#youre not gonna notice her absence please
mrsmothermaximoff · 3 months
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Tummy ache
Pairing: wifey Wanda x f!reader
Tags: marriage, swearing, small mentions of punishment but no actions, kissing, fluff, sick reader, stomach pain,
inspired by @1800-lemonadeg1rl
Summary: Wanda's been very busy with work and has started to pay less and less attention to Y/N. When she finishes work early to find her wife terribly sick in bed she decides to spend the whole day taking care of her and making up for absence.
you tapped your foot on the cold wooden floor, deeply contemplating how to play your next move, should you knock and risk interrupting an important meeting? an action which would certainly lead to a punishment, or enter quietly to avoid disturbing her, possibly causing her to scold you for being impolite. your steps creaking on the wooden floor made a choice before you could, "come in" she coldly called out to you, making you hesitate for a second.
you opened the door slowly, "hi wands" she didn't even look up at you, focusing only on the work in front of her. "what is it y/n, i'm very busy" suddenly you forgot how to speak entirely, giving her a blank and dazed stare. "well?" she asked again sounding more impatient. "n-nevermind, i'm sorry i bothered you" you waited to hear her tell you that it was okay, that you weren't a bother, but all she did was nod, as you exited quietly and sadly.
you went back up to bed, snuggling her pillow, before letting out an almost monstrous cough. you held your hand to your throat, only now noticing it's hoarse and warm feeling. "fuck" you muttered with a frustrated pout. you absolutely hate getting sick even with wanda taking care of you, you couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like trying to get over a cold without wanda's cuddles and attention, two things of which she's failed to present to you in over three weeks.
"wanda" you tried desperately to call her, but your voice was quiet, and your throat felt scratched. by the third time calling her you'd practically given up, resorting to soft, choked sobs. you tried gripping the pillow to give you a sense of comfort, but your muscles were suddenly sore and tired. you tried inhaling her scent on the pillow hoping for relief, only to be hit with the realization that you had also lost your sense of smell. you cried in bed, wishing you had the strength to get up and tell wanda how poorly you felt, surely if she saw you in this state she would at least make you some soup and let you be in the office with her while she finished her reports.
hours passed, and the room seemed to grow colder with every breath you took, but when you tried putting a blanket over you it was suddenly too warm. your body couldn't decide how to make itself comfortable. you heard the sound of the bedroom door opening, and what was normally a low steady sound became sharp and high. you winced in pain, covering your ears tightly, sobbing harder. "y/n love? honey what's the matter?" she ran to you full of concern, sitting on the bed next to you, placing her hand on your forehead. "oh my baby, i'm so sorry. why didn't you tell me?" the way you turned away from her was a reminder of her treatment towards you these past couple of weeks, her neglect and lack of patience.
"detka, look at me" she held your face gently, tilting you towards her, "i am so, so sorry. i can't believe i let it get this bad, i just wanted to provide for you, and make sure that i was being responsible with my time so i could always give you a life of comfort. i didn't realize how much i was neglecting you. i'm gonna make it up to you my love, i promise, i'll take time off work, you and i are gonna spend the whole week together, and i'm gonna take good care of you"
you heard shuffling and saw her removing her clothes to get comfy in bed with you, just the sight made you feel so happy you began crying all over again. "no no baby please don't cry, mommy's here now" she held you close and kissed your head, helping you drift off to sleep.
you woke up to the sound of commotion in the kitchen, you ran downstairs trying to ignore the fiery pain shooting through your entire body. you found her with her head in the bottom cabinet looking for something. "wanda are you okay?!" your voice startled her causing her to fall into the cabinet and quickly rush out with a pot stuck on her head and a ladle in her hand. "hi honey" her voice echoed in the round metal and you let out a sick, wheezy laugh.
"let me help you get that off" she cut you off pushing you back, "no no you need to rest" she ran into the counter falling to the floor causing a loud bang from the pot that rolled off from the contact of her head hitting the ground. you lost your air collapsing into a fit of giggles. she rolled her eyes smiling, coming to pick you up off the floor, "come on silly girl, it's time to lay back down while i make you some soup." you protested "no i wanna-" she rested her finger on your lips, "while i make you some chicken noodle soup" your eyes lit up like a little kid. "o-okay wanda i'll be here" you smiled brightly snuggling into the couch and turning on a movie. she chuckled and placed a soft kiss to your face, "good job baby"
she returned a few minutes later, with a warm bowl of your favorite soup, only to be met with your drooling, snoring self. "detka, wake up love" she brushed softly through your hair with her hands as you stirred awake. "hi wana" gosh she loves your sleepy voice, "hi baby, i made you some soup and i want you to be a good girl and eat all of it, okay?" you nodded pulling the tray closer to you, "yes mommy i'll eat all of it"
she thought it was adorable the way you became so subby when she took care of you, calling her mommy just because you felt so loved by her, it meant the world to wanda. she snuggled close to you kissing your cheek before you roughly pushed her away, her offended look reflecting off her defined features. you shook your head, "no kissing while i'm sick, i'm contagious" she scoffed, humored by your insisting manners, "you have the sniffles not the plague" you pushed her harder "hey don't be mean i'm just trying to keep you healthy" you coughed hard causing a deep laugh from wanda, "sorry i meant you have the sniffles, baby, not the plague" you both laughed for a few minutes before finishing up your dinner and watching a funny movie.
after the ninth "i'm not tired" she picked you up swiftly and walked you to bed. "but wanda i'm not tired i don't wanna go to bed" you tried fighting back a yawn but lost the battle. she giggled at your efforts "my silly girl, you have the sickies, you need rest." you let out a small "hmph" as she sat you down and went to grab your medicine, immediately causing you to throw yourself backward dramatically in an effort to escape. "NO" you ran out of the room in a flash, "YOU GET BACK HERE Y/N MAXIMOFF" she followed you out just as quick.
the two of you ran in circles, wanda chasing you as you tiredly sprint around the room giggling like a little kid. she gave you a headstart of course, since you could barely run in your sore state. "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME HHAAHAHAH-OW" you crashed into the wall falling the floor as wanda held back a laugh. "awww y/n, now you see why you shouldn't run from me?" you nodded in defeat whilst she picked you up in her arms, "yes mommy" she nodded with you, a fake pout on her soft lips, "thank you for taking care of me, i've missed you so much" she smiled lovingly at you, kissing your head. "it's my honor to take care of my beautiful wife"
she carried you up to bed and you finally surrendered, drinking the medicine and laying in bed with the woman of your dreams. "i love you" you whispered as she turned off the lights, "i love you right back pretty girl" she kissed you softly before she let out a small sneeze, "oh boy" you groaned palming your forehead, and she let out a sick, wheezy laugh.
@1800-lemonadeg1rl @alexawynters
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s4pphicghost · 5 months
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doing ellies eyeliner ⋆。˚ ❀
first post !! hope you guys will like it <3 (im sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language) feel free to correct me/give advice!!
!! palestine links !! & !! daily click to help !!
your girlfriend frowned and crossed her arms at your words. "seriously? me and makeup?” she looked at you doubtfully. "yes!!" you cried out happily, “i’d really like to see how eyeliner would look on you.. please, ellie”, you looked at her with a soft, sweet look, trying to mentally convince her. the girl rolled her eyes jokingly. you were so excited by the idea, she just couldn’t upset you with refusal.
“okay..”, she sat on the bed, leaning on her hands and watching in a relaxed position as you rummaged through your makeup bag with enthusiasm. “gonna sit on my lap?” ellie grinned playfully. “only if it makes you more comfortable” you glanced at her and sat on her lap. she wrapped her arms around your waist and looked into your eyes. her touch sent pleasant goosebumps across your skin. you placed your hands on her cheeks and she leaned into your hands… you couldn’t help but smile. “close your eyes and don’t open until i tell you to”
ellie obediently closed her eyes. you spent a few seconds admiring your girl: freckles randomly scattered across her face, cute thick eyebrows and that scar... the features that made her stand out. you stared long enough, she realized what was happening, smiling without opening her eyes. noticing her reaction, you got down to business. you carefully traced the tip of your eyeliner along her lash line, trying not to move too fast. such thick and dark eyelashes, they always impressed you and you loved it. silence filled the room. you were so close to her, you could hear and feel her breath on your hands. the moment felt kind of intimate, it made you slightly nervous. your fingertips gently stroke the girl’s cheeks. she seemed very calm and relaxed, unlike you. ellie frowned when your movements became more confident, her eyelids twitched from your touch out of habit. you accidentally moved your hand with the eyeliner in the wrong direction. “fuck..” you whispered through a dissatisfied sigh and stood up from her. "whats wrong?" the absence of you in ellies hands, even for a few moments, upset the girl.
“you’re twitching too much, the line is crooked..” you returned to her lap with a cotton swab in your hands. she raised her head again. "too ticklish." she said sharply, her voice filled with playful annoyance. you carefully wiped away the crooked line of the eyeliner, trying not to press too hard on her thin skin. “be patient a little longer baby”, you kissed her forehead softly and again did your best trying to draw perfect lines. the girl put her hands back on your waist and squeezed a little, pulling you closer. she smirked in satisfaction, without opening her eyes. you melted under her touch, but you tried to keep your hand strong and make confident movements, even if your hands were a little shaky. after a few minutes of suffering, you got more or less accurate triangles. “open your eyes..” you closed your eyeliner and looked at your girlfriend with admiration. she frowned a little “ugh, this thing tightens the skin..”
you smirked contentedly and placed your hands on her shoulders. “you look so cute.. i knew this shape would suit you.” the girl smiles back at you, happy that you are happy with the result. “you’re such a pro”. “you didn’t even see it!”, you exclaimed, quickly got up from her lap and ran for the mirror. "here.." the girl was slightly surprised by her reflection. “wow.. this is really good,” she said, looking at herself from different angles. the eyeliner really did highlight her eye shape well and the forest green color of her eyes seemed to pop out more. “im surprised i even like it". a smile spread across your face and you began peppering your girlfriend’s face with endless amount of soft, small kisses. she laughed softly, feeling the warmth of your lips that made her blush a bit. her arms are wrapped tightly around your waist.
"what's next? you’re gonna dress me in your evening dress?” she asked jokingly through your nonstop kisses. you paused for a couple of seconds and looked at her. the delight on your face made it clear to ellie that she just made a big mistake. her eyes widened with slight embarrassment. "oh fuck no..."
i would be really grateful for any feedback!! ty<3
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Slashers and their babies (including partner's pregnancy)
TW: no?
Characters: Jedidiah Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt
Ps: English is not my native language, so sorry for misspels ♡
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Jedidiah Sawyer
• Jed spent all his free time with you; he always felt very comfortable in your company. Therefore, when your condition deteriorated sharply, he became worried. Frequent migraines; morning vomiting; refusal of some food that you, as a guy knew, loved very much; swelling and bad mood. Sawyer was seriously scared and immediately let his mother know about it; Verna always understood her son without words.
• When the woman talked to you, she mentally made some conclusions, but she didn't say anything to you, much less to Jed. The only thing she gave you some instructions to ease your condition: less housework, loose clothes, rest and the absence of human meat in the diet.
• After a while, when your belly became a little more noticeable, Verna talked to you about this topic, but asked not to bring Jedidiah up to date; Sawyer mom didn't know how the boy would react to this news.
• When the deadline was slowly approaching, she personally sent you to the hospital. Thanks to the connections of her new man, she was able to provide you with a place in good conditions.
• Jed was very restless. Why did you leave? Are you tired of him? Was he rude or did he hurt you? Please come back, he will definitely try harder, he will be a good boy!
• After a relatively easy delivery, you were in the hospital for a week. Back at the Sawyer house, you were greeted by a terrified Jed. He came out of the basement, painfully looking at you with his eyes-coals and twisting his fingers. His whole body showed uncertainty and fear, he was afraid to let you down, that you would leave again. But inwardly, Jed was so glad you were back. You're not leaving him anymore, are you?
• "Jed. This is our baby," you babble, gently looking at the child.
• Only now does the guy notice the bundle in your hands. Baby? Your baby? Your common child. . ?
• You hold out the baby to Jed, and Verna helps gently lay the baby in his arms. Jed can't believe his eyes. In his arms now lies a little snuffling miracle, his child, no, your child, the fruit of your and Jed's love. And is it really true? Jedidiah begins to gently sway from side to side, as his mother once soothed him during nightmares. He looks at the wrinkled little man with eyes full of love and all kinds of tenderness.
• "You're gonna be a great dad, Jed," you say, kissing the guy on the cheek.
• Only now does he understand your past state. You didn't leave him, you just went to the hospital! All the time he couldn't do anything, you were carrying your child, fighting for his life.
• Jed looks up at you and you see his copper eyes filled with confidence and readiness for this responsibility. He won't let you down. You will be wonderful parents. Together.
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Bo Sinclair
• Bo notices that you've been getting more and more nervous and short-tempered lately. Usually after dinner you sit on the sofa with him and coo softly, laying your head on his chest; now you immediately go to your shared bedroom and fall asleep or spend the rest of the evening there, at least when Bo comes into the room, you will already be asleep, curled up in a duvet.
• Usually Bo does not take into account someone else's mood and puts himself first; because of this, you have frequent conflicts, which, in most cases, end with your hysteria. With this outcome, the man hugs you and presses you to his body, stroking your back and apologizing countless times. Still, it's hard for him to get used to the fact that someone else in this house has a fickle character.
• After a couple of weeks, he begins to notice the plumpness of your lower abdomen. He thinks it's cute. Therefore, with your subsequent proximity, he certainly bites your soft flesh.
• In the third month, he already begins to think about your condition. You spend most of the day in your room and only occasionally go out to your brothers, usually to cook a meal and also quickly go upstairs with a full plate. It's not like you! Without your presence, the Sinclair meal turned into a simple quick swallowing of food; no one else enjoyed the meal; there were no jokes, stories, advice and other nonsense that had annoyed Bo up to that point. Now he just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before.
• You ask Bo to go to the city with you, to which he actively agrees, and you buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. Even though you already knew the answer, you wanted to show it to Sinclair. Two stripes. "That's what it turns out. . . Am I going to be a father?"
• The man is proud, very proud and incredibly happy! With the available money, Bo starts buying neutral furniture for the child and various things for you (up to some snotty magazines with cute actors' faces).
• Bo gave you full access to his closet: after all, you've always loved his clothes, especially big T-shirts, which can now make it easier for you to dress with a slowly growing stomach.
• Bo fulfills your every whim. No matter how stupid he is, a man understands that carrying a child is a huge job that requires a lot of effort, so now you are deprived of almost all the responsibilities (he threw off cooking to Lester, and Vincent considered a man who, with his love for beauty, will be able to clean this house wonderfully).
• He doesn't stop teasing Vincent: "Ha, freak! Have you seen that? Have you seen that?! I'm going to be a father, damn it! And you continue to sit and rot among your empty paintings!". After that, you scold Bo and calm Vincent down. "Vinny, this will be your nephew. I'm sure you'll make a good uncle." This significantly affects Bo's self-esteem.
• When Bo finally picks you and the baby up from the hospital, he doesn't let the baby out of his arms for a good five hours. He gives up immediately after he hears the shrill howl of the baby.
• With all his dislike of strong noise, he becomes a good father. At least he knows how to feed a baby, although otherwise he should learn.
• As soon as the child takes the first steps, Bo begins to tell him about the city, in particular about the museum. The kid just looks at his father as if he's crazy.
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Thomas Hewitt
• During your pregnancy, Tommy's favorite way to show his support: he picks up your body and puts it on his lap, pressing his back to his chest; his head is buried in the curve of your shoulder and neck; his hands cover your palms on your voluminous stomach.
• Both before and after pregnancy and childbirth, Tommy carries you in his arms. He tries not to leave you alone for more than half an hour.
• You have to give birth right in this house, the nearest city is very far away, and the old man Hoyt does not want to shine. Fortunately, it all ends well.
• Thomas looks at the little man in your arms for a couple of minutes. Flushed, wrinkled skin; clenched fists; kicking feet; squeezed eyes and a piercing scream. This child is literally from one and a half of his palm!
• Hewitt quickly gets used to the smallness of this creature and cradles the child in his arms with uncharacteristic tenderness and caution — Tommy treats the baby like a crystal vase, which, with a little pressure, will burst, crumbling into thousands of small fragments. Although with his superhuman strength, it probably would have been.
• Tommy watches you breastfeed with fascination; it makes you blush a little. A man with unprecedented zeal and interest looks after all your manipulations in relation to the baby. In the end, after a while, he also begins to perform these actions well.
• "Tommy, I need to go out for a while. Luda-May needs help. Can you babysit with [baby's name]?". He nods. When you come back, you see Thomas snuffling on the bed. He put one hand under his head, the other covered your child, who, apparently, followed the example of his daddy and now also drooled on the pillow. Such a cute scene.
• Who would have thought that a Texas maniac with a chainsaw is capable of such tenderness?
• When a child turns two, you stop putting him in the crib at night, and put him between you and Tommy. Hewitt clasps your hands together and covers the baby with them, creating an improvised barrier.
• Thomas turns out to be a very attentive and caring father. He treats the baby carefully and tries in every way to please him/her. Besides, when the three of you are alone in the room, he takes off his mask! The kid feels his father's face curiously.
• The man is still worried that his illness may manifest itself in the child.
• Unexpectedly, but your child and Thomas' favorite game is hide—and-seek. It looks especially strange when a man two meters tall and wide enough in girth is trying to hide.
• Yes, when your baby turned four, Thomas taught him to human flesh.
• The best toy? Daddy's chainsaw!
Okay, it was something a little strange, but I hope you enjoyed it <3
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
The Cullens reacting to their partner being missing.
Some people kidnapped the wrong person at the wrong time, what would the Cullens do in that situation? How would they take care of her after finding her?
I love your work, I can read everything you've done over and over again, have a nice day!
The Cullens when you’ve been kidnapped
Thank you so much for the kind words! It always makes me so happy when you guys say that you like my works so much!
