#and . idk i never rlly like those kinds of things 😭😭😭
filmcel · 1 year
this movie makes no sense to me all ik is the head over heels seen goes crazy….
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noxtivagus · 2 years
reconnected w some irls after v long time not rlly talking 🥹🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#i've always been an introvert n more on the quiet side but typically w friends i end up being more. IDK THE WORD but YEAH#i genuinely hope these irls i'm talking about do not see this....#that said though it genuinely. i genuinely got so surprised i wasn't expecting a notif from a new gc#w my old friend group from gr 6 no less oh god 😭😭#THEY REMEMBER THE. NOOOO MY CRINGE GR 6 SELF....#i nearly forgot i wrote THOSE kind of things n on fucking paper too .#dark dark days fr oh dear#these friends r. genuinely rlly special to me though even tho i haven't talked to them in so so long#i'd consider them childhood friends honestly . gr 6 was the peak of my cringe but free days in school#thinking abt dynamics n i typically am more on the observant quiet side at times but dear god i am chaotic#i'm still rather shy bcs it's been a while since we talked after all but#it's certainly comforting ig being in an environment i think where. i'm familiar with it. these people were once my closest friends#n esp since they've known me for a while they know how Weird i am n they're on a similar level of weird too so. 🥺🤍#i'm embarrassed tho oh that brings back memories i used to write so much#💀 never again will i write that kind of stuff though. maybe when i'm of age but god no never again until then#honestly they weren't the best influences in that regard bcs i probably know too much about that aspect for my age BUT#yh i still consider them my friends honestly they mean a lot to me c:#i wna get closer again or at least. yk really keep this contact this time around#omg back then i used to be like. i was v chaotic yes in our friend grp but like. 'mom friend' i Think yh >.>#hehe remembering i've always loved teasing my friends. thinking as well abt all the times i've made others happy or helped them or#thinking abt what i mean to others rlly make me happy. the times where i can really i assess myself the same way i do others#really remind me that i'm human too. real. yeah.#that was like. the biggest friend grp i had bcs now most of my close friends r like. most of them don't really know each other#n i don't keep contact w a lot of ppl in general hfjldskdl save for ppl solely on social media i'd say i rlly only keep contact w.#typically. 3 irls.#WAIT WAIT 🥺 i got a notif from messenger my best friend from gr 4 saw the gc aaaaaa#she was always like a big sis to me n. it's crazy actually that we're like 3rd cousins or smth. dad's side#she's so smart i always looked up to her! she kept up w sm of my weird antics as a kid n uwahh my writer friend back then c:#i miss those days so much 🥹🫶🏼
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hijackalx · 8 months
yall he would be so embarrassed by how vampires are portrayed in the media. like enraged 😭😭 he feels like they make him look like a joke and would refuse to watch/read anything with vampires in it bcz nobody ever gets it right. but if modern day tav DID ever get him to watch twilight with them he would be like shrinking into his shirt from secondhand embarrassment AT FIRST but i feel like he would eventually get invested LMAO like u know how dads stand in front of the tv and get stuck there bcz theyre too interested lol that kind of vibe
sooo hedonistic and materialistic like he loves all things luxurious, chocolates, expensive fabrics, comfortable furniture etc. he does NOT want to settle for anything less. but this also means he expects the same for tav 🥰 but he's kind of messy too? like it makes sense with being materialistic bcz eventually youll have lots of clutter. his tent has all kinds of unnecessary shit
hes lowkey sentimental. LOWKEY THOUGH he would never admit it. like if tav ever gave him something like idk, a necklace they found or something and said it made them think of him he'd literally keep it forever and ever. dont call him out on it tho bcz he'll get defensive af 😔 HES SUCH A BABY
tav and him will argue A LOT but thats because he purposely pushes ppls buttons. (nsfw mention) its like foreplay to him and if u read the nsfw section youll see why lol
so sooooo jealous but only if he feels like youre getting too close to someone else. like initially i dont think tav sleeping with someone else makes him jealous bcz of his backstory like he doesnt rlly view sex as something that only happens between two ppl that love each other and thats what would bother him the most. and i think hes only open sexually bcz hes conditioned himself to be that way, like maybe after a while of being with tav it really would start to bother him if they were sleeping with other ppl and he'd eventually want to be exclusive.
also he cares abt tav so much. like he pretends like he doesnt but if they freak him out enough theyll see just how much he worries abt them and wants them safe 😭❤️
love language:
giving = words of affirmation. he loves to call tav pet names and comment on how good they are at things and how good they look etc. he LOVESSS it especially if tav responds to it in any way (physically or verbally) bcz he also loves to tease lol. also dare i say physical touch? like just innocently touching tav all the time. this i feel bcz he (spoiler???) rlly enjoyed the hug during his confession scene and also wants to hold tav's hand after. (end of possible spoiler) like he'll prolly do little things like rub tav's back or caress their face randomly while theyre talking to him lol all very sensual tho hes a very sensual man
receiving = words of affirmation and physical touch lol both in the way i described before. i dont think he would like tav teasing him tho most of the time he gets genuinely pissed off 😹😹😹 hes just a lil short tempered
apparently hes 5'9 but i dont know where thats coming from lol i dont get that vibe he looks pretty lanky i would say between 5'11-6' is more realistic like lets be honest a 5'9 man lured back all those victims for cazador? be so fucking for real 😭😭 also decent muscle tone not scrawny but not SWOLE
lets go girls and gays 👯 for starters i dont really see him enjoying being submissive at all like u had to roll a 15 to even get the mf to say 'please'. i think this is especially because he hates having his autonomy taken away from him but he has a controlling personality in general (he was deciding ppls fates as a magistrate before cazador 🧍🏼like HELLO what the fuck was that 😹😹) . he likes to call the shots BUT i dont think hes selfish (kinda feel like hes a giver lowkey?? are we feeling the service dom allegations ??) he just withholds what tav likes until they do what he wants or theyre good for him. he always remembers to reward them tho 😇
he LOVES BRATS (hence the arguing mentioned before) !!!!!!! theyre his absolute favorite like theres something abt putting someone in their place that turns him on so much. theyre also so fun. he usually does it by being mean and degrading them tho lol. but once they submit to him hes so soo sweet. theyll also get bonus points for calling him something that implies hes above them (daddy, sir, master) but he wont make them. he prolly likes to see if he can make them do it voluntarily for an ego boost lol.
hes sadistic in the sense that he likes to “hurt” tav but not in extreme ways. he likes them too much for that. like he'll pull their hair and choke them (bite them) or something but he wont cause them horrific pain if u catch my drift. i still feel like hes into seeing them cry tho lol like if they go to him for a shoulder to cry on he'll try to act sympathetic but he'll also pop a boner HELP HES THE WORST
takes forever to cum like bro 🙄 I GOT RUG BURN ON MY PUSSY !!!! also has a very attractive pp probably 6-7 inches? like its textbook perfect. upwards curve. pink tip. shall i go on.
he wont do this to a one night stand but if he likes tav enough he'll want to mark or claim them in some way. like leaving bite marks and bruises EVERYWHERE or even cumming inside them.
also not as kinky as u would think like keep ur questionable kinks away from this man he will judge so hard. MAJOR kink shamer. in short no u cannot piss on him lmao leave peepaw alone
aftercare with him depends. at first its rlly cold and u get corny rehearsed lines and he cant wait to go sleep by himself 😭😭😭 BUT after he catches feelings hes very attentive and will help tav clean up. also will prefer to stay with them until morning.
