#like 'hey why do you have a reflex hammer? HEY WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHOTS? YOU'RE GONNA SHOOT ME?'
leopoldainter · 3 months
Originally pictured
Rope to questing submission Sucess
Ships off to a good start
Annnnnd Rose Dewitbukettef
Yet you has time to untie both of them taken from cankle highness
Look ick not yours
I was ordered by mail. Then placed by the register. Smile. You could be next.
Register closed
Try the Pythagoras I have stuff on the tread.
Theoretically speaking this was once locker up!
BRB og
Trust me when I can and have always seen that one rock that's loves to clean and fuck you up.
Not so fast as it's queen b at the hurricane naming switch!
Trust kanye to come up in your head. Cancertest
Homer, why didn't you go to hibbert
Hibbert uses a hammer for his reflex tests. My jeans don't allow that.
Fucking idiot!
Frenchman lebeau
He cooks he plays cards, dresses well.
Pokemon elemental type electric
Spearow hyphenated pidgey
Seems like Gary got the last
Who Nelly furtando
Want a wacky start instead no choice. Is what you chose when you started with the alarming wake up noise. How's he supposed to sleep that excited.
Q.Mallory vaDer initiate
Try... the timer
Enough to see if it works
Let's always try the gate first
Just enough time, what the hell tomboiArturo and Rembrandt right in the middle of the street.
That means
We don't stop trying till we find home
Slithering no Xena
Xena warrior princess
I heard his father stinks
That can't be true he was broke as fuck if anything his mother stank
She owns slaves
Say what.
Ehrm huh
Ok I see what your saying schwifty nice five alive
No not slithering
It's affect my frumpl
She's going I for her beltsac or something
I don't know you that well make more sense
I died remember
Today or...
It's supposed to be somewhere you can't see otherwise we'll
Epileptic episode teenage crisis Sabrina window makes lots of sense
Where's another bed that's free start there
How's your name spelt
Mydear im just headware
I assume we've tried looking around before pets say, something warms up
A million years ago anfuckin looks like mail to me.
Sends some of these out to here and here and even here. But that's where he notices
I don't know mine from my title.
Dumbledore was selected in the original trilogy, but y'know things have door ways and desk space
I think it starts with an r
Ok thanks
To the burbs
Rita also so no one checks this.
I can leave, wait where'd you get this pen from.
Orpheus. We were steady. Somewhat. Trust test
Walkoff who da bos
Knife L if only just one time toaster and I could bathe together
Homer and who else
Pause and passes the
Diagonal Mallet stack forum tricjedAgainBruce if I could find myself I'd with the one I don't know no idea show me what's under the skirt and high jackal can you please sign me up for first place with your second say my straw man fallacy Red1railceFRZ rebuild as seen on line.znotMy queen or king. But I did it with the moon stone like who needs double slap or pound.9!oneHOA roger stay there can you catch up to a curbed garbage can. There he's gonna freak when he finds out that's been on his back all day.
Oh that sounds tasty
Now can you see me doing this on live TV.
Roberta sparrow!
If your looking for templemount try the pedestrian gratewaypassage by the bridge to French behind parliament there's lebop you got another keeps changing names someone found out they're not checking id's properly. This ones less clubby more sit down Petite Chicago next lanes need keys if you want orange marinated duck from the place you like or there there when you are so we could have been polite once
Sherif also was shot besides the deputy
Good tunnel gatineauHull exit to the four seventeen Queensway. Takes us to byward markets lone star they don't check id's.
Duke Corinthians
Wanna curtain ring to hug your ear lobe
Ick ok bring back Linda Hamilton, we went with the busted up approach chip clip vendingdorito
Hey you
He's a spy kill him
So they thought that you could try writing it down.
Basket of kisses.
No, none of these will work in my tape deck, aren't you my secretary.
They asked me to do something away from my desk.
I left the phone there
Then you came here
Sausage slice
She got the fridge open
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fnv Companions react to Fem Courier being trans girl (sorry feel abit of self projection today hahah)
Don't feel sorry for wanting to see yourself reflected in the world around you, we all want to know that we belong.
The Forecaster frowned, and his eyes moved rapidly from left to right as if scanning some hidden radar. "Your face does the thinking... two to the skull, yet one gets up," he said.
The courier who stood before the boy nodded and touched her fingers to her temple, almost reflexively. "That's me."
"Odds are against you," the Forecaster went on, squinting. "But they're just numbers after the two-to-one. You've changed suits once, clubs to diamonds, and now you're playing the hand you've been dealt."
At this, the courier stiffened suddenly. "Um..."
The Forecaster went on, unaware of his customer's discomfort. "But you don't let it rest, you shuffle and stack, and a gamble... a gamble that may pay off? But how? Forecast: Rapidly changing conditions."
"Um... thanks." The courier counted out the caps and handed them over to the boy, then beat a hasty retreat from beneath the overpass.
Once back atop Highway 95, she took her traveling companion aside. "Before you think I worked for some Mojave faction and deserted, that thing he said about changing suits... I didn't think he'd... what he meant was... I wasn't always..."
She sighed and ran a hand over her head. "Hell, it's about time I told you anyway. I'm trans."
Arcade Gannon: Arcade stopped her before she could stumble into an over-explanation. "It's, uh, it's okay. I... may have already known."
"You..." The courier's eyes widened. "You did? But who told you?"
"I, um..." Arcade straightened his glasses and looked up at the sky, avoiding eye contact. "Oh boy. Doctor Usanagi..."
Immediately, the courier's eyes narrowed. "... doesn't betray doctor-patient confidentiality, but I was in one of her medical clinics that day you came in for the NEMEAN sub-dermal armor," Arcade finished hastily. "She, uh, asked me and a couple of the others to help her close you up."
"Oh." The courier relaxed her stance a bit. "Oh yeah, I remember. I mean, I don't remember you, but I do remember signing the form that said I was okay with med student assistance. Why didn't you say anything, when I first asked you to tag along?"
Arcade shrugged. "I don't betray doctor-patient confidentiality either. Usanagi hammers that into you pretty hard on day one. Besides, something like that doesn't matter much outside of a doctor's office."
Craig Boone: Boone shrugged. "Okay."
The courier's eyes darted around his countenance, looking for some kind of stronger reaction. "Nothing? Not even a 'congratulations' or a disapproving grimace? Who are you, Boone?"
"Unconcerned," he shot back testily. "Unless it affects your aim somehow, it's not a problem. If that's what you're asking."
The courier sighed. "No, it's... you're fine. I guess I'm still pretty defensive about it. Especially around NCR types."
Boone nodded. "There were a few officers that Manny and I operated under who weren't the open-minded sort. They didn't last long."
Lily Bowen: Lily looked positively stormy. "Did that young man just air your personal business for the whole trading post to hear without a care in the world?" she thundered, with all her grandmotherly might. "Let's go back, dearie, I need to give him a piece of my mind."
"Lily, no," the courier protested, grabbing the nightkin's arm before she could stomp off toward the overpass again. "He probably doesn't even know what he said, it's just part of his gift. And no one's going to put two and two together unless I tell them outright, like I did you."
"If you say so, pumpkin." Lily smiled and settled herself. "But I can always ask Leo for a little help if anyone has cross words for you about this."
The courier sighed and patted her companion's arm. "No need for that, Lily. That reminds me, you should take your medication today."
Lily wrapped her up in a hug. "You take such good care of Grandma, my sweet girl."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "Mija." Raul smiled. "How long you been holding onto that for?"
The courier let out the breath she'd taken, and her shoulders sank back to a normal level. "Well not everyone takes news like that too well. I didn't know if you would... mind."
"Mind?" Raul shook his head. "Oye. I've lived a long time, out here in the desert. It's a lonely place, even if you're surrounded by a crowd on the Strip. You can lose yourself pretty easily, lose sight of what you want, what you are. I'd know better than most. If you held onto who you want to be, then that's a victory, in the Mojave."
"Um..." The courier's eyes were shiny with tears, but before Raul could comment or pull out a handkerchief, she'd enveloped him in an unexpected hug. "Thanks, viejo."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well, I'll be a gecko's uncle." Cass grinned. "You're serious? All this time on the road together, and you didn't think you could tell me that? I'm wounded, Six."
"Hey now, you were slow to trust me, too," the courier pointed out with a growing smirk. "I was gonna tell you after the Silver Rush situation, if we made it out alive, but then we did and you were riding so high at the Atomic Wrangler that I didn't want to dampen your memory of that day."
"Dampen my..." Cass chuckled and clapped the courier on the shoulder. "Better fix your metaphor there, Six. Rain in the desert is a good thing. And trust between friends would never dampen my day."
She held up a hand before the courier could protest. "I know, I know what you were worried about. Trust me, I'm not the type to froth at the mouth over propriety or 'family values.' Thought you'd've picked up on that, with my smart mouth and wanderin' eyes."
"Wandering..." The courier ducked out from under her arm and danced away, laughing. "Uh-uh. I helped you with your vendetta, now you help me with mine. Then we'll buy a drink at the Tops and talk, whiskey rose."
Veronica Santangelo: "You..." Veronica's eyes went as wide as the Mojave's full moon. "Oh. Oh."
Slowly, the Scribe sank into a sitting position on the cracked asphalt. "That explains a few things, I suppose."
The courier sat down next to her. "Like what?"
Veronica started ticking things off on her fingers. "Both that guy in Primm and the bartender in Goodsprings called you by a different name, but they were the same name and it sounded kind of like yours so I wrote it off as a coincidence. Benny didn't recognize you right away, even though he shot you in the head. And Arcade locked us all out of your room that time you took some shrapnel to the torso and were laid up in the Lucky 38 until you weren't covered in bandages."
"Oh yeah." The courier grinned. "Surprised you didn't piece it together sooner, then."
"I sometimes forget that's something people can do," Veronica admitted. "Remember when I said that some in the Brotherhood don't look too kindly on those who choose relationships that don't produce new children? Well, ditto and worse for those who want to transition. Most of the ones brave enough to do it anyway don't stay Brotherhood for long."
ED-E: The eyebot beeped in mock surprise, then whizzed around the courier three times playing triumphant music. She giggled and swatted the bot away playfully. "Go on then. I have no idea how you could've known, but there it is."
ED-E beeped quizzically once it came to a stop.
"Why hide it?" the courier responded. "Well, unlike robots, some people think it's strange to change your... parts. Or even just your classification. Honestly, it's old-world thinking, no clue."
The eyebot beeped long and low, almost like a coo of affection and reassurance.
"Thanks, ED-E," the courier said with a smile. "I'll try to remember that."
Rex: Rex cocked his head to the side. The courier knelt down to his level and scratched his ears, inspecting his new brain and cybernetic limbs as she did.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this," she murmured, increasing her attentions as Rex leaned into her. "You probably already knew, with that amazing nose of yours. I think your owner knows, otherwise why keep spouting that line of his whenever I come around?"
Rex whined, and the courier smiled. "You know. 'Do what's right for you, so long as it don't hurt no one.' Got that seared into my brain as surely as that bullet, thanks to him. I bet that king he's worshipping never even said that."
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Shake, Rattle and Roll 2
Chapter two!
You can find chapter one Here
Summary: Now you’ve got a dead body and a bunch of prospectors. Time to get out of this mess.
Warnings: More murder. Swearing. 
Eventual Ezra x reader.
Tags: @fandom-blackhole @pedrocentric 
“So who killed him?” Felicia demanded, irreverently.
You scoffed quietly and shifted around the others, making your way to the teenager. She was still staring at the body, barely moving. “Hey, kid,” you murmured, moving into her line of sight. “Let’s go get you a drink, hm? C’mon.” 
Gently, you herded the girl away from the body and into another room. She sank into a chair, and you crouched in front of her. 
“What’s your name, kiddo?” you asked her quietly.
“Not a kid,” she murmured, although it sounded more reflexive than argumentative. 
“You’re not old enough to legally drink,” you retorted. “So you’re still a kid. And I’ll call you that until I have something else to call you.”
She hesitated, blinking at you. Her eyes were wide but surprisingly dry. “Cee.”
“Cee.” You smiled at her and gave her your name in return. Her voice was quiet as she repeated it, but not shocky. She was still tracking things. “Cee, I’m sorry, I have to ask. Was that your dad?” 
“Yes.” She took a deeper breath, gaze flicking back to the doorway. 
“Okay.” You rocked back on your heels. “You have anyone else?”
“No.” She seemed reluctant to answer you. You couldn’t blame her - the state-run facilities were kind of rubbish. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath. One problem at a time. “Okay. First we need to call this in to the authorities, so they can do all their… stuff.” You waved a hand, unwilling to go into further detail about what ‘stuff’ meant. Investigating, mostly. “You’re probably old enough that you could file for emancipation, and if this place is your dad’s, that’s good for you.”
“What?” Cee blinked at you, looking taken aback.
“I mean, unless you really want to go to a government-funded orphanage? I wouldn’t recommend it. They’re not great.” You wrinkled your nose in distaste. 
The two of you were interrupted by a knock on the door. “I had a feeling I might find the two of you together,” Ezra drawled from the doorway, gaze flickering between the two of you. “I have some unfortunate news.”
“More?” you asked, voice dry.
“The others have decided that the map Damon spoke of must be here,” Ezra continued, looking more at Cee than at you. “They are quite determined to find it, and to not be interrupted in their search.”
Meaning they weren’t calling the authorities, and would hinder anyone who did. That was not great. “Where are they starting?”
“The study, I believe. They left the cook in the kitchen with some… creative promises.”
Aka: threats. Got it. “Did they say anything about the kid?”
“No.” Ezra shook his head, looking at you. “I do not believe they cottoned on to the relation between her and Damon.”
“Thank Kevva for small favors,” you grumbled. “Okay. New plan. We’re getting you out of the house.”
“What?” Cee asked, looking at you.
“We are?” Ezra asked, his voice dangerously mellow.
“Yes, we are,” you said, glowering at Ezra. “I don’t give a fuck about the supposed Queen’s Lair. They can turn the house over searching for that map. But once they realize that she’s related, they’re going to expect her to have answers. You really want to leave a kid to the mercy of the four of them?” 
Ezra was silent, frowning a little as his gaze bored into yours. You stared right back, refusing to blink, willing him to just listen to you. You were speaking reasonably, after all. 
Apparently, the girl had been thinking, too. “This place isn’t dad’s, not really,” she whispered. “We’re using it tonight. He was almost out of money, that’s why he was so eager to get some diggers for the Queen’s Lair.”
You dropped your head forward, towards your chest, with a sigh. Fuck. Fuck! Your mind scrambled over possibilities, creating plans to discard them almost as fast. 
“Do you know where the map is?” Ezra asked, creeping a few steps closer. 
Cee looked between Ezra and you, calculating. For all that she wasn’t grown yet, she wasn’t a fool, either. She was weighing her own options. 
“Cee,” you murmured, lifting your head to meet her gaze again. “What are you thinking?”
Cee didn’t get a chance to respond. There was a crash from down the hall, then footsteps running down the hall towards the kitchen. A brief moment of silence later, there was the sharp report of a thrower discharging. You closed your eyes slowly. The cook, at a guess.
“You two stay here,” Ezra said, speaking a little more quickly now. “I will venture over and see what has occurred.” 
You blew out a breath and stood, stretching out your complaining knees. This was turning into a right mess. Even worse, a right mess with no backup. 
Okay. Priorities, in order:
Get Cee out. Get yourself out. Call the authorities. Then see about hiring Cee or something to help her along. Sure, you’d only known the kid for a couple hours, but no kid deserved this. 
Of course, convincing Cee to let you help her might not be so easy, after all. 
“Cee,” you murmured, turning to the girl again. “I want to make one thing clear right now, between you and me. I don’t care about the map, or the aurelac.”
She blinked at you. “You… don’t?”
“No. I stopped digging years ago and I have no desire to go back to it.” You took a deep breath. “Just… keep that in mind. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.” 
Ezra let himself back into the room. This time, he strode right over to the two of you, standing with his hands tucked into his pockets. “Well, from what I understand, the cook attempted to call the authorities, to report the, er, incident, as it were. One of the others took exception to that and stopped her in a rather permanent fashion.”
“Great.” You shoved one hand back through your hair in frustration. “Any idea if they’re continuing to search room to room?” 
"Your guess is as good as mine, birdie," Ezra admitted with a shrug. 
You huffed. "Alright, kid, you got a way out of here? Back door?"
"I can make it," Cee agreed.
"Might be needin' a distraction," Ezra mused, gaze sharp. 
You snorted. "That would help. You volunteering?"
"No. We are." Ezra shot you a grin, wild and mischievous. Oh this one was absolutely Trouble. 
The sharp bark from one of the others made you and Cee jump. 
"Everyone here, now!" 
Ezra nodded for you to go first, but you turned to Cee. 
"I know this isn't exactly ideal, but I need you to trust me when I say I will do whatever I can to get you out of here. Okay?" You spoke in a rushed whisper, maintaining eye contact with the girl. This was important. 
"Why?" She asked, rightfully confused.
"I'll explain later, I don't have time right now," you muttered. "But I need you to know that." You stood and headed for the door, passing Ezra wordlessly and ignoring his appraising stare. 
The other prospectors were already gathered in the main hall, joined momentarily by yourself, Ezra, and Cee. 
"Grab the girl," Mikken growled. Inumon stepped forward to comply, and you stepped in her way, heart hammering.
"What for?" You asked, suspicious.
"She's a liability." Mikken gave you a look that clearly questioned your sanity. 
"She's a kid," you protested. "She doesn't know anything about the map. She just works here." 
"Indeed, we spent the past several minutes conversing with this young soul," Ezra added. "As disappointing as it is, she knows nothing of the map, nor of Damon's plans. I am afraid if we wish to find the map, we will have to do so ourselves."
"Fine," Fero spat. "Then we split up and search the house."
Uneasy silence followed that statement as everyone eyed each other, wary and mistrustful. 
"Well then," Ezra started with an easy smile. "Mayhaps we pair off with our accustomed partners? We can divvy up the house by floor."
Mikken nodded once and pointed at you and Ezra. "Basement." Then he looked at Fero and Felicia. "Second floor." 
"And the girl?" Inumon asked before anyone (mainly you) could protest.
Mikken looked down the hallway, thinking for a few moments, before he nodded to a doorway. "Lock her in there." 
You turned to Cee and found Ezra already there, smile still firmly in place. 
"Well little bird, looks like you're in luck," he said, leading the way into the room. It was a library. An actual library. You felt your jaw drop a bit. You'd thought the study had been impressive, but this? This was magnificent. Ezra whistled lowly, apparently sharing your opinion. "In luck indeed! Little bird, you most certainly have luck on your side this fine night. I recommend you find something with which to entertain yourself and keep quiet."
Cee gave both of you one last look before she stepped inside. Ezra shut and locked the door, pocketing the key. 
"Shall we venture forth, then?" He asked, nodding to the basement door. 
A quick glance confirmed Fero and Felicia were already half-way up the stairs. With a sigh, you nodded. 
"Let's go."
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 47: The One where JGY Gets Kinky with WWX and NO ONE Likes It
so our boys are still wandering around yunping and wwx is trying his hand at being matchmaker
he starts asking lwj if there's any female cultivators that *insert list of traits here*
they're still walking ahead of wn, who looks distracted by smth idk what
lwj: what for?
he asks as soon as wwx finishes listing off traits
It’s off-screen tho so we don't get to see his expression
But this is lwj we’re talking about and we all know how he gets when wwx so much as implies interest in other people
wwx: it's not for me!!
and then he goes on to say how wn is all grown up now and probs can't spend the rest of his life third-wheeling them
wwx looks back and sees wn surrounded by children while lwj is still facing the other way
and i only mention this bc once wwx sees wn with the kids, wwx reaches over and PHYSICALLY TURNS lwj around by gently grabbing him by the shoulders
wwx: following me like this, is not an appropriate life for him. According to the bro code, i def need to find him a partner
this is actually so sweet tho, wwx doesn’t want his buddy to be lonely!!
wwx: hanguang jun, what do you think?
lwj: *nod*
wwx: at least, he needs to make some friends
wwx: lan zhan, i think sizhui is a perfect candidate
wwx doesn't dwell on lwj's abrupt departure bc when ISN'T lwj abrupt, right? 
After wwx rescues wn from the children, he tells him to go wait at the inn while he and lwj continue to investigate. 
wn goes all Sad Puppy about it.
but wwx doesn't see it bc he's already running towards lwj "lan zhan, wait for me!"
Small interruption to say that i really really enjoy watching our boys walk side by side?
we're constantly getting shots of their backs as they walk next to each other and even if they weren't EPIC SOULMATES, it’s still like, aesthetically pleasing.
Oh look, they found out that jgy's deed was to a Temple of Doom
or okay, a standard religious temple but considering what goes down in there eventually, i think Temple of Doom is a pretty accurate name for it
lwj mentions he senses a magic circle hidden in the temple and they proceed to talk plot stuff
but i'm just so distracted by their pretty faces
mostly wwx's, but lwj also has a pretty face
blah blah plot blah
it's decided they need to come back at night when it'll presumably be empty
now wwx is politely questioning a monk
wwx: Asks Clever Plot Related Questions
me: *dreamy sigh* so pretty wwx, so pretty
ooooh, wwx's Clever Plot Related Questions reveal that the monk is a FRAUD. 
idc about it or why he's a fraud but i just wanted to demonstrate HOW SMART MY SUNSHINE BOY IS. he’s got beauty AND brains!!!
cut to next scene and IT'S NIGHT TIME
wwx, lwj, and wn are approaching the Temple of Doom
lwj stops wwx from getting any closer to the doors with an outstretched arm
then lwj gets closer to the doors and kind of just...lobs a bit of his blue spiritual energy at the door
turns out it's warded! no getting in that way
so wwx says they'll get in through the courtyard or smth and tells wn to stand guard
wwx: i am half a wreck but we still have hanguang jun~
we get some alone time with wn who notices some ominous black clouds rolling in so he takes off to investigate
And that dumb dog is leading my precious brat of a son straight to the Temple of Doom!!
now we cut to our boys spying over the wall and they see a whole bunch of random dudes with bows/arrows
wwx is thinking to himself: why is jl here? why didn't wn stop him? naughty kid, leave quickly with the dog!!
we get a close up shot of wwx's eyes here and i'm mentioning this for two reasons
1) wwx has beautiful brown eyes and everyone should take a moment to be grateful for this close up of them
but, more importantly
okay back to the show i guess
jl manages to pull himself up BUT OH NO, THEY'VE GOT AN ARROW AIMED AT HIM
we see wwx gripping his bamboo flute 
and in the next second the bad guys loose their arrows at my bratty son!! HOW DARE THEY
wwx thinks fast and flings his flute at the incoming arrows and one of the arrows oh so conveniently splits the flute so it's unusable now
wwx: jin ling, run!!
now our boys are getting shot at and it's super stressful
but wwx and lwj leap off the roof (wwx does a fancy flip bc ofc he does) and wwx starts flinging talismans everywhere like nbd
they're smoke bomb talismans apparently
so smoke bombs right, and we see somebody walking calmly through it
our boys land on the ground and get ready to start fighting
lwj has his bichen drawn and pointed directly at jgy but he hasn't made a move yet bc wwx is being used as a human shield!!
jgy: i advise master wei not to whistle. it doesn't matter if the flute is broken. but if a finger or tongue is lost, that would be tragic
he says it with a fake, condescending concerned expression
wwx gives a little huff and says sarcastically: you have a good point
eeww, we hear the garrote creak as jgy starts walking backwards 
and wwx has no choice but to follow BC HE'S GOT A GARROTE AROUND HIS NECK
lwj keeps pace with them, sword still pointed at jgy BC HELL NO HE'S NOT GONNA LET HIM TAKE MY, I MEAN, HIS WEI YING AWAY
oh, side note, we get a nice peek at some decorative etchings along bichen’s blade, kinda like suibian’s red line, except they’re pale silvery blue
Have they been there the whole time?? HOW DID I NOT NOTICE??
