#like everything she had fucked up just. she gets away with it. jeff almost takes the fall for her. her murder is covered up.
As a Shauna stannie I need to villainize the fuck out of her. That's my life goal. Anyways does anyone want to talk about how if anyone was the "winner" of the s2 finale it was her.
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stevieschrodinger · 10 months
So here we have Eddie Munson, wild child, irresponsible Omega.
Gets himself knocked up, because of course he does. Isn't even sure who the Alpha is.
Eddie Munson; father to an hours old pup. Eddie Munson is still in highschool because he fucked senior year royally. He lives in a one bed trailer with his uncle that is not, in any way, equipped for a pup. Eddie Munson who already has an arrest record and is quite clearly still slinging drugs on the side.
Absolutely not; CPS takes his pup before she's a day old.
Eddie Munson rails against it, screams about it, cries about it, has a fucking come to Jesus moment with himself at three in the morning and he's still wearing the godamn stupid pants from the hospital because his ass is leaking and his tits are sore and god dammit he's getting his pup back.
He sells the last of his stock the next day, drops highschool and job hunts like his life depends on it. Still needs a place that's not the trailer; no one will rent to an unmated single Omega. He won't get his pup back as a single Omega.
Enter Eddie's best friend: Jeff. More importantly, Alpha Jeff. Who does Eddie an absolute fucking solid and agrees to move in with him. So they do. And they pretend to be a couple to get Eddie's pup back.
Unfortunately, Steve Harrington has seen it all before and sees through them in about thirty seconds flat. They even have two bedrooms and one is clearly Eddie's and one is clearly Jeff's and they confidently lie to Steve's face and tell him they had a friend stay last night, that's all, this will be the pups room.
There's an actual crib in Eddie's room already; Steve doesn't say shit.
Because the thing is, Steve's fostered pups from actually abusive homes and neglect ridden situations, and this isn't that.
And the few times he sees Eddie and Jeff together, pretending to be a couple it's just...painful. Jeff puts his arm around Eddie one time and Eddie actually pulls away instinctively,, a 'what the fuck is this?' expression clear on his face until he realizes and makes himself sink back into it.
They tried to hold hands one time. It almost turned into a thumb war.
Eddie might be lying through his teeth, but he's a desperate Omega who just wants his baby back. So Steve starts the process, signs off on the supervised visits, and spends eight weeks watching Eddie Munson be the best parent anyone could hope for.
Inconveniently, Steve spends those eight weeks falling in love.
And they go on like that, until Steve bumps into Jeff and his girlfriend somewhere, and Jeff fucking panics and drops the girls hand line it's on fire, and the girl gets the most offended fucking look on her face and it's everything Steve can do not to burst out fucking laughing. And Jeff is trying to sputter an explanation which is turning his girlfriend incandescent with rage, "you said you were just friends! Is that your pup??!"
And Steve is actually frightened for Jeff at this point because this girl looks like she is ready to start throwing down so Steve has to just admit, that he knows. He's known right from the start.
Eddie nor Jeff can't lie for shit.
And he talks the girl down, "so Jeff is actually a really great guy, he's just been trying to help Eddie get his pup back," and the girl melts at the story.
Eddie doesn't. Eddie fucking freaks out. Thinks he's about to loose his pup all over again.
But Steve has an alternative suggestion, and it starts by asking Eddie "what are you doing this Friday? Can I take you to dinner?"
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
you must like me for me [1]
summary: You weren't sure what you did to piss off Shauna Shipman, but you've been on the receiving end of her death glares for just as long as you can remember. If looks could kill you'd certainly be six feet under, but hey–it's kind of hot, right? For better or worse, everything changes after a run-in at a party. A/N: NSFW. the "shauna hooks up with you instead of jeff" au that you know and love. Part 2 | Part 3
Click. Click. “Fucking work,” Nat muttered. Click. Click. Click. “Piece of shit.” She hits it against her palm a few times before trying again. Click. 
Stay calm. Deep breaths. 
You bury your face into your hands with a heavy sigh as Nat keeps flicking uselessly at her lighter. “Are you done yet?” You ask wryly, voice muffled by your palm. 
“Nope,” Nat comments, purposefully flicking it louder. The grating sound of her empty lighter catching was starting to drive you insane, and you both knew it would only get worse. You groan as you pull back to glare up at her, dutifully rummaging through your jacket pocket for your own lighter. 
There's the beginnings of a smirk clearly visible on her face, and you realize with a sudden clarity that annoying you had been her goal the entire time. You almost want to keep it from her on sheer principle, but she'd just find another way to irritate you if you did. Pissing you off seemed to be one of her few passions in life. Do what you love and you never work a day or some shit. If only she took algebra this seriously. 
Your hand wraps around the cold metal, your thumb rubbing soothingly over the familiar gouges on the surface. You dreaded having to hand it over, already quietly mourning its comforting weight as you held it loosely up in front of you. It was just a lighter, sure, but it was your favorite lighter. You were aware that it probably wasn’t all that healthy to use a lighter as an emotional crux, but you figured that was a problem for a later you.
Nat shoves her bic back in her pocket with a crooked grin, reaching for yours and snickering as you jerk it away from her. “Don't be a dick,” She says. 
“I want it back, Nat,” You warn. Nat rolls her eyes as she nods, leaning over you to snatch it out of your hand. You let her take it easily, relaxing back against the wall as she finally lights up. Nat exhales slowly, relief evident in her voice as the familiar smell washes over you. You weren’t particularly fond of the smell, but you doubt many people were. You’d smoked here and there when Nat was feeling particularly generous, but it wasn’t a habit you planned on picking up.
You were much more content to watch, basking silently in the smoke of whichever of your friends you’d followed outside. That’s how you preferred to experience most of the world, watching quietly until something caught your attention. Nat called it ‘brooding’, but you preferred to think of yourself just as the silent type. Nat laughed her ass off the one time you mentioned it to her, calming herself down only to randomly burst into laughter for the next week whenever she thought of it. 
Since then you’ve decided to keep that to yourself as well, aghast at the idea of giving Nat more ammo to use against you. Nat was your best friend, sure, that was undeniable. Still, she could be a real bitch when she wanted to– it’s part of why you got along so well in the first place.
“Jesus,” She laughs out suddenly, cigarette held loosely between two fingers as she gestures across the room. “If looks could kill.” Your eyes follow the gesture absentmindedly, grinning as you catch sight of a murderous-looking Shauna staring down Jackie and Jeff across the room. Your eyes widen at the sheer rage she's giving off– you're not sure you've ever felt that strongly about anything in your life. 
There was something about the intensity of her face that made it difficult to tear your eyes away from her. She looked fucking psychotic, like the kind of expression you'd catch on the eleven o'clock news as someone insists that ‘he just seemed so normal’. Honestly, you wouldn't be all that surprised to find out Shauna Shipman already had a trail of bodies behind her. You eye her arms interestedly– she'd certainly be strong enough to carry the body off. 
Still, if Shauna's looks could kill you would've been dead a long time ago. You've been on the receiving end of that particular look so many times that it lost its intended impact a long time ago. You weren't quite sure what you'd done to piss her off, but you quietly thanked yourself for it. You knew she meant it to be intimidating, but the way you shivered under her gaze was never quite as fearful as she probably hoped.
That flaming anger in her eyes that you worried might burn you from the inside out if you weren’t careful only made you want to press more. You wanted so badly to see what would happen when she finally lost it on you. Shauna was dangerous, as you more than well knew. You’ve seen evidence of that more than just about anyone else: always carefully lingering by the edge of the crowd as Shauna started swinging. 
There was something about her then, something utterly enticing in her fury. She seemed larger than life in those moments, all civility leaving her body as she became something to truly be reckoned with. The dead look in her eyes and the harsh look of fury as she lost control of whoever was stupid enough to start shit with her. It was almost intimate.
As many times as she’d glared you down she had never actually tried to swing on you, as much as you sometimes wish she would. You had a pretty similar reputation, and you were more than a little curious about which one of you would come out victorious if ever came down to it. You don’t think you’d mind the result either way in all honesty. You would count yourself lucky to lose a fight if it was to her. Not, of course, that you’d let her win. That would take all the fun out of it, all of the struggle.
You’ve spent more time than you’d care to admit thinking about how her knuckles would feel tearing into your flesh, your face rocked from side to side with the force of every blow as she used the full strength of her body to really lay into you. You liked to imagine the way her fists would look stained with your blood, her heavy breathing above you as she tired herself out beating her fury into your body. 
So, yeah. You were perfectly normal about Shauna Shipman.
“Hey,” You hear a soft voice say, glancing away from Shauna at the sound of fingers snapping right in front of your face. You turn to glare at whatever asshole is in your face, trying to hide your surprise at finding Jackie in front of you. Jackie takes a half step back at the look, hesitation melting into determination as she does her best to stare you down in return. 
You can’t help the way a smile tugs at the corner of your lips: Jackie’s attempt at a glare is more funny than scary. Her eyebrows narrow in determination, but she seems more confused than intimidating. Had she walked up to you on the street you probably would have tried to give her directions. Her lips twisted into a scowl, but you could tell her heart wasn’t in it. It was as if she was imitating a storybook villain more than anything else. She probably should have practiced it in a mirror a few more times before debuting it.
You appreciated the valiant effort but decided she ought to leave the intimidation to Shauna. She seems to come to a similar conclusion, looking down at her feet to hide a slight flush on her face as she awkwardly rocks back on her heels. 
“Did you seriously snap in my face?” You ask, amused.
“You were like totally zoned out,” Jackie defends, rolling her eyes when Nat snickers.
“So you snap in my face?”
“Come on,” Jackie draws out, pouting up at you. “It worked, didn’t it? Besides, that was like five minutes ago now.” You scoff, but decide it was probably best just to let it go at this point. 
“Did you want something?” You prompt.
