#like I think we can maybe drop the Oden thing like a lot of people are saying because I get where they are coming from with being yourself
kinemonsassbiter · 5 months
Kin'emon & his ADHD shenanigans
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We all know that from all characters the most ADHD-coded is rather Luffy, BUT, while talking very much about my own ADHD and my bestie's experience with it we come to rather interesting conclusions that i have a hard time to explain properly, but want for mor people to think about
There's some symptoms that kinda look like Kin actually have ADHD:
1. Kin'emon is absolutely fine with sudden changing themes of dialogue, getting distracted.
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One of the most basic things most people knew about ADHD is the lack of attention.
There are differences in how a neurotypical person and a person with ADHD are distracted during a conversation. Firstly, ADHD people do this much more often in general(there are only 3 examples specifically here, but I guarantee you, he still has a lot of them), secondly, to change the dialogue, it may sometimes be enough to literally "throw in" something (even if it is not related to the topic of conversation at all or isn't so important, like when Kin'emon got distracted on Sanji to joke at him, even when Kin was talking literally page before how he should find Momo and his body) and they will quickly continue this (while a neurotypical person usually either returns to the topic later, or is generally confused or asks about a sudden change of topic), thirdly, they can just drop the first topic or absolutely forget in the process what the dialogue was originally about (as in the example with Zoro, when Kin'emon is distracted during a conversation about the sword and does not bring it up at all later despite being very conflicted about it literally few panels before) and simply does not return to it anymore. Fifthly, this is all also happens due to the tendency to speak without thinking, without taking into account the time and relevance of the statement.
Also Kin can be distracted in this way not just specifically while talking, but in actions too. Brook, so that Kinemon would not be distracted by the dragon (there will be a whole point later about ADHD people's fixation on some specific goal), had to literally hold his hand like a child so that he would not run away from him in episode 606.
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2. His connection with Luffy.
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It does seems too obvious but Kin'emon cares about Luffy maybe as much as he cared about Oden, and Luffy cared about Kin as a close friend, probably on a same level he cares about Strawhats. They both got attached to each other, Kin is fine with Luffy's shenanigans, and Luffy even invite Kin'emon to join their journey when they were sailing off(plus, he even called his name firstly before Yamato and Momo(and it also means they all are honourable Strawhats as much as Vivi is, why everyone always forget that?)) There's just plenty of moments when Luffy cares about him but maybe that's for another talk.
People can argue about anything but not about Luffy having ADHD, because it's geniusly as obvious as possible tbh. This is the moment when two non-neurotipycal people understand each other's train of thoughts and quickly find a good trustful connection together.
3. His 'mastermind' plan moment.
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Jokes (and Kin'emon's luck) aside, it also looks like true ADHD moment. From all people who believed in this 'strategy' it was Denjiro and Kanjuro, two most close person to Kin from Res Scabbards, while for others it was obvious that it wasn't the part of plan. Persons with ADHD have a trait, in which they can kinda create of transform a bit their personality for other people when communicating, but not out of deliberate manipulation or to appear better, but by itself, without full awareness of their behavior on how they behave differently with others individually. Kanjuro and Denjiro believed that he could come up with something like this because in their eyes Kinemon seemed smarter than he is (by the way, this is also a common feature when ADHD person seems smarter than they are), while for Red Scabbards it did not work.
4. His reaction after Kanjuro's death, or to be more exactly... he's lack of reaction about it.
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(still my favourite meme) The fact that after whatever shit happened he didn't really thought about his, i remind you, former best friend that betrayed him in awful way, and seemed to be kinda fine would feel off, until there's one of things that ADHD people have - they are very easy to get attached to someone, but after experiencing traumatic event with someone they used to trust their mind cuts off all positve and negative memories for their own sake, kinda forcing them to just... forget about it. They still will remember if you will brought that up but it won't sound so bad for them anymore. Not thinking about what happened yet remembering how it felt. And, well, in general if there won't be any situation where they have to somehow come back to these memories they won't think about it at all mostly. It was painful in process but much easier after. So, after Kanjuro's death & betrayal Kin's mind just decided to forget everything about him, and that's why he doesn't seemed to really reflect or think about it after Raid.
5. Kin's loyalty to Oden.
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Talking about how ADHD people are easily attached... It's common to not just get easily, but also deeply attached for a short period of time to them. Kin'emon could not care less about Oden chapter ago, but after seeing what kind of person he is his mind changed and Kin is now 100% wants to go with him and to die for him. And, firstly, he didn't really know him at that time, but had already decided to take such a huge turning step, and secondly, Kin never doubted his own decision, even when Oden clearly did not like their idea in first time, and thirdly also never regretted the rest of the time. Imagine changing your entire life just because of adoration over other person. Absolutely normal decision)))))))))
Other ADHD shenanigans, in short, can also include:
1. Very active gesticularity and artistry in retelling events. Kinemon is very emotional in general, but these traits are very common for ADHD people due to a very stormy imagination and a peculiar train of thought. Gesticularity, to be more clear, is one of the signs of hyperactivity.
2. Constant intrusive explanations. Everything is probably obvious here.
3. His impulsive behaviour.
It mostly all for this post. There were also things that i was able to point out but maybe I'll have it second part or add it later if i would found people getting interested in it.
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shingansoul · 1 year
Lonely Together (Donbrothers fanfic)
It was not only death that pushed people to mourn, loss took many forms and the solace people sought to deal with it took equally as many. Sonoi was learning that more and more as he spent time with an unlikely of companions, but maybe not one who was so different.
To read on AO3, follow the link below. To read here, continue past the read more!
“I have always wondered something, Momotani Jirou.”
The gold ranger in question hummed in attention, his mouth too stuffed with a large daikon slice from the bowl of oden in his lap, a matching one in Sonoi’s own. Some time after Jirou settled in with his now only option of residence after everything from the revelations of his home town to Momoi’s departure, he had tried to make his small house(if one was generous enough to call it such a thing) a bit more his own. He had gotten help from Sonoi of all people in adding on a small porch deck to the back of the building, which is where they both found themselves now seated this early evening. 
“The jacket…did it manifest only for the other one?”
Jirou had to hold a hand over his mouth, keeping himself from reflexively spitting anything out as he swallowed hard to instead push down what he had. He reflexively coughed into his fist anyway, Sonoi looking at him in mild concern.
“Y-you…that’s what you’ve held on to all this time?” His words were stilted half through coughing and half through the traces of a laughter rising up past his lips. Sonoi took a small bite out of an egg, politely chewing it slowly before gracing him with a response.
“You didn’t need to be in your combat transformation form to switch between the two of you, and yet your physical attributes and articles of clothing changed. I always wondered about it, though it never exactly seemed something time allowed me to broach given the circumstances before now.”
Jirou hummed, his laughter dying quickly at the implications of such a statement. It was said with casual remark, but he wasn’t blind to how mentions of the past were like walking on glass with the blue clad noto. He was not a volatile man, but he was a deeply sentimental one and be it not Jirou to be the first to upset him especially when they had only now started to allow anything close to companionship to begin. He carefully placed his bowl beside him, using his freed up lap to lean forward with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hand.
“Well, I made it for him when I made my own clothes before we started out for the city here. He wanted something that was his own since before we tended to dress pretty simply and didn’t really differentiate from each other. We used to switch a lot more often back home, he was more comfortable with the place and people than here and he didn't want any of our friends to question who was with them. We shared that place and those people, even if…well...even if it wasn’t real exactly.
A-anyways though, once we got here he said he wanted to fight on his own sometimes too and so he wanted people to tell us apart, ‘so our enemies know who they’re facing’ or something like that.” 
Jirou smiled fondly, absently running his free hand along the hem of his pants leg. “To be honest with you, I think it’s just because he wanted something that made him look bigger and scarier and that was warm. Plus, our clothes look pretty cool right?”
Jirou let his warm gold eyes flick up to Sonoi’s intense blue and offered a cheeky smile and a chuckle. Sonoi smiled in return though much smaller, offering a vague shrug.
“It’s not to my tastes, however… it is well made.”
Jirou sighed but the smile didn't drop from his expression.
“I’ll take my wins where I can.”
“So because it was his, he…kept it? Does it work like that?”
“Mmmm, I think only for us. Or at least people like us; because we have the powers that come with the don clan and being don brothers, he was able to do it. Otherwise he’d probably just have to carry it around or put it on and off when he was in control normally? He only wore it inside when he was about to switch though.”
Ah! Umm..so in our…head? Heart? I'm not too sure, but inside us is kind of a place we go to when the other one is using our body. It kinda looked like the old shrine by the school we used to play at as kids, like this small little courtyard surrounded by trees and the rundown shrine. We would wait for each other there or sometimes we could both talk there if whoever was on the outside focused really hard. We didn't…ah...this is weird to explain to someone else.”
Sonoi only offered a genuinely interested and open expression, and not seeing any judgment or disbelief in his face, Jirou hesitantly pushed onwards.
“Well, we didn't always look like…this? When he’s inside and I was talking to him there, he looked like we did as a little kid from when we first met Rumi-chan and Sago and the others. He didn't look like how he looked to you unless he was in control and changed how he looked inside to talk to me or we talked outside sometimes. That was also something we couldn’t do until we left home I think, probably because of our powers manifesting around that time.”
“Is that where he is now? In that place within you both?” 
Jirou shook his head, placing a hand against his heart and then sliding it down towards his diaphragm as he spoke.
“He’s somewhere deeper I think…he’s still in there, and when he wants to he can still speak to me and every once in a while I'm pretty sure he comes out when I'm asleep too, it’s just…we don’t talk very often anymore, not like before. He was always always here before, whether he was talking to me all the time or he was fighting me for control and with us in battle. But now it’s more like…I can feel him, sometimes I can hear something in the back of my mind I'm sure is him, but he won’t respond to me most of the time. We…I have to find my own path, and do things on my own and become my own hero. That’s what he said, and he’s right I'm sure. But it does get a lot lonelier sometimes, with just me all the time. I’ve never…I’ve never been alone before now, so it’s a lot to adjust to…”
He offered a weak chuckle, embarrassed to admit the truth he had been holding onto ever since that day in the woods on his own, having spent weeks of mourning a life he hadn't truly had. He had never hurt like that before in his whole life, he felt sick constantly with how overwhelmed he felt. His whole world had been ripped out from under him, the people he had grown to love and depend on having never been there, the point of his birth having felt like a lie for a much worse purpose. It was too cruel for him to really understand, his heart constantly felt like it was falling apart. He could tell his other self felt similarly, never taking control because within their world he mourned in his own ways and though they had each other in that pain, they had the kindness to not look upon the other’s grief more than necessary. 
When his other half had, in the throes of that, admitted outright his own pain and sadness only to thrust Jirou into focus and to delve somewhere deep within them he couldn't follow, he was confused and hurt beyond belief. He didn't think it was meant as an act of cruelty, it really was Jirou’s own way of pushing the other to overcome an obstacle, but with as much as it gave him the jumpstart and courage to push forward, it hurt to be so alone in such a horrible time. The pain lessened as he tried to lean into his friends he had now, finding friends where he never thought he would too in Sonoi, but…
Jirou startled from his thoughts, not realizing how long it had drawn out since he stopped speaking when he felt a hand tentatively rest between his shoulder blades. Sonoi’s gaze wasn't warm or coddling with sweet words on his lips, nor was it cold and full of judgment. Instead he was simply…there. A true schooled neutrality, but he was there and he was listening and that was as warm as the sun kissing skin with the morning rays to Jirou.
“Someone who completed you, being so close and yet you cannot reach them yourself, I…can understand that emotion. It is a hard burden to bear, being the one left behind…I do not mean to overstep by-”
“Ah, no, no! It’s okay, I… I don't think that’s reaching too much really at all, honestly. I appreciate it…”
They lapsed into a somewhat awkward silence, food forgotten in bowls at their sides for now and simply letting the presence of another person fill up the moment over words. They sat there for a while, the late sun sinking to give way to early evening. The city washed out most the stars from where Jiro’s porch looked out to, but the deeper blues of night overtaking the grayish blue of day was a sight in its own right too. Sonoi let himself get lost in it, doing his best to pick out any exceptionally bright stars fighting their way against the light pollution anyways in the city around them. It was a task that held his attention enough that he didn't at first realize something shift in the frame of the man at his side, his hand still in place on his back.
He didn't properly take notice until he felt Jirou suddenly stiffen sharply under his touch, not quite pulling away but his back almost reflexively arching away from his palm so he pulled it back, quick to glance over in concern. Jiro had not been touch averse by any means as far as he had known him, often with Sonoi being subjected to the other more than vice versa. Then again, that was Don Doragokuu. The man at his side now however, was no longer such person.
Jirou’s eyes were outlined with deep red, silver sharp eyes sliding over to meet Sonoi’s gaze as an involuntary shudder made its way down his back as if shedding something from his skin before he outright shook himself out where he sat. His white coat seemed to drown him a bit when sitting, and the way he reached up to dig nails into his neck as he grabbed at his own throat seemed a bit more painful than usual, like he was unsure how to handle himself and with Jiro no longer keeping his nails so bluntly short, Sonoi briefly wondered if he might actually break skin now.
“You still ask too many questions…Sonoi.”
Sonoi let his lips quirk up in a small smile, tilting his head  a bit at the other man.
“The most persistent of wolves will wear down their prey with time.”
Jirou glared, a loud huff pushing out of him before he let himself glance around them both, taking in their location and then looking himself over.
“Mn…this’ new…” he nose crinkled a bit as he let his gaze slide back over to the noto who had sat patiently for the other to address him further or not. “You…your scent is different now.”
“Pray tell then, what do I smell like, Momotani Jirou?”
Jirou made some kind of rough noise in the back of his throat at the formal address, and he leveled the other man with a strong gaze directly into his eyes. “Sorrow…it clings to you now. Like you don't know what to do with it.”
Sonoi swallowed nervously, unsure how ready he was to have his first real address of this Jirou be about something he wouldn't even voice in full to Sonoza and Sononi, not even to himself most days. So he simply stared back, not backing down, but unwilling to be the one to engage further. Stalling.
Jirou flexed his “claws” as he sat there, not breaking the staring contest between them as he seemed to crack and pop every joint he could move in their seated positions, somehow manifesting a stiffness in their body that he was sure the other Jirou had not felt just minutes earlier. He only gave pause in his focus when he ran the back of his hand across his forehead, and with a grumble he reached up to start preening at his hair, pulling it forward and to the side despite the product that was most certainly holding it in place nowadays. He let a low growl drag past his bared teeth, frustration growing as he was unable to dislodge it in what was apparently a style he was not in favor of.
“Allow me?”
Jirou huffed, but after looking Sonoi up and down in some kind of appraisal, he nodded stiffly. Sonoi chuckled softly and moved to shuffle forward until he slid off the side of the low porch, moving to bend down now on the ground so he was level with the still seated “tiger”. He reached forward and without hesitation as he might have had in the past, he gently began running his fingers through brown locks repeatedly from hairline to the back of the other’s head, trying to coax the spray to crack and free even a bit to free hair from its stiff position. With how it had been combed back before being set, it was likely just the top layer was actually stiff so if he tried to break up the top layer, the rest would be easier to return to a more familiar style.
Jirou, to his credit, didn’t make much noise beyond a soft almost imperceptible sound from deep in his chest, Sonoi struggled to place it quite yet and simply continued his ministrations. Jirou let silver eyes slide closed once Sonoi got into a rhythm, even leaning his head into the touch somewhat whether he realized it or not. Sonoi didn't stop, outright massaging into the other’s scalp now to make sure it was as broken up and would pull on odd stiffened strands as it was styled before he began to do his best to part the other’s hair. If he recalled correctly, this Jirou parted it down the middle and tucked it back a bit in favor of combing it back like the other did so often now or the bangs that threatened to fall into their eyes like a curtain if hair was left to brush forwards.
“You…Jirou trusts you…trusts like the other ones he fights with, not because Taro said he should.”
“Is...that so?”
“Both smell of loneliness...he’s not as lonely with you though. If that’s the case…”
He let himself drop off, exhaling heavily  as he rubbed at his throat once again. He made a face of discomfort, which stilled the fingers in his hair briefly as Sonoi leaned forward a bit on instinct as if to inspect him.
“Words are…it’s been too long. Jirou always did the talking for us, but now I don't speak with him or other’s anymore. Easier to feel than speak, can give feelings to Jirou and he can act on them without needing me to tell him what to do.”
Sonoi nodded sympathetically, though honestly the feeling that came to his heart was closer to envy than understanding. Oh, if only it were so easy to have given his heart like that and all its pangs before he even understood it… it wouldn't have changed the end, but maybe the before could have been…
He hadn’t thought about where his hands had stilled exactly against the other’s head, his thumb that sat against the other’s cheek while his long fingers at his temples, poised to have started another run through of his air before being stopped. He didn't think about how close he was placing his fingers into the jaws of a beast without a care until he felt a sharp pain in his thumb, enough to make him reflexively shout but, as he tried to pull away, he felt his hand snag. Jirou has bitten down firm and hard on the thumb of his left hand, his oversharp canines digging in enough to draw blood and he didn’t let go with a nip either.
“Wh-what are you-!”
“Quit wallowing in it.” His tone was hard and scathing, and if he weren't still stuck in this awkward position he would have likely flinched away at the words. But here he was still held, and so he had to take it head on.
“I’ve not been unaware of what happened since Jiro finally became leader like he was supposed to. It wasn’t how I wanted it, but it’s not my choice; it needed to be his. I know what happened to Momoi Taro. I was listening and seeing what Jiro saw, feeling what he felt…I remember the day when all of you were so full of sorrow, that last fight… could choke on it.”
