#like come one they both came up with the idea of the Barry Corp./ Barry Battalion separately. that’s gotta count for something right?
longitudinalwaveme · 7 months
Some thoughts:
While I certainly won't deny that Len has some anger issues, he doesn't really strike me as having the explosive rage you see in the Red Lantern Corps. That's more Lisa's thing. If anything, I think Captain Cold is a Green Lantern. He's stubborn to a fault, he's managed to keep a team of supervillains with widely disparate personalities together for at least a decade, and, when faced with an opponent who is far more powerful than he is (the Flash), he continually and insistently keeps fighting him, coming up with new strategies and plans to stay one step ahead of the Scarlet Speedster. He also faces down much more powerful villains regularly, and without much fear. All that takes serious willpower, and I think that that's ultimately a more prominent part of his character than his anger. Also, Len didn't originally create the Rogues. It was Sam who came up with that idea, and who was originally often the one calling the shots. Len sort of fell into the role later as a result of being the only remaining Rogue with his head screwed on straight.
I agree that Sam Scudder would be an orange lantern. He loves his money and his shiny, shiny mirrors, and he loves attention even more. Evan McCulloch, though...I honestly think he'd be a better fit for the Sinestro Corps. He's basically an Eldritch horror, and borderline unstoppable. Of all the Rogues, he's easily one of the creepiest. I do, however, agree that both he and Sam would be interesting in the Indigo Lantern Corps (particularly Evan, since he's had so much trauma and done so many messed up things). Also, I kind of hate the retconned backstory of Sam having killed someone in a botched burglary before he became the Mirror Master. In his original stories, he was arrested for robbery, and there wasn't any indication that he'd killed someone, and the retcon darkens all his fun Silver and Bronze Age appearances. I love Geoff Johns' Rogues, I really do, but he really needed to lay off on the grimdark retcons.
I agree that Grodd is either a red or a yellow lantern, though I would strongly lean towards the yellow end of the spectrum myself. Usually Grodd isn't especially angry. Brutal, yes. Angry, no.
Captain Boomerang being a red lantern does work, though honestly I would lean towards him being part of the avarice corps myself. Like Cold, while he does have a lot of unresolved anger issues, he doesn't really have that obvious burning rage that seems to characterize a lot of the Red Lantern Corps---and he is very greedy and gluttonous. I also agree that him being a part of the Indigo Tribe could be potentially interesting.
Weather Wizard as a Red Lantern makes sense, since he's frequently very prickly and was very revenge-motivated in his first couple of appearances, but he could be part of the Orange Lantern Corps as well. He's a thief, of course, but, more importantly, we know that he craves power and respect, and it seems very likely that on some level he envied his older brother, who was always his parents' favorite child. I also have to admit that an Ultraviolet Lantern would be a good way to learn more about him, since unfortunately he doesn't usually get as much characterization as the other Rogues do. I will also say that Mark's New 52-and-onward backstory (the only part of which I like is the fact that he and his family are from Guatemala) does make him lean more towards the Red Lantern Corps than he would have previously, since in that version his brother was killed by someone else whom he then took revenge upon.
Eobard being a Red Lantern does make total sense (especially since Barry is a Blue Lantern), but I could see him fitting into the Orange Lantern and Yellow Lantern Corps equally well. As the video mentions, he wants to have Barry's life, which would mean he could slot in quite well to the Orange Lantern Corps, and, of course, as a time-traveling murderous stalker, there's no doubt that he's scary.
Killer Frost is NOT a Flash villain! ARGH! I do agree with the Lanterns assigned to her, at least if we're assuming this is the Caitlin Snow version of her (the Crystal Frost version would have been a more malevolent/stalkerish Star Sapphire or Orange Lantern, and the Louise Lincoln version would have been a Red Lantern).
I mostly disagree on Heat Wave. While the New 52 Hothead McAngryman version of Mick would indeed be either a Red Lantern or a Yellow Lantern, I'm inclined to think that classic Mick part of the Star Sapphire Corps. Not only does that group need some men in it, but, more importantly, Mick is traditionally incredible devoted to and supportive of the people he sees as his friends. You know, I think I now know why the person making this video doesn't like Heat Wave. It's because he's only familiar with the most terrible version of him.
The three rings the person making the video gives to the Pied Piper work pretty perfectly for him. We know that he was lashing out against society and his cold, controlling parents when he was a villain, so a Red Lantern ring does make sense for him as a villain, he did, of course, reform, and he probably does inspire a lot of hope as a hero and social activist. That being said, I think he could simply stay as part of the Indigo Tribe from his reform onwards, as he is extremely compassionate. And hey, he knew about Piper's stint in Breedmore! And...didn't know that William Magnus was paid to give Hartley the hearing aids that allowed him to hear. Piper didn't build those himself.
I definitely disagree that Trickster belongs in the Orange Lantern Corps. James is many things, but one thing he is not is greedy. Back in the Silver Age, he explicitly said that he didn't care nearly as much about money as he did about messing with the Flash, and he's much more interested in showing off and in outsmarting people than he is in simple financial gain. I'd put him in either the Green Lantern Corps or the Blue Lantern Corps myself. He's a persistent little imp, and he certainly holds out a lot of hope for his own future, being as he is generally cheerful and optimistic. Axel would probably be a Green Lantern (due to his teenaged stubbornness and general recklessness), although the very early Axel who was a total sociopath might have fit into the Yellow Lantern Corps. Either way, neither one would be an Orange Lantern.
The Top is either a Green Lantern or a Yellow Lantern. While I don't deny that he hates the Flash and isn't very fond of society generally, his anger is fair outstripped by his willpower and just how scary he is. This is a man who taught himself everything he could about tops and engineering, who taught himself how to spin at super speed, who tried to take over the world, the country, and the city on separate occasions, and who repeatedly dug his way out of the grave several different times through his own sheer willpower. If that doesn't qualify him for a Green Lantern ring, I don't know what does. And, of course, the fact that he's a power-hungry, bomb-building ghost that possesses corpses makes him very scary, so he would also be a natural fit for the Yellow Lantern Corps. But hey, props for acknowledging the fact that Roscoe is mentally ill, and that that does affect his behavior. I can't say that the ultraviolet corps would be bad for him per se, just that I think Yellow or Green would fit him better. Especially since they're already the colors of his costume.
The Orange and Yellow Lanterns would both work well for Savitar.
Characters who weren't mentioned in the video, but who I will classify anyway:
-Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) would probably be either a Red Lantern (because of his anger at Wally for refusing to help him) or a Yellow Lantern (due to his sheer power and willingness to kill). Before he became Zoom, he would probably have qualified for a Green Lantern simply because of all the terrible things he managed to survive.
-Golden Glider is 100% a Red Lantern, being almost entirely motivated by the desire to seek revenge for Roscoe's death. Prior to his death, she would have been either a Green Lantern (because of her incredible determination, bravery, and ability to overcome her abusive father) or a Star Sapphire (because of her deep love for Roscoe).
-Albert Desmond is a Blue Lantern, always hoping that he'll be able to live a normal life with his wife, Rita (who also qualifies for a Blue Lantern ring). Mr. Element is an Orange Lantern; he was primarily driven by a desire for profit. Dr. Alchemy is a Yellow Lantern, as he was disturbingly detached from his humanity, and possessed of almost unlimited control over the elements.
-Alvin Desmond would either be an Orange Lantern (he's a lot like Digger in many ways, but much more power-hungry) or a Yellow Lantern (for the same reasons as Albert when he's Dr. Alchemy).
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Choice 1. I was rereading the Injustice comics and came across the panels where Bruce and Barry were talking about Barry time traveling via the Speed Force and saving Lois to prevent the whole thing. So this is the basis of Injustice 3.
Barry's tired of the fighting and dying between the Regime and the Insurgancy and his war crimes keep haunting him. So Barry does what he swore he would never do. Goes back in time, save Lois, disassemble the bomb and stops the Joker.
Injustice 3 is the the fallout of Barry's choice to go back in time. As for what's caused this? Maybe an all out war between Brainiac and Darkseid, Black Adam vs Sinestro vs Wonder Woman vs Grodd vs Zod. But it would ideally end with Barry realising that he has to merge with the Speed Force for the good ending to stay in place, so he does and Wally takes up the Flash mantle.
Choice 2. The villains see that the world is vulnerable. The Regime is powerless without Superman, WW standing trial on Oa. No one can stop them.
So the Legion of Doom led by Vandal Savage seizes power. And this leads to the Legion causing chaos throughout the world and it forces Batman and Superman to team up and this eventually leads to a redemption for Clark because we're all tired of this grim dark edgy bullshit.
Choice 3. Continuing from the Absolute Justice ending, Superman escapes the Phantom Zone and with him is Zod, Ursa and Non and other Kryptonian criminals and all the other criminals Bruce locked away.
Choice 4. Superman is desperate. Everyone is either imprisoned/depowered or dead and Nekron gives him the choice and in Superman's ignorance he gives in and this results in Blackest Night. Everyone dead in the games or the comics comes back.
It's ideal for bringing back characters want in the game, that have been dead in the story. This way we can get Beast Boy and Nightwing back.
The Lantern Rings might work very well as a mechanic to give us playable variants, if every character comes with three different movesets depending on their Lantern Corps (a no Corps moveset is also possible as one of the three.)
This would also might give us Red Lantern Supergirl as a playable option.
Choice 5. Apokolips invades. Darkseid is the big bad. Joined by Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Desaad and Kalibak and the heroes and villains of earth must unite to stop Darkseid.
Choice 6. See my post here
Choice 7. Trigon will be the main villain, and it’s a chance to have many magic based characters such as Raven, Constantine, Zatanna, Brother Blood, Ragman, Circe, while keeping the likes of Doctor Fate, Enchantress, etc. I would love Constantine be one of the main characters in this storyline, where Trigon can try to destroy the world for its crimes against hell. Also a potential pre-order character in Lucifier.
Choice 8. The game is set after the events of Injustice 2's good ending with Batman training Supergirl and some new members of the Justice League with Mr. Terrific, but are interrupted when Mister Miracle and Big Barda comes from Apokolips saying that Darkside has been killed. On top of that, Booster Gold and Superboy come from the future warning them that the Anti-Monitor is destroying the multiverse. Now, the Justice League must band together with other heroes across the multiverse to stop the Anti-Monitor!
Choice 9. Basically pulling from MK1's card where the first half of the game we see what Bruce's absolute Justice brought the world and then Superman's universe invades and it's all out war between Batman and Superman
Choice 10. Damian frees Wonder Woman and she decides to stop playing nice. To make Wonder Woman more of a threat, she kills what's left of the Greek Pantheon and absorbs their powers. Her brand of justice will bring the mortals to heel, she will reunite the regime and end this insurgency once and for all.
This would end with Superman once and for all opening his eyes and having a chance to redeem himself. Batman and Superman team up to stop Wonder Woman once and for all.
It ends with Bruce retiring as Batman and becoming the president. The Justice League reforming being lead by Supergirl, Batgirl(Cassandra Cain) Donna Troy, Wally West, Green Lantern(Jessica Cruz) Green Arrow and Black Canary
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white-weasel · 2 years
Niche post for me and like 5 other people but D20 cast and Film Reroll cast matchup/interactions I would kill to see:
1. Joz Vammer and Emily Axford (fairly self-explanatory; chaos queens)
2. Joz Vammer and Ally Beardsley (once again, fairly self-explanatory. Players doing insane and game breaking shit by sheer force of will and dice rolls)
3. Andy Hoover and Mike Trapp (Trapp’s only played in Bloodkeep but I feel like these two would be two peas in a pod and riff off each other extremely well)
4. Jon Miller and Brian Murphy (rules guys who use that power to their advantage as players to varying degrees of success. I would love to see these two make a plan together and then see it fall apart from a combination of Murph’s bad luck and Jon’s simultaneous god/victim complex mental breakdown)
5. Carolyn Faye Kramer and Rekha Shankar (Carolyn “I know who the killer is” Kramer and Rekha “I go into labor midair” Shankar. These two would just fuel each other between Rekha just pulling things out of thin air to make canon and Carolyn never knowing when anybody’s speaking in character or not)
6. Paulo Quiros and Brennen Lee Mulligan (kings of improvisation and expanding the world to fit player actions to the point where it makes you think they had it all planned from the start. Pretty different styles of play for these two, but I would love to see Paulo GM a film reroll campaign for Brennan. Like, I think Brennan playing the Friday the 13th campaign would have led to a glorious glorious reaction similar to his Game Changer rant)
Really what I’m saying is, Film Reroll X Dimension 20 crossover when? (I know the answer is never but a person can dream, right?)
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krinsbez · 3 years
The DC Identity-Swap AU: A World/Storybuilding Fanfic Project (that needs a better name)
What follows is what has been come up with for a DC Universe where many heroes and villains ended up with different identities, initially conceived of by comradepitrovsky and expanded on by me and others.
In some cases, the said heroes ended up with different supporting cast members, in others not.
Let us begin, with the founding members of the Justice League: -Superwoman: Diana Kent, the Last Daughter of Paradise. For…reasons, Themyiskara had to go to another dimension, but baby Diana couldn’t come, so at Hippolyta’s request, the Olympians sent her to a Patriarch’s World couple who would raise her right, namely Jonathan and Martha. She’s dating Lois Lane and her archenemy is Lex Luthor, with whom, I want to be clear, there is ZERO Foe Yay, because she’s disgusted by him, and he’s intimidated by her. -Green Lantern: Kal-El of Krypton, who the Guardians appointed to lead the Corps through the transition to running itself. Came to Earth because he needed a break, stuck around because sweet RAO this planet needs help. He managed to keep Sinestro from going off the deep end, so he’s part of the Council Kal set-up to help him run the Corps, along with Kilowog, Mogo, Abin Sure and…not sure. -Zatara: Bruce Wayne. After his parent’s deaths, Bruce was adopted by their close friend John Zatara, who realized the kid was tied to the demon Barbatos, and they figgered out a way for him to use that power for good. -Captain Marvel: Barry Allen, while studying Forensic Science in college, took some classes, and became friends, with Archeology Student C. C. Batson (there is considerable overlap between the two fields, right?). When Batson and his wife were murdered during a dig in Egypt, Barry offered to help with the investigation, and ended up becoming SHAZAM’s champion. -The Flash: Hal Jordan, test pilot for Ferris Aircraft, was struck by lightning whilst flying their latest prototype, and ended up tied to the Speed Force. (Note, like Johnny and Jessie Quick, can fly) -Hawkman and Hawkgirl: Arthur Curry and Dinah Lance. The former encountered the wreck of a Thanagarian spaceship whilst exploring underwater and ended up with the soul of Prince Khufu. Dinah was hanging around her Uncle Carter's place and had something similar happen with the soul of Chay-Ara. -Martian Manhunter. J'onn is exactly the same. Other thoughts, somewhat random, in no particular order: -Ollie was zeta beam'd from The Island to Rann instead of Adam Strange. -Adam is instead Metamorpho. -Eel managed to drag himself to Slaughter Swamp before succumbing to his wounds and so ended up becoming Swamp Thing. -Owing to…complicated feelings WRT to her adopted brother, Zatanna ended up hanging around with her dad’s colleague Thaddeus Brown, and took up his mantle instead, becoming Madame Miracle, Magical Escape Artist! -T. O. Morrow built Red Torpedo first, she got possessed by a water elemental somehow, rebelled against his programming, and ended up traveling to Atlantis, overthrew the tyrant Orm, was acclaimed Queen, married Mera, and now fights crime on the surface as Aquawoman. (I’m gonna say she sometimes wears a human disguise that looks Aquawoman-11, because I fancy her and will use almost any excuse to get her into one of these things) -Ray Palmer and Ralph Dibny became Firestorm. -Instead of becoming Cheetah, Barbara-Ann seized the power of Teth-Adam and became Captain Marvel’s archenemy. -Pam became the Cheetah instead, and is an enemy of The Flash, with no small amount of Foe Yay. -In addition to that, Hal is also in a Love Triangle with Carol and Lady Blackhawk, who came to work for Ferris after arriving in the 21st Century due to time travel shenanigans. Arguably a Love Quadrangle, since he's competing with his alter ego. -Selina and Helena are both Star Sapphires and both of them are pursuing Kal-El, who is receptive to both. -Barry is still with Linda, Wally is Capt. Marvel, Jr. -The Batson Twins became Superboy and Supergirl, but I haven't come up with specifics. Help please? -Bruce adopted Raven and Garth. Suggestions for codenames? -In an effort to gain the power to defeat Superwoman, Lex made a deal with Ares, confident that he could handle the God of War. He is now possessed by Ares, but has no idea, assuming that the ideas Ares puts in his head are entirely his own, because he’s too arrogant to believe anyone else can control or manipulate him. It helps that Ares largely approves of Lex’s ideas and doesn’t need to do much. As a side-eeffect, Lex’s power armor has a distinctly Ares-y feel to it. -Klarion is in Bruce’s Rogue’s Gallery. Said Rogue's Gallery also includes the Sivana family. Which means that yes, Bruce is dating Beautia. -Bruce's archnemesis is the man who in the normal reality became Black Manta, who I've always headcanoned as choosing to torment Arthur purely by random chance, and obviously picked differently here. Since there's no need for a nautical theme, he uses a different codename; Black Bat. -The first thing Kal-El did after completing training was rescue Kandor. Brainiac swore vengeance, and upon escaping from the Sciencells, discovered how to harness the Yellow Light of Fear. In addition to using it himself, he also unleashed a number of Phantom Zone criminals, took over their minds, and equipped his enslaved army with Yellow Rings.
