result of this realization of being bi. Sam took it in stride, trying to set Dean up with guys and girls alike until Dean broke and told Sam everything. Not about LARP-ing, mind you, but about loving his best friend that he meets every year on these supposed business trips. Dean knows that Sam is a bit suspicious of these trips, but he still has no evidence, so Dean keeps up the ruse. Sam kept trying to push Dean to ask Cas out, but Dean wimped out every time and now he has no chance because Cas keeps raving about this boyfriend and how in love he is and even takes pictures to send to Dean of them sleeping or of them doing anything together (not sex, thank god).
Every picture hurts Dean to the very core because he wants to be the one cuddling Cas, he wants to be the one kissing Cas, he wants to be the one taking Cas on these trips. But he’s a coward, and now he’s paying the price.
But a few weeks before their next LARP, Dean gets a call from Castiel while he is moping about his loss and fretting about acting weird around Cas and whatnot.
“Heya, Cas,” Dean says cheerfully, putting on the front he always has to nowadays after looking at the pictures Cas has sent for the hundredth time.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas rasps. Dean instantly knows that something is wrong.
“Cas? What’s going on, buddy?”
“Balth...he, uh, he broke up with me,” Cas says seemingly calm, but Dean knows better. He knows that when Cas removes all the emotion in his voice that he’s hurting too bad to let anyone else know that he has emotions to be hurt.
“Cas,” Dean sighs, not knowing what to say. “What do you need? Anything, anything at all and I’ll do it, promise, bud.”
“I don’t know. I do not wish to talk about it, but I feel the need to take...revenge? He said I, uh, am too boring and nerdy for him, never wanting to go out to bars or these...sex clubs that he wants to go to. Am I boring, Dean?”
“Hell, no, Cas. Not you. I wouldn’t try to talk to you every second I can if I thought you were boring. Hell, I think you’re one of the most interesting people I know. I like that you’re nerdy, and he should have never tried to pressure you into that crap. If it’s not for you, then it’s not for you and any good boyfriend would have respected that boundary.”
“...Thank you, Dean.”
There’s a slight pause and Dean lets Cas take the next step in what he wants to talk about. Dean’s never been good at this stuff anyways, so he lets Cas say what he needs instead of trying to guess.
“Be my boyfriend,” Cas suddenly says. Dean’s brain stops working because what. the. fuck.
Continue on AO3
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hekate1308 · 2 years
Fictober 2022, #29
Prompt: “You love this, don’t you“
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: G
Pairings: Destiel
He first noticed the man on a Thursday.
Castiel had been sceptical when the library he worked at had decided they would allow volunteers who simply walked in from the street to read to children on that day of the week. After all, one never knew who could come by, and he had sworn to himself that he would pay special attention to anyone doing so.
So far, there had been nothing to arouse suspicion, if he didn’t count a strange and rather well-known local business man – rather well-known to be mean-spirited and stringy, at that – showing up, gifting them the entire works of Enid Blyton and spending an afternoon reading them to children.
But today, there was a different volunteer. And this one… Castiel didn’t even have to remind himself to keep an eye on him because he was utterly beautiful, more beautiful than anyone else he had ever seen in real life.
God, he hadn’t believed someone like this could even exist.
Almost unconsciously, he moved forward so he could hear what he was reading, and his heart picked up a pace when he realized he’d chosen Paddington Bear, always a favourite.
He was even doing voices.
At first, he thought he was being sneaky, or at least his version of it but then Charlie, his co-worker, said, “That’s Dean.”
“Dean?” he said before he could stop himself, and she chuckled.
“The volunteer you can’t take your eyes off of. He’s one of the best man I know.”
“I – he’s reading really well.”
“Yes, yes, I am sure you like his reading…” It just so happened that Dean had finished for the afternoon and was closing the book, and she quickly grabbed Castiel’s arm. “Let me introduce you two!”
“Charlie –“
“Hey Dean, this is Castiel. I’ve told you about him.”
“Yeah, of course, the one named after an angel, right?” Dean said before turning to Castiel and oh my God, now he was looking at him.
He nodded and said, “Hello, Dean.”
For some reason, he chuckled.
Quickly. He had to say something. Books. Books were safe. Books were good.
"You love this, don't you?" he asked, nodding at the book in his lap.
Dean once more read the title, then looked up and grinned at the librarian. “He –“ he glanced at the children who were still around. “Yes, I do. Very much. Used to read to my little brother all the time. He loved the tales of the knights of the Round Table, but anything I could get my hands on, really.”
His smile being directed at Castiel only made him more beautiful and he could already feel his tongue twisting; he was sure to say something inane and drive him away. “That’s nice” he finally managed.
“Yeah, imagine that – he went to Stanford! Shows you what reading can do.”
He wasn’t quite sure what the Knights of the Round Table had to do with college, but he nodded.
Dean got up from his chair and winked at him. “See you next Thursday then, Cas. I’ll be in touch, Red.”
Cas? He watched Charlie escort Dean out and escaped back amidst the books.
Despite what Dean had said, he didn’t actually expect him to return the next week – there were many volunteers who only came by once or twice – but Dean made it a habit of showing up, clearly delighting in reading to any children who happened to be there.
And he always not only talked to Charlie, but Castiel too afterwards. He’d quickly grown used to being referred to as Cas.
And the feeling in his stomach whenever Dean smiled at him was growing harder and harder to ignore.
“Hey, Cas” a voice rang out and utterly surprised, he raised his head. It was Wednesday, after all – not Dean’s day.
“Hello, Dean.”
He chuckled. “You always greet me like that.”
“Do I?” But of course he did. He tended to stick with what he knew worked so things wouldn’t grow awkward.
Dean cleared hi throat. “Yes, well, it’s – It’s lunch time.”
“Yes” he confirmed, looking at his watch.
“So I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch – with me?”
For some reason Dean looked nervous. Naturally he agreed though.
If he had had time to think about it, he would probably have been nervous, but instead, he and Dean spent the lunch talking about everything and nothing, and he couldn’t help but feel that he had never really gotten along so well with someone out of the blue.
Also, Dean was still growing more beautiful, but how, he had no idea.
