#idk but MAIN POINT is that im just in a really hateful like mood
In a hateful mood rn??? idk why though stares at the people who LIVE IN MY HOSUE
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leonsleftbicep · 6 months
II Heat Cycle - pt:2 kinda?
this has been marinating for a bit and I've been in a big writing mood recently. so, enjoy.
pt1: here
word count: 930
cw/tw: heat cycles, emetophobia, crying, the vessels aren't really human, polyvessels, they/them for III, it/its/they/them for Vessel, fluff? hurt/comfort? idk hes just in pain ig.
first bit is me trying to understand how im going to write about this
They all knew II hated his heat. To the point that when he first transformed into a Vessel, he cried all those first days. He didn't let anyone touch him but Vessel. he would cry and cry, not listening to any of them for help. just falling into the idea that he will just cry it away, till he passes out from exertion.
IV the day before immediately knew what was coming, and from the past years of being with all of them. He knew he needed to start making II's nest. IV made sure the fairy lights work, and planned on taking II out to get him his favorite foods. 
III made sure they had a wide array of pain meds and herbal remedies for some of the heat symptoms. hoping that this time IV or them will actually be able to help, but they knew it was a slim chance with how newly turned IV was.
II was in a pre-heat-haze. not knowing he had less than 24 hours till he would be in that excruciating pain and discomfort. He did his normal work around the house, with a slight shake here and there. went out to the shops with IV because he wanted to pick up some of II’s favorite foods and drinks. Which II didn’t even think as suspicious with the fact that he almost seems too laid back today.
III had dinner cooked, and welcomed II with a big hug when he and IV came home. Vessel met them all in the kitchen; they all didn’t like having a dining room and enjoyed standing and eating, more than sitting and getting fidgety.
Vessel volunteered itself to sleep in II’s bed while IV and III took to the main room.
It wasn't long after II and Vessel woke up when II started to whine and shiver. his tail curled around his thighs to keep them closed, as he cuddled up to Vessel. “hurts” II groans his skin damp already, his brows furrowed as he starts to weep.
Vessel instinctively texted III a simple text of “meds now” before they kissed II's forehead and held him. the strong pheromones making vessel purr absentmindedly. vessel pulled up II’s hair in a bun; knowing he most of the time had to vomit an hour or so after taking the herbs. II usually feels better after that.
III walked in quickly with a wooden shot glass of their usual herbal remedy, that III knew would have to be made again. a bit differently an hour or so after seeing II’s state after the first dose. III let out a huff as their tail flicked from the pheromones. III leaves the room after kissing II’s forehead and petting his hair. Which made II groan as more tears flowed down his cheeks.
after II drank the medicine he was sated for at least thirty minutes, before he scurried out of bed to the bathroom. Beginning to hurl up his dinner from last night. The studio was connected to the room II had to stay in, by a bathroom. which allowed IV hear the sound of II losing his dinner which made him worried.
he opened the door and was hit with a waft of pheromones, “II.. you smell, really good” he said incredibly surprised. II’s head was just in the toilet as he finally calmed down his stomach, “Ivy, I love you. but this isn’t the best time” II says as he sniffles a bit. 
Vessel walks in and sits next to II on the floor, Vessel rubs at II’s back to calm him a bit “IV, you need to stay in the other room, you don’t have a tolerance yet” Vessel huffs out as IV sits down in the doorway. 
“But I want to help. maybe being around him while he's like, This. Will help my tolerance.” IV states as he watches II wipe away tears and his mouth off with some tissue. Vessel and II sit and think for a moment, exchanging a long glance “it might work, that's kinda what we did with III” vessel says as he rubs II’s hips. II just wipes his tears again “i need IVy and III” II says in a pitiful manner. his strong stoic demeanor ripped away to expose a soft and sensitive interior of a man in pain. “love, i.. i don't know if we ca-“ Vessel was cut off " I can be good. I can support II and not get handsy. He Needs Me.” IV say’s defensively. Vessel shut his mouth and nodded. 
IV picks up II after he was finished in the bathroom. the three of them make their way to the main bedroom where III already sat in a hoodie and shorts. “oh?” III breathes as they sees all three of them. “Ivy made the decision that he needs to build up a tolerance, and II said he wants all of us” Vessel explains, it is also worried about all of this. IV sets II in bed where he immediately cuddles up to III like a needy cat. the pheromones were getting increasingly prominent, which was affecting IV but he was not going to show it. 
Once all cuddled up to them, II relaxes as Vessel lays on top of him and he has III and IV on either side of him. Both III and IV have their faces in II’s neck just so they can enjoy the lovely scent of his pheromones. they all start to purr as they start to fall asleep.
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
heyyyy!!! i saw that you changed ur theme. just wanted to first of all say i loveeeee that shade of green omg. its so cool.
anyway also that ask you sent about reading kiss her once for me- ahhh. im stoked ur reading it!! ellie is such a loser and yeah. i need a jane su/jack (i forget her last name atm whoops) in my life. mostly jane aughhhh... sorry im noooot here to gush abt ols HOWEVER. i get it. 100%. idk i just like- loved them. they were cute and ughhh.
u got any updates w reading???
i just got done reading delilah green doesnt care and tbh. its not a rec from me. im gonna keep my thoughts to a minimum but it felt very bland and like a whole nothing burger with such a... paper thin character veil. i didnt care about the cast at all???? especially not the ship. i did like iris and astrid but damn it just was low key boring??? the sex scenes werent even hot 👎. like okay so not gonna rip on it TOO hard but it's got a cute cover but i didnt find it to be rec worthy nor is it even comparable to any of my other favs. it was mindless, but executed in a way that felt underwhelming. like a different book i read- mistakes were made. which is by an author you recommended a book from. thats a whole nother argument i had formed but that one wasn't good either 😭. sorry but that one suffered from the opposite problem of too much sex and the plot just WASNT compelling. also the characters were awful?? at least the daughter. i hate that she was written as some spoiled child when she was legitimatly a college student. anyway NOT recs. but im indeed interested in giving both of their other books a try??
anyway i really REALLY want to try this one eventually. it looks really good but my libby doesnt have ittttt :(
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uhhh another thing is-
i ask of you now- to make a decision on which i start first since you recommended them both to me in that long ask. (thats mainly why im sending this lol i could go either way but would like ur silly input on to choose which path to take first.)
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as for the ask you sent earlierrrrr- i might dm u later w a bunch of rambles bc im not gonna publicly ramble in case they ever find this acc but watch out!! i can yap. :3
anyway thats all!!
Oh that sucks about Delilah green doesn’t care. I think that was on my list but I hadn’t started it yet. But I trust your judgment so I’ll prolly take it off
By an author I recced or one of the books I recced? Just curiosu. If it’s an author I recced I’ll make a mental note not to read any more of them
I’ve read til the point they arrived at the mansion and she met boozy in kiss her once for me I’m easily distracted but I will read more soon! I have a bunch of stuff I have to do for uni so it might be a sec. But I will read more I do really like it
ughhhhh the falling in love montage is so. Aughhhh. I love that book. It sucks your library doesn’t have it I read it on Libby so that’s weird. I wish you luck in finding it tho it’s so good
Oh this is hard okay. So something to talk about is very angsty? Like I read it and was yelling at the characters the whole time to stop being stupid. But if you relate to feeling like a predatory lesbian (I do 🙌) then this book will hit. I ultimately really liked it and thought the angst and buildup was worth it
I also really like never ever getting back together it’s pretty fluffy and cute and makes fun of the bachelor type shows which I thoroughly enjoyed cause I watch those shows (guilty pleasure) and it’s dual perspective which I always be eating up. One of the main characters acts like an idiot for a while but then it gets really cute. And it’s not too sex heavy afaik. Neither is something to talk about except for the very ending
Both are good I can’t really recommend you one over the other, so I will just say are you in a more angsty mood or a more fluffy mood
That’s fine lmao that’s why I added the disclaimer of answer in an ask or a dm. I just hate saying you can dm me cause liek. The implications
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thatgirlwithasquid · 1 year
tag game: stranger things edition 👻
tagged by @ratbastardbilly and @intothedysphoria (ty guys xx)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): CUNNINGWAY!!! They’re my girls. Chrissy and Heather my beloveds. I have never been so hyped for a ship before and this is the first time I’ve put this much effort into one, but if I don’t advocate for this rarepair then who will? (the answer is bambi. bambi will. but whatever, you get the point)
2. most annoying ship: there isn’t really a ship i find WHOLLY annoying. stancy maybe. i also think jancy and mileven have ran their course and jopper gives me a lil bit of the ick. obvi no hate to the ships or those that ship it!!
3. second favourite ship: ima have to say harringrove, but there are others i like a lot too!!
4. favourite platonic relationship: heather, chrissy & billy. the chaos trio. more should be done with them <3
5. underrated ship: there are so many!! argyle/chrissy (which i am lovingly referring to as pompompinapple, just try and stop me)? byergrove (billy/jonathan)? calicheer (billy/chrissy)??? how can i possibly choose????
6. overrated ship: uhhhh this feels dangerous. but steddie. dont get me wrong, i love this ship, but the boom in works for them was INSANE cause i dont think they have TOO MUCH chemistry in canon (tho there 100% is a good bit and it makes sense)
7. one thing i would change in canon: the blatant lack of care the main cast have for characters outside their group. no empathy for billy, barely anyone looking into heather, characters dying that no one mentions again…
8. something canon did right: I really liked steve and dustin’s dynamic. like, a LOT. they cocked it up a bit in s4 for the sake of ‘haha, dumb steve’ but yeah. theyre sweet :)
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: my sideblog @poolsidepanic . i know that its a niche ship but i hope i help other people who love them as much as me actually be able to enjoy their ship and not just… be disappointed when they come up empty handed. the art and little fics and such i make over there make me so happy <3
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldnt change a thing): heather. sassy, bitchy, yet kindhearted lifeguard? yes. the only thing id change is the DISSERVICE THE DUFFERS GAVE HER WHEN THEY KILLED HER AND IGNORED HER EXISTENCE.
11. the character i relate most to the most and why: steve. just how he responds to the offhanded comments the people he cares about make to him, that they never seem to realise hurt.
