#like destiel vs sastiel
mothgardens · 7 months
desperately need to be devoured by my thoughts so that i can express them
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 years
Since we can finally do polls:
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
love seeing more sam posters who aren't. you know.
like this feels healing. i wanna talk about sam with people who don't ship weird stuff and don't hate dean or cas or destiel (even if they don't ship it personally).
like i'm so used to checking out sam blogs and seeing nothing but negativity and hate and it's just nice to see more people who are chill about other characters and pairings.
i'm not asking everyone to have the same opinions as me, but it's just nice to see people who are neutral towards things and characters who aren't their personal cup of tea. also sam blogs who acknowledge that it doesn't have to be sam vs destiel it can be (and it IS) three main characters with their own distinct personalities and traumas and dynamics with the other two. it doesn't have to be a competition all the time. and you can ship destiel or sastiel and still see that the other two have an interesting dynamic nonetheless. idk i guess i'm just trying to say it's nice when people are open-minded and chill lol
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I'm sorry but this is such a cowardly dick move lmao. Like it's one thing if the animosity between shippers is. Destiel vs deanbenny or crowstiel vs destiel or sastiel vs saileen but you CAN'T talk about impartiality in ships when a massive portion of the fan base actively ships literal incest
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gates-keeper · 3 years
Part 1: “Words of Affirmation” Destiel Quotes & Parallels
I’m sure someone’s done this before me and done it better, but I’m compiling a huge Destiel evidence docket for no reason. Anyone got any quotes to add?
Comments From Outside Characters
To Dean
Uriel: “He has this weakness. He likes you.” (4x10)
Balthazar: “You have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you.” (6x17)
Hester: “The first time Castiel laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost.” (7x21)
Meg: “He was your boyfriend first.” (7x23)
Charlie: “What about Castiel? He seems helpful. And dreamy.” (8x20)
Marie: “Although we do explore the nature of Destiel in Act 2.” (10x5)
Sam: “Shouldn’t it be Deastiel?” He then goes on to tease Dean with “Sastiel” which Dean takes negatively. (10x5)
Dean: “This Cas is looking at me weird.” Sam: “So like the real Cas then.” (15x14) 
To Castiel
Hannah: “We gave you our trust. Don’t lose it over one man.” (9x22)
Metatron: “His true weakness is revealed. He’s in love…with humanity.” (9x22)
Metatron: “Oh, that’s right. To save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but, ultimately, it was about saving one human, right?” (9x23)
Ishim: “I’m going to cure you of your human weakness [i.e. Dean]” (12x10)
The Empty: “I have tiptoed through all your little tulips. Your memories, your little feelings, yes. I know what you hate. I know who you love…There is nothing for you back there.” (13x4)
Demon: “I thought you were joined at the… (looks down) everything.” (14x01)
There are also several instances where other characters try to poke at insecurities regarding their relationship.
Naomi: “You're hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way.” (8x19)
Casifer: “There comes a time when every relationship has run its course.” (11x18)
Michael!Dean: “You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he ‘gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.’ Or whatever.” (14x10)
Comments From Dean
To Cas
“There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. And two, you are not going to die a virgin.” (5x03) 
“So what? I’m Thelma and you’re Louise and we’re just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together?” (5x03)
“You know what? Blow me, Cas.” (5x18)
“Cas, not for nothing, but the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.” (5x18)
“Look, I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I’ve failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don’t need it!” (8x07)
“We need you. I need you.” 
For more on this quote see the “We vs. I” section.
To Other Characters
Bobby: “I think maybe it’s time you made a call.” Dean: “Why does it always gotta be me that makes the call, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude’s busy.” (Cas appears) Dean: “Get out of my ass.” Cas: “I was never in your… (head tilt)” (6x19)
“On my car…. He showed up naked… covered in bees.” (7x23)
While Cas suffered from some mental issues at the time, it seems somewhat significant that he sought Dean out under the circumstances, not Sam, etc.
“There’s things… people… feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.” (10x16)
“My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here” (12x12)
“He came into my room and he played me.” (12x19)
“Let’s see. Crowley’s dead, Kelly’s dead, Cas is—Mom’s gone.” (13x01)
Dean’s inability to list Cas’s death singles him out as the most devastating of the losses.
“We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back.” (13x01)
While some people have heard this as “bring ‘em back”, the Netflix captions and transcripts I have been able to find say “him.”
