#like even if the humor is not your cup of tea (which is fine. like whatever. you do you) i still can't understand what was so fucking
thenobleprincex · 4 months
hoping this actually doesn't show up on any tags but i just... im getting so tired of this anti-gt* vitriol. like i have all the people i see blocked and it still seems to keep popping up like weeds. and their conversation and rhetoric is always so mysoginistic and disgusting and belittling and insulting of not only gt* (and al*, of course) but of the boys too! like, they're grown men. I'm sure they are capable of choosing who they want in their lives, including who they're in a fucking partnership with.
i mean, there's nothing i can say that hasn't been said before: even if there's a shred of truth, the boys would never be thankful; it's incredibly misogynistic; micro-analysing body language is fucking bananas; etc. Honestly, I'm just tired. I just can't fucking understand it. Do I think gt* is some goddess or whatever? Fuck no. She's just her own person, doing her own thing. Sometimes she's funny, sometimes she's not (and the ratio of those times will obviously depend on your own sense of humor), but other than that, she's minding her own business. And that is also true of dt* or ms* or any of them. They all seem lovely, but i don't fucking know them! And to pretended i do know any of them is a disservice to both of us. I just- on the one hand, parasocial relationships, and the feelings that come with them, are very much real. The affection i feel for any of them isn't any less real because of the nature of of a parasocial relationship. But also, it is important to be aware that the nature of the relationship does play a role, and acknowledging the rift of distance between me and them is the least I can do, for both our sakes.
Like, just last week we were clapping dt* (and rightly so) for a speech that at its heart hold the message of "just let people be", and yet somehow his "fans" (and often times the ones applauding him) can't seem to grapple with it?? Like, maybe try to actually listen to what he's saying? Because live and let live also means leaving their relationships alone, regardless of whether they're all fucking each other, or hating each other, or loving each other, or cheating on each other, or or or. If they're the happiest they've ever been or utterly miserable, it doesn't matter. Their relationships are their own, end of story. And, despite everything, the least we can do as fans, is to give them the dignity of their own experience. If what they want us to know is that they're together and in love, then that's what we get. It's not their duty to fulfill whatever fantasies we have. (not to mention, speculating on other people's sexuality is never ok!!! Like, that's rule number one of fandom)
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rhys-writes-some-shit · 8 months
The Dilemma of a Rubber Duck
Alastor x Reader (Queer-Platonic) ft. Bestie Lucifer
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(TW: Mentions of depression, mentions of suicide attempts)
You knew Alastor didn’t like Lucifer. You weren’t 100% sure why, only that the King of Hell really got on Alastor’s nerves. Ever since Lucifer had moved into the hotel in the aftermath of the battle with the angels, Alastor had spent hours ranting and raving to you about him. They were constantly trying to one-up each other. It was comical, really.
Except that you were stuck in the middle of it. 
Unlike Alastor, you and Lucifer had hit it off right away, getting along like two peas in a pod. There was a certain camaraderie that came with being clinically depressed and still having to force a smile, which both you and Lucifer were experts at. Many late nights had been spent exchanging stories and finding humor in things other people might not otherwise find humorous. 
(“I tried to kill myself twice, and then end up getting hit by a car! That’s how I end up in Hell? What did I do all that work for?” That was the first time that story had been met with laughter, and that was when you knew Lucifer was a good guy.)
You were constantly thinking about how Alastor would react to knowing you enjoyed hanging out with Lucifer, or vice versa. It worried you to no end, so you tried to keep your friendship with Lucifer under wraps, for Alastor’s sake. He needed someone to back him up, and you wanted to be that person. You wanted Alastor to know he could trust you.
One evening, you and Lucifer were talking in the parlor, drinking tea. Alastor was out for a fancy Overlord meeting, so you were able to relax a bit. 
“I’m so glad we have Niffty around,” you were saying. “Sometimes I just can’t find the energy to do my laundry, but I know that if I leave it on the floor, she’ll take care of it right away.” You thought for a moment. “It’s not like I’m forcing her to do it. Or taking advantage of her. Right?”
“Nah, I thought cleaning was her job,” Lucifer reassured. “My loophole with that is all my outfits are the same. Also magic. Magic is very helpful.”
“Man, I’m jealous!” You gave a lighthearted groan. “I wish I could have magic like that.”
“Who’s saying you can’t?” Lucifer shrugged, sipping at his tea. 
You snorted. “Have you seen me? Do I look like Overlord material to you?”
“I didn’t think Mr. Crimson Asshole was an Overlord, so looks aren’t everything.” Lucifer hesitated. “Oh, shit, I shouldn’t have said it like that. You two are like, dating, right?”
You made a ‘fifty-fifty’ gesture with your hand. “Eh… Not really? It’s like… a mutual relationship. Neither of us are the ‘dating’ type, so we just kind of… vibe. But it’s fine, I get it. You should hear the things he says about you.”
“Oh?” Lucifer leaned forward, curious. You mimed zipping your lips, grinning playfully. “Alrighty then, keep your secrets.”
The feeling of guilt you’d been getting used to returned, but you smiled past it. If there was anything Alastor taught you, it was that you could hide everyone behind a smile. And it worked, for the most part. The only person who’d ever been able to see though it was Alastor himself. Similarly, you were the only person able to see through his ever-present smile.
Setting his cup down, Lucifer waited for a lull in the conversation. “Before I forget, I have something for you.” With a wave of his hand, a little yellow rubber duck appeared in his palm. Its features and markings made it resemble you. 
Eyes wide, you carefully took the duck from his hands like it were an actual duckling.
“This one doesn’t breathe fire or anything, but…” Lucifer paused, like he was struggling for words. “I haven't had a real friend in… a really long time. S-so I wanted to thank you. For that.”
You were at a loss for words. The only other person to get you gifts since you’d died had been Alastor. That feeling of guilt hit you like a train, but it was masked with a bright, grateful smile.
“Lucifer, I… I’m honored. Thank you.” You struggled to tear your eyes away from the duck. “Can I hug you?”
Instead of replying, Lucifer pulled you out of your chair, hugging you close. You matched it, hoping your appreciation for his existence was properly conveyed.
You and Lucifer pushed each other apart like a teenage couple caught making out. Alastor was standing in the entrance to the parlor, teeth bared. His grin was sharp, borderline violent, and his eyes were narrowed. 
“Al,” you tried, but no other words followed.
Then Alastor sighed, and the murderous look in his eyes disappeared. You were still holding the duck Lucifer had given you. Looking down, you realized you were shaking, and felt a little faint. 
You stumbled back, right into Alastor’s arms. Head spinning, you allowed him to set you down on the chair. Alastor kept a hand on your arm, watching your every movement with surgical focus. He knew, you realized. He knew how guilty you felt, how much anxiety it was causing you. How long he’d known, you had no idea, but you could feel it in the way he wouldn’t let you go. You didn’t want him to let you go. 
“Are you okay?” Lucifer looked frantic, obviously worried. “Do you need water? Something to eat? Medicine? I’m sure there’s some around here somewhere, if you just give me a minute—”
“I’m fine,” you interrupted, trying to muster a smile. You failed. How Alastor held his grin all day, every day, was a mystery to you. “Well, okay, maybe not fine.”
“They could use water,” Alastor provided, only a slight edge in his voice. Nodding, Lucifer ran off to get a glass of water, leaving you and Alastor alone in the parlor. 
Alastor was silent for a moment. You could tell he was trying to figure out what to say. “I apologize for not noticing your anxiety sooner.” A little joy fluttered in your chest. Alastor enjoyed watching everyone’s suffering—everyone except for you.
“It’s not your fault,” you told him. “I should’ve been more upfront. I just…” You were still a little shaky. Alastor’s hand moved so it rested over your hand. The rubber duck was still in your other hand, and you turned it over with your fingers, fidgeting with it. “I didn’t want you to leave me.”
“Now that is nonsense if I ever heard any!” Alastor laughed. “What a ridiculous sentiment, my dear. It would take more than that to take me from you, I assure you.”
“But I know how much you hate him.” You looked towards the direction Lucifer had gone. “You hate that he’s here. You hate that he’s meddling. And this is just another reason to hate him.”
Alastor was contemplating his words again when Lucifer came back. He gently handed you the glass of water, causing you to have to put your duck down. Alastor was right to ask for it—the water helped. The air was tense as Lucifer and Alastor glared at one another while also keeping an eye on you. 
“When you are happy, I am happy,” Alastor said out of the blue. Both you and Lucifer looked to him for clarification. “If talking with Lucifer makes you happy…” Alastor swallowed, gritting his teeth, glowering deeply at Lucifer, “then, by that logic, it makes me happy.”
“Hey, same here.” Lucifer put his arms up symbolically. “I’m not gonna leave my friend just because I hate their boyfriend– er, whatever you are, that is.”
“Partner,” you and Alastor said in unison.
“Right. That.” 
The air was still tense, but it made you feel better knowing that Alastor and Lucifer wouldn’t be fighting over you, at the very least. 
“Okay,” you said suddenly, having finished your water. “I’m going to bed. Thanks again for the duck, Lucifer.”
You barely heard Alastor growl at Lucifer upon realizing that he’d given you a gift, but it just caused you to smile fondly. Alastor was quick to step in beside you, taking your arm to escort you up to your room. 
“You’re welcome!” Lucifer called back. “But don’t think that just because you and Alastor are partners that I’ll make one for him too!” You had to stifle a laugh. Lucifer was too sweet for his own good, no matter how awkward it made him seem.
You turned so Lucifer could see your grin. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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luimagines · 4 months
Congarts on the two year old blog!
If it's fine, can I request a FD sky in the royal au; just getting to know reader, flustering them at every turn and being a genuine menace to them
Content under the cut!
You didn't know what to do with the man that sat across from you.
If you could even call him a man.
His hair was stark white, perfectly accented by the bright red feathers in his hair as it draped over his shoulders. He had a pearlescent cape with a design of the country's emblem on the back. His clothes were about as casual as you could get when speaking to the King.
He's wearing black pants at least but his shirt holds the regality of the royal family. It's also white with stars and moons embroidered in golds around the edges with swirls that connect from one side of the tapestry to the next. It looks almost like a story was woven directly into the fabric. You're tempted to read it, but you don't want to be seen openly ogling the King in his own house.
His eyes were just as white as his hair with no sign of which direction he would be looking in, but it was clear to every hair that stood up at the back of your neck that he was very much watching you. More so than you were watching him.
A shaky hand reaches for the tea cup he's order to be served to you. You're not sure why you're here or what he wants with you, but he seems relaxed at least.
But you don't know what that means for you, so you're still a nervous wreck.
"I hear that your bakery is the best in my kingdom." He says after a beat once you set your tea cup back on the little saucer. You try to focus on that instead of the booming voice that threatened to pour into your very veins.
The cup has a beautiful floral pattern. It looks like porcelain but you could be wrong. The beautiful forget-me-not pattern echoes on the saucer below. the swirling flowers are beautifully painted.
But you feel dizzy and nauseous in an instant.
You put the cup away.
"Thank you... Your Majesty." You finally answer him. "I wouldn't personally say it's the best. but business has been good and your people have treated me nicely."
"My people?" There's an up tilt to his words and you have the slightest suspicion that there's humor in his words, but you struggle to read him.
"Yes." You answer calmly. "Your people."
"Are you not one of my people?" He picks up his own tea cup and takes a sip. You feel like running away.
"I'm not originally from here." You bite your lip and grip the seat beneath you. Every fiber in your being is telling you to run for it. But you're rooted to the spot.
The king nods and tilts his head as if in thought. "I suppose your accent would check out in that regard."
He says nothing as he takes another sip of his tea. Can't you just go home already?
"I'm having a party." He says at last. "I was hoping you'd be willing to cater it."
You feel your heart stop as relief threatens to melt you into a puddle. It's just business. You can do business. "O-oh... is that all?"
He nods once more. "I'd like a list of your menu and potential skills outside of your typical armory. I'm sure it goes without saying that you should bring the best of your accomplishments."
You can feel your nerves stealing in you as he speaks. You'll show him. These will be the best of the best. "Of course. I've never disappointed a costumer. I don't plan on starting now."
This time he actually smiles. "Perfect. May I ask for the estimate? I plan on giving a hefty down payment first-"
"No. For free." You cross your arms, ignoring the tea.
He stills, clearly not expecting that. His eyes don't obviously dart to you but the energy changes. The hair on the back of your neck stand up once more but you're not willing to budge on this.
"...I don't think so." He says calmly. "I pay for the full deal. I don't accept handouts."
"It's not handouts." You try to not glare at him. "It's exposure. The business that would result from this would payback tenfold the amount it would take to cater your party."
He frowns and stares at you as if you've said something dumb. "...I'm paying."