12. character i hate most and why: neil, karen, brenner. no explanation needed
13. something ive learned from the fandom: idk. ive always wanted to be a positive person but seeing some of the toxicity in the fandom has made me really want to keep my little blog as positive and safe as i can for everyone. some things we see SUCK but if i can make someones day a lil better id like to? so not really a learn but an encouragement to be nicer wherever i can
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i dont read a lot of st fanfiction, actually. i havent been in the mood for it for AGES!! but in general im a slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst kind of person. i love the occasional, agonising right person not enough time or some character bashing for the sake of compelling suffering (if done right!!!)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: ooooh fun!!! ‘Groan’, ‘Wet’ and ‘Maggot’ by Dazey and the Scouts are so Billy. ‘Drunk Walk Home’ by Mitski gives me Chrissy vibes, and ‘Maggot’ again for her tbh (billy and chrissy, my sad beloved blorbos). there arent any songs i associate with cunningway yet tho 😔
tagging: @bigdumbbambieyes @hargrove-mayfields @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow @every-dayiwakeup and anyone else interested in sharing :)
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princemonday · 1 year
runext finale thoughts:
weird asf group name and weird asf lineup. like idk why two of them are there but im not gonna send them hate and if they have good music ill still stream even though my faves didnt all make it. yk like a normal person would 🤷🏻‍♀️
so when i heard that korean votes would be used for the top two i knew exactly what hybe was up to. they wanted wonhee to debut. it probably would have been way closer...maybe fourth or fifth place if they used international votes and they didnt want to risk it. whether they meant to make jiwoo collateral or not is up for debate though.
i really think the judges just didnt like jiwoo bc what the fuck. i think hybe (and, consequently, the judges) knew who would be top two if they made the finale votes mostly korean and in doing so planned for the other four to not be jiwoo.
so i kinda predicted jiwoo falling out but jeemin? wow. i didnt expect that. she was never in my picks but she seemed to have that factor. i thought she and youngseo would be top two with youngseo being first and when i found out about korean voting, i assumed jeemin would take yunah or moka's spot. i cant even begin to theorize how that didnt happen.
iroha and wonhee were the judges favorites. this was clear as day. iroha was very much favored by the judges. she got second place on her team in given and taken and third overall after the bang! performance (stages where she made mistakes.) i think irohas personality is very charming and if theres no jeemin or jihyun we need a main dancer like her but shes still very young to me and her vocals arent very developed (see money and shut down performances.) wonhee is honestly a topic i dont want to discuss again but since im going over all the winners heres my opinion plainly:
shes too young. she trained the least out of everyone. she has a constant lost duck expression. she (like ena) had the potential to train some more and become a banger main vocalist (her tone is very pretty.) she fumbled the fearless performance. she ate the ssfwl and feel special performances up (showing her rapid growth.) her debut definitely robbed jeemin and jiwoo but the hate for her is absolutely disgusting. thats all.
youngseo....yeah i mean whos surprised? not really much to say other than good for her. i guess i dont like her voice but that doesnt mean its bad. she deserves it even though she was never in my picks. i will say though that she has tsuki syndrome. which ive classified as having very intense charisma and facial expressions so everyone thinks youre the perfect example of stage presence. over the top expressions doesnt mean talented idol. of course youngseo is talented also but if i had to point to the contestant with the best stage presence and expressions it would be jeemin no doubt. (neither of these girls were ever in my picks so im being v unbiased here)
moka....will rule the world. so proud of her. eat sleep moka.
yunah being sixth is wild. i think they just did that for shock value. shes the mood maker yall. live laugh yunah.
lastly minju....again good for her. very versatile and professional. her vocal tone is the most unique in the show and if they don't have jiwoo they'll need a stand out vocalist like her. (still hate that she had the entire i dont care performance while hyewon had like 3 lines even with voicing her uncertainty but we move on)
heres what my lineup out of the final 10 wouldve been vs my predictions vs what happened
my ideal lineup (in order from first to sixth place)
jiwoo, yunah, moka, jeongeun, minju, iroha
my predictions for the final lineup:
youngseo, jeemin, minju, wonhee, jiwoo, and moka or yunah (without korean popularity vote. with it jeemin and wonhee would switch places)
the final lineup:
wonhee, youngseo, minju, iroha, moka, yunah
really hope to see the other girls in other projects soon. esp jiwoo. justice 4 jiwoo. ill make another post going over my thoughts of the eliminated contestants soon </3
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cryptidfuckery · 2 years
Do you plan/write a story in chronological order or just put it down as it comes to you? Trying to figure out how far afield the latter puts me, even if there’s not a “right” way to do it.
hi heres some completely unrequested writing tips sorry for the long post :) i misread the ask before i started writing so. yeah. in short i don't write chronologically, except when I'm writing the beginning?
the first scene i wrote for this is literally the rising climax of the story. i had no idea what I wanted to do with it from there but it just kept evolving until now I'm writing a whole year spanned over 20 chapter fic.
When I started this one (mind you i havent written in like 7 years) I just wrote what came to me, what ideas made me excited. Basically whatever was bringing me joy to write, whatever was fun to expand it into. Purely self indulgent for myself to reread over and over and over, no real plan to post it.
Then I got the brainworm about it and couldn't stop thinking about it and I knocked out over 20k in a month which was. Also due to me being massively depressed and distracting myself.
But in this time I got a sketch book and started planning out a bigger story, something to compliment the original idea and inspiration while also giving a satisfying story between the characters (also figuring out overarching plot, drew out a plot mountain at one point to see where I was lacking, jotting down ideas just to get them down so I could let them simmer in the back of my mind, jotting down phrases or ideas for dialouge, etc) basically just. playing in the space and seeing what ended up feeling most satisfying as a whole story
WOOF OKAY THERES MORE im so sorry you caught me at 1am and im high
Once I got the overall idea of what I wanted to do, I started mapping out chapters, but mostly getting a rough idea of where i wanted things to go in the story. I am being VERY diligent to remember that this is all mutable and nothing is set in stone and its MORE FUN that way
At this point I'm still just writing whats enjoyable and coming to me naturally. Once I started solidifying more of the plot and ideas I started working on some of the parts that just needed to be done re: the very beginning. And i fucking hate the very very beginning right now i cant wait to rewrite it but i am NOT LETTING MYSELF DO THAT.
DO NOT GO BACK AND EDIT SIGNIFIGANTLY. If you catch yourself rereading it and adjusting a few things, fine. But if you find any major inconsistencies either make a mental note or leave a comment or something and then just leave it. It'll be there to fix later. It doesn't matter. Leave a fuckin [insert name of kitchen utensil here] if you don't remember. Who cares. It's your first draft.
OKAY now onto how I've been writing the scenes that don't come as naturally to me
I let the scene simmer for a while in my brain. I entertain different ideas and approaches and jot down anything that feels right. Usually for me I'll get a clear line of dialogue or interaction that feels like a good creative starting point
2. I listen to music when I write bc I have adhd, but im curious to know if this would work for other people too! I have a playlist I curated for the fic that I have listened to. A lot. A lot. Like a Lot. Like most mornings on my way to work. this 1) helps me play in my head with the blorbos and 2) gives me a good emotional basis to bounce ideas off of if I'm stumped on a scene.
I literally just gave my friend @docninj this advice. Pick a song that represents the emotion you're trying to convey in the scene youre trying to write. Could be overall emotion, emotion of the narrator, main character's emotions, whatever. Then play that song on repeat until you don't really hear it anymore. Then try writing. I'll also switch songs if the mood of the scene changes. For me it helps me bounce the emotions I'm trying to write off of something that represents it? god dude idk.
god that was a lot idk why i wrote all of it but hey if it helps someone what the hell.
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
hi guys dont mind me being insane again
im not tagging this too much cus its more of a personal ramble cus idk im feelin silly today and the BPD hits too hard. i wont be explainin what BPD is either so if u dont know either look it up or ignore this post,,
man i. have you ever loved someone so much you cry? /pos
like man i. its not romantic, may i clarify. most of my fps, except for my main one, are platonic. one of them is familial even
but i just. i feel like such a parasocial freako but i genuinly feel so intensely. its so positive too. if you ignore the crippling paranoia i always have abt my fps hating me or me being so intense they get uncomfortable...
but i just??? im not. normal about them.
i dont wanna sound creepy but they make my world so much better. id take a bullet from them. if give anything for them to be alright. i genuinly just REALLY enjoy their company and knowing theyre having fun with me aswell. knowing they enjoy me as a person. that im not a nuisance for the people i love the most.
and gosh i really hope they dont see this. i would feel so ashamed and embarassed if they did.
luckly i have better ways of copying with distress, attachment issues, jealousy, possesiveness, and all that other FUN (not) stuff that comes with BPD or rather specifically having an fp. A nice trustworthy psychologist (if u can afford it) does wonders to you, let me tell you.
its still hard sometimes but ive learnt to deal with it in ways that arent destructive to my relationships with those around me. i can cool down and such instead of lashing out or splitting for the most minimal things.
but now. for whatever reason. i went on a huge "positive" ramble instead. it was meant to be appreciation at the time, and still is, but i feel like its something that couldve scared them off. i showed some stuff to irl friends and online family, and everyone said theyd feel very appreciated if someone told them that stuff, but i cant help but feel is because they're my loved ones also and stuff. i really. really feel like i was too intense. i suck at showing affection in a normal way, a calm way, subtle way, like a normal person.
at this point i think. sigh i think its better if i just say nice things anonymously. i think if people, in general, not only my fps. but if people dont know affection comes from me they'll take it so much better than if they know its *me* in particular. and idk why! its just my brain being stupid again.
brains love doing that, dont they? being stupid. telling you everyone hates you oh so much no matter what you do. that theyre lying behind your back, and hate you in secret, theyre just being polite and allat.
well let me tell you, dear reader, whoever the fuck might read this, specially if its from the bpd tags: thats not true. sure, there might be assholes out there, but those people you think hate you despite how close you are, most likely dont. and i cant even get this through my own head but my sister repeats it to me all the time. "[name] talks so nicely about you and seems so happy seeing you". even then its hard to believe, i gotta stare at nice screenshots ive saved where i believe ive done something good, something worthy of appreciation, something that has not only meaning but an impact, a possitive one. and i know the chances of them actually hating me are low, but i still believe more in those chances than the proof.
i feel a bit delusional in a way. and i mean, i am, often times. but this is one of those thoughts- those god dammed thoughts where you're self aware yet- yet it doesnt shake the feeling away, you know? like no there is no proof, no logical proof at least, only what your mind twists into proof. but you still just "know it", yknow? even if you dont actually know shit and are very wrong. you feel like you do and it- it fucking sucks.
dont even get me started on splits and mood swings, highs and lows. Cause well. THATS NOT THE TOPIC OF THIS POST !! Lmao. i could go on for hours complaining tho. ough.
but yeah!! i just !! sorry, this took a turn. i just. needed to express myself idfk. i'll go back to posting abt minecraft men kissing soon or whatever, sorry normie followers /hj
i love them so much its overwhelming, yet i wouldnt change it for everything in the world, you know? not them. its hard but id rather endure it for them than have them not be THIS level of special to me anymore.
i really REALLY hope theyre not. uncomfortable by it tho. and wont dump me for it. i really wish i had a guide to how to and how to not mess up. so i could avoid doing dumb shit on accident.
and its funny cause theyre ppl that would absolutely tell me if im doing shit that bothers them, yet i believe theres smth else, stupid thoughts man. LEAVE ME ALONE FREDDY MERCURY!! UR SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD !! /ref
sighhhh anyhow yeah im dropping it here. bpd is a bitch. and to anyone out there dealing w it? godspeed. you can do this, i know life already sucks and this shitty dissorder doesnt help, but i know you can push through, mi gente bella.
