#lexa woods x y/n
wandanatsbaby · 8 months
Hello, could you write a Lexa x Skaikru reader where lexa is protective and possessive of reader. Lot of fluff pls
Protective Lexa
Pairing: Lexa X Reader Warnings: Slight dark Lexa? Protective, possessive, mentions of cutting off an arm (not really). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lexa never really let you do anything by yourself. You were always accompanied by either her or one of her personal guards. Even just walking to your room was a problem. You could not go anywhere without one of them but most of the time you did not care. For some reason it brought you comfort to know that she cared about you so much and you know part of her worries came from her finding costias head.
Although this protectiveness soon turned into possesivness. She would constantly leave hickeys all over you and eventually suggested you getting a tattoo of her name. When in meetings you were to sit on her lap as she held you tightly against her and glared at anyone that looked at you the wrong way. 
Hanging out with your friends would turn into her claiming you all night because she believed Octavia had a thing for you (you didn’t dare mention that you two used to be a thing when you first came to the ground). 
She even threatened to cut off a merchants hand while he was tying a bracelet around your wrist. You had to physically drag her away as she muttered under her breath about how only she was allowed to touch you and that he was holding you a little to tight.
While she could be a little over the top sometimes you enjoyed the softer moments where she would protect you or hold you after a long day.
In one of the clans meeting once a guy from Floukru had said something you didn’t quite understand but you knew it was bad when Lexa motioned for you to stand up. Doing so you stood beside her chair as she walked up to the poor guy. She said some words in Trigedasland and although you couldn’t understand Clarke later explained that Lexa had threatened everyone. 
Or the time were one of the grounders had attempted to flirt with you and kept going despite your numerous attempts at denying him. Lexa had showed up right as he backed you into a corner and quickly interfered. You laid in her arms that night sobbing as she rocked you gently while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Lexa also liked to gift you numerous items whether it be a new sketch book, jewerly, candles (you had so many candles), pens, ink, anything you asked for she would get it. You also had a enormous wardrobe as she liked to buy you lots of silk and lace. She also had created your war paint which resembled hers but slightly different. She did that and your hair every morning and you would return the favor. At night she would remove it all and wash you in the bath gently as she left small kisses on your shoulders and tell you how much she loved you.
Lexa was many things a leader, a warrior, some might even call her a killer. But to you she was your hero, saver, lover, your everything. She was your safe place and you were hers.
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thespiritoflife · 3 years
White Death - part 3
Pairing: Lexa x Fem!reader
Warnings:grammatical errors, kisses?, shorter part
A/N note: Please, let me know, did you like these miniseries??
Ai hod yu in. - I love you.
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Many days have passed.  Many nights.  But always in the sunshine, Lexa remembered the White Death.  No,  Y / N.  And not just in the sunshine.  Always.  She always remembered her.
She couldn't stop thinking about her.  She went to her dreams.  Lexa woke up sweaty.  "Why don't you give me a break, Y / N?"  she screamed and cried.  Because she longed for her.  And she knew she would never see her.
No one has seen the White Death since.  It was whispered about her and about the duel.
Lexa gave up completely and tried to stop thinking about her.  She tried to improve her fighting skills.  She preoccupied her head with unnecessary things.  But also necessary.
It happened that night.  Lexa stood on the balcony, wearing only a black dress, drinking wine.  She watched her city contentedly as she noticed the reflection of her white dress.
Surely it just seemed to her.  It couldn't be her.
Suddenly she felt a touch on her shoulder.
She turned.  It was her.  Y / N.  In a white dress, no war makeup on her face.  She looked so innocent and beautiful.
Lexa looked at her in shock.  "What ... what are you doing here?"
Y / N put her finger to her lips.  "Shh. Shh. I'm nobody. Forget who you are and forget who I am. Just focus on us," and she kissed her wordlessly.
Lexa didn't return her kisses in shock, but then she started.  Desire and adrenaline flowed into her veins.
They found themselves on a majestic bed.  They kissed and the clothes fell to the ground.
Y / N found herself naked.  She looked like a goddess.  Lexa sighed.  "You're beautiful,"
Y / N just kissed her and whispered in her lips.  "No words. Just deeds,"
That night, black mixed with white.
When Lexa woke up, she was gone.  Y / N was gone.  She disappeared as fast as she arrived.  Lexa dropped to her knees and began to cry softly.
Lexa knew Y/N was leaving, but why did it have to hurt like that?
Because Y / N broke her rule that night and whispered to her, "Ai hod yu in."
And she wasn't here anymore.
So in the end she was Death. She killed Lexa inside.
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randominagines · 3 years
Could you do a Raven reyes x wife reader where reader is a grounder and lexa's 2nd and best friend and Raven gets taken and reader is distraught and virtually goes insane with bloodlust, rage, fear, and heartbreak looking for Raven and the people that took her
Thanks for the request!
Pairing: Raven Reyes X Wife!Fem!reader
Warning: angst, blood, violence
P.s. if you find any mistake please correct me, English is not my mother tongue and I want to improve. Reblog, if you can, it helps a lot, thank you💕
P.p.s. gifs belong to the creators.
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Y/n knew that something was off since the beginning of that mission. She had been walking through those woods since she was a kid, and she knew the path, but something was just different that day. She looked at Lexa, her commander and best friend, and she immediately understood that y/n was worried. "What's wrong?" The Heda whispered at her ear, without letting Clarke hear her. Y/n shook her head, her hand on her sword. "Something is wrong, I think someone is following us." She explained. Lexa tensed up: she trusted y/n more than anyone else and she knew how perceptive she was. Y/n looked around and saw her wife: Raven was walking next to Clarke, small wrinkles on her forehead while she looked around. They were simply doing an inspection tour, to make sure that everything was okay. Raven turned her head and looked at y/n: a tiny smile curved her lips while she walked to her. "My love," she whispered while stopping in front of her. Her eyes scanned y/n. "Tell me what's wrong." She said. She didn't even need to ask, she knew y/n better than anyone else and she was aware when something was bothering her. Y/n bit her lower lip, she didn't want to worry her. "Nothing, baby. Just, be careful." She said and Raven raised an eyebrow but didn't ask more questions, she simply grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to kiss her. Raven's lips placed on hers and she immediately felt a bit better, her body relaxing and her hands caressing her wife's back. Y/n parted her lips to let her tongue in, but in the moment Lexa walked next to them. "Girls, find a room!" She joked and y/n smiled while Raven blushed a bit. "We should." She whispered and smirked at y/n.
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Y/n shook her head but smiled, her hand squeezing her wife's hip. "Later, babygirl." She said and Raven nodded, desire in her eyes. Clarke laughed and shook her head. "Leave them alone, they're..." She couldn't finish her sentence, because someone hit her head with a rock. Clarke rolled her eyes and passed out, her body falling on the ground with a thud. "Clarke!" Lexa screamed while taking her sword. Three men suddenly appeared and attacked her. Y/n automatically pushed Raven behind her body while dodging a hit. She took her sword and started responding to the attack. Y/n was skilled and Lexa was too, but those men came prepared: they threw a small devices on the floor. Y/n had just one second to look at it before realising: it was a toxic gas dispenser. "We have to leave! Now!" She shouted, but it was too late. The men were already wearing anti gas masks while the red mist started to spread around. Lexa ran next to Clarke to try to wake her up but passed out in the process. Y/n looked at Raven. "Rin, I'll take them." She lied, she knew the gas was already in her system, making her feel dizzy and weak. Raven shook her head. "I'm not leaving you." She said and her eyes started getting watery.
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Y/n took her in her arms and kneeled down with her. "No no no, baby, keep your eyes on me." She said, but she knew that she herself was going to give up. She felt her eyelids becoming so heavy. She looked at the men, who were towering on them. "Take the mechanic, we need her." One of them said and another walked toward Raven. Y/n shook her head while looking at her wife closing her eyes, a panic invading her whole body: they wanted her. She tried to stand up, her hand still squeezing the hilt of her sword. "Hands... Off her... Now" she tried to say, but the gas was slowly taking away her ability to think straight from her. The man chuckled under the mask. "This is a though one." He said and pushed her on the ground. Y/n fell and finally felt her strength abandoning her. She looked at Raven, peacefully sleeping while her hair drew figures on the ground. "Ai hod yu in." She said to her, she used to always tell I love you to her in her language; y/n felt a tear running down her neck while she closed her eyes, the last thing she saw were those man taking her wife away.
Y/m opened her eyes with a snap, her body immediately sitting up while she looked around. Lexa and Clarke were sleeping next to eachother, no sign of Raven around and the sun was setting; that meant they had been unconscious for hours . She stood up, her legs feeling weaker than ever but her mind perfectly conscious. She grabbed Lexa's arms and shook her. "Lexa, wake up." She said, her voice shaking. Lexa stayed unconscious. She took a breath and tried to calm herself. "Lexa, beja..." She begged, it meant please.
Her best friend slowly opened her eyes and squeezed them. Y/n helped her sitting up while she checked Clarke's head: there was just a superficial cut. "They took Raven." Y/n immediately said while staring at Lexa; she widened her eyes and looked around. "What? Who were those men?" She asked while caressing Clarke's face. Y/n stood up and nervously walked around, she was searching for clues. "I have no idea, but we need to save her." She said, her voice filled with anger, she kept looking around. Lexa stood up and stopped next to her. "Y/n, stop for a second and calm down, we will find her, I promi..." She tried to help her friend was in total shock, but y/n interrupted her. "Don't make promises you don't know you can keep! She's gone!" She screamed while kneeling down, her hands covering her face while tears ran on her cheeks. "They took her! They took my wife!" She kept screaming while she sobbed, her body shaking and her clenched fists punching the ground. Lexa kneeled next to her her arms wrapping around her best friend to hug her, to try to confort her. Y/n let her hold her but stayed still, her body frozen and her eyes filled with tears.
Lexa looked at her. "Hey, we are going to save her. We're going back to the camp and study a plan to take her back. I'll never abandon my best friend's wife." She reassured her. Y/n was staring into the void, her hands still closed into fists. "What if they are hurting her?" She asked and squeezed her eyes, the thought of that chance making her heart skip a beat. Lexa cupped her face to make her look at her. "Then we're going to make them pay for it." She said and y/n nodded, her sadness and fear making room for determination and bloodlust. She stood up and looked around, she saw her sword on the ground and immediately took it. "Let's go kill them all." She said, her voice filled with anger and her revenge desire clearly showing. Leda stood up and looked at her, a hand on her shoulder. "Oso throu daun ogeda." She said. We fight together, y/n knew that it was true. She looked in front of her and saw footsteps among the fallen leaves, her head raising while she thought about her wife, about her joyful smile and her big brown eyes. She shook her head and whispered between her teeth. "I'm coming, baby."
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Virago 22. Inside Man
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 12.18.20
Word count: 1.9k
Based off: 02x11 “Coup de Grace”
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
100 Master List
The next morning you woke up bright and early to start your training season with Indra. You quickly get ready and head outside. You find yourself not too far behind Octavia and catch up, so you’d both be on time. 
Indra had put both you and Octavia through some drills before you went out to scout. As you, Octavia, and a group of grounders scouted on the outskirts of the camp, you all found some mountain men. One of the other grounders with you shot an arrow, instantly killing one of the men. As you and Octavia approached the second mountain man, as Indra told the other grounders to stand down, you did as well to let Octavia take on the mountain man.
Octavia landed a few hits on the man before receiving a few herself. As the man left himself open Octavia found the perfect moment to slice his suit with her machete, causing the man to be exposed to radiation and air to be released from his suit. Octavia was about to go in for the kill when Clarke rode in on a horse and stopped her.
“Octavia! No! He’s from Mount Weather. We need to keep him alive. Check to see if he’s got a patch kit. We’ve got to get him back to camp,” Clarke says. You quickly move to Octavia and the man and search for a kit in his pile of stuff. As the man continues to scream in pain you pull out what looks like to be pictures.
“What is that?” Clarke asks. You look through the photos and find them to be of Clarke and Lexa.
“You and Lexa were the targets,” You say bringing the photos to Clarke. 
“We have to warn the commander,” Indra says before speaking to the grounder on the horse behind Clarke in their language. Once the suit is patched, you all take the mountain man and bring him back to camp and directly to Abby. 
As Clarke, Abby, and Indra take care of the grounder and mountain man you go to your room to put away your weapon and to clean up a bit.  As soon as you were done, Clarke came to grab you to interrogate the mountain man. You followed her to the small room they were containing him in so he couldn’t be affected by the radiation. 
Marcus was trying to get answers out of the man but he only was responding with his name, “Carl Emerson. Mount Weather Security Detail,” Emerson says.
“You already said. You don’t seem to be grasping the situation here. You should’ve died in the woods. We saved your life. Why not help us bring an end to all this?” Marcus asks, but the man still answers with his name and job title. 
“He’s not gonna talk,” You say from beside Clarke.
“He will if we open the door,” Marcus says. Abby quickly moves to mute the speaker in Emerson’s room. 
“We are not doing that,” Abby says before walking away.
“We need to know what he knows. Vulnerabilities. Troop numbers,” Marcus says.
“She’s right,” Clarke says holding something in her hands. 
“Torture doesn’t work,” You say.
“It could save your friends,” Marcus responds.
“I’m the Chancellor,” Abby responds.
“The act like one!” Marcus yells back. “I told you I  would support you as long as I believe you were doing the right thing,”
“I am. And if you disagree...convene a vote and take my place,” Abby says.
“I don’t give a damn...about the title. I just want to save our people,” Marcus says.
“So do I,” Abby responds before Marcus walks away upset. “I want this man under 24-hour guard. Is that clear?” Abby asks the guard beside you and Clarke before heading off. Clarke taps your shoulder and leads you to Ravens workshop. 
“Hey, can you replicate this?” Clarke asks Raven, handing her the device she found. Raven plays with the device before setting it off with the familiar high pitch noise filling the air.
“Yeah, I can totally replicate this frequency,” Raven says.
“Good. If we can neutralize the reapers, the tunnels are an option,” You say getting at what Clarke had in mind.
“Get on it,” Clarke adds.
“You don’t need to give me orders. I got this,” Raven says annoyed.
“Raven. Any word for Bellamy?” Octavia asks running in.
“Nothing yet,” Raven responds.
“Lincoln’s still missing too. He should be back by now,” Octavia says.
“They’ll be okay,” Clarke reassures her.
“They better be. Your whole plan rests on Bellamy getting in,” Raven says still annoyed.
“He will,” Clarke says.
“Councilor Kane, Clarke Griffin, and Y/N Y/L/N, please report to the South airlock immediately,” You hear over the PA system. 
“They’ll be ok. If we know anything about the two of them, they’re fighters,” You say to Octavia before leaving with Clarke.
“We’ll finish this later,” Clarke says as you leave.
“Did he say something?” Kane asks as you approach the airlock.
“No. But his blood did. Jackson found genetic marker anomalies that can only come from someone who was born on the Ark,” Abby explains.
“It’s started,” You say quietly. 
“It didn’t come from the blood transfusion?” Marcus asks.
“No. I took the sample before that,” Abby says.
“They’re bleeding our friends,” Clarke says.
“We don’t know that,” Marcus says.
“Yes, we do. We were genetically engineered. They weren’t,” You say. 
“What are you doing?” Marcus asks as Clarke makes a b-line to Emerson. 
“Killing him,” Clarke says, trying to get to him again, but Marcus stops her again. “Get out of my way, Kane.”
“Calm down,” Marcus says.
“Clarke. You are not in charge here. We do things my way,” Abby says. Clarke walks off upset at Marcus and Abby.
“I’ll talk to her,” You say following after her. 
“Clarke!” You yell chasing her. 
“What? I didn’t exactly see you fighting to save our friends in there,” She says still making her way down the hall. 
“I didn’t say anything because I--I’m trying to figure things out and not just stand here doing nothing like Kane and your mom, ” You say finally catching up to her. Clarke gives no response before walking away again. 
“We’re too late. They’re already bleeding them. It’s over,” Clarke says as you make your way into the workshop. 
“No. You don’t get to give up, Clarke. You killed Finn, and I didn’t give up. I’m building a damn tone generator, you do your job,” Raven yells.
“What is my job?” Clarke yells back.
“I don’t know. To come up with something,” Raven responds.
“I have tried,” Clarke responds.
“Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Anyone read me?” You all hear Bellamy say over the radio.
“Holy crap,” Raven as you and Clarke make your way to the radio.
“Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Does anyone read me?” Bellamy repeats. Raven picks up the microphone and hands it to you.
“Bellamy?” You speak into it.
“Y/N?” He asks back.
“Are you alright?” You ask feeling relieved.
“I’m fine. But that’s it for the good news. We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Jasper, Monty, everyone is locked in the dorm,” He says. 
“But they’re alive? All of them?” You ask.
“I think so. For now. Maya says they’re already using their blood. And things will get ugly in here real fast,” Bellamy says. Clarke taps your shoulder and you hand her the radio.
“Maya’s with you?” Clarke asks.
“She helped me escape. If not for her, I’d be dead. Clarke and Y/N, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn’t kill everyone. Please tell me we have one,” Bellamy says.
“I hear you. But we can’t do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven’s gonna help you,” Clarke says.
“Got it. What else?” Bellamy asks.
“You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. There’s a whole army inside that mountain and they don’t even realize it,” Clarke says.
“A trojan horse. Good plan,” Bellamy responds.
“What does Maya think? Is it doable?” Clarke asks. 
“She says it’s not a problem. You guys, if I’m gonna pull this off, I need you to buy me some time. It won’t be long before they realize I don’t belong here and if that happens,” Bellamy says.
“That can’t happen. We’ll come up with something,” You say talking the radio from Clarke’s hand.
“Come up with it quick,” Bellamy says.
“Copy that. And Bellamy?” Clarke says.
“You came through. I knew you would,” She says.
“All I’ve done so far is not get killed,” He says.
“Keep doing that,” Clarke says. “You’re up,” Clarke hands the radio to Raven and walks off.
“What are you gonna do?” You ask Clarke.
“Keep on looking outside instead of in. Y/N come with me,” Clarke says.
“Be careful Bellamy,” You say into the radio. 
“I will,” He responds before you head off with Clarke.
Clarke tells you to find Indra and Octavia and meet them down the hall from the cell after telling you the plan. You quickly find them and meet up with Clarke. As you all head to Emerson the guard tries to stop you all but you don’t give him a chance. 
“Get dressed. You’re coming with me,” Clarke says to Emerson. Once he was in his suit you all head outside towards the gate.  
“Clarke, what are you doing?” Marcus asks.
“Clarke, stop,” Abby says getting in our way.
“No. I’m letting the prisoner go,” Clarke says.
“Absolutely not,” Abby says.
“He hasn’t told us anything yet,” Marcus adds.
“He doesn’t have to. He’s gonna tell them something,” You say. 
“Get the prisoner back to the airlock now,” Abby says as the guards agree to her order. As the guards try to go for Emerson, the grounders you gathered to stop them.
“You may be the Chancellor, but Y/N and I are in charge,” Clarke says to her mom.
“Indra, tell your people to stand down...before this gets out of hand,” Abby says but Indra refuses. “People could get hurt,” Abby whispers.
“Not if you get out of our way,” You respond. “You need to trust that we know what’s right for us,” You add. 
“The grounders trust them. Maybe we should too,” Marcus says.
“Stand down,” Abby says and we make our way to the gate.
“Open the gate. Now,” You say. The guards bring Emerson to face you and Clarke.
“Can you hear me alright? Because I need to make sure you get this,” Clarke asks, and Emerson tells us he can.
“I have a message for your leader. We’re coming for him. You’re watching us, but you haven’t seen a thing. The grounder army is bigger than you think. And even if you could find it, your acid fog can’t hurt them. And now thanks to you…” Clarke holds up the resonator. “Neither can the reapers. So you have one last chance. Let our people go, and we’ll let you live. It’s just that simple,” Clarke says.
“I got it,” Emerson says.
You grab the oxygen tube on his suit, “It’s an eight-hour walk back to mount weather?” You ask before releasing some air. “You’re gonna do it in six,” You say, plugging it back in.
“Six hours. That’s not enough. How am I supposed to deliver your message?” He asks.
“That’s your problem. Now go,” You respond before Emerson runs off.
“Clarke, Y/N. Do you two wanna explain to me how this helps my brother?” Octavia asks. 
“I just told him we have a secret army to worry about,” Clarke says.
“The more they’re looking at us, the less they’re looking at him. Bellamy is the key to everything, Octavia. If he dies, we die and you know I won’t let that happen,” You add before walking off. 
A/N: I hope you enjoy this little filler. Thanks for reading!
🏷: @im-a-writer-right​ | @mosstea-png​​  | @zestylemon99​ | @wonderful-writer​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @hurricane-abigail​ | @how-does-this-work​ | @lizlil​
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Banished (Part 47)
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~Banished Master~
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 11K (heh... how long does this take y’all to read, I stg)
*Based off episode 4x02 of the 100, Heavy lies the Crown*
Bold Italics are Trig
As for Praimfaya, its already making its way across the globe. A couple, man and woman crossing the desert in Europe, found it out the hard way. Their bodies were covered in burns, as they tried to find sanctuary. The man collapsed, his partner falling with him as she panted, trying to get him to respond to her but he wouldn’t answer. She let out a sob, barely able to make a sound from her dried throat. At an odd sound, she pulled herself up, trudging atop a sand dune to look upon pyramids.
But along with the structures a wave of radiation came upon her. She let out a scream as the radiation took her over, her skin burning off as she fell to her knees and her body was swept away.
6 months, starting now.
ALIE’s chip had made its way from Polis before you managed to destroy her. One victim, Ilian, living with his family on a farm, introduced a new level of pain to his family. He wasn’t in control of himself, ALIE in his head and working him like another one of her puppets. His mother sat tied, tired and bleeding against the sheep’s corral, her arms drawn apart like she was on a cross. Her ragged breathing was worsened as she looked up to Ilian approaching her.
She tried to speak. “Demon…” She muttered as her voice tore through her throat. “Where’s my son?”
Ilian paid no mind to her question as he held out a chip for her, barely a smile on his face to offer comfort. “Take it mother.” The woman’s cried out as Ilian pulled the chip away and kept it in his fist. He left his mother, heading to a boy, his brother, kneeling as his mind explored the City of Light. Ilian’s mother begged him, pleading for him to spare the life of his brother, but ALIE wouldn’t allow it. A knife was pressed to the boy’s throat by Ilian’s hand. “I’ll stop when you take the key.”
ALIE stood next to him, watching the scene carefully. “Do it. She’ll break.” Without another plead, Ilian cut his brother’s throat, gasps for air and one last breath came from the brother before he fell to the ground.
His mother cried out for the loss of her family. “He’s with father in the City of Light.” Ilian assured her as she looked to her husband, his life taken just minutes ago much like his sons had. “Take it mother.”
Another refusal.
ALIE had one last trick up her AI sleeve. “Put the knife to your own throat.” Ilian followed her instructions, his mother starting to thrash about as she begged for Ilian to lower the knife. Just before ALIE was to tell Ilian to slice his throat, she was distracted. “Y/N. Don’t.” She flickered away, leaving Ilian standing there, waiting for a command. The moments passed, his face stoic as his mother tried to get him to come back.
“You don’t ease pain. You overcome it. And we always will.” Without a moment’s hesitation, you grabbed the kill switch, pulling it and ending it all. No more ALIE.
Ilian let out a gasp as the knife was pulled from his throat, his heart racing at the thought of what might’ve happened. He looked down at the blade, his brother and fathers blood stained the metal as he looked to his mother, her head falling to the side as he rushed over.
“Mother!” He yelled and used the knife to cut her bonds. Her eyelids felt heavy, too much of her strength been used for sobbing and she barely had any left to live. “Help!” Ilian screamed. “Help!” He’s screams were for naught as the only ones around were his family, his brother and father both lying dead in their field and his mother joining them slowly.
“Ilian.” His mother mumbled, placing a hand on his cheek to pull his face to look down. “Avenge me.”
Ilian cried as his mother took her last breath and he pulled her into his chest, kissing her forehead as tears fell down his face. He tried to hold himself, losing his entire family broke him and he let it out, his scream ringing through the air as he clutched the useless key, vowing revenge on those who brought the City of Light to them: Skaikru.
In Polis, a week after ALIE’s demise, Kane and Abby were enjoying the simple things. They laid in bed together, post coital bliss etched on their faces as they panted.
“You are a terrible influence.” Abby whispered to Kane, moving her head to look at the man next to her. She rolled on top of him, her fingers tracing over his bare chest. “Roan is expecting me.” Kane nodded and Abby kissed him before grabbing her shirt and throwing it on. He watched with a smile as a different form of happiness than he felt 5 minutes ago took over his body. Abby removed her wedding ring from where she placed it for safe keeping, hesitating while holding the band that tied her to her deceased husband.
“Abby.” Kane whispered, putting his arms around her shoulders. She leaned back against his body. “Jake is a part of you.” He reminded her, taking the necklace from her hands and putting it back around her neck where it belonged. They smiled at each other, Abby leaning over to give him one last kiss before she had to leave. “Go. The King’s waiting but be careful. The tower’s safe, but we’re in dangerous ground here.” Abby nodded, pushing some of Kane’s hair out of his face before leaving the room to attend to Roan.
On the ground, outside the tower, a group of Trishanakru men sat together around a table, Ilian sat with them, his face stone as he stared at the wood in front of him. “The king protects Skaikru. Why?” He asked the ambassador next to him, Rafel.
“Because he is their puppet, Ilian.” Rafel told Ilian, getting the boy to turn his head and listen. “And anyone who protects the people who did this are as guilty as they are. Roan of Azgeda will hear me. As your ambassador, I have the right to challenge him. Single Combat.”
Octavia stood hidden in the shadows, listening as Rafel promising revenge on Skaikru and the king.
“I want justice, Skaikru did this, not the king.” Ilian told him, his jaw clenching in disgust at the mention of Skaikru.
“Do you want revenge for your family? When Trishanakru controls Polis, you will have it.” Rafel held a cup up in cheers, Ilian and the other men slowly following. “I promise when the King’s head falls, Skaikru falls with it.”
The doors to the throne room opened and Roan was led inside, his head picking up as he looked upon the throne and Echo standing to the side.
“Welcome to your throne room, my King.” She greeted. Roan didn’t say anything, walking past her as he looked about the room. “Now since the lift’s been repaired, I’ve doubled the guards on every floor.”
“Expecting trouble?” Roan stopped her, raising a brow.
Echo sighed. “I trust only Azgeda. Your mother taught me that, the people loved her for it.”
Roan stood in front the throne and turned to face the spy. “Our people feared her.”
“Because she was fierce and ambitious.”
Slowly taking a seat, Roan shook his head. “My mother’s ambition and her disregard for Lexa’s alliance got her killed.”
“If I may, why do you insist on ruling as Lexa did if its not the best for our people?” Echo asked. Roan hesitated. He couldn’t tell her of the world’s destruction, who knows what a spy would do with that information. “At least tell me there’s a reason.”
He didn’t get a response formed before the door to throne room opened and Kane and Octavia pushed themselves inside. “Forgive the intrusion, your highness. May we have a word?” Kane asked, glancing to Echo who narrowed her eyes. “Privately.”
“You can wait, just like all the other ambassadors.” She spat at Kane.
“Echo.” Roan caught her attention. “Leave us.” She spun around to look at him, confused as to why Skaikru would be given the special treatment. “Please.” She followed the order of her king, leaving Kane and Octavia alone with Roan.
“You were right to be concerned about Trishanakru.” Kane told him once the room was cleared. “Rafel is gonna challenge for your control.”
“Bold move for a new ambassador.” Roan pointed out, knowing Trishanakru isn’t fond of him as King. “Let him come.”
“With respect, you’re still recovering.”
“The law says you can choose someone to fight in your place.”
“No.” Roan shot Octavia’s idea down. “The clans would never accept someone who hides behind the law or someone else’s blade.”
“You’ll lose.” Octavia said simply, gesturing to the wound. “Lexa kicked your ass without a bullet hole in your chest.”
“We should cancel the gathering.” Kane stepped in, sending a look of disapproval to Octavia. “Delay it until you’re strong enough.”
“No.” Roan objected, leaving the duo to silently bicker as he walked away. “Letting the clans have a voice keeps the peace here. Azgeda holds this city through force alone, and the flame won’t keep the clans at bay forever.” He sat into the throne, showing his power over the Skaikru ambassadors. “If they unite against us, we could lose, and if we lose-“
“They come for Skaikru.” Octavia finished Kane gulped quietly.
“And the radiation will come for us all.”