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moons-of-dewclan · 4 months
I was curious how to get your clan really set off? I recently (LIKE EARLIER TODAY JFJSJFJ) started my own clangen blog but idk if it's worthy of Tumblr😭
How can I improve my art and improve my process? You're one of my BIGGEST inspirations ngl you're literally him (or her or they I'm so sorry I never caught your pronouns) but I was just curious on how to be better? If you wanna look, don't. It's like, rlly bad so.... save your eyes. Have a lovely nighttt <33
HELLOOOOO I'M NOT 100% SURE WHAT YOU MEAN BY SET OFF I'M SORRY :{ if you mean to get people reading it, i think it's vastly just luck also appealing to an audience by accident i posted my art online for 10 years (i started posting in 2010 as a wee ka- told you i'm an adult haahahueu) before anyone showed consistent interest and i valued those two or so commenters who occasionally had something to say about my stuff, so much LAKSNLKD. that entire decade i got between 2 and 30 favourites for every piece i posted- usually between 2 and 10- until around 2021 when a making a comic aANNND joining a wolf ARPG group exposed me to many kindred art-enjoyers that wanted to keep up with my goofy stories then for some reason, i posted Dewclan's first page on tumblr and it got way more engagement than any other piece of art i've ever posted SO LAKSDNLKDAS WE CANNOT PREDICT THESE THINGS.. at least i can't if you're looking for engagement, pLS AIM FOR ENGAGEMENT THAT FEELS MEANINGFUL over anything else IN MY OPINION, and it's just my opinion- part of being 'better' is, first and foremost, being able to enjoy your art alone. and then being excited with what you choose to share! even if you don't care about your quality of art, care about the story. if you don't care about the story, care about the process and just having fun. but you have to have fun in doing it, and do it for your own eyes primarily. like if you were alone in a room and creating only for yourself! because, until you happen to find others who like what you're liking, you are then when someone is interested and you get to share that excitement, even that ooone comment on something you care about is OOGHHH SUCH A NICE FEELIN. enter communities, comment on other artists' work, try to make friends! but make sure to remember, if you create with the hopes others will like it, without liking it yourself, you're going to be really broken down if someone doesn't like it FOR you :{ loving your own art is tough work but it's integral to your longterm relationship with drawing ON IMPROVING.. for me, nothing is more integral to improving than finding a way to practice that suits you (looking at live figures doesn't help me at all. i don't know why. it's insane), and having fun doing it. i can't grasp anatomy unless i break it down with shapes. SHAPES ARE EVERYTHING. study the shapes of what you want to draw. break em down by tracing simple shapes over your subject. see if the leg is the same length as the head from muzzle to neck and lock that info in. STUFF LIKE THAT on the technical side of things, it can be super helpful to dedicate half an hour or so to drawing a day- eventually it becomes a habit and you just default to 'oh i think i wanna draw' when you've got nothing else to do. more drawing, more improvement!
HONESTLY THO another important thing is not putting yourself down. i know it's a hard habit to break (i struggle with it outside of art myself!), but it doesn't do you any favours. the more you rag on yourself, the more it'll manifest as something that actually damages your art, AND your relationship with it. let it be fun- don't sabotage yourself! you can be critical of your work and still kind! little tip here, improving can take a while, but experimenting with styles can make an INSTANT shift in how you perceive your stuff. ALSOOO EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT BRUSHES FOR SKETCHING AND LINING. I PROOMISE. PLS DO IT. IT'S LIKE A MAGIC TRICK. i cannNNNOT sketch with a hard brush. everything looks horrible. marker brush tho?? so smooth. full of character. lovely. binary brush sketches? suddenly i'm Anime. pencil brush?? i digidevolve back into baby ka who loved to crosshatch and do semi realism. airbrush??? i explode into atoms actually
i find for a lot of people, they don't need to improve or be 'better' at art, they need to learn to enjoy what they're capable of doing now, and improvement is a byproduct. from what i've seen through the years, unless you work to curb it the negative view of your art will stick with you no matter what 'skill level' you get to bc the calls' comin from inside the house, yknow what i mean 3: it can be a long process to learn to accept your art, and sometimes you just plain grow out of it over time! but in the meantime it can't hurt to make efforts to fight your d e m o n s
I'M SORRY I WROTE SO MUCH IK YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS ALL IT ISN'T JUST TO YOU, ODESSY-CLAN BLOG RUNNER, IT'S AIMED AT ANYONE WITH ARTSY SELF DOUBTS. i hope i phrased everything kindly bc i meant it all kindly 3: i hate to see an artist doubt their work, but THERE IS NO SHAME IN IT. i want to encourage loving it regardless of any flaws tho, even though it takes time!
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luvingindh · 2 months
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Love me.
!! DISCLAIMER !! this is my first time writing on here so idk wtf i'm doing cut me some slack ya'll please 😭 if you like this or want more pls request it will rlly help me out 🫶🏽🫶🏽
If you could leave some love/ some helpful feedback that would be greatly appreciated lovelies
- Sonuu
(I listened to this while I wrote this so go ahead if you wanna)
content: fluff, EVER so slight angst??, kissing, thick thigh + curvy reader, readercomfort, yuji comforting insecure reader, idk what else to put here
I was never usually an insecure girl especially since I knew that Yuji was never that kind of guy, you know THOSE guys who go out of their way to make anyone and everyone aware of their exact type of girl and their exact body type and hate on anyone who doesn't agree with them? But that didn't stop me from feeling that slight pain in my chest whenever one of his celebrity crushes with a completely opposite body type to me got mentioned.
It wasn't that I disliked my body not at all, it was just one of those things that started off as a small negative thought and over-time made me question if I was actually what Yuji wanted in a woman. One afternoon it became too much to just bottle up. I was lounging on the couch on my day off just scroll in through my phone, already having a rough week and seeing Yuji in Jennifer Lawrence's comment section commenting heart eyes just completely tipped the iceberg. Suddenly I felt my throat choke up, the all too familiar feeling kicking off the (almost) meltdown, "why am I crying over this.." I whispered to myself despite already knowing the answer deep down. I forget how long I sat there on that couch sobbing endlessly trying to talk out my feelings even though nobody was there to listen to me. I felt so unmotivated, so uncomfortable in my own body, I felt almost trapped in this cycle of self hatred.
