#like!! her grandmother taught her mom and then her mom taught her!!
sakizm · 1 year
i’m a terrible midwestern person cause i haaaaaate mayo (which means like 99% of salads) but the minute a family friend said “i’m the 3rd generation to make this potato salad” as she set the salad down for dinner, i’m like okay i gotta at least try a bite of this…
her potato salad is the only one i’ll ever eat from now on
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tchaikovskym · 11 months
I have to admit I never even imagined witches to be evil until I came here on tumblr and read some of y'alls analysis of literature and other media. The whole evil laugh and brewing potions did not connect to being evil in my mind ever. I was just raised with everyone around me thinking witches were cool as hell.
#my grandmother used to tell me that she was a witch and that her daughters and also me were ones too#and tbh i believed that bc she used to take the pain away with her magic#which was just her hovering her hand above the painful place#and istg it worked every time be it placebo or the#im not going to explain the neural pathways that make thermal and tactile sensations lessen the pain#but its a thing#and all my aunts liked witchy stuff#they made runes on pebbles by painting the sigil with a nailpolish on them#my grandmother also told the future by regular playing cards#i was taught the thing where you hold a necklace and ask a question and if it swings one way its yes the other - no#both my mom and grandmother have had at some point protective spells in their wallets#my grandmother always made a protective spell on us when we were leaving#i was taught to always greet and thank the mother of forest when going mushroompicking/collecting berries#me and my younger aunts (i had 5 year difference with the youngest) were always up to some weird stuff#like you know lighting a candle by the window and repearing a phrase to see how your fated one will look like#a lot of things in midsummer with flower crowns were done for luck or once again to predict the future#oh and the whole holding a metal object that started turning in your hand when you went above underground water junction#there were. a lot of things.#oh and we even collaborated with ghosts#and we had two completely black cats when i was little#and i remember i once found a part of an animal skull on the ground and i felt overjoyed#so yeah thats how i never even imagined witches could be evil#until late teens
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batplushies · 2 years
technically Im not really irish anymore Im just a ginger on a Historically fairly irish island (and a ginger heavy fishing village at that). my maternal grandfather is just straight up maritime french canadian tho
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
My nana maternal grandmother who taught me swears had one of the most ridiculous pet names for her cat when I was growing up. For reasons known only to her, she simply called the cat: Kitty Kitty Meow Meow. The creature in question was an absolute love bug and lived to be almost twenty.
When I was dating my last boyfriend Brendan we ended up living with his mom briefly before we moved up north together, and his sister lived at home too. One day I was sitting in the kitchen and heard Brendan call teasingly to his sister, “Okay, Miss Kitty Kitty Meow Meow!”
His sister laughed but my head shot up. “What did you just say?”
Brendan ambled over to me, “Oh, it’s an old inside joke. There was this one day I was riding the bus to Charlie’s house and I heard this girl on the bus say her grandma’s cat was named Kitty Kitty Meow Meow. It was so stupid I rushed home to tell my sister. It’s like naming a dog Doggy Doggy Bark Bark.” He was hysterically giggling just relating this story.
I stared at him.
I said, “Charlie and I were on the same bus route.”
He blinked, his giggles tapering down and slowly started to frown.
“That girl was me. That is the name of my nana’s cat.”
It turned out that while Brendan, a year younger than me, had never met me before we both graduated high school, he had apparently sat behind me once on the bus and turned a brief snippet of my life into a meme with his sister. Then a decade later we met through Charlie in college and went on to date. We were both flabbergasted by this coincidence.
But there was one more twist in store for me. I told my family about the way our paths had crossed before we ever dated and they thought it was hilarious.
Then a few weeks later I got a frantic call from my parents while they were in California visiting my paternal grandmother.
“Hey guys, what’s going on?”
There was weird excited static and thumps as the phone passed around and I heard my dad in the background urging my grandma, “Tell her!”
My grandma said ponderously, “You know my cats name is Kiki.”
“Of course, it’s a really cute name.”
“Your dad wants me to tell you the full thing.”
My eyes widened. I could not believe what was about to happen to me but I knew it was coming.
“Her name is Ki-Ki Meow Meow.”
I got it on both sides. Both my grandmas, in different states, with no contact, had named their cats the same silly ridiculous thing. I immediately ran to tell Brendan who laughed so hard he almost threw up.
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fantasylandbitch · 11 months
Rush hour is crazy.....*The car makes a sound and it's not even on* I worry about the caravan sometimes.
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maidservant-hecubus · 3 months
My father is an Ashkenazi Jew. His parents were first generation Americans. Their parents escaped the pogroms in Russia and Ukraine and came to find their American dream. They fought in wars and opened businesses and assimilated and my generation barely has a few words of Yiddish between us. My mother is as much of a WASP as it gets. American Revolutionaries and Signers and some household name civil war feature players. Not old money, but old America and undoubtedly white. I'm patrilineal. Not a Jew to a lot of Jews. Not a Jew to a lot of my Jewish family. Even though i was raised Jewish. Even though I look like my father. Even though i got enough of something in my DNA to get asked "What are you?" more often than not. More often than I'm just accepted at face value as "white". When i was little we lived in an Irish Catholic neighborhood. Like the 5-10 kids in every family sort of Irish catholic neighborhood. The kids calling me a christ killer and refusing to play with me because they heard it from their parents sort of irish catholic neighborhood. For some reason my parents tried to send me to the catholic school down the street. I lasted less than a week because i didn't understand their rituals and their language and they found out my father was a Jew and they couldn't have a christ killer in their midst. I was just sad i didn't get to wear the cute plaid skirt anymore. So i went to the public school and my well meaning shiksa mother who never converted but learned the Chanukah prayers and helped cook Seder dinners came to the school to teach the class about Chanukah. She taught them songs and all the kids got dreidels and had so much fun spinning the top for chocolate coins. It was nice to feel normal. A few weeks later a boy in a higher grade attacked me on the way to the bus and smashed my art project (we had made pig noses from solo cups to celebrate reading charlotte's web) into my face and called me a filthy jew. I didn't understand, i was more upset to lose the project i was so proud of. Other things happened. Things I wont talk about because putting them in context would doxx me. But a million reminders that i wasn't one of them. I wasn't welcome because i was Jewish. My parents divorced. My mother left. Far away so I'd only see her a handful of times growing up. And I went to live with my Dad in a city that seemed like it was overflowing with Jews. Everyone knew my holidays! In public school the teachers looked like my family and had familiar sounding names. We had the high holy days off just like christmas or easter. We sang Chanukah songs in the winter recital and nobody's mom had to come teach them to the class. Finally I belonged! My friends and cousins started planning for their b mitzvah celebrations and i asked for my own. I asked to go to hebrew school so i could be more like the people i belonged with and celebrate the things i loved about myself and them. "But you're not jewish." My father would say. This was news to me. The christ killer. The filthy jew. But a 10 year old has little power over their lives. So i didn't go. I didn't have a bat mitzva while my cousins had theirs. It was okay because i still belonged more than i ever had. But i was still jewish enough to keep the holidays and pray and fast and get sent with a box of matzo to my WASP grandmothers for easter, and have matzo packed in my lunch to eat in AP algebra in 7th grade and get asked if I'm a "Yid" by the teacher. And still to this day not know if it was endearment or insult but by then I knew even in this magical city being a Jew wasn't always safe. in highschool I tried to take hebrew lessons with a friend in a similar situation as me. She was also hungry to reconnect. I don't remember why the classes or the friendship fell through, but they did. My next "friend", a goy raised catholic from another neighborhood, liked to accuse me of being money driven when i picked up a penny on the sidewalk or tried to ask who was going to pay for the zine's she wanted to publish.
 "What are you?" I'd get asked a lot on the street by curious strangers, "Where are you from?" "Are you Italian?" Always Italian. I never really understood that, but its become code in my head for "You look like you're white but something about you is very not white and I just can't place it, so Italian seems safe and polite." I'm not here to unpack the Italian part of all that. I don't even know what I'm unpacking for myself by writing this except I've been sick for days and I'm so tired and this is all that my foggy brain can wrap itself around. Later I'm an adult and on my own and getting bloodwork done. The Nurse is a black woman and so sweet to me. She can tell I'm nervous about the needles because I've already stumbled through my apologies for my herd to find veins. So she distracts me with small talk. Where do i live? I tell her. She looks worried for me. Tells me that it used to be a nice neighborhood before white people took it over and she warns me like she's my own mother to be careful because they aren't safe. I doublecheck the skin she's putting a needle into. Whatever she sees isn't white. I love her for it. For a moment I belong there with her. She doesn't ask what I am or where i'm from, but she knows what i'm not. I'm the only one keeping the holidays with my family. We celebrate Passover because I go home to my fathers and cook the dinner and print out the Haggadah and lead the Seder to the tune of my drunk catholic stepmother eating my food and telling me i'll never be a jew. She's more of a jew than I'll ever be because she grew up in a jewish neighborhood and her friends were all jews and she married a jew and i was just playing pretend. I stopped going home for holidays and they stopped observing anything except Christmas. I marry a goy. "Is he a jew?" is the first thing my father asks and he's disappointed when i say no. He's abusive, i run. I end up living in the attic of this older old money WASP couple who need a live in house sitter. They're pillars of their church and they know someone from the WASP side of my family very well and its a funny coincidence and they think i belong there. I know from their divest from Israel bumper stickers that i don't. Then they find out I consider myself Jewish and i see the light in their eyes die and its replaced by something hard and disappointed. Now, while writing this, i can laugh about being the jew in someone's attic. But then, it was only a few months after that they started coming up with excuses for why I needed to move out. I did, their excuses never manifested into reality. I got married again. A jew this time! a Jewish medical professional liek grandma always wanted. She's a convert and her ex was a rabbinical student. I think maybe i'm home finally. She has to understand. I'm not Jewish enough for her. We don't keep holidays at home because i'm not a jew. I cry every year when pesach comes and goes and i haven't recited the plagues or eaten matzo piled high with horseradish. She insists on putting up a christmas tree. She turns abusive. I run.