I blame wwx’s beautiful face for distracting me at every turn
Anyway, the etchings are pretty, whatever they are
Jgy is like don’t even THINK of trying anything hanguang jun!!
at that, lwj stiffly lowers bichen and he immediately gets surrounded by jgy's henchmen
the expression on lwj's face!! this is him scowling up a storm
since this is lwj's face we're talking about tho, there's only the slightest downward pull at the corner of his mouth. 
his eyes, on the other hand, his eyes are glowering fiercely
wwx tells lxc not to feel so bad about being tricked bc after all jgy is the best at what he does 
now wwx and jgy are doing that thing i love, you know the trope?
when the good guy and the bad guy speak to each other lightly, casually 
As if no one is actually poised to get murdered or anything
with an implicit acknowledgement of each others' immense skill
And they exchange notes as to how the good guy discovered the bad guy’s nefarious plot and the bad guy taking it as constructive criticism for future evil endeavors
Good stuff, good stuff
as they do this, jgy keeps his eyes pinned to lwj, who is the only real threat to him right now
wwx: since we’re completely at your mercy how’s about you tell me what kind of treasure is in the Temple of Doom?
jgy: the price to satisfy your curiosity is high. are you sure you want to try, master wei?
he says all falsely regretful
look i hate jgy with every fiber of my being, but i do appreciate this sort of banter
unfortunately it gets interrupted by some henchmen dragging in my bratty son!!!
jgy gives jl a sweet benign smile, with dimples and all 
which kind of cracks me up tbh, bc it does not mesh with the fact that he's got wwx by the neck here
jl: uncle jgy!
jgy: 'sup a-ling?
wwx: what's wrong with you, kid? why'd you come here at night??
that was totally just a reflexive indignant response to wwx's tone, i love it
bc it's not like his one uncle is threatening to murder his other uncle or anything important lololol
and for all the dog lovers out there, to really hammer in how evil jgy is, jgy orders his henchmen to go murder fairy
my bratty son is very upset by this
lxc comes in here and is like, hey, jl is just a kid!! and also your nephew!!!
and jgy is all like, ofc i know he's a kid and my nephew! what do you think i'd do?? kill him???
well, i mean, you did murder your own infant son
i can't imagine killing your teenage nephew is that big of a leap for you, jgy
and then he goes right on to say that hey nephew, if you run or scream, probably something awful will happen to you so maybe don't do that
oh now we cut to the inside of the temple and people are digging into the floor
wwx is wondering what the heck jgy is looking for
then he looks at lwj and with just a twitch of his eyebrows indicates that OMG JGY IS DISTRACTED AND THERE'S AN OPENING FOR AN ATTACK, GO FOR IT LWJ
or at least i'm assuming that's what that eyebrow twitch meant bc lwj catches it and leaps into action
he raises bichen and dives towards jgy aiming to cut his head clean off, it looks like
but jgy sees it coming in the last second and jerks wwx in front of him. 
bichen stops just barely an inch or two away from wwx's bleeding neck
wwx closes his eyes in disappointment  bc they had been so close! 
and now he just looks so upset bc he thinks he’s ruined their chances by letting jgy use him as a shield
jgy: hanguang jun, put bichen down now. do you really want to kill master wei?
and omg wwx's face his eyes are red and teary, wide open and pinned to lwj as we all watch lwj obediently lower bichen
wwx: lan zhan, don't listen to him!
my sunshine boy's brow is all furrowed and he sounds desperate here
wwx: i have never blamed you! lan zhan, you go first to find reinforcements!
Lwj looks him straight in the eye and shakes his head no for everyone to see
bc nothing will tear him away from wei ying, not again, not when he finally got him back after 16 long long years.
jgy: great! Next, please sheathe bichen
there's a slight twist to lwj's mouth as he sheathes bichen angrily 
but he did it with no hesitation 
the sound fx team really made the shing-clack sound of it very prominent here
i'm assuming to emphasize how lwj is briskly and willingly de-fanging himself in order to keep wwx alive
wwx pants a couple of times (bc lwj is putting himself in danger!!) and his beautiful beautiful face twists into a snarl
wwx: jgy, don't go too far.
jgy: is it too far for you already? next i even want hanguang jun to seal his own spiritual power by himself. what would you call that?
wwx's eyes widen like, no, no don't
and we get a shot of lwj who is the picture of grim resignation
he knows that as long as jgy has that garrote around wwx's neck, he will do anything he asks of him, anything at all
wwx protests but jgy just tightens the garrote
lwj sees that happening and immediately locks down his spiritual energy
(side note to say that i really like the sound effects and the motions they choreographed for the "locking of energy" thing here. It’s really cool)
wwx: lan zhan…
lwj presses his lips into a firm line in response
oh and now there's a convenient thunderstorm TO SET THE MOOD I GUESS?? 
jgy is like, hey guys let's move this inside so we don't get rained out. no worries, if you do what i say i totally won't maim and/or kill you
cut to inside the temple
creepy breeze? Check
eerie candle lighting? Check
highly contrasted cool colors vs warm colors? Check
jgy also likes his classic villain tropes, it seems i wonder if he and xy compared notes on that...
jl is sitting next to lxc, clutching his sword
meanwhile lxc keeps his eyes closed like maybe if i refuse to see what's happening, it'll make it not be happening!
Which, hey, we’ve all been there! 
okay, maybe not this exact same scenario, but still! Totally a valid coping mechanism, probably.
and on the other side of the room we've got our boys sitting shoulder to shoulder against a pillar together
wwx: lan zhan, you don't have to do this. that year....you owe me nothing
Aka, it’s not your fault i died. You don’t need to atone for anything!!!
lwj takes in his words for a moment
lwj: i don't think i owe you.
he says it so seriously
wwx: so why did you do that??
lwj looks over to him
lwj: it's what i should do.
some mood-setting stuff happens
you know, creepy wind slamming open doors, blowing out candles, that sort of thing
huh, he's got an unconscious nhs with him
wow he just drops nhs on the ground like a sack of potatoes, rude
blah blah evil plotty exchange between evil master and evil subordinate blah blah
blah blah emotional confrontation between jgy and lxc that idc about blah blah
ugh gross now su she is approaching wwx and lwj and is talking to them all smugly condescending
i want to hit his face with a brick tbh
wwx just rolls his eyes and lwj looks off to the middle distance bc this insect is not worth his time or attention lololol
god that chip in his shoulder that he's got for lwj is really getting annoying
ss: i just can't stand his attitude, as if he's better than everyone else!!
idk about “everyone else,” but he's definitely BETTER THAN YOU, YOU GREASY LITTLE COWARD
lol wwx gets offended on lwj's behalf (bc lwj has yet to acknowledge su she at all)
wwx: when did lan zhan say he was better than everyone else?
awwwwww!! lwj sneaks a glance at wwx when he starts to defend his honor. that's so cute!
wwx: iirc, in the great big book of lan fam rules, there’s one that says "don't be arrogant and prideful"
jl: how do you know the principles of gusulan so well?!
wwx frowns all sulky and taps his nose adorably
wwx: i have transcribed it so many times that i memorized it.
jl: why did you transcribe the principles of lan??
wwx: do you think it was my choice? that (and here he glances at lwj from the corner of his eye and lwj is side-eyeing him and it's hilarious) was my punishment
jl: shame on you!
he says it all haughty and adorably irritated and turns his head away sharply. it's GREAT
After that, wwx is going on about how lwj has had that indifferent expression on his face his whole life and he can't really help it, it’s not bc he’s snooty or whatever ss thinks
and he continues to blabber on in that way he does
ss gets all mad and moves to strike him with his hand
and quicker than a blink of an eye, lwj puts bichen (still sheathed) between wwx and ss 
He glares at ss like, just try it, i dare you! and doesn't put bichen down until ss lowers his hand
i would like to point out that ss still relented to lwj even tho lwj HAS NO ACCESS TO SPIRITUAL POWER 
as soon as ss backs off, wwx runs his mouth again, i love it
There’s a bit where wwx says, "i'm not afraid of death, i just don't want to die"
which i guess is some kind of word play in their native tongue? Idk
wwx goes on to explain it but idgi; either it doesn't translate well or i'm not bright enough to understand it, lol
anyway, this all culminates to ss drawing his sword to kill wwx for being annoying
lwj does not look impressed lolol but you can tell wwx thinks it's pretty neat 
(not that he'll ever admit it bc you never admit those sort of things to your little brother, LOL)
jl is so happy to see him!
jl: uncle!
jc: you're calling me now? you know how to call me now? why did you run away a while ago?
and jl looks away with that yeesh expression kids get when their parents start in on their scolding lectures
wwx: lan zhan!!
lwj calmly lifts his arm so wwx can cower behind his billowing white sleeve
jl is commanding fairy to bite ss and as wwx is cowering, he's ALSO encouraging fairy to bite ss
(which really just means that, while wwx will probably never get over his phobia of dogs, he might eventually be able to get used to fairy maybe)
lol ss goes running with fairy hot on his tail
then we cut to wwx who notices how he's clinging to lan zhan's outstretched arm and gets embarrassed
he gently pushes the arm down and gives it a pat and smiles bashfully at lwj
fun fact, this scene is the reason i started watching the show, i saw a gifset of this little exchange here and was like, THAT'S AN ADORABLE SMILE ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD
and now some henchmen try attacking jc and jc whips them away with zidian and is generally just looking AWESOME
then lxc warns him about the Evil Magic Music
so jc's solution to that is to grab a random sword with zidian and chuck sandu into zidian and then scrape the two swords together?? to block out the music with super irritating noise, i guess???
lol even lwj is wincing at the racket
you know what, i'm gonna ignore the weirdness of this makeshift solution and just enjoy how cool zidian looks
now jgy is monologuing at jc and it's boring
lol, wwx leans over to lwj while that's happening
wwx: seriously, he talks like xy
he is not impressed by it lololol
both jc and jgy hear him and give him a Look and wwx puts on an innocent face
jgy starts picking at jc's emotional wounds and complicated brotherly feelings
jc starts getting defensive and snappish
lxc: don't answer him. he's good at talking. 
so at least lxc is learning from his mistakes here, that’s good!
jgy switches tactics and starts in on wwx and his complicated brotherly feelings
but wwx responds with, hey man, i already know jc hates me so that isn't gonna work
oooooh, now jgy is revealing how he heard that jc was running around lotus pier asking ppl to unsheathe suibian
wwx's eyes get all wide and surprised
he throws a desperate look at lwj
wwx: my sword? didn't i give suibian to wn??
lwj doesn't answer but wwx realizes that he hasn't seen wn carrying suibian lately
and he starts frantically asking lwj how suibian ended up with jc and why the heck would jc ask others to draw suibian
wwx: has he drawn it by himself??
pretty sure he knows the answers to all those questions and is basically asking lwj to tell him his suspicions aren't correct
lwj: wei ying, calm down
jgy notices wwx's reactions and pushes on bc he's found a weak spot and he's def gonna exploit it
he's like, oh yeah, i also heard you were able to draw suibian from its sheath, jc
wwx's face is full of dread as he realizes what happened
he starts blinking back tears and he's getting all shaky bc this is his nightmare unfolding before him
he gives jc a sarcastic bow and keeps picking at those wounds
wwx jerks forward as if he was going to try to shut up jgy, but lwj holds him back bc honestly, what was wwx going to be able to do anyway?
jc staggers back as if physically wounded
wwx's eyes are red with tears bc this was never supposed to happen
jgy chooses this moment to attack and now we have a sword fight
we get a shot of lwj and wwx here
wwx is squirming in his seat like he wants to intervene but knows that he can't
Lwj is keeping a close eye on wwx, ready to stop him the moment wwx tries to sacrifice himself for jc (again)
in the middle of their fight, jgy suddenly flings his sword right at lwj!!
lwj tries to raise bichen but it's not gonna be quick enough
jc sees this and dives towards lwj and manages to block the sword
lwj looks at him in shock, which is understandable bc jc doesn't even like him
he could've totally just let that sword slice him in two and been guilt-free bc hey he's in the middle of a life or death battle himself, you know?
but he didn't! he took the time to protect lwj 
For his efforts, he gets wounded (like mortally wounded) and now he has another reason to hate lwj lol
Anyway, jc can't do much now except channel all his spiritual energy into the wound so he doesn't, yknow, DIE
wwx is watching him with worry
here comes su she, all bloodied up 
lol looks like fairy was able to tear into him a bit. what a good doggy!!
now i guess the henchman were able to finish digging or whatever, WATCH HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT NONSENSE
Let’s check in on our boys instead
wwx and and lwj share a look 
and all i can think is omg look at how close their hands are, if they each shift just a couple inches they'd be holding hands!!
But no, we're going to have an emotional discussion instead
wwx: did you know about it?
lwj gives a very reluctant nod
wwx: when did wn tell him?
lwj: while you were knocked out
also omg they're having this conversation and jc is literally only 3ft away
wwx: that's how we left lotus pier??
lwj: wn is very sorry about that
look at lwj being a bro and sticking up for wn!
wwx: i've told him time and again to never speak of it
jc: never speak of what?
and here they seem to realize that yeah, hello, everyone can hear their conversation
they look at jc all surprised
*facepalm* guys, guys, i get that you both get a little wrapped up in each other sometimes, but c'mon
But we still got quality times with our boys, and some fun times with jl and jc, so i guess that evens the scales!
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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                                        [sirens wailing]
(Over PA): House fire, 788 Maple Street. Engine 51, Truck 81,
                 Ambulance 61.
                           [horns honking, sirens wailing]
Andy Darden: Guys, how do I look?
Matt Casey: As usual. Like the class clown.
Christopher Herrmann: [chuckles]
Matt Casey: Yo, Severide, how soon till you can take Darden off my
Kelly Severide: [laughs] Andy makes squad the day after I’m no
                          longer in charge.
                            [horns honking, sirens wailing]
                                        [brakes squeal]
                                       [indistinct chatter]
Lady 1: The attic. My brother lives up there. He hasn’t come down.
Matt Casey: That window there?
Lady 1: Yes, I haven’t seen him. Oh, god.
Matt Casey: Think there’s a guy in the attic.
Andy Darden: I’ll raise the aerial.
Kelly Severide: He could be on the stairs, in the hallway, anywhere.
                          We’ll go in the back, work our way up.
                          Case of beer we get to him first.
Matt Casey: Just vent the back.
                    Was Severide always such a cocky prick?
Andy Darden: Only since kindergarten.
                                        [indistinct chatter]
                                        [woman sobbing]
Chief Boden: This is Chief Boden. Want an inch and ¾ on the front.
                       Need two 2 1/2s on the neighbour’s houses. I want
                       my entrance through the rear and ground ladders to
                       the roof.
Kelly Severide: Halligan. [grunts]
                          Let’s go!
                          Hey, check over there!
Matt Casey: (into radio) Severide, do we have a vent?
                    Darden, wait!
                                            [glass breaks]
Andy Darden: We’re good.
                                           [glass breaking]
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Casey, there is no vent.
Matt Casey: Darden, back out!
                                               [door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Get down! [grunts]
Matt Casey: Darden!
Andy Darden: [screams]
                                          [somber music]
                                        [indistinct chatter]
                                          - Title Screen -
                                          [somber music]
Jose Vargas: What the hell are you doing, Casey?
Matt Casey: Can’t stand looking at this another day.
Jose Vargas: Heather might want it.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I’ll call her.
Jose Vargas: Boden’s looking for you.
Chief Boden: Casey, you want to step into my office?
Matt Casey: Rumours floating around you’re going to box in the
                    drop-a-cop. Fight that guy who slept with your first 
Chief Boden: It was my second wife, and she’s his problem now, 
                      not mine. So, no, I’m not boxing him.
                      Mayor Emanuel’s coming by on Saturday to make the
                      month since Darden…This animosity…has got to stop.
                      You’re both supposed to be leaders here. Lead by  
                      example. We’ve all been through it. Andy was a friend  
                      to all of us.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, he was.
Matt Casey: Is there something you want to say?
Chief Boden: See this? This right here, this is exactly what I’m
                       talking about.
Kelly Severide: You’re right, Chief. I’m sorry, it’s all good,
Matt Casey: We’re fine, Chief.
Chief Boden: [sighs] Then that’s enough for now.
                              [siren wails in the distance]
Peter Mills: Hey. Um…my—my name is Peter Mills. I’m the new
                  candidate on 81.
Joe Cruz: Oh, fantastic. Joe Cruz. We’ve been waiting for you.
Peter Mills: Really? Great.
Joe Cruz: So Peter Mills, is it?
Peter Mills: Pete, actually, I…
Joe Cruz: Okay, Peter Mills, right this way. So, uh, gym’s through
                there. There’s a TV in the kitchen, but satellite’s busted.
                Uh, equipment room. Rescue squad a-holes. Think they
                own that table. Kitchen. Tower.
                Peter Mills, keep moving.
Peter Mills: Yeah.
                                     [indistinct chatter]
Joe Cruz: Hey, Otis, this is Peter Mills.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, I’m giving a tour.
Joe Cruz: Peter Mills is our new candidate.
Otis Zvonecek: Peter Mills…it’s all yours.
Peter Mills: Um…who wants to try on a helmet?
                                       [sirens wailing]
(Over radio): Firehouse 51, Ambulance 61, Multiple gunshot injuries.
                      934 Roosevelt Road.
                                       [sirens shut off]
Gabby Dawson: What’s up?
Patrol Officer 1: Two GSW’s. One’s an organ donor, another hit in
                           the gut.
Gabby Dawson: Shooter?
Patrol Officer 1: Gone, but this happened less than ten minutes 
                            We’re sweeping.
Group of guys: Hey, baby.
                         Go on, medic.
Victim 1: Oh, god. Oh, god.
Gabby Dawson: What’s your name?
Victim 1: Ricky.
Gabby Dawson: You buying or selling, Ricky?
Victim 1 (Ricky): Bitch, just fix me up!
Leslie Shay: Maybe we should let him bleed awhile.
Victim 1 (Ricky): I put one in that G.D. Hit him right in the head.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, I don’t think so, Ricky. He’s gone.
Victim 1 (Ricky): No, man, I hit him!
Patrol Officer 2: Hey, we think the shooter’s upstairs.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, we’re good here.
                            Ricky, have you been using? Hm? We need to
                           know so that we don’t give you something that  
                           can make you go into shock, okay?
Leslie Shay: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Victim 2 / Shooter: Rise up, fool!
Victim 1 (Ricky): I told you, I shot him!
Victim 2 / Shooter: [grunting]
Gabby Dawson: Sit down. I need to look at your head.
                                 [gun hammer clicks]
Gabby Dawson: It’s alright, okay? I’m just gonna take a look.
                           Just take a seat. I just want to take a look, okay?
                          Your head’s in bad shape, but I’m only gonna help  
                           you if you drop that piece on the floor. You need to  
                           drop the gun or we’re leaving.
Victim 2 / Shooter: Come on.
Gabby Dawson: Not until you drop that gun.
                           Drop the gun now!
Patrol Officer 3: Turn around! Hands behind your back!
Patrol Officer 2: Weapon secured.
Patrol Officer 1: Gabriela, what can I say?
Gabby Dawson: Say you’ll check the closet next time.
Christopher Herrmann: Throw in for cooking club.
                                         Hey, short arms, long pockets. Yeah you.
Jose Vargas: How’d Herrmann get the chef job?
Mouch: No gag reflex.
Matt Casey: Otis, what happened to your tour?
Otis Zvonecek: Our new candidate.
Peter Mills: So this is called a pass alarm. Now, if a firefighter is
                  totally still for more than 18 seconds, a loud alarm goes
                  off until he moves again.
Child 1: Why?
Peter Mills: Well, if he’s hurt or trapped, we’ll know where to find him.
                                      [alarm wailing]
Peter Mills: That’s loud.
                  See, this house is special because it has a rescue
                   squad. Squad 3 serves a big piece of this city. They’re
                   experts at water rescue, extraction, pretty much  
                   everything. They’re like the best of the best.
Child 2: Why aren’t you with them?
Peter Mills: Well, I mean, I plan to be. My father was a member of
                   this squad years ago.
Matt Casey: Mills, right? Last to show, first to go. That’s the rescue
Kelly Severide: You truck guys do such a good job getting
                          everything ready for us. Why would we want to take
                          that away from you?
Matt Casey: [snickers] Kids, you should know they make the rescue
                    helmets extra big to fit their heads inside them.
Kelly Severide: There are two types of firefighters: those who are on
                          squad, and those who wish they were on squad.
Matt Casey: Ooh.
Peter Mills: Come on, kids.
Kelly Severide: Bet I get an application from him by the end of the
Matt Casey: He wants you, you can have him.
                                     [alarm wailing]
(Over PA): Pin-in accident, Columbus Drive Bridge. Ambulance 61,
                 Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Battalion 25.
Joe Cruz: Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!
Matt Casey: Let’s go!
                                   [siren wailing]
Matt Casey: Mills, shadow Mouch. Walk with a purpose, but don’t
                    run. Take it all in, know the details of the situation
                    before your act.
                    Oh, and Mills, don’t be a crow.
                                [honking, siren wailing]
                                       [sirens shut off]
                                       [handle rattling]
Matt Casey: Ma’am? Can you hear me?
Lady 2 / Victim 3: My daughter…
Child 3: [whimpering]
Lady 2 / Victim 3: Madeline?
Jose Vargas: Hey, Cruz, grab the saw!
Child 3 (Madeline): [whimpering]
Lady 2 / Victim 3: Madeline! My little girl!
Matt Casey: I see her. She’s okay.
Child 3 (Madeline): [whimpering]
Matt Casey: Get the jaws!
Chief Boden: (into radio) This is Chief Boden. I’m gonna need two
                       more ambulances and a helicopter.
Lady 2 / Victim 3: Oh you’re fine honey.
Matt Casey: Mother, daughter trapped. Both responsive.
Gabby Dawson: Can you hear me?
Matt Casey: Madeline.
Gabby Dawson: Madeline? Are you hurt, honey?
Child 3 (Madeline): [nods slightly] mmhmm.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, can you tell me where you’re hurt?
Child 3 (Madeline): My body.
                                  [creaking sounds]
Firefighter: We’re leaking fuel!
Gabby Dawson: Okay, you mean your tummy or your chest?
Child 3 (Madeline): My chest.
                                  [creaking sounds]
Lady 2 / Victim 3: Madeline, mommy loves you. Everything’s gonna
                             be okay.
                             Madeline, look at mommy.
Mouch: Oh shh—He’s in the water. He’s in the water!
Chief Boden: Who?
Mouch: The driver. He was ejected.
                                  [indistinct chatter]
Chief Boden: We think we got one in the river. Go.
Kelly Severide: We’re on it!
Gabby Dawson: Now, listen, Madeline, I want you to see if you can
                           turn your head toward me. Can you do that?
Lady 2 / Victim 3: Madeline.
Child 3 (Madeline): [whimpering]
Lady 2 / Victim 3: Madeline.
Christopher Herrmann: Here we go, there you go. Give me your
                                        legs. It’s okay.
Child 3 (Madeline): [whimpering]
Gabby Dawson: It’s okay.
Kelly Severide: All right, Husting and me are going. Capp and
                          Hadley on RIT and run the line.
Jose Vargas: It’s dumping gas!
Child 3 (Madeline): [sobs]
Chief Boden: Get a hose on that. Come on!
Firefighter: Go!
Peter Mills: That’s the driver. Stop that guy.
Firefighter: Go!
Patrol officer 4: I got him. I got him.
Voice over radio: We got the driver. He’s in custody.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Cancel the dive. No one is in the water.
Gabby Dawson: It’s okay.
Child 3 (Madeline): I’m scared.
Leslie Shay: Let’s get her out of here.
Gabby Dawson: Whoa, whoa, whoa, look at her jugular.
Leslie Shay: It’s all right, sweetie.
Gabby Dawson: Muffled heart sounds. It’s Beck’s triad
Leslie Shay: Come on, sweetie. Gentle.
                     Easy. Come on.
                                        [sirens wailing]
                                      [monitor beeping]
Gabby Dawson: Time?
Leslie Shay: Less than two minutes!
                                      [monitor beeping]
Gabby Dawson: I got PEA. She’s bleeding into the bag around her
                           heart. I need to evacuate the blood.
Leslie Shay: A minute and a half!
Gabby Dawson: She doesn’t have a minute and a half, Shay! She’s
                          gonna be dead before we get there!
Leslie Shay: You got to wait, Dawson!
Gabby Dawson: Pull over the damn rig now!
                                          [tires squeal]
                                       [monitor beeping]
Gabby Dawson: Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Damn it! I
                          hit the heart.
Leslie Shay: Back it out slowly. Slowly.
                                      [beeping intensifies]
                                      [beeping stabilises]
Gabby Dawson: Pressure’s coming up. Go!
                                 [tires squeal, siren wails]
Gabby Dawson: Mediastinal haemorrhage. I attempted
                           pericardiocentesis and saw PVCs.
Doctor 1: You hit her heart with a needle?
Gabby Dawson: I backed it out and evacuated as much blood as I
Doctor 1: Well, let’s hope you didn’t kill her in the process.
                Get her into 3. Call Dr. Nesbit upstairs and tell him to prep
                for surgery.
Doctor 2: Gabby, don’t worry about him. He’s an ass. And his wife’s
                finally leaving him, so there’s that.
Gabby Dawson: Thanks.
Otis Zvonecek: Say, Lieutenant, now that we have a new candidate,
                         I don’t have to be Otis anymore.
Matt Casey: You’re still Otis.
Otis Zvonecek: But I thought I could learn to drive the truck and we
                         could put Peter Mills on the elevators.
Matt Casey: Herrmann, what’s this guy’s name?
Christopher Herrmann: Otis.
Matt Casey: No, his real name.
Christopher Herrmann: Bart?
Otis Zvonecek: Brian. Brian Zvonecek.
                          He knew.
Matt Casey: You’re staying on elevators, which makes you Otis.
Kelly Severide: Hey! Guy in the water? How about a guy with his
                         head up his ass?