Kane shook his head. “No one has to die. The point of our arrangement is to give us time to find a solution that will save everyone.”
“And how is that solution coming?”
“We’re working on it.” Kane assured him, having no clue of your advancements towards a proper solution. “In the meantime, I’m here to keep you in power. Let me talk to the ambassador.”
“Go ahead. Talk.” Roan allowed Kane. Kane turned around, beginning to walk towards the door before Roan’s voice stopped him. “But if you fail, I’ll have no choice but to fight.” Kane hesitated before nodding, sparing Octavia a look before leaving and heading to the Trishanakru ambassador.
Things in Arkadia weren’t going as well as you hoped. You, Bellamy, Raven, Clarke, and Monty were held up in a room, racking your brains to come up with a solution. You leaned against the window, staring at the falling rain, thunder and lightning accompanying it. It was hard to believe in a few months, this very rain could kill you.
“We’ve been at this for two days. There has to be something we’re not thinking of.” Bellamy groaned, moving from the drawing board over to you. You hadn’t pulled yourself away from the window for almost twenty minutes. He’d be more worried if he didn’t know how stressful this was. Bellamy leaned against the wall and you could see him from the corner of your eye, but you made no indication. He sighed, running a hand over his face. “What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?”
Raven scoffed at his idea. “I told you the meltdown started months ago. There’s no magic button to turn them off. Today isn’t the black rain but it will be soon.” Clarke looked to the window, Bellamy and you perched in front of it. She caught Bellamy’s eyes before looking at you, your eyes unmoving from the rain. Water dripped in through the seals as Monty glanced to the ceiling. “That’s why we need to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough for all 500 of us.”
Her words brought you out of your rain watching and you narrowed your eyes to her. “And what about everyone else? I made a promise to Roan. We save everyone.”
“That’s why we need to tell everyone!” Raven stressed as she took a step closer to you, Bellamy and Clarke, trying to get her point across. “Crowdsource it. The grounders might know if there’s another Mount Weather out there.”
Bellamy looked to you, his voice softer than before as he watched you lean back on the window, tilting your head upon it. “You think they’d tell us?” He asks you, knowing that if they grounders knew anything, you’d be the one who’d be aware.
“I doubt it. We tell them that they’re dead if we don’t figure this out then the coalition is over, Roan falls and we’ll be dealing with grounders at our gate.” You told them all, firmly believing destruction will only come from crowdsourcing.
“Then just tell our people.” Raven argued. “I need more minds on this problem.” You held your head in your hands, hiding a yawn as you rubbed from your eyes to your temples. “On the ark, people volunteered for the culling because they were told the truth and given a choice.” Monty turned around, bracing himself against the table as he watched water drop into a bucket he placed earlier. Raven turned to Clarke. “A choice your dad died for.”
Clarke furrowed her brows and clenched her jaw. “You think I’ve forgotten that?” She spat.
“Okay, we’ll tell everybody the truth,” Bellamy broke the tension between the two girls. “as soon as we find a viable solution. Without it, it’ll cause a panic.”
“That’s it!” Monty yelled out as everyone turned to him, you even pushing yourself into the group as Monty spoke. “Alpha station survived in space for 97 years through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar?” He asked you all rhetorically. “All we have to do is patch up the ship.”
A silence fell around the group as Bellamy and you exchanged a glance. “What are you saying?” you asked Monty, wanting to make sure you were understanding what he was getting at.
He looked to you, a small smile making way on his face. “I’m saying, we’re standing in our viable solution.” You all looked around the room, your viable solution sounding more and more better as each moment passed.
“Alright then.” Raven grinned, nodding to Monty. “Let’s get to work.” They started on what was needed, making a list of things to fix as you sighed in relief, moving back to look out the window.
You were going to do this. This was going to work.  
“Hey.” Bellamy whispered as he joined you at the window, much closer than he was before. You didn’t mind though, feeling him glance at you. Bellamy didn’t have to look long to notice the bags under your eyes and the way your shoulders drooped. “When was the last time you had slept?”
You chuckled under your breath, looking at him with a smile. “I think I got a few minutes in last night.” You said honestly. You barely have gotten more than a few hours since that day you went in the City of Light, the stress of everything piling on your plate just kept you up and as much as you tried, you couldn’t sleep for long.
You shook your head at Bellamy, knowing the talk about needing to sleep was coming. “I’m fine, I really am. We have our solution. Let’s just make sure it works, then I’ll sleep.” He looked just as tired as you when you took a second to study his features. “Besides Bellamy, you look like you need it just as much as I do.”
“How about, we both get some shut eye.” You both glanced back, seeing Monty and Raven working as Clarke stood next to them, watching over their work and providing a voice on occasion.
“I think we’re supposed to be helping.” You told him, bumping his shoulder with yours. He frowned as you tried to hide another yawn.
“Get some sleep.” Monty’s voice called over to you and Bellamy. You both turned, seeing the three of them watching you with knowing smiles. “You both need it.”
Bellamy looked at you, raising a brow as you rolled your eyes. “You sure you don’t need our help?” You asked, hating that you were leaving them to all the work.
Raven nodded. “We’re sure. You’re no use to us tomorrow if you pass out from sleep exhaustion.”
“Tomorrow?” Bellamy questioned.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” Monty nodded. “We need a working hydro-generator to store water and the only working hydro-generator is in Farm Station.”
“And that’s where Bellamy and I come in?” You understood. Farm Station landed in Ice Nation territory, getting there without running into said Ice Nation is a mission all on its own. You needed to be awake, not worrying about whether you had enough strength to aim your bow. You bit your lip, to try not to yawn, giving up when it proved a struggle. “Fine. Sleep it is.” You relented.
Bellamy smiled when you gave in, both of you saying goodnight to your friends before leaving. The halls were quiet, most Arkers fast asleep as you headed to your room. “You think this is going to work?” You asked Bellamy.
He didn’t say anything before sighing. “Monty and Raven know what they’re doing.”
You stopped walking, grabbing his hand to get him to join you. “But do you think this is going to work?” You looked into his eyes. Bellamy didn’t know what to say. You wanted to know if he thought there was a chance you’d all survive. He didn’t say anything though, and you got your answer. He didn’t know. You looked down the hall, seeing your door as you took a breath. “Goodnight Bellamy.” You whispered, letting go of his hand. Bellamy looked down to his hand, immediately feeling the loss of your touch before looking up and seeing you walk away.
“Goodnight Y/N.” he mumbled after you, staying in that spot as you disappeared behind the door. He half contemplated turning back to help the others, content with getting you to sleep, but you wanted him to sleep too. It was only fair. He headed straight to his room, groaning at the sight of his bed. He didn’t bother turning the light on as he pulled his shirt off and fell onto the mattress to try and get some sleep.
You were exhausted as you laid in bed, barely bothering to change out of your jeans but putting a tank top on instead of the long sleeve shirt and jacket you wore. You could hear the rain outside your window, the constant pounding slowly lulling you to sleep.
Your eyes flickered closed in the darkness, and the rain started to disappear, the sound instead replaced by a faint whispering.
“Y/N…” it said quietly. You stirred in your sleep, hearing it again. “Y/N…” Its breathy voice repeated in your head, getting louder and louder until it was screaming. “Skaikiler!”
You bolted awake, throwing yourself to sit up as your breathing become frantic and heavy. You turned your bed lamp on, glancing around the room for the cause of the voice. Your room was empty, you were completely alone and the only sound you could hear was the rain once again.
“What the hell?” You mumbled, trying to calm yourself. The voice was gone, and you tried to think back on it, but it didn’t sound like anyone you knew before. You tried to ignore it, turning off the light and burying yourself in the blanket, but you couldn’t close your eyes, the thought that the voice would return was unsettling. You groaned, throwing your legs over the side of the bed and grabbing your jacket. You covered yourself before walking out of your room, your door slamming behind you as you froze.
You knew you needed to sleep, Bellamy told you that much. You’d go outside for a breather, but it was raining, and raining and tired doesn’t usually make for a great mission the next day. You started walking, your feet taking you wherever they wanted and soon enough you ended at Bellamy’s door. If he was asleep, knocking on the door might be mean, he did need sleep too. Before you could even consider another option, you were knocking. You scolded yourself, hoping Bellamy wasn’t in there sleeping.
Bellamy was struggling to get to sleep as well, every time he tried his mind wanders, often coming to you. He tried to empty his mind, but it was no use, no matter what his thoughts remained. The knock on his door made him awake fully, not having expected anyone to come this late at night. He assumed it was Clarke to tell them they needed him for something. He groaned, pushing himself off his bed, turning on his lamp on the way up. His feet padded silently against the ground as he opened the door, not expecting to see you on the other side.
Your eyes were wide as the door was pulled open, a shirtless Bellamy in front of you as you looked away, feeling like you shouldn’t have just checked him out. When you finally looked back at him, you thanked that he hadn’t caught you, a yawn escaping him. “Y/N?”
“Sorry. I uh…” You stopped yourself. What were you doing here?
“You couldn’t sleep either?” He asked as you shook your head, happy to know it wasn’t just you. Although something tells you that he didn’t have voices in his head. “Come in.” He nodded towards his bed and stepped aside, letting you into his room. You stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do as Bellamy fell back into bed. He looked at you, raising a brow. “Come on, you still need to get some sleep.” You laughed, chewing on your lip and walking over to the bed. You were about to climb in before you remembered your jacket, pausing and turning off the light before pulling your jacket off. Bellamy didn’t say anything, watching your figure in the dark before you started to climb in. You laid on your side, facing away from Bellamy. You could feel him behind you, you knew he was staring at the back of your head.
He scooted closer to you, you doing the same and moving backwards until his body pressed against yours, more warmth coming from his chest than a blanket ever could’ve provided. His arm began to encircle your waist before slowly pulling away. Bellamy wasn’t sure if it was welcomed, he didn’t know if he already over stepped with sharing a bed. You didn’t say anything and grabbed Bellamy’s hand, bringing his arm back around your stomach. He grinned and pulled you even closer. Suddenly his thoughts stopped taking over his brain, the feeling of you next to him was enough for Bellamy to fall asleep comfortably. You fell asleep too not long after, hearing Bellamy’s breathing in your ear and the voice didn’t make another appearance that night.
Morning came faster than you thought as the morning sun came though Bellamy’s window. You moved in your sleep, now laying on Bellamy’s chest with his arms around you. You didn’t know if Bellamy was awake, picking your head up and placing your chin on his chest. He woke up a few minutes ago, watching you sleep peacefully. You didn’t look nearly as tired as you had last night, the extra hours you had spent with Bellamy asleep doing you both favors. You gave him a lazy smile, receiving one in return from him.
“Morning.” He spoke, his voice deeper and gravelly in the morning, obvious he slept well.
“Morning.” You whispered, stretching out your legs. They hit Bellamy’s and neither of you stopped them from getting tangled together. “How long were we asleep for?” you asked, hearing the days chatter begin outside Bellamy’s room.
Bellamy shrugged, not pulling his eyes off you. His eyes moved down from your face, seeing the scars on your body. There was a familiarity in this moment, the last time you and Bellamy woke like this you had just had sex for the first time. He left you for Pike. He wasn’t going to do that this time.
You caught his eyes moving to your scar on your shoulder, that one from the panther as you shifted. You reached over for your jacket, thrown on his bedside table and pulled it on. When you broke the comfort between you two, Bellamy was confused and wanting to stay a little longer with you, but when you grabbed your jacket, he knew what was wrong.
“Hey.” He said, pushing himself up to sit against the wall. You paused and looked him before slowly pulling your jacket the rest of the way on. “You don’t have to hide them from me.” He told you, reaching out to grab your hand. You swallowed, pulling your hand away before he could reach. He furrowed his brows. “Y/N?”
“It’s not you.” You admitted, refusing to look at him.
He waited for you to go on, but you hadn’t said more. “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head, offering a smile. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“No. Something’s on your mind, the same something that made you grab your jacket.” He reached for your hand once more, this time you allowed him to grab it. “Talk to me.”
You took a second, trying to find the words. “It’s dumb. I’ve lived with my scars for years, but when I was in the City of Light…” you stopped yourself, letting your eyes closed as you thought back to the City, staring at yourself in the building once again. Your scars were gone, you looked… normal. You opened your eyes again, blinking away the thoughts as you realized Bellamy had gotten closer, an arm pulled around your back as you both sat with your legs off the edge of the bed. “They weren’t there.” You blurted out.
Was it wrong to want to look like that again?
“I told you it’s dumb. Especially with everything that’s going on. My problems are-“
“Important.” Bellamy cut you off. He squeezed your hand. “Your problems are important Y/N and I promise you, we’ll get through this. We’ll survive.”
You smiled at him, feeling your cheeks heat up as he rubbed your back. “I’m holding you to that.” You both chuckled. “We should probably get going before someone files a missing people report.” You joked as Bellamy chuckled and both of you slowly got out of the bed.  
Checking in with Clarke, Raven and Monty, they explained the plan of retrieving the hydro-generator, you and Bellamy bringing along a group, specifically Monty, Harper, Miller, Bryan, and you two. It was yours and Bellamy’s job to bring Miller and Bryan up too speed and after a good 10 minutes, you were getting somewhere.
“Raven says we can get it sealed in a month.” Bellamy told them, your head nodding as he spoke. “The Ark is our Ark.”
“I get it.” Miller stopped him, processing the plan. “So, we freeze dry the meat until we can grow our own food, oxygen scrubbers, but how do we store enough water for 500 people?”
Bellamy looked to you, offering you the next explanation. “We don’t.” you took over. “That’s why we’re heading to Farm Station.”
Miller scoffed and knotted his brows. “Why the hell would we do that? That’s in Ice Nation, you know that better than anyone.”
Bryan groaned in pain as he stood up, the three of you looking at him in concern. “You just said it. We need a hydro-generator and Farm Station has one for crops.”
“Think you can get us there?” Bellamy asked Bryan before Miller interrupted.
“No way. Find another machine.”
“There aren’t any, Miller. Without it we’d barely, last a year. 5 would be impossible.” You told him, running a hand over your face. Miller considered it, looking in between you and Bellamy.
“Fine. I’m in, but Bryan stays here. His leg’s still healing.”
You looked at Bryan seeing him send a look to Miller before addressing Bellamy and you. “I’m in too.”
You knew he was only going because he wanted to prove he could, but that was only more dangerous. “Good. We leave in an hour.” Bellamy said as Miller scoffed, wondering why he even tries with his boyfriend. You followed Bellamy out of the room.
As soon as you both were gone, Miller grabbed Bryan’s attention. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Yeah I do.” Bryan told him, shaking his head. “Since Octavia murdered Pike, I’m the only one left who knows where it is.”
“Why are you defending him? Pike was a dictator!”
“He was elected chancellor, and if you don’t care about that, he kept me alive for three months.”
“Then why did you help us turn him over to the grounders?”
Bryan stared at Miller; the answer obvious in Bryan’s head. “To save you, Nate.”
Miller didn’t say anything, his arguments falling short knowing Bryan sacrificed Pike because he loved Miller. Miller pulled him in for a long loving hug, whispering sorry in his ear.
Monty went looking for his best friend, checking his room, the dining hall and the hangar bay before walking outside, the sound of pitchy singing coming from the middle of the camp. Monty grew confused, following the sound before seeing Jasper in the shower, scrubbing his body and singing along to the song stark naked in the camp, his only covering being a curtain surrounded the shower. Monty put his hands on his hips, watching his friend from afar before coming forward.
“Woah.” Monty said as he got closer, discovering Jasper’s naked body with a hand placed to hide Jasper. “Nice cap.” Monty called out, his hand still up and remaining up until Jasper was wearing clothes again. “You know you’re wasting our drinking water, right?”
Jasper just chuckled, continuing to use the loofah on his body. “You know we’re all going to die in 6 months, right?” he retorted, running the water over his face.
“Not if we find what we’re looking for today.” Monty tried to sound confident, knowing that finding the hydro-generator was huge.
Jasper scoffed, continuing on with his shower. “Oh please. Tell me about another pointless task Clarke has roped you into doing. Or better yet, don’t. I don’t want to keep anymore of her secrets.”
“We’re going back to Farm Station.” Monty moved on. “Why don’t you come with us.”
Jasper shook his head and turned off the water. “Monty.” He said and held his hands out. “Look at me.”
Monty turned away, using his hand once again to not see Jasper’s nakedness. “I’m really trying not to.”
“I’m fine. I’m having fun.” When Monty interrupted him, Jasper sighed. “I’m not going to kill myself.” He assured his best friend. “What’s the point?” He grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his body and smirked. “But if you want to cheer me up, while you’re at Farm Station, get that weed we stashed? Behind the wall of your old room?” He smiled at Monty, holding up his hand. “Come on. Don’t leave me hanging!”
Monty held up his own hand, both of them bringing their other hands up to high five themselves, their own special high five. Monty tried to hide his own smile as he pointed at Jasper and walked away, headed to meet you all at the hangar bay.
“Hey, you want a hug?” Jasper called out jokingly as Monty chuckled.
You lifted up a backpack, tossing it to Miller who put it in the rover, getting ready for your Ice Nation trip. You hoped that it would be a clean trip, but things don’t usually go your way.
“Battery’s full.” Bellamy said and you turned around to see Clarke walking over. “If we’re lucky, we won’t have to stop to discharge.”
Clarke nodded, pulling out Roan’s Ice Nation seal. “If Roan’s seal works the way it’s supposed to, we’ll be even luckier.” She muttered and handed it over to Bellamy. “If you get in trouble, just show this.”
You tapped Miller’s leg, telling him you’re going over as he nodded. “You can still come with us.” You told Clarke who shook her head.
“I can’t. Arkadia is just plan B. We need to find a solution that saves both us and the grounders.” You knew she was right. You promised Roan his people would be safe and protecting just your people wasn’t the way to do that.
“We save who we can save today.” Bellamy said, looking more at you than Clarke. He knew if anything went wrong for the grounders, you’d blame yourself. You were the one who made a promise to Roan.
“We should get going.” You reminded them. Bellamy nodded telling the others to load up.
“Hey, be careful, okay?” You nodded at Clarke’s words before heading to the rover, sending patting the side of it before climbing into the front seat. Bellamy joined you, sliding into the front seat and away to Ice Nation you went.
Bellamy parked far from the fallen ship, up on the hill as you all clambered out of the rover. “This is as far as we can get.” He called out as everyone approached the ledge, looking out at Farm Station. “From here we go on foot.”
“We get the hydro-generator and get out.” Miller instructed. “We don’t want to stay any longer than we need.” The ship was daunting, just like Alpha Station but covered in snow. Miller looked into his binoculars, his face falling instantly. “Guys, we have a problem.” Bellamy brought his gun up, looking into the scope as you all crouched down.
“What is it?” you asked, not able to see that far without help.
“The barn’s not empty.” Miller muttered over to you as your head dropped. Of course, it’s not empty, that would make this a million times easier.
“They moved in.” Bryan spoke in disbelief. “If it’s the same guys who attacked us, with our guns, we could take them.”
“We’re not here to fight them.” You said looking down at the Station. “We need the machine, if we don’t then Ice Nation will be the least of our troubles.”
You picked your head up, turning to see Harper with an arrow drawn to her back. You aimed your own bow as Ice Nation grounders came out from the trees, all aiming their weapons at you and your friends.
“Weapons down. Now.” Bellamy told you all as he lowered his gun, Monty and Harper following. You and Miller hesitated but ultimately listened, leaving Bryan with his gun up.
“Bryan now.” You told him, placing your hand on the barrel gently, the boy allowed you to bring his gun down, watching the woman in front of you stare at you.
Bellamy pulled out the seal, showing it to the woman. “King Roan of Azgeda sent us.” The woman took the seal out of Bellamy’s hands, looking it over. Bellamy and you exchanged glances, but once Bellamy was looking away, the woman used the seal, hitting Bellamy in the head with it.
“Bellamy!” you yelled as he hit the ground unconscious. You were by his side, turning him in your lap to see him unconscious. You brushed his hair out of the way, checking for any injuries.
“Take their weapons. Let’s introduce them to the chief.”
A bow was placed to your head, stopping your movements. “Get up.”  A man said, nudging your head. You looked up at him, slowly moving Bellamy off your lap. He was staring to wake up, groaning as you shifted and stood up, raising your hands in the air.
The grounders tied everyone’s hands in front of them, leading you all into the Farm Station. You and Bellamy walked side by side, grounders grabbing your shoulders and shoving you and your friends to the ground. The seal was presented in front of you and Bellamy.
“Where did you get this?” The Ice Nation Chief asked Bellamy. You stayed quiet, glancing back at all your friends and seeing their equally pissed off and scared faces.
“King Roan. Skaikru and Azgeda are allies. He sent us to get a part of the ship, a machine.” Bellamy explained to him. The grounders obviously didn’t believe him as the Chief turned to the woman who knocked Bellamy out.
“King Roan hasn’t returned to Ice Nation in 3 years. The Banished Prince is not my king.” She told the Chief who pocketed the seal.
“You know Queen Nia is dead.”  You spoke harshly. They looked at you, narrowing their eyes. “That ‘Banished Prince’ is the rightful ruler of Ice Nation. Whether you like it or not.”  The chief pulled out his knife, making you realize no matter what you said about Roan being king, it wouldn’t be enough. “Look, if we were coming to take this place back, we’d of brought more people. You know that.”
Bellamy watched you, only understanding bits of what you were saying. The Chief came to you with the knife, tucking it under your chin and pulling your head up. “Just because you speak our language, doesn’t make you one of us, Skaikiler.”
Why did they always assume you wanted to be like one of them?
“Let’s get this over with, Davika.” The chief spoke to the woman before yanking you to your feet, cutting the rope binding your hands before doing the same to Bellamy.
“Release them.” He told his people who listened, all cutting your friends loose. Bellamy stepped closer to you, looking at you to make sure you were fine, and you nodded. “Where is this machine for the king?”
At Arkadia, Raven managed to get a few people to help with the ships repair, telling them that they need to get the ship ready for the winter, not for the worlds end. She sent the workers on their way. She looked up, seeing Clarke walking her way and shook her head. “There is so much work to do and I get a total of 5 volunteers to help me?”
“It’s a start.”
“I can’t run this repair on my own Clarke!” She tried not to yell and alert the others. “Even if I had complete mobility, or even if Sinclair was still alive.” Her voice dropped at the mention of her mentor. “Who the hell am I to give them orders? I’m not the chief engineer.”
“And I’m not the chancellor.” Clarke shook her head slowly, shrugging her shoulders. “Yet, here we are. For what it’s worth, there’s nobody I trust more to do this than you.” Raven looked up, taking in Clarke’s words. “As soon as Bellamy and Y/N get back with the machine, we go public and get you the help you need.”
“Am I interrupting?” Jaha spoke to the girls as they turned around, seeing the man join in on their conversation. They looked at each other before Jaha spoke up again. “I used to be an engineer. I supervised the redesign of sector 5.”
“And how many people died in sector 5 during the culling when you sucked the air out of their lungs?”
“42.” Jaha said quickly, not taking Raven’s spite. “Would you like to know their names?” Raven scoffed and stormed off, leaving Jaha and Clarke to talk before Clarke stopped her.
“Raven, we could use the help.” She reminded the engineer who stopped herself, turning around with crossed arms.
“You know he made me cut my wrists to force your mom to take the chip, right?” Raven recapped. “He searched for the City of Light. He brought ALIE here. He showed her how to overcome free will.”
“Yes.” Jaha knew what he had done. “Those are my sins and I have to live with them.”
Raven scoffed. “You wanna help? Go sort the scraps.” Jaha nodded as Raven finished her storming off, glancing at Clarke before following the Reyes instruction.
The chief led you through the halls of the Farm Station in a line. “Since when does a grounder know how to power on a spaceship?” Monty pointed out as you overheard. He had a point, grounders wouldn’t know that.
“No talking.” Dakiva said as she shoved Monty forward on her order. You were stopped at the end of the hallway, the door leading into the engine room closed as you waited. Bellamy reached behind himself for your hand and you took a step forward, hiding your joined hands between your bodies.
The door was opened, and you were led inside. “Slaves!” The chief shouted. “Eyes down.”
Your breath was caught, staring out amongst the Ice Nation’s slaves. They were Farm Station.
“What is this?” You muttered to the Chief who just sent you a glare.
“Do what you came here to do.” Your eyes landed on a little girl, her face covered in grime and you started forwards, wanting to check on her but Bellamy stopped you, shaking his head. You looked back at her, her eyes locking on yours.
He was going to leave them? He couldn’t just leave them. There were kids here! Teenagers! They don’t deserve this.
Monty pointed out the generator for all of you and Chief began bringing you up. The stairs.
“Riley?” Bryan’s voice caused you to turn around, seeing him look at a ‘slave’ down the line. Riley turned back around, his back to Bryan as Bryan approached him. “Riley! We thought you were dead.”
“Bryan, don’t!” Bellamy yelled as the two of you rushed back down the stairs. The chief pushed himself between Bryan and Riley and you grabbed Bryan, stepping in front of him as Bellamy stood next to you.
“Only the machine. The rest is ours.” Their chief told you. You felt Bryan move from behind you as you stopped him, staring down the Chief before Bellamy pulled your elbow and you all went for the machine.
Roan grunted as he swung at Echo with his sword, dodging swings of her own as they sparred. He slid on the ground to avoid a strike, rising to his feet and kicking her knee out. But when he raised his arm in the air to swing down at her one final time, he groaned out in pain, his bullet wound stopping him from delivering the blow. He leaned forward, supporting himself on the sword before Echo kicked the sword out and held hers against his neck.
“Damn it.” He groaned, pushing Echo away.
Abby called out from the side of the room, stepping forwards. “Let me take a look.” She pulled down Roan’s shirt, looking at the scarred skin. “It’s healing but you need more time.”
“I don’t have time.”
“Why did you accept this challenge? You’re a king, make your own rules.” Echo told Roan as she watched him pick up his sword, groaning as he bent over.
“I told you. I won’t be that kind of king.” She swung her sword, engaging in their match again until Roan strained his chest again. He moved his sword to his right hand, using that arm instead to attack back on Echo. Echo had the upper hand as she struck Roan in the shoulder, kicking his stomach and sending him the floor in pain. He clutched his injury, gasping as Echo stood over him.
“I would be honored to take your place in this fight.” She extended a hand to him, but Roan pushed himself up without the help.
“I will not run from this fight.”
“Echo’s right.” Abby said, putting her opinion in. “I didn’t save your life so you could tear yourself apart again.
Roan narrowed his eyes at the women. “Since when are you two on the same side? If you can’t help me, then why the hell are you still here?”
Abby didn’t say anything, instead choosing to leave like he wanted. “This fight can still be avoided.” Echo said once Abby was gone. “Protecting Skaikru gives the other clans an excuse to challenge you. Let me care of it. Let me do what your mother would’ve done.” She started her attack again as Roan ducked, yelling no to her. “Then please, tell me what Skaikiler could’ve offered you. What deal could she offer be worth losing the fate of your people?”
“A chance to survive the end of the world.” Roan finally told her. “That’s what they’re offering to us. Soon Praimfaya will come again and destroy everything. Skaikru is trying to stop it.”  
Echo’s face fell. “My king, they’re lying to you. They’d say anything to save themselves.” Roan shook his head, wanting to believe his trust in you was rightfully placed. “Let me prove it to you. Send me to Arkadia.”
“Your only concern now should be helping me win. Once I do, you may go to Arkadia. Prove my trust in Y/N is deserved.”
Echo quirked her brow. “Y/N?” she questioned her kings use of your name.
Roan paused. “Skaikiler.” He corrected himself before swinging his sword, not letting Echo get another word in before they were sparring again.
Rafel and Ilian and their men sat around again, Rafel sharpening a knife as he spoke. “Once I have accused Roan of crimes against our people for protecting Skaikru, he’ll demand proof. Ilian will be out first witness.” At Rafel’s words, Ilian looked to him, seeing Kane and Octavia walk their way over Rafel’s shoulder.
He pushed himself out of his chair, the other men doing so as well. Ilian held his knife behind him. “Ambassador, may we speak in private? We know you’re planning on challenging King Roan.”
Everyone was watching, even those not previously involved in the conversation. “Leave us.” He told everyone. “Ilian, stay.” Kane and Ilian both took a seat, Octavia staying for Kane’s protection.
“I’d like to ask you to reconsider.” Kane started, using his kindest tone.
Rafel laughed in his face. “Ask? After everything your people have done, you expect diplomacy?”
“Skaikru is not your enemy.”
Ilian slammed his hand down on the table, removing it to the show the chip laying upon the surface. “Skaikru made me murder my entire family. I have no one left.”
