#like I get it I get a little jittery when I post stuff I haven't done before however mild but PUH-LEASE
buckera · 9 months
could people posting 'kinky' fics not kinkshame the characters and the readers please? I'm tired
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tmntheadcanons · 9 months
Idk if you've already done this, but have you done how they would deal with panic/hard feelings?
I haven't yet! This one is interesting. I focused more on panicking/fear but I'll make another post for hard feelings, how they act when they're mad, etc. I was thinking about the 03 turtles when I wrote this mainly but it's sort of just my head canons for the turtles in general.
I feel like when Leo panics, it's less visible. You might mistake his panicking for just general stress but in his mind he is losing it.
He'll get pushy and impatient.
He'll be anxiously pacing.
When he's starting to panic he starts desperately trying to keep track of everyone in his mind. His head will be darting around in all different directions because he's trying to keep tabs on everybody
In general though, I think Leo is good at keeping his head when he's panicking. He is able to filter out what is important at the moment and what isn't.
And I feel like Leo's panic response sort of hits after the situation has been dealt with. He will handle it in the moment and then the second it's over, he snaps.
His habit is bottling things up until he explodes.
After a high stress situation, Leo needs to be alone. He'll go some place private and just let it out. He won't do this around other people except maybe Splinter.
I could see after a particularly bad mission, he comes home and after everyone's been taken care of he goes into his room and cries for a good half hour. I feel like it would be kind of cathartic for him.
Or he starts replaying the situation in his head and spiraling into what-ifs.
It helps him to talk the whole thing out with Splinter.
When Raph is afraid he gets snappy and jumpy. He'll be visibly on edge and probably pretty irritable.
When he is full on panicking I think he would enter a blind rage. Not out of anger but as a fear response. He'll start desperately attacking whatever the threat is. He loses his judgement pretty quickly.
The more panicked he gets the more impulsive and aggressive he gets
Also, notice how some iterations of Raph (I'm thinking bayverse and mutant mayhem) start making heartfelt confessions when he thinks they're all about to die? I feel like that's a Raph thing. In moments of high stress all his pent up feelings just come flooding out.
I think after a really high stress situation, Raph becomes pretty mellow. Also he'll get really tired. He might get upset about the situation again later but in the moment he'll just be exhausted
Afterwards, I could see Raph wanting to spend some alone time, but I could more see him wanting other people around. He'll want some quiet company. He might not say much but he'll stick around the room where everyone is. I think it would comfort him to just be in a mundane and safe environment with everybody.
When Donnie is scared he starts rapid fire thinking of solutions. He shuts everything else out and tries to laser-focus on whatever he's doing.
This makes him block a lot of stuff out and he might not notice or respond to things. He'll blank out for a second and go into his own head but eventually he'll snap back.
When he's panicking, and it's from something he can't solve or analyze, like something flying directly at his head, he'll freeze.
He might start overthinking or over complicating things. In really bad cases he'll be over thinking something so much he'll forget really basic information.
Donnie has the patience of a saint but if someone rushes him when he's under pressure he will obliterate them.
After a stressful situation, Donnie becomes a bit reserved. Like Leo, he'll start replaying the situation in his mind. He'll think about how he could have prevented it, if there will be any repercussions, if he did a good enough job, etc. He'll be a bit jittery and restless. He'll start bouncing his leg or shaking a little.
When he comes home he starts looking for a distraction. He'll be so in his own head he'll need something to distract himself from his own thoughts. He'll immediately start working on/researching something.
If Mikey is afraid, he will say so. Even if he is completely alone he will still say so out loud. He'll get jumpy and easily startled. He also uses humor to mask/cope with fear.
When he is anxious he fiddles with things in his hands, especially his nun-chucks.
But if he picks up that everyone is panicking, he'll force himself to calm down and become a bit more level headed. He'll become unusually serious and focused on whatever they're doing. He also might try to calm other people down, particularly Leo and Raph.
When he gets anxious he'll start slipping up and making stupid mistakes, and then he'll get insecure about those mistakes and start to spiral even more.
When he's panicking he gets flustered and frantic.
Afterwards he might be a bit shaken but he usually comes back down pretty quickly.
He likes to be around people afterwards. He's usually the one to lighten the mood and I think he purposely makes an effort to do that.
