#(will i get any death threats because of this?? 😂)
thenobleprincex · 4 months
hoping this actually doesn't show up on any tags but i just... im getting so tired of this anti-gt* vitriol. like i have all the people i see blocked and it still seems to keep popping up like weeds. and their conversation and rhetoric is always so mysoginistic and disgusting and belittling and insulting of not only gt* (and al*, of course) but of the boys too! like, they're grown men. I'm sure they are capable of choosing who they want in their lives, including who they're in a fucking partnership with.
i mean, there's nothing i can say that hasn't been said before: even if there's a shred of truth, the boys would never be thankful; it's incredibly misogynistic; micro-analysing body language is fucking bananas; etc. Honestly, I'm just tired. I just can't fucking understand it. Do I think gt* is some goddess or whatever? Fuck no. She's just her own person, doing her own thing. Sometimes she's funny, sometimes she's not (and the ratio of those times will obviously depend on your own sense of humor), but other than that, she's minding her own business. And that is also true of dt* or ms* or any of them. They all seem lovely, but i don't fucking know them! And to pretended i do know any of them is a disservice to both of us. I just- on the one hand, parasocial relationships, and the feelings that come with them, are very much real. The affection i feel for any of them isn't any less real because of the nature of of a parasocial relationship. But also, it is important to be aware that the nature of the relationship does play a role, and acknowledging the rift of distance between me and them is the least I can do, for both our sakes.
Like, just last week we were clapping dt* (and rightly so) for a speech that at its heart hold the message of "just let people be", and yet somehow his "fans" (and often times the ones applauding him) can't seem to grapple with it?? Like, maybe try to actually listen to what he's saying? Because live and let live also means leaving their relationships alone, regardless of whether they're all fucking each other, or hating each other, or loving each other, or cheating on each other, or or or. If they're the happiest they've ever been or utterly miserable, it doesn't matter. Their relationships are their own, end of story. And, despite everything, the least we can do as fans, is to give them the dignity of their own experience. If what they want us to know is that they're together and in love, then that's what we get. It's not their duty to fulfill whatever fantasies we have. (not to mention, speculating on other people's sexuality is never ok!!! Like, that's rule number one of fandom)
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reeniecon · 6 months
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-levels of possessiveness-
Include malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, rook hunt, kalim al asim and Jamil Viper
‼️⚠️ : gn!Reader,I haven't proof read it yet, mentions of chapter 7 npc's names on lilias part, might be come out as yandere tendencies than possessiveness...
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- kalim al asim -
• I know some of you gonna disagree with me, BUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY
• since he was a little kid he always get what he wanted right?
• why wouldn't get this one ?
• hm? Oh u want to go out by urself? No way hahahah, take jamil with you~ or u want me to accompany you?
• Ooooo waitt sweety dont do the chores :(( ur hand will get hurt by that, just let the maid do it for you okayy?? Oh you felt sorry for him?? For working alone? oh dont worry baba(father) will recuit the maids tmr hhe
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- jamil Viper -
• this one are not very surprising
• jamil didn't really get the chance to have something in life that really his on the first place
• so, when he finally did and someone are trying to take it away from him he get really possessive over it
• he can protect kalim all the time so... He faced by almost 0 problem trying to protect you
" Jamil.. What is that?? Can we get that? " You asked him
" I can make more healthier version of it at home, are you okay with that dear? " He speak " And uh...look, dear the cooking oil that there using, it's already black soo that mean they have been using it multiple time without changing it, I wouldn't want you to eat that not-very-healty oil I'm I?" He carefully explains to you
You can sigh to him " Okay... "
" Good, let's head back I'll make it for you" He smiled sweetly to you
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- lilia vanrouge -
• lmao do I need to explain??
• he is a fae
• and already lived a long life
• he knows the pain of losing people he loved dearly mallenoa.. Malleus mother and malleus father...
• so naturally he didn't want to get hurt by that feeling again of course.
• that's why he get very possessive of you
• if you're a long lived creature you might see him be not so possessive towards you because he knows he had a lot of time to spend with you.
• BUT, if you're a human... He *sigh* yeah you know the rest
" My dearie" Lilia calls for you
" Where have youve been?? " He added
" Oh, lilia I just got back from heartslabyul actually, just meet adeuce " You explain while giggling
" Hm, why lying my dear" He glares to you, while flying closer to you
" What.. No what do you mean Lilia! " You panic a little bit because what he just say to you
"Fufu.. My lovely dear... Don't lie to me okay? I know everything going on in your life " He say gently while He stroke your hair
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- malleus draconia -
• dragon are KNOWN to be a possessive creature sooo what makes you think he is any different
• he probably lock u up somewhere if he want to lmao
• not only a normal dragon but he is a dragon with POWERS he is the crowns prince to the Briar valley soooo
• he basically can do whatever he wants lol
• good luck if you catches his eyes lmao he might never let you go until your funeral, keyword MIGHT
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- idia shroud -
• aaa this wired boy
• lacking basic human interaction and affection wwww
• in my eyes he would either be
• no please don't leave me boy or don't leave me or ill kms / destroy all of it
• WOULD STALK U, he probably hack into the campus CCTV just to check what are you doing currently
• asking ortho to follow you and assist you with everything you need
• would probably sends anonymous deaths threats to any guy who are flirting with you
More of my fics
An : I'm kinda ashamed by this lol, but Ill post it anw, I'll add more in the future but this is it for now 😂😂😂
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blueteller · 8 months
TCF Theory: What If God of Death Had a Reason for Kidnapping Minors?
(Hey, @murasaki-cha, I might have a theory that could sorta maybe redeem your pathetic little meow meow! 😂)
[Also: SPOILER WARNING for... basically everything in TCF?]
So, here's the thing:
It's no secret I always had… issues with the God of Death for kidnapping the Chois.
Let me clarify a bit.
What he did to Kim Rok Soo, aka. Cale, was not okay either – however! I can see it justified somewhat by circumstances: he was cursed, his life was generally depressing and terrible, and there was a world in need of saving. Honestly, the deal with the Original Cale Henituse to switch the two of them was best for all parties involved. (I'm still angry he did not ask Cale himself for permission, though! All the God of Death needed to do was tell him: "Look, this is the world where your BFF Lee Soo Hyuk reincarnated into. And the world is going to be destroyed in about 20 years if nothing is done about it. Would you mind cleaning that up for me?" You bet your butt Cale would have agreed fair and square, even if he were EXTREMELY miffed about the deal. But it's so much easier to simply hide your involvement in the transmigration, so that Cale doesn't have a personal vendetta against you once he gets OP, right…? Not that it succeeded, lol. Cale still ended up cursing the God of Death a lot)
However – all of what I just said? NONE of it applied for the Choi family member.
First, we have Choi Jung Gun, aka. Nelan Barrow. Let me remind you, the kid was FIFTEEN. Freaking 15!!!! The God of Death kidnapped a literal CHILD with no combat experience, and dropped him in the middle of an active war zone! Sure, technically Super Rock was there and presumably took care of him – but still, that was an objectively a terrible thing to do, God of Death! Bad boy!! 🧹🧹🧹
Then we have Choi Han, and ohhh boy, he had even worse somehow! Even though he was 2 years older than Choi Jung Gun when he got transported, he still ended up in the freaking FOREST OF DARKNESS. Weaponless, isolated, under constant threat of death. It's a miracle Choi Han did not die or completely lose his mind – and in a sense he did – but he was still able to retain a piece of himself, NO THANKS TO YOU GOD OF DEATH. My goodness! What a way to treat your "chosen hero ", mister!
...as you can probably tell, I was pissed enough at the God of Death for kidnapping poor Choi Jung Gun, but I am NEVER forgiving him for what Choi Han went thought. Should have given him something! A letter, a sword, or at the very least – A FREAKING MAP!!!
Aaaand finally we have Choi Jung Soo. Which was a bizarre case in comparison to the previous two. Even the God of Death remarked how unusual it was.
First of all, consent was asked – WHAT A TWIST! 🤣
Secondly, Choi Jung Soo was already an adult, and experienced fighter. He'd have a much better time in Nameless 1 world than any of his predecessors (excluding the fact that he'd have a TERRIBLE time trying to fight the White Star; who may I remind you possessed Kim Rok Soo's face... Also, did he even get to read "The Birth of a Hero"...?). He was also on the verge of death. AND he allowed to say no!! It was much more fair than what happened to the other two.
...But why though? Why the special treatment, God of Death? Why not kidnap Choi Jung Soo as a kid as well? The timing was kind of strange.
So here my theory comes in.
What if, it wasn't the God of Death who determined the timing of the transportation? What if there was an outside factor involved? Just because there seemingly wasn't a strict pattern to WHEN the Chois got transported, that doesn't mean there couldn't be one.
An outside factor like, let's say.... the Hunters? 🤔
From his behaviour in the Sloth Test, we know that Choi Jung Gun absolutely hates the Hunters. And it seemed very personal too. Even if we take it for granted that the Hunters were responsible for the existence of the Original White Star and the war and all that... It was still VERY personal. Like, "I will tear you to bloody pieces with my bare hands and chew on them with my teeth" level of personal. So, what gives?
Then it hit me.
The Five Colored Bloods Hunters are Wanderers who can freely travel across dimensions. They targeted young Kim Rok Soo, because he had a "mark" of the God of Death on. They assumed it could be a sign of a Single Lifer, and it did not matter to them if it necessary to kill him just to "check". The only reason why Kim Rok Soo survived was because Choi Jung Gun was there (even though I have issues about his execution – using a minor as BAIT?! Not cool man! Almost as bad as the God of Death!). Without him, young Kim Rok Soo absolutely would have been killed. And the way Choi Jung Gun was acting in the Sloth Test made it seem like it wasn't the first time something like this happened either.
Meaning: the Hunters were already on Earth 1. They have been there.
So, what if... the Hunters had already targeted the Chois in the past? Including Choi Jung Gun himself?
Think about it. If the Hunters had any clue that this particular lineage could produce Single Lifers... they'd certainly keep an eye on the Choi family, right? There would be no need to directly interfere. Just, watching them from the sidelines and let them produce next generations. Spying on their kids – like the total creeps they are.
