#like am i sharing too much info about HIM or
pacifistcowboy · 8 months
You've been posting about how you're experiencing your first crush and are kinda freaking out about it and I just want to say that how you're reacting is understandable and reasonable. This is your first crush, you're experiencing something new alot later than expected and from the sounds of it, it isn't exactly a small one either so it's alot of new experiences at once so it can be overwhelming. Once the initial surprise wears off then you can start working out your feelings better.
(you’re not required to read all this btw dndjejf)
thank you 🥹🥹🥹 hilariously, i’ve actually been in a romantic relationship before, so this technically shouldn’t be my first crush, but that relationship was when i was twelve and we met n started dating completely online over text, and when we met up in person my feelings for them went away and we never acted couple-y irl shxhshfhefh.
then there was the guy who joined my class in secondary school and became my friend, then i think he accidentally became my special interest which was really unpleasant ‘cus i became obsessed with an actual guy i knew personally. i told him how i felt n he didn’t reciprocate but he was okay with remaining friends which was great! it was weird tho ‘cus i never wanted to like kiss him or anything, i just wanted to be around him all the time and like, be his best friend but a more official title? idk. he went back to america but the last time he visited i got to confirm my feelings for him were completely gone, now i just find him to b a good friend :]
but now there’s this fucker. and everything’s different.
i think the thing is that when we first interacted i got the vibe that he might’ve liked me even before i liked him so it wasn’t just wishful thinking, so i guess i felt like this wasn’t one-sided so i kinda let my feelings run wild?? but idk now. the first time we interacted he told me he doesn’t like touching people, but for some reason i was an exception, and for a while i was the only person he seemed to touch via like handshaking, grabbin’ my shoulder, puttin’ an arm around me, and the weirdest part was that i like it!! i typically don’t like being touched by ppl i barely know, but from the first day we met i didn’t mind him touching me, it’s bizarre. ANYWAY he touches our other friends too now n i feel less special n also worry that i totally misread the vibes from the first day enejfjehfh.
oh yeah my point was he was so touchy with me before i even got the crush on him, so i’m way more open to the thought of typical romantic-y physical affection with this guy than i have ever been with anyone. like. i wanna cuddle and hold hands and hmaybekiss??????? i’ve never felt like that with someone. i wanted to be near the guy from secondary school but i never wanted to ki s s someone before.
and i want to be his boyfriend. like for sure. with the last guy i didn’t know what i wanted with him, but i want to be this guy’s boyfriend. i want him to be my boyfriend. it’s nuts.
luckily this crush is causing me way less anxiety than the last one did tho! i’m kinda just always excited to see him n honestly feel like i could potentially get brave enough to tell him how i feel, even if it’s just so he can reject me and i can nip this in the bud lol. i just had no idea i was capable of feeling this way towards someone, i was pretty sure i was aromantic for a while! thank u for the reassurance, it’s a wild ride that hopefully calms down soon :]
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yakny · 1 month
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Knight Bobo, wearing some of the patterns I drew :D!
#LN#colored doodles#bobo#ft.#agata#louie#(sorry. long tags warning ¯\ (ToT) /¯)#putting the blue patterns to use even if she wasn't the intended wearer for them (hey! big bro louie just has to learn how to share! lol.)#i am actually planning to draw all three of them more along with fafnir and some other nobodies. i cri—#speaking of fafnir!!! FAFNIR???!!! offering alcoholic drinks to nidhogg in the 9th anniversary hell event????!!!#fafnir who's helping agata bobo and louie against tyr?!! who has bobo on speed dial for info as she thwarts tyr's plans??? the guy who‚ on#the night louie leaves and visits him for a drink‚ offers him instead a hot cup of MILK and teasingly calls him a child?! ASADJFJDSK!!!#(there's layers to him offering that that makes it funny‚ i promise. he offers concoctions based on a person's personality? i think??? he#offered debbie a cup of milk that TASTES like books and mela something strong. losing it ✋😭) anyways he runs an INTEL TAVERN. is aware of#most things in the north. fuck. wait! omg??? what if he's the same tavern keeper from louie's dreamweaver??? regardless he is aiding#all three of them... somehow... and he's sharing a drink with nid which is funny cause nid is the same guy who has said before ''alcohol#destroys you mind and stops you from making the right choice 🗿'' and there's fafnir sliding a drink to a sad looking nid. asdjsfkgk#FAFNIR please 😭😭😭!!! (fafnir sliding a drink to nid: make some bad choice tonight boy.)#anyways im just happy there's new fafnir art. i was not expecting it. or him alongside nid. fafnir's name is ALSO named after a dragon in#norse mythology. 🤔 turning into a dragon is a symbol of greed. damn. imagine fafnir is ALSO from frigidfog? but then again...#OKAY I'LL STOP!!! (I WILL NOT!!! I AM LOSING MY MIND! THERE'S JUST SO MUCH I CAN PLAY AROUND WITH HERE!)#wait! okay okay okay. what if for some reason fafnir is ratatoskr 👁 👁? like the role he plays as an intelligence collector adds up#as louie said ''(fafnir) you're not even there yet you already know about it'' it's not far fetched#... i am officially losing it. im adding too much depth to a game that has time and time again made itself shallow 😔
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Am I the asshole for getting my best friend killed?
I swear to God, it was an accident.
My (27) BF (34) has a reputation for getting himself out of any jam you can imagine; and at first it was just a fun little thing the friend group noticed: there goes Oily J wiggling his way out of trouble again. but as the meme evolved in the group, it got to the point where we'd loykey started getting him into situations just to see how he'd get out of 'em, and he akept getting out of em. He was having fun with it too same as us. "Oh you guys," he'd say, "getting me into situations again," before laughing it off and getting out of it, so it was enrichment for our shared enclosures, and as time went on, the situations got more intense.
The trouble is, it turns out that putting a man in too many situations eventually gets the police interested. And not local hobsknockers cops either; they was like, proper three-letter FEDs. They put out a bounty on any information pertaining to his capture and everything. It was good money too so I thought, hey why don't I put J in another situation he can wiggle out of like always (and he'd wiggled outta worse before, so I thought this one'd be relatively mild), and at the next boardgame night (cause it was too late to do anything special for this one) we can buy some extra strong booze and get absolutely blitzed while having a giggle about the situation.
Boardgame night, and we were playing some social deduction nonsense or another and he says: "One of you is gonna betray me tonight." and I can't help but think, looking back on it, that he knew. It's stupid, I know he was talking about the game, but the way he said it, it was like he knew. We all felt it, and we had a big round robin round the table taking turns promising that we'd never betray him. And I said it so easily cause I thought it was true. Sure, I was gonna talk to the feds about a bounty; but, I fully expected my big beautiful oily boy to wiggle his way out of the trouble I was 'bout to cause, and that's not a betrayal. I wasn't lying. I didn't think I was lying.
My big beautiful oily boy didn't manage to wiggle his way out of it. They killed him and I got my blood money. He's gone.
He's gone and I'm devastated, crying, mourning. I loved him so much. We all did. And I can't stop thinking that it's my fault: that I'm the reason he's gone. and it is. and the guilt is eating me up inside. and I just need to talk to someone about it. So, I tell the rest of the group what happened in the group chat, hoping they'd understand that I didn't want this. I didn't want the government's blood money. It was supposed the be a prank. some joint enclosure enrichment. He was supposed to wiggle out of it like he always does... did, i mean.
They call me, among worse things, the asshole and kick me from the group chat. And, I know it's my fault he's dead: I know that. If I didn't do what I did, he wouldn't be dead right now. But, I didn't mean it for it to end up this way. He was supposed to be okay, damn it. I loved him. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ssahotchnerr · 1 month
fluffy aaron request !! reader is on a date that is going so bad when she gets called in for a case so she shows up in her like fancy date outfit and confides in hotch about her horrible date then he offers to make it up to her and takes her out when they get back <3 maybe there’s some room for slight jealous!aaron in there somewhere tehe
it's a date
there's always room for jealous!aaron 🤭 cw; fem bau!reader, mutual pining, a touch of nervous and jealous!aaron, brief standard cm case info, fluff <3
You were the last one to arrive at the BAU, departing from the far side of town and evening traffic to blame.
Consequently, you pulled stares the second you arrived within the roundtable room. Your presence was anticipated, for one, the sound of your heels clacking against the hard floor, and:
A low whistle exited Morgan.
"Look at you." He tossed out, a tickled grin spread wide across his face.
Your current attire was a dress; a fancier, slightly more risqué choice compared to your typical office wardrobe. It was a light beige, your hair was down your back in loose curls, makeup more enhanced than your usual routine. Aaron had to (internally) admit, you looked stunning.
"Hot date?"
"You could say that."
Aaron felt his jaw move. Clench, actually.
"Sorry for cutting your night short." He apologized, forcing his sentence out deep from inside his chest. He turned towards the screen, concealing himself.
"On the contrary," You eased yourself into your chair, eagerly accepting a file from Emily. "Thank you for cutting my night short."
"With this one, you may want to rethink that sunshine." Penelope clicked her remote, illuminating the screen with the latest case photos. "Ain't no rest for the wicked."
The team collectively ran through it quickly; a brutal family annihilator, decreasing cooling off period, the gravity of the situation heightening and a panicked town. Wheels up in 30 to Oklahoma.
As the others trailed out, Penelope hurrying to her bat cave, Aaron slowed his pace. He prolonged securing his files into his briefcase, zipping it shut, leaving only the two of you in the room.
Coincidentally, you weren't in too much of a rush either.
"That bad?"
You huffed in response as your eyes found his. He was met with a hardened, utter annoyance, instead of your familiar warm liveliness.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's not much to talk about." The bottom of your files hit the surface of the table, loudly, stacking the few evenly together. "The guy sucked. Interrupted me every second he could. I don't think the restaurant he picked was up to code either. Thank goodness I got the call before our food arrived." You shuddered lightly, in theatrics but also genuineness. "I'm greatly looking forward to pretending it never happened."
There was a carefree airiness within your voice - attempting to wave it off, the simple acceptance of one night gone bad - but small dismay was amongst your words.
"I'm sorry." While Aaron meant his apology wholeheartedly, he couldn't help but feel relieved, for his own selfish reasons. "But I am glad you narrowly escaped the potential food poisoning."
That pulled a laugh from you, agreeing. "But it's fine, really. I didn't want to go anyways, don't know why I did." You shrugged as you disrupted the continual, shared eye contact. While the tail end of your sentence was spoken lowly, it wasn't long lasting, picking up some enthusiasm. "How was your night going?"
"Jack and I were just settling down to watch a movie."
"Which one?"
Your head tilted exasperatedly, face pulling into jealousy. "Really? How fun." You whined gently, wishing your night could have been spent with the two of them. Your preferred choice of company.
"Well, he wasn't too happy it was cut short." Aaron admitted, a loose, downhearted chuckle escaping.
"You'll make it up to him. Perhaps a multiple movie feature when we're back? Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek the Third... maybe order some pizza too." You suggested, reaching out to touch his arm reassuringly with a gentle smile. "No matter, he'll be thrilled."
Sourcing from your touch, lightning bolts dashed within his arm, feverishly. Aaron soon found himself simply studying your face, falling on the silent side. You were just, you. Extraordinarily kind, beautiful you.
"C'mon, Dave told me if I was late to the tarmac once more, he'd tell the pilot to leave and I'd have to take a commercial." You joked. Although, a small part of you feared he'd stick to his promise.
"Yeah, like I'd let that happen." He rolled his eyes, amusedly shaking his head.
The bullpen was quiet; most had gone home, the overheard lights had dimmed, the team long out of earshot. As the two of you neared the glass doors - Aaron leading - there was an urgency heightening in his chest, mere seconds away from bursting. As if each step forward, he was losing precious time. Any hesitations on the temptations he had felt for months dissolved. Now or never.
"What about you?" He asked, sweetly but timidly, finding a sudden interest in the floor.
"What about me?"
"Who's going to make it up to you?"
"Well," That caught you in a bit of surprise, your feet halting. Aaron turned, his eyes lifting. "That's a million dollar question right there. I don't see anyone lining up to take me on some extravagant outing, do you?" You forced out a laugh, your cheeks fairly blushing.
"Maybe," Aaron replied, his voice wavering with a touch of nervousness. It was rather endearing, seeing him so adorably flustered. "Perhaps the person you're looking for is right in front of you. Figuratively, at that."
A rather charmed expression formed on your face. Eyes brightening, lips pursing upwards, "Are you asking me out?"
"I'm trying." He confessed, his boyish expression just as light as yours. "So, tell me. How am I doing?"
"How about this," You spoke slowly, attempting to suppress the butterflies in your own stomach, hoping to maintain some composure within your answer. "Your next available night after your movie marathon with Jack, I'm completely and all yours."
All yours. He could get used to that.
"It's a date."
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thekinslayed · 2 months
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summary | Aemond's devotion for his wife deepens as they navigate her recovery together
pairing | aemond targaryen x wife!reader
tags | fluff, hurt/comfort, memory loss, injury, ooc aemond
wordcount | 2k
note | something short and sweet because i was inspired by the little crumb we got today <3 (here's some info on the flowers mentioned!)
likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
song rec | My Jinji - Sunset Rollercoaster
(dividers by @saradika)
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It was midday, and Aemond had been reading in their chambers after the council meeting when the door opened. She walked into the room and looked around, surprised as if unsure whether she was in the right place. She had been like this as of late, trying to grasp at her memories' first tingle of familiarity.
The prince’s lady wife had lost her memory when she fell off her horse during a riding accident. Her lord husband had been preoccupied with his duties on the King’s council, leaving her on her own most days. She took to the Kingswood with her Sworn Shield, relishing the feeling of the wind whipping at her face as they rode through the woods. Riding was something she had always loved to do as a girl, the memories of racing with her brothers through her homeland a sweet comfort to the foreign atmosphere in King’s Landing.
Perhaps she had gotten too excited, too greedy, when she urged her horse faster and faster until she disappeared from her knight’s midst. 
He had found her on the grass, horse nowhere to be found. It was unsure how the lady had fallen, but she had taken a great hit to her head from the impact. She looked like a forest nymph surrounded by bright flowers and green grass, hair falling around her like a halo, only if it weren’t for the streaks of blood that dripped down her temples.
When she had awakened, the princess was greeted by the sight of silver hair and a lone purple eye that watched her with worry. Her eyes shifted to the sapphire lodged into his other socket, curious as to how it got there. He was familiar to her, but she could not tell how she came to know him, her own husband. Aemond’s chest panged with hurt when his lady wife looked at him with a hazy confusion, her quaint voice muttering, “Who are you?”
Since that day, Aemond and his sweet wife had been on the path of trying to regain, or rather rebuild, her memories. 
“Hello,” She greeted him meekly. She was so shy to him now, much like she was before they were married. The princess had learned her husband loved her a great deal, and perhaps she shared a deep affection for him too, one that no amount of impact on her mind could erase. 
But how do you love a person you scarcely remember?
