#levi always sneezes into his arm
lucysarah-c · 4 months
Why do I feel like Levi would use you as an excuse for anything?
"Captain Levi, could you stay behind to watch the cadet—"
"No, my wife caught a cold. I want to be there for her."
First, he always calls you "wife" because, to him, it doesn't matter if you two aren't officially married yet or if you're saving money to get married. You're his wife. This man was devoted to you the second you agreed to go on a date with him. Second, you don't have a cold… you simply sneezed a couple of times that morning.
"Levi, could you stay for the following meeting—"
"No, Y/N is waiting for me back in my chambers, and it's already too late," Levi replied, picking up his stuff from the meeting office's table and interrupting Erwin.
"I'm sure Y/N will understand," Erwin tried to reason, but it seemed like Levi had already stepped outside of the meeting.
"What can I say, Erwin? I'm a good husband. You make your work a priority, and you lose your girl."
"Did you finish that report—"
"I was going to stay up all night, but Y/N insisted I go to bed."
But most importantly, Levi would use you to escape ANY social event that his antisocial soul could.
"Captain! Are you staying for the after-party?" Zackly asked, almost dragging him upstairs.
"No. I'm a taken man, and everyone knows what goes on at those after-parties," Levi groaned, taking off the friendly arm around his shoulder. "I'm going home. I'm going home to my wife."
"I'm sure Y/N will understand. Good wives do."
"You don't know my wife."
While most of the time, you're just a very calm, accepting partner. Levi's life as a captain is already hard, and you don't like to add demands to it. But somehow, he's always early from any event Erwin dragged him to, coming back to be in your arms, to fall asleep as you play with his hair, and finally be able to catch some rest. You don't mind it… but you have to admit it caught you off guard when a higher-up asked you to give Levi some freedom.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out.
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all i absolutely know is that if you have a child with levi, he will always make sure you and your kid are his main priority, always and forever. it doesn't matter if you two aren't dating anymore, he will make sure to always check on you and the toddler, even if he's seeing someone else.
casual sex was never really his thing, but he's been so stressed lately he gave it a shot. levi was making out with a random woman from the survey corps, just to ease the tension of the last mission. he lets his phone in late night mode, with no sounds. no sounds, except for YOUR number.
his phone rings. “yeah? y/n? is everything okay?” — he asks.
“hey, hm... he still has a fever, i don't know what else to do.” — your voice is clearly broken, you're about to cry.
“levi...?” — the woman asked.
“sorry, are you with someone else? i didn't-” — you say.
“shut up, i'm coming over. is the brat still breathing? did you bathe him with warm water?” — levi asks through the phone, wearing some pants and sliding a shirt on.
“yeah, i checked his temperature and gave him the baby proteins. but he refuses to breastfeed. i'm worried.” — your voice breaks down.
“i'll be there in ten.” — he turns off the phone.
levi grabs his keys and opens the door, “hey? what about me? are you leaving us for that woman?” — the girl asks.
“there's no us, get out of my bed, get dressed and leave.” — levi closed the door.
you're cooing with the little one who's been sneezing and whining. you've been humming a sweet melody to him, kissing his hands and caressing him when you hear the door opening. you and levi have the key of each other's places in case the baby needs both of you.
“hey, how's the little brat?” — levi's gaze softened as he walked towards you both.
“i calmed him down a little but the fever is not gone.” — you sniff.
levi extended his arms gently and grabbed the baby, holding him close to his chest.
“you've been pestering mom, hm? she's gonna get tired.” — levi cooed gently, rocking the crying baby.
levi started shushing the baby, his lips on his head as he rocked him gently. after two hours, it was 4 am and you guys finally gave him the baby proteins and medicines, and his temperature was slowly going back to normal. the baby was now falling asleep peacefully in levi's embrace.
“sorry for calling you so out of the blue.” — you whisper.
“don't apologize.” — levi chuckled.
“weren't you with someone else?” — you ask.
“yeah, but i don't give a damn about anything else when you guys need me.” — levi states.
you stare up at him, but his eyes are on the sleeping baby.
“i know what you're thinking. you didn't bother me, you never will. you are the mother of my child, i will always put you and him first, no matter what. you guys are my priority since the day you told me you were pregnant and will always be.” — levi whispered.
you feel your eyes start getting watery. you sigh.
“it's been so... lonely. i have him but at the same time i don't have anyone. and i called you in the middle of the night because i didn't know what to do with my own son. i-” — your tears roll down.
levi slowly opens one of his arms to pull you into his chest, and kisses your forehead.
“he's also mine. we're both wrapped around him forever, right? you can and shall always count on me. i will always come for you. even if we're not together, we are a family, okay? we always will be. you're an amazing mother. i see what you're doing, how hard you're trying and giving all of you. if anything, i owe you an apology for getting you pregnant.” — levi whispers, holding you close.
“thanks for never leaving me.” — you cry against his chest.
“i could never.”
“but what about that girl? i didn't mean to-”
“fuck her. i don't care. as long as i'm with you guys, i don't need anyone else. we might not be together anymore, y/n, but you will always be the woman of my life.” — levi kisses your forehead.
“you know i love you, right?” — you whisper.
“i love you more.” — he whispers.
the baby slowly shifts, his little hands wrapping around a strand of your hair and levi's shirt, as he squeaked while sleeping.
you smile and look down at the baby, then look up back at levi, who smiles at both of you.
“but i love the little one even more, much more.” — levi chuckles.
“he's my everything.” — you smile.
you guys spent a few more minutes cuddling as levi finally places the baby in his crib. you suggest for him to stay over. the next morning the baby is so much better, you guys play with him, take care of him and spend the day together, the day that turned into a week that turned into a month and suddenly, you're carrying levi's second child.
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jjkamochoso · 4 months
Lovesick… Emphasis on the “Sick”
You have a really bad cold and Levi, of course, takes care of you :)
Levi Ackerman x sick!gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of mucus, runny noses, general cold/flu symptoms, cussing
A/N: hi everyone i am currently Sick as Shit so i really hope this fic flows okay and makes sense!! if it doesn't... yes it does
You had never felt so terrible in your entire life as you did that morning. Your whole body ached like you had gotten thrown into a tree by a titan and your head was throbbing with an intensity akin to thunder and lightning in your brain. Your stomach was getting sore from all the coughing you had been doing the previous night and your nose was completely plugged up in both nostrils. When you finally rolled out of bed, begrudgingly getting ready for work, you could barely stand up. You had no idea how you were going to complete your duties today in the state of exhaustion you were feeling. As a captain in the Survey Corps, you had lots of responsibility riding on your shoulders and you couldn’t let anyone down by taking a sick day. You bent over to pull up your pants which led you straight into a long lasting coughing fit, leaving you gasping for breath like you had sprinted a marathon. You let out an anguished groan as your jacket sleeves were yanked onto your arms to the best of your ability. Looking in the small mirror that sat on your bedroom dresser, your head fell forward in despair. If you thought you felt bad, you looked a million times worse. You were completely disheveled; your skin was taking on a sickly hue and your eyelids were barely staying open. You turned away from the grisly sight as quickly as possible without falling over or bringing on another bout of nausea, opting to pretend you noticed nothing different in the way you looked today if anyone dared ask. You grabbed a few stray papers from your desk that needed to be signed by the commander, choosing that as your first task to be finished this morning. As you closed the door to your room, you winced at the loud noise it made in the echoing hallways, doing absolutely nothing to help your headache. You soldiered on toward Erwin’s office, each step draining more and more energy from your frail body. You were one hallway away from where you needed to be when you felt a cough attack come out of nowhere, your body racking as spit and germs angrily shot out of your mouth and into the arm of your uniform.
“Who is making that disgusting racket?” a firm voice called from opposite of where you were standing. Captain Levi then entered your view, lips pressed firmly together and eyebrows furrowed in a state of repulsion.
“Captain Y/n. I’m not surprised those sounds were from you, you look like shit.”
“Always the charmer, aren’t you, Levi?” you said, sniffling and sneezing into your handkerchief.
“Tch. Why didn’t you take a sick day? I don’t want your nasty germs spreading around the Scouts,” he said, eyeing you from a safe distance.
Another coughing fit.
“Because,” you sputtered out, “I have work to do. I can’t slack off because of a little cold.”
“Looking like you’ve approached death’s door isn’t what I would call a little cold,” said Levi, now sporting a frown. Levi was no stranger to sickness—he’d been surrounded by it since his birth, and especially now while living in barracks with all these people, but it didn’t make seeing you come down with an illness any easier. You were one of his closest comrades and, as childish as it sounds, seeing people he cared for catch a sickness made anxiety bubble in his stomach as his thoughts roamed to the corpse of his beloved mother, staring at him with those lifeless eyes as disease slowly consumed her before she perished. He’d be damned if he let anyone else suffer that same fate so he certainly wasn’t going to let you run yourself ragged.
“I’m fine. I-”
“Go back to your room. That’s an order.”
“We’re the same rank, you can’t boss me around” you said, crossing your arms.
“Does it look like I care?”
Judging by his deadly serious expression, he truly did not.
“I have to get these to Erwin. It’s important,” you told him, waving around the papers you held. Levi crossed the gap between you in quick strides, the papers slipping from your grasp with ease into his own.
“Fine. I’ll take them. Go to bed, brat.”
You weren’t in the mood or right mental state to argue so you began to take your leave. Everything was going fine until you got superbly dizzy, your shoes barely able to grip the ground and keep you upright. You stumbled back toward your bedroom’s corridor but your boots could no longer make purchase on the slippery stone floor. Before you could fall to the ground, though, you felt two strong arms wrap around your middle, steadying you. You immediately knew it to be Levi and you were grateful as he helped you into your room, guiding you to your bed and setting you down as gently as could be.
“You have to be careful. I don’t want to clean up the remains of your cracked skull off the floor,” he reprimanded. You sighed, feeling a bit of guilt creeping up for distressing him. You knew this was his way of letting you know he was worried about you. Sure, he was gruff and used kind words sparingly, but his actions did all the necessary talking for him. And what he was saying right now, as he untied your boots and ODM straps, was that he was there to take care of you.
“Change out of your uniform and into something less presentable. I don’t want you getting any funny ideas of sneaking back to work after I leave.”
“Yes, Captain,” you joked, saluting him lamely and sending yourself into yet another coughing fit. Levi’s steel gaze softened as he observed you in your weakened state. It pained him to see you like this and he’d do everything in his power to nurse you back to health.
When Levi returned to your room a half hour later, signed papers in one hand and a piping hot cup of tea in the other, he wasn’t prepared for the absolute mess he was greeted with. There were used handkerchiefs littering the floor and you were preoccupied with hacking up mucous from your lungs. The sound of the wet cough made Levi cringe to the deepest extent, but he wasn’t deterred; in fact, it made him more determined to get you healthy again in no time. He never backed down from a challenge and this situation was no different to him that solving a problem within the Scouts—with a little bit of luck and a whole lot of strength and courage, he’d get you through this with as little hang-ups as possible. The raven haired man placed the papers from Erwin neatly on your desk, the tea finding a temporary spot next to them for a moment as he procured a mask from his pocket, covering his mouth with the fabric and tying the strings behind his head. He then picked the tea back up and walked to where you were coughing up a storm. He placed his free hand upon your back in an attempt to calm you. It seemed to work as you gained control over your breathing and stopped convulsing. He silently held out the teacup and you took it, a voice cracking “thanks” leaving your chapped lips. His eyes nervously scanned over your figure as you sipped on the warm drink he brought you, intensely looking for any sign of discomfort. As you swallowed down the delightful leaf water, you felt an extreme chill blast through your body. Levi noticed the goosebumps spreading across your skin and, without hesitation, rested the back of his hand against your forehead.
“You have a fever,” he stated plainly, trying to keep his racing thoughts at bay the best he could. Could he make you more comfortable in any way? Should you be under a blanket since you were cold or have a cold compress since you were also hot? How could he help you break the fever?
“Levi,” you whimpered, freeing him from the endless vast of questions he pondered on his mind, “can I h-have an extra blanket, pl-please? I’m f-freezing.”
“Of course.” He responded unnaturally fast, eager to fulfill any requests you gave him. The person taking care of you was still the awkward, almost socially inept, sarcastic man you knew, but the way he so lovingly tucked you in under the soft blanket he draped over your body had you wondering if you died, went to heaven, and were now under the care of an actual angel. When Levi put a cold washcloth to your hot-to-the-touch head, you let out a gasp of relief. Soon enough your eyes were closed and you were asleep, Levi keeping a close watch on how your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm and making sure you weren’t having any difficulties breathing. He could hear that you were still stuffed up and had plenty of mucus build up in the way you were wheezing in your slumber, but he was happy you were at least able to get some good rest for now. He didn’t want to leave your side but he knew you needed medicine so he quickly departed, making a beeline for the infirmary.
"Captain!" the doctor saluted him, "how can I help today?"
"I need your strongest medicine for cold symptoms," requested Levi.
"I'll work on that right away," said the doctor, already preparing the ingredients. "Feeling under the weather?"
"It's not for me. Captain y/n is sick."
"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope they feel better soon. That's awfully kind of you to pick this up for them especially since I know how much you hate coming in here. They're lucky to have you around."
Levi just grunted in acknowledgement and hoped the doctor would end the torment of her making small talk with him. By some miracle, it was like she read the man's mind, making no indication of wanting to continue the conversation. The next few minutes in the infirmary were filled only with the sounds of glass clinking as your medicine was being made. The doctor eventually finished, handing Levi the elixir.
"Thank you," he told the doctor, wasting no time getting out of there. Like the doctor mentioned, he despised setting foot in the infirmary. All the germs and suffering that went on in there was nothing he wanted to willingly subject himself to unless it was a dire emergency. Getting you some medicine was absolutely worth every second in that repulsive place and he'd gladly go in as many times as needed if it meant he could see you well again. Moving through the hallways at top speed, he decided to grab you some snacks from the dining hall since he knew you hadn't eaten all day. Relief washed over him when he saw you were still soundly asleep as he opened the familiar wood door. Picking up the used handkerchiefs and placing them in the pile of used laundry in the corner, he was pleased with how quickly your room looked better. Now out of things to keep him busy, he left you alone one last time to retrieve a pile of his own work papers so he wouldn't fall too far behind. As he took a seat at your desk, he felt his attention roam to you once more. Seeing you lying there, finally so peaceful after experiencing such awful cold symptoms, stirred up an emotion in Levi he couldn't quite place. Sure, you two were close friends, on the same level of trust and respect that he held for his squad and even Hange, but had he ever gone this far out of his way to help them when they were sick like he was doing now for you? He couldn't recall. He disliked watching any of his friends fight sicknesses of any kind but when he witnessed the horrid display of your illness earlier that morning, it felt like his world was about to crumble if he didn't help you that instant. Never in his life had he felt the urge to abandon his duties in favor of doing something else--until today. He'd much rather forgo paperwork and meetings to help you back on your feet, or at least to make you realize you didn't have to struggle alone. He didn't know what was coming over him as he took notice of the strong desire to place a hand on your cheek and tell you everything was going to be okay when you woke up. Levi felt his face get hot with embarrassment at the mere thought of touching you so delicately like that. Was he getting sick too? What was with his heart pounding at the idea of getting close to you like that? He got ahold of himself quickly, deciding to sort through his frazzled thoughts later. Right now, he had more pressing matters to attend to: the work in front of him and keeping you as satisfied as possible. You were squared away for now so the only thing left for him to do was work. He glanced at you one last time, burying the lingering feeling of wanting to hold your hand in a comforting manner deep into the darkest corner of his mind where it could no longer torment him, then he turned away and began reading.
Levi's attention was pulled from his work when he heard you begin to cough and blow your nose a few hours later. He was next to you in a flash to help you sit up in bed, fluffing the pillows you had flattened in your slumber. He leaned over your side table to grab a small glass jar with oddly colored liquid sloshing inside.
"Medicine," he explained, taking the cap off and holding the jar out to you. You took it gratefully, chugging the contents. The bitter concoction was unpleasant on your tongue but you knew it would do you good so you didn't complain. You sat in silence for a bit after that, watching birds flit around outside your window, Levi having opened the curtains some to let in natural light. You tried to see what he was doing but his back was turned toward you. All of a sudden, the bright smell of citrus assaulted the one nostril of yours that had temporarily cleared up.
"Am I going crazy or do I smell an orange?" you asked. You were presented with a handkerchief filled with meticulously peeled orange segments, each looking as tantalizing as you'd ever seen.
"I never guessed fruit was going to be the tipping point of you questioning your sanity."
"Making fun of the sick isn't a good look," you grumbled, chewing up the juicy snack as Levi swallowed the chuckle about to escape his throat.
"Eat as much as you can tolerate. It helps your body fight the illness."
You hummed in agreement and the captain went back to filling out his never ending work papers.
"Hey, uh... Levi? Can I ask you something real quick?" You broke the comfortable silence but thankfully Levi didn't seem bothered.
"I'm beyond appreciative for all of your help today and I'm really grateful that you've been here with me... but... " You faltered.
He raised an unenthused eyebrow. "But what?"
When he didn't answer right away, you tried to do some damage control in between your sneezing and coughing.
"I just meant, I know you're always helping where you can and I've seen you bring tea and food to our comrades when they're sick, but I've never known you to be this attentive, or-or nice, as you've been to me and--"
"I like you the best."
His simple reply was astonishingly profound for such generic words. If anyone else had said it, you would still be happy, but for Levi to be as vulnerable as that, you knew you truly meant a lot to the man. You were aware that it certainly wasn't easy for him to admit anything about the matters of his heart and you were considering just how lucky of a person you were to hear any kind of confession from him, let alone such a personal one. However, as you looked at him, there wasn't a hint of stress or uncertainty present whatsoever like you thought there might've been. He spoke of his feelings for you as if they were plain, obvious facts like grass is green or the sky is blue.
"That's good to hear because you were always my favorite, too," you told him, a knowing smile blossoming as your hand slid over the blanket in his direction like you were the arrow in a compass and he was north. Levi understood the deeper intent of your words, the underlying meanings that matched his own. The unbreakable bond you two forged over countless years working and fighting together was something he had cherished for a long time and he was relieved to know you came to the same conclusion he had--you were going to be by each others' side for the rest of time. There was something about you that brought out his most loving, doting side, and though the softer facets of life were foreign to him, he wasn't necessarily against exploring them with you in the future, especially if he and the rest of the Scouts eradicated the titans and established a world free of that ever present danger. With you being as sick as you currently were, though, he didn't want to somehow take any sort of advantage of the situation since he knew some people latched onto their caretakers while in the throes of a fever, desperate for any sort of human contact to ground them. That's why he resisted the call of your warm skin, beckoning him to experience what it felt like to be under your touch, instead opting to rest his hand on the bed near your leg in an attempt to show that he was still there for you. He was content being with you in the same capacity as he previously was--except now, the promise of a care free life with you was another addition to the long list of reasons to fight so aggressively for a better tomorrow.
"I'll look after you until you're healthy. Someone has to make sure you're not infecting the rest of the soldiers with your piss poor cough covering technique."
"Can I request a different nurse? Your bedside manner is leaving much to be desired."
Levi handed you another snack, this time being a big chunk of bread.
"At least you didn't have the stomach flu. I wasn't in the mood to clean up your actual shit."
"Levi, please, I'm trying to eat."
He felt the slight tug of his mouth go upwards into an imperceptible grin. If this was a glimpse into what a future alongside you would be like, he'd do anything to keep you both alive long enough to see it, no matter if his foe was a titan or a viral infection.
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wake-uptoreality · 2 years
Characters: Bokuto Koutaro, Oikawa Tooru, Suna Rintarou, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
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"One more!" His loud voice achoed through the small bar. It was his 9th cup already and you were getting worried. "Big boy, slow down there" you joked since it was the best way to talk with drunk Bokuto. Him not listening, gulped down whole liquid almost eating the cup with it. You huffed and crossed your arms. You knew this would happen. Waiting for the consequences, which meant drugging him out of bar until you reached his house. Your back already hurt just the thought of it.
"Ya'know, you look so pretty" you gasped as you felt him caressing your thigh. His fingers smoothly dancing on your skin, making your body tremble in seat. "B-Bo?" You question as you feel him getting closer to your face. "Too pretty~" he grins, sliding his hand on your back, pressing you against his chest. You felt your cheeks burning as he held you so close thet you could feel both of your heartbeat. "Love ya, Love you so much" he kissed your cheek and forehead. "Please be mine, y/n" maybe it was the small amount of alcohol, that gave you courage to kiss him deeply with passion. You will be his and his only.
"I told you to not drink in my house!" Your annoying roommate has been bothering you since the day he first moved in. He is messy, whiney and a biggest child you have ever met. "Calm down, princess~ join me instead" he patted the seat next to him. "Jerk" you barked, slamming your bedroom door and throwing yourself on bed. You at least hoped that he wouldn't invite some girl and make out or something. Well for the safety of your ears you put your favorite music and grabbed your headphones. "That idiot will probably be too horny" you mumbled, your heart aching just a little bit.
You must have been too deep in thoughts, not hearing your door opening and closing. You were laying on your stomach, hugging one of your plushies, when you saw the huge shadow lulling over your body. "Wah-tooru what the-" "that should be me" "what are you talking about-" he grabbed your levi plushie and threw the poor thing in somewhere else, grabbing your waist and sticking his head between your boobs. "Always wanted to do this" "you damn-" "wait before you hit me... I love you, y/n. The first time I met you, I instantly fell in love with you, please be my girlfriend" you put your hand on his cheek, looking deeply in his eyes. "Tooru.." "y/n" "I-...I will never forgive you for hurting my Levi, you damn jerk!" "Yep!!"
"Rin, It's 3am, why the hell are you calling?" You knew that you wouldn't pick the call if it was someone else, but when your phone screen lit up with the name of the famous fox, your inner couldn't just let you ignore the call. "y/n *hiccup*" heavy breathing of Suna filled your ear. "Rin are you smoking? If your couch hears about it, your ass will be kicked heh" you sat up on your bed, cracking your back and yawning in the phone. There was a few second silence after that. "Y/n~" he was still breathing the same way, making you worry a little. "Rin you alright? Are you hurt or something?" You asked nervously. "Yeah...hurt by you"
All the rumors were true that you two were dating. You still can't recall why you two broke up though. Maybe because there were too many misunderstandings at that time. At last you two agreed on staying as friends. "Rin, we talked about this" you sighed. Your heart beating just the thought of him still talking this sweetly and lovingly to you. "Y/n, the years without you was like a punishment *hiccup* to me, ya know more painful than spending time with Atsumu-"
(Piss-haired twin sneezes in his sleep)
"Please, I can't leave without you, let's be together again. That years weren't right time for us. I need you, I want you, I love you! I will change for you, please-just I need you beside me, in my life"
"idiot.." you sob in your phone. "Y/n..." "yeah?" The next you heard was loud snoring.
"Tendou-san, hi!" You greeted the red-headed. "Y/n-chan, Hi~ I see you are doing well" you smiled and hugged him, him returning the warm hug from you. "Where is Toshi?" Titling your head, you saw your boyfriend gulping down the large bottle of beer. "Pretty shocking, right? Who knew, we could see Wakatoshi-kun putting down his walls. I called you, because ahh he is too drunk, you should take him home." you looked at him dumbfounded then still at olive-haired. It was unusual sight, seeing your stoic boyfriend chatting so freely. You smiled, he looked so cute like this, his lips pouting when someone teased him.
You walked up to the table, bowing down to his friends and kneeling next to him. "Babe.." you shook him, catching his attention. He stood up from his seat, making a big heart with his big hands. "I love you" you flushed like a tomato, hiding your face while others started recording whole thing. He has never done anything like this before. "Please y/n, stop running from me" he put his chin on your head, pouting and becoming sad all of a sudden. "Toshi we are already together, love" "then let's get married" "hah?" He grabbed your hand. "Right now" "hah? right now, somebody help!"
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animementrash · 9 months
AOT veterans headcanons
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: just random thoughts on the main three vets, they/them pronouns for Hange, some may be ooc?, SFW only
A/N: Here are my headcanons based on how I percieve them, I have some more for the rest of the characters but I'm posting only three for now because they are longer than expected. (I also have NSFW ones but I'm waiting until I get more comfortable with sharing my thoughts before posting those) Hope you like them and thank you for reading!
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Levi Ackerman:
Washes his hands constantly, almost too many times a day.
Would rather fight a titan with an arm tied to his back than do the dishes. The mere thought of soggy leftovers sticking to his hands makes him gag.
Avoids going out to public places because he’s aware of his popularity inside the walls and doesn’t know how to act when he’s the center of attention.
Following the previous topic and contrary to popular beliefs, this man would never reject a gift/letter/trinket given to him by a local. It can be the most random thing but he will always accept them with a small nod, he’s deeply thankful for their blind trust in him.
Yawns and stretches ALL THE TIME, he is known for sleeping as little as 3 or 4 hours per night and while he’s able to go on with his day without problems, this doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling drowsy all the time so he’s almost always letting out quiet yawns and stretching his arms to ease the soreness of his body.
Sneezes a lot when cleaning. It’s not rare at all to hear him sneeze when he’s dusting or sweeping, if someone says “Bless you” to him he’ll quietly mumble a “thanks” before getting back to cleaning.
Has a favorite seat at the dining table and gets grumpy when someone takes that place before him.
Speaking of dinner, this man eats SLOW AS HELL, he’s usually one of the last to finish his meal.
Is constantly thirsty because he refuses to drink anything but tea.
Has memorized everyone’s footsteps and knows who’s coming to his office before they even knock the door.
Cleans and calibrates his ODM gear daily even when he’s not planning on using it.
Doesn’t like to be in new recruit’s trainings because he gets anxious when most of them hurt themselves while getting used to work with the ODM gear.
Trims his hair weekly, most people believe he shapes his haircut and has hairdresser-like skills when in reality all he does is trim it to avoid losing the shape it already has.
Can’t read cursive even if his life depends on it. One time Erwin handed him a memo written in cursive and he got so frustrated because he didn’t understand what it said that he ended up ignoring the memo. Turns out Erwin needed him to turn in some reports earlier than usual and got scolded because of it.