Matt Casey: You handle your firefighters. I’ll handle mine.
Kelly Severide: That’s a good theory, Casey. How about giving it a
Matt Casey: Know what? I’m getting real tired of your bull, 
Kelly Severide: I don’t give a damn what you’re tired of.
Chief Boden: Hey! I thought you all should know I am gonna fight
                      that Dick Olmstead who slept with my wife in  
                      Saturday’s drop-a-cop, or we could all just throw the  
                      gloves on right now, beat the hell out of each other.  
                      Maybe when the mayor comes on Saturday that’s  
                      what he sees. Truck versus squad – old as the CFD,  
                      so deal with it. We all lost Darden a month ago  
                      Friday. And that ain’t changing, so maybe we should.
                                         [somber music]
Matt Casey: Hey, Heather.
Heather Darden: Hey.
Matt Casey: Hey, guys.
Darden boys: Hi.
Heather Darden: Thanks for meeting me out here. I just can’t go in
Matt Casey: How are you?
Heather Darden: I don’t—what do you want me to say?
                            So that’s it, huh? 14 years at this station, and it all
                            fits into a box.
Matt Casey: Heather, there’s not a single place I look and don’t see
                    him. Bells go off and I think, “The truck can’t leave yet.
                    Andy’s not on it.”
Heather Darden: Why don’t you and Hallie and I get together? I
                            could use a Margarita—or four.
Matt Casey: Of course. I’ll have Hallie call you.
                                            [trunk shuts]
                                          [engine starts]
Leslie Shay: Kelly.
Kelly Severide: Yeah?
Leslie Shay: [head motion to come here]
                     [sighs] Here.
Kelly Severide: Thanks.
Leslie Shay: Okay.
                                         [door click shut]
                                       [bottle cap popping]
                                       [door squeak open]
                                         [water running]
                                          [car door shut]
Matt Casey: You okay, Dawson?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, of course, yeah, yeah. It’s uh…[sighs] Some
                           days, you know?
                           Forget it, it’s all good. You?
                           Uh, listen, some of us are going over to Buzzard’s  
                           tomorrow night if you and Hallie want to come.
Matt Casey: We would, but uh, we do a date night thing. Just us. 
                      But maybe we’ll try.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, sure, that sounds nice.
                                        [knock on door]
Attorney: Mr. Herrmann? I’m David Talbott, an attorney with the
               Sheriff’s department.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, no problem. We’re all out. There’s a
                                         dryer down in the basement, I couldn’t get
                                         out by myself, but otherwise, you know…
Attorney: We’ll take care of it.
                                         [keys jingling]
Attorney: Oh, no, uh, we’ll change the locks.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, right.
                                     [knocks at door]
Matt Casey: Hey.
Hallie Thomas: Pizza…again?
                         You can’t live like that.
Matt Casey: Come on in.
Hallie Thomas: I’ve only got a few minutes before my shift.
                          I…I can’t wear this if I’m not still engaged to you.
                          Am I?
Matt Casey: You tell anyone I moved out?
Hallie Thomas: No, you?
Matt Casey: No.
Hallie Thomas: So what are we doing?
Matt Casey: I’d marry you tomorrow, Hallie, if I knew we wanted the
                    same things.
Hallie Thomas: I’m a resident, Matt. I cannot start a family right 
Matt Casey: Yeah, that’s been made perfectly clear.
Hallie Thomas: So what are we doing?
Matt Casey: I don’t know.
Hallie Thomas: Call me when you do.
Gabby Dawson: Yo, Peter Mills!
                           My partner, Shay, she’s been asking about you.
                          Been talking about you all morning.
Otis Zvonecek: I heard she’s a monster. Dude I know over 19, he
                         walked with a hitch for a week.
Peter Mills: Ah, you guys are busting my balls.
Christopher Herrmann: Listen to me, kid, I just lost my house to
                                         foreclosure because I took a bath in the  
                                         market. We’re now living with my in-laws,
                                         which is two bedrooms shy of
                                         unpleasant. My wife won’t take her birth
                                         control because the Pope said if she did,
                                         God would cry so I’m not having any sex. 
                                         So if there’s any chance that I could live    
                                         vicariously through you, it’s literally all 
                                         I got.
Peter Mills: Alright.
                  [clears throat] Hey.
Leslie Shay: Hey.
Peter Mills: I’m Peter Mills.
                   Uh…Pete [chuckles]
Leslie Shay: Uh huh, Peter Mills. Can you hand me that box right
Peter Mills: Uh, yeah.
Leslie Shay: Thanks.
Peter Mills: So the little girl from the bridge accident, she okay?
Leslie Shay: You really are new, aren’t you? Listen, we get ‘em to
                     the doctor best we can, and then we move on. It’s the
                     only way to make it here.
Peter Mills: Uh, yeah, yeah. So um…I was thinking—I mean, I was
                  wondering…do you maybe wanna hook up for a beer or
                 dinner or something?
Leslie Shay: Peter Mills, are you gay?
Peter Mills: Me? No.
Leslie Shay: Because I am.
                                  [everyone laughing]
Chief Boden: Dawson. Shay. Which one of you put a needle in the
                      girl’s heart?
                      Give me a minute.
Firefighter: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Tell me what happened.
Gabby Dawson: Her heart was stopping, and we pulled over, and I  
                           did what I had to do.
Leslie Shay: It was the right thing to do.
Chief Boden: Chief surgeon at Lakeshore disagrees. Do you know  
                       who your union rep is?
Leslie Shay: What?
Chief Boden: Get him involved right now, just as a precaution.  
                       Maybe this goes away. Just in case it doesn’t.
Gabby Dawson: Chief…
Chief Boden: You two stick together.
Peter Mills: How long were you the candidate here?
Otis Zvonecek: Not long, four years.
Joe Cruz: I can’t believe we’re gonna miss the fights tonight.
Chief Boden: Well that’s just as well, ‘cause I just found out he  
                       fought golden gloves.
Joe Cruz: That was 20 years ago, Chief. We gotta tape it or  
                 something. We gotta see it.
                 What’s the lieutenant doing?
Christopher Herrmann: He said he wanted to cook the Saturday
                                        corned beef.
Matt Casey: [grunts]
Christopher Herrmann: Ah, look at that.
Mouch: He made the best chicken parmigiana I ever put in my
Joe Cruz: What do you got there, Casey?
Matt Casey: Don’t you worry about it. Call everyone to chow.
Capp: Hey, Casey’s in there cooking.
Hadley: Casey?
Capp: Yeah.
Matt Casey: Have at it.
Matt Casey: What the hell’s going on? You okay? ‘Cause if you’re
                     not, maybe you need to…
Kelly Severide: You think I need your help?
Matt Casey: I’m trying here, Severide.
Kelly Severide: Keep on.
Matt Casey: I cleaned out Darden’s locker.
                    You should have vented the back.
Kelly Severide: We’re called the rescue squad, Casey. We don’t
                          vent. You shouldn’t have put Andy through the  
                          window. I don’t have to explain myself to you, I
                          sleep like a baby. You?
Otis Zvonecek: Say, Herrmann. You think maybe you just bought a  
                          little too much house?
Christopher Herrmann: I was preyed upon by low-interest loan
Matt Casey: What time is the mayor coming?
Christopher Herrmann: I heard 9.
Otis Zvonecek: I heard he stops to take a piss at every house in the
                          city…as a sign of respect.
Mouch: Stopped here in June.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, Boden’s about to fight in ten minutes.
Matt Casey: Screw it. Let’s take a ride.
Truck: Take a ride.
          All right. Let’s go.
                                        [bell dings]
                                 [cheers and applause]
Announcer: Fighting in the red corner, for the Chicago Fire  
                    Department, Chief Bo-Bo-Bo-Boden.
Otis Zvonecek: (into radio) Hello, sports fans. This is Brian
                          Zvonecek, coming to you live from the annual battle
                          of the badges.
                         (over radio) Firefighters versus the police.
Kelly Severide: What’s that?
Otis Zvonecek: (over radio) I hope you all are ready for this.
Capp: That’s Otis.
Otis Zvonecek: (over radio) Boden looks like a heat-seeking missile
                          as he climbs in the ring to take on Captain Olmstead
                          from the CPD. Olmstead, of course looks like the 
                          quivering cop slob that he is.
Joe Cruz: [laughs]
Otis Zvonecek: (over radio) Chief Boden first won back in 1992,  
                          when he was part of the esteemed Truck 81, the  
                           greatest truck in all of Chicago.
Matt Casey: Mouch, I can’t keep making excuses for ya.
                                          [bell dings]
Otis Zvonecek: (over radio) There goes the bell, and here we go.
                           Takes two quick jabs to the nose. Oh, he falls back
                           into the ropes. One, two, three to the chin. Boden’s
                           in trouble already, folks. Wait. Here it comes…three 
                           straight lefts…
                                       [alarm sounds]
(Over PA & Radio): Accident, building fire, 241 Franklin Street.
                                Ambulance 61, Engine 51.
Jose Vargas: That’s just down the block.
Matt Casey: (into radio) 81 responding.
                     We’re rolling.
Main: Copy that, 81.
                                       [siren wailing]
Firefighter: (over radio) Engine 51 responding.
Leslie Shay: (over radio) Ambulance 61 en route to scene.
                              [Indistinct radio chatter]
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Squad 3 responding to Franklin Street
                          building fire.
                              [honking, siren wailing]
                                   [fire explosion]
Christopher Herrmann: Wow, this is bad, bad, bad.
                                  [sirens shut off]
                               [indistinct shouting]
                       [sirens wailing in the distance]
Matt Casey: Let’s go, let’s go!
                    Otis, get to the elevator and tell us what we’re looking  
                    at. Mills, help Cruz vent the roof. Herrmann, you and me
                    to the top floor and work our way down. Let’s move!
                                 [indistinct shouting]
Matt Casey: Keep moving.
                    (into radio) Two coming out.
                    Let’s go, Herrmann. Second floor, clear the doors.
Christopher Herrmann: Fire department! Anyone here?
                              [indistinct shouting]
Joe Cruz: Hey, slow breaths. Okay?
                                [elevator dings]
Otis Zvonecek: Elevator one is clear!
Jose Vargas: Something’s keeping it open.
                     (into radio) We’ve got an open door on five!
Otis Zvonecek: Let’s clear it!
                         (into radio) Otis and Vargas heading up to five.  
                         Elevator obstruction.
Joe Cruz: Gimme a diagonal stripe right here.
                                    [saw roars]
                                 [axe chopping]
Matt Casey: Fire department! Anyone here? Call out!
                                 [child screams]
Child 4: Help us! [coughing]
Child 5: We’re under here! [coughing]
Matt Casey: It’s gonna be all right. We’ll get you out. Come on.
                    Watch your head, sweetie.
                    I gotcha.
                                 [elevator dings]
Otis Zvonecek: Woman down!
                                [elevator dings]
Matt Casey: Think you can walk?
                    Go to this guy. Go to Mouch.
Christopher Herrmann: There you go, Mouch, he’s alright.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Truck 81, we need two more alarms. We’re  
                    going back in. Let’s go.
                                    [saw buzzes]
Joe Cruz: Hey! Use your axe!
                           [grunts, axe chopping]
Jose Vargas: I’ll take her [grunts].
Joe Cruz: It’s ready to vent! Back up!
                          [creaking, rumbling]
Joe Cruz: (into radio) Roof is open.
Christopher Herrmann: It’s too hot! We gotta go now!
Matt Casey: (into radio) Everybody out, out! Let ‘em get hoses on it!
                                 [sirens wailing]
Chief Boden: Rescue squad is two minutes out. Ambo too. What do
                      you have?
Mouch: Cruz and Mills are headed down from the roof. Otis, Vargas,
              Casey, and Herrmann are clear on floor four and headed 
Chief Boden: No, no, no, they gotta go up. Smoke’s gone black.
                      (into radio) Casey, up. Go up to the roof. Casey, do
                      you copy?
Matt Casey: Up, up, we can’t go down.
                    Move. Go, move, go.
Jose Vargas: Casey! Herrmann!
                             [pass alarm beeping]
                           [sirens wailing, honking]
Chief Boden: (over radio) Rescue squad on scene.
                              [indistinct shouting]
Chief Boden: We have at least two not moving in the basement,  
                       Casey and Herrmann.
Kelly Severide: We’ll get ‘em.
Chief Boden: Squad 3, moving in. Hold engines until men are clear.
                                    [pass beeping]
Otis Zvonecek: Up here! Up here!
Kelly Severide: Go up!
                         (into radio) This is Severide, I need a ladder on the  
                         west side window, fifth floor. I see Casey and
                         Give me ropes, I’m going down.
                         Come on, let’s go, let’s go.
                         Okay. Down, down.
                         Okay, I’m down. Offline.
Matt Casey: [coughing]
Kelly Severide: Come on, get up. You don’t wanna miss the mayor’s
Matt Casey: [coughing]
Kelly Severide: You’re cooking down here.
Matt Casey: [coughing]
Kelly Severide: You alright?
Matt Casey: Herrmann. Herrmann!
Kelly Severide: Turn him.
                          Hey, his air!
Christopher Herrmann: [gasping]
Matt Casey: Take a breath, Herrmann.
Kelly Severide: Breathe, buddy.
                          Hey, get me another line down here!
Joe Cruz: Guys, need a lift?
Otis Zvonecek: That’s the last resident. Building’s clear.
Joe Cruz: Got her.
Otis Zvonecek: Thanks, buddy.
Kelly Severide: Hey! Lift!
Matt Casey: Get him up!
Kelly Severide: Watch his head!
Firefighter: Let’s get him up. Let’s go.
                         [rumbling & crashing]
Kelly Severide: Hey!
Matt Casey: [grunting]
Kelly Severide: [groaning]
Mouch: I got you, Lieutenant!
Kelly Severide: [groaning] Come on!
                                 [all groaning]
Christopher Herrmann: Uh, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.
Leslie Shay: You’re okay.
Christopher Herrmann: I’m okay.
Leslie Shay: You’re gonna be alright.
Gabby Dawson: That’s right, Herrmann, you’re fine, okay?
Christopher Herrmann: [wheezes]
Gabby Dawson: Tension pneumothorax.
Leslie Shay: Don’t think. Just do it.
Christopher Herrmann: [wheezes]
Gabby Dawson: Alright, stay with me, Christopher. Stay with me.
                          He’s probably got other internal damage. Help me
                           get him inside.
Christopher Herrmann: [coughing & wheezing]
                            [indistinct shouting]
                                [all coughing]
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Clear! Squad 3, Truck 81 are clear.
Firefighter: (over radio) Roger that.
Chief Boden: (over radio) Open up the hoses.
Matt Casey: How’s Herrmann?
Chief Boden: On his way to Lakeshore.
Matt Casey: [panting]
                               [somber music]
Firefighter: I need another leader line!
Peter Mills: [sighs]
Matt Casey: Nice work, candidate.
Peter Mills: Thanks.
Matt Casey: Now start packing up our gear.
                                 [sirens blares]
Jose Vargas: Looks like we’re gonna meet the mayor after all.
                             [fire truck beeping]
Gabby Dawson: Do you think there’s gonna be a hearing?
                           Okay, thank you.
Matt Casey: Union?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, yeah. Uh, they’re starting a file on me.
Matt Casey: I’m going to the hospital to check in on Herrmann, if 
                      you want to come.
Gabby Dawson: What do you know?
Matt Casey: I know we can’t lose another one.
                                 [locker sounds]
Peter Mills: Furlough requests.
Chief Boden: Hell of a first day, Mills. You handled yourself. Rest of
                      the truck will remember that.
Peter Mills: Thank you, Chief.
                   Uh…Chief, one other thing. I was talking about the
                   rescue squad, and Lieutenant Casey told me not to be a
                   crow. You know what that means?
Chief Boden: Oh, did he? A crow wanted to be a peacock, so he  
                       put on coloured feathers and went over to the    
                       peacock yard, but the peacocks, they plucked them   
                       all away. So the crow, he tried to get back with the   
                       crows. They wanted nothing to do with him.
Peter Mills: My mum used to tell me to keep my mouth shut and 
                     just watch. I’m glad I have you here to watch, Chief.
                                  [somber music]
                     [indistinct voice over hospital PA]
Matt Casey: Any update?
Joe Cruz: He’s in surgery, trying to find the bleed. They don’t know.
Doctor 3: I got her into four. She’s 190 over 80, so let’s keep a  
                 watch on her.
Doctor 2: Alright.
Matt Casey: Hey, doc.
Doctor 2: Yes?
Matt Casey: Um, Dawson, what was the name of that little girl from
                    the bridge?
Leslie Shay: Casey, don’t.
Gabby Dawson: Madeline, that was her name.
Matt Casey: A little girl named Madeline, pin-in from the Columbus
                    Drive Bridge. Where is she?
Doctor 3: [sighs] [papers flipping] Madeline Pokress. Vitals are
                 stable. Released by the end of the week.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Doctor 2: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Anything change?
Otis Zvonecek: He’s still in surgery. Called his family, they’re on  
                           their way from Wheaton.
Matt Casey: Come get me if there’s an update.
                                   [phone rings]
Hallie Thomas: What are you doing?
Matt Casey: Just…wanted to hear your voice.
Hallie Thomas: How was your shift?
Matt Casey: It was fine. Typical.
Hallie Thomas: What is it, Matt?
Matt Casey: [sighs] Do you think maybe you could find a reason to  
                    come over tonight?
                    [Bruce Springsteen - Blood Brothers]
                                             - end -
GD = Gangsta Disciple
RIT = Rapid Intervention Team – team of two or more firefighters dedicated solely to the search and rescue of other firefighters in distress.
Beck’s triad = collection of three medical signs, associated with acute cardiac tamponade, a medical emergency when excessive fluid accumulates in the pericardial sac around the heart and impairs its ability to pump blood. The signs are low arterial blood pressure, distended neck veins, and distant, muffled heart sounds.
PEA = Pulseless Electrical Activity – cardiac arrest in which the electrocardiogram shows a heart rhythm that should produce a pulse but does not.
Mediastinal hermorrhage = Blunt chest trauma. It is caused by aortic injury, by mediastinal vascular injury such as aortic injury, and by fractures of the sternum and vertebral column.
Pericardiocentesis = Procedure done to remove fluid that has built up in the sac around the heart.
PVCs = Premature Ventricular Contractions are extra heartbeats that begin in one of your heart’s two lower pumping chambers. These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a fluttering or a skipped beat in your chest.
Tension pneumothorax = Accumulation of air in the pleural space in the chest under pressure, compressing the lungs and decreasing venous return to the heart. It is treated by needle decompression.
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fedeipox · 4 years
The Way of Time (Rdr2 fanfic) - Chapter 7 (3/3)
Okay so... I decided to provide Arthur with every piece of clothing, both from the Stores, the Trapper, everything. I always dressed him in his classic gunslinger outfit, barely bought clothes, but this time... this time I’m going to have fun.
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Part 1 here: https://fedeipox.tumblr.com/post/641494228850065408/the-way-of-time-rdr2-fanfic-chapter-7-13
Part 2 here: https://fedeipox.tumblr.com/post/641991775782928384/the-way-of-time-rdr2-fanfic-chapter-7-23
Chapter 7 (3/3) - Let’s go home
Words: 1,8k
Loosen the ropes of the O’Driscoll. Why not bringing him food, a blanket, make him sleep under his tent while he was away? That girl was… How couldn’t she see the potential trap? Of course everybody was angry at her back at camp. And what’s more, after the trouble she had caused, she had also left camp without anyone knowing she had done so. She could have met anyone on the road: a thief, a murdered, a rapist, an O’Driscoll. 
They mounted again on Drover and took the road back to camp. Arthur felt her, seated behind him on the horse, as her breathing slowed down and her sobbing became more and more seldom, the sign she was calming down. 
At the passage on the train trails they had to stop for a couple of minutes because right at that moment a train was passing through. The girl looked carefully at it with her big eyes as it made its passage.
“I’ve always liked trains. Travel in one of those must be wonderful” she said. 
“You’ve travelled in one” stated Arthur.
“I mean in a real carriage, not in the bloody freight car.”
“I can assure you it’s nothing special.”
“For you, maybe. For me it’s a life experience.”
Arthur shook his head and smiled hitting the spurs and crossing the trails. They were walking quietly, with some rare question followed by short answers. 
They worked good together. Sure, they argued like children sometimes, but that was the beginning of a fine relationship. Nothing romantic of course, she was too young for him, and naive, and good, and kind, and pure. She was too much of everything, and yet not enough. 
So many years had passed, but Arthur had always thought only about one person: she was distant, like a dream or a ghost, but she was there, showing up every now and then and re-claiming her possession of him, whether he wanted it or not. 
Something suspicious distracted him from his thoughts. There were men on the road, right before the crossroad and the path that leaded straight to camp, and they were not simple men.
“Hey, listen” he whispered to the girl behind him.
“When I say ‘now’ you jump down from the horse and find a place to hide, okay?”
“Wait, what? Why?”
“O’Driscoll” he murmured nodding towards the two men laying their backs against the big rock on the side of the road.
“Like Kieran?”
Arthur didn’t listen to her question. The two had noticed their presence and they were looking at them with too much interest.
“Just do what I said.”
“Hello folks. Where are you going?” asked one of the men as they blocked the way and forced them to stop.
“Home” answered Arthur.
“And where is ‘home’ exactly?”
“Far from here.”
They were close, too close to camp to cause all that fuss. 
“Do I know you?” asked the other one.
“I don’t know, partner, do you know me?”
He couldn’t shoot them, or the gunfire would attract the law. He had to kill them silently and if possible hide the bodies.
“Why don’t you come down your horse? Let me give you a closer look.”
Just what he needed. He slowly dismounted leaving the girl on the back of the horse and approached the two men with his hands up.
“You too, sweetie, get down” one of the two ordered with a lazy sign of his hand. 
Arthur waited to hear the sound of her feet on the ground and then he acted, fast as lightning. He grabbed the man’s neck and punched him on the nose. Then, he stretched a hand to grab his knife, but at the same time the other one was on him too. 
He let the neck of the first go and focused on the second. The man punched his belly, he murmured a complain, blocked another hand aiming to his jaw and kicked the bastard below the belt, forcing him to kneel over in pain. 
The other man hadn’t given up. He took him from behind, tightening an arm around his neck and stopping his breathing. Arthur tried to nudge him, one, two, three times, but the cocksucker was good in predicting his movements, and the more they stayed in that position, the less air entered Arthur’s lungs. 
The other one was standing up again and from his face Arthur could perfectly tell he wanted to end things. He took the knife from his belt and approached him as his friend kept him still. Arthur tried to kick him away, but eventually he would have reached him, so he had to find another solution. It was against the odds, but at that moment it was the only choice he could make. 
He threw himself on the ground, laying his back against the man who was restraining him. Arthur knew he was big and heavy and that the O’Driscoll couldn’t hold him up. As he fell on his back, the bastard with the knife was on him in a second, pressing the blade against his neck and Arthur, both his arms protecting his throat, kicked him on the legs to make him lose his balance. 
“Put that down, honey.”
Arthur heard the voice, but he couldn’t see the man, nor the girl.
“I said, put that…”
The shot made his heart jump, but it also caused a distraction for the O’Driscoll and so he seized the opportunity. He kicked his leg one more time making him finally lose the balance and rolled him over his back, blocking the armed hand on the ground. Then, Arthur brought his other hand to the O’Driscoll’s throat and tightened, pushing on the ground with all his weight until he felt the unmistakable snap. 
He breathed heavily a couple of times before he stood up and looked at the figure standing on his left. She still had the gun in her hands and her face… she was terrified. Her eyes were wide open and the corners of her mouth had a strange fold, like she had seen a monster or something like that. 
Arthur raised his hand in a pacifying gesture and took a step towards her, but she backed away and let the gun fall on the ground. 
“It’s okay” he murmured.
She shook her head with force.
“Don’t worry, Miss. It’s done” he said and walked in her direction, but the more he tried to reach her the more she moved away.
“N-no, no no no” she whispered. 
He couldn’t understand: was she afraid because she had shot a man, or because he had killed the other one? He took a couple of big steps towards her and finally took her by her shoulders. She was a nervous wreck and she stiffened so hard at his touch Arthur thought she was made of stone. 
“Miss, let’s go back. Let’s go home” he said, but she didn’t move her eyes from the bodies on the ground.
Finally their eyes met and Arthur felt his stomach turn upside-down. Her expression had suddenly changed, all the fear had disappeared from her eyes.
“Let’s go home.”
Her feet had just touched the ground when the struggle began. She ran around the horse to look at them: they were two against one and they had already cornered Arthur and hit him a couple of times. He looked experienced and he was rather strong, but numerically inferior all the same and when one of the two blocked him by his shoulders, she thought she had to do something to help him. But how? She wasn’t strong enough for fighting, nor she had the skills. What did she have? 
She looked around for something she could use, a stick, a rock or something else she could throw, and she started searching the saddle-sacks. Inside the first there were only bottles and vegetables, and unless she wanted to fight them by throwing carrots and beetroots, they weren’t useful. 