He bit down once more a bit harder than the first time before releasing Sonoi’s digit, he didn't bother wiping at the bit of blood rubbed off onto his upper lip nor did Sonoi bother seeing to his injury, he simply crouched where he had ended up half pulled away before and listened.
“Jirou couldn’t wallow in our sadness forever, ‘couldn’t let him get lost in it and forget why we came here. What we were born to do. So I took some of it and I put it where he couldn't get to it. Still hurts, but…”
“I…I’m not able to do such a thing. I don’t have another-”
“Excuses. You have the other two, you have Jirou. Yours are outside, but it’s all the same. One person can’t carry it and still move forward, too heavy…you’re choking on it.”
He reached a hand up to his hair, doing a once through of it and he hummed in satisfaction before returning his attention to the noto in front of him. He reached forward in a too-quick grab, nails digging into his forearm with a bit too much pressure, but Sonoi let the other guide his own hand over his chest until his palm was over his heart. He looked down in confusion before looking back up at Jiro.
“You’re alive.”
“Now prove it.”
Sonoi audibly gasped in surprise, but once again before he could get a word in edgewise, Jirou let go of him and all but pushed him back to the ground before turning his attention to the by-now certainly cold oden. Jirou picked up the bowl and after a few moments of consideration, he sighed heavily before practically shoveling down what was left of the serving. Sonoi blinked at him in bafflement, taking the moment to make his way back to sit on the edge of the porch where he had started the evening off.
Another sigh as he finished. “ Miss this taste… odd that it’s Jirou’s now…” 
The bowl was set to the side and he leaned back on his palm, arms held behind him to catch his weight before he inhaled deeply through his nose. As he exhaled, white silk dissolved away and red stain faded as golden eyes fluttered open and his arms shook a bit as if he had pushed into the position and not braced himself beforehand. He almost fell onto his back if it weren’t for Sonoi reaching forward quickly to place a hand behind his back to catch him. He mumbled his gratitude as Sonoi helped guide him into sitting on his own once more, leaning forward into his own lap a bit with clasped hands against his forehead.
“Are you alright?”
“Mn. Yeah, just a bit of a headache though… did..?”
Sonoi hummed in answer, assuming the question already. “Not for long, but yes. I spoke with the other Momotani Jirou.”
Jirou smiled, some weight seeming to slide off his shoulder it felt as he let himself fall further forward until his head brushed his crossed ankles where he sat.
“He didn’t let me hear all of it this time but…umm…I like when you come to eat dinner with me and watch the sky at my house. It’s nice having someone to share warm food and a pretty sky with again.”
Sonoi let his gaze slide back up to the sky, true night setting in as quickly as always.
“Ah…It is.”
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pipchirisu · 2 years
I'm not sure I'll ever let go of the fear of having Yamato's gender semented as female at some point or another but I just read the 1052 raws and that was a win for trans rights wow
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chenziee · 3 years
Romance Dawn for the East Blue
Inspired by @feriowind‘s blessed tweet about Yamato winding up on Dawn Island :)
Enjoy 4k words of the 4 brothers driving everyone  crazy :D
[Read on AO3 or below the cut]
Slowly blinking awake, Yamato struggled to remember why he was lying on the beach of some strange island, the smell of sea salt and trash mixing in the air into something almost worse than the confines of his prison of Onigashima. Almost. It was still freedom after all, and Yamato would gladly take this disgusting smell over his father threatening to place bombs on his wrists.
Looking around groggily, his eyes finally fell on the sad, wooden remains of a small boat, a boat that Yamato had been using to sail this unfamiliar sea during the past weeks. And he finally remembered the terrible events that had led him to this island.
 Yes, it was a dark, stormy night, the likes of which Yamato had never seen even in the unpredictable New World, and definitely not since his escape in the peaceful and calm East Blue. He had fought to keep his boat from capsizing, fighting against the strong winds and ocean currents all by himself for hours… but then suddenly, a Neptunian so large it could only have come from the Calm Belt appeared. Yamato had managed to fight it off but unfortunately, his boat suffered too much damage from the power of his Thunder Bagua. He was then forced to swim to the nearest shore with the last bits of strength he had left—
"I saw the Lord of the Coast attack the fishing boat this person was sleeping in. It was really funny, when they woke up, they screamed so loud I think even the people in Fuusha heard. And then they fell in the water while trying to stand up. But the idiot apparently can't swim so I had to go fish them out."
Yamato froze in place at the boyish voice who was retelling his heroic battle so rudely. Wasn't he allowed to at least pretend?  
Another boy, this one sounding even younger, started snickering then. "I like this person, Sabo! They’re so funny!"
"Luffy, you're the last one who should be laughing here," a third voice sighed. "Anchor boy." Yamato could almost hear the cheeky smirk on his face as he teased this 'Luffy'.
“Don’t call me that!” the youngest one cried, sounding like he was about to fight the other boy.
“Ace, don’t provoke him,” the first boy chided. “You’ll wake the idiot with your fighting.”
That was it.
“Will you stop calling me an idiot?!” Yamato shouted as he sprung up to a sitting position, an embarrassed blush on his face.
They all paused at the sudden movement, blinking up at him in shock. Yamato glowered at them one by one, taking note of how tiny these kids were—the blond and the freckled one looked no older than 12, while the other could be maybe 8. The blond was the only one dripping in water, just as much as Yamato himself was, and Yamato could only assume this was Sabo, the one who had pulled him out of the water. That would make Freckles ‘Ace’, and the youngest one ‘Luffy’.
Yamato had to wonder, though, how Sabo was able to save him all by himself. Yamato was 16 years old, a lot older than however old these boys were, and he was Kaido’s son—meaning he was already much taller than some adults. Although, he supposed he had seen stranger things and people a lot stronger than a human their size should have been. An image of Oden during his execution came to mind immediately but Yamato quickly chased the memory away.
“Oh look, the idiot’s awake,” Ace said lazily, looking thoroughly unimpressed by Yamato’s glare and simply returning it with one of his own.
Luffy, on the other hand, grinned brightly, hopping over to Yamato to stare up at him with stars in his eyes. “Are those horns? Real ones?”
Blinking, Yamato’s hand automatically reached up to touch one of his horns. “Yeah?” he replied slowly, unsure of what he was supposed to say. Was it that weird to people not from the Grand Line to see someone with features like this?
“That’s so cool! Join my pirate crew!” His grin only widened with his request—or demand.
Yamato tilted his head to the side. “You have a pirate crew?” he asked, genuinely curious.
“Well, not yet,” Luffy said, a small pout appearing on his lips. “But eventually, I will be the Pirate King so of course I will have one!” he announced looking so proud and sure of himself and Yamato felt his lips twitch upward.
“Sure, King, I’ll tag along with you,” he laughed, seeing no harm in indulging the adorable kid. And who knew? Maybe he really would end up sailing with him. After all, in 12 years, the Nine Red Scabbards would come back to Wano and Yamato needed to be back there by then. He needed to help open the country.
And who was to say he couldn’t bring the Pirate King with him?
Sabo clicked his tongue then, walking up to Luffy and ruffling his hair. “Stop that, you don’t even know this person’s name.”
“Oh right,” Yamato said, hitting t he palm of his hand with his fist in sudden realization. “Sorry. I’m Kozuki Oden. You can also call me Yamato. Son of Kaido. Thanks for helping me.”
“Ace! Luffy! What’s the meaning of this?!”
Yamato groaned; always a wonderful way to wake up. “Are you drunk again, you bull-gorilla? Go away it’s too early for this,” he shouted back, not even bothering to open his eyes.
There was a moment of silence until someone stomped over to stand right above Yamato’s head. “What did you just call me, you brat?”
Finally, Yamato blinked up at the person with long ginger hair, a cigarette between their lips, and looking decidedly female. He closed his eyes again, mumbling, “Oh you’re not my father. Whatever then.” As soon as he was done, he pulled his blanket over his head to try and get some more peace and quiet.
It might not have been his father but it still was too early for this.
“Dadan, shut up,” some one whined from somewhere around halfway down Yamato’s body.
“Yeah, what’s the problem?” another person joined in, their voice coming from Yamato’s other side.
Oh right. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy had brought him back to their place last night; this had to be the nasty old hag they mentioned. Definitely seemed like one.
“First Garp drops you two on me, then you bring in more and more kids with you? What do you expect me to do, this isn’t a daycare!” It sounded like the woman was on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Finally, Sabo spoke up, sounding about as sleepy as Yamato felt, “Dadan, this is our brother, Yamao. Yamao, Dadan.” With that, he flopped back down, his head coming to rest against Yamato’s thigh.
“I’m not a pillow, you three!” Yamato snapped upon the realization of how the boys were laying with their limbs thrown all over the place, Yamato’s own body included. “And it’s Ya-ma-to,” he added with a sigh, already giving giving up on convincing them to not use Luffy’s nickname.
“Where the hell did you manage to pick up another brother,” Dadan complained and Yamato was starting to feel a little sorry for her. He had to admit that dealing with these three was like fighting a hurricane and it hasn’t even been 24 hours since he met them. At least now he was there, a responsible teenager to keep them in check. She should really be grateful he happened to… choose this island to land on.
“Alright, kid. I don’t care who you are you where you came from—” the woman paused, folding her arms over her chest as she stared down and Yamato— “but I will not feed you. One bowl of rice per day is all I can guarantee you.”
Yamato laughed, “That’s not necessary. Oden could do it, I would be a disgrace if I couldn’t take care of myself and my brothers, too.”
Dadan stared at him for a moment, blinking once, twice, before she threw he hands up in frustration. As she walked away, Yamato could hear her mumbling to herself about stupid brats who couldn’t be phased by anything and how she was going to ‘let Garp have it’ the next time he ‘bothered to show his sorry ass’ there.
Yamato simply shrugged and went back to sleep.
Life on Dawn Island turned out to be surprisingly easy and, even more surprisingly, fun. It didn’t take Yamato long to get to know the forest, the mountain, and the Grey Terminal beyond it, running around the place with his little brothers like he was born there with them.
“Yamao, where are you going, that’s the opposite direction!” Sabo called after him in exasperation, pointing the right way.  
A few days after his arrival, he went to retrieve his kanabo from the waters just off the shore. Ace had looked at him, asking why he was so desperate if it was the same weapon the father he so hated used and Yamato couldn’t admit he had a point but… he simply didn’t feel right without it. It was his weapon as well now, and the bull-gorilla wouldn’t take that away from him.
It took him three hours of diving but the happiness and rightness of his kanabo next to him was well worth the effort.
“What are you two anchors doing?” Ace shouted from where he was in the water and towards the two at the beach, looking incredibly annoyed.  
Yamato and Luffy exchanged a glance before turning back to Ace and replying in unison, “Building a pirate ship from sand.”  
Just then, Sabo’s head popped out of the water next to Ace. “I need a break,” he gasped, struggling to catch his breath after being underwater for so long.  
“This club of yours better be made from gold, Yamao, or so help me,” Ace grumbled before leaving Sabo to rest and diving in instead.  
Once he had his kanabo in hand, it became incredibly easy to hunt even the most ferocious beasts around, allowing Yamato enough room to stay back and direct the young brothers, giving them pointers and helping them with their hunting techniques. Usually, he simply watched, letting the boys do most of the hunt, even if it meant the prey got away sometimes. After all, making mistakes and losing was a good way to get stronger. So he let them do their own thing while making sure they were okay, and only jumping in when necessary.
“Okay, here’s the plan. We go around the river, then we split up. Me and Luffy will go up while you and Ace follow the riverbed. It’s risky, but on my signal, you will catch its attention and keep it distracted. Then me and Luffy jump down at its head. Hopefully that will at least knock it out so you and Ace can then come help us finish it. And Yamao—” Sabo paused, giving Yamato a hard, subtly threatening look— “if you run ahead screaming and scare it off again, we’re having you for dinner.” 
Yamato could only gulp and nod obediently.  
He even managed to impress the local Madonna, the cute pub owner Makino. The first time she had come to visit after Yamato had arrived, she immediately dropped all the food, alcohol, and children’s clothes that she had brought, and ran straight to him. She gave him all of her attention the rest of her stay. And even though Yamato wasn’t interested, he had to admit that being fawned over, and especially the jealous stares all the bandits were giving him, felt great.
“Oh my,” Makino muttered when she noticed Yamato. “Luffy did say Yamao was a little taller than him but…” she trailed off, her expression turning troubled.  
“You don’t have any clothes big enough for him, do you?” Dogra asked, munching on one of the cones Makino had brought.  
The young woman shook her head, sighing, “I think I’ll have to make them all from scratch. Yamao, can you come here? I need to take some measurements.” 
"Yamao, you're blushing more than Ace did!" Luffy pointed out immediately, clutching his stomach as he doubled over in laughter.  
Yamato made sure his hand was coated in haki when he hit the boy over the head.  
Over all, he had to say he much prefered the life of a cool big brother over being a pirate crew’s' ‘young master’. It was a lot more fun, a lot easier to breathe. He never felt more free than he did while laughing and running around the mountain, plotting pranks on their brothers with Ace, or getting grounded— getting thanked by Sabo for running off and beating up the pathetic excuses for pirates who had hurt Luffy and threatened the boys' treasure stash.
Even Dadan's frustrated screaming felt more loving than anything the bull-gorilla of a biological parent had ever shown him. And no, it definitely wasn’t much more embarrassing.
"I don't want to be a marine!" Luffy screamed one morning just as the others were getting ready to head out to work their brand new tree house base.
Both Sabo and Ace froze, turning to stare at each other for a moment with wide eyes.
"Run?" Ace asked in a whisper.
"Run," Sabo nodded seriously before they both turned to look at Yamato.
The teen simply sat there, turning his confused gaze between Ace, Sabo, and the direction from which Luffy's voice came a few seconds earlier. "What's going on?"
Ace and Sabo exchanged a glance once more, seemingly coming to a mutual understanding before Ace answered, "Go see for yourself. Luffy could probably use the help."
Immediately, Yamato was on his feet, heading outside to save his adorable baby brother from whatever monster he was facing. He was slightly suspicious of the high five Ace and Sabo had exchanged, not as sneakily as they probably thought, but as long as Luffy was in trouble, it didn't matter much to him.
As soon as he made it outside the little house, his eyes fell on the two figures fighting just a little bit away from the house. Obviously, one of them was Luffy, who was visibly fuming; growling and snapping his teeth like he was getting ready to literally bite the legs off of his target.
The target in question was a tall, although obviously much shorter than Yamato, and muscular old man clad in a bright red and white aloha shirt, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared Luffy down. He looked thoroughly unimpressed by Luffy’s pistol punches—which admittedly still left much to be desired despite Yamato’s efforts to help him out; it was only a question of time before he managed to find the right bang feeling. The man he was fighting looked vaguely familiar but Yamato couldn’t place that face no matter how much he wrecked his brain.
But it didn’t matter.
“Luffy, are you okay?!” Yamato called in alarm, rushing forward while preparing to swing his kanabo at the stranger.
The both of them turned to look at him then, identical angry expressions on their faces and suddenly, Yamato realized who the man reminded him of. It was more than obvious where Luffy got his personality and expressions. Maybe he should… not attack this person on sight?
Making the decision for him, Luffy huffed upon seeing him approach, raising his hand and making Yamato stop. “Stay back, I’m fine! I can kick gramps’ ass myself!”
“Who’s ass are you gonna kick?” the man snapped, his light punch making Luffy clutch at his head. “You can’t win against the fist of love, Luffy!”
Yamato blinked. That was obviously haki but… fist of love?  
Ignoring Luffy’s complaints, the man gave Yamato an obvious once over. “And who are you? Wait—” he paused, looking like he just remembered something— “you’re Yamao, aren’t you?”
“My name is Ya-ma-to, and I’m Luffy’s big brother,” Yamato replied, not entirely sure why he even bothered to correct anyone on his name at this point. No one ever listened.
“Part of the family already, hm? You have an impressive swing; you’ll make a fine marine.” The grandfather nodded, grinning at Yamato in approval.
Yamato did a double take. “I’m not going to be a marine!” he responded immediately, the horror he felt at the though clear in his voice.
“Exactly! We’re gonna be pirates!” Luffy joined in, fully recovered and launching a new rubbery pistol punch, which went completely ignored.
Gramps puffed up, raising his fist threateningly in front of himself. “Nonsense! All four of you will be the strongest marines the navy’s ever had if I have any say in it!”
“No way!” Luffy and Yamato cried in unison, the both of them jumping at the man in a joint attack.
A second later the both of them were rolling on the ground together, clutching at their heads and trying to recover from yet another fist of love. Seriously, Yamato only just met this guy, why was he getting a fist of love? Or better yet, why did it sound like he was already considered a grandson? He didn’t even know his new grandfather’s name.
He guessed it was simply one more proof of his relation to Luffy. It was exactly the same to when Luffy had decided by himself that Yamato was the big brother now, not even half an hour after meeting him, and just like back then, Yamato was powerless in defying that decision.
Not like he wanted to. He would be lying if he said being considered family so easily, so warmly, so unconditionally didn’t make him happy. But still…
“I’m already a pirate,” he growled. Not to mention marines did nothing but fight Oden and the Pirate King’s crew. Like hell was he becoming one of them.  
Gramps took a deep breath, looking like he was about to explode, but Yamato interrupted him. “The navy wouldn’t want someone with my blood anyway. They’d execute me on the spot,” he said flatly, looking the man straight in the eyes, trying to convey how disgusted by the institution, the world government, the current world he was. Like hell was he participating in that. He’d much rather wait patiently for the one who was going to change it all and support them.  