He'll be pretty good for a few hours but I think when he goes to bed or is by himself it will hit him again
Sometimes he'll read a comic or play a game or do something fun to get his mind off things
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Snuggle series - Rex Lapis edition
Now this. this is going to be the epitome of self indulgent. I love dragons, I've loved dragons my whole life, they're my scrunkly little guys. I spend more time than I'd like to admit to thinking about snuggling with the Geo Archon's Exuvia. He's so special to me.
Content: Gender neutral reader, platonic fluff, general snuggly stuff, Rex Lapis is bigger than pictured in canon. Set in a timeline where the events of the game haven't happened.
561 words (oops).
To everybody else, Rex Lapis is, well, Rex Lapis, an Archon, untouchable and distant, someone who drops by once a year for the Rite of Descension to hand out whatever complicated business stuff is his wont.
To you, however, he's your friend - albeit a little bigger, a little scalier and sharper than when you first met him as Zhongli, a little more abrupt, but still perfectly amicable.
You'll never fathom how he manages to fit himself into such small spaces - he's about the size of one of the boats that stops in at the harbor on a regular basis, and about three times as long, yet he somehow manages to fold and drape himself to fit perfectly into the living room of the small studio apartment he rents once the furniture has been moved.
He's perfectly content to sit there, curled in on himself as he dozes in the warm afternoon light that bounces off the ocean outside, right through the windows and onto his ambery brown scales. He may lazily open an eye as you walk in, flicker an ear as you say something to him, but otherwise he's more than happy to sleep the afternoon away like a lazy cat.
You have a huge variety of choices on what to do, you could sit and lean your back up against him, or clamber over his hindquarters to nestle amongst his mane, use his tail like a mattress, or clamber underneath one of his paws like it's a weighted blanket, or more - his sheer size and the thickness of his scales makes you wonder if he's even aware of these things.
He is, of course he is - it's not an unusual experience for him to have humans treat him in such a way - the unrestrained power of an Archon is something few humans can resist reveling in in some way or another.
Rex Lapis' company brings with it a sense of deep seated calm and stability, like there's a constant whisper in the back of your mind reminding you that everything will be okay - it's infinitely calming, especially after you've had a long day. He certainly doesn't mind having you nearby - after getting to know you as Zhongli, it only makes sense that he enjoys your presence in his other forms too.
Some afternoons you're quiet, more than content to curl up and read a book, nap alongside him (sometimes you may awake to find he's curled himself around you as he seeks your warmth), or do something else quiet that has caught your attention - though others, you can get somewhat restless, and it doesn't take Rex long to pick up on that. If you seem a little too jittery or anxious, he might assign you a task, something small and repetitive that you can do while still being physically close to him, like brushing his fur or reading some papers aloud to him (his claws can't quite manage delicate little books and scrolls when he's like this) and it can help ease some of the nervous energy that can build up during stressful days.
He's always a very pleasant temperature, radiating warmth on cold days and cool to the touch on warm days - his mane smells a little bit like a freshly tilled garden after rain. Overall, spending time with Rex Lapis is nothing short of lovely.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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job-the-prosperous · 3 years
have you met anyone else in the basement?
((really long post, sorry in advance))
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My favorite person here is Bethany. She's always super nice and helpful! We even both have the same quirk where we tend to see angel deals more often. Apparently that's weird according to everyone else. Bethany's is, calming to talk with. We haven't completely lost faith in God. I think most down here have at this point. I... don't think I have. Hard to tell anymore. Sometimes I wonder if I should be following something that has deemed me unworthy.
Um. Anyhow.
The two of us are the only ones who haven't completely given up yet. Except for maybe Isaac.
On the topic of Isaac, he's alright. I have no idea what he thinks of me cause he's always so quiet. I'd say he's shy, but I have a feeling there's something more to it. Isaac is super smart. Always planning ahead and knows just what to do at the nick of time. Very selfless, to a point were I worry about him. Though no one can exactly help him when he refuses to speak.
Magdalene! Would it be wrong of me to say she gives off bad vibes? I can't put my finger on it, cause I don't think she's a bad person. But something just, freaks me out a bit when I'm with her. Other than that she's also a joy to be around. She tells me that one day when we all get out of here she wants to invite us all to her house and make a whole buffet of pastries for us. She never sounds like she believes in her words though.