Pearlo out. BPD hours rlly seem to be hitting at around 11-12 am, huh? /ij
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lunarlicorice · 2 years
5 - Jake
8 - Echo
11 + 12 - Jake (raises my eyebrow at him)
16 - Beetle
24 - Taiga
37 - Taiga
39 - A
43 - Jake
58 - Beetle
and lastly 79 for The Big Four
SORRY FOR SENDING SO MANY LOL i hope u have fun with this teehee
outfit and formal outfit? (for jake): his main outfit is that sweater and bowtie but literally none of it is his lmao. taiga gave him the sweater and beetle gave him the bowtie. he doesn't care how it looks bc its suuuper comfy tho. at one point he goes back to his house to get his own clothes and one of his main ones is the "neon city" jacket as i call it (its from an old rp with a friend called neon city. secret lore) he would probably wear the sweater and bowtie to formal stuff/special stuff too, he hates dressing up
voice? (for echo):
pretty much aika from skies of arcadia. they've probably said this exact quote before while in a life-or-death situation too lol (it also sounds just as compressed as it does there pretty much)
relationship with mom? (for jake): oh he loved his mom before she died. all he had was her and his brother and if you even looked in her direction wrong he would not hesitate to beat you up (she would get mad at him so he wouldn't actually tho)
relationship with dad? (for jake): never knew his dad. pretty much just that. he had a stepdad but he didn't like him very much and he didn't stick around too long either.
prominent childhood memory? (for beetle): ok so i'll give u a good one and a bad one. good one is probably when he snuck out of his palace and just. wandered around in the woods for maybe a few hour before they sent people looking for him. he has a distinct memory of going to the edge of the woods and seeing the human city through the trees for the first time, and marveling at all the strange structures (skyscrapers and such). bad one is being shut in his bedroom during family dinners because his parents were ashamed of him
people they love/hate? (for taiga): taiga is like. the ONE person anyone can get along with. she does hate ¿, as do most people. the one person she will never admit to hating though... is dani. she does not like dani at all. (dani farms chickens and sells the eggs, meat, and feather pillows (of which jake buys the pillows) but they're always SO expensive but jake isn't from around there so he doesn't realize how expensive it actually is and taiga is mad she's ripping off her friend)
biggest dream? (for taiga): to be able to protect her friends. she's been training herself to use the spear :) the other one is to open a nice flower shop/children's shelter so no one would have to sleep out in the cold like her and luna. a more tangible one is to build the treehouse of her dreams with luna. it was something they promised to do together as kids and it still holds true.
how do they handle anger? (for A): they have verrry frequent mood swings so it really depends on the time they get angry. it can range from internal loathing to hurling lightning at anything that annoys them (something the main four have been the victims of a few times) physically though, their tail/wisp will sharpen along with their hands becoming more like claws, similar to ¿.
sense of humor? (for jake):
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idk he thinks shit like this is hilarious tho (note: i found my old notes on it, it's sort of a chaotic type of meme with a little bit of unexpectedness to it but also very relatable/depressed)
how do they handle criticism? (for beetle): bc of being raised to be the perfect prince (tm) he does not take criticism well and usually takes it very personally. he tries so hard to make everything perfect and go to plan and when someone points out that something he did was not perfect, he freaks out.
favorite ice cream? luna: caramel chocolate chip coconut swirl taiga: raspberry sorbet (she's vegan idk if i ever mentioned that) jake: can't eat ice cream :( but it was mint chocolate chip beetle: pistachio or coffee ice cream with whippes
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probably-haven · 3 years
after binge reading i have come to a new revelation: I’m not a fan of most Xiaoven fanfics
Don’t get me wrong, I love the ship and its one of my favorite to think about.... but most of the fanfiction for the ship just- doesn’t sit right with me for a number of reasons. 
Disclaimer: these are personal opinions from my own taste and are in no way an attack against any authors out there, because frankly fanfic authors are great and not like i could do better lol. As these are personal opinions, I acknowledge here and now that a number of people disagree and that they are under no obligation to change their opinions in any way as it is not and never will be my intention to tell others what they should be thinking That said- read at your own risk if you want- meh, anyway-
time to share some opinions that have been on my mind lately
The biggest reason.... is how they handle Xiao. And I don’t even mean mischaracterization because Xiao is such a complex and yet simultaneously simple character that as long as you’re somewhere in the range of “Xiao vibes” it’s really hard to write him out of character because of his complexities. What I mean is something that i actually completely agree with as being accurate to his character. In nearly every single fanfic I’ve seen, there is some element of idolization that Xiao has for Venti, or for the sake of reference, Barbatos. He tends to think himself beneath Barbatos and/or indebted to him, whether that be because he’s an archon, because he saved him, or simply because of Xiao’s tendency to dehumanize(yes i see the irony in that word usage) himself.  This by itself isn’t an issue but its often how this trait of his is treated.
Imma just list a few ways I’ve seen this be handled within Xiaoven fics. - It isn’t handled, it’s just there and accepted as a part of who he is in the story - It isn’t handled but his trait is treated as source of humor within the story - Venti(and others) roll with it (finding humor in it, just cant change it, encouraging it, making jokes about it, etc.) - Venti takes advantage of it(whether accidentally or purposely) - it’s actually addressed(by Venti or someone else or the narration- can go a number of ways, but just- even a brief reference to the fact that its not a good mindset fits in here) - savior!Venti(Where venti disagrees with it but the way it’s written gives off “god among mortals” vibes- like he’s just being humble and truly is above him in reality) - its the focus of the story  - not directly addressed but shown to be destructive.  - they chose not to not include this in the story’s characterization of Xiao(just saying that this is valid ahead of time) Theres others but i have a lot already.  Note that I tend to read more ‘serious-toned’(idk if that makes sense) fics so that may skew my perception
Now there’s a few that i have issues with on their own- both instances of it not being handled, Venti(and others) rolling with it, Venti takes advantage of it(purposely(and without good intent)), and savior!Venti. Xiao not only has this trait, but he is unfamiliar with what is normal in relationships or emotions as a result of isolation and inexperience. He is also either not aware of or not concerned with what is considered strictly “healthy.” Combining these makes for a rather dangerous combination and just accepting it as “oh he’s just like that, it’s who he is” or making it out to be something funny- It’s not wrong or bad by any means necessarily, and I could still possibly enjoy it to an extent depending on a series of different factors, but its- not as often.  Even in the case where I do enjoy reading it however, I would still feel uncomfortable sharing it with or recommending it to others because in the first instance it feels like normalizing a destructive and dangerous mindset, and in the second case it does the same while simultaneously making a joke of it. It’s the same deal with Venti or other characters rolling with it, but that’s probably gonna be mentioned later too. Not to say that this is a “wrong” way to handle it, that it makes the fic bad, or that authors even are normalizing anything by doing so, just that in my specific instance- not a fan. 
I’ll get to the others when i talk more about Venti, but for now: It’s the focus of the story. I think I saw like... 2? where the story was like- focused on this and why its a problem which- power to them, address those real world problems like a boss- but also i wouldn’t actively seek it out or anything- like, good job, but doing so just leaves it open neutrally for other factors to decide how good a story i think it is. 
not directly addressed but shown to be destructive. You’d think i wouldn’t like this- but frankly in fanfiction not everyone wants to address every character flaw verbally because it can through off story, narration, dialogue, and general flow to do so. This can be with an event, an action, a dialogue, a mere comment, making it actually fit into the it’s actually addressed category except that its- subtle enough to make its own category. plus i live for show not tell- in everything- its a thing. im- very much a fan of when the fics do this but the subtlety is easy to miss and its not common so- 
It’s actually adressed- doesnt have to be a lot- just mention anywhere or imply anywhere that maybe idolizing someone as a god and savior and being in a relationship with them while having little knowledge of standards, emotions, relationships, or healthy behaviors in general- maybe isnt the smartest idea in the word. (”Call me Venti, not Barbatos” by itself is not enough to fit in this category tho as a note)
Now lets talk about Venti...
uh.... those who have followed me for awhile will probably already know this but... I have a lot of opinions on Venti and a pretty- “niche(?)” perception of his characterization that isn’t shared by a lot of others- so I don’t actually read as much Venti fanfic in general as you might expect because I often end up disagreeing with how writers portray him, which again, in no way is their characterization wrong, but- “their perceived truth” conflicts with “my perceived truth” and by extent so does the characterization, though neither is any more correct than the other from an objective point of view, if that makes sense... but anyways now that that’s said, moving on before this becomes a philosophy lecture, as fun as that would be for me.  I’ll try to keep my “perceived truth” out of this for the first bit. 
Venti’s response to this: 
He rolls with it: this depends on the mood of the fanfiction. If they dont put a lot of stress on that trait of Xiao’s it totally fine but if the trait seems to be a major part of Xiao’s character, it seems like normalization once more. (more on this later)
he takes advantage of it purposely: if its an AU or something and Venti’s like a villain(i saw a few) then- villain venti isnt my cup of tea but i have no qualms. If they don’t portray Venti in a negative light while having him take advantage however that’s a bit uncomfortable to read for me because it feels like normalizing taking advantage of that mindset as well as the mindset itself. However, i did see a number of instances of Venti using it as leverage for like- self care- which i definitely have no qualms. Xiao: [insert probably destructive idolizing statement about being indebt] Venti: How bout you pay me back by actually sleeping for once smh or other variations are okay and depending on the vibe are actually a really fun dynamic as long as it doesnt turn into romanticizing or normalizing it, y’know?
Venti accidentally taking advantage of it.... I love angst- and in most of these theres a sense of guilt when he realizes- and i just think thats a lovely way of addressing the dangers of such a mindset for both sides. As long as it doesn’t keep repeating to the point of romanticization its totally cool to read in my eyes(not irl ofc). If Venti never realizes he accidentally took or is taking advantage it feels a bit like normalization, and if he does but just- doesn’t care thats- a rip.
savior!Venti...... i- i hate. the story giving off vibes that Xiao’s mindset is technically correct while Venti oh so humbly tells him to treat him as an equal like the wonderful and charitable person he is.... i just- no. of course thats over dramatizing it- I think the main thing that gives it this vibe is when Venti doesn’t seem either concerned, surprised, uncomfortable, or otherwise have a negative feeling towards Xiao’s mindset. Just- it makes the whole thing weird in my eyes when Venti doesnt really seem to have his own reason to oppose the mindset idk- 
fact time!
Venti is the god of freedom. His backstory is freeing Mondstadt from a god’s tyrannical reign. His origin is a windsprite, just another breeze bringing changes for the better. His form is a nameless boy who played an instrument and then died, thus failing at his only dream and only ever accomplishing anything because of the help of others. He slept for a thousand years after the archon war to avoid putting Mond under the rule of yet another tyrannical god. He only even became a god because Andrius chose to let him. He wouldn’t have even had that chance if the nameless bard had survived, he’d remain just another wind while his friend ascended to godhood. Venti sacrifices his own power for his people’s freedom. 
now that I’ve laid out a number of canon facts, time for opinions:
Venti has little to no desire to be seen as a god. He thrives in, comes from, and emphasizes a lack of superiority in quite nearly everything. The first Ragnvindir, who canonically turned his back on Venti after Decarabian’s fall, likely did so because one- he anticipated power would corrupt and Venti would soon become just another tyrannical god, two- he suspected Venti used the nameless bard in an attempt to rise to godhood, or three- idk insert other possibilities to acknowledge again that i could totally be wrong.
