#like I hope all of these tears I’ve cried/heart breaks I’ve had/anxiety attacks I’ve had would be worth it in the future
galariangengar · 1 year
Finally got the guts to tell my dad about how I attended a webinar on this accelerated BSN program and how I need to take 2 classes before I can apply to it; also said that I already found a place where I can take these 2 classes and are available as online courses too. I also told him what I found out about registering for the HESI exam and how I need a day where I can have 4 hours to take this exam. He told me he thinks I’m ready to take the driving test and to find a date for mid July. We had another talk like we’ve have before cuz I cried again and get easily stressed and overwhelmed with all this shit… being an adult is scary and stressful…
0 notes
cariantha · 1 year
Book: Open Heart, Book 2
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Word count: 2.2K
Summary: Ethan helps Sawyer remedy one of her biggest regrets.
A/N: This fic was inspired by an ask from @jerzwriter who wanted to know whether Sawyer and Ethan attended their high school proms.
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Sawyer slept peacefully in his arms for a couple of hours before waves of excruciating stomach aches began to crash over her. Having done everything he could medically, all Ethan could do now was hold her hand through it and hope that the others would be able to manufacture a miracle.
Sawyer could no longer diminish the severity of the pain. She cries and wraps her arms around her waist as the next bout of sharp cramping cripples her body. 
“I know, Rookie… I know,” he gently rubs her back, feeling otherwise helpless. As her suffering subsides, Ethan eases her back against the pillow and dabs the tears from her face with a tissue. The dull reflection in her eyes concerns him. As the maitotoxin steals the strength from her body, the hopelessness of the situation robs her of the will to fight. 
“What a waste,” she whispers looking up at the ceiling. 
“What’s a waste?”
“My life.”
“How can you possibly think that?” he questions, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. With plastic-covered hands, he brushes some stray hairs from her face.
“I spent half of my life doing what I thought other people expected of me. I’ve spent the other half working myself to death to become a doctor. And for what? I’m finally at the finish line and it’s all been for nothing. I could have spent more time with my family. Hell, I could have had my own family by now. I could have traveled. I could have… I could have gone to prom!” she turns and sobs into the pillow. 
“Sawyer, you can’t think like that. Don’t think about what you didn’t get to do. Think about what you’re going to do when you get out of this room.” 
They both sit in silence for a moment when Ethan shakes his head with a chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” she asks, wiping away the new tears.
“Prom? Really? That’s one of your biggest regrets?” he laughs.
Sawyer plays it back in her head and starts laughing with him, realizing how ridiculous it sounded. 
“It’s stupid, I know!” she admits, “But it was just one of those rites of passage moments that I missed out on.”
“Why didn’t you go? It’s hard to believe that no one asked the smartest and most beautiful girl in school.”
Sawyer can't help the big smile that spreads across her face. A small win for Ethan as he tries to keep her spirits up. 
“Thank you. No one got the chance to ask because I graduated from high school a year early. I didn’t get to do any of the senior year stuff like spring break, ditch day, prom, graduation parties…” 
“I didn’t go to my prom either.” 
“Really? Why?”
“I couldn’t justify digging into my college savings for an over-the-top one-time date. My dad offered to help with a little extra cash, but I didn’t feel right accepting when he still had to work overtime to make ends meet. And honestly, there wasn’t anyone I was willing to suffer through that kind of evening with.”
“If I had been in your class, would you have asked me?”
Thinking of all the things he would have done differently since meeting Sawyer, “I would have been the first in line to ask and I would have spent my whole damn savings just to impress you.”
She holds onto that thought as another agonizing wave of pain rolls over her.
It’s been several months since the attack and Sawyer slips into a period of depression, the aftermath still too heavy a burden at times. All that hangs in the air as a result of the impending hospital closure causes overwhelming anxiety and sadness. 
Ethan begins to notice the signs. Lack of interest. Withdrawal. Tiredness. Dwelling on the past. 
To his credit, Ethan’s made quite the effort to remedy his biggest regret. Determined to make every precious moment count, he holds Sawyer in his arms every chance he gets and shows her as often as possible just how much she means to him. But he wants to do something more. Provide a distraction. Give her something to look forward to. Make up for lost time and missed chances. And that’s when the idea comes to him. He’s going to take Sawyer to prom. 
“Hey, Dr. Hottie! What brings you to my neck of the woods?” 
“Kyra,” he warns.
“Sorry. I need to remember you can report me to HR now,” she laughs. “What’s up, Doc?”
“I was hoping for your assistance with a personal matter.” Ethan takes a seat in front of her desk and explains his idea. “Given your experience with event planning, I figured you’d be the best person to ask. So, what do you think?”
“What I think, Dr. Ro-man-sey… is you just got my vote for prom king.”
Rolling his eyes at the new nickname, “Ok, so where should we start?”
A few days later, Ethan is in the cafeteria waiting in line for the cashier. From behind him, he hears, “Hi, Dr. Ramsey!” 
“Kyra filled us in last night and I’m so excited for Sawyer. Let me know if I can help in any way.”
“Thank you.”
“So, how are you planning to ask her?”
“I was going to mention it tonight during dinner.” 
“No, no, no,” she shakes her head, “You have to come up with a cute prom proposal.”
“A what?”
As they reach the register, Ethan pays for both of their lunches. 
“Thank you!” She follows him to a table, sits down, and continues. “A prom proposal. Hold on… let me show you.”
Sienna pulls out her phone and opens the Pinterest app. She starts showing Ethan the different ideas and he vehemently shakes his head. 
“Ethan, it’s a major part of the prom experience nowadays.” 
As he pinches the bridge of his nose, Sienna scrolls down the page, commenting on the different photos. “What about this one?... Ooh, this would be super cute… Aww, look how sweet…”
“Go back up,” he instructs and points. “That one.”
She pauses to consider, realizing that was probably as “cute” as it was going to get coming from Ethan Ramsey. “Yeah, that’s perfect. Here’s what I think you should do…” 
The next day, Ethan asks Sawyer to meet him for an afternoon break at Derry Roasters. He arrives twenty minutes beforehand to place a special order with the friendly barista who is more than happy to accommodate.
Arriving right on time, Sawyer greets him with a quick peck. “Hi.”
“Hi. I placed our order already,” pulling a chair out for her to sit. He notices the slump of her shoulders and the circles under her eyes. He reaches for her hand and holds it in her lap until their order is called.
“For Ethan!” the barista shouts. 
“Here you go,” Ethan returns, strategically setting the cup in front of Sawyer. 
“Thank y– wait, I don’t think this is mine,” she responds, looking around the café for a pair of teenagers.
“That’s your usual. It’s what I ordered.”
“Yeah, but it says, ‘Prom?’ I think this is meant to ask someone to prom,” showing him the writing on the cup.
“It is. So? Will you go to prom with me?”
“What?” she giggles, looking at him like he’s crazy.
“I want to take you to prom.”
Ethan can see the smile starting to form at the corner of her lips and a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. 
Raising her eyebrows, “How are you going to do that?”
“I have my ways.”
“And when is this happening?”
“Saturday after next. You can go dress shopping this weekend.”
As she looks at the cup in her hand again, a huge smile spreads across her face. Her eyes start to glisten with happy tears and she moves into Ethan’s lap wrapping her arms around his neck. Placing a gentle kiss on his lips, “I would love to go to prom with you, Ethan.” 
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“Sawyer! Your date is here!” Sienna sings out. She and the other roommates all gather in the living room to see their friend’s grand entrance. 
With one last check in the mirror, Sawyer makes her way down the hall. A vision in glittering gold sequins, but it's the sparkle that has returned to her emerald eyes that captures Ethan’s attention.  
“Hi,” welcoming him with an uncontrollable smile. Her fingers run over the lapel of his tuxedo jacket, “Wow, you look great.”
“And you look–”
“Appropriate?” she teases. 
“Will that joke ever get old?” he wonders out loud. Leaning close to her ear, “I was going to say hot. If we didn’t have an audience right now…” he trails off placing a kiss on her cheek. Offering his arm, “Shall we?” 
“Oh, real quick. Si? Would you mind taking a couple of pictures before we go?”
Minutes later they step out onto the street and Sawyer can’t believe her eyes. “You rented a limo?” 
“Of course I did. It’s the prom.” As the chauffeur comes around to open the door, Ethan reaches into his pocket. “I have something for you. Hold out your hand. It’s not the traditional flower corsage…” he explains clasping a vintage Tiffany’s bracelet around her wrist, “but I wanted you to have something to always remember this night.”
Looking up into his sincere eyes, she kisses him. “How could I ever forget?” wrapping her arms around his waist, “And in case I forget to tell you later... thank you for the most amazing night.”
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While Ethan and Sawyer enjoy a five-star meal at an exclusive restaurant downtown, her friends change and head to the venue with their plus ones. 
As the limo pulls up in front of the hotel and the chauffeur opens the door, Sawyer immediately spots a familiar face. “Alan?” she meets with a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I had to see my boy off to his first prom and get a photo for the mantel.” Taking a step back he squared up his phone, “Squeeze together and say ‘Prom!’” 
Alan escorts them inside, and when Sawyer enters the beautifully decorated ballroom, her eyes begin to swell. There is a dance floor in the middle of the room flanked by a couple of tables on each side. On stage, a live band plays a Bruno Mars’ cover of “Just the Way You Are”, a popular song from the year Sawyer graduated high school. As she turns to Ethan, she sees a small crowd gathering behind them. 
“What?!,” she spins around in shock, “I can’t believe you were all in on this!” 
She hugs each of her friends and exchanges pleasantries with the newcomers. Elijah and Phoebe. Bryce came with his kid sister, Keiki. Jackie, Aurora, and Kyra with dates that Sawyer hadn’t met before. And Rafael who had suggested to Sienna that they go together, knowing she was still struggling to move on after Danny. 
Off to the side, Sawyer noticed one other person.
“And where’s your date, handsome?” she kisses the older man on the cheek. 
“Oh, I’m not here as a guest, my dear. I’m your chaperone for this lovely event,” Naveen jokingly clarifies.
“Well, I’m going to save you a dance anyway. As you know, I sort of have a thing for authority figures,” she quips, backing up and wrapping an arm around Ethan’s waist. 
As the evening carries on, Sawyer hits the dance floor with her friends. Ethan cuts in for nearly every slow dance, only allowing turns for Alan and Naveen. Sawyer tries to get Ethan to stay for a couple of upbeat songs. Arm looped behind her and around his neck, she rocks her hips from side to side. Ethan stands in place, and with his hands on her swaying hips, it looks as though he’s moving along to the beat.
When the band starts playing another lively tune, Ethan makes his way to the bar for a drink. 
“It’s like a trial run!” Naveen shouts over the music.
Alan clinks his glass against Naveen’s.  
“What are you two conspiring about now?” Ethan interrupts.
“Naveen was just saying tonight could be seen as a trial run… for you know… da-da-da-dum, da-da-da-dum,” Alan hums with a crooked smile. 
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Ethan rolls his eyes and moves around them. “Bartender, a double?”
After Sienna surprises them both by announcing Ethan as prom king and crowning Sawyer prom queen, the evening begins to wind down. Naveen offers to give Alan a lift back to Ethan’s apartment. The friend group splits off, some heading home while others continue their date night activities elsewhere. 
Sawyer finds Ethan, his hand outstretched to tuck her into his arms.  
“This has been the most amazing night. I don’t want it to be over yet,” she breathes into his chest while squeezing him.
“It doesn’t have to be,” he says, holding up a hotel key card. “I’ve arranged for a private afterparty in a suite upstairs.” Leaning down to whisper into her ear, “If you think I’m not going to make a play on my girlfriend and try to steal her prom virginity… you’ve misjudged me.”
“Well then, consider yourself lucky, Ethan Ramsey. Because I was definitely planning to put out for you tonight.” 
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @ofmischiefandmedicine @openheartforeverinmyheart @doriopenheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog
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srjlvr · 2 years
. . ҂ Enhypen as sad love tropes ! . . ҂
. . ҂ Genre: angst ! . . ҂
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‘Forbidden Love’ — two people who are desperately in love but are forced apart
“I love you” You hugged Heeseung tightly and cried. “We can’t YN…..Just pretend like we never happened” He said, choked by the tears that were threatening to fall and released himself from your tight hug. “Please…..Let’s try….” You kept on trying. “We’ll never win in this life” He shook his head and went away, the tears were already streaming down his face and you were left dumbfounded.
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‘Right Person, Wrong Time’ — a connection with someone who seems perfect for you, but there are extenuating circumstances pulling you apart, leaving the potential unrealized.
“It’s been two years since we got together, and a year after you left me behind, I miss you, YN, how does it feel to live up there? I’ve been always wondering…Are you doing well? I hope you finally have found your peace, i’m doing well as usual, at least trying to, ever since you left, life has been really miserable, I miss our old times where we could be together, i really love you” Choked with tears, jay managed to speak to your own grave and remember all your past memories together.
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‘Amnesia’ — the character has simply lost their memories, no longer remembering their name, loved ones or where they came from.
“YN !! You’re finally awake !!” Jake excitedly got inside your room, you went through a hard car crash and was in coma for a week which was like hell for jake. “Who are you?” You looked at him weirdly as if you saw a stranger. “YN come on it’s not the time to joke” He giggled and took your hand but you snapped his hand away fast. “I don’t know you, please get out of my room you’re scaring me” You replied rudely. The tears were streaming down his face when he got out of your room. Your memories together flashed in his mind and he could’ve only hope that you’ll remember him again one day.
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‘Love Triangle’ — a romantic relationship involving, at minimum, three people. two of which are competing against each other for the individual, undivided attention of a single interest.
Sunghoon had to watch you smiling to the other person, kissing the other person, laughing at the other person’s jokes, acting so cutely around the other person. Sunghoon was in deep, deep love with you, he never thought he’ll have to watch a person taking care of you, that isn’t him. He did everything for you, he opened your heart for you, made sure you were safe and made sure that you always felt loved. But you? You chose to “returned” the favor by dating someone else, that isn’t him, and crash his world into tiny, tiny pieces to make sure that he’ll never be able to fix it.
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‘False Start’ — It looks like you're finally gonna get the chance to confess your love, but something prevents you or you get scared.
Sunoo was on his was to confess to you, he had the flowers ready in his hand and he memorized all the lines he wanted to say to you to express his true feelings. He got ready in an hour only for the confession, he had waited for this moment long time. You, on the other hand, planned on confessing to Sunoo as well, he has been your dear crush ever since you laid your eyes on him. On your way to find Sunoo, you felt your anxiety taking over and you almost had an anxiety attack. You ran away to your home, not caring about the classes you had today. Sunoo searched everywhere at school for you, but he couldn’t find you anywhere and gave up. Ever since that day no one has confessed to the other.
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‘Break His Heart To Save Him’ — You must break up with your lover in order to protect them.
“We’re breaking up.” You looked at him straight in his eyes and saw the confusion expression. “Huh? Why?” You could see the tears that were threatening to fall from his beautiful, gorgeous eyes that held the whole galaxy in them, oh how you loved his eyes, you could stare at them for all day long without getting tired of them. “Because i don’t love you anymore” You replied and went away before Jungwon could see your tears. Truth is, you were sick, and there were no other ways that could save you. You wanted to break up with Jungwon because you didn’t want to be a burden to him, and mostly, you didn’t want him to have a ‘soon-dying’ lover.
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‘Unrequited Love’ — Falling in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way.
Riki had the biggest crush on you, he loved everything about you, he loved the way you smile to people on the morning, he loved how you were always caring to others, extremely to him. He fell in love with your personality, and he loved every single part of it. There was one rule that everyone knew about you, that you never fall in love, ever. Thousands of students has confessed, but you reject every . single . one . of . them . So why would Riki even try? Oh, how he wished he was your lover, he could only pray and pray that one day you’ll finally notice him, and finally it won’t be only ‘Riki’s crush on YN’ but it’ll be ‘YN & Riki crushing on each other”.
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Notes !
hellaur……I was in very angsty mood today so im sorry if i made your mood become angsty too<///3
I actually pretty enjoyed writing this although its kinda shitty….
Thank you for reading!! I appreciate it a lot!!<3
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goldengoddess · 3 years
hi i know your requests are closed but could you do headcanons about how it would be to work through almost getting a divorce with nikolai lantsov after kind of falling out of love then deciding not to and working on getting their relationship back to how it was before because that unbreakable love for each other is still there and its noticeable.
love was enough - nikolai lantsov 
pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader 
a/n: this is really long and the start hurt to write tbh!!! i never think nikolai would say those things so i tried to justify it by his workload,,, nikolai best husband but just for this fic i will make an exception 
warnings: angst!!! divorce, mention of not getting sleep, two people not taking care of themselves, ends happy dont worry friends
no one ever said falling in love with the king of ravka would be easy
in reality, they said exactly the opposite
that it would be the most difficult obstacle of all times
after a couple of years married to nikolai lantsov, you knew they were right
nikolai was sunshine, he was good in every way a man could be good
and he loved so fiercely that sometimes it made your heart hurt
but he loved so much, he loved ravka, he loved his work as privateer, as king
he was dedicated to everything he did, never leaving anything half done
but it wasn't easy to dedicate himself to his projects and his country and to you as well
and you weren't a saint either
you were constantly travelling, fulfilling your duties as queen of ravka
attending parties and events that nikolai hated, creating friendships and alliances with different nobles
and also attending to your duties regarding the first army, a responsibility you took very seriously
and at the end of the day, there was little energy left to spend on the other
but somehow the two of you seemed to have enough energy to fight
it would happen every couple of weeks
small little petty comments turning into screaming matches that ended with you sleeping in a guest room instead of your shared room
it had never been like this between the two of you
you'd grown up with each other, falling in love slowly and beautifully the way two children who wanted to change the world did
one day it all got out of hand
you were sat at your desk in your shared room with nikolai, writing letters to nobles in shu han
nikolai walked in the room and just from the looks of him you knew it would be a difficult night, so you'd opted not to say anything
which only made matters worse
"what? no hello for your husband?" he'd let out a little scoff and kicked off his shoes
you had turned your attention to him and gave him a forced smile, "hi nikolai, how are you?"
a 'baby' almost slipped out your mouth but the two you hadn't used nicknames with each other in a long time
he shook his head and narrowed his eyes at the papers in front of you, "what are you working on?"
you let out a tired sigh. "saints, i've been writing and answering correspondence all day, surprised my arms hasn't fallen off" you had tried to joke
but nikolai was tired, he was hurt. little did you know, but an attack that he had ordered and coordinated had gone horribly wrong and he'd lost some of his best men in battle
so he was mean, out of sadness, anger at himself, misplaced onto you
he'd scoffed once again, "like that's real work"
you hadn't known the details of the day, but you knew nikolai and you knew the comment wasn't out of anger
but it had stung
and when you responded accordingly it had ended in a screaming match
nikolai disrespecting your work was the last straw
the next day, you came back to your room
packed a small bag with your clothes
and left divorce papers on nikolai's desk
you cried for weeks
didn't say a word to anyone but genya
and only because you'd shown up to her room at the little palace, sobbing, asking for a place to sleep
it was the worst time of your life
and though you didn't know, it was also the worst point for nikolai
he worked for hours
throwing himself into every project he could get his hands on
never sleeping
filling his body with caffeine
working for five days straight and then sleep 48 hours after
it was hell for the two of you
after about a month genya convinced you to take a walk in the forest, clear your head and get some fresh air
but your traitorous feet led you to the hidden spot next to the lake where nikolai had first kissed
you sat with your feet in the lake and cried silently
as fate would have it, nikolai was taking his first break in weeks at the same time
finding the same place
except when he got there, he found you crying
he crept closer and placed a hesitant hand on your shoulder
you quickly pulled your hands away from your face in shock and flinched when your eyes met nikolai's hazel ones
his heart broke at your reaction to his presence
"um, i," he stuttered, "i can go."
