#light falls in foreign land
siqeml · 1 year
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(September 26th/28th)
The third page of Foul Legacy doodles except it’s featuring Aether from my Fatui AU
Disclaimer if it wasn’t clear before: I do not ship them. If you do that’s fine with me, but my AU will not feature any shipping and I am depicting them as siblings of sorts.
(Should I make a seperate sideblog for Fatui AU?)
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sunsetsimon · 11 months
sleep refused to find him easily that night. simon stares up at the ceiling, watching the ceiling fan spin quickly. he knows he’s home, the comfortable bed a clear reminder, yet his anxiety is high, like something’s wrong. he thinks back through the night, retracing his steps of making sure each door and window is locked. he knows his gun is next to him on the nightstand, and it’s completely silent throughout the apartment. nothing out of the ordinary, just unable to leave his survival mode.
the sheets rustle beside him as you turn to face him. your eyes are closed, breathing light and looking so calm. he loves the way your eyebrow twitches in your sleep, your nose scrunching from something in your dream land. he takes a deep breath, laying on his side to face you, deciding to watch you sleep.
he rubs his hand up and along your arm, cupping your cheek and softly caressing the skin. simon wishes he could sleep the way you do, occasionally waking up with an interesting dream to tell him about. he feels frustrated, exhausted and just wanting to recharge, but it’s so hard for him.
you stir awake suddenly, eyes refusing to fully open but able to tell he’s off. “you okay, si?” you sleepily whisper, reaching out for him so cutely. you’re so soft in this moment, he feels himself falling even deeper.
“m’okay love, just cant sleep.”
“lemme hold you,” you offer, scooting closer to the middle of the bed to prepare for a spooning position but he laughs at you. “hold me?”
grumbling, you push on his shoulder to signal for him to face the other way so you can come behind him. he obliges, facing away and lifting his head from the pillow so you can rest your arm under his neck. his body is huge, you’re barely able to spoon him but you scoot closer, pressing your chest against his back. you can feel his heart pounding, chest rising as he takes a deep breath to calm himself. this is so foreign to him, not used to such tender care.
it takes a little, but simon feels his eyes growing heavy, catching up to you who fell asleep near seconds after getting close. your tiny body against his back makes him feel surprisingly calm and safe. eventually his brain relents, allowing him to sleep for a few more hours until the sun starts to peek over the horizon.
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Lost in Translation
Lando Norris x Reader + Carlos Sainz x Reader + Fernando Alonso x Reader
Summary: in which Lando doesn’t speak a word of Spanish, Carlos turns out to be the world’s worst translator, and Fernando is an opportunist
Warnings: manipulation
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The bass thumps through the walls as you make your way through the crowded club, dancing bodies packed together under pulsing lights. You’re exhausted after a long day of photoshoots, but your agent insisted you make an appearance at this exclusive afterparty following the Spanish Grand Prix. Being seen is part of the job when you’re an up and coming model.
You spot an open stool at the far end of the bar and gratefully sink onto it, kicking off your heels under the counter. The bartender appears through the chaos, shouting something in English you don’t understand over the music. You shake your head apologetically and order in Spanish.
“One glass of red wine, please.”
As you wait, you glance around the club. Famous faces from the world of Formula 1 mix with socialites and celebrities. You recognize a few drivers and team bosses, fresh from the race.
Your gaze lands on a young man seated a few stools down, wearing a McLaren team jacket. His curly brown hair falls softly over his forehead as he leans against the bar, engrossed in his phone. Something about him looks familiar.
“Here you go.” The bartender sets your drink down. You smile your thanks and take a long sip, letting the bright aged flavors wash over your tongue. The alcohol warms your limbs, relaxing away the strains of the day.
You’re debating whether to stay for another drink or head back to your hotel when you feel the stool next to you shift. The young man in the McLaren jacket takes a seat, flashing you a charming grin.
“Hi there,” he says, his English words foreign to your ears. Up close he’s even more handsome, with lively color changing eyes and a smattering of freckles across his cheeks. You don’t understand what he’s saying, but his body language is obvious.
You give him a coy smile in return. “Hello.”
He seems unfazed by the language barrier, launching into a lively stream of English as he signals the bartender for two drinks. You watch his lips form around the exotic words, catching a name here and there.
Lando. McLaren. Spain.
Each syllable musical and indecipherable.
When the fresh drinks arrive, you clink glasses together. The liquor slides down easily, warming your cheeks. You can’t understand Lando, but the spark in his eyes needs no translation. He’s flirting. And you’re enjoying the attention after a long day on your feet.
As the night wears on, you drift closer together, thighs brushing on the stools, hands slyly grazing. The pulsing music and alcohol blur the edges of your thoughts into a pleasant haze. All that matters are Lando’s eyes locked on yours, and the building tension that thrums under his touch.
Eventually he stands, holding out a hand with that charming grin. You don’t hesitate, letting him lead you through the sea of bodies toward the exit, the noise fading behind you.
The cool night air hits your skin as you step outside. Lando hails a cab, and you slide across the backseat, thighs pressed together. His hand comes to rest on your knee and you lace your fingers through his, exchanging coy glances in the darkness.
When the cab stops at your hotel, Lando insists on walking you to your room. As you step into the lobby, the bright lights feel harsh after the dimness of the club. Lando’s hand rests lightly on your lower back, guiding you towards the elevators.
In the mirrored walls of the elevator, you catch sight of your smudged makeup and tousled hair. Lando stands close behind you, eyes trailing over your figure in the reflection. You feel a flush rising on your cheeks that has nothing to do with the wine.
The walk down the plush hotel hallway feels endless, heightened by anticipation. Your hands brush and you exchange coy glances, the flirtatious tension building. At last you stop outside your door. Hands fumbling, you slide the key card into the lock while Lando waits eagerly beside you.
As soon as the door clicks open, his mouth is on yours. You melt into the kiss, the taste of liquor sweet on his lips. Stumbling backwards, you lead him into the room, fingers tangled in his soft curls.
You come up for air long enough to kick off your heels. Lando’s eyes blaze with desire as he shrugs off his jacket and reaches for you again. You meet him halfway, lips fused together, hands roaming. The backs of your legs hit the bed and you tumble backwards, pulling him down on top of you.
You lose yourself in the feeling of his body against yours, hard muscle under smooth skin. Gasps and moans fill the air as clothes are discarded piece by piece onto the plush carpet. The rest of the world fades away until all that’s left is skin on skin, racing heartbeats, the slide of sweat-slick limbs.
After, you lie tangled together as your breathing slows, floating back down to earth. Lando traces lazy patterns on your arm as you drift towards sleep, spent and sated.
The morning sun streaming through the curtains wakes you. For a moment you’re disoriented, then the memories of last night come flooding back. You stretch and roll over, expecting to find Lando, but the other side of the bed is empty.
You sit up, holding the sheet around you, and spot him standing by the window on his phone. He glances over at you with a sheepish smile. “Good morning,” he says.
You return the greeting in Spanish, then pause, realization dawning. Now, in the harsh light of day without the haze of alcohol, the language barrier stretches wide between you.
Lando seems to have come to the same conclusion. He looks at you helplessly and says something in English you don’t understand. You shake your head and respond in rapid Spanish, trying to explain that you don’t speak his language. But your words have no more meaning to him than his do to you.
You both stare at each other in bewilderment. Last night things had seemed so simple, but now you have no way to communicate. Lando runs a hand through his hair in frustration. You wish you could bridge the gap between you, but Spanish and English remain foreign tongues.
After a few more failed attempts at conversation, Lando pulls out his phone. He scrolls through his contacts, then seems to find what he’s looking for. Putting the phone to his ear, he says clearly, “Carlos, mate, I need your help.”
Lando lowers the phone from his ear just as a knock sounds at the door.
“That was fast,” he says with a relieved grin, crossing the room to open it.
You quickly pull on a hotel robe and smooth your tangled hair as much as possible. From the bed, you watch as Lando ushers another man into the room. He’s tall and handsome, with warm brown eyes and an easy smile. Something about him seems instantly familiar and trustworthy.
“Carlos, this is ...” Lando pauses and glances back at you with an apologetic look, realizing he doesn’t know your name.
“My name is Y/N,” you offer, giving the newcomer a small wave.
His face lights up in recognition. “Y/N Y/L/N! The Spanish model!”
You flush, surprised and flattered that he knows who you are. Before you can respond, Carlos turns to Lando and launches into rapid English. Though you don’t understand the words, his tone sounds polite yet teasing, making Lando blush faintly.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” Lando mutters, running a hand through his curls. “Just tell her I’m happy to meet her and I had a great time last night.”
Carlos nods and looks at you with a hint of mischief in his warm brown eyes. “He says you are very boring and he regrets last night, but wants to let you down gently.”
You frown in confusion. That didn’t sound like a compliment at all. Lando is watching you expectantly, oblivious.
“Tell him I don’t understand why,” you say carefully.
Carlos turns back to Lando. “She says you’re an arrogant prick and she wants you to leave.”
“What?” Lando looks taken aback. “Where did that come from? Tell her I’d love to get to know her better over breakfast or something.”
“He says it was nice of you to help scratch his itch last night but he has better options,” Carlos tells you bluntly.
You fold your arms across your chest, irritation flaring. The flirtatious spark between you and Lando last night seems to have vanished in the light of day, replaced by this stilted miscommunication.
Lando’s brows knit together as he tries again. “Look, I’m sorry if I offended her in some way. Let her know I’d like the chance to make it up to her before I go.”
Carlos’ expression softens as he turns to you. “He says you aren’t bad to look at and you not being able to speak English is a bonus because that means he doesn’t have to listen to you talk.”
You nod slowly as anger takes over. “Tell him I want him gone now.”
“She says you’re the stupid one for thinking she wanted anything from you other than your money,” Carlos tells Lando.
Lando shoves his hands in his pockets, looking disappointed. “I-I thought we had a good connection.”
A hint of steel enters Carlos’ eyes. “He says that if he wanted a gold-digger, he would at least choose someone who looks good on his arm.”
Your mouth drops open in shock. Why would he say such a terrible thing? Anger replaces any lingering attraction you felt for Lando. You turn away, fists clenched, humiliation burning in your cheeks.
Lando looks utterly confused. “What … I don’t … Carlos, what is going on?” He stammers helplessly.
But Carlos is already at your side, murmuring comfortingly in Spanish as he guides you toward the door. “Don’t pay attention to him, he’s not worth it. Come with me.”
You let Carlos wrap a supportive arm around your shoulders, tears of frustration pricking your eyes. With one last glare at a dumbfounded Lando, you sweep out of the hotel room.
As Carlos leads you down the hall, you lean into his side, reassured by his solid presence. “Thank you,” you tell him sincerely. “I just don’t know why he was so mean ...”
“I’ll take care of it,” he says with a wink. Whatever just happened between you and Lando, you’re grateful to have found a quick friend in Carlos.
And judging by the sparks you felt when he first said your name, perhaps he could be something more. For now, you push that thought aside, the day has already had enough drama.
The weeks following the awkward encounter with Lando fly by in a whirlwind of model castings, photoshoots, and fashion shows. But you find your thoughts continually drifting back to Carlos and his warm brown eyes.
When he calls you up and invites you to the upcoming Austrian Grand Prix as his guest, you happily accept. The chance to get to know him better away from the drama with Lando is too tempting to pass up.
The paddock thrums with excitement on race day. You smooth down the skirt of your flowy sundress and take Carlos’ arm as he guides you through the bustling team garages toward the pit lane. Your heels click sharply on the pavement, echoing the anticipation building in your chest.
Mechanics and engineers pause in their work to glance your way appreciatively. You flush under their gazes but keep your chin high. On Carlos’ arm, you feel like you belong.
As you near the bright papaya of the McLaren garage, Carlos casually steers you down a side path to avoid walking right by. You feel a twinge of relief not to chance running into Lando. That awkward morning is firmly in the past.
But as you round a corner, you find yourselves face to face with him. Lando stops short, eyes widening. For a moment, the three of you stand frozen. Then Lando breaks into a tentative smile.
“Y/N! I didn’t realize you’d be here. You look lovely.” His English words sound friendly enough, but you cling tighter to Carlos’ arm, waiting for the translation.
Carlos’ expression remains neutral. “He says your dress is too tight and it’s not a flattering look.”
You gasp, stung by the insult. All your insecurities about your body that you constantly fight to overcome as a model come flooding back at his cruel words.
Lando’s brows furrow in confusion, clearly sensing Carlos’ interpretation was off. “No, I just said she looks nice ...” He turns his attention to you, eyes pleading. “Y/N, I’m so sorry about what happened last time. I’d love the chance to take you out properly while we’re both here this weekend.”
Suppressing a smug smile, Carlos translates for you. “He says that while you’re not his first choice, you are easy in bed and he would like for you to come to his suite this evening.”
Tears of humiliation spring to your eyes. You stare at Lando in shock, feeling betrayed. Attraction turns to disgust in a heartbeat. How could you have ever felt a connection with someone who views you as nothing but an object for pleasure?
Lando is shaking his head frantically, obviously bewildered by your reaction. “I don’t know what you’re telling her, but this is not what I said!” He reaches out imploringly but you recoil from his touch.
He steps towards you but is cut off as your stiletto slams down hard onto his foot. He yelps in pain, hopping back. The slap of your palm across his cheek echoes through the empty side path.
“You are a disgusting pig!” You spit at him in your native Spanish. With a dramatic flip of your hair, you spin on your heel and storm away, fuming. Behind you, Carlos scrambles to catch up.
“Y/N! Wait!” Hearing his familiar voice, your rage melts. You pause, sniffling, and let Carlos pull you into a comforting hug.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmurs, gently stroking your hair. “Lando is an idiot.”
You nod against his shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut to hold back tears. Carlos’ steady presence soothes you. As your breathing finally calms, a voice speaks up from behind.
“Such dramatics!”
You turn to see Fernando Alonso striding towards you, an amused smile on his handsome face. He nods at your foot.
“That was quite the stomp you gave Lando back there,” he remarks with a chuckle. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, hermosa.”
You can’t help but smile back shyly. Of all the people to witness your outburst, it had to be your longtime idol in Formula 1.
“I’m sorry, I thought he said something rude about me,” you explain with an embarrassed wince.
Fernando waves his hand dismissively. “No need to apologize. I could tell something was getting lost in translation between the three of you.”
He shoots Carlos a pointed look. Carlos shrinks back and avoids Fernando’s gaze, shuffling his feet.
“Those younger drivers are still boys when it comes to women,” Fernando continues, turning his attention back to you. “You deserve better than to be caught in the middle of their silly games.”
His worldly confidence and flattering words make you flush. Glancing between Fernando and Carlos, you start to question the latter’s intentions. Did he mistranslate on purpose back in Spain to drive a wedge between you and Lando?
Fernando seems to read your uncertainty. He extends a hand to help you to your feet.
“Why don’t you walk with me instead of these children? I can show you what a real man looks like.” The challenge in his daring smile quickens your pulse.
You let him pull you up, feeling your anger over Lando’s remarks transforming into starstruck awe.
As he starts to lead you off, Carlos finds his voice again. “Wait, Y/N, please ...” he calls after you, distraught. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I care about you!”
But Fernando silences him with a scornful glare. “Don’t waste your breath. You had your chance.” With that, he guides you away, leaving a crestfallen Carlos behind.
Adrenaline courses through you at the unexpected turn of events. The paddock seems to part around you as Fernando walks with you, head held high. His hand on your back feels possessive in a thrilling way.
When curious eyes drift your way, Fernando pulls you tighter to his side in a clear message — she’s with me. Your heart pounds at the public claim over you.
As you walk, Fernando points out details of the garage and pit activities, answering your stream of awed questions. His deep knowledge amazes you as he describes complex race strategy like reading a storybook.
The command he wields here is clear. And by sticking close, some of that power transfers to you. Other women eye you enviously as you pass. For the first time, instead of feeling exposed in their judging looks, you feel empowered.
With Fernando, you have nothing to prove. He sees you, not as a dumb model or conquest, but an equal worthy of respect. When you hesitantly voice that thought, he smiles.
“Too few of the idiots here appreciate women for their minds,” he agrees. “But I enjoy a sharp intellect as much as beauty.”
You practically glow at the validation. Any lingering hurt or anger melts away, replaced with lightness.
Maybe things will work out just as they should after all.
The rest of the season and off-season flies by in a whirlwind of excitement and new experiences with Fernando. When he asks you to accompany him to the 2025 season opener in Australia, you eagerly accept.
In the months since that dramatic Austrian weekend, your bond has only grown stronger. Fernando makes you feel treasured and respected. Under his wing, you’ve blossomed in confidence.
And that extends to English. Fernando gently encouraged you to start lessons so you could navigate the international world of Formula 1. You dove in headfirst, determined to prove yourself.
Now, as you and Fernando arrive at the bustling Melbourne paddock hand in hand, you can’t wait to show off your progress. Fernando smiles proudly at your enthusiasm.
“Ready to give your English a try, hermosa?” He asks, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze.
You take a deep breath and nod. The words still feel clumsy on your tongue, but Fernando’s steadying presence emboldens you.
As you approach the row of motorhomes, your strides slow. The last time you saw Carlos and Lando still stings. But with Fernando beside you, you have nothing to fear.
Right on cue, the two young drivers come around the corner. They stop short at the sight of you, eyes widening. An awkward beat passes before Lando breaks the tension.
“Y/N … you look well,” he says carefully. Carlos shifts on his feet but stays silent.
Fernando gives them a curt nod. “Lando. Carlos.” His voice carries a note of warning — don’t try anything.
You lift your chin. Time to take control of this narrative. “Hello Lando. Carlos,” you respond in slow, deliberate English. “I am good. And you?”
They gape at you in surprise. “You’re speaking English now?” Carlos asks. “That’s great!”
You resist the urge to fall back on your native Spanish. Fernando believes in you.
“Yes, I learn,” you tell Carlos. “Fernando helps me … how you say … empower?” You glance at Fernando to confirm you have the right word. His approving smile emboldens you.
Lando looks bemused. “Er, that’s great. Your English is really coming along.”
You frown. The subtle condescension in his tone irks you. Your skills may be basic still, but you deserve respect.
“Do not patronize me,” you say sharply, the unfamiliar words feeling powerful on your tongue. “I am try my best. You just … how you say … celoso?” Again you double check with Fernando.
“Jealous is the word, I believe,” he confirms with a wink.
You grin. “Yes, jealous! You are just jealous of me and Fernando.”
Lando holds up his hands in protest. “No, that’s not it at all, I’m happy for you ...”
But you barrel on, relishing this opportunity to at last be understood. “You think I am just a model, not smart. But Fernando show me I can be smart AND beautiful.”
You take a deep breath before delivering the final blow. “He says I have … potencial. He believes in me. Not like you two boys.”
Crossing your arms, you stare them down defiantly. The speech leaves you feeling bold and powerful, despite the clumsy delivery. Fernando squeezes your shoulder proudly.
“I think that sums it up nicely, querida,” he praises. “Shall we?”
You nod and let him guide you away, confidently walking past a stunned Lando and Carlos. Their widened eyes follow you, seeing you clearly for the first time.
Once out of earshot, Fernando pulls you into a passionate kiss. “I am so proud of you,” he murmurs. “You found your voice today.”
You cling to him, heart soaring. With Fernando, you have grown more in these few months than in years past. He never doubted you could reach higher and fulfill your potential.
Your moment is interrupted by enthusiastic shouts in Spanish. You turn to see your family rushing over, eager for their long awaited reunion.
Laughing, you break from Fernando’s embrace to greet them. As you chat animatedly in your native tongue, you feel Fernando’s admiring gaze on you.
Later, in a quiet moment together, he brushes a strand of hair from your face tenderly. “You contain multitudes, Y/N,” he remarks. “Never let anyone put limits on you.”
You snuggle closer, overflowing with love and gratitude. With Fernando, the possibilities seem endless. He believes in the woman you have always been and the woman you are becoming, and gives you strength.
Whatever the future brings, you know you will soar.
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evilgwrl · 1 month
Neighbour!Simon Riley x Reader
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Girl Next Door (One)
CW: Mutual masturbation ;)
Inspired by Neighbour!Simon
Chapter Two
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Your legs perched up across the woven strings of the porch chair, knees littered with blue and black kisses, knotted joints tucked into your chest as you watched the peak of gold settle into a deep blue. Bony fingers laced the pages between parched hands, eyes darting maliciously between words as you hummed to yourself softly.
You were used to being out here alone, an orchestra of bats occasionally sounding out to you as they scurried away into pine trees, nipping between each other.  Your flat, a smaller duplex, was tucked away into a quiet cul-de-sac, away from the hustle and bustle of London life. It was an organised routine, your body succumbing to the night air as you bathed in the comforting atmosphere of the twilight. There was an occasional hum from up the road, the chug of a car passing through, but your interest peaked when the gravel road lit up, headlights streaming towards you as you shielded your eyes.
The sound of the engine frightened you a bit before you adjusted your vision. A large shadow stepped into view, the staggering height of a man peaking your attention before you took in the balaclava flushed against his face, russet eyes covered by a delicate frame of blonde lashes, stained with black face paint staring at you before dropping his head in a curt nod.
You recognised him as your neighbour. Quiet bloke, away often on deployment you presumed, but nether-the-less was a comfort for you. Even at home, it was like he was never there, the occasional echo of hollow boots sounding against the floorboards before they disappeared. He was ghostly, slightly peculiar but you noted him down mainly as mysterious.
You had spoken a few times, sounding good morning as he was outside having a smoke when you were leaving for work. His response was gruff and shallow, a deep voice barking out a short reply before smashing the dart under the rubble of his shoe, calloused hands gripping the door handle.
He walked past you, duffle bag dropped against the porch as he huffed with his keys, bruised knuckles peaking your attention as you glanced at him, framed eyes peering in curiosity.
“Y’ alright?” His tone was curt, a hint of annoyance ringing through as his eyes stained trained on the metal knob, working the key through the hole.
You squeaked out a noise, taken back by him as you adjusted in the chair, feet flat against the floor now. “Yeah, sorry, I’m just not used to you being here, it’s uh, nice for you to be back, less lonely,” you rambled, shuffling your hands awkwardly before you shut yourself up.
He let out a grunt, the noise almost animalistic sounding as he shut the door, his vague appearance shuffling into the quiet of his own home as you sat outside, whispering an expletive under your breath as you prodded at the ecchymosis on your nobbled knees.
Rough hands rubbed at the face paint, gentle soap working into the scorn skin, thickened skin almost melting under the velocity of the scolding water. Simon’s throat was scratchy, the irritating feeling of sandpaper lining his oesophagus as he choked out a cough. Broken blood vessels littered across the scarring of his back and ribs, a splurge of hematoma drawn across the broken skin.
Ivory skin was now painted with falling droplets of water, a scratchy moose-coloured towel adorned his hips as he shook his hair, moist residue landing on the mirror as he rubbed his hands across his face, a soft moan leaving his lips as he prodded the tender knot in his back.  
His home felt foreign, no matter how long he had lived there for.
His bedroom had dusk lighting, a double bed pushed against the flaky walls, the metal rods holding the frame scraping at the paint. A singular pillow to each side perked up against his touch as he layered them, unused linen welcoming him with a slight dusty smell, aching body collapsing into the plushness of the duvet.
He was aware that your bedroom was adjacent to his, your beds pushed directly together on opposite ends. He could hear the subtle creaks of your feet against the floor as you shuffled around, a chair squeaking across the floor as it collided with something before the noise of you walking sounded again. Simon could hear the springs in your bed, an acknowledgement that you were now lying down.
There was a low hum of a fan whirring, the white noise drifting into his room as he stared up at his own, the stagnant noise felt unorthodox, the familiarity of the barracks being the usual for the Lieutenant. Simon’s hands felt weighed down as he moved them from his chest to rest at his side, his breathing shallow as his ears perked at every movement you made.
You were restless, sweaty body tangled between cotton as you adjusted yourself, flinging your blankets off you as you let out gentle pants. You cursed at the lack of air conditioning available in British homes, peeling off your silken pyjama shorts as you flung them somewhere across your bedroom. Your body was hot and achy, the heat settling in even during the night as you turned to the side, beady eyes watching as the wind flickered the branches occasionally. You were tempted to sleep outside at this point, your room feeling like a sauna as you let out a frustrated quip.
There was a subtle ache between your thighs, a dull throbbing ringing through your brain as you attempted to position yourself better, clicking your calves as you rustled around. Tired arms stretched your top over your head as it too met the wraith of your floor, bare breasts perked against your sheets as you closed your eyes, cuddling up against a pillow.