“And Cas bought it. And you know what it got him? It got him dead! Now you may be able to forget about that, but I can't!” (13x03)
“I have a family.” (In response to John Winchester lamenting Dean doesn’t have a wife and kids) (14x13)
Comments From Cas
To Dean
“I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I've begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt.” (4x16)
“I’m hunted. I rebelled. And I did it—all of it—for you.” (5x02)
“I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me.” (5x18)
“I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call.” (6x21)
“So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord.” (6x22)
Before taking on the role of God, Cas seemed very concerned with Dean’s forgiveness/acceptance/love. It is interesting that, as God, that was the first thing he asked for, turning from Sam (who had just stabbed him) to Dean to ask for love.
“Sam, and everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me.” (10x22)
“I love you. I love all of you.” (Arguably to the group, but the first “I love you” can be seen as Dean-specific, especially since it cuts to Dean after being said.) (12x12)
“You mean too much to me. To everything.” (12x9) (To Mary, Sam, and Dean. However, the camera immediately cuts to Dean specifically, even though he is in the back of the group).
“I’m your Huckleberry.” (13x06)
Cas love confession (15x18)
To Other Characters
“Dean and I do share a more profound bond.” (6x03)
“I won’t hurt Dean.” (8x17)
This is said as Castiel is breaking away from Naomi’s mind control—mind control she fostered specifically by having Cas kill a thousand versions of Dean. This implies she knows that Cas’s strongest loyalty is to Dean, not Sam, or humans in general.
“The point is that they [Dean & Sam] were here at all and you got to know them, you -- When they're gone, it will hurt, but that hurt will remind you of how much you loved them.” (14x14)
“You know, Dean, he... he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known.” (15x13)
Other Comments
Reaper: “How do I start looking for this... Castiel?” Bartholomew: “I got one word for you. Winchester.”
Rowena: “An Angel of the Lord, shattered at the altar of Winchester.”
Use of We vs. I
In the crypt scene in Season 8, Dean tells Cas, “We need you.” This is not enough to stop Cas’s actions. When the language switches to “I need you,” Cas drops the angel blade.
We can clearly see that Dean tries to put up barriers about how he really feels about Cas in his use of “We.” For example, after showing the audience many scenes of Dean, not Sam, frantically trying to call Cas, we get the following lines:
“So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us?”
“With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay.”
It’s clear that these “we’s” are really “I’s”
In the alternate future presented in 15x9, Sam asks Dean, “What’s happened to you Dean… ever since…?” to which Dean responds, “Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we’ve ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy and I had to bury him in a Malak box… ever since then?” While he acknowledges Sam’s losses as well, his switch to “I” in reference to Cas implies that Cas’s loss belongs especially to him.
(Mostly) Verbal Parallels to Other Couples
In 1x01 (start at 2:27), Dean pulls Sam away from a dead Jess in a direct parallel to how Sam pulls Dean away from Cas in 12x23
Following Jessica’s death, Sam keeps seeing glimpses of her as he and Dean travel around in the Impala. Dean does the same in Season 8 following his return from Purgatory without Cas.
David from “Bloodlines” (9x20) tells his love interest, “I was there. Where were you?” which is the same thing Dean says to Cas in “The Man Who Would Be King” (6x20)
When asking Dean whether he’s in love with Cassie, Dean gives a similar response to what he will say in 10x5 when asked about Destiel.
Destiel is paralleled with their counterparts from the Supernatural play who are “a couple in real life” (10x5)
Cain compares himself to Dean in Season 10. He describes the significant kills of his life (The Knights of Hell, his wife Collette, and his brother Abel) and tells Dean that he will follow his same pattern by killing the King of Hell Crowley, Castiel, then Sam. It is also mentioned that all Collette asked of Cain was “to stop,” which is the same language Cas uses with Dean in 10x22.
Dean explains how his parents fell in love to prove his identity to Mary in 12x1, “He was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed.” Later in this same season (12x19), Dean gives Cas a homemade mixtape of his favorite Zeppelin songs.
Ishim fell in love with a human named Lily Sunder who ultimately left him for someone else. When trying to recruit Castiel, he compares Dean to her.
Dean questions how much of their life has been controlled by God. Cas states, “You asked, ‘What about all of this is real?’ We are.” (15x02) Later, they find out that God has been using Eileen to spy on the Winchesters. She says, “After what happened, I don’t know what’s real anymore.” Sam kisses her, stating “I know that was real.” (15x09)
PART 2 “Physical Touch” Now Finished
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lol-jackles · 3 years
If Jensen got cast as Sam and Jared got cast as Dean, do you think supernatural still be the same or different? Do you think it would last 15 seasons? Would the hellers still ship Destiel or ship Sastiel because of Jensen? Would the AAs still make the Jensen vs Jared competition despite Jensen being the lead this time?