-The Olympians left Diana some magic thingummy that allowed her to be trained in Amazon combat techniques, etc. in her dreams or something, because she needs something to make up for the lack of super-senses, but if she has the Lasso, I'm not sure how Lex can be a problem for her?
-Dick was adopted by the Dibnys, got himself the Gingold Extract, and fights crime as Firestorm’s sidekick, Elastic Lad.
-Mister Mind is one of Diana’s Rogues.
-Dr. Psycho is in Hal's Rogue's Gallery. Presumably, wossname the guy who framed him so he could steal his fiancee Mavra didn't do quite as good a job gaslighting her, she found out the truth, and he murdered her to cover it up. He is therefore unable to blame her for the plot in a feeble and cowardly attempt to save himself when Psycho comes after him. This leads to misogyny being a less prominent aspect of Psycho's particular psychosis, with his primary targets instead being "Alpha Male"-types like the man who ruined his life. And hey, here's Hal Jordan....
-Gen. Eiling as Reverse-Flash, Y/N? -Thawne become Sabbac, Y/N? -I think I'm gonna say Pam still has her canon powerset in addition to being the Cheetah. -Since one of the best things about Hal is how he hates being told what to do, but is most comfortable in jobs where he's in a disciplined hierarchy...Zinda recruits him to create a new version of the Blackhawks. Not sure who else is in it; I can think of a bunch of ace pilots in the DCu, but they’re all American, and the Blackhawks should be an international operation. Possibility; the same temporal shenaniganry that dropped Zinda in the modern-day also spat-out Hans Von Hammer, the Enemy Ace. -I'm adding Captain Nazi to Hal's Rogue's Gallery. Since Hal is Ambiguously Jewish, his sidekick is Inuit, and in this 'verse he's part of a team that's a legacy of an group founded to fight the Nazis, I feel like it works. Also, Hal's other villains thus far are a bisexual woman, a dwarf, and a US Air Force General, people who are naturally inclined to have beef with him and vice versa. -Abra-Kadabra being one of Bruce's villains, Y/N?
-Circe is one of Bruce’s Rogues and they have UST.
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colehasapen · 4 years
(ONE SHOT) There are things that we can have, but can't keep DC
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Hal isn’t on Earth when Barry dies. He’d been in deep space, running a mission for the Guardians that needed him to go completely radio-silent for a month and a half. It had been an absolutely miserable time, but he’d managed, telling himself that with every day that passed he was closer and closer to being able to go back to Earth, that soon he’d be able to sleep in his own bed and hold his boyfriend close. He doesn’t even  know until he’s returned to the Watchtower, and goes looking for him.
He’d been confused, at first, when he’d noticed the strange looks the heroes he passed sent him, the way they parted as he’d passed. He’d been confused until John and Diana had pulled him aside and broke the news to him as gently as possible.
Barry was dead.
Barry had died while Hal was in space, not even a week after he had gone radio silent. He’d died saving the world, over a month ago, and Hal  hadn’t been there. He’d had a hero’s funeral, there was talk of setting up a statue in memorial in Central City. He  died while Hal was in space; Hal had spent the month telling himself that soon he’d be able to see him again, soon he’d be able to touch and hold him again.
Barry was  gone.
Hal can’t remember what the last thing he had said to Barry was. He couldn’t remember if he had told Barry that he loved him, if he had said something deep and meaningful or something light and sarcastic. He knows they had had dinner before he’d left, he knows that Barry had smiled at him and kissed him goodbye, Hal knows that he had laughed and told Barry that he’d see him soon, but he can’t remember the conversation they’d had in full. He feels like he should, that he should remember the last moment he’d seen the man he loves in perfect clarity, because it’s what Barry - the amazingly kind and gentle man he’d fallen in love with, who loved Hal despite all the things he’d fucked up in his life - deserves.
Hal’s legs had given out on him, the green energy of his ring sputtering out and dying with his will as it had all sunk in. He’d dropped like a stone, numb with horror and eyes wide and unseeing, and it was only John’s strong arms looping around his shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug that had stopped him from hitting the unforgiving floor. He’d probably been in shock, because he hadn’t cried, hadn’t screamed or shouted or gotten angry, he’d just gone numb and silent, staring at the wall blankly as John had held him. He’d gone quiet, he hadn’t uttered a word, and simply let John herd him towards the zeta beams and take him back to Coast City, back to the apartment Hal rarely stayed in, because he was usually in space, or at Barry’s small house outside of Central City.
He knows now what was in their eyes -  pity. Pity because they all had some idea of the relationship between Green Lantern and Flash. It wasn’t like he and Barry hid the fact that they were a couple. They ate together, took missions together, watched each other’s backs and hovered over each other in the medbay; honestly, it was pretty obvious, even if there were a lot of people who wondered just how the mild mannered Flash and hot headed Green Lantern managed to get along long enough to begin a relationship in the first place.
But not a lot of people knew them as Hal and Barry. Didn’t know them beyond the masks they wore.
It doesn’t matter anymore, though, because Barry is dead.
Barry is dead, and Hal is alone.
Hal shuts himself away; he locks himself in his apartment, takes a leave from the League and the Corps, and stays huddled away in a darkened room, mind racing through regrets and memories. He wouldn’t even be able to go out if he wanted to, not as Green Lantern, because he hadn’t been able to light his ring since he’d learned, barely made it flicker despite it being a full charge, so John and Guy pick up his slack. Sometimes, he feels something other than the numbness of loss when he sees them on the news, doing his job for him, but even that isn’t enough to make Hal will himself to move again. Alan comes by, sometimes, but it doesn’t change anything, only makes him remember to eat because the older Lantern is always bringing food and has  mastered that look that makes Hal listen to what he’s saying.
He’s worrying them, he knows, worrying his fellow Leaguers too, but Hal’s never handled loss well, even since he was that kid staring at the flaming wreck of his father’s plane. He obsesses, the therapist had told his mother, back when they were still trying to pry into his head to pull out his thoughts so that he’d stop dreaming of flying someday, because his mom didn’t want to lose anyone else to the fires of a crashed plane but Hal was too stubborn to listen. Back then, Hal had been standing outside of the door, listening listening to his mom cry and beg the psychologists to  fix him, to make him normal; he’d been quiet and numb then too, because even back then, even at eight, he’d known that while his mom loved him, he was too much like his dad and that was all she could see in his eyes.
Hal had shut down back then, and he shuts down now too.
The what-ifs are loud, an ever-present shouting in his mind that he can’t block out. He wonders what could have happened if he had been there, if he’d been on Earth when Barry had run so fast that his body had burned up. Could he have stopped it? Could his ring have saved Barry?
They haunt him almost as much as Barry does.
When the door to his apartment opens, Hal barely looks up from where he sits on the lumpy old couch, staring out the window and watching the cars zoom past. He’s used to it at this point, the comings and goings of his fellow Lanterns, so he just keeps staring, hoping that whoever came to watch him stew in his depression would leave him to it. That is, until his visitor speaks up.
“Uncle Hal.” Hal jerks, head snapping up and around at the young, wrecked voice. Wally looks horrible, and Hal isn’t surprised - though he does feel guilty that he had forgotten about the speedster that had once run at Barry’s side. Wally had been Iris and Barry’s son in all but blood, and then, after Zoom had killed Iris, he’d only had Barry.
Barry, and Hal, who hadn’t let Barry out of his sight if he could help it.
But Hal had forgotten - so caught up in himself that he forgot about the boy Barry had been raising. God - Wally wasn’t even twenty yet, and he’d lost both of the closest things to actual parents that weren’t pieces of rotting shit he’d ever had, and now he was stuck with  Hal of all people.
“Wally.” He croaks, stumbling to his feet with all the grace of a newborn colt. Wally is pale, almost gray, with dark circles under dull eyes; he looks like he hadn’t slept since Barry’s death. “Shit, kid - I -” Hal stutters slightly, guilt burning in his gut, “- I’m sorry.” For not being here. For not helping Barry. For not being on Earth. For not being there for him in the aftermath.
Wally’s smile is shaky, and almost heartbreaking to look at, “It’s okay.” The kid says, shrugging. He steps forward, wrapping his arms around Hal’s torso, and folds himself against the Lantern, pressing his forehead against Hal’s collarbone. “Nightwing told me you were planet-side.” The words aren’t even accusing, but God knows Hal deserved that and more. They just sound tired, a soul-deep exhaustion out of place in such a young man.
Hal lets out a shaky breath, holding the young man close. Shit, he’s horrible - leaving Wally on his own, and not even having the balls to tell him that he’d come back. “I’m sorry.” Hal says again, uselessly. “How’re you holding up?”
Wally lets out a shuddering sigh, “I’m holding.” He says, bitter amusement in his voice. “Jay’s been - he’s been running patrols.”
“Yeah.” Hal sighs. Alan had told him, during one of his earlier visits; at the time, it had angered Hal, knowing that someone other than Barry was protecting Central, but now he’s come to terms with it. Barry may be dead, but crime wouldn’t have stopped, no matter how much the twin cities adored the Flash.
“I -” Wally’s voice cuts off. He goes quiet, hesitates, and pulls back, fiddling with the heavy golden ring on his finger.
His Flash ring.
Green eyes flash, harden, then Wally meets his eyes head-on. “Jay can’t do it all.” Wally says, “He’s retired. But -” he grows hesitant, “- but the world needs a Flash.” He finishes quietly. “And it needs to be me.” Wally ducks his head again, and Hal’s heart thunders in his chest. “I - I just - I’m not  him. It feels wrong.”
It was inevitable, Hal knows, that Wally would become the Flash. Barry had always told him that his sidekick had always had potential, had the goodness inside of him needed to be a hero, that he would make an amazing Flash.
But he’d always hoped that Barry would be here to see it happen.
“You’re not Barry.” Hal finds himself saying, then he winces.  Way to go, Jordan, just fuck it up all over again. He scrambles to recover, “But you can’t get your confidence from  him.” Wally looks at him with sad green eyes, and Hal reaches forward, placing a hand on the kid’s shoulder. “You’ve got to find it in yourself, Wally. You’re the Flash now, and that name means something to people.” Hal lets out a slow breath, forcing himself away from the foggy cloud of numbness he had fallen into. “I know it’s going to be hard, it’s going to be a heavy weight to carry, a heavy legacy.” He thinks of Abin Sur, and the expectations that had come with being his  replacement. “Barry - he was - he was the best. Not just as a hero, but as a  human being . That’s a lot to live up to.” Wally nods, but Hal isn’t done yet. “But you know what kid? You’re gonna do it. You know why I know?”
“...No.” Wally whispers, voice thick, and Hal moves his hand to gently press against the kid’s cheek, like Barry’s had.
“Because  Barry believed in you.” Hal says with a surety that he hasn’t felt since the moment Diana had told him what had happened. “He knew you’d be great. Always said that you’d be better than him, and I believe him.”
“What if I can’t be?” Wally’s voice shakes miserably, eyes shiny with tears, “I’m  not Barry.”
“There’s not going to be another Barry, kid.” Hal’s words tear past his throat, shredding his heart with them, “He’s dead. You’re not Barry, because you’re  you.”
Barry’s dead. He’s dead and gone, and Hal wasn’t there for him. He’d promised that he’d be there for him, once, and had planned to keep that promise; but, well, everyone had always told him he had commitment issues, hadn’t they? That he broke promises as easily as breathing.
May as well live up to that.
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thecanadianowl · 4 years
Justice league Snydercut review
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Wow talk about a long movie. Remember Mass Effect's 3 shit endings that were later improved (sorta) with DLCs. Well that is kinda how this movie is.
Before we start this, I just wanna say that I was very impartial throughout the whole snydercut movement. I wasn't part of it but I do see the good that they did in regards to some of their charities and with how the fandom itself has been painted in a negative light. So its good that they got what they have been demanding for quite some time. Snyder as director for me, I really am not the biggest fan of. His movies have some great cinematic moments that look amazing but the context around it is what muddles it for me.
Is it better than Whedon's JL? YES. To start I'll look at some of the things that I do like.
I do like how it was split into parts.  Gives it that miniseries/Comic book feel
Thank god they removed that stupid cringy flash landing on top of Diana's chest scene.
Darkseid looks good. I know some people have issues with it but I liked it. I mean looking at it first glance has me convinced its Darkseid. His voice isn't too bad either. Reminds me a bit of Injustice 2.
As much as I have issues with Darkseid being introduced so early I do like that he had a brief confrontation/glaredown with the League, foreshadowing a possible in person encounter and that the League needs to expand if they are going to fight against Darkseid.  
Steppenwolf's design has greatly improved and looks better than before.
Loved the scenes between Alfred and Diana.  Wish there was more of that.
I loved how the movie added Cyborg, Aquaman and Flash attempting to stop Superman from getting to Batman. I also liked how in this version,  Batman pleading to Clark's humanity telling him that world needs him and he needs to snap out of it.  Also bonus for taking out that scene of Batman on the ground groaning about how old he is getting.
Okay seeing Clark get the black suit and having the voiceovers of both his father's merge together works in terms of Clark's arc into becoming the person he was meant to be. Also like the use of Zimmerman's Ideal of Hope score wished they let it play out a little longer.  Probably my favourite moment in the film is where Superman just takes Steppenwolf's Axe like its nothing and freezes it.
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Now to go into some of the more critical stuff that bugged me when watching.
For a movie that is 4 hours long, pacing issues were bound to happen. I think the first example of this can be found in the opening with the Superman scream wave (which started to get a bit hilarious when his screams could be heard every now and then) hitting all three mother boxes. they are shown individually reacting to it and it takes time, where it could have just showed them together or an compilation of each of the motherboxes waking up. I know it Snyder's thing but tone down on the slow mo. Like some instances its fine (like with bullet time or Flash's scenes) but other instances I'm just like alright I get it.
The scene involving Cyborg transferring money into that single mother's bank account. Is he gonna do this for all the people suffering just like her? or just for that one person? I mean if you can hack into the world monetary system, you can solve a lot of financial issues affecting  the majoirty and not just one person. Did I miss the scene but why did Cyborg go from helping one poor person, suggesting the potential good he can do to change the world for the better  to "Fuck the world". Seems a bit inconsistent in character. Especially since he knows who Diana is (from what he says)  and that Parademons are after the motherbox. Maybe her offering help, you should take it? idk Vic. Also the whole Auto defense system malfunction, would it not be better if this was established beforehand where we see Vic struggling to maintain his body's autonomy leading up to the Superman confrontation? Prior to that it seemed he had it under control and his biggest conflict throughout the movie seemed more to be with him coming to terms with his new body. With that being said, Cyborg's character here is much more interesting and better than it was originally. I can see why Ray Fisher is so pissed (well that and the abuse he faced).  I am glad this was improved and gave the character a lot more to do.
The movie still has the same issue as before in regards to the whole motherbox plot and how convenient it was that all three are located on earth. You would think that with the involvement of Darkseid/Steppenwolf that separating them to distinct locations across space would make it more difficult to collect them. I mean we know that the Green Lanterns exist (we saw one get chomped), you'd think that they or the guardians would take one and secure it on Oa. The pushback to this would be "well there was only one green lantern and he died, so how could they retrieve the box?" which begs my question, why send only one? I mean it has been established that Darkseid is a known conqueror of worlds, you'd think the Guardians would be smart enough to send more than one Lantern to aid Earth in their fight.  Did they not think it would be a good idea to have the corps be more involved/keep an eye on earth since it is the only planet that was able to repel Darkseid's forces?
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Why is it that the best idea of security when it comes to humans is to bury it? Would it not be better in optics to look over it and know its location instead of dropping it somewhere on the off chance that someone might find it due to being  curious or the land changing/altering  making the box more easy to attain? A situation as dire/serious as this, you would think that the Amazons/Atlanteans would have been better prepped with armor/weapons for such an event. I mean you have the arrow of Artemis that shoots quite a distance to give Diana a message but not some kind of weapon that hurts/cripples Steppenwolf? Or better yet, how about the moment that the boxes started acting up after Superman's death, that Atlantis/Themiscarya would put aside any differences they had with one another and to the outside world to come together to secure the boxes?  How could Darkseid forget the name of the only planet that was able to force him to retreat? nor does he know that it harbors the anti life?
