#like I was putting clean dishes away earlier and my sister went “why are you slamming the dishes on the counter ” (i was already pissed)
In a hateful mood rn??? idk why though stares at the people who LIVE IN MY HOSUE
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braveblackbutterfly · 2 years
“Cinderella” Original Poem/Short Story
One of you 
Can wash the dishes.
One of you
Can clean the kitchen. 
One of you 
Can take out the trash. 
One of you
Can clean the bathroom.
My father tells 
My sister and I.
But guess who always 
End up doing the chores?
This woman right here!
My sister acts like 
She can’t do a damn thing
In this house.
My parents complains 
To me about my sister
And how she doesn’t 
Help out around the house.
But do they say anything 
To her?
Whenever they do 
Say something,
It goes through 
One of my sister’s ears
And out the other. 
It makes me sick.
So sick 
That I want to escape 
This hell of a home.
But I have no means 
To support myself,
And as my mother 
Always remind me,
No husband 
To depend on. 
So what can 
A woman like me do?
Just clean my life away
I guess.
I knew something was up
That day 
When I saw my sister 
Washing the dishes 
And cleaning the kitchen. 
Whenever my sister 
Does any chores,
She wants something. 
I soon found out
What that something was.
There is a ball tonight
In honor of the prince’s birthday
My mother told me.
A ball?
I asked, surprised. 
Yes, a ball, 
And we are riding 
Your sister there.
Maybe the prince 
Will take pity 
On your sister 
When he sees her
And marry her. 
Is everybody invited 
To attend?
So can I attend too?
Why can’t I go?
Because we have hopes 
That you will 
Make it on your own.
You are a smart, beautiful woman. 
Surely you will find a job soon.
You would think so,
But no one wants a woman
Smarter than them.
Well keep looking.
And also keeping 
Looking for a husband.
I’m just saying,
You don’t want to 
Live in this world 
All by yourself.
Of course I don’t.
Then keep looking. 
Oh! I hate it 
When my mother tells me
To keep looking.
I have been looking.
I look every chance I get. 
I do nothing 
But work 
And look for more work.
As for looking 
For a husband,
Does it have to be 
A man I marry?
Why can’t I find 
A woman to marry? 
I don’t want a man
To solely depend on.
I want to find someone
I can depend on
And they can depend on 
Me too.
But my parents 
Are traditionalists.
Your daughter 
Can marry a woman,
But mines is going 
To marry a man.
Someone please 
Get me out of this house!
That evening, 
My parents rode my sister 
To the prince’s ball,
Leaving me to watch
Over the house.
I asked my best friend 
Earlier during the day
To come over.
She agreed,
But she probably 
Didn’t agreed 
To hearing me vent 
All night about the stupid ball.
Why didn’t you just go?
Because my mother said 
I couldn’t.
You are grown.
And isn’t she the one
Who wants you to 
Find a husband
Which is ridiculous
Because you obviously 
Going to find a woman 
To marry,
But that’s besides 
The point.
I sat with my thoughts 
For a moment
Before I realized 
What I needed to do.
I need to go to that ball.
I am going to that ball
I told myself more so 
Than to my friend.
Then let's find you
The finest gown 
In all the lands 
My friend declared.
A couple of hours later,
I was at the ball.
I put on my costume mask
As I entered the palace.
I was amazed 
To see a long line 
Of women waiting 
To see the eligible prince.
While I was interested 
In seeing the prince 
In person,
I wasn’t interested 
In standing in a long line
Just to see one man.
So I grabbed a drink
And went to stand 
Out on the grand balcony. 
I was at complete ease.
I wasn’t broken out
Of my state of easement 
Until I heard someone say
It’s very peaceful 
Out here, isn’t it?
I turned around 
And faced who 
I assumed was the prince,
Dressed in his royal suit.
Your Highness, 
I wasn’t expecting 
To meet you like this
I said.
Ah, you must think
I’m my brother. 
I’m his sister,
Princess Christiana  
She said. 
Oh, my apologies!
I didn’t…
It’s okay. 
I told my mother
If I wore one more gown
To these balls
Then I wouldn’t come 
At all. 
And she listened to you?
Well, yes.
I know she’s the queen
And my mother,
But I am the princess
And I am a mature woman.
I can and will wear
Anything I want. 
I wish I had your bravery.
You do. 
You just got to let it out. 
There was something
About the princess
That made me believe her.
If I was going to be brave,
What no better time
Than tonight?
I took off my mask. 
May I have this dance?
I asked her.
I would love to
She smiled,
Holding her hand 
Out to me. 
I took it. 
And then
We were dancing. 
I never could imagined 
A night like this.
I never could imagined 
A love like this. 
The longer I danced with
The more I didn’t want to leave. 
But that cursed clock
Rung out,
Indicating that it was
Almost midnight.
I needed to be home
Before my parents 
And my sister arrived. 
I have to go
I told her.
I didn’t get your name 
Christiana called out 
As I ran toward the main doors.
I was running down 
The stairs so fast
That I didn’t realized 
I left one of my slippers
Until I got back 
In the house. 
What are you smiling about?
My sister asked me
The next day.
I couldn’t help it.
I couldn’t stop 
Thinking about 
Last night.
I never felt like 
That before. 
I wanted to feel like
That again. 
Indeed, you have been 
Smiling ever seen 
We got back home 
From the ball
My mother stated 
As she stared at me.
You were at the ball.
That's ridiculous, 
You told me 
To stay here 
I lied.
Don't lie to me,
You have met someone.
The smile on your face
Says it all. 
Who is he? 
My face reddened,
Giving away
To the fact 
That my mother
Was partially right.
But I was also mad 
That she immediately 
Assumed I had fallen 
For a man. 
I said.
It will never be.
My heart sunk 
At the realization 
That I will never be 
With her again.
She is the princess 
And I'm just 
A woman who 
Lives with her parents 
And her sister 
With no money 
To her name. 
It will never be.
My mother 
Eventually dropped 
The subject 
And I was allowed 
To go to my room. 
My sister stayed downstairs.
So I was able 
To cry alone
Without being ridiculed. 
I must have 
Fallen asleep 
When my mother 
Came running into 
My room.
From the palace
Is here!
The prince chose 
My sister after all
I thought to myself
As I followed 
My mother downstairs.
My parents, 
My sister and I 
Stood outside,
Waiting for the royal 
To step out 
Of the carriage.
The coachman 
Introduced the royal.
Presenting Her Highness,
Princess Christiana.
My family's mouths
Dropped as
Stepped out of the carriage,
Holding my missing slipper. 
Your Highness,
What brings you
To our humble home?
My mother asked 
After we all bowed 
In the presence 
Of the princess. 
I'm here 
To return this slipper
To your daughter 
Christiana explained,
Smiling at me
The whole time.
My parents' 
And my sister’s 
Eyes were burning my back
As I walked toward her. 
Now that 
I have returned 
Your slipper,
Will you please tell me
Your name?
Will you please 
Do me the honor 
And attend 
A private dinner
With me tonight?
I would love to. 
Your Highness, 
Will your brother 
Be attending too?
My mother 
Desperately asked. 
Goodness, no.
But I will pass 
On the good word
About your other daughter 
Christiana promised.
After we both 
Got into the carriage,
I took a final look
At my family 
Who still looked 
I waved goodbye 
Not only to them,
But to my old life 
In that old house,
Ready to embrace 
My new future.
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int-main-null · 1 year
Little Brother
I have what I like to call, "older sister syndrome." Its not my fault, I think its just what happens when you grow up as the oldest daughter with a younger brother who has seizures sometimes. I was nine and I was ready to jump into an emergency situation from a moment's notice. I am always prepared, I'm good under pressure, and I am always looking our for him and everyone close to me. But I'd been looking out for him long before that. When we were kids and we had to put the dishes away together, I always silently made sure I beat him to the knives so that I would handle the danger and not him. Maybe it was my intuition or maybe its God's cruel idea of a joke but I would later find out that I unknowingly prevented him from using one on himself in high school. I just so happened to walk into the right room at the right time. I didn't know for years, he has such a good poker face, calm on the outside and a storm within. Just like my dad.
Just like me.
But at nine when I was protecting him from knives, I was burdened by his ignorance and laziness, constantly keeping him in check and cleaning up after him. I hated him. I hated that he was messy I hated that he wasn't responsible and I hated that I was always managing him and I hated that he was always pissing off our parents. Why didn't he get it? Fall in line and don't rock the boat, why was he always rocking the damn boat?
Today I see his take-out trash in the trashcan in my bedroom and I am honored that he chose my trashcan to put it into. Evidence of his presence, crumbs of the time he spent eating the food in my bed and making a mess while we giggled over our newest ridiculous engineering ideas. Months ago, I spent hours arguing with my mom when she tried to kick him out over dirty laundry. I see his messes and I remember him and I love him. I wish I spent less time hating him. I don't see him much anymore. We're both adults, we're both working and I'm in school, we're both trying to move out. I am more proud of him than I am of myself sometimes. I am proud of the person he has become and I am proud of the adult that he is shaping up to be. I don't worry about him anymore.
Earlier this year, his car bit the dust and for a few months I was awake early with him everyday, driving him the 45 minutes to his work every morning. My mom thought it was an inconsiderate nuisance but I saw it as a blessing. I knew we'd both be on our own soon and I relished the extra time I got to hangout with one of my best friends before we went our separate ways. I knew I should do it and I am glad that I did.
I look at his dirty, calloused and hard-working hands now and I remember the small little soft hands that used to play trains and Polly Pockets with mine. I wish I could've protected his hands for longer. I want to wrap his soft little hands in mine and keep them soft for just a little bit longer.
Just a little bit longer.
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raimagnolia · 2 years
I don't know if I have autism or just ADHD, but my sister is likely on the spectrum at least, And I'm getting sick of not really being able to talk about it?? to complain about it?? I've had to practically raise this kid when I really shouldn't have ever had to.
But I feel like my understanding nature really should have a fucking limit when it's the same problems we've been having for, like, 6 years?
I've given you every tool, every chance to put ideas motion, every opportunity to practice forming your own schedule, And you'll consistently do it For shit you want to do... But you'll literally fail everything else you NEED to do.
Listen, if you can remember to watch your Italian friend stream every evening, Then how are you not staying on top of things that are like.... ESSENTIAL to your survival? Why do you keep getting your online friends to buy you things, when you need secure your own funds? Literally it'd come to you if you just made three phone calls.
But I think today was the last job, because I got in a car accident, I'm aching and in pain, I'm worried that this is going to worse in my already chronic condition of arthritis, I walk in and you STILL haven't done what I told you to do for the past week, WHAT I TOLD YOU TO COMPLETE EARLIER THIS MORNING
Fine. But at least put the dishes away. And then you go to make comment about that until I slam the door in your face and tell you to "just fucking do it".
We need to have a serious conversation about why you're not attending more college classes, And what the fuck you plan to be doing if you're not getting student aid. Not using my goddamn money. Not using your online friends money. And not using MOM'S money. What The Fuck Did You Plan To Do???
But, oh look! You cut me off to say it's time for you to go back on discord to do some kind of fan fiction write-a-thon with your online friends-- And you don't even help clear the table. It doesn't even occur to you to ask after I cooked a large spread after knowing what it's like to be T-boned with a motherfucking sedan
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Wouldn't even help clean up...
I prayed the year for a sister when I was 6 years old. Every night.
Lately, I wish I could go back, and take all of those prayers away. You have literally been nothing but a leech on my life. All of my twenties went to you, and almost every physical ailment I've ever endured is because of you.
hell, getting hit by a car because my Uber ran a red light was BECAUSE of your bullshit this morning that pissed me off to the point of leaving the home *I Fucking Paid For!!!*
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faghubby · 2 years
I sat a little uncomfortable as Linda, my wife of 7 years and mother to my daughter. Openly flirted with my friend Craig. She had been sleeping with him for months. She had confessed the first time. I had excepted she needed more, more sex, more cock just more. She had stopped having sex with me about two weeks after she started sleeping with Craig. And had bought me a chastity cage when she caught me masterbating. She would give me a handjob once a week. She did let me orally please her almost everyday. Especially after her time with Craig. Having me clean his cum from her. But up until now I thought it a secret between us.
We where at Linda's sister, Diane's house for a barbaque. Linda made no attempt to hide her attraction to Craig. They sat next to each other while I sat across from them. Linda spread her legs showing me she wore no panties. Craig took his empty beer bottle and shoved it into her virgina. She moaned as he did then closed her legs. Several of our friends giggled but mostly at me. They all seemed in on a joke.
"Brian come help me" Diane said to me touching my shoulders. I got up at once and followed her.
"You should give them alone time to socialize" Diane told me as she directed her into the house. I gave her a look of surprise.
"Everyone knows" Diane told me grabbing my cage. My face burned with embarrassment. Diane put me to work. Preping food and doing dishes.
"Keeping busy will help keep your mind off of them" Diane told me.
Diane, their mother Terry and Rebecca one of the neighbors where also in the kitchen. They gossip openly about everyone including Linda and Craig.
"Linda told me Craig is very talented and well endowed" Diane told them.
"Well she never had a shortage of male friends to compare too" Terry laughed.
"Mom!" Diane laughed. Linda had never completely answered questions about her sexual history to me.
"Brian, how are you getting along with your new sex life?" Terry asked me.
"I don't" I stuttered.
"Has she pegged you yet?" Rebecca asked giggling.
"Pegging?" Diane asked
"Some boys like when a woman fucks them with a strapon" Rebecca told her.
"You mean in the ass?" Terry burst out laughing. Just as a group of children came running in including my 4 year old daughter Alana
"Why dont you all get changed and go swimming" Terry informed them. Grandma Terry and Diane went to help them get ready. Rebecca came up behind me. Pressing her breast into my back.
"You would like to get pegged, wouldn't you?" She whispered in my ear. Her hand slid down my shorts rubbing my ass.
"You don't wear panties?" She asked. "You need to except your Linda's bitch now, take the more femine role in the relationship" She told me then recovered her hand and stepped away. My penis straining in its cage.
"Linda told me, that Craig shared her with a few of his friends last weekend. They gangbanged her all night long." Rebecca told me. Would she do that I thought to myself. Then thought about watching her take a beer bottle earlier.
"Take this to your wife and her lover" handing me a beer and a glass of tea. I did as she said when I handed Craig a fresh beer he spread Linda's legs and removed the bottle. Handing it to me. Linda took the glass of tea.
"Thank you Bree" She laughed. The kids came running out.
"Uncle Craig come play in the pool with us" Alana ran over and asked. Craig got up and went with her. Linda led me back inside she walked me straight into the bathroom.
"I would love to fuck you right now" Linda told me. "But I would never feel you" She told me. She showed me how stretched her pussy was. She sat on the sink and pushed my head down. I ate her stretched pussy. When I finished.
"I am going home with Craig. You should stay and clean up for Diane." She told me. "Alana would love the extra time with grandma" she added. A little while later Craig and Linda where saying there goodbyes.
"Bye mommy" I heard Alana tell her.
"You can play dress up with Daddy later" I heard Linda tell her. I don't know what Alana said. But heard Linda's answer
"Daddy can wear some of mommy's clothes" she said loud enough for me to overhear. Linda then gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Have fun" She smiled. Diane put me back to work. It was hot and I was sweating.
"Would you like to borrow one of my bathing suits" Diane asked with with giggle. I looked up to see Dave. Diane's husband walking in.he burst out laughing.
"The little yellow one" he laughed even louder. Making Diane laugh out loud. Diane showed the ladies a pic of her in it.
"Oh my, you wore that in public?" Terry asked
"In Barbados last year" She informed them. Rebecca passed against me again.
"Would you like to wear a thong bikini in public" She teased. Everyone laughed again. I was the only one not shown the pic. As the night went on. The ladies got a little tipsy. At one point they decided I needed to buy Linda a present. They ordered a strapon and several pairs of panties. Using my credit card. I remained inside cleaning as everyone sat around the fire roasting marshmallows. Rebecca came running in at one point to show me a pic. Linds sent her. It was Linda on her knees surrounded by 4 big cocks.
/Craig, John, Tom, Alex, and Tony took the pic/ it read.
"She takes in the ass so should you" Rebecca laughed. I had not thought about it Linda had always said no to anal. But she must have given it up to Craig.
"Did Linda ever tell you that she and I slept together?" Rebecca asked. "She helped me forfil my husband's fantasy of two woman. But we couldn't help but taste each other as well"
Everyone had left, when I picked up Alana and carried her to the car. I put her to bed. Linda never made it home. In the morning Alana woke me. We made breakfast. I tried to make an excuse for mommy.
"Mommy said she was having a sleep over at Uncle Craigs" Alana told me.
"That's right I forgot" I told her. After breakfast she wanted to play dress up. Remembering what Linda had said I let Alana ran her closet. She picked out a dress for both of us. The Alana helped me do my makeup. As we where dancing around Linda came home. She took one look and laughed at us.
"You too need practice" She told us then danced around with us. We had a great family day. After Linda helped us get all the makeup off.
That night in bed I asked Linda about her sex life. She unlocked me.
"What do you want to know?" She asked not even touching my straining hard cock. I asked about Rebecca and gangbangs. She answered yes or no only. And gave no details.
She then turned and started to stroke me.
"Rebecca and Diane told me how you ordered a strapon and panties" She told me. She would not let me answer.
"You have allowed me to forfil my fantasies, so I will help you forfil yours" She informed me. "You excepted easily that everyone knew about us. I am sure you will except becoming a kept sissy as well" just then I came. She held her cum covered hand to my mouth.
