#like bye mom I’m going off to school except I’m gonna spend half the school year hunting huge monsters and taking down gangs!
feitanswife · 2 years
Clavell: hello I came to deliver your paperwork, I’m sorry for forgetting to send it
My mom, who had no idea this guy was even coming over: Paige go get ready for school I have things I need to talk with the director about
I see you mom. And I don’t blame you one bit.
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seostudios · 4 years
mark’s dad.
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pairing: johnny x fem!readr
genre: fluff + smut (like little angst) info: dilf!johnny, son!mark, best-friend!mark, aged-up!johnny warnings: age gap, unprotected sex, masturbation (fem) wc: 2.1k
note: hi i wrote this on my phone at like 1-3 in the morning... sorry if it’s bad but i wanted to put out something! i hope you guys enjoy it though cause dilf!johnny is so sexy
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i think my son ditched you for haechan today, dear.” mr.suh informed you as you stood respectively in front of him, wearing an oversized sweater and basketball shorts. “aw man, i drove all this way for a movie with mark, and he ditched me for his other best friend...” you quietly sneer, the obvious jealously making an appearance. johnny chuckled, hands resting on his hips. he felt bad you came all this way for a simple movie night. “how about this?” your eyes look up, to the terrifyingly good looking man. “i will treat you to a movie and popcorn!” he suggested, knowing very damn well he’s going out of his way to possibly spend time with his son’s best friend, who he has known since they were sewed to the hip in sophomore year, now in university. “i-i don’t think that’s be appropriate,” “why? because i’d like to spend time and get to know the friend and possible love interest of my son? i don’t see any harm in that. i’ll get my coat.” he quickly responded, saving himself.
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you knew he said you’d watch a movie together but you didn’t expect to get yourself two tickets to go watch a movie at an actual theatre. “that was amazing mr.suh-“ johnny looks down at your tiny figure holding the popcorn, “-i mean johnny!” if you’re being honest now, it was really nice getting to know johnny, besides the age difference and the possible complications with your amazing friendship with his son, you liked him. making your way over to his car, you listen on as he rambles about how he hasn’t this much of an outing since mark was in high school. “now he’s clinging onto me like we’re dudes, like i’m his dad not his bro.” he laughed, starting the car. “that’s so sweet though!! my mom never gave an effort to trying to be my friend even when i tried,” although you kind of party pooped the mood, you can literally reverse uno it right there. “but whatever!! she still brings me shopping which is good enough,”
nearing midnight and you know god damn well your mom would’ve killed you if she knew you took a taxi home alone in the middle of the night. johnny picked up on this, and even if he saw you in a new light today, a light which could possibly ruin his relationship with his son and a possible one with you, he couldn’t have let you home alone. “you know what? marks sleeping over at haechan’s anyway. i’ll call your mom and tell her you should stay over.” nodding, you let yourself in and up into his (messy) bedroom.
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“hope you enjoy peanut butter and jelly for dinner, i kind of forgot to buy groceries...” johnny said handing you a plate of mini sandwiches. you mutter a quick thanks before digging in. tonight you saw johnny not as mr.suh but as johnny, the hot ass mother fucking dilf of the neighbourhood. you thought you were just a regular teenager to him, but you thought wrong. feeling his gaze on your exposed neck, lips. how his breathing would quicken whenever you leaned in to grab another sandwich. “wanna watch america’s got talent?” you asked pointing towards the couch. he shrugs agreeing, “why not?”
you had insisted on cleaning the dishes, i mean it was the least you could do. “so what’s the point of this whole show? to humiliate people or actually scout out people?!” johnny questioned staring at the screen, not noticing how you went from being on opposite ends of the couch to being almost inches away. should you initiate something? no, that would be overstepping into something erasable.
“this is so wrong,” you tell yourself before abruptly standing up. johnny turns his attention to you, trying to foreshadow your next moves. however, he didn’t expect for you to turn back around and straddle on his lap, “whoa..” he said, gripping onto your hips. “i want you.” his mind goes blur momentarily, “i-i cant, your my son’s best friend...” god, you looked so hot with your shorts bunched up as far as they could as you slowly grinder down onto his (huge) clothed cock. “fu..fuck,” he moans aloud, pushing all thoughts aside except for the one that kept telling him to ruin you tonight. the night was going better than planned, since you were in straddled on a topless johnny with only your bra and shorts on... probably a good twenty five minutes into kiss play, but mark chose the best time to unintentionally cockblock you and his dad. “y/n!!”mark shouted through the phone loud enough for johnny to hear (and the speaker wasn’t even on!) “yes markie?” you cooed, using one hand to speak on the phone and the other to signal johnny to keep it quiet. your hands trailed overtop your breasts, cupping them through your bra and pinching your hardened nipples, soon bringing your cold fingers down to the waistband of your shorts. “it’s fine. we can always watch a movie next weekend, i literally see you everyday! go hang out with hyuck,” you encouraged. past the waistband and under the hello kitty panties your hand comes in contact with your sensitive (dripping) folds. “a-ah, m..mark i gotta go...” “are you getting laid or something? i’m out.” he quickly ends the phone and you made sure to turn on ‘do not disturb’ incase he calls again.
“go on, i’ll watch.” johnny said seductively observing you as you toyed with your sensitive clot. “i’m close johnny!” you quietly moan into his ear, rubbing faster. “cum on your fingers, now.” he ordered, feeling you twitch underneath him, grinding as you had an orgasm. “dirty girl...” he groans watching you pull your fingers up to suck dry. now, you were a filthy girl, tasting yourself without being told to, cumming in your panties which you knew damn might have to force you to go commando tonight in marks bed. it was like a slap in the face when johnny lifted you up to stand, “it’s late. i- we should head to bed... i can give you some new shorts... since you know,” he quickly stammered before swiping his shirt off the floor, heading upstairs.
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it was almost nine in the morning when you woke up, you knew johnny woke up around seven to eight so the sizzling smell of bacon wasn’t just some evil mind games. after last night, you felt, intense shame and guilt. did you seriously just betray your best friend for a lousy orgasm you could’ve done alone in the bathroom. “your up! i made breakfast, go ahead and dig in, i’m just gonna be cleaning up my bedroom.” he sounded as if you didn’t cum all over his lap not even 12 hours ago, but i guess he shouldn’t dwell in the past especially this time.
“mr.suh! my mom’s here! thank you... goodbye!” you shout from the front door. “anytime! bye!” he replies before you jolt out the door.
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it’s been a couple days and johnny hasn’t left your mind. you always think about what stopped him, was it the age? your friendship with mark? that fucking phone call? johnny and you that night was like no other, you saw him for johnny, not mr.suh and it made your panties soak at every thought. how his ink black hair is always combed and in the most attractive middle part, how his broad should could feel when you hold yourself while being railed by his enormous cock. it was big, would it even fit? you’ve been with men before but the bulge you felt poking you in then thigh was something else compared to the other men.
you roamed his mind freely too. spending his day drinking hours, pondering over you, will you just slap him in the face and let him know you want him and you don’t care? he hopes. but it’s wrong. “dad! y/n’s coming over to study today,” mark shouted running down the stairs to his father. “so don’t snatch her up and take her away for a movie date, we got an exam this monday.” he said nonchalantly, the mention of their little outing slipping oh too casually. “w-what?” he asked surprised. “yeah yeah, i know about your little date and hook up” “- we didn’t hook up.” johnny interrupted, “well whatever you were doing for her to end my phone call like that,” he goes to the fridge to grab some milk, “so...” johnny said, eager on his son’s say on this. “so..? do you want me to be mad, dad?” i was lying if i said johnny was chill now... “no!!!!” he shouted, which earns a couple laughs from mark. “hey, dad,” mark sits down infront of his father. “it’s okay, y/n probably likes you back so you can do whatever you want with her, except hurt her cause i’ll kill you.” he deadpans before letting him off with a laugh. “so she can be your new mom for all you care?” he asked, playfully of course, waiting for the “hell no” and “what the fuck dad?!” to come but... “i mean she bags and tells me what to do, she helps me with school, laundry and chicks so... i don’t see why not,”
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ding ding ding ding ding ding now what? hopping off the bean bag you were binge watching the office on, you head over to the door, not caring what you look like, just shut up to whoever had the audacity to spam a doorbell. “hello?!” you look up, “hey y/n,” johnny said with a small daisy in his hand.
“let me be your boyfriend,”
“what about mark?” you asked, staring at your feet wiggle in anticipation. hoping he’d tell you he doesn’t care and we could do whatever we wanted to. “funny you asked, he said for all he cares you could be his step mom.” you threw your head back laughing “he what?! no he didn’t....” the laughter dies down soon enough to get back to seriously listening in on what he has to say but did mark really not care? “your girlfriend huh?” you asked, raising a brow. he nodded. johnny proceeds to take the daisy and place it behind your ear, “you look like shit, but that is sexy as fuck.” he said, caressing your cheek before leaning in to place a peck on your lips.
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“i don’t get why you drove half an hour here to say that, when i was already coming over to study.” you tell your boyfriend, johnny, as your backs his mattress. it was seriously an eventful day, wasn’t it? “i thought i should be romantic,” he shrugged turning to his side to wrap his large arms around your waist pulling you in closer. “i like this...” he mumbled into your hair, slowly drifting off to sleep.
“are you falling asleep?! we need to leave in ten minutes!!” you shouted, attempting to free yourself from his hold but he was knocked out and not letting go any time soon. “i hate you.” “i think it’s the quiet opposite y/n dear,” he replied, burying himself in the blanket, bringing you with him. “now let’s take a quick nap, mark can wait,” you sigh in defeat, “okay fine... twenty minutes!”
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five months later, and you couldn’t believe having a relationship with your best friends dad was oddly working out perfectly. “johnny! fuck! baby your so good!” you whine as he penetrates into you against the wall. your legs wrapped around his waist as his cock rubs around your g-spot stimulating you into your third orgasm of that night. mark had recently gone travelling with jeno for fun so that meant you and johnny could’ve have your own fun in the empty house. “you can cum for me one more time can’t you?” he begged, placing you on the kitchen counter, kissing down your stomach. “answer me...” he sucks harhly on your clit. “yes! i can!!” you whined, squirming feeling johnny licking up your juicie; which sure as hell was mixed with his own cum, lapping his tongue around until you were shaking under his mouth and curling your toes to his mouth’s magic. “i’m- i’m cumming!!” you scream, releasing your juices onto the man’s face. “my favourite meal of the day.” he playfully joked before pinching your nipple. “tired?” he asked, as if he hadn’t been using you as a cum dump for hours. “mhm,” you reply opening your arms for him to carry you up, because “no way in hell am i walking up the stairs today after being railed by a monster cock.” you said snorting with a laugh. nonetheless, johnny swoops you up and gracefully carried you up and into his bed, “we can clean up tomorrow, let’s sleep now.” he said, feeling you wrap around him like a koala. “mmm goodnight... i love you,” you said in the crock of his neck, right below his ear before drifting off, “love you too,”
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purekesseltrash · 3 years
Chapter 12 of Bury Them Deep, the final chapter, is out!
Fave Excerpt:
Mezou jammed his hands inside of his coat pockets, unsure of what to say or even do besides grin like an idiot.  Tokoyami came to a stop finally and stared at Mezou, mouth open as if he was about to speak.  He gaped for a moment more before a distinctly annoyed look came across his features.  “Fuck,” he hissed, “I had a whole speech that I was thinking up on the way here and suddenly I have found my mind to be a blank slate.”
Mezou laughed, unable to help himself, “I don’t need speeches.”
Tokoyami stepped forward to grab at Mezou’s coat, his grip firm and his face honest, “You deserve them.  I fear I am an incurable romantic and this is simply how I function.  But my words have fled like cowards and the only part of the speech that I can remember is this, but it is the important part.  Let me take you on a date.  A real one.”
“I’d like that,” Mezou said softly.
Fun Facts:
- Hand to god, I had not decided on names for all of Shouji’s siblings until I had to write them.  Thank you, Japanese Name Generator.  Though Makoto is another Sailor Moon reference.  I also had not know that Shouji’s mom was where he got his artistic eye from, though I am glad for it.
- My favorite Hip song is ‘Lake Fever’ or ‘Scared’.  I thought that the lyric in Lake Fever was ‘You whispered Courage’ for the longest time, legitimately until I checked the lyrics to write the pivotal fucking scene only to find out that no, it was ‘hurry’.  It all worked out, thank GOD.
- IDK if anyone noticed, but I ship them as Tokoshouji, as opposed to Shoutoko.  I like the idea of Tokoyami being one taking the initiative better and it seems to fit his character anyway.  I don’t see this dynamic often and it drives me nuts because I could write an ESSAY on why it works so well.  Idk.
- Not even gonna lie, the last Mic segment made me cry.  It was like my final good bye to everyone reading, it’s personal.  And it’s basically me peeking out there, as opposed to just Mic.  For all of hockey’s shitty aspects, it’s the best game in the world.  I love it and I want it to be good and I will do what I can to make it be good.
More stuff under the read more about my future plans with this universe:
- So I have written a chapter and a half of an Erasermic prequel, basically telling the story of what happened when Shouta retired and ended up drugged to the gills and numb to the world at Hizashi’s doorstep, despite the two of them not having seen each other in legitimately over 10 years.
- I also have a side story of Kirishima and Bakugou, both with an idea of how they got together as well as what happens to them when they get to the NHL.  (Spoilers:  Kirishima does not have a good time as the first out and gay NHLer.  He basically gets buried in the minors despite being legitimately good.  Eventually he finally quits hockey way too young.  Bakugou meanwhile is a generational talent and is legit too good to bury in the minors.  When Kirishima retires, Bakugou flies to Tokoyami and Shouji’s house, where Kirishima is licking his wounds, and is like ‘Marry me.’  Kirishima tells him that he’s only going to say yes if Bakugou proposes with a Cup ring and Bakugou is like ‘Bet’.
- I also have one in mind on Ojiro and Shinsou.  They had an amicable breakup when they graduated, both understanding that the life of a hockey wife wasn’t gonna work for Ojiro.  Ojiro went on to meet a super cool alt girl through the info sec community and they got married and had a daughter.  They end up splitting up amicably when their daughter is around 7 and split custody without much of an issue.  Ojiro works remotely and lives in what is basically a lake cabin up in northern Minnesota.  He and Shinsou have kept in touch and when Shinsou finally retires, he comes to visit Ojiro.  The fic would go over them meeting up again.
- And then, of course, there’s Shouji and Tokoyami.
They get their shitty apartment in Atlanta.  Kenta helps them with the deposit and also goes with Shouji as he tries to find one.  Shouji ends up getting taken on by Orca, a buddy of Loder’s who generally doesn’t take Midwestern farm boys on as apprentices but he makes an exception, despite the fact that his work very afro centric.  Shouji is a nice guy though and a damned hard worker and has a good eye so Orca keeps him on for a long while.  Shouji still ends up picking up a bunch of odd jobs here and there, mostly grunt work like putting up drywall, but it gets him and Tokoyami through the absolute agony that is legal school.
Tokoyami goes into intellectual property law.  He knows how much work goes in to art and creative stuff and he wants to protect people like Shouji.  He ends up making a pretty nice living and they’re able to pay off the credit card debt that they accumulated during Tokoyami going through law school.  Shouji actually starts doing pretty well for himself too, mostly with his pottery but still with some sculpture.  Eventually Tokoyami proposes that they move to Raleigh, both because it makes sense for both of them and their jobs and well... because they have a hockey team.
Shouji never gave up hockey.  He had some years right after college where he did struggle to even look at his gear.  He had told his parents that he was gay and not going to the NHL over the phone as they were planning to come to his graduation, because he just couldn’t take them wasting money when he knew that they would never want to talk to him again.  Unfortunately, he was right.  Kenta still came to his graduation though and had two bullhorns that he slammed the entire time that Shouji was accepting his diploma.  He even brought Shouji his own pride flag and insisted on taking a picture with him holding it.  He posted the picture on his facebook with a very bold pronouncement that he was very proud of the first Shouji to get a college degree and how anyone that had a problem with his little brother could take it up with Kenta.  Still, Shouji went through some real mourning with the loss of his family and he took a small break.
But then he came back to it, once they started to get a little extra spending money.  He found a beer league group in Atlanta and started to really get back into the game, researching ways to improve in his downtime.  It got a little weird sometimes at the beer league games because sometimes Shouji would forget that he’d decided to wear eyeshadow or would forget that he had on entirely wrong undergarments but everyone accepts that goalies are weird so it was accepted.  Eventually he ends up having people ask him to coach for their kids, which he is loathe to do until Tokoyami points out that it’s better than Shouji do it, as someone who knows how damaging expectations and pressure can be, than anyone else.  So that becomes a little part time job of his.
Everything isn’t perfect for Shouji and Tokoyami.  Nothing is perfect.  Tokoyami is a borderline hoarder and Shouji can’t stand mess and that causes them to fight enough that they wisely seek counselling. But they’re happy.  Tokoyami eases up on the goth stuff and accepts his accent a bit more, though he still dresses in dark colors, especially for court.  Shouji actually gets to play around a little with the whole genderqueer thing and makes up for the time that he spent avoiding anything that would make him seem too gay.  And they still work really well together, becoming the pair that everyone from college kind of groans at, because they’re so ridiculously in love, but also envies.
They get season tickets to the Carolina Hurricaines.  You’ll see them with Tokoyami in a Devils jersey and Shouji with one of many from his massive collection.  Tokoyami will make comments here and there during the game, showing that he does actually listen when Shouji talks about goalie stuff and they only ever miss a game for gallery openings or work events.  Otherwise, they are there in their seats, holding hands and watching the game.
Feel free to ask me any questions!  I’m more than happy to talk about this, if you couldn’t tell.  (Also, I do have some half written smut so uh.... yeah.)
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let-it-raines · 4 years
What a Lie We’re In (1/3)
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All Emma was doing was trying to be nice. Her roommate didn’t have anywhere to go, so she invited him home for the holidays. She thought it would be fine and Killian would be a good buffer for a week at home with her parents. That is until her ex-boyfriend showed up, and while she was freaking out, Killian told him they were dating.
That would have been fine except her parents overheard it.
(A Christmas Fake Dating AU)
Rating: Mature 
a/n: What? A holiday fake dating story? So original, you say? No one has ever done it before? Especially not me. lol. Forget all of that, and let’s jump into this trope-a-palooza of a holiday story!
Big thank you to @resident-of-storybrooke for reading over this and convincing me that I still know how to write ❤️
ao3: | HERE |
“Did you eat all of my candy?”
Emma opens another cabinet, looking inside to the wine glasses and tumblers, before closing it. She’s been keeping her bag of candy in the cabinet where they keep their plates and bowls, hidden at the very top behind some reusable water bottles. Killian is a healthy eater, always stocking the fridge with fruits and vegetables and food she doesn’t think is actually real food, so she didn’t think she had to hide her junk food that well.
Hide it, yes. Hide it well, no.
Until now.
“What was that, love?”
Emma slams another cabinet closed and turns to look at Killian. He’s walking out of the bathroom, chest still damp, and only has a white towel wrapped around his waist. When he first moved into the apartment six months ago after Ruby abandoned Emma to go live with Dorothy (live with, get married to, same thing), Emma was taken aback by the lack of clothes wearing Killian partakes in. He’s an attractive man. She’s not blind. He goes to the gym as often as she does, but mostly, he spends a lot of time doing heavy lifting at his job as a contractor since he apparently likes to be hands-on, literally. His body is toned, and the son of the bitch knows it. He also knows he’s got the face to be able to get away with a lot of…well, a lot.
At first, it was all disconcerting, but now, he could walk around with his dick out and Emma wouldn’t care.
What she cares about is where her candy is. That’s the real priority. But she knows Killian will try to use his lack of clothes to distract her. Never worked in the past, not gonna work now, bud.
“My candy,” Emma repeats. “Where is it?”
He wipes behind his ear with the small towel in his hand. “I wouldn’t touch the stuff. You don’t like the good candy.��
“Well, my good candy has been moved, and we’re the only two people who live here.”
Emma places her hands on her hips, staring him down hoping he will somehow be intimidated by her stare and fess up to everything. He won’t be, but Emma can try. They both have their tactics.
Killian clicks his tongue. “What about the fellow you brought home last week?”
“Do you mean the plumber?”
“Was that who he was?”
“You know I don’t bring guys back here.” Emma moves from the counter and opens the fridge, taking out a handful of grapes from the fridge. She probably needs to eat some of them and not candy anyway. As she pops one into her mouth, that’s when it clicks. “Your girlfriend ate my candy, didn’t she?”
He scoffs and keeps drying his hair, but she sees the way he scratches his ear. Gotcha, Jones. “I don’t believe I have a girlfriend.”
“What? Tink break up with you because you wouldn’t let her eat dessert on your dates? Wait, I heard it. Don’t make it dirty.” Killian walks toward her, getting in her space, and she knows him well enough to know he wants her to flinch, to move, to stop her line of questioning. That’s exactly why she doesn’t want to. Emma pops another grape in her mouth. “Did you eat my candy? Was it your way of wallowing? It’s okay if you did. I’ll take another bag for payment.”
“For your information, Swan,” he whispers as he places his hand on her hip, “we are no longer seeing each other, but it was mutual. She did, however, eat your candy when she was last here. If you really want to know, we used it to – ”
“Stop,” Emma groans, pushing him away and running to the other side of the kitchen. “Nope. Don’t take that any further. Some things should be left private.”
His head tilts back as he laughs, the underside of his jaw black with stubble, and then he’s reaching into the cabinet above the fridge and tossing her the bag of sweets.
“I hid it after Will and Rob found it while we were playing cards last night. Will nearly went through all your milk duds before I realized what was happening.” He raises his brow. “You have something you want to say to me?”
Emma knows what he’s aiming for, and she isn’t going to give it to him.
“Yeah,” Emma says, “you need a thicker towel. I don’t think you want people seeing you when you look like…that.” She nods her head down and then picks up a handful of Kit Kats. “I gotta go to work.”
“Off to die inside at your cubicle, love?”
“Oh, you know it.”
Emma grabs her purse and unlocks the door only to hear Killian speak. “It’s December. How do you still have Halloween candy leftover?”
Emma shrugs. “I bought one bag to pass out to kids, two bags for me.”
“Bloody brilliant.”
“I do what I can. See you tonight. I’ll try not to wake you up from your nap when I come in.”
“That would be the least you could do.”
Emma rolls her eyes, but then she’s officially walking out the door of her apartment and down toward the elevator, a Kit Kat bar hanging out of the side of her mouth.
The thing about Killian Jones is that he’s simple to her.
He likes his friends, his job, his rum, and his women. There’s not much else to him, and Emma is okay with that. While her last roommate was her best friend, this one doesn’t have to be. He can just be a guy who pays the bills so she can keep living in a nice place and who, on occasion, talks shit about other people with her while they binge watch TV.
That’s all she needs.
And all and all, Killian Jones is a…fine roommate. Yeah, fine is an accurate way to describe him at least eighty percent of the time.
Even if she does get annoyed when he brings his dates home. But that’s only because it’s always on the nights she plans on going to bed early, and the noise of other people being around keeps her from catching up on sleep.
Emma is not one to mess around on sleep.
But yeah, he’s fine. Annoying as hell over half the time, but he’s fine in the small dosages she sees him in. He works odd hours, isn’t always on the job, and she is stuck with regular hours in her office. There’s not a lot of glory in working HR for a small engineering company, but that’s what happens when you make dumbass decisions like Emma did. She’s lucky she has a stable job. She’ll try not to complain too much about it.
That’s what she tells herself every morning when she sits in her car and stares at the drab brick building.
Money. She has to make money.
And hey, she gets almost an entire week off for Christmas next week, and that’s fucking incredible, even if she does have to spend it in her hometown with her parents and their Hallmark-like attitude toward the holiday and the events it puts on. Her mom is a teacher at the elementary school and produces the Christmas play every year while her dad is a vet and outfits all his patients in little holiday bandanas and bows. He even has a tree in his office decorated with bone ornaments.
It’s…a lot. But it’s family, and as Emma stares at this building that’s sucking the life out of her, she can’t wait to have a change of pace and some home-cooked meals, even if there are as many downsides as upsides to going home. Her Kit Kat bars aren’t giving her the nutrients she knows she needs.
Being an adult is not all it’s cracked up to be sometimes, especially when going home for the holidays is seen as more of a burden than a gift with a fancy bow on top. It’s more like that turkey that dries up and falls to pieces in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
Well, that and the squirrel crashing every decoration in the house.
Happy holidays.
“Nah, mate, I don’t have any plans.”
Emma quietly puts her keys down on the table next to her front door, laying her purse down with it, and she kicks her boots off until they topple over each other and lay in the middle of the hallway. She can hear Killian talking, and it gets even louder when she walks into the kitchen and turns on the coffee maker.
“No, no, well, you know, I rarely do anything, not since Liam.” There’s a pause as the coffee begins to percolate and Emma grabs another Kit Kat from her bag. “I went home with Milah once, but that was years ago…no, mate, it’s alright. I don’t mind staying here by myself…yeah, I think Emma is going home to her parents.”
And that’s when she realizes what Killian is talking about.
Christmas plans.
He doesn’t have any. Emma didn’t know that. She didn’t really bother to ask. She doesn’t bother to ask much of Killian. She picks up pieces here and there, as she’s sure he does to her, but they mind their own business.
He doesn’t have a family to go home to? She knows he’s originally from England, but still. There must be someone.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Killian says. “I promise if I need anything, I’ll let you know. Alright, bye Scarlet.”
The coffee finishes, and Emma picks the pot up and starts pouring, filling her large mug halfway before getting hazelnut creamer out of the fridge and making the coffee drinkable. Killian joins her in the kitchen and perches himself on one of their stools.
“Good day at work?” he asks.
“Eh, it was a day. You?”
He shrugs. “The same. I’m finishing up on this house tomorrow, hopefully, so tomorrow will be a good day.”
Emma nods and sips on her coffee as Killian taps his fingers on the counter, the rhythm the same as the song he usually hums when cooking. “So, when are you heading for Storybrooke?” he asks.
“Monday after work.” Killian nods and keeps tapping his fingers, and Emma, stupidly opens her mouth because despite what her exes have told her, she does apparently have a heart. “If you don’t have any plans and have off work, you’re welcome to come with me. My parents are always thrilled to welcome more people. Just be prepared, it’s like a Hallmark movie up there.”
His eyes widen, the blue lighting up, and his upper lip starts to quiver, laughter very obviously waiting to break through. Dammit, why the hell did she decide to be nice? This is going to give him all of the wrong ideas.
“Why, Swan,” he smirks, leaning forward and resting his chin in his propped-up hand, “are you inviting me home for the holidays with you? You’ve been harboring a crush this entire time, haven’t you? I can’t say I’m surprised. I see the way you look at me when I finish up in the bathroom. Don’t be ashamed of it. Most women find me attractive.”
