#lgbt history month 2021
sophieinwonderland · 3 months
Well, I went through all the trouble of typing a response and then they just block me before I can post... if only there was a tag I could post my response in... 🤔
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You’re the ones who invaded our tags first,
That's pretty clearly not true if you've been paying attention to anything happening over the past several months on this site and anti-endos constantly posting hate in inclusive tags.
Not only do you take away system resources,
What resources? Be specific?
Terms? Because again, besides Plural as a term, fictives and factives were taken from the endogenic soulbonders. In reality, vast majority of system terms in circulation came from endogenic and pro-endo systems.
Maybe you mean resources like Pluralkit and Simply Plural. You know, that are made by the pro-endos. And get many of their donations from endogenic systems.
Or, I don't know... do you think the non-trauamgenic systems and non-disordered systems are seeking mental help from your trauma therapists? 🤣
Come on! Tell me the resources! Don't just use this as a buzzword!
Tell me, you have no actual medical professions claiming endogenics are real and we have many claiming they aren’t.
Oh? You do, do you? Can you name them? I can name mine!
Here's Dr. Eric Yarbrough...
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That book, Transgender Mental Health, was actually reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association, by the way!
Of course, if you want the opinions of an expert in DID, there are these emails from Colin Ross!
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Oh, but what does he know? He's just one of the foremost experts on DID with 40 years of experience.
How about brain scans? Here's Dr. Michael Lifshitz, psychiatry professor of McGill University discussing some of the findings from his $50,000 study into tulpa systems, sponsored by Stanford University, which showed neurological changes in tulpa systems while a tulpa was controlling their limbs.
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To be fair, the results haven't been published yet, so maybe you can hold onto the hope that this professor with many published papers on his belt is lying about the results. That will be a fun hope to see crushed!
And I could go on... and on... I have a long list and this is just a taste of it.
But anyway, you were telling me how these "many" medical professionals are claiming endogenic systems aren't real. Can you name them for me? Even just one? Come on. If there are so many, it shouldn't be hard!
People like you groom actual systems into believing their trauma “wasn’t bad enough” so they think they’re endogenic
"Punk" to you is apparently using authoritarian right-wing queerphobic tactics of misusing the word "grooming" to make people associate the out group with child abusers. (See every right-winger accusing LGBT people of grooming kids to be gay or grooming them to be transgender.)
Not to mention you stole the term syshopping from RAMCOA survivors.
Nope. That's a lie.
System hopping, as a term for traveling between different bodied-systems, existed since at least as far back as 2005.
The RAMCOA association came from one RAMCOA system in 2021. The system who originally said that later said their words were taken out of context, deleted the original tweet, and condemned anti-endos for using their tweet to spread hate.
I've gone over this before with sources in the post below, thoroughly debunking this lie.
There is zero basis to this whatsoever.
Although you bringing this up and reminding me how anti-endos are trying to rewrite history to take this term too is only increasing my motivation for taking the systempunk and syspunk tags.
Not to fucking mention, you steal actual therapists from us by trying to make them believe in endogenic bullshit.
I thought you said no medical professionals believed us!
Now we're stealing therapists by making them believe in endogenic systems?
Which is it??????
never touch the systempunk tag again
Nope! Sorry! Too late for that now!
Anti-science hate groups don't get safe spaces. And the fact that you've created an echo chamber where you can safely spread lies like the systemhopping libel above is only evidence that I need to make more of an effort to correct the lies of anti-endos at their source.
No Safe Space For Hate!
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Celebrating Black Queer Icons:
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Tourmaline (formerly known/credited as Reian Gossett)is a trans woman that actively identifies as queer, and is best known for her work in trans activism and economic justice. Tourmaline was born July 20, 1983, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Tourmaline's mother was a feminist and union organizer, her father a self defense instructor and anti-imprisonment advocate. Growing up in this atmosphere allowed Tourmaline to explore her identity and encouraged her to fight in what she believes in. Tourmaline has earned a BA in Comparative Ethnic Studies, from Colombia University. During her time at Colombia U, Tourmaline taught creative writing courses to inmates at Riker's Island Correctional Institute, through a school program known as Island Academy. Tourmaline has worked with many groups and organizations in her pursuit of justice. She served as the Membership Coordinator for Queers For Economic Justice, Director of Membership at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, and as a Featured Speaker for GLAAD. Tourmaline also works as a historian and archivist for drag queens and trans people associated with the 1969 Stonewall Inn Uprising. She started doing this after noticing how little trans material was being archived, saying that what little did get archived was done so accidentally. In 2010 Tourmaline began her work in film by gathering oral histories from queer New Yorkers for Kagendo Murungi's Taking Freedom Home. In 2016 Tourmaline directed her first film The Personal Things, which featured trans elder Miss Major Griffin-Gracy. For the film Tourmaline was awarded the 2017 Queer Art Prize. Tourmaline served as the Assistant Director to Dee Rees on the Golden Globe nominated historical drama, Mudbound. Tourmaline has co produced two projects with fellow filmmaker and activist Sasha Wortzel. The first was STAR People Are Beautiful, about the work of Sylvia Rivera and Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries. The second was Happy Birthday, Marsha, about Marsha P Johnson. Happy Birthday, Marsha had all trans roles played by trans actors. Tourmaline's work is featured or archived in several major museums and galleries. In 2017 her work was featured in New Museum's exhibit Trigger: Gender as a Tool and a Weapon. In 2020 the Museum of Modern Art acquired Tourmaline's 2019 film Salacia, a project about Mary Jones. In 2021 the Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired two of Tourmaline's works for display in Before Yesterday We Could Fly: An Afrofuturist Period Room. Tourmaline is also the sibling of:
Che Gossett
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Che Gossett is a nonbinary, trans femme writer and archivist. Gossett specializes in queer/trans studies, aesthetic theory, abolitionist thought and black study. Gossett received a Doctorate in Women's and Gender Studies, from Rutgers University, in 2021. They have also received a BA in African American Studies from Morehouse college, a MAT in Social Studios from Brown University, and a MA in History from the University of Pennsylvania. Gossett has held a fellowship at Yale, and currently holds fellowships at Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge. Gossett's writing has been published in a number of anthologies and they have lectured and performed at several museums and galleries of note, including the Museum of Modern Art and A.I.R. Gallery. Gossett is currently working on finishing a political biography of queer Japanese-American AIDS activist Kiyoshi Kuromiya.
I originally intended to do separate profiles for Che Gossett Tourmaline, but could not find sufficient information about Che Gossett, beyond their credentials and current academic activity. That means that this will be the last of these write ups for a bit. I plan on picking it back up in October for the US's LGBT History Month and UK's Black History month. With time to plan ahead and research more I hope to diversify my list geographically and improve formatting. I plan on starting to include cis icons as well, like Rustin Bayard. If you come across this or any other of these posts Ive made this month I would love feedback and suggestions for figures you would like to see covered.
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not-xpr-art · 8 months
picturesQue -> A Queer Film Artbook Launch!!!
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I'm so excited to announce the launch of my 2nd Art Book 'picturesQue': a collection of 19 full colour artworks done from 2021 to 2023 and dedicated to some of my favourite queer films!
I've been working on this for a while now, and since February is LGBT+ History Month in the UK, I thought this would be the perfect time to finally put it out into the world!
The title is a play on the archaic term for films (moving pictures), the artworks themselves being pictures, and the capitalised Q is because, well, it's queer lol... (look I spent several days trying to think of something and this was the best I could do lol...)
Most pieces in this book are ones I've shared online before in pride months gone by, but there are 5 additional artworks that I made for this book (and that I won't be officially sharing until June!)
This is a hardback A5 sized book by the way (since I realised my first softcover book got battered pretty quickly, so I wanted to opt for something for substantial for this one!) & the front cover is my piece based on But I'm A Cheerleader!
If you're into queer cinema, or you just wanna support me and my art, then feel free to check out the link below and get 'picturesQue' for yourself! <3
(no pressure to get it of course, but please consider sharing this cos we know how tumblr likes to hide posts with links in them lol...)
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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erasure-picnic · 7 months
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In honour of both Black History Month and the UK’s LGBT+ History Month, let’s shine a spotlight on a key figure in Erasure’s brilliant stage shows - Les Child!
Child has had a prolific and storied career, working as a dancer, choreographer, and innovator in the arts. He danced with several groundbreaking troupes throughout the ‘70s and 80s, and also founded some of his own–including House of Child, the UK’s first voguing group. In the ‘80s, he branched out into choreography for music videos, which brought him into pop star circles, and at the dawn of the ‘90s, he set his sights on live tours.
According to his CV on HeadNod Agency, the first tour Child ever choreographed was Erasure’s Wild! Tour (1989-1990). Child was fond of Erasure’s music, and told Private Ear in 1992 that “it makes life a lot easier when it comes to choreographing a show if you enjoy the music”. He would go on to do the choreography for The Tank, the Swan, and the Balloon (1992), Cowboy (1996-1997), and The Erasure Show (2005). Indeed, Child seems to have choreographed more tours for Erasure than for any other band or artist. He also starred in Erasure’s short film “Dr. Jekyll and Mistress Hyde” (2003), and forged an enduring friendship with Andy Bell.
Child’s work with Erasure is really special to me. His choreography is undeniably dazzling on its own, and the dancers deliver it with athleticism and aplomb. But I’d also argue that it adds to the music, making it even better. My favourite example is “Love to Hate You” from The Tank. In this performance--which Bell introduces as “the gayest of gay tangos”--two pairs grace the stage: one male-male, one female-female. By the end of the song, they’ve swapped partners multiple times. (Check out video 1 and video 2 to see this in action.) When I first saw this, I was charmed. It was unexpected, yet it seemed natural: a nod to the sexual fluidity that runs through Erasure’s music and art. I feel that Child truly got Erasure, knew what made them “them”, and made it sparkle.
