#let’s see if my opinion changed on my second watch :3
filmcel · 2 years
this movie makes no sense to me all ik is the head over heels seen goes crazy….
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izvmimi · 1 month
cw: breakup mention. alcohol use. hurt/comfort.
When Katsuki shows up to the exact location you provided him, just minutes after you’d called him out of the blue at 3 am, not even the excuse of being under the influence available to you given the three pathetic sips you’ve had of the can of beer in your right hand, you realize you hadn’t exactly thought this far.
You hadn’t expected him to pick up, and you hadn’t intended on leaving a message. Not from a number he couldn’t possibly know given you’d changed it about two years ago, and definitely not from you, not after the way you’d severed ties with him abruptly and mercilessly. 
In his opinion.
… Okay, perhaps yours, too.
You had expected the half-groggy, half-livid way he’d answered, the hothead in him not immune to a call that would annoy literally anyone with a modicum of sense, but you hadn’t expected his voice to so immediately soften at the sound of yours, to recognize you so readily even.
And now watching him touch down from the sky to where you sit on a park bench, just several feet away from a 24 hour convenience store, you realize you’re not sure what to say.
Still, you’re happy to see him. Enough so, that for a moment, you blink back tears in your eyes, precluding you from seeing how uncharacteristically gentle his red ones are. 
He tries to play it cool, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark gray sweatpants, a slight hunch in his back accentuated by the snug fit of a black hoodie. A skull insignia covers the front, and you wonder if he’ll ever grow up. 
That was one of your points of contention when you were once an item. Growing up. 
Katsuki is careful; reticent in his speech as he moves towards you, and you can see him ponder before he takes a seat by your side. You clutch the can of beer in your hand a little tighter, resting your arm upon the knees you’ve folded and raised onto the seat of the park bench. His posture is still closed, hands in his pockets, and he stares straight ahead. He lets out a sigh.
“Why’d you call? Get dumped or something?”
You scoff as you say, “yes.”
Katsuki did not actually expect you to say that and turns to look at you, which has you amused, if only for a second. You’re not drunk, but you sure are acting it, you think, but perhaps madness from your bout of depression is really settling in.
“Months ago, though,” you add. You take another sip of your beer, and he watches you wince. He knows you’re not actually a fan of it at all, and plus there’s nothing intelligent or safe about drinking in the middle of the night without a companion, without a definite way home. 
He remembers he actually doesn't know where your home is these days.
“Why did you need to see me?” he asks firmly now, his eyes still focused on the can because he’s afraid of looking at your face and letting old love resurface.
You smile and look at him, resting your head on your knees.
“I didn’t expect you to come,” you admit.
“You called.”
In another world, he’d then roll his eyes at you, but tonight he looks at you steadily and seriously. Perhaps he's the one who has matured, and you haven’t. He remains your longtime crush and your longtime crutch, even now, as you feel yourself lose your grip on sanity, embracing madness, regardless of how transient it might be.
It’s quiet for a few more moments, save for the rustling of leaves as the winds of the witching hour pick up between you, and you let out a soft sigh, realizing he won’t say anything else to fill the silence. Letting your feet fall flat to the ground, you shrug.
“I couldn’t sleep and I thought of you,” you admit. 
Katsuki’s eyes slide away from you quickly, his fingers curling around the edge of the seat at his sides, as if bracing himself.
“It’s been years,” he reminds you. You nod, without looking at him.
“My heart remembers.”
It’s cheesy and he doesn’t mock you for it. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest.
“I see.”
You’re suddenly embarrassed, face warmed from toes to nose. He sees. What does he see? That you’re pathetic? That you’re needy? That perhaps you were wrong all these years and even if he’s flown back to see you, you’re the one crawling back to him? 
You remain in disquiet now, your arms wrapping around yourself for support. You can hear it now -  If you wanted someone to pat your ass, should have called damn Deku or Kirishima. I’m not a goddamn booty call. You lost your chance with me ages ago. Don’t fucking call me again.
Instead, he takes the can of beer you’ve set beside you and takes a sip first, then downs it as you watch. Just as soon as he’s done, he crushes the can and throws it into the nearest recycling bin. 
He doesn't miss.
“You’re not an alcoholic. No use pretending to drown your sorrows,” he says. “Either talk about them or don’t. I’m already up anyway.”
It’s not meant to be a joke or a jab, just a statement. 
You’re surprised for a moment but an unwitting smile comes to your lips.
“Are you sure you want to hear me complain in the middle of the night? I have a lot to say.”
Katsuki gives you a look, a raised eyebrow reminding you not to ask any more silly questions, and it almost makes you laugh.
As if you intend to be considerate now of all times.
“Well, it all began with the day I was born…”
He lets out the softest of groans and lets his head hang back in a dramatic fashion, arms still crossed over his chest, and legs spread. This time your laugh is loud.
It’s unfair and unreasonable that he still makes you laugh without trying.
And yet he does anyway, and he listens to you speak until the sun comes up.
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shesoutofhere · 3 months
I think I’ll die
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Steve Harrington x reader (enemies to lovers) (kinda?)
Summary: you and Steve mutually agree to disagree, on everything. That’s until a hot summer day brings you two closer than ever.
Ignore all typos or I’ll cry <3——————————————————————————-
You have a pep in your step as you walk towards the family video store. Tape in hand, you swing the door open. You guessed the plot twist before even watching the movie and now Robin owes you ten bucks.
You walk in, you sigh at the sight in front of you. Leaning on a shelf talking to another customer is Steve. You quickly bolt into an aisle in hopes that he didn’t see you.
Your relationship with Steve is a bit more on the rocky side. One day he was King Steve, every outcast's worst enemy and then all the sudden he’s hanging around your best friend and a bunch of kids. Robin swears up and down that he’s a changed man but when you ask why, she offers no answers. So as of right now, your opinions on him remain the same.
In all honesty, it’s not like he’s made much of an effort to get along with you, so things proceed as they have been. You and Steve, Sharing Robin, like split custody.
You’re now kneeling down in the aisle you’re in, looking at the movies on the bottom shelf.
Out of nowhere a shadow appears above your head. You pay it no mind, hoping it’ll just pass over. The shadow clears its throat. You look up and there Steve is, in all his glory.
You roll your eyes and look back down at the shelf in front of you, trying your best to ignore him. The next thing you know, he’s leaning right over you, deciding now is the perfect time to put tapes back on the shelf above your head.
You know what he’s doing. Steve is doing what he always does when he sees you, trying to get a reaction out of you. Well Steven, today is not that day. You pay him no mind and continue sifting through the tapes in front of you. Steve takes your silence as a dare to push your buttons. He leans over you again, except this time you feel his knees pressing into your back. Your hands stop moving against the tapes.
You don't dare look up at him, you can envision his little smirk perfectly. Steve really starts to put his weight on your back, you stumble a bit forward, he lets out a small snort.
Without a second thought you scooch to the side as quickly as you can. Since Steve no longer has anything in front of him to hold his weight, he goes tumbling forward. He catches himself, of course, but not without dropping all the tapes in his hand and sending the ones on the shelf in front of him flying to the side. This time you let out a laugh.
“Oh come on, my stack.” Steve looks down at you with a glare.
You finally stand up from your spot on the ground and walk out the aisle, Steve follows right on your heels.
You feel him right behind you, “shouldn’t you be picking those up Harrington?” He scoffs, “I should make you clean them up since it's your fault they went all over the place.”
You turn around and Steve stumbles to a stop. “I am a loyal, paying customer, how dare you talk to me like that.”
“Oh bullshit, you don’t even pay for your movies half the time thanks to Robin.” That’s true, you don’t.
“Speaking of Robin, Where is she? I gotta talk to her” You lean over the front desk, peeking to see if Robin is hiding under the counter again.
Steve walks around and snatches the tape you’ve been holding. “She went out back for a Keith break.” You wince, completely understandable Rob.
Steve starts returning your tape for you. He sticks out his hand like he’s expecting something. “Can I help you Steven?”Steve sighs, “How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Steven, and yes, you owe me a late fee. You were supposed to return this yesterday.” Robin didn’t work yesterday, hence the reason you didn’t return it yesterday.
You snatch the tape from his hand, “ I’ll pay it when Robin gets back, can you leave me alone now?”
Steve scoffs at your bluntness.
You look back at the aisle you guys came from “ I think you should clean up your mess, it’s a hazard to other customers.”
Steve walks out from behind the counter, mumbling a quick ‘you’re a hazard to other customers’ and heads towards the aisle to pick up the tapes.
When you turn back around, you see Robin walking up towards the front. You give her a smile, waiting for her the reach the counter.
“Good afternoon my lady, you seem chipper.” Your smile widens, “Chipper I am Robin, I’m about to become 10 dollars richer.” Robin gives you a confused look which quickly morphes into shock. “No way, noo way!” You nod your head “Yes way Robin, pay up.” You stick your hand out expectantly.
Robin takes the tape from your other hand, “How? How do you always get it?” You shrug “It’s my god given talent.” Robin returns your tape and goes to say something when she’s cut off.
“Charge her Robin! Charge her the late fee!” you turn around and see Steve come out the aisle with his stack of tapes.
“Oh my gosh Harrington, go away.” He doesn’t. He marches right up next to you.
“This,” he points back and forth between you and Robin, “this has to stop, no more freebies for you any more.”
You look at Robin and back at Steve. “Okay, who you the right to decide that?” Robin backs you up, “yeah Steve who gives you the right?”
“I’ll have you know, I care about following the rules that pertain to my job.” Robin points her finger at him, “Oh you dirty liar, you give freebies to cute chicks all the time, hows that for following company policies.”
Oh, Does he? Interesting.
Steve looks at you, you can’t really tell what he’s thinking but it’s weirding you out. You look back to Robin.
“Look Harrington, We’ll let you and your freebies for hot chicks slide, if you let Robin and I’s little deal go.”
He gives a curt nod.
“Robin, I haven’t forgotten, My ten dollars please.”
Robin looks up at you, oh no, you know that look. “Funny story, I actually don’t have the a ten to give you.” Robin gives you a sheepish smile but you don’t take it. “Robinnn, you do this every time.” She shrugs “what, I’m poor.”
Steve just stands and looks at the two of you. “Oh so now you guys are openly gambling in front of me?”
You stick your hand out. “Steven this has nothing to do with you.” He pulls your hand down out of his face. You keep your attention on Robin. “Yeah well I’m poor too Rob. That was gonna pay for my day at the pool.”
You can practically see the gears turning. “What if I told you I know a person with a pool, for free.”
“Robin, who do you know that I don’t, that has a pool?” You say crossing your arms.
Steve figures out who she's referencing before you
“No way, my pool is private, not open to the public.”
Robin yanks on Steve’s arm from over the counter. “Oh come on Steve, the kids are there all the time. Would you be generous enough to share your fortune? For me, please?”
Steve is quiet, he’s thinking. Finally with a sigh, he decided “Fine, fine, whatever you guys can come hangout at my pool.” With that, Steve walks away with his stack of tapes.
Sorry Robin, there was no way in hell you were going to Steve’s house.
You caved.
It’s hot, very hot, and all you can think about is taking a dip in a nice cold pool, even if it’s Steve’s pool.
Robin called you a while ago that she was already there. You waited another 30 minutes before heading out, really debating if you want to go.
You pull up to the address Robin gave you. You look at the address scribbled on the paper just to make sure you were at the right place.
You walk up to the front door and knock, no one answers. You sway back and forth on your feet and decide to knock again. No answers, maybe everyone is out back and can’t hear?
You’re thinking maybe now is the time to run back to your car and just go home. Your inner battle is interrupted by the door swinging open.
Steve stands there with a smug look on his face.
You stare back “um hey”
“Uh hi” he mocks you “were you thinking about walking away?”
What? Oh. “Where you just standing there watching me you freak?”
You know you should be nicer, it is his house after all but it’s hot and you're sweating and you feel like you’re melting and he’s being mean and he’s getting on your nerves.
“Well are we gonna keep standing here orrr”
Steve pushes the door open all the way, inviting you in.
You walk right past him and you keep walking but you have no idea where to go. Steve shuts the door after you and brushes past you, you assume he knows where he’s going so you just follow him.
As you walk through the house,you can’t help but stare at everything.Steve’s house is beyond nice, it’s beautiful. You linger behind him, focusing on every little thing you pass.
You aren’t paying attention and don’t realize that Steve has stopped walking.
You run right into him
“Okay who's the freak now, why are you starting down everything in here? it’s creeping me out.”
Dammit he noticed. No point in lying.
“Your house is insane”
“No it is not”
“Uh, yes it is.”
“No it’s not, it’s a normal house, now move.” He goes behind you and starts shoving you towards what you assume is the back door.
“Are you kidding me, this is not normal, you’re a true ten percenter.”
“Okay I get it, eat the rich or whatever.”
You look behind you and give him a disgusted look. “It doesn’t sound right when you say it.”
Steve ignores you and goes to open the back door. You are immediately greeted by the sound of yelling and splashing. How you didn’t hear it before is beyond you. Once you step outside and your eyes adjust to the light you see the culprits of the splashing.
A pool full of teens. A pool full of teens that are now staring at you.
Robin hops up from her lounge chair and walks towards you.
“Hey I thought you’d never make it, I called you forever ago.”
The delay was on purpose. “Yeah sorry, I got distracted, You know me.” Robin seems to buy the excuse and shrugs.
“Well come sit down.” Robin leads you over to the lounge chair right next to hers.
You go to sit down but you still feel lingering eyes. “Hey Rob, why are the children staring at me?”
She whips her head towards them and they immediately look away. “You’re new, they’re frightened.”
You leave it at that.
You sit in your chair but you can’t help but feel uncomfortable, caused by the mixture of heat and the situation itself.
Once you feel like everyones stopped staring you decide to take your jean shorts and top off. You try to be as nonchalant as you can, but you feel lingering eyes again. You turn to the kids but they're too wrapped up in whatever water fight they're having. You look more to your left and find the wandering eyes. Steve tries to act like he wasn't staring, he turns his head a bit too late, and it could just be the heat but you see a pink tint on his cheeks.
You lounge on the chairs with Robin for a while. Robin seems unaffected by the sun, reading her book peacefully. You, on the other hand, are sweltering. Your skin is shiny with sweat. Everything in you wants to jump right into the pool but you don’t.
It’s weird. For some reason you feel almost embarrassed to get in the pool. You know Steve offered but you know it was reluctantly. Also, you have no idea who these kids are and the idea of just jumping in the pool with them makes you nervous.
How pitiful, a bunch of high schoolers are scaring you.
You take a deep breath in. Maybe Robin will want to get in with you. You glanced towards Robin, who is currently sipping on whatever drink Steve gave her, eyebrows scrunched tightly. She’s gotten to the good part of her book, so you can count Robin out of getting into the water with you.
This is fine, you think. You’ll just sit here and tan away. Maybe Robin will make the decision soon to get in and you’ll jump at the opportunity to join her.
You turn from your stomach onto your back. You use your hand to block the sun but something bigger in front of you does the job for you.
Steve stands in front of you. “You’re gonna pass out from the heat.”
You move your hand to look at him. “What are you talking about Steven?”
You hear a chuckle come from the pool “Steven? You call him Steven?” You lean over to see who's laughing. You see one of the kids hanging on the pool wall, he’s got a silly little grin on his face.
Steve turns around, “No, no one calls me Steven”
“Liar, I call you Steven all the time.”
Steve turns back towards you, “Yeah and I tell you not to every time you do.”
“Why, what's so wrong with calling you Steven?”
“Uh, maybe the fact that it isn’t my name”
You gasp, “No way that isn’t your real name.”
Steve puts a hand on his hip, “Oh as if you don’t know what my real name is.”
You give him a look.”What's that supposed to mean? Is everyone just expected to know who you are and what your name is, big shot.”
“Okay that isn't what I meant”
You and Steve start to bicker back and forth but are silenced by a loud groan coming next from you.
Robin slams her book shut, “do you see what you started Henderson, they were doing so well.”
Henderson, that's the name of the instigator.
You go to sit up, “I was doing just well until Harrington over here came up to me and started bothering me.”
“Well I just thought that you looked hot and-” he cuts himself off, “not hot, well yes hot, you look sweaty and gross and yeah, you know.”
You all just stare at Steve, You don’t know what bothers you more, the fact that he called you sweaty and gross, or that he was staring long enough to notice how uncomfortable you were getting with the heat.
You hear a full on belly laugh, it comes from the Henderson kid. He shakes his head laughing and swims back over to the other kids.
This leaves you, Steve, and Robin in an awkward silence.
Robin finally puts her book down on the side table next to her, “Alright maybe it is time to get in the water.”
Oh bless Robin, she may not always pick up on social cues but you internally applaud her for picking up this one.
You get up and start walking towards the pool. Robin jumps right in. You’re about to head in when you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around fully to look and it Steve. You're about to ask him what his problem is but before you can he gives you a smug smile and pushes you.
You lose your footing and fall right into the pool. You feel a splash right next to you from under the water. You assume Steve jumped in right after you.
You feel beyond embarrassed and stay as long as you can under the water. Gravity defies your wishes and you begin to float back up to the surface of the water. When your head breaks through the water you gasp for air. All you can hear is everyone laughing, but in the mixture of laughs is Steves.
He’s laughing, you’ve never seen him laugh this hard before. You can’t help but feel a little less angry. The water feels amazing and that's enough to fully disperse your anger.
The kids get distracted by their own antics and Robin joins in with them. You sit back, not really a fan of getting splashed. Steve swims over to you, still giggling. You try your hardest not to smile but you can’t help it.
When he reaches you he speaks up, “I wish you could’ve seen your face, it was the most hilarious thing ever.”
You splash a bit of water towards him. “Yeah well I didn’t really expect to get flung into the water.”
Steve shrugs his shoulders,”What did you expect?” You give a small laugh, “more from you, but shame on me for having faith.” You both just giggle. You sit in silence for a bit, just watching Robin and the kids fight over the only two tubes in the pool.
You glance towards Steve. He’s got a real big smile on his face. The suns hitting him straight on. He’s glowing and it makes your heart beat faster.
No, no,no,no.
You are not doing this. This is not what you need. You have seen about a bazillion girls go down this same path and you will not end up like the rest of them.
You continue swimming towards the stairs, “I'm just gonna sit on the stairs for a bit.”
“Hey if the kids are being overwhelming with all the splashing, I can tell them to stop.”
No Steve it’s not the kids, it’s you but he doesn’t seem to get it as he continues to follow you to the steps.
You don’t know how to fend him off so you do what you always do, you be mean. “Gosh Harrington can you just go bother someone else.” You sat on the stairs and looked at him and you wished you hadn’t.
Steve has got this sad puppy look. His browns pinched and brown eyes wide. Before you can apologize he turns and starts swimming towards the rest of the group, muttering a small whatever.
You sit alone with a pit in your stomach. You see everyone having the time of their lives. It's better this way you think. Better for you, better for him, better for everyone.
A couple of hours have passed and Steve has steered clear of you. You’ve all been going back and forth between the pool and the chairs.
The kids worked up a huge appetite so Steve ordered some pizza and now everyone was lounging around.
You haven’t felt any better than you did earlier and you think you’ve stayed long enough.
You walk up to Robin who’s floating on a tube in the pool.
You lean over the pool so you can catch her attention.