you wiped your eyes and stood up, "no it's okay. i'll go. it was a mistake coming here."
you started walking away from him, holding yourself because in that moment you felt like you could fall apart at any moment
"please don't go" you heard behind you
when you turned nikolai had tears in his eyes and you finally noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the redness that lined his eyes
you knew you probably looked the same
"nikolai" you sighed "i can't do this. i was hurting for so long. i was not happy the way we were."
he stepped closer to you, "then let's not be like that anymore. lets start again. let me do better, please. you are the single greatest thing that has ever happened to me. give me a second chance, i promise on the crown that it will be different."
you sniffled and thought about it
as much as you loved the beautiful boy in front of you, it hurt to love him
but you didn't want to stop loving him
and you wanted what the two of you had before
so you'd nodded
and the two of you had spent the rest of the afternoon sitting by the lake, talking about what you thought had gone wrong between the two of you
the two of you kept that routine, sitting and talking by the lake, for the next two months
after two weeks you asked him for the divorce papers back
the grin nikolai wore at your words gave you the tiniest sliver of hope that everything might work out after all
nikolai agreed to put less on his plate and attend parties with you
the two of you agreed that every saturday would be dedicated to the two of you, no kingly duties involved
one afternoon nikolai places his hand on top of yours
it was the first purposeful contact the two of you had shared in a long time
he'd said " isn't it kind of romantic that the place where our relationship began is also where we sat and tried to start again?"
nikolai started to flirt with you again
and you started to touch him the way you used to
"you look ravishing in those pants" or "you know you love me"
he didn't realize how much he missed the feeling of your hand in his or your touch on his cheek
and you didn't realize how much you needed his comments, how much you needed him to keep trying to win you over
it was hard work
but it did work
a couple of weeks later you decided to come back to his room
you'd decided on a whim
packing up your things quickly and standing outside of the door filled with anxiety
but when nikolai opened up the door and his hair was all messed up from his pillow you knew that you were making the right choice
"hi sobachka" you yawned
he wore his heart on his sleeve at your comment
bursting into a very vivid and awake grin
"hi princess"
the nicknames signified the start of something new
where things would work
because in your case, love was enough
love made it work
@vintagebitc @obiwansjedi  @thegirlwiththeimpala  @hybrid-in-progress @mrs-brekker15 @mrsbrekkers @simplyluvzuko  @ode-to-joy @gallysonegoodlung @sixofshadowandbone @castielcouldbeasecretdentist @meiitanoia @caaarstairs @itisroe @the-jess-life @xsamsharons @heavenlymidnight @wtfrae  @deardiarystuff  @bookishcrows @kazsimp @mriddlemethis
if your name is in bold it means i couldn’t tag you!
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
Even When It Hurts (Clark Kent imagine)
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Request by @icyhollands​ : Clark comforting the reader after she got hurt by someone pretty badly, and him comforting her from a anxiety attack after she gets hurt
Words: 2009
A/N: I know a lot of you were waiting for this so I’m sorry it took so long to write - thank you for your patience and I hope you’ll like it :) 
“Clark, you need to come down, now!”
Flying across his enemies on the battlefield, he faintly heard the sound of a voice, even with the distance. As soon as Bruce had found the aliens associated with Darkseid, they had been quick to act and the whole team had made the trip to fight.
While the others were keeping most of their opponents on the ground, he had taken upon himself to divert their attention from the precious object they were trying to steal by attacking from the sky. Too focused on the task, he had missed Arthur and Y/N going after a bunch of them. When she had seen her friend in bad posture, she hadn’t hesitated to put herself between him and the alien, taking the full blast of his hit. Her body had flown across the field before landing on a large tree trunk, breaking it in half. Her vision had been blurred for a moment, too disoriented as her breath was knocked out of her by the hard impact. She hadn’t been fast enough to notice the monster running toward her until she had felt the pain. Arthur had come to her rescue and killed him, but it was too late. The damage was already done.
When she looked down, all she saw was the tip of the weapon he had used, the other half was deep in her side, buried between what she guessed was her ribs. 
“Y/N’s been hit!” Arthur yelled as he grabbed her when she fell on her knees. 
High above their heads, Clark looked down and quickly spotted the wounded woman. He wasted no time in making his way to her, sending some of the aliens flying with a flicker of his hand. When one of them launched at him, and conjuring up all his frustration and his anger, he punched him with a force that knocked him out instantly. 
His eyes remained on her, always. He felt his heart clenched when he saw pain twisting her features and instantly understood the gravity of her situation. She was holding onto Arthur, clutching her side, holding the weapon steady in her flesh. Fear is all he could feel when he landed on the ground, staring at the large gash of blood around her wound. He could even hear her heartbeat getting faster by the second. 
Furrowing his brows in concern, he kneeled in front of her and grabbed her face. For a second he just studied her, softly brushing a tear with his thumb, until his eyes landed on hers.
“How bad is it ?” She asked him, her voice a weak whisper.
“You’re gonna be fine” He assured her.
“You’re a terrible liar, Clark” She tried to smile but even that simple movement seemed too much in her state.
She knew if she didn’t feel a thing yet it was purely because of the adrenaline. Tiny little molecules running through her veins, urging her body to fight back, to survive and fix what the foreign object had torn. She could sense fluid pouring out of her injury, the hand clutching her side was already covered in red. She was waiting for the moment the hormone would stop working and she would feel like a bomb had exploded inside of her. 
She closed her eyes and a sob escaped her mouth. Her breathing was getting irregular and she was losing her grip. She was exhausted.
“Y/N, stay with me” The superhero tried to motivate her, slowly shaking her head. “Show me those pretty eyes” 
She was starting to lose consciousness, and that observation alone terrified him. He kissed her forehead in a sign of encouragement and laid his hand over hers so she wouldn’t let go. She cried out in pain and glanced down. It only took a couple seconds before he was covered in blood as well. He pursed his lips, forcing himself to keep his eyes on hers and not look at the wound. His face was betraying him and he wasn’t even aware of it. She could so easily see the reflection of his own fear in his gaze, the depiction of worry over his features that she lazily traced with her fingers. The shadow of a smile appeared on her lips knowing only she could read him like an open book. 
“It’s alright, baby” He comforted her. 
“You should work on your poker face” She tried to joke. She was glad it made him smirk.
He turned his head toward Arthur, still holding the woman’s body.
“We’re gonna lay her down” He told him.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Y/N warned him, grabbing his biceps to stop him. 
“Do you trust me ?” He muttered, stroking her cheek.
“You know I do”
“Then trust me” 
She faintly nodded and let the men handle her wounded body. Arthur was behind her, holding on her shoulders, and Clark was in front of her, one hand on her wound, the other behind her neck. As gently as they could, they started to rotate her. Clark never moved his gaze away from hers, not even when her hand gripped his shoulder in pain or when her tears flowed freely as the pain started to become unbearable. 
The moment her head touched the ground, she began to cough blood. Her eyes widened at the realization and her heartbeat hastily palpitated. 
“We’re alright” He reassured her.
“We’re alright” She repeated in a whisper. She could no longer focus on anything around her. Anxiety was creeping up and threatening to take over. She knew it would do no good but she couldn’t stop it. Her hand tightly clutched the fabric of her man’s costume and her chest started to rise more rapidly as bile rose in her throat. 
“Clark” She called for help in a single breath. 
“I’m here, baby. I’m not leaving your side” 
He wiped the blood on her mouth with his finger.
“You and I have a date tomorrow, remember ?” He spoke, smiling when she faintly nodded. “So you’re not allowed to fall asleep. I haven’t even introduce you to my terrible cooking yet”
Her laugh started a coughing fit, bringing more blood out of her mouth.
“I have to take it out, Y/N” He said more seriously, motioning to the weapon in her body. 
Her eyes widened in panic and she shook her head, ignoring the pain.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s alright, beautiful. I’ve got you” 
“A .. plan ?” She asked.
“Yes, I do have a plan” He understood her question. “But you’re not going to like it” 
“Tell me” She murmured.
“You’re hemorrhaging,” He explained. “If we let it in, you’re risking an infection”
“And if you take it out, I’ll bleed out” She weakly responded.
“Not if I cauterize the wound” 
“How ?” 
She understood the moment she saw his eyes flashing red. She gulped, mentally preparing herself for what was to come.
“I trust you” She repeated the words she had said already.
He nodded and gave her one last encouraging smile before motioning for Arthur to come closer. He explained his plan in a hurry before standing up, letting the King of Atlantis take his place. 
“Ready ?” He questioned the woman.
“Do it” She said, clenching her teeth. 
She averted her gaze toward Clark, mouthing one last ‘I love you’ before Arthur pulled out the weapon in a very fast movement and held her down. Superman’s eyes immediately started glowing and he directed his heat vision to the open wound. The moment the high temperature laser touched her skin, she screamed in agony. A horrible, searing pain suddenly invaded her body and she was convinced she was going to die right there. She felt the urge to get away from the source but Arthur had a good grip on her. She kept shouting, as if it would ease the burning sensation. Clark’s jaw tightened and a tear rolled down his cheek, hating to be the one causing her pain.
After only a couple of seconds, she could no longer handle the torture and lost consciousness. The superhero stopped his ministration when he was sure the wound was closed properly and no blood was leaking anymore. Ignoring the smell of burned skin, he silently picked her up in his arms, listening closely to her heartbeats to make sure she was alright.
“I’ve got her” He told Arthur before bolting in the air.
She woke up hours later in a bed, completely disoriented. It took her a solid minute to recognize Clark’s bedroom inside the Kent farmhouse. She felt a throbbing ache on her side and muffled a scream when she touched it. When she looked down, she realized Clark had taken off her suit and had replaced it with one of his shirts. She lifted it to inspect the damage but all there was left of her wound was a small scar made by the man she loved. She shuddered at the memory and swung her legs off the bed. The moment her feet touched the ground, her body crumbled and she lost her balance. A pair of strong arms caught her before she could injure herself.
“You’ve not healed yet” A voice scolded her.
She didn’t answer. Her eyes closed, she let her head fall on his chest and circled his waist, squeezing him in a tight embrace that she so desperately needed. He was her safe line when she was spiraling down, which was happening now that she remembered she had almost lost him.
“How are you feeling ?” He inquired, kissing her head
“Alive” She replied. “I got … I really got scared for a minute”
She brushed a tear and tried to stop the hurricane of negative thoughts hitting her. He felt it too when her body started shaking and ran a hand on her back to calm her down.
“I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you” He swore, holding back the anxiety creeping in. “And I hope you know I won’t let you out of my sight for at least a week” 
She knew it was his way of lightening the mood when he could feel her darkness hovering above both of their heads. He had a way of guessing when it was coming and always reacted quickly, diverting her attention to anything else but her mind playing games.
“Do I, at least, get to spend that week in your arms ?” She smirked, raising her head so only her chin was resting on his chest.
“I have conditions” He replied with a smile.
She rolled her eyes.
“Name it” 
She saw the change in his attitude and tilted her head in confusion when he took a step back. Cupping her face with both his hands, he stared deeply at her. She could see his quiet emotion through the way his eyes bore into hers, his fear and his devotion.
“Never say I love you like it’s the last time I’ll ever get to hear it” He told her, his lips quivering as a shaky breath escaped his mouth.
Instead of answering, she led him to the bed behind them and together they laid down. He pulled her close and she raised her head until her lips found his. She didn’t need words when she could condensed a million loving thoughts into this moment. The emotion of that kiss alone spoke volume. A simple gesture that meant ‘you’re my home and I won’t leave’
“I love you, Clark”
She repeated the words again and again, making him laugh with happiness. He tightened his hold around her waist until she was almost laying on his chest. Her ear against his heart, she listened with a smile and closed her eyes, soothed by the steady rhythm. 
“Thank you” She whispered after a while. 
“What for ?”
“Bringing my head and soul back home to you when they get lost” 
“Always” He promised.
Her face nuzzled in the crook of his neck, she kissed his cheek and peacefully fell asleep in his protective embrace. 
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typewriting101 · 3 years
you’re safe here.
pairing: tony stark x reader
warning: anxiety, abuse, fluff <3
word count: 2.5k
genre: fanfic romance
⟶ summary: your past is filled with dark hidden trauma, and Tony is right there when it get to be too much
a/n: i just watched the first avengers and i swear something about tony in that– so i came up with this :) I’ve had some personal things going on, and related to this in some ways so i hope if you’re reading it helps you too. xx
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The soft, nighttime, breeze fell through the open doors leading to your little balcony. It moved your white curtains elegantly around your bedroom, as you tossed and turned in your silk covers. Any other night this would’ve been perfect.
Any other night.
Tonight your head was filled with thoughts, too many at that. You haven’t left your room all day, The Avengers had a mission. You were only Tony Stark’s assistant, so you never went on those. You helped him with Stark Industries, so much he had asked you to stay at the Tower with him and his team. You accepted and the others love you. You sort of were a family, you always wanted a happy family.
A happy family. Your heart started beating fast, and you tried to blink away the thought in your mind.
Your real family.
You sat up, sweating. The Avengers didn’t know about your past, and to be fair, you didn’t want to tell them. Everyone considered their family the one right here.
The Tower family.
The Avengers Family.
But what about your real one?
You threw your head back and smoothed away the hair sticking to your sweaty forehead. You could feel it, the familiar inability to sit still, the circle of thoughts deep in motion, rapid heart rate, sweating, nausea.
It was definitely an anxiety attack.
Your eyes began to fill up with tears. Why couldn’t you just control your thoughts like any other decent person? Why did you have to live the rest of your life like this?
The rest of your—?
You got out of bed. “The more I think, the worse I’ll be. Calm down y/n.” You said to yourself. You walked across your room in Thor’s old shirt, which despite being too small for him, fit you like a nightgown.
You opened the door and felt the coolness of the tower hit you. It grew hot in your room right under your nose. You shivered as it hit your bare legs and feet, and you closed the door behind you.
You walked to the kitchen and poured yourself some water, when you heard the echo of a clanking sound, followed by a cuss word.
“Tony.” You thought in your head with a slight smile. You felt the nausea creep up again and you slammed your cup, accidentally. It didn’t break thank god, but you didn’t want to wake anybody up.
“Whatchya doing, Rapunzel?” A voice asked behind you.
You spun around to see Tony, leaning against the wall of the open-spaced kitchen with a smirk.
“Rapunzel?” you questioned, knowing Tony has nicknames for everyone in this tower.
“Sure, you’ve got the most hair out of everyone here. Well, second to me of course.” He added, shoulders shrugging sarcastically.
You looked down and smiled slightly at the ground.
His smirk however, slowly worked his way off his face. “Why are you up? It’s witch hour you know. Better watch out, scary thing.” His voice dripped in a joking sarcasm, making you smile softly to yourself again. He waltzed over to the counter, confused, picking up your glass of water, holding it in his crossed hands over his chest.
“I just came for that.” You sighed, pointing at the cup he held. You felt him looking at you, as he set it down again, but you didn’t look at his eyes. “Why are you up?”
“Blueprints for a new sustainable energy program. Plus, I thought I’d repair some slight damage on my suit.” he said it like it was nothing, snapping his fingers while clasping his palms. He watched you nod, still getting no real personality from you. “Wanna see?” he asked.
You nodded, you’d take anything to get this weight off your chest. Your heart dropped at the thought, and your walk wavered. What was worse is Tony saw you.
“Woah there, you alright?” he asked concerned. You nodded at the ground and you felt his hand on your back, guiding you to the elevator without a word.
You hated when Tony was silent. It meant he was thinking way more than usual, or he was upset. You moved your eyes to him, he was dead staring at the elevator doors as you went down, his hand still on you.
You looked at the floor again and bit your bottom lip, he was definitely thinking, and that makes you nervous.
The doors opened. He led you with his hand over to his papers on his glass tech-table and his suit on display to the side. He stared at you as you looked his research and blueprints over. He watched as your skin got paler, and you tried to hide in your large shirt from the silence.
“It’s nice.” you whispered. You didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but you were too lost in your thoughts to even know what you were reading.
He sighed, sitting in the chair you were standing next to. “Everything is written in binary code right now, sweetheart. Bare minimum blueprint for the system. You don’t know Binary, it's computer language.” you could feel that gaze again, he was analyzing you.
“Oh.” you said softly, lost in thought. “Sorry.” You looked over your shoulder at the elevator, then turned your body to walk towards it.
You didn’t even take your first step and Tony’s hands were around your waist, slowly spinning you to his direction. “Hey now, don’t leave.” he whispered.
You looked at him for the first time. “Y/n, what’s going on up there in that cute little head of yours.” his one hand on the side of your head, thumb gracing your temple.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, knowing that he is a literal genius and would see through it.
He hummed a disapproving sound. “No, don’t do that. You’re paler than the moon and look more lost than a puppy, sweetheart.” your eyes slowly began to fill with tears, and Tony’s eyes widened.
You felt him tug at your waist and pull you close to him as he swooped you into his lap on his chair. Your legs hung off the side of his left one and your arms wrapped around his neck.
You couldn’t hold it in as you cried harder than you ever have in your entire life, you have never let your guard down. If you couldn’t trust your family, could you trust the world?
To be honest, Tony was terrified. He had never seen you shed a single tear, and he was desperate to know what shook you so badly.
“Honey–” he whispered, one hand on your back. The other went to your head, your soft hair surrounding it.
“I’m sorry.” you sobbed, almost inaudibly. He felt you lift your head out of his neck, and you were zoning out again, looking at god knows what behind him.
He rested his cheek on your damp one, his hand on the other side of your face. He kissed you at the soft skin he saw and could smell your delicate scent when he did. “Don’t be sorry, you didn’t do anything.”
You took a breath and slowly lifted your head, embarrassed. He moved your hair behind your ear, “Don’t think you’re going to leave without talking to me.”
He looked at you with such patience, as if he’d wait years to hear what you had to say. You took a deep breath and began slowly.
“I never knew how much I could be loved by people around me… until I met The Avengers.” you began slowly. You felt a tear grace your cheek, but Tony was quick to wipe it away.
“You've asked me about my family before, and I always shut it down, or laughed it off… because-“ you had to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Tony’s hands found your arms, his fingers feathering up and down along your skin.
“Because I’m scared of them.” you whispered.
You were sitting on Tony’s lap, so when you saw Tony tense, you could actually feel it. Every muscle in his body tightened, even his grip on you.