I'm alone now and no longer in that magic jewish city. I'm far away and surrounded by mega churches and cows and the bagels suck and people quote the bible at me like some call and response that i don't have the cheat code for and I don't belong here at all but i'm finally finally free to light my menorah and recite the plagues and study torah with the group i found here on tumblr who love and accept me even though i'm patrilineal. Oct. 7th happened a few weeks after I moved here. I worry about my family back home and i think no one will look for Jews here among the cows and mega churches, so I can be a safe place for them to run if things get bad again. But i still don't fit in here. I don't look right. The last name I have now is common here and too white for whatever people see when they look in my face. I get interrogated about it a lot. But i learned quickly how to smile and say "have a blessed day". I hide my menorah when maintenance comes to work on my apartment. I flew home last month. Just for a visit. I've never been away from home this far or this long. And I'm the type that covers nerves and anxiety with chattiness, so at the airport i made a for-now-friend while we both waited for the plane to board. She's Puerto Rican. We talk about our lives. Our families. Her twin sister and i go by the same nickname and so we're family now. We talk about food. So much food and how much we love cooking and how important food was at home. "Are you Italian?" she asks as we're stepping through the hatch into the plane. Why always Italian? I wonder for the millionth time in my life. And I freeze up for a moment between fighting my carry-on over the gap and terror that I'm about to see the light go out behind her eyes and i'll lose this for-now friend. "No," i laugh but its not a real laugh and i see the concern in her face as we squeeze through the aisle because she can hear the apprehension in my voice, "I'm Jewish." And something strange happened because her face lit up and she smiled and said "No way?! You guys have GREAT food!"
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
family lore- my maternal grandmother’s godmother is Maria Riva, Marlene Dietrich’s daughter. Maria is like 90-something, still kicking, and probably healthier than my grandmother. She taught my grandmother how to make Marlene’s special scrambled eggs, and that’s still how we make them today. I told my mom that I voted for her in the poll, and I’m excited to tell my grandmother, because she’ll be pleased <3
(there is more family lore, should there be interest)
the interest is through the roof and I'm wondering how I can politely beg for the scrambled egg recipe
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humansofnewyork · 1 year
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“My grandmother got us out of foster care, piece by piece. At one point there were like fifteen kids in her home: all my siblings, all my cousins. She worked all the time, sewing linings into hats for Jewish men. There was a room in the basement with four sewing machines, and everyone had to do their part. It was tough love. But she kept us together. My mother never came to visit, not even once. Not even on weekends. And I was a curious kid, so that killed me: never knowing why. But every morning I got to wake up with my siblings and my cousins, and I was thankful for that. That was beautiful. And our grandmother gave us that. One morning when I was twelve she sat me down, and said: ‘Your mother wants you back, but you’re welcome to stay.’ She gave me that choice. And I decided to move in with my mother. By that time she’d gotten clean. And she showed me love. Way more love. Way more. Not in the way of: I’m going to give you a hug, or a kiss. But listening. Like, I’m listening to you. My grandmother was stretched too thin for one-on-one. So I’d never felt heard as a child. But my mother would take me on these long walks. She’d let me talk and talk. She’d be my ear. She taught me that I have a personality. I never knew I had a personality. It was always just wake up and do what everyone else does. My mother showed me how to be happy. She was so joyful. She wore the brightest clothes. She was like a rainbow in a person, and she became my best friend. She died of a heart attack when I was fifteen; she died in my arms. And part of me is always going to feel broken because of that. That’s the part I don’t show my kids, you know. The part that still feels alone. But we had three years together. And during that time she answered all my questions; that’s what I’m most thankful for. She was an open book. She told me her trauma, her story. How she met my father. How she was introduced to a lifestyle that she just didn’t know about. How she got so addicted, and how she never wanted me to see her like that. Not even once. Now I’ll never have to wonder. She gave me the gift of knowing. Knowing why she did what she did. But mainly, knowing what having a mom feels like.”
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joanofexys · 2 months
ballerina farm devastates me because y'all don't know how many girls i know who are her. how i almost was her. how so many girls i know were almost her. how many i know that will still become her. mormon girls, who, despite all their ambitions, will give up every one of their dreams for a man and a "traditional" lifestyle they were taught they needed, and call it equal. who will insist that he made sacrifices too. that though it's not what she wanted she's happy. being raised as a mormon girl in utah, or being a young woman converting to mormonism, you're taught that no matter where you go or what you achieve that you'll never be nothing more than your future husband. that your only purpose is to be a mother and a wife. and that full ride to julliard never mattered. and it never will. because you're a wife now. and you have eight kids to take care of. and a ballet studio that never came to be because it's a schoolroom. and your husband won't pull his weight even when you're fainting and bedridden from exhaustion. and your husband refuses to leave the room for your interview. and you admit to your epidural like it's a secret and it's something to be ashamed of. and you admit that this was never the life you wanted, this was never what you planned, and you still insist your happy. i know dozens of little girls who dreamed of being ballerinas. doctors. scientists. singers. movie stars. lawyers. authors. astronauts. olympians. i know that those little girls are now young women who go to church every sunday. wives. mothers. homemakers. caretakers. nuturers. fulfilling their heavenly duty. their obligation to their husband. i know a dozen hannah neeleman's. i know her because i almost was her. i know her because i see her in my mother and my grandmother and her mother too. and right now she's an internet trend who will disappear for most people in a couple months. you probably never learned her name. but i see hannah neeleman in every girl i grew up going to church with. in all the 18 year old wives and 20 year old first time moms. and it will be hard to forget the way her face still lights up whenever she gets to dance. feet moving along the hard wood of the schoolroom floor. and she will be someone more than her husband, more than a mother or a wife.
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astrobiscuits · 3 months
Predicting your future children's personalities and gender using Childress (30117) persona chart
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Kind of a part 2 of my last post
According to derivate astrology (only for Childress persona chart):
1st house - personality of 1st child
5th house - personality of 2nd child
10th house - personality of 3rd child
12th house - personality of last child (not related to derivate astrology, but still worth mentioning)
[Don't forget to check the ruling planets of the houses for more details about your future child!!]
Determining the gender of a child works the following way (not taking into consideration modern planets):
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of boys (or masculine girls): Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of girls (or feminine boys): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of androgynous child: Gemini (50%-50%), Virgo (leaning into feminine), Aquarius (leaning into masculine)
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We are going to use 2 examples to further explain this method of predicting children
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This is Meghan Markle's Childress persona chart
Her 1st house ruler is Saturn, which indicates that her first child is likely to be a boy. Saturn is retrograde in 9th house, which means that he's likely to implement old, abandoned customs of his family in his life (including returning to the Royal family). Additionally, Mars is on the cusp between 8th house and 9th house, which indicate themes of agression & selfishness to be strong in his personality. Meghan's firstborn is a boy named Archie, with Saturn conjuncting his MC and Sun conjuncting his ASC in his Natal Chart.
Her 5th house ruler is Mercury, which indicates that her second child is likely to have an androgynous personality. Mercury is situated in 5th house under the beams of Gemini Sun. This indicates that while her second child has the tendency to express itself as more masculine, it will be overshadowed by his older sibling, as this child's personality is quite weak and not as remarcable. Meghan's secondborn is a girl named Lilibet and she's a Gemini Sun and Aries Moon (so more masculine), but her Moon is in her 8th house, which is an uncomfortable position for the Moon, as it can't express itself that well. Her Moon is also conjuncting Chiron.
While both siblings seem to have a common ground (both of their ruling planets are in air signs), their planets don't aspect each other. They are similar, yet they likely won't have a close relationship. Meghan's firstborn has a stellium in 9th house (which is located in the upper half of the chart, traditionally ruled by the Sun), while her second born has only Mercury and Sun in 5th house (which are located in the lower half of the chart, traditionally ruled by the Moon). This means that Archie will likely lead a public life, full of intense events, while Lilibet will likely lead a private life, full of important events, but not as intense.
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This is my mom's Childress persona chart
Her 1st house ruler is Mars, which indicates that her first child is likely to be a boy. Mars is located in 3rd house, conjuncting IC. This means that her firstborn is likely to attend a unique school or be interested in studying an unique subject, which will change the "bloodline" so to speak. I'm a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon (so heavy masculine energy), and Uranus is one of my most dominant planets. My parents sent me to a school where all the subjects where taught in German, despite living in a completely different country (and a small town too!). When i was in high school, i discovered my passion for astrology. Neither of my parents are interested in astrology; i inherited this passion from my grandmother (Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, which is the planets of elders).
Her 5th house ruler is Jupiter (ruler of Pisces), which indicates that her second child is likely to be a girl. Jupiter is located in 11th house, conjuncting Saturn. This means that her secondborn is likely to have a black-and-white kinda personality. Sometimes they might overindulge when using technology, hanging out with friends or doing charity work/volunteering, other times they might abstain from it. My younger sibling is a boy, but he has a Pisces stellium in 12th house (Uranus is also part of his stellium). He's been playing video games for hours on end since he was very young and he still does it even now (Saturn indicates longevity too). He loves new technologies, but also old ones.
While Mars and Saturn are in both air signs and air houses, they are trining each other too. This means that me and my sibling are very similar, while we also have a close relationship (which is true). Saturn person is more likely to be the glue in this connection, while Mars person is more likely to mind their own business, but they will pay attention to Saturn person when they seek him out. My brother initiates convos with me waay more often than i do with him, but i love listening to him. When i initiate convos with him, it's more on a whim.
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seresinhangmanjake · 1 year
It's What You Make It
Dad!Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female reader
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Summary: Jake hasn't been on the best of terms with his parents since they found out about you and his baby, and now his mother decides she wants to meet her granddaughter.
Warnings: cursing maybe? Protective Jake
Notes: Suggested by an anon / Part of the Oh, Baby Universe.
Words: 4200
“Jake, dear, your mother would like to meet her granddaughter.”
It was cruel, really, to have such devastating words leave the lips of one of those he loved the most, but maybe that was why she of all people was tasked with it. He wasn't likely to listen to another on the matter. Hell, had anyone else but she called, he wouldn't have answered, and he struggled not to see it as a bit of a betrayal. A trick.
"Gram," he sighed into the phone, running a hand through his hair, "I'm not doing this with them. After everything we just faced with her mother, why should we put ourselves through dealing with mine?"
"You know she had nothing to do with that email."
"Yea and nothing to do with discouraging it, either."
The other end of the line went silent. Jake looked to his left where his daughter was being bounced on her mother's lap just out of earshot. You smiled at the girl, but the stone now sitting on Jake's heart kept it from swelling as it normally would at the sight of your brightened face. 
His perfect little family. Safe and sound in California. Far from Texas. Far from the people you'd yet to learn criticized you for your past choices. 
When you first asked about them, Jake couldn't hide the fact that his parents were displeased with the coming of his daughter. He'd blamed it on their lack of open-mindedness to the girl being brought into his life under ‘unique’ circumstances, and while that was in fact a part of it, the bulk of their problems they placed solely in you and not trusting why you bothered to return when you left him to begin with. They buried you under a mountain of their judgment and you were completely unaware. But that was how he wanted to keep it. He wanted you in the dark. Oddly enough, the darkness was where you were safest. And that plan had been working so well, too. You had a healthy understanding of the difficulty of parents, and after the way your mother treated him the month prior you hadn't pressured him for more information on his. 