SOURCES: Cover image and CV from Les Child’s page on HeadNod Agency (headnodagency.com). “Ear to the Ground”. Private Ear, Issue 11 (1992). Retrieved via a capture of the official Erasure website (Internet Archive). December 4, 2004. “Erasure - Dr Jekyll and Mistress Hyde (Directed By Vince Clarke)”. Original video from Erasure (Mute Records), 2003. Uploaded by Erasure Música y Amigos, retrieved via YouTube. “Life Drawing with Sue Tilley featuring Les Child as model and muse.” Uploaded by Sue Tilley, retrieved via YouTube, November 27, 2021. Staples, L. “From leather daddies to ‘Drag race’, dissecting the revolutionary history of the queer aesthetic.” British Vogue. July 24, 2021.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Eli & Zoe - Their Exes
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For those of you who were here back in 2021, you may recall these templates that were created by the amazing @jamespotterthefirst. They were fun, and they were also extremely helpful in developing characters and creating backgrounds. So, I decided to do this template for Eli & Zoe in my Wake the Dead world. I may do others if I feel they will be helpful.
Since they live in a post-apocalyptic world with very different realities/challenges that we face, their history is different, yet, there are some similarities to things we experience today. They are not all pretty, and I will place trigger warnings before each photo/slide so you can skip over specific ones if you wish.
If you're reading my WTD fics, I hope this helps you understand the characters better, as it has helped me in creating them.
One last note, I will use these FCs for Eli (Kendrick Sampson - yes, he resembled Jesse Williams - no - it's not him lol) and Zoe (Adria Arjona). But I will be using them RARELY. I am really hoping to rely more on artwork for fics in the WTD world. Also, thank you to @cariantha for the suggestion for Eli.
Eli's Exes
TW: Missing person
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FC: Hera Hilmar
Eli & Nessa loved each other but were not in love. Each got 50% because they were just so confused and unsure of their real feelings.
They were the best of friends and trusted each other implicitly. But commitment is at 50% again because of the uncertainty. If things had turned out differently, there is a good chance they would have ended up together. If they decided to commit to each other, they would have remained fully committed - in love or not.
TW: Not exactly healthy sexual relationship / No abuse
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FC: Charlize Theron
There was zero love, or even like, between Eli & Cora.
This was a purely sexual relationship born of pure physical need and loneliness.
While the "relationship" lasted around 9-months, their encounters were limited and only took place when Eli traveled to her town for trading purposes.
TW: None really for this one, though it does discuss arranged relationships in a controlled society.
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FC: Jannik Schumann
Jon gets a 20% for "in love" because Jon was in love with the idea of pleasing the leaders. He was not in love with Zoe at all.
Friendship and trust levels are low but not non-existent. At that time, Zoe was still cordial with Jon because they were training together. Had they been sent on missions, she would have trusted him... to a degree... and vice-versa. But the more he became loyal to The Tower, the less trust/friendship they had.
TW: Grooming, inappropriate relationships with an authority figure
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FC: Chris Pratt
Zoe entered into this "willingly", believing she was seeking a physical, no-strings-attached relationship. She was actually a little proud of herself for doing so. It was only later she realized how Carlton was a groomer who took advantage of those who were his students and others he had power over.
Because of this, Zoe has a 15% for "in love" because, in the start, she thought maybe they meant something a little more, but Carlton knew exactly what it was the entire time. This is also why there is a 10% for commitment - mostly on the part of Zoe.
Trust is at 50% because initially, Zoe trusted him, maybe not fully, but a good deal. Of course, that was crushed. She did not trust him after, but to a degree, she did. They both had to trust that the other would keep their "secret" for different reasons.
TW: None, really - but it does discuss anti-LGBT views in The Tower
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FC: Henry Golding
Zoe & Tylo were not in love with each other, not at all. But they did care about each other very much. Their relationship was up front, supportive, and healthy - so they get a 25% on "in love" for that reason.
Friendship, trust, and sex were all high. Not unlike Eli & Nessa, if these two were "in love," it could have been a good thing, but they weren't.
That said, commitment got 50% because they were very committed to what they had. They were committed to protecting each other. But neither had any illusions that this was "true" or would last forever.
A little bit more...
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I will tag Perma & WTD lists separately.
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llyfrenfys · 2 years
Mis Hanes LHDT+ 2023 : Gair y Dydd #5 -Rhyngryw
LGBT+ History Month 2023: Word of the day #5 - Intersex
(adj. Intersex)
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Rhyngryw is a relatively new term in Welsh. It translates to 'between sex' and is a Welsh localisation of the English term Intersex (which only became popularised itself in English around the mid-to-late 90s).
The previous terms for Intersex in Welsh were, like in English, slurs (e.g. hermaphrodite) or archaic (e.g. bi-sexual). This post is about the history of Rhyngryw, but if you're interested in general Welsh Intersex terminology history I'd recommend reading my blog here.
The term Rhyngryw hasn't appeared in any Welsh dictionary before (that I'm aware of, my records go up to 2018). Therefore to discover the history of Rhyngryw, we must try a different approach.
The first term for intersex in Welsh which isn't a variation of deuryw or hermaffrodit is cymysgryw (literally 'mixed sex'), in Geiriadur Termau from 1973. However, it doesn't seem like this term caught on.
Using boolean commands in a Google search for "Rhyngryw" yields the Wicipedia page for Rhyngryw, created on the 13th September 2007. As of December 2007, the page looked like this:
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It uses the term Rhyngrywioldeb (intersexuality). The title of the Wicipedia page wasn't changed until 2021 to Rhyngryw.
Despite the absence of a long history for Rhyngryw, we can estimate that around 2006-2008 the term may have originated. Webster's Welsh-English Thesaurus Dictionary in 2008 gave Anrywiol as a term to mean intersex. Anrywiol ordinarily means asexual, but it is possible that in 2006-2008, attempts were made to move away from older archaic or offensive terminology to a new term. It's possible anrywiol was one of those attempts, but rhyngryw, whenever it originated originally, won out in the end.
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Welcome to the Tumblr dedicated to exposing the narcissistic, domestic abuser, and hate monger that is Trisha Paytas. She has infiltrated different groups of youtube influencers over the years and has managed to FOOL many into thinking she is an ally, a body-positive role model, a mental health advocate, and an all-around good person. SORRY TO INFORM YOU; THAT IS A LIE. Read this thread to get an idea as to why she deserves to be de-platformed.
The Handmade Bracelets Debacle [Trisha Paytas' Endless Greed]
In 2012, Trisha announced she is selling handmade Swarovski bracelets to her followers. (Note: She couldn't even pronounce Swarovski properly!) It was later revealed that she purchased the rhinestone Shamballa bracelets from eBay for $1-5, says she handmade them and in true Trisha greedy fashion, offered the bracelets to her young followers for a hefty $25 (the price jacked up 5 times). Here is a video.
Being Gay IS A Choice [Trisha Paytas' Ignorance of LGBT Community]
In 2014, Trisha uploaded a video spewing homophobic nonsense, claiming bisexuality does not exist (Poor Shane Dawson...), that we're "all a little gay," comparing gay marriage to animal marriage e.g. "marry a horse," and that people choose to be gay, e.g. "your sin of choice." Due to backlash, the video was removed one day later, and ever since, in podcasts, she has claimed it is a "trolling" video to get a coin.
On October 7th, 2019, Trisha Paytas uploads a video titled, I AM TRANSGENDER (FEMALE TO MALE). Due to massive backlash from her audience, the LGBT community, and even popular trans-YouTubers, she eventually removed it from YouTube a month later.
On 27th October 2019, Trisha Paytas - H3 Podcast #152 is uploaded. She conflates being a drag queen with being transgender. When asked to describe what makes her male, she claims she has a "male energy" and it's "how she feels inside." She asserts you "can be a gay man and a lesbian." When Ethan jokes, "Hila and me are lesbians, we're gay for each other," Trisha gasps and says, "You can't do that!" Even though that is technically what she's doing, claiming she is a gay transgender man while looking like a heterosexual woman who has monetized her female sexuality for clicks, views, and profit since 2007. Ethan asked if the trans video was monetized since there were midroll ads on the video, Trisha denied it, saying, "I don't know how to put ads on videos." Ethan got her to download the YouTube Creator Studio app and pointed out that she made 8000 dollars on that I AM TRANSGENDER video.
At 18:49, Ethan says a fan who identifies as trans has some comments to offer; "Trisha mentions no feelings of gender dysphoria, which is the medical condition that identifies someone who is transgender. If she were to go to a gender identity therapist and ask to medically transition, she would most likely be denied because she has no gender dysphoria." Trisha replies, "Well, I wouldn't say I don't have dysphoria, I hate having a vagina, for sure!" Yeah, I'm sure you do, boo.
The "Fuck PETA" Incident [Trisha Paytas' Disregard for Animals]
In 2014, Trisha uploaded a video talking about how much she hates animals and does not care if they are abused or tortured. Here is a video where someone references the modern-day rabbit chair incident and uses highlights from the F**K PETA video to illustrate that Trisha does not care about animals in 2014 and 2021.
Unfortunately, the original F**K PETA video has been entirely scrubbed off the internet. The video was only posted for 6 hours before she removed it due to massive backlash and posted an apology video, where she says the F***K PETA video was "trolling" and that she doesn't stand by it.