It was after they had finished their meal and Dean was walking him back to the library that he said, “We should do this again sometime.”
He nodded happily.
“Or… maybe you’d like to have dinner.”
He stared at Dean, because certainly…
He managed to nod again.
Dean answered by kissing him, so it seemed his suspicion had been correct.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Was there anything that you planned to do today, but didn’t? More like couldn’t. I had a really terrible craving for kwek-kwek and went to two different places I knew served them, but apparently the universe thought I didn’t deserve street food today because said two places were both not open, lol.
Is there anyone you interact with often on social media but not in person? Sure. Mostly people from high school or college that I’m close enough to exchange banter with online, but not close enough to actually hang out with in real life. Also, a pandemic changes people. Most people I know have become more reserved in the last three years.
What colour box does your favourite cereal come in? I don’t have a favorite cereal.
Do you have any plates, dishes, mugs etc. with pretty illustrations on them? Mugs, sure.
Does anywhere on your body currently hurt, or feel sore? God my shoulders and lower back are just going THROUGH IT. I realize it’s from sleeping on my foldout sleeping bags/mattresses under my loft bed which has been a major contributor to my strained neck and back – and I didn’t even realize it was being so until in my whole body just started to hurt all at once. Anyway, I’ve since made adjustments to the room and I’m back to sleeping on my actual bed now and I really hope this resolves the issue. 
What is your favourite snack to eat with a hot beverage? I don’t like hot beverages and will do anything to avoid having to drink them.
Is there any advice you have been given, that sticks in your mind? Don’t ever rush healing. That’s been my mindset since the day Andi shared the advice; if you’re hurting, then just grant yourself the time to be hurt. 
What’s the nicest advice you have ever been given about love/relationships? Idk and can’t remember if there’s been any. Again, I’ve Eternal Sunshine-d myself when it comes to every single memory from my previous relationship lol.
Do you own any adult colouring books? What kind(s) do you like? Yeah I have several but it’s the same ones I got like 5-6 years ago and don’t really use/color on anymore. I used to like the really intricate city-themed ones.
When was the last time you got some new headphones? It was around six months ago when I bought my current *earphones. Don’t have headphones.
Is there a lamp in your living room? What colour is its shade? No lamp there, but we have two ceiling light fixtures and both give off a yellow hue.
Do you know anyone whose name starts with the letter X? I do.
Have you eaten any rice or pasta today? I had rice today when I ate a few rolls of sushi; now I feel like getting pasta at 2 AM since you mentioned it hah. Mom made a batch of anchovy pasta earlier tonight, so I’ll just have to microwave it.
Name a food that you dislike the texture of. Gelatin. Only time it’s acceptable is if it comes in the form of pork belly lol.
Which of your friends do you confide in the most? Definitely Angela, but sometimes I’ll also end up oversharing with Andi.
Have you ever fallen out of love with someone? If so, why do you think that happened? I have, but it happened well after the breakup. I was finally starting to move on and allowing myself to encounter new things and people that can contribute to a new chapter of my happiness, so falling out of love was just letting nature take its course at that point.
If you have pets, do you talk to them? I very much do. I think it’d be weird to have a pet and just...never...talk to them? Are there people who really don’t?? Hahaha.
Are there any TV shows that you strongly dislike, but others seem to love? This is me with Game of Thrones and Grey’s Anatomy. And shows that my generation loved to love when we were teenagers like Supernatural, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Glee hahaha.
Is there anything you haven’t done lately, that you’d like to do soon? Shopping for clothes. I’ll definitely need to have a spree soon what with my upcoming Thailand and Malaysia trips PLUS I need a concert outfit too. Do you own any T-shirts with brand logos on them? Yeah, a few like adidas.
Have you experienced any kind of food cravings lately? Kwek-kwek :/
Have you watched or read the news today? Have not. I mean I always see glimpses of top news on social media – the bar results are especially a hot topic these days – but I don’t ever, like, actively seek a rundown of the day’s main headlines.
Describe the cover illustration of the book closest to you. There aren’t any books at the dining area.
Are there any take-away or fast food places close to your house? If so, do you ever order food from any of them? Yeah we have a McDonald’s, Burger King, Chowking, Wendy’s, Jollibee, Starbucks. If anything we mostly order from McDo.
Is there anything happening tomorrow, that you’re looking forward to? Not really, no.
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lynnsinlovewithleo · 10 months
Fire and Nightmares
Fire and Nightmares is a story about the unlikeliness of friends, a Romanian Zburator, and an awkward transgender bean. Mistakes were made, wrongs need to be corrected and how do they do that? By causing infinite chaos at any and all points in time. Join the duo as they try to figure how the hell they ended up in this situation.
Chapter 1
Don’t Read Random Latin
Slapping some sense into an immortal, supernatural creature when you’re half their size probably isn’t a great idea. But in this case, it was well deserved and very much needed. Let’s take a step back and explain what the hell I’m talking about. It was Tuesday afternoon and I have an intense love for late-night shenanigans, so I was scouring my local bookstores and typical occult shops to find something I could use to scare the shit out of my friends later that evening. After stumbling upon this shop on the corner of the street named “Spooky Scary Screeching” It was weird as hell but my intrigue was piqued and I ended up purchasing this old book filled with creepy Latin sayings. Anything sounds terrifying if you light a bunch of candles, sit in the dark, and speak with a creepy voice. Bonus points if it’s in another language. I had a plan to do some freaky stuff to my less-than-faithful friends, I wasn’t planning on summoning a demon, nor did I plan on everyone canceling on me but I suppose life likes to punch me in the gut and laugh hysterically later. 
Hi, my name is Kit Langton and I accidentally summoned a demon due to improper pronunciation of an old Latin saying in a creepy $5 book. What even. 
Having been absolutely mortified by the creature that emerged from my freaking wall, the obvious thing to do was to throw various objects at it while screaming. The further it came out of the wall, the taller and larger I realized it was, and stumbled over, scrambling away from the glowing and sparking monster. Literal sparks were jumping off its skin and a not-so-very ominous neon purple glow emitting from all around it. By the time I noticed all of this, I had scooted myself against my kitchen island, just left in complete shock. The creature had finally emerged, looking just as confused and horrified as me. It appeared to be male, at least… some obvious assets would lead me to think that. The male-presenting creature opened its mouth, speaking in a language with a heavy and thick accent that I didn’t recognize, “Cine esti si ce vrei?”