Kane offered an apologetic frown. “I’m sorry for your loss, but the chip technology affected every clan. You blame Skaikru for the City of Light, but shouldn’t you credit us for destroying it as well? After everything we’ve suffered, why should we spill more blood?”
Rafel smirked as he looked towards the younger boy. “You see Ilian. The King can’t fight. Otherwise his minions wouldn’t be trying to stop us.”
Octavia stepped in, leaning forward and towering over Ilian. “If the King wasn’t hurt, do you really think this coward would give a crap about your family?”
“Since you landed here, your people have done nothing but rip our world apart!” Rafel shouted, stopping Octavia from saying the obvious truth. He looked to Kane with a scowl. “Reap what you sow, ambassador. The time of Skaikru is over.”
He walked off and Ilian stood up, grabbing the chip and following behind him. “Well.” Octavia frowned watching the two walk away. “That went well.” Kane scoffed, leaving as well as Octavia glared at Rafel, knowing what she had to do.
Clarke was struggling. Plan B was a great plan if the hydro-generator pulled through, but to save everyone like you promised Roan? That was seeming to be impossible. There were just too many people.
“Damn it!” Clarke yelled, swiping her work off the table and burying her head in her hands. She was trying to focus, really just clearing her head in hopes it helps, but she couldn’t as music started getting louder from somewhere in the ark.
She knotted her brows, taking a look at the population sheet she had before needing to find the source. She stormed around the ark, heading outside and seeing a mess of kids, all of them standing around, drinking, or kicking a ball. Clarke was stunned, walking through the masses and arriving at Jasper, hanging onto a rover with the music on the highest volume.
“Can we talk?” Clarke called up at him, getting the boys attention as he stopped singing along to the music.
“Sure.” Jasper told her, jumping on the rover and following her. “I’ve got about 6 months. What’s up?”
“I’m trying to make sure we get more than 6 months, which is why these people need to get back to work.”
“I didn’t force them to stop. I guess they think it’s the end of the day, not end of days.” He took a sip of his drink, Clarke shaking her head in disbelief.
“Don’t you want us to survive, Jasper?”
“No, I don’t want us to survive.” Jasper said simply. “I want us to live.”
“If we don’t repair the ship, none of us will get that chance.” Clarke spoke quieter, trying to get her point across.
“And what about free will? That’s why Y/N destroyed ALIE, right? So why don’t you tell them all the truth?” Jasper gestured to the people, his voice getting louder as Clarke shushed him. “Let them decide what they want to do with their last 6 months. What are you so afraid of?”
“We can’t just go to them with no solution. People will Panic.”
Jasper nodded and faked a laugh. “Spoken like the council that sent 100 kids to die on the ground.” He backed away from Clarke, talking a sip of his drink and singing along to the music, leaving Clarke figure out a solution by herself.
Moral at the Farm Station was down as you all worked on removing the hydro-generator. Well, Bellamy and you stood off to the side, while everyone else who knew what they were doing was working.
“We can’t just leave them.” Bryan muttered, the 6 of you keeping your voices quiet to not raise suspicion and have grounders overhear.
“We’re in the collation, Y/N do you think the King would free them?” Harper asked, glancing out of the corner of her eye.
You bit your lip, thinking about it. “Roan’s people don’t respect him, but it’s our best bet.”
“They’re right.” Bellamy agreed, stepping closer to the group. “We try diplomacy first. If that doesn’t work, we come with reinforcements for the slaves.” He looked at Bryan, knowing he disagreed with the plan that put his friend at risk. “After we take home the machine, right?” Everyone nodded their heads.
The little girl who you wanted to help earlier walked in between you and Bellamy carrying a pitcher of water. As soon as she passed you, she dropped a cloth onto the ground and kept walking. You looked around, trying not to get caught as you stepped on it moving it towards Bellamy to hide it.
“Bell, look down.” You whispered in his ear, pretending like you were helping with the machine. He looked at you in confusion before glancing to the ground, seeing you remove your foot and uncover the note. He didn’t waste a second to crouch down at pick it up, reading it quickly.
“They’re moving them tomorrow.” Bellamy read from the note and stood up, looking back to see you hide your worries.
“We can’t wait.” You told them. If you didn’t get these people out of here, who knows what would happen to them.
“Are there any other exits?” Bellamy asked.
Bryan shook his head. “No. It’s completely sealed. Came down from space in here because it’s the most secure room in the ship.
“It’s designed that way in case the hydrazine blew.” Monty added. Bellamy’s eyes widened.
“What?” You asked, trying to figure out if you missed something.
“We have a bomb.” He whispered, realization dawning on all your faces.
Miller was the first one to speak up, opposed to the idea. “The end of the world is coming, and you want to use our one chance of our people’s survival as a bomb?”
“Not all our people.” Bryan pointed out, glancing at his brother in disbelief. “Riley?”
“I vote take it home.” Miller argued with his boyfriend.
“No, we blow it up.”
“I’m with Bryan.” Harper agreed and sides were beginning to take place. “I know what it’s like to be locked up and afraid. You didn’t leave us in Mount Weather, and we can’t leave them here.”
“Can we build another machine?” You asked Monty, knowing soon a decision was going to come and despite the outcome, people will die.
“Are you kidding? The techs way too advanced.” Monty shot your idea down. You groaned quietly, trying to think of anything.
Bellamy grabbed your hand and squeezed before releasing it. “We have 6 months. You’re telling me Raven can’t figure out another way to make water?”
“Yes.” Monty pressed. You looked around slowly, hoping you all weren’t drawing eyes. Monty sighed. “Look I know you want to make up for the things you done, we all do, but we need to think big picture here. We’re talking about the human race. We need to get this machine back to Arkadia. It’s the only way.”
“It’s two-two, guys. Bellamy? Y/N?”
Your eyes fell on the little girl before you saw Bellamy looking at you. “There are kids here, Bellamy. She can’t be any older than I what I was. I can’t leave them.” Bellamy nodded, grabbing your hand once again and telling the group the plan to save them all.
As soon as the Hydro-generator was free, Monty, Bellamy, Harper, and Bellamy carried the hydro-generator out of the room. Each of them had a hand on it as you passed by the Farm Station people. They looked broken, everyone watching you all, but you kept your head down, looking up only as you passed by the girl once again.
The door closed as you exited walking behind everyone next to Bryan. You heard it shut before Miller lost his hold the generator. “Watch it Miller!” Bryan shouted ahead.
“Wait, wait! Just set it down here!” Monty instructed as the other three listened, letting the generator onto the floor. He bent down, activating the bomb as you and Bellamy locked eyes, preparing for the next few seconds. “Now!”
You turned to the grounder next to you, the same one who held a bow to your head earlier and threw your fist into his face, sending him to the floor in one swing. You were about to run before another came behind you, grabbing your fist to keep from you punching him but you threw your elbow up, hitting him in the nose and sending him backwards.
“Y/N!” Bellamy shouted as you looked up, seeing everyone run back into the other room. You jumped over the bomb, grabbing Bellamy’s hand as the bomb started ticking.
“Kill them!” Dakiva shouted as Bellamy and you grabbed the door, pushing it closed together.
The bomb exploded, taking out most of the ship except the room you were in. The Chief didn’t waste a second before coming after your friends and you, swinging his axe at Miller before Bellamy body checked him. The chief groaned out in pain as Bellamy and Miller started beating him together.
“Stop! Stop!” Bryan shouted as he pulled Miller off. You thought he wanted him to die, that was the plan. Harper kicked the man in the head, and you had to admit, it was a nice kick. “This isn’t your kill! This is Monty’s kill!”
Everyone fell silent, looking at Bryan. “What are you talking about?” Monty asked, stepping out from behind Harper.
“This is the man who killed your father.” You were all in shock. This was Monty’s kill.
He picked up the chief’s axe, holding it his hand as he tried to control his anger.
“Monty, you don’t have to do this.” Bellamy tried getting Monty to listen, but you grabbed his arm, pulling Bellamy back next to you.
Monty didn’t even look at him. “Yeah, I do.” He lifted the axe above his head, grunting in anger as he repeatedly drove the axe into the chains next to him, freeing the slaves. You were proud of him, he didn’t need to kill his father’s killer. Instead, he let Farm Station do it. They needed their revenge more than he did.
Clarke walked into Raven’s workshop, looking around for said engineer. “Raven?” She called out, not receiving any response from Raven, but from Jaha.
“Polyethylene silicon elastomers.” He said, pointing to the barrels next to him. “We don’t need that to survive winter or a grounder attack. What are we really preparing Alpha Station for?” Clarke didn’t say anything, unsure how to approach this. Jaha chuckled, tossing his tools down. “Heavy lies the crown.” He told her. “I know the burden of keeping a secret you think is going to destroy your people.”
“You locked me up.” She stopped him. “You floated my father.”
“Now you understand why. No leader starts out wanting to lie, imprison or execute their people. The decisions you face whittle you down piece by piece.”
Clarke didn’t want to admit it, but Jaha knew what he was talking about. “What do I do?” She asks, needing any advice.
“I’ll tell you what I told your mother after the culling. We make the best decisions that we can with the information that we have, then hope that there's a forgiving god.” Clarke listened, but she knew you all needed more than a forgiving god.
Abby stood by her window, looking down at the city of Polis as her door opened and in walked Kane.
“Can Roan fight?” He asked her, needing to know how much trouble they were in.
Abby shook her head. “It’s too soon.” Based on today’s events, Roan was in no condition to fight anyone.
Kane groaned, letting his head fall. “One simple task and I’m failing.”
Abby comforted him, caressing his cheek. “No. You’ll figure it out.” She assured him, but Kane saw past Abby’s confidence.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his turn to comfort him.
Abby shook her head, pausing before answering him. “There’s nothing more that I can do for Roan.”
Kane nodded as he understood. “You need to go back to Arkadia and Clarke.” It hurt him, but he knew Abby needed to leave. He caught sigh of her bare neck as he pushed the hair of his way, furrowing his brows. “Your necklace?” Jakes ring no longer sat upon Abby’s neck. Kane pulled Abby into him, kissing her goodbye as he held her.
Octavia walked in the dead of night wearing a black cloak to hide herself amongst the grounders. She took a look around her, making sure she wouldn’t be caught as she walked into Rafel’s home.
“It’s about time, pour the wine.” Rafel told her, unknown to who it really was in his house as he ate. When no wine was poured, he looked up surprised to see Octavia standing there. “What the hell do you want?”
“I’m here to ask you one last time to back down.”
He kept eating his food, picking it apart. “Are you trying to frighten me, little girl?”
Octavia walked around the table, coming closer to him. “If your problem is really with Skaikru, not Roan, challenge me instead.”
“You’re not worthy of my blade.” He laughed at her.
“I came here to change your mind.”
“You can’t. Trishanakru will have its justice.” Octavia picked up the long skinny dagger on the table, twisting it in her hand before forcing it through Rafel’s ear. Rafel’s speak was cut immediately, his head falling onto the table as he died.
“Long live the king.” She said and pulled the weapon out of his ear, cleaning up the blood on the dagger as well as the blood dripping from his ear, leaving no trace this was a murder. She pulled her hood back on, walking out of the deceased ambassador’s home.
The 13 clans met the next day, Rafel’s threat of a challenge looming over Kane and Roan’s head. Kane and the other ambassadors entered the throne room and Kane approached Roan right away. “Please, it’s not too late to cancel.”
“You failed.” Roan said as he sat upon the throne. “We do this Azgeda’s way. Single Combat. Take your seat, ambassador.” Kane wanted to say more but decided against it, moving back into his seat. Roan looked around the room, his eyes falling upon an empty seat for the ambassador. “Where is Rafel kom Trishanakru?” No one answered but the door opened to Echo, marching to Roan and whispering in his ear. He nodded as she stepped away. Roan glanced at a confused Kane before standing up. “The Ambassador was found dead this morning.” Gasps went around the room as Roan went on. “His heart stopped.” Everyone bowed their heads along with Roan. “May the spirits of the commanders guide him safely home.” Kane looked towards Octavia, not needing much to go on to know she killed Rafel. “Let us begin.”
Ilian turned his head, looking to Octavia behind him. “You going to kill me, too?” He asked her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Octavia played dumb, making Ilian mad as he turned back face front. She extended an arm forward, putting it on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about your family.” She told him before pulling away and leaving the clan meeting.
The ride back to Arkadia was rough, the back of the rover filled to the brim with people as you sat up front with Bellamy and bags on your lap. Bellamy came to a stop as you all climbed out, not saying a word about the mission. Miller and Bryan were already out when you managed, overhearing a bit of their conversation of whether or not Miller thought it was worth saving them. You moved around to the back of the rover, helping people alongside Bellamy. Seeing Alpha Station was a shock to them, they probably hadn’t seen much being in chains.
Bellamy and you helped Riley down, watching his hip as he clutched it in pain. “Riley?” Clarke called out as she approached, confused as to where all these people were coming from.
“Clarke.” Riley whispered before they hugged.
“I can’t believe you’re alive.” She told him, pulling away to look at him.
“I am now.” He turned around, both of them watching you and Bellamy help the little girl and a woman out of the rover.
The little girl clutched the back of Bellamy’s jacket after he helped her down. “Get Riley and the others to the med bay. Tell them we’ll take them to their villages in the morning.” Bellamy told Monty. He started to lead the girl to Riley who stuck out his hand, but she pulled away and ran to you.
You gasped in surprise as she wrapped her arms around your waist, hugging you tightly. You stood there, unsure as what to do before slowly hugging her back. The look of shock on your face remained when she pulled away, letting Riley lead her away.
You hadn’t seen Raven approach, too caught up in your hug before she spoke. “Where is it?” She questioned, not seeing the hydro-generator in the rover.
“We didn’t get the machine.” Bellamy told her, sparing you a glance.
“It didn’t survive the landing?”
“No, it did.” You jumped in. “But we had a choice. Bring the machine or save them.”
“Oh, we are so screwed.” Raven muttered shaking her head.
“We have time. We’ll figure it out, but I’m not sacrificing any more innocent lives.” Bellamy defended himself.
“You just did.”
“I made the call, and I’ll live with it.
Raven scoffed. “Yeah, and you’re not the only one who has to live with your call, as usual.”
You stepped up, tired of this conversation. “Stop! Both of you! You weren’t there. This wasn’t just Bellamy’s call, it mine too. Do you wanna look that kid in the eyes? Go tell Riley that you think we should’ve left them for dead.” You pointed off in the direction Riley and the girl left.
The three of them looking at you in shock as Clarke nodded. “Ok.” She turned to Raven, her voice lowering. “How many of us will the ship sustain without a hydro-generator?” You felt Bellamy’s hand on your back as Raven answered, telling her not more than a hundred. You all sighed, looking out at the people you and Bellamy saved and the people that needed to be saved. “What am I supposed to tell the people now?”
“How about the truth?” Raven suggested, unsure as to why this was even a question. “Crowdsource it, like we talked about.”
Clarke looked to you and you nodded. “Call for a general meeting.” She told Raven who took off. You and Bellamy stayed back with her.
“What are you going to do?” Bellamy asked.
Clarke paused, thinking back on the advice Jaha gave her. “Hope that there’s a forgiving god.”
The meeting was started as soon as everyone was rounded up, Clarke stepping up to address everyone as you stood off to the side with Bellamy and Raven.
Clarke explained everything, all about what ALIE showed you and everything about Praimfaya. “So now you know the truth.” She told them. “I know you’re afraid. I know you’re angry, but when Y/N shut down ALIE, she knew there would a way to get through this together.” Heads turned to look at you, but you didn’t stare back, choosing instead to focus on Clarke’s speech. “Alpha Station is that way. Every single one of us will survive on this ship.”
Your mouth fell open a little. “She didn’t just…” you whispered, looking at Bellamy who nodded. You should’ve known Clarke wouldn’t tell the truth.
She finished up her speech, asking for volunteers and promising them they’ll survive.  She left her spot, joining the three of you.
“Nice Speech.” Sarcasm obviously came from Raven’s voice as Clarke took a deep breath.
“Sometimes hope is more important than truth.”
“Your dad would be so proud.” Raven scoffed at her.
Clarke narrowed her eyes. “You wanted workers. You got them.” Clarke was right, there was a bunch of people who were now volunteering to help. Raven sent her a glare before leaving, leading the volunteers to the hangar bay. The three of you watched her leave.
“We save who can save today.” Bellamy told you both, repeating his words from earlier. You looked up at him, giving him a thin smile before looking to the rover. Your stomach as you caught sight of someone standing there next to it, someone who definitely shouldn’t be there.
You couldn’t believe your eyes and you shouldn’t have because the moment you blinked, she was gone. No one else having seen anything. You cleared your throat, blinking your eyes a few times more as you looked around, your sights landing on the rover in hopes of what? That your deceased friend would be there?
Clarke and Bellamy started walking away but your feet were planted in place. Bellamy paused, seeing you not move. “You coming?”
You looked at him, nodding your head. “Yeah… yeah, I’ll catch up.” You told him. He didn’t say anything as he kept walking taking glances back at you.
You brought your hand up to the back of your neck, feeling the spot where the flame was inserted. The flame? Lexa? The voice?
What the hell?
A/N: Well it’s been a while! Feedback is greatly appreciated and yeah, especially since it’s been a few weeks since I posted Banished. 
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
AN: Anya didn’t ask for this, okay?  Characters: Anya kom Trikru, Lexa kom Trikru, Pairing(s): Anya x reader Spoiler(s): Season 2 plot points Warning(s): None
Prompt: “so Anya kom Trikru x Skaikru!reader where reader escapes the mountain with Anya and Clarke. Anya is not shot so she manages to get to heda. the treaty is in place and reader becomes Anya`s second learning how to fight. reader one day hears how other grounders call Anya "gona heda" and after discovering what it means reader starts calling Anya like that too, and it does things to Anya. just Anya taking a liking to Skaikru girl and slowly but surely falling in love with her.” for anon
Anya had never asked for any of this, okay? That’s what she told herself every time it happened; she didn’t volunteer for this, so she couldn’t be blamed, not really. Except she did kind of, but she couldn’t have-she didn’t-
“Anya!” You called, all bright smiles and warmth as you jogged over, “there you are! I was getting worried.”
You looked so strong, she noted fondly, with your hair braided and your bright eyes framed by dark smears of war paint. Now, when you moved, there was an ease to it, like you were confident and sure of yourself, miles and miles away from the frightened girl she’d met on the battlefield all those weeks ago. If she’d known then how strong you were, how much you had endured...maybe things would have turned out different, maybe she could have spared you this-
Anya shook her head, snapping herself back to the present.
Her heart pinched, but she managed to keep her face neutral, “That’s not necessary, Y/N. I had a meeting with the commander, she’s mustering our forces to take the mountain.”
Your face fell for a moment, just long enough for Anya to wish that she could take the words back, swallow them whole so that they could never touch you again, before you schooled them back to impassivity.
“We’re going back?” You asked, hiding the faint quiver in your voice as best you could as you instinctively gripped the handle of your sword.
Anya sighed and, before she could think better of it, reached out to grasp your shoulder. As always, her stomach did a funny little flip when she touched you and she fought the urge to run away and hide.
“Yes, we’re going back,” she said gently, “but it won’t be like last time. This time we’ll be taking the fight to them.” she paused, leaning in, “This time, they’ll be running from us.”
She could tell you were still nervous, that you wanted her to say more, to comfort you and quell your anxiety but, nonetheless, your answering smile was defiant and, to Anya’s relief, you simply bowed and muttered that you’d better join the other seconds on patrol, and bounded off, leaving Anya alone to ponder her own discomfort. She followed your movement with her eyes without meaning to, smiling to herself when she saw you shove one of the other seconds to the ground playfully and offer him a hand up.
Your laugh cut through the afternoon air like a bell, like you were daring the world to take you on, daring it to try and take your happiness from you. It carried a bittersweet nostalgia with it, and Anya couldn’t help but think back to the first time she’d ever heard you laugh like that.
“The ground here is too soft,” Anya growled, “we’re leaving tracks.”
“If you know a better way to get to my people, I’m all ears,” Clarke shot back, “but, if not, then please just shut up.”
Anya opened her mouth to say something cutting but, before she could, you cut in.
“Guys,” You groaned, “please don’t start this again. I’m so sick of the fighting.”
“Tell her that!” Clarke said, gesturing to Anya, “She’s the one who’s never happy with anything.”
“We’re covered in mud, wandering through the woods in circles and eating raw squirrel for dinner while our people get drained for their blood, Clarke,” Anya pointed out, “there’s not much to be happy with.”
There was a moment of silence and then a sound, so pure and clear that it sent a literal chill down Anya’s spine. You were laughing, really laughing, with your head thrown back, until tears started streaming down your cheeks, leaving thin trails of skin visible through the mud. A second later Clarke joined in, her voice harmonizing with yours like a brook stumbling over stones. How long had it been since Anya had heard someone laugh like that? She couldn’t even remember.
“We’re so screwed,” you said through your laughter, “what the hell is even happening anymore, does anyone know?”
Against her better judgement, Anya felt a twinge of humor in her throat, bubbling up until she was laughing right alongside you. The tension dissolved into a weary sort of camaraderie, a sort of silent acknowledgement that you were in this together, that you needed one another. It was almost how fighting alongside her own people felt, Anya admitted to herself, and it gave her hope that maybe peace was possible after all.
“We were at war like three weeks ago,” you laughed, “and now we’re bickering like some weird dysfunctional married thruple.”
“What is a thruple?” Anya asked.
“It’s like a couple, but with three people,” Clarke explained, wiping her eyes, “which is insane ‘cause I’m way out of your league, Y/N.”
You gasped in mock outrage, “You wish, Griffin. You could do a thousand times worse than Anya and me.”
“Oh really?” Clarke teased.
“Yes, really. I’m a hot commodity, I’m prime girlfriend material, right Anya?”
Blood rushed to Anya’s face, but she was confident that you couldn’t see it under all the mud. You were teasing, she knew that, it was light and playful but, even so, Anya felt a little flustered at the question.
“Yes,” she eventually said, trying desperately to remember her english, “Y/N would be a good partner. She’s strong and brave.”
Your face softened, like you were surprised by her answer but, before you could say anything, Clarke cleared her throat.
“Alright Hot Stuff. We should find somewhere to spend the night,” she said, looking between you and Anya curiously, “it’ll be getting dark soon.”
You agreed and started back on your trek. Clarke took the lead, as usual, with you and Anya keeping watch. As Anya walked, keeping an eye of the rear like she always did, you slowed down, falling into step beside her. For a while you walked together in silence, Anya’s heart pounding in her chest as she racked her brain, trying to figure out if she'd said something wrong or offensive by mistake.
“You really think I’m brave?” You asked eventually.
Anya’s muscles relaxed and she exhaled quietly, “Of course. You are brave, Y/N. I watched you take on a fully grown reaper with nothing but a stick, just to buy Clarke and me time. I don’t know many people who would’ve done the same.”
“Not even other grounders?”
Anya shrugged, “You can’t teach someone that kind of bravery. No matter how good you are with a sword, if you’re a coward, you’re a coward, it’s as simple as that.”
“I didn’t feel brave,” you admitted, looking determinedly ahead with your hair obscuring your face, “I was terrified.”
Anya felt a pang of empathy in her chest, “We all were. Fear isn’t the opposite of courage, Y/N. You can’t have one without the other. You risked your life to protect an enemy from a horrible death, anyone who sees that and still calls you a coward knows nothing of true bravery.
A shadow of a smile flickered across your face, “Thanks, Anya. That means a lot coming from you.”
You nudged her shoulder with hers and Anya felt the casual touch like a sledgehammer in her chest. It had been so long since she’d felt close to another person, so long since someone had been gentle with her.
“Y/N,” she blurted out without thinking, “if-if you want to learn to defend yourself-how to fight like I do-when we reach your people and secure an alliance with the commander-I am in need of a second…”
“A second?” You asked, stopping in your tracks, “Like a second in command?”.
Anya avoided your eye, suddenly deeply embarrassed.
“Yes,” she said, inspecting the horizon for all she was worth, “I’d teach you how to fight, how to implement effective battle strategy, how to lead…” she trailed off, “but it is a lot of work. You’d have to train every day and really dedicate yourself to learning our language and culture so, if you’re unsure-”
Before she could finish, the air was knocked out of her lungs by your sudden embrace. You held her tight and Anya felt her heart skip a beat.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you said with a breathless laugh, “yes, thank you, Anya. I won’t let you down, I swear it.”
“I know.”
And you hadn’t, at least not yet. You’d thrown yourself into training with more ferocity and determination than anyone Anya had ever known, never letting injury or exhaustion wear you down. You’d challenged her, inspired her and somehow, despite her best efforts to the contrary, had wormed your way into her heart. She cared about you, deeply, more than she could remember caring about anyone in years. What had really done it was your heart, your gentleness and your courage, none of which ever seemed to waiver or crack, even in the face of overwhelming odds. When the other seconds had rejected you, you’d proven yourself to them by working harder, going further, catching more prey, all the while treating them with respect and keeping your dignity. When Lexa had been storming and raging over the massacre at Ton DC and had threatened to kill you in retaliation, you hadn’t cowered or hid behind Anya for protection, you’d stood tall and proud and let her rage and, when she had calmed down, you’d looked her in the eye and told her that you were sorry for her loss, and that you would do whatever it took to make it right.
Anya knew that life as her second hadn’t been easy, that a large part of you had wanted to go to Camp Jaha with Clarke and see your friends again but, despite it all, you were still there. Every morning you got up and did your job, getting stronger and deadlier by the day and reminding Anya a thousand times over why she wanted you to lead one day.
Only, at some point it had moved past that. She couldn’t quite pinpoint when; the exact moment that she’d realised how in danger she was with you, but it had happened. She had a vague idea that it might have been on one of the many nights that you’d returned to her from training covered in blood and bruises and Anya had felt her heart tighten with worry, but it didn’t matter. The fact was, Anya didn’t just want you to follow in her footsteps anymore, she wanted to walk beside you; to hold your hand and tell you about her life, to come home from battle and kiss the bruises on your skin until they faded away, to wrap you in pelts in the winter and find out what you tasted like. She wanted you to be hers, and she wanted to be yours and it made her feel shaky and unsure.
Anya had never been the best with feelings. She was a warrior, a decorated and well respected general, but she’d always been alone. On the battlefield she was sure of herself, confident and unyielding but, when it came to you...she felt like a helpless child.
Out of the corner of her eye, Anya saw Lexa stalk towards her and the two women stood together in companionable silence, watching the army train and prepare for battle.
“She’s strong,” Lexa commented, tilting her head in your direction, “she’ll be an asset in our war with the mountain, if you can bring yourself to let her go.”
“I won’t need to,” Anya shot back, a note of protectiveness in her voice, “Y/N will not die, she’s a true warrior, she’ll be fine.”
Lexa observed her old mentor critically, noticing how tense Anya suddenly looked, as though she was preparing herself for a fight, preparing herself to defend something she-
“You love her,” Lexa commented, wondering how she hadn’t noticed sooner.
For a moment Anya was silent.
“I….care about her,” she eventually admitted.
“You love her,” Lexa said again, “and you will die for her if needs be.”
Anya pursed her lips, “It won’t come to that.”
Just then the horn that signified the end of the day blew and you jogged back to Anya, doing a double take when you noticed Lexa standing beside her.
“Heda,” you greeted with a bow.
When you straightened up Lexa walked over, clapped your shoulder affectionately and whispered something in your ear too low for Anya to make out. Anya felt her heartbeat start to pick up nervously as she watched you blush, shoot her a look and then give Lexa a shaky nod. Lexa shot Anya a knowing look and walked away, headed to the dining area to greet her troops and leaving you and Anya alone on the hill.
“How was your training,” she asked, trying to inspect your body for injuries without being too obvious.
“Hard,” you admitted, shifting your weight and wincing as you twisted to look at Anya.
Anya frowned, feeling that tinge of concern again as she turned and slung an arm around you to support your weight. You insisted that you were fine but she ignored you, taking you back to the campsite you shared and sitting you down next to the fire.
“What happened?” she asked, fussing about your side, where she could see a poorly hidden bloodstain.
“Nothing!” You insisted, “Just a sparring match that went bad, that’s all.
“Y/N, it feels like your ribs are broken,” Anya pointed out, “and you’re bleeding.”
“Okay, a sparring match that went really bad,” you amended with a gentle laugh, lifting Anya’s hands off your side and forcing her to sit back, “I’ll heal. It’s not like you haven’t had your fair share of broken ribs, right gona heda?”
