#like calling someone a 'saint' who was a piece of shit
goditsmeagain · 2 years
the queen dies and suddenly everyone on fb acts like they knew her personally 'fly high your majesty' 'she was a wonderful woman' bitch she did not give one fuck about you
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Am I the Asshole for ruining a person's life?
©️©️©️©️©️©️ to find later.
This is an old story from when I was in high school. I was a quiet nerdy kid, but I was well liked. No one messed with me and I was on good terms with most of the popular kids. I just tended to like to read and learn. I did academic decathlon, I spent my breaks in the library, I was in the top of the class etc.
My junior year of high school, there were these two sisters that moved into the school. They weren’t twins, but they were in the same grade. The Older (We'll call her Lina) was held back one year. We'll call the younger one Wendy. Lina and Wendy were both painfully awkward little nerds, so we tended to be in the same circles. We were in the same classes and they also joined the Academic Decathlon. I spent a lotttttt of time around them.
Lina was a cunt.
Seriously an absolute cunt. She went out of her way to absolutely DESTROY any confidence Wendy had. Wendy was SO SMART. Way smarter than me. And Wendy didn't have a mean bone in her body. A very kind person. But Lina felt the need to point out EVERY small mistake or blamed everything that went wrong on Wendy. I once saw Lina SLAP Wendy and then demand Wendy apologize for it. Lina called her names, belittled her, etc. And it pissed me off.
It pissed me off even more when I met their Mom and it was SO OBVIOUS that their Mom favored Lina. She even said that "Lina is definitely the prettier one. She could be a model" when Wendy was RIGHT THERE. It pissed me off SO MUCH.
So, I might have reacted in a way that could be an asshole move.
Like I said, I was a quiet nerdy kid. But I was also pretty well liked and I used that to my advantage.
I became a little whisper in people's ears. I spent an ENORMOUS amount of time and effort turning everyone against Lina. I spread rumors that were just baaarely exaggerating the truth. I encouraged people to shit talk Lina and talk kindly about Wendy. I basically changed Wendy's reputation into a glowing saint in the eyes of the school (not difficult, Wendy was great) and I turned Lina's reputation into garbage. Like, actual garbage.
It got to the point where Lina had no friends. No one DARED to risk being seen with her. Everyone loved to shit talk her. She couldn't keep a secret for anything. If she tried to confide in someone, the news would come out immediately. No one was on her side. I even had her boyfriend spilling embarrassing intimate secrets. He kept dating her just so he could make fun of her.
Well, she did have one friend. Lina had me. I was such a kind and faithful friend, who would NEVER gossip about her or be mean. She could tell me anything.
She even drew this REALLY pretty portrait of me. Just a pencil drawing on sketchbook paper. Whatever else Lina was, she was a good artist. It looked just like me.
I still have it, btw, it really good piece of art.
(I didn't have to worry about it staining my reputation, I was already known as being too kind for my own good. It's really not that hard to get a nice girl reputation.)
Anyways, I have been told that this was an asshole move when I tell this story. I don't think it was and I don't regret it, but other people seem to think it was excessive. When I think back to how much more CONFIDENT Wendy was by the time we graduated, and how she went on to an Ivy League college, I'm glad I ruined her sister's social life. Lina was so stressed out that she couldn't even TRY to harrass Wendy. And if she HAD tried, Lina would have had the student body at her throat. I didn't just ruin Lina, I also helped Wendy gain her footing in a new school.
Anyways, WAS I the asshole for ruining her? Or were my actions just?
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Are Tim Drake fans actually blaming Dick for Tim being Robin and all the trauma that comes with being a hero? Is that actually something that is happening? Is this actually for real? Is Tim the Robin who chose or not? (*every one of them chose to be Robin but people think Tim is the only one defined by that choice because reasons? But isnt it so interesting that now fans are 'um, actually-' ing) Do you know how heroing works? Do you guys understand the typical conventions of a superhero world? Do you think Tim reluctantly became Robin? That he wishes he'd never made that choice? That he didn't have a choice? Do you guys know literally anything about Tim and his origins or his tenure as Robin at all?
Why are you blaming Dick for not wanting to go back to being Robin? Why the fuck would he want to be Robin? Bruce may have fired him but he's the one that specifically left Bruce, and to go back to being Robin would be to go back to being under Bruce's thumb again, and why the fuck would he ever do that? I actually extremely dislike Tim's origins, because who the fuck do you think you are to beg someone to go back to the controlling asshole in their life, the one that literally just decked them and kicked them out of their childhood home, to assume you owe that person just for raising you, to do all this in the middle of a grief you know nothing of, to insert yourself into the extremely strained relationship of the two people who were once so insync they were called the dynamic duo- like....if Tim had confronted any other person he would've been clocked, he wouldn't have been given the time of day. Dick literally has the patience of a saint. (And do not go thinking that this is worse than what Bruce did by stealing Robin and just giving it away to the first kid who marginally looked like young Dick cause thats definitely worse. This is bad because hello?? You literally have no business being here and saying this and assuming shit. That is bad because Bruce stole his fucking name! His reputation! The only link to his parents! And gave it all away to a stranger! And after that he never ever gets a say in how or who becomes Robin, every Robin after Dick has always been inevitable, something Dick is resigned to. He advocates for the Robins, he accepts them, he is in their corner, but he is definitely resigned to what Robin has become without his permission.)
Why is it that whenever someone wants to bring up an issue they have with Bruce, they take it out on Dick instead?
It's not Dicks fault that Bruce is so dependent on him that he needs a Dick substitute at all times or he'll fall even more to pieces!
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anniemika · 1 year
Lost and Found
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Eren Jaeger x Female Reader
Chapter 11: Consequences
Chapter summary: Realizing the damage he’s caused, Eren learns about the life he has missed out on and tries to reflect on his mistakes, with a few bumps accompanying him along the way.
Chapter warnings: explicit language, aggression, mentions of blood
Words: 4.4k
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
That night, Eren couldn't sleep. All he could think about was you and the encounter you two had the day before. Well, not that he spent his time thinking about much else before, but now he found someone else nestled inside his mind.. Lily. He tried to focus on a song he’d been writing for some time, go to the gym, do anything to distract himself. But no matter what he did, his mind kept coming back to the two of you.
When morning came, he realized he couldn't take it anymore. He had to see you again, talk to you, find out if what he’d been wondering about was true. He knew that it was a risk, that you might not want to see him, but he had to try. He couldn’t just go straight to your house, though. He didn’t even know if you lived there anymore.
But anyway, who would tell him anything about you? He was sure that many people were aware of what happened all those years ago, the whole ugliness of it. It wasn’t a big town, and there was no way anyone would tell him any kind of information regarding you. People loved you, and he was sure no one gave jack shit about him.
The only person that could tell him anything was his dad, although he didn’t know if you kept in touch with him after all that had happened. Nevertheless, he was going to ask.
He knew that Grisha was at work at the hospital, but he couldn’t wait a minute longer. He dialed his father’s number while nervously pacing around in his hotel room.
The moment he picked up, Eren was on it, “Hey, dad. Listen, sorry to call you at work, but I need a favor to ask.”
“Okay,” his father said, a little taken aback by the urgency in his son’s voice, “What is it?”
“I saw Y/n yesterday.”
His father went quiet, and Eren knew why. He couldn’t even imagine the shame his dad must’ve felt when it all happened.
“And I know you probably think that I shouldn’t bother her, but I really need to just talk to her. To at least have the chance to apologise properly.”
Grisha stayed silent for a little while. But then, much to Eren’s surpirse, “I think that’s a good idea.”
The younger man furrowed his brows in confusion, not expecting his father to agree so easily, “Really?”
“Yes, really. She owns a flower shop downtown. It’s on Saint John’s street, first corner on the right. It closes around 6p.m.”
Eren couldn’t believe his father was actually supporting him in this. He quickly grabbed a pen and a piece of paper to write the address on it, “Thanks, dad. I really appreciate it.”
“Be gentle with her, Eren. It’s the least you could do. That girl has gone through a lot.”
Eden nodded, even though his father couldn’t see him, “I will, I promise. Thanks again.”
In a flash, he put his phone inside his leather jacket, put his black combat boots on, tied his hair in a messy bun, and went out the door. He knew that it was probably best not to disturb you at work, but how could Eren explain to you that waiting would drive him completely nuts? How could he explain that he’d been waiting for so long, his body wouldn’t allow another minute to pass by without him taking action? His heart pounded like it wanted to jump out of his rib cage as he drove like a complete madman, acting on pure adrenaline. He knew he had to calm down before meeting you, but the emotions he felt were just too strong to hold down.
After he parked his car down the street from the given address, his eyes went to a periwinkle sign a few meters from where he was standing. “Lily’s flowers”, it read in elegant cursive writing, that drew a tiny smile across his face.
Eren couldn't believe he was actually doing this. Facing his past was something so distant before, like a dream that was never going to happen, even though he desperately wanted it too. But now, as he stood outside the shop, there was a glimmer of hope blooming inside his heart.
He took another deep breath and pushed the door open. The sweet scent of roses and lilies filled his senses as he looked around your workplace with awe. The shop was small, but cozy, with colorful bouquets arranged in vases on every surface. The walls, adorned with beautiful floral paintings, added to the ambience of the shop. They were painted in soft pastel shades, providing a soothing backdrop for the vibrant colours of the flowers. It was breathtaking.
And then, behind the counter, arranging a colourful bouquet, were you. Dressed in a simple white tee and a floral apron, you were still too beautiful to be true.
“Good morning, how can I help yo-“, when you brought your head up and saw him standing before you, your mouth fell slack.
"Hi," Eren spoke, his voice low and unsure.
He saw your face go through a few different emotions in the span of seconds, first surprise, then a mix of nervousness and vexation, "What are you doing here?"
Eren took a step closer to you, but he didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Suddenly, a child’s giggle was heard and Lily appeared from behind you, holding a pretty flower in her hand. She ran in front of the counter, almost bumping into Eren’s leg.
"Mommy, look! It's the man from the grocery store!", the little girl exclaimed, pointing her tiny finger at him.