I said nothing and continued to stare fearfully. He cocked his head curiously and moved forward, seemingly cautiously as if I was a wild animal he didn’t want to frighten. Again, he spoke gentler this time, “Numele meu este Lucian, de ce m-ai chemat?”
I had no idea what he was saying or what language he was even speaking but didn’t seem evil or anything. Then again, I was probably just delusional. Regardless, I mustered up some courage to respond despite having zero clue as to what was happening. “Uh…Hi? I have no idea what you're saying but, uh, where the hell did you come from and why are you here? Are you a man?” I gasped loudly, “Are you a demon? Did I summon you? What’s your name? Do you speak English?” 
The being held up a hand as if telling me to stop talking. He then took a deep breath and spoke, “I am Lucian. You summoned me. Why?” 
I was so entranced with how he spoke, so formal and velvety, it was as if manly musk could talk. Beautiful soothing and smooth. I finally registered that he had four eyes(?) I think he had eyes, they were all pitch black and staring me down. His head tilted curiously like he was asking ‘Well?’ I cleared my throat, a quiver in my voice, “I- don't know? I just wanted to read this book and then, yknow, my wall started glowing and contorting then here you were.” Lucian didn’t look too thrilled to hear that. He was looking rather annoyed with me for not even knowing what I did. I stared quizzically, prompting him to further explain the meaning of this situation and what it meant for me. He wasn't very enlightening. I spread my arms and gestured at him, urging him to acknowledge me with a, “So…?” 
“So what? You’ve inconvenienced me and my valuable time by not being structurally sound or smart enough to at least look up what you were attempting to read,” I opened my mouth to protest. Still, he continued, “Your idiocy to read out loud has caused me to appear and serve this scrawny, irritatingly small, and annoying boy-? Girl? Whatever! Now I must treat this as a contract even though you have no idea what you’ve just done! You fucked up everything, you- risipă insuportabilă de spațiu!”
I wasn’t too sure what he said in that last sentence of his but my body shivered with rage, causing my fists to clench and shake with the seething anger oozing off of me. Being misgendered and insulted in my own home by an asshole demon acting as if he’s all high and mighty just because he’s immortal and powerful, though that’s exactly why he’d act like this, that’s what I would do if I were him. I swallowed back my anger, leaving a lump in its wake as I rose from my spot on the floor, straightening myself to my full height and approaching this intimidating creature but at this point, I didn’t give a damn about this entitled immortal asshole. Mustering up all my courage, I yanked the fool by the collar of his flamboyant purple and gold suit, making him face me head-on before swinging my hand back and bringing it with full force until it made contact with his face. The sound of impact from the slap rang throughout the kitchen, filling the room with stinging silence.
“You-” I huffed furiously, “-have some goddamn nerve!” Anger washed over me in intense waves that I couldn’t breathe, hot tears following suit in my outrage, the streams streaking my cheeks. The male was taken aback with surprise, parting his lips to get a word, but I interrupted, just as he previously did to me, “No! You don't get to speak. You don’t get to insult me, in my home, to my face, and expect me to allow you to speak over me.”  Lucian stared with shock plastered to his face, a ripple of concern passed over his expression for a split second, whether it was a concern for me or himself, I had no idea nor did I care and that didn’t stop me from continuing to rip his ass apart, “Before you even think about saying anything, know this demon scum, I will smack and bitch slap you as many times necessary until you learn to change your damn tone. I will make you suffer and cause you far more pain than anything in Hell could inflict if you continue to disrespect me. Ya got that, Lucian?” My words were laced with venom and my hand lifted once again, serving the demon another well-deserved slap to the face, mostly for fun but also as a warning. 
“Hristos woman!” He shouted as he backed away from me, holding his cheek protectively. 
That little comment earned him another slap, this time on the other cheek, “I am NOT a woman!” Tears pricked at my eyes momentarily but they faded rather quickly due to my rising rage. I reached my arm up and grasped one of the demon’s protruding horns, forcefully yanking him down to meet me at eye level, and seethed, “Say that shit again and I will gut you. This is your final warning to not test me, do you understand, hellspawn?” If I didn’t know any better, Lucian seemed to be struggling against me, desperate to get out of my grip. Maybe his horns were sensitive or fragile? Either way, I didn’t care, I just wanted to get my point across. He hadn’t answered so I added an extra yank as a way to tell me he understood. “Okay! Alright!” He shouted, his voice slightly wavering so I took that as a hint to loosen my hold and begrudgingly let him go, wiping my hand excessively on my shorts in an attempt to be rid of him. He stood up straight and cleared his throat, “Hell, you have a grip on you… I’m sorry, but you haven’t exactly introduced yourself so how am I supposed to know who or even what you are? You certainly look female… are you sure you’re not a woman? You made a womanlike mistake, you don’t even know what you’ve done!” 
“So what I don’t know what’s going on but then again, you scared the shit out of me and insulted me! You haven’t been jumping to explain anything!”
“I said I was sorry!”
“Shut up! I’m not done,” I took a breath and continued to introduce myself properly, “My name is Kit. I’m a 25-year-old teacher and part-time theatre attendant. I am a man. A man that will not hesitate to cut you.”
Lucian rubbed at his face and indeed in acknowledgment of my words, which finally put me at ease, glad that we came to an understanding regarding our predicament. As if this nonsense wasn't weird enough, he went on to explain that he was a type of demon known as a “Zburator”. A vampiric creature from Romanian folklore. They’re usually described as a winged and handsome young man with black eyes and hair, though his hair is more like auburn. Zburators look like shooting stars as they fly across the sky. At night, the zburator visits women, has sexual intercourse with them, and drains off some of their life energy with each visit, leaving them ill, pale, and thin. Regardless, I was in deep shit. I had smacked him! Not once, not twice, but THREE times, each one harder than the last! If there was ever a bad time to be me, it was now. 