Did this movie break Aquaman's continuity? because from the dialogue between Mera and Arthur, its implied that Atlanna abandoned/left Arthur at Tom's doorsteps whereas in the movie,  we see Atlanna spend a couple of years with Tom and raising baby Arthur before she was forced to come back. You'd think Zack being a producer for the Aquaman  movie would have edited that line or made it more clear. Well that or James Wan F'ed up when making the movie.
"I've never seen a being as strong as Steppenwolf" Did Diana just forget Ares aka the god of war who killed the Greek Pantheon/Old gods and orchestrated the first World War? Hell from the looks of the flashback it seemed Ares (I'm assuming its Ares, if its Hades, my bad) was getting some good hits in on Darkseid, who is superior to Steppenwolf.  While we are on the topic of Diana, it's a bit odd that Snyder who  was a producer on WW84 where one of the biggest focuses on the movie that Patty Jenkins talked about was how Diana doesn't solve her problems with violence (even though her primary weapons in this movie are a sword and shield but okay. Then again New 52 hasn't done a good job in disproving that), yet in this movie we see her using her gauntlet smash to fucking kill the one remaining terorrist. Like sure you can argue that they were terrorists and deserve to die, but given how easy and quick it was for her to take out the previous guys, why do something that runs the risks of destroying the very building that you are in (with hostages). I mean from the look of the blast and how much debris fell from the building outside, and it was a miracle no one (but the terrorist) got hurt/killed.
Why did Steppenwolf  kidnap  them in the first place? Just use that mind extracting device you used on the Atlantean soldier to see if they know. Seems like a waste of time to collect them in one location only to interrogate them later.
Okay, I'm sorry but even in this cut I still don't like Miller's Barry Allen. He isn't as bad as he was in the theatrical cut but man does it stick out. When he is helping to escort the kidnapped civilians out, why doesn't he just grab them and transfer them to a safe distance? He even makes a comment about how slow they are going. Can I also just say how weird it is for Barry to take time saving Iris to caress her hair and look at her more creepily in slow mo? Like yeah its in slow mo but still I think your priority should be to get everyone to safety as quick as possible and check if anyone else could get hurt.  I will admit that Barry's speech as he is running so fast to reverse time at the end was really good. Tho the more I think about all the slow mo Flash scenes are good.
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They still kept the "Let's use the mother box to bring back Superman plot". Why? This is a piece of tech that you don't fully understand how it works and you are going on the whims of someone you just met. Especially if they come back as a different person/mindset all together.  If Superman 's death was the reason that allowed for the Mother box to call to Steppenwolf/Darkseid, what the hell were they doing prior to Superman's arrival on earth? I mean we've seen how easy it was for Steppenwolf to attain the two boxes even if they were guarded, so why the wait ?. I get that Batman is going through an arc and trying to change from the person he was but how does go from "1% chance of absolute certainty" to "let's go on a whim and have faith" when it comes to resurrecting Superman? 
Its gonna be awkward as to how Clark will explain his sudden return from the grave around the same time Superman came back.
I was wondering when the Knightmare scene will play out. Jared leto's Joker isn't over with me, it seems way too try-hard to be edgy. Other than that yeah, not much I can say about it. Tho do we seriously need another iteration where Superman (or someone with Superman like powers) is evil?
I also love how nonchalant Bruce is about J'onn appearing in front him. However the revelation that J'onn was that army general all the time breaks so much of continuity (and just why now did you decide to show up and help and not idk the time Zod invaded and nearly  terraformed earth, HELL WHY TF DIDN'T SHOW UP TO HELP THE LEAGUE IF YOU KNEW ABOUT DARKSEID, I'M SORRY TO RAG ON BUT REALLY THIS CAMEO JUST OPENS UP SO MANY QUESTIONS, IT JUST SEEMS LIKE AN "PALPATINE WAS BEHIND THIS ALL ALONG" KIND OF THING ).
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In terms of getting a sequel, I am not sure if WB is going to go through with it given that their current vision seems to be a different route than the one Snyder intended so who knows. Despite my criticisms I do believe this is Snyder's best DCEU film to date and probably one of his better films. You could tell that he put in a lot to make this. The movie itself does have issues mostly due to the plot surrounding the motherbox as well as pacing. I would say it's worth the watch at least once, though I think its best to watch it in doses rather than one sitting. Ultimately this is the version that we should have gotten and I can see why so many people who were supportive of Zack wanted or vouched for him to finish it. Regardless, I think the very least I am happy for Snyder. If you like Snyder's previous stuff, you will like this one, if you don't, your perception of the film won't change significantly other than some cool bits here and there.  
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apveng · 4 years
Team Danvers! Forever!
Here is the seventh and final part of my story. The first part, Khao-Shuh, is here. Second part, Why Do You Need Supergirl, Anyways?, is here. The third, She Is Not Kara, Damn It, is here. Fourth, Kara oh Kara is here. The fifth part of my story, The World’s Worst Pretender, is here. The sixth part, Partners in Crime, is here.
Hope everyone is doing okay.
“How on Earth did you find a half Kryptonian, half human child?” Kara was gazing at the said child, fast asleep, as she asked the question. She had had a midnight hankering for watching Hope sleep, so here they were, in the kid’s room, watching her sleep.
Kara’s expression, a mix of reverence and affection, was a treat to watch.
“You should ask your mother that question.” At Kara’s questioning look, she explained. “Some exile decided to come here and have a fling. Hope is the result, abandoned to her fate after her human father died.”
At Kara’s guilty look, she reached over and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Hey! I didn’t mean it is your fault. But, Argo should be paying attention to what their people are doing now that they have re-established connections with the rest of the universe. Not every Kryptonian is like you and your cousin, and blue and yellow sun planets are at risk.”
“You are right. I will talk to mom when I see her. It is also probably something rest of the planets should think about.” Kara looked determined, as only Kara could. Alex smiled at the set of the chin.
Sensing an opening, she changed the subject. “Okay. But, don’t you want to know why I named her Hope?”
Blue eyes lit up at the question. “Of course, I do.” Kara gently tucked a few curls off to Hope’s side and then looked back at Alex. “Why did you name her hope?”
“As I told Kelly at the time, because I hoped that you would come back some day. And, it’d be very silly for both of you to be named Kara. Especially since, as I blurted out then, I didn’t like the convention of naming mother and daughter the same name.”
“Alex!” Kara exclaimed and then, as Hope shifted in her sleep, murmuring, dropped her voice. “I am sorry. I had no idea.”
Alex smiled at the guilty look directed her way. “Don’t be sorry. It was never your fault. I just didn’t realise until then what you meant for me. Turns out, Kelly had her suspicions. Needless to say, that was pretty much the end of our relationship.” She paused and smirked. “And the start of years-long therapy for me.”
Kara still looked guilty. As if she could have done anything about how Alex felt.
Shaking her head, Alex grabbed Kara’s arm and tugged her towards herself. “You know what I am saying, Kar? Kelly has known about my feelings for you for some time now. She may not have been okay with it when we were together, but it is now, to use Kelly’s own phrase, water under the bridge. There is nothing for you to worry about on her account.”
Kara stayed where she was, reminding Alex, rather forcefully, that she was a Kryptonian. “Are you sure?”
“A hundred percent.” This time when she pulled, Kara came to her arms, though she was still chewing her lips.
Adorably so, might she add.
Why though?
“Alex, I don’t think we should tell Kelly before tomorrow’s league meeting.”
“Of course, we can’t. Though, I’d be really glad when Kelly and Jaya would stop looking at me as if I have lost my mind.” Hope was shifting again. Taking it as cue that the gaze-adorably-at-daughter session should be brought to a close, Alex nodded at the door.
Back in their bedroom, Alex pulled Kara to herself. “What I mean is, you don’t have to fear Kelly’s reaction whenever we tell her. Okay?”
Kara smiled. “Okay. As long everything goes okay tomorrow, she will know anyways.”
Alex grimaced. She didn’t want that. But, that was applicable for all of their friends, and J’onn and M’gann’s reasoning was sound, so she couldn’t protest either.
Kara touched Alex’s cheek. “I am sorry, I am causing you so much trouble, Alex.”
Alex shook her head and smiled up at Kara. “You need to stop blaming yourself. This is our decision, and it is for everybody’s good. Whatever flak we get, we face together. Alright?”
Kara smiled her brilliant smile. “Alright.”
And, the discussion ended there. They had to, after all, prepare for tomorrow.
“Nonsense. I know her. There is no way she has been replaced by a double.” That was Kelly’s voice raised in protest.
“I know this is difficult to take in, Kelly.” J’onn said, his voice sympathetic. “But, what Lena says is also right. We can’t be sure about the tests when we can’t be sure about the person who developed the test. And, remember, I have known her since she was a teenager. Think back. Have you noticed no change in her behaviour the past couple of weeks?”
That was cue for her entrance. Alex tapped on the door before letting herself in.
At her entry, the people around the room fell silent. At least, this time she knew what it was about.
There were far more people in the room than there were at the past League meetings, strangers making up most of the new. A good thing J’onn’s gift was never far from her.
“Oh! Look at that. You people actually care whether I am in the room or not.” Alex noted sarcastically, as she took her seat beside Kelly.
Kelly avoided her eyes. As did Barry, Sara, and Nia.
Clark and Lois gave her a grave nod, which could mean anything. Either that they believed Lena or that they didn’t. Brainy eyed her steadily as if he could get into her head and discern whether she was a Martian or not. Andrea and William smiled while Kate nodded.
Not too bad. At least, some people still believed in her. It didn’t matter that a couple of those believed because they were warned in advance.
“Wait a minute.” Kara, her Kara, raised her voice so that everyone was looking at her.
“Just because Lena says it is so, doesn’t mean we have to believe her.” She turned to Ja’all. “How do we know you aren’t the infiltrator? For all we know, you may be just trying to get Dr. Danvers out of the way. We would need to test you too.”
Ja’all smirked.
Oh! He was good. Alex would give him that.
“You can use both Dr. Danvers’ tests and the tests Luthor Corp developed. Let us see if any additional White Martians are here. Then, we can take all our DNAs and get the matter resolved.” He nodded at the strangers. “That is why I brought my entire team. We can get the tests done in a matter of hours.”
Alex stood up, causing everyone on the table—except Ja’all and his people—to straighten and be on their guard.
“So, let me get this straight. You folks now believe that, me,” She pointed at herself, “I am the infiltrator? Really? Based on this woman’s say so?” She stepped back from the table and turned towards Kelly. “You too Kelly? You have known me for how many years now?” Before Kelly could answer, she turned to J’onn. “J’onn. You can’t believe this too?”
J’onn met her eyes steadily. “You have blocked your mind to us, Alex. We have to factor every possibility into account.”
“Lena is agreeing to the tests, Alex. If you are Alex, you should have no problem taking them as well, right?” Lois raised an eyebrow at her.
For a minute, Alex believed her herself. Damn! She should have been the undercover agent.
“There is one problem though. What is the guarantee that the Luthor tests even work?” Alex argued. The more time they wasted the better.
“You can test them here, and it will show you the exact number of White Martians in this building. Two. If there is more than two, that means we have an infiltrator here, yes?” He turned to M’gann. “It is a good thing you didn’t bring your force here, or we would have had a delay.”
“While we are arguing, they do need to show the invaders that the planet is protected.” M’gann returned.
“Bullshit!” Alex turned to Ja’all. “The tests could be made to show an additional Martian, just to cast suspicion on everyone.”
And, so they argued, round and round and round, some taking Alex’s side, some taking Ja’all-Lena’s, Kara switching back and forth as if she couldn’t decide.
An hour into the interminable arguments, Alex’s mobile buzzed. After surreptitiously taking a look at it, she threw up her hands. “Al right! I am tired of the debate. Let us do both the tests. Let me see what L-corp has got.” She paused and then looked at everyone. “I didn’t bring my test though, so I will have to go and fetch it. You guys can do your test while I am gone.”
“Oh no! You are not going anywhere.” Lois retorted instantly.
“You have to agree Alex, it looks a tad suspicious for you to ask this.” Clark added. “How about I go and get your test? I can prove easily that I am a Kryptonian, so no tests needed.” He turned and directed a heat vision at the wall, setting off all sorts of alarms. When he was done, the alarms were still ringing, footsteps could be heard running outside, and there was an ‘I love Lois’ on the wall.
It took Barry and Sara a while to get the alarms deactivated and the security calmed. Clark looked suitably chagrined. “Sorry. I didn’t know they were going to do that.”
“Dad! You would know if you had paid attention to the building’s security like Uncle Barry always does.” That was Jon of course.
“And, did you have to write that message?” Jordan mumbled.
The boys were there as part of their training. At least, that is what Clark must have said when he brought them in. At 19, they could serve as defence for the humans and backups. Though hopefully, they wouldn’t be needed. Right now, they looked less superheroes, more embarrassed teens.
Alex hoped that girls weren’t as given to challenging their parents as boys were. Or, she was looking at a world of pain, ten years from now.
Oh! Who was she kidding? Of course, Hope will challenge every last one of them until they would all be begging for mercy. Probably even the boys.
Clark laughed. “Hey, it was our anniversary yesterday. I had to give your mother a gift.” Lois grinned and blew him a kiss.
Ja’all raised her hand, well his hand, to draw everybody’s attention. “Now, that we know Clark Kent is indeed Superman, can we have him go and get Dr. Danvers’ tests? Then, we can finally put all this behind us.”
Clark nodded at her and left, while Ja’all directed his team to set up his tests. It didn’t take long for the test to scan the area and flash the number. 03. One for M’gann, one for Kara who was supposed to be S’lynn, and one for whoever was the infiltrator.
How convenient.
“Just so you don’t keep doubting me, I can go first with the personal test.” Ja’all said as he looked around the room.
“What is the point?” Alex retorted. “Everyone here knows that your test will be calibrated to show you as human. How about we wait for Clark to come back?” She looked towards the window, assuming an anxious expression. “Where is he?”
“How about we start with the rest of the people?” J’onn asked his tone, mollifying. “All of us have to be tested. It is not as if humans have any other way to show they aren’t humans. And, how will I show that I am a Green Martian?”
Kelly looked up. “Wait? Can’t you just join with Alex and do that thing you do? Alex told me that she has a device that allows you to join minds. That way you can test both her and you. Then, you can test Lena as well.”
Damn! They had nearly gotten away with it.
She had forgotten Kelly knew about her artefact.
There was a brief moment of silence as everyone stood frozen. And then, there was mayhem as Kara and J’onn quickly gathered everyone vulnerable and got them to safety, while M’gann activated the security systems again to ensure Ja’all and team didn’t run.
Alex stepped back, so that, for the moment, she wasn’t in the way.
William and Kelly were too confused to put up much of a fight. Barry was by Iris side and took her to safety without anyone interfering.
By the time the blurs settled, the humans—all except Alex and Lois—were out of the way. Credit to Ja’all’s training that instead of immediately turning into their true forms and fighting, the White Martian infiltrators just decided to form up. Or, may be, it showed his desperation. If they failed here, the mission was done.
The Heroes remaining—Arcata, Nia, Sara, Kate, Jon and Jordan—formed up and stood back to back in the centre of the room.
“What is going on here?” Ja’all asked. “Surely, we shouldn’t decide anything before the tests are done? For all we know, J’onn, M’gann and the others may all be imposters who teamed up to infiltrate our planet.”
Desperation then.
“If that is the case then your tests are not working. They showed only three White Martians.” Alex pointed out.
That was it. It became clear even to the White Martians that the hiding was over. As Alex watched, they changed and grew in size making the heroes step back.
She hoped Lois had pressed her watch to call Clark. The wait was over.
“I hate alien attacks. Especially flying alien attacks.” Sara said as they watched the flyers duke it out on the skies. Kara, Clark, J’onn and M’gann had returned as had some of the rebels including S’lynn, with more and more turning up as the time passed. They were fighting the invaders in the skies.
Alex smiled at her. “I feel your pain.” She nodded towards the ceiling. “But, there is something we can do.”
At Sara’s questioning look, Alex directed her to a few harpoon throwers that the DEO had developed in the past few years. They allowed you to target flying targets. The advantage was that they just decapitated the target, provided they were alien and not human. Before their morning adventures, Alex and Kara, with J’onn and M’gann’s help, had set them up. They hadn’t wanted to leave anything to chance.
Given the numbers and the scarcity of resources needed, the machines wouldn’t have worked against 1000 or 10000 White Martians, but a few dozen or so was not difficult. With, Barry, Kate, Nia and Andrea joining in, they made quick work of any White Martian that dared to stray away from the main fight.