Also I know I just opened requests… but I am closing them again 🥲 sorry guys. I have over 20 requests in my inbox rn and I don’t want them to pile up too much! Please be patient with me
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You told him that you were going to your friend’s house
Initially, he wanted to walk you there, but you refused
It was the middle of the day and you can take care of yourself
So off you went
You were supposed to text him when you got there, but a text never came
He was getting antsy
It was only a minute or two after you should have gotten there, but he was ready to bolt out the door
His concerns were solidified when Alice rushed into the room and he saw the vision of you getting tackled and pushed into a van in her head
He was on his way in a second
He followed your faint scent until it stopped in front of a warehouse
He didn’t bother to stop and listen through the doors, he just barged in
You were tied up on the floor, unconscious
Two men were nearby in the middle of an argument
You weren’t the person they were supposed to get, but rather someone who looked a lot like you
Either way, they were screwed
Edward wasted no time in killing both of them
He scooped you up and ran all the way to Carlisle’s clinic
He insisted that you stay the night to make sure you were okay
He is not leaving your side after that
You’re not even gonna be allowed to walk the five feet to the bathroom without him
Sorry not sorry
If he was alive, he would have almost had a heart attack, and he’s not about to have that happen again
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She was so preoccupied with visions at the moment
There was a tracker vampire who seemed to have it out for Jasper, so her mind was constantly tracking him
You felt bad even bothering her to tell her you were going to the mall
She just gave you an absent nod as you left
She was watching the vampire in her mind, watching as he made different choices, chose different paths
She was so distracted she completely disregarded the vision of you
She only noticed your absence when the sun began to sink behind the horizon and you were still nowhere to be found
It took her a lot of thinking to even remember where you had gone
Instantly, she took out her phone and tried to call you, nothing
A text, nothing
Your location had been turned off too
Then she caught another vision
This time of a group of men holding a gun to your head and pulling the trigger
Instantly, she was up
She replayed the scene over and over in her mind, trying to track down where exactly you were before it was too late
She flew into the basement of the house just in time, the men were loading the gun as she burst in
Swiftly, she knocked everyone out, and killed the man with the gun
You were in hysterics, so scared of what almost happened but also relieved to see your girlfriend
She just held you for the rest of the night, apologizing over and over about leaving you for so long, about not noticing that you’d been gone
From that point on, she made sure to ALWAYS tune in whenever a vision had you in it
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You wanted to go out to the club
But Jasper’s not really into that scene
He’s gone with you a couple of times, but it’s never his first choice
So when you ask him if he wants to go, he declines
He accompanied you two days ago, that’s his club tolerance for the week
So you get all dressed up, give him a kiss goodbye, and you’re out the door
He isn’t too concerned, you’re going with your friends after all
He does start to worry, though, when 2 am rolls around and you’re still not home
Usually, you’re home around 1, but sometimes you spend the night at your friends house
He calls you, nothing. He texts you, nothing. So he calls one of your friends
She answers completely wasted and says she hasn’t seen you in a little bit
You went to the bathroom a couple of hours ago and she just assumed you went home or something
He always knew that friend was an idiot
He’s out the door in a flash, driving down to the club you were supposed to be at
He sees your car out in the front lot, and right next to it, a suspicious looking white van
Inside, he can hear your muffled screams
He rips open the door and sees a man holding a knife to your throat, asking you all manners of questions that you have no clue how to answer
Jasper’s always been very cautious about how he acts around you, he doesn’t want you to see him as a monster
But in this instance, he gives in to the beast
He’s shaking by the time the man is dead, and he frees your from your restraints
He needs the rest of the night to wind down and just hold you
He apologizes over and over for scaring you, for leaving you alone, that that even happened in the first place
Does not leave your side ever again
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You and Rosalie were out on the town
You wanted to go see all of the new shops that had moved downtown, and she couldn’t say no even if she tried
So off you went, coffee in hand and Carlisle’s credit card in Rosalie’s pocket
You were in a boutique, looking through all of the pretty dresses, when you found a beautiful dark blue velvet dress that you thought Rosalie would look perfect in
So you found her size on the rack and shoved her into a fitting room
Only while she was in there, a group of three guys came up behind you and grabbed you, pulling you outside
They didn’t get very far though before Rosalie stopped them
She ran out of the dressing room, dress still on
She set off the sensors as she ran into the street
She roundhouse kicked one of the guys, knocking out three of his teeth in the progress
The other guys she simply punched and they were down, crying for their mommies
Luckily, they didn’t have the chance to hurt you
So even though you were shaken up, you were okay
As she’s standing there holding you, waiting for the police to arrive, you have the nerve to laugh
“What the hell are you laughing about? You almost died!”
“You look really pretty in that dress, Rose”
She just rolls her eyes and kisses you
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You were at one of your friend’s apartments in the city center
He was moving in and asked if you would come help
So obviously you said yes and obviously you brought your mountain-sized boyfriend who could lift the whole moving van
The three of you were working hard, grabbing stuff from the van and carrying it up the stairs
You had sat down on the ledge of the sidewalk for a second, catching your breath and drinking some water when a guy came up to you out of nowhere and tried to grab you
Emmett heard you and dropped everything instantly
But by the time he got down the stairs, you were gone
He could hear your muffled scream getting fainter as the man dragged you farther away
He bolted as fast as he could in the direction of your voice
When he caught up, he didn’t even bother asking questions
Punch first, questions later
Only he killed the guy
Not that he’s upset that he did, he’s just sort of frustrated that he’ll never get to know why that asshole thought it would be a good idea to try to take his partner
Either way he’s not letting you out of his sight
The only place he relaxes is when you’re at home and safe
Constantly on guard
Poor guy just needs to relax
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You had been begging her for a week straight to come with you to this concert
But it was a slipknot concert, and definitely not her speed
She entertained you for a little bit and listened to some of their music to see if she would want to go with you, but yeah that wasn’t happening
So eventually you gave up and decided to ask one of your friends to go
She promised she would make it up to you when you got home, only you never showed up
It was getting late, nearing 3 am, and you were still nowhere to be seen
She tried calling, texting, anything, but you weren’t there
She was getting really worried, when suddenly she got a call from your friend
Your friend was in hysterics, crying and screaming, it was hard to understand them
But from what she gathered, your friend’s ex boyfriend had showed up and drugged you, dragging you away from your car
And from what else she gathered, he wasn’t intending on taking you, but rather your friend
She immediately got in her car and sped down to the concert center
When she got there, there were at least 4 cop cars
Your friend was standing next to one, talking to an officer when Esme showed up
The officer pointed her in the direction of a different cruiser, and you were inside, blissfully asleep
She could have started crying she was so relieved
She got the story from one of the officers, apparently the ex realized he had the wrong person and turned around to try to get your friend, only to see that the police were already there
Stupid idiot
You didn’t remember a thing when you woke up, which was probably for the best
Oh well, at least now Esme will go with you to every concert
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He has a lot of enemies
Even though he has tried so hard over his expansive lifetime to be cordial to everyone, some people just can’t be reasoned with
He knows this, but he never thought anyone would go after you
He was at the clinic when he got a call from Alice, saying that she saw a man with red eyes taking you in your sleep and killing you
She didn’t recognize him, but after giving his description, Carlisle knew exactly who it was
He figured he had a couple of hours to get to you and prepare for the man’s arrival
But he didn’t
He took a lunch break at work and drove to your house, intending to warn you of what was to come later that night
Only you weren’t there
Your bedroom window was broken and your sheets were tossed all over the bed
Not to mention the stench of vampire that permeated the room
He completely forgot about your midday naps
He was instantly in searching mode
He got Alice and Edward to help track you down, both of their skills valuable for this
He found you in an old factory, a bite on your ankle that was slowly filling you with venom
While Edward and Alice killed the man, he sucked the venom from your wound, the whole time praying that you would be okay
You were knocked out cold for a week after that
He kept you at his home clinic, making sure to keep an eye on you at all hours of the day
He feels so guilty
But the moment you wake up and look so happy to see him, he feels better
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s had her fair share of danger
I mean, when she was human she was a magnet for it
But in her time of knowing you, you’ve never posed much of a threat to yourself
So she’s never been too worried about you
You had asked her earlier if she wanted to go to the movies with you, and she had declined
She needed to go hunting, and it was going to be a perfect night for it
So you both went your separate ways
She left her phone at home, opting to keep it safe while she throws herself around the woods
When she gets home, it’s late, and you’re nowhere to be seen
She opens her phone to call you, only to find you already left her a voicemail
Not a good sign
She listens to it, and she can hear you whispering, your voice quivering with fear
You’re in the trunk of a car, and you have no idea where you’re going. You don’t know the guys who took you, and you’re scared
That’s all she needs to hear
It doesn’t take her long to track you down, your scent very prominent to her
On the other side of the door to the house you’re in, she can hear two guys arguing about what to do with you
Apparently you saw something you shouldn’t have seen
Oh well, now they’re going to see the last thing they’ll ever see
She feels a little guilty about killing the guys, but on the other hand she doesn’t
They had the gall to kidnap her partner, so they can deal with the consequences of that
You are now not allowed to leave the house without her
She follows you everywhere
And she’s always super close
Yes, she even follows you to the bathroom
No one will ever touch you again
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE june edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the june catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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as you may or may not have noticed, i've been hiatus for most of the month now. and i disappeared because of personal reasons, and one of those reasons being that i felt i needed to reflect. here are some things that i've learned and realized during my reflection time.
in that post i go into things that i went thru during the month of june and the reason behind my absence. something that i mentioned but failed to elaborate on in that post was what i plan to manifest next and i'll talk about it later on in the post.
this summer is a hot one, and one way that i've been getting my vegetable and fruit intake is through smoothies. smoothies and juices are perfect for the summer because they're SO refreshing so im going to talk about some smoothie recipes.
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adriana limas smoothie recipe ; (1 cup cold water + 1/2 avocado + honey). candice swanepoels smoothie recipe ; (1 frozen banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tsp protein powder + 1 scoop collagen powder + 1 tbsp chia seeds + 2 tbsp almond butter + 1 tbsp spirulina + 1 1/2 cup coconut water)
smoothies make amazing breakfasts or just amazing drinks to have when ur craving a sweet drink. for me, i like to keep my smoothies simple and use ingredients like strawberry and banana, but lately i've been loving mango in my smoothies.
because of my period of reflection i had time to focus on what i wanted to manifest next and i wanna manifest a trip to italy for the summer + other mini things within that trip.
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i've already created a script for it, and im gonna start affirming for it on the first of july. im so so excited to go and share this with you guys...💬🎀 furthermore i wanted to share some manifestation reminders and posts that have been helping me so far.
patricia navidad in “la fea más bella” is an over the top, feminine queen who i absolutely adore. she was easily one of my favorite characters so ofc i wanted to make this editions style dissection about her.
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she has beautiful blondish hair that is similar to and complements her skintone, making her look super put together and gorgeous. she wears jewelry that she coordinates together. but my favorite outfit of hers HAS to be the one shown above on the left.
if theres one thing patricia knows how to do is to make her outfits work for HER which is why i thought she'd be the perfect candidate for this months style dissection...💬🎀
in this outfit shes wearing a matching pink set, the shade of pink is very soft and matches beautifully with the white (what looks like a corset-ish top) underneath. the color coordination is superb and she makes the shirt pop more by only using one button beneath her bust which draws attention to her figure and the top underneath.
to be a victim to the cringe stigma is to be caged in ur own mind bcuz ur so scared of what others may or may not think of you. lets talk about it. the way others perceive u isnt ur business. lets think about how many times that you've stopped urself from doing something that u rly wanted to do, or something that you've really loved because u were scared of what others might say? imagine all that wasted time and energy worrying?
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its not ur responsibility to keep urself small or digestible for someone. u can't grow where ur comfortable so to grow u have to get uncomfortable even if that means being called cringe by others. bcuz when others call u cringe thats their own projection onto you and it rly doesnt matter. dont take someone else's judgement too personally and just enjoy yourself no matter what...💬🎀
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sinsofbeauty · 1 year
Red Stained Sunflower Pt.2
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, Suggestive Nsfw content, Mentions of Kidnapping, Obsessive/Clingy Johnny, Jealous Johnny, Small mention of murder
Requested?: Yee
Overview: Looks like you bailed on the little invitation Johnny had asked of you. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to, you actually got quite intimidated. Though that doesn’t stop him from seeking you out and making his intentions clear
A/n: So many of you wanted this to be a series, so here it is!! This is part 2 of 3!
Please comment if you would like to be tagged for part three!!! Enjoy!
Minors DNI!!!!
Part 1 - Red Stained Sunflower
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“Hey Daddy?” You asked your father with the turn of your head. “How long are we gonna be in town for?”
He took a quick glance over to you before shrugging, “Oh maybe an hour or two. Just meeting with some old friends.”
You nodded your head and moved to look out the window. “I was talking to Maria on the telephone, she wanted to see if I could stop by the roller rink.” You replied to his comment. “Hope you don’t mind if I take a little detour.”
You were supposed to accompany Johnny out to the fields last night, but you decided to remain home instead. Now you were making arrangements with friends as though you weren't worried about the entire situation. You felt terrible, but you also couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the circumstances. Yes, Johnny was appealing, and his words would make you want to explode. But LORD! Johnny Slaughter was intimidating.
Your only concern on the trip into town with your father was the fact that you had essentially abandoned one of the Slaughter Brothers. How were you going to justify your absence because you were anxious? Private moments with him... Ugh!! You weren't sure how you would be able to face him after abandoning him in that way. Like, seriously. How were you going to explain to a man like him that the reason you didn't appear was because you're a virgin…?
Your heart was racing when you arrived to the roller rink. Even though you were still troubled by thoughts of Johnny, seeing the group at the rink's entrance helped you feel less concerned. Even if you weren't close to them, you had Maria there to keep you company, so it was well worth it to slip away from your father and his group of friends to spend time with your own. You immediately identified their faces. Connie, Julie, and Ana were all grinning and laughing as Leland and Sonny stood to the side. When Maria's eyes finally found you after searching, they completely lit up.
“Hey! Y/n over here!!” Her delighted voice echoed from across the street.
As you approach everyone, you wave and smile. They all appeared to be happy to see you, which gave you a strange feeling. Can't hold yourself to blame, though; you haven't been able to leave the house much because you've been so cooped up inside helping your father with his work.
“Hey guys!” You say, greeting them happily.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you could make it!” Maria gave you a nice warm hug in return. “You remember Ana don’t you? We brought a couple friends along if you don’t mind!”
“Oh no of course not! It’ll be fun!” You shrug your shoulders, waving your arm to brush off any doubt about more people. “Let’s go inside, yeah?”
Some of the group had their own skates, while others had to rent them when they entered the rink. Since you didn’t own any skates, you obtained a pair that fit you and sat down. Though you found yourself stuck tying and untying your shoelaces. Simply said, they weren't secure enough, and you didn't intend to break an ankle today. Before you notice someone roll over, you sigh and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans.
“Need some help?”
In his sky blue shirt and navy blue jeans, which were fastened by a brown belt, Leland stood in front of you. The skates he had rented took the place of his shoes, and he was able to move around in them with ease. He was on the wrestling team in high school, and you somewhat recognized him from there. He also hung around with this little group of people. He was really kind to say the least, tall, strong, and fairly attractive for a young man his age.
Your eyes look up at the man who you nodded at with a smile. “Please, I’m having trouble tying them tight enough.”
The Texan smirks and bends down, taking one of your feet and pulling at the strings. “Let me know if it’s too tight, okay?” You nodded once more at his voice as he started tying your skates. Before moving on to the next, he questioned as to whether or not they felt snug enough for you. You felt good about it, and he was very considerate in making the gesture. “Alright, how do they feel?” He asked standing up.
As you rise up, you circle your feet before nodding your head in appreciation. “Perfect. Better than I could ever do. Thank you, Leland.”
His eyes squint when he gives a genuine smile, a gesture to your thankful remark. “Anytime. Say, I don’t see ya’ around here often. Do ya’… know how to skate?”
Oh dear God, you can't recall the last time you entered that rink. You probably haven't done it in months, and you weren't doing it frequently to begin with. You chuckle nervously while rubbing your hands together behind your back. “Uh… kinda? It’s been a while.” You admit to him. “I’m not the best skater but it’ll come back! I just get nervous when other people go fast past me.”
Just standing there made your legs feel like jello. You tried to move closer to Leland but all you did was sway back and forth. He chuckled at this, the male moving forward to grab your shoulders and prevent you from toppling. “I can teach ya’, practice makes perfect.”
“Says the one who was in the wrestling team.” You roll your eyes at him, making the man laugh in response. “I’d be on the ground more times than you’d like.”
“Hey! I’m a good teacher! We can go nice and slow at first, and you’ll still have a great time… in the rink, I mean. That sounded so weird…”
You giggled at his words, making his cheeks dust a soft pink. He was such a dork… cute.
“Come on guys! We’ve been waiting!” Exclaims Julie from the rink, making you and Leland look over.
“We’re coming,” You said, shifting past Leland with your wobbly legs as you made your way over. “I’m trying not to die. You guys are much more experienced at this.”
You almost went over with just one foot on that surface, but once you were stable, everything was good. Leland swiftly followed after you as you joined the others with a sigh of relief. Getting acclimated to the people and the surroundings took some time. You were still unable to go as quickly as Julie or Maria, who frequently sped by you.
“I’m gonna go around a couple times. Think you can handle it on ya’ own?” Leland asks, that genuine smile making you give one in return.
“For now. Go ahead, I’ll catch up eventually.”
After hearing your response, he quickly speeds away while teasing Maria and Julie about catching up. You chuckle, enjoying how this afternoon will play out. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves. Being outside of the house felt wonderful. The gang laughed and joked as they skated around the rink. Leland was always there to catch you even if you were a little awkward and nearly fell a few times. He gave you a comforting smile as you both laughed despite how embarrassing it was. The group stopped to acquire some food after some time spent skating. Even though your heart was still beating from all the excitement, you were happy that you and your friends were having such a good time.
After a few hours, everyone departed the rink exhausted but content. You said your goodbyes and thanked them for an amazing time. You were relieved that you had chosen to go out with them as opposed to staying home or being barraged by your father’s older friends who wanted to talk to you.
“Hey Y/n,” Leland had said, catching you before you left. “I was wondering, I usually come around here at this time of day. Did you… wanna skate with me next week?”
You thought about it, and it didn’t hurt to meet some new people around. Even though he was closer with Maria, maybe a new group of people would be nice to hang around with. “Sure. Are you busy next Friday?”
“Great! Uhm… No, that should be fine. I’ll see ya’ then?”
You nodded your head, grinning as you left, feeling satisfied with the events of the day as you made your way back to meet with your father.
After a long, productive day, you were just finishing your shower at home. You check that your hair isn't excessively dripping before stepping out of the restroom while you're wrapped in a towel. No one was awake to bother you this late in the evening since your father was asleep. Your room was upstairs, turning left down the hall and another left past the bathroom across from it. Your father was immediately up the stairs to the right of the hall in his own room.
You entered your room and turned to lock the door behind you before turning on the lights. Despite the events earlier, your mind still wandered to Johnny. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Once more, you were unable to remove him from your head. Another day without communication meant that you would have to make an effort to avoid having to give an explanation. You sigh and close your eyes before turning to head for your dresser. In spite of this, as soon as you open them, you jump and cover your mouth to stifle the surprised sound that escapes from you.
“Johnny!” Looking at the man who was idly sitting on your bed fiddling with his hair, you blurted out. Your heart was pounding furiously. What the hell was he doing here? How did he get in here? What is he doing here??? He just sat in the dark, waiting for you to come in like… like a weirdo!! “The fuck are you doing? Why are you in my room?!”
His clothing caught your attention because it was a little different from what he typically wore. He appeared to have just taken a shower because his hair was moist and combed back. His navy blue jeans were fastened to his hips by a brown belt, and his dark gray long sleeve shirt was rolled to the dips of his arms just above his elbows. He wore his worn-out boots, without gloves to protect his calloused hands, and grinned endlessly.
“Should really keep that back window locked. So much easier than havin’ ta’ lock pick my way in at night.” He spoke quietly, as if he knew your father was in the room next to him. Low, as if he knew what trouble sneaking in here could get him into. “Ya’ don’t look happy ta’ see me sweetpea. Did I do something~?”
“Well for one, you’re in my room… uninvited.” You drew closer to the man who was lounging on your bed, your brows furrowed at him, your nose flared. “And I’m in a towel…naked! What if I started changing because I didn’t know you were here??”
Your face instantly turned red as his smile grew larger. He wasn't even required to respond to the question. You snort before turning around and returning to your door to lock it. The worst-case scenario would be your father interrupting you two. Yes, you were a grown woman, but technically speaking, sneaking someone into the house would not look so inviting. Especially if it was the Slaughter boy.
“Jesus… just— why are you here?” You ask, turning back to the man who you didn’t realize stood in those moments you were turned around. He appeared... distracted. It seemed as though he was thinking about or bothered by something.
“Oh me? I jus’ wanted ta’ see ya’!” He said with the slight wave of his hands. “I wanted ta’ know whatchu were doin’, cause… obviously, it wasn’t me.”
“Yeah about that…” You trailed off, looking at the floor for a moment. It was… a nice floor. Maybe staring at it would help you think about how to tell him without feeling like a total idiot. “I just got… a little nervous.”
You looked up at the man as he surprised you with a chuckle. His facial expressions were unpredictable. He appears disturbed one second, then happy the next. Even just looking at him made you feel conflicted. Your hands were holding onto the towel that was about to fall down your body as he started to approach you. “Nervous hm? About what?”
You sighed as you cast a glimpse his way and fiddled with the towel covering your body. “I don’t know how to explain…”
“Come on now, ya’ don’t have ta’ be scared ‘round me,” Johnny gave reassurance while smiling oddly relaxed. Observing the shit-eating grin that emerged on his face, you gave him a little glare. “Okay maybe a lil’ bit~. But come on, it can’t be that bad!”