Neither of them said anything for a moment, neither of them faltering as they stared each other down silently. Until finally, gramps grinned, a smile so similar to Luffy’s that Yamato startled.
“If blood’s the problem, all the more reason you should join,” he announced, the smile never leaving his face even as his eyes turned almost sad.  
Yamato tilted his head to the side as he watched the man slowly look at Luffy before his eyes slid in the direction of the bandits’ house. When Yamato turned to look, he could see Ace turning around and walking away, Sabo quickly following with a worried expression on his face.
At least Yamato wasn’t the only one who obviously hated his biological family around here.
Deciding to leave Ace in Sabo’s hands, Yamato turned back to the problem at hand but before he could snap at the man, Luffy did so for him, “No. He’s joining my crew!”
“Over my dead body!” gramps roared in response, looking like he was going to go off on a rant.
Yamato, however, wasn’t about to sit around and listen to that. “No, over my dead body. Do you even hear how fucked up it is that you need to join the navy to be safe from getting hunted? Neither of us going there,” he growled, baring his teeth for good measure.
The old man paused, blinking at Yamato once, then twice, before he burst out in laughter, one so loud, so honest, and so contagious that, despite having no idea what was so funny, it made even Yamato want to laugh. All his anger was forgotten as his lips stretched in a grin, shaking his head at the sudden realization of how weird this entire situation was. He barely knew what was even happening but… it wasn’t like Yamato ever really paused to think about things. If it felt right, he’d go with it. If it didn’t, fuck it.  
And this, incredibly, felt right.
It was only a long while later that gramps finally caught his breath enough to speak, “I like you, kid. Are you sure you’re Kaido’s son?”
As if hit by the bull-gorilla’s Thunder Bagua, Yamato stopped laughing, only staring with an open mouth as dread ran through him. “How?” he could only say after a dreadfully long moment of heavy silence. Or maybe it was only a second. But it was too much, and made Yamato feel too on edge. Ready to fight. He didn’t want to even hear the bull-gorilla’s name; definitely didn’t want to hear it in relation to himself.
Gramps looked at him as if asking if he was kidding then, but with his only answer being a glare, he started laughing anew. “Kid, if you don’t want people to know, or the asshole finding you, maybe stop introducing yourself with ‘son of Kaido’ to anyone you meet. You have poor Makino quite worried.”
“Yamao, you’re stupid,” Luffy laughed.
The teen huffed, shoving hard at Luffy’s shoulder. “You’re stupid,” he hissed back, making Luffy stick his tongue out at him.
Yamato saw it only fair he do the same in return.
Just then, a dark shadow loomed over the both of them and they slowly looked up, only to see gramps looking down at them with an evil grin on his face, slowly cracking his knuckles. “Whatever you say, I will train you stupid brats into proper marines, yet.”
Yamato finally understood why Ace and Sabo’s immediate reaction was to run, then send Yamato as what he could now only assume being a sacrifice. There was no way even Yamato was going to be a fair match for this man. “Oh fuck,” Yamato cursed, scrambling to his feet to follow Luffy, who who was already hafway down the clearing away after taking the first popped knuckle as his signal to bolt.
“Watch your fucking language in front of your baby brothers!” gramps shouted after him just before something that might have been a pine cone flew past him at an impossible speed.
Yamato and Luffy exchanged a glance, identical grins spreading in their lips before they both took a deep breath. “ACE! SABO! HELP!!”
If they were to die today, they’d make sure to take the other two down with them.
Hours later, Yamato lay awake in his bed on the floor of the mountain bandits’ cabin long after his brothers started snoring softly. He was exhausted from the day spent laughing and running away from gramps—or Garp, as he had finally learned earlier that evening once Dadan finally stopped hiding from the man—but as opposed to the others, he didn’t want to sleep.
Not when gramps and Dadan were busy talking on the other side of this thin wall. What had started as the two of them sharing their frustrations and complaints about their kids quickly turned into fondness as they instead told each other stories about the brothers and their antics. Yamoto wasn’t surprised the bandit knew exactly where their secret base was, just as he wasn’t surprised by Garp only pulling out the most embarrassing stories he probably could.
It was a good thing the other three had managed to pass out the second their heads hit their pillows or they’d be trying to fight the old man all over again over it.
Yamato, on the other hand, refused to miss out on a second of this. The adults might not have allowed him to drink with them, claiming Yamato was too young for that—to which he not-so-politely disagreed, but then Garp’s fist disagreed with him—but they couldn’t stop him from listening. Those were his brothers they were talking about and he wanted to hear all about the past ten years of their lives that he had missed.
And if he maybe got a little bit happy every time they brought Yamato up, well… no one had to know that.
“Yamao, I swear if you don’t stop laughing at their shitty stories, I will strangle you with your own hair.”
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plump-lips-imagine · 4 years
Osomatsu x Reader: Have The Patience To Bake, So That You Get The Perfect Cake (1/?)
* Hey Guys! This is my first Osomatsu-san fic. To celebrate the coming of season 3, I wanted to start practicing my consistency in writing by starting off here, and hopefully Ill grow from here, and then i could do some imagines. Let’s see! Hope you enjoy.**
You don’t really know how you ended up in this situation.
You were currently holding a man on top of you on the side of the street, but he seemed to be passed out as a stream of blood was leaving his nose. The blood staining your shirt wasn’t really bothering but he was really heavy on top of you and considering the situation, you needed to get this man some help!
You decided too quickly grab your phone and call the emergency hotline, and quickly recall all that happened that led you to this predicament in the first place.
- Some Time Earlier -
“I’ll be there in about 20 minuets, Sato-san. We can get some ice cream and discuss scheduling then......Great! See you then! Thank you again!”
It was a sunny day in Akatsuka, and the streets were busy with people. Several conversations filled the air as the ray of the sun hit your heads. Some cats even made their way into the streets to join the crowd. It was a normal day. Nothing stood out too much in the area. A few fast food joints, small markets, a pachinko parlor here or there. It was something you could get used to living here after just recently moving here. The area was quite cute in its own way.
You continued onward, thinking of the possibilities here as your bakery was doing well with its recent opening. The future was looking bri-
You body suddenly moved on its own as you ran up to the man wearing a red hoodie. He seemed to notice you screaming at him, his head looking over  his shoulder, but you had already tackled him to the ground with a *Thud*.
 You heard the car break to a halt,but you couldn’t see what else was happening because the guy’s hair took over your vision.The tackle caused the two of you to roll on the pavement. This ended up with you ultimately ending up with your back on the ground while he seemed to be tensed up as his face was directly into your chest.
“Sir, are you okay!?”
He said nothing but just blankly stared at your chest that he was still pushed up against. You sat yourself up a bit......his face still in your chest.
You couldn’t help but look dumbfounded at him as he just shamelessly said “boobs” to you twice. TWICE. Without hesitation. Does he have no shame?!
“Too much...Too close...for a virgin-” Next thing you knew, blood started to flow out of his nose, staining your shirt, and then he fell limp in your lap.
“Oh. Oh dear.”
And that’s how you ended up where you were now. Looks like you’ll have to call Sato again. You're gonna be a little late.
Sigh. Well. Today was interesting. Good thing this was on your day or else this would've been a whole lot more stressful. At least the sunset was looking good.
Admiring the sun saying it's  goodbye for today, you strolled outside to explore a little bit. It was gonna take more than a little near death experience and a weird guy to leave your curiosity astray. But....Although you hate to admit it..he was kinda cute.
In a weird way. You did kinda hope he was alright.
Walking along the bridge water stream, you spot a kart-wagon in your vision. A food stand maybe? You could eat.
“Uh...Good Evening?”
“Good Evening! You came to try the world’s best oden!”
“Oden? I never had it before. Is it good?”
“Of course it is, idjit! How can you not try it?! You’re lucky you found the best spot to try it!”
“Well then, I guess I’ll have a seat then!” You don’t know what, but the spirit this dude has in his oden actually makes you wanna try some. You were beyond hungry anyway.
Taking your seat, he makes a small plate. you take a bite as he anticipates your judgement.
“It’s delicious!”
“Of course it is! There was no doubt about it!”
“More Please”
Ha Ha. Flattery won’t get you nowhere.” But apparently it did get you somewhere because he gave you an even bigger plate of oden.
“Thank You!”
“Ehhh? Who are you?”
A new voice made you jump as you weren’t aware of the person sitting next to you on the other side. You could tell by his face that he was clearly drinking. A lot of it too be exact. His face was flushed with a bright red and his eyes were struggling to stay up....wake a minute.
“Hey! It’s you! You're that guy from earlier!”
“Ehhhhhhhhhh?” He sits up a bit to get a better look at you. “EH?! BOOB GIRL!?”
“WHO YOU CALLIN’ BOOB GIRL!? WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?!” Does this guy have no shame?!
“How was I supposed to know? Why’d you suddenly attack me like that anyway? I know I’m hit and everything but you can’t attack a virgin like that You almost killed me!”
“I almost killed you?! YOU ALMOST KILLED YOURSELF! What were you thinking walking into ongoing traffic like that!? That’s why I pushed you!”
“......I did? I think I would’ve remembered if I-.”
“You.Did.” You took down a swing of water before you looked back at his drunken stupor. “Look.What were you doing exactly before you went into traffic?”
“I was a pachinko parlor!” He exclaimed with a big grin.
“Uh-huh,and did you win anything?” He seemed to flinch at the question. He was looking anywhere that wasn't your eyes and rubbed the back of his head.
“Ah. You were so disappointed in all that loss of cash that you didn’t even notice a car coming straight for you.”  
An non-existent arrow hit him in the back of the head, as he put his head down in shame.
‘Ah, so he does have a little bit of shame.’
“I’ll win next time!” He said with a dumb grin on his face, holding up a thumbs up. 'I WAS WRONG! NO SHAME!'
The Cart Owner just stared at the scene in front of him, crossed his arms and sighed.
“Hey, Lady. I wouldn’t really talk to this guy if I were you. Talking with him and knowing his existence can only bring trouble.” The food cart owner stated.
“Huh!? Chibita! That’s so cruel~. I thought we were friends.”
“Who the hell said you were my friend,you damn idjit!?”
“So mean~! You're starting to sound like Totty. Stop being so mean! It’s bad enough I get it from my brothers!”
"Chibita,huh?” Another drink from your cup, you turned back to the drunken man.
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He straightened up a little and rubbed his nose, winking at you and pointing to himself. “I’m Matsuno Osomatsu! But you can me Osomatsu, Cute Savior~!”
“Okay, Osomatsu. I’m (L/n) (Y/n), but for you, You can just call me (Y/n).” You decided to playfully flirt back, winking at him in the process. He stared at you blankly again, then his face started turning red, with more blood pulling out of his nose.
“ACK!Another surprise attack! Now you're definitely trying to kill me!”
“What the hell!?” You quickly grabbed his nose and plunged them. “ Tip your head forward and breath from the mouth.” He did what you told him. “Gently now.”
a few seconds later, his nose stopped bleeding.
“There, all better. Now......How did that happen!?”
“It’s your fault! Doing something like that a virgin NEET is a low blow. I might explode,Y’know!?”
“First Off, that shouldn't be possible.Secondly, I know no man that openly states he’s a virgin and a NEET so casually.So shameless yet so brave.”
“So Brave that you wanna date me!”
Whaaaaat? Man, the world is so unfair. Even a NEETr like me needs love too. Someone cute needs to take my virginity.....Akatsuka-sensei here my.....prayers.....zzzzzzz..” Osomatsu face plants onto the table, loud snoring.
“He fell asleep?!”
“Tch. Lousy NEET always gets himself from paying his tab. I outta stop serving him. “ Chibita obviously knew the guy too well to look at him so nonchalantly. But still, this isn’t something a normal person will get used too. Wait-.
You look around and see that it was already dark. ‘So late, I gotta get ready for tomorrow.’ You stand up and give the money you owed. “Thank you for the meal, I'll be sure to come back again, Chibita-san.” You look over to Osomatsu. “What are you going to do about him?”
“Eh, I’ll just leave him. This isn’t the first time this happened. He’ll survive, he’s like a parasite.”
Even if what he said is true. It still feels...
You walked over to Osomatsu and draped his arm over your shoulder. “Chibita-san, do you know where he lives? I’ll be able to take him home.”
“HUh?! Well,yeah, but are you sure? There’s no real need to bring him home.”
“Don’t worry. I got time. Plus I think it’ll be easier for you. I’ll bring him home.”
And here you were,dragging Osomatsu home with the address Chibita gave you. He was pretty heavy over your shoulder. It didn’t help that he was drooling on your shoulder, and was in and out of consciousness. He was awake enough to talk.
“You smell good~~, can I touch your boobs?”
“Pretty Please~~. I already had my face in your boobs, what’s a little grab?”
“C’mon~~, I wanna! You're so sexy! Your chest is just begging to be grabbed!”
“Osomatsu-san, I am this close to throwing you in the river.” You emphasize by putting your fingers close together.
“You being angry is so hot. It does things to a guy.”
Sigh. You're almost there. Just drop him off and then you can’t finally sleep.
The Matsuno household.You made it. The house was pretty out of place with the rest of the building but it was cute.
You gently place Osomatsu on the ground, he was finally knocked out. Which was because of your help. He currently had a knot on the side of his head. This Jerk.
Looking over him, he was pretty peaceful even in the current state he was in. He was sucking his thumb and snoring loudly. Not a care in the world.
“He’s like a child. A man baby.” At least he has a cute face so it wouldn’t make it as bad. Sighing, you decided to grab some loose paper and a pen from your purse. Just in case. You never know. HE may be a bit of a jerk, but he was cute in a weird way.
You put your number inside his hoodie, hopefully he’ll notice. Knocking on the residents’ door, you took your leave for tomorrow. You have a busy day tomorrow.
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swanky-batman · 4 years
Marvel’s Bachelors Part 11
Avengers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Peter Parker x Reader, Thor Odinson x Reader 
Warnings: drinking, some swearing throughout series, maybe adult situations, etc. Probably more mature audiences :)
Part 11 comes in right after Steve’s night with Y/N. One less Avenger is in the running, and I had a request for some beach fun so I wrote some in as a speed date run. ;)
I apologize greatly for the delay on this guys! This is part of a longer portion I have already written so I will be posting Part 12 TOMORROW. I promise. Thank you guys for the requests on when it would come back! <3
Masterlist || Ko-Fi
Beginning- Previous- Next
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“Tony is the wake up call really necessary?” You heard Sam as everyone was gathered in the hallway.
Everyone was trying to think over the sound of a blaring Another One Bites the Dust. After another half a minute he muted the sound, “Today we announce another cut from the lineup of guys.” He said in his fake announcer voice as you caught sight of a camera over his shoulder. “What better way to do it than right now so we can announce who will be taking our girl out for a night out on the town tonight?”
“Tonight?” You asked as you yawned, “Why so soon?”
“Why not?” Tony chuckled, loading up an electronic screen on the wall nearest you. “Your votes are in, let us see who is leaving!” 
You all paused, your attention on the screen. “It looks like Thor is our weakest!”
“Nooooo!” He cried, dropping his coffee mug, “I don’t want to give up Lady Y/N!”
You walked closer to him, patting him on the back, “Thor it’s okay we still live together and I’ll still see you all the time.”
He stood, “You mortals better appreciate her!”
“Where are you going?” Sam called.
“To get more nectar of the gods. I need more of it this morning.” He groaned, walking down the stairs.
“Well, there you have it. The god of thunder is out this round- leaving just Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. Instead of a one on one date tonight, we’re going to do the same setting for all three of you- back to back. Let’s see where we’re headed-” A vote board popped up and votes were tallied.
“It looks like you are all heading towards a beach resort for a four night stay! You head out tonight and each night afterwards you get a planned night with each hero. You’ve gotten to choose what to do before, now can you roll with what’s been planned?” Tony’s voice cut off as the camera’s cut away. “Seriously guys, get packed.” He nodded towards you.
“We’re leaving tonight?!” You blurted, looking around to them.
“Looks like it.” Bucky shook his head, clearly not all the way awake. 
You gulped a little after looking at each one and walking back into your room, “Guess I’ll pack…” You sighed.
A soft rap on your door a little while longer had you snap your attention towards your door.
“Oh,” You flinched slightly, looking up with a pen in your mouth. “Come in…” You looked back down at the pile of paperwork in front of you and pushed it to the side. “Hey Sam.” You smiled as he opened the door.
“Hey,” He stopped, looking over at you for a moment before he smiled over to you.
“What’s up?”
“You look busy.” He took another step into the room. “Need help with anything?”
You paused for a second, “I’m okay just trying to finish some of this before leaving tonight.”
“Apparently Tony forgets you have about a million different things to do.” He grinned, walking up and grabbing more than half the stack.
You stood to protest and reached for the stack of papers, getting foot swept by Sam. “I got this.” He chuckled, “Besides if I need help I can get one of those knuckleheads to help. Which I won’t cuz I’m better than them.” He smirked, getting to the door. “Oh, and if you need help packing I can help with that too.” With that, he winked and swung out of the room.
You slightly blushed, rubbing your face. Of course he would figure that out. After all, out of the three- he was the one that had to train the hardest right now. Sure, they all trained. But he was no super soldier, even if he could hold his own with them.
You finished more than expected out of the stack you had left and quickly finished packing, going to find Sam quickly after.
You knocked on his door, opening it slightly with a push instead of twisting the doorknob.
He looked up from his desk, typing away in what looked to be a program. He looked up as you entered, smirking. “Your papers are over there.” He nodded, quickly finishing what he was working on as you walked up.