“Hey Rob I think I’m gonna head out.”
She sits up in her tube, “what, why, the pizza hasn’t even gotten here yet.”
“It’s okay I’m not that hungry. Plus it’s getting late and I forgot my glasses.”
Robin groans, “what did I tell you about you glasses, you gotta keep them in your car man.”
They are in your car, but at this point you’re looking for any excuse to leave.
“Steve can drive you home. He has to drive me home anyways.”
You give her a look. “Robin, you can’t just offer for him.”
She gives you a sheepish smile. “I’m sure Steve won’t mind.”
“Steve won’t mind what.” Oh gosh you feel like you’re gonna cry.
You both look at Steve as he repeats his question.
“You don’t mind driving her home right.”
Whatever you said about Robin and social cues, this is what you meant.
You shake your head. “No he doesn’t have to drive me home, it makes no sense and plus he probably has to take all the kids home anyways.” That should do it.
It doesn’t. “Actually Nance is coming to pick them up. They’re having a sleep over at Mikes.”
Oh, Nance, Nance, you’ve heard about her.
Nancy, super cool badass Nancy who Steve has been hung up on since high school Nancy.
With your new found feelings, you’d rather not see them interact so even more reason to leave.
“Well I-” Robin cuts you off
“At least stay for pizza”
You stare at her and then glanced towards Steve, he doesn’t say anything.
“Okay Rob, I’ll stay for pizza.”
Robin gives a small yes and floats away on her tube.
You're done with the pool and want to change. You see Steve heading inside and step after him.
“Hey, mind if I borrow the bathroom.”
He just nods. You wait for instructions on where it is but none come.
Steve looks at you with a “what” look on his face.
“um , where’s the bathroom?”
Steve starts walking without saying anything. You follow behind him.
He leads you up the stairs. Finally you reach a bathroom which you assume is his based on all the hair products sitting on the counter.
“You can use this one. The kids are taking turns in the one downstairs so they won’t bother you up here.”
That's actually..really generous.
“Do you mind if I take a quick shower to rinse off the chlorine? It’s starting to burn my eyes.”
Steve just nods. “Be my guest.”
He shuts the door behind him, leaving you in the bathroom.
You lock the door and shimmy out of your wet bathing suit. It takes you a minute to figure out the hot water but when you do, you crank it up.
Once in the shower, you look at all the fancy products Steve has. You grab a shampoo bottle and are immediately hit with a familiar scent. You shake your head and put the bottle down. You grab the body wash and it's the same thing all over again. You quickly use it then rinse off and get out.
You feel like you're losing it. Everything in this bathroom is overwhelming you and you need to get out, quickly.
You lather lotion all over yourself and finish throwing on your clothes and run out the bathroom with your wet clothes in hand. You scurry down the stairs and head towards the back door. You can immediately smell the pizza and are grateful that the scent takes over the smell of Steve's body wash on you.
You see everyone surrounding the pizza boxes. Steve is trying her best to keep things in order but there's only so much he can do against a band of hungry teenagers.
You see robin sitting at the outdoor table with two plates, she pats the seat next to her. You walk over to her with a small smile.
“Hey, I was trying to save you a slice of pepperoni but us grown ups might be stuck with the supreme.”
You pat her on the back “thanks for trying, I’m proud of you either way.”
Robin smiles at the praise and hands you a plate with a supreme slice on it.
You take it but cant help but look at it with a bit of disdain. You actually don’t like supreme but you’ve actually worked up an appetite, so supreme will do.
Eventually each kid starts taking a seat at the table with you guys. You guys small talk until the Henderson kid gives you a compliment on your shirt. You give thanks and look down at it, thats when it dawns on you that it isn’t yours.
The shirt belonged to an ex of yours, you said you’d throw out all his things but you kept most of the t-shirts he left behind. They make great lounge shirts.
“Um thanks, it's actually my exes.” all the kids giggle and Robin gasps at you.
“What the heck, I should’ve known something was going on, that would explain why he asks about you every time he comes into the store.”
This is news to you and before you can defend yourself you hear Steve mumble a quiet “is that who that is ?”
It throws you off for a bit but then you and Robin start bickering back and forth about said ex.
Steve clears his throat loudly, “I’ll be back,” and with that he heads inside.
Robin rolls her eyes at him “dramatic much?” The kids laugh again and everyone starts chowing down on their pizzas.
You and Robin chat with the kids. They have you laughing so hard that you tear up a bit. You can see why Robin cares for them so much. You all continue to chat until you hear another set of laughs coming from the back door.
You all turn to look and you see Steve and Nancy. Steve looks at her like he’s hanging onto every sentence that comes out of her mouth You look down at your plate, you start to get that obnoxious feeling in your stomach and feel your heart pick up.
All the kids yell in unison “Nancyy!”
She laughs, “hey guys, had fun?”
They answer with their own responses.
Steve and Nancy come to sit down at the table where everyone else is.
Steve grabs a seat next to you and Nancy next to him. You want to get up and move but you feel like that might be a bit of an overreaction.
Steve grabs a plate and puts a slice on it and hands it over to Nancy, just like its second nature.
Nancy gives him a small thank you and starts eating her slice. You can't help looking back and forth between your plate and hers, you feel embarrassed.Your plate is filled with all the veggies you picked off your slice, while everyone else is eating it just fine.
Robin interrupts your internal conflict by leaning over to talk to Nancy.
“Hey Nance, this is my best friend by the way.”
Nancy puts her plate down and reaches her hand out to you, “hey it's really nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.”
You reach your hand across Steve to meet hers, “It’s great to meet you too, I hope it's been all things good.” She just smiles and nods. Steve lets out a snort after your comment. You do your best to just ignore him.
Everyone starts chattering away as you continue to pick at your pizza.
Out of nowhere Steve lets out a sigh and looks over towards you.
“What's the point of getting a supreme slice if you're not even gonna eat it right.”
You feel your face flush out of embarrassment at him calling you out.
“There weren't any pepperoni slices left.”
“So then just eat the pizza that's left.” he says with a mean tone to his voice.
“That's literally what I'm doing right now.”
“No you aren't, you practically picked everything off your slice, its just bread.”
You're starting to get annoyed with his comments. “Okay I don’t like what’s on a supreme slice , is that a crime?”
“Not a crime, it's just a waste.”
At this point you can feel everyone quieting around you. You know that your arguments with Steve are a form of entertainment for others but you don’t want to argue. However, against your better judgment, you continue.
“What is it with you today Harrington? You are especially intolerable today.”
He scoffs, “you ever consider the fact its because I am having to spend more time than usual with you.”
“Okay, you were the one who invited me over.”
There's a shift in the air. Everyone around you can tell that this isn't just some silly bickering. Robin tries to change the subject but Steve just can’t let it go.
“Yeah, well that was for Robin and in all honesty I thought you’d have the decency not to show up, all things considered.”
Everyone goes dead silent, no more lingering chatter.
“Considering what Harrington?” you urge him on, you really want to hear him say it. For a second you think he’ll hold his tongue but then he blurts it out.
“Considering I despise you.” he’s quiet for a second but not for long. “You’ve got no shame you know, showing up to someone's house even though you’ve done nothing but shit on them every chance you get.”
Robin chair screeches from next to you. “Steve! What the hell?!”
Everyone stares at you wide-eyed, all expecting a quick whipped insult back. It never comes. You don’t have anything to say to Steve Harrington and you don’t think you ever will after this.
You quietly get up from your chair with your plate in hand. Your legs wobble a bit as you stand and Robin reaches for your arm, urging you not to leave. Robin's puppy eyes won't get you this time.
You grab your bag of things and speed walk to the back door. Once you’ve open the door, you can hear a hush chorus of what the hell’s. You drop your plate in the sink and walk through the house to get to your car.
You hear footsteps, and don't know who to expect. When you turn around you get surprised when you see Nancy standing right in front of you.
She approaches you with wariness
“Hey, I just wanted to check on you, make sure you're good to drive.”
You give a pitiful fake laugh, “yeah, i’m fine, I just really have to head out now.”
She walks with you, “that's not like him, well not anymore, I don’t really know what that was.”
“Look Nancy, I don't need you to defend him to me. That's how it's always been between the two of us. I think he’s right, no more long periods of time with the two of us.”
Nancy gives a sad smile, you know she can see right through you and you hate it.
“I’ve never really seen him act like this, but I don’t think he despises you, I’ve seen Steve hate and that isn’t it.”
You know she’s just trying to make you feel better but the whole ‘I know him’ spiel just makes your heart ache even more. Nancy does know Steve in that manner and you can’t stand it even after him blowing up on you.
You give Nancy a small smile and tell her goodbye.
You finally get into your car and rummage around for your glasses. You can’t find them. You can't help but laugh. You really didn’t have your glasses all this time. You turn your brights on, in hopes that it makes seeing a bit easier.
You’ve been home for a while now and still are unable to sleep. Your brain is running a mile a minute and you’ve given up trying to lay down. You're sitting at your window staring out into space. You replay the conversation with Steve. You could still hear the way his voice raised and you can see the scowl on his face everytime you close your eyes.
You can’t just sit here, you’ve got to go and do something, anything to get your brain to just stop its constant buzzing. You grab your keys and a jacket as you head out your room. You don’t even bother changing out of your pajamas as you sneak out the side door. Your parents are heavy sleepers so you doubt they hear the engine turn but if they do that's just something youll deal with when you get back home.
You drive until you find a gas station that's still open. When you walk in, the cashier gives you an odd look. You ignore him as you go to grab all the snacks you crave. You usually have some self restraint but you think of it as a treat to make up for the day you had.
You walk out with a back full of candy and chips in one hand and an icy in the other.
When you make it back home you’re gathering your things when you see a car slowly rolling down the road. Still with no glasses, all you can do is squint really hard to try and make out the car. You see the car park two houses down the road and turn off. They sit in their car for a moment but finally you see the car door swing open. You decide that you might need to hurry inside.
you inhale sharply when you see the person making their way down the sidewalk, this time a lot closer than before. You start to speed walk to the side door.
All is well you think, until you hear a ‘hey’ come from behind you. You ignore it as you try your best to get your hands to stop shaking to unlock the door. You hear it again expect this time closer.
You freak out and the only thing you can do is chuck your slushy at whoever came up behind you and scream.
That's when you finally hear a string of curses from a voice that sounds oddly familiar.
You look over at the shadow figure and squint really hard. “Harrington?”
Steve, who now has slushy all over him looks up. “Yes, yes it's me Steve. Dude what the actual hell?” He looks back down at his shirt and tries to wipe pieces of frozen slushy off his shirt.
You look at him bewildered. Is he saying what the hell to you? After running up on you like some freak in the night?
“Hey that's my line, what else did you expect. You can't just creep up on a girl in the middle of the night, it's not right.”
Steve goes to argue back but you both see the light turn through the side door window.
You look back at each other with wide eyes.
“go, go hide somewhere.” you whisper shout to Steve, urging him to go anywhere that isnt right in front of your door.
He quickly rounds the corner of the house right as the side door opens. Your mother is standing in her robe with a frantic look on her sleepy face.
“What on earth is happening out here?”
“Oh, I was throwing away some trash.” you point to the bag in your hand, “then i saw some sort of critter run away from the trash cans.”
Your mom seems to believe your story. “Oh my gosh, did you see what it was?”
You shake your head. “No, i dont have my glasses.” you hope Steve is listening for the next part. “But I bet it was ugly and I hope it never comes back.”
Your mom’s too tired to pick up on your tone and just shakes her head back at you. “Why are you throwing away trash right now?”
“You know me and my late night cleaning.”
Yeah, you got her there. “Okay well don't forget to lock the door when you come back in, also please keep it down.”
“Sure thing mom, love you.” she gives a “love you too honey” and walks back towards her room.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You head over to where Steve was hiding. When you round the corner you see Steve standing there still trying to get the slushy off of him. You can't see much in the dark but you know for a fact that his shirt is ruined.
“What on earth are you doing here?”
Steve doesn’t look up at you, he just continues to fidget with his shirt.
“I don’t know, I was dropping Robin off. We talked for a bit and she gave me your address. I think I want to talk”
“You think you want to talk?”
Um, “about?”
“You ask a lot of questions.”
You scoff, “I think they’re warranted, all things considered.”
“True true, you got me there.”
You can’t really stand seeing a blurry Steve with red slushy dripping off of him so you speak before you can really think about it.
“Do you wanna come in?”
Steve finally looks up at you. “Like inside?”
“Where else would we be going?”
“But your parents are home.”
You let out an annoyed breath “Look you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just offering so you could get all that'' you motion towards his shirt, “off of you.”
Steve answers the second the sentence comes out your mouth. “Yes, yes, I’d like to come inside.”
“Okay well, come on.”
After asking him to take off his shoes, you have him sneak up the stairs as quietly as he can.
Once in your room you close the door behind you and lock it. Now that you're both in your room, you start to panic. You quickly look around to make sure there isn’t anything weird laying around. Steve doesn't seem like who knows where to look either. His eyes jump from item to item, scanning everything around your room.
You sort of have a deja vu moment to earlier when you were staring at everything in his house.
You clear your throat. “Um, through that door is the bathroom if you want to rinse off. I can find something that you can wear.”
You go to your drawers and rummage through until you find a shirt and shorts that you think will fit him. “Here, I think these should work.”
Steve takes the clothes from your hands. “More of your ex's clothes?” you think he’s trying to make a joke but his tone seems more upset than joking.
“No, that's actually my brother's old clothes.”
“Oh, well I’m gonna wash up.”
Before you can respond, Steve shuts the bathroom door behind him and you hear the shower turn on.
A bit of time passes and you hear the shower turn off, a bit of rummaging comes from the bathroom and finally Steve walks out. He’s got your brother's clothes on and his dirty clothes in hand.
“Is there any way I can try washing this?”
Now's probably not the best time to run the washer. “I think it’ll wake my parents.”
“Right” Steve nods.
“I can try scrubbing it in the sink.”
“Yeah , I’d appreciate it.”
You walk up and grab the shirt out of his hands. You go into the bathroom and he follows behind you. You reach under your sink and take out some bleach and a scrub. Steve takes a seat on the edge of the tub behind you.
There's no sound but the faucet running and you scrubbing at the stains on his shirt. Once you've scrubbed as hard as you can, you ring out the shirt and hang it on the towel rack.
“I couldn't get it all out but I think I did some damage.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
There's a pause, “I deserved it.”
Agreed. “Yeah , you really scared me.”
Steve shakes his head. “Not for that.”
You immediately know what he’s talking about and the mention of it seems to reignite whatever irritation you had for him.
“Yeah, talk about hospitality.” Steve doesn't seem to enjoy your sarcastic tone but he takes it nonetheless.
“Look, I was really irritated and everything you were saying was just really setting me off and” he pauses. “ if I could just explain my perspective I think you’d be able to under-”
Is he really telling you how irritating you were being?
You cut him off before he can finish. “What did you come over for?”
“What did you come over for? Was it to apologize because where you were headed didn't sound like an apology.”
He gives no answer.
“I’d rather you not apologize if you don’t mean it.”
“I think we both have some apologizing to do.”
That throws you for a loop. “What do I have to apologize for?” Steve huffs, “You aren’t exactly innocent in all of this.”
“I didn’t embarrass you in front of a group of people you’ve just met. I also didn't kick you out of my house, which I'm thinking I should do now.”
“Woah, I did not kick you out of my house.”
You scoff, “Might as well have but don't worry, I now have the decency to never show up again.” you’re being mean and you know it but you can’t help it. Everything is so back and forth with Steve and you can’t help but revert back to where you guys started.
Fighting, saying mean things to one another should feel normal but it doesn't. You see Steve's face and he looks so defeated and usually that has no effect on you but it does this time.
“I don’t want to argue with you. It’s late and I’m tired.”
Steve goes to say something else but you beat him to it. “Aren't you tired?” Steve knows you’re not just talking about the time of night. He knows what you’re insinuating.
You let out a sigh and slump into the counter behind you. “Some people just don’t get along. Forcing a relationship isn’t going to get us anywhere.”
Steve looks up from the ground “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You give a small shrug, you fiddle with your nails. “Maybe we just need to steer clear. It makes Robin uncomfortable, I can see it.” Steve stays quiet so you continue.
“She’s my best friend and I love her and for some reason she loves you just as much. I don’t want her to choose.” Robins is really good at hiding it in small jokes and jabs but you can see it in her face when you and Steve argue. Everyone else sees it as silly bickering but Robin knows the extent of it, she hears both sides constantly nagging about the two people she loves the most.
Steve finally speaks up “Yeah, I’ve picked up on that too.” you both make eye contact and Steve’s eyes still look so sad. “So what, we just ignore each other, I don’t think that’ll make Robin any happier.”
You let out a laugh and Steve looks at you bewildered. “What’s so funny?”
“We sound like divorced parents, like we're trying to figure out what the best course of action is for our kid.” Steve doesn’t find it as funny and you don’t get why, he seems genuinely distraught and you can't help but point it out.
“Why so serious? This is like a dream come true for you.”
Steve stands up from the tub and walks a few a couple steps and ends up right in front of you.
“You’re an idiot.” Is he serious right now? He wants to go again?
“What the actual hell is your problem? I am trying to be civil and you’re being an assho-”
“I’m an idiot too.” Okay, what is going on? Steve steps a bit closer and you try to scoot away but you're stopped by the counter behind you. He’s so close to you, you can smell your body wash and shampoo on him.
“Did you use my soap?”
He gives a simple “yes” and proceeds, “did you want to just sit in the water and not actually clean myself?”
“Well I didn’t know the hair could stand anything under a thirty dollar range.”
Steve doesn’t look as sad any more and you’re even more confused. “No, not usually, but I made an exception tonight.”
You're arguing with Steve, at least you think you are, but you second guess yourself because Steve seems sooo… bubbly?
You focus in, “okay we need to finish talking.”
Steve just shakes his head. “I don’t want to talk about that anymore.”
“Can I tell you what I came for?”
“We already discussed this, you came to tell me how annoying I am and yada yada.”
Steve shakes his head again. “No, you never really let me finish. You just kind of ran with the conversation.”
That's…kinda true.
You stay quiet and let him speak.
Steve lets out a sigh. “I was irritated. I had been on edge all day at the idea of you coming over to my house. I was scared to have someone who I don’t get along with in my space. I was even more nervous to see how things would be around all the kids.”
He pauses, you bump your knee with his to get him to continue. “The way I get with you, I don’t act like that in front of the kids or really with anyone. I’m never sure where we will go and it was all unsettling, but then you got there and everything was fine and the kids thought we were a hoot and things felt, well, normal.”
You nod your head agreeing, things were fine. “It was going great but then you got all defensive again and it threw me off, kinda brought me back to reality. The reality is that you don’t like me.”
He inhales deeply before releasing it and continuing . “It upset me because I don’t feel that way about you, not anymore. At first yeah, you totally annoyed the shit out of me, but after time I found myself annoying you on purpose. If it got you to talk to me then it would do. Trust me I still felt bothered by you every now and then but it was different.”
Whatever realization you just had today, Steve had it a while ago.
You look down at Steve’s hands and they clench at his sides, and then he does something that surprises you. Steve brings his hands to rest on the counter behind you. He’s now trapped you in between his arms, but you don’t feel trapped, you feel oddly okay with this.