It didn’t have the exhilaration of putting on a suit and going up there, but as far as Alex was concerned, it was necessary work.
Kara was up there fighting. She was watching Kara’s back.
They just complemented each other, Kara and her. And, that for her, was the most important thing.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me Kara was, well, Kara.” Kelly exclaimed.
The fight was over, the hostile White Martians were all safely constrained at the DEO and the League members had left after welcoming Kara and promising to catch up.
The National City folks—Alex, Kara, and the rest of the gang including Andrea and William and of course Jaya—had gathered at their place to recap the evening. And, officially welcome Kara.
It was late and after much haggling, they had managed to put Hope to bed, so Alex had to contend with just adults. And, thank God for that. She didn’t know how she would have explained the whole story to their five-year-old.
Alex raised her arm in response to Kelly’s question. “I told you. J’onn and M’gann asked me to keep quiet.” She pointed at them. “Ask them.”
J’onn smiled. “We thought it best if nobody had to worry about their friends until the last moment.”
“We did worry quite a lot about Hope though. And, Alex.” Jaya pointed out with a frown.
“I am so sorry about that.” Kara replied immediately, looking contrite. She went over to Jaya, took her hands in her own, and squeezed them. “But, Hope herself at least doesn’t know there was anyone else in the mix. She is okay.”
Very few people could remain irritated at Kara Danvers for any length of time. As Kara turned on her charm, it didn’t take long for Jaya and even Kelly to give in and smile.
“So, Lena was the infiltrator the whole time?” Nia called from her corner, where she was cuddling with Brainy.
“Ja’all was. He captured Lena a few months back so that he could use the incredible resources that L Corp had.” Kara looked at Alex. “We got her out by the way. All of them. S’lynn and our squads were incredible.”
S’lynn dipped her head at the complement. “It was not difficult. The planning and keeping Ja’all and his people away had been the difficult part. And, you guys did everything there. Especially you both, Kara, Dr. Danvers.”
Kara, by dropping hints, had convinced Ja’all that he could get Alex out of the way and stop the tests by directing suspicion at her. Since she hadn’t directly been responsible for his plan, she was also free to do just the opposite at the meeting, creating more confusion and chaos.
That allowed Alex, ably assisted by Clark and Lois, to keep them on the backfoot almost until the rescue effort was complete. Though only Clark Kent would have thought of using “I love Lois” as a distraction. She hoped Kara wouldn’t take the wrong lessons from him.
Or, may be she did. But, not right now.
“And, there it is.” Nia waved her hand, a beam on her face. “Team Danvers. Always working to perfection.”
“And, saving our planet.” J’onn added with a smile.
Nia raised her glass. “To Team Danvers. They should come with a warning.” She paused and grinned widely. “For anyone who dare threaten our planet.”
All of their friends joined in. “To Team Danvers.”
“We have missed you Kara.” Andrea said as the cheers died down. “Yes, even I. Despite stealing your boyfriend since you left.” William, sitting on her chair’s arm, grinned. “I am no longer her boyfriend but your husband, Andrea. Don’t be so quick to fob me off on her.”
“Oh, I am not. I was just describing the lay of the land to Kara.” Andrea retorted, with a smile at Kara.
“Noted.” Kara returned the smile.
“As have I.” Kelly said quietly from beside Jaya. “I know you have your doubts.” She raised her hand as Kara tried to protest. “I know you, Kara. May be not as well as Alex, but well enough. But, I have missed you. You were my friend before I ever met Alex, remember.”
“I remember.” Kara said softly. “And, thank you.” She looked around. “I have missed all of you too. You have no idea, how much.”
“Are you going back?” Brainy asked after a brief silence. “Because if not, I have to make changes at the DEO for you and” he looked at Alex. “I assume Director Danvers.”
Kara looked at Alex first and then at M’gann and S’lynn.
For a minute, Alex’s heart trembled as she wondered at the hesitation in Kara’s eyes. Kara wouldn’t want to go back, would she? What if she felt obliged to return? To help the rebels?
Something of her fear must have shown in Alex’s eyes because Kara took Alex’s hand in hers, squeezed it, and held it close, before turning back to Brainy. “I am staying. I am not sure I’d be joining the DEO. There is time to make plans. And…” she waited for cheers from the humans to die down before turning to M’gann and S’lynn. “I will always come if you ever need anything. And, even if you won’t, I will keep visiting. And, bring J’onn along.”
“We would expect nothing less from you.” M’gann assured her.
“And, if you don’t come, we will come and drag you to Mars for a visit.” S’lynn added with a rare display of non-soldierly conduct and affection.
Alex’s heart returned to normal speed. She smiled at Kara and got a brilliant smile in return.
Looked like she had Kara back. Forever.
And as far as Alex was concerned, that was all that mattered.
There you are. And they lived happily ever after. The End. Thank you for reading. 😊
Also, I know that certain details in the past couple of episodes changes some things. However, no reason they wouldn’t have changed back since then. 5 years is a long time.
Oh, and apologies to fans of Sara Lance and others. Even Clark and Lois. I don’t watch any of the other shows, so I may have got their characterisation (any little I showed) wrong.
Be well folks. And get through safely to the madness—both of conservatism and covid—that has gripped over world to the other end.
PS: I wouldn’t be me, if I didn’t add a note for open borders, given all the talk about infiltrators. ^|^
Presence of threatening elements is not an argument for tightening our borders (just like presence of rapists and gropers is not an argument for keeping women confined to homes) and being horrible to immigrants. It is an argument for better social structures, community action for education and acceptance and preparation to manage security in a humane way.
Oh and I should also say that, I am against incarceration, but I have no idea how to manage that. I am sure many someones far wiser than me, with more experience, are already thinking about that. Both Immigration restriction and incarceration are things that should be thought about and in a staggered manner phased out. May be in a few decades, but that should be the plan.
Sorry again, middle of the road friends who disagree with me.
Let us say, that the White Martians got therapy, and were sent safely back to Mars. Some time in future, when the idea (not the people) of supremacy was eradicated, let us imagine Earth goes on to establish friendly relations and movements with Mars as well.
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ladyshilya · 5 years
The Flash: Death of the Speed Force
Let find out what is going on with the Speed Force because it was enough to bring Wally back home.
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The show starts off big with a plane about to crash and Barry is on his way there to help before he can get there Kid Flash is on the scene helping stop the plane from crashing by getting everyone off and dismantling it. It was a pretty impressive scene I am not going to lie.
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The team has a welcome home party for Wally and Cisco comes back at the same time. It seems Cisco has been hanging out with Aquaman well at least Atlantis. At Jitters everything goes still like time froze. It seems there is a Russian lady Frida who is after the other Russian lady Kid Flash saved. Frida has the ability to control time so she ages the person she after to were she looks like a mummy. Cisco knows who this is and calls them Turtle 2. I think I am with everyone else that name is not all that impressive especially from Cisco. I feel a bit let down. Cisco works on a way to stop Turtle 2 with Caitlin’s help since she tells him to help Nash.
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While all of this is going on Wally wants to know what is up with Barry because Wally senses a disturbance in the Speed Force. It is not longer talking to him. When they were helping clean up after the party Barry just loses his speed for a moment. Iris is the one who mentions to Wally about what happened with Ramsey. Wally takes Barry into the Speed Force where they find it dying. It is dying because of what Barry did. This causes Wally to yell at Barry for always trying to do everything himself and not telling Wally so he could help fix it. Barry goes back into the Speed Force and he finds out its the Spectre Energy that is killing the Speed Force. Basically what he did to save the universe is causing the Speed Force to die. The Speed Force dies but not after telling Barry they are happy he got the lighting because he taught them so much. After a talk with Papa Joe, Wally apologizes to Barry for yelling at him.
Currently they have a limited amount of Speed Force energy to use. They need to use it to take down Frida who has gone after Papa Joe. Good thing Caitlin finished the Velocity-X Cisco was working on to take out Frida. Barry and Wally head down the police station to save Papa Joe. Wally gets caught in one of Frida’s bubbles and Barry uses this chance to talk with Frida to convince her to stop. While distracted Papa Joe was released when both Flashes showed up injects Frida with Velocity-X turning off her powers. Wally has to leave for his next Peace Corp service but he mentions that there is something different with Iris. Barry tells the team what is going on and they want to do what they can to help. Right now Barry wants to working on an artificial Speed Force to give himself power. He is taking the idea from the Negative Speed Force device Thawne created. I am sure there is a way to get the Speed Force back but its going to take them some time to figure it out. They also might need some help. Where is the Council of Wells when you need it.
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While all of this is happening Nash wants Cisco’s help to rid himself of the ghost that are plaguing him. Cisco cares more about stopping Frida because they is why he came back. Nash runs into the ghost of Reverse Flash. After talking with Caitlin Cisco heads down to help out Nash. When Cisco gets there its not Nash he is dealing with but Thawne in Nash’s body. Good thing is no powers because Nash doesn’t have Speed Force but Thawne is still pretty tough. Cecile jumps in and is able to save Cisco from Thawne. Of course Thawne tells everyone that he is going to kill them all. He also mentions the death of the Speed Force.
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Iris is still trapped inside the mirror how does no one not realize that is not Iris. It seems if Eva gets all crazy it affects Clone Iris. Eva also mentioned how her husband tried to get her out of the mirror. How did he know she was in there? I feel like their are hole in her story. Or did I miss something she said? Clone Iris freaks out on Kamilla because of the picture she took and asks her to delete it. Clone Iris also tells Barry it might be a good thing him losing him powers. Iris would never say that and she would do what she could to help him get them back. I think Barry might realize finally that is not Iris. Wally seems to be the only one to realize that something is off with Iris. Maybe he helped confirm it for everyone else who might have been thinking it. The photo didn’t delete and Kamilla sees a mirror person where Iris should be. This causes Clone Iris to hit Kamilla with the mirror gun so she doesn’t tell anyone. Wait, what just happened. The gun destroys people down to their atoms. Kamilla is dead. Oh, this is not good and Cisco is going to be so upset because she was good for him.
Well this was an interesting and sad episode. The death of the Speed Force was so sad when it called Barry her son. I really do think there is way to get it back and the team will figure it out eventually. If anything Thawne might be able to help he sometimes does that if it will benefit himself. Also the team really needs to figure Iris is not Iris. Omg, killing Kamilla was not ok.
Looks like they are going to try to figure how to get Thawne out of Nash next episode while also possibly giving Barry, Speed Force injections. I really feel like I need to see this to get the whole picture.
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supergirl-obsessed · 6 years
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Imagine if instead of the flash jumping worlds it was you, and instead of catching Kara you caught Lena. Just an idea I had. Also holy fuck this is long. This has been sitting in my drafts for a couple weeks, I just didn’t know how to finish it. This will be a multiple part story, I love the idea and it has so many possibilities. Enjoy!!!
Lena Luthor x Reader
“So little me how about a race?” Barry said asked walking up to you. 
“Just because I'm younger than you and everyone calls me little flash doesn't mean you have to.” You asked getting a little mad about the nickname. Everyone gave it to you because you were Barry’s little brother and ended up gaining the power of speed as well. 
“I’m just kidding (y/n) you know that. But you have to admit it fits we do look very similar.” he said chuckling 
“Yeah not the thing I’m most proud of Barry. So about that race?” you asked 
“Oh right, your recent energy outputs have been considerably higher than mine so everyone wanted to see if that means that you have the potential to be faster than me or the way the speed force interacts in your body is different.” he said 
“You already know I’m faster than you.” You said laughing then running outside and saw everyone getting the equipment ready. One second later your brother appeared by your side. 
“You weren't kidding about them thinking I’m faster.” you said in awe of the idea of being faster than your brother. 
“I really wasn't” He said putting an arm on your shoulder. 
The both of you suited up and lined up for the race, as you got told the route you’d be taking for the race.
“On your marks, get set, GO!” you and Barry yelled simultaneously. 
It started off that the two of you ran the same speed but then you started to speed up, you completely let go ran faster than you even knew you could. Then suddenly you saw someone falling out of a building. You immediately jumped onto the side of the building ran up and caught her. You couldn't slow down like you normally do so you ended up going outside of city limits before you were able to even slow down. 
When you finally came to a complete stop, you put the women down finally looking at her face. When you did you were in awe for the second time today. She was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on. 
You realized you were staring so you spoke up “Hey I’m sorry I ran you so far outside of the city it’s just me and The Flash were having a race and I was running the fastest I ever have and I didn’t know how to stop.” 
“Thank you for saving my life but, who are you and who is the flash?” the woman said.
“I’m Quicksilver, wait you don't know who The Flash is?” you asked 
“No should I?” she said 
“Yeah the flash from Central City, I’m his partner Quicksilver. Wait do you know who Green Arrow is?” you asked hoping she would know him.
“I’m sorry no.” she said 
“What about Black Canary?” you asked hopeful
“No sorry” she said 
“Not as sorry as I am.” you took off your mask then continued “I’m (y/n) Allen one of the Fastest people alive and I’m on the wrong earth I’m going to need your help.” 
“Wait so the theory of the multiverse is true?” She asked 
“Yeah Yeah it is, wait you know about it?” you asked so relieved that you wouldn't have to explain it to someone. 
“I’m Lena Luthor, I’m the CEO of L-Corp yeah I know what the multiverse theory is” 
“I’m sorry but what is L-Corp we don’t have that on my world.” 
“I’m sorry, its a tech and science based company.” 
“Oh cool like Star Labs.” you said quietly looking around and realizing you have been having a conversation in the middle of a desert. 
“Would you mind taking me there? I need to use a computer.” you said putting your mask back on.
“Yeah but how are we going to get there-”
She was cut off by you picking her up and running her to the city, as you were running you saw a building with the company name she said on the side of it. You ran there and stopped outside the building. 
“I would have ran you to your office but I didn’t know which one it was and I didn’t want to guess and be wrong.” 
“Top floor office with the balcony.” she said and in a second the two of you were there.
“Oh I should probably put you down now.” you said
“Other than the fact that I feel like I'm going to vomit that was really cool.” She said.
“Yeah I get that a lot. Do you happen to have pants lying around, I’ll take anything I have a shirt underneath but not pants.” 
“I have women’s skinny jeans thats it.” 
“I’ll take them.” you said grabbing the jeans then speed changing into normal cloths. 
“So about the computer?” 
“Right, use mine I just need my laptop right now and I’m a lot more interested in you than my work currently.” 
“Right so my brother was struck by lighting the same night a particle accelerator exploded he became the flash, then he went back in time, yeah I know but he really did, then I was struck by lighting instead of him that night and became Quicksilver. Basically time travel and earth jumping is nothing new but doing it by accident is.” you explained.
“Wait so you've jumped earths before?” 
“Well not me Barry has, thats my brother. I haven't I didn’t even know I was fast enough to jump worlds I thought only he was.” you said trying to find anyone from your earth on the computer. 
“Then how did you?” 
“We were racing then I saw you falling out of a building and poof I’m on a different earth. You seem a lot more calm than I would have expected anyone to be is there people who can do this on your earth too?” 
“No, we do have aliens.” 
“Wait you have ALIENS!” you said then running to stand beside her 
“Yeah we have aliens, Supergirl and Superman you don't have them on your earth?” 
“NO! thats awesome are they both in this city?” you asked then her phone went off. 
“Wait there’s something happening at CatCo I need to go over there, want to come?” she asked 
“Well yeah you're my this earth tour guide I’d be lost without you.” you said smiling 
When the two of you arrived everyone was greeting her, but most people were hectically running around. 
“So what’s the deal with this place?” you asked 
“Oh right, this is Catco a magazine company.” 
“So are you here for an interview?” 
“No I own this place too” 
“How many companies do you own Lena?” Just as you finished asking a girl with blonde hair and glasses came running up to Lena and gave her a big hug. 
“Lena thank god you’re safe I was so scared, do you know who the guy is that saved you.” she asked you gulped at the end of her sentence 
“No idea he just dropped me off and I had to take a cab back to L-Corp. But the story on him is what I’m here about James wanted me to organize how to deal with National Cities newest Superhero.” Lena said when she finished the blonde just turned and looked at you for the first time. 
“Lena who is your friend.” she said smiling at you 
“Oh um this is (y/n) my boyfriend.” she said then looked at you then reached to hold your hand.
“Boyfriend huh? how come you’ve never mentioned him?” she asked. You gulped again not knowing how to react as you were Lena’s ‘boyfriend’ now. 
“Well it’s a new relationship and I didn’t want to jinx it, but since my near death experience he was worried and so I thought I’d bring him to Catco with me and introduce him to my best friend.” Lena said 
“I’m Kara by the way and what was your name again?” she asked 
“(y/n) Allen” you said, she gave you a weird look before saying “I’ll round up everyone for the meeting.” 