“Oh! Yeah,” Jackie laughs, waving a joint she seems to pull out of nowhere in your face. “You have a light, right?” You glance at her curiously, before shrugging. You look over your shoulder at Nat who thumbs your lighter open, quickly lighting it up before stuffing it back in her pocket.
Jackie grins as she takes a hit, purposely blowing the smoke in your face as you narrow your eyes at her. Normally you’d excuse it as typical Jackie Taylor brand irritation, but you have an odd feeling that she knows exactly what she’s doing. Her eyes betray just a hint of a smile as if she’s in on a joke you weren’t meant to understand.
You open your mouth to say something in return, probably antagonistic, but Jackie holds the joint out towards you in a peace offering. You consider it for a moment before taking it, deciding there were definitely worse ways to spend a Saturday night. Besides, free weed was free weed. Even if it was somehow already stained with Jackie’s lipstick.
You inhale slowly, purposely blowing out into Jackie’s face. She scowls at you, but quickly gets over it as she snatches it back. You talk to a loose and happy Jackie Taylor for a while, too engrossed in the conversation to realize Shauna's death glare had long since shifted targets.
“No,” You say firmly. Nat gives you a sad look as she glances up at you. 
“No,” You repeat again, hesitating this time. Nat, sensing weakness, immediately holds her hands together in a pleading gesture, making you roll your eyes. “Fine,” You start to walk off in search of the kitchen. “But I'm going to get you the warmest can I can find.”
You can faintly hear Nat shouting “Booooo!” As you turn the corner but decide to ignore it. You bypass the ice chest as you see a can sitting off to the side, clearly set down and forgotten. Still, it was definitely unopened. Perfect. 
You're about to walk back into the living room when you catch sight of a flashing light through a window. Your eyes widen as the siren sounds, the flashing blue and red lights bright in the darkness. 
Shit. Nat was on her own. 
The music comes to a dramatic stop as everyone else seems to come to the same conclusion, but you've already slipped out the backdoor before the shouting starts. You run blindly through the forest, waiting until the lights aren't quite as visible in the distance before coming to a stop. You lean against a tree as you catch your breath, silently laughing at the dismayed shouts as people on the edge of the woods are caught.
You duck behind a fallen tree at the sound of a stick breaking, wondering how they'd even get out to you so quickly. The sound of snapping branches only gets louder, quickly approaching your location as you start to hear the sound of heavy breathing. You watch in disbelief as Shauna runs right past you, rolling your eyes as she doesn't even seem to notice you. 
“Shauna,” You whisper harshly. She whirls around in confusion, a slight fear on her face till she seems to just barely make out your face in the dark. 
“Y/N,” She mutters irritatedly. You give her an unimpressed look despite knowing she wouldn't be able to make it out from that far away. 
“Don't sound so excited to see me,” You mutter. Let her get caught if she wants to. She obviously doesn't seem to have much experience running away from the cops. 
“Trust me, you're the last person I'd want to run away from in the woods,” Shauna seethes, but stomps over to lean against a tree near you. 
You start to respond before you hear harsh panting, glancing back over the tree to see Jeff running through the woods right toward the cops. You think about calling out to him, but you think it's funnier to imagine his face when he realizes what he's done. You're not that surprised he's mixed up his directions. You glance over at Shauna's look of disgust as she watches. 
“You could go with him instead,” You offer quietly, grinning smugly as she shoots you a look of disdain. 
She decides to ignore you for a while, bouncing her leg up and down to work off her nervous energy. You both wince at the sound of every broken twig, almost certain this is going to be the one that gets you caught. You finally glare over at her as the rustling starts to get on your nerves. 
“You know, you're pretty bad at this,” You murmur, peering over the tree one last time before settling on the ground with your back against it. You start fumbling through your pockets for your lighter, but quickly realize Nat must've taken it with her. 
Now you have to deal with Shauna sober. Soberish, you think, searching through your jacket pockets till you find it. You pop the tab open with a grin that quickly slides into a wince as the taste hits your tongue. You'd been tasked with getting the beer can by Nat, a task which you reluctantly agreed to but now felt oddly thankful for. Her loss was your gain, and besides– it's not like it was your fault the party was busted before you could get her lukewarm can of beer back to her. 
You take another sip, almost surprised as it somehow tasted worse than the last one, but Shauna snatches it from your hand and tosses it behind her before you can take another one. You stare at your empty hand in disbelief, hand still clenched around where the stolen can once sat before you slowly look up at her. She's got that famous grin on her face, head tilted in a way that you know means she's about to start shit. 
Still, even you're surprised when she throws the now empty can aimlessly behind her and stumbles forward to straddle your legs. Your eyes are wide when you somehow end up with a lap full of Shipman, hands resting instinctively on her thighs as she scoots up to press her hips flush against yours. 
“Jesus, Shipman,” You mutter. “Warn a girl.”
“You know, I've heard a few rumors about you,” She murmurs, a hungry glint in her eyes. You resist the urge to tremble under her gaze, feeling oddly like a prey animal as she stares intently down at you. You almost want to get up and run, but you shudder at the thought of dumping her off your lap to do it. 
“If you seriously ask me if I've done anal with Kevin we're going to find out which one of us would win in a fight, Shipman. I swear to God.” You say, stealing yourself for a fight as Shauna just smirks down at you with that strange look on her face. 
“Heard you had a thing for girls. Heard you were good at it.”
“I don't kiss and tell,” You say firmly, pointedly digging your thumb into her thighs as they start to bracket you tighter. Shauna hisses in pain, hand clutching your shoulder tightly as you only press them in harder. Shauna relaxed her grip with a whimper, a fucking whimper, as she unconsciously pressed herself further into your thumb. She looks at you with an almost unreadable expression as she thinks for a moment, before shifting and tentatively rocking her hips against yours. 
“Too bad that senior you hooked up with last year doesn't feel the same way about it,” Shauna snarks, rutting down in earnest as your hands come up to encourage her hips as she rides your thigh. 
“What?” You ask distractedly, a breathy sound as you manage to tear your eyes from the way her dress rides up with every roll of her hips. 
“Fuck,” She draws out shakily, eyes slipping shut as she rests her head on your shoulder. A pleasured sigh escaped her as she found a good angle, hips stuttering against you until your guiding hands took over for her. 
“Had to double back last year for something that Jackie forgot,” A strange hint of venom enters her voice at the name. “And Kelly couldn't stop singing your praises to last year's varsity team. Best fuck she's ever had, did you know that? Of course, she's only ever slept with her loser boyfriend so it probably isn't that much of an achievement.”
Your initial wave of disgust at the admission is overshadowed by a feeling of pride. Best fuck she's ever had? No. You're upset that she's talking about you behind your back. Definitely. Your righteous indignation is quickly tamped down as Shauna whines out her protest as she bites pointedly at your neck. 
Right, you think, quickly resuming the endless back-and-forth motions of Shauna's hips as she lets out these perfect little noises into your ear. 
“Think it's a little obvious that I have a thing for girls at this point,” You comment wryly, sneaking a peek down the neckline of her dress as she shudders against you. 
“Oh, fuck. Right there. Right there,” She pleads, the wet glide of her against your thigh rubbing just right. 
“Yeah? Does that feel good, Shipman?” You tease, pulling her down harder against you. She opens her eyes just to glare at you, the heat in her stare almost enough to make you back down as she seems almost resentful of the pleasure you're giving her. 
She scoffs. “Even Randy could…” She trails off into a loud moan, muttering a few quiet curses under her breath before continuing, “...stay still while I get myself off.”
“Is that right?”
“Sure is.”
“Maybe you should go find him, then,” You say, slowly drawing your hands away from her hips. 
“Don't be an asshole,” Shauna snaps, clawing at your back in warning. “Make me come or I’ll–”
“What? You’ll do what?” You pause for a moment, giving her a chance to respond. 
“Maybe you should shut up and take it before I decide to walk off, yeah? Maybe you can be just a little nicer for once so you won’t have to walk back to your car still dripping in your panties.” Her jaw is clenched tightly, an absolute look of murder in her eyes but she doesn’t offer up another threat.
“Can you do that for me?” You taunt, pressing on the sore spot as soon as you realize its existence. Shauna huffs angrily, her nails digging into your shoulders hard enough to draw blood. Strangely the anger seems to make it better for her, her thrusts slowly speeding up the longer you continue to irritate her until she's riding your thigh with a vengeance. 
She whispers breathy threats of violence into your ear in between ragged moans, but it's hard to take her at face value as she rubs herself all over the rough denim of your jeans. You wince at the thought of the stain she's going to leave, quickly pushing it out of your mind as Shauna bites at your shoulder through your shirt to muffle her moan as she comes. Even as muffled as it is she’s so loud that you can still clearly hear her as she continues to grind weakly against you as she rides out her orgasm.
“Did you just...” You ask in astonishment. 
“No,” Shauna lies, voice just a little too high pitched and embarrassed for it to be the truth. She seems to gather as much from the shit-eating grin on your face, slapping weakly at your shoulder with a hint of playfulness you've never seen directed at anyone but Jackie before. She glares at you again a moment later, as if she was trying to take it back. Leave it to Shauna Shipman to regret smiling. 
“Shut up,” She groans, face flushing with embarrassment. “Whatever. Just make me come again. You can do that, can't you?”
With a roll of your eyes, you grab for her discarded flannel and roll it up to lay under her head as you sit up and lay her back on the forest floor. Shauna's smile is almost shy as you look down at her from your position between her spread legs. You trail your hand up her thigh for a moment before thinking better of it. 
“Up,” You direct, tapping at her leg as you shrug your jacket off. She complies with a curious look on her face, a soft smile taking its place as you slip your jacket under her hips on the ground. You take the opportunity that's presented to you and hook your fingers in the waistband of her underwear as you pull it down your legs. 
