#like back in the 80s-90s
spirkbitch · 10 months
everyone else might already know this but i just think it’s funny that canonically The Cage takes place in 2254, so over 10 years before the start of Kirks first 5 year mission as captain. while SNW takes place around 2258-2260
(with the reveal of Carol Marcus being pregnant it would make most sense for it to be 2259 seeing as TSFS takes place in 2285, which would make David Marcus 25 at the time that movie takes place)
anyways, then the beginning of TOS is in 2265, and here’s a visual representation of why i find that funny (using spock as an example because he’s my favorite)
Spock and Pike circa 2254
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Spock and Pike circa ~2258
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and then back to Spock looking like this in TOS circa 2265 (Where No Man Has Gone Before was the second pilot but The Man Trap aired first so idk which takes place first in canon so here’s both)
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also i know most people are probably just gonna ignore it but i would love to see an in-universe explanation for why the hair and clothing styles changed so much between snw and tos.
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spkyart · 2 years
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Ranma 1/2
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magicraygun · 3 months
(raygun learned how tumblr reblog formatting works edition)
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El Flamingo
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some miscellaneous thumbnails:
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some cover drafts:
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a villain:
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and a resolution.
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seeminglydark · 6 months
'i like everything but country music' my pal youre missing out on songs about a guy being in love with his pickup truck and some of the most whacked out satirical epics ever told.
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aquato-family-circus · 2 months
helmut being reintroduced to the current state of the queer community by the interns, and hes really delighted by pride flag colors, like aesthetically, he needs the baker flag colors painted onto his van immediately since theyre fixing the old thing up soon anyways
imagine the van with brighter retouching to the orange and flowers and then a cool rainbow zip of lines like around the boarder of the van's bottom like around the wheels and stuff. hes looking so cool and gay with it hes excited
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heckyeahponyscans · 7 months
I think the reason people have so much nostalgia for 80s and 90s Barbie--even collectors who were too young to have actually had them--is the material and tailoring of her clothing was better than on modern Barbie.
If there was a giant tub of 80s Barbies and a giant tub of modern Barbies and I randomly grabbed one doll for each then, yeah, I think the odds are that I would find the 80s Barbie more technically impressive.
But looking at Barbie as an entire line, something about her 80s toys feels so . . . elderly. Like an old person's conception of female beauty and fashion, as informed by southern beauty pageants.
It is completely unsurprising to me that Bratz ground Barbie's face into the dirt with their oversize feet when they debuted.
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nympippi · 1 year
The Ghost Boys and Finney would absolutely dominate paintball.
They would be in teams red is Robin, Finney, and Griffin. Blue is Vance, Bruce, and Paperboy!
Griffin would probably make paint bombs, and camouflage,
Vance and Robin would steamroll their way through the game,
Bruce would outrun everyone and their guns,
Finney would outsmart people with traps or use the environment to his advantage,
and I think Paperboy would be a very proficient sharpshooter mainly because I think his dad would take him hunting, and he would use anywhere high up as a vantage point.
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aaandbackstabbed · 29 days
Goldie needs to be able to one up Scrooge (it’s practically an addiction). So when the twins arrived and she hated them she needed a new approach. And she already had stocks in Scrooges business and maybe she’s been neglecting them sooo perhaps she should pay some special attention.
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vaard · 1 year
I don’t know where my art oomph went, but I’ve barely drawn all year and I would like for it to come back soon.
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goodbyealbert · 8 months
I literally never post here 💀
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have this old 80s or 90s Nintendo ad
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creepyscritches · 2 months
My mom is going on a cruise w her bestie to a lot of European countries she's not seen yet (hasn't been to/lived in Europe or Africa since shortly before I was born). She asked me what gift I'd like and tbh I just really loooooove spices and flavors I dont have the opportunity to discover/try here, but like 🤔 not sure if customs would bar her from bringing spices home. Maybe a cool rock or smth instead as I seem to be collecting small stone animals when I travel lately
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Two months ago I spent a whole day hyper focusing on designing a red dwarf bullet journal and today it arrived! :)
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monkee-mobile · 12 days
it’s the 90s in my monkee universe where davy lost his mom young like he did irl and they are watching the land before time because, yknow it seemed like a cool newer movie and peter LOVES don bluth films so they happened to pick it up from a video store after it left theaters so they’re all at home on the couch snuggled up and then they get to the scene where the sharp tooth attacks and mike sees it coming and has a hand on davys arm immediately and sure enough theres a dying mother scene.
davy stiffens a bit but says he’s fine and so mike squeezes davys hand a bit but then eventually davy starts to sniffle and mikes like “okay that’s it micky pause it.” and despite it having been so many years since his mom passed and him having been so young at the time, something still hits davy, especially seeing a kid in denial that his mom is going away because he just assumed she’d always be there!
but davy is determined to push past most of his babyish ways of the past so he keeps assuring mike (who is holding his face and looking into his eyes) that he’s fine between breaths. but mike is in full mumma mode because davy became his baby forever and always, and they turn the film back on and it’s all fine but mike holds davy extra tight and snuggles up to him throughout the rest of the watch and davy can’t help but push himself into mike and cling onto his shirt because mike is there for him and he does love him so much.
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bobmckenzie · 24 days
I'm actually so curious which of my f/os have the least screen time... off the top of my head I'm almost positive Joe would be in last 😭😭 then either Ted or Clark. and if we're going by who has the least LINES then I think Clark would be in last... THE MAN IS SO QUIET...
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leahthedreamer · 9 months
I don’t think I’ve said it on here before but why didn’t ice dance teams immediately jump to use 80’s movie soundtracks instead of terribly editing the same 5 songs for the rhythm dance.
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seenthisepisode · 4 months
i need help to manage my budget... by help i mean 3 million euro sent directly from heaven i guess
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