"You have eaten Craig's out of me, might as well eat your own" She fed it to me. I then licked my cum from her hand.
She relocked my penis. That night Alana crawled into out bed. I woke in the morning inthe middle of my daughter and wife. Linda pulled down the back of my underwear. She pushed a finger into my ass.
"Shh don't wake her" She whispered in my ear.
Linda then worked in a lubed butt plug.
"Now go make us breakfast" She ordered me. I got up and threw on some sweats. I bought them both breakfast in bed. They where sitting up and talking when I walked in.
"Pancakes" Alana yelled. Linds silently dismissed me. I too, the clue and went to clean up the kitchen. Linda came out a few minutes later bringing the dirty dishes. I refiled her coffee cup. She sat as I did the dishes.
"You should officially take over the household duties" Linds told me.
"The bed is a mess, Alana spilled a little syrup" She informed me.
"She is in the tub" I went to check on Alana who had made a mess splashing everywhere. I got her out and dressed. Then stripped the bed. After the washer started I cleaned up the bathroom.
"I am taking Alana shopping" Linda told me. She handed me a list of chores.
"Here are some things you have been neglecting" She informed me. She pinched my nipple.
"You are not to take that plug out today" She added. I had grown accustomed to it. Almost forgetting about it.
As I read the three page list. It was very specific. From handwashing her delicates. To cleaning out junk drawers and closets. Washing the windows. To hand scrubbing the kitchen floor. There was no way I could finish this list today. Two hours later Linda texted me two hours later.
/how's your ass doing?/
/it's ok/ I replied.
/so you will need a bigger one next time/
/no I didn't mean that/
/it's OK I understand love ya/
/Linda can't we talk about this/ then she called.
"Linda I don't want" I started
"Daddy, mommy says your being naughty and you will get a spanking" Alana said.
"Where's mommy?" I asked.
"She doesn't want to talk to you she says your in trouble"
"I love you Alana" I said
"Love ya too Daddy" she hung up. Would you really spank me? I doubled my effort to get things done. Linda returned a few hours later. She gave me the cold shoulder. Wandering through checking things I was suppose to have done.
"I dropped Alana off at Diane's" She informed me. She took off my belt.
"Come with me" She led me to the bedroom. "Take off all your clothes" She told me. I did as she said. I liked her being in control but things seemed to be going to far. She laid me across her lap and used her leg to hold me in place.
"Please dont" I begged.
"Do you understand your role in this marriage?" She asked.
"I do and except my role" I told her.
"I want you to decide weather I spank you. Or if you want me to make you a sissy" She pushed on the plug. I moaned
The pleasure verse what I knew would hurt.
"Please dont spank me" I told her. "I will do better"
She took the plug out. A moment later she replaced it this one bigger. She let me get up. She then handed me a pair of pink panties. They still had a tag on them. She had bought me panties. Simple pink panties with a lace trim. And a little bow on them.
"They look so cute on you" She told me. She handed me several more pairs. One more femine then the next.
"How do they feel?' Linda asked.
"They are much softer then my underwear" I told her.
"These are your underwear now" She laughed. A wet spot appeared on my panties as my penis now throbbing in its cage.
"Rebecca was right you really love your ass filled while you wear panties. She took several picks. "Come eat me, you have me so worked up" She stood and removed her shorts and panties. After I made her cum.
"I am meeting Craig later, I want you to pick out what I should wear to meet him." With a little guidance. I picked her out a red bra and panty set with stay up stockings. Finished with a very short skirt and a shirt that didn't even cover her belly button. I added a anklet.
"All woman who cuckold their husband should wear one" Linds told me.
The strapon arrived that afternoon. Linda called her sister and asked her to keep Alana over night.
"His new strapon arrived" She told her. Linda even called Craig and canceled. She had me put the harness on her adjusting the straps. And attaching the dildo.
Linda dressed me in the outfit I had picked for her. She then had me on all four on the bed. She removed the plug and spent the next 2 hours fucking my ass over and over. Pausing for a few minutes then starting again. She fucked me in every position she could think of. We ate dinner and she fucked me again. I had cum all over the bed. Linds had cum several times. Each one made her even more wanting.
"Your a big cock slut just like me" She told me sliding in 4 fingers after her final session. She held me as I slept. I knew I would beg her to do this everyday. Craig and her went their separate ways a few months later. I incouraged her to find a new lover. We decided I didn't need a weekly handjob anymore. Since she could make me cum using her strapon. With a little coaching I started keeping my body hair free also.
Nothing was kept secret, Linda made sure everyone knew I was a sissy, and she was available to be fucked.
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what’s so wrong about us? | kageyama tobio x reader
characters: nii-chan!kageyama tobio x reader
genre/warnings: smut, incest, degradation, blackmail, dubcon, slight exhibitionist kink, unprotected sex
words: 2.0k
summary: you and tobio-nii don’t have a typical brother-sister relationship. how far can you go without getting yourselves caught?
notes: please please read the warnings.
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“Haah…mhn…w-wait, we can’t! Mom and Dad are coming home tonight, we have to get ready.”
Your hands clutched at the sheets so hard that your knuckles were turning white. Kageyama pulled your lower half closer to him so that your ass hung over the edge of the bed, and kneeled between your legs, fucking you furiously with his fingers and tongue. You felt his hot breath fan over you as he removed his mouth.
“That’s exactly why we have to do it now. Let me taste you and get my fill.”
You cried out when he dragged a long digit against your sensitive spot and sucked your bud harshly, making you tighten around him and spray your release.
“Ah, not so rough! I’m still…ah, so-sore.”
Your older brother wiped his face with a towel and responded by spreading your quivering thighs even wider, drinking in the view of your glistening cunt.
“Well, looks like down here is really enjoying it. This slutty pussy wants more, doesn’t it?” He plunged his fingers back inside, fucking into you, filling the room with your wet noises. “Hear that? God, your cute pussy’s just dripping all over my hand. But you’d rather me stuff it full with something else, don’t you?”
You could only moan his name, too far gone to string together a coherent sentence. He was already edging you closer and closer to another orgasm. “Mmhn…yes…a-ah… Tobio.”
He frowned, stopped completely and took out his fingers, licking them clean of your juices. “Wrong name. Did you forget what to call me?”
“Sorry, Nii-chan…”
“Good.” He resumed his ministrations, slowly rubbing the inside of your walls. “Now, how do we ask for what we want?”
Kageyama shook his head. “You can do better. What happened to the good little whore from yesterday, huh? Begging so sweetly to cum from her Nii-chan’s cock?”
You whined in desperation. “Tobio-nii, please! Please stretch out my hole with your fat cock. Want Nii-chan to fill me up with his cum.”
He grinned and nodded approvingly. “Good girl,” he cooed, unzipping his jeans. “Time for my pretty cumslut to get her reward.”
You heard the jingling of keys and the front door unlocking.
Your eyed widened and your brother cursed. “Shit, they weren’t supposed to come back this early.”
Your mother called out first. “Kids! We’re home and we brought takeout! Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.”
“____, Daddy got you a souvenir on his business trip, come see what I have for you.”
“Really? Thanks Daddy! I’ll be down in a second, Tobio-nii’s uh…helping me with something.”
You rushed to put your skirt back on and made your bed while Tobio put on a large hoodie to hide his erection.
You took a sip of water, trying not to think about what you and your brother were just doing as you chatted over dinner. The conversation moved onto work-related matters, so you sat and ate quietly while your parents exchanged stories.
Kageyama leaned over to reach a dish on your side of the table. “____, give me a handjob,” he murmured in a low voice.
You quickly checked if your parents heard before whipping your head towards him. “No way in hell. It’s too risky,” you hissed.
“I didn’t get to cum and I’m hard again. It’s because of you, so take responsibility.”
“You’re not serious.”
“If you won’t do it, then I’m going to tell Mom and Dad everything we’ve been doing for the last few months,” he threatened.
You started getting nervous. “Nii-chan… you wouldn’t…”
Seeing your frightened expression, he started coaxing you more gently. “Come on, please? Help out your poor Nii-chan…he’s in so much pain. Be a good little sister for me, alright?”
You snuck a glance at your parents once more just to make sure they were still engrossed in their discussion before slipping a hand down his pants. Thankfully, the tablecloth is able to cover his lap. You felt his dick twitch in your palm as you gave him slow strokes.
“Tobio-nii, this is enough right? Let’s stop here.”
“Stop moving and I’ll lift up my hoodie and show them exactly what’s going on. You wouldn’t want to make Mom cry, do you?”
At that moment, the person in question piped up. “And what are you two whispering about?” She raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
Tobio flashed her a sheepish smile. “Actually, we were trying to figure out what to get you for your birthday. It’s coming up soon, isn’t it? You weren’t supposed to know, though.”
“Oh, how sweet! Well don’t let me ruin your surprise,” she replied, covering her ears. “I know nothing.”
She leaned her head on your father’s shoulder as he too, smiled at you both warmly. “We did a good job with our children, didn’t we?”
“Sure did, honey.”
If only they knew.
You felt so guilty.
The irony is, you would never want to do anything to jeopardise the happiness of your family.
You tried your best to act normal as your brother somehow managed to speak casually with your parents. You felt his length straining against his boxers—he was getting close.
You heard the clatter of a utensil on the floor. “Sorry ____, I dropped my spoon, would you mind picking it up for me?”
You crouched under the table and immediately felt him nudge your head towards his crotch. He forced the head of his shaft between your lips, muffling your startled exclamations. He gave a few shallow thrusts before finishing in your mouth, and you swallowed out of habit. Tobio peered down at you discreetly, smiling in satisfaction. “Good girl,” he mouthed, patting your head.
As you shakily rose from the ground, your mother gasped sharply.
You froze. Were you caught?
“____ ____! Is that a hickey on your neck? Did you invite a boy over while we were gone? Young lady, what did I say about having boys over while we were out of the house?”
You slapped a hand to your neck in realization. Tobio left a mark on you the previous night and you had forgotten it was there. Despite still being in hot water, you were relieved that your mother didn’t seem to have an inkling of suspicion that it was your brother’s doing.
You began to make up an excuse, but Tobio cut in. “No, it’s my fault for letting her out of my sight. Don’t worry Mom, I’ll discipline her accordingly. She won’t have any more chances to fool around with boys if I have anything to say about it.”
“At least ____ has a responsible older brother like you, Tobio,” she sighed.
“It’s my job, after all. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble.”
As if he wasn’t the one who almost revealed your dirty secret.
Your father chuckles. “Now honey, we were all at that age at one point. ____’s a big girl, she can handle herself and she knows what not to do.”
Except you apparently didn’t know not to have sex with your brother.
“Sweetie, you’re looking a little flushed, are you alright?” He cast you a concerned look.
Tobio took the opportunity to leave the table. There were other things he wanted to do anyways.
“Yeah Dad, now that you mention it, she doesn’t look very well. I’ll help her into her room.”
He guided you up the stairs and you slapped him away once you were out of earshot.
“Are you crazy? How could you do that with Mom and Dad sitting right across from us? You’re the worst. I hate having such a sick older brother like you!”
He feigns hurt but doesn’t take it to heart. He ushered you into your room and closed the door behind him. “Aw, princess, are you mad? I know I went a little too far but you enjoyed it too didn’t you? Don’t you love your Nii-chan?”
Tears began to prick at the back of your eyes. “This and that are different! You have no idea how terrible I felt when Mom talked about doing such a good job with us. We’re freaks. This…this is wrong,” you sniffled.
He caressed your waist softly and soothingly massaged your sides, rubbing circles into your skin with the pads of his thumbs, kissing away the tears that flowed down your cheeks.
“What’s so wrong about us? What’s so wrong about the way I feel, or the way you feel? Love is love, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
He backed you up slowly until you reached your bed, and laid you down, all the while continuing to whisper words of comfort in your ear.
He sat down beside you. “You’re moving out for college soon and you can come live with me. I’ll have a stable job. We’ll be free.”
You hiccupped and nodded. Your mood began to brighten when you thought about your future together. You just wanted to be with him.
After a few minutes, you felt a hand snaking up your legs to toy at the hem of your panties. You squeaked in protest, but Tobio shushed you.
“You know, I was impressed with your behaviour today, you were being such a good girl for me, weren’t you? Why’d you have to ruin that? Your words made Nii-chan so sad.”
He shifted from his position to trap you between his knees. You made an attempt to shove him off, but he took both your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head.
“You know that Nii-chan doesn’t like brats. Our parents are still here, but once they leave, you know that I’ll have to punish you, right?”
“Hold on, let me check something.” He dipped a finger into your folds and smirked. “Ah, I was right. You’re wet from playing with my cock earlier. You enjoyed that just as much as I did. My cute little sister loves me this much, huh? It makes me happy.”
Tobio pulled his pants down halfway, tugged your underwear to the side and started grinding his bulge against your core. Your breath hitched in your throat. You could hear the sound of the tv and your parents cleaning up.
“Tobio-nii…hn…. s-stop, Mom and Dad might hear us!”
“Not until you say ‘Nii-chan, I love you’.”
“You said you weren’t going to do anything!”
“When did I say that?” He groaned when he felt your pussy clench over his clothed dick. “Fuck, you’re getting my boxers all damp. You shameless whore, you’re actually getting turned on from this.”
You tried squirming from his touch but accidentally grazed your clit on his erection, causing you to let out a moan. A dark grin appeared on Kageyama’s face, and he stripped off his bottoms, rubbing you with his bare cock.
“Mnh…Nii-chan, I…ah! Love you!” You panted. “I-I said it, so let’s stop already!”
Your lips parted when you felt him ease his length into your entrance.
“I changed my mind. It feels way too good when your sopping cunt is squeezing me like this.”
Your juices dripped down his shaft as he rammed himself harder inside you, hitting all the right places. “You dirty fucking slut, you actually want to get caught, don’t you? You can’t wait to see their expressions as they watch their kids fucking, huh? You just want me to drag you downstairs and take you on the kitchen table, right in front of their eyes, don’t you?”
You couldn’t think rationally, it felt so good; you were already hurtling towards your climax. He captured your lips to prevent your noises from escaping.
When he let you go, you realized that his hand was no longer holding you down. You braced your hands on his firm shoulders and your hips moved to meet his thrusts. You spread your legs open to take him deeper and he cursed at the sensation. “Shit, say it again, say that you love me.”
“Mmn, fuck…love you. Nii-chan, I love you!”
He pounded into you even faster. “That’s right. What’s so wrong about us?” he repeated. “What’s so wrong about a darling sister loving her Nii-chan?”
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a/n: ngl it was damn hard to look my parents in the eye after writing this.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
another broken phone
well it’s been an insane week, and of course the last day of June I spent ten hours of the afternoon helping M-L get the last of the shit out of her apartment, and I took two carloads of stuff over and she came with me with another carload in her jeep for the second one, and we had mcdonald’s for dinner at the house and then unloaded, and i went home and she went back and stayed until like 1am getting the last garbage out and cleaning the place-- I had scrubbed the shower, earlier, which was probably the single filthiest bit of it and I did an amazing job I’ll have y’all know--
{cut for length and rambling}
and anyway, that was Thursday, so on Friday afternoon (after a morning spent absolutely consumed in weird tiny odd-job bullshit on the farm) I went over to the house and helped unicornduke trace the electric in the new house. She flipped all the circuit breakers and then I went upstairs and told her when things came on. We have a solid ten circuits that are total mysteries, nothing at all responds when you flip it. We did discover that the first-floor bedroom is labeled the “family room”, distinct from the living room, and there’s another room labeled “Fred’s bedroom” that is neither the front-- what I would call back-- bedroom or the back-- what I would call front, it faces the road-- bedroom, upstairs, so there’s some other room of the house that counts as a bedroom?? or did??? Anyway it was a fascinating voyage of discovery and mysteries, and also we discovered that the stairs are so flimsily constructed that if you stand in the basement stairwell you can be heard pretty much anywhere in the house, which did reduce the territory I had to cover in order to communicate.
The house conducts noise like it was *designed* to, which is not what you’d really expect from a log cabin, but, eh.
After that, unicornduke was finishing building shelves to go inside the cabinets so that the pots and pans and baking dishes and all could be put away neatly, so I went in the kitchen with her, and while she was working on that I was unpacking the last few boxes my sister had left sort of deposited in the middle of the kitchen floor. Unicornduke was willing to just work around them until such time as they could be gone through, not wanting to rummage through M-L’s stuff, but I was like listen I packed these boxes I can unpack them and since they say kitchen I can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that they can be gone through with impunity.
So I did, and found homes for a lot of things, and washed things that were grubby from general mishandling, and got the counter set up so there was more room to pile dishes in the sink. But I did not discover a can opener, despite us definitely having packed one.
Anyway. I spent a couple of hours unpacking those things, and then knocked my phone off the kitchen counter with my elbow, thought nothing of it, did it a second time, shoved it into my pocket, and then later went to look at it and the screen wouldn’t come on no matter what I did.
So that sucks.