Look me in the eyes and tell me Venti wouldnt trade godhood for his friend in an instant. His godhood was only granted to him because his friend died and could easily serve to constantly remind him of what could have been and what he lost. Venti takes no enjoyment from being seen as superior and in my opinion, I feel that it could actually make him largely uncomfortable when his divinity and abilities as an archon get involved-
also self promotion for my favorite posts- check out #archon war era venti if thats interesting to you
so anyway Venti rolling with it or making jokes about it just doesn’t sit right with me.- 
Okay! enough talking about that mindset!
idk- i have... a few/lot of other gripes and stuff or just things that kinda throw off the vibe for me but that’s the main one plus my general personal pickiness when it come to Venti fanfics- but this has gotten long enough already- 
idk i just felt like rambling about it and i haven’t done a long post in a while so-
again, I love the ship and its actually one of my favorites- just the fanfic isnt my thing..... that doesn’t mean i don’t still love it and come up with a whole ton of brainrot and ideas on it tho lmao
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Shinsou Hitoshi nsfw alphabet
damn kat back at it again with the thirst i hate myself 
Idk how I haven’t done a nsfw alphabet for my KING yet but I’m disappointed in myself for it
this post was mostly finished before the whole ‘this cold makes me feel like im dying’ thing so i just had to add a few and it was ready for publishing (bonus points if you can tell which ones were added in my cold-induced craziness)
Warnings: you know it, you love it, the thirsting of a lonely writer
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Shinsou is a king when it comes to aftercare. Hot baths, massages, cuddles, you name it. You mean the absolute world to him, and he’ll go out of his way to show that, both in and out of the bedroom
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Shinsou can be pretty self critical, but if you pushed for an answer he’d probably say his hair, cause he knows how much you like it. For his partner, horny Shinsou would immediately go for your neck (literally too). He loves how a single kiss can turn you into putty in his hands, and he’ll leave marks in places he knows you can’t hide just to prove to the world that you’re his
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Inside you, on you, he doesn’t really mind. Whatever you prefer, he’s happy with. If you want to get messy, he’s more than happy to help, but if not he’ll keep you clean (ish). Although he’s unlikely to admit it, seeing you swallow his cum ignites a fire in Shinsou, and sets up quite a few more rounds so he can give you a reward for being so good
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
Shinsou’s pretty open with what he wants, but when you first start getting intimate there’ll be a few things he doesn’t really want to say in case he scares you away (he could never, but he still worries). He wants to experiment, but he makes sure he knows your boundaries before he suggests anything too out there. The thing he keeps secret for the longest is the desire to wrap your neck in a beautiful collar emblazoned with his name, simply cause he doesn’t want you to think it’s weird
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He does his research, but hands on experience is pretty limited before you. It’s a learning curve, both of you learning what makes the other tick, what causes you the highest amount of pleasure, and what to steer clear of
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Loves to see you ride him. It gives you the power to control the tempo, but also gives him a beautiful view to tip him over the edge of ecstasy. More needy Shinsou (aka when he’s in hornball mode) likes doggy style, cause it means he can pull your hair or hold you up against him and kiss your neck
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
He’s not going to whip out a joke book in the middle of sex, but he’s also not going to act like an uptight secretary who’s only able to follow the rules (well, not unless you ask 👀) 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Keeps himself trimmed, possibly even shaved. It’s no nonsense and means it’s also more enjoyable for you if you’re giving him head
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He’s an intimate guy, but he’s also not above teasing (though there’s another letter for that so I’ll keep on intimate for now). Like I mentioned in B, Shinsou can be pretty self critical, and sometimes he can get scared that you’ll leave him if he doesn’t prove how much he loves you, which to him means intimate sex and reassurance (aka, saying ‘I love you’ every two seconds)
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
He does it when needed. He’s not insanely horny, so chances are if he is you’re there to deal with him. But if you’re not, and he’s especially needy, he’ll most likely call you up for a little phone session. The thought of you is incredible, but being able to see and hear you is even better
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think we all know the phrase kitty, right? Well inference leads me to believe that Shinsou would be down for trying out pet play. And yes, as I mentioned before, he would 100% have a collar for you with his name on it. I don’t take criticism for that one
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
More traditional. Sex between the two of you means intimacy, so he’d prefer privacy. You have yet to find a surface in your house he hasn’t tried to fuck you on. That being said, your comfort is of the utmost importance to Shinsou, so if he’s going to fuck you over the kitchen counter, he’s going to make sure you feel comfortable while he does it. So yes, that means he’ll take pillows off the sofa’s just to make you comfy
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
You. Simple as. There are certain things that especially turn him on, such as you biting your lip or being extra attentive to him in what would seem like a normal scene to anyone else watching. Put your hand on his thigh when out at dinner and pay the price when you get home. Or maybe that was your plan all along
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
Shinsou never wants you to be in pain (well not unless you want to be in pain). He’ll leave hickies all over you, but that’s about as far as he’ll go with marking you. Maybe a spank here and there, but he won’t scar you or leave any marks that won’t be gone in a few days
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Shinsou prefers giving, but he’ll never say no to receiving either. He wants you to feel good, but if you decide to turn the tables he’s not going to deny you. Once you’re finished though, he’s repaying the favor tenfold. And just as a note, pull his hair when he goes down on you. He adores it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Yes and yes. It all depends on the situation, his mood, the usual things. He’ll do whatever provides you with the most pleasure (while also allowing him to tease you)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
He doesn’t love them, but if they’re the only way to get some gratification then he’s willing (only if you are though). He’s careful about location, he doesn’t want someone walking in and ruining the whole thing, even if the risk of being caught makes everything a little more exciting. Chances are he won’t engage in quickies unless he’s been to the place at least once before (he wants to know which wall you’d look best pinned to). He has to feel slightly comfortable in the environment
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
He’s down for a little risk, but nothing that would be too mortifying for you. If he’s going to screw you somewhere other than your home, he’s going to vet the place over a lot, and find the best place where you have the comfort of being private but the thrill of being caught if someone were to venture too close to your hideout
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
Freaking hell where does he get it from? Like, he just doesn’t stop. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you. Most of the rounds consist of him pleasing you, and he’ll only give in and finally fuck you when your throat is hoarse from begging, or when he feels the smallest amount of pity at the tears rolling down your face (did someone say crying kink)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Vibrating panties. I said he doesn't physically act on desires when in public, but touching a remote isn’t the same thing as touching you, so he makes an exception. He’s not insanely cruel. For him it’s more about teasing that mortification, so if someone senses something’s wrong, he turns off the remote until they give up. But the moment they’re gone, it’s back stronger than ever
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
*roblox oof sound effect*
Once Shinsou gains his confidence with you, he’s not going back. His teasing is often coupled with praise, telling you how good you’re being for him while he denies you pure bliss again and again. He’ll edge you to hell and back if you give him the chance, but don’t worry, it’s worth it in the end
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
Small moans and louder grunts are the main sounds coming from Shinsou when he’s enjoying himself. He swears a lot, and it’s always easy to tell how close he is to the edge by how creative his swears become. As for his partner, he wants to know how well he’s doing. He wants to hear you whine and beg while he edges you, and the pornstar-like moans that fill the air when he finally gives in and gives you what you really want
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
You think I forgot about his quirk. Ha, I could never. I said in my hcs that it takes a while for Shinsou to integrate quirk use into sex. As much as you assure him you’re in full trust, he’s anxious about the inability to say no when he has you under his control. The longer you’re together the more willing he is, but even when he does use it it’s usually a way to make edging even more dangerous, with you unable to resist his words when he tells you you’re not allowed to cum just yet
Okay maybe we have 2 wild cards this time cause I also wanna mention his capture weapon. Again, it’ll take a while for it to be available in a less-than-pg manner, but he’s more willing to use his capture weapon than his quirk. Main reason being, you can still use a safeword when tied up. But tying up goes both ways, so even if he prefers to be the one giving the pleasure, he’d never deny your wishes
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
I’m trying not to be biased cause I love him so much but I feel like Shinsou’s kinda packing. A good 8.5-9 inches (no, I won’t take criticism) and on the skinnier side. But the amount of attention he gives you before his pants are even off means taking him is never difficult
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not the highest, but when you’re around it increases significantly. He’s not going to fuck you every time he sees you (I mean, he thinks about it) but he also isn’t a nun. It’s a good level, cause most days you can walk, and then on the weekends you’re a little bedridden
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s a bit of an insomniac, so screwing the energy out of him is one of the best ways to get Shinsou tired enough to sleep. He likes to hold you, so once he’s satisfied with the aftercare, he’ll crawl in bed for cuddles until the both of you pass out
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bucephaly · 3 years
I would send you character asks but I don't know em. can you maybe write some introductions for a couple so I got something to go on?
Sure! Gunna stick it under a readmore
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Kiro and Yara are from my for fun paleolithic headworld. Yara is a neandertal, kiro is an anatomically modern human spirit clay headed type person. Not gunna go in depth about it lmao. They're a part of a foraging band, just livin life. The world is like ours, diverged about 50,000 years ago, but theres like a certain level of ambient magic / spirits and shit.
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Brand-zaw is my Morrowind character. He's an argonian, nerevarine, has Issues. Julans his friend / boyfriend at some point. (Julan isn't mine, he's from a companion mod) Zaw is plagued by visions and haunted by a deer thing, but he's a nice dude even though i tend to draw him with resting bitch face. He's a healer / alchemist and he fights with a quarterstaff or sometimes a hammer.
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Hides-in-Sunlight is my Oblivion character, he's a Sarpa argonian from the depths of black marsh, was kinda brought to cyrodiil as a prisoner. He doesn't fight at all, focuses in illusion magic and some conjuration. Masu is his dog. Emile is @ reliquarian's Guy that hangs out w him. (Is he mad cuz he hates sun's dog or because he wants an invitation to the cuddles? Who knows)
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Ok getting into ones that arent as fleshed out. Bramul and ahzada are also oblivion characters. Bramul may do knights of the nine but idk, i didnt wanna play kotn lmao. Theyre girldfriends
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These two are kinda half assed skyrim characters but i can never be bothered to play skyrim so i dont do much with them. Cinne is a college of winterhold professor of alteration or something and a part time bird. Narras is a minotaur from my idea of skyrim minotaur i worked on for like a week and then forgot about, he's my dragonborn
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And these are some furry designs you may see lmao. C is my main sona whos just me with a cow head, teo was my main sona but now hes just a guy, and goose is some sort of critter.
Most of these are kinda just designs or loose concepts, really kiro n yara, zaw, and sun are my main ones. Im not super in a tes mood lately so those ocs are kinda sidelined atm, though i usually dont mind getting asks about them! I mostly used this as a way to remember all of my ocs and draw them again and show that i havent forgotten about them lmao.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
(miraculous asks)
Anonymous said:
Oh My Gosh!!!! I was just thinking about Party Crasher and man I hate how they had Ladybug get captured for the men to save! It's a continuous thing you see in media: strong heroic woman gets put in peril so that the men can shine. I didn't even realize it until you said it! I get that it was probably meant to be a "role reversal" of Chat always getting kidnapped or brainwashed for Ladybug to save, but the fact that this is the "guys' episode" it read like "well damn, we can't have the guys be strong if a girl is in the way; let's have the girl get captured so the boys can prove their worth by rescuing her!".
At least in Sandboy, Ladybug was still competent and came up with the plans, but this?! It makes me sick, and it's all too easy to fall into these traps; even Kim Possible did it! In my magical girl story, the heroine does get put in a magical coma and require someone to bail her out, but it's her female friends AND her boyfriend who save her, so it's not just a girl being weakened so a boy can be powerful, especially since said boy actually does a minority of the work required to save her; the focus is on the female characters so it's her girl friends who do most of it. I still ended up scrapping that side plot anyway, and do you know why? Because regardless of who saved her, I still didn't want my female protagonist to be put in distress at all due to the unfortunate implications! Needing help in a fight? Sure. But outright being captured or kidnapped? Nah fam.
I was honestly thinking about that when the first episode came out. Like, they could’ve just had Marinette NOT SHOW UP in time so the guys take care of things, which at least gives more of a message that Paris wouldn’t go to hell just because Ladybug is a little late or something.
And yeah, the “boys squad episode so gotta toss the girl out” is... sigh.
Anonymous said:
I think the writers were trying to show Chat angsting to show his regret instead of an actual apology. Still doesn't explain why Aeon didn't bring up her death afterwards. Did Olympia delete that from her memory banks?
I guess? :|
I don’t know why Chat can’t just apologize without fishing or trying to earn sympathy. Like JUST SAY YOU’RE SORRY, DAMMIT.
Anonymous said:
If you haven't read Maribat, then you won't regret it. I am not in the DC universe but I started reading it and WOW. Literally every single time Marinette is a badass queen and gets her complete revenge and is actually happy! Even if you absolutely love Lukanette (which I have nothing against) you should totally try it.
Appreciate the comment, but I find it hard to ship other Marinette ships outside of Lukanette. Ivanette is a very loose exception and it’s not like I ship it hard or anything.
