#like don't get me wrong they are excellent villains and a threat
saphflare · 7 months
Sometimes I remember that for some reason Chayanne out of all the fucking eggs was the one specifically that got the threat that if they don't leave their parents would get hurt and had to be the one to tell the other eggs and got blamed for that for a hot minute, then when they got yoinked to Purgatory he was shoved into the center display and he squeezed himself into the corner when watcher eye fucker, Elquackity & that eye worker were all in the same space as him and like mfs why the fuck were you all there scaring him specifically you fucks like leave him alone LEAVE HIM ALONE and then not only that but the fucking eye guys specifically targeted him with a threat over Luffy because he was Phil's assigned egg and I want to fucking explode.
Like I might not like a lotta of the antagonistic groups on the island, but for the specific reason of singling out Chayanne to torment, I have a personal vendetta against the Purgatory Watcher and look I don't know if the Watcher sent the threat specifically, but it really seems fucking so. Like you fucking molded charred snappable prick, you leave my little duckie egg with self-esteem issues alone, you fuck.
I might not like the Federation and Cucurucho and the Codes, and whatever else other morally corrupt groups are out there at this point, but if I need to cheer any of them on to have the Watcher and his supporters get skinned and vivisected, finely minced and grounded to dust, and have whatever worthless remains be evaporated permanently from this plane of existence to the next then yeah I would gladly do so. My boy did not deserve whatever the fuck that was and I don't know when that plot point comes back but I hope specifically that all their plans crashes and burns horribly and I say this with extreme prejudice in that I hope they fucking suffer and choke <3 😁
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prickly-paprikash · 1 year
I have two major criticisms for the first season of Nocturne.
The pacing and the villains.
In the original series, Seasons 1 & 2 are basically just one whole season in and of themselves. It is a focused narrative that doesn't spend a single moment wasting plot or character development.
Whenever the episodes decide to slow down, it feels deliberate. The down times in the first two seasons were rich with character interaction that helped attachments grow and allow the plot to flourish organically.
The best examples of this are when we explore Isaac and Hector's pasts; and when Trevor, Alucard and Sypha arrive at the Belmont hold. There was a rhythm to the seasons. Dialogue, conversations, contest of philosophies, witty banter, and hard truths. Then we transition smoothly to excellently animated and choreographed fight scenes that have weight because we saw these characters humanized in various ways beforehand.
For the villains, Dracula was impeccable. Weak. Starving. Exhausted. Suicidal. His grief and his hatred loomed like a shadow over every single character and plotline throughout the two seasons, and the effects of his demise echoed until the very end.
Castlevania had its flaws. It had its weaknesses. Especially when it was cut to four seasons when it really should have been five. But it was nevertheless a focused narrative.
Nocturne, for all its excellence, does have some glaring flaws that are hard to overlook.
Erzsebet feels threatening and powerful, but the more I watched the show, the more it felt like these were because of purely aesthetic reasons. Don't get me wrong—her design is gorgeous, her past seems rich with potential for the narrative, and I loved how she struck the fear of god in every hero the moment she stepped into the Abbey. But she isn't Dracula-levels of impactful.
Olrox and Drolta did most of the heavy lifting. In the first Castlevania, even when Dracula wasn't the main arc villain, his presence was felt. Erzsebet doesn't have that same weight. She feels... empty at times, as a villain.
That can definitely be fixed in season 2 and I pray that the showrunners prove me wrong. I love being proven wrong because that means the show continues to grow.
The second criticism is pacing. God, the pacing.
Nocturne at times felt all over the place.
Annette's plot of her escaping the clutches of slavery? The way we saw her perspective on the Haitian Revolution? So fucking good. Richter's struggles? Emotionally rich and hooks us immediately. It's the constant, almost dizzying shifts between them, the Abbey, Drolta, Edouard, and the past that drags it down just a bit.
I loved Nocturne. A solid 8/10 for me and I am dying in the dirt waiting for the next season.
But I think the show should've been 10 episodes to accommodate the ensemble cast and their varying plots, and I hope that Erzsebet is improved upon as a villain, a threat, and a character.
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hainethehero · 21 days
Just to follow up on the last ask about forgiving - right off the bat, you had an excellent point. I don't want to distract from that. Actually quite a few points. Were people sending death threats for real?!?! Anyway, one thing that's been bothering me. Is the real world views that people are enforcing. Along with this 'rule' that a character has to be redeemed/good in order to like. Like, why should I have to 'forgive' or have some stranger on the internet tell me 'they forgive' a character in order to like them. And why does the character have to have changed? I don't want to go on a tangent, but gosh if Tommy was still pulling the 'I'm a straight cis white guy card' to fly under the radar and told Buck to do it, and Buck did. That would make for interesting TV as Buck realized what he was doing was wrong/ hurting his friends and then his, Hen and Chim and Eddie could really bond/bring forward a compelling racism story line. Like, we could see that, and it wouldn't have to be a bad thing! AND! AND! Imagine how that would help the buck/tommy ship. Tommy's new boyfriend helping him to come out, not just when it's easy. Everyone wins!
But if we even saw a hint of one of Buck's LI's being anything but good and pure. And I'm picking on Buck here I know, this happens in a lot of other cases. But as we are seeing with Tommy in real time. Then we have to hate them.
I have no problem liking a villainous character that stays bad. And maybe that's why it seems odd to me that people say, 'oh they've done bad things, you can't like them.' Cause then I can't love my bad guys from say the comics! Or some of the heroes from the comics, either! But that's not exactly the problem I keep circling here and getting distracted from making this ask about - I'm rambling even when typing oie.
I think the real, main thing that I've been getting annoyed with, is the use of real world views to make people in fandom fall in line. Ignoring the real world and real people for a moment. Why does a POC person have to forgive Tommy, a not real person, in order for everyone to be allowed to like the character? We're each a monolithic group of separate minorities with one voice. There's no collective that can condemn or atone a person officially.
On the flip side, I know not everyone takes in media the same way. So my view of liking a character if I find them entertaining, even if they're a bad guy. Won't be the same for everyone. So a person who has dealt with some form of discrimination totally could see a character who does that form of discrimination and hate them for it. They could see the in-depth arch of 'redemption' or the throwaway line saying the character has changed. And for personal reasons choose to still not like the character. Or the character could still be flawed (art imitates life after all and no one is perfect) and they could still not 'forgive' or like the character.
But why does that mean everyone else needs to seek permission to do it? To say 'oh this character did bad things, but I can look past it, they've changed' or god forbid 'this is a character with flaws or is just bad' and still like the character.
It's also funny cause in Tommy's case, I don't really remember the begins episodes. Someone keeps brining up a guy named Sal to ship Eddie with now. And I'm like, who now? But anyway. I don't even remember Tommy from those episodes and a lot of other people who just tune in to watch week to week and all the new people who just started this season. Were probably like me and didn't realize Tommy was around before! Which doesn't really matter, I'm just now wondering how to clue up this ask.
So glad I can do this anonymously and not reveal to the world how awkward I can be when trying to communicate via the written word.
This was a bit confusing but I'll try my best.
First, yes, people were sending death threats both to Lou and Tim.
NO ONE is saying we can only forgive a character who did questionable things if POCs forgive them. I am stating that if POC have the right to dislike/have reservations about characters who showed racist behaviour in the past despite having redeemable qualities. No one has the right to police pocs about their feelings towards a character like that.
The initial point however, is that a large part of the fandom sees Tommy as the show meant to portray him- a flawed character who eventually reconciled his relationship with Hen and Chim. Tommy isn't a villain. He's literally a flawed character who was given a redemption montage in order to show how different the 118 was under Gerrard's racist and oppressive leadership versus Bobby's.
If anyone's a villain, it's Jonah. It's Gerrard. It's people with actual distorted complexes who just wanted to hurt people because they could.
And while Tommy's behaviour under Gerrard was bad and cannot be excused, it can and was explained by the show, that it was because of the environment fostered by the bigot Captain Gerrard. A layer of nuance is added when we find out in s7 that Tommy was actually very closeted in the 118 BECAUSE of Gerrard, hence the reason why he joined in on the questionable behaviour. Once Chimney saved him (and also humbled him) and Hen eviscerated them rightfully with her monologue speaking out against their racism, the power dynamic began to change. Gerrard was booted out and Tommy, Hen and Chimney became close friends, as evidenced by the farewell party they had for him, and the fact that they frequented that bar to hang out after work.
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Hey, so I've this au idea for a little while (and have shared it with others on Tumblr, though anonymously), and I wanted to get your opinion on it. I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, the idea is that instead of the miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full on magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black knight with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the feywild, (playing of French mythology) the Beast of Gévaudan (or it's ghost), or Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really not into the idea of the show’s next villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long) (plus I don't care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and the writers dumbing down all the people around her to make her work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon/hotspot, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
This would be a really cool addition to the world building of Miraculous! I’ve always thought that if the Kwami exist, other magical beings should as well.
It also sounds like this new show/continuation of the previous show would be more episodic with occasional arcs rather than a fully serialized story with the villains and such, which going off of the idea that this is post HM defeat and LS reveal and etc would make a lot of sense since most of the major interpersonal conflicts have been resolved. Obviously that doesn’t mean this show can’t have ANY plot or depth, character growth and multi-episode arcs could definitely still work with this storyline. It would also be very fascinating to explore how to react to all of these new threats, especially since some of their old powers don’t work anymore (which opens up the gateway to potential upgrades or new powers to replace the old ones).
I also wonder if the other hero characters would still be featured in this story. They don’t get all that fleshed out in the show, so most of them may not seem all that compelling, but that could be another thing this new plot does, give some characters other than the MCs time to shine as individuals. (Especially since Ladybug is no longer required in every fight due to not needing to purify akumas anymore, not to mention the idea of LB and CN resolving most of their issues, so taking the spotlight off of them every now and then isn’t bad idea. Don’t get me wrong, I love those guys, I just wish we could see more of the other characters outside it being plot devices or eye candy.)
All in all, this is an excellent and intriguing idea and I would love to see it expanded upon. 10/10 concept, no doubt.
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howlingday · 2 years
Cinder: Raven Branwen...
Cinder: You are invited to join the Inner Circle of the Grimm Queen, and have your revenge uoon those who have wronged you. Do you accept?
Raven: ...
Raven: Uh...
Raven: No.
Cinder: Excellent- Wait, what? What did you just say?
Raven: No.
Cinder: ...What?
Raven: I don't want to be a part of your Inner Circle.
Cinder: I don't think you understand what I'm offering you.
Raven: Oh, I completely understand. I've decided playing villain in this series costs way more than it earns, which is how I got involved in bitcoin-
Cinder: Wait, then how are you in prison?
Raven: I was about to tell you, bitcoin. Kind of ironic, really-
Cinder: Nonono- Listen! You're going to like this! We're taking revenge against Ozpin.
Raven: (Groans) I'm sure you are.
Cinder: We're going to rule Remnant!
Raven: Yes, yes, have fun with that. But I'd rather be here, alone.
Cinder: ...
Cinder: Then I'm afraid if you refuse to join us, then when we're in charge, you will be-
Raven: Are we really doing this?! I have been to prison! I've ambushed and nearly eaten alive! You, your stupid throw-on cosplay outfit, and weak generic villain threats don't scare me!
Raven: I'm not! Interested! Go! Away!
Cinder: We-
Raven: Oh, you're still talking.
Cinder: -are assembling a team of Remnant's most dangerous foes!
Raven: Really? Like who?
Cinder: Adam Taurus...
Raven: Okay, wait, he actually sounds really cool.
Cinder: Well, we, uh, haven't actually asked him yet, so...
Raven: Oh...
Cinder: You know, he might be booked up, or, uh...
Raven: Sure, booked up.
Cinder: He, uh, lives on, like a secluded island really, really far away.
Raven: You sound intimidated.
Cinder: We also have Doctor, uh, Watts.
Raven: I don't- I don't even know who that is.
Cinder: Hazel Rainart.
Raven: The crybaby. (Facepalms) Brothers...
Cinder: We also invited, uh, Tyrian Callows-
Raven: Tyrian Callows?! Really?! Tyrian Callows?!
Cinder: Well, he's done stuff, like, uh, attacking Qrow and poisoning him.
Raven: Oh, you can get into the villain club so easily nowadays!
Raven: Do you know how hard I had to work back in my day when villainy MEANT something?!
Raven: And Tyrian Callows! Really?! What's your plan for him? Just let him loose in the middle of the city until the Huntsmen catch him two seconds later?!
Cinder: We-
Raven: Look, just stop! Just stop! I've already played this damn game too many times already. We team up, we get fancy new weapons, and outfits, and we get a cool secret lair, but it doesn't. Do us. Any. Damn. Good!
Cinder: We can also give you a redesign.
Raven: I'm old as fuck! Every plan has blown up in my face! What do you actually think I'll be able to contribute?! I am MARGINALLY stronger than the average person! I can make portals and that's! It! That is it!
Cinder: ...Okay, so, uh... Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
Raven: Finally...
Cinder: Salem's not gonna be happy about this.
Cinder: Crap.
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romancomicsnews · 7 months
Where would I put Chris Pratt in the DCU?
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It's no secret director and now head of the DCU James Gunn loves himself certain actors.
He continues to add additions to his DCU from past work, including Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern Guy Gardner and brother Sean Gunn as billionaire Maxwell Lord.