Also I hadn’t brought any materials to make dinner (a thing I’d done at her apartment while we were packing on two or three occasions), so when M-L dragged herself home exhausted from a long day of work and car troubles, and had to lie down and then missed the deadline to order tacos from the only local place with stuff, I decided to come up with something, since I’d just unpacked so much goddamned food into the various cupboards. So I made quinoa, and Duke contributed some frozen diced sausage and frozen sweet corn and a bit of tomato paste, and I found a can of diced tomatoes and figured that’d do us, but then we still couldn’t find the fucking can opener but M-L had inherited Dad’s keychain and guess what Dad had as the decoration on his keychain for my whole life, why yes it was a P38 can opener, so she used that and got the diced tomatoes open and I made a perfectly reasonable uhhh there’s probably a word to describe the dish I made but IDK what it was. Oh we had three fresh onions that were still in usable condition so I diced one of those to start, which is how I make almost everything I make. And there’s a whole spice rack, so I put a bunch of slightly-stale herbs into it. Why not! It was pretty good if I do say so myself, though now that I think back, I never added salt and it probably needed it.
I hope that I can make it a regular thing when I’m in town that I go over there and cook dinner there, M-L knows how to cook but has forgotten how, and Duke doesn’t know how to cook as well as she’d like, and I just feel like that would be fun.
Anyway. now I am getting a ride back to Buffalo with BIL, who is enroute to Erie PA to pick up Farmkid after her sojourn among Midwestern relatives, and I have to pack and coordinate Dude meeting us at a park-n-ride so I can be handed off, and then I have to figure out how to navigate a holiday weekend sans phone, and figure out what to do with mine, and I am so sure it could be repaired and yet I’m also sure nobody can do that.
God I just looked it up and I got this phone in fucking November of last year, it was almost five hundred dollars and I’ve used it for eight months. Christ. No I didn’t get the accident protection plan on it because I’ve had such a good run with other phones. God damn it. I bought it new because I’d bought the previous one reconditioned and firstly reconditioned phones aren’t much cheaper and secondly I was feeling like I deserved a nice thing, and here we are. Anyway. Whatever.
Sighhhhhh time to go pack all my things and try not to freak out about stupid shit. Whee.
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 2) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
[part one here]
so it’s come to my attention that childe has older siblings too so OOPS MY BAD LOL
ill just finish up this story with the headcannon that he’s he oldest and prob incorporate the older siblings in future works :p
thank you all for your patience! 
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt. 2)
Lumine stood speechless as Childe spoke to the old toyseller about their “family.” The children were too preoccupied with their new toys to even pay attention to what their older brother was saying. Soon enough, the transaction was done, and he was walking away from the counter. 
The old woman waved goodbye cheerfully. “What a wonderful husband you have,” she said. 
AH? She couldn’t find the words to answer her. 
“Sweetheart? We’d better go—the children are already in the street,” Childe called to her from the doorway. The old woman nodded enthusiastically, and Lumine gave her an awkward smile as she turned away. 
Lumine practically stomped her way to Childe, and would’ve grabbed him by the collar if Teucer hadn’t fallen asleep in her arms. “So care to explain what you were doing back there?” she whispered aggressively. 
“Tonia! Anthon! Stay close!” he called after the children who were showing off their toys to each other down the street. He turned to Lumine. “What was that?”
She glared at him. “Telling that old woman that we’re,” she took in a sharp breath, “a family?” Heat crawled into her cheeks. She hoped Childe wouldn’t notice. 
He shrugged. “It was just easier to avoid explaining the whole situation; I’m not a fan of dragging an innocent old woman into our business.” 
Ahg...he’s not wrong… “You didn’t have to be so enthusiastic about it,” she mumbled. She buried her face in Teucer’s hair, embarrassed as she recalled his words about her as his wife and mother of his children. Him agreeing that she was so beautiful. 
She shuffled away from Childe as quickly as she could with Teucer in her arms. Her whole body was rolling with heat. At this point, I won’t need a coat…
“Something the matter, Lumine?” Childe’s voice rang out next to her. She nearly jumped out of her own skin. Damn him and his long legs. 
“Absolutely not,” she lied. “Just cold.”
“Your face looks quite warm.” She could hear the beginnings of a smirk in his voice. “Do you have a problem with us being a couple?” 
She stopped in her tracks, and faced him. “We are not a c-couple.” 
He took a step in, closer, towering over her. He leaned down. “Do you want to be?”
Is he serious?!
His ocean eyes held a steady, intense gaze with her, and Lumine didn’t find herself saying no. 
...Do I?!
She hadn’t ever thought of it—them, together—save for a few fleeting thoughts when they spent a lot of time together, ones she didn’t ever take seriously. But did Childe actually like her? 
Do I actually like him?
Lumine blinked. “I—”
“Brother! Lumine! Hurry up!” Tonia shouted from down the road. 
Childe let out the smallest of sighs. He gave Lumine a strained smile before taking Teucer from her. “Thank you for carrying him.” Then he walked past her, towards his siblings. 
Lumine stood there, frozen by their exchange. 
What was she going to say? She had started speaking before her mind had even come up with an answer. She glanced down the road, at Childe lovingly taking care of his brothers and sister. 
Was I going to say yes?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Big brother always makes the yummiest food!” Tonia said with a mouthful of chocolate cake. 
The family was all sat around the dining table, eating the cake Chlide promised Tonia.
Paimon nodded, wiping the corners of her mouth. “You have lots of money, you can make really good food...Paimon might be warming up to you, Childe.”
Yes, he does cook really well surprisingly… Lumine thought while chewing through her own cake slice. He just keeps surprising me today… She shoveled more cake in her mouth when she remembered what he had asked her earlier. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Childe said, then stood up. “Looks like everyone is almost done; let’s start cleaning up, okay?” 
The children nodded, beginning to pile their plates and utensils in the sink, and wiping down the table. 
“Thank you.” He pointed to the mess of supplies they had used to make the cake earlier. “Can you guys clean this up too?” There was a unanimous ‘yes’ as Childe started washing the dishes. 
Watching all the siblings made her heart ache for Aether even more. She wished he could be there, in the kitchen with her. They didn’t even have to be travelling worlds anymore; she wished he was there for something as mundane as baking a cake together. 
She walked up next to Childe at the sink. “I’ll clean up everything. You should spend time with your siblings.” 
He scoffed while continuing to clean the dishes. “I’m not going to let you do all that work.” He looked around the room. “Plus they’re cleaning up with me anyway.” 
She frowned. You’re missing precious time with your family. “But—”
He held out a washcloth. “Or how about you help me and it’ll go twice as fast?”
Lumine sighed and took the cloth, starting to wash the plates next to Childe. Their elbows bumped into each other every so often. 
Soon, the children were done with their tasks, all chatting while waiting for Childe and Lumine to finish the dishes. 
“Lumine?” Teucer asked shyly. 
“Yes?” she answered while wiping a glass cup. 
“Do you think you and Big Brother could give us another sibling?”
CRACK. The glass in Lumine’s hand shattered. 
Childe froze, then let out a nervous laugh. “Teucer...why are you asking that?”
“Well...I don’t want to be the youngest anymore. I always get babied!” he whined innocently. 
Tonia jumped up. “I want a younger sister too! I’m tired of being the only girl!”
“Yea!” Teucer jumped up with his sister. “And Anthon said that babies only come from a grown-up boy and a grown-up girl!”
Anthon put his head in his hands. “When you asked me, I didn’t think you’d ask big brother…”
“Teucer, we don’t go around asking random adults to give us siblings, right?” Childe said. 
“And, I’m not your mom, Teucer,” Lumine explained. “Even if we had a kid, it would be your niece or nephew.” 
“Oh,” Teucer said, thinking. “Well, can we have one of those?” 
Childe and Lumine looked at each other—briefly, accidentally—and quickly broke their shared gaze. Lumine turned her attention to the ceiling while Childe looked down into the sink. 
“You’re bleeding,” he said. Huh? Lumine looked down to see her ring finger had been cut from breaking the glass cup. 
“Bleeding?” Teucer and Tonia gasped. 
“Bandages! We have to find bandages!” Paimon shouted, flying out of the room. Anthon stood up, dashing out of the room as well with Teucer and Tonia following; all four were soon screaming around the house for bandages. 
Lumine held her hand up. “It’s not too bad.” She looked at the shattered glass pieces. “Sorry about the cup.”
“Don’t worry about the cup,” he said. He gently took her hand to examine the cut. “Hm. You’re right it’s not too bad.” The blood started trickling down her finger. “Ah—” 
Before she knew it, Childe had her finger in his mouth, sucking the blood away. 
“What are you doing?!” Lumine asked, panicked, lightly pulling her hand away from him. 
His hand still gripped hers. “What?”
“I—” She had a flashback to earlier. Do you want to be? 
“About earlier,” he said, his voice dropped. Lumine felt his grip tighten. 
“Did you mean it?” she interrupted. A look between the two.
“That depends on your answer.”
Down the hallway, they heard the rumble of the children’s footsteps approaching. Both Lumine and Childe grimaced slightly in annoyance; Childe’s eye twitched. Interrupted once again.
“Bandages! We have bandages!” Teucer announced, running into the room. 
“I have bandages,” Anthon corrected, coming in after him. “They all just yelled and screamed while I actually found them.” The two other children and Paimon smiled sheepishly. 
“Thank you, Anthon,” Childe said, patting him on the head. He took the bandages, and began wrapping it around Lumine’s finger. Lumine hoped the children wouldn’t question why her face was so red. 
Then, Tonia came close, and kissed her bandage. “Big brother always does that to my bandages; he says it helps!” 
Lumine smiled softly at her. “Yes, thank you, Tonia—it feels much better.” 
“Okay, well, I think it’s time for bed, everyone,” Childe said, rather quickly.
“Bedtime? But it’s so early…,” Teucer said. 
“It’s been a long day,” Childe countered. He started hurdling the children upstairs. “Bedtime!” 
“Paimon would rather fight a gang of hilichurls than look after them all the time,” Paimon said, sighing heavily. “They’re so much work!”
Lumine raised a brow. “You didn’t do anything except eat.” 
“That’s still tiring!” She yawned. “Speaking of which, that chocolate cake really made Paimon sleepy...Goodnight, Lumine!” She disappeared into her world in a blink. 
Lumine let out a small chuckle. She could always rely on Paimon to lighten her mood. She then went up the stairs to find Childe. 
She found him in Teucer’s room, saying goodnight and tucking in the youngest brother. 
“Goodnight, Lumine!” Teucer called to the doorway. Lumine waved in response. Soon, Childe came out and shut the door behind him. 
“I’d better head out and find a nearby Inn or something,” Lumine said. 
“You’re not serious, are you?” Childe asked. “You think I’d invite you to my home and not even offer you a place to stay?” 
“You’ve already done so much.”
He gestured around the large hallway. “We have plenty of room. Save yourself a trip out into the cold, and some Mora.”
Lumine bit her lip. “Okay, fine.” 
“Good,” he said, before heading into Tonia’s room. Lumine followed, watching him say his goodnights to his sister and tucking her in for the night. 
“Noo, please don’t go yet!” Tonia whined under the blankets when he started to leave. 
“Okay, okay,” Childe conceded. He turned to Lumine standing in the doorway. “Sorry, could I ask you to check on Anthon and make sure he’s getting ready for bed as well?”
Lumine nodded. She walked down the hallway and entered Anthon’s room. He was sitting up in his bed, playing with his new Lawachurl action figure. 
“Hey, Anthon,” Lumine said. “You ready for bed?”
Anthon nodded, then put his toy on his bedside table. He sat near his pillows, then looked at Lumine, waiting. 
Oh. She walked over to the side of the bed, and helped Anthon get under the blankets, then awkwardly tucked him in, remembering how Childe did to Tonia and Teucer. 
“Hey Lumine?” Anthon asked. 
“Are you and my brother going to get married?”
Lumine choked on her spit. What? “Why—why do you say that?” she asked, attempting to maintain her composure. 
He tilted his head innocently, confused. “Well he’s never brought someone home before. So that means you’re special, right?”
She thought for a second. Everything that had happened today. “I don’t know. But I am glad I got to come here, and meet you and Tonia.” She smiled at him. 
Anthon smiled back. “I’m glad I got to meet you too. I hope you stay with my brother.” 
“Me too,” she found herself saying. Staying with Childe...wouldn’t be so bad…
“Goodnight, Lumine,” Anthon said, closing his eyes. 
“Goodnight, Anthon,” she said back to him, then left his room, closing his door quietly. 
“You are,” Childe said behind her. 
She jumped slightly, turning. “You have to stop sneaking up on me like that.”
He chuckled. “Sorry, a habit of mine.” He locked eyes with her. “But you are. You are special.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “So what you asked me earlier? You meant it?”
“Did you mean what you said to Anthon? That you hope to stay with me?”
“Stop answering my questions with more questions.” 
“How about we both say our answers on the count of three?” 
“Why are you always so weird?” 
A small smile from Childe. “One.”
“...Two,” Lumine murmured. 
“Yes,” they both said. 
A pause. A breath. 
Then, Childe grinned. “What’s this? The traveler has fallen for me?” he teased. 
Her cheeks burned. “I could say the same thing to you.” 
“Seeing you get flustered so easily...It’s hard to believe you’re the strongest person I’ve ever faced.” 
“Shut up,” Lumine said, grabbing his collar. 
He smirked. “Or what? You’ll fight me—?”
She stood up on her tip toes and kissed him. 
Then, she pulled back, and saw his eyes were wide, his face flushed. Her turn to smirk. “Hm. Nice to see you’re the one who’s flustered now.”
“Uh-oh, you’re making this into a competition,” he said. “And you know I always have to win.” He cupped her face in his hands, kissing Lumine until she was weak in the knees. 
And for the first time in forever, Lumine felt a warm happiness—true happiness—radiate from her soul. 
Yes, I want to stay with Childe.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Babies, Bathrooms, and Birth Control
Colson and Casie both want a new addition to the family, but you don’t feel ready.
Request: “Could you write a story about Colson wanting to have a second child with y/n. She loves him, but isn't quite ready. Maybe Casie talks about wanting a little brother or sister. Maybe Colson tries to hide her birth control pills. It doesn't end with pregnancy, but Colson and y/n have a deep talk about maybe in a year or two”
Colson x Reader
Warnings, Cursing, hiding birth control, general angst
A/N: Hope this is what you wanted, I had a lot of fun with this!
Word Count: 1905
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“Casie, make sure he doesn’t eat that.” You chuckled, watching Ashton pick up a piece of paper from the coffee table and move it towards his mouth. Casie, who was sitting on the floor watching your boyfriend’s nephew, grabbed the paper from the boy’s hand, picking him up and setting him on her lap.
“You can’t eat that Ashton, you’ll get sick.” She talked to the infant in a baby voice, making you smile.
Colson and Ashleigh were having a conversation next to you about upcoming music and projects. You tried to keep up with the music talk but got lost after the first few minutes, so you decided to watch Casie play with her cousin. The girl adored him, entertaining him with toys and playing games with him. It was endearing.
Ashleigh stood up, seemingly wrapping up her conversation. “Ashton and I have to go, but it was good to see you guys. I’m sure we’ll be back soon.”
Casie groaned and you and Colson laughed. “Why can’t you two just have a baby together already, then I’d get to do this all the time.”
You knew her comment didn’t really mean anything, but you still looked down awkwardly, avoiding the conversation. Ashleigh laughed, taking her son in her arms. “See you, Ash.” Colson smiled.
“Bye Ashleigh!” You put on a smile. “Bye Ashton!” You said in a baby voice, overexaggerating your wave to the boy.
Once the door closed behind them, Casie turned to you and Colson, who had his arm around your shoulders. “I wasn’t joking.” The girl said, crossing her arms.
“Okay Case, we get it. Now drop it, that’s something for the grown-ups to talk about.” Colson said in his best dad voice, which wasn’t all that great.
Casie tilted her head at her dad, her pouty eyes staring into his. Finally, she gave up, “Whatever. You guys should definitely talk about it though.” She smiled, skipping off to her room.
You looked at Colson, raising your eyebrow. He laughed, pressing his head against the side of yours and scrunching his nose. You giggled, tilting your head so his landed on your shoulder. You turned your attention to the TV in front of you, chuckling as you saw one of those new kids show playing.
You turned and kissed the top of Colson’s head, moving to stand up. He grabbed your hand, trying to pull you back towards the couch. “Noooo, I wanna cuddle with you.” He pouted. You rolled your eyes, chuckling. If any of his bandmates were here to see this, they would never let him live it down.
“I gotta get a shower, it’s getting late.” You smiled as his hand continued to grip yours.
He looked up at you, a sly look in his eyes. “I could help you with that.” He raised his eyebrows at you, eliciting yet another eyeroll from you.
“Orrrr, you could clean up down here since it’s kind of a mess.” You dragged out the “or” to tease him, which obviously worked.
“Baaaabbbyyyy. Why do you hate me?” He groaned even though he was smiling.
“I don’t, my love. But I do hate dirty dishes.” You tried to hide your smile at his distraught expression. “I’ll give you a kiss if you do it.”
He pouted his lower lip, “two kisses?”
You sighed, like it was a hard decision. “Okay, two kisses.”
“And I get one in advance.”
You chuckled, leaning into him and pressing your lips to his. As you went to pull away he pulled you onto his lap, causing you to giggle. “Colson, I need a shower, I stink.”
“Yeah but what would you rather do, shower, or kiss me?” He leaned in again, capturing your lips again.
You let yourself give in for just a moment, your lips melting into his, before pulling away. “You can get as many kisses as you can bear when I smell better.” You whisper, pecking his lips before climbing off of him.
“Now that is a deal I will take!” He yelled as you walked towards your shared bedroom, getting ready for a warm, inviting shower.
 “Hey babe, have you seen my pills?” You called into your bedroom from the bathroom, searching the cabinets and drawers.
Colson came into the bathroom, sweatpants low on his hips. “What pills?”