A few hours went by and eventually I heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking before being shut again, Yuji was finally home. I felt what can only be described as a wave of shame or guilt? Wash over me...was this all an overreaction? I bundled myself up into the fluffy sherpa bed sheets so deep I almost hoped I would fuse with them, that was until I heard the bedroom door open along with my favourite voice in the world, "Hey babygirl, I'm so sorry i'm home later than usual. There was so much traffic and I stopped to get those flowers you like so much before the store closed- it was just a shit ton like you wouldn't even believe...baby?" his rambling paused as my body began to shake beneath the covers, no amount of fluff concealing it from him.
Yuji ripped them off of me pain and concern evident in his face "My love talk to me what happened? Was it me? Is it just a mini moment?" He questioned sounding more and more worried by every word. It took all of my strength to face him and open my mouth in an attempt to open up "It's going to sound stupid to you...but I've been feeling really insecure lately, it just feels like all the women I see you like look absolutely nothing like me. Are you sure you even like me?" my tears threatened to flow down my cheeks like a waterfall, Yuji's face made my heart sink, i've never seen him look so heartbroken "Y/N I never want you to think that..I shouldn't have even made you feel this way in the first place. I couldn't be more sorry baby, you are all I ever want- the brightest star, the sweetest flower, the most delicate angel. You are the only girl I will ever want." his hand came to caress my cheek while his other pressed my forehead against his.
This small gesture while it didn't fix my insecurities immediately (of course it didn't) made me feel so much love and safety that I couldn't be more grateful for his presence in this moment. His warmth alone made my body feel as though a weight had been lifted from it in seconds.
"Yuji?" I called softly moving my forehead away from his to look into his eyes, then to his lips "Yes Y/N?..." no more words were spoken after that just the warm gentle touch of his silky soft lips on mine and our bodies entangled beneath the sheets.
(WOW first fanfic finished I hope it wasn't complete ass crack and i hope you enjoyed it! Again if you have any requests then please feel free to lmk and i will gladly fulfill them 🩷)
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cat3ch1sm · 7 months
So umm I wanna start writing hxh stuff but I'm scared it'll be really ooc :(( I watched the whole anime, restarting it and I'm reading the Manga too so I know the personalities of the characters well but I'm still not confident I can portray it right... it would be super embarrassing if I post my first story/ headcanon and the comments i get are "they wouldnt say that" "they wouldnt do that" "that wouldnt happen" 😭the way you write characters sound so like them and I rlly wanna make hcs and stories like you so pls spill your secrets 🙏🙏 if it helps, the characters I think I'll be most writing for are the main 4, kalluto and alluka (they're so underrated!!) mb hisoka andddd silva & kikyo? (I kinda wanna make some cute scenarios w them like they go on a date or smthing 🥺 idk why) but ofc, I would love to learn how to write for the majority of the hxh characters. But ummm it's okay if u don't have any advice, I'll just cry infront of my blank Google docs page 😔😔 (I'm jk, have a good day!!)
🐢~ OMG HI IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I FEEL AWFUL :(( @xl3vviii i love uu thanks for your request and patience 💚💚 i will try my best to explain my process in a general way so it’s easy to write for any character you’d like! i really hope this helps you<333
🍀~ and i totally feel you on the not wanting mean comments thing😭😭 broo ive been fortunate enough to not really receive those kind of comments but i did once and WOW was i embarrassed and changed it immediately😭😭 and the crying in front of a blank google doc page?? you are so real for that 😭😭😭
🌲~ another note to my followers in general: i want to sincerely apologize for my absence. my devices i usually post on all decided to conveniently stop working so that really sucked but my phone is back again!! im really grateful for you all and your patience, and i want to thank you guys so much for 3.5k! i have no intentions of leaving and i hope i can write lots more for you guys. hopefully i don’t ever need to be gone that long again! i love u all so muchh and thank you a million times 💚💚
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
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a/n~ so sorry if this sucks cause ive never given a tutorial for my writing but i will DO MY BEST
so you said you wanted to write cute scenarios of dates for the hxh main four+ hisoka, silva , and kikyo! first thing i usually consider when i get requests especially, or just when i have an idea, is: would this character even do this? like if someone asks me, “hey, can you write headcanons for illumi zoldyck with a soft/sweet/kind s/o?” that would be possible (though maybe a little far-fetched canonically). it’s fine to stretch those boundaries a bit for fanfiction, i think. but if that request had instead been like “can you write reader x soft/sweet/kind illumi?” that would’ve been a hard no. don’t alter characters’ natural personalities because then it’s not the same character. what sometimes helps me is, especially if i haven’t watched or read any media of the character im writing for in a while, is looking up the character’s wiki on the FANDOM site and reading through their personality traits as well as their key moments because it helps me to determine what the character would do in the story and how they might react to some things. feel free to also go back and look at clips of the anime or pages of the manga; i find it helps as well!
so for what you want to write specifically, cute dating scenarios, i think that most of the characters you’ve chosen are a good fit. the main four are good for a prompt like that, and the zoldyck children you’ve chosen can be fitting as well. but as for hisoka, kikyo, and silva, that kind of prompt might not fit so well because obviously these characters can’t be seen as sweet or kind or loving. has hisoka ever expressed any interest in wooing someone properly or is he someone who operates on lust? did kikyo and silva court each other and go on little dates or was their marriage probably arranged/forced/only useful for selfish purposes? do their personalities even allow for sentiments like dates? would they even consider that? before writing something ask yourself if you can really see the character doing that clearly in your mind.
i think it’s a great thing that you’ve watched and read the respective canon content of your characters, and it’s good to refer to it if you ever find yourself struggling to characterize someone accurately. however, it is fanfiction, so don’t feel like you need to be super rigid. write whatever you’d like, honestly. but here’s a really common thing i notice when people write fanfiction: they take one aspect of the character and run the shit into the ground. a prime example of this is hobie brown from across the spiderverse and his “i don’t believe in consistency” line. like Jesus Christ. well-written fictional characters, like the ones of hxh, are often as versatile as real people are. make sure the character doesn’t feel like some one-dimensional version of themselves, and please don’t write for the character only based on one aspect of their personality. for example, hisoka is rather unpredictable, so that’s something you’d probably want to incorporate into writings for him. but for characters like most of the zoldycks, you’re going to want to tread a little lighter since they aren’t the main characters and thus we don’t see a whole lot of them. in situations like this, you might have to focus on just what you can see of them. so again, just ask yourself if you can see the character really doing what you’re writing them to do. would they act that way in an actual episode of the anime or volume of the manga? if you’re unsure or the answer is no, try going a different route.
it is also okay to make mistakes. practicing a lot will eventually get you to where you want to be. i still find myself slipping up in my writings and getting carried away (so read over your writings before you publish them)!! my dms are open if you ever would like me personally to review a piece and offer maybe more specific advice!
i hope this helped you, dear💚 again feel free to dm me if you have any more questions. thank you for your support 💚
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I just reread your Language Barrier AU and the ballpoint where reader was pissed because these fuckers just couldn't help but talk like Zhongli-
Argh, God. I'm getting mad just thinking about it. 😤 Imagine in a fight and these dudes just sttaight up blurted a fucking 5 book-length, hard bounded soliloquy- I cannot-
No, Venti, Kazuha. You cannot use Haikus-
No, Cyno, you cannot use jokes either- but that is debatable-
And Oh. My. God. I kept thinking about when fighting and y'all kept throwing words (like when using a skill) and I'm just here standing, bracing myself SO HARD trying not to laugh (also irl). And then maybe now and then some mistranslation on Reader's mind since they use JP VA since the start of Genshin (assuming they play?) are new to Teyvat's Language:
'One with the Floor!'