“Hello, my sweet,” He said to her softly. Aemond rose from his seat to approach her, giving her an embrace as he kissed her forehead. She timidly nuzzled into his arms, breathing in his scent. Teakwood and smoke, a scent that triggered a glimmer of familiarity in her otherwise foggy brain. She had made an effort to know her husband once more, making a mental list of what she liked about him.
'I like it when he holds me like this,' she thought, adding it to her list.
“Is everything alright?” He asked her, pulling away to look at her. Aemond ignored the slight twinge in his heart when she still regarded him with distance at times. He couldn’t find it within him to be cross with her, not when he blamed himself for her accident.
“I am alright, I tried to go for a walk in the gardens, but I… I’m afraid I cannot recall the way. A kind knight helped me back… one of the twins? Oh gods, I cannot remember his name either.” Her brows furrowed while she tried her hardest to remember the knight’s name. She bit her lip in concentration yet to no avail. 
“Ser Arryk?” Aemond hinted, to which she nodded in response.
“Right... Yes, Ser Arryk.” She trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. The dragon’s wife would often be like this as of late, a name or a scent would bring about hints of her past life, but as soon as she was able to grasp the memories in her hand, they would slip through her fingertips once more, lost in the blurry sea of her mind. With all her effort at trying to regain at least a single piece of memory, she found herself with headaches at the end of the day. It frustrated her to a great deal. 
Aemond knew how hard she struggled, and how much her memory weighed on her. It pained him to see her like this, even more, when he could do so little to help her. He tucked a loose hair behind her ear before cupping her chin. 
“Fret not, you will remember,” He reassured her, tone soft and warm.
“We will figure this out, you and I,” The prince promised her, the way he always did, with a determination in his voice and his heart. The idea that she might be lost forever terrified him, but she was still here, in his arms, and Aemond would have her any way he could.
“Thank you husband, for taking care of me,” She took this hand in hers, kissing the back of it in gratitude. At first, she had been wary of showing her affection, not quite remembering how. When she had seen how much Aemond cared for her and showered her with so much love, it didn’t take long for her to realize why her past self loved him greatly.
“Do you have time to walk in the gardens with me? I have been wanting for some fresh air,” She suggested shyly. She spoke so softly ever since the accident. When once she had been bubbly and exuberant, her wit had been replaced by a soft, yet curious wonder equal to that of a timid doe. 
“Of course,” Aemond replied, letting her take his hand in hers. He kissed her cheek, soft and sweet, a gentleness to him that was only ever reserved for her. “We can go anywhere you want.”
His lady wife let him lead the way to the gardens. As they walked, she tried her best to remember the twists and turns that led her down the steps of Maegor’s Holdfast. She realized the wrong turn she had earlier, which led her to another wing of the Keep where Ser Arryk had found her. 
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“How pretty it is,” Aemond said as they entered the gardens. They welcomed the fresh air that breezed through the open space. The princess hummed in response as she felt a spark of familiarity in her chest of being in the gardens. What she did or who she was with, she could not recall, but that was alright. To see such things and be touched by the affinity of knowing was a good step forward.
They strolled through the gardens, the bright variety of flowers making her feel delighted to be surrounded by such beauty. She ran her fingertips on the ones that interested her, often stopping to smell some. Her eyes trained on a shrub filled with small, delicate blue flowers. 
As she stopped, her husband stopped right along with her. When Aemond turned to look at what his wife held in her hands, the sight of a familiar flower took him by surprise. Her favorite ones.
“Those are beautiful,” he said, with an amused smile. The blue spray of flowers was the same one he had gifted her throughout their courtship, a symbol of true and enduring love. 
His wife looked back at him with a familiar glint in her eyes. “They truly are, aren’t they?” She said, feeling the velvety surface of its petals against her fingertips. She hadn’t quite realized its significance to her and Aemond’s relationship, but she knew that she liked them.
“Do you know what they are called?” Her lord husband asked curiously. His good eye studied her face as she pondered, a glimmer of hope rose in his chest. 
“Forget-me-not,” She answered.
Aemond hummed in response, grinning with delight. They continued to walk hand-in-hand through the gardens, his lady wife swinging their hands. In any other case, he would not have allowed this, the formal man he was, but he let her, seeing the pleasant mood she was in. Conversation flowed between them, comfortable and light. The princess could sense when her husband would mention topics that could trigger her memory, and she tried to indulge him as much as she could. 
Aside from the couple that roamed the gardens, some lords and ladies of the court had also taken advantage of the pleasant weather. The sun shone brightly after days of cloudy gloom casting its shadow upon King’s Landing. 
The princess felt the stares at her and her husband, more so at her. She had been subject to their gazes ever since the incident. Most would look at her with pity for her circumstances, some with wonder as to how her and Aemond’s marriage still held strong. She did not miss the malicious stares from the ladies her age, no doubt thinking that the prince would soon tire of having to nurse his fragile wife.
Poor Prince Aemond, how ever could he endure having such a blank and empty shell of a wife?
The princess’ free had clutched Aemond’s arm, ducking her head with insecurity as they passed a group of nobles.
“They all stare,” she said lowly. Aemond sighed, caressing the back of her hand on his elbow comfortingly. 
“They do,” he said softly. He gave a sharp stare to the people they passed, leading his wife away. It was difficult to discount the looks they gave her, reminding him of his own experience when he had lost his eye. It angered him that they’d be so unkind to his wife, after all she’d been through. “We cannot worry about what they think of us, my love,” he comforted her.
She merely hummed in response, somewhat unconvinced. They continued their walk with her head ducked low, her bright spirit from earlier now dissipated.
Aemond led her to a secluded area, where they sat on a stone bench overlooking Blackwater Bay. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to plant a kiss on her forehead. “You must not let them bother you, dear wife,” he said against her skin. His wife let out a heavy sigh, leaning her head against his. 
“Do you not think of me a burden?” She mumbled, fingertips toying with the ends of his starlit hair. The guilt she felt for having imposed such an inconvenience on her lord husband weighed on her heavily. He was a prince of the realm, and he had no time to play healer to his own wife.
“No, never,” He emphasized, looking down to meet her eye. A large, calloused hand cupped her jaw. His thumb caressed her cheek while she leaned into his touch. 
“The circumstances given to us may not be the most favourable, yes, but I almost lost you, my love. I would have fought the Stranger with my own sword to have you returned to my side,” Aemond professed. Tears pricked at the corner of his wife’s eyes, her lips quivered from his overwhelming love. A single tear trailed down her cheek but was wiped away in haste by the prince’s thumb.
“What anyone else thinks or feels about you is not our concern. You are my concern,” he asserted, staring at her with adoration. The princess sniffled, before nodding to her husband, a whisper of thanks falling from her lips. Her eyes met his amethyst one, committing the sight of him lovingly in her memory. 
Hesitantly, she reached a hand to cup his cheek, before leaning forward to plant a soft peck on his lips. She liked the feeling of his lips, she decided. Her lips planted another kiss on his once more, deep and passionate. They kissed until she was out of breath, having to place a hand on her chest, panting.
In the following days, the princess awakened to a vase filled with blue forget-me-nots on her bedside table. She spent her time by her husband’s side, and when he was away she would indulge in different pursuits that pleased her. Fragments of her past had started to return to her, while some would forever be lost. She did not mourn this loss, for she had found that the new ones she shared with Aemond were filled with the same fondness. Falling for her husband the second time around did not require great difficulty to achieve, not when he made it so easy for her to love him.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 6 months
I don't know if your request is open can you write Creator reader who favorites Zhongli, Venti, Nahida?
They need love ok 🙄
Yep yep, got it! Lemme see what I can pull off :)
Favoritism! With The Archons (Discluding Ei and Furina—)!
(Warning: Might Be OOC!)
She honestly loves the attention you give her! She's really happy to get to spend time with you, and really get to know you and who you really are despite your title as the Almighty Creator.
Loves it if you play with her—and especially loves to learn the kind of games that you played before you re-descended down to Teyvat. There's UNO...and that's pretty much all that I can remember but you get the idea—
Loves visiting you in your dreams to see what you dream of. The Almighty Creator would surely have dreams of all forms filled with creative and inspiring ideas!
Nahida would 100% try to ask you to hang out with her through the streets of Sumeru. She has no shame :D And, if anything, her people would see this as a blessing.
"Come on, Your Grace! I want to show you somewhere I found!" Nahida would also take you to the Aranaras, where you would eat fresh fruit, make flower crowns, and even play some hide-and-seek.
She loves making and meeting new friends, the Almighty Creator is no exception! Spend some time with her as much as you can, Nahida will cherish it!
Hohoho, you're down to hang out with this carefree bard? Well, the first hangout will definitely be inside the most extravagant tavern of all time!
Yes, he means Angel's Share. Or the Cat's Tail. Man has his standards and he ain't afraid to take you there. Prepare for the best wine you'll ever taste, because Venti sure as hell is proud of the wine of Mondstadt.
Loves to share ballads and songs with you. Some of them are even based off on you! Loves when you give him your feedback as well.
Give him apples. He'll be happy—that's not saying a lot. Any apple dish, he will eat. Even if the apple is very little.
"Yahoo, Your Grace!~ Wanna hear a ballad this amazing bard has made for you?" Would absolutely perform these ballads during Windblume Festival, so please praise him :D
OSMANTHUS WINE TASTES THE SAME AS I— *Aggressive Truck Noises Driving Pass*
Take him out for food, buy him any gifts, ANYTHING. This man loves anything you'll give as well (trust me)
Just take some time to spend with him. Strolling through the area, the market, it doesn't matter—he cherishes all moments with you, as you are a friend (and more cough cough)
Osmanthus wine. Yes.
"Ah, Your Grace. I am blessed to know that you have the time to spend it with me. Please, allow me to pour you a fine cup of tea." If you're a tea lover, you both are gonna have a really good time.
Zhongli loves to share stories, so if you like to know more about Liyue's history, you came to the right guy :)
He's also a good listener, so you can also share stories and he will be rapt with attention. He loves every single story you tell.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: My procrastination is impeccable. I'm on a living streak, clearly. Welp, I hope this satisfies you—hopefully, the next request doesn't take too long (watch me eat those words).
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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arkhammaid · 4 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. the grid reacts to the news!
content warnings. some drivers are acting like assholes, some cursewords, 23!grid
notes. have another reaction chapter hehe
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daniel ricciardo Guys
Guys wake up
lando norris ???
daniel it's 5am, why are you spamming rn
carlos sainz It's summer break, why can't you all shut up for once
daniel ricciardo Did no one see the news? Stark is coming to F1
carlos sainz To a race?
daniel ricciardo No you shithead, he's making a team
charles leclerc !!!!
lando norris at this point you'll never win monaco (because once stark joins, there no longer will BE monaco) charles leclerc Fuck you, nowins
daniel ricciardo This is serious... Tony fucking Stark wants to create an F1 team for the next season. @/max verstappen your winning streak will be over
charles leclerc Next season??? I thought for 26?
lewis hamilton Of course he would do that
charles leclerc Lewis, explain?? daniel ricciardo Yeah Lewis, please explain?
lewis hamilton Did any of you ever meet Tony? He will probably see the next season as test for the 2026 season. To train his mechanics and engineers and go all out. I bet many are saying it's a waste of money
carlos sainz It is a waste of money.
daniel ricciardo Yeah, they do. Reactions vary but 'experts' are saying that Tony is just wasting his time and should properly prepare for 26
lewis hamilton Knowing him, he already has a fully built car for 2026 and it's a beast.
fernando alonso Only the best for his daughter!
charles leclerc What. lando norris wdym his daughter??
george russell Why are you all awake at this bloody hour?
kevin magnussen Read the room. Everyone is in schock.
sergio perez Stupid. She will fail like every woman in motorsport with a rich father. Too dramatic.
lando norris i'm still confused???
oscar piastri Tony Stark has three children. Harley Keener-Stark, Y/n L/n-Stark, Peter Parker-Stark. Y/n is his only biological child and currently racing in Formula 3. She won Formula 4 last year.
charles leclerc I thought he only had sons?? When did Y/n appear? oscar piastri She 'appeared' the first time in January this year as Tony's daughter, no one knew before. lando norris how did you know? oscar piastri Google exists.
carlos sainz So daddy's money... great.
max verstappen I swear to god I will leave this chat the next time you all decide to fucking gossip at 6am like old women
daniel ricciardo It's important news!
max verstappen No it's not. Stark will be in F1 for a few years maximum and then leave again. It will pass
daniel ricciardo @/lewis hamilton you here? Don't you have anything else to add??
Fine, I'll guess I just ask the rest of the grid, you fucking bore.
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daniel ricciardo @/everyone wakey wakey, it's time to wake up and talk!
mick schumacher Daniel? What's up?
george russell Ignore him. He has been annoying us because Tony Stark is coming to F1 and no one really cares. charles leclerc Lies and slander! I care!! lando norris yeah! me as well, idk what you're yapping abt
carlos sainz It's bullshit.
arthur leclerc Why do I have a bad feeling about Monaco...
ollie bearman THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING bianca bustamante It will be something for sure
lance stroll Well, I'm just happy to see another friendly face at the paddock :)
carlos sainz Of course you know Stark.
lance stroll You're just jealous esteban ocon As am I??? I'm your best friend AND MY BEST FRIEND HAS THE POTENTIAL OF KNOWING SPIDER-MAN???? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???????
daniel ricciardo I want everyone who knows anything related to Stark to immediately share with us because Lewis is ignoring me and I need to know. The only info we have right now, is that Stark will make a F1 team and that's it. I refuse to believe that's it. So, @/mick schumacher @/lance stroll spill the beans.
mick schumacher He didn't say anything last time I saw him, so I can't help you much.
lance stroll I know nothing, ask my dad.
daniel ricciardo I don't believe you.
pato o'ward If they say they don't know anything, then they don't? I don't know what's the problem, just wait for the next press release
max verstappen Do you even know Daniel. He's unable to wait for gossip. And he classifies this as gossip
daniel ricciardo Gee, thanks, feeling the love here
nico hülkenberg I wake up to 100+ notifications, why are you all like this?
kevin magnussen They're all idiots.
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kevin magnussen @/tony stark could you please speed up with the press release? Daniel is setting all grid chats on fire and it's not funny anymore.
y/n stark ha, weak ass bitch kevin magnussen Watch your mouth missy
tony stark Should I tag Seb in a Tweet to announce it?
peter stark do it y/n stark do it harley stark do it
pepper potts-stark Don't do it. We will proceed with the plan. No matter how annoying the people in your private life are.
kevin magnussen Yes, ma'am, sorry for asking.
sebastian vettel I deserve more than a Tweet at 10am.
y/n stark speak your truth king peter stark sorry for suggesting otherwise (@/yn stark stop being such an attention seeker, we all know seb loves charles the most) y/n stark but charles is not here rn is he?
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daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen EXPLAIN YOURSELF?!
carlos sainz What is going on now...
charles leclerc KMAG FOR STARK???? I didn't put this on my bingo card, now I lost 100 bucks. Fuck you Kevin
arthur leclerc Pay up bitch
oscar piastri Well done, man
nico hülkenberg And so he leaves he burning, ever sinking ship... the true hero- sorry, I meant coward
daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen I KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE YOU COWARD, COME HERE
I just want to talk to you
kevin magnussen No.