Eren looked down at her, a knot tying inside his throat. Now that he could really see her up close, it was undeniable. Her brown hair, her eyebrows, her radiant teal eyes.. the signs were all there, "Hi there. Lily was it?”
"Mhm!," she replied with a smile.
Eren knelt down next to her level,
“You’re as pretty as a lily, Lily.”
She let out the cutest little giggle, “That’s what my mom tells me.”
"Lily, honey, why don't you go outside and play for a bit?" You said, visibly trying to compose yourself.
“Okay. Bye.” She waved her hand at Eren, but before she could go, he stopped her.
“Just a second, Lily.” The little girl turned back to him, her eyes wide with curiosity, “How old are you?”
“I'm six and a half, but all my classmates tell me that I look smaller, and that really annoys me!”
Eren’s smile disappeared. Six and a half.. which meant-
“Go on and play, honey.” You pressed on, voice trembling.
Lily nodded and ran outside, leaving Eren alone with you and the silence.
When he rose from his position, his eyes turned to you, and when he saw the way you avoided his gaze, with tears brimming your eyes, he just knew.
"Why are you here, Eren?"
"I...I wanted to see you. I've been thinking about you a lot lately," he said, his voice barely a whisper.
“Oh,” he could hear the lump inside your throat from trying to fight the tears, “how nice of you.”
Eren cautiously moved closer to the counter,
“Do you think we could perhaps.. talk?”
Your hands were shaking, and you just hoped he wasn’t near enough so he could see them.
"Eren.. I really don’t know how you have the nerve to come here after everything.” You always knew that seeing him again would stir up old feelings that you had buried deep down, but this was too much.
Eren felt like he could let the whole world swallow him, "I.. I know."
You shared a look with him. Seeing those eyes again was like diving into a pool of memories, each one flooding back with a force that made your heart ache.
“Y/n, I'm so sorry-”
“No.” You’re quick to silence his attempt, “No, no, you can't do this right now. I'm working.”
“Please, just.. Just give me 2 minutes-”
“Two minutes!?” You raised your voice, hot tears threatening to spill again, “Two minutes.. Is that going to sum up years of.. of-”, the frustration you felt couldn’t be described with words. You were helpless, and at the same time, desperately trying to find the words. You hated how weak you looked right now.
Turning around, you tried to distract yourself by fixing the stems of a few red roses, “You should go.”
Eren didn’t know what to do. On one hand, the last thing he wanted was to upset you this much. On the other.. he needed to ask. If he didn’t do it right now, he’d probably go insane.
“Y/n..”, he said your name cautiously, “Lily.. Is she mine?”
You froze in place. You couldn’t bare to look at his face right now, or you’d probably faint, “What?”
“I'm sorry, I just really need to know. Please.” Eren thought he could go into cardiac arrest soon, “Is she mine?”
Silence fell like a heavy weight, suffocating, as if the air had been sucked out of the room, leaving a vacuum of soundlessness that pressed down on you both.
And then, with your back still turned against him, you spoke quietly, “I think you already know the answer to that.”
Seconds turn into hours, each passing moment feeling like an eternity. It was true. Hearing it from you just cemented it in stone. Lily was his.
Before Eren could open his mouth to say something, a doorbell ring was heard throughout the shop.
“Good morning!” An elderly woman greeted.
“G-good morning!” You swiftly wiped your eyes, before turning and sending a final look his way, “You have a nice day, sir.”
Eren stood there, staring at you helplessly. He knew he had to leave, but god help him, that was the last thing he wanted to do. All he wanted was to just whisk you away and talk, tell you how fucking sorry he was, how much of a piece of shit he was.
But he knew that wasn't possible right now. You were at work, and he knew he’d made it hard enough as it was. He had to go.
With a heavy heart, he turned to leave, emotions threatening to overwhelm him as he walked away. When he reached the door, he turned back to steal one last glance of you. You were talking to the older woman, happily showing her different kinds of flowers, like the previous conversation never happened.
The thought of you putting on a brave face and hiding your pain from the world, and him knowing he was the reason for that, made his heart sink with much earned guilt.
Eren replayed your conversation in his mind throughout the whole day.
Over, and over, and over again.
“I think you already know the answer to that.”
He wanted to punch a wall. Or better yet, himself.
He could only imagine the hardships you must’ve gone through, raising a child alone at nineteen years old, while he was touring and drinking and living his life. A life that was definitely not worth living. Not knowing that you were pregnant.. not knowing just how much you needed him. Thinking that leaving you was the best option for you both.
Hatred. That was the feeling Eren felt for himself.
Maybe it was for the best. Maybe you’d realized that Lily didn’t need a person like him in her life. A fucking failure of a person.
She was so beautiful. And she looked so much like him, it was insane. But her smile.. her smile was yours. So infectious, it lit up the entire room and filled his heart with warmth. Just like you did.
Eren wondered if you were ever going to smile at him like that again.
He buried his face in his hands as he laid on the uncomfortable hotel mattress. His eyes were hot with tears, and he bit his lip in an attempt to stop a sob from escaping.
What the hell was he going to do?
“Fuck you, Eren.” He cursed audibly. He needed someone to scream at him, and he needed that person to be you. He wanted you to let out all the anger and frustration he knew you were feeling towards him. He longed to hear you yell at him, to let him know just how much he had hurt you. The need to take it all in was enormous, to feel the weight of his mistakes and the suffering he had caused. Knowing it wouldn’t be easy, he was ready to face it all if it meant that there was a slight chance he could still make things right with you and Lily.
The beeping of his phone interrupted his thoughts, and he reluctantly pulled his attention away from his inner turmoil to check the notification. It was his dad. He was inviting him to dinner.
As much as Eren wanted to get a bottle of whiskey and just drawn himself in his sorrows, he knew he needed to tell Grisha what happened. He needed to tell him that he had a granddaughter, who was living just mere minutes away from him.
As he drove to his father’s house, his mind was spinning with all the possible outcomes of the impending conversation. Would his father be angry? Would he be happy? Would he even believe him? Or.. did he know already? No. He would’ve told him. There was no way he would keep that kind of information from him.
As he came closer to his old home, his anxiety only grew, but he knew that he had to push it through.
Finally, when he saw the white picket fence his father and him painted all those years ago, he inhaled deeply, and walked to the front door. Before he could knock, his father had already opened it.
“Eren,” Grisha said, a little surprised, “that was fast.”
Eren clenched his sweaty palms, “Dad, we need to talk.”
His father nodded, “We sure do.”
“Made your mother’s favourite,” Grisha told his son while holding a ceramic dish with his oven mittens, positioning it at the center of the dining table. But that comment fell on deaf ears. Eren’s foot was bouncing nervously under the table, while his mind was preoccupied with how best to serve the news. With the intent to calm his nerves down, he tried to focus on the present moment.
“That looks delicious, dad.” He said, trying to sound casual, “Thanks.”
Grisha gave his son a small smile, but he could tell that something had happened today. It was written all over his face.
After plating the food, his father finally took a seat. He then positioned both elbows on the table, looking Eren straight in the eyes.
“So.. how’d it go?”
This was it. He had to tell him now.
Eren fixed his posture before clearing his throat, “Dad, I.. I have something to tell you.”
Grisha didn’t speak, hiding the lower part of his face in his hands.
“Y/n, she.. she has a kid. I suppose you already know that. I met her today.” His fingers were trembling, “Dad, that kid.. she’s mine. That’s-“, he cleared his throat again, already fighting back tears, “That’s my daughter.”
The older man’s face was unreadable, which made Eren’s heart pump even more rapidly. Bracing himself for his reaction, he watched as the older man lowered his hands, revealing an impassive expression.
“She has your mother’s eyes, don’t you think?”
The words sank in the younger man’s years, but his mind couldn’t grasp them.
And then, it dawned on him.
“Wait-“, his mouth became dry, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
His father turned his eyes on the meal in front of him, mixing it around with his fork.
“So.. you knew.” Eren’s disappointment was painted all over his face and voice.
After taking a bite of his food, Grisha looked up at his son, “Of course I knew.”
Eren’s confusion bubbled up like a boiling pot of water that was dangerously close from spilling. He couldn’t fathom how his father wouldn’t tell him as soon as he first saw him. As if there was anything more important than telling him he had a whole kid.
“Why.. why the hell didn’t you tell me?” His voice raised with every word.
“Do not curse at me, boy.” Grisha’s tone turned stern as he laid his fork beside his meal, his dark eyes fixed on his son, “You think we didn’t try to tell you? You think we didn’t blow your phone up? Guess what, you never picked up. And then,”, his voice grew quiet, “when she was born, I drove to one of your concerts. Nobody believed I was your father, but I somehow managed to persuade one of the bouncers to let me see you.”
Eren’s heart skipped beat after beat, failing to remember any of what his father was telling him.
“You told me to go away. I don’t think you could even comprehend what I was telling you. I don’t know what you were on.. but the guy I saw in that dressing room wasn’t my son.” The finality of Grisha’s words felt like a knife being stabbed inside his son’s heart, “Lily deserved better than that guy.”
The shame Eren felt was overwhelming. The need to let his anger out was so immense, his whole body began to shake. Without saying another word, he stormed out of the dining room, grabbed his keys, and left the house.
When he got inside his car, his fist repeatedly slammed against the stirring wheel.
After all this, he knew what he needed. A drink, and he needed it bad.
The building of the old bar was aged and weathered, with a peeling paint and a faded sign that read “The Dusty Boot”. The windows were grimy and the door creaked as Eren pushed it open.
Inside, the room was dimly lit, and smelled of stale beer and cigarettes. The walls were lined with old photographs and memorabilia from the town’s glory days, while the bar itself was made of dark wood and looked scarred from years of use.
Still, it felt like home.
Eren sat down on one of the stools, the weight of today’s emotions pressing down on him hard. His head hurt, and he was tired, more tired than spending a whole day on stage. The bartender, an old man with a bushy white beard he remembered from years ago, approached him.
“What can I get ya, son?” He asked while his hands were busy wiping a pint glass with a cloth.