One with the what?
'Shake your ass, sir!'
Cue spitting tea-
(Sorry, that's just me mishearing things 💀) But like at those times, Reader is the one dying of laughter lol. Imagine them explaing to Beidou that they thought she said 'Power of the ending Hotdog' instead of 'Power that ended Haishan'.
Aight, imma just.. go.
*imma send this anonymously because im shy, but do know that I love bread 🥖
Also @2:20
For you 🤲🥨🍩🥧🥐all the bread for the superior ask, anon
I could definitely see myself saying "ONE SENTENCE. U HAVE TO RESPOND IN ONE SENTENCE ONLY." then they manage to still make it a whole 40 word sentence 💀
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^^ Confused Bakugou gif is literally u being shocked bc u keep mishearing everyones bursts on the battlefield LMAO SHAKE UR ASS SIR THAT ONE TOOK ME TF OUT ANON
"Speed of Bite!" (Keqing's Speed of Light lol)
"I will have whore her!" (Zhongli's I will have order 😭)
"Time for... Execution!" (Diluc's time for retribution lol)
You in the background like: 🧍‍♂️... tfs wrong with yall, u glitched??
They're like, physically incapable of making your kind of simple blunt sentences
Like i think some people would get close: Albedo, Xinyan, Klee, Qiqi, Sayu (rlly likes it bc it lets them be lazier), Cyno (maybe at first but then he would like, explain for 10 min after every simple sentence what he meant like his jokes 😭), Hu Tao, Heizou, Lumine/Aether, Xiao (can kinda get close but he gets frustrated and then rants for 30 minutes lmao), Razor (holds the title for the closest to your simple speech,👏👏LMAO PPL ACCIDENTALLY THINKING HES A GOD)
People who will never get it, not even if ur in battle & ur life depends on it LMAO:
Zhongli (he rlly wants to but habits over thousands of years r hard to break 🙏 rip), Yun Jin, Xingqiu, Kuni/Babygirl, Venti, Kazuha, Sucrose, Shenhe, Kokomi, Ei, Nahida (tho it was a valiant effort), Noelle, Alhaitham, Sara, Ningguang (she doesnt want to even try lol), Mona, Fischl, Jean, Ganyu, Eula, Barbara, Diluc + Kaeya (unsurpringly both of them are tied for being the worst attempts at speaking simply 💀, guess its just that fancy etiquette training, its too hard to break) 😔
Yeah, ur pretty much begging the ppl who can get close to ur speech to constantly translate everyone else
Rest in peace traveler, theyre like the first person u turn to,
(Paimon is also kinda bad at speaking simply, closest shes gotten is when she demands food lol)
Feel free to send another in whenever i love talking to yall ♡
♡ the beloveds:
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betasquadx · 5 months
Niko is such a strange person. Not in the way he's weird but like I've never come across something like him. And I don't think I ever will. One of the reasons I like him so much is he doesn't care. He doesn't care if he's cringe or chaotic, or weird. He's so....Niko. He's so attractive without even trying. He's so sweet and humble as well. For someone as cool and amazing as him. I want to kiss him on the mouth.
Prepare yrself for a long paragraph.. (essay basically)
This bro. (The end is crazy babe but u ate regardless) I swear i’ve been trynna explain to my friends and they wont hmo😭. Like omg don’t get me started bae (oops u did..) like as u said he’s so sweet and humble, like wtv about the trolling you can tell he’s genuinely a nice person. Like he’s so generous and kind like omd. Nice guys 🔛🔝 fuck ‘bad boys’ the hell? He’s so funny as-well like from being unintentionally funny and his little sarcastic and side comments omfg. AND THE COMMENTARY MAN HELP ME😭. I BE ALMOST JOKING ON MY WATER FROM LAUGHING ISTG. Stop and his cuteness istg. Like he’s actually a cutie patootie. I was talking to one of my moots about it, she brought up his sleepy voice in the last to fall asleep vid and omfg. Part of me was like ‘🤭😻’ and the other part was ‘🥹💔’ LIKE. And the way he was hugging everyone when they came back omg :(. Stop AND (i think I’ve said and 42 times) his little downward smile I swr i’m the only one to bring this up omds, adorbs. His confidence is another thing that just.. fucking hell. (I think this is a problem..!!) yk how hot it is, genuinely? The way this man can go up to someone, say the most vile disgusting unhumane horrid cancellable thing on planet earth, and walk away like it never happened? 🛐🛐🫶🏻🫶🏻💍💍. Marriage. Omfd. Stop and he’s actually so smart as well like? Him those quiz vids.. omfg bro how does this man know that much? Like? Icl tho when he said ‘according to my calculations’ in that one vid.. I- 💀 niko babe no..!! Stop but yk when he puts his hands up and holds them while concentrating & has that one look on his face?! Yeah.. idk.. sm about that.. like.. 🫣😓🤔😶🤗🤭.. yous can say what u want about that but, me personally? ☺️👏🫶🏻🛐. No bcuz he’s genuinely so fine as well tho my friends are trippin. Like that man, omds. From his eyes to his smile to his HANDS (i had to mention them bro i’ve seen an edit..) like OMDJWKSJDJSWJJWJWJWJWJSJSKJWJSNWNWKWKEJEKWKEKWKW. I do not care that he walks like a 75yo with a walking stick. He’s fine. Bro him in a suit hits so diff bro omfds. Istg anytime I see him in a suit I nearly pass out. Unrelated but he likes the barbie movie. ☺️. Love him 4 that. Had to mention it bc surprisingly (not rlly) their aren’t a-lot of men who do.. (like its not based on what some of them do irl but okay!!) His eyes are actually so.. omfswiwosiw. Like yes stare at me like that bae!! 😻. Anyways I’m gonna stop now bc I feel like it’s getting out of hand guys.. *I will continue this in my notes*
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2x-sarah-x6 · 9 months
Hmm so, it's not that I dislike Ayano x Taro, (Ok maybe I dislike it a little bit ;-;💧) but for me, Taro is um, like... HE ISN'T INTERESTING AT ALL! IDK HOW 10 GIRLS COULD FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM!! 😭😭😭 BRO DON'T EVEN HAVE A BACKSTORY OR SMTH 😭 HE'S THE MOST BORING CHARACTER 😭 EVEN RIKU HAVE A GF AND A BETTER LIFE 😭😭😭
Anyways- 😌✨ I know that I'm not alone thinking that, so pls YandereDev, make Taro a more interesting Senpai, PLS! (He'll never do it 😭)... Plus, i kind of like the idea of Yandere Taro, just bc Ayano is TOO pretty to fall in love with smn like him, who just read the same book again and again all over the game💀... I'll really start to wonder if he rlly have friends 😭... Maybe he should join a club or idk 😭!