Your mouth fell open a bit, looking over them. “Oh my god, Sam.” You gasped, “You finished these?”
“Of course, Y/N.” He looked at you in the eyes while you gathered them, him standing beside you. “I want you to have a good time tonight, even if it’s a bit overwhelming.” He winked, pointing towards the door, “Now get out before you spy some of my attention stealing tricks for the evening.”
You chuckled, holding a hand up, “By all means, get back to what you were doing.” You stopped at the door and turned back towards him, “Thanks for this, Sam. Really, I appreciate it.” You paused, biting your lip for a second before walking over to him and pecking him on the cheek, turning towards your room before he had time to react.
You finished the rest of what you had to do, for the most part and snuck a quick run in before showering and grabbing your bag for tonight and walking downstairs.
Steve, Bucky, Sam and Tony were there waiting for you.
“As we wish them off, we look forward to seeing what’s going to happen.” Tony smirked, waving you off.
“Lady Y/N!” Thor boomed from the side, ushering you over.
“Hey.” You smiled softly to him, seeing him still look different than normal.
“If any of those...clowns… try anything inappropriate- call. And I will smite them with my hammer.” He looked over, nostrils flaring towards the others.
You placed a hand on his forearm, holding back a chuckle. “Thank you Thor. I feel much better knowing that you have my back.”
“That’s right I do!” He fake laughed, crushing the to go mug in his hand. “Oden…” He hissed, pulling up his other hand. “For you, my lady. The nectar of the gods.”
“Thank you, Thor.” You smiled to him, getting a large hand on the top of your head.
“Of course, Y/N.” He bowed, leaning out his cheek expectantly for a kiss.
You laughed, covering your face for a moment before quickly pecking him on the cheek and moving into the car, coffee in hand.
“You just handing kisses out now?” Sam teased, leaned back in the car with Bucky and Steve facing you.
The blush came over your face in a wave, you tried covering it.
“Sam, that's no way to talk to a lady.” Steve spoke up.
“It was clearly a pity kiss.” Bucky shrugged, smirking and leaning back in his seat, content at staring towards you and crossing his arms playfully.
“This is going to be a long ride.” You chuckled, taking a sip of the coffee and sticking your tongue out in disgust, effectively making all three break into laughter.
“Welcome, finalists!” Tony’s voice filled the speaker as you got out of the car. “Tonight is a speed round, with the three getting picked in the order of Steve, Sam and finally Bucky. Tomorrow, we’ll see who gets more time. Hope you came packed for fun!” Tony clearly looked over towards the camera, winking.
You sighed, shaking your head. How were you supposed to keep up with three different guys on dates back to back and tomorrow too?!
“Get changed quickly, your first date starts in fifteen!” 
“Holy crap!” You rushed, reaching for your bag.
“I got it.” Steve smirked, pushing you towards the desk in the front of a very functioning hotel, complete with other guests. You got your rooms situated as quickly as possible and had Steve knocking on your door to meet you in swim gear a few minutes later.
“Hey,” You greeted, slipping out into the hallway with your clutch and room key.
“I’m sorry about the rush today.” Steve bit his lip when you turned around, his eyes moving slowly up from your feet, making you blush.
“It’s okay.” You nodded, trying not to look him over as well since he was in a tank top and swim trunks. “So what were you thinking on the agenda tonight?”
He chuckled, “Honestly I think we all are kind of winging it tonight. We weren’t told beforehand either.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “But let’s head downstairs and see what kind of trouble we can get into.”
You smirked, grabbing his arm and leading him towards the elevator. A plan was forming in your head, and you were wondering the best time to put it into action.
Back in the lobby, you both went over towards the bar and got a drink, going to sit at the poolside. It looked like Tony cleared this section off since there wasn’t anyone around, so you both tried to spot cameras around.
“Do you think that’s one?” Steve asked, scratching his neck.
“Where?” You whipped your head around and stepped closer to him to look.
He turned and grinned at you quickly before pulling you into a hug and jumping back with you into the pool. 
You shrieked instinctively as he brought you above the water almost immediately and you shoved him playfully, “Rogers!”
He chuckled, releasing you with his hands up in the air, “It was too perfect, I’m sorry.” 
“I don’t believe you,” You teased back, looking at the now empty glass in your hand. “Kinda killing my buzz early, man.” You winked over to him and he laughs. He looks over towards one of the only people in earshot and asks for a round of drinks for you both, to which they nod and walk off.
“Let’s play a game of truth.” 
“Uh, Steve, I think it’s supposed to be truth or dare?” You laughed over to him.
“I could dare you to a few things but I want to know more about you.” He smirked.
You spent the next half hour or so going back and forth, talking about things and using the truth action to make the other answer truthfully, laughing and learning a lot about each other. You leaned back and floated for a few minutes, thinking about all of what he’s seen and gone through. How could he be so nice and caring after everything that happened to him?
He came and stood over you, looking down, asking something. You stood and tried to hit some of the water out of your ears. 
“What?” You asked, probably too loud, shaking your head as you felt your ears drain.
He smirked, staring at you for a minute before coming up and kissing you.
You stood there for a minute, shocked, before he pulled away and splashed you. “Steven Grant Rogers!”
“Hey no need to pull out my middle name!” He yelled back, swimming quickly away from you and you laughed, swimming towards him trying to catch up.
“My apologies for interrupting-” Came a loud voice over a speaker, “It’s time for the next portion of your night Y/N.”
You sighed, mid stroke and swimming over to the edge of the pool. Steve popped out of the pool right before you and offered you a hand out, handing you a towel after you were both out. He met your eyes and gave you a soft smile, you responded similarly.
PART 12 with the other two coming tomorrow! <3
Everything Tags: @i-regret-this-already​, @breezy1415, @seninjakitey, @persphonesorchid, @courtneychicken​, @imeannooffensebabybut​, @cassiopeia-barrow​, @daphne-fandom-writing​, @notmyfault404​, @i-larb-spooderman​, @marvelismylifffe​, @kdcollinsauthor​
Story Tags: @fairchild21​, @rohanwood​, @swisscheese420​, @aheadfullofsherlock​, @ineedmorefanfics​, @chook007​ 
If you aren’t tagged I just assumed everyone I couldn’t tag on my list has changed their names! Let me know if that wasn’t the case for someone :)
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lovelyirony · 5 years
for @tsatskes, one of the best 
Maria Hill went to the library every day after school. Her dad couldn’t pick her up until five-thirty, when he got off work. This was fine with her, seeing as how she liked to read. 
Maria liked biographies. It was odd for a small child, but she liked them. She learned about politicians, musicians, criminals, and actresses. 
In a biography, most everything is laid bare if the person is dead. Sure the family, if living, has some say and control. But for the most part, you are learning everything about this person’s life. 
Including rumors that maybe weren’t just rumors. 
This is how Maria finds out that people can like girls. 
So it doesn’t feel odd when she stares at Lisa Odenning for a bit too long. She knows that she likes girls. 
But she also knows that it’s...frowned upon. Frowned upon in the way her father scoffs at rainbows, tells Maria to wear a dress to a dance instead of the suit she had wanted to wear. 
“I like pants. Dresses aren’t my thing.” 
“You wanna be a lesbian or something?” 
Maria knows it’s not bad. She knows it, like she knows that sunshine feels good on her shoulders. But her dad makes it seem like that. Like it’s wrong to love someone. 
“So? What if I was?” 
Her dad laughs. He fucking laughs. 
“No daughter of mine is gonna be gay. That’s ridiculous.” 
“I need to go to the bathroom.” 
Tile is hard as she drops to her knees, biting her hand to keep from crying too loudly. But what’s harder is learning the fact that it doesn’t matter if your parents are your parents: 
They’re still allowed to dislike you for who you are. 
She stares at her plate at dinner time when her mother chatters on about her workday, how difficult it was handling a group of fifth graders at a field trip. 
“Maria, how was your day?” 
“Just fine? Nothing else?” 
“Nothing that matters.” To you. 
Her mother says she’ll wash the dishes instead of her brother, and her brother gives her a knock to the shoulder and says a thank you, running out to get his bike and play basketball with friends. 
Maria doesn’t tell her mom what’s wrong when she asks. She doesn’t want to talk to her dad either, who tries to talk to her in a softer voice. 
“Mar, did something happen today that we should know about? You know we love you.” 
You know we love you. you know we love you. Do they? Do they love her? 
Or do they love that they think she is who they want her to be? 
Maria has to know. 
So she says it. 
“I’m gay,” she says plainly. “And I like girls and I always will. That’s what happened today.” 
Her dad’s face grows stony. Her mother doesn’t say anything for a moment. 
“You don’t mean that.” 
“Oh what, I don’t?” Maria asks, incredulous. 
“No, you’re confused. You don’t know what you want so you’re acting out.” 
Maria drops the plate she’s drying. It shatters to pieces and a shard cuts her leg. 
Her mom sweeps it up. Her dad doesn’t say anything. Maria walks outside and sits. 
Blood runs down her leg. It dries. She can’t be bothered to clean it up, even when it stains and dries on her pants. 
Her dad comes outside. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
“No. I’m really, really not.” 
“You know, we could...ask someone. About those camps that they have.” 
Maria’s face tightens. They want to send her away. 
“What, because I’m not enough?” Maria asks. “Because I’m not your perfect little daughter?” 
“You know, I never said that--” 
“You didn’t have to, I know,” Maria hisses. “You don’t love me. Not really. You can’t bear the fact that you have a fucking daughter who likes girls. Because for some reason that’s the worst thing that could happen to me.” 
He doesn’t say anything. He stands there and looks at her. 
They won’t send her to college. They’re not ending up letting her borrow the car for anything. They think she’ll sneak out to kiss a girl or something. 
That doesn’t bother Maria. 
She’s used to the cold looks and never-there-hugs over time. Her brother doesn’t say anything. She jokes to him that she’ll be cut out of the will. 
“You think they’d do that?” He asks. 
“Of course they will. The only reason mom didn’t make me leave the family is because it would cause a scandal at the next goddamn homes association meeting she has.” 
Maria bikes everywhere. And runs. She gets to be pretty fast. She figures it’s practice for when she’s run out of the house at the end of the year. 
But she ends up stopping a robbery. 
There’s a man who asks if she wants to “try out” in a sense, for a job. 
SHIELD. That’s what they call it. She thinks it’s ridiculous. 
She doesn’t tell her parents when she leaves. 
She takes everything she owns, stuffs it into a duffel bag, and bikes to where her new life begins. 
Her brothers calls her and says that her parents are upset. They’re thinking about calling the police. 
“Tell them I’m okay,” Maria says. “I’ll write them soon.” 
It’s petty, she knows. 
But she writes them back with no letter, just two things. 
The pocket knife her dad gave her. And the necklace that has been passed down for generations from her mother. 
A rejection of family, a severance of ties. She will not talk to them again. Her brother may pass updates on her. 
But judging by her experience in SHIELD, she won’t be returning home. 
They think she shows promise. She’s good in the field, deals with professional heckling in the most professional manner possible, and has a stare that takes most agents at least ten years to earn, and got Agent Barton to do paperwork in less than twenty-four hours. 
She doesn’t say anything about her personal life. They know she has parents that she doesn’t talk to, but that’s it. There’s nothing else to learn. 
At least, until Natasha Romanov enters. She’s a Black Widow. Or rather, Black Widow. She’s the lone survivor, doesn’t suffer fools easily, and likes to know everything. 
She and Clint are friends and joking around within two weeks. She knows where Coulson’s secret stash of coffee is within a week. And most importantly, she finds out Fury’s home address. 
(He lives in a nice house in a cul-de-sac and wears t-shirts and sunglasses on his days off. His neighbor on the right calls him Nick and they sometimes grill burgers.) 
Maria Hill is an enigma. Natasha doesn’t like not knowing. 
Or she does like to not know. She likes the thrill of getting information that you’re not supposed to know. 
There is no possibility of that with Maria Hill, because this job is her everything to her. People know that she doesn’t go home for any holiday, only takes off for health concerns, and doesn’t have any friends that she goes out with. 
Maria is alone. 
But there has to be more. Has to be. 
Natasha follows her home. Or, attempts to. 
She loses her on a subway stop. She’s not even sure how she lost her. 
She gets a typed note stuck to her door in the morning. 
Quit following me. I mean it. 
Natasha is suitably impressed. 
And undeterred. 
“Thanks for the note sweetheart,” Natasha says. “But I’m not gonna stop until I get something good.” She sashays away, looking back. “I like the hair, Maria.” 
Maria Hill is nervous. She hasn’t been nervous in three years. And this woman, this insufferable redhead who has the eyes of danger and a smile that could rival Aphrodite, is driving her insane. 
She is nervous. And that? That is throwing off her whole day. She can’t even drink her coffee because her fingers are so jittery. 
Maria hasn’t had a crush in years. She’s quashed them all down, ignored them. They were on people who were in and out, and she’s...well. Her marriage is to SHIELD. 
Natasha Romanoff is...similar. She’s exactly Maria’s type. Which is dangerous to know. 
She tries not to think about it. Tries to not smile as Natasha asks teasing questions. 
“Well, what’s your favorite condiment?” 
“What does that say about anything?” 
“Gives me some specifics about your past life, Maria darling.” 
“Ketchup,” Maria answers. 
Ketchup does not narrow anything down. Natasha just likes learning about her. 
Natasha learns that Maria has poor circulation, enjoys waking up with no alarm (which is insane), and absolutely adores the color blue. Everything, nearly, is blue. 
There are other, more serious things. Maria doesn’t like talking about her parents. Ever. She has a brother who occasionally emails. He got married a year ago and Maria visited at the wedding reception just as everyone was emptying. She has some drama with her parents. 
And nothing else is revealed about her life. Who her past crushes were. She visits the library when she has a free weekend. 
This is how Natasha finds her in a chair at the local library, reading a biography about Norman Rockwell. Something had seemed off about her all week, her face strange. (Natasha tended to look at Maria’s face. A lot. More than necessary. Clint made fun of her.) 
“He painted the idealized American life,” Maria says. “I like his work. He’s interesting because I probably wouldn’t like him.” 
“Better to see your idols than know them,” Natasha remarks. “Everything okay?” 
Maria is quiet. 
“My brother told my parents where I work.” 
Natasha sits, looks at a biography of some TV host. 
“You know if this one is any good?” 
“Talks too much about family history. Sucks.” 
Natasha picks out another one about Mary Pickford and starts reading. 
They read in silence like that for the better part of an hour. Natasha uses Maria’s legs as her own sort of chair, pressing her back against them. Maria doesn’t say anything but loses her page. 
Natasha gets up, looking at Maria. 
“What’s going on?” 
“It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.” 
“Doesn’t matter if it’s nothing. It’s affecting you enough so that you’re reading about someone else. Sounds like you want to focus on anyone but yourself.” 
“Didn’t know you talked to SHIELD psychologists,” Maria says, mouth quirking up in a smile. 
“They talk at me. I occasionally listen to fit my needs.” Maria laughs some more, getting up from her chair. The white, plastic library card is between two fingers. 
“Let me check some of these out. Then I’ll sit down at coffee with you.” 
It is awkward. Silent. At first. Maria has the books to the side, pressed against a window. She almost never has her back to the window. This is new. 
“What I tell you cannot be flaunted around the office like the cat just got the cream,” Maria says tightly. “It cannot be bragging like you know of Clint’s circus career or Phil’s quite frankly weird obsession with Cap and Howling Commandoes memorabilia.” 
“Airtight,” Natasha says. “You’re my friend.” 
Maria talks. 
“I don’t talk to my parents. Ever. I’m...I like girls. More than a friend way.” 
“You sound like the biggest dork on the planet,” Natasha teases, smiling. “But continue.” 
Maria shoots her an annoyed glance, but she looks down at her coffee, not annoyed really. 
“I don’t talk to them. They thought it was a phase. They tried to get me to go to church or some weird Christian summer camp. I never did. I mailed back anything of family value. I don’t ever mention them. 
Because I...I never could think of myself as part of that family. And my mom found where I live and now she’s calling me to get dinner. And I kind of want to. But I also don’t want to. I don’t know what to do.” 
Natasha sits back. 
“You know, this makes having dead parents desirable right now.” 
Maria laughs. It’s a horrible joke, in the worst taste, but Natasha makes her laugh. 
“I don’t know everything about this, but I suggest maybe talking with them,” Natasha says. “Only if you want to. If you don’t want to, you’re under no obligation. But figure out what you want to do. It’s about what’s right for you, not what you think someone wants from you.” 
Natasha brings Maria into a hug, cradling her body. It’s the perfect hug. 
“This might be a bad time, but if you ever want to do something...I’d be fine with that.” 
Maria is left struck dumb, a pile of books left next to her. 
She decides that maybe instead of having dinner with people she honestly dreads talking to, maybe she’ll take Nat to the trivia night next Friday at her favorite bar. 
They might win something. 
Natasha gets a handwritten note. 
She can tell it’s left-handed, written in slanted cursive, and written carefully. Handwriting tells a lot about a person. 
Trivia night is next Friday. You want to go? 
Underneath is her phone number. 
Natasha texts her an embarrassing amount of emojis in response to the question posed. 
Maria texts back. 
I regret liking you 
oh fuck. 
hehe :) thanks maria i like you back 
Not the worst confession. Not the worst response. It’s a nice start. 
(Fury wins ten dollars. Maria does not like this.) 