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While these castings are both fun and exciting for the future of the DCU, since both of these castings, a realization came upon me. Jame Gunn will likely cast many of his friends into this universe. And while most are talented, accomplished actors, there is one man who has been looming over my soul...
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Chris Pratt.
No do not get me wrong, he is a talented actor. From The Lego Movie to Guardians of the Galaxy, Pratt has a way of impressing me. Granted every now and then he is a Mario or an Owen Grady, but he continues to be a big star and be a draw for financial success. Which is kind of the problem.
I worry if Chris Pratt does join this universe, due to his stardom he likely will be given a major role. Granted I don't think Gunn would make him Batman, but could Peter Safran? Could larger execs?
He's a big white guy and a big draw. By that logic, he could play The Flash, Booster Gold, Green Lantern, or really anyone he chooses.
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So in order to save those for actors who I can more properly see as those characters, I put together a few roles I think Chris Pratt can play in the DCU, some more fun, some more serious, some more longterm, and some for a fun one off, ending with the one I like most.
Let's start by going over a couple of things like:
What is Chris Pratt good at?
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A lot actually.
Chris is very good at playing characters who are losers. From Star-Lord, Barley Lightfoot and Emmett, Chris voices or plays lovable underdogs really well.
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Chris also loves playing army guys. It's clear from the Terminal List and Tomorrow War, he likes to be a soldier. Perhaps we find something military for the guy to do
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The man can do funny, but has range. Particularly in James Gunn flicks, Star-Lord has some really emotional scenes that resonate every viewing. We don't have to go silly.
Other Stipulations
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No matter who we pick, Chris Pratt will be compared to Star-Lord. It may be wise to stay away from characters like Star-Lord (so you won't be seeing Adam Strange, or Booster on this list).
Chris is also a draw right now, and a busy one at that. If he is entering the DCU, it may be smart to give him a vital role, but not one that needs to be in every movie. So we're probably not looking at Hal Jordan, but Kilowog isn't off the table.
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Finally Star-Lord didn't wear his helmet at all last movie. So I'm guessing we'll want to pick a character where Chris can show his face.
5. Kite Man
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We're starting off our list with a bit of a joke turned icon much like Pratt himself.
Kite Man is a C list villain who is often the butt of a joke and never taken extremely seriously. Chuck Brown uses Kites to commit crimes, and while he is an excellent glider, he's rarely ever a threat. He appeared in Batman the Brave and the Bold but is mostly known as a background character in the Harley Quinn Series.
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While the character is usually around Gotham City, he could absolutely be put in any city in the DCU and make just as much sense. He could be fun as a one and done Batman villain, but even more fun as a recurring villain, kind of like Turk Barrett in the Netflix Marvel shows.
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He's silly, pathetic, but likable, and leaves a lot of room for Pratt to make it his own. It feels like going back to his Andy Dwyer days, which could be fresh at this point.
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While this is fun and I would love it, I don't know how overall useful this is of Pratts skills, or if him being so big takes away from the fun of Kite Man. It may be too small or too frequent for the mans schedule as well, but I thought it was worth a mention.
4. The Ventriloquist
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If we wanted to tap Pratt's voice work and serious acting, The Ventriloquist is a character I've been hoping to see for quite awhile.
Arnold Wesker is a crime is a meek meager man who has a psychotic break and uses a puppet, nicknamed Scarface, to execute crimes and become a mob boss.
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This is a a great duel role I think a comedian can strive in, and one that can push Pratt into another level as far as acting goes. It could put him in talks with actors like Paul Dano or Heath Ledger for the greatest Batman villain.
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It also wouldn't be a role Pratt would have to do for long or frequently. He could be the start of the Batman trilogy and die in the first film.
My main concern is if he can pull off the meager nature of Arnold. I think an actor like Charlie Day, Ty Burrell or even Will Ferrell might put in a performance that get people talking about it much more.
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Again I wouldn't be mad at it, it would definitely be a different and weird pick. But not my first choice for the character or Pratt.
3. Jor-El
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I kind of love this one.
Jor-El is a role with big potential for a star. Being played by both Marlon Brando and Russell Crowe, it may require a modern day mega star. Is Pratt that mega star?
Utilizing Pratt here would be extremely different then how we've seen him before. He would be militaristic and more dramatic than we've seen him before. Plus he's big enough to believable be Superman's dad.
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It may be smart to put Pratt in an older mentor role. But will he be too distracting as Jor-El? And is his voice as iconic as Brando or Crowe?
I think it's still a role I'd be happy to give to Pratt. But I have two more I think would be more fun for his set of skills.
2. Jay Garrick
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He'd look pretty good in the tin hat.
Jay Garrick is the original Flash, a speedster who is often over 100 years old and a major mentor to Barry and Wally.
Now he may be very old but is often much more spry due to the speed force. And we can age up Pratt using VFX or just give him a little gray in the temples. Depends on how old you want to make him.
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Having Pratt as the original Flash Jay Garrick would hint at a larger DC Universe, one with a Justice Society, and him play a role much different than Star-Lord.
As Jay, Pratt would be crucial to the universe but not as needed in the big team ups as Wally or Barry. If he did want a prequel, we can set one in WWII similar to the Justice Society movie.
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As The Flash, Pratt can be funny, charming, but now wise and mentoring, which would be a good change of pace for Pratt. This would be a lock for me, if there wasn't a role I think he may nail even better.
1. Pat Dugan - STRIPE
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A sidekick. A has been. A loser. Connected to a wider DC Universe. A Mentor. An inherently silly character. Very midwest.
Chris Pratt is Pat Dugan.
Originally the driver and sidekick for the Star-Spangled Kid who eventually became Star Man, Stripesy finds himself mentoring the younger new Justice Society after his step-daughter Courtney discovers Star Mans staff and becomes Stargirl.
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Due to being useless in the past, he creates a make shift Mech suit known as STRIPE and uses it to fight evil with his step-daughter, who both form a special bond.
Pratt would be hitting many of the keynotes he's great at while playing a character extremely different from Star-Lord. Unlike Peter, Pat is very human, and relatable. He was not accepted as a hero during the Justice Society days, so he has something to prove, and feels tremendous guilt for what happed to his old team.
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This would be a great role for Pratt. As secondary lead, he could appear in big team up movies, or stay out of the fight and be a mentor character only. He'd have a huge impact on the universe, be a window into the past, and play a role that is dramatic, funny, and gives us something new and different from what we've ever seen from Pratt.
I don't know if he should be, but if Chris Pratt is joining the DCU, he should be our STRIPE.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Where would you put Chris Pratt in the DCU?
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sepyana · 1 year
JJBA Stardust Crusaders Ep. 25-29 Thoughts
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Aka I ramble on about the N'Doul episodes and some manga differences.
Ep 25 is the start of the second half of SDC. I have been a bit slow so far so I've decided to pick up speed. It's gonna take me 2 months to finish the anime otherwise. I've watched episodes 25 to 33 but I have some extra things to say today, I'm gonna split the post in two.
First of all, the opening. It starts off all mysteries but then the rest of the song is like the first one. It even has Star Platinum's ORA ORA's in it. My favourite part is the start and the sequence with the white lines in it.
Ep. 25-26 (N'Doul)
There is a dog. The dog has a stand, The Fool. To be fair, he is a really anthropomorphized dog, way smarter than the actual thing. They kind of have to do this if he is gonna be part of the team with a stand and all. (Jotaro smiling while Iggy is biting Polnareff's face off was pretty funny. Mr. Emotionless over here thinks this is hilarious.)
It's honestly a crime that N'doul shows up for only two episodes. His design, abilities and personality is sick as hell to me. My fave DIO goon, maybe? Most of the time stands are way more interesting then the goon using 'em. Basic bitch pick, I know. Sometimes things are popular for a reason.
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^ Kakyoin being a piece of shit here was pretty funny. They were arguing so much that N'Doul could sense them. Good work guys.
Episode goes from 1 to 11 real quick when N'Doul slashes Kakyoin's eyes. And he passes out from the shock. Kakyoin getting hurt to show how dangerous the new threat happens a lot, but it seems actually serious this time. I don't think Araki is bold enough to make him lose his eyes for real, but It'd be really interesting development if he did. I'm just saying.
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Advol says "No, that's wrong" He says the thing! Guys!!! He also gets his neck cut too ig lol. I'm sure he'll be fine.
Jotaro uses the secret Joestar technique of running the fuck away (to divert attention away from the people he cares about). Classic. He makes sure to grab Iggy on the way.
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^ Jokes aside, I thought Jotaro throwing Iggy to not get hit by Geb was really smart. It makes so much sense but I couldn't think of it at all.
I know Iggy is just a dog, he didn't ask for this yada yada I don't care, if the bastard didn't wanna get thrown at 20 mph he shouldn't look so goddamn puntable. Every time I look at him I am filled with rage. I want to kick him like football.
Okay but for real, Iggy is gonna be a hard sell for me. I don't like small dogs but I dislike fart jokes even more, which he unfortunately delivers in spades. I know part 3 has a lot of piss shit and fart jokes in it but Iggy isn't helping!!
Okay the stand-off between Jotaro and N'Doul was excellent. The animation, the soundtrack and the sound design worked really well. And then Star Platinum going HUUUUAAAHHHH
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If you didn't think Dio wasn't building a cult before, you'll surely do now. Even Jotaro comments on it. Cults give people a purpose and answers, so...
I do feel a lil bit bad for him. Dio finds the most isolated and depressed people to use them, letting them depend on him. As much as I've been trying to avoid them I get recommended jojos when I search for clips. N'Doul's line "I do not fear death. Just as long as [Dio] doesn't abandon and murder me himself." in one of the games puts it plainly.
It's hard to wrap your head around Dio being charismatic but when you hear his interactions with them it becomes obvious. He acts like he cares for them, whether that's genuine or on is up in the air. Considering everything in Phantom Blood, how much it took for Dio to finally respect Jonathan, I'm inclined to say no? He was definitely meant to be a pure evil Disney villain type of character there. SDC might shake things up, who knows.
Overall, these episodes are great. They have a lil bit of everything I like. Part 1 doesn't feel boring compared to part 2, unlike some other two parters. Not to mention the music picks.
Now, onto something I wanna talk about. I was sort of going thru the manga pages for the last few episodes and,
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This line of Jotaro is given to Advol in the anime. And he is less stressed about it. (I know characters get major injuries only to be fine the next episode but like, Kakyoin losing his eyes is a big development. He doesn't show for the next 13 episodes after this.)
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^ Too tired to change the lines.
Also, in the anime, It is Advol who holds Kakyoin. (Polnareff holding Joseph isn't in either.) Instead, Jotaro hangs with one hand while the other is casually in his pocket. Which is absolutely hilarious. And shows how anime and manga to treats his character.
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I know people arguing over manga and anime Jotaro is -a whole thing- I would hear stuff about it while Stone Ocean anime was still releasing. I will think about this a lot more if I actually read the whole thing. Just talking about these two episodes here.
In the anime, Jotaro needs to look cool all the time always. I assume what they were going for was to make him more stoic so that when his cool guy persona (and it is a persona) starts slipping it has more impact. But the changes made seem kind of random. They changed some stuff in this episode but they have kept the Anubis one largely the same. He is not as agitated there but he is still on the back foot.
He is losing control in this episode. The only reason they made it out alive was because The Fool just happened to be able to fly, he was basically fucked before then. Him looking panicked at Kakyoin losing his eyes also makes sense. He can't do anything about the situation, so naturally, his stoic demeanor starts to dissipate for a while. Kakyoin and Advol has put him on a timer.
I don't think the difference between manga and anime Jotaro is that big but it is notable. I dunno. I would prefer Jotaro breaking the cool mask too much rather than basically never.
Another tidbit is, Star Platinum smiles in the manga way more. And I'm gonna be honest I prefer the anime in this. It goes back to the "Having it less makes the times where it does show up more impactful." thing. So, it can definitely be done in a good way.
Ep. 27 (Oingo Boingo Brothers)
One thing I found strange is how the English dub and sub treats the brothers' names. They normally call themselves.Oingo Boingo Brothers. The English sub calls them Zenyatta Monetta Brothers. The dub straight up doesn't mention their name at all.
Weirdly enough, the the other subs do call them Oingo Boingo Brothers. Is it a cultural thing, or a copyright one? I don't know.
I don't have much to say about this episode. So I'm gonna take the opportunity to talk about Kakyoin instead :D
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^ This is from the next episode but there isn't much I can use.
I mentioned before how I thought it would be interesting to blind him. You never see legally blind characters in action stuff, unless they have an ability that let's them sense the environment. Like Toph or N'Doul himself. It's a pain to fight blind, it turns out.
Kakyoin should have a way to see, through the humanoid stand Green Heirophant (unless him being blinded makes Heirophant blind also). Like, It would have been really draining. Summoning the stand is a lot but also the chronic pain from his injury, but he could do it. He could use the eyes for battle situations, or Joseph could have SPW bring him technology that could help him in some way. I'm not gonna call this a missed opportunity, I can see why didn't go with that.
I'm guessing Araki wanted to shrink the cast for a while, like with Advol's "death". 5 man band casts are nice but it can be hard to work with 5 people all the time. Cast is divided again with Polnareff-Jotaro and Advol-Joseph. I went in to check when Kakyoin shows up again (grazing thru the manga) and he is not in the show for 13 episodes, excluding 2 scenes. That's more than quarter of the whole runtime. Advol was away for 9 episodes, and he was suppose to be dead.