So you may think: Why did i make this post? To hate on Taro? So actually, I don't hate Taro.. In fact I rlly appreciate him, bc he's a part of the real Yansim, and i can't just ignore him and go. I love the actual Taro, he's maybe a very boring character, but I rlly love him sm!<3 And the story won't be the same without him... 🥲✨ I just think that we should just know more things abt him, and make him like, more real, with a backstory or smth... To give Ayano a REAL reason to love him apart the ''Senpai effect"...🥲
BUT, I don't deny the fact that i'd rather Ayano x Budo >:) ✨✨ BC THEY'RE RLLY CUTE 🥹✨❤️
As a Yansim fan and a Ayano x Budo supporter, Im rlly angry with the fact that Ayano x Budo isn't canon, and im sick of ppl who says ''bUt bUdO DoEsN't lOvE AyAnO'' ''tHaT's nOt cAnOn'' 💢💢💢🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄So to make things clear, IDC ABT UR OPINION SO PLS GO F**** YOURSELF💢💢 FOR ME BUDO X AYANO IS CANON AND I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYTHING 💢🥄 IT'S NOT BC IN THE GAME, WHEN WE VIEW BUDO'S PROFIL, IT SAYS THAT HE HAVE NO CRUSH, THAT HE DOESN'T LOVE HER💢💢🥄 SO PLS GO WITH UR OPINION, BUDO LOVING AYANO IS CANON FOR ME 💢🥄 Don't be mad ohh! 😌✨ And if ur, go expose ur opinion and we'll see who's the best ship 🤨🥄...
Anyway, just to let u know guys all my love for those two <3 Even tho YandereDev himself isn't for this ship... ;-;💢🥄🥄🥄 But idc 🥹✨ ❤️
And for the last time, I DON'T HATE TARO ORH! 🤨😌✨ IT'S JUST THAT *FOR ME*, BUDO IS BETTER 🥹✨❤️
Here's some pics of the best couple 🥹✨❤️❤
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xxnghtclls · 7 months
omggg okey so ive used ur asks with like cat emojis and stuff but i did not ask u or have ever asked u personal questions 😭 that wasn't me with the 'whats ur biggest regret thing' ORR THE VOICE REVEAL THING 😰😰IM SO SORRY??
idk if ive said anything to make u uncomfortable but I'm sorry if i have bc thats not my intent at alllll omg
i also have asked some stuff (mostly about permission) but i dont think I rlly used emojissss on them so idk
im so sorry like idk i wanted to explain bc i dont want u to think this harassment is all coming from the same person bc thats kinda scary and if i was you I'd be abit freaked out so i js wanted to say + I'll stop using the emojis bccc i dont want to u mistake me for that person
but fr I'd never ask a random tumblr creator private stuff 😭 i dont follow blogs super closely so im not sure if i missed sumth important regarding that anon or anything but i still wanted to say sumth omg i wrote an essay sry
Well I don‘t know who it is so I most probably didn‘t mean you 🤣 I also don‘t know who you are 🤣 so don‘t worry about the cat emoji.
I just have a feeling that theres this one person who keeps asking me that stuff because they always use different kind of emojis but all questions have NOTHING to do with Sukuna or my art or writing. It just gets a bit annoying, since I obviously didn‘t want to answer those other questions.
It‘s fine to ask me personal stuff, sometimes I‘m fine to share but what does it matter if I have siblings or if I‘m single or what kind of sports I‘m into?
Those questions are not „bad“ but I just feel some questions in my inbox are out of place here for my blog but they keep coming and coming.
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coconutredbulllover · 1 month
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to the anon who sent this ask im not showing the whole thing sorry but theres always gonna be that one person who reads smth and runs wild with it and i dont want that to happen. i dont want to be the kind of person who irresponsibly shares around the contents or even vague somewhat conclusive descriptions of smth that never shoudlve been shared in the first place no matter what it was.
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so after cutting out the majority of what you said and the context of what was said in this part(again im sorry) im gonna respond now. anon you made a very good point, i agree the stuff indicated some type of relationship past just friends and probably past jsut hooking up too. im still a firm believer in “seriously no one knows the truth or true timeline”, but if you ask me this is just part of my ‘they know where home is’ theory (BASICALLY i agree with u that theyre married but with some extra steps) bc no matter what their true past is i feel like after they crossed or started to blur the friendship line they kinda just stayed in a forever homoerotic relationship like ulg idek if that made sense like i feel like even if they took breaks from eachother they knew that no one else the other couldve been with would matter bc theyre coming back ‘home’ no matter what, so even if they had a ‘platonic’ period of time where they werent exclusive or werent doing anything non platonic they probably never stopped acting any different with eachother and were like i said a homoerotic friendship 😭. i rlly need that to make sense bc explaining things is hard 😭. by homoereotic friendship i guess i mean like super close friends who are intense bc smths there and theres tension but for them specifically i dont think it wouldve been bad tension or with any repressed feelings i feel like they both fully know what they are to eachother and want to wait for a time where they know they can fully commit to a relationship that will work out bc they love eachother. like for example imagine they really were dating at 16 or even if they were 20, theyre young and neither of those are not the age where u know you want to be committed to one person forever and maybe they understood that so they stay contently connected but not committed so they could experience other things before eventually coming back to eachother🤷‍♀️. like ik yall see that bond and it aint going anywhere thats why i believe in my ‘home’ theory. and despite me believing this i have a rational other half of my brain that sees that i and everyone else doesnt know squat doo doo about their lives other than the snippets we see so i dont see my own theory as anything more than a theory i just BELIEVE that its the thing that makes the most sense in my own head if i try and think abt all the moments ive seen over the years and its a big IF!!