He makes you huff and shrug your shoulders in response. Why did talking about this seem so embarrassing? It was Johnny… In any case, he didn't have much to say about it. Right? You grumble, your mouth twitching slightly as your nose flares once more. “I didn’t come because… I was nervous about being a virgin.”
The last few words were mumbled, but it appears like Johnny heard them right away. At that instant, Johnny's lips curled into a wicked grin, which his hand moved to conceal right away. You shivered, a chill running up your spine at the laugh that burst forth from his throat seconds later. “That’s the reason? Cause, nobody’s taken yer lil’ cherry yet~?”
“It’s not funny!” You exclaim slapping his bicep, only to obtain another silly laugh from him. “It’s a sensitive thing! I have a right to be anxious about it!! Especially if… those intentions were indicated.”
“Oh honeybee, ya’ think I’d feel any different?” Johnny said with the shrug of his shoulders. “I mean— I’m a lil’ surprised! A pretty girl like you? I would’ve expected it to be long gone by now.”
“Well it’s not so you can stop teasing me about it,” You pout, crossing your arms with the shake of your head.
At that very time, Johnny was getting closer to you and dipping his head slightly. His eyebrows dropped, his gaze became unreadable, and his hands, which fiddled with his belt, twitched in anticipation as his voice abruptly shifted to a low tone. “How cute, and ta’ think, I’ll be the one takin’ it from ya’~.”
“Eh- You-…” You turned in defeat as the sentence that attempted to form failed miserably. You scowl and head to your dresser to look for something to wear. “God I hate you sometimes. I can just imagine how much it would hurt.”
Johnny smirked as he approached from behind you and gently grabbed your shoulders. “Oh I won’t hurtcha, much.” He replied. “I’ll go nice and slow for ya’ darlin’.”
“I doubt that,” Smiling, you respond before shutting the dresser door and turning to face Johnny. His eagerness was evident from the little shudder of his shoulders as his hands were now in his pockets. “You’re thinking about it too much.”
“Maybe I am~.” He says, slyly smiling while momentarily averting his gaze. “Ya’ know I can’t help myself doll. Even now, just lookin’ at ya’ makes me excited.”
You rolled your eyes after moving around him to your bed, placing your clothes on it with a soft pat. “I’m in a towel with nothing under it, of course you’re excited.” You say sarcastically.
“Well, ya’ did look good earlier today,” Johnny stated, making you freeze in place. He had a menacing smirk on his face when you turned to face him.
“You were in town today?”
“Jus’ happened ta’ be,” Responded Johnny with a shrug. “Saw ya’ walkin’ ta’ that lil’ roller rink on the side of town with ya’ lil’ friends.”
“Yeah, I had planned to go out with them that morning.” You spoke to him, fiddling with the towel.
Johnny moved a few steps closer to you while humming and tilting his head. “Oh I know! Ya’ looked like ya’ had fun, especially with pretty boy touchin’ up all on ya’.”
As much as how he seemed, his vocal tone also appeared to shift. He appeared agitated, as far as you could tell. You didn’t even have to mention Leland, he had been watching you that whole time. The encounters you had with the other young adult in question. He absolutely despised it. Just having the idea of how furious he would have been as Leland assisted you in any way he could. Was he… no, he couldn’t be.
“So, you’re telling me that you followed me and watched me with my friends today?”
The man's mouth twisted in annoyance as he let out a little giggle. “Curiosity got the best o’ me, I will admit.” Johnny said, his half lidded eyes looking away. He clenched his jaw and pursed his lips before turning to face you.
“Well, we’re just friends if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Sure– I mean, I have no problem with it! I mean if ‘e touches ya’ again,” Johnny lets out a laugh. “He never will, let’s jus’ leave it at that.”
“Oh? Is that so?” You ask with a smirk. “And to think, Johnny Slaughter is jealous of another man.”
“Jealous?! AHA– I’m not jealous!” He makes an effort to justify his obsessive tendencies, but it simply serves to highlight it. His eyes widen, “I jus’ didn’t like how ‘e was feelin’ up on ya’, how’s that bein’ jealous?!”
“You’re getting all defensive.”
“Right now?”
“I’m jus’ sayin’ I’m not!”
You couldn't help laughing, which made the man snarl. It was cute how obvious he made it. Observing his vulnerable side manifest itself in this way due to someone else? Johnny's jealousy wasn't anything you anticipated. He was a man who frequently showed little regard for the actions or words of others. However, it was a different story when it came to you. He seems a little uneasy when his family would speak to you. The man appeared to be extremely possessive of anything he so claimed as his.
“Come on now, you don’t have to be scared around me,” You spoke.
Johnny's cheeks had turned a delicate shade of pink. He rolled his eyes at your remark and scoffed while shaking his head. “I ain’t scared sunshine,” He replied with his smile coming back. “If I was, I wouldn’t have snuck into ya’ house.” Your eyes widened in shock as the man grabbed your arm and drew you up against him. “I wouldn’t tell ya’ righ’ now, that yer my girl.”
“You don’t have me just yet.”
“Oh, I don’t?” Johnny lifts your chin and lowers his face to meet yours only a few inches away. “But ya’ want me, no? Jus’ lookin’ at those eyes ya’ want me.” Your eyelids flutter closed as he rubs his nose against yours. He was well aware of the fact that he had you. “I’ll treat ya’ like a princess darlin’, I’ll spoil ya’ so rotten that ya’ can’t get enough of me. Cause I want ya’, I need ya’.”
If this was a way for Johnny to swoon you over, he sure was doing it. However, you were curious to see how much further he would swing. He draws back his head and lets go of your chin as you open your eyes in order to tuck a hair behind your ear.
“You should tell me more.”
“Really?” Johnny says as his brows begin to converge. When he senses your seriousness, he smirks and lets out a tiny chuckle. “I’d kill for ya’, I’d die for ya’, I’m sooo head over heels.”
You smile, shaking your head. “You’re so funny.”
“Amused?” He hums, making you giggle in response. In return, pleased by the remark, Johnny snorts. “Needy lil’ thing aren’t cha’? Makin’ me all soft.”
“I thought you were excited.”
“Cheeky lil’ brat ya’ are darlin’,” Johnny scoffs. “If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be so damn close! Y’know– I wouldn’t be talkin’ fa’ someone who’s so red in the face.”
“You’re just as flustered as me,” You roll your eyes. “You should’ve seen your face when you got all jelly~.”
“Eh– I wasn’t–... sh-shut up.”
“Make me~.”
Johnny's eyes appeared to be playing cat and mouse with you. As if it wasn’t the third or fourth time he licked his lips this evening. His teeth were exposed in a ferocious smile, giving him an almost feral appearance. “Oh I could– but actually, it probably wouldn’t shut ya’ up sweetheart.” He takes your hips, making you softly gasp. “You’d be loud– no you’d be screamin’ honey. I’d make sure of that– oh I’d make sure, the only thing on your mind is me~.”
Johnny made a sound of interest as you placed your hands on his chest. The excitement he felt then was much greater. The way his hands drew you in his direction and the way they tightly grabbed your hips caught you off guard. Once more lowering his head, Johnny first brushes his cheek against yours before moving his lips toward your ear. His hands shifted, reaching your waist.
“Is that what ya’ wanted ta’ hear? How I’ll make sure those legs of ya’s are shakin’ when I fuck ya’ good? Hm? How I’ll make ya’ cum, over, and over on my cock? I can only imagine.” Your body tenses up in response to his comments, and he grins as a result. “Feelin’ ya’ squirm under me. That cute lil’ pussy clenchin’ so tight you’ll make my head spin. Ohhh darlin’, I wanna feel ya’ nails diggin’ in my back as I take ya’. Inch. By. Inch~.”
A subtle sound came from you. Considering that it was subconscious, you weren't sure if it was a whimper or a moan. Your thighs drove together as you made an effort to hide the sudden jolts that surged up through your abdomen. He... really did have a way with words.
“Awwwe~. Are ya’ gettin’ excited now?” Johnny had moved his head away from yours, taking one good look at your reddened face. His tongue ran over the top row of his teeth as he took one good look at your body. The rise and fall of your chest, your gaze struggling to meet his, and the mere sight of your thighs clamping together. Heh. How could he not notice? “It looks like ya’ are.”
You were startled, or perhaps more accurately, flustered. In that instant, Johnny made you feel just how you'd imagined when you'd read about getting hot and bothered in books. You were completely in shock as you stared at the man with your mouth open and nothing coming out of it. How could you respond to that? Could you… even respond? Observing his every move while remaining motionless, nothing came out of your lips, not a single word.
“Gotta question for ya’ doll,” He said, glancing at the wall for a moment. “Don’t have ta’ be shy now, I know what ya’ want. How about ya’ come down ta’ the fields like we planned, yeah?”
You swallowed thickly, seeing as he removed himself from you entirely. What a damn tease. “Tomorrow?”
“Preferably,” Responded Johnny. “Or ya’ plans with pretty boy can go bye bye next Friday, and ya’ can spend it with me instead.”
“You're still on that?” You say with a raised brow. “How do you even know we made plans?”
He growled and clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, his eyes moving away from you. “I heard ya’.”
“Heard me? Or you were eavesdropping?”
You and Johnny exchanged looks, and that glare gave you all you needed to know. Let’s be real, it’s a little odd knowing that he had been spying on you, but seeing him jealous was like seeing a spoiled little boy now getting what he wanted.
Johnny’s eyes fluttered closed with a sigh, crossing his arms in defeat. “Y’know— you… I— yer really gettin’ on my nerves!”
“Good,” You say with a small smile. “And I’ll think about coming tomorrow.”
“Oh there’s no thinkin’ honeybee,” Johnny said with a mischievous smile. “I’ll make sure yer there, I’ll steal ya’ if I need ta’— hell! If it means I need ta’ kidnap ya’.”
“You wouldn’t do that.”
“Maybe if ya’ wait long enough, you’ll find out~.”
Part 3 is up!! >>> RSSF PT.3
@optimsluv @chernayawidow @yixxes @marriedtoeddie
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
🤍𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐎𝐮𝐭 ~ 𝐩𝐭. 𝐨𝐧𝐞🤍
𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕨 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞!𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
word count: 1.1k
genres: established friendship
warnings: voluntary usage of sir, desperation, gentle!dom!matt, slight blasphemy, biting, slight choking.
notes from bambi: no use of y/n, poc friendly, first work, please enjoy!
pt. two here, pt. three here
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“Do I have to?”
Matt opened the door to his bedroom. “What do you want, kid.”
You lay curled up on his bed, wearing an oversized tee and faded blue underwear hidden underneath his plaid bed covers, staring intently at your phone screen. “I've been trying to figure this out for a solid twenty minutes and I need your help.”
“What's up?” He settled on the bed next to you, slinging an arm behind his head.
“So I’m reading this smut thing right.”
“...Sure, why not,” Matt said, tossing his hand up in exasperation at the apparent lack of anything sacred.
You grinned, enjoying his moment of discomfort. You normally went to him for sex advice, especially after a rather awkward encounter last summer left no room for privacy in your friendship, and it served to make the two of you closer in almost every way. Shaking the memory away, you dial back in. “I don't understand the position they're in right now.”
“Hate when that happens. Lemme see?”
You handed the phone over, picking at a nail in the absence of mental stimulation. Looking around his room, you sighed, feeling at home in the familiar space. His wall decor, all woodsy-themed, the handful of Liam Neeson photos still clinging to the wall, and a new addition from you and Chris’s combined efforts to make a Lego brown bear figure - it turned out pretty good, and Chris loved it so much he dedicated a whole Instagram post to ‘Scruffy the Bear’. 
“What the fuck…” Matt muttered, and you turned back towards him. 
“This makes no sense. How are her ankles-”
“I'm invested now. Come here.” Matt leaned forward and patted the bed space in front of him, still staring, brow furrowed, at the offending device.
“Ouuu, what are you gonna do to me?” you snarked, languidly making your way across the checkered plaid.
“Shut up. Okay so she…no. They started out… facing each other? Why?”
“No idea,” you replied, sitting criss-cross in front of Matt, nudging his outstretched legs to the same position. He leaned forward, elbow on his knee, still reading. “ It says, ‘Her ankles crossed in an x behind him, and he…’ Okay, so like…”
Matt pulled his knees up, separating his legs. “Come here, I think she's sitting right in front of him, and her legs are wrapped around his, like, middle.”
“Sure,” you said, getting into position, “But where are his legs?”
“I'm assuming they're under hers? Beside hers??” Matt said, annoyed at the dismal lack of description. “But how would I know?”
He slid his legs underneath yours, his hands going behind his back to hold your calves. “I think she was closer…” He murmurs, his voice lowering the closer your bodies became. “Something like that.”
Your legs wrapped fully around Matt’s torso, knees pressed against his sides to keep you from falling back into the bed. You felt the heels of his feet press gently against the soft panty fabric covering your ass, and realized you were staring down at his stomach. You looked up to see his pale blue eyes fixated on you. 
“Hi.” Breathy.
“Hi.” Breathless.
“I think I’m gonna-”
“Yeah,” he said quietly, moving his hands from your calves to wrap them around your back, acting as support for your disrupted center of gravity. The phone lay forgotten on the bed. 
Noticing, you cleared your throat and picked it up dipping your head back towards his stomach to scroll to the next scene. “So once they're here…it seems like they just go into it?”
“No way,” Matt said, leaning forward and pressing his forehead gently against yours. “That's mad uncomfortable.” He smelled like mountain air and freshly-cut pinewood. Quit smelling him, you freakazoid.
“Well I’m sure that doesn't matter if you're horny.”
Matt tilted his head and nodded. “True. There's just. So many other positions. That aren't nearly as complicated.”
“I don't know…I kinda like this one,” you whispered before you could stop yourself.
“What'd you say?” Matt asked, pulling away to look at you again. A smile threatened to creep onto his lips. Quit looking at his lips.
“Nothing, what was the next thing…” you said, turning your attention to the phone once more. 
One of his hands left your back, the other tensing against your skin. Matt brought his free hand up toward you, a calloused knuckle underneath your chin and his thumb right below your bottom lip. You looked up slowly, guided by his gentle fingers. “What did you say, hun?”
That smile had fully formed now. You couldn't help but return one of your own. “I didn't say anything.” You put the phone down, letting your hands make contact with his chest. Moving up his body, towards his collarbones, snaking around to meet behind his neck, slipping through the soft curls at the base of his hairline. His thighs, pressed against the outside of your own, began to tremble ever so slightly.
“I heard something,” he insisted, making a gargantuan effort to drag his gaze upwards from your lips. Matt's thumb lifted from your chin to pull on your bottom lip, puffing it out and opening your mouth in the process. “Come on, I know you remember,” he breathed, his voice low and steady. Your heart thumped in your chest - how long had that been going on?
You looked up at him, your mouth slightly open in strict obedience to his fingertips, brows tilted upwards, assuming an expression of innocence. “Sorry, Matty…I forgot.”
It now stands to mention that his pelvis had been pressed against yours this entire time, and at this moment, a hardness seemed to grow in what little space remained between your sex and his. A shiver buzzed up your spine, and the hand on your back flexed in response, tightening its now-possessive grip on your body. Matt let out a shaky breath. “Forgetting…that’s not good, is it?”
“No sir.”
His hard-on seemed to leap to attention. Matt’s eyes stayed locked on yours, almost as if they were searching for something.
“What is it?” you asked softly.
He blinked a few times, shaking his head, gaze still fixed. Tearing his eyes away, Matt leaned toward your shoulder, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. His hand fell away from your chin to hang in the space between you.
“Gonna…Tryin’ not to…do somethin’... might regret.” Matt's words were poorly enunciated, almost as if he was preoccupied. His cock throbbed against your panties, blood pulsing hard enough to pound through the thickness of his sweatpants. 
Looking down, you realized his neck lay open…exposed. As if in a trance, you dipped your head, lips making contact with his soft skin.
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- bambi <3
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the endings
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⋆˙⟡ zbully1 smut series masterlist! hanbin, jiwoong, hao, matthew, and taerae included. click here for game day (group) chapter.
⋆˙⟡ wc: member endings are ~1k each, group endings are less than 500 words each! (in total: ~5k)
⋆˙⟡ reader: no pronouns used for reader at all in any of the endings :)
⋆˙⟡ series summary: five bullies. six days. it's gonna be a hell of a week, babe. stay hydrated.
⋆˙⟡ endings summary: choose your own ending! jiwoong, hao, matthew, hanbin, taerae, group (quasi-poly), and group (revenge) are all included. most are angst/fluff and some are suggestive.
⋆˙⟡ warnings: there is no smut in these endings, but they allude to smut that happened previously or suggest smut that would follow these endings. please, minors dni still with this post! member endings are all happy (with angst). revenge ending is also happy, depending on what makes you happy! lol.
I'M SO SAD IT'S OVER. writing the bully series was so much fun! thank you to the anon who suggested it in the first place a couple months ago and for everyone who has given positive feedback/input! i appreciate it so much. these endings are all crafted with so much love! let me know which one you love most. maybe i'll put a poll at the bottom lol. ily, catch you in the next series!!
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
jiwoong 🎭
“so i’ll hand out these scripts and we’ll get started right away,” professor lee announces, walking around the room and handing out scripts for everyone’s assigned scenes. mina sits next to you as usual, except this week she’s staring daggers at jiwoong from across the room. you guess it beats her making googly eyes at him.
mina had called you last night to rant again about how much of a jerk “jiwoong-sshi” is. note the absence of the word “oppa”. you were sorry that he’d stood her up, but you knew what kind of a person he could be long before last week. 
and she unfortunately didn’t seem to care how much of a jerk jiwoong was when you were the one bearing the brunt of it.
but you don’t want to dwell on it. you’d just fucked him and four of his friends in the campus activities lounge and had no plans to tell her. she’d asked you how the “revenge” went, but you’d kept it all pretty vague. mina was no prude, but she might have the urge to gossip a bit with news as insane as that. you wouldn’t blame her if she did.
still, you didn’t regret what you did saturday. not even a little bit. in fact, it made you feel kind of proud every time you thought about it.
you spend all of class working on a scene with mina in which you play a really outrageous set of characters trying to escape arrest. it’s a role that you’ve never opted to take before— one that requires you to be bold, funny, and brave. 
professor lee praises you after you present it at the end of class. “excellent work. what’s gotten into you, (y/n)-sshi? whatever it is, let’s keep peeling back that shell!”
you smile with pride, eyes scanning the rest of the room until they happen to land on kim jiwoong.
he’s smiling, too.
when class ends, you pick your bag up off the floor and toss in your marked-up script. you’d normally throw it in the recycling bin, but you want to keep it this time. as a reminder of what you’re capable of when you’re sure of yourself.
mina giggles as you walk out the door together and into the hallway. “i’m surprised, but you really pulled that off!”
“i’m not.”
both of your heads whip around to find kim jiwoong leaning against the wall behind you.  
“you just needed some... encouragement,” he says with a smirk, but there’s a noticeable warmth in his eyes.
“and what exactly do you need in order to be able to show up to a commitment you made?” mina asks with a scowl. your eyes narrow at him, too.
“listen, i–... i’m really sorry, mina,” he responds sincerely. the fact that he even got her name right has you stifling a gasp— let alone the apology that prefaced it. “i shouldn’t’ve stood you up. that was mean. so i’m sorry.”
mina sucks in her cheek, looking at the ceiling as she considers his sentiment.
“but i actually have something else to apologize for, too,” he adds quickly, gaze moving back and forth between the both of you. “i... i wasn’t really interested in you in the first place. i was—... i used you. to get a reaction out of the person i’m actually interested in.”
his eyes meet yours. your lips part in shock at his sudden confession. you stare at him for a long moment, unspeaking until—
you glance over at mina, expecting to see tears running down her face but instead...
she’s grinning. from ear to ear. and not in a joker sort of way— just genuine happiness.
“i knew it,” she says, clasping her hands together in front of her face and jumping excitedly. “i KNEW it! i knew you both liked each other!”
“you—... what!?” you exclaim, eyes bugging at this bizarre turn of events. “what do you mean, ‘you knew we liked each other’!?”