And perhaps, there was a particular sign of a potential Single Lifer to watch out for, that could manifest around adolescence? What if Choi Jung Gun showed such a sign at the age of 15?
Instead of simply using him as a weapon to save another world... was the God of Death actually trying to save Choi Jung Gun? By transporting him into another dimension??
It would... kinda make sense, right? By transporting Choi Jung Gun, his "Single Lifer power" activated. His lifespan became much longer, he developed an Ancient Power too. He was initially weak, but he grew stronger overtime. Strong enough to stand up to the Hunters and protect himself; and also taking him away from their immediate reach.
...What if the same happened with Choi Han? What if Choi Han became a target at the age of 17? And the only way to save him was to transport him as well? I mean it worked with Choi Jung Gun, why not try it a second time? If the first one became a powerful ally who could fight the Hunters, the God of Death would certainly like another one on his payroll, right?
And then there's Choi Jung Soo, of course. Maybe he escaped the scrutiny of the Hunters? Or maybe because he developed powers which made him a harder target? Why would the Hunters bother with difficult opponents when they can always play dirty and go after literal children, instead? There is also the issue of the Monster Apocalypse, as Cale suspects the Hunters were behind it as well. Maybe the Hunters had a different plan for Earth 1, and so they had to stop using it as hunting grounds for Single Lifers?
If I'm right about this, then the God of Death's actions became a liiiiitle bit more understandable.
I will forever criticize the man for not asking at least three of his victims (and don't try to give me some bull about him being "unable to", God of Death used various means to communicate through the story; Choi Jung Gun even freaking wrote "The Birth of a Hero" books for the sole purpose of giving necessary exposition to a transmigrator – more than that, if he had enough space to simp for Whales and provide Harol's backstory for no reason! He could have included ANY type of message in there, to ANYONE!), but if Choi Jung Gun were to literally die if he did not get kidnapped and transported into a war-torn dimension in need of saving... Well? Saving someone's life via transmigration might be unconventional, but I've seen it happen a lot in many isekai. I can roll with this.
...But seriously tho, I hope Choi Jung Gun makes that broom beating a regular thing. The God of Death certainly can use it. You know – for emotional intelligence improvement! 😏
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mugiwara-lucy · 3 days
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I think Grandpa is mad he is LOSING HARD with the women vote 😂
Yeah when you mess with women’s rights or as him and his MAGAs like to argue, “sending them back to the states”, they WILL fight back.
Not to mention with his recent bullshit of his administration going to be “great” for women, it’s like he’s ASKING to get buried in the race:
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And I say buried because if you all don’t know; women OUTVOTE men 3:1 and it varies by RACE.
So yeah women are going to SAVE our asses in this election because fucking with our rights? Uh you’re nutty if you think we’re just gonna sit back and let “the states” decide our rights made by old men.
Before I get on that point, I just wanna point out this sounds like a thinly veiled threat of “shut up and deal with us or else”. Because we ALL know Trump has NO respect for women.
But as for this whole “states deciding bullshit”; this has had NO positive ramifications. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the names Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller. If not look them up along with the names Amanda Zuraski (my tumblr app isn’t letting me post links 😤) but yeah SO MANY women have died as a result of Roe v Wade being overturned and UNLESS things change, MORE women will die UNNECESSARILY when NO ONE but these FAKE Christians cared because over 63 % of Americans understand that abortion IS healthcare.
And also, putting my previous point aside, the reason why women are so angry aside from the unnecessary deaths is also because OLD MEN like Trump really have no place dictating what women can or can’t do with their bodies. Like, I want the men in my audience to imagine, let’s say Kamala Harris gets in office and orders men to have a vasectomy. Men would RIGHTFULLY get irate since a woman has no place telling a man what he can or can’t be doing with his body and it’s the same thing; these old men and congress can NOT give birth so who are they to tell us what we can do with our bodies??
ESPECIALLY creepy old men like Trump who have a HISTORY of sexual assault. Need I bring up his “grab em by the pussy!” Video?
These old washed up fossils like Trump HATE how modernized America is becoming and they want to go back to some conservative 1960s Ronald Reagan shit with women being stay at home moms along with trying to FORCE people to be Christians (see the 10 commandments and bible nonsense) like NO.
Down below are the voting registration deadlines that vary by state and you can also register to vote at vote.gov!
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I’ve also seen people doing early voting which is great because as evidenced by Springfield Ohio along with Republicans bitching about getting “the save act or shut down the government” (Biden won’t allow any of the two to happen 🙄), them trying to have states hand count ballots like GA and then trying that “Winner Take All” Nonsense in Nebraska, EXPECT some fuckery from MAGA.
Let’s all be DONE with the nine year nightmare known as Donald Trump and his family ONCE and for ALL!!!
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newkatzkafe2023 · 6 days
Ok after reading that
Now I want a meet up with their team/friends XD
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(Lmk Wukong) The panic the public feels is so bad it reached two other realms😥🫣. Everyone was either Filming or getting ready to evaluate Megaspolis as both Goddesszilla and Queen kong show up in the city today. Tang saw from outside pigsy's restaurant and his soul totally left his body at this and everyone ran outside to see the Chaos. Mk, Mei, and Redson were stuck between being Scared and being amazed upon seeing you and Queen Kong.
Mk and Mei were loosing it all over the place with stars in their eyes🤩
Redson was literally praying, I kid you, not he was praying as he hid in the men's bathroom. He called his parents, saying his potentially final good byes and that he always loved them😱
Sandy waved and welcomed you both, as he was very happy to meet you both.
Pigsy had to calm down a screaming Tang as the Scholar totally loses his mind😨
Elsewhere the Spider queen was discussing with her family/minions about moving out of the city Feeling like they were the ones in danger now😱
DBK and PIF share a look of shock as they listen Redson's semi-tearful rambling as the can see Goddesszilla and Queen kong from out their window
The Brotherhood absolutely moved out of the city as they don't want any of the ancient radiation heat from both of you😬
The Mayor's Whole body was so pale that People mistaken him as a ghost😱 and wants to join lady bone demon in her gravesite😨🥶
Jin and Yin were fanboying all over the place, throwing themselves as party as they asked you both for autographs🤩
A fearful Nezha spread the word to all of heaven, well it wasn't news, It was a clearly very much a warning, a warning that flipped the heavens on their heads for a good few centuries to come😬😬😬
And finally,Macaque😰 is really missing being dead right about now, as he feels you and your sisters glare on him😠
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(MKR Wukong) The monk had a really bad stroke upon seeing you and your sister queen kong😂🤣. He and Pigsy noticed that he was in a better mood lately, and more Reasonable to deal with and immediately something was up. Sandy was just happy the death threats Wukong would give him occasionally stopped. Then one morning the pilgrims were asleep until the ground shook like their was an earthquake. This made pigsy Shat and piss his pants as he paled and scream like a girl upon what he saw, it was you and Queen kong, and Sandy straight up pale like seriously he was ash at that point. Then Finally the monk who had a heart attack and Stroke at the same time, as the saw you and Queen kong. Finally, Wukong showed up and excitedly introduced you both as his 2 beautiful wives. That's right. He absolutely got married behind the monk and heavens back, and if they know what's good for them, they better not do anything😈.
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(NR Wukong) Li felt a serious mingrain form upon meeting Wukong's 2 wives, aka you and your sister Queen kong. Meanwhile, everybody was willing out and had so many questions for both of you, Li and Su's friend group. Welcome you both with open arms. Queen Kong was so happy to make new friends as she talked to everyone about practically everything, and shared stories about when you both were younger. You, of course didn't join the conversations, but that doesn't mean you weren't listening as you were just laying next to Wukong, but you were very happy that your sister had come out of her shell and made friends.
Meanwhile, the Ao Bing and his father went into hiding, because well.....between you and me, it turns the dragon king of the east actually owes you money And You're somehow scarier than a regular lone shark, and Queen kong has beef with Ao bing because the little Bastard set fire to part of her home and she's still mad about it this day. So they both better stay out of our line of sight😈👿
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(HIB Wukong) He's kinda embarrassed, but not in a bad way. It's more like he's huffing while getting scolded by Queen Kong about not making you both aware that he was a single father. You both loved Silly Girl and Luier in an instant. Like Wukong, you would sometimes get annoyed with Luier's motor mouth and never ending questions, but your both saved by Queen king's godly Patience with him And answered every question to the best of her ability. Meanwhile, you took a liking to Silly Girl because she seems like a fighter to you, and with a bit of self defense Training She could be a force to be Reckon with, plus you always wanted a daughter🥰. Pigsy knew better to try both of you, as you could both totally Crush him under your thumb. But overall Luier and Silly girl love you both and already accepted you both as mother figures.
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(Netflix Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear here we go. So you should know by now how annoying heaven found Wukong to be, but you should also know about how hard they shat and pissed themselves and went into a PTSD level state of panic when they found out about you both. Now they did hear the rumor that the monkey That was pestering them getting hitched, Which is probably why he wasn't bothering them for a while, but they had Absolutely no idea That he got married to not one but two wives, AND IT'S BOTH THE QUEEN OF THE MONSTERS AND THE QUEEN OF THE GORILLAS!!!!!!!! this has to be a dream. A incredibly traumatizing dream And if you think the heavens were suffering with this information you can imagine how the dragon king felt about this😬. HE messed with the husband of the Queens and lived to tell other people about it, He felt like this was the end he felt like this His final moments As he writes as will, Preparing To take his medicine and punishment.
Meanwhile You and Queen kong fawned over Lin like the daughter Neither view ever had. Spoiling her with food, treasures, and clothes as you both learned from Wukong that she was alone for most of her life. Well That's clearly about to change as you both welcome and adopted her as your daughter🥰🥰🥰
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
[Side-eyes the Yan!Neuvillette posts] I'm already down bad for most of the people you've written for - Vampire!Alhaitham, Yandere!Kaveh, and The Sumeru Hexagon, etc. If you end up writing Yandere!Neuvillette, I think I'm going to go absolutely feral (with excitement), because he's caught my eye too.
That being said, we are speculating on crumbs, so how about a fun pre-Fontaine release imagine, with a Yan!Neuvillette and a lawyer!Darling?
With Neuvillette in the highest echelons of the Fontaine justice system, trying cases in front of him never seemed to go any easier.