Racism and Anti-Semitism
Trisha has a well-documented history of racism from her years on youtube, even once admitting that she is racist. Here is a compilation highlighting some of her racism. In 2015, she released a music video sexualizing Django Unchained, singing "you can whip me every night, just like Django" while cosplaying as a black slave. She also released a song called 'Jungle Fever' where she states she is an 'Interracial Whore'. In January 2013 she uploaded a video called 'Black Men + White Chicks' stating thick white women have deeper vaginas than black women and are better suited to date, black men. She has also said the 'N word' on multiple occasions stating she thinks it's racist that she can't say the word because she is white. She came out as black citing her body type as “a thick black girl and eyelids dark and oily”. She also uploaded a video to complain about a black woman whom she didn't know at a bar calling her 'ghetto, stinky, hairy c*nt'. In a video, she even claims that AIDS is a result of black people having sex with monkeys. She has also used the word 'ghetto' a variety of times including this clip calling her long nails 'ghetto, stating she looks like Laquisha' and one video where she was scared to get out of the car as 'she was in the ghetto and there were 6 scary looking black men'. In another instance, she accused random Hispanic men 'of being gang members that will kill her'. She has voted republican several times stating she's conservative, making videos supporting Donald Trump's presidency and several for Mitt Romney, though she backtracked stating her Trump videos were 'satire'. In one video she justifies the wall as 'Illegal immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans' and states 'they don't pay taxes'. In this clip, A Hispanic man asks for a photo and Trisha drives away in disgust and says 'ew, literally getting hit on by someone who doesn't know English. Trisha has also cosplayed as Indigenous women, Hispanic women, and Black women. In one instance claiming the pimple on her forehead makes her look like an 'Indian person'. She claimed previously she likes to think 'she is Asian, and it is not racist since she likes rice' and proclaimed in a video that 'Asians eat cats and dogs'. In this video titled 'White girls problems' Trisha makes a multitude of racist comments towards all different ethnicities. Trisha's mother also shares the same racist tendencies quoted as saying 'he's so foreign he looks stupid' and complaining foreigners don't tip her. She has stated a few times that she cannot be racist as she was on Celebrity Big Brother UK and they wouldn't have let her on the show if she was.
Trisha has a long history of fetishizing Jewish men. A fellow YouTuber, Mr. Beard, released an informative video that outlines her fetishization and anti-semitic rhetoric. Trisha made a video titled “Jesus and the Jews” [video has been scrubbed]. Chambers of Spoilers is a YouTube channel of a woman and her sister, who are both Jewish. They compiled a very comprehensive video about Trisha's Antisemitism. They also compiled a Google Doc which has links and specific time-stamps of when Trisha said antisemitic statements in 2020.
In 2020, she uploaded a video titled "How to seduce a Hebrew man" which showcases an awful accent and blatant racist stereotypes. She has perpetuated anti-semitic tropes repeatedly stating Jewish men are cheap, you can "pay to be Jewish", and has said every Jewish Stereotype in the book as shown in these compilations. In more than one instance, Trisha has recorded herself doing the Nazi hand gesture, aka the "Heil Hitler" arm motion. She has lied stating she knew nothing about the Holocaust, though she is quoted as reading many books on the subject and uploaded a video titled My Thoughts on Hitler in 2013. In this video, she praises Hitler, while condemning and mocking Jews. On an episode of Frenemies, Trisha states Moses just being Jewish turns her on and admits she and her husband have roleplayed Holocaust extermination shower scenes together. Trisha often claims she's "Jewish by insemination" and association to get out of controversy though she admitted that Moses does not identify as Jewish and she has not converted to Judaism. She has stated converting to Judaism would be turning her back on god so will not be converting which is not surprising as she had a youtube channel dedicated to being catholic called "The Catholic Vlogger". On Tiktok, after many dancing Hanukkah uploads, a Holocaust survivor even called her out for being offensive. Here are 2 links to some of her tweets Link 1, and Link 2 showcasing her antisemitism over the years (which she adamantly denies).
In 2012, Trisha dressed up as a J-pop star character, Popstar Trishii, that mocked the Japanese language, J-pop stars, and the gyaru community.
In 2015, Trisha Paytas has done a music video inspired by Django Unchained, where she does blackface, dresses up as a slave (Brunehilde), and sang, "you could whip me every night, just like Django"
In 2015, Aria Hinton did an article on Superfame.com, about Trisha Paytas being upset she can't use the N-word or anti-gay slurs, saying "You're All Oversensitive"
In 2016, the release of her new album "Daddy Issues," her song, "Jungle Fever" is extremely racist.
The Fetishization of Religious Groups, the LGBT community, and Deceased People
2011 - Gays I Want to Bang
2013 - Mormons I Want to Bang
2013 - Having Sex with Dead People
2020 - H3 Podcast - Trisha Loves Jews ... & it's Weird
2021 - H3 Podcast - Ethan Has Had Enough of Trisha's Jewish Obsession
2021 - Visiting Hare Krishna Temple for the First Time + TEMPLE HAUL!
She claims to have had sex with multiple celebrities, such as Jim Carrey, and Robin Williams when she was a hooker, then she claims she knew him on Frenemies but "doesn't want to talk about it", John Stamos, Bill Clinton, Bradley Whitford, Marilyn Mansion, even claiming she had sex with an entire baseball team.
Romanticising Sexual Assault, Sex with Teachers (SA allegations against Mr. Riney)
2010 - Don't Stand so Close to Me - Dedicated to all my teachers I lusted over
2013 - Avoid Getting Raped!
2013 - Is it rape if she's drunk via @DrPhil
2014 - Is Rape a Turn On
If you haven't seen Mysterious's channel already, she went into great depth about the extent of Trisha's lies and SA allegations against her teachers, more specifically Mr. Riney. Originally, Trisha spoke very highly of her teachers, saying they encouraged her to work hard to graduate, that she has potential and that they believe in her.
Over the years, Trisha began to change the narrative of "my teachers inspired me to finish high school," to, "my teachers SA-ed me," saying the teacher's name on Frenemies episode #17 (Ethan has since pulled this episode down, out of respect for the deceased teacher and his family's privacy.) to encourage her followers to "look it up." The teacher is DECEASED and the story regarding the assault changes multiple times (it's changed from a teacher molesting her because she wears a water-bra, a teacher molesting her while the classroom plays heads down, thumbs up, a teacher molesting/SA-ing her after letting her borrow Cape Fear/Taxi Driver to teachers coming to her house to SA her.)
Here are PART 1 and PART 2 - basically, there is NO criminal charge, investigation, or any news articles. If there was a SA of a student by a teacher in the small country town of Byron, Illinois, it would be ALL OVER THE NEWS. Mr. Riney is a respected teacher and a well-known, There is no evidence that Mr. Riney ever SA-ed a student (if there was, he would not have been allowed to renew his teacher's license) and he passed away in 2011, so all we have is Trisha's word against a deceased man who can't even defend himself against the allegations.
The accumulation of this finally led to Trisha having a full-blown meltdown on Twitter, she refused to clarify the SA situation to clear Mr. Riney's name, exposed private texts with Ethan and Hila, while begging them to "tell their fans to stop attacking her" (Newsflash, Trisha, your FANS are angry and fed up with your behavior!) Here is another video that details the lies uncovered during Frenemies and her meltdown on Twitter.
Dating a Convicted Pedophile and Defending Him
In 2017, Trisha Paytas dated a convicted pedophile and defended him. Here's a tweet with a video.
His victim was only 3 years old and he admitted he did the crime.
Years later, the convicted pedophile was tried for photographing a 3-year-old boy in the Dodger Stadium bathroom.
Daniel E Carroll - Autistic Man who was bullied by Trisha Paytas' and her Trishy Fishies
Trisha had a fan, Daniel E Carroll who is an autistic man. Here is a video. She would constantly post about how she was afraid for her safety and Daniel would offer her support in DMs on Facebook. They messaged daily and became friends (Trisha even called Daniel a Super Fan) until Trisha suddenly stopped responding. She made videos about how this man was an obsessive stalker who was harassing her, wouldn't leave her alone and claimed she was scared for her safety. Her Trishy Fishie army attacked him, and he made a video, explaining what happened. He was understandably frustrated because Trisha claimed he could come to her house and kill her - he does not even HAVE A CAR to drive from Texas to LA.
Dissociative Identity Disorder & DissociaDID with Anthony Padilla
After Anthony Padilla did an episode of Meeting People with DID with DissociaDID, Trisha uploaded a video "DID - WATCH ME SWITCH" where she talks about how she feels like she has different personalities and showed herself "switching" on camera (obviously it was acting). Both Anthony and DissociaDID made a response on social media, explaining that DID is a mental illness and to please not mock people's struggles by pretending to have DID. As a result, she sent her Trishy Fishies to attack DissociaDID to the extent that they removed themselves from the platform for their safety (DissociaDID left the platform for different reasons. It’s way too much to get into but they caused a lot of harm to other systems, supported their ex’s p*do drawings, has alters with racial stereotypes, and lied about a lot of things.)
Trisha Paytas used to date Encina Severa, a woman with actual DID. After they broke up and when the DisassociaDID situation happened, she used the knowledge from her relationship with Encina to act out her "switches"
Here's a video about Encina and here's her comment on Trisha's DID video. Post credit to u/
Jeffree Star / Shane Dawson / Ryland Adams
Trisha was invited to an LA trip by Jeffree Star after recently leaving the hospital, she was still in recovery from her drug problem but agreed to go on the trip. She didn't feel up for partying so Jeffree Star and his posse allegedly made fun of her skin and weight, smacked food out of her hand, and said, "there's a balcony over there, jump off of it."