"No, you're not." You cross a leg to emphasize the point.
The King tilts his head. "Yes. I am. End of discussion."
"No you're not." You feel it in yourself to be indignant.
"Yes." He's smiling but you're not sure what to think about it. "I will pay the full price one way or another. I've enjoyed our chat but I'm afraid I've got other matters to attend to."
"That's a shame." You shrug. "Because this conversation isn't over until you let me do this for free."
The King of the land stops as he gets to his feet and kisses your cheek. "Then I suppose I'll simply have to invite you again, my dear. I'll see you soon."
You freeze and stay rooted to the spot once more as he leaves the room.
Your tea has gone cold by the time you're escorted out of the castle. This wasn't exactly what you had in mind- nor are you confident in yourself to keep surviving interactions with this powerful man.
Why couldn't he just have dropped it?
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lyssala · 5 months
I was trying to figure out They are stuck in my mind at all times and when I was thinking, I realized oh OH they're the same picture. So really I apparently just have a trope hierarchy to which if you resemble Roy/Riza in anyway you skyrocket to the top of my list.
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Some ramblings about Clorinde/Wriothesley under the cut because I have no where else to do it. I'm sorry to all the people who've been my followers for years and I literally just come here once a year to drop a ship fixation LOL Here's my big dose of copium I guess 🤣
(For the record, I have nothing against the popular pairings for either of them; I multiship just fine. There isn't an ounce of ship bashing in this because 1. that's rude lol 2. discrediting canonical relationships because they threaten the chances of my pair being on top defeats the purpose of analyzing characters)
(Updated: 8/25 just to acknowledge a few other various things before the end of the Fontaine era)
Roy & Wriothesley: fight using their hands (in different ways but still; fire and ice though); masks their true goals behind a facade (whether staged like Roy or Wriothesley just letting people believe what they want about him); most people don't know their true personality/history; hold a position of power in what most people assume is ambition but really they just want to do good to those who need it.
Riza & Clorinde: observant/quiet personality; the world's best shot; the best poker face; straight faced humor; tough as nails; sass and teasing is a love language; recognized as the top of their respective fields and respected by many.
It's uncanny right??
1. Familiar With One Another
It's so clear they have history together. This is not their first mission, first interaction. They can read the lines between what is being said to understand something more, that is the definition of knowing and understanding how someone operates. It means some kind of history.
Between her greeting upon walking in the room (Clorinde: What's that look on your face? I thought I made good time on the way back.) and her knowing how he is about tea (Wriothesley: Want some tea? Clorinde: Not particularly. If you want to drink some that badly, just say so.) Those are not things you would know/say if you don't know a person. She knows he's giving her a weird look, or a look she wasn't expecting. He offers tea, and instead of saying no thank you, she's just no, but I know you do and you don't need me as an excuse 🤣
Even when he clarifies for her that he does want tea, he asks her again, maybe knowing she does actually like it but only if he's already making it - which I do all the time to Ren LOL (Wriothesley: Fine, I'd like to get some tea. Want me to get you a cup too, since I've already made it?) and that time she agrees (Clorinde: Eh, might as well then, I suppose.)
Idk like these are people who know each other. They know their quirks and their mannerisms. They talk to each other as equals (he doesn't question when she's telling the Duke wtf are you looking at me like that I'm right on time, and he's just like I know you're right on time you always are) I just think that's a big deal??
During the wrap-up of the main story quest, when talking to Charlotte when Clorinde is dodging interview attempts and Charlotte guesses how Clorinde knew Charlotte had an interview at Meropide (Clorinde: In truth, all Monsieur Neuvillette asked me was "When did the Fortress become so friendly towards the media?" I told him that it was best not to speak too soon — there's no guarantee that Wriothesley will make a personal appearance). It's likely that Clorinde was in the room when Neuvillette spoke the question aloud, but I also like him going up to her just to ask her like she'd know the answer to what Wriothesley was doing. I mean, she did still know the answer: that just because Charlotte had an interview, Wriothesley probably wouldn't show up. She knows he hates publicity as much as Clorinde does - I do have to imagine its because they've talked about it, they're friends.
In that same scene, Clorinde says to Navia that she seems interested in the Fortress, and Navia says duh, but that man gave me a headache (Navia: Of course! Ugh, that Wriothesley... I still remember going down to the Fortress to grill him for information on my father's case. Boy, did he take me for a ride... without telling me anything, of course). Clorinde then is like, yeah, but he invited you to tea, and it was good, right? (Clorinde: But he did invite you to tea, didn't he? Navia: Two large pots of it, in fact — it was good tea, though. Clorinde: I have to agree. The tea there is very good). My girl, how much time do you spend down there to know he'll habitually ask and that it's always good. Also, lol, the fact that she gave him such a hard time saying no, I don't want any tea, but if you want it, I'll have it, but then to Navia, Clorinde is much more straightforward about how good his tea is because she isn't teasing Navia.
Then of course their bets. (Wriothesley: I win this bet. You owe me a present. Clorinde: Very well, it was indeed just as you said.) This is a thing they do and apparently have done before. She literally talks about how much he gets into it, implying she's learned to go along with it because she knows he enjoys it.
My girl MY GIRL how do you know what kind of gifts he likes, or that he enjoys it all if you haven't done this a million times (Clorinde: Wriothesley gets really invested in that sort of thing. But he couldn't care less about what he wins in the end. Clorinde: You could give him mint plants that you plucked from the side of the road, and he wouldn't even mind). I also have to wonder if the reason he doesn't set a stipulation on what he wants, is because he likes to see what she comes up with, what reminds her of him and that's why he's so happy with anything - that's a little too me with the ship colored glasses on but still (the only other time we see him given a gift he's appreciative, but poor sweet Neuvillette has to explain it first so I can't judge Wriothesley's reaction in comparison).
A smaller thing is Navia always complaining about how hard it is to talk to Wriothesley while Clorinde just bubbles about calling the Duke by his first name and how he likes making bet and loves gifts 🤣 (Navia: If only he was that easygoing when it came to talking business...) I know it's because Wriothesley intentionally avoids Navia due to whatever promise he made with her father. Still, the image of Navia's best friend being super chill with the Duke of Meropide while Navia is exhausted by the thought of talking to him is so superb. Chefs kiss on that dynamic, Hoyo (also can we talk about how the trio of Wrio, Clorinde, and Navia doesn't get nearly enough love and I'm genuinely saddened over that).
I guess one last thing for this section because I don't know where else to fit it, with Wriothesley, to everyone else Clorinde is Miss Clorinde, including to her when they're in public but when Wriothesley is talking to Neuvillette when he's delivering all the gifts, she's just Clorinde (Wriothesley: I have to hand it to Clorinde. Just a simple gift delivery, and she has the great and mighty Iudex at her beck and call.) possibly because Neuvillette would be one of the few people to know they have a relationship outside of work? Though Clorinde is just like oh yeah Wriothesley is just like that in front of a whole slew of people LOL so maybe it's an on work time/off work time thing 🤣 I don't necessarily have a clear analysis but I 💯 noticed it still.
2. Familiar With The Fortress
Moreso for Clorinde since obviously Wriothesley is familiar with it. I think the most clear indication there is for Clorinde spending time down there is through Sigewinne. The official livestream announcement image being a lovely example.
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Okay, I know it's because her and Sigewinne were the two new characters and like I said Sigewinne doesn't leave Meropide all too often. Still there were plenty ways to promote them: in the infirmary, in Neuvillette's office (like they did later for her demo/trailer), at the dining hall in Meropide, streets of Fontaine, even no place at all. A choice was made to have them sitting in Wriothesley's office.
I mean Clorinde has to spend a decent amount of time down there??Sigewinne has her drink meaning either Clorinde was comfortable enough to brew Wriothesley's tea or he brewed it for her/them. It's his teas set that sits in his office in game. Again these were choices that were made LOL Clorinde is reading so she's clearly not there for business, just hanging out in his office with Sigewinne.
Also, Clorinde's little smile 🥹 Another is the dolphin (whale? looks dolphin to me) sticker on her book, meaning that Sigewinne made a sticker of Clorinde (like she did with Wriothesley and Neuvillette). Most of all implying that Clorinde is close enough to Sigewinne to get that honor and the fact it's on Clorinde's book, that she spends enough time in Meropide that Sigewinne also likes to stick stickers on Clorinde's things like Sigewinne does to Wriothesley.
Another small thing, was Clorinde in Sigewinne's character trailer. Navia was about to guzzle that tea when Clorinde stopped her like, no, girl, wait. She's 100% had Sigewinne's drink creations before there would be no reason for Clorinde to otherwise stop Navia. And even Clorinde's little cough compare to Navia's big wide eyes of shock lol Clorinde has been through it.
One last thing with Sigewinne is her voiceline about Clorinde and that she's been around Clorinde enough to try to learn how to read her (Sigewinne: Miss Clorinde doesn't make a lot of facial expressions when she talks. It's pretty difficult to tell what mood she's in from what her face is doing...She used the lipstick I gave her? Really? Hee-hee, I'm so glad she likes it! I knew that color would go great on her!). But, Sigewinne also knows her enough to give her gifts - and vice versa (Clorinde: And some tea-flavored hard candies. They're for Sigewinne) - because they're also friends. That can literally only happen if Clorinde has spent time there longer than what we've seen/were told.
Another thing I found so cute about Clorinde's connection to Meropide, was in Clorinde's story quest, when they went to the Meropide set (Clorinde: I admire the work put into the set. Still, it's obvious the script writer has never paid a visit to the Fortress of Meropide). Yes, yes, we know, you're apparently so familiar with it you can tell when details are missing, okay, girl.
A little more of a stretch with some ship goggles on but I can't help but laugh at the image of Clorinde smiling at the prospect of getting to throw her players in Meropide and as GM getting to play Wriothesley's job (Furina: So this set... is going to be a part of the script? Clorinde: Unfortunately, that is something I can neither confirm nor deny. Paimon: Um, anyone think Clorinde's smile is starting to look kinda scary...?). Still sort of unrelated but also Paimon's line in that scene was adorable too - if only there were snacks in prison...oh, there are if the Duke likes you LOL (Paimon: If only there were desserts and tea in real prison... Oh, wait, guess that's kind of how the Fortress of Meropide works if you're lucky.)
3. Same Sense of Humor
Their humor too omg they have like the same brand of humor and it's fantastic and because it's so dry; poor Neuvillette is always just like and you what now? LOL (Clorinde: He already has tons of tea in his office. I'm thinking about a set of legal codices. Wriothesley: That wouldn't happen to be a dig at my lack of legal awareness, would it... Clorinde: I'm sure His Grace doesn't consider the Fortress to be outside the law.)
Which she brings up again in her voiceline (Clorinde: I highly suspect that he keeps quiet about some of the methods he uses, but there's no way we can know) teasing again that he operates outside the law. The other thing about this line (though I don't put it very high, it could be a translation thing) but that she switches from I highly suspect to no way we can know. Why she didn't just say no way I can know, is probably because she does know or she knows she could know if she asked LOL
One of my favorite examples is from his character stories because omg I feel like it's the definition of their humor and it makes me laugh so much ("Why does it feel like you have even more free time than me? Your title wasn’t bought, was it?"
"One moment, please."
So saying, Wriothesley rifled through three drawers before producing several thick documents with a flourish. "Now, let me see... 'excellent management'... 'leading tax contributor'... 'specially granted this title...' Well, what do you know? Good guess, that's pretty much what happened after all.") I just feel like she's not afraid to challenge him with jabs as jokes and he's perfectly fine to take it. But I also think that's saying something because who else knows that they can poke fun at him like that, she knows because she knows him.
4. Work Life Together
I just wish Hoyo would tell us more about it 😩 like is it just because he hires her to do stuff for him? How did that start? Why? Even in the character story above, it's said it was over a business transaction what does that meaaaan? There's no way he, woke up one way and went, you know what time to hire this one Champion Duelist (she's the best but she's still not the only one) to do some secret missions.
When asked, he said it's because she's an independent party (Wriothesley: As a Champion Duelist, Miss Clorinde can be considered to be an independent party. I needed to find an exceptionally capable person to help me get through the impending crisis) but I mean she works for the court idk how that makes her independent? He does say "crisis" so it's likely she knew about a lot of the things going on ahead of time but I don't think he would have ever just hired someone just because of their station. Mainly because in doing so, he trusted her to be in his inner circle of the plan with Sigewinne - who Clorinde also has a relationship with as I went through already - and Neuvillette, two people we know Wriothesley does have canonical history with.
