#like I replaced a football with a CHILD
aria-ashryver · 8 months
Here's some individual sprites from the "Christmas Family Photo" series, just in case we want to know who is who!
(Also: bonus dad-mode Gabriel)
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Phoebe (Luca's cousin) and Morag O'Rinn (Luca's great aunt)
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Jock and Esther O'Rinn (Luca's Grandparents)
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Minnie and the twins (Phoebe's children)
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o-sachi · 2 months
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You're Just My Type pt. 1 ₊⊹ Blue Lock Chars.
ଳ What kind of person is the blue lock boys' ideal girl in terms of looks and personality?
ଳ characters; michael kaiser, sae itoshi, isagi yoichi, rin itoshi, bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishirou, reo mikage, kunigami rensuke, alexis ness
ଳ requested by; @itenesycc
[🐟]: I tried to include as many as possible. Hopefully this fulfills your request! I might make a part two with everyone else I missed.
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ᯓ Michael Kaiser - the domestic & doting type
Kaiser turns into the biggest baby around his s/o. How could he not? She spoils him rotten after all. And she hardly minds because she knows that he's just seeking out the care and affection he missed out in his childhood. In a way, he's healing his inner child. Don't get me wrong; he's not using her as some sort of replacement for a parent figure. But he's trying to feel what it's like to be truly loved.
He absolutely loves it when she cooks for him. His heart throbs like crazy whenever their s/o shows even the slightest bit of concern for him. And don't even get him started about the way she would take care of him before and after his practice. At the end of the day, he makes sure to reciprocate her efforts in his own little ways. Suddenly, he's the kindest, most gentle, and most loving man on Earth. And whenever his salary comes in, she's sure to be at a fancy restaurant that night and receiving the queen treatment she deserves.
I have a feeling that he's into nice looking hair. It doesn't matter if it's long or short as long as it's healthy and has volume to it. He's probably into dyed hair as well. He also finds that beautiful hair pairs up well with a pretty set of eyes. The more expressive they are, the better.
ᯓ Sae Itoshi - the shy & soft-spoken type
Sae might seem like a big b*tch to everyone else, but he's surprisingly nice to women (as long as they're not a crazy fanatic). Well... "nice" is a bold term, so let's just say he's aloof. He's not harsh towards them, but he's not going to smile at them either. But! Deep down he has a soft spot for the cute and shy kind of girl. He just can't find it in him to be cold to that kind of person; It almost feels wrong.
But, yes, he'll never admit that in a million years. However, the changeup is noticeable. It's subtle, but you can tell through how his voice softens ever so slightly when talking to his s/o. She might be cursing herself for failing to maintain eye contact with him or tripping over her sentences. But Sae finds all of this quite endearing. And trust me when I say that he becomes the biggest menace around her—making her flustered at every opportunity he comes across. He can't get enough of it.
In terms of looks, he likes it when a girl has soft features with short hair that frames her rounded face. Her plump cheeks make it more enjoyable for him to poke whenever he teases her. It's also canon that he's into ass... so, yeah. He says it's all about the shape and less about the size.
ᯓ Isagi Yoichi - the funny & carefree type
Isagi had the luxury of growing up in a healthy environment, so I think it's only natural for him to gravitate towards someone the same. If she has a great sense of humor with a relaxed demeanor, then he's pretty much sold. Frankly, he doesn't need anything more. Isagi finds beauty in simplicity. His s/o is someone akin to a hidden gem. She isn't flashy by any means, but she's incredibly sweet so she stands out that way.
He wonders why no one has gone after her before. But, oh well, more of her for him! She never fails to make him laugh even if the jokes are corny. They're the type of couple everyone's annoyed at because they're too sweet and now they feel jealous. Oh, but Isagi fell even harder once she witnessed his different side while playing football. He fully expected her to be repulsed, but she was amused. Apparently it was cool to see him so pumped up like that.
He's not that particular when it comes to looks. As long as she has a gentle expression and she takes care of herself, he'll be happy. When it comes to clothes... well, he has no clue about that so even a simple style impresses him. He's really a low maintenance guy and we love him for that. Canonically into thighs, so he doesn't care if it's plump or muscular—he's content as long as he can squeeze 'em.
ᯓ Rin Itoshi - the perfectionist & intelligent type
When you think of the title "Ice Queen"—whatever comes to mind, that's exactly his type. In other words, I have a STRONG feeling that Rin is essentially going for the female version of himself. He doesn't give a shit if she's worse than him. In fact, that makes it better in his opinion. Someone's gotta put him in place, right? He'll happily let her do that as long as he deems her on par with him. And I don't mean that she has to be a football freak; she just needs to be more or less well-rounded.
Apart from his standards being sky high, he just wants to make sure that his girl is better than his brother's girl. Toxic, I know. But what were you expecting? Regardless, he'll always make sure to let her know that she's the best in his eyes. Totally out of character, but he'll be praising her like crazy if he's truly in love with her. I can definitely see an enemies-to-lovers story happening to this guy.
He's probably into the clean girl aesthetic. He finds the look elegant and sleek. It makes her look like she has her shit together and he digs that. Perhaps he prefers dark medium length hair—so, brown and black hues.
ᯓ Bachira Meguru - the calm & laid-back type
When I say calm and laid-back, I don't necessarily mean someone who's the polar opposite of him. She's still going to be as hyper and energetic as him... just a bit more lowkey. Like if they were to go on an amusement park date and ride a rollercoaster—he'd be screaming his lungs out while she'd enjoy the ride quietly with a big smile plastered on her face. She'd gladly let him drag her to whatever crazy scheme he has planned. Spontaneous, but blends into the background kind of thing.
In a way, she's also responsible for mellowing him a little bit. Even though she's fully supportive of his antics, he'll unconsciously calm down at times to match her energy. He especially loves her because she accepts all of the overwhelming affection that he has to offer. Hugs that squeeze the air out of you? Sure, she'll take it. Kisses peppered relentlessly over her face? Great! Just another day for her.
I have this teensy feeling that Bachira might be into ponytails or pigtails. He thinks it makes any girl look cute regardless of the length of her hair. When it comes to height, he's the dude that does not care if she's taller than him. To be fair, he's pretty damn tall, so that should say something about him. Similar to Isagi, he cares more about personality.
ᯓ Chigiri Hyoma - the sassy & independent type
I'll just say it... but Chigiri likes his girls a bit b*tchy. Not rude, not mean—but just the right amount of sass. She's not a bitch. She's THE bitch. You get me? He just loves how witty and snarky she can be. It makes the relationship more fun knowing that she can keep up with the banter without taking any offense. They definitely have an inside joke—something something about who has better hair...
She thinks she's his biggest supporter, but it's actually the other way around. The way this man will support his girl is like no other. He can't help it when he's dating a girlboss. Chigiri admires that she's headstrong and knows what she wants. Like ask her where she wants to eat and she'll give you a place... and an order.
Long pretty hair. No ifs, no buts. He wants someone that can rival his hair routine. Chigiri would even be the one to tie a pretty pink ribbon in her locks. I see him digging the whole clean girl aesthetic as well. He's into the preppy style—old money or academia fits best.
ᯓ Nagi Seishirou - the patient & reliable type
I'll be real and say that Nagi probably wasn't the best person to be in a relationship with in the early stages. Of course, he needs some time to get used to having a whole other person constantly be around his space, requiring his attention. It's going to be a difficult ordeal, so it's totally valid to get exhausted. But once he realizes how patient and understanding she is, he'll try harder for her.
One day he'll just wake up on a random morning missing her warmth, then his mind will wander to what his life would be like without her. He'd be terrified to the point that he'll do a full 360 and become the most doting he's ever been. Well, he'll nowhere be near overbearing, but he'll at least show that he cares.
He prefers it when she has short hair or if she has longer hair—she would normally have it in an updo. He says long hair makes it itchy when he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck when cuddling. And speaking of cuddling, Nagi would love it if she was built for warm cuddling. He falls asleep in seconds like a Minecraft character.
ᯓ Reo Mikage - the down-to-earth & responsible type
One of Reo's biggest considerations when it comes to finding love is his partner's perception of money. He's insanely rich, so it's understandable that he wants to find someone who isn't going to date him solely for his bank. He's going to be wary of everyone at first, but he'll fold once he finds someone who's genuinely practical and down-to-earth. Reo will be smitten knowing that she's staying with him because of... him.
With that being said, she needs to be responsible as well. I mean, responsible in the sense that she has her life together. She works hard towards her dreams which matches his goal-oriented persona. If she's financially responsible then, even better. Make those budget spreadsheets in front of him and he'll be impressed. In the end, he spoils her anyway.
Reo's probably into the unique kind of look. She dyed her hair a fun color and wears bold fashion pieces. Minimalist tattoos and piercings are her thing. He'll definitely take pictures of her and post her on his social media—practically bragging about her. He may or may not have paid for most of her tats and piercings because he thinks they're hot.
ᯓ Kunigami Rensuke - the tough & street smart type
Kunigami is a strong-willed person before and after the wildcard. So, of course, he'd be drawn to someone of the same air. His ideal girl is someone who can handle herself in tough situations—someone with a gritty, no-nonsense attitude and a street-smart edge. She knows how to navigate the challenges of life with a cool head and a confident stride. In other words, she can fight her own battles, but appreciates that Kunigami would always be there by her side regardless.
He's attracted to her because she isn't afraid to speak up for herself or for whatever she stands for, even if it means challenging him. They both believe that actions speak louder than words and they constantly express that belief towards each other in their relationship. Together, they're the power couple that everyone aspires to be.
In terms of appearance, he's not too fussy about it. He's more attracted to the fact that she's confident in her body. But he would definitely bark for her if she was a muscle mommy. Her fashion sense is practical yet stylish, reflecting her no-fuss attitude. Kunigami loves that she can effortlessly switch between tough and tender, and he's always in awe of her versatility.
ᯓ Alexis Ness - the creative & clingy type
Ness is into the artsy girls. Doesn't really matter if it's drawing, painting, theater, or writing—as long as she possesses the creative spirit. He believes that the creation of art is magical in and of itself. It's not supernatural by any means, but the fact that she can create something with her own hands that no one else can exactly replicate baffles him. He's the biggest fan of her works—that's for sure. It's practically praise galore when he's around.
He feels the most loved when his girl expresses the desire to be around him whenever she can. Quality time and physical affection are his non-negotiables in a relationship. And unlike most people, he'd find her clinginess endearing rather than annoying. He's going to be so generous with his affection—she better be prepared to take in ALL of it.
He's also very much into girls with tattoos. The regular black ink ones are nice, but the colorful tats are amazing. Bonus points if the tattoo has sentimental value to her. I think he's also similar to Bachira in that he doesn't mind if she's taller than him. She wants to wear heels on date night? By all means, go ahead. He'll compliment her anyway.
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ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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enwoso · 4 months
You have somehow managed to make me fall in love with this little universe you created with grumpy and Alessia in such a short amount of time!
Would you be able to write something about when the England squad first found about Alessia having a child and how they handled that on camp and stuff? I feel like there would be quite a lot of protectiveness, especially considering how she's part of the younger group, particulalry from some of the older age groups, like Lucy, Leah, Ellen, Jill, Jordan, Millie ect.