It was inside the second sack that she found it: the revolver. She thought about it for a second before she ran again to the men and raised it against them. She wasn’t going to use it, she just wanted to frighten them, tell them to leave him alone.
Arthur was on the ground, one of the two on him, while the other had just stood up and when she raised the gun, he looked at her and a crooked smile appeared on his face.
“Put that down, honey.”
She had no idea how to use that thing, but after years of movies… She pulled the hammer back and moved her finger on the trigger aiming to the man’s chest and hoping that it was charged, or not charged, she had no idea what to hope.
The man’s expression changed, he lost the smile and he started walking in her direction with a fast and heavy pace. Emily’s heart started beating fast and she felt the panic raising. He was close, too close and if he had got any closer she would have been incapable to stop him. 
“I said, put that…”
She tightened her eyes in a painful expression and let her finger slip. The jolt of the weapon in her hands forced her to tighten the grip around it and as a reflex she took a couple of steps backwards.
Other sounds of struggle forced her to open her eyes again and see if Arthur needed more help, but he didn’t: he was on the other man, with his hand on his neck.
What had she done? She had just shot a man! The thought made her feel so bad that she didn’t move her eyes from Arthur and the other O’Driscoll still brawling, just to avoid looking at the dead man at her feet, until a dull snap made her stomach twist so quickly that she felt sick. 
Arthur stood up and looked at her. She had just shot one of the men and he had broken the neck of the other. They were two murderers! She was suddenly weak and the heavy gun slipped from her hand.
“It’s okay” murmured Arthur walking closer, but she didn’t want him to and shaking her head she tried to put more distance between her and him. She was scared by him, or by herself, or by the fact that now there was no difference between the two of them. She had robbed the doctor, shot a man, she was a full-fledged criminal. 
“Don’t worry, Miss. It’s done.”
“N-no, no no no.”
Arthur was on her in a blink of an eye.
“Miss, let’s go back. Let’s go home.”
She had shot a man and he had killed the other one with his bare hands! They were not simple criminals, they were monsters!
The sound of her own name, brought her back to reality. It was the first time that he called her by her name and in spite of all that situation, it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. 
She looked at him and all the fear of him and her and what they had done immediately fell into the background of her mind. 
“Let’s go home.”
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q-gorgeous · 4 years
i dont think im gonna finish dannymay this month but its fine i guess
Danny and his mom sat in the waiting room of their doctors office, reading magazines while they waited for Danny to be called back. 
“Sweetie, are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? This’ll be your first appointment without me and I just don’t want you to-”
“Mom, no, I’ll be fine. I’m sixteen and it’s just a regular check up.”
“Danny Fenton?” 
A woman stood in the doorway of the waiting room, a clipboard in her hand.
“Are you sure?” His mom asked.
Danny stood up as he nodded. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll be back in a bit.”
He walked over to the woman and she guided him through the doorway and into the hallways. Whenever he walked through here he always got turned around and was surprised to already being seated in a room. 
“Wait right here and the nurse will be in in a few minutes.”
Danny nodded and sat down in one of the chairs. He looked around the room, idly bouncing his leg. It looked the same as the last time he’d been here. He didn’t even know if this was the same room or not. They all looked the same to him. 
Soon a nurse knocked on the door. Danny made an affirming noise to let them know they could come in. A man around his parents' age walked in and gave him a small wave.
“Hey there, Danny! My name’s Mr. Simpleton and I’ll be your nurse today before Dr. Cavanaugh comes to see you. How are you doing today?”
“Pretty good, pretty good.” Danny said as he tapped his fingers.
“So.” Mr. Simpleton started. “It looks like you haven’t been to a routine check up in about two years, right around when you were fourteen. Has anything changed since then? Anything you’ve had concerns about?”
“Nope.” Danny said, popping the p. 
“Alright.” Mr. Simpleton said, checking something off on his computer. “Let’s start with your height and weight. Take your shoes off and step onto the scale over there.”
Untying his shoelaces, Danny pulled his shoes off and stepped onto the scale and Mr. Simpleton adjusted the height bar. 
“You are five foot seven and… One hundred and ten pounds…” The nurse furrowed his eyebrows, going back to his computer and typing it in. “Let’s move onto heart rate next.”
Danny moved to sit on the bed instead, watching as Mr. Simpleton put the stethoscope in his own ears and the end on his chest. After a bit Mr. Simpleton pulled the stethoscope away and headed back to his computer. 
“44 resting bpm.” He said as he typed. “Let’s do reflexes now.”
Mr. Simpleton walked back over to Danny with the little knee hammer and gently tapped his knee with it. 
Danny’s leg suddenly shot out, a bit of ectoplasm flying out of his shoe. Danny stared at Mr. Simpleton in horror as the man just stared at his foot. 
“Possible… ectocontamination?” He said as he turned back to his computer. 
“Wait, no!” Danny shouted. “Don’t put that in there!”
“Ectocontamination is nothing to take lightly. The GIW and your parents have both put out safety warnings and what we need to do to deal with it properly.”
“No you can’t tell them!” 
“Why not?”
They stared at each other for a minute, Danny fidgeting in his seat while Mr. Simpleton studied him. The nurse's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before his eyes shot wide open. 
“Okay. Well, I think that concludes the nurses examination. I’ll go file and finalize everything while you wait for Dr. Cavanaugh to come see you.” 
He bundled up his laptop and stethoscope and started walking towards the door and opened it. 
“Wait-” Danny started but was cut off as the door closed. 
He sat and stared at the door, his heart rate increasing as he pondered what would happen. Did he leave? Did he walk out, find his mom, and tell her they were done? Does he pretend he was kidnapped by a ghost? What did he do?
Just as he was debating turning intangible and going through the wall, a knock sounded at the door and a woman with long, curly black hair walked into the room. 
“Hi! Danny Fenton, right?” She said as she looked at her open laptop. “I’m Dr. Cavanaugh. I had some things I wanted to ask you about.”
Danny’s heart dropped and he slouched in his seat. 
“You seem to have some fear and apprehension of telling your parents about your ectocontamination. Is there any reason for that? Do they make you feel unsafe at home?”
“What? No.” Danny said, furrowing his brows. “I mean, it’s more complicated than that. But my parents love me very much, they would never hurt me intentionally.”
“Intentionally?” Dr. Cavanaugh asked. “Have they hurt you unintentionally?”
Danny looked away. “I mean… I had an accident with the ghost portal. But! That was mostly my fault. My friends and I were goofing around near it when we shouldn’t have been.” 
“When was this accident?”
“A little less than two years ago.”
“Hmm.” Dr. Cavanaugh hummed. “And you haven’t had a doctor’s appointment since then?”
“Why not?”
“Because. It wasn’t that bad. And my parents were so excited that the ghost portal was working, I didn’t want to ruin that for them.”
“Was there any other reason? Were you afraid?”
Danny narrowed his eyes. “What are you getting at?”
Dr. Cavanaugh cleared her throat. “Mr. Simpleton has reason to believe that you may not be in the healthiest environment due to… circumstances.”
Danny snorted. “Yeah? And what circumstances would those be?”
Danny stared at her as his heart stopped. They couldn’t have figured it out. He’s only been here half an hour! How could they have connected the dots to Phantom?
“Danny, not everyone is so in the dark about ghosts as you may have thought. Mr. Simpleton and I come from a haunted town where ghosts were free to mingle with the humans until an early unit of the GIW staged a raid. 
“We know a bit more than the average Amity Park citizen. But there’s something more than that.” She looked Danny in the eye with a level gaze. 
“We know that half-ghosts exist.”
“What?” Danny asked. “How would you-”
He stopped as he saw her holding her laptop with an invisible hand.
“I was born a half-ghost.” Dr. Cavanaugh said. “My parents dated in high school but my dad died before they could have a child. But my situation is more genetics rather than a mutation. You appear to have another form, suggesting that your ghost and human halfs are more separate, while mine are mixed together.”
“How… How did your parents, you know. How does that even work? How would it be possible?” Danny asked. 
Dr. Cavanaugh shrugged. “Beats me. I just know that I’m here today.” Her gaze hardened and she continued speaking. “But you shouldn’t have to live in fear like you do. You’re a teenager, you shouldn’t be worrying about being captured or fighting all these ghosts. You should be doing your homework and hanging out with your friends.”
“Yeah, well. No one else can do the job properly.” Danny mumbled. 
“But it’s not your job.”
“I’m the one who turned on the portal!” Danny shouted. “I’m the reason the ghosts are here in the first place! So I’m going to do my best to keep everyone safe.”
Dr Cavanaugh sighed. “It’d be fruitless to argue with your obsession, but myself and Mr. Simpleton will be here in case you need help. Whether with an injury or any stress you may be suffering from. Just give us a call at our extension.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Okay. Are we done here then?”
She nodded. “Let’s get you back out to your mom so you can check out and go home.”
Together, Danny and Dr. Cavanaugh walked back down the halls and before he knew it, they were back out in the waiting room where his mom was still sitting, reading a magazine. She looked up and smiled at him. 
“Hi, Danny! Done already?” She asked. She looked at Dr. Cavanaugh and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Danny’s mom, Maddie.”
“Dr. Cavanaugh.” She reached out and shook her hand. “Danny’s all good to go. He’s got a clean bill of health and he has nothing to worry about.”
“Oh that’s good!” His mom said, ruffling his hair. “How about we go home now?”
“Please.” Danny said walking away towards the checkout counter. 
Thanking the doctor, his mom followed after him. She signed the papers and got everything sorted. As they were walking through the doors, Danny mumbled a few words.
“I hate going to the doctors.”
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malethirsty · 4 years
Magnetic: Cleen Rock One
Cleen’s Garage 
Summary: You & your neighbour Cleen had massive chemistry, but both of you had not made a move, however this was about to change.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback, Daddy Kink
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/malethirst/status/1197343521524477952?s=21, https://twitter.com/malethirst/status/1197343534040268800?s=21, https://twitter.com/malethirst/status/1197343544781897728?s=21, https://twitter.com/malethirst/status/1197343557218004992?s=21 & https://twitter.com/malethirst/status/1197343646623752192?s=21
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The old saying was ‘Neighbors should be there for one another. That’s when good neighbors become good friends’ but you were past being friends at this point. Your neighbor in question: Cleen Rock One. The tattooer moved in a while back & you were fascinated by him. You thought he would push around a sweet thing like you, but anything but. He approached you to use your tools to fix a car he was working on, you struck up a conversation & things went from there.
However more recently, you’d began to see him without his tank tops and you were getting horny. Once you’d seen him washing his car shirtless and covered in grease as he worked below the car as well, you’d spent a solid half an hour masturbating to him. Handshakes became longer, you hung onto every word he said, you were crushing hard, but would he accept you? That’s what was stopping you from saying anything.
However across the road at Cleen’s house, he also was going through the same thing you were. After meeting you, he could no longer watch his straight porn without thinking of you in the position of the woman he wanted to fuck. He would wank & think of you, and when that happened, he had the most Earth shattering orgasms. Whilst having his reservations about telling you (his thoughts mainly that you were long distance with someone else), he was also braver, which led to him breaking the tension.
You were hanging around your house, thinking of seeing if you could visit Cleen, when he texted you. As you checked it, you saw something that made you both halt and cause your stomach to drop. Cleen’s message said the following ‘Enough of this tension, My house NOW’ Had he worked out your crush? Had you said something to upset him? Either way, you dressed up professionally and went over to his house. The front door was unlocked as per usual, so you walked in. “Cleen?” You asked into the open house “In the garage man.” Came his reply. At least he wasn’t mad at you, or his reply would have been more serious, gaining a bit more confidence. You crossed over and opened the garage door, stepping down into the room “Cleen, what’s u-“ you stopped gazing at your friend. Cleen was standing in the garage a towel covering below his torso, no other clothes anywhere “This is what’s up.” He answered your question, grabbing his stiff cock “I can tell you want me, and I mean who wouldn’t. But you’ve stayed in my mind more than anyone else, you occupy my thoughts all day, when I’m working on my car, tattooing, I even think about you when I watch porn, and I masturbate to the thought of throwing you on my car and fucking you so hard, you’ll practically marry me right there and then. I need to know, do you want this dick?”
‘Wow’ that’s all you could think. Everything you had wanted was fully blossoming now, and all you had to do was say the word. “Yes” Cleen undid his towel, and you finally got to see his massive cock. It was 10 inches, thick as could be, fat and massive, it was as beautiful as the man who had it. Cleen grinned “Come here babe”, you crossed the garage floor and pulled Cleen into a kiss, his tongue getting in. You wrapped your legs around Cleen, pulling him in further. “Fuck, you’re eager!” Cleen remarked, laughing a bit “Damn right I am, I’ve been in love with you Cleen for a long while, but I didn’t say anything cause you didn’t clue me in. I mean straight acting men who fuck men often look like they’ll beat the shit out of you” Cleen shoved you to the ground “Like that?” you nodded “I’d prefer you have your full voice yelling as I fuck you hard, so you need to save it by sucking my dick!” You obeyed him, licking his tip, earning groans from the heavily tattooed man “FUCK, take it cocksucker. When you swallow it, we’ll be in fuckin heaven!” He yelled in appreciation, shoving himself forwards, and into your waiting mouth, as if on auto pilot, you hollowed your cheeks, sucking him in.
“OH FUCK YES!” Cleen threw his head back, eyes rolling back as well “Fucking take me Y/N, take me deep into your mouth!” His nestled his hands in your head, getting a tight grip as he thrusted hard. To his utter delight, you had no gag reflex, so you could take his entire cock “Fuck Y/N, go up and down, make daddy feel good.” You did as he instructed and Cleen continued his rough pace. As you sucked him deeper down your throat, you also took the opportunity to roll his balls, making the tattooist scream “OH YES! FUCKING HELL Y/N, YOU KEEP GOING AND I’LL CUM!” With your confidence now on a record high, you decided ‘Fuck it, why not?’ You fought back against Cleen’s slack hands & sucked his balls, the man’s breathing now raggedly being drawn. “YES! Just like that. Fuck, you’re really gonna make me cum before I fuck you? You’re a slut for cum, aren’t you, you want nothing more than for a man to shoot his load, if you keep it up oh- I’m- oh fuck- gonna. FUCK I’M GONNA CUM! I- I’M GONNA! AHHHHHHHH!” Cleen shot load after load over you and you watched above, as your friend gasped for breath and words.
Eventually he stopped, removing his hands from your head. Slumping down, you went to check on him, worried at first “Cleen, are you ok?” He looked up and grinned “Yeah, you look so hot with my load all over your face!” Cleen grabbed his phone on a station table and snapped pictures “Yeah Y/N, looking like a damn slut, model my load all over your face, I don’t need no damn porn star to jerk off to now, I have you & these pictures.” A sence of pride beaming inside you, you continued to make seductive poses, making sure that Cleen would have a great time working a load out and judging from his rehardening dick, you were doing a good job. “Now I appreciate you got all fancy to see me, but I think the clothes will look better on the floor.” Cleen placed his phone down, and ripped your vest open, buttons flying everywhere, ripping off your shirt as well. He took off your pants, and threw them down “Fuck Cleen! I won’t be able to go back across the street!” Cleen grinned “I can give you cover clothes, but right now, I think you’ll be staying the night so I can fuck you all over my house.” This made you both intrigued and horny. Once you were as naked as him, Cleen leaned over & kissed you. “Get up on the car bonnet.”
As Cleen lubed up at the station, you spread yourself out, legs as well, giving Cleen a good view of your ass. “Fuck man” he groaned, shoving a finger in to prepare you “You look hotter than a blonde broad in heat, and you’re all mine” he added another finger, making you moan as he turned them. “Fuck Cleen, you’re fucking hot!” “Yeah, moan for me slut, who’s your daddy?” “Cleen Rock One!” You yelled out “Who is the only one that can make you hard?” “Cl-Cleen Rock One” you repeated “And who’s about to pull his fingers out & fuck you till you cum?” “Cl- Oh God!” You moaned as he found your G-Spot “Yeah, who’s your God babe, how do you worship now?” “CLEEN ROCK ONE!” You bellowed out, not caring who heard. “Fucking damn right it’s me!” Cleen removed his fingers & shoved his cock into your ass.
You yelled at his size, falling back onto the car, using the strength you did have to wrap your legs around him, holding him in place. You didn’t want him prolonging you, you were beyond that now. You and him, that’s all you both wanted. “Fuck bitch, your ass is so fucking tight” he groaned out, pounding away like a man in desperation. You tried to grasp onto something to hold onto but couldn’t find anything, Cleen hammering into you the only thing you could focus on “Fuck yes daddy” “Yeah baby boy take daddy’s big cock. Women can’t handle me properly, but you know how, so perfect for daddy.” The praise was so hot to hear, you lent up to kiss Cleen, sweat falling from both of you, as you groaned together, the tension hot as all hell.
Cleen moaned out loud “Oh fuck Y/N, you’re leaking precum!” Cleen wanked your cock, collected it and licked it up “You taste amazing. I can’t wait for your shot load!” He began to pound even rougher, causing you to scream and yell “CLEEN, FUCK ME!” Cleen lost all composure, fucking into you with so much passion, you saw your vision go white “Fuck yeah Y/N, you gonna cum?” You nodded, Cleen seizing your cock & pumping it fast with no limits. “Fuck Cleen, you’re gonna make me c-F-UCK!” You shot your load, it landing on your chest face & also on Cleen’s face “Fuck! That’s some pent up load hey bud.” Cleen laugh snarled, dipping his fingers onto your face to clean up your load mixed with his from earlier, sucking his finger into his mouth “Fuck man, you’ve gotta taste this.” His pace suddenly went even faster as he was determined to shoot his load. “Fuck bud, I’m not gonna last much longer, Fuck I’m almost there, clench around me man. FUUUUCCCCKKKK!”
Liter after liter of his load was shot into your ass as Cleen moaned out loud, slumping onto you, mixing your load with his tattoos. Moving his hand down, he scooped up his dripping load and smeared it on his tattoos, right over the heart one. “Lick it up babe.” Cleen groaned, you obeying instantly despite being puffed. It tasted like honey & sugar “Oh fuck Cleen!” “Yeah, good ain’t it. That was the best fuck I’ve ever had.” After calming down, Cleen eventually moved away “Want anything from the fridge?” He asked you “You have chilled water?” “Yeah, I’ll fix you some ice cream as well. We might have a use for it later it depends.” You grinned, you had finally got the man you wanted, this day was perfect.
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trashyswitch · 5 years
YouTube Collabs be like...
Chapter 1: 2 Dares...That’s All it Took...
Jack and Felix are filming a video together! The filming experience becomes a roller coaster ride, as their adrenaline becomes tested.
WARNING: A couple swears.
“TOP OF MORNING! SWEDISH NOISES!” Felix yelled beside him. Jack chuckled.
“WOW! YOU’RE SWEDEN?! I HAD nO iDeA!” Jack joked, placing his hands on his cheeks in pure ‘surprise’.
“SuRpRiSe! I is SwEdEn!” Felix said, purposefully messing up the grammar.
“WOOOOOW! Hi Edgar!” Jack cheered in a baby voice, completely changing his focus from the camera to the little black pug that was suddenly in front of him.
“EDGAR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! We are RECORDING!” Felix yelled, jokingly before picking up his pug.
“WAIT! One last pet!” Jack begged. Felix rolled his eyes, before letting Jack pet his head.
“Pat pat!” Jack said in a baby voice as he scratched the dog’s head. After Jack did his thing, Felix walked away with the pug in hand.
“BYE EDGAR!” Jack yelled, with a pouty face.
Soon, Felix came back on camera to continue with the video.
“Alright! So, what are we doing?” Felix asked.
“We’re doing a dare challenge. Now, on Twitter, me and Felix put up dares for us to choose, and the best dare gets chosen.” Jack explained.
“Alright. I have mine, and you have yours. What’s your dare?” Felix asked.
“Right! This one was tough. There were A LOT of good dares out there. But the best dare I came across, was by FuzzyPineapple. ‘I dare you to play the latest game in the ‘Whack the’ series: ‘Whack the Serial Killer.’ And telling by the likes and comments, it looks like there are thousands of people who agree...Now, I’ve played these games before-“
“I have as well, but not this one yet.” Felix interrupted.
“Ya, I haven’t had the chance to play this one yet.” Jack finished.
“Oh boy! Can’t wait! Is it gonna be more gory than the others?” Felix asked as he typed the game into the search bar.
“Well, considering the last game, whack the burglars, was really bad and gory, something tells me it’s gonna get much, MUCH WORSE.” Jack predicted. Felix clicked on the right website, and turned it onto full screen.
“So, WARNING! RIGHT NOW! LOTS OF GORE! LOTS OF TERRIFYING GORE!” Felix warned as the loading screen showed up.
“Yes! Watch at your OWN RISK! If you have a weak stomach like I do, don’t watch this. Heck, I shouldn’t be playing this! WHY AM I PLAYING THIS?!” Jack asked.
“Cause people like watching you gag, apparently.” Felix replied as the first frame showed up.
The Whackit logo showed up onto the screen, as they continued to talk.
“Heheh...I mean, you may be right. There are probably some people who enjoy watching me gag. They enjoyed my surgery games and other ‘whack your’ games, so why wouldn’t they enjoy this?” Jack asked. Felix laughed as he eyed up the camera and shook his head, to show his disappointment he feels towards Jack’s fans.
“Okay. So, it’s the guy and his girlfriend walking, with whiskey!” Jack explained, watching the backstory.
“Hey! Don’t take the ste-god damn it...” Felix sighed, watching as the dog jumped into the hedge to get the steak in hand.
When the boyfriend turned around to find whiskey, the girlfriend had turned around with a surprised face. A guy with a needle had come up behind her and knocked her out.
“Oh my god! That would be so scary!” Jack reacted.
“True, true.” Felix replied.
In the next scene, the girlfriend is seen tied up to a chair, in a room surrounded by tons of weapons, perfect for killing people.
“Oh! My! GOD! NOPE! I DON’T LIKE THIS!” Jack shouted, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Is that a medieval torture bed? And an electric chair? And...a masked man cleaning his bloody tools...Awesome.” Felix added.
“Oh no...is there gonna be stabbing in the back in this?” Jack asked, nervously.
“Something tells me there will be.” Felix replied.
Suddenly, the camera pans over to a cage, with a dog in it.
“WHISKY! YOU’RE TIED UP!” Jack freaked out.
“Let the dog go, you maniac!” Felix begged before clicking the cage door with the mouse. Whisky’s paw hit the cage door to get it open.
“Come on! You can get it! OH! Oh yes! Go Whisky! Save that girl!” Jack cheered as the dog ripped the cage door open and untied the girlfriend with its teeth.
The girlfriend stood in fighting stance, and the instructions came up on the top left corner.
“Okay. Here we go. ‘Find all the 20 ways to kill the serial killer.’ Sounds easy.” Felix said.
“I hope there’s no combos. Those are hard, man.” Jack muttered.
“What should we go for first?” Felix asked.
“Uh...the torture table?” Jack said, hesitantly.
“.....okay.” Felix decided, as he clicked it. The girl walked to the right, and grabbed a sledgehammer.
“That’s not...” Felix muttered as the girl walked up behind the masked killer. Suddenly, she smacked the sledgehammer against the man’s head.
“OOOOH! Yikes, man!” Jack cringed, holding his fists against his temples.
“Well, that worked.” Felix added.
15 minutes later
The scene fades in with the serial killer’s unmasked face, and body attached to the table.
“Oh no...Is this gonna be Whack the neighbor all over again?” Jack asked, nervously holding his hands up, to cover his face at any point.
“Maybe. It’d better be accurate this time!” Felix warned. The lady spun the cylinder towards her, so the hands and feet could be pulled away from him, dislocated his limbs in the process.
“NOPE! OOOOH THAT’S BAD! EXACTLY like Whack your neighbour!” Jack winced.
“OH MY GOOOOOOD! Okay, it’s portrayed a little more accurately this time! Awesome!” Felix cheered, giving a thumbs up to the camera, as the serial killer’s limbs decapitated from his body.
“‘Bloody’. Ya, no shit!” Jack commented, reading the single text that popped up as the girl escaped with her dog.
“Okay! Next one!” Felix announced as the scene was ‘reversed’ like a VHS tape, to the beginning.
“What next? It’s your turn.” Jack asked.
“Hmm...What is this box of toys?” Felix asked, as he clicked on it. The girl walked up to the cardboard box of toys, and knocked it down. Inside, there was a Chucky doll and a few other unrecognizable toys.
“YOU DUMBASS!” Felix yelled.
The Chucky doll ran up to the serial killer, cut off his leg and waited for him to lose balance and fall. Then, he stabbed him in the chest.
“I mean technically, you brought this upon yourself-“
“BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE!” Felix interrupted as the other 4 toys shot up and started beating up the serial killer in a cloud of dust and sound effects.