You hold up your surprising find on one finger, her lacy black panties almost blowing in the gentle breeze. She squeaks in embarrassment, her reflexes fast as she tries to grab for them but not quite as fast as yours as you jerk them away to shove in your pocket. “Didn't strike me as quite your style, Shipman,” You murmur, “Thought you'd be more of a boxers type.”
“Yeah?” Shauna asks. “You spend a lot of time thinking about what's beneath my clothes?”
You flush in embarrassment as you try to sputter out a response, before finally settling on a simple “Fuck you.”
“Gonna have to wear something under my uniform from now on. Had no idea someone was trying to look up my shorts,” Shauna says with feigned disgust, shaking her head as if she truly couldn't believe it. 
“Eat a dick,” You mutter, rocking back on your knees as you move to stand up. 
“Don't be such a baby,” Shauna chides, hooking her leg around your knee to keep you down. She grabs at the collar of your shirt as she drags you into a messy kiss that serves only to emphasize her lack of experience in the area. Still, no one will say that Shauna Shipman isn't a quick study as she thoroughly distracts you from her teasing. 
“Jackie picked them out,” She murmurs lowly as you separate for air.
“What?” You ask. 
“My... My panties,” Shauna admits with a quiet voice.
You grin and she rolls her eyes. “Don't say anything,” She warns. 
“No, hey. I'm sure everyone lets their best friend pick out their panties. Nothing weird there,” You choke the laughter down to give her the most understanding look you can muster on a moment's notice. Shauna glares and you hold your hands up innocently. “Nat picked mine out too.” 
“... Really?” She asks, eyes slowly tracing down to stare at your jeans. 
“Fuck no,” You laugh out, burying your face into her neck as you shake with the force of it. She sighs irritatedly, pinching at your sides until you finally stop. 
“Eat me out before I find someone else to do it,” She threatens, but you can still find the traces of levity on her face she hasn't managed to erase. 
“Yes, Ma'am,” You say sarcastically, shifting to lean on your elbows as you spread her thighs around your shoulders. 
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yournowheregirl · 2 years
Eddie used to be a pretty fearless person.
He ran red lights almost on the daily, provoked his bullies while his bruises from the last run-in were still healing and agreed to shady drug deals in the dead of night.
Having a kid changed all that.
As soon as Hayley was born, Eddie found himself riddled with anxiety every waking moment of the day. Scared to drop her, scared she’d get sick, scared she’d break something, scared that someone’d take her from the playground if he looked away for just one second. Even Wayne had to pry Hayley out of his arms when he had to go back to work and assure him that everything would be fine.
Lucky for Eddie, none of those fears ever came true. Until today.
They’d just gone through Hayley’s night time routine - reading a chapter of that Narnia book Jeff had gotten her, singing her good night song together, kissing her forehead and sharing I love you's - and Eddie’s about to close her bedroom door when Hayley’s squeaky voice suddenly speaks up.
“Yeah, sweet pea?”
“I wanna join the soccer team.”
And just like that, with six little words, one of Eddie’s personal horrors suddenly becomes a reality.
His daughter is a jock.
“Uh, let’s… let’s talk about that in the morning, okay? Sleep tight!” Eddie says quickly and closes the door behind him.
As soon as he knows Hayley’s fast asleep, he dials one of the two numbers he knows by heart.
“What have you done to my daughter?” Eddie seethes.
“Well, hi to you too, Eddie.” Chrissy says on the other side of the line. “What’s up?”
“Hayley wants to join the soccer team and it’s all your fault, Chris!” Eddie is pacing up and down his living room now, trying to calm himself down without reaching for his cigarettes - he quit when Hayley was born and this is not going to be the reason that’ll end his seven year streak.
“And how is that my fault, exactly?”
“You- you have poisoned her mind with your jock ways! Hayley isn’t a jock! She likes dragons and castles and fantasy worlds, as is her right as my daughter. I mean, her middle name is Arwen for fuck’s sake, being a nerd is in her goddamn DNA!”
“Okay, Eddie, breathe.” Chrissy says calmly. “Hayley’s always been a curious kid, it’s in her nature. She always wants to try new things and then move on to the next big thing. Remember how she wanted to become a drummer after she saw Gareth play? And then she abandoned the drum kit after two weeks?”
“Maybe this is just another phase, maybe she overheard some classmates and wanted to join in on the fun.” Chrissy says. “Just take her to try outs and see what happens, there’s always a chance she doesn’t like it.”
Eddie lets himself fall onto the couch. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs in defeat. “Fuck, you’re right.”
“I’m always right, Eddie, how have you not learned this yet?” Chrissy giggles.
Which is how Eddie finds himself waking up at the crack of dawn that next Saturday. Well, he was supposed to sleep in for another thirty minutes or so but Hayley was so excited about try-outs that her high pitched screams and jumping on his bed woke him up regardless.
Hayley’s excitement carries on during breakfast and she barely keeps still as Eddie braids her hair. She’s even dead serious about the color of her hair ties, saying that they have to match the colors of the soccer team (aptly named the Purple Cobras, so obviously the hair ties have to be purple as well).
And any other morning, Eddie is trailing behind his daughter, making sure she hurries up so they’ll get to school on time, but not today. Now, she’s already got her coat on and bouncing from one foot to another in the hallway and calling him out instead.
“Dad, come on!” Hayley whines. “We’re gonna be late.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Eddie huffs as he puts on his trusty leather jacket - if he’s gonna freeze his balls off by being outside all morning, at least he’s gonna do it in style. He can’t help but laugh at Hayley, who’s now jumping up and down from excitement. “Geez, you better save some energy for the try-outs.”
“Can we go now?” Hayley sighs and scrunches her nose in annoyance and yeah, she really is his kid.
“One ride in the Munson Mobile, coming right up!”
Hayley doesn’t shut up about the intricacies of soccer the entire drive to the local soccer club, apparently Chrissy (the traitor) had helped her read up on the rules and now obviously Eddie had to know all about them as well.
Half of what Hayley’s saying flies over his head, partly because he’s never really cared for sports but mostly because he can feel his anxiety growing with every passing second.
What if Hayley gets injured? What if some tackles her and she breaks her leg? Or worse?
What if she is an amazing player and she needs all these fancy soccer supplies and training clinics and Eddie’s forced to get another job to just to keep them afloat?
What if she’s weak at sports, just like Eddie was while growing up, and all the other kids will make fun of her and laugh behind her back?
What if-
“Dad, look, we’re here!”
The van barely comes to a screeching halt and Hayley’s already halfway out the door when Eddie grabs her by the collar and pulls her back into her seat. This obviously annoys Hayley, judging by the furious look on her face. If Eddie was a weaker man, he would’ve cowered in fear, but he invented that look so he barely feels a thing.
“Sweet pea, listen to your dear old dad for a minute, alright?” Eddie says softly. “I know you really wanna be on the soccer team but it’s still okay if you don’t make the team, you know that right? I won’t love you any less if you don’t make it or you don’t like it, just try your best, okay?”
Hayley’s face turns serious, as if the words are slowly sinking in. “Okay.”
“Pinky promise?” Eddie asks, holding out his pinky finger. Within a split second, Hayley’s tiny finger links around him and she sends him a toothy smile.
“Pinky promise.”
“C’mon, let’s kick these kids’ butts!”
Hayley giggles. “You’re supposed to kick the ball, dad.”
“Oh, right, silly me.” Eddie grins and follows his daughter outside.
But right as his anxiety has died down, it comes flooding right back as soon as Eddie lays eyes on the soccer field. There are so many kids. So many balls being kicked at full speed, with no time to duck. So many sneering soccer moms who look at him like he’s the devil incarnate. So many dangers just waiting around the corner and Eddie just want to turn on his heel and run. Hayley’s inevitable temper tantrum be damned, at least she’ll be in one piece and-
“Hayley Arwen Munson?”
Both Eddie and Hayley whip their heads around at the same time, only to be greeted by one of the coaches and shit- Eddie’s suddenly very interested in soccer.
With a chiseled jaw, soft hazel eyes and broad shoulders, the coach looks like he belongs in a Calvin Klein ad rather than a little league soccer field. He’s wearing a wind breaker, white knee socks and bright purple shorts (that cling deliciously tight around his thighs), which shouldn’t work on him but it does and Eddie just can’t look away.
Hayley (thankfully) doesn’t seem to notice his inner turmoil and instead happily waves at Hot Coach. “Over here!”
The coach writes something on the clipboard and walks towards them, crouching down in front of Hayley. “Hi Hayley, I’m coach Steve, nice to meet you. You here to try out for the soccer team?”
“Yes!” Hayley replies brightly.
“Well good, you can say hi to coach Robin and the other girls and I’ll be there in a sec, okay?”
“Okay.” Hayley nods and turns to Eddie. “Bye dad!”
“Hold up, hold up, hold up.” Eddie says quickly, once again grabbing the back of her t-shirt to keep her from running off. He kneels down in front of her, trying to look her in the eye. “Be careful, okay, baby? And if you don’t like it you can just yell and I come and get you, no questions asked. And if your laces get loose, you can yell too, literally if anything goes wrong you can-”
“Dad…” Hayley interrupts him and puts her tiny hand onto his shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay.”
Eddie laughs and ducks his head. God, this is like kindergarten all over again, when Hayley just skipped to Miss Coleman without a care in the world and Eddie was sobbing into Wayne’s shoulder as he watched her go.
“I know it will be, sweet pea.” Eddie says softly, pressing a kiss to Hayley’s forehead. She takes that as her cue to go, skipping across the field towards the gaggle of girls that surround another one of the coaches.
Eddie feels his heart burst as he sees Hayley smiling as she greets the other girls, she seems to fit right in. He sighs deeply and stands up, trying to keep his eyes on Hayley, when a voice suddenly speaks up.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie yelps because shit, he totally forgot that Coach Steve was still there as well. “Yeah, she’s named Arwen. What about it?"