Very different. First, the role of Sam was cast first and if Jensen was contracted to play Sam, then it will affect how the proceeding roles are cast. For starters, they would look for actors who are older than Jensen for the role of Dean. Jared was obviously too young. Then you'll say why not age up Sam as the older rebellious son who left the family business to go to college, and age down Dean as the younger loyal son who acts like a soldier of their father. That wouldn't work either because Kripke's wrote the pilot with Sam and Dean as the Luke Skywalker and Han Solo archetypes. Try to imagine Harrison Ford as Luke and Mark Hamill as Han. You can't see it working either.
AAs make everything a competition. Let's say somehow Jensen and Jared were still cast as Sam and Dean respectively. Jared is fresh off a mainstream hit Gilmore Girls and that make him more famous than Jensen, plus he's cute and younger than Jensen: the unholy trinity in AAs' eyes.
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I talked about this in an ask the other day but I feel like it deserves its own post:
I know 10x05 was a "meta episode" but did we ever stop to think about this little moment right here?
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Marie: "Kids these days call it hugging."
Dean: "Is that in the show?"
Marie: "No, Siobhan and Kristen are a couple in real life."
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Marie: "Although we do explore the nature of Destiel in Act II."
Dean: "Sorry what?"
Marie: "Oh, it's just subtext. But then again, you know, you can't spell subtext without S-E-X."
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Sam: "I don't understand."
Dean: "Me neither."
Sam: "I mean, shouldn't it be Deastiel?"
Dean: "Really? That's your issue with this?"
Sam: "No, of course it's not my issue. You know, how about Sastiel? Samstiel?"
Dean: "Okay, alright, you know what? You're gonna do that thing where you just shut the hell up, forever."
Sam: "Casdean?"
Dean: "Shut your face. Get in the car."
Dean: "What's a slash fan?"
Sam: "As in Sam slash Dean. Together."
Dean: "Like together together?"
Sam: "Yeah."
Dean: "They do know we're brothers, right?"
Sam: "Doesn't seem to matter."
Dean: "Oh, come on, that's just sick."
Marie: "The two of them together, bonded, united, the power of--"
Dean: "Why are they standing so close together?"
Marie: "Ah...reasons."
Dean: "You know they're brothers, right?"
Marie: "Well, duh, but subtext."
Dean: "Why don't you take a substep back there, ladies?"
Marie: "Alright, Samulet."
Dean: *stops fixing "Cas" tie* "The Samulet?"
Marie: "The amulet is a symbol of the Winchesters' brotherly love."
*Dean shakes his head*
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remythologise · 3 years
Hello! I found your blog via you amazingly summarizing all that's going on with the spn drama. Due to my schedules, rl stuff, some of the arcs that didn't vibe with me, my availability to find a place to watch...the rollercoaster I was used to with this fandom was more me binging it in a weekend to going months to over a year without watching it. I still haven't watched the last season(but with a fandom this big it's pretty impossible not be spoiled so I more or less know what happened) BUT oh great one I ask of thee for more information if you have it...other than being busy and whatnot, I'm not really one to keep up with the actors as well. So could you also maybe do a summary of all the stans? I'im seeing terms I haven't seen before. Who is Kelios(sp?)? Hellions?? probably messed it up but like...I guess what are the name of each legion? Who do they have alliance towards? What was their desires? Que paso?!?!?!?
Hi there! 'Some of the arcs that didn't vibe with me' me emotionally quitting Supernatural in Season 7 after they killed Castiel 😂 Anyway I totally get it, I went through the same culture shock mid-last year when I got back into SPN and tried to find where fandom was at! There's really a LOT of lore and content after 15 years though so I'll just do the broad brushstrokes based on my impressions and personal stereotypes PLEASE remember this is oversimplifying groups and individuals to tendencies and I'm very biased! Also important that there are sub-factions within sub-factions - again, I'm simplifying here!
I've also linked to the 'Super-wiki' in terms of some definitions because the Super-wiki has pages for them where the Fandom-wiki does not. Great introduction actually - only in the Supernatural fandom. There are two Supernatural wikis. One, through curation and twitter activity, supports BiBro/Wincest factions and does not support Destiel users. One is more neutral or Destiel-friendly (I don't know that the Fandom wiki has a personality/social media presence per se). You cannot make this up. There is a factional war... within use of fandom wikis.
Destiel faction
People who primarily ship Dean/Cas, love Castiel and (often, although not always) Jack, and the 'found family' of Supernatural as well as the brothers, and like the post s3 seasons too. Hated 15.19 and 15.20 for killing Dean and ignoring the other characters/narrative arc of the show. Nicknamed 'Destihellers' by the Wincest faction as a derogatory term, 'reclaimed' and shortened as 'Hellers', a nickname they use affectionately to describe each other. See more info on nicknames here.