Emma flicks Killian’s forehead, and really, he should be thrilled she didn’t dump her hot coffee on his lap like she wanted to.
“I was just trying to be nice. You didn’t have to be an asshole about it.” Emma rolls her eyes and turns on her heels to walk away. She is going to her room. She doesn’t have to put up with his shit. “Forget I even offered.”
“Wait, wait, Swan.” Emma’s shoulders tense, and she doesn’t turn around. “Are you serious about your offer?”
“I mean, it would have some conditions in that you are a slightly less obnoxious version of yourself, but yeah, if you don’t have anywhere else to go, you can come home with me.”
“I’d like that.” Emma twists around, trying to size him up, and for once, everything seems genuine. “I have a condition as well.”
Idiot. “What could your condition possibly be?”
He winks, and she already knows this is going to have her eyes rolling so far into the back of her head they get stuck there. “Don’t go falling in love with me.”
What a cheesy ass sarcastic line.
“In your dreams, Jones.”
What the hell has she gotten herself into? This is absolutely the last time she lets her conscience guilt her into doing something nice. Emma was already going to be miserable, but now she’s miserable with a buffer.
At least her mom will be happy getting to go into hostess mode.
In the days leading up to them leaving for Storybrooke, Emma convinces herself Killian is going to back out of the trip. He’ll realize this is awkward and not a good idea. They live together, sure, but they don’t actually know each other. They’re not close friends.
But Killian never backs out. Instead he asks her things like what the weather is like there, if her parents drink wine, if he needs to bring his own bedding. He asks a million questions a day, and they continue when they’re in her bug making the drive from Boston to Storybrooke. He wants to know what her parents do for a living, what their hobbies are, pretty much everything someone needs to know when they’re about to spend half a week in the house of strangers.
Strangers who don’t actually know they’re having someone stay at their house to awkwardly sit on the sidelines as Emma’s family celebrates the holidays and has their usual holiday arguments.
Yeah, Emma didn’t ever tell her parents Killian was coming. She knows her mom well enough to know the moment Emma mentioned bringing someone home, her mom would have stopped listening before Emma could explain that it was just her roommate. It would have been this whole big thing, and Emma knows she can handle explaining it better in person when she can snap her mom out of getting excited about nothing.
Plus, who doesn’t want a Christmas surprise?
(Emma doesn’t.)
After Killian stops being one of those obnoxious kids who never stops asking questions, they sit in relative silence for the car ride, music entertaining them, and little by little, cities fade away and more trees pop up, evergreen forests surrounding them. It’s always the sign for Emma that she’s leaving her life and going back to her old one.
That and the “Welcome to Storybrooke” sign.
Everything about the town is the same. The buildings are small and kind of dingy downtown, and when she passes Granny’s, she bets those onion rings are the same too. God, she hopes they are. This is probably the only thing that can get her through this week. She should have texted Ruby and made sure her grandmother hadn’t changed any of the recipes. If she had, Emma definitely would have stayed home.
People walk down the sidewalk all bundled up in their coats and scarves, saying hello and chatting with others they pass. It’s the opposite of Boston where Emma can go her entire day without having to say hello to someone, and a little shiver runs down her spine at the thought. She needs to get out of here as soon as possible and to the isolation of her parents’ farmhouse, even if that presents her a new set of problems.
Storybrooke, Maine is, decidedly, not Emma’s favorite place for a hell of a lot of different reasons.
Killian, though, seems to be taking it all in with the wonder and confusion of someone who has never lived in a small town like this and who is a bit shell-shocked.
Get used to it, buddy.
“Oh, hey, one more thing,” Emma sighs as she pulls up to her parents’ street a few minutes later. “My real last name is Nolan. I changed it after high school, so my parents’ names are Nolan. The whole ‘Swan’ thing is a sticky situation for them even though it’s my mom’s maiden name.”
Killian’s eyes narrow, and she has definitely shared too much about herself now. “Am I allowed to ask or…”
“No. just try not to call me ‘Swan’ around them.”
“Whatever your heart desires, love.”
Emma slows down as the road turns from paved to loose gravel leading up to their driveway. There are several cars parked alongside it, and either they now own extra cars or her parents have friends over. Great. Just what she needed. Other people around when she’s coming home and surprising her parents with a guest. At least Killian will likely be that buffer she keeps hoping he’ll be.
They get out of her car, and Emma pops the trunk for them to get their bags. Killian grabs the bigger ones despite her arguing with him about it, but she’s fine to just carry her purse and the bag with presents. Emma closes the trunk, slamming it shut, and squares her shoulders.
This is fine. This is all fine.
Until ten steps later, it’s not.
Her parents have this incredible wraparound porch with swings and rocking chairs, and sitting in one of them is Neal Cassidy.
What the hell?
She doesn’t…she can’t…why is he here? He has no right to be here, no business being here, and seeing his face makes her want to vomit.
It makes her want to cry, too, but Emma can’t give him the satisfaction.
Instead, she’d like to sink into the dirt and never emerge again.
“Shit,” Emma mumbles, stopping and turning toward Killian who is looking down at her with an arched brow. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“What is it?”
God, she can’t believe she has to tell this to him. It’s too many pieces of her past in too short a period of time. This isn’t something she ever wanted to talk about again and certainly not to Killian. She was really hoping she never had to see Neal’s face again.
Honestly, she never considered it to be a possibility.
If only.
“That guy sitting on my porch is an ex of mine. And I’m talking about a bad ex, not one of those who you can be friends with afterward.”
“What the bloody hell is he doing here then?” Killian looks over her head to look at Neal, but Emma grabs his hand and yanks on it until he looks at her. “What?”
“Don’t look at him,” she hisses. “I don’t know what he’s doing here, but I’m sure it has something to do with my parents. Just…I don’t know what to do.”
“Do we need to turn around?”
“No, no, that’s pathetic. Just…maybe he’s going to leave soon, and it’ll be a quick hello and then I never have to see his face again. Let’s get it over with.”
“If you’re sure, Sw – Emma.”
“I’m sure.”
She’s not sure at all. Mostly, she wants to take Killian’s suggestion and run far, far away.
Once more, Emma braces her shoulders, and she moves forward. If she stops and thinks too much, she’ll chicken out. It’s how she is. If she thinks about something for too long, it ruins every bit of courage she has. Now isn’t the moment for that when this week is one that makes her need courage.
Maybe, Emma realizes, she didn’t invite Killian here just to be nice. Maybe she needed that buffer to keep her old demons at bay, even if just barely, and that was her motivation all along.
That really makes her asshole of the year. Well, after Neal. She hasn’t seen him in years, but he still gets the asshole of the year award.
Neal sees her before she can get to the front steps. He rises from the rocking chair and moves toward her. He looks older now. He was always older than her, but she can actually see it now. There’s gray in his beard and more lines on his forehead. His features are similar, but she swears there’s an eeriness to his eyes and a lie to his smile. Maybe those were always there, but Emma imagines she was blind to it all when she loved him.
Amazing how opening her eyes to love blinded her to so much else.
“Emma? Is that you?”
No, jackass, it’s some other blonde woman walking into her parents house.
“Hi, Neal.” She forces a smile that she knows is awkward, but he was never good at reading her enough to know the difference between a real smile and a fake one. “What are you doing here?”
“You’ve just seen me for the first time in half a decade, and your first question is what I’m doing here? Nice to see you too, Ems.”
It’s illegal to murder, Emma, she reminds herself. You don’t want to end up in jail because of him.
“It’s my parents’ house. I’m supposed to be here. You’re not. So, again, what are you doing here?”
He shrugs and ignores her. “Who’s this?”
Emma turns to Killian who is staring ahead, his jaw clenched, and he speaks before she gets a chance to. “Killian Jones,” he begins, dropping a bag and reaching forward to shake Neal’s hand, “Emma’s boyfriend.”
Emma nearly chokes on her own air and possibly her own lungs and whatever else is down there, and she’s stuck. Her brain and her feet and especially her mouth are all stuck. What the hell is he doing?
“Emma’s boyfriend,” Neal repeats, his voice incredulous like the fact that she could have a boyfriend is ludicrous to him. “Really?”
“For awhile now,” Killian lies. Wow. Has he always been this good of a liar? “It’s nice to meet you, but I think Emma and I need to get inside and put our stuff away. It’s been a long drive.”
Neal nods, but Emma catches his eyes glance over at her. What was that? “I understand. I need to get my fiancée from inside, but then we’ll be on our way.”
Neal has a fiancée? Who is in her parents’ house?
What kind of upside down hell has she walked into and how does she reverse time and get back to the place where things are normal?
“Nice seeing you,” Emma lies, but Neal is already walking inside, leaving the door slightly ajar behind him as if it’s his house to go into. She quickly turns to Killian and hopes her face conveys the “what the hell” look she’s going for. And in case it doesn’t, she hisses, “what the fuck was that?”
“Forgive me, love, but you obviously didn’t want to see that man, and I figured there wouldn’t be any harm in saying that. You weren’t planning on ever seeing him again, aye?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“So what’s the harm in him thinking you have a devilishly handsome new boyfriend?”
Emma rolls her eyes, ready to take the piss out of him, when her mother comes running out the front door.
“Emma, you brought a boyfriend home?”
Well, that’s the harm, Jones.
Emma tries explaining to her parents that Killian isn’t really her boyfriend, that he’s just her roommate who came home with her because he doesn’t have any family, but she never really gets the chance with Neal still hanging around. That would be mortifying, so she rolls with it, hoping that she can clear it all up sooner rather than later.
But Neal never seems to leave.
His fiancée, Tamara, apparently teaches with Emma’s mom, and from the looks of it, they’re great friends. She can’t imagine any other reason why her parents would let Neal Cassidy in their house, but then again, they have always been great at doing the exact opposite of what’s good for her. It’s torture, and as the night goes on, it seems like it’s never going to end.
When are they going to leave?
When can she stop listening to Killian falsify their life?
She’s got to say that he’s fantastic at taking truths and turning them into lies. According to him, they met when he became her roommate (true) and got to know each other as friends first (eh, a half-truth). Then, slowly, feelings started to develop in the little moments, and they decided to give their relationship a chance (unequivocally false).
He’s got this uncanny ability to make everything feel…not ridiculous. She doesn’t know the word she’s searching for, but she’s sure as hell that Killian could find it and incorporate it into a story to make everyone here think they’re in love.
Emma has no clue how they’re going to get out of this without her parents being heartbroken because Emma can see the hope and happiness in her mom’s eyes. She’s over the moon. Her dad, however, doesn’t seem to be.
Of course this is how it goes. Her mom is thrilled because she’s not a spinster, and her dad is upset because she’s not a spinster.
“So what do you do, Killian?” he asks. “You need a roommate apparently.”
“Dad,” Emma hisses, wanting to sink into the couch, especially because she knows she’s the one who needs the roommate and not Killian. “Don’t.”
“What? I’m not allowed to ask about the man who my daughter is dating?”
“You are, but you’re not allowed to interrogate him.”
Killian places his hand over Emma’s on her thigh, and God, this really is the worst night. Why do people have to go home to family on the holidays? At least she didn’t automatically flinch at the feeling of Killian’s hand on hers.
“I’m a contractor,” Killian tells her dad. “I used to work with my brother. It’s his business, but I’m the head on projects now. It’s hard and unpredictable sometimes when my job is to make it predictable, but it’s good work. There’s a lot of good new housing popping up in the neighborhoods outside of Boston. Beautiful new construction.”
“What happened to your brother?” her mom asks.
Killian’s hand tightens over hers while his other hand scratches behind his ear. “Liam passed last year. Car accident.”
Mary Margaret places her hands over her chest while Neal and Tamara look at each other, obviously ready to go. Emma, meanwhile, tries not to act shocked. She should know this. She should know that he had a brother who died. She’s heard him talk about Liam before, but she thought…she thought he was alive, just that he lived really, really far away or something like that.
“I’m so sorry, Killian,” Mary Margaret sighs.
“Thank you, Ms. Nolan.”
Silence falls in the room, and it feels like a lot of her time in high school when she got caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. At least now she can have alcohol or drive away. One or the other, though, obviously.
Or she can go back to that sinking into the ground thing. That seemed like a good idea.
“Oh, would you look at the time,” Tamara sighs with a clap of her hands. “Honey, we need to go.”
“Won’t you stay for dinner?” Mary Margaret asks.
What the hell, Mom?
“We really have to go,” Tamara insists. “It was nice seeing you guys, though.”
“Oh, it was wonderful seeing you, sweetie. Good luck in New York. You’re going to be great at your new job.” Mary Margaret hugs Tamara. “Nice seeing you as well, Neal. You’ll fit right in, but I know your dad will miss you.”
Emma is so busy trying to take in all of this brand new information that she doesn’t hear the rest of the conversation. Through blurred vision, she sees her mom hug Neal, and yeah, Emma wants to go home. She wants to go back to her apartment where she doesn’t have to put up with this kind of shit.
Where there’s no Neal and his fiancée and especially where her mom isn’t hugging her asshole of an ex and treating him like he’s a good person.
There’s a squeeze on her hand and suddenly, Killian’s fingers are wrapping around hers. That’s when everything snaps back, and she realizes Neal is telling her goodbye.
“Yeah, bye,” Emma mutters, putting on that fake smile again.
“Maybe we could go for lunch while I’m still in town,” he suggests.
Emma bites her tongue to keep from scoffing, but she can’t help the words that come out of her mouth. “Yeah, that’s not happening. Have fun in New York.”
Neal looks like a wounded puppy when Emma manages to look at him, but she doesn’t care. He shouldn’t have had the audacity to ask her in the first place, not after everything he’s done.
Happy holidays to them all.
“Emma,” Mary Margaret hisses as soon as the front door has shut and Neal and Tamara are gone, “that was so rude of you! You can go to lunch with Neal.”
“Oh my God, Mom,” Emma groans, letting go of Killian’s hand and standing up. “I am twenty-eight years old. I’m not going to go to lunch with the man who ruined my life because you don’t like being rude. Just…let’s eat dinner, and you guys can tell me what we have planned for this week. Killian is thrilled to go to the play. I told him all about it.”
“Emma, I still don’t think – ”
“Come on, Mary Margaret,” David sighs as he claps his hand on her shoulder. “Let’s get these two dinner. They had a long drive, and I’m sure they’re starving. You like ham, Jones?”
“Love it,” Killian says as he stands from the couch. “Can I help with anything?”
“You can get a wine bottle from the rack.”
They’re all going to need it. Or at least Emma is going to.
Dinner is, well, awkward, which Emma expected, but she expected the usual awkwardness of having dinner with her parents after going a year without seeing them. This is an entire other level. Killian tries to ease it. He’s put on his most charming smile, his accent coming through thicker with each story he tells, and while her Dad seems put out, her mom is every bit as charmed by him as Emma would expect.
That makes it all fine and good until Emma’s reminded that her parents think Killian is her boyfriend, and his place would go down in flames if she told the truth now.
As much as she would like to spite her mom, that is the last thing she needs.
“So, Killian, you can stay in Emma’s room,” her mom says as they finish up dinner. “I’d have you stay in the guest room, but it’s currently filled with props and costumes for the play. But you're both adults. Who are we to keep you apart at night?”
“The couch would be fine,” Killian insists, holding his hands up.
“Nonsense, you are a guest here. You need to be comfortable. Let’s get you all settled and ready for bed.”
It’s almost like she’s in a trance as her mom guides them up the stairs to Emma’s old room. She vaguely hears her tell stories of different pictures hung on the wall by the staircase, but she doesn’t really notice. Instead, she hangs back with her dad who does not look thrilled at the whole situation.
For some reason that offends Emma. As far as her dad knows, she’s brought a man home for Christmas. A man who she loves enough to bring home, which is not all sunshine and roses for her. Once again, she’s jealous of the people who go home for the holidays and know it’s going to be a happy time.
“You know, you don’t have to act like I’m sixteen,” she tells her dad. “I live with this man. I think it’s okay for us to share a bedroom here for the week.”
“What makes you think I’m not happy about this. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Emma stops at the landing and turns to her Dad, crossing her arms over her chest and staring him down. Or up. She forgot how much taller her dad is than her.
“Try a little harder to make that believable.”
David laughs and leans forward to kiss her forehead. “Welcome home, kid. I’m glad you and Killian are here.”
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint. || soobin (2.5)🌪
a/n: ya’ll if falling in love with this man was a sport---I’d win the world championship.
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🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 2789
“he didn’t throw the first punch I saw it all from the bathroom. the guys were threatening to kill him i swear”. the principal pushes his lips into a thin line. yeonjun is just drumming his fingers on his lap hoping he’d believe him and soobin was sitting aside, still trying to fix his uniform and look presentable while michael was in the nurse’s office. he was surprised yeonjun was even in there defending his name like that. 
“are you sure choi yeonjun?”. the principal asked skeptically. he wanted to believe soobin was in the wrong here, for some stupid sick reason. but yeonjun didn’t let that happen. he nodded confidently. the principal huffs his breath. 
“fine, I’ll believe you since you’re a trustworthy student. choi soobin I’m not going to suspend you since you were defending yourself against a group. however I will have to notify your parents”. he informed. and soobin had no problem with that considering the fact that he blocked the school’s number from his parent’s phones. soobin nodded gratefully, his parents would’ve tried to beat him until he couldn’t breathe anymore if they found out he got suspend from school. 
“thank you”. the boys both bowed before exiting out of his office and the principal was set to call the other boys involved them and notify them about their suspension. it was weird walking in the halls with someone he wasn’t that fond of instead of his boys. well, his ex-boys. soobin pushes his hands in his pockets trying to figure out how to speak.
“you know um- thank you. you didn’t have to do that for me”. he finally said after a moment of awkward silence. 
“don’t thank me that’s weird. I still hate you”. yeonjun pronounces with a small grin. soobin laughs. 
“that’s how it’s gonna be?”. 
“hell yeah. I still don’t forgive you for pushing me on the floor of your house when you first met me”. yeonjun admitted. soobin laughs again. 
“I didn’t know you. barely even knew you were a fucking choi”. 
“I’m convinced that even if you knew you’d still try to beat my ass because that’s who you are”. 
“touché”. soobin agrees. they both were just following one another, going nowhere in particular. 
“so um--have you told her yet?”. yeonjun asks. soobin shakes his head. 
“not yet”. 
“why not?”. 
“you know why”. 
yeonjun breathes hard. “you’re just digging a deeper hole for yourself soobin”.
“I can’t do it man..”. soobin trails off. 
“how is she doing anyways? mia?”.
soobin shrugs. 
“I went to apologize to her the other day she looked... like a zombie but I don’t want to get too involved with her because I don’t want to get blamed for shit else”. 
yeonjun shakes his head laughing, “you’re crazy for doing it in the first place”.
“you want to know whose crazy? olivia”. 
“she’s been trying to get with me ever since mia stopped appearing so much at school. what the fuck type of best friend is that?”. 
“that’s pretty fucked up. but that’s how girls are. well, except for your little girlfriend”. yeonjun teases and soobin shoves him to the side to keep from blushing. 
“shut the fuck up”. was all soobin could say before he waited outside your classroom door for you. yeonjun knew what he was up to so he didn’t bother hanging around for long. he hated being around couples anyway, they were annoying. 
making the absolute wrong decision soobin decides to scare you while you’re walking out of the classroom and you jump back with your heart at the pit of your stomach. once you noticed it was him he decided to run down the hallway and you weren’t afraid to chase him since you both shared the next class. turning down 2 corners and 2 more more hallways later you finally catch him in the cut of two lockers. “why would you do that you scared me!”. you playfully yell and he holds his hands up in surrender. 
“alright i’m sorry I’m sorry. I just thought it would be funny”. soobin stares trying to look serious but you knew a laugh was coming. you roll your eyes and walk the other way back to class. soobin follows after you and grips your waist from behind. 
“are you really mad? I said I was sorry”. he begs. you thought the way he was acting was kind of cute so you furthered your agenda and kept ignoring him. he noticed you weren’t speaking so he steps in front of you. you cross your arms and glare up at him. “forgive me”. he pleads again and this time you step to the other side and continue walking to class. “mama”. he calls out. you ignore him again and arrive in your classroom grabbing the assignment sister helena had laid out for you both. you got a head start with writing your name on the paper and getting settled before soobin slid next to you. he turned to speak but sister helena decided to lay down the rules for today’s video, as if you all didn’t know what to do each day. you had to say though, class was so much better without kevin and his obnoxious antics. you didn’t know where he was but you hoped he stayed there for the rest of his life.
anyway, sister helena turns off the lights and turns on the tv instead. half of your classmates were already ready to go to sleep including you. you decided to stay up a little more last night to study. but it was hard to go to sleep with soobin landing his hand on your thigh. you jump up a bit with shock. you glance at sister helena to make sure she wasn’t looking. 
“what are you doing?”. 
“oh now you want to speak to me?”. you swat his hand away. 
“yes because you’re touching me. move”. you demand. but you knew deep inside your heart you didn’t mean it. you found yourself wanting soobin more and more each day. you kind of thought being horny was like some sort of drug now. it was a thrill you couldn’t resist. 
soobin smirks and leans your ear, letting his veiny hand wrap around your thigh even tighter. “who do you think you’re talking to hm?”. you shuddered even harder than you did the day before. you had to give yourself a pep talk to stay strong. you lay your hand on his. 
“ssoobin we can’t do this here”.
“we’re in the back of the classroom no one even notices us”. he whispers. he moves his hand closer and closer to your heat. 
“soobin I said mmove”. you shakily respond. and he does nothing but chuckles in your ear. he make sure sister helena is occupied before he continued. he lets his tongue drag from your neck to the back of your ear and tongue kisses it softly. “listen to me. you? don’t give orders. only I do that. and if I want to play with your pussy I will. do you understand me?”.
you sit calm feeling moisture pool into your panties. his voice was darker than you ever heard it. it made you kind of scared and suddenly you forgot all possible ways to regulate your breathing. “say yes daddy”. he orders. your heart races faster at his fingers brushing against your clit through your panties. “say it”. he demands again through clenched teeth. you did as you were told and you could feel him smile prior to kissing you on your cheek. “ good girl”. he snatches his hand away from you pretending to be focused on the tv screen. 
you were going crazy on the inside. you wanted to be touched, you wanted to be yelled at, you wanted to be punished. maybe you did have a daddy kink. you’ll admit that. but you couldn’t admit how horny soobin made you. you were trapped in a daze and soobin knew it. he was filling out the answers on the paper smoothly. you sat uncomfortably in your seat until class over. he shouldn’t have left you wet like that. 
“I told my mother you were tutoring me again today. not that she gave a fuck anyways”. soobin mentions while you grab your things out of your locker. “who said I wanted to tutor you today? what if my parents don’t like you?”. soobin scoffs. “yeah right. and you know you want to tutor me you just don’t like being nice to me for some reason”. you laugh a little. “I have to see if my parents are home”. soobin shrugs. “so what if they are? we’re just studying right?”.
you give soobin a glance almost as if to say, “yeah right”. he laughs in exchange. the both of you head towards his car. “I promise I won’t touch you this time. I really need to pass these exams. maybe i’ll prove to my parents that I’m a good kid after all”. you slide into the passenger seat, “you are a good kid. you just have bad kid tendencies”. soobin thinks about it for a moment until you decide to change the subject. “I have to call mia today to see how she’s doing”. you mention slipping out your phone. you dialed her number and it rang a few times before going straight to voicemail. you decided to call again getting a little worried. after the third ring the phone was answered but you could tell it wasn’t mia. 
“hello? whose this?”. the voice asked. 
“hey it’s me. the girl that brought mia to your car. I wanted to ask how she was doing?”.
“oh hey, this is mia’s mom and she’s doing okay. we took her to the hospital and the doctors prescribed her medication that has a bit of a side effect on her so we don’t know how much longer she’ll be out of school”. 
“aw, well. I hope she get’s better soon. school is boring so she’s missing out on nothing”. 
her mom chuckles lightly, “I’ll tell her you called for her okay?”. 
“okay. see you soon”. 
“okay, bye”.
you pressed the button and slide your phone back in your pocket. 
“i missed you”. soobin muttered. you suck your teeth and laugh. “oh shut up soobin”.
“do you want to get something to eat before we go to your house?”. 
“no we can eat there. I don’t want you to keep spending money”. 
“money grows on trees you know”. 
“says one of the richest guys in town”. soobin laughs this time. he never minded spending money when it came to you but he didn’t want to sound cheesy so he kept quiet. 
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
you tell soobin to keep quiet just in case one of your parents were home. your house was weird, the parking spots were at the back so you couldn’t exactly tell if your parents were home unless you went back there. you open the door with your key and spot absolutely no one. But you couldn’t make assumptions so you snuck soobin to your room as fast as you could and locked the door behind you.
You figured you were pretty safe but you still requested the soobin keep his voice low. you kick your shoes off and sit your textbooks out. soobin does the same on your bed, making himself at home. you thought he looked rather cuter when he looked nerdy. “do you remember what I taught you?”. you asked now moving your textbooks and notebooks to the bed. soobin nods. “internalize more than you memorize right?”. you pinch his cheeks and smile. “good job! do you want a sticker?”. it sounded like you were mocking him, but you actually did have a sheet of stickers in your drawer. soobin creates a pout with his lips, “yes please!”. he says like a child. you roll your eyes and smile, going to your drawer to fetch them. you held the sheet and peeled off a gold star sticking it to his forehead. he looked so pleased with himself it was adorable. 
you open your textbook and you instruct soobin to open his and start from the first chapter review and take notes. he nods and does as he were told. while the both of you studied you watch him steadily making sure he was writing down things that were relevant to the chapter. so far so good, his notes looked pretty neat and organized. you decided to catch yourself up on your own notes. you were practicing math, the subject you hated most. the good part about this was that you were already prepared to not do well on the exam so it wouldn’t be much of a shock if you didn’t. 
time progresses and the both of you filled your notebooks with notes. soobin now writing down important information from the chapter 3 review and you, going through several steps just to solve another math equation. you had to admit soobin was doing really well and he was paying good enough attention. you smirk. “how come you couldn’t do this in school?”. 
“everyone thought i was stupid so i didn’t care enough”. 
“that’s all it was?”.
“well sometimes it takes the right person to believe in you for you to do well. especially when you can’t believe in yourself”. 
“if you keep studying like that you can pass any exam in that school I’ll tell you that. you have good focus”.
“yeah well, thank you for believing in me if so”. you blush, pushing his shoulder playfully. 
“stop being cheesy soobin”. 
“hey since i’ve been studying well do I get something else?”. 
you slide a strand of your hair back putting your pencil back to your paper. “what do you want? another sticker?”. you were halfway through the equation when you realized soobin was still quiet. you glimpse at him for an answer and he was just staring at you. he waited until your eyes gave him permission to speak. and they did. 
“when initiating sex theres the kissing, theres the hickeys, the touching and the feeling. but the most important thing you should do before you have sex is perform oral sex. do you know about it?”. 
your heart started to race. 