Slumber never succumbed to your heated frame, the drill of your fan almost teasing you as it provided minimum cooling. You spread your legs, sweat prickling over your stretch marks as you moaned in annoyance. Your fingers trailed your slit through the thin fabric, turquoise-coloured panties fading into an aqua as you let out a shaky breath. You felt dirty, the dull throb of your cunt mocking you as needy fingers hooked into the lace, dragging them down the plushness of your thighs before settling at the end of your bed.
You fumbled around in your draw, clumsy fingers feeling around for your bullet vibrator before they rubbed against the silicone. You were sure to be quiet, your hands covering the majority of the vibrations as you nestled it between your folds, collecting the sweetness of your slick before resting it on your achy clit, an instant moan rising at your throat as you tweaked at your nipples.
The hum against your sex wasn’t enough as you sat up, resting the vibrator on your swollen nub as you straddled a pillow, sloppy pussy grinding against it rapidly as you rutted like a dog in heat, chasing your high.
You were a sight for sore eyes, breasts bouncing at your movements as you humped against the cushion, the cheap sex toy sounding against the bundle of nerves as you let out soft whimpers, mouth opened in an ‘o’ shape as you tugged at your hardened nubs that were practically aching against your chest.
It was like you were going through puberty again, squishy sounds squelching from your cunt at the licentious actions, hips getting sloppy as you felt your coil forming, antagonising moans dripping from your lips as you stilled, the silicone pressed sweetly into your clit as you whined into your hand, orgasm ripping through you as you jutted away from the stimulation, collapsing into a heap.
Simon frowned at how quickly your noises were over as a spit-covered cock throbbed in agony, veiny hands jutting around the angry member as he milked himself to the memory of your orgasm, hot splashes of cum spurting against his belly, a thick trail of hair leading down to his softening cock as he cleaned himself up before nestling into the comfort of his sheets and the barely audible hum of your breathing.
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adonis-koo · 8 months
wicked • 19
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 13k
Previous | Next | Masterlist
tags: vaginal fingering, tiddy sucking (jk is definitely a boobs man), semi public sex??, oral (f), so many petnames, dom!kook, brief masturbation (m), multiple orgasms, size kink, multiple positions, cowgirl, creampies, slight somnophilia? (they keep having sex when they're both extremely exhausted), spooning turned to doggy, some very filthy talk, corruption kink, semi degradation kink, the word seed is used once and I actually hate it, some sweet, sweet aftercare, pillow talk, grinding, cumplay, brief handjob (m), edging, cockwarming, they're so in love your honor
Note: people will be shocked at how fast this update has come out and honestly ?? so am I, but tbf half of it is smut so...iykyk ALSO if you haven't checked out the playlist for wicked, you totally should!!
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After the first snowfall, winter had come rolling in with no sign of stopping and just as Jungkook had once said, Penumbra was now buried in snow. 
There was something so captivating about the snow, its crisp frosty delicate nature, how despite the sun being covered in clouds, the snow reflected off the light and made everything so much brighter. 
The land was so desolate and yet so full at the same time, it left a deep yearning in you for the warmth, but in an oddly fulfilling way, it let you rest deeper at night, taking in the great vastness of the land and its minimalism. 
The morning had been busy just as each morning before had been so, Yule was only a week away and the court had many aristocrats staying at the castle making merry. It was such a celebratory time and yet you still felt like a ghost better left in the past.
Your days were not all horrible, but the constant numbness never fully went away, at one time you had wanted to go to Yule in Kimhae to reunite with your parents, but the idea of leaving somehow filled you with as much anxiety as staying.
“Well? What’s on your mind?” Jungkook finally spoke, not looking up from his work book, making sure the last of his bill signs, contracts carefully written out and correspondence dealt with so he wouldn’t be behind on his work when you both made your return.
You had been admittedly antsy, tidying up your bedroom, packing what few trinkets you thought you might want during the nights of your journey, fiddling with your own work and where to put what.
You simply couldn’t sit still.
You didn’t reply for a long moment causing Jungkook to look up from his desk, blue eyes appearing from those dark thick locks of hair.
Sighing you shifted as you set your book against the bed, “…You’ll be mad at me.”
“Well you don’t know until you tell me.” Jungkook didn’t seem worried.
You glanced away once more as Jungkook stood up, rounding his desk to walk over to you, “…What if I was having second thoughts…About going to Kimhae?”
Jungkook curved a brow, “The morning we depart for our trip?”
“Don’t say it like that!” You pouted with an usher.
“Is it really the trip? Or is it something else?” Jungkook replied, brushing off your pout.
Your pout however only furthered because you didn’t have an answer, “I don’t know…I just…this is the first time we’ll be making a public appearance outside of Penumbra since our wedding.”
“And what about it?” Jungkook shifted, crossing his arms, still not understanding what your problem was and truth be told you wish you had a better answer for him. 
“Does that not make you anxious? It makes me incredibly anxious.” You frowned, wringing your hands together, you were anxious about everything truthfully, but the idea of making your first appearance in nearly a year, well…You didn’t know what to expect. 
But then again, Penumbra had prepared you for pretty much everything at this point, there weren't too many boxes left to check off on life events at this point. 
“Why would I be?” Jungkook cocked his head to the side, “I’ve nothing to hide nor prove to anyone…If you’re anxious simply because, then it’s understandable,” Jungkook reached out to you, brushing his palm over your cheek before it crept down to your neck, “A lot has happened, I think it’s only natural. But I also know you’ve been looking forward to seeing your parents for the majority of your stay here, it would be imprudent of me to let you cancel our trip at the last minute.” 
Your lips quivered a little, “Even if I’m terrified? What if something happens?” 
Jungkook’s lips curled into a little smile, his fingers curling around your neck, not squeezing, but in a loving hold you had grown so acquainted too, “Then I will be there to stop it from happening,” Jungkook’s forehead pressed down against yours, “I know you’ll regret not going more then if you do.” 
Your eyes fluttered shut before you leaned over to bury your face into the crook of his neck, Jungkook’s arms wrapping around you tight as you murmured, “I hope you’re right.” curling your arms around his waist as you let yourself become engulfed in his warmth and letting it swallow all of your consuming thoughts. 
It stayed like this for a long minute before Jungkook slowly pulled away, looking down at you as he spoke, “I have something I wanted to give you.”
You pulled away from him more to get a better look at him, tilting your head in curiosity, “A gift…?” 
Jungkook snorted, “Something like that. I wasn’t sure if it would be finished in time, but Jimin managed to get it to me last night.” He let go of you before walking over to the bed, leaning down as he pulled down out from underneath. 
You tilted your head at the thick cloth cover as Jungkook stood up, holding it out to you. It was long and thin but held a considerable weight to it, not too heavy, but just enough to let you know it was of incredible quality. 
He nodded at you as a gesture to pull whatever was inside out, opening the draw strings. The first thing you saw was the bright silver crest of a pommel, pulling it out further was a soft leather hand and pulling it all the way out revealed a shortsword around twenty three inches. 
You couldn’t help but let your lips part at just how beautiful it was though, the metal was reflective and the detailing along the fuller, the blade was double edged and as your eyes traveled back to the handle you noticed a sort of…language? Written down the grip.
“It’s the first of its kind,” Jungkook finally spoke, “Noxtria melted with Quicksilver for a lightweight balanced sword but sharp enough to cut through thick metal. Godslayer is it’s name.”
“Godslayer?” You looked up at him. 
“The idea behind this blade was that it would be lighter than air, but have the strength to kill a god. I couldn’t think of a better person to hold the first blade of its kind than my own wife. We’ve been working on your swordsmanship for a long time now and I think it’s time you carry your own sword.” Jungkook nodded, a sort of pride in his eyes as he watched you weigh it, giving it a whirl in your hand. 
The training you had done had definitely made you physically stronger, as while the blade had weight, it wasn’t taxing to hold, “I want you to never feel defenseless by my side, we’re partners and equals and while I hope it never again comes to you needing to use this, I want you to have it if the occasion were to ever arise.” 
You were speechless as you stared at the blade, a reflection of yourself in its metal staring back at you, lowering it you whispered, “Thank you, Jungkook.” 
A small smile pulled on his lips, “Anything for my little sun.” His fingers traced down your cheek, “The case for it is still in the cover, here I’ll help you with putting on the harness.” 
Jungkook took the cloth covering off it to reveal the heavy black sheath and the harness that it attached too, Jungkook had carefully pulled it around your hip, adjusting it until it was snug against your skin, it felt weird having such a thing attached to your body now. 
But there was something oddly…safe about it, as Jungkook said, this was a safety measure and it made you feel as such, you could only hope you would never have to take another soul but….Your fingers unconsciously lifted, rubbing over the spot on your chest, now scarred from where Di Jin had attempted to kill you. 
Jungkook as if knowing what you were thinking tenderly grabbed your hand pulling it away, “It’s difficult to see it now but…” He paused for a moment as if gathering his thoughts, “I think…if I could go back and change things I would, in a heartbeat. But I do think it happened for a reason.” 
Your lips trembled softly, “How could killing someone happen for a reason?” 
“It made a spectacle for one,” Jungkook replied, a certain soft note in his voice was his hand found its way back to your neck, “Those who doubted your ability to hold your own in the court will never question it again. Your words have always had bite, but now you have proof behind them.”
You shook your head, “I don’t see eye to eye with you on this Jungkook.”
“I know you don’t,” Jungkook replied, his thumb soothingly rubbing into your skin, “And I wouldn’t expect anything less, but your respect in the court is much more now than it ever was before. Not only this but…”
Jungkook paused for a long moment gathering his thoughts, “Knowing you have the capability to defend yourself…there will be times when we will have no choice but to be apart,” He sighed, “I will eventually have to lead projects that take me away from Penumbra, knowing you have the means to take care of yourself puts me at ease.” 
“I don’t want you to be apart from me.” You mumbled, anxiety at the thought immediately quelling.
Jungkook let out an amused breath, “That’s not something to worry about now, one thing at a time. If you have the rest of your things settled, we should head down, the sooner we get on the road the sooner we’ll arrive, and the sooner you’ll feel better.” 
“...I suppose.” You mumbled, but Jungkook was not feeding into your pouty expression, no matter how much it was his weakness, he grabbed your thick cloak which had laid abandoned on the bed, wrapping it over your shoulders as he buckled it up, grabbing his own to carry as he held out his arm for you. 
Letting him guide you down you ignored the stares of a group of court ladies staring you down, perhaps in wariness, perhaps because the court had easily taken notice of how close you and Jungkook had become in the last few weeks. 
The consummation of your marriage hadn’t actually changed anything, but Jungkook’s confession of love had really done a number on you both, and every time those sweet words left his lips you had the intention of saying it back. 
And yet every time it felt like the word got stuck in your throat unable to escape, perhaps it was because you were still scared, still in disbelief that Jungkook loved you, but all of his actions, his words, even the way he looked at you, it all screamed love.
Being met with snow on the ground, crunching beneath your feet you let out a breath that you could visibly see, a sensation you still weren’t quite used to, it was freezing cold and the journey would be very long. 
Jungkook had spared no expense to keep you wrapped in very thick layers in hopes that it would keep you warm, but it seemed no matter the amount, you were always cold. 
“Wheein is doing her last rounds of gathering items, she should be out shortly,” Taehyun called out, finishing fixing up your horse’s saddle, Jungkook walked up with you before helping you on and making sure you were situated before saddling his own horse. 
“Snow isn’t too deep yet, we should make a timely arrival,” Yoongi called out, trotting on his own horse up the path ahead before stopping next to Jungkook, “If we make it with not much snowfall, it should only take four days.” 
Your lip curled a little at the estimate, you knew Kimhae was further away then Eunoia, but you had been used to only a day’s travel when you were in Eunoia, they lived further West then Eunoia and a little further south. 
The climate in the West however made it incredibly dry, the further you traveled the less snow there would be, hopefully at least. 
Once Wheein had finished her last round of gathering any last minute packing she had come out with a few guards help and finished loading the pack horses and then mounted her own. It wasn't too big of an entourage of servants, but you had two of Yoongi’s men, himself and of course your two personal servants to attend you both. 
You were nervous for many reasons, showing your face to the outside world, you weren’t sure what reaction you would gain, knowing how the truth of Penumbra had been twisted beyond recognition, you could distinctly remember all the dread you had for two years of being engaged to Jungkook. 
Words that he had abused women in many ways, that he starved all of his servants and that he’d beat them if they disobeyed, rumors swirling that he already had multiple wives and you would be another trophy in his collection, some rumors even going as far as to say he had his dead enemies taken to the castle so he could bath in their blood. 
The list went on and on and every single one was just a rumor, nothing more than foolish lies spread to cause more fear, Jungkook was not a single thing he had ever been stated as, wicked least of all. 
But you were now nervous because you had seen both sides, the truth and lies both, and you couldn’t help but wonder what rumors had escaped Penumbra about you? Dread filled you once more, what twisted way could the world turn your murder of Di Jin even worse? 
That you feasted on his corpse? 
You could briefly taste the raw iron in your mouth that had you holding back a gag, Jungkook’s sharp gaze that had been looking ahead immediately on you, “What’s wrong?” 
You held your hand on your mouth trying desperately hard to not let the memory suck you back into the past, flashes of blood in your mind, cartilage mixed with skin, the raw smell of blood, “Water, can I have some water.” You forced the words out. 
Jungkook wordlessly pulled the water satchel from the side of his saddle, handing it to you, “You’re thinking.” 
You took a large swallow and slowly the faint taste faded back into the nothingness it came from, you shook your head handing it back to him, “I’m trying not too.” 
“You’re not doing a good job of it,” Jungkook replied, making you give him a look, he laughed a little though you spot the concern in his eyes, “Would talking about it make you feel better?” 
You sighed as you shook your head, “I think i’d rather talk about something else,” Lingering on your thoughts would only serve to possibly bring memories even more vivid back, “You’ve been to Kimhae right Jungkook?” 
Jungkook guided his horse a little closer to yours so you’d be able to converse better, “It’s been a long time. We visited when they hosted the War Council. I was…maybe seventeen? This was just in the beginning of negotiating,” Jungkook hummed as he thought about it, “Kimhae was dull in my opinion, they lacked conviction and were very obvious in the fact that they didn’t respect Penumbra or the Jeon name.” 
You listened to him before you let out a laugh gaining his attention, “I remember this quite well, I was visiting Seokjin at the time. I remember spotting you and your father arriving out my window but you were too far for me to get a good look. I remember him complaining though. Telling me you had this haughty look about you, acting as if you were better than him.”
Jungkook scoffed, “I was better than him. I am still better than him. If you were present at the time though…Why had I not seen you?” He looked a bit confused, as obviously women weren’t allowed in the War Room but that didn’t mean they were prohibited anywhere else, he had stayed a full fortnite at Kimhae that trip and not once had he seen you. 
“I made myself unknown on purpose,” You replied, a small frown tugging on your lips, “It was at Seokjin’s insistence of course, he didn’t want you near me with the potential to ‘corrupt me’, as he said.” 
“Corrupt you?” Jungkook scoffed, almost offended, “If we had met properly before our engagement, I feel we could’ve been cordial. Come to think of it I do remember talk of the Eunoian Princess, being in court,” Jungkook’s gaze became pensive as his brows pinched together, “I remember Seokjin gloating about how the fairest princess warmed his bed at night and that he loved nothing more then his name screamed in pleasure.”
You blinked multiple times before your gaze shot to Jungkook, “This was in reference to me?” 
You had known Jungkook long enough now to tell he was absolutely wrought with anger at just the idea, his knuckles tight on the reigns of his horse as he stared ahead, “Mhm. I once told you that we saw him differently, that’s one of the many reasons why. He loved to peacock around gloating about sleeping with you.” 
“Sleeping with me!?” Your mouth parted in somewhat disbelief, “We…” You couldn’t help but let out a scoffed laugh, he had been pressuring you for some time, but you never realized just how desperate he was to go out of his way to lie to other men that you both had slept with one another in such a way. 
And then the embarrassment began to flood in, was this why so many men in his court assumed you were loose, or that you were an easy woman? 
“Well I can promise you he was nothing more than a liar,” You let out another laugh as you shook your head, “Screaming his name in pleasure…The only name that was ushered was my own and even then that was on a lucky day.”
“Your name!?” Jungkook sucked in a harsh breath of air. 
You paused, suddenly realizing what you had just said, and then looking around, there was a good distance between Yoongi up ahead with his fellow guards and Wheein and Taehyun were conversing further behind, Fenrir having walked alongside you awhile now. 
“So Seokjin has gotten to experience that sort of intimacy from you.” Jungkook pressed his tongue into his cheek as if this was the worst news he could ever receive. 
“It’s not…” You sighed, trying to find the right words, you had never really planned on mentioning what little intimacy you shared with Seokjin, as it wasn’t relevant to your current relationship and truthfully, there wasn’t much to talk about, “I’ve…When we first started to explore an intimate relationship together, you remember me being frightened by it, yes?” 
Jungkook tilted his head, a little confused as to where this was going but nodded regardless. 
“The same could be said for back then- especially back then,” You explained as you lowered your voice a little, “I was nervous to lose my virginity, Seokjin already didn’t like my traditional Eunoian attire, but even moreso it had him acting out, trying to pressure me into giving myself to him. But I could never commit to it. The idea of him leaving me after I gave it too him made me too anxious…And..”
You sighed as you glanced down at the snowy earth, “I hated feeling like nothing more than a sexual fantasy for him. Looking back, it feels as if that was all I ever provided, some sort of exotic fantasy that he could escape to in Eunoia, never truly a person, a soul, just something to make him aroused and fulfilled. And so to keep him satiated but also withhold my own boundary, I offered to pleasure him,” You pressed your lips together, your nose wrinkling, “It wasn’t very often, nor was it very pleasant but well…It kept things from escalating beyond my control.”
Jungkook’s jaw only clenched, “How different things would’ve been if we had met that week. Perhaps you could have been saved from all that trouble.” 
“Things happened the way they did though,” You offered a weak smile, “It’s not something I ever think about anymore, after all, it feels so long ago despite being so recent. And I’m very content now.” 
You reached out to grab his hand as your smile brightened, “I’m happy I saved myself for the right person. I couldn’t imagine it with anyone else.” 
This seemed to soothe Jungkook in the right way, “Well when you say it like that it makes me think you’ll want extra help to keep warm tonight.” 
“Jungkook!” You smacked his shoulder, “What an indecent thing to suggest, in a tent? In the middle of a journey?” 
Jungkook chuckled as he gripped his reins in contentment, “No better time than the present princess.” 
You only shook your head, the hours seemed to go quick as you and Jungkook had talked about this and that, and then a content silence took over as the sky darkened and Yoongi had begun to look for a suitable spot to make camp.
They had managed to find a spot off road closer to the woods where the cold wind was blocked and snow wasn’t as deep, clearing off the snow before getting fresh cut wood to get a fire going, setting up tents didn’t take very long. 
Soon dinner was cooking over the fire, granted you had already eaten an abundant mix of packed cabbage and vegetables tossed together and despite being tired and hungry Jungkook was still easily fending you off as metal clashed together. 
“You’ll need to try harder than that princess,” Jungkook whirled the sword in his hand as you huffed a breath, stretching your aching arms, “If you were to fight an opponent far more skilled than you in battle what would your tactic be?” 
“Run?” You raised your brows, Jungkook seemed to enjoy asking hypothetical questions that you were certain would never happen. 
“Okay but in this scenario you do, what would you do?” He pressed, giving you a moment to regather yourself. 
“Well it depends, if they’re aggressive, which I assume they would be, it’s not difficult to size my lack of experience up in comparison to someone like you, I’d have no choice but to defend until they burn down their energy and then once they tire out I’d make a chance to strike.” You sighed as you lifted your sword back up. 
“Yes that would be the logical way to go about it,” Jungkook hummed, “Contextually speaking. But there are other ways, you can use your environment to assist you, you could also have another ally help or use your size to your advantage. Being smaller means being quicker. Again.” 
You both tapped swords before sparring once more, Jungkook easily more aggressive this time causing you to back step until you back stepped right into the deeper snow causing you to yelp, whining out at the freezing damp sensation seeping through your dress into your skin. 
“That’s not what I meant when I said use the environment.” Jungkook sighed as he rested the flat of the blade on his shoulder. 
You managed to step out back onto the shallow end as you whined out, “I am perfectly aware of what you meant! I’m trying! I just can’t seem to get it…” You let out a defeated sigh as a tremor jolted through your body at catching the cold nip of breeze. 
Jungkook only shook his head somewhat amused, “How about we rest for the evening and get you close to the fire once more.” His hand curling around your waist as you both walked back to camp, “You shouldn’t have such high expectations of yourself, I’ve been training since I was a child, you’ve come a long way for only training the last six months.”
“Sparring is also different then a real duel or battle,” Yoongi spoke, as he had been watching you both the last hour in amusement, “If you’re already doing this good in a spar, you’ll be able to hold your own perfectly fine in either.” 
“This is also true,” Jungkook yawned as he sat down on the large mat, offering a hand to you to help you down, “The adrenaline is different, when it comes to life or death, you fight with more than your all, more than you could ever muster for a spar, even a duel.” 
“I just hope it never comes to that.” You sighed with a shiver, scooting closer to the warmth of the fire. 
“What matters is that you’ll be ready m’lady.” Wheein offered a kind smile as she continued, “And I agree with his Highness, you’ve improved significantly compared to when you first started, it’s something to take pride in, you’ll only improve with time.” 
“The chances are slim but it never hurts to be prepared,” Yoongi chimed in once more, “Dinner is ready.”
The rest of the evening had passed with laughter and fellowship that you found yourself truly enjoying, and at some point you had tried to remember when the last time you had felt this at ease, this…at home? 
Even in Eunoia, tragedy had always surrounded you during your youth, uncertainty of the war and the future as a growing lady and plunged into icy fear as a young woman, you wanted to say you had other moments of relaxation. 
But you couldn’t think of a single time, except for this moment, you found yourself curling up against Jungkook, yawning as your eyes began to droop and your head resting on his shoulder.
When your eyes opened once more, you were uncertain of how much time had passed other than the indication that everyone else had departed to their tents. 
Jungkook had been leaning on one hand, the other wrapped around you as he had stared thoughtfully in the fire before realizing you had awoke, “Are you ready to depart for bed?” 
It was a quiet usher that made you nod with another yawn, letting him help you up as you walked over to your shared tent.
Due to the few people in your party, a circle of tents was formed, yours however just a little closer to the fire upon your request and how could you be blamed on a frigid night such as this? Even Fenrir was curled up right next to the fire, paying you both no mind as he continued to rest. 
The tent wasn’t extremely spacious, but it gave you enough room to get what you needed done without being on top of one another, “Let’s get you out of this.” 
“And into what?” You were more awake now than before, “Did Wheein leave me something?” 
Jungkook looked down at you, a sort of boyish look on his face making you pinch him, “Don’t look at me like that,” He chuckled softly grabbing your hand away from his bicep, “We have plenty of furs, and i’ll let you sleep on the fireside, it’s making me hot being that close anyways.” 
“It’s too cold!” You whined out quietly. 
“You really want to sleep like that?” Jungkook was already stripping himself, “I’m burning up personally.” 
Your lips parted multiple times at the sight of his chiseled muscles, biceps flexing as he pulled down his pants revealing the taunt thick muscles of his thighs, even more notably his undergarments.
“Come,” Jungkook had a small smirk on his face as if knowing your eyes roamed his body despite how hard you were trying to be discreet, “Let me undress you.” 
You let out a discontented noise but it was difficult to say no when he looked like this and he was looking at you like that, shuffling over you sat on your knees in front of him, Jungkook leaned forward peeling off each layer with a sort of lethargy, as if in no big hurry. 
Despite the chilled air you could still feel the lick of fire through the thick cloth tent, dropping the last layer down your shoulders you shuddered, a sort of shyness creeping over you as you felt your nipples immediately hardening at being exposed.
Jungkook helped you shuffled out of the last layer, in nothing more than your panties now, “It’s freezing,” You whispered, trying hard to not let yourself feel self conscious at being close to naked in the tinted firelight that your husband could easily see, “If you’re content let’s go to bed.” 
“Ah,” Jungkook immediately stopped you, eyes staying on your soft perked tits, “The cold will help keep you healthy.” He had a stupid boyish look on his face again as he leaned in, warm breath fanning along your cheek before he leaned down unable to resist parting his lips to take your left tit into his mouth. 
You let out a breath louder than you intended, but the you couldn’t help it, the sharp contrast between the cold air and his warm wet tongue had your body flush with arousal, and clearly you weren’t the only one as your eyes dropped down, a solid print formed showing your husband was also feeling the same. 
