#light seers tarot
littledogtarot · 2 months
Pick a Card for the Weekend of 4/19/24—4/21/24:
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Card reveals and discussion below the read more!
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The Hierophant represents tradition, order, and systems. It speaks to knowledge you can only gain by adapting to the rules of a new institution or the norms of a new group. It may represent a mentor or teacher you are going to study with, or simply an organization that has knowledge you will have to work for. Quite often it represents higher education, but it might simple be a new class or hobby you're going to pick up. There's a lot of success potential here, but you'll have to put in time and effort to get what you want.
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The Nine of Wands represents the last push before successful work completion. It comes near the end of the suit of wands, meaning that you've been working on this for a while, and you're almost there. It's a sign that you need to stand your ground and keep going, because you've got this. It'll be hard work, but it's worth doing. Success is in sight, so just hold on. You're close to release.
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The Wheel of Fortune often represents a big change coming to your life, one that will bring you close to your true purpose or passions. It's also a reminder that the nature of life is change, and that this too shall pass. You're on a journey, but you still have farther to go. Savor the good moments, and trust that the hard ones are helping to shape you into the person you're meant to be.
Deck is the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris Anne.
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deerbornintuitive · 1 year
Pick-a-Pile: What are you leaving behind in the New Year?
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Choose from A-D, left to right Let your intuition guide you in which pile’s energy resonates with you. Do not second guess it! If you’re having trouble deciding: close your eyes, take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Clear your mind. You can ask your Spirit Guides for assistance, if needed.
I’ve included affirmations to guide you in your personal journey or energy work. Choose one or use them all. Write them down, repeat them to yourself, put them somewhere you will see as a reminder.
Please note this is a collective reading. Take what resonates, and leave the rest. If you enjoy your reading, consider leaving a tip or booking a full reading with me!
My aura & tarot site & offerings here! | Tip Jar
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6 of Pentacles reversed
You’re finally leaving behind self-limiting beliefs that involve your finances and resources. In the past, you’ve perpetuated ideas and beliefs which caused you to lack. Money was likely stagnant for you this past year; not much coming in, not much being spent. Some of this was due to circumstances beyond your control. However, you've contributed to this by thinking that certain things weren’t meant for you. You have turned down offers and/or undersold yourself because of these beliefs. You even overlooked opportunities, because you hadn’t deemed yourself worthy at the time. You’re capable of much more than you have realized in the past. This energy is shifting right now, enabling you to nurture and heal your feelings and thoughts about money, income, and financial security. This, in turn, attracts more of what you need your way, whatever that may be. There are going to be many more chances and opportunities for you in the new year, so avoid dwelling or feeling sorry for yourself. What you truly want is waiting for you around the bend!
Affirmations: I am worthy. I am open to limitless possibilities. I am open to receiving. I attract everything I need and more.
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Knight of Wands
    You are leaving behind your more wild, untamed side. There has been lots of excitement (for good or bad)-- it may be at times that you were a bit reckless or not fully thinking things through before acting. You may have been choosing fun while ignoring responsibilities… It’s likely that you’ve already started to see the results of your actions, or that you regret time wasted. Your awareness is coming down to Earth, and with it your maturity level advances. You’ve gotten a lot of this youthful energy out of your system, and you’ve learned many lessons. Though it was fun (hopefully), you’re moving into this new year with a pull toward healthier habits and a more grounded energy overall. Acts of self care will become easier, and you’ll be better able to prioritize yourself and your responsibilities. This coming year will also be great for discovering what you truly want for your long-term. You can still have fun, but in a more grounded way.
In a romantic sense, this card can represent leaving behind someone who is a player or who hasn’t been completely present for you. For those in and off-and-on situation, or blurry undefined relationship, it’s best to call it quits for good.
Affirmations: I release behaviors which hold me back. I deal with conflict in a mature and graceful manner. I can’t change the past, but I can change my present. 