“What do you mean they scare you?” he asked, the octave of his voice lowering, dangerously.
“Tony I don’t think–“
“Tell me.” his grip tightened harder. It wasn’t painful at all, he’d never hurt you. It felt protective, you were feeling safe.
“They- they are-” your heart began to beat fast. Tony knew and grabbed your hand, and set it on his arc reactor so you could feel his heart, his other hand moving up your back to your neck, massaging it.
“It’s okay, I’m right here, y/n.” He whispered. He saw your breathing slow and he watched you talk as if you were the most extraordinary thing in the world.
“They were great growing up. Just, one day– one day a switch flipped. I’ll never forget it. I became their target, Tony.” Your voice cracked at his name, but you pulled yourself together.
Tony’s heart dropped when you said his name like that. It was almost a beg, or a desperate call for help. He was aching in pain and outrage as you spoke, his hands finding your waist and tightening them again.
“They would manipulate me. One minute they loved me, the next I’m the center of their games. They’d tell me how proud they were of me, and as soon as I let the pain go, they would start all over again. It would eat me alive, and the memories still do. They’d always end things with ‘I love you’ but they never did. They... they never will.”
You could feel the anger radiating off of Tony. You looked up and saw his face was even a little flushed and his jaw was tense. He wasn’t looking at you, his eyes were narrowed at the ground.
You both sat in silence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Your eyes widened from his voice, it sounded guilty. “I could’ve done something.”
“Tony, you–“
“Y/n, you've only lived at the tower for months, not years. You’ve been dealing with this while you’ve known me?” his eyes staring deeply into yours, hoping to God you said no.
You only nodded.
“Oh my God. Y/n, that’s abuse. I- they’ve hurt you. Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I–“ he ran his fingers in his hair, frustrated.
“Tony, I didn’t want anyone to know. I’ve told people in the past, but people don’t understand. Some thought I was dramatic and others told me I was ruining my own happiness and I was lucky to have a family.”
“Families don’t do that.” he snarled, thinking of someone purposely shattering your heart.
“Which is why I told you, after all this time. I could have told you that my anxiety was bad, because it triggers it. But I told you the truth. I trust you, Tony.”
You took a breath as his features softened, making your stomach flutter.
“I just- i just wanna keep you safe, sweetheart. That’s all I want. The thought of someone coming at you–“ his grip tightened again. He leaned his head against your body, his head hitting your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair, as he locked his toned arms around you, squeezing you close to him.
You trust him. You could tell him.
“They tried to call me.” you whispered.
He sat up quickly, “What?”
“It’s why I couldn’t sleep. They are trying to get me to leave. They threatened me... with you.” you sighed, still playing with his hair.
“Come again?” he asked in fury, his hands subconsciously running up and down your back.
“They threatened to ruin your company. They’ve been trying to get me to leave. It started off with social media, liking all my things and trying to butter me up. Then messages saying hateful things about me, then they started calling and I never answered, their voicemails have been so brutal.”
You took a deep breath and expressed your fears, “Tony, I never gave them my number. I changed it when I left. I blocked them on social media, I don’t know how they are finding me. What if they end up here? What if they–“
Tony’s fingers traced over your cheekbones. “I’m not letting them anywhere near you. Technology’s my thing, sweetheart. I’ll get rid of them real quick.”
“But what if-”
He shushed you kindly. ”Nobody is going to hurt you ever again. You don’t have to think about it.”
He tugged at your waist again and pulled you into a tight hug. His hands ran through your hair as he felt your shaky breath. You were terrified, you wanted to love them. Every family practically loves each other, but you never got to be one of them. Tony’s stomachs turned, thinking how many nights you fell asleep alone and scared in your own home, how you felt heartbroken not being loved, how you even cried here and who knows how long that went on before he heard that loud bang in the kitchen you caused, and caught you.
He squeezed you tighter. “I promise y/n, you should be loved. You are loved. I’ll protect you from them, from anything. God, I promise you I’ll always be here. Will you let me love you?”
You felt his heart hammering against yours. You looked at him, his cheeks with a slight blush, nervous of your answer. A real but soft smile came across your elegant features, he smiled brightly as you played with his hair, and moved your hand to trace his nose, cheeks, and jawline. You let your hand rest there, and you leaned in to kiss him.
Tony Stark; Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, was practically swept off his feet by the softness of your kiss. It wasn’t steamy, it was overly passionate. It was pure, and just right. The cushioned lips of yours against his. The softness of your hands still tracing his jaw. He wouldn’t trade anything for this moment.
You let go, to his great disliking. But a smile lit up his features when you spoke, “Yes. I’d love that very much, Tony.”
He saw a glimpse of fear as you looked towards the elevator. “Do… you want me to go?” You asked, timidly.
“No.” Tony said, with zero hesitation. He turned the chair with the two of you in it, flipping through his papers so he doesn’t blush again. “I told you I’m protecting you. You’re in no state to go anywhere without me.”
You look at him, eyes full of shock and realization. He looked at you, surprised at your cute expression. “What, you really thought I was going to make you leave?” he sassed. “Not that I’m mad, but why the cute face?”
You opened your mouth, and for a moment nothing came out. He set his hand on your back, “Y/n?” he said in a confused but cautious tone.
“So this is what it feels like to not be afraid anymore.” you said, a quiet tone of amazement and gratefulness lacing in your sentence.
Tony grabbed your head and kissed you quickly, a little harder than last time, and then instantly pulled you into him tightly.
“I’ll never let you forget that feeling. You’re safe here, y/n. I’ll always keep you safe.”
You relaxed into his warm body, your head on his strong shoulder. The glow of the arc reactor in his chest, just visible through the darkness of your now closed eyes. You heard him moving his papers and the sound of his typing on his tech-table, his one hand never leaving you. You opened your eyes and saw a holagram in front of you and recognized the image. He connected to your phone and was reading the messages from your family. You felt him grip you again, and he somehow found a location tied to the phone number that messaged you. You saw him type some strange numbers, and a satellite image of a house appeared. You knew that was your relatives house, and you knew he’d track them all down within seconds. It calmed you, knowing you were safe, so you close your eyes again. You heard the clicking of him gripping a pen in between his teeth, and the soft whirring of his suit beside you, as he scribbled something down. Then, you heard an approving ding from his table.
The soft sounds lulled you to sleep, and you felt one last kiss on your forehead before you fell into a real sleep, for the first time in a long time. You knew something real about your life for the first time:
You’re safe here.
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malereader-inserts · 3 years
Even Though it Hurts
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin & Son!Reader Summary: You have a will power than no other. Word Count: 2,032 Request: “ Hi, I love your writing so much. Can you do dad!Remus Lupin x son!reader, where the reader is in secret relationship with Seamus and Remus find out? Just some super angsty story, cuz I live for angst (I knew Remus will be supporting parent). Thank you✨” A/n: Okay, I tried my best to make it angsty. WARNING: homophobia, homophobic slur, anxiety 
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It’s not like you wanted your dad to know. 
You didn’t really know what was going through your mind, really, because you know your old man. Your dad was a loving father, he supported you in anything you had interested in. If you were into potions, he would try and get to a little chemistry set - muggle kind that wouldn’t end up exploding the house. If you were into muggle history, he would take you to the museums wherever you lived at that moment. 
If you were interested in quidditch, he would give you books about the history of quidditch and the rule book. He even tried to get to a broom with his own money, but he had to dip into your mother’s money (which was reserved for you and anything you wanted, it was open to Remus as well because before she died she really loved Remus.) 
But, you weren’t sure if he would support you in a new revelation of yourself.
That included kissing pretty boys in the corners late at night. 
Granted, when you spent a summer with Remus and Sirius, they talked about how they had a relationship before Remus got with your mother and Sirius whored about.
Still, it was something you were terribly scared of. Your best friends have tried convincing you and settle your racing mind that you were overthinking it and that Remus would love you no matter what you were or have done.
“You take your time, babe, but I don’t know why you’re stressin’. Your dad is sound and he’ll take the news fine!” Your boyfriend says as you sighed, closing your book. 
“Everyone is saying that Seamus, but that doesn’t eliminate the slight possibility that he wouldn’t approve.”
“I think it does, (Y/n),” Seamus replied, giving you a pointed look, “Why are you so afraid?”
You stare at your boyfriend, “I’m going to bed.” 
Seamus watches you tuck yourself in bed, moving the pillows around you so that your boyfriend could slip into bed with you. You flick your wand to turn off the lights as Seamus watches you dumbfounded.
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You rubbed your hand as you make it to your next class, which was transfiguration, you smiled at your boyfriend - managing to give him a kiss on the cheek as he flushed red. You moved to stand with Ron and Harry as Dean teases Seamus.
“A minute to the hour, what took you so long?” Ron asked you as you shrugged your shoulder.
“Caught up in the library, sorry,” You replied as you sat down.
Harry was next to Ron as you sat down next to Seamus, who was jabbing you in the side trying to get your attention. McGonagall starts the lesson and Hermione randomly appearing out of nowhere. No one batted an eye throughout that lesson, it was a double before the end of the day.
So, when the lesson finishes, McGonagall calls you to stay behind. You tell Harry, Ron and Hermione not to fuss over you as you held Seamus’ hand a bit longer. Seamus was the last to leave, giving you a supportive look because as much as McGonagall was lovely - she sure can be intimidating.
“Mr Lupin,” she says, calling you over to her desk as you meekly pulled your shoulder bag further onto your shoulder as you walk towards her, “Have a biscuit.”
“I’m okay, Professor,” you replied.
She narrows her eyes, “What was the punishment she gave you.”
Of course, your head of the house would clock on. She had seen how happy you were at the end of the fourth year, how you were so comfortable with showing off that Seamus was yours. She could tell there was a behaviour change in you because as the fifth year started - she knew you weren’t stressed about the subjects.
You were a smart kid, but this was something concerning. You avoided being seen with Seamus unless it was in the privacy of the common room and the bedroom.
“Let me see your hand,” She held her hand out and you knew you had to comply because she wouldn’t let you out of the room.
You gave her your non-dominate hand as she examines the injury. She didn’t like how it was still red, it told her that it was a fresh open wound as bruises started to surround the vile words.
She looks up at you and you already had started to sob, it was almost her motherly instinct that kicked in as she abruptly stood up and beckoned you to sit down as she soothes your back. 
“It wasn’t bad at first, you know?” You started to explain, “At first they were about dad and how he was a werewolf.”
McGonagall could see the scarring of the old sentence you had to write, “WEREWOLVES ARE VILE MONSTERS.”
She watches you cry harder as you started to hiccup, with a flick of her wand, a glass of water was starting to make way towards you.
“Catch your breathing, darling,” She says to you, rubbing your back, “I guess the wench found out about you and-?”
You chuckled, surprising her because honestly you hadn’t expected so much venom from a well-kept woman like Professor McGonagall and you weren’t expecting her to comfortably call Umbridge names. 
“Yes, she called me in first, gave me the option to either take the punishment or let Seamus. I couldn’t let him do that, and then she told me not to say a word to dad because if she found out, she- she...”
McGonagall could and would throw her shit if she could. No-one should be able to harm the students at all cost, Hogwarts was a place of safety and inducing fear in the students was the last thing she wanted. 
You hiccupped, “She would find where dad would be and make sure he would pay for his actions - I don’t know what she would charge my dad with, but, I can’t lose my dad like I have with my mother. He’s all I have left. I can’t hurt my dad, I can’t hurt my boyfriend, even if it kills me.”
She stares at you in silence, because a young teenager shouldn’t have to think like that.
“Alright, I’ll write you off for the rest of the week, and let me bandage your hand.”
Perhaps you were terrified to tell your dad about the punishment you have to endure, perhaps you were terrified how your dad would react that you rather endure pain and homophobia than tell him. You know that your dad would lose his cool.
McGonagall tends to your wound, she doesn’t want to see the nasty words on your hand and she knows full well you didn’t want to either. 
You leave her classroom to go back to bed, luckily, it was nearing Christmas so Christmas break was soon to come. 
You spent many days talking to McGonagall, she couldn’t stop you from going to detention, so no matter how many bandages you go through, you could feel the pain of two sentences branded on you.
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You managed to go home early due to the attack on the Wesley family, as you were considered part of their family as well as Hermione and Harry, they allowed you to go home - home as in the base of the Order. 
You weren’t sure how to confront your dad as you tried spending your time sending letters to Seamus. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
You slammed your hand down on the desk as your head the voice before meekly turning around to see your dad, raising a concerned eyebrow.
“You scared me,” You sighed out, putting your feather down into the ink, “Announce your presence at least dad!”
Your dad chuckled, “I apologise, next time I will knock before speaking.”
You smiled as you turn yourself to look at him as he slowly enters the room, he wonders why you were cooped up in the room. Hermione was often seen downstairs reading a book whilst Ron and Harry was busy with themselves. But, you, you rather stay in your room.
“Are you ill?”
“Partly,” You responded far too quickly, you were nervous for some reason - the same nerves that ran down your back when you were in Umbridge’s office. 
When you were in “detention” she would rather have you answer quickly, you feared too much that you would reprimand. You pulled your sleeves down just to cover your hands.
“Running a bit of a fever, I’ll just sleep it off, dad.”
“(Y/n),” Remus narrowed his eyes at you, his chilled son that was much more of an anxious mess, “What’s going on? I’ve noticed that you’re sporting the same bandage as the twins and Harry.”
“And they told me it was because of Umbridge,” Remus continues, not meaning to interrupt you, “Son, what did she make you write?”
Remus hated the woman after she was the one to put up the suggestion on the law of werewolves, he would hate himself, but the tears confirmed his fears.
“I’m sorry!” You cried, looking down to cover your face with your hands.
“Shh, my boy,” Remus strides to give you a hug, he kneels in front of you as he lightly grabbed your hand, “May I?”
You sniffled and slightly nodded, you allowed your dad to wrap the greyish bandage. He didn’t know what he was expected, but the words that were scarred into you was worst than he thought. He wanted to throw up, he could understand the werewolf one - you are paying for his condition.
“Can you explain to me the other-?”
“Please don’t hate me!” That was your immediate response.
It wasn’t the confident response that Remus has in mind, he didn’t care if you were gay - you were still his son and he wouldn’t see you any differently. After all, he was a werewolf and you didn’t care at all - and he was considered a threat. 
He hoped that if you ever had the need to come out to him, he was expecting you to send him a letter that you were bringing home your boyfriend to meet him because you were so confident that your dad would welcome him with open arms. But, not this.
“(Y/n), I would never hate you for being gay,” Remus spoke firmly, “I love you with all my heart and you liking boys wouldn’t change the fact.”
“My darling boy,” He says softly, “Were you afraid of my reaction because of the fear that Umbridge had instilled in you?”
You didn’t respond but that was enough for him to understand the situation as he sighs, rubbing his thumb on your forehead before bringing it close to his lips, placing a family peck upon your temple.
“I’m not mad nor will ever be mad, okay?” You nodded, it doesn’t settle the anxiety in you and Remus knows that, “So, do you have a boyfriend?”
Remus changes the topic, get you to relax first before forwarding the situation with you and the fear you had. You looked at him confused at the sudden change of topic before softly smiling to yourself at the thought of your boyfriend.
“It’s Seamus.”
“Seamus?” Remus says, narrowing his eyes, “The pyromantic maniac?”
You nod.
“Well, I guess it’s not Draco,” Remus says as you smiled at your dad, who gives you the same loving smile, “Though, when we’re able to have visitors - we’re not allowing Seamus to use magic. I cannot risk having someone blowing up the house!”
“I mean, that is fair,” You agreed with him, Remus chuckles, “You promise you’re not mad?”
“There’s nothing to be mad about, son, now are you more comfortable to talk about your hand?”
You looked at him, it was now or later and you didn’t want to experience the dread of that conversation. You take a deep inhale and exhale before giving Remus a nod. Your dad perched himself on your bed, preparing to hear your story. 
“I want to hear how you and Seamus got together first, actually.” 
“Really dad?”
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foli-vora · 3 years
i’ve got you
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A/N: This fic is dedicated to @rise-my-angel and anyone else who has been stuck in a bad place mentally as of late, and is in need of a little bit of comfort & love. Frankie’s got you ❤️ I hope you enjoy. Love you, angels.
Another comforting Frankie fic if you need here.
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x gn!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: insecurities, anxiety, depression, panic attack
You wipe at your face, desperate to rid the evidence of your sadness before Frankie comes home from dropping Mena off at Santiago’s. It’s happening again, you can feel it. The shadow hanging in the back of your mind is growing, slowly eating away at everything in its path and you feel it now, scratching away at the back of your throat, desperate to get out. Push it down, push it away. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.
Tears return to your eyes and spill out before you can even think, cascading down your cheeks and leaving heated trails across your skin that chill instantly from the frigid air of the bathroom. Your chest tightens, and your hand flies to your chest, rubbing away at your skin like you could somehow rub the horrible constriction you feel wrapping around your lungs.
It’s not worth it. You’re not worth it.
No, you know that’s not true.
But what if it is?
No. Frankie loves you.
Does he?
Breathing becomes harder, as if the oxygen in the room has vanished, leaving you standing at the sink gasping, fighting to fill your lungs with something that will keep you going. The porcelain is ice under your hands as you clutch it, curling over the sink to remain steady and keep from falling to the floor.
Your eyes flicker up and meet your reflection in the mirror, and shock rattles through you. That’s not you. It can’t be. You feel your face crumble and tear your eyes away from your reflection, unable to watch the wave of anguish flood your face.
Legs shaking, you slowly lower to the cool tiled floor and succumb completely to the feeling clawing at your insides, harsh sobs wracking your frame as you feel the last of your steeled composure fade. And once it starts, it doesn’t stop.
The tears come in vast, unforgiving waves; your lungs struggling to keep up with the strength at which your cries tear through your body.
It was scarily overwhelming. Soon your surroundings blurred into nothing, your eyes unable to focus on any single thing around you.
You’re vaguely aware of something dropping to the floor and clattering against the tiles behind you – the sound of it only just breaking through the overwhelming fog drowning your senses. Strong arms wrap tightly around your torso and then your back is meeting a firm chest. Your hands fly to the legs spreading out beside you, skin rubbing along the rough fabric and fingers digging into the muscle beneath.
A voice is echoing in your ears but you can’t hear what they’re saying, you can’t focus on their voice. The ringing’s too loud. There’s too much static, too much blood rushing through your ears. It hurts. Everything hurts. Why can’t it just stop? When will it stop?
“Breathe with me,” someone murmurs in your ear, breath fanning your skin. Frankie. Your Frankie. He’s home, he’s here. He moves your hand, resting it softly on your chest before he covers it with his own. Your heart is erratic under your touch, chest jolting uneasily with the intensity of your gasps.
“I’m here. I’ve got you. Breathe – nice and steady.”
You try to listen, try to let his deep voice soothe away the all-consuming panic you feel coursing through your system. He pulls you tighter against his frame, exaggerating his deep breathing so you could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest against your back.
It’s taking too long. You’re going to chase him away. He won’t want to be with someone with a screwed-up head – why are you the way you are? Why can’t you just be normal? He deserves someone better, someone who won’t have an attack in the middle of his bathroom.