Anya’s eyes flicked to yours, her heart skipping a beat as the words you’d said started to sink in. Gona heda, warrior commander. It was a name she’d had amongst her people for a while now but, hearing you say it, hearing your voice wrap around the syllables of her language like that….it made Anya feel strange. It was intimate and sinful, like melted honey on warm skin or the feeling of crushed velvet under fingertips.
“Gona heda?” you asked again, your voice low and soft.
Gods above. She could hear her own blood in her ears as her skin flushed. You were so close, so distractingly close that it made Anya feel a quiet sort of desperation she couldn’t name.
She cleared her throat, dabbing a cloth in disinfectant and going back to treating your wounds, “Where-um-” her eyes flickered to you again, “where did you hear that name?”
You shrugged, “Some of the others call you that,” you explained, “and I like how it sounds.” you paused and Anya became very aware that her hands were shaking as they traced the mottled bruises on your skin, “Would you like me to stop?”
“No!” Anya said quickly, “No, I like the way it sounds too,” she admitted and then, before she could stop herself, “but only when you say it.”
Silence. It was painful and tense and cloying and Anya wanted nothing more than to tear it to shreds, take out some of the adrenaline in her system on that horrible oppressive nothingness, but she didn’t.
“Only when I say it,” you repeated, just short of breathlessly.
Anya pressed her lips together but nodded, avoiding your gaze as she inspected your ribs. Suddenly you shifted so that you were crouched next to her, forcing her to meet your eye.
“What else do you like it when I say, gona heda?” You asked, your face so close that Anya could smell the metallic blood from your split lip.
She swallowed hard, infuriated by how calm and in control you seemed while she felt like she was drowning in fear and poorly suppressed desire. Your gaze was steady, heavy and expectant and it made Anya’s skin feel hot and prickly under her armor.
“My name,” she eventually said, “I-” she swallowed again, “I like how it sounds.”
You were almost smiling now, the skin at the corners of your eyes crinkling in a way that gave you away and released some of the tension that had been building.
“Anything else?” You asked, tilting your head to the side and leaning in just close enough to make Anya feel lightheaded.
“I like how you laugh,” Anya heard herself say from far away, “and how much you swear, and when you hum songs I’ve never heard and-” she broke off and let out a nervous laugh, “everything. I like the way you say everything.”
You hummed happily and absentmindedly reached out to touch one of Anya’s braids.
“I guess Lexa was right,” you said, your eyes already trained on Anya’s mouth.
“About what?”
You smiled, warm and tender and loving, “About everything.”
And when you kissed her, Anya swore nothing had ever felt so right.
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
That’s the Deal
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Summary: Y/N saves the village of Tondc when Clarke does nothing. She has to save her family and save her feelings for Bellamy. This is set at the end of season 2. I figured we could all use a little bit of fluff back when things were a little easier!
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Warning: Bombing
The air was burning in your lungs, begging you to stop and rest for a minute. You pumped your legs harder, forcing them to take another step. Twigs and branches were snapping across your skin. They relished in your whimpers but you wouldn’t give in to the satisfaction. You had to get there. You had to make it before...
You had known Clarke for a little while now, and you knew she made some questionable choices sometimes. But this wasn’t something you could rely on her for. You had to make it to Tondc before the entire village was destroyed. 
At the thought of Bellamy, trapped inside Mount Weather completely trusting Clarke, you felt another surge of energy and sprinted forward. This was the longest run you’d ever made without stopping but the magnitude of what could happen was outweighing your desire for air. 
The village of Tondc sprang up in front of you and your body felt ecstatic as you began to pull up. As sneakily as possible, you zigged and zagged through the trees trying to stay hidden from the grounder patrol. 
You snuck up to the side of a hut and watched in the shadows as Clarke rode into the village. Your stomach churned as Clarke blew Octavia off and instead left with Lexa to speak privately. You watched them disappear into the main hut then turned to look for Octavia. 
As you scanned the camp, Marcus Kane walked right in front of you. You snatch out and clutch his arm, yanking him into the shadows with you. 
He immediately went into attack mode. “Marcus, it’s me, Y/N.” You said as he struggled against you. 
He paused and his mind registered what you said. “Y/N? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be back at Camp.” 
“Marcus, you have to listen to me.” Your voice was strained and that made him look at you with extra care. “There is a missile coming straight for us, for Tondc. Bellamy heard them.” 
“What? Who else knows?” Fear flashes in his eyes, you think, before the steel returns.
“Clarke. And I don’t think she’s going to tell anyone.” Your hands are twisted around Kane’s wrists, begging him to help you. “Please, Marcus.” 
Marcus places a hand on your shoulder, it’s comforting to you in a moment of panic. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll get everyone out. I’m going to find Indra, you g-” 
You interrupt him, “I have to find Octavia. She-she’s my family.” 
He nods curtly and heads off in a different direction, but your voice stops him. “Kane!” When he looks back at you, he sees the child that you truly are. The child who has had too much put on your shoulders. You’re standing there, covered in grime and sweat, and the terror in your eyes turns his blood cold. 
“We have to be discrete. Bellamy is still in there... They’ll know there’s an insider and they’ll...” You can’t stand to finish that sentence. You can’t think of the possibility of him being hurt or worse. 
A small smile slips onto half of Kane’s face and that is enough to keep you from bursting into tears. Then he’s gone and you’re left to your own devices. 
Frantically, you spin around, hoping to spot the dark haired girl. One of your people walks past you and you tug them to a stop. 
“Octavia! Octavia Blake! Where is she?” You practically screech at him. He nervously points in the direction of the woods. 
You scramble through the brush as fast as you can. A branch covers your path causing you to trip and fall. The blood pools on your knee but you wipe it off and keep moving. Desperate to reach her in time. 
You could hear her voice in the distance, or were you imagining it. “Octavia!” 
All the trees were starting to look the same, looming over you like walls caging you in. Your head was spinning and you realized how dry your throat was. When was the last time you’d drank any water?
Light footsteps coming towards you, you yanked the knife out of your side pocket and tried to get in a fighting stance. Then her face moved out of the darkness and her body was slamming into you. You released your knife and threw your arms around her neck.
“Y/N. Oh my god, are you okay?” She was hugging you and you were clinging to her, praying she was real. 
“I-I had to find you. You need to get out of here, O.” You could faintly see Lincoln behind her, on high alert. 
“What are you talking about, what’s going on?” 
“The mountain men are sending a missile to destroy the village. Marcus, he’s evacuating people, but you, you have to come with me.” You tightened your hold on her hand, but the determination in her eyes was evident. 
“Y/N, I have to-”
“Please, O, please don’t go back there. You’re my family - my sister. I can’t lose you.” You were pleading with her to see reason. To see that you would be destroyed if you lost her, that Bellamy would be destroyed. And that he would never care for you the same if you didn’t save her. 
Octavia lightly placed her hand on your cheek and gave you that smile. It was the smile that she’d given you since you met her as a little girl under the floor. The one that she gave you every time she was about to do something dangerous. The one that said, ‘I hope you can understand’. 
She twisted her body to head for the campsite when the missile landed and all three of you were blown backwards. You slammed onto the ground and felt the tingle in every single bone in your body. Your ears were ringing so loudly you thought someone was ringing a bell. 
Despite the pain, you forced yourself up and wildly searched for Octavia. You spotted her body and crawled over to her. You laid your head on her chest, unable to stop the tears that were flowing, and you completely broke down when you heard her heartbeat. 
Octavia groaned underneath you and you shot up. “Oh thank god. Don’t scare me like that again!” 
She smirked slightly, “do you know me at all? You’re going to be scared your whole life.” 
Laughing, you tackled her in a hug, letting it sink it that she was still alive. Octavia only gave you a moment to feel relief before she pushed you off and ran towards the decimated village. The only thing you could do was lay on the ground and pray that Bellamy was still alive. 
The moment that Bellamy opens the intact door, it’s like life has sprouted within you. You can tell that he’s beaten and worn down, his curls are matted to his forehead. But he’s alive. And that was all you needed to know. 
You had stepped forward to hug him when Clarke shoved you out of the way and threw her arms around his neck. Jealousy bubbled in your stomach at the sight of Bellamy with another girl in his arms.
You had known Bellamy since you were a little girl on the Arc. He was a couple years older than you but when he saw you getting bullied one day, he stood up against those kids. And from that day forward, you protected each other. You trusted each other with every thought and every secret. He was yours and you were his. 
Lately, the more you thought of him, the more you realized that you loved him more than just your best friend. However, it was obvious how close he had grown to Clarke. He trusted her with so much and he had fought for her. Now you were resigned to face the man you loved be with the woman he loved, even if that wasn’t you.
When they finally pulled apart, Bellamy shifted closer to you. 
“I’m so happy that you’re safe. I was so worried when Raven said you and Octavia were both in Tondc.” He whispered. 
“Oh, you should have seen her, Bell. She was all frantic and panicky, you know how she gets, trying to make sure I wasn’t in the village.” Octavia cut in. 
Bellamy’s eyes lit up with pride. “You saved my sister. You saved all those people.” 
“Well, it’s your sister. She’s my family. You’re my family.” You said in a hushed voice, aware of Clarke’s stare burning a hole into the side of your face. 
Bellamy didn’t take notice though, “I’m so lucky to have you on my side.” He pulled you into a tight hug and kissed the top of your head. You dug your face into his chest and smiled at the sensation. 
“If you guys are done, we’ve got a war to win.” Clarke grumbled. 
Camp Jaha had never looked so inviting to you. You practically fell to the ground and kissed the dirt the moment you walked into the gates. 
Octavia had disappeared somewhere with Lincoln, leaving you to fend for yourself. You spun around, expecting Bellamy to be there, but were faced with Clarke and Bellamy in an embrace. Your eyes stung with tears and your chest filled with a betrayal that felt wrong. Bellamy wasn’t yours to be jealous over. With a humph, you stalked into the camp and toward your quarters. 
A pillow was burying your head when you heard a chuckle. 
“Can I help you?” You asked, muffled.
“Just wanted to see my best friend,” you cringed at the word ‘friend’, “but instead I find this lump. Have you seen Y/N anywhere?” 
“Sorry, she’s not available at the moment. Please try again later.” You stayed motionless. 
Bellamy snorted and sat down at the edge of your bed, moving you over to make room for him. 
“What’s wrong, punk? You’ve been quiet on the whole walk back and then you disappear the second we get into camp.” 
You peaked your head out to look at him. He had cleaned up and was wearing casual clothes now. His hair was hanging in wet tendrils and the shirt was tight around his biceps. You groaned and buried back to your original place. 
“Hey, Y/N, tell me what’s wrong? I promise I’ll fix it if I can.” He rested his hand on your elbow, coaxing you out like a child. 
“Bell, there’s nothing to tell. Why don’t you go find Clarke and enjoy your freedom. Do whatever the hell you want.” 
Hurt flashed on Bellamy’s face for a moment. 
“I don’t want to spend time with Clarke. I want to spend time with you.” He replied crisply. “But clearly you don’t want to spend time with me, so I’ll leave.” He stood up abruptly heading for the door. 
You threw your arm out and grabbed a hold of his shirt. “Bell...” 
He glared down at you, his arms folded across his chest. It made him look even more muscular and your heart was pounding with desire. 
“Please don’t go, Bell.” He twitched an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. “Ugh, why do you have to be so stubborn all the time? I don’t have to tell you everything.” 
Bellamy snickered as he toppled over onto your body. “Yes, you do, squirt. I tell you everything and you tell me everything. It’s kind of the deal.” You grunted at the sudden weight but secretly relished the feeling of his body on yours. 
“Well, what if I don’t want to tell you this?” You mumbled into his arm. 
Bellamy propped up on one arm and gave you a gentle look that turned your stomach. Would this be the last time he looked at you like that? “Is it bad?” 
“Depends on your definition of bad?” 
He stiffened at your side. “Did you-did you hook up with someone?” He asked gruffly.
Your head shot up and you looked at him with an arched brow, “um no.” 
He instantly relaxed. “Then it can’t be that bad. Just tell me and I’ll help you.” Bellamy rested his hand on your back and rubbed in circles. That had always worked on you in the past, when you were at your most vulnerable, he always knew how to make you feel safe. 
You flipped your head over and looked up at him, memorizing every feature of his face. You moved to hold his other hand, wanting to enjoy the last contact you may ever have with him. It was rough, and strong, and Bellamy.
The nerves were rattling around in your chest making you want to throw up. “Okay, um, so I’ve kind of known for a while...that...I like you. Like I love you. As more than friends.” 
Bellamy’s hand stilled on your back. Questions were swimming in his eyes as he tried to connect the pieces. Your dread was growing with the silence of each passing second.
“Y/N, I-” 
“It’s alright, Bell, I know you love Clarke. God, I’m such an idiot for ruining our friendship. Let’s just forget I said this.” You tugged out of his grasp and slid off the bed, the sheets tangling in your legs. 
Bellamy’s hands wrapped around your waist, setting you down in his lap with your back against his chest. 
“Now wait just a minute. Do I have any say in this?” His mouth was at your ear. You nodded slightly, afraid your voice would give away how badly you wanted to cry. 
“Y/N, I don’t love Clarke. Well, maybe just as a friend or a teammate.” You felt a skip in your chest. “You’ve been my best friend since that first day on the ark. You followed me, like an idiot might I add, all the way to earth and trusted me to protect you. You’ve been a sister to O, even when I haven’t made the best decisions. You’re the first person I go to in the mornings and the last person I see at night. And the whole time I was trapped in that god awful mountain, you were on my mind. You. Not Clarke. I love you. Do you get that?” 
Goosebumps covered your arms as he whispered those final words. You could feel his heart slamming against your back. You leaned your head back on his shoulder, tears pooling in your eyes, and you couldn’t stop them from falling. 
Bellamy looked at you bewildered. “Oh my god, did I say something wrong? Shit, I should have thought this through.” 
Then you started giggling. It was an uncontrollable laughter that was bubbling up inside you. You were gasping for breath. 
“Is this a joke? Are you seriously joking with me...about this?” Bellamy’s face turned hard in an instant. 
You twisted in his lap immediately, still cracking up. “Of course not, Bell.” You caressed his cheek, bringing his gaze to you. “I just can’t believe I’ve been so petrified to tell you. And this whole time, you’ve loved me too.” 
You couldn’t let another second pass. You moved forward and skimmed your lips against his. They were chapped but felt like the most wondrous thing you’d ever felt. He tightened his hold on you, crushing you against his chest. Air hitched in your throat. 
Bellamy picked you up off his lap and delicately laid you back on the pillow. His body was hovering over yours, his arms locked around your head. Then he bent down and deepened the kiss. This was a kiss of passion, of relief, of happiness. 
When he pulled away, his face was filled with love.
“Is this a dream?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Bellamy gave you a tender smile with his dimples more prominent than ever. His forehead was pressed against yours. “If this a dream, I never want to wake up.”
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In Your Arms (2/3)
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Thomas x Reader
Word Count: 1366
Warnings: None
Prompt:   Safe Haven Thomas  “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” via @stiles-o-dylan24
A/N: So I had posted a while ago that I wanted to write something for Thomas and had gotten a couple ideas. This is the second part of a three-parter that the lovely Ellie decided to give me ideas for :D 
As always please feel free to give me your thoughts and opinions.
Masterlist || DOB Masterlist
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After the other night, when you’d fainted after a long night trying to keep one of the boys alive, Thomas had been pretty much inseparable from you.
Wherever you went, he wasn’t too far behind. You had wanted to argue it but the argument became obsolete when you had another fainting spell. One that Thomas hadn’t been close enough to catch you but thankfully Newt, who had finally recovered, was there and had caught you.
Currently, you were refusing to allow Robert to check you over. It’s not like there were a lot of things that it could be. You hadn’t been eating very much the last few days, never really having an appetite. Sure, you knew you had to eat but the nights had been kind of rough lately.
Each time you closed your eyes, you were plagued by nightmares of your family dying. Time and time again, you had woken in a cold sweat, terrified that the Safe Haven had been a drug-induced dream that WCKD was using to torture you with.
It didn’t help that when you were awake, Thomas had a voracious appetite for your body. So the lack of sleep and lack of food meant that you were tired and your body was trying to get you to lay down and rest.
Thankfully, most of the heavy lifting for the Safe Haven had been done and now it was mostly the normal, day to day chores that one had to perform to get through the days. Robert was off on rounds for the people that had caught fevers and was the one to be on-call today if anything big went down. You were going to be collecting herbs and preparing them, taking inventory and, if you were lucky, you’d get a chance to take a nap.
Grabbing your knives and containers for the different herbs, you placed them in the woven basket along with the small lunch Frypan had prepped for you and Thomas. Stepping outside, you found yourself looking around for your favorite person. With how he’d been, you were sure that if you just took off he wouldn’t be very pleased and you’d been experimenting with orgasm denial lately so you figured you would avoid the sweet torture.
It didn’t take you long to find him. He was already headed your way. After the rescue trip to save Minho had succeeded Vince had basically allowed Thomas to step into the leadership role, officially. Personally, you happen to think it was more the fact that, amongst the kids saved, Vince’s daughter had been one of the rescued.
The girl in question was the one that currently had his attention. She a shy young girl, can’t be more than 6 or 7, and a bit star struck with Thomas. She had managed to snag him into playing some kind of mirroring game. He would make some kind of silly face or pose in a certain way and she would then follow.
You’re not sure how she had gotten separated from Vince or what had happened to her mom but you were glad that kids tended to be more resilient than adults. She was slowly coming out of her shell with more people than just Thomas. After watching them for a minute or so, you started walking over towards them.
“Hi Kara,” you called softly so as to not startle the poor girl.
You watched as she froze for a moment and stopped where you were. She still had a hard time with pretty much everyone outside of Thomas, Gally, Newt and Brenda. You tried not to be hurt by it, the boys had all been in the room when she was freed from her cells and Brenda had been the one to get them through the city on the busses. You’d stayed outside the room keeping an eye out for anyone that could have passed and then had been in the med bay trying to stitch Thomas up. She hadn’t seen your face until the Safe Haven and by then, you were just another face in a sea of faces.
“Hey babe,” Thomas called softly and then looked to Kara, “Kara, you know Y/N, right?”
Kara looked over at you, somewhat suspiciously but slowly nodded her head, “She helped heal my cut the other day. Lexa’s too.”
You smiled at her softly but she turned back to Thomas who nodded his head, “That’s right. She’s my-” he paused for a moment not sure how to introduce you. Sure you were his girlfriend but did kids understand that?
Kara started giggling.
It takes Kara a moment to calm down but she does. Eventually answering, with a big toothy grin “Daddy says that she’s special to you. Just like mommy was special to him.”
Thomas face splits into that adorable smile that you love. One that he doesn’t share very often, before he turns to look at you. Nodding his head, “Yeah, that’s about right.”
“Do you need to go with her?” Kara asks and she sounds sad. You want to tell Thomas to stay behind with the girl but you also know that he’s been worrying about you a lot lately. So your not surprised when he nods his head.
The little girl turns to you, a serious expression on her face, “He’ll keep you safe. He’s a superhero.”
“Yea,” you agree with her, “He’s a pretty awesome one at that.”
She hugs Thomas tightly before waving goodbye to you.
Once she’s gone, you watch Thomas come over to you, “I’ve missed you,” he whispers before pulling you into his arms and kissing you soundly.
Laughing, you kiss him back before pulling away, “It hasn’t even been half a day Tommy.”
“So?” he asks and you can see the glint of mischief in his eyes.
“You’re incorrigible!” You pull away from him and start to walk towards the woods. “Come on. I have herbs I need to go search for and seeing as how you’ve been pretty adamant on keeping an eye on me, you’ll be joining me.”
You heard him groan but he wasn’t very far behind you. Working together, the two of you had gotten most of the herbs picked and placed in their respective jars completed just after midday. There were a few that you would have to take out to put to dry out later but it could wait.
“Let’s get back to the Haven, if we’re lucky Frypan’ll have kept some food warm for us,” Thomas said as he gave you the last of the jars.
He’d started standing up, intent on making his way back towards the chow hut. However, when you pulled out the sandwiches that Frypan had given you and the water canteens he chuckled, “Someone thought ahead today.”
“One of us has to,” you shot back and handed him a sandwich.
It didn’t take him long to eat and you were still working on yours when he reached back into the basket. You were surprised when he pulled out a slice of cake. One of your favorite flavors by the looks of it.
“Planning on sharing that?”
He looked over at you and you could see the wheels turning in his head, “If you finish your sandwich.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you let out a hmph sound and lift the sandwich back to your mouth. You eat the sandwich and he seems content. Placing the cake down, he leans back and watches you, “You know, I’ve been thinking?”
“Always a dangerous pastime,” you smirk, after a bite of food.
“Oh, I think you’ll like this thought,” he smirks at you. His voice has taken on a somewhat breathless turn and you raise your eyebrow, waiting for him to get on with it.
He leans forward and takes the sandwich from your hand, “Hey! I was gonna eat that! You promised me cake!”
He kissed you in that heated way that made you shiver, pulling you towards him and placing you in his lap, his grip tight on your hips “You sure you want that right now?”
“I could be persuaded otherwise…” you smirk as he leans in for another kiss. 
Masterlist || DOB Masterlist
tag list: @stiles-o-dylan24 @riseandshinelittleblossom @lucifersnipnips @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @screamxqueenx94 @nicole-lynne​
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pretend-writer · 6 years
Down Below (Chapter 39)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home” after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 2961 words
Warning: injury, torture, swearing, violence
Note: SORRY I DIDN’T EDIT. I wanted to post it as soon as I was done. I’ll take my time and retouch it whenever I have the chance. 
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Slowly, I opened my eyes; we were back on the beach where Floukru took us. Although I was highly suspicious on how they managed to carry us all the way back without waking us up while we were sleeping, I didn’t really care much. We were back to square one.
‘We need to go back and convince Luna.’ Clarke stated as she sat up.
Octavia shook her head, 'She literally kicked us out. Do you really think she wants to cooperate with us after we got some of her people killed including her boyfriend?’
'We need to get back to Arkadia and see if our friends are okay.’ Bellamy suggested. 'Then we can plan from there.’
'Sounds good to me.’ Jasper agreed.
Clarke huffed, 'Guys, this is our only choice. We need Luna to side with us.’
'It’s over, Clarke. We ruined our chances with her. We’re lucky she didn’t kill us.’ I implied.
With a straight face, she turned and walked into the woods. A sigh escaped from Bellamy’s mouth as he tailed Clarke. As I watched them get further into the woods, I rolled my eyes.
'Jealous, much?’ Jasper chuckled as he saw my facial expression.
My first instinct was to pick up a pebble and throw it at his stomach. I had slight jealousy that Bellamy cared to check up on Clarke but I was more annoyed at her disagreeing with everyone.
Jasper stared at the pebble that bounced off his stomach. 'I guess that’s a yes.’
'Shut up. Let’s just charge the rover while we wait for them.’
In the corner of my eye, I saw Octavia laugh lightly. Perhaps my reaction was intense than I intended.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Couple minutes have passed and I heard footsteps coming this way. Clarke and Bellamy came back from the woods but they weren’t alone; They had Roan as hostage.
'Woah, is th-’ Jasper gasped but Clarke cut him off.
‘The man that bounty hunted me to take back to Azgeda when I left Camp Jaha? Yep.’ Clarke approached us while holding onto Roan’s arm.  ‘Luckily, he wants what we want. Ontari, the other nightblood to take the flame.’
'After Luna declining the offer, she’s our only shot. We first need a plan to remove the A.L.I.E chip out of her first.’ Bellamy added.
Being skeptical about this situation, I slowly stepped forward. ‘How can we trust him?’
'Y/N’s right.’ Octavia agreed as she pulled out her sword and stabbed Roan in his thigh.
Roan groaned in pain, kneeling down on the ground. ‘Are you serious?’
‘We had to make sure you weren’t chipped.’ Octavia smirked. ‘Let’s get moving, shall we?’
✤  ·  ✤ ��·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
As I parked the rover into the garage of Arkadia, everyone hopped off. Raven walked by and greeted me with open arms. ‘Glad you’re back safely.’
‘Well, the harder part starts now. We’re going to Polis.’
‘Are you guys out of your mind? You guys are going to get yourselves killed or worse.’
‘It’s a risk I’m willing to take.’ I looked into Raven’s eyes. Before walking away from my sister, she yelled my name. 'Raven, you can’t change my mind.’
‘I know you won’t, so stubborn.’ She lightly chuckled. ‘But I’m doing everything on my end to shut A.L.I.E down. Be careful out there sis.’
Smiling back at her, Jasper wrapped his arm my shoulder. ‘Would you guys mind if I stay here with you guys?’
‘Nope, Bryan and Miller are headed to Polis so we’ll need all the help we can get.’ Raven replied. ‘Also Y/N, don’t forget the EMP device that destroys the chip. It’s only one use so use it wisely.’
Jasper turned his face to me and grinned, 'Make sure you guys come back in one piece.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
On our way to Polis in the Rover, Miller questioned. ‘So what’s the plan to get into Polis?’
‘We can have Roan pretend to take me as prisoner to go talk to Ontari. I have the passphrase for the flame so she would want to talk to me.’ Clarke suggested.
‘Maybe I should go instead and not you, Clarke.’ I considered.
Quickly, Bellamy denied harshly as he drove the Rover. ‘No. You don’t even know the passphrase.’
‘Actually, I do. I sometimes hear Clarke talking to Lexa on the flame and I overheard the passphrase several times. Besides, she knows how to get around Polis. That can benefit you guys if she comes along.’
Bellamy stopped the Rover and turned around. ‘Why do you keep doing this?’
‘Doing what?’ I can tell that Bellamy was highly opposed to this idea, he seemed really angry yet worried.
‘Always trying to play the hero?’
‘Bell, as much as I agree that Y/N does a lot for us, you know this idea is probably the best solution that we have right now?’ Octavia jumped in.
Clarke slowly nodded, ‘I agree. I know some passage ways that a lot of people in Polis doesn’t know about that Lexa used.’
Sighing out of frustration, he got out of the Rover and slammed the door as he walked straight into the woods. Rolling my eyes, I got out of the Rover and followed him. ‘Where are you going?’
Bellamy stopped and turned around. ‘I-I don’t know. I’m just mad.’
‘Do you think that I like it when you put yourself in danger too?’ I said as I held onto his hand. ‘I’m always scared that someone’s going to hurt you.’
‘Reyes, you don’t have to worry about me.’
‘And you don’t have to worry about me either but we do it anyway.’ I laughed lightly as I gripped his hand for comfort.
He sighed, ‘I just hate this. Us always risking ourselves to save people. I hate the feeling I get when I think I’m going to lose you.’
‘This is our life now and we have to do what it takes to protect our people.’ I smiled lightly as I grabbed onto his cheek. 'But I promise you, I’ll be sticking around for a very long time.’
Bellamy chuckled, 'That’s very fortunate for me then.’
A cough distracted us; We quickly turned around and saw that everyone was starring awkwardly. Bellamy scratched the back of his head, 'Damn, can we have a little privacy?’
'Yeah, maybe after we save everyone.’ Octavia joked.
Clarke approaches me, sticking her hand out. 'This is probably a good distance to walk to Polis. Also, here’s the flame. I trust you to keep it safe.’
'Of course I will.’ I smiled at her as she handed it to me. 'I’ll see you guys on the other side.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
With a rope tied around my hand, Roan held onto the end of the rope as he guided me into Polis. Trying to get Ontari’s attention, Roan screamed, 'I have the flame!’
Jaha popped out of nowhere with a huge grin on his face. 'Do you honestly think we’re stupid?’
'Y/N has the passphrase and I have the flame. All you need to do is take us to Ontari.’ Roan implied.
'She’s not coming.’ Jaha crossed his arms, 'Our friend, Jasper told us about your little plan.’
Everything made perfect sense now; People from Floukru were getting chipped because of Jasper. My heart started racing as I thought about the danger my sister and my friends were in. I was also terrified for Bellamy and the others; I hoped that they didn’t get caught.
'It’s over.’ Jaha chuckled devilishly as he saw my facial expression. 'Kane, finish him.’
Marcus approached us from behind while he gripped his gun. After pulling the trigger and shooting Roan, he grabbed onto my arm tightly.
'Don’t do this, I know you’re in there somewhere.’ I figured that Marcus was chipped and it scared me that now he was capable of hurting me.
He ignored and pulled me, leading me up to the building. On the top of the building, Abby waited for me with a cheeky grin on her face.
Marcus tied me up to a chair and handed Abby the flame. She then looked down at me, 'Y/N, what’s the passphrase?’
'You really think I’m going to tell you?’ I chuckled.