“Just a beer.”
The old man nodded and pulled out a cold bottle of beer from the fridge. He popped the cap off and placed it in front of Eren, “Tough day?”
Nodding once, he took a sip of the cold liquid. The man seemed to understand, so he just continued cleaning glasses, occasionally glancing over at him. The bar was quiet, with only a few patrons scattered around the room. Hushed old country music played in the background, adding to the calm atmosphere.
Eren drank beer after beer, trying to rid himself of some of the guilt he felt, even if only for a little bit. After a few rounds, he understood that it was a task impossible. His thoughts were like little needles prickling at his heart and brain, and the alcohol he consumed only seemed to magnify them.
He thought.. He though about so many things, and they all concerned you. He wondered about what had gone on right after he left you. How alone you must’ve felt, how betrayed. He thought about his dad, and how helpless he must’ve been, knowing you were suffering because of his son. He cursed himself inwardly for storming off earlier, but had he stayed, he would’ve probably said things he didn’t mean. Let anger out that wasn’t directed at anyone else but himself. Anger that only he deserved.
“Hey, aren’t you the singer from that band?” The bartender asked after some time, pulling Eren from his somber thoughts. Great. That was all he needed right now. Usually, he didn’t mind people asking him about his career, but tonight he was hoping to stay unbothered. “Yes you are. Eren Jaeger, was it?” The old man continued, “Grisha Jaeger’s son. Been a long time since I’ve seen you hang around here.”
“Been a long time since I’ve been home.” Eren replied, keeping his tone neutral.
“My daughter, she’s sixteen-“, the bartender continued, much to Eren’s dismay, “she’s a big fan of yours. She’d be so stoked if she knew you were here.”
Eren managed a small smile. “That’s nice to hear.”
“Hey, uh..”, the man reluctantly began, catching onto Eren’s reluctance to talk about his fame, “do you think maybe you could sign an autograph for her? If it’s not much trouble.”
Eren hesitated for a moment, but before he could agree, a voice was heard from somewhere behind him, “Now, are you sure your daughter needs an autograph from a man like him, chief?”
Eren became rooted in place as he recognised the voice of the man who was now standing inches beside him. A man with whom he once shared a friendship.
“Well, well”, there was amusement, but also hostility in his tone, “look what the cat dragged in.”
Eren swallowed another sip of his beer, then, without having much option, turned to inspect the man the voice belonged to.
Jean Kirstein. He was different than Eren’s last memories. Tall as ever, his ashy-brown hair was now slicked back and at his nape. He had a bit of a goatee, but still the same annoying smirk that Eren remembered all too well. It was a smirk that conveyed both confidence and arrogance, as if he knew something that Eren didn’t.
“Jean,” the green-eyed man nodded in greeting before turning back to his drink.
“Eren. Long time no see.” Jean sat on the stool next to him, ordering a drink of his own. “I heard you’d come back a few days ago.”
“Yeah?” Eren kept his tone casual, but guarded.
“It’s a small town. Didn’t believe it at first.” He could see Jean take a swig of his drink with the corner of his eye, “I thought “What would the great Eren Jaeger be caught doing in a place like this?” A place he so desperately wanted to run away from.”
Eren’s grip on his beer tightened, body tensing. Despite all the alcohol in his system, he managed to keep his cool, replying curtly, “I came back for personal reasons.”
Jean raised an eyebrow, ““Personal reasons?”” A patronising laugh filled the space between them, “That’s not like you. You always seemed to be running away from something.”
At that sentence, Eren shot him a sharp look. His nerves were already heightened enough today, “I’m not running away from anything.”
“Sure you’re not.” Jean brought his glass to his mouth before saying, “There probably isn’t a pregnant girl to run away from now.”
It happened in a second. Eren’s fists curled around Jean’s shirt, his stool on the ground.
His emerald eyes blazed with fury as he pulled Jean towards him, their faces inches apart. "Don't you fucking dare," he growled, "You have no idea what you're talking about."
“Hey, hey, now calm down boys!” The old barman shouted, bringing his hands in the air, “This ain’t no place for this.”
Jean's smirk disappeared as he registered the intensity in Eren's eyes. He tried to push him away, but his grip was too strong. "Let go of me, Jaeger.”
Eren's grip tightened even more, his knuckles turning white. "You don't get to bring her up like that," he gritted through his teeth.
“Oh, did you finally remember she existed?”
The final button had been pushed. Eren’s fist landed on Jean’s face with a loud thud, causing him to stumble backwards and fall off his stool. The other men in the bar gasped and murmured, some of them getting up to leave, others standing to get a better look at what was happening.
The barman rushed over to the two men, trying to separate them. "That's enough, boys! Take it outside if you have to, but not in here!"
Eren was heaving with anger, anger so radiant, it was like steam coming off of his body. His eyes were still fixed on Jean, who was now holding his bleeding nose. For a moment, the two men just glared at each other, until the taller one stood up from the ground, trying to regain his composure. Straightening his collar, he looked at the blood on his hand, a provoking smirk crossing his lips.
“You can still pack a punch, I’ll give you that.”
“Okay, you go now, come on.” The bartender tapped Eren on the shoulder, “we don’t condone that kind of behavior around here.”
“It’s alright, chief,” Jean put his hand in the air as a sign of protest, “It was my fault. I’ll be the one to leave.”
Eren’s fists were clenched so hard, his veins were visible. His head was spinning from the mix of the alcohol and the adrenaline the whole encounter brought. As he watched Jean pull out his wallet to pay for his drink, he tried to calm himself down by taking a deep breath and unclenching his fists.
“Oh.. one more thing.”
Sharp pain was felt throughout his whole left side, most notably in his eye. Eren hit the ground, his hand flying to his temple, which was now throbbing uncontrollably. His vision was blurry, the pain quickly traveling to his whole head.
“That was for her, you piece of shit.” Jean spat before he turned around to leave.
Eren tried to get up, but the pain was too severe, and the beers he’d drunk didn’t make it any easier.
It became all blurry after that. The last thing he heard were the bartender’s and his father’s muffled voices, and then a car engine starting.
But the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes.. was Lily.
And you.
And as much of a drunken fool as he was, that night, he still fell asleep with a smile on his face.
A/N: Hi🥹 I can’t express to you how happy I am that there is interest in this story. This chapter was a little tough to write and I hope I did it justice as much as I could. I’m going to try and post a chapter every week or two, so stay tuned!
Ps: if you want to be tagged, just say so<3 reblogs are deeply appreciated.
Tag list:
@vlsquuu @love-is-sick @shima707 @6sakusa @p4lli @intimacywithcelestine @docufanfic @jaegersdiary @xcelestina @fvckingeetar @theforest @roronoazorosbxtchh @hannaburnout
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2braincellslz · 1 year
Male reader gives Eddie a tattoo on his V-line
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Ship: Eddie munson x male!reader
Desc: Eddie calls (y/n) in to their room. Eddie asks (y/n) to give him a tattoo. The rest is history.
Notes: it's short and shitty. I'm sorry. I was just trying to get a request out.
"Baaaabe" eddie called from his room.
(Y/n) was already sprawled out over the couch, lazily shoving handfuls of popcorn in to his mouth as he rewatched Halloween for the... hundredth time.
"Whaaaat?" (Y/n) called back, shoving more popcorn in to his mouth. The taste of cold popcorn was staring to get old.
"Wash your hands and come here!"
(Y/n) rolled his eyes. He placed the bowl on the coffee table before making his way to the sink, cleaning off the cheese powder. "What are you getting at, Munson?"
But there was no response.
(Y/n) groaned loudly as he dumped the leftover popcorn in the that trash, presenting his displeasure from being taken away from his movie without a valid reason yet he still made his way to the bedroom.
Eddie had a little container of black void resting on his bedside table. Eddie himself was stilling on the bed with a needle in his hand, the tip of the needle was sainted black.
Eddie looked up from what he was doing, or trying to do, and gave (y/n) a silly little grin. "Care to help me?" He asked, extending the needle out to his boyfriend.
"You want me to give you a tattoo?" Eddie's plants had already been unzipped, a few dots scattered around Eddie v-line. "Is this even safe?" (Y/n) stepped closer, taking the pin.
"No, not really." (Y/n) couldn't help but roll his eyes, letting out another groan.
"You made me miss Halloween for this." (Y/n) kneeled infront of Eddie. This wasn't his first time dealing with Eddie just getting a tattoo out of nowhere but it was the first time that he had ever been asked to give Eddie or anyone a tattoo.
"Halloween? Oh, the horror. Not like you have seen it three thousand times."
"What do you want me to do, Eddie? Tell me now or I'm picking."
Eddie let out a long hum, rubbing his chin like he was thinking. "I dont know, you pick."
(Y/n) couldn't help but let a smile creep on to his face as different ideas popped into his head, some worse then others. "Nothing bad!" Eddie snapped, immediately regretting letting his boyfriend pick.
"Aw, what?" (Y/n) giggled, deciding on a safe idea. "Your no fun."
(Y/n) started on the tattoo, a bit shaky at first but after a while he got the hang of it. Eddie huffed, hissing at the pain. He grabbed on to (y/n)s shoulder.
"This seems a bit... odd." (Y/n) looked up at eddie.
"Oh shut up." Eddie hissed, nails digging in to (y/n)s shoulder.
(Y/n) continued to work, ignoring the digging pain. He was Lazar focused as he worked. Honestly, It would have been better is Eddie had just taken him to a tattoo parlor but he enjoyed being close to his boyfriend. Being able to do something for him.
"This is going to be shit..." (y/n) mumbled, mostly too himself, as he worked.
"I can get it fixed at a parlor later." Eddie hummed. His voice was strained slightly. For someone who has a collection of tattoos, the man has a low pain tolerance but his skin could also be sensitive from the demobats.
About a hour passed and (y/n) was almost done. It wasnt a big piece but doing anything with one needle was a feat in itself.
"Annnd.... done!" (Y/n) took a paper towel he had gotten half way through and whipped off a bit of the excess ink.
(Y/n) stepped back, looking over his work. Eddie looked down. His face suddenly lit up as he looked over the piece.