Sometimes also ship ‘Cockles’ (the ship between Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles) although generally speaking they're more respectful of the wives of the actors than J2 shippers, who are notoriously responsible for... a vast series of insane-fan misdemeanours. Historically most were also good at keeping RPF to themselves and not harassing celebrities with it directly, although recently, particularly with younger twitter fans, that has not been the case.
The ‘Desticule’ or ‘Destiel tumblr’ - general grouping of Destiel-shipping tumblr users around 20-30 years old, usually LGBT+, most who came back to the show post-15.18 after leaving it for various reasons including getting sick of the queerbaiting. Funniest bitches alive etc. and responsible for the best text posts you’ve ever seen. Can also start stupid discourse and in-group drama when they’re bored.
'POLOL' - People of Lots of Letters, a discord group (of tumblr and twitter users) that ran on the assumption Andrew Dabb was playing a hugely intricate game of 3D chess to do with gnostic symbolism among other things, and would make Destiel canon. Have since had their own factional sub-wars and fallen apart a bit. Some of their meta was and is good and interesting! Some of it was wildly off the mark. Now generally insist that Dabb/the writers were all pushing for Destiel canon and the network is entirely to blame.
Twitter fans (TikTok edition) - younger fans around 18 and younger who (FOR REASONS BEYOND ME) started watching the show around 2018-2020. Definition of 'stans'. Tend to be very loud and aggressive on twitter when Events Happen, which like. I do get, because they've grown up in a completely different media environment and this kind of Dinosaur Politicking around LGBT+ issues is beyond them. Fancam central. Anyway stream #CASTIEL for clear skin!
Twitter fans (AO3 edition) - older fans around 30+ who kept going with the show but either don't have a large tumblr presence or just prefer twitter. A lot of fic writers, GISH-ers, and BNFs in this group. Some of them are very cool and reasonable in their opinions, some of them act like the younger stans. Some of them too accepting of what happened wrt 15.19-20 in my opinion, because, in contrast to the younger twitter stans, they grew up expecting Destiel to NEVER be canon or respected. 'Can't believe we got this far' etc.
Multiship faction
Multishippers or shippers of things not as large as the two main behemoths . Sub-factions based on shipping, e.g. Megstiel and Sastiel. I don't think these groups are very large though, and seem to have very little influence in the Discourse.
Wincest faction
LARGE overlap with the 'BiBro' faction and their opinions, which I'll get to. Ship Sam and Dean romantically. Often pretend to be BiBros on places like twitter and reddit in order for outside groups to take their opinions more seriously. 'Wincesties' etc. are derogatory nicknames given by the Destiel faction.
Multiship fans - ship Sam and Dean but respect Castiel/the 'found family'. Politically overlap with the faction of multishippers, I think. I don't have a lot of insight on this group of people honestly, but I know they exist.
Bronlies - the typical BiBro and 'Wincest' shippers most people think of, twitter user 'Kelios' is one of the would-be ringleaders of this faction - typically tend to be older white midwestern women. Historically have been pretty nasty on twitter (leading to Robert Berens, writer who made Destiel canon, occasionally subtweeting Kelios). Also tend to ship 'J2' - and take it very seriously as a legitimate thing that is really real. This is called 'tinhatting'.
BiBro faction
People who think the show should JUST be about the brothers, love Supernatural s1-3 and everything after it should have been just like Supernatural s1-3. Hate Castiel, Jack, and the 'found family'. Largely loved 15.20. Go to literally any comments section on any Supernatural article and You Will Find Them complaining about how the show should just be about the Brothers. Tend to be older, straighter, and more conservative/Republican (and male) fans. (I am aware that the definition of 'BiBro' used to refer to people who just liked the brothers but there's no definitional difference now in the discourse.) The Wincest and BiBro faction are generally much more wealthy than the Destiel faction (they being younger and more diverse/queer/left-leaning in general) and would be the biggest revenue generators at conventions etc.
Reddit bros - literally anyone who visits r/supernatural. Well, that's not fair - there are people who post reasonable opinions on there, but it's pretty rare and they get downvoted a lot. Like to talk about 'toxic Destiel fans' 'ruining the show' and how Dean is a straight man who is straight and could never possibly be gay. Might even think the confession was platonic despite all evidence to the contrary. I'm Not Homophobic I Have Gay Friends, But No Gays on MY Show!
Old Guard - group of older fans who overlap strongly with the Wincest faction, but might not necessarily ship Wincest.