I'm a bit conflicted on this, shrinking the cast builds relationships between the characters more in depth and it allows for new and interesting storylines. But at the same time, that's a lot of episodes. I just really like both Advol and Kakyoin, man.
Ep. 28-29 (Anubis)
FINALLY Some swordfighting scenes.
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Polnareff goes off on his own, again. He comes across a stand user and gets almost killed, again. Yet he keeps going off on his own anyway. Never change king.
Anubis' shtick is that it's a stand with no user, that gets more powerful the more you fight it. It's like Nasus but way cooler. Not that that's a high bar to pass, anything is cooler than farming stacks for 20 minutes. I don't know where Anubis getting stronger with time comes from, since Nasus also has this It's probably part of the mythology. I know absolutely nothing about that though.
Anubis themselves is also a fun villain. Funny man with funny voice. Their design is the opposite of unique but it works for me. I like that him possessing the kid gives him lipstick.
Going back to Polnareff, I think people forget how powerful he is sometimes. When it comes to power and speed, only one stronger than Chariot in the group is Star Platinum. And Star Platinum is op as hell.
Jotaro vs Anubis drives that point even further, Jotaro is not even sure he can win against Polnareff with Anubis' speed added to the equation. The whole fight is just Jotaro sweating bullets thinking "Shit shit shit shit sh
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When he does finally win, he says "What were you saying? You were gonna tear me into shreds?" while Star Platinum puts his hand like this. Just. I love it.
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^ Compilation of Jotaro faces for this episode.
Overall, Anubis episodes were pretty nice. I think the Alessi epsiodes do a better job building Jotaro and Polnareff's dynamic though.
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themosleyreview · 8 months
The Mosley Review: I.S.S.
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Most would probably agree that films set in outer space that are not a biopic, sci-fi action, fantasy, horror or apart of a major franchise, tend to be more on the quieter and somewhat boring side. Don't get me wrong, I love a good outer space film and many have come along that were actually thrilling. Gravity and 2017's Life are two of my recent favorites and is a good litmus test of the range of the genre. So going into this film, I was interested in the premise of a more confined living space and how two groups of astronauts from different walks of life would react to a situation thousands of miles below them. From the beginning, I connected with both groups and their conversations felt real and loving with the right amount of strain. Once the real threat happens and their dedication their countries comes into question and turns the film into a plotting and sometimes intense thriller. The pacing during one scene in particular was a bit stagnant and the characters could've said less to get the objective across.
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Ariana DeBose was excellent and engaging as Dr. Kira Foster. She was pretty much the center piece of the film and through her eyes you experience the American side of the conflict. I loved her genuine love for people and I liked that she kept her head on straight in the middle of the crisis. John Gallagher Jr. is always great and as Christian Campbell, he was fun and perfectly worrisome. His immediate chemistry with Kira in the opening minutes of the film set up their friendship perfectly. Chris Messina was great as the leading American astronaut Gordon Barrett and I loved that he wasn't determined to keep everyone on task. He may come off as brash at times, but he was always welcoming. Maria Mashkova was wonderful and strong as Weronika Vetrov. Her chemistry with Gordon was one of the shining moments of the film and I liked their little not so hidden romance. Costa Ronin and Pilou Asbæk as brothers Nicholai and Alexey Pulov, were both excellent in their own ways. Nicholai had a edge to him and was willing to do anything for his country, but he still loved his brother. Alexey really was the center point of the Russian team and I loved him the most. Pilou has this uncanny ability to bounce between the most cunning villain in other films and he could be the most charismatic and heartfelt person in the room with just his eyes. He was the latter in the film and I was so relieved to see him bring that part of him out.
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The score by Anne Nikitin was serviceable and hits at the right moments of tension, shock and horror. Visually the film may be sterile because of the story being centered in one place, but the geography of the space station was well mapped out. The sense of claustrophobia is clear and adds to the constantly growing tension. The moments we do get to spend out in space were beautiful and terrifying as you're looking down on a burning planet. For such a small and simple story, I enjoyed this bite sized thriller and it doesn't overstay its welcome. Its definitely a fun matinee film. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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waterfall-ambience · 1 year
Perpetua - Arc 1, Chapter 10 (Old Version)
Dug up the old version of Chapter 10, for when Damien attacks Perpetua the second time. This is the super fucked up version of events, playing with the idea of the Wither King being a voice in Damien's head for the duration of the scene.
Major abuse warning for this one.
[I think this is the most fucked up scene in the story thus far. Warning for abuse and threats of physical harm]
[Damien falls through the sky of Perpetua]
Damien (internal monologue): Let’s try this one last time. 
My name is Damien Vexx, and for the past two years, I’ve- 
Wither King (in Damien’s head): That’s cute, Little Luna. Don’t broadcast your thoughts to the Audience.
Damien: Uncle?!
Wither King: Yes.
Damien: What are you doing in my head?! I had a plan! 
Wither King: And I’m sure it was excellent. But now you listen to me. 
[He goes off-course towards a nearby forest rather than the Marble City.]
Damien: This wasn’t part of the plan!
Wither King: Oh, don’t get pissy with me! It wasn’t going to work! We both knew that!
Damien: But we agreed on it! You said I could handle this how I wanted! 
Wither King: God, I can’t deal this right now. 
Your screaming is giving me a migraine. 
Damien: Because I didn’t expect you to be here! 
[tip: he is so fucking mad]
Wither King: Fine, I’ll shut up.
But don’t come crying back to me when things go wrong. 
[He lands on a tree branch in the forest.]
Damien: What was wrong with my plan?! You said you were just going to watch! 
You LIED!!
[He tries pulling the headband off, but it doesn’t work]
Wither King: I wasn’t lying! Honest! 
Besides, you need me if you want any hope of being taken seriously. I’m saving you from becoming ‘Villain of the Week’, you just need to trust me! 
Damien: Why should I listen to you?! You lied to me!
Wither King: Look, if you’re going to be this hysterical, neither of us are going to get what we want! 
So you listen!!
Damien: If you wanted me to listen to you now, you should’ve said something when I was planning! We literally had THREE WEEKS to sort this out! 
And let's not forget: you LIED TO ME. 
Wither King: Something came up, okay?!
You're not ready to face a threat like Captain Luna. You're too much of a crybaby. 
Damien: Excuse me?!
If I'm not ready, why did you send me at all?!
Wither King: Because today is important to Captain Luna. It's our best chance of success.
Damien: And you didn't tell me…why??
Wither King: If I told you, you'd just cry about it. Because you're a crybaby.
Damien: No I'm not!
Wither King: You think I'm stupid?!
I see how much this dark magic and manipulation stuff makes you squirm.
And it was fun, for a while.
I created a superweapon, but that superweapon was raised by a soft-hearted, moralist bitch who-
Damien (voice breaking): Don't drag her into this!!
Wither King: (sigh) You're insufferable.
Point is, you have strength but no will to use it. No matter how much you train and pretend to be a brooding little bad boy, I can see that you're just as pathetic as you were two years ago.
[Damien sniffles and fights back tears]
[He cries, pressing his hands over his face in an attempt to stop.]
Wither King: Case in point.
Get up. We need to end this today.
Damien: Nuh-uh. 
I'm staying here.
[He sits down and leans against the trunk of the tree.]
Wither King: I'm already helping you fulfil your promise to me! Now get up!
[Damien clasps his hands over his ears]
Wither King: You whiny brat. After everything I've done for you- what I'm still doing for you- THIS is the thanks I get?!
Fine. Be like that.
Since you think you're so tough.
[Damien coughs once, and then again.]
[He falls over as his coughing becomes increasingly violent.]
[He chokes, and starts wheezing and gasping for air.]
Wither King: This is you without my help. Your body can't even sustain itself on its own anymore.
[He continues to cough]
Wither King: You are going to die here if you don't do what I say.
Then I'll raise you from the dead and you'll wish you'd have gone to the Hells.
[Damien vomits water and stomach acid]
[He continues to struggle.]
Wither King: Alright, enough.
Now up.
[He catches his breath and lays there, almost paralysed.]
[Shaking, he stands up and makes his way to the Marble City.]
Wither King: There. Doesn't it feel better to listen to me? 
Stop crying. You need to be a man about this if you ever want to be taken seriously by these people.
Damien: …
Wither King: Oh, don't give me that. 
You know I'm right.
Damien: …
Wither King: Silent treatment, huh? Real mature.
[He blows up a building. The rubble falls around them.]
Wither King: Hey, watch it!
Damien: …
[He blows up another building.]
[And another. ]
[This keeps going. Damien is continually reckless with where he stands. He remains silent.]
Wither King: Oh, I know what you’re trying to do. You and Captain Luna are the same. 
Dying like a martyr won’t save them. 
Damien (cold, distant): I’m just doing my job. 
[He does the SHAFT head tilt] 
It’s the only thing you value me for, isn’t it? 
Wither King: Helen taught you that, I bet she did. 
Undermining me, making you weak- 
Damien: She’s got nothing to do with this. This is all me.
Now, let’s try this again. 
[He wipes away the last of his tears.]
[Electricity crackles in his hands.]
See how little help I need. 
[He uses his powers to lift himself into the air. Skeletons erupt from the ground. Lightning strikes. This is the second coming of the end.]
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koraesrambles · 6 months
The Watchmen
The Great Reading Adventure Part 3!
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It's time for the Watchmen, guys and hooooooooboy did I have a lot of expectations going into this one. Buckle up!
The Writing
I took notes the entire time I was reading this. It's only 12 issues long, so I decided to read it in its entirety.
I didn't like the first little bit. Don't get me wrong, I could see the crumbs in there, and I could see why people were drawn to it, but as far as gripping premise that pulls you in, it was a little lackluster to me. There were interesting moments in the beginning, but I didn't really become invested until Issue 9, which is 3/4 of the way through the story.
That said, once these guys gripped me, they GRIPPED ME. Issue 9 was beautiful, by far my favorite issue of the whole thing.
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Part of the reasons things were confusing to me was because all of the "good guys" kept being compared to far right wing extremists and Nazis. Like, Rorschach is definitely supposed to become cooler and cooler throughout the books, and be kind of the moral backbone in a lot of ways. But like . . . I dunno. Hard to sympathize with someone who repeatedly got called a Nazi and blamed the dedregation of society on jews and communists. Like, I get it was the 80s, but the people in universe who defended him also defended the KKK. I just . . .I'm not down with that. I can't make myself think he's the good guy.
However, I had no idea that the famous quote "None of you understand. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me." Came from the Watchmen. That moment . . . man. It gave me absolute chills. It was excellently built up to and brilliantly executed. I loved it. If I EVER have a moment in my writing career where I hit people as hard as that, I'll have more than achieved my dreams.
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I also think that they pretty much nailed the ending. At least the atmosphere and feeling that I think they were going for. That horrible, sick feeling that the day is saved but actually everything is ruined and all it'll take is another day for everything to have been for nothing. It was a powerful ending, I liked it a lot.
That said, I did not like Adrian's solution. Maybe it's because I've lived through Covid, maybe because it's been 40 years since this was written and some tropes have been done more than others, but pretending an alien threat is coming in order to unite the world just . . . I dunno. It didn't hit for me. I didn't feel compelled by it. I get the reasons he did it, I understand what the writer was going for, I even can acknowledge that it does the job. But it felt incredibly lackluster to me, and not worthy of the really fun villain they had made to execute it.
The Art
The art is better than anything I am currently capable of, and I want to acknowledge that first, but also admit I didn't love it. It's ugly, which of course was by design. This is not a pretty story, it's not meant to give you warm and fuzzies. It also very much is in the style of many other comics I've seen from the 80s, which is just one I'm not as fond of. It did the job, but isn't something I'll be combing over looking for ways to emulate it.
The way the panels were laid out was also interesting to me. It was very repetative, just multiple square panels in a row. I imagine that this is also a result of being from the 80s, and as comics evolved so did the many different layouts, but it was kind of comforting to me as well. If it serves the story best to just have four panels in a row exactly the same size and shape to tell your story, by all means do it. I didn't even notice anymore once the story picked up for me.
As far as things I can learn from the art? Perspectives and the use sof perspectives were MASTERFULLY done here. Both with zooming in on specific details or zooming out. How it was used for emphasis. How it made you feel sick when something horrible was being said and something as mundane as the side of a coffee pot was being shown. It was truely masterful. It also helped make long conversations more interesting.
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The Characters
This is probably where I have the most thoughts. The characters in this story are INTERESTING, full caps definitely needed. I mentioned in the writing section that it was kind of hard to root for the main characters when they were being compared to Nazis all the time. But over time they did grow to, at the very least, compel me, even if I still didn't "like" them.
My favorite character probably ended up being Laurie, who out of all of them seems to be the least crappy person. Not that she wasn't crappy, but she was at least trying, you know? I also liked her as Jon's tether to humanity. I feel like she was the audience surrogate in a lot of ways.
Jon was extremely fun, but it creeps me out that humans are like ants to him and he was having sex with them? I dunno, maybe it's the ace in me, but I don't understand when things like that happen. I love that he killed Rorschach at the end, I think that was absolutely the right call. I like how they showed us who he was and how he thought, all compelling and interesting.
Rorschach himself could be very cool one minute and a scum bag the next. He's an excellent character, but I'm glad he died. I think I'm supposed to be glad though. I also think he's the most clever of any of the characters. Not the smartest, but the most clever. He dies, but he's the only one who really wins in the end.