“i’m also confused,” jiwoong says with a frown. “considering i didn’t really know until, like, yesterday.”
“well, i knew you were going to like each other. eventually,” she says with a nod. “you know, shy, quiet person and arrogant, attractive person trope. it’s destiny!”
“if you really thought that, then why did you wanna go out with him so bad?” you ask through furrowed brow.
“‘cause he’s hot. duh,” she says, shaking her head with a smile as if your question was very silly. “can you blame me for wanting a taste first?”
“well, if it’s just a taste we’re talking about—,” jiwoong starts to offer with a smirk.
“one more word and the only thing you’ll be tasting is—” you interject, balling your hand into a fist.
“aw, first lovers’ spat! i’ll leave you guys to it,” mina says quickly before sprinting off down the now-empty hall. 
you look down at your shoes awkwardly. “i have nothing else to say to you.”
“then, you won’t mind if i talk?” jiwoong asks, not waiting for a response to continue. “when hanbin made me start bullying you last year, i honestly didn’t want to. you were pathetic enough already without my help.”
“gee, thanks,” you reply with with a frown.
“but then i sort of started to have fun with it. the way you reacted was absolutely intoxicating. you made it all so rewarding— coming up with a new plan to drive you crazy every day,” he explains. “then last week, when we started that competition, i found a whole new way to drive you crazy. and i liked it a lot more.”
“this is the most convoluted apology i’ve ever received,” you remark with a sigh.
“after saturday, seeing you like that... you were far from pathetic. and it made me proud. i think, somewhere along the way, i just became really fond of you,” jiwoong confesses, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “and i also desperately want to buy you better clothes.”
“okay, i’m leaving now,” you announce, turning on your heel.
“what a coincidence. me too,” jiwoong says, grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours as he starts to drag you with him down the hall. “you’re hungry, right?”
you start to protest, but as you look at his handsome side profile— dark hair covering the tips of his ears— you realize you are, in fact... hungry.
“starving,” you answer. 
he stops walking to look at you, eyes widening with surprise. “yeah? what would you like to eat then?”
staring at his lips, you can’t help but lick your own. “mina’s right, y’know.”
jiwoong’s head tilts, the corner of his lip upturning slowly as he registers your expression. “is she?”
“mhm,” you answer, pressing your lips to his. he responds quickly: soft, lazy, and stupidly addictive. you can’t believe you let him get away last week without kissing you. you could give him just one chance, couldn’t you? “but what she doesn’t know...”
he attaches your lips again, free hand cupping your jaw.
“is that one taste of you...”
jiwoong inhales sharply as you gently bite his bottom lip.
“just isn’t enough.”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
hao 🎻
you rush into orchestra on tuesday, already five minutes late. unfortunately, your regular bus never showed at the stop. and then your back-up bus also never showed. which means you had to walk all the way to campus when you hadn’t planned to— your violin case in tow.
rehearsal having started already, you make a beeline for your seat and frantically open your violin case. luckily you’d warmed up your instrument before you’d left your house this week and your bow is ready to play when it hits the violin strings. 
or, it would be, if you didn’t just realize you forgot your sheet music.
“oh, for fucks sake,” you mumble, looking up at the sky and begging for the sweet release of death in this tragically embarrassing moment.
a soft creaking noise draws your attention to your left, where you find hao’s music stand is suddenly angled in your direction.
he doesn’t say anything or look at you. he just keeps playing. and so you follow the first chair’s lead.
rehearsal goes surprisingly well. you’re sure you managed to correct all of your mistakes from last week after being able to put more rosin on your bow.
“third and fourth chair are falling behind the tempo,” hao replies when professor ahn asks him for notes about the performance. your eyes widen when he names a violinist other than yourself that needs correcting. “it makes it harder for first and second chair to successfully introduce and complete the next movement.”
first and second chair? hao was voluntarily grouping you together?
professor ahn seems as surprised as you. she nods, writing down her own notes in the binder on her music stand. she waves her hand, dismissing the orchestra for the day. you clean your violin, getting it ready to be put back in its case as your classmates begin to file out of the orchestra room.
“(y/n)-sshi,” professor ahn calls suddenly from the doorway. your heart drops to your stomach at the mention of your name. “you actually played quite well today. i’ll assume it’s because you had the help of the concertmaster’s annotations. don’t be late again.”
you nod quickly, bowing your head respectfully to her. “thank you, professor-nim. i’ll play even better next time.”
you’re left alone with hao as usual, both cleaning your violins with the utmost care. when you finish, you place your instrument in its case before fishing around in the side pocket and pulling out something small.
hao locks his violin case, placing it sideways at his feet. finally, he looks at you.
you hold out the cake of rosin that he’d given you last week and told you to bring to your next rehearsal. you’d be remiss to notice that even though you didn’t show him until after class, he never told professor ahn that you’d stolen it like he threatened.
hao examines the rosin, completely ruined from what you’d both done with it. there was no cleaning it and you couldn’t use it if you tried.
you expect to catch some attitude, but, to your surprise, he smiles. “guess it couldn’t be salvaged, huh?”
“guess not,” you agree with a shrug. “at least you got some use out of it.”
“mm,” he hums after a moment before reaching down and reopening his violin case delicately. his hand disappears into one of the side pockets and pulls out a fresh cake of his premium rosin.
and then he hands it to you.
you stare at it in your palm, wide-eyed. “w-what are you—”
“you’re a pretty decent violinist,” hao says matter-of-factly. “sometimes— not often— but sometimes i feel like you have the potential to be almost as good as me. but you’ll never reach it if you don’t start using higher quality products to care for your instrument.”
“oh,” you reply, brow furrowing as he locks up his violin again. “so you’ve decided to take pity on me now?”
he smirks. “something like that.”
“i guess it’s better than pure hatred,” you respond, rolling your eyes as you tuck the box of rosin into your own violin case.
“i never hated you,” hao says with a frown. you sit back up, lips parting as your eyes meet his. “i didn’t particularly like you, but i only told professor ahn about the mistakes you were making because they were careless. you always came in the next week with those same mistakes completely perfected.”
“so you were motivating me through public shame?” you clarify, one brow piqued in disbelief. 
“doing whatever it takes to improve the sound of the orchestra is what sets a great concertmaster apart from a mediocre one,” he explains, deciding to paint himself as a misunderstood martyr. 
“oh, i’m sure it was so difficult for you to step up and take one from the team,” you mock, a laugh escaping you at hao’s audacity. “do you hear what you’re saying? you’re so fucking full of yourself. who gave you the right to play god and—?”
hao leans in, connecting his lips to yours mid-rant. your breath hitches in disbelief as he pulls back.
“would you be mad if i said i wanna get to know you better?” he asks, hand resting on your thigh.
you look down at his long fingers on your soft skin. “furious,” is what you answer.
he presses his lips together in a hopeless smile. “i’ll take it that means you don’t feel the same way then.”
“you always think you know everything about everything,” you huff, grabbing his hand in yours and bringing it further up your thigh. “but you don’t. so i guess you will have to get to know me better if you wanna keep being an insufferable know-it-all.”
as soon as a smile appears on hao’s face, it’s replaced by the cutest frown. “i’m sad now.”
“why?” you ask, not sure how your answer could’ve possibly made him sad when it was the one he wanted.
“i took for granted how absolutely fucking adorable you are when you’re angry,” he whines, a disheartened little pout on his pretty lips. “kind of makes me wish i could keep making you angry from time to time.”
you blink at him, looking around awkwardly as a reluctant smile grows on your face. “i mean—... i guess i’d have to worry about my playing skills suffering if you stop completely. that wouldn’t be very responsible of concertmaster-nim.”
“no, it wouldn’t,” he replies, biting his lip in a smirk. you’re fully aware of what this title does to him. “so what should i do to keep you playing well?”
you look up at the ceiling, considering your options. “maybe you could see what other things in the music room fit up my—” “that’s depraved,” hao scolds, shaking his head at you in shock before a grin peeks through. “are you free right now?”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
matthew 💪
with three weeks left of your soccer unit in phys. ed, you braced for an awkward class on wednesday. as you wait outside in the warm, spring breeze with your classmates, you waited anxiously for matthew to show up.
he doesn’t. 
coach yang blows his whistle, signaling for you to form a straight line in front of him. luckily one of your classmates asks the question for you.
“coach-nim! where’s matthew hyung?” the younger boy asks in front of you. “we wanted to talk to him about the game.”
“ah, matthew-sshi is on a strict regimen of weight-training and cardio until the championship,” coach yang answers with a sigh. a little quieter, he adds, “and maybe that’ll teach him to stay in line.”
maybe, you think. maybe not.
it’s a surprisingly pleasant p.e. class. your classmates are respectful, giving you as much grace during the game as possible. your sunbaenim from your calc class even pushes you behind him when a ball comes a bit too quickly towards your face.
“thanks,” you say with a smile.
he smiles back. “don’t mention it.”
this class sure was different when someone wasn’t trying to kill you the whole time. that being said, you’re pretty disappointed that matthew isn’t here. you can’t help but wonder how he would’ve treated you today after saturday night.
when class is over, coach yang hands you a hose, some rags and a ball trolley. he still can’t look you in the eye after what happened. “here’s your supplies. shouldn’t take you more than an hour.”
you nod ashamedly, getting to work right away.
“and a word of advice,” coach yang adds over his shoulder. “don’t be afraid to put him in his place from time to time. you played well today without him. it’s nice to see you have some more confidence, (y/n)-sshi. good luck.”
the last thing you were expecting today was a pep talk from coach yang. you walk over to the right side of the field and pick up a muddy, grass-stained ball and bring it over to the hose. washing it thoroughly and buffing any stains with a rag, you drop it into the ball trolley and make your way to the back of the field to retrieve a couple more.
you grab one from behind the goal, turning around to fetch the other one. but as you do, you come face to face with matthew— tossing the ball gently back and forth between his hands.
“hi,” he greets shyly. 
your lips press together in an awkward smile. “hi.”
he doesn’t say anything else for a moment, so you brush past him— bringing your ball back to the hose. he follows behind you quietly, placing his soccer ball on the ground beside yours. you pick up the hose and douse them both in the cold water.  matthew picks up a rag and kneels down on the ground next to you, buffing the soccer ball you’d brought over.
you pick up the one he brought over, doing the same. “that one was mine.”
his eyes widen, holding out the ball to you wordlessly in an attempt to give it back.
you can’t help but laugh. “i was just kidding.”
“right,” he replies with a nod, returning to cleaning the ball. “sorry.”
you raise one eyebrow at him quizzically. “are you okay?”
“hm?” he asks before nodding quickly. “oh, yeah. i’m fine.”
“are you sure?” you question further. “because this is my punishment and you’re helping me when you should be getting ready for practice.”
matthew shrugs. “it was my fault.”
“it absolutely was,” you agree, tossing your soccer ball into the trolley. “and you got away with it scot-free.”
suddenly, matthew’s hand reaches toward your forehead— thumb brushing over the tiny scar from where the ball he kicked had scraped your skin. “i shouldn’t have.”
well this is... new. matthew taking accountability for his actions? you never thought you’d see the day.
“i—... um...” he stutters, starting to pick at the grass in front of him. “i think i should probably be punished. for that. and for a lot of things.”
so he’d really liked it.
“oh. should i tell coach yang to—,” you play dumb, starting to stand up like you’re about to march right into his office yourself. 
“NO! ... no. no,” matthew grabs your hand, keeping you seated next to him. he bites his lip, clearly embarrassed by what he’s about to say. “want you to do it.”
“huh,” you reply with frown. “i thought you didn’t really prefer people who were tainted.”
“you aren’t tainted,” he says, shaking his head. “that—... that was really immature of me to say. and gross. and i’m... i’m sorry.”
you look at him for a long moment, studying his eyes to see if he’s being genuine or not. there’s no obvious signs of lying. he’s very nervous, but it’s not because he’s being untruthful. maybe it’s because he finally is.
“and i can also assume that you said sorry to the waterboy?” you ask, pressing your lips together in an attempt to not laugh at his panicked expression. “and that defense player on the other team? actually, you should probably just draft a mass apology and send it to every university team you’ve ever played against. it would save some time.”
matthew nods sullenly. “yeah. i can do that.”
you have to admit, you like matthew quite a bit when he’s like this. he’s agreeable, apologetic, and distressingly adorable.
“i appreciate your willingness to cooperate,” you reply, patting him on the shoulder gently. “i think... maybe... we could make this work.”
matthew’s eyes light up at this. “really? you’d wanna keep doing... this?”
you smile. “yeah. it doesn’t sound so bad, now that you’re being nice to me.”
matthew smiles with embarrassment, avoiding your gaze. “i guess i should’ve tried this approach last year. but i—... have you ever heard of alpha male podcasts?”
“matthew,” you groan, palm flying to your forehead in disbelief. “you’re gonna unsubscribe from every single one of those, okay?”
he nods frantically. “of course. they didn’t get me anything anyway, except a light ‘roid addiction.”
“do not tell anyone that, oh my god,” you reprimand, hitting his thigh. “you’re also gonna throw all of that out immediately.
“ah, it was so expensive though,” he winces, tilting his head as he weighs the consequences. “can’t i sell them instead?”
“JUST GET RID OF—,” you shout, cutting yourself off when matthew suddenly leans over and kisses your cheek.
he grins. “you’re so beautiful when you’re disappointed in me.”
“you’re—... you—...” you stutter until matthew leans in again, pressing his lips to yours this time. he pulls back, leaving your brain hazy. “please don’t be so mean to me again.”
he shakes his head decisively. “i won’t. i promise.”
you smile, stomach fluttering as he beams at you. 
“but, like... you’re okay with being mean to me sometimes, right?” matthew asks, scratching the back of his neck.
“oh, absolutely,” you answer with a nod. “i’ll start now.”
he laughs passively, obviously interpreting this as a joke. “sure, sure.”
you stand up, hovering your foot over his crotch. “finish cleaning these soccer balls. now.”
matthew’s eyes widen with fear, hopping to his feet immediately, bowing his head to you, and sprinting off to the end of the field to complete his task.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
hanbin 📝
“hanbin-ah!” you shout, running down the dimly-lit, empty hallway. how far could he have made it in the few minutes since he’d stormed out of the activities lounge without so much as a word. 
a banging down the hallway to your right seems to signal his location. you turn down it, running until you reach the end and a long hall of public lockers unfolds before you. to your left is a very distraught hanbin, clanging his locker door about as he holds a small book in his hands.
the floor is littered with torn up pieces of paper, that seem to be coming from the book he’s holding.
“FUCK,” he yells, ripping out another page from the book and crumpling it up— tossing it onto the ground, where it lands at your feet.
you bend down and pick it up, carefully unfolding it and reading what’s written:
what the fuck does (y/n) see in junseo hyung-nim? i thought that poem was for me. could (y/n) really choose him over me? is he better than me? i don’t understand. what did i do wrong?
it’s a diary entry— your name, mentioned twice. the confession contained in it sends a chill down your spine. hanbin had posted your poem about junseo sunbaenim out of spite.
out of jealousy?
you pick up another crumpled paper and unfold it, reading:
i just hung up all the copies of the poem around campus. i got the other guys in on it, too. maybe this’ll teach you not to take people for granted. maybe it’ll keep you thinking about me.
hanbin throws his empty journal across the hallway, sitting down on the ground with his back against a locker as he runs a hand through his hair in distress.
you walk over to him cautiously, standing in front of him and waiting until he looks up at you. you hold out the pieces of paper from his journal and drop them on his lap. “so you decided to ruin my life because you couldn’t have me?”
hanbin reads the writing on the crumpled papers, tears suddenly spilling over and streaming down his cheeks. he wipes them away as quickly as they come. his chin dimples up with sadness. it reminds you of something...
you look in his locker, finding his messenger bag and opening the flap. you dig around gently until your hand wraps around it.
you sit down next to hanbin, back against a locker as you place the little, plush hamster in his lap. he stares at it for a long moment before finally picking it up in his hand and giving it a gentle squish. a tear falls onto the hamster’s nose.
“you found this the other day?” he says, rubbing the back of his hand across his cheeks again.
you nod. “he’s cute.”
hanbin smiles. “i was hoping you’d think that.”
“what do you mean?” you ask, a confused pout forming on your lips.
“i was hoping you’d think he was cute,” he says, running his thumb over the hamster’s fur, “when i bought it for you.”
“on the class trip to the national library last year,” he continues. “we sat next to each other on the bus and you pulled three plushies out of your bag like it was the most normal thing ever. and you told me all their names and what they wanted to be when they grew up.”
“and we took those polaroids of each other outside on the grass. and ate kimbap at the picnic table in the garden. and ran around together finding the weirdest books we could. and then, in the giftshop, they had a bunch of cute plushies themed off of children’s books and...” hanbin rambles wistfully. “and i bought this one for you while you weren’t looking.”
“hanbinnie, i’m so sorry,” you interject truthfully. you see the full picture now and you never had before. “i shouldn’t’ve been so oblivious as to make you feel like i was leading you on, but i was. and i never should’ve told you about that poem in the first place. i’m sorry.”
he blinks back at you before shaking his head adamantly. “it’s— it’s not your fault.”
“but i hurt your feelings,” you assert, meeting his gaze. “and i never wanted to do that. you were my first friend i made at university. actually, you’re the only friend i’ve made at university. how pathetic is that?”
he shakes his head again, brow furrowing sadly. “it’s not. it’s—... it’s my fucking fault that that happened. it’s... it’s all my fault.”
“hanbinnie, it’s—... it’s okay, you—,” you try to alleviate his burden, like the moral person you are.
“no, don’t do that. don’t say it’s okay, because it’s not,” hanbin asserts, rubbing his forehead with the heel of his palm. “i made you share something you didn’t want to. and i betrayed your trust. and i—... fucking—... all because i couldn’t handle my own emotions?”
you chew your cheek nervously. “listen, it’s okay—.”
“you’re the nicest person on the fucking planet if you can sit here and say that’s okay,” he says, a sad laugh escaping him. “i don’t deserve your forgiveness, but... i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to fully express to you how sorry i am.”
you don’t respond, stunned by hanbin’s genuine apology. 
“i could try, though, if you want me to,” he blathers on anxiously. “i could write a hundred thousand words worth of apologies and you could rip them all up and make me start again and—.”
“he looks like you,” you interject suddenly.
he frowns. “hm?”
“the hamster,” you clarify, holding out your hand. eyes wide, hanbin places the hamster in your palm. “he looks a lot like you.”
hanbin doesn’t say anything, his eyes trained on the side of your face as you squish the little plush. 
“it’s funny, actually,” you hold the hamster up for him to see. “looking at this hamster and trying to be mad at him is a lot like how it feels when i look at you.”
eyes still wide, hanbin’s bottom lip finds its way between his teeth— not sure how to answer to your overwhelming mercy.
“you’re right. that wasn’t okay,” you say as you bring the hamster to your lips, giggling after you give him a little peck. “but this is okay.”
“this?” he repeats.
“doesn’t this feel pretty nice?” you pose, eyes locking with his. “us getting along?”
hanbin nods slowly. “yeah. it does.”
“what do you say we continue this?” you ask with a smile. “indefinitely.”
“i—...” he stutters as a smile grows on his lips as well. “i’d really like that.”
“me too,” you agree, eyes abruptly narrowing. “but it’ll cost you.”
his brow raises, swallowing hard at your words. “absolutely. anything. name your price.���
you hold up the hamster to the side of your face, doing your best to mimic his little expression. “i want him.”
if hanbin’s eyes could turn to cartoon love hearts, they would. but because he’s a human person, his pupils simply dilate. “you—... i—... he’s yours. he was always yours.”
you grin, giving the hamster a hug. “thanks.”
“thank you,” he says, still reeling from your cuteness. “i’ll miss him, but he’s where he belongs now.”
“maybe you can visit him sometimes,” you offer, biting your lip shyly. “you’re clearly his biological father, after all. i’m sure your presence in his life is nothing less than enriching.”
he laughs. “some father i am. i didn’t even manage to give him a name.”
you smile. “he has a name.”
hanbin tilts his head curiously. “he does?”
you nod. “his name is binnie. jr.”
his cheeks turn red at this suggestion. “really? you want to name him after me?”
you don’t answer. instead, you ask softly, “hanbinnie?”