“My birth control pills. I swear I put them in this drawer last night.” You motioned towards the second drawer on the right. “I can’t find them.”
He made a face, his head tilting to his side. “Is there anywhere else you would have put them?”
“I don’t think so. I’ve checked basically everywhere.” You sighed. “I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
“Babe its okay, you can just get some more tomorrow.”
You sighed, “That’s not how it works, babe. I can’t get a new pack because I was only like halfway through the last one. It’ll throw my routine off for like, ever.” The confused look came back to Colson’s face. “There’s this schedule with pills. Sometimes I have to take a different pill on certain days.”
“Okay, and you’re sure you didn’t put them anywhere else?”
“I’m almost positive, Colson. I take them at the same time every night, in the same place. I always put them in the drawer.” You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead, trying to calm yourself down.
He nodded, “I’m gonna check the drawers in the bedroom, maybe you put them in there?” He left the bathroom, and you could already here him searching through drawers.
“Colson I know they’re not in there.” You yelled to him, opening the drawer in front of you for the 15th time, just in case they magically appear.
“I found ‘em, babe.” Colson came back in the small room, holding up the metal package. “They were in your side table drawer.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, knowing you wouldn’t have put them there. “I definitely didn’t put them in there.”
Colson shrugged, “Maybe you just forgot you did?”
“No, Colson, I remember standing here, taking it, and putting it in the drawer. I didn’t put it in my drawer.”
“Well they didn’t get there by themselves.”
“No, they didn’t.” You squinted, your mind drifting to Casie’s comment earlier. You felt silly for even thinking it, but it seemed like a very Colson thing to do.
His expression changed to one of hurt. “What, you think I hid them? Babe I wouldn’t do that.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I mean, I’m just saying even if I did- which I didn’t- what’s the harm in missing a few days?”
You squinted harder at him in disbelief. “I dunno Colson, I could get pregnant?”
He bit his lip, looking down. “What’s so wrong with that?”
You were taken aback, not realizing how bad he wanted this. “Babe, we’re not ready for that. I’m not ready for that. I- we’re not even married yet.” Your breathing got heavy, confusion the only emotion you could feel, confusion and disappointment.
“Do you think I was ready for Casie? But she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And you said you didn’t care about all that marriage shit.”
“Cols, I know you weren’t ready for Casie, but we’re a lot more careful. We use precaution so that we can be ready.”
He looked hard at you, making you feel like the bad guy. “So you don’t want a kid with me.”
You sighed, hands coming to meet at the bridge of your nose. “I don’t want a kid with you right now. I’m not saying I don’t want it to happen ever.”
“You don’t want to marry me. A baby is a much bigger commitment than that.” You hated the way you sounded right now, but you couldn’t help yourself.
He looked upset, “You told me you were okay with not getting married.”
“I told you that a year ago, Colson. We’re hitting our 4th anniversary this year. I’ve known people who get married after less. I just- I don’t get it. If you’re not willing to commit to that then how can you say you want a baby?” You let out a breath through your nose.
“So you think I’m not committed to this relationship? To you?”
“Did I say that Colson? No. I’m just saying that if I’m gonna make a life changing decision with you, I want to know you’re ready. I need to know you’re all in.”
“We don’t need to get married to be all in.”
“Why don’t you want to marry me.” Your voice broke, and you hadn’t realized how intense your emotions had gotten until that moment.
Colson’s expression softened after seeing the pain in your eyes. “Baby it’s not that I don’t want to marry you, I love you. I just don’t understand why we need to hold this big fancy ceremony to prove it to everyone, much less to each other.” He moved closer to you while he was talking, until he landed a few inches in front of you, his hands reaching for your hips.
“That’s what people do, Colson. They buy fancy outfits and invite their friends and dance to cheesy music. I love you, Col, and I know you love me. But is it so bad to want that?” Your voice came out as a whisper.
He pulled you closer to him, “No, it’s not at all. I’m sorry, baby I didn’t realize it meant so much to you.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you wrapped your arms around his bare middle. “And I’m sorry for hiding your birth control. It was really stupid and selfish of me. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.”
“I’m sorry for not telling you about wanting to get married, I should’ve brought it up to you.” You said, kissing his chest and then looking up at him, resting your chin on his skin. “And I don’t not want a kid with you, Colson. I don’t think I’d ever love anything more than having a child with you, I’m just not ready for that right now.”
He nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. “That’s fair. And it is totally your decision when you’re ready if you’re ever ready.” He kissed you again, deeper than before. “But also I can’t fucking wait for you to be carrying our baby.” He giggled.
“Well, in the meantime, there’s no harm in practicing making a baby.” You said, a sly smile on your face. You tried to maintain your sexy façade, but you couldn’t help but laugh at how cheesy that sounded.
Colson bit his lower lip, a smirk on his face. “I would have absolutely no problem with that.” You moved away from him, grabbing his hands and interlocking your fingers. He backed up towards the door, leading you into the bedroom. “Oh, I never asked babe.” He paused, pulling you back into his body and kissing you. “You wanna get married? Like start planning and shit?”
You giggled, moving your lips to meet his. “Are you proposing to me, Colson Baker?”
His face turned red, “Well, I don’t have a ring, but I’ll get one and then I’ll do it properly. But for now, whaddya say?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a small laugh. “Colson Baker I would love to marry you.”
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Enemies to Lovers
For Maribat March day 23 theme enemies to lovers
Master List
“Kent’s coming over.” Damian stated at breakfast, none of the other Wayne’s seemed phased by this, none but one. 
“Again?” At Damian’s nod she continued, “I’ll be in my room or the Batcave so don’t bring him there.” 
"He will also be bringing a friend over from that exchange program his school did with the one in London." Damian added, Marinette tensed a little bit but didn’t say anything else.
"Is Jon bringing a stranger over a good idea?" Tim asked.
"Tt, Kent said that he would make sure the boy wouldn't wander." Damian answered, after 9 years in the manor he still hadn't gotten rid of his tt habit. 
"I'll be in my room then, I don't want Jon or his friend bothering me." Marinette announced to no one's surprise.
“Marinette,” She turned to look at Dick, “Why don’t you like Jon? This has been going on for almost a year now. Surely you could give him another chance. Or at the very least his friend?” 
“Not interested.” And with that she finished her breakfast and went to go help Alfred with cleaning the dishes, like she did every morning. 
Damian watched his younger half blood sister go, frown evident on his face. Marinette Wayne had been living with them for over a year now. While she was now 16, her opinion of one Jonathan Kent still had not changed. 
After Bruce had a one night stand with her mother she had been born 9 months later, Sabine having no intention of telling Bruce. What she did not expect was that 15 years later she and her husband would be guilty of negligence and emotional abuse of Marinette and custody would be handed to her bio father. Aka Bruce Wayne. 
Marinette changed her last name to Wayne and left her life in Paris behind. There was not much left for her there anyways. But she had never told her new family why she was so insistent on leaving Paris behind. More specifically who she was leaving behind.
The Waynes had gotten used to her bubbly personality in the manor, so they were shocked that when they sent her off to Gotham Academy she was dubbed the ‘Ice Princess’ the next morning.
Turns out after what happened in Paris, she refused to open up to anyone. Most days she was found sketching in her sketchbook, always alone. She still got straight A’s and even participated in a few clubs but never made one friend. It was concerning, how much she resembled Damian in that sense.
One day after patrol, after Marinette headed off to bed they started discussing Marinette's social life. Tim had joked that since she's such a ray of sunshine around them that she should meet Jon. 
This idea was met with positive reactions, all of them agreeing that Jon would be a good influence for her. He was also her age so that was a plus. And he was Damian's first friend, perhaps he could be Marinette's.
That weekend they were proven wrong. Very wrong. Marinette refused to be in the same room as Jon, and when trying to gently push the boundaries she had set, she grew hostile. Something they had never seen from her for as long as they had known her. 
One of their first thoughts was that she was scared of Jon, since he was half Kryptontian. But that idea was quickly shut down after Jason brought up the time she roasted Superman to his face. And had no regrets. 
Then they figured it was because he was still a stranger to her. So they had him over more often. But after 2 months they realized that wasn’t the case either. Yet, none of them had the slightest clue why she was so against Jonathon Kent. 
Not even Jon knew. All Jon knew was that whenever he walked into the same room as Marinette she grew annoyed. He knew she disliked him but that wasn’t what he was confused about. What made him confused was that he could sense her fear. She was scared of him, and he had no idea why. 
He thought about telling the Batfamily, thought about telling Damian, but how would it go over that the latest addition to the Batclan was scared of him. Especially knowing how paranoid and protective they could be. So he just stuck to avoiding her at all costs, it wasn’t that big of a deal anyways. 
Marinette didn’t see Jon as an enemy per se she saw him as an enemy, but he was just someone she strongly disliked, she had her reasons. And while Jon definitely didn’t see Marinette as an enemy, the more she ignored him, and he would need to ignore her, started to grate on his nerves. If she was in a room that he was going to enter he would have to wait for her to leave and vice versa. It was getting tiring and he was starting to dislike her more and more to the point she almost became his enemy. 
Today would be no different except for one detail. That detail being a blonde haired, green eyed, sunshine child that reminded Jon of himself. While Adrien was a little too naive for his taste, they had gotten along great and he wanted to introduce him to Damian. 
Adrien had seemed intrigued by the idea of meeting a Wayne. Apparently his father used to be a businessman and despite the fact he was from France and only moved to London a year ago, he knew of how famous the Waynes are. 
Now here they were, in his dad’s car going to Wayne manor. 
“Okay, you remember what I told you right?” Jon questioned Adrien, he was making sure the boy was prepared and didn’t accidentally stumble upon the Batcave or anything relating the Waynes to the Bats.
“Yes I know, no wandering around the manor, it’s too big and I’ll get lost. No staring in awe at the Waynes, they’re not the celebrities the press makes them out to be. And if I see a girl with dark hair, blue eyes, and looks to be a head shorter than me, I am to walk away immediately in the other direction and pretend I didn’t see her.” Adrien listed off. 
“Perfect!” Jon, exclaimed he was going to add more but his dad interrupted him. 
“Okay boys we’re here, I hope you have a good time Adrien.” 
“Thanks Mr. Kent, I will!” Adrien cheerfully replied as he followed Jon out of the car. Sometimes this boy reminded Jon too much of himself. 
“Master Jon, lovely to see you again. Is this your friend?” Alfred greeted them at the door.
“Yep! This is Adrien Graham de Vanily, Adrien this is Alfred, the Waynes butler but is more like a surrogate grandfather if anything.” Jon introduced. 
“Nice to meet you Mr. Alfred.” Adrien stuck out his hand to shake. 
“It is nice to meet you too Master Graham de Vanily, please just call me Alfred.”
“Then you can just call me Adrien, Alfred, my last name is such a mouthful.” 
“Of course Master Adrien, now will you two be staying for dinner?” 
“I don’t know, is it okay if we do?” Jon answered, secretly asking if she would be okay with it.
“It’ll be okay Master Jon. I will inform the others we will be having two guests stay with us for dinner.” Alfred led them inside, “Master Damian should be in the gaming room.” And with that he left. 
“Come on, Damian is probably setting up some games for us to play.” Jon grabbed Adrien’s hand and started dragging him down a hallway. 
Marinette could hear when Alfred had opened the door for Jon and his friend, she didn’t have super hearing but she had trained her ears for listening for certain things. Like the front door opening. 
After a few minutes Alfred had come to tell her the two would be staying for dinner. It wasn’t ideal but she could live with it, all she had to do was give Jon and his friend the cold shoulder for at most an hour. Nothing new to her.
Now a whole hour had passed and she was getting hungry. She still had another hour till dinner so a small snack would be fine. But leaving her room posed the risk of running into Jon or his friend, and she didn’t want to risk an interaction with either of them.
Both of them are with Damian right now. There are no bathrooms near her room or the kitchen. If she hurries it will only take her 10 minutes to get to the kitchen, grab the cookies she made earlier, and come back to her room. And since Damian was banned from the kitchen this week, and both of his new friends are stuck with him, they shouldn’t be anywhere near the kitchen. 
Of course when was the universe ever on her side. She was about to open the kitchen door when someone she thought she would never have to see again uttered her name, “Marinette?” 
She knew the voice. It was the same voice that told her to stay quiet all those years ago when a vicious liar ran her mouth. The same one that said he was on her side then abandoned her the second things got too tough for him. The same one that didn’t speak up whenever she tried to defend herself, instead saying not to rock the boat. And now the owner of that voice was in her home. 
She steeled her face into something cold and emotionless, despite the fear she felt in her stomach and turned to face him, “Agreste.”
“It’s Graham de Vanily now.” He corrected, both forgetting/not noticing the two other people there. 
“Pretty sure it’s Agreste, you know, just like your father.” She bit back, venom laced into every word. 
“He’s not my father, not anymore.” He replied, fists clenched at his sides, staring her straight in the eyes, confusing the other two boys.
“You sure, because you’re exactly like him, you know.” She raised an eyebrow and matched his gaze. 
“I am nothing like him.” Adrien took a threatening step forward and that’s when Damian immediately stepped in front of Marinette, wanting to protect his little sister from this person who just threatened her. Damian was about to ask something but was cut off when Marinette moved around him to face Adrien. 
“Really? Both of you put your own wants and desires above the well being of other people. Your father the people of Paris, and for you it was me.” Jon saw she was visibly shaking, from fear or anger he wasn’t sure. Both emotions were pretty strong for her, and when he focused on Adrien all the boy felt was guilt. 
“Look Mari I’m-” He was cut off by Marinette’s angry shout. 
“You would think that after all you put me through you would at least have the dignity to not call me by a nickname that friends are only allowed to call me. You know, people who actually care about me!” 
“Marinette, I’m sorry okay, that was really dumb of me!” Adrien shouted back. 
“Save it! You can pretend to regret your actions all you want, but people like you don’t change! That’s something you taught me!” Snack forgotten, Marinette ran back to her room and slammed the door. Locking it, she slid down the back of it and just cried. 
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do Graham de Vanily. How do you know my little sister? Why did she react to you like that? What did she mean by ‘all you put her though?’...” As Damian kept spitting out question after question Jon followed Marinette. Her cries were the only thing he could hear right then and there. 
As he made his way closer to her, the cries stopped, only tiny sniffles coming out. “What do you want Kent?” He could hear the shaking in her voice no matter how much she tried to cover it up. 
He sat down, his back resting on the closed door thinking about what he should say. “I wanted to see if you were okay.” 
“I find that hard to believe. You wanted answers didn’t you?” She hiccuped in between words.
“A little bit.” 
“Well once upon a time there was a teenage girl who wore rose colored glasses all the time. She saw the world in rainbows and sunshine, never knowing of the darkness. Then one day a lying fox came into her life, spreading her tall tales. The girl tried to warn her friends and family but they didn’t listen. The fox ripped off the girl’s glasses and forced her to see the world for what it really was. The girl’s love at the time came to her and told her to keep silent, after all the fox’s lies weren’t hurting anyone. It was then she noticed that the boy wore the same glasses she did, only his were much stronger than hers had ever been. But she loved him, so she believed him, that everything would turn out okay, that if it didn’t he would be by her side. 
Slowly those around the girl turned on her, despite her doing nothing wrong. The boy who she once loved left her the second things got tough, never letting her stand up for herself. Soon the lying fox had gotten to her parents, things escalated from there. Now the girl moved to live with her bio family and everything was fine for a time. But then a boy who saw the world in sunshine and rainbows came around, and she was reminded of her past all over again.” Marinette finished her tale, her hiccups had faded away. 
“You don’t like me because I remind you of Adrien?” He hesitantly asked. 
“You don’t just remind me of him. Every time I see you I see him. But you’re also different from him. I don’t know. When you’re all happy and optimistic you're like him, but you also know how to be serious, which is something he could never do. I don’t know how to explain it but I thought if I kept you away from it would be alright. I really messed up didn’t I?” Marinette tried to keep the tears in her eyes from falling. 
“Kind of. But if you want we can start over.” Jon suggested, he wouldn’t mind getting to know the Marinette Damian talked so fondly about, not that Damian would ever admit it. 
He heard the lock unlock and he stood up as the door opened. He turned around and there was Marinette, her eyes were a little red and she had tears stains on her cheeks but she looked much better than before. 
She stuck her hand out, “Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Marinette Wayne.” She looked up to look in his eyes and wondered if they were always so blue. And oh god please say she didn’t start blushing!
“Nice to meet you Marinette. I’m Jonathan Kent, but you can call me Jon.” Jon took her hand and shook it, his eyes looked into hers and he couldn’t help but think they looked so beautiful when they weren’t glaring at him. Unfortunately, Damian’s scream broke them out of their daze.
“We better go help him.” Marinette pulled her hand back. 
“Yeah we probably should.” Jon replied but Marinette was already racing to where they left the boys. Jon ran to catch up with her, mentally berating himself for thinking his friend’s sister was cute. 
Marinette on the other hand was mentally berating herself for thinking that someone she used to dislike so much was now cute. Not to mention he’s her brother’s best friend. Well, Damian doesn’t have to know she thinks that.
I’m back from the dead! As I said before in What If... (which you can find on my master list day 22) school sucks and has been burying my grave so I had to focus on that for a while. But I have this and What If... done and am planning on doing the other days I have not crossed off on my Master List. 
This took so long to write and I’m already planning a part 2. Anyways hope u enjoyed!