Loves eating fruit. Fruit was considered an ultra luxury item in the underground so when he realized how much fruit he could eat once he was in the scouts, he got obsessed with it.
Whines and complains a lot for a person who’s known to be grumpy and stoic. Ask him to do something he dislikes and you’ll hear a bunch of huffs and puffs before he goes to do it.
Talks with his horse. A lot.
Wanders through the empty halls when he can’t sleep and doesn’t bother to bring a candle to light the path, the cadets now believe there is a ghost haunting the headquarters.
Erwin Smith:
Hums and whistles a lot, he’s always making some kind of noise while signing reports or walking down the halls. You can hear this man before seeing him.
Takes more time than he’s willing to admit in styling his hair every morning. He is a firm believer that appearance matters a lot so he puts a lot of effort on his.
 Has a specific pair of glasses he uses when reading, almost no one knows about it besides Hange who helped him choose the right ones.
Talks in his sleep, it can vary between mumbled nonsense to full on speeches.
Has a journal that is more like a diary because he writes all his thoughts/hopes/fears on it but he’d be damned if someone refers to it as a diary and not a journal.
Is lowkey afraid of insects but plays it cool when he comes across one because he doesn’t want to come out as “weak”.
Snaps his fingers when trying to remember something.
People think he’s a very wise and smart man because it’s very common to find him “deep in thoughts”, truth is he just tends to zone out and disassociates like crazy.
Loves dogs, he’s the biggest dog person in the scouts. Often stops and pets dogs he finds while taking a walk downtown.
Cleans and polishes his shoes every night before going to sleep. Whenever his face gets reflected on the shiny shoe a smile appears on his lips.
Not always but sometimes sneaks out behind the barracks to smoke some cigarettes, tries to hide all evidence afterwards because Levi will start complaining about the awful smell.
Would rather be late to an early meeting than go without shaving, has to shave daily because by the end of the day he already has a shadow beard.
Is well aware of his attractiveness and uses it to his advantage when needed.
Visits his father’s grave every Sunday and spends most of the day there. Sometimes brings a book and reads it out loud.
Smacked his face after trying to see through a clear glass Levi had cleaned earlier, after laughing for several minutes Levi scolded him for dirtying his glass.
His wardrobe is full of neutral-colored clothes, he sucks at matching outfits so goes with the safest options.
Knows very well Levi can’t read cursive so when he’s bored, he scribbles gibberish on a paper and gives it to Levi saying it’s important to get it done by end of day just to get a laugh.
Has relatives living inside the walls who refuse to acknowledge him, some of them even pretend he died the same day his dad did.
Has an ongoing bet with Hange to see who makes Levi laugh the most, so far Erwin is winning by one but only because he accidentally fell from his horse and Levi found it hilarious.
Arm-wrestles with Miche a lot, especially after they had a few beers.
LOVES dancing, this man knows how to dance and isn’t afraid to show it. (Sadly for him he also loves to clap when dancing and this makes everyone laugh)
Hange Zoe:
Is both street-smart and book-smart, is the only person who has beaten Erwin in a chess match and also beaten Levi in a wrestling match.
Almost always has pencils sticking out of their hair, they place them there for a moment and totally forget about them.
Levi restricted them from using fountain pens because they would spill ink and stain everything and everywhere.
The reason why their glasses have straps on is not only because the risk of them falling off is smaller but also because according to them “it makes them look cooler”.
Wanted to join Erwin in giving instructions to Levi written in cursive but since their handwriting wasn’t as good as Erwin’s they opted for giving instructions in riddles, this makes Levi even more furious than the cursive ones.
Just like Levi, Hange takes a long time when eating dinner but the reason for this is not because they eat slow but because they talk a lot. By the end of the meal their food is either cold or soggy.
Tried to bite a titan once just to show them how it felt to be “on the receiving side”.
Their horse has tiny braids on its mane made by them when they were nervous.
Refuses to brush their hair because their ideas may “fall off” if they do it.
Tackled Levi once when they saw an “eerie figure” roaming the headquarters halls and thought it was a new species.
Has read more books than anyone in the scouts, knows a little of almost everything.
Says “wait, what?” at least twice when talking with someone, before that person can repeat themselves, they interrupt with a completely related answer and expect the person to continue speaking as if nothing happened.
Almost all cadets go to them for advice, they take this very seriously and never joke around when listening to their concerns.
Just like Erwin, they have relatives living nearby the headquarters but they’re not interested in one another.
Has a tendency to bite their nails when nervous, all his fingernails are short and bumpy because of it.
Is very quick at math and calculations.
Always carry a pocket notebook with them and writes anything that catches their attention so they can investigate about it later.
LOVES bugs, is always trying to catch them and examinate them. One time they trapped a cockroach and created a full design of an “armored suit” based on them, when Erwin asked where they got the inspiration for it, they just placed the cockroach in Erwin’s desk and Erwin almost fainted on the spot.
Randomly goes to Miche and asks him “what do I smell like?”, Miche stopped participating on their little riddles when Hange decided to put rotting food in their pockets before asking.
All their books have little notes and highlighted parts on them. Sometimes has two or three copies of the same book because their view on certain parts changes over time.
Takes pinky-promises as a legit way of commitment.
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dreadsuitsamus · 11 months
Crazed | Sōsuke Aizen x Reader |
author's note: blame @yeowangies for this, idk 🙈
pairing: sōsuke aizen x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, explicit smut, dubcon, sex pollen, thigh riding, humiliation and a bit of degradation
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You lost track of how many days have passed since that last day in Soul Society. Has it been months, or just a few weeks? Mealtimes once kept you on track, though Sōsuke Aizen is the craftiest bastard you've ever met and as such, you can't trust the timeline you once gave yourself— not to mention, you stopped eating sometime ago. Your eyes are tired, the life drained of you from this imprisonment in Hueco Mundo; the memory of Tōsen flanking and kidnapping you during a mission in the World of the Living blurs now.
Why did they take you? You haven't had the chance to ask. You've yet to see Aizen at all since the day he betrayed Soul Society, though your trust in him was quite minimal long before that. He had always seemed a little too put together and perfect; perhaps you should've said something. Not that anyone would've believed you— could anything have even been done if you were heard?
Light floods your room and dread creeps at your senses. The Arrancar is back for yet another experiment to levy on you, and this time he's got the cruel, blue-haired Espada with him. Having long lost the ability to speak, you approach the scientist and the muscle.
Sexta’s grin is unbearably wide as he taps your chin up with his knuckle, forcing the dead look in your eye to meet with the crazed, monstrous look in his. He forces a pitiful, played-up pout on his lips. “Poor thing… We should let her out of the cage more often. See how far she can run.”
The spirit of your zanpakutō, while the weapon has been long lost in this hellish dimension, cries out in agony to light the briefest flicker of a fire in your eyes, surprising Grimmjow and replacing the smirk on his lips once more. He doesn't speak further, however, and instead grabs your arm with more force than is needed these days— much to Szayelaporro’s chagrin, as the lack of strength in you compared to his previous experiments has thrown quite the wrench into his data. He'll have to fix an IV drip on you; forcing you to eat isn't particularly his style, and he'd rather not worry about the things you could do in retaliation that would stain any of the white clothes he wears.
Sexta doesn't stick around once you're in the lab again, strapped to your usual chair as the bright lights feel like piercing needles to your growing migraine. Szayelaporro is quick to set up a drip and address the dehydration; you'll be no good to test the latest drug on if you aren't lucid. His blood itches within him, so ready to spray you with the mixture— he nearly growls at the irritation you’ve caused to bubble in his chest. How dare you alter his control like this?
Your eyes slip shut, unable to withstand the urge to sleep anymore. Maybe one day the sabotage to your basic health will win you the battle of freedom, but today very clearly won't be the day.
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Unfortunately, you're feeling much better when you've come back to consciousness. Szayelaporro grins, fulfilling the stereotype he's most proud of as he instantly spritzes your face, the liquid inside it a deep pink color reminiscent of the flurries of Senbonzakura. Instantly you sneeze, though the sounds of Szayelaporro’s disgust soon fade out as the concoction forms a haze on your mind, glazing your eyes with a cloud as the temperature in the room seems to rise.
Fingers fumbling for the glass of water sitting nearby, you desperately gulp it down to ease the heat growing— it doesn't work, however. Your chest rises and falls as the heat focuses between your legs; what the hell did he spray on you? Pressing your thighs together, a soft little sound escapes you at the minimal pleasure the friction provides.
“Interesting…” The Espada hums, notating the entirely unintended side effects down onto a notepad, and you sit there humiliated by the feelings he's forced upon you as he shoves a thermometer in your mouth to test for fever.
You're unbearably horny, the slick between your legs pooling into your panties while your nipples, as sensitive as you've ever felt them, harden into little peaks that can be seen through the fabric of your clothes. Your brain hardly has the ability to be thankful that Grimmjow is long gone and unable to see such a display from you; you'd never, ever live it down if he witnessed this.
“This is… Hmmm…” The Arrancar hums to himself, rubbing his chin in thought. This certainly has no place in his research— the plan isn't to make Aizen's enemies so horny they're incapacitated, despite how successful the potion’s effect is. Certainly he'll have to shelve this and his curiosity on just how far this goes, but there's still certainly some work to be done.
Will it wear off with time? Or… Must you achieve orgasm for it to go away? There's always the chance of lethal happenings if you don't cum, but without data and further research, Szayelaporro can't know.
This is above his pay grade, so to speak.
“Come.” Szayelaporro unstraps you from the bonds of the chair, hesitating to touch you and force you out of it. Somehow, he wishes the Sexta Espada hadn't left. If nothing else, he could certainly help with the research…
But something tells him that Aizen would rather deal with this personally.
You can hardly move on your own as the burning ache of your cunt grows. Desperation plagues every thought, each one more perverse than the last and god you couldn't be any more disgusted with yourself if you tried. You'd allow anyone to touch your depraved body at this point, even the disgusting Szayelaporro, the one who'd done this and plenty other horrible things, and no doubt with plans to do worse, himself.
Your eyes widen soon— this pressure, this aura… he's been this close the entire time? As long as you've been here, you've never felt the strong Spiritual Pressure of Sōsuke Aizen, despite knowing there's no other place he'd be. But feeling him, being absolutely certain that he's close by and really and truly here…
Pitifully, more slick is produced from your heated core.
You stumble to your knees, hardly strong enough to brace yourself against the smooth floor beneath you. Aizen's presence, his heavy Reiatsu nearly crushes you as Szayelaporro leaves you on the floor in favor of approaching Aizen's throne.
Aizen's chocolate-toned eyes slide to your direction, nearly tuning out his Espada entirely as a thrill tickles his chest, traveling lower as his blood makes his cock twitch. It's not often he feels such a way; and it's not often he's presented with such a sweet gift either. As much as his Arrancars throw themselves at him, he's never once desired them.
You, the one that always hated him? Such an opportunity won't be wasted.
Aizen waves his hand, dismissing Szayelaporro and any other Arrancar that lingers. His pink tongue swipes over his lips before he speaks. “Are you able to stand?”
A shudder runs through you at the sound of his deep voice; never once have you been attracted to him, not even when almost all of Soul Society wanted in his bed. But now, under this stupid poison, he's everything all the others swooned over. Against your will, you shake as you slowly look up to meet his gaze. “No.” You whisper, fever warming you thoroughly as your eyes meet his— was Sōsuke always so striking without his glasses?
Aizen slouches in the throne just a bit and rests his cheek against his fist. “Hmm…”
His hum practically vibrates against your clit, the echo in the room bouncing the sound around in your sex-addled brain. Your pussy clenches at all the filth that floods your mind, each idea producing a dribble of slick that further ruins your panties and stickys your soft inner thighs. The pace of your heart’s beating slams against your breast, nervous under Aizen's stare.
“Tell me what you need, and I’ll give it to you.” He can't stop the slow rising smirk on his lips, doesn't even want to fight the sick pleasure he gains from this position he's in. His words can convey all the benevolence in the world— you both know what lies beneath them, cradling his heart in the inky swaths of evil.
Your cheeks flush with a fresh burst of heat, from anger, humiliation or from being so turned on, you're not sure. Sweat pours from your pounding forehead, dripping onto the tile beneath you. The room is scorching, absolutely burning your skin beneath all the layers of fabric Ulquiorra brought you this morning. No amount of washing or drycleaning can salvage the bottoms from the slickness of your salivating cunt, and further embarrassment sinks into your skin.
Aizen leans forward in his throne, resting a large palm on his thigh and rubbing the length of it slowly. “Don't be stubborn. I'll help you, but you've got to ask for it.”
Tears pool in your eyes as the desperation begins to swallow you— it's getting hard to breathe with how humid you feel. It's absolutely sweltering in this room and the cool tile beneath you means absolutely nothing now. Squeezing your eyes shut stubbornly, your fists curl up. “To cum.”
“I did say to ask me, didn't I?”
Rage burns in your, causing your fist to slam to the floor. “God dammit, Aizen, when I get the chance to slaughter you I will!”
Your proclamation loses its punch when, after Aizen’s condescending chuckle, goosebumps litter your skin. “Come here, pet.”
Why am I listening to him?
You're far too weak to stand, let alone walk, so you're merely left to pathetically crawl to the stairs before his throne. It's a slow, humiliating journey and all you can do is pray a trail of wetness doesn't follow. Shakes wrack your body by the time you've made it up the steps, and a harsh gasp tears out of your throat as Aizen's rather delicate palm meets your face, gently, guiding your face close enough to his that his breath fans along your cheek.
“Ask me to help you.” He croons, the evil in his eyes absolutely sick with glee.
Closing your eyes does no good, as Aizen squeezes your cheeks harshly until you open them once more. Biting harshly on your tongue, you finally speak. “Please… h-help me.”
Oh, he's such a prick! “I need to cum. Please… Please help me cum.” The tears in your eyes pour over your cheeks, leaving beautiful stains behind on your skin. Aizen wipes one away with his thumb, his lips rather close to yours as he speaks.
“You see that wasn't as difficult as you made it, hm? Just this once, your wish is my command.” In a display of his well-hidden strength, Aizen plucks the buttons of your uniform enough to tear them off completely, cool air soothing your skin as the layers are slowly peeled away until all that remains is your bra and utterly destroyed panties.
Aizen leans back into his throne again once you're stripped, jutting his leg out and patting his thigh. Your pussy throbs in anticipation and lust has plagued your mind entirely now— nothing will stop you from chasing your high now, not with your sensibilities long tossed out the window. Strength finds you when you need it most, jolting you to your feet long enough to straddle your enemy's awaiting thigh, and a loud moan is ripped from deep within your chest as the contact alone makes you cum. It's so fast it nearly hurts, the pleasure coursing through you like lightning as your fist feebly finds purchase in Aizen's shirt, just for you to stay upright.
It was good and fast, but the heat, the lust, the willingness to degrade yourself in front of Aizen doesn't subside. If anything, it's much worse now.
Your hips rock without permission from your brain, smearing Aizen’s pant leg with the slick desire you've produced. Your hole, aching and unfathomably wet, throbs and clenches in demand for a cock to fill it. Aizen allows your hold on him, merely staring at you, fist to his cheek as always, as you pleasure yourself on his thigh. It's humiliating, so perfectly in line with his intentions, but you can't stop. The friction is too good now to possibly consider stopping.
You'll kill Szayelaporro for this.
You grind faster, breasts bouncing a bit in your bra as you work your body. Another orgasm approaches quickly and you take it without hesitation, cumming harshly again and then again soon after. Finally, the air clears enough for each intake to feel fresh again, and you collapse against Aizen's solid body with heavy, ragged breaths.
Aizen smirks as you try to collect yourself. He'll be sure to have his dear scientist create more of this potion— it holds far too much value to let it go to waste.
It will be the thing that breaks you.
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thekinkyleopard · 8 months
A Fever You Can’t
Sweat Out
A Remi x Levi Sick Fic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Sick fic, Contagion, Fluff, Caretaking
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Description: Remi and Levi are both under the weather. They spend the day miserably tangled up in their bed, a mixture of sweating bodies and wheezing breaths.
Based off this Prompt:
Author’s Notes: Geezie told me she's been salivating over this prompt for our boys so I am here to please! Cover art and Remi are the makings of @aller-geez
It was a day like any other, yet it wasn't. Something stirred in the air, and more importantly within the sinuses of Remi and Levi on this bright and early morning. What was it you might wonder?
Remi the first to peep his still heavily lidded eyes open, glowing emeralds quickly turning pale as the sun glared through their blinds. "Fuck..." he groaned from a sore throat. Oh no. He knew that feeling, it never escaped him and now that he was aware of it, his head started to feel hotter, and his body ached. He was sick.
Levi, still in a daze, shifted in his bed and rubbed his eyes. The words "Fuck..." escaped Remi's mouth in a low, raspy tone that sent a shiver down Levi's spine. He knew what it meant when Remi uttered that curse first thing in the morning. He was sick, but thats not the worst part, because the second conciousness began to find the small leopard, he too realized he was feeling like a pile of hot garbage. Levi sniffled lightly, peeping his icy blues open to peer at his mate, the two made eye contact. Neither of them saying a word but realizing at the same moment, they were both sick. What the hell were they going to do?
Levi couldnt afford to take the time off of work. There was always the option to complete his responsibility from home, but he knew between him being sick and Remi being sick it was almost impossible to ask that of either of them. The blue eyed man sighed and shook his throbbing head regardless. "I have to work..." he spoke with a softened, raspy tone, his throat clearly just as sore as Remi's own affliction.
Levi dragged himself out of bed, his body heavy with fatigue. He stumbled towards the bathroom, every step feeling like a Herculean effort. As he splashed cold water on his face, and braced himself against the counter, he stared at his pale reflection in the mirror. Dark circles had formed under his eyes, evidence of the sleepless night and impending illness.
Remi, who had managed to sit up in bed, watched Levi with concern etched on his face, rubbing his arm across his already leaking nostrils. "Are you sure you should go to work?" he rasped, voice strained from his own illness. "You look terrible."
Levi let out a weak chuckle, wincing at the pain it caused in his chest. "Thanks for the compliment," he muttered playfully trying his best to keep a positive outlook. "But we can't both stay home. We can't afford it right now...besides, I'll still be here in bed just...using my laptop, sNdFf...." he snuffled, grabbing a handful of toilet paper before blowing his nose into the respectively crumpled up wad.
Remi nodded reluctantly, understanding their financial situation all too well. "Alright....fine...I'll call out...and...h-h.." it started, his body froze and his hands balled into tightened fists. He was going to sneeze, and he couldn't fight it off as the strained itch became persistent inside him.
He tried to cover his mouth and nose with his hands, but it was too late. "hhh'ISCHiH! H'ut--sschhiew!! t'SChiew!" A loud and forceful series of sneezes erupted from Remi's body, echoing through the small bedroom. Levi winced, the sound took him by surprise and only seemed to make the pounding in his head worse with how abrupt the other was.
Remi's eyes watered as he recovered from the sneeze, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment, he reached over to the side table and snagged a tissue from the box. "Sorry...snDff..." he croaked while wiping his nose and face clear of any residual mess and also hoping to alleviate some of the congestion. He groaned gently, his voice even more hoarse than before.
Levi sighed, understanding that keeping their illnesses contained was going to be an uphill battle. "It's okay, I dont think either of us expected that," he replied sympathetically, still trying to smile through the whole ordeal. Levi crossed the space of the room to place a gentle palm on the side of Remi's heated cheek. "I'll go get our stash of meds and supplies...make us some tea and we can cuddle while I get some emails taken care of, sound good?" the leopard asked the other, who more or less looked as if he was completely spaced out from reality in the first place.
Remi nodded weakly, grateful for Levi's comforting touch. The idea of tea and cuddling sounded like heaven to him in his current state of misery. He watched as Levi shuffled out of the room, his footsteps heavy and slow. Remi sank back against the pillows, feeling the weight of fatigue settle over him like a suffocating blanket. His body trembled with chills, even though he was bundled up in blankets.
While Levi made his way down the hall, the floor felt unsteady beneath him, his hands reached out for the walls to hold himself upright, as he finally made it to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. He opened it and sighed in relief at the sight of their well-stocked supply of cold and flu medication. With how often they fell under the weather, it was imperative Levi kept the house full of the necessities. Grabbing a few boxes, along with some tissues and a thermometer, Levi carefully carried everything back to the bedroom.
He set up a makeshift sick bay on the nightstand, placing the medication, tissues, and thermometer within easy reach. Then, he walked over to the kitchen to prepare two cups of some chamomile and ginger tea. His head throbbed, and his back ached but he refused to let it defeat him as he finished pouring the two glasses with a deep inhale and exhale to power through.
Levi shuffled back into the bedroom, carrying two steaming mugs of tea. The fragrant aroma filled the air, bringing a sense of comfort to the room. He carefully set one mug down on Remi's nightstand, then settled himself back into bed beside his sick mate.
Remi gratefully reached for the mug and took a small sip, reveling in the soothing warmth that spread through his body. The spicy ginger and calming chamomile seemed to offer some respite from their symptoms. Levi did the same, taking a moment to appreciate the healing properties of the tea before speaking.
"I'm glad we have each other," Levi murmured, his voice still strained but filled with genuine affection. He set his cup gently on his own side table and shoveled his laptop out from under the bed, before finishing his thought."Even though we're both sick, at least we can take care of each other." He looked over at the larger, smiling sweetly, his reddened nose twitched and the wolf couldn't dismiss how cute he thought Levi looked like this. Messy hair, reddened nostrils and cheeks, sleepy eyes.
Remi nodded weakly, feeling a surge of emotion well up within him. Despite their illnesses, he was overwhelmed by a deep sense of gratitude for their relationship. They had faced countless challenges together, and this was just another hurdle they would overcome side by side.
Levi opened his laptop and began to tackle his work obligations while propped up comfortably thanks to a few fluffed pillows. Responding to emails and organizing his tasks for the day. Despite feeling under the weather, he pushed through, determined to fulfill his professional responsibilities. Remi glanced over at Levi, admiration shining in his tired eyes. He marveled at how dedicated and hardworking his mate was, even when sick.
But as Remi continued to gaze at Levi, a sudden familiar prickle crept up his nose like TV static upon flesh. He instinctively pressed a finger against it, hoping to suppress the monster that threatened to burst forth. His nostrils flared, the bridge of his nose scrunched and his eyes watered as he fought against the inevitable.
Levi, sensing Remi's struggle, paused in his work and turned his attention towards him. His concerned gaze met Remi's glossy eyes, and without a moment's hesitation, he reached out to gently place a hand on Remi's arm.
"Are you alright?" Levi asked softly, worry evident in his voice.
Remi tried to speak, but all that escaped was a muffled and strained sound of "Gyahh~?" as he continued to battle against his own illness. His face contorted, eyebrows furrowed, and he clenched his teeth together, desperately trying to hold it back.
Levi's grip tightened on Remi's arm, offering both reassurance and support.
"Let it out, love," the leopard gently encouraged, his voice sweet and comforting. "It's okay. Just let it happen." reassuring the wolf with a loving rub of his hand.
Remi nodded, his breathing shallow and rapid as he surrendered to the sneeze that had been building within him. He closed his eyes tightly, his body tensing in anticipation. And then, with a forceful burst of air, he sneezed.
"Hi-h..Hiiii'IITTSSSSHUU!! HI'DTSCHIEW! hdt'iSHH!" The sneezes echoed through the room, even louder than the last time. It was as if a cannon had gone off, shaking Remi to his core. He slumped back against the pillows, feeling both exhausted and relieved all at once. He loudly slurped through his nose, desperate to try and save himself the mess of it all dripping out.
Levi reached for a tissue and handed it to Remi, who gratefully accepted it. As Remi wiped his nose, he couldn't help but chuckle weakly. "Tangz baby," he mumbles weakly as he tries to clear himself up. Levi can only shake his head before leaning over to kiss the large man upon his shoulder.
"Sure thing, snDfF," trying clear himself of his own horrible afflictions. Levi's head throbbed, and as they both took a moment to take a round of medications, the cat could feel his own storm brewing carefully around the corner. His eyes narrowed as he watched the screen carefully, trying to focus his attentions on his work and not his own impending doom. Remi slid back under the covers and pushed himself against Levi's body, head resting under the other's arm, snuggled into his side. This was comforting for them both, as the leopard found his strength and center focus again.
However, the smaller was a fool to think he could outsmart a virus. What he was pushing back was only boiling to come back stronger. Levi's determination wavered as he felt a tickle in his throat, a subtle warning sign of what was to come. He cleared his throat, hoping to suppress the mounting pressure, but it only seemed to worsen. Panic rose within him; he couldn't falter, he had to stay strong. For Remi.
He clenched his jaw and squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to hold it back, but it was no use. "--Hah'ESHHh'uh!!"the leopard sneezed forcefully, his arm flinging upward to catch the mess into the crook of his elbow, startling Remi from his half-dozing state. The wolf looked up at Levi with concern, realizing that his mate was now succumbing to the same illness that had plagued him.
"I'b so sorry I god you sigg," Remi mutters behind his frown stained lips. "I did'd know ...." his head falls against Levi's shoulder, the weight of this virus taking his ability to even muster the strength to look at his mate.
"It's okay, Rems, you seem to be suffering the worst of it," Levi replied, his voice hoarse and strained. He gently rubbed Remi's back, trying to provide some comfort amidst their mutual ailments. "Besides, we'll get through this together. We always do." there was that positive outlook that the wolf loved so deeply, wishing he too could be so thoughtful.
Remi let out a weak chuckle, but it was quickly followed by a fit of coughs that wracked his entire body. Levi held him tighter, feeling a mixture of concern and helplessness wash over him. Both of them were now trapped in the clutches of this relentless illness, with no escape but to endure. "Tch, my poor baby," Levi clicked through his teeth.
As the day wore on and the sun was starting to set, their symptoms only seemed to worsen. Levi's headache intensified, making it difficult for him to focus on anything besides the throbbing pain in his temples as he stared blankly ahead at his laptop screen, really only having gotten through a few emails. It was like he couldnt get his fingers to move fast enough across the keys. They were tight, and sore.