“yeah?” he replies eagerly.
“do you...” you start, finding the confidence to finish your question. “do you still like me?”
hanbin’s breath hitches in his throat. “um...”
“it’s okay if you don’t,” you assure with a sigh. “i just... a year ago, i didn’t even know someone like you would be interested in me. you’re so handsome. and smart. and the soccer team’s star player. i never even considered the possibility that you felt that way about me. but now, i—... i have more confidence. maybe you accidentally gave it to me, but i have it nonetheless.”
he looks at you intently, waiting for you to continue.
“and i think i realized that... i want you to like me,” you confess. “i wanted you to like me the whole time. i just didn’t want to admit it because i was afraid it was too much to ask for. and i—.”
“(y/n),” hanbin interjects with the fondest smile imaginable. “i like you so much i think my chest might explode.”
you can’t stop the grin that spreads across your face. neither can he. hanbin brings his hand to cup your jaw, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. 
“oh and i’m sorry i fucked all your friends right in front of your face,” you say, pulling back momentarily.
hanbin laughs, shrugging it off. “i totally deserved it. and... it was pretty hot.”
“keep kissing me,” you request with a smile.
“don’t have to tell me twice.”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
taerae 🎤
after a completely bizarre session of portraits and quotes for the campus newspaper, the boys all awkwardly grab their things and head out the door. as you place your clipboard and pen on the activities director’s desk, you see a familiar backpack shoved behind a chair. you forgot you’d stashed taerae’s bag and phone in here when he didn’t come back for it on friday.
you walk over to it, picking it up off of the floor and slinging it over your shoulder. you shut off the lights, walking down the hallway until you spot your former best friend— sitting alone on the entrance steps to kang hall in the spring night air.
you plop yourself down next to him, placing his bag on the step in front of him. he turns to you, eyes red and watery.
“oh, tae,” you whisper, head falling instinctively to his shoulder. 
“why’re you comforting me?” he asks with a sniffle. “you should be punching me in the face or something.”
“would you prefer it?” you joke, trying to get him to smile. “because i can absolutely just—.”
“this is good,” he says with a breathy laugh.
“good,” you affirm, lifting your head to meet his gaze. “i love you.”
“(y/n),” taerae seems to plead. “i can’t—.”
“i love you,” you repeat. “and i miss you so much.”
“i—...” he stumbles verbally, but grabs your hand in his. “i—.”
“when did you lose your virginity?” you ask, tilting your head curiously. 
he gulps. “uh... a couple years ago.”
“and you didn’t tell me?” you question, a little hurt that he’d kept this big news a secret from you even when you were still friends. “to who?”
taerae shakes his head anxiously. “it’s not that important.”
“oh, come on,” you urge, squeezing his hand. “i told you i lost mine to sungchan oppa during that pool party at mina’s dad’s house.”
he flinches at this. “i remember.”
“it was that same pool party where you threw up in the pool,” you say with a smirk. “an eventful night for both of us.”
“mhm,” taerae mumbles shortly. he was definitely growing more bothered with each mention of that party.
“and to think, a couple of years later we’d do what we just did,” you muse in an attempt to dig something more out of him. “we’ve come so far from you throwing up in the pool at the thought of kissing me.”
“i never said that!” taerae exclaims with frustration. “you said that. and i just... went with it.”
you shake your head, brow furrowing confusedly. “then why did you throw up?”
“because—... because i was nervous,” he says softly. “i was so nervous to kiss you that i threw up in mina’s dad’s pool and then i was so embarrassed that i couldn’t even open my mouth to deny that i was disgusted by the thought of kissing you.”
you blink at him in shock. “did—... did you have feelings for me?”
after a long moment, he nods. but there’s more tension lingering under the surface. you know there’s more that needs to be said.
“i really liked you,” taerae confesses softly. “i never wanted to weird you out or anything, but i just liked you from the first day i met you. i loved being your friend, but i just couldn’t help it. when you told me at that party that you’d hooked up with sungchan hyung... i just got so jealous. i thought i could be cool about it, but i was drunk and...”
your eyes are wide, clinging onto his every word.
“and i hooked up with someone, too,” he admits with a pained expression. “i thought it might be the only way to make you jealous back, so i—... i—...”
you hold your breath.
“i hooked up with mina!” he exclaims quickly, looking down at his lap in shame.
“YOU WHAT!?” you scream, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look you in the eyes. “that’s not fucking funny!”
“i know it’s not,” he replies despairingly. “i regretted it instantly afterwards. no— while it was happening. i was so disgusted with myself. i hated lying to you, but i just couldn’t bring myself to tell you the truth. i thought i wouldn’t have to until last year, when hanbin hyung came up to me in the hallway after class.”
your brow furrows at the mention of hanbin’s name.
“he said he knew what i’d done with mina. apparently he had a few friends that went to the party,” he explains sadly. “and that if i didn’t do exactly what he told me to, that he’d tell you what i did and he’d make things even worse for you. i just couldn’t let either of those things happen.”
“how—... how did you even manage to bag mina?” you ask in a daze.
“well, i mean,” taerae grimaces. “it’s mina.”
“she’s a total slut,” you nod, catching on immediately. “more power to her.”
“the most power to her,” taerae agrees quickly. 
“why didn’t she tell me?” you wonder.
“oh, that one’s easy,” taerae answers with a shrug. “she said she’d rather die than let anyone know we slept together.”
“that sounds like mina,” you affirm. so the truth was out. it’s hard to wrap your head around everything all at once, but you were definitely relieved that taerae didn’t actually hate you. he was just an idiot.
“i’m so sorry, (y/n),” he apologizes genuinely. “for everything.”
you sigh heavily. “i’m sorry, too.”
taerae’s eyes widen in surprise. “what do you mean? you don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
“i’m sorry i bragged to you about losing my virginity. i could’ve been more sensitive with that information,” you reply. “and i’m sorry that i said you threw up in the pool, because you didn’t want to kiss me and never asked you what the truth was. i could’ve been more considerate of my best friend.”
“i love you,” taerae says abruptly. “being without you this year was literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
you nod in affirmation. “let’s never do it again.”
“never,” he agrees with a wide, dimpled grin. that smile you missed so much. you watch it fade naturally, replaced by a fond gaze. but you desperately want to see it again.
so you do the only thing that you can.
you kiss him.
he pulls back after a moment, that perfect grin shining back at you. it’s enough to light up the night sky. 
“i know i was using the past tense before, but,” taerae says, biting his lip. “i still really like you.”
you smile, pulling him back in to meet your lips again. “prove it.”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
group (poly) 🥵
you look around the room, every boy avoiding eye contact with you in an attempt to quell the awkward tension. it feels amazing. exactly how you were hoping it would.
"so, uh," jiwoong starts, scratching the back of his neck. "are we gonna do those interviews now?"
you shrug. "you can just text me a quote, if you want. probably easier actually."
they all agree nonverbally, the uncomfortable haze still lingering in the air.
"you can also text me about when you'll be free again," you add, the boys heads turning rapidly to look at you.
"uh... which one of us?" matthew asks with a frown.
you shrug. “whoever’s down.”
“you—… you wanna do this again?” hao asks, lips parted in shock.
“why not?” you answer honestly. “i had fun. but if you’re not into it, that’s okay too.”
“i’m into it!” hao replies a bit too quickly. “i just meant that… i didn’t know you would be.”
“i guess before last week, someone would’ve had a hard time convincing me that i’d wanna do this once— let alone twice,” you admit with a smile. “but i think i’ve proved i changed.”
“and you’re okay with… changing?” taerae asks, worry in his eyes.
you nod definitively. “yeah. i am.”
“so, after all this, you’ve decided you just wanna fuck all of us whenever you want?” hanbin asks, standing up from the desk he’s sitting on and walking over to you. “you really think you’re hot enough for that?”
you smile at him. “no one’s forcing you to participate.”
hanbin frowns, studying you as you hold eye contact.
“don’t be too upset, hanbinnie,” you say with a pout. “you’re the one who wanted me to fuck your friends in the first place. you just forgot to consider i might end up really liking it.”
he stares at you for another long moment. and then, he smiles. “i guess you’ve won your own game then?”
you smile back. “i guess i have.”
“then i have to pay the price, fair and square. we all do,” hanbin nods with respect— an undeniable warmth in his gaze. “congratulations.”
you look at the other boys around you— excitement reaching their eyes as you grin. were they really all yours now?
“thanks,” you say happily. “i couldn’t have done it without you.”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
group (revenge) 😈
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ 
you look around the room, every boy avoiding eye contact with you in an attempt to quell the awkward tension. it feels amazing. exactly how you were hoping it would.
"hey, is that camera on?" jiwoong suddenly asks, pointing at the camera you set up by the photo wall to take portraits for the campus activities interviews.
at least, that's why you told them you set it up.
"there's a little red flashing light," hao observes with a frown. "to the left of the lens."
"did—... did you record this?" matthew asks, fear palpable in his eyes as he looks at you.
you hop off the desk you're sitting on, grabbing your shorts and shimmying them on. walking over to the camera, you hit the record button again to stop filming. then you, take the camera off it's tripod and throw it in your bag that's sitting on the ground beside it.
"it was a pleasure doing business with you boys," you say, making your way towards the door.
hanbin stands up, grabbing your shoulder. "what are you gonna do with that?"
you shrug. "nothing."
his brow furrows tensely, not sure whether to relax or not.
"yet," you finish.
"(y/n), please," taerae begs from behind you. "please don't post that."
"i'm not gonna post it," you say, rolling your eyes. "i'm in the video, too, remember?"
the boys look around at each other, not sure what to do.
"but if i have to," you threaten, unlocking the door, "i won't hesitate. could anything be worse than what you've already put me through?"
"wait, (y/n)!" jiwoong calls. "we're—... we're sorry. we're all really sorry for everything."
"i'm sure you are," you reply, opening the door and exiting the activities lounge...
"i'm sure you'll stay sorry for a long time, too."
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sad-scarred-sassy · 2 months
Please please please continue the one shot of Feyre and Tamlin meeting after she has the baby. It’s so beautiful and well written
Oh 🥹 thank you!! I wasn’t gonna continue it but since you asked so nicely… proceed at your own discretion.
// It’s a headcanon of mine that Feyre questions all her life choices after the whole pregnancy fiasco happens.
If you wanna read the first part here it is.
She had sworn she would not go back.
Somehow nobody had noticed her brief absence, not Azriel, not the wraiths, not even Rhys. Feyre had carried that secret for months with a small hint of shame, and a very weird sense of triumph.
What Rhys had noticed since then though, was the new barrier she had put up between them. For the first time, she no longer let him slip in and out of her mind at will. She no longer shared with him her deepest darkest secrets. She realized with a cold, sickening feeling, that he knew every miserable aspect of her life and psyche and she did not know him, not entirely.
It was a strange realization, Feyre truly felt alone for the first time in years. The whole deal of her pregnancy had acted as an eye opener for her and it didn’t help that she had just too much time to think. Feyre spent her days taking care of her toddler, a beautiful child that smiled at her and she could not, for the life of her, understand why she did not love him as she had been promised she would.
Feyre sighed, sitting next to Nyx’s crib. Rhysand was gone to the Hewn City for a meeting, leaving her alone with the baby. She tucked Nyx’s small wings correctly behind him as he slept. Logically, she knew she loved him, she could simply not reach the feeling, not yet.
“I will try” She said, a tear streaming down her face. “I swear”
When she had found out about the secret, she had been so hurt and mad, betrayed by her mate, her family, the ones who said they loved her. She had yelled at him, had demanded him to tell her why. Then, she had succumbed to Rhys’ explanation again. He had said he hadn’t wanted to worry her. At the time she had concluded that she was fine with the decision, she wanted Nyx, she would have done anything to keep him alive. But after he was born, when she had too much time to herself, her mind had started to unravel on her.
How many times had he decided something and made her believe she was the one on charge? Why hadn’t they ever talked about the awful things he had done to her when nobody was witnessing it? How much of anything he had told her was actually true? How much of her hatred towards her past friends had been fed to her? How much of her rivalry with her own sisters stemmed from what he wanted?
It was too much. It was suffocating.
She knew she had to talk to Rhys, he was her husband, her mate… her High Lord, but she was tired of hearing his excuses, she was tired of him pretending to adhere to her demands only to flip it to something he wanted. She was tired.
After tucking Nyx in his bed she grabbed a sketchbook and let her fingers do the talking.
She had seen him again after their brief encounter in the Spring Court. Helion had called for a High Lord meeting wanting to discuss the next steps at peace, and she had taken her ass to Dawn pretending she had any say on whatever was to be discussed. As much as she tried to believe it herself, the sheer reality of being nothing else but a puppet in her husband’s hands was so glaring she could not hide from it.
Even if she knew he loved her, she could see it in him. She could see the way he also valued what she could do for him, how she was useful, how keeping her in this illusion of power actually benefitted him. She knew he would do anything for her, unless doing it contradicted what he truly wanted. Whatever that was, she did not know. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
Her chalk began tracing lines she had burned in her memory a long time ago. Strong jaw, deep set eyes with a hint of sadness in them, high cheekbones and plump lips. Long, silky hair that cascaded down his strong trapezius muscles.
She had studied him in the meeting, his green worn tunic, his old polished boots. He had informed everyone that the Spring Court was slowly healing. Beron had snorted and mocked the state of his manor, still in ruins. Tamlin simply watched him and said “I’m not living there anymore” and that was that.
Their eyes had locked for a fraction of a moment, he looked lonely and broken still, she averted her eyes before anyone noticed.
She did not know what she felt about him after all this time, after all was said and done. The things she had said to him were true, he had hurt her and she had destroyed all he was in return. It still didn’t feel right.
Did he see it in her? Just how lost and desolated she felt? How trapped she felt in her own chosen life, trapped to serve a purpose, serve like she had always done. He had trapped her once too, why did this feel different? Why did it matter? Why?
Why? Why? Why?
The question plagued her while she yanked the page from the sketchbook, and giving it one last glance, put it in the fire slowly, for it to be consumed and destroyed. She wished she could do that with all these thoughts, set them on fire and let them burn into nothing.
She would never go back to him, she could never go back to him anyway. She had a son now, she had a mate for life. He was the one who hurt her.
You hurt him too.
Yes, they had both destroyed each other. So why did she feel that unshakable need to see him again? Why couldn’t she just be content with her life? Why did she want to talk to him again? Why did she care about what he had to say? Did she need confirmation that he was the monster she believed him to be? Or did she want to think that at some point she did have something genuine, even if she thought she lost it forever? Did that make her feel better or worse? She didn’t know. She couldn’t, wouldn’t go back-
“I’ll take care of him tonight” Feyre almost jumped at the sound of her sister Elain’s words from behind her. She turned abruptly to see her knowing eyes studying her. “Go, do what you have to do” She said and Feyre felt her heart beating unnaturally fast in her chest.
“Elain” She said. “I don’t know what I have to do” She said.
“You want answers, right?” Elain cocked her head at her, seeing too much, too damn much. “Go seek them”
Seek the other side of the story. Seek the answers to her questions. Seek the clarity she so desperately needed, for better or worse.
So there she was standing again in the middle of the Spring forest, feeling like thief in the night, a witch to be caught and burned, waiting for him to sense her somehow. He didn’t disappoint, standing before her just minutes after, face open, arms slack at his sides.
“I-“ She said. “I wish to talk”
He gave her one nod and signaled her to follow him, which she did, slowly, keeping a distance.
To her utter surprise he led them into a small Spring town she hadn’t ever visited before. The night was quiet and she could see the smoke coming out of the chimneys of the small wisteria-covered cottages. He kept walking, turning to step towards a small stone cottage lit with fae lights and covered by vines and moss.
He pushed open the wooden door and let her inside, her eyes jumping to look at everything within, the small dinner table and two chairs with a bowl of uneaten stew on top of it. The small kitchen and cozy fireplace, the feeble stairs that led to a second floor where she could spy his bed. The arrangement of knives lying on the small worktable along with piles of documents and notes in the far back. The muddy boots in the corner. Feyre was stunned by what she concluded. He lived here.
“You-“ She couldn’t articulate her words. “Why?”
He understood the question. “If I was going to fix this court, I had to do it from the inside” He said moving to sit on the chair next to the dinner table.
“But you’re a High Lord” She said.
“I am” He said, eyes stern. “Do you want some stew?” He asked and she shook her head vigorously, he shook his hand and the stew disappeared. Her shock didn’t subside, even when she remembered just how close Tamlin had been with his subjects before, she would’ve never thought she would find him in a place like this. Then again, this wasn’t too far fetched for a male who had wanted to leave it all to write poetry while traveling around the world.
He watched her, studied her, then wet his lips and furrowed his brows.
“Why are you here, Feyre?” He asked genuinely.
“I wanted to ask you something” She said. “If you would give me your word and answer honestly” She heard herself say.
“I give you my word” He said solemnly. “Please-” He gestured to the other chair in front of him.
Feyre cautiously dragged her feet and sat down, utilizing the moment to arrange the question in her mind, picking at her nails in anxiety. He noticed.
“Why did you lock me up in the manor?” She asked in a blurt.
Tamlin’s fingers, which had been thrumming a pattern on the table stopped abruptly.
His throat bobbed as he took a fortifying breath.
“I was terrified of not being able to protect you, and seeing you die… again” He said so quietly she had to stop breathing to hear him correctly. “I acted on impulse, everything I did in that time was on impulse, I knew you were going to hate me and I still did it, I can’t justify it, I’m sorry” He said, eyes lifting to find hers.
“I had never felt so alone then” She said.
“I never wanted you to feel alone. I understand now that I could not give you the partnership you needed at that time” He began drumming his fingers again.
“You were broken, as I was too” She concluded, studying as his eyes lifted towards her for a second, only to drop as he gave her a small nod.
“What did she do to you there?” She whispered, Tamlin’s eyes shot to her in a panic.
“I-“ He said, sitting straight on his small chair. “That doesn’t matter”
“It does.” She said, placing both hands on the table facing him. “You never told me”
“It wasn’t worth discussing”
“It was, if we had maybe-“
“Maybe we would still be together?” Tamlin smiled a sad smile of disbelief. “He would have never allowed it, you know that” He said. Feyre closed her eyes. The control she had thought she possessed in her life had been an illusion and she knew it. She hated that he could tell, he could always tell and she was just too stubborn to admit it.
“I still want to know” She said again. “If you’re comfortable telling me”
He sighed, running a hand through his long hair. “She said she would kill you if I didn’t-” He said suddenly, then didn’t continue, choosing to look away from her.
“You never showed-“ She remembered all the times they had been intimate after it all happened. Why didn’t it ever cross her mind? “When we were together, I-“
“Being with you was like a salve for the horrible things that had been done” He said in a closed tone. “I thought it was the same for you”
The silence stretched for long moments before she spoke.
“I’m sorry”
He laughed humorlessly. “Please Feyre, don’t apologize to me. Especially not about that” He clenched his fist. “Especially when I did nothing when he-“ His eyes fell to the tattoo on her hand. “I wish I could have done more to save you… from all of us”
“I chose this life”
“You were thrust upon it”
“You still think of me as a helpless little thing” She clenched her fists.
“No, but you are young, and you have been through too much” He said.
She pressed her lips together, looking down at her manicured nails, the intricate tattoo that branded her… like a mare. She shook her head at that thought.
“Did you know I would fall for his… for his tricks?” She croaked. She couldn’t believe she was talking about Rhys in that way, but she couldn’t stop, the words were burning in her throat.
“I thought you were happy falling for them” He mumbled and she looked up at his empty eyes. “He was there when I couldn’t, after all” He took a breath. “I can’t blame him for setting to win over his mate”
“I’m not his property” She said.
“Aren’t you?” He glanced at her tattoo. She flinched.
“He loves me” She proclaimed with a sniff.