When she was out of sight you turned to Lena and said “So that was the worst way I’ve ever been asked out well only way I’ve been asked out.” 
“I know I’m sorry it’s just I didn’t know what to say when she asked and that was the first thing that popped into my mind.” 
“Hey hey, it’s fine I’m honoured that you think I'm attractive enough to be your boyfriend but you need to go to the meeting also can I come with I want to see what everyones saying about me.” you said and she laughed leading you towards the room where the meeting was about to take place.
You and Lena walked towards a huge office with white couches, already filled with people.  
“Okay what do we know about this new superhero?” Lena announced as she leaned against the desk. 
“The guy’s a blur, but shouldn't you know the most about the guy he saved you.” a man said 
“I didn’t see him, I was falling then I wasn’t.” she said 
“Well he needs a name I was thinking The Flash.” Kara said 
“That’s good but I was thinking something more direct, like Quicksilver.” Lena said 
Everyone in the office just nodded, not wanting to disagree with their boss.
“James, we need a clear shot or as clear as you can get of Quicksilver and Kara you’ll be writing the article, I will give you my interview when you're ready.” 
Everyone had their assignments and filed out of the office. Lena turned to you and said 
“Now lets get you back to your earth.” 
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 6 years
GC prompt: James wants to introduce Lena to his best friend Clark
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Lena says as soon as she unlocks James’ door. “The investor meeting went late but I think we finally–”
The words die in her throat when her eyes lock on the unexpected figure in James’ living room.
“Mr. Kent,” she greets coolly. “Excuse me.”
“Hey, Lena, guess who dropped in for a visit?” James emerges from the kitchen with a beer in each hand. He passes one off to Clark before crossing to welcome Lena with a kiss. She receives it on her cheek, uncomfortable with their sudden audience. 
“I’m here on business with the Planet, thought I’d say hello,” Mr. Kent informs her with a gentle smile. “I hope you don’t mind.”
The smile Lena offers is brief. “Why would I mind?”
Silence hangs awkwardly between them, as Clark struggles to find a response that won’t incriminate either of them.
“I went ahead and ordered some pizza and wings,” James changes the subject. “That okay?”
“Sounds great…” Despite her agreement, James knows the bow out is coming. “But you know, I don’t want to keep you from catching up. I think I’ll give Kara a call.”
James hesitates. “You sure? You don’t have to…”
“No, please, it’s fine.” Lena lifts to her toes to kiss his cheek, and this time, her smile softens into something more natural. “You two have fun.”
James watches helplessly as Lena gathers her things and bows out with one last nod to Clark. “Lovely seeing you again, Mr. Clark.”
“And you, Miss Luthor.”
The door closes behind her with a click. James stares after her, tempted to follow her out. But Clark’s presence behind him tethers him in place.
“Sorry, man,” he says finally, turning back to the couch. “I was hoping this would be a chance for you guys to get to know each other better.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t really blame her,” Clark admits with a sigh as they settle back on the couch. “We don’t exactly have an easy history.”
“What, you mean…?”
“It’s more than that, actually.” Clark picks at the label of his beer. “I kind of, maybe, might have accidentally ended her relationship with Jack Spheer.”
James blinks at him. “Wait, what?”
“It was around the same time Lex’s trial was happening. We weren’t making any headway with Luthor’s office, so I reached out to Spheer.”
“Dude, you didn’t–”
“Look, by that point Lex’s story was done. I was looking for an human interest angle, to focus on what was next. I’d gotten word that LuthorCorp was starting over and I needed more details in order to pitch the article to Barry. I figured Spheer would know.”
Distaste sours James’ tongue. He sets his beer aside, untasted.
“I asked when I ran into him at a bar,” his friend continued. “I got the brushoff like you might expect, but I dunno… Something about his face that night told me he had no idea.”
“Next thing anyone knows, Lena’s taking the company to National City, and Spheer’s staying behind, and all the rags are talking about their hushed split.”
James doesn’t know what to say. So he doesn’t, instead rubbing his hand over his jaw. His friend meets his gaze. At least Clark has the decency to look ashamed.
“I’m not proud of my part in it, James,” Clark says. “It was never my intention for that to happen, you have to know that.”
“Sure,” James allows, “but it still happened.”
He feels like an idiot. He knows journalism is a rough gig, especially on the subjects they feature, but he’d always believed his friend was above the worst of it.
It sucks to be proven wrong.
“You should have told me, man.” It’s been months since he casually mentioned his budding relationship with Lena. Clark had months to share the truth of it, and minutes more when he heard Lena was on her way to James’ apartment.
Discomfort coils in James’ belly, and in the next moment, he makes his decision. “I gotta go.”“James…”“It is what it is, Clark,” James says, waving him off. “But– you came here to my place with this, and the thing is, it’s not just my place anymore.”It takes a moment to click into place. “Oh. I didn’t realize it was that serious. Congratula–”“No, I don’t mean it like that, it’s just…” James struggles to find the words. “When you get to the kind of level Lena and I are on, as executives of companies as big as ours… there’s not a lot of places where we can just switch off and be ourselves.” He shrugs. “I didn’t realize how much I want this place to be one of them for Lena until she walked out that door.”Clark nods, a goofy smile teasing his lips. “No, I get it. I do. Let me find a hotel, and you two can–”“I appreciate it, but let me talk to Lena first.” He claps Clark on the shoulder. “You stay here and wait for the pizza.”“Yeah, sure. Okay. I’ll be here.”
James doesn’t bother trying to track down Kara. He knows exactly where Lena is. 
L-Corp is quiet this time of night, and his ride up to the executive suite is almost meditative. Jess’ desk is empty, and so is Lena’s. He finds her instead on the couch, changed into soft yoga pants and a loose top.“Hey.”Lena looks up from her book, and offers a soft smile. “Hey.”It’s invitation enough for James to sit next to her on the couch. He reaches instinctively for her knee. Her hand covers his, soothing his concern that she might be angry with him. “Sorry I was so abrupt,” she tells him quietly. Her features twist into a grimace. “No, that was totally on me.” James traces his thumb in quiet circles against her thigh. “I should have warned you as soon as Clark showed up.”“It’s your apartment,” she reminds him. “You don’t have to run your guests by me.”James holds her gaze. “I think we can both agree that Clark is more than just a guest.”Green eyes fall away, confirming the truth of his words. “Between the trial, and that thing with Jack Spheer, I can only imagine that Clark would be a loaded subject. I didn’t even think–”“What?” Lena squints in confusion. “What does Jack have to do with it?”James hesitates, sensing he’d stepping into something he wasn’t meant to. But in for a penny…
“Clark explained that he might have had a hand in how you and Jack broke up… when you made the decision to move the company here.”“Oh, please,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Jack and I were done long before Kent cornered him in that bar on 39th.”“And the move wasn’t a surprise?”“God, no.” Lena pulls away, shaking her head. “And they say Luthors have hubris.”Silence fills the space around them. James feels the urge to jump to Clark’s defense, but it passes just as fleetingly. In this case, Clark has earned it. He stares at his hands, and chooses his next words carefully.
“I know, with everything that happened with your brother, Clark was kind of at the front of it all–”
Pale fingers edge into his vision, curling around his left hand.
“I’m not asking you to cut ties with him, James. I would never ask that.” James lifts his gaze to a soft smile. “He’s your Kara. I get it.”
James nods, sighing. “You guys are two of my favorite people. I guess I was just hoping you two would be able to be friends.”
“I know. But James… That last year in Metropolis was the worst time of my life.” Her voice deepens, and her features shadow with a dark truth. “To be honest, there were moments I wasn’t sure I’d survive it. Wasn’t sure I wanted to.”
Somehow, James knows she doesn’t mean death threats or assassination attempts.
“And I know Clark Kent is seen as this scion of ethical journalism, but the truth is that he was right there with the rest of them. It was his name on the call sheet hounding us for interviews, his face on the courthouse steps shoving microphones at me when I was just barely keeping it together.”
James swallows, nearly choking on his own guilt. He’d accepted Lena’s innocence fully, but never bothered to consider what that innocence looked like during the trial. Part of him assumed that she’d been on the same side of the courtroom as everyone else, eager to see Lex put away.
But it’s not that simple.
How could it be? James knows first hand how deeply Lena feels for people she cares about.
“I remember watching the trials,” he says softly. “You’d never know it to look at you.”
“Yes, well. The first thing a Luthor learns is a good poker face,” Lena jokes. “Didn’t do me many favors at the time though, considering I was accused of sabotaging the Venture within weeks of arriving.”
James doesn’t have anything to say to that. He’d definitely been on the wrong end of assuming things at that point.
“Maybe one day I’ll be able to be in the same room as Clark Kent without feeling like crawling out of my skin. But we’ll never be friends. And I hope you won’t hold it against me that I don’t want to be friends with the man who made his name on tearing my world apart.”
There are moments when Lena seems superhuman in her own right: when the world can’t touch her but lies entirely within her reach.
This is not one of them.
She says it all with a smile, but the apprehension behind it is evident. She’s not certain he won’t take her reluctance to know Clark as some indication of latent villainy. She holds her breath, waiting for the blowback that feels sure to come.
“I don’t.” James tugs her closer, and she leans into him, releasing her held breath in a sigh. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop to consider all this sooner.”
Lena only shrugs.
“And I promise to give you more warning the next time an unexpected guest shows up.”
That, at least, earns him a breath of laughter. “Thanks.” Then she pushes him away with a playful shove. “Go catch up. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m happy to stay here,” James tells her. “If seeing Clark again brings up stuff…”
He can’t shake the deep disquiet of learning how deeply Lex’s conviction had affected her. How close she might have come to giving up in the face of what must have seemed like insurmountable heartache.
The idea of leaving her alone feels irresponsible, regardless of the fact that Lena’s survived the years since. But Lena only smiles.
“It brings up plenty,” she admits, “but nothing I’m not equipped to handle. Alone.”
“You don’t have to be alone.”
Lena’s smile warms. “I appreciate that. Really. But I’m fine. And feeling like I’m keeping you from your friend is only going to stress me out, so…”
James lifts his hands in surrender. “All right. Message received.” He presses a kiss to the back of her hand before rising to his feet. “But if you ever want to talk, about Lex, or anything… I know I’ve got baggage, but I can put that away. I want to be there for you, whatever you need.”
For a long moment, nothing else is said. Lena stares at him, uncertain and taken aback at his offer. Then, her gaze turns misty, as her smile softens. “Thank you.”
James gives her hand another squeeze. “See you tomorrow?”
“You bet.” She tilts her chin up for a parting kiss, which James gladly bequeaths, letting his lips linger slow and tender against hers. Words bubble up in his throat, but he swallows them back down to make way for something safer.
I love you.
Clark planned to leave for Metropolis in the morning, but delays his departure to say one more goodbye. He waits in the executive waiting room for nearly an hour before Lena returns from an off-site meeting. Though she can’t be glad to see him, her features lift in a smile that’s nothing but transactional.
“Mr. Kent, hello. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t have time for an interview today.”
Or any other day, Clark suspects.
“I’m not here on business,” he assures her. His confidence frays when she slows to meet him, removing the smoother possibility of him slipping into her office behind her. “If I could just have a few moments of your time?”
She hesitates for only a heartbeat before she tilts her head towards the office in silent invitation. He follows at her heels, and waits for her to shed her puse and jacket before turning to face him expectantly.
“I wanted to apologize.”
She blinks, less surprised than skeptical. “Okay.”
“I didn’t mean to make things uncomfortable for you last night. And while I doubt we’ll ever really move past what happened in Metropolis, I want you to know it wasn’t personal.”
Green eyes harden to ice, and pale features twist into a barely-contained sneer. “I’m glad you got a chance to get that off your chest. Now, if there’s nothing else–”
“And I wanted to give you this.”
Lena freezes, her gaze flashing to the 4x6 photograph Clark extends towards her. She takes it, and Clark watches a myriad of emotions flicker across her features at the sight of him and Lex five years younger with their arms slung around each other’s shoulders.
“I miss him too.”
Lena’s jaw clenches tightly. “I’ve always resented you.”
It’s not the response Clark expects. He blinks, surprised not at the resentment, but the admission of it.
“Once I went to boarding school, I only less than two months a year during the summer to spend as much time with Lex as I could. And those last few years, it was always Clark this, and Clark that. He adored you.”
Her gaze lifts in a damning glare.
“But it’s not personal. Right?”
Clark’s throat clicks for want of a response. “I didn’t mean to imply–”
“I lost everything that year, and not just my brother. My entire life ended trying to pick up the pieces after the trial. I gave up my cancer research, my friends, my relationship… But to everyone else involved, it’s nothing personal. They were just doing their jobs. Even the man who was once Lex’s best friend.”
She strides towards him with dark intent, and for a brief moment, Clark wonders if Lena Luthor is about to break her hand on his face. Instead, she shoves the photograph forcefully against his chest, planting it there as his hands numbly lift to take it back.
“Keep it. I’ve got plenty of my own.”
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queercapwriting · 7 years
Girls’ Night
“Maybe some more girls night?” prompt from @crimson-archangel and “more of their girls night, please!” from @warriorbard2012
A sequel to this: https://queercapwriting.tumblr.com/post/166965062254/detective-sawyer-ms-luthor
Kara flies out for a couple extra bottles of wine before Lena and Sam get there, telling her sister and her soon-to-be sister-in-law that she’ll be back in a flash.
She chuckles to herself as the pun sinks in, and she makes a note to tell Barry next time they chat using Cisco’s communicator.
By the time her chuckle is finished, she’s back with red and white and sparkling, and her sister is leaning back against the kitchen counter -- her kitchen counter -- with her hair askew and Maggie’s lips on her neck.
“Guys!” Kara squeals, hiding her eyes and nearly dropping the wine. 
Alex squeaks and Maggie freezes in instinctive terror before Alex’s hand finds her waist, and she relaxes, because it’s only Kara, and she and Kara may have their differences, but god, would they die for each other.
“I was gone for like two minutes! Not even!”
“Listen, Little Danvers, your sister is very -- “
“Lalalala, I know, I know! Alex, you’re beautiful, but that doesn’t mean -- “
“Oh, Kara, were they making out in front of you again?” Lena’s voice in the open doorway behind her makes Kara blush deeply as she adjusts her glasses, her clothes, her hair.
“Lena! Hi!” She’s more breathless at the sound of Lena’s voice than she was at flying halfway to Metropolis just to get Maggie’s favorite kind of wine.
Maggie nudges Alex with her shoulder. Alex nudges back. They both try to hide their giggles.
Lena goes to hug Kara, and Alex’s eyes widen at her sister’s awkward, adorable rambling as she murmurs about being careful not to drop the wine, she traveled very far to get it and wine stains really are hard to get out of clothes and Lena your hair looks really beautiful down.
Sam arches an eyebrow behind Lena, and her eyes meet Alex’s over Lena and Kara’s shoulders. Alex raises her eyebrows twice at her, and Sam nearly laughs aloud.
Maggie tilts her head. “Sam and I also have a bet on when Lena and Kara are gonna realize they’re dating,” Alex murmurs, because she and Sam had found more to talk about than kids, after all.
Maggie snorts.
“Hey Lena,” she strides over, wanting to make sure Lena doesn’t think they’re being standoffish. Wanting to make sure Lena doesn’t think she’s on the outside looking in, even as she sits with all of them. Because she knows what that feels like -- intimately -- and she doesn’t want Lena, or anyone, to feel that way.
“Oh, and where are my manners?” Lena perks up as though it were her apartment, not her... not Kara’s. “Detective Maggie Sawyer, this is Samantha March, L-Corp’s new -- “
“New Lena, right. I heard you’re doing a great job,” Maggie shakes her hand warmly as the Danvers sisters and Lena beam. 
“Well, she has rather killer heels to fill, but -- “
“Oh please, I’ve only ever used them to stab one or two white male executives,” Lena teases, grateful -- for once in her life -- to be in a room full of women where she can joke like that, as a woman, as a Luthor, without the people around her thinking her a murderer, thinking her a ticking time bomb, thinking her nothing more than her last name.
“Ugh,” Alex groans, gesturing for everyone to follow her to the sitting area as she helps Kara unload the wine from her arms. “I had to go on this stupid fake date once -- before your time, babe -- for work -- Sam, I uh... I work at the FBI -- and god I wished I could’ve stabbed the guy with those heels I had to wear.”
Light laughter fills the room as Kara jogs -- at a human pace -- toward her old CD player and flicks on the radio.
Background music to their joy. Background music to their bonding. Background music to the FaceTime call from Lucy Lane, bemoaning the fact that she couldn’t get into National City for the weekend but promising them all a whirlwind of stories and something harder than wine next time she’s in town.