“was it in the video we watched?”. you question. soobin nods. his face was so unreadable it became scary. “so what are you saying soobin?”. 
he positions your body on the edge of the bed before he gets on the floor in front of you setting a hand on your knee. you glare down at him in shock, you were nervous beyond words. 
“would you like to see what that feels like?”. you fixed your mouth to answer but soobin was already planting sloppy tongue kisses along your thighs and inner thigh. you panted softly, “ssooobin we can’t make noise”. you stuttered. soobin flips your skirt up giving himself more access to you. “you better keep quiet then”. he mumbles. you were about to say something else but soobin thought it was best to lick your pussy through your panties. you felt yourself growing weak and you were growing hotter at the feeling of his mouth. you started panting even heavier agreeing that if this wasn’t the best feeling in the world you didn’t know what was. 
with lustful eyes he glances up at you and slides down your panties with ease, putting a finger to his lips signaling for you to be quiet. but it was hard to do that when soobin immediately wraps his lips around your clit sucking it softly. you let out a high pitched moan by accident, slapping a hand over your mouth shortly after. his lips were so delicate on you and he looked so invested in making sure you felt good. he could feel your legs trembling as he licked around your folds. so he made it his duty to intertwine his hands with yours so you’d have something to grasp onto when you couldn’t handle it. as his tongue traveled you you squeezed his hands harder. 
you were whining and squirming on his tongue and that didn’t make things any better. you bit your lips and cried, “ssoobin i don’t knnow if I can stayy quiet for this long”. you moan and he’s ignoring you, tongue kissing your clit over and over as if it were your tongue. you open your mouth and exhale trying to keep yourself in order but you couldn’t help your small cries. you were throbbing harshly and beyond wet at this point. 
that was, until you heard your dad calling your name and walking up the staircase.
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Replacement
Pt 2 of Post- Moonlit Masquerade 
It was Friday morning as Luz rolled over in bed, stretching the kinks out of her muscles. She blinked blearily into the sunlight that was streaming into her room; blinding her.
She smacked her mouth a few times, trying to rid it of that horrible morning taste as she slowly sat herself up and scratched her head. She could feel her hair sticking up in every direction as she did and half-heartedly tried to comb her fingers through it. It was starting to get longer than she usually let it grow, which made sense. She'd had her last haircut about a month before she'd come to the Boiling Isles and it had been about two and a half months since she'd chased Owlbert through the portal.
Maybe she could get it cut in town this weekend. If she was lucky she could take Amity along and they could make a date out of it afterward.
Or she could invite Gus and Willow too and they could all hang out in town afterward, she definitely needed to spend more time with her other friends, she had been spending a lot of her free time with Amity, which her friends assured her they understood, but she was determined to make time for everyone.
Amity may not even be able to hang out this weekend, or Gus and Willow, which was a disappointing thought but she'd just talk to them at lunch.
With that thought, she quickly set about getting dressed for school.
She could smell food being cooked even before she started thundering down the stairs toward the kitchen.
"Morning!" She smiled, walking over to her seat and leaning down to kiss the top of King's head as she passed, making him giggle in his seat.
"Good morning, Luz." Lilith nodded to her as she sipped on her customary morning cup of tea.
"Hey, kid. I made pancakes!" Eda said, setting a plate in front of her.
"Oh, my favorite!" Luz wasted no time digging into her meal.
Eda wasn't the best cook, actually for the most part she was pretty bad, but she tried. She'd gotten pretty good at pancakes though; which Luz was grateful for.
They were good, and when she made them Luz always stuffed herself to bursting, no matter how miserable she would be on her way to school and through her first couple hours of class.
Today was no exception.
When her plate was all but licked clean she stood and shouldered her bag.
"You got plans for the weekend, kid?" her mentor asked her from her place at the sink, washing the pancake pan.
"I need to get a haircut, I figured I'd see if Amity or Willow and Gus wanted to come with me and hang out in town after," she said shrugging.
"Well if ya want, I can cut your hair and you can still hang out with your girlfriend and the rest of the nerd brigade after." The witch offered.
"You? Cut hair?" Lilith snorted from her place at the table and her sister shot her a glare.
"Yea, that'd be great!" She beamed at Eda and the glare faded into a soft smile as she looked down at Luz.
"Great, I'll get my shears!" She grinned and Luz wasn't sure if she was kidding or not. It was hard to tell sometimes, she laughed anyway as she started for the door.
"I gotta get to school, bye!" She turned to go but was yanked back by her bag.
"Don't forget your lunch." Eda held up a paper sack with a knowing grin.
"Oh, right." She smiled taking the bag. "Thanks, mom."
She froze, bag In hand.
Luz blinked and looked up at the older witch who was staring back at her wide-eyed and mouth ajar.
The rest of the kitchen had also gone silent. Lilith was looking at them equally shocked and King blinked, looking around at all the suddenly quiet woman. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on but the sudden oppressive silence kept him quiet.
"I mean… I gotta go!" Luz turned and ran out of the house, clutching her lunch to her chest, the door slamming shut behind her.
Eda watched her go, still not saying anything.
Lilith watched her sister quietly as she stood there, frozen, watching Luz leave the house.
"Edalyn?" she called and that seemed to jog Eda out of it.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." She turned back to the sink and started washing the pans again but there was a distinct jerkiness to her movements.
"That was… unexpected," she said testingly. Eda made an agreeing noise but nothing more as she continued to scrub at the pans.
She shared a brief look with the demon sitting at the table, who seemed to get the hint and grabbed his plate before hopping down out of his chair and trotting into the living room.
Lilith rose and walked over to the sink, stopping a few feet from her sister.
"What?" It lacked any of its usual bite or snark.
"Are you alright?" she asked, still looking at the back of Eda's head.
"Why wouldn't I be?" she grunted.
Lilith pursed her lips, no point beating around the bramble-thorns.
"Because Luz just called you 'mom'," she said and again Eda froze at the word, not turning away from the sink.
"So?" Eda's voice was tight and Lilith blinked before stepping closer to peer around her sister's mane of hair.
Eda jerked, finally turning to look at her elder sister and Lilith could clearly see the water welling up in her sister's dual-colored eyes.
"What?" she snapped, glaring, but the tremble in her voice made it lose any of its bite.
"You know…," she started slowly. "It's alright to be happy she called you that," she finished and Eda turned away sharply.
"Luz doesn't need someone like me."
"Would you leave the child to fend for herself?"
"I never said I wouldn't take care of her!" Eda growled, turning a glare on her sister, but it quickly died. "Luz has a mom."
"That she may never be able to return to. We have heard not even a whisper of another portal to the human world. As far as we know yours was the only one, you may need to consider that Luz may never leave the Isles, what then?"
"I'll take care of her." Was the simple answer. "But she's not my kid," Eda managed to mumble. Lilith cocked a brow at that.
"But It's alright to think of her as yours." She pushed. "She clearly, for reasons I do not understand, thinks very highly of you." When the light jab didn't elicit the usual response she frowned. Lilith felt she had a pretty good idea of why her sister seemed so conflicted.
"What happened with the portal was… unfortunate… but Luz made that choice, to save you. You shouldn't feel so guilty about being happy that she views you that way."
Eda's grip on the panhandle tightened.
Her sister was hitting the nail on the head and she didn't like it.
She did feel guilty.
Luz was stuck here because of her, she didn't have any right to be happy about it, but she was.
She loved that kid, fiercely; like she'd never loved anyone.
Of course, Lilly could tell too.
She sighed, looking at her sister tiredly out of the corner of her gray eye.
"If Luz needs me, she's got me, she knows that, but I'm not gonna go and try to replace her mom."
"Nor should you, but there's no reason to beat yourself up over it if she views you that way, nor being happy about it," Lilith said.
Eda grunted in response, conversation over and Lilith walked away. Once she was gone Eda allowed herself to smile.
~ ~
Luz ran till she was almost to school, mind racing with complicated thoughts and feelings.
She had called Eda 'mom', and it had slipped out so naturally; too naturally.
She was frowning, still lost in thought when she arrived at school. Her friends and Amity were standing near the front steps, waiting for her.
"Hey, Luz!" Gus called and Willow waved at her as she walked up to them, stopping next to Amity
"Hey guys." she smiled but it was lackluster at best. The three of them frowned.
"Uh, you okay?" Willow asked.
"Huh, yeah, I'm fine…" she gripped the strap of her bag tightly. The three witches shared a glance.
"Are you sure?"
She looked up to see her girlfriends concerned, gold eyes trained on her. She could feel Gus and Willow's looks as well.
She nodded, not trusting her voice right now.
The bell's scream echoed through the courtyard, making her jump.
"We better get going," Gus said and Willow nodded and turned to follow him into the school, but not before she shot Amity a look over her shoulder.
The youngest Blight nodded.
The courtyard was practically empty now as students began to make their way to their classes.
"I better head to the construction track hall…," Luz mumbled, taking a step, but was stopped as Amity grabbed her hand. Luz blinked at her, waiting, both eyebrows raised questioningly. Amity took a step closer
"Hey, you know you can talk to me if somethings wrong, right?" she asked quietly.
"I know… I just…" Luz trailed off, looking at the ground.
Amity's hand wrapped around hers squeezed reassuringly and Luz couldn't help but squeeze back.
"It's just a lot right now… later?" Luz looked back up at her and Amity nodded giving another light squeeze before sliding her hand out of Luz's.
"Later" she repeated before she hurried up the steps into the building.
The day dragged for Luz.
Lunch was a little tense, her friends could tell that something was bothering her, but she was sure Amity had talked to Willow at some point because none of them tried to ask her what was wrong, though they clearly wanted to. For that she was glad. She was touched by their concern, but she still wasn't ready to talk yet. She was still trying to organize all her mixed up feelings.
Time ticked by, heedless of her inner turmoil, and before she knew it the final bell screamed and she was walking down the steps of the school, and around the building where her teleportation glyph was waiting, hidden by the foliage.
Like her illusion glyphs, it seemed to stay in place even after use, which was convenient since it was the most complicated one in her arsenal. It would have been a pain to redraw after every use.
She tapped her hands to it and thought of Amity's secret room.
Once the portal blazed to life she stepped through and appeared inside the room and the portal blinked out of existence.
The room was empty, she'd beaten Amity here, which she usually did on Fridays, abominations were farther away from the front of the school than the construction track.
She dropped her bag on the floor and flopped face-first into the cushions on the floor with a tired sigh.
It was about 5 minutes later that she heard the portal once again appear in the room, but she didn't move.
She listened to Amity's quiet shuffling as she put her school things on her desk.
A moment later the cushions shifted, but she still didn't move and neither did Amity for a few minutes.
Then there were fingers running through her hair comfortingly, but still, no words were spoken.
She hummed and turned her head, peeking out from the fabric to find Amity sitting on the floor next to her, looking concerned.
Luz hated it when anyone worried about her, but she especially hated it when she caused Amity to worry.
The witch, for her part, said nothing, just waited patiently for Luz to be ready to talk.
Luz sighed and pushed herself up, flipping around to sit on the cushions.
"I called Eda 'mom' this morning," she finally mumbled, but she knew Amity had heard her.
"Okay?" Amity said, waiting, sure that could be embarrassing, she’s called some of her teacher’s ‘mom’ before, but clearly Luz was bothered by this for some reason.
The Latina pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.
"I feel… guilty," she finally mumbled,
"Because she's not… because… my mom is out there, in the human world, not knowing that I'm here, that when summer is over I'm not… coming back; that I've replaced her," she choked out the last words, eyes filling with tears.
Amity wrapped an arm around Luz's back and the human leaned into the touch, seeking comfort. Amity wrapped her other arm around her trembling form.
"It's okay, Luz." Amity tried to soothe.
"I miss her a lot… and I want to see her again, but… I also don't want to leave…" she looked up at Amity, tears dripping down her cheeks. "That's awful isn't it?" she sniffled.
"I don't think it's awful." Amity wiped at the tears.
"But I've replaced her! I don't want to go back, even if I could, and I feel terrible about it, that I'd just leave her alone!" Her voice cracked with a sob, she buried her face in Amity's neck.
She ran her fingers through her hair, her heart ached for Luz.
"It's okay to want something even if it makes you feel guilty, and you're not doing it on purpose… even if you wanted to go back you can't, that's not your fault."
"I destroyed the portal…," she choked.
"To save Eda."
"It was my fault she was captured in the first place…," she hiccuped, through another choked cry.
"You were trying to help her… and maybe you were going about it the wrong way, but you were doing it for the right reasons…," Amity mumbled. "I don't know your mom, but if the way you talk about her means anything, I think she'd just be happy that you're okay, even if it's in a whole different world."
Luz didn't say anything, just cried.
They sat there quietly for a while until Luz's tears started to dry.
"I guess… I just didn't realize how much she acts like my mom… kinda." Luz couldn't help the small wet chuckle at the comparison.
Amity smiled but didn't say anything.
"She makes me breakfast and packs my lunch… always asks me how school was when I get home… it makes me feel guilty..." she trailed off still sniffling.
"Just because you love Eda doesn't mean she's going to replace your mom and she'd probably be glad to know someone is taking care of you," Amity hummed.
"Yeah…," she mumbled.
After a while, Luz finally pulled away and wiped at her eyes with the heels of her palms before finally looking at her.
"Thanks, Amity," she said quietly, a small smile pulling at the corners of her lips.
Amity smiled back, glad that she was no longer crying.
"I should probably head home…" she sighed and stood, Amity following.
"Meet me in town tomorrow, same place and time?" she asked.
"I'll be there." Amity smiled.
Luz quickly kissed her cheek, saying a quick bye before activating her glyph and teleporting home.
~ ~ ~
It was later that evening when Luz finally came out of her room and walked down the hall to Eda's door.
She hesitated a second before knocking on the closed door.
"What?" Came from the annoyed call from the other side.
"It's me, can I come in?"
There was a brief pause.
"Sure, Kid."
Luz peeked inside to see her mentor laying haphazardly in her nest, she sat up as Luz slipped inside, shutting the door behind her.
"Hey… can I talk to you?" She asked.
Eda patted the spot next to her.
Luz climbed in and settled herself down next to her mentor.
"What's up, Kiddo?" she asked, seeing the pensive look on her face.
"It's… about this morning…" she started.
"Ah, it's okay, Luz, I know ya didn't mean it." She waved a hand, even though it hurt a little to say that, which immediately made her feel guilty.
Luz bit her lip, shuffling around in the branches and grass.
"But… I did, I guess." She looked up at Eda, who was starting back, surprised and Luz felt her face heat up.
"I… miss my mom… but I feel like I should miss her a lot more, but I don't… because I have you," she mumbled, looking down at her hands. "I feel guilty… like I've replaced her…" she frowned.
Eda watched her quietly for a moment before wrapping an arm around her and tugging in close.
"Listen, Luz," she started, drawing the girl's eyes back up to her. "I'm not gonna replace your mom, and I wouldn't want too and trust me, I doubt I'd be a very good replacement even if I was… but, I think it's time we took a hard look at the facts here. You might be here for… a while." she said after a long pause, carefully omitting the word 'forever'.
To her surprise, Luz just nodded.
"But I'll tell you this: I love you, kid, and so long as you're here, I'm gonna take care of you, okay?" She squeezed the girl's shoulders and Luz leaned into her hold, smiling. " If the ‘M’ words slips out sometimes… we’ll just roll with it… you shouldn't feel guilty about anything."
"Amity said something similar."
"Well, you should listen to her, your girlfriend's smart," she chuckled. "All that being said, I think it's time we got you some permanent stuff."
"Like what?"
"Well, you need a scroll so your friends and I can actually get a hold of you when you're off causing trouble… heck you need a bed!" She flung out an arm.
"I would like a bed…" she admitted sheepishly.
"Then it's settled, tomorrow’s Saturday, we'll go out and get some stuff."
"Thanks, Eda." She smiled up at her.
"Sure thing, Kid." She squeezed your shoulders.
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kassies-take · 4 years
Mission Failed
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Summary: Kara and Lena’s daughter (your name will be Lauren in this) has been kidnapped, what they find changes their life and breaks their heart
A/n: Missing Supercorp hours
Warning: Angst & Torture
Supercorp, Lena Luthor x Reader, Kara Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2077
Two boys — twins with dirty blond hair, greenish blue eyes and defined jaws — walked into the Zor El Luthor Danvers home. The two distinct differences between the two was that Liam wore lead-lined glasses while the younger, Lucas, wore lead-lined contacts courtesy of L-Corp tech.
“Hi mom,” Liam kissed Lena on the check while side hugging her before he moved to the other side of the white marble kitchen island towards the refrigerator.
Lucas followed suit with a bone-crushing hug. Lena goaned, her fragile human body screamed at her to get out of the hug. Lucas released his grip from around his mother and barely dodged Lena’s hand as she swatted at the air.
“I’m making stir-fry, do you want some?” Liam asked with ingredients laid out on the island.
Liam glared at his brother. “I wasn’t asking you, I was asking mom.”
“It’s okay honey, I don’t have your appetite. Thank god you sister doesn’t have the same appetite as you two and Jeju.” Lena frowned, now that she thought about it she didn’t feel the usual back hug from you when she worked at home. “Where is your little sister?”
“Ren said she was going to Catco, she wanted to show Jeju the photos she took.” Lucas opened the fridge.
“I’m sure Lauren or Jeju would call if something was wrong,” Lena said before a few clicks were heard and the laptop shut. “You boys want to help with dinner?”
“What are we making?” The two asked.
“Irish stew?”
The two boys cheered.
“We’re eating good tonight!”
“At least you boys have a different favorite food from Kara.”
Around three hours later when the stew was finished the balcony door beeped before it opened.
“It smells good in here!” Kara’s suit dematerialized and hugged Lena.
“Hey, where’s Lauren?”
“Is she not home? She left earlier than I did.”
“She’s not home.”
“I’ll call Nia and see if she saw Lauren.”
“I’ll call Lauren.” Lena moved to her phone.
Kara picked up her phone and was about to dial Nia’s number when she put her arms to the side and walked towards the door. The door swung open before you could pull out your key.
“Oh, Jeju look what Aunt Nia and I did.”
Lena pushed past Kara and held you tightly. “Oh, hi!” You equally matched Lena’s strength and hugged her.
No matter how many times Kara saw this, this moment between the mother daughter duo, it never ceases to amaze her that you are a carbon copy of Lena. With the exception of Kara’s ocean blue eye.
“Little Luthor and I were out in the area doing long exposures with dream energy. Must’ve forgotten to call you. See you tomorrow Kara, bye Lena!” Nia dashed off before the could run after her.
“How about you go get changed up and you can show me your long exposure after Irish stew.”
“Okay,” you ran off into your room.
“Are you okay?” Kara wrapped her arms around Lena.
“I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you have the face you make when me or the boys get hurt from superhero work.”
“You and the boys are bulletproof, Lauren doesn’t have powers. I can’t help but think someone is going to hurt her because she is a Luthor.”
“If she’s anything like a Luthor she is gonna give one hell of a fight.”
“Alex, it was a trap!” Kara’s grunts mixed with the sounds of guns going off in the background. “Don’t send reenforcements, we don’t know how many are there. The place is lined with lead and power dampeners. They knew we were coming.”
“Alex, pull them out!” Lena pleaded.
“It’s not that easy, it’s raining fire everywhere,” Alex braised herself against the D.E.O command center.
“My wife and sons are out there!”
“So is Nia and J’onn!”
“Director Danvers! Dreamer’s and Liam’s commutations went offline.” Brainy stood with his tablet to show Alex and Lena.
There was a brief moment of silence in the D.E.O before Brainy suggested that the Supers fly into the outer atmosphere and fly back down to make a shockwave.
Lucas informed Liam and the three Supers looked at each other before taking off into the sky. The landing’s aftershock threw the enemies off balance. The Luthor-Danvers boys wrapped them with ropes and nets found in a room earlier.
“Where is the alien tech?” Kara asked with her hands on her hip. The two twins stood behind her with matching red and blue suits, and a few other golden strips around their arms.
“There isn’t any.” The leader laughed. “Isn’t it funny how you heroes try to prevent fate from happening. Now everyone in National City will know they can’t mess with fate because no matter how much you heroes try, it wouldn’t be enough!”
Kara rolled her eyes and walked away to inform J’onn and Nia as a D.E.O unit came to detain the villains of the week.
“We will do everything in our effort to stop threats and keep the world safe from the likes of you. We already stopped you.” Lucas smirked.
“But who kept Lauren Luthor safe?” Kara’s head turned towards the laughing maniac.
“How do you know Lauren Luthor!” Kara marched back.
“Careful there Supergirl. You’d want your daughter back in one piece wouldn’t you?” The man smirked before Kara knocked him out with a punch.
Lena stood frozen at the D.E.O, she let out a cry before her knees gave up and she fell to the floor. Brainy had just confirmed that your tracker was untraceable amidst the chaos. Your phone, unavailable.
Liam and Lucas went back to school to see if your friends had seen you, but the last anyone saw of you was when Kara and Lena went to pick up Liam and Lucas. They had thought you left with them but Lena had told you to go back to school.
Kara broke the sound barrier easily, circling the Earth countless times trying to find you. Nia could dream where you were and J’onn couldn’t find your mind.
Lena, poor Lena hasn’t stopped crying. She didn’t feel Alex’s arms around her, she didn’t care for several agents looking at her. She wrapped herself in her arms, looking for a sense of comfort she couldn’t feel.
Liam and Lucas flew in the D.E.O through the balcony. Their eyes swimming in red. They pulled Lena into their arms.
Alex used this opportunity to call Kara back.
“Alex they have my daughter!”
“I know... I want her as badly as you do, but you have circled the Earth 6 times already and your wife and your sons need you right now.”
It had been a month. A month, a week, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 50 seconds. Lena couldn’t helped but count, her mind was left for nothing but finding you. She and Kara both took a break from their respective jobs, spending every waking moment trying to find you.
The twins found it hard to concentrate on school. But they pushed through knowing you would’ve wanted them to.
Your hands were chained above your head, suspended a couple of inches in the air. Your lip had split with a black eye forming. The famous Luthor glare burning holes into the two masked men in the video.
“Here’s the deal, Superwoman reveals her identity to the world and we won’t kill your daughter.”
“Wait Wait this was the whole plan? Beat me up so Superwoman would reveal her identity to the world? What the heck was the point of kidnapping me when you could’ve revealed her secret identity yourself. You’re the one stalking us!”
“Boss should I shut her up?”
“If you need to ask, you already should’ve done it.” The man turned to his henchman, gave him a knife and gestured towards your face.
“You see I just wanted to get you riled up. I knew Superwoman’s identity even when she was Supergirl. And she left me like this,” the man pulled off his mask revealing a familiar face Kara hated her first year as Supergirl, Maxwell Lord.
His face half burnt almost mechanical. No flesh, only bones and nerves.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” You asked.
“No but your mother knows who I am. Your mom couldn’t save everyone and now she can’t save you. But she can do everything I say or your pretty face would be like mine.”
You moved into the knife that was pushed against on your face. It drew blood as you smirked.
Lord whooped. “You are bad ass! But that will change. I’ll be in touch...Kara.”
Lena rubbed her face in her hands. They’ve gotten nothing from the video. Each day she grew less and less sane, she buried herself in her home lab or in the D.E.O. Falling back to old habits of unhealthy hours and little to no meals.
And if Lena was falling back into old habits, Kara acted like a prisoner from Arkham. She’d pace the rooms blaming herself for what happened to her daughter.
You weren’t kidnapped because you were a Luthor, you were kidnapped because you were a Zor-El Danvers.
Lena’s and Kara’s relationship fell a little on the rocky kryptonite side. Arguments would break, they would even get noise complaints by the neighbors. They both spent late hours of the night on encryption or circling the Earth, the little hours they did sleep was spent on soaking pillows and in each other’s arms.
It wasn’t until a very similar night, both Kara and Lena had just fallen asleep when the D.E.O got a lead. Alex, Lena and Kara were immediately contacted. They all raced to the D.E.O to prepare. Hopefully it was a rescue and not a recovery.
All the men were taking down, Lord dealt with courtesy of Lena punch and Kara holding him down. Alex ordered the D.E.O take the escaped aliens that were working with Max and Max himself back to the D.E.O, escorted by the Super Twins, Dreamer, Brianiac, and Martian Man Hunter.
Lena, Alex and Kara walked towards the last room. Lena had her lip in between her teeth, Alex’s hand shaking as Kara’s heart pounded. With Kara looking back at her wife and sister for extra confidence, the other few times had been the same but now was nerve taking. It was either that you were her or you weren’t and they were too late.
The steel door dragged against the wooden floor. The room was poorly lit with a orange lightbulb in the center of the room. There were torturing tools, some clean, some rusty and some with a thin line of blood. The three froze, there eyes flooded with tears. Lena gasping for air.
A puddle of blood under the body. Wrists red and pale, ankles puffed out like a balloon. Your head hung low. A rib seen on both sides, the sports bra and spanx stained brown and red. Trails of red drop down your body like splatter paint.
Lena cried loudly when she saw your back designed like an old willow tree mixed with black webs. Lena shakingly reached for your face scared that once she touched you you’d crumble into dust. A purple tennis ball on your right eye and the left side of your face heavily scarred.
“Mom,” you whimpered, recognizing the delicate touch.
“I got you. You’re safe now.”
Alex released the chains from your wrists as Kara’s strong arms swaddled you.
“We’re going to take you back to the D.E.O. You’ll be okay.”
Kara took off into sky. Alex broke several speeding laws under Lena’s instructions ‘Any speeding ticket you get I’ll pay off. Just drive!’
Stitches, bandages, casts and wires flooded your body. The room was bright with every Superfriends littered on the floor.
The scene in front of them wasn’t pretty but Lena and Kara preferred this, knowing you were here.
Lena held onto your hand, using her thumb to rub the back.
“Haha! I win!” Lucas threw pieces of Monopoly at his brother.
“Can’t a girl heal in peace?” You grumbled.
Cheers erupted in the room and a groan afterwards. You had made immediate eye contact with Kelly.
She knew that look, it was the look of needing help without wanting to tell anyone else.
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missnxthingg · 5 years
At First Sight | She’s Just Tired Prequel
A/N: First, I wanna thank you all for +1K notes on “She’s Just Tired”. I loved writing that request just as much many people liked to read it. I wanted to post it when it hit 1K, but I was away for a trip with my friends and just got to finish it today (because I’m inspired by a boy I met). If you haven’t read “She’s Just Tired” yet, there’s no problem, because this is a prequel! So you can read this first and than read this post right after. It’s a bit long, but I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 9.1K
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female Reader
Warnings: Pure sugar, I feel sorry for you diabetes.
masterlist | she’s just tired
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Peter Parker was always late for decathlon meetings since his first year of high school. This year, for the first meeting, wouldn't be different. He arrived when everyone was already sitting down at the table, eating the cupcakes MJ always brings for the first meetings since she became the leader after Liz Allen graduated.