You and Steve are so close now, you can really smell your body wash lingering off of him. It makes your cheeks heat up. The idea of him in your shower, using your products like it’s no big deal feels intimate.
You look down at your feet to try and hide your blush but Steve brings his head down to find your eyes. When you look back up Steve’s got a serious look on his face.
“Not that you have to respond, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm so nervous right now I might die.”
You let out a laugh and Steve smiles at you, “you’re so dramatic.” Steve nods, “yeah, i'm all sorts of things when it comes to you.”
You feel like you can’t breathe, Steve has become so earnest in a matter of minutes and you don’t know how to handle it. You panic and say the first thing that comes to mind. “And what about you and Nancy?”
Steve looks upset for a second but then his face morphes into confusion, “What about me and Nacy.”
You shrug, trying to seem indifferent, “ Robins always going on about how hung up you are on her.”
“You know if I didn’t love Robin so much, I'd really put her through the ringer.”
You nod your head in agreement, Rob can be a bit much sometimes. Steve continues, “I think she interpreted that all wrong, I do talk about Nancy, that's true, but it’s not because I’m hung up on her.” he sighs, “I treated her pretty badly and I regret it so much and I think I always will but there's nothing with Nancy, that's over, closed, done .”
“Oh and, she’s got a boyfriend and they’re really great together and I'm happy fo-”
You cut Steve off by bringing your hand up to cover his mouth , “okay okay I get it. Point proven.”
You can feel him smile from under your hand, he lifts one of his hands up to grab yours. When he does, he keeps it in his hold. You flex your hand in his, not knowing what to do, he grips your hand tighter, thinking you're trying to pull away.
You both stand there for a minute before you gain the courage to speak. “What does this mean, for us?”
Steves quick to respond. “Whatever you want it to mean, if you want it to mean anything.”
He’s got a hopeful look in his eyes and you just can't turn him down, not anymore.
“I, Look, this is all very new to me. A couple hours ago I thought I was going to drown you in your own pool but now, drowning you doesn't seem as appealing to me.”
Steve laughs, like fully laughs, and for a moment you're scared your parents are going to hear him, but you're too distracted by him to care.
“Oh my gosh, talk about the confession of the century. Your’e not really good at this.”
Your’e mildly offended. “Yes I am, this is just different.”
“Was it different with your ex boyfriend too?”
Oh seriously?
“Why are we talking about my ex boyfriend right now? He’s not relevant to the conversation.”
No I guess not but since we’re on the topic, what's all that about?”
You give him a questionable look. “Whats’ my ex all about?”
“um , he’s a guy that I dated, and then we broke up?”
You're questionable because you don't really know what he’s looking for.
Steve drops your hand to lean forward on the counter again. You can't help but be a little sad, just a little.
“Oh wow really, no, I mean why’s he always asking about you and why do you still have his clothes?”
You give a little shrug, “I actually had no idea he was asking about me, I really need to ask rob about that and I kept some of his shirts because, well, they're comfortable.”
Steve blinks at you. “Because they're comfortable?”
You nod.
Steve chuckles and leans in to put his head on your shoulder. “I'm gonna lose my mind, I really am.”
Woah woah woah, if you thought you were blushing before, you really are now.
Steve goes to lift his head up and you quickly push it back onto your shoulder. You’ll be damned if he sees you blushing this hard.
Steve laughs again and you can't help but laugh with him.
“Um, what's going on?”
You take a moment to really feel Steve’s hair and you're honestly a little jealous. Never in your life have you felt hair as smooth and silky as his. You continue and rub your hand through his locks. You’re not really holding his head down anymore but he makes no effort to lift it up.
You hear him sigh and it knocks you out of your daze. You lift your hand up and Steve shoots his head up.
“Why’d you stop?”
He just repeats the question. “I- I don't know, I just thought that I should?”
Steve shakes his head, “man you're really out of your element here huh?”
You get defensive. “Uh no I am not, I just,” you let out a breath, “ Steve, I meant it when i said things are different with you but it's not a bad different, it's a good different and I think that- ”
Steve stops your rambling, eyes wide. “Did you just call me Steve?”
You stop to think, you didn't even realize you had.
“That is your name isn't it?”
Steve says nothing for a moment and then out of nowhere his hands are on your sides. He pulls you forward. You gasp in shock.
Steve looks you right in the eyes and asks “say it again.”
You play coy “it again.” Steve lets out a frustrated groan and gives your hips a shake “say my name again. If you don't, I think I might die.”
He’s really pulling out all the stops and he’s almost got you “Say please.”
Steve is as close as he’s ever been when he whispers a quiet “please”
You say his name even quieter but he’s close enough to pick it up
There's a split second where Steve stares at you with a look that has so much meaning and all you do is nod and he’s invaded your space fully.
Steve kisses you with such urgency, like he’s waited his whole life for this moment and you can't help but meet him with the same furocity.
He’s obviously very skilled and the thought of all his past endeavors have you feeling green but as if he can read your mind, Steve pulls you in even closer, pressing himself against you.
You think you could do this forever but your lungs are demanding air.
Steve doesn't let you pull away for any longer than a second, each gasp of air is eaten by him right after. You can't help but smile into the kisses. Steve pays no mind and just lands kiss after kiss after kiss. You feel so light headed and airy, you think you’ll faint if this goes on any longer.
You bring your hands to his hair again, which elicits a groan from Steve. That alone makes you want to continue but you’ve got to breathe. You grab a hold of his locks and pull gently, Steve pulls away long enough for you to say his name again. Another groan follows.
He’s rushing forward, eyes on your lips, when you grip his hair tighter, he winces and you immediately rush to apologize.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, I just needed a minute and that's the only thing I could think of.”
Steve pants out a response. “Next time you wanna stop, definitely don't do that cause that does not make me want to stop.”
It doesn't take much time for you to get how he’s insinuating.
You run your hands along the spots that you tugged on, hoping to soothe the sting.
“I'm sorry Steve.”
The sweet tone in your voice has Steve back on you, kissing along your jaw.
You let out a sweet sigh, “Steve”
“Again.” he says as he makes his trail down the side of your neck.
you breathe out an airy laugh, “Steve”
you’d say his name a million times, over and over again, if this is what it got you.
Finally, after what feels like forever, Steve pulls away.
“You're gonna get tired of your own name if you keep making me say it.” you say teasingly
Steve’s still holding you close, “No way, not if it’s you saying it.”
You hum. You both stand close, basking in each other's presence when all the sudden you hear a loud crack.
You and Steve both jump at the sound. You both walk out the bathroom hand in hand. Steve gets in front of you, like he’s trying to protect you from whatever made the noise. It makes your heart stutter.
When you both walk into your room you notice that rain is coming down hard and you’ve still got your window open.
“Shit” you say scurrying over to the window.
Steve comes up right behind you to help push the window down. He does so with little effort of course.
You both linger and suddenly something comes to mind. “It's raining.”
“I see that.” Steve gives you a little smirk. “Pretty hard too.”
You nod “yeah, as your host” you pause to make sure he’s paying attention, “I just can't, with a conscious mind, let you drive in that rain. It's for your safety.”
Steve nods aggressively, “of course, of course.”
You clap your hands, “well that's that.” without another word, you drag him over to your bed. You throw your hoard of pillows onto the ground and fall onto your bed. Steve stands still, not really sure what to do.
“Whatcha thinking about?”
Steve, still standing, says “things, many many things.”
You scoot into a comfortable position and pat the spot next to you “woah you move fast, freak.”
Steve gives an offended look but finally goes to lay down next to you. You both lay there, facing one another.
“I didn’t even say anything.”
You bring your hand up to flick him on the forehead, “you didn't have to, I can see it in your eyes.”
Steve grabs your hand before you can pull it away. “Whatever, you’re imagining things.” Steve tries his best to change the subject but you can see his face turning red.
“Steve,” you say, dragging his name, “are you blushing right now?”
Steve goes to cover your eyes, “Shut up, aren't you blind? You’re seeing things.”
You pry his hand away. “I am not blind.” you say, going to pinch his sides.
Steve tries and succeeds in pinning your hands down, he’s above you grinning. “Why are you insistent on harming me all of a sudden? Is it like a kink or something?”
You feel your face heat up, “what? Absolutely not. And what about you with the hair pulling?”
Steve is stunned silent. “Lets…. Let's not go there.”
Still with your hand pinned, “I think we should actually, you seem to really get a kick out of me yanking on your hair, I can only imagine what else you like being yan-”
Steve cuts you off with a bruising kiss and as much as you like teasing him, this is much much better.
Steve kisses with so much passion, almost like he can’t help it, it makes you get that sickly sweet feeling in your stomach.
Obviously distracted, he lets go of your hands and they immediately fly up to his hair. You think you might be obsessed with it.
Steve runs his hands up and down your body, your shirt scrunching up due to this. Steve wastes no time and slides his hands under your shirt to feel your skin. This causes you to gasp into his mouth. Steve likes this reaction, grinning into your lips.
You bring your legs to wrap around his back and pull him down. Steve stumbles a bit and is now pressing himself into you.
You break apart from him, gasping for air. Steve immediately kisses a trail down your neck. Hands still in his hair, eyes closed, you let out a blissful sigh.
Deciding to be a bit mischievous, Steve nips at different spots on your neck, eliciting small sounds from you, until he finally finds a spot that has you bringing a hand to cover your mouth.
You feel like you're floating, like you're dreaming and none of this is real. Is this real?
You lay your hands on the sides of Steve's face and lift. When he looks up, he’s looking at you with the dreamiest eyes. You need to reach a stopping point but with that look you just can't help it.
One more, you think. You guide him up to kiss you again and this time it’s so sweet you think you might cry.
One more turns into two, then a dozen more.
Finally after what feels like an eternity, you find yourselves with Steve resting his head in the crook of your neck, still kissing the skin there from time to time.
You lay there, running your hands through his hair, everyone now and then getting a sound of approval.
Steve breaks the silence first. “You know earlier, at my house, I really did feel like a freak.”
You give a small laugh. “What? Why?”
Steve, still with his face buried in your neck, “You were sitting in your bathing suit and you were legitimately glistening in the sun, and I could not for the life of me, stop looking.”
That's why you felt like someone was watching you, you'd just never assume it was him.
Steve continues, “that's when i decided to get you into the pull, I thought that if I pushed you in, you’d look like a wet dog and all would be well.”
You scoff and slap the side of his head “real nice Steve.”
He laughs, “let me finish” you can feel his hands fiddling at your side. “That totally backfired on me because you came up from the water and it was like, in slow motion, and you were laughing, like actually laughing and in that moment I could have died.”
“Steve, how's this gonna work? I can't have you almost dying every time I'm being a total babe, because that's like all the time.”
Steve nods in agreement. “Oh yeah, totally not good for my health at all, but you’re worth it.”
This makes your heart swell.
You both fall into a comfortable silence. You feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. You can feel Steve’s breathing getting slower as well. Before you realize, you both drift off to sleep.
When you stir awake, you’re lost for a split second before you remembered what all transpired last night. It's still pouring rain outside and you have no will to get out of bed, not that you could anyways. You don't know how, but Steve has managed to get most of his body laying on yours, head still tucked away and arm tightly wrapped around your waist.
You're totally fine laying like this until you get the urge to pee. You’re squirming finally wakes him up and for a moment you're hopeful that you can be freed to use the restroom. Steves blinks at you but then just closes his eyes and tightens his arm around you.
“Steveee.” he ignored you. “Steve, I have to get up.”
Steve shakes his head and gives a simple no.
“Yes, I have to. I have to go to the-”
You go quiet when you hear the stairs squeak from outside your door.
Now you really start to panic and yet, Steve is still insistent on holding you down.
You whisper now “Steve, no more jokes, it's my parents.” This has Steve shooting his head up, eyes now equally as wide as yours.
He lets you go and before he can say anything, you shoot out of bed and start throwing all your pillows and throw blankets over him into a big pile. He looks lost and you whisper to him. “Don't move, matter of fact, don't breathe.” and you throw one more pillow right onto his face.
You go to your door right as you hear a knock. You crack your door open slightly and see your mom.
“Good morning”
“Good morning.” you say, trying to sound normal.
You hear your dad from down stairs yelling that he’ll be in the car.
Your mom yells that she’ll be right there.
They’re leaving? Score!
Your mom looks you up and down. “We're heading to your aunts for breakfast, we’ll be back a bit later.”
You nod, trying to be nonchalant. “Yeah yeah, sounds good.”
You pray that's all but your mom says something else.
“Im assuming the animal came back last night.”
“um , what mom?”
Shes got a funny smile on her face, “the critter that scared you last night, it came back right.”
Ooooh, you’re done for.
You both look down the stairs when you hear the front door close. Youre mom looks back at you.
“Whatever is going on, we’ll talk later okay?”
You nod defeatingly. “Yeah okay.”
Your mom ruffles your hair through the crack in the door.
“And hunny?”
“Go uncover that poor boy before you suffocate him to death.” and with that she walks down the stairs and you hear the door close for the second time.
Your a bit stunned at your door but your knocked out of it when you hear steve rise up from his pile, gasping for air.
You turn around and walk towards him. “Soooo my mom totally knows your here.”
He winces, “yeah I could kinda hear her.”
You sit down next to him. “On the brightside, it looks like my dad didn’t.”
Steve gives you a look. “Is that a brightside?” you nod your head. “Oh yeah, my dad would have killed you.”
Steve’s eyes go wide and you can't help but bust out in laughter. In a rush, he grabs you and has you both falling back into the bed.
“Don't play like that, you’re gonna give me a heart attack.” you pat his chest. “Oh that definitely wasn't a joke, you should definitely fear the old man.”
Steve gulps. “I dont know whats worse, that or trying to explain all of this to Rob.”
Oh damn. Robin.
You sigh. “That might take the cake.” Steve gives a mhm.
You sit up and swing you legs over Steve’s legs, now straddling him.
“We could sit and talk about how your ass is grass orrr we could do something else.”
Steves hands come up to grip your waist. “The second option, definitely the second option.”
“I like your thinking Harrington.” Steve gives you a look and pulls you down for a bruising kiss.
You’re absolutely done for.
You think this is a slippery situation. Steve will be able to get away with a lot when he finds out that all he has to do is kiss you. You think it might be the same for him.
Steve gives your side a pinch and you gasp into his mouth. This has him sliding his tongue into yours. His hands find their way under your shirt and caress your bare sides.
Steve continues with his slow languid kisses and you think that you won’t be able to live through another morning if it’s not like this.
You smile at your inner thoughts, finding it funny how his dramatics have rubbed off on you. Steve doesn’t question it and continues.
When you two finally pull away you go to lay next to him. Staying up super late and waking up early, the tiredness begins to creep up on you both.
No more words are spoken. With the rain pouring down and your room still being gloomy from the clouds, you decide that sleeping again is inevitable. Steve seems to agree as he’s already got his eyes closed and arm thrown around your stomach.
Everything can wait, you think.
Your mom
Your dad
The whole world for all you care.
With one final glance towards Steve, you close your eyes and are lulled to sleep by the rain hitting the roof.
Helloooo! I’m literally crying, this took me so long but I love it, I love them. I have so much more for them.
#myeyesareburning #naptime
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roseychains · 5 months
Make him jealous ~
A/n: entirely self indulgent.
C/w: written by a minor!, porn with minimal plot, marking, nipple play, fingering, oral (r!receiving), kissing, praise, gentle, idfk.
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2 weeks. That’s exactly how long it had been since your now ex had suddenly cut contact with you. A long relationship you poured your heart into for months, gone without a second though, leaving you void, unable to enjoy anything. It was like you were a shell of the fun loving person you used to be. The joy sucked out, and all that remained was a sad, confused girl who was all but betrayed by the man she loved the most.
You hardly made it through the day without tearing up atleast a little. Everything hurt. It hurt even more when your friend, shoko, has shown you photos of your ex and his new girl. Cuddling in bed, his arm around her waist it was sensual. Your frustrations came pouring out to her. It hurt that you meant so little to him, he could move on so quick, he wasn’t hurting like you were. You wanted him to care, to hurt, to be jealous.
The topic continued to your lunch break, where you met up with 2 more of your colleagues, Gojo and geto. Your frustration seemed to radiate to the rest of the group, the 3 of them vocalizing their distain for the man, that you deserve better, he deserves to hurt, it’s almost like they wanted him to suffer more than you. But in truth, you just wanted him to realize what he lost, to make him jealous.
The sexual tension was thick. Talking about how you needed someone to mark you up and post it on media, to be fucked till you forget, to feel loved again, right in front of your 3 friends, all eyeing you like hungry predators ready to devour their prey. They were so tired of seeing you sad, watching as you slowly lost motivation and will power for all the thighs you used to love. So if anyone was going to do something about it, let it be them. They will make you feel better, like friends do.
Eventually, Gojo took the initiative to finally offer up his services. “I mean, you know the three of us would be more than happy too, you just say the word it will all be yours~” you felt yourself twitch with excitement, almost like a fantasy, to be in between the most attractive people you know. It wasn’t just you, they wanted you too, maybe even more so. Anything for their dear friend.
Finally, the trio came to a plan. They were going to dress you up, take you out, feed you, and fuck you till you feel nothing but pleasure. Then hold you tight till you fall asleep together. It began Saturday morning, breakfast Gojo paid for. You ordered pancakes, that satoru ended up sneaking a few bites of. Next, you were off to the mall.
It was fun, riding the carousel, getting small snacks here and there, but the real event was when you made it over to a high end store with gorgeous dresses. The boys had ran off, but shoko kept her hand in yours guiding you through the store and picking out dresses for you to try. She even came in the changing room to help you sip them, and give you her opinion.
One thing lead to another, she found herself getting handsy with your delicate body, her hands that had previously helped you slip in and out of your clothes was now tracking down your abdomen and dangerously close to your heat, covered only by lacey panties. You gasped as she began toying with your clit through the fabric, her other hand coming up to cover your mouth. “You wouldn’t want to get caught right? Be a good girl and keep it down”, she’d whisper sensually in your ear.
Her words shot right down to your cunt, throbbing with need. She wasted no time to slip her long fingers inside the hem, now. Rubbing them along your slit, feeling your wetness. “Your so fucking wet, my fingers are drenched baby. I can tell you want this.” You felt your eyes roll back against your skull as she plunged two long fingers inside your hole, giving you only a moment to adjust before roughly curling them inside you repeatedly.
Her assault on your core had your legs weak, threatening to fall down. “Careful, baby.” As she helped you to the small chair, fingers still deep inside you. She moves her mouth to leave small love bites on your neck, proof of what the two of you had done in the dressing room. Your hands flew up to hold on her shoulders as you felt yourself reaching your high. “Are you close? Go on then. Let me feel you.”
Your legs shook as you came on her fingers, and your sounds where muffled by her hand covering your mouth. After you came down from your orgasm, dress long forgotten, you put your clothes back on and left with the dress that you and liked the most, face still red and flustered from your exchange in the dressing room. Shoko held your hand as you made your way back to the boys.
The marks on your neck where painfully present, “with out me?” Gojo whined, earning him a smack on the side from geto. “Today isn’t about you, satoru. Anyway, shall we, princess?” His gaze, now back on you offering a gentle hand as you continued your day, until yourself and the trio made your way to the club. After sitting at the bar for a minute, drink in hand you made your way to the floor with the boys, shoko content with her drink.