if i yapped too hard sorry, if anyone skipped that paragraph the jist is i believe pazzi is just the most secure situationship in the world and that even if they arent together or were never together or were together and broke up theyll end up at home eventually (eachother)😭
olease guys i tried my best i want to fully andwer this ask so bad but i cant bc i cant properly answer the ask without saying stuff that people wont be able to guess what i mean 😭
to the anon bro dm me if u wanna talk abt it and i mean have a respectful and non invasive conversation with someone who knows what your talking abt, like we know we’ll keep it to ourselves. idk sometimes its just nice to be able to tell someone ur thoughts and know the other person doesnt mean any harm by talking abt it 🤷‍♀️(im specifying that i do Not mean hey lets talk abt bad stuff i rlly js mean in general 😭) [guys why do i never make any sense its like im born to get my point across but forced to yap 🥲]. plus itd be a safer environment than a public blog post where hundreds of anons and other people can see it and run away with the half baked info 😀. i understand too i saw it all and ur the first person ive seen who knows the extent😭😭😭
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noelledeltarune · 5 months
As a mario enjoyer I’m curious abt ur interpretation of the bros origins. This isn’t rlly asking what is canon cuz the series doesn’t rlly prioritize continuity and it’s all debatable etc. Personally I have a vague timeline in my head and I like to draw from pretty much all mario media but sometimes that makes contradictions. A lot of mario media has mario from new york (new donk?) and then ends up in the mushroom kingdom through a warp pipe. In yoshi’s island it seems his parents live in the mushroom kingdom though. And in partners and time baby mario and luigi are there during the shroob invasion in the past. I love partners in time a lot but I also rlly like mario being a new yorker so it’s hard to have my cake and eat it too. I guess he could be born in the mushroom kingdom then move to NY then come back? I’m not too sure. I’d like to know your take on it.
SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO GET TO THIS. yeah i'm gonna be honest my take is sort of vague and meaningless because as a kid i just wanted every single thing to take place in one universe. and i sucked at making that happen. to me it sort of went like, they were delivered / born / whatever in yoshi's island to their parents. then those guys were like wait these arent our kids. then they were delivered to their actual parents or whatever (i have never really played yoshi's island i'm sorry) and they lived there for a couple of years and probably spent a lot of time with peach / around the castle because i figure if kamek was aware of the whole star children thing it's likely that at least some people in the mushroom kingdom would want them there for that. and mario has fought bowser a couple of times as a baby so who knows.
then after partners in time rolls around their parents who were sort of letting them hang around the castle went ermmmm actually nvm. we are going to brooklyn 1990 because it is Much Safer There. [looks into the camera like in the office]. and then they kind of lived in new york city for 20 years before getting dragged back to the mk in a tragic plumbing accident. even though i know they love their jobs as plumbers and are genuinely passionate about it i will admit that i like to think that mario wanted to go into paramedicine or nursing and luigi to university for aerospace engineering or something but it wasn't really feasible for them before the great eeby deebing 😔
i honestly don't really know how i imagine their parents, a lot of people have really lovely designs and concepts for them, and there's been a lot more stuff on them since the mario movie came out and gave people these dubiously canon characters to work with, but they just don't come up much in my mind. i don't want to be like "they died 💀" but also like mario and luigi are in their mid 20s and if they somehow ended up in the mushroom kingdom i figure their parents would also be able to go back there. but then you think about like the whole deal with the cartoons how the way between worlds was sealed and stuff and it just gets confusing to try and make everything work 😭
sorry i'll probably be able to come up with something more reasonable tomorrow after i sleep and give it some proper thought but i think in general i just have the skeleton of a timeline LMAO
delivered by stork yoshi's island style -> partners in time happens -> I Am Not Letting My Babies Fight Aliens We Are Going To New York City -> WHUH OH! PLUMBING EVENT GONE WRONG???!?!?! [NOT CLICKBAIT] -> basically every other game.
it's also a little tough to balance because judging by PiT they seem like they would have known or have learned at some point that they like. are actually from the mushroom kingdom and stuff. which idk how you'd explain that to your kids but whatever
there are honestly a couple of ways i imagine their backstory, like saying oh they fell into a warp pipe themselves while exploring baby style after PiT and were adopted and raised in brooklyn or just going oh they have their own room in the castle in PiT so they probably lived there as kids or just saying they were just born in brooklyn and ended up in the mk like in the the cartoons and ignoring yoshi's island and PiT but none of them are very cohesive or really make much of a difference in how i imagine their characters yknow?
i have the same dilemma as you because i also love mario being a new yorker but parnters in time is my favourite M&L game
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don't worry though once get really into mario again i'm sure my favourite scenario will come to me in a prophetic vision. and then i will get back to you 🔥💯‼️
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melancholiaenthroned · 8 months
BERNARD for the ask game >:)
first impression: ok i got into comics right around the time tim came out so my first impression was very much the general publics of "robin has a boyfriend!" i read the urban legends story about that first and thought it was fine! i liked it well enough. then bc it mentioned that bernard was a friend was high school i went back and read his original appearences and idk i just loved him... he was silly and he was posturing and nobody really liked him except tim LOL. his friendship and crush on darla was also rlly rlly sweet and i got rlly attached to the trio of them. i also rlly liked his og design w the longer hair and sunglasses. i thought the conspiracy theorist thing was rlly fun esp w how close hed get to the truth and tim would have to be like "what ur so crazy hahaha where would batman get MULTIPLE robins".
impression now: im gonna be honest my peak bernard phase was before tim drake robin started when i was really really excited to see more of this character id gotten attached to... erm. in a post tdr world ive kind of distanced myself from him bc he feels like an entirely different guy. which is fine! presumably hes aged and i wouldnt want to live like my high school self forever. that being said, the ways that he is the same feel a bit like a parody now. his conspiracies r way more outlandish and supernaturally based than they used to be, and they way theyve kind of written it so seems like he knew he was gay/bi back in highschool which doesnt rlly read as true to me having read those highschool appearances. hes just tims boyfriend, who knew he was gay before tim did and was just kind of waiting for him, i guess. i do like the chaos cult, i like that in the unspecified time away from tim his life was like. completely fucked. but now that tim is there it feels like hes just been flattened back out. the last few issues of tdr actually started focusing more on his issues specifically w his parents and the cult but. you know. cancelled.