This is his house. His house he shares with his daughter, and you’re ruining the warm loving atmosphere they created together with your stupid, stupid brain. You should leave. You shouldn’t be here. You don’t deserve to be here, in a place full of such love –
You don’t realise your breathing’s getting worse until he’s talking again; his words, by some miracle, melting through the dread pulling your body to the floor.
“I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.”
He’s not? But why? He deserves better –
“I’m here.”
He’s here?
Yes, he is.
He’s here. With you.
You’re not alone.
“That’s it, baby. I’m here.”
He’s here, and he’s got you.
“You’re safe. I’ve got you. Keep breathing.”
You’re safe? Safe.
He’s got you.
Oxygen floods your lungs as you try to match the movement on him breathing behind you, and though it calms your mind somewhat to have someone speak so soothingly to you, it takes a while longer for your breathing to steady. He doesn’t move, keeping his arms locked firmly around you.
“I think we need to see someone about this, honey.” He mutters quietly, carefully; thumb rubbing along your cheek soothingly. “There’s no shame in it, okay? I want you to know that. There’s no shame in seeing someone about this.”
You sniffle as you nod, eyes scrunching closed as the last of the gasps settle into something a little less harsh and finally, finally, your body releases the last of its rigidity and you melt into his embrace, exhaustion weighing your movements.
“What do you need, baby? Let me help you.”
“You.” You whimper, turning further into his hold and inhaling his familiar scent. “I just need you.”
He loosens his hold for only a moment, leaning to hook a hand under your ankles and then he’s bringing you across his lap to tuck you deeper into his arms. Heat seeps through your clothes and pierces through the chill covering your body as warm hands slowly, soothingly, rub up and down your back.
You stay like for what feels like hours, cuddled tightly and comfortingly in his embrace. You’re not too sure when you fall asleep, exhausted from your episode and wrapped tightly in Frankie’s arms, but it’s not until you feel a slight movement under you that has your eyes are blinking open, taking in the familiar surrounds of Frankie’s bathroom.
Your head moves from its resting place on Frankie’s firm chest, the arms wrapped around you relaxing as you shift. It’s dark beyond the bathroom window, and a quick check of your watch shows you’ve been in here for just shy of two hours.
“Morning sunshine,” he murmurs light-heartedly, eyes blinking tiredly at you as you sit up. He winces as he moves, the aftermath of sitting in one position so long on an unforgiving surface now rearing its ugly head. But he’d do it again in a heartbeat, over and over. For you, only for you. “How do you feel?”
“Tired,” you admit quietly, eyes downcast and unable to meet his. You were ashamed. He shouldn’t have had to see that. You should’ve been able to bury it. You were weak –
His reassuring touch has that thought being shoved to the back of your mind as he helps you up from the floor, hands guiding your sides as you stand on unsteady feet. Fingers pinch your chin and gently tilt your face up, his gaze flickering across your face.
“Do I look ugly?” You deadpan, eyes feeling incredibly raw and swollen. You definitely look like a mess – no doubt about it. How could you not, after something like that?
His smile grows, fingers moving, trailing across your cheekbones and along your jaw tenderly. “Never.”
You smile before you can help it, the stretch of it pulling at your tight cheeks. His heart warms as you grin shyly.
“Shall we have dinner? Watch a movie? Whatever you want…”
“That sounds good.” You agree quietly, unable to keep the smile from falling as he pecks your nose playfully.
He stays close, standing right by you as you wash your face, the cool water shocking to your skin but surprisingly pleasant, and cleansing away the leftover mess of dried tears. He’s ready with a soft towel when you straighten, dabbing it gently over your face before he’s whisking you away and leading you downstairs. His hand doesn’t leave yours until you’re both in the kitchen.
Automatically you move for the cooking utensils and start to prepare, but are stopped in place when he steps in front of you, a small frown of disapproval pinching his brows.
“No.” He takes the chopping board from your hands and nods to the counter, raising his brows when you don’t move. “I’m cooking, and you’re staying there. Now up.” His hands fly to your waist, helping you slide onto the surface and then he’s moving about the kitchen, turning the oven on and grabbing ingredients from the fridge.
You watch him fondly, chest tightening every now and then when he would catch your eyes and send you a little smile.
“I love you, Frankie.” You say softly, watching him pause and gaze at you, your chest so full of gratitude and love you feel it could burst at any moment.
He drops what’s in his hands and comes to stand in front of you, slotting himself between your legs and cupping his hands gently below your jaw. His warm brown eyes burn directly into your soul, your heart picking up as he leans in to kiss you gently.
“I love you.” He mutters against your lips, sealing his tenderly spoken promise with one more sweet press of his lips. You melt into him, lashes fluttering as he pulls back. “Forever. Do you hear me?” He watches a smile curl at your lips, stomach turning pleasantly as it brightens your features. “No matter what that says–” he pokes a gentle finger against your forehead, “–I love you, and I’m not going anywhere.”
You don’t shy away from the tears that build in your eyes this time, instead thankful they came from a place of love rather than pain. His thumb smooths the one lone tear that had escaped away, and kisses where it had fallen on your cheek.
“Go and pick something to watch while I plate up.”
You do as instructed, picking a random movie from Netflix before snuggling under a blanket and smiling when Frankie comes in soon after balancing two plates in his hands. Everything’s quiet as the movie starts in the background, Frankie snuggling close to your side as you both half pay attention to the screen while you eat.
Once finished, the plates are moved to the small coffee table and you both wind around each other under the blanket, arms and legs intertwining, and Frankie’s fingers always somewhere on your body tracing soothing circles or lightly tickling any skin that peaks out from between your clothes and relishing in your quiet giggles.
It’s when the movie finishes, the room plunging into darkness, and when Frankie’s breathing deepens to an almost snore, that you finally feel the remaining fog lurking at the back of your mind dissolve. You stay awake, long after Frankie dozes off, basking in the love and affection that still pours from him even when sleeping.
Things would get better.
It would take time, of course, but the storm would clear.
Everything would be alright, especially with Frankie by your side.
Tags: @anu-simps​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @withasideofmeg​ @you-got-me-starry-eyed​
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justpevensies · 3 years
Please Come Back to Me
request:  “ hi can i request a edmund angst like a really good heartbreaking one where he says really hurtful things he doesn’t mean but with a happy ending” - anonymous
blurb: Edmund says some things he didn’t mean..
A/N: my first request! this one was difficult to write but I hope you all enjoy it x
warnings: lots of angst but eventual fluff
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Curled in a ball against the door, hot tears were free falling down your face spilling all over your hands and clothing. You had no idea how long you had been sat there weeping bitterly as the pain continued to sting every ounce of your being - your heart ached - and at the same time you felt numb with the sadness and shock. Muffled you could hear a voice crying from the other side of the door.
Very rarely did you and Edmund get in arguments but in this moment, that was exactly what you were doing. You couldn’t even remember what had triggered it but you both were here now and it was going back and forth. At the peak of this anger, Edmund said: “You know, I don’t even know why-”
“Say it!” You spat at him. 
“I don’t even know why I care. Why I bother. I can’t believe we’ve come to this”. As far as you were concerned, that was what he thought of this relationship, unworthy of attention or care. 
He stared blankly at you, there was almost no traces of remorse in his body. Tears began to glisten on your horizon and when you responded to him pleading your case, Edmund didn’t say anything and in that moment you wanted to slap him across the face for being a coward. 
This wasn’t the Edmund you knew, this wasn’t the Edmund you loved. The Edmund you knew and adored didn’t argue with you, he didn’t raise his voice at you, he wouldn’t dream of speaking to anyone like this. In fact, it scared you.
“So that’s it?” You asked sternly. “That’s us?! After everything we’ve shared, experienced and dreamt, all it will come crumbling down over some stupid argument?” You asked, arms folded. Edmund looked at you and it was a look that could kill. “Well” he scoffed, “I guess it will”.
That was not what you were expecting. Your voice went quiet, almost as if you were restrained and you asked in a whisper: “What?”
Edmund turned around and sighed, about to resume work at his desk and he responded: “I don’t know if I can talk to you like this”. At that you stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around. “No!” you yelled. “I want to hear what you have to say”. 
Edmund looked at you and shrugged, “Okay”. After that, he laid it on you. He told you everything he had been feeling in the last few minutes - anger, disappointment, frustration. You knew that recently he had been overworked and tired so you assumed that contributed greatly to everything he was doing right now - probably to this very argument - but the things he was saying at this moment felt different. Every word felt like a stab at your worst insecurities, it felt like an attack and you knew you wouldn’t dream of speaking to him like this, regardless of how he made you feel. In this moment, you looked at Edmund - tears in your eyes - and for the first time you didn’t feel any love for him.
Frozen in that moment, you whispered back to him when he finished: “Is that really how you feel? I’m not enough, I’m not good enough?”
Edmund didn’t say anything, he just clenched his jaw. However, he knew that as soon as he finished that he didn’t mean a word. The pent up frustration, anxiety and exhaustion of duties he had been experiencing lately had almost possessed him and he had found no other way to let out that anger than onto you. Everything he had just said to you was how he felt about himself, yet here he was - an unworthy, stupid fool who had wasted the most joyful and good thing. He knew instantly he had made the biggest mistake.
However, his lack of response convinced you that everything he said was true. You didn’t need him to say anything, so you took that as your cue to leave.
“(Y/N)! Stop! I-”
The door to his study opened and immediately slammed shut.
You raced to your dressing room in your bedchamber, slamming the door and locking it shut. Sliding down in defeat, you just the agonising pain consume you. His words raided your head, your heart was detonated, you wanted to scream but no words came. 
Suddenly you heard another noise that wasn’t your heavy breathing or sobs: approaching footsteps. Rather quick paced footsteps. 
You had forgotten to lock your bedroom door so whoever had come to check on you (bearing in mind several people saw you in the corridors) was obviously going to waltz right in after your emotional exit. 
However, you recognized the sound of those footsteps, that walking speed. You wanted to believe it was him but everything right now was telling you he wasn’t interested and didn’t care. 
“(Y/N)?!” A pleading voice cried out. It was Edmund. 
He must have heard your cries from the other side of the door as you heard the footsteps approaching and then a loud banging on the door. The handle rattled as he attempted to burst in and - due to getting a fright - you suddenly held your breath. You were certain that your heart was pounding, as if something cruel was trying to break through. For a brief moment, everything was quiet.
That was what happened... you had no idea how long ago it was but you couldn’t see yourself moving anytime soon.
The voice crying from the other side of the door became more muffled as time ticked on. Cries, pleads and shouts from Edmund of your name gradually became more audible to you as you tried to inhale more and calm your breathing. 
The cries became more desperate, the thumps on the door became more repetitive but less strong, evidently it was hurting his hand. However that pain - as far as you were concerned - was nowhere near what you were enduring on the other side. 
“Oh (Y/N), open the door!” Edmund yelled through with a cracked voice. 
You didn’t want to imagine how he was looking right now because it would only tear you in two. 
You managed to piece some of your emotions together to wimper out: “Edmund-”. You heard him let out a sigh of relief before his thumping stopped. “Oh goodness (Y/N)! Please open the door!” You had somehow managed to stop crying, as if all of reality had snapped back into place. However, it felt like some alternate universe, a nightmare, and one you wanted out of quickly.
“Edmund-” you repeated, holding back more tears, “No”.
“Please go away”.
There was a silence before Edmund again knocked - this time in a more gentle manner - “(Y/N)” he said before you snapped: “Go away! Leave me alone!”
These words broke Edmund more than he could say, as if he wasn’t feeling guilt already. This came down on him like a tonne of bricks: you didn’t want him. He cracked involuntarily and he fell into the wood. With his face pressed against the door, some stray tears began to glide down his cheeks. You could hear him but you didn’t say a thing - right now there was no sympathy.
“Oh (Y/N)...” Edmund began to whisper. “Please... open the door. I need to talk to you”. 
You scoffed, more tears beginning to glisten: “No you don’t! You’ve made your perspective very clear” you replied sharply before burying your face in your knees. 
There was a silence but it was piercing. You could hear Edmund sniffling through the door and while you did feel compelled to open it - largely out of heartbreak -but out of stubborness you didn’t. He finally broke the tension by saying: “Listen (Y/N) you’ve got to open the door”. Just wanting him to leave you alone you shouted back: “Why should I?”
Immediately, Edmund responded: “Because I love you!”
Before you could even say anything back, he continued: “Yes. I love you! You may not believe that right now and the feeling is probably not mutual right now but I love you”. 
You were silenced and you waited to hear if he said anymore. He did.
“Oh (Y/N) I love you so much. Every aspect of your being - your radiant smile, your character, the fact that you are truly genuine, caring and loving regardless of who or circumstance. I would compare you to the beautiful things of this world but none could do justice for you are so perfectly different from everyone and everything else. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have you in my life - you’re a saving grace to me. However, I understand if that loving nature isn’t extended to me currently-”
You slowly began to stand up at the other side of the door, at the same time your head had fallen silent and no words were capable of coming from your mouth.
“I’ve been a fool. I was stupid and immature, and instead of talking about how I was actually feeling because of all this outside pressure, I took all of my own doubts about myself and put them onto you. You will never be like that - you are worthy of every ounce of love and praise, you are a saint. If I have to spend every day proving that to you then I will do that but I know I am unworthy to have you for making you feel how I did.
There was a pause.
“If you can find it in your heart to forgive me-” you heard Edmund whisper before breaking into tears. At that you leaned against the door, pressing your hand to the wood. Your heart ached, torn in two. He sniffled, wiping away any emotion before continuing: “If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I’ll never make you feel the way I have ever again. You’ll never doubt my love for you. I didn’t mean what I said, I don’t even know why I said it. But I know it was wrong”. 
Those final words were the ones you needed and they began to patch your brokenness. He finally said: “If you will forgive me, I will dedicate all of my soul to yours. ” It was a bold statement but Edmund knew it was genuine and you could feel the truth from within it. “Please come back to me?” he asked in a whisper but you remained in your position, listening against the wood, unable to move from the response you had just heard. 
The silence marked the answer. Edmund began to cry yet again outside and, defeated, he turned and walked away. His legs almost gave way and more tears began to fall - he had never known a feeling of loss and pain like this one. It was the pain that you could only feel when something special was taken away from you too soon, too unexpected, and he knew it was his fault.
Suddenly, from behind, he heard a noise and as he turned to see, he saw the door was unlocked, the handle moving at an angle and you stepped out from the hiding. You looked at his face, drowned in grief and his body beginning to sink, and the vision in front of you was a broken man. As Edmund looked at you, his heart pounded - unaware of what was coming and whether to be hopeful or not - and you simply responded: “I will forgive you”.
Without anything else being said, the two of you sprinted to one another and embraced closer than you had ever been. The most deepest of kisses was shared and almost instantly all of the pain had been washed away. Through muffled voices you both cried “I love yous” and Edmund restated his promise of faithfulness and love - you believed every word. 
After kissing several more times, Edmund held your face in his hands delicately and he smiled brightly at the look on your face. Your crying had been replaced with tears of joy. You just wanted to hear him tell you how much he loved you again and again and as you gazed into his eyes, you knew those words were true. This was the Edmund you knew, this was the Edmund you loved...and would continue to love for all time.
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asmo-ds · 4 years
I saw that you were looking for requests and I’m feeling angsty and I was wondering if you could do MC getting kidnapped? Luci is my favorite but you can do as many/as little of the boys™️ as you like. Thanks!