After the hidden toy (with the drill on its head) drilled through the serial killer’s entire head, the 5 toys vanished!
“BAHAHAHA! JUST LIKE FAIRIES!” Jack bursted out, laughing at the disappearing toys.
“You know, for scary creatures, your vanishing act needs some work!” Felix critiqued.
The VHS reversing clip rolled once again, and they resumed back to square one.
“What now?” Felix asked.
“The electric chair.” Jack said. Felix clicked on the electric chair, and a message popped up onto he screen.
“‘This object requires a second to work’. Ummm...fire? Toolbox? hammer? Scissors? Rope? It’s rope!” Felix said out loud as he finished the combo. Suddenly, the girl jumped up, a wooden plank in hand, and slammed it down onto the serial killer’s head.
“DAMN!” Felix reacted.
“I know you had muscles from that time you beat up some creeps, but JAY-ZUS!” Jack reacted.
Next thing they knew, the serial killer was in the electric chair, unmasked, and the girl was pulling the lever on and off, electrocuting him and turning him to pure skeleton.
“Well that escalated quickly...” Jack commented.
“That’s about what I expected from an electric chair death.” Felix added.
A few deaths later, and Felix had managed to find a combo kill: A wooden mallet and a sharp stick.
“Oh boy...not in the back, not in the-AW, COME ON!” Jack exclaimed, frustrated that he has to watch an altered version of his worst nightmare.
“Right in the chest!” Felix encouraged. Just as Felix wanted, the girl readied the stick, and hammered it through his chest, with the mallet. On the other side, the heart could be seen with the stick pierced through it.
“Oh dear god...NO! JUST NO!” Jack yelled, rubbing his forehead.
“What’s wrong Jack? Don’t like being pierced in the back?” Felix asked.
“No! I don’t! Change that stick and mallet to a blade, and that would be my worst nightmare.” Jack replied.
“Oooh. So you don’t like the idea of being stabbed in the back...literally.” Felix clarified.
“Literally. Don’t like it.” Jack clarified for him.
Another couple deaths later, Jack and Felix came across the cage and the mouse.
“Oh no. Is this what I think it is?” Felix asked as the girl walked to the right. She grabbed the sledgehammer, walked towards the serial killer and knocked him out with it.
15 minutes later:
The serial killer was tied up, similarly to the first kill of the video. Except this time, the girl placed the mouse under the cage, and heated up the cage with a blowtorch.
"YYYYEP! I WAS RIGHT!" Felix said, accepting his ruined mental state, as fate.
“Oh please no...” Jack begged.
“You’re not gonna like this. It’s medieval torture.” Felix warned.
“I know it is.” Jack replied, nervous of what he'll have to watch.
30 minutes later
“OH GOD! OH GOD THAT’S BAD!” Felix shouted, still watching the screen.
“OH...DEAR LORD! THAT’S DISGUSTING!!” Jack yelled, pushing his fists into his temples.
30 minutes later
“Is he-“ The Irish man took one look at the mouse wiggling in the serial killers corpse. Instinctively, he started gagging. “Nope! *gags* Okay-*Gags* It’s inside of him. *gags* I can’t look anymore. Oh, fuck that.” Jack muttered as he turned, covered his mouth with his hand.
“That’s insane.” Felix said, before looking at his disgusted friend. “You okay, Jack?” He asked.
“I’ll be okay. Just give me a sec...” Jack said, as he attempted to control his gag reflexes.
1 hour later
“Is it still going on?” Jack asked, looking away from the computer screen.
“Yup. We can skip it if you like.” Felix suggested.
“Yes please.” Jack replied. Felix clicked the red skip button on the bottom right corner of the screen, and the whole scene was fast forwarded, and brought back to square one once again.
After watching a few more deaths, they felt like they were ready to experience what could possibly be the worst one.
“You ready?” Felix asked.
“I don’t know...” jack replied, covering his eyes with his hands. Felix snickered. “What?! I’m nervous, okay?” Jack exclaimed, offended by Felix’s slight laughter.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.” Felix said, before clicking the surgical tools.
“Just like surgeon simulator, right?” Jack said out loud to himself, hesitantly.
The girl grabbed the plank, jumped in the air, and dramatically knocked the serial killer out cold.
“YES QUEEN! Knock him out REAL GOOD!” Felix cheered.
15 minutes later:
“I hear screams...WHAT THE FUCK?! OH NOO!” Jack screamed, cupping his own head with his hands.
“AAAAAHH! I DIDN’T NEED TO SEE HIS EXPOSED BRAIN!” Felix shouted, using his hands to block the laptop screen, so he couldn’t see it.
“HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?! I mean, I know it’s just cuts to the stomach, but there are multiple layers to the brain!” Jack explained, as he watched the horror unfold.
The girl fed a piece of meat to the dog, before walking back to the ‘surgical’ table. Then, she grabbed onto the middle of the brain with the tweezers, and yanked at the piece of brain until it removed itself.
“THIS IS INSANE! At this point, THAT GIRL IS THE SERIAL KILLER!” Jack shouted.
The girl walked up to the fireplace, started putting the piece of brain in the fire, and...fed it to Whisky.
Felix gasped. “DON’T FEED THAT TO THE DOG! THAT’S NOT DOG FOOD!” Felix shouted.
“NO! NO NO NO, STOP THAT! AWWW! THE POOR DOG! DON’T FEED THE DOG THE BRAIN!” Jack shouted, partially sitting up from his seat.
The girl walked back to the exposed stomach, and ripped a square layer of skin, out of the serial killer’s abdomen.
“Oh dear LORD! That must hurt SO BADLY!” Jack winced at the serial killer’s screaming.
“STOP FEEDING BRAIN TO THE DOG! I mean, I’m guilty because I fed Sam and Samsonite rotten flesh, but THIS ISN’T FOOD! THIS IS FRESHLY COOKED HUMAN BRAIN!” Jack screamed.
“I can’t watch anymore. I’m done.” Felix decided, sitting out of the chair and walking away from the set.
“Yup! I’m joining you. I’m gonna throw up if I keep watching this.” Jack said, following Felix off camera.
The scene continued to take place, as each piece of the Serial killer’s stomach and brain was ripped, cooked and eaten by the dog.
After a few more minutes, a distant, Irish voice could be heard from off camera.
“Is it done?” The voice asked.
“It’s done.” Another voice replied.
“Okay good.” The voice said, as the person walked back to his seat, in front of the camera. The voice had belonged to Jack. The other voice came back as well, revealing itself to be Felix.
“Okay. Can we move onto your dare? I’m not in the mood for anymore blood and gore.” Jack asked.
“Sure.” Felix replied, clicking the X button with his mouse.
“Oh thank God.” Jack reacted, calming himself down with some water.
“Okay. It was tough for me to pick a dare as well, because everyone had so many good ideas. But I eventually came across a particularly interesting one. This comment is from a person called ‘I like memes’. Hey! I like memes too. It says ‘I dare you to watch Jacksepticeye’s video: Read your Comments #95, and skip to 9:03.’” Felix said.
Jack’s eyes widened. “Oh god...” Jack started as his hands gripped the armrests.
“What?” Felix asked.
“Uh...nothing. Nothing.” Jack said, deciding to keep himself calm to not raise suspicion. Felix dismissed him, and typed ‘Jacksepticeye Read your comments #95’ into the search bar.
Almost immediately, a smile grew onto Felix’s lips as he eyed up the thumbnail. ‘Are you ticklish?’ He read. He dropped his head and gave a silent chuckle.
“You told everyone you’re ticklish?” Felix asked, looking over at his friend who was now sitting uncomfortably in his seat.
“Yyyeeeeeesss...” Jack started.
“Well now I HAVE to watch it!” Felix said. Jack groaned and leaned back in his chair. “Hey! A dare’s a dare! Besides, I’m getting curious.” Felix said, clicking on the video.
“Alright. And the dare included a specific number to skip to.” Felix said, moving his mouse to the time closest to the recommended time slot.
“‘Are you ticklish?’ MOTHER OF GOD YES! Not in-...it’s weird. On my sides, I’m not that ticklish. Only on my right side. On my right side I’m super ticklish. I can even tickle myself. Which a lot of people are like: ‘you can’t tickle yourself! It’s impossible!’ I can tickle myself cause there seems to just be...a big ball of nerves that run down my right side, and if I touch it, it kinda like-" Jack pokes his own right side, causing his body to jolt and curl in. “Makes me-“ He added, making his body jolt and spaz again. “-go like that. It doesn’t make me laugh or anything, it just makes me all spaz out. But, on the left side, I’m fine. I mean, if somebody else tickles me, I’m ticklish a lot. On my armpits, not so much. On my feet, not really. My feet don’t get ticklish, they get itchy. If somebody like-" Jack started moving his hands up and down, imitating drawing lines with all 10 of the fingers under his feet. “-gently rubs ‘em, gently rubs on my feet...then they get really itchy. I guess, ticklish. I dunno. But yeah, I’m really ticklish. Heheh. AND THAT DOES I-"
Felix paused the video, and hung his head. Jack couldn’t see it, but Felix had a big, toothy grin on his face.
“Bold move, Jack...Boooold move.” Felix said, as he walked over to his nervous friend, and walked behind Jack’s chair.
“Uh...what are you doi-“ Jack’s question was completely interrupted by a hand squeezing at his right side. “HEHEHEHEY! Nahahat ohohon cahahahamera!” Jack said through his new found fit of laughter.
“Last time I checked, YOU told your subscribers about your tickle spots with no difficulty at all! So, tickling you in front of your subscribers, shouldn’t be a problem!” Felix mocked, looking at the camera a few times through his dialogue.
He decided to switch up his finger tactics, and start scratching Jack’s side with all 5 fingers.
“FUHUHUHUHUCK!” Jack bursted out. His body had started to squirm so much, he was gonna fall off the chair! So, Felix decided to stop, lift up the ticklish lad under the arms, and kick the chair away.
“Felix! PUT ME DOWN! RIGHT NOW- Nohohohoho! You ahahasshohohole!” Jack yelled through his quiet laughter, squirming in Felix’s grasp.
“Hey! You keep on shouting at me, I’ll only tickle you more, ya understand that?” Felix teased, continuing to wiggle his middle finger under Jack’s armpit as he held him. Jack couldn’t bring his arm down to stop the finger, because of the way Felix was holding him! It was so annoying!
But, it didn’t last long, because before he knew it, he was being laid down onto the floor. Jack breathed a sigh of relief...only for his laughter to bubble up again, thanks to Felix’s clawing and wiggling at his terribly ticklish right side.
“Why should I stop now! You seem pretty comfortable!” Felix argued. He continued targeting Jack’s right side, and eventually decided to include his other hand.
But just to scare the poor lad, he lifted his free left hand, and started wiggling his fingers in front of Jack. All the while, the camera was capable of capturing everything from the side.
“FELIX, NO! I’M BEGGING YOU! DON’T YOU DA- NAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHO!” Jack went absolutely ballistic! His laughter had raised an octave, and he was starting to feel tears in his eyes.
“Jesus Christ Jack! I’m not even doing much!” Felix claimed with a smirk. Soon, Felix decided to switch his finger clawing/wiggling, to something lighter yet unpredictable.
Felix jumped over Jack’s body, to sit at his friend’s right side. Then, he started lifting Jack’s shirt, and poking jack’s vulnerable right side.
“NOHO! Feheheli-WAHAHA! Nahat FAHAHAIR! Please! AAAH! STOP-NAHAHA! STAHAP POHOHOKING me!” Jack begged, attempting to cover up his vulnerable side.
“Okay, fine. I’ll stop.” Felix said with a calm smile. He let Jack just lay there, as he ran to the camera and picked it up.
“There! I hope you guys enjoyed that! I certainly did!” Felix said to the camera, before turning it around to face Jack. “Hey Jack! Got anything to say?” Felix asked.
Jack flipped his middle finger to the camera. “Yohohou guys suck...” Jack said with a smile, before moving the middle finger above the camera. “Especially you, Felix.” Jack added, before his left hand flopped onto the ground.
“Yup, I am completely aware.” Felix said to Jack with a smile. Despite his weak state, Jack’s facial muscles were eager to give a wide smile to the Swedish man. So, he let himself smile as he rolled onto his back.
Felix turned the camera back to himself. “Thank you, ‘I like memes’ for sending me that dare! This was really fun! Thanks to you, I know how to punish this guy when he’s being a little shit.” Felix said.
Felix laid down beside Jack and continued to film themselves selfie style. “Say bye, Jack!” Felix said. Instead of the bye he was looking for, Felix received a poke to the side.
“HEY! Bad boy!” Felix commanded, treating Jack like a dog.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be getting my revenge eventually. Perhaps YOUR subscribers would like to see that? Comment down below if you’re up for that!” Jack explained. Felix gave a smile, but visibly paled. “Okay. BYE!” Jack cheered.
“Bye!” Felix said, slightly nervous. He turned off the camera and placed it down. Before he left however, he turned towards Jack.
“You okay?” Felix asked.
Jack smiled. “I’m fine. But do we HAVE to put that up?" Jack asked.
"Uh...I would've said the same thing to YOU about your Read Your Comments video. You could've EASILY edited that comment out, and added a new one. But NOPE! You kept it in, and now you're paying for it." Felix explained. Jack groaned and let his head fall onto the carpet underneath him.
"So, to answer your question: Yes. we HAVE to put this up." Felix decided. Jack sighed and sat back up.
"God damn...then that means we HAVE to put up a revenge video at some point. Which means..." Jack said, standing up. "...I get to find out YOUR weak spots." Jack said in a loud whisper.
"Hey! You got yourself into this mess, by choosing this dare in the FIRST PLACE!" Jack said, trying not to laugh as he got the upper hand.
"YOU-YOU STARTED IT BY ANSWERING THAT COMMENT!" Felix argued, slightly scared.
"True...But I made this subject widely known early on, so I could get it over with and move on. You've taken SO LONG to tell YOUR subscribers about YOUR tickle spots..." Jack defended, holding his hands up at arrest.
"F...fine. You win..." Felix said accepting defeat.
"Wait, really?" Jack asked.
"Well, I minus well get this over with now, than wait." Felix explained, with a chuckle and a scratch to the back of the neck.
"Okay. When do you wanna record the revenge video?" Jack asked. Felix bursted out laughing.
"You want ME, to choose MY DEMISE DATE?!" Felix asked, shocked.
"Well, I wanted to give you the chance to say 'never' or, 'in a few months', if you're not comfortable with it. I'm not gonna do this if you're not comfortable with it." Jack explained. Felix sighed. Jack was being so nice to him! He now wishes that he had consented with Jack first, before recording the video.
"...N-Now I feel bad!" Felix whined.
"Hey! A dare is a dare. Plus, I've experienced worse." Jack reassured with a smile.
Felix sighed and returned the smile. "Alright. Tomorrow? So I can get this done and over with?" Felix asked. Jack's smile grew wider.
"Sure! We'll do this tomorrow. Just me, you, and your hysterical laughter." Jack replied, teasingly. Felix chuckled. He was expecting Jack to go hard on him. But with Jack's consideration and kindness, he started to realize this may not be as bad as he thinks...
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the-angst-witch · 5 years
Hey There Sunshine
“How much longer till sunset?”
“Same as last time you asked.”
Kavi slumped down in his chair groaning dramatically.
Zell rolled her eyes from where she sat at the small desk chair the inn had thoughtfully provided. She was entertaining herself with a complicated braiding venture involving several loose threads pulled and pilfered from gods only knew where, a few strands of what Makky assumed was her own hair, and a dainty fraying ribbon. Her fingers twisted and turned the threads, lightning fast and hypnotizing. He’d spent many days cooped up with her staving off boredom watching the way her deft hands worked complicated braids and knots in the weeks since they’d gone on the run.
Kavi sighed dramatically as he righted himself in the squat armchair in the other corner of the small room.
A grin was pulling at the corner of Makky’s lips and he did his best to hide it as he re-shuffled the deck of cards in his hands. “Why don’t you read more?” he suggested instead.
Kavi rolled his dark eyes “I can’t,” he grumbled “I finished all the books I got last night.”
“Take a nap then.” Zell said not bothering to look up from her braiding.
He groaned “I’m not tired. I’m bored.”
Zell rolled her eyes dramatically “I’m bored.” She mimicked in a high-pitched parody “Entertain yourself then!”
Kavi opened his mouth, no doubt to entertain himself by starting yet another pointless argument with Zell. Makky jumped to intervene. “Do you want me to teach you a card trick?”
Kavi shook his head “After last time I think we can say that’s a lot cause.”
Zell snorted “butter fingers.”
Kavi stuck his tongue out at her childishly and she just shot him a cheeky grin. He pulled himself up from the chair and slouched over to the bed where Makky sat with his cards. He plopped down across from him, “Show me what you’ve been working on?” He asked instead. Dark eyes intent on Makky, a familiar grin curving his lips. Whenever he smiled like that his dark eyes would light up, and his whole face seemed to glow.
Makky turned back to his cards hoping to hide the faint blush he felt heating his cheeks. Whenever Kavi looked at him like that, with his full attention, and that bright smile, Makky couldn’t help but blush. He hated that, it was embarrassing and one of these days Kavi was going to notice and ask and that was not a conversation he wanted to have yet.
The bed jostled, and Makky nearly dropped the cards he was fiddling with. He looked up to see Zell had bounded over from her chair, abandoning her braiding. She grinned at him resting her chin on her hands “Go on!” she encouraged. He laughed and obliged, putting on a little show of card tricks for them. Once he was burned through all the tricks, he’d memorized he even managed to teach Zell one or two, and Kavi finally learned to shuffle without playing 72 card pick-up.
In that unerring way of hers Zell’s head whipped toward the window the second the sun was down. She zipped over so quickly, she was almost a blur. She ripped the blinds open to reveal the darkened sky. She grinned wide and sharp with all her teeth on display “Time to go hunting!” She declared with a ruby glint in her eye.
Kavi jumped up from his place on the bed “finally!”
Zell narrowed her eyes at him “You, make sure you actually drink something. Don’t spend the entire night in the library.”
He gave her a mock salute “promise.”       She turned her gaze to Makky “And you. Actually, drink something.”
He nodded sheepishly. “I’ll try.”       And the thing was, he swore, he did try. It’s just, the thing was—With how small the town was they were staying in. It was better to hunt separately instead of the three of them prowling like a pack. They’d learned that three vampires hunting together in a speck of a town wasn’t as subtle as they’d hoped. (They’d learned the hard way, getting run out of a microscopic town not much smaller than the one they were in presently.) Zell had been cursing the very name of the town ever since. Makky had shrugged “I mean…we were kinda eating people. It makes sense they’d want us to leave.”
Zell had whipped around scandalized “It’s not like we ate them all to death!”
Kavi had thrown his hands in the air in disbelief “Besides we only went after those thugs that tried to mug us that first night!”
At that point Makky knew a lost cause of an argument when he saw one brewing so he’d just laughed under his breath and suggested they do things differently next time around.       So the point was, Makky did try to find something-someone to drink. He just…got distracted without Zell to remind him what he was supposed to be looking for. It was much more pleasant to help the old woman who ran the flower shop bring in the last of her deliveries, since the merchant had been running late and it was too dark out for her old eyes. Or help the teenager with the sprained ankle and a cat up a tree. She told him all about her recent interest in ancient poetry while he retrieved the feline and helped her hobble home. Then he’d gotten distracted by some of the old men sitting outside the tavern around a small contained fire, telling stories from their youth. They were all so excited at the prospect of having someone new to regale with their tales of adventure. Then there’d been an open gate, and a lost dog, and a very drunk couple of people that he just had to get home safely and it felt wrong to go and bite one of them. He could make it a while longer without feeding. He was only getting a little dizzy when he exerted too much strength or speed. He was fine.
Well, Makky was fine until he looked at the clock on the building he’d wandered over to look at on the very edge of town. He cursed under his breath realizing he needed to get back to the inn now if he wanted to avoid the sun. He quickly ducked around the corner of the building and he promptly crashed right into someone. It was moments like that, when Makky truly wondered if he had somehow offended one of the gods affiliated with Luck.
The man he’d crashed into and instinctively grasped the arms of to steady them both, was wearing a jacket with dozens of patches sewn all over. And the one he was staring directly at, sewn in on his left shoulder, was one for The League.
Shit. Makky thought looking up into the face of Sir Cray, one of the most arrogant bastards he’d had the displeasure of meeting during his hellacious tenure with The League. He barely had time to react past shock, and dismay before pain was exploding across the side of his face. He reflexively tightened his grip and felt some of the fabric tear under his hand as he stumbled away from the blow.
Makky caught his balance and wasted no time running as fast as he could away from Cray and his lackeys. He felt something hot and wet drip down his face and noted that Cray must have been wearing one of his stupid gaudy rings. He hoped the bastard broke his finger when he hit him.
      After what felt like a small eternity running, he paused to steady himself leaning against the cool brick of the storage building he found himself outside of. Makky tried to steady himself as a wave of dizziness overtook him him. His breath caught in his throat as he overheard heavy pounding footsteps. He pushed himself off the wall to try and run, his vision blurred, his stomach lurched, and he found himself rapidly acquainted with the hard ground. Makky groaned at the way the gravel bit into his skin. It had been a warm night, so he’d worn shorts, and a T-shirt and at that moment he regretted it for the scrapes he was sure to have. The footsteps were getting closer, and a white-hot spike of panic shot through him. Makky heaved himself to his feet and staunchly ignored the way the world still seemed to sway like a ship at sea. He could practically hear Zell’s voice in his mind calling him a “stupid idiot, who doesn’t know how to take care of himself!”
One wall of the building was a large metal door, that at present had been retracted to its place on the ceiling. That would have to do, he wasn’t going to make it very far running in his condition. He passed a sign posted on the corner that proudly proclaimed in big block letters “Space for rent!”
He stumbled his way into the building searching for somewhere to hide amongst the scattered remains of whatever business had last made use of the space. His options consisted of a few scattered raggedy boxes. None of them were big enough to actually hide him entirely if he crouched down behind them. The footsteps were getting closer. His heart leapt its way into his throat, and he shook in frozen terror for a moment, casting his eyes wildly about the room for anything. His eyes landed on one of the raggedy crates. It was made of boards haphazardly nailed together and if he squeezed, he could probably fit himself inside of it. Only the boards had decent gaps between them, what if they see me anyway? He could hear voices now, they were getting too close.
He made a snap decision and shoved a few of the other crates hastily in front of the one he’d been eyeing. He ripped the lid open and threw himself inside closing the lid back over himself as quickly and quietly as he could. He had to wriggle and compress himself painfully to make sure he fit without the lit lifting because of a shoulder or stray limb. He bit back a cry as he kneed one of the poorly hammered in nails. He’d just managed to stop moving, when the pounding footsteps and the shouting voices entered the storage building. He held his breath as he listened to the sounds of their labored breaths, their beating hearts, the blood racing through their veins. The panic was making it hard to listen to what they were saying, turning the words to a mush of syllables and phonetic noise. He hurt already from cramping himself down into the box. His neck ached, his knee was sluggishly bleeding, his face felt swollen and tender from where he’d been hit.
Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound near his face, and he flinched hitting his head sharply on the edge of the crate. He didn’t dare breathe, for one horrifying second, he was sure they’d found him. Then he heard “Damn it! He’s not here!”. He watched Cray’s boots through the space between the boards and held in a sigh of relief, as he realized Cray had just kicked the boxes he’d pushed in front of his crate in frustration. He hasn’t seen me.
“Sir Cray, it’s almost dawn anyway” one of the men with him said exasperated “and the bloodsucker can’t have gotten very far. He’ll be toast soon anyway.”
“Come on, let’s see if we can find him. Maybe we’ll get to watch him burn.” The third said with a sickening level of glee.
Makky felt like he’d been doused in ice water. Sunrise. He listened carefully as they left the building, footsteps and voices growing fainter. Maybe he could still sneak back to the Inn? Maybe he had time? Maybe he could—
The first rays of dawn’s light shone through one of the gaps in the crate hitting the knuckles of his hands, which he’d pulled up to protect his head. White hot pain shot through him like no heat he’d ever felt before. This wasn’t like touching the soup pot at home without mitts, it wasn’t accidentally getting a hand too close to the torches at The League, it wasn’t like anything he’d ever felt before. He bit through his own lip trying to muffle a scream as the burning just kept going. As the sun rose, and rose, it found its way through more and more cracks in the crate. It cast itself across his shins and his ankles, scorching strips of his knees. It laid across his wrists and forearms like violent red ribbons. He writhed in the limited space he had trying to twist and hide as much of his vulnerable flesh as possible. But all that did was expose new pieces to the unrelenting agony that the sun brought. He bit through his lip so many times in the first thirty minutes he wondered if it would ever heal. The scent of his own blood and burning flesh filling his nose, adding to the nausea he already felt from the sheer agony coursing through his body. Lancing out from the burns like a lightning strike, that hit over and over and over.