You were face to face with Gojo, and his hand caressed your face. “You look so beautiful tonight, you know that?” Brushing the hair of your face with his fingers. You giggled and thanked him. He grabbed your chin, and leaned down into your ear, “I can’t wait to show you just how beautiful I think you are~” you felt shivers run up your spine, ones that where only exemplified as you felt a second pair of hands meet on your hips, getos face on the other side of your face behind you.
You were sandwiched between the two large men, you felt your heart facing. There hands roamed your body as much as public decency would allow them, peppering you with gentle kisses on your jawline and collar. As the night went on, the two men could feel themselves losing restraint, shoko getting needy as well. And after a few hours, they escorted you back to the car where the three of you arrived at the closest house, gojos, and hurried inside.
As soon as all of you stepped in, Gojos lips where immediately on yours, practically moaning into your mouth. Geto pulled him off, “let’s take this upstairs. Tonight is all about you, baby.” He picked you up bridal style the other two close behind, and paced to the master bedroom, an Alaskan king easily enough for the four of you. Conferring with you one last time that this was what you wanted, their clothes were being tossed on the floor. You moved your hands to lift up your dress, but Gojo quickly grabbed your wrists. “Let us do it, you don’t have to move a muscle tonight for that?” You nodded, as geto grabbed your dress lifting it over your head, and shoko unclamped your bra, your breasts falling on your chests. You were then layed on your back, and your stocking pulled off your legs, leaving you bare in front of them.
Shoko was the first to move. She grabbed your face and kissed you passionately, tongue diving into your mouth. she then trailed kissed down your neck before reaching your tits. “Fucking gorgeous girl.” She popped one of your buds into her mouth, swirling it around while grabbing your other, fondling your chest.
Meanwhile, the boys layed down settled between your legs, your thighs on either side of their faces. With one hand, both held up your leg and started on your thighs, kissing and sucking on them before they both meet at your heat. Suguru went first, pressing a kiss too your clit before taking the bud into his mouth, “mmm s’ good” he mumbled into your cunt. Satoru took his fingers up to your hole, teasing your entrance before gently pushing in two fingers, making your back arch into shoko. “Careful, sweetie. Tell me if you need anything to change mkay?” Gojo reassured as he began pumping his fingers in and out.
Shoko continued her work on your chest, occasionally letting up to take your mouth in hers, sucking up all your moans, when she remembered your earlier words, reaching for her phone. She held it up enough to show off all the marks on your neck and collar, without getting your boobs in the shot. She snapped the photo, kissed your cheek and hit post.
Geto was making sloppy work of your cunt, eating you out like his life depends on it. His moth was ravenous, mumbling praises here and there relishing in your taste. “Could eat you like this forever, fuck.” Satoru was busy fingering you and kissing every inch of your body, his other hand rubbing gentle shapes into your thigh. “You’re so fucking pretty. We don’t deserve you.”
The combination of stimulation quickly accumulated, you tried to let out a warning before you came, shaking and arching off the bed. On nights like these, one time was enough, and you just wanted to sleep now.
“Do you want a bath? Something to drink?” Geto questioned. “No,” you murmured, “just get me some clothes and hold me till I’m asleep.” And so they did. You lay in the middle, shoko cradling you on one side, satoru the other, and geto holding onto both you and shoko.
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poetlus · 1 month
ROARING ENGINES — streetracer!dabi x gn!reader
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SYNOPSIS: Your boyfriend, a streetracing!Dabi, invites you to take a ride with him, which ends in an annoyingly teasing makeout session.
WARNINGS: unsafe driving, needy dabi (<3), slightly suggestive, reader is able to fit in dabi’s lap with ease— i apologize for the lack of plus-sized inclusivity; however, i couldn’t pass up this request!! i am a minor. do NOT interact if you are a stricly mdni account.
W/C: 1.7k
A/N: oh. my days. i love this so bad. I LOVE THIS SO BAD!!!! this was an amazing experience. one of the scenes in this fic was inspired by this scene in fast n furious. UGH. love. anywho, requested by @sepptember , proofread by @ikn9wyou!! follow auggie and alani. they have wonderful ideas.
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Your boyfriend wasn’t one for showing off— he was reserved. Didn’t care for most people’s opinions. Unless he was on the road. When Dabi’s speeding down the highway, he wants everyone to hear. Especially you.
You were sitting on your apartment couch, the blue light from the TV shining on your face. You weren’t really even watching the show that was on, moreso doom scrolling through various apps— opening and closing them as though they were a fridge and you were hoping more food would magically appear.
Unfortunately, nothing caught your eye.
You let out a loud sigh, changing positions so you were laying down now. That’s when you heard it.
An engine revved from outside of your apartment complex, loud enough to make you wince at the sound. Then, you got a text.
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Butterflies formed in your stomach— an often occurrence when it came to Dabi. Despite him literally being your boyfriend, he never failed to make your stomach do cartwheels any time you even thought about being around him. Your thumbs hovered over your phone, thinking about what to say.
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Within seconds, the man hearted your message, as if he was waiting on the chat for you to respond. Your heart fluttered as you shot up from your spot on the couch, rushing to your bedroom to find something to wear.
After an eternity of searching and creating a mess of clothes on your floor, you had found the perfect outfit. You grabbed your phone and left your apartment, locking the door on your way out.
The elevator ride down to the first floor felt 50 years longer than normal— which was both good and bad; good because you got time to calm your stupid nerves, and bad because you didn’t want to wait to see your boyfriend any longer. As soon as you heard the “ding!”, indicating that the elevator had reached the bottom floor, you practically charged out of the building, looking for Dabi’s car.
There it was, the navy blue Camaro ZL1– bass bumping and engine roaring. That was definitely him. You hurried to the passenger door. Dabi rolled down his tinted windows. His cyan eyes seemingly glowed in the streetlight and you swore you were being seduced.
“Gonna get in?” His slightly raspy voice broke the silence.
You carefully opened the door and slid into the passenger seat. Dabi looked at you, awaiting something. You gave him a slightly confused look, likely muddied by the darkness of the night.
“Well? Where’s my kiss, huh?” He asked you, a hint of impatience sewn into his tone. You giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He huffed, apparently not satisfied.
“What was that about?” You asked him.
“Nothin’.” The white haired man brushed it off and tossed you his phone. “You’re on aux.” He told you, you put on one of your favorite playlists— one that consisted of erotic songs. When you pressed the shuffle button, Poison by Brent Faiyaz began playing.
As the song began, Dabi shifted gears from neutral to drive and carefully pulled away from the cramped street.
His caution didn’t last long, though. As soon as he was out of the packed road, he sped up. His engine revved loudly as he did so and he moved his hand from the stick shift to the knob of the radio. He turned the knob to the right, making the music louder. After adjusting it to his liking, he rested his free hand on your thigh. His other was controlling the wheel, though his attention wasn’t fully on it. He was occupied with you. He watched as you hung your head slightly out of the open window, wind blowing your hair out of your face and giving him a perfect view of your features.
How can a singular human being be so flawless?
The man was enamored by you. In his eyes, you were a spectacle. A trophy that he, somehow, had won. And goddamn, was he proud of his trophy.
You looked to see him staring right back at you, making butterflies erupt yet again. In order to hide your fluster, you snapped your fingers at him.
“Eyes back on the road, Dabi.” He hummed in response and looked forward. You faced towards the window again, feeling the cool air on your cheeks. Dabi sped up as the song ended and the next one played. Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji.
As the engine of his car became white noise, you asked Dabi where you were going.
“Dunno,” He said nonchalantly. “Just driving.” You couldn’t help but smile at Dabi’s voice. You’d play it on repeat if you could.
You began singing along to the radio, making Dabi chuckle. He joined in quietly, unintentionally harmonizing with you.
“Can’t you see? I don’t want to slow dance,” The two of you sang. “In the dark.”
The song continued and you two made conversation, talking about your days and how the two of you missed each other.
“Sorry ‘m so busy, babe.” He apologized. “A lot’s going on with the League right now.” You accepted his apology, because truthfully, that didn’t matter. What mattered was that he was here, with you, in this moment.
The conversation carried on for another 20 minutes, and by now, you were out of the city. Flat, dark farmland stretched out as far as the eye could see. You looked up at the sky from your window— without the light pollution, everything was darker, causing the stars to shine brighter. You stared in awe for a moment at the gorgeous things, mesmerized.
Dabi, finally out of city limits, sped up to 160. You could feel your stomach drop as he sped up. You rolled your window up and said, “Dabi, slow down.” The man smirked.
“Why, ya scared?” He sped up to 180 in a matter of seconds.
“Yes, I am!” You retorted. He pouted mockingly.
“Awh, poor thing.” 185. You smack his arm lightly, making him laugh once more. He finally slowed down. Then, he patted his lap, confusing you slightly. “Well? C’mon.”
“Yeah, right.” You rolled your eyes at him. “While you’re driving?”
“What??” He asks, trying to sound innocent. “I mean it. C’mere.” His eyes were still fixated on the road.
Slightly awkwardly, you crawled over the center console and into his lap— your back was against the door and your head facing his. You smelled his cologne, a hint of vanilla and cinnamon.
Playfully, you dug your nose into the crook of his neck, trying to breathe in all of his scent. He smiled. “You’re ticklin’ me, Y/N.”
“I can’t help it,” you said with your head still buried. “You smell so good!” Another laugh was shared and it was quiet for the moment, the two of you relishing in one another’s peace. That’s when you got your grand idea.
You were going to tease him.
You planted a light kiss on his collarbone, and then another on his neck, and then another on his jaw. You continued this pattern for a minute or two, giving all of your attention to his neck and jaw. Once you seemed to be done, he looked down owards you, expecting you to kiss his lips, but you didn't. Instead, you kissed his cheek and went back to breathing in his scent.
“Y/N.” He said quietly.
“My lips.” It was as if he thought you forgot, as if he was reminding you; you didn’t forget, though. You smiled semi-mischievously, realizing he hadn’t picked up on your teasing.
You looked up at him again and acted as though you were going to kiss him. To catch him off guard, you paused right before you did so and pecked the corner of his mouth. His face morphed from content to annoyance.
“What?” You tried to sound pure and innocent, as if you didn’t know what you were doing.
“You know what. Kiss my lips.” You couldn’t hide your smirk as he spoke. He almost sounded needy, like he had to have you kiss his lips. You pretended to think for a second. Then, you kissed the corner of his mouth again. He leaned into you this time, trying to make you kiss his lips, but to no avail. You dodged his efforts and continued to pepper smooches everywhere but his mouth.
Dabi groaned, eyeing you with an even more annoyed look than before.
“I don’t want to beg, Y/N, kiss my lips.” He almost demanded. “Not my neck, not my cheek, my lips.” You let out a laugh.
“But it’s so fun when you beg!”
“It’s not fun for me..” He grumbled. You almost felt bad, like you were actually doing something wrong by not kissing him on the mouth— not that that would stop you. When you wanted to do something, you were determined. And that something just so happened to be riling up your boyfriend.
So, you continued kissing him, getting ever so close to his mouth just to pull away at the last second. You could tell Dabi was getting frustrated, and that just made the experience all the more enjoyable. After a few more failed attempts of trying to make out with you, Dabi sighed loudly and sped up his vehicle once again.
“You are such a brat.” He hissed. “Stop teasing me.”
“Why? Is it working?”
“No— ‘ts not working. Cut it out.” Dabi denied.
“Seems like it is..” You mumbled to yourself.
“Only thing it’s doing is pissing me off.” You smiled smugly and cupped his face in your hand.
“Awh, I’m sorry baby.” You mocked his tone from earlier. Finally, you slowly kissed his lips, this time not pulling away.
Dabi leaned into you, perhaps more needily than he intended. He was starving for your touch. Your soft lips on his. His tongue easily slid into your mouth, intertwining with yours.
This man was yearning for you. You knew he wanted you, but damn, you didn’t know he wanted you this badly.
Your hands ran through Dabi’s surprisingly soft hair, massaging his scalp slightly. He was upset he couldn’t give you all of his undivided attention, what with also having to focus on the road. So, he did what any horny guy would do. He pulled over to the side of the road and effortlessly shifted your hips so now you were straddling him.
“Think it’s time to get you back for what you did, love.” He sighed almost maliciously. You were in for a ride, and you had no one to blame but yourself.
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🏷️’s : @rueclfer , @seneon !
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kanmom51 · 3 months
PJM2 is coming
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I literally cannot contain my excitiement.
Sitting her, at work may I say, putting these words on paper, so to speak, because f***ing hell, wtf JM?
Where to start?
The colour concepts? The choice of name? Choice of font (That JM popping to eye)? The flower? The links to TTU (notes sheet and flower)? The whole play with Closer than this? The dropped lyrics?
This man is a friggin genius (not that we didn't know this already)...
There is so much to talk about, and he hasn't even started with the promotions, and we haven't even seen the concept photos or the album and the songs. Name, colours, 2 lines of lyrics and we have our hands full already. They certainly know what they are doing.
Before I jump in, I want to, once again, state very loudly and clearly that everything written here are my opinions, which are based on what we've been handed so far, and could change the more we are shown.
So, let's get it...
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JM fetching this from the purple locker (which we don't see are purple off the bat and only when the lights turn on). Notes for The Truth Untold.
His wittle thumb with his crescent moon.
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The notes title : La lettra - The letter. Hmm... interesting.
And then this:
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We have the flower:
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and this that makes me believe that yes indeed, it is the silhouette of a Smeralso.
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Some of this I am yet to see where is going. like the referencing of "the letter", The truth untold, the flower... (she says, all while thinking of the choice this Festa to stream LY Seoul final with said song and the changes that JM and JK chose to make to it)...
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All that and more in one little short clip.
And then we have that little 'chat' opened up by BH, and those lyrics. Oh, those lyrics.
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All references that indeed can be connected with army. I mean, that's what JM is king of.
All also a clear reference to a one Jeon Jungkook, if you are only willing to look and see.
We have this:
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Which they have BOTH chose to bring up once again in 2023, JK happening to do so during JM's Face promos, not to mention the rain reference in SNTY (and of course, goes without saying Still with you, but that's back in 2020, while they have both managed to bring it up and reference it once again in 2023).
Remember this?
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Oh, and what about this?
And then we have these:
Remember JM tearing up after winning MMA for BS&T ?
JM getting emotional and crying only followed by JK tearing up.
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*If you haven't seen this one yet, go watch the full live.
And who can forget JK during MOTS ONE as well, seeing JM crying, distress clearly showing on his face, just waiting for the moment he can go and comfort JM.
If these are actual lyrics for a song to come or lyrics that were dropped, one thing we know, and that these words, these lines, they were written by JM, and he made a clear choice to share them with us.
And in doing so, sorry, I'm still not believing this all while sitting here gushing and knowing this was coming (no, I didn't know this specifically was coming, but the feeling that they were going big or going home, that I've had ever since July 2023... took some time and many tribulations, but we are getting there folks). Sidetracked as I always am, lol.
Back on track.... in doing so, JM is basically standing on a rooftop screaming at the top of his lungs:
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Not 1, not 2, but 3 JK references in that little shared piece of lyrics clearly written by JM, for an album we are yet to see and hear.
Anyone, and I mean anyone that is a BTS army, that has seen original content, that has followed their Twitter account or seen older tweets, that are open and willing to see it, will KNOW that these lyrics are JAYKAY!!!!!
And let me backtrack a second here...
Cause I did mention that these references could be understood as if they are made for army, right?
So yeah. Army references or JK references? I am going to say both, leaning very much to the JK side of it. Cause that's how they do it. Time after time after time.
Let's mention the colour choices as well.
We have the background colours.
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We have the yellow.
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And then we have the album concepts.
2 concepts.
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and Serenade.
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Which happens to be Yellow, same colour threaded through Serendipity.
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And we even have purple thrown in there too.
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Notice how all the lockers are painted purple. The colour of army you may say, but also JK's colour (so again, army and JK?).
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And he's pulling out the music sheet from this purple locker.
Those lockers representing his inspiration for his music perhaps?
Giving us these lyrics, then telling us the album is called Muse (or telling us the name of the album and it's meaning and then dropping those lyrics, take your pick regarding the timing, cause basically, same same), showing us the music being extracted from those purple lockers... ya think his muse is that entity he's talking about in those lyrics perhaps (even more so if we see the references as both for army and JK)?
Rhetorical question, btw.
And then we have the mint green.
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Perhaps this is what JM was talking about when he told us in his birthday live, if memory serves me right, about going to the starting point, or more so starting from the beginning trying to figure out himself as an artist?
Also, cannot help but think of this image here:
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I cannot wait to see his concept photos, and where this is all going.
We talked about JK being so loud during 2023 (well, he's had his super loud moments before that, but 2023 and his lives were smoking). And JM, well it felt (and I say felt, cause it's not really true, and I'll explain why) was quieter, more subdued, especially during JK's Golden promotions.
But here's the thing.
JM and JK have their own special oh so different ways of being loud and showing us themselves (and it shows even more so seeing that JK, for whatever reasons he had for it, did not write his songs for Golden - not saying he did not have influence on the lyrics or choice of songs with lyrics he wanted). JK did it through his choices in his photo shoots and styling for his songs and album. He did it with his lives and his total fanboying over JM. And JM, he does it through his art, which includes also but not only his lyrics.
Those two are both loud as fuck. And JM, well if these sneak lyrics are a promo of more to come (which, they probably are seeing that we have Face to fall back on as an example), then he's as loud as a frigging foghorn.
And last but not least, before I go:
Lookie here...
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| Your Salaryman Husband | (Vol 9)
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 (Not Required)
Salaryman!Kento x Housewife!Reader
When Nanami accidentally rolls onto you in your sleep...
Word Count: 1.1k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, fem!Reader, reader wears a nightgown, Nanami is worried, very slightly suggestive.
A/n: This started as Nanami bringing you flowers and ended up as whatever this is?... (I'll do that next volume instead!)
Nanami sat at the dining room table, staring down at the few hours worth of paperwork before him. As per usual he was already burnt out from his work at the office, but of course it didn’t stop there. One of the joys of getting married was making quite a few large purchases, especially since the two of you didn’t live together beforehand. It had you very grateful he already had a car in good condition, as to not add another thing to the list. 
Unfortunately for Nanami, this wasn’t the kind of work he could get done with prior to coming home to you. Instead, he had to piece every budgeting document and report from various companies at home, and you had offered to join him in doing so. It went a lot faster thanks to your help, but seeing you all tired was not something he wanted to come from such menial tasks in his opinion. But the work was almost done, and most of the documents would finalize the purchases and regular payments that the two of you would need to make.
You were well accustomed to handling the household finances, keeping track of how much you spent each week at the grocery store, and trying to cut back on costs through growing vegetables and eating at home as much as possible. The two of you tried to run everything by each other whenever something was purchased, so your insight was very much appreciated by him. 
In between your yawns, Nanami let out a soft chuckle as he flipped through some pages and sat them to the side. After a few hours of jotting down figures, it was quite satisfying to watch them get slid into an envelope, placed into a box, and sealed away to not be touched for (hopefully) the next decade at least, assuming everything was done correctly.