I have little to say on Lazarus. I've only had one run with him so far, and it wasn't exactly the best first impression. Very jittery and nervous even when we weren't in any danger. Pretty sure as soon as I woke up he had asked me if he wanted me to kill himself so he can get some power boost. Didn't even know his name. The others must pester him a lot about it, poor guy. It's easy to tell how much he hates it. Looking at your own dead body can't be very comforting.
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The Forgotten is actually a young girl. Hard to tell given her appearance, but from what she has told me she's only 6 years old. I feel simply awful for her, I can only image how overwhelming this is for them. I mean geez, I can barely handle it and I'm around 4 years older. Still, she's more cheerful than I could ever dream of in our position. Reminds me a lot of my baby sister.
If it wasn't for all of those demons she carries around with her, I'd probably get along better with Lilith. They pick on me all the time and I don't know why. Lilith herself is chill with me. I don't know how she gets around so well with her blindfolds on, but it doesn't seem to affect her any. Okay, so sometimes she'll bump into something but we all do that.
The Lost reminds me a lot of Isaac. Quiet, reserved, all that fun stuff. Unlike Isaac, The Lost is a big ol' meanie sometimes. He's some cranky old man always spewing on about how life is unfair and that I made a mistake on coming here. As if I choose to do this. I can complain all day but in the end I don't blame him for being like this. He has this morbid theory that if he doesn't get out of here soon he'll end up completely consumed and gone forever. Not quite sure what he's referring too, but it's pretty scary. I hope I don't end up like him.
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Judas is mean and I hate him. All he does is bully me and complain about how I'm dead weight. If he's not doing that, he's preaching up a storm about how great the devil is and all this weird occult stuff. Swear he does it purposefully to make me upset. So bitter and disconnected. I wouldn't be surprised if he had no friends to speak of. Don't know who would want such negativity in their lives. He loves to act tough but I know for a fact that he's just a big baby. Couldn't care less for him.
Cain and I don't mesh. We are always fighting over supplies, especially coins. You'd think I'd be better off holding them so we'll get more later on, but I guess if he can't have it no one will. Cain cares a lot about people. Unlike Judas he won't throw me into the mouth of a monster for an opening. Something about our personalities make us more prone to being mad at one another.
I suppose I am a bit mean when I call Eve a jerk. She's not nearly as bad as Judas. More so pushy. A her way or the highway type of attitude. At least she's willing to make a few compromises. Even if we don't get along, I always get the farthest on runs when I'm with her. So that's a plus.
Azazel freaks me out a bit, being a demon and all. Loves to pull pranks at all the wrong times. Not a favorable sight but not one I'll despise seeing every time I do. He is funny, I'll give him that much.
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Samson is a new breed of uncomfortable. He's like a ticking time bomb seconds away from exploding. If you're lucky he'll go for the monsters. If not, let's just say I've heard lots of rumors of Samson killing the other people just for saying something he didn't like. He may just be blood lusty, always going after a new target. He can be pretty nice to be around when he's not upset, unfortunately its all to uncommon.
Okay, Jacob and Esau are strange. Cause they aren't scary in the way Samson is. Not even the lack of skin on one them is particularly what my problem is. I think Jacob may he purposefully hurting Esau. Like, a lot. They always get into some sort of fight about something. At first it's just a lot of arguing and screaming. Which I get, I did that with my family. But then theirs a point were I'll lose tract of them and I'll never see them again. I never go looking for them. If the entrance to the next floor is open I'm taking it. I, get really scared of what I might see if I did. I hope Esau is okay... I'm sure if I am feeling that extremely malicious vibe from Jacob than Esau must be too. I might just be thinking to deep into it. When you're always on edge, anything can seem like a threat.
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I wish I could say more about these guys, but can't speak much on something you don't know. I have heard some rumors about them.
Isaac has muttered about a person named Eden before. A few people had said some things about them. Mostly on how they are way to happy to be here. Admittedly that does sound odd.
Apollyon I have met briefly. I had one run with them, but I died on the first floor. What can I say? They were the first person I met and I had no idea what I was doing. They had helped me with teaching me the basics, so they can't be that bad.