'Alright. I can bring Clarke up here and ask her myself.’
A smile formed on my face, 'Nice try, I changed the passphrase before I got here. No one knows it but me.’
Abby huffed, showing frustration then pulled a knife out and stabbed me on my arm. A loud scream escaped my mouth; I didn’t see it coming.
'Tell me now. I’ll stab you again.’
'No.’ She showed no mercy and stabbed me once again on my other arm. I cried in pain but I wasn’t going to give up that easily.
'I’ve got a better idea.’ She looked over at Marcus and smiled. 'Marcus, go hang yourself. This should make her talk.’
Panic flushed all over my body as I saw Marcus grab a rope. 'Don’t do this, please.’
He continued to ignore me shouting his name as if he didn’t hear anything. Marcus set up the rope and then wrapped it around his neck.
'Marcus!’ I yelled, seeing Abby’s smirk on her face from the corner of my eye made me angrier.
Kicking the stool from under him, he started choking as grabbed onto his neck.
Tears fell from my eyes as I continued to call out his name. There were so many tears to a point where I couldn’t see anything in front of me.
My mind knew that I was doing the right thing; telling Abby the passphrase would lead to the end of the world. I also didn’t want Marcus dying in front of me and the only person to blame was me.
Suddenly, a huge bang came from the door. From the other side, I heard Bellamy scream my name as they continued to bang on the door.
Before Abby was able to take action, the door barged open. Making eye contact with Bellamy, I screamed at him. 'Save Marcus, please.’
He had a worried look on his face but he immediately helped Marcus and untied him. Seeing someone approach me from the other side, I turned to that direction; it was John.
'Hey Y/N. Long time, no see.’ John smiled lightly as he untied the rope off of my wrist.
'It’s good to see you again.’ I hugged him tightly, 'I was afraid something bad happened to you.’
He grinned, 'Nothing bad will ever happen to me.’
'Jaha!’ Clarke yelled as she sprinted towards him. John followed her to see what had happened. Ontari laid lifelessly on the ground.
'Now you can’t use her anymore.’ Jaha chuckled just as John knocked him out, unconscious.
'Clarke, help me take him to the other room.’ John said nonchalantly.
She looked over at her mother, who she had to take care of. 'What about my mom?’
'We’ll figure it out but we have to tie Jaha up first. Now help.’ John commanded.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'She has brain damage.’ Abby diagnosed Ontari as she checked on her. Clarke successfully got her back by destroying the chip using Raven’s EMP system.
Pike, John and Bellamy rushed into the room after coming back from tying Jaha and Marcus up. My eyes meet with Pike as he walked in; all I can do was glare at him.
‘I’m sorry, Reyes.’ Pike felt the stern look from my expression.
Ignoring him, I got back to the important details. ‘Is the floor secure for us to stay here?’
John looked over at us and nodded, ‘There’s no way the others have access to the stairs but the problem is we can’t go back down.’
‘No need to go back down. We have everything we need right here.’ Clarke said.
‘What do you mean?’ Abby asked.
‘I’m taking the flame. We need a nightblood host so we can transport Ontari’s blood into me. We have all the tools and I know it will work.’
Abby shook her head, ‘Clarke, it’s too dange-’
Octavia ran towards us as she interrupted Abby. ‘Guys, we need to be quick. They’re all climbing the building.’
My eyes widened as I dashed to the balcony to peeked outside; hundreds of the chipped victims were on their way to terminate us.
‘We’ll slow them down as much as we can. Clarke, do your thing.’ Octavia pulled her sword out. ‘Y/N, come with me.’
I nodded and followed Octavia to a different room and headed straight to the balcony. We stood by the ledge as we watched our people slowly climbing up towards us. ‘Do you think Clarke can reach the City of Lights and find what she needs to stop A.L.I.E?’
‘Damn, I hope so or we’re screwed.’ I replied back. Looking over at Octavia, I could tell that she was bothered and I knew exactly what it was about. ‘For now, you need let go of that pain. We have to focus on this, not Pike.’
‘It’s so hard watching him and hiding my urge to kill him.’ Octavia blurted. ‘I don’t know how you do it.’
‘Just turn your anger into motivation. You taught me that, O.’
She sighed, I can tell that she wasn’t satisfied with my answer and I didn’t blame her. I wanted Pike gone just as much as she did.
Octavia gripped on her sword tightly. ‘Let’s get ready, they’re climbing fast.’
As I pulled out my pistol, I backed up and held onto the gun grip. Couple of the people I recognized from Arkadia climbed over the balcony. I took a deep breath and mouthed, “Sorry.”
Pulling the trigger, I shot one right in it’s knee as it collapsed to the ground. Then I shot the other one right afterwards and making him fall as well. After a few hits to the others who climbed over, my ammo was gone.
‘I’m out.’ I yelled as I drew my knife out and stabbed one of the chipped guards on his thigh.
‘We need to barricade this room.’ Octavia said as she pulled out the sword from the woman’s body.
Quickly, we sprinted out of the room and slammed the door shut. Carrying the closest and heaviest furniture we can find, we stacked them up against the door. Bellamy, Pike and Miller soon approached us and started helping us pile up chairs.
There was a sudden bang from the door; The others were pushing through to break the barricade. All five of us put out backs against the furniture, trying to hold the door down to give Clarke more time to find the switch to shut down A.L.I.E.
‘Do you think this is going to hold?’ Miller growled.
‘I guess we will find out.’ Pike said.
The banging became harder and harder since all the people who were climbing worked their way to the top already. My thighs and arms were starting to get painful the longer we tried to keep the door closed.
‘We need to move somewhere else.’ Octavia shouted over the loud banging.
‘Octavia’s right. They’re going to burst through.’ Bellamy agreed. ‘Let’s head back to Clarke, Abby and Murphy.’
All of us bolted back to the original room and noticed Clarke was still unconscious. Bellamy took a deep breath as he got on the ground with the gun on his hand. ‘Guys, this is it.’
‘Good luck guys.’ Abby said as she continued to work on Clarke with John.
I stood between Bellamy and Pike, gripping onto my knife tightly. The door busted open and revealed many chipped, angry people coming to get us.
Blood and sweat flew around the room, where we were fighting our own people. It pained me to hurt the people we once lived with but we had to do what was right in the long run.
As I finished off couple of people, I saw Marcus stomping towards me. He was the last person I ever wanted to see in this battlefield, especially right in front of me.
The knife was with me but it seemed that I couldn’t use it on him. Before I reacted to anything, he grabbed onto my neck tightly and shoved me to the ground.
I slowly started to lose air and my head started feeling very light. My grip weakened as my knife fell of my hand. I tried to whisper but I was running out of breath, ‘Marcus…’
‘Y/N!’ Bellamy screamed, pinned down by three people. He tried to move around but the others refused to let him go.
Hearing Bellamy, Octavia and the rest of us scream in pain, I lost hope. I knew that it was about time but suddenly, Marcus let go of me. His eyes then widened as he saw what he had done to me. ‘I-I’m so sorry.’
Breathing hard, I sat up and tried to catch my breath. Marcus kneeled close to me as tears streamed from his eyes. He apologized over and over again, even when his voice was cracked from crying. I hugged him tightly and told him that everything was fine and it wasn’t his fault.
Abby came between us and rubbed Marcus’ back, reassuring him. I stood up and left them give some time to talk. Seeing Clarke finally awake and well, I approached her. ‘You did it.’
‘No, we did it.’ Clarke smiled.
A touch on my arm made me turn around and I noticed that it was Bellamy standing behind me. Without a word, he pulled me in and kissed me. Not caring about anybody else in the room, I kissed him back.
‘I’m so glad you’re okay.’ he smiled as he pulled away.
‘I’ll always be fine, I told you.’ I giggled as I wiped blood off of his face. ‘We can face anything, together.’
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fanfics4all · 6 years
Not One of You Anymore: Part 22
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Griffin!Reader
Word count: 5756
Warnings: I don’t think anything? Maybe people getting hurt?
Y/N: Your Name
Summary:You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Bellamy’s POV
Lincoln was helping me sneak into Mount Weather. We were going in the way the Reapers did, thought it was the easiest way. I needed to get in there so we could save everyone. Clarke and Lexa both wanted to know Y/N was okay so I really had to find her once I was in. Lincoln killed an animal while we were in the forest and cut it’s stomach open. He put the blood on his face so he looked like a Reaper.
“Okay.” I said kneeling down.
So we make it to the intake door without and of the real Reapers seeing us. What happens then?” I asked.
“I kill everyone, and you slip inside. Limestone.” He said and I pulled out a little pouch. He took it He stuck three fingers inside and dragged them down his face.
“Let’s go.” He said getting up.
“We have a lot of ground to cover before dark.” He said while I got up. We started walking again.
“Hey, I need to know what happened after the intake door.” I said.
“They remove your clothes. Blast you with boiling water, then douse you with something that burns even worse. And then we were sorted. The others were tagged ‘Harvest’. I was tagged ‘Cerberus’, turned into a Reaper.” He said
“Cerberus. Three-headed dog that guards the underworld.” I said and he looked at me confused.
“My mom read mythology to us all the time. Octavia loved it.” I said then there was a small pause.
“You’re good for her. You made her strong.” I said.
“She was already strong.” He said and I stopped walking making him turn around.
“Hey, I need to ask you something.” I said and he looked at me.
“You protected my sister before you even knew her. Why?” I asked.
“When I was a boy… I saw a ship fall from the sky. Like Raven’s, or Y/N’s. The man inside was hurt, his body broken, I couldn’t get him out.” He said.
“Suicide by Earth. I heard the stories in the guard. I just didn’t know they were true.” I said.
“I brought him food, water. I didn’t speak the enemy’s language yet. So I couldn’t understand him, but I wanted to. So on the third day, I told my father. He made me kill him. That’s why when Y/N came down I made a vow to myself that I would protect her, luckily she’s one of us now. She was lucky… The world’s been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember.” He said and I looked at the ground.
“Let’s keep moving.” He said and started to jog off.
“Wait.” I stopped him.
“The parking garage where we found you… it’s north, that way.” I said pointing.
“There’s a mine entrance closer to where the Reapers hand us over. We go into the underworld when we have to. Not before.” He said and ran off. I followed him.
“You really care about Y/N too.” I said and he nodded.
“She’s strong, she’s proven herself more than once.” He said.
“Then why do you call her little one?” I asked.
“She’s like a sister to me. Which is also why I’m helping you, I need to know she’s safe.” He said.
“Like you said, she’s strong. She’ll be okay.” I said and he nodded.
I wasn’t allowed to see my friends anymore. Cage had me on lock down.. How the hell was I supposed to distract him when he was going in and out of the room!? I’m failing my friends, I’m failing Lexa, I’m failing everyone! Maybe they shouldn’t have saved me… Maybe I was meant to be Skai kru all along…
“Y/N? Sweetie? Are you alright?” Cage asked while we were laying in bed together, clothed thankfully.
“Yeah, I was just thinking, sorry…” I said and he turned me over.
“About?” He asked.
“My friends, My sister…” I said and he sighed.
“Sweetie, you can’t think about them. Your friends are alright, I just don’t want you to leave me for one of them.” He said and I nodded.
“I wouldn’t…” I lied.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t but I don’t want them getting any ideas.” He said and kissed my head.
“Now, just relax and get some rest, I’ll be back later.” He said getting up. He left the room and once again I was alone in this room that had become my cell.
John’s POV
The Grounders were coming here today, a meeting or something. I watched them walk in and two looked at me. I looked down at my cup, I wanted nothing to do with this. All I wanted to do was find Y/N.
“Alright, quiet down.” Kane said walking in. Him and a Grounder walked into the middle of the room.
“I know we don’t have a lot in common. But we do have a common enemy… and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather… we need to work together. Ongeta. (Together) He said looking at the lady Grounder.
“Skai kru and tri kru. Our survival depends on our…” He went on when one of the Grounders came up to me.
“You got a problem?” I asked him.
“Yu soud en stare round der ustega ai flush clean.” (You stood there watching while my village was massacred.) He said to me, but I couldn’t understand him.
“I’m sorry, man. I don’t speak Grounder.” I said with a bit of a smirk and he knocked my cup out my hands. I got up and shoved him back. Everyone looked at us, but I didn’t care.
“Mr. Murphy. Apologize to that man.” Kane said.
“For what? He was the one who came at me.” I said annoyed.
“Two day’s work detail.” He said and I looked at him.
“Work detail? I just told you I didn’t-”
“Care to make it three?” He said cutting me off. I shut my mouth and looked back at the guy. I rolled my eyes and started walking off.
“You’re gonna burn just like your friend.” The grounder said making me stop. I turned around and punched him right in the face.
“Murphy! Murphy back off!” Kane shouted as a crowd started to form.
“Murphy stop!” He shouted coming up to us.
“Knock it off!” Octavia shouted coming up to us as well.
“You think Y/N would be happy about you fighting them?” I heard Octavia yell which made me pause and I got punched.
Clarke’s POV
“This argument is a waste of time. It is simple. If they can’t breathe our air, why not just open the door and be done with it? Let them burn.” Someone suggested.
“Burn them. Burn them.” The others nodded in agreement.
“No, because they have a containment system. Multiple airlocks just like we had on The Ark. Our inside man can shut that down.” I said.
“If he gets inside” He said.
“What id we shut it down from the outside?” Lexa suggested and I looked at her.
“You say the dam gives them power, let’s take that away.” She said.
“That dam withstood a nuclear war, Commander I highly doubt-”
“Agh! All she offers is no.” He growled cutting me off.
“Quint.” Lexa said and gave him a hard stare. He stood back up and looked back at her.
“Apologies, Commander. But the biggest army we’ve ever had waits for us to give it a mission. The longer that takes, the more of our people die inside that mountain.” Quint said.
“It’s the same for all of us.” I said.
“We’ve lost thousands. How many have you lost, girl?” He asked and I just looked down.
“She says she has a plan. I say waiting for one man to get inside… is not a very good one.” He said.
“I agree with Quint.” Another man said.
“W have an army, let’s use it.” He added.
“We will. After Bellamy lowers their defenses, turns off the acid fog. I don’t care how many men you have. If you can’t get to your enemy, you can’t win.” I said.
“You are the enemy.” Quint growled.
“I’m sorry, have I done something to offend you?” I asked him.
“Yes.” He said walking up to me.
“You burned my brother alive in a ring of fire.” He said and I looked down.
“He shouldn’t have attacked my ship.” I said in his face.
“You’re very brave under the Commander’s protection, aren’t you?” He asked back.
“Pleni.” (Enough.) Lexa said to him.
“Ai can't be in an hukop kom emo kru.” (I can't be in an alliance with these people.) He said then walked off. I sighed and looked at Lexa, I had no idea what he was saying.
“Quint’s right. Waiting for Bellamy is not a plan. It’s a prayer, and one that’s not likely to be answered.” She said.
“Excuse me. I need some air.” I said and walked out.
Bellamy’s POV
I looked at he map Clarke had given me then up at the mountain. This wasn’t gonna be easy… I sighed and turned back to Lincoln who was digging in the dirt.
“The mountain has many eyes between here and then tunnels. From now on, details must be exact.” He said.
“What if we run into real Reapers? Wouldn’t they wonder where you’ve been?” I asked.
“All they see is the Red. Once you’re taken, nothing else matters. Just how you’ll get more.” He said.
“How much do you remember from when you were on it?” I asked.
“Everything.” He answered and stood up.
“Turn around.” He told me and I did. He placed a thick tree branch on my neck and I moved my hands behind it.
Clarke’s POV
I went into the woods to clear my head. When I heard someone behind me. I looked over and saw Quint staring at me. I just turned back around and continued walking. He was following me.
“Now so brave now, are you, sky girl?” He called out. I paused behind a tree then walked out and saw he wasn’t there anymore. I looked around then an arrow shot into the tree next to me. I looked at where it came from and saw him aiming at me now. I turned and ran. Hi arrow missed me and I kept running, I knew he would chase me. I kept running until I was out of breath. I stopped but heard a noise. I pulled out my gun and aimed but saw it was only Byrne.
“Byrne. Thank God, Quint-” I cut myself off as she turned to me, he right arm was completely missing.
“Save yourself.” She said out of breath then fell to the ground.
John’s POV
I watched from inside the Ark as they wasted bullets on practice. How could they be so stupid? We needed those! What if something happens and we run out of ammo? It’ll be all their fault! Fucking idiots.
“Save your bullets for the Grounders.” I mumbled to myself.
“I take it you don’t approve?” Jaha asked and I turned around. I ignored him and just went back to mopping the floor.
“I asked you a question.” He said forcefully.
“Who cares what I think?” I said to him.
“I do.” He said and I looked up at him.
“Or I wouldn’t have asked.” He added moving closer.
“I think the Grounders can go to hell.” I said pissed.
“Isn’t Y/N one of them? I understand you care about her.” He said and I glared at him.
“Don’t you talk about her.” I said, he was the one that sent her down here.
“You do care about her.” He said.
“But you hate the Grounders.” He added.
“She’s not like them.” I answered.
“I got you off work detail.” He said changing the subject.
“Why?” I asked.
“You knew my son.” He said and I gulped.
“And I’d like you to take me to his grave.” He said and I looked away from him.
“Now that there’s a truce, it’s safe for me to go and say goodbye.” He said.
“Then you can get someone else to take you.” I said and started walking off.
“I’m told the graves are unmarked.” He said and I stopped walking, putting the mop back in the bucket.
“You can show me which is him.” He said and I looked back at him. Why the hell would I do this for him of all people?
“You can hold the mop, or you can hold the gun.” He said pulling out a pistol. I looked at him and grabbed it. I walked off and he followed me.
Clarke’s POV
I was running and running. Did Quint do that to her? Was it Mount Weather? Or could it have been something else entirely? As I was running I was tackled to the ground. The person turned me over and I saw it was Quint. I struggled against him and tried to get free. He grabbed my neck and held me down.
“For my brother!” He growled and pulled out a knife. He lifted it in the air but before he could bring it down someone tossed a knife into his wrist. He fell off me and I got up to see Lexa and another Grounder walking over. She pulled out the knife and Quint groaned.
“Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op.” (Attack her and you attack me.) She said something to him and he looked up at her.
“Thank you.” I said to her.
“Where’s your guard?” She asked me.
“He killed her.” I said looking at him.
“Em ste speech. ai gonplei ste only kom em.” (She lies. My fight is only with her.) He said getting up.
“yu gonplei ste odon.” (Your fight is over.) She said and he looked back at her shocked.
“The kill is yours, Clarke.” She said looking over at me. I gripped the gun at my side and started at him then Lexa then back at him. We heard a loud growl or something and everyone looked around.
“What is that?” I asked in a whisper.
“Pauna.” Lexa answered. She pulled out her sword and slashed it into Quint’s leg. He screamed and fell to the ground.
“Run!” Lexa screamed and I turned. The three of us ran and I could hear his screams behind us.
“We need to hide!” Lexa said.
“Here! I found something!” I called and the three of us ran into a large tube. We came out the other side and there were skulls and animal carcuses all over the place.
“What is this place?” I asked.
“It’s her feeding ground.” Lexa said. We heard it roawr again.
“Let’s go.” I said and we started climbing. We got to the top and it sounded like it was getting closer. We saw a tree get knocked down then what looked like an ape jumped in. It attacked Lexa’s man and then looked at us. I shot it once then it tossed a rock at us. I shot it a few more times then it fell down. We looked over and it got back up.
“Run!” She screamed and the two of us ran. We got to an edge and looked down to see a door. I jumped down and hurt my ankle a bit, but nothing too bad. Then Lexa jumped and she hit the ground hard. She screamed and I walked over to help her up. The ape jumped down and we rushed to the door. I got through but Lexa fell and and the ape grabbed her.
“Leave me!” She cried.
“No way!” I said and pulled out the gun I had. I held it up and shot four times. It let her go and I pulled her through. I kicked the bar that was holding it open and we ran. I noticed a door and kicked it open. I dragged her inside and laid her down.
“Give me your sword.” I said and pulled it from her back. I shut the door and placed her sword to keep it closed. We heard banging and I looked down at Lexa.
John’s POV
I was taking Jaha to see Well’s grave. The man that killed my father for trying to help me. The man that send Y/N down here when she was ten. The man that send us all down here to die. We were walking to the drop ship and I just wanted to get this over with.
“It’s extraordinary, isn’t it?” He asked and I looked back at him.
“Oh, just give it a few days.” I said.
“I may not know everything that happened before I got down here, but I do know something about what you’re feeling, son.” He said and I stopped walking.
“Don’t call me that.” I said turning to look at him.
“I’m nobody’s son.” I said.
“You made sure of that.” I added and started walking again.
“I remember your father.” He said.
“Yeah, right.” I said scoffing.
“Alex Murphy. Convicted of theft of rationed medicine. He stole it to take care of you.” He said and I glanced back at him.
“I remember them all.” He said.
“Yes you let Abby live for having a second child and send her down here, where you thought she died.” I said.  
“We’re here.” I said before he could say anything else.
“Home, sweet home.” I said annoyed.
“Graveyard’s this way.” I said walked over to it.
I was dark now and Jaha was at his son’s grave. I walked over and sighed.
“You about done?” I asked. I didn’t want to feel bad for him, he didn’t deserve it. But a part of me couldn’t help it, I would never let him know that thought.
“We gotta be heading back.” I added.
“How well did you know him?” He asked.
“Well enough to be hung for his murder.” I answered and he looked at me shocked, I just smirked.
“Clarke sugar coated it for you, didn’t she?” I asked and he stood up.
“What happened to my son?” He asked.
“A twelve year old girl stabbed him in the neck with a knife she took from me.” I answered.
“Why would she do that?” He asked.
“She couldn’t kill you.” I answered and he looked shocked.
“Yeah, see you got a lot of blood on your hands, Chancellor. Every single one of them, including your son would still be alive if you hadn’t sent us down here.” I said.
“If I didn’t send you, they would have died on The Ark with the rest of us.And we would’ve never known that Earth was survivable. And you wouldn’t have met Y/N.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I said don’t talk about her.” I growled.
“Their sacrifice is why we are here. Good can come out of even the darkest acts, John.” He added and I just started at him. He looked around then started walking away.
“Camp ‘You’ is that way!” I called pointing behind the graveyard.
“We’ll rest at the dropship for a while.” He called back.
“Suit yourself.” I said and followed him.
Bellamy’s POV
We kept walking in the forest, me following Lincoln like I was his prisoner. He had a makeshift rope around my neck leading me. We made it to the entrance of the cave when we paused.
“Come on.” I said, I could tell he was hesitant about going back here, but we needed to save our friends.
“Let’s do this.” I added. We walked into the dark cave and went to find the door so we could get in.
Kane’s POV
We watched at Octavia stood in front of Indra. The Grounders were going on a hunt for food, we didn’t have enough. I stood with the guards and watched the girl the hid under the floor for most her life stand up to Indra.
“Time for one more?” She asked.
“Step aside, sky girl. We’re hungry.” Indra growled at her.
“Make me.” Octavia said.
“Fio! Give this girl what she wants.” Indra ordered. A man pulled out his sword and Octavia walked up to him. I looked on curiously.
“Sir?” A guard asked.
“It’s alright. Let her go.” I said.
“Let’s do this.” Octavia said. She swung first and he blocked her. She kept swinging and when he had an opening he kneed her in the stomach and grabbed her arm. He threw her to the ground and picked his sword back up. He turned around and started to walk away, but Octavia was getting back up.
“Hey, are you gonna give up that easily?” She asked out of breath.  The Grounder looked back at her shocked.
“She wants more. Oblige her.” Indra said. This time he swung first and she sung back but he dodged. She swung again but he punched her in the face then elbowed her in the face and knocked her to the ground once again. She nose was bleeding but still she got up.
“Indra. Stop this.” I ordered, I was worried for Octavia’s safety.
“Takem on lik ozon.” (Finish it) She said. The Grounder kicked her but she stayed up. Octavia got a few punches in but he punched her to the ground again. He turned around and said something to his people, but Octavia got up once again. She ran up to punch him but he grabbed her arm and twisted it. She let out a scream but spit her blood in his face. He wiped his face and punched her in the stomach, she was on the ground again. He kicked her again sending her to her back, but still she tried to get up. He went to hit her again but Indra stopped him.
“Pleni. Same time en time setral down.” (Enough. Even a fool knows when to surrender.) She said to him and they all walked off. I walked up to Octavia and helped her up.
“I got you.” I said and brought her to her feel.
“I got you.” I said again putting her arm around my neck.
“What are you trying to prove?” I asked her.
“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” She said weakly. I looked at her at I brought her into The Ark.
Clarke’s POV
It was dark now and the banging had stopped. I was currently tying a makeshift sling around Lexa to keep her arm from moving.
“You should’ve left me behind.” She said as I finished.
“Now two will die here instead of one.” She said.
“I’m still new to your culture, but when someone saves your life, my people say ‘Thank you’.” I said walking over to the bars and looking out.
“I’m serious, Clarke.” She said and I tried to break the bars.
“To lead well, you must make hard choices.” She said and I turned back to face her.
“Hard choices? You’re telling me that?” I asked walking up to her.
“I’ve seen your strength. It’s true. But now you waver. You couldn’t kill Quint. You couldn’t leave me to die. That was weakness.” She said.
“I thought love was weakness.” I said and turned away from her again.
“Mockery is not the product of a strong mind, Clarke. I honestly can’t believe you are Y/N’s family.” She said.
“You wanna know why I saved you?” I asked turning and walking back up to her.
“Because I need you. God forbid one of your generals becomes Commander. You may be heartless, Lexa, but at least you’re smart.” I said and she smirked at me.
“Don’t worry. My spirit will choose much more wisely than that.” She said.
“Your spirit?” I asked confused.
“When I die, my spirit will find the next Commander.” She explained.
“Reincarnation.That’s how you became Commander?” I asked.
“How are your leaders chosen?” She asked but before I could answer there was a loud bang from above. The banging on the door returned at I felt fear flow through my body.
“It found us.” I said.
“Don’t be afraid, Clarke. Death is not the end.” She said.
“We are not dying here.” I said.
“I need your spirit to stay where it is.” I added.
“Then get ready to fight. It’s coming in.” She said pulling out a knife and took a few steps forward.
“Maybe we let it in.” I said walking towards the door.
“Come here!” I called and she moved next to me.
“Now!” I shouted and pulled her sword off the door. It fell through the door and ended up a few feet away from us.
“Go!” I called and pushed her through the door. I ran out after her and shut the door locking it behind us.
“Let’s go.” Lexa said and I nodded.
John’s POV
The two of us sat in the dropship waiting for morning to come. Jaha had a small container and offered me some of that was inside. I raised my hand as a well to tell him I’m good.
“You sure? You must be hungry.” He said.
“No one give anything without expecting something in return.” I said and he sighed.
“That’s a cynical way to go through life, John.” He said.
“You pull me off work detail, you offer me food. Why you being so nice to me?” I asked suspicious.
“Everyone deserves a second chance.” He said and I just looked at him.
“That’s why we sent The Hundred to the Earth in the first place. Why we sent Y/N all those years ago.” He said.
“What a load of crap.” I said.
“You didn’t give a damn about us, about Y/N. You still don’t. That’s why you’re not fighting for those kids in Mount Weather.” I said annoyed.
“No, I have to think of everyone.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“I know you don’t wanna hear this, but sometimes, you have to sacrifice the few to save the many. Like I said, good can come out of even the darkest acts.” He said.
“Then you can take it from me that no good has come from any of this. I was pardoned, slate wiped clean. I’m still treated like dirt.” I growled.
“You’ve made mistakes. So have I.” He said.
“Well, I’m nothing like you, Chancellor.” I said.
“No? We both should’ve died several times over. We both have suffered at the hands of the Grounders. We both have been betrayed and imprisoned by our own people.” He said.
“But only one of us sent a ten year old to the ground, thought she died, and didn’t bat an eye.” I said with narrowed eyes and he sighed.
“But, I guess that just means there’s not a place for either of us right now. Great. I thought you were supposed to be inspiring.” I said and he smiled.
“There is a place for all of us.” He said and I looked at him confused.
“When I first landed on Earth, I met a woman who spoke of a place beyond the dead zone. A place where everyone is accepted. A City of Light.” He said and I rolled my eyes with a scoff.
“That sounds like a fairy tale.” I said.
“Or a second chance.” He said.
“You don’t even know if it’s real.” I said being real.
“You’re right, I don’t. But I believe.” He said and I smirked.
“Okay. Well, that’s good for you, Chancellor.” I said then moved my bag.
“Very good.” I said and laid down on it.