You laid your head gently down onto the table, as Nanami moved his hand to cup your cheek and act as a pillow. Dinner was already cooking in the oven, a simple one-pan dish of vegetables and protein to be paired with fresh fruit you had purchased from the market earlier that day and ice cream as dessert. The scent flowed throughout the house, making you especially hungry, but it mostly lulled you closer to sleep.
Watching his cute little wife so tired and sweet, Nanami wouldn’t have been able to stop a smile from overcoming his face if he tried. In fact it was another thing that he loved about you, how despite being ready sleep in until noon the next day, you still got up and served the two of you dinner, making sure that everything was in place to make the next day go as smoothly as possible. 
The dishes were washed and set out to dry, and both of you changed into your clothes for the night. A pair of simple pajama pants and a loose fitting shirt for Nanami, and a cream colored nightgown for you. After brushing your teeth, you slid into bed with your husband following behind. 
If you weren’t so tired, Nanami would have acted on his urge to smother you with kisses. Instead he settled for just one, right on the lips held there for a couple seconds. To that you protested, “Kento I’m not that tired, you don’t have to go to sleep-,” but he cut you off. “I’m serious you need rest, goodnight my love,” he slipped under the covers, gently spooning you close as you drifted off to sleep. 
However, those urges didn’t seem to subside. Though usually still throughout the night, acting as a cage as you squirmed around, while deep into his own dreams he managed to turn onto his stomach… with you underneath him. Absolutely smooshed into your pillow, you woke up quickly and turned your head to the side to keep your ability to breath well. 
Your husband was large, that you knew, but for that to become a problem was quite rare when it was usually appreciated. It was that and the fact that he was gripping you so tightly, arms crossed over your torso like you would to a stuffed animal, an inescapable hold that still wasn’t yet uncomfortable. You thought about waking Nanami up for a bit, trying to wriggle out of his arms or push him off of you. Breathing wasn’t a problem and you didn’t exactly mind the closeness, though he was a bit heavy… so it took a good half hour for you to finally build up the will to ask him as you started to overheat. 
Ignoring your lack of sleep, by that time you were giggling at the look on his face when he finally woke up and moved. Nanami sat up on the bed, a slight flush to his cheeks and his lips had curled into a frown. “My love, don’t feel bad to wake me up,” he stated sternly, checking to make sure you were okay in a slightly frantic manner. “I’m sorry, Kento, but I’m okay, I promise,” you reasoned with him, to which he shook his head. “Either way I apologize, I’ll try to make sure this doesn’t happen again,” you snuggled back into the blankets, pulling Nanami by the hand so he laid down as well. 
“Are you sure you don’t want water or something? It must have been uncomfortable,” Nanami tried to get up to go grab some, but you remained clinging onto his arm. “I’m okay, it wasn’t bad,” you yawned with a smile, “In fact… I rather liked being so close.” In all your nights of sleeping in the same bed together, now nearing your fourth month of doing so, you never had encountered him doing such a thing. Something to note about what happens when you, his wife, the love of his life, looks a bit too irresistible and he cannot indulge as usual. 
Nanami hummed, letting out a yawn himself. He turned you around to face him, as you closed your eyes. “Like this?” he asked, admiring your face that was tucked into his chest. He breathing slowed down, worry leaving his mind as he relaxed with you. “It’s perfect,” you smiled, “Goodnight, darling.”
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roe-and-memory · 9 months
every time someone says cars 3 is the worst cars movie another angel punches me in the stomach and pulls my hair.
this is probably just my intense special interest in the origins of nascar, but that movie feels like such a nice send-off for the main “trilogy”, and yes people can have their own opinions but i NEED to talk about how much this movie means to me
first of all, a major misconception is that lightning quit racing - he DIDNT! this is proven by both the end of the movie (where he says hes obviously going to keep racing) and cars on the road where, in the final episode, cruz and lightning wish each other “goodbye” and say they’ll see each other on the racetrack. he was only cruz’s crew chief for that one season, presumably healing from the trauma of the crash (because lets be real his ass did not mentally recover from that in FOUR MONTHS) and also waiting for a permanent crew chief to take his place.
second.. the sheer amount of detail put into that movie is INSANE. the racing center being shaped like grandstands at a track? fireball beach being both a direct reference to the daytona beach race course and also “fireball roberts”, a 1950s racer (he was actually the reason that firesuits were mandated in the sport), we meet a bunch of 1950s racers as well and just augh.. so good. also, the detail of thomasville being in north carolina is brilliant - N.C is the “racing state”, and thomasville speedway is based off of north wilkesboro, a track that was opened in 1949, and last used in 1996 (aside from the series of races in 2010), and it fell into disrepair. (fun fact, north wilkesboro is reopening in 2024 for the nascar all star race!! they fixed my bbg)
third. cars three brings so much more lore than the first movie did. yes, we knew doc raced in the 50s when the sport was getting its start, but in cars 3? they brought in characters based off of real 1950s racers (doc is based off of herb thomas, smokey is smokey yunick, lou is louise smith, junior is junior johnson, river is wendell scott, and leroy hemming is tim flock) (another reference in the movie is “jocko flockos party supplies” as macks disguise - jocko flocko was tim flocks pet monkey that was the FIRST and only co-driver in the history of the sport. he won a race with his monkey in the car with him :) )
as i was saying, the lore we learn is insane. we learn that lou and river had to fight for their place in the sport, which is similar to what both louise smith and wendell scott experienced in the 50s, they show us accurately how racing worked back then too - they didnt have fancy pits, they had a fence and a pit member with a sign that would tell them to come in the next lap for service. all of these cars are gen 1 nascar, which means that they were strictly stock - they had much more intense pit sessions than any of the other “built for racing” generations have ever needed. i recall watching a race wherein smokey yunick had to change the radiator of one of his racers vehicles mid-race due to a crash.
this isnt everything, but seriously for an animated movie about talking cars, they discuss grief and hardships and handle them so well its insane. i know cruz isnt everyones cup of tea, but (in reference to the flip scene at the end of the movie) watching cruz get shoved into the sport must’ve been insane for lou to watch. she saw herself in that girl. it wasnt some movie about lightning giving up, it was him sharing the torch with another kid who lost their way just like he had.
also i dont cry at movies but i literally bawl my fucking eyes out at the letters scene every time. its PATHETIC (its not im literally tearing up just thinking about it)
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utilitycaster · 6 months
Do you think part of the D20 journalistic bias comes from D20 being edited? It gives the appearance of much more effortless play and lets them control the pacing in a way unedited play like CR simply can't do. They get to (potentially) hide a lot of stuff people would jump on as flaws while CR has no choice but to let it all play out. I greatly prefer CR's approach, despite it biting them in the ass a bit through no fault of their own.
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Answering these both together to group cause and my opinions, and I do want to note this is specifically about journalism/press coverage, not their respective fandoms even though there's obviously some overlap.
I think there's a couple things, but I do want to note this was actually prompted by Daggerheart, not Critical Role. The response from several prominent voices in the Actual Play journalism community, whom I will not name here but whom I do not respect intellectually, really was, within hours of the open beta (which as far as I know they didn't have early access to - more on that later) "um it could be better, I don't like xyz and also it's sooooooo important to have criticism" and again, it is important to have criticism, but also you act like D20 has never had a mediocre moment and that Kollok is brilliant, so.
This...got away from me a bit. I'd say I'm sorry but actually I adore writing thousands of words about actual play and it will happen again but I'm putting the detailed answer below a cut. The short answer is I think a lot of Actual Play journalists actually sort of fell into their jobs through being vaguely involved in nerd spaces and aren't actually equipped to talk intelligently about TTRPGs and actual play as a medium that should, at its best, be a perfect fusion of narrative and mechanics. So instead they're distracted by flashy edits and bright lights and cool noises and some abstract concept of "novelty" and write only about that. Also Critical Role is the 700 lb gorilla in the AP space (though not, actually, the TTRPG space) and doesn't give them early access and that's meaaaaaan. Indeed, for all I think a lot of their coverage of D20 and Worlds Beyond Number is obsessively fawning, I also think it's extremely surface level, frequently factually wrong, and fails to get at what's truly excellent about those shows either.
I think, honestly, the biggest one is that I don't actually think a lot of Actual Play journalists watch series in full. I was looking for Polygon coverage of Fantasy High Junior Year and they have one glowing article but it's more about Fantasy High as setting and institution and D20 "changing the game" (also more on this later) to the point of outright contradicting the pull quotes they used from interviewing Brennan Lee Mulligan (also more on this later). So I started looking through their coverage and actually, quite a number of their write-ups are based on only one episode, or half a season. Clearly, they haven't read the full open beta (nor have I, but I think their complaints about the character build process belie a profound misunderstanding of what TTRPGs are, also more on this later). So editing is certainly part of it because it's really easy to see cool special effects and sound design within one episode and shit out a hacky article about it, whereas actually getting to the substance - character relationships, cohesive narrative, storytelling - requires work that I do not think they're doing. And on the one hand I do kind of get it, because yeah, if journalism is your livelihood then you perhaps do not have the time to watch 4 hours of D&D a week for 2-3 years if you're only going to get one article every six months out of it. But I don't think the answer is "focus intently on Microsoft Powerpoint-esque scene transition tricks while ignoring that nothing occurring at the table is actually fun to watch." For more on this, see this post.
The second, which is very relevant to Daggerheart but also is actually a big gap in D20 and WBN coverage in my opinion, and which I put in the tags, is that I actually don't think a lot of journalists have a solid understanding of TTRPGs nor of most genres. And I think Critical Role has a particularly good understanding of both these things, actually, if one skewed towards collaborative storytelling that is not rules-light. I think one really big example is that one person within the space is mad at the Daggerheart questions for the character archetypes because what if your character doesn't fit these. I think this is dumb as shit. I actually think that a common criticism of D&D - that you can't play ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING - is not valid, or rather, it's a valid opinion to hold but if you want to play a character who doesn't fit into the available archetypes perhaps you need to find another game. We all inherently understand that Blades in the Dark characters will be members of a criminal organization in a relatively low-magic setting, correct? That you can't show up to BitD and play a lawful good wizard prince because that's not the story being told? Or like, how in Honey Heist, you are a bear and you are trying to get honey, and you cannot play a human child investigating the old abandoned house at the edge of town, but there's a cool game called Kids on Bikes that will let you do that? Great! Why is this suddenly so hard to understand in the realm of heroic fantasy, that you will fit into specific archetypes? Why do people's brains, if they have them to begin with, vanish suddenly? I know I just did a big old rant that included this within it but genuinely I think a lot of people are deeply ignorant of heroic fantasy, or don't like it, and either is fine, but then they get mad at the heroic fantasy game for having heroic fantasy archetypes when the answer is "maybe this will never make you happy because it's not for you." (Frankly, I think this is also why they love D20, because it doesn't really do straight-up heroic fantasy, and that's fine, but they do keep acting like doing a Game of Thrones pastiche is equivalent to the invention of the wheel.) Like...I remember in the Midst Q&A that Xen said they tend to not like playing typical D&D classes, but their solution was to, you know, create Midst instead of sitting around going "actually, because D&D doesn't support cyberpunk narrative and the character archetypes within very well it is an utter failure." (I could go on forever about how actually TTRPGs are not a showcase for your already extant OCs to prance around but that's a totally separate post).
Mechanics and story are inherently intertwined, is what I'm trying to get at (sorry I'm really tired and have a lot to do but I'm passionate about this answer, it will be rambly, she says like 3 pages in) and I really don't think most actual play journalists get this. At all. And I do think that CR, and Daggerheart, and the people working for it, and especially Spenser Starke, Rowan Hall, Matt Mercer, and Travis Willingham, get this more than almost anyone else in the field. I also think Brennan Lee Mulligan and Aabria Iyengar get this, and the thing is, for all the praise showered upon them, much of which I think is deserved and most of what I think is undeserved is not because they are lacking but because the person writing about them is an idiot crediting them for things they (Brennan and Aabria) would never claim to have invented, their mechanical prowess is rarely if ever written about well. Fantasy High Junior Year's downtime mechanics actually fill in a famous gap in D&D, namely, downtime, and provide an excellent marriage of story and mechanics in my opinion, and I haven't really seen any discussion, because that would require watching the part of the TTRPG show where they play the TTRPG, and knowing the vague word on the street about D&D criticism that isn't just "*nods sagely* capitalism is the BBEG."
And finally: related a bit to the edit but Critical Role used to not be able to provide any early access to press, because it was literally a live show, and I suspect they never broke the habit, and I think that is for the best. As discussed a lot of D20 coverage actually feels like they watched the press screener and then never returned to the show. And I do not know the politics about them, but given that several of these publications (notably Polygon, but some others) have been shitting on Critical Role for several years, and just generally given the way CR's leadership vs. how D20's leadership respond to fandom pressure, I suspect Critical Role does not give these journalists a ton of early or increased, if any. Honestly, why should you, if you're getting interviewed in Variety? And I think the journalists are mad, because they think they're special and should get treated as such.
I do want to wrap something up, and I want to thank @captainofthetidesbreath for talking a little about this in game design/ttrpgs and giving me the idea, but in story, you should be challenging your audience, expanding their horizons, and being new and interesting. In the actual playing of TTRPGs, especially a new one, it is vital to be inclusive and easy to understand and patient and provide points of reference. I really feel like many Actual Play journalists and some TTRPG ones as well have this equation flipped and are looking for challenging concepts that most people will never be able to get a group to be willing to play, and bells and whistles in production, but leave story as an afterthought. Critical Role designs games to actually be played and to be used specifically to tell good stories, and puts story before production, and I think that undercuts those journalists' whole deal.
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antiphilosophia · 1 year
Crowley's pre-fall name is BARAQIEL (THEORY)
Very well. Who doesn't love the Crowley is the Archangel Raphael theory (I am certainly of those people who do). During my first watch of Good Omens S2 I was even somehow almost confident that that was the case.
However, my second, more careful, viewing of this lovely (but equally heartbreaking) season made me change my mind, likely for good. In episode 4, Furfur's book "Demon's Guide To Angelic Beings Who Walk The Earth" shows us a name of a certain angel Baraqiel. (see photo below) Knowing Good Omens that can hardly be a coincidence.
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Unfortunately, the very text is quite unreadable. One thing, other than the name, which is pretty clear is the subheading "Angel of the Sky" and since the episode 1 lets us take a look at how Crowley did indeed take part in creation of what is to be seen in the night sky, one can hardly find that entirely non-fitting. One other sentence I was (at least I think) able to read is "Often draped in red."
(On a different note but certainly worth noticing are scribbles that generally just roast Crowley – his suspiciousness, hair and name (though I am not absolutely sure of the latter) "His hair is bad!" Wow, Furfur really does hate Crowley.)
Then there is something written above the name of Baraqiel, unfortunately in none of the picture frames does it get a bit readable. I wonder though, couldn't it be "former"? Since it comes precisely after mention of Crowley to whom should one report on Aziraphale.
Crowley is very powerful. Dominion
A word that is not exactly readable but can be deduced from its placement (it is situated just as Aziraphale's "Principality") is Baraqiel's rank – Dominion Angel. It should be noted here that I very much lack proper knowledge of either Jewish or Christian mythology and I would hate to provide any incorrect claims. I therefore think it is better for me not to overly state things, even more so since everyone can look into it on their own and figure out what that might mean for our beloved demon. What I will say, however, is that they are (as I understand it) very powerful and, placed within the 2nd triad in the angel hierarchy, ranked higher than the Archangels. This would go well along with the emphasis that was in my opinion laid on Crowley's powers quite a lot this season.
For example: "A miracle of enormous power happened last night. The kind of miracle only the mightiest of archangels could've performed," said Shax to Crowley, to which he replied: "How'd you know I didn't do it?" He didn't get an answer.
What I think (and I may be very wrong, obviously) is that a miracle of this vastness wouldn't have happened simply because of a regular angel and a regular demon did together half a miracle each. What is also worth noticing is that the tool with which Crowley created the Nebula is the same as the one he used to temporarily stop time at the end of season 1 right before Satan's arrival. So much to the size of his powers.
Baraqiel, lightning of God. Fallen angel
Finally, to Baraqiel himself. My lack of knowledge concerning this matter still stands and frankly I don't even know where to find valid information about angels and such on the internet. Baraqiel should, however, stand for "lightning of God" and is also regarded as the angel of lightning. In season 2 there are (as far as I remember) two occasions where Crowley is put in correlation with lightning. (1) His poor anger management issues in episode 1 and (2) his not at all better matchmaking in episode 3 ("I haven't done weather in ages"). Furthermore, Baraqiel is considered to be the one who taught astrology to people. Nevertheless, what points to Crowley and Baraqiel being one even more is that Baraqiel is indeed a fallen angel.
So... That is probably it. I usually tent to theorize about stuff in quiet, in fact, this is the first time I've used Tumblr for anything other than reading Neil Gaiman's posts. I didn't even think that I would actually post it but then I've searched on Twitter, TikTok and here on Tumblr if anyone else has already come up with this theory. The only post I could find (hopefully I haven't missed anything) was by @valaza_04 on Twitter (click here) where they refer to the same frame shot as I do here.
Now I know, we are still recovering from heartbreaking (but if you ask me, absolutely amazing) finale and the main thing currently on our minds is figuring out why would Aziraphale choose as he did and the many wonderful theories that come with it. However, considering the utterly virulent look that Metatron shot at Crowley before walking out of the bookshop with Aziraphale and also his "Well, [Crowley] always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too." makes me think that he absolutely does not care for Crowley and whichever angel he was before the Fall. And I reckon it won't remain unnoticed in season 3 and might even be really important (or that is just me wishing for more pre-fall Crowley scenes). Hence I decided that I will post this. And it doesn't matter if no one will see this in the end, it was quite fun to write. However, if there is someone who will read this all the way through, I hope they will accept my apology for the mistakes I have most possibly made (English is not my first language) and also for the ridiculous length this post has come to gather. It turns out, I am just as chatty of a writer as I am speaker.
Well maybe I will come around to write one more post about this theory, only with a proper research this time. Till then thank you and, please, support this season by streaming as much as you can so we can have season 3 of this masterpiece of a show. And be kind to those bringing it to us in your comments regarding the ending, even though it is very frustrating and heart-shattering, it is also maybe the best ending we could have hoped for with the prospects of season 3.
Thank you for letting me talk my heart out, Tumblr.
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quin-ns · 1 year
cowboy like me (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Word count: 3.3K
Summary: you and JJ realize you share a skill set and partner up
Tags: meet-cute, JJ steals and so do you, humor, fluff, flirting, dancing, mutual crush, love confessions, kissing, two kleptos falling in love <3
A/N: very much inspired by the song “cowboy like me” by taylor swift. it’s such a good song and I recommend listening to it if you haven’t. if you have listened, don’t worry this isn’t a sad fic. the focus pulls from the outlaws in love :)
cross-posted to ao3 • obx masterlist • main masterlist
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The meeting was an accident, but everything changed after you were walking passed JJ and bumped into him.
“I’m so sorry!” you told him, but JJ shrugged it off with a smile. He was in a good mood, a little buzzed, and now he had an excuse to talk to a pretty girl.
“No harm done,” he assured. “I don’t think we’ve met.” It was true, you looked unfamiliar. Maybe he’d seen you around school but at the moment he couldn’t recall. 
“I don’t usually show up to things like this,” you revealed. “I’m Y/N,” you said, holding out your hand.