Demon Bros with Kidnapped!MC
I’ve never been good at angst but i tried my best and gave slightly fluffy endings and i hope u like it ;-;
TW: Kidnapping, Blood, Strangulation, and Vomit
- When Mammon comes rushing into Lucifer’s study near tears he immediately knows something is wrong involving MC
- He doesn’t even get mad at anyone for losing them because he’s too busy looking for them in every corner in the House of Lamentation
- Orders around his brothers to go search in certain areas of the Devildom
- He runs to Diavolo who sends out royal guards to search for their human as well
- After a few days Lucifer feels MC’s pact mark fading and stinging against his skin
- Goes on a rampage through the Devildom leaving no stone unturned
- He finds MC unconscious in the basement of an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the Devildom
- Ensures the kidnappers die the most painful deaths
- Brings MC’s limp body home and informs everyone of their return
- He nurses MC back to health and comes close to praying for them to wake up
- When they do he allows himself to be vulnerable if just for a moment and holds them with tears streaming down both their faces
- Vows to never allow MC to suffer again
- When MC doesn’t arrive at the table in the morning for breakfast he heads to their room grumbling about them being lazy
- When he sees the trashed room his heart breaks
- He finds a witch hat on the floor and recognizes it as one of his pact holders
- Blames himself for any of MC’s pain
- Is in demon form flying towards the witch’s home as fast as possible
- When he arrives he sees MC crying, bloody, and bruised
- He sees red and lunges at the witch, using all his power to break their pact so he can attack them
- Once the witch is dead he carries MC home and cries over almost losing them
- Gets the help of Simeon to nurse MC back to full health
- MC has to reassure him that he did all he could when he feels like a failure for not protecting them when it was the one simple task Lucifer assigned to him
- MC should expect him to barge into their room randomly at twice the amount he was doing it before
- Leviathan had spent the past three hours texting MC’s phone asking to play a new game with him
- After receiving no response he gets upset and storms to MC’s room, only to find it trashed and bearing the scent of MC’s blood everywhere
- Knowing that MC is the most fragile being in the Devildom, he immediately goes to Lucifer crying and begging for their safe return
- Knows his anxiety would mess things up if he followed his own plans so he listens to everything Lucifer and Diavolo tell him to do
- If he is the one to find MC he is summoning Lotan before anybody could blink
- Grabs MC, running from the scene and allowing Diavolo and Lucifer to deal with the kidnappers as his main priority is MC’s well-being
- He forces MC to stay in his room for days while they heal with the help of Solomon’s magic and while their room is reinforced to ensure something like this could never happen again
- Cuddling with MC after the incident is different as he keeps his tail wrapped around their waist in his sleep, as if he’s afraid someone will hurt them again
- Satan sat in the library waiting for MC to show up for their magic studies
- After thirty minutes he grows furious and makes his way to MC’s room to scold them for ditching their lessons
- When he sees MC’s room trashed with the scent of their blood along with some random demon’s he sees red and is tearing apart the house
- Once he informs everyone of what is happening, he walks out the front door making his way around town threatening demons whose scents were similar to the one he had smelled previously
- After an hour or two of searching he hears quiet whimpers and wails from an alleyway
- Recognizing MC’s scent, he rushes to their side, throwing the kidnappers against the walls with the force of a thousand men
- Cradling MC’s body carefully in his arms, he makes his way home where he runs into Lucifer
- Tells Lucifer where he found MC which sends Luci storming out the front door to murder punish the people who hurt MC
- Uses potions to help ease any pain MC is experiencing
- Only allows his brothers in the room for a few minutes at a time as he wants MC to rest up and feel safe with at least one person before being crowded by his overbearing brothers
- If MC is unconscious for a day or two after the kidnapping he’ll lay next to them softly reading their favorite book from the human world
- Asmodeus has never been someone known to shift to his demon form often or lose his control around anyone but his brothers
- But when MC goes to the bathroom at the club and he faintly smells their blood minutes later he is in his demon form running to the restrooms
- When MC is nowhere to be found in the sea of drunk stumbling succubi, he opens his wings and flies around the area surrounding the club
- After informing Lucifer and Diavolo of the situation he meets up with Solomon to search for MC together
- Using his charms and connections with previous lovers, Asmodeus is able to track down MC to a warehouse run by a gang of demons who are known to hunt humans
- Adrenaline rushes through his veins as he and Solomon break down the door of the warehouse
- Seeing MC tied up in a chair beaten and bruised sent Asmo into a whole new level of fury
- He took down the gang faster than anyone has ever seen him move and gently untied and picked up MC as Solomon contacted the others
- Solomon reaches out to touch MC’s bruises to try and heal them but Asmo growls at him on instinct before taking off into the air and bringing MC to his room where he has ointments made for injuries
- Gave MC a bath first (no funny business, strictly to get them clean and comfortable)
- Then applies healing creams and puts them in his comfiest pajamas
- Coddles them until they’re back to their normal beautiful self
- Asmodeus vows to never EVER leave MC alone at a club again for even a second
- MC had invited Beel to meet them at hell’s kitchen for dinner
- Due to a student council meeting he was running a few minutes late, so when he got there he was sad and assumed MC was tired of waiting and had gone home
- He thought that until he notices their blood on the ground a few feet from an alleyway
- He is in demon form destroying the area in moments, and he doesn’t stop until Mammon and Lucifer show up
- Beel doesn’t eat for days while they search for MC
- Blames himself for being moments too late to have saved them and has more nightmares than usual, but now they involve MC as well as Lilith being ripped away from him and killed
- When Lucifer tells the brothers they found MC’s location Beel is the first to fly there and as soon as he knocks down the door of the kidnappers home they cower in fear
- Behind the kidnappers, MC lay on the couch vomit under their face, beaten and bruised and tear stained cheeks
- Beelzebub towers over the kidnappers putting their heads through walls and crushing their bones, ensuring that they could never move to take MC from him again
- When he brings MC home he stays awake and stays by their bed for hours while Satan and Lucifer work together to heal all of MC’s injuries
- Nearly throws Satan through the wall when he reveals MC had some severe damage to their organs
- Beel is normally quiet but this was a different kind of silence where if anyone spoke he’d burst into his demon form
- When MC wakes up they can expect him to bring them food and drinks everyday until they can walk and eat normally again
- will still bring them food in bed after they’re better bc he’s soft for them
- When MC never shows up for their after class nap in the attic he gets fussy and makes his way toward their room ready to be bitchy about the lack of attention he was receiving
- When he opens the door he is hit in the face by the scent of MC and some random demon’s blood, which immediately triggers his demon form
- He runs to Beel first telling him about MC’s sudden disappearance and informing him he was going to go look behind the house in the woods
- After all the brothers and undateables searched for a few days with still no sign of MC, Belphie started to get aggressive and blamed Diavolo for the lack of protection surrounding MC
- But in reality he was blaming himself for not being there when they needed him the most
- When Beel came running into the house saying he smelled MC’s blood on somebody and thinks he found their location Belphegor is out the door following his twin to bring MC home
- When they arrive Beel goes straight to attacking the kidnappers while Belphie goes to MC’s limp body and is relieve to see their chest just barely rising and falling
- He runs to purgatory hall to get the angels’ aid with healing MC
- When he notices the red marks that reside on MC’s neck and recognizes that the kidnappers must have tried to strangle them at one point he gets flashbacks to when MC let him out of the attic
- When MC wakes up he stays out of sight because he thinks that they’ll be scared of him again after being strangled for the second time in the Devildom, despite him not being the one to do it this time
- Beel has to carry Belphie to MC when MC won’t stop asking to see him 
- Hearing how broken MC’s voice was as it still hadn’t healed from the strangulation broke Belphie and he held them for hours whispering sweet nothings in their ear 
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amyscascadingtabs · 3 years
darling, you should know i’m a helicopter
a healthy dose of hurt/comfort with added baby snuggles, because i truly felt for amy in this episode. it's been a long time since i just wrote something quick but i hope you enjoy! 🥰
oh and if you want a picture this is the pajamas mac is wearing, okay cool
read on ao3
 Amy doesn’t mean for it to be a breakdown.
 She’s not surprised when Mac’s familiar piercing cries wake her up again a mere hour and a half after she’s fed him and put him to sleep for the night. As miraculous as Charles’ methods seemed, she still believes some babies are just fussy, and her son is one of them. It’s the only logical conclusion she’s come to after six, eight, ten, and twelve weeks all passed without any notable improvement in Mac’s ability to sleep longer stretches, and now he’s five months old and defying every single baby book and website that informs her he should be well settled into a sleeping schedule by now. He’s just fussy, or a high need baby, or whatever other term with needlessly negative connotations there is to make Amy feel like she's doing a bad job. It’s who he is and it’s what she’s used to, so she just scoots to the edge of the bed and picks him up from his travel cot in her still hurting arms before he can wake up the rest of the house.
On another night, she might have tried to walk around with him first, play some white noise or bounce on the yoga ball with him, but she’s tired and dejected and scared to wake up anyone else, so she goes for the easy option. The buttons of her pink striped pajama shirt are easily accessible for this exact purpose, and resting Mac’s head in the crook of her right arm, she gently guides him to her chest and exhales in relief as the crying comes to a stop. At least this, she can do, and the idiots who write advice pages about how you shouldn’t get your baby used to falling asleep at the breast have probably never even met a real baby.
 She leans back against the pillows when she’s sure Mac’s found a good latch and she can hear his content grunts and swallows. His hand has found a steady grip on her newly washed hair, probably getting drool in it again, but she can’t be bothered to try and unclench his little iron fist when he’s finally happy. Watching his perfect chubby cheeks as they hollow and fill, stroking the soft baby curls that are getting lighter and more like Jake’s every day, Amy’s overcome with another wave of that crazy all-consuming love that keeps surprising her, and then she’s the one who can’t stop her tears from falling.
 The only thing she ever wants is to keep him safe. In a world of pandemics and injustice, where the news gives her anxiety attacks more days than not and everything she thought she knew keeps changing, at least she can make sure Mac has his every need attended to. It’s been her life while staying home for the past five months, and she likes to think she’s handled it well all things considered, but after Charles’ nip tips and three-hour imprisonment of her child, Amy can’t help but feel like she’s done it all wrong.
 Her son is at his happiest when she can’t bother him. Once again, her high-strungness and failure to just be chill have proved her unfit for motherhood. She’s too anxious, too stressed, too overprotective, and the baby in her arms looking up at her with the warmest, roundest brown eyes she’s ever known is seriously unlucky and he doesn’t even know it.
 She doesn’t know where the negative thoughts are coming from, but sometimes breastfeeding has this effect on her – another sign, the self-hating voice in her head whispers – and it’s been an exhausting day, so she lets the tears come and hopes Jake is too deeply asleep to notice her mini-breakdown. Why is this so hard for her, and why can’t she just relax? How come Mac seems to be the only child she’s heard of whose sleeping habits at home have gotten worse and not better after his first few weeks at daycare, and how come even the most gentle of sleep training methods break her heart when Mac cries like he’s been abandoned?
 She’s wiping her tears with her free hand before wiping Mac’s cheeks with the muslin blanket when Jake begins to stir next to her, and even that makes her feel guilty, because he’s had a long day, too. He rubs his hand against her upper arm as if sensing that something’s off, yawning as he pushes himself up into a half-sitting position.
“Hey,” he mumbles in his softest sleepy voice, a worried crease appearing on his forehead. “Are you okay, Ames?”
“Yeah,” she tries, but her voice breaks, so she shakes her head. Mac is starting to pull away, so she unlatches him and sighs when she realizes that the shirt she’d packed clean already has milk stains on it. She rests him upright with his head on her shoulder instead, patting him on the back and trying to stop the tears that won't stop coming.
“Whatever it is, you can tell me. Is it Charles again? Because I really think he felt bad, but I’m happy to tell him off again if you want me to.”
“It's not Charles.” Amy sighs. “Well, it kind of is, but it's more that... I can't believe the best Mac has ever slept was when I wasn't even there. I try everything and nothing works, and Charles straight-up locks him in a room, and that makes him fall asleep? It feels like more proof I wasn't meant to do this,” she says, and she can see him immediately opening his mouth to protest. “Like even Charles is a more natural mom than I am.”
 Mac makes a hiccuping noise, spitting up a little bit of milk on the muslin blanket Amy put on her shoulder. Jake wipes it away before laying an arm around them, half-hugging them both.
“No offense, but that's the worst lie I’ve heard today, and that's including the stuff Terry said about me.” He strokes Mac’s back through the blue pajamas with little moons and clouds with faces as he begins to whimper again. “You're the best mom to him ever, Ames. You do everything for him. You literally kicked down a door to get to him today. Why do you think someone would be better?”
Amy sighs as she adjusts Mac in her arms, swaying him slightly and being surprised when it actually makes him go quiet. He has his eyes closed, fists up in front of his face, and just the thought that she could be doing something wrong by him makes her heart shatter.
“Because I try too hard,” she whispers, just loud enough for Jake to hear. “When he was locked in by Charles, I couldn't check on him, and it was the best nap he's ever had. All because I worry too much about him. Because I don't know what else to do. I want to keep him safe, but instead I’m somehow not doing enough and doing too much at once.”
She tickles that adorable baby chin with her index finger. Mac grips it, bringing it to his mouth with determination, and it makes both parents laugh. Why he likes this but rejects every single kind of pacifier Buy Buy Baby had to offer, she’ll never understand.
“He knows you love him,” Jake says, as if that was an obvious fact. He likes to claim he can read Mac’s mind about these things, a skill which Amy thinks would have been a lot more useful if it had also worked to figure out what it is their son needs during their worst nights of crying. It's what she needed to hear right now, though, and she leans her head on his shoulder as a silent thank you. “And just because he might be a little introverted sometimes doesn't mean he doesn't love you like crazy, too. I mean, that's what you tell me when I interrupt you when you're reading, right?”
She smiles. “I guess.”
“I know you worry,” he continues. “But just because Mac likes his peace and quiet sometimes doesn’t mean you’re doing a bad job. Maybe we could even let him start sleeping in his nursery at night, you know, just see what happens?”
Just the mention of not having her son within arm’s length at night makes Amy freeze and a million nightmare scenarios flash through her head, and Jake laughs a little as he feels her shoulders tense. “Okay, I can tell that was too big of a step and you’re freaking out, so maybe not. But one day?”
“We’ll talk about it later,” she decides, carefully trying to pull her finger out of her son’s mouth. “Thanks, babe. I just really want to go back to sleep.”
 Mac’s eyes are fluttering, a telltale sign that he’s starting to fight his sleep, stretching his legs and letting out the most adorable of baby-sighs. Jake runs his thumb over his son’s forehead and nose in an attempt to make him relax, and shakes his head as Mac only forces his eyes open again.
“He’s lucky he’s so cute, isn’t he?”
“He’s lucky we love him,” Amy mumbles, trying and failing to stifle a yawn.
“Yeah. I mean, who needs a full night’s sleep anyway, right?” Jake says, and Amy just stares at him with a blank expression.
“I know you’re joking, but I would almost leave him in Charles’ hands for a night again if it meant I got a four-hour stretch, and that’s saying something.”
“Yeah.” Jake grimaces. “I shouldn’t have said that. Now I’m kind of thinking about it too.”
 Thinking that maybe Mac will repeat his magical streak of at least managing to fall asleep on his own, Amy tries to put him down in the cot again, but she’s barely moved before he lets out another unhappy cry. She lifts him upright against her chest again, biting her lip and trying not to feel defeated as she starts the hushing and rocking all over again.
“Hey, I can take him,” Jake says, reaching for him. “You need to sleep so you can stop crazy-spiraling, and I’ve barely held him all day. I’ll walk around with him outside for a while, that might do it.”
 It’s not the typical declarations of love they used to share, but as he puts the muslin blanket on his shoulder before taking Mac and getting out of bed with him, Amy’s confident that she’s never loved her husband more. This, right here, watching him with sleep-tousled curls in just his t-shirt and pajama pants as he adjusts his son and bounces him slightly in his arms while the crying turns into a more gentle fussing, is far hotter than any sex dream about Sanjay Gupta could ever be.
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader
So, back in the day I wrote this story on Quotev. And it was one of my first stories that got into the popular section and I am really proud of it. The only problem is.... It was written in 2013, uber cringe-ville. If you wanna try to find it, be my guest but be warned: the main character is an OC, she has “I’m NoT lIkE oThEr GiRlS” syndrome and there are some weird ass love lines added in. So, I am reviving and rebranding that story so it may live a better life, like witness protection. Anyway, hope you enjoy
* I wrote it in first person just because I thought it would be easier to read
(Y/N)’s family is killed in a fire that seems to plague Beacon Hills, moving in with the Stilinski’s was bound to cause hijinks, but what happens when she gets involved with the the illusive Derek Hale?
TW: Kidnapping, some violence
At first glance Beacon Hills seems like the perfect community. It wasn’t until later that I would realize that everything I ever knew was a lie. 
I slowly slipped out of the front door and locked it behind me. Sneaking out wasn’t my usual schtick, but it was the last day of summer and for the first time I was going to live a little before starting to work at the Highschool as a volunteer coach for the lacrosse team. It was my first time ever sneaking out and just the idea of it made my heart pound, but the anxiety turned to adrenaline as I made my way out without either of my parents noticing. They were both incredibly heavy sleepers, there could be a parade outside their door and they wouldn’t wake up. 
The party would mostly consist of most of the men’s and women’s lacrosse teams, and what would a lacrosse party be like without the team captain?
Walking down the sidewalk, I thought more about college. UCLA was a choice, or a community college too. Most kids would have gone straight after graduation, but I decided a year off would be good for me to de-stress. But honestly, I was just more afraid of the change. That and leaving my best friend, Stiles, behind was a little hard to fathom. We had known each other our whole lives. Another thing was…would he be okay? After losing his mom… who knows. But then there was also Michael. Michael was my boyfriend, and I loved being with him for the last four years. He really hadn’t mentioned plans for college, just working in the family business. What the family business was, I never knew. 
About a block down the road is when I heard the howl. My instincts first go to fear, wolf in the darkness. But then logic comes in, there had not been wolves in California for decades. It was probably the neighbors husky. 
The autumn chill had no mercy, whipping my hair into my eyes, I stopped on the corner of Fifth and Main, pulling my jacket closer and waited for the wind to pass. When it did, the figure in front of me made me gasp. But the shock subsided soon after. 
“Mikey,” I sighed in relief, “Why’d ya sneak up on me like that? Almost gave me a heart attack. What are you doing out here?”
“Waiting for you.” He smiled. Ominous certainly, but this was probably just another one of his pranks. 
“I guess so, I thought you said you weren’t going to the party.” 
“We’re not.” That’s when a chill ran up my spine. Something wasn’t right, he wasn’t acting like himself. His goofy smile was gone and replaced by a dark looming presence that I wasn’t comfortable with. It was like he was a completely different person. I took a slow step back. 
“Come on, this isn’t funny.” He said nothing, only matching my step going forward. 
“Michael.” With every step I took back, he took one forward, matching my increasing pace. With no other choice in mind, I chose to run. But as my back was turned, he grabbed me by my middle with one arm and pressed a cloth to my mouth with the other. Without thinking, I breathed in, the chemicals in the cloth slowly numbing my senses and my body. I tried to fight the darkness entering my vision, but it was no use. I was done to my knees, Michael right behind me. 
“Goodnight, (Y/N).” Were the last words I heard before the darkness took over. 
“Sweetie, time to get up.” My mother’s voice rang in my ears. 
“C’mon mom five more minutes…” I grumbled. 
“(Y/N), you need to wake up.” Her voice is more urgent. I finally opened my eyes, seeing my mother, her body engulfed in flames. 
“Wake up!” 
My body jerked as I woke up, leading to soreness in my arms and legs as a few things became clear: 
1. I was tied to a chair, and 
2. I didn’t know where I was. 
The events from last night slowly started coming back and nothing made any sense. Michael had never been controlling or abusive. Was I so blinded by the relationship that I hadn’t seen the signs? No, there were no signs. As far as I knew, Michael had no history of mental illness so something like dissociative identity disorder didn’t make sense and it wouldn’t explain the behavior either. 
There was a bandana tied around my head, keeping me from any sort of speech. From the layout of the place, it looked like an apartment Michael had, but everything was different. There was a tack board hanging in the living room with so many pictures of myself and my parents, shots that looked like they were taken without us knowing. There were scrawlings but they were too scribble-like to make out. 
The door opening brought my head to look towards the source. Michael walked in, shoving his phone into his back pocket. 
“Well good afternoon, sleepy head.” He closed the door behind him and made his way over to the chair I was bound to. 
“Alright, I’m gonna take the gag out but you can’t scream.” He smiled. 
I nodded along. With one hand, he pulled the gag from my mouth. 
“HELP! HELP ME!” I cried, hoping one of his neighbors would hear and call the police. 
“Shut up!” He slapped me across the face, the stinging pain only added to my screaming for help. 
“I said shut up!” He pulled a knife from his pocket, pressing the tip of the blade against my cheek. This new threat silences me, leaving me breathing heavily through my nose, tears making their way down my cheeks. 
“See, was that so hard?” He stood up and made his way across the room to the box TV on his floor, “I’m sorry for the mess, but with all my planning I hadn’t had a chance. I’ve been planning a big surprise and it’s finally done.” I didn’t speak, only continued to watch his movements. 
“I figure, even if you didn’t listen, you can still have your surprise.” He pressed the round power button on the screen and it fizzled to life. 
“-the same arsonist on the loose? Coming back to breaking news, the second house fire in six years occurred in the early morning today. Firefighters were called out to the residence of (Y/D/N) and (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) where their home had gone up in flames.” There was footage of my home up in flames, streams of water coming from the firemen below. “ Both (Y/D/N) and (Y/M/N) were found dead, seemingly from being crushed by a falling support beam in their basement. Their daughter, (Y/N), has not been found and is considered missing. If you have any information on her please call Beacon Hills police.” My photo came up on the screen. 
My heart sunk into my stomach and my throat ached to scream and sob. Michael turned off the TV then and looked down at me. 
“I’m surprised they found the bodies with how hot it was.” He said nonchalantly.
“Why are you doing this?” I whispered. My parents were the nicest people in the world and treated Michael like he was a part of the family, why would he do this?  
”Don’t worry, (Y/N/N). It’s all a part of the plan.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
“I’m gonna head to bed, been out all night. I’ll see you in a couple hours.” He made his way to her bedroom and closed the door behind him. 
Finally, I completely broke down. Silent cries poured out. My parents were just gone in a puff of smoke. And all at the hands of someone we trusted. Someone that I trusted more than anything. 
After the grief quickly came anger. I don’t know how or when, but I am getting the hell out of here.
Read part 2 here!