I only care about the three of us, Jake. As long as we're together, nothing else matters—that's what you'd said. You sealed that promise with a kiss that led to hours in bed full of sex and naps and cuddles and what felt like hundreds of exchanges of 'I love yous'. 
The issue with his parents wasn't brought up again.
And now his grandmother was ruining it. 
"What do you expect of me, Gram?" he asked; the first of his rapid-fire questions. "To bring them there? To subject them to that? You really want me to hurt my girlfriend? My daughter? What even makes you think Mom cares to see Eve? There's no way she admitted—"
"Breathe, dear," she soothed. And Jake did as told, but it didn't make him feel the slightest bit better. "I saw it in her eyes."
He sighed, chest noticeably deflating. "Oh, come on. I love you, Gram, but seriously?"
"Jacob Seresin, you hush," she scolded, her voice raised and tinny through the speaker. "You asked me a question, so listen up."
Jake grumbled, defeated. The senior Eve had that power over him. She was the mother his mother should have been. She taught him plenty and raised him well. He knew how to respect his woman because of his Gram. He treated you the way you deserved because she made sure to instill in him the value of women where his own parents had failed to do. 
So he listened. 
"When I returned from my visit a couple of weeks ago, your mother snuck in the casual question or two whenever your father wasn't around," she explained. "And I told her. Anything she cared to know. That Eve is beautiful and her mother is a stunner." Jake's lips curved upward despite the anxiety building in his chest. "That your girls are perfect. That you are happier than I've ever seen you."
"And she nodded and got a little grin on her face."
Jake waited for more, but it didn't come. His hand rose and fell, smacking against the side of his thigh. "That's your only argument to encourage surrendering the happiness of my family to a couple of snakes?"
"Snakes?" He could practically see the roll of her eyes. "Really, dear?"
"I read you the email."
The email he'd received a few weeks after he got you back and learned of his daughter's existence. The one that spat aggressive levels of disappointment in him, and called you an abundance of names that nearly had him crushing his phone in his palm. The one that expressed very clearly his parents' refusal to acknowledge the woman he loved and his baby as their family.
"No," Jake said as he shook his head. "No, I'm not doing it."
"I'm not saying you have to, dear. I'm just telling you that there is someone else who might want to be a part of your daughter's life. That's more family for Eve to be surrounded by. Another person to love her."
He’d promised her he’d think about it. And while he really wished he could forget her words, they were persistent, nagging, and unwilling to get out of his way; like a damn fly buzzing around his face during all hours of his days and nights. 
His grandmother was wise and she was clever to tap into one of his life’s motivations: to provide his daughter with as much love as possible. Though Eve did have love—from him, from you, his team, his grandmother—the potential for so much more was taken away from her. 
She didn’t see your family. They lived across the country and after the way your mother behaved, you’d pretty much cut her off for the time being. His sister’s husband was in the Air Force, stationed at Aviano in Italy with no set date of return. And his parents had made their opinions clear, so he felt it best to never let you or Eve around them. But doing what he believed was best didn’t stop the guilt of denying Eve her family, of not giving her enough. He thought about Christmas coming up and how she wouldn’t have her grandparents. He thought about the major events in her life to come; the birthdays and school plays, the graduations, and the, hopefully only, wedding. 
Wait, he stopped himself, scratch the wedding. No wedding. How could his daughter possibly have a wedding if she would never be dating to begin with? 
But there was still enough remaining to worry him. 
Jake didn’t want a day to come when Eve looked around the room and wondered why she didn’t have the people in her life that her friends at school did. She deserved everything he could possibly give her, and his grandmother calling to inform him he wasn’t providing that was a stab to the heart. 
“You’re lost.” 
The voice—your voice—was one of two powerful enough to crack the thick shell surrounding his thoughts. 
Your fingers wove through his hair as he focused his vision on your face, letting the fog clear to make out the perfection he saw in each feature. You wiggled on the mattress, inching your body closer to his and he lifted his arm to drape over your waist. 
“What’s going on?” you asked. “You’ve been zoning out for three days.”
He wouldn’t lie to you—never could. And even if he tried, it would be a waste of breath with the way you managed to sniff out untruths like a damn bloodhound. The information he didn’t tell you he always preferred to label as ‘omissions.’ Those could just barely slip by your clever brain. And he’d only ever done it twice; when he’d neglected to spill his hidden love, and when he hadn’t provided you with all the details of his father’s email. Both seemed like good ideas at the time. Necessary. But now…
“According to Gram,” Jake sighed, “my mother wants to meet Eve.”
You tried to control your face, but the ceasing of your nails grazing across his scalp was enough to tell him you were plenty shocked. Likely plenty terrified, too, with the trauma of the last parental interaction.
“Oh.” You blinked once, twice, three times, as your lips parted and sealed and parted again. “So, that means…what? They're fine with everything now?"
"I doubt it, but…" Jake bit the inside of his cheek. Shook his head. “Honey, I’m really not sure.”
“You trust them?”
“Then what do you want to do?”
He didn’t know, not even after three days of thought. He cared about protecting his family, but whether or not introducing his mother to you and his daughter would be a choice he'd come to regret was hard to say. “What do you think we should do?”
“Baby, your family, your decision.”
With a groan, Jake pulled you closer and turned onto his back, settling your body on top of his. 
“But you’re so much smarter than me,” he said, wrapping his arms snuggly around your waist and tilting his chin up for a kiss.
You let him kiss you, despite the weight of the conversation surely causing you as much unease as it was him. You let him kiss you for as long as he wanted. Like you knew just how badly he needed it in that moment. How badly he needed you. 
“You’re no idiot, Jake Seresin," you said when he decided it was fair to let you breathe. "I’ll do whatever you think is best.”
He hummed, pushing some of your hair back behind your shoulder. “Why do you have to be so damn supportive and reasonable?”
You smiled so sweetly. Leaned in closer. 
“Because I trust you," you whispered, letting your lips slowly travel around his face, pressing gentle kisses where you could. "And I believe in you."
You pulled back, locking your eyes with his, and as you stroked his cheek, you said, “Because you’re my teammate, Jake.” 
He let your words soak in—filling him, sating him—before taking a deep inhale through his nose. On the heavy exhale he released a breathy “Fuck.”
You chuckled. “What?”
“It’s just extremely hot when you say shit like that and I am trying to make a decision that really isn’t helped by my dick getting hard.”
He swelled larger in his underwear as he spoke and he could see the very second that mischievous glint took root in your eye.
“Aw," you pouted, slightly grinding your hips into his, making his breath hitch, "Does my man get turned on by commitment?"
His fingers dug into your waist to hold you still, and with a scowl, he said, "You already knew that so quit teasing me."
“Who's teasing?" You asked as you gave him a peck. "You've been distracted for three days, and I miss you. So let me take your mind off it. Then we can get some sleep and talk it over in the morning."
He loved you for that. That you knew him enough to refrain from pushing him in any direction. You knew enough to know when he needed a distraction from the things that most bothered him. 
"Deal," he whispered. Then his fingers tangled in your hair and he pulled your face closer to his. 
It wasn't talked about in the morning. Not that one nor the weeks worth that followed. The distraction Jake had been so thankful for continued to find itself in the forms of wake-up sex, and invigorating work days, and evenings filled with dedicated family time—things he actually cared about. Thinking about what to do with his mother had been bothersome enough that at the first chance to brush it aside, it slipped from his mind without effort. And he didn’t care, just as he didn’t care how his life had completely split after his father sent that email. 
It was a clean severing, like a hot blade through butter, and the two new parts were far from equal. You and his daughter occupied one chunk of his divided world—the larger of the two—and the other chunk was where his parents remained, dwarfed under the shadow of its massive counterpart. It was too easy to let go of that extra bit that was hanging off the end of what was an otherwise perfect life, so he did. 
He didn’t follow up with his grandmother—
A mistake he discovered when his mother walked through the front door of the Hard Deck and disrupted the peace surrounding his little family.
His trio had decided to have lunch with Rooster at the bar well before opening hours, and it was the lack of overlapping voices, clinking glasses, and occasional drunken shouting which allowed for the clicking of heels across hardwood flooring to echo clearly throughout the room. 
Three voices went eerily silent, the only continuous sound being that of Eve shaking her rattle toy, lost in the sweet ignorance of childhood and completely oblivious to the thickness that had just swelled throughout the bar. 
Jake glared at his grandmother who was just off to the side of her daughter-in-law. She stared back, a look of complete innocence on her face until she grew bored with silent standoff and, with a roll of her eyes, made a beeline for you and Eve. She smiled wide, immediately popping the bubble that was holding everyone hostage, to give you a little hug around the shoulders before kissing the top of Eve’s head. 
“Oh, I missed you,” she said as huddled beside the small girl.
Jake stood from the rounded table and crossed his arms over his chest, the movement broadening his shoulders and thickening his muscles, like an animal determined to protect his mate and cub from any predator bold enough to test him. And as far as he was concerned, that was exactly what he was looking at. The woman standing still as a statue twenty feet from him was not someone he recognized anymore. He couldn’t guarantee that her next move would not be in the form of a threat, so he didn’t risk it. 
His mother raised her hand in a wave weakened by uncertainty. “Hi, sweetheart.”
Her voice was meeker than he expected, and she stood less confidently than he’d ever known in his thirty-four years. Her styled hair and perfectly painted nails and carefully applied makeup suddenly seemed unnatural on the woman before him, like an ill-fitting costume hanging off her body with an uneasy facial expression to match. 
“Gram,” Jake began, a deep grit to his tone. He didn’t tear his eyes away from his mother. “What did you do?”
Without glancing her way, Jake knew his grandmother had taken his seat at the table, holding his daughter and likely making silly faces at her as she inserted herself in what was his pleasant weekend.
“You two need to talk,” she said. There was a smile in her voice. A giggle from Eve. “You weren’t going to make the first move, and she was coming either way, so I figured it would be best if I tagged along.”
The crease in Jake’s brow deepened. That was not enough for him. “No warning?”
“Nope. You wouldn’t have agreed.”
He shook his head. His mother still hadn’t moved. 
"Is he here?" Jake finally asked her.
His mother startled at his directness, but she recovered after a moment’s passing and took a step closer that Jake immediately made up by taking a step back. She paused. "Jake—"
"Is he here?" he snapped.
The new silence in the aftermath of his sharp tone was loud, terribly loud, and long-lasting. Painfully so.
"Uh, family?" Rooster suddenly said from behind him. "Why don't we take a little walk on the beach."