Background music to Maggie cuddling into Alex’s arms, listening to her steady heartbeat and smiling, grateful and peaceful and loved, remembering a time when she couldn’t do anything like this, for fear of rejection and pain and loss and ugly, ugly accusations.
Background music to Alex laughing along with Lena and Sam, her arm around Maggie as Lena spins an old college story about an ex girlfriend who once walked in on her dancing by herself and lip syncing to ‘Nsync oldies in nothing but her college sweatshirt and ballet socks.
Background music to Kara turning bright red at the idea of Lena with a girlfriend, of Lena dancing and lip syncing, of Lena wearing nothing but her college sweatshirt and ballet socks, grateful no one other than her can hear heartbeats in this apartment, because if they could, they’d all hear hers beating only for Lena.
Background music to Sam easing into conversation with increasing comfort and increasing hope that maybe, this time, she’s found a solid, steadfast group of friends -- family, even? -- because it’s been so long since she’d had a night like this and god, she needs to do it more often.
Background music to Lena reaching for Kara’s hand as they laugh, her heart skipping several beats when Kara takes it and interlaces their fingers, her heart nearly stopping when Kara doesn’t let go, when suddenly they’re holding hands and Alex, Maggie, and Sam are all exchanging looks, but they’re excited and hopeful and giggly, not cruel and protective and judgmental.
“So Sam,” Alex wants to know after the laughter dies down, because they’re all several drinks in and it’s almost time for Truth or Drink (which is really another way to phrase Truth and Drink). “We’ve all been trying to figure it out, and we can’t -- maybe you can help us?”
Sam raises her eyebrows and waits for Alex to finish. Maggie nudges her gently and kisses her cheek. “You’ve gotta get the words out of your brain for Sam to answer you, babe,” she teases, and Alex kisses her full on the mouth.
“Mmmmm, you’re right. Isn’t my fiancee such a damn genius? No seriously though, did you know there was this cold case -- “
“Babe. Sam?” Maggie reminds her, bemused. 
“Right! See? Keeps me on track, this one,” Alex beams, and Maggie couldn’t imagine anything better than being loved by this woman.
“Sam,” Alex starts again.
“Yes,” Sam leans forward and nods gamely. Kara and Lena lean in, too.
“We’ve been trying to figure out what it is about National City that makes us all come here for fresh starts. Like...” Alex looks around the room and nods, affirming her own thoughts. “All of us in this room came here to start again. From something or other. You did, too, I’m guessing, right? And none of us can figure it out. Why here? Do you have any ideas?”
Sam sits back and looks up as she nods slowly and takes a long sip of her wine.
Kara kisses Lena’s hand while she thinks no one is watching. Lena swoons.
Alex and Maggie barely hold in a yelp of victory.
“I think some places... some places just... call you. You know? Some places just... bring us together. Like... like geographical glue. God, that’s something Ruby would say. But really, I... sometimes I think the universe just needs certain people to find each other, you know? You and Maggie. Kara and Lena. Me, the ultimate third wheel -- “
“Or third partner, hey,” Lena raises her glass, and they all clink them together with soft blushes and giggles.
“I just... this might sound really corny, but I just think some things are meant to be, you know? So maybe... maybe this city is where we were all meant to meet.”
She shrugs and hopes she didn’t just weird out her new potential friends. But Maggie is kissing Alex’s hand and Alex is leaning over to grab Kara’s free hand. Lena reaches out and tugs Sam onto the floor with her and Kara.
“I think we all know what this calls for,” Kara grins, and Alex nearly cackles.
“What -- “ Lena looks confused, but Maggie’s been through this already, and she pretends to groan.
“Cuddle pile!” the Danvers girls shout as one, and the night plays out as the sleepover all of them grew up wanting but never quite had; corny pop music and long giggle fits and hand holding and some kissing and a lot of pillow tossing and wine and tears and life long bonds and eventually, when the sun starts to come up, sweet, sweet sleep in the warmth of the arms of chosen family.
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kierantc-blog · 7 years
DC Rebirth In Review - The Justice League
Welcome to part 3 of my DC Rebirth In Review series. DC are dropping the Rebirth branding in December and i thought i would reflect on what has and hasn’t worked in the Rebirth initiative.
To recap, you can check my previous posts, Part 1 - The Superman Family and Part 2 - The Batman Family, but in this post i’m going to be looking at the Justice League titles. To be clear though, this will be about the League specific books as well as the solo titles for the core members.
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Justice League - This has probably been the most controversial of all the Rebirth books because for a lot of people the series has been nothing but a downgrade on Geoff Johns’ epic run in the New 52, and in a way they’re right. Bryan Hitch’s story telling style is all over the place but i believe the narrative he’s trying to put across is very good. It’s like having a pot of the best tea in the entire world but not being able to pour it into a cup properly. Hitch has been teasing a new Crisis event, the Forever Crisis, and who knows if that’s the way Rebirth will end or if it’s something else but it should be more exciting than it is. Also the artwork on this book has suffered massively from the bi-monthly schedule. The best talent is currently on other books and it needs to come on Justice League sooner rather than later. With Deathstroke’s Christopher Priest taking over the title soon, we’re certainly in for an increase in quality but until then, Hitch’s Justice League is worth a chance, but if you don’t like the first arc you certainly won’t like the rest. - 4/10
Justice League Of America - This book came with a lot of promise, excellent Rebirth one shots and a hero team of promise, and so far it hasn’t really delivered on it but it does show promise and improvement with every issue. Steve Orlando is a great writer, he’s doing some nice work on Supergirl and his Midnighter books have been wonderful too, but he has been slow on the narrative with this team. Right now the series is concentrating on a Rebirth mystery that came up in DC Universe Rebirth #1 with The Atom Ray Palmer sending a message to his protege Ryan Choi about a problem in the Microverse, and so far it has been good with Batman, Lobo, Ryan and Killer Frost searching for Ray. It hasn’t had the most consistent artwork but it has had some beautiful work from Jamal Campbell (Vixen Rebirth #1 & issue 7) and the legendary Ivan Reis, which make it a step above the other JL title. A must buy if you want a different kind of Justice League book. - 6.5/10
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Green Lanterns - When Rebirth was announced, many people were disappointed with Sam Humphries being the writer on this book but he has changed minds emphatically with some stellar work. Writing for 2 relatively new characters in Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz isn’t easy but Humphries has made these two people into humans you can relate to and want to see succeed while also showing a lot of respect and knowledge to the Green Lantern lore of old too. The series has unfortunately suffered from some inconsistent artwork but it’s still an incredibly good read that has expanded on the mythology of the series introduced by Geoff Johns. - 8.5/10
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps - Just like with Humphries on Green Lanterns, people were disappointed to find Robert Venditti writing for Hal Jordan once again, but honestly i was hopeful as i enjoyed his post-Johns era work and thought he could get better, and it’s hard to argue against that given his run on this book. The biggest task he faced was combining a series of books into one, this series takes story beats from his previous Green Lantern book as well as Green Lantern Corps: Edge Of Oblivion, Sinestro and Omega Men and manages to combine them into one cohesive story, albeit a bit slower than some might like. My only problem with this series is the name of it, it suffers from the Birds Of Prey thing by them shoving Hal’s name on the front of it for no apparent reason. The artwork for this series is largely excellent for a bi-monthly title with Rafa Sandoval and Green Lantern veteran Ethan Van Sciver providing the bulk of the work. If you love the Lantern series you will almost certainly enjoy this one too. - 9/10
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Wonder Woman - With a blockbuster movie on the horizon, the Wonder Woman series needed a big pull for Rebirth and DC more than delivered by bringing back legendary Wonder Woman writer Greg Rucka. Mixing the old with the new, Rucka uses older elements of Diana’s story and mixes them in with the New 52 elements but also deploys a unique story telling tactic by using the odd-numbered issues as a current day story and the even-numbered issues as a story titled “Year One”, a re-telling of how Diana first met Steve Trevor. The use of this type of story telling only works because of the bi-monthly schedule, otherwise it would take 12 months to tell a 6-issue story, but it works perfectly. The artwork is split between Liam Sharp on the current day story and Nicola Scott on the Year One story, and each one compliments the stories with incredibly detailed pencils. They are later joined by the excellent Bilquis Evely to round up one of the best art teams on one run. Rucka’s run on Wonder Woman ended with the culmination of both stories meeting in the middle in issue 25, and my only complaint about it was that a lot of questions were left up in the air but hopefully they will be answered soon as new writer James Robinson is living up to Rucka’s run quite handily so far. A must read for fans both old and new. - 9/10
The Flash - Written by Joshua Williamson with art by Carmine Di Giandomenico, Barry Allen witnesses a Speed Force Storm that turns random citizens of Central City into Speedsters like The Flash, and introduces the series to a new Speedster villain called Godspeed and a group known as Black Hole. While Williamson is often accused of exposition heavy writing, he also manages to make the story both easier to follow and also engaging at the same time and uses the supporting cast rather well. A later story starring Eobard Thawne AKA Reverse Flash is the highlight of the series so far, my only complaint story wise would be that Barry always seems miserable or down on his luck. Give the guy a break! The art by Di Giandomenico is rather sharp and frantic but it’s perfect for a book about a man who can run really fast. The latter half of the New 52 comic was a large disappointment for myself but Williamson and Di Giandomenico have brought the series back to prominence. There is a slow burn with the stories but i’m still engaged with them and interested as to where they might lead so that is always a positive. - 8/10
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Aquaman - Of all the comics, this one feels more politicised than the others. The first 2 volumes deal with Atlanta’s relationship to the United States and how Arthur controls his kingdom, not to mention how the other members of the Justice League view him as a hero. One of the great things about this run is that it wasn’t afraid to come out of the gates quick, setting up a war between Atlantis and America with Black Manta manipulating both sides. Artwork duties are split between a group of artists such as French artist Philippe Briones, Brad Walker (Green Lantern: New Guardians) and Scot Eaton (X-Men), and they provide a similar, albeit simple style that allows for lots of action to be peppered into each issue. Aquaman is now a monthly title as opposed to a bi-monthly one but it hasn’t diminished in quality at all as it has popular artist Stjepan Sejic on art now, and together he and Dan Abnett are carving out quite the legacy under the sea. - 9.5/10
Cyborg - One of my favourite DC You books returns with a new writer in John Semper Jr. Semper is most famous for writing the animated Spider-Man series from 1994 so he’s not unfamiliar with comic book characters, but this marks his first foray into comic book writing itself and i must say, he’s doing a good job of it too. The problem with Cyborg in relation to other characters is that he doesn’t really have the supporting cast that the likes of The Flash and Batman have, so Semper has had to build him one, with new friends like Exxy the hacker and new Detroit hero The Black Narcissus. Part of the reason i like Semper’s work though is because he clearly has the Silver Age influencing him into writing big, crazy sci-fi stories. The move to a monthly has helped the book somewhat in the art department but i feel that the right artist on this book could make it a smash hit in the same way Sejic has on Aquaman. - 7.5/10
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Green Arrow - Of all the Rebirth books, Green Arrow is one of only a few that kept its previous writer in the shape of Ben Percy. In Percy’s pre-Rebirth run he was accused of being a bit grim but his Rebirth series is more or less the opposite. Fan service is on display here as Dinah Lance AKA Black Canary is introduced, and for the first time since Flashpoint the romance between Oliver and Dinah is back. And that’s not the only thing as Oliver now sports his famous goatee. While the story is a bit more peppy and action orientated, Percy’s villainous Ninth Circle retain some of the grim that he had become known for but coupled with the wonderful visuals from Otto Schmidt and Juan Ferreyra the Green Arrow book finds a perfect balance that has been missing since the Lemire run in New 52. - 9.5/10
Trinity - DC took the logical step of combining both Batman/Superman and Superman/Wonder Woman into a much better Trinity series. The series, while short, so far has 2 distinct runs on it. The first is by Francis Manapul who pulls off pure magic by writing, pencilling and colouring all of his Trinity issues, the only thing he does do is the lettering. Getting back to the core of what makes the Trinity special, he opens up the past of each member to the others, allowing them to experience each other’s lives a bit more and gain a closer understanding. The second run is one revolving the idea of Trinities in DC and was started by Cullen Bunn, but now being written by Suicide Squad writer Rob Williams, involving the classic Trinity meeting the Mystic Trinity of Constantine, Deadman and Zatanna, the Dark Trinity of Red Hood, Bizarro and Artemis, and the Evil Trinity of Circe, Ra’s al Ghul and a reluctant Lex Luthor. The latter story concerns a run in with the sister of the Lazarus Pits, the Pandora Pits, which want to unleash evil on Earth. Even though both stories are different, they don’t take away from the fact that Trinity is an excellent returning series for DC, one that allows them to tell more concentrated League-centric stories without taking over the main Justice League books. It’s a must buy for Manapul’s work alone, truly a work of art. - 9/10
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With movies coming out in the DCEU slate relating to these characters, interest in them is at an all time high and DC have done a relatively excellent job of providing interested new readers with excellent content to peruse in titles like Green Lanterns and The Flash, as well as satisfy old readers too with some excellent fan service in series like JLA and Green Arrow.
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While the majority is excellent, the flagship Justice League book should really be better. Christopher Priest taking over the book provides a glimmer of light though, as the series really should be one that leads the way for the rest of the DC Universe.
Thanks for reading!
Next Up: The Young And The Violent (Teen Titans, Suicide Squad etc. lol).
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cwdcshows · 5 years
Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Four
And we're back.  What does it say about a group of tv shows you watch when you don't miss them when they're not playing for four glorious weeks; and you're actually kind of reluctant to get back into it? I also find it hilarious that a major event like Crisis concluded nearly 24 hours ago and no one on here has posted anything about it.  I haven't even accidentally come across any spoilers; no major exclamations of "Arrowverse forever changed by Crisis on Infinite Earths!" or "What does X plot development mean for the future of DC/CW Shows?". Meanwhile when Doctor Who premiered two weeks ago and in the 24-36 hours it took for me get around to watching that, I came across half a dozen posts on Facebook and videos on youtube that, without explicitly saying so, made it clear that (****Spoiler*****) the Master was back and who he was.(****Spoiler*****) That to me, I think, is a spoiler unto itself, after a fashion; the fact that there was no major, earth(s) shattering outcome to Crisis to report or for people to comment on really sets the bar for my expectations going in this and that I doubt anything of consequence is going to come out of the last two episodes.  Which I'm not even going to watch back to back, because I honestly don't feel like it.  I'm going to try to get to the last one sometime later today, but definitely not right after part four; baring some improbable cliffhanger that's just too good not to see how it concludes. So here we go....
Okay, so they're combining the Monitor's origin story with the Maltusian Krona from the comics.  I can dig it, actually.   For those who don't know, in the comics, the ancient people of Maltus were one of the first advanced, sentient lifeforms to spring up in the universe.  One of their scientists, Krona, was obsessed with studying the dawn of time and witnessing how the universe was formed; in spite of legends that attempting to do so would be catastrophic.  His experiments caused time to fracture at the dawn of time, creating the multiverse; where there was originally supposed to only be a single universe. A segment of the Maltusians, I believe at least partly driven by a sense of responsibility to the universe for this incident, would evolve to become the Guardians of the universe, who would go on to eventually form the Green Lantern Corp. Conversely, in the comic the Monitor was basically just some random entity that somehow evolved on the moon of Maltus or Oa; I kind of forget why and don't feel like looking it up.  But he was just some super, lone naked dude, hanging out on this moon and came to learn about his doppelganger in the Anti-Monitor universe.  Somehow they battled across the divide between dimensions and the fight forced them both into a state of suspended animation; until Parriah's experiments awoken the Anti-monitor (if I'm not mistaken, as a result of accidentally destroying his own universe, which somehow fed power to the Anti-monitor; and gave AM the idea to destroy the other universes in the multiverse). While Krona is conventionally a villain, all in all this works well; merging Krona with the Monitor.  Especially since there's still an antagonist element with the Anti-Monitor. Hmmm.... I can't help but wonder if they intentionally lit this scene so that Mar Novu's wife would be cast in a blue light that makes it look like she has blue skin, reminiscent of the blue skin Maltusians have (eventually anyway). I'll admit, this opening sequence isn't bad.  The appearance at the end of the Anti-Monitor felt a little hokey, but if they can keep the momentum of the first few minutes going, they might pull it off. Okay, so I'm pretty sure Ryan Choi didn't have a beard in the last episode, which I'm taking to suggest they've been stuck at Vanishing Point for a while; and the main thing I have to say is, i would have given just about anything is they just had all of the "Paragons" have beards.  Ryan, Lex, J'Onnn Kara, Kate, Sara.  Just like, fuck it, it's been a month and we've all got beards. I laughed a little about Ryan writing that "the Paragon of Destiny doesn't even believe in tomorrow anymore." and it's like, you know.... you are at the end of time, so......🤷‍♂️ Wait, so when Lex replaced Superman, somehow part of Superman's cape got left behind; and Kara randomly walks around with it from time to time? "There is not there out there anymore..."  You know, that's actually a good point.  Vanishing Point is at the end of time for "Earth" 1; or rather the universe that Earth 1 resides in.... which was destroyed... the entire universe..... from beginning to end....So how the fuck is there still a Vanishing Point?   I mean, I know that it was, originally, like a time-frozen base hovering at the instant before the end of time, but in this scenario the Time Masters who maintained all of this tech and the base are gone, the base itself is in ruins; what's keep it....preserved or whatever?  For that matter, how is there even enough air, water or food to sustain anyone there for any length of time? Man, Barry just keeps bouncing off of walls, doesn't he? 