Lord knows how I’m going to get myself out of this.
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flywolfwriting · 3 years
Hello! Time for another oneshot. This is inspired by a comic strip done by @10yrsyart a while ago, which you can find here.
Armageddon had been averted and Aziraphale and Crowley were just returning to the bookshop to settle in for a night of drinking when the phone rang.  
Crowley flopped across his favorite settee while Aziraphale answered, but sat up when he heard the angel say, “How did you get this number?” There was a moment of silence, where Crowley stared intently at Aziraphale, before the angel said, “Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt... where...? Ah. Yes. Okay, we will be there soon,” and hung up.
“What was that about?” Crowley asked cautiously.  
“We’ve been invited to dinner in Taddfield,” Aziraphale said, and Crowley stiffened.  
“The Anti-”
Aziraphale shook his head. “That young woman with the book, who you hit with your car, Anathema.”
Crowley blew a raspberry. “She hit me,” he said, and if his voice was a little petulant then that was his business.  
His complaint went ignored as Aziraphale collected his coat from where he’d just hung it up and gestured to Crowley to get up.  
“Come on, Crowley. It’s rude to leave her waiting.”
“But we have plans.”
“We can drink together every night of the week if we so desire,” Aziraphale pointed out primly. “It’s not every day we get the chance to meet a descendant of as esteemed a witch as Agnes Nutter.”  
“But we’ve already met her!” Crowley whined, dragging himself upright and sulking after his friend. “We’ve met her twice!”
Aziraphale held the door open for Crowley and shooed him out of the bookshop before closing and locking it behind them. “Well yes, my dear boy, but now we can actually talk to her.”
Crowley shoved his hands in his pockets as they made their way to the Bently. “I bet she’s going to be talking to us,” he muttered.  
It wasn’t that he really minded going to dinner with someone, but really... he did. There was a reason they avoided extended associations with humans – beyond the business association each of them apparently had with Shadwell, who Crowley had come to find out what scamming him and really he ought to make all of his shoelaces disappear for that. No, they avoided friendships with humans because they always went sour. Humans aged and died, and had a nasty habit of noticing when angels and demons didn’t age, and sometimes they got very burn-at-the-stake-y.  
Which Crowley knew from experience. A very, very unpleasant experience. Fortunately, Aziraphale had made a timely arrival and engineered a distraction to get Crowley down.
But back to the point.  
Humans were unpredictable, as the last week should have shown. Humans with supernatural powers were even more suspect, and ones that at the very least suspected, and at worst knew, what they were...  
Disaster waiting to happen, in Crowley’s opinion.
Never the less, he drove them to Jasmine Cottage with his usual pedal-to-the-metal attitude and satisfied himself with enjoying Aziraphale’s usual complaints.  
The girl – Anathema, Aziraphale reminded him – met them outside and greeted them with a warm, if somewhat wary, smile.  
Crowley halted before the porch and glowered.  
“Whatever is the matter my dear?” Aziraphale asked from the doorway.
“Can’t come in.”
“Whyever not?”
Crowley pointed at the horseshoe over the door.
“Ah,” Aziraphale said with a small wince, then glanced guiltily at Anathema.
“I can take it down for now,” she said, albeit reluctantly, and stepped inside to retrieve a hammer and stool. Crowley wished she’d insisted on leaving it so he’d have an excuse to wait in the car. Or, better yet, go home and make Aziraphale catch the bus or a cab, since he’d insisted on coming out here anyway.  
“Thank you,” Aziraphale said warmly as Anathema stepped down and placed the horseshoe aside. He looked meaningfully at Crowley, who also mumbled a thank you and followed them inside.  
An awkward-looking man was in the kitchen. He looked up and stuttered a greeting. “I’m Newt,” he said as he shook their hands. “I was at the airbase with Anathema when-” his brow furrowed.
“He has a hard time remembering it,” Anathema explained. “I think Adam did something.”
“Hardly difficult to believe,” Aziraphale said. “There are just some things the human mind cannot comprehend. Would you like a hand with dinner?”
Crowley groaned and slunk off to the side to let them finish setting the table.  
Dinner itself was mostly uneventful, but Crowley was pleased to find that he was right and Anathema was peppering them with questions about Heaven and Hell and all the things they weren’t supposed to talk about with humans.  
Aziraphale, of course, was answering evasively, but still giving her more information than he should have.  Crowley, for his part, sat there with his arms folded on the table and tried to keep Aziraphale from wandering too far off topic.
Finally, as midnight drew close, Newt excused himself to bed and the conversation began to wind down.  
“So...” Anathema rested her chin on her palm. “Are you two like, y’know...”
Crowley, who had previously been leaned back in his chair, sat up and raised a palm. “No, we’re not ‘together,’” he said before Aziraphale could answer.  He didn’t need his best friend feeling awkward after the madness that had been the last week.  
“Whatever do you mean, dear?”  
Crowley looked at Aziraphale, hand drooping, to find the angel frowning at him. With a jolt Crowley realized what Aziraphale meant and he whipped back around toward Anathema. “I misspoke. We are, in fact, ‘together.’”  
Aziraphale finished his tea with a satisfied smile. “Thank you for dinner, Anathema,” he said, standing. “We really must be getting on, but do call if you’d ever like to get together again. Crowley, dear.”
Crowley gave a half-hearted wave to Anathema and followed Aziraphale outside, stomach fluttering and face warm.  
“Honestly, my dear,” Aziraphale said with an exasperated sigh as they pulled into the street. “Six thousand years and you still don’t think...?”
Crowley shrugged. “Didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Aziraphale huffed and took one of Crowley’s hands off the steering wheel to lace their fingers together. “Oh, Crowley.”
It really didn’t feel that out of place, now that Crowley was thinking about it. Quite obvious, really. He felt a little silly. “Yeah, well...” he grinned at Aziraphale and hit the gas.
“Both hands on the wheel!” Aziraphale flung Crowley’s hand back at him and grasped at the seat, eyes clenched shut but a small smile on his face.
Crowley cackled as he accelerated.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
Bec and Ali Creators Week: Day 4 - baby!jack au where Dean fell into the portal with Lucifer and Cas lives
It’s been almost a month since Dean disappeared into the portal with Lucifer.
