#like I’m literally willing to do anything for this company but I don’t even have to because my time and talent is respected
ellie-the-character · 10 months
Me: I am just waiting for you to ask me to do something literally you could tell me to like…buy a boulder and I would be like “you got it boss”
My boss/teacher: Why would I be asking you to buy a boulder??
Me: I don’t know it was the first thing that popped in my head
0 notes
crazyinluvfix · 5 months
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DON’T NEED SAVING - a klaus mikaelson oneshot
summary: when klaus brings his girlfriend to meet his family for the first time they don’t exactly welcome her with open arms. namely, rebekah. but as soon as she takes a dagger to her pride she gets ANGRY, and it makes klaus love her even more.
WARNINGS: swearing, depictions of anger / fighting, physical violence ( not domestic )
request: @ranisingsnew
3.7k words
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Klaus swore he would never let his power be dampened by something as frivolous as love - that he’d never be with a woman for more than a fling. He was too good for it. Too strong. Especially to fall for a human.
That was until he met Y/n.
One of his worldly escapades had led him to a place with architecture so beautiful, life so pure, and a certain spark so bold it could capture even him in its wonder.
All of this held his attention so tightly that he didn't even notice what was right in front of him until he hit it. Literally.
His typically sly, dark blue eyes seemed to flash a shade lighter for just a second when he looked up, growing wide at the sight before him. Something even more exquisite and awestriking than the scenery - something he never thought possible. Her.
She looked at him expectantly with an arched eyebrow as his brain practically short-circuited at the smell of the sweet blood beneath her veins.
“I-” he paused. “Sorry, love. Forgive me, I was in my own world,” his stare piercing, gaining back his usual strength after that brief moment of weakness, his signature smirk at home on his lips.
But his face practically dropped in surprise as her’s stayed just as it was; unmoving, unyielding, unimpressed, with arms crossed over her chest as she eyed him up and down.
Klaus felt unusually insufficient under her cold gaze, one that could rival his. He took a step forward, shaking out his shoulders to regain the intimidating presence he was so known for, folding his arms back at her.
“You’re not in a rush, are you?”
The look she gave was incredulous. “That depends, why are you asking?”
This one was feisty, he liked that, he liked a challenge.
His tongue swiped over his teeth with a slight chuckle before speaking again, the lilt in his voice that he used to woo any woman when he wanted to watch them crumble. “I’m new in town, I was hoping you could show me around,” he moved closer, “I’d love to get to know… the place.” A ring-clad hand reached forward to brush a strand of hair from her face.
But she got there before he could.
Her silence was deafening as she mulled the offer over. It wasn’t often that a woman could resist his charms for so long.
“If you’re so desperate to be in my company then fine. You can tag along but I’m not gonna be your little tour guide.”
The stark contrast between her sweet appearance and her fierce attitude was beyond alluring.
Klaus was willing to take anything he could get, feeling more like a lost puppy than he had in over 1000 years, and he was on her leash.
For days he managed to seek her out, every chance he got.
It was a means to an end, the usual end. At least, that’s what he told himself
But the less she fell victim to his charms, the more he was weirdly captured by hers.
Compulsion didn’t seem to work either - did she really make him so weak that he couldn’t perform such a basic function?
Instead, when she got defensive to his advances, it was like she put a spell on him of her own. She wasn’t a witch, but her mind games felt more powerful than any that he had met.
“What do you say we go and get a little drink, huh?” he leaned forward and looked into her eyes, waiting for her pupils to dilate so he could have her right where he wanted her.
“What are you doing?”
Klaus was abruptly taken aback, blinking rapidly as he let out a confused, breathy chuckle. “What do you mean? I’m not doing anything, love,” his eyes never left hers.
“No, that thing with your eyes,” she nodded, dead set on what she saw.
His only instinct was to try again, “You didn’t see anything.”
“There!” she caught it once more, causing him to take a step back; it was safe to say he was completely and utterly perplexed.
“You just did it again! What was that?”
Her eyes seemed to control him instead and he almost stuttered - he never stuttered.
This woman had him - the most powerful man on the planet - wrapped around her tiny little mortal finger.
She and Klaus had been dating for a few months now. After weeks of his constant flowers, letters, paintings, and smooth talk she finally gave in. He couldn’t help but think she only accepted his efforts because she had wanted a break from trying to resist them, and this is what she thought at first too; that she’d let him win for a little while, maybe a couple of weeks, and then break it off.
But as the months passed, she too fell head over heels for him. Over this short time he had already revealed everything to her about his supernatural world, he trusted her with his life and knew that she wouldn’t say a word. Klaus hadn’t thought his attraction to her could get any stronger, but he was now the most whipped he had ever been. She was more than his usual affair or snack. She was his soulmate, he was sure of it.
But Klaus was a family man through and through, and he felt as if it was finally time for them to meet the love of his immortal life.
“I will never let anything happen to you, you know that, right?” Klaus turned to look at his beautiful girlfriend who sat calmly in the passenger seat of his car - he seemed more nervous than she did.
I simply rolled my eyes and laughed, he was so protective it almost hurt. “I know, Nik. You’ve told me about a thousand times already.”
He just smiled. “I have. But I just wanted to warn you that they’re not always the most friendly bunch - obviously that skipped me.” He tried to end on a quip to ease my mind, something he wouldn’t have thought to do for anyone else.
His family had a very complicated history, and a lot of it revolved around him, so their feelings toward him fluctuated on the daily. It was a fact that he was the strongest; and even though he wasn’t the oldest he was by far the boss of the Mikaelson group. So if any one of them put even one bad word on my name he was more than ready to tear them apart.
I had heard all about the family drama - Klaus was undoubtedly one to gossip - but I knew I could handle anything they threw at me on my own, even if it was from an original vampire.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” Klaus turned the key to the ornate wooden doors, swinging them open with his usual dramatics as he took my hand and led me inside.
My jaw immediately dropped. ‘Humble,’ definitely didn’t do it justice.
I had expected it to be nice, but this house was beyond lavish, stunning, massive - not the dark cave many would expect from a bunch of ancient vampires.
Klaus had obviously noticed the look of awe sweep my face because he laughed, that low chuckle he always did that set my heart on fire.
Subtleties in his eyes told me that he was glad I liked it so much. I had heard from many that they found my boyfriend incredibly hard to read, which was actually quite a shock to me because I had pried open the windows to his soul the very moment I met him.
He never freed my hand from his he led us into the main room. “Where are they?” he scanned the area and listened for footsteps upstairs since they did know we were coming.
“Kol! Elijah! Rebekah! Come down!” he shouted throughout the grand house and made me giggle. He really was the leader of the family.
A variety of shouts called back before three figures sped down to the bottom floor.
Two men and one woman. One of the men wore more casual clothes, a jacket over a button-up shirt and some jeans - much like how Klaus typically dressed - while the other wore a full suit at 4 pm on a Tuesday. They both practically scowled at the sight of me, but the blonde girl was the worst. I couldn’t tell if that was how her face fell or if she was purposefully staring daggers through me as if to telepathically wound me with her attitude - she looked like a blast…
Klaus then stepped forward, bringing me with him, a happy grin on his face, “Brothers, Rebekah, this is my wonderful Y/n.” His hand gestured towards me with a softness none of them had seen before, not that they cared.
I noticed how they all seemed to size me up. They were silent, but their mannerisms spoke louder than their words ever could’ve. The vibe that was given off immediately was that I was being judged.
Nevertheless, I chose to be polite, to be the bigger person - you’d think for people who had been alive so long they would’ve had the time to learn manners. “Nice to meet you all,” I offered a warm smile that none of them returned. Tough crowd.
Soon, the awkward introductions were over and we all went to sit in the living room. As we walked over Klaus leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “They’re always a bit cranky around this time,” smirking as he knew that they were vampires and would most definitely hear him. I could not help but let out a small laugh.
Klaus, of course, made sure I sat as close to him as physically possible when we got to the couch, his arm around my shoulder as everyone else sat on the other chairs around the room.
The conversation started light; ‘What do you do for work,’ ‘Where are you from,’ etc.
Meanwhile, the blonde who I now know to be Rebekah had not spoken a word, that was until she shouted out in the middle of my answer to one of Elijah’s questions.
“So, what do you want with him?” she referred to her brother and I could practically feel him roll his eyes behind me.
“Is it his money? Or is it that you want to become like us?” she assumed, the thought making her laugh out loud.
I felt Klaus’ hand tighten around mine and the way his chest rose when he took a deep breath in, “Rebekah.” His tone was strict, warning.
“Shh,” I ran my fingertips over his knuckles, quickly looking back to tell him it was okay before turning back to Rebekah.
“Neither, believe it or not,” my smile was sweet, but also slightly condescending. “I’m with him because we love each other, is that so hard to believe?” I made sure to keep my words friendly, even though I could not help the undertones of my annoyance at her insolence slip through.
“Hm,” she hummed shortly, practically looking down her nose at me from across the room. “It is, actually. Nik has never been one for love, right brothers?” she gestured to the two men for them to back her up, but it seemed like they knew to say nothing.
The scoff that left my lips was very much involuntary, but it seemed to add to her frustration which I admittedly took some pride in. “Hm,” I mimicked her sound, “that’s funny because he seems to love me an awful lot, at first I thought too much,” I giggled and the man in question did too, an effort to keep the tension light while subtly trying to keep her in her place. Which didn’t work.
“Interesting,” she didn’t sound like she cared in the slightest, giving up on making conversation with me and directing her next question to her brother. “It just shocks me, Nik, that you would go for her when you could have any woman in the world. I never thought you’d choose such an… average human.”
Klaus was practically seething, the more she spoke the tenser he got and the closer he approached to his tipping point.
“I mean,” she continued, clearly incredibly amused at both of our reactions, “why don’t you just dump her now and we could all just have a little snack? That’s what your plan is anyway, right? Dinner’s on you tonight.”
My hand stayed firmly on his leg to stop him from getting up, telling him softly that it was okay and that I had got this - I didn’t need saving, not from her.
“Where did you even find this chick?” Rebekah let out a shrill laugh but was quickly taken aback when she saw someone stand up in anger.
And it wasn’t Klaus.
It was an instinct to shoot up, and when Nik brought his hand to mine to get me to sit down I removed it and laughed back at her myself. “You know, you have some serious audacity, Rebekah,” I spat out her name as everyone watched on in suspense, waiting for the incoming catfight.
Her jaw dropped in disbelief, a choked sound coming leaving her throat before she returned, “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh,” I chuckled darkly, “I’m serious alright. You have no right to say anything about my relationship just because you obviously can’t get someone of your own. He’s your brother, you’re not his little lap dog. So hop off my dick little vamp girl and go find someone else’s to ride.”
The longer I sat there and listened to her kick-off, the more strength bubbled up inside of me ready to burst. Now that it was out I felt even better, especially when I saw her expression; eyes wide, mouth open, too stunned to get out more than a few intelligible stutters. Shocked that some ‘average human girl’ could fire back so strongly.
Meanwhile, as I spoke Klaus was watching over, but the smirk on his face was nothing but a proud one. He had to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing at how amazing this was - she usually carried such a sweet disposition, but the fieriness he was seeing now was definitely something he could get used to. He had always been a sucker for confrontation and riling his family up, and the fact that she could add to that made him love her even more.
“You little-” Rebekah spat furiously, slowly going to stand up herself.
I cut her off. “What? What else could you possibly have to say?” I looked at her expectantly, putting my hands on my hips, but she said nothing. “That’s what I thought. Now I see why Nik put you in a box for a hundred years. It’s been what? Fifteen minutes and you’ve already questioned my love, my loyalty, and shouted out death threats. You may be immortal, Rebekah, but you need to learn that that doesn’t make you a God.”
Every word I came back at her with only strengthened the grin on Klaus’ face - he loved his siblings in his own way, but nothing made him happier than seeing his girl stand up for herself and put them in their place. A few times he had to stop himself from getting up and intervening, but he couldn’t. He would’ve stepped in if he could tell this was taking a toll, but deep down he had always known that I was just like him, we were both just having too much fun.
Rebekah looked utterly defeated, clearly not used to having someone push back at her snarky comments so this was seemingly long overdue. So much so that I even earned a smirk and a look of newfound respect from the brother in formal wear, Elijah.
But that’s when blondie had finally had enough.
Within less than a split second, she sped over and grabbed me by the throat, pinning me to the wall at the back of the room and squeezing so my air supply was restricted, my feet dangling just above the floor.
“You dare speak to me like that, you filthy little…” she hissed, bringing her face close to mine and watching maliciously as my eyes grew wider.
But if I thought she moved fast, Klaus travelled at twice her speed in the blink of an eye, rushing to my rescue. His hands made quick work of prying her off of me and shoving her to the wall instead, reaching down to the back of his shoe where his trousers were baggy enough to conceal - and he pulled out a shiny, silver dagger.
I could do nothing but stand there stock still while the scene played out in front of me, the other brothers shooting up too but doing the same as me.
“Don’t you ever speak to her like that again,” his voice was low, yet scarily loud, but that’s not what seemed to panic Rebekah. No, she was focused on the dagger he held against her sternum, the point brushing against her top.
‘You take a dagger to her pride, I take a dagger to your heart.’ Klaus’ mind whirred with anger.
Just as she opened her mouth to plea for her brother's forgiveness or offer some half-assed apology which she would prove false the moment he let her go, he plunged the dagger into her chest. She let out a high-pitched wince as his eyes still burned into hers with pure loathing.
“Now, say you’re sorry,” he snarled darkly - so this was the Klaus I had heard about. Cruel, righteous, formidable. And the worst part; I wasn’t even scared. I may have gasped at the suddenness of his actions, but I could not help the feeling that arose within me when I saw him choose me over his own flesh and blood without so much as a second thought.
She choked on her own words, “I- I’m sorry.” Her eyes never left his.
His hand moved to twist the knife, releasing another squeak from the victim of his wrath. He spoke firmly and finally, as if this was her last warning, “To her.”
That’s when she finally turned her head to face me, “I’m sorry… Y/n.” It looked like it killed her to force out those words, but it was better than being killed again with the dagger that was hairs away from causing her to be put in a coffin for another century.
As soon as Klaus felt she had been sincere enough he ripped the blade out, his face still serious as he wiped the blood off on the fabric of his jacket. “Go,” he said plainly, not even wasting his energy on looking up from his hands. All three of them listened - I assumed that upon his revelation of the dagger (which none of them knew he had so close), they now were thinking only of themselves, fleeing the scene before they met their fates again.
They all vanished in one quick woosh leaving only me and Klaus who had shifted back into my sickeningly sweet Nik once more upon their departure.
I hadn’t even noticed that I had been clutching my chest this whole time, only taking it off when he moved his gaze to me and that wicked look in his eyes softened instantaneously into one that made me feel right at home, hurrying to me to make sure I was okay.
Without having time to even register everything that just happened I was encased in the arms of my saviour, him resting his head on top of mine while a hand moved up to gently stroke my hair. To anyone else, thinking of him acting in such a caring manner after being so ruthless would’ve been unimaginable. But to me? It was all I’d ever known.
“Shh. You’re okay, love,” he cooed before pulling back slightly and cradling my head in both his hands, bringing his soft lips to plant a tender kiss on my forehead.
I looked up at him like he was the only thing in the world; the way he had looked at me every time since the day we met.
“I’m sorry that I exposed you to that part of me, it was something I had hoped you’d never see.” Apologies didn’t come naturally to Klaus… that was, to everyone but me.
Nothing was said, I let my actions speak for themselves as a genuine smile formed on my face and I hopped up onto my tiptoes to kiss him fervently. He seemed rather shocked at the sudden change in tone, but it’s not like he was complaining. Instead, he happily reciprocated my movements, a mischievous, goofy grin left on him in the wake of my lips as I pulled back.
“Don’t apologise,” I shook my head at him in reassurance, “I thought it was sexy,” biting my lip in a teasing manner as I put his racing mind at rest - he truly was such a sweetie behind closed doors. It was honestly a shame the world would never see him the way I did - but then again, that would mean I would have to share him, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
His bright blue eyes lit up as I spoke, in a way as if to ask ‘Really?’
In response to his silent appeal for confirmation, I nodded.