I saw someone say that Clorinde was already staying down there at the time already working with Wriothesley on the mission, so it was easy for her to get Freminet, but I couldn't ever find what in canon pointed to that. She was staying after at least, she was eating dinner there but they weren't expecting the gate to blow that night. You'd assume she'd leave after she told him everything he needed to know. But no it's like middle of the night/early morning and she's right down there with him. So part of the crisis he referred to is letting her in on one of the biggest secrets of Meropide because she knew exactly what to do and was ready and willing to do it.
I also really love Navia's voice line about him because it says that Clorinde knows what the arraignment he had with Callas was otherwise she wouldn't have told Navia it was okay (Navia: Trying to discuss anything with that guy is an exhausting process. Clorinde says I needn't have any reservations about collaborating with him in the scope of our preexisting agreement, but I still shouldn't trust everything that comes out of his mouth.) I imagine Clorinde bullying it out of him to make sure if was a safe arraignment for Navia (and maybe upon learning what it was and how it came about could've been the early steps in how Clorinde learned to trust him too because it's mutual - she's not a mercenary, she takes jobs with him because she also trusts him and what he does). But I also imagine that bit about not trusting a word that comes from his mouth (since Wriothesley hasn't ever lied that I recall, he hides things very well and doesn't clarify to make things appear certain ways, but I don't recall him flat out being deceitful) is either 1. Clorinde teasing him to Navia without her even knowing but it gives Clorinde a little amusement 2. She knows that man is gonna run his mouth one day to tease her and she's laying the foundations now so Navia won't listen to him 🤣
Or Clorinde is helping him keep his mysterious and bad boy persona because she knows he's actually a big softie - all wins to me lol because I genuinely can't see her believing he's untrustworthy; she literally risked her life to stay with him while they waited for Neuvillette, that doesn't sound like a person you didn't trust. Because again as far as I know a Champion Duelist is still not a mercenary.
5. Battle Couple
Which leads me back into my original Roy and Riza comparison, the way they fight together (Wriothesley: Clorinde is the best Champion Duelist you can find. Her combat prowess is already the stuff of legend. I've never fought her myself, but that's because there's never been a need for it.) I saw someone point out how does he know this when he'd likely have to make a special trip just to see her fight. I imagine some is word of mouth considering the phrasing of stuff of legend. Regardless of how he knew initially, he knows now because they've fought together before. He's never fought her, like he said, but they're fought side by side.
They had to. I'm sorry, this is not the delulu brain worms, you cannot tell me they didn't.
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They likely had some sort of plan otherwise idk how she would know to shoot the door controls, but she's watching him from a distance, sees his signal of a simple nod and proceeds (she nods back to him but I couldn't find a gif that included it). I say because they didn't know what was going to happen; the plan was probably if it looks bad, shoot the controls I don't care where I am. I don't think it was as specific as I'll just give you a nod it's fine. He could've shouted, made a bigger motion, lots of things really - he didn't because he was literally running for his life and he knew she was watching, she'd see him and know what to do that's why I bring it up. That's why I refuse to believe they've never fought/worked side by side before, you don't just read people like that; you don't just trust people like that, especially two people who it's in their job description to be sus and careful with who you trust. You read faces, eyes, subtle signals from people you know and trust.
It reminded me so much of Roy and Riza in this scene when she can't speak from her injury and he is about to lose his mind and all she needs to do is move her eyes and he gets it.
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(I mean, Roy and Riza have literally a lifetime of history, experience, and love for one another, I don't think Wriothesley and Clorinde have known each other as long or have that rich a history, but all I'm saying is I keep seeing them in each other, okay? Okay).
6. Similarities in Story and Interests
I threw this one down at the bottom because I’m not sure if they’re aware of their own similarities. It’s more meta in the sense I see the similarities without having canon to tell me that they know how similar they are. The first being the most obvious in that they were both orphaned as babies, and then were raised with foster parents/guardians until Clorinde was 10 and Wriothesley was a teen (Clorinde at least getting the better deal in that her Master who took her in was unconventional but seemingly cared for Clorinde unlike Wriothesley who had the rug ripped out from under him to see the truth of his family). Clorinde then presumably was looked after by Callas and Wriothesley grew up in Meropide. Both don’t talk about their personal lives often, but in both they’re story quests, they talk about their past pretty openly. So its possible they know, but because Hoyo is too afraid to put them in the same room again, I can’t say.
They also both hate newspapers and paparazzi. Clorinde talks about why she likes Charlotte by alluding to what other journalists put Clorinde through (Clorinde: Unlike some, [Charlotte] doesn't ambush me with her Kamera on my way to work, or follow me to the coffee shop to report on what I'm drinking today... And most commendably of all, she is well aware that I do not do interviews and doesn't nag me about it continuously). Wriothesley we know also turns down interviews frequently (Charlotte: And that's exactly why I'd like you to come conduct interviews with me. You're the best incubators of news, if you haven't noticed — and also, with you around, I'm sure I'll get to see that Duke. Paimon: Are you sure? Hasn't he turned you down several times already?). I imagine its because both have been victims of the journalists turning on them for a front page story (I’m sure everything with Callas was sensationalized, same with Wriothesley when he was a teen and also probably just how criminals are depicted in journalism to begin with).
The last bit comes from the Fontaine Tour Group video since so far the only two playable characters who have displayed knowledge on Remuria. Wriothesley both in the Archon Quests and his Friendship stories (Wriothesley: Then maybe you haven't heard of the story of ancient Remuria. To give you a quick rundown, Fontaine used to be ruled by the Remurian Dynasty) and Clorinde in the Fontaine Tour Group video (Clorinde: …oh, they have a Conch Harp here? Navia: Something wrong? Clorinde: It’s nothing. Probably dates back to the days of Remuria, that’s all). In the video, Navia clearly had listened to Clorinde talk about it because she remembered the connection but she also couldn’t even remember the name after Clorinde just said it, so it’s clearly not common knowledge. I imagine Clorinde was taught about it with her Master due to the ties to the Marechaussee Hunters and Clorinde’s clear love of history. But I also can’t imagine that Clorinde and Wriothesley never discussed both having interests/knowledge in the same niche era of Fontaine’s history. We know that she knew about the splice gate, so I also imagine she knew about the Winglet and therefore they absolutely would’ve talked about Fontaine history and folklore together.
And So
One thing I've seen a lot in this fandom, when others are trying to discredit a ship they try to give proof of pairs that are "more canon" and I didn't do this to try and say they have more canon standing. They aren't seen together all that often, and sometimes we just have to pull the crumbs out of our own analysis and that's okay. I don't like the phrase "more canon" because its canon or its not lol Being in more scenes together doesn't make a pairing more canon unless they're in the scene confessing their love verbally or physically. It just means they have a relationship, whether that's friendship, familial or romantic. How you see a relationship is up to you and you aren't wrong (because there is no right answer - n o s h i p i s c a n o n).
When it comes to Clorinde and Wriothesley, I don't know if Hoyo will ever put them in the same room together again (though they gave me enough crumbs that I need to now clarify pictured/interacting in the same room lol). They're just gonna give us a Character like Wriothesley and just leave him down there to never interact with people 😭 Clorinde's story quest didn't even touch on her being a Champion Duelist. I still have so many questions.
I’m a little peeved with Hoyo to be honest which is a whole other conversation I’ll have on how we went from some of the best storytelling and some of the best characters into some of the blandest storytelling and complete wasted potential. Nothing will make me stop loving what I loved about Fontaine, but it’s incredibly frustrating also feeling like I was lied to my face only because Hoyo caved to fanservice (which is how it looks), completely erasing character stories and relationships they established in the first place.
ALAS, with the new region on the horizon, maybe we’ll finally see some peace as the fandom moves on to a new region. We’ll just have to speculate and answer the questions for ourselves <3
In any regard, I wrote up all this to (cope because I adore them and I run out of content to satisfy my intake on a daily basis) hopefully make someone else also feel better that no, no one was crazy for thinking these two had that good fucking chemistry, because it radiated off the goddamn screen. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise 💙 Also, oh my fucking god I thought that after being in with Genshin since version 1.3 I already had my hyperfixation period back in Liyue nope the fucking prison warden and trial by combat champion decided to ruin my life.
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koipalm · 2 months
HI YES HELLO HI HI HIHI HIHIHIHIHI. HI. SORRY, I'M TRYING TO PROCESS. YOUR. SY ASSISTANT AU. Hey. Hi. I'm in love with it. I'm in love with your au. I keep thinking of the hijinks that Shen Yuan gets into with the other peak lords. I'm sorry, but I'm going to ramble about it - if anything, it's all your fault for making such a brilliant AU. Shoot me down if I'm wrong about any headcanons I'm making about it, but teeheeheeehehehehehee. Okay, so first, thinking about Xian Shu peak. Because Shen Yuan is so irrevocably fruity that, when other guys could be being creepy over the girls upon the peak, Shen Yuan is just trying to stay upright and not pass out because of the ✨gay thoughts✨ that stop him from sleeping. The girls could even find him sweet in the way you see a dishevelled rat and go "awww!", whereas Qi Qingqi just occasionally nudges him with her foot to make sure he isn't dead. Next, next, Liu Mingyuan. The chaotic shipper herself. She sees Shen Yuan glancing at Liu Qingge occasionally and just cracks her knuckles like, "oh, this is is going to make a great book series" and, in typical fashion, starts writing everything. She, at one point, writes Shen Qingqiu as a love rival, which is something that Shang Qinghua holds over poor Shen Yuan's head forever. Liu Mingyuan is the kind of gal that has locked Shen Yuan and Liu Qingge in close quarters together just so she can make new writing about it later. Liu Qingge, who sees this pathetic blob of a man sometimes dragging himself around the different peaks (usually in spirit but, on a couple of very strange occasions, literally), has no idea where Shen Yuan came from. So, after asking his sister, he decides to ask the man himself - in what he thinks is a very normal fashion. Shen Yuan, however, sees Liu Qingge (terrifying Peak Lord of Bai Zhan) storming towards him and promptly cornering him, and just passes out. Hands down. After this, he is utterly baffled. When Mu Qingfang asks (read: scolds) about it during what can be described as a supply drop, Liu Qingge is treated to a lecture that is basically "Shen Yuan is like a little mouse whose heart will give out at any moment because he doesn't take care of himself." Liu Qingge listens and hears "Shen Qingqiu bad." It's not like he's actually trying to steal Shen Yuan in any sense of the word, he just likes the little mouse not looking ready to pass out (he would definitely force a cup of tea into the man before he lets him leave, because he's helping right? Toootally.) I did say I would ramble...I did say I would- (Sorry, I just love love love it)
thank u so much for liking it!! im actually really blown away that this many people like the au it was very simple when i thought abt it <3
& unfortunately (& i probably should have specified earlier my bad lol) shen yuan has a lot of fraught relationships with the other cang qiong cultivators! most won't say it to his face but plenty think he's putting on an act or scheming with sqq and because of how close he and sqq work he can't escape sqq's reputation in the sect. a lot of the disciples from xian shu peak actively despise him for working under sqq, while qi qingqi herself is suspicious but mostly ambivalent. liu mingyan is reserved because she eventually sees lqg and sy get along fine, and she would have a lot of fun with his stupid humor. lqg is ALSO mostly ambivalent to him bc of sqq but they grow closer together due to proximity. his whole confusion on sqq and sy's relationship would have to be a completely new post lawl
that being said shen yuan is actually fairly close to mu qingfang in a coworkers way in that mqf actively worries after his health but he's mostly unwilling to interfere in sy and sqq's relationship due to fear of retaliation. all in all i find it really fun to take the popular views on shen yuan and his relationships and make them more complicated SORRYY my bad i just think its really interesting ^^ it's not to say that he won't ever have friends its just that i think cang qiong mountain has a whole host of problems they should address and im having fun with it HAHA
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@abyssleaves GIRL I FUCKING LOVE YOU HOLY SHIT. You dropped this queen 👑
This person right here, you have said it so perfectly and have inspired me to say something. I will also probably get hate but you know what? That's fine at this point 😎
This carnivorekitty situation? I'M SO OVER IT!!! I don't even 100% agree with tom but, most of you guys are getting upset at OPINIONS AND DARK HUMOR LIKE HOLY SHIT. I want you all to think about this. What part of it is beliefs? The belief of not understanding neopronouns? No no no he didn't say "hate." he said he didn't agree with them and wasn't going to hate people for using them. But nah, instead of maybe sitting down with a cup of tea, you all jumped the gun and said, "THE NERVE?! HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME?!". Pssst hey lean in close...... I don't understand them either 😐 If you approached me, though, and told me your pronouns, I would never hate you for using them. It is YOUR life and I will respect/use your pronouns(I use any pronouns btw UwU) and I can't tell you what to do, and as long as you're not hurting anyone, who cares right? But don't demand me to understand or get why because I don't want to, and I'm just too stupid to care.