Dan was . . . he was fine. He felt like a knock-off batman and was by far the least interesting of all the characters to me personally. He was a good foil for Rorschach AND Laurie. He didn't compel me much though. That said, there was absolutely a lingering hand holding thing between him and Rorschach where i was like . . . "Are they implying something? what's happening here?"
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This was after they revealed that two of the old superheroes were gay and a bunch of weird examples of homosexual couples and I just . . . I'm not imagining things here, am I? I thought things were going to go in a very different direction for a second.
Adrian as a character was utterly uninteresting until he was hypercompetant and defeated all of the "good guys" saving the world by essentially doing a really big trolley problem (greater good, and all that.) That said, nothing is sexier than a competant villain. I was on his side by the end, honestly.
The other background characters were all fairly well fleshed out and interesting. A lot of the women ended up being a little 2 dimensional, but every once in a while they'd surprise me. Almost everyone felt like a horrible person, or like they were just waiting to become a horrible person. They were all good characters even if they weren't good people.
Final Thoughts
I could write pages upon pages of analysis on this comic run. Which would probably be me just repeating what people much cooler and smarter than me have already said. I didn't get into the ways it's aged poorly or the homophobia littered throughout it. But, even with flaws, it was absolutely worth the read, if only to understand how it influenced the rest of the comic world. I understand other comics better now because I've read this one.
Concrete things I learned to apply to my own work:
Take advantage of differing perspectives, both to emphasize important background details and as a way to keep the audience engaged during long dialgoue.
If you need to put a few square panels in a row to get your point across, do it. Why fix what ain't broke?
Your characters don't necessarily have to be likeable to be compelling. You can make terrible people still worth reading about.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
re: that ask you posted a couple days ago about the male and female representation in RWBY, part of what makes RWBY's whole 'girl power' thing ring exceptionally hollow to me is the fact that there are like... no women in positions of real power in remnant. like at all. except the big bad.
winter is second in command to james. glynda is second in command to ozpin. all of the headmasters are men (for no discernible reason, imo; why theodore and not dorothea?). the leader of the ace ops was a white man (and then winter seemed to take over clover's position instead of either of the women of color on the team, and she was still second to james). RWBY is an all girl team, but JNPR was led by a boy despite a girl arguably being far more qualified (pyrrha). the happy huntresses are all women, and robyn had no real power to speak of--she didn't even manage to win the election, because jacques rigged it, and then the council ceased to matter. there was one (1) woman on the council, but she was so inconsequential that i can't even remember her name. (i suppose we're lucky it was the guy and not her who james shot lol) jacques controls the SDC instead of willow, even though he's not even a schnee by blood and actually married into the family for power. (and we don't even know how he got it over his wife.)
and then there's the white fang, which ghira led and not kali--and it's ghira who leads menagerie itself, while kali seems to be a housewife. sienna had five minutes of screentime before being brutally killed and her position assumed by adam, a man. cordovin is basically a one off lackey we haven't even thought about before or since. neo was second to roman. you have cinder, sure, who is a second but to salem, a woman, and raven as the leader of the branwen tribe--but what does it really say about your 'girl power' narrative when the only women with genuine systemic power in your world are villains or antagonists with massive bodycounts??
atla has the same sort of problem--a couple great female characters, but all the leadership positions are men (except the kyoshi warriors, an all girls group, and even then the leader of their island is an old man) and the one female mentor figure also turns out to be evil--but it at least has some great writing to help overlook that fact, and it came out in the mid-00's and so has some sort of excuse of being a product of its time. but rwby didn't even start until 2013 and it's still going and still making these kinds of decisions well into 2021.
where is this supposed girl power, exactly? am i really supposed to overlook the very patriarchal worldbuilding just because the title characters are girls?
That's an excellent summary of the situation, anon, and as with so much in RWBY, it comes down to the full context. Any one of these examples isn't necessarily going to mean much on its own. It's when you look at the pattern that you can start making a case for those conclusions: Why is the show marketed on "girl power" set in a world where men hold the vast majority of that power? And, more importantly, why is that setup not the point? We could easily have a story where that lopsided gender dynamic is the problem that the girls are looking to fix, but... that story doesn't exist. Like the problems discussed with Jaune, the supposed point here exists only on the surface. Dig just the tinniest bit — the above — and you hit on a lot of structural problems with this "girl power" world.
To add just a few details to what you've already said:
Salem indeed has power, but she's never allowed to fully use it. Each volume the frustration with this grows as Salem accumulates more abilities and then just sits on them. From literally hiding out for a thousand years to worries that she won't use the Staff in Volumes 9-10, Salem really isn't allowed to be the threat she's presented as on the surface. And yes, this is absolutely due in part to the "She's too OP and the writers don't know how to let her be that powerful while still having the heroes win" issue, but again, context. That problem doesn't exclude others occurring simultaneously.
Same double explanation with Summer. Yes, dead moms are an incredibly common trauma to dump on a protagonist, but it still left Yang and Ruby with Tai as their primary influence. And Qrow. The uncle becomes the extended family influence while Raven is the absent one/eventual antagonist. It's personal power as opposed to political power, but Tai, Qrow, Ozpin, formerly James... most of the mentors are men. Maria, a key exception, has been ignored in that regard. The story announced that she was Qrow's inspiration, setup her being Ruby's new mentor, and then... nothing. Nothing has come of that. She disappeared for a volume and then went off to Amity and was literally forgotten by the story when evacuating everyone was the finale's whole point.
Like that Endgame moment I mentioned, the Happy Huntresses feel a little too forced to me. Yes, it's the same basic idea as in ATLA, but ATLA, as you say, has a lot more going for it. The Happy Huntresses feel... on the nose? Idk exactly how to explain it. Like, "Here they are! Another team of all women! Isn't this how progressive storytelling works? Just ignore how this is a one-off team of minor characters compared to the world building issues discussed above." And if you're not paying attention, you miss just how insignificant they are, with a side of Robyn being, well, Robyn. The Kyoshi Warriors, at least, are based off of Kyoshi. A woman avatar who is a significant part of their history. That is, presumably, why they're an all women warrior group (but who notably still teach Sokka). The Happy Huntresses are all huntresses because...? There's no reason except that meta "We want to look progressive" explanation. Just like having all the women superheroes team up for a hot second so people get excited and ignore the representation problems across, what? 21 films? Don't get me wrong, I love that May is among the Happy Huntresses. I think including her in the explicitly all-women group was one of the better things RWBY has done in a long time, but the rest is still a mess.
RWBY is arguably about these smaller groups as opposed to systematic power (despite the writers trying to work that in with things like the White Fang and the election. Not to mention the implication that everything in Atlas is fine now that evil Ironwood has died and taken the symbol of wealth (the city) with him. We saw a human holding hands with a faunus after all. Racism and corruption solved, I guess.) So yes, our group is dominated by women... but Whitley is the one saving Nora, helping to defeat the Hound (plus Willow), thinking of the airships, and providing the blueprints they need to escape. Salem is our Big Bad, except Ironwood is the one the volume focuses on. Ruby is our leader, but Jaune is the one leading the group into the whale and getting praised for how heroic he is. Ren does more to shake things up, even if he's painted as the one in the wrong. Oscar gets to confront Salem and destroys the whale threat. Ozpin provides the information they need to evacuate. Meanwhile, when the girls do things in Volume 8 it's almost always followed by a long-stint of passiveness. Nora opens the door so she can be unconscious for most of the volume. Penny keeps Amity up so she can also be unconscious for a good chunk of time. Ruby sends her message and then sits in a mansion. Blake fights so she can tearfully beg Ruby to save her. Weiss, as said, takes a backseat to Whitley (and Klein). They forward the plot, absolutely, but comparatively it doesn't feel like enough.
It's that pattern then, no one specific example. More and more the personal power, not just the systematic power already built into Remnant, seems to be coming from the men. Not all the time, but enough that scenes like the tea drinking moment feel like a part of a much larger problem. Pietro taking control, Watts hacking, and Ambrosius literally remaking her when Penny is supposed to already be in control of herself and her fate. Winter being presented as the active mentor to Weiss, only to turn around and claim that Ironwood was actually responsible for everything. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and May straight up commenting on how awful things are out there while Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar lead the charge against Salem — with the latter three doing the most to forward that mission (no fear, semblance, cane). As others have only half-joked, Yang's supposedly badass moment was bringing up a mother she's ignored for six volumes and briefly blowing up the immortal woman for a couple of seconds (with Ironwood's bombs). Even Marrow is arguably the most significant Ace Op after Clover. Vine isn't actually a character, Elm slightly less so, Harriet is there to go crazy and try to drop a bomb (notably before admitting to never-before-existed feelings for Clover), but Marrow? He's the one who breaks out. Who is meant to heroically stand up against Ironwood. Who comments on how awful it is that teenagers are fighting and, regardless of how messed up the moral messages are, is supposedly pushing for active change while all the women in his group, including Winter, insist on maintaining the status quo. Look at all these choices as a whole, it makes throwaway worldbuilding choices like "All the Maidens are women" feel pretty hollow. Why does it matter if Amber is a Maiden if she dies in a flashback so Ozpin can struggle to pass on the power? If Pyrrha dies before becoming one so Jaune can angst about it? If Raven is one and then disappears from the story entirely? If Winter has enough power to break Ironwood's aura, but supposedly had no power throughout every other choice she made getting here? If Penny is one, but is continually controlled by men and then asks another man to help her die? It's just really unconvincing, once you look past the surface excitement of a woman looking cool with magic powers.
When you do consider the whole of the story — both in terms of our world building and who is forwarding the plot in the latter volumes, getting the emotional focus, being proactive, etc. — there are a lot of problems that undermine the presumed message RT wants to write. They say, "girl power" by marketing RWBY with these four women, but too many of the storytelling decisions thoroughly undermine that, revealing what's likely a deeply ingrained, subconscious bias.
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theuntitledblog · 3 years
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11. SEASON 7
No season of The Walking Dead expanded the scope of the story or upped the stakes like season 7. The Kingdom and Sanctuary make for interesting new additions but the Scavengers are a major miscalculation. I get what they were going for in season 7 but it's the journey to get there that's the issue. Did we really need 16 episodes for Rick and co. to realize that they needed to fight the Saviors? Did we need to sit through 16 episodes of the group being bullied, tortured and killed to make that point? What did episode 1 and 4 do wrong for either the audience or the characters to not realize this? It's overkill for me and there's not pay offs to make it palatable for a season that could've told its story in half the time. Jeffrey Dean Morgan's charismatic performance as Negan is the MVP of the season while Steven Ogg's Simon keeps things unpredictable and tense. But the season is so poorly paced, has too much filler and is far too downbeat for my liking. The Day Will Come When You Won't Be sums up the season as a whole in the best and worst ways possible.
BEST EPISODE: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
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10. SEASON 8
Season 8 starts promisingly enough with greater urgency as the All Out War with the Saviors begins. The first half of the season is generally more focused as the initial assault on the Sanctuary and the outposts drive the story forward. Don't get me wrong, watching Rick and the Communities take on the Saviors makes for more satisfying television than what we saw in season 7 but there are limits to this. The second half grinds to a near crawl as the writers try to find ways to drag the story across a full season with a number of subplots to fill more episode time including the Scavengers, Oceanside and Eugene's bullet crafting. The season does see Steven Ogg's Simon come into his own and there are some genuinely moving moments within the story and some of the themes resonate quite nicely. But there are far too many dumb moments (not shooting Negan in Mercy, Rick vs Negan and exploding bullets) plus an unnecessary mid season twist that is done for the wrong reasons. Sadly the flaws can't be ignored and the disappointing finale makes for an unsatisfying end to a storyline that had so much potential but was dragged on for far too long.
WORST EPISODE: The King, The Widow and Rick
The season opens strongly with Rick and Alexandria facing a collective threat but the overarching thread dominating all this is Rick's subsequent take over of Alexandria following the death of Reg in season 5. Rick is at his most reckless and most monstrous state following the years of being leader and dealing with the horror of the undead world, of fighting and surviving one threat after another. It's certainly interesting character work for the series lead and it's certainly arguable that he is the real villain of season 6. Not Tomorrow Yet is perhaps the best example of that that line getting blurred between villain and hero. The Wolves attack remains one of the most shocking, disturbing and perhaps forgotten moments in the shows run but the fake out involving Glenn is too manipulative. Lennie James' return as Morgan gives the show an opportunity to revisit old themes in a battle of the philosophical ideas of humanity with Melissa McBride's excellent Carol. The action orientated first half keeps things moving forward and allows the outstanding character threads in the latter parts of season 5 to play out. Here's Not Here is one of my favourite episodes of the show. While the Saviors are introduced in the second half, you can't help the feeling that it is a story being deliberately held back to the pending arrival of Negan. In that respect, season 6 is one half action, one half waiting.