*kevin magnussen has left the chat*
fernando alonso There is your answer
several people are typing...
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel, @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @akiraquote , @kiiyoooo , @nichmeddar , @nothingfuninthislife , @minkyungseokie , @fionaschicken , @lyrasconstellation , @spideybv28 , @keii134 , @starssfall , @tpwkstiles, @fangirl-dot-com , @nichmeddar , @lady-laura-speaks , @nikfigueiredo , @hinamesgigantica , @brakingboundaries , @almostjollypizza , @yoremins , @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @celesteblack08 , @watermelon-sugars-things , @lighttsoutlewis , @radiantdanvers , @vellicora, @sterredem , @hiireadstuff , @jolixtreesunn , @mypage-myfandoms , @nelly187 @greeneyesandsunshine , @fulla02 , @welovediaaxx , @whyamireadingthis , @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @blueberry64857959 , @winchesterwife27 , @six-call , @skywalker1dream , @mellowarcadefun , @cherry-piee , @peterholland04 , @motorsportloverf1 , @renarots , @msbyjackal , @woozarts , @leclucklerc , @yl90
crossed off tags mean i can't tag you!
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE SERIES TAGLIST? please leave a comment on this post or send a non anonymous ask!
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pandalorian36 · 2 months
Spencer reid x (gn)reader
A late night working ends with the both of you falling asleep on the couch where the rest of the team find you the following morning.
Word count: 885 Warnings: none
I stifle another yawn stretching out in the chair "Do we have any more coffee?" Spencer jerks upright a sheet of paper stuck to his cheek "What?" I chuckle leaning over and removing it "Maybe we should take a break?" he nods and stands stretching pushing hair out of his face "How is it one already?" I shrug and spin around in my chair before standing "Everyone else went home at ten? I thought it had only been an hour."
He grins "Although time does appear to pass faster when you are working." I hold up a hand "Hold up brains. It is far too late...early for that. As much as I love you and your info dumps now is not the time." he chuckles "Sorry."
We make our way to the small kitchen finding clean cups and coffee. A weight drapes over my shoulders as arms snake around my waist "What happened to being professional in the workplace?" he mumbles something into my neck that sounds like "Alone."
I turn around wrapping my arms around him sighing happily "We could go home." he sighs "I want to get this done." I nod "I know so do I." he smiles pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead then my lips, I melt into his touch cupping his cheek gently "We should get back to work." he sighs kissing my cheek "Okay." grabbing the two cups of coffee in one hand and my hand in the other we make our way back to the office sitting on the sofa and dragging some of the files closer.
We spend another hour working getting almost everything complete when I decide I want to be more comfortable so bring my feet up onto the sofa leaning my head on Spencer’s shoulder. I manage another page before I can no longer fight the heaviness of my eyes. I am vaguely aware of the files falling to the ground Spencer’s head leaning against mine.
3rd person narrator
Penelope, Emily, and Derek are the first to arrive the next morning. Penelope looks over at the conference room confused "Did you guys leave the light on?"
"Y/N and Reid where going to stay late. They probably just forgot." Hotch and Rossi walk over sighing "Conference room. We've got work to do." They all make their way over Derek and Emily freezing in the doorway grinning broadly. "Oh my god."
Y/N has their head in Spencer’s lap while Spencer has an arm draped over their waist head sliding down the sofa slightly the both of them fast asleep a pile of files on the floor where they have slipped out of their hands. Garcia is quick to snap a photo while laughing "That is adorable."
Hotch clears his throat loudly startling the two sleeping agents "Good morning." Y/N scrambles to their feet "We fell asleep." Rossi chuckles "We can see that."
Reid stands up brushing fingers through his hair while Morgan laughs ruffling it up more "Bit of a bird’s nest there pretty boy." Reid swats his hand away the others taking seats around the table. Hotch has the barest smile visible on his face "So you where productive last night?"
You grin grabbing the files of the floor "Actually yes. Where's it gone?" Spencer sorts through the remaining files on the table finding the one you are looking for "Here."
"Thank you." Garcia starts giggling though quickly stops at the questioning looks from her superiors "Sorry sir." Spencer and you talk through your work while Garcia continues to grin at her computer. Rossi smiles "I suppose we shouldn't be shocked the two of you completed three days of work in a single evening."
Once we have finished going over the files Hotch takes over summarising and organising, but it doesn't take too long. Morgan grins at something Garcia shows him "You two sure looked cozy on the sofa." Spencer blushes scratching the back of his head "I think I need some coffee."
"Pump your breaks pretty boy. I think you and Y/N have something to share with the group." I feel my eyes widen as I recall going to get coffee, we forgot about the cameras. Emily and JJ grin moving around the table to view Penelope’s laptop while Spencer buries his face in his hands in attempt to hide the blush while you remain frozen in place "I knew it." Emily groans "Damn." Morgan holds out his hand "Cough up."
Rossi and Hotch both look equally confused while Spencer is now resembling a tomato. I sigh "Well the cats already out the bag. Yes, we are dating. He asked me first. It’s been nine months."
"Nine months!" Garcia whoops "I win." Hotch shakes his head slightly at the group’s antics "Just keep things professional in the workplace." If possible, Spencer turns a deeper shade of red sputtering slightly while Morgan grins broadly "I think this the first time we've seen you at a loss for words."
I stand making my way to Spencer’s side he takes my hand in his squeezing it gently. While Emily sighs "It is so obvious how did we miss it." The others start pestering us with questions, but I am glad they know. We are a family, a strange family definitely but a family none the less.
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underdark-dreams · 9 months
*please* give me Dammon-Rolan-Tav Poly HCs, I am begging you
Turns out I have a LOT of thoughts about this omg. Thank you so much for sending this ask, I might need to write something longer for these three 💘
Rolan/Dammon/Tav: Poly Headcanons
(Tav is gender-neutral)
Without fail Dammon would be the one to wake up early and make you two breakfast. Hums a happy tune as he balances plates of scrambled eggs into the bedroom
Gives you both a sweet kiss good morning, the same way he does every day
Meanwhile Rolan grumbles something into the soft flesh of your thigh. Very much not a morning wizard
They are both very proud of their respective skills and love getting to share them with you in different ways
Dammon is used to hammering away for hours alone in his forge, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t get a bit lonely
Would be delighted to find you and Rolan lingering to spend time with him and watch his work
The clang of tools and the roaring fire aren't always conducive to conversation, but it just makes him happy to look up now and then and see you reading or relaxing nearby
If you asked for any kind of lesson, he would be excited almost to the point of giddy. Info dumping a little as he settles you comfortably against his front facing the anvil
Strong arms wrapping around you from behind, his hands gripping over yours to guide the strike of the hammer
When he's between commissions, Dammon likes to tinker and experiment with novel ideas. He's got an inventor's mind. Often shows new things to you and Rolan first to get your opinions
Makes those little metal puzzles where you have to figure out how to untangle the rings and distributes them among the Tieflings kids
Rolan is the same way with his arcane studies, loves if you ever want to be part of them. He genuinely enjoys answering any questions you might have about magic or the Weave
He can come across overly self-assured (read: arrogant), but something about nerding out over magic makes his face softer and more youthful as he gets lost in his own enthusiasm. It’s adorable
Rolan loves when you play helpless damsel with little things even when he knows you're exaggerating. Enjoys seeing you struggle and give him puppy eyes and ask for the big powerful wizard to help you out with his spells. Honestly it gives him a semi
Watches you with a loving smirk. "Let me take care of it, dearest"
When it comes to physical affection: Dammon gives you the open devotion and adoration of a golden retriever. Doesn't matter who is around, he will hold your waist and plant a kiss on your lips natural as anything. Husband behavior
Rolan is much more subdued with PDA (his siblings still tease him mercilessly and they always will) but also kinda gets off on the chance to be sneaky about it. Not above cornering you to make out when no one is around
Likes to play the game of riling you up when he knows you have somewhere to be. It goes both ways of course, he’s embarrassingly affected by your kisses and caresses
Dammon tends to be a very generous and giving top to both of you
Rolan much more of a switch, depends a lot on his mood any given day. Rolan topping Dammon is a rare but absolutely glorious experience to be part of
Rolan is always the one to get impatient and jealous during sex, especially when Dammon is taking up too much of you for too long
"Hurry up," he mumbles while sucking at the skin of your neck, but Dammon ignores him, his mouth steadfastly doing the Lord's work between your legs. He’s fond of the brat but not about to rush your pleasure over it. Besides, he can think of a few better ways to shut Rolan up
They don't always agree on much until the first time they sandwich you between them. It’s a revelation for both men to find they enjoy your body even more together
Dammon whispers into your ear what a good boy/girl you are as you lean back against his chest, while Rolan enjoys kissing down your body with zero urgency
Rolan hides his pointed ears behind his hair because he's embarrassed by how sensitive they are
Dammon catches on instantly (it's a Tief thing) and pays extra attention to them during foreplay, licking and sucking on the tips until Rolan is groaning and squirming under him
Dammon's build might look more slender at first glance, but he's got a wiry strength that Rolan lacks. Can easily throw either of you around in bed, though he's sometimes too much of a gentleman. Could be talked into it once you’ve got him worked up though. He’s strong enough to hold you both exactly where he wants to for as long as he needs
Dammon's arms are solid as the steel he forges. Cords of muscle under his shoulders and forearms, prominent veins that run down through his hands
And his hands are firm and wonderfully calloused, so anything he does with his fingers, you're going to feel super clearly 
Rolan's hands are surprisingly strong as well, but it's like the strength of a pianist or artist. Soft to the touch but wielding a lot of dexterity and precision. It makes his teasing deadly effective, because he has perfect control over the pressure and the pace, and he knows it
Rolan is 1000% the dirtier talker
He’s definitely the type to take full advantage of the situation while you’re giving him head and you can’t respond. Teasing and running a commentary about how lovely your mouth looks taking his cock
It’s also partly to distract himself and prolong the experience because watching your mouth on him really, REALLY does it for Rolan
If Dammon gets chatty it’s going to be showering sweet compliments on either or both of you; he definitely has a kink for giving praise, it heightens the sensations in his own mind
You can watch it turn Rolan from cocky to moaning and submissive in under a minute
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Ohh I got soooo many ideas, like CV reader got kidnapped by black mask (I think it's red hood nemesis, am not that deep in DC comics but I know the basics) so he could have a deal or take information out of red hood using CV reader. And when Jason found out about it he was pissed but when he got there the bad guys already down because CV reader took them down.
P.s I don't mind if you use this as a reference to make a headcanon or story on contrary i would love to read it, but it's up to you!!
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🎧ྀི » [ what a catastrophy ! ] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
tw/cw: yandere, jason being horny/implied noncon, cat villain! reader being an absolute menace and a whore as always.
pairings: yan! batfam x cat villain/vigilante! reader
note: this happens after conflict between jason and other members of batfam are resolved and at that point cat villain! is more solidly on the cat vigilante! side
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“How long is this going to take exactly? I’m about to take an involuntary cat nap with how utterly slow you all are being.”
The Court of Owls were a group of people you’ve absolutely despised on every era you’ve had under your cat mask. Whether it was your wild years as Cat Woman’s protégé or when you were basically assimilated as the Batfam’s shared s/o. You could never bring yourself to like absurdly rich people that well. Much less rich people who do bad things.
For legal and safety reasons, you have to say that the Batfamily are an exception.
You don’t know how on Earth they managed to get their hands on equipment that prevented your powers from working, but it was proving to be quite the annoying conundrum.
“I’m sorry but I’m feline a little too underwhelmed by this whole kidnapping thing. Why don’t we hurry things up a little?”
“Where the hell did you take them?!”
Jason slammed Black Mask unto the wall, using the backside of his arm and pressing it against the man’s chest.
The latter’s men took a defensive, alert stance. Ready to pounce on command.
But Black Mask only gestured them to stand down.
“You have to understand, the fact that I even thought of informing you of my deal is a huge risk. I could lose my biggest benefactors.” He replied, calm and polite. In contrast to the harsh kick he deals to his assailant, making Jason back off. “I’m doing you all a favor. I’m doing [Cat Villain Name] a favor.”
“They’re currently on a private island to the south. I can’t give you the exact coordinates but here’s the general location.” He tossed a flashdrive, one swiftly caught and skimmed through by Tim.
“Why are you helping us?” Damian’s mind was already calculating the best way to get rid of everyone in this room. The grip on his katana tightening by the second. He had full faith that you were capable of taking care of yourself, but it did not help with the fear of disappearance whatsoever.
He was sure that the sight of you getting hurt would lead to him going on a rampage.
“Maybe the fact that even with my help, you kids being too late would open their mind and make them come back to our side. They’d finally learn that you’re only as good for them as Batman was to —“ Damian couldn’t stop himself anymore, knocking the man unconscious as the rest of the crew took down his goons with ease. Their worry over your current condition giving them a surprising amount of efficiency as a team.
“It’ll take several hours to even get to those islands much less even find which one . . .” Tim bit his lip. He wasn’t concerned at all. He knows you inside and out. In fact, he already knew where you were exactly. All of this info gathering was just his plan to delay things so that your patience would run out and he’d get front row seats to the carnage you’d inevitably cause. After all, there was something he can always predict when it came to you.
Your unending thirst for fun and chaos.
It took about a week for them to find you. Just about enough time for you to get antsy about not seeing your beloved pets and home.
And plenty of time for you to have your fun, pretending to be hurt, crying out in feigned agony, before you finally took down your prey.
“Red Hood! Come back! We can’t just barge in—“ Dick called out to Jason.
But all Jason could think of was the way you screamed in terror. The footage of your ‘torture’ was something he had nightmares about.
“Kitty! Are you—“ He kicked the door off its hinges, guns ready to fire.
But his sights only landed on a singular breathing being in the middle of a room. Covered in the blood of your victims. Grooming yourself clean.
Each lick sending shivers down his spine.
He sighed in relief. “You really have to stop playing with your food, Kitty.”
His lips envelopes yours as the world disappears from your vision.
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୨ ©️ ୧⸝⸝﹕hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024﹐⊂☁️⊃ ‹𝟹
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s1m0nth3swag · 3 months
Can I request milkman X reader where the reader was always getting in trouble some way or another when they were a kid and they always got bored and just telling Francis stories about what they did when they were a kid?
Such as jumping out the window to go out with some friends because they were grounded and bored, prank calling on neighbours, chasing cars while riding their bicycles in a crowded street, climbing high trees and just jumping off of them, getting into playground fights and things like that..........(I did some of those)
Francis was a boring kid and never did anythings for sure, he'd have a freak out if his partner was somewhat of a troublemaker omg
Thanks for the ask, Anon!
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; Fluff, GN Reader, Francis being a worried little guy, established relationship, kinda short sorry, Reader is silly
The first time you told Francis about your childhood shenanigans was when the two of you were resting on the couch after a long and hard day. He was comfortably nestled against your chest and inbetween your legs, while you ran your fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss against the top of his head from time to time. He had looked up at you in slight shock and worry after you had asked if he had ever slipped when climbing through windows, for you, that was a totally normal question, for him, it was a reason to be genuinely worry about his partners wellbeing. Afterwards, he was always on edge to make sure you weren't getting too close to any of the windows in the shared apartment. A little too much, in your opinion.