MINI ME — alessia russo x child!reader
*oh my god i love writing this little universe!*
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alessia had never imagined that she'd be a mother at such a young age. she had always dreamt of having a baby at the end of her footballing career while being in a stable relationship, living in a comfortable environment with little to no stress allowing her to enjoy motherhood.
the total fairytale fantasy.
however that fairytale fantasy never became a reality as alessia fell pregnant at 20 while in university, after one too many drinks and night with a boy she did trust enough but clearly trusted too much as after she took a test and the two lines displayed on the test telling her she was going to be a mother — he left? he didn't want that type of responsibility at such a young age.
so when alessia moved back to england and signed for manchester united she kept you hidden from her teammates worried about what they may say or think, ella being the only one who knew about you. after all she would sometimes look after you when mummy had important adult things to do or pick you up from nursery when mummy couldn’t.
"y/n? where've you gone?" she whisper yelled, looking around the foyer. you were in that toddler stage of hiding at any chance you got, putting your mum on the verge of a heart attack everytime you went out places.
"this isn't the time to play hide a seek lovie!" alessia said, a slight sterner tone in her voice as she looked around for you.
"boo!" you giggled, coming out from your hiding spot from behind the large indoor plants, looking up at your mum a devilish smile on your small face. a pointed look on your mums face as she kneeled down, grabbing your two small hands in hers.
"lovie, what have i told you about hiding, especially when we are in a new place. what if i had of walked away? you would have lost me" alessia reminded you softly as you nodded, your smile that was previously on your face replaced with a pout.
engulfing your mum in a hug, "sorry mummy" you mumbled into her chest as she kissed your forehead.
"i didn't know you had a little sister?" a voice was heard from a distant as alessia handed her passports over to the staff members, getting her room key. the blonde looking around to see who it was before her eyes landed on mille bright, lucy and leah.
alessia could feel her cheeks going redder by the second, as she stood up picking you up with her and placing you on her hip. the blonde beginning to stutter out a a response however you beat her to it with your innocent smile covering you face.
"that my mummy! i no have a sister!" you smiled at the three girls, their eyes almost popping out their head as you spoke. shock consuming them as their jaws hung to the floor.
"oh my god" lucy whispered as she was the first to break the awkward silence. alessia setting you back down on the floor as you were wriggling to be down.
"this is y/n, my daughter" alessia sighed, there being a slight silence as the information was being processed by the three girls head as you walked a little closer to the three girls, leah being the first to react by crouching down to your height. "hi y/n! i'm leah" you smiled nodding at her name looking to the other two girls standing in front of you.
“i’m lucy”
“and i’m millie”
you said a small hi to them as you moved back a little so that you were standing near to your mum, an arm wrapped around her leg. “and how old are you?” leah asked as you hummed thinking as you held up four fingers, “three!”
the girls giggling a little at your confidence, your mummy putting your extra finger down and correcting you, “lovie that’s three”
“you play football with my mummy?” you asked, looking at leah but directing your question at all three of the girls. as they nodded all in sync.
“we do and there’s a few more of us too” millie said as you looked back to alessia wondering if she was telling the truth as your mum nodded her head as a little gasp came from you.
“where they?”
“through that long corridor, getting ready for a training session later on” lucy commented pointing to the way before you turned to your mum begging her to let you to go and see everyone else.
your mummy nodding as you grabbed her hand, swinging it a little as you followed the three girls you had just met just moments ago.
“auntie ella!” you yelled as you brushed past lucy and leah as they stood in the doorway, running to get to ella as she looked up from her phone, a smile cracking on her face as her arms opened up for you to run into. faces stopping and watching the interaction with both adoration and confusion.
“hey tiny, you alright!” ella asked as you hugged the girl tight, you hadn’t seen her since the last manchester united game a week ago. your mummy having being busy with getting ready for camp and you being at nursery up until yesterday.
“yep, i met lucy, leah and mille” you proudly said pointing to each girl as they had sat down at a table beginning to talk most likely about boring adult things.
“oh that’s exciting, what about everyone else though?” ella said as you began to shake your head stopping moments later as the midfielder began to twirl the two of you around, giggles escaping from you as she did so. stopping when she got back to her original place.
you looking around the room, a few familiar faces that you had recognised from your mum playing with them in manchester seeing them when you went to games with your grandparents — mary, keets and lotte who you only ever saw if you were down in london. the rest were new people, new people to talk to and share you infectious personality with.
ella took you around each person introducing you to each person with the permission from your mum first of course. the news spreading quickly throughout the camp that you were here and whose daughter you actually were much to many’s surprise.
the day going a lot smoother than alessia could have ever imagined, she had spent the past week thinking over and over about how it was going to go. replaying over and over in her head about how her teammates would react to her having a child.
alessia spent a good part of the afternoon after the introductions were over in the garden of st george’s park explaining her story in depth to those who were most interested; leah, keira, beth, lucy, mille, rachel and ella.
“that must have been so scary, you were so young.” beth whsipers still loud enough for everyone to hear, the girls all so intrigued but also immensely proud of alessia for her whole journey since you had arrived in her life.
as alessia told her story from the start, how she found out she was pregnant to how she came back to football.
“it was, but she’s my reason now. everything i do is for her future” alessia said simply a couple of the girls humming.
“if you ever need anything and i mean anything even if it’s just for someone to talk to, don’t be scared to ask any of us. we’ll always be here for you less” leah said softly but you could hear the protectiveness in her voice, alessia nodding taking in the support of her teammates which had grown to be her family as her eyes trailed over to where you were, the other girls following where the blondes eyes were looking.
“she’s literally a mini you” beth commented the rest of the girls agreeing as they began to list the similarities between you and your mum. as alessia smiled looking at you kicking a football with jordan and georgia
“i know, my mum says all the times that’s she’s a copy and paste of me from when i was little - only difference is she’s a bit more chatty than i was” alessia pointed out, hearing you talk away to jordan about the flowers growing in the ground, as the midfielder picked the ball from around them.
“but i think she gets that from her auntie ella!” alessia grinned looking towards her best friend who threw her hands up in shock.
“mummy! mummy!” you yelled out, the blondes head turning from her conversation towards you as jordan passed the ball to you. “watch this!” you added as toy had the ball at your feet and began to juggle with it from foot to foot.
alessia watched on grinning, as jordan counted the amount you got as georgia cheered you on. a small buzz of excitement coming from you as the ball dropped from your control as you ran over to your mum.
“lovie, that was awesome!” mummy cheered, as she held her hand up for you high five. the other girls saying there well dones. alessia watching as you smile got bigger and bigger with each seconds.
the way you had bonded with the team in hours warmed alessia’s heart to no end. knowing that these girls were going to now be apart of your life forever. her two worlds had joined and she couldn’t even to describe how much she loved it.
“any chance we can borrow her when we play on tuesday!” jordan joked as she and georgia came over slotting in on the seats with the other girls as they laughed but agreeing. as they all fell into a deep conversation.
you climbing up onto your mummy’s lap, as her arms wrapped around your front. a yawn escaping from your lips as you slumped back into your mummy’s chest playing with the rings on her fingers.
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liked by keirawalsh and 612,540 others
alessia new day, new faces🩷
comments -
bethmead dibs on being best auntie!
1h 140 likes     reply
-> leahwilliamson no i am
-> georgiastanway no it’s me
-> lucybronze come on guys i obviously win!
-> ellatoone it’s quite clearly me!
-> millebright you all wrong it’s me.
-> maryearps it’s me
-> keirawalsh no me
-> racheldaly its obviously me!
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httpswritings · 4 months
jealous girl
alexia putellas x reader [+ jana fernandez]; around 900 words; not really angst, just reader being dumb about jana and alexia's friendship.
You were not a jealous girl, not at all, because you thought jealousy was nothing but a waste of time.
As a family member, as a friend and as a girlfriend, you were very easygoing with the people you loved.
That's why when you felt an unfamiliar envious sensation when it came to Alexia's friendship with Jana, you felt quite lost.
Alexia was very dear to you. 
She had been your football “big” sister since you were very young, always making sure you were alright.
You were such a talented girl, always playing at an advanced level compared to girls your age, like Jana, Pina, and Bruna."
That's why you had always been so close with Alexia.
There weren't any girls' your age around, and she felt very comfortable to be with.
The time passed by, and you weren't the youngest one in the team anymore.
It took you some time to adjust, but nothing to worry about.
Jana was a very happy and loving girl.
She was very talkative and always willing to help anyone.
That's why you were deeply upset with yourself for feeling such a horrible emotion towards someone like Jana.
Alexia noticed something was off with you, but she couldn't get you to speak about it.
She didn't insist anymore and hugged you.
Her hugs were very comforting, and you felt like your eight-year-self after hugging her.
She was around when you fell playing and hurt your ankle.
Alexia rushed to hold you and shushed you until you calmed down.
Since that day, you created a very beautiful bond not only with her but with her family, including her sister Alba.
You thought that Alba could feel threatened because Alexia was giving you a lot of attention, but she was very excited to have you as a friend, even insisting Eli to half-adopt you when both of you were still young girls.
The days passed by, and it was very obvious that you were annoyed by something.
Alexia wanted to give you some space during training, so she paired up with Jana.
You were infuriated by her movement, the worst part being that you were behaving like a child, and not like a twenty two-year-old woman. 
You paired up with Frido.
She was very sweet and patient, but you were getting on her nerves.
You excused yourself and headed to the changing room.
You had told Torre and Jona that you were going to leave early, and you'd catch up tomorrow. 
Alexia realized you were missing, and she didn't waste time in pairing Jana with Frido.
You were on your way home when she began calling and messaging you.
Ale <3 
Amor, is everything okay? 
Ale <3
Torre told me you weren't feeling okay.
You felt awful for not responding to her, but it was better than telling her: It's actually because I'm jealous about my teammate because my best friend is not spending all her time with me.
Alexia went to your house and still got no response. 
Ale <3 
Please, open the door 🙁
Ale <3
I can take care of you if you're sick 
Ale <3
I just want to know if you're alright 
Ale <3
Please, I'm very worried 😔 😢😥
You smiled when you saw the emojis. 
You loved to tease Alexia about the amount of emojis she would send.
You stood up and opened the door, and Alexia's face broke your heart. 
Her eyes were teary and she was visibly upset.
“Tell me what's wrong, please.”
You hugged her and lost yourself in her arms.
She was the big sister you never had.
You never knew what sisterly love was until you met Alexia, and then Alba. 
Did you overreact? Definitely. 
You had to be a grownup, whatever was wrong with you was not an excuse to leave training early.
“You're going to laugh—”
“I'm won't. Please, tell me what's wrong.”
You sighed, prepared to be laughed at.
“I missed you. I've been very jealous of Jana because I've felt replaced. I know it's childish and embarrassing, but it's what it is.”
Instead, you received a punch on the arm, not too hard but enough to surprise you.
“Have you gone mad? I thought something had happened to you. Like I was prepared to fight anyone at this point.”
You couldn't look Alexia into her eyes.