Trisha left early to go home and makes videos about how Jeffree Star is such a fake, mean person. She tries to tell Shane and Shane is like, "I don't want to believe Jeffree would do that. Come over, we'll have food and you can forget about it." Trisha felt like Shane was being dismissive and thought Shane wasn't seeing that Jeffree Star was a horrible person. At some point, Trisha blocks Jeffree Star. Trisha sees that Jeffree Star is invited as a guest once on Ryland's podcast, Sip The Tea.
What pissed Trisha off was a 5-minute segment on an episode that came out the same week everyone else was talking about Jeffree Star - when it was rumored he was dating Kanye. Ryland asked Jeffree Star for a commentary in form of a voice memo and put the audio in the episode. It wasn't a very long one, only 1 minute long.
She unleashes an attack on Shane, Ryland, and Jeffree, ultimately cutting off Shane and Ryland by unfollowing or blocking them both. She makes multiple videos, calling them out on their behavior and crying about how mean they are for not seeing her side when Trisha had been Shane's friend for 7-8 years. She felt betrayed by Shane and Ryland and felt they just wanted to keep being friends with Jeffree Star because he's rich rather than a long-time friend, like her.
HairByJay - IG Live / Wig Situation
During the LA trip, Trisha got a few wigs done by HairByJay. She made a video where HairByJay charged her double the amount for the wigs. This lie caused HairByJay to go off on IG live at Trisha, calling her a whale, fat, ugly, and disgusting. He also said he gave her a discount on the wigs. Trisha posted a video of her reacting to the IG live, she cries and is upset, and her Trishy Fishies attack HairByJay and he makes an apology. Mysterious does a video about the entire incident here.
Trisha also accused HairByJay of coming by her house, saying her security guard saw him, however, this story has a shaky foundation. Trisha is known for lying and accusing people of turning up at her property, claiming she's scared for her safety, and that the person is going to harm her. She made the same lies of this nature about Daniel E Carroll, HairByJay, and Gabbie Hanna.
During the LA trip, Trisha created a story about how Rich Lux was given her bag by Jeffree Star, which she was "fine with," until she realized her camera and clothes were in it. She accused Rich Lux of stealing her camera. Rich Lux had beef with her for fabricating such a story that didn't happen.
Gabbie Hanna
Trisha Paytas and Gabbie Hanna have been feuding for years.
In 2019. it was the incident where Trisha confided in Shane about having herpes, Shane then informed Gabbie who felt she had the responsibility as a friend to tell Jason Nash (Trisha's then-boyfriend) about Trisha's herpes, as Trisha had not told him. This caused an explosion of drama and videos, with Trisha accusing Gabbie of lying about her having STD/herpes.
In 2021, one of their last fights was when Trisha went on Gabbie Hanna's podcast for an episode. Gabbie was trying to get Trisha to admit that they had been friends, but Trisha kept denying it and laughing nervously. The podcast finished and Trisha uploaded a video of a voicemail from Gabbie to prove how obsessive Gabbie is. She accused Gabbie Hanna of coming to her house to harm her. Gabbie stated that she doesn't know where Trisha lives.
Jason Nash, David Dobrik & Vlog Squad
Trisha made an unhinged video about David making a threesome joke about Tana, Jason, and Trisha. In this video, she attacked people in Jason's life from the mum of his kids to his bestie Brandon. A few days later Jason and she made a weird video that was supposed to be her apologizing to those people but ended up in an argument. He was staying in her house at this time for whatever reason. She released a music video that same day or the next.
The following day after that he escaped her house to go "hang with his kids" and as soon as he had some distance he called her to break up. That's when she staged her little suicide gambit. She took a pill mixed with alcohol and acted woozy. Adam, her makeup artist/dancer/BFF at that time (who she later trashed) took her to the hospital.
We know it was an act because on the ride there she texted Jason to tell him that she had tried to kill herself and was on her way to the hospital. Nobody close to death is this manipulative. He was with David at the time and they rushed to the hospital together. When she saw David, she assumed that it was he who had talked Jason into dumping her evil ass earlier that evening, so she started screaming at David. In her hysterics, she said shit like "I wanna die" which the nurses are obligated to report as a danger to herself even if it was just her usual drama. THAT'S HOW SHE WAS 5150'd. This was in February.
During her 48-hour stay in the hospital, he stayed supportive but they didn't get back together. He then proceeded to stay friends for the next three months. He was however openly starting to date and even joined Tinder. She admits she knew because she would "borrow" his devices and snoop. He was weaning her off him so he refused to attend her birthday because that would have allowed her to show him off like they were still a couple. She snapped when he didn't show up to the party and drove to his house. You've got the rest of this correct
... although I'm not sure I buy that she was admitted a second time. That's a detail that she started tacking on much later. Plus she didn't disappear. Remember all this went down the same weekend as Nicocado exposing her, Ethan's whale video, and her fake going cold turkey off opioids. It was quite the week for our Trish, lol.
This video confirms my post including the fact they broke up and she was 5150'd February but her birthday is in early May. Note the video was made in late May and she only mentioned one mental ward stay. Also, note how she outs a famous person who was admitted to the same ward. Evil cow.
TLDR: They broke up, she threatened death and was committed to a mental ward. He stayed friendly but started drawing boundaries. She snapped when he skipped her bday and terrorized him. She's probably lying about being admitted a second time.
Post credit to u/shortstroll
Trisha Paytas has a clear pattern of abusive behavior. Trisha has abused many of her boyfriends in the same ways. For example, Trisha also took her ex Jason’s keys and refused to let him leave for hours (even blocking the door — he was so scared he wanted to call 911 on her), just like she admitted she did to her fiancé Moses when she stole his keys and physically abused him! She admitted on Twitter that she also refused to let yet another ex, Sean, leave her — even physically restraining him against his will. Disturbingly, Trisha’s fiancé Moses indicated in a deleted Tiktok video that in addition to physically abusing him, Trisha has also forced him sexually, as well as threatened to kill herself when he tried to break up with her. These are classic abuser tactics — Trisha Paytas is a textbook liar, narcissist, and serial abuser.
Trisha has spoken several times - including on Frenemies - about the time she drove her car into her ex Jason’s house while high on meth, endangering his and possibly others’ lives, but neglected to mention that it was a premeditated act — she had previously threatened to crash her Lamborghini into Jason’s house, it was filmed in a vlog! Even more disturbing, messages have come out where Trisha’s fiancé Moses allegedly said that Trisha has also threatened to drive into his building while “high and drunk and naked”!!! Trisha Paytas is a very dangerous individual.
Post credit to u/Chelsabelle
Moses Hacmon
In 2020, Trisha Paytas began dating Hila's brother, Moses Hacmon. When Trisha went on the Frenemies podcast, she admitted to physically abusing her fiancé Moses — all the while disgustingly minimizing it, rolling her eyes while talking about it. She admitted that she stole his keys so that he couldn’t leave, that she fought him for twelve hours and left bruises on him. She lied and insisted that it was just an isolated incident when it was anything but — Trisha Paytas has proudly publicized and profited from the abuse of her partners for years.
Post credit to u/Chelsabelle
They have since made up and got engaged in December 2020.
Two of Moses' ex-girlfriends came forward and revealed that Moses stealthed them, stealthing is the act of removing a condom during sex without the partner's acknowledgment or consent. Trisha initially ignored the SA allegations, despite preaching, "believe all SA victims," sent her Trishy Fishies to overwhelm the ex-girlfriends into silence. She insists they are lying, trying to chase clout and that Moses would never do such a thing.
Ethan Klein, Hila Klein & H3 Podcast
In 2019, Ethan Klein uploaded a video called "Instagram vs. Reality" in which he highlights the illusion and unrealistic expectations of one's appearance that IG creators perpetuate to a potentially young following. This resulted in Trisha coming onto the H3 Podcast for two interviews.
In 2020, Ethan and Trisha decided to do a podcast together, called Frenemies. This resulted in an extremely popular podcast that was enjoyed by millions of people, however, it wasn't all great. Trisha has stormed off the podcast three times. Trisha threw Ethan's pill addiction he had in Israel in his face, insulted him and Hila's parenting, shamed them for having a nanny, called Ethan a "cuck," and called Hila a "c*nt." She was jealous that they constantly talked about Hila's pregnancy announcement. She has frequently and shamelessly flirted with Ethan, who was uncomfortable and kept asking her to stop doing that, which she never did.
She also kicked Ethan's dogs, demanded Moses to "get rid of his cats," and went on Keemstar's podcast to talk shit about Ethan, while wearing the Frenemies merch as a "fuck you" to Ethan.
Here is a video that goes into the details before, during, and the aftermath of Frenemies.
The Rabbit Chair Incident
Trisha uploaded a video, called "Our Tim Burton Inspired Beetlejuice Dining Room + Decor," where she showcases her Tim Burton-inspired dining room set, complete with custom-made dining chairs that had rabbit skin attached to the back of the chairs. Due to massive backlash, she removed the section of the vlog where she confirms with Moses that it is real rabbit fur.
BONUS (02/10/2022) - Lil Radio Gamer made a rap song dissing Trisha and Moses about the rabbit chairs!
Going Vegan
After receiving backlash for the rabbit chairs, Trisha announces that she is "I'm officially vegan now," she goes vegan for two weeks and accidentally consumes a tiny bite-sized SNICKERS bar, and uploads "my apology to the vegan community," in which she laments over eating a tiny piece of chocolate, says how intense going vegan is, it's so hard and apologizes to the vegan community, also says, at 8:07 "To all of you non-vegans out there, shame on you for eating meat. You're going to get your karmic hell here on Earth!"