All I've heard about the last person is that I can trust them sometimes and other times I should take them out as soon as possible. Not what I'd call that helpful information. Don't even know who they are talking about.
Job stuffed the key ring back into his pocket. Phew, he had enough spare keys to check out the next item room. He hadn't had the best luck so far, but his angel room had given him some optimism.
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More bones?! Really?!? Fine, I guess I'll take it. If I remember correctly this is Bone Spurs. I can't seem to figure out what it does, but I know for sure it doesn't do what the last one does.
He picked up the item, observing the splintered bone for any clue as to what it may do. Job couldn't get anything from a glance alone. Guess he had to put it on for a test ride. The bone had disappeared from his hands, as he felt a slight bit of pressure on the back of his neck. Feeling around a bit, he found one small spot on the middle of his neck where a sharp, jagged piece of bone stuck out. He couldn't feel any noticeable pain from it, which is appreciated. Still, it didn't tell him much on what it did.
Either way, with the new item in tow, he walked back into the catacombs to find this floor's exit.
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The New Girl, Part 1
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I'm going to hijack something else from you today, @m-faithfull. 😁 I saw you post this pic a little while back, and I was itching to write for it. Here you go, a leonine Robert going in for the kill. 😬 Just felt like making him a little more forward this time around.
Thanks to @starchild0985 for the argument idea a while ago, and thanks to @firethatgrewsolow for the sanity check on the emotional stuff. ❤️❤️❤️
Not smut yet, but there are "adult undertones." 😎
You round the corner with the food cart and hear them before you see them: the blaring radio and the boisterous, British-accented speech. And then there's a fearsome, metallic crash--a large, glass something, likely hurled into trash can.
You park across from the doorway, look into the room, and take a deep breath. It's your first night on the job, your first time serving a bunch of rock stars and their entourage. You've heard the stories and know that anything is possible in the green room: arguments, fist fights, food fights, hasty sex, even musicians too drunk or high to perform. But it's not just anxiety about the possible mood in the room that gives you pause. You are a huge Led Zeppelin fan, and you are as ashamed about your pink polyester work dress as you are excited to meet the young legends. You've daydreamed about meeting Robert, in particular, but certainly never under these circumstances.
You're glad to have had time to pull your copy of Led Zeppelin IV out of your locker while no one was looking and stash it on the bottom shelf of the cart, hidden behind the long, white tablecloth. An autographed vinyl would be a happy memory of the night, even if everything else went crazy.
Bonzo starts talking, and you realize things are not as jovial as you'd hoped.
"All I'm saying, Perce, is less talk between songs!" Bonzo's voice is colored with exasperation. "We both know damn well that you're just scanning the crowd to skim the finest birds off the top for yourself, innit?"
You're not sure if you should make your way into the room or stay out of the fray for a while. Since no one has noticed you yet, you decide to watch what happens next.
"How do you mean, Bonzo?" Robert's voice has all of the charm you'd expect to hear, but you don't know if his soothing tone will be enough to defuse the situation.
"All I'm doing," Robert continues, "is showing love and gratitude to the audience and setting the scene for you lot to release the sturm und drang, as it were."
"Fucking hell, Robert. Admit it, that's not the release you're most worried about! The crowds are bigger than in Birmingham, but you haven't changed your horny bastard ways one bit, matey…"
"It seems the song does indeed remain the same," Jimmy muses with a chuckle.
"I'm just surprised he ain't have a knee trembler onstage yet. G, Pagey, you're really lucky he didn't hump a pillar when you came to check him out back then. That's the sort of bollocks that I don't miss from this one." He frowns and takes a huge sip of his beer.
It seems this story is new to Jimmy and G, the imposing man you understand to be the manager. Both men exchange glances and shake their heads.
"Fuck it all!" Robert uncrosses his arms and picks up a cigarette package and lighter from the table. "Don't believe me, then." He turns his back on his critics and lights a cigarette.
You get a glimpse of his pout and his elegant fingers, marveling at how cute he looks when he's upset. Somehow this vision has neutralized any red flags raised by Bonzo's stories. You don't know why you can excuse Robert for things that would make you cold to anyone else. You are a little wary, but you know any objections you have left could be swept away with something as light as his sinful whisper in your ear, the brush of his lips against your neck, and the feathery touch of his fingers on your bud.