Even as a budding lawyer, you never thought the petty cases you handled would ever be seen by him. But yet, here you were once again. For the fifth time this month. You let out a small young. Adjusting your suit and blouse, you force your eyes to read over the case brief in front of you for what seemed like the thousandth time.
You don't know what it was about Neuvillette. Perhaps it was his position, or perhaps it was the fact that he managed to be your judge overseeing all the cases you've ever presented on so far. But you ended up tongue tied in front of him, though you've tried to keep it to a minimum.
The last time you were in front of him though, you messed up on some of Fontaine's legal procdures and evidence rules, and he took it upon himself to personally drill you and oversee your studies instead of sanctioning you.
You were thankful for that. As a budding lawyer, getting a sanction this early on in your career was a death sentence. You knew nobody would ever want to work with you if you got sanctioned.
The trade-off, however, was that his personal brand of tutoring left you alone under his watchful eyes in the large library of Fontaine, surrounded by encyclopedias and legal codices after you were done with your case work. You couldn't leave his side until you finished all the work he assigned you, which, at the rate you were going, was likely going to take a long while. Staying up for nights and days in the library doing his work took a toll on you.
You did debate on arguing against him for your freedom, a couple of weeks after this arrangement, but decided against it. The threat of a sanction above your head loomed large. Plus, as the highest judge in the land, he could easily out argue you, a greenhorn.
Your focus started to blur, and your head fell forward and into your padfolio, tired from trying to finish the mountain of work Neuvillette assigned you this week. Your hands clung tightly to the case notes you were feverishly studying.
Even in your dreams, you hoped and prayed that Neuvillette wasn't nearby. He would likely give you even more work if he saw the state you were in.
For once, maybe in the land of dreams, you could get away from him.
Awww Alhaitham turned out to be my most-written for genshin character (at present) and seeing as how things are going with Neuvillette, I fear for my sleep schedule 😂 Fontaine characters have so much yandere potential so unless I get absolutely burnt out from studies I hope to give them the same love :> That being said, I'll try to envision Neuvillette's pov here! [note : written before fontaine release so all imagination.]
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Neuvillette has pondered about the nature of corruption for a while.
It's not that abnormal a musing given his position, though it is unusual that he's felt a certain discomfort at the clearing of his thoughts — the judge's exposure to such philosophies are as regular as sunlight, so expanding on his understanding should only serve to benefit him. And yet, he finds himself more unsettled than not at the prospect. He wouldn't be, if he still had confidence in his restraint ; that being the graver issue, if the Chief Justice of Fontaine himself would fall prey to temptation, what would become of the rest of the court?
Neuvillette is far from ignorant, he's known that both the general criminal and the one responsible for bringing them justice are susceptible to the same vice and only through restraint can they be differentiated. He's remained pure from its claws following this simple principle ; no amount of mora, land, promise of power, indulgence has succeeded in altering a verdict thus far.
Neuvillette's expanding paranoia might not have been so rampant if the temptations were this materialistic, no no, he would've even thanked his fickle heart if that was the case. If it had hoped for something shinier, something pricier — those are common desires for corrupt men, and yet, he found his heart depraved of the normalcy and instead yearned for something far sinister, forbidden.
Innocence is devastatingly charming, the judge muses. It's more of a weakness than a strength, especially if the bearer remains blissfully ignorant. There is no mercy for that in the court, even if one retains scraps of the virtue by stubbornness, the court will make sure it is forever lost in its whimsical prance. Simply because, there is no real virtue to be found in the Court of Fontaine, only masquerades of its idealisms.
And so, even the most resilient soul is bound to lose way in this charade, or at least, that's what Neuvillette has concluded.
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 5 months
Had a thought about what if Heimdall's powers doesn't stop at "reading people's minds"?
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There's a pretty good theory that goes around the God of War fandom that Odin casted a spell on Heimdall that made him 'unable' to read Odin's mind or even manipulate the things he reads in Odin's mind, plus a spell that made Heimdall fully obey/trust Odin blindly. Point is, there's a theory that Odin casted a magic that made Heimdall can't betray Odin.
Now, this is of course, a fan-theory of a fan-theory, but why did Odin do that? Obviously, because Odin likes to have everything under his control, and because Heimdall is the most useful person to him. But also what if Odin knows what Heimdall's potential was?
We know how arrogant and how much of a pompous ass he is, and that means he easily fights and wins every battle he's ever fought in his life. Heck, he might've never faced any difficulty in his life until Kratos. HECK, I'm about 87.5% sure that he didn't know he could materialize his own limb with bifrost until Kratos 😂 OK MY POINT IS -> Heimdall only lived up to only like 20% of his total abilities.
He's the damn God of Foresight. Foresight is literally being able to know the future itself, however, in the game, Heimdall is only 'locked'/'hit the ceiling' with being able to... 'read people's minds'
Also, 'reading people's minds' is a really broad term here, because how much of people's minds does he read? Does he only read what people are thinking at that moment? Or is he also able to know the past of the people he's reading? (this is possible because he knew of Atreus' origins during the ride from the wall to Asgard grounds, and when he got choked to death by Kratos, saying "monster" as he possibly (1) saw Kratos actively thinking of the other gods he'd killed at that moment, or (2) Heimdall unlocked his ability to read people's past.
ANYWAY back to my point, he's the God of Foresight. He's so locked inside the cage that he and Odin made, so he doesn't have any opportunity or even the need to train or to even explore his own abilities. What if Odin knew how much of a threat Heimdall would be if Heimdall even had a speck of will to betray/doubt him?
IF Heimdall had a chance to explore, deepen his understanding of his own powers, had a chance to even struggle, he might be able to look into the future itself, not only just reading people's mind at the moment. What if he's able to read the far future? He can know how a battle would end. He can know that before a fight, namely with Kratos, he can see the future that he won't be able to win the fight against Kratos?
Like, if he also can see the future, that means his power is borderline prophecy, very similar to the Giants' abilities, it's just that his foresight is not that far to the future like the Giant's (like how Faye could tell the future even after her own death), but it's more clear and precise -- you get what I mean.
If Heimdall had the power to actually tell the future, like the God of Foresight he is, he would also be able to tell Odin's plans, how he'd betray his own family to have everything under his control. He'd also be able to tell how Ragnarok will inevitably happen no matter what Odin does, and just literally everything that happens. It's also borderline Norn-like, but I'm not gonna get too ahead of myself here.
Yeah so back to my main point, Heimdall never lived his full potential because of Odin and his own arrogance. Fr he just need lots of Kratos' to make him struggle and slam his head to the ground over and over so he could upgrade his abilities.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Do you think you could do an HC on jealous Chishiya 🥰🥰 I absolutely loved your dating chishiya HC it was amazing
A/N: Yeppp, this request won my poll thing by like 74% 😂 and thank you so much! Here's more Chishiya food for you 🥰️
♡ Chishiya Being Jealous Over You Includes... ♡
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♡• It's not like he doesn't expect other people you happen to meet around the Borderlands to not take any notice of you when you happen to be in games or something together. Chishiya is well aware that you're a very pretty person, not just by your looks. The two of you are practically unstoppable when you're working together in a complicated game, and that kind of success that you give each other does attract attention. Not just the suspicious and desperately frustrated attention of "How the hell are they doing this? Are they gamemasters or something?!" which Chishiya finds mildly amusing. It's when eyes linger on you, on your face, your body, for a moment too long, that his deep brown gaze will tint with an almost unnoticeable hint of venom.
♡• Chishiya Shuntaro doesn't like those starers. Not when it's you they're ogling.
♡• I'm not saying that he'll immediately get huffy and insecure Arisu 😏 or defensive and aggressive Niragi 😵 but he doesn't like it. He knows when it's happening, of course, since he's a very observant man, and so when he notices it, with just one emotionless stare at them, Chishiya will get the gist of what's going on in their head pretty quickly.
♡• They're not a threat to him. He's not scared of anyone, and won't back down from them. And it's not like he doesn't trust you, because he absolutely does, and knows that there's no way you'd fall for their words and shameless eyes as soon as they approach you. Still, it doesn't mean he won't make sure they're put in their place.
♡• It's like - you know how Arisu got caught when he found the fake safe, and Chshiya was just flipping around the walkie-talkie with his usual smug, unbothered smirk? It's kind of similar to that. He'll screw them over purposefully, maybe even put a bit of effort into it, because he can. Because he's smarter than them. And because you're his.
♡• Chishiya knows you can handle yourself, and turn them down as soon as they try coming on to you, but if they still persist and you're clearly uncomfortable, yeah, he'll step right in. One step in front of you, calmly and indifferently, he'll give them a scarily blank look and say something laced with a tinge of poison, like, "You should keep moving. Someone will get hurt." It's not in a way that he's saying he'll beat them to death on the spot 😂 but it's a warning that the next game they're in, he won't be helping them. Not one bit. He won't directly kill them, but if anything bad happens, it happens.
♡• Or maybe he'll pick up something about them just by watching them go about their way in the Borderlands, overhear a few conversations, and he's got them. Chishiya has his ways, and by the time he's finished saying what he's had to say, you notice that they're suddenly looking anywhere but in your direction, and Chishiya's satisfied half-smile that only grows when you clock what's going on and give him a glare.
♡• It also makes him rethink, yet again, of how ridiculously lucky he is to have you. After someone tries and ultimately fails to get your attention in a certain way, you'll randomly find Chishiya staring at you for longer than he usually does, or being a little more sentimental. It's just his way of showing you that he appreciates you, that he's truly in love, and never to doubt it. In moments when he's softer and more vulnerable, like late at night or alone on a rooftop, you'll hear it from him, and him saying those words with that intense gaze is aaaghh- 😍
♡• Basically, Chishiya doesn't get jealous in the usual way, not defensive and impulsive, or insecure and stuttery. He's just himself, and at the end of the day, you're one of the very few things that means a lot to him. The only incentive he had to win games before was for the sheer fun of it, really, not because he was desperate to survive, but literally because he could. But now that you've come along, there's one reason he's never had before, and no idiot trying to push their way into your relationship will ruin that reason. Love. 💙
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ivanwm-05 · 1 year
The Thousand Of Us
Genre: Superpowers/Post-Apocalyptic/ Sci-fi
Story plot:
Your story begins at what everyone largely saw as the end of the world. There was a bright flash that illuminated the night sky so brightly, it was identical to day as thousands of missiles in a last-ditch effort to save mankind collided with a ginormous asteroid entering our atmosphere.