Anonymous said:
Despite not being a Lukanette shipper I love you. Why? Because you amazing, so right in literally everything and I love you <33
gkdfjgfdngjkfdg thank you
bat-anon said:
The NY Special made it so that Max is literally the only Black/Brown kid that doesn’t exist to make Love Square happen and that just makes me hate it even more.
I wish you didn’t make me have this realization because I hate it.
At least Delmar existed in the New York special???? I guess???? I dunno, I’m trying here, I don’t recall him doing anything love square centric.
Anonymous said:
I honestly don't mind Alix's outfit as Bunnix! I feel like it fits her, plus she's an adult so its not much of a problem, not saying it can't be improved however. I DO have issues with the designs for the underage girls outfits however....those are very sus
Yeah, the problem I take with Bunnyx’s is that it’s a bodysuit. If there was just more definition, like having actual boots, I wouldn’t complain as much.
Anonymous said:
I actually just really like the idea of the new bee being a genuinely nice person who becomes friends with Marinette. Not exactly close friends (since I like the idea of friendly working relationships without actual personal stakes in them). I also enjoy the idea of the new bee having some small animosity for Chat Noir- just because their personalities aren't the greatest mix. I also think that it would make sense for the miraculous of subjection to be at odds with the miraculous of destruction
Full agreement but we know how much the writers are resistant to have characters go against Chat.
Anonymous said:
Not gonna lie the scene where the girl squad gets akumatized almost makes it seem like they got akumatized on purpose, similar to Manon in Puppeteer 2(although she was a little kid who was probably just imagining she could enact revenge). And why can't they have a uniformed design, like they're a team but wear different colors, similar to the Sailor Senshi(like, Alya's the leader and wears orange, Rose wears pink, Alix wears green, Juleka wears purple, and Mylene wears yellow). It's so boring.
Anonymous said:
Relating to the Didn't Need Burrows and Treatment of Marinette bingo cards, have you considered making one for whenever the show fails at girl power? It could say things like "sexualized frames of teenage girls" "boy tells girl what to do" "girls don't get to keep Miraculouses", and "girls are forced to apologize whenever a situation goes wrong". And in the center, it could say "Don't show this to your daughter!"! Lol! What do you think?
lol I feel like I have enough cards, otherwise I would.
Anonymous said:
I saw another post that talked about Miraculous New York, and they theorized that it was rewritten to focus more on Marinette and Adrien in order to get viewers invested in the Love Square again after more people started to lose faith in the ship. Do you think that's a possibility?
I think so. The whole special comes off as trying to reassure love square shippers because of how hard it goes for him. I cut out Marinette’s crushing and it cuts like 18% from the episode, meaning it’s even worse than Season 3 (15%).
Anonymous said:
Maybe the point of the [break-up episodes] is meant to discourage people from shipping Lukanette and Adrigami too?
Spoiler alert: didn’t work.
Anonymous said:
Are we not gonna talk about how in one ask, somebody legit said "(long dreamy sigh) Viperion"? Like same.
Anonymous said:
Ml fandom: I hate how Ladybug keeps secrets from Chat Noir! He sacrifices himself for her all the time and she never appreciates him for it! He has EVERY right to get mad at her!!
ML Fandom when Chat Noir does the same thing in the special: ....Wow Ladybug was way to harsh on Chat Noir!! She doesn’t appreciate him at all!! Shes so mean to him!
i hate it
Anonymous said:
Idk if it's just me, but a majority of the fandom is split in two; it's never one or the other "MARINETTE SUCKS AND IS A HORRIBLE PERSON GUARDIAN MARY SUE WHO SEXUALLY HARRASSES" or "ADRIEN SUCKS HE WAS NEVER ON MARINETTES SIDE" but im personally on the latter, but not to that extreme. i hate videos bashing marinette and then never acknowledge adriens faults
Yeah, the fandom gets more divided as time goes on because of the writers trying to increase the drama/tension.
Anonymous said:
I am PERSONALLY offended they gave Luka the snake miraculous. Snakes have such a negative connotation. A lot of people insult Lila by calling her a SNAKE. And now those ML writers DARE insult the best character in ML?! HOW DARE THEY!?????
I adore Viperion but I agree that I first heard he was getting snake and was like, “BUT MY BOI???”
It gets awkward too because other animals like the pig have negative connotations, like how Daizzi basically means “idiot/stupid” and they’re giving it to the freaking blond character, really???
Anonymous said:
I think that Ivanette would be even better if Marinette was plus-sized character.
I see why you’d think that. I just disagree because then it turns the ship into “let’s pair the heavyset characters together because they heavyset.”
Anonymous asked:
On the topic of romance failures and general series salt, my main issue right now is how the series puts so much focus on romantic relationships while failing to consider other levels of relationship or what they affect.
On the L² front I can completely buy Marinette being in love with Adrien. Most of the time she genuinely wants him to be happy and is ready to take a step back for him, however much it hurts. But in terms of romantic love? It. Is. A. Crush! But if we step back from the formula, what is there left between them? Their civilian relationship is held together by a “comedy” of errors and without that there is surprisingly little left. Well, besides two “best friends” desperately trying to make it happen because somehow they lost their individual characters and instead of being friends became matchmakers?
I too like Luka and Marinette together. Their relationship is pretty nice to see and all. But sometimes it feels like it happens in a dimension of its own, like the writers want to make the endgame clear in that the “sideships” can be easily cut out of the big “how they got together”-recaps. I especially miss reactions from and interactions with Juleka. She is Luka’s sister, Marinette’s friend, and IIRC someone aware of if not even a bit player in the great shipping game. She is in a prime position to step up and bring progress on all fronts: She can talk with Luka. She can either give Marinette helpful pointers or go “All in or nothing”, i.e. trying to make Marinette get her Adrien-feelings in order as she does not want her brother to get less than Marinette’s full heart. Similarly, she can counteract “friendly acts” and stop humiliating situations from escalating, or she herself can escalate them in the “All or Nothing”-scenario. Yet she remains basically a background character who gets little attention from the camera and almost no “non-focus identity”
As for Kagami, I may be too biased. *Any* positive Kagami/Marinette relationship is to me what Lukanette is to you. So naturally I have lots of opinions when it comes to her role ;) But can I just say that Adrien/Kagami is the weirdest ship for me? They have a few cute scenes and I think if they’d spend a lot more time together, they’d do each other good but I don’t know how they work. “No Hesitation” Kagami would lob Adrien’s head straight off with all his…everything. If we are meant to take Adrien’s love for LB seriously (and I guess we have to because how in the name of sanity is any form of the stated endgame gonna work otherwise???), how does Kagami fit into that picture as a girl who can hardly express emotions while Adrien is the definition of a  guy who can not stop flirting or goes for all kinds of romantic gestures? Sometimes it feels more like a “social fit” and “Mommy/Daddy approves” kind of deal which is quite the shame! Normally I like these kind of relationships in fictions but they need a solid underlining or good development. One they haven’t and one the series has not been giving to anyone so far.
Yeah, the whole thing with the love square versus side ships ends up feeling extremely forced. Keeping Luka away and forcing Adrien into Lukanette episode are the biggest giveaways, basically a big fat sign that says, “We know Marinette would forget that Adrien exists if she hung around Luka for more than five minutes.”
AND YEAH, KAGAMI WOULDN’T PUT UP WITH ADRIEN’S GARBAGE. I liked Adrimi but it’s definitely more flawed than Lukanette.
Anonymous said:
Watched your opinion on the New York special and I agree with you. It was mediocre at best. It could have been something nice, like if they added Kagami and Luka, for example, so that we can get a bit of development from the new couples on season 4, so that it doesn’t feel rushed when they start dating on season 4. It could also be a good opportunity to see the other temporary heroes one last time, since Marinette technically has the miracle box.
They could have had an epic fight with the American Superheroes, maybe even giving the bee miraculous temporally to Aeon or Jess so that we didn’t need to see their awful and uncreative superheroes designs. It would have been nice if they made something more useful other than being characters that believe that Adrien and Marinette are “Meant to be”, like, we already got a ton of these already, couldn’t we get someone who didn’t feel something about this ship? It has so much wasted potential that I don’t even know how to start. Do you agree with anything I said?
I agree, yes. They could’ve easily thrown Luka/Kagami into the mix (or had Marinette/Adrien stay behind while flipping perspectives or something; flawed but they could make it work).
Anonymous said:
I'm rereading ladybugout and wow... the moment of silence after "chat deserves that kiss" gets me every time. Everyone stopping and just staring because wow he really just said that
Me whenever Chat Noir opens his mouth in the show.
Anonymous said:
I saw the Backwarder post you just talked about and yes, it is so totally ridiculous. They forgot another thing, though. Miraculous isn't just about comedy, action, and romance, it's about embarrassing Marinette. And the fact that almost everyone in the comments was acting like the medicine scene at the end was funny was just stupid and saddening to hear or read about, because it shows how people have been conditioned to hate and rally against Marinette without even realizing it. Granted, there was one lady who said it reminded her of her husband, so I guess that's okay(but all it means is that Adrien will be Marinette's--aka "his lady's"--husband like eeerrrgh!). And there was one person who said they liked that Juleka's advice because "If you're friend isn't willing to commit crimes for your happiness, is she even your friend?". But everyone else liked the ending. And I don't get the person who said we got "Subtle progression with Adrien and Marinette". We're right where we started.
Weeeeell, I understand the “comedy, action, romance” comment because all of those basically boil down to embarrassing Marinette or invalidating her. Comedy and romance goes without saying while action involves her dealing with Chat “Nice Guy” Noir.
Anonymous said:
Is it just me, or does Snow White's "Red Shoes" form look a lot like Marinette. I know, I know, Marinette is Chinese and Red Shoes is Korean, but they still look strikingly similar. They're bodies are really similar, too, but that might just be because animation tends to use eerily similar body types for its female characters on a whole. It's sad and it makes me think of how cute Marinette would be if she was fat. I also think Snow White was cuter than Red Shoes but that's kind of the point.
I think it’s the body type thing but that’s just a guess since I didn’t immediately make the connection.
I agree that Snow White is cuter.
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one who's never liked "destined to fail" characters? Basically this is when characters aren't allowed to be good at/succeed at something or else the whole universe will somehow fall apart. Think of how in The Amazing World of Gumball, if Richard gets a job, the world will be in complete and utter chaos. So he's better off as a lazy, bumbling dad. In Phineas and Ferb, Candace is always trying to rat out her younger brothers but if she gives up or succeeds something bad will happen.
TV Tropes put it the best: "Not only is she not allowed to succeed, but she's also not allowed to stop trying!"(conveniently under the Cosmic Plaything trope). I just don't like it because it shows that the writers just want to lead them on with the promise of success then snatch it away at the last minute. And now we're back at Miraculous Ladybug, where Marinette is humiliated every time she doesn't sign a gift that's for Adrien, and yet when she does, everyone in Paris DIES. Except for...HIM.
you: *mentions Candace*
me: [a million awful flashbacks]
Also, yeah, it’s so hard to watch, especially in “Chat Blanc” because it’s like, “Oh, you want to give a gift to a boy and you dArEd to use your powers for it? Congrats, but everyone else is DEAD and you can hang out with him as much as you want! You’re welcome!”
Anonymous said:
I think it’d become a “faintest idea blackout card”rather than a bingo.
(referring to my “Faintest Idea” card)
We’re getting there.
darkmoonravewolf said:
I hate that everything on that list could happen and very likely will
(referring to “Didn’t Need Burrow”)
Yeah, and it makes me sad :’)
Anonymous said:
That’s be real here. Miraculous ladybug is not a show about Marinette; Miraculous Ladybug is a show about Adrien. Adrien is the real main character.
Notice that when they focused on Adrien in “Lies,” they only cut back to Marinette (IN A SCENE THAT CAN’T EXIST) to have her fawn over him.