ANYWAY TO THE TRANSPHOBIC TOPIC!! Okay, this confused me for so long on why people called him transphobic because even I understood that people of the lgbtq+ have different opinions on things and deal with stuff differently. Him saying that kids/teens having medication and surgeries are life changing and then most definitely are. Most medications are safe, but did you know that their was a birth control that was FDA approved and it worked for a long time! Until women started having babies missing limbs and parts of them. Medical stuff can happen at anytime, it being safe of not it can still happen. And the surgeries? I agree that people shouldn't have surgeries until they are 18. Why? Because you have jackasses that aren't trans/have medical needs who take advantage of that for their own benefits and you have people who find out that they are not trans/non-binary/so on later in life and detransition.
Also, can no one like dark humor anymore??? A trans person likes a dark humored trans meme it's end shattering, but people still adore famous people making 9/11 jokes? Yeah, okay, love you guys ❤️ and don't get me started on the nazi shit because WOW WE GOING FOR IT WITH THAT ONE!!! Did anyone read the post Tom made at all? Hm? He said, and I quote, "I don't see anything on how he's a nazi however, that seems like a stretch. However, if anyone can provide actual proof of these claims, you can let me know." He ASKED for proof and said he doesn't agree with all of his posts, yet all of you jumped on him instantly calling him a "nazi sympathizer"? I literally saw one, FUCKING ONE PERSON show him the proof of it instead of jumping him like zombies 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️
My last take is the pride parade stuff which is just silly to get mad about?? As a person who has basically raised my siblings as my own children and wanting kids of my own some day, I can understand about the not wanting children to see half naked people and honestly who would? What I get is that it is a pride parade and they are mostly known for people doing that, they usually make a flyer or post saying if it's going to happen orr not so please look first. What pisses me off is when people defend that and call them something-phobic for not agreeing 😑 "Agree to disagree" is perfectly put for this, People can have opinions on this without being hateful. You guys come OOON
That is all I have to say for this, I would touch on the racism aspect but I must say out of that whole thing I could understand why people were mad/hurt and I am a pale ass white-irish person who has never experienced racism(only the "HA HA YOU'RE AN ALCOHOLIC" jokes due to me being irish 🤣)so I have no right to say anything in that.
Anyway, I'm gonna just rant here, so feel free to hate on me in my inbox because I could honestly just chill with anyone even if they scream at me UwU
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
So basically I’m thinking of one with like Jungkook and like it’s teacherxstudent and obv he’s the teacher and the reader and him are like enemies, but idfk 😭 😭 😭 smthing happens and theirs like a lot of angst bc I’m a angst lover 😍😍😍😍 You can choose what happens next and you can add smut if u’d like to ♥️
It could also be Namjoon because he just screams Sexy Teacher
~ K
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synopsis; in which you meet the love of your life at the wrong time.
pairing; professor!Namjoon x student!reader ft. student!jungkook
genre; angst, fluff, humor, s2l, l2e, professor au, student au, college au
warnings; cursing, heavy angst, minor age gap but still within legal age (Namjoon is 28, reader is 23), student x teacher relationship (kind of you’ll see), implied smut but nothing graphic, some fluffy moments ~
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 4,366
a/n; let me just say…IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE. And most importantly: I do not condone any type of student x teacher relationship and even though they’re both of legal age in this fic, it still doesn’t make it right (in my opinion, no hate pls) with that being said if this isn’t your cup of tea that’s ok!! pls skip this one and check out my masterlist of other fics you may be interested in!! just be sure to read the warnings before you continue! enough rambling, enjoy!!
When you first saw him, it was by chance. More of a fleeting moment, really. One that’s common between two strangers.
When he actually saw you, he saw art come to life in front of his eyes.
When your worlds finally collide, it brings nothing but chaos.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
That was the only word running through your mind as you pumped your legs, willing them to push through the ache and pain you currently felt as you dodged people left and right muttering a half-assed apology over your shoulder. The bus you were trying to catch was only a few yards ahead of you, hope filled your mind, air filled your lungs, and you made it just in the nick of time to stop the doors from closing with your hand.
The driver gives you the stink eye, but ultimately doesn’t have a say when you pay the bus fine for the day. All he does is grunt in greeting, jerking his head back towards the seats as a gesture for you to hurry it up and sit down.
You don’t have to be told twice.
Trying your best to keep your focus ahead of you, you let your peripheral scan the options of seats available. You see one near the back of the bus and make an instant beeline to it. On the way, the glare of the sun through the windows blinds you momentarily, enough for you to stop walking, hand falling on the corner of the seat next to you in order to keep yourself balanced when the bus starts moving.
A male sitting in the seat just behind is wearing a brown corduroy coat, heavily focused on the inky black words that adorn the tattered, worn book he’s reading. The way he holds it let’s you know it has to be one of his favorites, and when a ghost of a smile cracks on his closed lips, it breaks you out of your reverie, a slight tint appearing to your cheeks when you think you’ve been caught staring. When his eyes stay down as he flips another page, you allow yourself to hastily walk pass him and sit down in the vacant seat unnoticed.
You don’t see him again until a few days later, and this time, you’re not alone.
A slender, tattooed finger flicks you on the forehead and you blink harshly, flinching back from the sudden digit and glaring at the male who is bent over in front of you laughing to himself at your pain.
“You are such an arse, Jungkook.”
“It’s not my fault that you zone out so deeply every time you come across an artwork you like and it’s impossible to reel you back into reality!”
You blow a raspberry at him. He blows one back.
The crowd within the museum is surprisingly thick, probably due to the latest still life exhibit by Elias Whitley, a promising up and coming artist and photographer. The only way you were able to see it, and be there, was to ditch school for a day. Something, your best friend didn’t mind doing at all.
However, if he knew it was going to be such a bore, he would’ve just stayed in class.
“I’m going to snack at the finger foods table until they tell me to stop, you good on your own?”
“I’m good, thank you. Just don’t get kicked out, please.”
“No promises.”
With a wink and finger guns, he’s lost within the throe of people around you. You sigh softly to yourself, and turn to walk further into the crowd. Your goal is to make it to one of his latest art pieces, one that you’ve come to personally vibe with yourself. Upon making it, you take your time with scanning each and every paint stroke you can see.
What originally drew you to it was the colors he used, much different than those he would normally utilize. This one was a multitude of purples, pinks, oranges, yellows, and blacks. It almost looked something akin to a sunset being mirrored by the ocean that you would see on the horizon. Tilting your head, you get a different angle, hip unknowingly jutting out a little too far and bumping another fellow art lover next to you.
You immediately straighten up with an apology on your lips that gets cut off midway when you see the male in front of you. Or, if you’re being more technical, you see his brown corduroy jacket first before slowly trailing your eyes up said jacket to meet his for the first time.
His smile is subtle, but friendly.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re just trying to see the art in a different perspective, I can respect that. I take it you’re a fan of Mr. Whitley?”
You blink once, twice, before your mouth finally catches up with your brain.
“I–Yes! I only recently found him off of a blog I love to follow, they travel to different exhibits and give thoughtful critiques that I tend to agree with.”
“Oh?” His brows raise in intrigue. “Who is this person you follow?”
“Well, I’m not sure his actual name, but I can give you his name handle if you’d like?”
“That’s perfect.”
“Okay–just—“ you fumble in your clutch purse for the pen you always keep just incase, as well as a little notepad. You scrawl down the name of the blog and rip off the page it’s written on, handing it to him.
He gives a low hum of approval as he reads it, nodding his head. A sly smile slowly forms, before his eyes look up from the paper to once again link with yours.
“I also agree with this ‘rkives’ critiques.”
Your mouth forms an ‘o’, and you can feel the excitement build in you for having found someone to share your enthusiasm with.
“Wait, really? You’ve heard of them as well?”
A confused smile forms on your lips.
“How do you know it’s a guy?”
He’s silent for a moment, looking down at his phone as he types away at something. For a second, he scrolls, searching for something unknown to you. When he finds it, does he turn the front of his phone to face you. It’s an article about the blog you follow, but that’s not what catches your eye.
“No way.”
What you see is a blown up image of the person behind the blog at the bottom of the article and low and behold — he’s standing right in front of you.
He smiles, amused at your reaction, before stuffing his phone back in his jacket pocket.
“I am such a big fan of yours, holy shit.”
He chuckles, a dimple you didn’t notice before forming in the crease of his smile.
“Thank you. That means a lot. Would you like to possibly walk the rest of the exhibit together?”
“Yes!” He holds out his arm for you take, and just like that, the rest of the time at the exhibit passes by in a blur of deep talks, art styles, artist favorites, and detailed critiques from the mouth of your favorite blogger.
It’s not until the crowds begin to thin out, and the loudspeaker announces the end of the exhibit do you both make your way back to the entrance doors.
He holds the door open for you to walk through, both of you now outside in the chilly air of winter. Your breaths mingle together as you talk, and you try your best not to sound as sad as you feel for not wanting the night to end.
“I guess this is it. Thank you so much for humoring a fan, I can’t wait to see what else you post!”
A light hue blossoms on his cheeks, but whether it’s from the bitter, crisp air, or something else, you’re not sure. He clears his throat, then gives you an offer you can’t refuse.
“Would you maybe want to grab a cup of coffee with me? Or tea? Whichever you prefer, it’s on me.” His voice is hopeful, and when he sees the light in your eyes appear again, he feels his chest burst with a warmth.
“I would love too, really, but I just–,” he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed, and you can see it yourself as his body begins to deflate in front of you. It makes your soul hurt. But you need to figure out where Jungkook is before you just decide to ditch him.
Mustering up a vibrant smile, you explain.
“I came here with my friend, Jungkook, and I need to make sure he’s okay before I can agree to go with you, is all.”
Something akin to jealousy flashes across his eyes momentarily, his own smile still plastered on his face. He swallows it down with a look of understanding, which he does – understand your reasoning that is – it’s common decency of course. The thoughtful gesture you show only fuels the butterflies in his stomach as he stares at you.
“Right, yeah. Of course.”
“Just give me one second–,”
You go to your favorites in your phone, pressing down on Jungkook’s name, then put the phone to your ear as you hear it ring. It takes two rings, before his voice is blaring in your ear with a sense of urgency.
“Where have you been, you idiot?! I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all night!”
You purse your lips, feeling terrible for worrying him. Especially when you notice the flurry of texts and calls you failed to notice while with your new friend, forgetting that you set your phone to silent upon entering the exhibit due to not wanting to disturb those around you with unnecessary noise.
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook. Where are you at? I’m at the exhibit entrance–,”
“I’ll be right there.”
He hangs up. You gape at the phone in disbelief. He never hangs up on you.
“Is he okay?”
For a moment, you’re lost in your guilt, the male in front of you becoming invisible.
“He’s fine. He’s on his way here.”
A jog of light footsteps could be heard from behind you, and you turn just in time to get enveloped into a warm chest. His arms wrapping around your small frame easily. You let out an ‘oof’ upon contact, your own arms reflexively hugging his waist.
You can feel his body sag in relief, an exhale of a sigh from him makes the top of your hair warm for a split second within the cool, night air. Your words become mumbled against his chest as you speak.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, koo.”
“You’re such an idiot.”
You smack him lightly on the back in retaliation to his words. He chuckles into your hair before letting you go. Then, you watch as his face becomes stoic, body becoming rigid. His eyesight is no longer on you, and that’s when you remember that you’re not alone.
“Oh! This is–,” you flush, embarrassed you don’t know the mystery male’s name after all this time.
“Just call me Namjoon. It’s nice to meet you.”
He politely holds his hand out for Jungkook to shake, which he does, reluctantly, grip firm as well as eye contact. You watch them both with a hesitant smile.
“Jungkook.” His voice is tight. As soon as their hands disconnect, does he make a point of standing flush to your side.
“And you must be, y/n.” Namjoon’s eyes have a twinkle in them, you think. The way your name sounds coming from his mouth sends goosebumps across your skin. “It’s been a pleasure, truly, but now that you’re in safe hands–,” his eyes cut from yours to Jungkook’s with a knowing look between the males, one you’re uncertain of, before he finishes speaking. “I’ll bid you both goodnight.”
With a light bow, and warm smile, he turns to leave–
–until he’s stopped by a warm hand around his wrist.
He stops, half turning to face you, one brow raised in question and a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“That coffee, would you maybe want to meet up tomorrow morning?”
“Y/N, you have s–,” Jungkook attempts to chime in, but you throw a harsh glare his way that has him shutting up instantly.
Namjoon waits until you’re gaze is back on him before he continues, now fully facing you once again, handing his phone over to you that’s unlocked.
“If you type in your phone number I’ll text you later so we can discuss meeting up further.”
Typing in your phone number, you triple check it’s correct before handing it back to him, fingers touching for a fleeting moment that sends pleasant shockwaves through your body. The look in his eyes tells you that he felt the same thing.