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Surprise – Howlin’ For You – One Shot
Description: Bucky forgets it’s his birthday. But his wife and kids aren’t going to let that slide. 
Pairing: AU - Biker!Bucky x Fem/Reader
Howlin’ For You - Masterlist
Read the series or you will not know what the fuck is happening.
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Bucky was so tired that a part of him was worried about getting home on a motorcycle without falling asleep. 
It was like the universe was torturing him with the day that he had. It seemed as if every customer he had to deal with at the shop today was a privileged asshole. All of them either pretended like they knew more about auto mechanics than him or yelled at him for the very reasonable pricing he gave them on their vehicles.
Customer service had always been the thing Bucky hated most about running his own shop. He tried to avoid dealing with customers at all cost. Steve was much more patient than he was – most of the crew was. 
But the whole reason they’d created the shop in the first place was to offer people realistic prices and to not rip off naive and unassuming customers.
Now Bucky was mentally and emotionally exhausted.
He’d sent a text to Y/N earlier, telling her how he’d become more and more irritated from work as the day went on.
She sent her support and promised she’d try to cheer him up when he got home.
Bucky immediately brought the conversation to more risqué suggestions, but Y/N didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
He also knew that a few minutes with his kids and he’d cheer up. Amelia would want to cuddle with him or the twins would show him their new model cars they built with so much enthusiasm that he wouldn’t be able to help but feel better.
When Bucky walked through the door, his shoulders immediately relaxed. He gave most of the credit to Y/N for making their house an oasis of comfort and warmth.
But then he noticed how oddly quiet the house was, which was a rarity with a 5-year-old daughter and 9-year-old, rambunctious twins.
“Doll?” He called out.
Suddenly Amelia came running to him, slamming into his legs with her tiny body.
“There’s my girl,” Bucky chuckled as he lifted her up to hold her.
She was already growing up so fast that he knew carrying her around could end at any moment – more from her not wanting him to than her becoming too big.
“Where is your pretty mama and your crazy brothers, huh?” He asked her after giving her cheek a kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulders.
“They told me to come get you,” she informed him.
“Oh, yeah? What for?”
Amelia giggled. “It’s a secret,” she whispered.
“A secret? Sounds like trouble.” But now Bucky was getting a little suspicious. “Is this hide and seek? Are you here to help me find them?”
Amelia giggled again and shook her head. “No, silly. Th-They told me to say…ummm…” She was now have trouble battling the short-term memory that came with being 5 years old.
“Told you to say what, babydoll?” He encouraged her softly.
She smiled, not seeming to care that she wasn’t doing a good job of giving him the message. “The backyard,” she laughed.
“I’m supposed to go to the backyard,” Bucky confirmed with a slow nod.
Then he kissed her head. “Alright. Let’s go to the backyard.”
Bucky assumed the twins had Y/N hostage, showing her everything about the new dirt bike he’d brought home for them just a few days ago. While Y/N didn’t know nor care much about the mechanics, like her sons and daughter, she humored them by nodding and oohing and aahing at the right parts.
As soon as they were close to the door that led out to the patio and backyard, Bucky was surprised he couldn’t hear the twins talking Y/N’s ear off. Also the lights were off, making it hard to see anything through the windows of the house.
When Bucky pulled the door open, he was met with the backyard lights turning on and a crowd screaming, “Surprise!”
On instinct alone, he turned his body a bit so Amelia was shielded. But he quickly recovered, steadying his breathing and realizing neither he nor his daughter were in any immediate danger.
The whole week of work, specifically today, had been so hectic and stressful that Bucky kept forgetting his birthday was just around the corner.
Now he was facing what looked to be every person he’d ever met in his life.
All of the Howlies were laughing and cheering at his arrival. Someone had already started up the music again. People were talking amongst themselves now that the surprise had been delivered.
Grayson and Owen came running out of the crowd, Y/N slowly walking behind them with a warm smile.
“Were you surprised, dad?” The twins both asked excitedly.
“Sure was,” he laughed as he mess up both of their hair.
“Did you spoil the surprise, Amelia?” Grayson asked his little sister, who was still in her dads arms. His eyes were filled with suspicion.
She glared and shook her head before nuzzling closer to her father.
“No, she didn’t ruin anything. She could be a spy,” Bucky defended.
Now Y/N had made her way to them.
“You,” he playfully glared at his wife. “Come here.” She laughed and stepped closer, earning a kiss from him. “You plan all this for me, troublemaker?”
She barely pulled away from his lips, “Maybe.”
“Thank you, doll. You didn’t have to do this.”
Y/N shrugged. “I was just a little worried after you told me how bad your day was going. I thought maybe this would be all be too much.”
“Of course not,” he assured her.
He moved her lips to his ear. “I’m sorry about the lights and screaming, I tried to tell them not to do it. But everyone was really committed already,” Y/N muttered to him so no one else could hear, proving that she caught how he’d reacted to the surprise.
He kissed her again. “It’s fine, Y/N.” 
Even after all these years, Bucky was still amazed at how well they could read each other.
Then Y/N grabbed Amelia from his arms. “Now, I’ll take this one, because you got a lot of people who want to wish you a happy birthday.”
As soon as Y/N stepped away and took the kids with her, Bucky was bombarded with people giving him hugs and saying hi.
All of the Howlies were there, along with their partners and kids. He spotted his mom and sister talking to Y/N’s family. Some of Y/N’s friends who had become Bucky’s friends were there too. It was like their usual Howlie gatherings – but magnified and with all the attention on Bucky.
He could’ve gone without the attention, but he enjoyed having all the important people in his life all in one place.
An hour later, he found Steve running the grill.
“Alright, punk, I know you were responsible for this too,” Bucky growled.
They’d just seen each other at the garage a few hours ago.
“I may have helped a bit,” Steve confessed through a mischievous smile.
“How’d you all keep it a secret? Especially, Sam – that idiot can’t keep his mouth shut.”
“I fucking heard that!” Sam shouted from over Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky laughed and gave Sam an unapologetic shrug.
“That wife of yours did most of the work. I felt like I was back in the military with the way she had everything organized and dished out jobs to all of us.”
Bucky laughed at that, picturing Y/N giving out orders to his biker gang.
Hours later, Y/N had put the kids to bed and the adults really got down to celebrating. 
She was starting to get worried with the amount of shots and drinks people were thrusting onto Bucky. The man could hold his alcohol, but he was still just a human.
“I’m going to end up carrying that man to bed, aren’t I?” Y/N asked Sam and Nat as they sat around a fire.
The three of them drew their attention to Thor and Clint who were shoving another shot onto Bucky.
“Make him find his own way to the couch,” Sam chuckled.
“This is why you’d make a bad boyfriend,” Nat smirked.
“What?” Sam yelled. “I’m a great boyfriend!”
“Yeah?” Nat asked. “Where’s your girlfriend now? Oh, yeah, you don’t have one…”
Lo and behold, Y/N did have to practically drag her drunk husband to their bedroom.
Some of the Howlies who were more sober offered to stay back and help clean up. Even when Y/N turned them down, they ignored her and started getting to work. She wouldn’t be surprised if she came downstairs tomorrow morning to find her house cleaner than it was before the party.
Bucky’s arm was around Y/N’s shoulder as she navigated him through their home.
“You’re the best wife anyone in the world could ever have,” Bucky slurred to her.
Y/N laughed, “I am?”
“Of course.”
“OK. Well, your wife needs some help on your end to get you up these stairs.”
And to his credit, he made it up them without requiring much of Y/N’s help.
When they got to his bedroom, he flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
Y/N started unlacing his foots and taking off his jeans.
“Shirt to bed or no shirt?” She asked him.
“No shirt!”
She smiled at him. “Shorts or sleeping in just your briefs?”
Y/N nodded.
“Well, I was planning on ending the night with more fun. But I don’t think you’re exactly in the right state for that…” She teased him.
Bucky chuckled. “Probably for the best.”
He was currently fighting the spins. So, as much as he wanted to have sex with his beautiful and sexy wife, it probably wouldn’t end well for him.
Y/N went to take off her makeup, wash her face, and brush her teeth.
She found one of Bucky’s old t-shirts and threw it on, forgoing any type of short or pants.
“Come here, doll.” Bucky demanded, sounding far more sober than he should. 
“Are you gonna behave?” Y/N asked him as she pointed a finger at him.
“Yes, ma’am. I just want cuddles.” Then he smiled like a goof. “It’s my birthday, so I get what I want.”
Y/N chuckled and shook her head at him, but did as he requested and climbed into bed with him. Bucky instantly pulled her on top of his chest and wrapped his arms around her.
“Thank you for tonight,” he sighed and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m glad you had fun.”
“I love you, Y/N.” His voice proving that he was just moments away from passing out.
“Love you too, Buck.”
And barely 30 seconds later, Y/N’s ears were filled with Bucky’s drunken snores.
Thank you to the anon who sent this in and inspired me.  Let me know what you guys think :)  
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wonderful-writes · 4 years
Oooh! For the Charlie Weasley prompt list, 5, 8, and 14, where the reader and charlie have lowkey had feelings for each other for a long time, but then he went to Romania, but finally the reader is about to go into their last year, and they're spending summer at the burrow when Charlie comes back and they talk about being together after the reader graduates
Next Year
Charlie Weasley x Reader
Summary: You had always been close to the Weasley family, and the second-oldest, dragon-loving brother was no exception. He was a few years ahead of you, tall, funny, and ruggedly handsome — all that you could ever want in a boy. It was a shame he didn’t feel the same way. But could one summer together at the Burrow change all that?
5) There’s always next year.
8) I never forgot you.
14) Is that my jumper?
“Y/N! Y/N! Over here!”
You turned to see Ginny Weasley calling to you from the entrance of the Burrow. At her side was a broom and a dustpan. Mrs. Weasley had probably asked her to sweep the front porch.
“Ginny!” you exclaimed, running over to her. You had apparated to the Burrow with nothing but a small suitcase, so it didn’t take long for you to reach her.
“Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” the young red-headed girl gushed as she pulled you into a hug.
“Where is everybody?” you asked when she finally let go of you.
“Percy, Ron, and Harry are upstairs cleaning the bedrooms with Mum,” Ginny answered. “Hermione was helping me out here, but she went inside to grab paper towels for the windows.”
“And Fred and George?”
“They went out with Charlie. I’m not sure when they’ll be back.”
“Charlie’s here?” you asked in surprise. “I thought you said he wasn’t coming. In your letter.”
“Huh, I probably made a mistake,” she said. “I meant to write that Bill wasn’t coming home this summer, not Charlie.”
“Oh,” you said. Part of you was excited to see Charlie again, but another part of you dreaded it. You hadn’t seen him since the end of your fifth year at Hogwarts, an entire year ago. You had finished your fifth year when he finished his seventh, and he headed straight for Romania after that. He had left immediately after graduation, not even staying to spend one more summer with you.
It was not like he had any reason to spend another summer with you. You were only a family friend, after all. The Weasleys had loads of family friends, and you were no different. Charlie probably thought of you like he did Harry or Hermione. But you couldn’t help but wish that he thought of you as something more than that.
You were heartbroken when he left, but you didn’t let it show. You spent that summer with your family, who missed you dearly when you were away at school. You had a happy time, taking trips and enjoying the company of those you love, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that Charlie was gone.
When fall came, you returned to Hogwarts to begin your sixth year. You had school to occupy you — and you were very busy with that, being your studious and ambitious self — but you never let go of the memory of Charlie Weasley. You often looked back at why you fell for him in the first place.
You had met in your first year and his third. As members of the same house, you saw each other frequently and became fast friends. Over the years, you became acquainted with the rest of the Weasley siblings and grew to consider them your second family. You spent parts of your school breaks at the Burrow, and your muggle parents became close friends with the Weasleys as well. It was hard not to fall for Charlie when you were constantly around him and his wonderful family.
Though he was two years older than you, he treated you like an equal, not like some bothersome younger sister. He was kind and respectful and had a love for animals. In your mind, he was perfect. But you never had the courage to tell him so. You were always too embarrassed about your crush and too scared that your feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated. He never showed any signs that he fancied you, so why would you humiliate yourself by admitting that you fancied him?
“I’ll take that for you, dear,” someone said, breaking you from your thoughts. You looked up to see that Arthur Weasley had come out of the house and was reaching for your suitcase.
“Thanks, Mr. Weasley!” you said, handing over the suitcase. “I assume I’ll be staying in Bill’s room since he’s not here?”
“Sure are,” he replied. “He’s been so busy at Gringotts. They just shipped him out to Egypt not even a week ago.” Mr. Weasley smiled broadly, clearly proud of his son.
“Wow, Egypt?” you marvel. “Bill must be some curse-breaker.”
“He sure is,” said Molly Weasley, joining the throng conversing on the front steps. “Hello, Y/N. How are you, dear?”
You stepped into Mrs. Weasley’s outstretched arms and told her that you had never been better. School was swell, your friends were keeping you sane, and there was nothing getting you down. She seemed happy at your reply and led the way back into the house.
Inside, you greeted Ron, Hermione, Harry and Percy. Unlike Ginny, whom you haven’t seen since Christmas holiday, you saw the four the them at school everyday. Percy was a year younger than you, and Ron, Harry, and Hermione were itty bitty soon-to-be second years. You were happy that Ginny would be starting at Hogwarts in the fall. Your last year would be her first, but at least you could go to school with her for one year.
For the rest of the day, you helped the family tidy up the house and prepare supper. When evening rolled around, Charlie, Fred, and George returned from wherever it was they went to. Fred and George said hello to you first, before heading upstairs to work on a new prank idea. Charlie was the last to approach you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said. “Long time, no see.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, looking up at him. He hadn’t changed a bit. Same messy red hair, same freckles dotting his face. He was as handsome as ever. You quickly looked away, feeling the heat creep up your neck. The last thing you wanted was to out yourself on having a crush on Charles Weasley, especially in front of Charlie himself and his family.
“Hey, Y/N!” called Ron. “Wanna play a game of chess before dinner?”
“Sure,” you answer gratefully. You wanted any excuse to distance yourself from Charlie. Being around him only intensified your feelings for him.
After a heated round of chess, which Ron, the strategic genius, obviously won, Mrs. Weasley announced that dinner was ready. Everyone took their seats at the table, you squeezing yourself in between George and Ginny. To your dismay, Charlie chose the chair directly across from you.
He flashed you a smile. You smiled back weakly before quickly looking down at your plate. Act normal, you told yourself. When you still went to school with Charlie, you had gotten the same nervous, fluttery feeling whenever you were around him. After he left to pursue his dream job in Romania, he wasn’t nearby to make your stomach do somersaults anymore. It had been a full year since you felt this dizzying feeling, and now it was all rushing back to you.
“You okay, Y/N?” asked Hermione, who was sitting next to Charlie.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Why aren’t you eating?”
You looked around and quickly realized that everyone had already piled food on top of their plates, but yours was still empty. How long had you been sitting there?
“Right,” you said as you picked up a serving spoon, about to dish mashed potatoes onto your plate. “I was thinking about someone, and I guess I zoned out for a bit.”
Hermione raised her eyebrow at you. “Who were you thinking about?”
You froze. You replayed your words and realized that you had accidentally said you were thinking about someone instead of something.
“Did I say someone?” you asked with a laugh, attempting to pass off your error as a simple mistake. “I meant something.”
“Sure you did,” Ginny teased, winking at you.
You rolled your eyes at her. You acted as if it was all a joke, but you were dying of embarrassment on the inside. You hoped you weren’t being too obvious.
“Pass me the green beans, Y/LN,” Charlie said.
You felt your face burning as you handed over the green beans. Even though you didn’t touch him, extending your hand that close to his sent electricity through you.
“Thank you,” Charlie said cheekily.
You spared him a glance, flashing him a smile. You were trying to act as casual as possible, but it was difficult when your stomach churned every time you looked at him. There was no denying to yourself that you were crushing hard.
After dinner was done, you helped Mrs. Weasley wash up. When everything was cleaned and put away, you headed over to the living room, where Fred, George, and Charlie were playing cards around the coffee table. Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny were talking upstairs, Percy was in his room reading, and the Weasley parents had decided to retire for the night.
“Can I play?” you asked, taking a seat next to Fred.
“Sure,” he answered, not looking up from his deck. “Next game.”
“So, where did you guys go earlier today?” you questioned.
“We just went to town,” George replied nonchalantly. “Fred and I needed to get some stuff for our next prank, and Charlie offered to take us.”
You hummed in response. It made you feel warm inside to know that Charlie was so attentive with his siblings. Family was very important to you, and you were glad it was important to him as well. Just another reason for you to fall even harder for him. Godric, why did he have to be so perfect?
The boys continued to play. The game finally ended when both Fred and Charlie ran out of cards, leaving George the winner. You began picking up the cards and shuffling them, preparing to deal them to everyone.
Before you could complete your task, however, George interrupted. “Actually, Fred and I are going upstairs to work on our new idea.”
Giving them a wave goodbye, you watched as the two younger boys got up from the coffee table and headed upstairs.
“You and me?” Charlie asked, a mischievous smile on his face
“Sure,” you replied.
You handed him his cards, and the two of you began to play. You were both concentrated on the game, and the only noise that could be heard was the sound of cards slapping on the table.
“So, how have you been?” Charlie asked, trying to make conversation.
“I’ve been good,” you responded. “You?”
“Never been better. Working at the dragon sanctuary has been a dream come true.”