“He does” He moved his hand in a swipe and two cups of wine appeared on the table, along with a decanter. He began pouring the wine for himself, then for her. She placed the cup on her lips and took a sip. She would never say it out loud but she had missed the Spring rich and sweet wine, so different from the Night Court’s bitter undertones.
They sat there, drinking the wine, listening to the crack and sizzling of the fire. His green eyes fixed on it, the flame reflecting on them, hiding the emptiness within. She always thought they were very similar in some ways, maybe much of it was still true.
“The woman you loved died in that mountain” She said stiffly. “I think that was the toughest part, saying goodbye to her while seeing how you still searched for her when you looked at me” She took another sip. His gaze rose to meet hers.
“Is that what you think?” He cocked his head.
“It’s the truth”
“It’s bullshit”
“The woman I was before would have never done what she did to you, to your court, to your people” She placed the cup on the table forcefully.
“Perhaps, but she would be here now, asking me of all people to forgive her” He breathed a laugh, turning his whole body towards her. “You’re not ruined, Feyre” He said and she felt her eyes sting.
“I am. I said you were a monster, but I am one too”
“No, you are not”
“I am! Do you think I cared when I came here and destroyed this court? Do you think I cared when I sent your life to hell, sent the lives of innocents to hell? I didn’t care, I relished on it” She leaned forward as she spoke with bitterness.
He simply watched her, took his cup and downed the wine.
“I always knew what you were capable of” He said, staring at the fire on his side. “I never saw you as an innocent fawn, if that’s what you’re thinking” He mumbled, she noticed her fingers were trembling.
“You still trapped me so that I didn’t fight”
“Capable is not all-mighty” He said. Her stomach clenched so she took the cup in both her hands and drank its contents in one gulp.
“You didn’t see it coming, what I did when I came back”
“I didn’t see it coming because I didn’t think you wanted to do it, not because I didn’t think you could” He said pensively. “But I was clouded in my own delusion” He smiled sadly.
They stared at each other then for a long moment, before he leaned and poured them more wine.
“What will it take for you to be happy?” He asked suddenly, taking her by surprise.
“I was happy” She said, dragging the wine down her throat.
“Not anymore?” His eyes were pinned on her.
“I don’t know”
“You should be talking about this with him, not me”
“I know” They both took a sip of their wine at the same time, the silence stretching, the seat in her back digging into her, his eyes burning a hole through her. She could see now how time had also affected him, his eyes were empty but clear, for the first time since everything had happened, she could tell.
“Do you love him?” He asked with a strain in his voice, as if he did not want to know, but he had to ask anyway.
“I do” She said, the sad truth of the matter. “It’s not so simple, though”
“It is. You love him, he loves you, he’s your mate, it is simple” His gaze was vacant again, the words seeming to burn through him as he spoke them.
“Do you love me?” She heard herself ask. Why did she ask?
His eyes snapped to her like a whiplash. He didn’t say anything for a long moment as he studied her, then smiled bitterly.
“I guess I deserve it” He placed the cup on his lips, mumbling to himself.
“Deserve what?” She breathed.
“You, toying with me when you’re bored of him” He cocked his head at her. “I should have guessed that’s what my life would be like. Letting you toy with me and fucking relishing on it, relishing on the sight of you in that chair, tormenting me” He let his eyes travel down her body down, down, then up towards her face again.
“I’m not trying to torment you” She rasped.
“Hm” He took another sip. “Don’t worry about me. Your torment is the best thing that has happened to me in years” His eyes found hers and locked, vibrant green that exuded the power she had known, the power she had held in her hands once.
Her breath caught and she stared down at her wine.
“I should go” She said, she didn’t know what would happen if she didn’t leave now. She was not in the right mindset to be having this conversation, for him to be saying these things to her, to having him look at her the way he was. Her head was already pounding.
“I do” He said quietly, answering her last question just as she stood up to leave. “I always will. You know that” He said, his eyes were still fixed on her, that lupine gaze that hunted her features as a predator would its prey.
She nodded. “I should go” She repeated.
He nodded weakly. Her heart started beating faster and faster. She wasn’t sure why. “If you’re lonely” He stood up and towered above her. “I will never turn you down” His eyes fell to her mouth and she sucked a breath.
“He will kill you”
“Tamlin-“ She warned and he only closed his eyes momentarily, a small rumble in the back of his throat at the sound of his name on her lips.
“Go” He said, eyes still closed, fists still tightly clenched at his sides.
With a heaving chest she gathered herself, and with one last glance at the male before her, disappeared from his small, cozy home into the grand empty hall of her own.
She would never go back she said to herself. She would never go back.
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Unexpected 51
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Trapped in another holding pattern. That's all that life seems to be. Phases. Dull and prolonged. Waiting but for what?
Your days aren't much different than before Lloyd's return. He may as well have stayed gone. For you, he's not there. He's nothing. He doesn't deserve to be anything to you.
Your routine once more stagnates; sleep and feedings and some crying. Between it all, you see Harlan or Dottie, sometimes both. Your mother-in-law has grown quiet, even evasive, since her son came back. You know why but you won't argue with her or her precious Marion.
You get your walks in, looking forward to the escape from the suffocating walls. Andy passes you often, waving or saying hi. He doesn't try to talk again, not with your father around. They barely acknowledge each other. You ignore his texts. You're still trying to figure it all out.
When you're at home, Harlan holds Luna as you catch up on your reality TV. You whisper back and forth about your most hated personalities. It can never be what it once was, or what you wished it could be, but it's manageable.
That day, Harlan and Dottie go into town to do some shopping. You haven't seen Lloyd but you don't mourn his absence. Not like before.
You have Luna downstairs in her rolling bassinet. She's fully fed and sleepy. You might do some cooking. You're finally feeling up to it.
You shiver and watch your daughter dozing peacefully. Why is it so cold in here? You hug yourself and notice the draft freezing in from the kitchen. You find one of the french doors slightly open and push it shut. You can guess who did it. You should lock him out but you'd rather not provoke a confrontation.
You go back to the front room. Something feels off. You don't know. Maybe it's just the empty house. You check the thermostat then the bassinet. Luna is tucked against the side. She must feel it too.
You make sure the wheels are locked before you flit out to grab a quilt from the nursery. You pant as you get to the top of the stairs. Whew, you still got work to do before you're anywhere close to back to normal.
You snatch the sewn pink blanket and come back down, catching your breath as you sweep through the doorway.
“Lulu,” you say quietly, “gonna swaddle you up–”
You notice the angle of the bassinet. It's not how you left it, almost parallel to the sofa instead. You rush over and nearly scream as the bottom stares back at you empty.
You drop the quilt and spin, searching for any sign of the culprit. You storm back into the foyer and stomp a foot.
“Lloyd!” You bellow, not caring if you wake the babe, “where the fuck are you? Give me my baby!”
Nothing. Just the echo of your anger. You snarl and holler again. Louder.
You stride forward and go down the hall. Not in the kitchen. Nope, not in the dining room either. You go through the first floor, yelling, then ascend the stairs again. There's no way he could've snuck her up there.
“You motherfucker. Lloyd!” You stop at the top, “it's not fucking funny.”
“Jesus Christ!” You hear a door swing open, then another as he comes out of his bedroom, “what is it now? Wanna call me more names? Push me around?”
He has a towel clutched around his waist as his feet slap on the floor. He glistens, his hair slick and dripping the noise of the shower still buzzing. You gulp and your heart drops.
“Lloyd, give her back.”
“Don't. Give me Luna.”
“Luna–” he grimaces, “what the fuck? You serious? You won't let me see her and now– wait, where is she?”
You stand silent in horror. He's a loar to the bone but dammit, he's convincing.
“You took her. I know… I went to get her a blanket and you…”
“I've been in the shower for twenty minutes, sweetheart,” he sneers, “I… she's… gone?”
You croak. It's all you can do. You spin and hurtle back downstairs. You near the bassinet again and squeal. Gripping the sides as panic floods your chest.
“She's gone! Lloyd! My baby! Where is she?!”
You hear him come downstairs and his footsteps rush across the floor, searching everywhere you did. He appears from the kitchen, barely hanging onto his towel. You look at him as he stares at you palely.
“The back door was unlocked.”
“I know, I thought you were out there–”
“Peaches,” he utters as his eyes dilate, “call the police.”
You're still sobbing as the red and blue flash on the other side of the window. You told the story a dozen times over. It's 2am and you haven't seen Luna in thirteen hours. You feel her absence heavy in your chest.
Your baby. You failed her. She's gone and it's all your fault.
Why didn't you just take her upstairs? Why did you want to cook? Why weren't you watching her? Why didn't you lock the goddamn door?
“Honey,” Harlan clinks down a mug and his weight dips beside you on the couch, “they'll find her. She can't have gone far.”
“No, no, no,” you bawl, head throbbing, “someone took her. Someone– it's all my fault–”
“Shhh, shhh, it's alright. It'll be alright. She got everyone lookin’, they'll find her.”
“I fucked up!” You fold over your lap, “I was selfish--c-c-carlessssss.”
He hushes you again and rubs your back. You can hear the police milling around outside, a few inside still investigating every nook and cranny.
“Ma'am,” an officer approaches, “we're doing what we can but these things can take a while. You know, we got a few volunteers from the neighborhood too and some statements–”
“I don't care! I want my daughter back,” you snap.
“Sorry, officer, she's just…scared,” Harlan slings his arm over your shoulders.
“Understood,” the officer says, “we're doing all we can.”
You sniffle and bury your face in your palms. This can't be real. It is and it's all on you. You wished so many times that Luna would just go away, you didn't want her, you remember that, and now that wish came true. You are a monster.
“Breathe,” Harlan coos as your breath turns shallow and suffocating, “honey, please, you needa–”
“Let me look!” You sit up, so dizzy you nearly keel over, “I wanna look for her.”
“Dear, you already did. You needa rest.”
“No, no!” You shove him away and stand, slippers slapping as you stomp around the couch, “she's my baby, I can find her! I know I will.”
“You won't help. Lloyd's already out there–” Harlan calls after you as he follows.
You hurry through the entryway and burst out the front door. You hear your father swearing as he scrambles for his shoes. The snow crunches under your thin soles as you jog past the cruisers and the uniformed figures.
You turn down the street without a thought. The streetlights flash over you, yellow, then darkness, yellow, dark…. You don't know where you're going. Maybe you want to disappear too.
You hear Harlan calling your name but he's getting further away, not closer. You slow down and cough, lungs burning. You lean on a fence post and bend to collect yourself.
“What are you doing out here?” A drawl brings you straight up.
You squint. You think it's Lloyd at first, you haven't seen him since the police got there. Andy steps into the soft hue of the lightpole.
“I… what are you doing?” You throw the question back at Andy.
“I'm a volunteer firefighter. Heard there was a missing baby so I've been helping. I'm sorry to hear about Luna. I don't know who would do this.”
You shake your head and snivel, “I don't know.”
“I know what it's like to lose a child but… I think… she's out there. It'll be okay. You'll see her again, I know it.”
“I hope,” your voice cracks and wipes your eyes as your grief spills anew, “I should go back.”
He says nothing. You back away and turn, dragging your feet down the pavement. You see the sirens lit up and the distant beans of flashlights. Suddenly, you're caught around the neck, a hand smothering your mouth.
“Do you wanna see her?” Andy whispers as you kick out, “Luna needs her mommy…” he wrestles you out of the cone of light and behind the fence, “so do I.”
You thrash, clawing at his sleeve. Your slippers fly off in your struggle as he squeezes tighter. No, it can't be him.
You were wrong. Again.
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roronoagem · 9 months
Maybe this would be better? What about Law finding out his SO was forced to eat a devil fruit. She hadn't told anyone and it was only made obvious after she fell overboard and couldn't swim. Maybe she had talked about her previous love for swimming, but no one caught on that it was something she couldn't do anymore.
characters: trafalgar d. water law
content warnings: gn!reader, law feels a bit betrayed lol, reader almost drowned, & very slight argument.
a/n: shitting my pants rn bc i met law in the anime a couple of times & my knowledge is based on vids & his wiki 😭 i’m scared to write him so out of character, please don’t come at me if it’s nothing like law i beg you . . . i’m gonna jump bye !
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let’s start with you speaking about how much you loved swimming, how much you loved going to the beach.
everyone on the polar tang knew about it, but they were totally oblivious that you couldn’t do it anymore due to your devil fruit.
not even your captain knew about this.
and he didn’t know you had the powers of a devil fruit, in the first place.
and when you fell right into the water and your head didn’t pop out of the water, bepo started to panic.
“CAPTAIN!” bepo was running from side to side searching for law. “[y/n]..!”
that’s when law appeared and noticed your absence, trying to get the polar bear to explain the situation.
when shachi finally pulled you out of the water, after he jumped in to search for you, you were almost passed out. law felt a hint of panic at the sight because well… it didn’t make much sense from what the bear said.
did you hit your head? did something underwater attacked you? could it be that you got so scared you passed out?
impossible. he knew you too well, you wouldn’t get scared just because you fell into the water, it was calm enough to be able to swim too.
when you finally opened your eyes and started coughing water, law felt relief fill his chest. he checked your pulse and body temperature, make sure you were breathing properly. he wrapped you in a blanket as you were completely soaked.
you felt a bit dizzy, unable to focus on whatever was surrounding you. “[y/n]! i’m so glad you’re okay! i’m sorry!” bepo started to apologise because he stood there panicking instead of taking action, but you weren’t mad at him.
“it’s okay… don’t worry,” you were able to say before meeting law’s hard gaze. you shivered, because he seemed unhappy somehow. “we need to talk,” that’s all he said.
you ended up in his office, he finished checking you up just to be sure you were truly okay. he didn’t say much while doing so, which caused the tension between you two to grow.
“say something,” you gave in before law. it was tiring, to say the least. he was avoiding your eyes too. what the hell?
“you almost drowned,” he said then, tone obvious. but he still was avoiding you. “but i’m here now,” you answered back.
law took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to not snap at you. “you were drowning,” he repeated, finally meeting your gaze. “but i’m alive!”
“what happened?” his tone was cold, he was treating you like any other patient. “i fell in the water, shachi pulled me out. that’s all,” you tried to sound as confident as possible, protecting your secret. “you know what doesn’t sound right to me?” law tilted his head to the side, “you talking every second about how much you love swimming, you love the sea, the ocean, and then this happens!”
of course he finally snapped. law is not a dumb man, he knows everything about everyone in his crew — he has to. it was clear you were avoiding telling him something important, and this was making him feel both angry but also hurt… did you not trust him enough?
“i-i forgot how to do that, i guess??” you responded, trying to make him let go of the subject. “you like it so much but you forget how to do that? how is it that i’ve never seen you get too close to the water since you joined this crew, huh?”
so he had noticed. he knew that it didn’t make sense but he never found the right moment to bring this up. but now…
“you’re the one avoiding it in the first place,” you retorted, as if putting him under the spotlight for a second would help you win the argument. “yes, because i ate a devil fruit and–”
when law paused, you noticed realisation spreading all over his expression. he found the missing piece of the puzzle. you ate a devil fruit too.
“why?” as he said that you couldn’t bare to look at him anymore, his tone showed that he felt betrayed by you for not telling him such important information. “[y/n]-ya… look at me,” law took a step closer.
“i was forced to eat it! i didn’t want to do that! i-i genuinely loved the ocean, swimming, these weren’t lies! but…”
when you started sobbing, law moved closer and gently cupped your cheeks. you met his gaze and noticed that he wasn’t angry anymore, he was trying to comfort you the best he could. “i know this is something you’re not proud of, but this information is vital. i needed to know that you ate a devil fruit because it could put your life in danger, just like today. i’d never judge you for it,” he tried to reassure you.
you felt relieved, you wiped your cheeks and then leaned closer to hug him. he caressed your back gently and let you stay like that for as much as you needed.
“i’m sorry,” you then murmured, sighing. “you’re alive and that’s all that matters to me,” law’s tone was firm, he held you a bit tighter for a second. you smiled at his words, words full of his love for you.
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cinnbar-bun · 2 months
the jotaro munchies have HIT…. can i please request a pt.4 jotaro and some good domestic family fluff w smolyne…. i am so…. soft for her……
A/n: Okay so I'm going to cheat and combine like... the 4-5 requests I got of 4taro and Smolyne into one!!!
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Domestic Family Fun Time (ft. Smolyne)
Summary: After recognizing he needs to be at home more, Jotaro is tasked with joining in on some of the activities you and Jolyne often partake in together!
Today's activities... slaying an evil monster and doing makeup.
Rating: SFW- pure fluff and comedy!
Word Count: ~1.4k
Notes: Reader is GN! but they do know/use makeup. Never specified if Jolyne is your biological/step daughter, and no mentions of Jolyne's mom- so feel free to imagine whatever you want! I imagine Jolyne as about ~5-6 here.
Taglist (if you'd like to be added, please fill out the form in the pinned or message me!): @gingernut1314 @adeadcreator @child-ofdust @starr-l1ghtt
Jotaro does his best to rectify some of his absence in the house since Jolyne was a newborn. He’s more present now and tries to support you and his daughter. 
Still, he’s the same stoic man, so don’t expect him to be so different now that he’s at home. He’ll be taking these duties very seriously, keeping an eye on the house, never taking a break, always work and- 
Oh who is he kidding? Even if he tries to look tough, Star Platinum is pretty much always exposing him. Star Platinum can’t help but reveal how happy and excited Jotaro gets at home with you two. 
Jotaro isn’t too used to dealing with Jolyne as she gets older, in the sense that she is becoming more active and starting to formulate her own thoughts. Still, he tries his best to work with his hyperactive daughter. 
Jolyne loves playing games and being physical. One of her favorite things to do with you is pretend to have to save you from a big monster while she is a super cool ‘fairy mermaid knight’. Normally, you two would play this by yourselves, but since Jotaro has been focused on being at home, he gets to witness these games. 
At first he stood off to the side and watched as Jolyne jumped off the couch and hit a large pillow covered with a blanket that served as one of the ‘minions’. He noticed how active you were in playing along and expressing with Jolyne, which he took note of for future reference. 
The next few times you played pretend, Jolyne beggggedddd Jotaro to please please please pretty please with a cherry on top play mermaid fairy knight with her. 
He wasn’t sure what his role was supposed to be, so he awkwardly asked, making her brainstorm. 
“Um… hm… well…” 
That is, until you had the brilliant idea to play the ‘evil villain’ and ‘kidnap’ Jotaro (put him inside the foldable pink castle playset). Jolyne was so excited to play along, and you began monologuing like a cheesy villain. 
“Now, young princess, I’ve kidnapped your father and placed him in this indestructible fortress where he can never leave! Mwahaha! Look at how terrified he is!” 
Jotaro just stands there, unsure of what to do, before you nudge his arm and gesture with your face for him to act along. He nods and then in the most bland tone ever- 
“Ah… I am… so scared. Please Jolyne. Save me.” 
You and Jolyne had to look away and stifle your laughter from that awful performance, but quickly got back into character. 
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to help Jolyne jump higher or make her feel like she is gliding for a bit. 
You hammed up the evil act while Jotaro would make the most monotone ‘screams’ as you ‘tortured’ him (tickling him or kissing him all over his face). Jolyne would yell back or gag playfully and then smack you with her fake weapon. 
Of course, you had to give a riveting performance and fake die dramatically before laying on the ground with a silly face, making Jolyne squeal happily and run up to Jotaro. 
“Thank you, Jolyne, for saving me. I’m in your debt.” 
Jolyne gets smug and talks about how of course she was going to save him, she’s his dad, and she’s gonna be a cool hero just like him!
Cue you nearly breaking character to sob and Jotaro mumbling a ‘good grief’ while tilting his hat down to hide the fact he also wants to break down at how cute Jolyne is. 
He makes sure to make her favorite dinner after- pizza rolls.
Another thing she manages to whisk you into doing is makeup. Jolyne loves to try it on and even put it on you. Sure, you end up looking like a brightly colored clown at the end, but it’s quite fun. 
Jolyne loves how colorful and sparkly she looks by the end of it when you finish her makeup. 