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Hey, look at that, it's all of Oliver's greatest hits.... 😁 "Why would you make me re-live all of that?" Even Oliver Queen lost interest in re-watching the vast majority of Arrow.... Gee, I wonder why Oliver's talking all funny... I bet it's nothing. The reveal of Oliver to the "Paragons" would have been a lot more worthy of rally music they're playing under this scene, if they hadn't fucking just shown us him getting ready to go and meet with them.... "I am Oliver Queen, but I'm also something more...." Come on, you've been unintentionally building to this moment of actually making the whole "something else" line an actually important part of the show and you're going pull you're punches now? As has been brought up with the past installments, the whole Oliver becomes the Spectre thing is fine, but honestly, in typical Arrow fashion the execution is seriously wanting.  They could have spent the first fucking 7 or 8 episodes doing a proper build up to that.  Defy all expectations by killing off Oliver during the very first episode of the season, maybe right in the opening, and make it seem like his journey over the next couple of episodes was about him and his friends trying to bring him back to life; weaving in the retrospective element, only to subvert it with the reveal of him becoming the Spectre instead. Maybe throw in one last heroic act, where Oliver has the chance to go back, but sacrifices that opportunity to give someone else he meets along the way the chance to be brought back instead - fuck, maybe Mia.  Either she dies or gets wrapped up in a bid to bring Oliver back to life, only for her life to jeopardized; where if Oliver didn't give her his chance for life, she'd not make it back.  Then Corrigan shows up. Anyway.... Barry asking Oliver for a speedforce boost came off a lot more like a drug addict begging for a fix. So is Ryan's grand plan on Maltus to locate Mar is to...find the central bureaucracy....?
Where's J'Onn's brother when we need him?
So they didn't really have any idea what to do with the group of "Paragons" who weren't going to Maltus, or how to make their part of the mission challenging during this installment; so they're going to pad part of four of a five-fucking-part crossover with some bullshit tangent of Barry randomly needing to connect with his memories to find the others?  Why can't Oliver (or should it be "Olivre" now?  I'm going to start calling him Olivre.)  Why can't Olivre keep all them together in the same memory or whatever fuckery he's doing?  Why does he have to rely on fucking Barry to make sure they don't all fall out of....Olivre? Why can't he help Barry find them without being cryptic?  Why do they even time for this?? Does Barry still have to look for Oliver?  And what about Kate?  They only met her one other time before all of this shit went down.  Either that's the only place Oliver would tuck her away, or Barry has no chance of finding her. Sigh....DCEU Flash....cool..... 🙄 I mean, I am kind of surprised they were a) even allowed to do this level of crossover, or b) that they managed to film it without anyone leaking it.  And I did kind of see some hints over the last 24 hours, but I kind of dismissed the likelihood that this version of the Flash would appear.  I keep wanting to calling "Mecha-Flash," because his suit looks more machine based than anything else. What DOES this mean?  The whole premise that Olivre just laid out to him was that this was......him, Olivre, basically, and/or the speedforce and that he was hiding the others....inside himself or whatever, inside memories to protect them.  That wasn't a memory, so now they're not only padding this installment with filler, they're just throwing in random shit for the hell of it. How does an ordinary human walking - not even running, it seems - at average speed, manage to give a Super the slip?  I mean, when Supergirl immediately found him, it didn't seem like much of a surprise, because with all her heightened senses it shouldn't have taken any effort to track him down, but by that same token he shouldn't have even gotten more than a few feet before she noticed. For that matter, and not like it's ever stopped them anyhow, but should Kara even have her powers on this alien planet that may or may not be orbiting a yellow sun? Alright, so lets give the writers the benefit of the doubt and assume the "upgrades" Lex gave himself is how he managed to give Kara and Ryan the slip in the first place. So Olivre stuck Kate in just some random old memory from his life; so how the fuck is Barry supposed to locate her?  Especially since it's from a memory of Olivre's that Barry wasn't part of.....? Aaaaaaand the memory of Olivre is consciously aware of the likes of the Paragons floating around inside him, but doesn't know who they are or why they're there? Jesus, did the writers decide to try acid before they wrote this shit? I almost asked if that was memory Kara, but it has to be, since actual Kara is on another planet.  Which again, planet Maltus was in Universe 1, ostenstibly, which now gone, past, present and future..... How is Ryan not more injured by whatever blast Lex hit him with; you know, being nothing more than a flimsy, fragile human and all? "You left your family because someone you never even met told you you were needed" Did he though?  It's been a month, so I don't really remember the point where he was actually on board with all of this shit, but I do remember that when they first told him about the Crisis and asked him to come with them, all he wanted to do was to get back to his family.  Which is understandable. And seeing as how they spent weeks at Vanishing Point, how is it that they're only just revisiting this whole "are you sure you got the right person" thing now? Is this supposed to be their way of doing the whole sub-storyline in the comics, where Barry pops up randomly at different points in the past, trying to warn people about the impending Crisis; when he was running around the Anti-Monitor's antimatter cannon to destroy it, just before his death?  Because this is super convoluted. Wait, so Barry was tasked with just finding Olivre?  All while it was Olivre who told him what he had to do.... what the fuck is happening in this fucking episode?  It started out halfway descent; and now I have no fucking clue what is going on.  But it's pissing me off, because they're wasting a lot of time on this bullshit. This scene of Barry finding out about Olivre's deal is so fucking weird.  The way they shot it without either of them in the same frame makes it seem so disconnected. I kind of appreciate Lex's annoyed confusion that Mar somehow mistakes Lex's voice for that of his wife's.   I had to think for a second why Not-Diggle didn't recognize Barry, before remembering when Sara's death would have aligned with The Flash; and was confusing it with Laurel's death, when they definitely would have known who Barry or the Flash was. I forget though, was that scene before Barry's arrival with Jon talking to Laurel about taking up Sara's mantle one that originally happened on the show?  I swear that was a slow build up after Sara's death. Sans the blood, I've always loved how Caity Lotz looks in that original Canary costume.   I'll never understand why they tried to fix what wasn't broken. "When we were attacked...." "By the Anti-Monitor...." "Doesn't even sound like an actual name...." 🤣 Okay, that was good. How the fuck did Barry track down J'Onn during a memory he wasn't around for, let alone Kate? So first some random bald dude breaks into his lab and manages to talk some sense into him; albeit without offering any great proof that he is who he claims to be, much less prove he can actually help, but hey, he at least had the courtesy of walking through the door like a normal person.  Then someone else bursts in, tearing the door off its hinges or whatever and starts issuing threats to the (shorter) bald guy and some other random hairy dude behind her asks Mar to leave the room with him and..... he just does.... yeah, okay.  I mean, just the fact that they've gone back in time however many million years or whatever, let alone to another fucking planet without any need to address how or why Mar can understand any of them, it's pretty much just a free for all. Oh, okay; so now that Barry's side adventure has been neatly wrapped up, I guess it's time to pick up the kids from the daycare on Maltus, without so much as stopping to actually check and make sure that they completed the task they set out to do. So what, the Anti-Monitor's argument is that there are an infinite number of Monitors to do what the one Monitor they just convinced to give up on his experiment doesn't do?  And yet, by all indication, there was only the one Monitor who took his trip in the first place; otherwise there'd be an infinite fucking number of Mars who originally popped up in the antimatter universe to start with.  And I'm pretty sure that given those odds, the Anti-Monitor would have been screwed. The plan is to use the Paragons to...fan the flames to rebirth the universe or whatever, but one of the Paragons is missing and replaced by Lex; which unless by replacing Superman's name with his own somehow made Lex into the Paragon that Superman is supposed to be, their one man down of who they need. Wait, I've seen this fight sequence somewhere before......🤔
"You have failed this universe." 😐 "We focus.  A singular, laser like focus." I feel like I'm about see another familiar scene...
Somehow I just knew that the thing they were going to have to do would involve them just standing around looking serious and thinking hard.  I'm surprised they didn't just go full out Peter Pan and ask the audience to clap real hard to bring the universe back to life. This is some serious bullshit that they aren't even going to try and bring Brandon's Superman back for this climactic moment...and it's done.   Yeah, that might actually be the definition of anti-climax.  I mean, I know there's still somehow a whole fucking episode left this shit-fuckery, but man, I'm pretty sure they have to think hard to take a dump in the morning.  Jesus Christ. Yeah, right, I'm totally going to believe or care that they're suggesting that Olivre is going to die, again. So let see here, they literally killed and resurrected Olivre once within this cross-over, there's still one more episode left to this crossover; and there's still two episodes left to fucking Arrow.  So, no, not buying this.  I'm sure as hell not buying that they're going to kill Oliver fucking Queen twice without including Diggle.
0 notes
delkios · 8 years
Another Interruption
Follows Extra Credit and Date Crasher.  Don’t know if I’m going to continue this or how I would but this is so much fun to play with and I highly encourage anyone else inspired by the idea to please run with it <3! Title: Another Interruption Fandom: DC TV Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1057 Characters: Len, Mick, Barry Summary: Barry continues to have awkward villain encounters. Ever since the Tricksters fiasco, Barry had taken to buzzing galas, balls, any gathering where rich, well-to-do and influential people went in numbers. This particular one was an opening of a new veterans hospital which Barry couldn’t help but find odd that a vast majority of the people were the super rich. There were some actual military there, cluster from every branch in their sharpest dress uniforms. Barry ran by a second time and when he realized something had caught his attention, he made a one block u-turn twenty streets down and came to a stop outside the party less than two seconds later. Sure enough, just as he’d seen, there was Cold mingling around in a suit and pleasant smile, a bag hanging crosswise on his body and something in his hand. Whoever he was talking to didn’t seem to recognize him at all. Barry waited until Cold’s company wandered off before blasting through, grabbing the man and zinging to an unoccupied part of the grounds- Barry wanted to stick nearby, knowing Cold preferred to work with a crew. Barry shoved the older man up against a wall, hands on the sleek lapels of his suit. “What are you up to?” “We really need to stop meeting like this.”
“Then stop being a criminal!” Barry put on his best growl. “You know I’m going to stop whatever’s going on, so why do you keep trying?” Cold tilted his head to the side, his nonchalance was putting a niggling feeling in the back of Barry’s brain. “If I remember our encounters correctly, current count has me in the lead.” “I’m more than willing to even that out right now.” “Are you really going to interfere with the Constitutional right of freedom of the press?” Barry stared at him and Cold held up the object he had in hand- a camera -and a press pass for the Keystone Herald in the other, complete with Cold’s photo and a fake name. Barry screwed up his face, insulted at the idea that would be enough to dissuade him. “You really expect me to believe that’s real?” “Real enough to get me in.” He narrowed his eyes, the niggling feeling in the back of his brain finally forming into a coherent thought: Cold had been both at the edge of the party and in a very visible area, it almost seemed like Cold wanted Barry to see him. Barry gave him a hard shove, not enough room to punch the breath out of Cold’s lungs but enough to shake him a bit. “What are you up to?” Somewhere from behind, someone asked, “What’s going on here?” Barry barely glanced over his shoulder, just enough to recognize the chevrons. “It’s alright, Sergeant, I’ve got it taken care of.” Then he did a double take, brain stuttering to a halt when he realized who it was. “Holy shit.” Beside him, Cold purred. “I know.” Standing there, looking like he’d just stepped out of a softcore porn masquerading as a recruitment poster, was Mick Rory in full Marine Corps dress blues. The red trimmed epaulets emphasized his broad shoulders, medals and ribbons doing similar for his chest and coupled with the white belt made his waist even trimmer. The high collar and white cover made his jaw seem stronger, blood stripe on his trousers making his legs seem longer and every inch of him was carefully maintained perfection. Barry could only let out a ‘guh’ at the sight. “Careful whose husband you’re ogling, Scarlet.” Though Cold was smirking, there was a definite threat in his words and Barry shook himself out of his daze. “I wasn’t ogling!” Much. Because that was just weird because super villain. A thought hit Barry and he squinted at Heatwave’s chest. “Wait- are those real?” “They’re accurate if that’s what you mean,” he said, looking down. “Can’t chance picking stuff at random- place is crawling with Marines and they’d spot something wrong in a second.” Barry looked between the two, expression becoming trepidatious. “Did… I interrupt another one of your roleplaying dates?” Cold gave him a flat look. “Why else do you think we’d be here?” “…thieving?” Heatwave snarled. “You think we’re gonna steal from a veterans hospital? We’re crooks, not assholes!” “Besides,” Cold waved a hand at his partner. “I don’t know if you noticed, but Mick doesn’t exactly have a lot of places to stash loot or a weapon.” “Couldn’t bring that sword to this stupid party,” Heatwave groused. “You have a camera bag!” Cold obligingly opened it up, showing additional lenses, lamps and an empty space for the camera currently in his hand. “Yes. Because I have a camera.” “Maybe the camera’s fake!” There was a flash of light, right before Barry managed to close his mouth and Cold turned the camera around so Barry could see the rather unflattering picture of himself on the screen. “…that doesn’t prove you’re not here to commit a crime.” “And, yet again, you have no proof that we are planning anything illegal so run along, Scarlet.” Barry pressed his lips into a thin line, hands clenching impotently. “I know you two will be up to your old tricks sooner or later so remember- I’m keeping an eye on you.” “I’m not exactly an exhibitionist and I’m terrible at sharing so pass.” Barry felt his face heat up. “Ugh, you’re even more unbearable now that I know about your relationship.” With that, he flashed off, leaving the two criminals alone on the edges of the party. “Well,” Cold said after a fair few minutes have passed, “he won’t be coming back tonight. Let’s get this heist on the road, shall we?” They had no plans to rob a veterans hospital but Lisa was waiting with an empty car carrier in a lightly monitored section of a lot filled with incredibly high-end cars. “Finally.” Heatwave rolled his shoulders, making the medals on his chest flash. “Can’t wait to get into something maneuverable.” Before he could move to where a change of clothes was stashed, Cold stepped in close enough his breath brushed over his partner’s lips. “Don’t wrinkle that uniform, you’ll be putting it on again tonight.” Cold stepped around Heatwave with the kind of smirk that always made the other man shudder. He licked his lips and grinned. “Yes, sir!”
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aion-rsa · 8 years
The 20 Greatest DC Comics By Geoff Johns
For well over a decade now, Geoff Johns has been one of the most important creative voices at DC Comics, not just in the world of comics, but in television and film. This was made evident last year when he was named the President of DC Entertainment (as well as retaining his previous title of Chief Creative Officer). Of course, that doesn’t mean he has stopped writing, as Johns also recently hinted that he might be writing a “Watchmen”-related comic book in the future.
RELATED: DC Comics: The 15 Biggest Moments of 2016
With the news of Johns returning to comics creation in the near future, we thought we’d spotlight the greatest DC Comics stories that he has done over the years. We were going to do 15, but there are just too many good ones! NOTE: With so many to choose from, we decided to eliminate “52,” since he co-wrote it with three other guys (Grant Morrison, Mark Waid and Greg Rucka), so we thought it best to spotlight only comics Johns wrote by himself (or with a single co-writer).
In 2003, Geoff Johns rebooted “Teen Titans” with artists Mike McKone and Marlo Alquiza. The set-up was an attempt to embrace the history of the “New Teen Titans” while staying true to the general idea behind the Teen Titans, which is that it is a team made up of the main teen heroes in the DC Universe. That had not been the case in well over a decade before Johns relaunched the team with Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash (Impulse is revamped as Kid Flash in this series). Classic Wolfman/Perez Titans Cyborg, Starfire and Beast Boy are along as mentors to the younger generation.
They first face off against Deathstroke, who does not want to see the Titans reform. As it turns out, Deathstroke was being possessed by his son, former Titan Jericho, so it was Jericho who did not want to see any more teenagers get killed (a recurring theme throughout this arc is everyone still trying to come to terms with the then-recent death of Donna Troy). Superboy gets a new secret identity as Conner Kent in this story, which worked particularly well with fans.