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5 of Pentacles
    You are leaving behind your sorrows. This was likely a tough year for you, emotionally and/or financially. You have been tested to the point that you’ve felt at times completely defeated. You have likely felt or even been alone throughout your difficulties, without outside support. It can be so difficult to be aware of your blessings and what is going right, when it feels like everything that could have gone wrong, has. But it’s in the worst, most difficult times, that we need to notice our blessings and the beauty of life the most. In the new year, you’re able to lift your head up with courage. As the fog begins to clear, you can gain a stronger awareness of what is going right, no matter how simple. The energy moving in for you is much more helpful, bringing with it positive ideas and inspired actions to take. In this new year to come, you’re able to leave behind your struggles and negative emotions. Even if circumstances don’t improve much, the burdens will begin feeling much less heavy to carry. You’re going to see that you’re not as stuck as you once believed. You’re going to be better able to see your resources and what you could try to do to improve your situation. The key that you need is close by, closer than you’ve realized, and you’ll soon be unlocking a positive new door. The sun is shining over you with a vibrant warm glow— lift your head up.
Affirmations: I am resilient. My emotions and circumstance do not define me. The past is over. I keep the wisdom, and release the painful memories attached. 
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The Empress reversed
    You are leaving weak personal boundaries behind. There’s an energy around you of having given too much— of being so giving that at the end of the day, there isn’t much, if anything, left for you. You’re close to your limit, if not already there. No more spending evenings and weekends burnt out! In the coming days, you’re more clearly able to say ‘No’ when you want to, and ask for what you need. You’re fully accepting your worth. You’ll be shifting into making yourself a priority. It’s past due. With this shift, you’re less prone to people stealing your energy. Fulfilling your own wishes and needs first makes your assistance and support far more effective when the time comes to help someone! Treat yourself soon; make time to take yourself out on dates. Lean into more of what you enjoy, and embrace new chances to reconnect with yourself.
With this card, Spirit invites you to reflect on your personal relationships. Is there one that’s been particularly draining? It’s time to take a break or cut ties altogether.
Affirmations: I listen to my body and emotions. Taking care of myself is important. I focus only on what I can control. I keep my promises to myself.
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Judgment Card
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.  
I chose this theme, since Judgment seemed like it came out quite a bit during the first half of the general February readings I did (Fire & Water Signs).
Pile 1/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Empress.  This is a card associated with someone who has a good balance of all the suits in the tarot.  They are often a nurturing individual whom knows their worth and value.  Basically, I feel like this is meant to represent you evolving into (or closer to) your best self.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the 4 of Swords.  This is a card associated with healing and relaxation.  Basically, taking a step back from a situation to clear your mind and recuperate.  The situation that you’re healing from may be rather painful considering that this card is after the 3 of Swords numerically in the tarot, which is a card filled with pain and hurt.
The third card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Swords reversed.  This card being reversed is great, since that is about working to release negativity and things that are weighing you down.  This is a major step of healing for you.
This pile basically seemed like you’re being called to work on yourself and show/realize how you’ve grown from experiences you’ve gone through.  This pile feels like it is all about healing and becoming the best you that you can be.  
For your oracle card, you got Play.  This card is associated with doing things to lighten your mood.  A bit of a message to do something to make yourself smile or to make your happy for a moment.
Pile 2/Teddy
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Swords.  While this card can be connected to deception, in this case, it seems to be more strongly connected to acting strategically and forming a plan.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Page of Swords.  This card is associated with communicating and coming up with new ideas.  These ideas are often in early developmental stages at this point.
The third card to come out for this pile was The Hierophant.  This card is strongly associated with tradition and beliefs that you’ve been raised with.  This card can also be associated with a mentor or someone that can give you advice.  This suggests that either your beliefs and/or a mentor may be able to give you valuable assistance as you formulate a plan.  For most of you though, I feel like it is the tradition aspect rather than another person.