He tried to keep quiet, he really did, the possibility of Cray coming back to look for him again very present on his mind. Or of someone else finding him and opening the box. Subjecting him to more sunlight was very present on his mind. Or at least it was for the first hour when he choked back sobs, and bit down on screams. Only small whimpers, and keening whines escaping his lips. Halfway through the second hour he couldn’t think past the desperate agony to remember why he needed to be quiet. Loud sobs ripped from his lungs like they’d been dragged out by hooks. The salt from his tears stinging sharply on his still burning wrists. By the fourth hour he’d nearly screamed himself hoarse. His throat felt almost as raw as the skin kissed by the sun. He couldn’t remember if the blood on his tongue was from screaming so much he’d made himself bleed or from biting through his cheek in an ill-fated attempt to keep quiet.
Somewhere in the fifth hour he started begging. Who he was begging he didn’t know, but he needed it to stop. “Please! Please, someone help me! please! Make it stop! Please! God’s please! Make it stop!” the begging devolved into unintelligible prayer somewhere nearing the mark of the sixth hour. Praying to the Gods, to any that would listen, to Ember the Goddess High Queen of Flame, and to Cosma the Goddess High Queen of the Cosmos. To their child Soleris the Keeper of Sunlight. For anyone, anything, to please please make it stop just for a second. He couldn’t take anymore, please.
He thought someone must have answered his prayers because, suddenly he had a moment of respite. He dared to peek through blistered fingers to find that a cloud had passed over the sun. He let out a broken sob of relief. Sweat and tears mingling to make the angry red burns sting, as he trembled in the cramped space, he’d managed to hide in. His screams fading to hitching whimpers as he tried to control his breathing.
Deliriously he couldn’t help but think of his little sister, Amatis. As children they’d always sang silly songs back and forth together. Ironically her favorite had always been the Sunshine Song. He hummed it quietly to himself as he tried to shift his position in the box to give him an ounce of relief on the cramped muscles and sensitive flesh. After he kicked another nail with a burn, and promptly whited out in agony he stopped trying to move and just focused on humming.
“Hey there sunshine
You brighten my day
Hey there sunshine
You make me smile
When skies are grey”
Amatis loved to follow him places and chatter his ear off, singing songs while he walked to his little job, he’d managed to scrounge up at the tailors shop before the kindly old man died. On the days she hadn’t been allowed to walk him to work she’d tackled him in a tight hug the moment he got home. They’d been the closest to each other out of everyone in their sprawling family.
“Hey there sunshine
Just don’t take
my stars away
They guide me home
When nights are long”
He remembered the last day he’d seen her vividly. She’d been only six, and he was only ten. A Temple of Ember had gone through town looking for recruits to train up into Devotee’s. He remembered one of the nice ladies in red robes from the temple talking to him while he was at the Tailors. The same woman was at his house when he got home that evening. He remembered the way his stomach had twisted into knots at the sight of her talking to his parents.
“Hey there Starlight
You make me smile
When I am far-away”
      They’d wanted to take him for the temple. He remembered the calculated way his mother had looked at him then. But he’d been working for the tailor, they couldn’t afford to lose that money, pittance that it was. “Amatis is such a bright light.” His father had said to the nice lady in the red robe. It was settled so fast after that.
“Hey there starlight
Guide me home tonight”
      He remembered how she’d cried. How many times he’d told her she’d love it at the temple, even as he failed to hold back tears himself. She’d insisted he braid her hair one last time for her and sing the Sunshine Song. And he had to give one last piggy ride, and promise she’d always be his favorite sibling even if she wouldn’t be around to remind him.
“Make the moon shine bright
It makes me smile,
when you are far away”
      They’d managed to stay in contact for years even after she’d left. A kind merchant who delivered letters for the temple when they happened to be on his route of trade. He’d watched her grow up through shaky handed letters written in a childish scrawl, to pages and pages of elegant script. He kept his promise, she always was his favorite family member. Even if one day the letters stopped, the merchant vanished without a word, and news of the temple seemed to trickle and run dry no matter how he asked after it or tried to find someone to carry his letters.
“Hey there moonlight
Light my path tonight”
      In his state, delirious with pain and hunger, he could have sworn he heard his sisters voice, high and clear, singing The Sunshine Song. There was a slight breeze, the clouds were shifting. Light was streaming through the cracks in his crate. He couldn’t think anymore, couldn’t do anything but scream.
“Hey there sunshine
Come and take me away”
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ravens-rambling · 6 years
Hello, could I ask if you could make a prompt thingy with the word alone with Prinxiety? Or if you already made one could you link it? Thank you
Whoop some more Prinxiety!! And hey have some confessing Prinxiety cause…idk this just formed to that XD hope you like it anon!! 
ships: Romantic Prinxiety 
warnings: Mentions of Deceit, Anxiety attack, Crying, Blood, Punches, Cursing, Yelling, Panic Attacks
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @mutechild  @stormcrawler75 @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @analogical-mess @thewinterbookqueen  
Virgil had been alone for years. Years he’s spent held up in his room trying not to hurt anybody. Years he spent hiding his pain behind a facade, a mask, of a bad guy that he didn’t want to be. For years he was alone, alone to deal with the negativity and anxiety that came along with Thomas’ life alone.
For years he had to deal with the panic attacks and anxiety attacks alone. For years he had to cry himself to sleep because he was so frustrated at himself and the loud world around him. Frustrated that he had to play the bad guy. But he didn’t blame the others. No.
He blamed himself. He’s anxiety after all. Not like anyone wants anxiety right? All he can ever be, all he is, is anxiety, aka the bad guy. Cause that’s what anxiety is right? Something that’s bad. Something that nobody wants. Something that people try to get rid of or in his case ignore.
So when he ducked out it was a shock to him, well more like a slap to the face, when the others came for him before he disappeared for good. It shocked him that they actually wanted him. And not just because it was affecting Thomas. Because they wanted to include him in their family. They wanted anxiety.
He remembers that night when he cried himself to sleep, but not out of pain or frustration this time, no it was out of joy. Now he didn’t have to hide his true self from them. Now he didn’t have to hide himself behind a mask.
Now he was loved for the first time in his life.
Sure, the love was intense at first having never experienced it before then thrown into this family all of a sudden. Between Patton’s never-ending hugs and cuddles to Roman’s ever need to make up for what he’s done by comforting him and supporting him when he needed it, which was really weird and awkward at first by the way. To even Logan’s weird but comforting and kind way of showing his own love. It was….nice. Really nice.
So nice in fact that he couldn’t help but think this all was a dream. A dream that was a paradise that his mind conjured up for him. Maybe he really did disappear and this was all just some pleasant escape from the harsh reality? Or maybe that snake is doing all of this?
When his mind went this path he knew to go to the others before it festers. The first time it happened he let it grow and grow until he suddenly burst into tears in the kitchen. For him, it was quite an embarrassment seeing them all rush over to him and make sure he was okay.
It took a while but he managed to utter out what was wrong. And for them to realize what they needed to do.
They told him that every time it happened to come to one of them and they will reassure him. They will always be there to tell him that they are real. That none of this is a dream.
But right now, in the middle of the night, he couldn’t just go to one of them, could he? The others are sleeping he can’t just wake them up cause of his dumb pestering thoughts. He’s just being stupid now.
But those same thoughts kept whispering to him.
They don’t really love you.
You’ll always be alone.
You’re anxiety, why would somebody ever love you.
Those thoughts continued and continued and with every word they grew louder and louder. Until not even blaring his music can solve the problem. Okay, maybe he really needs one of them now.
Silently he grabbed his purple plaid weighted blanket and wrapped it around him. His normal hoodie was still on and under that his sweater that Patton and Roman got for him that year. And of course, he was wearing baggy purple sweatpants, different than the tight pants he normally wears during the day. His socks scatted along the carpet really well as he opened his door and peeked in the dark hallway.
Slowly he dragged himself close to the others doors taking note how nobody’s lights were on, only their fairy lights glowed faintly under their doors.
Nope, he can’t do this. He can’t bug them cause of his stupid thoughts. They all need their rest. He’ll be fine…properly.
So with those thoughts, he turned right back but instead of going back in his room he went downstairs. Maybe some TV can make him fall asleep. Or hey maybe he can ditch that all together and make some coffee. Yeah… That sounds good.
It didn’t take long before he mindlessly cradled a mug of steaming hot coffee in his hands, his tired eyes blinking at some show that he didn’t even care enough to focus on what he put on.
Honestly, he thinks it’s Ghost Adventures. Why he was watching that in a pitch dark room by himself hell if he knows but hey here he is might as well go full blast right? YOLO and all of that.
He didn’t know what happened but one moment he was blinking at the screen and yawning the next moment somebody was touching his shoulder. The visions of the show played in his mind and screwed his thoughts up even more. His eyes shot wide open, when did he close them? And he practically jumped in the air.
His mind instantly went to ‘there’s a ghost in the mindscape’. A ghost that’s going to kill me. Or one of the others. His fight or flight instincts kicked in and he instantly punched the blurry figure in front of him.
But he paused when a loud exclaim of pain shot through his ears. Wait…. Ghost can’t feel pain right?
He blinked open his eyes and spotted the white and red of the sweater first. Then he slowly raised his head…. To see Roman clinching his nose with both of his hands even some droplets of blood came through and dripped onto the carpet on his feet.
“Oh?? That’s all you got to say Emo? How dare you punch my beautiful nose!! You better hope you didn’t break it I swear you little-”
“Well, I didn’t mean to!” He waved his hands up in the air as he stood up and went to the kitchen immediately awake now.
“Yeah sure, you didn’t!!! What are you doing now going to hit me with something hard now-”
“Would you shut the hell up I’m getting you some iced peas. Right? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to use for bruises?”
Roman was silent for a moment and Virgil looked over to see him opened and closing his mouth still holding his nose. He looked flustered as if he actually didn’t think Virgil was going to do that. Yeah… The bad guy right?
Virgil flinched at that. Those thoughts were still there??
Once he grabbed the bag of peas from the freezer he threw it to Roman who caught it effortlessly. Virgil wasn’t the only one with good reflex having fought all the monsters and shit in his imagination he guessed would do that to a person.
As he was walking back after Roman mumbled something to him he noticed it was still dark out. It must be 2 by the looks of it. He must have passed out.
Roman mumbled something else but it was heavily muffled by the bag on his face. Virgil ignored him having grown frustrated at himself for sleeping down here. Why did he let himself fall asleep? He was disappointed in himself for letting his thoughts run off like that again to the point he had to come down here and-
“What, Princey?” He shot back his frustration and irritation at himself leaking through to his voice and must have been his eyes too. For Roman huffed and turned away.
“Well, I’m sorry for caring. Go ahead and mope around here for all I care. I’m going back to bed, Anxiety.”
His old name. His old purpose… Okay, that stung.
Roman was already on the first stair before he could even comprehend what was going on. And already up the stairs before he could even say a single thing.
His eyes filled with tears before he could stop them. His heart hammered in his chest. Blood rushed to his ears as his thoughts intensified.
You hurt Roman.
No wonder why he doesn’t like you.
No wonder why none of them likes you.
Once Roman tells the others what happened in the morning they will be so disappointed in you.
Maybe even fearful of you once they see how badly you hurt him.
“Ro… I-I… I didn’t… I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry….”
Now his tears were streaming down his face. Now he couldn’t breathe. Every breath he drew in went right out of his grasps just like that. His lungs stung with the effort of attempting to draw in air. He was gasping for air he knew that he was trying to suck in air the best he could. But still, nothing was there. Nothing was coming in his body.
He couldn’t breathe.
With a very shaky hand, he lifted it. His mind was drawn towards Patton. He would forgive him, right? He would still love him?
But what side was summoned wasn’t Patton. He saw the burst of white and red before he fell to the ground having been pulled by his shirt with a loud thud.
Virgil gasped for air as he drew himself back into the couch. Great now he’s going to fuck up more. He’s going to mess this up more. He’s going to hurt Roman more. Will he come at him with his sword like he used to do? Will he-
“Virgil? Virgil! Hey hey, it’s okay. Its okay I promise you. Can you look at me?”
He shook his head, no he shouldn’t. He might see anger back in those eyes. He might see-
“No no don’t do that.” He felt gentle strong hands grip his own where they landed on his hair. When did his hands land there? Slowly but gently he felt them being pulled back from his hair to his lap.
“I’m sorry Virgil. I properly caused this… I don’t hate you, love. It’s okay. Can you breathe for me? Remember your breathing exercises? 4-7-8 you remember?”
He nodded. Yeah, he remembers…
With very blurry and shaky vision he finally glanced up to Roman. Though he could barely see he could tell Roman had a faint smile on his face. He didn’t look upset. He didn’t look disappointed. He looked…comforting…
He practically dove in the others arms as he cried more. He wasn’t going to be alone again. Nobody hated him again. They still love him.
“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. Just keep breathing love. That’s it there you go. I’m so proud of you my Stormcloud.”
It might have taken minutes or hours before Virgil finally stopped crying. Roman being there and rocking them side to side as he did. The feeling of his comforting strong arms grounded him, made him realize this wasn’t some dream. And Roman’s strong chest and scent made him tired and made him realize just how tired he really was.
Slowly his tired eyes blinked open and looked up to Roman, who was smiling down at him… And having something wrapped around his nose. Oh yeah… He hurt him….
“You tired Stormcloud?”
He nodded. He wasn’t able to talk right now he knew it.
“That’s fine love. Want me to leave you here?”
He shook his head and whined softly.
“No? Okay. Do you want me to bring you to bed with me?”
That he nodded on, despite his cheeks flustering at the thought he would love that. He would love to be supported by Roman’s scent everywhere around him. That sounds…nice.
“Gotcha love.” He felt a kiss on his cheek. Then something wrapped around him. Something slightly heavy. Oh… His weighed blanket…
And with a gasp of air, he felt himself being lifted into the air his hands gripping tightly for a moment.
“Whoops sorry. My bad should have warned you. We’re going up the stairs now okay?”
He lazily nodded his hands losing their grip… And before they were able to fully make it up the stairs his eyes slowly closed. And he let darkness consume him as he fell asleep warmed by Roman’s warmth and scent.
When he opened his eyes he instantly noticed that he wasn’t in his room was number one. Second, was that he heard somebody snoring loudly next to him. His body tensed up as he slowly looked around, once he realized where he was… And even more so when he realized who was laying next to him.
Roman was passed out his limbs every which way. His hair was all over the place, in his face sticking up in places that he has never seen before. He could see a faint bit of drool coming down his gaping lips as he snored loudly away. What looked like a white tape was placed over his nose, which honestly just made him cuter.
Virgil all but almost fainted right then and there from the sight.
If normal Roman was cute asleep Roman was a dream.
His heart clenched tightly as he sucked in a breath. He could feel his cheeks going red and swallowed. Fuck he’s adorable as shit, was all his mind could say and think of repeatedly.
As he was having his gay moment his moving must have woken him up, or he could have just wakened up by himself, for a few moments later his wide eyes looked upon Roman’s tired red ones.
Virgil’s body tensed up even more as his cheeks grew brighter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“I-Ill… I… Um….”
Fuck he couldn’t even talk. He really was a fuck up wasn’t he? But he couldn’t move despite his brain now screaming for it. He was frozen as he stared at the bed-headed sleepy Roman.
Slowly Roman blinked then lifted his head yawning loudly then smacking his lips a few times. Finally, he glanced over to Virgil and smiled, “Had a pleasant night, honey?”
Virgil couldn’t do this. Between Romans very cute very sleepy voice and his teasing tone. Nope. Nope, he couldn’t. This is just one of the tricks that he loves to play on him. That’s all this is, some type of sick joke.
Finally, his body seemed to want to move as he felt his legs move off the bed. Though Roman frowned at the movement.
He felt a hand on his arm and whipped around to see a frown and pleading eyes staring back at him. Fuck. Fuck. He can’t do this he just can’t.
“Virge… Wait you don’t have to go yet…”
“…. Uh… I…”
Roman smiled as he rubbed his arm up and down quickly through he retracted his arm causing Roman to pout.
“….no…. I.. Nope….”
Roman tilted his head almost like a dog and looked at him curiously. All his ruffled up tangled hair moving along with his head.
“Nope, what? Was it something I did? Are you okay? Please tell me I didn’t hurt you too badly last night. I… I didn’t mean to I swear, Virge.”
Oh, he’s playing that card now. Virgil shook his head all but trying to hurry to get out. But he found his other leg practically trapped in all the blankets. Why did Roman have to have so many blankets???
“… I… No… It… It wasn’t… That… I…” He swallowed thickly then sighed loudly his shoulders slumping. Well, he might as well face the fire right? He drew his arms around him in a form of a hug and glanced away.
“No… No, it wasn’t… I just… Those thoughts returned and… You yelling at me and me hurting you just sorta….” He flicked his wrist a bit then shrugged, “And this is just…. I don’t know… I’m sorry.”
“Hey hey no there’s nothing to be sorry about love.“
Virgil flinched at that nickname, it occurred to him that he kept calling him that last night, so he’s still playing that joke huh?
"I’m sorry for spooking you last night. You are anxiety after all fight or flight is what you do. And you chose fight when I startled you. I’m sorry for yelling at you… Honestly, I wasn’t having a good night either and I went down to get something to drink but… When I saw you there asleep curled into yourself you looked…hurt. I wanted to wake you up to see what’s wrong but Virge?”
He felt a hand on his shoulder and gulped his eyes glancing over.
“You can come to me whenever those thoughts come up you know that right?” Virgil nodded. “Then why….?”
He sighed, “Because… You were asleep… I know you need your rest… So does everyone else and I… Felt bad for waking you up and I thought I didn’t need you guys this time and…yeah, it became too much and then you yelled at me and… Yeah….”
“Love… Love even when I’m asleep you can wake me up if something happens. I promise you I won’t mind it, okay?”
“Yeah, I know… It’s just….” He waved his hands again then sighed in defeat.
Roman seemed to get it though as he smiled, “I get it, love. I get it. Come here I won’t ever be angry at you. You just surprised me last night is all.”
Slowly Virgil lowered himself down into Roman’s chest breathing in his scent as his arms wrapped around his thin frame. His cheeks were beyond flustered now he was sure that his face must be bright red by now. He sighed contently, though, knowing that he was really here. He wasn’t angry at him again. He didn’t hate him again. He felt Roman’s hands rubbing his back soothingly.
Maybe he can enjoy this joke though.
Slowly Virgil found himself making some noise and a moment later he realized he was purring. Curse him, he blushed even more.
Roman chuckled loudly, “Aw. You sound so cute like that. My little Stormcloud cat! Now I can make cat references!”
Virgil blushed even more now hiding his face and mumbled something into Roman’s chest.
“What was that dearest I didn’t hear you?”
“I said shut up!”
He heard and felt Roman laugh, “Yeah yeah. Love you too, Virge.”
Wait…What did he just said???
He felt a kiss on his hair then he went back to his soothing motions.
Virgil was afraid to move now or to even make a noise. Did…Did he just say what he thought he said?
After a bit though he peered up at Roman who had his face in his hair and gulped. Did he actually meant it or was this still part of his joke? Should he even mention it? Why is he calling him so many nicknames all of a sudden?
He felt Roman’s breath against his hair and scalp as he hummed lightly.
“Did…Did you actually mean that?”
“Mean what? That I love you? Of course, I meant that. I do love you, Virgil…For quite some time actually. I didn’t know how to say it without spooking you but well last night kinda forced me to say it. I’m not sure if you have the same feelings or not but-”
“Love you too.”
Happy silence engulfs both of them as they laid there content in being in each other’s arms. They both had bright smiles on their faces and very flustered red faces but neither of them minded it.
There they laid for a few hours, both of them not wanting to move out of their embrace. But the smell of pancakes made them start moving their bodies their stomachs growling. And maybe they didn’t stop holding hands the entire time they went downstairs and ate. And maybe Logan and Patton had knowing smiles on their faces despite how much they tried to protest that no they didn’t do what they think they did.
Sure that wasn’t exactly how Virgil had planned his night it was where he wanted to end up, in Romans arms. But as he chuckled to Roman’s and Logan’s normal bickering as they ate that yeah…maybe he wasn’t alone anymore. Maybe he wasn’t in some dream. Maybe they did love him.
Maybe he wasn’t alone again like his thoughts try to convince him of.