Remi's coughing became more frequent and violent, leaving him gasping for air after each paroxysm.
They huddled together for warmth, seeking solace in each other's presence as they rode out the storm of their sickness. Their makeshift sick bay getting low in stock as they continued to take meds on the hour every few hours. It was an atrocity. Levi slammed his laptop shut and shoveled it under the bed. "I cant look at a screen anymore, my head might actually implode...." he groaned bringing a hand up to massage and rub at his temples.
Remi, even in his weakened state, mustered a small smile. "Maybe it's a sign," he rasped, his voice hoarse from coughing. "A sign that we need to take a break, rest, and heal,"
Levi sighed heavily, the pain behind his eyes making it difficult to think clearly, but Remi's words struck a chord within him. Maybe he needed to stop pushing himself so hard and prioritize their well-being over work obligations.
"You're right," Levi conceded, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached for Remi's hand and squeezed it gently. "Let's forget about work for now. We'll focus on getting better together."
They settled back against the pillows, their bodies pressed close for comfort. The room was enveloped in silence as they allowed themselves to drift into a comfortable stillness, the sound of their labored breathing filling the air. Remi's arms protectively encasing the thin male, nuzzling his face into the side of his clammy neck. Levi's breath hitched, his arms grew goosebumps and he tried to push away the thoughts that raced through his mind when he felt the man's lips at his flesh.
His eyelids fluttered closed, surrendering to the gentle touch of lips against his neck. It was a simple gesture, one that spoke volumes of love and vulnerability. "I love you...." Levi whispered into the now darkness of their shared bedroom. His headache faded into the background as he focused on the softness of Remi's lips, the wolf now indulging himself in a series of them across the space he inhabited, light pecks followed by one sensual lick. The cat's heart beating in sync with every gentle kiss. In that moment, they forgot about their illness, their worries, and the world outside their sick bay.
Remi's fingertips brushed delicately against Levi's cheek, savoring the softness of his flesh there. Levi's breath hitched as he felt the other's warm breath against his ear, whispering words of affection and adoration that sent shivers down his spine. "I love you, Kitten," Their lips met in a hungry kiss, a mingling of souls that consumed them both, momentarily eclipsing the pain and discomfort they were battling. It was a few moments of getting lost within one another that Remi couldn't even register what was building behind him like a locked door.
Yet, as secure as he thought he was, it was nothing more than an illusion, the deeper Remi fell into his lover's lips, the stronger the sneezes brewing behind it, got.
He tried to fight back the sudden onslaught of symptoms, clenching his jaw and scrunching his nose as he desperately held on to the embrace. But it was in vain. A sudden convulsion rocked his frame. "-H'DttISHH!"The sneeze came roaring out of him, removing himself from the kiss just in time to release an explosive burst of air and particles that sprayed across Levi's neck with a force that made them both freeze.
Levi stayed eerily still for a moment, his body tensing at the unexpected sensation. But instead of recoiling in disgust, he surprised himself by finding the whole thing oddly sensual. Shivering even. The warm wetness on his skin sent a tingle down his spine. "B-Bless you, baby," he blushed, clearing his own scratchy throat with a strangled cough.
"Shit...I'm sorry 'bout that kitten..." Remi reached over for a tissue from behind him before stretching his body back to be close to his mate again. Wiping his nose clear from any ick, he looked back up at the other bracing himself for a disappointed partner, but to his surprise, Levi was smiling. A slight blush still staining his cheeks. "It's okay," he said softly, reaching out to caress Remi's cheek with his fingertips. "Actually, it felt...kind of good," He couldn't believe he was admitting it, but there was a strange intimacy in that moment, a raw vulnerability that they had never experienced before.
Remi smirked, a cocky glint in his paled eyes. "Oh, really?" he replied playfully sucking on the back of his lip piercings. "Well, I guess I'll have to sneeze on you more often then," He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, earning a playful swat from the cat.
Levi chuckled, the sound a mix of love and amusement. "As tempting as that sounds," he said, a playful tone in his voice, "I think we should focus on getting better first." booping the tip of his lover's nose with his frailed index finger.
Remi sighed dramatically, feigning disappointment. "Fine," he said with mock reluctanc, sticking his tongue out and sinking back into the blankets.
Levi couldn't help but roll his cerulean eyes back with amusement at his stubborn mate, as nice as some naked wrestling sounded, the leopard was just far too weakened to be bothered.
They settled into the bed, their bodies molded together with an ease that only years of intimacy could bring. Remi's arm snaked around Levi's waist, pulling him impossibly closer. Their legs intertwined, their feet tangling together as if they were a jigsaw puzzle. The warmth radiating from their entwined bodies created a cozy cocoon in the cold room.
Levi sighed contentedly, his head resting against Remi's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was a lullaby of love and comfort that washed over him, pushing away the concerns and fears that had plagued their minds earlier in the day. Despite the illness that had taken up residence within them, they found a great comfort in each other's arms.
As they lay there, the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a dreamlike ambiance in the room. Shadows danced on the walls, their silhouettes merging and separating like a gentle ballet. The air was still as they each fell into the land of dreams, hoping to feel some relief by time morning came.
The End
Author's Notes: Sorry my fics have been so short recently you guys, I just try to write as much as my brain will allow me to! I hope you guy's like Geez's request ;u; These two are stupid cute I love them so much.
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aller-geez · 1 year
I stumbled upon @fuckin-sick-bih ‘s snzfic prompt earlier while scrolling, and it sounded like such a great way to torture my boys 🥵🥵🥵
I started writing, and ended up with 2500 words and 10 pages because it was just SO GOOD, I couldn’t stop (‘:
Writing prompt- (not mine)
Character A is trying to do something their brain has deemed Very Important (spoiler alert it's not) but their nose won't stop itching.
They keep sniffling and having to stop over and over to sneeze or wipe their nose on their hand or sleeve.
Whatever it is they insist they're very busy and B just watches in amusement as A's frustration mounts and B's arousal grows as A hitches again. Their workflow stalling again.
Until finally B has had enough of this, maybe A is getting too frustrated or tired or is giving in, and they take away whatever they're working with for the night. Alternately they help them finish it then wrap them up in blankets, dose them with cold/allergy meds, and snuggle up for a relaxing movie and a nap.
***** SIDENOTE: I’m so sorry if I’m rusty 🥸🫥🤧
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Stretching out a slim arm to the other side of their large king size bed, Levi’s fingertips searched for the warm lump that was his boyfriend that should have been sprawled out next to him, but came up with nothing.
“Nnnnh?..” the petite man groaned with sleep still heavy on his eyelids. He attempted to wave his hand over the spot again with his eyes closed, hoping the wolf had just rolled over to the furthest side to get relief from the fever he had fallen asleep with. That was Remi of course.. He would always be there to knock some heads and would protect Levi from anything that made the mistake of crossing the wolf’s path, but he was no match for the common cold.
When his hand came up empty yet again, he mustered up every bit of energy he had in him to slowly squint open one bright blue eye, his leopard abilities allowing him to adjust to the dark room he laid in almost instantly. Levi quickly scanned the room that his boyfriend and him shared every night, expecting to see Remi sitting on the dark grey loveseat that they had in the corner, maybe quietly ticking away at his game console that he was always playing when he couldn’t sleep. But again, he was met with nothing; no trace that his boyfriend had even fallen asleep with him in the first place. But, Remi definitely did fall asleep with him… right?
The leopard lay there for a second, the hello kitty blanket that he slept with held tightly to his chest, and the comforter wrapped around him like a cocoon. When he had amassed enough energy to slowly will his other eye to open also, he stretched out his arms in front of him, a silent yawn shaking him as he sat up completely now.
‘Where is he?’ Levi’s brow furrowed in thought, trying desperately to recall the few hours prior when he last remembered seeing the wolf.
Suddenly, that oh so familiar sound of the other man’s congested cough was very audible through their bedroom door that was closed tightly, which was odd since they never had their bedroom door closed. “Downstairs?” He asked now to himself, swinging his slender legs out to the side of the bed and out of the amazing warmth that their blankets had stored. The cold air of their townhouse instantly made Levi shiver a bit as soon as his feet touched the floor, and he recoiled with a groan, pulling the top blanket off of their bed to wrap around his shoulders. Content with his solution, Levi put on his fuzzy leopard print slippers that sat just barely under the lip of their bed frame with the blanket dragging slightly on the ground as he walked. With great care, the leopard turned their silver doorknob ever so slowly as to not make any noise to alert his boyfriend. With how Remi got when he got sick, he wouldn’t be able to smell the white haired man anyway. Getting the door open, Levi ducked down to squat as he shuffled silently down their small hallway until he sat perched upon the top step of the dark brown carpeted stairs, peering through the wooden railing.
‘There he is~’ Levi purred to himself, watching his boyfriend as he sat sprawled out on the couch with his massive laptop covering his lap, a mountain of old tissues on the table next to him and the rest of the half empty box on the middle seat of the couch. His bloodshot eyes that normally glowed so brightly they would reflect back at him on his screen now were dim and tired looking, dark red circles under them and they scanned the screen of whatever he was reading. His thick black hair was unusually ruffled, sticking out in every different direction as his head was leaned against the back of the couch as he sat there. Pieces had stuck to his forehead from the sweat that resides there, no matter what temperature he was. The poor guy somehow looked more pale, but still more flushed at the same time, his nose extremely red and raw from how much he was already blowing and wiping at it incessantly, and his mouth was held slightly ajar as he struggled to breathe through his thick congestion. Just as Levi was about to give himself up from his hiding spot, Remi’s face began to twist into that same familiar expression, something the leopard could spot from a mile away. The man’s arched black eyebrows began to lace together on his forehead, and his breathing started to get uneven. Shortly, a pathetic moan could be heard from the wolf’s direction, and Levi couldn’t help but stay and enjoy the show before ruining the moment.
Remi’s sharp nose began to twitch ever so slightly, his mouth slowly hanging open more than it was prior as his breath hitched. ‘Hh..’ he breathed. Desperately, the large man swiped yet another tissue from the sad box next to him, and cupped it around his nose and mouth just in time to protect everything in front of him. “Hih’IITSCH’IIEW! HaaH’TSCH! Hhhh-“ The wolf sneezed harshly into the wad of tissues pressed to his face, which was followed by a thick sniffle and a frustrated exhale, his long fingers coming up to push the raven hair from his eyes that had fallen into them before he tossed the now bloody tissue to the side to join the rest that he had collected. It only took him a second to recollect himself and return his gaze to his computer, although he clearly was distracted. “Hh-,” He hitched again, but it was just a false alarm, leaving him in the throws of the pre-sneeze face for a moment.
The sad sight in front of him broke the leopard from his hiding spot, unable to watch anymore, and softly bounced down the stairs. As his feet hit the floor of the bottom story of the townhouse, the smaller man was completely in his boyfriend’s field of view now, although the wolf seemed to be in such a fog that it took him a few moments to notice the white hair of his mate standing in front of him.
“Baby, what are you doing out here?” Levi asked softly with concern on his freckled face as he looked over his boyfriend’s condition.
Remi couldn’t hide his surprise, unaware of his boyfriends presence until he spoke up finally. His watery eyes got big, the sharp inhale he took jarring that tickle that just wouldn’t let up and he had to turn to the side quickly with his face buried into the crook of his elbow.
“H’TSCHH” the stifle that exploded from him sounded painful on his chest, but it was better than letting some of them go at this point. “Nnnng..” He exhaled slowly afterward, grabbing yet another tissue from the box and wiping his nose, wincing at the rawness around his nostrils.
“I could’t sleep.. I kept sdeezing every time i got combfortable and I did’t want to wake you up. I kdow you have that big thidg at work tomorrow..” The wolf’s words began to trail off, his eyes focused behind Levi instead of at him. His voice already almost intelligible behind how congested his nose was from the previous hours he sat downstairs by himself. “Hhihhh… god dabd it!” Remi’s frustration was intensified, one finger coming up to rub at his nose desperately trying to get rid of this damn TICKLE.
“Baby.. you don’t have to do that. You know I wouldnt be upset..” Levi cooed back to his boyfriend, leaning down to gently place a kiss on his damp forehead before frowning. “Your fever sure set in quick this time.. Why don’t you let me run you a nice shower with the eucalyptus you like? After you get out, you can take some of the NyQuil that I picked up for you the other day?” Levi sat in next to the puddle on the couch that was his boyfriend, placing a petite hand delicately on Remi’s warm knee.
“Mehhh..” The larger man grumbled, “I dod’t have the edergy for a shower.. Plus, I FIDALLY got this laptop to turnd od, add — SNF! You kdow how lodg I’ve wadted to get mby mbusic off of this stupid thidg..” Running his fingers across the dinosaur of a laptop, he couldnt help but be proud that he at least got the junk to turn on finally.
“Yeah, but—..” the leopard stood up to protest, waving his hands in front of him frantically.
“No buts, Levi.. I probise I’ll combe up to joid you whed I’m dode, okay? It wont be lodg, I swear.” Remi waved his hand slightly in the direction of their shared bedroom that Levi had emerged from, shooing him away. With a sharp snort, Levi crossed his arms in front of him, a look of disapproval written on his usual cheerful features as he stood with a blanket around his shoulders, his pajamas on, and fuzzy slippers.
“I’m not going back to bed without you, so..” Levi stuck his tongue out playfully, his blanketed body crossing the room to get comfortable again in the dark grey love seat that was tucked in the opposite corner of the room. “I’ll just sit out here with you until you’re ready to go to bed.” The smaller man smirked at his miserable boyfriend who raised an eyebrow at his attitude.
“You kdow what? Fide, hadg out with mbe out here if you wadt, but I dod’t wadt this thidg to turnd off for sombe reasod and dot ever let mbe turn it back odn after. Cause its beend years sidce this thidg cabe on..” Remi’s cheeks started to dust a light shade of pink as he got more comfortable in the couch he was in, the same distracted look already starting to subtly appear on his face. Levi who was now curled up in the loveseat simply checked the time on his phone, taking a mental note of what it was before he set it on the arm of the chair he was in.
‘4:16’ He repeated in his head, resting his elbow on the arm next to his phone and leaning a freckled cheek against it , making himself comfortable. He knew it was only a matter of time before Remi would cave. Even that stubborn wolf had his limits.
Feeling Levi’s focus on him made the man squirm a little under his laptop, small unproductive sniffles constantly coming from his side of the room as he fought the blood and snot mixture that threatened to roll down his upper lip, occasionally taking time to swipe it away with his hoodie sleeve in between clacks of the keyboard and trackpad on the laptop as he worked.
After sitting in the loveseat for almost 45 minutes, the tired leopard almost gave up completely, convinced that this was the one and only time that his plan wouldnt work, and he would be trudging upstairs alone to finish the nights sleep. But after his patience was just about to break, Levi’s sensitive ears picked up the very faint sound of the other’s breath slowing down, the breaths he was taking suddenly more shallow than they had been. As his baby blue eyes panned up from their prior spot on the carpet and fell onto the man before him, he was greeted with a pleasant image. One that he usually would hate because he hated seeing the man he loved miserable, but he honestly just wanted him to come back to bed with him! Remi’s eyelids soon began to flutter, his breath hitching again as he tried to fight the urge that he knew wouldnt be satisfied but just a couple small sneezes. Unprepared, he tried to pinch the bridge of his nose just under his bridge piercing, but it was too late, it was already growing deep within his sinuses. What used to be a manageable irritation had bloomed into something that took all of his focus to contain. “Hah..” He breathed silently, hoping the small exchange of air wouldnt tempt his sensitive nose, but he was definitely wrong.
“H’IITSCHUIEW!! Hh’TSCHU!” He sneezed twice, more quickly than he could grab a tissue or even turn his head, and after he was able to open his eyes, the first thing in his field of view was the incredible amount of tiny blood splatters across his laptop screen. The wolf groaned loudly in disgust, but Levi could only watch from his front row seat, snickering to himself as he had lived with Remi for years.. It wouldnt take long now..
Almost as soon as the wolf could wipe off his screen with another tissue, being sure to get every blood drop off of it, the tickle in his nose returned at mock speeds. “H- Oh god..” He wined, his face already twisting into another build up.
“‘Tsch!! ‘Tsch! TSCHH!” The pained stifles felt like they would cause his head to explode any moment. He rubbed his temples in slow clockwise circles with his eyes closed for a second, and Levi could barely hold himself back from simply wrapping the large man in his arms and holding him on the couch.
Biting a full lip between his teeth, the leopard looked his poor boyfriend up and down for a second before standing up and closing the distance between them, resting one of his small hands on Remi’s hot scalp. He could feel the wolf’s head start to gently bob as he prepared himself for another painful onslaught.
“HHih’AESHIEEW! hhhh-…. hHEh’TSCHHHiew! Hehh’IITSCHU!! ‘TSCHIEEW!” Remi sneezed openly, covering the screen again with a dark red mist. The black haired man’s sneezes only continued to get more desperate, and they seemed to just drain everything out of him. A tissue was quickly yanked from the box again and thrust into the poor wolf’s hands as the fire that burned in his sinuses seemed to dwindle. He blew his bright red nose with a very wet sound into another tissue, the whole thing being too soaked to use afterward and causing him to have to snag yet another.
After Remi was able to catch his breath and open his eyes for more than two seconds, he whimpered pathetically and let the tissue in his hand roll off lazily to join his Kleenex graveyard. “You kdow, mbaybe I will try that DyQuil after all..” The wolf sighed softly completely defeated in his previous endeavor. He was too wiped out to argue with Levi anymore.
“Of course, Rem. Let’s gets you into bed, okay? I’ll even rub your back~” The leopard purred softly, placing one gentle kiss on Remi’s hot cheek and helping him up off the couch finally.
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melishade · 2 years
Attack on Prime Winter Anthology: Breeze
Main Story
“You know, one would think that it would be a little warmer at the beach, but it’s just as cold as it is in the mainland!” Jean shouted, wrapping his arms around himself to keep his body warm. The Survey Corps resided at the port for the day to discuss construction plans, but the weather had not improved over the past few days. It had only gotten worse. They all were staring out at the ocean, listening to the waves crash against the rocks and sand.
“At least we’re not doing training exercises in the cold,” Connie retorted, his own arms wrapped around his body.
“Winter! Foreboding and deadly!” Sasha declared followed by a sneeze. 
Mikasa could only pull her scarf above her nose and sigh. She never liked this time of year. She never liked how cold it always got around this time. It just...brought up too many sad memories. 
“Maybe a nice cooked meal would help,” Armin suggested. 
“Yeah, I’m not cooking out in the open like this,” Niccolo declared, beginning to pack away his utensils.
“Why?!” Sasha whined.
“Because I hate the weather too!” Niccolo shouted, followed by a sneeze, “Damn it! I didn’t think it’d be this bad!”
“What’s it like in Marley?” Armin asked him.
“Worst case scenario, it rain further in the mainland,” Niccolo explained, “Sure it gets cold, but it feels like were in the damn mountains! And it only snows in the mountains and the upper regions of Marley!”
“Good to know,” Jean muttered, followed by a sneeze.
Hanji shuddered from the breeze blowing outside as she shut the window to the room in the port. “At least we’re not doing this in tents.”
Hanji turned to her attention to Levi, Optimus, and Eren, who were all sitting down at the moment. “So, I have a list of items that I think would be beneficial for both civilian and military purposes that we could take out of the neutral ship. But if there’s going to be a delay due to the snow, we might as well get the resources we need now before the snow starts to fall.”
Hanji hand Optimus the list and the Prime began to review it. Hanji then turned her attention to Levi. “We’re still going to continue construction on the port since it is a priority.”
“What about the Marleyans and Restorationists?” Levi asked.
“We provide them with warm clothes,” Hanji answered, “These guys have been to war.”
Hanji then turned her attention to Eren. “Since I’ve never gotten the chance to study titan movement during the winter, we are going to have to run some experiments. You’ll also need to be helping Optimus with taking out parts from the neutral ship.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Eren replied.
“There are some parts from the ship we can utilize for the duration of the winter,” Optimus proclaimed as he handed the paper back to Hanji.
“Good,” Hanji folded the paper and put it back in her pocket, “But I do have a question: are you going to be okay for the next few months? With the cold and all? You and Megatron mentioned that the scraplets died due to the cold weather, which means that our weather system can kill you guys if too intense. I just want this to be address now so there isn’t an issue later.”
“The scraplets are much smaller, and have a constant need to consume metal in order to combat how quickly they burn through their energy reserves,” Optimus explained, “Megatron and I are much larger, and know how to combat the cold weather.”
“Well, if you need anything, let us know,” Hanji advised.
“Also, where the fuck is Buckethead going to be in any of this?” Levi demanded from the Prime.
“He has not specified,” Optimus answered.
“As long as he’s doing his shit in Marley, I don’t care right now,” Hanji proclaimed, “We’ll call him when it’s an emergency.”
After the meeting, the four of them had walked out of the building, only to be met with the cold breeze from the see.
“Damn it!” Hanji shouted, “I didn’t think it’d be this bad!”
“Get over it,” Levi told her.
“No!” Hanji exclaimed.
Eren did his best to keep his hands warm in his pockets. He glance over at Optimus to see the Prime was flexing the fingers of the holoform hand in a rather subtle manner. Guess Optimus seemed a little bothered by the cold too.
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jiyi-jiyi · 3 years
Mammon, the demon heater! (Coldest days in devildom and Mammon gets a new job!)
At first, he’s too prideful to even admit that he’s cold.
But he soon realised that he won’t be able to do his work if he kept sneezing so he had to put his pride down for once.
He considered going back to his study when he was in front of the younger one’s room. After all it was 2 in the morning. He wasn’t even sure if the younger one was awake.
But he sneezed.
And the younger one just had to have good hearing. Then the door opened.
“Lucifer? I didn’t steal anything! The blizzard outside is way too strong and I can’t even talk to my crows in these weathers!”
“It’s not that… I…”
His pride can really be a ass. Just say that you’re cold and get a personal heater!
“Oh! Are you cold?”
“I…am. I am very cold.”
There we go! He said it! Trust me, it’s not easy to just step over your pride to say that your cold. (Well that only applies to Lucifer.)
“Alright, you can cuddle with me too.”
“Yep… just get in!”
Mammon pulled Lucifer into his room and let him lie down on his bed alongside the others. It felt a bit more warmer with the rest by his side but the coldness was still there.
When Mammon had gotten on the bed, the coldness wasn’t there anymore.
Lucifer, felt at peace for once. He even found himself drifting off into sleep. Mammon really is warm.
The moment he realised that from this day onwards, it would be cold for about a few weeks, he ran out of his room.
He has the COLDEST body out of everyone else in his family. So he knows that if he stays in his room any longer, he’d freeze to death. (His room is already very cooling with the fish tank and the air conditioner)
He ran around the house, trying to find the older one.
Leviathan found Mammon sleeping on the couch and he JUMPED right on top of him for heat. Mammon yelped when he felt something jumping onto him.
Doesn’t care about what Mammon said, he was just leaning into his warmth.
“What? You’re cold?”
“Shut up.”
Mammon only stifled a laugh and ruffled with Levi’s hair.
Maybe Levi should change Mammon’s name from scumbag to personal heater…
To be honest, it took him a few days to actually feel the cold. His room is filled with both old and new books. It’s so cramped that it’s surprising that he can sleep in there. So basically, it takes a few days for him to feel the coldness in his room
To be honest, he didn’t want to go up to the older one. It would be way too embarrassing for him.
Eventually, he decides that he’d rather be with a personal heater than freeze to death.
He noticed that the older one was scrolling through his DDD on the couch.
“C’mere, I know you’re cold.”
Immediately flops onto Mammon. No need for the words, they’ve done this multiple times in the past. It was basically a tradition in Satan’s childhood.
The tradition is basically where for a few weeks where Mammon is a demon heater.
“Geez, am I really that warm? I always thought that I had a average body heat.”
“You have no idea…”
Seriously? Mammon has no idea how comforting his warmth is. It’s like a big crow with huge wings that protects Satan from everyone else.
Satan should read some books about crows…
Like Satan, he takes a few days to actually be trembling because of the cold.
He realised that the cold could really damage his skin and so he goes over to the older one’s room and knocks on his door. Almost immediately it opened.
“You’re cold right? Come in, I know that your skin could get damaged because of this weather.”
Woah since when did MAMMON know him so well?
Mammon just lies down on the bed and tells Asmo to lie down beside him.
“My arm is going to be numb later, oh well.”
Asmodeus really dislikes the cold and the hot. But Mammon felt like the right temperature. He isn’t boiling hot but like a warm sun. His body heat isn’t as cold as Leviathan so it’s nice to at least have one family member who can be a personal heater.
Asmodeus probably has rated his brothers on how well they work as a heater. (Mammon was number 1 ofc)
Yep, just like Asmo and Satan, he doesn’t feel THAT cold compared to Lucifer or Levi. (Same goes for Belphie)
But soon, he’s shivering while eating and he realises that he needs a personal heater.
The older one was eating his spicy cup noodle when Beel suddenly hugged him from behind.
“Beel? Whats up?”
“I’m cold…”
Mammon laughed and told Beel that he’ll cuddle with him after he eats his cup noodle finish
Beel doesn’t let go of the hug.
Mammon casually just walked towards his room, Beel still clinging onto his neck.
When Beel woke up, he found his other brothers around Mammon as well.
He planned on sleeping through the coldest days.
But the cold got so bad to the point he couldn’t even fall asleep.
In the end, he had to find the older one as soon as possible if he wanted sleep.
He found the older one in the attic, with the excuse that he was looking for something valuable but in reality he was cleaning the attic for Belphie to have another place to sleep in
Belphie didn’t even hesitate to just jump onto him.
The moment they both fell onto the hardwood floors, the warmth that he felt was just perfect for sleeping.
“At least tackle me with a warning, Belphie!”
Literally falls asleep the moment he felt Mammon’s body heat.
Seriously how does he have such a warm temperature even in the coldest days?
Oh well, at least they have a personal heater!
No one asked why Belphie was latched onto Mammon’s back. (Everywhere Mammon went, Belphegor is sleeping on his back)
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lucysarah-c · 7 months
You all have inspired me to write a one-shot, so I'll post it soon. Thank you so much!