“I’m gonna find it, John.” He said and paused.
“And once I do I’m gonna come back and lead my people home.” He said and I just looked at him.
It was late and Cage was luckily working on something so I was alone. I only say luckily because that means he won’t want to try anything tonight. I was in my pajamas that he had gotten me and sat on the bed. I had my sketchbook in my lap and was looking at the drawing I made of John. I couldn’t keep my mind off him, I was so worried about him. Was he okay? Was he still with my people? Were they hurting him? What he even alive? I couldn’t help the tears that overflowed from my eyes. How can I care about someone that I hardly know? I just wanted to be with him again. He made me feel safe in a sea of strangers.
I then thought about Lexa. If I ever get out of here, how can I face her? Love is weakness. Our enemies will use my love for him against me. They’ll hurt him. Or worse, kill him. John could end up like poor Costia… I couldn’t let that happen to him, but I couldn’t stop my heart from loving him…
“Love can be powerful little one, it’s simply unavoidable when you meet the right person.” Lincoln’s words rang through my head. He was always telling me things that were opposite of what Lexa was telling me. The two of them were completely different people, yet, both people that I looked up to.I loved them both, but simply as family. It was a different type of love, one that couldn’t be used against you as easily. If one of them died I’d be crushed, but we were trained not to show weakness.
“Love is weakness.” Lexa’s voice rang through my head.
“Love is weakness.” I whispered and shut my sketchbook. I hid it under the bed so Cage wouldn’t find it and then went to sleep.
Bellamy’s POV
The two of us were walking through the caves. It was like a never ending maze. I had no idea how the Reapers ever remembered every path, it was a little crazy. Then again they aren’t sane anymore. As we were walking Lincoln paused.
“Why are we stopping?” I asked. He looked down and stepped on a little glass bottle that was on the ground. He was breathing heavy and seemed off.
“You okay?” I asked.
“As soon as they open the intake doors, we attack. Do not let it close.” He said and I nodded.
“Once they’re all dead, you go in. I’ll make it look like you escaped.” He said and I nodded again. He sighed.
“Once you’re inside-”
“I know.” I said cutting him off. We heard shouting in the distance and looked back to see a small glow of a fire.
“Another raider party.” He said and started untying me.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“We have to go back. It’s the only way.” He said panicking.
“Go back? No way!” I growled.
“There’s three, maybe four.” He said.
“We can fight our way through! We’ll never get a better chance.” I said pulling away from him.
“I thought I could do this, but I can’t. Okay? It’s over.” He said.
“No, it’s not.” I said.
“We can join them.” I said once he stopped.
“Listen to me. When they bring out the Red, you grab it, and you run like hell. The Reapers will go nuts, the Grounders will run and Mountain Men will have to deal with it. No one will be looking for a Grounder running into the mountain.” I said and he grabbed me and shoved me to the ground.
“I said no!” He growled. The tree on was tied to fell off and I charged at him.
“Fight back. They’ll think I’m trying to escape. Do it for Y/N. Your people.” I said and he did. I was on my knees in two seconds and the Reapers were walking up to us.
“Disha won tried kom wander off. Em's mine.” (This one tried to wander off. He's mine.) Lincoln said.
“Takem put em round tree bonuday.” (Put him on the log.) The Reaper said. I didn’t know what they were saying, I didn’t speak enough Grounder yet. Lincoln lifted me up and they tied me up.
John’s POV
I woke up to a bunch of voices outside. I walked out with Jaha and saw a small group of people gathered outside of the ship. He was greeting all of them. I was very confused.
“Hey, what the hell is this?” I asked.
“We’re going to the City of Light.” Jaha said.
“You’re going now? There’s a million ways to die out there.” I said.
“Well, if it’s not your time, nothing can kill you. But if it is your time, it only takes one.” He said and I shook my head walking up to them.
“Do you even have a map?” I asked.
“No.” He answered.
“Then how do you know where you’re going?” I asked.
“We don’t, but I will not be ruled by fear. You wanna stop being treated like a criminal, then you have to stop thinking that’s all you are. Take this leap of faith with me, John Murphy. And let me show you there is so much more for you, then this.” He said looking at the dropship. I looked at him for a minute before answering.
“I’m not going without Y/N.” I said.
“Then we’ll wait for you here.” He said and I nodded.
Bellamy’s POV
They stripped me of my clothes. I had a blindfold on so I couldn’t see anything, but I was cold. Someone was speaking loudly around me, one of the Reapers. I wasn’t sure which one. I was guessing it was was one that walked up to Lincoln and I. They took the blindfold off and I looked up at Lincoln then back down. The door opened and four people in hazmat suits walked out.
“Stay back, or you don’t get your dose.” He said and there was an annoying high pitched noise. The reapers stepped back and I looked at Lincoln. A woman walked down the line and she looked at me.
“Harvest.” She said. I watched at Lincoln got on his knees to get the drug. I shook my head to try and tell him not to, but he did it anyway.
“Harvest them all.” She said and they grabbed me. I couldn’t fight them without Lincoln. They took me inside and there was nothing I could do… At least I was inside… Right?
Tag list: @theschuylersistersss @iamaunicorn4704 @sarasmismyonlydefence @riverdalehoeeeeeee @imaginehuntress @tiannawashere @teenwolfbitches2 @mockinghijack @genius2050 @hollandechart @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @marveloverdcsstuff @lady-of-lies 
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thespiritoflife · 3 years
White Death
Pairing: Lexa x Fem!reader
Warnings: grammatical errors, war?
A/N note: Let me know your opinion abt this story please! And also, do you want another part? Let me know please!!
Em laik bounkola wamplei. - She's white death.
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Em laik bounkola wamplei.
They said.  Few people saw her, almost no one ever saw her.  She appeared unexpectedly, on the least expected occasions.  They had not seen her for ten years, and then she appeared.  They didn't see her for another 5 years and then she appeared again.
She still looked the same.  Young.  As if she didn't age.  Messy hair braided in complicated hairstyle and white pearls, she was in silver armor with a cream coat.  And that face.  Only her eyes shone in her face.  She had them painted in shining white.  She wore a silver sword in her silver belt, which she could fight very well.
People didn't like to whisper her name.  They were afraid they would call her.  She was very strong.  Everywhere she went, there was death.  People were afraid of her.
But it was not fair.  She has always fought on the side of justice.  On the good side.  She came when they really couldn't fight anymore.  She didn't talk to anyone, no one ever heard her say anything.  That's when white turned red.  Her white clothes were always covered in blood.
Who's this?  Where is she from?  People asked.  She always came alone.  In the clothes of no nation.  And no one has defeated her yet.
"It's Y / N," Lexa said without hesitation.  The advisers looked scared.
"You shouldn't pronounce that name, Commander," Titus told her.
Lexa rolled her eyes.  "I don't believe it. I don't believe these myths. Where is she? I want to see her with my own eyes and fight her."
"It's not a myth. It's a legend," Titus said, looking wary.
"Then let her come, if she exists," Lexa closed the subject and said goodbye to the others.
It was getting on her nerves already.  Everyone whispered only about her.  So where is she?  She didn't believe it.  She didn't feel like talking about it.  She won't come anyway.
It was such an exhausting fight.  Blood ran down Lexa's face, she's not knowing if it was hers or someone else's.  She didn't have time to find out.
They didn't win.  They started to lose.  And she wasn't happy with that.  If they lose, the world will be ruled by a very bad side.  The time of eternal darkness will come.
She must not think that way!
She pulled her sword from her body when something suddenly blinded her.  She swore she heard fanfare.  And suddenly silence.  There was silence throughout the battle.
She opened her eyes.  She saw a white light that gradually turned into a white horse.  And a young woman.
"It's her. White death," someone whispered beside her.
She didn't even turn behind her voice.  She watched in astonishment as the young woman, covered in a cloak, fought.
Lexa didn't see anyone fight like that.  The daredevils ran to her, probably mainly to brag about killing a White Death.
And that was a mistake.
The White Death, whoever it was, killed them in a second.  Lexa watched as thousands of people fell to her beautiful legs.  And with a smile on their lips.
Who's this?  I want to see her face.
Lexa approached her without hesitation.  The White Death didn't even register her.  The white color gradually changed to red.
When she killed the last of the last in a few seconds, she looked up.
And Lexa sighed in astonishment.
She had never seen such beauty.  She swore she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.
Y / N looked at her and then said.  "I'm a White Death and I'll only come when they need me, Lexa kom trikru."  She was heading for her horse.
And it was said that she never spoke.
Lexa ran to her.  She couldn't let her leave.
"Stay, please. I want to thank you,"
Y / N stopped for a moment.  She narrowed her eyes.  "And that by you don't believe I exist? By not believing that no one can defeat me? So I am inviting you to a duel in the sun tomorrow so that you have the honor of fighting me yourself. Come only if you want."  And with that, she quickly mounted the horse and galloped off.
Lexa watched in shock as the white light disappeared.
What just happened?  Was she challenged to a White Death duel?
She certainly won't survive.
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myriadimagines · 7 years
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[x] [x] // requester: dr-pepper-only // request here
Your sister observed as you took Jasper’s hand and ran deeper into the woods. One of Lexa’s guards moved to follow you, but she stopped him. No one seemed to make you smile as much as Jasper did, and she didn’t want to ruin that. 
Meanwhile, you and Jasper found a nice spot in the woods, and the two of you lay down and just talked about everything and anything. You told him about your life, and Jasper told you what living in space was like. You listened to him in awe, trying to imagine yourself up on what he called the ‘Ark’. 
Jasper propped himself up on his elbows as he looked down at you, and you beamed at him. Sighing, Jasper said, “You’re so beautiful, y/n.” 
Impulsively, he suddenly leaned down to kiss you, and when he tried to pull away, you pulled him closer. 
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justauthoring · 7 years
Feigning The Connection (23/?)
Prompt: You seem so invincible. But just touch you and you’ll wince. You have secrets and trust no one. You’re the perfect example of betrayal. Because anyone you’ve ever trusted broke you. Thrust into a new world, will you be able to stay alone, or will Bellamy work his way in?
A/N: So remember that whole thing about me not being able to upload today? UH.... well, yeah, I got it done sooner than I thought I would. This isn’t the best chapter and i’m not all that proud of it but i hope you guys enjoy nonetheless :)
I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. It doesn’t have to be long, I appreciate every single comment I receive and telling me just helps inspire me to write it more frequently.
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Based off of: The 100 04x01 and 04X02
Warnings: spoilers.
Tag’s List: @super-river-walker - @deathofthethrones - @dontstopxx - @chebz - @isabellaskyliner - @jeppthatsme - @sarita-villa - @jedibookmasterofnorta - @hoesugh - @wsternhaikus - @doctorwhoandrory - @claudsgodz want to be featured on my tag’s list? message me letting me know.
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“How do we tell these people that the world is ending after everything they’ve been through?”
You remained silent, your eyes gazing over the hundreds of people crying and mourning over things they’ve done, those they’ve lost... And there was no way to tell anyone the truth without any lashing out of some kind. Looking over at Bellamy and Clarke, you gave them a look, silence echoing around you three.
“We don’t,” Bellamy finally answered. “Not until we find out if ALIE was telling the truth.” 
Focusing your attention on Clarke, she darkened her eyes, becoming more serious instantly. “It was the truth.”
Nodding your head, you agreed with Bellamy. It felt wrong not to say anything but at this current moment, it was too risky with the state everyone was in. Though, you did believe Clarke about ALIE telling the truth. Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked back over the seas of people. “Bellamy is right. We keep it to ourselves until we know what we’re dealing with and how to stop it.”
Clarke looked at you, seemingly what seemed like the first time in a long time. “You’re afraid of how people will act.”
“Yes,” you answered immediately. “You didn’t feel it Clarke, it was like you were still there, in your body but someone else had the control. Part of you was convinced to enjoy it, while the other... People are vulnerable right now, to find out the world is going to end isn’t really the way to make them feel better.” You weren’t wrong, while Clarke had taken the chip she had been taken over like you or any of the hundreds that had been. You were in a state of vulnerability you hadn’t experienced since your mother died, and you could only imagine what everyone else felt like.
“Besides,” Bellamy spoke up, a small smirk coming upon his lips. “I could use a break from keeping you alive.”
You laughed, shaking your head; “I agree.”
“You gave them back their pain, Clarke.” Bellamy added, “let’s not add to it by saying they’re gonna die in six months.”
Reluctantly Clarke nodded and you let out a breath of relief. “Good,” Bellamy nodded. “Once everyones down, we go home, we get to work. We didn’t survive this long, just to let a little bit of radiation kill us.” 
Silence followed Bellamy’s comment, but looking over at Clarke you could see her looking sincere at the both of you. You shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what she was going to say and why she was looking at Bellamy specifically like that. “Thank you... for saving me.” Clarke thanked.
Bellamy nodded and suddenly you felt Clarke’s eyes on you; “you as well, Y/N. Thank you.”
Looking away, you shook your head. “I didn’t do anything... nothing good at least.” Looking up from the ground you saw Bellamy turned towards you alarm, opening his mouth to speak before he was interrupted by a woman wailing and loudly. Following the direction of the crying, you found a woman leaning over a man, sobbing.
You three ran over to him and the woman, Bellamy following behind yourself. Clarke immediately moved to inspect the man and you watched as her face fell; “he chased me in the City of Light.” Slowly she stood up, her guilty face clear as she turned back to the both of you. Bellamy turned towards you for an answer, but you had none. “Lexa killed him.” 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed the woman who’d been sobbing before, stand up; an enraged expression on her face. “Wanheda,” she breathed before speaking in grounder tongue. It was then you noticed the many people who’d begun to swarm you threateningly. 
Walking through the crowd, you turned only to find your father and Abby making their way towards you. You quickly moved over to your father, you’d never found the time before coming down to make sure he was okay. Leaning into his embrace, you smiled weakly at him. “I’m sorry,” he whispered but you only shook your head. 
“It wasn’t you,” you whispered so only he could hear. “Therefore not your fault.” He only smiled, giving you one last squeeze before you pulled away.
“Good,” you heard Clarke mumbled and you turned your attention back on her. “You’re down here. We need to go. The rover’s in the North woods.” 
“What about the wounded?” Abby asked her daughter.
“Grounders don’t want our help.” Bellamy explained, shaking his head. You wanted to disagree with them, there were so many wounded here that potentially would never be treated but both of them were right. The grounders had made it clear they don’t want your or anybody of the sky people’s help. “Our people we’ll treat at Arkadia.”
Kane looked over at you and you nodded; “they’re right.”
A sudden static echoed in your ears and turning towards Bellamy, Raven’s voice came over the radio. “Hello?” Turning around along with Bellamy, you followed close. The three of you stepped away from your father and Abby, talking so they couldn’t hear as clear. “Bellamy, please, come in.”
Bringing the radio up to his lips, Bellamy asked; “Raven, you okay?”
“Yeah,” she breathed. And you smiled, she sounded relieved. “Yeah, we’re all in one piece.” Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. While you knew back at Arkadia they had poised less of a threatening position, their job, Raven’s job was more than just difficult. It was good to know she was okay as well as everyone else.
“That’s good. There’s something we need you to look into.”
“First tell me how my friends are,” Raven argued. “Did everyone make it? Clarke? Y/N...?”
Pulling the radio out of Bellamy’s hands you pulled it up to your own lips; “i’m fine Raven.” You mumbled. You heard her let out a breath of relief and smiled lightly, “thank god.” She breathed, nodding to Clarke you handed her over the radio, knowing she had more to tell than you did.
“Raven, i’m also here. Thanks to you.” Raven didn’t respond but you just knew that she felt better knowing her friends are alive and well. “Raven, did ALIE ever tell you why she created the City of Light?”
“No, why?”
Pursing your lips together, you sighed. Before hearing a few grounders scream in grounder tongue, you pulled your attention away from Raven for a moment. Gearing into action, Clarke turned to you and Bellamy; “fill Raven in.” You nodded and while it most definitely did not require two people to do so, you knew you’d be more helpful than with the wounded.
“Clarke!” You yelled, turning to find her with a sword against her throat. The woman who held the sword seemed slightly familiar and your thoughts were only confirmed when Bellamy ran forward along with you, calling her name. “Echo!”
“Bellamy, Y/N, don’t!” You continued walking, moving to help but your father raised his hand, signalling you to stop. Falling back, you looked over at Clarke with worry. Bellamy didn’t quit that easily and instead he was pushed up against Kane, another grounder holding him back while he yelled; “let her go, Echo. Let her go!”
“Back off Bellamy,” she spat, pressing the sword tighter against Clarke’s throat. Once Bellamy reluctantly backed off, you fell beside him, looking at him reassuringly. You both would get Clarke out of her reach and in safe hands, you wouldn’t let Clarke just die like that or be wounded. 
“Your king is our friend,” Clarke panted, trying to get Echo to listen to reason. “Let us help him.”
“I saw you in the City of Light, I know you destroyed it. Thank you for that.” After she finished her words, Echo lifted the sword of Clarke’s neck and shoved her forward. She stumbled but when you reached her she only nodded at you, signalling she was fine. Nodding, your attention fell back on Echo as she turned to the crowd around you all.
“Look around you, Skaikru did this to us. Because of them, Ontari, your rightful Commander, is dead. This imposter stole the flame.” Echo accused, looking at you as if she was above you.
“No,” your father argued. “Wanheda saved us, all of us. Grounder and Skaikru.”
“There would’ve been nothing to save us from if not for you.”
“Azgeda has no authority here.” 
“We do now,” Echo announced. “In the name of King Roan, as rightful caretakers of the throne of the Commanders, Polis in now under Azgeda’s rule.” You felt your heart sink at her words, unsure of what would happen now.
“Like hell it is,” turning you found a woman and a few others behind her marching over to Echo. “Where’s your war chief, girl?”
“Our war chief is dead, Ambassador.” Echo answered. “As a member of the queens guard, command of the army has fallen to me until the King awakens.”
“If he awakens,” the Ambassador countered. “Until a new Commander can ascend, Polis is to be ruled by Ambassador’s of the coalition.” Looking around, you found the rest of the Ambassador’s nodding in confirmation. “If Azgeda wants it, they must take it by force.”
You jumped in shock as Echo swung her sword out, slicing the neck of the Ambassador who’d been speaking. Gasping, your hands fell to your mouth in shock. The woman fell to the grounder and blood dripped from Echo’s sword as she stared triumphantly down at her kill. “Consider it taken. No Skaikru leaves this city!”
Considering this was more than a risky plan, you had every right to feel nervous with going through. After Kane, Abby, Octavia and Indra had found out the truth about why ALIE created the City of Light, a plan had to be made for how you all were going to get out of Polis. Clarke came up with a plan herself, where your father and yourself, along with Bellamy and a few others would keep Echo distracted while Clarke and her mother with Octavia went to where Roan was and tried to heal him.
If anyone managed to find you all out, there would be a price to pay. You wouldn’t lie and say you weren’t nervous, but you were definitely hiding your nerves. This was no time to back out, your people needed you.
Of course, you were hidden away, with Bellamy, from above with a gun incase something went wrong. You felt relieved when you saw Jaha’s side of the plan had worked. He was clearly in pain from the bullet wound he’d suffered earlier, but he was in Echo’s hands. You saw her whisper something in his ear as he was shoved towards your father. Kane of course caught Jaha as he stumbled forward and they shared another conversation you couldn’t hear but you knew what it meant. Octavia managed to get in.
Which meant so did Clarke and Abby.
“Never a dull moment, huh?” 
Looking over beside you, you were shocked to see Murphy walking towards you four. After Bellamy and yourself had found out that only Echo would speak to Bellamy, you’d gotten back down to level flooring to discuss it. It was nighttime by now and you definitely didn’t expect to see Murphy anytime soon.
“Murphy...” You breathed, and his eyes fell on you. A moment of silence passed before you smiled lightly and he nodded; “Y/N. Nice to see your yourself.” You giggled slightly, shaking your head that he always managed to make a joke out of everything.
“Bellamy, Y/N, pay attention.” Looking at Murphy one final time, you slowly let your gaze fall on Indra. “She’s part of the royal guard, spies. That’s why she’s not marked, very dangerous, very loyal.”
“Not to the people who saved her life,” Bellamy commented, his eyes falling on Echo from a distance. You don’t know what happened between Bellamy and Echo, and when you’d first met her, Bellamy and yourself hadn’t been getting along great. From what you gather, though, was they met in Mount Weather and Bellamy saved her life and the way she thanked him was by tricking him so what was left of Mount Weather could be exploded.
“Bellamy, i know how you feel about her, but you can’t lose control. You offer them technology, guns, whatever keeps her talking. Is that clear?-”
“I didn’t agree to give them guns,” Indra mumbled, turning to Kane.
“Well that’s probably because you’re not an idiot.” Murphy commented, and you bit your lip. It was extremely risky.
“It won’t get that far.” Your father dismissed. “Our objective is to buy time for Abby to save the King, and if you want to help,” Your father offered, gesturing to Murphy who looked at him with mild shock. “Grab a gun, stand post.”
“Take mine,” Bellamy declared, pulling his gun strap over his head. “I got this.” Before you could say anything, Bellamy turned to walk away. Giving your father a short look, you walked quickly over to Bellamy, catching his arm. He immediately stopped when he felt who grabbed him, and letting his eyes fall on the top of his head, he smiled lightly; “I have to do this Y/N.”
“I know...” You mumbled, finally letting your eyes meet his own. “Just- just be careful. Please.”
“I will.”
Walking back, you found Murphy and moved to go set up where he was before you noticed him shift uncomfortably on his feet. His eyes found yours and he froze, in panic or fear of being ratted out you didn’t know, but you only nodded. “Sorry...” He mumbled, before turning around and running off in the other direction with Bellamy’s gun. You didn’t know what he was going to do, but you weren’t going to be the one to keep him with people who still didn’t trust him.
Situating yourself where Murphy once was, you looked for Bellamy, easily finding him amongst the grounders who stood up in alarm. Echo eventually appeared walking past a pillar and you waited impatiently as she slowly made her way over to Bellamy. Bringing your gun up, you looked through the view-finder, trying to ignore the way your heart beat rapidly with fear about Bellamy being in such a vulnerable position.
“Before you say anything,” Echo started. “Remember, I saved your life by taking you out of Mount Weather. I’m sorry I could tell you to bring the two girls, but I was following orders Bellamy.” You froze at her words, it wasn’t hard to tell Echo had been talking about Gina but who was the other girl? ...You?
“I wish it was that easy.” 
“I know how it feels to lose someone you care about to war, but we do what we do for our people. You slaughter us, we slaughter you. That all went away in the City of Light, but it’s back now, so here we are.” You bit on your lip nervously as Bellamy remain silent for a few seconds and the two of them just stared at each other.
Finally Echo spoke; “what are your terms of your surrender?”
“We recognize Ice Nation rule, and you honour Lexa’s coalition, including the thirteenth clan.” Bellamy answered.
Your heart dropped when you noticed Echo slowly began to shake her head; “no.” You knew what this meant and you knew Bellamy was willing to take the step further.
“We’ll give you guns and show you how to use them.”
“Trikru accepts this?” Echo asked incredulously.
“They’re not happy about it.” Bellamy deadpanned.
“Not much they can do now, though, is there, without an army.” You hated the smug look on Echo’s face as she finished her sentences, hating the cocky attitude behind it. You also hated that Echo just had to say that one thing, because you watched Bellamy turn his head to the side, guilt written all over it.
“You were there,” Echo realized. “Then you know why everyone hates Skaikru and why we can never accept your terms.”
“The alternative is war, is that what you want?”
“No one wants war,” Echo declared. “Lay down your guns and we’ll let your children live.” Your heart started beating frantically as Echo moved to turn; “i’ll give you time to decide.” But the minute she turned around Bellamy lunged forward, grabbing ahold of her wrists. The grounders behind her raised their weapons as your own did as well, including you.
“I wasn’t done talking.”
The second Bellamy finished his sentence, Echo turned around, her clenched fist smacking against Bellamy’s face. He grunted in pain, falling back. But before he could fall, Echo grabbed his arm, smacking him forward and then bending him backwards. You winced, raising your gun and your finger on the trigger. You knew you couldn’t press it but you so badly wanted to at that moment. 
You moved forward when he landed on the ground, Echo grabbing the knife from his ownself and pressing it against his throat. “You are now.”
“Guns on the ground or he dies.” Echo offered, and slowly you felt yourself lowering your gun, turning over to where your father and Indra stood.
“We disarm, we’re done.” Indra reminded. 
“Abby’ll come through.” Your father mumbled, turning and nodding to you. “Do what she says.” Letting your eyes fall on Bellamy once more, you slowly pulled off your gun, and set it to the ground. “Guns on the ground, now!”
You shifted, watching as Echo slowly leaned down to pick Bellamy up. Lunging forward, you moved to help him; “Bellamy!” But your father grabbed ahold of your wrist, yanking you back. You fought his grip, watching desperately as they carried Bellamy away.
Soon enough you found yourself in a cage, locked with everyone of your friends. You’d been placed against the wall between your father and Bellamy. Your wrists were cuffed just like everyone else’s and attached to the wall before you. You were facing the wall, looking at your feet in shame. 
“This isn’t you.”
Because of everything moving so quickly, you hadn’t been left to your own thoughts in a long time. But now everything was flooding through and you felt such shame and guilt enter your body. You’d attacked your own friends, betrayed your friends and tried to choke Bellamy to death. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t your own mind, it was your own hands.
What you didn’t noticed was Bellamy staring at your own form, his eyes falling over near where your shoulder blade rested. There sat the scar that had been left from the arrow that grounder had shot at you back when you’d first come down to earth. It never healed properly since Clarke had never been able to treat it, and while it no longer hurt, it had left a nasty scar that would never leave you. You had many scars all over your body, from the many times you’d been chucked and thrown and beat. It didn’t matter much to you, this was your life now.
But it seemed to settle uncomfortably within Bellamy.
You didn’t noticed him shuffle, so absorbed in your own mind, before you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You jumped, gasping slightly catching the attention of a few but they quickly looked away when they realized you were fine. Your mind finally focused on your surroundings around you and you heard Clarke and Abby talking.
Following the arm of the hand, you found Bellamy looked down at you. You realized he was touching the wound that had been left scarred. Biting your lip, you let your hand fall on his, squeezing it. “I’m sorry...” You whispered, shifting as close as possible you could to him. “I’m sorry.”
His hand left your shoulder and your own hand, coming to fall on your cheek. His thumb softly rubbed your cheek, soothing you. You forgot you were surrounded by people, you father one of them as you stared at Bellamy deeply in the eye, finding yourself lost.
You spoke an unspeakable sentence to each other through your eyes, finding solace in them. Right then, it didn’t matter how you all were going to get out of this cage and get out of Polis. It didn’t matter how you were going to deal with the world ending. The only thing that mattered, that second, was Bellamy.
It wasn’t until the door swung open, did you and Bellamy pull apart. Grounders started marching through the cage, making their way to Clarke; “Wanheda, on your feet.”
“Where’s the king?”
Echo stepped through and you started pulling at your restraints. Clarke’s face grew to panic as she started struggling against the grounders grasps. “Hey, I need to see Roan!”
“Let her go!” You called.
“Hey! Hey!” Bellamy yelled, and you watched with despair as they placed a bag over Clarke’s head. “Hey!”
“No!” Abby bellowed.
Screams and pleas started echoing around you as they began dragging Clarke away. You flinched when one shoved Bellamy against the wall roughly and he fell to the ground. Quickly you kneeled by him, holding his shoulder as you stared at the disappearing form of Clarke.
“Time to go.”
“We’ll do our best to keep the king on the throne.” Your father nodded.
“We’ll find a way to beat the radiation.” Clarke declared, looking at you and Bellamy. Nodding at them, you offered a small smile your father and Abby’s way.
“If anyone of you screw this up, we die.” Octavia warned and taking a deep breath, you slowly nodded. “No pressure.”
“This is serious, O.” Bellamy sighed, “If anyone finds out why Roan helped us, it’ll be every clan for themselves. The king will fall and they’ll come for us.” Neither responded, Octavia only glared at her brother. Looking around you, you shifted. “It’s getting dark. Let’s do this.” You declared.
Walking towards your father, you let your arms fall around him. He returned the embraced and you squeezed tight, knowing it might be a while before you see him again. 
“Be safe,” he said, looking down at you as you both pulled away. Offering a light smiled, you nodded; “you too.”
“We’ve been at this for two days. There must be something we’re not thinking of.” Bellamy pressed, pacing in frustration. You didn’t blame him. Thinking of a solution to save the world was a lot harder than you thought’d it be and it was becoming repetitive of you all to think of a plan only for it to be thrown away because it wouldn’t work. “What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?” Bellamy asked.