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selene467 · 5 years
Sticky Situation Chapter 10
Fictober19 Day 10 - Prompt #10: "Listen, I can't explain it, you'll have to trust me." fanfiction Fandom: Spider-Man/Avengers [Superfamily, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers with Peter Parker as their son] Warning(s): Minor injuries, mention of character death, some swearing and non-detailed minor violence, but barely. Mostly talking and shouting really XD Rating: General --- A large explosion catapulted Peter right in to the bay. He felt an electric current sizzle through his nerves, setting them on fire and causing him to reflexively cry out. Too late did he remember he was underwater leading to him inhaling a mouthful of it. His body thrashed at the invasion, instinct makijg him acutely aware of how bad this was. He struggled to right himself, the explosion having knocked him around so thoroughly  that he couldn't tell up from down anymore. Having little in the way of options, Peter kicked hard with his legs and abruptly broke through the surface. Still choking on the gulp of water clogging his lungs, he used his webshooters to pull himself to shore where he promptly began to violently expel the foreign liquid. When he was finally able to breath, he did so deeply before dropping onto his back to wait for his heart to stop hammering and his breathing to settle down. A beeping drew his attention to his phone, waterproofed of course by his dad, alerting him to his looming curfew. "I better hurry, if I want to get back on time." /--------------/
The tower was unusually dark as Peter creeped inside. Though he was still on time, he was cutting it so close he'd rather not alert his dads. Still, it was strange to see everything so dark, especially since the evening was still fairly young, for at least his dad. His spider sense suddenly alerted him to danger behind him, giving him just enough time to dodge under the punch. He stumbled back, not having expected to be under attack in his own home. "Friday! Lights!" It took a few seconds, but with a few aborted flickers, the lights in the tower came on momentarily blinding Peter. He felt someone grab him quite roughly before he opened his eyes and was shocked to find his own dad was manhandling him. "What are you doing in my home!?" Peter shook with every syllable, completely bewildered by the violence and anger his dad was aiming at him. He'd never ignited such irk from his either of his parents. Despite his reputation, Tony was not a violent man, especially not with his family. "Let go of me." Peter shot back before pulling himself free of the iron grip. "What's the matter with you?" Apparently it was the wrong thing to say as his dad pulled out his palm blaster from the iron man suit, and aimed it right at Peter. "How did you get in here?!" Peter slowly put up his hands in surrender, feeling completely off balance with his own dad threatening him. "Like I always do, through the window." "Impossible. Friday keeps the tower on lockdown form all intruders." "Friday never kept me out." Peter nearly bit his tongue when his dad actually charged the blaster, readying it to fire, at him! "Whoa! Hey now, settle down! What did I do?!" "What did you do?!" His dad all but growled at him, but his next words were even more confusing as his voice broke as if in grief. "It's what you didn't do." Peter made as if to reach out, to comfort his dad but his next words effectively shut him down. "Get out, Spider-Man. You're not welcome here." What?! What was going on? Peter thought before moving to follow his clearly distraught dad. "Since when am I just Spider-man to you? You can't be serious about kicking me out?" His dad whirled around, his fury back to a burning flame in an instant. "You're not an Avenger. You don't belong here. Now. Get. OUT!" Peter's spider-sense was not fast enough to alert him to the rest of the iron man suit arriving and promptly throwing him through the window. He'd barely managed to web to the nearest building to slow his descend enough to tuck and roll and not break everything upon hitting the ground. He looked up at the tower, his home, stunned and betrayed. What the hell had happened while he was on patrol! Had his dad taken leave of his sense?! And where had everyone else gone? Peter was determined to get answers and decided to call his pops. But when he unlocked his phone, he found a single message waiting for him, from a number he did not recognise but his phone apparently did as it was registered under the name, Ned. Peter was suspicious as the timing was almost too perfect but he was also curious. He opened the chat window and found a single hello waiting for him. Nothing more. He decided to take the bait and sent a message back. Hello? A few tense minutes of silence passed before Peter startled at his own ringtone and nearly dropped his phone. Hesistantly he answered it. "Peter? Is it you?" "Yeah, I'm Peter. Who are you?" "Am I dreaming or is this really happening?! Please tell me I'm not dreaming!" "Calm down, I'm fairly sure you're not dreaming. Now how did you get my number and what do you want from me?" "You don't remember me?" "Should I?" "Can you come over? If you're really Peter... please I just need to see you so I know I'm not going crazy." If this was some plan to kidnap him or take him down, it was beyond ludicrous. But, the kid on the phone sounded genuinely griefstricken. Besides, he was known for getting out of tight spots. Lord knows he had plenty of enemies already. And, he realized a tad on the late side, perhaps someone was using this kid to lure him there. If that was the case, he had to go. No one was getting hurt on his watch. He was the friendly neighbourhood spider-man after all. "Sure. Where are you?" /--------------/ Peter wasn't sure what to expect when he landed in the teenager's backyard. They stood there staring at each other for a few awkward minutes before Ned, apparently, broke the silence. "Peter?" "That's my name. Now can you explain how you know that? I don't exactly go around revealing that information." Ned looked somber at his answer. "You really don't recognise me?" Peter shook his head, despite feeling horrible for admitting the truth. Clearly Ned had been expecting a lot more from this encounter. Had he saved him once and forgotten about him? "Could you take off your mask?" Peter immediately felt on the defensive and apparently showed it when Ned hurried to explain. "Please don't leave, Peter! I just need to make sure this is really you. Maybe something happened to you that made you forget me or maybe you're not who I'm thinking. I just want to make sure." Peter couldn't explain why he did it, maybe Ned just had a trustworthy air about him, but he pulled off the mask. The reaction was shocking to say the least. Ned made a strangled, half choking noise before suddenly engulfing Peter in a crushing hug. He awkwardly patted his back, not wanting to outright push him off. "It really is you!" Ned exclaimed loudly when he finally released Peter. Peter asnwered by clapping a hand over his mouth and shushing him. "Sorry, it's just...I thought you were dead. How did you survive? I saw you're body! Can you come back alive? Is that a new spider ability you have?" Peter stared with his mouth open at the boy as he spwed every question at him in quick succession. "What are you talking about?! I have never met you in my life. Who do you think I am?!" "You must have amnesia or something. What's the last thing you rmeember?" Seeing as he wasn't getting through that thick skull, Peter decided to indulge the other teen. "I stopped a bunch of criminals who were building something with alien tech at the docks, but the device blew up and launched me into the bay." "Hmm, that must have been a really long time ago since you've been gone for months. But you never mentioned this incident to me and you always tell me about your patrols." "Hang on, go back to being gone for months. This happened not an hour ago!" "That's impossible. An explosion at the bay would not go unnoticed and there's been nothing on the news or even the police radio." "You've hacked into a police radio?" "It was your idea." "Okay, back up a bit. What does this mean?" "I'm not sure, maybe whoever hurt you planted fake memories in your head?" "Now you're really stretching it, Ned. Listen, I was not kidnapped, nor killed, nor brainwashed. Trust me, I've got an entire superhero family and two very protective dads. If something had happened to me, I wouldn't be allowed out of the tower for forever!" Remembering his encounter with his dad gave him a theory. "Maybe it's not me who's been affected. Dad nearly killed me and then threw me out of the tower for trespassing, as if he didn't know me." "Well of course he would." Ned said confidently. At Peter's annoyed expression he quickly explained. "None of them know you are Spider-Man, and with you dying...which clearly was a ruse, they kind of blamed Spider-Man for it. So they're not your biggest fans right now." "I didn't die!" Peter shouted exasperated. "Fine, whatever, explain what you think happened." "I don't know the details, but you..well Spider-Man was in this big battle and he won, but a lot of people had gotten trapped in the area. He managed to rescue them all, but he'd gotten hurt bad. Before he called his family for help, he changed back into his civilian clothes since he wasn't ready for them to know just yet. But Peter didn't make it and they blamed Spider-Man for it. From their point of view, Spider-Man managed to save everyone, several dozens of people, but he couldn't manage to save Peter." No wonder, his dad had reacted the way he did. He wasn't known for handling loss very well and not knowing Spider-Man was him...from that stand point it did seem suspicious that out of all those people he managed to not save Peter. But none of this made sense! Ned remembered this incident. Ned remembered Peter as his best friend. His own dad didn't know he was Spider-Man?! He'd told both of his dads a year ago! "Ned, something isn't right here. I remember a completely different life. Similar in many ways, but none of this rings a bell. None of this happened to me. I've been Spider-Man for a while now and both my dads know I am Spider-Man. It doesn't add up." Both teens fell silent as they wondered what was going on. "Hang on, I may have been thrown out fo the tower, but I still have my connection to Friday." Ned eagerly stepped closer, just as curious and worried as Peter about what was going on. Peter opened the app that linked his phone to the AI. "Friday? Are you there?" "Yes. I am here. How can I help you?" "Do you know who I am?" "Of course. You are Peter Parker. Son of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers." "Am I dead?" "Yes." Peter froze not expecting the answer. Unfortunately Friday was not done yet. "You flatlined several times in the Tower's medical facility until you eventually did not recover. I was very sad and still am. I miss you Peter." "Friday, if I am dead, then how are you talking to me?" "This universe's Peter Parker died. You are Peter Parker from a parallel universe where you did not die." Ned and Peter looked equally shocked at that revelation, but Peter had no doubt Friday was telling the truth. Not only did it make sense with all the inconsistencies, but he knew his dad had isntalled all kinds of extra's into his latest AI, especially after meeting Stephen Strange and his strange world of magic. It made sense that Friday could detect alternate universes, if they existed, which she just proved. "What are you going to do?" Ned asked him, pulling Peter out of his own head. "I really don't know. I can't figure this out on my own, but I can't go back to the Tower. Spider-Man isn't welcome there" "But Peter is." "No. Your Peter didn't want them to know. Besides imagine what would happen if I told them who I was. They'd think their son was back, only to have it crushed once more when I explain I'm form a different universe." "But, you need their help." Peter sighed as his list of options dried up before his eyes. "I'm just going to have to convince them that Spider-Man isn't as bad as they think." /--------------/ Peter convinced Friday to help him gather all the avengers in one place. Not mentioning they were summoned by Spider-Man certainly helped. Even though it probably wouldn't be a good idea to confront them at the Tower, it was Peter's home too and he felt more comfortable there. The hostile looks from some were unnerving, but mostly Peter noticed grief and shock when he crawled along the ceiling into the room. "YOU! How dare you come back here!" His dad erupted in anger, but knowing what he did now, Peter saw it for what it truly was. A facade. A mask. He was holding on to his anger like a crutch, so he wouldn't drown under the grief. Thankfully, his pops held him back, probably the only person who was allowed to right now. "I'm sorry for all the unrest I've created. It wasn't intentional." "You call what happened, unrest?" Clint of all people accused. It hurt to hear his uncle talk like that, but he pushed on despite it. Besides, this wasn't even his uncle really. "You don't know everything and I can't tell you, but please believe me when I say you've got the wrong idea and the wrong person." "I'm sorry, is there another Spider-Man to blame?" "Actually yes. I'm not who you think." Peter took a deep breath before spilling his guts, figuratively. "I'm from a different universe." "Bullshit!" "Like we'd believe that!" "Nice try." Bruce stepped forward, his curiosity making him less prone to brush aside his theory. "Do you mean to say, the multiverse is real?" "Yes, I think so because I definitely travelled through it somehow. And I need to find my way back." Before he could indulge his uncle who clearly itched to ask him all kinds of questions, his pops interrupted. "You said we got the wrong person, but also the wrong idea. Do you know more about what happened to...our Peter?" Peter hesitated in anwering. He so wanted to tell them the truth, but it would only hurt them more. They may dislike or even hate Spider-Man forever, but the truth of the matter was that neither he nor Peter would return. Nothing would change and he'd only be causing them more grief by revealing himself to be Peter but not theirs. "Listen, I'm sorry I can't explain it, you'll have to trust me." fin, for now....
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
In the Middle of a Broken Constellation - PT. 14
Pairing: WonderBat (Wonder Woman x Batman) Rating: T / 14A Universe: N/A - Reader’s Choice Previous Chapter: <- Chapter 13
“Donna!” Diana cheered as she stared up at her sister, surprised by her sudden appearance in the apartment’s window. With the plastic dinner table pressed up against the wall, it took a moment or two for the shock to subside before she rearranged her ‘dining room’ furniture and welcome her guest inside. Dressed in her black armoured suit, it looked as though she had arrived with the expectation of a brawl.
But as she slipped into the apartment, she quietly looked around the room, landing softly on her feet on the hardwood floors in the exact moment her surveying gaze reached the wooden slats. “It’s good to see you, both of you.” Donna assured them both, but focused her gaze on Jason.
It looked as though he was returning a smile when he answered her. “You too. You answering our distress call?” His posture was relaxed, his grin was tender. Diana knew there was a possibility that they worked together as Titans before. She had just never had the luxury to ask.
The tone of voice that Donna used was very casual, solidifying proof of their friendly bond. “Well, it sounded like you might need a helping hand. Gotham City isn’t usually on my radar, so I imagine that the situation here is rather bleak.”
A nervous glance was exchanged between Diana and Jason instantly. But neither had the chance to truly describe the situation and all of its gorey details to her at that moment. The dramatic pause of their conversation was filled with an odd beeping. It was unfamiliar to her, but she watched as Jason’s reflexes kicked in and he pulled back the sleeve of his sweater to reveal an elongated wristband. Familiar with the gadgets of the Batman family, she knew instantly what it was.
“Red Hood here.” replied Jason to the summons of his cuff.
Though fighting an irritating static, Dick’s voice came through the communicator inside of the wristband. “We need backup! I’m at Miller Harbour fighting off Falcone’s goons, but he’s escaped in one of his fancy Cadillacs and he’s headed into the East End!”
“I’m on it.” Immediately, Jason was raring to go.
“Huntress is on his tail, so watch out for her.”
Sensing that the call was about to end, Diana piped up. “Wait! Nightwing, do you need help?”
To her surprise, Jason hung up the call before running off to his bedroom. Over his shoulder, he called out, “Just go! He’ll say he can handle it, even if he can’t.”
Donna sighed at her side. “He’s right.”
“Well then,” Diana hummed, reaching for the top of her zipper at the back of her neck, giving it a rather sharp tug. She hadn’t anticipated jumping into another fight today, nor had she wanted to. But with her sister by her side and her pent emotions having spilled out of her just moments ago, it seemed like the perfect outlet to destress after a rather tiring day. “After you.”
Diana landed on the shoulders of one the mafioso the moment she arrived at Miller Harbour. The man staggered, and his surrounding cohorts gawked at her with a fear in her eyes that she assumed they saved for Batman. But while they were distracted by her presence, they were in no way prepared for Donna bulldozing through them with her shield acting as a battering ram. Her pure strength charged through their unsuspecting bodies with such a ferocity, she mowed them down in the blink of an eye.
There was a crowd of one hundred thugs, meaning they’d be done rather shortly.
She heard the hammer of a pistol tug back from behind her, causing her to turn around with her bracelet already drawn up over her face. Diana felt nothing, but she did hear the familiar sound of a bullet casing reflecting off of her armour. Taking that as a challenge, she faced forward once again, leaned over her the head of the man she was still standing on top of, then threw her body backwards. Her foot came out immediately and she kicked the goon in the face before landing behind him.
“Does Mr. Falcone not allow you to watch the news?” Diana wondered aloud. Taunting them was all too easy when every other villain continued to unintelligently use firearms against her.
An array of firearms were directed her way in an act of blatant retaliation.
All she could do was sigh when the shots rang out, her arms moving fluidly to shield her from the horde of bullets firing at her. Unimpressed, uninterested in such a match where her power was superior to their mortal strength, Diana was ready to wrap things up quickly. Her legs tensed before she ran toward the group of criminals without any discrimination. Her fists were already balled when she pulled her right one back and slammed it into the gut of the first person she could reach. The impact stole his breath away, so she utilized his lifeless form and lifted him off of the ground. She spun him around like a human propeller, then threw him into the crowd on her left.
It pushed their numbers back on one side of the battlefield, allowing her to focus on the other. Ten men tried to pile themselves on top of her at once, with two of them grabbing the wrist she’d used to nail their comrade in his jaw. Diana tried to tear her arm away before anyone else could dare touch her, but she felt someone weave their arms under hers and try to lock their hands behind her head. The gaul of these crooks were really beginning to infuriate her.
She could easily predict that another two goons intended to subdue her left hand too, but she wouldn’t allow that. Diana threw her elbow back and slammed it into the bridge of one man’s nose. Then, just as swiftly, she slammed the side of her hand into the throat of the next person who tried to approach her. To remove the three people attached to her, she’d decided it’d be best to use her other limbs. Throwing her foot back, an unnecessary amount of Amazonian force was used to knock one of her bracelet-holding men off of their feet. With less weight to manage, she knew she could handle the rest of her adversaries in a matter of seconds.
One, she allowed herself to fall back and land on top of the man trying to pin her shoulders back. The sound of the wind being knocked out of him flew passed her ear, and he loosened his hold on her a fraction of a second later.
Two, her feet planted themselves on either side of the man’s fallen body so she could fling herself upright once again. The motions had dizzied the last of her human shackles, which she used to her advantage. Their gazes met - hers carrying the fire of battle within them, his revealing the fear he felt deep within his soul - just before she ripped one of his hands off of her.
Three, Diana tore his grip off of her just before she sent him flying into one of the people she had previously knocked down, unwilling to allow him to stand.
Four, she leapt into the air and reached for her lasso. The hoop was made larger and larger while she scouted the grounds of the dock. Donna had handled a great mass of them, while Dick was still struggling with the men who relied on their guns.
Five, she threw down the opening in her Lasso of Truth, capturing the mafia members belonging to Mr. Falcone. Confused, crumpled on the ground in the different piles of criminals they had all made, she tied them together like the untamed creatures they were. They whined and whimpered but she couldn’t care less.
Falling back down to the ground, Diana gave a sharp tug on her lasso to guarantee the tightness of the hold she had on Falcone’s men. She couldn’t help but to glower at them all, letting the adrenaline of the battle wash over her one last time before it left her system. Only once she felt Donna come to stand next to her did she snap out of her hateful daze.
“Good idea,” Donna managed to say before taking a deep breath.
“We’ll just need to tie them up with actual rope before the cops come.” Nightwing pointed out as he made his way over to them, returning his signature sticks back into their holsters.
Trying to appear as light as her friends were, Diana attempted some dry humour. “Luckily, I think we’ll be able to find some here.” She then nodded in the direction of the tethered boats nearby at the port, implying that she’d be willing to lift any ship onto the shore if they needed it.
“Yeah,” Nightwing agreed softly, before turning his attention to Donna. Just like Jason, he was immediately focused on the appearance of her Amazon sister more than anything else that was going on. “Hey, Troia.”
“Hello, Nightwing,” she answered him sweetly. However, Diana couldn’t help but notice the tiniest rise in her pitch when greeting Dick. “I hope you don’t mind that we crashed your party.”
It took a great deal of control not to side-eye her sister. Diana had known many superheroes who made quips after a battle, trying to lighten the mood with the most simplest attempts at a sassy retort. She’d never known Donna to be one of those people, though. It was absolutely intriguing to her now that she inquire about her fellow Amazon’s relationships with the other men in the Batman family, when she next had the chance. There were more pressing matters at the moment at the harbour. “So what was Mr. Falcone doing here tonight? Why did he bring so many men to the docks?”
“We were following a lead,” Nighting began while keeping his attention locked onto Donna. Once the seriousness of his mission reoccurred to him, he physically withdrew from his stupor and spoke to them both. “Huntress found out that Falcone had a package being delivered here at harbour. Something called ‘fisherman equipment’, which sounded really… well, fishy.”
Donna agreed, deducing her own suspicion from the information they were given. “I can’t imagine the man of a powerful criminal organization caring much for a shipment of fishing rods and lures.”
Diana nodded. “So what was he really receiving here tonight?”
“Let’s find out together.” Dick smiled as he led the two of them over to an unmarked delivery parked next to the dock gates. Diana looked over the small vehicle and found it ever more curious that there no less than a hundred men present to guard whatever the shipment was, yet there weren’t enough cars or trucks or boats at the harbour for all of the men to escape. It seemed quite possible that Falcone had been willing to sacrifice men if it meant a handful of them had gotten away with his special delivery.
“I had pulled the driver out of here” - he explained to them how he knew the keys to the truck were still in the ignition as he retrieved them from the driver’s seat before moving to the latch on the back - “to keep him from driving off. I called Jason for back-up before jumping in to make sure they didn’t leave with this.”
“What do you think it could be?” Donna inquired, referring to the expert on Gotham City crime. She had already stuck her hand out toward the latch on the rear door, but Dick still reached for it at the same time.
For some reason that didn’t register with Diana, they each hesitated, exchanged glances, before  before Donna dove for it and tossed it back with ease. Their focus once again drawn to one another, a pregnant pause sat upon all three of them for much longer than it should have, before she stepped aside and let him throw open the back door. Again, Diana was oddly intrigued by the tension between ‘Nightwing and Troia’. It was both comforting and a tad frustrating to know that every generation of the Batman-Wonder Woman families had to square off with one another every chance they could get.
‘Riveting’ was another word for it.
But nothing was as riveting in that moment than what the ‘fishing equipment’ turned out to be.
Diana’s gasp garnered Dick and Donna’s attention, both of them turning their heads towards her sharply at the same time. When she couldn’t manage the words to describe what she was looking at fast enough, they followed her gaze to see what could have caused her to feel so aghast. She heard them gasp just as loudly as she did, only with the pair of their voices sounding louder together. Nevertheless, they couldn’t overtake the sound of the powerful vibration coming from Aquaman’s trident, laying unceremoniously before them in the back of a mafia leader’s shipping truck.
((Well, Diana was worried about Arthur and Barry, and now she knows she had a right to be! Who got ahold of Aquaman’s trident? Why did they think to send it to Falcone? Also, what the heck is going on with Dick and Donna!? Well, if you stick around, you’ll find out… something next Monday! See ya! ~ Maiden))
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bdfanfic · 6 years
Oak in Grey Hollow - 3
Chapter 3 - A Day in the Life
As the cart rumbled along towards the next village, Mira continued her reflections on her initial meeting with Oak in Grey Hollow. Of course, by now she knew the import of her ‘dream’, but at the time she passed it off as caused by a bit of bad rabbit stew. But she’d had quite another surprise the next day…
The breakfast was perhaps a bit meager, but still better than anything she’d eaten as a beggar.  Hollow then had her help set up a large tent in preparation for any visitors that might drop by. In essence, it was simply intended as a private meeting place where Hollow could converse with his customers without eavesdroppers. However, it had the right mystical aura when he had applied certain perfumes and incense within.
When that task had been completed, Hollow took down two outfits from the doors of the cart. One was a rather mundane set of breeches and blouse in a drab grey and tan, but the other was something else entirely! Jewels sparkled and the fabric was in various shades of translucent purple, the entire thing light as a feather.
“This,” Hollow explained as he laid the dress out on the table they’d set within the tent, “is yours. You will wear this here, as my servant. It may be, perhaps, a bit over the top - but the local citizens are impressed by such finery, and I expect will be somewhat more amenable to parting with their coin when they see you in this as my devoted servant!”
“Oh,” he replied, a bit chagrined. “Assistant?”
“Let’s go with assistant,” she agreed, giving him a warning look.  “Can I try it on?”
Hollow’s snout wrinkled.  “Um… perhaps a little clean-up first? I need it pretty badly, and you even more than me!”
She nodded, and they headed to the stream, Mira carrying the mundane clothes that she would wear into town later, while Hollow brought a small basket containing towels and some vials and other odd objects that she didn’t recognize.
When they got to the stream, she eyed Hollow warily, not sure exactly what Hollow expected of her here.
“Now this,” he said, handing her a slippery yellow object, “is what we call ‘soap’.  Rinse yourself first, then rub it all over vigorously.  Then a final rinse should do.  As for your hair, this vial contains another cleaning agent made specifically for cleaning hair.  Do the same - rinse, rub it in, then rinse..  And… do it twice. I think you’ll need it.  Finally, this white vial contains a finishing agent. After washing with the first, do one more round with this.”
She took the objects and examined them, sniffing at the ‘soap’.  It smelled surprisingly good!
“So how do you know much about hair, Hollow? You haven’t got any!” she pointed out.
The enchanter surprised her by stripping naked while he responded, and she looked away reflexively.
“Ah, but Anabelle does!” he said as he splashed into the stream behind her. “Besides, you’d be surprised how many requests I get from humans regarding hair troubles! These cleaning agents were some of my first forays into the alchemical sciences. Took some experimentation, but I finally hit on an excellent combination of ingredients. Leaves your hair shiny and supple! And best of all, there’s no magic involved!”
“Experiments?” she asked, setting the vials and soap down. She heard splashing behind her and turned to see Hollow dunking himself under the water.
He rose out of the shallow stream, shaking himself and began applying the soap vigorously.
“Well,” he said as he bathed, apparently oblivious to any modesty issues, “we’d best not talk about that. I assure you there was no permanent damage! And one of the gentlemen actually preferred being bald anyway! Say, are you going to use that soap or not?”
Mira drew in a deep breath. “Um… Hollow. Do you expect me to bathe right here with you?”
He cocked his head to one side. “Well, yes. Why not?” he asked while washing his chest.  She saw the blue symbol slowly begin to disappear from his chest. And then something extraordinary happened…
Mira shook her head to clear it, not at all sure if what she was seeing could be real. Meanwhile Hollow continued washing, now sitting in the stream and cleaning his feet.  
No, she corrected herself mentally when rubbing at her eyes didn’t change what she was seeing.  Hollow was cleaning HER feet. Hollow was now unmistakably a female Argonian.
“Well?” she asked Mira, her voice now significantly higher in pitch. “We haven’t got all day!”
MIra finally shrugged and did as she was bid, and soon she was in the stream bathing herself as well. The water wasn’t too cold, but it was a bit bracing. She sat and began washing her legs too, still debating exactly how she should ask Hollow about his… her?... transformation.
“Hey Mira,” the now-enchantress asked. “Do you think you could help me put my ward back on when you’re done? I can do it myself, but it’s a bit tricky.  It’s just a circle and a five-pointed star, drawn in a special kind of soft blue magetallow wax. Doesn’t have to be perfect, and I’ll do the enchantment part.”
“Um… sure Hollow,” she agreed, “when I’m all done. But, I thought you said the ward was there to keep you sane?”
“Oh, for certain it is! Why, I couldn’t last an hour in this way. Even now I get the strangest feelings! Frankly I don’t know how you women manage it. But then, it’s all you’ve known I suppose.”
Mira debated if she should get mad about that comment or not - perhaps later, when she’d gotten to know her employer better. Instead she rinsed herself and went to the side of the stream, grabbing the first vial and pouring a bit out before rubbing it through her hair. It began to lather.
“That’s it!”, Hollow said, climbing out of the stream and laying on the grass sunning herself while she waited for Mira to finish her hair. “Work it in good and deep.”
Finally when she’d applied the second vial as well, she climbed out of the stream and took a towel to dry herself off, while Hollow took the other.
“Now, if you don’t mind…” Hollow said, handing her the blue wax.
“Let me get dressed first, Hollow,” she said, determined that - as bizarre as this morning had already been - she was at least going to be fully dressed when Hollow became male again.
“Please, can you hurry up?” Hollow said. “I’m feeling very weird already.”
“Only just now?” Mira thought as she pulled the blouse over her head.
She took the wax and began to draw a circle across Hollow’s no-longer-flat chest. It was surprisingly difficult!  It didn’t help that Hollow began to laugh when she started on the star.
“Hold still! Jeeze!” Mira protested, and Hollow tried to get herself under control.
“Okay, I think that’s got it.”
“Thank you Mira!” Hollow said, then closed her eyes and began to murmur something. When the incantation was finished, Hollow was male again. The transmutation hadn’t been some slow change, but instantly Hollow’s chest was flat again, and other parts weren’t.  
Mira’s blush was instantaneous as well. Her eyes shot skyward.
“Oh, that’s so much better!” Hollow said, his voice back to what she had come to consider normal.
He began to dress again in a new, duplicate set of clothes while Mira’s mind began to race.
“Hollow…” she began.
“That ward… it… makes you male.  But without it, you’re female. What were you originally?”
He stopped and turned towards her, tying his boots. “You know… I’m not really sure.”
“I mean,” she continued, “if you are female without the ward…”
“Sorry Mira, I really can’t remember. I’ve done a lot of experiments, some on myself. I think I remember coming up with the ward after one of those experiments, but… I’ve been a lot of things. I was a True Neutral once! It was… boring.”
“I imagine so,” she laughed.
Then she looked at her old pile of clothes. Hollow looked at them too. Then he looked at her and shook his head.  She left them, the last of her old life now truly left behind.
When they got back to the cart, Hollow dug out about 10 smallish posters and handed them to Mira, instructing her to post them in the village about a mile farther up the road.  
“Make sure the arrow is pointing back this way though,” he added as he untied Anabelle from the side of the cart. “Take it from me, you don’t get much business the other way! Then, when you’ve put them all up, hurry back here. We’ve got to get you ready before they start coming!”
“You’re letting me take Anabelle?”
“Oh, yes. A girl on a horse is a lot less likely to be hassled than one just walking into town on foot. Besides, Anabelle insists. Try not to talk to the locals though, if you can avoid it. Mystery is one of our biggest draws. These poor village folk don’t get much of that.”
“Got it,” Mira said. “No saddle?”
“Sorry, no. Anabelle doesn’t like them. But she’ll keep under you, won’t you Anabelle?”
In response, the horse looked at them dumbly, then went back to grazing.
Hollow helped Mira climb up, and before the sun had crossed noon, she was off down the road at a plodding pace, but faster than walking.