But since I'm on it, I think I'll give you a few headcanons.
In my idea, Levi didn't have many children, and while sometimes my scenarios may change depending on the situation, mostly Levi's boy would be an only child. This wasn't Levi's original idea, and I'll explain why.
Leaving aside whether in the canon period of time there are real contraceptives or not, I 100% believe Levi is a highly meticulous guy. If he needs to pull out and count days in the old-fashioned way, he will. If he has to wear condoms every single time, he will. I believe Levi would try to make sure that if he ever has a child, it would be planned, as far as is humanly possible, of course. Sometimes contraceptives fail, etc.
In my mind, I believe Levi and Y/N decided or happened to have a kid around the time before the expedition to Wall Maria. There was about half a year when the scouts waited for the correct time to do the expedition to Wall Maria. Well, I believe she probably got pregnant around that time. I believe it was a mix between Levi transitioning a lot of emotions after Kenny's death, etc., and having more free time on his hands since they weren't doing expeditions while preparing for the mission… and well… let's say they decided to go handy, haha.
With that said… I think Levi would hardly admit it out loud, but he's one of those guys who always wanted to be parents, so they kinda said, "You know what? Fuck it, if it happens, it happens," and well, it happened almost immediately. Levi hears the news around two months later, and let me tell you, this man is all over the moon. He wants to be part of EVERYTHING. For me, Levi wants to prove that he is better than the men who failed his mother and also failed him. Levi wants to prove he can be a present father.
She goes to the doctor for just a check, he wants to be there. Better keep his man informed because he would ask a million questions. He's a first-time father, and she may sneeze, and he's all worried. Levi saw too many women die in childbirth or from difficult pregnancies in the underground. He's blessed with the chance of being a father, but also terrified. Levi feels that if he loses his love just because he "grew selfish" and asked for more (aka asked for a kid), he would feel horrible.
Anyways, back in the day, men waited outside during birth, and I believe they would try to kick Levi out of the room, and he would be like, "and who is going to stop me?" He wants to be there.
Now is when his baby boy comes into the picture. I believe, and God bless the mother, he was such a healthy CHUNKY boy. He was BIG. Those kinds of kids that look so healthy but at the same time, it's like "he literally sucked her dry, that baby took anything the mother has to offer."
Like, she's too tired after childbirth, and the nurses offer Levi feeding bottles with milk to keep the baby eating while the mother rests… and the baby is EATING to the point a doctor comes, pats Levi's arm playfully, and says, "Hope you've a good salary, Captain, because that kid is going to eat like a horse."
Perhaps these are the only few times that Levi is the most excited out of the two, she's tired from all the work, and Levi is over the moon. Ah, but don't you dare to touch his baby without washing your hands. If Levi could force you to take a bath in chlorine before even getting close to his baby, he would.
Aside from that, I think Levi's baby boy that I've named in my mind "Adrien" because Y/N thinks that naming her kids with A's to match the last name, especially since Ackerman's are finally able to not be in hiding.
In my mind, Adrien inherits Kenny's height. Yes, as you heard, KENNY'S HEIGHT. 190cm (6'3"). He's a big boy. I think it's funny that all the doctors check the baby and say, "haha, he's going to be tall!" and Levi is there looking at her like "… I don't like to admit I'm short as fuck, but if the kid isn't mine you can tell me," joking obviously, lmao.
"Levi, the kid is a photocopy of you."
Adrien is an extremely playful, happy, and hyperactive kid. He's so cheerful, and it makes Levi wish his mother was around so he could ask if he was such a cheerful kid too.
Chunky fat legs running down the halls as he doesn't even speak properly, but he already knows which office is daddy's office. He loves horses, he loves playing soldier, he loves being a daddy's boy.
This is when I mention that I believe Levi having a single child wasn't his original plan. I think he wished to give Adrien a sibling to make sure he won't be alone in life if anything ever happens to him as he was. But the whole rumbling happened, and after that, Levi was too busy trying to move him and his family outside of Paradise and after that settling down, taking care of Gabi and Falcon, that well time flew, and when everything was back to calmness, haha, well let's say that Levi had to admit that the train had left the station, and his energy to go back to change diapers had kinda withdrawn, lmao.
Finally, I think Adrien was a very hyperactive kid mainly because of the Ackerman genes. He has energy, he has strength, he has the abilities. He just has too much bottled up and doesn't know how to get tired. Levi is basically running around making sure the kid isn't jumping from the roof or climbing the kitchen cupboards. He probably ends up signing him up for a bunch of activities: baseball, self-defense classes, football, triathlon.
I have a bunch of other headcanons, so let me know if you want more!"
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Turn to Stone
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❄ pairing: gorgon!jimin x elemental!reader
❄ genre: established relationship, supernatural au, smut [18+]
❄ summary: Childhood best friend turned boyfriend has only wanted one thing in his life, to be able to look you in the eyes without the risk of turning you into stone. The last (and only) time it occurred, it was nearly fatal for you but with your anniversary coming up, he’s willing to give it another go.
❄ wc: 8.4k
❄ warnings: cursing, mention of (possible) death/dying due to jimin’s powers, mention of potions and (actual) potion drinking, mention of nightmares, jimin wears sunglasses for most some of the fic ‘cause his gaze is killer (literally), reader generates ice (yes, like elsa), making out, breast play, marking (scratching, hickeys, biting, brusing), fingering (f. receiving), oral sex (f. giving and receiving), ice play, hair pulling, handjob, cum swallowing, unprotected sex, creampie
❄ date: October 13, 2021
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Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock on the far wall struck the seconds away. Just a few more, and class would finally be dismissed. Your boyfriend sat beside you, eyeing the clock just as anxiously, needing to get across campus for his next one and if he wanted to get his preferred seat (near the back but in the middle), he had to book it before the ogres got on the sidewalk. Sometimes he wishes he was a vampire bat like his friend, San, but unfortunately for him, he was just a gorgon.
“Come on,” Jimin grits, sweat beading on his hairline. The snakes on his head hiss and he shushes them before Dr. Frankie Stein finally dismisses the class.
“Finally!” Jimin huffs as he shoves his belongings into his bookbag, his hand reaching out for yours. You take it, all your books already shoved in your bookbag as you rise to your feet.
“I thought class would never end,” you complain as Jimin leads you down the hallway, chatter filling the hall as classes are dismissed all around you.
“I almost got up and left. I’d rather get a dirty look from Stein than have the ogres step on me. The last time I stood in their vicinity, one sneezed and I got covered in snot. Do you know how hard it is to get ogre snot out of snakes?” Jimin shudders at the memory, his arm wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to his side.
“No?” you respond, narrowly avoiding a groaning zombie.
“It’s a whole affair, babe. I had to call my mother for help,” Jimin sighs heavily, shaking his head. He freezes when his sunglasses slide down his nose a mere millimeter, but that’s enough to cause panic. He quickly pushes them up, scolding himself for being so careless.
“How’s your mother?” You ask as you look at your boyfriend briefly before moving out of the way as a fairy flies by.
“She’s doing well,” Jimin states, quickening his pace when he hears the first thunderous step of the ogres on the sidewalk. He can see his arts and humanities building up ahead, and he nearly throws you over his shoulder in his panic to get there fast. “She’s looking forward to seeing us the day after our anniversary.”
“Oh? Do you have a surprise planned?” you tease, and Jimin’s snakes, Milo, Evie, Raythe, Hyde, and Levi hiss in your direction while Jimin tries (and fails) to bite back a smile.
“No, just dinner,” he fibs, his snakes swaying on top of his head. Jimin shushes them with a roll of his eyes, wishing he’d enchanted them to stay still this morning, but he was running late as always and hadn’t had the time. He was definitely regretting it now.
“Just dinner?” you ask, stepping into your building, taking the first left down a hallway to arrive at your classroom. You linger beside the door, out of the way of any students, as you reach forward to pet Milo. Jimin’s cheeks flushed a pretty pink, avoiding your gaze.
“Sounds like he’s keeping a secret, huh, Milo?” You ask sweetly. Milo bobs his head up and down in response, tongue sticking out in a hiss.
“Milo!” Jimin grits his teeth as he reaches into his bookbag, searching for a few moments before he’s taking out a small white spray bottle with a picture of a sleeping snake. “Time for a nap.”
“Goodnight Milo,” you whisper as Jimin sprays his hair and snakes. They yawn before settling on his head and he brushes them into place. He sighs, “I’ll be here after class, babe. We’ll get lunch together, okay?”
“Okay,” you agree, pressing a kiss to his lips before he’s rushing off to his classroom. You watch him run down the hall, wondering what the big surprise is for your anniversary tomorrow. It would be Halloween, and you had planned to hand out candy to all the boys and ghouls before heading out to dinner, but knowing you’d be seeing his family the following day also meant your family would be present as well. Your mother, father, or sister hadn’t mentioned anything the last time you had spoken to them, which had been a few nights ago, so you couldn't help but be curious.
Halloween was a major holiday, and every year your university went all out in preparation. However, classes would still resume the day before, but you usually had a few days off after the holiday. You wonder why your parents hadn’t said anything about this year’s celebrations?
It was rather odd considering they lived next door to Jimin’s family, which was how you met over fifteen years ago. The two of you grew up together, thick as thieves and your families couldn’t keep the two of you apart, which was hard when your elemental powers came in at the age of seven.
Ice generation.
That was your elemental power, and if one more asshole called you Elsa, you’d freeze them. Okay, you probably wouldn’t because it was against school rules, but you’d freeze their book bag if they so dared. You’d gotten very good at controlling your powers, even being awarded a few prizes for entering contests and pageants throughout your years, and now you were capable of holding Jimin’s hand without freezing it. Although your hands were never truly warm for long, somehow Jimin managed to warm them up, leaving a trace of that warmth long after he’d let go.
His name alone is enough to put a smile on your face and an extra pep in your step. He’d been your best friend growing up, always by your side through the toughest times and through the better times. The poor boy had been caught up in your icy misadventures time and time again while you learned how to control your powers but even then, he never complained. Sure, once or twice as teens your tongues froze together after a few heated kisses in his bedroom but those were minor accidents… accidents his parents had to, unfortunately, witness when you had to call for help.
The both of you were glued at the hip since you could walk. Hell, it had been Jimin who had learned first and then held your hand when his wobbly legs settled and he wanted you beside him. It had always been Jimin, and it would always be Jimin at your side. Nothing could ever change that, not even after the incident.
The Incident. That’s what your families called it and nobody held any malice towards each other. After all, with the two of you together, it was bound to happen one day or another, either you to Jimin or he to you. It just happened to be Jimin to do it first, and that one time was enough for him to exceed great caution when it came to you. Caution that he still kept up out of fear of hurting you again, or worse, killing you.
It had been a normal fall day like any other. The wind blowing dead leaves off the trees into your yard, littering it in orange, reds, and yellows. The crunch beneath your boots had a satisfied smile on your lips as you jumped from leaf pile to leaf pile with Jimin at your side. Your powers had just started manifesting, so your hands were covered in winter gloves, but Jimin didn’t mind one bit. In fact, he wore a matching pair with your initials and his embroidered in a heart on the palm of his gloves.
Laughing and squealing, the two of you chased each other around the yard while your mothers conversed on the porch, your little sister on your mother’s lap, tugging at her dress to get her attention. However, it only took a second for your bone-chilling scream to cut through the air.
It had been an accident, only an accident, but that alone was enough to prove nearly fatal. It wasn’t like Jimin knew his powers were going to go haywire that day. After all, his snakes had been very docile as of late just like they had always been. You’d both gone in the direction of the biggest leaf pile in the center of the yard, running toward it from opposite directions, but you were both too excited to take turns and bumped into each other. Your head hurt, but you didn’t cry. In fact, you’d been happy to have cushioned Jimin’s fall, smiling at him when you placed your hand on his cheek to assure him you were fine.
That’s when it happened. Without warning, his eyes met yours and for a split second, they turned bright, flashing a neon green before you felt your fingers starting to harden. It quickly spread through your arm and that’s when you screamed out of fear. Terror rattled your bones as your mothers rushed toward you, little sister in tow, as they ran as fast as they could.
Jimin will never tell you how your terrified scream will echo in his nightmares on nights when you aren’t asleep by his side despite you forgiving him for it years ago and him working on forgiving himself, he’ll always hear your screams on his worst nights.
Jimin’s mother, Luna, acted quickly, ensuring your mother that you’d be fine. She scooped you up in her arms, telling her to look away from Jimin in fear that she or your little sister would fall under his gaze and suffer the same fate as you. Your mother, worried but trusting her friend, does as she’s told, shielding your sister’s eyes with her hand for extra protection. Tears of worry fill her eyes but they remain unshed, needing to put on a strong front so as to not cause you more panic.
“Jimin, come with me,” Luna instructed her son as she carried you in the direction of their home as quickly as possible. “You can come in a few minutes.” The words were directed at your mother, who sniffled and nodded in response, worried for her child and petrified of what could happen if an antidote wasn’t given.
Jimin ran after his mother, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he went, clinging to the hem of her dress as they stomped into the home, bypassing the living room to head straight for the kitchen. You froze in fear, silent tears rolling down your cheeks as your arm crackled and the stone seemed to spread higher. You knew if it spread to your heart, it would be the end of you. You were lucky Jimin’s power hadn’t settled in completely, or you’d have died in an instant.
“Come here, baby,” Jimin’s mother called to her son, opening a drawer in the kitchen and handing him a pair of sunglasses. She got down to his height, wiping his tears. “You are not to take these off under any circumstances when you’re not at home. Always keep extra pairs on you at all times, okay? We can’t have this happening again.”
Jimin nodded in understanding, his breath shaky as he put the sunglasses on, his world now tinted in blue. He met your gaze and you smiled at him weakly. Luna turned to you, handing you a tissue before she opened a first aid kit she kept on the counter at all times. She rifled through it for a moment as your mother walked in with your sister in tow on her hip.
“She’s going to be just fine,” Luna assured her as she grabbed a small vial with a blue liquid. “Open up, Y/n.”
You did so, drinking from the vial. The liquid tasted like blueberries, overtly tart with a sickeningly sweet scent. You gagged, coughing, and spluttering before you felt your arm go numb as the stone quickly receded. It took a minute or so for your arm to go back to normal, flexing your fingers and wiggling your wrist to see if you had full function of it. You did, and your mother instantly relaxed, standing by your side and plastering wet kisses all over your face.
“I’m okay. I’m okay,” you assured her as you wiped your cheeks. Your mother smiled, plopping down on a kitchen chair to rest her panicked body. Your sister was handed off to Luna as your mother fanned herself. “I have some extra vials here I’ll send home with you three,” Luna’s mom said as she rocked your sister gently. “It’ll help if Y/n ever freezes Jimin or someone by accident. As long as it doesn’t hit their heart, they can recover.”
“Thank you,” your mother whispered, hugging you again before releasing you. You immediately ran to Jimin, who was still crying. You wrapped your arms around him to give him a big squeeze.
“I’m alright, Jimin. Please don’t cry,” you stepped back to look at him, his sunglasses impeding you from seeing his eyes. You pouted. Would you never be able to look at them again? Your heart sank in your chest.
“I-I hurt you,” he sobs, his little fists rubbing his eyes as he tried to breathe but he just hiccupped instead.
“But your mommy fixed it. See,” you showed him your hand, but Jimin still cried and you hugged him again, your glove-clad hands petting his snakes, who seemed to also be pouting with him.
You held him for a long while, assuring him you were fine until eventually, he stopped crying. His streaky cheeks felt stiff, but that didn’t stop you from pressing your lips to his skin. His face flushed with heat, your mother's stifling knowing smiles when they shared a gaze.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jimin’s face so red before.
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Jimin had dressed to the nines for your anniversary tonight. He’d spent hours in his bathroom in your shared apartment getting ready and now that you were blessed with his presence, you found it hard to keep your mouth from watering.
Jimin smirks, loving your reaction as he fixes his glasses and pats his breast pocket to make sure his backups are nestled inside. Tonight, his hair is slicked back, snakes enchanted to sleep and transformed into plain hair. He’d even added some colorful streaks to his blonde hair. Needless to say, Jimin looked good enough to eat… and you planned to do just that at the end of the night.
“Ready, beautiful?” he asks as he turns to face you, jaw-dropping when he takes in your appearance. You’ve worn a black dress with slits on both sides that nearly reach your hip, your breasts threaten to spill out of the sweetheart neckline, and your neck is adorned in a pearl necklace he gifted you for your birthday last year. Your hair falls in waves at your shoulders, your lips painted a ruby red, and your makeup bold and dark to match your dress. Jimin’s in love with you, that much he knows, but when he fully takes you in, he wonders how you’re able to make him feel like a foolish love-stricken teenager all over again.
“Wow!” he exclaims, nearly breathless. Your beauty is outstanding, out of this world and the next and he realizes how blessed he truly is to be able to call you his. “Wow.”
“What?” you preen under his gaze, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip. “Warlock got your tongue?”
“No,” Jimin chuckles, shaking his head. ���You look amazing, baby. I’m half-tempted to cancel our evening and eat you instead.”
“Thank you, Minnie. You look hot as fuck,” you giggle, admiring his hair that’s still for once. “I’m gonna miss Milo and the gang for dinner though.”
“Sure, so you end up feeding them and I get crumbs in my hair?” Jimin teases, his hand on your lower back as he leads you toward the front door. His hand raises the bottom of your dress so you won’t trip or step on it with your heels. You grab your clutch off the back of the couch on your way, making sure you’ve got everything you need before stepping out of your apartment and into the night.
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Celebrations are going on all around you. Fireworks light up the sky and the night is filled with chatter and laughter as you walk along the Riverwalk. Jimin has his arm wrapped around your waist, rubbing your back in slow circles as you go.
Dinner had been amazing. All your favorites were on the menu and you ate until you couldn’t stomach another bite. However, Jimin had plans for dessert and the two of you ended up at your favorite ice cream shop, sharing a sundae before ending your evening with a walk by the river.
The lively atmosphere made you grin, feeling glad to live in the City of Hallows, safe from any threats of the human world.
“What’s got you smiling like that?” Jimin asks with a teasing smile as the two of you spot an empty bench. You head toward it, your hand clasped in Jimin’s, careful not to trip over your dress or accidentally flash anyone.
Jimin helps you onto the bench, holding your dress for you until you’re settled and have one leg crossed over the other. Your thigh makes an appearance and Jimin swallows thickly, placing his hand on your knee.
A small smile is on your lips, placing your hand over his and lacing your fingers together. “Tonight has been wonderful, baby. You’ve really made our anniversary so special.”
“There’s one more thing,” Jimin grins, excitement bubbling over his features. His smile is radiant as he takes his hands in his breast pocket.
“There’s more?” you ask, puzzled.
“Yes, love. Do you remember Jungkook?” Jimin asks as he takes a box out of his pocket and holds it in his hands; they tremble slightly.
“That vampire friend of yours?” you recall, brows furrowing. What did he have to do with your gift?
“Yes, he introduced me to a warlock that just moved here a few months ago with his wife. I taught Jungkook a lullaby and he introduced me to the warlock, Hoseok, in return. Hoseok and I have been working for months on your gift and we’ve tested it and it works. I also have an antidote in case of an emergency but I don’t think we’ll need it.” Jimin explains showing you a small glass vial with a cork lid that contains a deep purple liquid.
“What is it exactly?” befuddled, you quirk your head.
“It’s a potion. A potion that will let me look you in the eyes again… without my sunglasses.” Jimin bites his bottom lip nervously. He’d been thrilled with the possibility of meeting your gaze once again, of having the ability to look deep in your eyes whenever he wanted to, to make love to you and feel an even deeper connection as you fell apart beneath him, writhing and crying out for him. He wanted you to feel him, to see him, for him to see you without the threat of losing you forever looming over your heads.
It was unfortunate that gorgons could only look other gorgons and their family in the eyes without the need for sunglasses. His mother explained once you and he married, you’d be able to gaze into each other’s eyes without you turning into stone. Marriage was in your future; of that the both of you were sure, but Jimin wanted to see you now, the wait was too long, in his opinion. But maybe he was just a little more desperate since the possibility arose upon talking to Jungkook. Regardless, the potion was here and now. All he needed was your consent.
You’re speechless. Utterly speechless. The cogs in your brain are turning, and yet, you’re not capable of formulating a coherent response.
Seconds tick by, and Jimin is still holding his breath as he awaits your answer. The anticipation and excitement are starting to trickle into anxiety. Was this not something you wanted as well?
“Really?!” you grasp his wrist, careful not to disturb the vial in his hands. Jimin nods enthusiastically, his smile doubling in size.
“Really, love. It works. I can finally look you in the eyes again,” Jimin presses a chaste kiss to your cheek, noting the heat beneath his lips when he does so.
“How long?” you ask, tongue feeling thick with nervousness and excitement. You’re too eager to see his beautiful chocolate brown eyes once again. It’s been too long since you’ve been able to see them and although it’s nighttime now, you hope one day you’ll be able to see them in the sunlight when the sun hits them at the right angle and the warmness of his irises is the same shade as the hot chocolate the two of you used to share as children on Christmas mornings. As bright and beautiful as a new sunrise, and as warm as the noon sky on the hottest summer day.
The windows to the soul, that’s what you’ve heard eyes called and although you knew what his soul contained, his love for you so deep it ran into every last bit of him, consumed him in the best way possible. Still, you yearned confirmation, yearned to see for yourself that the love you held for him was equally returned. To be able to see it with your own eyes and he with yours.
“Twenty-four hours,” Jimin licks his lips nervously. “I have to go through a refractory period of a week in between, but we have exactly twenty-four hours and not a minute more.”
You still can’t believe what he’s telling you. After The Incident you never thought this would be possible. Your emotions whirled inside you like a violent storm, fear, excitement, nervousness, giddiness, it all rumbled and tumbled inside you as you gazed into his sunglasses.
“Let’s go home,” you finally state firmly.
Jimin’s heart sinks in his chest. “Do you not want to do it?”
You place your hand on his, taking the vial from him to place back in its box where it’ll sit safely. You then place the box in Jimin’s breast pocket, placing your hand gently over his heart. It beats erratically under your palm, and you offer Jimin a weak smile.
“I don’t want to do it here. I want the first time I see your pretty eyes to be just for me and nobody else. I want to be able to hold you and kiss you as much as I want. To gaze into your eyes in the privacy of our own home where I can devour you after.” Jimin gulps at your words, nodding as he rises from his seat, reaching his hand out for you to take as you rise.
The both of you hastily head home, ignoring the celebrations around you, too focused on trying out the potion to care about anything else. Nothing could be more important than finally gazing into your boyfriend’s eyes on All Hallows Eve.
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Upon returning home, you’re pressed against the door, fumbling hands seeking the house key in your clutch as Jimin kisses your neck, distracting you. You moan, cursing his actions that lead to you dropping your clutch on the floor. You bend at the waist to grab it, opening it and shoving your key into the lock.
Jimin follows you into the apartment, kicking the door shut before he takes the box out of his suit jacket before draping it over the back of the couch. You kick your heels off, stumbling when your strap tangles around your ankle.
Jimin chuckles, his eyes in crescent moons as he does his best to cover his smile with his hand.
“Oh, bite me,” you scowl as you rip the heel off and toss it, grabbing his tie to pull him toward the bedroom. Jimin stumbles after you, arms flailing as you tug him into the bedroom before your lips are on his once again.
The kiss is slow and steady, his hand cupping your face as he gently caresses your cheek. His tongue pushes past the seam of your lips, tongue meeting yours as the kiss deepens and arousal pools deep in his belly. A guttural growl escapes him, teeth nipping your bottom lip, tugging it, and earning a wanton moan from your kiss-swollen lips.
“Fuck,” Jimin grunts, his forehead resting on yours. His sunglasses are sitting on his nose, your heart fluttering knowing you’d be able to see his eyes in just a moment. You raise your hand slowly, fingertips grazing his cheek, thumb pressing gently onto the apple of his cheek.
“I love you, no matter what, Jimin.” Jimin nods, swallowing thickly as he moves your hand off his face, turning it to press a featherlight kiss to your wrist.
Heat flushed to your face, avoiding his gaze and biting back a smile. Jimin chuckles at your reaction, kissing your forehead before he takes a step back.
With shaky fingers, he uncaps the glass vial. A swirl of smoke released into the air before the pungent smell of lilac hit his nostrils. Anticipation bubbles in your stomach, teeth gnawing at your bottom lip. Cold sweat beads on your hairline as Jimin raises the vial, pressing it to his plush lips before drinking the potion.
Thick silence fills the room, your fists clenched at your sides, nails digging into your palms. Adrenaline pumps through your body, inhaling and exhaling deeply to try and calm yourself. Jimin empties the contents of the vial, setting it on the nightstand after it’s been emptied.
“Jimin,” you whisper hesitantly as you step toward him. A dazzling smile illuminates his angelic face as he opens his arms to welcome you in.
His arms wrap around your waist as you stare at him, eyes squeezing shut as a precaution as your trembling hands reach for his sunglasses. Jimin holds his breath, his heart thundering in his chest, blood rushing in his ears. Slowly, so achingly slow, your shaky fingers remove his glasses. You fumble as you place them on the nightstand beside the empty vial.
Jimin releases a shuddered breath, a ringing in his ears that drowns out your heavy breaths. Your hands reach for him, lacing your fingers together and giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“I love you, Jimin,” you say softly, a smile on your lips. You’re not sure if the potion will work, and although Jimin has assured you it has and it will, the little voice in your head has doubts. You’ve survived turning to stone once but you’re not sure if you’d survive it again.
Jimin releases one of your hands, digging in his pants pocket to pull out another vial. He licks his lips, wetting them slightly but his mouth still runs dry. He clears his throat a few times. “I love you too, baby. So much. Open your eyes for me, princess.”
With a heart full of trust, you peer open your eyes and gasp.
The world stops.