You were genuinely happy to hear that he loved his job and his new life. Although, you wished you could be a bigger part of it. Charlie wasn’t much of a writer, and he hardly sent letters to his family, let alone his friends. You had written to him once when he was away, and he had responded. That was the extent of your communication over the last year. You didn’t bother to send another letter, fearing coming off as clingy or obsessed. When he failed to write to you again, you knew you had made the right decision.
“Wanna tell me more about Romania?” you asked, setting your cards down.
“Sure!” he answered enthusiastically. “But can we sit on the couch? My bum is sore from sitting on the floor.”
The two of you moved to the sofa and sat about a foot away from each other. He told you all about his experiences working with dragons. He went into detail about the training process, the proper way to handle a baby dragon, and the different breeds he got to study. You smiled as he talked, enjoying the way his eyes lit up whenever he discussed something he was passionate about.
“So, what about you?” he asked finally. “What have you been up to?”
“Well, I just finished my sixth year, which you already knew,” you said. “I aced most of my exams, I was invited into the Slug Club, and I’m currently working towards becoming Head Girl.”
“Wow, that’s amazing,” Charlie said. “You must be proud of yourself.”
“I am proud. Exhausted, but proud. Sometimes I wonder how I got this far. I look back at all the hard work I put in and still can’t figure out how I managed to do all that.”
“You’re pretty incredible,” said Charlie. “If anyone could accomplish that much, it would be you.” He paused. “Well, maybe also Percy. He’s a know-it-all.”
You blushed at his compliment. “Thanks, Charlie.” When you first told him about your achievements, you were worried he would think you were bragging. But his kind words put your fears at ease, reassuring you that it was okay to be happy for yourself and to want to share your goals and successes with others.
“You know, we should keep in touch more when I go back to Romania,” he said.
“Agreed. We hardly exchanged two letters in the past year.”
Charlie smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I sort of didn’t write to anyone at all. I mean, unless they wrote to me first.”
“It’s alright,” you reassured him. “You were probably too busy taming dragons or something,” you teased.
“I never forgot you,” he said, as if he had to make sure you knew his lack of communication wasn’t personal.
You felt your breath hitch. You knew he was probably only saying because he felt guilty for not sending letters to someone who obviously wanted to, but you secretly wished he had meant something more by those words. Did he miss you when he was away? Or did he just feel bad for cutting off a family friend who was desperate for company? Could he sense how you felt about him?
“I know,” you said. “You don’t have to feel bad for not writing. I know it’s nothing against me.” You really hoped he didn’t pity you or think you were pathetic. Your Gryffindor confidence truly gave out on you when you were around him.
“I-it’s not that,” he stammered. “It’s just, well, um.”
“It’s just what?” you questioned. Since when did Charlie Weasley get so tongue-tied?
“I, uh, I want you to know that I never forgot about you,” he finally spitted out, red in the face. “You’re, you’re different to me.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Was Charlie Weasley, the boy you’ve been swooning over for years, confessing his feelings for you?
“Different how?” you asked, wanting him to get to the point. You needed to know how he felt about you, but you were slightly afraid of the outcome. What if it was all a misunderstanding? What if you had been reading the situation wrong, and he didn’t actually have feelings for you?
“Well, you’re like a friend,” Charlie began slowly. He seemed to have regained his natural confidence and composure. “But more than that.”
You stared at him, unable to speak.
“You’re like family,” he went on, “but I don’t see you as my sister or anything like that. I see you more as someone I could fancy, or rather, someone I do fancy.”
You were dumbstruck. The boy you were head-over-heels for actually liked you back. He had said it himself. He fancied you. No one else, you.
“Could you please say something?” Charlie asked.
You looked down to see him fidgeting with his hands. Was he really that anxious? The calmest person you knew was nervous around you?
“I can’t believe you just said that,” you said, looking him in the eyes. Those gorgeous brown eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, turning red again. “Forget I said anything.”
“No, no, it’s not like that!” you hurriedly told him. “I like you, too.”
“You do?” he asked, breaking into a grin that could make you melt into the ground.
“Yes, I do. I’ve liked you for a long time, but I never had the courage to say anything. I didn’t think you felt the same way.”
“Same here,” Charlie admitted. “I’ve liked you for a while, but it felt wrong of me to say so. You are my friend, after all. Plus, you’re two years younger than me.”
You nodded in agreement. You often questioned if it would be wrong to date someone who wasn’t your age. Would people think weirdly of you and Charlie if the two of you were in a relationship? Would either of you get in trouble?
You couldn’t help yourself from asking, “How long have you liked me for?” You were still flabbergasted and didn’t think you’d ever get over the news.
“Well, I’m not sure. Maybe since my sixth year? Although, it could’ve been before that. We were always such close friends that I didn’t notice when platonic feelings started to turn into something more.”
You nodded in understanding. “I get it. Although, I can’t say it was the same for me. My feelings for you weren’t gradual like that. I knew I liked you all at once. From the moment we first met, actually.”
“Oh, did you?” he teased. “Did you find me that charming?”
“Oh, shut it, you git,” you said while rolling your eyes at him. It felt nice to banter with him without the awkward tension from before. Knowing that he shared your feelings made it easier for you to talk to him.
“So, what now?” Charlie asked you. “Are we dating or...?”
“Well, you have to ask me out first, don’t you?” you said playfully, trying to hide your smile.
He let out a loud sigh. “If I must.”
“Go on,” you said with a smirk. You had missed his goofy side when you were apart from him.
“Y/N Y/LN, will you go out with me?” he asked dramatically.
You rolled your eyes again. “Yes, you doof. I will go out with you.”
He beamed. “Brilliant!”
You smiled back at him, reaching for his hands. You gripped his hands in yours and looked into his eyes. Those soft, brown eyes that never failed to make you weak in the knees.
“But what will your family think?” you questioned, finally breaking his gaze.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “Will your family be okay with this?”
“I’ve, uh, already told my parents about you,” you said sheepishly. “They’ve known I liked you for a long time, so they won’t have a problem with us dating. It’s your family I’m worried about.”
Charlie nodded. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell them? Not now, at least?”
“That would probably be best,” you agreed. “I don’t particularly want to deal with their judgement right now.”
Just then, the thudding of footsteps coming down the stairs could be heard.
“Charlie, Y/N, it’s bedtime!” Ron called from the landing. “Mum told me to tell you!”
“We’re coming, Ron!” Charlie shouted back. He turned to you. “So, I guess we’re keeping this a secret?”
“Guess so.”
That night, you couldn’t sleep as you laid in bed. You didn’t have to share Bill’s room with anybody, so you were utterly alone with your thoughts. Part of you was too excited to sleep. You couldn’t believe you were dating Charlie Weasley, the boy of your dreams. But part of you was also terrified of what the Weasleys would say once they found out. You already knew they liked you; you had been a friend of their children for a long time. And Charlie was their own son. But would a relationship be too much?
Aside from your worries about Charlie’s family, thoughts about how to make a relationship with him work also occupied your mind. He would be returning to the dragon reserve in Romania at the end of the summer, and you would be starting your last year at Hogwarts. Would you break up? Would you do long-distance? How would you make it work?
The next morning, everything proceeded as usual. You had breakfast with the Weasleys, along with Ron and Hermione, of course, and helped with the dishes afterward. You spent the rest of the day spending time with everyone, particularly Charlie. The two of you snuck off whenever you could, but it was difficult finding time to be alone with so many people at the Burrow.
The rest of the summer went accordingly. You spent your days playing games with the younger children, helping Mr. and Mrs. Weasley around the house, and enjoying quiet moments with Charlie. During your time alone, the two of you talked, made plans, and fell deeper in love with each other. You were infatuated with him, and he felt the same about you. Both of you dreaded the end of the summer, when you would eventually have to part ways.
You would miss the hot nights laying in the field, counting fireflies together. You would miss the sweet way you held each other’s hands underneath the dinner table. You would miss the rise and fall of his chest when he had fallen asleep on the banks of the nearby pond after a long afternoon of splashing around. You would miss the blush that crept up his cheeks when you caught him staring at you when he thought you weren’t looking. You would miss him, everything about him.
The last day of summer crept closer and closer. Before you knew it, it was your final night at the Burrow. You were set to leave with Percy, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny early the next morning. A part of you was excited to finally start your last year at Hogwarts, knowing that this would bring you another step closer to your adult life. Some days, there was nothing you wanted more than to be done with school and to start working in the wizarding world. You weren’t sure if you wanted to be a healer or an auror or some other profession, but you knew you wanted to make a difference and do good things for others. But another part of you was saddened. You didn’t want to leave the warmth and comfort of the Burrow. You didn’t want the carefree summer days to be nothing but a distant memory. And you didn’t want your blossoming relationship with Charlie to come to a close either.
It was past midnight, and you were the only one awake. Having had trouble falling asleep, you had gone down to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. After downing your drink, you had decided to perch on the sofa to contemplate your current situation. Physically, you were exhausted from a long day of frolicking in the fields and slinging rocks into the pond, the perfect end to the perfect summer. Mentally, you were restless as thoughts ran wild through your head. What would happen when you returned to school and Charlie went back to Romania? Your body was telling you to sleep, but your mind was keeping you up. You would be able to sleep on the train the next day, anyway.
“Y/N?” a voice sounded through the silence. “Why are you up?”
You broke free of your thoughts and glanced up to see Charlie staring back at you from the foot of the stairs.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged. “Went down for some water and decided to sit here.”
Charlie grinned before plopping down next to you. “Well, then, I’m glad I happened to wake up just now. We can have one more moment together before we both leave tomorrow.”
You smiled back at him. “I think one more moment with you is just what I need right now.”
“What’s on your mind, love?” he asked as he draped his arm around you.
You snuggled closer to his side. “Nothing much. I was just thinking about us. What’s going to happen after tomorrow?”
You peered into Charlie’s eyes and found that he looked utterly content, relaxed even. Was he not fazed by the idea of having to leave you?
“Well, you’re going back to school,” he began, “and I’m going back to the sanctuary.”
“But what about us?”
“We’ll do long-distance, I guess,” he answered with a shrug. “I don’t want to break up or anything.”
You smiled at that and leaned up to give him a peck on the cheek. You were glad he wasn’t too worried. It eased your nerves to see how well he was handling this. “I don’t want to break up either. But you better write me, you git.”
Charlie smirked. “Alright, I’ll write you.”
You punched him playfully. “You better.”
The two of you stayed on the couch for a while, just enjoying being close to each other. You rested your head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. Its rhythmic pounding soothed you, let you know that everything was going to be okay.
“Hey, is that my jumper?” Charlie finally spoke, gesturing to knitted red garment you wore.
You grinned sheepishly, looking down at the jumper that hung oversized on you. “I wanted to have a piece of you before we go our separate ways. I didn’t think you’d miss it too much. You have a bunch of them.”
“You can keep it, love,” he said with a grin. “It looks better on you anyway.”
“Thanks, Charlie,” you replied happily. You knew he wouldn’t have minded you taking his jumper, but it was nice to hear him say it himself. Something about the way he said it looked better on you made you cling onto him even tighter.
You and Charlie fell asleep on the couch that night, entangled in each other’s arms. In the morning, you were awakened by the sound of stomping footsteps and rowdy laughter as the other children got ready to leave. Soon enough, Molly Weasley was ushering you and Charlie to get ready as well. She didn’t seem at all surprised to see the two of you sleeping on the sofa together. Like everyone else in the house, she knew of your relationship without having to be told.
Charlie decided to accompany you and rest of the returning Hogwarts troupe to the train station. He didn’t want to miss seeing you off, wanting to say goodbye one last time. By the time you reached Platform 9 3/4, it was finally hitting you that you would be leaving him again. But this time, it hurt a little less because you knew you wouldn’t be leaving behind an unrequited love. You would be leaving your boyfriend, someone who did feel the same way and would never stop caring about you no matter the distance.
Your goodbye was bittersweet. You were thrilled to be parting ways as two people who were dating at long last, but you were dismayed to leave him at all.
“Did you pack my jumper?” Charlie asked as he pulled you into one last hug.
“Sure did,” you grinned at him. “I’m going to miss you, Charlie.”
“I’ll miss you too,” he said, planting a kiss into your hair. “But there’s always next year.”
You finally pulled away and boarded the Hogwarts Express with the others. Sitting in between Ginny and Hermione, you waved out the window frantically as the train pulled out of the station. You continued to wave as the train continued to chug forward until the figures of Charlie, Molly, and Arthur Weasley became nothing but specks on the platform.
Tired from staying up late the night before, you allowed yourself to shut your eyes during the ride to school. As you were drifting off to sleep, the last words Charlie had said to you turned over and over again in your mind. But there’s always next year. He was right. Although you’d be apart for your last year at Hogwarts and his second year in Romania, you had your whole future ahead of you. You had the rest of your lives to be together, so it didn’t matter that you weren’t together now. You sank deeper and deeper into a peaceful slumber, letting the noise of the train inching along the tracks and the thoughts of your future with Charlie lull you to sleep.
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter five
November 6, 1983
Y/N POV's:
My brother just called and told me that he's arriving in half an hour. He slept the whole weekend at Mikes so I got the house for myself.
I did homework and chilled the weekend; Nancy came over and we talked.
Of course I hide my letter I wrote to Steve; I don't want to cause any trouble with Nancy I mean she's a nice girl and her little brother is a friend of mine so I can't break that.
Meanwhile I was making the diner Dustin and I will eat. Mom isn't home yet; dad and her are in New York for another week.
I heard music and sang along the lyric until the doorbell rang.
I opened the door and a very familiar face was in front of me.
"Steve?! What the hell are you doing here?"
"I just thought Nancy would be here she told me she'll stays the weekend at yours and I wanted to drive her home but seemingly she isn't here anymore."
"Yeah cause she left yesterday."
"Oh okay. I'm sorry that I disturbed you. See you around Y/N" with that he left and drove in his bmw away.
Asshole. But the asshole I love..
"So you guys played the whole weekend?" Dustin nodded while he puts some more noodles in his mouth. "That's insane. You guys are crazy."
"Yeah..we know" he talked with all the noodles still in his mouth.
"Dustin. Don't talking while eating" our mother always taught us.
"And the others are home? Safe?"
"Yeah they are. I'm finished can I leave?"
"Just put your plate into the sink. And clean your room please that's hell boy"
"I will. Mm Y/N."
"Yes Dusti?"
"Thank you. Love you" He was on his way to his room but came back and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.
"Love you too dipshit"
I cleaned the dishes and went upstairs into my room. I laid on the bed while I was reading a book; more the book Carrie.
After a while there were knocks on my door as soon as I said, "yeah come in" Dustin stood in my room.
"What would you say if we repeat our movie night?"
"I would love to but tomorrow is school again and mom will kill me if she finds out."
"One movieeeeee pleeassseeeee" he said with puppy eyes to convince me but oh duh that doesn't works.
"No Dusti. And now go and get ready." He left my room and mumbled something to himself. He's stupid.
In the morning I woke Dustin up after I made the breakfast.
"Do I have to drive you to school?"
"No. I'll drive with the bike I'll meet.." He gets disturbed through the ringing phone.
"Wait" I stand up and walked over to it.
"Henderson's?" I heard an agitated Joyce Byers.
"Will? No he isn't here. Was he not home yesterday? That's strange. Yeah maybe." I turned around to eye Dustin.
"Do you know if Will wanted to be at school earlier?" He just shakes his head and eats again.
"No Dustin doesn't know. Maybe he is. Yeah anytime. Bye" with that the call was ended and I sat down again.
"So you really don't know?"
"No Y/N. We drove until the corner like always and then I was home"
"okay Dusti if he's really at school then it's good but when he isn't go to the secretary and let her call Joyce and tell her. That's serious ok?!" He nodded. "Okay good. Should I make you lunch packet?"
"If you're asking like that, yeah please."
When I arrived at school the students walked into the buildings. Next to me a girl parked and when I turned to see her I saw Barb.
At the same time we exited the car and said our greetings.
"How was the weekend?" She asked as she arrived at my car.
"I did homework and then Steve stood in front of my door"
"he what?" She was shocked.
"Yeah he wanted to take Nancy home but she wasn't there anymore"
"Nancy was at yours? And I wasn't invited?"
"You told me you have plans that weekend when I asked you guys weeks ago" I laughed lightly.
"I thought we wanted to do a Pyjama party but obviously not. I had time Saturday"
"I'm sorry Barb we'll make it this weekend" I hugged her and throw my backpack on my shoulders.
We walked into the building as well and met Jonathan who was seeming in fear.
"Jonathan hey" we arrived at his locker and he was frightened.
"Where's Nanc?"
"With her boyfriend? I don't know. And I don't care" his voice was full of anger.
"what's wrong Jonathan" Barb asked surprised by his bad mood.
"Nothing okay? It's nothing!" He had thrown his locker closed and walked faster away from us.
"Do you know what's wrong?"
"He's a boy who's in love with someone who's in a relationship and if they make out in front of him" I pointed over to Nancy and Steve who were leaning against her locker. "I would be like that too"
"but you're" I laid my hand over her mouth.
"Don't say it okay? Only the four of us know and that it's way too much okay?" She nodded and I took my hand down.
"Good. Let's go"
I'm kind of a badass; that's what my brother always tells. Some would says I'm egotistical but I'm not I care for a few people and that's enough. I'm honest sometimes too honest if you ask me but okay.
First period was math a good way to start the week; I'm not even sarcastic. Every other girl in my math class except Barb and Nancy hate this subject but I don't know why. The four of us sat down in the middle of the class we always talked to each other or helped at some questions.