"You're late, loser." MJ said, cleaning her mouth from the whipped cream.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, we're used to have you coming in really late." MJ said and Peter nodded, glancing over the table to find an available seat.
A girl was sitting at the table, one he had never seen before. She was glancing at her nails, playing with them. She was shaking, clearly nervous, and that only made Peter think she was cute. Actually she was gorgeous, and he thinks his heart skipped a beat when he saw her. He immediately sat next to her, leaving his things over the table, getting a cupcake right after.
"So, we have a new member today. This is (Y/N), and she is new in school. She's going to spend a lot of time with us, since she was from her old school's decathlon. So be nice to her." Mr. Harrington said, starting the meeting for once. "Oh, and Peter, since you're late, you're going to show the school for (Y/N)." Peter nodded and glanced at her with a shy smile.
"Hi, I-I'm Peter. Peter Parker."
"I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." She smiled nervously, tension coming from both sides.
"I can see you're nervous. Don't be, everyone here is nice. Well, everyone except Flash." He glanced at the boy eating his third cupcake across the table.
"I noticed, he's been calling me fresh meat all day." She rolled her eyes and Peter nodded.
"Don't mind him. He's an idiot."
The meeting didn't take long, they arranged the new schedule for their meetings and trainings, ate some more cupcakes and they were dismissed. (Y/N) left soon and Peter followed her.
"(Y/N), wait for me." He smiled when he approached her. "Let me show you around."
"Okay." She smiled shyly, following him around the halls.
"So, what school are you coming from?"
"Bronx High School of Science. But it's too far away from my apartment, and my mom wanted me to study here."
"Where do you live?"
"Queens." He giggled, opening a wide smile.
"Seriously? I’m from Queens too. Forest Hills.”
“I’m from Sunnyside.” He smiled and kept walking around with her. 
“That’s not too far away from where I live. I can walk you home sometime.”
“Yeah, it will be great.” She smiled to him, making him melt with that gorgeous face she has. “I could really use making some friends around here.”
“I don’t have many friends around here, mostly Ned but he’s not here today. So, I don’t think I’m your best choice to start making friends.” He said, shrugging, afraid of her reaction. Maybe she would just turn around and leave. But she chuckled and shook her head.
“But you’re the only one who has been nice to me all day.” 
They kept walking together, talking about each other and about school. He showed her everything and gave her some advice on how to survive that school. She was really funny and very easy to be around, it made Peter comfortable, more comfortable than he had ever been. They had a strong connection since the beginning, it was like they’ve been friends for life.
“So, this is Midtown High. And I hope that you stick around.”
“I probably will.”
“I have to leave now. I have an internship to get to. But I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course, I hope to have someone to sit with during lunch, because I sat in the library today.”
“Well, you can always sit with me and Ned.” He said with a big smile on his face.
“Thank you.” She kissed his cheek and both blushed so hard, that it was the cutest thing in the world. “For showing me around and being nice to me.”
“You make it really easy being nice yourself.” He smiled. “Goodbye.”
“Bye!” She said, watching him walk away.
Peter went patrolling that day, and a smile didn’t leave his face during the rest of the day. He swinged through the streets of Queens, wondering if he would bump into her. He wondered if she would like Spider Man, or if she would like to know he’s Spider Man. She didn’t leave his mind for a second that day. Once he decided it was a calm night in Queens, he went home to have dinner with May.
“May, I’m home.” He shouted from his room, taking his suit off to change into some more comfortable clothes.
“Hey sweetie, come here." Peter came to her with a big smile on his face. "Someone looks extremely happy today."
"It was just a really good day." He said, sitting next to her.
"Really? Nice. What's her name?" 
"(Y/N). She's new in school." He sighed and May smiled, pushing him slightly with her elbow.
"Tell me about her."
"Nooo, this is too embarrassing! I'm going to bed."
"Oh Pete, no! C'mere." She pulled him back but he got up to get something to eat.
"There's really nothing to talk about her. She's just nice, and very pretty." May couldn't see him from where he was standing, but he was smiling a lot. "I just made a new friend, okay? It's nice to have more friends other than Ned."
"I know. I'm sorry to embarrass you. But you know you can always talk about this stuff to me."
"I know May." He finished his sandwich, and kissed the top of her head, before going back to his room.
The following first month of classes were good. (Y/N) sat with MJ and Betty, along with some other girls from her debate team, completely forgetting about Peter or his invite to join him and Ned during break. Still, she said hi to him whenever she saw him in the hall or when they met in shared classes. He would see her mostly in decathlon, when she was answering all of the questions correctly, showing how smart she was.
"I guess someone is taking your place of the best in the team, Peter." Ned said and Peter shrugged.
"I don't mind, especially if it's her."
He was amazed by how intelligent she was, doing her own thing and always answering questions correctly, or always having something to say in debate class. (Y/N) was simply good at everything, and that's probably why he found it strange when she asked help with physics. 
"I really need help, do you think you can help me? Maybe over a coffee or something. I'll pay."
"You don't have to pay (Y/N), just meet me at this place after class, it's in Queens. I'm gonna help you." He wrote on a small post it and gave it to her.
"So tomorrow after class?"
"I'll be there." She smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving.
"Thank you Pete, you're the best." 
He dressed up so nicely just to go study with her. And there she was, just being herself, waiting for him in a table in the corner, lost between her own thoughts, concentrated on a book resting on the table. Peter felt something on his chest, something very different, one that he never felt before, not even with Liz Allen. He could stand back and admire her for a long time, but he didn't want to keep her waiting.
"Hey, am I late?" He asked and she shook her head no, smiling to him.
"No, I got here earlier to go through some homework." She said, closing what she was doing on her notebook, focusing on the boy in front of her. "Oh, you smell nice."
"Thank you." He blushed, not letting his wide smile go. "Do you want to order something?"
"Yes. I want a iced coffee, with the whipped cream and sprinkles."
"Oh God, you're such a kid." He laughed at her order and hide her face between her hands. He got up to get their order while she organized their stuff to study. It took awhile, but he came back with their coffees in hands. "Here's one for my 5 year old kid, and another for me."
"I'm gonna start crying."
He laughed and got one napkin and a pen, writing something down for her. "Cute, but with a really bad taste in coffee. Still, cute." He handed it to her and she kept it on her bag, blushing very hard.
"So, Petey. I need help because I don't know what half of these words mean."
"It's easy, come on." He sat next to her and started to explain, and she met him halfway, understanding everything he was saying. It took a whole afternoon, but she caught up with him after a long study session.
"Well it was easy indeed."
"See, I told you. Also, you're incredibly smart, I bet you didn't even need my help."
"But I wanted some company." She smiled to him and they kept staring at each other for a while, until he broke the silence.
"Are you hungry? We can order something to eat."
"A pie would be nice."
The date went on for at least one more hour, they tried to study more, but they couldn't concentrate on the smart jokes Peter kept cracking around, making her laugh loudly, and the stupid kids songs she kept singing to him. 
"I guess I have to go. It's getting dark. Let's go pay."
"It's my treat." Peter said, getting up before her to pay.
"Thank you." She blushed, helping him by organizing their things before leaving.
"Come on, I'll walk you home
Peter walked her home right after they were done, considering it was on his way to the subway and he couldn't let her go home alone so close to being dark.
"I'm sorry for not sitting to you in lunch. It's just, MJ and Betty were so nice and we were hooked on a conversation."
"It's okay. You need to make friends, it's not like you're gonna get them by sitting with me and Ned, listening to us talk about Star Wars."
"No! You guys are really nice, I would love to talk to you about Star Wars." She smiled to him, slowing down her pace. "This is my building."
"Oh, okay."
"Thank you for today." She hugged him, and what was meant to be an awkward hug turned out to be a very nice one. She held his middle and he held her by the shoulder. "For paying and helping me."
"Anytime, (N/N)."
"Good night Pete."
"Good night."
He was too energetic to simply get the subway. Instead, he changed clothes in an alley and swing home, doing a lot of flips. Today made him extremely happy and all he wanted to do was scream in excitement. It was a good night, and he even did his small patrolling very happy, again, because of the same girl.
The next day, she met him early in the halls, and gave him some homemade cookies baked by her grandmother, just to thank him for the previous day. They met again in chemistry class, where they were partnered up by their teacher. And when lunch came, she saw him passing with his friend and called him.
"Hey Pete, why don't you guys sit with us?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. (Y/N) was sitting along with Betty and MJ.
"Okay." He said and Ned shrugged, following his friend.
Ned knew his best friend was falling for that girl, and how his eyes glow whenever he sees her. Completely heart eyes emoji. And they were close, like the inside jokes type of close, laughing a lot together. He even shared some of his fries with her. Also, she stood up for him when Flash came around to bully him during the following week.
"Sup Penis Parker. Did your mom dress you up today? Oh right…"
"Flash, seriously, go find something else to do. Also, he has a name."
"Oh, so you and New Meat are a thing? Good to know." He pointed to both of them and Peter step closer to him.
"Don't you dare say anything about her, or I'll break your fucking face." Peter said with an angry voice. "You can say anything about me, but don't you dare say anything about her."
"Come on Pete, he's not worthy it." She pulled Peter to go away, but still, they could listen to what Flash said.
"So you are a thing! I knew it!"
(Y/N) pulled him to an empty classroom, only to see he was crying. Red and puffy eyes, with wet cheeks. She didn't know what to do, so she locked the door and kneeled in front of the chair he was now sitting, resting her hands on his knees.
"Hey, don't cry for a guy like Flash. He's not worth it."
"I'm not crying because of him." He tried to wipe some tears away, but some more were kept coming. "My mom and dad died when I was really young, and I was raised by my aunt May and uncle Ben, and he died many years ago. And every time Flash brings it up this way, my heart breaks. I know shouldn't care, sometimes I really don't, but in days like today, it really gets to me."
"I'm really sorry Peter." She wiped some tears away and tried to smile to comfort him. "Family stuff can be hard sometimes. God, my parents are hard too. But if you ever need anyone to talk to, even though we're not this close yet, you can always come to me."
"Thank you. Really." He sobbed, trying to calm himself down.
"Do you want a hug?"
"A hug would be nice, yeah." She held him for  while, trying to comfort him. He cried a little more, but something about her seemed to make him calm down. Maybe it was her finger running down his hair, or her soft way of talking to him. 
It was weird, but they grew their intimacy so fast, trusting each other to tell things they've never told anyone. It took a long time, like a month or two, but they practically became best friends, knowing a lot about the other, always hanging out. But their chemistry was undeniable, and both of them knew they were falling for each other, slowly opening their hearts to the world, but they never admitted it.
One night, a Wednesday one, Peter stayed up patrolling until it was 2 AM, when his phone oddly started to ring. Her name shining on the screen. Peter jumped into his room before answering it.
"Pete?" Her voice broke the silence from the other side of the line. She was sobbing, crying.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?"
"They had a fight, and my dad stormed out… I-I don't know where he went. I'm scared."
"Who are they? Your parents?
"Do you want me to come over?" He asked and she started to cry harder.
"No, it's pretty late, I don't want you walking all the way over here. It's dangerous. W-We can just talk, it's okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I could use a hug tomorrow though." She sobbed, breathing deeply before continuing. "My mom thinks he's cheating and he claims that he's not, but the fight was ugly and now I'm locked in my room and I can't sleep because I'm crying, and in the end I just wanted to hear your voice."
"I'm here. You can always come to me."
“Thank you, Pete. You’ve been the best friend I’ve never really had before. I’m glad I have someone like you to be there for me.” Peter smiled, even though his heart ached to see her so hurt.
“Do you want me to do anything until you fall asleep?”
“Just talk to me. Tell me a story.” He pressed the spider on his suit, removing it to be only on his underwear under the cover to think about something to tell her.
“So, when I was a kid, May used to take me to eat ice cream at least once a month. It was a thing she used to do when uncle Ben was still alive. And it was a very nice thing we used to do. One day, I even ate a whole bunch of ice cream and it started to get out from my nose.”
“That’s disgusting!” She giggled for the first time that night, and that made his heart warm up. “Tell me another one.”
“I don’t have many stories.” He giggled. “I’m not a very interesting guy.”
“Yes, you are! Everyone is. Now, tell me like… The first time you’ve been in love, or liked someone.”
“Oh I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone like this. But, I used to like this girl, her name was Liz, but I didn’t really love her.”
“So you never loved anyone?”
“No, I don’t think so. But who knows, maybe I get the guts to ask my crush out.”
“You should, I bet you’ll make her really happy.” He smiled, thinking he wanted to ask her out the most. “More stories Parker.”
“I’ll just tell you how I became friends with Ned. It’s a long one, so maybe you’ll fall asleep to this one.”
Peter told her the whole story and soon she wasn’t answering him anymore, probably asleep now. He smiled, but let the story finish, to be sure she was really asleep.
“Maybe I’ll take your advice and ask you on a date. But tomorrow I just wanna hug you until you feel better. Now, sleep well my angel.”
The next day she looked horrible, like someone who cried her heart out until she slept. Peter’s world crumbled to not see her in such colorful clothes she normally wears, but in black jeans and a black hoodie, hair tied in a bun and absolutely no makeup, showing dark bags under her eyes. She smiled softly when she saw Peter, but it wasn’t one of her warm smiles. It was cold, like it could transmit her pain. But she was truly happy to see Peter, just couldn’t demonstrate it.
“Hey.” He said and she curled up in his embrace before saying anything. “Are you feeling better?”
“Not much. Dad was sleeping in the couch when I woke up for school. I didn’t feel like coming, but staying home was worse, but I’m not in the mood to watch the classes.”
“Do you wanna ditch? I know the perfect place. I can stay with you and you can let it all go.” She nodded and he dragged her to an old changing behind the gym, that wasn’t in use since Peter got into Midtown.
“Are you sure no one is coming here?” She asked and Peter nodded.
“The janitor only comes here on Fridays to clean it up a bit. But I’ve ditched many classes in here with Ned or alone. It’s a good place to think.”
“So why no one uses in here?”
“It’s the old girl’s locker room. They never come here because it’s small, including the lockers. Also, the shower is pretty awful, and water’s always cold. So they use the one inside school.” She nodded and he sat on the floor and she sat next to him, embracing his arm, resting her face on his shoulder.
“I'm sorry for being like this. I hate the ugly crying."
"It's okay. Everybody cries and you have a pretty good reason to do it." He caressed her knees with his thumb. "And I'm here if you wanna talk, or simply not talk."
"It's been so hard to see them fighting. And I'm holding it in, it's just good to talk to someone about it. I feel like they aren't my family anymore."
"You can build your own family. You have friends. Family doesn't mean you have to be blood related."
"I know." She started to play with his fingers and he entwined their pinkies.
"I swear I'll be here for you."  She smiled tenderly, looking at their fingers.
"I'll be here for you too. Cross my heart."
"And hope to die."
Peter tried everything to make her happy and forget about her parents situation. He even organized a bowling night with their friends to cheer her up. And the more time passed, the more they liked each other. One week, Peter was agitated, and Ned knew it was because he overheard some jocks talking about inviting the new girl on a date.
"She's gonna fall for one of those stupid idiots, and they are going to be prom queen and king, and live happily ever after." He rambled, nervously flicking his legs.
"That's why you need to get to her first. Because the way she looks at you, it almost looks like she's gonna explode."
"Really?" His eyes shined and he couldn't hold smile back.
"Yeah. Now, there she is, go talk to her." He pushed Peter into (Y/N)'s direction. She was organizing her locker when she saw him coming towards her.
"Hey Pete." She smiled to him, closing her locker to face him.
"Hey (Y/N)." He smiled back, trying to come up with words to ask her out.
"So, May told me about this old pizza place that is really good, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. A-as a date" He was nervous, heart beating faster than it ever had. "O-only if you want it to be a date, of course."
"I'd love to." She smiled and blushed so hard, it was the cutest thing in the world.
"G-good." He smiled wider, not containing his excitement. "Do you mind if we walk there? It's not far away from your place, and I don't have a car."
"I'm fine with everything, as long as I'm with you" She held his hand and his whole body shivered.
"So, Friday?" She nodded and he entwined their fingers.
"Walk me to class?" He nodded back and she pulled him to the hall, so they could walk together.
When the day came, Peter took the subway to her place and waited a long time until he called her to come down, just because he got there earlier than expected. She got down to open the door and once he laid his eyes on her, he got completely mesmerized by her. (Y/N) usually dresses up nicely for school, but today she looked different, completely gorgeous. She was wearing a tight plaid skirt and a black tshirt with converses. She usually doesn't wear much makeup, only when she had a really long study session. But today she had a light makeup on and glossy lips. Peter almost fainted because of how beautiful she looked like.
"Hi Pete." She smiled to him and he was still jaw dropped looking at her.
"H-hi." He smiled and blinked a couple times. "You look so beautiful. A-actually you look beautiful every day."
"Thank you." She blushed, looking down to her toes. "Let's go?"
"Let's go." He gave her space to walk beside him.
They talked about all sorts of things during their walk to the pizza place. Their conversation flowed naturally, and suddenly all that anxiety of being on a first date with the other was gone. They were comfortable around each other. So comfortable that they didn't even noticed when they started to hold hands, it was just natural, but still enough to make them feel the butterflies in their stomach.
Arriving at the pizza place, they sat in a booth on the same side, this way they could be closer to talk to each other. He kept throwing jokes at her and they had a really nice conversation. They ordered soda and one pizza to share.
“You like pepperoni right?” Peter asked and (Y/N) nodded.
“It’s my favorite.” She sipped her soda and rested it over the table. “And after it comes those with pineapple on top.”
“You’re disgusting.” Peter did an ugly face, making her giggle and push him away.
“You’re such a bore. Pineapples on the pizza are fun! They bring you sweetness in the middle of all of that salty food. I definitely tastes nice when you choose the right toppings.”
“Yeah, like pepperoni, cheese and NO pineapple.” 
“Oh, shut up.” She giggled.
Both of them ate the whole pizza slowly, trying to enjoy every second of their date. They talked about everything, and it was the most magical thing in the universe. Peter was amazed of the way she talks, and sometimes she even caught him staring at her with admiration, like she was an angel.
“I really meant when I said you looked beautiful today.”
"You look beautiful too Pete." 
"I look like trash compared to you." He giggled and fixed her hair, resting his thumb on her cheek. "Do you know what?"
"What?" She asked confused.
"I really wanna kiss you right now." She smiled and locked their gazes together.
"So why don't you do it?"
Those words were like song to Peter's ears. He let a crooked smile out and leaned in to take her lips onto his. It was brief and sweet, but their hearts were pounding so hard that they thought it would beat out of their chests. And right there it was their first kiss, quite simple, but the most amazing one that they’ve ever had. He pulled back giving some small pecks on her lips before breaking the kiss. They both smiled when they pulled away, foreheads still close together, and they were just feeling each other.
“This was amazing.” She broke the silence for the first time.
“Yeah. And it tasted like pepperoni.” He joked and she hid her face in the crook of his neck, blushing hard.
“Oh my God, this is so embarrassing.”
"I like pepperoni.” He poked her waist with his index finger, making her look back to him. “But I like you more, since the first time I saw you.”
“I like you too. More than pineapples on pizza.” She touched the tip of his nose and he smiled.
“I’m starting to think that you don’t actually like me." She giggled, pulling him to another kiss.
"You dork. I really really really really like you."
"I really really really really like you too." She smiled and caressed the back of his head, bringing him closer to leave some more pecks on his mouth.
"You're my little angel." He whispered against her lips. "Thank you for coming with me."
"I had so much fun tonight. I'm glad you invited me."
"Well, I couldn't think of a better company." They entwined their fingers and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I don't want this to be over, but my dad gave me a curfew."
"I will walk you home. Just let me go pay." He kissed her cheek before getting up to pay.
"Oh, let's split."
"Please (Y/N), I saved all my money for taking the girl I like out and I'm not letting her split."
"Well, I want to help the boy I like pay this for me." She smiled reaching him to hug him from behind while he waited to pay.
"The boy I like. That sounds really good." He smiled, glancing down to his wallet to get his money to pay up.
"I like hugging you. It's comfy." She brushed her cheeks against his back and inhaled his perfume.
"I feel like you might fall asleep if you keep doing this." He turned around and she hugged his middle. Peter kissed her forehead and she smiled widely.
"I like this new side of you."
"The Completely Head Over Heels side?" He asked, gaze locked with hers.
"Maybe. I don't know, haven't named it yet." 
"Come on, curfew." He reminded guiding her with a hand on her lower back towards the exit.
The weather was chilly and Peter noticed her body shiver in contact with the cold wind, so he involved her with her with his jacket and their hands glued together like two magnetic puzzles that were meant to be together. Since they found out this was a thing that felt too good to do, they didn’t let their hands go apart again. The feeling right deep in their chests was like the most addictive drug in the world, and they wanted to feel it again. Peter took her home safely and even gave her a good night kiss before leaving.
“Be safe, and text me when you get home.” She yelled watching him walk away.
“I will babe.” He said turn around one last time to blink at her.
“Babe.” She whispered with a smile on her face, before turning around to go inside.
As if it was somehow possible, they became even closer, the kind of inseparable close, on the following week. They texted all weekend and when it was Monday again, there they were, hanging together all the time. That week they had two study dates and Ned even let Peter have one lunch alone with her. But they didn’t kiss even once after that date, and it was driving both of them insane. They would glance at each other’s lips for long periods, wanting to feel it again.
The whole school already knew they were hanging out in two weeks of doing things like sharing homemade treats, partnering up in almost every class, and sometimes spotted holding hands and staring at each other in class or while talking. Being apart was getting harder and harder for both of them.
“(Y/N), wait!” He raced his pace to reach her before she met the front door.
“Hey Pete.” She smiled to see him again, just because they had separated classes all day and only talked during break. “Heading home?”
“Yeah. I was thinking that maybe I could walk you home.”
“Isn’t it too much for you to walk? I live a bit far away from your house.”
“I don’t mind. My day isn’t being the best, and you always cheer me up.” She stopped to look at his face with concern.
“Are you okay?” She asked with her worried eyes and he nodded.
“Yeah, I just woke up in a bad mood, didn’t sleep much and I get cranky when I don’t sleep properly.” She held his hand and caressed its back with her thumb.
“Come on. Maybe I can distract you, but promise me to get some sleep when you get home?”
“I promise.”
“Good. Let’s go.” She pulled him by the hand and they walked together through the streets of New York.
They took the subway together to get outside Manhattan, all the way to Queens, where they would have a fifteen minute walk from the subway to her apartment. They walked slowly, talking about their favorite things about New York, like places to visit or eat, and things to do. Peter knew in that moment that it would become his favorite thing to do with her, walk around New York, fingers laced together and they talked. He rocked their arms back and forth while listened to her list her favorite ice cream places in Sunnyside.
“Oh, there’s one of my favorite things in New York.” She pointed to his left, and he glanced over where she was looking.
“A newsstand?” He got a bit confused and she giggled.
“No! Look at the Daily Bugle. It’s Spider Man!” She said with a smile on her face.
“D-do you like Spider Man?” He asked nervously.
“Of course! He’s my favorite superhero, and he even helped me find my stolen phone once.” Peter eyes shined once those words came out of her mouth. “I wish I could see him again.”
“Maybe you will.” He said, trying to hold a smile back. “He’s always around Queens, you know.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so. I only saw him once, but it was amazing.” She smiled and got her keys out of her backpack. “I even have this key chain. It’s him upside down.” He glanced over her keys and smiled.
“You are the perfect girl.” He said, looking back to her, and before she even processed what he was saying, their lips were glued again. They didn’t properly kiss in two weeks, only a small peck Peter gave her in the middle of the hall and almost died of embarrassment, also not being very lucky once Flash was nearby. This time, he was taking full advantage of being alone with her. It was a real kiss, and it took longer than the first one, but it was also hotter and needy.
“What was that?” She whispered against his lips and he kissed her again.
“I just really missed your lips.” He said with one hand on the back of her head, before leaving some minor kisses on her lips.
“You need to go rest Pete.”
“I will.” She kissed his cheek before hugging him.
“And you are the perfect guy.” She said against his chest.” Thank you so much fo walking with me, baby.”
“Thank you for lighting up my day.” He smiled, leaving one last kiss on top of her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Bye. Text me when you get home.”
“Always, boss.” He saluted her and walked away until he saw her coming into the build.
Peter decided to swing home in his Spider suit, because it would be faster for him to do it. So in less than 10 minutes, he was home, cooking something for him to eat. He couldn’t get that stupid smile out of his face, because the girl he truly likes also likes his superhero version, and he couldn’t be happier about something like this. He really tried to sleep a little bit, but she couldn’t get out of his head, and when he saw, it was already time to go on patrol.
It was a calm night in Queens, some minor things happened and he helped lost people, tourists, and some small robberies were stopped. But it was early and nothing was happening, so he decided to surprise his girl, knowing she was home and that she would love to see Spider Man once again. So he swung to Sunnyside and stopped at her firescape. He stood back and watched her inside her room. Her light was low, and she was concentrated on her Twitter and the songs playing on her headphones, as she normally does before lying to sleep. He smiled at her and her unicorn pajamas, seeing her so peacefully brings him joy and he could sit back and watch her do it all night, but it would be creepy. So he knocked on her window, and he thanked God her music was low, because she was able to listen and look back. Her eyes widened at the figure standing on the edge of her firescape. She ran to open the window with a big smile on her face.
“Spider Man? What are you doing here?”
“Just swimming by. Hello!”
“Hi.” She smiled and gave him space to pass. “Please, come in. Are you hurt?”
“No! I just got tired, and tonight is a calm night, but I need to rest. Sore back.” He pointed to his back and she nodded. “You’re (Y/N), right?”
“How do you know my name?”
“A friend of mine told me. And he also told me you’re my biggest fan.”
“I don’t know if I’m your biggest, but I’m a big fan.”
“I really appreciate that.” He smiled under the mask, completely mesmerized by the way she looked at him. “Can you get me a glass of water? Pretty please, I’m really thirsty.”
“I’ll be right back. Please don’t be loud, my parents are home.”
“Don’t worry.” He watched her leave the room and glanced over it.
It was almost like he entered her brain. Her room was so full of her personality. It had a fun decoration, but not with too much color. She had pictures all over the walls, along with posters and some books and HQs. Her bed was messy, and so was her table, since she’s not an organized person at all. But there was some things to be noticed around the room. She had a Spider Man plush over her bed, a Daily Bugle with him on the cover resting right next to her bed. It was all about him, but he couldn’t help but notice some Peter things as well. The napkin he wrote on their first study date was hanging on a board next to her door along with the post-it he gave her with the café name. He smiled, knowing that she kept it somewhere she could see it everyday.
“So, are you going to tell me who’s this friend of yours who told you about me?” She said coming back to the room with a glass of water in hands.
“I can’t. It would break my disguise.”
“At least tell me if it’s from Bronx or Midtown High.”