BEST EPISODE: Here's Not Here
WORST EPISODE: Start to Finish
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8. SEASON 11
The set up of Season 11 is very promising; the Whisperer War has seen the Kingdom abandoned, Hilltop destroyed, Alexandria vulnerable and without food. Season 11’s first set of episodes are another return to basics of sorts with a focus once again on survival. The Commonwealth focused second and third parts are where the season feels the most distinct and seeing our heroes try to reclaim part of their old world selves is quite fitting for the final season. Doubts and suspicions of the Commonwealth is consistent to the journey they’ve experienced over the last 11 seasons following dealings with Woodbury, Terminus and the Saviors. The Commonwealth isn't quite what those communities turned out to be but isn't without its flaws and has some very dislikable villains in Sebastian and Lance Hornsby. Season 11 does a lot right; it has a constant sense of purpose, Mercer is probably the best new character of the season and it's boosted by the return of Maggie as lead. Lauren Cohen helps fill the void left by Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira plus her conflict with Negan remains a highlight of the whole season. But it must be said that the Commonwealth story, although generating plenty of tension and peril, is noticeably absent for the shock deaths that other seasons have been more memorable for. Although it delivers a generally satisfying finale for most of these characters, AMCs prior announcement of the impending spin-offs did damage the season in terms of its sense of peril due to the pre-knowledge that some characters were definitely going to survive. Season 11 as a whole is a generally very good season that just needs a few extra ingredients to be remembered as truly great.
Season 4 is an interesting one; while it doesn't do anything wrong as such, there doesn't feel isn't anything driving the story forward for the most part. The virus storyline of the first half gives characters such as Scott Wilson's Hershal and Melissa McBride's Carol a chance to shine but it does feel a little like filler while we're waiting for a resolution to the Governor storyline. The Governor's return is undoubtedly where the stakes are at their highest this season and Too Far Gone is the best mid-season finale of the whole show. The rest of the season is a welcome back to basics approach that focuses on character development rather than an overarching plot and it just about carries it through. Abraham, Eugene, Rosita and Tara are welcome additions to the show and The Grove is right up there among the very best episodes. Season 4 is a lot of fun in parts but otherwise feels like a long journey towards the next stage of the overarching story.
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6. SEASON 10
Season 10 proves that season 9 wasn't just a lucky fluke and builds upon the progress of that season by utilizing the threat posed by the Whisperers to great effect. The improved storytelling format ensures that the story is told faster, with more characters in single episodes thus giving the audience more to become invested in. Carol's quest for revenge at times is the weak link and almost risks repeating some of the storytelling mistakes of previous seasons. However the fallout from season 9 is explored more effectively with Siddiq's PTSD, Lydia's loneliness and of course the lingering off-screen threat of the Whisperers themselves. The story progresses at a generally good pace though there are moments where it risks coming to a halt and the season finale feels slightly flat in comparison to others. However the Whisperer War proves to be a more satisfying story than the Saviors in part because it doesn't outstay its welcome. Season 10, while not the best season, hits many of the right notes that the more recent seasons failed to hit.
WORST EPISODE: What It Always Is
After the disappointing run of season 7 and 8, season 9 takes the show back to basics and adopts much needed changes to the episode structure. Where previous seasons would dedicate episodes to just one or two characters, season 9 sees multiple characters and multiple threads play out within single episodes. This tightens up the pace of the storytelling and allows things to play out more evenly. The departure of Rick and subsequent time jumps gives the showrunners a chance to mix things up among the established characters and create more storytelling opportunities. Rick's absence lingers but Daryl, Michonne, Gabriel and Aaron step up to the mark. The Whisperers, particularly Samantha Morton's Alpha, are excellent villains and help to make season 9 the most satisfying season since season 5.
BEST EPISODE: The Calm Before
WORST EPISODE: Warning Signs
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Season 1 if nothing else features perhaps the best pilot episode I've ever seen and it's one that leaves you anxiously wanting to see what happens next. We're introduced to this undead world and all the horrifying details that come with it thanks to excellent make up and practical effects. But what holds everything together is the balancing act it performs with the horror, survival and action elements while introducing a diverse group of characters that you actually care about. Vatos is an excellent indication of how good a job they do with the characters as it hits the right notes of hope and despair. It also lays the foundation for future conflict within the group all the while it brings things to a short, but satisfyingly close. An excellent cast, great effects and completely harrowing; The Walking Dead starts here.
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This is where The Walking Dead really gets going and where the story starts to shift from a focus on basic survival and onto the wider threats now existing in this world. The search for Sophia drags somewhat and is slightly sidelined by the Carl getting shot storyline in the first half. However it's the ethical dilemma created by the presence of other survivors that increases the tensions ten fold and raises the stakes to their highest levels. The character work is impressive; from the tension between Rick and Shane, Glenn and Maggie's fledgling romance to the mysteries at Hershal's farm. Jon Bernthal's Shane is a standout as the good guy turned loose cannon turned threat and remains a series highlight. The increasing moral complexity, threat and tension makes this the season where the Walking Dead really kicks off and starts to feel essential viewing. It is also remains one of the shows best seasons.
BEST EPISODE: Judge, Jury and Executioner
WORST EPISODE: Cherokee Rose
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Season 3 is where the first era of the show reaches its pinnacle with a split narrative that maintains the focus on survival but this time establishes a new and credible human threat alongside the Walkers. The first half is an excellent balance between the horror/survival action set pieces at the newly discovered Prison and the gradual introduction of the town of Woodbury. The first half is well paced and the split narrative is used to set out the distinct parallels between Rick and David Morrissey's excellent Governor. The second half raises the stakes and increases the tension as a confrontation between the two respective leaders and communities loom. The introduction of Michonne and the return of Merle also adds extra stakes to the season. Laurie Holden's Andrea is perhaps the weakest link here and an earlier sign of where the storytelling could stand for some scrutiny. However this is a thrilling season with excellent stakes, shocking twists and new characters to take things onward.
BEST EPISODE: Killer Within
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Season 5 remains probably the overall strongest season in terms of consistent quality. The season feels well paced and there are number of moments as well as character development which all serves to push the group to the limit of their humanity. These ideas get off to a very strong start with No Sanctuary which was/is the best season premiere since Days Gone By with Gareth and the group at Terminus representing some of the very worst of humanity. Where some threats have outstayed their welcome somewhat, season 5 gets that balance right with the threat of Terminus and Dawn at the hospital are generally well paced. Did we really need a Beth centric episode plus a separate Daryl and Carol excursion to make up the numbers? Perhaps not as those episodes themselves aren't bad ones as such however the vast majority of this season holds up pretty well with the group on the edge between surviving and giving up. The second half of the season and their subsequent arrival to the Alexandria Safe Zone makes for a interesting new era for the show. Watching the group trying to adjust to the 'normality' of the Safe Zone while questioning whether it is truly safe is just as compelling as being on the road and surviving. Season 5 represents the Walking Dead is at its finest.
BEST EPISODE: No Sanctuary
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grumpydevilfellow · 3 years
Just read an online article that said Danganronpa could've learned a thing or two from Squid Game and I had to laugh because 1 that's just not true and DR has the ratings and continuity to prove that and 2 the article was just full of bullshit like the V3 villain reveal didn't have much of a twist to it but like that was done intentionally both to get the audience to think deeply about the media they consume and how it could affect them and also to reveal the even BIGGER twist. Like V3 got real fucking meta yall it was so good.
And you think your little 9 episode mini series that pulled a literal Total Drama Leshawna with their only female lead has any right to believe they can hold a candle to the entire DR series??? Please...
Squid Game fans need to back tf up like fr.
Don't get me wrong Squid Game was good, but as someone has seen all the DR games it was predictable. Like I'm no stranger to killing game series so you gotta be on point with the reveals cuz I'm already lookin episode 1 and Squid Game? Eh... nothing surprised me. All the reveals I either thought about and put them in the maybe pile or I just straight up predicted. Another thing is you GOTTA stick to your rules or the audience is gonna lose interest fast. And when they pulled the TD Leshawna just so the girl wouldn't win, it broke the rules and I immediately lost interest like ok this is bs just hurry up and finish. Like Squid Game had its problems and I understand the main theme was Capitalism is evil and screws everyone over, but also you can do that and not have bad and/or rushed writing.
Which is what DR actually did with the Ultimate students in their series. These kids were destined for greatness because Capitalism deemed them extraordinarily useful in the fields they excelled at and those cherished talents brought them to ruin. The script got flipped just like that. Some of them were considered dangerous, a threat on a worldwide level because they were TOO talented. And under the influence of Junko, they literally caused the entire world to end. Now that is a fucking interesting plot about Capitalism and the hope/despair it entails. Because if these kids hadn't been scouted by the government and encouraged to only be good in a certain field at such an extreme degree, then none of this would've never happened.
Like again, Squid Game was fucking good, but it's 9 episodes, clearly rushed in some areas, and just... not gonna hold a candle to a series that's been doing this much longer than it has with so much more content.
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shoujocentral · 5 years
Symphogear G- Sequelitis Strikes Again...
So, after watching the first season of Symphogear, finishing it in three days, and being hooked in an instant, naturally I was pumped to get to the next season to see what they would do with the plot, what new characters we'd get to see, how the old characters would be expanded upon, and how much more awesome the fights would get. And... would it be too harsh to say that it basically failed on most of that criteria?
Okay, yeah it would. But still, the reason this review took so long to come out is because I found this season to be a chore to get through. I still had a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but it was a far cry from the excitement and investment I experienced in the first season. Where exactly did Symphogear G go wrong? Well, let's dive into that now.
Once again, this review will be spoiler-free for any who haven't seen the show yet.
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What is Senshi Zesshou Symphogear G about?
After the events of the first season, Hibiki, Tsubasa and Chris along with the DRS are working with the esteemed Dr. Ver to preserve Solomon's Cane, a device that Finé used to summon Noise. However, it is soon revealed that the doctor is evil, and working with a terrorist organization known as Federal Institutes of Sacrist (FIS), and with Solomon's Cane in their possession, they now have control of the Noise.
On top of that, three new Symphogear users appear, only they are working on the side of FIS. The leaders of the three, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, claims to be the new reincarnation of Finé's soul, and she also possesses a dark version of Gungnir, Hibiki's Symphogear. With such a formidable ally, FIS demands that the world's governments relinquish all control to them, lest they unleash the Noise upon them in an all-out assault.
How will our heroes stop this new global threat? And why are a group of Gear users working for the enemy?
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At first, I thought the plot had a lot of intrigue and potential. While the first episode didn't grab me by the balls like Season 1 Episode 1 did, I was still interested to learn about the villainous Gear users and how the enemy's nefarious schemes would unfold. Unfortunately, if I could describe the execution of said plot in a single word, it would be "unbalanced."
Basically, the first half of G had great character and plot setup, but I found the fights somewhat lacking. Then, by episode 8, the fights had returned to their usual epicness and badassery, but the plot and characters had taken a turn for the worst.
Whereas Season 1 felt like it was continuous building and building with each episode, stuff just... happens in Symphogear G. Characters motivations are set up, but either forgotten or completely changed halfway through the show. It honestly felt like the writers were making G's story up as they went along.
The issues I had with Season 1's story are present here as well, in that the villain's motivation is incredibly confusing and not made 100% clear until the last couple of episodes. FIS's main goal is to save humanity from the Moon, which will soon crash into the Earth due to the damage it endured from Finé. However, they go about this by... killing people? I understand innocent bloodshed is necessary in most evil "save the world" schemes, but is this really the best way to convince the rest of the world that you're here to help?
Either I'm just really dumb, or Symphogear just isn't very good at explaining things.
Another thing that bothered me about this season was the usage of Swan Songs. In Symphogear G, there's not one, but TWO methods that allow Gear users to sing their Swan Songs without dying. "Tension? Consequences? WhAt ThE hElL aRe ThOsE?!"
However, the worst part about this confused and structurally unbalanced plot is how it affects the character development.
I'm going to cover the three lead characters and Miku very briefly (cause there honestly isn't much to talk about) so we can discuss the new characters in more detail.
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Remember how I praised Hibiki in Season 1 for being a flat character done right? Well, in G, the writers attempted to give Hibiki somewhat of an arc by having the villains call her a "hypocrite." At first, I was intrigued as to what they meant by this. Then, there was a point where Hibiki went Berserk again, and I figured "Oh, they mean that because she can't control her Gear, she's a danger to the people she's trying to protect!" Nope. Once Hibiki returns to normal, she never goes Berserk again, and her plot becomes about her dealing with the Gungnir fragments slowly killing her from the inside. Soooo... why is she a hypocrite again? An excellent question! ...that's never answered. Weak.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Tsubasa in Season 1, finding her over-the-top EDGE a bit too much for my taste. However, I will give credit that she at least had an arc. In G, she does absolutely nothing. She has no arc, no motivation, and contributes nothing to the plot (thankfully her strict, yet compassionate personality is left untouched). I initially thought she would have some conflict with Maria, given that the two had a bit of a standoff in Episode 1, with Tsubasa angry at Maria for possessing Kanade's Gear. Much like Hibiki's Berserk Mode, though, this conflict was never expanded upon or brought up again, relegating Tsubasa to a glorified background character.
Chris was my favorite character in Season 1, with her fiery tsundere personality and redemption arc. But much like Tsubasa, she suffered the fate of being pushed to the sidelines. Chris started out in a tough spot, transferring into Hibiki and Tsubasa's school and bearing little to no social skills. This new environment throws her for a loop, especially when a group of her classmates try to befriend her. I interpreted this as Chris not only struggling with social anxiety due to her hatred of people in Season 1, but also still harboring some guilt over her actions and not feeling worthy of friendship or care whatsoever. Okay, fair enough.
Well guess what else the writers forgot about?! 🤪
And alas, let's talk about Miku...... Oh my sweet little angel, what have they done to you??? Miku was the heart and soul of Season 1; she was Hibiki's emotional support; her Sun that warmed her whenever she felt dark. In G, she's just useless. The writers, like Hibiki, try to give her an arc (that doesn't start till episode 6...) where she wants to protect Hibiki from the Gungnir killing her. The way the writers execute this promising arc, however, is nothing short of insulting. Long story short, she fails to protect Hibiki in any single way. Instead, Hibiki ends up being the one still protecting her. Good job, Symphogear G.
