#life on dialysis
superflaminggayelmo · 4 months
Damn near forgot today was Saturday (aka a treatment day). Thank g*d for my alarm going off
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RTD please bring Susan back I’m begging you can have both my kidneys I don’t care 😭😭😭
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islandofthesnakes · 1 year
Ik this probably isnt gnna get much traction but...
My grandma is dying and my fam is poor so we need some help
any and all help is appreciated, thanks
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twobarklessdogs · 9 months
Y'all, I'm so fucking depressed.
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waywardvagabonds · 4 months
I am experiencing entirely too many emotions at once right now and it is literally making my head hurt.
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nicklightbunny · 7 months
Kari it's 3 AM and I just got pain meds and since I for some reason chickened out asking my actual nurse I'm curious: what made you decide to go into nursing?
if we’re being wholeheartedly honest the job security :pensive: but the longer and actual reason is that my dad is a nurse and healthcare ( but nursing especially ) is such a versatile field that you can go to just about anything in and still make a pretty good salary and with enough experience do travel nursing which pays more and allows for you to travel , all expenses paid , etc etc . it’s literally like the hardest thing ive ever done and i think going to nursing school is going to be worse ( i don’t think it i know it will ) but it’s a very rewarding field
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ex-furry · 2 years
the way people do not realize how traumatizing it is to have a sick parent is baffling to me
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snowandstarlight · 2 years
fun fact: most of the time when you get a kidney transplant, we don’t take out either of your original kidneys. so there are people out there with 3 or even 4 kidneys
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hey google how to not get pissed off at a senile person you have to take care of
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townpostin · 20 days
New 100-Bed Spand Hospital Set to Open in Jamshedpur
Health Minister Banna Gupta to inaugurate advanced multispeciality facility on Sept 7 Spand Multispeciality Hospital, a new 100-bed facility with cutting-edge medical equipment, is set to open in Jamshedpur. JAMSHEDPUR – A state-of-the-art 100-bed hospital will be inaugurated on NH-33, Dimna Pardih Road on September 7. Jharkhand Health Minister Banna Gupta is scheduled to inaugurate the Spand…
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superflaminggayelmo · 11 months
Frustrated by lack of relatable ESRD posts
I really really wish there were more posts about End Stage Renal Disease and everything related to it from other people who also live with it. Stuff about our experiences with kidney failure and dialysis and doctors and the diets they put us on and co-morbid illnesses and just everyday mundane stuff and what it's like to live with this condition. Cause most of the time when I'm looking up ESRD, I just find stuff about pets who have it, or posts from doctors or medical institutes or some study about some supposedly innovative thing in the nephrology world. I crave more relatable content from other humans who have ESRD, because it feels like there's hardly enough out there and I'm tired of it
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willgrahamsleftear · 9 months
taking a break from studying for finals. good golly.
my honors bio class is the only class I can even tolerate studying. The rest of my classes make me wanna bash my head into a wall.
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jayerr · 10 months
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ibook4you · 11 months
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jesssurvives · 11 months
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Week 2 of training for dialysis at home. Today i am really tired. Had some trouble getting my blood pressure from dropping or going up.
I still have no idea what I’m doing. But my dialysis nurse is really encouraging.
I have FSGS. A rare form of kidney disease. It’s idiopathic. Meaning it just happened. Because it just happened on its own it is considered an autoimmune disease.
I worked hard for 9 years to avoid dialysis. And unfortunately it just happened this past September. I went from 25% function 1 year ago to 9% in August. That is a 16% decrease in function that fast.
The bright side is the reoccurrence rate for this form of fsgs is really low since i don’t have any nephrotic syndrome.
I am on on dialysis due to high blood pressure or diabetes. My blood pressure is secondary to my illness.
I’m starting this for numerous reasons. Primarily to bring awareness to kidney disease in other forms and hemo dialysis. My journey. Recipes. And the hope i can find someone kind enough to donate.
My blood type is A+. Even if you can’t directly donate to me donation of a kidney in my name could potentially lead to a faster match. That is information for next weeks post.
Please ask any questions. I’d love to answer them.
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hopeful-medstudent · 11 months
Logging in from the 3 hour chem lab 🧪
*tired as hell*
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