Chairs scraped across the floor and Jake couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so thankful for his friend. Rooster was the only other person to know the full truth of what was said about Jake’s girlfriend and daughter, and he undoubtedly felt the storm brewing. A storm he knew Jake wouldn’t want his family to witness. 
No one argued, and as the others made their way outside, you appeared in front of him, breaking the tension of his steady stare. He looked at you, making sure to soften the hard edge in his eyes to soothe the worry in yours, but it didn’t work. His smile was tight-lipped and brief.
"Go with them, Honey," he whispered with a nod toward the door. He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles before running his thumb over the top of them. "It's ok."
He tried that smile again, but the expression on your face made it known he was no more convincing than before.
With your free hand you cupped his cheek, then you stood up on your toes to press your lips to his—a little token of strength. When you stepped away from him, you snuck a quick look at his mother before you were on your way, following everyone else out the back door onto the beach. 
Only once you were out of his sight did Jake allow his eyes to land back on his mother.
She swallowed hard, her shaky hands clasped in front of her. "She's lovely," she said.
"She is," he replied, crossing his arms once again, stony glare back in place. "Where's Dad?"
Her nerves radiated through the room. He could practically see them—thin wiggly lines emanating from her form. 
"He's on a business trip. He doesn't even know I came. I just wanted to meet them. I'm only here for a couple of days and—"
"What happens when he finds out?” Jake interjected. “He'll lose his mind. He’ll show up here, and he won't walk away without making his point clear when it comes to my girlfriend and baby."
He could feel his voice raising as he continued to speak, but he couldn’t restrain himself. The pure rage he’d been trying to tamp down for months was yanked to the surface now that he was looking directly into the eyes of someone who had no issue insulting you, and therefore, hurting him. 
She said his name again, but the overwhelming combination of her gentle tone and the pain swirling in her irises had tears beginning to coat his own, a stinging at his nose. 
It pissed him off.
"He isn't coming anywhere near them,” Jake practically growled, that internal animal determined to protect his family slipping through the calm demeanor he’d been so close to regaining. “Do you understand me? After the things he said, the things he called her? It's not happening."
His mother nodded. "I understand."
"That little girl is mine. I'm not being tricked into raising someone else's kid!"
"I know, sweetheart,” she said as she attempted a step closer. He flinched but didn’t move away. She took another step. “Gram showed me a picture of her. She looks just like you." 
He frowned at her hint of a smile, at her hand extending his way like to earn the trust of an aggressive puppy. 
"Jake, I'm so sorry,” She near whispered. She was closer than he realized—he blamed it on his blurring vision—and her palm tentatively landed on his forearm. “This is not how I wanted things to be. You’re my son. The woman you love is outside that door and she birthed my granddaughter.” Her fingers lightly squeezed. “The last thing I want is to be alienated from the family you’ve made.”
For what felt like the hundredth time in the last week, Jake didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t think right. He felt lost, and the only things capable of bringing him to safety were not within grabbing distance, separated from him by a door that might as well have been a mile away. 
Another palm met his other forearm and his arms were carefully untwined. One of his hands was sandwiched between two smaller ones. He couldn’t decide if it was comforting. 
He’d never been terribly close to her, less close to his father, but it didn’t change that she was, in fact, his mother. He’d always feel a bond, in some form. And knowing that her actions, her words, or lack thereof, were too often influenced by being under his father’s thumb stuck in the back of his mind. Rarely did she drift, knowing she’d have to face his frustration, but she had this time, for him, for his child, and it made things all the more difficult. Confusing. 
"I know what was said was…horrible. And—" Her eyelids briefly closed as she shook her head. She blew out a subtle breath before looking up at him. “I know I didn't do anything about it. I didn't call you and tell you I wasn't on his side in this. But that's what I'm doing now."
His lips parted but she continued.
“If it doesn’t work, if you don’t want me around them, then I’ll go. I’ll respect that, sweetheart, but I just wanted to try.”
The longer she stood there, the longer she had her hands around his, looking as desperate as she did, the harder it was for Jake to maintain the same depth of anger that he’d been so attached to. It seeped away with the nagging obligation to let her try to be a grandmother to his daughter. Not just for his mother, but for Eve. His baby girl, for whom he would willingly spend his entire life trying to provide everything she deserved and more. 
Jake sighed. 
“You can meet them,” he said, “But—”
She smiled. “That’s enough for now. I wouldn’t ask for more.”
Good. He wouldn’t give her more. Not now. Not until he saw for himself how she behaved around you and his baby. 
Nodding, he said, “Come on, then.”
He could feel her nerves again as they stepped out the back door of the bar, but the moment he saw your face, all of his attention went to you and what you were going to think about what he’d just agreed to. 
You only gave a brief look to his mother, a small smile with it, before your eyes were back on his. The question in them he responded to with a nod, then his mother stepped out from behind him. She hadn’t a chance to get a good look at Eve when she arrived, but now that the girl was right in front of her, snuggled in your arms, his mother couldn’t peel her eyes away. 
Her hand raised to cover her mouth and muffle the light sob that escaped as she stared in awe at the girl. She eased over to you.
"Could I—" She started but hesitated.
Jake understood her pause. His mother was asking another mother—a woman she didn’t truly know—if she could hold her baby. And what mother would hand her child over to a stranger? He respected her for recognizing that. For not assuming she had a claim on his child. 
A relationship with Eve would be a gift to her, but not one she could demand. It was a gift that must be granted. A decision; His and yours. And while he had decided he was ok with his mother being around Eve, you, too, would have to agree. 
“Would it be alright with you if I held her?” his mother finally asked. 
You looked at Jake again and he nodded again—extra reassurance that he trusted the intentions of the woman asking you to hand over your entire world. 
Smile spreading across your face, you said, “Of course,” and lifted Eve in his mother’s direction. 
"Oh…gosh,” she breathed, settling the girl on her hip. "You're so wonderful, aren't you." 
Her words were breaking as they left her lips, but she continued to murmur sweet praises as she hugged the baby girl close, and kissed the top of her blonde head, and ran her fingers over the much smaller ones. His mother looked at and held her son’s daughter as if she were unreal, delicate, breakable. And that’s exactly what she was. Eve was a miracle—one that brought her parents together again when it seemed so horribly unlikely, and she needed to be treated as such.
Jake’s heart squeezed so beautifully at the sight, and the tears he thought had come and gone threatened to reemerge. He felt full. Oddly complete in a way he didn’t anticipate. 
It was uncomfortable to realize how much he wanted that acceptance, for himself, for you, for his child, but he couldn’t deny the relief of seeing his mother care. Not judging but loving the way he chose to live his life despite it being so different than what was expected of him. 
A brush against his hand pulled him away from the scene. You tugged on his fingers and grinned when his eyes met yours. You pulled more, but Jake was already moving to sit beside you on the bench. 
“You ok?” you asked as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You leaned into him. 
“I’m giving it a chance,” he said, pressing a kiss to your temple. “We’ll see.”
A/N: this will have a 2nd part.
Turn on notifications for this blog or @seresinhangmanjake-library if you would like to keep up with my writing.
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sunny44 · 11 months
All these years (Part 2)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ex girlfriend! Reader
Warnings: bad words, fights and maybe more things
Summary: Separated by a disagreement, Charles and Y/n meet again after years apart and all the feelings they had repressed come flooding back.
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It was a long journey to Monaco.
My mother wanted me to stay at home and I really didn't want to, so I just arrived at the hotel I was going to stay at.
"What do you mean there's a problem with my accommodation?"
"I'm sorry Miss Y/l/n but your reservation was canceled two days ago."
"I didn't fucking cancel it."
"I did." I turned and saw my mother standing there. "Come on, Y/n."
"I'm sorry." said the receptionist who agreed and I followed my mother outside. "What's wrong with you? I said I didn't want to stay at your house."
"And I said I don't care what you want or don't want."
"So you called the hotel impersonating me and canceled my reservation? How did you know I'd be staying at this hotel?"
"It was obvious that you'd be staying in the hotel closest to us." I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady."
"Then stop acting like you're the boss of me."
"But I am."
"No, you're not, the moment I moved out of your house and started supporting myself you lost that right and in case you can't count it's been years."
"Get in the car."
"I'm not going home, I told you."
"And I've told you that none of the other hotels will accept you there, so you either stay at home or sleep on the street. Now get in the car."
"I came by car so I don't need your ride."
I got into the car and slammed the door, driving off as fast as I could.
This was another reason why I hated coming here.
My mother.
Ever since Charles and I split up, she turned into this completely cold person, said I'd ruined everything and that I should have said no to the promotion and stayed here.
But her vision of a woman with the perfect life was to be married to a guy who worked to support his wife and kids.
That's what her mother, my grandmother, taught her, and that's why she's always been like that, so she thought I'd fall for it too.
I got home and after parking I saw my father coming out of the house and he smiled when he saw me.
"Hi my love, I've missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Dad." I hugged him tightly and he kissed my forehead.
"Where's your mom?"
"She’s probably coming, I drove here."
"She said she'd pick you up."
"She did, but I drove from Milan so...”
"You had a fight, didn't you?" I agreed. "Love, you have to make things right with her."
"No, she's the one who has to apologize to me." I looked at him. "Since when is a mother disappointed by her daughter's success?"
"She wasn't disappointed in you."
"Yes, she was and you know it, her dream was for me to marry him, get pregnant and live the life of a madam who doesn't do anything the way she does."
"Darling, your mother was raised like that.”
"So was I, but I took different paths, so it's her fault. We decided our own future and she decided hers and I decided mine." he agrees quietly. "Can you believe she canceled my hotel reservation and even called others so they wouldn't accept me just so I'd stay here?"
"Did you do this Jessica?" He asks and I turn around to see my mother standing there.
"You're barely home and you're already causing friction between me and your father, aren't you?"
"There wouldn't be any friction if you didn't do shit like that."
"Look at the way you talk to me in my house," she says angrily.
"I didn't even want to be here, you brought me here so take the consequences."
I picked up my suitcases and took them to my old room. It was completely different, but since I'd taken most of the things that made up my room, it ended up becoming a guest room.
"Y/n." Knocks on the door and enters. "We are having dinner later at the Leclerc's, okay?"
"I don't think I'm going."
"Why not?"
"Kind of obvious, isn't it?" I say and he laughs.
That's what I liked most about my father, he understood my jokes and ironies and was always in a good mood.
"Well, it's up to you, but Arthur asked me to tell you that if you didn't show up he’d come and pick you up."