“At least you’ve met them now so you finally know what I mean when I complain about my family,” he used a tone much lighter than before now that he wasn’t shouting or apologising.
A laugh escaped me, causing me to quickly cover my mouth, “I guess you weren’t joking, huh?”
Sighing in reply he shook his head in embarrassment, thinking he should’ve never taken me here in the first place. “Come, let’s go somewhere else, somewhere nicer.” His head cocked to the side as he held out an arm for me to cling to, signalling for us both to leave.
My hand graciously slipped forward to meet his request as we walked toward the door, looking up at him one last time. “You’re my hero, Klaus Mikaelson.”
Upon hearing the giggle I let out after my words his smile only widened. “Always and forever, my love.”
requests in bio x
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cleolinda · 5 months
I’ve read a few of the umpteen thousand upset comments about the paid Watcher service, and I’ve read comments angry about the upset comments. There’s one thing I want to point out, and it’s that this isn’t, or shouldn’t be, “You’re saying people don’t deserve to earn money for their work.”
The Watcher guys do deserve to earn money. I already give them money. I give them $5 a month on Patreon, not because I think they do or don’t give me $5 worth of media, but because I want to support them. I canceled Netflix for pissing me off with its price hike/ad tier, but I give Watcher Entertainment money.
They’re saying now that the Patreon will be solely about the podcasts, and they understand if people leave. I’m perfectly happy to switch the support I can afford to the streaming service. With the early adopter 30% discount, I’d actually save money. In fact, I tried to subscribe, but the site didn’t work.
Watcher wanting to profit from their shows isn’t the problem. It’s that they’re now discovering that their fanbase is young and broke in a terrible economy, judging by tens of thousands of comments on multiple platforms. I can throw them $5/month, so I do. But the Patreon only has (checks notes) 5874 paying followers, and there’s a reason for that. $60/year upfront would not be “accessible.” Patreon is literally patronage from the people who can afford it.
If the guys had said up front, “ONLY new shows and episodes will be exclusive to the service,” I think we’d be having a different conversation right now. But at first they did say, “We’re pulling all our content from YouTube,” to the point where Variety had to issue an update. Like, that’s in print and I’m pretty sure it was on video. Now they’ve backtracked to ONLY new etc.—but most people haven’t heard, and they feel crushed. And the trust is probably gone regardless.
So now four years of back catalogue will stay public. And now, you’re paying $6.99 a month for one episode, maybe two, of something a week, and now, not an exclusive back catalogue. I would pay for Watcher shows before I’d pay for anyone else, but I just don’t think the company is big enough yet for a SVOD at that price. They’re not Dropout size. They needed to build more programming and get a higher follower count first, or at the very least, charge less.
The international price/exchange rate situation is a nightmare and I don’t know what it is they’re not doing to make it… not… be like that.
I don’t know what they should have done instead of a full streaming service, but surely there were alternatives? I’ve seen comments from people suggesting they GET a Patreon. Lean on that more! Do the shows exclusive for a month and then let them roll onto YouTube! I don’t know! Anything but One More Fucking Streaming Service, which enraged me, and I was willing to move my support to it!
And I shouldn’t say this, but I will. In the “Goodbye YouTube” video the guys posted, they say that setting up the streaming service has allowed Steven to do a remake of Worth It where he and his cohosts travel the world and eat expensive food. This is the first new show they announce. Not “We have always been committed to diversity and we’re now able to bring on new creator(s) to expand our programming.” No, a redo of an old show that by definition has got to be expensive. Commenters are saying they can’t pay for the streaming service because they can’t make ends meet in this economy. The optics are terrible. I genuinely question what the thought process even was here.
I love the guys and I still watch their shows. I want to see Watcher succeed. I started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved in 2018 while recovering from surgery—as with a lot of people, their shows got me through a tough time. I’m as attached as anyone. If I can continue to afford monthly support—this is not a certainty—I’ll give it to them. I’m not a ~hater who doesn’t want Watcher to make money. But I am absolutely BAFFLED by every single decision here. I want them to figure out how to turn this around and go in a better direction, because right now, this ain’t it.
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rqgnarok · 3 months
Hello! I loved your Jamie Tartt angst and would love more angst that leaves you hurt but resolves itself (I’m too mushy for things ending at angst) maybe self sabotage? I feel like season two Jamie would be good at that since he does want to be better but doesn’t fully believe in himself. Or Jamie is still into Keeley and reader likes Jamie and is icing out Jamie to protect their self? Literally anything there is a Jamie angst deficit 😩 mwah <3
hi anon! sorry it took me so long, school and then writer's block kicked my ass. full disclosure, i didn't read this after i wrote it so sorry for any mistakes! enjoy <3
“Thought you left.”
You close your eyes in despair, thankful at least that Jamie can’t see you. You’d been sure your escape had been a subtle one but here he was– the very person you were trying to avoid following you to the balcony on the less crowded side of the restaurant.
You didn’t think he’d notice. He hadn’t yet– looked at you or talked to you since he came into the team event with Keeley wrapped around his arm, looking gorgeous and worthy of his attention. She had smiled at you, genuinely happy to see you, which made this whole thing entirely more ridiculous. 
You’d thought this was a date. After replaying the interaction between you and Jamie for the umpteenth time, you’ve come to the conclusion that your own excitement blinded you to the reality of it all. When Jamie had asked, all nonchalant without making eye contact, if the PR team would be at the annual team dinner in a non working capacity, you’d let yourself imagine something you couldn’t have only to be left a fool. 
Well. Here you are now, paying the price.  
“Just needed a second,” you try to sound like there’s a smile gracing your lips despite how close you are to tears, but won’t look back to meet Jamie’s eye. He settles at your side soon enough, hands in the pockets of his suit while yours remain gripping the railing, hoping for a full breath that just won’t reach your lungs. “There’s a lot of people in there.”
“You don’t have to be nervous,” he says, hitting the nail on the head regarding your anxiety in crowded places. There’s a reason you work behind the camera, making other people look good while getting to stay away from the limelight. “It’s just the team, right? You’re okay with us.”
You can’t help but agree, even if it sounds a little miserable. “Yeah.”
Jamie doesn’t follow up and you find yourselves enveloped by the silence and the sounds of the street life underneath you. Cars passing by, people chatting and talking, the whistle of the air as it threads through your clothes and bites at your skin. 
“Are you cold?” he asks when you shiver, shifting to take off his jacket and wrap it around your shoulders. You really wish he wouldn’t, stopping him before he can.
“I’m fine,” your voice betrays you and breaks, and you don’t have to look at Jamie to know he’s looking at you now, urgently searching for a sign of discomfort. “I’ll go back in a minute, yeah? I’m right behind you.”
“I don’t mind,” he says, surer than anything else he’s said so far. There’s a steel to his voice now that he’s realized you’re not fine at all, willing to protect you even from yourself. “I like keeping you company.”
“Are you alright?” you have to, you have to look at him, and there’s a furrow to his brow that frames his face so, so nicely. Eyes wide and concerned, one of his hands leaves his pocket to reach for you. He says, softer. “You’re crying.”
“Am not,” you say peluntantly, because you’re not. Not yet at least. You’re cold and tired in your fancy attire and fancier shoes, but you’re not crying. You won’t until you’re in the safety of your apartment, away from the people who care about you. “I’m okay, Jamie, please go back inside.”
“Love,” he says knowingly, tilting his head. His searching hand, after a moment too long of hesitation, touches your cheek. He’s frowning still. You wish he didn’t look so handsome doing so. “We’ve barely talked tonight. I was hoping…”
He drifts off when a loud laugh from inside catches him off guard, quickly retreating back to himself and digging his hand back into his pocket, taking a step back from you. 
It’s such a terrible sequence of events in such a short amount of time that it makes you laugh, a sharp sound that surprises Jamie as much as it seems to hurt him. “I–” he begins, then cuts himself off. 
It dawns on you that this might not be the first time Jamie has been rendered speechless, but it is the first time you’ve seen him scared. 
“It’s fine,” you say. And it’s not. It’s not, but– “I’ll see you later, okay?”
You turn back into the night and wait one, two, five arduous seconds in which Jamie doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself before you hear his steps begin to retreat. Breathing out, you think the worst is over until he speaks, “you look beautiful tonight.”
He stutters. “Always, y’know, but tonight. You do. You do.”
“Can we… can I see you? Before you go?” he wonders.He calls your name when you don’t take the bait, frustration coating his tone. “Come on, I’m tryin’ here, sweetheart. What do you want from me?”
“Nothing,” you say, soft, so soft you’re sure he doesn’t hear it. “Nothing, Jamie.”
“Okay,” he says. Then– “I’ve been tryin’ to ask you out for over a month and you won’t let me.”
You want to be angry, but the statement only makes you sad. “Go back to your date.”
Jamie splutters in disbelief. “What?”
“Keeley’s probably wondering where you are,” it sounds accusing even to your own ears, and you hate it. You never intended to get him into trouble or bother him with your feelings for him. “Go back to your date, Jay.”
“That’s not– she’s not–” he blabbers. “Love, please–”
Isaac and Dani, drunk out of their minds, crash into the balcony to wrap their arms around Jamie, too out of it to notice your distress or that you’re even there. They call his name to the melody of Baby Shark, loud and basked in laughter. 
“Ayo, lover boy!” Isaac barks, wiggling his brows suggestively. “Your girl’s lookin’ all over for you! I think she’s ready to go home if you know what I mean.”
“Fuck off,” Jamie snaps, thoroughly upset but barely heard above Dani’s teasing ohhhhh. “Can’t you see I–”
You abruptly turn, barely sparing them a look as you excuse yourself meekly, voice wet and hushed. Jamie tries and fails to hold onto you, calling your name. You only feel the brush of his fingertips on your bare elbow as you escape his grip and leave him behind.
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nayatarot777 · 7 months
Is There Anyone Who You Need To Be Wary Of Right Now?
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• Pile One •
This person could be an Earth sign feminine - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. If not then they’re someone who enjoys physical comforts and luxuries. This doesn’t have to mean that they’re wealthy, but they may just prioritise money and materialism. This could even be a boss of a company. This person is very rash with the way that they communicate. They don’t think before they speak. They also communicate in a very immature and childish way. Their actions could also be very rash too. I am picking up on a major immaturity from this person though. They’re highly unawakened. This could be linked to how they’re highly materialistic or how they worship money more than anything else, but I’m seeing that they’re highly unawakened in general. They’re not self aware, they’re not aware or understanding of experiences and lifestyles outside of their own. They’re highly judgemental - but this is because they’re highly judgemental towards themselves. This is giving ‘insecure ass person who puts themselves up on a pedestal to cover up their insecurities’.
You need to be wary of this person because you’re trying to gain control over your life. You’re trying to direct your life to the place that you want it to be, but I’m seeing this person trying to cause you pain as a way of putting up blocks in your path. You’re being represented in this reading as the Page of Pentacles - someone who’s learning how to build some type of stability for themselves - and this person is trying to get in the way of this. They’re triggered by any self-stability that you have. Their insensitive way of speaking is the way that they try to hurt you. They know exactly what they’re doing as this is a conscious decision. I’m also seeing that this person could’ve already brought you pain - perhaps triggered some traumas out of you - and they’re trying to control the narrative behind your back. This person is a bit strange too as they don’t want to acknowledge what you’re building for yourself. Whatever money or stability you’re accumulating, they’re not wanting to see it.
• Pile Two •
This person is either highly religious or just a major conformist. They could be a preacher or the equivalent to one - someone who likes to preach their own beliefs. They stay in line within society’s expectations of them and they don’t budge. This person could also be a married person. I’m seeing this person watching you and trying to learn things about you while you’re in a dark time mentally. While you’re experiencing fears, anxieties, and kind of stuck in a self-imposed mental prison. This is either a past or present energy. You were protecting yourself from this person, or just keeping yourself away from the external world as you didn’t feel prepared nor stable enough to deal with the judgements or expectations of others. This person could’ve definitely sent you judgements and tried to mask this as “religious help” or “religious teachings”.
The reason why you need to be wary of this person is because this person is highly argumentative and combative. They try to fight people about their beliefs or way of living if those things don’t align with theirs. This person tried (or is trying) to emotionally confuse you, away from something that holds a lot of abundance or positive energy for you. I don’t like this energy at all. It’s like they want to try to brainwash you into following the path that they want you to take and they’re willing to make you feel like you’re confused or lost as a way of doing this. This person is fucking disgusting considering they’ve literally watched you go through a mentally challenging time already. They’re seeing you in this state and deciding that you’re vulnerable enough for them to manipulate and force their own personal beliefs and expectations onto. Very predatory energy - especially if this person is religious in some way.
• Pile Three •
I’m not seeing anyone who you need to be wary of currently, Pile Three. At most, you need to be wary about what you’re exposing yourself to online - especially if you’re consuming things that make you feel angry or anxious. You’re nobody’s saviour apart from your own and you’re not responsible for trying to save the world. It’s not normal (or healthy) for human beings to be bombarded with human tragedies and everything wrong about the world all of the time. Apart from that, I’m seeing that you’re part of the group of people who’ve been really isolating yourself and entering contemplation. You seem to be the victor of battles that other people have tried to cause for you and now you’re highly defensive. It doesn’t seem like anyone can really come into your space/energy and negatively affect you.
Again, there’s a need to detach yourself emotionally from the internet in general for a little bit. Some of you may be physically alone and away from others but you’re filling your time with online activities. If you’re not part of the group of people in this pile who are already being introspective, there’s a need for you to detach yourself from the outside/online world and sit in silence for a period of time. There’s some type of mental awakening that you’ll have about your personal beliefs and morals. These things may be swayed or blocked from realising by what you’re consuming online. There’s a need to figure out personally what you’d like to focus on and direct a lot of energy into for your PERSONAL life. Try not to be so distracted by everyone else’s life - especially people who you don’t even know personally. If you’re feeling mentally tired or defeated despite not doing much throughout your days, then this is the reason why. Your brain needs a rest. Not constant stimulation from social media.
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paper-crab · 10 months
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summary: chris realizes he’s in love
warnings: none? pretty chill and straightforward
i kinda like this one… maybe?
“It’s obvious you like her.” Matt shrugs, throwing another fry into his mouth.
“Was that even a question?” Nick chimes in. Chris is sitting in the front seat, bewildered. “Of course that’s a question? What do you mean?”
“Well, like, we all know. Madi asked me if you were dating the first time we all hung out together. There are literal hearts in your eyes when you look at her.” Nick tells him. Every word that comes out of his brothers’ mouths shocks him. His jaw hangs open. “You’re cutting this out of the video right?”
“You guys are crazy.” Chris shakes his head.
“We’ll talk about this later. We only have so much time to film this video, so let’s get on with it.” Matt says, rolling his eyes as he reaches for his drink that Chris took.
He tried to push the revelation out of his mind, but couldn’t: it was obvious to the audience that he was distracted for the remainder of the video.
‘What did they say to him during the cut?’ comments started flying in- and the worst part? They didn’t even talk about it later, leaving Chris to ponder on his own. He’s stuck tossing and turning the entire night, comparing your relationship to his and Madi’s. He knew something was different, he just couldn’t figure out quite what.
The sun had risen before he realized what was different; the lingering touches, the secrets, the inside jokes. Most of all, he realized, was the difference he felt when he was with you.
The love he felt around you was warmer, more invigorating. He couldn’t get a single word out of Matt or Nick about the situation for the entire day; especially anything having to do with your feelings for him, but he tried to push it out of his mind.
He was stuck in the same position late that night, tossing and turning as he tried to ease his worried conscience.
chris: wyd?
you: nothing, mcdonald’s?
chris: yes pls
you: be there in 5
He smiled at his phone, throwing on a hoodie and some crocs. When he heard another ding from his phone, he rushed out the front door. He felt excited, knowing he was spending time with you, but the words of his brothers from the previous day loomed over him like a dark cloud.
“Hey,” You grin at him, shutting off your phone. “You hungry?”
“Always.” He says, reciprocating your smile and hopping into the passenger seat.
As the car pulled away, he found himself slipping into easy conversation with you. Your laughter filled the air, and the sound of it eased the tension that had been clinging to his thoughts since morning.