Sam has been off researching all things otherworldly while Mary does nothing but hunt. She never calls back but sends an ‘I’m okay’ text whenever she remembers.
Cas, on the other hand, has been on the run with baby Jack the whole time. He thought they could have lived in peace in the lake house, but since the portal opened, it’s been a calling card for every supernatural creature around them. Including angels and Cas couldn’t risk anybody hurting Jack.
“You can’t do this on your own!” Sam yelled at Cas through the phone. “Just tell me where you are, and I-!”
“No! Sam.” Cas sighed as he looked over at the motel bed to see Jack’s little hands grasping at air as he fidgets and laughs. “I can’t risk what happened before, happen again. Jack he-when he is upset it could be catastrophic.”
“I won’t hurt him.”
Sam promised. But he has promised this before, and the only reason Sam is alive is that Cas begged Jack not to hurt him. Jack was as powerful as anybody feared, but he is still so gentle. His powers only appearing when there was a threat nearby. Now Sam was a threat.
“I can’t be sure he won’t hurt you, Sam, and I just can’t risk you.” You are all I have.
The days were never lonely with Jack. Cas has dealt with true loneliness before to know the difference. But they weren’t any easier.
“Please, Jack. Please stop crying.” Cas would bounce Jack in his arms, unable to understand what was wrong. Jack doesn’t get sick like a regular baby. He doesn’t sleep or eat like one either, so those books were utterly useless. They only helped remind him repeatedly about keeping to a schedule, and right now, Jack should be tired.
Cas sang to him, hoping whoever banged the motel door won’t come back yelling about shutting the baby up. Jack has cried for two hours now. Not stopping. And while Cas did not sleep, he felt exhausted.
“Show me what’s wrong, Jack. Please. I want to help you.”
Dean would know what to do. He would know how to hold Jack and bounce his arms to an exact beat that made all babies feel comfortable. Dean was amazing with kids. Amazing with everybody.
“You would have loved him.” Cas bent his head over to press a kiss to Jack’s soft bald head. He took a big calming breath of baby before continuing to bounce the baby in his arms. This time Cas sang a familiar song, one may be inappropriate for Jack but comforting nonetheless. “And if you say to me tomorrow. Oh, what fun it all would be. Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But what is and what should never be.”
“I actually didn’t understand the lyrics and had to look them up.” Cas talked as he looked ahead at the ugly wallpapered room. “Dean knows them, though. Sometimes he mumbles it, and he gets embarrassed when he messes up, but he knows it. He just gets excited.”
Cas stops talking when he realizes the crying has finally turned into easy breathing. Jack was finally asleep.
The relief didn’t last long. Cas was lying in bed, eyes shut with Jack sleeping on his chest when he felt something off with the air around them. It tasted too electrifying and heavy to feel like a storm.
They have been found again.
Cas is quick to pack up, cradling a once again crying baby to his chest. It would be faster if he had both his arms to pack up their mess, but he left some things behind as he drove off. Leaving another motel for the road again.
Driving the Impala to the next motel took a three-day drive. Jack was patient enough, blabbering alongside the music, but even they needed to stop to get some fresh air every once in a while.
In the motel, Cas once again had to watch the video on how to bathe a baby because he always assumes he will do it wrong. He made a checklist out loud, asking Jack what else they may need besides food and diapers. He promised to head straight to the store in the morning to buy him new clothes since the baby quickly outgrows every new outfit Cas could manage to get him.
As the day was winding down, Cas called Claire to check up on her. She worries about him but won’t admit it out loud, so Cas keeps the conversation focus on her. She asks about Jack but more to be polite. She is scared that the baby may end up being the thing that would kill him, but Cas saw a future where Claire was happy and safe, so all this trouble would be worth it.
Though he saw a future with Dean too, but every day, it felt like that vision was wrong. Maybe that vision was long gone now. All possibilities to it were now shattered.
Cas turned to the bed when he heard the start of cries. Jack was waking up.
“Hey.” Cas crawled into bed beside him. “Oh, don’t cry, Jack.”
He presses a kiss to his son’s head, feeling warmth run through him. “I love you so much. You know that?” Cas lifts Jack up and holds him to his chest again. Letting Jack settle down for a second before Cas continued. “I know we are dealing with a lot right now, but having you, Jack, still makes me feel happy. I just wish I could give you the life you deserve.”
Cas sighed as his hand gently pats at Jack’s back.
“I just wish I could give everyone I love the life they deserve.”
They settle in the motel for a week before they had to move on. Motel. Impala. Motel. Impala. That was their life.
“I’m so tired,” Cas whispered to himself in the mirror, splashing water on his face as he hears Jack continue to cry in the room over. Of course, Cas would start crying himself because Jack has been crying with no rhyme or reason. Not one that Cas could find.
They haven’t stopped driving for a week. They rested in the car, and it was only a short time before they were found again. Cas finally lost whoever was after them after killing three demons in the gas station, but he was nicked a few times. Grace seeping out of him for a few seconds before he healed himself.
Jack could heal him, sure, but every time he used his powers, they had a new group coming after them. So no powers for right now. While Cas was desperate to feel better, he was also desperate to stay put for a while and not drive.
“Jack, baby, please don’t cry anymore.” Cas crawled back into bed, tears forming around his eyes. “Please stop crying. I’ll do anything you want.”
Jack’s little lungs gave it everything they got in the sudden yell, and Cas hid his face in Jack’s little body as he cried alongside his baby.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “Dean would have known what to do. He would have taken so much better care of you.”
Jack’s little cries stung again and again. Feeling hopeless and frustrated, Cas only kissed him. He was trying to quiet his cries while also fighting his own.
“Please, baby, don’t cry.” Cas cradled Jack to his chest and kissed his little head as Jack’s tiny fist hit him. “I never knew how much it would hurt to see a child cry. I never thought I would know this heartache.”
Cas started to sing. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine.”
The voice filled with more gravel as he fought his own sob.
Cas fell asleep for the first time since having Jack. He dreamt of the happy vision, of Dean, of the happy family he longed for. All the things that were looking impossible today.
