#liam oc
pocharimochi · 11 days
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Revisiting Liam Blackwood
Yes, because it’s easier to make one boy happy when he’s just the male! Version of your dearest Lily :p
On another note, he’s such a cutie and it’s apparent (in this AU) he takes more after his dad but still possesses the gentle charm of his mom.
While he is athletic, people get surprised when he does feats out of the ordinary or displays great reflexes due to his appearance. Although he is still from a wealthy family, he has a part time job as a delivery boy for the Blackwood pharmacy business, and a delivery boy for an in-town bakery.
When he is not busy running errands across the kingdom, he continues his vigilante cover as Crow. He continues to stand against the power-hungry royal military, and their corrupted sense of justice and pride to doing whatever they want with citizens of the kingdom of Atolis, and nearby villages.
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distracted-obsessions · 14 hours
Can't You Hear Me Scream? Part 1
Warnings: Shock collars, calling Whumpee 'Puppy', mild disassociation (I think), mild sleep deprivation, TV show hosts.
Please tell me if I need to tag anything else.
Knock, knock.
Mal groaned at the knock at the door, far too tired to actually get out of the pile of soft blankets and plush pillows that made up his little nest on the floor. From the long day of press releases and photo ops with 'the city's greatest heroes' to a long, overcast night fighting supervillains and getting his ass kicked while he hoped for a glimpse at the moon, he had barely been awake when he crawled into the nest last night. That hadn't stopped the nightmares but then again, nothing would.
"Mal?" A far too chipper voice said through the door. Liam. "Mal, you're going to miss breakfast! Wake up!" a couple more knocks at the door.
Mal rolled over and covered his head with a pillow. He just wanted to sleep. Preferably without dreams.
There was an uncomfortable buzz from the shock collar around Mal's neck, a warning of pain that shocked him awake in a moment, making him sit up in the nest. "I'm awake!" Mal shouted, hoping to avoid a real shock. "I'll be out in a minute!"
"You better be! You know how the captain gets when our puppy doesn't eat!" Liam laughed, not unkindly, but Mal flinched at the nickname anyway. He really should have been used to it by now. After 5 years at Camp Rainer and 3 different teams after that, he should have been used to being called 'puppy'. But it made his inner wolf growl with irritation every time, self-preservation be damned.
"I'll hurry," Mal said, reaching to pull on some clothes. He didn't dally but he still expected it when a second warning buzz came 5 minutes later, this one probably from the captain. He trudged out of his room and headed to the dining room, ignoring the happy chatter as he sat at the table and laid his head on the cool wood, closing his eyes.
"You tired, Mal?" Maya asked with a gentle smile.
Mal smiled back out of habit and nodded. "Just stayed up too late last night. I'll be fine."
"Good," the captain, Simon, said, putting a plate of food down for Mal and petting him in between his wolf ears. "We have an interview with Callie so you need to eat up and be well-rested so that you don't try to bite people's heads off."
Mal fixed his hair and dutifully ate the food set in front of him. He hated interviews and Callie specifically. The fake smiles and cutting remarks made him want to bang his head against the wall. She wasn't any worse than any other TV show host but she seemed just as equally upset that the team treated Mal like a dog as she was likely to treat him like one herself. The hypocrisy itself was enough to make Mal's head hurt.
Mal ate quietly while the team ran over test questions and rehearsed answers. Mal didn't need to participate. He didn't technically have to be there at all. He was just there to show how good the rehabilitation centers like Camp Rainier were at taming wild beasts like Mal and he was already an expert at that. He hadn't even realized that he had zoned out until-
"And before we forget, we should probably change Mal into his public appearances collar."
Mal glanced at Kate, carefully keeping his face neutral as twin waves of anger and anxiety ran down his spine. His 'public appearances' collar was about four times more sensitive than his normal collar and the shocks ramped up in intensity much quicker. Even on his most careful and obedient behavior, he still got shocked at least once every time he wore it. If he didn't know this team better and didn't know the policy he might have assumed that they were just cruel for the sake of cruelty. Sadly, he did know better and no amount of begging would change policy. He had tried.
"Thank you, Kate," Simon said, pushing Mal's plate closer to him in an effort to make him eat more. He knew from experience that just being in that collar made Mal lose his appetite. Mal took a moment to indulge in some healthy annoyance at that before shoving everything back into their respective boxes in his head and forcing down a few more bites. "Liam, since you're done eating, can you go grab that?"
"Right away, Captain!" Liam left whatever he was tinkering with today on the table and left the room. Mal managed about four more bites before Liam came back. His fingers tightened around the fork, the thought of stabbing Liam with it and bolting entering his head and immediately being directed towards the appropriate box as he slowly put the fork down and pushed away his plate.
Simon stood and walked around behind Mal, turning off and unbuckling his current collar and putting the new one on. It was sleek and black, the 'corrective measure' more hidden but easily seen when pointed out. Mal's shoulders tensed when Simon switched it on, the tell-tale beep almost making Mal flinch. Simon rested one hand on Mal's shoulder and pet him with the other until Mal could force himself to relax back into his calm mask.