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 years
i tasted life
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Title: i tasted life
Summary: He could say thousands of words laced in silky threads of affection and sweet encouragement. But he wasn’t made that way. Words were not his forte.
Character/s: Ryuuguugi "Draken" Ken, Hanagaki "Takemitchy" Takemichi, Kawaragi Senju
I tasted life
- Emily Dickinson
His jet-black jacket glistened sharply under the moonlight as they traversed back to their residences after that meeting with the Brahman. Takemichi was uncharacteristically silent as he stared straight ahead on the road. The normally bubbly and boisterous blond was reticent as he walked beside Draken who had his hands in both of his pockets. Takemichi was still processing the earlier events that had happened at that meeting which frankly looked like an underground fighting ground that reminded him of that unsanctioned street fighting led by Kiyomasa during their middle school years.
After the official announcement made by Senju about him now being a member of the Brahman, that’s when it finally hit him. He really was risking everything on the line including his life again to make Mikey’s future great and peaceful along with them. Nevertheless, Takemichi didn’t feel any anxiety or doubt within himself. He felt that he was doing the right thing and everything was falling into the right pieces.
Nevertheless, he couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that wanted to crawl outside of his being.
“Oi. Takemitchy.”
Draken’s familiar deep and baritone voice jolted him out of his thoughts and looked up at him. Those sharp yet concerned obsidian irises were trained on him as if trying to decipher his innermost feelings and thoughts with that single gaze alone.
A warm feeling started to creep inside his chest and Takemichi resisted the urge to smile like an idiot in front of him.
“Yeah Draken-kun?” Takemichi gazed back at him curiously.
“You okay there? I can almost hear your loud, running thoughts you know.” He commented noncommittally but there was a tinge of concern beneath his nonchalant tone.
It made Takemichi chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Ah, sorry about that Draken-kun. I got lost in my head again. Sometimes.” He smiled sheepishly at him.
It made Draken paused and just stared at Takemichi’s figure who was now walking past him. But the blond had noticed that he stopped walking and turned back to him.
Draken didn’t know what kind of face he was making but Takemichi looked at him with his tender, blue eyes that were devoid of malice and were just watching in genuine predilection and goodwill.
It made something inside of him break. He could say thousands of words laced in silky threads of affection and sweet encouragement. But he wasn’t made that way. Words were not his forte.
But what he lacked in words made up for the simplicity of his actions and for him that was enough.
He walked quietly towards Takemichi and stopped right in front of him. Before the other could react, his arms enveloped him in a firm yet gentle hug.
“You’re wearing that kind of face once again Takemitchy. For once, I gotta tell you to stop looking like that cause you’re not alone in this fight. Not anymore. We’ll save and bring Mikey back together. Understood?” His whisper was a gentle caress around Takemichi’s being that promised a brighter future and a dazzling ray of hope.
However, why did it feel different for Takemichi?
Why did it feel like a veil of a passing bell under the gloomy skies hung around them?
“Yeah…” Takemichi choked out a response, trying to swallow back his tears but his eyes glistened slowly. He could only return back his hug tightly as if he was afraid to let him go.
Takemichi couldn’t afford to break down and cry now even if he was on the verge of wailing like a lost kid. He promised himself that he wouldn’t lose his resolve and would just keep on fighting to make things better for all of them. Although he felt like his entire being was drowning away in quicksand, just being in Draken’s arms and firm grip seemed like a strong foundation that he can lean on.
“Thank you Draken-kun…” He whispered back and the other could only hug him back tighter in response.
“No. Thank you Takemitchy. For saving me and everyone. I’ll make sure that this will be your last mission for us.”
Takemichi’s heart quavered loudly inside his chest at his response and he wasn’t sure if it’s a good or a bad thing.
Takemichi inserted his keys into the keyhole of the front door of his house and turned on the knob. After his brief but lingering moment of respite with Draken on the road, exhaustion finally crept inside of him. All he wanted to do was to fall back on his bed and sleep the night away since he knew that he had to be prepared for the next day to come. He went inside and turned on the lights, flooding the living room with a brilliant spark of the white light.
The silence was deafening inside his house but it was nothing new.
He got used to living alone and greeting no one since his parents were busy with their own careers and lives to pay attention to him anyway.
The numbness inside his heart was growing but he chose to ignore it and just headed straight to his room upstairs when he paused all of a sudden, blinking a few times when he heard a noise.
A shiver ran down Takemichi’s spine before he steeled himself and continued making his way upstairs cautiously.
As he got nearer, he could hear someone singing. It’s like a song being played. Was the radio on?
A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music
Used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
It was a smooth voice of a male singing an English song that Takemichi knew nothing about. But the tone of the song had a funny yet melancholic vibe to him for some strange reason.
He was now standing in front of his doorstep to his room.
But February made me shiver
With every paper I'd deliver
Bad news on the doorstep
I couldn't take one more step
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride
Something touched me deep inside
The day the music died
Takemichi swallowed thickly. His heart was hammering wildly inside his chest as his hand reached out to turn the knob of the door to open it and what greeted his line of sight made him froze and mind blanked out for a second.
So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die"
In front of him was a phonograph, playing a vinyl.
And a blond male sitting in a chair with his wide eyes open and his mouth dripping with blood that went through his shirt and painted it a dark shade of crimson.
It was him.
He screamed and shot up from the bed all of a sudden. Takemichi looked around. He’s inside his own room and in his pajamas. There’s no phonograph that sounded like a death knell.
And there’s no dead doppelganger in front of him.
He was awakened from his nightmare which was dressed like a daydream.
“Hanagaki!” Senju hollered at him when he successfully tackled her on the ground and shielded her away from the bullets that the masked man shot in front of them.
“Are you alright Senju?” He asked worriedly.
“Eh?” Senju could only look up at him, still taken aback by what he did.
“I can’t let you die.” Takemichi said determinedly, staring at her intently which made the other gawk at him in silence, a slight blush marring her cheeks.
“Die Hanagaki!” The masked man screamed at them and shot at them again with his gun.
Takemichi could only close his eyes tightly as he waited for the bullets to land on his body.
But it never came.
“You good Takemitchy?” Draken drawled out as he glanced at him before approaching the masked men who grew fearful of him and dropped their guns, running away.
It made Takemichi opened his eyes and stared at Draken with wide eyes.
“Thank you so much Draken-kun…” There was gratefulness behind his voice.
Draken smiled wryly before he kicked the gun away. “They got the nerve to attack with such dangerous weapons.”
After Takemichi made sure that Senju’s completely okay, he went towards Draken’s spot and quickly leaned closer to his ear to whisper something.
“Let’s keep us it between us, but… Just now, I was able to foresee the future.”
It made Draken’s eyes wide for a fraction of a second.
“In that future, I saw Senju protecting me. I’ve prevented that outcome.” Takemichi continued to whisper seriously to him.
Meanwhile, Senju was looking at both of them with a curious yet perplexed expression on her face.
“What are you guys whispering about?” She asked.
“It’s all thanks to you Draken-kun. We’ve successfully changed one future!”
“Is that so…” Draken had a wistful smile on his face afterward. “Then I’m glad.”
“Hey, I think we gotta go! We’ll be in trouble if someone gets here!” Senju cut off their whisperings towards each other with a worried reminder.
Takemichi immediately sprang into action. “Ah, you’re right!”
They’re both running now when Takemichi noticed that Draken was just standing there and not doing anything.
“Draken-kun?” He paused and called out hesitantly.
His back was still turned to him when Draken spoke his words. “Takemichi… Please tell this to Mikey…”
“Don’t cause too much trouble…”
“What are you talking about?! You tell him yourse-.”
He stopped midsentence when Draken crumpled down to the ground like a ragdoll.
Takemichi felt like a cold bucket of water was spilled on him as his eyes grew wide as saucers and stood frozen for a moment.
“I’ve done all I can do.” Draken murmured with a peaceful smile on his lips as his eyes watched dazedly on the raindrops that pelted on his body.
I started singin', bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
Them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die"
(A/N: The day I own these characters is the day that my fanfic is the bestselling novel on the market which will never happen. Inspired by the events from chapter 221 of the manga. Senju lived. Mikey finally appeared. But at what cost? Also, I was listening to the song American Pie by Don Mclean when I was writing this fic and it fits since behind that upbeat yet lazy tone of the singer, the lyrics and the message of the song are quite tragic. Which honestly fits into the latest chapter of the manga. Lastly, where the hell is Wakasa? He only appeared for 2 chapters and I missed him already. I need to see him in the next chapter to free me from the angsty land of the latest chapter. Reviews are entertaining. So, let me hear them from you.)
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aliendes · 4 years
BTS reacts to saying something hurtful and then regretting it PT.2
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Anon: Hi Angel🥺 i adore your writing and i was wondering if you were going to make a part 2 to the BTS reacts to saying something hurtful I looooove part 1🥺
Anon: Absolutely loved the most recent reaction !! DEFINITELY NEED A PART TWO
Anon: Could YOU PLEASEEEEE DO a part two for the bts reaction where they something hurtful😭😭😭 but fluffy ending if possible, I LITERALLY LOVE YOUR WRITING
Anon: Hi dude, I was wondering if you would do a pt.2 to BTS reacts to saying something hurtful and then regretting it, pls do it if you're still thinking bout it!
A/N: ok damn I didn't think you’d want a second part this badly lol but here it is! * I’m sorry this is so shit, this was supposed to be posted earlier today, but I worked from home today because someone at my work was diagnosed with COVID yesterday, which is scary. But then I’ve had a migraine all day, and fell asleep for SIX hours!? That never happens. So sorry it’s so late, not that you guys know that, but still and sorry it’s shit. 
Warnings: angsssssst, fluff, mentions of sex, but no sex, cursing, mentions of cheating in the past, mentions of blood and stiches, a lot of these deal with another member being YN’s best friend, sorry it made things easier D: *unedited as per usual
Word count: 6.7k ~
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In your rush to leave the apartment, you hadn’t realized you left your phone plugged in on your nightstand. Now it’s been over an hour you’ve been walking around the streets of Seoul, no way to call your sister, who would likely come pick you up. It’s not like it mattered, you didn’t really want to talk to anyone anyways. You just wanted to walk. It was your coping mechanism for a lot of things; anger, fear, sadness, anxiety. You were feeling a mixture of all of those things, and walking was a relief to you right now.
You continued walking for a little while longer, not realizing that your feet had taken you to your best friend’s apartment building. Letting out a heavy sigh, you figure you might as well crash here, you know Yoongi won't mind. 
Entering the fancy looking building, you pass the guard sitting near the front entrance, showing him your ID, which you thankfully had with you. You knew you were always on the list of approved visitors, and he was shortly letting you up the elevator. 
When you reached your best friend’s door, you held your hand up to knock, but before your fist could make contact with the wood, it was being swung open.
“YN! Oh my God!” 
Your eyes widened in shock as you took a step backwards, not expecting to see him here. “Jin?”
Your tall boyfriend steps over the threshold of Yoongi’s apartment, lifting his arms to hug you, but thinks better of it and drops them to his side. You can see dried tear tracks on his face, red rimmed eyes, and a purple bitten lower lip, all signs that he’s been crying, hard. 
“YN, I’m so sorry,” he sobs, letting fresh tears roll down his cheeks, “I-I was so worried, y-you-”
His mumbling is cut off by a firm hand on his shoulder, making his eyes fall shut as he lets the sobs rack his chest. “Come on, man,” Yoongi says stiffly behind him, “go wash yourself up.” Nodding his head, Jin turns around with one last sad glance in your direction, and disappears down the dimly lit hallway.
Yoongi watches him for a moment before turning to you, gesturing into his apartment with a nod of his head. You hesitate for a moment, briefly wondering if you should just leave, but decide your feet hurt and it’s too chilly to start walking again. Reluctantly, you follow your best friend into his living room and plop down on the couch. Following you shortly after, Yoongi falls next to you, an arm wrapping around your shoulders. 
“He told me what happened,” he says flatly, looking at you in the eyes, “he feels like shit.”
“Good,” was all you could say in response, crossing your arms over your chest. You were done being sad, now you were angry. 
Yoongi sighs next to you, “YN, I know you’re upset. You have every right to be, trust me. But you love him, and he loves you. Right?”
You want to refute him, but he’s right. You both love each other more than anything, you know that. Nodding your head, your bottom lip juts out slightly and starts to wobble. Yoongi squeezes your shoulders at the sight, “I think the two of you should talk it out, hmm?” You nod again, not trusting your voice. “You guys can crash in the spare room, I’ll head out to the studio.”
“You don’t-”
“YN, it wasn’t an offer, it was a statement.”
Knowing how stubborn your best friend was, you shut up and nodded your head again, letting him stand up and grab his jacket. 
“You know I love you both,” Yoongi said, hand on the doorknob, “but I will be upset if you fuck on my furniture.”
You scoff, head twisting back to glare at him, but he was already gone. Shaking your head, you let it fall back onto the plush sofa as you wait for your boyfriend to emerge from wherever he was. 
It felt like hours later when you opened your sleepy eyes, realizing you’d fallen asleep on Yoongi’s living room couch. Blinking a few times, you turn, only to realize you’re laying sideways, and you’re in a warm embrace. 
“Jin?” you mumble, sleepily, as you look behind you at your boyfriend’s sullen expression. 
Closing his eyes and sighing through his nose, he lays his forehead against your shoulder. “I’m sorry, YN,” he whispers, voice cracking slightly, “I’m so sorry. You know I love you, right?”
Turning around in his loose grasp, you hear the squeak of the couch underneath you. Pressing one hand against Jin’s firm chest, you bring the other up to cup his wet cheek. 
“Yes, Jin,” you mumble, making him open his eyes to stare into your own, “I do.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he cries softly, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” you mumble, leaning forward to press a kiss on his nose, “I know you didn’t mean it. I’m sorry for running away.”
He shakes his head, pressing his plush lips to your forehead, “No, don’t apologize. I was just so fucking worried when I got to Yoongi’s and you weren’t here. I thought - I thought something happened to you, you always come here when you’re upset.”
You bit at the inside of your cheek, contemplating his words for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I just got lost in my thoughts,” you chuckle darkly, “but I’m okay, and I love you.”
Another tear rolls down Seokjin’s nose, “I’m so glad I have you in my life, YN. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I lost you.” He sniffles, making you reach up and wipe at his tears. 
“Then we’re lucky you’ll never have to find out.”
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Jungkook and Yoongi are both jogging down the streets near the company building, trying to find where you went. Yoongi was about to have a full blown panic attack when he realized you had completely fled the building with no phone or bag. He was beside himself with grief, his mind turning to the worst case scenarios immediately. 
After not finding you in the immediate vicinity of the building, he and Jungkook split up, Jungkook going to look at your best friend’s house, and Yoongi going to check your apartment. He brought your bag with him, which included your keys. He knew you wouldn’t be able to get into your home without them, and felt terrible that you might be wandering around the city, alone with no way to contact anyone. 
Your bag and jacket in hand, Yoongi took the elevator up to your floor, hoping beyond all hope that he would find you somewhere around here. As he stepped off the elevator, his ears immediately perked up at the sound of light sniffles. Rushing out of the elevator doors, Yoongi stops dead in his tracks at the sight of you, sitting on the floor, back leaned against your apartment door, hugging your knees to your chest. Your forehead is resting on the tops of your bent knees, so you haven’t noticed him yet. He can tell you’re crying by the uneven breaths you take. His heart breaks, completely crumbles in his chest at the site of you attempting to curl in on yourself. 
He instantly rushed forward, dropping your bag and jacket onto the ground next to you, and fell to his knees in front of you. His hands reach out and as he places both of his hands on your shoulders, your head jerks up, startling at the sight of your crying boyfriend.
“Y-Yoongi?” your eyes are so swollen and your vision is so blurry, you think for a moment you might be seeing things.
“Yes, baby,” he whispers, “I’m here, I’m right here.” He watches as realization slowly takes hold of you, your face falling and twisting into a pained expression, almost like you’re disgusted he’s in front of you. 
You sniffle loudly, turning your head away from him, not wanting him to see what a mess he’s made of you. “Please go away,” you murmur into the empty hallway. You don’t see it, but Yoongi’s face falls even more as he realizes you really don’t want him near you. You never shy away from his physical affection, even when you’re upset with him. 
“YN, please,” he begs, hands sliding down your shoulders and your arms, eventually reaching your hands as he gently takes them in his, “let me take you inside, at least.”
Without looking at him, you nod, letting him help you stand with the grip he has on your hands. He lets go of one of your hands and bends over to grab your bag and jacket before getting your keys out and opening your door. You let him lead you inside and into your kitchen, you let him sit you down at your kitchen table, and you let him make you a cup of tea. You don’t take your eyes off a water ring stained to your wooden dining table the entire time, and it isn’t missed by Yoongi. 
“I didn’t mean it,” Yoongi whispers as he sits down across from you, setting your favorite RJ mug on the table, “If you want me to leave, I’ll leave, but I need you to know that I didn’t mean what I said.” You slowly looked up at him, eyes still devoid of emotion. He winced at the fact that he did this to you. “YN, you have every right to hate me, to kick me out, to slap me if you want,” he takes a deep breath, “but you are not crazy. You are not like your mother. You are beautiful, funny, smart, and the most caring woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Being with you has made me a better person, and there is no one in the entire world more deserving than you of love. I’m an asshole, and I used your insecurities against you for a stupid fucking reason. I regret it more than anything, YN.” He was crying by the end of his speech, looking down at his hands folded in his lap. The left side of his lips were doing that twitchy thing they did when he was upset, and you instantly felt the need to embrace him.
Standing up slowly, you move towards your sulking boyfriend, and put your hand on his shoulder. He looks up at you, bewildered that you are even touching him. “I don’t forgive you,” you start, making Yoongi’s hope dissipate, “yet. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. What you did was fucked up, Yoongs.” You whisper the last part, eyes starting to well up again.
Yoongi pulls you down onto his lap, swinging your legs over his lap and hugging onto your middle tightly. “I know. Trust me, I know. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I promise you I will work every day to gain your trust back.” You lean your head on his shoulder, nodding your head. You weren’t about to forgive him after what he did, but you weren’t about to lose what the two of you had either.
“I love you,” he sniffles, kissing your forehead, “and I’m sorry.”
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You didn’t get far before your feet started killing you in your work heels. You made it a couple blocks away before you couldn’t walk any further, and sat down on a park bench. To make matters worse, it had started sprinkling as you sat there. You didn’t have your phone, or a will to get up, so you sat there and sulked in the rain. You figured you would eventually get up and head back to your apartment and fall asleep, but for now you just needed to think. 
Tears slowly rolled down your cheeks as you contemplated your relationship with Hoseok. He is usually so bright and bubbly, seeing him so angry scares you. On top of that, he called you dumb. You knew he would never harm you physically, but then again, you thought you knew he would never harm you emotionally either, yet he did exactly that today.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the light footsteps nearing your bench over the light drizzle of rain. Nor did you feel the presence of someone sitting next to you, just as drenched as you were. 
Suddenly, you feel a warmth on your knee, making you startle violently, wiping at your face with your already wet long sleeve. It was no use, you were just making yourself more wet. You jumped so hard you caused the owner of the hand to pull away instantly.