You wake up two years later and find out that the crisis was averted, but a new crisis of similar proportions was created. The asteroid was carrying a never-before-seen element, mixed with the radiation that bathed the earth. It created a chain of genetic mutations that wiped out nearly the entire population of the planet and put every other living being in hibernation for two years.
For starters all adults are dead, only a thousand people 18 years of age and below around the globe survived, and the thousand of you that survived, wake up to discover that you each now have unique powers. The only problem is that you’re not the only ones that same phenomenon gave powers, also mutated every other living organism on the planet to varying degrees and they were also in hibernation for as long as you are, so they have about 2 years worth of hunger to satiate.
Would you focus on Survival and Rebuilding? or would you try to Unite or Conquer other groups of teenagers to form a more powerful force against the threats you face? Would you try to Find a Cure or Solution by striving to find a way to reverse the mutations in animals and restore the planet to its former state? or would you struggle in Navigating Moral Choices? You could Uncover Hidden Powers or struggle to Establish a Safe Haven for you and your group.
Play as Male/Female/non-binary and customize your appearance and personality.
You can select one out of a long list of abilities, ranging from just flight to insane regenerative abilities to even earth-shaking strength or even necromancy.
Struggle to stay alive as you do not just have to watch out for mutated plants, animals, and even crazy weather conditions, but also have to watch out for other humans who seek to conquer and lead the rest of the survivors with their terrifying abilities.
You get to choose your MC’s demeanor and how you react to situations. You can be cold and calculative or you could be shy and reserved.
Most involved characters are up to 18 & older including the MC.
Hidden pathways will be made available based on certain choices made within the book that will reveal new endings and shape the LIs future just try to explore this new world.
There might be some explicit scenes but if there are you’ll have the option to fade to black. Mild gore might be unavoidable and there would definitely (depending on your choices though) be death scenes.
Every different power is a different route to explore.
Romantic Interest:
I’m gonna try to make this relatable so no definite number yet but nearly every person you encounter, depending on your interaction and relationship with them can be romanced by your MC.
MC can romance male/female/non-binary characters.
I would also create LIs that exist outside of the MC to showcase that the MC’s involvement in their life created a change within them.
Polyamory possible.
Also ace/aro routes possible.
Current Word count: 202,095 (without code) and 1,187,537 (with code)
😂Code is pretty beefed up because I want to branch this out as much as possible so you have the liberty to make whatever choice you desire and live with the consequences.
To play the demo, go here: Play Demo 
To join the discussion at the forum: Forum
This is the link to the New Patreon: NEW Patron
This is the link to the new Discord server: Discord
Patreons get releases ahead of the public and also I'm starting the side stories soon and they get to vote for the characters that I release first.
Any and all feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.
Note: no current notes.
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shepherds-of-haven · 7 months
Had a dream about it so I need to ask, how would like a ski or snowboard or general mountain retreat trip go for the shepherds?
This sounds like such a fun dream! ⛷️
Blade: he'd be mildly interested in giving snowboarding a try, though he'd probably have his "fill" after a day: while he's athletically gifted and can take up pretty much any sport decently well, he actually tends to find most of them boring (unless his competitive spirit is fired up) and would probably find trudging up and down slopes tedious! By Day 2 he'd probably just be fine staying indoors by a fire with a book... partially because he'd be sick of Chase trying to cling to the back of his ski jacket so Blade could drag him places like a sled horse ৻(≧ᗜ≦৻)
Trouble: he'd be up at sunrise ready to shred some fresh powder, and you'd have to drag him home long after dark!! He's crushing those slopes and having so much fun doing it!! He's Shaun White at the X Games babey!!! He's like an Alaskan Husky you can't get to come indoors, people will be like "TROUBLE it's time to EAT" and he'll be looking at you with snow in his hair like "just one more slope!! :D"
Tallys: no. she hates the cold, she either wouldn't have come on this trip at all, or she'd be inside with several fleece blankets on her lap and a stack of books all day! Maybe if the resort offers any sleigh rides or something of the sort, she'd venture out, but actively spending time in the snow is a special kind of misery for her! She'd probably be most interested in the resort's spa! (Do ski resorts have those?)
Shery: she's keeping Tallys company by the fire with a nice cup of tea in the morning and a hot cocoa in the afternoon! Maybe she'll venture outside to do some snow activities like building a snowman or going on a walk, but if she tries to ski or snowboard, she will likely break her neck :') If there are Christmas markets or nearby towns nearby, the two of them are doing something like that instead!
Riel: he's in his room or by the lobby fireplace, working. You couldn't compel him to strap a pair of planks to his feet under threat of death... Not only is the risk of injury too high, it just looks ridiculous!!! Perhaps he will indulge in a hot toddy or glass of wine...
Chase: he'd have a bit of fun snowboarding or skiing for a few hours, but eventually the novelty would wear off and he'd be more interested in spending time in the hot tub (and any ensuing hijinks that might result therein) and prodding everyone to meet up in one of the rooms for a party/card games/inevitable night of drinking
Red: he'd have fun skiing with everyone during the day, but he'd most look forward to curling up by the fire in the evening with a stack of good books and just relaxing! Unfortunately, Chase probably won't let him get away with that for long... He'd look very erudite and sophisticated though, I'm picturing him in a nice sweater or a scarf with a pair of reading glasses or something! 😂
Ayla: she's right up there with Trouble, she'd definitely be a ski bum and would spend all of her available time on the slopes, and then unwind in a hot tub after! The two of them would probably get into increasingly more dangerous competitions in which they raced to complete the black diamond slopes in as fast a time as possible... would probably insist on staying out late to complete "just one more course" and would probably end up getting stuck on the ski lift when it shut down after sunset. By the time the others figured out they were missing, they'd be easy to find because of the sounds of the furious arguing somewhere overhead...
Briony: she'd try snowboarding, but she probably wouldn't be very graceful at it and would just keep falling over, constantly forgetting her feet were strapped down and trying to "walk" instead of slide! Eventually she'd probably give up and join Tallys and Shery at the nearby market or would be more focused on taking pictures of everything/everyone or setting up a bonfire to gaze at the stars than actively learning how to snowboard or ski!
Lavinet: she's an excellent skier (it would probably go Halek -> Lavinet -> Trouble - Ayla) as a result of having been instructed when she was young, but she'd have little interest in it after an hour or so. She's booked up her whole weekend with treatments at the spa!
Halek: he grew up in the mountains (even in a modern AU), so I imagine snowboarding/skiing was as commonplace to him as breathing. Everyone would be so surprised to find him just zooming past them wordlessly on the slopes, like Trouble and Ayla are just like "HAHAH EAT MY SHORTS TRUBS YOU'RE NEVER GONNA--"
*white Halek-shaped blur races past*
I feel like you'd find him doing something random like ice-fishing at some point, too!
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showmey0urfangs · 7 months
Are you getting paid to defend these white people like this? Like let me know so I can apply.
Really Killejoie? Are you really this pathetic? Taking the time out of your finite existence to create a whole ass troll account so that you can keep sending me hate even after I turned off my anon asks? This is extreme, even for you. 😂
But you know what, I will give you the unearned courtesy of answering your question:
This has nothing to do with defending ‘white people’ as you put it. Nor is it about fandom racism like you want to gaslight everyone into believing. This is just the latest iteration of something that has been happening since last year.
I'll give it to you though, it's a clever tactic. Everytime you get called out for your toxic behavior, you shift the blame away from YOU as an individual and from your own actions, and you make it about ALL black fans and the racism we experience in fandom spaces. It's clever because obviously no decent person would disagree with such a valid point or be seen as supporting something as heinous as racism.
And it almost worked; you managed to stir the entire fandom into an uproar and now I have white women in my inbox and on my dashboard trying to 'educate' me and other black people about what racism is, while being completely oblivious to how pathetic and condescending they sound.
How unfortunate for you then that tangible proof emerged to contradict your lies and attempts at gaslighting, and to show everyone what this issue, which has been ongoing for more than a year, is REALLY about.
And for those who still don't get it, THIS is what it's really about:
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THIS is why everyone calls you antis and bullies! THIS is why everyone in the fandom hates you! THIS is why you are on several block lists. THIS is why everyone complains about you in discord servers and in DMs because most are too scared to say it to your faces for fear of being targeted next. Well, sadly for you I'm not! There's nothing you can do to me that you haven't done already in the past year. 🙃
I repeat, this has nothing to do with being black because again, most of you aren't even black!!! And yet you have the audacity to attack black fans who disagree with you and think you can speak over us while still calling yourselves #allies.
This is not about fandom racism! Any rational thinking person agrees there is racism in fandom spaces, there is racism in mainstream media, and the is also racism and overt racial bias in Anne Rice's writing—that the show does a more or less good job of correcting. You are preaching to the choir! I've spoken endlessly about all of these points myself and will continue to do so. But that's not what this is about.
This about YOU specifically as individuals. It's about the wildly disrespectful and vile way you treat others in this fandom. It's about the constant harassment, the death threats, the vile language you use to refer to everyone—including black fans, including Jacob Anderson himself.
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I repeat for the people in the back—including some of my mutuals who don't seem to get it: THIS IS NOT ABOUT FANDOM RACISM! This is about a small group of individuals, a lot of whom aren't even black, who think they can act like complete assholes to everyone in this fandom and get no pushback. This is about people thinking they are entitled to dictate how everyone should interpret these characters and trying to enforce their control through bullying and silencing of dissenting opinions.
Enough with the bullshit!