Cas wakes up to a flash of light.
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
Clearwater Springs: Part 9
SDescription: ot7 x reader, reader’s choice, fairy/supernatural/soulmate au. The choices you make influence the story! In this world, war-torn and ragged, you’ve been offered a home and a job working as a librarian. Will you meet your soulmates? Will you ever find the shelves behind the piles of books? Who knows.
Warnings: idk
Posted: 08/18/2021
Tags: ot7 x reader, supernatural bts, soulmate au
3,463 words
A/N: Okay! Remember, two free-write and one survey chapter, which means the next survey chapter will be chapter 11 (technically they all are at this point), which means that the survey at the bottom of this post will be on part 10 as well. Sorry for the wait.
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You were in a warm cocoon, and you weren’t about to disturb it.
Yoongi was in cat form again, stretched out against your back, purring now and then in his sleep.
Namjoon was snoring, but you didn’t care because he was warm and his heartbeat was strong, and he was well-built. Strong enough to make you feel safe, soft enough to keep you comfortable. He was your haltija.
You lay in a comfortable doze for a while, smiling when Yoongi moved so you could pet him and he fell asleep again.
But then someone was sneaking in and over, fluttering above the ground and peering at you.
You yawned a bit, then turned to reach out both hands to him.
Jimin smiled and took your hands, gently pulling you from between the other two and into the air.
You grinned as he set you down on the floor by the bed, admiring his wings. His feathers looked shinier already, and the colors of his feathers seemed more vibrant. Happiness made such a difference in fairies.
Jimin tugged your hand gently, pulling you out of the room and down to Jin’s room.
The door swung open silently, revealing the most adorable sight of Jin and Jungkook cuddling. Jungkook’s arms wrapped around Jin, and head on Jin’s shoulder but still tucked close to Jin’s neck. Both of them looked so peaceful.
Jimin shared your smile, then tugged your hand again as he carefully closed the door.
Taehyung was being bearhugged from behind by Hoseok, drowsily watching some cartoon show that had the volume down as low as possible without muting it.
Hoseok murmured now and then, and pressed airy little kisses just barely into Taehyung’s hair--probably completely unfelt by the dryad. But he glanced over and smiled contentedly at you before whispering something that got a sleepy smile out of his companion.
You tugged on Jimin’s hand this time, drawing him into the kitchen. “Help me make them breakfast?”
He nodded.
You weren’t an exceptional cook, but you could make basic foods, and the boys didn’t seem to mind basic foods. “Did you sleep well, ma mignonne?”
He nodded emphatically. “Yesterday was tiring.”
Yoongi stalked in, scowling tiredly at you. “You left.”
“Sorry, mon chat minou,” You apologized, leaning over to peck his lips.
His eyes widened.
Jimin huffed, latching onto you again.
You leaned back into his arms and tilted your head back for a kiss.
He hesitated, but did kiss you—softly. As though you were a bubble that would pop at any moment. His lips soft against yours.
You brushed his cheek with your fingertips, keenly away of two more sets of eyes on the three of you.
Hoseok, probably already knowing the outcome, came over and claimed his kiss. “Morning, aluemdaun.”
You hummed happily at his casual compliment, curling your fingers around the neckline of his shirt. “Darling.”
Taehyung’s eyes were wide, and he slowly came forward.
You watched him with a soft smile. “Good morning, Taehyung. Did you sleep well?”
Taehyung nodded slowly.
You kissed his cheek, brushing over the spot where you kissed him with your thumb as you looked over his face. “Good.”
“So...does everyone know...about….” He gestured vaguely to your arm.
You nodded, smiling a little more. “Everyone knows. You can ask them anything about being soulmates that you want. You can touch them, hug them, kiss them, and they’ll have no room to complain because they’re stuck with all of us for the rest of our lives—provided all goes well.”
Taehyung started to get hints of excitement in his eyes. “Hugs?”
“As many as you like. Jimin gives especially good hugs.” You nodded toward the fairy, who was still cooking under your instructions.
Yoongi took Taehyung’s hand. “After we’re out of their way so they can make breakfast.”
Taehyung didn’t seem to accept that, turning and hugging onto Yoongi despite the werecat’s protests—loud as they were.
But Yoongi waddled himself and Taehyung out of the kitchen, and out of your way. And Taehyung forced his hugs on the werecat without avail.
You returned to your fairy, directing his actions with little gestures, happy when the food turned out well—just as Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook joined everyone downstairs.
Jimin greeted them with a chirpy ‘Good Morning!’ while ushering them to the table. “We just finished making breakfast!”
Jungkook looked like he was still half-asleep, movements languid as Jin helped him to a spot at the table.
Yoongi was still trapped by Taehyung. “Stop it. Stop it. Let’s not do this. Stop it.”
Taehyung ignored him, nuzzling the were-cat’s neck until suddenly the were-cat shifted and escaped. Then he pouted, looking hurt and sullen.
Jin chuckled sleepily. “Come here, Taehyungie, we’ll catch him later for you to cuddle. Sit next to hyungie to eat.”
Hoseok easily claimed the seat on the other side of Taehyung. “Yoongi-hyung was probably just hungry, Taehyung. He’s not very forthright, but—” he dropped his glass, eyes glazed and far away. He frowned, hands hovering shakily over his plate.
You glanced at Jin for a moment.
Jin got up and went around to Hoseok’s side.
Hoseok’s gaze cleared slightly, but he looked shaken. “I need my crystal ball. Need to get upstairs.”
“I’ll help you,” Jin whispered softly, helping him up. “Even breaths, Hoseokie. Keep calm.”
Hoseok nodded, leaning into Jin. “Need to look. Need to see.”
You watched them go with a little worry, but you knew Hoseok would be fine as long as Jin was with him.
Today, you had work to do.
After you had made sure that Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin had ingested an adequate amount of food—and helped Yoongi make plates for the two that were absent—you went to your room, silently asking your waters for some good working clothes.
Your waters ignored you and gave you a dress, but at least the dress wouldn’t expose your body every time you moved.
Jimin was waiting with Parsley by the front door. “You’re going to the library, right?”