He was lost in the comfort of your company, the weight of his brother's words gradually disappearing from his head. There was something about being around you that made everything else seem trivial- at least for the moment.
You settle into a random -empty- parking lot after getting your orders. When you were staring at him instead of the road, he found it a lot more difficult to keep his composure. The air between you thickened as Chris tried to break your gaze away from him.
“What’s on your mind, Chris?”
He looks like a deer caught in headlights. Chris was caught off guard by your perception. He should have known you’d pick up on it quickly, spending almost all of your time with each other had a way of doing that to you.
“Nothing.” He says, willing his thoughts to disappear.
“C’mon, I know you better than that. Just tell me.”
Chris instantly gets lost in his unspoken thoughts. He’s unsure of how to respond to you without worrying you. You brush his hand reaching for your drink, and under the pressure of your expectant eyes, he shivers. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He forces out, “Just tired I guess.”
Your eyes search his. “Don’t lie to me,”
The intensity in your voice made Chris pause. He felt the weight of your understanding, the depth of your concern, and the strength of your connection in those simple words.
“It’s just…” Chris started, voice trailing off as fear overtook his senses. You waited patiently though, comforting him. “There’s a girl.”
You felt your heart drop, but instantly disguised it, for his sake. “Tell me more.”
“She’s someone I’ve known for a while,” Chris began, choosing his words carefully. “But things have been… different lately. I’ve been realizing the way I feel around her is different from anyone else.”
Your expression softened, pain still panging through your heart. You encouraged him to continue with a nod.
“I’ve been trying to deny it, and ignore my feelings, but being around her is like a breath of fresh air. All my worries just melt away, everything falls into place. I don’t know what to do about it.” He admits, voice tinged with vulnerability.
“Sounds like you care about her a lot.” Chris nods, a smile taking the place of his previously worried expression.
“I really do.”
“Have you thought about telling her?”
Chris's eyes widened, but he nodded slowly. “A ton. I’m just scared of messing things up. I care about her a lot, and I can't lose that.”
You glimpse at him, trying to show that you’re listening. “Chris, what’s going to happen if you tell her? Realistically.”
Chris sighed, contemplating your question.
“I guess, if I tell her… things could change,” he began slowly, uncertainty evident in his words. “We could grow closer, or grow apart. And I’m afraid of losing what we have right now.”
His eyes shifted to yours. Unknowingly, he was looking for your reassurance, like he did with most things. “But on the other hand,” you continue for him, “if you don’t say anything, you might regret not taking the chance to tell her how much she means to you.” He nods, agreeing with your assessment of the situation. “Exactly.”
“It’s a tough spot to be in,” you comment softly, voice reflecting empathy “but you know this girl best. Trust your instincts.”
You were always his voice of reason; his flashlight in the darkness. He glanced out the car window, lost in thought for a moment. Your words settled in nicely, but he still felt a little self-doubt.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime. Ready to go?”
“Yeah, if you are.”
He’s grateful to have you on his side. Even if his impending confession changes your relationship for the worst, he’s decided to take that leap of faith; he just isn’t sure when.
For the next few days, Chris found himself caught in a whirlwind of contemplation. Every moment with you seemed laden with unspoken words, his thoughts constantly drifting back to the conversation you had in the car. Everytime he was with you, the profession of his love lingered on his tongue. He needed to bite the bullet and do it, but he needed the support of his brothers to finally get him there.
“I think I’m gonna tell her.” He tells them, right before they begin filming a vlog.
“Are you serious? Why do you always bring this shit up when we’re gonna film.” Matt rolls his eyes, trying not to smack his brother.
“I’m serious, like I wanna text her right now serious.”
“Don’t text her, that’s just bad manners.” Nick tells him, setting up the camera.
“Fuck you mean manners? What does this have to do with manners?”
“Just wait till after we film.” Nick sighs.
Chris was struggling to focus for the entire vlog, which wasn’t really new. He’d always been a bit jumpy and high maintenance, but now he had a reason. When Nick deemed their filming to be finished, Chris was roaring to go.
“Guys, I seriously can't hold it back anymore. I need to go do this.”
“Alright, man, we got your back.” Matt reassured him.
Nick chimed in, trying to ease a little bit of Chris’s worries. “But seriously, maybe don’t do it in a text. A face-to-face conversation will be better.”
“Yeah yeah, I’m texting her to come get me now.”
“Come get you? Kid, why wouldn’t I just drive you?”
“This is more… us.” Chris replies, sending the message. A rush of nerves swept through him when he hit send.
you: omw
He smiled at his phone. “Hey, whatever happens, we’re here for you.” Matt tells him, trying to ease some of his anxieties.
“Thanks guys. She’s here.” He says, sliding on some shoes.
“Let us know how it goes.”
When Chris comes back, you in tow, with kiss swollen lips and a dazed smile, they have their answer.
“Went great guys, we’re pretty tired so we’re gonna head. Night!” Chris yelled, already pulling you down the stairs to his room.
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jade4956 · 4 months
The only stupid thing I ever did was believing you would love me - Jessie Fleming
Jessie Fleming = herself
Niamh Charles = herself
Naomi Charles = Niamh sister
Naomi POV
She walking around the apartment grabbing things and shoving them in a bag. She just broke up with me before an argument was gonna start, really we've only been dating since January 2023 and it's now January 2024 and she's breaking up with me because of an argument. Sure we've had disagreements but every couple has arguments is she really that scared of confrontation.
She walked into our bedroom were I sat at the end of the bed putting shoes on. She stopped and stared at me
"Where are you going" Jessie stated
"Somewhere your not" I replied dry and tears finally finishing
"There's no point I'm going to Chloe's"
"It's not like this is our apartment anymore and beside you owned this before me so I'm leaving" I didn't bother looking at her this time
Jessie never thought of it like that she's always thought of "her" apartment as both of there's. She dropped the bag, to be fair she does hate confrontation but she had no right it break up with you because of it, in fact the second she said we should break up she felt like taking it back, it was the panic in her when she heard you get mad at her. She really regretted it.
I got up from tying my shoes, great a new wave of tears was about to happen, i was going straight to Niamh's I thought didn't care if she had company I had to be with someone a trusted so Niamh was the perfect choice.
Jessie started to follow me out the bedroom I was collecting my phone, car keys, apartment keys for when I collect my stuff and Niamh's spare apartment keys.
Jessie's POV
"Who are you gonna go to" she said (she knew exactly who you wear going to)
"Why do you care now you didn't care about me half and hour ago" (she did care)
"I wanna make sure you don't do anything stupid I wanna make sure you still safe" she said willing looking at me
"The only stupid thing I ever did was believing you would love me"
Jessie felt like she had been stabbed with a knife. She did love You she just was scared you were gonna break up with her first.
“I do love you” she has never said it like that before were she just new what to say or how to look usually when she said it was a quick goodnight text if they were on international camp or it would a kiss in the cheek goodnight but never about it in the day I love you.
“Well maybe you should have thought of that before you broke up with me” Naomi stops to listen to Jessie then stated something and walk away out of the door
Jessie went after and her over the elevator Naomi was going to
“Please can we stop and talk I didn’t want to break up with you” Naomi ignored her getting into the elevator and pressing ground but someone else was in there so when Jessie entered she didn’t say anything to Naomi.
Ground level reached and they both immediately got out, Naomi kept walking away as Jessie was following her to her car
“Please, please just stop and talk to me for like 10 seconds I want to explain please” please was the most Jessie could think of and she wanted more then 10 seconds but that was the first thing that came to mind
“Fine what do you wanna say” Naomi questioned
“I wanna say that I’m sorry okay I didn’t want to break up I just got scared” and she was ignored after 10 seconds Naomi started to walk away
“Hey stop please I wasn’t done I didn’t literally mean 10 seconds” They were both 2 cars away for Naomi’s car.
Naomi opened the car and Jessie ran to the passenger seat and got in.
“Get out” was all Naomi said whilst she was getting in, she had a blank face on had she spoke to her.
“Let me talk to you please” Jessie practically begged
“No get out”
“Please you don’t have to respond just listen”
“No I don’t want to even listen to you right now”
“Then I’m not getting out”
“Then I’m calling and Uber”
“No no no okay I’ll get out” Jessie hated when you got Ubers or anyone did because they’d always unfortunately be sketchy ones but she still wasn’t getting out of the car
Naomi gesture for her to get out but Jessie wasn’t moving. Naomi really hated Ubers but she wasn’t getting anywhere with Jessie in the car but she had to stand her ground
“I know hate Ubers Naomi” Jessie said to her “I Know you won’t call one and you just want me to get out”
“If I let you speak will you get out” Naomi said
“YES” Jessie said, she was about to start speaking but then Naomi interrupted her
“I’ll meet you at the cafe down the road from Niamh’s tomorrow then you can talk to me I think we both need some down time or we both might mess up more than we have. Naomi new in her gut that Jessie didn’t want to break up because she knows the type of person Jessie is even though at the start she was pissed and upset she chilled out and felt bad for dragging Jessie around the apartment complex with her begging to be able to speak to her but she was still frustrated and very upset so she need to be with her sister and just chill so that the next day they will both be able to talk together.
A/N: I suck at trying to finish story’s that’s why I do part two but if you want this to end in a full break up or they get together again tell me or do I leave it like this with no part two please tell me because I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways thank you
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teabunnee · 5 months
Begins screaming pleading for anything with the Graveborn, especially Igor, Carolina and Viperious 😭🙏 they do NOT get enough love, at least not yet, and I have a weakness for creepy-looking but sweet/silly characters
Igor is a whirlwind, no doubt about that. 
That being sad, he’s a bit of a puppy sometimes, he follows you everywhere like a big, scary, glowing guard dog. 
Very protective of you, and he’s a great, if rather overzealous, protector. 
He’s very unpredictable, sometimes he’ll just poof in, give you a spinecrushing hug and kiss your breath away, then poof away with an insane laugh.  
Dates happen pretty much when you decide hanging out with him is a date. He loves it either way. 
Dude doesn’t understand romances. If he’s confused, he tilts his head. He has very big dog energy that makes you forget he is also a very spooky undead guy with a lantern over his head. He’ll try anything once. But anything he finds out he really likes? He does it frequently. 
Igor is a pretty sentimental sort of dude, he gives you flowers and gifts you might like, mostly stuff you can find on the road, and probably grave offerings, but it’s the thought that counts!
Igor loves cuddling. He always has an arm around you, or holding your hand, or just hunkering over you like a demented street lamp. 
He likes to spin you around, and he can, no matter how large or heavy you are. 
He likes to give you kisses, though his lips are a bit rough and scarred,
Carolina is a very gentle lover, I think. And quite old fashioned. 
She enjoys tea parties, though I’m not sure if she can taste it, the company is much appreciated 
Any sort of affection makes her melt, sometimes literally. 
She can be a bit oblivious, and curious, not a great combo. 
She likes long walks in nature, though most time “nature” is in the snow during the night, so dress warm! She’s quite warm herself, actually, so stay close to her! 
Fiercely, fiercely loyal, she sees you as her family, and she will do anything to protect you. 
Court her properly, and you’ll see stars and tears in her eyes. She never thought she would ever have such a thing, not since she became a grave born. 
She’s not very well versed in modern ways of romance, but just the idea of it makes her happy. She’s willing to learn, even if she gets a bit confused. 
She likes to lie on your chest, listening to your heartbeat and your breathing, should you not be a grave born. 
Carolina sometimes has nightmares, and she goes to you for comfort, crying about her family, about how much she misses them. 
Her kisses are very sweet, and lingering. Cheek kisses are her go-to 
Viperious loves to talk about his experiments, he loves debates and a meeting of the mind. Should you be able to understand, and willing to talk about his experiments, he is thrilled. Even if you don’t, just having you willing to listen is quite a lot. Sure, he enjoys it when people are repulsed, and he's not adverse to that reaction from you, but talking about with you? Moths in his stomach.
You hang out in his workplace as he works, and he treats it like a date.
He likes to study your face, as if picking each feature apart, piece by piece, running his fingers down your palms to feel the muscles and sinew. It’s not necessarily nsfw, it’s more of an intimacy thing.
He’s surprisingly congenial, friendly and earnest, despite his whole experimenting with organic material in rather than macabre ways. He can also get a bit…excited and hyperfixated, and doesn’t quite understand why people don’t like the same things he does. 
His idea of romance is a bit…stunted due to his time focusing on his work rather than interpersonal relationships, but he’s willing to learn nonetheless. 
He might take you out on a midnight stroll in a graveyard. For a treat. He takes your hand, humming a tune you’d recognise from his workshop. 
The finale of the date might also have a lovely dinner with you, served by several of his undead experiments. Surprisingly tasty. 
Viperian’ snake likes you too, they enjoy tangling around your legs, and pushing themselves into your cheek. They’re probably safe. Probably. 
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jasminesjournal · 23 days
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Title: Don’t Tell…Please Requested: @marunene
Pairing: Castiel x Mom!Monster Hunter!Reader
Plot: It’s hard being a single parent. It’s hard being a monster hunter. You’re always home for her though, even when your car breaks down and you have to navigate your secret with an angel who knows everything.
Y/N’s car broke down just as she was on her way home. Not knowing anything about how to fix it, she had decided to go on and walk home. Somehow she’d get there. She has to get home. She always does. She’s already been three nights without being home. So she hopes someone might be driving and can pick her up…
She takes a few more steps before stopping because she thought she heard a sound. She has her back pack and she had her gun and demon blade with her from her car. Dang, her car. She was just forgetting about that problem.
She turns on the flashlight on her phone and shines it in the direction of the noise before shouting out, “If you’re going to jump me, you might as well just go for it.” Her fingers wrap around the knife kept in her hoodie pocket. “I’m unarmed so you know I’m an easy hit.”
She jumps and screams when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She whirls around to face her intruder, taking the knife out of her hoodie and pressing it against the throat off…
“I am sorry for scaring you,” he says sheepishly as he stands unharmed by the blade pressed against his neck.
A shaky breath leaves her as she steps back and pulls the knife away from him. "What are you doing here?"
"You called me," he says without any hesitation. She can see he's lying though. Castiel was always a poor liar.
"No, I didn't," she says while side stepping around him. Even though she didn't call him, she is glad for the company. It's dark and she doesn't quite like being here alone. "Why are you really here?"
"Why are you walking instead of driving?" He asks in turn, dodging her question.
"You're dodging questions," she says with a grumble.
"No, you are. Well...I know I am. But so are you."
She rolls her eyes. Why can't anything be easy when it comes to this angel? She stops walking as he steps in front of her. He puts his hand on her shoulder and she arches her brow. "I'm taking you to your home," he says with finality in his voice. She knows her choice is limited. He's not going to let her out here in the dark so she let the surroundings disappear without any resistance.
Once they reach her house her anxiety kicks up. This angel may not know too much about human behavior and manners and all that chaos, but she knows he knows it would be rude not to at least welcome him inside for some water or something. Not that he really needs it. But he went out of his way to bring her home, what else is she going to do?
She didn't anticipate that she literally has pictures of her kid on the wall. Taht when she invites him inside he'd be standing there in the living room looking at a baby picture of her daughter.
"I know you have a child," he merely says.
"You can't tell anyone,"She pleads with him as she nearly drops the glass of water on the coffee table. "No one can know about her. Not when I do what I do."
"Why do you do what you do?" he asks. Castiel knows that not many humans would leave their child for a job like Y/N's. It's too dangerous and the mere fact that she was willing to walk home in the dark just to get back to her child should say enough that would make him confused as to why she still hunts monsters instead of being there for her daughter where they both can be safe.
"I got into a long time ago, Cass, I can't really get out of it. You know how hard that is? Every time I lay low something pops up. Someone needs my help, and I try to decline but it's really hard. I just start to wonder, what if it gets her?"
Castiel sets down the picture before approaching her, he felt the need to comfort her. For some reason he doesn't know, he wanted to reach out to comfort her. "You're a good mother. And I will not tell anyone about her."
"You don't understand," she says in a near panic, "If someone, the wrong someone where to find out I'd-- what?"
"The information about your daughter is safe with me."
She blinks a few times before nodding with a smile. "You know what you didn't tell me?"
"What?" he asks, tilting his head curiously.