In a recent video, titled "I'm Fat and Ugly" she admitted to having cheese on nachos and baked ziti, but then later in the video admitted to an entire week of binging. This is important because of the timing. She manipulated her audience into thinking that she had been vegan for approximately two weeks and then made that stupid Snickers video. However, the ‘I’m Fat’ video was recorded previously, but yet she waited to put it out. She purposefully misled her audience to gain attention (attention from the vegan community, along with purposefully causing outrage for the nasty remarks she made against those who consume animal products in the Snickers video) and sympathy (failed weight loss).
u/alice-in-slumberland has done a video on Trisha's trolling of the vegan community over the years, please feel free to check it out!
Trisha is a pathological liar who thrives off any kind of publicity and attention, she delights in creating drama out of thin air. She consistently rides the waves of whatever is trending at the time in a desperate bid to remain relevant (e.g. mental illness, mukbangs/eating, dieting/weight loss, political views/political movements, veganism, and being trans/non-binary) to her followers.
Trisha Paytas condemns people who body-shame others, yet delights in bringing attention to Nicovado's recent weight gain to others. She delivers confusing messages to her followers, she bounces between being proud of being fat and then feeling disgusted, she cries about how fat she looks and goes to get liposuction done (e.g. She released the THICK music video on 20th Feb 2017, promoting body positivity while she got a liposuction procedure done immediately afterward (This video puts Week 6 post-op of liposuction meaning this places the liposuction procedure the day the THICK music video was uploaded. She later uploads a video boasting about how "being skinny is so much better" on 11 April 2017. She constantly goes on about how she hate watches many people on YouTube, then dares to chastise her audience for hate watching her.
CREDIT TO— u/Adapt_Evolve_Become
This will be updated as we move forward, and find new information.🩷
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Part 7: Nigeria and Angola
Keep an eye out for a post soon, I have an announcement I want to make about the pride month history project I'd like to make.
(Should I be leaving my name on these things?)
Homosexual activity is illegal in Nigeria, but it hasn’t always been like that. In January of 2014 Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan passed a law known as the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, or SSMPA. The law bans every part of LGBT+ life, even just talking positively about it(similar to Russia). Supporters of this bill say it protects their culture, which is baseless if you look at African history(Sources 1-4). Nigeria itself was not accepting of gay-relationships in pre-colonial times, but it was accepting of lesbian ones according to a paper by Chan Tov McNamarah. (It is important to note that when making criminal laws against homosexuality the excuse is often that homosexuality was brought by western cultures)
Prior to SSMPA, Nigeria queer culture was often socializing in clubs, parties, and other similar things. These clubs were often private and hidden to protect themselves and the people in them from discrimination. Some methods to protect these clubs were that in order to enter you had to be vouched for by someone already approved, and that in order to find them you either had to identify the owner or learn by word of mouth. The scene inside was very social, and the drag scene specifically was doing very well. 
After SSMPA, gay weddings(which were already hidden and private) became even more difficult to have, and cohabitation that was used as an alternative to marriage, became dangerous. Partners were no longer able to trust their neighbors to respect their privacy, and now that SSMPA existed would get called in by those neighbors. Violent homophobia began to rise as well, safe havens being raided, and people being pulled from their houses and beaten. Nonetheless, the queer scene in Nigeria continues to exist. Only now, the locations change and modern technology helps to keep it private.
Sources: 1 2 3 4(cw below) 5 6 7 8
Source 4 contains the slang version of the N slur, but it is from a black run website and I used it as a reference so I added it as a source. If any black person wants me to remove it as a source I will. (I specifically use the word black because Africa is a very diverse continent with many different colors of person.)
In January 2019, after gaining their independence as a country in 1975, Angola made its first new penal code. While making this code the Angola Parliament made a vote remove a law commonly interpreted as an anti-gay law. In addition, they also banned discrimination against people based on their sexuality. 
This amendment was not unexpected, as in 2013 they had granted legal status to an LGBT organization called Iris Angola. This organization had often complained about discrimination against their employees by health care. 
Additionally, in 2016 Angola held its first LGBTIQ festival called FESTÍRIS, which gathered the LGBT+ community, allies, and others, to raise awareness to LGBT+ issues. In 2019, they celebrated the laws and reflected on the history of their chosen day, May 17th(International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia)
Despite all of this, and all of the celebration, the new penal code only went into effect in February of 2021.
Sources: 1 2 3
I gave myself limited time to make this one so there are less sources, and it is shorter.
Part 1
Part 6<-->Part 8
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packedwithpackards · 1 year
Queering the Packards?: The importance of documenting LGBTQ ancestors
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A quote from Victor Salvo, Founder and Executive Director of the Legacy Project on QueerBio. Image from Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame. What he says applies to genealogy as much as mainstream histories like biographies.
When I started my research, I tended to follow the usual path of focusing on male progenitors and their wives, including English immigrants like Samuel Packard who landed in what became Massachusetts after Indigenous people relinquished the land, often by force. In January 2021, I speculated that a friend of Carrie Chapman Catt, a suffragist in a relationship with Mary Garrett Hay (and later with Alda Wilson), could have been attracted to Alaska "Al" Packard (1868-1934), the first female FBI agent and my sixth cousin three time removed, while Al had a close friendship with Harriet Taylor Upton. Many months later, in October 2021, I included question from Christine E. Sleeter in an article I quoted from: "How might a family historian tease out clues of LGBTQ family members in the past?" Late last year, I noted my ancestor (fifth cousin four times removed), Elizabeth Dwight Packard (1859-1915), who was living with another woman, Lucy Huston Sturdevant (1860-1940), who also served as the executrix of Elizabeth's estate after Elizabeth's death. This year, I surmised that since my sixth cousin three times removed, Elizabeth Packard (1912-1985) was listed as single in the 1930, 1940, and 1950, and the fact she was near queer neighborhoods, it may indicate that Elizabeth is queer herself as I surmised. I would love to do a deeper dive into her life, as there is a gap of information from 1950 to 1985. Last but not least is my post last month, with a major focus on the relationship between my fifth cousin five times removed, Sophia Brett Packard (1824-1891) and Harriet Elizabeth "Hattie" Giles (1828-1909), who are known most prominently for founding Spelman Seminary in Georgia, which is known today as Spelman College.
I am convinced that I have more than five queer ancestors within my family tree. In fact, I have a draft post about my fourth cousin five times removed, Frances Appleton Packard (1836-1902) who was always listed as single and never noted as marrying anyone, which can be a clue that the person is a queer individual, [1] to use the word in a non-pejorative way. After all, there are over 4,000 ancestors on the two family trees I've created on Ancestry, one for my mom's side and another for my dad's side so I don't confuse myself with which ancestors are which. I already know the stories about my great-granduncle Stanley Sterling Mills (1901-1934) being gay and my grandaunt on my dad's side, Ellen, who had a partner who lived with her for many years named Fran.
There are many posts out there about LGBTQ ancestors. Some recommend genealogists check occupations, examine family patterns, read newspapers, examine prison and court records, search cemeteries, look for terms like "cross dresser, Sapphist, sodomite, tribad, or Uranian", and keep in mind that ancestors weren't "as free to live their lives openly like LGBTQ+ people can today". Others suggest looking for personal accounts, wills, criminal records, census records, examining local history, asking questions if records don't exist for a specific person, and recognizing that official records can "subtly divulge clues", Beyond this, were a pamphlet about LGBTQ history in the U.S. published by the National Park Service, Thomas MacEntee's 10-page piece about why stories of LGBTQ relatives are important, the Queer Ancestors Project in San Francisco, and other discussions online about this topic. [2]
Current genealogical software is not inclusive of transgender individuals and some LGBTQ relationships, as some have pointed out. As for other Packards, some have published books that fall into Queer Studies, although I'm not sure of their relation. [3] More broadly, there are the collections of the Lesbian Herstory Archives (lampooned in the film Watermelon Woman), the South Asian American Digital Archive, the GLBT Historical Society, and Library of Congress, along with important sites like Out History which focuses on LGBTQ history. In addition, there is a guide put together by Fordham University Libraries, the Dickinson College LGBT History Project (documents LGBTQ life in central Pennsylvania), the archival collections at ONE Archives at USC Libraries, the LGBTQ Iowa Archives and Library, the LGBT Legacy Project, the collaborative project known as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Archive at University of North Texas, the archive collection of LGBT Community Center in New York, and the digital collections of The ArQuives, Canada's LGBTQ archives institution.
This is only scratching the surface. [4] As the National Museum of American History puts it, "LGBTQ+ history is a part of American history...since its founding, both knowingly and unknowingly." After all, pressure from genealogists caused FamilySearch to allow same-sex family trees. I agree with those who say that while our ancestors may have kept their identities and orientations secret, they likely left clues, and it’s time to "stop pruning their branches of our family trees". There need to be new ways of visualizing information to accommodate families that aren't heteronormative (i.e. married man and woman having children) or re-imagining family trees altogether. This is coupled with telling stories which don't fall into usual patterns which are easily shown in existing genealogy software which is strongly heteronormative. It can counteract the intentional hidden nature of "lives, stories, and histories of LGBTQ people...by socially dominant individuals and groups" through various means over the years. [5]
[1] An Ancestry.com blogpost by Michael J. Leclerc says as much: "Common signs of LGBTQ+ people are those who never married, or who married late in life or had no children. But these facts alone are not proof. Additional signs can help."