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caincarterx · 4 years
Involving: Cain Carter, Leyla Oden, Loraine Carter(mamma), Gianna Carter Mentions: Mel Monroe & Martain’s death Summary: Mostly pre plot drop with mentions of post plot drop Tags: @leylaxoden @giannacarterx Notes: just an ooc note that we did use italics and bold etc. when it was needed but they haven’t transferred over now i’ve pasted it onto here so fml :) 
Loraine: Two hours in and finally she spotted her son was distracted enough not to notice if she made a b-line towards the woman he’d walked in with. She only assumed it was Leyla, the mystery girl who she’d been wanting to meet for some weeks now. She’d admit she’d never cared to know who Cain spent his time with before, but that’s because he’d never spoke about anyone before and not with the expression he had when he spoke about her. A mother knows. Interest peeked, curiosity so close to being satisfied, she weaves through the crowd and gestures to the seat next to her. “Would you mind, sweetheart? I’m getting too old to stand up in heels.” As a polite gesture, she hands out a champagne flute she collected on the way. “You look absolutely stunning. I noticed earlier, your date couldn’t keep his eyes off you.” She’s purposely not letting on that she’s his mother, not yet. “Handsome one, isn’t he?” If she did say so herself. “Boyfriend?” She asks. It’s a seemingly innocent question, but there’s a hint of a devilish smirk on her lips that’s undeniable.
Leyla:  Once her attention’s being pulled towards another— someone she doesn’t necessarily recognise, it’s in that moment she takes a quick glance in the direction she knew Cain was in, seeing that he wasn’t alone she finds herself being taken over by politeness. “Yeah, of course,” she nods with a smile, accepting her offer that came in the form of champagne. Taking the seat beside her, it’s in the few seconds that past she wondered whether the woman just wanted company and whilst she didn’t mind, the mention of her date soon allowed her to grow suspicious. “You did?” She turns her head, now making the effort to actually take a good look at her, brow raising and in the brief moment time allowed, her features showed that she was making an attempt to suss the other out. “He’s—“ she’s being stopped by the boyfriend mention, a brief knit together of her brows as she settles back to a smile, “Something like that. Do you know him?” It sure sounded like she did and if by chance she didn’t? Her next guess was a busybody.
Loraine: There’s a quirk in her brow when she notes the pause, deciding herself that it was obvious they hadn’t stepped over that conversation yet. She smiles, quite pleased with her answer. Whilst it wasn’t a yes, it wasn’t a no either so she’d settle happily with that. “I do. So well infact that I don’t need to look around to know that he’s one of two places, the bar or the buffet.” There’s a little chortle of laughter as she pauses to sip her drink. “He’s a good man, I’m sure you’ve noticed.” It’s not a question, but she is hoping for an agreement without any hesitation. After all, anyone who wanted to be with her son, she expected to see his value. It didn’t matter how old he got, he was still her baby. He’d been through too much and came too far with himself to be burned by any woman. ( naturally, she is still bitter about his ex, especially because she never really liked her in the first place - she was someone she learned to tolerate ) “Hope you don’t mind me asking, what accent is that?”
Leyla:  “Sounds about right,” she smirked, the only reason she’d say she got him here was on the promise of free food. Inwardly chuckling she finally relaxes into the chair she was sitting in, finally taking a sip of her drink. Whilst she didn’t really get an answer on how the woman knew Cain, she wasn’t blind to the sense of her knowing him well. “I don’t think he’d agree,” she did, however and there’s a soft smile from her, “But I have,” noticed, that was. She thought that one day— if she got that, she’d make him realise what she and apparently other people thought to, sure she could tell him that now but she knew he’d only dismiss it. “Oh no,” she didn’t mind, “It’s Turkish,” sometimes entwined with a little Dutch, she was after all, a Dutch citizen, her roots were strongly and first and foremost from Turkey, however. “I moved here from the Netherlands actually, I think four years ago now, to finish my degree,” she offers a smile. “and Charming’s apparently become home.” She softly chuckles, taking a long sip of her drink.
Loraine: “You know him quite well then.” She commented back in reference to Leyla saying he wouldn’t agree. Maybe it wasn’t obvious, but there was a brief sadness that clouded her eyes, a dispare that came from knowing how Cain viewed himself. Especially in comparison to how he used to be. “He’s been through a lot.” She hums, stopping herself there. Now was not the time to go protective mother, not when her instincts about Leyla were actually quite good. She seemed to have her head screwed on and she’d already seen subtle little changes in Cains behaviour that made much more sense now she knew there was a girl involved. “Ah,” now she said it, she could place the accent. “Charming has a way of sucking people in. The name is quite fitting.” Loraine steals a glance around, making sure her son was still over by the buffet. A little more time to talk with Leyla alone wouldn’t be a bad thing. “Degree?” She asks, though she does already know the answer. “Brains and beauty. A rare thing.” She smirks, tipping her head down to take of her mask for a little while. Her emerald green eyes now more obvious to the brunette. She wonders for a moment if the penny will drop before she actually tells her who she is, but the mischievous side of her hopes not.
Leyla:  Whilst she agrees she doesn’t say too much else, more because she’s the type to not disclose too much to people she doesn’t generally know. It’s something that came along with her profession— a force of habit, if you like. She offers a soft smile in agreement, “He has.” the sleepless nights Cain had? The surface of his back covered in scars? He had been through more than she’d wish on anyone and even then, she didn’t necessarily know the full extent of everything that played on his mind. In moments like this and a handful of others, she found herself really realising the care she actually held for him and it was more kick, the fact that up until last week she wasn’t aware just how underneath her skin he was. “It really is.” She chuckles, it wasn’t perhaps the town itself that had Leyla staying on once she professionally could call herself a doctor, it was the people and the her patients she saw routinely. She nods, “As of last year I officially work at the hospital, no longer on coffee duty either.” She’s joking, but it’s an achievement she’s proud of but also very modest about. “I have my parents to thank for that,” she smiles, they were both intelligent and beautiful. As the woman’s removing her mask she finds herself glancing at her for longer than she thought, it was the eyes that held her there, the familiarity was something that made her smile. She doesn’t say anything, at least not yet anyway, but her suspicions are pretty much confirmed in the moment.  
Loraine: It went unsaid, but she appreciated the way Leyla acknowledged her words with a kindness in her eyes. More than could ever be said for his ex, she always swore if she ever sees her again she’d ring her neck. Never let it be said that a woman of her age couldn’t bite back, but maybe that was just something she learned to do with a husband who was in the MC. “Most of the people here ain’t too bad, either. You seem to have done well for yourself.” She wasn’t just meaning Cain ( biasly ) but in general, landing on her feet with a good job. A decent job. “Good for you, there’s not enough people willing to give these days.” Whilst she wouldn’t say Leyla quite had her approval, she had very little doubt that she wouldn’t get it. But one little chat was certainly not enough for her to hold her hopes up. She was a protective mother before she was anything else. “Same field?” Her parents, that was. There’s no time to grill her on anything else as she feels a hand on her shoulder and turns to see a pair of green eyes. The look on Cains face was the picture of someone who was actively trying to look calm when in reality, there’s a little mild panic and even nervousness there. “Hello,” She’s smirking, standing to her feet to greet him with a soft hug, which he reciprocates with a glance towards Leyla as he does. “Mother…” It was a knowing tone, one that told her he could figure out for himself what she was upto. “You look beautiful.” He smiles, gives her a kiss on the cheek and steps back with a little rub at the back of his head. Loraine turns her attention back towards later, amusement written all over her face now her son had confirmed her identity. “I was just having a nice chat with your….” She pauses and it’s on purpose, just to make him sweat a little more. “Date.” Gesturing for them both to sit back down, Cains eyes flip suspiciously between the two of them.[09:30]“Uh-huh. Unsupervised. That’s– that’s…” He’s struggling for words, seeing them together had absolutely caught him off guard but finally, he snaps back into focus. “Well to be honest that was really sly, did you wait till I was distracted?” There’s a hint or a smile on his face. “Of course I did. I couldn’t have you interfering.” While she made her judgement, that was. “And you seemed happy enough over there pouching your little cheeks.” She teases, lifting her hand up to pinch one which makes him move to swat her hand away before she can. Loraine laughs first and finally, he breaks into an eye roll and a smile. “She didn’t interrogate you too much?” Cain asks Leyla, earning a scoff from his mom. “Make me sound like a fuckin witch why don’t you. I did no such thing.” She denies it, tips up her head and brings her glass to her lips. “Is that true?” Raising a brow, he directs the question to Leyla, who’s still seated and visibly calm so hey, it couldn’t have been that bad, he thought. “I like her.” Loraine admits, turning her head to offer Leyla a genuine smile. “It’s about time you found someone who’ll whoop your ass when you’re being a little shit.” As far as compliments go, it was one of the highest coming from her and it made Cain smile from ear to ear. He hadn’t doubted she would like her but hearing it was almost like a relief. It meant a lot to him and honestly, it probably showed on his features. “Well I plan on keeping her, so… That’s good.” He wheezes out a laugh and shakes his head, eyes casting back over to Leyla. “You eat yet? I can go get you something. There’s no pizza though, which I believe was promised. What else you lie about, huh?” He jokes, smirking just to make it obvious that he was infact, referring to how she said she wasn’t wearing anything underneath her dress.
Leyla:  It’s when she’s looking at the other that she can really notice the care she held for Cain in her eyes, it’s that as well as the similarity in expressions that makes her wonder if she wasn’t just a relation to him, but in fact his mother. If so, despite how charming she was coming across, Leyla felt that she was a hard woman to cross and it was a quality she admired. Not that she expected anything different, especially if Cain was anything to go by. He had to get it from somewhere, right? “Yes I— uh, can be very determined.” She inwardly chuckles, once she had her mind set on something, she did it and she felt lucky she had that trait. Being an orphan at twelve left room for a number of bad life choices and whilst she was finding her feet in life, she stuck to her guns and it paid off. “They were, actually.” She followed in their footsteps more to feel closer to that void she had grown up with.[14:18]At this point, not only is she not surprised to see Cain, more because it allowed her to completely connect the dots she had already started to slot together, there’s a hint of calming relief, a small smirk as her hues meet his, watching the interaction between the two she can’t help but think how soft it is. She can feel that she’s under scrutiny— even more so than before when Cain was elsewhere, she doesn’t mind, in actual fact she finds it funny. The look from Cain and him stumbling over his words was enough to get her to break out into a grin, was that nerves she was picking up on? She’s chuckling to herself, drinking a bit more, feeling herself needing it and once she’s finished she places her empty glass down on the table. She shakes her head, visibly amused as her attentions pulls from Cain to his mom when she scoffed, “Honestly she was just singing your praises.” Leyla figured if he had turned up ten minutes later, then maybe she would have been interrogated, not that she felt like she minded if it had happened— or even told him as such. Hearing that she was liked promoted a return smile that was shortly followed by a laugh. Looking at him it’s almost as if her smile is radiating, there’s a glow to her eyes that was strictly directed for him. Her brow quirks at his mention of no pizza, a smirk tugging on her expressions knowing exactly what he was hinting at, “I have and.. nothing.. had to get you here somehow.”[14:19]Gianna: Busily picking apart the last of the muffins she had grabbed her hands on, she’s popping the little chocolate chunks into her mouth as she’s making her way over towards where she knew her mom was and where she knew Cain had recently dropped everything to hurry over towards. As soon as she reaches the table her eyes are locking onto the woman her brother had walked into the hall with, a mischievous glint to her eyes obvious as she opts to take the free seat next to Leyla, “Hey.” Her smiles forced as it was from ear to ear as she looks from Cain to her mom, and then back to Leyla, seeing the small furrow to her brows as if wondering who this was now. “Mom, now you’ve met the girlfriend,” she’s looking at her brother, as direct as ever, with a smirk as if to say ha, I knew this was happening, “We can leave soon, right?” It’s something she’s been waiting for the moment her and her mom left the house. “But, Leyla,” she looks at the other, “Tell me,” it’s lucky she’s not sitting next to her mom, more because her ribs couldn’t take anymore swift nudges tonight in attempt to shut her up, “what do you see in my brother? I mean, you’re really punching, Cain.”
Loraine: “Always.” She smirked in response to Leyla almost defending her. Well, it wasn’t untrue, she would always speak highly of her son, but the fact he was here and clearly out of sync with nerves? She’d never seen that side of him in a long while, too long, so naturally, she found it highly amusing. “Uh-huh, sure.” Cain was suspicious, but lightly so. He took the fact his mother was still sitting here with a smile as a good sign because he knew that if she didn’t approve, her face would either be sour or she’d be on her feet and leaving already. “Oh? Well then if you’re keeping her, I think you should invite her to dinner next weekend.” Turning to look at Leyla. “If you’re free?” Naturally, someone with a job like hers might not be. “You’re not a vegan are you?” There’s a visible please no on her features as she asks, only for her focus to be pulled around by Cain’s laughter. “… Ah, right. Stupid question huh? You’d never date a vegan.” She once again smirks, even more so when his face goes from laughter back to narrowed eyes and even a small visible blush. The word dating naturally sparking those nerves back up. “Ah shit,” he grumbles, spotting his sister swanning over and sitting down. At this point, he sits back, pinches his nose and then offers Leyla a little hand gesture like he was both apologising and saying to her just gotta roll with it. “Leave? But I’m having such a good time.” Loraine mirrored her daughters mischief. Cain? He was shooting daggers at his sister, like the fuck? you knew she was planning this? little bitch. “And actually, I think we might be makin’ these kids a little uncomfortable with the term girlfriend.” She pauses, to move her voice into a mocking whisper… “They haven’t had that conversation yet.” She’s holding back a laugh. Cain only sucks in a slow breath and closes his eyes. “No, mom, we haven’t. So thanks, thanks very fuckin’ much.” He’s not actually mad, but he does avoid Leyla’s eyes purely because he feels kind of embarrassed. They said no pressure and this? He was mildly worried sounded like moving too fast. Though given the amount of times the G word was mentioned tonight, he was sure it had to come up in conversation when they were alone. Luckily they were both mature enough to talk it out and see if they were there yet or not. “Hey,” Loraine leans forward, clipping him over the back of the head. “Don’t swear in front of your mother, you little shit.” There’s a chortle of laughter because she knows, she’s probably embarrassing him, but what were mothers for, huh? Her eyes quickly shoot to Gianna when she puts the question to Leyla, brow lifting and eyes narrowing slightly. It was a typical sister comment, but the mamma in her wanted to butt in and say no, he wasn’t. Not because Leyla wasn’t stunning, smart and clued in, but because her son, her baby, deserved a woman like her. Cain scrunches up his face, lifting a hand and giving her his middle finger. “I’m lettin’ you know, you’re not as funny as you think you are, kid.” He says before he sits up properly. “But I do agree.” He gives a shrug, as if the confession wasn’t anything big. But really, it was, because it showed them all - she was under his skin, that he actually did see how lucky he was just to have someone like her want to be around him. He looks back over to Leyla, a stare that’s much like the one he gave her when she first walked out her bathroom. Soft, admiring, paired with a gentle smile. It lingers for a few moments before he raises a brow and looks between G and his mother. “So, are you two done now? Are we good? Because if I get any hotter in this suit I’m gonna burst into flames.” Meaning, fucking quit it making him nervous and sweaty.
Leyla: It wasn’t necessarily pressure she felt at the continuous mention of her and Cain dating, it was more the obvious assumption that they were more than she even thought they were. Though that was purely down to that conversation never really happening, which, apparently up until now, it wasn’t something she even thought needed to be discussed. She was happy as she was and despite her not wanting to jump head first and hold regrets, there’s a part of her that can see herself by his side as someone who’s not just a date. “I am—-“ free, that was, her smiles widens to a grin at his mom’s vegan mention and that look on her face that was more or less begging for the answer to be no, caused her to laugh, shaking her head as if to say she wasn’t. “You’d never date a vegan?” she chuckled. “Remind me not to convert…” Her brow quirks as she winks in Cain’s direction, showing him that she was joking, teasing him almost. Seeing him nervous or seeing him blush wasn’t something she had see before and naturally, she found it cute all whilst she found it amusing.[15:52]Her head soon turns into the direction of the woman that had sat in the seat next to her, her side profile holding that same mischievous look as Lorraine makes her realise that she’s obviously family— his sister. She’s smiling as she takes a look in the direction Gianna had just come from, almost looking to see if a small herd was suddenly going to join the table they were all sitting at. That girlfriend mention had her looking at Cain, it’s a thought that wonders if he had told his mom more than he was letting on, or whether she just knew something they both clearly didn’t. “Ohhh,” Gianna emphasises with both her brows raised as she looked from her brother to Leyla, did she just put her foot in it or? By the looks on Cain’s face she did and just like her mom was doing, she too was holding in her laugh, finding that obvious humiliation he was in highly satisfying.[15:52]As he gets batted around the head for swearing, Gianna holds more of a butter wouldn’t melt expression as she pouts at Cain, as if to show some form of sympathy that was clearly put on. Whilst she does Leyla’s chuckling at the encounter, seemingly just as relaxed as she was before, not fazed by what was making Cain sweat. Sure, if she hadn’t already drank as much as she had done, she might of been—- especially with the question that’s thrown her way, what did she see in him, she’s looking from Gianna to Cain this time, more at the word punching, it’s not familiar to her, or more, it’s not familiar in the way it’s being used and the brief confusion on her features was an obvious one. With that paired with the way Cain was looking at her, she finally felt herself feel warm, a little flustered as her cheeks flushed more rosey. It’s something Gianna notices and she whips her head to her mom, a silent exchange as if she’s asking her if she saw that. “No I’m just waiting for you to spontaneously combust.” She directs to her brother with a grin, apparently having a better time than he was. Maybe this ball was worth going to after all. “Do you make him sweat like this all the time?” Leyla asks, a little smirk on her features as she’s directing her question to his sister and mom. “Or is this a rare occasion?” she’s asking as it’s new to her. “I think he just thinks you’re gonna run for the hills.” Gianna replies, biting into her cupcake now, apparently fully satisfied she had picked all the little chocolate chips out.