“Jungkook, it's too cold for this…!” You whined out quietly despite your legs immediately parting for him to sit between as he moaned against your breast, other hand squeezing your left tit as he pinched your hardened bud between his thumb and finger while suckling on the other.
You forced the moan back into your throat.
Jungkook finally released your bud from his lips, looking up at you with dark eyes full of arousal, “Well then we’ll just have to warm you up then won’t we, my goddess?” His hand slithering down your waist as he parted his lips once more your left tit, sucking harshly making you jolt. 
His fingers pushing beneath your panties as his fingers dragging against your puffy slit as you let out a breathy noise legs parting further for him as you leaned back on your hands, hips shifting to give him more access to your cunt. 
Jungkook was delighted by the invitation you could tell by the way he harshly sucked your bud, middle finger suddenly pushing inside you, sliding in with a slight pinch of discomfort that didn’t last long as he pushed all the way until his knuckle met with your body. 
“We can’t be too loud now,” Jungkook’s lips curled into a smirk, “So you’ll need to be a good girl for me and be quiet.” 
You bit down on your lip as he pushed his index finger inside you the pinched discomfort returning the sensation of his fingers pushing in and out of your little hole had you relaxing into his touch with a soft moan, walls squeezing around his fingers with each thrust. 
“Mmm that’s a good girl,” Jungkook grinned, pupils dilated in lust as he buried his fingers back inside your cunt, feeling your little walls clench around him once more before he brushed his thumb over your clit a higher pitch whine escaping you, “Ah, ah, remember,” Jungkook looked amused, “You need to be quiet if you want to cum all over my fingers princess.” 
“Kook,” You whispered, eyes closed tight at the feeling of his thumb teasingly brushing over your clit, fingers buried deep inside you as your walls tightened around his digits, “Please…!” 
The cold air was wrapping around your body, but the sharp contracts of his warm tongue and fingers burying inside you.
Jungkook laid you back against the fur before pulling your panties off, “You’ll get your pleasure, but you need to be a good girl and wait,” His voice was deep and soft taking off his own underwear to reveal his heavy, thick cock fully hardened, he parted your legs as you tensed cold air invading your cunt as he pushed his fingers back inside you, your clit extra sensitive from the cold with each little brush of his thumb, every little tease sent a sharp jolt of pleasure in your body.
Wet sticky arousal dripping from you little hole as you squeezed around his fingers, wiggling your hips a little with a whine, “Kook, need more..” You whispered out, not liking this slow teasing game. 
“Patience,” Jungkook replied, fingers pulling out of you only a little just to thrust them back in, he did this once more, even rougher, his pace was just right, hitting that sweet little spot inside your body that your walls clenching each time as your legs twitched. 
Jungkook’s free hand rubbed through your puffy wet slit before he gripped the base of his cock, a hissed grunt escaping him as he slowly pumped his base, watching the lewd act immediately made a soft moan escape you, just the idea of his fat cock inside you had you clenching hard around him as he began arithmetically thrusting his fingers into that sweet little spot.
“Fuuck you like watching me stroke my fat cock for you my love?” Jungkook let out a wicked look, his hand running all the way up his cock, thumb messily smearing his precum over his fat bulbous head before running it back down meanwhile his other hand began forcefully shoving inside your little hole greedily.
His thumb circling your clit as pleasure began shooting through your body, your eyes never leaving his cock that he squeezed tightly in his hand pumping it eagerly as his eyes flickered between your cunt sucking in his fingers needily and your face, entranced by his movements.
It made his shaft throb so bad in pleasure it hurt, he threw his head back with a low moan hips lifting as he thrusted his cock into his fist, feeling your little hole squeeze so tight around him it was difficult to move his fingers.
Jungkook locked eyes with you, that wicked look on his face, “What do you think that little ex lover of yours would say if he could see you right now?” 
“Mmm! Right there…!” You whimpered out, struggling to keep your voice quiet as your legs turned limp at how rough he was thrusting his fingers into that sweet little spongy spot inside you, “Kook, right there…!” 
Jungkook lifted his hips once more, fucking his fist at the way your legs lifted up, bringing them to your chest to obediently spread your cunt further for him, “Would he say I’m corrupting you right now?” 
You had to bite down on your hand to fight back the whines and moans trying to escape you, “Please…! Please.” You kept muttering it, body twisting and building so fast your mind was completely blank aside from the filth Jungkook was whispering to you.
“That I’m tainting his pretty little Eunoian princess, filling her cunt up until she’s completely fucked out cumming all over my fingers?” Jungkook harshly squeezed the base of his cock, keeping his knuckles buried in your cunt as he rapidly hit into your g-spot. 
Jungkook wanted to laugh at the strangled high pitched moan escaping you as you desperately tried to keep it quiet, feeling your warm little walls wrap tight around his fingers as you came, arms wrapping around your face to try and keep your cries of pleasure to yourself.
Jungkook eased you through your orgasm before pulling his fingers out of you, low breathes escaping you as your chest lifted and dropped before letting your arms drop from your face to the crude sight of Jungkook’s fingers in his mouth, eyes closed with soft moan as he licked your cum off them.
“This is the best way I could have ever relaxed.” Jungkook pulled his fingers from his mouth with a content look as he laid down next to you, your eyes however still on his hardened cock. 
“But you…” You frowned. 
Jungkook raised his brows before his eyes dropped to his cock before shrugging, “I don’t cum easily, a good and bad thing I guess. C’mere love.” 
“How do you want me?” Jungkook’s eyes snapped back open as they met yours, as if trying to figure out if he heard you correct, “I want you to feel good too, how do you want me?” 
Jungkook moaned softly closing his eyes once more, unable to look at those cute, eager little eyes of yours, basically asking to be filled up by him. 
“Ride my cock.” Jungkook replied, admittedly getting difficult to keep his eyes open, but he’d rather kill himself then miss the opportunity to cum inside your pretty, puffy little cunt. 
You knew what he meant, you had gathered as much the last time but you just… you awkwardly straddled him, his hands on your hips to help guide you, this wouldn’t be as difficult as last time right?
Grabbing his cock in your hand you heard a gritted hiss through his teeth, rubbing his bulbous head through your wet folds before lining him against your entrance, unlike last time you sank onto it.
Biting your lip as you squeezed your eyes shut, rather than a pinch the discomfort was still moderate, but not nearly as much as the first time. 
“Mmm fuck,” Jungkook moaned softly, still unable to process that he was getting to feel your warm little walls wrapping around his thick head, “Does it still hurt?” 
His hands soothingly rubbed up to your waist before back to your hips, “A little,” You whispered, settling your hands on his chest, “I still don’t know what I’m doing.” 
Jungkook opened his lidded eyes, trying his damn hardest to not fall asleep right now, “It’s not difficult, just a matter of practice. Sink a little lower…” Jungkook bit his lower lip a little at watching his cock sink further inside your warm cunt, “Now lift your hips like this.” 
You let his hands guide your movements as you let out a soft whine, the pain subsiding as his cock began to slide inside you with ease, stuffing you so full it was difficult to believe you had something this big inside you. 
Just the feeling of his heavy cock burying inside your cunt made your walls wrap tighter around him, slowly bouncing on his cock as Jungkook’s hands settled on your hips, “Fuck yeah love, just like that, riding my fuckin’ cock like you were made for it.” 
His words of pleasure made you bounce a little faster, taking him a little deeper each time before his hands tightened on your hips, suddenly grabbing you and pulling you all the way down, you let out a tiny whine at being so full of cock with no warning, walls rapidly clenching around him as you moaned.
Jungkook’s eyes were closed as he let out a breathy deep moan, “Could fall asleep like this every night, use my pretty little wife as my personal cock warmer, mmm keep squeezing around me like that.” He had a sleepy smirk on his face as his hands wrapped around your ass, urging you to start riding him once more. 
You quickly found you loved being full of cock though, cunt split open by something so thick and heavy, excitement trilled through your body making your walls wrap tight around him as you began bouncing on his cock.
Letting out quiet moans at the feeling of his shaft hitting all the right places inside you, “Mmm yeah, oh…fuck…” You whined out softly, sitting up right as you bounced all the down his cock as you grinded against his pubic bone.
Jungkook forced his tired eyes open to the amazing sight of you, his pretty wife completely naked bouncing on his cock, tits bouncing and face fucked out, clearly pleasuring yourself now, “Make me cum,” He moaned out softly, “Let me fill that pretty little cunt up.” 
You kept trying to bite back your whines as your hips became more messy in bouncing, uneven and unsteady as pleasure quickly built inside you, sinking back on his cock as your walls tightened, moaning just a hair louder as you creamed all over his cock. 
Jungkook was tired, sleep near taking him the same way you took his cum, letting it shoot deep inside you as you swiveled your hips, taking every lost drop he’d give as quiet breathes filled the tent, your own eyes closed with that same unmistakable tiredness. 
Jungkook let out a tired smile, “What a good girl.” He pulled you onto his chest, shifting you both to be buried beneath the blankets and furs, being skin to skin made you realize just how cold you had been. 
Jungkook’s skin was like fire, hot to the touch and your own personal little fire, curling up against him, your eyes immediately fell heavy, sleep had never felt so peaceful as being skin to skin with your husband.
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The journey to Kimhae had been rather uneventful and what few encounters you had with wolves and even a bear, Fenrir had easily warded them off, your baby having grown so much in the last months now standing just a little taller than your horse.
Jungkook had been up ahead chatting with Yoongi for awhile now, something regarding plans on resuming the Eastern movement when you returned from Yule.
Wheein had been riding by you for awhile now in a comfortable silence aside from a few comments to Fenrir who had been running ahead in the snow and finding random branches to be thrown, the only problem being they were too heavy for you to toss. 
“Something on your mind Wheein?” You finally asked, having noticed a faraway look in her eyes for a good while now. 
Her eyes met yours before she gave a small, weak smile, “Nothing incredibly important I just…” She faltered a little, “I know the past cannot be changed but, I can’t help but feel like so many events could have been avoided if it weren’t for me.” 
You straightened up, frowning immediately at her words, “What would make you say that?”
Wheein hesitated to speak, “...What happened, with my execution, you…” It looked as if it was physically difficult to attempt to finish her sentence, “I know how important keeping your culture intact is for you. You’ve done nothing but try to become a Penumbrian Princess, and for you to be put in a position where you had to compromise your own personal oath and belief…” Wheein let out a shaky breath, visibly puffing in the cold air as her eyes looked watery, “I feel as though I haven’t given you a proper apology M’lady.” 
Your heart felt like it was twisted, “You have nothing to apologize over Wheein. I am still mourning many things but I…I don’t regret what I did. I said it once and I will say it again, I was willing to do anything to get you back. Di Jin was the assassin who attempted to kill me, which started this entire mess…I don’t know how much you’ve heard about the Estate…”
Wheein’s lips stayed in a frown, cheeks flush and rosy from the cold wind as she adjusted her shawl, shaking her head, “Only whispers of rumors to what happened, and my own assumptions when you intervened on my execution.” 
You let out a shaky sigh, trying your best to detach yourself from the memory as you recalled the events that lead up to that fateful night, “They had lured Yoongi away and I foolishly sent him in good faith that nothing would happen but…Di Jin revealed himself that night revealing that he had come to finish what he started. He almost did,” Your hand trembled as you pressed it against your chest, “Then he got closer to me, trying to kiss my neck and…I don’t know.”
And that was the funniest part, you still had vivid clips of what happened in your head, but it was all so fast, so gorey, your mind had blotted out a lot of it, “One minute he was on top of me, and the next minute I was covered in blood.” 
There it was, that distinct iron on your tongue, it made you sick to your stomach, “And I didn’t stop after he was dead,” Your lips trembled as you whispered, “That’s the part that scares me the most. He was dead and I kept going, I...it was like I was possessed, unable to stop. I felt…” It felt like bile was beginning to rise in your throat as you swallowed it back, “Good. Powerful, invincible in that moment, feeling his flesh in my mouth, the taste of his blood on my tongue-” 
Your hand suddenly grabbed your lips, trying to swallow back the bile which risen much faster, immediately grabbing the water satchel that hung off the saddle of your horse, taking a long drink from it to try and wash what you had just admitted away. 
It had been plaguing the back of your mind every moment it was quiet, the fact that something inside you liked it, even enjoyed the depraved act, showing someone who had disrespected you and your heritage, making a mockery of it for so long, a little devil inside you secretly wishing you had finished what you had started, to devoured him the way your ancestors would. 
Even now a little voice in the back of your head was thrilled by it, it never ceased to make you sick, Weak in the stomach with shame every time it crossed your mind, it felt so heretical to think let alone voice aloud, the extent of how much a secret part of you enjoyed it. 
“I am so sorry Princess,” Wheein whispered, clearly hurting for you as she held back her tears, inhaling sharply, “I still can’t believe what’s happened. I’m sure being away from Penumbra will be a good break for all of us.” 
“If I had just…” You had to stop yourself from saying what you wanted, you had the ability to heal Wheein’s mother, maybe if you had listened to Baba Enàir more carefully, had been more dedicated to your studies as a child…perhaps this whole thing could have been prevented if you had been the one to heal Wheein’s mother, disputing any claims, “I’ll never send you away so often like that without company, I never want to put you in such a compromising position Wheein and for that I am sorry.”
“We all have our grievances about what happened.” Wheein smiled sadly, “But what counts is that we are both alive and well, but…Something else does plague me.” 
You tilted your head, patiently waiting for her to continue as she gathered her thoughts, the wind blowing her black locks of hair back as she squinted her eyes, “We still never caught who sent the assassin. What if this happens once more?” 
You frowned, you had thought this as well, “Something tells me, whoever did this will try a different tactic next. We must remain vigilant, perhaps moreso in Penumbra then even in Kimhae.” You nodded in thought, “I do agree though, this will be good for all of us.” 
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This had become routine at night it seemed, waiting for everyone else to depart to bed before being guided back yourself, undressed by your husband’s large, warm hands, and then taken whatever way he wanted, with his hands, his tongue, his cock, you weren’t picky. 
You however were starting to become used to the sensation of his cock spliting you open, his cum dripping down your thighs, an unfamiliar soreness between your legs that had a sweet ache that made you crave more. 
You had never understood the idea of physical intimacy in the past, it always made your skin crawl at the idea, but then again, you never had a partner you felt you could trust like this.
More than anything, you loved being close to him like this, loved that you could be so intimate with the person you trusted more than anyone, his arms wrapped around you, laying slightly on top of your back, keeping you warm just as he promised every night. 
It was odd, the comfort it brought feeling his warm cum dribbling from your little hole as you yawned, eyes closing as you dozed off in his arms. 
It was still late into the night when you awoke to his lips pressing on your neck, moaning softly as his hips rutted into you, cock hardened once more much to your sleepy surprise, “Mm, need you my love.” His voice was much deeper, telling you he was also half asleep, “Dreamt of your pretty little cunt, letting me fill it up.”
“Mmm Kook.” You mumbled out, eyes closing as you felt your leg being propped further up to give him better access to your little entrance, his arms tightened around your waist as he managed to line his cock up before pushing it in. 
A soft sleepy moan escaped you, an entirely new position you were acquainted with but something about it made you feel so full, his cock pushing all the way inside you until his hips were flush with yours. 
Each lazy thrust of his hips had soft noises escaping you, your eyes shutting in tired bliss at his cock pushing past your little walls, filling you to the brim each time, throbbing as the head of his cock kept hitting that spongy little spot. 
Jungkook moaned as he buried his cock inside you once more, his movements having paused forcing your eyes back open, was he asleep? Your walls suddenly squeezed around his cock at being so split open by him.
This elicited a moan from his lips that sounded like pure sex, “Your cunt is heaven,” He mumbled in your skin, “Could keep my cock buried inside you forever.”
Not moving was stirring you further, making you more awake as you whined, “Jungkook, move…!” You wiggled your hips a little earning a small thrust from him.
“Think I’ll asleep like this,” He moaned once more into your skin, “Like the way your cunt wraps around me like this when I’m splitting your cunt open.” 
Jungkook moaned at feeling your cunt squeeze around him once more at his words, just like he had hoped, “Just go back to sleep my love,” He mumbled in your ear, hand pulling around to cup your tit in his hand as he massaged it making you whine in frustration as your hips began to pull and lift, sliding his cock in and out of your cunt just a little. 
“Mmm fuuck, sweetheart go to sleep.” Jungkook’s voice was a pitch higher than before, his free hand almost guiding your hips though as you fucked back against him, and your eyes were closed but sleep was not on your mind. 
Your lips parted with a soft whine at the new sensation this position gave you with him behind, his cock slide inside you just the right way brushing that sweet little spot with each bounce of your hips, it had you rapidly clenching around his cock. 
Muffling your moans into your blankets as you pushed all the way back against him wiggling your hips as pleasure throbbed throughout your cunt, feeling arousal dripping from your hole as his cock slid back inside you with ease as you let out a pathetic whine, walls wrapping harsh around him but it just wasn’t quite enough to get yourself to orgasm. 
Jungkook let out a sleepy chuckle, “Working yourself up are you?” 
It wasn’t fair…! He woke you up and you were somehow the one falling apart on his cock desperate to cum, “Koo, please.” You whimpered out quietly, shifting yourself a little to be better able to lift your hips up to his, giving his cock better access to slid in and out of your little hole with ease. 
“Mmm shit, your acting like a bitch in heat,” He moaned softly, eyes dropping to your cunt that kept backing into his cock, “You want to be fucked?” He whispered deviously in your ear. 
And Jungkook knew you did, could feel the way your walls wrapped so tight around his throbbing cock, wanting so desperately to reach your climax. 
“Jungkook…” You whispered urgently. 
“Say it.”
You let out a frustrated noise, pausing your movement but Jungkook wasn’t having it, his hand wrapping around your neck as he gave it a harsh squeeze, letting out a small gag as his voice deepened in your ear, “Beg for it little princess, beg for me. Beg for my cock.” 
Jungkook suddenly thrusted inside you, harshly making your body jolt as you whined out, shaking your head, this only made him thrust rougher causing you to squeeze around him in excitement, “Mmm like this, feels…! Good.” You whimpered out quietly, your body twitching as pleasure blossomed in your cunt, you were so close…!
Jungkook buried back inside you, stopping once more causing a louder fussy whine to escape you, his hand squeezing around your neck once more, “If you like this then you’ll love what’s next. But you need to tell me, c’mon,” His hips lazily swiveled before giving short thrusts, edging your body as your hands curled into fists, “Tell me you want my cock, that you want your pretty little cunt destroyed by me, that you want to be filled with my cum.”
You could feel saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth, his cock teasing your body with such short movements it had you whimpering, “Koo’, fuck me, please…! Need you’, need your cock, anything…!” 
Jungkook moaned as your quiet frantic plea’s as he suddenly pulled out of you, a sharp whine escaping you as he swatted your ass to be quiet, manhandling you onto you stomach as he kneeled between your legs you felt confused before your hips were lewdly lifted, presenting your cunt to him. 
You didn’t have any time to adjust or even think before his cock pushed back inside you, a moan much louder than you meant for it to escape your lips at an entirely new, better sensation, every movement of his cock had you cunt squeezing in pleasure. 
“Mmm yeah, you like being made to take it from behind?” Jungkook moaned, keeping your hips up as he thrusted inside your little entrance, watching it split open for his cock before greedily sucking it in, “Maybe this is how your little dryad kin had children? Fucking like animals?” He whispered out, hearing a gurgled whine from you only made his thrusts that much more forceful, the sound of his balls smacking into your skin music to his ears, “Being made into nothing more than a bitch desperate for cock.” 
The side of your face was planted into the ground, eyes shut in pleasure at just how good it felt, his cock hitting every little sensitive spot inside you, his demeaning words that would’ve sent flames of angry through your body once upon a time only filled you with excitement, enjoying how he manhandled you how rough he was starting to thrust, no regard for whether your cunt could take it or not. 
Your mind was filled with all sorts of unholy things, not realizing how much you were beginning to moan, enjoying the way he had a hand pressed into your back forcing you down on the ground, his balls smacking your skin and his cock pushing past your tight walls. 
“Koo’...! ‘m gonna..! Mmm!” Your moans were gurgled, desperate, cunt rapidly squeezing around his cock, a feeling he had quickly grown to love as you crumbled beneath him, at his mercy as he roughly thrusted, burying his cock deep inside you as he quickly leaned over you, chest flush with your back as his hips became faster.
Just as you let out the whinest, loudest cry his hand covered your mouth to muffle it, tears began to build in your eyes at how powerful the pleasure was building in your body, your legs uselessly twitching and your body convulsing.
But it was all useless as his cock kept sliding in and out of your small hole, “Go on sweetheart, mm know how bad you wanna cum. I see those pathetic little tears. Cum sweetheart, cream all over my fat cock, make it nice and messy for me.” 
Your body was being jolted with every thrust of his hips, your clit aching to be touched as your cunt was full of his thick shaft, his dirty words whispered in your ear making you throw a whiny pathetic fit as your walls squeezed even tighter around him, so desperate to be obedient. 
“C’mon princess,” Jungkook moaned tantalizingly in your ear, his hips pounding into you with nice lengthy thrusts, wet lewd sounds coming from how soaked you were, “Can feel it, feel how bad that pretty little cunt wants to cum, squeezing around me so tight, fuuck, that’s it, c’mon.” Jungkook wasn’t intentionally edging you but god did it feel good, you were moaning and crying into his hand, tears slowly beginning to trickle down your face at how good you felt. 
Not a single thought in your head other than his cock stuffing you full, purposely dragging into the little spongy spot each time just edging you a little closer each time to your release.
“Does your little pussy feel good?” He teased you, a wicked grin on his face as his hips pushed fully inside you, giving short thrusts to keep you as full of cock as possible, “You like presenting this little hole to me? Letting me fuck my seed deep inside, my pretty wife who swore she’d never let me cuff her in bed? How does it feel knowing I’m going to fill your pretty little cunt up?”
Jungkook let out a low moan, feeling your muffled voice cry out against the skin of his palm as your cunt rapidly clenched around him cumming so hard it felt like your eyes were rolling to the back of your head. 
And Jungkook wasn’t stopping, his hips slammed into you, wet lewd sounds filling the tent and his balls smacking into your skin as he kept his hand on your mouth to keep your moans and cries of pleasure quiet, unable to subdue them yourself anymore, as the pleasure kept going, his hips jostling you around before you felt it.
“Fuck!” Jungkook growled out, burying his cock inside you as he came, roughly pumping his cock inside you as he let out a shaky moan, letting your greedy cunt suck every drop from him as he moaned, perhaps louder then even he intended. 
After a few more seconds he collapsed on top of you, making you whine, sniffling as you wiped your face as you felt his hand drag to your waist, stroking it tenderly as he pressed a kiss against your neck, “You’re so perfect.” He whispered, pressing another kiss against your skin, “Made for me. Only me.” His hand squeezed your waist, before he laid flat on his back shifting you around to lay against him, your body curling up as you set your head against his chest.
Your thighs were aching and your hand trembled if you looked close enough as you dragged it over his chest.
And for the first time, with the fire illuminating the inside of the tent, you took the time to drag it over the rough skin of his chest and upon closer inspection noticed all sorts of marks, curiously you shifted once more. 
“Was twice not enough for my little sun?” Jungkook chuckled as you straddled his waist, his hands wrapping around your hips, “We’ll need to start retiring earlier if you want me to have more stamina.” 
“I’m not…!” You felt your body flush, trying to remind yourself that you were in fact naked right now, “I’m just looking.”
“Mmm, so am I.” Jungkook’s eyes trailing down your exposed body to your cunt, watching the white substance dripping out onto his skin, “If I weren’t already exhausted I’d already have you bent over again.” 
“Jungkook!” You whispered out, starting to feel embarrassed now, “Stop…please.” 
He let out a tired, boyish smile and staring down at him you couldn’t help but mirror it, he looked much younger like this, more like his age, eyes lidded from tiredness as his hands wrapped further, fingers digging into your ass, “Is it a crime to admire my wife? You’re only sitting on top of me naked.” 
“I’ve seen you shirtless many times now,” You decided to no longer entertain his dirty thoughts, slowly lowering yourself down his chest making his fingers squeeze tighter around your ass, “But i’ve never truly paid attention.”
“To my godly physique?”
This made you both quietly laugh as you shook your head, unable to not be endeared by this new playful side of him you had never seen, “How did you know?” You whispered back, a light tease in your voice as your hand traced over his sternum, “I meant the scars…How many battles did you fight in?” 