Jungkook clears his throat harshly from behind you.
“We should go, y/n. It’s getting late.”
The two of you share one last goodbye, and then he’s gone, leaving you and Jungkook alone in front of the exhibit. When he’s no longer within eye sight, does Jungkook’s voice cut through the silence in warning.
“Y/N, are you sure about meeting that guy?”
You’re resolute with your answer, tone firm and confident as you continue to stare off in the direction of which you last saw Namjoon, a newfound sparkle in your eyes that makes Jungkook frown in worry at how hung up you are over a guy you just met.
“Text me the code phrase if you want me to call and bail you out of your date. Do you remember it?”
“The Perilla leaf is stuck.”
“Good girl.”
You roll your eyes.
“I can feel you rolling your eyes. Don’t make me get into the Perilla leaf debate again.”
You groan.
“Please don’t. Look, I’m coming up to the coffee shop, I’ll call you when it’s over.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You hang up the phone, stuffing it in your purse, and scoff at Jungkook. That guy would try anything once, so his words mean nothing in that regards.
The bell jingles overhead as you push open the door, signaling to workers that a new customer has arrived. The elderly woman at the cash register greets you warmly with a smile.
“Welcome in!”
“Thank you!”
Your eyes scan the tables near you, and your heart begins to drop when you don’t see your date in sight. He didn’t seem like the type to stand people up, but you just never know. Deciding to take a seat next to the floor to ceiling windows, so you could people watch in the meantime, you fold your hands in your lap and wait.
Five minutes turns into fifteen, fifteen turns into thirty. Your hands fidget in your lap, eyes darting everywhere outside in hopes of even catching a glimpse of Namjoon.
You fish your phone back out of your purse to confirm that you did, in fact, get the date and timing right to meet today. You did. While looking down at your phone, the bell jingles. Your eyes flicker up with hope, and you sigh in relief when the familiar male locks eyes with you.
His face is full of guilt as he waves in greeting, long legs bringing him to your table of choice in no time. He pulls out his chair to sit down across from you, hands folding on top of the table.
“I’m so sorry for being late, I had to catch another bus.”
In his defense, you can see the small beads of sweat on his forehead as well as see the rise and fall of his chest, him doing his best not to show you exactly how exhausted he is from running here. Even though a part of you is upset at the late arrival, you can’t bring yourself to be mad at something you’ve been guilty of plenty of times in the past.
“Busses? Am I right? Woe is the life of the weary greyhound traveler.”
He chuckles humorlessly, but nods his head, agreeing with you.
“I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
“Nah.” You wave your hand dismissively. “Only about fifteen minutes. My bus was late too.” The lie came out so smoothly. You don’t know why you decided to lie. But when he gave you a dimpled grin, it made you feel pride in knowing you caused it.
Jungkook’s fingers tap on the top of your shared desk in your classroom for still life photography, his eyes borderline roll themselves into the back of his head with how harshly he’s doing it.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?” You answer, eyes glued to the phone in your hands, fingers flying over the keyboard with expertise. A lovesick grin is on your face, and he grimaces at it.
“Looking at your phone like you want to make out with it. It’s disgusting.”
“You’re just jealous I’m getting laid and you’re not.”
He snorts, offended.
“Excuse you? If I wanted to get laid, I could get laid. Like, right now.”
You pat his knee with false empathy.
“I’m sure you could, koo, I’m sure you could.”
“You’re damn right! Tell me, what does tall and admittedly handsome have that I don’t–,”
He pauses, eyes widening at something you’re unsure of off to the side of you, suspiciously towards the front of the classroom. You follow his line of sight and let out a small gasp yourself at what you see.
‘What was he doing here?’
Well, you were about to get your question answered.
Namjoon walks to the front of the classroom, and stands directly in the middle of the ridiculously large whiteboard that takes up a full wall of the classroom, picking up a dry erase marker and writes his name elegantly on the board. As he writes each letter, he speaks, voice loud and professional.
“Hello, everyone. I’ll be taking over for Mrs. Lee starting today while she’s on maternity leave. My name is Kim Namjoon, but just call me Mr. Kim. Are there any questions?”
With one final stroke, he pivots on his heel and scans the crowd of college students in front of him. His smile is still prominent, until he unfortunately locks eyes with you, smile immediately falling and eyes widening in realization at your current predicament.
You’re dating your professor. What the f–
Your head falls into your arms on top of the desk and Jungkook awkwardly rubs your back in solidarity with your hidden suffering, all the other classmates oblivious to the life altering moment that just occurred.
‘Now what?’
“So, you’re a college professor, huh?”
“And you’re a college student.”
“Quite the predicament you’re in.”
Both you and Namjoon turn to give Jungkook a look, he mimics zipping his lips and throwing away the key. The head he popped out of the kitchen slowly retreats back behind the wall, and he once again resumes his task of fetching everyone some herbal tea, knowing it’s your personal favorite.
You’re all off campus, the school day now over, and no longer needing to put up the facade of being strangers. Jungkook was oh so kind(not really you had to bribe him with doing his English lit homework for a month) enough to allow his small apartment to be the hideout of your now scandalous love affair.
“What exactly does this mean for us?”
He leans back against the couch, rubbing his hands down his face with disdain, a loud exhale escapes his parted lips as he dreads what he’s about to say to you. There’s only one solution to this conflict. And even though you know what he’s about to say yourself, it still doesn’t make it hurt any less.
These past seven months have been the happiest you’ve ever felt, being with Namjoon. Everyday he made a point to send you a picture of a new piece of art he’s found on his travels, especially when you’re not able to go with him. You used to always be more of a homebody, only going out when needed, like when Jungkook would force you. With Namjoon, however, he made you see the world differently.
It didn’t matter if you were just taking a stroll down a dark and dreary street in the rain, he always had some kind of poetic or insightful thought about the smallest details that always had you looking up at him in awe. The large crack on the sidewalk that now has a weed sprouting out of it? It’s just natures way of taking back what was rightfully theirs before man came and poured cement over the ground.
Little things like that helped pave a new mindset in you about seeing people, places and things in a new light. It made you see that not everything has to be black and white, but rather it should be vibrant and demanding and beautiful.
So damn beautiful, he thought, as he let the silence linger around you in favor of watching the light of the tv that’s playing a cheesy rom-com requested by you in the background hit the side of your face, illuminating it perfectly. Your eyes are sad, though, and in turn it makes him sad. He knows you know.
A large hand encompasses your own that’s resting between you two on the couch, he gives it a gentle squeeze. You squeeze back.
Your voice is light, barely a whisper, and the lump in your throat makes it difficult to utter a coherent word. You know it’s no use asking, but still, you try.
“Maybe we can still make this work? Somehow?”
He pinches the bridge of his nose with his other hand in hopes of it deterring the water in his eyes from falling down his cheeks. He hates this, every part of this. When he looks at you again, you’re biting your bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
“I don’t want you to go.”
He swears his heart shattered right then and there with your small, desperate plea. He knows he needs to get it over with and leave before he becomes desperate enough to let his heart overpower his mind.
“You know I don’t want too–,”
“Then don’t!”
“But I need too.”
“Namjoon, please–,”
He leans forward to close the distance and give your forehead one last lingering kiss, before squeezing your hand just to let it go. He stands up from the couch you were both perched on stiffly, shrugging his brown, corduroy jacket that you’ve grown to love over his broad shoulders with his back towards you. It’s in this moment that you hate how tall he is, his long strides taking him to the front of Jungkook’s apartment in seconds.
Jungkook is just about to walk out of the kitchen with a tray of three steaming teas until he sees Namjoon briskly walk pass him and you following close behind with false hope in your eyes. Once again, he decides to fall back into the safety of the kitchen to let whatever is about to happen occur naturally, no matter how much his heart breaks at hearing your many attempts to get Namjoon to stay.
Namjoon’s hand twists the doorknob, and the door opens swiftly. He goes to step out into the hallway, until it gets slammed shut in front of him due to you throwing your body weight on top of it. The impact makes your shoulder ache, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
“Don’t you love me?”
His shoulders deflate, his strong persona beginning to crack.
“Y/N, you know that I do. But that’s not the issue.”
“I’ll drop out!” You spew out randomly, and at the time, it seems like the best idea you’ve ever had. Namjoon’s eyes widen in shock, his hands coming to rest on top of your shoulders as he lightly shakes you in an attempt to break you out of your stupor.
“Are you crazy? Do you hear yourself right now? You’ve put so much of your blood, sweat and tears into just making it into this college so you could fulfill your dream! I’m not going to let you throw that away over me!”
“But–,” his grip tightens, and any word you say gets silenced by his lips pressing hard against yours. You can feel his passion, his love. You sink into it, and he allows the moment to last longer than it needs too, but damn it all that he had to lose you after taking so long to finally find you.
It wasn’t fair. But, he thinks, life isn’t fair to begin with. Why would it be any different for him?
When he pulls away, his eyes stay closed. His forehead gently falls on yours, his hands sliding their way up to lightly cradle the junction between your neck and head. His thumbs brush over your jawline and you let out a broken sob that has him biting his lip harshly enough that he can taste a hint of metallic on his tongue.
“I love you, y/n. And, unfortunately, I love you enough to know when I need to let you go.”
This time, you don’t resist when he gently pulls your body away from the door enough to slip out of the crack and out of your life. And it’s not until you’re a sobbing mess on the floor of Jungkook’s entryway that he timidly peaks his head around the corner to see you and rush over to your fallen form. His arms encase your body against his tightly, one hand on your head, and the other on your back. You can vaguely hear the little ‘shhh’s’ and ‘I’m here’ and ‘you’re going to be okay’ as you let his voice along with Namjoon’s words of love ease you off to sleep where you can dream of a perfect world with you and Namjoon together, forever.
a/n dos; it is almost midnight and I’m sleepy. This is unedited and I personally think it’s shit but I still hope you enjoy it somehow. ha ha ha ok bye
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"Has da-ge ever taught you how to play Scorpion Sting?"
Jin Guangyao lifts his eyes from his cup of herbal tea, and looks at Nie Huaisang, quizzical. He's just finished sorting out some paperwork that Huaisang kept complaining he couldn't get to the end of, and now they share tea and sweets to unwind.
"I don't think he has, no. What is that?"
"It's a card game we invented as kids!" Huaisang smiles. "A strategy game. You have to split the pack of cards in two, or three, or however many people are playing, and you have to eliminate as many of them as possible without using the scorpion sting, which is the joker."
Jin Guangyao smile back, curious. "And how do you do that?"
"Deceit." Huaisang replies, simple, perfectly concealing the knowing smirk that threatens the edges of his lips. "You have to deceive your opponents that the sum of the cards you have is higher than theirs, even if it isn't. You have to figure out the highest possible sum you can get and hope nobody else figures out you're bluffing or has a higher sum than you."
"Hm..." Jin Guangyao hums, thoughtful. "What if someone calls your bluff?"
"Then you either hand them the scorpion sting and stay in the game, use it once and lose the privilege to ever use it again, or accept the loss and are eliminated."
"That sounds like an interesting game." Jin Guangyao comments, though he inexplicably feels the hairs on the back on his neck raise the moment Huaisang flips his fan open and giggles. Ridiculous, he thinks, there is no danger here, between him and Huaisang and this beautiful, ornate sect leader's room that Jin Guangyao has grown so accustomed to.
"Would you like to play?" Huaisang asks, "I found the deck of cards I used to play with Da-Ge whilst cleaning today. Humor me for a round or two?"
"I doubt I could be as worthy an opponent as Da-Ge..." Jin Guangyao tries, unable to shake off the fear that's tugging at him from deep inside his stomach, an ancient instinct screaming danger into his conscious.
"I'm sure you'll do just fine, Da-Ge always said you're good at reading people!" Huaisang pleads, and Jin Guangyao doesn't notice how tight his grip on his fan has become. "And anyway, it's just a childhood game. You don't have to win it for it to be fun."
"Everything is more fun when you win." Jin Guangyao laughs, and once again doesn't notice the momentary darkness that passes Nie Huaisang's features.
"Still, play with me? In Da-Ge's memory?"
Nie Huaisang splits the cards the moment Jin Guangyao nods, and hides behind his fan as he looks at his cards.
Two jokers. Two stings.
"Well, then, san-ge," he says, cheery, and Jin Guangyao once again tenses, inexplicably, "Let's see if Da-Ge was right."
Nie Huaisang has never lost a game of Scorpion Sting, but Jin Guangyao doesn't know that. He won't, for a long time.
He loses.
They never play again.