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Could you do a Wednesday Addams x gn!reader/ yoko tanka x platonic!reader
R is Enid’s younger sister and is very different *she’s blind since birth and is condescendingly treated like a baby by her family because they think she a helpless weakling that need constant supervision 24/7 depsite her being extremely gifted in playing the violin*
The only one she is close to is yoko and Enid as they’re the one ones who let her be a little indenpent. Enid litterally had to negotiate with principal weem that let r come with her to nevermore and yoko see r as a little sister as she is her roommate. Enid introduce Wednesday to her sister and falls hard for r
Her sister and yoko are happy to see r being with someone who love her dearly, but they can’t help but feel a bit overprotective
*however they know they can’t do the shovel talk to Wednesday as both are terrified of her and know she can and will hurt anyone that would lay a hand on r. They would deny nor confirm that they may have had a hand in help Wednesday in torturing those people alongside with thing and them getting into shenanigans whenever r has a date with Wednesday or uncovering a mystery 😂😂😂😂
*idk why but it would be funny if people would refer the three girls and thing as the protection squad or something or. The reason why is because while Enid and yoko are friends and Wednesday barely tolerate them and thing, they form some sort of mutual respect as they form an alliances with each other and making sure nobody messes with r. I could see Wednesday being like her dad as she unkowningly has the urge to protect r from anything that would harm her. she see r as a very beautiful and strong person with a gentle soul. While R can’t see her gf face but she can detect the sincerity in Wednesday voice and appreciate her being sweet to her and is the only one who r will allow to treat her like a baby *she know Wednesday doesn’t do it to be condescending but rather of her family curse. r is the only that Wednesday will allow to call her “Ness” She sometimes lets r be with her when playing her cello even allowing her to do a duet with her violin
I got so lost in this I think I may consider trying to make this into a series 😭…
3rd Person POV
Y/N Sinclair sat on her bed practicing her violin when her sister barged in.
"Y/n! You'll never believe this I'm getting a new roomie!" She squealed.
The younger girl smiled at the thought of her sister having someone to talk to, knowing how lonely she'd get whenever she or her roommate Yoko wouldn't be able to.
She knew how hard it was to be alone. For a werewolf solitude was a death sentence.
"The strength of the wolf comes from the strength of the pack."
Their mother always said this as their father would quietly sit back already preparing to speak to each girl separately.
"Your mother loves you she just doesn't know how to show it."
Her unseeing eyes almost rolled at the thought.
"I'm kind of worried though," her older sisters voice dropped below a whisper as she leaned in. "Rumor has it she killed one of her old school mates by dropping piranha in the swimming pool."
Y/n felt her eyebrows raise at the information before she shook her head.
"Now you of all people know better than to start spreading rumors. Don't you remember when Kent tried getting everyone to think Yoko and I were a thing?" The older Sinclair growled.
That was the tame version of events she'd given you, Kent had actually spread a rumor that you were "up for a good time". She remembered how she had threatened the boys manhood if he or any of his idiot friends even thought about looking your way. Her claws dug into his thigh, mere centimeters away from his favorite appendage as she made sure he knew just how good she'd be on her threat.
She nodded smiling. "You're right I'll wait until she gets here to get the 4-1-1 for my blog."
Y/n laughed at her sisters need for gossip. Of the two, Y/n was far more reserved than her sister.
Since she was born, her family had been...protective of her. A wolf without eye sight to them was by far the worst curse put on anyone, even worse than being sentenced to a life alone. As a child her parents kept her in their sights at all times, the only times she was truly alone and free to do as she pleased were when she'd practice the violin. The music was her only solace, which is why Enid had begged Principal Weems to grant entry for her sister to Nevermore. She knew if left alone with her parents she'd never have any type of privacy or a chance at independence.
While it was true Enid could be overbearing at times she never tried to dictate her sisters choices or influence her actions to benefit her in anyway.
It had been a few days since Enid showed Wednesday around and tried to get to know her. She felt that the girl was far too rough around the edges and may need to relax but she was dedicated to getting her roomie to break her walls down. Especially since she'd grown attached to Thing, who was practically her new bestie.
They were walking to lunch when the two girls caught sight of Yoko holding a lanky boy by his shirt collar against the wall. Her girlfriend Davina trying to calm her down by placing her hand on her shoulder.
The girl hissed fangs bared to the boys neck lightly grazing it with each word she spoke.
"If you even think of doing something to Y/n again I promise I'll forget school rules and make you my personal blood bag, understood?" The boy gulped nodding as he trembled in fear.
"I swear." She let him go grabbing the bag and pushing him as he ran away cowering as he met Enid's gaze.
Wednesday observed in silence as Enid's claws began to elongate, Davina rubbing her girlfriends shoulders and whispering calming words in her ear. Enid had walked up to her almost forgetting Wednesday was with her.
"What happened?" Enid asked. Yoko felt herself grow angry once she caught wind of the fur balls words. She'd overheard the boy laugh about how he'd stolen the blonde girls bag, already going through her wallet as he counted the money left inside. The fang just took a deep breath and handed the bag to the older Sinclair sibling. Enid growled lowly looking back into the direction the boy had gone.
"That's the third time this semester." She gritted out. Yoko nodded irritated.
Her relationship with the younger Sinclair sister was much like the one she held with Enid. The shorter blonde had wormed her way into her heart the minute she introduced herself. She didn't know if it was her aura of pure innocence or the smile that rarely left her face but Yoko found herself bonding with the werewolf quicker than she had expected. Vampire were usually cautious of her kind but Enid and Y/n we're nothing like the other furs. Besides the curse of the full moon, they were more alike than she'd thought.
Yoko knew all about overbearing parents and a need to be your own person. She was expected to run her coven and follow their traditional ways, including marrying a strong young male vampire. They had yet to find out about her girlfriend or the fact that she didn't want to lead.
It irked her to no end how her parents never truly listened to her. And she knew Enid and Y/n were of the select few who understood.
She couldn't fathom how anyone could want to take advantage of the blind girl.
Wednesday watched them both glancing into the direction the boy had gone.
"I don't care for bullies." Yoko and Enid looked to the goth. The vampire smirked as her fangs peeked out a bit, she lowered her glasses looking at Wednesday.
"Rumor has it you put piranha into your last schools swimming pool. The boy lost a testie." She grinned.
Wednesday merely nodded. "It's true I did fail to rid the earth of another brainless jock like Dalton but I doubt he'll make the same mistake twice."
Yoko just nodded smirking, it was nice to know there was at least one more person who wouldn't try to bully Y/n just because they could.
Enid went to take her bag to her sister. She found the girl in her room on her knees hands out trying to feel if she could find her bag on the floor.
"Y/n" the girl called softly. The younger girl shot up quickly.
"Oh hey Enid," she blushed slightly dusting the dirt of her skirt. "I was just looking for my bag."
"Right here pup." She said softly as she handed it to her. "How about we get some lunch?" The younger sister nodded.
The Sinclair Siblings sat at a table that with Yoko, Davina, Wednesday, and Eugene. Most of the group saying hi except Wednesday who kept her attention on the book she was reading.
"Wednesday," Enid called out. "This is my sister Y/N, Y/N this is Wednesday. I'm going to grab our lunches."
The goth went to give you a quick glance before she paused. You looked slightly to the left of her providing a small smile and a wave.
"Enid mentioned you're not big on touching or talking. So I'll keep it short its nice to meet you."
Your soft voice was like a symphony to her ears. Wednesday continued to stare as Enid returned sitting next to you. She looked to her roommate fully prepared to try and negotiate that she please, please be nice when she noticed something different in the pigtailed girls usually dull gaze. It looked to be...intrigue?
"Nice to meet you as well bellisima." Wednesdays eyes widened as she stood abruptly leaving without another word.
Yoko's eyes narrowed as she looked to see you blushing.
"Doesn't that mean beautiful?" Your bestfriend asked.
You shrugged paying extra close attention to your meal as Enid felt her jaw drop. You knew exactly what it meant and something about the way the word rolled off her tongue made you feel warm inside.
Did Wednesday just flirt?
Wednesday slammed the door to her room startling Thing.
"Something is wrong with me."
Thing signed frantically as Wednesday continued to shake her head at every guess he had. 
"Worse." She paused. "I'm becoming my father."
It was late and you knew you probably shouldn't be practicing your violin but there was someone playing cello and you felt compelled to play with whoever was on the other side of campus. You went out to your balcony careful to not wake Yoko she could sleep through anything but if she were to hear you moving she'd immediately wake up to make sure you wouldn't hurt your self.
The piece began simple enough but as the cellist continued they began to increase the tempo. Half of campus shaken from the slumber at the sound of a concert hall echoing throughout. Enid smiled slightly at your playing for once not annoyed with Wednesdays late night session.
The two of you continued for a while before Wednesday had finished. She climbed back in turning to Enid.
"Who else at this God awful school may actually have acceptable music taste?" The werewolf smirked internally still fearful that her roommate would skin her alive if she did so externally. Wednesday saw a slight smug glint in her roommates eyes knowing she'd most likely hate her answer.
"Y/n." The raven held back a groan, it seemed there was even more to you that intrigued her.
As if looks weren't enough.
Enid watched her roommate quietly go to her bed, glancing to Thing who sat smugly on her desk fingers kicking like a child on a swing.
"Hello Y/n." Wednesday spoke softly as she went to sit next to you in Botany. You smiled in her direction.
"Hey Wednesday, I didn't know we were switching partners?"
The gloomy girl glanced over to Ajax who couldn't meet her gaze. Yoko laughing silently behind her hand as she had watched Wednesday threaten to feed him to her menagerie of pets if he didn't switch seats with her. Enid glanced amused and irritated at the scowl Xavier wore because Wednesday had chosen to sit next to you instead.
Both Yoko and Enid continued to watch Wednesday closely as she spoke to you. Both surprised when she managed to get you to laugh. Since she lived with her, only Enid could detect the microscopic changes in expression as she looked to her younger sister. Her eyes softened ever so slightly and the corner of her lips were quirked up as you'd responded to whatever she'd asked you.
Class began and the two were forced to pay attention to the lesson before them.
Wednesday couldn't help but stare at you as you listened intently to what the teacher was saying. In most cases people would type their notes but you felt the noise may disturb others so you would record the lectures and later go over the notes in your room.
The goth couldn't help but admire you. Personally, she wouldn't care if they found it to be a nuisance, yet she found it endearing that you would. It made you seem that much stronger, not letting such trivial things hinder you.
As class finished she found herself helping you by taking your books and leading you to your next class. You quietly thanked her as she did so, as you went to sit down someone's foot shot out to trip you.
Wednesday caught you by the waist standing you upright before turning to the culprit. Her eyes narrowed to see one of the Gorgon boys laughing with his friend. He looked back and froze at the sight of Wednesday's glare.