"What you were doing out there. I find it hard to believe that you were just in the area."
"I was in the area," he says bluntly in that voice that just tells everyone he is lying.
She shakes her head and he looks at her with great focus and determination before he picks up the glass of water and takes a sip only to spit it back in the cup. "You humans, need this water and yet it is gross."
"It's tap."
"I take it that makes it worse?"
"Why were you out there?" She asked pointedly.
Author Note: I'm not sure where to go with this story. Will y'all help me out?
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Hello! I’ve been reading your stuff for almost a year now, and idk if your taking requests rn but do you think I could get headcannons of yan!Sal being your best friend and what that would consist of? If your able to of course. Also I love all of your work! I always come back to read it!
Aw yeah, gotta love some platonic yan~ 💖
Sal as your Yandere Best Friend (forever and ever and ever)-
[CW: Yandere, obsessive behavior, borderline stalking, self-sacrifice, emotional manipulation]
>Sal is extremely sociable and gets attached to people quickly. He’s likely to be the one to introduce himself to you and invites you to hang out with him and his other friends almost immediately. Once you guys click, you go from casual acquaintances to ride-or-die overnight. You’re pretty much stuck with him after that (he doesn’t take friendship lightly!) 🤝💙
>Constantly wants to hang around you, even if you’re not doing anything in particular, invites you along to pretty much everything, and shows up at your place unannounced for impromptu bro time. He just really enjoys your company! Because he's constantly asking what you're doing when he's not there, he knows your schedule and where you are pretty much at all times. He would feel very left out if you mention that you did something fun or important without him. (He covers it up well, ‘Oh, I’m glad you had fun! That sounds awesome, I’ll have to try that out/ go there sometime…’ but you can tell by his mood change that he’s upset about not being included 😞)
>Incredibly generous, always willing to do favors for you without expecting more than a ‘thank you’ in return, and is happy to go out of his way to help or please you. He will literally give you the shirt off his back, if it seems like you’re in need of it. After all, what are friends for? (He of course has his limitations, but you’d have to make some pretty preposterous requests for him to deny you something.) 🙇‍♂️
>Wants to do everything that you do. Take the same classes, join the same clubs, have the same hobbies, listen to the same music, and live in the same house as you, if he can manage it... He wants to appreciate what you’re all about, really get to know you on an intimate level and know who you are at your core. Doing all the same things is a great way to do that and an excellent way to spend more time with you, especially if he can get you to teach him a new skill or you both learn something new together. 🎨📸📚
>Very physically affectionate. He’s always down for a hug and likes to stay within close proximity (almost zero personal bubble, unless you make it very clear you need some space, which he will do his best to respect). He’s not keen on strangers getting to close to either of you, but you guys might as well be conjoined at the hip. 🤗
>Is quick to be your scapegoat and come to your defense. He’s great at lying and coming up with excuses to get the both of you out of trouble (or just get what you want), will always politely yet firmly speak up when you’re slighted, and he never lets anybody get away with being a jerk to you. Sal can be absolutely scathing when the situation calls for it! Assholes get roasted on the spot if they dare to mess with his BFF. (Be aware: He can take a punch, but he’s not much of a fighter, despite his willingness to get into physical danger for you. Don’t let things get too heated or you’ll have to help patch him up later.) 🩹
>Texts you often and at all times of the day because of his insomnia. If something reminds him of you, you’ll know about it. 💬
>Highly sentimental. He keeps receipts, tickets, photos, and other small mementos from the times you’ve hung out together and talks about those memories with a deep, rose-colored fondness.  🎫💭
>Always wants you to talk about your feelings (sometimes to the point of prying), loves it when you tell him your secrets, and plays therapist for you all the time. He delights in lending an ear when you want to vent and when he gets you to spill all those juicy personal details, especially the ones you haven’t really told anybody else about before. Letting him know those things about you means that you trust him enough to be vulnerable and that you two have a really strong bond. He’ll always be there for you, no matter what! ♾💙
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disventurecamptakes · 2 months
I fucking hate Connor
This is gonna get a bit personal and for my privacy I’ll spare all of the big details of this situation, but in short I had an employer that I worked a seasonal position for 3 summers in a row. Last summer due to some circumstances of poor treatment about half of the employees who worked for this employer banded together to start a union and not only did this lead to them treating us even worse but they also refused to rehire any of us they knew were involved for this summer (I found another job that treats me much better dw.) Now, I understand that line Connor made about “keeps my employees happy, or at least from unionizing, but let’s keep that between us” to Jake was likely a throwaway gag and the writers didn’t mean much by it. But it is quite literally a confirmation that Connor has canonically partook in union busting. Now I was willing to give Connor the benefit of the doubt because I genuinely believed that he had worked really hard to start his company from nothing and ultimately become a successful person. But no, that was a fucking lie, the asshole inherited the company from his parents, has advisors do everything for him and thus has probably never worked a hard day in his life. Call me a bad person, but I have felt absolutely zero empathy for this guy with the Riya situation and I really, really hate how ONC tries to make us feel like we’re supposed to root for this “good” guy when in reality he’s a slimy asshole (not to mention, remember how much Ellie, a character who’s had to work two jobs just to stay afloat, was demonized to hell and back for doing some very very minor mean things to Jake??? For the love of god ONC do not repeat these mistakes in DC4 im begging). I’ll be dead honest, watching Riya kick Connor off the horse and getting his ankle sprained that badly made me cheer a bit, and subsequently boo when he said he didn’t need a medevac and was going to continue with the game regardless. If this fucker wins the season, congrats ONC, you’ve officially created probably one of the worst seasons of a cartoon I’ve ever seen in my life. I still hate yul ever so slightly more because I don’t think anything can top a character who’s canonically racist and homophobic for being awful, but yeah, needed to rant a bit
I’m so sorry you had to go through that cat anon :(
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Hate To Love You | ii
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Read part one here
Read part three here
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 8.3k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, female masturbation, slight touch of (consenting!!) voyeurism, fingering (f!receiving), dirty talk, a bit of choking, unprotected sex (god please wear protection, im sorry i keep doing this), sex in a sort of kinda public place, shower sex, continuing to have sex while someone is talking to you ? Idk what that’s called but yeah, that, swearing, talking about toxic ex’s, fluff, angst, love triangle shit, sad Danny and Sammy (very much deserves a warning), sorry if I missed anything!
without further ado, here’s part two! Hope you enjoy :) also fair warning that this is actually kind of filthy by times 😭 I’m unsure of where that came from, but anyway. beware, this kind of has emotions all over the place. also disclaimer, I set this up as a terrible situation right from the beginning because for some reason i literally live for writing angst. i only started this fic bc i knew how i wanted it to end. it’s a character flaw now ig. please be kind and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!!
Your heart drummed in your chest as your hand slipped around the doorknob, opening the door and sliding through the crack. You let out a sigh of relief when the latch clicked behind you with no interruptions. See, the plan was that there was no plan. Just you and Sam inconspicuously sneaking off at different times and hoping nobody would notice that you’d both magically disappeared without a trace. So far, it had worked out in your favour. And if it hadn’t, nobody had said anything yet. It definitely wasn’t the smartest course of action, but it was the one you were going with. You decided you would reap the consequences when they made themselves known.
You took a seat on the couch of Sam’s dressing room, crossing your legs and leaning into the arm. Their set finished in five minutes, which was your cue to get moving. In no way were you willing to be caught sneaking into his room by one of his brothers after they got off stage. You checked your phone to see if you had any missed messages, but the screen was blank. You pulled up your camera, checking your hair and makeup to make sure you looked good. You sighed as you clicked your screen shut, tapping your fingers against the leather of the sofa with growing impatience.
The boys has started a small tour, just for about a month, and it was wrapping up in the next week. But, the month had been too long for your liking. It had been weeks since you’d seen Sam, or any of the others, for that matter. They had a show booked for a venue a few cities over from where you were living. You had managed to convince their tour manager, which you’d met a few times in the past, to sneak you in the back door so you could surprise Sam. Guilt was creeping up on you for not telling Danny about your arrival, but you were desperate to see the boy who’d been occupying your mind for weeks on end. You loved your best friend, but Sam had somehow wormed his way into your heart and showed no signs of leaving. He consumed almost every one of your thoughts. He’d been plaguing your phone with messages of missing you, and some rather provocative voice messages and photographs. He was making sure you wouldn’t forget about him. Little did he know, it wasn’t even a possibility that you could. So, you packed up for the weekend when the chance arose, just so you could curb the need for his company for a few more days.
So far, to the best of your knowledge, he had no idea. Before you’d arrived that night, Sam had texted you his daily countdown of how many days were left until he could see you. You were quite confident that you were still in the clear. One thing you hadn’t really thought out was how you were going to leave the venue without anyone knowing you’d been in there. And also, how the hell you were going to sneak in and out of his hotel room. You’d worry about that later, though. All you were concerned with was seeing the boy who’d been occupying your mind every night for weeks on end.
You’d fully intended on telling everyone about your’s and Sam’s new found relationship the night it had begun. Somewhere along the lines, the plan was lost in translation. The sneaking around had become thrilling, to say the least. Pretending to hate each other like usual, but sneaking off to a bathroom to make out, sneaking touches when no one was looking or from under the table, or leaving parties ten minutes after each other to go back to Sam’s place, was kind of hot. Plus, the idea of growing the relationship together first, making sure it would last before announcing it to everyone seemed most logical in your brain. But, above all, you were terrified of hurting Danny by telling him. Realistically, you knew deep down it might hurt him more by hiding it, but you were terrified of being the person to cause him any sort of pain. This had been dragging on for months now, no end in sight.
You were jolted back to reality when you had heard laughing and shuffling from the hallway. You immediately sat up, straightening yourself out. You couldn’t hide the smile on your lips, practically vibrating with excitement. You were eager to see his reaction when he came in. When the doorknob twisted, your heart could have exploded. The door pushed open and Sam stepped inside, not noticing you immediately. The door fell shut behind him with a thud. He was glistening with sweat, hair sticking to his neck, shirtless and barefoot. You had to stop yourself from giggling at the sight.
“Great show you put on, Sammy. Think I’d be able to get an autograph?” You asked sweetly. His head snapped up, eyes wide with shock. It took him a moment to process what was in front of him.
“Y/n?” He asked, still barely believing you were there. You jumped up, running over to him. He picked you up in a hug, kissing you as if it was the last time he ever would. You didn’t care if he was sweaty, you were just happy you were finally back in his arms. “What are you doing here?” He questioned, still holding you. Your legs were wrapped around him, his hands supporting your bum.
“I couldn’t wait any longer to see you, and I pulled some strings at work.” You whispered, kissing him again. It was soft, but imminent, showing him all the emotion you had pent up since he left. “I missed you so much, Sammy.” You whispered against his lips.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.” He said, resting his forehead on yours. “Does anyone else know you’re here?” He asked, gently letting you back down to the ground. You shook your head.
“As much as I love everyone else, I just needed to see you.” He understood what you meant, feeling the same way. “I drove here, so maybe I can just sneak out and meet you at your hotel once you get there?” You asked, hopeful. For the first time so far, sneaking around was much less than hot and way more of a pain in the ass.
“I mean, yeah, if you’d like to do that, we can.” He said, brushing some stray hairs from your eyes. “As long as I get to sleep next to you tonight, I’ll be happy.” He admitted. You couldn’t agree more.
“I just wanted to surprise you, I didn’t really think it all out too much. Five days just seemed so long.” You laughed, feeling a little dumb.
“That’s okay,” he rushed out “I’m more than happy to see you, trust me.” He let his fingers trail over your jaw, then down your neck and landing his palm on the back of your neck. He pulled you in for another kiss, much hungrier than the last. You could feel the shift in the dynamic before it was even over. “Bathroom, now.” He ordered once he’d pulled away. The sweet side vanished, quickly overpowered by desire.
“Why?” You cocked an eyebrow, challenging him.
“Because you’re going to get in the shower with me, and I’m going to fuck you.” He stated, simply. His eyes showed no hint of joking.
“I don’t want to ruin my hair and makeup. I prettied myself up just for you.” You smirked, knowing your disobedience to the order would get him going. “Don’t you want to appreciate it, first?”
“Oh, I have.” He paused, eyes looking you up and down. “I’m not going to say it again; go to the bathroom and take your clothes off.” He growled. You tilted your head to the side, staying in place, a sweet smile stuck on your lips. You always found it fun to mess with him. He was already tired of waiting for you, his patience never really existing in the first place.
“Make me.” Your cheekiness was quickly brought to a halt when he reached up, taking your throat in his hand. He was careful not to apply too much pressure, still terrified to hurt you in any way. He smiled, admiring the look on your face. He caught your lips in a kiss before tightening his grip slightly.
“I don’t think you want me to have to do that, sweetheart.” He whispered. You gave a nod, feeling your arousal pooling between your legs. “Now get in there and take your fucking clothes off.” You weren’t sure if Sam had normally been dominant in the bedroom, or if it was an extension of your relationship dynamic from almost the entire time you’d known him. Either way, you weren’t complaining.
He let you go, putting a little force behind it as he did so. You stopped yourself from stumbling and turned on your heels quickly, making your way to the bathroom without another word. You wasted no time ridding your clothes from your body, leaning against the counter to wait for him. You heard shuffling in the other room, presumably just Sam straightening some things out before he joined you. Your mind wandered to what he was going to do with you once he got you in the shower. You were out of your mind with anticipation; you had no idea how you went so long without having sex before Sam. Now that you were with him, it was all you wanted to do.
You couldn’t help but let your thoughts consume you, reaching a hand down between your legs for some type of satisfaction. You ran your fingers through your wetness, spreading it up to your clit, rubbing small circles. A gasp fell from your lips as you did so, but you couldn’t help but wish it was Sam’s fingers instead. You found yourself lost in the moment, not even noticing when the door opened until you heard someone speak. “You couldn’t even wait for me, princess?” A disapproving tone broke you from your concentration you quickly moved your hand, embarrassed to be caught. Sam moved towards you, now only clad in a pair of boxers. He grabbed your arm, roughly putting your fingers back to where they were before he’d interrupted. “I didn’t tell you to stop.” He reminded.
You watched him, cheeks flushed, trying to process what he was saying. His jaw was hard set, clearly worked up himself. Slowly, you returned to touching yourself, waiting for his approval. He took a step back, allowing himself full view. His breath caught in his throat. “Get up on the counter.” He demanded. You did as you were told without question, placing your hands on the cool surface and hoisting yourself up. You watched him watch you, feeling a knot form in your stomach. It had been far too long since he’d seen you like this. You placed your hands between your legs once more, but feeling a bit nervous being on display. “Don’t be shy, baby.” He said, reaching out and spreading your legs for you. “You wouldn’t have been touching yourself in here if you didn’t want me to catch you.” He said. Your eyes fluttered up to meet his. “Am I wrong?” You shook your head ‘no’. Although it wasn’t your original intent, a small part of you definitely wanted him to walk in on you. “Use your words.” He demanded.
“No, Sammy.” You said softly, feeling the anxiety slipping away.
“That’s what I thought.” His voice was gravelly. You could tell by his tone he was trying not to take you right there, but he was a bit too cocky to give in so quickly. “Get yourself off.” He ordered.
“Sam-“ you began to protest, but he cut you off.
“Shut up.” He snapped. You stopped, immediately scared that he wouldn’t allow you an orgasm at all. I said, get yourself off.” His hand was still on your knee. Although his tone was harsh, the loving circles he’d been tracing into your skin assured you it was an act. “Then, I’ll make you cum.” He assured you. “I just want to see how you did it while I was gone. Did you think of me?”
“Mmhmm.” You mumbled softly, picking up the pace in which you were rubbing yourself. “Wished it was you every time.” You mumbled.
“Oh so it was more than once?” Arrogance was radiating from him, but you couldn’t help but watch him with nothing but admiration. “Answer me, beautiful.” He said palming himself through his boxers.
“All of the time.” You answered truthfully. You let in a sharp inhale, feeling yourself getting close to your climax.
“I can’t wait to fuck you.” He admitted, hand trailing up your bare thigh. You could tell he was struggling not to touch you.