Alexia, having calmed down, started to laugh as you tried to escape of her embrace.
“Alexia, fuck off. You told me you were not going to laugh.”
“I'm laughing because you're very adorable. I love Jana, but you're my best friend. Alba would kill me if she knew how you had been feeling.”
“Alexia, this is ridiculous. I'm supposed to be mature, at least a little bit.”
“For me, it's not ridiculous. I'd be fuming if you replaced me with someone else. I've told you before: you'll always be my little football sister. No matter if you're eight or fifty years old. There's nothing nor no one who will be able to change that.”
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yeeterthek33per · 6 months
Loved and Landed (Steph Catley x Reader)
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A/n Requested
Steph lives a busy life.
There's her football life. Obviously.
There's her schooling life.
There's the life she lives with her friends and family.
And then there's the life with-
"Steeeeeph, come on, I wanna get there early, I'm not dealing with Katie leaving something for me to find, again."
There's incessant tugging at the sleeve of her red Arsenal hoodie.
Of course, her football life keeps her the most busy.
Especially when she has to drive it to and from home all of the time now that Kyra's living in the house as well.
It had been a hectic process, but the young midfielder had settled in quickly, taking in the familiarity of the Aussie herself and her club teammates' closeness around them.
Quickly becoming a child amongst the older girls on the team, much like a sibling to them, within but a few months.
That being said.
Kyra was a little shit.
And she knew it too.
A demanding one at that.
Hence why Katie had taken to knocking the young brunette down a few pegs.
Her cockiness was starting to show under the protection of the older girls, so the Irish captain had been messing with her enough to take the invincible mindset away from her.
Leaving her ultimately latched onto Steph now.
A lot.
"Seriously, Steph, please, I can't deal with her leaving shaving foam in my boots again."
The older woman raises an eyebrow at the pleading look on Kyra's face.
"You did this to yourself, Ky. Katie's only retaliating because you decided you were king shit enough to put hair dye in her shampoo."
The younger girl whines.
"Don't you think she's retaliated enough? I've had my shoes violated, my shin guards replaced with slightly smaller ones. I mean, the other day, my water bottle was filled with pickle juice. Pickle Juice! For gods sake."
Steph sighs, rolling her eyes slightly, grabbing the last of her stuff to shove into her pack, she gestures to the front door, to which the midfielder eagerly hurries out of and towards the car, waiting impatiently for the defender to unlock it.
"You've seriously gotta apologise to Katie or something. The girl has ten siblings, I can't imagine she hasn't spent her whole life dealing with bratty behaviour from little shits like you."
Kyra scoffs as she hurriedly buckles herself in.
"The truth."
Steph smirks at the small pout that forms on the other girls lips.
"Hurry up and drive."
"So bossy."
As expected, they arrive with hardly any other people around, decidedly much earlier than any of the other girls. Katie wasn't the earliest of player's anyway, so Kyra really shouldn't be worried about her beating them there.
Still, the youngin looks exceptionally nervous as she peaks into the changing room and gingerly makes her way over to her cubby, scanning it with a ridiculous level of detail.
Steph can only shake her head, watching the young girl sheepishly wander around the room, checking for what may well be hidden traps.
Maybe she should talk with Katie about getting her to take it down a notch.
The Irish woman was nothing if not relentless when it came to getting back at someone.
The last thing the team needed was a midfielder with serious trust issues stemming from their infamous yellow card magnet of a winger.
"Ky, relax. She's not even here yet."
"Yeah, but you never know."
"Seriously, it's game day, relax, she won't-"
"Oh, hello, you two. Stephy. Kyra."
The ever so loud and joyful Katie enters the changing room with a bang of the door as it slams open and hits the wall.
Her smirk quirks up a little wider at the sight of the midfielder, who's looking rather sheepishly around her rather than at the Irish woman herself.
"You two extra early today, eh?"
"Ha, something like that."
Steph gives her a look as she nods in Kyra's direction.
"Give the poor girl a break, would ya? I think she's been thoroughly humbled."
Katie snorts in amusement, eyeing her up.
"Eh, she’s fine. I wasn't gonna do anything."
Steph raises a brow at that.
There it is.
"Of course. Don't mess around too much, though. We still have a game to play, McCabe."
She lets out an unconvincing hum in response, right as some of the other girls start to filter in, Caitlin one of the ones to settle into her cubby beside the defender.
"What's up with the kid?"
Steph snorts.
"Ask your girlfriend. She's been torturing the poor girl."
Caitlin rolls her eyes, turning to Katie, who's now got a cheeky glint in her as she eyes up the younger of the three.
"What? I didn't do any-"
She stops at the look she gets from the Australian, grumbling as she relents and turns back to her cubby.
Kyra's finally able to escape the locker room out of sight of the defender the moment the Irish woman is distracted.
Heading down the hall towards the physio room, she ends up coming face to face with and bumping face first into someone.
She groans when she rubs at her face and her backside from where she landed on it as she stands up again with the help of her assailant.
The person is stood in a royal navy uniform, a patch on her shoulder with three horizontal gold stripes and a small circled loop on the top, hair slicked back and tight into a bun behind her head.
'L/n-Catley' the name badge reads.
Confusion crosses her face which you quickly notice.
"You're Steph's teammate right?"
"Uh yeeaah? Who are you?"
"It's a long story and sorry about the bump there. I uh, I don't know if y'all know yet but I might need your help. The staff were nice enough to let me in but I need an escort here."
"Where are you going?"
"I got told to wait for one of the trainers in the staff room?"
"Can I ask what you're doing?"
"Waiting to see Steph, but don't tell her, it's supposed to be a surprise."
Kyra is extremely sceptical, but she leads you down the hall to where the trainers are situated and one of them recognises you immediately, hugging you and dragging you into the room.
She's even more confused when the staff member is nearly in tears.
Navy uniform.
Here to see Steph.
L/n-Catley on the name badge.
There's no way.
"Are you... Are you married to Steph?"
You chuckle softly, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Yes I am. If you can't tell it's been a little while since we've seen each other."
"Yeah, I can tell, her house is far too empty for the size of it."
"Ah, so you're the new roommate. Kyra, right?"
"She's been talking about me?"
You nod.
"We would call every two weeks. When she found out you were moving to Arsenal, I couldn't tell if she was happy or mad because you'd already trashed her white towels."
"Hey! That was not my fault, the wine just fell... on it's own."
There's a sheepish look on her face.
You chuckle softly.
"She'll be fine, the pattern was ugly anyway, we needed new towels... Don't tell her I said that."
Kyra smiles at that.
"It's great to meet you, then... How are we planning this out?"
"I'll have my sister here sneak me somewhere I can wait and surprise her at the end of the game."
She nods.
"Alright, I better get going then before the girls come looking for me for pitch inspection."
You nod back and give her a warm smile.
"Oh, I'm Y/n, by the way, Lieutenant Commander Y/n L/n-Catley."
The roar of the almost entirely red and white crowd as the girls enter the pitch is as usual, deafeningly loud.
Home games are always the most adrenaline instilling games, ones where their fans are always the loudest, chanting and screaming every time one of their own touches the ball.
Steph can still hardly believe it.
The growth in the game. Breaking records every single home match so far.
The FA Cup semi-final was no different it seems.
Her eyes subtly scan the crowd as she jogs out behind the others, shifting from clapping fan to clapping fan. There's an air about the crowd.
A massively high inducing air, one that she can feel in every nerve ending in her body as she practically bounces around the pitch in warmups.
She brushes it off as it being a semi final type of high.
Aston Villa would be a difficult opponent and she assumed that was the reasoning.
It seems she's proven wrong in the first ten minutes.
It doesn't take long for Stina to score, the home crowd immediately losing their minds, and they barely have time to recover just two minutes later when the Swede swoops in for the double.
By the fourty-fifth minute, they know they have the game. Four to nil over the Villans thanks to a Stina hattrick and a goal from Frida. Her heartbeat is thumping in her ears as they approach the final minute.
This is the part they're in the dark. How many minutes left of stoppage? How much longer does she have to defend?
The players are taught not to worry about that. To just play until the whistle blows. And she does.
But she can't help the nagging awaiting of the whistle, wondering when it will go.
The moment it does, there's celebration, relief, and a lot of cheering and screams and congratulation from the air around.
A pair of arms and legs wrap around her from behind as Kyra jumps on her back, the young Australian whooping into her ear.
"Onto the finals, Stephy!"
The defender chuckles and celebrates with the team, the announcer shouting out the home teams win to wind up the crowd once more.
As they do the celebration walk around the pitch, the announcer announces player of the match, and then one more announcement catches her ear.
Her head snaps toward the tunnel the moment she hears it, heart stopping at the words of the female announcer.
"And finally, one last round of applause. Let us congratulate and welcome back someone very special to one of our own. Lieutenant Commander Y/N L/n-Catley returning from fifteen months of duty at sea with the Royal Navy."
And truly, there you are, her wife.
Dressed to the nines in your Black, long sleeved uniform, hands clasped behind you, standing with a wide, almost teary smile as you watch Steph bolt across the pitch towards you, catching her with little effort as she jumps into your arms, knocking the cap off your head with the force.
The rest of the Arsenal girls stand shocked, looking between themselves and their left back at the sudden appearance of a totally new member of the Catley family.
Before they can even try to work out who you might be to Steph, the defender has her lips pressed to yours tightly, tears streaming down your face.
The sensation of finally being able to kiss you, her wife. HER wife, has her trembling against you, her stomach twisting and curling as you hold her tight against you, your own hands shaking as they rest on her back.
It had been the longest stint you'd gone without seeing each other, having been on a cramped ship for the majority of that time.
Even having been used to long times apart, the immense relief of being able to hold your person, your love, YOUR wife, after so long. was like nothing else you'd ever experienced.
And you were glad you had all the time in the world to experience it now.
When Steph's finally able to pull back and look you in the eye, hands holding your face, eyes scanning your features, noting a small scar under your right brow, and then returning to make eye contact again with you, albeit very tearily, much like yourself.
Lifting your own hands, your thumbs swipe away the tears on her cheeks, leaning down once more to kiss her, forehead leaning against hers.
You take in the immensity of the screams of the crowd all of a sudden, especially the crowd around the players' tunnel.
With that, she buries herself back into your hold, her nose buried into the crook of your neck.
Your eyes scan the pitch, watching the applauding or shocked expressions of the players.
You'd already known her teammates didn't know she was married, however their shocked expressions still have you chuckling.
All except Kyra's wide smile as she watches the two of you and you give the girl a wink.
"I can't believe it. You're here."
It's half whimpered into your shoulder, and you just barely hear it over the crowd.
"I'm here. I'm home."
"They finally let you on leave?"
She's using a half joking tone beneath the watery chokes and sobs.
"Better than that, Love."
She pulls away shocked.
"You mean.."
You smile down at her teary eyed.
"I'm home for good, not retired but they're giving me an office in London. Full time hours still but I won't be needed for duty anymore."
She frowns softly after a second.
She knew you'd always hated the idea of an office job.
Catching the look on her face, you knew what she'd be thinking about.