"Thanks again Wednesday." The girl immediately softened at the young werewolf's voice.
"I'll be back after class mi vida."
Wednesday sat in her next class writing a note to Thing who began to crawl his way to the boys dorms.
He placed mirrors in the boys locker-room showers before he made his way back to Wednesday.
When class ended Wednesday was already making her way in to help you.
Enid and Yoko were outside expecting to help you but froze at the sight of Wednesday walking beside you and directing you to your next class.
The two glancing at each other unable to determine if they should be happy with your newest friendship or terrified at Wednesdays unpredictability.
Enid babbled on about her beloved Poe Cup to Thing as Wednesday began her hour of writing.
Yoko came into the room hastily.
"Enid," she glanced to see Wednesday glaring at her as she paused her typing.
Oh shit.
The fang gulped as Wednesdays typing resumed. Enid looked to Yoko.
"Did you hear?" The werewolf just shook her head.
"That kid Josh and his friends were trapped in the locker room for hours. Someone put mirrors in there." Wednesdays typing faltered for a brief second but both girls noticed as Thing moved around "innocently".
Enid watched him as Yoko looked to see a small smirk on the ravens face.
Enid walked closer to Thing knowing if she'd ask Wednesday she'd probably make her into a nice rug.
"You wouldn't happen to know about this would you?" The hand shrugged as he continued flipping the pages of a magazine he'd gotten from the werewolf's drawer.
Wednesday knowing his will was weak glared before Yoko began coughing. The girl doubled over in pain as Enid rushed to the girls aid more people flooding in once they called for help.
Wednesday grabbed Thing as they made their escape.
"I need you to check Rowan's room while I go to the library."
The hand scurried to find more clues as a soft clicking caught the dark haired girls attention. Her usual glare softening as she found Y/N slowly making her way downstairs. She rushed to her side making sure she'd let the girl know of her presence.
"It doesn't seem safe for you to be wandering alone, querida." The girls head snapped up recognizing the voice right away. It was in her thoughts a lot lately and gave her butterflies every time she thought about the person behind it. She blushed as she felt a cool hand offer help slowly getting her down the steps one at a time.
"Thank you Wednesday, you always seem to be there whenever I need help." You couldn't see it but you felt her dark eyes on you as you both reached the last step.
"And I will continue to do so, for as long as you shall let me."
Wednesday wanted to bite her own tongue off as she had realized what she'd said. Obviously the filter between her mouth and mind was incompetent once you were in the vicinity.
She hated how soft her voice became when she spoke to you.
And how she felt this overwhelming need to protect you.
Or how-
"Thank you." She felt herself sag in defeat. You were too nice and for some reason it was her kryptonite.
"Why are you out so late?" The girl then started to shake.
"I think someone tried to hurt Yoko I smelled garlic in our room, but she’s deathly allergic and I would never eat it." Wednesdays eyebrows shot up.
That explains the coughing.
"I think it was Bianca," Wednesday found herself intrigued.
"The Poe Cups tomorrow." The goth nodded. Yes the competition that her roommate had yet to shut up about.
"Oh no." The girl gasped in realization making Wednesday step closer as if to protect her.
"What's wrong?"
"Yoko was on Enid's team and the cups tomorrow she doesn't have enough people." She watched the younger Sinclair sibling take a deep breath steeling herself. "Wednesday can you help me back to my room so I can get ready for tomorrow?"
The goth shook her head as Thing ran up to them holding a mask, stopping short when he saw Wednesdays hand begin to raise to the other girls cheek.
She felt her eyes rolling at what she was about to do next.
"I will help you back to your room," the girl went to turn, but a hand on her cheek stopped her short as her face was turned to Wednesday. "But I will be the one to replace Yoko at the Poe cup not you."
The werewolf's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
According to her sister, Wednesday wouldn't waste time on something as childish as games nor would she willingly help others. However the girl in front of you touching you so gently as if you were glass about to break made you think something else entirely.
"Wednesday," you breathed out. She leaned closer you could feel her just a breath away from you as your hands slowly began to lift up.
"Can I-"
Thing crawled up to Wednesdays shoulder abruptly making her glare at him. He pointed to the stairwell where Bianca and Xavier were walking down still yet to see either of you. She grabbed you, covering your mouth and hiding you behind a pillar.
"Wednesday Addams thinks she's better than everyone else and I can't wait to make her and her little werewolf roommate cry after we win the Poe Cup tomorrow." You growled behind Wednesdays hand as the two went to their rooms.
When the coast was clear Wednesday had let go of you seeing you breathe heavy as your claws began to elongate. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you realized you couldn't help Enid as much as you wanted to.
"Wednesday promise me you'll make sure Enid wins tomorrow." She grabbed your hand placing a kiss on the back of it.
"Anything for you, mi corazon.”
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artistshadow · 5 months
In the novel, are there any Disney heroes involved with war of roses?
Hopefully this helps answer any questions pertaining to the new Isle book. If anyone has any more questions, feel free to ask if this didn’t answer anything! I just felt like this will be easier than going back-and-forth pulling small tidbits to add 🤣😂😂
Okay, so here’s the briefest summary of what happens in Beyond the Isle of the Lost: Wonderland. We learn that Wonderland is sealed off from Auradon because the Queen didn't want to be under the Beast’s rule, I believe, so she raised an army to fight back just in case. This was known as the War of Roses. It sounds like there never was a fight. It sounds more like the Queen showed that she was no punk and wasn’t gonna let anyone scare or intimidate her, or most likely, she just didn’t want to be the one not in control so out of fear, Auradon closed the Rabbit Hole, which is one of two ways to get in and out of Wonderland, the other being The Pool of Tears. Because of this, Red has never been outside of Wonderland and doesn’t know much about what is going on in the outside world. The Queen has turned Wonderland pretty much into a dictatorship prison where so many things are outlawed that it doesn’t even seem like Wonderland anymore. She wants Red to follow in her footsteps and rule like she does, but Red ain’t having none of it. She wants to rebel against it all, but because she hasn’t had any sort of influence from anyone since everyone in Wonderland is scared to death of her mother, they never act out, so she doesn't know how. In comes Ace and Chester, two characters who sort of help her rebel, but they don’t know much either. Chester is, I believe, the son of the Cheshire Cat or at least a descendant of him. Ace…I'm not sure cause they never established, but if I were gonna take a wild guess, I would say that he could be the son of an Ace card. They do things to rebel and bring life to Wonderland by throwing parties, two to be exact, and the first failed royally, which resulted in them being arrested by the guards, and the Queen just dismissed them. The second party they throw in the throne room which makes the Queen blow her lid and start arresting everyone, which in turn makes Red, Chester, and Ace go on the lam. They plan on going to the Pool of Tears so they can escape Wonderland, but unfortunately, C and A get captured by the card soldiers. They tell Red to run for it and escape Wonderland, but she doesn’t want to leave her friends, so she goes back for them. Big mistake because that was a trap by the Queen, who throws her in the dungeon with them. The next day in front of all of Wonderland, the Queen shows just how much of a royal evil bitch she is by showing what she does to people who break her laws: She turns them into mindless card soldiers, as she demonstrates with Ace. It’s very heavily implied that she did this to the other kids she captured at the party. She then turns Chester into a cat, who then disappears. It goes without saying that Red is heartbroken, distraught, and traumatized by this, and her mother doesn’t give a flying fuck. So, Red now has this deep resentment toward her mother and is probably willing to do anything to get back at her. She probably wants to escape Wonderland more or perhaps take her anger out on the land.
This actually does something the other “prequel” books did as it gives us a look into who the character of Red is and her mother as well. It also gives us a glimpse of how much of a threat the Queen of Hearts is because when I heard that she was planning a coup in the movie, I was like, “yeaaaaah, but she’s really not that big of a threat like Maleficent, Uma, Audrey, or any of the other villains or ‘villains’ so how will this work?” But this gives us more information. It also gives a little more backstory as to why Wonderland is separate from Auradon and why Uma is looking to invite people from there to go to school in Auradon. Do I think they will reference some of the things from this movie? Maybe a little because a lot of it gives us reasons to see the Queen as a threat and more about why Red wants to rebel so much. Do I think we’ll get closure for Chester and Ace? Most likely not, and I hate that because while the other books left their endings with shots of happiness, this one ended completely depressing and horrifying.
Something to note: the Queen HATES cupcakes. In the summer preview, there was a picture of her younger self holding a plate of cupcakes while looking sad, so I wonder if we’re gonna see the reasons behind her hatred for them.
Maddox, the son of the Mad Hatter, is a science teacher at Wonderland High who is in the Queen’s favor. He’s interested in…wait for it…time travel, which is the basic plot of the film.
Reading this really makes listening to Red’s part in the new “What’s My Name” hit a little deeper, especially the parts where she says, “My mom’s as mean as it gets” and “It was rough growing up.”
I don’t know where Merlin Academy, Cinderella, and the other characters come into play, as the book mainly focused on Red, but I guess we’ll find out more in the new film.
It’s pretty much confirmed that the Queen was never on the Isle of the Lost (which makes the mention of her hair salon in the second book kind of weird), so that means Red is probably the only VK who wasn’t born on the Isle. She’s heard rumors about it but has never seen it. The only people she has met from the Isle are Harry and Jasper, who apparently got trapped in Wonderland after the VKs got released from the Isle in the 3rd film. But how they got trapped there if Wonderland was sealed off before they were born is what’s puzzling me. But timelines have never made absolute sense in this franchise so I’m not gonna get to deep into it😄😂
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sebastianswallows · 5 months
I want to talk a little bit about Frank Herbert and the Bene Gesserits, because it's something that's been on my mind for a while and I haven't seen anyone looking at these characters from this perspective yet (not that I looked very hard, but I check the tags occasionally and just haven't seen it, and this would be the first place I'd expect to).
It's strange in a good way seeing Dune become popular, and people actually reading the books, and it being cool to do so, not it being a niche and nerdy thing. But what's equally weird is to see all the praise Frank Herbert's getting, especially from women readers 😂
Because at any point between, I think, the 80s and the 2000s, if a guy said he liked Frank Herbert that was considered by women to be a red flag. I remember women chatting about this in online forums back in the day. It was the equivalent of a guy saying he likes Jordan Peterson now.