Eddie wants to eat his foot as soon as he utters the words. He’s always been defensive when it comes to Hayley, being a single dad who doesn’t look like your standard suburban dad next door will do that to you. But to do it in front of a cute guy like that? It makes him want to kick himself. Repeatedly.
But much to his surprise, Steve doesn’t seem to mind all that much. In fact, there’s an amused smile playing on his lips. “That’s from Lord of the Rings, right?”
“Uh, yeah.” Eddie replies dumbly. He feels his walls lowering down - holy shit, this Steve guy is hot and he knows Lord of the Rings? If they weren’t around a bunch of kids right now, Eddie would’ve dropped to his knees already.
“Cute.” Steve chuckles and are Eddie’s eyes deceiving him or is Steve actually checking him out? Before he gets a chance to wrap his head around all that, Steve gestures back to the field. “Well, I gotta jet. Soccer waits for no one. See you around, Mr. Munson.”
“Ew, no. Mr. Munson is my dad.” Eddie winces, remembering all the times his neighbor growing up came by to help Wayne out and refuses to call him by his first name. “I’m Eddie.”
“Well then,” Steve smirks as he walks backwards. “see you around, Eddie.”
As Eddie tries to look like a normal human being instead of a total creep - which proves to be terribly difficult when Steve turns around and puts his ass on fully display in those damn shorts - he slowly begins to realize one thing.
Maybe Hayley’s decision to join the soccer team is the best idea she had in a long time.
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Staking My Claim Part 5
We are almost done just one more after this one! I thought about posting this on Tuesday to give the first chapter of the second book of Boy With a Bat some love.
But with this one literally two chapters away from being finished it didn't seem fair to postpone this one.
Here we have Nurse Jeff and sweet Eddie.
Pt 1| Pt 2|Pt 3| Pt 4|
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Once they other three were gone Jeff turned to Steve and Eddie.
“Right the real reason I’m here is because I’m going to make you two don’t jump each other before Steve is well enough.”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other and blushed.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Jeff said, crossing his arms and leaning back on one foot.
“Eddie go get us some lunch and I’ll make sure Stevie here isn’t going to throw up again.”
Eddie nodded and grabbed his keys. He gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and dashed off, leaving Steve alone with Jeff.
Jeff turned on the light in the kitchen to better see Steve’s face. He held Steve’s chin and turned his head gently to the light and away from it.
“Your dilation is a little slow,” he said. “That’s not good.”
Steve nodded. “I’ve had concussions before. It feels a bit like that. The dizziness, the nausea, the pounding in my head.”
Jeff nodded. “I think I still have some anti-nausea medication and if I don’t, we can try some Pepto, okay?”
Steve nodded. “I wouldn’t have done anything,” he said softly.
Jeff raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“With Eddie,” he whispered. “Not before we got back to Hawkins, anyway.”
Steve nodded again. “I’m bit too romantic for my own good. And having the chance I might ruin our first time with puking is the last thing I’d want.”
“First time?” Jeff asked over his shoulder as he went to the bathroom.
“I meant it when I licked him, he’s mine now.”
Jeff chuckled.
He came back out holding two bottles. “Looks like I have two kinds of anti-nausea meds. One is very heavy duty, so we’ll try the other one first. We don’t want to mix something heavier if the knock out drug is still in your system.”
Steve nodded.
“In fact,” Jeff muttered. “I should call my mom.”
He set the two bottles on the counter next to Steve and went to the phone.
After a brief conversation Jeff picked up the heavier medication. “She actually recommended the tougher meds to counter whatever was given to you. She even wants you to stop by on your way home so she can look you over.”
Steve blushed. “She doesn’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.”
Jeff raised an eyebrow and Steve ducked his head. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. My sister is a lot like you, you know.”
“She’s the oldest,” Jeff murmured, “so she was brought up that she had to take care of everyone else and couldn’t ask for help.”
Jeff rubbed the top of his head. “Look, man. I get it, I really, really do. If your parents are as half the shit the rumor mill makes them out to be, you’ve been abandoned and neglected all your life. Somehow, someway you became the defacto older brother to the weirdest group of latchkey kids I’ve ever seen and you think you have to do everything for them because you didn’t get to have that. But thinking like that will only wear you down and out.”
“It’s hard,” Steve admitted. “They’ve been through so much.”
Jeff let out a sigh. “I get that too. You and those kids have been through some heavy ass shit. I also get that you think that because you’re the oldest you can’t tell them what you’re feeling because you don’t want to burden them.”
“You’re Robin and Nancy’s age,” Steve said quietly.
Jeff frowned, not quiet understanding the comment. Then it dawned on him. “Eddie isn’t.”
Steve’s head shot up. “What?”
“I know it’s hard to remember because he graduated with me and the other guys,” Jeff said. “But Eddie is older then you. He was supposed to graduate in ‘84.”
Steve blinked. “Oh. Yeah.”
“So lean on him,” Jeff said. “Yeah, you’re attracted to him. And you definitely want to fuck. But let him in emotionally, too. I think you’ll find he’s as a great a listener as he is a talker.”
Steve blushed.
Just then the door swung open to reveal Eddie with a large bag of McDonald’s.
“I didn’t know what you would like,” Eddie said with a grin, “so I got a little of everything I could think of.”
Steve smiled. “I’m sure I’ll find something I like then.”
They all dug in and polished off most the bag of fast food.
“Seriously,” Steve said, “why does greasy food always the best hangover cure?”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “I don’t know. It defies all logic. You would think it would be stuff that was easy on your stomach like toast and rice would be better, but nope!”
Steve took Eddie’s hand. “Thanks for taking care of me. I appreciate it.”
Eddie blushed to his roots. “You don’t need to thank me. I just did what the next person would have done.”
Jeff snorted. “Bullshit. You went above and beyond and you know it. There is no shame in accepting his thanks. You did good, man.”
Eddie shoved his hair in front of his face to hide his embarrassment. “You’re welcome, Stevie.”
“I think you should go lay back down,” Jeff suggested to Steve. “We’ll be here if you need us.”
Steve nodded and wandered back to Eddie’s room. He closed the door and laid down, sure that he wouldn’t sleep as he had already slept a lot. But it appeared he needed it more than he thought as he drifted back to dreamland.
Part 6
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @lololol-1234 @monsterloverforhire @mugloversonly @live-the-fangirl-life @hellfireone @lublix @breealtair @croatoan-like-its-hot @f0xxyb0xxes @jamieweasley13 @r0binscript @confuseddisastertm @sleepdeprivedflower @thedragonsaunt @dissociatingdemon @dragonmama76
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atimeofyourlife · 10 months
Learn to forget your biases
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: angst with a happy ending | rating: t | wc: 925 | tags: hurt/comfort, eddie munson being an asshole, hurt steve harrington, angst, hopeful ending Steve got sick of Eddie constantly putting down everything he liked, leading to a fight. Eddie had to put the work in to make it better.
"Why are you even with me if you can't stand to even pretend to be interested in anything that I like?"
It had been days since the argument, and Steve still felt like shit. He hadn't wanted it to end like that, with a maybe break up. He'd just been feeling so frustrated with Eddie being so dismissive of everything he enjoyed, where he at least tried to understand Eddie's hobbies and interests. At times, it felt like Eddie was trying to make him into a clone of him, and it really gave Steve the impression that Eddie was only with him for his looks. Or because he was the only other queer guy in Hawkins that they knew of.
It had started when Steve was making plans to see the Pacers. He'd got the tickets and was thinking they could get a hotel for the night and make a thing of it. But when he'd brought it up to Eddie, he'd laughed in his face. Asked what had possessed Steve into thinking it was something that Eddie would be interested in doing, and told him he shouldn't have even bothered wasting his money to buy tickets when he could just catch the game on tv. It had hurt, but Steve tried to brush it off. He invited Robin to go with him instead, knowing that even though she wasn't a huge fan of basketball, she would tag along and find a way to make it fun.
But Eddie then booked a last minute gig with the band at a bar in Indianapolis. On the same day as the Pacers game. At the same time. He tried to convince Steve to ditch the game to watch them play instead, saying that it would be a better use of his time, and that he was going to be in Indanapolis anyway, so it wouldn't make any difference. Steve refused, as he'd seen Eddie play in shitty bars so many times. Almost every gig they'd played since they'd been together, even attending when he was recovering from a migraine, not wanting to disappoint Eddie.
The fight was the next day. Eddie kept making jabs about Steve ditching him for a basketball game, claiming that he should have been Steve's priority. Steve couldn't even get a word in edgewise to say how the game had been. And he just got sick of it, remembering how Eddie never gave his interests a chance. Brushing off all mentions of sport. Insulting his taste in music, saying he needed an education in real music. Even making fun of his clothes. It was something he couldn't put up with any more.
In the aftermath of the fight, Steve felt lost. Robin had automatically taken his side, she'd already tried talking to Eddie about his attitude toward Steve's interests, only to get ignored. The kids were split, most of them taking Steve's side, but Dustin and Mike siding with Eddie. Saying that sports weren't worth it, that it made it seem like Steve hadn't changed from his jock days in high school. What did surprise Steve was Gareth and Jeff taking his side. They hadn't even known that Steve had invited Eddie to the game weeks before they'd booked the gig, and that Steve supported them at every opportunity, it made them decide that Eddie was being a dick just for the sake of it.
Steve didn't hear from Eddie for a while after the fight. Until one day he and Robin were working. Robin was manning the desk while he tidied and put away returns in the adult section. He wasn't paying much attention until he heard Robin's voice, a note of anger to it.
"If you're not here to apologize, you can fuck off right now."
"I come in peace." Eddie said, and Steve felt his heart skip a beat. Unsure of what could happen next.
"He's in there." Robin replied.