You smiled and nodded. “I have work to do. Are you coming with me?”
“You can’t go alone,” He said nonchalantly. “Too dangerous. Especially with a dark mage about.”
“True. But I wouldn’t like it if you didn’t want to come with me.”
“I want to,” He answered quickly, looking a little sheepish. “I really like it there. High ceilings. I can fly even though it’s raining.”
You smiled. “Alright, then.”
You peeked into the living room, noticing that Taehyung had ‘captured’ Yoongi again and that both were watching a movie with Jungkook and Namjoon. “I’m off to the library with Jimin. Be back later. Someone check on Jin and Hoseok if they don’t come down in an hour?”
“Mm’kay,” Namjoon answered distractedly, but you saw Yoongi look over at you and nod.
Rain didn’t bother you that much, it was just water after all, but Jimin seemed a little averse to it, so you made sure he had the umbrella. Not that it was much of a rainstorm, the gentle pattering drops far more soothing than harsh. Pleasant and somewhat warm.
There was a truck sitting in front of the library, and Valina was under the overhang of the doors, glaring at another person.
Jimin gently touched your shoulder and took off to watch from a distance, a distance from which he could easily intervene if he needed.
You carried the closed umbrella up to those waiting, wondering what was going on. “Hello Valina, how may I assist you?”
She glanced at you, eyes widening slightly, panicked a little.
“Ah! You must be the librarian, I am Grendel,” The dark mage said, turning toward you and bowing.
You froze, but tried not to display your panic. “A pleasure, I’m sure.”
“Yes, well, you see, as well as conducting my own business, I was asked to convey this load of books to this…charming town’s library.” He eyed you. “I had not realized that this library was run by a xana.”
“I had not realized my species could be of any interest to any being other than my own kind,” You answered evenly. “There is a room around the side of the building for after-hours book deliveries and donations, and the sign is right there, as well. I believe that lettering is large enough for any to read.”
“Ah, but I have…certain donations that need special care, and I wished to convey the instructions in person—as I was telling this…fiery, young woman.”
“That’s witch to you! And I told you I could have given her the instructions.” Valina crossed her arms.
“And I told you, there are certain things that only a librarian can understand. This place has special vaults for…dangerous tomes, does it not?” He turned to you.
“We would have to ask the owner of the library,” You answered vaguely. “I have not been informed of any. If you would be so kind as to deliver the rest to the side room, I will call the owner and have him come and talk with you.”
“I was specifically instructed—”
“I understand,” You cut him off. “However, I have no answers as to security for dangerous tomes, and for that, the owner is required. Once he has answers in regards to the safety of such tomes, then we may further discuss the tomes staying here. Until then, please patiently wait in the delivery room around the side of the building. I shall not ask again.”
“You have about five seconds before I start singing: can you bare it, mage?” You asked, eyes narrowing in a challenge.
His mouth clamped shut and he bowed stiffly. “As you have asked, so shall I do.”
You nodded firmly and moved to the front doors, waiting until he was pulling the truck to the side of the building before unlocking the front doors and ushering Valina inside.
“Are you crazy? He’s a dark mage!” She hissed the moment the door closed.
“I am…very…aware…of…that…,” You said in between trying not to hyperventilate in the ensuing panic.
Jimin landed and quickly wrapped his arms and wings around you, forcing Valina to back up. “You’re crazy. You’re absolutely crazy.”
You just hugged him back with all of your might. “Need to call Jin.”
“I’ll do that,” Valina said, regarding you and Jimin and just a tiny bit disconcerted.
“It’s a trick, right? He’s just trying to get to you, right?” Jimin asked, sounding panicked.
Parsley twined around your feet, mewling.
“Where’s his pheonix?” You whispered.
You saw Valina look up sharply.
Jimin let go of you and shrunk, darting off to look.
You went to the desk slowly, sitting down and beginning your work. “He stop at your shop first?”
“Not exactly. Had a feeling.” Valina leaned against the counter, frowning. “A faun pointed him out to me, and my brain worked from there. My coven will ward the town. We’ve already been setting up protection wards on people’s houses, so most people should be safe at night. Except your house. But you have a haltija.”
“And a were-cat, and a djinn, dryad, seer, incubus-fairy mix, and a human that I swear has magic in his blood.”
“Mr. Kim definitely has magic in his blood,” Valina said, eyes flashing pink. “Ancient magic, but it is there. His family tree is made of touched and clearsighted.”
“Touched and clearsighted?” You asked.
“Touched people have a sort of intuition, they get a sense for things quickly—especially in regards to the magical. They tend to become fighters, people who protect others from…less-savory magic. Clearsighted folk can see through all magical protection that would confuse other humans. Why do you think he didn’t become a slobbering fool upon seeing you? Yes, he sees you’re hot as hell, but, because he has clearsight, he is able to resist that pull and instead focus on you as a person. Me? I have special charms to resist folk like yourself and stay a decent witch.” She looked you over and quickly looked away. “Though, I think it’s about time I recharge them.”
“I appreciate the effort,” You murmured, thinking about Jin and grateful for the distraction that she had been trying to give you. “There’s still so much I don’t know about the world and about people. I only knew my people.”
“Might help if you came into town more often.”
You looked at her quietly until she met your gaze with a little regret.
“Nevermind, that would be mass chaos and not pleasant for you. Forget I mentioned town. Let me ward it for your protection first.”
“Don’t go to any extra trouble on my account.”
“I won’t. My coven planned on putting up warding to protect from…unwanted behaviors.”
“You’re the police of the town, aren’t you?”
Valina grinned. “Yup! But don’t worry, we have people we answer to as well. Now, if we could get real town status, then we’d probably elect Mr. Kim as mayor—”
“Never gonna happen,” Jin said firmly, walking quickly over to you. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, standing up. “I sent him around the side to the drop-off area and Jimin is looking for the Pheonix, but he’s been gone since Valina called you.”
Yoongi shifted and ran out to see if he could track down the fairy.
Hoseok was looking a little…out of breath.
Jungkook seemed to be visually assessing you.
Namjoon was talking to the doorway.
Taehyung was looking around, awestruck. “Hyung…this place is so beautiful….”