[2] "How To Find Out Who Your LGBTQ+ Ancestors Are", Our Culture Magazine, Jul. 7, 2021; Michael J. Leclerc, "5 Tips for Finding Your LGBTQ+ Ancestors," Ancestry Blog, Ancestry.com, Oct. 7, 2020; Mary McKee, "How to trace LGBT ancestors," FindMyPast Blog, FindMyPast, Feb. 3, 2022; Alex Madison, "Queer Ancestors Project to unveil anthology," Bay Area Reporter, May 16, 2018. MacEntee suggests gaining an understanding of gay history in the U.S., LGBTQ subcultre, gayborhoods, occupations offering clues, use FAN Club approach (tracing Friends, Associates and Neighbors of the person in question), recognize that there were marriages of convenience, and provides many resources on pages 9 to 10. As a word of caution, he uses the word "transgendered", which is wrong. As Vox points out, "the umbrella term for people who identify with a gender different than the one assigned to them at birth is "transgender" or "trans." These words are adjectives, not nouns. Additionally, the word "transgendered" is offensive to trans people and unnecessarily confusing." Also of note is "Northampton LGBT ancestor Anna de Naucaze’s story intrigues, inspires" in The Rainbow Times. There's also the inane question (and discussion) posed on /r/Genealogy in January 2018 about the ethics of documenting a deceased ancestor as LGBT, with people responding that you need "some incontrovertible proof" to say someone is gay, emphasizing "documented evidence", explain reasoning and document conclusions, and saying it would be a "touching tribute". The worst were those who sneered they don't document anyone's sexual preference (why?) and arguing that it should be kept secret if the deceased person wanted something secret (a pretty absolutist view).
[3] This includes Queer cowboys : and other erotic male friendships in nineteenth-century American literature by Chris Packard (more about him here) and Women / men = Femmes / hombres : erotic poetry with William Packard as an author as noted in this search, here, and on his Wikipedia page.There may even be Packards within the Digital Transgender Archive, although I haven't looked at the results in depth yet.
[4] There's also a page on the National Trust for Historic Preservation on LGBT history, along with an AARP article entitled "LGBTQ Is a Growing Market for Travel Industry", Trans Oral History Project, and LGBTQ pages on Wikipedia which could be helpful like
"List of LGBT rights activists", "LGBT tourism", "List of LGBT writers", "LGBT history", "Timeline of LGBT history", "LGBT nobility and royalty", "History of gay men in the United States", "Bisexuality in the United States", "Drag queen", "List of LGBT awareness periods", "Queer erasure", "History of same-sex unions", "History of transgender people in the United States", "Transgender legal history in the United States", "List of LGBT actions in the United States prior to the Stonewall riots", "History of violence against LGBT people in the United States", "LGBT historic places in the United States", "Timeline of same-sex marriage in the United States", and "Intersex rights in the United States" to name a few.
[5] William Blumfield, "High School Students Stand up for Truth in Play with Lesbian Character", The Good Men Project, Jan. 28, 2017; Ellanora Lerner, "Centering My Queer Ancestors' Stories", Jewish Women's Archive, Feb. 21, 2020; "LGBTQ+ Hall of Ancestors", Honey Arts Therapy, accessed Sept. 27, 2022; Sarah Ngu, "In Search of Queer Ancestors", Asian Americans Writers' Workshop, Dec. 4, 2019; Javy Rodriguez, "How This Gay Couple Honored Their Ancestors at Their Brooklyn Wedding", Out magazine, Nov. 8, 2020; "Stories of Our LGBTQ Ancestors: Dr. Amber Starbuck and Mabel Stevens", Northampton Center for the Arts, May 3, 2019; Cynthia Laird, "News Briefs: Learn about LGBTQ roots at genealogy class", Bay Area Reporter, Jun. 20, 2018; Tat Bellamy-Walker, "How the Black queer community is re-imagining the family tree", NBC News, Feb. 16, 2022; "Want to learn more about your LGBTQ ancestors and others who flew under the genealogical radar? New series shows you how", Cincinnati Public Radio, Oct. 18, 2021; Bob Vitale, "Uncover the lost LGBTQ branches of your family tree", Columbus Monthly, Sept. 16, 2021; "LGBTQ Genealogy – Inclusive Family Trees", House Elves Anonymous, Nov. 19, 2020. Also see LGBTQ history posts from the UK National Archives from March 2008 to February 2022, Jacob Ogles' "15 Gay Romances of the Renaissance Era" in Advocate magazine, Miss Rosen's "The Pleasures of Gay Life in 1950s Fire Island" in Blind magazine, and "LGBTQ+ History Research at the Archives & Library of the Ohio History Connection" at Ohio History Connection.
Note: This was originally posted on June 12, 2023 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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'Why do we need pride month' aka my y11 gcse speech
My first memory was small, little, 5-year-old me, looking in the mirror and thinking, “You do not look like a [my deadname]”. That’s the first thought I can remember, word for word. Looking in the mirror and not recognizing the face that looks back, is not the biggest hardship these people face. Now I am not the only person who has had these experiences, in the 2021 UK census, 0.5% of the population said that their gender was different from that at birth, and that’s just those over 16 who answered the question. This group of people who are part of the LGBT community. 
Now, we all know of the LGBT community, all know people in it, friends, families, acquaintances, celebrities, all that jazz. There is two whole months of celebrating, February and June, LGBT History month and Pride month, respectively. And, well, I’m sure we’ve all heard, maybe said, maybe thought pf a simple question: ‘Why do we need Pride Month?’ 
Pride Month, set in June, is filled with celebration, parades, floats, weird things in stores that are just there for corporation’s capitalist games. Many of us have issues with the way that companies have commercialised a period of joy and triumph over hardships. By turning this month, a time of celebrating, into a time of consummation of as many distastefully designed products as they can, businesses have ignored the persecution, execution, homicide, and torture inflicted on the LGBT community in favour of making a pretty penny. You might be thinking ‘doesn’t doing it in the name of the community help? No, not when they aren’t working to educate people. Not when they don’t donate even the smallest part of their profit to an LGBT charity, actions speak louder than words, so if these companies are really trying to help, they should practise what they preach.  
You may think I’m saying: ‘No we don’t need Pride Month,’ but I am instead saying the exact opposite, we need the celebration. We need education on the history, hardships, and rights of a group of people that make up a rough 20% of our world (that is 1 in 5 people). We should donate to charities that help Queer People who are homeless, on the run or being abused because of something that they were literally born as. We must look at our laws and how they prevent those who aren’t cis-het from living a normal life. But we must also step away from looking at the pretty face of Pride and instead see how we can change for the better. 
In 2021, there were 375 recorded murders of trans people globally with 95% being trans women. This number has been steadily increasing every year, and I would like you to remember that this is recorded deaths where the motivation was because the victim was trans. In 69 countries it is illegal to be queer (as of 2020)including Barbados, Malaysia, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Liberia (Afghanistan, Algeria, Antigua & Barbuda, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bhutan, Brunei, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Cook Islands, Dominica, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian Territory (Gaza Strip), Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe- include list in PowerPoint-)- in fact 70% of the commonwealth it is illegal. Now, here we should be both proud and disturbed that this is something we are proud of, in only 10 countries is homosexuality punished through capital punishment. That is right, being executed because of who you are, including Brunei, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen. (Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Quatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, and Yemen -include list on PowerPoint-). 
In England and Wales only decriminalised male homosexuality in 1967 (with female homosexuals legal throughout time and law which makes relatively little sense because either they didn’t believe lesbians exist or some other strange reason). However, despite being frowned upon, male homosexuality was only punishable by death from 1533 in the UK, another reason to despise Henry VIII. It was only in 2001 when the age of consent for queer couples was lowered to 16, the same as the heterosexuals. In 2000, people could be openly queer in the military, in 2005 both the legal ability to change gender and Same-Sex civil partnership was legalised and in 2014, the same was applied to Same-Sex Marriage. Surprisingly it was only 2020 when Northern Ireland did the same, with Cuba and Slovenia legalising in 2022 and Andorra’s Same-Sex marriage laws coming into affect this year. A total of 34 countries have legalised Same-sex marriage, including Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico and Taiwan. (Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands,, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay -include list on PowerPoint?). 
Now as we can see through legislation, despite us getting excited about 34 countries doing the bare minimum, there is still a lot of work for us to do. However, it is best to understand why we need Pride month if we look back at its origins. Pride Month originated after the Stonewall riots in the US 1969, the UK had their first Pride celebration in 1972, thus the 50-year celebration in the New Years celebration last year. The Stonewall Riots began in the 28th June 1969 when Police raided the Stonewall Inn, brutalised a number of patrons for being suspected homosexuals, female police officers to certain Patrons into the bathroom to check their sex because they thought they were crossdressing- there where laws on crossdressing which is mad- and it ended with the Patrons fighting back, a catalyst that started a gay rights movement. Now if you have heard ‘Glad To Be Gay’ by the Tom Robinson band, or you are a Marauders fan, or you just pay attention in History, you would know that up until the 1980s, Police would raid gay pubs and arrest queer people for stuff like resisting arrest- which makes no sense because why would they be being arrested for resisting arrest, what was the original charge?- and there was just a lot of violence against the LGBT community, because that is exactly what they needed during the AIDs epidemic when they were losing many friends and lovers to an invisible enemy.  
Now with that briefest History you will ever get from me, I do hope you see how important it is that we recognise, remember and rebel for the sake of the millions of people killed throughout time for being something that God made them. We need pride month to remember the trials and tribulations, we have, are and will face but also show how far we have come. Hopefully next time you think about a question similar to this one, or choose to completely disregard common sense, you will remember why the LGBT community shout, fight, rebel, cry, celebrate and laugh, and rethink what you’re saying.
umm yh idk why im sharing this. this was the first draft (i couldn't find the last lol' but yh hope you enjoyed.