"I don't care where it is, or what I'm doing. I'm just glad I'm home, with you. I've had my fill of travelling and front line work for a lifetime."
Leaning your forehead back against hers, you let the moment sink in.
You'd known it was coming for months now, haven spoken to your superiors, and them letting you know there was a position available remotely, you'd taken it in a heartbeat.
If it meant coming home to your girl, you'd have done anything.
A small throat clearing a couple feet from you, the team had moved to stand around the pair of you, eager to ask questions of the brunette in your arms.
You nudge her softly with a small giggle in her ear.
"Babe, I think they have questions."
"They can wait a little longer."
You don't fight her on it just letting her settle into you again, holding you tightly.
The moment she does let go, she's grabbed by the shoulders and interrogated by the team rather swiftly.
Leah stands arms crossed.
"Now Stephy, when did this occur?"
Steph sheepishly smiles around her at her.
"Alright alright, Gunners, meet my beautiful wife, Y/n. She's been in the navy since she turned eighteen, we met five years ago when she was on leave in Australia. We started dating less than a month later and she left on duty about four months later. We got married after three years, bought a house right before she left a year and a bit ago. We haven't seen each other in person since then. Until now, that is."
And just like that, you're immediately dragged into the group rather swiftly, squished into several hugs.
A firm handshake and then a tight hug from their captain, especially. The Scot making firm well you know how quickly she'd bury you should you hurt their defender, despite the fact you'd known Steph longer and you chuckle, nodding in agreement at the stern look turned cracked smile she lets go.
When you're finally free, Steph takes no time tucking herself under your arm and wrapping hers around you, looking up at you slightly with a proud, elated smile, eyes still slightly teary.
Returning the expression, you press a small kiss to her nose.
"Welcome home, Baby."
You shake your head.
"Congrats on the win, Baby, this is your moment right now. Go celebrate for a bit, we've got all the time in the world now."
She pouts but relents with a small peck and nudge.
The shouts of the Irish captain make her jump but chuckle a little as a gloating midfielder teases the rest of the girls.
Yeah. She was in for it.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Please please please would you ever think of writing more to wait, what? I love it.
Maybe the group are upset they weren’t their for the wedding so they ask the reader and Bucky to have another one, renewing vows so they call all be there.
Plus the uncle and aunts playing with the baby. Babies first show of super grip.
More babies. How happy Bucky is when she is pregnant again. Maybe twins and they name them after the group; like have a girl so call her Samantha for Sam and a boy who is Nathaniel/Niklaus for nat.
Would love to see Tony as baby 2s godfather. Could totally see him “competing” against Steve. Look I got my Godkid this and that more than steve gave his. Not that it matters as tony fits for best uncle title so he gives everything to baby Stevie anyway :). Etc. Love your writing can’t wait to read your next fic. Anyway How are you? Hope you are well. How do you come up with stories?
YES YES One of my FAVOURITE AUs which I love to keep adding too. I've broken up this ask into parts here:
Wait, what? - 💔🥰 The secret you’ve been keeping from the team can only be hidden for so long (pregnant reader)
Wait, what? 2 -  🔥💔🥰 A little more back story + baby Barnes! (pregnant reader)
I do (again) Wait, what? 3 -  🥰 Everyone missed the first wedding, obviously you have to have another one
Wait, what? More Babies? -  🔥🥰 The family grows with a little new addition
Here is a little drabble with the aunts and uncles being complete menaces because they compete with each other. You shook your head looking at the growing pile of gadgets and toys collecting everywhere. There wasn't a single place where there wasn't a new present from either and aunt or an uncle, your kids spoilt beyond reason.
"Mama look!" Stevie ran into your room with a new shield in hand, proudly showing off the new technology it had been upgraded with from when he first got it. He whistled, grinning when the shield started to rumble before the plates shifted, expanding it to double the size. He had on a special type of watch fitted to his wrist and you couldn't even begin to comprehend what that would lead to.
"Baby, where do we keep all this?"
"In my room!" He scrambled off without looking back, only to have his presence replaced by the twins, each floating into the room with glowing red capes.
"What on earth are you to doing?" You knew better than to try and intervene with whatever it was they were doing, Samantha and Nathaniel giggling while sipping in circles from their latest gift from Aunty Wanda.
"Aunty Wanda charmed it for us!" They squealed, the tiny rocket booster running shoes they had been given from Tony boosting them to the ceiling.
"Get down from there!" You hissed, making your way to the living room to ask each God parent if they were trying to take years away from your life through stress.
"Did you see what I got for the tiny terminators" Tony grinned at Steve, hearing sound of laugher down the hall followed by your exasperated voice. He chuckled when he saw you disheveled form with each twin under your arm, clutching onto them like footballs to keep them from flying off.
"Best. God Father. EVER" Nathaniel grinned while Samantha nodded, trying to squirm from your hold.
"Steve jr got an upgrade too" Steve stated proudly, seeing his god son using his shield to surf down the staircase, causing you to drop one twin and catch your elder son before he face planted onto the floor.
"For F-" You caught yourself before finishing your sentence, both men snickering while you huffed, "I swear, wait till daddy is home" You placed your kids in a pile between their God fathers before going up to take a well deserved bath.
Bucky snorted at the sound of chaos that he heard as he made his way from the gym to your shared bedroom. He didn't want to set food into the living room when his demon spawn and Satan's love child god fathers were together, making his way straight to you instead.
"How are you mama" Bucky whispered softly, seeing the bathroom door left lightly ajar, the scent of lavender filling the room.
"Your children are spoiled Barnes" You peeked one eye open before closing it again, humming when you felt Bucky step into the tub, settling himself behind you.
"And who is spoiling mama?" He smirked, letting a sneaky hand trail down between your legs, kissing the sensitive skin on your neck, "Hm?"
A snap of his fingers was all that was needed to lock the doors and sound proof the walls. He'd already shot a text to Steve before coming to your room.
"You're both babysitting. Code XXX" (and Steve 1000% blushed like mad though Tony cackled and decided to set up a bet on if tonight would make another baby Barnes)
It was going to be a loooong night.
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AITA for entertaining a friendship with a child?
okay so this might be a weird one or even a controversial one i honestly have zero clue how other people will receive this, apologies in advance if i ramble!
to begin, i (23ftm) and this kid (15f) first met about a year ago. one of my best friends (23m) is a pretty big model and tiktoker and she was a fan of his, and she was pretty recognized online for making cool edits and stuff of him and coming to meetups etcetera, so he knew of her from there, and over time with always seeing each other at meet ups and her being in his discord server (where i mod) she kind of became pretty well known to us.
an important thing to note is that she's SUPER neurodivergent and she's had a really tough life. she lost her older brother a few years back and she's (i'm not sure of the correct way to put it, her family is originally from the netherlands and their english is kind of in the works so this is how they put it) developmentally behind a few years - her parents describe this as her being "mentally more 13 than 15" but her behaviour to me is even younger than that. she's very very innocent and trusting, very overemotional and sensitive to criticism etc, loves stuffed animals and pink and cartoons and all of that. she's told me she feels like a little kid sometimes and will talk/act like one so maybe there's an element of trauma-rooted age regression there, i'm not super sure - i'm not gonna get into detail but she's talked to me about her life a lot and she's had some pretty fucked up shit happen to her.
from the beginning she pretty much imprinted on me - she's told me before i remind her of the big brother she lost, and ever since then she's called me her "big brother" and "family" etc. at first i was more just playing along with it to make her happy but over time she really has become something like a little sister to me, i feel super protective of her. i want to become a teacher after college (not to mention eventually a parent with my fiancee) so i think at least part of it is that taking a kid 'under my wing' so to speak is giving me experience with it all. i've always been kinda paternal/protective over kids in general but i was the youngest sibling in my family so i never really had anyone to utilise that on before
she does rely super heavily on me emotionally, especially because after i found out she was being bullied pretty badly at school i started dropping by to keep her company during breaks/lunch and making sure shit was okay (which her still-living brother used to do, but he's a famous?? - unsure How famous, i don't know sports at all - footballer/soccer player who's often in another country and can't see her often anymore), and i've been working with her to curb that. i'm actually currently working with her parents to find her a good therapist and support system. she's no longer in the tiktok friend's discord just because it was getting a little all-consuming for her and we encouraged her to take a break, but she's done a TON of work on herself and maturing since then and she does plan to rejoin at some point soon.
however, i find it really really hard to gauge whether being so close with a child is... like normal? or not. i honestly can't tell if it's kind of the internet caution about adults talking to minors kind of warping my brain and making me overly wary of what people will think or if i'm doing something wrong or if it's genuinely like a weird situation, so i guess i'm looking for outside perspectives.
the things that make me question it is that like i said she's very 'mentally young', she's very sheltered, and there definitely seems to be an element of her kind of replacing the older brother figure she lost with me. on top of that, we met through her being a fan of my friend, and though she's now separate from that i worry there could still be an element of power there because i'm close with the guy she calls her idol. her family knows me and seem totally chill with everything, but they've told me she tells people at her school that i'm literally her brother and basically 100% talks about me as if i'm her biological family, which i find super sweet but at the same time wonder if it's healthy.
she obviously needs therapy and hopefully soon we can get her it, but: AITA for entertaining a sort of found family dynamic / friendship at all with someone very vulnerable and young or is this genuinely helpful for her?
What are these acronyms?
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bovineblogger · 10 months
got a favorite virtual cow? or is that like asking you to pick a favorite child?
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Heyyy... I'm so happy to hear that you're back..... would you mind writing about kenan and reader where they are married and she is pregnant with their first child... and kenan thinks that the baby is going to be a boy, but it is a girl and their reaction... like a girl dad to be...
In which Kenan is so sure that you’re going to have a boy
Kenan Yildiz x pregnant! reader
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Kenan and I had been eagerly anticipating this day. The living room was filled with friends and family, everyone buzzing with excitement.
We were finally going to find out the gender of our first child. Kenan had been convinced from the start that it was a boy.
A few nights before the reveal, we were lying in bed, enjoying the quiet moments together.
Kenan had his hand gently resting on my belly, a habit he had developed ever since we found out I was pregnant.
"You know," he began, his voice filled with playful excitement, "if it's a boy, we should name him Kenan Jr."
I laughed, shaking my head. "Kenan Jr.? Really?"
"Absolutely," he said, grinning. "Think about it. Kenan Yildiz Jr. We could start training him for football right away. He’d be a little prodigy."
"Or," I teased, "he could be a musician, or an artist, or anything else he wants to be."
Kenan smiled, his eyes softening. "Yeah, you’re right. Whatever he wants to be, I’ll support him. But you have to admit, Kenan Jr. does have a nice ring to it."
I chuckled, feeling a warmth in my heart at his excitement. "We'll see. What if it's a girl?"
"Then she’ll be the luckiest girl in the world," he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead. "And I’ll be the luckiest dad."
We fell into a comfortable silence, both of us dreaming about the future and the little one growing inside me.
Kenan’s excitement was contagious, and I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of happiness and contentment.
The day of the gender reveal arrived, and we stood in the center of the room, with a large cake on the table before us.
The plan was to cut the cake and reveal the color of the filling – blue for a boy, pink for a girl.