“You gonna show me how much you missed me, Sammy?” You wanted to put on a show for him, hooking your leg around his waist and pulling him closer to you. He let out a groan at your actions, tightening his fingers around your leg. “Are you gonna fuck me?”
“Don’t worry about what I’m going to do.” He spat, still rubbing himself, trying to get some relief. “Just worry about you. I’m getting impatient. If you don’t hurry up you may not get to cum at all.” You did as he said, quickening your pace and adding your fingers to the mix with your unoccupied hand. “That’s it, gorgeous.” He sighed, his eyes focused on your cunt. With the added stimulation of your other hand, you were painfully close to your climax. You threw your head back, closing your eyes and letting out a moan. Sam acted fast, grabbing your face in his hand and forcing your head back down. “Look at me. I want to watch you.” The statement caused your hands to stutter.
With his eyes locked on yours, gaze unwavering, you gave into the pleasure. Your orgasm hit you hard, way harder than it had in the past weeks. His eyes hardened, scared if he looked away from you, you’d disappear. Your own eyes rolled back in your head as you rode the high, desperate for air. “S-sammy!” You stuttered, almost as if you were praying to him.
“That’s it, baby.” He muttered, bringing your lips to his. He was painfully hard, already planning on getting you right off the counter into the shower. When he pulled away, you removed your hands from yourself, to which he immediately replaced them with his own. A strangled cry came from your mouth as his calloused fingertips brushed over your overly sensitive clit, but he didn’t stop.
“Sam, please,” you pleaded, trying to push his hands away.
“Stop it, you’re fine.” And he was right, you were. After a few moments of unbearable sensitivity, the euphoric feeling had hit you ten times harder. You were practically screaming your noises of pleasure, only fuelling him further. “Come on, princess.” He whispered, working his fingers into you. “I want you to cum like that for me.” And you did, clenching around his hand while crying his name. Tears were welling in your eyes as your legs shook, hips locked in a solid position. Your throat was hoarse, and you were sure the entire venue would have heard you if not for the concrete walls.
Just when you thought he would coddle you, maybe pull you in for a kiss, he removed himself from you completely. He walked to the shower, flicking the tap on. He threw his boxers away hastily and returned to your side. He didn’t utter a word as he picked you up. “Legs around me, now.” He ordered. You did as best you could to obey, barely being in the conscious mind. He stepped into the shower, still holding you, and pressed your back against the wall. The cool tile felt nice on your warm skin. He supported you with one hand while lining himself up with you with his other. He pulled you down on him, eliciting a groan from you. “Fuck I missed you,” he muttered, withdrawing his hips slightly and pushing himself back in. He stayed slow in that position, wanting to enjoy being close to you again without getting too intense. His head was buried in your neck, whispering sweet nothings while he sucked and bit marks into your skin.
“I love you, Sammy.” You mumbled, so fucked out you were barely aware of what you were saying. He paused his movement entirely, pulling his head away from you. “Oh my god, I’m sorry, I-I didn’t-“ you rushed out, finally coming to your senses. When he dropped you to your feet, your stomach churned with anxiety. He didn’t say a word, but watched you meticulously. You were starting to panic, tears rushing to your eyes. “I’ll just… I’m gonna g-go.” You excused yourself, making a move to get out of the shower. He grabbed your waist, his fingers searing into your skin. He pushed you against the wall of the shower so your chest was flush, but pulled your hips back towards him.
“Say it again.” He barked, his hand now gripping your shoulder. He lined himself back up with you.
“What?” You questioned, unsure of what was going on.
“Fucking say it again.” He hissed.
“I- I love you, Sam.” You said with more certainty. He pushed himself into you, moving his hand to your hip. The steam from the heat of the shower was filling your senses, sending you back into euphoria as he started to fuck you again.
“Again.” He pleaded, all tones of assertion gone, replaced with a touch of desperation.
“I love you, Sammy.” You repeated, confident this time. His hips sped, pushing your face into the tile with every thrust. Something had taken over him, he was more animalistic with you than he’d ever been. You were driving him crazy by saying it. He leaned down, leaving love bites all over your shoulders, gripping you so hard you were sure he’d leave bruises. You let out a blissful moan as he hit your g-spot. He continued on at that angle, loving the noises you’d been making for him.
A knock sounded at the door just as you were both reaching your peak. You expected him to pull out, or at least slow down, but he continued on. “Brother?” Someone called out from the other side of the door.
“Yeah?” Sam yelled back, voice unfaltering.
“You okay, man? You’ve been in there for a while. We’re getting ready to head to the bar.” You could recognize the voice as Josh’s. You had been trying to stay as silent as possible, but Sam did not make it easy. He’d slipped his hand around to the front of you, fingers dancing over your already abused clit.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just don’t feel too good, don’t know what hit me.” He lied so effortlessly that even you could have believed him if not for him being inside of you.
“Oh, okay, man. You think you’re gonna join us? Should we wait up?” He questioned. A whimper fell from your lips as he had hit the perfect spot. His free hand clamped around your mouth.
“No, you guys can go. I’ll be done here soon, then I’ll probably go to the hotel and call it an early night.” You couldn’t understand how his voice was so steady. You chalked it up to him singing and talking while he jumped around on stage.
“Okay, text us if you change your mind and we’ll let you know where we are.” Josh yelled.
“Will do!” Sam answered. He waited a moment until he heard the bang of the main door shutting, then he removed his hand from your mouth.
“What the fuck was that, Sam?” You whispered, still scared Josh would overhear you.
“You certainly weren’t complaining.” He muttered, slamming his hips back into you. You let out a gasp. “Actually, I think you’re gonna cum.” He said, smugly. He was correct. Damn him for knowing your body too well. He swirled his fingers over your clit a few more times before you unravelled, slurring out profanities. “That’s it, baby.” Sam groaned, not far behind you. “Tell me you love me again.” He ordered once you can down from your high.
“I love you.” You said softly, no tone of arrogance or anything other than honesty. He took a sharp intake of breath and reached his own orgasm, moaning your name and pulling you back down on him as it happened. He rested in you for a moment, just basking in the closeness. Eventually, he withdrew and you turned to face him.
“I love you, too, baby.” He said, eyes drooping with exhaustion. You couldn’t help but smile at the confession. “I love you so much.” He sighed, pulling your chin up so he could lean down to kiss you. “We seem to have a thing for fucking in bathrooms, though.” He stated once you broke apart. You both laughed at the statement.
You finished your shower with him, both of you slipping out and wrapping yourselves in towels. You dried off and picked up your clothes, making a move to go back to the main room. He followed closely behind, not wanting you to leave his sight. When you dropped your towel, he gave your ass a smack. You jumped in surprise, letting out a giggle. He went over to his bag and grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants, tossing them in your direction. “Here, if you’d like to leave undetected.” He smiled. You nodded, slipping on the bottoms. You had to cuff the sweatpants quite a few times and tie the drawstrings, but you made it work. You threw his hoodie on, leaving the hood up.
You revelled in the confines of the sweater, breathing in the scent. It smelled just like him and it warmed your heart. “You look good in my clothes.” He said, pulling on another pair of his pants. That was one thing you had to laugh at, Sam packed a bag like a middle aged woman on vacation; two outfits for every occasion. He grabbed his wallet from a pile of his things and opened it, pulling out a hotel keycard. “I got two at check in, cause I always end up losing one.” He chuckled. “Guess it really came in handy, this time.” He handed it to you. “The room number’s written on it too.” You slipped it in your pocket.
“Guess so, baby.” You said, giving him a smile. He leaned down to place another kiss to your lips. You held him there for a moment, never wanting to lose the feeling. When you pulled away, you let your hand rest on his cheek. “I’m gonna head out, try and avoid everyone.” You informed him.
“Sure,” he said, pulling you into a hug. “I’ll be there soon. Be safe.”
“I will, Sammy.” You said, making your way to the door. “Oh, uh, can you bring my clothes back with you?” You asked, suddenly embarrassed at your earlier interaction. A blush rose to your cheeks. He laughed at you, nodding his head at your request.
“Of course.” He followed you as you left, leaning against the doorway as you walked out. He watched you make your way to the exit, smiling to himself.
“Hey, who’s that?” A voice sounded from beside him. Sam looked to see Danny standing, watching you walk away, too.
“Oh, uh, just some chick from the front row.” Sam brushed it off. “Asked security to pull her back here before she left.” He lied quickly, trying to cover his own ass.
“Ah, I see,” Danny said. “And you let her take your clothes home?”
“Yeah, just old shit anyway. Figured I’d never miss it.”
“Uh huh,” Danny paused, knowing that the clothes in question were some of his favourites. “And how do you think y/n would feel if she found out you were fucking groupies?” Sam nearly choked on his breath, whipping his head to look at Danny.
“What?” He asked, in disbelief.
“Come on, man. We all know. You think you guys are being sneaky, but we know you both way too well.” He chuckled. “Just wish you guys would have told me, you know?” He said before he walked off.
“Wait, Danny!” Sam called to him, but he wasn’t turning around.
“Also, you guys are obnoxiously loud.” He said before disappearing around the corner.
“Fuck,” Sam muttered to himself, turning on his heels and walking back into his room.
You pushed through the door of the hotel, taking in the sight of the front lobby. It was beautiful. You didn’t have too much experience with hotels, or travel. Your parents were quite poor growing up, and you never really broke the curse as you grew into adulthood. Hotels and anything of the sort, no matter if they were five star or not, were quite luxurious to you. The lady at the front desk gave you a warm smile as you passed by. You mumbled a hello, returning her gesture. You went directly to the elevator, pressing the button to go upstairs. The doors swung open, inviting you inside.
You looked at the paper holder containing the keycard, seeing the room number written messily on the outside of it. You clicked the floor number and waited. You laughed at the messy penmanship; Sam could be so forgetful by times. Luckily, this time around, it really worked in your favour. The ding of the elevator broke you from your thoughts. The doors parted and you stepped into the hallway. Your legs carried you down the hall, eyes scanning the bold black numbers labelling the rooms.
You landed in front of the room that matched the number on the card, swiping the key in front of the sensor. The electronic lock clicked open and you stepped inside. Upon first inspection, it was so blatantly clear that this was Sam’s room. His cologne was still present in the air from before he’d left for the venue, a towel was left on the bathroom floor, and a few different outfits were strewn on the bed. The blankets were messy and the pillows were all over the mattress. You smiled to yourself, dropping your bag by the T.V. stand and immediately crawling in the mess of pillows, pulling the blanket over you. The pillowcase smelled like Sam’s shampoo, inviting you in and lulling you to sleep. It had been far too long since you fell asleep surrounded by him.
Without even realizing it, you drifted off into a slumber more peaceful than any you’d had while he was away.
About thirty minutes later, Sam was unlocking the door himself and making his way inside. He dropped his own bag by the door, kicking off his shoes. When he looked to the bed, his heart melted at the sight of you. He walked over, carefully sitting on the bed beside you. He ran a hand through your still damp hair, gently brushing out any knots. As you began to stir, he leaned down and placed a kiss on your head. You let out a small groan, slowly coming back to life. You stretched out your legs, taking in a large breath as your eyes fluttered open. “Well, hello, sleepyhead.” Sam said softly, hand still tangled in your hair. “Have a good nap?” You couldn’t help but smile. It had felt like an eternity since you’d woken up next to him.
“Would’ve been better if you were here.” You whispered.
“Good thing I’m here now, then.” He said. He wasn’t sure if he should tell you about his interaction with Danny earlier, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the reunion. He knew he’d have to eventually, but right now just didn’t seem like the time for it. You opened your arms, reaching out for him to lay beside you. “Just a second.” He promised, standing up. He took off his shirt leaving himself just in his sweatpants. You watched him, silently admiring him as he moved. You made a move to take your pants off, wanting as much closeness with him as you could get. You tossed them onto the floor beside you, scooting over a bit to give him some more room to climb in.
He picked up the comforter, sliding in next to you and wasting no time pulling you to his chest. The warmth of his body immediately relaxed you. “I know I already said it, but I missed you, Sammy.” You mumbled, eyes closing once more.
“I missed you too, baby.” He said, his hand snaking under your far too large sweatshirt, caressing the skin on your hip. “I promise I’ll take you out on a date when we get home, I just want to be here with you tonight. I want you all to myself.” He admitted.
“Me too,” you agreed. You both sat in silence for a moment, not moving, just soaking up each others company. Eventually, he pulled you on top of him, settling you between his legs. Your head rested on his stomach, your arms brought to your chest, curling the blanket up to your chin. He played with the ends of your hair, letting the locks fall through his long fingers.
“Did you mean what you said, earlier?” He asked.
“Which part?” You asked for clarification.
“That you loved me.” His hands worked their way up to your scalp, gently massaging it. You let out a hum of pleasure at the feeling.
“Yeah, I did, Sammy.” You whispered, your own hand now moving to his stomach, tickling his skin with your fingertips. The muscles in his abdomen flexed at the contact, causing a small giggle to fall from you. “Of course I did.” You added. “I was scared that it was too soon, you looked almost… mad when I said it. But I meant it.” He laughed quietly at your words, finding it ridiculous that you thought he’d be mad at you.
“I wasn’t mad, y/n. Shocked, yeah, for sure. I wasn’t expecting you to say it.” He admitted. “But I’ve been waiting to hear you say that since the day I met you. If that was the only thing you said to me for the rest of my life, I’d be happy.” His hand that wasn’t knotted in your hair came down on top of yours, lacing your fingers together. “Why would you think I’d be mad at you?” He whispered now, gentle with his tone. You stayed silent for a moment, unsure of how to answer him.
“I don’t know… I guess I’m just so used to my past boyfriends being mad at me all of the time. I suppose it’s just in my nature to expect you to be mad, or assume I did something wrong.” You confessed. His heart leapt at the use of the word boyfriend. That had not been discussed yet, but he certainly didn’t mind the sound of it. On the other hand, he was curious. He’d never heard you talk much about your former partners.
“You can talk about it, if you want.” He didn’t want to pry, but he did want to know more. He gave you the option to tell him or not.
“I don’t know, Sammy.” You sighed. “Not much of a story, I guess. I’ve only had one other boyfriend. He was a dick. I dated him all through high school and moved in with him after graduation. He was mean and I didn’t know that it wasn’t how I should be treated. I didn’t know anything else.” A frown encased his lips. “He never let me go out, or have any friends. He wanted me to do anything he wanted whenever he wanted it. He always wanted to fight with me and according to him, I could never do anything right. That’s how I met Danny, actually.”
“What do you mean?” Sam never actually got close enough with you to know much about you in the beginning. He knew you were beautiful, funny and kind. He knew you adored Danny, but not why. He knew enough to fall for you, but he really wanted to know you, now. He wanted the little things constantly stored in the back of his head so he could use them as needed. He wanted to know what made you, you.
“After a particularly bad fight, I went to a bar to get some cheap liquor.” You laughed at the memory. “I’m not sure why, but it seemed right at the time. I barely drank back then. But Danny showed up, he was just finishing up with you guys at the studio. He sat beside me and bought some god-awful looking beer.” You shuddered at the thought. No matter how hard Danny tried to convince you it was good, you couldn’t stand the taste of it. “He introduced himself and noticed I’d been crying. He talked to me all night, wanting to know everything about me. It was the first time I’d ever felt…” you pondered for the right word. “Seen.” You finished. “He was the only person in my life by that point, who’d ever cared enough about me to want to know everything. And he barely knew me.” You had to laugh.
Sam felt a rush of jealousy flood through him, but he pushed it aside. “He offered me a place to stay because my boyfriend at the time told me to get out, and that he never wanted to see me again. You know why?” You asked.
“Hmm?” Sam mumbled, still listening intently.
“A male coworker sent me a friend request on Facebook.” You whispered. “It was bound to happen eventually, and I had an apartment lined up just in case. Things had been really bad for a while. But he just kicked me out, he didn’t want to hear anything I had to say. Just opened the door for me like I’d meant nothing to him for six years.”
“That’s terrible, y/n.” Sam consoled you, pulling you closer to him as he spoke. ‘I’d never do that to you.’ He thought to himself.