GA faction
'General Audience' - These are the group of audience members that aren't 'online' so to speak; most watch the show on TV as a Casual Viewing Experience (are therefore also sometimes referred to as 'casuals'. Mostly their opinions tend towards BiBros, but they have a vast range of baffling views thanks to being Not Online and usually Not caring about Supernatural that much or thinking that deeply about it.
People who simply watch Supernatural on TV and then don't think about it very much after that.
I said they weren't 'online' but that's not entirely true; I'd probably classify people on Supernatural Facebook Groups as GA, along with friends of friends who post statuses about how 15.20 was a neat finale that wrapped up the series.
Supernatural is famously the show that appeals to both Republicans and Democrats, literally All Orientations, so there's a WIDE range of factions. However, most warring online boils down to Destiel vs. Wincest/BiBro - the war that started in Season 4 and has simply never ended. In terms of the 'actors' and their stans, in general, Wincest/BiBro fans love Jared, like Jensen, and dislike Misha. Destiel fans love Misha, like Jensen, and dislike Jared. Of course as with everything, there are variations and this is just a generalisation. But that's the summary of it, from my perspective!
This didn't even get into Sam girls, Dean girls and Cas girls. God. Anyway.
Hope that answered your question, anon!
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salvadordante · 4 years
Alright gays. I’m the type to go 156 pages deep, kudos descending, on AO3. Here are the creme de la creme (IMO) of merthur, destiel, a tiny bit of sastiel, sabriel, johnlock, mystrade, drarry, spirk, mcspirk, stony, and zukka. The unlabeled link is a mcspirk that I’m only including for posterity sake. I cannot in good conscience recommend it.
Due Cause
Sound of Your Heart
Dies Irae, or Something
On the Highway to Hell
Jorie2127 (Flight_orFight)
Plant Pathologists vs. Zombie Lawyers
Annie D (scaramouche)
Highway of Love (Or: How Sam Winchester Learned to Stop Worrying and Relax Already)
Start Quoting Shakespeare and We're Done
The Lucky Ones
Fractured Magic
Complementarity, Entanglement and the Uncertainty of Destiny —or— A Feminist Mage in King Arthur's Court
Jenrose, procoffeinating
Dawn of a Golden Age
The Beauty of Conversation
take my hand (there's a world I need to know)
The Thaw
And like the cycle of the year, we begin again
Breaking the Circle
Wishful Thinking
whisper to the flame
An Accidental Union
For Your Information
About Merlin...
It Doesn't Work If You See It Coming
Please Don't Let Me Go (I Desperately Need You)
Dragged Down and Hellbound
About Time
Fool Me Once
History Books Forgot About Us
From Life
Leave the Signs and the Sirens
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run
you've got the antidote for me
Take Refuge in What You Know
Inevitable Orbits
Your heart's sudden but inevitable betrayal
Make Me a Map
Confessions of a Southern Gentleman
The Flowers of Truth
It Started With Scrap Metal (and ended as a love story)
keep for me your sweetness
Soul Mates
Kinks and other things
Not the Usual Arrangement
HarveyDangerfield, swimsalot
Arms And The Man
Lessons on how to be Worthwhile
and so begins
In Deep Water
The Song Without Words
the beginning of a new and brighter birth
love language
The Good Vanilla
Real Slow
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holysodomite · 3 years
"destiel vs sastiel" please i just like cinematography and having a good time dude
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littlewetbeast · 3 years
Sastiel is gross and simply cannot exist in any universe that Dean is a part of. Cas is all “Hello Dean *heart eyes*”, and barely nods a greeting to Sam, like this is actually canon you cannot tell me the angel would rather be with Sam than Dean.
Unpopular opinion is that Sam is straight. He’s probably extremely tolerant & is a LGBTQ+ ally but he has no interest in being with men. He’s got such hetero energy. Idk maybe if Sam had been played by another actor but he just doesn’t have chemistry with other men the way Dean does.
SCREAM THIS IS SO FUNNY. i mean - again - i don't see it, and imo destiel is THEE romance of all time, but i LOVE that some people have watched the show where cas basically tells sam he likes dean better and have taken away sastiel from it. i think it's very bold of them and i respect that. also s9 cas and sam were very cute, so. good for them i think i'm often not invested enough in sam as a character to have very strong opinions on straight vs non-straight sam, so i tend to take a backseat and enjoy all the iterations of him. i think j*red oozes straight vibes and that's spilled into sam's portrayal, so by default i tend to see sam as a straight guy. send me controversial or unpopular opinions and I’ll tell you if I agree or disagree
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adrawatcher · 4 years
For character ask meme, 1-9 for Castiel
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
Megstiel (Meg Masters/Castiel) Meg and Castiel are my two favourite characters on the show AND they are canon I am living.