You swore to yourself to tell him your most outrageous childhood stories whenever he least expected it. Partly because you wanted him to understand how normal it was to you, partly because his shocked face was just too funny to you. Genuinely, he looked like you had just told him the world was ending.
The next time you spoke to him about it, you were extra casual about it. "You know, I once beat up an older kid because he threw sand in my buddy's face." You hummed as the two of you were cooking dinner, his arms wrapped around your waist as his head rested on yours while you kept an eye on the stove. Francis had immediately peeled himself away from you to give you that little look of 'what the fuck is wrong with you'. You started giggling, and for a second Francis was relieved. "I thought you were serious." He sighed. "Oh, I am. Your expression was just funny." You responded, a grin on your lips as you leaned up to kiss him softly. Francis groaned in annoyance, shoving you playfully.
From then on, Francis watched you with the utmost care. He was always prepared for more stories - which, of course, was no fun to you since you wanted to catch him off guard. For days, you waited for the perfect opportunity until he came home from work, especially tired. Definitely not up for your bullshit. A perfect opportunity.
You grinned wickedly as he walked through the front door, already sensing his mood simply from the way he slouched and the fact that he hung up his jacket just a little slower than usually - you had grown used to the exact time it took him to walk from the front door to the couch. After living together for so long, it was honestly just habit.
"Francis, love." You called out, the slightest hint of mischief in your voice. He grumbled, knowing you were up to no good, because in all seriousness, when were you ever up to any good (the answer was probably never). "Did I ever tell you about the time I chased cars around my neighbourhood? Or when I broke my leg because I jumped off a tree?" You started, and Francis mumbled something about you being an idiot. You simply chuckled as he walked towards the couch.
You followed him around the apartment for the next hour or so, continuing with your most dramatic stories. At this point, Francis was seriously considering taping your mouth shut, though he wasn't sure if you might already have a story about that. You continued to yap about police arresting you, childhood fights, and whatever else came to mind.
At the end of the day, Francis was more exhausted by you than he had been by work, which was a new low for him, really. Usually, you'd be the one to give him energy, not steal it, and run away while giggling manically - which he honestly thought was a thing you'd do.
At last, he managed to shut you up by saying he'd make dinner and breakfast if you'd just stop talking, a deal you were very willing to take. After all, Francis made such a wonderful house husband - and he wore an apron while cooking, which was honestly lovely eye candy to you. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling. "Thanks, love." You hum, and he sighs in defeat. "You'll be the death of me one day, dear." He responds, though a smile plays on the corner of his lips, and you know he isn't serious.
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AITA for asking my partner not to talk about how happy he is that Ghandi was assassinated?
I hope this doesn't get too long! 🍀
I (26, F) am Irish Australian, my partner (33, M) is Sikh. He's shared many beautiful things about his culture with me, and has a thoughtful way of describing the relationship between Sikh history and current culture.
However I get a bit uncomfortable when he talks about how Gandhi was assassinated by a Sikh person. I know enough about Gandhi to be aware that while he might've had some good impact, he had plenty of underreported bad too. But I don't pretend to understand the extent of it all.
I also understand what a complex thing that sort of cultural history is, my family joke about being proud of the assassination of Mountbatten by the IRA. But we keep that talk behind closed doors, it requires more understanding of the Troubles than the average person has. Also, joking about death is a bit nasty unless you know everyone is comfortable
My issue with my partner is that when he talks about Gandhi's death he's not speaking with a historical context. He gets very serious and sits up all tall and says proudly that Sikhs are a warrior race and they fucking delivered. He has done this in company and in private and it's always very intense and a mood killer, he is not joking at all. I think that level of confident pride in the death of another is kinda messed up
So, I asked him to not talk about it in such a full on way. He refused to apologise because he is proud of it and he said that he's glad they did it (I appreciate his honestly there). I asked if he would be pleased to see a similar event play out today, a Sikh assassinating a major political influencer. He said he would be happy and asked the same of me regarding Mountbatten (this had come up in the conversation, obviously I'm paraphrasing, the whole thing was pretty upsetting tbh) and I said no cos it's not an active war. Also, that I don't actually stand behind that I'm just comfortable with the complexity of it to joke with my family and still know people understand where I stand. Like, the IRA killed his kids too. The whole time was fucked.
He said he's not joking. He, gently, said I was being a bit of a hypocrite. He didn't promise to not talk about Gandhi, but hasn't brought it up since. I feel like he's pretty unhappy about it
I dunno, I asked him without really thinking about it all and I think he makes a good point about the Mountbatten parallel. I'm not sure if the difference in my feelings is my own ethics or just me being a bit racist. And it's not his job to make me not be racist if I've got some stuff to work through. But still, I think if it was any culture I'd be uncomfortable with that much aggressive pride in murder. Like, I've grown up in a country without a death penalty, death is not something people can dole out imo, and his approval of it is so absolute and genuine, there's no pulling the punch. Unlike my way of talking about Mountbatten.
So, AITA for asking my partner to stop talking about his pride in a Sikh person assassinating Gandhi?
What are these acronyms?
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firesnap · 4 months
When I was in law school I was struggling with the worst depression and anxiety combo of my life. I hated going to school, I hated studying, I hated how trapped I felt because I'd paid all that money and hated everything about what I was doing.
I started putting on vods of people playing Minecraft while I was studying to distract me from how frustrated I was. I put on Wilbur Soot, admittedly, because he was a cute looking guy with a British accent and then I fell in love with his content.
I remember the late night streams with a guitar and relating to how, hey, yeah, that's me too. I get it. The things that keep you up at night and that parasocial relationship with a screen that can't answer you back was a strong pull.
I followed his content casually when I was finishing school. And then Covid happened. I got more invested. DSMP happened. I finally gave in and started watching streams live. I gave in and joined fandom.
I made friends. So many friends. I've traveled so much. I've met people and listened to so much music and gotten into arguments with strangers and slept on people's couches and sat in the fucking dessert in August. I don't regret a moment of it. I loved it.
But I can't support someone who is a dangerous person. I won't speculate, or make this about him, other than to please use common sense. The same reason we all critiqued another's creators fans for sticking by him applies here.
I've run an update account about this guy for a while now. Through the nature of looking up articles, finding clips to share, and asks and submissions we receive, I end up with a lot of info I never wanted. But I can't ignore what that information tells me about the person I've been supporting.
I feel like this is an active grieving process. I skipped denial pretty quick, but bargaining has happened. Parasocial or whatever, but so have tears. Anger. So much anger and disappointment. Fear about the relationships I've built and a growing emptiness of feeling like a hobby and community I've loved is now just gone and that it's For A Good Reason. Guilt because someone was hurt, truly hurt, and supporting them has to come first but I am also just. Sad.
Quiet, aching sadness over the loss of not some dude whose content I watched, but every other little thing I'll miss about being around and always having something to look forward to and people to laugh with me about it.
Please be patient. Be kind. Pay attention to red flags and support those trying to work through their own abuse and neglect. I'm sad now, but they need support more than any fan of a band ever would.
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tojisbbg · 10 months
𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝
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❝touch me, yeah, i want you to touch me there; make me feel like i am breathing, feel like i am human.❞  
♡ gojo satoru ♡
a/n: since daddy’s home, you know i gotta write for him (yes i know i’m super late, cut me some slack).
a/n (cont.): pssttt, what do we think about a tattoo artist!geto smutfic? ;) lmk in the comments!!
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! <3
content: gojo satoru x fem!reader, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, brief mentions of suicide, smut, fwb to lovers, best friends to lovers, spoilers, not edited.
you don’t remember how all of this started. 
was it his hands that went on your body first or your lips crashing onto his? the night where all of this began was nothing more than a haze in your memory. yet, the painful memories were stronger than any of the liquor that you both consumed, haunting you to the very end. 
after the death of geto, you and gojo became more paranoid of losing each other. it was already painful enough that shoko has isolated herself to deal with this whole incident on her own, but, gojo couldn’t afford to lose you. 
so, to cope and distract each other from all of this madness, you both sought pleasure. 
whether that was through the gentle cuddles and caresses that you both swore had non-romantical feelings attached to having intense sex; no strings attached, of course.
“did you get the text from the higher-ups too?” you asked as you settled down the plated breakfast in front of gojo. the snowy white haired man nodded his head before taking a bite of the buttery toast. 
“mhm, shibuya.” gojo’s words were slightly muffled as he tried to speak between his chewing. you let out a heavy sigh, playing around with your scrambled eggs. 
“what’s wrong?” he asked, trying to get a good look into your eyes in an attempt to read you. 
“that place brings back bad memories.” you bluntly responded, resuming to eat your breakfast as both you and gojo were already running late for the meeting. to be fair, it wasn’t your fault. 
well, sort of. 
you didn’t expect gojo to fuck you until nearly sunrise. 
as fun as it is getting pleasured, it certainly is very tiring and draining. especially when having it with someone like gojo, whose stamina and sex drive is so high. long story short, the both of you were deaf to the blaring alarm that rang at eight; which led you both to finally wake up in each other’s arms at ten. 
“oh.” gojo simply said, realizing what you meant. it was the last place both you and him last saw geto before he abandoned his old life. he could remember it as clear as day, you were only left with the option of getting on your knees to beg geto to come back. 
that was the last conversation that you ever had with geto suguru, and gojo always refused to tell you geto’s last words. 
“i just don’t get it. even after all this time, i can’t piece it together.” you balled your hands to fists, gritting your teeth in frustration. 
“hm, and what is that?” he asked in curiosity. 
“why did suguru leave? it makes no logical sense. i know that whole mission involving riko amanai and toji fushiguro took a toll on him, but, i didn’t notice any major warning signs.” you spoke, making gojo frown as he wasn’t in the mood to talk about his dead best friend this early in the morning. 
“who knows?” gojo simply shrugged his shoulders before getting up with his finished plate to wash it. you followed him inside the kitchen, continuing your little ramble. 
“hey, satoru. you were much closer to geto than i was, surely you guys shared info that he didn’t share with me maybe ‘cause i was a girl or something? i don’t know.” you tried to egg him further, but gojo was slowly getting irritated by your little pestering about something that was in the past. 
“i told you before and i’m gonna tell you this once again, after that whole incident, suguru’s isolation meant that he didn’t speak to me either about anything. he left without a trace.” gojo sternly replied, wiping his hands with a paper towel as he went over to the sofa to sit. you groaned in dismay, not getting the answer you truly wanted from him. 
“then who brainwashed him into believing all that nonsense crap he spewed?” you whined, gripping your hair as you were trying to work your brain hard. 
“can you just drop it already? no one knows.” gojo snickered, but you didn’t budge. 
“do you think he had some past connection with riko or toji?”
“most likely not and if it was something that had to do with toji then i would’ve known since i’m literally raising his son.”
“was it the higher-ups?”
“i don’t know.”
“maybe family problems? love relationships?”
“i don’t know.”
“was it us??”
“i don’t know, y/n! alright? i don’t fucking know, neither do you or anyone else! we’ll never know why suguru left because he’s fucking dead, y/n; and you need to learn how to accept that. so, please for the love of god, can you just drop it?!” gojo yelled, looking at you with a glare as your jaw dropped. he’s never raised his voice at anyone before, especially you. 
you felt your blood boil, your face being replaced with an angry scowl. 
“i think you’re the one who needs to learn how to accept it, you fucking piece of shit.” you spat, making his eyes narrow. 
“what?” he questioned as his tone dropped. you bitterly chuckled before looking at him with sharp eyes. 
“don’t act like you’re oblivious, satoru. you’re always running away from your problems and this is one of them. tell me, when was the last time that we both actually sat down and last talked about suguru, hm? not even related to his death, just about him. tell me, when was the last time?” your voice started to become higher as you yearned for answers to all your questions, wishing that you could express how much confusion you were forced to live in. 
“answer me since you know everything, gojo satoru!” you bellowed, shaking him back and forth, only to receive nothing but silence. 
“y/n, stop it.” gojo lowly spoke, his eyes not meeting yours. 
“why?! i’ll tell you. it’s because all we ever do is have sex. any time that you feel sad or mad you’re at my door because you want to fuck me! am i wrong?! you have sex with me to ignore all your problems and it’s getting out of control, satoru.” you yelled, your body trembling with anger as you were so fed up with everything. you hated how things were, you just wanted your old best friends back. 
and you hated these burdensome feelings that threw you in loopholes. these feelings being what you felt towards gojo. you knew that neither of you were mentally stable enough to get into a relationship and you weren’t sure if these romantic feelings were mutual. 
so, you played it safe but being casual friends with benefits.
but, this was going to far. now that you look back it, you both were hurting each other more by letting all that grief, anger and sadness bottle inside. 
“oh, so now i’m the problem, right? i killed suguru, i caused your fucking depression, i caused myself to become a sad sex addict, everything’s my fault! anything else you’d like to blame me for, y/n?” he accused himself, eyes piercing into your soul as you gasped. 
“satoru, i never once blamed you for suguru’s death nor did i say you were the problem! i’m just saying that this is unhealthy, i’m just worried.” you tried to calm down and level with him so that you could tame the heated conversation. 
“don’t make me laugh, y/n. i know that deep inside you feel some kind of resentment towards me because i killed suguru. but... you don’t say it ‘cause i’m the only one you have left.” gojo’s voice faltered, his lips thinning as he looked at his feet. 
“the hell are you trying to say? that i’m using you? god, you’re so fucking full of shit, satoru!” you were in disbelief, not believeing what your ears were hearing. 
“then what the fuck do you want, y/n? you’re so fucking confusing and it’s driving me insane. so, please, tell me what you want!” gojo grabbed a hold of your hands, eyes begging you to put an end to it. 
“i need the truth. what was suguru’s last words, satoru?” you asked in a monotone, looking at him with a straight face. gojo’s face fell, your hands slipping away from his as he backed away.
 “i already told you, even if it means that i’ll have to die, i cannot say what he told me.” he dismissed your question, making you bite the inside of your cheek.
“ugh! god, i hate you so much! why won’t you tell me?! i deserve to know because by the time i came it was too late! why didn’t you wait for me? you did this on purpose, you fucking jerk!” you continued to throw your harsh words at him, too blinded by your pain and anger to realize the heavy weight of your words. 
“are you fucking dumb? he was already in so much pain, do you think i’d wait thirty minutes for you to come while he suffers from his injury? i put him to rest and so should you, y/n. suguru is dead, y/n, it’s time to wake up.” gojo said, his voice emotionless as he had nothing else left to say to you. 
“stop treating me like i’m crazy!” tears streamed down your face, your hands going to the nearest item, which was the flower vase before you threw it on the ground; shattering it to pieces. 
gojo’s eyes widened, quickly wrapping his arms around you to prevent you from hurting yourself. 
“y/n, you are acting like a fucking crazy person! i can’t fucking bring him back to life, okay? so stop, please!” gojo struggled to hold you still, although you were a woman and smaller than him, your strength was very high. 