One day, though, while Jotaro is watching a documentary on dolphins, Jolyne comes up to him with her makeup kit and asks (read: says) to do his makeup. Jotaro is unsure at the suggestion- he’s never even worn makeup before- and seeing you walk behind her with lime green and purple eyeshadow and red lipstick makes him nearly second guess if he should do it. 
But one look at Jolyne’s face (which is done up in very pretty blue makeup thanks to you) and he sighs and accepts his fate, promptly closing his eyes and pausing the documentary. 
You join in with Jolyne and help her apply the makeup, properly showing where everything should go. 
“Ah, see, we have to apply the foundation here like this-” “Damn, dad, you’re pale!” “Jolyne-!” 
Jotaro knows this is going to be a mess but he’s finding it admittedly hilarious how serious you and Jolyne are taking this. Star Platinum is smiling widely at the both of you and eagerly pointing at different products as you two apply them.
“Hm, which color should we choose, Jolyne?” “Ah… I think dad should get green! No, wait, black!” “Black, huh? A bold choice, dear.” 
Everything goes pretty smoothly until he comes upon perhaps the worst torture known to man. 
Doing his eyelashes and eyeliner. Before you can even apply the eyelash curler to him, he opens his eyes and gasps. Hell no. That is NOT going anywhere near him. 
“Jotaro! It’s safe, I promise!” “The fact you need to clarify that it’s ‘safe’ tells me it isn’t.” “Stop being a baby and just close your eyes.” 
He relents after a bit of arguing, only to feel his heart stop when you bring the eyeliner out. 
“You are not putting a pencil in my eyes.” “It’s not in your eyes, it’s around-” “No.” 
Jotaro swears this is supposed to actually be a torture device. There’s no way that people around the world willingly put this stuff on. He cannot keep looking up without blinking a million times as you try to put the eyeliner on. 
“Stay still!” “Don’t put a pencil in my eyes then!” 
Jotaro honestly would rather fight Dio again than bother putting on eyeliner again. 
Finally, you finish and he releases the breath he held in… until you bring out mascara. 
Kill him. Please. This man is so damn twitchy with it and ends up getting the mascara around his eyelids. 
“You messed it up, dad!” “Sorry, Jolyne. Good grief, the things you two make me do.” 
After all that pain, Jolyne volunteers to do his lips. She grabs one of her lip balms and once Jotaro tastes it, he grimaces and gags. 
“What is that?!” “Coca-Cola! The Fanta one tastes the best, but you can’t have it because it’s my favorite.” 
Finally, it’s time for him to see the results of you and Jolyne’s silly game. 
“Wow… green lipstick… I didn’t even know they made that…” “Right? So what do you think, dad?” 
“I think I look like a zombie…” 
You laugh and press a kiss to Jotaro’s cheek. “A very handsome zombie.” 
He sighs and shakes his head before grabbing the two of you to pull you into a hug. 
“Thank you. Now how do I take this off of me?” 
Jolyne screams that he can’t because he looks so cute and she needs to commemorate it. She runs to her room and gets the old digital camera he got her then demanding the two of you pose in your ‘beautiful’ makeup. 
“Come on! Say cheese!” 
The three of you have a small photoshoot with it, which you ended up having printed at the store later. The photo with you smiling and hugging Jotaro while he has a tiny smile is proudly displayed in the house. In her teens, years later, Jolyne gets embarrassed by it and often hides it when her friends are over, asking you throw it out or something. She still secretly loves the memories of it so she wouldn’t actually want you to do that. 
Jotaro still has some ways to go when it comes to playing and taking care of Jolyne, but he’s slowly getting there. He’s happy he chose to make more of an effort and that you gave him another chance to prove himself. He can’t imagine another life than the one he has now. 
And… he can’t imagine feeling safer and more content than he is now, especially seeing you and Jolyne laughing over the photos you all just took.
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josiesullysblog · 9 months
Please don’t Say You Love Me
~Aged up Neteyam x female reader
~angst, slow burn, eventually smut, toxic relationship???
~proofread?- yes
~Summary-As children, Neteyam and [Y/n] were the closest friends until they weren't
~Miss me😝?
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Your mother and father weren't around. It was always you and your older sister, but it didn't bother you because your sister was everything you needed. Your parents were drunks who would leave for months at a time, which nobody ever noticed.
Your sister was busy most of the time trying to cover for your parents leaving you alone, but that's when you met Neteyam. “Hi!” you turned around to see a toothless smile from the boy. You stood up and looked at him, “Hi,” he giggled before trying to grab your tail, “i’m Neteyam, wannabe friends?”
You stopped the boy who was chasing your tail, “Sure, but i’m in charge!” he nodded, and from then you two have been nothing but best friends. You spent your days with him, doing whatever till your sister came and got you. “[Y/n], mom’s home!” your sister smiled ear to ear. “Coming!” you hugged Neteyam, “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You walked hand in hand with your sister till you saw them, “Daddy!” you ran into his arms, “Wow look how big you’ve gotten!” you hugged your mother next, “I can do a lot now that I’m taller!” you beamed at them, “are you guys going to stay this time?” your sister wasted no time in asking.
“Yeah about that, we just wanted to grab a few things before we headed out,” your sister’s smile fell, “what,” you noticed the tension, “it's okay, you’ve been taking great care of [Y/n] and it's like nobody even noticed we were gone!”
Your mother patted your head while getting closer to your sister, “i’m twelve, Mom I can't take care of a five-year-old,” your father sighed, “Yes you can,” you felt tears in your eyes, “I can barely do the jobs your suppose to do what makes you think I'm capable of handling a child?”
“You're leaving again?” your father picked you up, “it won't be for long we just wanna travel, see the world,” he looked at your sister, “you get that right?” she started crying, “We didn't ask to be born, the world is always gonna be there, we should be the priority!”
“Don’t you talk to your father that way,” your father put you down, “maybe when you're older you’ll understand,” he grabbed his bag and your mother followed him, “No, when i’m older I'll be a decent person and not have children I don't want.” as if they didn't hear they still left.
“Why don't they want us?” you walked to your sister, “I don't know, but you it doesn't matter.” she hugged you, “We have each other and that's all we need.” you smiled into the hug, “I love you, sissy,” a tear fell from her eyes, “I love you.”
Your sister was your everything, if you didn't know what to do you went to her. Neteyam always asked questions like “Where's your mommy?” To which you always said, “She's right there!” it always confused him because how could someone so short be a mother? “That's not your mommy,” you frowned, “does your mommy cook for you?” he nodded, “does she play with you?” he nodded again, “So does mine which makes her a mommy.” you smiled big before getting up, “My mommy is just a little younger but she's mine so I don't mind.”
Most people noticed the absence of your parents and tried to help, your sister always knew if help was needed she could get it, especially from Neteyam’s family.
The older you got, the more closer you guys became and it was like nothing could ever separate you from him. You were now 12, you hadn't seen your parents in years but it wasn't like you were missing them. Neteyam started becoming busier and you didn't mind it in the beginning, but he started changing. Any time you wanted to hang out it was like he didn't want to be seen with you. “Teyem,” you waved at the boy.
He rolled his eyes, “hey, [Y/n],” he said as he kept walking, “I wanted to know if you wanted to come over later and we could have a sleepover!” you smiled but it seemed like Neteyam didn't care, “I don't think I can,” you nodded, “maybe tomorrow?” he sighed, “[Y/n], don’t you think people might think something?” you shrugged, “think what?”
“That were together? We aren't kids anymore, it’s weird for us to hang out alone,” you frowned, “oh, I see,” you looked at him, “So, we can’t hang out anymore?” he groaned, “i’m trying to be nice [Y/n],” you stopped walking, “I get it.”
You turned and ran straight home, you had never cried as hard as you did that night. You weren't going to beg for someone’s attention if he didn't want to be your friend, fine by you.
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You grew up, it took you a while to get over the loss of your friendship but you did. At least you forced yourself to. You became a beauty, something everyone wanted but you were more interested in healing. You spent most of your time learning and if you weren't you were getting lost in the forest. Always finding things to make bracelets for your sister. You were 22, your sister was 29, and mated. You liked him he was nice, but you knew your sister wanted you to find your own mate. You couldn't care less as you walked deep into the trees, you hadn't noticed the eyes that followed you.
Neteyam watched as you walked, he wanted to talk to you but fear stopped him. He knew you didn't want to talk, and he knew it was his fault. He had let other boys' words into his head. Making him believe you two couldn't be friends. You were his first crush and at the time he didn't want people knowing but now it was like a curse that plagued him.
You hummed as you walked, and Neteyam kept staring. He regretted everything he said to you the minute you turned away. He wanted to say sorry but he felt like it was too late. Ever since that day, you have been waiting for an explanation, you thought at least he owed you that, but it seemed like he couldn't even muster that.
“His loss,” is what you said but you still waited for him. As you kept looking at the flowers, you heard a tree branch break, “who's there?” you turned looking for something. Neteyam wanted to run but he decided last minute to try and mend things, “hey,” he said showing you a small smile.
You let your guard down before scoffing and turning, he hasn't said anything to you in years, and now he follows you into the woods? This man is trying the wrong one, “[Y/n], please I wanna explain!”
You kept walking, “Explain that you are nothing but a piece of shit who deserves nothing?” you faked a smile, and gasped, “Wait we already know that, so what is there to talk about?” he sighed, “I understand your anger, I really do but please let me apologize.”
“Please, what daddy figured out what you did and is forcing you to do this?” you stopped walking finally facing him. “Listen I don't want your sorry, I am not trying to fix things, I don't care for you, and I refuse to hear you out,” Neteyam’s ears fell back, “leave me alone, teyem.”
You turn to keep walking, but Neteyams grabs you, “You're the only person who still calls me that.” you look at him, “It was a mistake,” you go to take your arm back and step back but trip and fall into one of the flowers that surround you.
It releases a juice before you sit up and start coughing. Neteyam soon hit with the pheromones and started coughing himself, “I know you don’t want to hear me out, but for what it’s worth I am sorry.” you stood up before walking away, “whatever.”
This time he didn't follow you, but a fuzziness filled his chest. A calmness overtook him as he walked back, what the hell was that flower?
You rubbed your chest as you walked home, nobody was on your mind the way Neteyam was. You groaned annoyed why were you thinking of him, “[Y/n], good news Jake invited us over for a special dinner,” you groaned, “what?”
“Yeah, he said he had good news, maybe you and Neteyam could maybe rekindle,” you rubbed your eyes, getting hot thinking about Neteyam. “good,” is all your able to muster out, “really? Good I assumed you wouldn't want to go but I'm glad to hear you are!” you nodded as she spoke. You never told her how you and Neteyam fell out, you were to embarrassed, and didn't like thinking about it.
“Go get ready!” is all she says after pushing you towards your space, “wear something flattering,” you sighed as you rubbed your legs together, she knew something you didn't. You couldn't care less to think much about it though so you got ready and sat on the floor thinking about your day.
It dawns on you when you fell, you must've fallen on an aphrodisiac flower making you sigh. Tonight was going to be very interesting.
Meanwhile, Neteyam sat in utter silence his mind just waiting for you to appear. He couldn't wait to see you, he looked creepy staring at the opening and waiting for you to show. “Looking a little creepy there,” Lo’ak cracked a joke before sitting down himself, “huh,” was all he could say. His eyes were low and he spoke very calmly, “Bro you high?” Beteyam shook his head, “Dad kill me if he thought I did that shit,” Lo’ak laughed, “Well you sure as hell look like your high.”
“I’m not,” was all he could say as you and your sister finally walked in, “hello welcome!” Neytiri said as you both sat down. His eyes burned into your skull while everyone else spoke. You felt the slick between your thighs knowing he was watching you.
You scolded yourself as you adjusted yourself, “he isn't your friend, [Y/n],” you said to yourself as you felt Jake’s eyes, “I hear you are the best healer after Mo’at,” You nodded slowly, “I try,” is all you could say.
“Well if everything goes smoothly, Neteyam will have an amazing tsahik,” you blink hard then mutter some words, “Huh,” your sister hit your leg telling you to shut up, “you know we were hoping you and Neteyam could hopefully make the bond.” “Oh.”
Neteyam didn't tell his family you guys had fallen out, you nodded as everyone kept talking and the more you said down the more you started becoming uncomfortable and the more you wanted to fuck and hit Neteyam. The feeling started becoming too much, “I'm sorry can I use the bathroom,” was all you said before getting up.
Tears fell from your eyes as you walked, fuck Neteyam and the way he made you feel. The way you couldn't stop thinking about him, or the way you saw him come your way. “Neteyam, please,” was all you could say before you kissed him.
Your body connected to him perfectly, “why are you doing this to me,” was all you could say as you hugged him, “I hate you.”
“I know,” was all he said as he kissed you, “I don't deserve you,” you frowned before finally pushing off him, “You ruined my life and you didn't even tell your family.”
“I don't need you Neteyam, I have my sister that's all I need,” you felt tears fall from your eyes.
“but I still want you.”
Omgg hey guys!!! I know I've been inactive but I just kinda fell out of it but recently decided I wanted to write!! Let's hope I can keep up with it this time😍 thanks for reading!!!
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bel1ewrites · 1 year
The Alcohol Helped (Tara Carpenter x Reader)
a/n: sorry about the drought.
Description: It's too hard to stay away.
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: sorority setting, mentions of drugs and alcohol (underage drinking), drunk Sam and Tara, idiot reader with top energy, I changed the ages of Sam (22) and Tara (19) to fit the narrative better
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COLLEGE parties are never as fun as you think they’ll be. Maybe it’s the lack of alcohol in your system, possibly the absence of mind bending drugs that makes them seem kind of, well, lame. Being the designated driver always reminds you of the pure stupidity that flows through sweaty, half clothed twenty-somethings with a knack for getting themselves into trouble. 
“Oh president!” slurs your new assistant. Sam had secured her position after being one of the least insufferable people you’d ever known. Her first night in the house was spent drinking and watching all of the Pitch Perfect movies with you well into the early morning, and her second night was spent signing all of the new members up for random websites after acquiring their emails. 
“Hello, Samantha.” 
She giggles at the formality, drunkenly mocking the way you said her name and gripping your shoulders, looking into your eyes with serious intensity. “My sister loooves you.”
Tara. A new addition to the sorority. She didn’t even really have to rush due to her sister being your second in command. She was all doe-eyes and sickeningly sweet smiles, raven black hair and the kind of face that had recently begun to creep into your dreams. Truly the picture perfect active. 
“Does she?” you’re smirking a little, arms crossed and back pressed against the cool, probably germ infested wall. Vibrations run through you with each pump of the bass in some mind-numbing song. 
“Mhm,” she hums, a dopey look on her flushed face. She lifts her hand from your shoulder and boops you on the nose. “We were dancing with Chad, and Chad was all,” her voice deepens in an attempt to recreate his, “‘You’re soo beautiful Tara blah, blah, blah, we should blah, blah, blah’ but then Tara was all,” this time her pitch rises, “‘No, Chad. I’m totally… no you’re like my brother blah, blah, I’d never do that with you blah, blah, blah I wish Y/N would blah, blah, until I blah, blah, blah.”
“First of all, stop saying ‘blah, blah, blah’ before I punch you, and second of all, what did Tara-”
Speak of the devil, she’s stumbling towards you, drink sloshing around and spilling over the sides of her cup. Her cheeks are red, her eyes wide and sparkling. 
“Sam, come do another shot with me,” she’s begging, tugging on her sister’s arm. It’s a weak tug, fueled by her foggy mind. She hasn’t noticed you standing there, too preoccupied with her mission to get more alcohol in her system. 
“I don’t think you need another shot,” you cut in. Typically, you didn’t really care what the members of your sorority did in their spare time, so long as it didn’t interfere with their performance. Tara was nineteen. She was old enough to do as she pleased for the most part, and even if she technically wasn’t old enough to drink, she was still an adult who could make her own decisions. That being said, you couldn’t help but feel protective over her, brushing it off with some half-assed excuse about how she’s Sam’s sister. 
Round, brown eyes blink up at you as she processes your presence. 
“I mean,” she stutters, “let’s go uh… form meaningful connections?” 
“Nice one,” you’re running a hand through your hair, slightly damp with the perspiration that comes with a night full of standing and watching. 
“Well,” Sam starts with a little laugh, “I’m gonna go somewhere else.” Her figure retreats, blocked soon by the current of shifting bodies. 
Tara sways lightly on her feet. Midnight black strands of hair fall from her ponytail, framing her face with a flaw free air of carelessness. She’s wearing a cropped tank top and baggy jeans that make her look shorter than normal and sit perfectly on her hips, smudged eyeliner resulting in a strenuous difficulty for you to keep your hands in your pockets. 
“You know what we should do?” she’s grinning, eyes droopy. “We should dance.” Her hands reach for yours as you attempt to maneuver out of her range, aware of what a bad idea this is. 
You tell yourself you tried, but ultimately you fail to keep her off of you when she grabs your forearms and places them on her shoulders, backing up and effectively pulling you away from the comfort of your wall. With your arms resting casually over her shoulders, hands limp and unmoving, she sighs happily and clings to your torso. 
“You’re the perfect hug shape,” she mumbles, words muffled with her face against your ribbed tank. She’s breathing you in and humming.
“What does that mean?” Your voice is low and what the two of you are doing couldn’t possibly be defined as dancing. She’s hugging you tight, hands around your waist, and you’re holding her to you, one arm curved around the back of her neck and the other still hanging off her shoulder. There’s a comforting sway, the both of you rocking side to side soothingly. 
“I mean,” her hands are moving on your back, “You have such a sturdy body,” fingers slip beneath the hem of your shirt, “muscular and soft. Tall-” (“Everyone’s tall to you,” you interject.) “-and you smell so good all the time. It’s like some sort of sorcery. You’re like a hot, good smelling witch or something.” She’s fumbling over her words but you’re barely listening, focused intensely on the way her nails run over your bare back from under your shirt. 
Tara Carpenter has her hands under your shirt and it’s so hot where you stand but you’re shivering and pulling her closer. Tara Carpenter is scratching your back and you're stone cold sober but you can’t think through the fog in your mind.  
“I love this shirt on you,” she groans. She’s groaning and her hands are on your naked back and you’re holding her to you and all you can think about is her.  
“Yeah?” your voice shakes a little.
“Mm,” she nods against you. “It’s sexy.” 
It’s your turn to groan. It’s too much and you’re dangerously close to cracking under the sexual tension. 
“I’m gonna go get Sam.” you gently nudge her off of you. “I think you’re both in need of a glass of water and a bed. “
She’s frowning when you walk off. 
By the time you manage to drag Sam away from her game of beer pong and into the car, Tara still hasn’t spoken more than two words to you. She sits silently in the backseat and picks at her hands with intent whilst her sister insists on taking aux to listen to the Tangled soundtrack the whole way home. Every once in a while you glance in the rear view mirror and catch her eyes before she looks somewhere else again. 
As soon as the three of you clamber out of the vehicle and through the door, Sam heads for the leather couch in the common area and falls face first into it. You hang up your keys and watch Tara stumble slightly as she makes her way to her room. 
It’s silent, the sound of the heater kicking on fills the space around you along with your racing mind. Had you taken it too far with Tara? Did you make her uncomfortable? Maybe you should bring her some water and leave her an Advil for the morning. 
“Tara?” you call from outside her room, water and medicine in hand. She’s still awake, light on and soft music playing, muffled by the shut door. Beneath the light thrum of the melodies you can hear soft sniffles and little whimpers that make your heart drop in your chest. 
Tucking the pill bottle beneath your arm, you turn the knob and slowly crack open the barrier between you and her, still not peeking inside. “Tara?”
A pause. “What?” her voice is watery and you finally gain the courage to step inside. 
Her room is so impossibly her that it’s shocking. Soft white walls covered in bulletin boards, a few shirts scattered around the floor in a mess that seems intentional. It’s contrasting with the current state of her. Her eyes are puffy, cheeks still flushed from earlier, deeper now with the addition of tears. With the comforter pulled up over her neck all you can see is her face.