It was simple, you could only do so much with a single needle. But it has meaning. It was a 20 sided die with a nat 20 facing out.
"Its perfect!" Eddie cheered, even if the line work was a bit shakey.
"Well, I wouldn't say perfect." (Y/n) chuckled. Eddie pulled (Y/n) in to a tight hug, being careful of the raw skin.
"Dont get it infected." (Y/n) patted Eddie's shoulder, stepping back to look over his art one more time.
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pinkandpurple360 · 25 days
i think house of asmodeus was supposed to be that “call-out” scene, like ozzie praising stolas for giving up everything “for a thrust” was a great twisted way of the villainous-ish character doing the whole “your approval fills me with shame” trope.
but then stolas faced zero consequences so it made it all pointless.
like if we’re looking at officially released materials (not leaks, not speculation, etc.) what has stolas lost bc of his relationship with blitzo? right now, as of s2ep7, he still has his title, his house, his daughter, his servants. he “lost” his wife, but he initiated the divorce, and he never loved her anyway
so why didnt they have ozzie either be like “if you keep going down this path you’ll lose everything you love” not as a warning, but bc he’s a demon and loves watching people self-destruct. or have ozzie’s happen AFTER stolas loses immortality/his daughter/his job/etc.
and if we want to keep asmodeus as a more “heroic”/morally grey character, just have ozzie’s be him basically calling stolas out for pressuring blitzo into the deal. arguing real lust is everyone losing themselves in their desires, not coercing someone who feels nothing for you
better yet, make FIZZ the one who calls stolas out! maybe at this point he’s still mad at blitz about the fire but even he sees thru stolas’s bs. and deep down, fizz cares. he did look up to blitz once upon a time. i dont have the time or energy but im sure someone could write a blitzfizzozzie fix-it fic out of this
“your approval fills me with shame”
Yeah I loved that too! He really wasn’t saying he disapproved but he was saying how proud he was, like “that’s the spirit! Give up everything for sex!” It was just such a complex situation and I don’t think dating fizz changed any of that, the only thing it changed was mocking moxxie and millie but when you think about it? All they said was ‘it’s not the place’ which isn’t that big a deal. The hypocrisy accusation was built up well, but the fallout was kinda ruined by the ‘i knew it!’ Scene.
To be honest, stolas may still lose it all from what we’ve seen. He did not heed Asmodeus warning, or take Octavias worries to heart, at all. Hell even after Striker stabbing him and being left alone in hospital and singing his LMW song he STILL is obsessing over running away with blitzø and that’s scary levels of delusional thinking. It’s really not Blitzøs fault he became obsessed with him, and he doesn’t owe him a relationship or equal feelings. Seeing him be blamed for someone else’s choices is so frustrating.
Arguing real lust is losing themselves in their desires not coercing someone who feels nothing for you
The out of pocket “lust shouldn’t be forced, it’s an art” “no never that” exchange is the best we’re gonna get here
“if he’s maybe sorta my prisoner what kind of monster does that make me? 🥺🥺” as well. Like…crying in self pity because you aren’t sure if you maybe have been assaulting someone all this time.
Fizz could have said something about it in Oops but it seems like they want us to forget the lyrics and meaning behind house of Asmodeus instead framing it as an actual date.
— Cage Scene Rewrite 🎬—
“I saw princey cosying up to you at Ozzies. You’re both disgusting.”
“Says the royal chickens peppy sex doll!”
“Don’t play that card with me. That’s different, much less gross”
“The hells so different about it?”
“Oh I don’t know, the whole married with a family thing?! Even I have the sense not to make shit like that paraded around in public.”
“That wife of his aint exactly a saint from what I’ve heard, and I could give two shits about some royal demons marriage. Probably an arranged bullshit.”
“Maybe the wife is a piece of work, maybe their shit marriage didn’t have anything worth salvaging in it. It’s not just that. You know my one rule, the one thing people do, that I hate.”
“I…oh. Kids.”
“Yeah. Hurting kids. Scaring kids away, you’ve always had that in spades. But being a damn home wrecker?What a mess. The Blitzo I knew protected family no matter what, united people with none. Made them..made them feel like a part of something. Look at you now. Feh.”
“I…still try to do that. For Loonie and for-“
“None of your business. I wouldn’t fuck him at all if I had the choice. I can barely stand the sight of him, he’s hotter as a damn human than a slimy twig ass owl and those fuckers look downright awful. I’ve helped him mend things with his kid a bunch of times, chased her round LA, drove them both all the way to that damn knockoff Lo—-loo…
“Uhhh….local uh. Bowling alley.”
“That was weird. Anyways. Big deal. You’re still trash. Bet she hates your guts.”
— cut 🎬—
Anyways yeah it’s still wonderful that fizz is the catalyst of everything that happens from the beginning. Butterfly effects always unite the two, he’s helping him with the crystal without him knowing, and he’s even helping him with gear for the sex client. Not fully understanding how gross it is..but the show would rather die than paint stolas in a bad non sympathetic light for the bad things he’s done.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
I read the request you wrote for lucifer, and it made me so happy!!!!
And, I do have one more request, could you maybe generally write for the hazbin group finding out the readers cause of death being from a roller coaster, and them not knowing who they are? (Could it maybe be a song fic using the ballad of Jane doe?)
A platonic angel dust fic with the reader talking(singing) about their previous family and / or life? Along with them breaking down at the end, with a small bit of comfort from angel dust? (Dead mom from beetle juice)
You can choose either or, it doesn't really matter to me :)
With love,
-Xin 💙
Good evening my dear! So glad to have you sending in another request,
Reader much like Jane Doe is going to be a doll, I like to call this, reader having a lil existential crisis during a trust exercise turned life stories sharing time.
Also I'll tag you like I did last time! @fuck-this-shit-xin
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The fallen saint
People who live in the hazbin hotel x gn reader
Death, decapitation, dolls, I am still terrified of dolls why did I add them? I don't know, accidentally implied underage drinking but the reader isn't underage, reader and Angel are very loosely implied to be besties because yes
Ballad of Jane doe
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You came to the hotel confused and scared, you found a flyer that advertised and you thought that it'd be better then the chaos in the other parts of hell.
You didn't remember much about your life, just that you died from a rollercoaster accident with your friends? Classmates? Family? You didn't remember,
The last thing you remember was someone clutching your hand saying something that was muffled over the screams before a sharp piece of metal sliced your throat and you saw the sky.
Sometimes you get glimpses of life before, school uniforms, arcades, lights, someone saying a muffled name, holding you, smiling at you.
Who were they? A friend? Family?
You wish you knew.
Charlie was the most sympathetic to your situation, embracing you with open arms into the hotel, imagine not knowing who you were? Well you didn't have to imagine.
You were practically a clean slate, perfect for redemption no matter what you did in the past, because you weren't that person anymore.
Charlie had organized a trust exercise that had pinwheeled into mild drunken shenanigans venting about life and how they lived before they died, Husk had revealed that he apparently had a child somewhere that caused a small commotion of "YOU HAD A WHAT-" and that turned into Sir Pentious saying he missed his son,
Niffty brought up some guy she was obsessed with while alive that may or may not have died it wasn't clear, Vaggie revealed small, very small parts about her life in heaven and being an exorcist, Angel dust brought up his family that was in hell and his twin sister Molly who was the only one to go above, and even Alastor was in the conversation talking about his mother and what a wonderful mother she was.
And then it came to you, cradling a alcoholic beverage.
"I wish I knew what my life was like, like What did I do end up down here? I mean I know I died because of a rollercoaster but I don't think that was a sin." You said your fingers circling your glass, Angel dust patting your shoulder in support.
"I'm sure it wasn't anything that bad"
"You probably set orphanages on fire, I can see you doing that" Niffty chimed in staring into your soul
"Niffty what the hell."
You took a breath as music began to play, one of the things you don't expect in death is that everything becomes a musical.
"Some might say we're release, pushing daisies, deceased,"
You place the glass you were holding onto the table in front of you before standing up from the couch you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"But we all know the worms must be fed,"
"And They're singing." Husk muttered taking a swig of his drink as he was told to hush.
"There's just one lingering fear, Oh my soul, is it here?"
It was a silly question but was it? Most Hellborn supposedly didn't have souls but they were still alive in someway, was it the same case with you? Is that why you couldn't remember? Was your soul back on earth where you perished?
You let one of your hands drift up to your neck, feeling the thread stitching that kept your head attached to your neck, it was slightly lighter then the rest of your body, reminiscent of a dolls.
"Or is it rotting somewhere with my head?"
The people you mostly considered friends [Alastor was on a thin line of friend or weird smiley guy that lived in the hotel] watched you pace around.
"Oh my soul"
Who were you?
"Oh my soul"
What did you do? What didn't you do?
''Oh my soul''
What regrets did you have? Did you live life to the fullest? Who did you love, who did you cherish? Did you have friends? Family? Who were they?
"Oh my soul''
"Ooh...Ooh...Ahh...Ahh... ah''
You missed people you didn't even remember,
Were you loved? Hated?
Did someone miss you? Who did you die with? What did you do to end up here? Did you kill someone? Did you set an orphanage on fire like Niffty suggested?
The people that appeared in your dreams, who's faces were blurred, that would disappear when you tried to reach out to them, were they real or were they just from your dreaming state?
"Oh no soul, and no name"
Everyone had come up with their own nickname for you, typically something related to dolls like doll, Dollface, Dolly, Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy or Chucky etc
That last one was from Husk.
you didn't mind it but you desperately wanted to know what your name was, did you get to choose it? Or was it given to you? Did you like it? Did you want to change it? Did you go by a nickname instead? Was it long? Was it short? Was it fancy or simple? Were you named after someone? Oh how you desperately wished to know.
"And no story, what a shame.."
Was your life exciting? Dull? Did you wish for something more?
"Cruel existence was only a sham?"
Dying in a rollercoaster accident was odd, insane and tragic, you showed up in hell with a uniform, were you a student? Did you attend some weird uniform requiring college? You died with others you knew them didn't you? Did you die with strangers or did you die with people you knew?