Cain: “It’s just wrong,” he scoffed. “Yeah, save the animals blah blah, but these people had to go one further and make meat substitutes and say you can’t tell the difference. It’s bold faced lies. I can tell the difference, there ain’t no flies on me.” He’s wrinkling his nose in disgust, quite clearly feeling strongly about it, enough to allow it to distract him from his own sweaty palms. “Yes, well besides that, I actually remember you saying once that you would never date. In general. Anyone. But here we are.” Loraine raised a brow as she pulled the conversation back around just to see the sudden rabbit in headlight eyes. “Yeah. He we are.” He sounds a little grumpy but it’s only because he knows exactly what she’s doing and he doesn’t appreciate it. Was it hot in here? He was hot, tugging lightly at his collar to try and loosen it up. Between his mother and his sister, he could swear he wasn’t gonna make it outta here alive. He’s just thankful Leyla doesn’t seem as nervous as he is, she doesn’t look terrified which actually is helping him stay somewhat calm. “We try,” Loraine smirks. “But do you know how difficult it is to do that?” Make him sweat, that was. But once she says it, she quickly catches her own words. “Well, maybe you won’t find it so difficult. But I haven’t been able to break his macho man parade in years. The last time I made him nervous sweat was when I caught him at 5 years old inside the fridge, eating the chicken I’d prepped for the next day. Whole thing, demolished.” She sighs and shakes her head in amusement. “Alright, alright, first off it wasn’t the whole chicken,” he tells Leyla. “And even if it was, it was a small chicken and you,” he looks back at his mother. “Had sent me to bed without supper because I dragged mud all over your white fur rug and secondly, the fuck do you mean you don’t make me sweat? I’m in a constant nervous state around you. You’re really unpredictably terrifying and put you together[13:24]with your sidekick,” he tips his head over to the childrens corner where CJ’s mom was. “You two can be apocalyptic. I’ve ran through a field full of live grenades while people shot at me and I’d still say that was less terrifying than you can be.” He’s smirking until he looks over at Gianna. “And don’t get me started on you. You’re not scary, you’re just a pain in my ass.” He jests, puffing out a slow breath as he rolls his shoulders. “So I’ll ask again… Are you two done?” Cain quickly lifts his drink and takes a large gulp. Loraine has both brows raised as she looks between her children and Leyla. “Mm,” she simply just hums at first before tipping her head in agreement. “Alright, I’ll give you that one.” She would agree, she could be very terrifying, but she laughs because she knows he’s only messing around. “Scarier than gunfire and grenades,” sitting back in her seat, she looks towards Leyla and shrugs. “I’ll take the compliment.” Putting her glass down, she holds a hand up in defence. “I’m done. Gianna, are you done? I think Cain’s had enough for tonight.” And with her words, he gruffs out a scoff and relents into a lazy smirk, mainly because his eyes have drifted back towards Leyla and he just can’t help it. They can all hear the frantic man who runs in the hall but over all the chatter and music, he doesn’t hear what he’s screaming about and quite honestly? He thinks what most did over in the other corner, it’s nothing. Funny how he told himself that and yet his shoulders have already tensed up, like a sense of something brewing. “Me and ‘Ana are debating ordering a pizza here, you think they’ll let us bring it in?” He chuckles, starting a more relaxed conversation. A couple minutes later, there’s a hand on his shoulder and a member of the MC who bows down to whisper in his ear, one sentence that had the colour draining from his face. “Who?” He turns to look up.[13:24]The guy glances between them all and shakes his head. “Martin.” He confesses. Cain curses under his breath, brushing a hand over his mouth as his lips twist in a thin line. Anger, sadness… That good mood? Gone. “Stay here,” he’s talking to his mother and Gianna who he figures would already be twisting to get up and go with him. “Please.” Cain adds and to his relief, at least Loraine relents and gives him a silent nod. “You too, Doc.” His smile is sympathetic as he focuses his attention on Leyla while he stands up. With a glance behind him, he sees a few members waiting for him and sighs, patting a couple of them on their shoulders and beginning his walk towards the backdoors, following behind Marcus who was naturally leading the pack, so to speak. “Jesus Christ,” Loraine whispers, gentle fingers pressed into her eyes.
Gianna: Musing along as she’s finishing off her cupcake, she’s completely drowning out the people around as well as the music, she’s more or less sitting there laughing  (  inwardly as well as outwardly  )  at everything that was being said between her mom and Cain. Being a royal pain in his ass was more her duty as his only sibling and boy did she enjoy it, so whilst she feigned that sense of feeling insulted, that little twinkle in her eye followed by a small smirk told just how much she knew exactly what she was doing. “Alright,” she nonchalantly shrugs, following their mom’s lead, “I’m done.” she gives a little nod, reaching for her glass of orange juice she takes a sip to wash down the last of the cake she was eating. Whilst for all of three seconds her eyes become drawn to the guy that has come running into the hall screaming, her attention gets pulled back to Cain as he mentions pizza. She was never really one to not engage in conversation when food was mentioned. There’s a grin on her features as she sees the look on her mom’s expressions at them wanting to stuff their faces even more than they already have, but any form of amusement fell when she saw the guy walk up to Cain, knowing she knows he’s in the MC she’s becoming more nosy, her awareness of her surroundings becoming more obvious as the room is becoming more hectic. She’s watching her brother’s face and her shoulders tense, a moment in which she’s practically ready to get up from the table but with Cain asking her to stay seated, she settles with a sigh, a frown showcasing as she watches the MC walk towards the doors.[20:25]Leyla: That amusing, relaxed— admiring atmosphere that had been created seemingly fizzled at the snap of a finger. It’s the second she’s about to say she wouldn’t say no to pizza that she watches the stranger approach and whisper in Cain’s ear that tells her  (  just as it did everyone else  )  something bad had happened. She hadn’t ignored the screams from the man abruptly rushing into the hall, it had caused her head to whip into his direction— just as it did a few others, but with the music and the loud voices, for the moment time allowed it hadn’t yet all connected together until the sheer wash over Cain’s expressions. That trait of hers that pulled her to a situation wanting to help was presently there but there’s a silent understanding that she won’t be able to and once Cain’s left the table, the hall suddenly feels quiet. There’s people whispering and as those whispers got louder it was very quickly becoming obvious what had happened. No, at this stage no one really knew what, but the fact that someone had died— Martin, it caused a frown on her expressions. She can’t place the name to a face, not right now, but she feels concerned. She can also feel herself sobering up and that floating mood she was in had been overshadowed by that thought of a murderer potentially sitting in this very hall. She doesn’t say anymore, there’s plenty she might want to say but only if she was in different company. Gianna was quiet, watching the entrance to the hall assumingly for her brother to come back in— Leyla’s first thoughts were wondering if she was worried about Cain, she was herself but she hadn’t ignored the large group he had walked out with; so she knew he’d be fine.
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
I'm A Little Smart Short And Stout Here Is My Finger Funny
That is a I'm A Little Smart Short And Stout Here Is My Finger Funny psychotic transgender you know wife or daughter in is bad the need this bathroom handicap bathroom to break your fucking links and just in case you guys go don’t believe that this pedophilia shit is really going on take a look at this that is a pregnant child these are pregnant children how do you think these children got pregnant grown man raping that can say having sex is no such thing as consensual sex with a child that is right these children are rape victims and it happens every fucking day in Q’s been exposing it trumps been exposing and going to war with them been exposing it to YouTube is a been exposing it and as a result were being targeted but we can’t stop fighting is one from WikiLeaks to do a bad and you who Montezuma Aberdeen Obama Barack. Four year olds have the background when I got out of the FMLA moments that moment when you drop off back and asked about the people that 11 finance automatic blood profit for my children I would be me and letting worthwhile arrows on CBS news located in a story that will be Catherine Jean Harding transformer is neither a note of the charges against the and went away for me to spend his time take a look at the Thursday March 4 they looking for the election’s names and politics will choose these the questions you want is a very sorry for every the very point to face the nation CBS we are in this area to be made to look through a telescope on in a few hours to nomination for Carolyn bangs forward and primary challengers will also be speaking to Cory Booker and Michael Bloomberg meanwhile brought in from continued to make official White House tricks to key battleground stage where he campaigned against binding in Scranton a former BP birthplace been the subject throughout this week convention last when he was. Happening here and took in what they are doing that’s the that just a continuation of the hoax whether it’s the impeachment Oaks or the Russia Russia Russia hope this is what I’m talking about certainly not referring to this how can anybody refer to this this is very serious about the way they referred to it because these people have done such an incredible job and I don’t like it when they are criticizing these people and that stokes that’s what I’ve done information Dr world renowned for being my Dr is just a question has because he has had that ability to do virtually whatever is wanted to do that in fact he was never muzzled think I can speak what are you let me let me clarify I have never been muzzled ever and I been doing this since the administration of Ronald Reagan I’m not been muzzled by this ministration what happened which was misinterpreted is that we were set up to go on some shows when the vice president took over said let’s regroup and figure out how to be communicated so I had to just stand
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My mom said you dad told you smart dog judging you right now and your best friend is called crazy the only give it to a I'm A Little Smart Short And Stout Here Is My Finger Funny story mansion getting your newsletter noble in Stephenson’s sleep news straight to the store maybe more neuron than I am now with so much on the line number one for on stories stories stories is now is most likely has I had bad news ABC news live watch the street prescribers right now will hear from you 2 now away for 2021 not seem to be ready by 2021 so much attention when he may have a short answer connect and be ready training 2021 according. Our country faces well aware well aware of all the threads to this nation and ready to respond to them as a child of immigrants she knows personally how immigrant families enrich our country as well as the challenges of what it means to grow up black and you need American in United States of America per stories America story different from mine to many particulars but also lots of different in the essentials she’s worked hard she’s never back down from a challenge and she has earned each and every of the accolades and achievements that she has gained many of them often in the face of obstacles that others put in her way but never quit and this morning all across the nation little girls woke up special black and brown girls so often feel overlooked and undervalued in the communities but today today just maybe they’re seeing themselves for the first time in a new way as the stuff of present and vice presidents in her campaign the primary camel often talked about what you referred to as the 3M agenda by moms. Is based on something happening books are that years ago I remember what day is here was actually exclusive from New York comic con 2011 I believeand my friend Kal who owns straight investors the comic shop whereby complex he went to New York goneand pick up this exclusiveand he just gave to me because he was collecting the line so that was pretty sweet but I kept this guy in package I just keep picked up on my walland next a couple of she hulks services Holt’s cousin Jennifer Walters who turned into a hold of her ownand she had a blood transfusion forand this is she holding her classic fit this is what she wears in most of her miniseriesand stuff is cool I didn’t see hope in the marvel of design until very recently been released her in her grave version out which is actually a great figure I don’t have a marvelousand where she will actually Holt’s girlfriend Betty Ross came remember why she turned into a red hope for a while but to deny scope on this figure cool character we don’t ever marvel into herand I can waitand see this figure released in this formatand here we get some hope villains so first up is the abomination which is a pretty nice felt but I will say his first big muscular guy goes it doesn’t work as well for abominations of the whole what it is the sizes had me produced body because it used horses are something it’s focus is not working here but I don’t dislike the figures that does a lot of looking but do you still fly scope in the faceand the scope of the body toand then it took that they figure they did have some new additional parts hereand see he’s got these a very distinctive looks on his forearms but otherwise it he’s mostly the same figure but this is the second abomination which was actually character Rick Jonesand when he became abomination he took on any A bomb which is corny cool thing that I think this is the only A bomb figure that never gottenand I it’s very cool I hope we get him in the wasand still some point that big lookand then the leader was a classical villain pendulous face will walk you need to close this is the glare section to Beth Beth deny scope of this figure I think this one actually looks a lot better than the upcoming Marvel legend figureand the quite a bit portions are nice guys with big goofy heads like this can sometimes be hard to pull off but your think a this leader looks really good so next up with a look at some force so we can we get this file here is essentially classic though her body from the IPE’s comments is what most people associate with the words that will hammer with his little inscription a pretty cool although the head rather classic beardless had to give us his the bearded one here is not college but not a bad figure if I’m going to have one classic door I would prefer beer now than the store her this is a more contemporary look for Thorand my personal favorite store this is the look he wore no is a contemporary for 15 years but the door was dead for while composting he came back sometime after the Civil Warand he had his newly redesigned costumes that was really the first time I started reading for complex on a regularand is seeking a big fan I really love this look this is a great figure is a lot of personality in the face looks a lot like the artwork that this costume is based on you I like the wash over the over the chain mail there there is a detailed brother is a really nice figure one of my favorites from the lineand lastly the for standing this is next with the words another character called thunder strike which I use Thor’s hammer for a whileand yet he is a claim is the classic for a fit on the leather jacket over top of the objectives were popular in the 90sand the he’s okay I see a new associate figure of a character that you don’t expect but the Dr to that much soand now we have some Thor allies have been rebuiltand I absolutely love this figure looks great he’s got an articulated jaw’s message is awesome for such small figure I love this costume love the hammer elevating about it we did recently get a bit rebuilt Marvel legends but his more updated costume as just a is not as nice looking as this one so if I do choose between the two I still prefer the smaller version of the rebuiltand we got sifts so this is based on the look from the movie the first form of so as a counterclaimand the actors likenesses not great is okay for this figure the size but you need to furtherand Connie outcomes based on Anthony Hopkins this is Oden Thor’s father so this is cool again characters with Odenand said I would prefer to have the comic based version rather than a movie one but never made but based one so I will be checking my foot had byand so here are some Thor villainsand these guys are all based on the movies so low key hereand at least as lucky with his helmet on Sotelo bit of a flair for the comic design they always would prefer the comic book appearances post movie appearances but low key characters right never really loved his comic book look anyway you could get a version of this they did make one comp costume is also really skinny goofy looking so I was content with this being my only low key except we have curse you might remember he was kind of a henchman in the second Thor movieand this is a character has a really cool design of the comic books it’s really crazy looking out there is happy that they work this character into the moviesand this is a cool design but I would prefer to look more like the comic book look in your filters underused anyway but it’s cool that these have some figure of him but I hope they eventually do Marvel legend of him based on his comic book appearance then we got one of the frost giants this is supposed to be a specific guy I think I can see he’s pretty cooland then we’ve got one of the dark elves also from the second movie so Mel kicked with the leader than the discipline to henchmen dress like this so I would’ve preferred exit amount kiss but it’s always fun to get some little army builders here too so it I do dig the look of the skyand here we have some comic book based Thor villains so first destroyer in the office action probably was from the movie line as well but the movie line was so close to the car because I would tell the difference so I member this was a hard to find figure I really wanted itand I think actually not by misguided eBay pain a bit of a premium form but it’s pretty cool figure there’s a couple different variations on this one is pretty much sum of solid black are really really dark grayand his but on his chest he had some sort of light up featuring his chest look red or something but the battery emeritus long since died this destroyer is pretty cooland the enchantress so she’s plain looking she supposed to be all seductressand I don’t know how people should be seduced without Syria is a special Marvel legend is much betterand then this guy here I don’t think we go Marvel him this is you look he’s a controland this is pretty cool figure I think it uses a lot of the same body as the abominations of suffers a little bit of heaven that same kind is a look but it may be makes more sense for troll reports to be sized that way then it’s a cool figure’s analysis looks at Capt See Other related products: What Would Joe Biden Do T Shirt
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sweetcloverheart · 7 years
Osomatsu San X BNHA Headcanons
I was bored and the idea was rolling around in my head -
Osomatsu would be quirkless. He might have tried to see if he developed one later when he was little but after some time he just eventually gave up. I imagine it would play a lot into his laziness and role as the “Oldest”. He also likes using it to get out of trouble/get pity with his bros (”Eh, why can’t you give you dear poor quirkless oniichan your pachiko winnings. Don’t you know how hard it is for a guy like me in a society like this to get cash?”.”)
If he did have one then maybe a restoration quirk (Like reseting things to their original state), or maybe a slight strength augmenting quirk (extremely slight, as in only a bit stronger than the average person) 
My inner Karamatsu girl bias says “Sparkles/light manipulation” but my heart says “Plant Manipulation/production quirk” cause I like the idea. He’s only able to grow roses normally though - everything else he tries to makes turns poisonous and/or carnivorous.
I weirdly can also see him with a voice-related quirk, like maybe sound manipulation
Choromatsu was easiest to think of - illusion quirk. It’d probably be tied very deeply into his mental state and the types are heavily tied to his mood.
There’s also Intuitive Aptitude, which would work with Choromatsu perfectionism if he tried training it
Now you’re probably thinking “she obviously gave Ichimatsu a cat-related quirk” and yeah I considered it but then I thought - Barrier quirk. Think about it, what better power for mister “I don’t need people” than the ability to literally repel people from him.
Aura reading/manipulation would also work for him
Jyushimatsu was a challenge because what kind of quirk do you give a guy like him? Super Strength seems like too much of a gimme so I feel like a “Body Manipulation” quirk would work better - like he can make himself super loose and stretchy like rubber or tough as steel, or wet and slippery.
Growth/size manipulation or duplication would also fit him considering some of his skits
And finally Todomatsu, also a tough choice because what Quirk is good enough for dear little Totty. Telepath? Healing? Hypnotism? Nope - Mimicry quirk. Definitely fits Todomatsu and his need to rise above everyone by literally having the power to copy others.