Raven sighed from where she stood, shaking her head; “I told you, the meltdown started six months ago. There’s no magic button to turn them off. Today this isn’t black rain, but it will be soon. That’s why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough to hold all five hundred of us.”
“This isn’t just about saving us,” Clarke argued, turning her attention back on the four of you. “I made a promise to Roan. It’s about saving everyone.”
“And that’s why we need to tell everyone,” Raven pushed. “Crowdsource it. If there’s another Mouth Weather out there the grounders will know about it.”
“Even if they did know, the truth, they’re not gonna just tell us Raven.” You reminded, crossing your arms as you shook your head. You had a point, if you told the grounders and all your people about what was going to happen in six months, there’s a very slim chance they’d actually want to work together to survive. “If we tell everyone they’re gonna die, the coalition’s over, Roan falls and the grounders will be at our gate.”
Pausing, Raven offered another choice; “then just tell our people. We need more minds on this problem. On the Ark, people volunteered for the culling because they were told the truth and given a choice...” Raven explained, and you bit your lip. Turning away from you, Raven focused on Clarke. “A choice your father died for.”
Shock flooded Clarke’s expression as her body tensed; “you think i’ve forgotten that?”
“Okay,” Bellamy interrupted. “We’ll tell everyone the truth as soon as we have a viable solution. Without one, it’ll start a panic.”
“You don’t know that-”
“That’s it!” Confused, you turned around to Monty. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Think,” Monty explained, turning to face you all. “Alpha station survived in space for ninety-seven years through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar?” Realization flooded through you as your mouth opened in shock. “All we have to do is patch up the ship. We’re standing in out viable solution.”
“This is as close as we can get.” 
Stepping forward, you looked down at the wreckage left from farm station. It was hard to believe you were coming back here, even if you all needed the hydro-generator, it was still risky seeing as it’s in Ice Nation. “From here, we go on foot.” Bellamy ordered and you followed closely beside him.
 “We get the machine and get out of here,” Miller continued. “I don’t want to stay here any longer than we have to.” 
Reaching the edge of the cliff, you froze at the sight of farm station. You weren’t from farm station but Monty, Bryan and Harper all were, and you knew that this moment was difficult for them. It had been there home once. Looking through your gun, your eyes widened; “guys, we got a problem.” You announced and everyone fell into defensive position. Placing yourself slightly away from the rest, to get a large landscape covered, you kneeled down.
“The barn isn’t empty,” you announced, finding people coming out of farm station.
“They moved in,” Bryan grounded out. “If it’s the same guys who attacked us, with our guns, we could take them.” He finished, looking over to Monty who looked back at him in confusion.
“I’m sure we could,” Bellamy spoke, gaining Bryan’s attention. “But we didn’t come here to fight.”
“They butchered us, killed kids, our friends, our families.” Biting your lip, you lowered your gun. Bryan was right and he had every reason to be upset, but attacking the Ice Nation right now wasn’t smart. All you needed was the generator, not to start a fight.
“I don’t like it anymore than you do,” Monty confessed, already knowing Bryan was directing his sentence towards him. “But Bellamy’s right. We need that machine.”
Suddenly you felt something press against your back, tensing you turned just slightly so you could see, finding a grounder behind you with his arrow pointing directly on your back. “Uh, guys?” You called out, your voice quiet. You immediately gained the attention of your friends, as they turned with their guns raised. Immediately more Ice Nation soldiers followed, surrounding them.
Slowly, you stood up from your position, instantly dropping your gun as that was the only thing you could do in that moment. “Weapons down,” Bellamy ordered. Raising your hands in surrender, you looked over Bellamy cautiously.
“Now,” Bellamy continued, leaning down to drop his gun. When no one really followed other than yourself, he repeated more strongly; “now!” Your eyes widened when you noticed Bryan didn’t listen and pointed it directly at one of the grounders. “Bryan. Now.” Reluctantly, Bryan listened, taking the gun strap off and over his head before setting it on the ground.
A woman walked across the line, viewing you with blood-lust until she reached Bellamy. Slowly he reached towards his chest, where the sigil of Ice Nation rested; “it’s okay. I-I-” He began, when someone called out for him to stop. Bellamy began speaking in grounder tongue hesitantly, showing what Echo had given him just the other day.
The woman grabbed ahold of it, looking at it before turning around to her people. You flinched when the woman whipped around, smacking Bellamy harshly across the face, as he fell to the ground. “Bellamy!” You called, freezing when the grounder from before stepped closer with his bow raised.
“Where did you get this?”
“King Roan,” Bellamy grunted. You shifted uncomfortably from your spot on the ground, twisting your restrained wrists in discomfort. “Skaikru and Azgeda are allies. He sent us to get a part of the ship, a machine.”
The woman from before started speaking something you couldn’t understand, speaking to her leader as her face twisted in disgust. Your heart beat was rapid as you turned to look over at Bellamy desperately, he only shook his head. Sighing, you leaned back slightly, turning your attention back to the Ice Nation soldiers. 
You jumped as the man, their leader, pulled out a knife from his hip. Bellamy raised his hands slightly, flinching backwards; “look. If we’d come to take this place back, there’d be a lot more of us and you know that.” The man stepped forward, mumbling something to the woman beside him before grabbing ahold of Bellamy and hefting him up. You breath caught in your throat, afraid of what they’d do before the man lowered the knife, slicing the ties that bounded Bellamy’s wrists.
The leader announced something once again before you were pulled up as well, and the ties around you wrists were cut off.
“Where is this machine for the king?” 
Stepping through the door, you felt your heart drop at the sight before you. Lined up with chains around their feet and wrists stood your people, standing at stations as they worked. Their clothes were scuffed and dirty and they looked like they hadn’t been fed a proper meal in days. Letting out a quite gasp, you placed a hand against your mouth in bewilderment.
“Do what you came to do,” the leader spat, stepping in front of the line of your people. 
Looking around you, you found the room littered with them. Harper moved to help some girl who’d looked at her in fear but Bellamy caught her wrist; “no.” He warned, shaking his head in pity. You bit your lip from lashing out, knowing nothing good would come from it. You needed the generator and annoying the Ice Nation soldiers wouldn’t help.
“The generator,” Monty suddenly called. “Up there.” Following the direction of his finger, you found a machine which you guess was what Monty was referring to.
“Let’s go,” the man from before ordered, leading you to the stairway up to the generator. You followed behind Bellamy, your pace slow as you looked around you in alarm. Your attention fell on a little girl, shaking as she gazed at you. You had to restrain everything to not run to her and help her.
“Riley?” Turning around, your eyes widened as Bryan started making his way over to one of the prisoners. You stepped back, the Ice Nation leader quick to walk over to Bryan as grabbed ahold of who you guessed Riley, “we thought you were dead.” It didn’t take long for the leader to reach Bryan and rip his grasp off Riley.
You quickly ran forward, stopping just before Bryan and the man; “only the machine.” He stated, looking over at Bellamy who had followed you. “The rest is ours.” 
Bryan stepped forward threateningly, but you grabbed ahold of him, pulling him back. “We need to go,” you whispered at him. Reluctantly he followed you.
“I don’t care that we’re unarmed,” Bryan whispered. “We can’t just leave them.”
“We’re in the coalition now,” Harper explained in a hush, shaking her head. “So we ask the King to free them. It’s our best bet.” She pushed, looking up from what she’d been working on to look at Bryan. With a glum expression, he shook his head.
“Not if it means leaving Riley.”
“No. We won’t.” Bellamy reassured, “okay? But Harper’s right. We try diplomacy first. If that doesn’t work, we come back with reinforcements for the slaves after we take home the machine, right?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, nodding your head. 
Stepping forward, you paused when you noticed the girl who you’d made contact with before step through you. You made room for her, your eyes landing on the piece of scrap clothe she’d dropped. Looking up at Bellamy, you nodded, and soon he placed his foot over the clothe to hide it from the grounders. Sliding it to a safe place he leaned down.
You watched as Bellamy slowly stood up, turning his attention on you all. “They’re moving them.”
“When?” You immediately asked. 
“Bellamy sighed; “tomorrow.”
“It’s now or never,” Bryan mumbled. 
“Are there any other exits in here?” 
Miller sighed, leaning back as Bryan answered; “no, it’s completely sealed. Came down from space in here, because it’s the most secure room in the ship.”
“It’s designed that way,” Monty whispered. “In case the hydrazine blew.”
You noticed Bellamy’s face fall in thought and shifting you leaned closer; “what?”
“We have a bomb,” he announced, and immediately you knew what he was thinking. Sighing heavily, you stepped back. You wanted to save your people but the end of the world was coming, and you needed this machine, desperately.
“Wait a second, the end of the world is coming and you want to destroy the one thing that’ll keep our people alive?”
“Yeah, not all of our people.” Bryan reminded, gaining Miller’s attention. “What about Riley?”
“I vote that we take it home.” Miller announced, and you closed your eyes in annoyance. This was going to turn into a vote, and you didn’t know which side you wanted to take.
“No,” Bryan disagreed. “We blow it up.”
“I’m with Bryan,” Harper agreed. “I know what it’s like to be locked up and afraid. You didn’t leave us in Mount Weather. We shouldn’t leave them here.”
“Can we build another machine?” Bellamy asked Monty.
“No way,” Monty spat. “The tech’s way too advanced.”
“We have six months though,” you reminded, desperate for a viable solution. “We have Raven. Are you telling me she can’t figure out another way to make water?”
“Yes.” Monty answered, turning to Bellamy. “Look. I know you wanna make up for the things you’ve done-- believe me, we all do-- but we need to think of the big picture. Twenty-five people instead of five hundred. We’re talking about the human race Bellamy. We need to get this machine back to Arkadia, it’s the only way.”
“It’s two to two, make a decision Bellamy and Y/N.”
Immediately your eyes fell on Bellamy who looked at you for an answer. Part of you already knew what he was going to choose but that didn’t make it any easier on you. You opened your mouth, fumbling for a decision. “I-I don’t know.” You sighed, shaking your head. Bellamy took a deep breath, looking down. 
“We’ll use it as a bomb.”
“Where is it?”
“We didn’t get the machine.” Looking down at Bellamy’s words, you placed your hands on your hips, shaking your head. 
“It didn’t survive landing?” Clarke asked.
“No, it did.” You answered. 
“I had a choice,” Bellamy finished for you. “Bring the machine home or use it to save them.”
“Oh, we are so screwed,” Raven breathed, shaking her head in frustration.
“We have time,” Bellamy offered. “But I am not sacrificing anymore innocent lives.”
“You just did,” Clarke bluntly announced, and you narrowed your eyes at her. Bellamy paused, nodding his head at Clarke. “I made a call, and i’ll live with it.”
“Yeah. You’re not the only one who has to live with your call, as usual.” Raven spat.
“You weren’t there,” you defended, glaring at Raven. It felt odd to be mad at her, but it didn’t settle right in your stomach that she was so quick to judge when she hadn’t even been there. “You didn’t see them or have the decision put on you like it’d been put on Bellamy. Go tell them then. Go tell Riley that we should’ve just left him there to die.”
“Okay,” Clarke interrupted, and you stepped back, shaking your head with a scoff. “How many of us will the ship sustain without a hydro-generator?” Clarke asked Raven.
Taking a deep breath, Raven turned her eyes on you and Bellamy; “no more than a hundred.”
Clarke sighed; “what am I suppose to tell the people now?”
“The truth. Crowdsource it like we talked about.” 
Clarke reluctantly nodded; “call for a general meeting.” Raven nodded and the two walked away. Letting out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding, you turned to Bellamy. 
“You really think I made the right choice?” He asked, his voice hesitant.
You shook your head; “I don’t know. All I know is you made the right choice in that minute and you shouldn’t feel guilty for that.” You smiled, trying to lighten Bellamy’s mood. Giving you a nod, Bellamy smiled lightly.
“Thank you.”
Sorry it’s not the best chapter :( but next one should be better!
Part 24?
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Banished (Part 30)
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*Not my Gif*
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been locked up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished…
Post Date: 1-4-20
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 5K (oh my!)
~Banished Master~
~Master List~
It’s been almost three months since Mount Weather, since the last time you got to see Bellamy. After you and Clarke separated, you made your way to Polis, showing up in front of Lexa.
“You came back.” Lexa said as you nodded you head, looking at all the grounders staring at you with their weapons in hand.
“I said I would, didn’t I?” She smirked, telling the men to stand down. It felt weird being there, almost like you didn’t fully feel safe surrounded by Lexa’s guards.
“And what about Clarke? And Bellamy?” you couldn’t help the pang that rang through your chest at the mention of his name and you looked away completely, gulping. Lexa understood your pain and reluctance in talking about your situation as she nodded her head, looking out to speak to the grounders. “Welcome to Polis, Y/N.” She shouted into the room. The Grounders listened, chanting her words repeatedly as your eyes locked onto the ground.
“Welcome to Polis, Y/N.”
“Welcome to Polis, Y/N.”
“Welcome to Polis, Skaikiler.” You heard the name and your eyes shifted up to Lexa, but she remained unfazed, standing like the commander she was. Did she not hear it? Was it all in your head? You shook off the feeling as you faced her, taking her outstretched hand in yours.
You let out a guttural groaned as you landed on your back and Lexa stood above you, both of you panting and sweaty as she stretched her arm down to you. “Give up yet?”
You smirked, taking her hand and letting her pull you to your feet, grabbing your staff off the ground. “Ok, ok, maybe just enough for today. We’ve been at it all day.” You tossed her the wood as she caught it, handing it off to Titus who stood at the entrance to the training room, watching the sparring you and Lexa had been doing. You threw your jacket on, wiping away the layer of sweaty on your face.
“You’re getting better.” She told you as you rolled your eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. “It took more work to knock you on the ground.”
“Oh, says you, miss I’ve-been-training-my-whole-life.” She chuckled at your joke as you pulled your hair into a ponytail. “Seriously, the day I beat you in sparring is the day I rest easy.”
“You’ve already beaten me, remember?” You nodded, telling her that it didn’t really count. Lexa didn’t listen though, telling you that you had come along way in your training. You gave her a half smile, knowing that no matter how hard you tried, you would never be as good as Lexa. Lexa watched as you picked up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder and grabbed your bow and sword. “Going somewhere?”
“Uh, not really. Hunting.” You lied as you headed towards the door, only for Titus to step in your way. You glared at him, but he didn’t move, only looking right over your head.
“Last time you left you were gone for 3 days. You’re going hunting?” Lexa asked from behind you, but you didn’t turn to look at her, just nodding your head. Ok, so maybe you weren’t going hunting, but Lexa didn’t really need to know that. But by the way Titus was blocking you, you guessed she already knew. But she didn’t say anything as she motioned for Titus to move, letting you finally leave the room.
You passed through Polis, stopping at a few of the venders and buying a few packs of food and necessities before leaving Polis. It was a few hours before dark and you had quite the way to go before nightfall. You kept your bow ready just in case, someone snuck up on you, but it went unneeded as you approached your destination and saw a head of red hair leaning against a tree a few yards ahead of you.
“New look?” You called out, putting away the arrow you held as Clarke jumped, turning around to see you before she sighed.
“You’re late.” She told you as you finished off the distance, pulling yourself up a small cliff through the trees.
“Sorry. Some of us have to travel long distances to meet up.” You gave her a grin, pulling you in for a hug. “How’s things going for you?” Clarke sighed as you pulled away, handing her the thing of water you brought. She just shrugged, never telling you exactly what was going on with her, but you never pressed.
“How’s Polis and training with the Commander?” You did notice the sarcasm in her words, but you ignored it, laying down on the ground as you stared into the night sky.
“I know you hate that I went back Clarke, but I couldn’t stay back in Camp. And I couldn’t do this, what you’re doing. Polis was the best option for me.” Clarke knew what you were getting at as she laid down next to you. “Clarke, why are you doing this?” Clarke didn’t know if Lexa had told you she was being hunted, by the sounds of it, you had no idea.
“I just couldn’t go back with them, like you.” She lied.
You pushed yourself on your elbow, looking down at you. “But that’s not everything. Look, you don’t have to tell me, but if I can help, then let me.” She gave you a smile, telling you it was fine as you laid back down and resumed your star gazing. These secret meetings you had with her were less than ideal, you ran into her about a month ago on accident, almost shooting her when you were hunting alone and since then you’ve only had one other time you met up, sharing what you had been up to in Polis and Clarke told you all about meeting Niylah, who you met last time and exchanged some animal meat with.
“You ever think about going back to Bellamy?” Clarke asked as your eyes closed, thinking about your parting.
“Of course, I do. I mean, just seeing Bellamy again. But I don’t think that’s in the cards for me. Besides, it’s been almost 3 months, if Bellamy wanted to find me… I didn’t make it hard.”
“What about you?” You needed to change the subject, knowing if you kept talking about Bellamy it would just hurt. Clarke could see how much Bellamy meant to you and after watching you tell him goodbye, she knew it wasn’t going to be the last time your paths crossed, even if you didn’t think so. It wasn’t long before you needed to get going, knowing that if you stayed out for long Lexa would be even more suspicious of your actions. You bid Clarke goodbye, telling her to be safe as she told you the same and you parted ways.
You knew to be careful when you were outside Polis for not all the grounders found comfort in your position so close to Lexa. You kept your bow at the ready, your sword strapped to your back like always as well. A horse neighed not far from you as you pushed yourself against a tree, looking over your shoulder at the sound of horse clopping stopping.
Octavia ride through the forest on her horse knowing damn well if her brother knew she was out here she’d be in trouble. She wasn’t planning on doing anything, just riding to get away when her horse slowed down and refused any attempt Octavia made at getting him to go faster.
“Well you’re no help.” She gave him a smile as she patted his mane and dismounted him.
“O?” You came out from the tree, staring at the girl with amazement as Octavia spun around on high alert. Her defense dropped she saw you.
“Y/N?” You nodded, coming over to hug her. “What are you doing out here? Bellamy told me you refused to come back, I thought you’d go to Polis or something.” She said when you separated.
You felt guilty after you left and realized you’d never said bye to her or Lincoln and to your surprise, Kane. “I did. Just doing a little hunting.” Octavia nodded and looked down at your supplies, not seeing any signs of hunting on you. You saw her eying your things as you cleared your throat. “So, how’s things back at Camp Jaha?”
“It’s Arkadia now.” She said as you both chuckled.
“Good, that man doesn’t need a camp named after him.” Octavia mumbled an agreement as you shared another laugh. “But seriously, how is everyone?”
“They’re fine. You know them, always at it with the rules.” You nodded your head, letting it fall to the ground as Octavia looked at you with a knowing smirk. “You can ask, you know.” You looked at her and bit your lip as you truly knew exactly what she was getting at. Octavia nodded her head, knowing you weren’t going to ask out loud. “Bellamy’s fine, Y/N. He won’t say it, but he misses you. Anytime he gets to go out of the walls he’s always got his eye out for you, even if he’s too stubborn to admit it as well.”
“That’s not what I was wondering.” You lied knowing Octavia could read you like an open book. She scoffed as you looked at her with a half glare. “I kissed him.” You told her, expecting some sort of gasp or anything but Octavia just stood there. “Before I left, I kissed him. I just… I don’t know, I hoped he’d forget about me or something.” It hurt to admit it but after all this time that’s truly how you wanted this to go. You wanted him to forget you, you wanted him to move on.
“He got a girlfriend. Her name’s Gina.” But why did moving on hurt so much?
“That’s great.” Your voice wavered only slightly but Octavia picked it up. “It is great, Octavia. He deserves someone. He deserves someone stable who isn’t going to leave every chance she gets.”
“He deserves you. He wants you.”
“And he has Gina.” Octavia didn’t have another argument and she knew that you would do anything but admit you were wrong. “I missed you.” You told her as she turned her frown into a grin.
“I missed you too. Three months were far too long.” You nodded your head as pet her horse. “Why don’t you just come back.” Your hand stopped moving as you sighed.
“You know I can’t. After everything, I can’t. After everyone I’ve hurt. I don’t even belong in Polis.”
“Bullshit.” She blurted out as you took a deep breath, trying not to let your feelings get in the way of reality.
“Look, I don’t want to fight, especially not with you Octavia. But I can’t come back.” You wanted to stay and talk to her more, to actually be able to catch up with your best friend, but neither of you could stay long. “Take care of yourself Octavia. And give Lincoln a hug from me, okay?”
You didn’t catch the way she clenched her jaw when you mentioned Lincoln as she nodded, shaking her head with a fake smile as you hugged her. “I will. What about Bell?”
“Don’t tell him? Let him be happy.” She sighed but agreed and for the second time that day, you left an old friend.
The journey back to Polis in the morning seemed longer but finally you made it after hours of walking, thanking the fact you decided to stay with Clarke and rest for the night. An afternoon in Polis was far different than the evening, less people trying to sell things as you passed, and more people watched you enter and head straight into the tower. The Commanders door was cracked when you walked past, and you weren’t trying to listen but hearing Lexa’s serious tone you couldn’t help but eavesdrop.
“Any word on Wanheda?” Lexa asked the two men in front of her who you assumed shook their heads since you couldn’t see. “Keep looking. The bounty remains until she’s found.” You heard their footsteps approach the door as you hid, not letting them catch you listening.
Commander of Death?
Surely, you misheard, Lexa was trying to find someone who goes by the name Wanheda? You shook your head, resuming your position as you pushed the door open wider, seeing Lexa pace in front of Titus. “If Clarke isn’t found, there’s no telling how the clans will react.”
“Clarke?” You pushed open the door, coming into the room fully as Lexa turned to you. “You put a bounty on Clarke’s head? Why would you do that?”
“Titus, leave us.” You continued to stare at her, waiting for an explanation before the door closed.
“You put a bounty on Clarke’s head?”
Lexa took a deep breath, trying to explain with a level head. “Clarke is a symbol of war-“
“Commander of Death, I know.” You interrupted her. Lexa gave you a reluctant nod.
“Commander of Death. Kill the commander of death and you command death.” You took in her words, your jaw slacking open as you process her words. Kill Wanheda.
“You want to kill Clarke.” There was no way you were going to let that happen. “Call off the bounty.”
“You are not the commander.”
You raised your voice, taking a step forward as you pierced your eyes at her. “Call. Off. The. Bounty.” Lexa again denied you and you couldn’t take it anymore. “Fine, but I’m not letting you kill her.”
“I don’t want her dead.” She told you as you took off towards the exit.
“Then I won’t let you catch her. Either way you’re not going to touch Clarke.”
“People want to kill you Y/N. They want to kill Wanheda for her power, but you killed their people. They want Skaikiler’s head for it.” You knew she was right as you slowed down, looking over your shoulder as you thought about your next choice.
“Then let them try. Jus drein jus draun, right?” You turned around, giving Lexa one last look before heading to your room and packing all your stuff into a satchel. You knew where Clarke last was, but you didn’t know where exactly she would be. You tried to think back to last night to remember if she said anything that would help before you paused. That’s why Clarke wouldn’t tell you everything. That’s why Clarke dyed her hair. That’s why Clarke wouldn’t join you at Polis. She knew and she didn’t tell you. You left Polis, heading off to go find your friend and ignoring the consequence of death looming over your head.
As for Bellamy, the three months since Mount Weather had taken its damage on him. He tried to forget about you, about the kiss, but he couldn’t. You would occupy all his thoughts and over time he’s tried his best to move on. He found himself a girlfriend in Gina and a training partner in Lincoln.
Much like your defeat with Lexa, Bellamy found himself thrown over Lincoln’s shoulder onto the floor, getting the air knocked out from him. Lincoln stood up, letting go of Bellamy who gasped for a breath. “He had me, but he was too aggressive.” Lincoln said as he turned around to all the people watching their training. Bellamy just groaned, pushing himself as he grabbed his shirt off the bench.
“Yeah, whatever you say.” He mumbled as the crowd laughed, Lincoln chuckled as well as he looked over at Bellamy, wiping some of the sweat off his face.
“Quitting so soon?” He asked, making Bellamy chuckle and nod.
“Mapping run, sector 7. Harper?” He glanced over to the girl who smiled, tossing him a guard’s jacket. Lincoln raised a brow, looking between the jacket and Bellamy who stuck it out to him. “The council wants you to have that.” Lincoln reluctantly took the piece of clothing, but shook his head telling Bellamy he’s Trikru. Bellamy tried to ease Lincoln’s thoughts, telling him that the Uniform doesn’t change anything and that it means different down on earth. It means what they want it to, together. Lincoln just stared as Bellamy walked off, telling the students to pair up and fight as Bellamy grabbed his own jacket. “Hey, sector 7? That puts you on ice nation boarder. Just because the commander ordered a ceasefire, doesn’t mean they’ll respect it. I should go with you.”
“I know, but until the Commander decides to release the kill order on your head, it’s more trouble than we need.” Lincoln frowned as Bellamy walked off before turning around and helping Harper with her footing.
Bellamy took a deep breath as he walked towards the Chancellors office and paused at the door. He knocked on the door, peaking inside to see a sleeping Abby as Kane gestured him inside. “This is the first sleep the chancellors gotten in two days.” Kane told him, crossing his arms and looking at the map board in front of him.
“Then I’ll be quick.” Kane finally pulled his attention to Bellamy, nodding for him to continue. “We’re going to sector 7. I think we should arm the entire unit.”
Kane sighed but understood. “Permission granted. Rules of engagement still apply, non-lethal response only.” Bellamy agreed, about to leave before Kane spoke again. “Bellamy. There hasn’t been an attack since Mount Weather. It’s been 3 months and our people believe this is real peace. Let’s not screw that up.”
“Yes sir.” Bellamy grinned slightly and left Kane. Abby sat up on the couch, putting her elbows onto her knees as she smiled towards Kane.
“He’s come a long way.” Kane put down the tablet he was using and agreed with her, watching her stand off the couch. “I was dreaming we were on the ark. Before we sent the kids down.” Abby looked at the map, Kane glancing over her shoulder as he sighed. “Maybe she’s in sector 7.” she offered, hoping no matter where Clarke was that she was safe.
“We could send out another search party.”
Abby shook her head. “They wouldn’t find her unless she wanted to be found.” She pushed away the thoughts of her daughter as she moved to the couch again. “What about Y/N? Any more word on her?”
Kane tossed the tablet on the table and fell into the spot next to her. “Indra said she was still in Polis when we talked a couple weeks ago, that’s all I have.” Abby gave him a sad look, about to say something before David Miller walked in.
“Sir. Ma’am.” Abby excused herself, telling the men she had patients to see before leaving them. “Sir, we just got a signal on a secure channel, three clicks.”
“She wants to meet.” Kane grabbed his uniform before leading Sgt. Miller out of the room.
In the Hanger, Monty sat at table alone, staring at the wall in front of him as Bellamy walked in. “Monty, why aren’t you ready?”
Monty just sighed, turning around to look at Jasper. “I am. He’s not.” Bellamy placed his hands on his hips, furrowing his brows as he followed Monty’s eyes. Jasper was laying on the ground under a table knocked out drunk. Bellamy and Monty shared a look before heading over. “What should we do?”
“We should leave him.” Bellamy suggested but Monty disagreed, looking down at his best friend who drank himself into a stupor.
“He’s not getting any better. Maya’s death broke him. He needs this.” Bellamy knew what that felt like, how someone would act if someone they cared for died. How he acted when his mom was floated and sister was locked up, after the explosion when he thought you had-
“Take an arm.” He told Monty, shaking his own thoughts away. They hauled Jasper to his feet, Jasper’s head falling to his chest as they walked him to the jeep and Bellamy heard Gina’s voice from the next vehicle over. “Monty, he’s all yours.” He transferred Jasper safely to the hands of Monty before heading over to his girlfriend.
“Hey, easy run?” He asked her as she smiled, seeing Bellamy walk over.
“I hate that place.” She admitted as Bellamy exhaled, telling her he knew and leaning down to kiss her. He couldn’t help the way the kiss didn’t feel completely right, not like how it had for you. Gina pulled away first, reaching behind her. “I got you something, though.” Bellamy gave her a loose smile as he looked down in her hands, seeing a copy of the Iliad in them. “You said your mom used to read this to you. I thought you’d like it.”
Bellamy stared down at the book, eyes locked on the cover before he took a deep breath. “I do, thanks.” He let Gina go back to her unloading as he tossed his bag onto the jeep and Raven yelled at him to take it easy. “Well, mornin’ to you too.” He chuckled as he pulled out a gun and tossed it over to Miller.
Miller scoffed as he looked at the weapon. “What’s the point if we can’t shoot them?”