The oracle card that came out for this pile was Trustworthy Guidance.  This card suggests that some guidance you are receiving is trustworthy.  This card tends to reference more of guidance coming from your guides/angels/ancestors/etc rather than someone in your life, although it is possibly the person that The Hierophant may represent for some of you.
Basically, this pile seems to be called to formulate some strategy/plan for a situation in their life.  
Pile 3/Alice In Wonderland
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Teacups reversed, which is basically the 9 of Cups in this deck.  This is a card associated with unhappiness.  Basically a lack of emotional fulfillment in some way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Hedgehogs, which is basically the 9 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is associated with independence and financial stability.  This can also be about taking some time to indulge a bit, while also needing to remember not to overindulge.
The third card to come out was The Mystery, which is basically The High Priestess in this deck.  This has to do with trusting your intuition, as well as knowing their is more to a situation than meets the eye.  
The oracle card for this pile was Notice The Signs.  This card references things being placed on your path, such as feathers, that are messages that you aren’t alone.  
Basically, I feel like this pile is being called to examine why they are unhappy when their outer situation seems like it isn’t the cause.  This also may just be a difficult period for some of you so it may just be encouraging you to do something for yourself with a bit of small splurging.
Pile 4/White Cats
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Emperor.  This is a card that is strongly associated with responsibility.  Like The Empress that was in this position for Pile 1, this card also has a balance of all the suits of the tarot.  
The second card to come out for this pile was The Moon reversed.  This card is connected to releasing feelings of fear and anxiety.  I feel like this is a lot with accepting that there are things that you can’t control, so knowing that stressing over these things isn’t helping you.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups reversed.  This card has to do with keeping emotions in.  I feel like this is more of what your obstacle is rather than what it is advising you to do.  Like by keeping these emotions in, it’s blocking you from fully releasing that fear and anxiety.
The oracle card for this pile was Blessing In Disguise.  Basically, something that you thought/think is a burden is actually some kind of blessing in disguise.  I feel like this blessing in disguise is something that is meant to help you overcome any issues you may have with releasing control in situations.
Basically, the message for this pile seemed to be about working to release the stress that comes from things being out of your control, which is likely very difficult for you as The Emperor, which is associated with control quite a bit.  
Pile 5/Light Seers
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups reversed.  This is connected to someone who doesn’t communicate their emotions.  This can also suggest some emotional maturity.  I don’t think that this represents you though, but rather the type of people that you generally attract or date.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the Queen of Cups.  I feel like this is the card in this spread that represents you.  This card is associated with emotional maturity and an openness with feelings.  This is someone who is willing to accept love and give love.
The third card to come out for this pile was The Emperor reversed.  This is generally associated with someone that is overly controlling.  Again, I feel like this represents another person - the type of person you generally attract or date.
The oracle card for this pile was What Do You Desire?  Basically, this card has to do with deciding or thinking about what it is that you desire.
Basically, the main message for this theme seemed to be about realizing that the type of partner that you usually have isn’t what you desire and that you deserve someone better.
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lunarkitty333 · 21 days
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Thursday, May 16, 2024
A choice needs to be made. And it will need to be made quickly. You must consider: how will this impact my future? How will this impact how others see me? How will this affect my relationships? Whatever the choice you are facing is, know that it will be a catalyst to determining the direction your life takes from here forward. Do not take it lightly!
Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot
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sassypantstarot · 2 years
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Uggg, we get it, Sharon. You’re happy. Now would you shut up and let the rest of us enjoy our misery?
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thewaywardbruja · 1 year
My Reading Review: @/psychic_mommy.
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So yesterday I got a psychic reading from Jasmine, and I flipped out and cried.
Today, I want to do an actual proper review because I feel bad that I didnt write a proper one 😂
I won a raffle, which I have never done before - that felt awesome to begin with. She was hosting it, and I entered on a whim.
It didnt take long to recieve the reading either and after I read through it, I cried, yes. It just confirmed everything I was feeling about myself and my witchcraft.
She got to meet White, my spirit guide and that alone to me was amazing and described her exactly as I have been since I was 16. I couldnt believe it.