My heart pounded as Kenan picked up the knife, his excitement radiating through me.
"Are you ready for this?" Kenan asked, a wide grin on his face as he squeezed my hand.
I smiled back, feeling the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. "I think so. Are you?"
He chuckled, rubbing my growing belly gently. "More than ready. I'm telling you, it's a boy. I can feel it."
With a swift motion, he sliced into the cake. As he pulled out the first piece, a collective gasp filled the room. There it was, unmistakably pink.
For a moment, Kenan was silent, his smile faltering slightly. I squeezed his hand, searching his face for any sign of disappointment.
But then, his eyes met mine, and a slow smile spread across his lips.
"It's a girl," he whispered, almost in awe. "We're having a girl."
The room erupted in cheers and applause, but all I could focus on was the way Kenan's expression changed.
What began as a flicker of disappointment was quickly replaced by a look of pure adoration and wonder.
He turned to me, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "A girl," he repeated, his voice filled with emotion. "I'm going to be a girl dad."
I laughed softly, tears of my own welling up. "Yes, you are. And she's going to be so lucky to have you."
Kenan's hand moved to my belly, and he knelt down, pressing a gentle kiss to it. "Hey, little girl. It's your dad here. I can't wait to meet you. I promise to love you and protect you always."
As the party continued around us, Kenan remained by my side, his excitement growing with each passing minute.
He began to talk about all the things he wanted to do with our daughter, from teaching her how to play football to being her biggest supporter in whatever she chose to pursue.
Over the next few days, I noticed how quickly Kenan adapted to the idea of having a daughter.
He started researching the best schools, thinking about names, and even planning how to baby-proof the house.
One evening, as we were lying in bed, he turned to me, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, I was so set on having a boy. But now, I can't imagine it any other way. I can't wait to meet our little girl and watch her grow up."
I snuggled closer to him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. "She's going to have the best dad in the world."
Kenan smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "And she's going to have the best mom. We're going to be a great team."
As the weeks passed, Kenan's excitement only grew. He started reading books on how to be a good father to a daughter and even began talking to other dads about their experiences.
It was heartwarming to see how much he was embracing the idea of being a girl dad.
The day our daughter was born was the happiest day of our lives. Kenan was by my side the entire time, his support unwavering.
When he held our little girl for the first time, the look of pure love and awe on his face was something I would never forget.
"Welcome to the world, my little princess," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I love you so much."
In that moment, I knew that our daughter was going to be cherished and adored every day of her life.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Complaints Procedure
Roy Kent x F!Reader
Literally just 1.5k of pure filth. Sorry, not sorry?! 😅Taken from this prompt.
Inspired by this image:
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You knew to avoid the locker room immediately before and after matches. The less than stellar performance of the team during the season had seemingly made everyone angry - even Sam was down. Jamie Tartt continued to annoy and degrade everyone who so much as glanced at him, and the so-called Captain looked about ready to throw in the towel. Getting rid of George Cartrick may have been a wise decision, but his replacement was certainly unorthodox. You had your work cut out for you in HR, it was like babysitting 2 year olds - they all still bit, kicked, and scratched. Seeing you always gave them the initiative to put complaints in, complaints that you had to be seen to legitimately deal with, even if dealing with it meant sitting the idiots involved down and giving them a telling off. You had never told off Roy Kent, though. The man terrified and turned you on in equal measure.
Just the low timbre of his voice made your heart pound and flooded your body with want. Training was long over, so you figured you were safe to take some paperwork down to Ted Lasso's office. Your heels clicked on the concrete as you made your way through the maze of rooms. Wage slips for the folks in the ticket office, holiday forms for the staff in the medical and treatment areas, and the weekly update on player relations that Ted had asked you to draft. Who was fighting with who, who had you had to threaten with suspension, and who you'd just had to give an arse kicking to. As you turn to leave Ted’s office, Roy is coming back in from the showers. With just a towel gripped in his hand. You look literally anywhere else. The ceiling tiles become particularly interesting. 
"Oi, what you doing in here?"
"Just dropping some paperwork off, no need to be rude."
"Sorry, just… thought I was alone, that's all." You drag your eyes from the ceiling to his, drawing an invisible line across his nose so you do not look any lower. "See something you like?" He teases, as if he knows it's taking all your will to not look at his chest or the towel. 
"Definitely not. I'm done now, I'll leave you to it." 
You're sure you must hold your breath on the walk from the locker room to your office because as soon as you shut the door, it all comes out in a whoooosh. As good-looking as he is, you can't stand his arrogance, dominance, and anger issues. You knew it was nothing new in football or in work at all, really. You'd seen every layer of the food chain, and it was always the top of the tree who thought they were gods gift. You knew he could be kind and thoughtful. You'd seen it for yourself with the younger, less experienced players and with fans too. It was definitely a certain calibre of person who set him off - the Jamie Tartts and George Cartricks of the world. You're still leaning against your office door when you feel and hear it knock. When it begins to open against your back, you have to jump out of the way so it can swing open. Fully clothed, Roy is on the other side. 
"Do I scare you?" He asked, frowning. 
"Course you don't scare me, I'm not a sodding child." You roll your eyes. "Did you need something?" 
"I might need to put in a complaint." You arch an eyebrow at him, 
"Really? Go on?" He took a step closer to you, so you take a step back. 
"I saw the way you looked at me downstairs -" you scoffed, 
"I did not look at you at all. I actively didn't look at you," you start, angry until you see the smirk. "Oh fuck off, did you come up here just for a laugh? I've got enough to deal with picking up 
after Jamie Tartt since he can't stop making everyone miserable." He holds up his hands in surrender. 
"Alright, alright, just a joke," he laughs a little. "You wanted to look though." 
"You are just like the other idiots. So full of your own self importance, you all think everyone wants you." He narrows his eyes and takes another step towards you.
"At the risk of sounding like any of those pricks, tell me you don't?"
"What makes you think-"
"Humour me." He looks at you like he might devour you at any moment, his eyes dark with just a hint of mirth. He knows what you think about when you see him. You feel your breath quicken, and the urge to press your thighs together is desperate, but you don't want to give him the satisfaction of being right. Before he can catch you in a lie, he forces you to take one final step back against your desk and leans down to capture your mouth in a messy, obscene kiss. 
The shock of it makes you gasp, giving him access to deepen the kiss. Your hands grip at his shoulders to keep him close, trying to get him even closer if it's possible. He leans you back against your desk, the edge of it digging into the back of your thighs while his hands are trying to touch as much of you as possible. By leaning back on the desk, he can kiss along your jawline. It would be impossible now to make out that you don't want him, your greedy hands roam up his arms and into his hair and the sighs and moans he's pulling from you with just a kiss are insane. The length of his body presses against the length of yours and you feel him hard against your hip. Feeling how much he wants you only makes you need him more. Your hand brushes across the front of his jeans, making him jerk to meet it. He breaks the kiss and watches you breathlessly as you move to undo the button in the waistband. You can tell he's about to ask if you're sure, so you place a soft kiss to his lips,
"I want you to fuck me," you tell him quietly. There is still just a hint of hesitation in your voice, but it's more a fear that he'll reject you than anything else. 
"Fucking hell." He sighs into you. He grips your hips and turns you to face the desk, you rest on your forearms. He has your skirt rucked up around your waist in no time at all and nudges your feet a little further apart. You don't have the time or inclination to feel embarrassed or to consider something more meaningful. The singular thought in your mind is having him inside you. You hear the tear of a condom wrapper and feel him at your core. His hand cups you first, wanting to check that you're ready. "You're so fucking wet," he mutters almost proudly. He gives your hip a little squeeze of warning and pushes inside you. 
"God, Roy yesss," you hiss as he fills you completely. Fully seated, he pauses just a minute to reach down and sweep your hair to one side so he can kiss your neck, "please, Roy-" you push back against him, desperate for more. He takes the hint and pounds into you over and over. He’s hitting exactly where you need him with each thrust, and it's enough to have you believing in some sort of deity. You can feel the pressure building and you're so close to the edge it's overwhelming. "I'm so close, please daddy-" the words tumble from you, unfiltered and unexpectedly - that is a brand new one for you, and when you feel his pace slow just slightly, you're terrified that you've repelled him. He moans low in his chest and redoubles his efforts, unyielding, until you come hard, crying out his name. 
"Say it again," he whispers against your ear, his body draped over your back. His hand reaches around to rub circles over your clit and you're so sensitive that the payback is almost immediate and you can feel another orgasm building. 
"Fuck, make me come again daddy," you beg. He does exactly that within seconds of you asking, his own release coming at the same time. He holds your hips while your legs shake, his forehead resting on the center of your back. He slips out of you and disposes of the condom before turning you gently to rest you back against the desk. You keep your head down, chin to chest, mortified at what's just happened until his nose nudges against yours and he kisses you softly. 
"Holy fucking shit, I should threaten to complain again, that was insane," he breathes, still holding your hips and trying to get you to look up at him. 
"I shouldn’t ha-"
"No, don't do that. You're definitely going to say it again," he chuckles against you, "I fucking promise you'll say it again." 
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 day
Random Klumpig thoughts I had that I think you should know:
She used to play handball pretty competitively because she thought it would make Frido super proud of her. It's why she started football as well and she could have gone professional in both. She actually had an gold at the Olympic Youth Games in handball but decided that football meant she could actually play with Frido
Her first call up to the Sweden team was replacing Frido while she was injured when she was fifteen. She didn't get any playtime but her potential was enough to be called back up for the World Cup which was the first time she and Frido played together professionally
Klumpig wanted to bring Brick her guinea pig with her to Spain but her parents thought it would be too stressful for him so he got left at home. Klumpig actually runs an Instagram account for Brick because she loves him so much
One time when she was little, she fell off the porch steps and hurt her ankle from running away from Frido. To this day, she uses it against Frido
Frido was the go-to babysitter when she was still in Sweden when Klumpig was younger and it's one of the reasons that they're super close now
Klumpig truly never questioned how she and Frido were related until she came to Barcelona and everyone started mentioning how similar they look and now she feels like she's gone crazy for never noticing it before
Both of Klumpig's parents are twins and she forever thinks it's funny that a pair of twins have only ever had an only child. Her parents had some pretty complex fertility issues when they were trying for a child and Klumpig is pretty sure that's why they spoil her so much because there was a chance they never could have had her to begin with
Frido and Klumpig share clothes, including training clothes so sometimes they wear each other's numbers and fans have to do a double take when pictures get released because Klumpig is truly just a younger version of Frido
Klumpig and Frido share a very old WII that they use to really competitively compete against each other in WII Sports and they always try to sabotage each other as much as they can
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sspookyspoonss · 10 months
I know nothing about Doctor Who except what friends occasionally excitedly tell me. I am also bored. Here is an undoubtably factual explanation of each of the ‘new?’ Doctors:
Doctor…. Who??????:
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I know nothing about this guy. Nobody I know talks about Christopher Eccleston nor have I caught wind of any internet discussion. My conclusion is there is a conspiracy to not talk about him for no reason other than the fandom got bored and thought it would be funny. I think this Doctor would like to go to football matches and would get very upset if the team he likes doesn’t win. You would probably randomly meet him at a pub and would have a nice chat with him, however, he’d take you back to the Tardis and you would most likely die via Dalek plunger (a thing I am informed they can kill you with). I also think he would like watching reality TV, he gives of that vibe.