“We can.” Bellamy corrected him. “Just not to kill. Where’s Octavia?”
“Got back from a run or something a few days ago. We’re going outside the wall again; you think she’d missed that.” Miller told them as Bellamy shook his head. Monty picked up a bucket of water, splashing it on Jasper who was leaning on the rover, barely aware of anything.
“Sorry, too cold?” Monty smirked but Jasper just grabbed him, trusting him against the Rover as everyone watched. Bellamy wasn’t having any of it as he pushed Jasper away from Monty.
“No gun for you, not until you’re sober.” Jasper didn’t care in the utmost as Bellamy said goodbye to Gina before everyone filed into the rover. Octavia showed up on horseback as they started the car up and headed out to sector 7.
It wasn’t long into the ride before Jasper, who sat in the front seat started bobbing his head along to the music coming through his headphones. Monty just scoffed, pulling the earplugs from his ears. “No way. If you’re going to sit shotgun, you can’t just disappear.” Jasper glared at him, wasting only a second before plugging his iPod into the rover’s stereo. The music came through the speakers and Bellamy couldn’t help but chuckle.
“It’s okay. It’s a long ride.” He turned up the music, receiving a woo-hoo from Jasper as he started to sing along to the lyrics and everyone else joining in soon after.
*Why can’t I get just one kiss*
Jasper pushed himself out of the sunroof, screaming the lyrics of the song into the world.
*Why can’t I get just one kiss*
The karaoke party continued for a while before a red dot appeared on the tracker in the front of the rover and Monty got everyone’s attention. “A tracking beacon from the Ark.” Every stared at the tracking device, the music getting shut off as Raven stopped the Rover.
“Hey, that was the best part.” Jasper complained as he removed himself from the Sunroof, falling into the seat again.
“Who is that?” Bellamy ignored Jaspers comment as Monty looked closer at the signal.
“Farm station.” It was a shock to everyone as they all started questioning how after four months they finally show up. When Monty told them that the signal came from sector 8, or better known as Azegda, the Ice Nation, they didn’t know if they should go.
“Protocol says we go home.” Raven pointed out as Bellamy shook his head. He told them to forget about protocol, they could make the decision themselves as it was Monty’s station and Miller’s boyfriend was from there. After a few looks, they decided to check it out.
They pulled up the border of sector 8, getting out of the rover and Octavia off the horse. “Remember rules of engagement.” Bellamy reminded everyone as they made their way into the Ice Nation. The beacon came closer as they all raised their guns, pointing in the right direction. “Let’s hope they’re our people.” Bellamy said before 3 grounders on horseback rounded the corner, slowing down as they spotted the others. “Ice Nation?” Bellamy whispered to his sister as she nodded.
“Yes. White war paint. Stay calm.” She approached the scout slowly as they watched her, questioning who she was. “Skaikru. Looking for our people.” She told them, speaking trig as Bellamy, Monty and Raven exchanged glances.
“Looking for Wanheda and Skaikiler.” One of them said as Octavia felt herself gasp as she heard the name the grounder gave you from Lincoln’s teachings. She also knew if they were looking for you that you were no longer in Polis.
“They think we’re looking for Wanheda.” She kept the part about them looking for you to herself, knowing that if Bellamy knew you were in danger he’d flip. None of them knew who Wanheda was and Monty spotted the beacon around one of the grounders necks, Jasper tried to take care of it, only to receive a knife pressed against his neck and a demand for Wanheda. Octavia and Bellamy tried to reason with the Grounders, telling them that they could help but Jasper started laughing, making the grounder cut his neck and Skykru opened fire, killing the grounders.
“Rover 1, come in.” Kane spoke over the radio as Bellamy groaned.
“What now?” he grumbled as he picked up the radio. He told Kane what happened with the grounders as Kane told him to come to sector 4. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” He asked Kane.
“When you get here. Over and out.” He sighed, putting the radio down as Raven looked at him.
“Sector 4? Why’s Kane so far outside the wall?” she asked as Bellamy shook his head, telling Miller, Raven, and Octavia to take Jasper back, ignoring the snarky comment Jasper made, and telling Monty to come with him to meet Kane.
They take the rover in silence for a little while before entering a tunnel and Monty sighed. “You were right okay? He’s getting worse. Getting drunk is one thing, but smiling with a knife to your throat? That’s next level damage.” Bellamy said nothing as he heard Monty’s words, not knowing what to say to him.
“I could’ve said no.” He told Monty to stay quiet as Kane and Indra emerged. They got out of the rover and approached the two adults. “Sir, before you say anything about the truce, there was a good reason-“
“I’ll deal with that later. This is about Clarke and Y/N.” Kane looked distraught as Bellamy felt his stomach plummet.
“What about them?” He asked, almost too afraid to know the answer as Indra told him you both were being hunted by everyone. “She’s being hunted?” Bellamy asked Kane, not needing to even specify who he was talking about. Kane just nodded his head, not meeting Bellamy’s eyes. He decided he’d have better luck with Indra as he looked at the grounder. “Kane said she was in Polis.”
“She was. Left about a week ago to go after Clarke.” She told them as Bellamy shook his head, eyes closing.
“Why would she go after Clarke?”
“Clarke’s a symbol. She’s known as Wanheda, commander of Death. Kill the commander, command death. Y/N is considered a murderer by the name Skaikiler. People want her dead as revenge. But it’s more than that. She creates fear in the grounders.” Indra told them as Bellamy and Monty exchanged glances.
“The guys from Ice Nation asked about Wanheda and Skaikiler.” He looked towards Monty who stared confused. “Octavia didn’t mention Y/N.”
“They’re just girls.” Kane told her but Indra shook her head, telling them that Mount Weather weakened Lexa’s reign and the Azgeda queen wants the powers you and Clarke were rumored to have. “If her people believe she has their powers, she’ll break the coalition and start a war.” The four of them knew that finding Clarke and you were in their best interests, and yet for Bellamy and Kane, they might have more reasons to find you.
They took off towards sector 7, beginning their searches at the trading posts when they were stopped by a fallen tree in the road. “It’s been cut down.” Indra pointed out as Bellamy looked out of the rover and pointed his gun.
“You don’t know that.” He told her but the second the words left his mouth a tree fell on the other side of the rover, trapping them in between.
Indra looked out into the trees, scanning for people. “We do now.”
It had been a week since you left Polis and still no sign of Clarke. You knew she was moving around a lot but you also knew the one place she had always told you about.
You approached Niylah’s place, keeping your bow in your hand and ready as you looked through the trees. A faint mumbling made its way to your ears as you pulled back, getting ready to fire as the noise got louder and louder until you found the source.
“Clarke?” She was propped against a tree with a gag over her mouth and her hands tied together. She was screaming at you through the gag, but you couldn’t hear what she was saying as you moved to take a step towards her, and her eyes widened.
You could feel the blade of a knife on your neck as you froze, watching Clarke apologize with her eyes. “Drop the bow.” A gruff voice said in your ear, but you didn’t move. “Drop the bow.” He repeated, putting a little more pressure on the knife and making you pick your head up more and drop the bow to the ground. You could hear the man chuckle behind you as he looked between you and Clarke with a smirk. “Welcome, Skaikiler.” He said as you took a deep breath despite the sharp pain on your neck. Your eyes locked onto Clarkes and there was no doubt that you two needed to figure a way out of this together.
A/N: Season 3! Please TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! I wanna hear your thoughts!
***Reblogging with Banished***
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @sadn0va @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @wellhellotherelovey @hollymac79 @delicately-important-trash @emcchi @rauwz @herondalescecilys
Bellamy: @jodiereedus22 @nyxxxwtp @danielabetancourth
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Anon asked: Hi ! Could I request a smutty reader x octavia imagine ? It's just so hard to find
Warning: Bad Smut (?)
(A/N): *cringes* I hate this so much...I can’t write smut...I’m sorry
Words: 1534 (I thought I wrote more but I didn’t)
The Grimripa Series: Part I [Hotter than hell]
Gada: Girl // Teik ai: take me // Beja: please // ai ste beja yu: I beg you // yu: you // Gyon au mou snap: go faster // wamplei: death
“what would you want to know about me gada?” you asked Octavia. The girl took a seat on your bed, her eyes wandering through your tent that was decorated with different armors and weapons along with bright colors
“where do you came from? You don't use the same color as them,  even your tent is different” she said, her curiosity making her forget the fact that she could just pin you to the bed, even though that probably would end up really bad for her...or maybe not.
It was true though,  you weren't like the other grounders,  your tattoos were different,  your accent,  clothes and way of fight were different,  no one dares to question you or even asked you anything,  so no one knew about your origins, only Lexa. Octavia was the only one besides the Heda that seem to have the slightest curiosity about you and that had the guts to ask you,  so you told her all about the Trikova Nation. Your home.
“I came from a different land strik won, far away from here, crossing the big ocean, there's a different land, big, cold...deserted” you stared explain, Octavia was listening closely to your story while you wash away your war paint,  the bloody color disappearing in the water, the little drops of blood went unnoticed when they got mixed with the crimson paint.
“my people used to live there,  We called ourselves Trikovas...shadows” You started explaining. “ we've live in the shadows of the woods for so long,  living among our equals,  living in peace” Octavia saw the sad look on your face,  you miss those days so much. When you didn’t have to kill to survive, when everyone was in peace, when everyone was alive.
“...and what happened?” she asked, she got up from her seat and casually took the piece of cloth from your hand and started helping you clean your face, being careful with your wounds. Her hands were shaking, the proximity was starting to make her feel dizzy, you smelled like lavender for some reason, and it made those damn butterflies grew with hunger.
“...Wamhile (death) Wamhile in 4 paws and lots of teeth,  Aishkra we used to call them,  they took our people to later eat them,  they started by eating our animals,  then our elders.. Brothers...children, no one was safe,  so we ran and then, we sail and after months of living with Arkay on our bad side-”
“the god of death and the cycle of life, Arkay is fertility and light, joy and sorrow” you explain to her
“I didn't know the grounders have gods”
“They do not,  I do...my people did” You said with a sad smile.
“and then what happened? You came here?” Octavia had finished cleaning the war paint away, you send her a little smile and she walks to what it looked like a book shelf
“then I arrive here, Trikru  found me and a few of my people,  the rest is history, only a few of our clan reminds alive,  and they are scattered through this land” you said. You were trying to take off your armor but got a little distracted by watching the beautiful spark that Octavia has while she wanders through your book, her fingers roaming through every page with delight. She paused for a second to look at you, only finding you struggling with your armor.
“do you need help with that?” You smiled at her and she walks to you, forgetting all about the book. It was written in another language anyway, but the draws were beautiful. the sight of you without an armor on was definitely better.
Octavia’s shaky fingers help you get out of the heavy armor, leaving you in what they call “bra”. The air didn’t seem to get through Octavia’s lungs when the armor flew away from your body. Your tanned skin mixed with the tattoos made her mouth watering, the scars scarred all over your skin were just another proof of how strong you are, and that’s also something that made Octavias legs weak. The view was mesmerizing, but she was forgetting that you were there, alive and watching her drool over you.
“see something you like?” You asked her. You had to admit that the Skaikru gada was gorgeous, you wouldn’t mind if she makes a move, damn you were craving it, same as Octavia. She was craving you since you came to the camp, and having you now like this made her skin burned with desire, her eyes wander all over your body but got stuck in your lips, those pink lips, she needs them.
“ I always have to do all the hard work” You said to her, taking one step forward, your lips almost touching hers, your hand flew to her waist, and the other one to her neck and with a gentle push Octavia started savoring your lust. Her hands got tangled in your hair, tongues fighting for dominance, the heat was starting to turn Octavia's legs into jelly, she could swear that her mouth was melting with your kisses, her skin was screaming for your touch. She struggles a little to get rid of her armor, but after a few kisses she succeeded, leaving for your delight her stunning body. You smirk at this, and even though Octavia could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, she grabbed your face in her hands and started kissing you once again. Every kiss taking you further and further into her, you lead her to the bed, laying her on the soft mattress, your lips were now traveling on her neck, her soft moans sweetening your kisses. Her cold fingers trying desperately to take off some clothes, you help her get rid of the rest of your clothes and her clothes, leaving you two completely naked, only wearing a thin layer of sweat. Normally, Octavia would prefer to take the lead, but this time she gave herself to you, already being blessed by your soft touches and passionate kisses. Your hands were traveling all over her body, and your lips were getting lower and lower until you stopped on her chest, while your lips were tasting her hot skin, she was tasting your name in her mouth, each moan getting louder and her hips out of control. Those emerald eyes were now a forest green, she needs you so bad, you seem to want to take things slow which were making her even more desperate for you. The butterflies in Octavia’s stomach were by now screaming for you.
“Teik ai...beja..ai ste beja” she whines, her hips lifting to gain some friction with your leg. You smirk at this and look at those hungry eyes.
“as yu beja” and with that your fingers begun to give her the pleasure she was craving for, every thrust taking her further into heaven, your lips attack hers again, her cold fingers scratching your skin. She was moaning between kisses, her hips moving at the same pace as your fingers, you started kissing her neck and going down by each kiss, and after leaving a few kisses you dive into her legs, losing your tongue into her making every fiber of her body cry in pleasure. Her hands flew to your head, tangling her finger in your hair, pushing further into her, her moans were starting to sound more like screams, her legs got you trapped and her fingers were now tugging your hair, you could feel that she was close.
“faster...Gyon au mou snap Y/N” she moaned , you did as she ask, sliding your fingers faster into her and your tongue eating her most sensitive part making her body tremble along with her moans, her hands grasping the bed sheets, the butterflies were eating her alive, it didn’t take long for her to come. Her body shaking with the amount of pleasure that you gave her, the grip in your hair got tighter same as her legs, her moans turned into screams, your name flowing so natural in her mouth leaving a sweet taste in her mouth. After you clean the mess that you caused, making sure to savor every little drop of her lust, you kissed her, this time softer, enjoying the combination of her lips and her juices.
“we have to do this more often” She said earning a laugh from you. “you should teach me more often Y/N” You smiled at her and kissed her one more time.
“Maybe I will”  you said to her, not knowing that maybe tomorrow one of you will end up fighting against Arkay...against fear...against wamplei.
So I will turn this into a series, I don’t know how many parts will have, I’ll flow with it, if you have any ideas for this series, don’t hesitate to send me an ask.
Also, I’ll be using Skyrim Gods as a reference, Arkay is the god of death/life, there are 9 gods each one with a purpose, if you want to know more about this here’s the link [x]
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angelaiswriting · 7 years
Not His Queen (part 1 of 6) | Roan x OC (NSFW)
✎ Requested by @selldraug : “Roan has a lover even if he’s going to get married to Y/N. His future wife doesn’t like this and shit happens”
✎ A/N: I know you already liked this, pervert, but I hope that rereading will be as good hahaha Also I loved writing this and I love the idea, so this is going to have some parts (I still don’t know how many).
✎ Fandom: The 1OO. Pairing: Roan x Reader
✎ Warnings: smut, angst (like, so much angst you’ll probably never read ansgt anymore when this story is finished). Mentions of cheating.
Word-count: 3025
Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five | Part six
Roan hadn’t been acting like himself lately and Aletheia feared one of the reasons was the arrival of the Sky People.
She couldn’t say she liked them. Skaikru were too different from them and it didn’t matter that they were open for a peace treaty, or that they wanted to be friends. Their differences were just too big in every single field of existence for the two sides to cohabitate on that planet.
Aletheia was skeptical and their Heda could say anything she wanted: she wasn’t there to accept that union. She was already skeptical about the Krus’ alliance - each clan wanted power: she knew it, Roan knew it, even Lexa knew it. An alliance wasn’t going to stop a faction from spilling the other’s blood. And she feared Azgeda would be the first to make a move.
The sound of boots on the stone floor shook her out of her thoughts.
When Aletheia turned to face the newcomer, she couldn’t hold her smirk back.
Roan had just entered their shared bedroom and was now proceeding to take his muddy boots off.
“Where have you been?” she asked, leaning against the window.
She was scared: scared he might get angry, since in the last few days that had seemed to be the only thing he was capable of doing; scared to know the answer since she already had her concerns. She was even scared of losing him because becoming his queen always made goosebumps rise on her skin.
But Roan didn’t answer. He acted like he hadn’t heard her. He had already taken off his dirty shirt and was proceeding to do the same thing with his trousers.
“Roan!” she snapped, taking a step forward and immediately regretting doing so.
The man turned to look at her, an angry look on his tired face. “What now, Aletheia? I’ve just come back, I’m tired,” and he sighed, but even that faint noise couldn’t chill the anger that, radiating from his body, was making the air in the room boil.
Aletheia gulped and stopped playing with one of her braids. She couldn’t recall a moment in which her hands had been sweatier. “You’ve been out all day. I thought that now that you were finally back…”
“What? That we’d play happy family?” he snapped and his bare feet started to take him closer to her.
Ages away from him had made her forget how afraid he made her feel sometimes. Like she wanted to jump out of her skin and flee the room. Like she wanted to become invisible. She had never been good at handling people, and Roan had proved to be the most difficult man to handle. And it didn’t matter that one day they’d be married: he was not going to fluff down for her.
The thing that scared her the most was the thought that he could be like that with her, whoever she was. And knowing that, all her life, she had loved someone that didn’t or couldn’t love her back in the same way… it hurt.
“That I’d braid your hair and you’d braid mine?”
He was getting closer and Aletheia’s breath couldn’t but hitch in her throat, while her lungs felt like they were on fire, while she couldn’t move, her paralyzed limbs keeping her in place.
“That we would hold hands?”
He was so close now that she could feel his warm breath fanning her cheeks. He smelled like mud, like rain and grass, like the woods around Polis. In a way, he even smelled like home. Not like Azgeda. No, she was pretty sure she smelled like Azgeda too, even if she couldn’t say whether it was true or not, or what Azgeda actually smelled like. He smelled like untold promises that were bound to never become true, he smelled like shattered dreams, like loneliness and fear of not being enough.
Or that was how she smelled. She had a habit of not wanting to see the misery through which she walked, the misery she breathed every day, the misery that numbed her body and her soul.
“What, Theia?” It was meant to be a whisper, but it left Roan’s lips which such anger that it sounded more like a growl, clawing at the skin of her left cheek. “What were you thinking?”
She opened her mouth to answer, but what was she going to say?
That she wanted to hug him? To feel his arms around her, engulfing her, while she inhaled his scent, her face hidden in the crook of his neck?
That she wanted to talk? To hear what he had to say about his ban?
That she wanted to be wanted and loved by someone who looked like he couldn’t love at all?
That she wanted to know she wasn’t ruining her whole existence by marrying him?
That, for once, she wanted to make love to him and not sex?
That, yes, she wanted to play happy family and braid his hair and hold his hand?
That she wanted him in her bed and not in someone else’s?
“If you want the sex you don’t have to be shy,” he mocked her, knowing perfectly well that she wasn’t that blunt.
Aletheia took a step back and cursed the Gods for keeping that close to the wall. “You know,” she stuttered, “you’re right. You must be tired and in need of a good sleep. I will leave you alone.”
She tried to slide to her side, keeping contact with the cold damp wall behind her, but his hand gripped her wrist and yanked her backward.
“What do you want?” he asked again, and this time his voice softened, the ice left his eyes and he found the strength to guide her body closer to his naked one.
She still smelled like freedom, he noticed. Yet, today she also smelled like a caged bird, trying to fly away but too bound to the ground.
“Nothing,” she shook her head while he turned her around so that he was hugging her from behind, his chin resting on the top of her head. “I only thought… But it doesn’t matter anymore.”
She felt so weak she was ashamed to call herself Azgeda. She felt like a fragile bird in a hunter’s hands, but she couldn’t get herself to leave him.
I want to know who she is, she wanted to ask. She wanted to demand. She had all the right in the world to know since she was about to become a queen - and most likely his husband’s whore’s queen. She wanted to know who made Roan’s heart beat like that because she felt like it wasn’t her, not anymore at least.
“Well, I want you,” he stated, his hands leaving her waist and going lower.
He had moved his head and she could now feel his breath on the exposed skin of her neck.
“Are you going to deny your future husband of some sex?”
Yes, she wanted to scream. She could almost smell her scent, the scent of that other woman and of sex on his skin. Her anger almost made her see stains on his hands, bringing traces of what he had done in another woman’s bed.
She wasn’t blaming him - not entirely, at least. He was a prince and could do whatever in the hell he wanted. But why didn’t he just tell her? She’d leave. She’d feel so much better to know he was with another woman and that that wasn’t a secret. Her heart would be scarred and broken anyway, but at least she wouldn’t have to keep battling with her doubts.
Roan slowly pushed her against the wall, one of his hands going back up to cup her left breast.
Aletheia couldn’t exactly say she didn’t want him. She had craved for him ever since Roan’s mother Nia had sent him away and kept her like somewhat of a prisoner. Aletheia couldn’t say that the thought of having what the other woman had had was stopping her from wanting what was hers by right.
When Roan’s right hand slipped under the hem of her trousers, her breath died in her throat and her eyes fluttered closed.
She hadn’t touched a man in months and no man had touched her. Her body had almost forgotten how it felt like, to have Roan’s calloused hands grazing her skin, to feel her core spasm in anticipation, to have her breath running wild without her being able to calm it down a little.
“Will you deny me of what’s mine?” His voice tickled her ear and she had been on the verge of answering him, of telling him ‘no, my body cannot deny you of this’, but his mouth had been quicker and had gently sucked on her earlobe, a shameful moan escaping her mouth.
She closed her eyes tighter and leaned her forehead against the cool stone wall, her heart going wild inside her chest, Roan’s hand close to her core, too damn close.
“Is this a ‘no’, Aletheia?” and he pushed his hips against her back.
Was he lying?
Was he pretending?
Was his cock that damn hard because he was thinking of that whore or because he was thinking of her?
Why did he even have a whore in the first place?
But her thoughts came abruptly to an end when his fingers touched her clit lightly.
“Did you miss me?”
His lips were on her neck, sucking lightly on her skin.
“Yes,” she whispered, glad she didn’t have to pretend. Not yet, at least.
And maybe that ‘fucking a whore’ thing was over. Maybe that had been the last night. Maybe she didn’t have to worry because that other woman was finally out of his (and hers) life.
“How much did you miss me?” His voice was hoarse, his fingers burning on her cunt and on her breast.
She gulped, trying to focus on a thought at a time, in vain.
Her mind was about to explode, her skin to catch fire, her body to melt into his touch.
“Very much,” she managed to answer and she involuntarily ground her hips against his.
Her lungs felt heavy inside her chest. She felt like she couldn’t move, trapped between the cold stone of the wall and the hot skin of the naked man behind her.
His erection against her back fogged her mind, while her hands, covered in a veil of sweat, tried desperately not to slide against the wall, while her legs felt like they were made of jelly, unable to keep her on her feet.
She wanted to ask him the same question. Had he missed her? Did he use another woman because he couldn’t have her or…? Had he missed her naked body, asleep beside his? Had he missed her hands massaging his shoulders, easing the tension?
“I missed you too,” and somehow his words burned like acid on her flushed skin. Somehow she could feel the lie hiding behind those four words.
But she didn’t have the time to think much about it: in a swift movement Roan had taken her shirt off and had managed to break it in some points. The strip of cloth she used as a bra followed soon after and his lips were suddenly on hers, his chest pushing against hers, her back pushing against the wall.
His right hand had left her pants and had followed the other one and together they were grazing her skin.
His skin was like fire against her own, but in that moment she didn’t mind getting burnt.
She couldn’t stop. She couldn’t get herself to stop, to push him away, to ask for explanations, to demand them. All she wanted was to feel him inside her like before he got himself banned, to feel his mouth on her body - everywhere. She wanted his moans to fill her ears.
“I want to fuck you against the wall, Theia,” he confessed against the skin of her breast. And before she knew it, his lips were around her nipple and were tugging lightly, driving her mad, choking her words at the back of her mouth. “I want to fuck you against this damn wall until you cannot stand anymore.”
And somehow she couldn’t help but want that too.
She wanted everyone to know that mighty Roan was hers and that nobody else had the right to even fantasize of touching him.
Deluding herself was something she had always been good at.
When his lips kissed their way back to her neck, both hers and Roan’s hands struggled to push her trousers below her butt. But his hungry hands and lips had started their descent: down her cleavage and to her stomach, but only after his lips had kissed and tugged at her nipples again, Aletheia’s hands resting through his hair, tugging moans out of what had to be her man and no one else’s.
Aletheia was aware of every inch of their exposed skins touching, of his breath against her belly, of his saliva on her breasts getting colder by the second because of the chill air of the room. She could almost feel every cell of Roan’s calluses on her skin while his hands went lower, while they grazed the skin of her thighs while pushing her pants to the ground.
She didn’t know how he had got rid of her trousers and boots. The only thing she knew was that they were standing one in front of the other, both panting, eyes burning with lust. The sight of his erection, of his glans brushing against his abdomen, was driving her crazy. She could almost feel her own arousal trickling down her inner thighs.
Then, in the blink of an eye, he was on her again and this time he was sucking and brushing his teeth against the black tattoo she had above her breasts. His cock burned like iron against her and another moan left her lips while her hands dragged down his chest until he was in her hands.
But he slapped her away.
“Not today,” he panted, kneeling down in front of her.
He pushed her legs apart while she tried to steady herself against the wall, to convince her legs not to give up just yet. But when two of his fingers pushed inside of her without warning, her knees almost gave up on her. If it weren’t for his free hand, that had somehow pushed her back against the wall, she’d have been on the ground.
A string of “Roan” and “please” left her lips without her even knowing, while her hands fiddled with her hard nipples.
She needed him so badly.
She could feel her muscles already spasming, anticipating his erection inside her, his hands bruising her skin, his teeth grazing her neck mercilessly, his moans in her ears, confusing the edges of the reality around them.
If someone would enter right in this moment, Aletheia wouldn’t even know, too lost in her world, too caught up in all those feelings, with her man’s fingers pushing and curling inside of her.
As abruptly as they had entered her, Roan’s fingers suddenly disappeared. When she opened her eyes, she barely had the time to notice that he was turning her around.
The feeling of the ice cold wall against the sensitive skin of her breasts and nipples made her hiss. It almost hurt, but she didn’t even need to adjust to that: Roan’s left hand cupped her left breast again while his right hand pushed her right leg upwards and angled it so that her knee was resting on the edge of the windowsill.
It was as uncomfortable as it looked, but as Roan’s cock penetrated her and her head fell back to rest on his shoulder, it suddenly didn’t matter anymore.
He went all the way up until his hips slammed hard against hers, then stopped. She heard him taking a deep breath while he slightly arched her back against him. His right hand left her knee, brushing on her skin until he reached her pussy and tapped on her clit.
Aletheia’s eyes, previously closed, suddenly opened and she gasped. Her breathing was ragged, her chest was rising and falling so fast it almost hurt, she almost couldn’t get enough air to reach her lungs while Roan’s thumb drew circles on her clit.
“Please,” she begged him, almost sobbed, when his left hand started to torture her nipple again. She pushed back against him. “Roan, please.” She almost feared he hadn’t heard her whisper, but he had - just like he always did.
She felt him smirk against her neck as he slowly pushed himself almost all the way out. When he stopped, he let his tip tease her while he sucked in the crook of her neck, in the exact spot he knew that would make her arch against him.
Theia didn’t disappoint him, and as she arched back, he slammed himself back in so fast that the contact between their hips hurt.
Roan set up a steady, merciless pace, his hands roaming her body, her moans filling his ears and clenching against his erection.
When the pleasure became too much and he couldn’t hold her like that anymore, he pushed her back against the wall, her breasts leaning so hard against the stone it would leave bruises. He thrust into her, one of his hand pushing against the back of her neck to keep her in place.
Theia could barely feel herself contract around him, too focused on breathing, her hands pushing against the wall but unable to put space between her chest and the wall.
It was too much. Too much pleasure, too many feelings all at once with Roan finally back inside her.
But she did hear him coming, she did hear him grunting a name.
For the first time in her life, she had to fake her own orgasm and she didn’t care that Roan tensed up behind her, probably noticing her fat lie.
But how could she reach it when all he had to moan was ‘Anka’?
✎ A/N 2: I know the request says ‘Y/N’, but since it’s going to be multichapter I thought that giving the girl a name would be better (most of all for me writing it, ‘cause sometimes ‘Y/N’ drives me crazy. My last exam at uni will be on the 24th of July (hoping that I’ll pass it): I’ll probably go back writing this story on the 25th, so bear with me (I’m a slow writer).
TAG LIST: @saibh29 @selldraug @jaib2-blog
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