“JJ,” he introduced himself, taking your hand in his and giving a quick shake. 
He was about to pull away, but he felt something cold against his fingertips.
You were nice and probably didn’t deserve to have your bracelet stolen, but JJ couldn’t stop himself from sliding the chain off of your wrist. He didn’t even know if it looked valuable or not, but years of impulsive behavior made it not matter. He palmed it in his hand and pulled back, looking nonchalant as ever.
“So you said you don’t really come to parties? Is there a reason you showed up tonight?” JJ was curious to get to know you despite the theft.
“A friend of mine actually asked me to come,” you replied. Looking off to the side, you pointed in a vague way. “She’s waving to me now, but maybe I’ll see you around.” JJ looked in that direction but got distracted when you playfully bumped into him, mimicking the accidental run-in that occurred before. You shot him a smile and a wink that had him letting out a small chuckle.
He watched you walk off into a group, a small spark rushing through him. You disappeared in the crowd and a sudden feeling of guilt overwhelmed him. The chain bracelet weighed heavy in his hand and JJ was already regretting what he’d done. Why did he have to be so greedy? He started to go after you, but stopped himself. If you had formed any sort of positive opinion of him, he was sure it would turn sour if the second time he talked to you was to confess to stealing off of you.
JJ frowned to himself, feeling stuck in a stalemate. Eventually he slid the bracelet into his pocket, thinking of a lie along the lines of “hey, I randomly found this and somehow know it’s  yours" or “your bracelet accidentally fell into my hand” but nothing sounded good.
The bracelet fell into his pocket and JJ immediately registered it was the only thing in there. His eyes went wide. 
Where was his wallet?
He whipped his head in the direction you had gone, realizing the side you’d bumped when you left had been the same side he carried his wallet in. 
“What the hell?” JJ muttered to himself, the pieces falling into place. 
He didn’t stop himself from going after you this time. He weaved his way through the crowd and spotted you easily. You were hard to miss, laughing at something some random guy had said.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ greeted loudly, gaining your attention. He wasn’t angry, though. Not at all. JJ had been stunned at first but now he was just curious and impressed. There was a weird level of excitement, too, when you looked at him.
“Hey, there.” You focused on him, the random boy forgotten. JJ wouldn’t admit out loud that he enjoyed getting your full attention. “Lose something?” you asked knowingly, raising your brows a little and biting back a smile. 
“Actually, yeah,” JJ replied, unknowingly matching your expression. The guy wandered off, leaving the two of you alone. “You seen a wallet? I’m guessing it might be in your pocket.”
“I’ll tell you what.” You crossed your arms, squaring up playfully. “I’ll trade the wallet for my bracelet.”
JJ’s cheeks felt warm all of the sudden. He didn’t think you’d noticed that—didn’t make the connection. 
“That, um, that’s fair, yeah.” JJ pulled the bracelet from his pocket and placed it in your waiting hand. You slid it back on and gave him his wallet in exchange. “That was pretty smooth, by the way. Seems like you have some tricks up your sleeve,” he tried to say casually
“Takes one to know one,” you replied easily. “You were pretty slick, too. If I hadn’t pulled that same move before I probably wouldn’t have felt it,” you commented in a way that sounded complimentary. 
JJ perked up. Maybe it shouldn’t, but it felt nice to get some praise for a skill people usually looked down upon. He wasn’t rich, he had to do what he had to just to get by sometimes—and that caused a habit. Sticky fingers were hard to get rid of, especially when it gave him a rush. But looking at you, the way your eyes held intrigue instead of distaste, he started to suspect you understood.
You did, and it wouldn’t take that long for you to show him that.
That meeting changed everything for both you and JJ. You started going to the summer parties more often. Every time you did, you and JJ somehow “ran into” each other, neither wanting to admit to seeking out the other.
The two of you had started playing a game—one for your own amusement (and at the expense of others). Well, less of a game and more of thievery, but you two made it into a game. Seeing how many people you could pickpocket, different methods, seeing if you could charm and swindle people into giving either of you what you wanted. That one you saved for the kook’s side of town.
And by the time the rich folks in the country clubs you snuck into caught on, you were gone like bandits. 
One time you joked to JJ you were like outlaws, and he came back with, “How about cowboys? It sounds better.”
“Cowboys it is,” you agreed, heart leaping out of your chest when JJ swung his arm over your shoulder. 
You had no idea JJ had already fallen for you, but you did know you were falling for him. 
One night, the two of you decided to get some food and walk around town. JJ didn’t want to go home yet and you wanted to spend as much of the night with him as you could. There were no parties either, and the two of you just hanging out as friends had been normalized for a while.
You and JJ laughed and talked as you strolled around the familiar area. When you came upon a bar, a wicked idea popped into your head. When JJ looked at you, he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“They don’t card,” he said, trying to sound ambiguous.
“Interesting,” you replied with a cheeky grin, holding his gaze. 
Based on a whim, the two walked up to the bar, deciding to finish the night by going after some low hanging fruit.
“Do you have a plan?” JJ wondered as the two of you entered, scanning the surroundings. 
You spotted a drunk looking man sitting alone. You immediately noticed his wallet sitting on the counter in front of him and smirked up at your partner. 
“They make it so easy,” you replied. 
JJ watched, unable to tear his eyes away, as you waltzed over and took a seat next to the man. You were young—same age as JJ—but you could carry yourself with such maturity that you could fool nearly anyone. JJ would’ve been jealous of the way you laughed and flirted with the man, but in the end he knew you’d come back and it would be JJ who you’d truly be spending time and laughing with. 
After you successfully snatched the man’s wallet and brought it to JJ like a trophy, your confidence was up. It was easy to mill about, convincing more than one drunken man that you could’ve been the one. Of course, what you were really after was their valuables. You got another wallet (after the man bought you drinks, which you snuck off to share with JJ), and then a money clip. You also snagged a watch that looked expensive by laying your hand over a man’s to undo the clasps and maneuver it off without him noticing. You were especially proud of that and gifted it to JJ.
“I bet this cost you a fortune,” JJ teased sarcastically, putting on the accessory. Maybe it was bold to put it right in after stealing it, but you had filled your pockets—and JJ needed his empty for what he had planned. 
See, JJ took your winnings as a challenge and decided to go after older women who sat alone or in pairs. He used his boyish charm to get invited to the table and get access to their unsupervised purses. You sat back and watched, an amused smile on your face as they gushed over him every time. 
He returned to you (naturally) flaunting his treasures before hiding them away, just as you had done with him. 
“We should probably get out of here,” you suggested. You had a feeling the longer you stuck around, the more likely it would be that your new “friends” scattered across the bar would start to notice some missing things.
Instead, JJ did something you didn’t expect.
“Wanna dance?” JJ asked with a grin, riding high on the adrenaline. 
“Dancing is a dangerous game,” you warned. It was the kind of thing that could make someone fall in love, but you kept that thought to yourself.
JJ extended the hand, beckoning you to take it. He tilted his head a little, and the grin remained. “But you love dangerous.”
You gave in easily, accepting his hand. JJ pulled you to the small dance floor and the two of you immediately fell in with the crowd. You and everyone around you danced to the upbeat music. Most of the crowd on the dance floor was couples probably in their late twenties. Amongst them, it made it even more obvious that you were teenagers.
It didn’t seem to matter much though, you were just two more faces in the group. 
You and JJ danced together, somehow turning a random array of moves—lots of swaying and spinning—into rhythm. The song passed and shifted into a much slower, very romantic sounding song. You couldn’t make out the full words all that clear, but the ones you did made it obvious. 
Neither you or JJ stopped dancing despite the change. The only thing that changed was your pace. You both slowed down and moved a little closer. 
JJ had been in close proximity to you so many times, but this felt different. This made him just as nervous as it made him excited. He felt somehow more cautious but also more carefree. His mind was so full of contradictions that he had no choice but to push them aside and focus on dancing with you.
Truth be told, putting his attention on you was something JJ never found to be difficult.
JJ held your hand tight in his suddenly and spun you around, trying to impress you. You giggled, colliding with him when he pulled you in. 
“Gotta say, we’re the best looking couple here,” JJ whispered in your ear with a small laugh. 
You gave him a look. Not because of his odd way of trying to compliment both you and himself, but something else. Couple? you wanted to ask. You were maybe a little surprised by the comment, but you weren’t bothered. Far from it.
There was no time for you to actually ask him, though, because suddenly your moment was interrupted.
“Hey!” a man yelled, pointing at you and JJ. “You two! You stole my watch!” The two of you looked to him and sure enough, it was the man who’s watch JJ was currently wearing. He was more aware than you realized and maybe hadn’t planned on drinking the night away on an open tab like you expected.
A guy across the room perked his head up, attention drawn by the first. Neither of you saw it, but he must’ve felt his back pocket and realized it was empty. “That girl took my wallet!”
“He stole my ring!” a lady yelled, looking accusingly at JJ.
“Oh shit,” you cursed. JJ pushed you behind him, ready to take the brunt of the anger as they (and a few others) started closing in, realizing what had happened. The protectiveness that overwhelmed him would be something he admittedly felt a lot, but tried to not act on. You always insisted you could take care of yourself, but he couldn’t fight the instinct in the moment. 
You looked around and spotted a back exit door. It was closer than the front and it was your only way to avoid your marks.
Suddenly, JJ felt your hand grasp his. 
“Run!” you yelled, tugging him in the direction. 
He focused on the door as you dropped his hand, squeezing through the crowd in your own paths. Then you met at the door and took off in a mad dash away from the bar. There was some yelling behind you and neither of you looked back. You only tore your gaze away from the road ahead to look at JJ, and he did the same for you. 
The grin JJ gave you was wild, full of excitement. You felt the same rush. Not even the truck coming up behind the two of you could kill it. One of the barflies decided to be a hero and try to chase the delinquents (that’s what he kept screaming at you out the window) down. 
JJ grabbed your hand this time, his grip much stronger than it had been in the bar. He ran perpendicular to you suddenly and yanked you off the backroad and soon the two of you were sprinting hand and hand off into a small field.
The truck’s owner blared its horn as it sped past, but you could hardly hear it over the sound of you and JJ’s laughter. 
After slowing down, it took a moment of wandering to realize you’d ended up in a park. 
The two of you ducked under a playground structure, keeping out of sight. You sat down and pulled JJ with you. He landed at your side and the two of you caught your breath. Soon, heavy breathing turned into more laughter as the absurdity of the situation set in.
“He was ready to run us over!” you exclaimed, equally shocked and amused. You laughed again to yourself and looked over to JJ. It felt like it was just you and him in the world, and you liked that.
JJ was smiling, but there was something else there. Something in his eyes as you watched him watch you. 
He wondered if you could hear how fast his heart was racing, because it wasn’t just from the running. 
JJ was suddenly aware of how close the two of you were sitting, how you’d grabbed his hand to run, how pushing you behind him to keep you safe felt so natural for him. Every moment he flirted with you and how you’d responded replayed in his mind and how he was desperate to be the one to make you smile and laugh. How when he was around you he felt nothing but pure happiness. How he’d been intrigued by you upon first meeting and every time the two of you were together that feeling only grew and morphed into something else. Something more. 
JJ had never been in love, but he knew this is what it felt like. 
“Earth to JJ,” you said teasingly, waving your hand in front of his face. “You’re not gonna have a heart attack, are you?”
He snapped from his daze to chuckle briefly at your joke. “Nah, I wouldn’t do that to ya,” he responded light-heartedly. In the back of his mind, all he wanted to do was kiss you as you laughed again.
“Good, because I don’t think I can carry you all the way back to town.”
JJ was half listening to you and half focused on trying to bring back the courage he felt in the bar when he’d asked you to dance. 
“Pretty impressive that we’ve spent the whole summer together and this is the first time we got caught,” you mused in JJ’s silence, taking in your surroundings.
“Couple of cowboys on the run,” JJ suggested, smiling to himself. Then at you.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime,” you said, starting to realize his hand was still in yours. You gave it a light squeeze, which brought it to your full attention. His too.
There was a beat of silence where you stared at one another, unable to acknowledge the contact yet finding it to be the only thing either of you could feel.
“Remember when I asked you to dance?” JJ asked, seemingly randomly. But it wasn’t.
You let out a small, amused sound. “It was about ten minutes ago, so yeah.”
JJ felt a little more at ease due to the teasing tone. He wanted to say something about how it was fun, how he enjoyed the feeling of being with you, but he couldn’t force the words out. Instead, he asked, “What did you mean when you said it was dangerous?”
Suddenly, it was as if there was a spotlight on you. Like you’d been shoved onto stage front and center without knowing your lines. Of course, you knew what you had thought at the time, but could you really say that? If you did, would you pay for it? 
“Dancing’s the kinda thing that can make someone fall in love,” you finally said, in that same warning tone that had been present in your own mind before.
Hearing you say that made JJ’s head spin. There were so many different ways he could take it, but there was a glimmer of hope as he wished for the best. Miraculously, his confidence returned. His heart was racing and his cheeks were flushed—and he couldn’t quite hold your gaze for an extended time—but JJ found the strength to say what he was thinking.
“It didn’t take us dancing for me to do that.”
His voice was low and a part of you wondered if you had even heard him right. But the nervous yet longing look in his eyes told you that you had heard JJ correctly.
“Can I just… say something first?”
You swallowed and nodded, bracing yourself for what words came next. Except, it wasn’t words at all.
JJ’s free hand—the one that wasn’t still holding yours—rose to cup your face. You were sitting side by side, but facing each other already. JJ was able to close the gap between you easily, and you went willingly.
It was like sparks flew the moment JJ’s lips pressed against yours. A switch flipped for the both of you as longing and desire poured out as your lips moved against one another’s. 
The kiss couldn’t have been more perfect. It was long awaited from both you and JJ. With so much build up in your minds, it was like magic when it finally happened.
Neither of you wanted to pull apart, but had to. Oxygen was pretty important, unfortunately. 
Your eyes met and JJ’s seemed to sparkle, like they were full of stars, even in the evening light. He cracked a smile, unable to contain his joy, and you couldn’t help but follow suit. 
“I, uh, know those weren't exactly words…” JJ started sheepishly, causing you to giggle. “I think it got the point across.”
“It definitely did,” you assured. “I never thought we’d be here,” you mused, not just about the park but about everything.
“Me neither,” JJ agreed. “But I couldn’t be happier.”
Like a true cowboy, JJ had stolen your heart. You never wanted love at first, but now you didn’t know what you’d do without it—without him.
You and JJ were destined to be partners in crime. And if he had it his way and you had it yours, it would stay that way forever.
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bagopucks · 2 years
Q. Hughes - Softly, Sweetly
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Quinn Hughes x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warning(s): Just some making out, proofread once <3
“And you’re sure they’re not coming home?” I asked softly, slowly stepping out of the car Quinn had picked me up in. The car that his parents didn’t use to take Luke and Jack out.
Quinn and I didn’t have plans to hang out. We’d skipped out on making plans specifically because he was going to go to Jack’s hockey game with his family. I knew things had changed when he texted me two hours after school saying, ‘I’ll pick you up for a movie?’
I knew what that meant. Quinn was a homebody. It meant we were going to lay on the couch, curled up under a million blankets, and watch a cheesy Christmas movie. I was all in.
“Hockey games take like.. three hours with all the breaks and stopping. We have a lot of time.” Quinn assured me, and I knew we had even more time considering the rink Jack was playing at, was an hour away. He rushed over to my place to get me the second he knew his parents hadn’t turned around to come back after forgetting something.
Quinn grabbed his house keys and unlocked the front door, letting me step inside first and shed the winter coat I’d been wearing. I hung it on the coat rack next to the door. When I looked back at Quinn, he was smiling at me. The simple sight of his lips turned upward made me blush. Especially when I knew it was something I did to make him so happy.
“You walk around here like you own the place,” Quinn teased, pushing the door shut and wrapping his arms around my torso to hug me.
“I’m sorry?” I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
“No.. no I love it. I want you to walk around our house like this some day.” His words caught me off guard, but it wasn’t the first time Quinn had mentioned something of the sort. I did at times too.
Being seniors in high school, we both had individual paths we wanted to take. One thing we knew for sure though, was that we wanted to stay together. But Quinn and I were practical people. We were both afraid it might not work out like that. So we counted our blessings while we had them, and decided to cherish the time knew we had together.
“What’s on the agenda tonight, Quintin?” I asked softly, sighing as the dark haired boy pulled away from me. He began to step out of the entryway before I grabbed his wrist. “Shoes.”
My simple reminder had Quinn quickly kicking his wet shoes off before I released his hand and let him go. I kneeled over to untie and take off my own shoes. I set them aside before stepping further into the house.
“I thought.. maybe a blanket fort?” Quinn’s voice grew distant as he wandered down the hall. I heard a door open, then a quiet grunt.
“I’ve been told I’m a professional at those!” I responded loud enough for him to hear, my eyes lit up when Quinn returned with a large folded comforter.
“Really? That’s good..” a nervous laugh fell from his lips. “Jack says I suck at them.” His words made me laugh quietly. Jack always criticized his brothers. Ever the loud and opinionated middle child. “Come help me get the rest of the blankets off my bed.”
It was clear Quinn thought nothing of the offer, but I’d never been in his room before. It was a rule: no girls in the bedrooms. It made me wonder if Quinn simply forgot, or chose to ignore it since we were alone.
I followed behind him, hesitant but excited as I stepped through the door of his room. It was painted a deep blue, decorated with hockey items and knickknacks. I allowed myself time to look everything over before my eyes landed on Quinn. Just in time to see him tossing blankets at me.
“Quinn Hughes!” I chastised through another laugh. I did my best to hold what I could, while Quinn gathered the rest and led me back out of his room.
I almost fell down the steps on the way back to the living room. I didn’t find it funny, but Quinn certainly did.
Once we got to the living area, we dropped our blankets on the floor and stood side by side. Ready to put our heads together and construct the best blanket fort known to man kind.
I’d give Jack credit where credit is due… Quinn really did suck at blanket forts.
I’d get something draped or situated, and a moment later I’d see the blanket completely fall. Only to look up at the guilty culprit.
“Q.. I love you.. I really do,” I began at one point, staring him down. He immediately pulled his hands away from the light blue sheet he was trying to situate over one of the barstools he’d brought up from the basement.
“You’ve gotta stop messing shit up. We’ll never get to the movie.”
After that, Quinn didn’t touch anything unless I told him to. Once I had things somewhat situated, I allowed him to set up the inside. That, he was much better at. When I finished the outer shell, I knelt down in front of the opening and spotted him setting up a few pillows. Blankets covered the floor too, and the throw pillows from the couch were placed around for extra padding on the sides.
Quinn seemed in his own world, so I let him do his thing, watching. He paused at one point, examining his work, biting his lip, before he went in to fluff one of the pillows. When he turned to call me, he practically jumped out of his skin.
Ah yes, so affectionate.
“It looks good in here.” I sat on my knees, still outside of the fort. We were missing a few things. I didn’t want to get comfy yet.
“Thanks.” Quinn flashed me a brief smile before slipping out from beneath the fort. I stood with him. “Do you want to grab snacks? And I’ll grab the iPad?”
It sounded like a good compromise to me. I nodded.
“Maybe two bottles of water too!” I heard Quinn call as we went our separate was.