“Yeah, but I never would’ve ended up here if it didn’t happen.” You reminded him. “But Danny came with me as backup to get my shit from his house. He helped me move into the apartment I live in now. We got wine drunk together and the rest was history. He didn’t care that I was broken. He didn’t care that I had no idea how to make friends, because I was never allowed to have them. Just wanted to be with me.” You shrugged. Sam tried his best to just hear your words rather than think about how Danny felt about you, but he was struggling. “You know, I prayed for months that something would happen, anything to make life better. And he showed up that night. Just waltzed in and changed everything in an instant.”
“You love him, don’t you?” Sam couldn’t help it. The jealousy was surging through him. He wanted to listen to you talk, but his heart was breaking at the words you were saying. You lifted your head to look at him, noticing the expression of worry.
“Yeah, of course I do, Sam.” You were honest. “But it’s never been like that for me.” His body relaxed slightly. “Danny was always meant to be my best friend. He’s been the person I looked for my whole life. Someone to do stupid shit with, to make memories, to be my kids godparent, I love him more than anything, but I’m not in love with him, Sammy.”
“I’m sorry, I know that. I just… yeah.” He muttered. “I just get nervous, I guess. I know how he feels about you. I know how much he cares for you, and you for him. It’s hard to think that he could steal you away at any given moment.” He laughed quietly, more to himself. “You know, it would’ve made so much more sense if you ended up with him. He deserves you way more than I do.” He said, guilt seeping through his pores.
“It was never a matter of ‘deserving’ anything. If I wanted to be with Danny, I would be. I’m in love with you, and I always knew it would end up like this. The minute I met you… it was like all of the bullshit from the past didn’t matter. The pain from the last relationship didn’t hurt, because it brought me to you. It made it all make sense, you know?” You sighed, fingers still dancing with his. “I know we treated each other like shit for a long time, but I always knew. From the minute I saw you, I wanted to love you, to be in love with you. I wanted this, exactly what we’re doing right now.” His heart drummed against his ribs, threatening to break them. He couldn’t believe how much you affected him.
“Me too, baby.” He sighed. “All I want to do is love you; I’m sorry that I was an asshole for so long.” You sat up, moving around to sit on him. You straddled his waist, pulling his face in your hands and running your thumb over his cheek.
“We’re here now, aren’t we? Isn’t that what matters?” He smiled at your words, putting his hands on your hips.
“I guess so.” He agreed, catching your lips in a kiss. “I’m so lucky to be able to love you.” He breathed as you parted ways. “I want to know you. I want to know everything about you; I want to make sure that you know how you deserve to be loved. I hope I can do it properly.”
The sentiment of his words hung over the room like a cloud of serenity. You two enjoyed the alone time, rolling around in the bed, sharing kisses and laughs. You played music softly in the background, singing along to songs that had no meaning to you until that night. The evening dwindled by too quickly for either of your liking, slipping into the late hours of the night and eventually to the earliest ones of the morning. You wanted to live in that moment forever, where nothing was wrong and it was just the two of you making up for lost time. Sam made it so easy to fall for him, with his sweet words, loving touches and fantastic sex. He treated you better than you ever could have imagined a partner doing. The months of romance felt like an eternity; you felt like you’d known him like this your whole life.
Eventually, exhaustion enveloped the two of you and the music that was once fuelling your energy turned into lullabies. Sam was on his side, facing you with his arm draped over your bare torso. Somewhere in the events of the night, you both had ended up naked, but not resulting in a sexual motive. The intimacy of being completely exposed with no intent of sex was beautiful. It was just the two of you seeing each other completely, loving each other fully. Your eyes were drooping, barely being able to hold them open. His were similar, but he was forcing himself to stay awake so he didn’t miss a second of admiring you. His eyes on you, holding so much emotion behind them, felt like pure bliss. Being appreciated by Sam was the greatest feeling you’d ever experienced.
“I love you, princess.” He whispered, voice laced with sleep. “So much.”
“I love you, Sammy.” You said, the words coming straight from your heart. You were sure that you both had said it a million times that night alone, but the novelty of the phrase was too exiting to stop. Finally, the proclamation of emotion you’d both been feeling for so long was in the air, accepted and desired.
“I’m gonna take you to breakfast in the morning, before you have to go. Just me and you.” He promised. You smiled at his words but your chest ached at the realization you’d have to leave him again the next day. Although the time between now and seeing him next was much shorter than the one previous, you didn’t want to be away from him at all.
“I’d like that.”
“Me, too.” You laughed at him, barely awake and still trying to hold a conversation. You had both closed your eyes, finally giving your bodies a chance to rest, just minutes away from sleep. He pulled you closer to him, your head quickly finding its way to the crook of his neck. You drifted to sleep to the scent of him, finally feeling at home.
A violent knock on the door shook you both from your slumber. Neither of you had moved from the position you’d fallen asleep in. You both ignored the first knock, figuring it was one of the boys coming back drunk and wanting to chat. “Go back to sleep, baby.” Sam mumbled, clearly not caring about who was looking for him. You tried to do as he said, but another burst of loud knocking pried your eyes back open.
“Sam, open the fucking door!” You were upright now, immediately recognizing Danny’s voice. Sam groaned, reaching out for his phone.
“It’s 4 in the morning, man, go to bed! We can talk tomorrow!” He shot back.
“I know she’s in there, Sam. I just want to talk to her.” Danny pleaded. You could tell he was plastered. You could hear it in his voice. Your heart was racing, panic encased on your features. Sam gave a look to you as if to say it was okay. He rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants as you searched wildly for clothes for yourself. You threw on the clothes Sam had given you earlier, crawling back in the bed and hoping that Sam could convince Danny to go back to his room. Sam wanted that, too, hoping you would just talk to him in the morning, when you were both sober and in the right state of mind.
Sam shuffled to the door. You heard him open it a crack before speaking again. “Just go to bed, Danny. You’re hammered.” Sam sighed, trying to reason with him.
“You’ve both been avoiding me for months and lying to my face the whole time. I’m done. I’m sick of waiting for you to decide to tell me the truth.” Danny snapped. Your stomach twisted in a knot, palms breaking out into a sweat. He knew. He’s known all along.
“Hey, stop, man. It’s okay. We can talk in the morning.” Sam muttered, obviously still half asleep. You didn’t understand how he was so calm about the whole thing. Sam made a move to try and shut the door, but Danny pushed it open again, not done with the conversation.
“Just let me talk to her, please.” Danny said again. “I know she’s in there. I saw her car outside.” Danny was pushing back on the door as Sam tried to hold it closed. “You can’t keep my best friend from me.” Something in Sam snapped at his territorial marking, not liking it in the slightest.
“Okay, fine, in the morning!” Sam was losing his patience. “I’m not letting you talk to her while you’re drunk and pissed off.” Sam was being overly protective, not willing to budge from him stance.
“I’m not going to fucking hurt her, asshole.” Danny argued. “She’s my best friend, Sam. I have to talk to her.” With a final push, Danny got the door open and stepped in the room. Sam sighed, stepping down and out of his way. Danny walked in, his eyes immediately landing on you. He stared for a moment, watching you sitting in Sam’s bed, wearing his clothes, looking scared. He felt a wave of hurt enveloping him. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again, unsure of what to say. He’d gotten his answer already. He already knew what he would find, but he was hoping he was wrong.
“Danny,” you started, but he’d already turned to walk back out. Your heart shattered, but you pushed it to the side. You were not the one that should be upset in the situation. You jumped out of the bed, following after him. Just as he was rounding the corner into the hallway, Sam grabbed your wrist to stop you from following. “Let go, Sam.” You warned.
“Y/n, just wait until the morning. We’ve waited this long, we can wait one more day.” He begged.
“That’s the problem! We never should have waited this long to begin with!” You cried, still trying to shake yourself from his grip. “We lied to him. I hurt him. I’m still hurting him!”
“This isn’t a good idea, you’re both upset-“
“We’re going to be upset either way! I need to make it right with him before it’s too late. He’s my whole world, Sam.” You pleaded with him. Sam’s eyes darkened at your statement, once again feeling that pain he’d felt walking into Danny’s apartment the year before.
“What about me, y/n? Am I not part of that world, too?” He said, hurt dripping off of his words.
“What? Of course you are Sam, what do you mean?” You scoffed.
“I mean exactly what I said. This is just like it was in the beginning. No matter how many times we fuck, or how many times you say you love me, he’ll always come first, right?” You opened your mouth to retaliate, but found no words coming out. “That’s what I thought.” Sam rolled his eyes. “You wanna go talk to him? Fine by me.” He dropped your wrist. “It doesn’t matter what I think, anyway.”
“You’re jealous now, of all of the times you could’ve been jealous? We did something to hurt him and you’re pissed off because I want to make it right?”
“No, I’m pissed off because it seems like I was right the whole time. You may not have been fucking him, y/n, but he will always be the most important person to you. He says jump and you’ll do it, no matter how high. No matter who’s begging you not to.”
“Sam you’re being ridiculous.” You scowled, feeling the months of hatred and vicious words coming back.
“It’s four in the morning, y/n. He shows up drunk and wakes us up, barges in here and doesn’t even say a word to you, and you’re chasing after him. Im asking you to stay. I am begging you to at least wait until the morning, when he’s not drunk and you’re in your right mind, but you refuse to see that maybe that’s the most logical thing because like I said a million times before, he comes first, before anyone else. It. Will. Always. Be. Him.” He annunciated his words so harshly that it caused your blood to boil.
You couldn’t believe that after everything you’d told Sam, every memory and sweet word over the last few months, everything that you’d professed to him that night alone, he could throw this out the window so easily. Tears welled in your eyes, begging to be shed. You loved Sam, but he always seemed to be the one to know exactly how to break your heart. You thought that he’d changed, that him being an asshole was just one big misunderstanding, but maybe you were wrong. Maybe Sam would never change, no matter how much you hoped he would. “I’m not fighting with you over this, Sam. Not again.” You said, completely defeated. “I could go into the next room and spit on him, even kick him in the face and you’d still try and argue that I’m in love with him. You didn’t believe me when I told you the million other times, and you never will. I’m done fighting.” Your voice broke.
“If you leave,” he paused, eyes angry but you could tell it was covering sadness. “If you run out there after him, I’m done, y/n. I can’t always feel like I’m in second place.”
“That’s your problem, Sam. You’re trying to beat him in a race, but you guys aren’t even competing in the same one.” You took a step towards the hallway. “Oh, and if you’re genuinely giving me an ultimatum, whatever this is, ends here. Because if you make me choose, I will never forgive you.” You said, back turned to him now. You couldn’t see it, but a tear fell down his cheek, too. He didn’t answer, just watched you teeter between the hallway and his hotel room, hoping you’d turn back towards him.
“You say that because you know you’d choose him.”
“If you make me stay, we’re done.” You whispered.
“I guess we’re in stalemate, then.” He replied. You closed your eyes, praying he’d say something else, that he would change his mind. Instead, you were met with silence. You looked back at him over your shoulder, wanting to see him one last time before you made up your mind. The sadness in his features implored you to stay, to hold him and tell him you only ever wanted to love him, but the anger towards him that was brewing in your chest was overwhelming. “Please, y/n, come back to bed with me.” He tried one last time. You checked to make sure you’d slipped your phone and your car keys in your pocket when you got up, relieved when you found that you did.
“I love you, Sammy.” You whispered. His eyes glistened with hope, thinking that maybe you were going to stay. As soon as he’d let himself feel it, it was quickly shattered. You had stepped into the hallway and slammed his door shut, not even waiting for him to say it back. He stood, staring at the doorway where you’d been standing just seconds before, not knowing where to go from there.
Don’t worry!! It doesn’t end here, there will be a part three! 🫶🏻
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next-autopsy · 10 months
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A/N: Well, hi there! Don't hate me for this chapter, I was going to have the girls enjoy a nice night out and then I started writing and this came out so....... sorry x
Based on the actors portrayal/hbo show and written with no disrespect to the real life veterans. Also all images found on Pinterest.
TW: some swearing, drinking, very very brief mention of blood/death (nothing major), lieb is a dick for no reason … thats all i think?
Tags: @malarkgirlypop, @panzershrike-pretz
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Made of Glass
Chapter eighteen: A Night to Remember
Choosing Johnny as her sparring partner had been a blessing and a curse. 
On one hand, he was helping her learn properly. Birdie was finally able to defend and attack against someone who was fully willing to brawl her correctly. 
On the other hand, he wasn’t holding back. At all. And, by God, he had a strong swing. 
Bernadette had asked for this and she knew it would be beneficial in the long run, but each hit Johnny landed maybe her regret pushing for extra lessons. 
The instructor had given them small breaks for water during their hour-long lesson and when it was over, demanded they all stretch so their muscles wouldn’t ache too badly the next day. The seven women chatted while doing so, and the topic of weekend passes came up. 
The entire group had not yet been out drinking together, two or three maybe but not all seven, so when they figured out this weekend would be the first they all held a pass, excitement spread. 
Johnny shook his head playfully at the women as they yapped about which bar to visit on the rare occasion. He smiled hearing Bernadette mention introducing her friends, she was enlivened by the thought of the women she had come to call sisters meeting the men she thought of as brothers. The grin on her face was unlike any other and Johnny’s heart warmed thinking of the young lady who had wiggled her way into the center of Easy company and cemented bonds with a large portion of the guys. 
She was Easy’s little sister. 
The image of her splashed with scarlet red blood and lifeless eyes flashed into his mind and Martin involuntarily shivered. It was like the first time he even thought of the southern girl's death, like it wasn’t a possibility before now. If anything happened to her, Easy might just fall apart. Johnny began praying for her every night after that vision of her demise. 
“I’m not going.” 
“What? You gotta! It won’t be the same without you.” Blythe begged, quite literally on her knees. Francesca was attempting to weasel her way out of the joyfully dubbed ‘girl’s night’ as they were getting ready. Charlotte passed the red lipstick along to the next girl waiting for the prized makeup, while Birdie sat on the floor in front of her cot and held still as Connie styled her hair, she had convinced Birdie to let her curl it down and leave it flowy. 
“Tell her, Birdie!” Blythe whined to the Corporal, Lucy rolled her eyes at the redhead while fixing her tie. The women were in their dress green and most had opted for the skirt and kitten heeled option for the night out. Only Lucy and Francesca wore the trousers and boots. 
“Yeah, she actually listens to you.” Charlotte added, passing Birdie her lit smoke and the southern girl was still unable to move much. Bernadette gave the Italian woman a pleading look, the best puppy dog eyes she could muster, “Please?” And Frankie folded. Rolling her eyes she grabbed her jacket and sighed, “Fine.”
“Yay! This is going to be so fun!” The chatty redhead jumped up and down, excited to have the full team going out. 
After putting on final touches and ensuring all seven were ready and weren’t forgetting anything, the group left their barracks. 
Five out of seven ladies immediately pulled out smokes and lit them up to combat the chill of the evening air. Only sweet young Connie and the brunette Betty, who don’t partake in puffing cigarettes, were left out of exhaling smoke clouds. Instead the duo led the group, followed by Lucy and Blythe, arm in arm then Birdie and Charlotte either side of Francesca, blocking her in so she couldn't sneak off and return to the barracks.
The group of girls had to split up into two cabs, luckily a whole row of drivers were lined up, waiting to make money off of soldiers needing rides to the nearest bar. Toye had told Birdie which bar he and most of Easy company were planning on visiting that night and she had convinced the girls to spend their time there: The Black Rose, it was called. 
Before entering the drinking establishment, they could hear the rowdy men inside who had apparently started off the night with a drinking competition. Birdie suggested a few of them stay sober to look out for the ladies who would be drinking and urged the women to all leave together around midnight. All the girls agreed, Connie opted not to drink as she was still eighteen, by that logic Birdie and Blythe, who were nineteen and twenty respectively, volunteered to stay sober too. 
A smoky haze filled the bar, Birdie couldn’t hear herself think, that's how loud the men were hollering. The group of women took a moment to look around before Lucy took everyone's drink order before linking arms with Blythe and skipping off to the bar. 
Meanwhile, Birdie had spotted Toye and waved over at him. He had secured a table which had a few empty seats, so Bernadette ushered her girls over his way. 
“You look gorgeous, Birdie.” Toye told her, pulling her in for a hug. He noticed the stares her dolled up look was getting and decided he was on guard tonight. 