Anonymous said:
Is it just me or are Lady Noire's eyes huge? Maybe it's just the green but they seem way bigger than Marinette's
I’m not sure, but considering Rena’s facial structure being different from Alya’s, it wouldn’t surprise me.
asexual-individual said:
With what you've said about Adrien lacking a reason to exist outside of development for Marinette and Gabriel, I have to wonder how different the show would be if Chat Noir's identity was also kept from the audience. Adrien would still be there as himself, but he only gets as much focus as Alya, and Chat Noir's identity is treated as a mystery (a Tuxedo Mask type mystery, but a mystery all the same).
I see what you mean but it might cause Adrien+Chat’s screentime to feel excessive once the reveal happens, because suddenly their screentime gets combined and it’s like, “oh wow so the combined screentime is his then.”
Anonymous said:
I know that the kwami's really only exist so we can hear our protagonists' thoughts outloud (like what the Coraline movie did with adding Wybie to the story). But honestly, what's the point in having magical gods in the jewelry if you're not going to do anything with them?
Marketing with “cute” side characters.
guisendisguise said:
It's funny, originally, I had shipped Marichat in the sense that Chat and Mari start hanging out and both fall in love with the other's supposedly less perfect, more real selves. Then Luka was introduced and I ended up putting both lukanette and marichat at the same level. Then S3 hit and killed any love I had for Marichat. The writers themselves killed the Love Square for me. At this point, it's very clear they are living in a delusion where the Love Square could ever work narratively without Deus ex Machina or Deus Lo Vult (God wills it). Basically, they've gone past scraping the bottom of the writing skills barrel and are now shoulder deep in the hole they dug thru the bottom of said barrel. I'd like to point out that the bottom of the barrel is writing poop and now they're digging thru the useless plastic landfill the barrel was sitting on top of
Uggggh, yeah. Any appreciation I could’ve had for Marichat died in “Weredad.” I already didn’t like Adrien/Chat and then “Weredad” just showed his complete lack of... well, ANYTHING.
cosmostellar said:
Honestly feels like MLBs writers are going based off the "JUST IMAGINE EVERY POC CHARACTER YOU'RE WRITING AS WHITE" instead of, yknow, fleshing them out while developing them also in the context of their cultures and giving them these little things that the audiences who belong to the same minority can identify with. I don't mean "have Marinette walk in qipao 24/7" bcs thats just... bad on its own but man, /some/ casual acknowledgments of her culture would be nice.
Reading the sentence “JUST IMAGINE EVERY POC CHARACTER YOU'RE WRITING AS WHITE” physically hurts me.
Anonymous said:
Ok, I've always thought that Chloe was robbed of redemption (they held it in front of us, but then jerked it away while Astruc says, "She's irredeemable! We thought she was redeemable, but she wasn't :)!" What are your thoughts! Also, I just recently found your blog and I really like it :)
Thank you!
But I have no sympathy for bully characters, so I didn’t want Chloe redeemed. Maybe I’m still bitter about my own bullying experience, but I just wasn’t here for Marinette being forced to forgive Chloe, which is basically what they did until they backpedaled.
The time spent on her was wasted though and that I can agree on.
Anonymous said:
Me: Writes a 1k rant about how the tweet makes no sense as the "mistake" is about motivation and not the critical plot. Also me: Remembers that in MLB the plot always comes back to the romance. Finally me: Wonders why he got involved with the series post-S3 when all the red flags were already everywhere.
Mistakes were made.
Anonymous said:
I'm semi-catching up on miraculous, and- is it my impression, or does Kagami rebel against her mother more in few episodes she's in (even though her mother's influences on her seem to be stronger in general), than Adrien in the entire show? I /know/ that I don't want to see Adrien free himself from his father w/ the desperation I want to see Kagami free herself from her mother and realize that the standards she's held up to are unhealthy and too strong.
Yeah, I’m way more invested in Kagami than Adrien.
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one confused about whether the staff stopped caring and half-asses the series or cares too much and over-produces the hell out of it?
Nah. It really feels like they secretly hate the love square so they have to keep forcing it.
Anonymous said:
ngl I haven't watched any new episodes since Chameleon and I've been getting all that Miraculous News via tumblr to avoid that Marinette Brand Second Hand Embarrassment™
Anonymous said:
Answer: We don’t get Adrienette. We get forced love square and rushed/fake “development” of it while being constantly confused as episodes air out of order.
Anonymous said:
im sorry But adrienette has been suck in this limbo of one sidedness for 3 seasons. neither of them have become closer, neither of them have confided in one another, but somehow people still ship it? at least luka was able to make a move on marinette lol adrien still repeats the same boring “shes just a friend” line. adrienette is a really boring ship.
lol don’t apologize, you’re absolutely right.
nahte123456 said:
Very minor bit of salt to throw to the pile, but can this show just decide on how strong Miraculous holders are? Yes it's a cartoon and not the focus but in the Furious Fu episode we literally get Ladybug dodging lighting and then Su who seems mostly human and is at least slower then Fu was outspeeding her. It's distracting trying to figure out what is and isn't a serious threat in this show.
The deciding factor in the strength of the miraculous holders is “whatever works for the plot.”
Anonymous said:
At this point the only thing I'm excited for concerning Miraculous Ladybug is when it gets a reboot in like, a decade with actually competent writers
Best case scenario is that Zag goes bankrupt and Disney/Netflix picks up the series and gives it to competent people.
Problem is that the love square has been ruined so badly for me that even a “good” version of it wouldn’t be something I’d be into, but still.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, the problem with having all of Marinette's mistakes result in huge disasters (ex. Feast), is that is gives off the impression that teenagers aren't allowed to make mistakes. This show clearly doesn't like giving second chances to the protagonist, so why would life give one to you? Am I right, kids?
Marinette makes mistakes and suddenly the world is ending.
Anonymous said:
If your gonna watch the show, at least pirate the episodes so the writers dont get your support
Don’t worry, I have no interest in financially supporting the show.
Anonymous said:
ml in a nutshell: wasted potential, then giving themselves more potential, only to turn the rest of it into a dumpster fire
Yup, that’s it.
Anonymous said:
u know, when My Little Pony, Sofia The First, and fanfiction carries out character development, respect, romance, and the main plot better than the original show, especially when the shows mentioned above are aimed more at little girls and the original show is aimed at slightly older audiences... somethings wrong
And then it’s like--people will excuse the show because “it’s a kids’ show” and then I’m just “okay then, why are there actually good kids’ show?”
If shows get a pass for being for children then all childrens�� shows should just not try and be garbage since the standard is so low.
Anonymous said:
ive seen some cool fic ideas/concepts/reviews that made me think: ml could use so much more looking into how a character thinks in some situations. one fic i read had alya in chameleon (i know its been forever since the ep came out but hey) not question lila cus she thought: "hey, lb wouldnt befriend a bad person" w and added a plot line of lila making her think lb was cobsidering replacing rena rougue. like, just a few lines to make them seem better pls?
YES. Like, show us characters’ perspectives and why they’re rolling with the facts that they’re rolling with, otherwise they just end up looking like jerks.
We sort of got it in “Ikari Gozen” with Kagami but of course it was just to make Marinette look bad.
Anonymous said:
You know I’m honestly considering making reviews of this show and if I do I could create hour long rants about the show just from that mans twitter.
Yeaaaaaah, once you had in the Twitter stuff, it just becomes, “okay so this is going to add another hour or two then.”
Anonymous said:
Okay one thing that bothers me is how plain marinette's suits are despite being a DESIGNER. Her multimouse suit it just blocks of color and her ladynoir suit is just grey with green lines. I think the lines are supposed to represent actually clothes. Like the limes on the calves are supposed to make it look like boots but why not actually GIVE her boots. (Right, because she has to have a skintight suit unlike the boys who get some layers.)
It also goes to show who really designs here, like oh, interesting, the girls get skin-tight simplistic bodysuits and the boys gets all the cool stuff--
Anonymous said:
I heard some people in my class saying they watched Miraculous Ladybug for the first time, and they were saying how good it was, and I was like: 'Oh you poor fools. You have NO idea what it's truly like.'
You know what they say: ignorance is bliss.
bat-anon said:
Isn’t it INTERESTING how in Frozer, Luka understands that Marinette is torn between her crushes and continues to support her even though he knows she probably won’t chose him, and in the exact same episode Chat Noir refuses to help save the city because Ladybug told him AGAIN that she wasn’t romantically interested in him? HMMM 🤔😑
Anonymous said:
You know what I want to see? An evil kwami, like they just want to commit crimes. No moral high grounds, just chaotic evil.
That’d be amazing just because I wouldn’t be able to take them seriously.
Anonymous said:
Watching S1 and S3 episodes back to back, it feels like reading salt fics at times, especially in regards to the L². Like, Marinette was happy about weird plans, she both needed and wanted the final push, and most of the time there was at least something coming out of it. Nowadays it just makes her sad, Alya and the girls act *against* her, and we get shipping for shipping's sake.
That’s a good point. The shift from Seasons 1 to 2 to 3 is rather noticeable.
Anonymous said:
I hate how Adrien's busy schedule seems to only matter when it's used to make Marinette feel bad, but the second Marinette has a bit more to do, it somehow has a negative effect on not only her, but also everyone/everything she cares about, like, what's up with that??
I’m reminded of “Lies” here and I hate it. :|
Anonymous said:
Honestly, the way the show treats teenage girls is horse ass. The show treats the teenage girls of this show as if they're stupid, naive, emotional, clumsy, and need a boy to tell them what opinions to have. Marinette is always treated like the show's punching bag and blamed for everything that goes wrong because she's "emotional" or "obsessed with Adrien", Chloe could've been redeemed but the writers would rather keep her a brain-dead Alpha Bitch Valley Girl(even though Gabriel and Felix, the latter of whom is a teenage boy introduced in one episode, get to be treated as redeemable, despite the things they do being far, far worse), and Lila is a conniving, self-absorbed fox.
And even though Kagami seems better, she's still roped into the "girls catfight over an oblivious guy" cliche and so far, all of her akumatizations have been because of Adrien. Whenever Marinette tries to move on from Adrien the other characters tell her what's good for her and steer her in the "right" direction because she apparently can't think for herself, and the writers LOVE to use the girl squad to tell us who Marinette should be with, because they apparently know better than she does.
Plus the show loves to treat all the girls as the same, making them all either fight over Adrien or be obsessed with shipping, as if teenage girls are all one assimilating, homogenized group(also when they treat Marinette as if she's "just as bad as Chloe", rinse and repeat for the other ladies.). Honestly, the show feels like it was written by those types of people who think "teenage girls are the worst" so they make them all mood-swingy, obsessive, showoffs, emotional, and downright clingy.
Plus the way Thomas Astruc talks about the female characters on Twitter is even worse, and only serves to make this more evident: he claims Marinette "has poor control over her emotions"(all the while calling Adrien "perfect"), that Chloe was racist in Kung Food "because she's stupid"(so rather than having that scene serve as a lesson on respecting other's cultures, he just did it to pick on Chloe and make her look "stupid"), that she's incapable of being redeemed, that Lila's unlikable but Gabriel and Felix aren't(even though he claimed Felix was a terrible character and a "cliche", that's not what the show says my guy), and other such nonsense.
Other Twitter users have also called out Miraculous Ladybug and its stereotypical treatment of teenage girls. The only shows I've ever seen do this worse are those pretentious "darker" Magical Girl "deconstructions" aimed at grown men such as Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna, as well as most shonen/seinen shows such as Naruto and Death Note, which says a lot. Honestly, whenever I feel like watching a show with empowering and respectful depictions of teenage girls that treats them as bright and intelligent and actually unique from one another, I just watch Equestria Girls, Liv and Maddie, LoliRock, ANT Farm, Moesha, PreCure, or Sailor Moon. Because the way the show acts towards them is deplorable, absolutely deplorable.