Jungkook palmed your ass in his hands, massaging the flesh as he yawned, eyes closing as he hummed potentially trying to recall, “Too many to count honestly, I was drafted before the Five Year War started as to be properly prepared.” 
Your fingers traced over each scar, some long and thin, others short and deeper, few discolored still having never properly healed, others faded and hardly visibly, “How’d you get this one?” Your finger’s stopped on his left right, a circular scar it was small, as if he had been pierced.
Jungkook’s eyes slowly lidded once more, following where your fingers pressed, “When we first rode to Rolon for war, an archer shot me right off my horse, my only saving grace from death was the wind otherwise it would’ve pierced my heart, y'know it’s said the Rolon Archer’s were trained since children, they could shoot a coin from over a hundred yards away.”
“You were injured before the battle had even begun?” You whispered out, perhaps a little amused at his story. 
Jungkook’s hand trailed down the back of your thigh, pulling them apart just a little making your hips brush over his skin, the feeling of wet stickiness rubbing over his skin, “It was my first endeavor by myself, my men were counting on me to lead them, you can imagine it was a pretty pathetic sight.”
“So how did you manage to siege them if you could not get close?” You tilted your head, resting your elbows down his chest, your hips appeasing him as you softly grinded down on his pubic bone. 
“We had all camped outside their outer districts, preparing ourselves,” Jungkook let out a pleasured hum, eyes closed once more and fingers trailing back to your ass before settling at your steady, soft movement, “We could not get close to their borders without them shooting us down by the tens if not hundreds. And so we would have to make ourselves unknown, invisible.”
A quiet moan escaped him at the feeling of your hips pulling just a little further down just above where his cock was beginning to stir despite his own lethargy. 
“Invisible?” Tiredness was beginning to pull at your lids but you enjoyed this too much, the conversation, the feeling of your puffy, cum covered slit grinding against him, making him break focus, “Surely that wouldn’t be possible?” 
“Invisible to the faraway eye that is,” Jungkook’s brows pinched, fingers gripping your ass a little tighter as your hips dragged just along the base of his hardening cock, weepy and sensitive from having already came inside you twice this night, “Mmm, I didn’t think you’d be such a little lust driven succubus once we consummated.”
It made you grind him just a little harder, the feeling of his cock bobbing before it smacked against your cunt, fully hardened and precum smearing against your asscheek. 
“I’m trying to have a conversation,” You teased, hands traveling over the expanse of his chest before your fingers found his dark nipples, curiously you pinched them a little, “You’re the one that’s making it sexual.” 
A restrained moan escaped him as his eyes cracked open, you couldn’t help your curiosity, fascinated at his different reactions to different things, after all, you were learning his body just as much as he was learning of yours. 
“Sex is dripping off of you,” Jungkook sighed, feeling your hips tease his cock once more, puffy slit rubbing down it’s base before back to his pubic bone, “I can’t help the way my body reacts to it, climbing on top of me naked isn’t a productive way to have a conversation.” 
You couldn’t help but close your eyes briefly, relishing in the feeling of his heady, heavy cock dragging through your puffy slit, coating it in a mixture of your wetness and cum. 
Feeling his shaft rubbing into your sensitive clit was you let out a soft moan, “You didn’t continue your story. How were you invisible.” Your hips dragged back to his pubic bone, pausing your movement to try and refocus your conversation. 
Jungkook let out a displeased sound, fingers digging against your ass once more, “If you want to hear my stories, keep entertaining me.” 
“Can you stay focused?” You gave him a mischievous smile, slowly pulling back up to your elbows, his eyes immediately on your tits. 
“As long as you don’t make me cum,” Jungkook retorted right back, a cocky grin on his face, “Well?” You tried not to shy away from his expression as your hips slowly began rubbing on him once more, teasing the base of his cock as he let out a soft pleasured moan, eyes slowly closing once more to enjoy the feeling as he recalled, “I proposed to my men that we would camouflage ourselves with the terrain, we covered ourselves in mud and moss, whatever greenery we could and crawled on the earth to evade their eyes.” 
His fingers dragged down to the back of your thighs once more as your hips dragged a little lower down his shaft as your clit throbbed making a soft moan escape you, “That’s how you managed to siege their capitol Montclair?”
His fingers pulled your thighs apart, opening your slit a little more as it rubbed along is shaft back to his base, “Mmhm, like that,” He whispered out at feeling your hips pause at the base of his cock, wiggling a little to push it further between the lips of your cunt. 
Silence had suddenly taken over as your eyes shut, enjoying being able to pleasure your husband as your hips slowly rode the base of his cock, letting it slip against your lips and rub along your clit.
This type of pleasure was slow, tantalizing, making his hips rut a little, gliding with ease against your soaked cunt, “What about this one.” Your fingers briefly brushed along his left breast, a long wicked line crossing it as you slowed your hips back down. 
“Training accident when I was younger,” Jungkook murmured out, sounding half asleep, “I had assumed Hoseok was going for a lower strike but he tricked me, he got too close and accidentally sliced me right across the chest, it was a larger wound when it had first happened.” 
Jungkook had a faint smile on his lips as his hands dragged to your waist, keeping a firm grip to encourage your hips, his eyes pulled open only a little, “He wouldn’t stop crying while profusely apologizing to me, saying he’d do anything to keep the wrath from my father at bay.” 
“Did he hear about it?” Your moan was mixed with your soft laugh, grinding down as your clit dragged against his skin.
Jungkook’s breath hitched, “No, it only went as far as my aunt. She merely laughed it off, saying it was good practice for the real deal.”
You paused your movement, hands tracing down his particularly slim waist, just at the bottom of his ribcage, “And this?”
You lifted yourself up as Jungkook opened his eyes, “No looking.” You whispered out. 
This made him confused before he let out a quiet laugh, closing his eyes once more, “I’ve seen it already princess, you can’t hide anything from me at this point.”
“I’m…testing…it’s lewd.” You tried not to be embarrassed as you sat down on his taunt, thick muscular thighs, legs still parted as you situated your cunt against his base once more, “How did you get that scar?” You prompted him once more. 
Jungkook seemed to be having an increasingly harder time focusing as he felt it, your cunt making contact with the sensitive underside of his cock, your hips lifting to drag against his shaft, “It was when we attempted war with Kyoto, I was in the frontlines with the other underlings and an assassin of Kyoto had made his way into the trenches.”
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched as he felt your hand wrap around the head of his cock, giving short as he let out a breathy moan, hand running through his hair, “He was a full grown man and we were nothing more than boys pretending to be men. His sword longer than us all,” He bit down on his lip at your hand squeezing his cock, your cunt sliding against his base, “He cut two of the other underlings in half with just one swing, I was almost the third, I had barely managed to jump back in time but the tip of his blade still cut through me, blood was everywhere.”
“How did you live?” You whispered out, sadness somewhere deep inside you filled your heart through the haze of lust. 
“Jimin had managed to jump on his back,” Jungkook let out another breath moan at feeling your hand drag down his cock, “Stabbed him in the neck, he choked on his own blood as they all rushed to get first aid for me. I almost bled out that night but by some miracle they had managed to stop the bleeding and get me stitches.” 
Jungkook groaned as his hands curled into fists, pleasure becoming much stronger than it was supposed to, “Enough please.” 
The movements ceased, “Does it not feel good?” 
“It feels too good, I told you to not make me cum.” Jungkook sighed softly in relief as he felt you change positions back to your original, the weight of your body situated once more fully on top of him, “Mmm warm my cock.”
“I don’t understand how that works.” You whispered out, a bit embarrassed, you were a fast learner but you still didn’t know all the ends and outs of how all of this worked. 
This made Jungkook laugh softly, endeared at your words as he forced his tired eyes back open, “It’s simple honestly, sit on my cock, let it stay warm inside you. I’ll be able to focus and recall events more better that way.”
“Really?” You replied skeptically.
“Mhm, what else do you want to know?” Jungkook let a crooked smirk tug on his lips as you grabbed the base of his cock, obediently doing as he told you, the fat head pushing inside you, a noise escaping you both. 
Slowly you slid down his cock until your hips were flush with his, “Mmm, what now?” It was hard to focus now having him stuffing you so full. 
Jungkook let out a long content sigh, “Nothing, this is it. Ask away.”
His hands lovingly stroked your hips as you suddenly struggled to speak, feeling his fat large cock throbbing inside you, walls clenching around him as your arousal dripped.
Jungkook let out an amused breath, “Cat got your tongue?”
You shook your head, slowly leaning back down to rest yourself on his chest, but somehow laying made your body feel even more full, “This one?” Your words were soft, trembled with a quiet whine, fingers brushing over his right bicep, a thin long line curving around it. 
Jungkook’s hands stroked your waist before trailing over your back, “It happened during our siege of Prokiev, the battle happened overnight and it was dark out, fire my only source for my fight with their royal guard captain, our adrenaline was running out and we were both ragged, he threw a sloppy blow aiming for my chest but I moved away and back, the edge of his blade managed to pierce right through my chainmail. It wasn’t a serious injury.”
Jungkook let out a soft pleasured sigh at your little walls clenching around him, seemingly unable to relax with him buried this deep and unmoving in your cunt, “It serves as a reminder though.”
“To what?” You whispered out, setting your head down on his chest, biting down on your lip once more, trying so, so hard to focus on his words and not his cock, it felt like he was completely stretching you out, hitting all the way up into your stomach though surely that wasn’t possible. 
Even if it felt like it was. 
“That many want me dead, sharpening their blades that even a shallow cut could one day maim me or better yet kill me. Sometimes I wonder how I survived,” Jungkook murmured, eyes closing as he fought the sleep off, “Each of these scars is proof that I’m still here, that somehow despite all of the odds, whether it was pure luck, or pure skill, I lived another day. Learned, grew from my mistakes.”
Your eyes had fallen shut, tiredness pulling you into a lull as you felt a blanket being pulled over you, engulfing you in warmth once more. 
You let out a ghost of a whine at feeling the slightest rut of his hips, cock making sure it was buried as far inside you as possible, Jungkook pressed a kiss against your head, “Something above let me live, let me marry you, the love of my life.” 
Your eyes had become heavier with each passing gentle press of his lips, you had soon fallen asleep to the sweet sensation of his lips feathering your skin, hands stroking your side, cock keeping you full and ushers of love on his lips. 
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While the journey had been safe and overall good travel, to say you were relieved to be in Kimhae was an understatement, the air was cold, but it didn’t have that wet sharp feeling it did in Penumbra, and only a bit of frost covered the ground now.
Your thickest layers were shedded during travel as it got warmer much to your relief, more than anything you were ready to see your family, and even more so ready to sleep in a proper bed and rest.
You couldn’t voice it aloud to anyone but your thighs were sore from not only riding your horse but also from other nefarious activities late into the night, you were absolutely ready to stand on your own two feet for the next week. 
Upon entering the gates of Kimhae the sight was familiar enough to you, elegant towering buildings, busy towns people who all seemed to pause from their business at the sight of not just you but your husband, whispers broke out and if your life in Penumbra had helped you with one thing, it was being able to ignore the stares.
Riding next to your husband as you made your way through the capitol until you arrived at the large gates of the palace, the courtyard open and lush, what you hadn’t expected was the sight of someone so familiar and yet…now had become a total stranger to you. 
Kim Seokjin, the man you had once thought was the love of your life, only to realize that this was a feeble, childish type of love, the type of love you think is love until you truly fall in love. 
He stood tall and proud as his eyes locked onto your figure, standing in white double buttoned vest and long sleeve, royal blue cape cascading behind him dramatically. 
He looked like something out of a fairytale and you couldn’t deny Seokjin was just as handsome as you remembered, clean cut and warm skin. 
Coming to a stop, your vision of him was somewhat blocked by your husband, and for the first time seeing them almost side by side made you realize just how different they were, Jungkook dawned in all black, hair array from travel and longer then when you had first met, well overdue for a trim. 
His look, all too familiar, neutral but often coming across as dark and brooding to a person who wasn’t well acquainted with him.
And you supposed you must have seemed different from your old self as well, you no longer wore flowery apparel light apparel, now often dawned in black and maroons, today no different though you had gone without the fuss and feathers to make travel easier, a plain black gown with an under layer of red peeping out, sleeves dramatically long but slits having formed to make movement easier, another white long sleeve layer beneath to keep you warm as well as curl up to your neck.
Jungkook had already dismounted his horse, holding his hands out to you as you stood up in your saddle, pulling your leg over before you felt the security of his hands wrap around your waist, lifting you down safely. 
You offer him a tiny smile of thanks as you turn to face Seokjin, the hand staying curled around your waist however did not go unnoticed by you as you both walked to greet your ex-lover. 
“Seokjin, I cannot thank you enough for your invitation,” You gave him a soft smile, perhaps a sort of soft spot for him still lingered in your chest, after all, while your love might not have been deep, it was something, and you’d take it for what it was, “It’s been a long time.” 
“Yes, I’m relieved to see you alive and well, it’s been too long.” Seokjin’s eyes were locked onto you and only you, and briefly you felt a sort of severed connection. 
His eyes drilling into you with a sort of passion that you only blinked at with a friendly polite smile, him taking your hand into his own as he lifted it to his lips, “Truthfully I don’t think enough time has passed.” 
Your hand was suddenly snatched away by a much larger one, Jungkook’s expression had quickly gone from neutral to one hundred percent leering and unfriendly, that typical icy Jeon glare as he spoke coldly, “Kim Seokjin.”
Seokjin’s eyes burned into the sight, Jungkook’s hand holding onto your own in a sort of protective manner, as if he assumed the man’s kiss to your hand would maim you.
“Jeon Jungkook.” Seokjin’s eyes twisted into a glare, but it simply didn’t have the same bite as Jungkook’s, “I can’t say I remember inviting the Jeon’s.”
“Interesting you say that,” Jungkook replied, a haughty cold look on his face, “Given one found its way to my wife,” He glanced down at you, a squeeze of his hand on your waist and his hand releasing your own only for his fingers to trace your jawbone, “Only the most beautiful Jeon.”
Jungkook’s thumb tugged at your lower lip and you couldn’t help but shy away from his gaze, somewhat flustered at such an open display of affection, “What my husband means to say is we’ve come here to represent Penumbra together, I hope this will be the first of many Yule’s we can all come together and celebrate the Rite of Peace.” 
You could tell by Seokjin’s gritted smile that whatever he had anticipated this was not it, it softened however as his eyes landed on you, “For you, I’d do anything Y/n.” His gaze became more sharp as they locked back onto Jungkook, “...And I suppose that goes for you as well. I hope your stay in Kimhae treats you well.”
“As do I.” Jungkook retorted, “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to rest after our journey.”
You briefly glanced up at Jungkook, brow furrowing in a little bit of annoyance, you understood that Jungkook absolutely did not like Seokjin in the least, but couldn’t he be a little more discreet about it? 
This being your first public appearance as a couple meant you’d have to be careful how you presented yourselves, if he wanted to quarrel with the man you did not care as long as he did it in private where prying eyes and ears couldn’t witness it.
“Of course,” Seokjin almost sneered at him, making you shuffle a bit uncomfortable at seeing the men nearly bearing teeth at one another, “My head maid will show you to your room.” 
Seokjin gave you one last look, and you couldn’t quite describe it, it was one of yearning and longing, and yet it wasn’t reciprocated as you allowed Jungkook to lead you both into the palace following behind the maid. 
“What was all of that about?” You whispered reprimanding to Jungkook. 
Jungkook only looked ahead, “He touched you.” 
“...He was being polite.” You reasoned, you had never seen such displays from Jungkook before- well aside from the time Claudin had taken your hand. 
Come to think of it, you supposed this was less rash then when he pressed a knife into Claudin’s neck for so much as grabbing your hand to kiss, truthfully you should be thankful it didn’t escalate so quickly to that. 
Stepping into your guest room you paused, realizing this was the room you used to stay in when you were a maiden...Seokjin probably still has the route memorized…had he thought you’d come to Kimhae alone?
You shook the ridiculous notion away as you took your cloak off, Jungkook shut the door to your shared room, “He touched you.” He emphasized it. 
You turned around, raising your eyebrows, not understanding what he was getting at, Jungkook huffed, “Men who touch women like that aren’t being friendly.” 
“It was my hand!” You pouted, “You’ve touched my hands plenty of times.”
“And look where it led.” Jungkook countered as he took his own outer apparel off, “That’s just the way it goes. And perhaps because I also know you’ve sucked his cock-”
“Jungkook!” You cried out, embarrassment flooding through you, “Don’t say it so loud!” 
This made Jungkook chuckle as he sat on the foot of the bed, “Hmm, you’ve never sucked my cock before come to think of it.” He laughed even louder at suddenly being hit with the cloak you launched at him.
“I am tired and taking a nap, you can either join me or sleep on the floor if you keep being crude.” You kicked your riding shoes off as you pulled the covers curling up in bed, his body immediately beside you, arms wrapping around your waist. 
“I can’t help it,” Jungkook replied, snickering into your shoulder, “You’re easy to tease.” 
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flowerandblood · 6 days
The Price of Pride (13/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, unprotected sex, targcest stuff, smut, the angst, sexual tension, imprisonment, abuse of power ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
They were betrothed.
He never thought that marriage would be something in his life that he would look forward to with contentment – he knew that his destiny would be to wed the daughter of some pathetic lord who wanted a bite of the cake that was the Crown and the Iron Throne.
He couldn't imagine himself in the role of a husband: a man courting the heart and love of his wife, falling asleep and waking at the side of some foreign woman who would suddenly invade his space.
He thought then with relief that indeed, in their wisdom, the measters had acted properly for centuries, giving spouses separate chambers so that they could live apart from each other in peace, except for their duties of bringing their inheritance into the world.
And then he abducted his cousin.
He enjoyed observing her from the distance as she practised archery – in the breaks between sparring with Ser Criston, he watched as she stood sideways to a target in front of her and with a calm, gentle expression on her face, pulled the string to her soft cheek, suddenly letting go, her arrow hitting the center of the target straight on.
He realised that he didn't feel the need to run away from her, as he did with Floris, because she never invaded his personal space – she never tried to follow him, she never begged for his attention, his word or his gaze – she simply existed and graciously allowed him to wander around her, which for him was a refreshing sensation.
He longed to know her, longed to be close to her, but on his own terms – the fact that he decided for himself when he approached her, when they spoke to each other, when they lied in bed together, gave him an surprising sense of freedom and lightness.
Another man might have taken her approach as indifference, but he knew it was otherwise – he could feel it in her fingers clenching on his bare, sweaty skin as he pounded into her with low grunts of pleasure, hear it in her sweet, helpless moans, see it in the hot, warm gaze of her doe eyes.
She spared him no tenderness when they were alone – on the contrary, she was sweet and smiling, beautiful in her wonderful nudity, making neither of them ashamed of their negligee or their desires anymore.
"What is it?" He asked, looking intrigued at the jug with which she had walked into his chamber, wearing nothing but her nightgown and a light blue robe thrown over her shoulders, smiling from ear to ear.
She lifted her chin high, as if proud of herself, a joyful contentment in her dark eyes from which he felt a pleasant warmth in his chest.
For some reason, she was never afraid of him or his cool demeanour, of what he would think of her or how he would react.
His little dragon.
He sighed and twisted in his place, putting the book he had prepared for her aside, lying on his bed in only his breeches, used to the fact that they both no longer even pretended that she was coming to him for anything other than to spend the night with him.
True, he still taught her, but usually only after they had satisfied their desires, lying in each other's arms, reading together short stories written in Old Valyrian.
He looked at her calmly as she approached his bed and reached for one of the metal cups, pouring into it a pleasantly scented, steaming liquid that had a light, brown colour.
"When I was a child I often had trouble falling asleep. My nanny would then bring me warm milk mixed with honey and ground grains brought from distant Essos. I tried to prepare it the way she did and recreate that taste." She said and took her first sip.
She smiled and licked her full, pink lips that gave him the sweetest kisses every night, her face expressing a kind of melancholy.
"I want you to taste it. It's delicious, it's sweet, it's warm, it soothes the nerves and doesn't dull you, unlike the poppy milk you drink." She said softly, handing him the cup.
He took it from her hesitantly and sniffed the contents first, wondering if she might have added poison to the contents – however, he decided that after all, she had tasted it herself first, and the drink did indeed smell good.
He took a tentative sip and swallowed, feeling the smooth taste of milk, honey and something else that melted pleasantly over his tongue combine into a wonderfully delicious whole.
He blinked, thinking he felt like drinking even more.
"These are very expensive cocoa seeds. I found out you have them in the Red Keep, the cooks sometimes add them to cakes. I ground them by hand for you. Do you like it?" She asked uncertainly, as if some part of her feared he would be disappointed and not share her enthusiasm.
"It's delicious. Very tasty indeed." He confessed, handing her the cup, and she smiled happily in the way he loved, her eyes shining warmly as she took another sip, handing the vessel back to him.
"I'm glad to hear it. If you want, I can prepare it for us for a good night's sleep. There are no side effects." She said lightly, and he hummed under his breath, taking another sip, deeper this time, and licked his lips, feeling the wonderful taste of the liquid spill over his palate, a pleasant warmth in his stomach.
"Come here." He hummed, putting his arm around her, and in some natural reflex she clung to him, cuddling her face into his cheek.
"We must decide who will lead you down the aisle." He said calmly, running his free hand down her back, the other hand passing her the cup.
She looked at him surprised and blinked.
"Isn't it obvious? My cousin, Lord Royce. He was like a father to me." She muttered, surprised by the question, swallowing a deep gulp of the liquid, passing the cup into his hand.
He looked away and swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in his throat.
"It's impossible, hāedar." He said coolly, drinking the contents of the vessel to the end – he felt her place her hand on his chest, looking at him in disbelief.
"Why? He despises Daemon after what he did to my mother." She said in pain.
He licked his lips and set the cup down on the table next to his bed, feeling his heart pounding like mad.
"He remains a vassal of House Arryn. He is the head of House Royce, which rules Runstone, and that means he won't be able to attend our nuptials. Even if he had received an invitation, he will not arrive." He said, finally looking into her eyes, meeting her horrified gaze full of pain and disbelief.
"He will arrive. Of course he'll arrive, it's my wedding." She muttered in a breaking voice, clasping her hands on his shoulders, stroking them as if to convince him and herself.
"This would mean opposing Lady Arryn's allies. Daemon is in Harrenhal and will burn them once he learns of their treachery. I am sorry, zaldrītsos." He whispered, and she rose from her seat and moved towards the door, startling him completely.
"Hāedar. Hāedar, come back here." He said, standing up behind her, grabbing her arm and turning her around before she could open the door.
"I don't need anyone. I'll walk down the aisle myself." She said coldly, not looking him in the eye, trying to pull away from him – he put his arm around her waist and her body slammed against his, her breath caught in her throat.
She pressed her lips together, her eyes red from the tears she refused to let flow.
"I understand your grief. My grandfather is on his way to King's Landing at my command. He will become my Hand. If you will allow me, I would like him to accompany you on this journey." He muttered, pressing his nose against her warm, soft cheek.
Don't go, he thought.
"He's a stranger to me. I don't want him or anyone else." She growled with rage, finally closing her eyes and bursting into an angry, mournful sob.
"Since he is my grandfather, he is also yours. Our father is dead. Our brother lies in bed, unable to rise. It must be him, hāedar." He whispered, stroking her cheek with his thumb, wanting her to finally understand that there was no longer such a thing as her family and his family.
Now there was only their family.
She swallowed hard, looking up at him in shock, her lips parted wide as if it took her a moment to realise what he was trying to tell her.
"Do you understand what I mean, zaldrītsos?" He asked, stroking her chin with his knuckles, and she nodded, snuggling into his chest like a small child.
He exhaled quietly, feeling relieved, enclosing her in the tight embrace of his arms, placing warm, loud kiss on the top of her head.
"– that's my girl – come here –" He hummed and caught her under her hips, lifting her up – her legs crossed over his back, her arms thrown around his neck as he carried her to his bed and lay down with her.
"– I – I'd rather not –" She mumbled in a breaking voice and he kissed her forehead, understanding what she wanted to say to him.
What she needed now was comfort, the tender embrace and safety of his arms, not for him to fuck her.
Though he would never say it out loud, he understood it better than anyone.
"– shhh – sleep – I won't take you, sweet girl –" He whispered into her ear, combing his fingers through her soft, dark hair – she snuggled tighter into his body at his words, her lungs leaving a quiet, sweet sigh.
They fell asleep in each other's arms with their legs intertwined, their faces sunk into each other's bodies in an embrace that was strangely tender and natural, as if they had spent their nights like this not for months but for years.