"Then he'll have to come." My father laughs and leaves.
tag list: @formulas-bitch @nuggetvirgo @lndonrris @cmleitora @janeholt3 @coffeewhore18 @blueflorals @agentadhd @eviethetheatrefreak @honethatty12 @lec-16 @ariamox @boherahpsody @ssararuffoni @leilani13gc @alldaysdreamers @minmira95 @dessxoxsworld @dessxoxsworld
The names with a line above were because I couldn't tag them
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
Alright so I saw a prompt from @meowmeowhissss for a jealousy fic and of course I couldn’t resist. The prompt is: It’s a holiday. Melissa takes R to a family function. The schemmenti family loves them. Kristin and R get along very well, which makes Melissa jealous. She’s either jealous because R’s attention should be her or because she misses having a connection with Kristin (your choice 🤷‍♀️). Could end in reassurance or some jealousy smut.
On another note: I’m trying to decide what to do next, your prompts, to start a Marilyn one or continue the next chapter of worth it, hm, maybe I’ll post a poll soon. Like right after I post this lol.
Tesorino - sweetie
Papera - duck
Oma - grandmother
Red And Green
Warnings: Jealous Mel (when I say red and green, I don’t just mean the colours 😏), oblivious reader, smut, fluff
Words: 5k
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It’s Christmas Day and Melissa invited you to her family get together as they keep asking to meet you. You accepted, although confused. You and Melissa are really good friends and have known each other for a year and a half. You were attracted to her from day 1 and it only grew, more so in the past 4 months when she started paying more attention to you.
You put on your red dress that stops mid thigh and it’s a bit flowy from the waist down. It comes with a white belt and you put on your black heeled boots that stops just before the knee. You apply some green eye shadow and red lip gloss. You then hear a knock at your door. You go and answer it and see Melissa standing there. All you see is her black leather pants and her black coat zipped up.
She however got to see your outfit and her brain stopped working for a second. “Wow, you look amazing hon.” She tells you and you blush. “You all ready?” She asks and you nod.
“Let me just grab my coat and purse.” You say and she nods. You go get both and you grab your present for Melissa and for the steal a gift that she said her family is doing. You also grab the cookies you made as a thank you to her family for inviting you.
“You made cookies?” She asks you and you nod.
“My Oma taught me to never show up empty handed when someone invites you to a family party.” You tell her and she smiles.
“My Nonna would have loved you. And would have gotten along with your Oma.” She tells you and you smile and blush.
You get in Melissa’s car and she tells you that you can put your music on if you want. “Do you like Christmas songs?” You ask her and she shrugs.
“Some of them.” She says and you put one on and she looks at you weirdly.
“Really?” She says and rolls her eyes. “Out of all the Christmas songs I thought you were gonna put on, I want a hippopotamus for Christmas was not one of them.” She says and you laugh. Melissa looks at you laughing and singing along and she doesn’t have the heart to change the song. She’d listen to it every year at Christmas if it meant she’d hear your laugh and singing along happily.
“Btw, why did your family invite me?” You ask her when the song ends.
“I don’t know, they told me the details and asked if I could invite you to it.” She says with a shrug. “I thought it was a bit weird too. They’ve never asked me to invite anyone else before. Well they did for Barb once years ago and obviously Joe and Gary.” She tells you and you smile.
“Well I’m very honoured they wanted to invite me. Do you talk about all your co workers to your family?” You ask her.
“The ones that matter.” Is all she says and you blush and look down. Melissa has a feeling for why her mom wanted to invite you. Her mom has only asked to meet someone in her life for two reasons, 1: her mom thinks they’re dating and 2: when she tells her mom she’s dating someone. Her mom wanted to meet Barb thinking her and Barb were dating but said they weren’t and that Barb is happily married to a man with 2 daughters. She’s worried that her mom thinks she’s dating you. Melissa is attracted to you and knows you’re into women but doesn’t know if you’re attracted to her. Melissa has mentioned you but never told her mom she has feelings for you. Although it wouldn’t surprise Melissa if her mom figured it out.
She pulls up at her parents house after 20 minutes of driving. You both get out and you hold your things and wait as Melissa gets her items from the trunk. She grabs a handful of gifts and closes the trunk then goes and walks to the door with you following her. You see about 10 cars parked outside and think that’s the average amount for a family gathering until Melissa speaks up. “Looks like only half my family is already here.” She comments and your jaw drops.
“What do you mean half? How many people are in your family?” You ask and she laughs.
“Have you forgotten I’m Italian?” She says and you sigh.
“It might have slipped my mind that most Italians have big families.” You say.
“Are you ok with big crowds?” She asked and you nod.
“Ya, it just surprised me is all.” You tell her and she knocks on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and an older women that looks like an Melissa with just a couple differences answers and you know right away that she’s Melissa’s mom. She lets you guys enter and Melissa greets her.
“Hey Ma, Merry Christmas!” She tells her and hugs her. How she managed to hug her while holding onto a bunch of gifts without dropping one is beyond you. Her mom then turns to you and smiles.
“Hi, you must be y/n. I’m Teresa, Mel’s mother.” She says to you.
“Yes I’m y/n, nice to meet you.” You say and hold out a hand to shake.
“We hug in this family.” She tells you and holds out her arms and you hug her.
“I brought some cookies.” You tell her.
“Oh aren’t you sweet.” She says and takes the cookies from you. “You didn’t have too.” She adds.
“My Oma taught me to never show up empty handed to a family gathering that I’m invited to.” You tell her and she smiles.
“She’s a good one Mel.” She tells Melissa and her cheeks go red.
“Maa.” Melissa says and her mom just smiles at you.
“I thought I heard the second trouble maker.” A man says and comes out to you guys.
“Hi Pa.” Melissa says and hugs him. “I guess that means the papera is already here.” She adds and Teresa scoffs.
“You and your sister with the insults to each other honestly.” Her mom says and you giggle. “Oh Tesorino, this is y/n.” Her mom says to her husband and points to you.
“Hi, I’m Cosimo. And to brag but it means beauty.” He jokes and flips his short hair that barely moves and you laugh.
“Here let me take your coats.” Teresa says and takes yours and Mel’s coat. When you finally see Melissa’s full outfit, you forgot how to breathe for a few seconds. She’s wearing a low cut red shirt with a green sweater. You stare at her long enough for both her parents to notice and smirk at each other.
“Where can we put the gifts?” Melissa asks and her mom leads you both to the living room where most of the people were gathered and you put your gifts under the tree.
“Well well well, look who finally decided to show up.” Someone says and you recognize the voice of Melissa’s sister, Kristen Marie.
“Nice to see you too Kristy.” Melissa says and they hug each other.
“You must be y/n, Melissa mentioned you a few times.” She says to you and you nod.
“Ya I am, nice to meet you.” You say to her.
“Here, let me show you around and introduce you to everyone.” Kristen says to you and you miss Melissa’s glare at her sister. Kristen is unaware of Melissa’s feelings for you and she thinks you’re kinda cute.
“Oh ok, thank you.” You tell her and she leads you around the house and introduces you to people. You wanted to spend time with Melissa but you didn’t want to seem rude.
After about an hour, you meet everyone and saw the whole downstairs of the house. Melissa keeps a close eye on you and her mom comes up to her at some point.
“So when are you going to tell her?” She says to her.
“What?” Melissa says.
“When are you going to tell y/n about your feelings?” Her mom states.
“What makes you think I have feelings for her?” Melissa asks her mom.
“Oh please. It may not be obvious to other people but you’re my daughter. I hear the way you talk about her and how your eyes look when you do. And how you’re now staring holes into your sister’s head since she stole y/n away from you.” She tells her and Melissa sighs.
“I do have feelings for her but we’re friends. And that’s all we’ll ever be.” Melissa tells her mom.
“Cara, why don’t you want to tell her?” She asks her.
“Because I don’t know if you noticed the age gap, and the fact that I don’t have the best luck when it comes to relationships.”
“Mel, I noticed the age gap but that has never stopped anyone in our family before. Your bad luck is only because you wanted different things in life than they did.” Her mom says. “Plus your sister is going for it and she’s only 2 years younger than you.” She adds and Melissa whips her head at her.
“What do you mean she’s going for it?” Melissa asks surprised and her mom smiles.
“Kristen Marie is flirting with her.” She tells her and points to you and Kristen Marie. Her sister has her arm wrapped around your waist and holding you close while talking to a cousin. Melissa crosses her arms and huffs. “If it helps, she’s interested in you as well. But if you don’t make a move, she might actually start to flirt back with Kristen, thinking you’re not interested in her.” Her mom says and then walks back to the kitchen. Melissa walks over to you guys, stands right beside you and joins in on the conversation.
“Hey Melissa!” You say and she smiles at you.
“Hey, you having fun?” She asks you.
“Ya I am, Kristen here has been so nice to show me around and introduce me to everyone. We also have similar interests as well. How come you never introduced me to your sister before?” You ask her and she frowns. She thinks her sister might have won you over.
“Melissa and I have only patched things up 3 years ago.” Kristen says to you. “And I think Mel still forgets she has a sister at times.”
“More like I try to forget but it never happens.” Melissa retorts and you laugh. Just then Teresa announces dinner is ready and everyone scurries to line up at the kitchen. It’s buffet style and then just sit wherever. Kristen pulls you to the line before it gets too long and Melissa tries to keep up but ends up seperated. She watches you and Kristen talking and you laughing at whatever she says and Melissa gets angry.
“You alright cuz?” Someone says to Melissa and snaps her out of her thoughts and she turns around.
“Ya Vinny, I’m fine, why?”
“Because you look like you want to kill your sister. And you guys patched things up a few years ago.” He tells her.
“Like I said, I’m fine.” She tells him with a bite to her voice and Vinny looks unconvinced but doesn’t question it further.
You all managed to eventually get food and sit down in the living room. Kristen continues talking to you and starts to get touchy so Melissa takes action. She walks right up to you both and squeezes in between you both.
“Excuse me.” She says and you and Kristen both have to move over to make room for Melissa.
“What the hell Melissa?” Kristen says and you look confused but don’t think much of it.
“You’re impossible sometimes.” Kristen tells her and Melissa just smirks and turns to you.
“Enjoying the food?” She asks and you nod.
“Yes I am. I hope your mom didn’t cook all of it. There was enough for a village in there.” You say and both the sisters laugh. You miss Melissa elbowing her sister in the stomach.
“No, Ma didn’t cook everything. She cooked about half though. Lots of our family volunteers to bring something over. Last year I brought a branzino.” She tells you and Kristen scoffs. “Something you want to say Kristy?” Melissa turns to her sister with a glare.
“Nope.” Kristen says and takes a bite of her food. “Y/n have you ever tried caprese chicken saltimbocca?” Kristen asks you and you shake your head.
“Can’t say I have.”