Steve kept his back to the doorway, just waiting for what Eddie was going to do or say.
"Hey." Eddie said softly, keeping his distance from Steve.
"Hi." Steve replied, turning slightly to face Eddie.
"I fucked up. I really, seriously fucked up, and I'm so, so sorry about it. It isn't an excuse, but I genuinely didn't realize how much of a dick I had been until almost everyone we know beat some sense into me. I was taking my attitude from high school too far and projecting it onto you. I know how much I hate it when people judge me based on my looks and my interests, but here I was doing the same to you. I hate how much I hurt you, and I am so sorry. I just hope you would give me another chance?"
"I. It did hurt, Eddie. You made me feel like I was worth less than you because I don't enjoy the same things you do. You lumped me in with a bunch of assholes who I never even associated with. I want us to work, but it's going to take a lot to prove that you're really in it for me." Steve said.
"I get that. Maybe this can be the start." Eddie held out an envelope, which Steve took. He opened it to find two tickets to the next Pacers game. For some of the best seats in the house. "Wayne had to help me figure out which ones I needed. I was thinking we could go together."
Steve smiled, it was a good gesture. "Yeah. I'd like that."
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
A Demon’s Ache — Part 15
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss — thank you infinitely darling, your support has allowed me to do something I could’ve previously only dreamed about, I appreciate it so very much ❤️
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
The mission is tonight
He doesn't know how long he has to leave for, which means he doesn't know how long he'll be away from you, which means he's absolutely not looking forward to it
He debates whether or not he should tell you, whether or not that would make it too obvious he’s into you beyond the fuck buddy arrangement you have
But it’s still relatively early in the afternoon when that familiar homesickness settles in the pit of his chest, and he thinks, does it really matter, either way?
There’s no way you don’t know he’s hopelessly in love with you, and sure, there’s still a chance he might scare you off by being too clingy, but he just can’t help it
He’s itching to see you
The only thing he needs to take care of, before he can allow himself the unbridled pleasure of seeing you, is none other than dealing with Jeff
Smiley knows what happened, and he knows the kind of medical attention Jeff will be needing over the next few days, but Jack promised he’d look over him one last time before leaving
Even though he’s just about the last person he wants to see right now
But alas, always a man of his word, Jack makes his way down to the infirmary, encouraged solely by the idea of seeing you afterward
Like you’re his special little treat
The human in question is awake when he checks up on him, which almost surprises Jack
Despite everything, he can't deny how tenacious the guy is
Neither of them speak, but Jeff knows to move from the bed to the table when Jack walks in
He’s so used to being stitched up that the whole thing is basically routine, by this point
Jack checks him over, makes a mental note of what needs to be fixed up, and then he wordlessly gets to work
The silence between them stays unbroken, even as Jack finishes changing the bandages and starts reworking some of the stitches
Jack’s work is by no means sloppy, but Jeff somehow always has a way of always tearing through stitches like it’s nothing
It’s that damn thick skin of his
In and out, he sews Jeff’s open wounds closed
He wonders if the raven-haired killer remembers the brief conversation they had the night BEN brought him in, but despite his curiosity, he doesn't ask
It’s only when the needle digs a tad deeper than it’s meant to that Jeff hisses, finally interrupting the silence
“Watch it,” he growls, and it’s obvious he’s trying to sound tough, but he's very much so weak
Jack sighs
As much as he absolutely despises the bastard sometimes, he knows it’s never a great idea to let grudges fester
Whatever’s going on, they’d probably both benefit by sorting things out
And so, even if he doesn’t want to, he forces himself to speak
“So, what’s the deal,” he starts, his focus never once faltering from his task, “you don’t get the girl you want, so you go out and try to get yourself killed?”
Jeff rasps bitterly
His voice is raw and gravelly, and Jack reminds himself to let Smiley know about Jeff’s fluid intake
“As if...” Jeff coughs, “as if you wouldn’t do the same if you could"
When Jack doesn't answer, knowing he has a fair point, Jeff continues
“I bet you think you’re fucking invincible… just because she chose you… don't you?" he grunts, "Well, you’re not"
Knowing he’s just trying to get a rise out of him, Jack doesn't give him the satisfaction of a reaction
But that only aggravates him further
"I know what (y/n) wants," he claims, "and it’s certainly not what you’re thinking”
“You don’t know what I’m thinking,” Jack’s answer is immediate, his voice low and composed as he sews flesh back together
“Oh, but I fucking do,” Jeff laughs—or, at least, he tries to, but it ends up in another racking cough
Maybe he should administer more sedatives
“You want some bullshit happily-ever-after with her," he continues, ignoring the way Jack’s stabbing the needle deeper into his skin than it should be going, "That’s not fucking happening, she’s not interested”
Jack takes a deep breath, trying to cool down the burning swell of anger in his chest
“You know, all she wants is to get fucked”
It's the last straw
Jack snaps
Without thinking, he grabs Jeff, pulls him up, and slams him back down against the table
The demon savours the dazed pain registering on Jeff’s face
“Listen,” Jack growls as he yanks him back up, not even bothering to conceal the demonic lilt to his voice, and he adores the flash of fear in Jeff’s eyes at the sound of it, “you’re going to stay the fuck away from (y/n). You’re not going to hang out with her unless there are other people around, you’re not going to talk about her—you’re not even going to think about her—you understand?”
Jeff can be—and often is—an asshole; there’s no denying that
Knowing this, Jack knows not to expect too much from him
He knows that some of the things he says, some of the things he does, are just meant to piss people off—just to get a rise out of them
And Jack usually knows to ignore it; letting it get to him just encourages Jeff
But he refuses to ignore it when it comes to you
There’s no way he can let him get away with saying that kind of shit about you—his perfect little (y/n)
When Jack releases his hold on him, letting him drop back down onto the cold, hard metal of the table, he hopes that it registers in Jeff’s stubborn little head not to fuck around when it comes to you
No one can mess with you
And, judging by the way Jeff is quiet for the rest of the time he’s working on him, he can only assume he’s gotten the hint
Sooner rather than later, Jack’s finally done and out of there
He immediately makes a beeline for your room, not even pausing to consider how early it is and the fact that you’re, very likely, probably still sleeping
Guilt twinges in his chest when you answer the door, looking not quite completely awake, but the way you smile at him, all cute and sleepy, almost makes him happy he came so early
“Hey,” he says
“Hey,” you answer
Your voice isn’t warmed up yet, and you sound so peaceful and relaxed
“I just came by to let you know I’m leaving”
You blink, like his words don’t register at first, and he realizes how strange this whole thing must be all of a sudden
He wants to kick himself
Why is he always so weird in front of you like this?
“Leaving?” you repeat, your brows stitching together, “What? Where? Why??”
“I have a mission,” he awkwardly clarifies, “I, uh, I don’t know when I’ll be back, so I guess I just—I guess I just wanted to, like, say goodbye before going”
He rolls up the sleeves of his hoodie, because god damn, the room somehow feels ten times warmer all of a sudden and he’s about to start sweating
“Oh,” you answer, “Alright… How long are you leaving for?”
“I’m, uh, I’m not sure,” he pauses for a second to think, then adds, “I guess I also just wanted to say, like, if any of the guys give you trouble—like Hoodie or Jeff—you can let me know, yeah? I’ll make sure to sort things out”
What he says makes you crack a smile, and he genuinely can’t believe how perfect that smile is
“Don’t worry about me. It’s fine, I’ll be alright. I’ll survive,” you laugh
Oh God, he wants to kiss you so badly again
Just one parting farewell kiss—surely, that’s not too much to ask for, is it?
In a spur-of-the-moment decision, he leans in, and even though he’s still wearing his mask, he’s desperate to feel your lips above his
He gets so, so incredibly close to you, to the point where he can hear the hitch in your breath as you realize what‘s happening
And then, all too quickly, you stiffen, thank him for coming to say goodbye, and next thing he knows, he’s facing the door you just abruptly shut on him
It takes a second to process what just happened
And as soon as the realization hits, he’s filled with shame, humiliation and regret
He wants to dig himself a hole six feet deep and never crawl out
He almost wants to knock again, apologize for overstepping your boundaries, but he just doesn’t have it in him to confront you, and he doesn’t wanna bother you even further
He turns away, like a dog with its tail between its legs, and retreats feeling like one of the most pathetic excuses of a person ever
Maybe it’s a good thing he’s leaving, he thinks
Maybe he’s too comfortable with you, and he needs some distance so that he stops confusing how close the two of you really are
The more he thinks about it, the more he wants to curl up and whither away
Because not only did he really just do that, but then he also acted like a moron for mentioning Jeff and Hoodie—as if he’s a knight in shining armor and you’re a damsel, which you by far aren’t—and he’s leaving you with a bad impression, which is just basically begging for trouble with the other creeps
Jeff and Hoodie might as well just swoop in and take you now that you’re available and turned off from him by now
God, he’s such a fucking idiot
The day can’t pass by soon enough
He hides out in his room, counting down the hours until he can finally leave, until he can finally stop worrying about running into you and humiliating himself again
Eventually, the day does pass, and he ends up in the woods with Toby, the two of them walking on the dirt trail that leads into the city
He doesn’t know what’s going on with the other proxies, but as far as he can tell, it seems like it’ll just be him and Toby to kick things off
They were given very vague instructions about meeting with a driver in a black van, who’s meant to drop them off at a hotel, and once there, they’re meant to do some sort of stakeout until a new set of instructions come in
Jack’s always disliked the whole secrecy surrounding Slender’s plans, but he supposes there must be a reason for it
All par for the course considering The Operator’s reputation
There’s already a car waiting for them as soon as they step out of the forest’s entrance, and as they both climb in, Jack can smell the driver’s fear
There’s a divider between them, and Jack can see who’s at the wheel, but judging by the way their eyes nervously flicker in the mirror without landing on either of them, he can only assume it’s a one-way blacked-out divider
They can see the driver, but the driver can’t see them
“So, where to?” they ask nervously
“Just drive,” Toby answers
The ride is deathly silent the whole way there
Jack looks out the tinted window as the various neighbourhoods pass them by
It helps keep his mind busy, until he inevitably can’t avoid thinking about you, as per usual
He’s an idiot
He almost still can’t believe that happened
You didn’t want to kiss him
When is it going to sink into his thick, stubborn head that you’re not into him like that?