He dreamt he was a child – he was lying in his chamber the night he tamed Vhagar, howling in pain, feeling his freshly sewn eyelid stripped of its eyeball pulsate, all swollen, tears of horror, grief and sadness rolling down his face.
Where was his little sister?
Why was she not with him?
Why was he alone?
"Hāedar," he seemed to call out in a weak, squeaky, childish voice towards the door, "hāedar, I am scared."
He shuddered and pulled himself up on his bed, sitting up, panting loudly as if he had made some great physical effort, cold sweat on his back, his cheeks hot with tears. He glanced sideways, only after a moment realising that someone's hand was stroking his arm – he looked at her sleepy, sweet face, her pleasant, fresh scent filling his nostrils.
"Why weren't you by my side then?" He muttered, feeling himself quivering all over, picking at the cuticles around his fingernails exactly as his mother always did.
He couldn't remember why she hadn't come to him then.
He couldn't remember her face when she was a child.
Their moments together.
His not fully awake mind could not comprehend it, a heavy grief filled his heart.
She blinked and shook her head, wrinkling her eyebrows, clearly not understanding what he was referring to.
"What do you mean? When?" She asked, her gentle fingers cupping his cheek, her thumb stroking his wet skin seeing that he was crying.
"That night. When I lost my eye. Where were you?" He mumbled, looking at her reproachfully, and she swallowed hard, her brow arched in pain, her dark eyes big with sadness and affection.
"I was very far away from you then, brother, living alone in Runestone." She whispered, and he froze, suddenly remembering who she was, feeling ashamed.
He turned his head away and swallowed hard, laying on his side with his back to her, hugging his face to the pillow, wishing he could sink into the ground, make her simply forget this pathetic, childish outburst of hysteria on his part.
He felt her lay down behind him, a pleasant shiver ran along his spine as her fingers began to run up and down his arm.
"How old were you then?" She asked quietly, nuzzling her face into his hair, her breasts, her legs and womb snuggled into his back as her hands embraced his waist.
His palm involuntarily lowered to hers, his fingers running over her pleasantly smooth, soft skin.
"Nine. Maybe ten. I can't remember anymore." He muttered, and she swallowed hard – one of her hands entwined her fingers with his, the other rose up, stroking his chest, circling around the area beneath which his heart lay.
"Gods, that must have been so painful." She whispered, and he hummed under his breath.
"Mmm. This was the price the gods set for me for Vhagar." He said, and she twisted in her place, rising slightly, looking up at him over his shoulder, her warm breath enveloping his cheek.
"What do you mean?" She asked, and he sighed.
He'd never discussed this with anyone.
Not like this.
"They teased me, you know. Luke. Jace. Aegon. Because I was different. Because I didn't have my dragon. They gave me a big pig with wings and mocked me. They tried to stop me that night too. But they failed." He whispered, feeling a squeeze in his throat, his heart pounding like mad while his thumb stroked her hand.
She was silent for a long moment, but he could hear her uneven breathing, as if she was shocked by what she had heard.
Don't take pity on me, he thought.
Don't give me advice.
Don't try to be my mother.
"Did your brother ever apologise to you for it?" She asked quietly, and he burst into a sudden, short, low uncontrollable laughter.
"Aegon? A king would apologise to his faithful hound? That's what he called me. The hound that barks when he fucks his whore." He sneered and licked his lower lip feeling her embrace him tighter, her nose pressed into the soft skin of his cheek, making him close his eyes, delighted by her closeness and tenderness.
"Does it reflect badly on me that I now regret that your brother did not die in the dragon fire?" She whispered in his ear and he opened his eyes and sighed, his lips parted slightly in a grin of satisfaction.
"No, zaldrītsos. Your soul is pure. Filled with concern for your elder brother." He murmured with contentment, raising their entwined hands to his lips, placing a warm, long kiss on her skin.
She was on his side.
His little sister.
He felt the need to put his feelings into words, but was unable to get them out. Instead, he turned towards her and looked at her – her gaze was warm, full of understanding and care he so desperately needed.
He twisted with a soft purr on the bed and slid his arm under her body, embracing her at the waist, his other hand lifting to her warm, silken cheek. He smiled with the corner of his mouth when he saw her close her eyes, her long lashes glistening in the moonlight as she snuggled her face into his palm.
"Just a few more days, sweet girl. A few more days and everything will be as it should be. I have ordered a larger bed to be placed in my chamber so that my wife will spend all the nights of her life in comfort." He said lightly – she giggled and leaned in, placing a tender, gentle kiss on the tip of his nose from which he felt a pleasant warmth in his chest.
"All of them? Be careful what you wish for, brother. Desires sometimes come true." She said with a glint in her eye from which he grabbed her and turned her with him, forcing her to lie on her back, his lips finding hers in a loud, sticky, greedy kiss of their fleshy lips.
They just kissed lazily for a while, the rustling of their bedding and the quiet clicks of their saliva spreading around them like a whisper, their hands trailing tentatively over their faces, hair, necks and shoulders in gestures that were filled more with tenderness than desire.
He lay down beside her and sighed heavily, embracing her tightly, and her body clung to his instantly, her face sunk into his chest.
He knew that not everyone in the keep was pleased with his independent decision regarding his betrothal. His mother accepted it, expressing neither objection nor her blessing, while her brother, and his uncle, was more harsh in his judgement.
"You need allies and a fleet, nephew, not a mistress." He told him when they were left alone, approaching him after the finished military meeting he and Criston Cole had chaired.
He looked away and licked his lower lip, then chuckled under his breath as he looked down at his fingers.
"My mistress is Daemon Targaryen's daughter and brings a dragon as a dowry for our army, which means more to us than an unstable pact with the Greyjoys. Meleys has fallen, as has her rider. Daemon is in Harrenhal. Rhaenyra is alone, and Sheepstealer is bigger than Syrax." He said calmly, and his uncle sighed heavily.
"It has come to our attention that three of the bastards have managed to ride dragons great and mighty. Capable of facing Vhagar." Said Gwayne, and he looked at him surprised, feeling his lip clench in rage.
"Perhaps you should take more than one wife then, like Aegon the Conqueror. Apparently a young girl called Nettles is regarded by Daemon as his daughter, though some whisper that not even the Targaryens would put their cock in their child. And so, opinions are divided on their relationship. Apparently it was because of her that Rhaenyra sent him back to Harrenhal." Said his uncle.
He closed his eyes and bowed his head, burying his face in his hand.
The news that their advantage in the sky was melting again made him furious, but it was the vision of his betrothed if she found out that Daemon had taken a young girl into his care that filled him with dread.
Was she capable of enduring even more humiliation?
"Be careful with your words, uncle. I warn you not to try my patience and forbearance again. You may leave."
Indeed, Gwayne no longer broached the subject of their upcoming nuptials in his presence, however, to his fury, he dared to approach his sister in public.
He stopped, seeing their silhouettes facing each other in the courtyard, his uncle's body taking a step too far towards her. He moved in their direction – his hāedar caught sight of him out of the corner of her eye, her calm smile meant to assure him that she was in control of the situation.
He, however, was furious.
"Hāedar. Skorion massitas (what happened)?" He asked coldly, looking at her expectantly and she threw him a soft, amused look.
He knew she could easily see how tense he was, and her attitude was meant to make him cool down and not explode.
"Aōha kēpus jaelagon naejot gīmigon lo nyke gryves aōha riña iemnȳ nyke (your uncle wants to know if I am carrying your child). Nyke udlitan zirȳla bona gaoman gīmigon daor (I answered him that I do not know)." She said without hesitation, and he closed his eyes and turned his head away, feeling his jaw clench in rage.
Who was he to ask her such brazen, intimate questions, reprimanding her in front of others, demanding answers from her as if she were his subject?
"Henujagon īlva, hāedar (leave us, little sister). Jikagon naejot ñuha tistālion (go to my chamber)." He said matter-of-factly, and she nodded and left them alone without a word.
When he looked at his uncle, Gwayne sighed and raised his eyebrows, as if to tell him that he was to blame himself.
"You're straining my patience." He said through clenched teeth.
His uncle rolled his eyes.
"The whole court knows about what you are doing. What was inappropriate about my question? It is merely my pure curiosity as to when the heir to the throne will come into the world." He said lightly, and he grinned in a way that made Gwayne freeze.
"You'd better concentrate on watching over your sister, and my mother. I don't want any more siblings, if you are aware of what I have in mind, much less from an illegitimate bed. I, as her son, will not rebuke her that the Dowager Queen cannot afford to fuck her own sworn protector. Mmm, I leave this matter to you." He hummed and turned away, leaving his uncle with a look of disbelief on his face.
As he walked into his chamber he felt the frustration of seeing that, despite his command, his betrothed was not there – he sighed, pouring himself a bit of wine into his goblet, thinking that perhaps she wanted to take a bath first, as was her custom.
He had no objection to her coming to him still wet and hot, smelling of floral oils, tasting of pure sweetness under his tongue.
However, after the hour he had spent on the book dedicated to the Riverlands and Harrenhal he had lost patience, knowing it had taken too long.
She had never defied his orders before, nor did she seem to be upset with him, so he began to worry that perhaps something had happened to her.
That was why he finally went out into the corridor and walked a few steps to her quarters, opening the door wide – he stopped, looking at her in disbelief when he saw that she was lying on her bed, staring blankly ahead, dressed exactly as before, a small piece of parchment lying next to her body.
A letter.
Who had delivered it to her without his knowledge?
"Hāedar." He said, hearing the guards close the door behind him with a loud clatter of wood.
She did not move or look at him, as if she had not noticed his presence.
He approached her slowly and reached for the rolled parchment, seeing only a few words on it.
Congratulations on your betrothal Kepa
He felt a wave of heat and cold pierce his body at the same time, the sweat on his back and the constriction in his heart testified to the panic rising within him, which immediately turned into rage.
"Where did you find this? Who brought it to you?" He growled, walking over to her, turning her onto her back and pressing her to the bed with his palms.
"Fucking speak. Shall I kill all your servants?" He hissed coldly, and she swallowed hard, looking up at him at last.
"Lysa told me that one of the guards instructed her to give it to me. According to him, it was supposed to be a letter from you, an expression of your affection." She whispered, and he pressed his lips into a thin line, feeling that he was not breathing, but panting with rage.
"Lie." He hissed, and she shook her head.
"No. I know Lysa. She described his appearance to me accurately, and I know he is the man who keeps watch over your chambers. He has heard everything, Aemond. He has passed on to him what you teach me, what we say. That word, kepa, is his mockery of me. He knows that it was not he who taught it to me, but that I know it and I understand what it means." She muttered, tears of pain, sadness and grief one after the other running down the sides of her face, her full lips parted in a ragged, drawn-out breath.
She was broken.
He swallowed hard and closed his eyes, burying his face in her hand, trying to calm himself.
That there were spies in the Red Keep was obvious, he thought, however, that after what had happened to Jaehaerys the fucking Lord Strong had, as assured, made sure they were all caught.
It appeared that rats were still prowling around them.
"Come here. Come. We'll go to my chamber. You will look at the guards and tell me if any of them fit the description. Don't tell anyone about the letter." He said, grabbing her in his arms and lifted her up, holding her under her buttocks. She threw her arms around his neck and nodded, and he took the parchment in his hand and headed off with her to his quarters.
His guards gave them uncertain glances as they opened the door to his room for him, but they did not say a word. When he laid her down in bed and looked at her he saw that she shook her head.
"It's none of them."
So we can sleep soundly, he thought and sighed heavily, undoing the buckles of his tunic.
For now.
He grabbed the dagger lying on the table and slipped it under one of the pillows, just in case.
"Undress." He commanded.
Let them hear it, he thought.
Daemon and all of Dragonstone.
Let them hear about what he is doing to his daughter.
She looked up at him and nodded, following his lead. When he finally pulled off his breeches and removed his shirt over his head, he saw the blush on her face, as if the sight of his bare body and the fact that he desired her surprised her.
For him it had become natural – his manhood reacted to her proximity and the sight of her without the participation of his will, pulsing greedily in the desire to unite with her.
She raised herself on her elbows as he knelt on the bed before her, his hands loosening the ribbon at the end of her long, complicated braid.
"Untie it." He said, and she smiled sweetly, sitting down in front of him – his hands slipped her nightgown off her shoulders as her hands reached back, curl by curl untangling her hair, letting it fall freely down her back.
Looking at her, at her slightly parted, swollen, glistening lips, at the hot, soft gaze of her dark eyes, at her long lashes, at her smooth face, at her bared body, her shapely breasts and puffy nipples, he thought she was graceful and sweet.
That she was beautiful.
He raised his hand slowly, admiring her like a nymph attending to her daily routine, his fingers stroking her silken, plump breasts in a lazy, soft motion.
"– I crave you – as you can see –" He gasped and rolled his hips so that his erect, hard manhood rubbed tentatively against the space between her thighs – they both sighed as they felt the material of her nightgown was damp, and when he lifted it up he saw the entirety of her pink, glistening womanhood, leaking from her wetness like a stream.
They were silent, tensions all around them, his gaze fixed on what was only his, letting his thumb run over her soft, fleshy folds.
"– ah –" She sighed as he began to lazily tease her small, sensitive bud, the source of her pleasure from where she was melting before his eyes.
"– will you resist me? – will you scream? –" He asked, rocking his hips back and forth, sinking the tip of the fat, smooth head of his cock into her tight slit again and again – her thighs spread wide apart in response, her hands on either side of her head, her gaze locked on the spot where their bodies met, watching what he was doing to her.
"– no, my King –" She whispered, and he looked at her, feeling a wonderful shiver run through him.
My King.
Her words were a betrayal, but a sweet one.
"– your words are punishable by death –" He gasped, feeling his breath grow heavier – they both sighed as he sunk deeper into her warm flesh, each time with the movement of his hips sliding out almost all the way, hitting the same sweet spot deep inside her again and again.
"– punish me then –" She muttered, panting hard, his eye grew large, the need to follow her desires unstoppable.
"– mmm – indeed, I don't want any harm to befall my sister for her words spoken in… ecstasy –" He exhaled, her head tilting back with a sob of pleasure as he forced his way deep into her slick, hot cunt with one, fierce push, each following thrust just a loud smacking of their hips against each other.
"– ah – g-gods, oh, fuck, fuck, yes, save me –" She whimpered, throwing her hands over his shoulders as he leaned lower, imposing an aggressive, sharp pace on her, pounding into her like there was no tomorrow with the loud clicks of her wetness, crushing her body to the bed, which began to creak loudly beneath them.
He looked down, watching in awe as he opened her little cunt wide on the thickest part of his swollen erection, feeling the way her warm, throbbing muscles enclosed it greedily, sucking it inside, begging for his seed.
"– confess your guilt – confess your sin to your betrothed –" He breathed out, grasping her buttocks in his hands, shifting positions so that he lifted himself up on his knees, groaning in pleasure along with her as he felt her from a different angle, savouring the wonderful, ravenous squeezes her walls were giving him.
She looked up at him with effort, quivering and writhing beneath him, her lips parted wide in heavy breaths, her fingers clenched on the pillow under her head while their bare skin slammed against each other with sticky splats.
"– I'm not being faithful to King Aegon, but to his brother – ah – I'm letting him use my body in spite of – i-in spite of the fact that he's not my husband –" She mumbled out with difficulty, just as he being on the verge of fulfilment, sweat running down their hot, naked bodies, his cock all soaked from her wetness, engorged as if it was about to explode inside her.
"– these are indeed grave sins – do not fret – your brother will guide you – fill you with his seed so that you will be pure again – shhh, I know – I know –" He exhaled as she cried out loudly.
She came on his manhood so hard that tears ran down her cheeks – her cunt began to clench around it in spasms of her pleasure, her eyes closed, her eyebrows arched as if he had caused her pain.
He tilted his head back and sighed when, after a few sloppy, sticky, messy thrusts, he reached his peak deep inside her with a loud grunt of satisfaction, feeling strong, invincible, desired, loved.
"– lēkia –" She mewled, panting hard, and he lay down on top of her, hugging her close, her fingers quickly clenching on his back – he could feel her hard nipples, pressed against his bare chest, his cock and her walls pulsing for a moment longer in shared delight and relief.
"– protect me – protect me from him –" She mumbled out.
He swallowed hard and leaned in, placing a warm, tender kiss on the top of her head, his broad hand stroking her hair.
"I will take care of everything. Do not fret. Sleep now and rest." He hummed and she nodded, snuggling into him tighter.
He let her fall asleep in his safe embrace, he, however, looked ahead and thought hard about what he should do with this letter and the informations he had.
Should he kill his guard, or should he interrogate him, torture him to squeeze out of him who he was working with?
Would he be able to get through him to Daemon, to his weaknesses and desires?
Rhaenyra had more dragon riders.
Their advantage was melting once more.
He needed to retake Harrenhal from their hands as quickly as possible, to force the Vale and the rest of the Riverlands to kneel.
He only fell asleep in the morning from exhaustion, snuggled into her warm, soft body, her scent affecting him in the same calming way as the embrace of her arms.
He was awakened by her touch – he hummed, feeling her lazily stroking his hair, his face in natural reflex snuggled between her soft, warm breasts.
Every gentle movement of her fingers, her calm breath, the beating of her heart beneath his cheek was a completion of wholeness for him, something he shared only with her, a closeness that was nothing but a pure need.
They both flinched and pulled away from each other when suddenly the door to his chamber opened wide – he looked there and opened his mouth, furious, wanting to ask who had dared to step inside without permission, his voice, however, stuck in his throat when he caught sight of his grandfather's silhouette walking towards his bed.
Otto stopped halfway and sighed loudly, as if he was disappointed but not surprised – his hāedar quickly covered her breasts with the material of her nightgown, looking at him questioningly, not understanding why he remained silent.
"I was hoping, my grandson, that I would find you alone." His grandsire said serenely, raising one eyebrow in an expression of passive disapproval.
He licked his lower lip, glancing at her uncertainly, her eyes big with terror.
"Henujagon īlva, hāedar (leave us, little sister). Kesan māzigon naejot ao tistālion tolī (I will come to you room later)." He said calmly.
She nodded, quickly grabbing her leather tunic and breeches lying on the floor, stepping around his grandfather without a word, disappearing after a moment behind the door.
He sighed heavily and leaned his back against the bed frame, covering his hips with the fur, looking ahead with a dispassionate expression on his face.
He had done this on purpose.
Nothing his grandfather did was without meaning.
"I heard you wish to become a husband." He teased, putting his hands behind his back, calmly stepping closer to his bed.
"Have you come to dissuade me from that idea?" He asked, turning his head away, for some reason unable to look at him.
He felt humiliated because he saw him in a helpless position, his face cuddled between her breasts, her embrace that he so craved.
He saw his weakness.
"No." He said, surprising him completely. "I came to ask how you can be sure she's faithful to you and the Crown."
He snorted under his breath, grabbing a small rolled piece of parchment that lay on the table next to his bed and threw it in his direction.
Otto halted, and the expression on his face changed – his eyebrows straightened as if he was intrigued, but he did not reach for the note.
"Go on. Read it. She didn't hide it from me." He said defiantly, but his grandfather just looked at him, his gaze gentle.
"I don't need to. I know what it says."
He stared at him in disbelief, feeling his heart stop in his throat, the unpleasant tightness in his stomach making him run out of air in his lungs for a moment.
"Daemon never wrote to her." He muttered.
His grandfather hummed.
"I wanted to see how she would behave. To be honest, I'm positively surprised. I was certain she'd be hiding it for a while, terrified of what you'd do to her and her servants when you found out." Otto said lightly.
He pressed his lips together, feeling that inside he was boiling all over with rage.
"You bribed my guard to spy on me for you?" He hissed through clenched teeth, feeling like a small, deceived child again.
His grandsire laughed at his words.
"I didn't bribe him. I ordered him to watch over my grandson and keep me informed of what was happening in the keep in my absence. Did you think that I simply abandoned you? That I no longer cared about you?" He asked with furrowed brows, stepping closer to his bed.
He swallowed hard, looking away from his eyes, too piercing and wise, feeling like he was ten years old again.
He was silent.
"What happened to your brother. Did you have anything to do with it?" Otto asked finally.
He closed his eyes and shook his head, grinning broadly.
Of course he thought he had something to do with it.
"No. But I don't delude myself that you will believe me. My brother thought he knew everything better and didn't listen to the advice of those wiser than himself." He said lightly.
Otto hummed under his breath.
"Are you planning to follow in his footsteps?" He asked matter-of-factly.
He swallowed heavily, feeling his jaw clench as hard as if it was going to burst.
"I'm going to marry her. It's already decided."
"That's not what I mean."
"Then what do you mean?" He growled, looking at him angrily, impatient and embarrassed that he was having such a conversation with him while he was standing over him lying in his bed, bare.
"If you wish me to become your Hand, you must not make the mistakes of your brother. You must listen to the advice of people more mature and wiser than yourself." He said, and he felt the corner of his mouth twitch in a grimace.
"Listen to advices, yes – but do not think that I do not know you and your gift for manipulation." He said and turned his head away. "I know, however, how devoted you are to our family. Mmm, I wish you to be the one to reassure my betrothed – explain to her your intrigue and your reason for it. I expect you to take her father's place during our nuptials."
His grandfather was silent for a long time, looking at him thoughtfully.
"Yes." He said in a way from which he felt a cold sweat on his back. "I will gladly speak with her alone."