“Midtown.” He said and she whined.
“Come on Spidey! Tell me.” She begged and he smiled.
“Maybe if you tell me your friends’ names, I can see if it’s anyone I know.”
“Okay, so there’s MJ and Betty, and they are a few of my girl friends. I met this nice girl named Alicia in Biology class. Also, there’s Ned, but I hang with him more when I’m around Pe…” She stopped halfway and smiled, looking down to her knees, cheeks completely red.
“Around who?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” She smiled with the mention of his name. It was like she completely forgot that she had a superhero in her room once Peter’s name was mentioned.
“I’m guessing this Peter is not just a friend.”
“He’s not. I mean, he is, but I don’t know what we are yet. But we’re far beyond the friendship lane, and I really like him.”
“Tell me more about him.” He leaned back on his seat and pulled his mask above his nose to expose his mouth so he could drink the water.
“Peter is the first guy I truly liked, from the very first moment I saw him. And it’s weird, because I feel so good around him and we’ve known each other for only a month now.”
“I know what that’s like.” He drank another sip of his water and continued. “I met this girl too, and she’s amazing, you know. I really truly like her, and I just wish she knew it.”
“You should tell her that.”
“I already have.” He smiled, finishing the glass. “She likes me back, yeah. Maybe in the same intensity, but I just wish she knew how important she is to me.”
“I bet she knows.” (Y/N) winked and he smiled, pulling his mask back down. “He kissed me today. Peter. I think for the second time, and it was magical. How did it feel to kiss that girl for the first time?”
“So good. Maybe it was the best kiss of my life, and I didn’t care a bit if it tasted like pepperoni.” Once she realized what he said, her eyes widened and she sat straight.
“Peter?” She asked and he nodded. (Y/N) approached and pulled his mask off. “Oh my God. You’re Spider Man?”
“Surprise.” He smiled nervously and she hugged him.
“I can’t believe this.” She said against his neck. “I’m going to be so worried about you now.”
“Don’t be, please. I’m completely fine.”
“You’re my favorite superhero. I think I might be dreaming.”
“I swear you’re not darling.” He smiled and she glued their lips in another kiss.
“And I opened up my heart to you.” She punched him in the arm, and his only reaction was to pull her into a hug.
“I opened mine too.” He stroked her hair, feeling her calm down under his touch. “I really mean when I say I like you. And (Y/N), you’re the most amazing girl in the world.”
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because I needed to know if I could trust you."
"And you do?" He stopped to caress her cheek and smile tenderly.
"You're the person I trust the most."
"I'm glad you told me." She sat on his lap and he pulled her into a hug. "Are you hungry baby? There's some pizza leftovers. And did you sleep well?"
"Couldn't sleep, but I'm tired. And I ate a sandwich before coming."
"Come here. Let me make you rest." She pulled him to bed and he lied between her legs.
"May will be worried about me."
"Text her. Say you're with me." 
"I can't baby." She buried her nose in his hair and held him tightly.
"Please." She cried and he nodded, pressing a kiss on the palm of her hand that was before resting on his chin.
"Just a little bit, okay?" She nodded and pressed some more kisses on the top of his head. "Tell me about your day, I haven't seen you all day."
She told her everything about his day and he told about his and what was bothering him. And from that day, they were officially a thing, not holding back their relationship to the world. He even went to have dinner with her parents one night, which ended up with them loving Peter, but fighting with each other when Mr. (Y/L/N) was called for a "late night work". The night that was supposed to be a nice dinner ended up with Peter staying over to comfort his girl to sleep, because she couldn't stop crying.
But it didn't have a name, or a label. Everytime they were asked if they were girlfriend and boyfriend, they didn't know how to answer that question, simply saying that they were a thing. But both of them wanted something else, even though they've been to plenty of dates and were inseparable. (Y/N) hasn't met aunt May yet, because she was always busy. 
Peter was watching her during class, completely lost in her thoughts, not paying attention to class, buried in her book. In that moment he knew she needed to be his girlfriend and make it official with a promise ring or something.
"Ned, I'm gonna ask (Y/N) to be my girlfriend."
"She isn't already?"
"Yeah, kind of. But it's not like I ever asked her to be my girlfriend. We just hang out."
"You met her parents."
"Which was a disaster." Ned nodded, agreeing with him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I want her to be mine forever."
"So go for it dude."
Peter planned for a whole week and it was just a good coincidence when she called him Thursday night during patrol.
"Movie day! Tomorrow, at my place." 
"Hello to you too babe." He giggled during his swing through the streets of Queens.
"Sorry. I'm just too excited. My parents won't be home for the weekend and I really wanted to have the place for us."
"Okay. I can cancel patrol tomorrow." He smiled, because his plan was falling into place.
"I really want to do absolutely nothing tomorrow. Just watch movies, eat junk food and be with you."
"The perfect day."
And it was indeed. After class, they rushed to her place and even met her mom leaving the apartment before going to the airport. (Y/N) cooked some pasta for lunch and they spent the afternoon in her bed.
"You know what is today?" He asked and she kept thinking if she forgot something.
"No, not really."
"Our 2 month anniversary since our first date." He caressed her cheek and smiled.
"You saved the date. How cute!"
"It's a really important one to me." He sat in bed and pulled his backpack to his lap. "And I got something from you."
"Pete, I didn't get you anything…"
"It's a gift for us both." He got a velvet box out of his bag and opened it for her, showing her a key necklace.
"Peter, it's so pretty, but it seems so expensive."
"I got a raise from my boss." He said and pulled his keys out of his pocket. "See this key chain? It's a heart, and it's locked up. And in the middle of many keys, you have the only one that can unlock my heart."
"Stop it! I'm emotional, and I'm gonna cry." She said tearing up and he giggled, turning her around to put the necklace around her neck. "Thank you so much."
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you please be my girlfriend? This time officially."
"Yes!" She jumped on his neck and pulled him into a long kiss. They kissed many times before, but that one felt like it was their first one. Tasted different and new, and it was quite fun to do it. "You make me so happy."
"That's the reason why I asked you to be my girlfriend. You make me happy, you make me feel special, like no one ever did."
"It's you and me against the world, forever." She entwined their little fingers and he glued their foreheads together.
And their relationship was the best one they could ever had. They barely fought and they had a lot of fun together, it didn't matter if they were on a fancy dinner date or dancing while they were alone in her room. Still, even though Peter wanted to introduce his girlfriend to his aunt, it seemed like she was never home.
"Please May, try to manage some time. I really want you to meet her."
"I'm trying sweetheart, but things just seem hard on F.E.A.S.T. right now and I just wanna get all my work done by the end of the month."
"But I've been dating her for almost three months now, and I've already met her parents. She'll start to think I don't want you to meet her."
"That's bullshit darling." She kept concentrated on folding laundry and Peter decided to help her finish it.
"She's the girl of my dreams, and I really wanted her to meet my family. And you're my whole family May."
"I know sweetie. I promise you to have her over for dinner by the end of the month."
“I just wish that she could come over so we could have a dinner as a family, you know, because she has some issues with her family and I wish she could just be happy for one night.”
“She will, and it’s going to be perfect Pete.”
He thanked that he had (Y/N) to be there for him, because it seemed like May was pretty occupied with her new shelter to even remember his existence. He felt sorry for her, because he knew she was very tired. But (Y/N) was always there to support him, and vice versa. She made sure that he got home safely everyday after patrolling, and wouldn't sleep until he said he was alright. There was three situations where he got very injured and she had to take care of him, but that meant cuddling afterwards, which was a great thing for him.
At the same time that Peter felt lonely, (Y/N)'s parents started to fight even more than before and she would stay up until it was very late listening to their screaming and fights. She would show up everyday with dark bags under her eyes and her spirits buried deep down on earth. Peter was the only one to make her smile, because he had that kind of effect on her.
But one day she couldn't do it anymore. Peter was doing his homework in his room, listening to a low and calm music to set the mood, when he heard knocks on his door. He thought it was weird, because he wasn't expecting anyone, but was surprised with his girlfriend completely heartbroken in front of her. She had red and puffy eyes, with tears falling nonstop, as she couldn't barely breathe. When she saw Peter, she immediately ran for his arms.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked but she couldn't stop crying to tell him. 
"M-my parents. T-they had a pretty bad fight, and… and my mom stormed out and I don’t know where she is."
"What? That's some serious shit. Come in." He pulled her into the apartment, right into his room.
He sat in his chair to face her sitting on his bed, trying to wipe her tears away. He held her face between his hands, as if that way he could read her better. Peter gave her some forehead kisses and held her to his chest. It took a while, but she calmed down and got away from Peter.
“I need to text her, see if she needs anything.” She stated, getting her phone in hands.
“You’re right. And I’m here if you need anything, okay? Just please be okay.”
Peter’s chest aches in pain as he watched the girl he loves so worried and sad. All he wanted to do was get all of her pain to himself, so she could be happy for once. He would take it, anything to see his girl smile again. Once she sighed in relief, Peter rested, knowing everything was probably fine.
“She’s staying at my aunt’s house.”
“Good, at least she’s safe.” He said and she straddled his lap and lied her head on his chest.
“I just want this to be over! I haven’t slept properly in weeks and all I wanna do is cry. I don’t know what to do Pete. I just wanted a family.”
“You’ll have one, I promise. We can build our own family, okay? You already have Ned, MJ, Betty.”
“They are my friends.”
“Doesn’t mean they’re not family.” He stroked her hair softly, as she sobbed against his chest. “And you have me. We can start our family with just the two of us. Oh, and May will take care of you just like she takes care of me.”
“I haven’t met May yet.”
“I know, I’m sorry for that, she’s a really busy women. But you will, and you won’t have to hold on to that family that keeps hurting you, because you would have already built your own.”
“This means so much to me Pete.” She stopped sobbing and closed her eyes. “Can we cuddle?”
“I really need to finish this work.” He said looking down to his notes, but too heartbroken to let her go. “But you can stay like this until I finish, I won’t take long.”
“Tell me a happy story.”
Peter told her many stories, some about Spider Man, some about people he knew, and some about his own personal life. But while he did it, (Y/N) fell asleep listening to his voice. She was so tired that she barely could hold herself to be awake for too long. Soon Peter stopped telling her stories and focused back on his homework, while his left hand caressed her hair.
“I’m so sorry baby.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head again. 
Some noises came from outside the room, like someone was opening the door with its keys, and Peter knew seconds later that it was May because of the sound of her heels on the hard floor. He prayed to every God that she would be quiet, but knowing May for so long, he knew she was going to say something very loudly.
“Hey Peter, what do you want for dinner?” He pressed his index finger against his lips and watched his aunt freeze to see what was happening. Her expression softened when she saw who was on his lap.“What happened to her?”
“She’s just tired May. Her parents were fighting and she didn’t know where to go. And she just fell asleep right here.” He whispered and May nodded, leaning to the door and smiled.
“So this is the famous (Y/N)?” She asked and he nodded with a smirk on his face. “She’s really pretty.”
“She’s so beautiful, inside and out.” May approached him, standing behind him and stroked his hair. He inhaled the good smell of her shampoo on her hair and kissed the top of her head. “My beautiful girl.”
“Do you like her?”
“I think I love her May.” He giggled and dropped his pen over the book. “She makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel before. Happy, special, loved, but in a very singular way.”
“That’s cute.” She smiled, sitting on the edge of his bed. His eyes were locked on her and his other hand met her back. He softly rocked her, and she snored, deep into her sleep.
“She takes care of me, like… she always texts to see if I already got home safely from patrol, and if I have a problem, she’s always there to help me.” He squeezed her and she relaxed even more in his arms. She sighed, making his smile go widder. “Sometimes she does this thing where she draws constellations on my freckles with her fingers, and I kept staring at her thinking how lucky I am to have such a special girl in my life.”
“You know Pete, the last time I saw someone like this, head over heels about a girl, his name was Ben Parker. And well, I married him.” She caressed her nephews cheek, squinting her eyes. “Sometimes I think that you look so much like your uncle, more than your dad.”
“Really?” His eyes shined when he glanced back to his aunt, watching she nodding her head yes.
“Maybe not in appearance, but the way you act…” She sighed, remember her old love. “ He used to hold me like that too, when we were younger. And if I was ever sad, he simply knew how to make me feel better.”
“I really miss him.” Peter felt down for a while, but he usually loves to hear stories about his uncle.
“I miss him too. So much Peter.” She let a tear fall from her face, but she wiped it right away. 
“I’m sorry aunt May.”
“It’s okay sweetie.” She smiled, trying to comfort him. “If she is really that special, you better hold onto her and never let her go. You know that old phrase, ‘If you love her, let her go?’ ” He nodded. “That’s bullshit.”
“Great advice May.” He giggled, shaking his head.
“Now tell me about this girl...” 
Taglist: @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter , @princezzariel , @pastyoverlord265 ,@dumandbass, @tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix , @itsjustahuman, @legendsofwholock , @emistrash, @starlightfound, @sandran04, @paaaam97, @pure-ghost
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mistydacat · 4 years
Cursed || A Felinette Story || Chapter 1
Who would've thought that a seemingly ordinary Thursday afternoon, a letter would arrive in the mail that would change their life?
Marinette sure didn't.
So she was surprised when her parents called her down from her room, claiming that a letter had arrived in the mail for her.
At first, she was confused. It couldn't be from any of her friends; they could just text her. Who would send her a letter?
It must be something super important. Marinette thought to herself. People were only sent letters these days if it was an invitation to some sort of fancy event. Though, she supposed schools sent out letters sometimes as well.
Marinette tried to rack her brain for anything she could have done that would have been worth sending a letter home for, but came up with nothing. Maybe Lila had come up with another lie to get her into trouble again? However, she hadn't been in school for a while, so that didn't make sense.
But one look at her parents' faces destroyed that theory, much to her relief. They were smiling at her.
So now, she was back to confused. Instead of further dwelling on it and jumping to conclusions, like she usually did, Marinette decided to just ask.
"A letter? Who is it from?"
"Do you know that art school that's not too far from here? Lycée D'Arts en Hausse?" Her mother asked.
"Yeah?" Marinette responded, unsure of where this was going.
Her dad handed her the letter with her name printed on it. A similar envelope lay on the counter, opened. She could just make out her parents' names on it from where she was standing.
She opened up hers and began reading. 
Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng,
We, Lycée D'Arts en Hausse's talent scouts, have found the exceptional work you have done as a designer. We have seen the world-renowned rock star, Jagged Stone's new album cover, and the Pigeon Feather hat you skillfully created for a recent Gabriel fashion show. We have unanimously agreed that your talent is something we would happily accept at this school.
Attached to this letter is a pamphlet that features some of the many things Lycee D'Arts en Hausse offers to its design students.
If you think that this school is fit for you, you can send an email to [email protected] so we can book you an interview and start the school transferring process.
Lycée D'Arts en Hausse
Marinette jaw dropped.
"No way," she breathed out, looking wide-eyed at her parents.
"It's your choice if you go or not, of course. I know you'll probably miss your friends, but you can always meet up with them on weekends and after school. You could even arrange to spend your lunch hour with them if you'd really like to," her mother said, offering her a comforting smile.
"This could be an excellent opportunity for you to get a head start in the fashion industry." Her father butted in.
Marinette, still in shock, could only nod at her parents. She was still trying to process what was happening. 
She weighed the pros and cons. On the plus side, her dad was right, this would be a great opportunity. She could go to class with other young designers like her and have a professional teacher. She would probably learn things that she wouldn't have been able to teach herself!
But, on the downside, she was moving to a new school. At her new school, she could get away from Chloe and Lila, although they don't really bother her as much as they used to. She didn't know anyone there, and, unlike what would happen if she transferred at the beginning of the year, she would be the only new student. People had already established their friend groups. What if no one wanted to talk to her? Or worse, what if there was someone ever more awful than Chloe and Lila? What would she do then?
Marinette blinked back into reality, created by her parents' worried faces.
"Sorry, I'm just... taking it all in, I guess."
Their expressions relaxed. "You can take a few days to think it over if you'd like. This is a big decision." Her mother comforted.
"Thanks, Maman. Thanks, Papa." She kissed both her parents' cheeks. "I love you both so much."
"We love you too, sweetie." Her mother smiled.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Marinette went up to her room. She felt that she needed to ask Tikki for her opinion, then she would video call Alya and ask for her advice.
"I'm so happy for you, Marinette!" Tikki beamed.
"Do you think I should go?" Marinette asked her.
"It would be a pretty significant change for you, but not necessarily a bad one! Think of all the new experiences you'll go through!" The kwami of creation cheered.
Marinette sighed. "I don't know. I guess I'm just..."
"Nervous?" Tikki finished for her.
She nodded.
"You have to go through changes in your life, Marinette. It's inevitable. But it makes you a stronger person." Tikki assured her.
"You're right." The young designer smiled at her. "I'm still gonna call Alya and ask for her opinion, though."
Tikki nodded. "Go ahead!"
Marinette unlocked her phone and texted Alya.
ThatOneDesigner: Hey, I need to talk to you about this super important thing.
Alya responded quickly.
ThatOneLadyblogger: What is it??????
ThatOneDesigner: Can I call you?
ThatOneDesigner: Sure.
Marinette hit the call button and watched as Alya's face filled the screen after she accepted.
"Hey girl, what's up?" Asked Alya.
"So... I don't know how to say this, but..." Marinette started.
"But what?"
"There's this super awesome arts school that liked my work and offered me a spot there in design!" She blurted out quickly.
Alya gasped. "Oh my gosh, Girl! That's so awesome! I'm super excited for you! Did you respond to them yet? Do you know when you're gonna start? I'm soo jealous! Oh my gosh, tell me everything!"
Marinette smiled at her best friend's reaction. How could she ever have thought she would react otherwise?
She quickly filled Alya in on all the details she knew of.
"-So, I called you to ask for your opinion." Marinette finished.
"Girl, there is no way I am letting you pass up this opportunity! Do you really have a reason not to go?" Alya told her.
Marinette pursed her lips. "Well, I was scared of what you'd think. I didn't want it to seem like I was abandoning you."
Alya let out a fake gasp. "How dare you think so lowly of me!" She yelled dramatically, striking a classic 'woe-is-me' pose. "What kind of best friend would I be if I wasn't extremely over-supportive of you going to this school? Marinette, you should be ashamed! Ashamed, I tell you!"
Both girls simultaneously burst into a fit of giggles, which then erupted into roaring laughter. They didn't stop until they were struggling to breathe, tears forming in the corners of their eyes.
Things always seemed a hundred times funnier when they came out of the mouths of your best friends.
"You know what would totally be awesome?" Alya began after (mostly) recovering from their laugh attack. "You should definitely introduce me, Nino, and Adrien to any new friends you make at your school. That way, we could have one giant friend group! Also, I'll need to run a background check and approve of all your new friends. I don't want you to befriend anyone that could potentially hurt you."
Marinette laughed. "Alya, I don't even know if I'll make any new friends."
"There is no way anyone could meet you and not instantly want to be your best friend. Literally, our whole class loves you, except Chloe, but I don't think she loves anybody. You'll make tons of new friends."
"Alya, you know what? I think I'm gonna go."
Alya squealed. "I knew I could convince you! But you have to call us every day and have lunch with us at least once a week. Also, if you're not busy, we have to meet up on weekends."
Marinette rolled her eyes playfully. "Obviously. Those are all given."
"I can't believe you're gonna go to a fancy art school!"
"Why do I feel like you're more excited about this than I am?" Marinette teased. 
"That's because I am. Overly-supportive best friend, remember?"
Marinette laughed again. Talking to Alya had really hyped her up for the move.
"I've gotta go help my mom with some stuff. See you tomorrow?"
Marinette nodded, giving her friend a little wave. "Bye!"
"Byeeee!" Alya blew a kiss at the screen, then hung up.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
The next few days went by rather quickly. Marinette had come home from school on Friday and told her parents that she had made her decision. The next thing she did was send an email to the school telling them that she was interested in enrolling. They sent their response back rather quickly and scheduled an appointment for her, which she attended a few days later.
They mostly just gave her a tour of the building and introduced her to some potential teachers. She met the principal, Mme. Ambroise, who had seemed to be a very kind woman who genuinely cared for each one of her students.
A week later was her last day at her current school, Collège Françoise Dupont, and boy was it emotional. 
Her classmates gathered around her, offering their goodbyes and wishing her good luck. Some have even brought gifts. Rose had handed her friendship bracelet with her name on it, and a quick glance showed that the entire girl squad had one as well.
Mylene, Rose, Juleka, and Ivan had also gotten Luka to help them make her a song that she downloaded and vowed to listen to on her first day. Nino had also made a few remixes of it, so she had a variety.
Nathanial had drawn a portrait of her as a half-phoenix, to represent rebirth and starting over.
Alya had gotten her a set of brand new charcoal pencils, and Adrien had gotten her the prettiest sketchbook she had ever seen. It had the Eiffel Tower on it, which he said was because he had heard her say it inspired her. He and Alya had thought that since she would be starting at a new school, she should have some new supplies to really start off fresh. 
The gifts really touched her heart, and when it was time to hug everyone and say their last goodbyes, half the class was almost in tears.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Marinette was very tempted to collapse onto her bed the second she got home and contemplate her entire life, but she needed to get her things ready for the next day.
She emptied her backpack of all the workbooks and papers from her old school, but then she decided to dump everything else out so she could clean her bag. There were a lot of crumpled up papers and even if you stray pencils.
Once she was done, she put in her pencil case and a few other supplies, along with the new sketchbook and pencils she had gotten.
When Marinette was done, she realized how much spare time she had since she didn't have any homework to do, and decided to clean her room. Tomorrow was a new beginning, why not start off with a tidy bedroom?
She cleaned up and put away some stray fabrics, yarn, and thread. She also took the time to hang up the art Nathanial had given her.
Marinette stared at her walls, hesitating. Should she take the pictures of Adrien down? 
This was supposed to be the start of a new era for her, right? Adrien didn't seem to have returned any of her affections, so maybe she should move on?
No, what was she thinking!? Just because she was moving to a new school doesn't mean she was giving up!
But at the same time, what if she met someone else? Adrien was clearly uninterested, maybe she was thinking these thoughts because she had already partially moved on. She had even gotten over her stutter. 
Marinette's hand hovered over one of the pictures, then she shook her head. She would just wait and see if her feelings changed the next time she saw him.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Marinette spent the rest of her day helping her parents in the bakery and working on a leather skirt. She didn't usually work with leather, as it was one of the more finicky materials to sew, so she was getting some practice in.
Marinette went to sleep early that night, grateful that Hawkmoth had decided not to release an akuma that night. She hoped that maybe tomorrow she'd actually get to school on time. »»————- ⚜ ————-«« 
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blackjacktheboss · 5 years
those memories from the kiddies are so adorable I love them!!!! Do Percy and Annabeth have favorite memories with them or memories that stick out or is just every memory with them their favorite cause it’s their kids lol
thank you! 
Theo’s first breath changed Percy’s whole life in such a fundamental way and every time he watches Theo blow out his birthday candles, that’s the moment that his mind goes back to and it makes his heart feel like it’s gonna explode form happiness 
when Amelia was like 12 she told Percy she just “couldn’t do school” that day so he called out sick from work and they spent the day playing hooky together. They spent most of it at the aquarium, just talking about everything and making up stories about the animals in the tank (some of which the animals did Not appreciate) and on the drive home Amelia just looked at him and said “dad, you’re one of my favorite people” and he said “you’re one of my favorite people too, peanut” 
one time Percy got super sick with the flu and while he was largely delirious, he remembers waking up periodically to Ruthie’s face right up in front of his and her little voice saying “daddy are you alive” and he’d say “yes baby I’m alive” and she’d just say “okay” or “good”, kiss him on the cheek or the forehead and run off back to whatever she had been doing. Afterward, Annabeth told him that Ruthie kept telling Annabeth what he needed (water, soup, medicine, etc) and even if Annabeth had already done it, Ruthie would not relax until Annabeth went and physically showed her what she had gotten/done for him. She even stole Annabeth’s phone and called her uncle Malcolm who is a doctor (PhD doctor, but still) to ask for his “professional opinion” 
Well the first time she heard his heartbeat, she thought that it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. But also she remembers one night when she got home late and had been working really crazy hours. Theo was 4 and Amelia was almost 2 (Ruthie was yet to be on the way), and Annabeth was feeling really bad about herself for not being around enough. Percy had already gone to bed and she was down on the couch just sulking and drinking wine. Eventually she fell asleep and when she woke up, around 4, there was a blanket on her that had not been there when she fell asleep. At first she thought it had been Percy, but when she went to shift, she suddenly realized there was a weight next to her. Theo had wedged himself under her arm as she slept on her side and his right hand was lightly holding her left hand. She snuggled him in close and went back to sleep and the next morning, Percy showed her all the drawings (building designs) Theo had been making all week for a “portfolio” that he wanted to show her. She didn’t have to be perfect. She was doing okay. One of her most important mom moments. 
the first summer Amelia started going to CHB she had seemed completely unaffected at drop off. She didn’t cry or beg her parents not to leave, she just said bye and see you in a couple months. So the next week when Annabeth was at her work desk and the mail clerk delivered a letter from Amelia Jackson at Camp Half Blood in Long Island, New York, she was a little stunned to say the least. That was the beginning of a summer long correspondence, and Annabeth saved every letter her daughter sent her (about one every other day). It was easy to think Amelia had outgrown her, and that summer was a good reminder that her cool exterior was just that, and her baby girl still wanted to hear from her mom.
When Ruthie is 7, Annabeth takes her on a work trip to San Francisco where they end up visiting with Annabeth’s dad and step mom. While she had met them before, Ruthie had never spend any significant time with that set of grandparents but it seemed to go well when they were there. On the drive back to their hotel, Ruthie commented that the rental car smelled weird and Annabeth nodded along, just trying to decompress from the family time when Ruthie pressed on and said “Mommy, how come Nina doesn’t like your step mom? She seemed nice to me.” Annabeth tried to process what her kid had said and what followed was more question dodging than Annabeth thought a 7 year old capable of (except when she thought of herself at 7) and what she was left with was knowing that 1) Ruthie apparently prayed to her godly grandmother, and it seemed as though the goddess answered 2) Athena did Not like Frederick’s choice of wife “but she likes uncle Bobby and uncle Matthew… she says they’re smart like grandpa Fred”. Just a perfect example of her little ray of sunshine reaching to every stretch of the universe, so bright that even the great goddess Athena couldn’t ignore her. 
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marshmellowmin · 5 years
Troubling Love pt. 1 | Mafia!Chenle AU
Okay so this is a collaboration series between myself ( @marshmellowmin ) and the author @smorechan so please support us as we continue to release more content related to our overall theme that can be found on her blog. Thank you!!!