Tumblr Doctor:
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The internet likes this guy. David Tennant is cool, so I understand. I think this is ‘wibbly wobbly timey wimey’ guy so I am inclined to think that he also says things like ‘milkys’ and ‘dindins’ to his friends. Even if he is not ‘timey wimey’ guy I still think he still would say ‘milkys’ and the like, gives off that vibe.
He has some angst to do with a woman. I’m not sure why but I’m guessing it’s to do with Thomas Edison. The Doctor knows he stole most of his inventions because he can time travel and saw it happen, not stopping him is one of the Doctor’s greatest failures, however, his lady friend is a victim of the British Education system and thinks otherwise. They break up over it, angst ensues, Thomas Edison has ruined someone else’s life even after he’s dead.
‘I don’t like this guy’ Doctor:
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I do not like this Doctor, worst one. Nothing against Matt Smith or his performance, I’m sure it was brilliant, I’ve seen that Van Gough clip and it made me cry 10/10. More importantly than that however, my supposed childhood best friend who was actually just bullying and manipulating me said he was her favourite so I look at him and remember I wasted my childhood with her. He can make it up to me if he time travels and gets child me a better friend. Then he will be the best Doctor.
He or Tumblr Doctor has a wife????? I think???? I’m not sure but which one it is but because of my bias I’m saying it’s this guy. I know it’s dodgy because of time travel so he needs to go to space jail (or as Tumblr Doctor probably calls it, the ‘Naughty Step’). I’m assuming they also have a child, making every reincarnation of the Doctor from here on out a deadbeat who needs to pay A LOT of child support. That is why he regenerated, so he could avoid paying it, ‘Court can’t prove I’m the Dad if I don’t have his face.’ Arsehole.
Screwdriver scandal TM Doctor:
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He looks like a nice guy. This Doctor would sit you down and give you a therapy session after you nearly get killed by a Weeping Angel. I would like having a talk with him, it would be nice. I feel like he is the most well adjusted Doctor, although that could just be Peter Capaldi’s immaculate vibes. This Doctor pays his taxes. He doesn’t like Paddington Bear for some reason. Due to his well adjustedness, I am lead to believe the twist in Paddington 3 is that Paddington is The Master (who I think is a villain) and will go on a rampage across London, turning people into Marmalade. It will be up to the Doctor and the family I’ve forgotten the name of, to stop him. This would also provide an explanation for why the Mum’s actor has changed, to fix Paddingtons mess they had to time travel which led to the Dad marrying a different woman.
He threw away the Sonic Screwdriver apparently. Previously mentioned childhood best friend complained to no end about it to me. Knowing fanbases other people were also likely very upset, I’m guessing it felt like it did to me when Luke Skywalker chucked his lightsaber over his shoulder in The Last Jedi. I also think Screwdrivergate is a tragedy because they didn’t take the opportunity to replace the Screwdriver with another, even sillier, Sonic _______. I suggest either a Sonic Scented Candle or a Sonic Keyring. Alas, it was not to be.
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People don’t like her because woman. People also don’t like her because of bad writing. Last time I checked, neither of these are Jodie Whittaker’s fault. I don’t have much to say about her except my new, (actually great this time) friend who likes Doctor Who has an emotional reaction every time she is brought up. Genuine sadness and disappointment in my friends eyes. I suggest that this means this is a fantastic Doctor, to the point it is art. A sign of good art is something that garners a strong emotional reaction. Despair at the state of the franchise and societies misogyny may not have been the intention, but a strong reaction is incurred nonetheless, so success, this is art now.
‘Guess Who’s back!’ Doctor:
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Erm, not sure how in canon this works but David Tennant seems to be having a nice time so it’s good. The alternative name for this Doctor is ‘Production Budget Doctor’ because from the ends of episodes I’ve seen (I watch Strictly Come Dancing because ooo pretty dresses and it’s on after) the Tardis looks very fancy and like it’s from a big budget film. Coffee also got spilled on it which is funny because it messed the Tardis up, meaning not even the technology of a near God can withstand dumbass humans with liquids. Hilarious. Also, an apt metaphor for many things.
In conclusion: I’m sorry for any brain damage caused to the good members of the Doctor Who fanbase who read this. Have a nice day.
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leclerc-s · 8 months
big reputations - part nine
series masterlist // previous // next
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mark webber are you sure it's wise to take all of them with you?
mastermind oh i'm sure i'll regret this in about 20 minutes when they all start pushing each other to be at the front.
jenson button good luck to you then. can't wait to meet her in vegas, once again, sorry i couldn't make it mastermind it's okay, she understands.
george russell I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED
kevin magnussen i don't know how you managed to convince all 20 of us to show up together.
mastermind i'm letting you bring your wife and child kevin, that's how i convinced you. as for the rest of them, well i promised them an extra ticket for whoever they wanted to invite
oscar piastri is christian coming?
sebastian vettel YOU INVITED CHRISTIAN?? mastermind obviously? and mick too!
charles leclerc please tell him to stop calling
mastermind maybe you should listen to what he has to say? charles leclerc can’t according to sabrina i’m a masochist
carlos sainz you guys are really pushing that family narrative aren’t you?
oscar piastri you wish that was you huh? oscar piastri you’re sooo jealous - sabrina lando norris ARE THE SIX OF YOU ALWAYS TOGETHER? oscar piastri duh - sabrina
max verstappen you have got to stop hanging out with sabrina.
oscar piastri wow. you wanted us to bond and get along and now that we are you don't like? i can't understand you verstappen oscar piastri yeah what the fuck verstappen? - sabrina
lando norris wow, i've been replaced as oscar’s bff
logan sargeant piss off you crumpet that’s me and you fucking know it lando norris whatever george washington alex albon oh great. now all i’m going to hear for the next week the hamilton soundtrack. are you proud of yourself norizz? lando norris why does me calling him george washington have logan sargeant USA MOTHER FUCKERS!! FUCK THE BRITISH!! alex albon that's fucking why you muppet. every time you make a fucking america joke he listens to the hamilton soundtrack
mark webber i can't believe i let oscar drag me into this
oscar piastri oh be quiet, i know you're thrilled to be here.
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oscarpiastri, kellypiquet, logansargeant, danielricciardo, and charles_leclerc posted new stories
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she's okay at performing i guess she's an angel, truly. oh my god!! gorgeous checo said to caption this, vamos a reputar!
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lando norris CHAT IS THIS REAL??
yuki tsunoda WHAT THE FUCK????
kevin magnussen i no longer have a voice and my hearing is gone
jenson button well now i'm so upset i wasn't there!
logan sargeant daniel ricciardo, you fucking gaslighter. you will pay for your crimes against the court
valtteri bottas congrats daniel, never doubted you for a second.
alex albon that's a fucking lie. we all fucking know it. none of us had faith in him
zhou guanyu thank you for invite daniel. i had fun.
daniel ricciardo of course zhou! glad you could make it!
oscar piastri added two people
sebastian vettel we should've known something was up when you insisted mark and i fly out to argentina
lewis hamilton well that was fun
daphne jones huh, you were right, they were going to freak out.
sabrina carpenter i've never heard grown men shout so loud and i've been to a football game.
lando norris american or british? sabrina carpenter who cares?? it's still grown men chasing a ball??
lance stroll i have to know, what is max's problem with sabrina? is it real??
max verstappen she's annoying sabrina carpenter he's a little bitch charles leclerc i swear they like each other normally. max verstappen no, we don't sabrina carpenter no, we don't
daniel ricciardo not even my own mother is this upset yuki
nico hülkenberg do we get to embarrass him in front of his girlfriend now??
daniel ricciardo NO! STOP! daphne jones oh please do!
fernando alonso i caught him screaming 22 back in 2014. i seem to recall jules laughing his head off as daniel screamed along to the words.
sebastian vettel i was his teammate for a season and he was always playing one of her songs. max verstappen i heard "fuck kanye" one too many times in 2017. mark webber he's been in love with you for far too long jenson button we didn't think he had it in him to convince you to date him.
lewis hamilton he sang the story of us after the hungarian grand prix to me and rosberg.
sabrina carpenter you guys said it was okay to say nico in front of him?? george russell only when referring to nico hülkenberg never rosberg
daphne jones well... this is an odd bunch
alex albon MS. JONES, I SWEAR WE'RE NORMAL!! logan sargeant see, even i don't believe that alex albon shut up logan
daphne jones i've heard enough stories to know none of you are slightly normal.
esteban ocon added one person
mick schumacher i saw this coming! it's not like they were subtle about it.
mick schumacher okay.
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taglist: @glow-ish @agustdpeach @msolbesg @spilled-coffee-cup @1nt3rnetgf @six-call @smol-scream @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @tygecjjd @cataf1 @nothaqks @caipng @nataliambc @formulaal @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @hobiismyhopeu @melissayalene @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @nichmeddar @anniemae299 @jensonsonlybutton @ragioniera @anytimeanywherebitch-blog @trouble-sistar
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! can't believe i'm almost done with this story. i literally love this one so much. i think i've like 4 or 5 parts left for this one.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet. enjoy!
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konigsblog · 1 year
Hiiiii :P I jus wanted to ask for some Konig or Ghost headcanons pls (idc if they're nsfw or sfw i jus want headcanons 😩😩)
i'm dying and i need my boys
ty boo<333
simon ‘ghost’ riley headcannons ;;
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warnings: mentions of simons past, smut, angst, pregnancy ;;
a/n; please request more headcannons if you want to !! my requests should be open usually, if not it's because i have too many requests atm, but they'll be back on later :) ,,,
i think simon doesn't like getting drunk often, due to his past, his childhood, and his father constantly being drunk. i think he's anxious about getting drunk/drinking alcohol in fear of acting out like his dad, or being reminded of traumatic events.
simon is a man of few words, we know that. i think is love language is acts of service; making you tea/coffee in the morning, ironing your clothes for you or helping you out when you're doing housework.
he wants children in the future. earlier in life, before he met you, he swore deep that he'd never have children (again, in fear of becoming like his father), but once he met you his whole world changed. his cold heart warmed up, the idea of settling down, starting a family with you started lingering in his brain, hoping to get you pregnant someday.
he's a dog person, this isn't an uncommon headcannon. he wants a german shepherd, he wants to train it to become a guard dog to protect you whilst on deployment. but, i don't think he wants to name it ‘riley’ in my eyes, i think simon hates his last name since it's associated with his horrible father, if he could, he'd change his name - but legally he's dead, so he has to live with his last name so he wouldn't want to be reminded of it everytime he called on his dog.
definitely a breakfast person. he likes bacon, scones, everything you'd get in a true english breakfast. then afterwards, he'd stand on the balcony of your shared apartment and smoke a cigar, a growing problem that never seemed to slow down.
wants a son. wants to teach it stuff like self defense, football, how to stand up for yourself because he struggled to protect himself as a child. he'd be overprotective of his daughter, shielding her from any boy.