Yes to all of the above. Almost all of the girls are involved in love affairs in some way, the two teenage girls are irredeemable while Felix got a sympathetic backstory right away (Chloe took forever to get hers which is a failure), and Marinette is flawed because she’s “too emotional” (a misogynistic stereotype).
Anonymous said:
Hi, I'm the anon who got upset at the lady who made the "Miraculous Ladybug is a Mess" rant, and yes, thank you zodiacspirit17 for liking and agreeing with my rant! I'm glad someone else saw that video! And ugh, Marinette learning to love Chat Noir? Really? I don't remember that line but I also don't want to go back and revisit it to make sure so I'll take your word for it. Ew. That was actually one of the things I hated about the Glaciator scene. Chat was supposedly comforting Marinette by taking her to the rooftop where he planned Ladybug's date, and yet only Marinette finds out about Chat's crush on Ladybug and comforts him on that(while rethinking her feelings), while all Chat knows is that Marinette's heart was also broken. He never asks who it is, or tries to help her get over her crush even if he doesn't know it's coincidentally him.
I know it's because of the "love square" but it's unfair that only Chat's love problems are directly addressed. Come to think of it, the reason Chat took Marinette to the rooftop...I know he was doing it in-universe to help her instead of intruding on her personal feelings(which might have also been why he didn't ask her who her crush was, he was probably thinking along the lines of "we don't have to talk about it right now, we can just have fun!"), but meta-wise, since we know she's Ladybug, the writers were probably trying to tell her "See? This is what you could've been doing, but you missed it. Shame on you!" That's a huge issue I have with the show: characters will do things in-universe to help Marinette, but the show has a different motive in mind. Compare to how Tikki gave actual advice to Marinette in Puppeteer 2, but the writers intended that for the statue scene so they could embarrass her in front of Adrien and the thousands of eyes watching the show(except we're not laughing.). Even if characters do support her, the writer is using them as props for her ritualized humiliation. And yet Luka is the problem somehow.
If Marinette needs to learn how to love Chat Noir, then it should at least be balanced out by Adrien learning to Marinette. I'm sick of this double standard that "girls need to learn to accept boys who like them but guys can do what they want". Another thing she said was that "Marinette needs to learn to define herself outside of who she's crushing on." NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. You see, unlike Adrien, Marinette HAS a life outside of who she's crushing on: she has school, she has Kitty Section, she has her "girl squad", she has her parents, she has her outside family, she babysits Alya's and Nino's siblings, and she has OH YEAH HER FASHION DESIGNING! I didn't even count being a superhero since Adrien does that, too. She has so many things to do outside of Adrien, and yet the fact that she makes gifts for Adrien or dreams about Adrien or wants to have kids with Adrien somehow makes her nothing but an "Adrien fangirl"?
First of all, she's the bloody protagonist?! That's such a "Real Women Don't Wear Dresses" argument, that she can't have her own life AND be in love at the same time! And somehow her crushing on Luka also means her life revolves around him, too! But Adrien's life doesn't revolve around Ladybug even though he doesn't really have anything going for him in his ordinary life? Outside of being rich, hot, white, and male, that is? What are his interests and hobbies, besides what Gabriel lets him do to pass the time? He doesn't even like modeling! And the Agreste plot is more about Gabriel, Emilie, and Nathalie than it is about him.
And what about his friendship with Nino? He didn't even care that Nino was getting strung along by Lila with the others! What about his friendship with Chloe that also waxes and wanes? Granted, Chloe's not a GOOD person, which that lady acknowledged, but she at least tried to change and has more development than him, the writers just won't let her change. I hate when people come for Marinette for doing literally anything when the show won't let her have agency and progress. It's so unfair of her and I wish they could see that. These double standards are driving me insane and they're sexist(maybe even a little bit racist, too), and it hurts even more when a woman's doing those things.
(I had to cut off some of this ask because I didn’t get all of it, so I cut it off at the point where it still seemed like a full ask.)
I FEEL THE “GLACIATOR” THING SO BAD. It hurts even worse when you realize that “Frozer” has to take place after “Glaciator,” so Chat Noir heard that Marinette has love problems and then ignored it to ask her for advice about his own love problems later on. The total lack of insensitivity???
Also, the idea that Marinette’s life would revolve around her crush on Luka is stupid. It’s the exact opposite, in fact.
Meanwhile, Adrien has so little going for him and the “interesting” parts of him involve who he’s connected to or what his father has forced him into.
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wskiha · 3 years
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hello hello, everyone!! it's been a very long time since i last tried an idol directory so please forgive me if i'm a little rusty 🙈 for starters, here is kiha's profile and here is his career page, under the cut are a not so quick rundown and a couple of plot ideas. so please leave a ♡ on this post if anything catches your eye and/or you're always welcomed to my ims! i also have discord so if anyone prefers to plot through there just let me know 💖
ahn kiha. a busan boy that moved to seoul in 2014 to live the big dream with big house, big cars and big rings. phoenix's main vocal and ladybug's #1 fan. he has liked them since their debut and he even auditioned with one of their songs (you've probably heard about this story or twice if you know phoenix/is close to him), has all their discography, knows all the choreographies and most of the songs.
used to drag one of his older brothers to go with him to the few fan meetings he had the opportunity to go.
either way. his core family is his parents + two older brothers. he and his brothers were mostly raised by their grandparents because mom and dad were always too busy working or traveling for work. and as a matter of fact, it was his granddad that showed him the path to music because he was part of an orchestra (played the violin) before retiring and was kiha's first music teacher and his favorite.
that being said, kiha is used to being not only the baby™ but the pampered baby™ and it shows in how much natural aegyo that he has and how shameless he's about it, also very much affectionate. even if you're not his friend friend, he's a leech.
but he's also self aware enough to see that he's not the youngest anymore so he has some pampering to do now instead of just receiving it. doesn't really mind it, doesn't really love it unless he's using that to tease someone.
kiha is very perceptive, especially about people, picking up mood cues and things like that and he reacts accordingly.
and as a good libra, he hates conflict but also is good at managing them because he mostly just wants to get it over with.
he's very interested in producing — participates in producing phoenix's songs — and actually his true interest in the entertainment industry was to be a producer, but decided to first try out as an idol to get the feeling of it sort of thing? also do some nice networking ngl but then ended up really enjoying performing and singing, just being part of phoenix overall.
the one thing he hated, however, about being part of phoenix was their predebut reality show. he felt awfully exposed to beginning to end but i guess every cloud has a silver lining because it really got him to feel close to the other members and he's very very fiercely protective of them — even if his bond with them was mostly (not entirely but very mostly) born out of this solidarity that they were in that same shit show together.
and that definitely affected how he is today since he's much more closed off about his emotions — albeit still friendly and with no problems with social interactions?? idk if that makes sense. it's just that he's the type to have lots of friends but not friends friends — and keeps most of the people that he meets at arm length and it's just very hard for him to let people in unless they're already in or they're part of phoenix — as it was explained in the bullet point above.
but overall a very chill boy with whining tendencies and protective instincts of a mama bear. also i probably still forgot a thing or two about him so i'd strongly recommend checking out his pages as well.
childhood friends! someone back from busan and they could either have drifted apart and are trying to reconnect now or it's like you've never been apart and cut off communication— or it could be indeed that you never cut off your communication — and you're still as close as you were back when you were idk five.
friends he met when he was still a trainee and keep in touch even after you ended up "separated" because of his (or your) debut or because of a change in agency.
producer friends! someone he hangs out with that also produces and you two always have fun together playing around with melodies and tunes so there's always one song coming out whenever you two hang out (even if most of the time it's not a serious one).
someone needing help with their singing? he's a good and patience teacher, 10/10, would recommend.
fellow ladybug fans??? he'll still argue he's #1 but it's always nice to meet people he can go all fanboy about and they actually join him.
someone who realizes that even though kiha is friendly with them and calls them a friend, he's still somewhat distant or it just feels like he's holding something back so you're either hurt and confront him about it because you've been friends for a while now or you just try to somehow close that distance between you two (maybe asking to hang out more often??? creating more memories together??? have more "bonding" moments???)
phoenix fans??? and he's your bias??? or idk he's a fan of your group??? and you're his bias?????
@/ladybug members, you could've heard of this boy that auditioned with your song and is such a huge fan so you're a little curious about him? especially when he's in the same company?? just pls come to talk to him
the obligatory "we're just friends but apparently our fans/fandoms ship us together so we could either make this awkward or milk the heck out of this because why not"
someone younger than him that he can't help but go all older brother on them because they just awake that side of him.
someone older than him that can't help going all older sibling on him because kiha just awakes that side of them.
idk i'm open to pretty much anything!
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nishistravelingblog · 3 years
Spring 2021 anime review (first impressions)
I started watching some of the new spring animes coming out and wanted to give my opinion of them so far (I saw someone do this and I wanted to do my version as well). Enjoy!
Don't toy with me, Miss Nagatoro:
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This anime is basically just a slice of life but with the two main leads being a nerdy boy and a sadistic girl. Honestly the anime wasn’t what I was expecting considering the controversy around this before it came out. I actually really enjoy the show and while some of the scenes are a little weird overall I think it’s beautifully animated and brings something a little different to the romance anime category. I really recommend this one to people who like romances and slice of life’s but a little warning if teasing and some light bully aspects effect you. (I didn’t think it was too bad but to people who are sensitive to those topics maybe pass on this one)
Rating so far: 8.7/10
Mars red:
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I LOVE THE ANIMATION ITS SUCH A LIKE COMFORTING STYLE ANIMATION. The first episode was kinda boring to me but THAT OUTRO AND INTRO im so Interested in how the plot is going to pan out but overall it’s such a vibey show like this whole thing feels like a warm Thursday night under the stars and idk how else to explain it. The vampires are cool and I’m glad they are doing something different with the plot instead of using the tired plot points of all shows with vampires in it.
Rating so far: 8/10
Odd taxi: 
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This reminds me of a mix between durarara and beastars vibes. I think it’s such a chill anime but with underlying mysteries and stories playing out behind the scenes. I wasn’t really into it at first but the whole show has a very rainy night mood with it and it does the show well. There is so much stuff unexplained and so many little side stories that I can’t wait to see how they get tied it. Plus I like the main character, he literally reminds me of a cranky old grandpa and it’s nice seeing his perspective on things. Also the little bit of humor is really cute.
Rating so far: 7.9/10
Shadows house: 
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I’m a big fan of the whole living doll thing in the anime and I love the idea of living shadows. I think it’s very different but really good and the whole theme is great. The show is more slice of life than I thought but I think it’s going to get more horror aspects which I’m excited to see. Overall it’s cute but the dark undertones are so cool and I’m invested. ALSO THE INTRO AND OUTRO SMACKS GOSH ITS SO GOOD ESP THE OUTRO JUST LOOK IT UP PLZ
Rating so far: 7.8/10
To you eternity: 
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wow. Literally just wow. Um this anime so far has been beautiful and amazing. I genuinely love this show so much so far and have cried during all episodes :). I literally have like no words just the story telling and animation is PERFECT IS SO BEAUTIFUL OH MY GOSH. I RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE LITERALLY ITS SO GOOD
Rating so far: 9.8/10
Tokyo revengers: 
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ngl I didn’t think I would like this anime and the first part of the first episode was very boring to me but honestly I really love this show so far. Not the direction I thought this was going to go (I tried to not do too much research) but after the second episode, I’m so hooked. I really enjoyed the shows concept idea and love the whole “uwu sad boy finally sticking up for himself” troupe going on. I thought I was going to hate the main character because at first he just seems like such a depressing spineless guy, which I’m being a little harsh it’s not that bad. Anyways The main character is actually not annoying or anything and I love that there is already character development in the first episodes. Overall I really recommend this anime just for the story itself. I can’t wait to see more and how the plot unfolds.