Memories swirl in your mind, overwhelming you. Memories of Jimin’s honey eyes when the sunlight hits them just right in the summer after a long day running around in the fields near your homes. Frigid winter days where his eyes were as dark as the coffee your mothers brewed on Christmas morning, in which the both of you would walk into the kitchen holding hands to sit beside your mothers begging for just a sip of the delicious smelling liquid in their favorite mugs. Laughter as the both of you stayed up late during sleepovers, lying beside each other, Jimin’s eyes sparkling bright enough to rival the stars in the sky as you showed him how you had been able to form tiny snowflakes. The both of you huddled under your blankets with a flashlight, your hand sprouting snowflakes and little wisps of snow over the two of you, some landing on Jimin’s snakes, that would hiss and shiver atop his head until you gently pet them back to sleep. Muffled giggles escaping the both of you until your parents would come into your bedroom to tuck you both in again, your gloves placed back on your hands to protect you and Jimin.
“Jimin,” you breathe, tears rolling down your cheeks. “Jimin!” you crash into his arms, sobbing into his chest.
Jimin holds you close, his hand stroking your hair. “Shh, I’m right here, baby. I’m here.”
Sniffling, you laugh through your tears. Your eyes lock on his, your hands cupping his cheeks, his hands on your wrists to hold you in place as he looks adoringly into your eyes. “I’m dreaming.”
Jimin chuckles. “You’re not dreaming, baby.”
“It feels like I am. Jimin, they’re so pretty,” Jimin blushes, his eyes fluttering shut as you gently run your thumb over his eyelid. “So pretty.”
When he feels you move your hand, he opens his eyes once again. Seeing your twinkling eyes without the hindrance of his sunglasses is an entirely new experience. He swears he falls for you all over again.
Jimin doesn’t want to waste any more time, pulling you to him, lips slotting against yours, a perfect fit. The two of you kiss each other hungrily, hands exploring and undressing the other until you’re left in your underwear.
Jimin helps you onto the bed, where you lie on your back while he slots himself between your legs. His eyes take in every inch of you as if seeing you for the first time. He drinks you in, tongue sweeping across his bottom lip as he kisses you again, moaning when your fingers weave through his hair, tugging at the roots.
“Baby,” he groans, melting into you.
His name rolls off your tongue, teeth nipping at his bottom lip. Jimin curses, growling before he’s pining your hands to the pillow beneath your head. His eyes are sharp, dark, and dangerous as he looks down at you. You clench around nothing, thighs trying to press together but end up squeezing Jimin’s hips instead.
Jimin smirks, “Who knew you’d be so needy for me just by seeing my eyes again?”
“Please, you had this planned. You had to have an inkling, baby,” you roll your eyes playfully, earning a scoff from your boyfriend.
Before you can say anything else, his lips are on yours again, his hands roaming every delectable inch of your body. A wanton moan escapes you when his hands cup your breasts, thumbs gently rubbing your sensitive nipples until they’re hard. A shaky breath leaves you, back arching into his as his lips suck one nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck, Jimin,” you whimper at the sensation, needing to feel more of him, of his touch. You try to grind your hips on his but he moves out of reach as his fingers pinch and roll your other nipple, gently tugging until you’re moaning and writhing beneath him.
Lust burns in your veins, your pussy pulsating as you yearn to be stuffed with his cock. Jimin listens to your sweet cries, switching from one breast to the other as his hand slides between your bodies, resting over your panty-clad cunt.
“Soaked through these already, love?” He asks with a smug smile on his lips. You nod, thighs quivering as you try to pull him closer. “Perhaps we should get rid of them?” His fingers dance over the thin material, adding pressure to your clit. You whine, begging him to take them off you.
Jimin must be in a giving mood because he easily does as you ask, ripping your panties to shreds. He has the gall to look at you apologetically, “oops.”
“Oops,” you mock. “Jimin.”
“I’ll get you new ones,” he promises, distracted by your thighs parting further. Oh, he’s definitely been missing out on seeing you without his sunglasses. He’s seeing you in a new light, his mouth watering as he takes a thigh into each hand, peppering kisses on one before switching to the other.
Your head lolls back, hands gripping the sheets beneath you as he nips and sucks at the sensitive flesh before his fingers are running over your folds. You’re so wet. So fucking wet. Jimin licks his lips, his fingertips teasingly rubbing your clit lightly to see you writhe, to hear you beg him for more in that breathy tone that makes his cock throb.
When you beg, he gives in. He wants to pleasure you, to see every second of you moaning and coming for him, falling apart until you’re too exhausted to go on, and then beg for more anyway.
Jimin teases your entrance with one finger, pushing in slowly as your hands cup your breasts, stimulating your nipples as you ask him to add a second finger. He does so, curling his fingers and pumping them in and out slowly. His eyes are on your face, taking in every small detail as you allow pleasure to wash over your heated flesh.
You bite your lip in a poor effort to muffle your moans, hair splayed on the pillow, mussed from you writhing under his touch when his lips wrap around your clit. His tongue flicks it, circles around it, and sucks as his fingers fuck you in tandem. A sheen of sweat covers your body and you raise your hand, flicking your fingers to create a soft, barely-there snowfall to cool you off.
Snowflakes fall onto your body, surprising Jimin when they dust his hair. He chuckles, a brow raised as he looks you in the eyes. “Too hot to handle?”
“Extremely,” you admit, moaning when the snowflakes hit your skin and melt almost immediately. You allow the snow to fall for a minute longer before waving them away, thankful to be cooled down somewhat, mind clear enough to focus on your boyfriend and his tongue as it licks and swirls in your cunt. He eats you with reckless abandon, devouring you like a man starved, drawing the most obscene cries he’s ever heard and you’ve ever made. You know you’ll be embarrassed when you run into your neighbors tomorrow morning, but that’s a problem for you in the future.
Your hand reaches down, grabbing a handful of Jimin’s blonde and colorful locks, thankful he’s enchanted his snakes for the night. You loved being able to grab handfuls of his soft tresses, tugging and pulling without being hissed at or bitten. Not that they were ever present in these intimate moments, but sometimes kisses grew a little deeper, hands lingered a little longer until a nip from Milo and the gang ruined it.
Jimin looks up at you from between your thighs, lips, and chin glistening with your arousal. His eyes are dark, hooded as he spreads your lower lips with his fingers, maintaining eye contact while he licks a broad stripe along your folds. It’s erotic, sinful when he does it a second time before diving in, intent on making you come with just his tongue. And he does so with your thighs clamping his head, your hands tugging at his golden locks and your dulcet cries rising in octaves until you’re sobbing his name when your high hits you fast and hard. Jimin doesn’t stop until you’re a trembling mess, nails digging into his scalp almost painfully and thighs threatening to suffocate him. He lives for these moments, loves them immensely.
“Fuck, you nearly drowned me,” he chuckles, licking his lips as he savors your taste. His fingers gently spread your folds, his cock twitching when he sees the creaminess between. “I feel like I’ve been missing out on so much.”
“And now you don’t have to, Minnie. Come here,” you pat the spot beside you and Jimin obeys immediately, kissing your lips and slipping his tongue into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself.
A gasp leaves his lips when your hand wraps around his cock, palming him over his boxers. He groans, his forehead pressed to your shoulders as he watches your hand stroke him. You want to tease him, to have him begging and pleading for more but it’s a special night and you want to please him, to have him trembling like he’d made you just minutes before.
“Lie back,” you say as you scoot out of the way, allowing him to take your spot. He does so, not questioning you as he lays his head on the pillow. You climb over his thick thigh, mouth-watering at the sight of it flexing and you entertain the idea of riding it, but that’s for another day. Right now, his dick is calling for your attention, hard as a rock and still trapped in his boxers.
With quick hands, you’re tugging his boxers down his muscular thighs to discard on your bedroom floor. You nearly drool at the sight of his thick cock lying on his lower abdomen, pre-cum pooling just beneath his belly button.
Jimin wraps his hand around his cock, fisting it once before he’s smearing his pre-cum on the tip of his cock. You watch on with hungry eyes, too eager to get your mouth around him. You kneel between his legs, easily replacing his hand with yours.
“Just like that, baby,” Jimin encourages you with a fiery gaze that has your thighs pressing together. Familiarity guides you as you stroke him, adding the right pressure and going at the right speed. You take a moment to allow saliva to pool in your mouth before you’re spitting on his cock.
Jimin grunts, eyes fluttering shut as your tongue licks him from base to tip, spreading your spit to allow for an easier glide. You take your time licking and teasing his shaft, your warm mouth eventually enveloping him and giving him a gentle suckle. Jimin sits up, resting his weight on one elbow while his other hand grips your hair gently.
Without needing to be prompted, you take him in your mouth. His cock sits heavy on your tongue briefly before you swirl your tongue around the head. Mouth warm and wet as you bob up and down his length, listening to his moans and groans for guidance. Jimin sinks his teeth into his lip, cursing when he hits the back of your throat time and time again. You’re an expert when it comes to giving him head, allowing him to fuck your throat again and again until he’s shooting his load down your throat.
“Fuck, baby. Keep going,” he pleads in a sultry tone. You tongue at his slit, your hand rolling his balls in your palm. When you gag, Jimin groans, wanting to hear more but he resists the urge to fuck your throat, allowing you to go at your own pace. You know what he likes, you know how to get him to the edge, near tears and toes curling if you so wish, so he enjoys your ministrations and moans your name in a breathy tone. A tone so sweet, so pretty it rivals a siren’s.
One of your hands slips between your thighs, finding your clit and rubbing it in slow teasing circles as you take the length of his cock down your throat. Jimin’s eyes meet yours, and when your nose meets his pelvis, he knows he’s gone.
Just looking at you on your knees, mouth stuffed with his cock, drool escaping your lips, and your hand between your thighs furiously rubbing your clit because you’re too aroused from sucking his cock to go without any pleasure, is too much for him. A few broken cries of your name escape his pretty lips, eyes squeezed shut as he whimpers a warning of his impending orgasm.
You’re only encouraged by his breathless warning, speeding up and hollowing out your cheeks as you bob up and down. You breathe through your nose, focusing on making your ethereal boyfriend cum and as his hips rise off the bed, hand fisting your hair, and a sob of your name escaping his pouty lips, he cums. Rope after thick rope coats your tongue, filling your mouth as you continue to suck him dry. Jimin whines and whimpers until you release his cock, oversensitivity setting in as you swallow.
With lust-filled eyes he watches you swallow every drop, even collecting the few that have escaped your mouth and coated your lips. Without a second thought, he’s kissing you, tasting himself on your tongue when he’s maneuvering you onto the bed with him on top.
The atmosphere shifts when he’s on top. Gone are the hurried kisses and the almost too harsh gropes. Welcomed are the slow sensual kisses that leave you breathless and the gentle hands that caress every beautiful inch of your body. Jimin’s careful with you, almost as if he’s afraid to hurt you as if you’re made of glass. He touches you softly, leaves featherlight kisses on your skin and blooming marks to show where he’s been.
His hands clasp yours, lips moving in perfect sync as the two of you kiss, enjoying one another. There’s been plenty of nights spent like this, wrapped in each other, the world is long forgotten as you make love well into the morning when the sun's rays start to peek over the horizon and through the crack in the curtains in the otherwise dark bedroom. Sweet murmurs of ‘I love you's exchanged in between giggles and kisses, and promises of forever. Moments you’ll cherish for the rest of your life with Jimin, each wrapped up in a pretty bow and locked away in your heart for safekeeping.
Jimin kisses each of your fingertips on your left hand, taking your ring finger a second time to plant a kiss just below the second knuckle. A silent promise to you of his intent to marry you someday in the future. To build a life, a marriage, a family with you without the need for potions to just gaze lovingly in your eyes. The thought makes his heart somersault. Someday you’d be his bride, his wife, the mother of his children, and the thought warms his heart.
You’re both surprised when a tear lands on your cheek, worry reflected in your eyes as Jimin laughs breathlessly. He touches his cheek, feeling the wetness from another tear that’s rolled down his cheek.
“I didn’t realize I was feeling so sentimental,” he chuckles, sniffling as you wrap your arms around him to bring him close. He rests his head between your breasts as you hold him, fingers threading through his hair like you always have when he’s upset and in need of your touch. It soothes him. The action is enough to make him feel safe and comfortable in your hold, knowing you’d be at his side until he was okay once again.
A kiss to his temple has him looking up at you, a smile on his lips when your eyes meet. You poke the tip of his nose with your finger, drawing his attention as you create a circle in the air. A snowflake appears, followed by another and another. Three snowflakes. His initial, a heart, and your initial are all in the air until they flutter onto your skin and melt.
It brings a smile to his face, memories of long ago resurfacing once again as he raises his head and presses his lips to yours. There’s no rush in your kiss, enjoying the taste of the other as you hold each other close.
Long caresses, soft moans, and pleas for more are what lead the two of you to make love. His lips trail kisses from your lips to your neck, not surprised to see you waving your hand to produce a square ice cube in your hand. Jimin takes it, popping it into his mouth to speed up the melting process, slurping the excess water before he’s placing it in his hand.
Jimin’s lips are cold when he kisses you, tongue meeting yours and sucking it into his mouth as he swallows your moans. His fingers grip the melting ice, slowly putting it between your breasts. You gasp, arching into him as he runs the ice over one pert nipple and then the other.
His gaze never falters from yours too enamored with the way your lips part every time you moan, your light twitches, and your eyes rolling back as your head tilts back on the pillow. Your breathing grows heavy, your thighs quiver and another wave of arousal washed over you.
“Jimin,” you moan his name, trembling when the ice melts on your abdomen. The cool water trickles down your side and into the sheets but that doesn’t stop Jimin’s tongue from licking up the remains. You watch with a fiery gaze, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you spread your legs for him, inviting him in.
Jimin doesn’t need to be told twice, moving between your supple thighs and you wrap them around him to keep him in place… not that he wants to be anywhere else.
His lips find yours, your hands twine with his as he rocks into you slowly. His soft grunts and your dulcet moan fill the space between you. His hair falls over his eyes, sweat beading on his skin and he makes a poor attempt to blow his hair out of his eyes.
Jimin’s brows furrow, an annoyed look crossing his features as his hair blocks his view of you and your pleasure.
It doesn’t last long, however, because you come to the rescue with your gentle hands, pushing his hair out of his eyes and gripping it as you bring him to your lips for a sweet kiss. Jimin knows he can always count on you, and a grin breaks across his lips as he kisses you and fucks you deeper, making sure you can feel every ridge and inch of his cock. It’s for you. It’s all for you and he’d fill you to the brim with his cock and cum every second of every day if you pleased. He’d do anything for you and he hopes you know that.
“I love you,” you murmur against his lips when your orgasm is near. You’re panting, rocking your hips against his, and trying your best to maintain eye contact. You want your boyfriend to see you come undone, to see every bit of pleasure that he makes you feel. You want Jimin to see every last detail of you coming unhindered by those cursed sunglasses he’s forced to wear to keep you from turning to stone forever.
“I love you, baby,” he whispers in response, you’re answering moan assuring him that you’ve heard him. He kisses you, encouraging you to find your release, to come wrapped around his cock as he grips your hip, moving your leg higher on his waist. He fucks you deeper from this angle, his cock kissing your cervix with every thrust and sends you spiraling, spiraling, spiraling until you’re falling apart beneath with a cry of his name so loud there’s no way the entire building hasn’t heard it. But all that matters is that Jimin’s heard it, and pride swells in his chest as he continues to fuck you into oblivion, cursing as you continue to pulsate around him.
“I love you so much, princess. Love you now and love you forever,” he promises, his eyes locked on yours as his thrusts grow sloppy, groans growing guttural as he comes apart. A moan of your name leaves his lips, followed by a whimper as he cums inside you again and again.
“Oh, Jimin,” You kiss him, unable to hold back from the pretty cries he makes. You kiss him until he’s spent, ruefully pulling out of you to lay at your side. He pulls you to his chest, his arm encircling your waist as you place your head on his sweaty chest.
Jimin laces your hands together, squeezing them before bringing them to his lips, planting a kiss on yours.
“I don’t want this to end,” he says, tone full of sorrow. You sit up slightly to look at him. His eyes display his sadness.
“Hey, I’m happy with every second we get. You’ve given us a wonderful gift, Jimin. A beautiful gift,” you caress his cheek lovingly and he leans into your touch. His eyes are easy to read, love and adoration clear in them. Is this how he always looked at you? Is this what his glasses hide to keep you (and everyone else) safe?
“I’m grateful for this. To see you in all your glory and be able to look at you without the fear of you turning into stone. To see you radiant in front of me without my stupid sunglasses distorting your magnificent glow. It’s going to suck going back to wearing sunglasses when I've experienced your true beauty,” Jimin sighs heavily as you cuddle into his side.
“But you’ll be able to do it weekly,” you remind him. He nods, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“It’ll be worth it,” he responds, nuzzling his face into your hair. “We can spend that day at home if you’d like. Just the two of us.”
“I’d like that,” you say, listening to the steady beat of his heart as he rubs your shoulder. Happiness radiates off the both of you, sharing kisses and sweet nothings as you hold each other close.
You don’t want to sleep, not wanting to miss even a minute of your time gazing into his eyes but eventually, sleep overtakes you, sleepily murmuring for Jimin to set an alarm to wake you in the morning. He does so, assuring you he’ll be by your side all night and when you wake, his eyes will be the first thing you see.
Jimin watches you sleep, holding you in his arms through the night. His eyes roam to the vial on the nightstand containing the blue liquid he’s thankful he didn’t have to use. Hoseok was a real powerful warlock to achieve what he had tonight. Jimin would have never thought it was possible to look you in the eyes again and even though the potion is a temporary solution, deep in his heart he knows that once a week is not enough for him.
And as his thoughts consume him until he’s so drowsy he begins dozing off. One thing is clear though, you would be his wife by next Hallows Eve.
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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nelapanela94 · 2 years
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Another drabble following this story dedicated to the beautiful @notgoodforlife
TW: SMUT. MDNI. Soft sex, stablished relationship, cunnilingus, fingering, penetration.
WC: ~3k.
Shiganshina. December 851.
“Where’s is Violet?” You ask, clutching the eiderdown tight to your chest to secure the hood.
“She chose to stay in the headquarters for the weekend.”
Miles away, a sneeze breaks through the girls’ ward. Violet rubs her ice-cold nose and sneaks a hand under the pillow, a small smile dangles in her lips. There it is, the big banknote Levi slipped under her door to shoo her away for the weekend.
Now, the house is all yours. The ends justify the means.
“It’s good she bonds.”
“Uh-huh.” Levi pours the wine, hands you your mug and burrows next to you.
Fire pops from the hearth, ember tendrils lap the walls, the golden gleam peppering your faces in luster, craving the curves of your cheeks in marble. The air is rich with the scent of cinnamon and liquor notes, the sweet, homey smell of December. Against the windows, the sharp wintry wind sloshes, making the hinges creak.
Levi clears his throat, stifles a yawn in his fist and drapes an arm around you, drawing you to his chest.
“I feel like we’re seventeen again.”
“Only missing that hellish rotting smell.”
You nuzzle against him, letting out a chuckle. “How much did you bribe her with?”
“Don’t know what you talking about.”
“Oh, come on Levi, you did the same thing with Isabel.” You take a long swill and reach out, placing the half empty mug on the coffee table with a dull clank. “That’s how you got me pregnant.”
“Oh, fuck.” He looks away, cherry pink heating his face, and no, it’s not the drink.
A tittering giggle shakes you, deepening the redness on his pallor. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Levi.” You draw a heart on his cheek, tracing and retracing the strokes. Only his eyes flick down to you, catching that playful smile that always put him in his knees before you. He slams down the content of his cup to the bottom. Warmth rises in his lower belly, and he fights it, tightening his hand around the ceramic. “How long has it been…” You take hold of his chin and tip his face to you. “Since you and I…” fruity notes douse his mouth, you use that tone that shears the wires of self-restrain.
“You sure?” His halting breath comes out in white clouds. “If you get me started, I won’t be able to stop.” You can feel the curve of his smile against your cheek, his heart jackhammering in his chest, pumping all the blood downward. You snatch the cup of his hand and place it next to yours, where it belongs.
Damn, that gorgeous cock you miss.
His hand slithers between your thighs, caressing over your nightie pants, but the warmth he exudes pierces through the weave. “You don’t need that eiderdown.” He yanks it off, and the piercing cold of the room crashes against your skin. Then he removes the scarf, and takes out your knitted cap. The incalescence you emanate seeps through every pore. “C’mere.” He slips his hands under your buttocks and scoops you up, fitting you over his legs. A moan dribbles from his lips at your weight pressing on his erection. You rock your hips, grinning haughtily, and hissing, he throws his head back, holding his bottom lip between his teeth. “Stop that.” He gnarls, but you keep grinding over clothes.
“You gonna come to this?”, you quip. And embarrassingly, if you keep going, he might. “If you want me to stop, make me.”
You’re playing with fire; trespassing a dangerous zone.
He lowers his chin. Droopy eyes smirk at you, his pupils so wide, surrounded by a thin ring of grayish blue. “I said stop that.” His tone is menacing. His fingertips drill into your waist, bringing you to a halt with a savage jolt. You fight against his grip, but his hands don’t yield as if they’re wielded to you.
“You win.”
That devilish smirk broadens, eliciting ripples of need in your core. That blissful tickling seizes your insides. You suck your lips, coating them in sheen, and cup his face in your hands. His forehead rests against yours, and he closes his eyes, his palms sauntering up to your shoulders. His voice softens. “I love you, Y/N. I fucking love you.” He’s body is trembling. “You gave me more than I could have imagined.” His gaze rests on you, and tears begin to prickle at the corners of your eyes. Your heart whistles the cheesiest song.
“I love you too, Levi.” You quaver. A crystal bead runs down your cheek, and he sweeps it away with his thumb, his callous touch so feather-like on your skin. “Fucking kiss me already.”
Laughing, he shakes his head. How much you missed that laugh. A mirthful melody reserved just for you. You fist his collar and tow him to your mouth, lips crashing and blending in perfect synchronization. Your tongue glides daintily between his lips and doesn’t wait for permission to slip into his mouth. A desperate little moan wrings out from him as your tongue swirls and sweeps with his, your fingers playing with his hair, caressing his prickly undercut. It’s just a kiss, and the world tips upside down. It’s you and him, and nothing else exists beyond the walls.
You're boiling with anticipation, your breathing becoming heavier and more urgent as his daring hands tug out the hem of your hoodie from the waistband and sneak under, taking a full of your bulgy tummy. After giving birth, that part of your body was never the same again, not even after strenuous training sessions. But he loves it, the flabby rolls, the rain streaks, the lightning bolts of life across your belly. The self-consciousness wane after years of Levi worshipping your body, admiring every scar, and tracing them with his fingertips, kissing them. If he could freeze your image, he would hang it in the permanent exhibition of his mental museum to come back whenever he needs to.  He pulls apart and blurts, “I want to see you.”
His touch unravels a storm of meteorites within you as he slips your sweater over your head. “Beautiful.”
He cups your breasts, kneading them, rolling your perky nipples under his thumb, and he can feel your heartbeat threatening to breach your chest. You close your eyes to a thin sliver; spools of sweet sounds weave out of your lips. Your back arches, and moist hovers over your right bud. Your arms wind around him as if to keep him there forever, but he cocks his head up, lips parted and dewy forming a smile. “Feet on the floor.”
You comply. He slides off the couch and kneels, wedging between your legs. His fingers hook at the waistband of your pants and panties and pull down. You raise your hips the necessary for him to wriggle the meandering clothes off. His hands stride up from your ankles to your knees, and he spreads them apart, taking in a long sniff of that scent that clouds all his senses, which turns him into a ravenous man. Starved for so long, traces of coherent thoughts erase. All he can think right now is to bury his face between your thighs and quench his thirst. The way he’s looking at you makes you blush hard.
Two fingers easily run along your glistening slit, parting those swollen pussy lips, taking the tiny pearl between his knuckles, stroking. You choke in a gasp, floundering your legs in despair. “What the hell you waiting for?” Your whine tugs up the corners of his lips.
With a brash move, he scoots you closer to the edge. “What do you want me to do?”
“You can’t be real.” You look down, twisting his hair in your hands, dragging him to where you need him now.
“This?” He sticks his tongue out and laves all the juices all the way up to your clit. You wince at the tide of pleasure crashing at your shore. And you believed your fingers could give you what your body coveted. How silly of you. Levi knew where to touch and how to to make you soar in clouds of ecstasy. “Or this?” You watch him sealing his lips over the unhooded bud, making that nasty suckling sound that turns the dial of your need to the highest intensity.  his name comes out in moans as he flicks his tongue, alternating motions and pressures that oblige you to grind your pussy against his face. But no, he’s not letting you do what you want, tonight he sets the tempo.
With a tight grip at your hips, he locks you in place, ignoring your pouting. his tongue darts down, ghosting around your entrance. You heave a whimper, begging, but he’s just too strong, you can’t jerk up your hips. “What about this?” He flits the tip of his tongue, and then it disappears within you.
“Holy walls!” you croak. Your hands clutch at the fluffy eiderdown until your fingers go numb and white, and you swear you’re going to snap only by seeing the ribald show. Your back sinks into the back of the couch and your eyes close, shutting down your thoughts, and focusing only on the blissful sensations he elicits in you.
His tongue pampers your clit with frenzied strokes that drag you near the edge in seconds. You loll your head back. Your toes curl, sweat beads down your chest and abdomen, and right when you’re about to explode, he reels back and crams two fingers inside, but he doesn’t work them in and out, instead, he prods the spongy spot with ‘come here’ motions that bring you even higher. And when his thumb starts swirling over your clit, you know it’s a matter of seconds.
Your body twitches violently, eyes squeezing tight, mouth open in a big O, and all the pent-up tension bursts. “LEVI!!!!!” your legs flutter in the air, toes whisking the edge of the coffee table as he takes your orgasm in a long ride of rapturous delight. The world shuts. It’s just you, sprawled on the sofa, and the sounds of your erratic breathing.
Little by little, your senses start to process stimuli that redefine the edges of reality. Plumose kisses smother your quivering legs, you can feel his lips reconquering every inch.
“Levi”, you mumble, scooting down your eyes.
“Uh?” His gaze meets yours, and from the tip of his nose to his chin he’s coated in ambrosia.