With all that out of the way, I can FINALLY move onto something more positive. While I may not like what G did with the protagonists, the same cannot be said for the villains. These people are what made this season enjoyable to me.
Maria Candenzavna Eve
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Maria is objectively the best character of the season. I really don't see how anyone could argue otherwise. She has a gut-wrenching backstory, a clearly defined motivation, and every action she takes, while not always the most logical, makes sense to how she is feeling at the time.
Maria's sister, Serena, who was also a Gear user, used her Swan Song to save FIS from an out-of-control experiment. Immediately following this, the scientists berated the deceased Serena for destroying something they had put so much work in. Maria was enraged by the idea that they would do this to someone, a child nonetheless, who had just sacrificed her life for them. However, instead of retaliating and seeking revenge on FIS for this, Maria dedicates her actions to protecting human lives so that Serena's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. And unlike the rest of FIS, she actually goes out of her way to avoid killing anyone! Of course, she eventually learns the hard way that saving everyone may be an impossibility...
Also, she gets one of the most adrenaline-pumping and yet emotional fights, accompanied by her kickass battle song, which is probably my favorite of the entire series now.
Kirika Akatsuki
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Hot-blooded, cheerful, and insistent on ending every sentence with "I say!" Kirika is nothing short of a joy to watch. She's a welcome entry in the villain faction, which desperately needed someone lighthearted to counteract the dead sister angst. Of course, this doesn't mean she's is without her own conflicts.
Kirika's main drive is, aside from saving the innocent, protecting her girlfriend best friend Shirabe. She's constantly trying to cheer her up cold-hearted friend and remind her that what they're doing is the right thing. However, this protective instinct leads to a discovery that changes her for the worst, and the rest of the show is her tragic and slow descent into madness, leading to a heartbreaking scene in the final battle that left me going "damn, they went there."
Kirika's Gear is cool enough, but not my favorite. It's mostly just a scthye and boomerangs, making it not much different from Tsubasa's Gear. Or at least, her Gear isn't as impressive as our next antagonist...
Shirabe Tsukuyomi
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Cold, distant, but ruthless in combat (beware the quite ones), Shirabe is a great foil to her lover friend Kirika, or "Kiri-chan" as she likes to call her. One could say that Shirabe is an emotionless husk, but as the story plays out we learn that, like most tsunderes, this is merely a mask to hide how much she cares for the people around her. She harbors a deep respect and admiration for Maria and an unbreakable bond with Kirika.
Shirabe bears a strong resentment towards Hibiki, being the one to drill home the fact that she's a "hypocrite" (for reasons I'm still not hugely clear on...). She believes that FIS is the only hope humanity has for survival. Of course, once her idol, Maria, starts to lose sight of this goal, Shirabe becomes conflicted, and starts to question which side is right. I love it when villains don't know which path to take. Such delicious angst! 😬
As much as I love Chris' Gear, Shirabe's may just be my new favorite. Her pigtails transform into mechanical arms with sawblades! She can spawn a giant sawblade to ride around on like a giant wheel! She can turn into a giant robot with sawblades for arms! Y'know, I'm starting to think I like saw-based weapons...
Professor Nastassja
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My only complaint about this character is that no one ever made fun of her name.
Prof. Nastassja, or "Mom" as Maria, Kirika and Shirabe call her, is the serious, straightforward thinking mastermind of FIS's operations. She was there when Serena died in front of Maria, and after seeing her determination to protect people, she decided to push Maria towards their ultimate goal of "saving" mankind from the Moon crashing. Thankfully, this woman actually has a head on her shoulders, and comes to realize that killing people probably isn't the best way to save them (who'da thunk?) and thus sets out on a path of redemption. Damn, what's with villains this season realizing that they might be wrong? I love it!
Of course, on the deep end of the villains spectrum, we have the only one who doesn't realize the error of his ways...
Dr. Ver
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Just a sample of the many amazing faces this guys makes.
Everyone loves a good psychopath. And oh boy, does this guy really underline the "psycho" part of that word. Constantly laughing manically, making theatrical gestures, spawning Noise with an itchy trigger finger, and declaring loud and proud that HE is the hero of this story. I could watch him for hours.
While Dr. Ver's motivation does stem from FIS's overly convoluted plot, he makes it very clear that he has his own agenda. He may claim he strives for the salvation of humanity, but his actions say otherwise. And that's why he's so great. He doesn't have a complex backstory or a redemption arc. He's just evil through and through and he loves every minute of it. As Alfred once said to Bruce Wayne: "Some men just want to watch the world burn." 😈
Alright, that's all the new characters out of the way. Time to move onto my favorite section before I wrap things up...
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The yuri content this season was, like the rest of it, a mixed bag. The best way I can sum it up is that it took one giant leap forward, and another giant leap back.
First and foremost, our star couple of the show: HibiMiku. Or they would be the star of the show if they had more screentime. Yeah, G really did this couple dirty. They don't even hold a conversation together until Episode 6! And then they throw in the whole conflict of Miko wanting to protect Hibiki. I guess the writers were relying on the sentiment they'd built on HibiMiku from the last season, but I feel like the two could've have at least TALKED about Miku not wanting Hibiki to fight before throwing her into the action. There was one scene twowards the end with the two of them that really got me in the feels, but it was hardly enough to make up for the whole lot of nothing we got from the rest of the season.
Second, we have the two that ultimately saved the yuri content in G: KiriShira. They look good together? Check. Complimenting personalities? Check. Emotional support? Check. Each character has their own motivation and arc outside of their relationship? Check. These two are not only absolutely adorable together, but unlike HibiMiku, which is more implied (even though there shouldn't be any doubt they're dating), KiriShira actually gets a love confession! I haven't seen that in a magical girl show since Sailor Moon Crystal when Hotaru confessed to Chibi-Usa! I'll have to see more of these two before I can say for sure, but I might actually prefer KiriShira to HibiMiku at this point. Gonna have to see how the rest of the series plays out!
Symphogear G is a considerable step down from Season 1 in my opinion. While I absolutely adore the antagonists and love (MOST) of the yuri content we got, the story and protagonists just didn't do it for me this time around, which is a shame considering how much I liked them in Season 1. The fight scenes in the first couple of episodes were less than impressive, which had me nervous, but they thankfully stepped up towards the end, delivering one hell of a climactic finale.
Also, I'm not gonna lie, the final episode got me choked up.
I may have been to hard on this season when I started this review. Despite my numerous issues, I still enjoyed myself throughout and I am looking forward to the next season. I sincerely hope my issues with the plot and protagonists are rectified because I do love this series. What's done well in G is really good, but what fails in G really fails. Oh well, not every season of a franchise can be a masterpiece. I'm just praying that it's all uphill from here. 🙏
Rating: 6/10
Hope you all enjoyed! I'll see you in my review of Symphogear GX, my fellow yuri lovers! ❤️😊❤️
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fountainpenguin · 6 years
Question Meme: (Ignore this if you don't want to answer all these....) 1, 2, 3, 28, 31, 33, 40 (sorry i couldn't pick one)
40 Questions For ‘Fic Writers Meme
#1 - Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Gradual character development spread across a piece with deepened, believable worldbuilding. You know, I often say I’m not into romance, but here’s the thing: A nice long, serious slow burn does a person good. I’ll happily accept romance if an author can really get me into the minds of the characters and make me want their relationship to develop as much as the characters do.
It’s shallow romance that rubs me the wrong way. Give me two characters who honestly, truly care about each other to the point where they’ll sacrifice something they love, or even be willing to let each other ago if it means the one they love will be happy. I love that. But if you’ve got one character who will pitch a fit rather than let their love be happy with someone else, you’re really working uphill with me.
Worldbuilding doesn’t have to be as deep and complex as my ‘fics tend to get, but I do love to see how different authors expand the same world in different ways. I’m not a big fan of horror and for some reason I just can’t get into sci-fi. I enjoy fantasy and biology.
Really, I love anything that doesn’t contradict canon. AUs? Eh, sometimes, but they’re not my favorite. I like behind-the-scenes, between-the-lines, believable futures, and backstory pieces with some nice worldbuilding. And some complex characters who don’t always make the best choices and then have to suffer the consequences for their actions. Yes. ‘Fics like those are very nice.
#2 - Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
A queerplatonic relationship that’s happy, healthy, and long-lasting. You would think I would let my aro/ace children be happy, but alas, ‘tis not to be! You could say I like to squash zucchinis. I am self-projecting my own insecurities. I made Bennett a horrible person to show the “worst possible relationship with an aro/ace who wants a sexless marriage” so that the hopes and dreams of the other aro/ace characters look more reasonable by comparison. I do that a lot.
Okay, I lied. I can think of six “official” queerplatonic relationships we will see in my FOP works, and one of them actually does have a happy ending. I mean, probably. I haven’t written it yet, so who knows?
Spoiler alert: Mario and Peach are the OTQP and I’m going to milk it. What can I say? I call ‘em like I see ‘em and canon literally gave us a plumber who’ll collect 120 Power Stars in return for cake, and a princess who turned down his hand in marriage after all the times he’s rescued her, but adores him anyway.
#3 - Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole?
“We pretend to hate each other but secretly we’re both in love and will one day in the heat of the moment spontaneously confess our romantic feelings and form a mutual, caring relationship without any further character development.”
I don’t know if it’s because I’m a very serious, honest, straightforward person (being INTJ and all), or if it’s because I’m asexual, or if it’s a combination of both (or neither), but I can’t stand huge plots about people refusing to admit that they like someone. Love has always been a logical thing to me. I was sixteen before I found out sexual attraction was a real thing. I don’t really understand it, but I guess it’s possible to have physical feelings for someone even if you don’t logically want to? And you can’t stop yourself or turn it off? I honestly don’t know how that works, which is why the “I wish I wasn’t physically attracted to you” trope has infuriated me since childhood. I just didn’t get it.
Even before I realized I was asexual, I would have discussions with my mom about how if I ever had a crush, I would openly admit this to my friends if they asked. I wouldn’t protest or deny, as I see so many media characters do. Then it turned out I’m incapable of feeling physical attraction and I get friendship squishes instead of romantic crushes, so that happened.
As a general rule of thumb, you should trust the characters I write if they say they aren’t attracted to someone. If they like someone, they’ll tell you so. If they don’t, they’ll tell you that too. And if they’re confused, then it will be very clear that they’re confused. No means no. I’m very strict about that. Don’t read into it looking for signs that they’re being secretive even to the reader. They are not. I emotionally cannot bring myself to do that.
#28 - Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oooh. I’m going to say that Shaddic takes the cake on this one. If you’re a Total Drama fan, or even if you’re not, then “Daddy’s Characters” will break you deliciously like very few fanfics will. “Before and After” is just a step behind it. The emotion captured by these ‘fics is incredible, and I highly, highly recommend them if you’re into evil villains who are undeniably and yet realistically cruel. Both ‘fics revolve around Mike and his multiple personalities (“Daddy’s Characters” revolving around adult Mike and Zoey, married with a daughter and with twins on the way, coping with something horrid that lands a distraught Mike in prison, and “Before and After” being the trauma-filled childhood backstory ‘fic). 
Shaddic characterized everyone perfectly. So horribly, painfully well. Ugggh, I love it. My gallery has Identity Theft on the way, which will revolve around Foop and Hiccup and some multiple personality trauma, but it won’t be as beautiful as Shaddic’s work. They’re honestly worth a read if you ever have the time one day, even if you aren’t a Total Drama fan. You really don’t need to know the show to enjoy them. And enjoy them (and suffer) you will. In all my years, I’ve never seen an evil villain portrayed so… villainously. Love it.
I’m also a fan of SelanPike- partially for sentimental reasons, I suppose. I remember reading her Mario ‘fics over and over eight years ago, and I still read them today on a regular basis. Crazy how time flies. They’re just ones that I love going back to. As most of you know, I tend to fall in love with background characters. Fawful, Kamek, and Doopliss fit those qualifications- and coincidentally, those three are Selan’s favorites too! Technically, it’s because of her that the 130 Prompts project came to be. I always loved her 100 one-shot challenge, and that’s sort of how I eventually decided to write my own.
I really admire Selan for her characterizations. Her Kamek portrayal is my all-time favorite. So is her Fawful, her Doopliss, her Bowser, her Bowser Jr, her E. Gadd… she’s just a master of character. Even her freaking Jojora is spot-on. I mean, talk about background characters, am I right? Ha. Her writing is excellent and she has some fun plots. I always enjoyed drinking up her fanart and reading her comics on her deviantArt too. Still do. She has such a fun, bouncy art style. Her 8-page comic about Fawful attending school in the Mushroom Kingdom after Kamek hits him with the truant officer threat gets me every time.
I highly recommend “Until Tomorrow” (Her post-“Superstar Saga” ‘fic about Kamek and Fawful attempting to revive Cackletta so Kamek can kick her butt in a magic fight and Fawful can get the mother figure he refuses to call his mother figure back), and her famous ‘fic “On My Own” (about Fawful coping with Cackletta’s death and eventually working his way up the Koopa Kingdom social ladder). “Fragmented Spectrum” is a wonderful, tense, horror-ish ‘fic as well, with my absolute favorite Bowser Jr. portrayal. Plus, I love the rivalry between Kamek and Fawful seen in “F.S.” with Fawful trying to draw magic circles that he decided must be 100% perfect to count as circles, and Kamek not even knowing how to deal with him and his technology brain. Beautiful. 