“Little Bird!” Guarnere slurred, his drunkenness already rearing its head, “You gonna introduce me to these… beautiful ladies?” Bill slung his arm around Bernadette's shoulders, he winked in their general direction, earning scoffs and rolled eyes. Birdie cringed, it was like watching a sibling flirt and embarrass himself, he wasn’t even good at it, but that could be the alcohol.
“Calm down, Syphilis. They ain’t interested.” She twisted his arm off of her and let it drop down.
“Ah, so this is your diseased friend?” Charlotte smirked, turning to Connie who giggled at the Able company woman’s comment. Bill did not look impressed, he glared at Birdie and mouthed a ‘what the fuck?’ her way. She only grinned at the Italian man and began proper introductions. 
The men at this table were some of her closest friends, of course Bill and Toye were the first she announced, followed by the trio who could not be separated; Malarkey, Skip and Alex. Sitting partially behind them was Bull, Johnny and Lipton who gave polite smiles and head nods as Birdie mentioned the men by name. 
Lucy and Blythe joined them with a tray of drinks, the pair handed them to their fellow woman and Birdie briefly repeated the introductions for the two who missed it.
“Aaaand which one has Herpes?” Lucy leered, hoping to pull a reaction from the man in question. It worked, of course, Bill huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Birdie! Stop telling everyone I have diseases!” 
It truly was a night to remember. 
Even without drinking, Birdie enjoyed having her ladies out and in such a carefree environment. She dragged the women to the dancefloor early on and began teaching them how to line dance, Blythe, Betty and Connie picked it up quickly while Charlotte and Lucy struggled to keep up with the quick steps. Francecsca refused to try and watched from her table, laughing when Charlotte and Lucy returned to her in defeat. Soon the men wanted in on the merriment and took turns begging the women to dance with them and sung their praises afterwards.
Frankie sat in the corner smoking and observing for the majority of the night, Toye had joined her and the two got on surprisingly well, sitting in silence and sharing smokes. That's when George Luz found them and started throwing jokes left and right, trying to impress the moody pair. Rossi saw right through the jokesters mask, she recognised his heart shaped eyes and knew exactly where they were aimed. 
Charlotte drank a surprising amount; Skip, Alex and Don had challenged her to a drinking contest and pretty soon after losing Birdie had to cut off her supply but she had bribed someone to bring her another gin and tonic within seconds of being banned from the bar. The southern woman assigned Betty to watch the highly intoxicated lady until they were prepared to leave.
Lucy and Blythe disappeared to the bathroom together every five minutes, which raised Birdie's eyebrows. How had she missed that? And Connie was being spun around on the dancefloor from partner to partner as she hadn’t the heart to tell the men she’d had enough.
Bernadette looked around at her girls, it was getting late and probably time to saunter home. Charlotte was near passed out and Connie was starting to look tired. She made the executive decision to call it a night, making her way to Frankie to share her revelation. 
Frankie wholeheartedly agreed, feeling like a third wheel as the more Toye had drunk, the more he returned Luz’s looks. It was subtle, not many would notice the shared glances or how each man checked the other out while they thought no one was watching. 
Francesca noticed. The whole night, she saw it all. 
Birdie rounded up the women, bringing them to the table Frankie was stationed at, her job was to keep them there and not let them wander off. 
Lucy and Blythe were in giggle fits about something that probably wasn’t that funny and Betty was trying to keep Charlotte awake but she wasn’t doing great, the Able company woman slumped over on the table top ungracefully. 
Birdie had to physically tear Connie away from the line of men waiting to dance with the blonde, she told the girls she had to run to the bathroom quickly and then they were leaving. No more drinks, no more dancing. Two minutes maximum. And she scurried off to the back of the establishment where a corridor led off to the restrooms. 
“Just admit you’re interested in her, man.” Tipper shrugged casually at his friend. Joe only scoffed and shook his head, as if the man had suggested something completely absurd. 
“I mean, it’s kinda obvious…” Ed trailed off, he was winding his buddy up and he knew it. The pair had stepped aside from the noise of the crowds in attempts for a reprieve, but the second Edward had brought up the girl from Mississippi, Liebgott stiffened. 
“I think you should tell her-”
“I‘m not interested in her.” Joe cut off Tip’s words, his hands were curled up into fists even though he would never dream of hitting his friend, it was more like a stress relief. 
Joe’s back was to a corridor, while Tipper half faced it as he stood beside his friend. Out of the corner of his eye, Ed saw the shadows in the semi lit corridor move. Joe began speaking again at the same time Ed recognised the shady figure but by then it was too late to tell him to shut his mouth. 
“Bernadette Coldwell is a stuck up princess. My type ain’t arrogant, conceited bitches who don’t know when to shut up.” Liebgott’s voice was venomous, he glared at Ed for a moment before noticing his stance. Tip was uncomfortable, his face was scrunched up as he half cringed, half winced and that’s when Joe noticed his eyes flick to something behind him. Lieb’s face dropped, he didn't want to turn around, somehow he knew what he would see if he looked behind him and it gave him swirls in his chest. 
Not even two seconds later and Joe felt the unmistakable shove of his shoulder, then he was watching Bernadette stomp past him, her tawny brown hair bouncing with every step. He only saw her face for a split second but the look she carried gave him instant regret, the miserable feeling pooled in his stomach and ached in his chest. He hadn’t meant those harsh words, he didn’t actually think she was conceited or arrogant but he said them and she had heard them. 
Joe stepped out after her, following her through the crowd. He called out her name once, then twice but she kept trudging away from him. 
Birdie was relieved when she found familiar faces. She just wanted to leave, she didn’t know how long Liebgott was standing there talking shit about her but the part she had heard was enough to cut the southern girl deep. She was holding it together for now, but she knew the second someone tried to comfort her, the emotional wall would break and she might cry, hence the desperate need to depart. 
“Y’all ready to go?” Birdie plastered a smile onto her face, hoping the girls wouldn’t notice or maybe they would and help her get out of the bar, pronto. Betty and Connie positioned themselves either side of Charlotte and hoisted her up while Lucy and Blythe linked arms, preparing to leave. 
“What happened?” Frankie walked over to Bernadette, catching sight of the dejected look on her friend's face. The Italian jumped into protection mode, no one gets to give Birdie trouble and get away with it, not while she was around. 
“Nothing. Let's go.” She was obviously hiding something and Francesca wouldn’t let it go that easy. If she didn’t tell her now they would talk about it when they got back to their barracks.
“Someone upset you? Tell me the truth, I can tell when you lie.” 
“I’m fine, can we just go, please?” Bernadette’s shoulders sagged, all she needed in this moment was to get out of the suffocating crowd and envelope herself in peace and quiet so she could sulk at whim. 
“Birdie!” Liebgott caught up with her, pushing his way through the throng of people. Francesca noted the way Birdie’s face changed, eyebrows furrowing and lips turning down. The overprotective Italian looked at the man making his way toward them, she recognised him as the guy who dropped Birdie off late one night and made their entire interaction uncomfortable. Frankie had thought maybe the two were friends, but now she knew they weren’t.
“He upset you?” Rossi whispered to the forlorn woman, “You want me to stab him?” From anyone else that comment could be considered a joke, but Frankie was serious. She subtly brought out her hidden weapon, a blade she always kept on her person, she meant business and wanted Birdie to know the lengths she would go for their friendship.
“No, it’s- uh Rossi…?” Bernadette's gaze switched from her friend's face, to her now occupied hand, “What is that?”
“Knife.” Simple. 
“Wha- Why do you have a knife?” She was beginning to panic, was she going to have to break up a fight in a moment? Birdie was not in the mood for this.
“Bar fights.” She offered little explanation other than that. 
“What the- Put it away.” The southerner pleaded, earning a stern look from Rossi. But she listened and returned the knife to its original hiding spot. 
“Birdie, just let me explain-” Joe had gotten close enough to the girl that he could reach out and touch her. His hand held onto her forearm and tugged her ever so slightly closer to him, so they were now face to face, staring at each other. 
“Don’t you think you’ve said enough?” She didn’t want his explanation, not now while her emotions were running high. Bernadette looked into Joe’s eyes and she could feel tears filling her own. She tried her hardest to hold it back, put on a straight face but her bottom lip wobbled and her brows scrunched up. 
Joe watched the emotions run across her features, he couldn’t pull his focus from her eyes. They glistened with watery tears, round and wide, making him forget where they were, surrounded by people. He wanted to comfort her, wipe those tears away, kiss her and make it all better. 
Then he remembered why she was about to cry in the first place, he had done that. He had hurt her with his horrid words so much that she was boarderline sobbing. Now all he could do was leave her to retreat and lick her wound in private. His hand dropped from where he gripped onto her. 
“...yeah…” He had said enough.
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A/N: Ahhh! The angst! Joe why would you say that?!
~ next-autopsy ~
Chapter nineteen
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Heavy breathing i keep getting stsg content + poetry content on my fyp i think they go hand in hand… and eurheuh i just NEED to share this with u I’m sorry I can’t resist I see the silly boys everywhere I go I simply cannot escape them ☹️
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“I’m willing to be whatever you want me to be, whether it’s friends, lovers, or both. I just know that I want to be in your life, exist in your orbit, as long as you’ll have me.” // “love is attainted by through embarrassing yourself by asking for it” GOJO CODED!!!!!! I SAW THOSE AND IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF MY OCEAN EYED PRINCESS SOBSSS… especially the second one hrrrrrrggggghhgg my pretty princess and his fear of vulnerability. His desperation and overwhelming need to be loved and to have a meaningful relationship with someone <//333 I know you’ve said it before but I think what he needs more than anything is a friend or a family or literally just anyone to keep him company. He’s soooo alone and while he might kind of just simmer in his own loneliness on occasion I don’t think it makes him crave someone to be close to any less :( I think he fears being alone in a way but also finds a sort of depressing comfort in it YKK??? Maybe that’s just my take on it though lol
“I'd cut my soul into a million different pieces just to form a constellation to light your way home. I'd write love poems to the parts of yourself you can't stand. I'd stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you I'm not afraid of your dark.”
^^^ Do I even have to explain how sugu this is. “I’d write love poems to the parts of yourself you can’t stand” THATS HIM!!! HE SAID THAT ONCE HE DID HE REALLY DID TRUST MEEEE. Poetry that really focuses on devotion and unwavering loyalty has such a special place in my heart because whenever I see it I think of my wife my lover my angel suguru geto…. Starts screaming through the tears.. but that specific line is so important to me because I think being close to suguru whether platonically or romantically means he genuinely adores you entirely. I feel like the “my partner can do no wrong 😇” mindset that’s more associated with cult leader!geto kind of blossoms from the fact he firmly believes even the “imperfect” parts of you are beautiful simply because they’re you. LIKE LOOK AT THE WAY HE LOOKS AT SATORU??? he’s got his eyes locked on him at all times and he just looks at him so fondly,.. with so much adoration!!! Satoru “my love language is physical touch” gojo and suguru “my love language is my eyes boring into your soul” geto 🙁
“Did I live with you in a past life? Was I your lifelong partner? Is that why the idea of losing you torments me so much? How long have I been without you?”
sighhhh I feel like not only is that one specifically very sugu but… also very satosugu. I KNOW YOU’VE TALKED ABOUT STSG REINCARNATION AU AND IT MADE ME SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW THAT PARTICULAR SLIDE BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT FIT SOO WELL :( THEY R THE SOULMATES EVER. “How long have I been without you?” me personally I dropped to my knees and started choking on my own sobs it’s SO THEM. Also… “You’ve always been like breathing.” <<< thiS. IS. SUGURU. That line very specifically makes me think of the ask I sent about the aroace/traumatised!reader where reader and suguru have a bond where they truly understand each other and how having a connection like that would do sugu so much good BECAUSEEEE suguru is such a caretaker. He’s so focused on protecting and loving the people around him so him having such an understanding friendship with reader that brings about a mutual sense of safety and security makes me think of that quote so much,.. the one person in the world that he knows wholly and truly understands him, the one person that’s his own little breath of fresh air to the world around him.. :33 does that make sense….. maybe it doesn’t and maybe it’s just how I interpret the quote + reader n sugus bond maybe I’m crazy…… 💔💔
ANYWAYS I HOPE UR DOING WELL N TAKING CARE OF URSELF <333 !!!! AHDHSHS APOLOGIES FOR WALTZING INTO UR INBOX BUT I SAW THE QUOTES AND JUST NEEDED TO SHARE THEM CAUSE IK YOU’LL UNDERSTAND HOW INSANE I AM ABOUT THE SILLIES 💔💔💔 shhh shhh don’t tell the doctors I escaped the ward,,, they’re gonna put me back in the crazy hospital where all I do is sit on the floor and mutter incoherent sentences about suguru…. quick they’re coming hide me hide me….
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ollie……………. you’re gonna fry my brain
THIS MADE ME LOSE IT????? HELLO?????? FREE MOODBOARD??????? THANK U MY LIEGE okay but this did actually make me insane these quotes are SO stsg 😭😭😭……… i sniffled.
I AGREE W ALL UR THOUGHTS BTW all the quotes you pointed out fit so well for them…. just know that i’m sitting here nodding and taking notes while u speak. everything u say is so real so true….. i don’t have many things to add bc i just Agree entirely tbh 😭😭 I DO HAVE THINGS TO SAY THOUGH THIS JUST KINDA FRIED MY BRAIN??? stsg makes me lose all sense of coherency wbk ….
I think he fears being alone in a way but also finds a sort of depressing comfort in it YKK??? Maybe that’s just my take on it though lol
NONONO I AGREE U GET IT I’M CHEERING WILDLY i think satoru finds comfort in how isolated he is. i think his loneliness is his best friend. he doesn’t like being alone but there’s definitely a sense of satisfaction that he gains from being alone, knowing that’s how it should be.. :((( i think he’s resigned to his isolation. even though deep down he wants companionship. and ofc i agree entirely w the quote u picked out, i really don’t see satoru as someone who cares about labelling his love — if he loves you then that’s all he needs to know, whether it’s platonic or romantic or whatever. he just wants a friend :(((
but that specific line is so important to me because I think being close to suguru whether platonically or romantically means he genuinely adores you entirely. I feel like the “my partner can do no wrong 😇” mindset that’s more associated with cult leader!geto kind of blossoms from the fact he firmly believes even the “imperfect” parts of you are beautiful simply because they’re you.
OLLIEEEEE OUR BRAINS ARE HOLDING HANDS THIS MADE ME GO FERAL……. i don’t think there are enough words in the english language to express how much i agree with this so we’re gonna have to settle for a good ol U GET IT!!!!!! aaaa i agree so much!!!!!! T—T he adores you entirely…… he just loves who you are as a person. even your flaws are a part of you and he loves them just the same. because they’re you!!! so true!!!! and gosh he’s for sure a “my partner can do no wrong 😇” bf……. it’s kind of ridiculous actually. he just loves you so wholeheartedly that there’s nothing you could do that would make me think badly of you…. absolutely nothing. “i’d stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you i’m not afraid of your dark”…….. he loves every single piece of you, even the ones that are broken T—T he’ll just do his best to mend them!!! sighhhh he’s so perfect it hurts..,..
AND THE REINCARNATION AU WAAHHHH SO TRUE THEY’RE THE SOULMATES EVER EVER EVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️ no but any kind of quote that mentions a past life makes me think of them tbh 😭😭 and that particular quote always makes me so emotional…. how long have i been without you…. i just feel like no matter the universe they’ll find each other. whether it’s as friends or lovers or enemies they’re Together. always.
inhale. exhale. you’ve always been like breathing.
ollie i need u to know that this ruined my life i’ve never seen this quote before and now i’m just?????? i’m being so serious there’s a hole in my chest . i’m struggling to find the words. it’s just so beautiful i’m genuinely speechless AND IT’S SOOOO SUGU YOU’RE SO RIGHT i think it’s very satoru too though….. i picture this for jjk 0 satoru specifically like…. the fact that geto assumed satoru stopped loving him…… but he never did. loving sugu always came easy to him. :(( BUT BACK TO SUGU u alr know i adore ur sugu/reader ideas….. and i agree wholeheartedly i think sugu finds so much comfort in that sense of understanding between u… a love that’s as easy as breathing bc u understand one another even without words!! even if he doesn’t make a sound you know that suguru loves you and even if you don’t make a sound suguru knows that you love him. it’s so easy. (they do in fact make me insane)…….