It's an analysis of Dune that doesn't seem to have come through again. Audiences have caught on to the homophobia inherent in how the Baron was represented, but nobody is talking anymore about the blatant sexism of the books.
And I say this as a long time fan, because I was super inspired by most of the female characters in the novels and in particular the Bene Gesserits, so to hear that Herbert was supposed to be a misogynist took me by surprise. "What do you mean it's sexist? This is great!" The idea of a group of women who fully dedicate themselves to their own intergalactic girl gang, who follow their own plans, who use their femininity to their own ends, who live through discipline and self control and are fully empowered to face down any threat, that was so inspiring to teenage me.
But I guess the sort of women I most admired were the ones who were terrifying to men.
I mean, the only "good" female characters are either not Bene Gesserits, like Chani, or are Bene Gesserits who go against the order, like Jessica. Moreover, the only "good" female characters are those who betray their group for the sake of men. Like Jessica going against the word of the Reverend Mother because Leto wanted a boy.
Irulan's only redeeming features are her complete dedication to Paul and being basically in love with him and being the author of glorifying history books about him in spite of the fact that he deposed her father and is keeping her in a loveless marriage and constantly publicly humiliates her by treating Chani as his wife.
Even Chani, an otherwise bland and marginal character compared to the film, is at her most poignant when dying in child birth for the sake of giving birth to Paul's children. A death which happens because Irulan had been secretly poisoning her out of jealousy. Frank Herbert just has women clawing each other's eyes out for the sake of Paul's affection. I don't care how good that dick is, it's not worth poisoning another woman over. Poison him instead and take the throne, girl.
But oh yeah, in this intergalactic empire tens of thousands of years in the future, they seem to have discovered neither the concept of divorce nor of female inheritance of titles and property. It can only be a man inheriting the throne, not the Emperor's biological daughter. And once Irulan is married, well she's just stuck there. Pretty incredible.
And however great the Bene Gesserits are, they still need a man to "see where they can not see". No matter how empowered a group of women becomes, they still need a man. Only a man can see into the future. Women can only see into the past. Therefore, only a man can save the world.
I get that they tried to conceal some of this in the recent film, and they managed to do so to some extent, but it's mostly been with Chani. You still have the problem of Jessica and Irulan being just servants for the whims of the men in their lives, a fact which gets them into a lot of trouble. And you have the Bene Gesserits portrayed as scheming witches who are evil to have their own plots and designs, and are dependent on a man to see into that place which terrifies them.
I mean, enjoy the books by all means. I always did in spite of all of this, and I still like the story and the world. I still love the characters too. But man if the author didn't have some unflattering ideas about us 😂
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deadtiredghost · 4 months
So I watched the entirety of Mashle as a drinking game and these are my non-coherent, drunkard rambling thoughts on the anime. (Sploilers obvs).
Mash - is it better than HP; not objectively, but do I enjoy watching it far more, yes 1000x yes.
"Our world has no shortage of problems" - UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY
Mash is so smart when it comes to fighting and so dumb when it comes to literally anything else. I love this boy. Mash is so cute when he lies. I want to adopt him so bad. The paternal feelings haven't been so strong in a whileeee. (Not about anyone other than the turtles)
He just really loves creampuffs. He has an unconscious reflex to people taking his creampuffs.
"I see you as nothing but an unusually clever rabbit" - ironic because most people might see Mash as the opposite of clever.
For a comedy anime Mashle is so dark. Like the world is so fucked and euthenasia is the norm. But here I am making a drinking game out of the comedy anime and casually ignoring all the child abuse and trauma all the characters go through - someone should write an analysis on that.
Mash forgives people way too easily - 'since u have feelings I guess ur not a shit person even if u crippled and thus sent to be euthanized a whole host of students.'
I love that Ron Weasley-s wand has barbed wire around it - it's so unnecessary.
Unironically I love Love, or whatever her name is. Reminds me of Teruhashi but less developed and I hope he does get more developedz.ź
"I think Mask Guy wants to eat cream puffs too" • A line you would only see from this show • *talking about a guy who is actively dying from being impaled*
Every single villain: and they failed to consider that... Mash was just built different.
Abel: my mother taught me morals. I forgot them for 10 years but now they're all coming rushing back to me after Mash suplexed me and gave me brain damage.
Rayne's reaction to the green haired shit is overboard to us and the main characters, there is no use in continuing to kick someone while they're down, but from his point of view he has probs had to deal with similar people over and over for his entire life and gotten bored of them double crossing him or something. Sidenote: i have never met a "Rayne" (that spelling or otherwise) that isn't genderqueer in some regard.
In universe they mention machine guns and bunting from baseball whÿyyyyyy .
Was this world Formerly the real world?
It happened in Tokyo Revengers too, but what's with characters being like "if u don't have anything to live for, live for me in servitude"? Like... u don't owe them ur life and death my dude. There are other things to live for than a maniacle megalomaniac
I love Mask Guy! And where the fuc is Lance? How long has Lance just been absent? Who the fuc is this random that appeared out of no where to tattle that Mash has no magic? Why is this show so fucking random?
Finally we r on season 2 and I get the fun opening - it has been in my brain since Jan when I first watched the op on youtube (Basement gang danced to it)
(Does anyone else pace to music? Or is it just me doing maladaptive daydreaming shit?) Blim blam blam blim blam blam blim blam blam boom.
Season 2 opens to: GASLIGHTING
Just the casual threat of euthanasia hanging over Mash's shoulders at all time.
Is 'blight-blood'a slur? That deffo counts as a slur. Worse than 'no-mage' at least.
Mash gave Mask Guy a handkerchief that healed him being impaled in the chest - and that was a pretty serious impalement. So why couldn't any of the school nurses help Ron Weasley?
Best line in the whole series: "forgive him, Abyss calls girls 'females' that's how little experience he has with them." 😂😭😂😭😂😭
It would have been fun if the blonde dude in season 2 was the dad of draco malfoy in season 1 - he isn't but it would have been fun if we got a return of the draco malfoy character humbled.
Tho he is incredibly powerful but no one respects him and I don't understand that.
*Mash does anything* - looks like magic to me!
Japanese dub: You're a (in english) NICE GUY Eng Subtites: you're hot stuff
Everything everyone does in this show is so unnecessary - what is it even for? (Sand guy I'm looking at u)
Okay but tell me that in an alternate universe the Divine Visionaries aren't just a harem anime with an aromantic Mash in the middle.
What Rayne says: I agree with the headmaster's opinion What Rayne means: my brother is weak and this no-mag accepted my bunnies
I find it interesting that Dumbledore has one line. U know he got more somewhere.
Can you have extra lines elsewhere? Like not ur face? On ur arse? Tramp stamp line?
WHERE is the government? Is it jus the Jesus ppl that are doing all this? Is the government the schoo?
Mash coming in like a caterilla will never mot be funny to me. My friend: "I feel like I've been witness to a crime."
I love the soundtrack. "It's so heavy that no one can lift it!" - I wonder where this is gonna go. Who fucking made it then?
OLIVER WOOD IS BACK! I forgot he existed.
Unpopular opinion: I like Margarette. I get that their design plays on tropes, but at the same time, people do be like that. Not like how Margrette acts but looks. Man really go told something opposing her worldview and then played the piano. But also she has the best lipstick. I would have preferred it if Margarette wasn't portrayed as creepy by thr characters around him, but I'm just happy to have a he/she/they character in a show I like. (Same Margarette same)
I don't think she is any more goofy than any other villain character in this show so far. I also don't think that the character is meant to be harmful. I can see why people might dislike her, especially considering past anime and the failed rep that ends up judt offensive, but to only see good trans rep as characters who "pass" and look gender conforming is harmful in itself. You can clearly see that Margarette is gender-non-conforming in his design, they are such an icon. Jawline doesn't determine the gender of the character! And I don't believe that Margarette is an "Okama" in any way of the word.
We support women's rights and their wrongs in this household.
"I'm not putting tartar sauce on my shrip... I'm putting shrimp on my tartar sauce." • My baby bro showed me this like 3 yrs ago in the manga and I didn't rlly know what he was on about until I started watching this awesome show.
I love the use of the soundtrack tho. I love Margarette but why is she like this? (I scream out when he starts playing the piano) why are the eyes rolled back 😭😭😭
Are they playing tabletop role play games!!! D60? Anyone? Skip 320 turns????? Wtf? Dnd would be a very different game is those where them rules. There is no way that fucking dice is a D100.
I love all the characters they are so goofy.
I feel so bad for finn rn in the tournament like - someone keep him safe!
Mash flatlined at the prospect of doing academic work - for half a second there he was fucking dead
Why is he breakdancing? I need therapy after this. I don't understand.HOW DID IT WORK!!!!
Is the odd guy actually chill? WHAT THE FUC? I thought Orca didn't matter. But the orca guy is hot at least - it's the hair for me. WHY R ALL THE HOT ONES EVIL! I like Rayne best tho.
Man got held back a year get fucked. I feel bad for the guy who helped Mash - I was so sus of him
Same Mash, I'm having a hard time retaining attention on the rules too 😭 All the sympathy left my body at the smashed crystals.
In the op Dumbledor is in a sheet. No top just a sheet covering his nips. Is anyone else seeing this?
I've been routing for fin the entire time tho - he has rayne's genes! FUCK YEA FINN - ugh. I wanted Finn to do something. Sorry I'm going back to Tokyo Revengers, but Takemichi being beaten and beaten and continously getting up and not relenting for his friends is so powerful, in comparison to Finn where it feels more like a damsel. I love Finn and I want him to get more powerful so we can get something badass out of him, but this episode was not it rlly. Not yet anyways.
Creepy wand alert! And I usually like anatomical hearts.
How did Mash just do that? That the fuc? U can't sculpt that with ur hands. I was almost expecting a Yor.
He's doing a Gaara - why the redhead doing a Gaara? Margareit being fucking horrifying rn. I know he is the bad guy, but that doesn't mean that they're the bad guy.
Not everyone underestimating my boi Rayne - they have proved themselves!
Sand fuck I'd called Madl? Mans name is fucking: Oter Madl?
We haven't had an opportunity to play the drinking game much season 2.
Mash: ah ur the guy who bullied me the other day Guy: want to play a little game? Alright jigsaw
"It's obvious ur attempting to guard something" wtf is wrong w mash - seriously. I love him but my god.