Tears swelled in your glassy, shiny doll-like eyes
"Oh Saint Peter, let me in!"
Charlie and Vaggie shared a look, recalling the whole welcome to heaven thing and him straight up moaning in song.
"You must know where I've been, Won't you tell me at last who I am?"
You could bare it, being in hell, it was horrible because it was hell but everyone else knew who they were, somewhat, they had a name that they chose or got, they had some semblemblance of an identity,
So why didn't you?
"Who I am,"
It wasn't fair, it really wasn't
"Who I am"
Everyone in the room knew who they were, they remembered their lives or in Charlie's case her life so far.
"Who I am"
You didn't ask for much, you helped out at the hotel, you gleefully participated in the exercises, you were a decent person, at least now you were if you weren't before.
"Who I am"
Would you get your memories back if you went to heaven?
"Ooh...Ooh...Ahh...Ahh... ah"
Or would you completely lose your memories again, would you have to start all over again?
You didn't want to forget the folks in the hazbin hotel, they were your friends right?
It'd be one thing if you lost your memories here but it'd be just cruel if you lost them again, you didn't want to lose them again you desperately clung to the glimpses you got of the past, you needed to keep the memories of the present.
"And from the ground, beneath my feet, I hear the anguish of the street"
You glanced outside the window, people were doing whatever they did, someone was actively getting stabbed they probably remembered who they were.
"A choir never complete"
Something flashed in your head
You died in a choir, you were apart of a choir,
You were apart of something, you sung with them, were you all close? Were you like family?
Where were they? Would they recognize you if they saw you now?
Would they? Would you recognize them? Would all your memories come rushing back in an instant like in the movies?
"And like an old forgotten tune, a song that no one knows..."
A appeared in your arms, a doll that had been gifted to you by Angel dust for a day they had dubbed your birthday, they threw you a party and everything, confetti, balloons, cake, you got a few gifts that you treasured, from Charlie, sir Pentious, hell even Alastor gave you a weird doodle of you that laid with the other gifts.
You held it close to you.
"Forgot how it goes, just John, Jane and me"
You didn't name the doll John or Jane, you didn't know a John or a Jane, or maybe you did? Anyways you carried it around with you, finding it as a source of comfort for when your friends weren't nearby
"Forever eternally, Doll Doe"
You hugged the doll tighter as a tear slipped slid down your doll-like face,
You were angry, what had you done to deserve this? You should at least know what condemned you here? What sin was so bad to warrant this?
"And I'm askin' why lord,"
The effects kicked in as the room went darker as your voice raised, desperation, confusion.
"If this is how I die, lord"
Why couldn't you have a normal death at least! Did anyone even find your head? Was it eaten by animals? Did it hit some poor person trying to have a fun day at the amusement park?
"Why be left with no family"
The hotel residents began to develop a found family relationship, and you were apart of it, you loved it but, what was your family from before like? Did you even have one?
"And no friends?"
Assuming no one you knew had fallen down below, you didn't die alone but you came alone while the others had ascended to above.
Background vocals came in out of nowhere lowkey freaking out some of your friends, Vaggie had already gotten her spear ready to Incase, of something maybe if the voices decided to attack
"I've got no celebration, just this consolation,"
Did you even have a funeral? Was it closed casket? Who attended?
"Time eats all his children, In the end"
You had questions and you wanted answers.
Freaky disembodied background vocals
"A melody floats through the air, when silence falls, does no one care?"
You were human once, you didn't care what genre your life fell into, comedy, horror, tragedy, thriller, if you played the role of a villain or a hero, a funny side character, you just wanted to know
"Does anyone care?"
Where were the background vocals coming from, they were freaky.
"Another sad, forgotten tune"
Your story laid forgotten, abandoned on some bookshelf like a book a teenager brought thinking they'd like it but they couldn't even make it past the first page so it lays, rotting away.
"Another song that no one knows"
You wanted to go back, you wanted to live your life again, you didn't know what it entailed but you would do anything, make a deal, throw whatever afterlife you had away.
"So that's how it goes!''
No, you would keep the afterlife you were given, you cherished the memories you've made here.
"Just John, Jane and me"
Your life was cut short wasn't it? What didn't you get to experience, what didn't your choir experience?
Why did you all have to die that day? Why did the rollercoaster have to derail, why didn't they check it?
"Forever eternally, Dollface Doe"
"And she's asking why, lord?"
The disembodied voices were in all honesty a nice touch to the song, still freaky though especially since was now dolls scattered around the area, is that where the voices were coming from?
"Why, oh why, oh why, oh why...?"
You were the one who convinced your choir to go on the rollercoaster, you begged them offering to buy them snacks after,
They agreed, you didn't know.
Was that the thing that condemned you here??
"This is no way to die, lord!"
At least getting decapitated by a rollercoaster made for a good conversation starter, probably.
"No one to sing, no one to sigh"
You only got glimpses, sometimes a nostalgic feeling for something you couldn't remember no matter how desperately you wanted too.
"Now that all is said and done"
Life had ended, afterlife had only begun,
You couldn't go back, no matter what you did, even if you sold your soul, a soul you weren't sure you even had anymore.
"Isn't there anyone to tell me who I am?"
You were turned away from your friends, you didn't want to see the pitying face some of them probably had.
"No singing songs of celebration''
Were you someone who liked to party? A homebody? Were you a sweetheart? Did people say you had a heart of stone,
"Just this sorry speculation"
You could try and force yourself to remember but in the best case scenario you could get a glimpse and a headache, and the worse case you'd be left clutching your doll trying to comfort yourself with a horrible headache.
"Like John and Jane I'll be eternally"
Maybe you should give up on trying to figure out who you were, try to forget that you ever lived before this.
"A forgotten name, some lost refrain"
If anything, you didn't have to have your memories back completely, if you could just remember your name.
"Just 'Doll' "
You closed your eyes, clutching the doll.
The freaky dolls that appeared sneaked close, Vaggie stabbed one like a doll kabob
You twirled and landed back in your seat, you leaned to the table to grab your drink again, intending to down it as the dolls finished your lament.
"A melody floats through the air, when silence falls, does no one care?"
The room began to lighten back up again as the creepy little dolls poofed away one by one, including the kabobbed one.
"Doll Doe."
You got a hug from a tearful Charlie and a two handed headpat from Angel since he couldn't really do anything else since you were trapped in Charlie's hug.
Charlie would later note that it was a successful trust exercise since everyone including you had opened up a little bit, you felt relieved to get that lament of yours off your chest, it didn't change much but breaking out in song was oddly therapeutic, you guessed that's why others did it so often!
Would you ever regain your memories? You didn't know, but for now you would try to remember anything from your past while making new memories with your friends at the Hazbin hotel.
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Good evening folks! thank you for tuning on in, this has gotta be one of my favorite songfics to write to date, AGAIN I REALLY RECOMMEND RIDE THE CYCLONE, thank you for tuning in I hope you enjoyed! Goodnight folks!
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an-idiot-in-fandoms · 9 months
as my followers may know i am a giant mcr stan. i love their music. i think most of the band are good people. however, something came to my attention.
i haven't made it a secret that i am NOT a fan of Lindsey Way, Gerard's wife, who is a racist, pedophile apologist. learning about her being a giant piece of shit made me very sad to acknowledge that if Gerard is willing to not only marry her, but use the reunion tour as also an opportunity to uncancel his dear precious wife or some bullshit, then he's not obviously the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to race and racism in general. the fact that they even endorsed and was a fan of MSI, a "shock humour" band, which used slurs to get attention (which is fucking pathetic by the way), says a lot already. perhaps it speaks to the rock scene's general tolerance for racism at the time in the 2000s, but it wasn't the 1800s. Jimmy Urine was still a white man using the n-word at full volume, and profiting off of it during his concerts and releasing his music.
and maybe shut the fuck up if you're going to call me a "snowflake" about it, because chances are you're white, and you have no fucking clue how dangerous this rhetoric can be towards POC, who have to put up with the normalisation of slur use that the band encourages. i am a POC, and i find the fact that he used that language for money and fame absolutely disgusting. the whole band is disgusting. they can rot in hell.
i came across a blog, not going to say which one, but one where it called out Lindsey Way. i was like "ok cool someone else who can use critical thinking in this fandom and doesn't just blindly support Gerard even though he's still definitely not the goddamn messiah". so i go on a scroll through their blog. they were a big fan of Frank, and i respect that, Frank deserves all of his flowers and more.
and then it got weird.
i came across posts where they speculated on the dynamic of the band. and a lot of things were spoken about, where they talked about Gerard being manipulative towards Frank, and how Frank didn't like going on the American leg of the tour during the reunion, and how, basically, they weren't friends, and how Gerard wasn't a good person.
the point is - there was A LOT of speculation. it made me upset to be reading it because i felt as though i'd been punched in the face, reading all this stuff about a guy i look up to partially. i sort of fell into a rabbit hole scrolling through their tumblr, getting more depressed, feeding into the logic that i could never truly feel happy about liking mcr again, reading about all of these theories, and---
hold the phone.
did you read that?
it occurred to me that these were THEORIES. and the way they were demonising certain people, such as putting down Ray in certain posts to make way for Frank, made me realise that there's a problem with this fandom and how people like to assume what happens with the band members' personal life, and how they interact with each other. people like to speculate in this fandom. like, a lot.
i'll assume it's partially due to how most of the band don't shed a lot of light on their personal lives, only really Frank and Mikey are active on social media, usually showing appreciation for their families/or Frank's countless side-projects (which are all great btw, go listen to Parachutes again). so a lot of the fandom turn to speculation, to come up with these theories that "oh there's in-fighting", or "Gerard is secretly an evil genius who manipulates the whole band".
these are real people. Gerard isn't a saint, despite what some people may believe (cough, girlgerard, cough), but what we don't have to do is start making up bullshit about them being a certain way with no evidence. it's all speculation. and it's demeaning, not only to Frank and Gerard, who've probably had enough with the rumours about them over the years, but for Mikey and Ray as well.
these people aren't your friends. they're not some mystical beings shrouded in darkness that you have to find everything out about either. they are people in a band.
going too deep into speculation robs them of their autonomy. it makes everyone in the fandom look like creeps as well. it's horrible to see, and it takes away the real importance of critical thinking.
you can think critically about Gerard for marrying and excusing a racist woman, because there is EVIDENCE of her being racist. there is EVIDENCE of her being a pedophile apologist. that brings up questions about his own views on race, and how much he's willing to excuse, if he could love someone who willingly takes part in racism.
you can't do the same for Frank and Gerard's relationship. we know JACKSHIT about that. they have never said anything negative pertaining to each other in interviews, whatever "beef" people have made up between them is entirely manufactured by the fandom's overactive imagination. it's like a dead-dove fanfic on AO3 for fuck's sake, where Gerard is tagged as an asshole.
i'm aware it is only a small proportion of people who do this. but the extent to which they do it is honestly shocking. so i got pissed off.
we don't need to know everything about what happens with the band members. Frank has LS Dunes. Mikey has his family. who the fuck knows what Ray and Gerard are doing.