“Did you get some?” She asks you and both of them look at your plate and sees that you didn’t. Before Melissa could offer some of hers, Kristen beats you to it but offers you a bite off of her fork and you accept it. Melissa looks at interaction and stews. She doesn’t want to have another feud with her sister especially since her sister technically isn’t doing anything wrong. You’re single, beautiful and sweet, the whole package. She can see why her sister is flirting with you.
After dinner, you all have dessert as you do the steal a gift. It has 2 rules, 1: you can’t re-steal a gift back as well as the same gift can’t be stolen more than once in a round and 2: you must wait your turn.
When it’s your turn, you pick a gift and see that it’s a beautiful necklace of a green diamond heart wrapped with silver lining, the green is the same colour as Melissa’s eyes and you love it.
Unfortunately one of her cousin’s steals it from you and Melissa sees your pout and then you go to get a different gift. Melissa is the last person to pick and she’s gonna steal that necklace back for you. You open another gift and see that it’s a bottle of Italian wine and you get a bunch of ‘ooo’s from everyone. And someone says that you’re having bad luck when someone steals it from you and you laugh and agree. You're sitting beside Melissa and she has her arm on your low back the entire time. You talk with Kristen Marie as well who’s sitting on the other side of you.
When it’s Melissa’s turn she immediately goes and steals the necklace from her cousin, the one who stole it from you, got it stolen from her and now Melissa is stealing back for you. She’ll give it to you later tonight. You end up with a hoodie that says “I’m Italian you gaboots” to which you and everyone laughed.
Teresa then goes and hands the gifts under the tree to who it’s for. You end up getting one from Melissa and her parents to which you were surprised. Melissa ends up getting a few gifts as well as her sister and everyone else. You open hers and see that it’s a baseball cap that says the eagles on it that you mentioned you couldn’t afford at the time, when you and her went to a game. You saw that she got a cap but you thought it was for herself and you now saw that she got it for you. You squeal and give her a hug.
“Oh, thank you thank you thank you!” You tell her and she laughs.
“You’re welcome hon.” She says.
Melissa sees that you got her a gift and she opens it with a smile. She sees that it’s the book she wanted and you must have heard her talking about it and got it for her.
“Omg thanks hon.” She says and hugs you.
“Open it.” You tell her and looks confused.
“To what page?” She asks.
“Any page.” You tell her and she opens it and she immediately tears up. The first letter of each word was highlighted. She flips through it more and it seems like it’s like that for the entire book.
“Omg.” She says and puts her hand over her heart.
“You ok Mel?” Her mom asks and Melissa nods and turns to you.
“Did you get someone to highlight it or did you do it yourself?” She asks.
“I did it myself.” You tell her and she launches herself at you in a hug.
“Omg hon, this is the best gift ever!” She tells you. Her mom looks at the book and sees what you did and she smiles. The fact that you knew of Melissa’s dyslexia, got her a book she wanted and knew what helps her and did it yourself, made her see that you’re the perfect one for Melissa. When most people were done opening their gifts and chatting with people, Melissa turns to you. “Hey hon.” She says and you turn to her.
“Ya Melissa?” She pulls out the necklace from the steal a gift.
“I saw you loved the necklace and decided to steal it for you.” She tells you and your jaw drops.
“You did that for me?” You ask in disbelief and she nods. “Are you sure? I mean I’m sure it would look lovely on you.” You tell her.
“I’m sure but I got enough necklaces for now and it would look better on you. Turn around and lift up your hair.” She tells you and you do. She puts the necklaces on you with a smile. Kristen hears the conversation and sees the interaction between you and figures out why Melissa has been glaring at her all evening. Melissa likes you. She decides right there to amp up the flirting with you to make Melissa jealous. She knows her sister might not make a move otherwise. Her mom sees the interaction as well and sneaks a picture of Melissa putting the necklace on you.
She clips it on and you turn around and face her. “Wow thank you Melissa!” You tell her and stare at the necklace with a smile.
“You’re welcome. I knew it would look good on you.” She says softly and you blush. As a thank you, you kiss her check and then turn around to face Kristen Marie as she taps your arm right away. Melissa is stunned by your action and touches where you kissed her with a blush and smile. Teresa gets a picture of the kiss and Melissa’s reaction.
Before anyone leaves, they all get up to take a bunch of photos. A few of everyone, a few without the partners or guests of people. And then individual ones of the households and everyone’s little families. Melissa got one with her mom, dad and sister and then one with just her sister. She thought she was done and then her mom calls you up again and gets you to take one with Melissa. She takes one with Melissa’s hand wrapped around your waist and tells you to get closer as your ‘besties’. Her words, not yours. Melissa then goes behind you and hugs you from behind and puts her chin on your shoulder and her mom takes a picture and then Melissa sticks her tongue out for the next one to which you laugh and copy her. The photos of other people continue as you two go to sit down.
Kristen Marie grabs your attention right away and Melissa gets annoyed. Kristen Marie has gotten more touchy with you, the more into the night you get. You are wondering why she’s touchy with you and you are starting to like it a bit, you normally don’t get attention like that from people. Kristen Marie puts her hand on your thigh and whispers something to you and that’s when Melissa decides to leave. Other people have already left so she thinks it wouldn’t look weird.
“Hey hon, I’m getting tired so I’m gonna go.” She tells you and you look at her.
“Oh ok, let me get my things and we can go.” You say but Kristen Marie speaks up.
“If you want I can drive you home and you can stay longer.” She offers and you look at her and her hand goes higher up her leg and Melissa sees red.
“Oh um, I’m actually going to hitch a ride with Melissa if that’s ok with you.” You ask her to which she immediately nods.
Melissa and you say your goodbyes to everyone. You thank her parents for inviting you and Teresa hands you your container back, now empty as all the cookies were eaten.
You put your stuff in the car and Melissa starts the drive back to your place. “So you and my sister seem to have gotten along.” She starts and you look at her.
“Ya, she’s really nice, she even gave me her number.” You say and Melissa takes a deep breath to try and control her jealousy.
“That’s because she was hitting on you.” Melissa says bluntly and a bit snippy.
“What? No she wasn’t, she was just being nice.” You tell her and she scoffs.
“Hon, you have got to be the most oblivious person on the planet if you couldn’t tell she was flirting with you.” Melissa tells you and you look at her confused. “I mean she literally had her hand on your thigh.” She says with a bit of anger.
“Well I did think that was a bit weird but didn’t want to seem rude if that’s normal in your family.”
“That’s not normal for us, we’re not that touchy.”
“What?!? But you’re touchy with me too.” You say.
“Ya! Because I’m trying to flirt with you too!” She says annoyed but then she realises what she just admitted and mentally facepalms.
“You’re what?” You ask.
Melissa leans back into the seat and doesn’t bother looking at you or answering your question.
“Melissa, do you like me?” You ask her and she sighs. She then finds a place to pull over safely and then turns to look at you.
“Ok yes I do, I’ve been trying to flirt with you for 4 months ever since I realised I liked you over the summer. But I guess you’re the most oblivious person, I also didn’t want to tell you directly because I was afraid. But I saw how you were with my sister and I got jealous.” She admits and you stare at her with wide eyes and then you smile at her.
“I like you too.” You tell her and she looks shocked at you.
“Do you really?” She asks and you nod. Melissa then cups your cheek and leans in. You lean in as well and you kiss each other. It starts out slow as you learn each other’s mouths and savour it. Then it quickly turns desperate and Melissa deepens the kiss. You let out a moan and Melissa puts her hands all over your hair. You then pull away and look at her face.
“Take me to your place.” You tell her and it takes her a second to process and then she nods and puts the car in drive.
She then drives to her place and you both quickly get out and into her house. Once inside she pushes you against the door as soon as it closes and attacks your lips with hers.
“Wait.” You tell her and she pulls back. “Were you jealous of your sister flirting with me?” You ask her and she looks down and blushes. “Hmm, I knew you were acting a little different. I kinda like it.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“Ya, go on and take your jealousy out on me.” You whisper in her ear. And with your permission, she does just that.
She attacks your neck roughly and you gasp and moan. She pins you up on the wall and pulls your dress down to go for your nipples. You bury your hands in her hair and moan. She then pins your hands to the wall and you whine as you’re unable to touch her. “Naughty girls don’t get to touch.” She says with a deep voice and you shiver. “I know you liked the attention you got from my sister.” She adds and you whimper. “Tell me, do you think my sister can get all these sounds out of you?” She asks and you squirm. You then decide to add fuel to the fire.
“She probably could. I mean she knew how to move her hand under my dress.” You say and you see the jealousy practically leaking from her as there was so much.
“So that’s how you’re gonna play it I see.” She says and carries you to her bedroom. “I see you want to be fucked roughly tonight, treated like the slut you are.” She tells you once she sets you down on her bed. She unbuckles your belt and flings it off you, then rips your dress off. She unclips your bra and sends it flying then attacks your nipples and she moans. She pulls you up more onto the bed and climbs on top of you. She slides your underwear and then looks at you bare under her. She then gets up and goes to her closet and brings a box over. She then oh so casually, takes out some cuffs and ties you to the bed.
“What?” But I haven’t touched you yet!” You exclaim and she smirks.
“Like I said, naughty girls don’t get to touch.” She says then she takes her sweater and shirt off and you drool at the sight of her chest on display like that. She then straddles your lap and takes her bra off and you stare at them. She then puts her hands on her boobs and touches herself while all you can do is watch and struggle against the cuffs. “Hmm oh I bet you’d love to touch me like this.” She teases and she moans. You whimper and she grinds against you a bit. She then gets up and takes her pants and underwear off. She then get a vibrator out, turns it on and instructs you to close your legs, she then puts it on your clit and tells you to keep it there. She then goes and slowly puts a strap on while she watches you squirm. She knows your close and she wonders if she should edge you or make you come many times. She decides to edge you and tells you not to come. You squirm even more and she enjoying watching you struggle.
She then ups the speed on the vibrator and you arch your back and try to keep the vibrator in place like she told you too. She then turns it off when she knows you can’t hold on too much longer and removes it from you. You whine as you were very close but then she gets in between your legs and starts licking you. You moan at the feeling of her hot wet tongue and mouth on you where you need her the most. She then goes for your clit and you gasp. She roughy licks and sucks on it for a couple minutes until you were just about to come and she pulls back. She waits a few seconds for you to calm down and then she sticks her fingers in you and fingers you. About half a minute she curls her fingers inside you and it hits your g-spot. You have your legs spread nice and open for her and you’re close again. She then pulls out when your close and you whimper.
“Mel please, I need to come.” You say with a pout and she chuckles.