“Fuck me.”
“Your wishes are my commands.” He hauls up onto his feet, his erection peeking out from the elastic of his pants. He frees himself from the bristles of his clothes, and you relish the view. His rippling muscles etched in bronze, his cock standing tall and proud, precum oozing from the tip. Your sensitive pussy clenches, eager to take him all.
Levi smiles, giving himself a few strokes to release the tension, and joins you in the couch, his knees sagging the cushioned seats between your legs. He kisses you as his chest melts with yours, and his hardness aligns to your opening. You can feel it poking around, and break the kiss, pleading with your eyes.
“I know,” he kisses, “you like it rough,” kiss, “but tonight,” kiss, “I’ll show you,” kiss, “how much I love you.” His mouth reels to your ear, his words echo in your hair. “For being the best thing that ever happened to me, for giving me a family, for sticking with me when the world was falling apart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, grow old and wrinkly by your side, me complaining about our nosy grandkids while you knit winter caps, until your tits touch the ground, and my cock can’t stand on its own. I’ll love you to the last of my days.”
“Levi” your voice breaks into a sob. he gazes down at you so lovingly, his hand cupping your cheek as he kisses away your tears.
Not to brag, but you’re the luckiest person in the world.
This is the first time he doesn’t feel like a piece of shit for making you cry.
Patiently, he enters you, holding his breath in concentration as he stretches your walls, reveling in every inch that swaddles him without taking his eyes off yours. Once fully in, he stills. In the original position in which you were molded. His heart in sync with your drumming beats. He relaxes, letting out the contained air.
He snuggles his face into the crook of your neck and finds your hands. Fingers fusing. He licks the sensitive spot beneath your jaw and nips lightly before starting to roll his hips. He pulls out until only the tip is left inside you and thrusts back in, straining time. Your body clenches around him, pulling out a low groan that tangles in your hair. And when he hits something deep within you, your eyes flutter close.
His luscious thrusts morphed into deep long pumps, your hips eagerly meeting his, stroke after stroke. Levi clamps his eyes shut, pursing his lips into a thin line; you’re squeezing him so tight he’s not sure he can hold it up for long.
“Fuck… you feel so good, you feel so good,” your cheek nuzzles to the side of his head, and your lips shape an o, cajoling the highest notes of the tune you both compose, set, from this point on, in a continuous crescendo. Again, that delightful sensation swarms in your core, heralding your release. Levi tenses and you know he’s close too.
“Don’t pull out.”
“Fuck.” His eyes flit. His thrusts are harder, faster, causing the couch legs rattle against the floor. “You’re beautiful, beautiful, beautiful…” he chants heavenly.
“Levi, I- “
“Me too.”
He lets go of one hand to prop his weight and kisses you, hungrily, as if he’d been deprived of food for weeks and your lips were fresh fruit. The strings of self-control snap, and his movements become erratic, clumsily paced. You squirm, your fumbling legs imprison him, and your nails sink into the taut muscles of his back, carving red lines that convey your desperation.  
And the earth stops spinning. For a second, it’s just you and him, and nothing else. A low grunt burbles out from his chest, brushing your worn-out lips. He nails his eyes shut and stills as he spurts every drop of his essence deep inside you. And finally collapses.
When the dizziness ebbs, he pulls at the covers and wrapped your entwined bodies into a cocoon from which he’d never escape. And because he doesn’t want the cold to bite his ass.
Your breaths mingle together, and you can smell the faint whiff of lavender soap under his sweat. Blindly, you reach out and touch his cheek.
If he were to define home, it would be in your arms.
For all the days you pretended to be brave, and he blameless. For the lonely nights, and for all those cold encounters in which your bodies seemed alien and soulless.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He dozes off first to the soothing fondling in his hair.
Violet’s resting against the wall, finger pads rapping on the cold stone. If Levi doesn’t stop pacing like a maniac from side to side, she’ll trip him up. His frantic steps are sapping her sanity.
“Why they take so long?” He grunts and rams his hands into his pockets. Every scream is a stab to the heart. How can you be so brave?
“Do you want a boy or a girl?” Violet tries to swerve the situation. “Cause I want a baby brother.”
“A healthy child.”
Violet smiles.
Baby wails take over from the room out to the hall, and two pairs of grayish blue eyes bang in apprehension. They exchange glances, both rushing to the door.
“Get your hand off, I’m going first.”
“The fuck you talking about? I’m the father, I’m going in first.” He shoves her away, but she lashes back.
“It’s my sibling.”
“And I made the brat, so it’s my win.”
“Shut up! You gonna get us kicked out of the hospital.” Two Ackermans quarreling is a luring show.
The door clicks from the inside, and the two ravenettes step back. A friendly smile spreads over chubby cheeks. “Congratulations, Captain Levi.” The nurse steps aside and lets them in. Pretty much, they crash into the room.
You cast a deathly glare, and they zip their lips.
The new bundle of joy sleeps peacefully in your arms. Violet can’t contain her effervescence and drags a chair to the side of the bed. “Please tell me he’s a boy.”
“Say hi to your little brother.”
A stifled shriek pierces through her as she pumps her fists to the air.
Smiling, Levi brushes away a curl of your face. “Are you alright?” He leans and places a kiss on your forehead.
“I am. Only tired.”
“I’m proud of you.”
The baby yawns, and you three chuckle, captivated by his serenity and little snores. Violet snuggles at your left and Levi at your right, his butt in the air. Your family crammed in a hospital bed. And this is all you need right now. Joy and gratitude flow through you. However, the smell of iron and ashes of war waft in the air. You’re out of the battlefield, unarguably. Right now, all your strength and energy are geared to this new life. Levi and Violet will manage themselves. You close your eyes, and take a cleansing breath, letting it dredge the edginess before it scours your happiness.
“Can we ask Onyankopon to paint a picture of us with that weird device?”
“It’s not a painting, Violet. But that would be nice.”
“You thought of a name already?”
“Me neither.” Levi says.
“Do you have one in mind Vi?” You stroke her hair.
“Leo.” You taste it in your mouth. “I like it. What do you think, Levi?”
Leo. Violet. His children’s names carrying the halves of his.
“It’s perfect.”
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moemammon · 4 years
Little, soft things the demon brothers do around GN!MC
Lucifer humming along to the record he's playing while he guides you around the room by the hand, easing you into a private slow dance. He spins you around and your eyes lock, and you swear you feel your heart skip a beat from the warmth you feel in his gaze.
Mammon sitting on the ground between your legs, talking around the toothbrush in his mouth while you towel dry his damp hair, wet from his shower. He laughs when you brush the towel against his ears, and glances back at you. You almost forgot his ears were ticklish!
Levi settling down on the bench next to you and easing one of his earbuds into your ear, so you both can enjoy the new playlist he's put together. His heart's pounding loudly enough to hear over the music, but you don't say anything about it. You also don't mention how you notice him stealing glances at you, watching for your reactions.
Satan openly laughing when he watches the way your nose wrinkles up after blowing dust off of a bookshelf. Then he sneezes, because some of the dust blew his way, too... Now you're both laughing while he gently wipes away stray dust from your face. He lets his hand linger on your cheek for a bit, but you don't seem to mind.
Asmo carefully manicuring your hands while you tell him all about your day. He's listening carefully, commenting on the bits that interest him, occasionally asking you to adjust your hand in his. When he's finished, he kisses your palms and smiles up at you, his eyes so gentle you'd swear he was looking into your soul.
Beel holding your hand as gently as possible while the two of you walk through town, like he's handling a baby bird, because he's afraid of hurting you. Somehow, the warmth of your hand always seems to fill his stomach, AND his heart. You don't mind if he holds it until you get home, right?
Belphie leaning over your shoulder with his chin against you while he watches you stir sugar into your coffee, not so stealthily wrapping his arms around your torso. He presses his face into your back, letting out a soft breath that makes you shiver. You wonder if he might fall asleep standing up.
1K notes · View notes
starfirette · 4 years
ceNew Lovehapter fie
part one | part two | masterlist | chapter five
a/n: this is a happier version of the snk universe so everything’s low key chill rn. Uhmmmm this is really long. I got carried away. It doesn’t even meet the actual premise of the anon’s request. It’s got the general outline. So yeah sorry about whatever this is. 
tags: @honeylavender13 @kaimagotchii @captainchrisstan @multi-fandom-fanfic @levisnackajack
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The ground beneath your feet was soft. 
It was refreshing after the hours long ride in the public coach that took you from Dauper to the castle. 
The large yard of plush grass was well kept, and it led straight to the large array of crafted wood and stone. It amassed to a large castle that stretched more wide than it did tall. The sun that was setting seemed to linger just above the tallest point of the castle, making the entire scene like that from a fairy tale. It was an image that would be forever imprinted in your mind. 
Today marks the beginning of the second ever family reunion at the survey corps’s castle. It’s a grandiose event that has left the majority of the population in a permanent uproar of happiness. The last event was exactly a year ago. Between then, and now, you’d been pacing in your little house. It lifted part of the weight on your shoulders. This weight had been invisible up until one year ago. Departing the castle made you realize just how lonely and sad you were being alone. Your house had more beds unused that you would have liked. It was small, but it felt so vast to you being there alone. You spent your time doting on your new flower vase. It was never seen without a fresh bouquet of the flowers. But, that didn’t mean much. Especially if you’re the only one there who ever gets to appreciate your knack for flower arrangement. Believe it or not, that was a class the Interior society offered. You and the late Armin had been gifted three free classes on flower arranging. You had lots of fun. But your poor fellow spent the entire time sneezing and itching his eyes. 
You know that he would have appreciated the efforts you made to keep yourself from spiraling into insanity. He would have done his best to keep you busy. You, on the other hand, were being rather lazy. You found side work taking your neighbors’ dogs for walks or for grooming their stable horses. It was more for something to do than it was for money. You still had a good amount amassed  in your savings. 
Between that and the flowers, you had one thing that kept you sane; letters. You liked the days when four letters were left for you at the village post. One from your son, who always detailed his latest adventures. One from your godson, who detailed his latest feats and learnings about being a titan. One from your goddaughter, who always sent you bundles of pretty fabric she found while at town markets, and updates about how the boys were doing. And then there was one from him. Since your first meeting, you couldn’t keep him out of your mind. He was handsome, smart, and respected. He had a way of making you swoon just by reading his letters. He didn’t realize it, but he has a way with words that you couldn’t explain. Some letters made your heart beat fast; others had you pinched with desperate desire to just be in his arms and feel his body against your own. 
Now, at the castle, you wouldn’t need letters. You would have the real thing. 
You stepped to the rear end of the community coach. A footman was passing out trunks and other pieces of luggage. While they waited, the other mothers and fathers made idle chatter with their newly made friends. Other carriages and coaches rolled up through the little gap in the woods. The road was narrow there, but no one had trouble emerging from the mouth of the blossoming trees. It was a journey worth taking if only for the view. The castle was incredibly well kept, as were its grounds. The plush green grass stretched out with rocky paths that led up to the large doors. 
You held your hand out for your large trunk as the footman waved it around to find its owner.
You hoisted the trunk onto your shoulder before hurrying down the path to reach the doors that were swung open. 
Your velvet red skirt swished around your ankles, revealing the tips of your periwinkle shoes as they dashed over the grass. You’d made the effort to dress nicely because you knew this would be the second time you could see Him. He didn’t care about your appearance. He didn’t mind any outfit you wore. Or he wouldn’t mind. You knew that. But still, you couldn’t help but feel the urge to look nice for him. You hoped he would look at you and see a voluptuous rose . Although, just thinking that made you feel incredibly bashful. You didn’t need to be a voluptuous rose. The red skirt was tied with a waist belt made from leather that kept your white, flowy blouse tucked in. You didn’t look too fancy, or so you tried to assure yourself. There were several other people here that looked much more ‘dignified’.
You set your trunk down at the edge of the large foyer. The open doors allowed the breeze of the summer evening to waft in and tickle your showing skin. 
The castle was grandly decorated. You took a minute to admire the general splendor of the décor. It was obviously immaculate and pristine, the same has it had been when you were last here. Heavy banners of quality forest green fabric were hung around, displaying the Corps’s emblem. The many sets of staircases had garland crafted from seasonal flora intertwining the banisters.
There was a warmer aura than there had been last time. You noticed soft carpets now lined the walkways towards the other parts of the castle. 
A strong voiced soldier called out to the people. You took your trunk in hand and lugged it to the center of the large foyer where everyone else gathered to hear an announcement. 
You struggled to see the man clearly. You’d met the Commander of the Corps briefly last year. You could only see glimpses of him now as you tried to look around the figures of others taller than you. 
“It is,” he said loudly, though happily, “with great pleasure that I greet you all here this evening. We have all been excited and overjoyed to commence the second ever family reunion here at our castle. Several of our junior soldiers and younger cadets are still out doing fieldwork just thirty minutes away from the castle. I, as well as other colleagues, will help you all make your way to your rooms. The guest halls are open for anyone to take a room as they please.”
The crowd dispersed loudly; parents pulled their children up the stairs. Toddlers shrieked at being told they could not explore the castle, but instead had to remain in their father’s arms as they went up the stairs.
You lugged your trunk back up to your shoulder. 
“Will the famed Madame allow me to carry her things?” a deep voice purred beside your ear. You were surprised to see the Captain Levi Ackerman behind you. He was dressed out of uniform; this evening he bore dark grey dress pants and an overcoat to match. His usual cravat was missing, so his collar was undone just enough that you could see the sharp indents of his clavicle. 
Your cheeks gathered a blush as you met the Captain’s eyes. “Hello, Captain.” 
“Madame,” he said again. “It’s lovely to see you again.” 
“And you,” you said softly. It truly was. You awkwardly shifted your trunk into the Captain’s arms. He carried it easily with one arm. “Shall I lead the way?” 
“Of course,” you stammered. The captain didn’t do anything besides nod as he ascended the staircase of dark cherry wood. One of his arms carried the trunk with remarkable ease, and his free arm was left to float just near your waist with caution as you ascended after him. He did not touch you, but you could feel his presence like a magnet. If he inched his fingertips just closer, he would feel the velvet of your rose red skirt.
The guest hall had a large number of spare rooms, all numbered. The hall extended a great deal. You weren’t sure you would be able to remember your way around. You crept around opening doors, looking to see which rooms were taken and which weren’t. Others did the very same. Larger families sought rooms just beside each other. Pre-teens desperately wanted their own rooms desperately. 
It was easy to find yourself a room. You didn’t mind the idea of neighbors or whatnot. It was only you, anyways, so you didn’t have anyone else to consult. “This one is just fine, Captain,” you told him. He nodded. He followed you into the room. 
As he set the trunk on your bed, you leaned out the doorway to look around. You didn’t see anyone you recognized. So you closed the door and turned the brass lock. 
Strong, though slender, hands wrapped around your waist. 
You turned and were met with the deep kiss from Levi. His mouth molded onto yours, his lips warm and achingly soft. His hands held the underside of your jaw, all while his tongue swept against yours. You sighed into his mouth, a sound of pleasure. 
“I missed you so, so much,” Levi growled into your mouth. He pulled away for a moment, letting you breathe as you kept your forehead’s touching. 
“I missed you, too,” you said in a breathless laugh. You pulled on the collar of his tunic, tugging him just slightly down so you would kiss again. He wasn’t much taller than you. 
His hand brushed your hair from your face. “You look very beautiful,” he murmured. 
“Thank you,” you said softly, trying to resist the sheepish smile that wanted to twitch on your mouth. “I mean it,” Levi said again. He sounded stern this time. “It’s almost too much for me to bear…” 
Your giggle was smothered out as Levi’s mouth met yours again, this time in a deep kiss that left you feeling a fire in your stomach. His mouth was curled in a lovely smile, which deepened as you slid a hand over his chest. His skin was hot, though smooth; pale and slightly scarred. Little ridges of cuts and gashes that had healed all over his skin may have spread all across to his stomach, and his back.
His hand  clamped over yours very suddenly, stopping your movement as you had lowered your hand to the hem of his pants. “And this is where I’m going to end it,” he said carefully. 
You two took a large step away from one another. You smoothed the front of your shirt and skirt down, feeling like your face was burning. “It’s very good to see you again, Captain,” you said breathlessly. You brushed your hair from your eyes. 
You looked at the captain once more. You couldn’t help but lunge towards him again, this time wrapping your arms around him. Levi pressed a kiss into the top of your hair. His hand cradled the back of your head as he held you just as close as you had hoped. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Madame,” Levi murmured. 
You looked up at him, staring into his steely eyes. Levi brought hand down to catch you by the chin. He tilted your head back, closed his eyes, and pressed a tender kiss onto your lips. Your eyelids fluttered closed. It bewildered you just how soft Levi could be; he seemed so stoic, so intense-but with you, he had a way of making life feel like a fairy tale. 
“I’m going to miss you,” you muttered. 
Levi pulled away, looking at you with confusion. “You just got here. Why are you thinking about leaving so soon?” 
“I can’t help it,” you sighed. “I’m unable to rid the fact from my mind.” 
Levi slowly took a seat on the made bed. The head and footboard were made from the same cherry stained wood that decorated the rest of the castle. Mint green muslin sheets adorned the mattress and a thick, white comforter that looked fluffier than anything was tucked neatly between the mattress box. 
“You look like you want to say something,” you noted as you approached him. He held out both of his hands for you to take. You did it, feeling your nerves light up at the feeling of his hands on yours. 
“I meant what I said in the letters,” he said in a straight voice. His eyes fixated on yours with an intensity that made your knees buckle. It was remarkable that you didn’t blush like crazy. “It would be my greatest honor to take care of you.” 
You repressed a sigh. On one hand, you wanted to melt against him. On the other…
“Levi there’s nothing more that I want. There’s just so many things I can’t-I-Levi. Stop!” 
“Stop what?” he asked in all seriousness. 
“Stop looking at me that way,” you said, your voice going squeaky. 
“Apologies,” Levi added firmly. He pulled you closer, pressing a kiss above the hollow of your throat. You twined your hands through his dark locks of soft, soft hair. You could imagine the feeling of it against your inner thighs. 
Levi pulled back. “Alright,” he convened. “Just so you’re prepared, I pulled strings. The dinner and breakfast parties have Jaeger-Eren-at the superiors table. My commander seated Armin and Mikasa with the boy as well. And, I mean, you’re technically their guardian. So.” Levi cleared his throat. He suddenly looked away. 
“We’ll sit together,” you concluded. 
“That. That’s right,” Levi agreed. He was uncharacteristically uncomfortable; maybe even bashful. “That’s very right. I have to tell you, the children don’t hate me entirely.”
You bit your lip to try not to laugh. “I wouldn’t say that they hate you,” you assured him. “But I’m fairly certain Armin and Mikasa wouldn’t appreciate the fact you send me such inappropriate letters,” you conclude with a mischievous grin. 
“Letters you initiated,” Levi corrected. He used the tip of his pink to tap the point of your nose. “And reciprocated. ‘Oh Levi, how I yearn for you.’”
“Stop!” you cried, covering his mouth with your hand. He released a laugh that crinkled his eyes. “I’m not that mean to Armin, you know.”
“Not anymore,” you tell him. “Not now that you’ve successfully swayed the poor boy’s mother.” 
“Nonsense,” Levi affirmed himself. “I’m never mean to anyone. Not even Jaeger. Eren!” He corrected himself upon seeing your pointed glance meant to stop such a mistake. 
“Now he’s a completely new subject all together,” you said. “Eren would likely never come home if he knew you were there to greet him. Levi, you overwork that poor boy so much!” 
“It’s not me alone,” Levi tried to defend himself. “There are others in my squad that-Now don’t look at me like that, madame, lest I punish you.” 
“Tempting, but I really should be getting ready for dinner. And to see the children. Oh, I’m just so-I don’t know, I’m so happy to be here.” 
Levi couldn’t hold back a smile. He didn’t try to. “And they’re happy to have you. I’m happy to have you.” You leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek. “When can I see you again?” you asked him. 
“I suppose I could schedule some impromptu chores for the brats. Nothing too extreme. Just something that will keep them occupied while you and I make due on our intimate promises.” 
You felt yourself blush fiercely as you thought back to the letters, and everything Levi had detailed: to do to you, to make you do, to make you feel, to make you say. 
You cleared your throat. “I suppose it’s good for the children to keep busy. They must have something to do. So, Captain, I’ll see you at dinner.” 
Levi took your hand in his own, drawing it up to his mouth before pressing a kiss to the flat of it. “I look forward to it, Madam.” 
After Levi left, you took yourself to the little offhand wash room. The spout ingrained in the wall poured water into a claw foot tub. You imagined how nice that would feel in comparison to the cold washing river you and the other village woman and girls used in the summer. 
You packed in your little toothbrush and hair clips. The circular mirror had an aged fog on the surface of the glass.
There came a knock at the door that made your heart flutter with excitement. You flocked to the door, pulling it open with great energy. 
You cried in delight when you saw the three teenagers the crowded your doorstep. 
Mikasa had her hair half up, half down; when she saw you, her childish smile emerged, the same as it had been when she was little.
Eren looked the same as ever, still a few good feet taller than you. 
And your little (not-so-little) child, Armin, was prim and neat. He never looked messy. He was pristine, and with that came his natural grace. You could go on for hours just talking about how poised and intelligent your son is; and while you usually enjoy bragging about him, you couldn’t find the breath for any words. You engulfed Armin in a tight hug. He chuckled under his breath, muttering, “Hello, mama,” as he wrapped his own arms around you gently. 
You held him close for a few moments, trying not to burst into tears. “Oh, don’t cry!” Armin exclaimed. 
You wiped your eyes as you pulled away. “I’m not crying, dear,” you lied. 
You pulled Eren in next. 
Looking at Mikasa, you saw her cheeks became rosey and a smile had stolen her stoic face. “Hello, darling,” you sighed as you held her tight. She nuzzled her face into your hair, relaxing in your arms.
“Is it possible you’re all even older than last time?” You exclaimed as you resigned to looking at them lined up beside one another. 
“Well, yeah. That’s actually exactly how it works,” Eren says. 
You could hardly chide him for you were too overtaken by the immense happiness you felt in your chest. You covered over where your heart rested with both hands. 
You wished you could save the image in your mind forever. No artist could properly capture the beauty of your child and god children. 
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa stood shoulder to shoulder dresses in their fine clothes. “How was your trip here, Auntie?” Mikasa asked. 
“Uneventful,” you assured her. “How was your day?” 
“Eren got bucked off his horse and ate dirt,” Armin snickered. 
Eren’s face fell as he recalled the memory. “It wasn’t that funny,” Eren argued. 
“It was quite amusing,” Mikasa added. “Armin means ‘ate dirt’ literally.” 
Eren stuck out his tongue to rid his memory of the taste. “It was hardly the most exciting thing about my day,” he mumbled. “I, for one, am ready to move past it. It’s already a distant memory. Besides. I’m starving. I’m ready for this dinner.”
Mikasa frowned. “But, Eren,” she said as she turned to face him. “How are you hungry when you ate so much dirt?” 
She and Armin evaporated into a fit of laughter. Still clutching his abdomen, Armin managed to say, “Come on, mother, let’s go to the dining hall.”
Eren grumbled as he stalked after Armin, who playfully punched his friend in the shoulder. Mikasa stayed close to link her arms with yours. “You look radiant,” you told her as you walked after the two young men. 
“So do you,” Mikasa said. You laughed the comment away. But, in usual Mikasa fashion, she looked at you with such seriousness. “I mean it. Somehow, there’s something different about you. I’m not sure what.”
“I’m overjoyed to even be here,” you told her, kissing the crown of her head. The three chatted your ear off as to what they’d recently been up too; you were caught between listening and admiring the grandiose castle. Every corridor led to somewhere and that was the best part about it; it was vast, and it was exciting. It was beautiful. It was reminding you more and more of Levi. Mikasa pulled away from you to catch up with Eren and join the conversation he and Armin were carrying on. You realized that you were more in love with Levi than you’d initially thought. When you start seeing your lover in things as simple as a castle, you’ve probably fallen too hard. 
When the teens realized that they’d lost you, they let you catch up. Armin linked his arm in yours, and Eren took the other. They both chatted your ear off with humorous stories while Mikasa attempted to save you. At the large doors to the dining hall, you assured Mikasa you enjoyed hearing the talk. It had been so long since you had a real conversation with anyone; at least, anyone at you cared about. 
There were other families lining up behind you. 
“Armin,” someone said loudly. “Where’s your hot mom?”
Armin went red in the face as he, and Eren and Mikasa, paused, looking shamefully to the stone floor. “Mother, why don’t you meet Reiner Braun.” 
The boisterous young man who had conjured from behind you also looked as embarrassed as his friends. “I’m so sorry, miss,” Reiner spit out faster than he could blink. “I just thought you might be Armin’s sister, or maybe a cousin, or anyone else, and I-I’m sorry. I mean, I’d heard that you were attractive from Connie, but of course, I’d never say that you were ‘hot.’ Not that you’re not”
He offered a low incline of his head as an apology before he scurried back to his own family. A young looking girl, no older than eight years of age, was doubled over with laughter. She clutched her stomach and let her straight, brown hair fly around her face. She could not be consoled. Reiner had shuffled back to his mother who gave him a stern pinch on the ear. Despite being hyeads taller than her, Reiner actually bent down to help his mother give her punishment. She dragged the young girl over, along with Reiner. “I have to apologize for my son. He’s always been too quick to speak without thinking.”
“Yeah! My daddy says that about me too. Did you know that one time I snuck a coyote into the house as a pet, did you know that?” The girl had burst into the tale, completely forgetting any of the context. 
“Gabby, sweet heart, let’s calm down,” Reiner’s mother said soothingly, touching the girl on the head. “My niece,” she said, looking at you with a sheepish smile. “What can you do?” 
“Oh, well I’m sure she’s just so happy to see her big, older cousin!” you said happily, shifting your gaze towards the young girl. “I recommend a domesticated bunny for a pet, rather than a coyote. Much less bothersome. Armin loved his so very much when he was your age.”
“Why,” Reiner’s mother breathed, “her parents and I were just discussing that. We can’t seem to find any reputable breeders in our area. We’d like to adopt a little animal in true need of a home.”