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 5 months
Hey what's up, I'd like to request for a JJK matchup please if that's okay. I've never asked for a matchup before so I hope I do this right lol. I'm a Leo and a female, I'm mostly calm but I do have some anger issues in me. I also tend to feel a bit insecure of my body sometimes since I am a bit on the chubby side and I've been bullied for it. I like playing the piano, reading and writing books and my ideal day is to read a book listening to jazz music while sipping tea. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging but I do have a decent amount of achievements and I'll admit sometimes I can get pretty proud of it till someone has to take me down a notch. I guess I'll need some disciplining after all😈😏 But I also have this tendency of feeling like a failure everytime I don't get a decent test score. Apart from that, my sleep schedule is a damn mess. I get only 2 hours of sleep everyday, yeah.. I'm a college student after all...anyway, that's about it. Thanks for reading this and you can include smut too, I'm fine with it. Have a good day 😊
Omg hi!! You sound like such a cool person, I would love to give you a matchup! Sorry this has taken so long lmao 🤣🩷 hope you like it! ALSO PLZ PRIORITIZE SLEEP HOLY SHIT
You got…🥁🥁🥁
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Suguru Geto!
Geto really loves your personality. He likes how you can keep a calm head and he thinks that you’re cute when you’re angry. Probably even teases you a little bit ;)
“Oh? Did someone downplay your achievements again, sweetheart?” Geto cooed as he patted your head. “Shall I make you some tea?” His tone was so calm and unbothered as he spoke to you as if you were a child. It embarrassed you, which only pissed you off even more.
“H-huh?! Don’t talk to me like that!” You shot back.
Geto smirked at you. “Like what? I have no idea what you’re referring to.”
You rolled your eyes at him, begrudgingly accepting the cup of tea and taking a sip. “You’re being condescending and you know it.”
The two of you would bicker like that constantly, all out of love of course! And every time you get a good test score, you best believe that Geto will be all over you.
“Since you never get any Ds in your classes, I guess I have to give you one.”
This man has the kind of humor which makes you wanna slap him 😅
And Geto would LOVE your curves. That’s not even a question. Probably check you out at every possible time and opportunity
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iforimaginary · 1 year
The Humorous Creation Tale of The Magnus Institute’s HR Department:
My boyfriend and I have been sitting on this absolute gold mine of a headcanon and taking the mick out of it every chance we get in any fan-works of TMA we happen to create.
Small Disclaimer: This short story leans pretty heavily into Jonelias with a decent bit of Jmart on the side so if that isn’t your cup of tea, I apologise in advance.
Without further ado, let me paint you a picture…
Ever since Jon had received the promotion, Elias has been getting rather tactile. It’s nothing you might regard as remotely worrying at first- a gentle touch of the elbow as he brushes past him in the corridors, an affirming hand on the shoulder after a particularly successful statement follow-up, a linger of his fingers upon Jon’s as he’d hand over a misplaced file. All in good faith… Jon would tell himself. It’s not like he particularly minded and it seemed like a frivolous concern to schedule a meeting over so he let it fly by.
To say that the situation ended up sorting itself out would be a blatant lie. As a matter of fact, it seemed to progressively get more severe and certainly way more noticeable.
Not only would Elias’s loitering contact grow more tenacious, but Jon’s schedule would appear to fill up with increasingly more impractical performance reviews. He was however compensated fairly enough with extended breaks and his superior’s persistent reminders that he absolutely ought to take more time to rest between his quests of digitalising archive data.
That all ended up succumbing to it’s final boiling point when Elias took it upon himself to give Jon a massage while he was seated in his office, door wide open, recording yet another trivial statement. Sometime during that encounter Jon allowed the other man’s artful hands to get lost under the unbuttoned collar of his shirt as he tipped his own head back to rest on Elias’s shoulder. He still didn’t particularly mind and the predicament definitely seemed to surpass any kind of concern one might schedule a meeting over.
However that would no longer be Jon’s call to make as Martin, who carelessly left his umbrella behind at his desk in the middle of British October, happened to witness the entire affair with incredibly sober clarity.
A few strings were pulled and one firmly but delicately worded conference with Elias later, a shiny novel HR Department was now in operation at The Magnus Institute under the supervision of none other than Martin K. Blackwood.
Needless to say Martin remained the only member of this particular department, which suited him just fine as actual HR concerns at the time were very few and far between (save for Tim’s pamphlets droning on about ridiculously short holiday allotments discretely slipped into the suggestion box). His primary heed was focused upon putting a stern halt to the ‘workplace harassment’ that Jon insistently argued against by trying to convince his researcher that, as far as he was concerned, it didn’t make him all that uncomfortable and could hardly even teeter on the edge of what would by definition be ‘harassment’. This however did nothing to sway Martin.
Soon enough Elias had a perpetually growing pile of small printed warning slips taking up precious drawer space which in a short enough span begun turning into fully typed HR Violations presented on intimidatingly yellow card paper. But sadly, as these things always tend to go, not much truly meaningful action ever ended up talking place. Who does one deliver the violations to when the one ‘violating’ is the head of an independent non-profit institution?
And so a new routine developed like clockwork; Elias would so much as graze past Jon when navigating The Institute, receive a glaringly yellow envelope the next day and proceed to stash it along with its predecessors. Eventually he learned to be more careful as he could only afford to allocate so much desk space to Martin’s inconsequential little game.
In the end all that really had to change was the ever late hour of Jon’s scheduled performance reviews…
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vbee-miya · 2 years
Hello! Could I get a written matchup for stranger things and lotr? I’m an intp with she/her pronouns. Im 20. I’m bi so any gender is fine. For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends/when I’m comfortable I can be quite talkative and humorous. However, I definitely treasure my alone time the most. Im a very big homebody and can be very hermit introvert sometimes. As for bad traits, I am sometimes the worst pessimist when it comes to myself. I’ll be fine motivating others but then when it comes to me I live by the “be ready for the worst and you wont be disappointed” As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi, though I do love a good classic from time to time. Apart from that, I love working out. My interests on the other hand are art focused. I’m currently in art school working with mostly digital mediums, though I sometimes work with traditional. I love my practice and everything including, game, web and interaction design, video art and visual effects, 3D modeling and character design, and digital illustration. Sometimes I whip out graphite and ink. A list of random likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/80s pop/soundtrack music, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, purple, thai/Indian/Chinese food, roller blading to classic rock, quality alone time. A random list of dislikes: people i am unfamiliar with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/imagine/roam freely in my thoughts, physical touch, overly crowded areas. I think that’s it thank you!
༺❀༻ matchup ༺❀༻
absolutely! (1) here's the lotr one
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peregrin took
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fool of a took
if im honest i was very much debating if i should’ve paired you up with someone from the hobbit even though the request said lotr reason being is that i think bard the fine bowman would’ve suit ya just fine.
anyways that’s was my little spiel, peregrin fool of a took. both of you share that almost introverted persona though if you ask me pippin does talk quite a lot and i don’t think it’s the beer doing that. when you’re around him he’s a blabbering mess story this story that song time with merry this dancing jig with merry that. you know your typical hobbit things.
one thing is for sure, he’d definitely get groovy to 80’s pop. that man knows his lyrics and dances. it’s only natural for a hobbit to know songs of all sorts anyways.
pip though no matter how much energy he’s got up his bones, he’ll take a moment to settle back down to reality and he’s pretty quick with it i’d say. instant sobriety. he would check up on you from time to time and would ask if you wanted to leave which he wouldn’t mind at all doing.
he’d support you in all your passions and even though you doubt yourself in some ways or another on pip’s radar he’s not letting that slide. he’ll give you words of encouragement and if that doesn’t work he’ll make sure it works. cause he’s a determined fella who just wants what’s best for the ones he loves.
headcanon, pippin definitely plays video games specifically any rpg games. you wouldn’t catch him playing over watch or any cod.
he’s not much of a work out fanatic, but if you want to go on a stroll around middle earth he probably wouldn’t be against it.
he would think your models and visual designs are the coolest thing ever and would constantly ask you how this how that. can this can that.
little headcanon that every morning a fresh cup of nicely brewed chai tea would be up and ready and a nice bark of thinly sliced dark chocolate bits would be sitting on the table ready for you. and i’d say all that was a last minute preparation before pippin would go hopping back to his bed.
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ardenssolis · 2 years
@tenkoseiensei said (inbox):
' ah, yeye. before i forget, ' even disheveled, skin littered with bite-marks, the hair of his bangs sticking upwards in a few humorously haphazard places as he picks himself up from the floor, he still produces a neatly wrapped confection of sorts from somewhere with a broad, carefree smile and offers it over to the other. ' it's christmas or whatever, right? the santas always start makin' a big fuss about it, but i don't really get the holiday. all i know is that the kitchen was pretty much free, so i made ya some of this. ' soft, sweet and spongy --- it might not have been one of ozymandias's ancient egyptian treats, but even so, ' ever had any bai tang gao before? give it a try if not, i'm sure you'll like it! don't feel too lonely while everyone is enjoyin' themselves either, na? sometimes, knowin' there's a holiday an' bein' by yourself makes everything feel worse... but i'll be sure ta keep half your bed warm, hehe! ' look, he's already making his way towards the pharaoh's quarters as it was!
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     OZYMANDIAS LOOKED JUST AS horrible as Yan Qing did, but he lifted his hand, attempting to smooth down hair that had gone out of place and at least attempt to fix his appearance into something...presentable now that he was granted reprieve from the other's ridiculous antics. There were a few choice words he wanted to say to the other for ruining his perfection, but he paused, eyes quick to dart to the wrapped gift. ❝I do not quite understand it either, but I do enjoy the decorations and the gifts.❞ It had been years and he still couldn't comprehend half of the things he had seen or heard, although he had reached a point where he ceased caring and merely accepted it for what it was. ❝You...got me something?❞ Now this, however, took him very much by surprise. Truthfully, he hadn't expected Yan Qing to bring him anything, most especially a homemade treat. He reached out, almost tentatively accepting that gift as he examined it curiously, his head giving just a slight tilt.
     Never before had he seen this.
     ❝Is this a sweet?❞ he asked, curious as to what it would all taste like when he had a chance to sit down and fully enjoy what was given to him. Maybe he would also make a cup of tea to go along with it. Green tea? Hmm...he supposed he would have to try it first in order to see which would help enhance the flavor. The rest of Yan Qing's words did tug him from his thoughts, Ozymandias clicking his tongue and scowling. He wasn't lonely! He had been enjoying himself just fine! ❝I was doing perfectly fine.❞ The Sun King had his fill of celebration and merely wanted to go and have his nice, moments of quiet -- not that the denizens of this building were too loud anymore. At this particular hour, it seemed many had either passed out and fell asleep or ate and drank themselves into a pleasant stupor. Wait a minute -- what did the other say about his room?
     ❝My bed is perfectly fine as well!❞
     Who cared if half his bed was warmed!