"Good boy," Simon said in that same deadpan he said everything in. Mal knew it was just the conditioning that made him preen at the praise but that didn't make him stop. Just sent an undercurrent of frustration through his head. Simon gave him one last pat and sat back down, leaving Mal to figure out how to breathe around the collar.
They finished breakfast quickly and piled into the armored car to head to the studio. When they got there, everyone got into their makeup and headed to their spots, having small chats with Callie and the staff. Mal mostly just sat quietly in his chair and started weaving in his head to calm himself down.
In. Out. Over. Through. Add another color. First color in. Second color out. Second color over. First color through.
The music that signaled the start of the show played and Mal made sure he hadn't forgotten to put on a smile before going back to his weaving. Add another color. Second color in. Third color out. Carry first color. Third color over. Second color through. Carry first color.
"So Mal, how has working with the city's greatest heroes been treating you?" Callie asked in her blindingly bright voice.
Mal looked at her and then glanced around at the team. The captain's serine smile and eyes that stared right through Callie, Liam's bouncing leg and hands signing the conversation to the crowd, Kate's calm, neutral expression and subtle 'get on with it' gesture, Maya's expectant look and encouraging smile. He heard his own screams playing from one of the boxes in his head as he turned back to Callie with his own calm smile.
"Better than anything else in the world."
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montammil · 1 year
In the Darkest Hours - Part One
CW: Lab whump (a little), multiple whumpers, inhuman whumpee, rockslide, obsessive behavior, pet whump (hinted), briefly mentioned abuse
When Liam was little, he saw one of the last ever documented Winged's ever to exist. Her wings were flame-red.
She was in a circus, but even child-him chose to ignore the bruises on her body, how every part of her except her wings were well-kept. He, and the audience, were too stunned to really pay attention. Not like they would've cared, anyway. Many people had Winged's as pets, no one was required to respect them.
The numbers dwindled down over the decades, and soon Winged's were even being poached. Masters had to keep their Winged's in closed doors at all times, and eventually the government took the last ones away.
Liam became infatuated with wanting to find more. He was sure there had to be at least one more left, but he was sure there were more than that. He was sure if he just looked and studied hard enough, he'd find something to find more and become rich. He'd even get a Winged of his own, and he hoped it'd have bright red wings, just like hers.
He started working for a private research center, surrounded by the research of all creatures that aren't human. Laws were different, there were more equal rights for others like the Horned, Scaled, and Gilled, but since there were no Winged's out there... there were no laws protecting them.
As he grew older, he grew more bitter. His obsession started to dwindle down by the time he reached thirty, and he thought he moved on, accepting that if there are any more Winged's on this planet, the chances of him getting his hands on them would be low.
Until one night, that is.
Alden has gotten better at hiding his wings, even if it still hurts like hell. He's managed to tuck them by his sides, and though it looks strange and unnatural, people still seem to shrug it off, considering he's done this several times.
He's glad he lives in a remote and cold area, because it gives him an excuse to bundle up and hide his wings better, and go to less-populated markets.
"Hey, Al. Haven't seen you in a while."
"Oh, hey, Em. Sorry, I've been kind of busy."
She chuckles. "I can tell. If you spend all your time in those caves, you're going to get hurt, you know."
"I'm fine."
She raises a brow but leaves it at that with a casual goodbye once he pays for his things. It's a miracle he can afford it, barely scraping by. At least he never has to worry about his medical expenses, since there's no way he'd trust any doctor with his wings. He'd get turned in, no doubt.
Alden goes to drop off his things at his cabin, and then decides some mining wouldn't hurt. He hit it big about a month ago, at least bigger than what he normally finds there. 
Since no one's ever down in the caves or the river, he decides to throw one of his jackets off. Everyone else in the town thinks he just gets cold easily, which is somewhat true, but not totally true.
He hums quietly to himself as he makes his way down the steep rocks. It's also extremely conventional he lives so close to the mining site. He grabs his helmet with a cap light from his backpack, his pickaxe and chisel, and leaves the rest of the equipment outside the cave. 
He knows where everything is, and he likes keeping his surroundings clear so no one gets hurt. He takes one of the mining lamps and lights it up, walking in further until he gets to his first spot of interest.
He sees something shiny in a small crevice of the rocks, so he picks up his pickaxe and chisel and starts hacking away at the rocks, trying to get whatever it is out of the crack. 
He has no idea what it might be, but it has to be valuable or it wouldn't be so deep in the crevice.
It's difficult work, and by the end of the day he's covered in sweat and dirt, and near what looks like the back of the cave. He decides he'll try one more location before leaving.
Just as he gets back to the close entrance of the cave, he finds one more area. He only hacks at the spot four times when he feels the whole cave start to shake. 
His head snaps up and he tries to look at what he's doing, but it's too dark, even with the light on his helmet.
Before he can rush out of the cave, the whole thing caves in and everything goes black.
"Dr. Schultz, you won't believe what we just found!"
"I really don't care," Liam responds bitterly, not looking up from his paperwork. "Can you shut the door on your way out, Blake? That'd greatly be appreciated--"
"It's a Winged."