After maths I've got biology an other class i like but now my friends wouldn't be with me sadly.. I'm a bit relieved that I haven't all my subjects with them. Until the lunch I won't see them.
On the way over to the biology room I run into Steve but we didn't talked; we didn't even looked at each other.
At lunch Nancy would usually sits with us but since three months -three months ago Nancy and Steve started to date- she sits next Steve.
But this break was different.
"Dustin what are you doing here?" My brother stood in front of me with a worried expression on his face.
"It's about Will" he whispered.
"excuse me." With those words I left my friends in suspicion.
"So what's going on?"
"Will. He isn't in school"
"did you called.." our conversation was disturbed because of the speakers... more the voice in those.
"What is Hopper doing here?" Dustin and I looked at each other in confusion.
Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler and Lucas Sinclair please come to the office of the director.
As soon as his voice appeared so it was gone.
"What have you done Dustin?"
"I.. I don't even know myself. But I have to go. See you at home okay?" I nodded and he ran to the office.
As I walked back to the table my friends were everyone watched me.
"What's going on why does your brother have to go to the director?"
"I don't know but hopefully he'll tell me later what's wrong" Barb nodded. Jonathan wasn't there anymore. He had left when I talked to Dustin outside the cafeteria.
Back at home Dustin told me everything
"okay. Joyce went to Hopper this morning and now Will is called missed. So Hopper wanted to talk what we did and if Will seriously wants to run away and that we could have seen signs for that and all those stupid things. They have to search Will not to talk to anybody they have to go out there and search them. Jesus" Dustin began to grow upset some tears formed in his eyes;
I mean Will is one of his best friends and I'd feel the same if I'd be in this situation.
"Dustin. Hey, hey. Everything's okay. They'll find him" I gave him a long hug and I felt that the tears are rolling down his cheek.
"But what if not. What if Will died out there. It's all my fault."
"Why would that be you fault Dusti?"
"Because he asked if you would take me home and if you could drive him too. I should had called you to drive us. I'm so sorry"
"no Dustin. It's not your fault trust me" I gave him a kiss in the forehead.
"Do you wanna sleep in my room?" He nodded and we went upstairs.
After getting ready we laid in my bed and cuddled up.
"Don't think it's your fault okay. They'll find Will. I'll help you and the other boys. If something's wrong tell me okay. I'm here, always"
"thank you so much. I'm so happy to have you as my sister."
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Are u gonna write after tonight’s episode like u usually do? hope you focus on when link left but also after the hug thanks xx
“Because I’m not an alcoholic, I’m not in recovery…” Link continued yelling but all Amelia could focus on was how much she wanted to slap him on his very perfectly symmetrical face. As if asking him if he was drunk at 9am was such a crazy idea when he started drinking at 12pm yesterday. It wasn’t like she was shaming him or telling him how uncomfortable it really made her, she was just worried about him, more than herself. Of course she’d noticed his little guitar drinking sessions. Whiskey had been lingering on his breath for the past week every time he crawled into bed. The slamming of the front door brought her back to reality. She went to put the Whiskey back on the shelf and realized it was gone.
“Auntie ‘mels, where’s uncle Link?” Amelia turned to find Ellis standing in the doorway to the backyard and she tried to hold back some of the tears that were forming in her eyes out of frustration. “He’s gone,” She replied, realizing she hadn’t retained where he said he was going. “But he’ll be back soon.” She tried to hide the uncertainty in her eyes. “You wanna come garden?”
“Yes!” Ellis squealed.
“Alright then,” Amelia laughed lightly for her nieces sake. “Not for too long though because Scout is going to wake up from his nap soon. You go pick the bulbs and I’ll be there in a second.”
“Maybe daffodils? Or tulips?”
“Surprise me.” Amelia gushed, brushing a strand of hair out of the excited girl’s face and smiling as she took off into the backyard. She went back to the dishes she was putting into the dishwasher before her and Link’s quarrel, knocking one of them off the counter as she abruptly turned and it clattered to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. “Damn it,” she cursed, momentarily wanting to throw another one at the wall.
“Amelia.” Maggie had entered the kitchen upon hearing the noise. “You okay?” She could see that her sister was on the verge of tears.
“I’m fine,” she replied coldly, pushing past Maggie as she tried to wrap her arms around her and stormed out into the backyard. “Don’t let the kids in the kitchen, I’ll clean it up when I’m done in the garden,” she called over her shoulder. Maggie sighed, picking up the ceramic shards, of what used to be her sister’s favourite plate, before sweeping up the rest of the mess. She wondered momentarily where Link had gone and wondered briefly if he had anything to do with Amelia's abruptness. Sometimes it shocked her how little she knew the man who was raising a baby, and taking care of all of Meredith's children, with Amelia. She had no suspicion of Link being abusive, and Amelia had never seemed happier...or exhausted, but if anyone could be taken advantage of, despite being such a strong minded person, it was her. Maggie hadn’t heard the extent of the awful things that Owen had said, but if anyone needed more confirmation that she was worthy of love, it was Amelia. As Maggie gazed out into the backyard to find Ellie sitting on her auntie's lap and giggling uncontrollably, she could practically feel her blood boiling.
Amelia spent the rest of the day doing what she did every day, cleaning, feeding and worrying. This time not only about Meredith, but about her boyfriend who drove off with a 2 6 practically full of hard alcohol without a word about where he was going.
“Bailey, leave your sister alone,” Amelia called from her spot on the lawn chair. Scout was nestled into her chest sleeping and she glanced at him worriedly to make sure he was still asleep. “Bailey, we do not pull hair!” Zola had been having a hard enough day with the heavy conversation they’d had earlier that afternoon, she didn’t need Bailey yanking on her pigtails in an attempt to distract her from studying.
“But I’m bored,” Bailey whined, drawing out the end of his sentence until Amelia wanted to cover her ears.
“Why don’t you go see what Ellis is doing?” Amelia offered, lowering her voice as Scout started to stir.
“Ellis is boring,” Bailey complained. If Amelia heard that word one more time she thought she might explode. 
“We’re all bored, Bailey,” she sighed, trying to think of something her nephew could do. “Have you studied for your spelling test tomorrow?”
“So you’ll be getting ten out of ten like Zola?” She asked.
“No, ten out of ten is impossible for everyone other than Zola,” Bailey groaned.
“Okay, here’s my idea. If you can get eight out of ten, you can have an extra half hour of screen time tomorrow.”
“Really?” Bailey’s eyes lit up like a CT scan. “Wait, eight out of ten is still way too hard.” Amelia shrugged.
“Better get studying then.” 
“Fine,” Bailey grumbled. “I’ll go study.” Amelia gave him a thumbs up and tried not roll her eyes as he trudged into the house. She glanced down at Scout who was pawning for her nipple and laughed lightly before moving her tank top to the side, wishing Link could be here to laugh at their adorable boy with her.
“Hey what’s up?” She yawned, sliding open her vibrating phone to reveal Maggie’s maskless face. “You on a break?” 
“Yeah, managed to squeeze in lunch,” Maggie sighed, taking a bite of her sandwich. “It’s like the great depression over here.”
“Yeah, Winston and I are working on a case. It’s weird but we’re working well together.” 
“That’s good,” Amelia grinned, feeling better about him after their breakfast together this morning. ���He fits into Grey Sloan?”
“Yeah, looks great in the navy blue,” Maggie chuckled, her eyes darting to the door and momentarily lifting her mask to her face before setting it back down. “Have to find closets to eat in at this point,” she joked. “The cafeteria freaks me out.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Amelia shrugged, shifting Scout to the other side uncomfortably.
“Is Link back?” Maggie asked, watching her sister’s face darken.
“No,” she replied simply. “He’ll probably be soon though.”
“Are you guys okay?” Maggie blurted out. “Like are you okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Amelia replied defensively, stunned by the seriousness in Maggie’s voice.
“He’s been drinking a lot, Amelia, we all noticed it. That’s not fair to you and the plate--”
“Whoa,” Amelia interrupted her quickly. “Maggie, I’m in recovery but I’m good. I have a lot to be sober for right now so I’m...good.”
“Well, I’m happy you're so good,” Maggie replied, unconvincingly. “It doesn’t really seem respectful though. Just because you’ve been in recovery for awhile doesn’t mean anything. You can relapse after being sober for years. I’ve seen it with Richard, it’s a never ending cycle.”
“Yeah, exactly.” Amelia bit her lip, surprised by how easily Maggie seemed to understand.
“Like it’s not that I feel uncomfortable having a glass of wine around you. You’ve been to parties where everyone’s been wasted, it's just...I don’t feel comfortable leaving you with someone that’s using alcohol in the same way that you once did.”
“To turn off,” The worried sister confirmed.
“He’s getting drunk by himself in the garage, Amelia.”
“I know.” She hugged Scout tightly into her chest for support and the baby gurgled with happiness at the sudden affection from his mother.
“You guys made an amazing kid.”
“I know,” her response is teary as she glances down at the big blue eyes staring back up at her. “That’s the issue. Everything is so perfect when it comes to him, until it isn’t.”
“Meaning?” The anger in Maggie’s voice caused her to flinch.
“He’s not hitting me, Maggie,” she said softly in case the kids were eavesdropping. Her sister’s demeanour seemed to relax. “Did you honestly think that?”
“No, of course not. We all love Link. He’s perfect. I just feel like I barely know him. Like deeply, you know? He’s not an open book like you.”
“I know,” she sighed. “Sometimes I feel that way too. I have no idea where he is right now, Maggie. I’m worried,” her voice cracked almost unnoticeably.
“He’s a grown adult, Amelia,” Maggie answered with resentment. “He can at least take care of himself if he’s going to leave you alone with four kids for however long.” She glanced up at the door. “Look, I’ve got to go but I can come over tonight and we can talk.”
“It’s fine. Thanks for calling but just spend the night with Winston. You’ve been over enough.” 
“Okay, but just text me if you need anything.” Her voice was muffled as she secured her mask and ended the FaceTime.
Amelia glanced at her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time that day as she tucked the last Shepherd kid into bed.
“Where's Uncle Link?” Eliis complained, disappointed by only receiving three stories from an exhausted Amelia.
“He’ll be back soon, bug,” Amelia promised. “You have an early zoom class tomorrow so we can only read three tonight, okay?”
“Uncle Link would read me five anyways,” she whined, tears brimming in her blue eyes. 
“Come on, Ellie,” Amelia wanted to cry with her. “We had a big day.”
“I don’t want you, I want my mom. Why did you make my mom go away?” The stubborn girl complained, rubbing her puffy eyes with her fists.
“I didn’t, sweetheart. She’ll be back soon too,” she was too tired not to tell her otherwise tonight.
“Really?” Ellis asked with a small smile.
“Yep,” Amelia nodded, regretting it instantly. “Now go to bed and time will go by faster.”
“Okay,” her niece finally caved, snuggling into her polka dotted duvet. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Amelia sighed, turning off the lamp as she exited the room and breathing a sigh of relief, momentarily lingering with her back against the door.
“Hey, Link’s voice caused her to jump. “Sorry.” He handed her a steaming cup of green tea that she drank each night. What he didn’t know was that she’d been needing some sort of beverage nightly to distract her from wanting anything else.
“Thanks.” She wrapped her hands around the warm ceramic mug and tried to step away from the intoxicating smell of whiskey that he was exuding.
“Sorry it’s bad,” he apologized, running a tired hand through his hair. His eyes were rimmed with red and he looked as if he’d just staggered home from who knows where.
“Were you at a bar or...”
“I went to Deluca’s thing,” he answered messily. “With Jo, we went and it was nice. Did you--”
“Yeah, I watched most of it, you were day drinking with Jo?” It’s not that she didn’t trust them, she knew how much Jo meant to Link and she never wanted to come between that, but did she still feel the tiniest bit jealous? Absolutely.
“In her loft. They were tested like yesterday.”
“Jackson was there too.”
“Ah,” she took a sip of the tea and closed her eyes momentarily.
“You look tired,” he observed and she almost laughed at him.
“Um, yeah. They’re all a lot for one person,” she replied, gesturing to the four shut doors in the hallway.
“Maggie and Winston left?” He scratched the back of his head with confusion.
“They had work today.”
“Oh...right.” They stood together awkwardly before Amelia turned towards their bedroom.
“You need to shower and brush your teeth. I need a good sleep,” she yawned, not offering an explanation for why him reeking of hard liquor would cause her another sleepless night, since he obviously hadn’t put two and two together. “Wait is that--” She shut their bedroom door and crawled into bed before he could finish.
Link finally came to bed about a half hour later, slamming his shin against the bed frame as he stumbled into the dark room.  
“Are you okay?” Amelia’s voice rang out in the darkness.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he groaned, lowering himself cautiously onto the mattress and sliding under the covers. “Look, I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” she rolled away from him tiredly, closing her eyes.
“If you don’t want me to keep liquor in the house I won’t,” he spoke clearly into the darkness.
“Link, I don’t need you to hide liquor or drinking from me,” Amelia sighed. “If anything, I feel more uncomfortable when you do it in secret.”
“I thought that would be better for you,” he responded truthfully.
“How would you know? You didn’t ask me.” Silence hung in the air and she debated going back to sleep.
“Amelia it’s hard.”
“It’s hard for everyone, Link. You don’t get to act like you’re the only one keeping secrets or walking on eggshells or losing people right now. People are grieving and dying. That doesn’t make what we’re experiencing any less hard. I’m going crazy. But I’m not diminishing how others are feeling by shoving my problems in their faces and comparing who has it worse. It’s not a competition.”
“Okay, did Jo tell you--”
“Jo didn’t tell me shit. I don’t have time to talk to Jo or make calls about where you are. I don’t have time to be worrying about where you are or if you’re safe while trying to keep an entire household of people together.”
“I should’ve been here today.”
“Yeah,” she tried to remove any hint of emotion in her voice. “I needed you.”
“I brushed my teeth and I used that plastic thing...that makes all the bubbles.”
“You used my loofah?” She tried to hide her amusement.
“Can you just come here?” He pleaded, opening his arms and allowing her burrow herself in his neck. “I thought I was doing the right thing.”
“I know,” she sighed. “Just no more lies or we won’t make it.” He nodded, holding her closely as her breathing deepened into his chest.  
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
My Adoring Fan Chapter 5
Chapter 4
A/N: A bit of a fluffy chapter as the twins make up
As Aurelius entered the kitchen, both Azalea and Mammon turned their heads to him.
“There ya are,” Mammon says as he leans against the island counter. “Only three hours after your Ma called for you, but, hey, at least you came home.”
“You’re not going to yell at me too, are you?” He asks.
“Well, that depends. Do ya know why what ya did was wrong and do ya understand why you’re being punished for it?”
Aurelius nods. “Yes.”
“Then no, there’s nothin’ I need to say that ya probably haven’t heard from your mother already.” The oven dings and Mammon goes to pull the peppers out and places them on a plate for his son. “Here, have somethin’ ta eat before we leave.” Aurelius nods as he grabs a fork and starts eating.
“Leave?” Azalea asks as she looks between them. “Leave where?”
“Home.” The demon says as Azalea looks surprised. “What, you thought we were bluffin’ when we told you two that if you had one more spat like this that we’d be pullin’ one of ya from the house? Your Ma and I can’t keep coming over here every two or three nights to diffuse a situation between the two of ya like this because ya can’t seem ta learn ta get along. An’ since Aurelius started this by going along with Zulima’s hair-brained idea, he has to move back home until we think he’s learned his lesson.”
“So Aurelius gets punished while Zulima gets away scott-free?”
“No, of course not. Solomon was here earlier ta dish out her punishment and Uncle Asmo will be here shortly ta decide how long whatever her punishment was will last and talk with her about why this was wrong in the first place. Their startin’ to get up fed up with her actions too and this is probably your cousin’s last chance ta prove she can shape up before they pull ‘er out of the house too.”
Azalea turns to her brother with an apologetic look.
“I'll let ya have a few minutes ta talk privately and then we’ll be leaving.” The Avatar of Greed steps out since he knows his children won’t honestly speak their minds if someone is listening.
“Listen,” Aurelius says as he leans his head against Azalea’s, the black streaks in their hair pressed together. It’s a thing they’ve done ever since they we little. “I’m really sorry about this. I knew it was wrong and I still did it anyway. Are you still mad at me?”
“A little bit.” The older cambion sighed, “You didn’t send that audio clip to Max, did ya?”
“Yeah, but if it’s any consolation, she didn’t listen to it and deleted it instead. You really should tell her though. I think you’d be really happy. She definitely likes you back.”
“Why did ya do it? I feel so betrayed.”
“I told Mum that I was just bored but really it was because I was getting annoyed with Zulima talking about how much she quote-unquote ships you two and wishes you’d just get together already...”
“I get that. She can be rather persistent.” Azalea sighs. “If that’s the only reason then I guess I really can’t fault ya for it... How long are ya gonna be gone?”
“Until the end of next term. I’m grounded too for taking so long to get back here, so I’m losing my phone and I won’t get to do any photoshoots for the next three months... I’m think of quitting all together when my contract is up actually. The time off will give me a chance to really decide.”
“Majolish is gonna be really mad that they’ve lost their top model,” Azalea laughs softly. “Hey, the reason ya wanna quit is ‘cuz of that letter, right?”
“Yeah, a little bit.” Aurelius hums. “Actually, while I was running from you, I think I met the sender of that letter- well more like I plowed into her as I was running away. She didn’t seem all that crazy and claimed she didn’t know who I was but I don’t know, I got some really weird vibes so I think she was lying.”