And just for the sake of saying it - Technopath!Totty.(Though I imagine him only ending up using it to show off to coworkers)\ 
Regular Headcanons
Levels of quirk proficiency would be: Jyushimatsu>>>>Choromatsu>>Ichimatsu>>Todomatsu>Karamatsu>>>>>>>>>>>>>Osomatsu
I imagine they met All Might once - and by “Met All Might once” I mean he was in town and they saw him jumping over a building while at Chibita’s Oden cart.
They always bet on winners during the UA Sports festival and they all always lose
Jyushimatsu tried apply for a heroics course once back in high school but ended up getting dropped for...reasons.
He still managed to get a temporary hero license(was valid for like 3 months and he never returned/renewed it. The others just had him use it so they could go into places and go “We have a brother with a hero license we can do whatever we want”). Where did it come from? Did he pass the test? Did he buy it off someone?? DID HE STEAL IT???!?!? 
There was also a misadventure of the six attempting to apply for work at a hero agency and lets just say the less said the better.
Oso has lowest proficiency because he never practices, Todo and Kara have the poorest because they only ever practice with their quirks to look good (Though Totty is better at “Faking” high proficiency), Ichi’s and Choro’s are decent because they actually practice with them on occasion (though despite his proficiency, Ichi rarely uses his quirk at all), and Jyushi has highest proficiency because he uses his quirk constantly
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earthdefenseclub · 7 years
Re-Watch: S1E01
**WARNING** This post will be very image heavy! Beneath the cut is a summary-analysis-ramble of episode 01 if Boueibu’s first season! It’s been two years, but even so if you want to avoid spoilers, don’t read! (More importantly, go watch it if you haven’t!)
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So, as I mentioned in my last post, I recently bought the blu rays of Boueibu. I was surprised at how little the quality had changed between the online version and the blu ray discs. It’s okay, though, because it came with a bunch of extras that seem to be a series of Lovingly Bullying Nishiyama. I extracted the subs from the version I had and muxed them to the blu ray files I ripped because even though I’ve studied Japanese for over four years, I’m noooowhere near fluent, although I do often get nitpicky with subs, hah.
Anyway! Let’s roll right into it!
When I watched the first episode of Boueibu, it was during a stressful time in my life. I’d also been watching a lot of darker/plot-heavy shows, so as you might imagine this was like a breath of fresh air!
I mean, the OP is bright and adorable and uplifting!
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Just look how relaxed.
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The episode starts off with its (in)famous analysis of chikuwabu. Because I was watching with a friend, I didn’t have time to look up what the hell chikuwabu even was, but I at least obviously got the sense that it was some type of food.
I love En and Atsushi’s dialogue here. It does a really nice job of establishing them as characters and the friendship that they share. En is vague, philosophical and a little teasing (as seen above) and Atsushi, although he questions why the meaning of chikuwabu is so important to En, seems to have a deep understanding of his weirdo friend and even participates in the analysis a little.
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In the middle of their chat, Goura is seen chopping wood, although we later learn that the bath house doesn’t actually use the wood Goura chops. Poor Goura, forever destined to be chikuwabu. I do like how, although the creators realized Goura’s wood chopping actually had no use, they later had Atsushi point out the futility of it, basically making fun of themselves for the mistake.
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That is an incredibly calm reaction for two people seeing AN ALIEN DROP OUT OF A PORTAL.
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Don’t talk to strangers who mysteriously drop into the bath. Don’t do it.
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He answered him! But I do like how straightforward Atsushi is here. Sure, a thing fell out of a magical portal and into the bath, but he answers Wombat’s questions with only a little hesitation, as if it isn’t all that weird at all.
Of course, when they see what they’re actually talking to, they rightfully get a little freaked out.
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I mean. I’d be pretty uneasy myself.
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Atsushi’s pretty good at tripping and dragging En down with him, isn’t he?
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As they’re struggling in the bath, Yumoto comes in. This is his introduction, and so the first thing he does is chastise En and Atsushi for splashing in the bath. The second thing he does is scream "WOMBAT!" and jumps right into the bath to get a hold of him so he can cuddle him. The third years, being the type of people who dump difficult situations onto others, hightail it the hell out of there.
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It didn't bother me the first time I watched it because I was completely lost about WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING, but on a re-watch I find it kind of odd they don't know Yumoto that well. Later, we see that they both vaguely recognized the Monster-of-the-Week, but they're unsure of Yumoto's name even though they've been going to the bath house for at least a year. You’d think they’d know for sure!
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I love this scene of the Student Council leaving school and passing En and Atsushi. I can admit that I'm not very good at picking out foreshadowing or other literary devices, but somehow I'd pieced together most of the puzzle of Kinshirou's past because of this scene coupled with the ED. I know it's probably obvious by the time you get to episode 3 or 4, I'm even so I'm still kind of proud of myself!
Atsushi tries to make lighthearted conversation and Kinshirou immediately shuts him down. Even though Kinshirou has ignored him since middle school, Atsushi still makes an effort to talk to him and repair their friendship. On my first watch, I’d gotten the feeling from the scene that Kinshirou was angry at Atsushi because he’d become better friends with En as the ED was playing. Obviously, I had no idea how that had come to be, and I wasn’t really all that far off. But damn.
After the Student Council passes, the conversation drifts back to food as Yumoto harasses Wombat. En calls them the golden trio of daikon radish, egg and mochi-stuffed tofu in oden terms. Atsushi then makes a comment about how konjac isn't included, and although I could make an effort to analyze this, I really love crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer ‘s analysis which you can read here.
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No analysis here; I just appreciate how beautiful the lighting is.
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The OP is so lighthearted.
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I can't.
When I watch TV shows or anime or what have you, I actually don't care much about the plot. What I care about most is the interaction between characters -- how they grow or change throughout a show. I'm a little sad that Ryuu and Io don't get as much screen time as En, Atsushi and Yumoto because there was so much potential there!
I think Boueibu is written in a way that even though it might be shallow sometimes, if you look hard enough you can see something much deeper. That’s just how a lot of Japanese media is written. It’s your job, as the audience, to understand the meaning of what the show is trying to tell you. Subtly is important in Japanese language and culture, so storytelling is no different. Even so, Ryuu and Io seemed to get pushed to the side a lot in favor of the other three. At least we have the novels and some other materials to get a sense of Ryuu and Io. For example, knowing that Io lives alone and that Ryuu was raised by his grandmother puts them in a different light than one-note characters who are "money-obsessed" or "girl-crazy."
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5 ordinary high school boys who use Love Making for the sake of the world!
With the number of times the voice actors and stage play actors make jokes about their transformation phrase, you just KNOW it was chosen on purpose.
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Even though I had no idea what chikuwabu was on my first viewing, I did at least make the connection here. When he started his speech about how there were three categories for people, I thought it was going to turn into one of those "lol you can't count" jokes. But, by the end of it, my heart actually hurt for him!
If you do believe that En and Atsushi's discussion about the point of chikuwabu is a parallel to the ordinary people who don't stand out or feel they're not special, it really is a pretty sad situation for Kazutake.
He may just have a minute or two of screen time, but during that time we're shown how people ignore him, to the point where a student bumps into him and doesn't even apologize because he doesn't recognize it was a student he'd plowed over.
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After seeing this sign, I felt incredibly silly wondering what class En and Atsushi were in when it straight up showed it here. I knew they were third years, but I’d always wondered which class they were in specifically, especially since they didn’t share class with Ibushi or Kinshirou.
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En trying to take a nap and Atsushi being attentive even when it's not necessary. This is another thing I like about Boueibu -- there are a lot of background events that cement characters' traits or expand upon them. Sometimes they're just funny, too.
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Again, HOW ARE THEY SO CALM? Their teacher walks in carrying the space wombat from yesterday and this is their expression?!
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I know I just praised the series for inserting cute/meaningful background events, but all you people with sweaters, where did you come from?! None of you were here when it panned out before! Maybe they were taking advantage of the break. As an aside, I love how it's Atsushi who has aisatsu duty.
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After class, En and Atsushi make an effort to leave but are interrupted by Tawarayama being possessed by Wombat. Instead of horrified, they just look mildly annoyed that the pink wombat won't leave them alone.
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As they're running away, they make funny comments about why they don't want anything to do with Wombat or saving the world. En displays his hyper-observant skills when he notes that Tawarayama is going to turn 77 this year. It’s a weird, but astute observation.
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While Atsushi's excuse is that saving the world is too much responsibility, En flat out admits he'd rather contemplate on the meaning of chikuwabu and its place in the world. If it were any other character, it'd probably be a lie just to get out of responsibilities, but chikuwabu has apparently been on En's mind for "a while." He’s 100% serious and it’s hilarious.
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Yumoto dashes onto the scene once again, more or less saving the third years from the responsibility of saving the world. I think it's interesting to note that although En and Atsushi dash past Kazutake in their efforts to avoid Wombat, they don't actually knock him down. They may not have much interest in people who don't concern them, but at least they're kinder than the random student who bowled Kazutake down earlier. Of course, Yumoto, Tawarayama and Wombat do knock Kazutake over, but...
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Again, it's a nice contrast to what we were presented with earlier. Atsushi may have a mean streak when it comes to En (although I think he just feels comfortable talking to En without a filter), but he's the only one who took direct notice of Kazutake and called out to him to see if he was okay.
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On a first watch, you might think that En and Atsushi are discussing Yumoto and Wombat, but I think it's more likely they're talking about Ryuu and Io here. Although it's been a year or so, Ryuu and Io are as opposite as night and day.
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Calm, goal-oriented Io and his obsession with money. He speaks with a politeness that is unusual when speaking in the company of friends who are the same age. It does make sense when he's speaking to En and Atsushi as he's their kouhai, but he speaks the same way to Ryuu and Yumoto. Speaking in such an overly polite way is an excellent way to build a wall around yourself, ensuring you're less likely to be hurt. He’s walled himself off so much they he lives alone, completely isolated except for his computers and the stock market.
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Energetic, girl-crazy Ryuu. I feel like Ryuu tends to get the short end of the stick, whether it’s his short transformations or how often he tends to just be “there” in the background, not really contributing anything (like chikuwabu). I mentioned earlier that Ryuu was raised by his grandmother, and so I can only imagine how much of a handful he was to her.
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Seeing the club registration form made me laugh and I remembered that when they did eventually submit it, Atsushi was named as its president. Definitely fitting, because even though Yumoto is literally the heart of their group, I kind of feel that without Atsushi around, things will fall apart. He’s lazy, although not to the extent of En, but he has that motherly, wifely vibe about him that keeps things running smoothly. Sadly, Atsushi revoked his presidency when he found out about it. At least the Student Council was nice enough to provide the form instead of making them go get it themselves.
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There I was, enjoying my cute, casual anime AND THEN IT KIND OF GOT DARK? I was genuinely surprised at how the tone of the show quickly grew so dark, albeit it was a brief shift.
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Wombat forces the five of them to wear the Battle Lover bracelets, almost as if it’s a punishment. He claims they’re full of love (and they are, just not for... normal things), but is it really the same when you’re forcing someone to be full of love? It really is kind of creepy the way the “power of love” overtakes them, forcing them to say certain things and make humiliating poses. Granted, it seems like it’s the love that’s “inside” them, such as En’s love of freedom and Io’s love of money, that makes them do these things but still.
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As with any magical girl/magical boy anime, the thing a lot of people look forward to is the transformation sequence! And I was not disappointed.
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Although some of their backgrounds when they do their final pose reminds me of AOL icons, the fact that it’s a parody of Sailor Moon and similar anime really shines through here. En may be my favorite character, but nothing beats Io’s rainbow crotch transformation.
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Since the anime doesn’t take itself seriously, neither do the characters. The Battle Lovers are torn between horror and pleasant surprise when they see their outfits and are understandably a little upset when they won’t come off.
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They blow off some steam when they realize they can shoot magic beams out of their Love Sticks, which they dub with the most ridiculous names. Wombat chastises them for not taking their jobs seriously, but what did he expect when he forced them to become the Battle Lovers?
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After a short kerfuffle, they win, but the chikuwabu monster won’t accept defeat. So Yumoto punches him right in the face, leaving the others to wonder what the point of all their flashy moves were if Yumoto was just going to resort to such violence.
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After a pleasant Love Shower, En and Atsushi recognize Kazutake as a boy from the class one room away and Yumoto passes out bath house coupons.
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The fact that he gave one to Kazutake warms my heart. Even though Yumoto is a cloudcuckoolander, he has a deep love for all things and all people. Kazutake just threatened to kill them more or less, but Yumoto easily forgives him and even welcomes him to go to the Kurotama Bath House -- and there’s no reason for the Battle Lovers to believe that Kazutake did those things against his will.
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With the battle won, the Battle Lovers head off to the bath house to refresh their weary souls, although I’m not sure they smell too much of broth as Ryuu claims. After all, most of them didn’t really do anything except for Yumoto. They’re all so lazy.......
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I don’t know why I was surprised to see that the Student Council was behind Kazutake turning into a monster. Those boots are ridiculous, but the rest of their outfits are very nice. I especially love how Ibushi and Akoya are smiling pleasantly while Kinshirou is having none of that. If it weren’t for Ibushi and Akoya, who knows how much worse off Kinshirou would have been?
* * *
That’s it for episode 1! I think it’s a nice, fun-loving way to introduce the characters and the Battle Lovers. It sets up a lot of things, like using En’s chikuwabu speech to set up the monster of the week, but also hinting the Conquest Club’s ultimate goal.
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I really love this series and I can’t wait to re-watch the other episodes! Episode 8 is my favorite for obvious reasons. Let me know if you liked it, or post your own thoughts! I pretty much devour any talk I see about Boueibu and I love to see it as a topic of discussion.
Let’s get pumped for the OVA! A graduation of love and youth!!
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startegypt49-blog · 5 years
Ask Sam Mailbag: 04.05.2019
Is Zion really that much of a "cant' miss" No. 1 overall pick?
Is it a concern that he couldn't lead his team into the Final 4?
LongGiang Le
Sam: It would be a good study to compare the NCAA tournament success versus NBA career success. It's hardly an indicator, no offense to Ryan Arcidiacono, who was an NCAA tournament most outstanding players for a title team. Certainly, there were great winners like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (nee Lew Alcindor), Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Walton, Earvin (Magic) Johnson, Isiah Thomas and Hakeem (nee Akeem) Olajuwon. And guys who dominated the tournament like Jack Givens, Tony Delk and Mateen Cleeves. Kevin Durant, James Harden and Paul Pierce were out in the second round, Ben Simmons and Paul George never even made the tournament and even though Michael Jordan's shot won a title, his junior year his North Carolina team didn't get to the Final Four. So we won't hold that against Zion.
You mean a can't miss player like Greg Oden, Markelle Fultz or Joe Barry Carroll? There's no such thing as can't miss. Though the large majority of overall NBA No. 1 picks have had good careers, if not always superstar. Which is the "can't miss" question on Williamson. Someone and likely several in the draft will be All-Stars, though team building is about getting that one star. The 76ers have made some really good deals and other drafts, but without Embiid they're still about a .500 team. Since I've been following the draft starting in the early 1960s, I'd say Zion's in the top 10 of most hyped players. I'd probably put him after Kareem, Magic, Olajuwon, Walton and LeBron. And in a group with Oden, Shaq, Patrick Ewing and maybe Elvin Hayes or Tim Duncan. Cazzie Russell is just on the edge. Most, obviously, went onto big careers, and Zion should also. Though Walton's and Oden's were sidelined by injury, and Williamson does put a lot of torque on his body. Ewing never led his team to a title even as a Hall of Famer. It still requires luck after lucking into the No. 1 pick.
More than ever if we get the no 1, I'd trade it. I really don't want Zion. A lot of these kids look awesome against the other kids, they won't against an NBA talent. Maybe he will be as good as this generation gets. But I remember everybody was hot and heavy for Eddy Curry, and I'm wondering, "he can't even beat high School kids for the State Championship, let's get real". I know we need a point, and a shooting /scoring defensive All NBA, Klay Thompson, or a realistic version of him.
Tom Golden
Sam: I believe some personnel people have doubts about how Zion will hold up and where he fits at his size. But it would take the boldest and most secure executive in history (Pat Riley? Popovich? Red Auerbach?) to pass on Williamson, especially since the presumed No. 2 pick is a late blooming point guard who we're not sure could bench press a rack of basketballs. Zion has been the media story of college basketball and, at the very least, would be the best merchandise and ticket seller to come along in years. There probably isn't a team business and marketing department that would let him pass if only for the media coverage the team would get for the next six months. ESPN already is interviewing reporters to embed with Zion. I'm guessing, but would not be surprised. That alone should equal the value of his contract. You'd be able to make a great trade if you had Williamson, though no one will. I know I'm getting the No. 1 pick right this year in my mock draft. Probably two and three also, but from there I'm done. And probably many teams as well.
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Lemon Jr. drives
Now that we are down the season stretch. Which of these young players that are getting time that you would like to see stick on with the Bulls to try to and or make this roster going into next season? Lemon, Jr. Jakkar Sampson, Shaq Harrison, Arch, and TLC.