That causes Liam to abruptly stop writing. His ballpoint pen falls out of his hand and onto his desk. He looks up at his assistant with wide, disbelieving eyes. "You're kidding."
Blake smiles. "No joke."
Liam quickly stands up from his desk and looks at him. "Is this real? You're sure?"
He nods. "He was recently transported here. He might be asleep for a while. Poor thing was in a cave that had collapsed."
"Show me now."
They make their way to a certain room, and Blake opens the door to room 640, where the Winged is located. He moves to open the door for Liam, but Liam shoves past him and throws open the door himself. 
He runs over to the Winged, who is currently laying on a bed with all sorts of medical equipment hooked up to him. He immediately goes to examining his wings. "Good, they don't seem injured much..." He frowns deeper at the color. "Blue. I wanted red wings."
"He's likely the last Winged alive," Blake mumbles, out of annoyance of Liam's reaction, or lack thereof. He knows a little about the slightly younger man's obsession with Wingeds, but he really thought he'd have more of a reaction at the extremely rare find, regardless of the color of wings.
Liam doesn't acknowledge him. He seems to be focusing on the Winged, taking in every detail. "Do we have any kind of file for him yet?"
"Not that I know of."
Liam continues to stare at the Winged in silence for several minutes. "I think we need to do some tests first before we do anything with him. We'll have to bring in some other doctors. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Herman for me. I have a lot of work to do."
"Yes, sir."
"Oh, and when he wakes up, notify me immediately." He doesn't wait for Blake to respond before leaving. He simply walks out the door without a goodbye, as per usual.
As soon as he's gone, Blake looks back at the sleeping Winged. He thinks the blue looks nice, shiny and almost iridescent.
History has proven Winged's are more comparable to obedient dogs than birds, given they are loyal and compliant, even if they start off stubborn and short-tempered at first.
Liam can have the Winged as his patient, but Blake wants a loyal pet. He thinks he's found the perfect candidate.
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sk3tch404 · 5 months
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Can i just say GOOODDDD DAMN Lilith was cute but Liam.
If he asked me to hop into his long white van for a "joy ride," no questions asked, my seatbelt is already locked in. Put on the heater now bc we're gonna be here a while 😼😼
YOU ATE THAT GIRLIE. LIKE IM LOVINGGGG THE POSTURE TECHNIQUE AND PLACEMENT UGH JEALOUS 😭😜😍 When I draw two people they look like two entirely different pieces cut out and slapped next to each other. Weirdly.
I look saur coot omg no wayyyyy tysm 😭🙏❤ Esp the hair. OMG LIAMS HAIR. AUHHHHHUGHHHHHH 😩😩❤ If you cant tell what that is, if yk Cupcakke, then just know it sounds just like her.
Sorry I havent been interacting sm online. Irl has got REALLLLLL so my summer delusions have to be hold on fr 😞
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colourmesurprised894 · 7 months
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Day 3 - School uniform
I decided to draw this one digitally on clip studio paint, it was nice to properly draw Liam in a school uniform, I’ve done doodles of him in uniform before but this is more, idk concrete?? He looks cool, the jacket reminds me of the suit I drew him in for yesterday’s prompt.
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jellobunnz · 1 year
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Oc doodle
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Season 3 memes!
Wow, I’ve been drawing Andrew so much today. Anywayssss
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awkward-anomalies · 2 years
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Last casual outfit of the trio, I'll be postin more anomalies next
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daisyblog · 14 days
Unexpected Love
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Summary:  Harry and YN were set up on a date by their mutual friend Jonny. Harry is a famous singer who was in the middle of writing his second album, and YN is a single Mum who was trying to juggle motherhood and owning a florist. Neither were expecting to fall deep. This is Unexpected Love. 
First Date Harry and YN are set up on a date.
Wine, Pizza and Never Have I Ever Harry and YN’s second date.
New Friend Harry Meets Jacob.
Perfect Harry and YN’s “first time” together.
Home To Mother Harry introduces YN and Jacob to Anne.
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grendel-menz · 7 months
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bad maids make great surgeons and better men
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pocharimochi · 10 days
The canon event happened.
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He might be a different gender in another universe, but the hearty appetite still comes with consequences to the waistline 😉
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meoware · 16 days
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Shitposts. [1, 2]. Fankid doodle under the cut.
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medicsmalewife · 4 months
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they're just besties, your honor ☝🏻
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this is the reference
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colourmesurprised894 · 7 months
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Day 19 - Doing something they enjoy
It has been 2 weeks since I did an Inktober drawing, which is a bit embarrassing, but a lot has been happening this month. For todays drawing I decided to draw Liam doing some baking, he isn’t a proficient baker exactly but it’s something that he likes doing occasionally in his free time, he mostly makes simple cakes or brownies, but he always makes sure to pack some to share with his friends.
(I was tired so I just used a pencil to ‘colour’ it instead of black ink)
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yuckybusiness · 3 months
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learning about the culture
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Anyways. Season 3 corruption arc moment
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