“Hoseok?” you ask, blinking through tears, lips trembling due to the cold and your emotions. Looking up at him, you see he’s in no better condition. Eyes swollen and leaking, lip red and bitten, a habit of his when he’s anxious. He has the hand suspended in midair that was previously on your knee, and he looked almost like he was afraid to touch you.
“Baby,” he mutters, though you can barely hear him as the rain starts to pick up, “please come home, you’re going to get sick. I can stay at Jin’s place tonight if that makes you more comfortable.” He sounded completely broken to say those words, like if he spoke them it made it true that he made you uncomfortable. 
At the thought, you furrow your brows. Did you feel uncomfortable with Hoseok? You didn’t think so. Disappointed? Sure. But not uncomfortable.
You shake your head lightly, reaching out to grab his hand in yours. He almost flinches away from your touch, so startled that you would initiate contact right now, but he composes himself and allows you to rest your hands in your lap.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” you mutter, gnawing on your bottom lip, “I know you wouldn’t hurt me like that.”
Hoseok looks even more distraught at your words. “But that’s the thing, I’m a fucking idiot. I shouldn’t have hurt you in any way, not just physically. It’s clear that I hurt you with my words, and I’m such a dipshit for doing so. I made a promise never to hurt you, and I broke that promise.”
He was right, he had promised that. Years ago when you first started dating, you had major trust issues because of your cheating ex. Hoseok had taken things slow with you and made sure that you trusted him fully before taking your relationship any further. You were thankful for him, thankful for how caring he was. 
Tears were leaking from your eyes again, mixing with the rain water falling onto your face. “Let me take you home, please, YN?” He sounded so desperate, so small, like if you told him no it would break him.
Staring him in the eye, you nod your head. He lets out a relieved sigh as he stand ups, pulling you with him. 
Once the two of you make it home, Hoseok leads you into the bathroom, both of you cold and shivering. Sitting you down on the side of the tub, he reaches over and turns the knob to turn on the hot water and then pours your honey bubble bath into the stream of water. The smell instantly relaxes you and you let your eyes slip closed as you sigh lightly. Before you could open your eyes, you hear the door to the bathroom opening again.
“Wait,” you rush out, snapping your eyes to Hoseok’s retreating frame. He stops, turning around to face you, lips blue from the cold. “Please,” you beg quietly, “stay.”
Hoseok looks conflicted. He looks like he wants to stay, so badly, but he also looks like he might make a run for it at any moment. “A-are you sure, YN? I can go to Jin’s for tonight, give you some space.”
“Do you love me?” The question surprises you as much as it surprises Hoseok. It slipped from your lips without your permission, giving away how you truly felt because of his words earlier. 
“More than anything,” he answers instantly, dropping his hold on the door knob, “do you think I don’t?”
Hoseok takes a few steps towards your still shivering frame and reaches out to wipe tears from your cheekbones that you hadn’t even noticed were falling. “YN, I am so sorry if I ever made you feel like I don’t love you. I was angry earlier. I had a shit day and that is no excuse for the things I said to you, okay? Don’t let me make excuses for myself. But do not ever think that I don’t love you because of what I said.” His words were soft, yet firm. You could tell he meant everything he said. Sniffling, you nod your head in affirmation. When he stands straight again and goes to walk away, you grab his wrist quickly.
“P-please Hobi,” you whimper, “don’t leave me.”
“Oh Angel,” he says, sitting on the bathroom floor in front of you, “I would never leave you. I just thought you’d want some time to think.” He spoke so softly you could barely hear him over the running of the bathtub behind you.
You shake your head quickly, “I don’t want time to think. I want to talk about it, work it out. Together.”
He smiles sadly down at you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “I don’t deserve you, you know?”
You return the gesture, wrapping your arms around his tiny waist. “I know,” you whisper into his chest, “take a bath with me?”
“Of course, love.”
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It’s been two weeks since you’ve been back to your apartment. Since the incident at work, you’ve been consistently working from home, so you’ve been staying with your sister since you and Namjoon got into the fight.
He’s tried to contact you multiple times, sent you countless texts, and even tried to show up to your sister’s apartment about a week ago. You’ve completely ignored him, other than the one text you sent telling him you were safe and not to worry. You had packed all your essentials so you haven’t needed to go home yet, though you figure you will soon.
You were working on your laptop when you heard your phone buzz on the table next to you.
From: Jimin [2:37 pm]: hey YN
From: Jimin [2:37 pm]: can you come over?
You [2:39 pm]: to the dorms?
From: Jimin [2:41 pm]: yeah, we need to talk to you
You set your phone face down on the table. You felt like they were tricking you into seeing Namjoon. You just weren’t ready to face him yet. You knew you would eventually, you still love him with all your heart, but you really just needed time.
From: Jimin [2:48 pm]: he won’t be here, I promise
From: Jimin [2:49 pm]: please
You sigh after reading his last message. You loved the boys, you truly did. You knew that they wanted to talk about Joon, but still, it was hard for you to say no to them. Especially Jimin, which is probably why they had him text you. 
You [2:55 pm]: ok I’ll be there at 5
From: Jimin [2:56 pm]: thank you!!
When you arrived at the dorms, the door was unlocked. Knowing they were expecting you, you let yourself in, slipping your sneakers off at the door and making your way towards the sound of voices in the kitchen.
When you walked into the dining area, the three men sitting at the table all turned to look at you. You were met with Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Jimin.
“Uh,” you started dumbly, “what’s up guys?” You held onto the strap of your bag a little tighter, unsure of what was to come.
“Hey YN,” Jin said, getting up and walking towards you, pulling you into a tight hug, “we’ve missed you.”
You had to bite your lip to start tears from springing to your eyes. Jin was the most sincere person you’ve ever met, and you knew he meant it when he said it. It hurt you worse than you thought it would, seeing them. You missed them, too. Though you missed Joon more.
“Come sit down,” Jimin said softly from the table, “we’ll be quick. Promise.”
“Is Joon here?” Your voice cracked slightly, making Yoongi raise an eyebrow as you sat down across from him.
“He’s with Hobi-hyung and Tae-hyung in the studio,” Jungkook says from next to Yoongi. 
You nod your head and set your back at your feet, folding your hands in your lap. Jin takes a seat next to you, with Jimin at the head of the table. “What did you want to talk about?” 
All four men shared a look before Yoongi spoke up, “Namjoon isn’t doing okay, YN.”
Your head snapped up at this, worry filling your eyes. Jungkook was quick to speak up, “He’s not hurt, YN. Don’t worry. We’re just really worried about him.” He was gnawing on his lip and it made you nervous.
“He hasn’t been eating properly,” Jin whispers from next to you, “or sleeping.”
“He’s been staying at the studio sometimes all night,” Jimin says, “and he’s been staying here.”
This shocked you more than anything else they’ve told you. The reason you and Joon got an apartment is because he wanted his own space. He loved his members, but he liked time to be alone. He hasn’t lived with them in years. 
“He says the apartment smells like you,” Yoongi says, dark eyes staring into yours, “YN, he’s hurting. Bad. What he did was fucked up, but don’t you think he deserves a chance to make it right?”
“Yoongi,” Jin cautions from next to you.
“No, Jin-hyung,” Yoongi cuts in, “I know he hurt you, YN, but he regrets it so much. I’ve never, in all my years knowing him, seen him this affected by something. I’m begging you, please talk to him.”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth, tears threatening to fall. Jimin gets up and walks around the table to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders as you look at the other three men in front of you. Nodding, you let a single tear fall into your lap. “Okay.”
You decided to wait in Namjoon’s dorm room for him to get home, while Yoongi made up an excuse for why they needed them. When you heard the front door open and the baritone of Taehyung’s voice carry throughout the house, you braced yourself to see Namjoon for the first time in weeks. 
The minute he walked through the door and saw you, tears were rolling down your face. Neither of you said a word as you ran to each other and crashed into the other’s arms. You didn’t realize how much you missed the sobbing man in your arms until you were both on the floor in a heap of bodies, crying into the other’s shoulder. 
“YN,” he sobbed, “ar-are you actually here?” The sound of disbelief in his voice broke your heart. You could feel he’s lost a bit of weight, and he looked absolutely exhausted when he walked through the door, but the brokenness in his voice is what hurt the most. 
“Oh Joon,” you pulled back from him to look into his tired eyes, “of course I’m here. I never left, not like that.”
He was biting at his lips, tears falling down his face and onto your laps as he nodded. “YN, I’m so sorry,” he says, bringing his hands from around your back and holding both of yours in his own, “I can’t believe I said such mean things to you, and over something so stupid.”
You gently shush him as you rub your thumb against the top of his hand. “It’s okay Joon,” you soothe, “we were both being stupid. You were right, I shouldn’t nag you just because I’m home more often now.”
“Please don’t apologize, baby,” he whispers, “I promise to do better and to make you happy.”
“Me too, Joon, me too.” You stare into each other’s eyes, a silent promise, before your lips are crashing onto his in a passionate kiss. 
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It didn’t take long for Hoseok to find you sitting in your car in the parking lot. You locked yourself in there when you decided you were in no shape to drive, crying into your steering wheel at the events that just took place.
Hoseok had coaxed you out of the car after a few minutes and now the two of you were sitting in his recording studio, while he told you about how Jimin had been lectured by their dance teacher, one of the things that gets his self esteem at its lowest points. After the lecture, the members were practicing one of their old choreos that they would be performing at an awards show, only to have Jimin fall multiple times while doing some of the more difficult moves. He was feeling like he wasn’t as good as he used to be, and it had him feeling insecure. Right before you walked into the practice room, him and Hoseok were trying to smooth some kinks out in the routine and he was too frustrated to get them right.
You knew Jimin well, and you knew he was probably feeling terrible about himself, and now probably even worse because of what just happened with you. 
“I’m sorry Hobi,” you said, sniffling softly, “I should have listened to you.”
“No, bub,” he says reaching over and grabbing your hands, “you just wanted to make sure he was okay. None of this is your fault, okay?” You nod your head and let Hoseok’s words sooth you. You’ve been best friends since high school, he always knew how to calm you down. “I’ll go make sure Jimin is calm and I’ll have him come in here. You can have some privacy. You’re both pretty sensitive right now.”
You nod again, not trusting yourself to not cry if you spoke. Hoseok takes one last look at you before standing up and going to find Jimin.
You sit on the comfortable leather couch, collecting your thoughts, for what feels like forever, until you hear the code being input on Hoseok’s door. A moment later, you see the soft pink hair of your boyfriend poke around the corner. When he turns to look at you, he’s wearing an almost unreadable expression. You can tell he’s been crying, his eyes are a little red and his cheeks are a bit puffy, but otherwise he looks calm.
“Can I sit with you?” he asks in a small voice.
You nod your head, mirroring his unsure expression. “Of course, Jimin,” you whisper, scooting over slightly to make more room on the couch.
You both sit there staring at the other for a moment, before Jimin speaks, “Can I -”, he starts, before cutting himself off, snapping his lips shut as you raise your eyebrows. He takes a moment to configure his thoughts before he tries again. “I’m sorry, YN,” he mutters, hurt clear in his voice, “can I please touch you?”
Your heart broke at the fact that he felt the need to ask you. His hands were folded politely in his lap, making no effort to reach for you, like you didn’t want him close. Without saying anything, you stand up from your spot on the couch, and plop back down on his lap, shocking him, his hands flying to grasp your waist to steady you. You wrap your arms around his neck in response, placing a soft kiss on his head. He instantly relaxes into you, his hands kneading your sides, head resting on your shoulder as he lets out a deep sigh. You stay like that for a moment until you hear light sniffles and you realize your boyfriend is crying.
Scooting down a bit, you bring your hand around and cup his cheek, “Jimin-ie,” you whisper. 
When he looks up at you he looks so defeated and you decide then and there that you hate that look. If it were up to you, he’d never feel this way ever again. “You’re perfect to me, Jimin,” you whisper, making him scoff, trying to turn his head away from you. You don’t let him, though. “I’m serious. You may not think so, but you are so talented, sweet, and funny. You’re the kindest person I’ve ever known and I’m so lucky that you love me.”
He scoffs again, “How can you say that after what I just said to you?”
“Because I love you,” you say simply without hesitation. “I know that you were feeling insecure and anxious. I understand that you need love and acceptance when you feel like that.”
Jimin’s eyes soften at your words, another tear rolling down his cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?”
You chuckle lightly, rubbing your thumb against his cheek, “You were so perfectly you, I couldn’t help but fall in love.”
“I love you, YN,” he sobs into your shoulder, “and I’m so sorry.”
“I know, Jimin-ie,” you stroke his hair, “let’s go home, yeah?” He nods into your shoulder as you place a kiss to his forehead. 
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Taehyung has posted himself up outside the bathroom door, waiting for you to come out. He wasn’t going to let this fight last. He wasn’t going to let you think he thought you were anything less than perfect. He couldn’t lose you because of his stupid and reckless mouth.
It’s been an hour since you locked yourself in there. He could hear you run yourself a bath, sit in there for a while, and then heard the tub draining. He hoped you’d be coming out soon, so he leaned his back against the door, resigning himself to sitting there all night if he had to. 
Another 10 minutes go by before you slowly open the door, making Taehyung fall backwards as he reaches out to right himself. You gasp in shock, not realizing he was right there. When he falls through the doorway, you get down on your knees, towel wrapped tightly around your body as you make sure he’s okay. “Tae! Are you okay?” 
Taehyung sighs as he lays flat on his back in the doorway of the bathroom. “Why are you asking me that? I should be the one asking you.” 
Your face falls again at the reminder that he thought you were too caring, too happy, too positive. You spent the entirety of your bath talking yourself into not being so upbeat and chipper around him. To not be so caring and to back off him a little bit. That’s what he wanted, right? He could see the gears turning in your head, so he sits up, leaning back on the palms of his hands. 
“YN, I love you,” he says softly, making you look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“I know, Tae,” you say flatly. You didn’t think just because of a silly argument that he didn’t love you. You weren’t that insecure. You just truly didn’t want him to feel suffocated, and obviously that’s how he’s been feeling if he felt the need to blow up like that.
“No, YN. You’re too understanding,” he mentally slaps himself, “no, no. That’s not what I meant. Fuck.”
“I get it Tae, I’m suffocating you. I’m sorry, I will try to back off a little bit. I can do better.” You sit back on the heels of your feet and lean against the door frame, staring into his dark orbs. 
“Oh, princess,” he whispers, sitting up straighter and reaching a hand out to rest on your thigh, “no you aren’t suffocating me. Not at all. I’m so sorry that I’ve made you feel that way.” The look on his face is so sullen, so remorseful that you can feel just how sorry he is from looking into his eyes. “You are the sunshine that lights up my day, the only person who really gets me. You are the sweetest, kindest, most caring human being on the face of this planet, and I’ve never met someone as empathetic as you are. You are literally perfect, and I am so fucking sorry,” his voice cracks a bit as a tear rolls down your cheek at his words, “that I made you think you weren’t. I’m the shittiest partner ever for doing so, and I will spend the rest of my life making you feel wanted and as special as you deserve to feel.”
You’re full blown crying now when you lunge yourself at him, locking your arms around his neck. Sobbing into his shoulder, you nod your head against him. “I love you Tae,” you whimper, “it’s just a silly fight, right?”
He chuckles softly, wrapping his arms around you bare back, still slightly sticky from your bath, “No it’s more than that.” He feels you stiffen in his hold, so he starts to soothingly rub his large hand up and down your spine, “This is me realizing how fucking perfect I have it and making sure I never do anything to fuck this up. Never do anything to dim your light, because you are the brightest star in my eyes.”
You pull back to slap a hand lightly against his chest, smiling down at him still sitting on the floor. “Stop being so cheesy,” you mumble. He smiles at you before abruptly standing and picking you up bridal style, making you squeal. “Tae!”
“Mmm,” he moans into your ear as he tosses you on the bed and climbs on top of you, “let me show you what I mean, hmm?”
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Jungkook didn’t waste any time running out your apartment door and chasing after you. He had only been gone for a minute or two, there’s no way you could have gotten far. As he walks down the street near your apartment, he calls your phone at least a dozen times, all of them going straight to voicemail. Your phone must be dead.
“Fuck,” shoving his phone back in his pocket. When he looks back up at the sidewalk ahead of him, he realizes he’s near your favorite cafe, the one with the cute Japanese trinkets for decor. Deciding to check to see if you’re there, he makes his way down the street. When he arrives at the cafe, he looks in the large glass window at the customers sitting around the restaurant, but doesn’t see you anywhere. Heaving a sigh, he turns around trying to rack his brain for other places you might’ve gone, when he sees a familiar figure sitting across the street at a bus stop. Squinting his eyes, he sees your sulking form, curled in on yourself.
Without thinking, he rushes to cross the street, only remembering at the last second to look both ways and halting his movements when he hears a car horn honking at him. Clutching at his chest, he backs up and allows the cars to pass before he’s running across the street towards you. 
When he looks back to you, you’re already standing, a bewildered look on your face. 
“Jungkook, are you crazy!?” you yell as he steps up on the curb in front of you. 
“YN-” he pants, trying to catch his breath. His adrenaline was pumping now, but he was also relieved to find you okay. “YN, I -”
“Jungkook!” you cut him off, “You could’ve gotten yourself killed!”
It takes him a moment to realize what you’re talking about, but once he catches on a blush overtakes his face and he has the decency to look sheepish. You were actually a little angry at him for being so careless, but then you think back to the argument the two of you just had, and your anger dissipates into sadness again. Jungkook sees the moment your face falls and reaches out to take your hand in his. When you wince and jerk your hand back, he feels another pang of regret in his chest, realizing you actually were hurt and he let you run out of the apartment without helping you at all. He was such a shit boyfriend. 
Jungkook huffs a breath through his nose as he reaches out carefully, palm up, silently asking for your hand. You oblige reluctantly, knowing he’s trying to help, and place your hand, palm up in his hand. 
“YN, I am so sorry,” he starts, moving closer to you to get a better look at your still bleeding finger,”I’m mad at something Namjoon-hyung and I fought about earlier, and my dumbass took it all out on you. I’m a fucking asshole.” He pulls your hand closer to his face as he talks, inspecting the cut. He saw it earlier, but it only looked like a papercut then. Now that it had bled a little more, he could see it was fairly deep, maybe even deep enough to need a stitch or two. Sighing, he closes his eyes to collect himself before he speaks his next words. “Why are you at the bus stop?” He knows the answer, and braces himself for the impact.
“I- I figured I should probably go to the hospital,” you nibble on your bottom lip, unsure why you felt bad for saying what you had to say, “I didn’t think you’d want to drive me.”
His heart breaks. He moves closer to you, pulling you into his arms and resting his chin on top of your head. “Oh, YN,” he whispers, remorse dripping in his tone, “I can’t believe I did that. I will always, always be here to help you. I don’t want you to ever feel like I wouldn’t.” He can feel tears stinging the backs of his eyes as he runs a soothing hand up and down your back. 
“I just thought since, you know…” you trail off, letting more tears fall down your face.