Sastiel (Sam Winchester/Castiel) the better Castiel and a Winchester ship lol. They hold hands and hug a bunch and say such nice things to each other and forgive and give forgiveness to each other!! AND the raise a kid together! If the confession happened between these two it would have actually made sense!
Casifer (Lucifer/Castiel) Both fallen angels who have good chemistry. If I had more spoons right now I could write a whole essay about these two but I don’t so. And they have that fun hero/villain thing going on.
Also this doesn’t ask for ot3 but Cas/Meg/Sam is great! Each of these characters have interesting relationships with each other  (Meg/Sam is great on it’s own too!) it’s my ultimate ot3 for the show. One of my favourite ot3 in general but alas it is a row boat.
3: brotp
Balthazar & Castiel. Balthazar is/was Castiel’s best friend in canon! I like them as a ship too but their friendship was very nice.
4: notp
Destiel. Dean is abusive to Castiel and Sam in canon consistently for a decade and I hated watching him do that to these characters I love. No judgement to anyone who shipped them, I’ve enjoyed plenty of fucked up things in fiction, but I can’t with this ship.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Castiel’s true form is beautiful by angel standards.
6: favorite line from this character
oof to many to pick: "You should show me some respect".  He almost never gets enough respect through the show lol.
"You have a Guinea Pig? Where?" Relatable.
"You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. And I still believe that's something worth fighting for." I just really like fate vs freedom stuff.
"You misunderstand me, Dean. I'm not what you think. I was praying for you to save the town [...] These people ... they're all my Father's creations. They're works of art. [..] I'm not ... a hammer, as you say. I have questions, I have doubts. I don't know what is right or what is wrong anymore, whether you passed or failed here. But in the coming months, you will have more decisions to make. I don't envy the weight on your shoulders, Dean. I truly don't." Castiel just show and tells who he is from the beginning and he’s so cool and so much of the fandom just don’t see him for him. They think Dean changed him when all Dean did was give him depression.
"I'm glad you made it, Sam. But the angel blade won't work, because I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord. Or I shall destroy you." I love his evil god phase lmao.
"I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I´m hunted. I rebelled and I did it - all of it - for you. And you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world. And I lost everything for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself." I love Castiel standing up for himself, and his pain in possibly having made the wrong choices and failing is fun.
"Did you know that a cat's penis is sharply barbed along its shaft? I know for a fact that females were not consulted about that." and "I don't fight anymore. I watch the bees." Castiel’s mental break was a mood.
“Will you look at her? My caretaker. All of that thorny pain, so beautiful.” while having his mental break is when he falls in love with Meg and I just love this line so much <3 demons true forms are supposed to be disgusting but he finds her beautiful.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Nothing really comes to mind.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic cinnamon roll lmao
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norahastuff · 4 years
I think my biggest problem with the episode fan fiction is that the ship that shall not be named was put on the same level as destiel.
I don’t know that I agree with that. There was one off-hand mention of it when play!Sam and Dean were standing too close together and Dean immediately told them to step back and Marie agreed and told them to listen. With the Dean and Cas thing, well I guess it’s a bit different because Siobhan and Kristin were a real couple, but before Dean knew that he just asked if them holding hands was part of the show. He didn’t say anything to Marie about it. 
They also actually said the word Destiel and they didn’t name the other one, not to mention the Destiel vs Deestiel vs Casdean conversation between Sam and Dean where Sam, who as always is very secure with his sexuality, is light heartedly throwing out alternate ship names and trying to make Sastiel happen, whereas Dean is rattled and overreacting. You know for reasons…
Not to mention, Cas and Sam both sang a song to Dean in the play, Sam’s was very much a brotherly song, whereas Cas’ was decidedly romantic.
So no, personally I don’t think they equated the two at all. My only issue was really Dean’s line about you have your version and I have mine because I felt that was pretty disingenuous. The romantic element of the Dean and Cas relationship is not something that exists solely in the fan version. The show put it there. The writers put it there. Fans were just following a narrative they were watching unfold, not materialising a nonexistent one out of the ether.
But you know what? I’ve been thinking about it lately and I’m remembering back to the first time I watched the show, not knowing anything about shipping of any kind or denials that they were writing Dean and Cas as romantic. I had just assumed that was just an obvious part of their dynamic, so the first time I saw 10x05 I honestly didn’t think anything of it. Like the other 2 songs were the road so far and a single man tear, both of which were true to the Winchesters’ lives but for some reason, we’re not supposed to take “I’ll just wait here then” seriously because…why exactly? I never questioned it when I first watched it. 