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lunarmoves · 4 months
you were lost in this stupidly large facility with nothing but a fucking shovel for defense.
you could feel the sweat building up on your palms underneath your black gloves as they gripped tightly onto the shovel's handle. feel the way your baby hairs stuck to the back of your neck and the way your skin crawled like there were hundreds of insects burrowed underneath it. you swallowed heavily and blinked widely in a vain attempt to see through the stifling darkness that wrapped around you in an endless blanket.
you should've never taken this job. your flashlight had ran out of power a while ago to your chagrin. the company couldn't even have been assed to give your team decent fucking supplies for your first assignment and you were all stuck with them until you raised enough money to purchase better ones. you could feel your resolve crumbling the longer you crept your way through what seemed like an infinite loop of concrete rooms. listening raptly for the sound of foreign footsteps trailing after you.
silence, thick and foreboding. then, quiet—so quiet it was almost nonexistent—there was the soft chime of a bell.
fuck, it was still following you.
you glanced quickly over your shoulder. you couldn't make anything out through your suit's mask. you knew, however, that it was only an illusion of solitude.
in this abandoned, alien facility, you were anything but alone.
you clenched your jaw and pressed forward, your steps light and careful. god forbid you stepped on a landmine and blew your legs clean off. or on some random toy and it made enough noise to attract another one of those stupid, deadly creatures. it was difficult though, so fucking difficult. you were running on pure luck, but even then, you weren't entirely sure how long it would last. the oppressive vantablack around you was starting to make you feel hopeless.
you glanced at the time through your suit's h.u.d. 10:24 p.m. you took in a deep breath and did your best to settle the way your heart pounded in your chest. at midnight, the ship's autopilot would force it to leave, regardless of whether you were on it or not. you wondered if the rest of your team was in the building looking for you, or if they thought you were already dead.
you hadn't been notified of the ship leaving yet, though, so you were holding on by a sliver.
another soft chime sounded from behind you. your lips trembled slightly. you pressed them together for a moment and slowly made your way around a corner. another dark hallway. you could barely make out the gleam of steam pipes along the walls. you shifted the shovel in your hand, your steps feather light as you walked with your knees slightly bent.
whatever was following closely behind you had been doing so for the last hour—silent enough that no matter how much you strained your ears or stilled your breaths, you couldn't hear anything apart from the occasional jingle. it was anyone's guess what creature it was that resided in this hellish building. you certainly didn't remember reading about anything capable of making bell sounds in the database.
god, you were going to fucking die in here, weren't you? everything looked the same and you weren't sure when the alien behind you would attack once it got tired of following you. biting your lip, you focused on what was in front of you for now. falling into despair would only make you feel worse.
another corner. there was the gleam of a door to your right. your heart seemed to leap in your chest and you quickly darted over to it so you could wrench it open. it was still dark, but as you stepped forward, you heard your boots land on metal that echoed around the room. you walked forward and realized that there was light—dim, extremely dim light—coming from above. barely illuminating a grated staircase. that was good—stairs were good! you were making progress!
you beelined straight for the upwards staircase, your steps like a metronome as you steadily climbed them. clang clang clang clang. your surroundings got brighter the higher you went and you could feel a light sense of relief and elation begin to wash over you. freedom was at the tips of your fingers.
below you, there was a jingle. and you knew ignoring it was the move, but something in the back of your mind itched in morbid curiosity. a glance was all you needed to add its information to the database, now that you could see a bit better. it would be beneficial, in the long term. you bit at your lower lip and felt your steps slow down just a tad.
and then you looked down, like a fool.
on the staircase directly underneath you, there was a figure that blended into the shadows—a navy blue tinge to its body that was so dark it was nearly black. it was lanky and lithe, with uncanny elongated limbs attached to an almost emaciated body. your breathing cut out as your h.u.d. circled the being in red and updated the database automatically, but you barely registered anything.
the figure was looking right up at you. a wide smile leered at you with sharp, needle-like teeth and ruby-colored eyes that glowed like a warning sign.
yeah. no. fuck that.
you couldn't get out of there fast enough, darting the rest of the way up the stairs until you reached a landing with a door. you slammed it open, then closed it behind you, breathing harsh and heavy enough that it fogged up the inside of your mask. you didn't dare linger, squeezing your hands around your stupid shovel as you walked onward and quickly analyzed where you were.
more rooms. more corridors. you gritted your teeth. it was endless. your only consolation were the lights that were attached to the walls and ceilings—widely interspersed, but at least you could see. you listened carefully for any sounds of a door creaking open behind you, wondering if that thing was still shadowing you like some strange, gaunt ghost. nothing so far. maybe you could breathe a bit easier.
you checked the time again. 10:57 p.m. shit, shit. you were going to cut things close if you didn't get a move on. you started to lightly jog, panic creeping its way through your veins. you were so close, you were so close! all you had to do was find a fire exit or the main entrance and then you could run right for the ship.
you sped through another door, then down a long hallway. everything was so, so quiet. you didn't like it. didn't like how the very building seemed to be holding its breath. your eyes glanced around quickly in your haste and unease. where was the exit? you took a sharp turn around a corner. where was—?
you slammed into something. it was so abrupt and sudden and your heart jumped straight up into your ears as you yelped and threw yourself backwards. the contact was enough for you to feel something unnatural, feel the outwards push of a breath, and the vibration of a hum.
you swung the shovel up like you were about to bat a ball and froze like a deer in headlights. in front of you, blocking your path down the hall, was another creature. long and lanky like the one you'd caught a glimpse of before, except this one was colored gold. it was hunched over you, a wide smile with sharp teeth plastered to its circular face framed with sharp, triangular protrusions. glowing white eyes illuminated the space between your heads. you could just make out its ribs through its chest, and its limbs contorted oddly around you like it didn't know where to place them in the small space.
it felt like you'd been paralyzed, rooted as you were to the floor.
the creature wasn't doing anything. it just watched you with that unreadable grin. you blinked up at it, willing your racing heart to ease down as much as it could. there was a hotness that crawled up your chest and into your neck. was this how you were going to die? did you even want to try to defend yourself?
you eyed the sheer size of the thing before you—the corded muscles you could see under its stretched skin. you would not win.
it continued to watch you, head tilting slightly to the side. not a single sound came from it. maybe you could... retreat? you swallowed thickly, then took a small step back. when the creature didn't do anything, you took another step back. then another. it was starting to get easier for you to breathe.
but then, once you got a few feet away, the creature took a step forward. you jumped slightly and tightened your grip on the shovel. it took another step, reaching its elongated legs towards you in massive steps that nearly closed the meager distance you'd built immediately. you panicked and picked up the pace, glancing behind you intermittently to ensure you wouldn't run into a wall.
was this thing chasing you? it sure felt like it, as odd as it was. it didn't help the foreboding pit you could feel at the bottom of your gut or the way your hands shook in your helplessness. but it was all you could do at the moment. trapped in this odd walk as you backtracked down a hall and into a room that split into two paths.
shit, which way should you go? you looked back in front of you at the creature and saw it was leaning to the left slightly, like it was going to try to subtly crowd you into that direction. you took the right in an attempt to avoid it. maybe it was trying to trap you somewhere. you would not let yourself be outwitted by it, you were better than that, you hoped.
it was truly unnerving how silent the creature was as it followed you, not a single sound coming from its steps. no matter how small the rooms or hallways were for it, it seemed to be able to contort its body to fit and move smoothly through the cramped spaces. it was impressive, if not worrying.
you were running out of time, you realized in dismay as you tried desperately to escape from this thing's eyes. but it was rather persistent—just like the navy one you'd encountered. the way its gaze was unwaveringly plastered onto your own was... captivating in a way that was quite worrying. and it trailed after you through room after room, hallway after hallway with attempts to crowd you into certain paths that you managed to evade until you felt yourself run into something hard.
you jumped. you hadn't realized—! you glanced behind you before snapping your gaze back to the creature in case it lunged at you or something. then you did a double take. wait a second, you'd— you'd ran straight into a red door. the fire exit. you gawked at it, then spun back around to stare at the gold creature. it had stopped moving, lingering a small distance away.
it only seemed to smile wider at you, lips stretching to reveal black gums.
did it— did it somehow—
had you just been outsmarted by this thing? subtly manipulating your movements so that you would—
no. nope. not thinking about it. you were at the exit and you had five minutes to get back to the ship. you couldn't afford to linger, to rest. an anxious feeling skittered all over your body; you did your best to ignore it.
you spared the creature a final glance, hesitating for just a small moment.
"thank you." the words were quiet as they left your lips. its head cocked to the side. then, you shoved your way past the fire exit and into the fresh air of the outside world. ignoring the way it grinned after you, knowing.
behind you, a bell gave a quaint, dulcet chime. ringing in your ears until you finally made it back onto your ship, safe and sound.
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aemondwhoresworld · 29 days
pairing: husband!aemond targaryen x wife!tyrell!reader ; cregan stark x tyrell!reader
requested by anon: Hii! Could you do a fic where aemond marries Tyrell!reader who was previously betrothed to cregan and was raised in the north to be lady stark but when her family got the offer to marry her to a prince they took it. In the north she was beloved by everyone and had cregan as her first love. But when she marries aemond she does end up falling in love with him and has sons with him that are just the peak of Targaryen features, like you would think aemond made them by himself. And for whatever reason the targs have to go to the north and so while on the kings road the targs finally get to see how deeply loved Tyrell!reader is in the north. When passing by lords keep’s the people in towns would come and flock to see their lady, the lords would come out and greet her as if she was their own blood, wildlings follow them on the road to ensure that no one mistreats their lady, house starks dire wolves ( let’s pretend they have them in this generation ) that belong to cregan that she helped raise hunt them down the moment they enter the north and protect her and her babes, and when they get to winterfell all the stereotypes that “starks and northerners are cold to all” are broken because even though cregan was professional to the royals he lights up like a little boy getting his favorite toy back again when he sees Tyrell ! Reader so it just shows that they are cold when they wanna to be.
warning: none | word count: 2,1k
feed back are appreciate but please be nice 🙇🏻‍♀️
request OPEN | mae TAGLIST
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Marriage for love is a luxury among the nobility, as your dear mother once taught you. From the age of three and ten, you were sent to Winterfell to prepare for your fate — to become Lady Stark, the wife of Cregan Stark, who would rule the North. Initially, the cold land felt unfamiliar to you, but Cregan's kindness and warmth gradually melted the ice in your heart, and feelings for him began to blossom within your tender heart. Cregan became your first love.
However, you soon realized that Cregan had no special feelings for you. His gaze was always fixed on someone else—Arra Norrey, his childhood friend. You understood that Cregan’s heart did not belong to you, but rather than feeling lonely, you found comfort and support from the people of Winterfell. They accepted and loved you, making you feel like a part of this home.
When you turned seven and ten, a letter from Highgarden arrived. It was a rare warm day in the North. The letter was from your father, Lord Tyrell, requesting that you return home immediately. You couldn’t refuse your father’s request, despite the lingering attachment you felt for Winterfell.
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After more than thirty long days on the carriage, you finally set foot back in Highgarden, the place where you were born and raised. Memories of the fragrant rose gardens, the warm afternoons, all came rushing back to you as you stepped through the grand gate.
As you entered the house, you were not greeted by the lively sounds of family, but by silence. Your father stood there, his back turned to you, his tall figure dominating the quiet space. Your heart beat faster, both eager and anxious. You stepped forward and gently called
Hearing your voice, he slowly turned around. In his eyes was a mix of joy at seeing his daughter again and something else, something difficult to grasp. He looked at you for a long time, as if measuring you after the years apart.
"You've returned, at last," he said, his voice warm but somewhat heavy, as if it carried secrets you were not yet able to understand.
You felt as if you had been pulled into the cold winds of the North once again. Your father's words left you stunned, your eyes widening in surprise. A marriage proposal from Prince Aemond Targaryen—a name not unfamiliar yet completely foreign to your imagination.
"Prince Aemond… Targaryen?" you whispered in disbelief.
"But Cregan and I —“
Your father interrupted, his voice firm but still gentle. "I know you and Cregan have a bond, but politics cannot be swayed by personal feelings. The future of our house is more important. This opportunity cannot be missed, especially when our connection with House Targaryen is something we need now more than ever."
You stood still, your mind swirling with chaotic thoughts. All the plans and dreams you had since childhood about life in Winterfell, about becoming Lady Stark—now they had vanished into thin air. Instead, a completely foreign future with the Targaryen dynasty awaited you.
"But… Aemond, I’ve never met him, father" you exclaimed, desperately searching for a way out of this sudden change.
"You will meet him soon," your father replied, his voice growing more resolute. "I have done what is best for our house, and for you. Prince Aemond is a strong warrior, powerful, and with a promising future in the realm. This marriage will bring great benefits to Highgarden."
You looked into your father's determined eyes, feeling a sense of helplessness creeping into your mind. You could clearly sense that, no matter how deep your feelings for Cregan were, the decision of the family would always be paramount. Unable to refuse, you had to accept this arrangement, as many noblewomen had done before you.
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Aemond's soft voice pulled you out of the whirlwind of thoughts that surrounded your mind. You startled and looked up at him, realizing the worried gaze of your husband was fixed on you.
"Wife… wife," he called you, his tone tinged with confusion, as if he couldn’t understand why you were sitting there so lost in thought.
You tried to calm yourself, offering a gentle smile to reassure him. "I’m fine," you replied, your voice trying to sound steady, though your heart still felt a little unsettled. "Is Aerys asleep?" you asked, changing the subject, trying to shift your attention to your son.
Aemond nodded, his eyes still on you. "Yes, our boy is asleep," he answered, his gaze softening at the mention of Aerys.
You stepped closer to Aemond, feeling the warmth emanating from him. The distance between the two of you seemed to disappear, and you felt safe standing near your husband. You placed your hand on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It helped you calm yourself, dispelling the lingering thoughts.
"I’m just a bit tired," you said softly, leaning into Aemond, allowing yourself to rest in his strength and steadiness.
Aemond gently wrapped his arms around you, his hand tenderly stroking your hair. "If you're tired, let's rest, my love" he whispered, his voice deep and full of care.
In that moment, all your worries, all the swirling thoughts vanished. What remained was the sense of safety and warmth that came from having Aemond by your side.
Yes, sometimes you still wondered how you could find happiness with Prince Aemond, after all the twists and turns in your life. You once thought that the betroth between you with Cregan would be the path you had to walk, but after that betrothal was canceled, your life took a different direction. With Aemond, the love of your life
At first, you didn’t think you could ever love Aemond — a cold, strong, and sometimes distant man. But as time passed, you gradually realized that behind that exterior was a warm heart, a husband willing to protect and love you. The affection between the two of you grew over time, and you gave your heart to Aemond without even realizing it.
The birth of Aerys — your firstborn son was proof of the love that you and Aemond had nurtured. Although the marriage may not have been your choice initially, it had now become a great source of happiness in your life. You felt fortunate to have Aemond by your side, and even more grateful to be the mother of his son.
Married life with Aemond wasn’t always easy, but it was love and mutual understanding that helped you overcome everything. You not only found happiness with him, but also discovered a small family of your own, something you never thought possible before.
The next morning, you were awakened by the clear laughter of Aerys, your 3-year-old son with Aemond, yours boy inherited all the beautiful features of the Targaryen bloodline. His laughter was full of joy, making you smile instinctively. Aemond, noticing that you had woken up, came closer and sat beside you.
“Good morning, my dear wife,” Aemond said with his deep, warm voice, then leaned down to kiss your forehead. His gentle kiss made you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body.
“Good morning, my love,” you replied, your eyes filled with affection. Just then, Aerys slowly approached, his bright eyes and innocent smile lighting up his face as he babbled, “Mornin Mama!”
Your heart melted at the sight of your son’s adorable face. You bent down kiss on his white soft yet curly hair with a hugged, savoring the simple yet immensely meaningful happiness that your little family brought you.
After spending some warm moments together in the morning, the maid arrived to help you prepare for the journey to Winterfell with the entire Targaryen family. This was an important event, and you wanted everything to be perfect.
You had initially planned to ride dragons with Aemond to Winterfell, but Aemond was concerned about your safety. He believed that traveling by dragon could be dangerous, especially since you needed to care for Aerys during the trip. So, after some consideration, the two of you decided to travel by carriage together. Aemond wanted to ensure that you and your son would be well protected throughout the long journey.
The carriage was ready, and you felt a bit anxious thinking about this trip. But with Aemond by your side, you knew you could face anything ahead.
Aerys sat in the carriage with you and the wet nurses, the boy ever curious about everything around him. This journey carried significant meaning, not only for House Targaryen but also for House Stark. Your presence on this trip symbolized respect and a desire to strengthen political ties between the two houses.
You understood the importance of this journey, and although the road might be long and tiring, you knew that your presence would contribute to solidifying the alliance between the Targaryens and Starks. With determination and support from Aemond, you were ready to face the challenges ahead for the future of your house and your son.
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After more than one moon, the long journey finally came to an end as the Targaryen family’s carriage entered the North. As soon as the carriage arrived, the people recognized the return of Lady Tyrell. Cheers erupted everywhere, and you could feel their warm affection towards you.
“Lady Tyrell has returned!” one person shouted, their voice full of excitement.
“My Lady, welcome back,” another called out, even though they couldn’t see you inside the carriage, the presence of two large direwolves walking beside it was an unmistakable sign that you were there. The two wolves, was once raised and cared for by you, now walked close to the carriage as if to affirm your role in this land.
Hearing these greetings, you couldn’t help but smile. Before arriving, you had been worried that the people might have forgotten you, or even be angry at your sudden disappearance without a word of explanation. But on the contrary, their affection for you remained intact, and this eased your heart greatly.
As soon as you stepped down from the carriage, you didn’t hesitate to run over and embrace Cregan Stark. The two of you were like two brother sister who had been apart for many years, now finally reunited. Cregan’s eyes were filled with joy and happiness, as if he was welcoming a beloved sister back home.
No matter how many years passed, the bond between you and Cregan remained unchanged, from your first love to a friend, a brother that you loved dearly. The warmth and affection that Cregan showed you were proof of the deep feelings that the North always had for you, regardless of time or distance.
At Winterfell, after being warmly welcomed, you felt truly happy to see that everyone still cherished and valued you as part of the family. "Welcome to Winterfell, once again," Cregan said with a warm smile, to which you could only smile back. "Thank you, everyone for welcoming me and my family with such warmth and making me love this place even more," you said before stepping out of Cregan's embrace.
You were delighted to learn that Cregan had married the woman he loved, Arra Norrey, and the two had a healthy, lively son named Rickon. After the warm greetings between the two families, you were led to the prepared private chambers for your little family.
That evening, Winterfell hosted a grand feast to celebrate your family's safe arrival. The festive and cozy atmosphere of the feast made you love this place even more, a place where the weather was cold but the hearts of the people were incredibly warm.
As night fell, you gently placed Aerys into the cradle beside your bed, with Aemond lying next to you. The two loyal direwolves, Summer and Winter, lay beside the cradle, guarding little Aerys without leaving. Since your arrival in Winterfell, they had not left your side or your son's.
After finishing everything, you crawled into bed beside Aemond. "I never expected the people here to love you so much," Aemond said in a tone of admiration, mixed with pride.
"Yes, they have always seen me as one of their own," you replied, happiness spreading in your heart. "And look, the two wolves I cared for all those years ago, even after so much time, they remain loyal and protect our son."
Aemond, who once thought the people of the North were cold and distant, now realized the warmth and respect they had for you and his family. You, with your strength, spirit, and special connection with them, had captured the hearts of the Northerners.
"I am so proud of you," Aemond said, holding you tightly. You turned to look at him, smiling happily.
"I love you, Aemond," you whispered. You could hear Aemond's soft chuckle.
"I love you too, my love," he replied, then gently kissed your hair. The two of you held each other and drifted into a peaceful, contented sleep, wrapped in the warmth of love and family.
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months
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Evan "Buck" Buckley x shy!probie!fem!reader
part one part two part three part four
summary: you and Buck finally decide to take your relationship to the next level after he reads an excerpt of a smutty book to you in a bookstore
word count: 5.8k
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) unprotected sex (wrap it before you smack it) oral (f and m receiving) Buck receives a handjob
You and Buck entered the book store hand in hand. Most of the books he read were for school and when he got older, they were either help or had to do with his profession. He never really thought about doing it for fun. But seeing your collection made him want to get into the kinds of books you read. 
He wanted to know what made you gravitate towards those above all the others. What was so good about the romance, the sex on page. Especially the sex on page. He had wanted to read some of your books when he had come over, but you had always stopped him because it embarrassed you.
“So where do we start?” Buck asked, rubbing his hands together as he looked around the store, the entire place filled with shelves and shelves of books. Before he could take it all in, you grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards your favorite section, Buck following blindly since he was happy to follow you anywhere. 
“Just follow me,” you told him. 
“Happy to,” he smiled even though you couldn’t see him. You were too focused on where you were leading him to and he looked at you with nothing but love in his eyes. 
You kept hold of his hand as you stopped at the romance section, your eyes lighting up as you looked at all of your options. You knew exactly what you were there for, but were now overwhelmed by all of the new options. 
You reached for one of the books you had come there for and after only a few minutes of looking, you were now holding five books. Buck just stood there and watched you in admiration, loving that you had a hobby that you enjoyed that much. Now that he thought about it, he didn’t think there was anything he loved that much. Well, except for spending time with you. That, he had really grown fond of. 
As he stood there, watching you, a lightbulb went off. Standing next to you with his hand in yours, he was slowly starting to realize that he was falling in love with you. And hard. He decided that he didn’t want to be with anyone else. You were it for him. And thinking about spending the rest of his life with you made the tightness in his chest go away. All of the anxiety that seemed to linger completely disappeared when he was around you.
He had never felt that way about anyone before. Well, he had, but he always pushed it down, completely ignoring it. Falling in love absolutely terrified Buck. People always left him, so he tried his best to push down his feelings so he didn’t feel them. It was a kind of vulnerability that was foreign to him. But for you, though, he was ready to dive in head first. 
He could see it all, a proposal, a wedding, a cute little house with the white picket fence where your children and the dog you were going to inevitably have ran around the yard while the two of you sat on the front porch sipping from mugs filled with coffee. God, he was in deep and for once, he didn’t even care.
“Buck?” You asked, waving your hand in front of his face. He shook his head, completely zoning back into the real word. How long had he been out? His head snapped to you, your soft hand landing on his cheek. He immediately reached up and rested his hand on top of it, leaning into your touch, letting his eyes close. 
“Hm?” He asked, falling back into his dreamy state. 
“You okay?” You asked, your thumb moving back and forth across his cheek. He nodded, deciding that he was absolutely perfect, that this was exactly what he had wished for for years. Someone who cared about him in return. Because apparently that had been too much to ask until now. He gave and gave until he had nothing left and everyone always selfishly took all of his affection and ran. But you wouldn’t have. He was sure of it. 
“I’m perfect,” he replied, opening his blue eyes, staring into yours. 
“Can I take those for you?” He asked, referring to the evergrowing stack of books in your hand. You handed them off to him and he took them, holding them so gently as if he was cradling a baby in his arms. 
“You don’t have to do this, Buck. Seriously,” you told him, your voice getting softer. 
“That was the whole point of the trip, baby,” he reminded you. The whole reason why you had been there was to celebrate you being with the 118 for six months. And maybe Buck just wanted an excuse to spoil you, but he never would have told you that. 
“I just feel bad,” you looked down at the carpet you were standing on, but Buck quickly reached out and grabbed hold of your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes. 
“I have to spend my money on someone, don’t I?” He asked, tilting his head in that adorable way that you had grown to love. 
“Fine,” you sighed. “But you have to get something too.”
“Nope,” he shook his head. “This is all about you. Did you still want this one?” He pointed at the one you had put back. You just nodded and Buck grabbed it and added to the stack before excusing himself to grab a basket.
You watched him make conversation with the woman behind the register that the baskets just so happened to be right by, feeling your heart swell. You loved seeing him interact with other people, the smile on his face becoming so infectious. He was just so sweet and kind that you couldn’t help but fall in love with him. You were in love with him. And the thing was, you didn’t want to stop it. 
You had the same bad luck in the romance department that Buck did. People just didn’t like how shy you were, how soft spoken. They didn’t like how you always wanted to stay in and read with a glass of wine as opposed to going out. But Buck, he embraced all of that, making you feel like you could be yourself around, something that had always scared you. He was slowly bringing you out of your shell but only on your own terms. He would never have forced you to do something that you didn’t want to, always telling you that it was okay to say no.
And when he told you that he was totally okay with taking it slow, you almost broke down in tears. None of your exes had ever been that gentle or patient with you. As soon as they found out that you weren’t going to put out, they hit the road, never wanting to speak to you again. 
You had had sex. Not as much as Buck, but you had a few times. You hated it every time, though. All of your partners had been selfish, taking whatever they wanted from you, not even bothering to check in and make sure that you were enjoying yourself. So after that, you vowed that you wouldn’t do it again. You couldn’t. The thought of being intimate in that way terrified you. 
That was why you sought it out in fiction. You could get all the pleasure you needed without a partner. In the dark of the night with nothing but the words on the page and your vibrator to get you off. It was the perfect combination and you were sure to cum every time. There wasn’t anyone there to take advantage of you or critique you, telling you that you weren’t being loud enough and you certainly didn’t have to fake an orgasm.
But lately, your mind drifted to Buck, letting him be the new main character in your late night fantasies. You never would have told him, but he was the one you were seeing as the main male character in your books. You had become obsessed with the idea that you were flying through more books than you normally did, wanting to see what the fictional versions of yourselves were going to get up to. 
“Got the basket,” Buck smiled, holding up the thing that was now carrying your books. You felt your cheeks burn as if he could have known exactly what you were thinking about. It was perfectly normal to have been thinking about your boyfriend in a sexual manner, so you didn’t know why you were so embarrassed about it. 
“Where to next?” He asked and you grabbed his hand, heading to the part of the store where you knew the historical romances were. 
Once you got to the section, you scanned the shelves, unsure what you were looking for, but wanting something. Those types of books were always super smutty and that was what you were in the mood for. You needed something to feed off of with your fantasies and there was no way in hell that you were going to ask that of Buck. 
“Oh, I think my mom reads these,” he said, reaching over your shoulder to grab one that had caught his eye. It was a pirate romance, with two people embracing on the cover, a man and a woman. The woman was wearing a dress that barely covered her body and the man was dressed in a puffy pirate-like shirt that perfectly showed off his muscles. He was looking down at the woman like he wanted to devour her and Buck could tell that that was exactly what was going to happen in the book. 
He flipped through the pages and you felt yourself blush as you realized what he was looking for. He stood behind you, putting the book right in your line of sight. Your eyes skimmed over the page he had opened to and you wanted to get out of there, but he had his arms draped over your chest, pulling you to him. 
“Wesley’s hand slid into Ari’s underwear,” he whispered into your ear, his voice all dramatic as he read. “His fingers found her cunt with ease and he slid them inside her, causing her to-” You weren’t even paying attention to his words, suddenly feeling wet. You had felt that way around Buck more times than you could count, but you were able to get it under control. This time, though, it was different. You suddenly wanted him, resisting the urge to take him right there against the bookshelf. 
“God, they really don’t leave any detail out, do they?” He asked with a chuckle as he closed the book, putting it back on the shelf. Your eyes suddenly closed, imagining just what it would have felt like for him to stick his hand down your underwear and do exactly what Wesley had done to Ari. “I can see why people like it, though. It’s hot,” he shrugged and turned to you, squeezing your shoulder to get your attention. 
“You okay?” he asked and you immediately pulled yourself out of your fantasy, turning to him, seeing his blue eyes filled with concern. 
“I’m fine. I think I’m good here.”
“You only got five books.”
“How many did you want me to get, because that right there is already over a hundred dollars.”