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To Papa IV...
I just wanna put this weight out of my shoulders... I am horribly stressed by the situation of my country right now. We had the elections in 2022 and Lula won (he is from the 'woke side', or 'left side' as we call it in Brazil), I was very happy even though i'm not a big fan of him, because our ex-president Bolsonaro (2018-2022) was a homophobic misogynistic imbecile that hid behind "Christian values" and conquered a legion of hallucinated fans and as scoundrels as he is (most of them are christians too). And one of these imbecile fans is, guess who? My father. Almost my whole family, actually, except for my mom and some aunts. Before yesterday (01/08/2022), a grup of imbecile fans literally INVADED THE PRESIDENTIAL PLATEAU because they didn't accept Lula's victory, people were hurted, police men, animals, innocent people that had nothing to do with their insanity, it was an absolute chaos. His fans are truly terrorists, false christians, conservative maniacs and absolutely disgusting discriminators of minorities. My father was so but so happy that all of this chaos happened, and he wished that those imbeciles to burn the houses of certain judges and other people who were in favor of Lula. Him, his sister and other people in my family are PRAYING (yes, PRAYING TO THEIR GOD) for a CIVIL WAR to happen, they want people to DIE. My dad said out loud and in all the words that innocent people MUST DIE for the "greater good" to be done; in this case, so that the ex-psychopathic, dumb, prejudiced president, who caused the death of more than 700 thousand people due to his negligence during the 2020-2021 pandemic, can return to power. These are the citizens of good moral followers of Jesus Christ.
I am actually scared that a civil war can happen. You don't need to search too much to find agressive, murderous attacks of Bolsonaro's supporters – BOLSOMINIONS, as we call them – against other people (LGBT people, dark-skinned people, women, or simply people with red clothes because red is the symbol of Lula's entourage). They are like animals, ready to attack and KILL (yes, kill) people that are different from them. The last months of 2022 was full of videos of Bolsominions attacking cars and even pedestrians because they didn't accept democracy. Shit... such poor, maniac, pitiful minds.
I just wanted to hear some comfort of my favorite Papa, the one I love so much, and to hear what you think about this. It's a horrible situation. I hope things can move on without violence, and i hope those Bolsominions will wake up one day... one day, who knows.
Sweetest one,
I can only imagine the stress you feel and I am deeply sorry that this is happening around you. These are terrible things for anyone to witness. Violence and hate, these show the worst side of humanity. When people who boast about a message of love and godliness, discriminate and persecute- they are worse than the demons they fear. These demons are not real. Fabricated specters of their own design they feel they must fight. They oppose what they do not understand. They would rather fight for some ideals that have been propagandized so deeply in their mind that they have been blinded to what they think morality is anymore. Brainwashed masses of poor souls with a thirst for vengeance upon a faceless deceiver they have been so well trained to feel threatened by.
This is an unfortunate part of our history that keeps repeating itself in different times and places, all with a similar manifestation. A group of people have beliefs that differ enough from another’s that the clash devolves into chaos and death. Pointless death. The solace I hope to impart to you, dolce, is that this fire in their hearts, one they feel will last forever, will burn out. A spirit that is tainted in this way will never survive. It is normal to feel both hatred and sorrow for the same folks who are part of this destruction, because they are unaware that they are carrying out their own demise in doing so. We can hope they see their error before too much damage has been done. We cannot bring back those who have been lost but we can honor them by staying together, like a stronghold in the storm. The more support there is, the more there is left standing when the storm passes.
Whenever and however you can, surround yourself with people you love and who love you. Support each other, cry and laugh when you need to, and don’t let those with words of hate on their tongues talk you out of losing that hope. You are doing so well in all of this and I am very proud of you. I know you are strong and I know you can keep going. Remember that you are never alone and that even though some people are piece of shit assholes, there are some good ones out there.
All of my love to you, my dear.
- IV
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Bring back the old days when men used to kill themselves if these kinds of pictures went public
By Genevieve Gluck February 18, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains photos which might be considered Not Safe For Work. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A British retailer is under fire after featuring a transgender BDSM fetishist in a new ad campaign highlighting “diverse” employees. To commemorate LGBT+ History Month, John Lewis Partnership (JLP) released a photo exhibition called the Identity Project, which highlights staff who identify as transgender or queer. The content was created as part of JLP’s 32-page internal magazine, Identity, which was distributed to the company’s 80,000 employees.
Yet critics on social media swiftly pointed out that some participants in the photography project had troubling backgrounds — including one trans-identified male who had been uploading disturbing bondage fetish photos to his Flickr and Facebook accounts
Marc Geoffrey Albert Whitcombe, who was positively profiled in the campaign, has worked for JLP at Waitrose Brighton for over two decades. In February 2021, Whitcombe legally changed his name to “Ruby Geoffrey Michael Porcelain Whitcombe,” in accordance with his self-declared transgender status.
According to the image produced in collaboration with photographer Chris Jepson for JLP, Whitcombe began to identify as transgender in 2015 “after accessing mental health support.” The photo of Whitcombe depicts him in fetish attire, wearing a wig, and holding a multi-tailed whip.
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“[He] came out to [his] friends and family and started transitioning, presenting more and more as female, and [he] now presents as female full-time,” reads the copy, referring to Whitcombe with feminine pronouns. “[His] transition brought about a new confidence that saw [him] start performing at local competitions and open mics, culminating in lip-syncing for Graham Norton in the grand final of one of Europe’s biggest Lip Sync competitions and singing live on stage at one of Europe’s biggest trans Pride events.”
Prior to identifying as transgender, Whitcombe had been performing as a drag queen at burlesque shows under the moniker Tran-Tula. A Facebook account used to promote his events is described as “a page for my kinky and trans-drag performing alter-ego.”
Posting under the alias Ruby Porcelain online, Whitcombe has uploaded hundreds of images of himself in fetish gear, bondage, and lingerie. Some photos depicted Whitcombe in dresses, spreading his legs to reveal himself in women’s underwear, and others show Whitcombe holding sex toys in his mouth.
Under a now-deleted Flickr account, Whitcombe can be seen in a variety of sexual poses, holding handcuffs, wearing a police uniform and brandishing a whip, or sporting thigh-high PVC boots.
Pornographic images seen by Reduxx that were saved under Whitcombe’s favorites folder depict other “sissy” crossdressing men in bondage, hogtied and gagged, or alternatively decked out in silicone costumes designed to resemble women — part of a fetish subculture known as female masking.
One of the first groups joined by Whitcombe, according to his profile, is a crossdressing fetish community where men share similar content, captioned with pornographic language, such as “Sucking cock: the ultimate turn-on,” and, “Who goes out in public?”
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Ruby Whitcombe.
An alternative Flickr account run by Whitcombe interacts with dozens of groups dedicated to photos of graveyards. Whitcombe uses the account to share hundreds of his own images of cemeteries and tombstones as a participant in a taphophilia subculture that celebrates a compulsive interest in the rituals of death. In one Facebook post dated April 2020, Whitcombe states that he regularly frequents graveyards in order to “exercise.”
Following the revelation of Whitcombe’s sadomasochistic proclivities, JLP Executive Director James Bailey released an internal staff memo that was leaked by former barrister and advocate James Esses.
“You may have seen coverage in the press and on social media over the past 24 hours following the publication of the Identity magazine,” reads the memo. “We have an ambition to become the UK’s most inclusive employer, because celebrating diversity will make us a better business. That means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome irrespective of their backgrounds or beliefs.”
The statement went on to offer mental health support to any individual who had been “affected” by any of the “coverage,” without mentioning the fetish content and pornography that had been publicly shared by Whitcombe.
Ruby Whitcombe.
An alternative Flickr account run by Whitcombe interacts with dozens of groups dedicated to photos of graveyards. Whitcombe uses the account to share hundreds of his own images of cemeteries and tombstones as a participant in a taphophilia subculture that celebrates a compulsive interest in the rituals of death. In one Facebook post dated April 2020, Whitcombe states that he regularly frequents graveyards in order to “exercise.”
Following the revelation of Whitcombe’s sadomasochistic proclivities, JLP Executive Director James Bailey released an internal staff memo that was leaked by former barrister and advocate James Esses.
“You may have seen coverage in the press and on social media over the past 24 hours following the publication of the Identity magazine,” reads the memo. “We have an ambition to become the UK’s most inclusive employer, because celebrating diversity will make us a better business. That means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome irrespective of their backgrounds or beliefs.”
The statement went on to offer mental health support to any individual who had been “affected” by any of the “coverage,” without mentioning the fetish content and pornography that had been publicly shared by Whitcombe.
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Other JLP employees featured in the LGBT+ campaign included a nursery advisor in bondage gear associated with the so called ‘pup’ and furry community, which incorporates a sexual interest in dressing up as animals. Additionally, Liberal Democrat councillor Sean Macleod, of Lewes and Eastbourne, was profiled despite being publicly criticized last year for a “misogynistic” social media post which read, “Fuck the TERFs,” a euphemism for women who oppose gender identity policies.
In 2019, public outcry erupted after John Lewis’ clothing retail shops were discovered to have adopted a ‘gender-neutral’ policy for its changing rooms, which, as critics pointed out, allowed men who declared a transgender status to use the fitting rooms reserved for women.