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quodekash · 2 years
A Way Too In-Depth Over-Analysis of Sorvus
I apologise in advance. For all of this. There’s a lot. These guys have inserted themselves into every empty renting space in my brain and uprooted all the taken spaces and moved in to everything. So to appease my brain I had to do this and then it just kept going. Also I’m Australian, so I have different spellings of some words, like “favourite” and you’re just gonna have to deal with that. Also also warning for very long paragraph rambles from me.
You’re literally gonna get the entire story here but with commentary at every paragraph. And sometimes four times in one paragraph. Anyway. 
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1. “For weeks” means they’ve spent heaps of time together, and using this instance as a guide, probably with no one but them. They’ve progressively learnt more and more about each other, yet later Soren is still super bright and excited to learn that Corvus’ favourite season is autumn, and that’s just so pure.
2. I would like to see this please. 
3. “[…]lost most of the time” implies that Corvus won sometimes. teLL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERY SINGLE ONE PLS I NEED TO KNOW WHICH ONES CORVUS WON (and yeah I also just need more Sorvus content but what can I say, they mean everything to me) 
4. Corvus could probably just not participate, or tell Soren he’s too tired, or something along those lines. And yet he always tries his best, he still does it despite knowing he’ll probably lose. The fact that he’s not avoiding the challenges tells us that Corvus truly appreciates Soren’s friendship/companionship/company/etc and is fully willing to do tasks that he’s not great at to spend time with Soren and put a smile on his face. And you can’t tell me that’s not love, whether romantic or platonic or whatever. Honestly, if Corvus’ top love language is anything, I’d say it’s quality time. The other four just don’t quite fit, and, from the little we see of Corvus on screen, it seems like he’s most content when spending time with his favourite people. As for Soren, you could argue his love language is literally any of them. But I think his top two are words of affirmation and quality time - he was always so invalidated his whole life, mostly by his own father (I swear I’ll make a post of this at some point). His mother left, his father neglected him, his sister betrayed him. That’s gotta bring trust issues. So after all that, he’d appreciate someone telling him he’s worth it and telling him they love him. He’d appreciate spending time with those he loves, not even doing anything, just sitting and enjoying each other’s company, without his flaws being pointed out, without the stress of trying to keep his family together, just sitting there and loving and breathing and being. 
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 1. This part could be a metaphor?? Corvus wants to go further with relationships at an easy pace where Soren wants to speed it up? Corvus is more of a peaceful person and Soren is scared of losing people and missing out on particular moments of relationships so he tries to experience it all at once?? It’s entirely possible I’m reading too far into this but I’m treating this like a school assignment, where you have to read too far into everything. You decide whether this is a good interpretation or not, I can’t decide. 
2.a. If Soren has mentioned it “every time”, that implies a few things. The first is that they go up there enough for Soren to mention it a lot. Soren has a favourite place in the entire castle, and he wants to share it with Corvus (and there’s no one up there but them ;] IM KIDDING- or am I? Honestly I can’t tell, you decide.)  2.b. The second thing is that Corvus has heard Soren talk about this part of the castle  a lot. But there’s not even the slightest hint of description of Corvus’ annoyance at having to listen to Soren constantly say this is one of his favourite places, he just lets him tell him, over and over. It’s getting little personal here, but Soren totally has ADHD, which makes my job easier bc I also have ADHD.  2.b.ii. I personally forget all the time if I’ve told this particular person this particular story/fact/whatever it is or not, so I constantly tell the same story over and over. It feels exciting bc each time it feels like I’m telling them for the first time, since I don’t remember the previous times. So when the person/people I’m talking to don’t lost their patience or get annoyed or anything when I tell them something I’ve already told them, and instead they just react like it’s the first time they’ve heard it, it feels really validating. So I’m thinking Soren feels the same, and Corvus not showing a hint of annoyance despite hearing this a lot feels really good to my neurodivergent brain and probably feels good to Soren’s, too. 
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1. Corvus. Notices things. About. Soren. And not just recently, it’s “a long time ago”, meaning he’s observed Soren and committed his habits to memory for years. I love them. 
3. He ✨cares✨ 
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1. Something about the way this is worded is so beautiful. A sentence of peaceful description in the midst of casual dialogue. It makes it feel like they’re one person, staring at the beautiful view, taking it all in, together with each other but alone from anyone else to distract them from the gorgeous autumn horizon. 
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1. Like I said earlier (by earlier, I mean the literal first thing I said. There’s still a lot to go. This thing is called a way too in-depth over-analysis for a reason), Soren is so purely excited with the knowledge that Corvus’ favourite season is autumn. Autumn, the season they’re presently in. Meaning, for a few months, Corvus is always experiencing his favourite season, meaning he’s probably always feeling some amount of happiness/content, and the thought that Corvus is happy makes Soren happy. 
2. They’re both just standing on a castle, next to each other, and staring out at nature. It probably feels like they’re the only people in the world. If they’re the only people, then to each of them, the most important thing in existence is (probably) the other. It also might be a metaphor to something, but I can’t figure out what it is. It’s possible the metaphor is something I’ve already mentioned. But if anyone thinks of anything, please lemme know, it’s an itch I can’t reach so if anyone can, please scratch it for me. (I made a metaphor about not being able to figure out a metaphor. Metaphor-caption or something, idk man) 
3. Such a simple statement. Standing in such a relaxed way. He’s at peace, while alone with one of the most energetic people like ever. 
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1. That’s a date. Surely I’m not the only one seeing this, right? Soren, you’re describing a date. Idk if you realised, but that’s a date. You’ve just suggested a date. And Corvus will say yes. 
2. Soren’s horrified that Corvus would possibly be mistreated. He’s also, more importantly, scared that it wasn’t mistreatment but Corvus’ choice, because if it was a choice then Corvus might not like beds and castles and other people and Soren can’t handle the thought that Corvus might leave him, just like everyone else he’s ever loved and trusted. 
3. Help now I’m picturing little forest dates, with picnics and lying next to each other, staring at the canopy of leaves above them, and glancing at each other every time the other looks away and smiling and holding hands and Soren lying with his head on Corvus’ chest and a leaf falling right on Soren’s face and Corvus’ laugher rumbling his belly and making Soren sit up and throw the leaf at him and they laugh and smile and talk and they’re in love help 
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1. I kinda touched on this earlier, but Soren can’t fathom the idea of being without Corvus. Probably because of losing his entire family so Corvus is just about all Soren’s got left. And he’s really scared that he’ll lose him, too, and losing everyone would make Soren lost; lost and alone and scared and vulnerable and he needs a hug i volunteer as tribute and shut up that’s possible this is my post i make the rules but if i cant hug him then i volunteer Corvus as tribute 
2. (Yes we’re talking about sentence structure. This is a way too in-depth over-analysis, get over it already man.)  It’s repeated that something is bothering Soren. Repetition means emphasis, that the author wants us to know that it’s an important thing, so they say it a couple times. Something is bothering Soren, and that bothers Corvus. He wants to help Soren and get rid of this thing that’s bothering him (probably). 
3. Let me translate what Soren is trying to say here: “What about me? Do you like me?” He’s seeking validating and wanting to get Corvus to stay, because without Corvus he has nothing. 
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1. Translation again: “I like you. I trust you. And trust is really important now, with everything that’s happened. There was a war. Everyone I’ve ever trusted betrayed me or left me. So please date me join the crown guard with me so I have more opportunities to ask you to date me it’s really big that I trust you so much, because I’ve been having issues with trust.” 
2. I have asd!corvus head canons, so eye contact here is really important and rare 
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1. He’s paying attention to him. 
2. I like to imagine he did finger guns 
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1. Imagine how this went down. “I like corvus a lot” “yeah, he’s great! I want him to stay in katolis but hes more at home in the forest-“ “corvus should be crown guard… I really trust him.” “-yeah, cos you’re in love with him- I trust him too. You should ask him to date you join.” (ez totally ships it and tries to set them up a lot and you cant tell me otherwise) 
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1. He’s trying to avoid Corvus seeing the truth in his eyes; that he doesn’t want Corvus to go, that he loves Corvus, that without Corvus he doesn’t know who or even what he is, because Corvus is all he has left. 
2. I know this is like an emotional flicker or whatever, but what if it’s literally pain and wounds that are hidden behind his protective armour? Soren broke like all his bones. There’s almost no way he doesn’t still get flashes/twinges of pain (I feel like there’s some kind of medical term for that but I’ve forgotten what it is). He definitely doesn’t tell anyone about it, but probably gets flashes of pain every so often, and Corvus has somehow managed to pick up on that. Maybe. 
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1. People with ADHD are often over-thinkers (at least I think so? I don’t have any sources for it but I’m an over-thinker and so is everyone I know with ADHD. So probably.), so Corvus said it “as plainly as he could” to stop Soren from over-thinking it and spiralling. He gets it out, doesn’t stall, doesn’t mislead, doesn’t confuse. Just says it, and there it is, and Soren is so happy
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1. I’ll admit it, I’m still thoroughly confused by this part but it’s fine cos they’re both happy and that makes me happy. 
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and that’s all the shenanigans i have for you today. if you made it this far, flipping wow, because there is quite literally more analysis here than there is story. 
but that’s not all from me. 
no, i have eight notes on my phone ready for things to be added to them, and theyll be here… at some point. if you wanna be notified when i post them you can follow me i guess. or go to the tag at the bottom of each of these posts, ‘tdp rambles with bj’ (hopefully it’s worked) and you can follow that or something? idk. sorry, im bad at self-promos. uhh. yeah. anyway this was fun, im so tired but so thrilled to finally have all my thoughts out in once place. stay calm and ship sorvus, everyone. 
Have a gay day!  -BJ
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Hey there! It’s Morgan (@whiskersz) here for the matchup trade! First of all, I’m very happy that you came to me for a trade, I didn’t even know these were a thing before seeing your work!
Some basic info – I’m 20, use he/they pronouns, I’m Bisexual and Nonbinary and I have no preference for the gender of who I’m gonna be matched with :) I'm also Italian!!
So, I guess I should start by saying that I’m quite the introvert. I find it very difficult to start a conversation with people I don’t know and even when we’re already acquainted it takes me a while to open up fully. I’ve been called scary before, which happened also because I naturally look a bit annoyed all the time and apparently I don’t laugh at many things.
Once I open up though, I’m very silly! Literally the definition of ‘just a guy’; I like cats, drawing, painting, watching series and playing videogames and shipping myself and my OCs with my favorite characters, and writing about cute scenarios; I also love shopping and ‘dressing to impress’, I never leave the house with a random outfit, I dress in hopes that somebody in the streets will look at me and think that my style is awesome. So, I would say I kind of like attention in a way. Speaking of my style I always dress like I’m straight from the past, I own stuff that used to belong to people who bought it in the 80s, but even earlier! I also really love anything vintage and I’m somewhat of a maximalist, my desk is a mess of trinkets, action figures and jewellery.
As for what I dislike, I really hate gory scenarios, I can’t stand seeing that kind of thing at all and I actually pass out a lot from just hearing the description of such things. I also generally dislike annoying noises such as loud chewing, and people who don’t respect my boundaries. If somebody is like that, I’m not afraid of telling them that they’re getting on my nerves, though if we’re close I’ll be way kinder to them as I tolerate stuff from my loved ones way easier.
It’s maybe unexpected, but in a relationship I’m very loving and caring and I will worry about anything and everything, I’m also very empathetic so if my partner is feeling down I’ll unfortunately feel down as well, but I’m very willing to ignore my feelings since I’m just basically mirroring what they feel as I would rather be supportive and positive in times of need. My love languages are a mess, I basically express my love through words, actions, gifts and expressing that I want to spend time with each other all together; the last one is a bit more special maybe since I rarely feel up to doing things with people in general.
I don’t want to make this too long, so here’s my deal breakers and then we’re done! I’m not a fan of clinginess, I care about my loved ones a lot but I need a lot of space to practice my hobbies and to do my thing in general. I also dislike people who get angry easily, I’m a very chill person so I’d rather be surrounded by equally chill people. For the rest, just be loyal and honest and then we’re chill!
Hope this is all good! Take your time with this and happy writing :3
I nearly answered the wrong ask lmao. So sorry for the wait I hope you like it!
Your hazbin Hotel match is.....Vox!
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For husker:
Don’t judge or blame me….your match is…Vox! I was surprised too since I initially hesitated between Husk and Vaggie….and somehow ended up with Vox.
Vox is a passionate man (demon?) to say the least. You did say that it’s difficult for you to start conversations in general so he’ll be the one starting them (and he likes it). What’s annoying with Vox is that it takes a little something special (his own interest) for him to start considering the person if you know what I mean. That’s why my scenario here is that you were a friend of someone in the Hotel (it can be anyone). Vox is interested in the hotel so he socialized with you to get inside infos. When he realized he actually started enjoying your company he acted like a schoolgirl and completely isolated himself because well it’s the first time! After the V’s saw him in that miserable state of mind they finally decided to confront him. It was effective cuz he confessed a week later.
Vox, as the other V’s, sometimes doesn’t respect boundaries (but not as much as the other two) by wrapping his arm around your shoulder or waist without asking first. But once you put him in his place he’ll accept it and then apologize by treating you to a nice date (plus a bouquet of flowers ofc). Something that’s nice is that he does take criticism (unless it’s from Alastor) but he’s too prideful to apologize properly by words. Instead he’ll take a step back and think about his actions so he won’t repeat the same mistakes.
He loves how good you dress up. He also dress to impress and likes someone that’s like him. He commissions new outfits for you almost weekly and always goes all out (velvet helps with the choices and coordination)! You’re the couple that everyone wants to dress up like if it helps. He relishes in the envious looks people give you both, it’s obvious from the big grin on his face (if you let him, he’ll kiss you and basically give the middle finger to everyone watching). Getting matching jewels is a must. I also see him as a watch type of guy so if you get him one he will wear it all the time. When in public, he speaks first and always starts the conversation so you don’t get awkward. If he feels you getting shy he’ll take over.
Vox is basically vintage himself. I can completely see him collecting stuff from all time periods (beside radios) His house is basically an organized hoarder house. Which means he has strings to bring you some very good and rare stuff. Each month he makes it his personal quest to bring you a box of a few rare items. He also brings with him vinyl for you two. After a long day he enjoys listening to music over a nice diner with you. Then he takes your hand and dances around the kitchen/living room. When he comes back home to you, he gets softer/more honest. He tells you about his ups and downs. He takes your opinion very seriously too.
I believe he is too date with all new series/movies (to be expected since he’s in the entertainment industry). That’s why you can always count on him for good recommendations. But if you introduced him to human world series/movies he’d welcome it! This means that you two always write a recommendation list to the other and it makes up for many common topics!
He sucks at video games. He’s too impatient and loves the fast types of games. He does try to have a healthy competition I promise but he gets all sulky when he loses lol. He’d like to get into more time consuming games but he doesn’t have much time (he did get the idea that it’d be good to get into the game industry to bring/brainwash more demons….). He gets jealous easily and it’s not uncommon to find him criticizing every character you matched yourself with. Oh boy I can’t imagine if it’s an actor….poor actor getting glared at will be so confused.
He enjoys your drawings! He gifts you with the supplies since he knows you like drawing as a mean to encourage you. If you actually started a career he’d back you up. If Vox finances animated series he’d give you a shot of actually present your characters to the artist for inspiration. He’s genuinely proud of you for that. He does criticize to help you out of course and if he doesn’t like it he’ll tell you why. Now for cats…I love cats but I don’t see him as an animal person. He won’t stop you from getting a cat but will get jealous if the kitty gets too much attention. Ironically cats love him….He likes that you support him all the time despite his obvious evil ways. We can say that love is keeping you two together.
Now for some bad parts….It happens that Vox gets all worked up (when a certain someone is involved). It’s very rare that he blows up on you due to stress but it happened once or twice (the reason you’re nearby is that he usually hugs you to calm down). He was fully apologetic afterward and even expected you to break up with him for it. Also he has an unhealthy rivalry with Alastor so yeah….
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