Every time he gets close to you, he fucks something up, driving you away, and it’s a repeating cycle of trying to win your favour back
When is he going to learn?
He’s distracted the whole drive to the hotel, which he supposes is both a blessing and a curse, because the ride feels like it’s at least two hours long
Slender could’ve at least given them a warning
When they finally get to their destination, him and Toby step out into the darkness of the night, and the driver rolls away behind them
They’re left in front of a shabby-looking building on a street that’s basically abandoned
There’s no one at the front desk when they walk in, but there’s a single key with a room number on it waiting for them
Toby grabs it, cracking his neck as he does
“O-one fucking room? You—you shitting me? H-how—how fucking, how fucking long are we gonna have to—have to room together? What is this—this crap?”
Jack doesn’t say anything
He lets Toby lead the way down the dingy halls, which are completely devoid of any human presence
The wallpapers are yellowed and peeling, and every step they take releases a musty odour into the stale air
There are only two floors, and their room is on the second one, with a single dusty window looking out into the desolate street below
The two drop their bags onto the beds, which there are, thankfully, two of
“J-jesus FUCK—thank god!” Toby exclaims, clothes spilling from his bag as he throws it over, “I got-got worried we’d have to share a bed or something”
He jumps onto the bed he’s claimed as his, the mattress squeaking in protest, looking entirely uncomfortable—but the way he lies down and rests his hands behind his head, you’d think it was the most comfortable thing ever
“N-no offence, dude, I’m just—I’m just not into you like that,” he adds, and there’s a wide grin on his face as he ticks his head to the side
“…None taken,” Jack answers dryly
He finishes unpacking his basic necessities, then walks up to the window to look outside at the night sky
He wonders if you’re back at the mansion, also looking at the same stars, and he feels that sad numbness blossom in his chest once more
It’s going to be one long mission, he thinks
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storiesbyrhi · 9 months
🧚 🧚🏽‍♀️ 🧚‍♂️
i would love to hear about this fairy fic 🖤
It's only 700 words or so. I had this idea that Eddie, after everything that happened, moved to the city. But his time in the Upside Down left him magically marked. This gets the attention of the secret fairy living in his apartment block.
It's part magic realism (you know me) and part some weird size kink bullshit hehe.
I have a lot of thoughts and ideas, but haven't really decided how thw story is going to go. However, I am happy to share what I have! Unedited and very likely to change.
Love youuuuuuuuuuu.
Eddie Munson tried to not think of leaving Hawkins as running away. He had sworn to himself, standing against a tornado of demobats, that he was never going to do that again. No, Eddie would be brave in the face of danger. There was no battle he couldn’t fight. No enemy to send him cowering in the corner. But Hawkins… Hawkins wasn’t just any monster.
Hawkins had thousands of eyes, all peering at Eddie whenever he ventured further than the trailer. Her mouth could speak in an endless number of different voices, all whispering about cults and murder and Chrissy Cunningham’s body. She had power too, Hawkins, power enough to stop Eddie from getting work after he graduated from his hospital bed. She had him frozen in time and place.
Eddie didn’t know how many more days of fight he had in him, but a kind twist of fate offered Eddie an escape plan in the form of his sweet friend Jeff. A plan in which Eddie could play the hero, rather than the deserter.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do, man!” Jeff paced back in forth in front of Eddie. “Everything was all set up but I can’t pay rent on my own. My dad says to put a notice in the paper but even that costs money… And I don’t want to live with a stranger! What if they’re like… an axe murderer!”
It was refreshing to hear about someone’s normal problems. It seemed a lot easier than working out how to communicate cross-dimensionally or where the hell Nancy Wheeler’s missing guns went.
“I’m sorry, dude,” Jeff apologised. “I shouldn’t complain to you,”
“Why?” Eddie fished.
Jeff hesitated. “Well… You know…”
“Because I was accused of murder, attacked by wild dogs, and almost killed in an earthquake?” Eddie was obviously being sarcastic, but it still made Jeff wince.
Eddie laughed, shocked that people had really bought ‘attacked by wild dogs’ … but they needed some sort of cover story for the bite marks. Despite his best efforts, Eddie couldn’t even make himself the hero of that adventure. Goddamn Steve Harrington had saved him from the rabid pack, earning himself some matching battle wounds.
“It’s cool,” Eddie reassured his friend.
The pair sat and watched whatever shit was on television for a little while longer. When the idea popped into Eddie’s head, he sat up straight from his lounging position, moving quickly enough to startle Jeff.
“I have an idea,” Eddie announced. “What if I come with you? Take the room? Nobody knows me there. I can get a job. Actually leave the fucking house. You don’t have to live with stranger. We can still jam… It’s a good idea, right?”
“You really want to move to Chicago?”
“I mean… S’not like I have grand plans in Hawkins. This town fucking hates me… I’d miss Wayne but… Yeah… Yeah, I wanna move to Chicago… If you’ll have me.” Eddie grinned at his friend, the wide smile full of fun that Jeff hadn’t really seen since before everything went down.
“Eddie Munson. My hero.”
It was a dark magic. It was cold. Lonely. And there was only a whisper of it, thankfully, but it was there. From your window, you watched him unload a U-Haul onto the sidewalk. A group of people were moving boxes and furniture into the building; the noise followed them to the second floor, to the vacant apartment across from yours.
The magic was only coming from him. All his friends were unremarkable, just a mismatched crew of boisterous boys. None were scarred like him either. Even from your window, you could see the pink ripples of scar tissue on his face, neck, and arms. The war must have been recent, you decided, the pink fresh and his movements stunted by discomfort and pain.
“Eddie, dude, you’re not meant to be lifting the heavy ones,” his friend yelled, coming to take the box away from him.
“I’m fine,”
“Whatever. I don’t wanna scoop ya guts up when you pop a fuckin’ stitch, man.” The imagery was strong and it forced a smile on your lips. He was loved, the boy with the scars, despite the dark magic.
 It only took Eddie a week to realise something was happening.
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
Guys I have an idea.
What if I made Jeff The Killer like BoJack Horseman???
Guys don't leave please guysssssss it's so dark hereeeee
Okay now that I think about it, I'll ramble about this a bit.
Either I'm on to something or on something.
Also BH characters as creepypasta characters random BoJack Horseman dialogues as Jeff under the line and how other pastas would react.
And the only Jeff portrait I like is @jeffthekillerzblog 's Jeff because he's like a real life :3
Lol just kidding but I think Toby and Todd would actually get along. Like they would just chill around and build random shit and talk about nonsense stuff. Their silly goofy traits are kinda similar so they would understand each other most of the time. Great minds think alike.
Okay okay let's talk about Jeff Horseman stuff before drifting away the topic.
First of, I think BoJack Horseman is not a character do defend. Yes, he tries to fix his mistakes but it was too late for him. He needed to change before all the shit happened. He needed to go to rehab or therapy before.
I'm not saying it's all his fault but just look at Diane. She had her own trauma and even though she was feeling bad most of the time, she wanted to get better. She worked for it in time instead of BoJack.
Yes, BoJack is a traumatized character but Todd was right about "You can't keep doing shitty thing and then feel bad about it!" because BoJack did this always.
Now back to Jeff. He has a similar trait with BoJack. I think Jeff has BPD most likely and he has serious anger issues. That's not a good mix as you can guess. It causes him to make mistakes and hurt people he actually gives a shit about and even though this makes him feel bad later, he won't do anything about it.
He wants to change, he wants to apologize from Jane and Nina and Liu. He wants to be a better person. He hates this life he build but he's been in this hell so long that he doesn't know a way out. He thinks it's too late for him and for treatment after all the people he killed and hurt.
Just like BoJack but in a different way.
BoJack hurts people close to him mentally and Jeff hurts people close to him both mentally and physically.
They both doesn't want to live their life and they would rather be like anyone else does.
They would hate each other if they met because they would see the other as a mirror. Or something like they could be in an another universe. And this would scare them as hell.
Jeff might be a surface character but I think that's because of his creator portrays him. I have like/hate relationship with him because of how badly he portrayed in almost every work.
He was not a pure evil monster, he was a 13 year old kid with untreated mental issues and body trauma. And no one was there to teach him this was not right since this motherfucker is very stubborn and he killed everyone who could.
Both of them doesn't want to die no matter how shitty their life can became. They want to live. They want to see the next day even though they would hate it. They think they deserve to live after all the things they had gone through.
They want to believe that they have a chance for redemption without caring about their past mistakes.
Also if Jeff would be an animal, he thinks he would be a wolf but he'd actually be a horse. That's like his spirit animal.
Take random BoJack dialogues as Jeff and other pastas' reactions to that.
Jeff: Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start. But no matter how many starts I get, there's always the same ending. Everything falls apart, and I end up alone.
Clockwork: Then get a new life man, this shit is not that hard.
Jeff: Shut up bitch! I'm having a moment here!
Jeff: Same thing that always happens. You didn't know me. Then you fell in love with me. And now you know me.
Nina: Eat shit and die asshole. You ruined my life.
Jeff: Fucking let me apologize whore!
Nina: Okay. I'm gonna kill this bastard. Don't hold me!
Kate: No one's holding you.
Nina: I said don't hold me!
Jeff: I'm the one who has suffered the most because of the actions of Jeffrey Woods.
Jane: What about Liu or Nina or even me?
Jeff: Nah, Liu's fine and he hates you.