favorite moment: he was so so scared to talk to darla he was like "losers like us cant talk to cool girls like her tim... shes friends with jocks" and then tim goes up to her and the jocks are all nice and polite normal guys and darlas like yeah u guys seem fun. and its just like. he was completely overreacting. like so much for his claims of being a social chameleon 😭 and then next issue darlas just a part of their group and theyre acting like theyve been best friends forever. i think for as much as he pretends to be like. a cool guy who doesnt care that he has no friends. its a rlly nice moment of showing that hes actually really anxious and self conscious and he wishes he could reach out to people but once he has the opportunity he latches on to ppl and doesnt let go. and i also rlly like when darla comes back and he finds out she has powers and his first reaction is like. my life sucks so bad can i come and be ur sidekick. like man:-( he was funny for it though! shoot ur shot
idea for a story: ok this is for a hypothetical "possible in comics" story and not like. a fic. so its not super bernard focused BUT they need to bring darla back now im not joking anymore where is she. idk what the status of shadowpact is post rebirth i dont think it exists anymore? but whatever. tim gets a case that leads him back to louis grieve where we can get a recap for ppl who didnt read or dont remember what happened back then. he can be like heres where i met bernard^_^ also the horrors. anyway the case has smth to do w the mob&darlas family and so he manages to get in contact w her and obviously shes like. i have no connection to that life anymore im not helping and i dont want to remember this. but reluctant team up👍 anyway bernard plays into this bc i think tim keeps it from him whats going on in the case bc he doesnt know that bernard was actually the first to know when darla came back and he doesnt want to upset him by bringing up old memories bc they Never talk about the shooting. and laura obviously isnt telling bernard bc she has no idea he and tim r dating so hes kept completely out of the loop and tim and darla/laura r NOT getting along. he keeps calling her darla and hes whinier than she remembers and theyre getting nowhere in the case bc they dont work very well together. i would also rlly want an issue where it goes over how each of them experienced the day of the shooting and there r small differences in each one to highlight how time has warped their memories and how theyre all a little unreliable. and each of them would be done by different artists 👍 anyway eventually bernard stumbles upon the case and hes pissed off at tim for keeping from him "darla was my friend too" you know. and smth he remembers about that day but the others dont (too caught up in the gang war/being robin) helps solve the case^_^ and hes able to help tim and laura get along again and they part on good terms w bernard and laura staying in touch. and at some point while he and tim r fighting he confronts tim for fucking off after the shooting and not reaching out to bernard until years later, and how bernard was completely left alone after one his best friends died and the other immediately moved away.
unpopular opinion: whyyyy does he want to be a chef its stupid sorry. emt or nurse bernard is the most important thing in the world to me i have no idea why they chose "chef" for his career path but it annoys me to no end. its another thing that just feels flat about his new character. like even if instead of being motivated by his history with unable to save darla from the shooting+the cult he was scared of wounds and violence and avoided it... why chef? idk itd be fun if he wanted to be like a radio host or smth that actually fit his personality. i think money should also be a bigger motivater for him bc he always read as like. upper middle class new money to me whos parents cut him off when he came out. like maybe if they showed him working as a line cook or an actual job i could understand him growing a passion for it but hes just like. a rich foodie. like what.
favorite relationship: he and tim i guess LOL who else does he have. him and darla for friendship and also i think it wouldve been cute if they had dated for a bit in highschool<3
favorite headcanon: i think he should be angrier at tim. for missing dates, for not telling him hes robin, for everything. hes too nice. or if theyre set on the nice thing i think it should be framed as him being a bit of a people pleaser/pushover post cult bc hes scared of tim leaving him and either way tim should have to address being kind of a shitty boyfriend. a nicer one is i think duke would be his favorite of tims siblings:-) hes not weird to bernard like i think the others would kind of be (shovel talk from dick would make me kms) and bernard never had any siblings so he kind of treats duke like a younger brother and tries to like, help duke with his homework, despite the fact that duke is definitely doing better in school than bernard did. i dont know if duke like. likes bernard but hell actually respond to his attempts at bonding unlike damian who has him blocked.
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rosenallies · 11 months
so specific but I was wondering if you’d write an angsty phone sex AU smut prompt where Denali’s in a bad headspace and asks to be degraded and after a minute rosie safewords for her and it just upsets her? yeah <3
no joke this prompt is from literally October and idk of the person who requested this even follows me anymore but I have a migraine wanted to write some phone sex au that wasn’t smutty so I went searching thru my 272636273 unanswered asks in my inbox and found this 😭 I remember the asks prior to this so just for context sometimes when nali is sad she wants mommy to be rough on her but Rosie doesn’t like that shsbs anYway also I scrolled through my whole inbox and found some good prompts that are rlly old that I may do so don’t be surprised if there’s random prompts from like a year ago or more being written😭😭
Rosé circled Denali knelt on the floor, her best stern look painted on her face, though her head wasn’t into it. When Denali had gotten home from the rink earlier, she wasn’t herself and had practically thrown herself onto Rosé, purring into her ear that she’d been naughty and needed to be put into her place.
Rosé had played into it at first, grabbing her by her hair and kissing her roughly.
It wasn’t until they were getting ready to take things further that Rosé noticed something wasn’t right. Denali stared at herself a little too long in the mirror, that grimace on her face as she raked her eyes over her reflection that told Rosé she was having a low self esteem day. Those days were more rare now, but every now and again they would appear again. Rosé had figured maybe she needed something to take her mind off of the bad thoughts so she let it happen until Denali looked up at her from the floor, begging mommy to please degrade her.
Rosé opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn’t bring herself to follow through.
She sighed, “red, baby, I can’t do this.”
Denali frowned, looking like she was about to cry. “Momma-?”
She helped Denali up and led her to the bed, sitting down beside her. “I don’t want to be rough with you when you’re not having a good day."
Embarrassment curled in Denali’s belly. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, “I-I thought it would help.”
Rosé shifted closer to her, pulling her against her side. “I wanna make you feel good when you’re not feeling your best, baby. I want to be kind and loving to you.”
“But it does feel good!” She cried out, “I promise!”
Shaking her head, Rosé tutted softly. “I don’t know, you’ve never asked to be degraded when you’re not feeling your absolute best, honey. I know sometimes you like it, but can you be honest with mommy and tell me what’s really on your mind.”
Denali wiped her eyes, sniffling softly. “I-I deserve it. I feel so gross
Rosé felt her stomach ache, wondering if she ever really enjoyed those things. All the times they’d been deep in a scene and Rosé called her names, did she really enjoy it? Or did she just use it to fuel her insecurities?
"No, darling," Rosé cooed, cupping her baby's pretty face in her hand, "You didn't do anything to upset mommy. At first I thought maybe you just needed some release, but now I see that's not true."
Reverting her gaze to the floor, Denali picked at the skin around her fingernails for a moment until Rosé noticed and took her hands. “I’m sorry,” she said, lip wobbling.
“Hey, look at me,” Rosé said softly, “there’s absolutely nothing to apologize for. Can you let mommy help you feel better, hmm?”
She nodded, leaning into Rosé’s arms, breathing in the scent of her vanilla perfume. “Please, mommy.”
“Okay, sweet girl, come here,” she cooed, laying back against the headboard and motioning for Denali to join her. When she did she tucked her safely under her arm, kissing her forehead. “Mommy’s gonna help you feel all better.”