“i hate you, i hate you, i hate you! i fucking hate you, gojo satoru! you took away my best friend, you fucking piece of shit! i wish you died instead!” you sobbed, feeling his body become stiff as his arms loosened around you.
you curled up into a ball on the sofa, feeling gojo’s weight being lifted from the furniture, before you heard the clicking sound of your front door closing. 
if only you knew that would’ve been your last time seeing him, perhaps you would’ve done things differently. 
maybe you would’ve rushed to the door to stop him from leaving. 
but, it was too late and the damage has already been done. you can’t take back those words anymore and you regret it so much.
gojo satoru has been sealed for 1189 days. 
it seemed that the world was going through the apocalypse. for the past three years things only went downhill in your life. truth be told, you don’t even recognize the person that you’ve become. 
you’ve been spiraling down a very dark and twisted path. life just wasn’t the same as it used to be when you were just a stupid and silly teen who attended jujutsu high. 
you lost so many people, those who were dear to your heart, people who you grew up with in this cursed world. 
you weren’t the same. 
there were times where everything just hurt so much, to the point where it felt like you were being suffocated with all your past traumas and regrets. you wanted to end it all for good. 
though, even taking your own life wouldn’t have brought you any peace. nonetheless, all your attempts failed as shoko, yuji and megumi kept you under tight patrol. 
after seeing your declining mental state, the higher-ups officially put you up for suspension until further notice. it was stupid, no really it was. you tried to go to the main office and kick their old hag asses or even kill them, but megumi and yuji nearly chained you to the bed. 
so, here you are now, stuck at home without a clue as to what was going on. yuta and yuji kept you posted as to what was happening, sometimes shoko too. the culling game was taking place, geto is back but you realized that his body was used as a puppet for the curse kenjaku, and now megumi was gone because sukuna found him as use for a new vessel. 
it was a lot to take in but as per usual, you chose to run away. the only thing that was helping you keep somewhat sane was sleeping pills, anxiety medications and liquor. 
you were hanging on a thin thread. 
a heavy sigh left your lips as you exited out of your bathroom after taking a warm shower, making your way over to the couch. you plopped down before your eyes fell on the picture frame where it was gojo feeding you cake on your 17th birthday. 
your eyes softened upon seeing the man who you missed so dearly, tears welling in your eyes before a sob escaped your throat. you held the photo close to your chest, wishing that you could turn back time to take back everything that you said. 
love is the twisted curse of all. 
you heard your door bell ring, making you wipe your tears as you sat up. your eyes glanced at the clock which showed that it was nearly midnight, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. 
you never had any unannounced visitors at such an hour and your friends already paid you a visit earlier today. surely, if they had forgotten something then they would’ve called. you got up, putting on your slippers before shuffling your way to the front door. 
you opened the door and froze in your spot. in shock, a gasp left your mouth as your eyes met the familiar cerulean colored eyes. 
“s-satoru?” you stammered out, your voice waivering as your tone was nothing more than a soft whisper. he was wearing an outfit which had a strong resemblance to what toji wore, giving you strong ptsd from that cursed day. your eyes teared up when you noticed how his body was covered in scars, some which were still bleeding, indicating that they are fresh and were made not too long ago. 
suddenly, you saw gojo’s wavering before rolling back, his body going limp as it fell forwards. you quickly rushed closer to him, catching his body in your arms. 
“satoru?! holy fuck.” your voice was filled with panic, not knowing what to do or who to call at this hour. with all the strength left within you, carefully you tightly grabbed a hold of him before helping him inside your place, locking the door behind you. 
with slow and heavy steps, you finally reached the couch where you gently laid him. you sat on the floor, holding his hand as you sobbed, feeling absolutely clueless and useless. 
“y../n..” gojo attempted to call out, his voice even lower than a whisper, his chapped lips barely moving. however, he caught your attention as you quickly cupped his cheek. 
“i’m here, satoru. i’m here for you, don’t worry.” you quickly assured him, his flesh was a burning temperature under your palms. gojo let out a painful groan, his eyebrows furrowing before he cleared his throat. 
“i used all of my reverse curse technique to heal fifty percent of myself. but... i don’t have anymore within me to use.” he spoke in a hoarse voice, breathing heavily as his blood stained your furniture along with your clothes and hands. 
“i’ll heal you.” you sternly responded, placing your hand on his chest, only for him to shove your hand away. you gave gojo a puzzled look, not understanding the reason behind his actions. 
“i didn’t come here for you to save me. matter of a fact, i don’t wish to be saved.” gojo replied as if he could read your thoughts. 
“you’re talking crazy! stop being stupid and let me help you.” you spoke through gritted teeth, once again placing your hand on his chest, but he insisted on being stubborn, grabbing your hand to tightly hold it away from his body. 
“you’re right, i should’ve died instead of suguru. perhaps, that would’ve been the case when i fought against toji. i’m paying off my debt, y/n. i... i was selfish and because of my immature arguments with suguru, i resorted to kill him instead of finding another way.” he heaved in between his words, trying his best to explain his thoughts and emotions to you in the most clear and coherant way possible. 
“please, satoru, don’t do this! let me help you!” you begged him, trying to slip away from his astonishingly tight grip even at this state. however, the snow haired man simply shook his head. 
“i’m sorry, y/n. i was prepared to live my entire life in guilt because i killed him, but, i can’t live my entire life knowing that you hate me.” gojo gave you a pained sad smile, making your heard clench in pain. 
you sat on your knees, bringing his hand that was holding yours to your lips to place a tender kiss on his skin. 
“i don’t hate you, satoru, i never have and i never will. without you, i am nothing. when you were sealed, i went crazy and nearly killed myself so many times. i’m sorry, i never meant anything i said before, i swear! i was just so angry and hurt that day that i said those in the heat of the moment. please, satoru, come back to me. let me save you, i beg you.” you cried, tears falling on his flesh as the man looked at you with warm eyes. he gave you a small smile before placing your hand on his chest. 
your eyes widened after realizing, quickly trying to concetrate hard to heal him. you counted and watched each scar that was engraved and bleeding on his skin disappear, bullets of sweat trickling down your forehead and you softly whimpered in pain. gojo was passed out cold, his body limp as you tried to heal him fast to avoid any alarming damages. 
an hour has passed.
you started to feel numb, your body trembling as all your energy was being sucked out of your body. there was just a few more that had to be healed and you decided to shove your own health aside and push through this feeling of agonizing pain. 
you can’t lose him for the second time. 
another painfully long hour has passed and with heavy lidded eyes, you watched the final scar on his cheek disappear. a contented smile etch onto your lips, but it wasn’t much long after that you felt your vision grow blurry, head lolling forwards before dropping on gojo’s chest as you passed out. 
you stirred in your position, a grimace painted on your face as you tried to open your glued shut eyes. it took you a few seconds to adjust to the lighting of your room, until your vision cleared up and met with the familiar pair of blue eyes staring back into yours. 
“hey.” gojo croaked, a small smile tugging on his lips. 
“hey.” you copied his words, biting the inside of your cheeks to prevent yourself from bawling your eyes out from how relieved you were that he was alive and breathing in front of you. 
there was a moment of silence between you both as he sat up on the couch while you sat on the floor. his eyes were glued on the wall while you stared at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. 
it’s been nearly three years since you’ve last seen him from a horrible last encounter, it was pretty awkward. 
“you changed your house decor.” he suddenly blurted out, catching your attention. 
“nobara thought it looked depressing, so she did whatever she liked.” you shrugged, making him let out a breathy chuckle.
“do you like it?” gojo asked, his eyes now averting to your face, in which you still refused to meet his eyes. 
“i don’t really care about it, i had bigger things to care about than some stupid house decor.” you bitterly spat out, making gojo’s lips thin knowing that his follow-up question unintentionally struck a nerve. 
“is that so? and what may they be?” he cocked an eyebrow, making you look up at him in disbelief. 
“are you seriously asking me that right now?” you scoffed, making gojo cross his arms over his chest before leaning back into the sofa. 
“i am.” he confidently responded, making your itch with irritation.
“god, you truly are insufferable.” you sneered, making him roll his eyes. 
“and you’re still the same. you’re still hung over his death, aren’t you? it’s been about a decade, y/n. yet, you still haven’t matured. it’s truly pitying.” gojo snickered with faux sympathy, making your jaw drop to the floor. 
“he was our friend, satoru! how can you say that?!” you spoke through gritted teeth, making gojo scowl as he rubbed his temples. 
“because he’s not the same suguru we were friends with before he died! he died as a villain, a criminal, a mass fucking murder, y/n. stop defending him, you’re making a fool out of yourself.” he harshly spoke, not an ounce of care in his tone as he glared at you. 
“it wasn’t his fault. it was ours, satoru. despite being so close with him, we failed him. neither of us caught onto him spiraling down, maybe we could’ve prevented this if we just paid attention more.” your throat burned as every word left your lips, guilt choking you like an enemy as your lips quivered. 
“for the love of god, stop spewing shit like that. did you shove those beliefs and ideas down his throat? no. did i shove those beliefs and ideas down his throat? no. why are you destroying yourself over this, y/n?!” gojo yelled, his eyes begging for an answer as you grew quiet. 
“no! there is no ‘i’, y/n. stop defending him! god, it’s always ‘suguru this’ or ‘suguru that’. it’s never satoru! i’m sick and tired of this, do you not care about me? am i not important to you?” he choked out, chewing on his lips as your eyes widened at his sudden words. 
“what?” you said, slightly astonished as your voice was as low as a whisper. 
“actually, i don’t wanna know. i don’t even know why i came here, my stupid half-dead brain at that time clearly didn’t know any better. anyways, i’ll get going then. goodbye, y/n.” gojo dryly spoke, attempting to stand up and leave without another word. but, before he could do so, you quickly crawled towards him and shoved yourself between his legs, hugging his waist and forcing him to sit back down on the couch. 
gojo was frozen on the spot by the sudden embrace, not knowing how to react at all. so, he stayed quiet with his hands to the side as you continued to hug him tight. 
“stop putting words in my mouth, satoru. you have no idea how much i suffered on my own when you were sealed. i thought that i’d never see you again. at one point, i was ready to offer kenjaku my soul or beg him to seal me with you. i can’t live without you, satoru.” you shook your head, face buried in his stomach as your tears seeped into the material of his shirt. 
you heard him let out a sigh before softly stroking your hair. your body shook in fear, arms squeezing him the slightest as you breathed him in. gojo heard you softly murmuring to yourself, choking on your incoherent words between your sobs. 
“come here.” he whispered, making you pull away as you took his invitation of being seated on his lap. without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his neck while your legs wrapped around his waist. gojo’s arms protectively laced around waist, beautiful clear blue eyes staring into yours. 
your chewed on your bottom lip to prevent an ugly sob from leaving your lips, soaking in the sight of him being in front of your after three years. you cupped his face, thumbs caressing his cheeks as he leaned into your touch. 
“i’m sorry.” gojo mumbles, holding your hands before bringing it to his lips, kissing your knuckles. 
“for?” you asked, slightly confused by his sudden apology. 
“for everything that i said three years ago. you were right and i was in denial. it’s just... i’m so scared, y/n.” his voice cracked at the end, noticing how tears pooled in his eyes. you heart bled at the side, pulling his head to your chest as you heard him sniffle. 
“i don’t wanna lose you, y/n. i know suguru’s death has been hard on us and i tried to distract us both from it so that we both don’t lose ourselves. but, i never realized how badly it was destroying us both inside. it’s just so hard talking about his death.” with that being said, the world’s strongest sorcerer broke down in your arms. you tried to resist yourself from crying, but, it was as if your tear ducts worked like a damn waterfall. 
“i know, satoru, i know. it’s okay, we’ll be okay.” you stroked his hair, kissing the top of his head as you assured him. however, he shook his head before pulling away, looking up at you with a guilty expression. 
“i killed him, y/n. i-i... it’s my fault that he’s gone forever. i could’ve brought him back to jujutsu tech and have shoko heal him but i didn’t. i wasn’t thinking straight back then and screwed up! why don’t you hate me, y/n?!” he bellowed, eyes becoming red as he trembled in your embrace, making you sob at his words. 
“stop doing that to yourself, satoru. it’s not your fault!” you tried to convince him, needing him to see the truth and finally be pulled out of that pit of self-loathe and blame. 
“you don’t have to pretend anymore, y/n. i know that you’re only saying this to not hurt me.” gojo gave you a sad smile, his tears staining his cheeks as you thinned your lips while shaking your head. 
“if i was in your place... i would’ve done the same.” you said in a shaky voice, making his eyes widen. 
“w-what?” he stuttered out, completely in disbelief. 
“suguru lost against yuta, that was inevitable. if he was found by anyone else but us outside of jujutsu tech, he’d be immediately executed by god knows how. i’m pretty sure he’d rather die by the hands of his loved ones than those shitty higher-ups. i know i would.” you wiped away his tears, locking your eyes with his. 
“it’s okay, satoru. you’re okay, alright? we’ll be okay.” your voice lulled him back to sanity, a soft kiss being pressed onto his forehead. 
“i missed you so much, y/n. every minute that i spent in that prison realm felt so long, like death was a much more favorable option. i felt so alone and miserable, my thoughts consumed me with no mercy. i felt like an insane person.” his voice was low, no longer having the strength to talk as he spoke about his traumatic experience. 
“that sounds awful, satoru. i’m glad you came back to me, i missed you so much, too. you were the glue that pieced me back together, when you left... i shattered once again. i’m so sorry for everything that i said to you, i never meant anything! i’m so happy and relieved that you’re alive, i-i don’t know what i’d do if you died. i think i’d go crazy or kill myself. please, don’t ever leave me again.” you begged him, hugging him tight as you cried on his shoulder, feeling him rub your back in a comforting manner. 
“i’ll always be here, y/n.” gojo promised, kissing the side of your head. you both spent a few more minutes together in each other’s embrace, mumbling many ‘sorry’s’ and promises. after cooling down, you lifted your head up and looked at him. 
you noticed how beat up his condition was, as gojo looked completely drained. his eyes were puffy from the crying and his hair was a mess. 
“i’ll run you a bath and then let’s get some takeout.” you suggested with a warm smile, making him hum in response as his eyes lit up. 
“thank you.” he reciprocated your smile, kissing your knuckles once more before you got off of his lap and headed into the bathroom. 
if there’s one thing that you’d consider as the ‘positive’ side of working as a jujutsu sorcerer was the handsome salary that you received. it allowed you to get a bigger place that had a spacious bathroom which allowed the placement of a huge bathtub alongside a standing shower. 
of course, your place wasn’t nearly as big as satoru, but it was what you’d consider luxurious enough for you. 
you soon heard footsteps behind you, indicating satoru’s arrival. he ruffled your hair, making your head turn as you looked up at the tall man. 
“it’s ready, you could get in.” you wiped your hands with a small towel, about to walk outside of the bathroom to give him some privacy, until you felt him grab your wrists. 