The village was a quaint little place. Most of the people were inside, though a couple were out on the main street, eyeing her suspiciously.  However, as she began to hammer the posters into place, others began to emerge - the children first of all.
“An enchanter! Mom! A traveling enchanter! Can we go see him?” one waif called to his mother.
Mira didn’t hear the response. She was already off to post the last advertisement up. However, she did grant the village some respect after that. The kid could read at least!
And then she was done and heading back down the road where she’d come from.
“Wait here, Missy!” called a man from a doorway. “You can’t just nail up a sign on my gate post like that!”
Hastily she considered. She could just ride out of town and ignore him, but it wouldn’t do to have these people upset with her and Hollow already. She pulled in Anabelle and climbed down.
“Sorry sir,” she said, bowing low. “I’ll take it off right now…”
“Now hold on, missy, I didn’t say you had to take it down. I just want some compensation is all!”
“I’m sorry,” she said, keeping her head down. “I.. don’t have any money.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” he said, his voice softening. “Can I get a discount?”
At that, she brightened up considerably. “Oh yes sir! Certainly! I’ll see that Hollow gives you a 10 percent discount on any purchases!”
“That’s more like it then. Well, tell this…” he paused to squint at the poster, ‘“Oak in Grey Hollow’ I’ll be expecting it when I drop by tonight.”
“I will,” she assured him, then went back to Anabelle. But she soon found she couldn’t climb upon the horse by herself. There were some snickers from the villagers as she tried to jump, but the horse was simply too big and there was nothing to hold on to. She considered grabbing onto the horse’s mane, but something told her that would be a bad idea.
Then, amazingly, Anabelle lay down, allowing Mira to climb on her back easily. As soon as she was on board, the horse rose again and started trotting out of the village smartly, hooves prancing high in the air as the villagers looked on in wonder at the trained horse.
For her part, Mira was as surprised at the others in the change that had come over the old grey paint. Perhaps she’d underestimated the horse after all!
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tarithenurse · 6 years
In defense of Asgard (9/?)
Wordcount: 2400
Warnings: blood, gore, violence, language
Gets “Keep reading” because of length. Still need to get around to linking to past chapters (sigh). Just a few chapters more, guys!
Loki’s PoV
Looking up at the sky, Loki cannot supress the shiver of a thrill. Up there, the chaos has started and it’s spreading towards the horizon as wave after wave of Sovereign omnicrafts put the first line of defense to the test. That’s where he ought to be, not on the surface of Asgard, waiting and watching. Not leaving all the fun to the Xandarians and Ravagers.
“You will get your chance, brother.” From his place, Thor smiles knowingly, before kicking off hard from the ground to get airborne and join the battle up above, because even he’s bursting to swing his axe.
All around them are groups of battle-clad warriors. Most are wearing the armour of the Einherjar, which makes the civilians stand out even if they too are sporting fitting attires and clutching perfectly honed swords and axes, both armours and weapons are personal choices, left to each individual in much the same way as it is for the Warriors Three, Heimdall and the royal family. Compared to all of these, the dozen Valkyries are hard to spot against the snow.
Whispered conversation makes the prince look to his right, where [Y/N] and Sif are standing, but their voices are too low for him to hear what they say, and all he can do is judge their facial expressions and body language that make it look like the Inhuman is…giving advice? As she turns, their eyes meet before [Y/N] lowers her glance to watch where she steps on the way back to his side.
“What was that about?” Loki tries his best to make it sound casual.
A tiny smile tugs at the corners of his wife’s mouth. “Just the last details before the storm hits.”
She does not look at him, instead she looks to the sky where the lightnings and distant explosions tell a story on their own. Each flare of fire warns of a coming rumble, distant and ominous. A warning shout from Heimdall drags their attention close to the horizon, to the edge of the aerial battle where a formation of lights shows a new attempt from the Sovereign at reaching the ground. The spaceship is piloted expertly (expecting anything else would have been foolish) and dodges the defensive fire from several turrets while it sweeps lower, straight towards the waiting Asgardians.
“Kamikaze?” [Y/N]’s voice is laced with worry, and her body’s poised to jump out of the way.
Loki has no idea what she means, but she explains quickly with her eyes fixed on the vessel speeding towards them. The answer presents itself as the enemy ship veers off, showing gaping openings through which something or someone could have been released.
“AtteeeentiON!” Tyr bellows from his spot next to Heimdall in a nearby tower.
The retreating vessel is finally shot down over one of the fields, but its mission has been accomplished. Loki had wondered why the Sovereign would attack at night, but now he had the answer: dropping troops under the cover of darkness makes it harder for the defenders to identify the exact position and numbers. As if to rub it in, new lights appear in the distance, weaving past the bursts of the blueish glare from the turrets. A new order from Tyr spurs the ranged units to release a volley, and by the sound of it, they manage to hit someone. Once more the projectiles fly.
Then the street fills with the golden-skinned forces, that methodically and viciously set to work on anyone they can find. If they had hoped to find the inhabitants in a state of panic, then they would be sorely disappointed as they instead come face to face with pissed off and well-trained warriors. Leaping into the fray, Loki reexperiences the satisfactory feeling of metal slicing through armour and flesh. Pulling his spear out of the now lifeless body, there’s no fear in his heart when he scans the writhing crowd and he’s already planning the next 20 movements.
Reader’s PoV
It’s impossible to use ranged weapons anymore, so [Y/N] has switched to spear. It’s a weapon she has become fond off after many sparring sessions with Loki, especially because it makes it possible to keep a safe distance from anyone trying to kill her, which, of course, is always a bonus. Another one is the option to not gore the enemy all the time but knock them out or trip them up for someone else to kill them instead. Having fought several battles [Y/N]’s no stranger to taking lives, but that doesn’t mean she has to like it. Crouching to avoid a shot from a Sovereign (who don’t give a damn about friendly fire, as long as they hit something, it seems) she swings the spear in a low arc before tugging it back towards herself to successfully hamstring a feisty soldier that’s heading for the exposed back belonging to Fandral. Then she twists the spear around and jerks it into the gut of the foe behind her before finally getting back on her feet.
Each strike she and others deal echoes in [Y/N]’s body, but she doesn’t dare to shut off to the world. Any time an Asgardian is hurt, she has to be ready to find them and heal them…and she’s made Sif a special promise too. The queen loves a good battle as much as the next Asgardian, and she’s refused to tell Thor about the pregnancy out of fear that he’ll forbid her from participating as a means to keep both her and the unborn child free. Of course, Sif’s a brilliant fighter, but it’s more than just a direct hit that could endanger the child this early on. If anything were to happen, then maybe [Y/N] can prevent the queen from aborting spontaneously.
[Y/N] slams the butt of the weapon into the base of a golden skull, effectively dazing what could have been the admiral’s identical twin, and she uses the lack of resistance to kick him over before slicing a few strategic places. He’ll be dead, before recovering from the blow to the head. Somewhere just at the edge of her senses, Loki’s dancing in and out between the people fighting, turning violence into an art.
Shit. A sharp pain nearly triggers the Inhuman’s up-chuck reflex, and she scans the crowd to identify if she has to worry about who just got lethally wounded. After all, there’s no reason to waste the energy on a Sovereign, because only someone like the High Priestess would be taken as a prisoner of war while her subjects will be killed one way or another. The injured isn’t a foe, but the smith’s apprentice. Having favoured a large, long-shafted hammer and no shield, his attacks have been slow and his means of parrying even worse. Now he’s slumped against the wall with a face that’s slashed and his guts hanging out of a gaping wound across the left side. By sheer luck, [Y/N] has a relatively free path to him (only having to push one attacker away, sending the golden woman stumbling in front of Volstagg), and he’s still conscious when she kneels beside him.
“Just breathe,” the healer soothes, while pushing the shredded armour and clothes away, “you’re going to be fine.”
The man (big kid, he’s not old enough to fight in a war) is breathing through clenched teeth and his face is ashen from both pain and blood loss. Still he tries to put up a brave face. Looking through the glowing particles that only [Y/N] can see, it’s obvious to her that the injury is deep.
“Princess [Y/N].” What might have been an attempt at bowing is stopped because of the pain. “No need to worry about –“
“That’s my decision.” [Y/N] grunts, her fingers pressing inside the wound to easier heal the damage to the intestines. A sudden drop in his heartrate and the sense of his body ‘deflating’ makes her pause to shake him. “Hey! Wake up!” The kid has passed out, but a spike of adrenalin gets him back to the world of the living (and awake). “Stay with me. What’s your name?”
“Arvid, my lady.”
The name brings back memories of another Asgardian, but as [Y/N] works and the kids offers details about his life, the chance of it being the same person dwindles and becomes a madman’s hope. Soon, both wounds are healed sufficiently to allow the apprentice to either keep fighting or seek shelter somewhere else, and the nurse pulls him up off the ground. Before they get to let go of each other’s wrist, something catches [Y/N]’s attention.
15, 17, 20. “Incoming from south!”
Her yell barely reaches above the din, meaning that only a handful of the defenders hear her. Grabbing the spear with both hands, she turns to face the fresh onslaught and has to throw herself out of the way to avoid a blast from a phaser gun. While down on ground level, [Y/N] does her best to hit as many ankles and knees as possible before regaining her feet and coming to an upright position. Somehow, she’s made it into the middle of the squad, and she works ferociously to keep them somewhat at bay, even if these seem to have learned not to fire when friendlies are in range. Using her legs interchangeably as counterweight and pivoting point, [Y/N] keeps the long weapon in motion to assure the greatest force behind any impact whether it’s a stab or a slicing arc. Now and then she needs to use the blunt end when they come from several sides at once.
The crunching feeling that travels through the shaft is both satisfactory and gross because she knows that several teeth are now rattling around in the victim’s mouth, but there’s no time to dwell on it, and instead the woman thrusts forward in the hopes of reaching the unprotected armpit. Bloody hell. Her entire arm is numb for a few seconds as the result of an impact that has disarmed her, sending the spear clattering away over the large dark stones. [Y/N]’s already dodging the next incoming blow while reaching for one of the long daggers strapped to her thigh. Fuck. She isn’t quick enough to avoid a hard kick that makes a few ribs crack dangerously, and the only reason she doesn’t fall hard on the ground is because strong arms (dressed in a marine blue uniform) wrap around her waist and throat.
“You’re her,” a voice hisses in [Y/N]’s ear, “you’re the bitch that destroyed the Pride.”
The cruiser? The Inhuman can see the smirks of the few Sovereigns who have noticed her precarious situation. Thankfully no one seems to be bothered, not even as her hands clasp firmly onto the wrists of aggressor, who’s illustrating a textbook-perfect chokehold.
“Maybe you should’ve taken the hint.”
Holy flamingo, this is good! The world around her becomes blurred, as the glowing cells in the person behind her are snuffed out. It’s a little pocket of bliss just for [Y/N]. Full of energy and strength, that she can steal, leaving the former owner with nothing to keep him standing, and the blessed connection is broken as he falls dead to the ground. A pleasant shiver rolls through [Y/N], making her smile as she stoops to pick up the spear again. Only one Sovereign, a woman, has noticed what happened and is now standing, staring at the unnatural defender without caring about her surroundings. Next instant, she’s lying on the ground with the head cut clean off by Sif who sends [Y/N] a dazzling smile before hurdling towards the next enemy.
Forcing herself to focus, the Midgardian gets back to work, making her way towards one of the civilians who’s managed to break a leg somehow. It takes a while to get there, but eventually she’s sitting right before him, preparing to set the bone as soon as the nerves have stopped sensing pain. Now. With a yank and a twist, [Y/N] gets the tibia realigned and can now start to fuse the bone. While busy, the Asgardian is keeping any golden assholes far away by exhibit a series of perfect aims with a phaser gun.
“Thank you, your highness.” They both get to their feet and the man immediately prioritizes bowing.
Not now, you idiot! “Yeah yeah, you’re welcome. Now go kick some ass.”
Undoubtedly puzzled by the order, the warrior-on-occasion heads back into the battle, leaving [Y/N] to see where else she’s needed. They’re all good. Although her friends are tired and are sporting small scrapes, bruises or laceration, there’s no one in serious need of help, and it leaves [Y/N] free to seek out her next target.
Asgardians are tough. Even untrained, they are much stronger and faster than any human, and it’s only the Inhuman genomes that makes it possible for [Y/N] to keep up with them. In fact, most other races are hopelessly outmatched when face to face with anyone from this endangered species. Not the Sovereign, though. Frustratingly, the generations of genetic manipulation and engineering has created a race that, although horribly flawed through mutations, is physically impressive and more perfectly capable of standing their ground in a one-on-one…if they hadn’t been too proud to accept that other people might be excellent as well which in turn makes them underestimate their adversaries. Pride is, quite literally, what makes the Sovereign vulnerable.
A burst of lightning causes a large explosion high in the sky and makes [Y/N] glance up from the fresh corpse at her feet, and when she lowers her gaze, she finds herself at the wrong end of a gun. Looking past it, she sees the mad eyes that match the skin and sleek hair perfectly. With a silent curse, the Midgardian realizes that she doesn’t have time to free the spear from the chest it’s stuck in, so she’ll have to figure out something else. Recognizing the early signs of muscles contracting, she starts to move before the finger curls around the trigger. It’s like watching everything in slow motion from a bird’s perspective. The tan woman’s attempting to duck past the firearm, pushing hard at the elbow of the gold-skinned invader, but the flash from the barrel is already visible and it flares cold and yellow as the beam rips through skin and severs a tuft of hair.
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
I’ve Got You (Derek Hale x Reader)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, Smut (Unprotected Sex)
Request: Hi! Could you do a reader x Derek Hale, where the reader is a young werewolf without a pack and they meet Derek and Scott while running from hunters and is also badly injured.  And is slowly accepted into the pack and gains feelings for Derek but little do they know is that Derek as feelings for them to. (Please add some fight/adventure scenes and smut if possible”
Requested By: @supernaturaldragons101
A/N: I’m really sorry I didn’t do much of any fight or adventure scenes, I honestly have NO idea how to write them.  But I did put smut in there for you dear :)
“Shit” you growled out, ducking just in time as an arrow came whizzing past your head.  Your lungs were on fire, your legs ached as you continued to run through the thick forest; hunters hot on your trail.  
Your entire pack had just been killed off by a group of hunters, and now you were the only survivor; the lone wolf.  You never asked to be turned into a wolf; your best friend Alex did it because it was quite literally life or death.  It was a car accident that almost killed you, but Alex was right there with you.  She wasn’t an Alpha, so she called upon the Alpha of her pack, and before long, you were turning on the next full moon.  It had been a mere two months since you turned, and now you were all alone.  
“AAAGGHHHH” you screamed out in pain as an arrow shot through to your calf; extreme pain started to radiate from the wound as you fell, tumbling down a deep hill.  
Breathing through the pain, your hand gripped the arrow that was still lodged in your calf.  Yanking with all your strength, you managed to pull it out of you; your teeth sinking into your arm to hold back your screams of agony.  
The wind picked up and you stilled your motions; your wolf senses picking up a smell.  With your head raised in the air, nose pointed in the direction of the smell; your eyes flashing golden as you realized what you smelt. “Alpha” you breathed out before jumping to your feet, sprinting in the direction of the Alpha you smelt.  
Your lungs continued to burn; the pain in you calf becoming worse each time you stepped on your foot, but you knew you had to push passed that pain.  Even though you were new to being a wolf, you knew lone wolfs didn’t make it far.  Now with your pack dead, you didn’t have anywhere to go.  You were a 19 year old werewolf with no pack, and no family.  
His scent got stronger the closer you got; your breathing become ragged as you realized the arrow that hit you was most certainly not an ordinary arrow.  With one more step, your leg completely gave out on you as you came stumbling forward, landed hard on your head.  
“You smell that?” Derek asked Scott as they stood in the woods, ready to take on the hunters they knew were killing off werewolves in the area.  
Scott sniffed deeply, his head snapping in the direction of the smell.  “It smells….like someone’s hurt.”
Derek shook his head as he started walking, “Not someone.  Another werewolf.  And it smells like death.  Come on.”
Derek and Scott dashed deeper into the woods, the scent of a hurt werewolf, almost on the brink of death filling their nostrils.  
Tears filled your eyes as you saw black blood oozing from your calf.  “This is it” you whimpered to yourself, “this is how I die.  Alone.”  You let the tears stream down your face, your claws coming out and digging into the Earth’s soil as the pain continued to erupt.  Twigs snapped in the distance as you curled into a ball figuring the hunters had found you.  
“Hey” you heard a man bark out as you raised your heavyset head; having no energy left at all.  The moonlight illuminated two men who were standing ten feet from you.  One of them was shorter, had brown hair and his eyes were golden.  The other man was taller, wearing a leather jacket and dressed in all black; his eyes were red.  
“Alpha” you croaked out before your vision turned black; your body giving out as your head hit the ground once more.  
“FUCK” you roared out, your body jolting upright as you were in the most pain you had ever experienced in your life.  Your claws came out as you started thrashing around, wanting to get away from whoever was hurting you.  
“You need to hold her down” a man’s voice broke through your screams before you felt two strong arms holding you down onto a table.  
More screams emanated from your mouth as you tried to wiggle away but the strong arms held you in place. “SShhhhh, stop moving, we’re trying to help you.  Just hold still and it will all be over soon” the man in the leather jacket said and you obliged.  You didn’t know if it was his voice, or because he was an Alpha; but something about him calmed you as you nodded your head to him, holding onto him for dear life.
You squeezed your eyes shut and concentrated on your breathing before you felt one more sharp stab; then, the pain was gone.  Breathing a sigh of relief, you groaned out in satisfaction of finally not feeling like you were dying.  
“Thank you Deaton. Can you and Scott give us a minute?” the Alpha asked the other two in the room.  They nodded to him before leaving out the doors; your heart rate picking up speed as you were left alone in the room with him.  
He turned to face you, a smirk on his face as he took in your ragged appearance.  “No need to be frightened.  I’m Derek and I’m an Alpha” he declared, his eyes glued to yours as he walked closer to you.  
“I know” you squeaked out softly, your mind still trying to wrap around everything that happened in the last few hours.  
“Where is your pack?” Derek asked as he folded his arms across his chest; his sharp gaze never leaving yours.  
“Dead” you robotically replied to him.  His gaze was demanding and you felt your face start to heat up, turning red.  
You didn’t want to cry in front of him, you didn’t want to show this Alpha that you were weak, so you shook your head at him instead.  
Derek nodded his head at your answer before turning around and walking out the door.  Your hands rung through your hair, pulling out leaves and twigs as you tried to make yourself more presentable.  Looking around, you saw that you were in a loft of some sort; large windows framed one entire wall.  
The door to the loft opened back up as Derek, and your guessing it was Scott, walked back in.  
“You don’t have a pack and you don’t have a family.  Why not join mine?” Derek requested as he stood at the foot of the table.  
“Re-really?  You mean that?” you stuttered out in wonder, not believing your luck.  
“Yeah, unless of course you’d rather be on your own.”
Shaking your head furiously, you replied, “No, no I don’t want to be on my own.  I would love to join your pack.”
“Alright, it’s settled then. You can stay here at the loft with me until we can find a more permanent place for you to live.”
Throughout the next few months, Derek trained you in ways you couldn’t imagine.  You loved your old pack, they were your true family, but they didn’t know much about fighting and how to kill the hunters.  Derek seemed like a pro, and you were happy you to be a part of his pack.  
You also quickly became close with everyone else.  You found out that Scott was another werewolf, practically Derek’s next in command, Lydia was a banshee, Malia was a werecoyote, Deputy Parrish was  a Hellhound, and Stiles, well, Stiles was Stiles.
You also started to gain feelings for Derek, your Alpha.  At first, you were excited as you never felt this way towards someone before, but then you started to get nervous.  In a pack situation, you didn’t know if it was okay for an Alpha to be involved with one of his pack members.  Hell, you didn’t even know if Derek felt the same way towards you. Most of the time, he was a hard ass and never smiled.  
The past week, you had been trying to distract yourself with studying up on hunters and other supernatural creatures; keeping your distance from Derek and staying in your room.  
“Y/N, get down here!” you heard Derek roar from downstairs; your heart immediately hammering in your chest. Slowly, you got up from your bed and cautiously made your way down the stairs.  
There Derek stood, in the middle of the open loft wearing a black muscle tank and sweat pants; his signature stance of his arms folded in front of his chest.  His arm muscles were thrown on display from the shirt he was wearing and just the sight of him made you wet; your clit throbbing as images flooded your mind of him dominating your body.  
A smirk appeared on his face, “You need to train more.  Come on.”
Trudging forward, you got in your fighting stance; legs spread apart, one hand balled into a fist covering your face.  You had to admit, you hated fighting because you never seemed good at it.  
Derek uncrossed his arms as he went to take a jab at your side.  Luckily, your fast reflexes blocked his hand.  This continued on for the rest of the day; both of you covered in sweat.  
Before you knew it, Derek came up behind you, pinning your arms back before using his leg to kick your feet, causing you to fall to your knees.  Derek was pressed up behind you, the position turning you on more as you involuntarily let out a soft whimper and it didn’t go unnoticed by Derek.  
“You know, I can smell you” he rasped into your ear; the wetness pooling into your panties even more as your clit ached to be touched by him.  
“Wh-what do you mean? Of course you can smell me, I’m sweaty from training” you gulped out; your throat feeling parched.  
A low rumble came from his chest as he pushed his lower half into you more.  Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt his member hardened behind you.  
“That’s not what I meant Y/N.  I meant I can smell you…” he trailed off as one of his hands roamed to the front of your body, “here” he finished as he cupped your sex causing you to whine out in pleasure.  “I’ve been able to smell you every time you get turned on.  Is it me that turns you on Y/N?”
You couldn’t comprehend any words at the moment, so you nodded your head hastily as his breath fanned your ear.  
“Good.  Because every time you walk around in these” his hand trailed up your very short shorts, “you turn me on too.  To be honest, I really like you Y/N.  There is something about you, something submissive that makes me want to claim you.  Would you like that?” he growled into your ear as you instinctually pushed your ass back into his hard cock.  
Your eyes became wide as he spoke; holy shit, Derek liked you back.  Biting your lip, you rolled your head back onto his shoulder.  “Yes Alpha, I’d like that very much” you cooed out.
In a split second, Derek spun you around and picked you up, throwing you onto his bed before he hovered over you, claiming your lips with his in a searing kiss that made your toes curl. He ground down onto your pulsating core and you moaned out.  Derek took the initiative to slide his tongue into your mouth at moment; your hands pulling at his hair as the kiss grew deeper.  
“My sweet little Y/N, I’ve wanted this since I first laid on eyes on” he bellowed as his lips attacked your neck.  Your breathing became ragged as his mouth attached to your sweet spot, just below your ear as your back arched off the bed.  
Derek quickly stripped you both of your clothes, quickly sinking one of his long fingers deep into your core as you cried out.  His fingers worked wonders inside of you as his mouth traced lazy circles around your hardened nipples.  
The coil in your belly started to tighten as your breath came in out short spurts.  “Close…I’m close Derek” you breathily stated causing him to pick up his pace.  His eyes were locked on yours as you came hard; your inner walls squeezing around his finger as you saw stars; screaming his name over and over as you high washed over you.  
He gently retracted his finger before placing it in his mouth, sucking off your juices.  “Mmmmmm, you taste so sweet” he husked out; his eyes almost black before switching to red as he saw you lying down, body flushed from his ministrations.  
In the blink of an eye, he had you turned over and on your hands and knees; his thick cock teasing your slit as you bowed your head, waiting for the inevitable to happen.  
Slowly, he sunk into you from behind; both of you moaning at once.  He didn’t give you much time to adjust as he started snapping his hips forward; his hands gripping your waist to hold you in place.  “Faster….harder” you urged him on; a rumble coming from his chest at your pleading.  
Your already sweaty body was now dripping with sweat as he mercilessly plunged in and out of you at a rapid pace; your hands digging into the sheets as you tried to hold on.  
You felt your inner walls start to tighten again as Derek pulled you up; your back flush to his chest; his thrusts never ceasing.  “Are you ready?” Derek husked out.  
Giving him a quick nod, his fingers found your nub; your mouth agape as you continued your screams. His thrusts started to falter as he gave your clit a pinch; your names roared from each other’s mouths as you both were sent over the edge with shattering orgasms.  
Your legs shook from your high, but Derek held you up and close to him.  “I’ve got you” he breathed into your ear as you felt his hot seed drip down your legs and onto the bed.  
He pulled out of you as you both collapsed on the bed in pure exhaustion.  You lay there, not knowing if Derek was going to up and leave; hell, every man acts differently after sex.  
Your breathing started to slow as you felt his strong hands slip around your waist, pulling you to him as he nuzzled his face into your neck.  
“So” you began to say, a small smile on your lips, “do you still want me to find a more permanent living situation?”
The bed shook from his chuckle before he spoke, “No, you are mine Y/N.  I’m keeping you right here forever.”
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