Liu: No, I don't.
Jeff: He doesn't know what he's saying. And Nina loooves me.
Nina: No I don't!
Jeff: She's high on my awesomeness.
Jane: Shup the fuck up you dumbass.
Jeff: There's gonna be plenty of people around when I kill myself!
Masky: Not me.
Hoodie: Nah, I'll be there to celebrate.
Jeff: I hate all of you.
Jeff: Really makes you think, though, huh? Life, right? Goes by, stuff happens. Then you die.
Toby: W-who the hell are you?
Jeff: Yeah, you're right.
Toby: I am?
Jeff: Nah.
Toby: Of cour-se I am.
Who wants part 2 for incorrect quotes??
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
A Day To Remember:
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Summary: Aaron being anew single Dad is struggling, and begins to consider child surrendering.
Here he was, he was going to do it, he was surrendering, he was accepting his incompetence he was abolishing himself of responsibility and here he was, about to abandon you, or ‘surrender you’ to the safe. your Mom had basically ran off and left him, with you a new baby, only a few months old and he simply didn’t know what the hell to do, he had never planned on having kid’s, in fact due to his life style he had decided against it but here you where, fucking everything up and making him feel guilty about it too. Poor Rio, a new Mom herself was having to take you in as well since Aaron was just that lost, teaching him how to feed you, how to change and burp you, and once he was home alone with you all he felt was complete terror of you dropping dead.
He would sleep by your cot waking himself up every 30 mins to check your breathing, or sleep you in his lap so he could relax, feeling your breath was when he got the best nights sleep, but even if he was keeping you alive, he constantly felt like a complete failure of a father, feeling like you were slipping though his fingers already as Jeff and Rio who had a vague idea of what they were doing watched him fall apart over the situation.
and at one point, he had vaguely expressed the idea of surrendering you to the sate to Rio, to witch she scoulded him for, but that only made him feel so much worse, he wanted to take care of you, but being the only parent was crippling. And hey, single Moms do it all the time so what the hell is wrong with him!?
So here he was, packing you a bag, filled with clothing, your blankie and a note, as he wrapped you in a soft pink blanket and put you in a basket, refusing to make eye contact with your big brown eyes, his eyes you got from him, he refused to hurt himself more with the situation. She took you down the stairs and too the car, placing you in the passenger seat next to him, re ajusting you to keep you comfortable as you whined and giggled as babies do, and as he began to drive in the direction of the fire station, he thought, what will she think of me when she’s grown, will she try or even want to contact me? Will she look like me or her Mom? Will they change her name? What am I going to say to Jeff and Rio? No no, he wouldn’t allow himself such self serving questions, this was his decision, if your Mom had a problem with it maybe she shouldn’t have just up and left. Eventually he pulled up a block away from the fire station, he pulled out the note form under you, just to re read it:
Hello Y/n, I’m not sure if they’ll change your name, or maybe your last name, but when they give you this note, along with all the a paper work I’m sure they’ll have me sign I just want you to know, I do love you, and I’m so so sorry, but I’m able to do this, I am so so sorry, and I’ve left you all my details at the bottom of this note, I love you, and I’m so sorry, please contact me.
Aaron Davis
St Mary’s street, 73rd, Brooklyn
716 989 124 (please call me)
He began to wonder what the call would sound like, what would he say when he heard your voice from across the city, what would you sound like? What would you ask him? Why did you leave me? Why wasn’t I enough? What happened with my Mom? Maybe he should cross it out? No no, you should have the chance to contact him. But seriously, what the hell was he going to say to Jeff and Rio, or even Miles when he grew up, but why would they let him near him, if he just gave away his own child. And he began to worry, who would take you? Would they be kind and give you opportunities, would they love and protect you? Or would they use the state money they get from adoptees for themselves? Would you have a sense of family, or just be shuffled forever around the system. The more he thought about it, the more he began to shake, almost cry when he looked over to you, to see you looking at him, making eye contact, oh god, did you know? Did you know what he was about to do? sure you couldn’t say anything, but they way you looked at him, almost accusingly.
maybe you did know, but it’s not like you would remember, right? He timidly picked you up from your cot and carried you in one hand, all your stuff in the other and he rushed down the street as if being chased, he looked over to see parents coaching their children to walk over to them, or sharing food with them, teaching you how to use cutlery, or watching a young girl carry round her Barbie, brushing its hair and dressing her, all things he would miss, but he knew that when he decided. He’s know outside Fire station, forcing himself inside he walk over to the desk, visibly shaking, holding the cot. The desk lady looks him over, her name tag says Linda.
Linda: “Hey, are you alright?”
Aaron: “ hello, uh, I’d like to surrender a child” What a pathetic man you are, Aaron. He can't help but cringe at his own words, the ones he had been thinking about for weeks now, and now he had set it all in motion.
Linda nodded and took out a stack of papers from her desk, and then escorted you two into quite room, where there were toys you could enteratian yourself with, he pulled you out the basket, and placed you with the dolls.
Linda: "Okay, I'm going to need you to read all these, and then sign all the blanks"
Aaron: "...okay"
As he began to read paperwork, his eyes kept looking over to you, you were wriggling and flailing on the floor, but not crying tying to figure out how to sit up again. Was he supposed to help you? Or let you do your thing?
Another thing he didn't know, and another excuse for himself to give you up, and though he kept telling himself he was doing the right thing, He also knew he was lying to himself, he knew the stats of kids getting trafficked or sexually abused, drug addicted or just dissapearing.
Would he be told if you dissapeared? Or would they just leave you in the dark? Never knowing, never hearing from you and just assuimng, hoping you were okay.
He then noticed, you had shifted from the toy area to under the table he was sitting at, clawling at the table leg, Linda picked you up from the floor and set you in her lap.
It felt wrong for her to do that, for her to just pluck you from the floor and then on her lap, who was this bitch?
And then he remebered where he was, and what he was doing.
And so, while looking across at you in Linda's lap, he began to sign off the many gaps in the super long paper work, just writing his name over and over where ever he was told too. Linda looked through your basekt, and pulled out the note.
Linda: "I'm sorry but we can't allow this"
Aaron: "Why not?"
Linda: "We prefer you disclouse this information to the family who holds her once she turns 18"
Aaron: "...but then I'll have to wai-"
Linda: "That's just how it is, sir"
Aaron: "...okay" he whipsred.
As he continued to sign off, he watched Linda throw out the note and bump you on her knee.
Linda then placed you on the floor again, and brushed herself down.
Linda: "I'm sorry but I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back of course" And so she left, Aaron picked you up and kissed your forehead.
Aaron: "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry baby, please God let her find me" He whispred into your skull.
Thats when he found himself running down the hall, leaving your basket and just spriting down the hall full speed, and being as tall as he was, he was quite fast, Linda yelled after him as he ran out the bulidng, down the road and back in the car, he catched his breath in the car, so frustraed with him chiceking out, but then he looked back down at you, just sitting thier in your onesie.
And he was happy with his decision.
And he was happy with it every day, when you learned to walk, and pull yourself up, when you finally learned full sentaces and would speak brokenly.
He was so grateful to God for sending Linda to the bathroom so that he could run, and sometimes when you were young he would have nightmrares that he did give you, he would wake suddently, all sweaty and on the brink of tears, so he would enter your room in the dead of night, just to watch you for awhile, to remind himself, you were home, with him.
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catdia · 1 year
Random Morales Twins Headcanons
Earth!1610 is referred as Miles
Earth!42 is referred as Milan
**Some grammar mistakes may be present! English is not my first language. I will be back on a later date to revise it.**
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Miles likes salty snacks better than sweet. He likes chips and beef jerky. While Milan is a sweets guy, cakes and flan are his favorites.
Milan gives Miles his leftovers, and Miles gives him his dessert. At school, they trade their snacks with each other. Rio sometimes packs Milan more salty stuff and he gives them to Miles.
They frequently go to a corner shop to buy snacks. The owner even knows what they are getting before they pay. A bottled coke and Oreos for Milan. A blue Gatorade and plantain chips for Miles.
Milan was born a few minutes after Miles. He was also a weak baby, he almost didn’t make it and was put on life support.
He also has asma and carries around his pump. Even Miles has one on him at all times just in case.
Miles was the fat twin! He got bullied in elementary school and Milan always came to his rescue. Punching bullies left and right. He was the only one how could make fun of his brother and no one else!
The principle called their parents more than one time a month thanks to his behavior issues. But like Miles chubbiness they slowly grew out of it.
Milan still stayed the grumpy and slightly violent twin. His other half stayed sweet and ball of sunshine.
Miles is taller and lanky. Milan is on the shorter side but stronger than Miles. He has a pull up bar on his door frame thanks to his uncle telling him that girls like buff guys.
Speaking of girls, Milan is the fuck boy of the two. Miles is very awkward when it comes to love, I see him getting that from Jeff.
Miles seems more like a romantic type of guy. While Milan just doesn’t naturally put so much effort into love. I see that changing when he get older and meets someone that truly listens and appreciates him like a lover.
Milan has definitely tried sneaking girls in, but Rio has that Boricua spider sense and always catches him. She beats him with the holy trinity after: the chancla, the belt, and the broom stick.
They rough house a lot! Like they are in the kitchen with Rio and they just take any reason to tackle each other.
Mami wants help with cooking? They fight for which one of them is going to chop the onions.
Dad wants help with moving the TV? Cue them on the floor and bitting each other.
One time things got out of hand when they were alone. Rio and Jeff were on a date. They were arguing over the last pice of cake they had in the fridge. And they started shoveling each other. As they were pulling each others hair, Milan lifted Miles over the sofa and he felt on top of the coffee table breaking it’s legs.
When Rio and Jeff came back they were greeted with the body gluing it back together.
“Mom, it was an accident I swear!”
“Nah mami he broke it with his fat ass.”