The first major companywide crossover following the New 52 reboot of the DC Universe, “Forever Evil” saw the Crime Syndicate from Earth-3 arrive on Earth and quickly conquer the planet by more or less eliminating the Justice League (save for Batman). Geoff Johns and artists David finch and Richard Friend then showed that the Crime Syndicate planned to offer a deal to the supervillains of Earth to work with them.
It therefore falls to the villains to win their planet back, and Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Black Adam, Sinestro and Captain Cold play the biggest role in doing just that, working alongside Batman to overcome the occupying force of the Crime Syndicate. Along the way, Nightwing is unmasked to the world and almost killed, changing his status quo dramatically. Eventually, the rest of the heroes fight their way back against the Crime Syndicate and team-up with the villains to save the day. A few of the villains — most notably Lex Luthor — remained as members of the Justice League following the event!
“Kids,” from “JSA” #29 by Geoff Johns and Peter Snejbjerg, is sort of Johns’ answer to John Byrne, Chris Claremont and Terry Austin’s classic “Uncanny X-Men” #143, where Kitty Pryde was left alone on Christmas and had to fight a powerful demon. Here, the two teenage members of the Justice Society, Star Spangled Kid and Jakeem Thunder, are left alone on Halloween while the rest of the team goes out to find their missing fellow members.
This was a crossover with the “Last Laugh” event, where Joker used a variation of his Joker Venom on all of the villains of the DC Universe, making them all Joker-esque bad guys. Star Spangled Kid and Jakeem have to take on a Joker-ized Solomon Grundy, while knowing that Grundy killed the previous Star Spangled Kid (back in the Infinity Inc. days). Johns does a wonderful job with the character work between Star Spangled Kid and Jakeem.
This graphic novel by Geoff Johns, Carlos Pacheco and Jesus Merino continued the classic tradition of the Justice League and the Justice Society teaming up every year, only done in a brand-new way, as the Justice League and the Justice Society were now both on the same planet (and the Justice Society had just recently received their own ongoing series). They met up in this issue to spend Thanksgiving together.
Things go poorly when the Seven Deadly Sins end up possessing seven members of the teams — Batman, Shazam, Plastic Man, Green Lantern, Mr. Terrific, Doctor Fate and Power Girl. The Justice League and the Justice Society now have to hunt down and stop their own friends by finding a way of getting the sin out of each of them (you try to get Batman to stop feeling anger!). This was a dynamic and widescreen updating of a classic comics tradition.
For many comic book fans, there was never any need for anyone to “make” Aquaman cool, as he was always cool. Still, it’s safe to say that there are still many people out there who, due to Aquaman’s broad exposure on “Super Friends,” know him more than they know most other superheroes… even if it is mostly as a joke. It’s sad that was still a stigma attached to the character nearly 40 years after “Super Friends” debuted, but that was what Geoff Johns was working with when he rebooted Aquaman following the New 52.
The character was now given an ongoing series with top artistic talent in Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, and Johns addressed the elephant in the room right away, by having the public treat Aquaman as a bit of a joke. Of course, Johns made sure to portray him as a total badass. He even tied in the whole “talks to fish” stuff, which remains oddly contentious. Johns handled the (pardon the pun) “fish out of water” aspect of Aquaman and Mera extremely well and the evil Trench were great villains.
It was with this 2001 story from “JSA” #22-25 that Geoff Johns first began to get a name for himself in comic fandom as the guy you would go to if you wanted a property “fixed.” In this storyline (drawn by Stephen Sadowski and Michael Bair), the Justice Society reunited with their old friend, Hawkman, as Johns and co-writer David Goyer came up with a way to simplify the overly-complicated backstory of Hawkman, which was so bad that at the end of his last series, he was literally thrown into Limbo just to get rid of him.
Their take was that Hawkman and Hawkwoman are lovers from ancient Egypt who are tied to each other through reincarnation. So they have been together in many different incarnations over the centuries. Johns would later take this clever hook and launch a “Hawkman” ongoing series based on it that he co-wrote with James Robinson.
Hunter Zolomon was an acclaimed criminal profiler who had suffered a great deal of tragedy in his life, with a mother who was killed by his serial killer father. He ended up in Central City where he became a police profiler. He became good friends with Wally West, the Flash, but in a fight with Gorilla Grodd, was paralyzed. He asked Wally to go back in time and change things to help him avoid being paralyzed. Wally explained that he couldn’t do that, so Hunter tried to use the cosmic treadmill himself and it exploded, making him “out of sync” with time. It would look like he was running fast, but really he was doing a series of small feats of time travel.
Zoloman then determined that Wally wasn’t a good enough hero because he didn’t have enough tragedy in his life to spur him on, so he devoted himself to “helping” Wally by becoming the villainous Zoom and murdering Wally’s wife, Linda Park. This was the final story arc of the acclaimed “Flash” creative team of Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins, as Kolins left the title with the final issue of this arc, “Flash” #200.
Over the years, the Legion of Super-Heroes had become extremely complicated. The original Legion, who we saw grow old over the decades, had been seemingly wiped out of continuity due to their close ties to the “Superboy” mythos. DC then introduced a new blank slate Legion following “Zero Hour.” Years later, Mark Waid and Barry Kitson were allowed to create a third brand-new blank slate Legion of Super-Heroes. During a Justice League/Justice Society crossover in Brad Meltzer’s “Justice League of America” and Johns’ “Justice Society of America,” they had brought back the original Legion (the ones who had aged). In this mini-series (that was ostensibly tied in to the “Final Crisis” crossover series), Superboy Prime (from Johns’ “Infinite Crisis” series) traveled to the future, where he took on the Legion.
We then learned that the other Legions of Super-Heroes were each the Legion of different Earths! They all teamed-up together (along with a time-traveling Superman) to take on Superboy Prime. During the event (which was drawn by George Perez and Scott Koblish), both Superboy and Kid Flash were brought back to life!
One of Geoff Johns’ first major events that he wrote for DC was early in his career at DC. It was the crossover “Day of Judgement,” dealing with the effects of a Spectre running loose on the DC Universe without a host (as its original host, James Corrigan, had been allowed to go to Heaven). Hal Jordan, who had died in an earlier crossover, took over as the Spectre.
A few years later, Johns was given the chance to bring Hal Jordan back as a Green Lantern. In this mini-series (drawn by Ethan Van Sciver and Prentiss Rollins), Johns revealed that Hal Jordan had never become evil in the first place, but had been possessed by a fear entity known as Parallax (the name Hal used as a villain). During this series, the Green Lantern Corps was reborn along with Hal, as well as former Green Lanterns John Stewart, Guy Gardner and Kilowog, who joined up with then-current Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner to restart the Corps. Also returned to life was Sinestro, who Johns would have big plans for in the relaunched “Greeen Lantern” Series that followed this miniseries.
The “Earth One” series of graphic novels were sort of like the Ultimate Universe for Marvel Comics, only they went a step further than that. The Ultimate Universe was essentially about doing the same basic superheroes, but without years of continuity dragging them down (they quickly moved on from that, but that was the basic original approach). The “Earth One” graphic novels, though, gave their creators a good deal more freedom. They could do pretty much any take on the basic idea of Superman or Batman that they chose.
In his “Batman: Earth One” graphic novel, Geoff Johns (working with artists Gary Frank and Jonathan Sibal) completely re-imagined the Bruce Wayne/Alfred Pennyworth dynamic, as now even after Bruce had become a vigilante, it was Alfred who did much of the dirty work. Bruce did not just automatically become “the” Batman when he started dressing as a bat to investigate his parents’ murder at the hands of crooked Gotham City mayor, Oswald Cobblepot. By the end of the first book, though, the proverbial switch had been turned in Bruce Wayne going forward.
DC spent a lot of time leading up to “Infinite Crisis,” with a powerful one-shot (co-written by Johns) that ended up with the death of Blue Beetle at the hands of Maxwell Lord. That then led into a series of miniseries that finally culminated with “Infinite Crisis” by Geoff Johns, Phil Jimenez and Andy Lanning. The basic idea is that there were a group of survivors at the end of “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” They were the Earth-1 Superman, the Earth-1 Lois Lane, Superboy Prime and Alexander Luthor. While they started in a little pocket universe, they saw the DC Universe continue and grew very critical of what had happened. Over time, Luthor and Superboy Prime went crazy, feeling that their sacrifice had been wasted by these grim and gritty heroes.
So, they vowed to restart things, even if it meant destroying these universes along the way. Superman was tricked into going along with them. Ultimately, the heroes of the DC Universe managed to stop Luthor’s mad plans, but in the process, they also revealed the existence once more of alternate Earths! The Multiverse was soon on its way!
“Secret Origin,” which ran in “Green Lantern” #29-35, was the first big follow-up to the epic “Sinestro Corps War,” and it helped to serve two notable purposes. First, it streamlined Hal Jordan’s origin. Secondly, it set up future events that would lead to “Blackest Night.” Geoff Johns and artists Ivan Reis and Oclair Albert re-told the classic tale of Abin Sur crash-landing on Earth and giving his ring to a young Hal Jordan; but this time, the young Hal Jordan is attacked by the future Red Lantern, Atrocitus.
We also see how Hal’s origins coincided with Hector Hammond being transformed into a telepathic villain, as well as William Hand’s new, twisted origin and path to the Black Hand he would become. Carol Ferris also got some strong development in this new origin. It was basically this stream-lined and engaging origin (complete with the fascinating pairing between Hal and his training officer, Sinestro) that was used as the basis for the “Green Lantern” film in 2011, dubious though that film is remembered as being today.
Geoff Johns’ first ongoing series for DC Comics was the delightfully charming “Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.,” with artists Lee Moder and Dan Davis. The idea behind the series is that a teenage girl, Courtney Whitmore, has grown up with a single mother most of her life. Her mother, though, fell in love with a stodgy middle age man who decided to move them to the middle of smalltown U.S.A. in Blue Valley, the city best known for being where Wally West lived as a child.
Courtney discovered that her stepfather Pat was actually a superhero, the former sidekick to the Star Spangled Kid. He still had the Star Spangled Kid’s power equipment, which Courtney stole to became the new Star Spangled Kid. Pat had been working on a suit of armor and went into action as S.T.R.I.P.E. He wanted Courtney to stop being a superhero, but the problem was that Pat was keeping his identity a secret from his new wife, so if he told on Courtney, she would tell on him. Thus, they formed an uneasy new superhero alliance. Johns really nailed the personality of young Courtney, who was a good kid put in a difficult position, who was striking out at her step-father, despite knowing that he really was a good guy. The whole series was a blast, but if we had to pick one story, we’d go with the initial arc in “Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.” #1-3, where they first form their team.
When the DC Universe was rebooted with the New 52, Geoff Johns actually launched the whole endeavor with the first all-new number one, which was, of course, “Justice League” #1, a title he helmed alongside superstar artists Jim Lee and Scott Williams. This first story arc, “Origin,” was set at the start of the rebooted Justice League’s tenure, when seven heroes had to join together to take on the invading forces of Darkseid.
The most striking aspect of this initial story, besides how Cyborg was now a founding member of the Justice League, was how well Johns used humor to humanize the heroes. These were new heroes just getting to know each other, so of course there was going to be plenty of ill-at-ease humor between them (especially between Flash and Green Lantern, who had been teaming up with each other before the other heroes met). When the chips were down, though, they came together and were true heroes during a huge, world-threatening crisis.
“Blackest Night” served two major purposes. On the one hand, it was the culmination of a series of “Green Lantern” storylines that had introduced Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, Blue Lanterns, Violet Lanterns and Indigo Lanterns. This event, as is subtly implied in its title, introduced Black Lanterns and, ultimately, White Lanterns. On the other hand, it also served as a meditation on the very nature of superhero “death.” Superheroes had been dying and coming back for years at this point and now, in this series, there was a sort of explanation for how this went on, and a backlash against it.
The conflict revolved around Black Lantern Rings suddenly reanimating the corpses of every dead superhero and supervillain in the DC Universe, corrupting them and sending them against the living heroes as an army of (effectively) zombies. By the end of the series, Geoff Johns and artists Ivan Reis and Oclair Albert had reconfigured the very notion of “death” in the DC Universe, as well as bringing back a number of major characters like Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
Geoff Johns finished out his run on “Justice League” with the epic that he was building up to from his very first issue on the series. The two powerful god-like beings, the Anti-Monitor and Darkseid, went to war with each other and in the end, Darkseid was killed. In the process, the Justice League all became Gods themselves. This was all part of a secret plot by Grail, the daughter of Darkseid. She killed the Anti-Monitor and then set her sights on the League, who had found themselves not dealing well with godhood.
In the end, Johns and series artist Jason Fabok not just gave the series a satisfying conclusion (especially how one of the Leaguers earns their way to becoming a full-fledged Green Lantern), but it all tied into the next phase of the DC Universe, DC Rebirth. The whole thing flowed together seamlessly, as well as excitingly. It worked for longtime readers of “Justice League,” but it also served to get readers excited about what was happening next with Rebirth.
After “Infinite Crisis” and “52,” Booster Gold found himself in a fascinating situation in his ongoing series, written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katx, and drawn by Booster Gold creator Dan Jurgens and inker Norm Rapmund. Booster, you see, was now tasked with keeping the timeline of the DC Universe protected, but to do so, he had to make sure that no one knows that he is protecting the timeline of the DC Universe. As a result, he has to intentionally pretend to everyone else that he is a buffoon. He has to sacrifice everyone’s respect to protect them. It’s a wonderful hook.
There’s one story in this first volume (where Booster and Rip Hunter travel through time fixing incursions) that stood out so much that we almost included it just by itself. In “Booster Gold” #5, in an issue called “No Joke,” Booster tries to save Barbara Gordon from the events of “The Killing Joke.” However, that was not why he was there. Thus, he could not ever actually fix it, as time is too resilient. So, no matter what he tries to do, the Joker somehow still does what he set out to do. The only thing he could change is that Booster could die himself. It was a heartbreaking and yet still somehow beautiful issue.
As noted earlier, Geoff Johns and Brad Meltzer had re-introduced the classic Paul Levitz version of the Legion in a “Justice League of America”/”Justice Society of America” storyline. Now, in “Action Comics” #858–863 (along with artists Gary Frank and Jonathan Sibal), Johns was teaming Superman up with the Legion for the first time in many years.
Superman visits the Legion in the future and discovers that Earth has turned against aliens and that the Legion are now outlaws. Not only that, but the very basis for this xenophobia is a distorted version of Superman’s mythos, where he has been reworked from an alien visitor on Earth to being a protector of Earth from alien outsiders. The problem is that the bad guys have found a way to neutralize Superman’s powers, so he can’t even prove that he really is Superman. The Legion and Superman have to find a way to discredit the bad guys before the Legion is destroyed for good.
During his run on “Flash,” Geoff Johns was perhaps best known for the great work he did in the development of both new villains for the Flash, as well as the original Flash Rogues. Johns would devote spotlight issues to most of the Rogues, as he made them major figures in the book (without making them heroes). The most famous and well-regarded of these spotlight issues was “Flash” #181 by Johns and Scott Kolins, which was a spotlight on Captain Cold, whose main motivation was avenging the murder of his sister by another supervillain.
Throughout the issue, we learn the history of Leonard Snart and his sister, Lisa; how their father abused them and how Leonard just needed to get out, even if it meant leaving Lisa behind. Johns added a fascinating wrinkle by establishing that Cold’s gun actually emitted an aura around him that slowed down the Flash, which would explain why Captain Cold was able to fight the Flash at all. In the issue, Cold talks about his various codes of honor and discusses where he draws the line and when he is willing to cross it. It’s a fascinating look into the mind of a villain whose heart is not nearly as cold as he would like you to believe.
After the return of Sinestro and the reveal of the existence of the fear entity, Parallax, Geoff Johns built up to this epic storyline, where Sinestro and Parallax team-up to form their own Lantern Corps. This time, instead of finding people who could overcome fear, they are looking for people who instill it! These Yellow Lanterns serve in the Sinestro Corps. In an initial attack on the Green Lanterns, they capture Kyle Rayner and expose him to the Parallax entity so that he becomes the new Parallax.
The Green Lanterns are soon pitched into an epic battle with bloodthirsty enemies, all of whom would gladly kill them. The whole crossover comes down to an epic battle on Earth, as the Green Lantern Corps must defend the planet from the Sinestro Corps. Johns wrote the crossover, along with the writers of “Green Lantern Corps,” Dave Gibbons and Peter Tomasi. There were a number of artists involved in this crossover, with Ethan Van Sciver and Ivan Reis taking point. This was the story that began what eventually became the rainbow spectrum of Lantern Corps, which in turn became arguably the most defining aspect of the “Green Lantern” titles this past decade. It is Johns’ most famous story and it will be hard to ever be surpassed.
What’s your favorite Geoff Johns DC story? Let us know in the comments!
The post The 20 Greatest DC Comics By Geoff Johns appeared first on CBR.com.
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