“Well, there’s a nice farm down by Fairkelt,” you tell her. “The land owners are wonderful people. I got both of our late bunnies from him. It’s the Brush farm.”
Gabby clapped her hands together with wild enthusiasm. “CAN WE GO NOW?” 
Reiner patted his cousin on the shoulder. “Don’t you want to hang out with me some more? You, auntie, and uncle came all this way!”
“Not really,” Gabby said. “Where’s the cherry cake you promised? Ma said there would be cherry and butter cake if I came to see you.”
She turned very quickly to look at you. “Did you know that Reiner hits me too hard sometimes with a pillow? He doesn’t play very fairly.”
“Well, Reiner never does,” Eren snickered, punching his taller friend on the shoulder. 
“I like you,” Gabby said to Eren with a shimmer in her eyes. 
The doors to the dining hall creaked open, with a few waitstaff soldiers coming out to reaobsnly file the guests in. “CAN WE EAT THE CHERRY AND BUTTER CAKE NOW?” Gabby shrieked. “Ma and father are going to miss dinner! When will they be back?” She turned to look at you again. “I bet they’re doing silly things. That means sex. Sex is when-”
Reiner swept his little cousin up. He bounced her upon his shoulders, where she cried with delight. As she waved to the other kids, most likely friends she’d already made, Reiner just sent his mom a smile. “I’m not that bad compared to her, right?” 
“That, I can agree with,” Reiner’s mother laughed. “My brother and his wife certainly have a wild bunch. I suppose my boy isn’t so bad. But still! I expect you to make a real apology to this young woman very soon.” 
“I’m Y/n L/n,” you introduced yourself. 
“Kerina,” Reiner’s mother followed. 
“And please, don’t worry too much. Teenage boys are boisterous. Reiner perfectly meant no harm.”
“Right, Reiner?” Armin asked, sending his friend a cool glance. 
“Of course not,” Reiner cried. He became red in the face again. “I am really really really sorry, Mrs. Arlert. I mean Ms. Arlert. I mean-”
“Let’s go inside, little ones,” Kerina finally cut her talkative son off. “It was wonderful to meet you, Y/n. Let’s meet together again before the visit ends!” 
“It’d be a pleasure!” You said, offering the departing family a wave. Gabby waved after you. You could hear her chattering about names for her new bunny rabbit. 
As they left, Mikasa let out a loud laugh. Armin and Eren looked surprised as Mikasa’s burst. She was a stoic girl, not exactly known for her giggles. But when you were around, she felt innocent and happy. Much like she had when her own parents were alive. “That was funny!” Mikasa said defensively when she noticed her godbrothers’ strange looks. “Let’s just go inside to eat, I’m dying for some wine.” 
“Mikasa, you drink?” you gasped with surprise. 
Mikasa looked at you very directly. “Of course I don’t. Whatever gave you such an impression, auntie?” 
She spun so quickly, pulling her red scarf above her mouth so no one would see her smile. 
You had to admit, the red scarf went well with the fine outfit Mikasa had chosen for the dinner tonight. She had a simple gown that once belonged to her mother. It was baby pink, hanging off her shoulders. Her red scarf was draped around the insides of her elbows like a shawl. She looked absolutely beautiful; there was something about Ackermans that automatically made them beautiful. She, like Levi, also had soft hair black like the summer night’s sky. 
She didn’t look much like Eren, especially in this setting. 
Eren seems to have had a hard time grooming his hair. It was drawn back flat against his head. But he looked sharp, in a fine tunic, jacket, and dress pants. “Eren, come here a moment.” 
Eren stopped mid shuffle to the opening doors. “Yes?” 
You stood on your tiptoes to ruffle his hair around. It looked unnatural in its floppy-less state. “Better.” 
And finally, your boy. He always kept his hair neat. It swept his chin with each step he took. His fine blond hair and his blue eyes was a sharp contrast from his two good friends; but when they were together, they fit so perfectly.
They were like the perfect arrangement of flowers. 
“Why are you looking at me that way?” Armin asked you.
You blinked yourself out of your thoughts. “I’m just admiring my child,” you told him, tapping him on the underside of his chin. Armin sighed. His eyes looked straight into yours. “Please don’t embarrass me in front of the commander, or Captain Ackerman. Especially not him.” 
“Ugh,” Eren groaned as you four journeyed into the dining hall. It was just as decorated as the rest of the castle. Dark green banners that boasted the division’s emblem hung over the rows of circular tables. Each table top was dressed with little doings of baby’s breath and yellow roses. “I can’t believe we’re sitting with Captain Ackerman. It’s, like, even on our first night off, we don’t have a choice! Cripes. Was basting in the sun all day not a chore enough?”
“Eren,” you chastised. “The captain isn’t a bad man. Besides, doesn’t he teach you how to control the power?” 
“Sure,” Eren snorted. “How can he teach me something he knows nothing about. Besides, ‘teaching’ is just a good term for whacking me on the head when I get ‘too aggressive.’ He uses that as an excuse for me to not backtalk.” 
“He is the captain, Eren,” Armin noted. “And while he and I have our differences, I still know when to back off. You’re just too aggressive.”
“I-!” Eren got red in the face and ears. “I’m not aggressive!” 
“Lower your voice, Eren, people are looking at us like you’re about to pop through the roof.” 
Eren’s complexion came to resemble a tomato, even through his tan face. You maternally rubbed his arm. “It’s alright, Eren, I don’t think you’re too aggressive. Tonight’s going to be lovely. Besides, if the captain can’t mind his manners, I’ll straighten him out.”
“It’s true,” Armin said in a distant voice. “Mother, you can be very...firm. Yes. Firm is the kindest word I can find for it.”
You stifled a giggle as you followed the children past the tables. “I still can’t believe we’re sitting at the superiors’ table,” Armin said near your ear as you shuffled by people. Your heart flew into your throat when you saw the familiar head of dark hair. His head turned at the very second he heard Eren chortling something to Mikasa. He didn’t look nearly as nervous as you felt. In a way, this was like the first date. Kind of. First dates don’t generally include your child and his best friends, as well as his other captains and commanders. 
“Hello, Captain,” the three teens said in uncanny unison. Armin fluttered to a meek salute, which Levi promptly declined. 
“It’s a party,” he said as tenderly as he could while also being stern. Eren sent his friends the most confused look he could possibly manage, and he didn’t even seem too sly about it. 
“Hello again, Captain,” you told Levi softly when his eyes fixated on you. 
“Hello again, Madame,” he said back. He didn’t give away anything. Unlike you, probably. You felt like the biggest love struck dork in the room. “Lovely to have you join us again. Your son has certainly impressed me this year, once again.” 
Armin’s face went red as he tried to wave Levi’s words away. “I wouldn’t give out such compliments so easily,” Levi reminded Armin. Looking at you again, he said, “Eren and Mikasa have certainly excelled as well. Armin’s knack for strategy is as strong as Mikasa’s force while on the field. And Eren Jaeger continues to impress me with his extreme control over his power.” 
Eren didn’t seem so amused by Levi’s behavior anymore. The three teens were just starting to process his words, the confusion even visible on Mikasa’s face. 
“Let’s sit,” Eren said decidedly. You chose your seat first as the others still ushered into the dining hall. Armin moved to pull your chair out for you at the same second Levi had. The two made brief eye contact as Levi immediately pulled back, letting Armin take the role. You tried not to look at the man as you thanked your son. He sat beside you, with Mikasa on his left, and Eren on Mikasa’s. 
You felt your heart sink when Levi took a seat away from you. One chair sat between you and your lover. It felt like a larger distance when you looked at him. 
“Look at everyone all dressed up,” a happy voice chortled as it came somewhere behind you. You looked back to see a woman dressed in a knee length blue dress, with sleeves that went all the way down to her wrist. She had straight, light brown hair that was drawn back to keep from being caught in her red framed cat-eye glasses. 
“Hello, captain,” the teenagers chimed again. You were impressed at their ability to sound so polite. 
Though, if you were being really honest, you were only surprised by Eren’s. Not that Eren’s a bad boy, but he can be rather brash.
The woman took the seat by you-and Levi. 
She looked startled when she finally noticed you. She looked at the teenagers, and then you. She was visibly counting you each. “I’m sorry,” she said with a wide grin. “I can’t say that we’ve met. My name is Hanji! Are you someone’s sister?” 
You laughed. “I’m flattered, Hanji. It’s nice to meet you. I am actually Armin’s mother.” 
Hanji’s neck practically snapped as she turned a quick eye to Levi. “Armin’s mother?” she said, and it was in a strange tone that made you feel like she knew exactly what being ‘Armin’s mother’ meant to Levi. 
“...She’s not my mother,” Levi said after a minute of being subjected to Hanji’s stare. 
“I-Oh. Ohh. It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Arlert!” 
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you too. It’s, ah, it’s actually Miss,” you carefully corrected her. 
“Ohhh. Sorry, Miss Arlert.” 
“Ah...it’s also L/n.”
“Okay, so what’s your first name?” Hanji finally asked. 
“Hanji,” Levi said in a stern voice. It was the same voice he used when he spoke to Eren. 
“Whaaat? I’m just trying to be nice!” Hanji exclaimed in an attempt to save herself. You laughed at her banter. “I don’t mind. My name’s Y/n.” 
“Well then it’s nice to meet you, Y/n,” Hanji said, poking her tongue at Levi. 
Levi Ackerman looked exasperated as he saw you and the three children seated at the same table. It was strange enough to see them out of uniform. But to see them with the woman that basically raised them? Much stranger. 
“Where’s the commander?” Mikasa eventually asked to break the silence. She gave off a completely different aura when you were around. Her usual stoicism softened so she was more like any other civilian teenage girl. 
“He’ll join us soon enough,” Hanji said. “He’s going to make an entrance and a speech.” 
“I’m embarrassed to be sitting with him,” Armin admitted to you. He leaned closer to you to murmur. 
“How come? Don’t you speak with him often?” You asked as you tucked a curl of hair behind your ear. You felt the overwhelming urge to look at Levi kick in as you spoke with Armin. You hadn’t considered telling the children seriously until this moment. From the beginning, you knew this relationship would have to carry on slowly. But now that you’re here, with Levi in person, you can’t help in wanting to hurry things along. Levi was adamant about eventually proposing to you. The thought wasn’t scary; in fact, it was exciting. You’d both fallen so in love with each other that marriage seemed like the natural option. Like, marriage had become the obvious decision to make, like going to sleep when the sun had set. 
“He’s here!” Armin said. 
The room that was chattering fell silent. The chairs skid against the floor as the soldiers around the room rose to their feet. Armin gestured softly for you to rise also. Your periwinkle flats scuffed the floor as you stood. 
The hair on the edge of your neck rose. You looked over your shoulder, catching Levi in the act of staring deeply at you. A smile just barely twitched on his mouth for the split second his eyes stayed on you. He was good at this, you realized. 
You smoothed the fabric of your red skirt down as you watched the doors open. 
The commander’s presence was one that always made you feel like you were under some sort of evaluation. You could sympathize with Eren, now, as you imagined being under such a presence 24/7. His alliance with Levi wasn’t one he was fond of. His letters detailed his yearn for freedom, and to be like the other teens. 
Meanwhile, Levi’s letters detailed Eren’s struggle with accepting things for the way they are. Eren’s aggression manages to show itself even through the simplest of things. You could see it now, in the way he struggled with the itchy collar of his tweed blazer. He was growing increasingly irritated with it, always messing with the lapels and tugging at the sleeves. 
Erwin Smith continued to make his appearance and speech without acknowledging the turmoil you were currently battling. 
When the commander thanked the family of the soldiers, you rubbed Armin’s shoulder. He looked down at you happily. The beam on his face made him look like a child again. It was still painful to look at him and see that the baby fat in his cheeks had dissolved into a smooth jawline. 
The Arlerts must have had good genes. You could say, without any bias, that Armin was a handsome young man. You’d think this even if you weren’t his mother. 
The dining room burst into applause as the speech ended, marking the commencement of the dinner. Erwin glided down the room before coming to a stop at the table. 
While everyone else had sat, the guests at your table remained standing. 
Erwin offers a prim bow. “Good evening.”
“Good evening, Commander,” Armin said eagerly. 
“I see an unfamiliar face with us tonight,” he said. When he wasn’t projecting his voice, he actually sounded very polite and soft. 
“This is my mother, sir, Y/n L/n,” Armin said proudly.
You bobbed a little curtsy. “It’s wonderful to meet you.” 
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Erwin said with a smile. “From all of them.” 
He gave you a sly wink, making Levi cough. “Let’s sit. I’m parched,” Levi quickly interjected. 
“Yes, take a seat.”
You all did so, tucking the chairs closer into the table. “It’s strange to see everyone out of uniform,” Erwin said happily as he reached for his cloth napkin. He spread it over his lap. 
“I agree,” Eren said nervously. “I feel like something bad is going to happen.” 
Hanji chortled Eren’s worries away. “The only bad thing coming tonight is my blood alcohol content.” 
“Hanji,” Levi said sharply. 
“What? It’s a night off!” Hanji said defensively. “Besides, these kiddos have seen me at my worst.” 
“We have a guest,” Levi continued, not bothering to look at you as he said it. 
“Be hearty, captain,” you assured him with a gentle smile. “I’m over the moon with joy. I’m sure I’ll also indulge in some drinks tonight.” 
“See?” Hanji said smugly.
On cue, waiters were coming around the tables with trays of champagne and cider. Eren cracked his knuckles as he watched Levi gesture for four glasses of champagne. “We’ll take some, too,” Eren said happily. 
You frowned. 
“Just one,” Eren corrected himself when his eye caught your disapproval. 
“I’ll take a cider,” Armin said mildly. 
“Oh, honey, you can have champagne if you want,” You assured him. 
Armin turned bright red. “Mother,” Armin mumbled. “Don’t say that…”
Erwin burst into a deep laugh. “A mother’s love doesn’t feel so suffocating after it’s already passed,” he assured Armin. 
Hanji folded her hands together, resting her chin on them as she leaned towards you. “Do you have any embarrassing stories about the kids?” 
You hummed as you thought. “I’m sure I do. Do you?” 
“I’ve got nothing but praise,” Hanji promised you. “All three of them are exceptional. Eren is certainly a fascinating testee.” 
“Hanji,” Levi said again disapprovingly. Hanji sent Levi a look as the man glowered at her across the rim of his glass, which he held so strangely. 
You covered your mouth to hide a giggle. 
“I don’t think Eren appreciates being spoken of like he’s going one of your shiny rocks.”
“That ‘shiny rock’ was actually a rare geode,” Hanji corrected Levi. “Which you broke. And owe me for.”
“Did he just call me Eren?” Eren mumbled to Armin. 
“Not only that, but maybe Madame Y/n wants to hear real stories.”
Hanji sighed. She pushed her glasses up with her forefinger. Her hair slid across her shoulders as she turned to look at you. “We have fun here, don’t we?” She grinned. 
“I’m sure,” you agreed. “I’ve heard only good things about this place in the letters from the children. I feel safer knowing our civilization is in good hands.”
You managed to direct your warm smile at Levi. He shifted his head as a way of acknowledging that he knew what you were telling him. 
“We’ve truly heard plenty about you,” Erwin said back, taking a small sip of his own drink. 
“You have?” You asked, astonished. Did he know, too? Did Hanji truly know? Or were you reading too much into her behavior?
“Absolutely. Armin has plenty to tell us. Eren and Mikasa, too. We’ve all heard the story of how you opened your home to them when their parents were killed.”
You felt mildly relieved. “I knew the pair before that. I knew Eren’s mother and father. By then, Mikasa was already living in their home. The two were over so often to play with Armin. I was so happy to see Armin had friends.” 
“Thanks,” Armin mumbled. 
“That’s not what I meant!” You gasped. 
Eren laughed loudly. “It’s true! Armin wasn’t always this cool.” 
Mikasa shook her head. She pulled off her scarf, draping it over her lap to expose her pale skin. Her dress made her look worlds older than she actually was. “Armin has always been ‘cool.’ He just needed to find the right people to recognize it.” 
“Aw,” Armin said bashfully. “When Mikasa says it I know it’s true.”
The commander laughed at Armin’s words. “Truly wonderful!” He said happily. “It’s nice to hear the old tales.” 
The food had been ushered out by now waiters. The standard appetizers were delicately poached sprigs of asparagus set over slices of cooked tomatoes and other leafy greens. “Where’s the meat?” Eren asked as soon as the waiters left. 
“It’s an appetizer, Eren,” Mikasa chastised. 
“Not very ‘appetizing,’” Eren said before stabbing the vegetables with his fork. 
He ate it anyway, mostly in three large bites. You’d simply taken small bites of each vegetable, mostly out of fear that you’d look ridiculous eating in front of Levi. Levi ate like normal, but he looked insanely attractive as he did so. 
His slender hands were intoxicating to look at. Those were the hands that wrote in a surprisingly delicate script, detailing the way he’d lick and stroke his way to your pleasure. 
“Where did your family come from?” Hanji asked, covering her mouth as she chewed a mouthful of purple and green romaine. 
“My family came from the Interior,” you admitted, trying to sound short so she wouldn’t prod more questions. Your family and your life in the Interior isn’t your favorite topic. 
“Ohh,” Hanji eluded as her eyes widened. “You’ve come a long way.” 
“I have.”
“Was Armin born there?” she continued. 
“He wasn’t, he was born in Shingashina. I adopted him when he was just a few weeks old. I often remember he was my first friend in Shingashina. He came into my life the day after a terrible storm.”
“Wow!” Hanji said loudly. “I had no idea you were adopted, Armin!” she said, looking at your son.  You could feel the muscles in your mouth twitch into a stern frown as you awaited Armin’s reaction. You didn’t want to look at him and cause him further potential embarrassment. You feared he would become upset at the subject and even angry that Hanji brought it up. You had liked the woman at first, but you couldn’t forgive her for being so incredibly rude to your son! How could she? You’d be able to take her in a fight. She was drinking pretty quickly so maybe that would help you out more. 
Armin let out a chuckle. The airy note was musical. “I forget it quite often myself,” he told her.
Levi took a long drink of his glass, emptying it quickly. He turned and raised a hand, capturing the attention of a waiter. “Is it possible to get something a little bit stronger?” he muttered in the waiter’s ear. 
“Hanji, let’s change the subject,” Erwin coaxed her. “We don’t want to stress Levi out so bad that he drinks himself to death.” 
“It’s true,” Levi said, though he didn’t sound as if he were joking at all. “Whenever she opens her mouth my blood pressure spikes.” 
“You didn’t even know what blood pressure was before you met me!” Hanji chortled. 
“I don’t want to talk about myself all evening,” you said shyly before you took a sip of your sparkling wine. It bubbled in your mouth. 
“The guest of honor chooses the topic of conversation, mother,” Armin told you, poking his tongue out. You laughed at the little inside joke. 
You’d often told him this when he was a child; every time Mikasa or Eren came over for dinner, he would do his best to teach them everything he’d learned from his collection of books. You tried to be polite when you were telling him no one wanted to learn anything during dinner. 
“The castle is so very beautiful, Captain,” you said as you looked at Levi. 
“I’d be honored to accept the compliment, but I had very little say in the decorum,” Levi responded plainly. He did his best to sound bored as he talked to you, but you could see the mischief in his eyes as he took a drink of what was now brandy in his glass. 
“When was the castle erected?” you asked the captain. 
Eren snickered at the term. Under the table, Mikasa lifted her leg and swung it back, hitting her heel on Eren’s shin. His knee smacked the underside of the table and he winced loudly, turning red when he noticed the entire table turned their eyes on him. 
Erwin did a good job at ignoring Eren’s shenanigans. You’re sure he’s used to Eren’s antics by now. 
“We suspect it was centuries ago. It wasn’t until the turn of the century that one of the old commanders took the place for the Survey Corps’s use. We quite like it, though. It’s large enough to house many people. In fact, we’re expecting a few additions to our home here. It might bore the children, but I find it exciting. I’ve recently passed an amendment to the terms and regulations for the Corps. Very soon, several of our officers will be united with their spouses and children. We’ve got the room for them to live here, so I figured it would be best that way. We’re all in need of affection, these days. And we should all be with our families.”
“Why, that’s so amazing, Commander!” you gushed. You held a hand over your chest. “How lovely. I couldn’t imagine being married to a captain that’s away all the time…”
Levi took another large drink. 
“While we’re on the topic,” Hanji said, putting her elbows onto the table. “I did hear that the Corps might be acquiring new land soon.”
“I suppose I can put an end to these rumors, now,” Erwin said mischievously. 
“Erwin likes to hear himself talk then get pats on the back for it,” Hanji told you, pretending to be whispering but speaking loud enough so Erwin could hear it. 
“It’s true,” Erwin told you in the same way. “If I can get the land, then there will be military housing built just miles away from the castle. Entire families can be reunited. Fathers and mothers can meet their children. And you, even, Miss L/n, could reside so close to your children.” 
“It’s such a wonderful idea, Commander,” you commended him. You dramatically applauded-Hanji did too. 
“That’s enough praise to convince the  commander to give me a raise in my salary,” Levi noted. 
Even the kids laughed at that. 
The night carried on this way; you ate a marvelous feast of roasted turkey, and noodle soup in between to cleanse your palette. You hadn’t had a five course meal since you lived in the Interior. These events were never fun, not then. But this dinner? It was the most fun you’d had in your entire life. Armin at your side, the other children not far either. And Levi, just across the table, always nudging your foot with the toe of his boot, as a silent reminder he was there, and that he noticed you. 
The eye contact you made with him was brief though exhilarating. It was rather fun to pretend with him. It allowed for innocent flirtations which couldn’t be exchanged otherwise. The night was such fun that it distracted you from the otherwise parasitic anxieties that were hatching in your brain; the secrets you kept from your child and godchildren were quickly turning into lies. The more interactions you had with Levi, the more lies you had to create to keep them from finding out. You’re sure Levi wouldn’t mind being “exposed” to them. That is something only you feel the burden of. You don’t know why you feel this way; it’s not as though Armin had ever objected to you marrying a man. He’d never had a father figure before, and he’s now old enough to not ever need one. So why, then, are you so afraid to sit him and the others down and come right out with the truth? 
“Eren, Mikasa, and lovely Armin, I’d love for your captain to make sweet passionate love to me. You don’t mind, do you?” 
...So, maybe you’d say something else. You certainly wouldn’t delve into the other fantasies you had, the ones that made sweet love making seem like a dying star in comparison to the sun. 
You felt disappointed when the desserts came round to the tables. Each person was given the choice between a slice of chocolate or cherry and butter cake. You imagined little Gabby was ecstatic to finally have the cake she’d been eagerly waiting for. 
You were surprised to see that Levi opted for chocolate cake. You never saw him as the type to indulge in such sugary delicacies. This made him all the more attractive. It further reminded you that he was a real person in your life. One person that you loved so deeply. 
You plucked the cherries from the frosting, popping them into your mouth while Hanji explained to the table the fascinating new discovery of something called an atom. 
“Soo, why is the cell the ‘building block’ of life?” Eren asked through a mouthful of cake. “Shouldn’t it be the atom?” 
“Well no,” Hanji said firmly. She was growing increasingly more irritated as the table failed to grasp her theories and concepts. “The atom can be found in everything. But a cell is only found in living things.” 
“So a table doesn’t have cells?” Eren concluded. 
“And, like, a frog does?” 
“But a frog also as adams,” Mikasa pointed out.
“Atoms,” Armin corrected. He was the only one at the table that seemed genuinely interested in what Hanji was presenting.
Eren leaned forward, using his hands to animatedly build his case. “But if frogs have cells which are made of atoms, then all living things have atoms. Atoms are the building blocks of life.” 
“No! No, Eren, no. My theory doesn’t look at it that way.” 
“Why not?” 
“I...I don’t know…” Hanji looked puzzled, flushed, and entirely defeated. 
“Eren, don’t question a drunk scientist,” Armin hissed in his godbrother’s ear. “That’s the worst possible thing you could do.” 
Erwin laughed. “An enlightening topic,” he said in an attempt to ease Hanij’s pain. 
“I’m sure one day our children will be learning your theories in the school houses, Miss Hanji!” you assured the woman, patting her shoulder. “Do you really think so?” Hanji asked. 
“I do!”
“I appreciate it,” she said with a smile. Her face was so, so red. She’d had a lot to drink during the duration of the night. Though, it had made for some amusing conversation. 
The table rose to their feet when the time to exit came. It was a sad thing to see the end of your first night had come so quickly. Your time with Levi felt fleeting. And while you were grateful to be with the children, you couldn’t help but feel like it was lost time. 
The commander said his farewells at the table, offering you a low bow. “It was an honor to meet the woman behind such a brilliant trio.” 
“It was an honor to meet you, commander,” you said in kind, giving a little curtsy. 
And off Erwin went, going to meet the other families of the soldiers he had not yet greeted. 
“I’m going to be brutal honesty,” Hanji said, making even Levi smirk. “I’m...sleepy. It was wonderful to meet you, Miss Y/n. I hope we can met again sun.” 
You gracefully ignored the grammar, which Eren was trying not to laugh loudly at. “It was very lovely to spend dinner with you. I quite enjoyed your clever theories. Perhaps tomorrow, or some other time, we can go more in depth with your theories on the cell and the atom?” 
Her eyes lit up behind her glasses. “That’d be wonderful!” she exclaimed. “Well, goodnight, everyone. I’ll see everyone tomorrow, everyone. Okay, everyone?” 
“Yes, goodnight, Hanji,” Levi sighed as she wandered away. She didn’t look like she would easily find her quarters. 
As soon as she disappeared you turned to Eren. “Eren Jaeger, I do not want to hear you torment that woman again.” 
Eren looked confused. He looked around for help. “I didn’t torment her!” 
“Mhmm,” you said, looking at him with maternal suspicion. 
Levi cleared his throat in an attempt not to laugh. “I had a lovely night,” he said. He offered a slight bow. “I do believe I should help Hanji to her room. I doubt she’ll have an easy time finding it, especially considering she’s walking right towards the dungeons, now.” 