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Chenle: Born into the Zhong Mafia and he assimilated quite quickly; works IT and prefers to have nothing to with the dirty work his family is associated with.Once shut down the entire Shenghai power grid. His older brother is married to Johnny’s sister
Years in Mafia:18
Weapon of Choice: Computer
Body count: 0
“Mom I’m gonna be late! Hurry!” You yelled at your very overzealous mother who decided to spend half an hour taking pictures of you on your first day of school in Korea.
“Alright, alright. Last one I promise,” Your mom took one last picture and shut her phone off. “Let’s go honey. Can't be late for your first day!” You rolled your eyes. If you were late, it would be her fault. You grabbed your backpack and began walking down the streets of your neighborhood to reach Seoul Preparatory Academy-your new hellhole. It looked so pretentious and the kids there looked just as pretentious. You hated it before even stepping foot on campus.
“Mom do I really have to go here for the next two years? Can’t you just homeschool me?” You whined.
“Do you really want me to homeschool you?” Your mother asked, raising an eyebrow at you. Then you remembered how she struggled to do basic algebra.
“On second thought, nevermind. Love you mom! Bye!” You quickly hugged your mom before walking to the front doors of the building. The school itself was made up of 1 big 2 story building with two wings protruding from the sides. The main office was located in the center of the building. And that's about all you knew about this school. You gathered up as much courage as possible and walked up to the front desk.
“Um excuse me? I’m Y/L/N Y/N, I’m a transfer here from China. I’m supposed to be starting today.” You told the front desk lady all your personal contact info and she printed out your time card. Then, a girl with short brown hair appeared by the front desk.
“This is Kang Jisoo, she’ll be your guide for the week. She’s in your class, which is class 2A. Jisoo, this is Y/L/N Y/N, she’s a new transfer from China. Please treat her well,” The front desk lady said and sent you two off.
“Hi, Y/N! I’m Jisoo. So what made you come to Korea?” Jisoo asked, leading you down the west hall.
“My parent’s. Dad got transferred to Korea and my mother is actually Korean so, here I am.”
“Wow, so you’re of Korean descent. It’s not often we get transfer students who are actually Korean. The last one we had was a senior around 2 years ago. His name was Huang Renjun, I think.” She smiled, pointing up a set of stairs, directing you to follow her.
“Well, I’m technically only half-Korean, and my Korean is still a little rusty. Mom never spoke it at home unless she was angry.” You laughed, it was easy to tell that you and Jisoo would get along well.
“What are you talking about? Your Korean is amazing! Albeit, a small accent, I can understand you perfectly!” She smiled. You both stopped in front of a smaller classroom. “So I don’t know if you are familiar with the way classes are set up in Korea so I’ll give you a run down. We are split into 6 different levels based on your academic aptitude, with 2 classes each - though that has no meaning - and there are 3 grades. So, roughly 36 classes total. You are a grade 3, and apart of Class A, so that must mean you are SUPER smart, these classes tend to be small because you have to be the like top 5% of the school. But, it does allow for more one-on-one time with the teacher.” She stopped, and caught her breath, rushing to push out as much information as she could, not wanting to waste your class time. “So, do you get it?”
She gave off another beaming smile, and you laughed. “Yeah, I think I do, it was pretty similar in Beijing.”
“Then let’s go!” She grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the classroom. There were only about 9 other kids in the class, and the teacher was giving a lecture on quantum physics. The teacher paused for a moment, looked to Jisoo, and smiled. At this point, everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Ah, Miss Kang, this must be our new transfer, no?” Jisoo nodded.
“Yes’m, this is Y/L/N Y/N, she’s a transfer from China.” Jisoo introduced you before you could, which bothered you slightly, but you let it slide. Jisoo had proven to be a very excitable child in the minutes you’ve known her.
“Hello Miss Y/L/N, I’m Mrs. Park and I’ll be your physics teacher. Please sit anywhere you see an open seat,” Mrs. Park motioned to the entire classroom. There were lots of empty seats, but you didn’t necessarily want to socialize with everyone. You noticed everyone was still staring at you, except for one person, who was staring out of the window next to him. A blonde boy who appeared to also be chinese, but you couldn’t see his face very clearly so you could also be wrong. You approached the seat near the blonde boy and tapped his shoulder.
“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”
You asked, making the boys eyes widen. He shook his head and you took a seat.
“Wonderful choice, Miss Y/L/N. Mister Zhong here is also a chinese transfer student, you two should get along just fine. Now, getting back to the lesson, who can complete this equation for me?” Mrs. Parks voice droned on for what seemed like forever. It seemed almost insane how behind Korea was when compared to China’s education system. You took quantum physics last year, so this was all review for you. Also, Mrs. Park was teaching the lessons so slowly. What would usually be one lesson in China was somehow stretched to a weeks worth of lessons in Mrs. Parks classroom. You slumped in your seat as the lesson ended and the bell for lunch rang. You hadn’t even been at this school a full day and you hated it. Gathering your things, Jisoo ran up to you.  
“So, Y/N, how about we eat lunch together? I could show you around the cafeteria and the rest of the campus before class resumes at 1,” Jisoo smiled. Before getting an answer Jisoo was practically dragging you out of the classroom. As you reached the cafeteria you suddenly felt starving-having only eaten half a banana for breakfast.
“They’re serving kimchi fried rice today with bbq pork! Ah that’s my favorite! Y/N let’s hurry and get in line!” Jisoo dragged you to the lunch line and you sighed. You never really had a love for Korean food. It wasn’t anything like chinese food, it was much too sweet. “Y/N, aren’t you gonna eat?”  Jisoo looked quite concerned for your health when you stepped out of line.
“Uh no, I had a large breakfast. Thanks though,” You lied, mainly to avoid disclosing the fact that you didn’t like Korean food, but partially also to avoid the longest line in the history of ever.
“Alright, Y/N. I’ll meet you back at the classroom then. You to know how to get back, right?” Jisoo asked again, to which you shook your head. Jisoo handed you a map and you were on your way. Walking up the stairs and down multiple halls, you finally reached your classroom and you plopped into your seat. You noticed the Zhong boy was in his seat already, he was eating dumplings. Oh how you missed your grandmother’s dumplings. You began missing China more and more as you thought about the food back home.
“Where’s your food?” The Zhong boy asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Oh uh, I wasn’t very hungry so I’m meeting Jisoo up here after she gets hers,” you said, crossing your left leg over your right. The boy obviously didn’t believe you, cause he offered a dumpling to you, which you declined.
“Eat.” You pouted and complied. You went to grab the chopsticks from the boys hand, but he pulled them away. You were confused until he grabbed a dumpling and held it by your face. You pouted again and ate the dumpling off his chopsticks. It went like this until Jisoo walked in-her voice ringing in your ears from miles away. The Zhong boy immediately went back to being an antisocial loner and faced the window. You pouted before turning to Jisoo.
“So how was lunch?” You asked the dark haired girl. Jisoo smiled.
“It was good! Although I wish you could’ve been there! There’s so many people i want to introduce you to!” You smiled. Jisoo had a good heart, and it was very pure compared to yours. Your friends back in China were very corrupting, needless to say. You were the best pickpocket anyone knew and you could work your way around any computer like it was the back of your hand. You had way too much free time, so you learned “useless” things like hacking and biochemical warfare. You also had a lot of useless trivia knowledge. Class began and there was a new teacher at the front.
“Good afternoon class,” The man said.
“Good afternoon Mr. Nam,” the class responded. You all sat down and Mr. Nam looked at you.
“Ah, a new student! Wonderful. What’s your name, miss?”
“Y/L/N Y/N. I’m a transfer from China, sir.” You stood up and answered.
“Well, Miss Y/L/N I’m Mr. Nam and I’m your history teacher. Why don’t you tell us a fact about yourself, so we all may get to know you better.” You cringed internally. How you hated getting-to-know-you things.
“Um, I’m really good with computers, I guess?” You answered, making Zhong boy perk up.
“Is that so? Well Mr. Zhong here is also good with computers. It seems you two should get along just fine. And on with today’s lesson! The second world war! How exciting!” Once again, classes seemed to drag on. You knew everything about World War II, even the things that had nothing to to with either Korea or China. After History was English, and you were basically fluent in English so you just sat there bored for the hour. The Zhong boy seemed to enjoy pissing off the English teacher, which annoyed you to no end. Just when the teacher looked like she was about to scold the Zhong boy, you spoke up.
“Yah, shut your mouth before I kick your teeth in,” You threatened, making the whole class stare at you. You had been quiet for most of the classes, so threatening someone was very odd of you.
“Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Zhong, detention. Both of you,” Ms. Brown said,  pinching the bridge of her nose. The kid next to you rolled his eyes and you just slumped in your seat. Great. First day of class and you already have detention. How would you plead to your mother? Luckily, English was the last class of the day. “Rules of detention, no speaking, no electronics, and no homework. Sit there and do nothing, or take a nap. I don’t want to hear noise from either one of you for the next 30 minutes, got it?” Ms. Brown said, glaring down the Zhong boy-who just rolled his eyes and laid down on his desk. You sighed and leaned back in your seat. The next half hour dragged on and you were tempted to just fall asleep like the kid next to you.  But about 20 minutes in things got interesting. The Zhong boy’s guardian came to talk with Ms. Brown.
“Ah, Mr. Lee, here to pick up Chenle?” Ms. Brown said, looking up from her papers.
“Yes, I am. I do apologize for his behavior, Ms. Brown,” Mr. Lee said, leaning on a desk. You sensed some romantic tension so you attempted to ignore the adults.
“Yah Zhong Chenle. Wake up, you idiot,” Mr.  Lee yelled, making the blonde boy stir in his sleep. So his name is Zhong Chenle. I thought I recognized his last name. No wonder he’s a brat, he’s the child of two major CEO’s. Chenle woke up and glared at Mr. Lee.
“What do you want, Tae? I was napping,” You rolled your eyes. This kid was so disrespectful.
“We’re going home, and you’re grounded.”
“You can’t ground me, Tae.”
“Maybe, but your mother can. And she did. So we’re going home, and you are going to speak to your mother about everything that has happened the last six months and this won’t happen again, okay?” Mr. Lee said, grabbing Chenle’s ear.
“Okay fine, just let go of my ear.” You giggled, signalling your presence to Mr. Lee.
“Yah what’s so funny?” Chenle yelled at you. You decided to annoy him further and you just shrugged. Chenle was fuming and Mr. Lee basically dragged him out of the classroom. You had another 5 minutes, but Ms. Brown was feeling generous and let you leave early. You walked home and as soon as you entered the house your mother was yelling at you.
“Goddamnit Y/N! Your first day at school and what do you do? You threaten a kid! What were you thinking?” To be fair to your mother, you weren’t thinking. You also weren’t thinking when you walked right back out of the house. You weren’t very familiar with Seoul yet and you didn’t feel like walking back home to get your phone from your bag, so you kept walking. It was nearly dark before you decided to find your way back home. You didn’t even know your address. You kept walking in what seemed like circles and eventually wound up lost in front of a sign that said “Come Visit Again!”, meaning you were somehow at the city’s limits.
“Fuck it. I’m not going home,” You spoke, to no one in particular. You walked the back the way you came and began looking for people to pickpocket for cash. You were hungry and wanted something to eat-even if it was kimchi fried rice. And then you heard a voice you could barely believe you were hearing.
“Yah! Y/L/N Y/N!” You spun on your heels to face Zhong Chenle. “What are you doing over here?” His voice was almost angry, as if you trespassed on his territory.
“I’m walking.”
“I can see that. Why are you walking over here specifically though.”
“Is the sidewalk not public property? Can I not walk where I want?”
“You can. Just not here.”
“You bug me.”
“Yeah well too bad.”
“I’m lost, okay?”
“See that's all you needed to say. Where do you live? I’ll take you there.”
“No need. You have a computer on you?”
“No why?”
“What about a phone?”
“Yeah, why do you need it?”
“To track mine.” Chenle looked shocked and worried about the fact that you didn’t have your phone with you. You only prayed that your phones tracking signal was on.
“So you’re telling me you were walking by yourself without your phone at 8 o’clock at night and you got lost?”
“I’ve technically been walking without my phone since 4 but you get the idea.”
“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself, thank you.” The tracking signal was on and it was miles away. Practically on the other side of town.
“I’m walking you home.”
“Its a 4 hour walk from here, are you sure?”
“Girl how did you manage to get lost 4 hours away from your house?”
“I don’t really know. I reached the city limits though.”
“Your stupidity amazes me. I’ll call my driver and have him drive us there.”
“Why do you insist on coming with?”
“Cause if I’m sending my driver to your house, might as well get something out of it.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“I don’t know. I’ll decide in the car. Now can I have my phone back?” Chenle held his hand out for his phone, which you placed on his palm. Chenle typed a couple things into his phone before holding it up to his ear.
“Yeah, Tae? I need a ride. I’m at the warehouse with the girl from detention. Not like that you idiot. She’s lost and needs a ride home. I’m sending you the address now. Yeah whatever bye.” Chenle hung up the phone, typed some more, then looked back at you.
“You’re so disrespectful,” you said, walking towards a lightpole. Chenle followed and made a face.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. This Tae character is obviously older than you yet you don’t use honorifics when you speak to him. And Ms. Brown is literally just trying to to her job and you deliberately make that impossible.”
“Well they’re both stupid and I’m better than them.”
“Ms. Brown is fluent in 5 languages, Chenle. 5. And I’m not sure about Tae but if he’s older than you, you have to respect him.”
“I did not know that. And no I don’t. He’s just a glorified babysitter. I don’t have to respect a babysitter.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“You’re more annoying.”
“I hate you so much Zhong Chenle.”
“Yeah? Well I hate you more Y/L/N Y/N.” You turned to walk the other direction when Chenle stopped you.
“What do you want?”
“Rides here. Unless you feel like walking for 4 hours and running the risk of getting lost again, then by all means, please go.” You internally groaned. You didn’t want to ride in the same car as Chenle, but then again, it was a hell of a lot better than walking for 4 hours. You glared at the blond haired boy and turned to face him.
“Fine. Only because I don’t wanna walk.”
“Yeah sure. Whatever you say Y/N.”
“I’m serious Chenle!”
“Hi Serious! I’m Chenle!”
“I swear to god I’m gonna smack you upside the head one of these days.”
“Do it. I dare you.”
“I said one of these days. Not today.”
“Did you really just call me chicken?”
“Yah! Are you two ever gonna get in or are you just gonna argue? Cause if so I can leave.” You looked in the direction of the voice and you found a dark haired man standing next to a silver Mercedes sedan.
“No, Hyung, we’ll get in now,” Chenle said, putting emphasis on the word hyung. At least he used honorifics. Chenle opened the passenger door and climbed in, while you got in the back. At least Chenle wasn’t in the back. But someone else was.
“Who are you?” the boy asked, obviously puzzled. He looked from Chenle, back to you, then back to Chenle, and then back to you.
“Jisung, this is Y/L/N Y/N, she’s a new transfer in my class. And she’s lost cause she’s stupid.” You rolled your eyes and smiled at Jisung. “Y/N, this is Jisung. He’s a year behind us in school but he’s only two months younger than me.”
“Uh, hi? Wait Chenle, when’s your birthday?” You asked. If Jisung was only two months younger than Chenle but a whole year behind him in school, then how little was Chenle?
“November. Why?”
“I’m older than you.”
“No you’re not. You’re stupid.”
“Then what year were you born?”
“Just cause someone’s stupid doesn't mean they can’t be older than you, you know.”
“How much older are you? Do I have to call you noona?”
“Yes you do. Because I’m a whole year and some odd months older than you.” You could see Chenle slump in his seat.
“There's no way. Why haven’t you graduated yet?”
“Because in China I would’ve graduated next year, but here I’m graduating this year.”
“Sometimes I forget how weird the chinese school system is.”
“It really is. I’m just happy to graduate a year early.”
“Well it’s technically 2 years late, since you’re an 00 baby.”
“Don’t call me a baby. Its weird.”
“I didn’t call you a baby. I said you were an 00 baby.”
“Same difference. Either way its weird.”
“Um not to interrupt your lovers quarrel, but I believe this is your house?” The driver said, stopping the car in front of your little home. The lights were on in the windows and you could see objects flying. You opened the door and heard screaming, so you closed the door.
“Why’d you close the door? Is this not your house?” Chenle asked, turning in his seat to face you.
“No it is, my parents are just fighting and I really don’t want to go in.”
“Then don’t. You can come to my house for the night!”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely! Also I’m pretty sure I saw a knife go flying so it’s not the safest place for you.”
“If I go over I’d still need my things.”
“I’ll get them for you, Noona. Wait here.” Jisung said, getting out of the car.
“Huh? Jisung! Jisu-aand he’s inside the house; how fast is that kid?” You asked, slumping against the window. “Wait, he doesn't even know what my stuff looks like. Chenle, gimme your phone.” Chenle handed you his phone and you proceeded to call it, praying it wasn’t dead.
“Hello? Noona?”
“Hey Jisung. My school bag is the bag you found my phone in, and could you pack an extra uniform for tomorrow? They would be in my closet in my room upstairs-have my brother help you find the room.”
“Brother? How old is he?”
“He’s five-he’ll help you. Trust me. Just hurry up, Kay? And don’t forget a charger!”
“Got it Noona.” And with that, Jisung hung up. You handed the phone back to Chenle and slumped against the seat again, waiting. Not long after Jisung walked out and handed you your things. You glanced at your parents in the window-their fight from earlier resuming. You rolled your eyes and wondered if things would ever change.
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So, I wound up writing another piece of that “Fabian and Maximus kidnap Luna” scenario, this time from Luna’s perspective.  This is kind of turning into a fan-fic, but feel free to tell me to stop, or tell me to do specific things in the story, since I am using your ideas here.  If I manage to keep this up, I think the next scene will be Fabian’s perspective at the mall, pretending to be Luna’s two dads. 
(Also, I’m pretty sure that Fabian didn’t actually kidnap Luna to “teach Quicksilver a lesson,” but I figure that’s how he’d explain it to her.  Maximus and Fabian are both entirely full of bullshit most of the time.)
           Luna was used to being alone.  Inhuman parents didn’t hover over their children constantly the way human parents seemed to, and royal Inhuman parents even less so.  Her mother was constantly away on some kind of official business, like long, boring meetings or fancy dinners, or dealing with yet another crisis that threatened to destroy the entire city.  Other children took lessons together, but as a princess, Luna was given private tutors.  She’d outgrown nannies, so she was usually on her own when lessons were over. At least when Ahura was around they could play together, when he wasn’t moody and moping.  
           Being alone at the Avengers compound was nothing new, either.  Her father had dashed away to deal with the Wrecking Crew destroying buildings in downtown New York.  At least they were living up to their names.  According to her father, they usually stole things and robbed banks, which seemed weird, since they didn’t call themselves the Bank Robbing Crew.  Luna knew she shouldn’t mind, it was her father’s job to fight bad guys and save people, but he’d promised her that they’d go out for ice cream that afternoon.  And there were so many Avengers, did he really have to go?  He could fight bad guys any time, but Luna would only be staying with him another month before heading back to Attilan (assuming her mother didn’t forget because the Kree attacked or Attilan fell into a time portal or whatever).  
           So Luna was sitting on the couch watching Steven Universe, and feeling very sorry for herself, because this was supposed to be Luna and Dad time, and she was alone again.  The cartoon cheered her up a little bit.  The show was about magic sentient space gems, which was a really neat idea, and they had cool designs, and sometimes there were songs.  But mostly, Luna could totally relate to the main character being a half-human, half-alien hybrid, struggling to fit into either world.
           Absorbed in the show, Luna didn’t look up when the door opened.  Two of the gems had fused into some kind of giant woman, and were fighting weird bird monsters.  It wasn’t until someone picked up the remote and switched the TV off that Luna looked up.
           One man she didn’t recognize.  He was kind of handsome, except for the haughty expression on his face.  He was wearing coveralls and a hat, but she could see wisps of red hair peeking out around his face, and a long ponytail down his back.  His emotions were much uglier.  Luna could see golden pride running through his psyche, polished to an arrogant gaudiness.  The too-bright gold color was twined with sharp neon green malice, a rich, luxurious royal purple of greed, and tightly coiled spirals of orange anxiety.  This wasn’t a good sign.  
           The other man was Uncle Maximus, which was an even worse sign.  He was wearing the same coveralls and cap, reminding Luna of the work clothing that he often wore in the Chamber of Devices.  The anxiety inside him was tinted white, closer to excitement, lying in tangled knots across the same garish pride Luna saw in the other man.  Uncle Max’s emotions were far less orderly, though. His psyche was a polychrome nightmare, constantly shifting like a stained glass window come to life, colors clashing as they shot jagged spikes across his torso.   The only constant was the black.  It wasn’t like the cool pools of blue-black calm inside Uncle Black Bolt, it was a writhing darkness that reached out to stain any color that came into contact with it.   It twisted through her uncle’s body, coiling into his brain, wrapped around his heart. Or maybe it was coming out of his heart? It was hard to tell.  
           “Oh, hi Uncle Max!”  Luna said, not quite sure yet whether she should be worried. Somewhere in the rainbow mess, she could see a faint pink of affection.  “Are you bad again?”
           “I’m never bad, dear child,” Maximus cooed, in a tone more oily than honeyed.  “Others label me so because they don’t have the mental capacity to understand my actions.”
           “Oh.  That sounds like you’re bad again.”      
Luna was never really clear on whether she should be afraid of her uncle.  She had first heard of Maximus as a kind of boogeyman, someone that her tutors spoke of in fearful whispers.  He’d seemed to fit that description when Medusa dragged her down to his dark cell, a soft-spoken monster hiding behind a smiling mask.  Despite his kind behavior (he even explained things to her like she was a grown-up!), talking with him felt a little like cuddling up to a tiger. He seemed to change every time Luna saw him – one day cold and sly, the next day practically jumping up and down with excitement while explaining one of his machines.  He certainly didn’t remain soft-spoken, he got very shouty when his emotions boiled over inside him in an eruption of colors.
Even the adults couldn’t seem to decide how to treat him – he was locked away in a dark dungeon forever, he was ruling Attilan, he was the family’s trusted scientific expert, he was trying to kill everyone, he was building machines for Black Bolt, he was a prince to be respected, he was a reviled lunatic.  No one trusted him, but Crystal had left Luna in his care when she and the rest of the family went to rescue Uncle Black Bolt and Ahura from the Skrulls.  (He hadn’t hurt her then, only talked to her for hours in a way that sounded very much like he was talking to himself.) Was Uncle Maximus good or bad or brilliant or crazy or all of those things?  He certainly wasn’t the nightmare under the bed any more.  Lately, Luna had started to think of him as a badly-behaved child, hiding behind a grown-up mask.
           “What does ‘bad’ even mean, really?”  Maximus asked, taking her by the arm.  “A word to keep people in their place.  It’s a word for the peasants, Luna, not for us. Royalty is beyond good and bad.”
           “I really don’t think that’s true Uncle Max,” Luna said, letting herself be pulled up away from the TV.  She’d seen this episode, anyway.
           “You’ve obviously been spending too much time with these humans, you’re starting to absorb their mindset.  You need to be back with your own people.”
           “Is that where you’re taking me?  Back to Mom and Aunt Medusa?”  Maximus grinned broadly at her.
           “Yes, child, exactly!”  Bright flashes of sickly pale blue inside him screamed insincerity.
           “Well, we’ll go back to Attilan eventually, but first you can spend some fun time with your Uncle Max and my….associate here. I’ll teach you all sorts of interesting things.  Your education has been far too neglected.”
           “I don’t wanna learn.”  Luna wrinkled her nose as she paused, not letting herself be pulled any further.  Maximus paused with her, apparently unwilling to yank her along.  “I’m supposed to be on vacation from school.  Can’t we do something fun?”
           “Yes, poppet, we’ll do all sorts of fun things,” Maximus promised, and the blue blended with a forest green that suggested he was at least partially telling the truth.
           “For God’s sake, Maximus, just grab the kid,” interrupted the man with the ponytail, annoyance flashing a jagged red.  “We need to get out of here before anyone else walks in.”
           “Watch your tongue, Cortez!” Maximus snapped. “Luna is a princess of Attilan and she will be treated with respect.  Even if she’s part mutant, poor thing.”  He patted Luna on the head at that last comment.  Luna was used to this kind of talk.  Most citizens of Attilan approached her half-breed status with something between barely disguised contempt, or, at best, horrified fascination and pity.  She didn’t see why it was such a bad thing.  Her father had powers just like Inhumans, better powers than most of them!
           “That’s her better half, anyway,” the man grumbled. “Mutants will inherit this world.” Uncle Max waved his hand dismissively.
           “Can I say good-bye to Mr. Jarvis before we go? And I should leave a note for my Dad -” Maximus’ grip on her arm tightened. Luna was suddenly completely certain that she was being kidnapped.  It was hardly the first time.
           “Let’s not bother Mr. Jarvis right now, he’s very busy,” Maximus said quickly.  “Don’t worry, we’ve already told Quicksilver that we’re coming to pick you up.” Luna’s father would never in a million years agree for Maximus to take Luna back to Attilan.  He was the only grown-up who’d always been consistent in his opinion of Uncle Max – namely that they should lock him up and throw away the key.
           “Wait, let me get my clothes!  And my toothbrush!  I can’t go without my toothbrush, can I?”  If Uncle Max let her go to her room, Luna could leave a note for her father.  Or even make a run for it.  Maybe she could hide in one of the many spare rooms until the Avengers came back.
           “You don’t need all that, poppet.  We’ll buy you some new clothes.  We’ll have a shopping spree, won’t that be nice?”  Now Maximus was pulling her towards the door again, so that Luna had to stumble along to keep up.  Luna made a frustrated sound, not quite a growl or scream, just a long “Rrgggghhhh….”
           “Quiet!”  ordered the pony-tailed man.
           “Uncle Max, if you’re gonna kidnap me, can’t I at least take my clothes along?  And my DS? It gets really boring being kidnapped!”
           “What does ‘kidnap’ even mean, really?  Just another silly word,” Maximus said cheerfully. Luna rolled her eyes and thought about screaming at the top of her lungs.  That would at least bring Mr. Jarvis from the kitchen.  But Mr. Jarvis didn’t have any powers, and he’d try to stop them.  Luna was fairly sure that Uncle Maximus would not hurt her.  But he would probably hurt Mr. Jarvis.  Screaming was out.    
           “It means you’re taking me someplace I don’t wanna go!” Luna snapped, as they went through the main doors towards the stairs.
           “But you do want to go with us,” Maximus insisted.  “We’re family.  Family members can’t kidnap each other, right?  We’re going to buy you some lovely new things, and have a really fun time together!”
            “That’s right!” agreed the pony-tailed man, smiling as if it hurt him to do so. “We’re great fun!”