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autistic-katara · 1 year
ok finally making that writing post-
hi! i’m Ryan, or Raines_Adopted_Son on AO3. i write fanfic (mainly angst) and my inbox/dms/ao3 comments r always open for requests, here are some guidelines:
fandoms i will write for: (keep in mind i join new fandoms all the time so if theres a fandom u want me to write that isnt here that u think i like just ask, i probably forgot to update it // will say next to the fandom if ive written for it before or not)
Stranger Things (written for it before)
The Spiderverse Movies (written for it before)
The Owl House (written for it before)
Nimona (haven’t written before)
PJO/Riordanverse (including mcga and tkc // written for it before)
ATLA (including lok/the kyoshi novels // written for it before)
Heartstopper/Osemanverse (haven’t written before)
Jackson’s Diary (written for it before)
Bungou Stray Dogs (haven’t written before)
The Dragon Prince (have written but never posted)
Derry Girls (haven’t written before)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (haven’t written before)
Good Omens (haven’t written before)
stuff i enjoy writing/specialise in:
shortish one-shots (1k-2.5k words // i would like to write longer and/or multichapter stuff, this is just my current level)
heavier topics relating to mental health stuff (depression, eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal characters, etc.)
queer (specifically trans) stuff
stuff i feel uncomfortable writing/am unsure if i’m able to write it but wanna push my boundaries on: (aka send me requests but theres less of a chance i’ll write it)
nsfw stuff/smut
depictions of abuse (non-romanticised obv)
depictions of SA (specifically just the recovery tho, i am NOT writing non-con)
longer fics
multichapter fics
pure fluff (idk if i’m able to write smthn w/o angst 😭)
stuff i will not write: (do not ask me to write this stuff :))
nsfw/smut of characters under the age of 15 (that being my current age // still kinda iffy abt characters 15-17 but yk)
stuff that romanticises things like SA or abuse
any ships where both a) at least one of the characters is a minor and b) the age gap is canonically 3 years or more (emphasis on canonically, looking at u punkflower antis)
other stuff i wasn’t sure how to fit in:
when it comes to depicting types bigotry or hate or whatever theres some stuff i feel comfortable including and some stuff i dont (obviously in a non-romanticised way as just like part of what a character experiences):
homo/transphobia, i’m fine with including this, i am queer + trans and feel like i could sensitively depict those topics.
racism/xenophobia, i dont rlly feel comfortable writing abt this stuff given that i’m white i rlly dont think id be able to write that stuff properly like at all.
ableism/saneism, depends on the type tbh, maybe subtle ableism to an autistic character (i am autistic) and casual ableism to a chronically ill character (i am chronically ill) but other than that ehhhh
antisemitism, while i am Jewish and have experienced it myself, for personal reasons i’m not comfortable writing stuff including it, even if its subtle and not a big thing (other kinds of religious discrimination i wont write simply cause idk enough about allat and dont wanna be insensitive abt it)
thats all i could think of for that one but next thing: i dont like AUs. its not like i hate them or anything, and if i time traveled to the future and found out i learned to love them i would be ecstatic since thats more fics for me, but for some reason i just don’t enjoy reading/writing them (excluding canon divergence, i wouldn’t mind writing a fic with canon divergence // didn’t wanna put this in the hard-no section cause again its not like they’re smthn i hate or am disgusted by or anything, i just don’t find them appealing)
also if u dont know what i ship/what ships id be ok w/ writing just ask, a couple of them should be clear based on what i rb/post tho lmao (still if u gotta ask, ask)
anyways yeah thats all i could think of for now, i probably forgot smthn important so i might edit this later + lmk if u have any questions srsly id love to answer :)
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lqfiles · 4 months
heyy uhm thjs is my first time sending these kind of things and i js wanted to say that i really really reallyyyyy love stg, i've been reading it since chapter 10ish? but started following at about 20ish (srry abt that) and ik it doesn't mean much coming from an anonymous person but it makes me very happy (and PROUD) to see how many people are reading it now and how many asks you get :) overall im js immensely proud of you and your work
again ik it does not mean much coming from an anon but still you have no idea how great my days get when i get notis from your acc replying to questions or anons (cause i've figured it usually mean that you'll upload another chapter) ANYWAYS i've been struggling a LOT these few months, and one of the only things I seriously look up to is stg, so again, thank you SO so much :(
you don't even have to reply to this or anything (bc tbh i wouldn't know what to say either lol) but i would appreciate it if you could at least read it and know just how much power your ideas and writing actually have <3
also not sure if 50 was the last chapter (?) i was planning on writing smth like this when the smau ended BUT ITS WHATEVER RLLY !! anyways i will never be able to thank u enough for taking your time in this and genuinely putting effort and feelings on it, you are amazing !!
also im from Chile so idk if i made any mistakes while typing this… whatever i'll make sure to support you through each and every work of yours from now on ! take care <333
(god this was a little long IM SORRY again you don't have to reply to this i js hope u read it and know just how capable and dedicated you are and how happy you can make other people iwnsnsks <3)
anon you actually made me tear up wthh :(( LONG ANSWER INCOMING……
i think this is the best thing i could’ve been told and hear, and the fact that it’s anonymous doesn’t change how much your words mean to me trust me. i honestly wasn’t sure how commited i’d be to this smau since i never have managed to finish a slow burn ideas because of the lack of creativity. but i think the fact that you still kept up from such an early chapter (when i remember pointing out that i’m really just writing this without a full plot yet multiple times) is endearing and don’t worry, i don’t take it to heart that you didn’t follow me immediately loll, for all you knew this could’ve been the shittiest piece of writing and then you’d have to just unfollow lmaooo. also i think it’s cute that those who have kept up from early on until now have witnessed with me the growth of this series and the support on it 😭 i remember when 70 notes in day alone excited me and would get giddy by getting a SINGLE ask hsjdjdjd and now i’ve had chapters with 400 notes and get 10+ asks ??? i didn’t even really dwell on it that you guys who have been ogs too have seen the growth too :(( i think it’s quite funny, because last year, i rarely got any asks and barely checked on this account except for posting some drabbles here and there, and didn’t even speak to any mutuals, i remember i told myself i’d keep this a writing blog only without interacting much at all but ever since stg i’m surprised by the amount of mutuals i’ve made and how many people are really perceiving my account AND how interactive i’ve been even tho i’d usually log out immediately after posting something lmaoo! it’s cute and i appreciate you for sticking around and being proud of me !!! it honestly catches me off guard when some of you say that stg is the highlight of your day or how much you love it or how it has inspired you to start writing yourself, because i can’t comprehend myself being influential like that at ALL 😭😭 but at the same time it warms my heart every time because it makes me feel useful…? i like seeing people happy and feel inspired by something i did so seeing people be so happy of a mere chapter really does make me smile :) i’m sorry to hear that life is hard on you, but again it means a lot to me knowing stg DOES affect your day positively (can’t believe we’ll be reaching the end tho..)
this wasn’t the last chapter, i got two more and then some bonus chapters so i hope you’ll enjoy them and my future work as well anon <33 i’ll continue to pour my effort and feelings into my writing love you and thank you for making time to write this !!!
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