You are in danger of slipping deep into fantasy and decide to enter the room now to save yourself. Part of you wants to get your work over with, get your autographs, stargaze at the band and leave, but part of you wants to offer whatever comfort you can to the grumpy Robert before your eyes--just about anything he'd ask for.
Everyone else has moved on in a few different conversations. This ends up being a lucky occurrence for Robert, who is still sulking alone and notices you first.
He drops the hand with the cigarette by his side while he familiarizes himself with you. Then he lets loose with a dazzling smile.
G, the rest of the band, and the others in the room focus on you a beat later, while Robert quickly stubs out his cigarette in an ashtray. "And food saves the day. Your timing is impeccable, darlin'. Allow me to be your knight in denim and help you with that cart." He sidles up to you and rests one hand on your shoulder and the other on top of your hand. He winks at you, and you step aside so he can move the cart.
You drink in the sparkly, mostly open button-down that is hanging off of his broad shoulders, thankful that it ends just above the bulge in his jeans that won't be denied, so you can sneak a peek.
He is every bit as flirtatious as you've gleaned from the radio interviews. You get the impression that he doesn't mind the uniform you're wearing, that he's looking way past it in his mind, that he'd still flirt with you if you were wearing a potato sack. It is both a relief and something that leaves your stomach jittery.
"Our wonderful caterer…" he stares for a long time at the general region of your name tag, licks his lips, and relays your name with a wicked grin, "has brought the real food. Orange juice for Jimmy? And sandwiches and crisps for the rest of us. No need to gorge on three-day-old bananas anymore… Although there's one aged almost 25 years that's highly recommended, if you're into that sort of thing…" Robert murmurs the last part for your ears only.
You blush and are stunned by his boldness, but you get your bearings quickly, realizing things will be as out of control as you anticipated. You can't deny that you would love to spend some time alone with Robert, and you're ready to see what other bold moves he has in store.
You steady yourself to throw some of your own boldness his way. "Well, they are good for you--delicious and incredibly filling… And I do like them ripe, personally, so…" You reply just as softly and gaze into his eyes.
Inside of the stare, the two of you are zapped by a mutual, high-voltage flash of interest. Your heart races, and your body throbs.
"Prime example, this is!" Bonzo interjects from the couch. "Percy Plant plucking another flower for himself!"
"Not now, Bonzo," Robert mutters, still looking into your eyes.
You blink rapidly, realizing all eyes are on you. "Sorry… It's my first night here… I-- I've got to set these things out," you stammer to Robert. You want him, but to have things so very obviously play out in front of so many people… A curtain of shame weighs heavy on the lust that has engulfed your body.
Before you can pick up the tray of sandwiches, Robert steps in. "Allow me, love." He notices your conflicting emotions and removes all of the food from the cart for you. You're glad for his help because you feel lightheaded. The last thing you need to do is drop a tray of food on your first night and draw the ire of the rambunctious group.
"What's this, then?" Robert has peeked under the tablecloth and has found your record. "Fancy some autographs from us heathens?" He holds up the album for everyone to see.
"One of my favorites. I must commend your good taste." Jimmy's tip of his glass to you and his friendly words lighten your tension. Your thank-you to him is for his compliment as much as it is for the lifeline to normalcy that he has thrown.
Robert places a hand on your shoulder. "You know what? I'll let the rest of the lads sign first. You look like you could use some help getting this cart back where it belongs, yeah?"
You get the sense that Robert genuinely wants to blot out your embarrassment, but you know that he has other, wolfish desires alongside his altruism. You're okay with that, and you don't question why.
"That would be great." A weak smile grows stronger on your face as you think of how exciting a stolen moment with Robert will be.
"Yes, allow me to drive this for you then?" He begins to push the cart to the door.
"Thirty minutes until showtime, Robert," G calls out, knowing he won't return right away.
Robert doesn't respond to G but does motion for you to join him in the hall. You tell him which way to turn. You're back to bursting with excitement again as you leave the room in the distance.
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary.
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forgedobsidian · 8 years
Hi. I hope you don't mind if I ask for some advice? I used to write fanfiction all the time but then I started to get a lot of anxiety about my writing. Nothing I try to write is good enough for me, and I haven't been able to finish and upload anything since around 2011 even though I've had plenty of plot bunnies. Do you have any advice that might help me start writing again?