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vapehk1 · 5 months
Clouds of Sweetness: The Unlikely Rise of Cotton Candy Vape
Whoever thought the nostalgia-packed flavor of cotton candy would whirl its way into the world of vaping was clearly onto a whimsical, sweet-scented winner. Cotton candy vape isn't just a trend; it’s a flavorful phenomenon that invites both the young and young at heart to experience their cloud nine! Sit back, grab your vape (or just your sense of humor if vaping's not your cup of tea), and let’s float through the sugary mists of cotton candy vape. What on Earth is Cotton Candy Vape? Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Certainly not the vibrant world of vaping, which has breathed new life into the age-old favorite of cotton candy. This isn't just about merging two pleasures into one; it's about revolutionizing the way we enjoy flavors. As vapers envelop themselves in the sweet, ethereal vapor, they're not just satisfying a craving—they're participating in a culinary innovation. The vibrant pink and blue hues may not be visible in the vapor, but you'll definitely sense their presence in the nostalgic burst of sweetness with each puff. It's like being a kid again, except this time you're armed with a vape pen instead of a sticky paper stick. The innovative combination of cotton candy flavor with the mechanics of vaping allows adults to revisit the joyous moments of youth without the sugar-induced hyperactivity or the calories. Instead, they get a smooth, flavorful experience wrapped in the sophisticated technology of vaping devices. This blend of past and present proves that some flavors are timeless, and when it comes to cotton candy vape, the appeal is clearly ageless. The Appeal of Cotton Candy Vape Indeed, the allure of cotton candy vape stretches far beyond the initial burst of sweetness. It’s a playful twist in the sometimes monotonous world of adulting. Every inhalation is a miniature escape to a state fair of your childhood, minus the long lines and overpriced tickets. This flavor doesn’t just mimic the iconic confection; it reinvents it in a form that fits right into the palm of your hand. Who would have thought that a gadget no bigger than a pen could unpack such a vast canvas of sensory delight, taking the simple act of vaping and turning it into an evocative, almost cinematic experience? Furthermore, the cotton candy vape flavor is a fabulous ice breaker or party trick that sparks curiosity and conversation. Imagine the looks of intrigue when you pull out your device and suddenly the air fills with the sweet, unmistakable aroma of cotton candy. It’s not just about enjoying a vape; it’s about sharing a bit of joy and a lot of smiles. As soon as someone asks about what you're vaping, you find yourself weaving stories of past carnivals, sharing laughs, and even swapping tales of the most bizarre flavors you've tried. It’s this unique blend of personal pleasure and social charm that makes cotton candy vape not just a flavor, but an experience worth talking about. The Making of a Cotton Candy Vape Crafting cotton candy vape juice indeed requires a careful balance and a deep understanding of both chemistry and gastronomy. The propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin serve as the canvas, setting the stage for the star of the show—the cotton candy flavor concentrate. This special concoction is a marvel of flavor science, designed to evoke the exact sugary taste of cotton candy spun fresh at a fair. Unlike other sweet treats, this flavor must be both potent enough to stand out and subtle enough not to overwhelm. The result is a finely-tuned symphony of sweetness, delivering consistent flavor with each puff that sends you straight back to your happiest memories. As the vaporizer heats the liquid, these components transform into a vapor that is much lighter than actual smoke, making it a gentler alternative for your lungs. The meticulous engineering behind the scenes ensures that every inhalation is smooth, offering a satisfying throat hit and spectacular vapor production that can fill a room with the nostalgic aroma of a carnival. This isn’t just about tasting something sweet; it’s about breathing in a whole atmosphere, one that's charged with the joy and wonder of a bygone era. Each cloud is not just vapor; it’s a misty memory, recreated and relived through the magic of modern vaping technology. Health Considerations and Popularity Addressing the health considerations of cotton candy vape juice is crucial, as with any product that's inhaled. It’s essential for users to be informed about what they're putting into their bodies. The ingredients in vape juices, including the cotton candy variety, are subject to regulation and testing to ensure safety standards are met. However, as is the case with many indulgences, the secret lies in moderation. Overuse of any vaping product can lead to health issues, underscoring the importance of responsible usage. Educating oneself about the potential risks and adhering to guidelines can help mitigate these concerns, allowing users to enjoy the flavor without unnecessary risk. Meanwhile, the enduring popularity of cotton candy vape can't be ignored. It resonates with a broad spectrum of vapers, from those who've never smoked traditional cigarettes to former smokers looking for a less harmful substitute. The whimsical, sweet flavor of cotton candy not only provides a nostalgic throwback but also offers a fun twist on vaping that stands out from more conventional options. This wide appeal is a testament to the creative evolution of vaping cultures and how flavor innovation can attract a diverse user base, ensuring that cotton candy vape remains a beloved choice among many in the vaping community. Conclusion Cotton candy vape juice blends the whimsical flavors of a beloved carnival treat with the modern technology of vaping, creating a nostalgic yet innovative experience for users. It’s crafted with a careful balance of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, along with a specially engineered cotton candy flavor concentrate, offering a light, smooth vapor that’s easy on the lungs and rich in taste. While it presents a playful escape and a fantastic conversation starter, it's important for users to remember that moderation is crucial due to the inherent risks associated with vaping. Despite health concerns, the unique and sweet flavor continues to captivate a wide demographic, standing out as a favorite among both seasoned vapers and newcomers seeking a delightful alternative to traditional tobacco flavors. FAQs 1. What exactly is cotton candy vape juice? Cotton candy vape juice is a type of e-liquid used in electronic cigarettes and vaporizers that mimics the flavor of cotton candy. It is a blend of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), and flavorings specifically formulated to recreate the sweet, airy taste of the traditional fairground treat, cotton candy. 2. Is cotton candy vape juice safe to use? Cotton candy vape juice, like other vape juices, is generally considered safe when it conforms to industry standards and regulations. However, as with all vaping products, there is a risk associated with inhalation. Users should ensure they purchase from reputable sources and use the products as directed. It's also important to note that vaping is not risk-free and should be approached with caution. 3. Can cotton candy vape juice help me quit smoking? While not specifically designed as a cessation tool, many people use flavored vape juices like cotton candy as part of their strategy to quit smoking. The distinct, enjoyable flavors can provide a satisfying alternative to the taste of tobacco, potentially aiding smokers in gradually reducing their nicotine dependency. However, success varies from person to person, and it's advisable to consult healthcare professionals when planning to quit smoking. 4. Will using cotton candy vape juice make my vaping device sticky? No, cotton candy vape juice will not make your vaping device sticky. Although the flavor mimics the sweet, sugary taste of cotton candy, the vape juice itself does not contain the sugars that typically cause stickiness. Proper maintenance and regular cleaning of your device are recommended to keep it in good working condition. 5. How does cotton candy vape juice compare to other flavors? Cotton candy vape juice is often favored for its sweet, nostalgic flavor that stands out among more traditional and tobacco-based flavors. It's particularly popular among users who enjoy sweet or dessert-like flavors and those looking for a fun and different vaping experience. The flavor is designed to be smooth and enjoyable, providing a lighter alternative to heavier, more robust flavors. If you want to know more, please refer to this article: https://keystonevape.com/best-vape/the-best-disposable-vapes-2024-you-cant-miss/ Read the full article
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lacrimae23 · 9 months
𝐦𝐞 𝐯𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 | 𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
normal person: are your obsession with olicity isn't becoming a little... alarming? you know, to the point of, idk, unhealthy?
me: whaa- idk what u're talking about, everything's under control. i'm a responsible, sane person after all
normal person: but you do have your own, private notion page for your olicity obsession, which you are updating pretty much every day ever since you've created it?
me: well, yes, but-
normal person: and you are writing olicity fanfictions just for fun of it?
me: well, yes, bu-
normal person: and your canva is trashed with your mini-olicity-graphic projects, also just for fun of it?
me: well-
normal person: and your photo libraries are trashed with olicity fanarts, gifs, images...? also, your pinterest account...
me: well, yes-
normal person: and what about your arrow/olicity/oliver/felicity playlists on spotify?
me: well, i do like music-
normal person: okay, and what about TONS of fanfics you've read?
me: well, they ARE good fanfics, and people are talented, so why not support them, and i do like reading so-
normal person: okay, okay, and creating tumblr account just to share a few of your olicity works...?
me: well, but why not-
normal person: and spamming your bestie about olicity every single day, EVEN though you swore to yourself you'll give her a break?
normal person: okay, okay, and all those fanvids you have been watching on youtube?
me: well, they are really, really great, you can't blame me-
normal person: okay, and your phone's wallpaper with ota and felicity- and reading all those Jen's posts on her website (https://jbuffyangel.tumblr.com)- you DO kind of see my point, right?
me: no, actually i don't- i think everything's JUST FINE-
normal person: oh really? what about printed posters in your room and buying comic EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T LIKE THEM just because you saw some 'cute, amazing, breath-taking, giggle-causing, kicking-your-feet olicity scenes on pinterest' (totally by accident, btw) in it?? (Arrow: Season 2.5)
me: ...
normal person: so?
me: honestly, i don't get where you see the problem.
daily struggle, uh
like, give me a break world and let me love my olicity, thank u very much
and sorry for mistakes! and poor, trashy humor - it's just my thing
also, have a nice day!
also, about comics, sorry to all the fans, it's really not my cup of tea ;// AND I DID ENJOY A L L THE COMIC STORIES IN IT! but was fangirling really hard on the olicity scenes, sorry (and kinda not sorry)
take care <3
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Avoiding Common Mistakes in Affiliate Marketing: Lessons from Experienced Marketers
Welcome to the exciting world of affiliate marketing, where the possibilities are endless, and the potential for earning passive income is enough to make any aspiring online entrepreneur salivate. But hold your horses, my friend! Before you dive headfirst into the deep ocean of affiliate marketing, it’s essential to equip yourself with the knowledge and wisdom of those who have treated the treacherous waters before you.
In this blog post, we’ll be your trusty guide, taking you on a journey through the affiliate marketing landscape, while keeping you safe from the lurking mistakes that can sabotage your success. We’ve teamed up with seasoned affiliate marketers, who, through their trial and error, have learned some invaluable lessons that can save you from falling into the same traps.
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Now, we know what you’re thinking. “Oh great, another article telling me what not to do. How exciting!” But fear not, dear reader! We’re not here to bore you with a long list of don’ts. We’re here to enlighten you with a mix of informative insights and a dash of humor, because let’s face it, affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be all serious and buttoned-up.
Think of us as your witty, yet knowledgeable, friends who are always there to give you a nudge in the right direction. So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, we don’t discriminate), sit back, and let’s embark on this adventure together.
In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve into the art of selecting the right affiliate programs, building a solid content strategy that engages your audience, and even the importance of disclosing those sneaky affiliate relationships. We’ll help you navigate the maze of tracking and analyzing your performance, while also exploring the underrated power of building and nurturing relationships along the way.
So, whether you’re a newbie dipping your toes into the affiliate marketing pool or a seasoned marketer looking to fine-tune your strategies, buckle up and get ready for some eye-opening lessons. Trust us, you’ll be grateful you avoided those pesky mistakes that could’ve potentially derailed your affiliate marketing journey. Let’s dive in!
Selecting the Right Affiliate Programs
You’re strolling through the virtual marketplace of affiliate programs, like a savvy shopper in search of the perfect fit. But amidst the glitz and glam of flashy offers and promises of massive commissions, how do you separate the real gems from the fool’s gold? Well, fear not, intrepid marketer! We’ve got your back with some sage advice from seasoned pros who’ve mastered the art of selecting the right affiliate programs.
First and foremost, let’s talk about trust. Trust is like the sturdy foundation upon which your affiliate marketing empire will be built. Look for programs that have a stellar reputation in the industry. Seek out those reputable brands that align with your niche or target audience. After all, promoting fly-by-night products that are as reliable as a magic carpet ride won’t exactly win you any favors with your audience.
Now, let’s not forget the almighty dollar. Or euro. Or yen. Whatever floats your financial boat. The point is, you’re in this to make some green, right? So, take a gander at the commission rates offered by the affiliate programs you’re considering. Don’t settle for peanuts when you can have a feast! Look for programs that offer competitive commissions that make your efforts worthwhile. Oh, and keep an eye out for conversion rates too. You don’t want to be promoting products that are about as appealing as a can of expired sardines.
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tracking. It’s like the Sherlock Holmes of affiliate marketing. You need a program with a reliable tracking system that can help you monitor your efforts and ensure you get the credit you deserve. You don’t want your hard-earned commissions slipping through the cracks like a sneaky ninja. So, do your due diligence and investigate the tracking mechanisms in place. Look for programs that provide robust analytics and reporting tools to keep you in the loop.
Lastly, but certainly not least, avoid falling into the trap of promoting low-quality products or programs with unethical practices. It’s tempting to jump on any bandwagon that promises quick riches, but remember, your reputation is at stake here. Your audience trusts you, and you don’t want to be the person peddling snake oil. Stick to programs that offer genuine value and align with your own principles. It’s like that old saying: “If you lie down with dogs, you’ll wake up with fleas.” And nobody wants that, my friend.
So, as you navigate the vast sea of affiliate programs, remember these lessons from experienced marketers. Seek trust, chase those enticing commissions, track like a detective, and never compromise your integrity. With these principles in mind, you’ll be well on your way to selecting the right affiliate programs that can steer you towards the land of affiliate marketing success. Onward, brave marketer!
Building a Solid Content Strategy
Alright, fellow affiliate marketers, it’s time to unleash your creativity and build a content strategy that not only captures the attention of your audience but also has them eagerly reaching for their wallets. It’s like being a master chef, crafting a delectable feast of content that leaves your readers craving for more. So, grab your aprons and let’s dive into the recipe for a solid content strategy, seasoned with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of informative insights.
First things first, my dear wordsmiths, let’s talk about the power of valuable content. You see, the internet is like a giant black hole, consuming content faster than you can say “SEO.” But fear not! Quality content is your shining beacon amidst the darkness. Your audience craves content that enlightens, educates, or simply entertains them. So, put on your thinking cap and brainstorm topics that resonate with your target audience. Dive deep into keyword research to uncover those golden nuggets that will attract organic traffic like moths to a flame.
But remember, my friends, variety is the spice of life (and of content strategy too). Mix up your content formats like a DJ at a party. Serve up delectable blog posts that provide in-depth insights, irresistible videos that make your audience go “wow,” and captivating infographics that visually tell a story. Keep your content engaging and diverse, and your audience will be clamoring for more.
Now, here’s a pro tip for you: don’t be a pushy salesman. You know that one annoying salesperson who chases you around the store, desperately trying to sell you a product? Yeah, don’t be that person in your content strategy. Avoid the trap of creating content solely for the purpose of promoting affiliate products. Instead, focus on building a relationship with your audience. Provide valuable information, answer their burning questions, and genuinely connect with them. It’s like being the charming, helpful neighbor next door rather than the sleazy used-car salesman.