Jin kissed your forehead and then glanced at Valina. “Got any extra protection charms?”
She patted her pockets demonstratively. “I was in a bit of a rush, toots. Apologies. Take the Djinn with you, he can use magic to protect you and it’s stronger than even a dark mage’s. He can protect you if he wishes.”
Hoseok gripped Jungkook’s arm. “No.”
Jungkook looked both surprised and hurt. “I can do it, hyung.”
“No, it has to be…” Hoseok looked desperately at him, then at you. “It has to be you. I…can’t tell you why…but I know….”
You could tell it was killing him to say it, tearing him up inside. “Okay. If you say it must be so, then it must be. Jungkook could protect us from here, correct?”
Hoseok considered for a moment, then nodded. “Yes.”
“Okay, now please sit down. You look so pale,” You pleaded softly, gently, touching his arm.
He relaxed a bit and pliantly let you guide him to your chair.
“Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon; please look out for Hoseok, I have a feeling he’s going to be having a rough day,” You asked, picking up Parsley and setting her in Hoseok’s lap. “Pet the kitty.”
Hoseok let out a small breath of an amused laugh, then did as told.
Then you and Seokjin went outside to meet the dark mage.
Grendel was waiting, looking patient, casually unloading boxes from the truck, but he quickly set aside the box he was carrying as he noticed your approach.
“This is Mr. Kim, the owner of the library. Mr. Grendel had inquiries about secure vaults for…dangerous tomes.”
Jin nodded. “I am only allowed by the government to approve of certain types of tomes. What is the nature of the tomes?” He pulled out some paperwork.
“One is a necromancers guide made with dragon leather,” Grendel said, looking worried.
You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped you.
Grendel nodded. “Dark magic that must be locked away and never let out again. And that one…that one should remain off-record if possible.”
Jin was quiet, partially frozen. “Where is that one?”
“Still on the truck. I didn’t want to unload it if it couldn’t stay here.”
Jin nodded slowly. “I know a place where it can go. I’m assuming you don’t want to know it’s final location either.”
“That would be correct.”
“Okay. And the other tomes?”
“A Demon Book, a Crimson portfolio, and the notebook of…Fausto Vilareyo,” Grendel finished, not meeting your gaze.
Your heart seemed to stop.
Jin was looking to you. “Fausto Vilareyo?”
“The first dark mage,” You answered, trembling.
Jin nodded slowly. “All of these fall within what I am able to take in. I will care for the notebook and the necromancer’s guide.”
You nodded. “I….”
“Can you go get me some notecards?” Jin asked, providing you with a brief escape. “And a pen?”
You nodded, turning and fleeing the presence of such an evil book.
The others startled when you hurried in.
“Everything okay?” Yoongi asked, pausing in his task of what appeared to be drying Jimin’s wings.
“Yes. Did you find the pheonix?”
“No,” Jimin said, drooping. “No sign of it.”
“That’s fine,” You said hastily, grabbing some things for yourself.
“Slow down,” Valina advised, “before you drop everything you’re trying to pick up.”
You just nodded and raced out again, pausing before the corner and composing yourself.
Grendel conveyed the instructions for the last two books, then bowed. “I thank you for guarding these relics. It has been a long journey to find a safe resting place for them.”
You dipped your head very slightly. “War makes many things difficult, though they be difficult to begin with.”
“Very true. I must be off. Many more false trails to lay,” Grendel said, bowing once more. He hesitated in leaving, though. “I know it may not mean much, but I apologize for the wrongs that have been committed toward your kind. I had never seen one of your kind in person before now and I regret not knowing. I do what I must, though, and for that I know I would never be able to listen to your songs. Thank you for your benevolence toward me, even knowing I am of the kind that is dangerous toward yourself.”
“If you continue to remove dangerous things from those who would abuse them, then I wish you luck,” You said, meaning it. Not just anyone would turn over what they had found to be locked away. And while his dark magic was fresh and potent, perhaps it was because he needed it to get those items. “May I ask, what were you doing in the forest?”
He blinked in surprise. “The forest? Oh…I…I’d actually heard that the forest was quite nice and I have this stupid pheonix that’s bound to me and he goes and gets into all sorts of trouble if I don’t properly exercise him.” He looked around. “Thinking of…you haven’t happened to see a pheonix?”
You shook your head rapidly.
Jin shook his head as well.
He sighed. “He probably went after the dragon magic, the stupid fledgling. Well. Either he gets eaten or he learns a lesson. Thank you for your time.” He bowed again and hopped into the truck.
“Dragon?” Jin asked, eyes wide.
“The river dragon, probably,” You offered.
Jin looked at you like you’d grown a second hand.
“Jungkook and I ran across him when we were passing the time before going to look for you. He’s my river-kin, apparently.”
Jin shook his head, showing you the vaults for the books you would care for, how to access them and such. “Of course he is.”
“Hoseok looked pale.”
“Yeah. He’s not as strong as he likes to convey.”
“Are any of us?”
Jin kissed your cheek. “Probably not.”
You ran your fingers along the mortar between the bricks. “Do you think he had an ulterior motive?”
“I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out. You want to stay at the library?”
You nodded. “I have work to do. Jimin will probably stay with me.”
He nodded. “I don’t think Taehyung will leave now, either. Is that okay?”
“He’s cute. Jimin and I can keep an eye on him.”
“Okay. I’m going to take the others home, then. Make sure Hoseok gets some water, food, and rest.” Jin kissed your cheek. “Don’t speak a word to the others about what books are hidden in the vaults. Or about the books I will be hiding. It’ll be safer.”
You nodded firmly. “Agreed. It’s for their own well-being. Hoseok knows.”
He nodded. “Probably.”
Yoongi stalked up in his black and grey form—his largest form—and then paused, getting ready to leap into Jin’s arms.
Jin stroked Yoongi’s head. “Hey. We’re okay. Thanks for worrying.”
Yoongi just snorted and rested, acting like he’d intended to fall asleep in Jin’s arms.
You reached over and scratched his head, then went into the library to finally do the work that you hadn’t been able to get done in the past three days.
Post-Chapter 9 Survey
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