Thomas Brackeen
Sam: I'd like to see many of them as they are hard playing, good, tough kids. Perhaps one or two will be there. As I noted the other day after the Wizards game, there basically are about 10 Bulls roster spots taken already without any of those guys: Dunn, LaVine, Porter, Markkanen and Carter, basically next season's starting five (if no Zion), and none are playing now. Then there's a potentially decent bench with Valentine, Hutchison, two draft picks and one or two free agents with about $20 million available. And that doesn't include Cristiano Felicio, still under contract, and Robin Lopez, a free agent who could return. Of course, there could be trades. I've been a fan of Walt Lemon's since watching him all season in the G-league, though I suspect the team for now is most comfortable with Arcidiacono and Harrison. But it's possible there will be just one roster spot available since the Bulls like to carry 14 to keep a spot open in case of a trade opportunity. And some of those guys might find better opportunities for more playing time considering the way they've improved as NBA players. I'd say most deserve to be on NBA rosters next season. Most have done a good job with the Bulls in a tough situation and are the kind of players you'd like for your bench.
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Goran Dragic drives
I'm a huge fan of team building and unlike most of our fans, actually have patience and see potential in our roster. My biggest fear in free agency this year is acquiring players that may push our young players already on the roster, further down the rotation. There's something to be said for on-job training. Hutch and Valentine specifically. The drop off from the starters to the bench is too dramatic. So I've compromised a list of pieces that I think will fit and compete.
Bulls possible new roster: All UFA
Pursue Dinwiddie or Dragic as starter
If Dragic is starter, still attempt to sign Dinwiddie as backup
Keep Arci as 3rd pg
Niko or Taj (backup PF)
Re-sign Robin
Pursue Hood/Justin Holiday/Glen Robinson III
Trade Dunn! For picks/cash if necessary
Maybe waive Blakeney, Felicio, if no one bites in trade talks
Still have Hutch & Valentine
Valentine has to show and prove
Keep Selden? Maybe G-League prospects Lemon & Sampson?
Brandon Evans
Sam: If I can figure that out, you seem mostly to be looking for the Bulls 2015 roster. Dragic, by the way, has a player option for about $20 million which I assume with his injuries he'll pick up. I would. Been there, done that. I know there's been talk about bringing back many from that ol' gang, like Derrick, Taj, Jo. Dinwiddie recently signed a three-year extension, as I recall. The Bulls still need some veteran guidance in addition to Otto Porter Jr. But when you bring back players you had in more golden times, the tendency is for the community to expect them to be who they were and not who they are. It could change, but I suspect the Bulls will look for younger veteran types like Porter.
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Lemon Jr. attempts layup
Toronto was an enjoyable first Bulls game because of the refreshing team effort and Lemon. You have to like his burst, the way he distributes the ball and his drives to the basket. We don't know if he can shoot beyond eight feet and certainly the league will adjust but for one night he was fun to watch.
John Petersen
Sam: Then he didn't look good, and then Wednesday in Washington he did again. It's difficult to put too much into what goes on these days between teams not playing for anything. But it is something when you can make a winning shot and/or free throws like Lemon did in Washington. It shows more than just about Lemon that there are players—as there are people in all professions—who need a chance, that opportunity often transcends ability. We generally accept that if you have the job or perform, it's because of you and that others would not be able to. It's not necessarily the case, but those who have the positions like to write the narratives. Walt Lemon could have been a rotation regular this season on a dozen or more NBA rosters. He just wasn't because he wasn't before. It's often the flaw of scouting and personnel in many fields. Some people need a chance even though they don't have the appropriate credentials.
The latest collegiate cheating scandal has shined a light on what we all knew, that wealthy and connected people can get their kids into places that assure a foot in the door that others don't have. It's been the great inequity of American society, and many others, undoubtedly. After all, how many of those European queens ever sounded smart? And the kings sounded like absolute idiots. Like so many of these presidents and world leaders with Ivy League credentials. After listening to them, you know they didn't take their SATs.
Guys like Walt Lemon and before him at Windy City, Alfonzo McKinnie, were NBA players. They just didn't have the right resumes, the right college or awards or camps. It's why you so often see scouts travel in packs. If they all make the same mistake, then it's not wrong. That's why so many of these mock drafts you see are consensus. The best way to keep your job is to make sure the other guys see things the way you do. The outlier is the risk taker, and we find so few. Why take a chance on a guy like Walt Lemon if no one else does? Sure, sometimes those guys slip through, and sometimes like with Lemon and McKinnie, they improve with time and experience. Most of us can recognize obvious talent. Guys like Lemon and Sampson aren't All-Star, franchise changers. They actually are like many of us, who could do many of our bosses' jobs better than they do. If only the opportunity. It's the greatest of gifts. Then it's on you. And, really, what more can you ask.
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Wendell Carter Jr. looks to move to the basket
You wrote that the Bulls didn't have anything resembling what it would have taken to move up in last year's draft. I found this opinion to be surprising as I thought they could have bested Dallas' offer, though admittedly I wanted them to take Jackson Jr. at the time, not Doncic. I was worried about Doncic's seemingly so-so athleticism, which as you wrote hasn't held him back so far.
Anyway, I thought the Bulls could have offered the #7 pick (Dallas offered #5) and next year's first round pick (same as what Dallas gave up, both are young/bad teams so you'd assume one's 2019 first wouldn't be much more highly valued than the other's). But what I thought could've put the Bulls offer over the top was including the #22 pick used for Hutchison. I suppose Atlanta specifically wanted Young and feared losing him to Dallas if they moved all the way back to #7, but at least that Bulls offer would have been very close to what Dallas offered, right?
Anyway, I hope Carter turns out to be a good one. He is who I wanted them to take if they couldn't move up and hasn't disappointed me so far. Not sure I saw any star potential this year before he got hurt but I didn't expect to.
Cameron Watkins
Sam: I actually think it's possible the Bulls would have been with you and taken Jackson, who also looks like he'll be really good. After all, let's not judge all the drafts after six months. Remember, three months ago Young was a bust. But it's moot because I knew they were trying to move up and couldn't. They hope Hutchison becomes a contributing player, but No. 22 never is quite enough to get you much. They could not beat Atlanta's offer without giving up Markkanen. LaVine coming off knee surgery recovery and as a free agent didn't have as much value even if he could have been traded. We haven't talked about Carter much because he's been gone so long. BO, as it were, Before Otto. And before Lopez' Leap.
But when next season begins—assuming the Bulls don't get the No. 1 pick and Zion says he's a center—Carter will be back starting at center. There are concerns and questions, though there should not be that many as he'll have just turned 20. He really had an impressive (half) season considering he was deferring offensively at the time trying to fit in and going through two coaches in his first season with half the starters out. He had some huge scoring games, several double/doubles, and played with unusual poise. He probably cannot work on his height in the offseason, which has been the main concern as he was overwhelmed at times by the bigger centers. He's said he considers himself more of a power forward. But he is unusually physical for someone his age and has the potential to do so many more things offensively inside and outside. His injury was perhaps the freakiest of the freaky. He probably could trip over someone like that 100 times and reach down to regain his balance and never do that again. It's a setback after playing just a half season and most under a different coach. He'll be the Bulls starting center next season. We're all anxious to see how good he can be. At his age, there's plenty of room for excellence.
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Zach LaVine passes the ball
What do you think of Zach Lavine's development as a playmaker in the latter half of this season? In this era of position less basketball it seems like we need a primary playmaker and ballhandler rather than necessarily a point guard, so Zach filling that role well could potentially open up our options in the draft.
Cameron Lam
Sam: I guess it's not so position less if the Bulls need all that. This talk about position-less basketball is mostly a term for playing zones on defense (switching) and players having multiple skills, you know, like they had in the 1960s. The game hasn't changed that much other than the demand for a while to specialize—some dribblers, some shooters and some rebounders—to where now it seems like an innovation to have players who can do multiple things. Players once were supposed to do that because, you know, that was basketball. Sure, most people can do one thing better than other things, but players were once taught to do more things. There were various reasons for specialization, some insidious so you wouldn't have to pay certain players more money since they were, say, just rebounders and not scoring. Clearly, Robin Lopez isn't going to be your facilitator on the fast break. Players do have certain special skills. Zach is a very talented guy, which means he can dribble, he can pass and he can shoot. Imagine that. That's why he has the chance to be a great player. But he does some things better than others. I'd rather see him, at least for now, specialize more as a scorer since he's got an uncanny ability to shoot and get to the basket. So far he's tended to defer when he's had to run the team. But perhaps the biggest issue with a player like Zach now is how long he's been associated with losing. It's the biggest problem with these rebuilding situations. It sounds great to get those lottery picks and build when you've had a run of finishing in the middle. But there's also a line when you expose a player to losing too long. Zach began in a Minnesota rebuilding, got hurt, and came to Chicago in the ground zero of its rebuild. He does seem like a player who cares about winning since he seemed really depressed as the losses mounted into December and January and seemed to recover after the Porter trade and some success. It's a positive that he has multiple talents, but the Bulls still have some needs to address.
Do you think today's NBA players are the laziest defenders you have ever seen ? You only need to look at the steals and blocks per game leaders over the last 45 years to see that the last 3 seasons leaders rank near last in both statistics. You could only imagine MJ's numbers playing against today's NBA defenses.
Adam Palmer
Sam: I hadn't noticed that comparison and I'm not sure if that's an actual defensive measure, though they are lower in both categories. I think a lot has to do, especially with blocks, that there are so many more threes shot and when players go to the basket they'll often pass up a layup attempt to try to assist on a three. Everyone over 40 winces. But the defenses, I will agree, are not always as aggressive individually because the teams play so much switching and zone-like systems, which lead to lazy defensive principles.
Of course, the irony is that in the years you are referring to in the 70s, especially, the NBA was known as a league in which the players didn't play defense. The NBA players can defend better than you think because they are so much more athletic now. But the systems of play, perimeter shooting and load management make it look worse than it is. I plan to try to work "load management" into as many columns as I can since among all the stupid things said in sports, it might be the absolute stupidest. We used to use the term, but it referred more to working with Michael Sweetney.
NCAA: From what I've read, there are absolutely zero one-and-done prospects in the Final Four. I love that. It would be nice if GMs figured out that most college freshmen are not ready to help you win in the NBA. But I'm afraid it's going the other way. We'll soon have 18 year old's coming straight out of high school, which will hurt both the NBA and NCAA. My call would be to go the other way – require 2 years of college or 21 yrs. old. That sets up college as the (slightly) faster route to the NBA, and hopefully would encourage kids to go to school. Or here's another idea: base the rookie contract scale on number of yrs. in school, so that staying in school helps you earn more during your first contract. There's also the idea of paying college players. I'm not opposed, but I wonder if schools can pay them enough to keep them away from the NBA for an extra year or two.
Art Alenik
Sam: I've never fully understood why the players' association has been so adamant about helping teenagers leave or avoid school and come into the NBA. I know this lame argument about everyone has a right to earn a living and tennis players can play at 16 and whatever. It's not in the Constitution. I also know you can't be a lawyer at 16. I have some lawyer jokes to use there, but they are lame as well.
The collegiate example this season is an aberration since Duke could have been there and Kentucky has been with a roster filled with NBA-to-bes. Though the point is salient that you can beat those teams more now with experience and savvy. It's why the NBA has taken a step back in quality because so many unprepared teenagers and 20-year-olds have to be on NBA rosters. It's like the old, ridiculous bonus baby baseball rule when a high paid young player had to start on a major league roster. It usually ruined his career, though he didn't have to play. Good luck benching your lottery pick. I don't much care about the NCAA and college since so many of the major universities are a sewer of corruption with either the parents buying their way in or the administrators forcing the kid through easy courses to assure eligibility for sports or even as I've heard from some NBA players keeping kids from taking more sophisticated courses because it takes away from sports training.
The NBA, like any business, should have a right to protect itself from hiring unprepared employees. Sure, some players are ready, but between so many young players breaking down physically because their bodies aren't ready and teams having to go back to so many basics with unprepared players, the game suffers. I'm for extending the waiting period, which obviously is about to go the other way because it seems even the NBA has given in. I know the argument about kids in unfortunate and hardship financial situations and the need to make money, and I'm pleased to see what the NBA is doing regarding the G-league and increasing salaries. If only those kids like in baseball could play there for a few years and learn to play. And perhaps make Hoffman Estates a destination for other than the Poplar Creek Buffalo Wild Wings.
As we all seem to be focusing on the upcoming draft and this is assuming the lottery falls in standing order with the bulls picking number four.
My thought is that Jarrett Culver from Texas Tech would be a good fit with the rebuilding core, if... LaVine is pushed back over to point. Everyone is looking for a scoring point guard who can distribute as well, surely he fits the bill and Culver would be a very good 3 and d slashing guard alongside him.
Could work?
Alex Kansas
Sam: Ooops, I just dropped Zach above from point guard responsibilities. Trying not to contradict myself, Jim Boylen has employed some sequences with different players handling the ball into the scoring area. Many teams do so. You don't have to have an exclusive point guard. Steph Curry is Golden State's point guard, but Green and Durant do plenty of playmaking. OK, Green. I believe Culver still is playing, so we can both scout him. I remember last year the 3-D guy to get was Mikal Bridges. It seems like it's been an adjustment for him. Though I'm not sure Booker will let him have the ball. It seems the first three picks in the draft will be in order Zion, Morant and Barrett, the latter because it seems he'll just figure a way to score. From there it seems, at least for now, that someone will like someone at 5 who someone else will see at 12. But that's the way Donovan Mitchell gets to 13. You have to pick right and be fortunate. The Bulls clearly need three-point shooting perhaps as much or more than any team in the NBA. So he could work.
I am sure we will add a quality player as long as we stay in the top 5.
Lots of draft experts seem to be down on RJ Barrett. I have not seen him play a lot at Duke, but he seems to have decent physical tools, comes from a strong basketball background, is competitive and has been winning at all levels. To me this feels like a case of everyone expecting him to be the best player in his class, which he was not and now everybody is extra negative about him. What is your take?
Sven Ruppert
Sam: Barrett is the tough call for me, and as I said above I expect he'll be taken third. I haven't been that impressed watching him because he's not super explosive, but we all said that about that Doncic guy. He seemed to figure out a way to score. And he seems to know how to make plays. The league likes explosive players for their star potential. But then you can get someone like James Harden, who just knows how to score. Barrett looks like he'll figure a way.
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LeBron James and Lonzo Ball
The television program I was watching this morning while exercising asked the question, "Is Zion the best Duke player ever?" ......huh? he doesn't have a midrange jumper. He brain-fades on defense and it hurts his team. BTW, nothing personal aimed at Williamson, who seems to be an okay kid. Also on the LeBron Channel, saw an interesting graphic. Did you realize that Jordan never missed a post-season as a Bull? Comparison to LBJ might not be fair (different types of players in different eras), but he asks for these when he declares himself the best of all time, which he has. Come to think of it, I don't remember Magic or Bird or the Doc ever missing a post-season. West? Wilt? Oscar? Kareem missed one season, but he played until he was in his early 40's plus the year he missed he was league MVP - I'd say that's a competitive guy. Not buying the idea that LBJ walked into a lousy Cavs team as an 18 year old. For one thing, no one made him skip Ohio State. For another, the Bulls team Jordan joined had big time problems which Jordan will acknowledge if you ask him. Jordan didn't take days off. He busted his butt dragging some serious bozos into the post-season. I'd add here that he didn't have roster input, otherwise Walter Davis and Johnny Dawkins would have been Bulls. Jordan took the lemons and made lemonade. That's what great players do. Players today often mind their personal corporations, frequently reverting to their AAU roots as they seek to play with their buddies. Jordan wasn't allowed to play with his buddies and built Jumpman/Air Jordan anyway.
None of this makes LBJ any less a player. LBJ is the best player of his generation. Hall of Fame penthouse with Kareem/Jordan/Wilt/EJ/Bird/Oscar/Russell? he takes pre-season pretty indifferently, takes personal days off in-season and then there's this. Plus he walked into a turn-key situation NBA-wise. I think that Kobe has missed the playoffs, too. These guys get their own tier with Hakeem, Ewing, Iverson, Karl Malone and Barkley, which isn't bad company. Of this lot, LBJ might be top dog though Kobe has more rings, Malone's stats are in important areas somewhat better, and Hakeem produced head-and-shoulders the very best basketball of any of 'em when he had all of his game working.
Pete Zievers
Sam: It is what LeBron brings on himself with some of those pronouncements. I guess part is getting swept up in that, but one thing with Jordan was he never declared himself better than greats. I remember when Julius Erving came to Chicago Stadium for the last time in what the media was calling a passing of the torch. Jordan was gracious in suggesting no one would do the things Dr. J did. It's somewhat inaccurate, of course, to compare the eras since Jordan the season he was hurt made the playoffs with a 30-win team (and then scored 63 in the playoffs and was swept). I'm sure the Lakers would have made the playoffs if LeBron didn't miss a month hurt and then sabotage the rest of the season with the Anthony Davis gambit, which he likely wouldn't have if he didn't get hurt and desperate. This is one debate that is never ending. But will anyone ever believe in 20 years either was better than Zion?
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Kobe Bryant and Tim Duncan
So let me start by saying that Kobe is a great player. Having said that, I truly don't understand how anybody can look at his career numbers and put him in the same conversation as MJ and Lebron, just like I wouldn't put Iverson in the same conversation as Kobe. But even beyond that: the guy was an incredibly difficult teammate. How the heck is it that he's become sort of an elder statesman now quoted all over the place? If people want quotes from a 5-time champ on being a leader or whatever, you could ask Tim Duncan.
Media narratives are nuts.
Alejandro Yegros
Sam: Perhaps it's more a lesson in modern media, though media narratives are wacky. Just wait out the bad days until they move onto something else, and then you can be whoever you say you are.
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Source: https://www.nba.com/bulls/news/ask-sam-mailbag-04052019
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