“You don’t get to come until I say so.” She tells you and you realise she’s edging you. She then lines the dildo up with your entrance and she shoves it in. You scream out and she gives you a second to adjust. She then goes and starts pounding it into you and she rubs your clit. Melissa comes about a minute later but doesn’t tell you, she wants to know how much more you can take. “Hold it in you slut.” She says and you whimper. She then pulls out at the last second and you whine and whimper. She takes the strap off and goes and sits on your face. You take a few licks and she moans out. She then pushes the vibrator to your clit and turns it on to the max. “When you make me come then you can.” She says to you and you squirm the entire time as you hold in the orgasm she’s been denying you all night. And then finally she comes and it drips all over your chin and lips and then you come with a scream as it hits you hard due to the intense build up.
She then releases you from the cuffs and she goes to get a cloth. She makes sure to not touch your clit but cleaning you up and then cleans herself up. She throws the cloth on the ground next to the strap and lays down beside you.
“Are you ok?” She asks you as you cuddle into her and place your hand on her boob.
“Ya, when I told you to take your jealousy out on me, you really went all in.” You say surprised and with a smile.
“It wasn’t too much?” She asks and you shake your head.
“It was perfect. The only complaint is that I couldn’t touch these magnificent breasts.” You tell her and squeeze them. She giggles and then goes on her back to let you touch her all you want. “You don’t have to worry btw. I’ve only had eyes for you and no one else.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Good, because I want you and don’t want anyone else to touch you.” She says as she strokes your cheek and you lean into her touch.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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totalswag · 5 months
family time charleston — DREW STARKEY
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authors note dad!drew content is BACCCKK!!! after seeing all the photos with drew with his family in charleston, it gave me this cute dad!drew idea. i hope you lovies enjoy this. i tried my best on this to fit everyone in this and tried to get dad!drew moments too.
summary walking around charleston with family enjoying the sunny day.
warnings just a whole lotta cuteness for y'all
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It was a pleasant day in Charleston. The sun was out, and the breeze felt amazing on your skin. A perfect day to wear a dress or tank top with shorts. Summer is right around the corner and weather is getting warmer.
Tatum and you are dressed in matching blue jean overalls. She has her hair in two pigtails with her hair curled. Drew and Leo were wearing matching white shirts. Leo is three months old and wearing his white onesie.
Drew’s mom, Jodi, younger sister Mackayla and her eight month old daughter, Liliana, came down to visit for a few days. It’s been amazing having them with you guys.
The plan for the day is to eat lunch, wander around town, buy a few things, visit the flea market, and have dessert before heading home.
You were in downtown Charleston having lunch together. The check was taken by the waitress two minutes ago. In the meantime, conversations were made. Tatum was playing peek-a-boo with Liliana, sitting on Mackayla's lap. Leo was nestled in Jodi's arms.
Sitting underneath the shade felt great, the breeze hitting your skin just right.
“Leo is starting look so much like Drew” Jodi softly speaks, "He also has your eyes, Y/N." Just the ideal mix between you both."
You and Drew take a quick glance at each other smiling. He places his hand on your thigh, giving it a soft pat.
You've taken Leo out in public a few times in the three months since his birth. If you're going out alone with Tatum and Leo, make sure to cover Leo with a thin blanket in case someone takes a picture.
After lunch, you guys decided to walk around and look through shops around town. There were plenty of things open and a flea market down the road too.
"Daddy, I want to go into this store," Tatum says, pointing to the store across the street that has a number of toys on display. 
Drew looks around as he kneels down to face Tatum's vision: "Over there? "Of course, princess," Tatum exclaims, taking his hand.
"Drew becoming a father happened at the right time in his life," Mackayla exclaimed, grasping Liliana's tiny hands and enjoying her older brother's interaction with her niece.
"Completely agree and he's so good with his little babies" Jodi smiled with her hand over her heart.
Tatum gazed around the store, hoping she'd want something to take home. She looked about and didn't see anything that drew her interest.
"What is it you want princess?" Drew asked following behind Tatum.
"I want Olaf" throwing her hands in the air with frustration. Drew quickly stopped her before she got overwhelmed.
Kneeling on one knee, both arms wrapped around her arms, "Please listen to me carefully. Take deep breaths for Daddy and convince yourself you are calm and comfortable," demonstrating how Tatum can calm herself down.
Tatum has recently expressed interest in an Olaf toy or anything Olaf-related. She just adores Olaf. You and Drew have taught her to take deep breaths and talk herself down when she is feeling overwhelmed since she started to express emotions.
Drew is so good with Tatum. Always has been since she was born.
The rest of you went around the store finding Olaf. You found a stuffed Olaf in the corner of the Disney section. Tatum jumped with joy when she held him in her arms.
Leo's small feet began kicking against the thin covering blanket, signaling that he wanted it down. Jodi takes notice and pulls the blanket down to Leo, who smiles as his grandmother peeks through.
Liliana looked over in Leo's direction, and the two cousins made eye contact before smiling. Fortunately, you were capturing the brief moment between the two.
They've noticed each other a few times now and seeing them interact with each other warms everyone's heart. Wish they didn't have to grow up so fast.
"Can you say to your cousin Liliana?" Mackayla cooed as she pointed to Leo, who was kicking his feet and wiggling his arms with delight.
Having two babies now is definitely a blessing. The babies are the center of attention on every family outing. It's also fantastic that they are so close in age because it allows them to grow up together.
Leo had his back against Drew's, his pacifier in his mouth, and was toying with Drew's gold ring on his finger. You took out your phone from your pocket and took a couple photos to share later on your story.
"You like playing with my ring huh?" Drew chuckled gleefully, hopping up and down, making Leo laugh with his movements.
Tatum walked over to see what the chatter was all about. She skipped over, pausing in front of Drew. She raises her hand to Leo, "I want to see brother, Daddy," with begging eyes.
"Hi baby Leo" Tatum squints her noise, dragging the o.
Leo smiles at his big sister through his pacifier, which slides out of his mouth and lands on Tatum's palm. She hands it to you before focusing on her brother.
Their bond grows stronger every day. Tatum wants to be close Leo all the time. She treats him with so much affection. She's been a wonderful big sister.
"Tatum can you stand infront of the flowers with mommy for me?" You asked her, indicating where you wanted her to stand. Before she got distracted by Leo, she wanted to look at the flowers.
Tatum posed for the camera. Drew's mother also came over to take a few pictures with her. Everyone ended up getting pictures with Tatum.
"How about we sit outside while we eat our ice cream?" Jodi suggested to Tatum, pointing to the outdoor tables in the shade.
You guys finished going to the flee market. You spent the day walking around Charleston going into shops, grabbing fruit, etc. It was getting closer to the end of the day and time to head back home. To end the day off, ice cream.
A few hours ago, you ran into a couple fans who had the cutest puppy. Drew took a few photos with the dog and fans.
Tatum sits on Jodi's lap while they share their ice cream. Mackayla ordered mint chocolate chip, while Drew and you shared a banana split.
Music was playing through the speakers from the post lights. Sun was starting to set, the sky looked beautiful with a hint of pink and orange. Tatum started humming to the music, dancing on her grandmas lap.
You turn your head to the side, a group of girls are walking over talking, they look like fans of Drew's. One of them takes a double take before realizing Drew is a few feet from them.
Drew had Leo on his lap and stuck his finger in the vanilla ice cream, allowing Leo to taste it. Leo bites the ice cream and makes a face that makes Drew giggle.
"Hi, sorry to bother you guys, we were wondering if you would like to take a couple pictures?" The young girl questioned with hesitancy in her voice, as if she didn't want to interrupt.
"You aren't bothering us," Drew assures the group of girls, "we can definitely take pictures," as he places Leo in your hands. You give him a delicate kiss on the forehead before placing him on your lap. 
After taking the pictures, the girls say hello to the rest of you sitting down. Tatum scoots off her grandmas lap, walking over to the group of girls, "My name is Tatum and this is my baby brother, Leo"
The girls let out an awe.
He's so adorable
He has so much hair
The cutest baby ever
All the compliments given to Leo made him smile when he saw how the girls reacted seeing him.
The girls eventually said their goodbyes and went on with their day. They were exceedingly respectful and made no one feel uncomfortable. interacted with everyone.
"You are so good with your fans, I love it baby" you tell Drew, wrapping your arm around him, kissing his cheek.
"I love you" he responds.
"I love you more," you remark, nudging his side.
When you guys arrived home, Tatum, Leo, and Liliana were knocked out in their carseats. Making sure to not wake them up was a must because they immediately knocked out when they mad it to their carseats.
Tatum groaned slightly as Drew carefully unbuckled her from her carseat; she had been pulled out by arms. "It's okay, princess, daddy's got you," Drew whispers to her as he hugs her, arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist. He kisses the side of her head before closing the car door.
Today was spent with family and enjoying each other's company. The times you get to spend together, you cherish every moment. Going around Charleston was definitely a good idea.
You and Mackayla set up the fire pit on the terrace while Drew and his mother bathed the kids inside. 
After the kids had freshened up, you all returned to the cushion seats. Leo fell asleep on Drew's chest, Tatum dozed off on your lap with her blanket wrapped around her, and Liliana slept soundly in Jodi's arms.
You adults had conversations with multiple topics coming up. Drew spoke about filming season four and going to Maraco with the cast.
Today was a great day.
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
when someone insults you (child)
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There are many ways to cause problems and tension, within the clan and between Navi themselves. One way would be insult someone of the clan and thinking their family and friends, will not do anything about it. Once that insult had come out of their mouths there was no, taking back what had been spoken.
Jake x Neytiri
demon blooded girl
Those words had been said toward you by an older Navi women, you had been carrying some basket when a group kids had ran into you. resulting with the kids fall to the ground and getting some scraps of their keens and arms, you and rush to help the kid up. Taking the kids to healer hut, and have the kids attend to as well. The children were okay after the tears had ended but that didn’t save you from the rage of their mothers. As they had been told and thought you had pushed their kids. They had started scolding your outside of the hut, one od them hissed at you tried to grab you arm, soon throwing the insult at gained everyone near by attention.
women “ you demon blood child you have cause not only my kid pain but all these other kids pain” the women soon had came at you with her blade making you doge her and soon, fall down into ground.
Y/n “ please stop and hear me out there a misunderstanding” the women was looking down at you as she was standing tall, but she was not standing tall for that much longer until someone had attacked her.
neytiri “ don’t you dare lay hands on my daughter” neytiri had come right away soon kicking the women away from her child.
???? “ sister” you had been helped onto your feet by Loak and spider, as neteyam had stood between you and the other women.
Kiri “ you are bleeding”
neytiri “ you dare make my child bleed I will make you pay” before neytiri could do anything else Tsu’tey and Jake had stopped her.