“could you please wash my hair?” he requested, his soft tone mixed with his tired expression tugged at your heart strings. so, you nodded your head, locking the bathroom door behind you. 
satoru thanked you with a smile, not wasting anymore time as he began to strip in front of you. of course, it’s not like anything that you haven’t seen already. yet, the sight of his naked body after three whole years was enough to set your body on fire as your cheeks burned in embarrassment. you looked to the side, clenching your thighs together. 
you knew his body like the back of your hand, memorized every muscle and scar painting his skin. however, you can’t deny the fact that he’s gotten even more buff recently than last you’ve saw him. 
gojo didn’t notice your flustered state, hopping inside the warm soapy water as he submerged his body. you heard him let out a sigh in bliss, eyes rolling back as he leaned his back against the tub. you took the small shower head and began to wet his hair, all the while his eyes were strictly on your face. 
you tried your best to not pay much mind to him, trying to quickly wash his hair and be on your way to go order food because he was making you so damn flustered. you squeezed some shampoo his head before beginning to gently massage his scalp. 
gojo moaned at the satisfying feeling of your nails scratching his scalp, fingers threading through his snowy locks as you bubbled up his hair. you couldn’t help but be content at the sight of him being so relaxed, an unknowing smile etching on your lips. 
you washed away the shampoo, his eyes opening before glancing at your lips. gojo would’ve been lying to himself if he said that he wasn’t tempted to kiss you. however, he tried to maintain some form of self-control, especially after what went down. 
“okay, all done.” you notified, making him look up at you with appreciative eyes. 
“thank you, y/n.” he smiled. 
“no problem. you can finish washing up in the shower, i’m gonna fix the towels in the bathroom and then look for some clean clothes for you.” he nodded at your words, standing up as your back was turned to him, now heading inside the shower as he slid the glass door. 
you finished folding the small towels in the bathroom along with draining the bath water. you went by the sink, examining yourself as you fixed your hair. not noticing when the glass doors slid open, you felt an arm grab you by the waist before you were being pulled inside the shower. 
you let out a yelp before your back was met by the cold wet walls. your breath hitched as gojo towered over your body, arms caging you between them. you gulped at the sudden closeness, your face now wet from the water along with your clothes that were now drenched as well. 
“fuck, i tried so hard to resist you. but, when you look at me like that, i just wanna fuck you senseless.” gojo sensually whispered, leaning towards your face before pressing his lips to your jaw. you let out a shaky breath, being able to smell the scent of his shampooed hair along with his body wash that you always kept a spare in your bathrooms, even after he disappeared. 
“then do it.” you breathed out, feeling him leave open mouthed kisses all over your jaw until down to your neck. gojo pulled away, taking in the sight of you soaking wet, his hands coming up to your face as his thumb softly dragged along your lower lip. 
you teasingly bit his thumb before he experimentally pressed it down on your tongue, making you suck his finger. gojo smirked at your eagerness, looking at you with playful eyes. 
“you missed my touch, princess?” he asked, pulling your chin up as he forced your eyes to meet his. god, he looked so fucking hot and it made you so bothered. 
“yeah.” you shamelessly admitted, making him chuckle. 
“my poor baby, let me make it up to you.” with that behind said, gojo leaned his head down to crash his lips against yours. you wrapped your arms around his neck, running your fingers up and down his nape as you kissed him back. the sweet taste of his soft lips made you moan, feeling his tongue soon enter your mouth. 
gojo sucked and licked your tongue, nibbling on your bottom lip as he teasingly pulled back with a bite, you bottom lip between his teeth. you felt his heavy cock resting on your thigh, not even having the moment to gwak at his body. 
“need more, ‘toru.” you whined out, heat growing between your thighs as you craved more from his body. 
"yeah?" gojo teasingly asked, placing small trails of light kisses down your temple. you felt hypnotized, trying to figure out if it was because of the intoxicating scent of his or the way he was delicately feathering you with his kisses.
"satoru.." you breathed out, feeling suffocated from how much tension there was between the both of you. it was pathetic, how sensitive and responsive your body was to just mere touches.
but who could blame you?
you haven't touched him in three years, not being molded into his body in so long that you forgot how it felt to be this intimate with him.
"what is it, baby? tell me what you want and i'll give it to you." he promised, cerulean eyes now clouded with lust. gojo didn't know how much longer he could last, convinced that if you even just touched him once more, he would cum untouched.
that's how badly he needed you.
"make me feel good. please, i want you to touch me." you begged, looking at him with desperate eyes. satisfied with your answer, he hooked his hands around your thighs, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as your arms wrapped around his neck. gojo turned off the shower before getting out of the bathroom, walking into your room.
the both of you were so incredibly horny for each other that the thought of you both wetting the carpet slipped out of your mind. 
"gonna give it to you all, princess. i’m gonna make you mine tonight." gojo seductively responded as he gently threw you on the bed, towering over you. 
"so fucking pretty." he muttered under his breath, unable to control himself as he lowered his head, lips ghosting above yours for a brief second before finally capturing them in a very needy kiss.
you cupped his face, pulling him closer to your face as your lips began to move against his with more aggression. gojo sucked on your bottom lip, tongue swiping against the plump flesh.
without hesitation, you opened your mouth as gojo wasted no time to shove his tongue inside, the wet muscle exploring every cavern in your mouth. you moaned into the kiss, loving the feeling of how his spit coated your tongue. your hands found their way into his wet snowy locks, entangling them as you gave his hair small tugs, making the man groan in between the kiss.
he sounded so sexy, making you wetter every second from how hot and heated he got you just from these simple interactions.
feeling the need to breathe as both of your lungs nearly gave out from the lack of oxygen, both you and gojo pulled away from the steamy kiss. panting heavily while a string of saliva connected your lips, the man couldn't help but stare down at you.
your damp hair made the bed sheets wet as you were still in your wet clothes, white t-shirt now becoming transparent and sticking to your body as it revealed your black bra.
the flushed color of your cheeks along with how swollen and red your lips looked from the harsh sucking during the kiss earlier. you looked so gorgeous under him, all riled up just for him. it made his mind spin, just the thought of having you in his hold all to himself while he pounds you senselessly.
only gojo satoru could ever have you like this.
you chewed on your lower lip, your arms now wrapped around his neck as you both stared into each other's eyes. gojo mentally cursed at himself, wanting to attach his lips back onto yours and keep kissing you until both his and your lips go numb.
but he wanted to please you, to listen to whatever you wanted him to do to you. because tonight, gojo satoru wasn’t gonna fuck you, he was gonna make love to you. 
"so fucking special to me, y/n. gonna make you feel so good, baby." gojo mumbled onto the wet skin of your neck, kissing down to your collarbones. they were wet kisses, as he took the time to smell and taste you, being greedy with his desire of wanting to have his mind be only consumed by you.
you decided to lessen his work by pulling your wet t-shirt over your head, throwing it on the floor. gojo’s hands reached behind you to unclasp your bra, hooking a finger to quickly remove the annoying fabric that was acting as a barrier to prevent his mouth from attacking the plush mounds of flesh.
"was getting in my way." he snarked, completely speechless as he watched how your tits spilled out, nipples perked up and swollen from being neglected for so long. but not anymore as gojo took one of your nipples in his mouth, suckling on it while his other hand massaged your other tit.
"fuck." you swore under your breath, eyes shut tightly as you felt his fingers toying around with your other nipple. you opened your legs wider, allowing both of your bodies to be as close as possible. you could feel his cock rubbing against your thigh, all hard and throbbing.
"you're so hard, satoru." you commented, bringing a hand down to stroke his throbbing cock, making him choke from the sudden touch.
"all because of you, pretty girl." gojo looked up at you with a grin, placing a teasing kiss on your nipple before kissing down your stomach. they were open mouth kisses, his tongue swiping your skin here and there as he was able to taste the sweetness of whatever lotion you used before getting wet.
"you think i’m pretty?" you looked at him with dreamy eyes, making him pause as he tried to process your words.
"prettiest girl in the whole fucking world, i could just eat you up." he pampered you, tugging on your soaking wet pajama shorts to pull them down along with your panties which were pretty much drenched from the water and your slick, leaving your bare cunt exposed to gojo's full view.
the man was now in between your legs, both of his hands spreading your thighs wide open, refusing to let you close them. he took in a good minute to admire your pretty pussy, puffy folds that were coated with your arousal and your swollen clit that begged for any kind of touch.
god, he missed you so much. 
embarrassment began to eat you away as you buried your face in your hands, unable to take in the sight of gojo being completely mesmerized by the sight in front of him.
"y/n, look at me." gojo spoke, voice laced with a stern tone yet you shook your head, declining. he scoffed, peeling away your hands from your red face as you looked at him with wide eyes.
"prop yourself on your elbows, i want you to watch me while i eat your pretty little pussy out. you'll be good for me, won't you?" he innocently asked, yet his eyes were clouded with dark lust, two fingers proding at your folds before he used his middle finger to gently run it down your slit.
you shuddered from his touch, barely able to nod your head as he gave you a half smirk, lowering his head until you could feel his warm breath fanning over your wet cunt. although gojo loved the way your body responded to his praises, he also loved the way your body became twice as responsive when he teased you.
gojo began to kiss your inner thigh, slightly licking the area before placing a soft kiss on the wet skin. your thighs trembled whenever he would get dangerously close to your pussy that was drooling in anticipation for his tongue. but, gojo was determined to play some twists on you for a bit more before giving you what you wanted.
he continued to kiss farther up, lips now at the corner of your folds as you practically begged him to eat you out. he gently nibbled on your skin before peppering soft kisses, making small smooching noises as he continued this sweet torturous action of his for a bit longer.
"stop teasing, satoru." you whimpered, making him chuckle.
he licked a fat strip up your wet cunt, making your eyes roll back as you tried your best to hold your composure.  a strained gasp left your mouth, his tongue swiftly gliding between your sopping folds, slurping all of your slick.
gojo moaned into your wet cunt, you tasted so good that he couldn't have enough of you. he felt like a starved man that was finally fed, he pressed his mouth deeper into you, tongue now lapping at your juices as you gripped onto his damp hair.
"f-fuck!" you stuttered out, feeling his tongue circling your throbbing clit, your thighs threatening to just clamp around his head. gojo's grip on splitting your thighs open was pretty firm, but he had no complaint against getting crushed between your thighs because he practically wanted to live there.
curious blue eyes peered up at you through his thick white lashes, making sure that you were watching the beautiful sight of him devouring your pussy. you tried your best to keep your eyes on him, but the intense amount of pleasure he was providing you with made it hard.
you felt a soft stinging pain on the flesh of your thigh, as gojo lightly slapped the skin. it was a warning that you weren't following his words, and you muttered a small 'sorry' before opening your eyes.
"taste so good, i could eat you for hours." he breathed out, taking in the sight of your sloppy folds that were now coated and dripping with both his saliva and your juices. he pressed a soft kiss on your clit, making your body jolt from how sensitive you were at that point.
you were near your orgasming point, feeling a tight knot forming in your stomach. you pushed his head further in, feeling his tongue teasing your hole as you practically squealed from feeling the wet muscle enter.
"oh god—please, satoru! i-i'm gonna cum!" you cried out, chest heaving up and down. the beautiful man continued to tongue-fuck your hole, thumb coming up to brush against your clit as you shook under his hold.
you were seeing stars, gasping for air as your breathing became irregular. you were so close, feeling like you would cum on his tongue any moment.
but, gojo stopped, making you let out a whine as you were on the verge of tears. he raised his head, a playful grin on dancing on his lips in comparison with the frown on your face along with furrowed eyebrows.
"satoru, i was so close!" you sulked with a pout, making him roll his eyes.
"patience, baby. let me take care of you, yeah?" gojo left a tender kiss on your lips as you squirmed under him.
his fingers rubbed your hips up and down, while his lips began to kiss down you neck. your eyes fluttered close. a hand moved up to grope your tits, giving your nipples a soft pinch which made you let out a gasp.
"please.. i wanna cum, i need it so bad. please make me cum, satoru." you leaned your head back against the mattress, desperate eyes looking up at the gorgeous man. he gave you a soft smile before leaning his head down to place a kiss on your lips.
"i never said that i wouldn't, baby." gojo continued, big hands giving your thighs a small squeeze before parting them open.
you wanted to cry from the constant teasing and edging, it was becoming too much and you needed a release.
gojo’s long fingers lightly ran up and down your wet slit, before he spread your folds open with his index and middle finger. his free hand came up to grab your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
"look at me while i make you cum." he ordered, looking down with stern eyes which made you nod because you're ready to do anything as long as you could cum. 
he started off by rubbing your clit slowly, making your eyes roll back as you tried so hard to keep your eyes on his. the whole sight was so pornographic, your legs wide open while his fingers were playing with your dripping cunt.
gojo's fingers began to move much faster now, your slick coating the pads of his fingers which was caressing your swollen nub. your thighs trembled as you felt like you were on a high rush, breathing becoming more faster and that's when he suddenly entered two fingers inside your wet hole.
"satoru!" you screamed out his name, a satisfied smirk stretching across his pretty lips. he began to thrust his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, determined to make you cum because you deserved it.
“right here, baby? hm?” he whispered, making you shudder as you nodded deliriously. 
your walls were clenching around his thick fingers, as he moved them in a scissoring manner. the squelching sounds of your pussy was like music to his ears as he watched how your cunt dripped with your juices that were now covering his whole hand and your inner thigh as well.
"wait! it's too much, i can't!" you cried out, tears forming in your eyes as you held onto his wrist, trying to halt his movements of thrusting his digits into your pussy. the feeling of your previously ruined orgasm along with this new one combined created an overwhelmingly large wave of pleasure.
"you can do it, baby. cum for me." gojo encouraged, the hand that was on your jaw now coming down to open your thighs that were wrapped around the hand that had his fingers deep into your cunt. he then continued to plunge his fingers inside you, his other hand playing with your tits to increase the stimulation of your pleasure.
he craned his head down before taking your nipple in his mouth, lightly nipping and bitting it while his fingers continued to stroke your velvety walls. soft fingers pinching your clit before rubbing the swollen bud as well.
you were frantically moaning and crying, gasping for air. he hit your g-spot and you began to cream on his fingers, your cum running down his fingers as he continued to finger fuck it back inside you.
"what a good girl you are, y/n." he praised, pulling his wet fingers out before smearing your juices all over your messy cunt. but, he made sure to bring those same fingers up to his mouth before sucking on them, groaning from your sweet taste.
"i-i.. holy shit." you were at a loss for words, all your energy drained out from the powerful orgasm you just had from his fingers and tongue.
with the remaining energy that you had left in your body as gojo seemed to suck that away as well, you wrapped yourself around him before rolling over, now hovering above his body. gojo’s eyes widened in surpise from your sudden dominance, but he had no time to protest as you crashed your lips onto his. 
you sucked on his bottom lips before giving it a gentle bite, making him groan before opening his mouth as you slid your tongue inside. one of your hands trailed down his neck, all the way to his well-built abs that you brushed your fingers against.
gojo let out a whimper, your touch felt like a fire has been set off his flesh as he was burning in pure ecstacy. he felt your lips grazing on his neck before leaving open-mouthed kisses on his collarbones as you moved down to his nipples.