So yeah, I guess what I’m saying is maybe it’s not so much a problem with the episode as it is a “subtext is a good valid part of storytelling unless it’s queer subtext and then it’s not real and you’re reading into things” kind of problem, and that’s another conversation, and in that conversation “you have your version I have mine” can so easily just function as a dismissal, but I guess that’s more of a real-world problem than a story problem...honestly I don’t know.
I wrote about that in response to another ask but I never posted it because the ask had certain stuff in it I just didn’t feel like posting, but maybe I should just post the section I wrote about the Carver era and his use of subtext? Might help explain where I’m at better.
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aight imma explain my views on destiel vs/and sastiel cause ive finally seen that theres been discourse over it. for some reason??
so when watching the show i ship destiel more i think. like i havent watched basically any of it since being introduced to sastiel but. when watching the show the destiel vibes are the ones i pick up on more and kinda think about more ya know. like theyre just so undeniable and i find myself analysing their interactions and generally shipping it more. but when im consuming fan content and shit on tumblr i tend to ship sastiel more and seek it out more. like if i see destiel stuff im fine with it and enjoy it. but i see sastiel stuff and just get so much more comfort and enjoyment from it. also im like super attached to cas and i just think sam treats him better. i was consistently annoyed with deans treatment of cas and can only tolerate it when actively watching the show. i would never consider shipping both at the same time / in the same universe tho. they must stay separate.
basically i like destiel a lot more when watching the show and sastiel a lot more when consuming fan content. therefore as i consume more fan content, and see the show as more owned by the fans and look forward to it becoming its own fan sustained thing, i consider myself more of a sastiel shipper :)
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lol-jackles · 4 years
I have a question. Don't you feel like the show has been putting us to the test in recent seasons? I say this in relation to ships. as someone said regarding the Lebanon episode, we all thought it was Sam and Dean's hands intertwined. they showed dis * iel and it was rejected by all the fandom and the fandoms of other shows. and that taught three things. Des * iel does not exist. Sastiel was more likely to happen. Wincest would be more palatable to the fandom. What you think?
Sure they’re always testing chemistry and from that comes the inevitable ships.   However, I highly doubt they were testing Destiel, especially this late in the game. Lets compare dude friendship on TV vs Dean & Cas friendship.
Dude A: You killed my friend who is like my brother and my totally platonic love interest.  Revenge will be mine for the next 43 minutes!  (example: Iolaus’s death in Hercules and every police procedual show)
Dean: *grieves 30 seconds to 3 minutes whenever Cas died*  I wonder what my Sammy is up to for the next 42 minute and 30 seconds.
Wincest is an umbrella term that covers both canon and fanon ship, the former falls into the “heterosexual life partner” trope that is the mainstay of many, many tv shows.  They range from “bromance” to “wait, they’re not a gay couple?”
Bromance example:
Psych - Shawn and Gus are best friends since they were small children and worked together.  When Shawn proposes to Juliet in the series finale, he asked Gus to marry them since Gus will always be a part of their lives.
House - Dr. Cuddy puts House and Wilson in “couples therapy” because Wilson doesn’t want to be House’s friend anymore.
Wait, they’re not a gay couple? example:
The New Girl - Schmidt throws a wedding-like party to celebrate his and Nick having been roommates for ten years and one of the guest had to explain to his mother that Nick and Schmidt is not a gay couple. 
Scrubs  - J.D. and Turk are so close that other guest or recurring characters thought they were a gay couple.  Carla voiced her fear that  Turk will leave her for J.D.
Supernatural took it a step further and made Sam and Dean soul mates, which makes them heterosexual after-life partners.  The longer any tv shows and movies go, the more they escalate the stakes and the relationships.  Fast and Furious started out as a charming drag race heist and escalated into flying cars by the 7th or 8th sequel (I honestly can’t remember which) and bringing back dead love interest (that convenient coma).  Supernatural escalated the WInchester’s enemies from demons to angels to god, and with each bigger villian the more ~hand holding~ they do i.e. Dean conveniently tending to Sam’s wounded hand.  As close as Scrubs J.D and Turk were, I don’t remember their hands touching other than J.D’s fantasy musical daydreams.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. LX
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Cain's Mark vs Profound Bond (Part. III)
Hello my friends! I'm here with the third part of this meta, and we will be close to the end!
I will talk about episode 20 and 21, and how they showed a lot of hints of foreshadow, anticipating the season ending and the beginning of season 11.
Let's start!
What your heart really wants
Episode 10x20 Angel's heart, starts with a desire coming from a heart that belongs to a woman that was separated from her lover: Amelia and Jimmy Novak, and their fake encounter in Amelia's drama induced by a Grigori.