“Hey, I just thought of this but doesn’t that girl who hounded you to start a relationship with her reside at the House of Sorrow? Maybe she’s the one who sent that letter so she wouldn’t have any competition for your attention.”
“I didn’t think of that. It would make sense, actually. “Do you think I should write her back and say I know it was her? See if it was really her and give her a chance to come clean?”
“Why don’t ya do it at school? We’re all bound to have classes with her at some point in the day so being able to get her alone and there be no chance for interference sounds like the perfect opportunity. What’s her name? Is she pretty?”
“She introduced herself as Persephone- you know like that greek myth and yeah she is. Funnily enough, she looks a lot like that idol that Henry was crying about earlier. Her hair and eye color are the same shade of grey as that idol’s.”
“That’s really interesting, actually. When I was talking with Henry earlier, I proposed the idea that maybe she was taking a break to enjoy a normal teen life so I wonder if I was right. Maybe this is something you could actually pursue as far as a relationship goes... If she is that idol then she wouldn’t be interested in dating you for our family’s prestige, fame, or money since she has plenty of her own to begin with. I know you’re lonely just like I’m lonely.”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” Aurelius pulled back. “I do want to find a mate eventually, but I also just want to survive RAD first before I start looking. It would be nice to have someone that looks at us in the same way Dad looks at Mum- with nothing but love and adoration but not a lot of demons really like us. They mostly just tolerate our existence.”
“You’ll get that eventually.” Azalea smiled. “I mean I got my person so you should too sooner or later, right?”
“Yeah, we-”
“Aurelius, what’s with this letter you have?” Arella asks as she enters the kitchen. “This really worries me, Sweetheart.”
“I got that today actually and I think I know who sent it, but also I’m starting to suspect she wasn’t actually the one who sent it. I’m going to meet with her at school to clear the air over it.”
“I don’t think that’s a very safe idea, Aurelius. From the verbiage in this letter, she could be stalking you. I know from experience with Dad and Uncle Asmo that people like this will do anything to ensure they're the only ones who have your attention.”
“I promise I’ll be safe, Mum. But I have to find out for sure if it’s her or....” the teen trails off and Arella doesn’t like the sound of that.
“Aurelius, has a classmate been harassing you, Darling?”
“Yeah... I didn’t want to tell you and Dad because I didn’t want to worry you guys... it’s been a thing for a while. You would think after rejecting her for the thousandth time, she would get the hint...”
“What’s been a thing?” Mammon asks as he pops his head in the doorway. “C’mon, Buddy, let’s go home.
“Our son is being harassed by one of his classmates and he didn’t want to tell us for fear of worrying us. Also, he received this rather alarming letter today in the post.”
“What? Lemme see that thing.” He takes the piece of paper in his hands and scans it over, eyebrows raising in alarm. “Aurelius this is not okay.  Is this the person whose been botherin’ ya?”
“Maybe...? I can’t really be sure. The implied sender isn’t the person whose been bothering me at school rather a girl that just transferred to RAD but I think it might have been forged by that person so I would avoid the sender at all costs. I want to meet her and confirm whether or not it’s really her.”
“You absolutely will not be doin’ that.”
“Dad I-”
“I said no. Aurelius, ya have no idea how dangerous people like this really are. I’ve had someone like this threaten your mother’s life multiple times back when we had first started officially datin’. Even Uncle Asmo got the same thing when he and Solomon went public with their relationship and other demons found out they had a kid together. I think combined, your uncle and I got close ta a thousand of these types of letters. It got so out of hand that at one point Uncle Lucifer had to step in and deal with it for us. This spells out nothing but trouble for ya and I don’t want ya getting' hurt by some nutcase that has a few bolts loose in the head.”
“Dad, you’re overreact-”
“No, I’m not, you’re not doing this and that’s final. I still have every single one of those letters and I’ll let ya read the worst ones to show ya just how dangerous something like this can get. Believe me when I tell ya this is not something ya want to deal with. And I’m warning you right now. If you get another one of these types of letters, I’m pulling ya out of modeling until you’re at least 1700 years old.”
“But what about my contract? Won’t I get penalized for breaking it?”
“We had a clause put in the fine print that if your father and I felt you were unsafe or were not benefitting from it emotionally or physically for any reason during the term of your contracts, that we had the right to terminate them at any point in time for your safety.” Arella explained.
The teen only sighs. He knows he should listen to his father but there’s something nagging him at the back of his mind. “Alright, I won’t do it.”
“Thank you.” Arella let out a relieved sigh. “We should get going now. It’s late enough as it is and your father and I both have to work in the morning. Give your sister a hug if you wish.”
The twins nodded as they moved to give each other a hug.
“See ya at school, I guess.” Azalea sighed. “Sorry I got ya booted back home.”
“It’s fine. This wouldn’t be happening if I hadn’t started it. Love you.”
“Love you too.” They let each other go and Aurelius headed off with their mother after Azalea gave her a hug goodbye.
“Are ya good ta go back down the stairs in your room without sliding down the railing? Your room is messy and I don’t want ya tripping and hurting yourself over a pile of books. Ask your cousin to help ya clean it tomorrow.”
“I think so. If I need it, I’ll just guilt Zulima inta helping me. She owes me after that trick she organized.”
“Okay,” the demon chuckles as he pulled his daughter into a hug. “I’ll come back ta check on you when I get back from the fourth layer with your brother. Make sure you use that cane, please. It’ll only benefit you, kiddo. I love you.”
She nodded as she let her father go. “Love you too. See ya then...” Azalea watched them go before going to put the plates in the sink and climbing the stairs. She stopped at Max’s doors and knocked, knowing it was about the time she’d be getting ready to bed. When she heard a soft ‘come in’, Azalea pushed opened the door.
“Hey...” She says as she walked in and closed the door. “We should talk...”
find more on my masterlist
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch5: Diners Demons & Disasters
Note: Here's the Master List for the full story. I recommend reading my stuff on my actual Blog if you enjoy OM! official music! Thank you so much for the support. Please let me hear from you in the comment section. I wanna talk OM!
Warnings: Language...for now.
When they arrived at Hell’s kitchen, folks cleared out of the Avatar of Gluttony’s way. Lena barely caught on to the many eyes drawn their way. She was famished and excited for her first dining-out experience in the Devildom.
“Your usual table is read-” Beel whizzed past the waiter, “-y.”
“Uhm, thank you…” Lena awkwardly nodded and quickly followed after the giant. She was afraid of not getting to eat anything on the account that he would clean them out of everything. That’s what Leviathan and Satan had warned them about earlier when they were shopping for room decor.
Speaking of the dev….you know, Satan and Mammon entered the place, causing the rest of the customers to flinch and stare with panic at their state. The blonde had caught a hold of his older brother’s jacket collar and was leading him, in his disheveled glory, to the waiter. There were many words exchanged. And soon, the owner of the establishment arrived with the check they were both after.
The rest of the group had managed to meet up with the more excited ones, filing in quietly, like normal customers. “There you are…” Simeon said, being the first to spot Lena and Beel. She was peeking over at his menu, asking questions about the ingredients.
“Was it really necessary to make a mad dash like that Lena? You’re making us look bad…” Zak looked embarrassed.
Lilly chuckled as she took her usual seat across from Lena. “If you’re worried about images that way, you picked the wrong crowd to hang with.”
“She’s right! These demon brothers are always causing scenes. Usually it’s over being selfish!” Luke added. The little pup took a liking to Zak after some demon started teasing him in the hallway, on the way to their next class. Simeon was busy talking with Solomon and Satan about their homework, so Zak was the only one around to aid him.
When everyone was seated, drinks were served. The group's banter filled the establishment and it felt like a cozy pub in an RPG, as Lena described to Leviathan sitting to her right. The group ordered so much, the owner had to start turning away other patrons.Then walked in the trio. You know, only the most intimidating demons in all of the Devildom.
“Wow! Fancy meeting all of you here!” Lord Diavolo boasted.
Lucifer gave a long sigh and glared at him with the response, “You knew they were all going to be here didn’t you? That’s why you were so insistent on it.”
Both Diavolo and Barbatos deflected Lucifer’s words and began to take a seat at the adjacent table from the large group. Grumpy joined them and the waiter rushed promptly to get their orders. The poor young demon looked so nervous, and who could blame him?
The saying “Time flies by when you’re having fun” was no joke. This band of misfits: demons, humans, angels, and nephilim were having a blast! There were many jokes at one another’s expense, slight bickering, questions about each others’ worlds. It was the exact thing that the exchange program was about. Then came the food.
One waiter brought an actual pyramid of burgers to Beelzebub; his personal platter. Another waiter was in charge of drink refills. It was quite a mess with everyone together; Save for Luke, Lilly, and Lena the rest were freaking giants. It was hard getting food passed around to the 14 people and 1 Beel.
The previously mentioned nervous waiter was now carrying a serving tray towards the Big Three’s table. Just as he made it in front of him, Mammon quickly scooted back without looking as he yelled at Satan about his check again.
The back of the chair smacked right into the poor, unfortunate waiter. It caused him to lose balance and the tray to teeter out of his hands. It was a scene shot in slow-mo like many movies: The plates left the tray, Lucifer’s eyes were so wide, and Diavolo was caught totally off guard.
Before the food could splatter all over the prince, Lena rushed to catch everything. Her secret ability was revealed in an instant: She was fast like a comic hero. But unlike them, she wasn’t the most agile. She did manage to get the tray and get the plates back on, but she stumbled backwards, slipping on Mammon’s dropped napkin.
Her eyes were squinted shut as she braced for impact. It felt...odd. She definitely landed, but there was no hard, cold floor. No broken glass sounds. In fact she knew she still had the tray of food in her head.
When she opened her eyes, Lena saw Diavolo towering over her at an odd angle. The whole place was silent enough to hear a pin needle drop. What the fu…
“Are you okay Lena?” The prince asked.
“I don’t know if I’m being honest with you…” she looked around to see her whole table just gawking at her dumbfoundedly.
Next she took in Lucifer’s bewildered expression, followed by Barbatos. Though, he of course remained the most neutral. What’s the deal?
Then it hit her. Diavolo’s angle. He was over her. No, he was embracing her! The giant of a man had caught her just as quickly as she had caught the food from falling on him. Their current position was probably the reason why everyone was quiet. Well that, and the fact everything happened in a nanosecond.
No, Lena and Diavolo looked like they had just danced one wild tango number and ended on a dramatic dip. It was hot. Or would have been without the fucking tray of burgers and fries. Sorry, DEMON burgers and fries. For someone as stark white as she was, Lena turned red like a lobster. Diavolo even had a tiny blush that only she could see from her proximity.
“MAAAMMMOOOOOOOONNN!!!” Lucifer closed the silence with his deep, booming voice. Everyone either laughed, took pictures, or hid their faces in embarrassment as the eldest brothers made a wild game of “TAG! You’re Fucking Dead!!!”
It was a good thing too. Well, not for Mammon of course. In that moment, Barbatos assisted Lena, by taking the tray. Diavolo raised her carefully to stand back onto her feet.
“Thank you, for saving dinner and my uniform.” Diavolo chuckled.
Lena gave a sheepish smile, “And thank you for saving my uniform, and the bill for the table I would have broken.”
The rest of dinner went off without a hitch. They laughed at the pictures they managed to capture. Lilly questioned Lena about what happened and she explained to everyone that nephilim are extremely fast. They also each had an ability unique to themselves. Though she and her brothers teased the rest of the group by not telling them what those abilities were.
“Well, it looks like both Lucifer and Mammon aren’t coming back,” Azri said, taking Lucifer’s seat. He was tired of having a sleeping Belphegor trying to use his shoulder as a pillow to drool on. “I’ll box his up for one of them to take back.”
“That’s generous of you.” Barbatos replied, giving a small hint of a smile.
Azri chuckled, “It is, especially after hearing that he put my darling sister in a filthy attic with no amenities…” That didn’t go past big brother Azri. “If I may, can I skip class tomorrow in order to fix things up for her?”
Barbatos and Diavolo exchanged looks before glancing over at Lena, who had moved seats to take funny pictures with and of the sleeping Belphegor.
“I know you’re wondering why I don’t just let her do it.” Azri continued, “Something happened with her not long before she finally agreed to come here. Obviously we’re a year late to the program. I don’t want to dish out her personal stuff, but I want to do something nice for her.” He finished packing Lucifer’s dinner and added, “I also can’t stand the thought of her sleeping in a room filled with cobwebs! And I know she will do a half-ass job at cleaning it herself!”
That made Diavolo chuckle and he compared the eldest nephilim to Barbatos.
“I am not that bad, Lord Diavolo. It’s my job to ensure you're catered to and well taken care of. A prince can’t live in dirty quarters…” Barbatos responded. Although he held a smile, Azriel could see the fury in his eyes. It made him chuckle.
“Le, stop that! You’ll get in trouble….again!” Zak scolded, though unable to keep from laughing. Lena was holding her phone so it looked like she was petting Belphegor’s head like a puppy while he slept.
“He looks so cute though!!!” she stuck her tongue out at her brother.
Luke sighed, “It seems that you’re as bad as Asmo…”
“I wonder…” Asmo replied teasingly, before winking and giving Lena a kissy face from across the table. She chuckled and playfully returned the kiss.
“What does that even mean?” Luke asked innocently. It caught Zak off guard. He wasn’t used to being around innocent kiddos like him. Simeon intervened, however, much to the nephilim’s relief. He wasn’t sure why the kid followed him around so much.
When the group was finished with their meal, Diavolo picked up the check. He and Barbatos headed out first because they had a busy schedule ahead of them the next day. “Good night everyone!” he chuckled and waved.Several of them returned the wave and thanked him. Lena couldn’t help but blush a little when their eyes met briefly.
“Mmmh-hmmm, I saw that.” Lilly whispered, giving a mischievous grin at the nephilim.
Lena shot the human a look, “What are you even talking about?”
“Oh I saw it too Lilly. I feel a little jealous now.” Asmodeus joined in. He puffed out his bottom lip, fake pouting at Lena.
“Oh fuck off. The both of you…” she grumbled, still blushing.
The group eventually had to split off into those who would go to Purgatory Hall and those that resided in The House of Lamentation. Before they did, Zak hugged Lena and told her good night. Azriel did the same, but revealed something that annoyed her.
“Lilly, let me crash on your sofa tonight please.” She gritted as they entered the house.
Asmo pouted, “But why Darling? I thought you liked snuggling with me…”
Lena sighed and nodded, “I actually do, Asmo. It’s just that I don’t want your pretty room to be engulfed in flames in the morning…”
The group stared at the nephilim with shock and worry. Well, Belphegor didn’t because he was passed-out and being carried off to bed by a sulking Beel, who wasn’t full.
“Azri got permission to skip school tomorrow in order to remodel my bedroom.” Lena sighed, “It is absolutely sweet of him, but anything design-related...well you saw him shopping today. He goes fucking nuts. I bet he will rush in before sunrise to start.”
Lilly scratched her head. “And what about the flames?”
“Well, we’ve not known each other long enough for him to feel it appropriate that I share a bed with someone in this house...even though it’s clearly none of his fucking business. I’m a grown ass woman.”
“Yeah you are!” Lilly chimed.
“If it’s none of his business, then why the concern?” It was Satan who asked this time.
“He’s already going to be in his weird-ass mood, so the shock and insinuation would cause him to snap. It’s happened more times than I can count.” Lena sulked and shook her head.
“OOOH! So then maybe Azriel’s unique ability is pyrokinetics then?” Leviathan asked with excitement, “Like El Lumino from the Revengers comic! He gets mad and accidentally burns things like Mrs. Magnificent hover jet in The New Revengers Vol 13, issue 42: El Lumino’s Ultra Bad Day!”
Lena hesitated, but eventually nodded. “Yeah. That’s like him alright. Now, don’t get me wrong. He is progressive. He’s a chill brother, who is the most responsible one of us. It’s just when “Crazy Azri” comes out, he is too unpredictable to take any chances. If ‘overprotective brother mode’ is activated, all bets are off.” It was really embarrassing.
“He did look pretty intense back at Majolish.” Lilly nodded, remembering his trance. “But then again, I recall someone else acting like a total zombie…” She and the brothers laughed at Lena.
“Ha ha. Very funny...oh wait! The clothes!!!!” Lena zoomed up the stairs. To the others, she simply blinked out of existence.
“She’s...gone?” Satan pondered.
“Don’t underestimate the power of fashion, Satan.” Asmo chuckled, “She’s probably swimming through all of those bags in her room…”
The brothers decided to all split up for the night, returning to their own rooms. Each one of them had a small bag from Majolish hanging on their door knobs; a gift from Lena for “putting up with her during the exchange program”. They each had a tie that matched their aesthetic. Of course Satan’s was a bow tie and Asmo had a pretty Lolita-style cravat.
Lilly took both Lucifer’s and Mammon’s dinners to their rooms. Neither one had made it back, which meant it might be a couple of days before they’d get to see Mammon again. Ouch!
When she went to her room, she found Lena sitting on her couch in her pajamas with a new pillow and Hell-o Kitty blanket she’d bought on that landmark shopping trip. She had a slightly revealing tank with a skull made out of flowers and booty shorts on. Lilly bit her lip and marched straight to her bed. Why?! She asked herself. Well, they were in hell and this had to be her personal torture lingering around her room in sexy nightwear. Well anything would look sexy on Lena.
((Heatha here with smexy news. Next week’s chapter will have our first bit-o-smut ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)))
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