           Luna fumed quietly as they went down the stairs. She didn’t think she could use her powers on both of them at once.  It was really hard to use her powers on Uncle Max, anyway, like trying to run underwater. If she tried he would fight, and then the other man, “Cortez,” would probably do something nasty to her.  It would be easier to take over Cortez, but then Uncle Max would use his own powers to stop him.  She wished desperately for her mother to appear and light both men on fire (not like, completely on fire, just enough to hurt them a little.  Maybe just their toes.)  She wanted her father to zip up the stairs and whisk her away, safe in his arms.  But neither of them did, because they were busy.
           They were always busy.  For a moment Luna hated her entire stupid family.  This wouldn’t be happening if either of her parents had been there, like parents were supposed to be.  Maybe they’d finally learn their lesson when her father came back and found her gone.  She smiled a little to herself, imagining her father dropping to his knees and weeping.
           “Oh Luna, how could I have left you all alone? We should have gone out for ice cream like you wanted!”  He would wail.  “How could I have ever considered anything more important than my precious daughter?” Crystal would join him, and they would cry into each other’s arms.  “Our daughter is gone forever because we were such bad parents!  By Randac, I swear if Luna comes back safe I’ll never make her do boring algebra worksheets ever again!”
           Luna was so caught up in fantasy that she barely noticed as they exited the building and climbed into a van.  She realized as the doors shut that she should have gotten a look at the license plate, but it probably didn’t matter.  If this was a kidnapping (and it totally was!), Uncle Max would announce himself to the family soon enough and make a big showy spectacle out of it.  He was “extra,” a human word that Luna had learned from She-Hulk.  And maybe it wouldn’t hurt that her parents would worry about her for a little while – maybe they should.
           Maximus was strapping her into the backseat while Cortez got into the driver’s seat.
           “Where did you get this Uncle Max?  You didn’t do something bad to someone, did?”  
           “Nooooo, of course not,” Maximus tried to assure her as he settled into the front passenger seat.  “A nice man gave it to me.”
           “Oh.”  Luna mentally supplied quotes to the word “gave,” just hoping that her uncle hadn’t hurt the man.  “Are you Uncle Max’s friend?”  She asked Cortez, who was driving them towards the gate.
           “We are…associates.  Partners, you could say,” Cortez said, glancing back at her. “Listen child, I know we have had our differences in the past, but if you behave yourself and cooperate, I promise not to harm you.”
           “What differences?”
           Cortez abruptly stepped on the brake, Uncle Maximus letting out a startled yelp as he jerked forward into the dashboard.
           “I wasn’t even belted in yet, Cortez!  Can you not even drive through a parking lot without some display of incompetence – “   He went on in that vein, but Cortez was not listening, only looking back at Luna, bright yellow surprise flaring up, then smoldering down into a dull, dark red anger.
           “Do you really not remember?  I once kidnapped you to teach your dreadful father a lesson!  How can you forget someone like me?!”
           “Maybe I was a baby?  People don’t remember things from when they were babies,” Luna suggested, trying to be helpful, and maybe calm his anger a bit.  
           “You were old enough!  You were – no, never mind.  I am the great Fabian Cortez, Spanish royalty, leader of the Acolytes, true successor to the legacy of Magneto, the very pinnacle of the race of homo-superior.”
           “That means mutant,” Maximus supplied.  “Now will you drive the van, or must I lower myself to the task, Cortez?”
           “Nice to meet you, Mr. Cortez,” Luna said. “Don’t feel bad if I don’t remember. I get kidnapped a lot.  It’s hard to remember every time.”
           “Fine.  Fine. I forgive you forgetting.  You are only a child, and children can be forgiven these things,” Cortez conceded, anger visibly cooling.  “But more importantly, Maximus, how will we get her past the guard?  I assume you’ll….”  Cortez glanced at Luna, then back at Maximus, and tapped his forehead in a way that meant to be secret.  Obviously he wanted Uncle Max to use his mind control powers.  Luna wondered if they’d keep using charades around her if she pretended not to understand.
           “Why don’t we do this the easy way?” Maximus said, turning to Luna.  “Luna, we’re going to play a fun hide-and-seek game where you lay under this tarp.”  
           “That doesn’t look very clean.  I don’t think I want to play that game.”  And Uncle Max couldn’t force her.  He couldn’t use his powers on her, that was the one advantage she could play.  That, and the cell-phone in her dress pocket that neither man had noticed yet, but she’d have to pull it out when they weren’t watching her.
           “Oh, but you must!  It’s one of the many delightful games we’ll be playing today,” Maximus insisted.
           “Can we also go to store and buy me some new clothing?  Like you said?  I’ll play the game if we can go to the mall.”  Luna knew they could overpower her if they really wanted to.  But Maximus probably didn’t want to do something like that, and he probably didn’t want to deal with her crying or screaming. Buying her presents would be the path of least resistance.  And it seemed only fair, since they were kidnapping her and everything.
           “That’s really not-“ Cortez started, but was cut off by Maximus.
           “Yes, of course, princess!  Just like I said!  I promise!”  The colors seemed to indicate sincerity, although Uncle Max could change his mind on a dime.  But then, resisting might mean that they hurt the poor security guard, and Luna didn’t want that.
           “Okay, it’s a deal.  You promised!” Luna lay flat against the seat and pulled the tarp over herself.  If she played her cards right, maybe she could get her uncle to buy her a new DS.  
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Baby Jauregui - Chapter 11
Your POV
After the ‘Breakfast with the Jaureguis’ special, Mom dropped me off at Lily’s. 
There wasn’t a car in the driveway so I’m assuming she’s home alone. 
I walk into the 2 story colonial, calling my girlfriend’s name through the house. 
She comes down the stairs smiling softly when she sees me. 
“Hey.” I smile, pulling the brunette in for a tight hug. I loved being in her arms. I always got a whiff of vanilla and it was the sweetest smell in the world. 
“Hi. Let’s go in the living room.” She says, pulling me past the dining room. 
We plop down on the gray couch, and I put my arm along the back of it, turning my body so I was facing Lily. “What can I do ya for?” I ask, folding my leg under me. 
“Well next year, we’re both gonna be in school, which is really in about 4 weeks. And I was wondering if like we were still gonna be together.” She mumbles, not making eye contact with me. 
I was a little taken aback at the fact that she was being serious. “Are you kidding?” I laugh bitterly, starting to stand up. 
“No Y/n, wait.” She says as I turn around, leaving the room. In what world would we break up because we were going back to school? “I was just wondering because I… you never really came out and-”
“Lily, shut up!” I cut her off, turning around. She looks shocked because I yelled at her. “Just because I’m going to school doesn’t mean I want to break up with you.”
“I just didn’t know.” She shrugs.
“Why would I ever give you a reason to think that?” I ask, getting slightly offended.
“You didn’t. It’s your junior year Y/n. This should be the year that you explore everything, and decide-” I cut her off with my lips against hers in a gentle kiss. I put my hands on the skin of her ribs, pulling her closer. 
“I love you. The only one I want to spend my life with. No matter which year I’m in. I. Love. You. More than I can explain.” I whisper, Lily cupping my cheeks. “Don’t be a crazy girlfriend. Just let me love you." 
"You know I’m not that simple.” She laughs lightly. 
“I will love you anyway.” I whisper, pulling her closer, connecting our lips again. 
I knew Lily wasn’t that simple. But I loved her none the less. There wasn’t something she could do that would make me love her less. Nothing. 
Lily and I spend the day just watching TV, and doing other things. I went home around 9, seeing Mom and Camila in the living room watching TV. I plop down on the loveseat, folding one leg under me, the other dangling down. 
“Hey sweetie, how was Lily’s?” Mom asks, pausing the movie, and turning to me. 
“Fine.” I shrug, running a hand through my hair. I look over and see Camila staring at the TV. “Camila, are you kidding?” I groan, finally being frustrated with my god mother.
“Mija!” Mom exclaims, looking horrified. I roll my eyes, going up to my room, not wanting to deal with this right now. 
I close my door, changing into a pair of running shorts and a sports bra, laying in bed. I grab my phone, scrolling through Instagram, liking a pic Lily posted of us, cuddled up in her bed, me kissing her cheek. 
“Y/n, scoot over. We’re gonna talk about it.” Camila says, walking in, pushing me over from the edge of the bed. I sit up against the headboard, my godmother sitting next to me. “I’m sorry if I made you feel anything that I shouldn’t make you feel. I’m your godmother. I shouldn’t make you feel shame, or regret for something that’s completely normal.” She whispers, putting an arm around me, and pulling me closer. 
“I just felt like you were almost disappointed in me.” I mumble, Camila kissing the top of my head. 
“Never. I was just shocked, not disappointed. I almost forgot you were 15, and going to be a junior.” She says. “I’m sorry. I’m the adult here, and I didn’t handle that the way it should’ve been handled.”
“It’s fine. Whatever.” I shrug, playing with the hem of my shorts. 
“No it’s not. I was stupid, I’m so sorry. So tomorrow we’re taking a goddaughter- godmother day.” Camila says pulling away, and standing up. 
Goddaughter- godmother day was something we did every once in a while, and we would tend to do the same thing every time we went. 
“Alright. Sounds good.” I nod, running a hand through my hair. 
“Y/n, I’m really sorry, I am. I should’ve been the adult in the situation.” She says seriously before disappearing. 
I’m not surprised that she apologized. She was being immature about the incident. It’s moved past us, and now I was going to spend a GDGM day with her.
The day was nice. We went bowling, then got lunch, then to the beach like usual. When I came home Mom was sitting on the couch, my father sitting across from her. 
I was frozen. Why is he here? “Mija, come sit.” Mom says, patting the spot next to her. I slowly sit down next to her, Mom grabbing my hand.
“Hi Y/n.” Brad smiles. I turn to Mom, completely ignoring him. 
“What is he doing here?” I mumble, Brad scoffing. 
“Is this how it’s gonna be again?" 
"Are you not going to be here for any of my life again?” I turn to him, smiling sarcastically. 
“Mija!” Mom slaps my leg, Brad looking at me with wide eyes. 
“Why are you here?” I ask, frustrated with the British man sitting in front of me. 
“My mother, your grandmother, is aware that I have a daughter now, and would love to meet you.” He states. 
“That’s a joke.” I laugh bitterly. “I’m not meeting your mother. She’s not my grandma because you’re not my dad. You’re my mom’s sperm donor.” I say, Brad putting his face in his hands. 
“Mija…” Mom whispers. 
“No Lauren. She’s right. This was stupid. I was stupid to even ask."  He mumbles, standing up.
"Brad. Sit down. My daughter will shut up and listen.” Mom says, putting her hand on my knee. 
“My mother has been diagnosed with cancer. I only have younger siblings. She really wants to meet you before she get too sick. So, I’m begging you. Please come back with me to England and meet my mom.” Brad pleads. 
I take a moment to process before turning to Mom. “May I have some to think about it?” I ask, turning back to Brad.
“Of course. I’m leaving in a week, uh call me and let me know.” He nods, leaving the house. I turn to Mom who was giving me a sympathetic look.
“I really don’t want to go.” I mumble, trying to make a decision.
“You have no obligation. If you want to put a moral obligation on yourself, you can. But you have no obligation. Legally he isn’t your dad. Biologically she is. That means biologically she’s your grandmother.” She nods, kissing my forehead.
“Are you gonna come?” I ask, Mom nodding furiously. 
“Yes definitely. I need to get their family medical history to let your doctor know. And I would never let you go with him alone because I know how uncomfortable you would be.” She says. 
“I feel like I should go… Not for him but for her.” I say, Mom smiling softly. 
“If that’s what you want to do, I support you one-hundred percent baby.” Mom promised. 
“Ok. Well then call him.” I shrug, going up to my room.
A week later we met Brad in the airport so not to cause controversy. I just had a duffle bag and a backpack, Mom had a suitcase and her purse or whatever. 
I had talked about it with Lily and she said she was proud of me, and thought I was making the right decision. 
I had my headphones in as Mom held onto my hand tightly as Big Rob helped push us through the paps. 
We said a thank you and good bye to the body guard before Mom checked us in, and then we made our way to the private waiting area. When we walked in Brad was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, his wife and her holding the baby sitting next to him.
He smiles at us, getting up. “Hey guys.” He tries to pull me in for a hug but I step back. “Alright.” He nods, Mom hugging him. “Our flight leaves in about 45 minutes.”
“Can we grab something to eat?” I ask Mom. 
“Yeah, we didn’t have breakfast did we?” Mom smiles. I shake my head and she puts her suitcase in the corner. “You stay here, I think I saw a Starbucks. I’ll be back in 10.” Mom says, kissing the top of my head. “Be nice.” She whispers before disappearing with her bag. 
I sit across from them, and she smiles at me. “So Y/n, what grade are you in?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I caught your name last time.” I say, running a hand through my hair. 
“Jessica.” She smiles. She was American. She had bright blue eyes and really blonde hair. She looked like a stick which was a little weird considering I don’t think the baby was even a year yet.
“I’m going into Junior year.” I nod, Jessica furrowing her eyebrows. 
“I thought you were 15?”
“You’re 15?” Brad asks, popping his head up from his phone.
“Yeah…” I mumble, a little offended that Jessica knew my age but my own sperm donor didn’t. 
“Oh. Do you play sports?” He asks, still typing away at his phone. 
“Yeah, I swim.” I mumble, knowing that he wasn’t listening. 
“Oh no way. I swam for college.” Jessica smiles, bouncing the baby boy up and down on her knee. 
Now that I take time to look at him, I now notice that his facial expressions are similar to mine. Technically he’s my half brother. He has big brown eyes and light brown curly hair. 
He doesn’t look older than 9 months, and was just gargling to himself, playing with the teething toy in his hands. “His name is Joey.” She smiles tickling the baby’s tummy.
“He’s cute.” Mom walks back into the room with a coffee for herself, and then what looks like 2 bagels in her other hand. “He kind of looks like you.”
“When I was a baby?” I ask, Mom nodding. “Except I had green eyes, and I didn’t have a full head of hair until I was 6.” I laugh, Mom handing me my bagel. “Thank you.”
“That’s a good point.” She laughs, running a hand through her hair. 
“You guys are… almost twins.” Jessica smiles, Mom and I turning back to her.
“That’s because she doesn’t let me out of the house. She’s my only friend.” I say, Mom rolling her eyes. 
“You were at Lily’s last night.” She points out as I take a bite of my bagel.
“Oh yeah, that’s the one other place I can go to.” I laugh lightly.
“You’re still gay?” Brad asks. This guy seemed way to comfortable in his surroundings to be this rude.
“Excuse me?” I laugh bitterly. He looks up, his eyes widening at what he just said. “Number one I’m not gay, number two, yes I’m still dating Lily.” I mumble, running a hand through my hair. 
Lauren’s POV
I can’t believe he just said that. “Hey Brad, can I talk to you?” I smile, Brad’s eyes widening when he noticed the angry look in my eye. On what planet was this man living?
We go into a little side room, and I close the door behind him. “Are you fucking insane?” I whisper yell, Brad stepping back. “Do you know how fucking hard this is for her? She hates you Brad. She hates everything about you, but you have somehow convinced her to come with you. She has the biggest heart ever, so she wouldn’t say no. Brad, stop treating her like you don’t care." 
"I do care.” He says, looking like he’s starting to realize what he’s doing.
“You won’t get off your phone. Your wife knows more about her than you do. Cut it out. She will be the person to turn around halfway on the plane because you pissed her off."I mumble, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
"Lauren I really want to be in her life.” He says, looking very sad. 
“Yeah, no shit. She’s a beautiful young lady now. But you need to act like that because she doesn’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth.” I explain to him. 
Y/n was an unbelievable girl, who I’ve worked my ass off to raise correctly, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job because of how cautious she’s being with Brad.
“Come on, tell me some quick facts about her.” He mumbles. 
“Birthday, August 15th, 2014. She’s a swimmer, she’s really smart, she skipped eighth grade. She will put you in your place, but you already know that. She’s independent. If you offer to carry anything for her, she will get angry. Don’t ever make a comment about her loved ones, she will go off on you.” I explain, Brad trying to take it all in.
“So she’s basically a younger version of you.” Brad smiles softly.
“No, she’s a lot worse.” I mumble, leaving the room. We see my daughter and Brad’s wife packing up. 
“Mom, our plane’s here.” Y/n says, handing me my bag.
“Thank you mija.” I smile, kissing the top of her head. She wasn’t shorter than me, so it was closer to her forehead. She takes my suitcase, and I give Brad a pointed look as we go through the private walkway down to the plane. 
We settle on the plane. I’m on one couch with Y/n next to me, Brad and his wife across from us. Joey was asleep now. 
Y/n was texting away on her phone and I assumed it was Lily. I hand Y/n a piece of gum, and she mumbles a thank you as she puts it in her mouth.
“So Y/n. Tell me more about swimming.” Jess smiles at my beautiful daughter.
“Uh well, I’m gonna swim for my school, and my club team.” She says, locking her phone, running a hand through her hair as she looks at the blonde. 
“Oh sweet, maybe I could come to a meet.” Jess smiles.
“Yeah maybe.” Y/n shrugs.
“So uh, what’s your favorite subject in school?” Brad asks nervously, messing with the rings on his fingers.
“English and Spanish.” She mumbles, sitting against the back of the couch, crossing her legs.
“Oh! You speak Spanish?” He asks, smiling a little bit.
“Yeah. Considering I’m Cuban…” She mumbles. Oh my god, she wasn’t going easy on the poor guy. The reason I was letting her take control of this because this was necessarily her relationship with him.
“And British.” He smiles. That joke fell a little short…
“I don’t really tell people that…” She mumbles. We don’t talk as we take off, Y/n on her phone again. 
She puts her headphones in, and lays her head on my lap as she closes her eyes. I rub her back as she starts to go to sleep. “Are you rubbing her back?” Brad asks. 
“Yeah, I’ve rubbed her back since she was a baby.” I shrug. It was true. It’s always been the way she’s fell asleep the fastest.
“I wish I knew more about her.” He mumbles, leaning back against the couch. 
“So do I…" 
A/n: Sorry for mistakes, I would love feedback, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
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flyforever · 4 years
First Official Chapter
Note: I hope to update a minimum of once a month (but not much more because I’m in school)
Tonight was her last night. Not on Earth or anything, just her last night before she became a test subject in a month long science experiment. Ella was ready, well mostly. She still had to make her mom’s birthday card, but instead of doing that she found herself at a bar with her two best friends. It was the last time she would see them for quite some time and she had all morning to finish her mom’s birthday card. It could wait.     
“Can I leave my wallet in your bag?” asked Delilah.
   “Yeah, of course,” said Ella.
      Delilah reached for Ella’s purse. Instead of putting her wallet away, Delilah pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
     “Since when do you smoke?” she asked.
      “I don’t,” said Ella.
     “Then what are these?” asked Delilah.
     “Cigarettes, but I’m not addicted or anything.”
      Delilah looked at the pack of Marlboro in her hands and shook her head. “What would your mom say?”
      Des walked to their table, a beer in each hand. She was Delilah’s twin sister. They looked nothing alike and though their personalities were quite different they were still each others bestfriends.  Des sat down across from each of them. “What’s that you’ve got there?” she asked. “Delilah?”
     “Yeah, Delilah? Cigarettes, really?” said Ella. 
     “They’re yours,” said Delilah, rolling her eyes.
     “No they’re not,” replied Ella. 
     “I pulled them out of your bag.”
    “But did you really,” continued Ella.
      Des looked at Ella and laughed. “You’re such a bad liar,” she said.
     “Well, it was a bad lie,” replied Ella.
     “Throw them away, now,” said Delilah. 
     “But that’s wasteful,” said Ella.
     “The trash, now. Or we’re leaving,” she continued. She pointed to the front of the bar, but Ella didn’t want to slide out from the booth. She was comfortable in the booth, and she wasn’t interested in walking past the small crowd to shamefully toss away a pack of cigarettes that she only sort of planned on smoking. She was suddenly aware of how crowded the front of the bar was. She could feel her face flush red.
     “Can I at least pass ‘em off to a stranger,” tried Ella.
     Delilah stared at Ella with her mouth set in a firm line, and her eyes narrowed. Des pulled out her phone and took a picture, the cigarettes clearly displayed in Ella’s hands. 
    “I’m setting this as my new screensaver,” said Des.
    “God, please don’t,” said Ella.
     “Too late,” replied Des.
     “Damn it,” Ella looked at the empty table behind her and leaned over, placing the cigarettes there. “Alright, they’re gone, moving on.”
    “This is the reason you’re single,” said Des.
    “Yeah, and what’s your excuse?” asked Ella.
    “Who said I was single?”
     There was a short pause before Delilah laughed. She looked at her phone, smiling. 
      “What’s got you laughing?” asked Ella, peeking over Delilah’s shoulder.
    “It’s just Louis,” she said.
    “You aren’t going to ditch us for your boyfriend, right?” asked Ella.
     “Nah, he’ll probably join us later,” she replied.
     It was quiet for a few seconds. “This is boring, should we go somewhere else?” asked Ella.
     “You need to chill, girl.” said Des. She looked around briefly until she saw him. “Why don’t you talk to that guy over there?”
      “Why don’t you?” asked Delilah.
     “Because I have a boyfriend,” replied Des.
     “No you don’t,” said Delilah.
     “Ha! Who’s the liar now!” said Ella.
     “I think he’s looking at you now, Des,” said Delilah. Des drank from two glasses of beer, pulling each of them to her lips at the same time before she started to giggle. It was difficult to not look at her.
     “Stop staring, Des! This guy’s gonna think you’re weird,” said Ella. “Well, he’ll think you’re weird because you are weird. So, I guess it’s whatever.”
    “Now he’s looking at you,” said Delilah. “Try lowering your voice a little, why do you always have to be so loud?”
     “Sorry,” said Ella. “Des, mom says you need a boyfriend. She thinks you’re too pretty to be single.”
     “I’ll find a boyfriend if you walk up to that stranger and hand him your cigarettes,” said Des.
    “Okay, but why?”
     “You said that’s what you were going to do, right? Pass them off to a stranger? What, are you scared now?” asked Delilah. 
      “No, of course not. I just don’t want to look weird,” said Ella. “And why don’t you talk to him? You’re the one who needs a boyfriend.”
     “I don’t need a boyfriend,” Des paused for a second, thinking. “And I’ll go talk to him if you hand him your cigarettes.”
     “So what you’re saying is that neither of us will talk to him?”
      “I won’t if you don’t,” said Des.
     Delilah sighed and said, “guys, he’s already gone.”
     The rest of their night passed much the same. They exchanged banter and said their goodbyes and before they knew it it was one o’clock.
     “Shit,” said Ella. “I didn’t realize it was so late.”
     “What? Is it past your bedtime?” Des questioned.
     “No…. it’s past my curfew,” replied Ella.
     Des and Delilah started to laugh.
     “It’s not funny,” said Ella. “You know how my parents are.”
    “It’s a little funny,” said Delilah. 
    Ella glared at her.
     “Right, well this was a lovely goodbye and all, but I have to go,” said Ella
     “We’ll miss you,” spoke Delilah sincerely.
     “And I’ll miss you too. It’s only a month though. I can’t believe you guys didn’t apply. I mean, a 10,000 dollar scholarship. That’s crazy,” said Ella.
     “Yeah, but you have no clue what you’re getting yourself into. Did they even tell you what you would have to do?” asked Des.
     “I mean it was vague. There’s some MRI’s involved and cognitive testing, but I think it’s all pretty straight forward,” said Ella. “And like you said it is past my bedtime. I have a long day tomorrow. I love you guys, bye.”
    “Gross,” said Des.
    “We love you too, but no hugs. Seriously,” said Delilah.
     And that was how Ella’s night ended. If you don’t include her long drive home towards the countryside. She got home and into bed as quietly as she could and when she woke up it was already one o’clock. 
     “Shit,” she muttered when she saw the time. And she quickly got to work on her mother’s birthday card. An hour later her father came into her room and he stood just a little to close while he looked over her shoulders. The sound of his breathing irritated her.
 “I’ll only be gone ten weeks, dad. Can you give me some space? I’m trying to make mom’s birthday card,” Ella said.
  Scattered in front of her was an array of papers of varying shapes, textures and colors alongside a sharp knife and ruler that Ella used to cut the paper into various designs. Various scraps were skewed out in front of he and there was no card to be seen except the multiple ones that lied in the trash beside Ella’s feet.
“What do you need a knife for to make a birthday card, huh? I don’t think you’re ready for this research project. Ten weeks alone? You’ve been in and out of a hospital all year! And now you’re playing with that damned knife…” said her dad.
“Making a birthday card!” Ella insisted.
“Look at this mess! You can’t even keep your room in order. Haven’t you even considered just spending one summer like a kid your age. You haven’t ever had a boyfriend and at this rate you’ll die alone surrounded by cats,” he said.
“Talk like that is how I ended up in a mental ward,” Ella muttered.
“God damnit Ella, you need to grow up! I can’t trust you alone after what you did,” he said.
“It was a panic attack.”
“What is wrong with you!” He yelled.
“This! This is what’s wrong with me! I can’t even make a damned birthday card for mom without you screaming in my face! Don’t pretend you didn’t do the same years before this shit…”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that. I’m your father,” he said.
“Hardly,” Ella muttered.
“That’s it I can’t take it anymore! Just leave!”
“I plan on it! In five hours! That’s why I’m making this stupid card a month early! I have to be in isolation with a bunch of strangers for ten weeks! Can’t you just make this one day pleasant, please. I’m trying to do better. I swear.”
“Fine! Then don’t come downstairs until you have to leave. And give me that damned knife,” he said.
Ella looked down at the paper edges that I was nearly finished cutting into daisies.
“Can I just finish this…”
“Now!” he yelled.
Ella gently handed the knife over to him. Her hand around the handle and the blade pointing gently downwards as he lightly grabbed it from her hands. Ella looked at the clock over his shoulder, two lines which pointed towards missing numbers. Their placement told her it was anywhere between two thirty and two forty-five.
“Dad, I lost track of time. I need to pack and be out the door in an hour,” She lied.
“This right here is the shit I’m talking about. How do you plan to spend ten weeks alone when you can’t even pack a suitcase the night before you leave?” he asked.
“It will take ten minutes tops. I only need a few outfits and what not,” Ella replied.
“Fine. But if you’re not packed and downstairs in thirty minutes then you’re not leaving for the summer.”
  His face which had simmered red had finally begun to pale. Ella instantly regretted her lie. She just wanted to leave whenever he started to yell. She hadn’t even considered he would cut her hour in half. When he shut the door behind him she started to panic. She looked at the cards in the trash can and pulled out the one she thought was the least atrocious of the three.
  ‘Well I guess this is it,’ she thought. With a tiny stick of glue she pasted a daisy to the inside of the card and quickly jotted down an old poem she remembered her mom reading to her as a kid.