on the topic of football, he supports manchester city/man united (i don't know the difference, i don't watch football oops..)
loves when you put the black face paint on his face before leaving for deployment. your gentle touch has a almost stained smile on his face, which is then replaced by sadness when it's time to say goodbye.
adores your comfort, clings to you when he needs help or reassurance. rests his head on your chest, listening to the thumping sound of your heartbeat, the way it rams against your ribs and sternum.
favourite positions would be anything as long as he can see your reaction. the way your lips part in arousal, his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust.
i don't think he likes seeing you sob, maybe sometimes if he's in a dacryphillic mood. he loves to hear your moans, they sound pleasureful as they bounce off the walls.
loves marking you in any way possible; hickeys, rubbing his scent onto your body, filling you with his cum and walking around with it inside your panties or getting you swollen and pregnant.
god forbid johnny makes any sexual remark to you. the second you look away, simons holding him by the scruff of his neck and threatening him into never saying anything of that nature again. (he does it again)
has a kink for you being vulnerable. his cock hardens watching you squirm beneath him, the sounds that escape your throat have him drooling in his boxers.
loves to eat you out; his tongue flicking at your clit, holding your thighs with a strong grip, his lips sucking while his pink tongue explores your wetness. pressing into your tightness, your whimpers turning his tip desperate and angry.
and if you lean down and suck him off whilst sitting on his face, he'll go crazy. bucking his hips into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. loves seeing you struggle taking him in your mouth. lips stretching over his girth, chucking into your arousal when you whine around him.
doesn't like being submissive, hates being vulnerable and will refuse to do it. i genuinely don't think any convincing could change his mind, because he associates him being vulnerable and scared with his horrific childhood, he'd rather not relive that.
also wouldn't want to be called daddy, a substitute becoming ‘sir’. loves the way it flows of your tongue. his balls slapping against your tight ass, your legs trembling with euphoria rushing through your body.
that's all, i couldn't think of anymore and i have other requests to answer atm :( might add onto this later, tell me what you think :)
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 5 months
Time for the March Summary!
First of, the egg that haunts my dreams,
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For the 3rd month in a row, with 13/62 polls won last month, Richas has been voted most likely to:
Eat a random nut/berry/bug he found outside
Aim for the head during dodgeball
Intentionally cough/sneeze on someone while sick
Pick up something gross and chase his siblings around with it
Play computer games in class instead of doing his school work
Play football indoors and accidentally break a family relic
Play Julius Ceasar in a recreation of the Ides of March
Love a cursed food combination
Hunt down islanders that aren't wearing green on St. Patrick's Day
Pretend to be possessed to scare a sibling/parent
Refuse to wear shoes, even in the woods
Be the Rico (Penguins of Madagascar) of the island
Be covered in band-aids all the time
I do not know how he managed to win this many without me noticing. I think he's stealing trophies from me when I'm not looking.
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Wait, what? Even I wasn't expecting our favorite literal-demon child to win 2nd! With 11/62 polls won, Dapper has been voted most likely to:
Read Wikipedia articles for fun
Berate adults for coughing into their hand
Be a "Home Alone" protagonist
Love "Doctor Who"
Read Homestuck
Make a recreation of the Ides of March
Actually catch a leprechaun on Saint Patrick's Day
NOT have to sing the alphabet song to remember what order the letters are in
Love the Sherlock Holmes books
Know everything about demon folklore and scare everyone with their knowledge of it
Be determined to find every single easter egg at the island-wide easter egg hunt
She's a nerd, what else is there to say?
Chayanne & Pepito
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Tied for 3rd, with 6/62 polls won each! Chayanne has been voted most likely to:
Love Hockey
Hyperfixate on the Percy Jackson series
Be a try-hard in P.E. class
Start a game of King Of The Hill everytime the school replaces the woodchips at recess
Fight with a teacher over a test grade
Sleep through fasting all day
Only look for the difficult to find eggs so their younger siblings can have fun at the Easter egg hunt
And Pepito has been voted most likely to:
Lose every round of Hide N' Seek because Pepito can't stop giggling
Believe in the Tooth Fairy
Chase Pepito's own tail
Still not know how to swim
Actually break a leg during a school play on accident
Eat paper because Pepito thinks it tastes good
One of the oldest eggs tying with one of the youngest. It's perfect.
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With 5/62 polls won, I'm sure Sunny is a little miffed that she's ended up in 4th. But it's okay, you all are sure to put her in 1st place one of these months. Sunny has been voted most likely to:
Secretly paint their closet an obnoxious color
Have a fashion show using her parents' clothes
Sleep with all of their stuffed animals so they don't get lonely
Treat the masjid shoe racks as their own personal shoe store
Have an imaginary friend
Tallulah, Ramón, & Pomme
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Tying for 5th, with 4/62 polls won each, I'm very happy to see Pomme winning her first ever polls! And a total of 4 of them, no less! Tallulah has been voted most likely to:
Try and dye her own hair (making a huge mess)
Fit the main character role in "Coraline"
Perform Tarot card readings
Catch bees to pet them
Ramón has been voted most likely to:
Be obsessed with cowboys and the Wild West
Race to recalibrate the SmartBoard at school
Set up an elaborate rube goldberg machine to suprise a parent for their birthday
Have a space hyperfixation and want to be an astronaut
And Pomme has been voted most likely to:
Be a monster at PaintBall
Hyperfixate on Splatoon
Be very meticulous while coloring in a coloring book
Write a book
I think there's a pattern with that last one.
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With 3/62 polls won, Leonarda has been voted most likely to:
Be obsessed with Power Rangers
Be into ice skating
Read every single Warrior cats books
I don't have anything funny to say here, It's hard to pay attention while listening to Ze Frank talk about coral kkkkkkkk
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With 2/62 polls won, Empanada has been voted most likely to:
Spend recess burying herself in woodchips and sleeping
Have Batik as a hobby
Oh hey, it's the first time Empanada's gone a full month without winning a poll about sweets!
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Finally, our youngest has won a poll! With 1/62 polls won, Chunsik has been voted most likely to:
Be exempt from a Federation experiment because he politely declines it
What a polite kid!
That's it, right? That's all the eggs. All 11 eggs, all 62 polls for the month of March
Why does my clipboard say I'm missing two polls.....
Oh! Yes!
Juanaflippa & Bobby
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In an absolutely unprecedented event, Juanaflippa AND Bobby have become our first ever dead eggs to win a canonical poll, with 1/62 win each! Juanaflippa has been voted most likely to:
Have a million allergies during the spring
And Bobby has been voted most likely to:
Get BANNED from playing Bulldog
It's still insane to me that you all managed to get these two a win. Bobby was going up against RICHARLYSON for void's sake. You all were fighting against the current on that one.
See you all soon!
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oh-saints · 6 months
sweetest devotion (p.8)
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they did start this whole circus with a marriage of conveniences. little did mason and serena know was how convenient they had become during this marriage…
playboy!mason mount x princess!OC wc: 3.5k tw:  only as warned under masterlist but none for this chapter, except for a long read ahead! note: I am deeply apologetic for delaying this for far too long, but a virus came into me and almost paralysed me. but an excuse is an excuse, and a promise is a promise so here you go! the long-awaited chapter for our favourite star-crossed couple and I hope this made up for all the times you miss mason x serena. but as usual, I happen to have inspirations whenever dawn is approaching so this is not proof-read yet! tags: @pingyu-in-wonderland @808heartz @ironmaiden1313 @myreveriie @kathb59 (let me know if you want to be added!) < part 7 here - part 9 TBA (hopefully within the next 2 weeks) sweetest devotion masterlist
if, when mason decided to step on the throttle and married serena earlier this year, any of you shot mason in the head with the fact that mason would get along very well with serena on the last trimester of her pregnancy, mason would spit in your face. without a doubt, without hesitation.
“i need your help,”
such simplistic sentence was not supposed to do any harm to mason’s body, but it did—it always does, without his consent—and the footballer had to regulate his breathing to conceal the devastating effect serena effortlessly brought upon him.
being amicable with serena was never in his bingo cards. let alone this.
mason mount was only supposed to partake his share of responsibility towards his own child. the fact that he might be able to save serena from an impending death sentence, should she be discovered with a child out of wedlock, was a bonus.
naturally, with that in mind and a divorce at the end of the deal, he didn’t expect to be more than co-parenting partners at best.
“what is it?”
but now, he could only count his blessing amongst the stars, for no one had shot him with such incredulous prediction of his future, so mason didn’t have to apologize to anyone for having spat on their face. because mason and serena was co-habitating even better than expected, way much better than even the both of them would like to admit.
“i can’t reach for the pan.”
mason laughed a genuine one, the warmth replacing the initial electric shock. serena frowned a deeper pout, adding more heat all over mason’s body despite firing up the furnace earlier, resulting mason to plaster a wide smile still on his face as he did what he was instructed. “there you go, princess.”
they weren’t supposed to fall into this—whatever “this” might be. the sense of familiarity, comfort… all mixed up in one unknown territory they didn’t want to explore but know well enough that they had plunged themselves in.
as much as they denied themselves from the reality, though, they had indeed deviated from their own terms of being amicable. they had certainly gotten themselves more comfortable around each other than intended; it was as if they had found the rhythm on their feet and had fallen together into a song to dance together. serena cooks, mason grocery-shops. mason drives everywhere, serena massages him before they retreat to their respective bedroom. mason plays a home game, serena watches from the family box. serena has a foot aching or swollen, mason is ready with a warm-water footbath. serena catches an occasional or residual morning sickness, mason knows where the ginger crackers are. mason talks, serena listens.
what a contrary to the so-called first dance they displayed for the rest of the world to believe. back then, serena was lucky to not have stepped on mason’s tom ford shoes, and mason was saved from critics highlighting his luckster steps ripping off the train of serena’s reception gown. that night, serena decided it might actually be better to have god save the princess instead as an alternate title to eldorran national anthem.
but despite the level of this newfound friendliness established between the two of them, there was still an enormous elephant in the room.
where are they in this relationship?
that is, if there was ever a sufficient word to describe their relationship. yes, they were married but are they a couple? if not, were they friends or were they just roommates?
mason would like to think the first one—for him, roommates were simply acquittances that could care less about other person’s whereabouts, and surely with the extent they had gone through together wasn’t merely hi, how are you? basis—but more often than not, serena did make him feel the reality was that mason was indeed still walking around the eggshells.
there were times when serena made him feel he was one step forward, two steps backwards. for example; while mason was more than happy to be labelled the yapping boyfriend per today’s standard of couple compatibility, serena was, in nature, a reserved person who speaks only when deemed necessary, so to have her sharing bits of her life while he was away for work could be seen as making a wide stride of progress. but in comparison to the earlier times when their communication was rather limited to texts—or rather, mason had limited their interaction—serena was far more welcoming then, in a sense that she was willing to inform him where she was going and whatnot when they were still practically strangers.
case two was, unfortunately, the most ironic of all.
mason and serena had made a habit to retreat to the living room after dinner, for whatever reason. be it simply watching the latest movie they didn’t have the chance to catch up, be it mason gaming while serena continued her journaling, be it serena accompanying mason while he was up to review the approach of an upcoming game, be it to have a light discussion about nursery, the upcoming doctor’s visit.