(now, no one's complaining about the lack of Ray on social media, but when people see a picture of Gerard's hand they flip out and beg for a face reveal - but no one's ready for that convo...)
point is: let them be. work with what you get. there's no need to make up things to make it all interesting, to create conflict - you've got that with the heavily problematic connection to MSI. evidence is key. you do not need to analyse these people like they're fictional characters.
because they are PEOPLE. and people are neither completely good or bad, they are usually in the grey area.
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rollforfelicity · 2 months
Idk how to word this or how fully fleshed out this idea is, but I'm having this recurring experience where people will applaud a piece of media for representation but in actuality the media is (or started off as) making fun of the thing they're "representing."
So for example in my post about BG3 not having any options for your Tav to be fat, people in the tags mentioned that the Saint's Row games allow you to make fat characters, but a few people mentioned that in Saint's Row having a fat character is played off as a joke. I haven't played those games, but it made me wonder: would I rather play a game where I can't make a character who looks like me, or a game where I can but my inclusion is meant as a joke?
That got me thinking about Parks and Recreation, a show I loved deeply while also cringing almost every episode at the fatphobia. People point to Donna as being a great fat character and applaud the show for portraying her as a desirable woman, but that aspect of her character was initially a joke. It was played off as surprising that someone like her could be popular with men. This is even more true with a character like Fat Amy in the Pitch Perfect movies. In college, fat women I was friends with would talk about loving Fat Amy and identifying with her but when I watch those movies all I see is a caricature of a fat woman, her sexual desires played for laughs because who could possibly want someone like her?
People also give credit to It's Always Sunny for the episode where Mac comes out to his dad (which is a beautiful scene). I love It's Always Sunny, but the "Mac is a closeted gay man" aspect of the show started with Mac dating a trans woman. His storyline originates from a joke at the expense of trans women. There's an argument to be made that the other characters calling Mac gay for dating a trans woman is just an example of those characters being horrible assholes, which is the point of the show. But if they as a writing team decided "hey, Mac actually is gay," I feel like that changes the implication of the original joke, right?
I don't know. There's a power in taking something that was supposed to hurt you and saying "actually this is mine now, you can't hurt me with this," but at the same time I wish that weren't kind of the only option when it comes to fatness.
I don't really like talking about fat politics online because a) people are horrible and b) someone is always like "you only care about this because you're fat." Yeah, that's probably true! Because (for the most part) thin people don't give a shit about fat people at BEST, and are disgusted by/hate fat people at worst.
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bakiuwu · 1 month
Imagine saying someone posting screenshots to prove themselves innocent cause someone made a fucking alt to spread a fucjing child grooming rumor stupid ass internet beef, are yall slow do yall know how serious that shit, do you know how fucked up it is to be minding your business and for someone to hate you to make up a fucked rumor??? This literally fucking harassment I'm defending myself and showing how actually fucked people in this fuckinf fandom is, also to make a post about something then to throw fucking shade are fucking unserious
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Then, on top of all this bullshit to have someone admit that they did it...and a person who I haven't a gave a fuck and even forgot abiut FUCKING YANDERE MOMO ARE YOU SHITING ME, YOU LITERALLY HAVE ME BLOCKED AND YOUR STARTIGN SHIT??? being on apart of this stupid ass scheme l.....WHY cause you don't like me over some baki shit??? YOUR 23 HAVING A DAMN 15 YEAR OLD DOING YOUR SHIT, ARE YOU SURE YOUR NOT THE DAMN GROOMER WERID PICE OF SHIT Why are you close with a damn 15 year older who happens to be a fucking proshipper who has drawn cp before you fucking bitch, it's already bad you write rape fanfics BUT THIS no wonder you were able to make uo such a rumor, you self-progecting cunt
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Then too pussy to even say anything to me cause WHAT YOUR SCARED OF ME OR SOMETHING??? WTF YOUR A SPINELESS PIECE OF ACTUALLY SHIT, then to act like your changing a new leaf cause you decide to tell WHEN YOU BEEN DOING THIS FOR SOME TIME APPARENTLY, ARE YOU THAT BOTHER BY ME.....what happen to people having a fucking life, your so mad at someone that get a proshipper 15 year old to help your GROWN ASS to make up a fucking child grooming rumor.....that is the most Pathetic loser shit I have ever witnessed, then for this to be played off like this not serious......this fandom is really fucked up,
I don't even do anything all I do is post dumbass shit.....this actually funny....I have no words....so agian if you actually think any of this is silly internet beef.....there's something wrong with you, I feel like people think shit on the internet isn't serious like you can say and do whatever they pls and think nobody should call them out for theyre dangerous behavior this is very serious shit like this can ruin someone's fucking life....this is the last thing I have to say....this so disgusting
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fandomworld9728 · 15 days
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 15:
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"What is all the commotion?"
Seeing the radio demon appear from the shadows as they were getting ready to head out, Husk decided to fill him in as the others were too busy gushing over the small blonde. "Angel and his friend Cherri got the king all dolled up for our Charlie mandated night out."
"Come on, guys. I look ridiculous in this."
"No. You look ridiculous in that ringleader shit you had on. You look like a hot piece of ass right now."
Not really the words Alastor would have used, nor was the style much to his liking. However, he could admit that the clothes and colors suited the fallen angel. The king was sporting his usual boots but now wore ripped black jeans with chains hanging off the belt loops (for some odd reason Alastor would never understand) and a red sleeveless shirt that rod up to show some of his stomach. A loose and messy red and black tie with golden accents pulled it all together.
He was the original temptation after all. Alastor was positive that Lucifer could pull off even the most horrendous outfit. Then there was his hair. No longer slicked back in its usual style, now laying in a shaggy mess that was oddly attractive on him. Too bad the sinner was only interested in omegas. He had a very specific type and the king checked almost all of the boxes. That and his piss poor parenting. Such a shame, honestly.
"Oh, hey there smiles. You wanna join us?"
"Usually, I would decline. Though, it could be entertaining to see your night of fun turn into a trainwreck."
"Vaggie... look at this place! It's so~ clean! Isn't that amazing?"
"Yep. Super cool. Heaven. Wow." Barely there for a minute and Vaggie was ready to leave. She knew why Charlie was so excited but couldn't bring it upon herself to match that energy. The former Exorcist hated this place. She saw what they were truly like and how wrong everything she had been taught was.
Unfortunately, her girlfriend might end up learning the truth about Heaven and the angels the hard way. Vaggie didn't want that. However, her chances of stopping it were lowering the more they tried to help the lost souls of the sinners. Now she was regretting not telling Charlie sooner about her past. 
"Hiya! Welcome to Heaven. Can I get your get name please?"
"Oh! Uh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar." 
"Charlie Morningstar. Hmm..." 
Vaggie watched Saint Peter looking through the list of names like an idiot. Come on! The last name should have given it away! How many people are there with the last name Morningstar?
"I'm not seeing you on my list here. That's so odd."
"Um... my dad got me this meeting so maybe... try Lucifer? Morningstar?"
"Oh... fuck! Yeah! Yikes am I right? Are you sure you're in the right place? Cause I think might be a little lost."
"Ugh. Here we go." It was always the pretty boys who were so dumb. How was this guy an alpha again? "Look, we're here for a meeting. Can't you just call someone to confirm it? We don't have time for this."
"Saint Peter. We'll take it from here." Landing with another angel, Sera took over and greeted their two guests. "Greetings daughter of the Morningstar, I am Sera, the High Seraphim of Heaven. You are gifted to be here."
She could barely finish before the young Seraphim in training with her could no longer contain her excitement as she rushed over to the two other girls. As much as Sera didn't like her knowing of her other parental figure due to the dangers that could arise, she could admit seeing her so full of joy was nice. 
"Hi! I'm Emily, the other Seraphim. Though, you can call me Em. Emmy. E. Whatever you want. I go by whatever…. even… big sister? Sorry! I'm just so excited to finally meet you!" A feeling of relief spread through her as she saw her little sister smiling happily at confession. "Welcome to Heaven."
Sera had left Emily to spend time with the two girls, knowing this would likely be the only time she would ever get to spend time with her long-lost sister. Now, she found herself speaking with Lute and Adam. This was not the desired outcome. Adam started this mess, now he could fix it.
"Your Highness, forgive me. But what are the Hell spawn doing here?"
"Well, you failed to control the demon's unrest, and now Lucifer is involved. Setting up an audience for his misguided daughter." Ignoring the looks she was receiving from the first man, she continued. "I never would have agreed to your yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."
Adam had just about had it with this woman. Always making things seem like they were Adam's fault and not keeping her promises. "What do you want from me? I'm just one guy."
"I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?"
"Yeah. We're clear."
"Good. Now, Lute, I need to speak to Adam. Alone."
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mjfsupremacy · 2 years
Hello! Could you write an imagine with MJF and the reader who is the daughter of Triple H and Stephanie? Maybe she confronts CM Punk for everything he has said about her family and now about MJF and the situation gets out of control and Max is there to protect his girl and end super fluff
Had to come back from my mini writing break to slap something together for you. I hope it's okay, I've never really written anything like this before and also I'm as shit at writing conflict as I am with getting into it irl (aka very shit.) I hope you like it!