Check out the rest of her gallery too. Her two FFN fandoms are Mario and Invader Zim. She isn’t active there anymore, but her ‘fics are worth the read. I will say that I’m not a fan of her ‘fic “Everything You Ever” because I feel that Cackletta was way too sweet and nice for an evil villain in that one. But then again, I haven’t read it in years, so who knows. I’m not crazy about Selan’s Peach portrayal either, but that’s where my third recommendation comes in.
GuardianM1234 is a recent discovery of mine, and she does not disappoint. I’m a big fan of her ongoing ‘fic “Smoke” (which updates twice a month right now and is nearing its climax). It’s basically the story of Peach and Bowser growing up, and the development of their relationship from being fairly friendly as children to their complex relationship as adults. I’ve never seen Peach portrayed so perfectly, and I adore her. Never thought I would, but I do. Guardian also has a very unique take on Mario that’ll really make you squirm.
I love Guardian’s writing because she pits characters in emotionally-difficult situations and lets them learn and grow. They make bad choices, but she demonizes no one. Not even Bowser. Plus, Bowser has a little sideplot with Clawdia going on (the canon mother of the Koopalings if you know your deep hidden lore, though since the Koopalings were recently ruled “not Bowser’s children” by Nintendo’s “official” canon, I don’t know if she will be their mother in “Smoke” or where Guardian is taking this ‘fic). Basically, what I’m saying is, Clawdia and Bowser roastfest. Be there. They crack me up. And Guardian’s TOADSWORTH is perfection. Please give that old boy his gossip.
Plus, Daisy takes Bowser shopping for wedding dresses once and he bribes her with a six-pack of soda. Nice, short chapters with a few pleasant hints of worldbuilding slipped in, and a LOT of character. Guardian is still somewhat new to fanfiction, but she’s very sweet and she would adore some reviews if you do read her work. If you love her stuff, give her a shout-out! She’s great.
#31 - Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I fall halfway between this one. The answer is, sort of both! For my main fandoms, I have one rule: I don’t contradict canon, unless canon contradicted itself and I was forced to pick a side. Origin gets so deep into biology and Knots into culture that they feel more like original works than fanfics sometimes, because I’ll flesh things out as much as I want to. So that’s sort of a liberty I take with canon. But I never contradict canon if I don’t have to. I always comply.
It’s a puzzle. I love connecting dots behind the scenes. I love forcing everything that’s canon to be canon, even if it looks like it contradicted itself. If I can solve a plot hole, I try to. I will make ridiculous backbends to fit colorful Anti-Fairy eyes, Crocker’s ebb and flow of wealth, Miss Idaho’s “rare genetic condition that prevents her from aging,” Mary Alice Doombringer’s random abilities, and Girlfriend the cat’s sentience into Riddleverse canon, and I’ll love every second of it. I only cut a piece of canon out if I feel like I absolutely have to. It’s fun.
I can definitely enjoy reading ‘fics that stray from canon, and might even write them on occasion. But the reason why I write fanfics is because I loved the canon and I want to see it expanded, not taken away. I’d like to publish my original works someday, so if I’m not sticking close to source material, why would I write a fanfic that I could publish as an original work instead? 
For the same reasons, I’d rather read a fanfic that expands on canon than eliminates it. When I fall in love with something, I fall in love with its world. I like ‘fics that blend worldbuilding aspects in with the plot they’re writing, even if it’s a short one-shot. I don’t love reading something that feels like its writer just inserted the names of popular characters into their otherwise original work so that people would read it. I want to have the little details and feel convinced that these are the characters (and the world) that I love. Personal preference.
In some cases, I default to realism over canon, such as by giving Cosmo the ability to recognize faces. In my psychology classes, I’ve learned that sometimes during investigations, police will show pictures to people and ask them to select the face that matches the one they were shown earlier. People pretending to be mentally handicapped in some way will often get the answers wrong on purpose in an attempt to maintain their facade, while those who are actually mentally handicapped will get them right. Just a nitpicky thing I do.
So I often favor realism over canon in certain ways, even if it possibly contradicts canon a bit. I respect canon and try to stay true to it as much as possible because I enjoy doing so, but I don’t consider myself 100% beholden to it, especially considering how many different contributors there can be to a project over the years. I do my best, but enjoying what I write comes first.
#33 - How do you feel about crack?
I can enjoy the occasional way-out-there thing, but I prefer serious stories in general.
#40 - Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
Well, you didn’t give me a ‘fic you wanted to see an alternate ending to, but I do have a few short pieces I can share. You see, the “That Was Then” Prompt (the Jay Rhoswen and his studies about Anti-Fairies one) wasn’t supposed to end the way it did. Here is how it was meant to go:
Rhoswen scooted back hand over hand along the counter, his feet skittering in the vapor. What in the name of dust was he doing? He shouldn’t be looking at his wife’s counterpart more than at his wife! He shouldn’t be having these sorts of thoughts at all!
Anti-Shylinda placed her palms to his cheeks and gazed into his eyes. “No talk,” she whispered, and when she leaned forward, those burning lips closed over his.
As for whether that Seelie Courter chose to kiss the anti-fairy back once she’d started to draw away? Well… You ought to look to the term “Rhoswen syndrome” to answer that.
I didn’t like the idea of Anti-Shylinda being the one to make moves on Jay, so I scrapped it. Not only that, but the whole piece is written as snippets from Rhoswen’s journal now, so the voice here no longer fit the narrative.
At the end of the first chapter of Frayed Knots, “String Theory”, Anti-Cosmo cuts off the tips of his ears. I was originally going to expand the scene as follows:
Blood spattered the floor. With a hiss through my teeth, I withdrew the knife and dabbed the blood up with my sleeve. The stone might stain.
Recalculating, I dragged my stool over to the sink. The angle was awkward, but at least my blood would wash easily away. There, I slit off the tip of my ear, cutting carefully around my first canetis ring. Then I mirrored the action on the other side. Both rings bounced across the stone with a clink, click, clatter.
I uncurled my tongue and set the knife aside. Then I took the severed tips of my ears and held them to my head again. It took three agonizing minutes, but the smoke that filled my veins stretched out and wound around my fingers. It absorbed my ears and pressed them into place again. Full, soft, and whole. I fingered the gashes mother’s piercing clamp had left behind. Apparently, even regeneration couldn’t heal injuries left by an unenchanted tool. Useful information to know.
The canetis rings disappeared into my pocket. Then I got up and pushed open the window. I took a running start, dove out, and unfurled my wings.
However, I kind of liked leaving the chapter on the cliffhanger of “Oh my gosh, what did he just do to himself???” I also couldn’t include a sink in the castle in a time period when there is no indoor plumbing. Then I decided that I would rather give Anti-Cosmo permanent gashes in his ears he had caused himself, rather than ones caused by his mother, to always remind him (and everyone around him) of that day he stood against Anti-Fairy tradition. Kind of a shame to delete the scene since I like how it gave us information about smoke and Anti-Fairy healing right from the start. I might recycle it later.
Actually, if we’re talking about the original version of Knots, everything was supposed to be different than what it was. Here is another deleted scene that was originally planned to be the opening scene of Knots:
“Mum, I’m nine and a half minutes old. I’m not a baby anymore. Come on, please? You let Anti-Robin leave home to get his wand when he was only three!”
“You weren’t even born yet. How can you possibly know that?”
“He told me about thirty seconds ago, right before you came in here.” I grabbed my mother’s skirt in two tiny fists. “Mum, I’m going to be the only pup in the colony without a wand. What about our image?”
She wavered visibly, running her thumb along her staff. “Well…”
Father peered over his spectacles and frowned. “Now, wait just a minute here, Anti-Florensa. He’s just a pup. You can’t send him into the woods to gather the materials for his first wand all by himself.”
“But it has always been our family’s tradition,” she sniffed. “It’s not as though he’ll die. On the contrary, I’m more concerned about him killing valuable plants with his acid. Anti-Cosmo, you’re drooling again.”
I wiped my mouth. “Sorry, Mum.”
I really loved the “I’m nine and a half minutes old- I’m not a baby anymore!” idea, especially since there aren’t many times when you’ll have the chance to use it. As you can see, Frayed Knots was going to begin with baby Anti-Cosmo leaving his manor home alone to obtain his first wand. 
But overall, in the end, I decided that it was more important to show the importance of smoke in Anti-Fairy culture, and we ended up with the scene we have now. Also, I really wanted Anti-Cosmo to grow up never knowing who his father was until several years after Anti-Robin had died, which meant I had to scrap or replace this scene in some way anyway.
The “Mama’s Boy” Prompt was actually written with the manor idea in mind, and I believe Anti-Florensa even uses the word “manor” in it. I added an author’s note to that piece several months ago mentioning that “Mama’s Boy” is semi-canon for now until Frayed Knots is finalized. A lot has changed.
Some other deleted scenes from the early plans of “Anti-Cosmo lives with his family in a manor near the Castle, and they are nobles but not royalty” include:
“I got something for you, kiddo.” Anti-Robin flicked an aluminum medal across the table that read #2 Son. I grinned.
“This is for me? Thanks! I love it!”
He tilted down his glasses. “You say, ‘Thank you, Father, for this generous gift.’”
I repeated the words, and he tousled my hair. “Now, go do second son things.”
“Yes, sir! I will! Thank you, Father!” With the medal swinging from my neck, I trotted happily off.
I clung to the frame of his office door, beating my wings to keep myself from staggering forward. I knew better than to cross the threshold, even though there was nothing I wanted more in the universe right then than to throw my arms around his waist and squeeze him in a hug. The bruise Mother had left on my arm hurt even more now than it did in the kitchen, somehow. My eyes slid back and forth across his desk.
“Where are you going?”
Anti-Robin calmly placed another folded shirt inside the suitcase. “Back to Anti-Scarlett’s.”
“With your other family?” I asked. “With her kids, Anti-Xavier and Anti-Tom?”
“Why can’t I come with you? I want to meet them.”
“It’s a dad thing.” He closed the suitcase with two clicks and turned around. His eyes were steely calm, his frown very firm. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
Anti-Robin and I grabbed our mouths and looked at each other, gaping with our eyes. Mother was over 150,000 years old. Her real name wasn’t supposed to be said out loud.
Father slammed a newspaper on the table, then stepped back and crossed his arms. “Might I inquire what the meaning of this is, ‘dear’?”
“Whatever do you mean?” she asked, not looking up from the end of her staff. She studied its base, then ran her polish rag across it again.
“Anti-Bryndin had the green fairy locked up, and I know you’re behind it.”
So, don’t feel too sad that Anti-Cosmo grows up without a dad in my works! It wouldn’t have been the best relationship anyway. Besides that, now that I’ve had time to think about it, this Anti-Robin portrayal isn’t that far off Ambrosine, and I’d rather H.P. and Anti-Cosmo had fathers with very different personalities.
If you have a really sharp memory, you may possibly remember seeing that medal around Anti-Cosmo’s neck when I drew my late-night FOP/Moana doodle dump that one time.
I also have oodles of scenes deleted from Anti-Cosmo’s visit to Winkleglint’s estate, since originally Scarletfeather was supposed to show up and Anti-Cosmo panicked when he couldn’t stop Scarletfeather from luring Mr. Thimble away. I could have filled another entire chapter with what happened during that study abroad week, but in the end I decided they were mostly self-indulgent and not important enough in the grand scheme of things to justify leaving in.
I’m skimming through my files of deleted scenes and I forgot I had this one too. Anti-Cosmo wasn’t supposed to have his intelligence test proctored by Ambrosine originally, as I was going to send him to this mental hospital facility. I decided against it, but here is a terrifying scene that we almost got. So, it’s technically an alternative ending too:
Dr. Gabriel handed me a piece of bark marked with the word Failed. “Don’t get cocky. Everyone has their limits.”
Failed? That lout outright failed me? I dropped the bark strip and looked up as Dr. Gabriel spread his wings. With a few sharp beats, he flew out of the pit. I chased after him, searching the platform above me with my eyes. So I couldn’t fly, and I was short, but I could make that leap-
Or… perhaps not. I slid back down to the floor and landed on my rump. Never one to be deterred, I leaped back to my feet. Something to boost me, something to boost me… Oh! Snatching up his forgotten broom, I backed against the opposite wall, and then ran forward. I shoved the handle of the broom into the corner offered by the platform and the floor and launched myself into the air. Yes! Yes! Ahahaha! I hurtled out of the pit and went rolling across the ground. Dr. Gabriel spun around, his mouth falling open in surprise.
“Please,” I begged him, climbing to my feet again. My broken wings batted feebly behind me. “I want to gain a Fairy education. Level with me, doctor. You don’t want Anti-Fairies filling up your precious conservative school. And I don’t want Anti-Fairies filling it up either. True, we Anti-Fairies are known for our memories, but I like to feel special, and I shouldn’t want to chance anyone stealing my thunder away from me. You let me in, and I won’t breathe a word about your biases against my people.”
Dr. Gabriel studied me with idle coldness, clutching his tablets to his chest. He drifted a few steps backwards along the corridor. “Anti-Cosmo, your genius is entirely creative. You’re severely behind in your knowledge of technical skills, and you lack basic common sense as well as a sense of self-preservation. Because of this, we can’t recommend you be placed in any advanced programs. You’ll need to stay where you’re at.”