In the days leading up to the most recent controversy, which saw John Lewis trending on social media platform X for two days with calls for a boycott, Esses had criticized what he called the “trans takeover of John Lewis,” and described in detail other aspects of JLP’s Identity magazine.
“This month, JLP published a new internal magazine, entitled ‘Identity’. It was the brainchild of JLP’s ‘LGBTQIA+ network’. It was promoted to every one of its 80,000 staff members (known as Partners). A copy of the magazine was sent to me by someone working at JLP, too afraid to speak out themselves,” Esses wrote on his Substack.
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Among the concerning ideological content highlighted by Esses was the promotion of breast binders for minors and pressure from higher-ups on personnel to wear pronoun badges at work.
“Most worrying of all is when the article goes on to recommend Mermaids as a resource to parents. This is the same Mermaids currently under investigation by the Charity Commission for safeguarding concerns, including sending breast binders to children behind parents’ backs,” Esses says.
“Shockingly, the article goes a step further, by actually recommending online videos which show children how to achieve their ‘desired gender identity, for example, chest binders’. Readers are told that ‘a binder is always safer than the alternatives.'”
Women’s rights campaigner and founder of advocacy group Sex Matters, Maya Forstater, referred to JLP’s promotion of Whitcombe as part of a larger trend she called “bring your autogynephilia to work,” a term defined as a male sexual fetish for pretending to be female.
“It is sexist and insulting to women to pretend that these men’s hobby of dressing up and wearing wigs makes them women,” Forstater remarked.
In recent years, several other men have been held up as role models for wearing sexualized female-coded attire. One of the men presented as an example of the phenomenon, Philip, or ‘Pippa’ Bunce, was in 2018 included in a list of Britain’s top 100 female executives compiled for the Champions of Women in Business awards.
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virginmiri99 · 1 year
Overview: Clementine lived a very short life from December 2020 -July 18th 2021. In those short months Tommy created a phenomenon that remains a blueprint to this day. KNOW YOUR HERSTORY!!!
Clementine started with this fateful clip in December 2020. (Sorry it’s a YouTube reel tiktok short clone but it’s quick and efficient to watch!) From there, Clementine was born off the other clips where Tommy names animals with an affinity for that name.
FAN HISTORY: The first trans lesbian Tommy fanfiction was published on December 12th, 2020 based of the titular clip from the dsmp. Though, the first fanfiction to mention the name Clementine was published December 18th, 2020–just days after the first one—but does not feature the name Clementine as Tommy’s chosen name. The first time Tommy is given the name Clementine come from this random ass dsmp lore fic set after exile posted on December 18th, 2020 just hours after the last one was posted. Thus, slowly began the take over of the name Clementine as opposed to any other random ass name. Clementine began a short journey, perpetrated by Tommy’s own mannerisms in was an excitable time of his life.
Who’s that girl?
- Comparing himself to Disney princesses such as Rupunzel [clip]
- Kareninnit [compilation]
- Girlboss! [clip] [clip] [clip] [clip] [clip]
- Who’s that girl? It’s Tommy! (New Girl reference) [clip]
- I’m her first girlfriend! [clip]
- Just Dance? Asking for gender in 2022?! [clip]
- Misgendered in 2022??? [clip]
-First off, I'm a girl [clip]
-Phil, can you start calling me queen? [clip]
[BONUS: GIRL VOICE!!! [clip]]
- Lesbian enthusiasm [clip]
- The titular “I relate to lesbians” clip 😭 [clip]
- Tommy’s favorite letter of LGBT is L [clip]
- Excited to meet a lesbian couple! [clip]
- Am I a lesbian? I don’t know* [clip]
*NOTE: this is the last time Tommy ever mentioned being a girl/lesbian ever again. The backlash from this clip was extreme, reaching all the way to my KPOP mutuals who bullied him. It was such a big deal even mainblr weighed in on his side, calling out the people saying he couldn’t be a lesbian by saying that mindset is inherently transphobic, bc even if Tommy isn’t a trans lesbian named Clementine what would your closeted friends think of your mindset? Despite this, Tommy never mentioned being a girl or the word lesbian ever again. :(
Specifically not wanting to be a man
- I wish I was a fish bc there are no male fish [clip]
- Why would I ever want to be a man, Wilbur?
- I’m like Charli D’amelio. No. I’m not a man. [clip]
-I’m Sorry I just looked up “Tommy supporting lgbt” bc I can’t be bothered to find clips to prove he supports the lgbt community. We all know he does. I didn’t even watch this so sorry… [clip]
BONUS!!! Things that don’t really count but are fun ^_^
- Ladies? Don’t mind if I do! [tiktok]
- Makeup filter [tiktok]
- Good Clementine fanfiction, Latency [link]
- The iconic faceapp that makes me cry with laughter
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-Its that time of the month!
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-Tommy must really love gay people because that water bottle is ugly as hell
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-My faceapps
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
The Legacy of Vice President Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris made history in 2021 when she was sworn in as the 49th Vice President of the United States, becoming the first woman, first Black person, and first person of South Asian descent to hold this office. Her election alongside President Joe Biden marked a significant milestone in American politics and representation.
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As Vice President, Harris has taken on several key responsibilities within the Biden administration. She has been tasked with addressing complex issues such as immigration reform, voting rights, and broadband access. Her role often involves diplomatic missions, representing the United States in meetings with foreign leaders and at international forums.
Harris brings to the office a diverse background in law and politics. Prior to her vice presidency, she served as a U.S. Senator from California, the state's Attorney General, and the District Attorney of San Francisco. This experience informs her approach to policy and governance in her current role.
In her capacity as Vice President, Harris also serves as President of the Senate, casting tie-breaking votes when necessary. She has used this position to advance key legislation aligned with the administration's agenda.
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Throughout her tenure, Harris has emphasized themes of unity, equality, and the importance of American democracy. She frequently speaks about breaking barriers and encourages young people, especially girls and people of color, to aspire to leadership roles.
As Vice President, Harris continues to navigate the complexities of national and international politics while carrying the hopes and expectations of those who see her role as a step toward a more inclusive America.
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LGBT Gay Pride Rainbow is a powerful symbol of diversity, inclusion, and celebration within the LGBTQ+ community. The rainbow flag, created by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978, has become an internationally recognized emblem of gay pride and LGBTQ+ rights.
The flag's six vibrant colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet - represent different aspects of the LGBTQ+ experience: life, healing, sunlight, nature, harmony, and spirit. This colorful symbol is prominently displayed during Pride events, parades, and celebrations worldwide.
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Gay Pride events, often held in June to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall riots, are joyful gatherings that celebrate LGBTQ+ identity, promote visibility, and advocate for equal rights. These events feature rainbow-adorned participants, floats, and performances, creating a festive and inclusive atmosphere.
The rainbow symbol extends beyond flags to various forms of expression, including clothing, accessories, art, and even corporate logos during Pride month. It serves as a beacon of hope and solidarity for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies alike, promoting a message of love, acceptance, and the right to live authentically.
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dallaslivenews · 4 years
Pride flag killing suspect appears to have a long history of anti-LGBTQ social posts
The 27-year-old man who police say shot and killed a California business owner over a Pride flag draped in her store appears to have had a yearslong history of posting disturbing — and often violent — anti-LGBTQ messages on social media. 
The suspect, Travis Ikeguchi, gunned down Laura Ann Carleton, 66, on Friday, after confronting her and “yelling many homophobic slurs” over her clothing store’s Pride flag, San Bernardino County Sheriff Shannon Dicus said at a news conference Monday. Shortly after fleeing the store, Mag.Pi, Ikeguchi was killed in a shootout with law enforcement.
Officials said Ikeguchi had a history of sharing posts that were critical of the LGBTQ community on social media, including on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.
While officials said they have not received confirmation on social media pages belonging to Ikeguchi, an X account that includes Ikeguchi’s full name was created in 2015. Throughout the account’s existence, posts were shared repeatedly using the suspect’s full name and at least one post included a California location, which corresponds with the suspect’s known state of residence.
Many of the account’s earlier tweets include references to Christianity and anti-LGBTQ sentiments. In June 2018, the account rebuked a Mastercard advertisement that featured model Elliott Sailors talking about LGBTQ inclusion.
“LGBT people need to stop asking the world for acceptance, instead they should start accepting Jesus Christ in their hearts and turn away from their false sexual identity that the devil deceived them to be!” the account tweeted,” calling LGBTQ inclusion “a cancer.” 
In August 2021, the account compared the user’s views on LGBTQ rights with his views on abortion, saying, “Abortion is a path to death for the unborn. LGBTQ is a path to death for the once who are already been born.”
In some of the account’s more recent posts — and as anti-LGBTQ rhetoric has become somewhat mainstream among far-right elected officials and media pundits — the anti-LGBTQ comments appeared to become more graphic and violent. 
On June 13, during Pride Month, the account posted a photo of a burning Pride flag with the text: “What to do with the LGBTQP flag?” The “P” added to the LGBTQ initialism appears to refer to “pedophile,” a trope that has resurfaced in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric over the last two years. 
Three days later, the account retweeted and condemned an image of a scissor cutting through the center of the “LGBTIQA+” initialism, which appears to advocate for gay, lesbian and bisexual people dissociating from the transgender and gender-nonconforming communities.
“This tactic is not going to solve anything. Where you are cutting off the legs of the octopus and can grow back another one,” the account wrote. “KILL THE OCTOPUS!! Not just its legs!!!”
More recently, the account retweeted several posts with anti-LGBTQ sentiments from right-wing provocateur Matt Walsh, who has over 2.4 million followers on X, and far-right cable news channel One America News Network, also known as OAN.
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