‘I see winter frost that clings to early springtime
The trees that burst into life and shortly die
The cherry blossom rising in the sunlight
Before it shivers and falls at night
Until the day life grips the branches tight
To bring a universal sign of warmth
Which promises to give us light
As the Earth releases her first breathe of the season
  -Love you mom, see ya soon
Now summer has arrived
And it’s time to say goodbye
I’ll see you all tomorrow
Though tomorrow is months away
A final word before this goodbye
I’ll love you all ‘till the day I die
(even dad, though he makes me so angry, with love)
Ella looked up at the undefined clock on her wall. It was either time to be downstairs or she had five minutes. She quickly ran to her closet and grabbed the first few shirts she saw before opening her dresser. By the time she ran downstairs she realized she forgot her mom’s birthday card on the counter.
“One minute!” She said.
She ran upstairs and snatched the card from her desk before she ran down again.
“I must be… really out of shape,” she said while she waited for her breathes to slow down. “What’s this?”
On the countertop was a cake with one candle lit on top of it, surrounded by gifts.
“It’s our birthday party,” her mom said.
“Well you’ll be gone for ten weeks, right?” she asked.
“Yeah, but my birthday isn’t until September. It can wait,” said Ella. “Your birthday is first so I made you a card. It’s not very pretty so just read, don’t look.”
Her mom opened the card and smiled.
“It’s my favorite poem,” she said. “And what’s this?”
“I wrote another stanza, to say goodbye,” Ella said.
“That’s so sweet dear,” her mom said as she hugged Ella gently, careful not to bend the card which had previously been in the trash. “And I got you something as well.”
She reached towards the counter and picked up a small silver chain. A small silver crescent moon curved gently from the silver string. The charm was so thin that it looked like it would disappear if she turned it to the right angle. Ella loved it.
“You know how the moon pulls the tides heavier when it’s full? Well I bought you this to remind you not to be pulled under the waves. The moon’s low and there’s nothing but gentle waters ahead, okay? I want you to remember we love you. Stay safe and call us as soon as you get there. Okay?” her mom asked.
“Well hurry up. You have ten minutes and we haven’t even cut the cake,” said Ella’s dad.
“Is that why you wanted me to hurry? I may have gotten the time wrong, just a bit. I actually have two hours before I need to leave.”
0 notes
lentils-writes · 7 years
Day 12: Arranged marriage AU with this prompt that I found: 
okay but like two friends getting married for cheaper tution like hah we are geniuses this is a fool proof plan and we are completely platonic everything is fine haha i didnt just notice how beautiful your eyes are and how soft your hair feels LOVING THIS CHEAPER TUITION EVERYTHING IS FINE
(I am SO SORRY this is late I got very carried away I like pining ok)
Kara checks her phone on the bus home and, of course, there’s a text from Melinda. That’s not weird; they text each other every day. What is weird is that it’s just a link to an article and the headline is “Get Married, Save Thousands on Tuition.”
Kara opens the article, skims it, and then replies.
??? what do u mean by this article???
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.
it’s rly not
explain pls
Well, we both got into U of C, right?
But I’m a California resident and you’re not. You’ll gonna be paying an extra twenty grand since you’re out-of-state. If we get legally married, you’ll count as a resident.
Kara feels her face getting hot and glances around to make sure no one is looking at her.
what r u saying
It wouldn’t be a real marriage, calm down. Just so we get tax breaks and lower tuition. I think we could even qualify for the family housing if we’re lucky. It’s way cheaper than the dorms.
wow ur moving kinda fast there
we haven’t even gone on a real date :P
Hey, I took you to see Jupiter Ascending when you were here during winter break last year!
i don’t think that counts
we got kicked out
YOU got us kicked out for laughing too loud!
Anyway, sorry if this is weird. We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it might be funny.
it is pretty funny
i gotta think about it tho
No worries. Practice starting, bye
Kara stares at her phone for a long moment, thinking. It’s not that she cares that much about marriage or thinks of it as this super important sacred symbol of love or anything. It’s something she’s thought a little more about since New Mexico legalized it when she was a freshman, and then again since the Supreme Court decision last year, but she’s in high school. The idea of falling in love and getting married is so far from her reality that she almost can’t imagine it.
Plus, it’s Melinda. Melinda is the most important person in her life - ever since they met three years ago on Tumblr, Kara’s spent hours talking to Melinda, becoming closer to her than she’s ever been to anyone else. She has friends at school (Alex, Sara, Zoe), but she’s always felt weirdly alienated from the rest of her classmates. Melinda likes to listen to her talk about Greek mythology and weapons history and all the other weird shit that most people find confusing or just too weird. Melinda makes her feel normal. So maybe marrying her best friend for a few years, and then divorcing a few years later, wouldn’t be the worst thing. Especially if the benefits are really that good.
Kara’s mom is weirdly supportive. “I know you and Melinda are close,” she says. “And you’re eighteen, I can’t stop you. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Be careful not to take it too seriously, okay?”
Kara hugs her mom and rolls her eyes. “I won’t, Mom,” she says. “We probably won’t even sleep in the same bed or anything.”
When she Skypes Melinda to accept her “proposal,” Melinda smirks. “I told my parents. Dad thinks it’s weird, but he likes the idea of not having to file my taxes for me. Mom lectured me for half an hour in Mandarin about and then said, ‘At least you’ll have someone to look after you, keep you out of trouble.’”
Kara giggles. “Tell her I’ll try?”
“Please. I’m the one that keeps you out of trouble,” teases Melinda. “So, I guess now we’d better figure out how courthouse weddings work. Can you come a couple days early so we can do the ceremony?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Kara nods. “We haven’t booked plane tickets or anything yet. I haven’t even really started packing.”
“Oh, and we should probably get rings. Doesn’t have to be fancy ones, just to keep up the facade. You might even be able to find something at Claire’s.”
“Yeah, I can do that. Can I stay at your place the extra couple days?”
“I’ll have to ask my parents, but probably that’s fine. They like you. As much as they like anyone, I mean.” Melinda chuckles. “I think you being a girl is helping. Mom’s never been that weird about my girlfriends, but I’m pretty sure she thinks it doesn’t really count unless I’m with a guy.”
Kara snorts and rolls her eyes. “Well, either way, it’s only four years. Then you can go off and marry a nice doctor or whatever they want you to do.”
“No, not a doctor. A lawyer. Not that I’m planning on marrying either one. Maybe not at all. You might be it.”
Kara mock-flinches. “So much pressure! I could sour you on the concept of marriage forever.”
“You could,” teases Melinda. “Okay, I have an essay to write for AP history. Later.”
“Bye,” says Kara, signing off. She has homework too, but instead of working on it she finds herself opening a new tab and going to Target’s jewelry section. Just for laughs, of course.
(The one she ends up picking out, and taking the bus to get the next day, is silver and has two curving lines that cross over each other, with a line of clear gems set into one of the lines. It sort of reminds Kara of an infinity symbol - ironic, but it’s fifteen dollars and won’t look too cheap.)
Neither Kara nor Melinda opt to wear white dresses to the courthouse. Melinda because Kara’s pretty sure she doesn’t own a single dress, and Kara because she doesn’t own anything white. She wears her favorite red summer dress and a sapphire necklace her mom insisted she take. Melinda wears a button-up shirt and her nice leather jacket. Kara’s starting to feel like maybe the necklace is too much, but Melinda smiles at her and says, “It brings out your eyes.” Kara says thank you and then laughs, and she’s not sure why.
They mostly spend the time waiting to be called in for the ceremony teasing each other about who’s going to do what. “I don’t bake,” Kara says, “so forget about coming home to fresh-baked cookies.”
“You should make us that pasta salad your mom gave you the recipe for, though,” Melinda says. “That sounds amazing.”
“If you rub my shoulders after dinner?”
The officiant seems to take their giggly familiarity for actual romantic affection, and the ceremony takes only a few minutes. Kara expects it to feel more important than it does, but before she knows it Melinda is slipping the ring on her finger and pulling her in for a quick kiss at the end of the vows. It’s over before Kara can really absorb it’s happening.
They hold hands out of the courthouse, and Melinda grins over at her. “So,” she says. “How’s it feel?”
Kara shrugs, grinning back. “Totally normal.”
“Good,” Melinda says. “I guess maybe we should’ve practiced kissing first, but he didn’t seem suspicious.”
Kara shrugs. “I dunno. I think it was fine.” She hasn’t been kissed in a long time, not since early junior year when she and Beth broke up. She just hasn’t really had time to worry about finding anybody else.
They go get ice cream and shoot each other secret smiles. Kara eats a chunk of her coffee ice cream and stares at the little silver ring on her finger. It’ll take some getting used to.
They get a tiny one-bedroom apartment in the family housing complex, which is way nicer than the dorms even if it doesn’t come with furniture. Melinda’s parents help them buy a cheap bed frame and mattress. “Having only one bed saves money,” Lian May says, when May tries to protest. “And there won’t be enough room for two in this tiny place.”
Melinda makes a face at Kara behind her mother’s back, but Kara just shrugs. It’s not like she hasn’t slept in the same bed as other girls before. It’s no big deal.
There’s a ton of orientation activities for them to go to, but they end up skipping out halfway through and going home to order a pizza and watch Netflix. “I guess we could’ve said we were gonna go Netflix and chill,” teases Kara.
Melinda rolls her eyes and bumps her shoulder. “Dork.”
Kara gets a job in the admissions office, and Melinda ends up working at the on-campus gym. Classes start, and they fall into a routine. They switch off cooking every other night, except if someone has a group meeting or evening lecture and then there are usually leftovers in the fridge. They get invited to a few parties and wave at their neighbors and get pretty good at the whole acting-married thing. Kara finds that the story of how they met doesn’t actually need that much editing; people seem to find it adorable. She meets Bobbi in her intro to human biology class, who tells her about the on-campus LGBT+ society (which, apparently, had had a booth at the clubs fair that they skipped) and gives her her number to hang out later. (Kara tries not to laugh out loud; go figure the only time another queer girl’s ever given her her number, it’s in a totally platonic context.)
And then, a month and a half into the school year, Kara has to consider that she might be falling in love with her “wife.”
Or at least she definitely wants to bone her. She figures that out one night when Melinda’s taking a bath and Kara barges into the bathroom to pee (nothing new, they’ve been doing that since the first week here) and notices, holy shit, Melinda has incredible boobs.
Melinda is reading and, when she notices Kara staring, she looks at her, puzzled. “What?”
“Uh,” says Kara, quickly looking away. “Nothing. Just wondering what you were reading.”
“Just a book for European History. You alright? You seem nervous.”
“I’m fine!” Kara says, too abrupt.
(She ends up having some confusing sexy dreams that night, and luckily Melinda has an early class the next morning and she doesn’t. Once Melinda leaves, she gets herself off quickly and hopes maybe that will be the end of it. Maybe it was just her body needing an orgasm.)
(It wasn’t.)
After that, she starts noticing other things: how shiny Melinda’s hair is in the sunlight, how satisfying it is to make her laugh or smile, how strong her hands are. About a week and a half after the bath incident, Melinda offers to give her a shoulder rub and Kara’s heart starts beating so fast she’s sure Melinda can hear it. But she just nods, and it turns out Melinda’s hands are amazingly strong. Kara probably makes some embarrassing noises, but Melinda doesn’t say anything about it, just smirks and says, “Glad you’re enjoying it.”
“I’m just really tense,” mutters Kara, blushing.
“Hey, I get it. My algebra prof is being a pain in the ass and assigning a ton of homework.” Melinda smiles sympathetically at her. “Anytime you need another one lemme know, okay?”
“Th-thanks,” says Kara. “I can try to do it for you too?”
Melinda shrugs. “Sure.” She shucks off her shirt and turns her back to Kara. “You ever done this before?”
“A couple times,” says Kara, “but I don’t think my hands are as strong as yours.” She starts kneading May’s shoulder muscles anyway.
“Mm, this is fine,” hums Melinda. “Thank you.”
Kara tries really hard to do a good job, and also not to notice how soft Melinda’s skin is.
Finally she can’t take it anymore and texts Bobbi to meet up with her for lunch. Bobbi’s probably her closest friend on campus (besides Melinda), she can trust her with her secret.
“Hey,” Bobbi says when she arrives at Teriyaki Madness, setting down her styrofoam container full of food and sitting across from Kara. “What’s up?”
Kara purses her lips and then finally says, “It’s kind of a long story, but it has to do with me and Melinda.”
“You’re not really a couple, are you?” Bobbi asks.
Kara’s so startled all she can do is squeak, “Um.”
“Dude, I figured out you guys were faking it like the third time we all hung out together. You guys are obviously super close, but when you hold hands or hug or kiss you’re so awkward. Like, I’ve had friends that were in LDRs and when they were together you couldn’t pry them apart. Not you guys.” Bobbi raises an eyebrow. “I mean, I’m guessing you got married for tuition, right? Mad props. My last ex wanted to do that but I knew we’d end up divorced in six months.”
Kara puts her face in her hands and groans. “Is it that obvious?”
“I mean, I dunno. I’m pretty perceptive. I think probably most people aren’t thinking that much about it. But anyway, what did you wanna talk to me about? You guys okay other than, y’know, not actually being a couple?”
“Um,” says Kara. “Well.” She stares at her soda, unsure of how to say I wanna have sex with my best friend-slash-wife and also I might be falling in love with her?
Bobbi looks at her for a second. “You’re not like, in trouble, are you?”
“No, no! I mean. I’m okay, I just…” Kara swallows and then mutters “ImightbeintoherIthinkmaybe.”
At that, Bobbi laughs, then slaps a hand over her mouth. “Jeez, sorry, that was mean,” she says, but she’s still grinning. “So you, what, figured out you like her now?”
“I guess,” says Kara, eating a piece of chicken. “She’s...we’ve been best friends for three years, she’s the person I know best in the world. Maybe I should’ve seen this coming.”
Bobbi shrugs and replies, “Hey, just ‘cause you’re close with someone doesn’t mean you’re gonna wanna bone them. Izzy and I practically grew up together and I can’t imagine being into her, she’s like my sister. If I had a really hot sister, I guess. But I’m not interested in her that way. Anyway. What are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t know!” says Kara. “What am I supposed to do? ‘Hey, best friend who I’m legally married to, I’m thinking maybe I actually wanna date you and not just pretend, how do you feel about that?’ That’s so weird.” She sighs. “This is stupid.”
Shaking her head, Bobbi says, “It’s not. You really just need to talk to her about it. I know it’s gonna be weird, but if she’s not into you too, then you guys can talk about you like, dating other people. Or you can come over and I’ll buy you a shitton of ice cream and we’ll watch dumb movies. Whatever you need.”
“Or I could just never say anything,” Kara says. But she makes a face and nods. “Thanks for listening.”
“Hey, no worries.” Bobbi pauses and then adds, “Listen, if she’s not down for whatever, I’m also available for a friends-with-benefits thing, if you want.” She gives Kara an exaggerated wink.
Kara snorts. “I’ll think about it.”
It takes Kara a week to figure out what she wants to say, and then another week to figure out the right time to say it, which means that once she’s finally gotten up the guts it’s midterms week and she and Melinda are so busy they barely see each other. Then after midterms she waits a week or two just to be sure, and then it’s the week before Thanksgiving and it would just be weird to make things weird before Thanksgiving, so she waits some more. (She ends up going home with Melinda and meeting many members of her extended family. To them, she’s just Melinda’s roommate, which is okay. It’s kind of nice to not have to pretend.)
And then it’s the holiday season.
Bobbi’s taken it upon herself to badger Kara about talking to Melinda give-or-take once a week, and by this point she’s just texting stuff like DONE YET? in all-caps. You have to tell her sometime!!!! Bobbi writes. You can’t just NOT!!!!!
u wanna bet
You’re going to die of blue balls or something!
i don’t think that’s possible, bob
and i don’t even have balls
Ok maybe not but seriously, this is ridiculous
Finally, one night they’re watching a movie and Kara blurts out, “I have to talk to you about something.”
Melinda pauses the movie and glances over at her. “What’s up? You okay?”
“Yes. No. I mean-” Kara sighs. “It’s embarrassing.”
Melinda looks even more confused. “What do you mean?”
Kara bites her lip. “I...I like you.”
“Oh.” Melinda just looks at her for a moment.
Kara’s starting to get progressively more anxious and angry with herself when Melinda adds, “Well, good, ‘cause I was trying to figure out how to tell you that I’m into you. It seemed like a bad romance novel cliche.”
Kara laughs, maybe a little hysterically. “Wait, how long have you been…?”
Melinda coughs. “This whole plan may or may not have been my way of trying to tell you.”
“Mel, oh my god! It’s been months! Why didn’t you-”
“Same reason you didn’t,” Melinda says, nudging her with her shoulder. “Too chickenshit to say something.”
“Shit,” says Kara, putting her face in her hands. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know - I’ve been stressing since like before Halloween about this! I told Bobbi and she’s been bugging me to tell you!”
“Oh, Bobbi knows?” Melinda snorts. “Great. So we’ll never hear the end of that.”
“Well, I usually tell you about this stuff, but I couldn’t! Oh my god.” Kara laughs again. “So I guess...now we get to figure out how to date for real?”
“I guess,” Melinda says. “You wanna make out for real?”
“Oh my god, yes.”
(Bobbi never does let them live it down. And they don’t get divorced after the four years are up.)
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
Happy Wife Happy Life(13)
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Messing with a few buttons I nod at robin. For the last two months I've been working with her for the album she's trying to put out. After I got her drake for the Work remix and that blew up she asked me to be her official producer and writer for her entire album.
Now this isn't my first time. I've got a pretty fat profile between when I started and now. Right now I'm working on a sorta slow jam type song. It's coming along but needs something. Im not sure if it's a feature or another instrument.
"Howe as that?" She came out the booth sitting.
"Pretty good but I'm not feeling it all the way. It needs something."
"Well whatever it is I'm sure you'll make it work perfectly." She smiled touching my knee.
Frowning I move back and replay what she just did. Clearing my throats I go back to messing with her vocals and the music.
"So what's a married man with kids doing working pass ten on a Wednesday?" She smirked scooting her chair on by me.
"Just that working." I honestly haven't paid any mind to the time. Rebecca is gonna kill me!
"I'm surprised you wife isn't blowing you up I know if my man let alone husband was out this late working he would be flooded with calls voice mails text emails hell I'd DM that nigga. Guess she doesn't really care about you." She laughs.
"Hey don't disrespect my wife. Don't worry about what she is or isn't doing focus on this album people putting money into you making."
I didn't really mean to snap like that. It's probably just the guilt eating at me.
"Sorry. You know I really appreciate all the dedication you put into me Carlton. No one has ever truly believed in me until you and Chris."
It was getting really awkward in here. Probably a bad call doing this one on one thing so late. Note to self this never happens again.
"Right well...that's nice but I'm gonna call this a night."
Closing everything down I get my things holding the door letting robin walk out first.
"It's still a fresh night...you wanna catch a bite or something?"
Before I could answer my stomach growled loud. She giggled.
"Actually I'm just gonna head on hole I'm sure my wife cooked up something for me like she always does. See ya."
"Yeah..." She grabbed me hugging my neck then kissed my cheek. "Bye Carlton."
Watching her switch out I sigh running my hand over my face. What is going on with me!? That chick is nothing compared to my wife. She's probably just doing this as a suck up to get her name poppin. Yeah that's it she's a gold digger I ain't about to fall into whatever trap she plannin.
Around a little pass midnight I was walking into a dark house. A light shines from the kitchen.
"Baby I know I'm coming in late but-"
"Wrong person." Eli peaked from the fridge with a grape stem in his hand. "It's pass your curfew mister."
"Same to you. Is your mom sleep?"
"Last I saw she was carrying a bottle of wine a glass and had her beats and robe on." He shrugged. "You know she's pissed right?"
"Yeah I messed up son. Do me a favor and don't be like your dad." After grabbing a beer I sigh taking the bottle back.
"What's been going on with you anyway? Remember that time we were suppose to spend the day together? Or you telling Amanda you'd help her practice her dance? She did great by the way...it was tonight."
So both of my girls are gonna be mad at me? Great!
"Look I know I haven't been around like I should be or how I always promise but it's all in good thoughts. I've just been putting in extra work so I can really support you all and keep you guys happy."
I know what Rebecca said.
"Dad look around us. We have a six bedroom house with a pool, you have four cars, your kids attend top schools and your the head producer of one of the most popular record labels who brought the best entertains ever! We good man all of us basically get anything we want...except you. I'm starting to live that stereotype of black kids not having a dad." He chuckled hopping up on the counter. "Yeah it's nice having all these nice things but I'd rather spend a day out playing basketball or something with my old man over sitting in my room buying the news shoes or something."
I'm a little shocked hearing this from him. Eli is usually pretty quiet. Odd both my kids turned out opposites of their parents.
"I'm trying man I really am but things over lap sometimes. Your mom already bit my head off about this I took it down a bit but then I got this producing gig for one of our artist who wants me to produce the entire thing. It's my first time so I want it to go smooth and perfect."
"That shouldn't keep you from your family. And whoever this artist is tell her to ease up step off let you breath and keep her lips off you."
He hopped down. "Your cheek is red and in the shape of lips. I guess it's a good thing you found me before mom huh."
Patting my back he went off to his room. After collecting and preparing myself I make my way up to our room. It was completely dark with a small dim light coming from the bathroom. Walking in I'm hit with steam and a vanilla scent with some kind of instrumental playing low.
She was up to her shoulders in bubbles. I cleared my throat going to sit on the tub edge.
"H-hey baby...late night bath huh?"
"Yeah just thought I'd relax myself."
She wouldn't look at barely acknowledge I was here.
"Look I know I'm late-"
"Ten is late...but midnight? We've already had a talk about your working hours clearly you don't care so neither do I. Work all you want come home when you want I'm done trying....I'm not going to continue raising my own blood pressure worrying where you are."
Frowning I turned off the music. "You giving up on me?"
"That's what you want right for me to stop nagging you? Work seems oh so important to you and I don't wanna get in the way."
"No it's ok I'll just become the gold digger you want me to be. I sent you a email of some links it's just a few shoes bags and other shit I want."
Man...I really fucked up.
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A door slamming woke me from my sleep. The clock read seven...that must've been the girls leaving. Just as I'm closing my eyes again our door opened.
"Mommy up." Maliki went to her side of our bed trying to climb up.
"Yo ki get out she sleep." I groan pushing him. Don't get all CPS on me it was just his leg. "Go watch tv in your room."
"I want mommy. Mommy!" He pulled on her hand making her groan.
"Ay what I say get yo little ass out and do what I said."
He glared at me but did like I said.
"You are so mean to him." Sleeping beauty mumbled.
"That wasn't mean it was parenting. I'm telling you one day imma get him and ain't shit you can do to stop me." I pull Cam closer to me squeezing kissing her head. We both up now.
"Chris must you try to crush me in half every morning?"
Chuckling I kiss her ear. "Just making sure none of this is some dream."
She smiled turning over facing me. Leaning over I kiss her nose pulling her body on top of me.
"You've been working a lot lately I miss our morning cuddles." She whispered tracing my chest tattoos.
"Yeah I know baby I'm working with these new artist and just getting my pieces ready for this charity auction." I rub her back. "I want you to see the one I did yesterday."
"Sure I love seeing your art. You free today...I wanna take the twins out to the mall we can go after dropping off Maliki." Sitting up on me she let her hair out falling over her shoulder.
I love seeing her in this fresh state. Her eyes seem brighter with her pink cheeks. This is my wife. Y'all don't even know how lucky I really am having her all to myself. Caressing her face I start biting my lip.
"You know I give you anything you want." She blushed leaning down kissing me.
We made out for a minute or two before she got up and dragged us into the bathroom. We handle our hygiene got dressed then went to the twins room. Mylan was still sleeping while Morgan was jumping in her crib. Seeing us she started babbling shaking her head.
"You look crazy Gigi." Cam picked her up. "Come on let's get you ready for a shopping day."
I picked out a matching outfit for them and went to wake up Mylan. She whined and squirmed before opening her pretty little eyes. Just like her mother she hates being woken up.
"Hey babygirl...its that time again no more sleeping." Blowing on her cheek she squealed pushing my head away. "Lets go get washed up with your sister."
"Uh damn it Morgan."
I laughed seeing all the water on the girls bathroom floor. It's always a fight with that one. I think she gets some kind of thrill from pissing people off...I can already tell her teenage years will be spent locked up in her room.
"Baby pass me that towel please."
I pass her Mylan and wipe up the spilled water. We washed them both then dress them. She wanted to do her little make up stuff and took the girls with her. I went to get Maliki ready. Putting him in the tub since he can wash himself I picked out his outfit.
"You can get dressed on your own right?" He nods grabbing his power ranger underwear putting them on then his pants. I helped him with the button let him put his shirt on.
"Nice?" He looked at me.
"Yeah son you look nice. Hey when we gonna hear talk like a big boy? You gon a whole five soon." He just shrugged at me.
I don't know how but imma get him to talk. Just like somehow Camila got Mona to talk I'll get him just gotta find what gets to him. We went into the room and he ran off somewhere.
"Mymy look...take a picture for mommy come on please."
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"Maybe your sister will give me something. Morgan...Gigi look at mommy."
She almost had her but-
"Ki." She points behind me completely ignoring Cam trying to take her picture.
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"I don't think they wanna take any pictures Cam."
"Uh I see that I just want everyone to see how cute my babies are. Why can't that work with me." She rolled her eyes picking up their baby bag then Morgan leaving me with Mylan.
"They got that "I do what I want" attitude from you baby." She flipped we off walking out the room. "Ki where you at!?"
He ran out our closet.
"Ah I have to get this." Cam went up to him.
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"You done yet?" Mylan pulled on my chain talking to herself.
"Yeah yeah put the bag back ki come on."
I got the double stroller for the twins while she buckled everyone in. We dropped the boy off first then head for the mall. The first store we went to was one of those pricey ass kids stores. Small clothes huge dollars signs. Hell there was a bow...a hair bow for two hundred.
"Camila why are we in here I'm not trynna have anymore spoiled kids Mona and Maurice are enough."
"Oh come on Chris everything in here is so freaking cute! Look at this dress." Morgan smiled reaching for it. "Oh she loves we gotta get it." She hands it to me.
"Hell no cam this small ass dress for $350 no Camila no I'm not buying this."
She cut her eyes at me snatching the dress back. "Fine I'll buy it myself I don't need your passed down money." She switched away leaving me with the kids.
"Does she not know her money was passed down to." Morgan laughed like she understood me. I saw her in line with some other stuff looking all mad. "Ok...let daddy go bow down to mommy."
She ignored me standing next her the entire time.
"Hi did you find everything ok?"
"Yes I did my husband on the other hand was feeling cheap today." She rolled her eyes at me.
"Can't blame a guy the dress cost more than my shoes." The register girl just smiled ringing up her things.
"But not more than your watch, chain, earrings, nose rings, belt and shirt."
Damn...she got me.
"Your total in $1,234.66. Cash or card?"
"Card." I take out my wallet handing it to her. "Better be glad I love."
She smiled kissing me. "I love you to. Let's go to a store for you my treat this time." Grabbing the bags she walked with me.
Happy wife happy life a very true statement.
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