The corners of my mouth twisted into a frown. Then a sneer. “Frankly, Dr. Gabriel, I’m not particularly fond of that option.”
With that, I yanked out the can of forget-a-cin I’d nicked from his pouch when he’d been turned the other way. Dr. Gabriel had time to look horrified before I mashed the button down. My eyes were squeezed shut, but even so, the world around me lit with white. I let the empty canister fall to the floor and opened my eyes again to find the nervous fairy glancing around in bewilderment.
“There,” I said. “I’ve just put a block over this memory of yours. I do hope no one else would care to challenge me, or I will be forced to perform the same trick on them. Now, I demand that you, good sir, will have me enrolled in all the classes of my choosing. Is that understood?”
Dr. Gabriel’s wandering eyes finally latched onto me. His shoulders shivered, although he possibly didn’t remember why. He bobbed a bit lower in the air. Then his wings fell silent altogether, and he leaned his back against the wall. He slid down to the floor. “S-security! Security?”
His voice was too weak for anyone who wasn’t an Anti-Fairy to hear. I sighed. Covering my eyes again, I made a signal with my other hand. “Oh, dear. I do apologize. I really never do this, you must understand. It’s so messy.”
If he hadn’t been so hazy from the aftereffects of the forget-a-cin, I’m sure Dr. Gabriel wouldn’t have let me get away with as much as he did. As it happened, I walked right up to him and lay my claw against the karmic pouch on the left side of his neck. He yelped, but I knocked his clumsy hands away from me without any real effort. I braced my hand against my hip.
“I really never do this. It’s vile and crude. So sorry, I really am. But then again, well, perhaps I’m really not.” And with that, I sunk my fangs into his neck. Blech. He tasted of old mutton.
Dr. Gabriel screamed. He twisted, his shoulders rapidly seizing up. I rolled my eyes and kept my fangs embedded until his coughs turned to silence and he had frozen in place, as still as a stone statue. Only then did I wrench back my head, bringing the coils of his karmic weave along with me. Most of them were blue, but here and there a pink one surfaced, or a yellow. As the colourful threads of his life whisked above us, I stood back and traced one claw beneath my eye.
“Anti-Fairy tears consist mainly of sulfuric acid, of course. And I daresay you hurt my feelings quite a bit back there, didn’t you?”
Forcing myself to cry came as naturally as forcing myself not to cry always had. I captured the burning tear on the end of my claw and, very slowly, held it out towards the paralyzed fairy sitting against the wall. For several long seconds, I let him see it glistening there. Threatening to drip down on the place where I had bitten him. Which was still bleeding.
“I never do this,” I said again, truthfully apologetic. “It’s messy and you’ll be rather cross when you wake up, assuming you wake again at all. But it is true that I am crying, and here you are, lying so very still. We’re standing rather close, aren’t we? So close that I could touch you.”
Lacking the ability to move, all Dr. Gabriel could do was sit numbly, his mouth gaping. I lowered my claw towards his neck.
“But it’s only a single tear, isn’t it? Why should a fairy care if he made an anti-fairy child cry? No, a single tear cannot hurt your conscience. A single tear may sting your skin, perhaps, but it shouldn’t cause any long-lasting problem so long as no liquid in your body is particularly warm. Oh, wait…” Here I feigned surprise, and brought my claw a mere centimetre from his karmic pouch. Green liquid trickled down his neck. I smiled. “Why, internal Fairy body temperature borders on the boiling point, does it not? Oooh, I’d hate to see what happens when that acid comes into contact with your blood. I’ve heard it’s prone to such catastrophic explosions.”
There was, of course, no reply. Sighing, I withdrew my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped the tear from my claw.
“No, but I suppose I’m a gentleman, so I shan’t leave you comfortless. As I told you, I really never do this. I’m all boasts and bluster, really. That’s all I really am. Let’s get you cleaned up, lad.”
I was just wiping away the last drops of acid from his stunned face when the door opened behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find Anti-Jolene floating there with a clipboard in hand. She took in the threads of wild karma and my kerchief, and looked at me with her ears cocked forward.
“So… How is it going?”
I sighed and tucked the handkerchief away. “Dr. Gabriel and I have just finished, painfully. I say, are business deals with Fairies always so messy?”
She smiled a thin smile. “It would behoove us to find a neutral party who could settle things between our two races more easily, wouldn’t it?”
“I’ll be cleaning karma out of my fur for weeks,” I muttered, and went about gathering up his tangled threads so I could stuff them back inside his soul.
He was one messed up kid in this draft, that is for sure. Who knows? Perhaps I’ll find a place for this scene in the current version someday, if I ever need to send an older Anti-Cosmo to a mental health facility. For now, however, it’s deleted.
“This Is a Box” was actually supposed to end differently as well. And of course, so was “This Is Halloween.” Every once in awhile I’ll have a piece get away from me and end the way it wants, but most of them end the way I plan from the start.
Thanks for all your requests! I really appreciate your curiosity!
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revchainsaw · 4 years
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Demolition Man (1993)
I am by no means an Action Movie guy. I have however time and time again found myself surprised by the genre when it has found its way into my viewing habits. The first Action Movie that really impressed me was Die Hard. I watched it one Christmas as I searched for more unusual holiday fare and was utterly blown away. I felt as if I should seek out more of these films. I got as far as Lethal Weapon 2 before I retreated back to the world of absurd horror and sci-fi. If not for the power of cultural osmosis and the question of the 3 shells i might not have worked up the interest to check out 1993's Demolitions Man. I was expecting a typical cop vs criminal action flick starring Stallone, but what I found was an absolutely delightful Science Fiction Comedy.
The Message
Released in 1993 Demolition man starts right out of the gate with a hilariously pessimistic prediction that by the year 1996 every city in America will be Gotham on crack. The Joker of this film is Simon Phoenix and though he lacks the circus act accoutrement he is absolutely a clown prince of crime. I would not be surprised to discover Heath Ledger took inspiration from Snipes for his turn as an agent of chaos. Phoenix is an unstoppable force and in Stallone he finds his immoveable object, John Spartan (God I love these action movie names), a cop who will walk through hell itself to see this mad man brought to justice. However in his blind pursuit of his greatest enemy Spartan is easily coaxed into making reckless decisions, resulting in unnecessary fatalities. Both Spartan and Phoenix are thus sentenced to cryogenic prison sentences.
In 2032, Phoenix is thawed out for a parole hearing and of course things go as you might expect. Phoenix finds that he has changed, someone has used scifi shenanigans on him while he was frozen giving him abilities both mental and physical that he had not had before, hinting at some kind of conspiracy, he also finds that this was overkill as even the unmodified Phoenix would not have had any trouble conquering the world of 2032. Society has become utopian and nobody has a concept of using physical force to resolve issues. This leads the police of the time to make the controversial decision to thaw out Spartan to bring down the villain.
Hilarity ensues as Sandra Bullocks character, Lenina Huxley (awesome name once again; named after the author of Brave New World), is tasked with keeping the primitive 90s action hero in line with the moral imperatives of the time. This includes avoiding violence, not using naughty words, a vegetarian diet, and socially distanced sexual intercourse (a gag at the time but in the real life 2020's may have been a welcome invention).
Without giving too much more away, this future peace comes at a great cost to personal freedom and expression and there is a society of free people living in the fringes of society known as Scraps lead by a civil rights leader of sorts named Friendly. There is a sinister conspiracy to wipe them out that is the central plot contrivance that brought our forces of Good and Evil to face off. The Super Phoenix betrays his handlers, seeks to turn this utopia into his personal playground and is eventually defeated by Spartan in the final showdown. Sylvester Stallone eagerly eats a rat burger and Sandra Bullock says a cuss word at one point.
The Benediction
Best Character: Phoenix Rises
Everyone loves a villain. I had mostly known Wesley Snipes from the Blade films and did not know he had this kind of range. I expected very stoic boring bad ass action dialogue from both Stallone and Snipes in this movie, and believed the sci-fi elements would simply be space cars and laser guns but was I wrong. I'm so happy to be wrong. This film just surprised me and Snipes performance as Phoenix was by far the most enjoyable. I loved his menace and the threat that he presented. I don't think there had been such a loveable bastard force of nature character like this portrayed in film so well until this time. He is such a believable threat that I really doubted there was going to be a way to bring him down. It was great to see the other characters underestimate him and to see him not only physically dominate his obstacles but to also out smart and out class his 'puppet masters' was just a pleasure the whole time.
Best Actor: Bullock in the Chamber
I know that Sandra Bullock stars in a ton of comedy films but I've never been able to say that I found her to be particularly funny. She also strangely plays a cop in a lot of these comedies. I may think of Lilina Huxley every time I think of Sandra Bullock from now on. She was absolutely hilarious, deadpan and dedicated to this character in a way that sold the world of 2032 America. I really don't think that the overly sensitive utopic world would have felt like a genuine place where human beings lived and not just a cartoonish backdrop without the honesty that Bullock brought to the role. It's hard to find actors who can inhabit a comedic world as seriously as a Middle Earth. And maybe that's not what she'd like to be remembered for, but I think she deserves that credit.
Best Aspect: a Genre/Genre/Genre Classic
Demolition Man is such a pleasant surprise. No one in this movie seems to begrudge it's wackiness and it lends itself to the humor in a way that lets the audience rest in the assurance that this was a pleasure for the cast and crew as much as it is a pleasure for us. It doesn't sacrifice it's action to be to screwball, and it doesn't sacrifice it's world building to be to absurd. It's a comedy that takes it's self seriously. I can not stress enough that this movie nails several genre's at once. It's a funny comedy, an ideologically committed satire, an exciting action flick, a hard science fiction tale that explores the high concept of the consequences of utopia, and a fantasy that sells it's goofy future world.
Worst Aspect: If Only Cops Were More Violent
I am not a fan of the implications of the film. In the 90s it seemed that PC culture was the big enemy of personal freedom and that giving a shit about other peoples feelings was going to turn our civilization into a bunch of overly sensitive weaklings. This narrative has imbedded itself in our culture and produced a generation of selfish assholes who feel completely justified in their every callous action. Demolition Man is a Libertarian science fiction film, but I find that it's central fiction is just that. I do not believe that committing to non-violent conflict resolutions, considering the feelings of others, and not eating meat will 'neuter' our abilities to live individually free and fulfilling lives. It's a caricature, that while funny, i think is inaccurate. If you are of the mindset that Personal Freedom is at odds with social justice then you may find yourself enjoying the idea that it takes a violent police reaction to save society from it's own worst impulses, but I find that idea fairly fantastical. I think seeing the community stand firm in their convictions and still overcome evil may have been a more ideologically realistic interpretation of how the day can be saved, but instead we are given a lone wolf renegade cop killing the bad guy will reform the world, and in todays world, that just seems like a profoundly stupid message.
Best Scene: Fight at the Museum
Demolition Man boasts several ass kicking confrontations between Spartan and Phoenix. The opening Escape from L.A. backdrop that establishes these deadly foes, and the fall out that an interaction between the two can have is considered extreme even when the world is seemingly at the brink of collapse. It really sets a high stake for our squeaky clean future. The final battle in the Cryo-lab is also iconic and features a pretty excellent practical effect. However, I'd have to give the best scene to the fight at the weapons exhibit. The fact that Spartan knows his enemy so well is on display as he predicts that the Weapons exhibit will be an irresistible draw, we get to see Phoenix at his chaotic best, great one liners, and it's just a toy box for both Hero and Villain to let lose and deliver on that fall out I was just mentioning had been set up in the first act. While I loved the comedic take on this rivalry, I'd like to see Snipes and Stallone take up their beef again in a more seriously violent film. They make for great arch-rivals.
Best Gag: Potty Mouth
When I was a kid I remember my father hauling ass down our residential road and getting pulled over just a block away from our driveway. I think he was doing 55 in a 35. It was his fault but as the proud small government southern man he was, he felt it was absolutely overreach on behalf of the police department to give him a ticket on the road that he lived on. Stupid, I know. But our car was full of groceries and the officer let our ice cream melt while the whole time we sat in the truck with our home in view. My father was so enraged about this ticket that he got revenge on the mean old government by writing the check to pay his ticket, and then using said check to wipe sweat from his ass crack after mowing the lawn the next day. He mailed it in and I as an 11 year old knew that it was not going to effect the offending officer in the least, but that some poor old county clerk was going to probably get pink eye. Anyway, if you handle money or checks, you should always wear gloves, or wash your hands regularly before touching your face or eating. All that to say, I really enjoyed that after being frustrated with the 3 shell system Stallone racks up a series of fines for profanity. These fines are issued via an automated ticket dispenser on the wall in the police department. Stallone lets out a string of hilarious expletives that I hope to God were adlibbed, before he is satisfied with a nice pile of paper in his hand. He implies that he is going to the bathroom to do a little paperwork, and the scene is over. Even if you don't want to watch the whole movie, go ahead and YouTube this scene. Stallone has a surprising talent for comedy on display here.
To Begin with, I would say not to take this film too seriously: It is a comedy, after all, and I am not certain that the political implications of the movie were meant to be thought out as much as I have above. Unlike Judge Dredd, which Stallone would star in 2 years after this, (tragically deciding to bring Rob Schneider along with him) Demolition Man does not openly advocate for fascism. It's funny, it's a tight story with a satisfying conclusion, it's got great action choreography and it may be Snipes, Bullock and Stallone at their absolute best.
Overall Grade: B
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