Rating so far: 9/10
I’m so happy there is a lot of different and more unique art styles throughout this spring season. I genuinely love new art styles and just new concepts in general and it’s really cool actually keeping up with all of these shows so far! (Also I am up to date with all episodes release so these are all based off what I’ve seen) Anyways hope you enjoyed❤️
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
ok time to break my silence caused by the fact that i spent all day making this lol too many feels 
so.. palm springs thoughts !! and there are manyyyy so buckle up and feeel free to hit me up with either matching or contradicting thoughts or whateveer!! i would LOVE to nerd out about this movie with someone:’)
here comes thoughts and pictures!! 
we basically start off with a mr. samberg sex-scene okAYYYYY the mood is set. we love the view
nyles aka. mr. samberg is the most gorgeous man alive and it was a true pleasure to admire him for 90 minutes straight 
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CURLS!!????! THEY ARE UNREAL. i shall dedicate an entire post to them
Cristin Milioti is perfect for her role. her acting? *chef’s kiss* I love that she’s not the stereotypical female rom-com lead.
Her chemistry with Andy? Gosh.. Can’t believe Nyles x Sarah is my new main movie-ship!! They play off of each other SO. WELL. Their characters are equally stone cold and bitter, but then again not really, and they both portray it so well!!
“You don’t ned a leg up.” *moans* “Hold my leg up!” i SCREAMED
“Don’t you kiss me.” “Don’t you tell me what to do.” hoW DARE THEY!
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Ok ur basically on love already stop it
The fact that they were just gonna fuck on a blanket on top OF ROCKS?!
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but then again in this movie’s already insane universe it’s prob pretty normal:)
The overall dark, existential humor?? This is what I live and breathe for on a daily basis. Basiaclly both main characters are a BIG MOOD
Nyles not giving a shit vs. Sarah severely freaking out in the beginning is an iconic dynamic
“I am the antichrist” and then the rock falling? For a hot sec I literally thought the movie was gonna take a turn with Nyles being some magical/scientific creature that’d created the timeloop or something idkkk ahhha
Nyles in the suit... ridiculous(ly hot)
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The torture methods Roy uses on Nyles and the fact that he’s not mentally scarred?? How?? 
On that note I love that Nyles and Sarah keep their memories even if the day starts over. Would’ve been a completely different concept if they had to “meet each other for the first time” every day and it wouldn’t’ve allowed their relationship arc to evolve as it did 
Darla is the fucking shit 
Nyles in the baseball cap, amirite?
“You fucked Jerry Schlieffen?” “Well he fucked me.” Yes SIR. Andy Samberg’s characters are all bottoms and we’re here for it
Sarah’s tongue click and “nice try” when Nyles asks her about her sex life?? 
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Randy is hella annoying. That’s it. That’s the tweet.
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the fact that they both start waking up smiling because now at least they have each other 🥺😭🤯
uhm i love a good ship that’s like... best friends to lovers and the montage of them basically becoming besties killed me 
this outfit Y E S: 
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sarah falling off the car and nyles laughing it off is relationship goals
the crashing plane I LOL’ED
okay so... big moment... the DANCING AND MATCHING OUTFITS? THEY ARE MY DREAM TEAM. Also how excited they are running away from the bar 🥺
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the bomb in the cake and french pirate-skit? so fucking random but i lovee it because it’s so them
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the deep talks by the fire were SO well written. they were actually deep and genuine, allowing the characters to grow and opening up to us as viewers but also remained fun and witty
sarah trying to get nyles to admit he cares for her and him joking it off??? the flirtinggg
really wish we’d gotten to know more about what nyles meant with “it drifts away: just like they all do.” because it really seemed to trigger something within him. Like WHO “They”???
the dinosaurs lmao no comment but at least they got a cute cuddly moment
from the very first millisecond inside the tent you can CLEARLY tell Sarah is just dying to do something about them!!!
 the disbelief on nyles’ face when sarah says “lets just get it over with” because she’d clearly stated he didn’t want to and even though he obviously did he’s respected it and not done anything further about it oh babey
we love some good making out:’))) 
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i will die for a post-sexy timez cuddle and how sarah is trying to staying awake to be besides him is just *explosion* 
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this has to be *the moment* she realises 
and they’re both sooooo fucking happy when they wake up after damn love me like that pls
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Baby is trying so hard and is so cute and nervous about it.��SARAH LISTEN TO HIM HE LOVES YOU.
“Going to bed maybe just got a little better” 😭😭😭😭
The entire cop scene is just pure insanity, very Lonely Island and I’m here for it even though I just want Sarah to rEALLY LISTEN TO WHAT NYLES IS TRYING TO SAY 
“Pain is real” oh babey that means SO MANY THINGS 🥺💔
“I followed you into that cave because I liked you!” like jake would say: don’t love how we got here but we’re going where i want
“pretentious sad boy” me
not shocked that they’ve hooked up before because c h e m i s t r y but don’t like how it got out :)))
why is nyles’ one sleeve shirt rolled up? im triggered
drinking pure vodka? oh babey its gonna be okay 
Sarah’s parents singing:)) i would cry too, nyles
"I love her.” “I see... That’s interesting” lmao savage
I actually really love Roy’s character. It turns out to be very humble actually and he has some insightful and lowkey poetic that lines i love. Besides that he’s hilarious. 
SO the whole time i was wondering how they’d get out of the whole “same day forever”-thing, if they were to. and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that they had such a logical way out of it: science. Not anything cheesy like “a true love’s kiss” or “you learned your lesson”. Pure logic and Sarah’s hard work to get there. Huge fan of this. 
I will never get over how good Nyles looks waking up and Sarah is xtra pretty in that scene:’) 
Nyles just wants to stay in a loop forever because it means for sure that he gets to stay with Sarah forever and I’m lowkey into it but also like lowkey LISTEN TO HER AND GO WITH HER PLAN, NYLES
“I wanna stay with you” *sniffles*
“I love you. How about that?” PRETTY FUCKING GOOD 
I love Nyles’ character development. He started off so nonchalant and cold, closed off and by this point he’s the softest, smiliest in love fool I’ve ever seen and Andy does it so good. SAMBERG HEART EYES!!
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“Nothing is real in here” YES SARAH UR LOVE IS
I’m taking Sarah’s asking Nyles to believe in her and leave with her as her first “I love you” because it’s very clear that she wants to leave with him rather than without. 
just- this entire scene i ugh <3 <3 <3 <3
BREAKING. UP. WITH. MISTY ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
glass of wine filled to the brim? sarah’s my type of gal
the speech was really beautiful and sweet without being too cheesy and kudos to cristin for really delivering it like a pro! especially her “abe, don’t fuck this up” like yes girl kill him, chop him to pieces with your eyes!!! also camila is such really pretty bride
nyles looks like a cockatoo here :
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nyles taking the shot and smashing the glass into the ground got me 🤭😵😏🥵
“I’m your son” I SCREAM
Gotta admit Sarah looks like a bomb (lol nu pun intended) ass super hero in her bridesmaid dress and C4-gettup 
The sentence ending up being total grammatical gibberish but Nyles trying so. damn. hard is the sweetest thing ever and should and will go down in rom-com history. It’s super romantic but also well-balanced by humor and I just.. so good. This is the kind of characters and relationships I love and wanna write myself 
“you’re my favorite person that i’ve ever met” 🥺🥺🥺
“i’d rather die with you than live in this world without you” WHY AM I SO SINGLE SOMEONE LOVEE ME LIKE THIS 
okay so idk but “what if we get sick of each other?” “we’re already sick of each other. it’s the best.” is so so so soft, the way nyles says it like it doesn’t matter and is honestly another key moment for me: they’ve experienced basically everything imaginable during their time in the box/loop. they’ve liked, disliked, loved, hated each other and still: he loves her. the fact that nyles knows no matter what happens it won’t stop that because it’s them?? ouch my heart. 
Them dissing Nyles’ mom on their way into potential death? that’s love, baby 
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Ok so I was SURE that when it faded to black that it was done and I grew super ficking frustrated because it would leave us with this “the ending is up to whatever you chose”-kinda thing kinda a la Celeste and Jesse where it just feels unresolved and I WASN’T OKAY WITH THAT. So I’m so happy we got to know that it worked and the bebes will live happuilly ever after with Nyles’ shaggy dog:’) 
Their hands on each other’s knee >>>>>
all in all 100000/10 
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lesbiten · 3 years
VERY sorry i didnt answer this til now but now im in the warrior catted rant mood so. here goes!
i honestly think the authors have Seen that people are fine with them being lazy, and they've gotten WAY too used to it.
i think the greatest and most recent example of this was that throughout the Entirety of the book 'darkness within', thunderclan was spelled as Thunderclan for the ENTIRE BOOK. (its supposed to be ThunderClan)
like, one time is "oh the editors missed it, no big deal, it happens". but...the entire book? every single time it's mentioned? and it's not like it's only mentioned like, 2 or 3 times. i would absolutely put it up in the 20+ range. 20+ times they mistyped thunderclan and not a single person pointed it out. how does that even happen?
there's always been shit wrong with the books editing wise, like dead characters being listed as alive still, characters' descriptions being wrong (yes, including main characters, somehow), someone's name being messed up, a character being incorrectly called someone else's parent/sibling/kid/etc, the list goes on. minor mistakes that all come from the erins evidently not having a series bible.
and like, at first it's not annoying. but after reading over 100 of these books, each and every single one of them containing multiple mistakes, it REALLY feels like they aren't trying anymore, if they were ever trying at all :]
there is a character who has died, like, 3 times. there is a character who has powers for an entire book! and then proceeds to not have them in any other book, nor are they mentioned again. there is an entire field guide about how the clans came to be, which is then not followed at all by the ARC about how the clans came to be, rendering that entire book completely useless and misinformation.
the continuity errors in this series are. just. so frustrating to read when you've been a long time fan and you know this series better than the authors do. and i hate to sound, like, pretentious by saying that? but come ON. some of this shit is like, basic stuff. how hard is it to remember that mistystar and stonefur's dad is oakheart, not graystripe, when that's a HUGE plot point in your series? how hard is it to remember the way redtail and oakheart were killed, when that is a HUGE PLOT POINT IN YOUR SERIES!!!!!
it's like they just write shit, give it a once over to make sure its not that bad, and then publish it!!!! please try!! like at all!!!!!
i haven't read leopardstar's honor yet, which just came out a week or so ago, but i've heard that book is agregious when it comes to mistakes. apparently there's an entire set of chapters that were published out of order. there's a chapter where leopardstar makes featherpaw and stormpaw apprentices, which is then followed by a chapter where she talks to another character about their apprentice ceremony, which apparently Hasn't Happened Yet, But Will Soon! HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN !!!!
not to mention in that same book, the allegiances were so fucked up when they first came out. (idk if it was fixed in the final copy) one character was listed twice. a second character was also listed twice, but once as a kit, once as a warrior. his mother was still in the nursery with him, but his father was also still an apprentice. ???? also a whole group of characters that weren't born during that time period were warriors. somehow. like. who edited this book I JUST WANT TO TALK!!!
anyways. i have like 5 more examples still in my head but this post is already Very Long and i dont think yall need more <3 i fucking hate it here please let me leave
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