How does he do that? That's not something strength does??!! - built different.
Quadriceps magic - why even bother at this point. Everyone knows.
Mash's face: I didn't sign up for this shit
Margareit looks so cute with hair - idk how she did it but they look so cute with it. Her eyelashes tho!
Is Mash's ear his weakness? Same. When someone gets to close I feel a shiver and freeze up. It's the autism.
Margaret's power is actually pretty cool tho
GET UR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF MY SON! Dumbledore plz save him.
It's giving slightly more than creepy.
I was under suspicion that dumbledor was a natural triple liner... but oh my gosh. This is orochimaru shit.
The autism is strong with this one.
Mash's father is so wholesome!
This group is desestible
I will never forget that Mash named his individual muscles - its funny but also he was entirely alone his entire childhood so its kind of sad if I think about it
Ginger afro kid doing a Brock
I love that the school is called Easton - it's so generic English prep school.
Mash's gym clothes are just one with his body.
All the Jesus metaphors are in abundance with this show tho 😭
They're so fucking dramatic. All of them.
Sand guy is such a fucking loser tho.
Sidenote: who names their kid Cell War?
Woop woop necromancy! I would care more about any of this if they gave more screentime and build up to the villain characters, but ya I called it a long time ago and I'm not mad - it's a gag anime with casual euthanasia mentions, what more could u want?
Idk how to feel about 2-bit-merlin (who is literallt called Adam Jobs but is nothing like Steve Johs thank fuc) being silly goofy in the flashback but I love the design of the guy with the sharp teeth - I love me some sharp toothed character.
"It had the best specs" fr fr
Imagine being a bystander watching anime fights but not being able to hear the inner thoughts... they're just floating there
I didn't know they went Super Saiyan in Harry Potter!
In one shot it looked like Dumbledor had a hearing aid?
Wow I forgot that literally the entire school had just been frozen in time while the 7 jesus-chosen mages and the 3 first years that have no buisness being here are just fighting for their lives.
FATHER? WHO THE FUCK IS FATHER? WHY DID THIS TURN INTO FULL METAL ALCHEMIST ALL OF A SUDDEN? religion vs science (physical athleticism) is a theme? I guess??? Pushig it????
Is grindelwald "father" am I misreading this?
Wtf is going on. Mash deserves a nap but like... seriously? Mash is me, he thought it was a dream 😭
No one should wait for the monolouging to end. Just punch them. Mash has the right idea.
My place of learning. Oh no. - the autism is strong with this one.
ARE YOU FUCKIG KIDDING MEE WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENINB? This is a weird and unusual torture and Mash has never looked more like a psychopath.
Okay. That makes more sense. I was about to loose my shit. I love this show but what the fuc.
It's a good thing they taught us early on that if u K.O. someone all their magic attacks dissappear! /sarcasm.
I love that someone else has been traumatised by the creampuffs.
I'm so annoyed I sobered up before this episode. I needed to be drunker for that.
The ginger fuc turned up again! I love hos hid afro moves in the wind but I love moreso the blonde fuck's broom being so extra.
If it's to do with low magical power then why are the very powerful purple students effected?
Grindelwald is Dio now! Oh. Wait no. Grindelwald has Sundail (from epithet erased) Grindelwald looks so young compared to dumbledor as well so u know he's chasing immortality and doing some time shit to have effect skin and long fucking lashes. Such a twink. He is not daddy, he looks like sephiroth- the og hater. (Now I see it I can't unsee it)
Dmbedor is so cool in this, why can't actual dumbedor be the cool??? (Jk I hate jk and we all know why)
Oay Steve Jobs is growing on me. Adam Jobs is just me now w the animal facts; but I'm not a teacher and never would be.
Fucking called it. Why do they always do this? Like I know half ur face might die and decay after this fight but there is so much to live for - like being the only one stopping Mash from being euthanized rn.
Oh my god its biblically accurate gundam
Screw Netero with his Buddha, gimmie Dumbledor and his Uranus.
I wish this fight ficed everything going forward and all the future issues but its not gonna.
"No manner of attack can affect me who can control time" - what does that even mean? And you know that Mash is gonna pop up with no magic or smming later.
I love how just like the source material, dumbledor has his favourite gryffindors.
Whenever Oliver Wood pops up I get a jumpscare but also why was Dumbledor spying on children during their non-achool time? I know this is just random flashbacks but him saying "I was watching" and then giving us this implies he was spying and that's hilarious to me.
Conclusion: dumbledor and grindelwald fucked when they were teens. But not the romantic shit just the toxic two queer kids in a small town type shit.
Okay that was dramatic and all but I need the screen to just zoom out and show Mash kicking his legs to stay in the air.
Okay, okay, recap, now zoom out please. YESSSSSSSS. (Did dumbledor just say Mash was so awesome)
Dumbledor has short eyelashes but I like that one eye of eyelashes are burnt off with the injury from before.
Why is twink grindelwald doing that to his face?
Okay. Go Mash. Beat that twink up! His face cant be ruined any worse than what's currently goig on.
A perfect human. U ain't even human anymore bro.
Is grindelwald doing an orochimaru? Body stealing? Is that where this is going?
"I didn't think he could move that much" - HE IS LITERALLY CONTINOUSLY KICKIG AT AIR TO KEEP HIMSELF AFLOAT - what r u on about????
"We'll finish this another time" - no get back here bitch! Stab him while his back is turned!!!
What is with wizard megalomaniacs and wanting to get rid of education? I mean heck I'm not complaining, he education system leaves a lot to be desired irl let alone in this fucked up world.
"We won't make it in time" - I wonder who will (I don't wonder. I have never had to. But I still feel the hype whenever Mash enters)
He's just built different.
I mean I wouldn't call it "playing" but sure. Also the students are so fucking ungrateful to even even be questioning Mash's acceptance. He has literally just saves ur lives, why do you even have to ponder this?
Blood don't splash like that.
Gaaraa moves afain! - I love to see Sand Tomb being reused in great anime.
They enjoy some down time dont get me wrong, but I'm getting some whiplash at the tone change all of a sudden.
One failed exam and your immediately expelled??? That's so harsh. I sympathise hard w Mash rn, the education system sucks and exams are even worse 😭
Mash isn't rebellious in the slightest! "It seems like you can put effort in when you need too" stfu, this is ableist, he isn't lazy!!!
Omg it's Oliver Wood again. I forgor he existed.
Lackmagic? Blightblood? That's worse than Muggle - which come from the word "Mug" which is a gullibal person (derogatory)
One pretty girl cab instantly quiet a horde apparently. Wow. Well it is anime.
"Catching someone who can't use magic is child's play" - famous last words from a cocky dipshit
Why is his chin like that tho? Why are his lips like a cat's?
I just want to grab Mash and explain how much better a person he is than the vast majority of the ppl in this world. It's kinda like Iruma-kun where the MC is in a world where he is so kind that everyone is just confused as to why.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I was looking through tkk blogs to see what they were saying about Jimin’s death threats and their role in it—unsurprisingly nothing, and I saw you in the replies and just wanted to say, they don’t have receipts because they don’t exist. Their entire ship is built on slow-mo edits and conspiracy theories.
I do wish some jkkrs would realize they’re starting to think and move like the cult. That blog seemed more rational and reasonable than I’ve seen a tkkr be before, and harassing them isn’t doing anyone any favors. No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can’t convert a jkkr. That blog at least thinks jk and jm are friends… and wow the bar is on the floor isn’t it? I am surprised that blog is so popular though because they don’t seem to say much of anything. They agree when tkkrs send them asks and then give vague non answers with no receipts for any other ask, but I guess they’re used to that sort of thing. The one time I saw them trying to show receipts it was from an account named KookV FANTASY FICTION 😂
I did not harrass them. I do not harass people. I just made a statement. Like u said, this person seemed pretty level headed so yeah, I replied. You don't come across a sane tkkr everyday so that's why I was confused by their post. Because all I have to do is swap Taekook for Jikook and I can find all the moments they described.... with receipts! 😅
There is something you said thou that stands out to me.
No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can't convert a jkkr.
Anon, I disagree. If a tkkr showed me legit questionable moments I would listen. If we didn't have HD photos of the Taennie Paris drama I would listen. But as it stands everything they say makes tkk real can be found with V and the wooga squad, can be found with V and other members, with JK and other members. There is not one single "sus" tkk thing that applies to only them.
So yeah, a tkkr would never make me stop believing in Jikook... but Jikook would make me stop believing in Jikook. What happened with V is NEVER going to happen with Jikook. There is not leaked photos or videos (legit ones) that exist of Jimin and JK with other men or women. I personally don't think they have ever broken up so I believe this to be fact. From 2013 when we met them till now November 2023, there is nothing of substance out there that suggests Jimin or JK are or have ever been with other people.
Idk about the future but now, in this moment, I can confidently say this.
If in future they broke up and stopped... well Jikooking, I guarantee you Jikookers would stop "shipping" them. Me included. We don't support Jikook to be stubborn. We believe in them because they remind us of our own rlships or rlships of people we know about.
I discovered BTS and then gravitated towards the two members who screamed "we suck each other's dicks!" to me. This is the story of 90% of Jokers. If it was RM and Jin who acted the way Jikook do, this would be a Namjin blog. If it was Jhope and V doing and saying the things Jikook do, this would be a Vhope blog. Because I am an Army and I watched alot of content with all 7 and Jikook just happened to be the sus ones.
Heck, if Tkk were any bit suspicious to me, i would be a tkkr too!
But alas! That's not the case.
Anon I disagree because majority of Jikookers have reason. We are smart, we did the math. When we get debunked we accept. When we get corrected by the Koreans, we accept. We admit when we are wrong and the survival of our ship doesn't depend on getting rid of V. Most importantly we don't make up anything just so our ship can keep sailing.
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GCF Saipan who???
We are here because among all 7 members it was Jikook who looked like they had something going on. You will find Suga biased Jkkrs, Jhope biased Jkkrs, Jin biased Jkkrs, etc. If I thought tkk were real, I would support them despite Jimin being my bias. THAT, anon is the difference between us and them. Not what you think.
Oh. This is the post anon and I are talking about. Please no hate to the blog. He/she seems like good people.
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