“I know, I was an asshole,” he starts, pulling away to look down at you, “let me take you to get that looked at, and we can talk about it on the way, okay? I’m so sorry, YN. I don’t want you to forgive me yet, I don’t deserve it. Just let me make sure you’re okay, first.”
You look up at him, unshed tears welling in his eyes when you nod your head. “Okay,” you whisper, letting him take your uninjured hand in his and walk the couple blocks back towards your apartment. You knew what he did was wrong, but you also knew that he loved you. You loved him, too. Regardless of the fights you may have, and the tough times you experience, you know you will always fight for one another. You look up at him through misty eyes while you walk, he looks back at you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. A silent exchange letting each other know it would be okay.
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cassava-49 · 4 years
Death 1
Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7
The water looks so inviting mostly after all that has happened to you. Marinette felt numb, not really caring whether or not people, other than her family, would care. She didn't feel like the bubbly girl that she was since the start. She didn't feel the responsibility of being Ladybug surge through. All that filled her head was how everyone in class turned against her because of Lila's lies.
"Marinette can you stop being so jealous and possessive and manipulative for once!" Alya shouted at her. "Alya, can you stop blaming Marinette for once!" Adrien shouted back. "I know that Lila's lying and I know Marinette's telling the truth. Can you stop! For once, stop thinking that Lila's such a perfect angel!" he added. "Adrien, just stop, please," Marinette pleaded him. "I-i-it's a-alright Alya, Ma-ma-marinette didn't mean to," Lila cried, hiding her victorious grin. "Sh, sh, don't worry Lila, but it's not okay," Alya comforted her. "Dude, you should apologize," Nino said to the pair. The two then scowled at their ex-best friends, but before they could retaliate, Natalie appeared to the scene. "Adrien," she sternly called. He flinched, knowing what will happen. He then took Marinette by the wrist and walked towards the exit with Natalie following behind. "I'm sorry Adrien," Marinette said as he got into the car, he then gave her a sad smile and a curt nod.
That night she waited for his call. Anxiety teasing through her body, finally after dinner, she heard her phone ring. She immediately answered it and heard Adrien's shaky voice on the other line. "What happened? How did it go?" she asked. "H-he, m-my father," he stuttered. "He's pulling me out of school," he said. "What! Why?" she asked, worry slowly sunk in. "He said that you're a bad influence and so is the school, he's sending me to New York," he replied. "I-I'm so sorry Adrien," she replied, feeling the tears attempting to escape. "It's alright, it was my choice anyway. It was either going to school but ignore you, or go to a different country but be able to contact you," he replied. "If I chose the former, it would break my heart seeing you, and it's not like I have any other friends," he added. "Promise that we'll keep in touch," she whispered. "I promise, but I've got to go now, I need to do something," he answered. "Yeah, sure, good night," she replied. "Good night," he responded.
Once the call ended she summoned her transformation to vent out by swing across the city. She arrived at their rendezvous point to find a crying Chat. Without hesitation she walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Chat, are you ok?" she asked. "My lady," came his response. She then sat beside him as she let go. "What's wrong?" she queried. "I'm leaving," he replied. "Why?" she asked. No please, not Chat, I can't lose them both at the same time, she thought. "My father, he wants to transfer me to New York," he answered. "That's why I have to give up being Chat Noir. I'm sorry," he said in between sobs. "When?" she pressed. "Tomorrow, he already got the papers done this morning, with all his connections and money, I never doubted it," he let out a strained chuckle. "I planned to give up my miraculous after patrol. One last taste of being Chat Noir. Never had I wanted an akuma attack so badly," he cried. He then felt Ladybug pull him up to his feet. "Let's go have one last run together, until you come back," she said with tears in her eyes as she wiped his. He gave out a small smile as they raced on the rooftops of Paris.
After their run they heard a blast, making both of them smile and eagerly defeated the akuma. With five minutes remaining, they raced on the Paris rooftops with Ladybug leading. Ladybug grabbed his arm and pulled him onto her balcony. "Why are we at Marinette's?" Chat asked. "I want to tell you who I am," she replied. "A-are you sure?" he asked. "I've never been more sure. I want you to know," she replied as both of their transformations fall. If they were not crying earlier, they were crying now, crouched down in each others arms. Adrien Agreste WAS Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng WAS Ladybug. They smiled at each other and hand in hand entered her room The two then spent their time in her room as Plagg floated next to Adrien, knowing that he'll miss his presence. It was one in the morning when Ladybug returned Adrien to his room with a longing kiss goodbye, promising to be together once he's back.
That was our plan, Marinette thought as she leaned on the railing if the bridge. The bridge where she and Adrien bought ice-cream from André's. This was the bridge where she and Kagami became friends. This was the bridge where she shared her ice-cream with Luka. Unfortunately, Adrien's plane crashed in the Atlantic, the cause was still unknown. If he had the horse miraculous, he would have survived, she thought again. Ever since his death, she gave up her miraculous giving it to the new ladybug holder as she apologized to Tikki. She also told her parents the truth and asked them to be part of the order of the guardians, and taught them the secrets to the miraculous.
It's been weeks since Kagami and Luka became the new Lady Luck and Monsieur Noir of Paris, they still reminded Paris about the original Chat Noir and Ladybug, who will always remain in their hearts, they even asked the mayor to make their debut Ladybug and Chat Noir's day. As for Lila, she began making more lies as to why Ladybug quitted like, "She felt too much pressure and wanted me to become the new ladybug but I had to refuse since I didn't feel worthy and it would be too obvious because I'm the new Ladybug since I'm her best friend, but I helped in picking out the new recruits."
Lies, lies, it was all lies, Marinette was the one who gave Kagami and Luka the cat and ladybug miraculous. It hurts, it hurts, so much. With one last look at the stars, she fell into the icy cold water of the Seine. She didn't feel anything else, until her head collided with a sharp rock at the bottom.
Marinette woke up with a massive headache. She found herself in an hospital ward, but her clothes were what she had been wearing when she tried to commit suicide. She watched her parents stare animatedly at her but said nothing. She then realised something, her parents were not looking at her, but something behind her. She followed their line of sight to find herself. She had her head wrapped up in bandages, her hair was down, a pipe was in her throat for food. Her nose also had the typical dexterous to help her breath, another was connected to her large intestine for excretion. That was when she knew, she was in her astro form. Her soul left her vegetable body and is free to wander since she was in a coma.
She got up and began walking towards her parents. Their tear strained eyes watched her wistfully, hoping that she would wake up soon. Her grandfather's bread was in a basket next to her bed. Her Nona's helmet was found in one of the chairs, signifying that she was there. She touched her father's cheek, only to have her hand pass through his face. She was a ghost, or a spirit, either way she was neither dead nor alive. She went to her mother who was walking towards her body taking her hand, she felt warmth, a sign that she can still feel and not exactly dead. She watched as the monitor showed that her heart beat was normal and resting.
All of a sudden her classmates, along with Lila were inside her room. All with devastated faces, even Lila, which surprised her. Alya and Nino was crying along with Rose, Mylène, Chloé and basically everyone was crying except for Lila who still had shock written all over her face. Although the same couldn't be said for her parents. Tom got up as Sabine moved closer to Marinette's body. "Leave," he said. "What? Why? Marinette is our friend, we have to be here for her," Alya exclaimed. "Really, so you have no idea as to why she committed suicide?" Tom asked with a growl this time. "Isn't it obvious? It's because Adrien died," she answered. This time Sabine got up and threw her Marinette's note. Alya dropped to her knees as she read it out loud, causing everyone to cry harder. There she explained that Adrien was not the reason as to why she died. He was the reason as to why she still lived even though he passed, but she said that she could not take it anymore, all the bullying, all the rumours, all the lies and the threats. After reading the note, Alya turned to Lila asking for an answer. But this time she was crying, was it guilt or were they real.
"Get out," a growl erupted from behind them, to find Marinette's grandfather. "I-I'm so so-" Alya tried to say. "Don't give us your half assed apology, the damage has been done, now get out!" Sabine shouted. They all but rushed out of the room with Marinette's ghost. Once the door was closed they all turned to Lila for an explanation and as if some divine intervention, Jagged Stone appeared with his mascara dripping down with his tears as he pushed past the teens to enter her room.
"Mr. Stone?" Kim asked. "What! Can't you see I'm in a hurry to see my niece!" he exclaimed. "Niece? But isn't it just Marinette in there?" he asked. "Just Marinette," he says in a low voice. "Just Marinette! This is my niece we're taking about, the sweetest, kindest girl I'll every meet!" he exclaimed as Penny arrived. "But what about Lila?" Kim asked. "Lila? Lila! That crazed girl who thinks I have a kitten and deliberately bullied my niece! She's here? Where is she!" he exclaimed with outrage only to be held back by Penny.
If Marinette was still alive, she would have enjoyed watching Lila's lies crumble down, but now she doesn't feel anything. "What a mess?" she heard someone say from behind. She turned to find a boy around her age standing beside her. Not really minding, since he couldn't see her, she returned her attention towards Jagged and her classmates. But she turned her attention back to the boy when she saw a nurse pass through him. "Y-you're a ghost?" she asked catching his attention. "You can see me?" he asked. Now looking at him she thought that he resembled Adrien, like a lot. He was blond with green eyes, a head taller wearing a grey Polo shirt with a black vest she tie. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she introduced herself unconsciously. The boy stared at her and replied, "I'm Felix Graham de Vanilly." They turned their attention back to the commotion as they watched Alya punch Lila letting out her anger once she found out the truth.
"I'm sorry, they're my classmates," she huffed. "What's the deal with the girl in the glasses and the Italian?" he asked. She sighed and replied, "It's actually a very long sob story. Are you sure you want to hear it?" she asked. Felix smiled and replied, "There's nothing wrong with a long story, it's not like I'm going anywhere." Marinette smiled as Felix lead her away from the commotion as she began telling him her story.
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
This got longer than I expected so the follow up will contain the aftermath >:3c I’ll be real I do not care if this is at all medically inaccurate, I’m sticking to it because I love it so much. This is in fact the canon timeline, I’ve decided this is canon and shall be that way from here on out
Word Count: 2,011
CW: EYE WHUMP. EYE TRAUMA. Pet whump, dehumanization, (nonsexual) noncon touching
 He had no way of knowing how that night would end. He had no way of knowing what his mistake would lead to, what one poorly thought out action would cause. He had no way of knowing, but he’d end up wishing so, so badly that he could’ve predicted the agony he’d be in by the end of the night. 
 He was tense with fear and anxiety after being separated from Zander. They were forced to follow Cain to one of those awful gatherings, several other owners and colleagues of his there. Zander had gotten led away by Vanessa, and Wren found himself alone, surrounded by a small group who seemed to take interest in him. He didn’t see Cain anywhere among them, he wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing though. 
 “Don’t look so scared, pretty puppy.” One of the men said, crouching down to look at him. Wren instinctively tried to back away, though it was hard when he was sitting on his knees, he only ended up backing into one of the other men, who almost affectionately ruffled his hair. 
 “He looks more like a frightened rabbit than a dog.” He snickered, and Wren jerked away from him, glancing between the men fearfully. In the back of his mind he knew he was breaking a rule, he knew he was never allowed to pull away, but he couldn’t help it. Without Zander there to protect him, without Cain there to call them off, he was terrified. 
 “P-Please…” He whimpered, his voice cracking, though it only caused the men to laugh. The one who crouched down with him grabbed his face, tilting his head side to side.
 “I wonder how much Cain would want for you… the bastard probably has a high price but I think it would be worth it.”
 “You think he’s going to part with the pup? I hear he makes him good money, there’s no way he’d give him up.” 
 “Y-yeah, uh, m-my master doesn’t want t-to get rid of me…” He said, reaching a hand up to push the man’s hand away, though he’d barely touched him before the man had drawn back and slapped him, his head snapping to the side.
 “You’d better keep your hands to yourself, mutt.” He snarled, reminding Wren just how angry these people got over being touched. 
 “Aww, you made him angry.” The other man said, sounding amused. “How are you going to make up for it, hm puppy?”
 “I-I don’t…” He glanced around nervously, almost desperately searching for Zander. He didn’t know what he thought Zander could do, despite his best efforts things often ended poorly when he intervened, but still, his presence was safe and comforting, and right now, Wren needed that. He flinched when the man who had touched him grabbed his arm, getting to his feet and forcing Wren to do the same. He quickly scanned the room for a familiar face, Zander, Cain, even Vanessa or Nicholas would be welcome right now, anybody he knew who he could beg for help. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, a feeling like he had to run. 
 “If Cain hasn’t noticed your absence by now then he won’t notice if we sneak off for a little bit.” The man said, hand slipping down his arm to grab his wrist. He tried to pull him away from the small group, but Wren dug his heels into the floor, refusing to move.
 “I-I’m not going with you!” He snapped, trying to sound less scared than he felt. “I don’t-I don’t know you, a-and Cain- my master wouldn’t let you do this anyway!”
 “And your master doesn’t have to know as long as you keep your pretty little mouth shut. Now be a good boy and come on.” He pulled harder and Wren stumbled a few steps, only to pull back again, trying to keep from being dragged off. He was prepared this time, hand clenched into a fist, and when the man turned to snap at him, he swung. His fist hit him dead in the eye and he was finally let go of, stumbling back as the man swore in pain. It wasn’t like him, he knew that, and he knew he was in trouble so he had every intention to run, only to be grabbed by the collar and harshly yanked back by one of the other men. 
 “You shouldn’t have done that you little bitch.” The man he’d hit snarled, before Wren could throw up his arms to defend himself he was cracked across the face, falling to the floor as he was finally let go of. He was used to being attacked this way, instinctively trying to curl up to protect himself, but before he knew it he was being grabbed, forced onto his back and held down as the man straddled his waist.
 “S-stop!” He cried, breathing frantically. In a last ditch effort he tried to call for help, hoping to be heard over the growing crowd, but a hand was clapped over his mouth, quickly silencing him. He still struggled to get free but his arms were pinned at his side, rendering him completely helpless. 
 “Misbehaving pets have to be punished, you know that don’t you?” He said with a sadistic grin, Wren watching him with wide eyes. He hated how quickly these people flipped, how the smallest thing could make an annoyance into a threat. His instincts told him to defend himself to avoid the worst possible scenario but he knew it was a bad idea, he knew it couldn’t have ended any other way than this. 
 “What’re you going to do to him?” One of the men asked, sounding intrigued. “Give him a black eye to match the one you’re gonna have?” He snickered.
 “He’s a fighter, a black eye is nothing to him.” He said dismissively. “No, he needs something more… memorable, make sure he doesn’t make this mistake again.” He said. Wren cried out behind his hand, struggling and kicking his legs in frustration. 
 He was looking around frantically while they discussed what should be done to him, desperately looking for a familiar face. He wanted Zander, he knew he’d help but he was alone, completely at their mercy- and his one shred of hope came from the last place he expected. He never thought he’d be relieved to see Nicholas of all people, but he pushed through the crowd, coming to get a look at what was going on. He hated to ask Nicholas for anything, but he knew what he liked from him, and as he finally shook the man’s hand off his mouth, he gave it one try, a final attempt to escape this unscathed.
 “S-sir, sir please h-help me!” He cried, as pathetic as possible, hoping that looking at him with big, tear filled eyes would win him over. 
 “My, my, it looks like you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble, hm love?” He said. “I’d expect this from the mutt, but not from you.”
 “I-it was- It was an accident-“ He insisted, only to be interrupted by the man holding him down.
 “You little fucking liar, you know you did that on purpose!” He snapped at him, slapping his hand over his mouth again. 
 “And what’s going to be his punishment? Cain is a bit caught up with somebody right now but I don’t think he’ll mind if I give the okay.” He said casually.
 “I’m not sure yet, why? You got any suggestions?” He asked, and Nicholas seemed to think it over, taking a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his jacket pockets as he did so. 
 “You could beat him. Cane him maybe if you can find one on hand.” He said, holding a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. He took a drag from it before continuing, “You could always whip him with a belt, or carve him up- I even have a knife with me if you need it. What exactly did he do to cause this again?”
 “He fucking hit me, the stupid fucking mutt.” He said bitterly.
 “Break his fingers then.” He said calmly, Wren’s breath hitching in his throat. “If you want to be creative, you could rip his nails off, but you may not have the tools for that just lying around.” He suggested, and Wren whined pathetically, tears already streaming down his face. The man seemed to be considering his options, Wren knew he wouldn’t like any of them but he certainly hoped for one of the easier ones. After a moment of studying Wren’s face, he looked up at Nicholas.
 “Your cigarette- give that to me.” He said, holding his hand out, and though he looked irritated at being ordered around, Nicholas obliged. Wren was almost relieved, he could handle a cigarette burn, even if it was on his face. “Right or left, puppy?” He asked him, taking his hand off his mouth. Frankly, Wren didn’t care which side of his face he burned, but seeing as he already had a scar on the right side of his face, he made his mind up quickly.
 “L-left…” He whimpered, taking a shuddering breath as he prepared for the burn- but he swore his heart stopped at the next words he said. 
 “You,” He said, directed to the other man who’d been harassing him, “Hold his eye open for me, will you?” 
 “W-wait- wait wh-what?!” He stammered, his eyes going wide as the other man knelt down. He tried to squeeze his eyes shut but he easily pried his left eye open, being as rough as possible in doing so. The man straddling him held his face still with one hand, the cigarette held in the other, and a sense of panic crashed over him like a wave. “N-no, no please, you can’t!” He cried. “I’m sorry- I’m sorry, I-I’ll do anything but-but please, don’t!” He begged, looking to Nicholas for help again. “S-sir, please- please don’t let him do this, I swear I’ll be good, I-I’ll do anything you ask, *please* stop this…” 
 “Oh love, I’d like to help you but then you wouldn’t learn your lesson now would you?” He said, faux sympathy in his voice only making Wren sicker, he cried out in frustration. He looked around frantically, all he saw was the smug looks of the men holding him down, and the fascinated and curious faces of the crowd that had gathered, drawn to the sight of an unruly mutt being punished.
 From his left eye, that would be the last thing he would see. 
 He didn’t take his time, there wasn’t an agonizing buildup, he quickly jabbed the hot end of the cigarette into Wren’s eye and the boy shrieked. He fought against the weight holding him down, his hands clenched into fists, nails digging into his palms until they bled, but the man just further ground the end of the cigarette into his eye, wringing more screams out of him.
 “S-stop stop stop please!” He shrieked. “H-help m-me, p-please some-someone help me!” He shouted, praying somebody would have mercy on him. He screamed it over and over again, begging for help until the man finally got off him and the other let go of his eyelids, but even without the crushing weight and the cigarette against his eye, the pain was still there, he brought his hands up to cover his eye as he curled up on the floor, shaking and sobbing as he listened to the murmurs of the crowd around him.
 Beneath all the pain he was hit by a familiar feeling, one that twisted him up inside and made him sick. It was just like the brand- it never should’ve happened, nothing this permanent should’ve happened to him, somebody should’ve helped him and they didn’t, a further reminder that he didn’t matter to these people, he was an animal, an object, and he’d be lucky if he ever made it out of here alive.
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