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are your parents. Safe to say you aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe in, and you definitely aren't afraid to stand up for your boyfriend, MJF.
Typed out on my phone, apologies for any errors. The reader accidentally ended up being gender neutral just fyi ☺️ the jokes about the turtleneck are from Archer (my beloved)
Moderate swearing, mentions of CM Punk.
You were a McMahon, if there was one thing you had it was balls.
Max loved that about you, not that he’d ever told you that. You were never afraid to say what you thought or stand up for what you believed in, hell, you were the kid of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, the owners of WWE and yet you still chose to date him.
The pair of you were the constant top story in the wrestling media but you didn’t care. You came to as many shows as you could, you openly spoke about what AEW did better than WWE and much to Max's delight; you were not afraid to tell TK to his face when he was being stupid. He was completely enamoured with your fierceness.
Max supposes he should’ve seen it coming. You can’t have a loyal spitfire for a partner and not expect them to verbally smackdown someone like CM Punk.
You’d never really had a problem with Punk before tonight. Sure, he was a bit of a dick when you were a kid and he left without a word but you understood. Everything he said about WWE was true. You might be a McMahon but you knew right from wrong and you hadn’t hesitated to voice it then and you weren’t hesitant to voice it now. But costing your boyfriend his big moment was way over the line and you decided to make it your business.
You knew Max was disappointed, his return had been months in the making. Meticulously planned to the second and all it took to make him old news was the new AEW champion, his idol, opening his big mouth in a press conference a few minutes after the show.
You were furious and no matter how many times Max tried to grab your attention, tried to get you to leave with him, you refused. You had some choice things to say to the so called second city saint.
“Mac,” Max pulls your attention away from the closed door you were pacing in front of with the nickname he’d teasingly called you the first time he met you that had just stuck. “C’mon, I’m tired, I just want to go home and I don’t want you to fight with him.” He mutters, squeezing your hand.
“I just want to talk to him then we can go.” You reassure him, pressing a quick kiss to his hand before letting go. He sighs but accepts.
The pair of you waited outside his locker room. You, pacing angrily while Max sat on a production box kicking his feet out, still dressed in the full black ensemble. His mask and his scarf tossed beside him. You didn’t have to wait long before the AEW champ rolled from his room and you didn’t hesitate, pouncing the second he opened the door.
“You're a real piece of work, you know that right? I’ve never met anyone so willing to call everyone else an asshole while being the biggest asshole currently walking the earth.” You hiss fiercely. Max rolls his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have believed you when you said you just wanted to talk.
“You haven’t taken enough from Max already? Now you have to take away his big moment too? What, couldn’t handle Max and Tony’s little surprise after you won? Had to find a way to make this all about you again?”
Punk scoffs, bringing his suitcase to a stop beside him. “This has nothing to do with you, Sugar and it definitely has nothing to do with your silly little boyfriend. Get out of my way.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so, I don’t think I’m going anywhere until you give Max an apology.”
“You are way out of line right now Little Mac.” He sighs as if you are nothing more than a childish nuisance, making a point to use the nickname he’d given you in 2008 when you’d been a ten-year-old glued to his leg while he carted you around indulgently.
“Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me nicknames like we’re still friends, like I was just some stupid kid who annoyed their favourite wrestler. You don’t get to be angry that I’m standing up for the person I love when you went out of your way to ruin one of the biggest moments of their career. You don’t.” You are gasping for air, like your anger had filled your lungs and refused to make room for oxygen.
“This wasn’t personal, I had some grievances I needed to air, I’m not going to apologise for setting the record straight and I’m definitely not going to apologise to that asshole.” He jabs a finger at Max who doesn’t even look mad, just a little annoyed but mostly worried for you. “After everything he’s said and done to me, no way.”
“And newsflash kid!” He continues his voice still quiet but matching yours in sharpness. “You were just an annoying kid that I put up with, you were the boss’s favourite grandkid. Not like I could tell you to scram.”
“That's enough,” Max spits, shooting up and quickly coming to stand in front of you. “You can hate me all you want, you can try and ruin me and ruin this company with your stupidity and selfish bullshit, but you don’t talk about Mac like that or I will leave you in a pool of your own blood, again.”
Punk and Max square off each refusing to give while you twisted your hands into the black material of Max’s shirt all the fight leaving you like air after a swift kick to the gut.
Punk scoffs, grabbing his suitcase and wheeling it away refusing to look back at you even as the guilt started to eat him up.
You buried yourself in Max’s back and felt him sigh, “you okay?” He whispers, eyes still on the door to Punk’s locker room. “Mac,” He sighs quietly when the only answer you give is the tightening of your fingers in his shirt. “Please, I need to know if your okay.”
You nod against his spine and he relaxes. “I’m sorry he’s such an asshole.”
“Don’t be. Not your fault. I’m sorry he ruined your return.” You mumble softly in reply. You can’t believe he was your favourite wrestler once upon a time. You can’t believe if it wasn’t for your shared childhood love of CM Punk you and Max may have never gotten together.
“Don’t be. Not your fault.” He mimics back, you can hear the small smirk in his words. You thump him on the shoulder earning a chuckle.
He turns around, wrapping you in his arms, tiny smirk still firmly in place. “Be honest, how wrinkled in the back of this turtleneck right now?” You roll your eyes to the ceiling. “I’m serious! This is woven from the purest Azerbaijani cashmere wool, it was $900.”
“Say, is this black or dark black?”
“Don’t be stupid. You know it’s dark black.”
“Of course, how could I be your sweet cheese, your good time boy and not know the difference between black and dark black? I shouldn’t have even joked.”
“Sweet cheese? Awfully romantic and presumptuous of you. Bold. Did the rats teach you that one? It reeks of the pungent desperation only they can create.”
“Yep,” You nod. “They also taught me the single ladies dance, analysed Vonnegut, weighed the pros and cons of the Kardashian’s removing their BBL’s, and taught me how avoid STD’s. Very well-rounded people those ring rats.”
“How do you avoid STD’s?”
“Don’t sleep with patient zero. I got the information a little late.”
“Ha-ha. Wow. So funny. Is that part of the tight ten you’re working on? I’d cut it, it’s not landing as well as you think.”
You laugh and he smiles. “That’s better. I hate seeing you sad.” You bury yourself into him with a content sigh. No one was better at turning your mood around than Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
“Same. It’s why I had to say something to him. I know how much it hurt you what he did.”
“It did. But it’s over. He can’t ruin tonight for me; do you want to know why?”
“Because during your little revenge rampage, you told him you loved me.” He says sounding awfully smug.
You retrace your words realising you had in fact said that. A blush brightens your cheeks. You had really promised yourself you weren’t going to be the first one to say it. Damn CM Punk.
“Did I? How strange.” You reply in a faux disinterested tone.
He nods seriously, “You did.”
“Hmm,” You hum, swallowing down the nerves. You meet his gaze. “Lucky I meant it then.”
“Yeah, I guess it is?”
“What will Hunter and Steph say about their precious baby being in love with the enemy?”
“Probably something along the lines of ‘great, how long until we can sign him to a bazillion year contract and make him not the enemy?’ they won’t come out and say it, but I think they are hoping I will seduce you to the darkside.” You grin.
“You think your parents are prostituting you?”
“I mean you have met my dad; he is all about what’s best for business.”
Max laughs, tightening his grip on you. “I’m very happy in AEW.”
“I know. I like dating the enemy. It’s all very Romeo and Juliet, except less misogynist, less creepy, and you are way more of an asshole that Romeo. Romeo was also way more open about his feelings too; I mean, he told Juliet he loved her within like eight minutes. You could learn a thing or two.”
“Are you trying to manipulate me into saying I love you by making me feel bad about not stacking up emotionally against a child?”
“I don’t know, is it working?”
“I love you.”
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skrittle-mix · 2 years
The Bingham House
I've only seen a little bit of talk about the Bingham house, so I wanted to add my observations to see how it represents season four and Mike’s character.
Starting off, we have a moment before the group even enter the house. Jonathan says how the group need to be on “their best behaviour”. We are expected to take this as meaning Argyle, who chimes in asking why Jonathan looked at him when he says this line, but it’s Mike who adds that the Binghams are very religious. Also, to note, Mike is the only one to make a change within the house - correcting himself from saying holy shit to holy heck in the father’s study.
Next, we see the door opening and Mike gets stuck with a yellow arrow by Cornelius. I’m not going to go in-depth into the yellow/blue byler colour coding, but basically, Will is yellow and Mike is blue. So Mike gets hit with a yellow arrow from someone that shares the name with a saint that unites an artist with his lover is a neon light. (he was also the patron saint of lovers in Rhineland)  Not to mention, the artist was commissioned to do his piece of work, which Mike currently believes to be true with Will’s painting.
Upon entering the home, we are shown two children sword fighting on the kitchen table. They are quoting Shakespeare, Henry IV Part 1, Act II, Scene IV;  “you starveling, you elf-skin, you driedneat's tongue”. They also quote Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2, Act II, Scene IV when Suzie’s father runs downstairs; “away, you mouldy rogue, away”. We’ve been made aware of Shakespeare in the past when Dustin refers to Suzie and himself as ‘star-crossed lovers’. In the script for 3x01, it refers to Mike and El as star-crossed lovers aswell. In this season, we’ve had Mike being called Romeo by Argyle and the oven behind him while giving his monologue is branded as ‘Montague’, Romeo’s family name.
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We then have the death scene being directed, which later gets paralleled to Mike’s monologue, and shows that the monologue is in Will’s POV. The director says to the father, who would be in Mike’s situation, “your terror, it looked genuine”. 