“Oh, my,” you said, looking around to find her. 
“I hope to see you soon, Madame,” Levi said. His eyes were intent on yours, glittering with a secret message. Tonight, that meant. He’d see you tonight. Your heart fluttered at the idea of Levi coming to your room tonight. 
“I hope so as well, Captain.” 
That being said, he nodded a polite ‘goodbye’ before quickly walking off to find poor, drunken Hanji, before she could talk about cells and atoms to a nearby coat rack. 
“Is it just me, or does Captain Ackerman always seem to check you out?” Eren said, sounding as bland as his words were blatant. 
Your cheeks were rushed by a swarm of blood. “Eren! Why would you say such a thing?” 
He held his hands up defensively. “He just seemed a million times nicer. I really, truly think it had something to do with you, Auntie. You just make him a better person. Or whatever. I don’t know. It’s weird.” 
“I don’t like it,” Mikasa seconded. 
That wasn’t a good sign. 
“It is strange,” Armin agreed. “But it’s not so common that I have to worry about it. After all, the two never see each other, anyways. Besides, I did hear a strange rumor that the captain was soon to be engaged.” 
“You did?” Eren gasped. “Who would marry that?” 
“I heard the same thing,” Mikasa noted as she shook her finger. “Sasha Brauss said that she saw the captain looking at wedding bands during the last village outing. Although, why Sasha was also looking at wedding bands, I’ll never know.”
“His imaginary girlfriend is probably just as mean as he is,” Eren said with a deep-set frown. “Can you picture the captain with a child? A miniature version of him, just running around and spraying everyone with a glass cleaner solution.” 
You could see the horror in his eyes as he imagined it. 
Yes, a miniature version of Levi was also on your mind. But, in your scenario, there was also a miniature version of You. Your chest hurt at the thought of the three disliking Levi so much. 
And, had Levi actually been shopping for wedding bands? Or was that a teenager’s rumor? 
“What shall we do, now?” you asked, clapping your hands together loudly to break the topic of Levi’s “secret lover.” 
“Oh, mother, as much as I want to stay awake...I’m too tired.” Armin offered an apologetic smile. 
“Oh, that’s alright, honey,” you promised him. You did feel disappointed to part with your boy so early into the night. “What time is it?” 
“I believe it’s very close to midnight,” Mikasa answered. 
Oh, that might explain it. “Goodness! And you three did have such a long day to begin with. Well, everyone get their goodnight hugs and kisses in!” 
The three looked at one another bashfully before they shuffled into a line. 
“Goodnight, Auntie,” Eren grumbled. He begrudgingly leaned down so you could kiss the top of his head. You knew he wouldn’t act this way if he weren’t surrounded by his comrades and friends. 
Mikasa was next, but she was much more open to the reception. You two hugged and kissed one another’s cheeks. “Sleep well, Auntie, we’ll come to get you for breakfast in the morning.” 
“Alright, dear, sleep well.” 
And finally your Armin! Armin gave you a tight hug, practically lifting you off of the ground. He was slightly red in the face, but he kissed the top of your hair and said a sweet goodnight. “I love you very much, mother,” he said to you. “I love you very much, too, my son. Have a good rest. Comb your hair before you lay down!’ 
Armin chuckled. He didn’t object. “Alright, mother, alright. Goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
As the three walked towards the soldier’s quarters of the castle, you waved and blew kisses. When they were finally out of sight, you did a little twirl in the middle of the foyer. What a wonderful night. 
You often described things as “wonderful” but the term couldn’t be substituted for any other in such a situation. Tonight was the definition of wonderful. No one could dispute that. You climbed back up the stairs, following the other tired families who were eager to put their sleepy little ones to bed, and rest after their long day. You were eager to lay in Levi’s arms. The first real night you would be spending together was about to commence. You’re not sure if anything will actually happen, however you don’t really care. You’re positive it would happen sometime. The longer you waited, the more romantic it would be. 
Levi was good at sweet talking you, even on paper. 
You felt like a teenager again as you danced into your bedroom. 
You took yourself to the washroom after you locked your door. The lacings of your skirt were a relief to take off. You luckily didn’t feel very bloated after the dinner. You slipped out of your skirt, and then your blouse. 
You pulled on the softest nightgown you had in your trunk. Looking in the mirror, you realized it wasn’t exactly the sexiest. It was a standard gown, made from creamy white muslin and satin, with lace lining the cap sleeves and the hem. At least the neckline showed off some of your clavicle, which you would attribute to be your best physical characteristic. 
The Late Armin once told you that you had a nice behind. It was something you’d asked him seriously. He was easy to talk to. He was more a friend than a lover. Even he sometimes asked you what his best qualities were.
But looking at this nightgown, you can’t say that it does anything for your behind. 
It’s thin, but the lining underneath keeps it from being too revealing. 
It’s cute, but maybe not sexy enough. You rolled your eyes when you took notice of your silly thoughts. They sounded like the squabbles of a nineteen year old, not a grown mother. 
You brushed your hair as you sat on your bed. It was comfortable enough to beckon for you to lay down and fall asleep. But you were determined to stay wide awake so you could wait for Levi to show. 
You absentmindedly brushed through the [hair length] locks that admittedly could use a washing. It wasn’t as if you were dirty, per se, but you didn’t think your hair was currently at it’s fullest potential. You flung off the bed in a race to the washroom, thinking you could maybe get it shiny enough before Levi arrived.
Unfortunately for you a knock on the door came just as you’d crossed the threshold of the washroom. You sighed. You looked in the mirror one more time, tossing the hair brush elsewhere. You looked cute. Yes, you do! You always do! You tried to lift yourself up before you tenderly approached the door. You leaned your ear to the thick wood and asked, “Who is it?” 
“It’s Commander Erwin,” Levi’s voice came. “I’d like to talk to you more about the military housing land development.” 
You swung the door open with a wide grin on your face. “Don’t be mean,” you chastised. 
Levi pushed through the doorway, kicking the door shut behind him. He came at you quickly, lifting you up in his arms. “Being mean is my specialty,” he whispered as he dropped you on the bed. 
Your heart beat fast with surprise. You felt absolutely in a whirlwind. The smell of Levi’s skin and clothes was intoxicating as he stood between your spread legs. It was so inappropriate. That’s what your mother would say. That’s what every single girl in your boarding academy would say! They would say this despite indulging in much more vulgar activities on summer breaks. 
You found yourself revelling in the hateful comments your mother and old schoolmates would throw your way if this were back in the day. Those girls would only say it because they were jealous that you had a drop dead gorgeous man standing between your spread open legs. Your nightgown stretched over your upper thighs to reveal your bare legs. 
Levi had switched his dinner attire for a plain night tunic and drawstring black plants. They fit snuggly around his slim waist. 
His hands slid over the cheeks of your face, cupping you delicately as he pressed his warm mouth to yours. You didn’t bother to pretend you didn’t want him. You let your plush lips part so his tongue could delve against yours. 
The tip of his tongue tickled the roof of your mouth, making your belly tight and hot with desire. 
His slender hands ran through your hair, twirling the strands round his finger. A soft moan slid from your mouth; in turn, a deep rumbling sort of sound came from Levi’s chest. “Don’t make tempting sounds,” Levi said after he pulled away. 
“Why not, Captain?” 
“Because, Madame,” Levi said. He gripped the undersides of your knees and pulled them forward so you fell flat on your back. He carefully crawled over you, his hands out by your head for balance. “I’m mean, and I won’t hesitate to make you pay for teasing me.” 
“You’re not mean to me,” you said innocently. “You’re mean to everyone else except for me.” 
“And I’m sure you like that, don’t you?” Levi asked with a straight face. He couldn’t keep this up for long, as a slow smile took over his lips. He rolled over onto the bed, keeping you tight to his chest. You grinned as you curled up against him. 
“I didn’t know you were from the Interior,” Levi grumbled as his hands played with your hair. You let your eyes fall shut. “Isn’t everyone?” you asked, voice filled with sarcasm. 
“Funny. I see where Eren gets the sarcasm from.” 
“No, Eren’s always been sarcastic. I truly think he got it from his mother. Oh, Carla was a true dear…”
“You lived where?”
“I lived fairly close to Utopia. I grew up in Wisteria’s Corner. I hated it, so I left after my husband died.”
“How old were you when he died?” 
“Twenty three.” 
Levi didn’t respond to that. His hands continued to massage your scalp. When you fell silent, he made a sound. “Hey.”
“Hey, what?” you asked, sitting up and looking at him. 
“Keep talking,” Levi said with a small frown on his face. 
You laughed at him. “Let’s settle in first.” 
Together, you two rearranged the pillows and sheets. Levi snuffed the candlelights out with his pale fingers. The act was so simple, but it elicited a primal response in your cunt. You chose to not say anything, given how close you were to falling asleep. It wouldn’t be very fun to fall asleep during your first time with Levi. 
Now in the darkness, Levi had settled into the bed. He slept on his side, in a neat position that was all vertical as opposed to your outstretched figure whose legs practically went off the bed. You laid your head against his shoulder, pressing kisses against his sharp clavicle. 
“Talk,” Levi demanded in a tired voice. 
You laughed. 
“It’s not funny. I’ve waited a year to hear your voice again. I want to hear it all my life.” 
“You’d surely get tired of it,” you teased. 
“Of your voice? Never, Madame. Never.” 
He asked you sleepy questions about your childhood and your life. You did your very best to answer them all. When the pauses between question and answer became too great, you slung your leg over Levi’s hips. “Goodnight, Levi.” 
“Goodnight,” Levi murmured. He craned his neck to press a kiss over either of your eyelids. 
“Did you know that tonight is our first night together?” you asked him before you fell asleep entirely. 
You couldn’t be certain if his response was real, or a dream, but either way, you heard his deep, tender voice respond: “Of course I know.”
Mikasa Ackerman had forgotten to give Auntie the gift at dinner. She’d realized it as she dressed in her night tunic and trousers. She slid out of bed, pulling her night jacket over her exposed shoulders. She gathered the giftwrapped ebox of earrings from her nightstand and wandered to the door. She could see the hallway lights were still lit, so it wasn’t quite past one in the morning yet. She’d pop over to Auntie’s room very quickly and leave them. Perhaps Auntie would be awake, and the two could chat, but Mikasa figured Auntie was already sound asleep. 
Mikasa had considered the idea of waiting until morning to gift the earrings. But she’s always been more of a night owl. She doesn’t mind walking around the castle at night. Some of her friends are still scared to do it, even after the last years. Mikasa never has been. She finds a strange comfort in the night. She finds there is more light in the night’s sky than during the day. 
The day is ruled by one burning sun, harsh and bright; the night, though, is sprinkled with thousands of twinkling stars which guide the owls and coyotes on their prowl. 
At Auntie’s door, Mikasa softly rapped her knuckles on the wood. She pressed her ear against the door to listen for a response. She heard none, even with a strained ear, so she quietly turned the handle. She left the door wide open so the lights form the hall could illuminate the little bedroom. She crept forward to leave the box of earrings on the nightstand. As she moved, she could see two figures lying in the mattress. 
Mikasa contained the gasp that initially clawed at her throat. She stared for a few moments at what she was seeing; she wondered if the image was a mere trick of the light. 
She knew better. 
It was Auntie laying in bed. It was her familiar figure carefully lain over Captain Ackerman. He clutched onto her in his sleep. It was deafeningly strange to see the Captain this way. He was, for once, vulnerable. She’d never seen such a sight. 
Mikasa slowly walked out of the room, moving on her toes. She shut the door silently. 
She stood in the hallway for a few minutes, just mulling over what she’d seen. 
She’d waited so long there that eventually some of the night guards came over to snuff the hallway’s candles. “You alright, Ackerman?” one of them asked. 
She nodded. She felt strange without her scarf to hide behind. She felt just as vulnerable as Captain Ackerman had looked. “Goodnight,” Mikasa said sternly before she walked back towards the soldier’s quarters. 
It didn’t make sense. Not entirely, at least. She’d been shocked at first, but when she got back to her bedroom, she was wondering how she hadn’t seen it before. She was burning with questions: when did it happen, how did it happen, and most of all, why? 
Mikasa regretted walking in. It wasn’t something she’d been meant to see. Auntie would have told her in her own time, when she was ready. Mikasa had stolen that opportunity. She’d seen a rough outline of Auntie’s private life. 
Worst of all? She didn’t know if she liked it.
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
Just a Lil Bit
A Remi x Levi Non-Canon One-Shot
A Snz Fic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Sneeze Fet, Mess, Spray, SlightCNC
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Author’s Note: I know I said I was gonna post other stuff but like @aller-geez was so sweet and cheered me up a lot with a custom and more RemixLevi, so I feel it only proper I repay her with a raunchy smut piece 🫶🏻 Enjoy 😉 As always Remi and Art by Geezie! This prompt is based off @sickhaze
Description: Levi has been under the weather for the last few days, it’s really bad today. Determined to try and get ready to feel better, he finds it difficult past the fits of illness. Remi, who’s been pent up sexually the past few days suffering through Levi’s horrible cold, finds it impossible to hold back any longer.
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“Unnnngghh….” He felt horrible, his whole body ached, his face wouldn’t stop leaking, his nose wouldn’t stop itching and his eyes wouldn’t stop watering. It had been two days he spent in bed and he needed to at least take a shower…or wash his face…yeah…wash his face would be easier to achieve. He looked around the room, seemed that his boyfriend was no where to be currently found. Probably pouting somewhere. He felt for him. However, he was just so miserable he didn’t want to over exert himself. Very carefully he trudged himself out of bed and stumbled over to the closet. His face snuffling, his body trembling. “H’GNXT!” He stifled into his inner arm, snuffling loudly afterwards trying desperately to clear his air ways.
He didn’t care what he wore, he quickly snagged a t-shirt from Remi’s side of the closet, then proceeding to shuffle his feet across the carpet into their shared bathroom. “Hnnn…” he groaned again as he met himself in the reflection of the mirror. Disappointed in the dark bags under his eyes, red and puffy orbs he did not look like himself whatsoever. Slowly he stripped off his shirt, and his boxer briefs to boot. Standing there completely nude and flushed, his nose crinkled, he watched in the mirror as his face contorted, twisted when another rough sneeze pushed up through his sinuses, he whimpered weakly.
“H’TsCHU!” Unable to catch it this time, he sprayed all over the mirror in front of him. “Ah fub…” he mumbled, snuffing up his full nostrils. Lazily he grabbed a bundle of tissue paper and began to wipe at the droplets of saliva that had decorated the reflection. He didn’t do much but smear, which made him even more frustrated than he currently was. Like a small child he stomped his feet back and forth tossing the tissue down angrily, before he turned on the sink. “Stubid colb….” Complaining with a phlegmy inflection before slowly he bent down to start washing his face, still stark naked. He splashed a decent amount of water across his face, a few times. It felt very refreshing until he accidentally snorted a few droplets too many and caused himself to choke softly. In an attempt to catch his breath he slammed both his hands on each side of the sink to keep himself stable while he coughed it out.
However, the cough soon turned sour as he felt the stinging sensation return, his face quickly scrunching up as he shook his wet face above the sink back and forth, trying his best to fight it off. In this same moment that Levi struggled, Remi appeared behind him in the doorway, frozen in a complete state of shock. Taken off guard really.
“Eh-TSHU! Hh’…ETshu!” It poured out of the small sniffling leopard quickly and his back arched while it rolled through him. His nose dribbled as his face continued to hover over the bowl. “Hnn..” he mumbled miserably. Remi’s green eyes brightened..his palms trembling as he watched his mate, bent over in a sneezing fit. It had been two days since he had been able to ravage his little kitten. Banished from touching…knowing full well this was…prime practically splayed in front of him like a Christmas ham. He slowly licked his lips as his fingers tightened into balled fists.
Levi slowly leaned up and looked back into the mirror, and despite the smear of mess against the reflection, his watered, reddened, blues widened seeing his hungry partner looming from behind him. Swiftly he turned around lifting his hands up in the air and shaking them back and forth. “B-baby…h-hey um…I uh,” knowing full well how this may look to the man who was all eyes on him, the wolf stepped slowly, closer. All he could do was snibble loosely, trying his best to wipe the mess off his face as he fought the inner urges that beckoned.
“Kitten…tsk tsk…” he shook his head back and forth eerily slow, clicking his teeth as he closed the distance between them and drew a slender index finger under a bit of dribble from the leopard’s chin. The small action alone caused Levi to shudder, sniffling softly as he shrunk under him. “This is…” turning the man’s face nonchalantly back and forth, eyeing him down like a hunk of meat as he just barely leaned back to get a full view of the naked man in front of him. “Such a delicious sight…you can’t..expect me to turn down such an opportunity, can you?” He slid his tongue hungrily over his glossy white canines.
“Um…y-ye..hHh..aah…” his face suddenly turned inward, ocean blues squinting against the bright lights of the bathroom as he tried so hard to keep the feeling down, his reddening nose wiggling pathetically, it was too good. Remi latched the crevice of his hand into the center of the leopard’s thin neck, rapidly turning him around, his back flush up against his chest. He forced the cat’s face in an upward position to gaze upon his lewd face.
“Stop holding it back, kitten,” his mouth was at Levi’s ear whispering hot words that caused the smaller to whimper helplessly.
“R-Remi…I don’t…Hh’EH…” as he tried to suddenly close his lips again, the wolf’s fingers slid up just enough to grip his maw wide open, dragging his index under the male’s nostrils to tickle them back and forth. “H’EHTSHU! ‘TSCHU!” He blew across the mirror, splattering a mess over the image of his own face, getting some on the wolf’s fingers, and taking note of the darkness glowing behind Remington’s toxic green orbs. His mouth hung open loosely now without the help of his mate, forcing him. “Are yob sadibied?” Levi’s face crinkled in circles as he looked back at the other through the mirror.
“Mmm, not until you’re doing it with my cock deep in your ass,” he growled again into the leopard’s ear who could only snivel with a loose whine, trying so hard to fight the symptoms that ravaged him. He ground his hips aggressively into the smaller’s taut little ass, reaching his free hand down to take a handful of his cheek before spanking it hard. Staining the flesh with a bright red hand print.
“Ahh~” Levi jolted at the sudden burst of pain, leaving behind tingles that rippled up and down his arms and legs. “B-baby..n-no I don’t f-feel good..” pleading with his boyfriend as his ass wiggled helplessly against the other’s clothed groin.
“Mmm..oh, come on… just a little bit?…” his voice was void of compassion as he nipped small marks down the leopard’s freckled shoulders. It sounded like a question, but there really was no choice on Levi’s end. Running that free hand up the younger’s smooth ribcage, the hand on his mouth jerked Levi’s face back down to look at his reflection directly, his blue eyes pleaded for mercy, but his body continued to positively reflect to Remi’s intimate movements. It was pointless to argue, he could feel it brewing up again, the itching prickle that picked at the inside of his nostrils. “Mm it’s coming again isn’t it, my little cub? Go on, give Master a nice big one,” licking the outter shell of the cat’s attentive ear.
“B-bub I’ll m-make a-..haHh..mebb~” he whined as his breathing already caught in his throat, the inevitable response to follow was haunting him as his body screamed to release. Remi’s toxic greens rolled back for a brief second before he seethed through his gritted teeth.
“Then make a mess…” Levi’s body shuddered at this, his eyes making direct contact with the man behind him from the mirror, before he heaved lightly. The wolf watched carefully as the ducts of his mate’s eyes started to flood back up, cheeks dusting redder before the tip of his nose twitched ever so delicately. His free hand moved quickly on himself to unbuckle and zip his jeans now, barely shoving them down past the hole in his boxers. While he easily slid his hardened cock from the fabrics that blocked him, the cat sniveled and hitched.
“H’hEh…” building faster, his body stiffened as it prepared for the worst, the wolf taking a pause to push himself roughly against the leopard’s flushed back as his eyes continued to observe the cat’s reflection. This caused Levi to slam both his hands up against the wall ahead, just under the reflective surface before he lurched forward, the sneeze racketeering through his face suddenly. “H’HETSCHU!” His mouth sprayed openly against the reflective as Remi kept the other’s jaw spread with his palm. A small bit of dribble slid down his gripped fingers. “H’TSchU!” This one more nasally as they both watched carefully. Levi’s throat whimpered again, it sounded stuffed, phlegmy, almost. “R-Rebi…” the cat begged gently with his stuffled voice.
“You’re so fucking cute…” he nipped at the leopard’s ear, then his neck before pushing his cock at the other’s bare cheeks. Free hand gripping the base of his length for guidance.
“Rebi…n-no…” his wet ceruleans rolling back as the wolf’s tip rubbed haphazardly against his puckered entrance.
“Just a lil bit…baby…” his voice hot at Levi’s freckled flesh causing the small man to stumble and stutter underneath the stimulus. His haunches pushed slowly to meet the man that was trying so hard to push his way in. The raven haired one leaned back enough to give himself room to collect a mouthful of saliva, then dribbling it out of his lips as he allowed gravity to bring the pool down to his cock, rubbing it in swiftly as it gave him the lubrication he needed to breach. The wolf’s face shot back up to study the expression written on top of Levi’s breathtaking, flushed and sickly features. It was desperate, wet, red in several areas that only left the man’s cock twitching.
“HnN’h..ah~” his little kitten crumbled as the younger’s face tingled and ass rocked back. “CHU!” A small one racked out of him, sending the wolf plunging deep inside the cat’s awaiting hole, his hands now both holding a vice tight grip on his boyfriend’s haunches. Levi still bent over, but staring at his own lewd reflection as his mouth hung open, face red and watching the liquid dribble out of all his holes. He couldn’t help but allow his ocean blues to fall back behind his head as he allowed the man to ravage his ass. “Ahh~ HaHh!” He moaned pathetically pushing himself back to match each violent thrust.
“Mmm see…I knew you missed this..” Remi chuffed as he continued to stuff himself inside the other. Levi’s chest stuttered as he felt another build up starting to bubble up behind the surface. “Ohhh, baby? Another one?” He cooed still watching the younger through his reflection as he pumped his dick harder into the cat’s bundle of nerves.
“H’TSCHU!” He allowed it to force it’s way out, painting the mirror again, watching the wolf hungrily drive into him from the splattered surface that dripped now. He snuffled and sniffled, only to moan loudly as his ass was pumped and thrusted. He looked like an absolute mess, eyes blood shot, nose leaking unable to rub it free. Remi could sense another one about to rip through his suffering partner and he grumbled to the cat. “Go ahead, look at yourself…see how sexy you are when you blow your hole,” commanding of his little submissive, the leopard could only mewl pathetically before his eyes connected with himself in the filthy mirror.
“Hih’TSch!” Slightly staggered through each rough pound. Remi grunted with a strangled hitch of his breath as he felt Levi’s walls tighten, watching him witness his own sneeze. He hissed as the hole suffocated the aching length that assault the sneezing kitty’s insides. Levi’s cheeks brightened vermillion upon the sight of his own sickly reaction.
“That’s it…good job kitten..do-Hah~ don’t stop,” his voice strangled as he tried to focus on the origin of pleasure, his cock slamming the little leopard. The cat continued to brace himself against the wall as he huffed, gasped and wheezed. He felt several volts of electricity zap into his fingers and toes while his mate pumped. His moan cut off by a sudden tickle in his throat, he felt the itch consume him once again. “H’hih…H’tS-cHu!” His saliva spritzed into the air as his sneeze teetered while he was used like an object. Remi’s hands tightened, sure to leave perfect finger stained bruise marks against the cat’s delicate hips.
“That’s going to do it for Daddy…” he hissed before bending inward sinking his teeth carelessly into the back of Levi’s neck, almost like he was scruffing him at an angle. The cat whined, a mixture of pleasure and pain vibrating his small weakened frame, snubbling and sniffing in between gasps and groans.
“Hn-..hah~ Ba-by…!” The cat cried out to his mate as he suddenly felt a tight grip on his stiffened cock, and it leaked over the now shuffling, and engorging his fingers.
“Don’t worry, I got it…I know how to take care of my little kitty~” he promised as his palm squeezed, pumping to the same rhythm of every haggard thrust. Levi could swear he was on the verge of straight up blacking out, but he stayed strong, hands falling from the wall to grip the sides of the sink.
“Goinb…hAH~ t-to..cub…” he choked behind his stuffy sinuses. A small bead of sweat slid down the side of Levi’s temple as he felt the build up that had stacked up in the pit of his stomach, spill over. His body lurched forward, bending further into the sink as he came hard over Remi’s swiftly moving hand.
“Oooh~ there it is…” the wolf praised his spilling mate before making haste on finding his own blissful release. He chuffed loudly his hands both again gripping the leopard’s delicate and bruised haunches with possession. “Give Daddy one more….” His tone dark, almost threatening and Levi dare not defy as he allowed his stuttering body to give into the merciless tickle.
“HiH’sChu!!” He exploded once more while his boyfriend relished in the tightening walls that caused his own orgasm to come spilling into the snug cavern.
“Riiiiighhhhttt…fucking there…” the man groaned slowly while his hips hitched forward with sloppy action, making sure he drained every last drop of seed inside the heaving cat. He rested his forehead ontop of the man’s messy white hairs, catching their breaths slowly, Levi’s a bit more labored.
“You jub…” huffing softly “Alwabs hab to hab yob way don’ yob?” Gasping in a low stuffy decibel as he reached a hand up to finally swipe and clear the snot dribbling from his face.
“You know what...” panting softly in a pause “It does to me when you’re sick like this…” biting his lower lip as he huffed through his nose.
“I dob’ kno whad I wad thiging trying to keeb yob awab,” shaking his head back and forth with a strangled giggle.
“Honestly, I don’t know what you were thinking either…” laughing as well before finally pulling himself out, and immediately moving to draw his sickly boyfriend a hot bath. “Lemme make it up, by scrubbing you clean,” he reached out a strong gentle hand to his weakened mate, smiling tenderly.
Turning his head to face the much calmer man now, he returned the grin and took the offered hand. “Thabs baby…” sniffling politely as he allowed the larger to care for him for the remainder of the night.
The End
Author’s Notes: Hope you liked it Geezie and Snow Puppies! 🥺🫶🏻
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