She also mentioned that White has known me since a past life and has come to this one to be with me and protect and guide me as a teacher. I'm in shock and awe!
She said some other things, that where spot on with things I was wondering, and curious about, without having to ask questions at all, confirming what I was feeling again.
She said that my spirit / soul is that of a wolf and that its there. Which confirmed my feelings I had about myself since I was 5 years old. That stunned me.
She told me to believe in myself and be confident, not to worry about what others are saying about me or doing. And thats exactly in line with what I am feeling too. I'm working very hard on that.
The most amazing thing was one of White's favorite soul cards also came up in the reading. That was just the topping on the cake for me. 🥰💚
All in all it was an amazing reading. And I would highly suggest getting one from her if you want to know the truth about yourself. I had never had one done before, and this was such an amazing and wonderful experience.
10/10 - Highly Recommend!
Amazing abilities, skills, and gifts and I hope one day I can be as amazing as her.
Thank you again Jasmine! 🐺💚
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isabeau216 · 1 month
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archived-babydoll1bb · 3 months
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... the devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for ...
Tucker Max, Assholes Finish First
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twinflamesandtarot · 1 year
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Twinflame Lovers Legacy Tarot Reading
I love using this deck for my twinflame lovers tarot spread. There are only 53 cards and the major and minor arcana are interwoven. It creates an added layer of knowledge when I access the Akashic records. I can see the past life and future life path of Twinflames.
The divine feminine is on the left and the masculine on the right. The composite energy of the union is at the centre. Overall report from the Akashic records is at the top.
The legacy is building a home, a sanctuary, a wellness studio. Global reach. I see a ring and a proposal for marriage. Legal & karmic contracts. I see angelic support.
Head space: thoughts, dreams, psyche
Throat chakra: what is communicated
Heart centre: true hearts desire
Bottom line: where you stand now
5♣️ J♦️
The mind is focused on delays and work. The attachment not only to the outcome, but also the process is pushing union away. The masculine needs to have space to come back. Think positive thoughts, meditation on a higher frequency is required. Negative and toxic implants are at play here. Fear, shame, guilt prevent the reunion at this time. Write a letter and burn it 🔥
Q♠️ 8♠️ x JUSTICE
Pessimism in spades! This is a negative cycle on loop. Toxic thought patterns, blocked throat chakra, denial of the truth, feeling stuck. There are so many karmic ties to be cut. Many attachments are holding the union back. Trauma from shadow twins and false twins needs to be healed. A conversation is required for justice to prevail. Past life divorce is playing out in the present life separation. Meditation, affirmations, free write scripting to get it out of the body and onto paper. Aura therapy and hypnotherapy is highly recommended.
Love and destiny can be delayed but never denied! Your heart cannot lie to you, but your mind can and will deceive you. Abundance of love in the heart space heals the world. A need for balance between professional and personal life. All actions of pure intent shall prevail. Love is the answer; music is the weapon. Trust intuition above all even when not logical. Heart opening yoga poses such as camel, fish pose and wheel can crack open a vault of positive energy. Practice daily
3♠️2♠️ x HANGED MAN
The pain of betrayal, disappointment, heart break, a traitor. Trust issues, trauma bonds, trauma twins, past life memories, divorce, death, destruction. A literal impasse. It is a time to heal. Way too much head trauma to move forward at this time. I see anxiety, fear, doubt. This many so words in one reading is a high indication that what you think about will come about. The head is leading and it is not aligned with the heart space. The runner is changing perspective. Desire for action is impeded by negative head trauma. A choice to suffer as penance. Also I see gossip and interference from others. A need for sacred privacy is required. Clean out the mind for clear dialogue. Yoga inversions such as triangle and pyramid are recommended.
Dive deeper into healing yourself, your friendships and relationships with family. Soul link more frequently. Move into a positive state of mind. Live in a vibration of love and light. Manifest what you desire by acting like you already have it.