Jake " neytiri no justice will be handed out in another way"
moat “ my granddaughter what has happened”
y/n “ there was accident with some kids and I took them here to get healed … ahhh”
Kiri “ grandma her injury”
moat “ come inside I will attend to you” you and kiro followed moat, as the rest of your siblings stood outside waiting. It easy to hear neytiri voice as she yelled at the group, as Jake tried his best to make sure she didn’t do anything else. Your grandmother and norm had been able to heal you up after the incident. They are mad as well and so are your siblings, the mother had been sent to their homes and away from you and everyone else.
neytiri " daughter are you okay"
y/n " I'm fine mom the cut will go away in days"
neytiri " how dare that women lay a hand on you if I was not for your father, and uncle I will taught her a good lessons"
neytiri " I will make them pay for what they have done to you my daughter"
y/n " mother please no we don't need anymore trouble"
Jake " sweetie I and your mother will handled this but you can share you side, of what has happened"
y/n " yes father"
Jake " good and your are not in trouble some witness had told us what happened, but we wish to hear from you as well"
y/n " yes father"you had nodded your head and told them everything, this had made your mom even more mad. As the women and her friends had no good reason to fight you a child and insult you as well. The mothers had been forbidden by your father and mother forming coming near you, for a very long time. They had been in major trouble with your family and the clan, for what had happened today. Their husband had came by your home with offers for forgives and to repay you as well, they had been checked careful by your mom and grandmother. You had forgave the husband and kids but stay away from their mothers for some time.
Jake x neytiri x Tsu’tey
Demon spawn
The day had started off normal for you as you had been doing your task, for the day as you had done every other day. It seems like your day was not going to stay normal. As you had been doing some fishing for your family and grandmother, by the river when some tension had came around. As you are about to hit a fish when you spotted another group arrive, you had smiled and went back to fishing. The group of kids had been to close to edge of the river bank, worrying you as you had called out to them and told them to move a bit. You even help them find a good place to fish and good position to use while fishing, and they seem to love your advice and help. You had been able to caught some big fish and started walking home, you had been that far from home when someone shoved you to the ground.
y/n " hey"
Navi teen boy " don't your dare speak to my brother and his friends like that demon spawn' You had got up not wish for a fight right now and tried to collect your fishes, when the boy had shoved you again onto the ground as the other kids came.
navi teen boy 2 " you heard what you told me demon how dare you tell them what do to do"
y/n " I was helping them that all and making sure they didn't get hurt, and making sure they were able to bring some fish back as well"
navi teen boy 3 " you are a freak and have no right to tell us how to live and do anything, and you dare lay your demon hands on my brother"
y/n " leave me alone so let walking away or this will become a bigger problem"
navi teen boy " we will never obey the words of demon girl that ...." the boy had been punched in the face by no one other then, lo'ak who was mad right now.
lo'ak " hands off my sister" the second boy had been kicked by someone who was spider.
spider " hands off of her"
????? " y/n" neteyam had been seen as he soon helped you stand he was mad as well.
navi boy teen " " the demo. Spawn started it first"
lo'ak " don't your dare call her at and or speak to her like that"
navi boy teen " demon spawn" A fight soon broke out between the boys.
???? ' enough " your dads had shown up with the other kids fathers breaking up the fight.
neytiri " what the matter here"
lo'ak " this boy was looking over my sister as she was laying on the ground, as him and his friends yelled at her fathers"
Tsu’tey " what"
spider " they insult her and called her demon spawn" soon all eyes were on you and it easy to say that you had been shoved to ground.
Neytiri " you dare lay a hand on my daughter to hurt you, you boys are shameful"
Jake " what happened y/n"
y/n " I was walking home when I was shoved to the ground, all because I help their younger siblings with their fishings"
tsu'tey " this that true"
boys " ....."
navi father " olo'eythan Tsu’tey our boys ......"
Tsu’tey " I was speaking and they will answer me"
boys " yes"
Jake " how dare you all do this over our daughter being helpful, and then you insult her as well"
neteyam " insult our sister is insult us all" the boys who were once acting like they were all that, were now not saying anything as all eyes are on them.
Jake " you boys will stay away from my daughter and my kids, after the events today until you came come up with a good apology to her" no one dare say anything else boys and their fathers had been escorted home by some of the warriors.
y/n " I'm sorry but it seems like dinner for us and grandmother is gone" your family looked at the fish they there was no saving them for later.
lo'ak " I will caught some later with the boys" you had nodded your heads as your mother had taken you and your boys to healer hut, to get checked out and soon enough home as well. Your brothers and spider had been able to caught new fishes for the family, but there was still tensions as your whole family had become mad about the insult tossed your away. They soon clam down after dinner but there was still issues here and there, the boys had stayed away from you until they came to say sorry with their siblings and your siblings there as well.
Tonowari x ronal
shameful girl
since the arrival of the sully family and their clan life in your clan and village changed, dramatically and you enjoyed it. You had made sure to be helpful for your village and the new arrivals, even learning some stuff from the humans as well. Soon become close friends with the sully kids and spider, along with the rest of the humans as well. You had given them a chance to show they are good and will be allies during the fight with the evil humans. One day you are walking to meet with your siblings and friends, when you had walked pass some of your clan members who were that happy with you.
Y/n “ good morning” you smile and look towards the group as they didn’t say anything else.
Navi women “ are you proud of yourself child” you had stopped and looked at the women.
y/n " proud of what if you don't mind me asking"
navi women 2 " proud of yourself for being friends with the family and clan, ruining your reputation and image by being with them"
y/n " I know we all have our own feelings about them and I don't blame you, but they are not like them and if you give them a chance you can see that"
navi women " you are such a shameful child and the whole clan knows that, It good you are out the tshaik and olo'eythan as you will be ruining their blood"
y/n " I'm going to leave right now before anything else is said"
navi women 2 " Such a shameful child you will ruin our clan and your family" You did nothing as you soon started walking away from them right away.
Navi teen girl " You will never be their daughter just some shameful child that will never be loved, and once I become mates with your brother you will be gone ... no more freaks and no shameful ones as well like you and them"
y/n "It will be best if you stop talking and following before anything else happens"
Navi girl 2 " you shouldn't be speaking to your future tshaik like that, it rude and you have nothing to hold over us we all know that freak"
navi girl 3 " no more freakish girl good I love that"
????? " what going on here" everyone had gotten spooked when they hear someone speaking up, they soon saw your siblings and older sully kids and spider there. none of them looked happy your sister and brothers went to you.
tsreyia " sister are you okay did they hurt you"
navi girl 3 " we will never hurt her"
rotxo " my sister was not speaking to you she was speaking to y/n"
y/n " I'm good they aeee just speaking their minds"
neteyam " they were being rude and disrespectful towards you y/n for no good reasons, and you being the olo'eythan and tshaik daughter"
lo'ak " yes they were coming from what we heard and saw"
kiri " you all are rude for being mean towards y/n"
spider " yes"
navi women " we were telling her the truth how dare she ruining your family and our clan by being friendly towards them, we were doing your parents a duty by dealing with this freak girl"
aonung " you have no right to speak to her like that"
navi women " my daughter and you are arranged I'm doing what bets for both, our family your parents will thank me"
???? " that is lie I will never thank you"attention had soon changed the parents who arrived, and ronal along with tonowari are very mad.
navi women " ronal I was ...."
ronal " don't your dare utter another word right now hoe dare you speak to my daughter like that, you are foolish women and rude as well"
navi women " I was doing what I thought was good for my daughter future"
tonowari " well now you have done something for your daughter future, my son and her are no longer promised to each other"
navi girl " no that not fair"
ronal " yes it fair you have not rights to become tshaik and have failed, to prove yourself as well as my daughter have done that perfectly"
navi women 2 " that clan will not love this"
ronal " the clan will understand what has happened now you will never go near my daughter again, after today until I deemed your worthy along with the great mother as well"
navi girl 2 " we didn't mean no harm we will telling her the truth"
Jake " you all were acting like green eye monsters .... jealousy is ugly things to have I came here to thank y/n for being helpful to my family and clan"
navi women 3 " we are sorry lease this will look bad on our families"
navi girl 3 " please"
Neytiri " it to late to be sorry you most learn from this"
ronal " now leave my husband will speak to your mates later on and we will see what happens later on. but there is no more promise of marriage"
tonowari " get them out of our sight" the mothers and daughters had been taken away. As they had been given glares by everyone else for what they had done.
tonowari " my daughter dont listen to them I love you and you make me proud"
ronal " yes your father is right my daughter"
y/n " thank you mom and baba but please don't punish their whole family"
tonowari " yes I can make that happen" you had nodded your head feeling better about everything that happened, your siblings and friends had spent the day with you making sure everything that you are good and happy. True to their word the promise between aonung and the girl had been called off, and when the mother made a scene to the whole clan the truth was revealed to everyone which made matter worst for the mothers and daughters. They had been official told to stay away from you and if they dare do anything else, there will be trouble and they were already in enough trouble with your family and clan.
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months
Do you think Remmy would be a good father with his devotion to caring for small adorable creatures?
Remmy would definitely be up there in the rankings for father of the year out of my OCS...... After his Darling is able to get him to breathe for a minute.
Stresses himself to the point of being short for breath when Darling first brings up the idea of kids. They want to raise a child with him of all people? He's so accident prone there's no way the kid would turn out okay.....But, it's not like he'd alone in raising them - Darling is with him... and if they're with him there's a chance things won't turn out so bad. Plus, think about all the adorable outfits he could make for them and their family as a whole. Starting a family with Darling sounds nice....
Remmy would struggle a bit as any new parent would, but no matter what he would always want them to feel loved and valued. As mentioned a second ago, Remmy would make majority of their clothing starting out with a blanket like his mom had made for him and his grandmother for her. He's on the fence about stitching their given name into it encase they decided to change it later on in lige as they're figuring out who they are as a person, but let's Darling have the final say.
His separation anxiety would lead to him never wanting to leave their side. Has to be dragged out to door by his Darling whenever they have a night out for themselves and they leave the kid with relatives/close friends. Has to know a babysitter's blood type before they even see a picture of his precious child. Always let's them know how much they're loved whenever he's forced to part with them and that he won't be gone for long. Never, ever says goodbye since it's too permanent of a word for him.
"Dad will be home in a couple hours. See you later, okay?"
Remy's Spouse (Darling) has to console a weeping Remiel in the car on their way to their anniversary dinner. "Don't cry, Rem. I'm sure it's just something their teacher taught them."
"They already grew out of their little birthday outfit I made for them two weeks ago.... They're growing up too fast.... Can we have another one?"
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