Oh, and don’t forget to sprinkle a generous dose of SEO magic into your content strategy. It’s like the secret ingredient that makes your content discoverable by search engines. Conduct keyword research, optimize your titles, headers, and meta descriptions, and watch your content climb the search engine rankings like a mountaineer conquering Everest. But, hey, remember to keep it natural. No keyword stuffing, please. We don’t want your content sounding like a robot with a thesaurus.
So, my creative comrades, as you embark on the journey of building a solid content strategy, remember the power of valuable content, the charm of variety, the importance of building relationships, and the magic of SEO. Let your creativity soar, mix in your unique voice, and watch as your audience devours your content with gusto. Bon appétit!
Disclosing Affiliate Relationships
The art of disclosure. It’s like wearing your heart on your sleeve, but in the world of affiliate marketing, it’s more like wearing your affiliations on your blog, YouTube channel, or social media profile. So, dear affiliate marketers, let’s dive into the realm of disclosing those sneaky affiliate relationships with a touch of transparency and a sprinkle of humor.
Now, imagine you’re having a conversation with a friend, and suddenly they recommend a product out of the blue. You start to wonder, “Are they genuinely endorsing this or are they secretly trying to sell me something?” Trust takes a hit, my friend. That’s why, in the world of affiliate marketing, it’s crucial to be upfront and honest about your affiliations.
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Imagine yourself as the superhero of transparency, equipped with the power of disclosure statements. These statements are like your trusty sidekick, accompanying your content wherever it goes. Whether it’s a blog post, a video, or a social media post, let your audience know that you may earn a commission if they make a purchase through your affiliate links. Think of it as a little heads-up to maintain that trust and keep the relationship with your audience rock-solid.
Now, we know what you’re thinking. “But how do I disclose without sounding like a corporate robot?” Fear not, dear marketer! Inject some personality into your disclosures. Be witty, be clever, be you! It’s like being the charming host at a party, making everyone feel comfortable and at ease. Add a touch of humor to your disclosure statements, making them a natural part of your content rather than a jarring interruption.
But remember, my friend, it’s not just about the style of disclosure; it’s also about adhering to the regulations and guidelines. Different countries and platforms may have specific rules regarding affiliate disclosures. So, put on your detective hat, do some research, and ensure you’re complying with the guidelines set forth by the powers that be. Trust us, avoiding legal troubles is a lot more fun than trying to wriggle your way out of them.
In summary, embrace the power of transparency and the art of disclosure. Let your audience know about your affiliations in a fun and genuine way. Remember to comply with the regulations and guidelines, and you’ll be building trust and maintaining integrity in the wild world of affiliate marketing. So, dear marketer, disclose away and let your authenticity shine like a beacon in the night.
Tracking and Analyzing Performance
It’s time to put on our analytical caps and dive into the exciting world of tracking and analyzing performance in affiliate marketing. Picture yourself as a master detective, equipped with the tools to uncover insights and crack the code of success. So, grab your magnifying glass and let’s embark on this thrilling journey of tracking and analyzing with a touch of humor and a sprinkle of informative insights.
First things first, my sleuthing friends, let’s talk about the importance of tracking your affiliate marketing efforts. Tracking is like the Sherlock Holmes of the digital realm, helping you uncover valuable clues about your campaigns. It’s all about knowing where your clicks are coming from, what’s converting, and which strategies are bringing in the bacon. So, equip yourself with tracking tools, like a modern-day Watson, and ensure you have a reliable system in place to monitor your performance.
But tracking alone is not enough, my savvy marketers. You need to analyze, dissect, and make sense of the data you gather. Think of yourself as a brilliant scientist, meticulously examining each piece of information to unlock the secrets of optimization. Dive into the ocean of analytics platforms, like a fearless deep-sea explorer, and extract insights that can propel your affiliate marketing campaigns to new heights.
Now, let’s not forget the golden rule of analyzing performance: experiment, my friend! It’s like being a mad scientist in your lab, mixing potions and observing the results. Test different strategies, tweak your content, play around with your promotional techniques, and see what resonates with your audience. Embrace the iterative process, like a conductor refining their symphony, and let the data guide you towards success.
But hey, don’t get caught up in the analysis paralysis trap. It’s like trying to solve a never-ending jigsaw puzzle. Take a step back, breathe, and focus on the key metrics that align with your goals. Look at your clicks, conversions, and revenue generated. Identify the top-performing strategies that make your heart skip a beat and double down on them. And don’t forget to keep an eye on the underperforming ones, like a caring teacher offering guidance and improvement.
In this vast sea of data, it’s crucial to strike a balance between art and science. Embrace your creative instincts, like an artist adding brushstrokes to a masterpiece, and infuse your campaigns with innovation and uniqueness. And remember, my dear marketer, data is your compass, not your dictator. Let it guide you, but don’t be afraid to trust your gut and take calculated risks.
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So, my analytical comrades, as you delve into the realm of tracking and analyzing performance, remember the importance of reliable tracking tools, the thrill of data analysis, the power of experimentation, and the need for balance between art and science. Let your inner detective shine, and may your campaigns flourish with data-driven brilliance. Onward, my fellow analyzers, and may your insights lead you to the path of affiliate marketing success!
Building and Nurturing Relationships
The world of affiliate marketing is not just about numbers and commissions — it’s about building genuine connections and nurturing relationships that stand the test of time. So, my charismatic marketers, let’s dive into the art of relationship-building with a touch of charm, a sprinkle of humor, and a dash of informative insights.
First and foremost, remember that behind every click, every conversion, and every commission, there’s a real person — an individual with thoughts, emotions, and desires. Treat your audience like friends, not just faceless prospects. Engage with them, respond to their comments and messages, and show them that you genuinely care. It’s like being the life of the party, mingling and making connections that go beyond the transactional nature of affiliate marketing.
But building relationships doesn’t stop with your audience. It’s time to put on your networking hat and dive into the affiliate marketing community. Connect with fellow marketers, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences. It’s like joining a tribe of like-minded individuals who support and uplift one another. Attend conferences, participate in forums, and engage in social media groups. You never know when a collaboration or a valuable partnership might arise from these connections.
Now, here’s a secret ingredient to relationship-building: empathy. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes, like a master chameleon blending seamlessly into its surroundings. Understand their needs, their pain points, and their aspirations. Tailor your content and recommendations to address those concerns, providing value that goes beyond a mere sales pitch. Show empathy, and your audience will be more inclined to trust and follow your guidance.
But hey, let’s not forget the power of authenticity. Be yourself, my dear marketer, because everyone else is already taken. Embrace your quirks, your unique voice, and let your personality shine through your content. Inject humor, share personal anecdotes, and let your audience see the real human behind the screen. It’s like being the captivating storyteller who keeps the audience hooked until the very end.
And remember, my relationship-building maestros, nurturing these connections is just as important as building them. Engage consistently with your audience, like a loyal friend who’s always there to lend an ear. Respond to their comments, encourage discussions, and show appreciation for their support. Keep the conversation alive and thriving, and your audience will become loyal advocates for your brand.
In the end, affiliate marketing is not just about the transactions; it’s about the relationships you build along the way. So, my charismatic marketers, treat your audience like friends, network with fellow marketers, embrace empathy and authenticity, and nurture those connections with care. With each genuine relationship you foster, your affiliate marketing journey will become richer and more rewarding. Cheers to building lasting relationships that transcend the digital realm!
And there you have it, my fellow affiliate marketers! We’ve embarked on a thrilling adventure through the world of avoiding common mistakes in affiliate marketing, learning valuable lessons from experienced marketers. From selecting the right affiliate programs to building a solid content strategy, disclosing affiliate relationships, tracking and analyzing performance, and building and nurturing relationships, we’ve covered it all with a touch of humor, a sprinkle of informative insights, and a dash of charm.
Remember, my intrepid marketers, success in affiliate marketing doesn’t come overnight. It’s a journey of learning, experimentation, and perseverance. You’ll encounter challenges, make mistakes, and face hurdles along the way. But armed with the wisdom of experienced marketers, you’re better equipped to navigate these waters and make your mark.
So, as you embark on your affiliate marketing endeavors, keep these lessons close to your he
art. Seek out reputable affiliate programs that align with your niche, chase those enticing commissions like a determined treasure hunter, and always maintain trust and transparency by disclosing your affiliations. Craft a solid content strategy that captivates your audience, keeping them engaged and hungry for more. Dive into the world of tracking and analyzing performance, extracting valuable insights to optimize your campaigns and drive success.
But above all, remember the power of building and nurturing relationships. Treat your audience like friends, embrace authenticity, and foster genuine connections. Engage with your audience and fellow marketers, show empathy, and let your personality shine through. It’s these relationships that will be the pillars of your affiliate marketing success, creating a loyal following that supports and believes in you.
So, my fellow marketers, go forth with confidence, armed with the wisdom of experienced marketers and the spirit of innovation. Embrace the adventure, learn from your mistakes, and keep evolving. The world of affiliate marketing is vast and ever-changing, but with dedication, creativity, and a sprinkle of humor, you’ll carve your path to success.
Onward, my friends, to a future filled with prosperous affiliate marketing endeavors. May your campaigns be profitable, your connections be strong, and your journey be filled with excitement and growth. Here’s to avoiding common mistakes and achieving greatness in the thrilling realm of affiliate marketing! Cheers!
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Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Avoiding Common Mistakes in Affiliate Marketing: Lessons from Experienced Marketers
Thanks for reading my article on Avoiding Common Mistakes in Affiliate Marketing: Lessons from Experienced Marketers
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momandsonporn11 · 2 years
Is Porn For Women Becoming Mainstream?
exceptional recommendations for improving your sex lifestyles
first of all, the term "exceptional intercourse" is totally subjective. what i considered top notch sex or a exceptional lover to me a few years ago does now not even come close in measuring up to next sexual reports. i did not know what i was missing as i had nothing higher to evaluate it to on the time. lucky for me it has grow to be step by step higher and i've found out a lot approximately my own sexuality and relationships over time. also, i have discovered loads of brilliant pointers from working with many other couples in facilitating courting counseling. specifically, i have received many insights about women who have sure hold-u.s.with sexual intimacy.
many girls continue to be remarkably burdened approximately what amazing intercourse is and how to have it. every so often they may be shadowed by using self-doubt, and clouded by  sexual  Mom and Son Porn  myths and misperceptions. regularly girls tend to get of their own manner of being capable of revel in greater sexual satisfaction and extra intimate relationships. they seem to self-sabotage possibilities for real intimacy with their very own insecurities. that brings us to the first and maximum crucial intercourse tip:
1: do no longer evaluate your self to different ladies.
every guy i have talked to about sexuality and relationships concurs that the maximum attractive fine in a lady is self-self belief. when you compare your self to different ladies, whether or not it may be humans you know or have visible in magazines or in the media, it tends to trigger insecurity and a lack of self assurance along with your very own frame and sexuality. in case you recognition on your self-perceived bodily flaws, then it can draw more attention to them and distract you from playing the enjoy. as an alternative, exercise conveying simple self-warranty and actuality that is obvious by way of the appearance on your eyes and the strength you challenge. understand which you are the only that he is fortunate enough to be with, and to make the high-quality of the opportunity to deepen your connection and have an excellent time.
2: have a sense of humor approximately intercourse.
intercourse isn't usually picture perfect and impeccably finished like a scene out of a romance novel. there may be instances while things simply don't pass pretty the way you would like them to. certainly one of you can have difficulty with a certain sexual function, or get a cramp, or be interrupted via a smartphone name or a knock at the door. there may be awkward moments with involuntary bodily capabilities taking place in the course of lovemaking, or shooting the interest of your dog who wants to get in on all of the fun. every now and then you simply need to giggle! as lifestyles, love and intercourse always organically unfold in surprising ways. while you could lighten up and now not take things so severely, then it's easier to enjoy intercourse but it all performs out.
three: verbal exchange is fundamental. ask for what you need.
soak up a bit pillow talk earlier than or after intercourse to talk what turns you at the maximum, or what may not always be your cup of tea. speak your options and what works for you, as well as asking questions about what your associate is partial to. proportion your fantasies and interests about sexuality, and if necessary, you may even exhibit what feels good or how the high-quality manner is to make you orgasm. men aren't superb mind readers. in truth, most of them need very clear path as to what to do and how to do it. the good component is that maximum guys are without difficulty trainable, and with clear communique, they'll maximum probable do whatever they could to thrill you. the extra you turn out to be secure and acquainted with your personal sexual potential, then the simpler it's far to lead the manner into a extra enjoyable revel in.
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