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monique-thewiccan · 1 year
Today is pick a pile card reading!  Pick the pile that you feel drawn to and see the message you need to hear right now.  If you'd like a personal reading, or energy clearing, email me at [email protected]
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littledogtarot · 1 month
The Knight of Swords moves fast, and they don't really care who they hurt in the process. They do care about justice and equity, but aren't always the most compassionate. They're happy for you to work alongside them, but if you're not going to help, then you'd better get out of their way. The Knight of Swords values logic over emotions. They do great work, but don't always have a great bedside manner. They're convinced they know what is right. Often, they're correct about that. But they're a perfectionist, demanding the utmost from themself and others. A little gentleness and mercy wouldn't hurt them, or you.
When the Knight of Swords shows up in a reading, they might represent someone in your life, or might represent qualities you are being called to take on. Is there a situation where you could step up your commitment to justice and take a stand? Is now the time for you to be brave and bold? To communicate with passion? To push to get something done? Or are you perhaps in a place where you need to be mindful not to be the Knight of Swords? Or at least, not to embody all of their qualities? Compassion and open-mindedness are necessary to make the world a better place. And slow, steady, methodical work is often required for lasting change. Kindness is key.
Deck is Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.
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9 of Swords in the Reverse and the Oracle card of Adventure!
So I'll just cut to the chase... There's a huge possibility today may suck, hectic, chaotic all of those fun things... But the Oracle gives you an out! Today may suck, let's go do something else!!
From the Light Seer's Tarot and Vintage Wisdom Oracle.
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tarot-and-stuff · 8 months
I don't know if free readings are available... answer only if you want to
I'd like a general reading on my love life. Currently I have a boyfriend but he moved far from me because of a job.
I'm I.C. and I'm a Virgo ♍
Thank you so much if you decide to help me 🙏🏻
I feel like this remained focused on your current relationship and what's going on there.
The first card to come out was The Chariot. This card can be associated with traveling and distance. I feel like this mostly represents the distance between you and your boyfriend. This could also suggest some trips to visit one another when there is time, which I get the feeling is necessary to show that there is still an interest in this relationship. I feel like it could go either way for who does the traveling to visiting or that it takes turns. I do feel like the gesture would probably mean more to you if he were the one to arrange a trip to visit you.
The second card to come out was The Emperor reversed. This card isn't super great to see, since it can suggest someone is being over-controlling in a situation. Like, someone that isn't really willing to compromise. I kinda feel like this is more of your boyfriend rather than you, like if he made the choice to move far for the job without really discussing it with you. I'm not sure if there are/have been other instances where an over-controlling tendency has been shown or if it is something with being overly-stressed with changes so he's coming across this way, but I do think that could be something that could lead to issues if nothing changes.
The third card to come out was the King of Cups. I feel like this likely represents you, especially if your boyfriend is the one coming up as that reversed Emperor. I feel like this suggests that you've tried to remain calm and understanding throughout this situation. You may have kept some of your deeper feelings/concerns about this to yourself though, but I feel like you were mostly trying to be mature about everything.
Under the deck was the 4 of Swords reversed. This suggests a restless feeling to me. Like getting to the point where you feel like something needs to change. I feel like whether or not this change happens kinda controls whether or not there is a future in this relationship. I feel like it is most likely connected to that distance between the two of you and if that is something that the two of you find a way to deal with in a way that pleases both of you.
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sewhappycrafts · 2 years
Im pretty proud of this set... I've been working on it for a while!! Come check them out. Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/1325548053/pentagram-star-witch-resin-runes-by-kj
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sassypantstarot · 2 years
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Oh boy do you have juicy gossip about your boyfriend to share with your girlfriends over drinks tonight. Also, chocolate.
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9/6/2022 12:11 pm
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There will be painful and difficult circumstances present in this day but there can be a lesson learned from this as you develop. Be open to learning new things from others as there are good indications for education & development once you follow the community that is presented to you. You are adviced to be ready to make speedy decisions as many things begin to take flight.
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