Argyle and Eden’s scene is showing love at first sight, and exploring the comedic and non-realistic element to it. And we have a season three parallel to a certain pair that ditch their friends to.. um.. hang out.. just like Argyle and Eden do in the Surfer Boy Pizza van. 
slightly delusional points:
Something that sticks out to me is that in Suzie’s bedroom, Mike is the only one who does not sit down, which makes me think he felt uncomfortable in the house. Why would he not be comfortable, unless he had recently discovered somethings about himself in the months the Byers had been gone from Hawkins. Mike actively avoids any eye contacts with Suzie's father on the stairs when the group leave the study and pushes himself away from her father, almost hurling himself over the banister, when the rest of the group look him in the face and don't feel the need to physically be miles away.
While the group are hovering over the computer, Jonathan makes the comment of “maybe it’s hidden in the code somehow”. Codes have been used in the past such as the “when blue and yellow meet in the West”, this reads as a sign to look further into everything, just as we’ve been doing.
Some non-byler parallels that I think are interesting:
The kids cooking are adding salt into a pot of water - the sensory deprivation tank El uses 
The group needing to get into a room in an attic - Vecna being in the Creel’s attic and the Hawkins group getting into the attic 
The father needing to be distracted so the group can get into the attic - Dustin, Eddie and Max distracting Vecna so the Hawkins group can get into the attic
The fire in the kitchen - the fire in the Creel’s attic
apologies if any of this is incoherent, its very late and im very tired, but thanks for reading if you got this far! 
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hoonvrs · 5 months
hi saint! about that one anon ask
this just shows we should stop calling them idols and use artists instead
because they’re not, they’re human beings who make mistakes and in the best scenarios own up to them and don’t do them again
and while i, as an ultimate pacifist, wouldn’t really use insults as a solution, i truly understand why they are used, because it is very much disappointing to see anybody, knowingly or not, support the genocide that is happening in gaza, not even just disappointed but angry and sad, since innocent lives are taken by the money they spent either to sip on their frappuccino or eat their big macs
this whole thing with jake would be much better if those who decided to throw insults as well as those who bashed them for so would just use the situation to idk spread even more awareness?? and share some ways to actually help?? as much as boycotting is important sending, for example, humanitarian help is i think a little bit more urgent
still, i hope his apology will somehow change something, after all, it’s the first time anybody in kpop actually apologised and didn’t just wait for their company to do something or simply delete the post, that's an improvement
tbh when i thought about it i was kinda impressed since they can’t really engage in anything that is even slightly political or controversial so him saying sorry is somewhat of a statement, which is sad but we all know what the kpop industry is (one big piece of shit ❤️)
it’s sad what happened under op’s post, truly shows what views and morals some engenes have
damn that’s long hope everything makes sense :’)
hi joojoo
calling them artists instead is totally valid but would be hard since they themselves call themselves idols so it’s basically become their occupation name
don’t get me wrong i am completely against war and violence but i am also with it when it comes down to you can’t do anything but use violence because it’s the only way people will listen to you.
the people have every right to be angry and express that anger because this isn’t a little situation and it’s more shocking to not know what’s going on instead of knowing. also let’s not forget the person called jake stupid for doing something stupid, they weren’t being aggressive or bashing him they literally called it for what it is
now if they said something outta pocket i’d be like okay fairs that’s too far but trust me nobody will sob and cry over being called stupid or an idiot especially not a 21 year old grown ass man
these people have been using their accounts nonstop AND STILL ARE to spread awareness but just because they COULD use this opportunity to spread more awareness doesn’t mean we completely invalidate their hurt and anger. are we also forgetting this is done online?? it’s literally twitter where i’ve seen worse shit then someone calling their fave an idiot like when did people become so sensitive and defensive over a man who doesn’t even know your first name
icl i was genuinely surprised myself at how quick he responded esp under a post where gaza and genocide where explicitly mentioned so there was no room for that and kudos to him and i also get that it’s such a big step up and improvement in that fuck ass industry but i’m not about to praise someone to the ends of the earth for being a decent human and not supporting the death of innocent civilians
i really hope he does learn and educate himself because it’s no one’s responsibility but his own and hopefully prepress more carefully with what he indulged in and what he shows to his viewers
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy anon. Honestly not even inaccurate on the living under a rock thing. I won’t say I follow JKR or Harry Potter news well. It’s not my fandom. But the posts are confusing to say the least and tend to lack any middle ground on people’s morals or the perception of them. Or whether said people should even believe randoms on the internet who have a tendency to spread lies and over exaggerations. When most everything on the internet is posted with oversimplification upon further research, it makes the rest doubtful as well.
The fact of the matter is, how in the know are you about the game or JKR (other than the occasional Twitter scandal) can you be if you aren’t perpetually in the state of researching everything you know? Or if it’s not even near your interest? Someone buys you a Harry Potter game, what do you do? Tell them to fuck off?
My question aims more to how is JKR any different from the many assholes who create or work for other entertainment, that don’t get the same level of outrage? Or the outrage gets replaced by another story to come later. And should the outrage be lain on, yes, the usually ignorant customer? Doesn’t that turn them away from even hearing the valid arguments out?
This question is more in reference to JKR involvement with said game. Probably valid criticism on the game, idk, I don’t know much about it, other than the visuals. And yes, I am coming from a place of ignorance on this matter, but from my perspective I just see a lot of shaming and a lot less information.
Though I still don’t understand vilifying people who buy the game because a. They don’t have any reason to believe internet people b. How likely are they to even know? The only reason I’m sorta in the know is because I spend too much time on the internet. C. Again why vilify for ignorance when you can teach instead of bitch?
(This is a sincere ask, by the way, filled with many days confusion. I do apologize if this is a bit ranty.)
We discussed this whole topic of "How complicit am I in JKR's suckitude?" extensively on my blog a while back. You can scroll back a few months if you want to see. The game was discussed at length then (though prior to anyone having played it).
As for why we would bitch instead of teach... dude... exactly how much of a tireless saint do you expect others to be?
If someone ran around using the n-word because they "just didn't know", would you give them a pass? What about if they loved their golliwog doll from childhood? Whose job is it to tell them to stop being a complete ass in public?
Yes, yes, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, metaphorically speaking. (In reality, vinegar is one of the best ways to murder the shit out of flies, but I digress.) However, the fact is that randos on the internet enjoying their own space aren't free teachers who owe people things. They're reacting with wrath to a piece of propaganda by some fuck who wants them dead.
You're busy and haven't had time to do research. Fair enough. But everyone else is also busy.
Hogwarts: Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts, as that other post called it, is reportedly not at all subtle in its flagrant antisemitism.
One reason people are frustrated is that most non-Jews simply cannot be bothered to learn the very most basic information about antisemitic tropes. This isn't subtle stuff, nor is it hard to learn if you browse wikipedia instead of screamy social media posts.
I agree that tumblr, twitter et al. are bad places to get information much of the time, but that doesn't mean information is unavailable.
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randomnameless · 6 months
I don't think Douses is really church bad. Or at least it's not religion bad. The church gets reformed but its fine after that.
Are you talking about FE16, Nopes or in general anon?
I wouldn't say it's BaD "BaD "as if it was a game written by someone who is member or r/atheism -
Sure, Pat also Pat'd things here and there (remember that NPC whose entire family was destroyed at the whims of a noble, in the jp version she says something like even the Church couldn't do a thing, but in the Pat version, she says something like the Church "especially" didn't do a thing...) -
But the game itself, for all of the red herring nonsense it throws at the CoS/KoS, sometimes doesn't commit, and we end up with Seteth's solo ending where he reforms the Church and adopts a more tolerant stance :
Doing away with his old strictness, he adopted a tolerant stance toward all. His encouragement of believers to respect those of other faiths helped the people of Fódlan to find common ground with others
But we know the CoS already encouraged believers to respect people who have other faiths (this is legit one of the first things Seteth says in FEH, and in Nopes, Rhea reminds Catherine - someone who's not religious at all - of this fact).
Save for Mark the Nopes NPC, religion BaD from the Fodlan games comes in two forms : the script shitting on the CoS despite the games showing otherwise, and no one calls out the script or the words they're told to be nonsense (save for Mark and, iirc, another NPC in AG? The one who says he thought the CoS was a steaming piece of garbage, but when he interacted with them, he reconsidered?) + the fact the CoS itself, or its members, cannot even counter those accusations or nonsense because they don't have any screentime - special mention to Nopes!Seteth who says this in an expedition line :
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What are the tenets he, a Saint who most likely was around during the CoS's creation, Rhea's right hand man and most likely her older brother, cannot defend?
It's the general writing of telling us some things are "sus", but we don't see what those "sus" things are. They just exist, so remember, Church not GoOd, or not entirely GoOd, and it needs to be reformed.
And the second form is obviously the way the CoS (and Faerghus, to an extent) is much more developed than the other entities - so yes, we learn how people of Faerghus targeted and tried to eradicate Duscur, much like the Serenes Forest incident from FE Tellius - but we will not hear with the same focal point anything about Adrestia's campaign against Brigid and Dagda, or how people from Brigid are treated in Adrestia - Cyril exists, but even FEH realised you can't really talk too much about Leicester, the less religious place in the continent, keeping slaves.
Adrestia and Leicester are treated with kiddies gloves and their "default" are relegated to a footnote, when Duscur is put at the forefront of the game, or at least some routes. As for the Church, it's sort of the same thing, the game(s) make a big show/event out of Rhea executing members of her organisation who tried to kill her (and killed students), or, Nopes wise, we see her sending assassins against Supreme Sailor Fuku -
While Claude terminating minor Leicester Nobles who are pissed at his power grab and the regime change is just a line thrown here (and used to diss the CoS/Kingdom who wanted to welcome them), and Supreme Sailor Fuku starting a war against the allies who helped her kick out the death cult who took root in her Empire is... never lampshaded. Ditto for sacking villages, monasteries, orphanages or, just, in general sending thousands to death to conquer the continent.
As for Religion BaD...
Well, while Supreme Leader, surprisingly, gets a meaningful support with Manu about this, I always thought the "mindless followers" thing or the "leaving Fate in the hands of a higher being insstead of relying on yourself" things were the "easy/first" arguments of people arguing, in obviously bad faith, on, say, r/atheism as to why religion BaD, as if being religious means you have no free will...
Granted, this topic teeters a bit too close to RL issues, so I'll drop it at that.
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