The Grigori fed with human's soul, by putting them into a dream. Just like the djin.
Two facts to describe here:
1) We were talking in previous episodes about what Dean really wants. We had him confessing he wanted to explore these new feelings about people (we know it was Cas), trying to imagine his retirement in the beach, and now we had this scene... A woman trying to find the love of his life. Dreaming with find him. The perfect manifestation from her desires. And we know the episode will end with Jimmy and Amelia together in Heaven. So, what Amelia really wanted was to find his husband. Again they're showing us what a heart really wants linked to a romantic situation.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
And the episode is called angel's heart, leasing us to Castiel's pure heart, and making us think what he really wants too. He wants to recover Dean from the Mark.
2) Having the Grigori feeding with himan's souls, is a blatant foreshadow of Amara feeding with souls in season 11.
Keeping the Jimmy/Amelia and Destiel parallel and mirror. We had a very married situation when Castiel and Dean came back from interrogatory, and went together to buy a birthday gift for Claire.
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Gif credit @hallowedbecastiel
There's a little moment in which Cas confessed to Claire where he had bought the gift, and Sam turns to see Dean, with a face that tells DID YOU GO TO BUY IT TOGETHER? And is just hilarious.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
Another married scene was when Cas scolds Claire and Dean. It was just a very domestic situation in which the daughter and the husband received vituperation.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
It was so sweet when Claire asks Dean to take care of Castiel...
CLAIRE: Will you keep an eye on him?
(Dean and Claire look over at Castiel who is talking with Sam) He's been through enough.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
Okay, this has such a beautiful meaning, and screams foreshadow too, because Claire knows how had was to Cas everything that happened to her and her family, but she also knows about Castiel being a human. And she sees him as a protector who needs to be protected too. And she, as a protector, feels identified with Dean's profile. Then, she knows Dean is like her. So she trust Dean to take care of the angel.
But Dean replied "SO HAVE YOU" , as a recall of himself.
There's a song playing talking about blue eyes crying in the rain, and meet that loved person again. It could fit with Claire, it could fit with Jimmy, but, if we take the quote YOU KEEP AN EYE ON HIM, knowing that Castiel will be possessed by Lucifer in season 11, and Dean will say I WAS JUST A WITNESS, we could speak about a LOVERS SEPARATION, thanks to Lucifer intrusion, and those blue eyes crying in the rain coul for perfectly with Castiel's depression, causing his YES to Lucy, and Dean could be that one longing for find him again, just like the song says.
The Betrayal
In episode 10x21 "Dark Dynasty" Dean finds out about Castiel and Sam's "affair".
This is a very sad episode, because Charlie dies. In a very bloody picture...
But let's talk about the "affaire"... Watch this dialogue...
DEAN: Wow.
SAM: Hey.
DEAN: Well, you look like crap on toast.
SAM: I just haven't . . . really been sleeping well.
DEAN: There's a woman you haven't mentioned?
SAM: A woman?
DEAN: Well, I'm just saying. You weren't here when I went to bed last night. You've been running off on your own a lot these past couple weeks.
And then... The weird call...
DEAN: Cas?
DEAN: No, it's Dean. What's up?
CASTIEL: Nothing. I'm just, uh . . . Just staying in touch. Like I do.
DEAN: Something on your mind?
CAS: No. This call is pointless. My ride's here. (Cas hangs up on Dean.)
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Gif set credit @pinkman
Even Cas mistook Dean with Sam. Sastiel?
And the foreshadow I picked up at the beginning of this season...
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Gif credit @agusvedder
So Yes, he caught Cas' and Sam cheating on him.
And then this scene, showing us Dean is about to find out...
ELDON: Were you here when I mentioned that we're underground? There are secrets.
DEAN: Well, I'm swell at uncovering secrets.
Pointing us he is good at uncovering secrets, and Cas and Sam working at his back, is like a red alert about to sound.
Finally, there were little quotes talking about the balance and disaster that should been repaired. As a premonition of CHUCK/AMARA LIGHT/DARKNESS YING/YANG. Balance. And of course, erasing the mark will release the darkness, and somehow the brothers will have to fix it.
To Conclude:
Both episode gave clues about the incoming season. The Mark of Cain vs what Dean really wants in his heart continues his inner war, showing us through different episodes that Dean wants, deep inside, explore the love he has inside for Castiel, and a better ending.
Charlie's death will release the monster inside of Dean, and we will have a lot of angsty situations (mostly Destiel) to talk about in the next and last chronicle from season 10.
I hope you like this one. See you soon!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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If you want to read the previous meta about season 10 here you have the links...
Buenos Aires, May 5th 2020 8:46 PM
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