We joined up again outside of the fort, my arms full of various chip bags and a box of goldfish. Quinn’s only held his iPad. He helped by taking a few of the snacks from my hands.
Quinn directed me to the side of the fort where the pillow he previously fluffed was. I was the first to get comfortable and lay out snacks, while he had gone to turn off the lights in the living room. When Quinn came back, I was already scrolling through his iPad for movies to watch. He was quick to take up the empty space next to me, leaning on his elbow to see the screen so he could help.
“What are we in the mood for?” I asked quietly, eyeing the comedy section of the streaming service.
“What about The Mighty Ducks?” A different request than usual, but I could cope with that. It was a good movie.
“You got it, Quinny.” I moved one of my hands from the iPad, and subconsciously reached to rest my hand on the back of his head. I carded my fingers gently through his hair.
After I found the movie, Quinn and I got the iPad set up between us. We both laid on our sides, arms tucked beneath our heads for better elevation.
For the good first half of the film, we were pretty occupied. But after a while, I started to notice Quinn stealing occasional glances at me.
I tried to play oblivious. Part of me was really enjoying the movie. But it was impossible to ignore Quinn when he hoisted himself up on all fours and climbed over both the iPad and my body.
“Quinn.” I mumbled, turning my head to watch him settle on his side behind me, wrapping an arm around me. “What are you doing?”
“Wasn’t comfortable.” It was the only response he would offer before his gaze had fallen on the iPad again. My eyes followed shortly after.
Silence fell upon us again. I had to admit I enjoyed being in his arms like this a lot more than across from him.
Quinn’s head eventually dropped to the pillow beside mine. I assumed he’d gotten uncomfortable holding it up, but those assumptions were proven wrong when I felt his warm lips press against the nape of my neck. My heart fluttered.
“Quinn. The movie,” I whispered. I reached back to gently push his head away. I wouldn’t have minded a little fun, but I had to give him some trouble first.
“Come on,” he mumbled, moving his hand to my hip. “We’ve seen it a million times.” His words caused me to chuckle.
I finally rolled over. “Yeah.. I wonder why.” I was quick to shoot back. Quinn deadpanned, then rolled his eyes.
“You’re so mean sometimes.” This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his own, then ended our chaste kiss with a sigh. Quinn didn’t look particularly satisfied. He was in one of those moods.
It wasn’t long before he reconnected our lips, his hand gently rested against my cheek. There’s something so exciting and yet so intimate about kissing Quinn when I wasn’t even supposed to be around him. We were alone together and nobody knew. It’s like we were finally adults in some form or another.
I shifted my body closer to his, our legs tangling together. My hand found the hem of Quinn’s shirt, and slipped beneath it. I giggled into the kiss at the sound of his quiet gasp. My hands must have still been cold.
“You could have warned me,” Quinn whispered quietly as he parted our lips. At first I wasn’t certain what he was talking about.
“My hands?” I smirked and slowly slid them up his chest beneath his shirt. A shiver befell Quinn. “Too cold for Mr. ice hockey?” My taunting earned a sarcastic, ‘ha-ha’ from him.
“I’d ask to take your shirt off, but wouldn’t want you to freeze to death.” Quinn’s eyes never left me. His brow rose as if to ask if I was serious. I gave him a ‘duh’ look in response.
“Have at it.” His words made me snicker. I was careful when I sat up, and tossed one of my legs over his side to straddle him and rest on his hips.
Quinn’s hands found my thighs. He rested them there and smiled up at me as I removed my own hands from beneath his shirt. I leaned forward to reconnect our lips in a much deeper kiss than before. There was a nip at my lip, and I had responded appropriately with one to his own. Still screwing with Quinn even though he was trying to have an intimate moment.
“C’mon,” I parted our lips to whisper. I pushed Quinn’s hands away from my hips, and slipped my own back beneath his shirt to pull it off over his head. A few strands of his beautiful dark hair had been pulled out of place. I tossed his shirt aside, covering the iPad and dimming the only light we had. I could just barely see Quinn, but he looked excited anyway.
My hands ran the expanse of his chest, down to his stomach, up his sides. Quinn’s eyes had fallen at some point to watch my hands. Even as they had travelled up to his shoulders and down his arms, eventually stopping to grab his hands and place them back on my hips. But he had other plans when they slipped to grip my ass.
“You’re the most magnificent person I have ever met.” My words came out as whispers. I leaned forward and reconnected our lips, Quinn‘s hands squeezed in response. It only took a moment before his tongue dragged across my bottom lip, and who was I to deny him access?
I parted my lips for him as one of Quinn’s hands had moved and slipped beneath my shirt to hold onto my hip. He hummed. From what I assumed was pleasure. I carefully dragged my hips against his own, and earned a groan in response. Quinn’s hands ventured further up beneath my shirt, slipping behind my back in hopes of finding my bra clip. His hands halted in their tracks when his phone began to ring. That distinct tone he had set for one person in particular. We stared each other down before I shook my head.
“Answer it.” I knew it was his mom.
He lazily reached for his phone, mumbling something about his mother before answering the call and placing it on speaker.
“Hey, sweetie. I just wanted to let you know we might be back a little later. Traffic was bad on the drive up here. Your father thinks it’ll be worse on the way back.” Ellen’s voice made me smile. The woman was always so kind and personable.
“It’s alright, mom. I think I can keep myself entertained.” I had to cover my mouth to conceal my giggles at his words.
“I know. I know. I just worry leaving you home alone sometimes.” I gently hooked a finger in the waistband of Quinn’s shorts. A surprised gasp left his lips.
“I’m okay mom.. sorry- I was just.. I’m okay.” Quinn tried to push my hand away as he spoke, but I gave him a hard time nonetheless, wiggling my hips. His eyes closed tightly, and he drew his bottom lip between his teeth to silence the noise that threatened to escape.
“Sweetie, you promise you’re okay?” Ellen’s concern was endearing, but something neither of us wanted at the moment.
“I’m fine.” His voice was strained, and silence followed his words. Then the screen lit up and Quinn and I both looked down at his phone. Ellen was trying to FaceTime him.
“Holy shit-“ I mumbled out as I climbed off his lap, scrambling to get out of the blanket fort while he grabbed his phone and answered the call.
“Quinn.” His mother sounded suspicious. “Did you hurt yourself? Is everything okay?” Quinn sat up as his mother spoke.
“I’m okay mom. I promise! I just had- it’s nothing.” He adjusted his shorts, glancing up at me before looking back at the phone. I tried to remain as still and quiet as possible.
“Honey..” Ellen sighed, “I swear to god if you have your girlfriend over..” She sounded concerned.
“Mom!” Quinn combated her tone with offense in his own. “You know that’s not me. That’s all Jack.”
My brow rose in a silent, ‘seriously?’ This might have been the first time Quinn had me over without permission, but it certainly wasn’t the first time we’d been together without somebody knowing. Silence followed. Ellen seemed to be deciding whether or not she believed him. Then she sighed.
“Alright.. alright.. I’m sorry honey. I just- after that last incident.. can’t blame me for being a little nervous.” I had to cover my mouth once again not to laugh.
The ‘last’ incident was more like a horror story. Jack had been in trouble for weeks over the whole situation. His mother still got tense about leaving him home alone because of it.
“It’s okay mom. We’re fine.” Quinn spoke, too carefree after assuming he was in the clear.
I was sure both of our hearts dropped to our stomachs at the same time.
“You idiot!” I mouthed.
“Quintin.” Ellen spoke sternly. She didn’t have to snap or yell at him to get him to give in. She knew that.
Quinn hung up. My eyes went as wide as they could have possibly gone.
“Quinn! Did you just hang up on her?” I had never seen Ellen when she was furious, nor did I want to.
“I hung up on her.” Quinn confirmed before his phone lit up again.
“You hung up on your mother!” I scolded, and the realization of his actions finally dawned on him.
“Do I answer her again?” Quinn questioned frantically. I gave him a ‘duh’ face before placing my hands on my hips. I would have hated to see Quinn in trouble, but at the same time, it was his mother.. and I didn’t know what else to do aside from encouraging him to turn himself in.
Quinn looked down at his phone and answered the call once again.
It wasn’t on speakerphone.
I still heard Ellen yell his full name at the top of her lungs.
Quinn and I both crossed ourselves when we heard the sound of his mother’s voice.
I knew one thing… I wanted to be home with every door and window locked before Ellen got back to her son. Lest her wrath fall upon me as well.
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oureuphoria · 3 months
The Battle — JJK
⟿ Note: Hiii!! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted on this account, and I am very sorry! I’m in uni now and my writing has improved (in my opinion) drastically, so I’m very excited to return bc I love posting here. To kick off the new era, I’m sharing a small fic I’ve worked on recently. I really hope you like it.
⟿ Synopsis: Your relationship with Jungkook has been strained for far too long and you’ve decided to do something about it.
⟿ Genre: Just angst, sorry </3 but possible part two!!
⟿ Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Reader
⟿ Word count: 1,387
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“Jungkook.” You called out to your boyfriend the second you heard the door to his apartment open. You were supposed to hang out together, you’d been waiting for him for over 40 minutes.
“Yes, babe?” From his sing-song voice, you could tell he was tipsy.
“We need to talk.” You were aiming for a serious, sobering tone, but it appeared nothing could dull his vibe when he got it going,
“‘Course, love. Not now though, I’m busy. Just getting changed and heading out with the boys.”
“But you said we’d have tonight together.”
“I know baby, but we always celebrate big wins together. You know you’re welcome to join us.” Jungkook knew very well that you were still really nervous around his bandmates. You specifically asked for some time alone.
“But we need to talk and it can’t wait.” Your voice was unwavering, but you could feel the resolve you’d spent so long building up begin to slip away.
It was hard to fight with Jungkook. It was harder when he didn’t fight with you.
“What? Are you okay?” His voice resonated throughout the apartment from your bedroom to where you were sitting in the living room.
“No, Jungkook. I’m not.” There was a moment of silence.
“What’s wrong, are you sick?” His head peaked out from the room, harbouring slight concern on his otherwise bright face.
“No, it’s about us.” You averted eye contact, unable to watch the happiness drain from his face.
“That can wait.” He went back into the room, and you could feel your frustration return.
“I’ve been waiting, but you’re always busy and I can’t wait anymore.”
“Can I not have one night? One night where you’re not on my ass about everything?”
“That’s not fair.”
“Y/N, we fight every week.”
“And I want to talk about it.” He came out of the room, fully dressed in his favourite jeans and a tight black turtleneck sweater. A month ago, this would’ve been the part where you joked about him looking like that one picture of The Rock. Now it just made you wonder how many people would throw themselves at him, and just how many he’d reject before he’d finally realise you might not be worth the trouble.
“No, see you say you want to talk and then it turns into you making me feel like shit for living my life.” Jungkook continued arguing with you while pacing around the apartment looking for his keys, his wallet, his sunglasses.
“That’s not my intention.” You stood up from your seat on the couch, but he continued to avoid looking at you.
“Your intention doesn’t matter, your actions do. And right now, I’d really love it if you didn’t start a fight.”
“Fine, if that’s what you really want.”
“Great. I’ll see you later.”
You sighed. “You won’t.”
“Stop with the dramatics, Y/N.”
“No dramatics, I’m done. We’re done.” You weren’t sure how you managed to get the words out, considering the fact that they felt like shards of glass dragging across your tongue.
“Seriously?” He looked at you, one hand on the door knob, the other by his side.
You thought about taking it back for way too long, and when you said nothing, he shook his head, letting out a sardonic chuckle.
“Alright, Y/N. We’re done.” And with those parting words, he was out the door.
You sat back down on his couch. Tears were flooding your eyes, and you could feel the pressure on your chest, affirming the end you saw coming but tried so hard to avoid.
You could have continued begging for a morsel of his time to work things out, but as he said, he viewed any and all criticism as an infringement on his right to party and celebrate his success.
You were the same age, but you lived vastly different lives and you had no idea how to reconcile the gap between the Jungkook who loved you, and the Jungkook who was in the public eye. There was only one you. You didn’t have a second life, and that was what made it so hard to relate to him.
He didn’t even want to try.
You wiped away your tears, grabbing your coat and bag from the armchair. You had one arm through the sleeves when the door opened again.
For the split second that you heard the keypad beep and the door’s hinges creak, you allowed yourself to be filled with hope. He came back, and in that moment you let yourself believe that it was for you. That he’d tell you he can’t live without you, and whatever there was going on between you two, he’d be willing to fix it.
But you and him hadn’t felt partners in so long, and the problems you used to tackle together, as an inseparable unit, began to feel like termites eating through the foundation of your trust.
“Oh, you’re still here.” His voice didn’t sound remorseful. It didn’t sound like the voice of a man who was prepared to lay the ugliest parts of your relationship bare so that you could work through them. He sounded indifferent.
“Yeah sorry, I was just leaving.” You quickly shrugged the coat on properly, grabbing your bag and hastily rushing toward the door, but Jungkook was blocking the doorway, and he didn’t move away when you approached. “Um, Jungkook, you’re kind of in the way.” You tried your absolute hardest to keep your voice level and your tears at bay, but the longer he stood there the harder it was.
“I am, aren’t I?” His tone was so hard to read, you had no idea how to respond. “I’m always in your way, Y/N. And a better man would let you go, but I can’t.”
Before you could grasp onto his words, he grasped onto you. Jungkook wrapped you into a tight hug.
“Don’t do this, Jungkook. Please.”
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. I feel so guilty, all the time. I don’t know how it fix it, so I go out, and I get wasted and I convince myself you’re happier without me.” He sounded so vulnerable, so bare, and for a moment you saw your pain reflected in his.
How could you fix it? There was only so much turbulence a relationship could take, and the strain on your own mental health was beginning to feel like less of a side-effect and more like a direct bi-product.
Sometimes, the best way to get rid of termites is to burn it all down and pray you have the strength to rebuild.
You weren’t sure of much, but you were sure that you weren’t strong enough to rebuild.
“I’m not happier without you, Jungkook. But lately I haven’t been feeling happier with you either. I love you, you know that, but I can’t keep pretending like it doesn’t hurt me when you pretend I don’t exist. And I know the only other option is to go public, but I don’t think I could cope with that kind of attention.”
“I could say I’m in a relationship and we could keep your identity secret. I’ve seen other idols do that.”
“Idols much less famous than you, Jungkook. Its unfair of me to expect you to carry the burden of the negative attention you’d inevitably get.”
“What are you saying?”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough. And I can’t watch as we tear ourselves apart trying to make each other feel better.”
“Y/N, I don’t know how to do this without you.”
“Me neither, but I think we have a much better chance of figuring out how to live apart than together, don’t you?”
“I— I could take a break from the group until we figure this out.”
“You’d resent me for it.”
“You can’t give up on us just like that?”
“You gave up a long time ago, Jungkook.” There was no hostility in your voice, so Jungkook knew you weren’t trying to hurt him with that remark. In fact, the sincerity of what you’d said, and the tears that began to flood your eyes and his, told him you might just be right.
So, without another word, Jungkook moved out of the doorway and watched as you gave him a tight-lipped smile before walking away.
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blubffsd · 2 years
summary: The lie you believed your whole life just fell apart, the person you loved the most let you down once again. Why did you think this time would be different?
previous chapter
note: i really don't know what song to recommend for this part, just play your favorite sad song lol. please pretend that on social media it says "Mia" instead of Y/N, i edited it like 3 times and it never saved so i gave up.
@http-isabela love u 😚💞
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That's what Mia feels now.
She has a hard time believing what she sees, but unfortunately it is real.
They backstabbed her in front of miles of people.
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It wasn't until she arrived in Argentina that she found out about their tweets, all thanks to Anto, who had found out from Jorgelina Cardoso, Di Maria's wife.
After Mia found out, the players of the Argentina team found out too, Lio told them what happened after Anto told him.
Most are completely outraged by the audacity of her brother-in-law and his wife to make such comments.
All of them are still euphoric for having become world champions less than 2 days ago, and even more so now that they are waiting in Ezeiza to celebrate with the Argentines at the Obelisk.
So right now they do and say things that they wouldn't do at another time.
And Mia too.
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Will she regret of this? Yeah.
Does she care now? No.
Obviously people suspect that the tweets are for Melissa and Jirès (especially those of Enzo and Julián).
If Kylian and Mia's names was a trend before, now there are even newspaper articles speculating what happened between them.
And as if that weren't enough, now she has his boyfriend's fans attacking her on twitter, just like when he said he's dating her.
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Jirès even had the audacity to reply to her tweet.
Mia knows she were wrong a lot, but is all that necessary?
It's okay that they're mad at her and she understand it. But why increase the hate she is getting?
Why are they treating her like this if two days ago they had dinner with her and told her how grateful they are to have her in their lives?
Did they lie to her or were her attitudes so bad that they changed their opinion drastically?
Even if it hurts Mia keeps seeing the tweets out there about all the drama.
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Now they are relating the songs of her favorite singer with her love dramas.
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THEY EVEN MAKE A PLAYLIST. (it's real btw)
Mia lets out a laugh when she saw the songs they chose to "cry over your divorce".
At least they are not criticizing her or judging her actions.
It doesn't make Mia feels better, but she doesn't feel worse. That's okay.
She wants to believe that's okay.
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Mia arrives at her father's house hours after arriving in Argentina.
Anto insisted so much that she stays with her and the children but Mia refused, she needs to talk to her dad, she miss him so much.
Mia knocks on the door of the house while she sees the Argentine flag hanging.
Her father opens the door for her in a matter of seconds and when he sees her he smiles and hugs her.
Mia smiled slightly as she felt his arms around her.
It feels good to hug him again. And that he is the one who took the initiative makes her happy.
Although deep down in her heart she knows that he is hugging her because Argentina won the World Cup and not because she came home after 5 years.
He invites her in and she enter his house.
Everything in the house was the same as when she left, but it felt different.
—Sentate si querés (Sit down if you want) –he says pointing to the couch in front of Mia.
She nods and sit back watching him do the same.
There is an awkward silence between the two of them until Mia speak.
—Y... ¿cómo andás? (So... how are you?) –her father turns to look at her and smiles widely.
He's going to talk about football.
—Estoy re bien, hija. Me siento tan feliz, nunca me había sentido así en mi vida, te lo juro. (I'm fine, daughter. I feel so happy, I have never felt like this in my life, I swear.)
He doesn't have to swear for Mia to believe him, she knows he's not lying. He was never this happy.
—Qué alegría, pa. (What a joy, dad) –she smiles slightly not knowing what else to say.
Mia wish she were as happy as her dad, but she can't knowing what she did.
She can't get Kylian out of her mind and how he must be now, a few hours away from his birthday.
She knows she have to explain everything to him but she doesn't have the courage to do it.
What excuse could she make for having abandoned him after not having achieved what he dreamed of all his life?
Mia comes back to reality when she feels her dad's touch on her shoulder.
—¿Eh? ¿Qué pasó, pa? ¿Me dijiste algo? (What happened, dad? Did you say something?)
She hears her dad laugh and sees how he shakes his head.
—Te pregunté qué dice tu noviecito por haber perdido (I asked you what "that guy" you're dating thinks about losing) –a mocking smile appears on his face.
"That guy you're dating"? Is that the way he intends to name her boyfriend?
—No sé, todavía no hablé con él. (I don't, I didn't talk with him yet).