"y/n.." he breathed out as he felt your lips latch onto his nipple, taking it between your teeth before you gave it a soft kiss. your hand crept down, grabbing a hold of his thick and heavy cock. 
gojo swore under his breath, closing his eyes as you began to stroke his throbbing cock. it was huge, heavy and the tip was leaking with precum. your thumb began to gently caress his tip, smearing his precum as you continued to pump his cock a couple of times.
he buried his face in the crook of your neck, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he peppered kisses on the side of your face.
"feels good?" you asked but your voice was low like a whisper as the man nodded. he loved the feeling of your soft palms, that were undeniably smaller than his own hands, wrapped around his huge cock. your movements were just as teasing as his, shifting the pace from fast to slow just like how he did when fingering your pussy.
"so good, baby. but, i don't think i could wait any longer. i need to be inside you soon or else i'll go insane." he admitted, as he looked up at you with begging eyes, his face flushed red and sweaty. his shaky hands pulled your head down for another needy and wet kiss. 
"fuck me, pretty boy." you moaned onto his lips, feeling the tip of his cock rubbing against your folds, occasionally nudging your clit as he continued to do that a few times, getting his cock nicely lubed up with your slick.
he carefully caressed your head, flipping you both over so that he was now on top of you, letting you lay on the bed.
"try to relax, okay?" gojo softly spoke, his cock aligned with your hole. you nodded, hugging him as you tried holding him closer to you because not only did he act with you as delicately as possible but he was just so comforting in general.
he felt so warm and soft.
you felt him push his tip inside and already a stinging pain hit you, closing your eyes shut as you let out a groan. he was barely able to push in the fat mushroom tip of his lengthy cock. tears pricked your eyes, forgetting how big he was. gojo deciding to pause to give you some time to adjust to him again.
little by little, he managed to push about half of his cock inside your tight cunt. your fingers dug into the duvet, taking deep breaths. 
the man groaned from pleasure, feeling suffocated as your walls clamped onto his cock like no tomorrow. gojo felt like he could cum right then and there, your walls felt so soft and warm.
"shit." you breathed out, tears rolling down your eyes and he looked down at you in concern. he asked you if you wanted him to pull out but you quickly said no, firm on your decision that you just needed a minute to get used to it.
"tell me when you're ready, okay?" gojo carefully assured, catching your lips once again with his. a hand went to your clit as he began to stroke the twitching nub while you moaned into his mouth, distracted away from the pain of having half of his cock lodged into your wet cunt.
experimentally, he lightly began to buck his hips forwards while simultaneously rubbing your clit. you whimpered under him, eyes peering up to his before giving him half-lidded eyes.
"k-keep moving." you managed to tell him and that was the only thing he needed to hear before he pulled back out and entered his full length in one go, bottoming out. he began to thrust his full cock into your wet pussy. the squelching and wet noises of his balls that were now coated with your slick hitting against your ass filled the room.
gojo continued to drive his hips into yours, skin slapping against yours as his hands now grabbed onto your waist to increase his pace. he watched your tits move up and down due to the force of his movements, leaning down to suck and bite on your nipples.
your legs wrapped around his waist, locking him in place as your hands went to his hair, running through his messy white hair. his cock perfectly molded into your pussy, you were made for him. your legs began to shake, feeling his cock rubbing against your g-spot, the ridges of the veins of his cock deliciously caressing your wet walls.
countless number of moans were exiting out of both of your mouths, a single droplet of sweat trickling down the side of his forehead as you watched his face with adoration.
he was so adorable yet sexy at the same time. the way his eyebrows were furrowed together as he tried to loosen up your cunt that was forcing your walls to hug his cock too tight. but you eventually were able to relax, allowing gojo to bury his hard aching cock deep into your pussy as his thrusts remained sharp.
“s-satoru, f-fuck... feels so good!” you moaned out, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss filled with tongue and teeth. 
you felt the familiar build up in your lower abdomen, body trembling under him as he was able to sense that you were close.
"you wanna cum, baby?" gojo asked, placing soft and tender kisses on your lips as you were too focused on the feeling of his cock pistoning into your hole. you hummed in response, begging him to not stop.
"cum for me, y/n, please." he pleaded as he continued to thrust into you deeply, tip brushing against your cervix as you began to crumble in his hold. gojo’s hand grabbed yours before pinning it next to your head, intertwining his long fingers with yours. 
"fuck! i'm cumming-" you choked out, your eyes screwing shut as your body shuddered under him while you creamed around his cock. gojo felt your walls being welcomed with your warm cum, a ring of white forming at the base of his cock as he continued to fuck your through your own orgasm, chasing his high.
"fuck! gonna cum, god, i love you so much! love you so much, y/n!" he cried out, his hips slamming into yours as his movements became more sloppy, thick wads of cum painting your walls as you whimpered from the feeling of it.
the warm liquid filling your hole as he was in so much pleasure, not able to stop moving his cock inside your walls that were now coated with both his and your cum. gojo buried his face in the crook of your neck, placing small kisses and love bites on your shoulder as his hair tickled your face.
he carefully collapsed his body on top of yours, making sure to not put his full weight on you. the both of you tried to calm down from your highs, irregular breathing filled the room as a moment of silence graced the room. 
one hand stroked his hair while the other stroked his back, your legs still clamped around his narrow waist. gojo finally raised his head to look at you, a half-lidded smile dancing on his lips. 
“hey, princess.” that stupid nickname that always made you fold had butterflies swarm in your stomach once again. 
“hi, ‘toru.” you giggled at his playfulness, making a breathy laugh escape his lips as he kissed the tip of your nose. 
“let’s clean up before we both catch a cold.” gojo said, sitting up before pulling his cock out, making you wince from the lack of contact. he watched your hole pulsate, his cum spilling out as he gwaked at the sight. 
“you literally came your entire life’s worth inside me tonight.” you joked, making a blush creep up to his cheeks. 
“sorry, i couldn’t control myself.” he bashfully admitted, making you chuckle. 
both you and gojo cleaned up each other, finding dry clothes to wear before gojo helped you change the wet sheets into new ones. the feeling of fatigue washed over the both of you, dinner completely slipping out of your minds. 
you and gojo now were in bed together, you laying on his chest as his arm was wrapped around your waist. you listened to his heartbeat, counting them as you vividly remembered praying to god that you could hear it again. 
“i meant it, y/n.” gojo suddenly blurted out of the blue, making you hum in confusion. 
“what do you mean?” you asked, now looking up at him as he peered down at you. 
“i love you.” he confessed, making your heart skip a beat. you hugged his chest tighter, burying your face in his neck. 
“i love you too, satoru.” you smiled against his skin, pressing soft kisses on that sensitive area, making him giggle at the ticklish feeling. you rolled on top of him, straddling his waist as gojo held you. 
you both stayed like that for a while, until a heavy sigh left his lips. your eyebrows pinched together, looking at him with a puzzled look. 
“you wanna know suguru’s last words?” his words made your eyes widen, your head lifting as you looked at him with a shocked expression. 
“huh?” you were speechless at his sudden offer. 
“his last words was for me to tell you that he was in love with you, y/n. i didn’t wanna tell you because i was selfish towards my own feelings for you.” gojo looked to the side, shame washing over him as he couldn’t bear to meet your eyes. 
you could sense his guilt, but, you didn’t have the heart to punish him. 
you cupped his face, turning his head to face you. a warm smile was plastered on your lips, eyes softening as you looked at him with nothing but love and adoration. 
“satoru, it has always been you who made my heart flutter. whether you told me this three years ago, ten years ago or even later in the future; it would’ve never changed the fact that i love you and only you.” your voice was gentle and your words were tender, making his heart race. 
“y/n.. fuck, i love you so much.” he chewed on his lower lips, tears forming in his eyes as he pulled you down closer to his body. you stroked his hair before wiping his tears away, leaning down to pepper his face with many kisses. 
the world was cruel, but when you’re in the arms of the strongest sorcerer, it no longer felt that painful. 
after all, within every touch and every kiss, you made gojo satoru feel like he was breathing; like he was human again. 
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jakegasm · 1 year
who you belong to | jake sully
genre: smut ♢
pairing: jake sully x omatikaya!reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: jealous jake being mean?, spanking, vulgar language, crying, rough sex, 18+ (MINORS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT INTERACT)
brief info: jake just being jealous and also a meanie 👀
notes: this is my first smut in a loooooooooong time so pls go easy on me ;-; also shout out to my bestie who helped me write this @sinsandsuccubus , i love you bitch 🥺🤍
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You were growing restless.
Each morning was the same. Wake up, have breakfast, and sometimes if you’re lucky you’d get a quick kiss as a departing gift. Though some days he’d be gone before sunrise leaving you to wake up to an empty hammock that the two of you share. Unfortunately for you, this was one of those mornings. Huffing you carefully swung your legs from the hammock and set your way to getting things ready for breakfast, grabbing your basket you followed your usual route to your collection site.
The walk was peaceful you couldn’t lie. The crisp morning air filled your nose sending you into absolute bliss. You enjoyed morning walks like this, the quietness soothing you in ways you wished your mate would again. The irritation builds back into you as you thought about your mate, the lack of attention from him is becoming too much to bare. You understood his absence despite you hating every bit of it. Your mate was Toruk Makto, the new olo’eyktan. Your people thought highly of him, so you understood the new responsibilities that were set before him but yet you still found loneliness within your home. It sometimes vexed you when you saw others interacting with him. Getting his attention that you so badly yearned for, yet he still wouldn’t take the hint of your desperation for him. Your fingers picked the last of the fruits from the bushes and trees the dew from morning air coated your digits and palm. With ease, you picked up your freshly picked fruit swinging the basket to your side to rest on your hip. The walk back was a bit rocky due to the extra added weight, though it was manageable. You nodded your head at others, as the forest began to wake up sending them a warm smile as a greeting.
“Would you like some help with that?” Your head turned to the side to see a rather familiar face coming into view, your face lighting up with a smile.
“I am fine. Thank you for your kindness Zu’häi.” Your smile bared your teeth at him earning you a smile in return. You didn't know Zu’häi that well, the two of you only had small conversations here and there and you could not deny that the male was very helpful and kind for a young na’vi. His hands gently and securely grabbed the basket filled with fruit from your grasp giving your slightly reddened hip a break, easily holding the basket upon his shoulder his smile wider than ever.
“I insist. Please, guide the way.” The boy was persistent and you knew that so you decided it was best that you’d let him have his way, turning your back to him you guided the way back to your hut. It was nice of him to go out of his way to help you with your daily morning routine, so in return, you wanted to thank him for his kind gesture. You held the drape that covered the opening of your hut for him to enter instructing him to place the fruit by the makeshift table you had constructed for meals. Dusting his hands the boy once again smiled beamingly at you his hands now resting on his hips. You walked past him to one of the stumps that resided at the table and tugged his hand downwards to the seat next to you.
“Please sit. I will make breakfast for you, for your kindness towards me.”
“Oh no, that is fine. I just wanted to hel-”
“Sit Zu’häi.”
Your voice is more assertive and demanding now but, your eyes never left the fruit that your hands gently sliced and peeled. Quietness was filled between you two though it was a comfortable silence. Your eyes glanced up at him every now and then, his wide eyes filled with amazement as he sat in the olo’eyktan’s home. A smile crept up on your face as you sliced a fruit holding outwards in front of you and him. His face holding confusion at the gesture.
“Eat it, it is one of my favorites.” His face relaxed though you could still see that hesitation in his movements. Rolling your eyes playfully you gently pushed the fruit to his lips, his mouth opening slightly for the fruit to have easier access. “Bite.” You instructed and as quickly as you gave orders he followed. You watched his eyes light up brightly, the amber color even more vivid as the delightful taste of the juicy fruit melted among his palette.
“Oh my that is–”
“Amazing, I know. Here–” You pushed the bowl filled with the fruit towards him.
“Take it. Take it to your family. I have more than enough.”
“Oh no I can not–”
“I insist, Zu’häi.” You finished off with a comforting smile, a smile that reflected on to him as his hands gently grasped the bowl securing as you pushed it even more towards him, persistent with your offer.
“Oh, I didn’t know we were having guests this morning.” The voice of your mate is now the center of attention. The young na’vi sprung up from his seat nearly knocking all of his fruit out of the bowl. His hand nervously brings his fingers to his forehead to properly greet your mate.
“I was just leaving, sir.” Your mate’s eyes never left yours his face already telling you what he was thinking, after a while, you looked away rising from your seat to approach Zu’häi placing a hand on his arm. You felt his body slightly jump at the sudden gesture your face itching away a smile, out the side of your eye you could see your mate was growing irritated as you touched another in front of him your smile breaking through after seeing this.
“Zu’häi, enjoy the fruit. I will have more for next time you visit.” To tease a bit you gave his arm a soothing small rub before patting his back sending him on his way. The na’vi bowed slightly before quickly passing your mate basically running out of the hut to avoid the intimidation of the olo’eyktan. Eyes burned into the back of your head when you turned your heel to him, taking a seat and continuing your task beforehand. He stood there quietly his irritation radiating off of him as he shifted his weight in place. He watched your hands delicately cut and place the fruit onto a separate leaf carefully organizing them into place, he opened his mouth the speak but was quickly cut off by the sound of your voice.
“Sit, eat.” Pushing the leaf he watched you work on previously he noticed how your eyes never left your task and how your voice didn’t have the sweetness in it like it usually did. You were upset. And he knew it was all his fault. But his stubbornness wouldn’t have allowed him to admit that. Following instructions, he adjusted the brace that rested around his torso snapping it open to remove the piece of clothing before setting it aside next to him on the ground.
The two of you ate in silence, it was killing him that you merely spoke a word to him. His mind practically begged him to ask you about the events that occurred before his arrival. Picking his eyes up from his meal he watched your figure across from him, everything about you was angelic to him. You ate staring out the small cut of your hut the sunlight beaming on your skin hitting you at all the right angles. You were glowing. He hadn’t noticed how long he had been staring before your hands were clapping in front of him. Confused he snapped back into reality to realize that you were asking to take his leaf and that he wanted seconds. Denying the offer he gave his now empty leaf watching while you discarded the leaves and cleared the table. He observed your body closer this time, starting from your head to your toe. Your lips had just the right plump to them something he always loved imagining how it would feel to suck on them lightly or even nip at them. The curve of your breast which was currently covered by a neckpiece designed with red and white feathers gave him access to peek at your nipples that poked through every time you bent down slightly. His eyes traveled more down your body stopping at your hips, his eyes squinting when he noticed the red marks that resided on your hips. His hand wrapped around your hip the size of it securely holding it, a loud gasp escaped your mouth at the sudden action. His thumb grazed the spot tenderly careful enough not to hurt you in case it was causing you any type of pain. You were about to make a fuss until you studied his face, his eyebrows were scrunched together and his lips were slightly pursed.
“It is from the basket I was carrying earlier.” His eyes never left your hips the roughness from the pad of his thumb never leaving your skin. “Though Zu’häi came by to help me carry it.” His nose flared at this, the more you mentioned his name the more he felt the fire in him spread and grow bigger.