Sure!! I’ll give what advice I can!!
I actually went through a period of not-posting-anything, myself. A spike of anxiety when one of my fics went completely review-less killed my motivation to post anything. It lasted about a year and a half, and only in the past couple months have I really gotten back into fic writing. Here is what I found helped:
- Getting in contact with other writers makes things fun!! I follow about 7 other fic folks, and talking to each other about what we write or even just leaving really long rambly reviews is a great way to meet really awesome people and boost some writing confidence. 
- Sometimes you just run out of steam. It’s okay to take breaks, even if they seem terribly long and you don’t want to disappoint any readers with rare updates or new posts. It’s chill to take your time. I know anxiety can be a real pain when you feel like you have to be constantly working on or posting stuff, but as both a reader and a writer I can say that it’s really important to take your time and only post when you want to. 
- Write down those plot bunnies!! Keeping track of your ideas is a good way to keep your creativity going, and then if you get burnt out on one idea there’s always another to keep you entertained. It’s okay if you never finish all of them. Fic is supposed to be fun, and there isn’t a ‘quota’ that needs to be filled. 
- Understand that the everpresent possibility of growth does not detract from you skill in the now. Chances are you grew a lot in writing skill and really developed your writing style from that first fic up to your most recent writings. I know I did!! You have skill right now, and it’ll grow the more you write. 
- Being unsure about your writing means that you’re holding yourself to a personal standard, which is a-okay! I have seen a few fic writers say that they were really able to write well when they stopped caring so much, but that’s not something I can do, personally. I like to feel good about what I’m writing and posting. When it comes to feeling like I’m not doing my absolute best, I like to remember that we are always harder on ourselves than anyone else will be, and I can always come back to it later. And creativity has it’s own time of hibernation, so expecting yourself to be constantly at 100% all of the time isn’t gonna work. ALSO: what might be something simple and rough and not-that-great to you will be pure art to someone else. 
               - ALSO: the bare minimum for fic is that it’s understandable. As long                    as you’re hitting that mark, any extra effort you put into it is just                          making it better!
- It’s okay to feel anxious about your writing. It’s a pretty common feeling, actually. I go through a solid hour of avoiding the Internet after I post something because I can get really jittery. When it comes to dealing with anxiety, I’ve found that stepping away from what I’m doing helps give me some space to think. I can go over some of my old stuff, or my more recent stuff, and it’s like “Hey, I did that, so I can totally do this.” Anxiety is such a pain, but it’s normal, and it can be worked around. 
- Splitting up longer works into multiple chapters helps if you get an idea that seems to keep growing the more you write it. If it turns into something REALLY LONG AND INTIMIDATING, it’s okay to put it on the shelf for when you feel ready. 
- Finishing something is always interesting. Unless I have an ending really planned out beforehand, I always feel like I should have been able to fit in more or write it better or that I made it too long and focused on the wrong things. If you’re really unsatisfied with it, rewriting some scenes or even the whole thing might help (scary, but it works). Also, since it’s fic, you can always go back and edit or add more chapters or a sequel or two if you really want to. 
- Posting work is hard! It’s sending out something you worked on, something you put time into, and you don’t know how it’ll be received or if anyone will like it or even if you’re proud of what you created. I post-and-run, honestly. Thinking back over all the effort I put into something sometimes gives me that push to click ‘Publish,’ though sometimes I just have to wait for another day or so. Then I usually feel more prepared and confident, even if I haven’t done any more work on it. I’ve also seen some folks just post little snippits of stuff they have in progress to get feedback, so that might help to sort of ‘test the waters.’
I hope these help!! Though this is just what I personally found useful when it came to writing again, so they might not work for you. I won’t tell you to make writing a habit, that at 5:00 each night you HAVE to sit down and you have to write at least 500 words. Fanfiction should be something you enjoy. If a long time passes before you feel like you might enjoy it again, then that’s okay. Self-compassion when it comes to your writing is more helpful in the long run than self-admonishment. 
So, overall, being gentle with yourself and remembering that you are always growing and developing is incredibly important.  You can only do you best - which will vary from day to day - at a given moment, and that’s more than enough.  
Hope I could help even just a little!! Happy writing!!
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