—¿No quiere hablar con vos todavía después de haber perdido? Qué idiota. ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Kyle? ¿Kylan? (He doesn't want to talk to you after losing? What a idiot. What's his name? Kyle? Kylan?)
The mocking smile doesn't leave her father's face and that can't bother Mia anymore.
He doesn't even know his name.
—No es ningún idiota y su nombre es Kylian. Me sorprende que no sepas el nombre de mi novio, con quien estoy hace 4 años. (He's not an idiot and his name is Kylian. I'm surprised you don't know the name of the guy I've been in a relationship with for 4 years.)
Her father laughs mocking Mia's words.
—Kylian, nombre de perdedor en las finales (Kylian, name of a loser in the World Cup finals) –he laugh again.
Mia frowns. He's acting like her boyfriend hasn't hattrick or won a world cup yet.
He's trying to humiliate Kylian and she is not going to allow it.
—Te recuerdo que "ese perdedor" ya ganó un mundial y en su primer intento, y también casi gana su segundo mundial por su cuenta (I remind you that "that loser" has already won a World Cup and in his first attempt, and he also almost won his second World Cup on his own).
Now her father is the one who frowns, surprised by her words.
—Dejá de defender a ese tarado, ese chico no vale la pena, te lo dije millones de veces. Estás haciendo lo mismo que hiciste en 2018. (Stop defending that dumb guy, that boy is not worth it, I told you millions of times. You're doing the same thing you did in 2018.)
Mia takes a deep breath trying to calm down, what is happening cannot be real.
—Te hacías la que querías que ganáramos nosotros para que acá en los medios de comunicación no te dijeran nada, pero seguramente querías que gane ese estúpido que tenés por novio. Y sí, no querías que te pase lo mismo que en 2018, que lo apoyaste a él cuando estaba jugando contra tu país y me hiciste quedar como un tarado. Me traicionaste y me dejaste de lado por tu novio, lo elegiste antes que a mí y no tuviste ni un poco de consideración conmigo (You pretended that you wanted us to win so that here in the media they wouldn't tell you anything, but surely you wanted that stupid boyfriend of yours to win. Of course, you didn't want the same thing to happen to you as in 2018, that you supported him when he was playing against your country and you made me look like a stupid. You betrayed me and dumped me for your boyfriend, you chose him over me and you didn't have one bit of consideration for me).
Mia can't believe what she is hearing.
—Ese chico te va a dejar por la primera chica que encuentre, no sé cómo duró tanto con vos. Todos los futbolistas son iguales. No me sorprendería si me decís que prefiere el fútbol antes que a vos (That boy is going to leave you for the first girl he finds, I don't know how he lasted so long with you. All footballers are the same. I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me that he prefers football over you).
That was the last straw.
—Entonces estás diciendo que Kylian va a hacerle lo mismo que vos me hiciste a mí (So you're saying that Kylian is going to do the same thing to me that you did to me?)
Mia feels her dad's stunned look and her let out a sarcastic laugh.
—Según vos él va a elegir el fútbol antes que a mí ¿no? Y me estás advirtiendo. Qué considerado, no querés que pase por lo mismo que me hiciste pasar vos (According to you, he is going to choose football before me, right? And you're warning me. How thoughtful, you don't want me to go through the same thing you put me through).
Her dad gets up from the couch completely angry.
—¿Qué decís, nena? Si a vos te di todo lo que pude para que no te faltara nada (What do you say? If I gave you everything I could so that you didn't lack anything).
Mia sighed completely frustrated, he doesn't get it.
Obviously he doesn't get it.
—Ya sé y te lo agradezco. Pero siempre hubo algo más importante que yo, no te importaba qué pasaba conmigo ni nada, nunca fui tu prioridad (I know and thank you for that. But there was always something more important than me, you didn't care what happened to me or anything, I was never your priority).
She feels how a lump forms in her throat and tears appear in her eyes.
Her father keeps glaring at her in front of her, as if she just insulted him.
—Siempre había un partido más importante que mi cumpleaños, una práctica más importante que mi graduación. Cuando nací mamá me dijo que te quejaste porque tenías que jugar un partido ese fin de semana y no ibas a poder por tener que cuidarme a mí. Y tenés el descaro de venir a advertirme de Kylian. (There was always a game more important than my birthday, a practice more important than my graduation. When I was born, mom told me that you complained because you had to play a game that weekend and you couldn't make it because you had to take care of me. And you have the nerve to come warn me about Kylian).
Her father does not take his eyes off her.
—Bueno, y decime entonces, ¿dónde está tu noviecito ahora? ¿Te buscó o algo por lo menos o no le importas lo suficiente como para querer saber dónde estás? (Well, and tell me then, where is your boyfriend now? Did he look for you or something at least or does he not care enough to want to know where you are?).
That hurt Mia.
Kylian hasn't called her.
But she didn't call him either and she should have.
—Él al menos no me llamó gritándome que soy una traidora, que no merezco vivir y que dejé de existir para él como tú lo hiciste (He at least didn't call me yelling that I'm a traitor, that I don't deserve to live and that I ceased to exist for him like you did).
There isn't a single hint of regret on his face, her father looks at her seriously, as if telling her that if he had to do it again, he would.
—Estabas apoyando al enemigo (You were supporting the enemy).
Mia remember Hiba's words to her during the match.
"You're wearing Kylian's jersey and sitting next to his family as you clap for the enemy."
This whole situation is so similar to 2018 but feels so different.
—Kylian necesitaba mi apoyo y estuve ahí para él. (Kylian needed my support and I was there for him).
Her father laughs sarcastically.
—¿Y por qué estás acá conmigo y no con él? Si él tanto te necesita (And why are you here with me and not with him? If he needs you so much).
Mia looks at her dad and then at her bags.
He's right, for the first time since she were born.
Why is she there with him if the one who really deserves to talk to her is Kylian?
Why did she think her dad would change this time?
Why is she there with him and not with Kylian? How could she get so carried away?
Mia takes her bags under the stupefied look of her dad and take one last look at his house.
The walls still have the same photos of her dad when he played football, it makes Mia a little sad to remember when she asked him why he hasn't photos of her there.
"It's just that I don't care enough about you".
After saying it, he laughed, implying that it was a joke.
Mia opens the door and walk out of her dad's house.
Maybe it wasn't after all.
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blackbird-brewster · 5 months
Meta: Jemily Queerbaiting
With the huge influx of posts saying 'Jemily is gonna be canon', I really appreciated seeing this post because OP was completely correct. I didn't want to write an entire dissertation as a reply, so I'm making my own post with my personal opinion on this. (All sources are noted in footnotes)
Before I began this rant, for anyone who thinks this is anti-Jemily. It is not. I have shipped Jemily for 18 friggin years and that's never going to change. This post is specifically my thoughts about queer baiting.
First off, I need to note that the showrunners (and the cast members who use social media) KNOW what a huge queer following this show has and that's why we got pansexual Tara Lewis in S16 [1]. Which, in itself, was SOOOOOOO important!!! Our first canonically queer main in SIXTEEN seasons was a middle-aged Black woman!!! That's phenomenal. (The fact it was horrible rep, because they instantly ruined her relationships once her queerness served it's plot point is a whole other post entirely)
In my opinion, the 'big Jemily moment' Paget posted about on Twitter [2] (and AJ hinted at during a recent IG live) is simply queerbaiting to get people to watch S17. I know a lot of you are newer to the fandom and I love your enthusiasm, I really do, ship and let ship, but listen, let's be real, Jemily is not going to be made canon. The showrunners aren't going to suddenly say (after 17 seasons) 'Surprise, Jemily is endgame'. This show has never cared about queer rep and now that CBS/Paramount have already ticked their queer rep box with Tara, they won't be in any rush to add any other characters to it.
Please buckle in, I've got a lot of thoughts on this matter --
What is Queerbaiting?
If you aren't aware of what queerbaiting is, here's a good definition:
Historically, queerbaiting has carried two meanings: the first is an act of aggressive heterosexuality to shut down queer subtext on screen while still teasing and catering to the queer audience in advertising, public relations, and fan engagement strategies; the second is an existing homoerotic tension between two characters played up on screen while met with derision by the professionals behind the scenes. [3]
The Medium article quoted here is from 2017, a time when parasocial relationships were really starting to take over social media. In 2024, actors are now only a mention or tag away online, they have direct conversations with fans, and this process has allowed for an even deeper form of queerbaiting.
Oftentimes online, actors are asked directly about certain ships and while some ignore these questions (usually to avoid breaking their contracts or other repercussions), others (looking at you, Paget) choose to instead tease fans about queer ships. She's done this for years upon years and if I've learned anything in the past twenty-years of existing in fandom spaces it's this -- don't hold your breath. In it's original meaning, for something to be deemed as queerbaiting there had to be malicious, or at least, purposeful intent to string queer fans along by teasing them with suggestive content about the ship in question, while knowing this ship will never come to fruition in canon.
The thing to remember is, Paget and AJ aren't the only ones who know about Jemily shippers -- the network and showrunners are well aware of this ship too. When networks/showrunners figure out they have a strong sapphic fanbase, they love to use that to their advantage to get more viewers and higher ratings. Queerbaiting is a goldmine to keep fans watching long running shows, look at Rizzoli and Isles, Supergirl, and OUAT for examples of this.
Jemily and Queerbaiting:
Ever since Emily joined the BAU in S2 (2006), there have always been fans who ship JJ/Emily (shoutout to the old LJ forums!). Way before celebs were just a tweet away from fans, back when all our fics began with disclaimers so we wouldn't get sued by networks, we went to great lengths to keep our fanworks far removed from actors/showrunners attention.
As far as Jemily goes, this reply from Paget in a 2009 interview with TVGuide.com [4] (which has now been deleted from their site unfortunately, but there are quotes on Tumblr still [4.a]) confirmed some fans' worst fear -- the actors had found our fanworks online.
TVGuide.com: Of course, a band of fans want her to hook up with Hotch.
Brewster: I know! I didn't realize that fans make these videos on YouTube? A.J. Cook sent me a hilarious one that made it look like Prentiss and J.J. were having a secret lesbian affair. You know, when Hotch was blown up in the SUV, we shot this scene where he's in the hospital and I'm standing next to him, looking at his bleeding ear. Our director came in and said, "Paget, you're looking at Hotch like you're in love with him. It looks really weird." So now, every day, Thomas [Gibson] and I flutter our eyelids at each other.
This was the first time I recall anyone acknowledging Jemily shippers publicly and at the time (Jan 2009), the show was still in Season Four (just before CBS fired both AJ and Paget [5]). Paget genuinely said it's 'hilarious' that fans shipped JJ/Emily. Even now, I'll see people say 'We know Paget and AJ have seen Jemily fanvids, so they obviously ship it too' -- but those same people rarely acknowledge the full context of the original answer. Paget not only thought JJ/Emily were 'hilarious', but then she doubled down and turned her reply back to how she and Thomas liked to play up the chemistry between Emily/Hotch.
While no one can say for sure which video it was that AJ sent Paget, just knowing they were watching JJ/Emily fanvids sent a bit of a shockwave through the femslash side of the fandom. To some it felt like an invasion of privacy, fanworks are by fans for fans -- knowing the cast were poking around in fandom spaces added an extra layer of worry around what we fans were posting online. Fifteen years ago, it used to be quite taboo for actors to outwardly discuss shipping or other fanon for whatever show they were in, and we fans were usually comfortably removed from the actors altogether.
Of course, now it's the norm for fans and actors/showrunners to co-exist online and interact with one another. This connection has opened new ways for shows to queerbait their fans. Pretty much every show has some form of social media account now and there is no doubt that the people running those accounts keep up with the most popular ships and hashtags. Not to mention that actors are constantly barraged with questions about whether they ship their character with x,y,z, or whether they think a ship should be made canon, etc. These interactions only serve to benefit the shows themselves, because whether the conversation is for or against a certain ship, it's all just free publicity (Why do you think CM now has a TikTok account?)
Every time AJ or Paget say anything about Jemily, the queer side of the fandom loses their minds. But this has been going on for YEARS now and every single time, it turns out to be nothing but social media hype and queerbaiting. Remember this AJ post? [6] Or what about the notorious reply by Paget to a fan, where she talks about how she and AJ held hands under the table 'for the shippers' [7] I've seen this cycle over and over again, so perhaps I am cynical, but I'm not getting my hopes up that Jemily will ever seriously be canon.
It's widely known now, after both Kirsten [8] and Paget [9] have talked about it, that there was an early idea where Prentiss was supposed to be queer, but that was ultimately scraped before it ever made it on screen. For context, please remember, this show has been airing for nearly twenty years. It began in 2005, during the highly conservative Bush administration. Queer people didn't have rights in the US, we couldn't get married, we were rarely protected under discrimination laws, and we could even be fired for simply being queer (in some states). Diverse queer representation on screen was extremely limited to things like 'The L Word' and 'Queer as Folk' (both aired on Showtime, so they were behind a paywall. And as far as tLw goes, that show was extremely male-gaze focused and is horrible in nearly all regards if you try to rewatch it now). As far as prime time shows went, queer rep was even more rare. Which is why Emily wasn't queer from the get-go.
Yes, things have changed since 2006 in terms of queer rep on TV. We have a myriad of queer identities represented in TV and film nowadays, which is why I think it's so easy for newer fans to say 'lf she was supposed to be gay anyway, they should just make Emily queer in canon!' I know this is what fuels most fans' demands for Emily being confirmed queer, and I get it, I DO. I would be all for it! However, I do not, in one hundred years, actually believe that is going to happen after they already canonically queer confirmed Tara in S16. The fact we even got ONE queer character is ground-breaking for this show.
It's also worth noting, that in the time between Paget's departure in 2012 and her return in 2016, she became very active on Twitter. This was when more and more fans began asking her about Jemily and after Kirsten's AfterEllen interview, fans also pushed for Paget to address the possibility of Emily being gay. 'Pushed' is actually an understatement for some of the outright harassment she would receive. (AJ received some of this harassment too, but less so because she doesn't use social media ass often) Back then, neither of them replied to these things directly. Yet, no matter what either woman posted, the replies were full of Jemily stans begging for her acknowledgement. (Did you know 'stan' is literally a term coined for stalker fans?) I remember one time AJ's friend was missing and she posted info on her IG about it, you know what the replies were? People asking her about Jemily. It was genuinely sickening.
Within this context, it was no surprise to fans when Emily came back in S12 , she and JJ's friendship was seemingly erased. The two women were rarely on screen together in the late seasons, plus the writers saw fit to even give Emily not only one (Mark in London, but two, on-screen boyfriends for the first time in the entire series. I personally do not think these changes to Emily's character were coincidence, I saw the hellscape of what people would say to AJ and Paget online and I fully believe that upon Paget's return to the show, the showrunners purposely tried to distance JJ and Emily to dissuade the more abusive side of the fanbase.
Can I prove that, no. But it is the only reason I can think of as to why Emily S12+ seemingly didn't care about JJ anymore, despite their deep and meaningful friendship. I mean, they both CROSSED THE WORLD to go rescue each other in prior canon -- but when Emily comes back, they acted like they barely knew each other. This was even more prevalent in S16, when JJ's main storylines all revolved around Will, and Emily barely looked at JJ in the entirety of ten episodes. (Remember how Prentiss didn't even hug JJ after bomb, but she did go hug Luke?)
So, do Paget and AJ earnestly ship Jemily, or are they continuing the long tradition of queerbaiting us? Who fucking knows, not me. But based on the history of this fandom, I think I can make a safe bet. (Interestingly, if you search all of Paget's twitter for the word 'Jemily' [10] she only has 3 direct tweets mentioning the ship. I don't think it's a coincidence that two are within the past few months since they started filming S17 (the other one was a RT of Kirsten (who tagged something Jemily)
This is all to say --
Just because Paget and AJ have publicly talked about Jemily,, this doesn't mean it's ever going to happen on screen. And you know what, THAT'S OKAY!! There has been this constant outcry (after Tara became queer confirmed) of 'Do Emily next' or 'Why wasn't it Emily with a girlfriend!?' and 'Jemily needs to be canon in S17!' -- as if people believe their ships aren't worth anything unless they are canon.
That couldn't be further from the truth! Fandom is built on headcanons and fan interpretations and rare pairs and all types of shippers. Your ship does NOT need to be canon for you to enjoy it. I will ship Jemily forever, no matter what. I don't think there will be some magical queer plot in S17, at best, we might actually get to see Emily/JJ on screen together again and after the train wreck that was S16 -- I'll take whatever I can get.
And hey -- if I am completely wrong, if Erica Messer pulls a Korrasami out of her hat, I will be ecstatic. I will be happy to be proved wrong, but at the same time, I'm not going to lose sleep over it and I'm DEFINITELY not going to go hound the actors about it on social media.
[1] 2022 Digital Spy article about the importance of Tara's coming out
[2] 04/18/24 Paget Tweet
[3] 2017 Queerbaiting article from medium.com
[4] 2009 Broken TVGuide link
[4.a] Tumblr quote from the above TVGuide Interview
[5] 2010 Kirsten interview screenrant.com
[6] 2019 AJ Instagram Post
[7] 2020 Paget video on Twitter (via @karasluthqr)
[8] 2015 Kirsten interview AfterEllen.com
[9] 2016 Paget Interview CriminalMindsFans.com
[10] @PagetPaget search 'Jemily'
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
I am very curious to know your opinion on sgmb…
It watched it the first time through and based only on the English lyrics was not about to jump to any conclusions. There wasn’t even a part of me that wondered if the song had any jikook connections or allusions.
I watched the video again with the subs on, saw the lyrics about debut and went, oh, maybe a fan song. A few seconds and a few lyrics later and now I cannot see the song in any way but to JK/about jikook. Your thoughts?
(P.S. I love your blog :3)
Okay okay, but be prepared to revisit this with me if more songs/interviews come out and prove me as delusional as I know I am 😂😂
Let's take this bit by bit... Promo photos for Muse are very matchy with a previous JK outfit (so par for the course this solo season for them!)
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The ONLY bit of information we have for Smeraldo is the information released with it....
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Smeraldo likens back to HYYH era where they came up with this flower for their whole storyline basically which HYYH is for the gays. Let's not even pretend it's not. Lol my answer to someone asking me "why is it gay?" Post here:
No idea why he mentioned June 12. June 13th is BTS debut date. July 9th is ARMY namesake day.... If anyone has any better ideas or I just missed something, clue me in!
The lyrics all just light hearted pure in love beautifulness? A song about feeling your feelings and letting your emotions emotion 🥺😍🥰
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The lyrics just talking about loving you, getting closer to you, always wanting you.... Especially with the connection to the truth untold too? Jikook with the truth untold??!! Come on...
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PLUS he filmed/recorded this song right before going on vacation with Jungkook. We know this because some of the kids in the MV with Jimin posted autographs they got from him, which he dated. 231122
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And on 231123, he travels to Tokyo with Jungkook...
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"you don't have to worry anymore, because we are together. Let's be more honest now" Right before they go on a trip together and then enlist together??? Alright 🥺🥰
I'm willing to jump to conclusions. I'm NOT going to encourage anyone to take this as fact (ever) or jump with me though (yet). Lol I forewarned EVERYONE at the start of this post I was letting my delusions run a bit with this one for now 😂 I'll come back and either double down or say forget this post exists after MUSE releases and if we get any more interviews over this lol
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