“Tara,” her lip quivers, face crumpling. “What’s wrong, baby?” Placing the things on her dresser, you rush to sit on her bed and rest a comforting hand on her forehead, moving the hair stuck there out of her face. She only cries harder.
“I’m sorry,” the bed shifts as she turns to lay on her side and face away from you.
“For what?” Confusion filters through you. If anything, it’s you who should apologize. 
“Making you uncomfortable with everything I said earlier,” she replies, body curled into a ball beneath her blankets. “It was really inappropriate of me.” 
Uncomfortable? The only thing that was uncomfortable was the metaphorical boner you got every time you were in her general vicinity, and that had nothing to do with anything she’d said. 
“Wait,” it clicks in your mind, “when we were dancing?”
She nods. 
“Tara, I wasn’t uncomfortable,” you rub circles on her upper back through the layers, “Hell, I was too comfortable.”
The gears in her mind turn weakly and she turns to look at you with wet eyes; asking, “What’s that mean?” with a sniffle.
“It means we were swaying and you were rubbing my back and calling me hot and I had to step away before I did anything irrational.” She’s on her back now, staring up at the ceiling fan silently. “Not because I don’t want to do… irrational things with you- it’s just that you’re Sam’s sister and I don’t want to complicate anyth-”
“-Sam’s the one who told me to go for it,” Tara informs you. Her tears are gone, their pathways dry on her face. “Said she’d had enough of our eye-fucking back before she’d even had her first shot.”
Agape. Your jaw is agape and you close it before opening it again like a fish out of water, struggling to find a response. Sam was the reason you’d tried to keep your distance; stuck to admiring from afar and aspiring to be close. Was the attraction that obvious?
“I only got the courage tonight because I’d caught you staring at me all week,” she finally smiles, “But the alcohol helped I guess.”
A noise of pure embarrassment emerges from your throat and you fall back against her mattress, crossing your forearms over your blushing face. Clearly you needed to work on your stealth abilities. 
The surface you lay on dips with movement. Tara’s warm hands wrap around your forearms as she struggles to pull them away. It’s truly laughable how little she moves them. She manages to uncover your eyes, her own sparkling with unknown emotions, a warm smile on her lips. You peer up at her with a hidden grin on your face. 
“So,” you start, “a hot, good smelling witch, huh?”
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nebbyy · 5 months
Luke Castellan x Child of Apollo!reader - Last date
A/N: guys I’ve still got a few pics that are coming out in this weekend, after those are out I’ll probably create a first masterlist!! Also, there are two series that are going to start in the near future, one for king Baldwin and another one for Countess Nadia so if you’re interested stay tuned!
P.S.: this time I don't know where the paining is from, so if you know whose artist is this from please tell me, I'd really appreciate the help☺️
Warning: angst, mentions of betrayal, SPOILERS for the PJO story (whether it’s books, series or movies). Oh and reader is described as female
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I think Luke would’ve been restless for weeks trying to figure out what to say to you when the time would’ve come for him to reveal his secret alliance with Kronos, what words would be best fit to make the idea sound more appealing, to increase the chances of you joining him against the Olympians
But as much as he pondered his words, as much as he tried to convince himself that in the end you’d choose him, there was this feeling he had that you wouldn’t follow him this time. And that made him spiral even further, made him try to push down the dooming feeling and focus instead on how to sound even more convincing, how to just get him to listen to him… or more precisely, listen to Kronos
But deep down, he knew that his choices were gonna make him lose you
Although at some point Luke finally seemed to realize that he got so lost in his own thoughts that he started neglecting you. Well, he didn’t really realize it on his own, it was Connor who made him snap back to reality with his dumb jokes
“Hey Luke you keep ignoring your girl and I’m just gonna steal her away. Bet you wouldn’t even notice huh.” Yeah he got a few slaps on the back of his neck for that
But Connor’s harmless words were not so wrong. He didn’t even realize how long it’s been since he even talked to you properly other than kissing you good morning and goodnight
He didn’t even realize how close the end of summer was getting, which, if he didn’t succeed, might’ve been the last months the two of you would spend together
After a little pause to just panic and frantically walk around the Hermes’ cabin trying to make out what to do, he got an idea
You’ve always love theaters, not only to watch the plays, but also to bask in the atmosphere of it all
And he remembered that when he stumbled upon an abandoned theater in a town not too far from Camp
He knew right then and there that he was gonna take you there that night, so that you could forgive him for his absence and he could forget about the rest on the world and focus on you. Nothing else but you
It didn’t take long for him to steal find a necklace that he knew you would’ve loved to wear, a little trinket that would make him be always near to your heart, even when he wouldn’t have been by your side anymore
He left it in a nice little box on your pillow, along with a little note…
I’m sorry I disappeared, I’ll make it up to you I swear. Meet me at the forest tonight I’m taking you to a place
Your mild disappointment in Luke’s absence quickly morphed into curiosity as you held the note in you hand, holding the necklace close to your heart as you tried to fight back the smile at the thought of his mysterious surprise 
Once you reached your rendezvous, he was already there, impatiently waiting for you, holding his hand out to you with an apologetic smile
The walk to the theater, which you still didn’t know was your last stop, was about two hours long, and you mostly spend that time walking silently hand in hand, exchanging very few words
Silence wasn’t anything new between you two, it was actually quite common for you to spend some silent, quality time in each other’s company, with no sound but the world around you
But this time felt different, you could feel that his silence had ulterior motives other than the comfort of quietness
You asked him about it, and he brushed it off saying that his counselor duties have worn him out lately. It was the biggest lie he could’ve told you, but you didn’t question the truth of his words
Because you’d trusted him completely since day one
It broke his heart even further to see how blindly you believed his excuses, so oblivious of the true reason behind his weird behavior. It made him wonder, how broken will you be when you’ll find out the truth
For a moment though, even if brief, all his sorrows disappeared when you finally reached the grandiose abandoned theater, whose splendor still made it stand out despite years of neglect, and your eyes lit up like two new stars to be added to the night sky
You basically rushed him in at that point, earning a laugh from him as he followed you inside
Once you were right before the stage, he swiftly got on top of it before turning around and charmingly offering you his hand to help you up as well
He looked at you for a second, almost entering in a trance as he got lost in the sight of you. But once you called him out, he sheepishly laughed before moving to grab his phone in his pocket, putting some music on before placing it on the ground and turning once again towards you
He knelt before you dramatically, speaking with a mockingly resounding tone, "My lady, would you do me the immense honor of granting me this dance?" You just laughed and nodded
You both danced together, slowly swaying around the stage while holding each other close
You noticed that, as he smiled fondly at you, his smile didn’t really reach his eyes
You wanted to believe what he’d told you, you really did. But there was this gut feeling in you that told you that there was something else going on
“You sure everything’s fine? You don’t look like you’re just tired babe..”, “No no I’m fine, I swear it! I just… I need to be with only you right now.”
You spent so much time there together, that in the end it would’ve been too tiring to go back to Camp straight away, so you opted to spend the rest of the night there
Well, more than opting to it was Luke who begged you to spend the night there with him, forget the rest, you’re both old enough to not have to respond to any of your godly parents
Thinking back to that day, you wonder if you should’ve gotten worried at his bitter words against the gods, instead of simply taking it as his natural aversion to the Olympians
You fell asleep first, lying on the dusty, hard pavement, while Luke stroked your cheek lovingly, staring at your body with a look that he’d spared you the sight of
His heart was about to shatter into a million pieces, all because he knew that this might’ve been his last time spending the night with you, being this close to you
In less than a week, Percy and Annabeth were coming back to Camp, and if they’d succeeded than it wouldn’t take much for them to find out the truth about the theft of Zeus’ lighting 
And as much as he wanted to believe his own delusions that you were going to stay by his side through the whole things, he knew that would never be
And he tried, he really tried so hard to keep in his true emotions for the whole evening, but he couldn’t take him anymore when he saw the necklace he’d gifted you just hours before around your neck
And the promise ring he’d given you on your first anniversary
And the little heart he drew on your arm the day before to annoy you
All little things that brought back the memories of almost four years he’d been with you. All memories of something that will soon end
It makes him wonder if you’ll keep all his little gifts, or if you’ll burn and rip and break everything that reminded you of him
He barely registered the tears that fell from his eyes as he held on to you for dear life as if you’d disappear if he didn’t hold you firmly enough
His cries became more intense as time passed, but he remained careful not to be loud enough to wake you up from your slumber. It was a mixture of unintelligible declarations of love and apologies, that he repeated like a prayer
Because in the end, he was indeed praying
Praying for you to see the reasoning behind his actions, for you to realize that he was in the right and that you had to follow him in this revolution 
And if you wouldn’t grant him this wish, then at least he prayed you’d still harbor the same love that you felt for him for all these years, that you will someday be able to forgive him, leave a place for him into your heart
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shiviwrites07 · 1 year
Summary: The Number One hero forgets his Number One's birthday and has to face the consequences.
Midoriya Izuku x fem!reader
Words: 2.5k
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You woke up with an excited mood, cause it wasn’t an ordinary day. It was your birthday! You were so excited! You don’t really like big celebrations but your birthday is really special to you. You always celebrate it with your parents in your hometown in Shibuya but this time, you had a different day planned for you and Izuku. You had taken a day off work, being the number 3 hero, it wasn’t easy but they let you go since it was your birthday. You had reminded Izuku to take off work too, but it seems that he forgot. You woke up to a note on your bedside table, “Sorry hun, I know you told me to take a day off but i can’t. I promise I’ll make it up to you puppy. Have a good day! I love you <3” You mouth sets into a deep frown after reading the note, he didn’t even wish you a happy birthday. 
                           You turn on your phone when you notice it has been flooded with messages. You smile when you see that all your friends have wished you a happy birthday. After you get off the phone with your best friends Ochako and Momo, you head over to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. As you start preparing your breakfast, you turn on the news. “Pro hero Deku saves Japan again! With his smashes and-“ You change the channel as your eyes well up with tears. He forgot about you, again. This had become a routine. You guys plan dates, he blows you off for work, tries to make up with another date but fails to show up at that too. But today was different, it was your birthday goddamnit! 
                                             But you made up your mind that you were not gonna let his absence ruin your day. You went to your favourite bakery and bought a customised (favourite flavour) cake, with a picture of your and izuku’s first date. Then you decided to pay Inko a visit. She was delighted to see you! She baked your favourite cookies as an apology for not getting anything for your birthday as she was not expecting your visit. You ate the delicious cookies and chatted with her. After a scrumptious lunch prepared by mama Inko, she decided to ask you about your relationship with Izuku. As you both were washing the dishes, she asked, “Has my Izu been treating you well? I’ll let you know that he loves you more than anything, even more than being a hero.” Your mouth sets into a frown as you answer her question. “Well, he is the best boyfriend but I don’t really think he loves me more than being a hero. He’s been blowing me off more and more lately I know being the new symbol of peace has made him really busy but he could at least make out a little bit of time for me. He could’ve atleast wished me a happy birthday….” You trail off as your eyes begin to well up with tears again. Inko feels heartbroken and pulls you into her chest as sobs rake your body. After an hour of consolidation from Mama Inko, you head home as the sun has started to set. You bid inko farewell as you walk out her door and towards the confines of your empty home. 
                        Just as you are about to enter through the door of your house, your phone rings. You Press ‘Accept’ when you see ‘Izu ❤️’ on the screen. “Hello?” “Hey puppy! Im sorry for bailing on you today. I’m getting off work early today and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?” Your eyes lighted up and a smile made its way onto your face when you replied, “Really?! You sure you won’t bail again?” “Of course not” “Promise me please?” “I promise Puppy! Now get ready. I’ll meet you at (favourite restaurant) at 7pm.” “Okiee! I love you Izu!” He chuckles while filling out paperwork, “I love you too Puppy” You squeal in excitement, you ere sure that he hasn’t forgotten your birthday and is planning a surprise for you. You looked at the clock and saw that it read 4:30pm. 
                You had plenty of time. After replying to a couple of birthday wishes, you ran ourself a nice bath with baths bombs and scented candles. After getting out of the bath, you started getting dolled up. You did your makeup and wore that beautiful green dress that izuku had bought you last Sunday. It hugged your body at all the right places. By the time you were done, you looked drop dead gorgeous. (Not that you already aren’t. All you readers are beautiful no matter your body size and shape. I love y’all <3. Anyways-)  By the time you were done it was already 6:30pm. You hurriedly grabbed a purse and wore your heels. You drove to the restaurant and sighed in relief when you realised you were there right on time. You made your way into the restaurant, as all eyes started following you, the receptionist was flustered when he saw you but managed to composed him as he led you to a table. You smiled politely and thanked him. 
                                   You waited happily, excited to meet him. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. The restaurant was kind enough to offer you a birthday cake as all the customers and employees wished you (They knew it was your birthday cause you’re the number 3 hero). Your phone ringed at 9:30pm. It was Izuku. You picked up the call and before you could say anything Izuku started pouring apologies but you already knew what was about to happen, “I’m so so sorry Puppy. I won’t be able to make it. There was a big villain in Mustafu and they said I was the only one who could-“ “It's ok. I understand. See you at home.” “Thanks a lot honey. I love you-“ Izuku was left dumbfounded when you cut off the call. He sighed and continued his paperwork, not realising what the weight of is words were. 
                                          When Izuku told you he couldn’t make it, again, you broke down into sobs then and there. You exited the restaurant after mumbling a small ‘thank you’ to the waiter who nodded and places a 2000 yen on the table even though you didn’t order anything. The paparazzi flooded the exit as they caught shots of you exiting the restaurant as a mess. You made your way home and kicked off your heels in the middle of the living room, throwing your purse on the couch as you made a beeline for the bedroom. Putting on one of Izuku’s hoodies, you fell on the bed, sobbing like you have never before. After an hour, you finally fell asleep.
                                          When the top heroes were finishing filling out the last of their paperwork about the latest villain at about 11:45pm , Bakugo started a conversation. “Deku. Didn’t you plan out something for Teddy Bear? You’ve been here the whole day. Don’t fucking tell me you forgot!” “Forgot what Kacchan?” Asked Izuku innocently. “Teddy bear’s birthday of course” When Izuku abruptly shot out of his seat, it confirmed all of their suspicions. “Ah shit- He’s dead-” Kirishima was saying when Todoroki pointed out the news on the screen in front of them. Midoriya felt like killing himself when he saw the news. “Pro hero (H/N) spotted exiting (F/R), wait is she crying?! What?! What happened that made our beloved hero cry on her birthday. To find out more keep watching-“ They were all interrupted when Midoriya finished packing up and said, “I don’t fucking care about this stupid fucking paperwork! Im going home to my girlfriend! Fucking bitchass villains!” The heroes were surprised at the number of profanities coming out of his mouth but didn’t have time to comprehend when he was already out the door. Bakugo chuckled as he continued his paperwork, “This ought to be good. He’s royally fucked.”
                                                   By the time Izuku reached your doorstep, It was already 12:10am. He had missed your birthday. Izuku’s heart broke when he entered the house and saw the mess. Broken vases, broken frames, plates scattered all over the floor and some blood on the counter. A packed birthday cake lay on the counter, a piece of it wistfully eaten by you. The final straw was when he saw you curled up on your bed, dried blood on your knuckles, and tear streaks on your face. His sobs were what woke you up from your slumber. “Izuku? Wha-“ You were interrupted when he engulfed you in a bone crushing hug. “I’m sorry Puppy-“ “Cut it out Deku. Im tired of your bullshit.” “Baby I swear. I took a day off work tomorrow. We’ll celebrate your birthday tomorrow, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go-“ “I have work tomorrow. Besides it’ll not be my birthday tomorrow.” “Baby I’m so sorry- Please don’t be this way- I love y-“ “No you don’t” The sharpnesss of your voice sucked all the air out of his lungs. “If you would’ve, you would’ve not blown off every plan that we made the last few months, would’ve not forgotten my fucking birthday Midoriya!” He froze as the reality of his past actions finally dawned on him. Izuku breathed a sigh of relief only when you said, “It’s fine. I’ll suck it up. Now go to sleep.” He hugged you from behind as he fell into a deep slumber. At least you weren’t mad at him anymore, or so he thought.
The next morning, Izuku woke up, with a new sense of determination in his mind. He was going to make things right today! He had taken a day off and wanted to take you out for a picnic. But his hope crumbled when he woke up to an empty bed, there was a note on his pillow, “I’ve got work. I’ll be home late. Breakfast is in the fridge.” He then realised that this was what you must’ve felt like everytime he bailed on you. He decided that he was going to make you (f/d) for lunch and would take it to your office himself. That would give him a chance to see you too. So like a good boyfriend, he cleaned up the house and prepared your lunch. 
                                    On his way to your agency, he signed a couple of autographs for his fans and clicked a few pictures with them too. His smile seemed brighter than the other days since he was going to see you today. Stepping inside your agency, Izuku approached your receptionist with a bento box in hand and said, ‘Hi! I’m here to give Y/N her lunch.” “Sorry sir but she’s not here. Dynamight had dropped by earlier and took her out for lunch.” To say he was shocked was an understatement. Since when did Bakugo become so caring? Right on cue, you appeared running inside the agency feigning fear, a massive smile evident on your face. You turned back to look at Katsuki when you bumped into your boyfriend. Your smile dropped when you saw him but you quickly put on a tight lipped smile when you greeted him. The transition of the smile on your face broke Izuku’s heart but he didn’t have time to comprehend when you were picked up bridal style by someone when he announced cockily, “I win again, Teddy Bear~”                        
                                                   Everyone was shocked to hear the malice in their beloved hero Deku’s voice when he said, “Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend, Kacchan.” “What’s your deal Deku? Why play Prince Charming now when you weren’t even able to remember her-“ “Thats enough ’Suki.” You get down from his arms, and peck his cheek lightly, “Thank you for the lunch ’Suki. You should head out now. Got work to do, don’t you?” Katsuki read the room and without any retaliation, left your agency. You turned around and walked past your boyfriend towards the elevator, “C’mon Midoriya. Let’s discuss whatever case you’ve brought now.” 
                                                                 The ride in the elevator was awkward, Izuku trying to make small talk and you with your short replies. Izuku noticed that you look unusually tired today. He finally asked, “Are you okay? You look tired. Did you get enough sleep yesterday? And why did you think that I brought a case-“ He was interrupted when cut him off, “Calm down Izuku. I’m alright, why do you suddenly care about me? And I have a headache since I fell asleep after crying for an hour straight. And I said that cause you never visit my agency, except when you have something really important cause you always go to Shoto or Ochako first.” The last parts of your sentence came out as a soft mumble as Izuku held your hands in his. Izuku’s eyes widened when you said, “Am I not good enough Izu? Do you love your hero work more than m-me? Do I just get in your w-way? Do you even remember when you last k-kissed me?  When we last went on a date? I can’t do this anymore Izuku……If you want to get rid of me then just tell- mmph” Your sentence was cut short when Izuku pulled you in by your waist and kissed you more tenderly than he had ever before. So many feelings were conveyed through that kiss. Love, Affection and most prominently, Fear. 
                  He fell on his knees before you as he wept into your abdomen. You stroked his hair tenderly as tears fell from your eyes. “Please d-don’t leave me. You’re my everything. I don’t know what I’ll do without you. Im sorry I didn’t realise earlier that you were hurting so much. You are more than enough Puppy. I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t. I’ll even leave hero work if you tell me to. Just please don’t leave me…..” “Izu, baby, I love you. Just this time promise me you’ll be better. And you better not break your promise this time.” He starts peppering kisses all over your face as he says, “I promise. And if I break it, then you can have my head.” 
Bonus: You both were oblivious to the fact that the elevator doors were open and you had gathered quite an audience. When you both shared a last kiss, you turned your head towards the crowd when you herd a bunch of ‘Aww’s and ’They’re so cute’. You blushed and hid your head into Izuku’s chest. He chuckled fondly at your cuteness and lightly kissed your forehead, eliciting another wave of ‘Aww’s from your staff, leaving him flustered too. 
TAGLIST : @short-black-diamond
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