“I told you that there was no spending limit. Didn’t you have a couple on your TBR that you wanted to get?” It made you smile that he remembered all of the terminology that you had taught him. 
“No, I think I’m good for now. I-I need you, Buck,” you said, stepping towards him and he closed the gap, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“I’m right here, baby.” 
“No, Buck,” you grabbed onto his shirt, fisting it. “I need you.” Oh. Oh. Now he understood. 
“Are you sure we should do this here?” He whispered. “Right now?” 
“We could always go to your jeep,” your finger ran along the hem collar of his shirt and a very flirty look appeared on your face. One that he had seen many times before, but never to that degree. 
“Y-yeah,” he cleared his throat, trying to hold back a laugh. He then pressed a brief kiss to your lips and took you by the hand before leading you to the checkout counter. 
He set the basket on the counter with a big smile and wrapped an arm around you as the cashier rang up your books. Now he was getting antsy, but trying his best to hide it. He would have been happy waiting if that was what you wanted, but now that you told him that you were ready, he was more than happy to take that next step with you. 
Buck paid for the books and held the bag in one hand and your hand in the other as the two of you head to his jeep. Your heart was pounding as you realized what you were about to do, but you were also really excited, knowing that Buck was going to be nothing but a gentleman. 
He sped down the street to the apartment building where you both lived and practically dragged you to the elevator where he pressed the button for your floor since you would get to your place quicker. 
He really hoped that no one would be coming in and he pressed his lips to yours, slowly backing you up against the wall. This kiss had been more heated than your other ones. There was more passion. He licked into your mouth as your hands trailed up his shirt, pressing against his abs as you pulled his tongue into your mouth, giving it a suck. 
You could hear a whimper in the back of his throat along with the ding of the elevator, letting it know that it had stopped on your floor. You backed him out of the elevator and into the hallway, the two of you only breaking apart to unlock your door. 
As soon as you were inside, the door closed with a slam and you both kicked off your socks and shoes before he backed you up against the island, helping you up onto it as he spread your knees apart so he could fit between them. Your hands pulled on his shirt but his rested on top of yours, his blue eyes boring into yours. 
“Are you sure you want to keep going?” He asked. Buck would have never forgiven himself if he had done something you had felt comfortable with. 
“Positive. I’m giving very enthusiastic consent.” 
“But just because you give it doesn’t mean you can’t take it away. Let me know if I do something you don’t like.” 
“And the same goes for you.” 
“C’mon,” he grabbed onto your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist before lifting you up from the counter. He then connected your lips, moving them together slowly as he carried you up the stairs to his bed where he laid you down. He hovered over you, so much love filling his eyes as he looked down at you. Your lips were so pretty and kiss bitten and your eyes were glazed over with lust and Buck didn’t think you could have ever looked more beautiful. 
He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and threw it onto the bed beside you before lowering himself down onto you. He kissed you slow and deep, as if he had all the time in the world as his hands moved up your shirt, grabbing onto your bare hips, his rough fingers feeling so good on your warm skin. You suddenly wanted them everywhere. 
He slowly removed your shirt and marveled at your breasts clearly seeing your hardened nippled through your thin bra. You were absolutely magnificent. He peppered your chest with kisses as his hands slid underneath you to unclasp your bra. Once it was removed, he let it fall to the floor and looked down at your bare chest, taking it all in. 
“Fucking beautiful,” he said, pressing a kiss between your tits before moving downwards, giving your stomach some love. You laid there, pliant under his touch, the whole thing already going much better than it had with any of your previous partners. Buck was so sweet and really seemed to care about how he was making you feel. 
His hands slid into your leggings and he slowly pulled them off of you, seeing the wet patch that was on your underwear as he did so. He then hovered his hands over your panties and looked up at you, as if to ask for permission. 
You nodded and a breathy “Take them off,” fell from your lips. Buck slowly removed them and spread your legs to get a good look at what he was working with. You were absolutely soaked and he was wondering just how long you had been holding that in. 
“Can I say something really quick?” you asked and Buck’s head snapped up to yours. 
“Anything,” he nodded, closing your legs as he sensed this was not going to be dirty talk. 
“I um-” you cleared your throat. “I can’t-I haven’t been able to-orgasm. At least not with a partner. So don’t feel bad if you can’t get me there, okay?” Buck was surprised by your words. He couldn’t believe that you were blaming yourself when not being able to orgasm wasn’t your fault. That was entirely up to your partner to get you there. 
“You know that’s not your fault, right?” he asked, lowering himself onto his knees in front of you as you sat up. “That was entirely up to them to make you feel good and they couldn’t do it. Did you not enjoy it?” 
“No,” you shook your head as your cheeks burned while also feeling a weight lift off your shoulders as you finally admitted it. “But I feel like if anyone could do it, it would be you.”
“Do you want to test that theory?” He asked, his flirty tone taking over again. 
“Yes, please,” you said, lying back onto the bed. He pressed a kiss to your knee and spread your legs again. He grabbed onto your thigh and straightened out your leg before peppering it in kisses as he moved up it, wanting to warm you up before he dove in. He did the same thing with your other leg before draping both over his shoulders. 
He then slowly inched his face closer to your cunt, giving you opportunity to back out if you wanted to. He then slowly pressed his face into it. You let out a gasp when his nose brushed it and your fingers wound into his hair as he mouthed your clit, sucking on the spot and feeling his dick getting hard as a whimper fell from your lips. He licked and sucked on the spot, taking his time, fully intending to give you the best head of your life. A moan escaped from your throat and you both paused, Buck pulling away to grin at you. 
“That’s it, baby,” he urged. “Just like that. You’re doing great.” He dove back in for more, wanting to taste more of you, but to also hear more of your delectable sounds. His mouth was back on your clit in a flash, licking and sucking some more, trying to not smile to himself as you continued to moan. He had you right where he wanted you and he had barely even done anything yet. He couldn’t wait to see how you would react once he was actually inside you. 
He moved lower, tonguing your slit, licking back and forth between the seam before going in with his lips, giving it a hard suck as his hands moved up to your thighs, spreading your legs wider to have more access to you. He then lightly grazed your cunt with his teeth and his ears perked up at your loud moan as your thighs pressed against his head as your ankles locked together at the back of his neck. 
Buck continued his movements, loving how hard you were pulling onto his hair, knowing that you were enjoying it just as much as he was. You tasted so good and he loved how quickly he was able to make you come undone. He bet you looked so hot, so beautiful as the noises came from your mouth, wondering what you looked like when you orgasmed. He bet you looked so good with your mouth wide open, sweaty all over, your labored breathing. He couldn’t wait to see it. 
He shoved his tongue inside you and couldn’t help but notice how tight you were, but he wasn’t going to comment on it. He didn’t want to embarrass you and certainly didn’t feel like it mattered. He knew you hadn’t been intimate in a while and fully intended on making you feel so good, so special. 
He swirled his tongue around and was convinced that you were going to pull his hair out with how hard you were yanking it, but he hardly cared. You were reacting exactly how he wanted you to. His tongue hit just the right spot and your back arched in pleasure as a scream ripped through you. 
“Buck, oh my god,” you screamed as you reached your orgasm, stars forming in your eyes, your vision going hazy. This was exactly what you had been expecting with your other partners. It was all you wanted and apparently it had been very simple since it hadn’t taken Buck long to get you there. But that was what had separated him from your other partners. He had actually cared about what you had wanted, what had made you feel good. 
“More,” was all you were able to say in a whimper between breaths. “Please.” His tongue continued to swirl around, on the hunt for another spot and by another moan, he could tell that he had found it. He then removed his tongue from you and moved back to your slit, trying to lap up every last bit of slick that he could find. He licked and sucked, eating up every last moan you were able to give up, loving how crazy he was able to make you with just his mouth. 
Another screamed ripped through you and Buck figured it was time to call it quits, pulling his face away from you and sitting back on his knees. He looked up at you, feeling his cock getting hard as he was finally able to see just how fucked out you were. Your eyes were glazed over and your body was glistening with a light sheen of sweat. He didn’t think you could have possibly looked hotter. 
“Holy shit,” you breathed. “You can do that any time you want.” Oh, he was so going to take you up on that offer. Feeling his shirt clinging to him, he ripped it off of him and tossed it to the side before pulling off his jeans, hating the feeling of his clothing sticking to his sweat body. 
He then collapsed onto the bed next to you, feeling his cock ache from being so hard, but he felt like he needed to give you a minute to come down from your orgasm before he tried anything else. You turned to him, your eyes trailing down his body and stopping once they got to his cock that was very much tenting in his boxers. 
You wanted to see it, touch it, feel it inside you and maybe in your mouth. Definitely in your mouth. He could see you staring and you were glad he couldn’t see the drool gathering in your mouth as you thought about sucking him off. His cheeks burned and he almost wanted to cover himself up, but decided that he had nothing to be embarrassed about. You were his girlfriend and it was totally normal for him to be turned on by you. 
“I can…take care of that for you,” you told him and he nodded enthusiastically as a whimper passed his lips. He wanted you to do whatever you wanted to him. 
“God, please,” he whined and you spit into your hand and slowly stuck it down into his pants, going straight for his cock which was very hard and veiny and sticky. You pumped your hand and he let out a moan as you did so, finally able to let it free. You then helped him remove his underwear completely, his cock springing free, needing more room to work on him, everything getting crowded in his boxers. 
It was bigger than you imagined and you wondered how it was even going to fit inside you when the time came. Somehow, though, you knew he’d make it work. You watched him come undone as you continued to jack him off, your movements slow at first, but eventually, gradually getting faster as you got more confident in what you were doing. You watched his face, eating up every single movement and moan and whimper falling from his lips. His eyes were shut tight and his hands grasped at the bedding underneath him, already feeling like he was close. 
He let out a loud scream that mixed in with his heavy breathing and you continued, desperate to hear the sound again. You watched his mouth open wider, his name leaving your lips as he reached his climax, cum leaking from his cock as he did so. He was so hot and you needed to taste him immediately. 
You moved your hand from him and made eye contact with him as you licked the cum that had gotten onto it, watching his eyes widen as he realized that he had created a monster. Where had you learned to do that? Because he certainly hadn’t taught that to you. 
“Christ,” he groaned and you lowered yourself on top of him, pressing your lips to his before dipping your tongue into his mouth, giving him the opportunity to see what he tasted like. He took your tongue into his mouth and gave it a rough suck before pulling away, desperate to have you suck him off. 
You kissed your way down his chest to his stomach just like he had done, but you were slower with it, letting your tongue stroke his sweaty skin, taking your time to work him up again. You could feel him squirming underneath you, desperate for you and you just continued, wanting him to beg for it. 
“Baby, please,” he said, rubbing his hands up and down your arms and you paused, looking up at him before moving even lower, making eye contact with him before slowly taking the tip of his cock into your mouth. You slovenly swirled your tongue around the head, trying to lick up every last drop of his cum. You looked up at him, watching him lose his mind and you like being on the other side, being the one to give the pleasure. 
You then took a little more into your mouth as your hand wrapped around the base, your tongue flattening against the underside of his cock, continuing to suck on him while your tongue gently stroked him. You hadn’t even done much yet and he could already confidently say that this was the best blowjob of his life. 
“Baby, oh my god,” he moaned. “So good.” You took that as an invitation to continue, sucking a little harder this time, removing your hand to take all of him into your mouth. He gasped as he looked down and watched you, quick to wipe away the tear that had fallen from your eyes.
“I knew you could take it,” he breathed. “I like this side of you, Jesus Christ.” Your hand reached for his balls and you fiddled with them before giving them a tight squeeze, Buck’s back hitting the mattress as he was becoming overstimulated. But there was no way that he was going to ask you to stop. He was enjoying it too much, the feeling of you sucking him off, watching you work on him, getting worked up just from seeing it all play out before him.
He was close, he could feel it building inside of him. Just one more stroke of your tongue and he’d be done for, absolutely fucked out. He was definitely going to need a break, but after that, he was going to fuck you senseless for giving him the best head of his life. Well, he was going to do that anyway. 
His back arched as he screamed your name, more cum leaking out onto your tongue. You slowly removed him from your mouth and swallowed before moving to lay next to him, the both of you getting under the covers. You both laid in silence, the only thing that could be heard was your heavy breaths, the events of what had just happened replaying in your heads on a loop. 
His hand reached for yours and you let him take it, him giving yours a squeeze before bringing it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to it. You turned to him, giving him a warm smile as your free hand moved to his hair, moving the hairs that had stuck to his forehead away from it. As he looked at you, hearts practically forming in his eyes, he began to realize that this was the moment. You had been so vulnerable with him that he felt like it was only right that he was the same with you. He took a deep breath, pulling up the script in his head that he had written out, but immediately trashing it, wanting this moment to be unscripted. From the heart. 
“I love you,” he said, feeling his heart pound in his chest. He hadn’t ever said those words to anyone. At least, not in a romantic sense. But as he said it, he felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders as he watched your face change, a huge smile breaking out on your face. God, you were adorable. 
He loved you. He loved you. You had hoped he felt the same, but you hadn’t been exactly sure. Despite all of his bad luck in that department, he had let his walls down and let himself fall in love with you. He was so tired of fighting it, even though he had wanted to accept it. And now he had. And he had even been the first to say it, which was a surprise, but you weren’t sure that you could have done it. The vulnerability scared you. But not anymore. He had done the scary part and now you felt like you owed him the truth in return.
“I love you too, Buck,” you replied and in response, he pulled you on top of him, intertwining his fingers with your and pressing a big sloppy kiss to your lips. He smiled against them and you couldn’t help but mimic him, your teeth clinking together as a result. You laughed into his mouth and he didn’t think he could have been happier than he was in that moment. 
He sat up and pressed his back against the headboard and you straddled his waist, your naked bodies pressing together. Your hands moved to his hair as your lips pressed to his, your kisses slow and messy as if you had all the time in the world, because you did. Your tongue swiped along the seam of his lips and he let you in with no hesitation, letting your tongue swirl around his leisurely. You then pulled away before he was ready, looking him in the eyes and he knew exactly what you wanted. 
“I want to feel you,” you told him, your hand scratching at his scalp and his partially closing his eyes at the feeling. “Is that okay? I’m-I’m on birth control and I got tested not too long ago. I’m good.”
“Me too,” he nodded. “I want to feel you too.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips and helped you settle onto him, both of you moaning at the foreign feeling. You hesitantly bucked your hips against his as you both moved together, trying to get used to being connected in that way. 
His hands moved to your back, cradling you as yours moved to his shoulders, your pace picking up every so slightly. He was so gentle with you, always checking in to make sure you were comfortable, guiding you in any way he could. 
This was the most gentle sex Buck had ever had and he would have been lying if he said he didn’t like it. He liked all of the slow movements and the way you two were connected in such a loving way, holding onto each other, almost as if it was an embrace. 
You continued to ride him as your head tilted back, a delicious moan falling from your lips. All of your shyness and embarrassment had fallen away and it had seemed as though the love confession had opened up a whole new side of you. A more confident side that Buck loved to be the only one to see. That you felt comfortable enough to let all your walls down and let him see the real you.
“Look at you,” he said through breaths. “Taking me so well.” 
Your pace picked up a little more and you were close already. So close that you could see the edges of your vision starting to haze. There was no way you could have ever slept with anyone else after this. Not like you wanted to anyway. You wanted to be with Buck for the rest of your life. You were sure of it, even if you weren’t quite ready to admit that to him or yourself. 
“So pretty when you moan my name, baby. I wanna hear it again.”
Buck watched another orgasm roll through you and wasn’t sure if he’d ever stop finding you screaming his name so hot. Your back arched, causing your stomach to touch his and then you eventually melted into him, your head falling against his shoulder. His hands moved up and down your back as he let your stay there as you came down from your climax. 
Once you were good to go, he helped you off of him and you both laid on your sides, chest to chest as you held each other, whispering “I love you’s” into the dark while sharing kisses and the moments when you first fell for each other. 
As you both fell asleep that night, all you could think about was how lucky you felt to have found a man like him. Maybe things between the two of you were a bit rocky at first, but now you were completely inseparable. Tied together by your love for each other and nothing, absolutely nothing would ruin your special bond.
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fanwarriorfictions · 6 months
Not Again- Part Two
Azriel x Rowaelin daughter reader
Summary: Y/n woke up in a strange foreign land surrounded by strangers that she couldn’t understand. Alone and desperate to get home.
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-Part Two-
Y/n kept her dagger pointed at them. The two males and the small female didn’t seem to mind that fact, they seemed more concerned about the Wyrd mark on her brow.
“What is that,” the beautiful male with violet eyes asks, “how did it toss me out of your mind.”
She glares at him, “that was rude of you, trying to look into a ladies mind without her permission.”
She’d felt those talons at the edge of her mind, hitting that ice cold wall that had grabbed him and threw him out without hesitation. She’d felt his shock when that ancient power had flared, she’d felt his pain as it ripped into him just as viciously as he’d attacked her.
The corners of his lips tug, “my apologies, we’ve had bad experiences with random females falling into this world.”
She couldn’t hide the surprise. So she wasn’t the first they’d encountered. How many gates had been opened here? How many had been wrenched from their home worlds against their will. How did the gates get unlocked.
“I don’t take kindly to strangers messing with my head,” she says, memories of sitting in her mother’s office, learning of the valg queen who’d held her mother captive during the war, torturing and twisting her mind, the queen who had gone into her father’s head and convinced him another was his mate just to get her killed, “this mark is the mark of my blood, and protection against beings like you.”
Her mother had woven the protection into her skin the moment she was born, the mark upon her brow no longer just a warning of the price to be paid. The mark will continue to pass down through the bloodline, and it will protect them as it had protected her.
“Who are you?” She asks, “why did you bring me here?”
“My name is Rhysand,” the violet eyed male introduces, his casual stance not moving an inch, a preformance, she was well versed in those, “We didn’t bring you here, Azriel over here found you laying in the dirt.”
He gestures to the male with the dark bat like wings who’s scent had woken her. The scent was familiar, something she couldn’t quite place at first. She’d felt him draw close and that’s when she struck without hesitation. He fought well, countering each of her moves, not attacking, just blocking. When she’d pulled away and truly looked him over, saw those shadows that reminded her of her uncles’, she had recognized that he smelled like the libraries of Orynth. It’d shocked her enough to let the grip on the air go, and when he’d sighed in relief she’d unconsciously warned the air even more. It was strange, very very strange, that reaction to his pain. Her father would bite her head off for the slip.
“There was no one else with me?” She asked the male, Azriel.
He merely shook his head, “just you.”
The small female who’d yet to introduce herself steps forward, “who would’ve been with you?”
Y/n eyes the female warily, she looked like a normal fae, but something told her that this female was more than she seemed, “I was sparring with my father when the gate opened, a force I couldn’t see pulled me down, my head smacked the ground and then I was waking up here. Whatever it was seemed to have just wanted me.”
She could hear her fathers yell as she was pulled away, she remembers the flash of light as he shifted and then everything went black.
“The Wyrd gates have been sealed for 25 years,” Y/n continues, “it shouldn’t have been possible.”
Her mother had almost given her life to lock those gates, she’d given almost everything she was to do it.
“Wyrd gate?” Rhysand asks, shakily testing out the word, it existed in their language, given the way she was able to say it with ease, but obviously it hadn’t been used in a very very long time.
“A gate between worlds,” the small female answers, “gates opened with marks like that.”
She gestures to the mark still faintly glowing on Y/n’s brow.
“Nameless,” the female slowly reads, “you’ve got quite a long name to have nameless stamped on you, girl.”
“Amren play nice,” Rhysand chides halfheartedly.
“Wyrd marks are used for many things,” Y/n says, “it’s the language of worlds, like I said, this one is the mark of my bloodline, passed on from my mother.”
Ever the silent figure, Azriel simply watches, his eyes not missing any details. It’s almost enough to make her squirm, but instead she holds his gaze, refusing to back down even an inch. He’s unfairly beautiful, dark hair curling slightly at the ends, his face unreadable, his eyes the shade of whisky in fire light. Several inches taller than her, she’d have to crane her head back to look him in the eye standing next to him. A warrior, built with lethal muscles that she could see beneath his black shirt, large yet he moved with speed, like one of those wisps of shadows at his shoulders. And those wings, large and foreboding, wicked talons at the beak and on the ends, if he stretched them open they’d be twice, maybe even triple the size of him. The shadows around him dance, more sentient than her uncles, more wild too, they swirl around and whisper in his ears, she wonders what they have to say about her.
“Should we move this conversation somewhere more comfortable?” Rhysand asks, a glimmer in his eye as he breaks the stare down between them.
He takes a step towards Y/n and that dagger is back up in an instant, “I’m perfectly happy to talk here in the open, rather than whatever cell you have in mind.”
Rhysand quirks a brow, “who said anything about a cell.”
Her answering laugh is as cold as ice, “you would invite me into your home? I wouldn’t if I were you.”
“We’ve been down this road before,” Rhysand says, “our last guest was keen on escaping anyway she could, I’m sure you would be as well. I’d like to be able to keep a closer eye on you. Azriel here would be more than happy to fly you up to the house of wind.”
Azriel sends him an inquisitive look, “I would?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Y/n says quickly, examining those bat like wings, “where is this house of wind.”
Rhysand grins as he points across the garden to the looming cliffs hanging above the city beyond, “up there. I promise flying will be much better than the ten thousand steps up to the door. Azriel won’t bite.”
She grins, showing off those sharpened canines, “who says I won’t.”
Azriel subtly examines those teeth, she could easily rip out his throat with them if she wished. Based on the way he shifts back on his feet, she’s sure he’s come to the same conclusion
“I’ll get there myself,” she continues, “just need a guide.”
With a flash of blinding white light, she shifts, taking the form of a large hawk. Surprise lights in the three fae’s eyes, Azriel’s wings flaring in shock. He takes in her form, her red tinged wings, those same cold eyes staring out at him.
“Well isn’t that something.” Rhysand’s head angles, “follow Azriel, he’ll show you to your room. We can continue this conversation in the morning.”
They glance at each other, a silent conversation passing between them, before Azriel spreads his wings and launches into the sky. She bows her head towards the two remaining before she’s shooting into the sky behind him.
She’s fast, faster than him in that nimble form. Azriel flies quickly to the house, yet she surpasses him and circles around to keep pace. He can’t help but feel like she’s stalking him, like he’s a field mouse that she’s picked out for dinner, waiting for the moment she decides to strike. Whatever sort of fae she was set him on edge, her power felt older and wilder like she was closer to the beasts the fae used to be, the ones with raw magic that drew directly from the earth beneath them. That wind could pull the air from beneath his wings, pull it straight from his lungs, that fire could burn him to ash from the inside out. It was the most unsettling feeling.
They land on the balcony, a bright flare of light and she is back to that fae form, cold eyes assessing every inch of the house around her. It fells like a mistake to turn his back towards her to walk inside, a mistake that could end with that red hot dagger in between his shoulder blades, maybe even one of those small throwing knives sheathed by her ribs. He can’t help but glance at the leather vest, it was tight to her skin, laced in the back to fit her form. The evidence of the way she’d been ripped from her world shown in the rips in her clothes, in the blood around her collar from the healing wound on her head. It’d started stitching itself together quickly considering how much she’d been bleeding when he found her.
“After you,” he says gesturing towards the hall.
Her eyes wisely slip towards truth teller at his side, but no complaint rises to her lips. She holds her head high as she walks past him, close enough that he could easily grab her and put his blade to her throat, close enough that he caught the scent of pine and snow and embers. She wasn’t scared of him, and with the way she fought, she had every right not to be.
He drifts behind her, giving her single word directions down the familiar halls until they were standing before the door he’d chosen as her room.
“The house will give you whatever you need,” he says, “simply ask and it will appear. If you need anything else, I’m right across the hall.”
If the sentient house was a surprise it didn’t show on her face, instead she asks with a small smirk on her lips, “are you my host or my keeper?”
The teasing tone takes him by surprise, “I’m here to keep a close eye on you. Our last guest had a tendency for surprises.”
She eyes him in that predator like manor, gaze drifting over his shoulder to a wisp of shadow, “keep any wandering eyes to your side of the hall.”
That shadow moves on its own accord, drifting towards her like she’s a magnet. She bares her sharp teeth at the little wisp, scaring it back to Azriel’s side. It hides like a scolded child and he finds himself holding back a chuckle.
“You’ve seen shadows like this before?”
She shakes her head, “not quite. Two of my uncles can control shadows like yours, but they’re not sentient creatures.”
He wasn’t surprised that there weren’t more like him in her world, he’d spent a long time looking for other shadowsingers to help him master his power, in the end it was just him and his shadows who’d figured it out. Even Quinlann’s brother wasn’t like him, not completely.