“Zu’häi huh?” Was all he could say biting the inside of his cheek, his irritation now turning into anger the more you two spoke about him. He knew the male all too well. He was olo’eyktan after all, he needed to know his people. Inside and out. This name you two spoke of whispered amongst people in the forest gossiping on how the male wanted you despite you already being mated. He had heard the male was determined and willing to sacrifice anything just to have you. But this isn’t what triggered him. He had caught wind with his own two ears of how the male wanted to mate you, every detail of your body explained, every position he’d want to put you in, and how much he wanted to implant his child within you. This is what set the fire ablaze within him. Jake knew he always had the upper hand when it came to you, though somehow as of lately he felt somewhat intimidated by the other male. Something that rarely ever happened. He needed to set the record straight, and let everyone know who you really belong to. You had only hummed a response to him ignoring how the grip on your hips got tighter, but not tight enough to keep you in place as you glide your way across the shared room. You felt his intimidating eyes bore into the back of your skull and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t bother you though you refused to acknowledge him and his death stare.
“What are your plans for today?” Clearing your throat you waited for a response while busying yourself with the folding of your blankets that were gifted to you by one of the elders. You heard him shift in his seat and shuffle with something you couldn’t make out. “Why was Zu’häi here?” He ignored your question, his curiosity now getting the best of him. His breathing now slowed and controlled as he tried his hardest to not raise his voice not even an octave to make you suspicious of the question, though his tone had already given away his frustration.
“The boy helped me when it was not needed, so I thanked him in return for a meal.” Your answer was solid and straightforward, though the thought of you two being in here alone knowing the male's intention sent his blood boiling at your cluelessness. “He likes you, ya know?” You only gave him a laugh in return shaking your head in denial. “He wants to mate you too.” The words that slipped past his lips sent his anger into overdrive, only this time you actually made eye contact with him. Your hands rested on your hips and your face scrunched up in confusion.
“Now why would you say that jake?”
“Because it’s the truth, I heard it for myself. I don’t want you talking to him anymore.” You scoffed at him clearly not believing anything he was saying to you, and boy did that finally flip the switch in him. Quickly he sprung up from his seat and approached you in a determined stride his body now looming over yours. Finally looking into his eyes you noticed the anger that swirled in them, you almost felt bad for him. Almost. Your previous nights and days of loneliness came flooding back to you, how you desperately yearned for him but were always met with a cold place in which he held.
“I do not care what you have to say about him. Zu’häi is a nice boy, I will continue to talk to him if I please.” You were about to walk off but a strong grip on your arm yanked you back into your place, the death grip on your arm burning. “I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.” His voice spoke lowly with a warning tone to it, he was fighting every ounce in his body to stop himself from finally snapping. “And I am telling you. I will continue to see Zu’häi if I ple-” your sentence was cut short by his quick and swift motion of pining you down face first on the woven hammock nearly knocking all the air out of your body from the sudden action. His grip on your arm never let up as he now rested it against your back while his body pressed fully into you. You wiggled in his hold but to no avail you couldn’t free yourself, his grip being too tight.
“I tried to be nice about it but you make everything so fucking difficult.” His words spit venom out at you while he admired how delightful the curve of your ass was propped up so nicely in the air for him to see. “Looks like i need to show you who you belong to.” He felt himself twitch just below his navel at the site, his other free hand smoothing over the skin of your ass tenderly before delivering a powerful smack to it followed by another tender caress. The repeated actions had you whimpering before him with tears pooling in your eyes not realizing how much this was actually turning you on, the last smack he delivered landed way too closely on your sensitive bud allowing a loud moan to erupt from you.
“Oh? You like getting spanked?” You shook your head vigorously though you knew he knew that you were lying, your dampened cloth proving it. His fingers traced the outline of your loincloth before hooking two fingers under and pulling to the side to reveal all of your glistening glory. He smiled to himself before leaning into you just enough for his chest to touch your back, his breath hitting your ear as he spoke to you. “You know I don’t like liars.” His fingers massaged gently between your folds while he spoke to you enjoying how you were writhing underneath him.
“What did I tell you what happens to liars?” He continued his middle and ring finger teasingly pushing at your entrance sending your brain into a frenzy. You mumbled out a response while desperately trying to relieve the ache that was getting too much for you to handle.
“I didn’t hear you babygirl, you have to speak louder than that.”
“They get punished!” You were basically yelling at him but you didn’t care, you were becoming an absolute complete mess under him. He hummed in satisfaction before leaning up again straightening his posture, your arm now being freed from his grip though he knew you weren’t going to try to run away. Not now anyway. In a blink of an eye, the cloth that shielded all of your wonders dropped at your feet, your body now out on full display for him. Watching your body exposed to him made him realize how long it's been since the last time you two had done anything like this. Definitely too long, that's for sure.
He was practically drooling over you when he used his thumbs to spread your folds watching as your hold clenched over nothing, his own ache now becoming too much to bear. Wasting no time he quickly undid his own loincloth letting it fall to the floor, his dick springing up hitting just the base of his lower belly grabbing ahold of his own length he gently teased and pushed at your entrance. “j-jake.” He ignored your pleas and continued his torture, you rocked your hips back just enough for his tip to slip in, a moan emitting from the both of you. His hands gripped your waist urgently to prevent you from moving back any further before pushing you off of him, your body fully sinking into the hammock.
“Don’t get too bold now baby, or you’re not gonna cum. I’m just going to use you like the toy you are for my own pleasure and leave you high and dry. Is that what you want?” He spoke with a grunt, placing his hand on the lower part of your back to hold you down.
You shook your head no, earning an immediate smack to the ass.
“Use your words.”
“No, what?”
“No sir.”
“Good girl.” He pulled you back into position by your hips, your back arched, breast pressed into the hammock.
“Spread it for me.” He spoke huskily, to which you rapidly moved your hands to your cheeks, pulling them apart as he moaned, running his tip over your slick.
He slipped into quickly, drawing moans from the both of you, before he pulled out, a “pop” sound coming from your pussy. He repeated the action, teasing you for what felt like hours, your hole clenching around nothing.
“Please… sir…. Fuck me please.” You moaned out, your body beginning to shake.
“Well, since you said please.” Jake slipped into your solidly, pounding you immediately at a fast pace, giving you no time to adjust to him.
The tip of his dick kissed your cervix, skin slapping sounds echoing through the room, alongside the wet sounds from your pussy.
“Push back into me.” He grunted, landing a hard smack on your ass. You followed his order, matching his speed as he fucked you, a hand slithering down to rub your clit.
That is, until he bent down and grabbed you by the throat, pulling you against his broad chest.
“You don’t touch yourself without my permission. This is MY pussy, MY clit. Do you understand me? You just carry it around for me.” He spoke, his grip getting tighter on your neck.
All you could do is moan and nod your head, Jake moving his hand from your neck to cross your chest, his other hand that rested on your hips now moving to your clit.
“Shit! Jake, please!.”
“Mhmm. Feels good doesn’t it. You wanna cum don’t you?”
“Apologize. Apologize to me and I’ll let you have it.”
“I’m sorry Jake, m’so sorry. It’ll never happen again. I promise.”
“And you won’t see Zu’häi again? Not even look his way?”
“y—y-yes! god, yes! I won’t i—i promise!”
“Mm, good girl. Now go ahead, cum for me.” And at his command you came, euphoria flooding your veins as you creamed all over his dick, him pushing you off of him to release on the small of your back.
“Fuck.” He grunted, running his hand up and down his shaft quickly. Your knees buckled underneath your brain completely turned into mush while you struggled to catch the breath that escaped your body. You felt the hot strings explode across your back before his chest collided with your back propping himself up to avoid putting all of his weight on you, his breathing rough and ragged.
“You okay?” he asked you puffing out spurts of air, you only nodded your head unable to form any words. With the little bit of strength he had left in him he carefully took a place behind you as he moved the both of you fully into the hammock, your face nuzzling into his chest listening to his heartbeat pound against his chest. You two lied there for a few moments not speaking a word, only this time the silence was peaceful.
“I’m serious about you not seeing Zu’häi. I don’t want it to happen again or ever.” His voice rumbled in his chest while your fingers danced along tracing shapes and words into his skin, your lip captivated by your teeth to hide your smile.
“You have my word.” And with that, the two of you decided to make the best of this moment and enjoy the peace and serenity of your embrace, letting all of the days duties drizzle away.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 7 months
DD part 2
Fem Reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber Driver
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**image is not mine, from a Google search, all credit to respective owners**
Plot- reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home.
Part 1 , Pt 3 1, Part 3 2, Part 4 , Part 5
T/W 18+ only, minors DNI, alcohol mentioned, mature language, implied masturbation, sexual fantasies, vomit, age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34)
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in this story so much that I decided to change it from a one shot to a series🖤
The following day...
You slowly rose from the dead at 2 pm with a hangover from hell, your stomach lopsided, prompting you to bolt to the toilet. After an unpleasant upchuck and rinsing with Listerine, you couldn't help but smile as you looked in the mirror, still shrouded in Miguel's oversized hoodie. You shuffled into the kitchen, cursing when you find out you're all out of bottled water. You pour yourself a tall glass from the tap and try your best to gulp it down without thinking about the weird metallic taste.
Last night's events slowly start coming back into focus. You were so obsessed with what happened with Miguel that you completely forgot it was due to your friends ditching you. You run back in your room, grunting in annoyance when you realize your dumb ass forgot to charge your phone overnight. You wait impatiently for the battery to creep up to 1% so you can turn it back on. Eager to see if Miguel tried to contact you after the encounter, somehow, some way. As your phone loads, your stomach drops in disappointment when you see that you have no notifications from Miguel, which turns to resentment when you realize your so-called friends didn't even bother trying to call or text you either to make sure you at least got home.
You sigh and flop back on the bed. You double check the Uber app and your heart rate increases when you see that you can report a "lost item" to get in contact again.
Noooo remember girl, let him come to you. Do you really wanna be the one that reaches out first when he turned down a kiss from you last night? But wait, he was a gentleman. Maybe he was just trying not to be an ass or give you the wrong idea since you were intoxicated...He literally wiped taco sauce from your mouth and licked it off his finger for fuck's sakes!
How could someone be so goddamn hot, kind, and gentlemanly at the same time? And what brought him to do all those things for you of all people?
You go to the help section of the app and realize that Miguel can't contact you. Since you're the rider, any personal info won't be shared with him besides your pickup and drop off location, unless you reach out about an issue.
Fuck me! You suddenly feel like you're in middle school again trying to talk to a cute guy.
For the love of God, do it!! Worst he can say is no? That's exactly what I'm scared of, dummy!
Oh no, it's ringing!
-----mini time jump backwards to that night-----
After dropping you off, Miguel arrived back to his apartment about 3 am, teeming with want for your soft skin. He laid down in his dark room with the lights off and flashes of you two together entered his mind.
Breathing into each other's mouths as if the heat between you was the only thing keeping each other warm. Marking you with little red and purple bites of love. Him grabbing your jaw with his fingers, while you desperately sputtered his name, not letting you look anywhere else but at him. Gentle sounds of your love ringing off the walls in varying volumes.
He pictured your beautiful face looking up at him while he murmured how beautiful you looked and what a goddess you were.
He imagined spending all night with you just like this, burning memories of your skin into his mind that he’d replay whenever he needed you like a faulty record.
His fists clenched in frustration. All of those fantasies would have came true if he wasn't such a fucking coward tonight.
After you two would have made love, he imagined taking care of you afterwards. Hearing your soft, beautiful voice as you two shared pillow talk while he planted wet kisses on your shoulder. Tracing every juncture over your collarbones and neck, sleeping naked together. Maybe letting things get heated in the bathroom one more time before washing each other's bodies afterwards.
Tiredness got the best of him and he drifted off to sleep, imagining you in his arms...
-----back to the following afternoon -----
Conchata O'Hara's heeled boots echoed down the marble hallway to Miguel's apartment, her 6 year old granddaughter, Gabriella in tow. Gabi was an adorable, soft spoken little girl. She was musing to her grandma about her friend Peyton's birthday party as they came up to Miguel's door. Conchata was a striking woman. If you saw her you could tell the lion's share of Miguel's good looks came from her. She could have been a former Miss Universe. She stood at 6'1, a long tan trenchcoat over a black turtle neck, with grey slacks, two chopsticks securing her greying raven hair in a bun as two stray wisps of hair grazed her face in front. Laugh lines adorning the corner of her eyes.
Miguel jerked awake when he heard his doorbell. He forgot to set his alarm for when his mother brought his daughter home from their sleepover. Conchata was always happy to watch her precious granddaughter while Miguel worked. Conchata's brow raised as she realized her son wasn't awake. Finally, Miguel opened the door, Gabi squealing in delight. "Daddy!"
"Hey, bumblebee!" Miguel scooped her up, hugging her tight. It was difficult to be away from her, even if he knew it was only because he needed to provide for them financially. Conchata smiled and walked in. Miguel gave his mom a kiss on the cheek, towering over her despite her height as well.
"Long night, mijo?" She asked in a regal voice.
"Ma.." Miguel sighed. She always treated him like a young boy instead of a grown man.
"I raised you better than this!" She tsked at the sight of dishes in the sink.
"Mama," Miguel said tiredly. "I was working until 3 am, I haven't had a chance to get to those." Conchata looked at him as if she was trying to see through him.
"Mija, why don't you go play in your room and get your Barbies." Gabi's eyes lit up and she giggled as she ran for her room.
"Did you have a girl over?"
Miguel sighed and looked at Gabi.
"Ma, please don't talk about that around Gabi..." Miguel said as he started to wash the dishes.
"You just seemed off." Conchata said. "What's going on in your head? I can never read you these days. I worry, you know."
"Maybe I did meet someone, ma."
Conchata's eyes widened and at that moment, Miguel's phone rang.
"Perdóname..Hello?" Miguel walks outside onto his balcony, shutting the sliding door on a bewildered Conchata.
Your voice sunk to the bottom of your stomach when you heard Miguel's attractive voice on the other line.
"Hi, Miguel, it's me, y/n from last night..."
Miguel's face started to turn into a smile. "Hey, it's so good to hear from you. Are you feeling better this morning?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. Thanks so much again, I mean, for everything. I just had to tell you that."
"Well, of course. It's my pleasure to do that for you."
There was a long, painful, pregnant pause.
"Is..that all you wanted to tell me?" He asked softly.
"Well...I mean, yeah pretty much you know I just felt bad and..
Your heart stops at the sound of your name.
"I enjoyed our time together last night and, if you're open to it, I'd like to get to know you better. Can I take you out sometime?"
You felt your internal organs do a victory dance. "Oh, YEAH, I mean, I'd love that. When would you like to?"
Miguel thought for a moment. "Would Wednesday night work? It's a little strange, I know. My schedule is kind of hectic. But maybe we could grab dinner. Do you like Italian food?"
"I do! Wednesday sounds great!" You say without checking your schedule.
You two exchange numbers and make plans to meet Wednesday night. Once you both hang up you're both experiencing a mixture of giddiness, relief and anticipation for your first date.
Wednesday couldn't come soon enough.
Thank you for reading! Pt 3 coming soon 🖤
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