bottom line, the living room had turned into a shared premise for them, yet serena had never once invited mason over to her mini piano recital.
you might wonder why was mason upset over such a small—meaningless even for some—matter. but when your housemate bid you farewell for the night, only to sneak up the owner of the house later into the night to use the grand piano by the stairs—courtesy to his interior designer, who decided it’d be a nice sentimental touch to contrast the masculine theme of his house—it posed so many questions. not to mention, serena was annihilating the keys, madly punching the notes like she was screaming, very much unfit to the elegant divinire by Ludovico Einaudi.
mason had to give it to serena, though, for choosing this road. because others—most of the population, really—would only think she’s blessed with a musical talent, playing the black-and-white keys as if glue was stuck on the pads of her fingers, when in reality she was anything but destroying the classical piece.
layered with complexity, exactly like serena in person.
the next morning, mason woke up with a full determination to confront serena about it. only to be greeted by a sight of her mildly swollen eyes—mason might not be the brightest kid at school but her sisters made sure he was the top of class in the subject of “women 101”—so he’d forego whatever words about to be spilled on the tip of his tongue.  
but later, mason realised, he was glad he never made it known that he’d overheard her stellar performance. another night she’d sit down on the giant musical instrument and played a beautiful piece mason recognized from the black swan, yet it was mesmerizing for all the wrong reason. he remembered she’d gotten a call earlier from a palace, and her face expression had become sombre a bit, probably due to whatever the palace was saying.
he concluded that it had moulded into a pattern of habit whenever she was having a bad day—a way to let out her frustration. so mason stayed put, afraid he’d only distract serena. or worse, destroying her concentration flow. she worked hard to conceptualize this whole recital anyway, why should he ruin it?
other times when this happened, he’d sat on top of the stairs, hidden behind the nearest wall, as the princess took over the grandiose piano. and he had never recalled any other time when he failed to show up whenever she played her version of rendition to a modern classic piece because he knew it was serena’s only outlet to be herself. full of hidden angers and oppressed opinions, unable to express the way she truly feels because of all the royal restriction. in a way, he wanted to be there for her—good days, bad days, every day.
what a regal way to do so, whilst mason was the type to punch away the sandbag at the gym.
still, if her outmost genuine concern was not to disturb mason, and thus the midnight choice of time, she was certainly wrong. if serena thought mason would miss the elegant tunes flowing as the production result of her dainty fingers dancing on those black-and-white keys, she was certainly over-confident. mason might not be the mozart prodigy but he knows when one is supposed to depict sadness and anything alike.
but why would she conceal something as beautiful as that?
on another take, if she indeed didn’t want mason to know her habit: why? or was that why the notes she’d play was always heart-wrenchingly beautiful? because she didn’t want mason to hear anything whatever she had to say without words? because she didn’t want mason to know her deepest, most hidden secret that she was never happy here in the first place, no matter how hard mason had been trying to provide everything in this earthly realm in order to make her happier and healthier?
why didn’t she say anything, about anything at all really? in whatever relationship is—friendship, kinship—it always takes two to tango. and right now, serena was an even worse dance partner than their reception night.
just until when were they going to tango around the room, spinning endlessly?
“that was one hell of a performance.”
serena visibly jumped on her seat behind the piano, her eyes immediately looked for the source of sound. “mason,” she remained still, as she watched mason coming nearing her position. “do i wake you up?”
“no, i was only falling asleep when you started,”
“oh, no, i apologize—”
“no, no, no, i always like it whenever you play,” realising the slip of tongue that this was not the first time he’d heard her, mason might as well let out the remaining of the truth. “i like how you look when you play. free—of pressure, of opinions, of judgement… of the world, really. nothing else but you.”
there was a flash of surprise and fear. an equivalence of deer in the headlight in royal etiquette, mason presumed, before she turned away her head. “sounds like a selfish person to me.”
“if you’re a selfish person then you would’ve aborted our son the first moment you found out about him,” the speed of mason’s retaliation took serena by surprise. “but you didn’t. and that’s what i like about you, too.”
the amount of the word like coming out of mason’s mouth was seriously concerning serena. they were not supposed to like each other—amicable was what they agreed upon in the first place, given the situation and condition.
“can’t sleep?”
serena shook her head in response to mason’s question while her fingers reached for the cover of the piano, wanting to shut the lid and took her leave.
her intention had to be cancelled as mason took his spot beside her. “how are you feeling about tomorrow?”
ah, yes. the day she had been dreading.
tomorrow was the day serena had to fly back to eldorra, for her oldest brother’s wedding and her father’s abdication. the festivities wasn’t supposed to kick off until 5 days later, but serena had decided to fly in earlier because she thought she needed time to adjust back to the nitty-gritties of royal etiquettes, protocol and other royal affairs. it was a reasonable justification, both in the eyes of the palace and mason, considering she’d been away from the princess lifestyle for rather a while now, technically alone in London and bereft of any relatives but mason, both from his side of the family and especially hers.
in all honesty, serena was content with her life here, away from the spotlight and the pressure of a royal member. it was rather a life she’d been wishing to have since she was teenager. contrary to her image and popular belief that she was the friendliest member of the eldorran royal family, she wasn’t as good at mingling with any figure connected with power, politics and whatnot as she was mingling with her people.
an entire sequence of traditions was coming her way—for a wedding, abdication and coronation—so the level of social anxiety was guaranteed skyrocketing. this would mean mingling, meaningless chitchats, keeping two-faces intact, answering intruding questions, addressing false allegations, greeting and faking smiles to gold-digger spouses and so-called socialites FOR DAYS. good lord in heavens, please give me enough strengths to truck the atrocious days alone.
“are you sure you are not coming, mason?”
ah, yes. the breaking news, so shocking it headlined the eldorran gossip channels and tv programs for a week straight.
mason’s professional commitments required him to fly with his football club for an important match for several days, which coincidentally happened to fall during the series of pre-events leading to the wedding day of her brother. his attendance on the wedding day itself, the abdication and the coronation remained hanging for the public to guess—but they knew better.
the king, serena’s father, still harboured an ill feeling towards his only son-in-law. … mason didn’t even protest on that, given it was the prerogative of the king anyway, but her father made it well-known from their very first meeting in chelsea’s training ground that they’d never have a particular in-laws normalcy. mason remembered it very well, for he’d never been in the presence of a great power and authority flowing throughout the room that he’d wavered a little behind the mask he displayed.
mason flashed serena a bitter smile. “you know the answer to that, princess.”
“there is an answer to that, too, mason,” serena said, offering mason a slight grasp over his hand. “we can always use this special card of ours.”
the sight of serena looking down at her protruding belly, now unable to be hidden under various designs and styling, as her free hand stroking the ball of sunshine, never failed to warm mason’s entire body and soul. he would always feel warm and giddy, and proud and glad serena and their son was doing well each and every day, despite the rocky start.
“i’ll miss that when you’re away. you, playing the piano,” while another hand stroked gently over serena’s stomach, mason turned his occupied palm around to grip hers tightly, interlacing their fingers for the first time in forever. “i’ll miss this, too.”
“i’ll miss you.”
what they had was orthodoxically special, indeed.
the house feels empty
serena didn’t know the exact time and place where this all had begun, the random texts. the timeline had become blurry since they had progressed into a friendlier terms, coming from a chain of texts that was similar to the ones shared between the owner of a house and its renter. but it had indeed become something she looked forward to during the day, a glimpse of how his day went so far—ben snores so much it hurts my ears; azpi’s so irritating in training today; or such. it filled a small space in her heart, longing for a dear friend.
but since the i’ll miss you happened, serena would be lying if she didn’t think that mason’s words were laced with something else. something beyond friendship, something she was afraid to find out, something she’d like to think non-existent so they could continue their beneficial partnership until their son was born.
in case you forget, your sound system is top notch.
act calm as usual, the head of royal etiquette always reminded her in cases where she faced a micro crisis. thus, her reply just now. she’d slip in a banter or two whenever mason sent her any text of grumbles, complaints, grunts on a usual basis.
as calm as she was, serena had to place a hand over her chest, exactly on top of her beating heart that was running rather irregularly now, while her other hand was busy slipping her phone discreetly back to her meticulously customised purse and her attention back to the ongoing discussion between two young heirs in front of her.
but of course, when she felt her phone vibrated again not long after sending her reply, serena couldn’t help but to succumb to temptation. she retreated to the corner of the room and hands were immediately reaching for the electronic device.
it’s still not the same you’re not here
for a full ten seconds, serena remained a statue. the only sign she was alive was the wide grin plastered across her face that the princess herself didn’t realise was there to begin with.
ah, shame we’re miles apart then.
it didn’t take a minute before another bubble popped up.
what if I tell you we’re no longer apart?
serena’s heart jumped from its long hibernation—she’d successfully managed to sedate them into a peaceful sleep during her time training again her old motoric as a royal princess—but she tried very hard to mask the stallion pace it was giving.
because in all honesty, serena would be lying if she didn’t wish mason was here by her side. the last state banquet she attended with mason a while back was enough of a proof that having an ally was better than no one at all. even when they weren’t exactly in the best term back then, and apart from the fact that he was only there to fulfil his end of deal.
should she mention the immense assurance she felt whenever mason’s hands were on her back, placed strategically to guide her through the maze of people wanting to formally greet her, or whenever mason’s hands were extended to reach her waist protectively while one or two people were ready to step on her feet?
alas, hope is a very powerful weapon and she’d wish not to yield it. not towards mason, at least. but before she could type out her reply to his text, her phone beeped once more and another blue bubble had popped up on her screen.
look around.
despite the early internal battle, serena did as she was told. and there he was, mason mount, looking dapper as ever with a complete, tailored suit like every other man in this ballroom—which should mean by fellow aristocrats, socialites, political figures amongst others. maybe mason was even more dashing than the rest of them because good god, his smiles as he greeted every one he met along the way down to reach serena…
it was polite but full of implied sneer, it was handsomely irritating somehow. it was captivatingly powerful too on the other hand, enough to put all the gossip and rumours spread by the palace down. it was a plain challenge to the king’s authority that didn’t allow him to be here in the first place without giving away too much insider information away.
“hello, there,” the multimillion-watt smile wasn’t wavering anytime soon, serena inferred, as he finally stopped his steps in front of her. now that he stood so close to her, she could see a thousand layers of emotion unravelling, but one thing struck more than other: he was very happy, with a bit of relief, that he was here. and that was enough of a reason for serena to reciprocate his—somehow, unbeknowingly—wider grin because she, in fact, shared the same sentiment.
for the first time in her life, despite being trained to stand up for herself diplomatically so, serena thermapolis was beyond elated to have found a true ally in this room full of fake courtesies, and that ally was her husband, no less. her stunning husband, fawned by several ladies in the background, whom she had grown more than fond of, with or without her acknowledgement, was here and that was all that mattered.
and the awful part was mason didn’t know what he did just obliterated her poor heart and rendered her speechless.
“you look like you could use a company. may i join you this evening?”
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