“They whisper to you,” she states, not a question.
“How’d you know that?”
A breeze drifts past him and she says, “I can feel them in the wind. Can’t quite understand what they’re saying, but I can feel their whispering in your ears.”
“It’s called shadowsinging,” he supplies, he’s not quite sure why but he tells her, “if you spend enough time in the shadows you learn their language.”
She hums, stepping towards her door, “keep the little busybodies close by, I don’t take kindly to little spies in my rooms.”
“As you wish, your highness,” he’s not sure where the title comes from, or the taunting tone.
She throws a look over her shoulder, those eyes blazing instead of cold, “Goodnight, shadowsinger”
The door slams shut behind her and Azriel simply watches. Watches as her shadow fades from the crack beneath, as a cold wind blows through his hair, as his shadows dance with that wind. He stands there for several moments until an amused chuckle sounds in his head.
Don’t let a pretty face distract you brother.
Shut up, Azriel scowls, closing the doors to his minds and turning to his bedroom. The breeze follows him and it gives him the strangest feeling of being watched.
Y/n found that Azriel wasn’t lying when he said the house would give her whatever she asked for. She’d barely thought about a bath before she’d heard running water in the adjacent room.
The bedroom was huge, to her right a large bed centered on the wall that looked like it could comfortably accommodate several people. A seating area to her left with plush couches and low backed chairs, made for winged males like her keeper across the hall she presumed. The red stone walls warm and adorned with a lit fireplace and giant windows overlooking the city far below. She’d admired the view on the flight to the house, but standing there looking at the twinkling lights below, the bright stars above, she could really appreciate the beauty in it. Yet, it didn’t hold a candle to the lights of Orynth in her eyes.
And just like that, the homesickness hit her. She could picture her family, her mother and father raging through the castle, looking for any clues as to where she’d been taken. She could see her uncles barking orders at warriors to search the castle and city surrounding from top to bottom. She could see her distraught aunt shifting into the snow leopard that would tear apart whatever person or thing that would dare harm her niece. What time was it back home, would they work until dawn, would they rest and come back in the morning, would her father hold together the pieces as her mother finally broke?
Y/n stared and stared and stared at that glowing city, wishing she was home, reading a book by the fire in her mother’s sitting room as she listened to her parents bicker back and forth. She’d been reading a romance her uncle had brought her from the castle library in Adarlan. It would still be sitting on the table, the scrap paper bookmark halfway through the well worn pages.
A tray appears on the table next to her, full of meats and cheeses and fruits. She could feel the curious presence around her, the house it seemed was a busybody.
She eyes the plate, “I’m not hungry.”
The tray stays put, and she huffs, pushing away from the windows towards the attached bathing chamber. That presence seems to sigh, clearly frustrated with her but she paid it no mind.
Her body ached, the adrenaline wearing off enough that she could feel each cut and bruise from the vicious way she’d been dragged through that gate and thrown to the garden floor in this strange world. Her head ached, pulsing with pain each step she took, everything ached, her head, her body, her heart.
A giant bath was drawn, steaming water with frothing bubbles that smelled of lavender. There were plush towels on the small stool by the bath, and clean clothes on the counter beneath the mirror. Soft light illuminated the space, she didn’t care to think where it came from, how it all worked. All she cared about was stripping off her tattered and bloodied clothes and submerging herself into that water. She felt each cut burn as she went down, felt the wound on her head scream in pain as she drifted down beneath the surface.
She burned, and kept burning, and burning and burning, and burning.
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siqeml · 1 year
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“I think I’ll apply for extended leave.”
Behold, a part two. Trying a different text bubble style.
I imagined that the traveler didn’t know the Teyvat language when they first woke up. After all, Paimon has to translate for them. Unfortunately Tartaglia here isn’t a walking dictionary so he’s going to struggle a bit.
This takes place a few months before the Stormterror incident, so they have time to learn Snezhnayan. Another note: The traveler is very gullible at the beginning, following and trusting at a whim. I imagine if his first impression on the world is Snezhnaya he’d be a pretty different person- with a different view on the other nations.
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playingdxngerous · 1 year
Relaxation Break
Word Count: 2.4k
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!!
Warnings: smut, hand kink, unprotected p in v, oral m! and f! receiving, digital penetration f! receiving, some teasing, use of the word sir, some pet names, shared hotel room, cussing, spencer reid x reader, begging, probably some more small ones that i'm forgetting, me actually not proofreading whatsoever
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first spencer reid fic, be nice to me guys
Sharing hotels with the BAU team was something you easily got used to as the job went on. You usually like to bunk with another girl, not wanting to have an awkward experience with someone like Gideon, for example. However, tonight will be different. With Garcia coming along this time, you have no other choice but to share a room with one of the men. You decide to stay with Spencer, feeling as if it would maybe be less awkward than Hotch. Hopefully, at least...
He unlocks the door and lets you walk in first, observing the room with every step you take. Two beds. Thank God.
"Care if I take the bed next to the lamp?" Spencer asks from beside you as he double checks the locked door.
"No, I don't care," you smile, trying to spark some form of emotion rather than the blank, quiet stares you share.
"Okay great," he replies, immediately setting his stuff down. You walk into the bathroom and wash your face, getting ready for bed. You walk out in sweatpants and a tank top, surprised to see Spencer is also dressed in comfier clothes. You've never seen this side of him, nor did you know it even existed. He's sitting criss cross, staring intently at the files in front of him.
"I'm going to try to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow," you say in a yawn.
"Is it okay if I keep the lamp on for a bit?" He asks innocently with a rasp in his voice. You like it a little more than it should, and it really surprises you. You've always thought Spencer was cute, but you never saw it any more than just admiring from afar. You've never pictured any form of relationship, or even touch with him. Especially when it comes to the two of you sharing a room. This is foreign land to you, and for some reason you can't help but let your mind wander further into it. You look at the grip on his black pen, his veins popping out with each quick movement. Heat rises in you, yet you force yourself to keep it in control. Not tonight. You are not falling for Dr. Spencer Reid tonight.
"Yeah of course, do whatever you need to do Dr. Reid." Did you really just say that out loud? You force a slight chuckle, masking the flirty sarcasm in your voice.
"Oh, that's sir to you actually. Don't forget I'm a professor too." He smirks with his comment.
"Whatever smarty pants," you say to lower the mood of the conversation. Not tonight. You are not falling tonight.
"Mhm..." he mumbles before focusing his attention back to the folders in front of him.
"Night," you say, covering your face with the covers to block out the bright light.
"Night," you hear him say from outside of the sheets. The white blankets don't do much to hide the light from you, which slightly aggravates you. This is definitely not something to look forward to after a long day of profiling a killer. You toss and turn for what feels like forever until you're all tangled up in the sheets. With an abrupt movement you throw them off of you and blow the hair out of your face.
"Is something wrong? A nightmare?" He asks worriedly.
"No not that. I haven't slept yet. Do you mind to maybe turn the light off? I understand you probably have a lot to do but it's okay to take a break sometimes. You can't let this job take over every part of your life." You pause and loudly sigh. "It's kind of worrying. You deserve the same amount of rest as everyone else in the branch. You don't need all of this hard work placed on you."
"I don't mind. I chose this job because I knew I could handle it. I'll be okay."
"Spencer..." you whisper to almost nothing.
"Maybe I can do the work in the hallway or in the bathroom or something. I want you to be able to rest. I'm sorry, I didn't know I was bothering you or-" He rambles on before you cut him off.
"Spencer no," you say as you walk over to his bed. You gently place the files to the side in an organized manner so as to not mess up his work. He looks at you in silence, his puppy dog eyes becoming strangely hard to ignore. You grab his hand, and he slightly flinches.
"I'm sorry I forgot you probably don't like that." You apologize and quickly pull away.
"It's okay, I honestly didn't mind."
"Are you sure?" You bewilder. He nods.
"Look Spence...," you take a deep breath. "I know you have a ton of work, but you deserve to take a break for once in your life. Let that be tonight. Get some good sleep for once. Wake up energized to finish the files."
"No one calls me that." He smiles. "I think I like it, to be honest."
"What happened to sir?" You laugh and grab his hand again. This time he doesn't pull away.
"Oh, you know." He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess you're not one of my students so it's cool."
'I'll still call you sir if you like', your mind threatens to say. However, for right now at least, this thought must be kept to yourself.
"Well, that's beside the point. I just want you to know that it's okay to relax sometimes," you actually do say.
"I don't really know how." He responds, giving you trouble deciding what to say back. You run your thumb along his hand, admiring every little perfection about it. He looks down to see for himself, and his breath slightly hitches at the commotion. You squeeze his other hand with your free one, causing him to meet your gaze once more. This time way closer than the last. Inches lay between your faces. His warm breath blows onto you, proving the closeness between you. He seems to finally be catching on to you as his eyelids only remain halfway open. Afraid to make a move, the two of you sit in silence wondering if he feels the same as you.
"I can try to help you," you whisper just loud enough for him to hear.
"Yeah?" He asks, his voice almost a whimper. He has definitely caught on. For a man who rarely even shakes hands with other people, he seems to love the attention you are now giving him. You squeeze his hands harder, admiring the way they tower over yours in size. He mimics your thumb movement, slightly going back and forth. Definitely caught on. Thankfully.
"Yeah." You slightly lean in, lips parted ever so softly. He follows your movement, not yet making contact with you. After what feels like forever, you decide to take control and simply peck his lips to see how he reacts. Once again he follows you, pulling away right after you do.
"I-" he pushes out in a stutter, his eyes wide and his face red. You smile as he swallows anxiously.
"Everything okay Spence?" You smirk, eyes slightly closed still.
"Yeah." He clears his throat and licks his lips. Silence barges in once again, the room filled with blushes and clandestine stares. Out of nowhere, your starving lips collide with his quickly. He slides his tongue over your bottom lip, forcing him inside of you. His change in demeaner surprises you to your core. Never in your job have you seen Spencer Reid so full of life and action. He moves quicker than ever, desperate to be as close to you as possible. He grabs your jawline, your pussy wet at the thought of what his hands probably look like again your soft skin. He moves back to your neck, grabbing a handful of hair to push you closer. He tastes sweeter with each kiss, driving you absolutely rabid
"Jesus Christ, Spencer, you're so different right now."
"Is that a bad thing?" His swollen pink lips ask. You can't move your gaze away from them.
"Not at all." You say and hurriedly go back into the kiss. After a few moments you pull away and stare into his dilated pupils as your brain seems to stop functioning. Arousal takes over the both of you.
"Just to be clear, how far are you wanting to go?" He asks.
"Wherever you take me." You say weakly.
"Just tell me if you need to stop, okay?"
"Yes sir." You smirk. Found his weakness. He rolls his head back and licks his lips, his adams apple moving as he swallows gently.
"I've never done this before, I'm sorry if-" He begins before you shut him up with a short kiss.
"Spence, you don't know how long I've looked at you in awe, forcing away my thoughts of seeing you on top of me. Fucking me until I can't breathe. Worshipping you." You breathe out.
"I never thought I'd enjoy this as much as I am."
"Let's make it even better." You say as you climb on top of him, pushing him against the pillows parallel to the bedframe. Your lips meet his again, this time neater than the last. You bite his bottom lip as you pull away, dragging it with you. You crawl down to his waistband, teasingly putting your fingers underneath it.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Wait. You first." He lifts up your chin with his index finger.
"Is there a problem with that darling?" His words echo in your mind. Darling, darling, darling. His darling. All his. No one else.
"No, just usually men don't care about the women's pleasure. I assumed you'd want me to suck you off first."
"Well, I personally care very much. I'm fucking dying to taste you." You've never heard Spencer curse before, and you've sure been missing out.
"Please do baby." You moan.
"On your back. Now." He says strictly. You love this side of him more than anything. You follow his rules and lay on your back as he looks at you in hunger.
"May I?" He holds the waistband to your pants in his perfect hands.
"Yes," you nod.
"Yes what?"
"Please Spencer."
"Yes what."
"Yes sir."
He finally pulls down your sweatpants, your soaked panties still on. He eyes them down, sliding one finger up the crease.
"You're so wet for me sweetheart."
"Spencer you're being so different. Ten minutes ago you would have passed out if I were almost naked in front of you. What's changed?"
"You think I haven't waited ages to touch you?" Oh.
"I don't understand. You're so much more... I don't know." You trail off.
"Do you want to stop?" He asks seriously, backing away slightly.
"No!" You almost shout. "I'm just so lost."
"I guess I just feel comfortable with you. I've wanted you for so long and now that I finally have you, I just feel so different." He smiles.
"I'm all yours."
"Good," he kisses your thigh. He begins to trail up to your pulsing heat in a line of kisses. Gently he pulls the remaining fabric off of you, leaving you in just a tank top that you happily remove. His fingers graze across your clit, your nerves sending tingles through your whole body. He grabs both of your thighs, squeezing gently as he drowns his head in you. His tongue moves all around, making you see stars. He licks at your entrance, slowly sliding in a finger out of nowhere.
"More..." you beg. He slides another in, slowly pumping. Each time he slides in he curls at just the right place, almost sending you over the edge. The mixture of his tongue and fingers begins to take over you, making you grab his hair to relieve some of the pressure.
"C'mon baby finish for me." His words vibrate into you. With this your orgasm finally collapses onto him, relief suddenly flowing through you. You raise up and look into his menacing eyes. The two of you exchange deep breaths as he holds you in his arms.
"Your turn." You exhale.
"Think you can handle one more?"
"Why don't you tell me, Dr. Reid. The corner of your lip curves up. Oh sorry, I mean sir."
"Guess we won't know unless we try." He leans in to kiss you, then kissing down your neck and leaving a red spot from sucking.
"Better hope Gideon doesn't see that," you laugh.
"Yeah good luck. He would never suspect it from me."
"I didn't either," you mumble, Moving down his body you slide his sweatpants off and run your hand up his shirt, purposefully ignoring his huge erection. He takes it off, the two of you completely vulnerable to each other now.
"Think you can take it?" He laughs.
"Watch me." You sit on his waist, slowly sliding his dick in. He whimpers, the unholy sound sending shivers down your spine.
"Fuck," he says under his breath. As you gain speed his mouth falls open and he leans his head back. Moans escape his lips and you've never been more content in your life. He grabs your chin once more, placing it between his index and thumb. "You're so pretty riding me like the princess you are. I love it." You speed up at his words, desperate to make cum. "I'm so close love, keep going." Every new pet name sends you head over heels for him.
Acknowledging how close he is, you pull off and begin to suck on him. He releases almost instantly with a quiet moan. He looks down and watches as you swallow his load.
"Woah." Is all you can manage out as you both admire each other in such a state.
"Never thought this would happen." He says smiling.
"Me neither." You smile back and crawl up next to him, pulling the messy sheets over the two of you. He kisses you on the forehead and pulls you in closer. "Feel relaxed now?" You laugh.
"Oh definitely. More than ever."
"So... the lamp goes off now?" You ask excitedly.
"Yes," he sighs and reaches over to twist the knob on it. "The stupid lamp can go off."
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reidmoony-toast · 29 days
Angel. - sr x reader
Reader gets shot and Spencer is there to comfort them
content: established relationship, angst/comfort, ambiguous ending, takes place in 15x01-02
cw: canon compliant violence, blood, guns, dying (they're going to be fine dw)
wc: 966
an: Hey, so this is my first ever published Spencer fic, so I'm really nervous lol! This will get zero to no engagement and I'm accepting that now, but if ya'll want a part 2 I'm happy to oblige!! Enjoy lovelies <3
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Everything happened so quickly, yet it felt like a millennia before I hit the ground–free falling through life and death in turn, the descent ending on the dingy floor of a parking garage. My vision cut in and out through the surges of white-hot agony that were coursing throughout my entire body, ears ringing.
I saw a blurry figure pile into a car, before peeling out of the parking space, kicking up dust as it raced out of the building. I tried to move to grab my gun that was lying a few feet away, but it felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on me, causing me to become prone and forcing me to accept the fate that was laid before me.
As I coughed up blood, I had the inexplicable urge to laugh. The irony, that this was the way I would go out–lying defenceless and helpless on the cold concrete, synthetic LED bulbs flickering incessantly above me.
The pain was becoming too unbearable, paralysing any coherent thoughts. There was one word that was repeated over and over again:
I didn't know if it was a prayer to some higher being, or merely a mantra, but it was the only single word I could make out in the haze of my dying mind. I wished I was the one with the eidetic memory, so that I could at least see his face one last time.
Blood pooled steadily around me as it left my body, never to return. The ringing in my ears steadily grew louder while the garage was dead silent, besides for the wet sounds of me choking on my own blood.
The bitter silence was cut off by the frantic shouting of a name. My name. The person neared, skidding to a halt and dropping to their knees beside me. The blurry figure hovered over me, obscuring the too-bright lights from view.
They came into partial focus, and I choked out a sob when I realised my pathetic prayers had been answered. Spencer was here. He shushed me soothingly, stroking my hair with shaking hands. "It's okay, baby. You're gonna be okay, okay?" He cradled my cheeks with his hands, trying in vain to wipe the blood from my face with his own bloodied hands. I sobbed again, squeezing my eyes shut.
"No, no, no, no," Spencer chanted, "Keep your eyes open, love, please. Look at me," He pleaded, gently shaking me so that I would open my eyes again. They landed on his face, screwed up in worry and pain. I vaguely wondered if he was hurt, if that's why he looked as though he too was in agony.
My eyes studied his face as best as they could, mapping out every detail, desperate to memorise it. They landed where they–without fail–always did. His eyes stared back with tears, frantic and pleading. I would gladly study these eyes for hours on end–and I did–so much so that he would often make fun of me for the incessant staring.
It didn't stop me though, not while those deep brown eyes with the ring of pure gold in the centre were there for me to look at. That's where my gaze now rested, on those gorgeous, breathtaking eyes.
"Spencer." My voice was foreign to me–shaky and so unbelievably small. "You- you came." I strangled out. He nodded, pushing my hair back off of my face.
"I'm here, baby. I'm here." His voice cracked and trailed off. He never let go of me as he radioed in, asking for an immediate ambulance. I didn't hear the response. Spencer carefully repositioned me, laying my head and shoulders in his lap as he searched for the source of the bleeding.
I gazed numbly up at Spencer, the lights causing a halo around his head with his messy curls. I thought that it was fitting. By all accounts he was an angel. My angel. I let out a shaky and ragged breath. How many more of those would I have? I could most likely count them with one hand.
Spencer stopped his quick search when he found what he was looking for, immediately putting pressure on the wound. I cried out at the added agony. "I know, I know, I know. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry." He kept chanting, cradling my head with his free hand. I whimper in pain.
"Spencer?" I breathed out, voice wobbling. He stroked my cheek lovingly, chest rising and falling rapidly.
My face crumpled in pain. "It hurts."
He drew in a sharp, pained breath. "I know, baby, I know." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Help's coming, okay? Hang in there, love." Another shaky breath. "Stay with me." His sentence tapered off to a barely audible volume, bloodied hand shaking violently on my face, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Please."
I started coughing again, more blood spraying over my face, some of it even ending up on Spencer's. It made me disproportionately angry–that his face was tainted with my dying blood. I wished I could wipe it off, but I didn't have the strength to lift my arm.
My vision swam as I started to lose what was left of my consciousness as what felt like the last of my blood left my body. My eyes fluttered closed.
"No, no, no, hey!" Spencer gently tapped my cheek. "Don't close your eyes. Stay awake until the ambulance arrives, please," He begged, but my lids are incredibly heavy.
"I-I feel–," I sucked in a shallow breath. "So cold."
He bundled me tighter against him, trying to sooth me with whispered comforting words. The last thing I remembered before I slipped out of consciousness was Spencer's calming voice and the sound of approaching sirens.
· · ──────────── ·𖥸· ──────────── · ·
Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated x
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talesofesther · 8 months
when the world sleeps | the intimacy
Astarion Ancunin x Reader
Summary: Small tales of private and precious moments shared with Astarion, when the world still sleeps.
Today's tale: Astarion spends his first night with you after confessing his real feelings.
A/N: A collection of little stories that will be released sporadically, in no particular order. A place for me to store all the sweet little ideas that lurk in my mind about this darling pale elf. Feel free to send requests for any moments you'd like to see. <3
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It felt like burning, the addictive kind of burn. Your hands on his skin, fingertips tracing delicate patterns, one thumb pressing against his lower lip right before you leaned down to kiss him all sweet and warm.
His hands held your hips in turn, keeping you as close as humanly possible; guiding your movements even if he was as lost in you as you were on him.
A low groan escaped Astarion when your nails gently scratched the nape of his neck and you leaned in further to brush your lips just under his ear. He nuzzled against your neck, breathing in deeply even if he didn't need to; as though he found his pleasure simply by touching your skin and feeling your perfume, like that alone was enough to send him freefalling into bliss.
It was the first night you'd spent together after Astarion confessed the truthfulness of his feelings for you. And you had asked, again and again, if it was something he truly wanted, gentle words whispered in between desperate kisses. And again and again, he'd promised, pleaded even, that there was nothing he desired more.
You loved on him in that way only you were capable of. Slow, reverently, soft. Bringing with you only tenderness and care. Even in the most sensual of moments, when he was deep within you and his name was nothing but a breathy moan past your lips, never once did you look at him as if he was nothing but an object for pleasure; never once did you fail to caress his body as if he was a part of your very soul.
The usual feelings of loathing and disgust that plagued his mind during moments like these were nowhere to be seen. And now that Astarion thinks of it, they were never a thing with you anyway.
You'd always been gentle with him. Part of him wonders if somehow you knew, even before he ever told you. Maybe your soul did, maybe you were never strangers. Maybe your hands were the ones meant to hold his heart all along.
As they do now.
It still felt new, foreign; that you'd bask in his company after both your bodies were spent and sated, that simply being by his side sometimes seemed to fulfill you more than sex ever could.
Astarion held your hand as you two lay quietly, fingers tangling with yours, and he shivered with the thought. With the feeling of being loved at last.
The hours went deep into the night already, with the only sound being the heavy raindrops hitting the windows of Elfsong Tavern. It certainly was a nice change of pace to have a roof over your heads and private rooms after camping in the wild for so long.
It was dark, the sky outside adorned heavy clouds and no moonlight in sight, yet Astarion could see the outlines of your profile almost perfectly. You lay on your side, facing him as your hand rested atop his chest; he ran his thumb over the skin, feeling his lips twitch with the many words tangled in his throat that he still wished to tell you.
For someone who prided himself on having a silver tongue, he was left rather speechless by the mere weight of your gaze.
You deserved more, he couldn't help but think. More than the broken shell of a man that was him. When would you realize that?
Astarion dreaded the thought. He'd grown so very attached.
A feather-light kiss landed on his shoulder then, bringing his mind back to the precious moment before it could spiral into something unpleasant. Your lips brushed the bare skin there in a loving touch, your hand on his chest tightening its hold.
Astarion complied gladly with a sound falling past his lips that resembled a cat purring. He turned around so his back would face you, still holding onto your hand and keeping it close to his heart, quietly asking that you'd never let him go.
You, in turn, nuzzled closer, hugging him even tighter and peppering small pecks across his shoulders and the nape of his neck.
With each press of your lips, a shiver ran up and down Astarion's back; his grip on your hand increased just slightly as he brought it to his lips, returning the favor on each of your knuckles.
The night has a strange way of bringing out the most raw of feelings. Astarion felt it in the way he lay bare before you, body and soul, with his eyes pooling with tears because he couldn't remember the last time someone touched him with such kindness and care.
When your lips ghosted over the top of his scars on his back, he tensed. It was muscle memory to expect pain. But it never came. The kiss you pressed over the marks was longer, it lingered like the smell of fresh rain coming from outside; a promise, a confession perhaps. Astarion felt it in his heart, and a single tear fell past the bridge of his nose and landed on the pillow.
There was a beat of silence, and the elf couldn't hold himself back anymore. Because you were so close and yet not close enough. He turned around quite hastily, eliciting a soft surprised gasp from you before both his arms closed around your waist and pulled you in.
He buried his nose on your neck, curling himself around you like a cat would. If you asked about it in the morning, he'd deny, say you were delusional or dreaming of him again. But right now, pride be damned.
A shaky exhale stumbled past his mouth, eyes pressed close as he committed to memory how it felt to have his soul this tangled with yours.
You were quiet. And Astarion worried his lonely heart had made him for a fool.
But then your fingers steadily buried in between his unruly strands of hair, your lips finding his temple. So much was said, and not a single word was spoken.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Astarion’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @asterordinary
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