Milan is always throwing his twin under the bus. But only on the little things! He knows how to keep his other secrets between themselves.
Milan is the most fashionable twin. His colors are purple, green, black and gray.
Miles are black, red, blue, and white.
Uncle Aaron has many old 80s and 90s clothes in several boxes inside his closet. Milan always asks Aaron when the twins visit if he has any of his old cloths he can have. Aaron had nice taste back them!
I believe Milan knew that he was the Prowler way before Miles did. One time the twins stayed over watching Aaron’s apartment when he was away for a “job” (aka murder and robberies) and Milan when into his room to steal a jacket. As he looked around the clothing a box fell from the top of the racks. It hit the twin on the head. The contents of it were and the floor and his face. He took the item of his face.
“What the…”
Milan held up a busted up mask that looked exactly like the one the villain had a few years back. He made the connections and quickly put everything back. Forgetting even what he was looking for in the first place. He went back to the living room pale, in shock.
“Are you ok? You look like you saw a ghost.” Miles said from his spot on the sofa, drawing in his notebook.
“Yeah…” Milan said out of character looking at his hands. He pasted out on the carpet.
Milan likes going to thrift stores and vintage shops to find his clothes. He drags Miles along because he needs to get out of those sports clothes.
Miles is groaning under the insane amount of cloths in his arms as his twin shops for himself.
Milan threw another pair of pants on the pail in Miles hands. He couldn’t even see Miles anymore.
“Milan I don’t even want this stuff!”
“Well you sure do need it. Know shut up and try those things on.”
Miles came out with a full outfit. Oversized zip up hoodie, white sleeve undershirt, printed tee, blue jeans, and another pair of trainers. Thank god! He took off his Jordans for once in his life!
Miles looked himself in the mirror. Milan had a grin on his face.
“I look good!”
“Of course you look good. I put it together after all.”
He’s going to get Miles some hoes!!!
Both of the boy love there parents equally but mama Rio is their favorite. She could be watching novelas on the sofa and if one of the twins sees her she’s going to have a grown has man sitting on her lap.
They put their head on her chest and smell her.
And she likes it too! She’s all like: “¡Mi Bebe hermoso! Estas tan grande. Quiero que te pongas chiquito otra vez.” Rio kisses their cheeks and squishes them.
If Miles is the first one to get on Rios lap and Milan sees it he is throwing a hissy fit. He tries pushing Miles off.
“¡Déjame un ratito! Ma tell him his breaking your legs.”
“Why don’t you go with dad?”
“Because he doesn’t cuddle me right! Ma does it better!”
Jeff heard that and got all sad. Later at night he was crying to Rio asking her if he was a good cuddle buddy. She lied to him haha.
Miles hobby/talent is drawing and I believe that Milan’s is music. Milan with a raspy and romantic singing voice?!? Yes please! I believe he likes to do rap and classic pop.
He writes his own lyrics and his uncle composes tracks for him to practice on. Aaron even installed a soundproof room for Milan. And an art studio for Miles with expensive paints and pencils.
The twins go to each other for constructive criticism. They take their words to heart and help each other out. Even if they have girl trouble they go to each other first and then Uncle Aaron.
They definitely practice the shoulder touch on each other. Faking to barf when they say “Hey…” to each other.
On the weekends if their parents are working they take lunch to them. Milan is the chef of the family making them a Tupperware of rice, pollo asado (which is a type of Puerto Rican chicken), and sweet plantains. Miles only stares at his brother. Only there for taste testing. Miles ate almost half of the plantains before Milan even started plating the food.
Miles looked at the servings and saw almost 10 Tupperwares more that there should be.
“Are you going to bring some for the nurse mami works with?”
“Yep! You know how much those girls love them. They can’t get enough of me. Have you seen other patients get more that one lollipop? No you haven’t!”
“The only reason they give you so much candy is because you ask another one every five minutes we are there.”
“Shut up!”
They first stop was the police station. They made fun of there dad every time they were there. The receptionist also played their game. Milan handed her a plate of hot food. Miles was looking around then his brother can back with two cuffs. And told his brother the plan.
They sat in the section were they typically put the criminals. A room with big glass windows. Putting on the cuffs. They gave the receptionist a thumbs up. The speaker sounded.
“Officer Jefferson Davis, there is two young males waiting for temporary incarceration.”
Their dad came to view, coffee in hand. As soon as he saw HIS sons in the glass chamber he dropped his coffee cup and his jaw slacked. Milan banged the glass with his cuffed hands.
“Your delinquent sons are here!”
Miles rubbed his face on the glass. Milan did the same. The people of the station looked at him in weird ways.
“You damned kids. Get out of there your embarrassing me!”
He gave his sons a good chuck to the head earning laughs from them. Miles gave him the food and Jeff wanted to not feel happy about the hot meal. The kids ran out the satiation.
“This doesn’t make me feel any better, boys!”
Jeff screamed out. He loved those kids a little to much.
They later went to the hospital. They arrived a few minutes before there mom got off for lunch. Milan handed out the rest of the food to the nurses. With a big grin on his face. The lady’s pinched his cheeks in gratitude. Their mom got word her sons were here. And it wasn’t word of mouth it was because the nurses were going crazy for them.
“¡Mira estos nenes tan lindos!”
They hugged their mom and handed her the last plate. She looked absolutely delighted. The boys said their goodbyes. They peeled themselves from the nurses. Now they headed towards Uncle Aaron’s place to relax, to draw and rap.
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
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18+ Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: she's needy and sometimes he's mean about it
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, yelling, arguments, make-up sex, dom eddie, almost safe wording, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, breeding kink lowkey, future baby talk
word count: 2.8k
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She’s needy.
She’s not going to lie about that.
Not when her boyfriend is hot as fuck, kind as hell and really fucking good in bed. She loves him more than she could ever express with words… it’s why she’s trying to touch him all the time. 
Sometimes it gets on his nerves, especially when they’re out with friends or around his uncle and she’s all over him, but mostly, he loves it. He loves her cuddles and kisses, he loves when she sits on him instead of beside him. He loves how she wraps an arm around his shoulders, plays with his hair at the nape of his neck, and whispers things in his ear… sometimes they’re sexy but mostly lovely. Mostly it's her saying she loves him, reminding him that he’s pretty and asking if he needs anything. She’d let go of him if it meant doing something for him like getting him a beer or retrieving something from his room for a game of dnd. 
She always made her way back to his side for a kiss and thank you on his part, sometimes 2 kisses which she knew meant the same as a thank you. 
She hasn’t seen him all day, she finishes work and meets him at the high school where he still gets access to the drama room to play with the hellfire kids once a week. She sits on his knee on the thrown, like she always does, only today feels so entirely different. 
Today he’s a bit on edge with how the game is turning out, it’s hard to see him disappointed in himself and it’s even more upsetting when he pats her ass and shoos her away. She doesn’t want to, she whines and he looks at her with a glare, “get off me.” 
“O-okay,” she shrinks in size at the way he sounds so angry and quickly gets off him, retreating to the other side of the room and he doesn’t even look at her. 
He gets right back to his game, standing up and yelling in a deep voice, fully in character, reprimanding the boys for a move they made. He doesn’t invite her back over at all, she doesn’t attempt to move closer to him in fear he’d shoo her away again. She just sits in the corner and watches them play with a pout and gnawing anxiety in her stomach that he was mad at her. 
At the end of the game, they’re all happy and cheerful again, everyone except Y/N. She packs her things, holds them in her arms, and slumps in his presence. He wraps an arm around her and kisses the top of her head, “ready to head home?” 
“I guess,” she breaks away from him and heads towards the door, Jeff holds it open for her and she gives him a smile. “Thanks, Jeff.” 
“Anytime…” he notices and shoots Eddie a glance, he stops to talk to Jeff for a sec but she keeps walking, heading to his van without a car how long it takes him to meet her there. 
He catches up with her quickly, “hey, what’s going on?”
“I just want to go home,” she lies, she just wants an apology. 
“Okay,” he doesn’t bat an eye. “Mine or yours?” She sighs, thinking about it as she keeps walking to his van. He opens her door and lets her in, helping her put her seatbelt on and then taking her books, “so?” 
“You’re not going to say anything about how you talked to me in there?” She finally breaks. “That was mean.” 
“Get off me!” She copies his tone back to him. 
“You wouldn’t listen,” he says with a shrug and his brows furrowed. “I’m sorry? You’re just clingy, I had a fucking campaign to do?” 
“Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt my feelings?!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, princess, I forget everything is always about you,” he snakily replies and slams her door shut. He throws her things into the back and takes his time walking around the van before getting in on the other side. 
The ride home is quiet all you can hear is the engine and heavy breathing as they both angrily think of things to say to the other when they weren’t driving anymore. He gesticulates too much when he’s angry, she knew not to pick a fight when he was behind the wheel because they’d probably end up in a ditch and she really just wanted to snap back at him. 
Much to her surprise, he takes them to her trailer, “seeing as you didn’t answer me but you want to be all over me, I thought we’d come here.” 
“That’s fine,” she doesn’t care. 
She hops out as soon as the van is in park, she knows takes her things from the back seat and follows him inside, she throws them onto the kitchen counter and turns to him ready for a fight when he cups her face and pulls her into a kiss.
She rests her hands on his chest, ready to push him away when his tongue slips into her mouth and she settles against him. Her hands trail around his shoulders and into his hair, roughly tugging on his hair and at his shirt. He lets go of her face, his hands finding her hips and redirecting her toward his room. They walk together, bumping into shit cause they can’t stop kissing each other. 
He gets her all the way to the bed and pulls away from her, lifting her up enough to throw her into the bed with a huff. His chest heaving, hair a mess, he pushes his jacket off while she works on tugging off her shoes and socks. 
“You’re so fucking desperate for me, you can’t even let me have one night with the boys without complaining,” he attempts to tease her, thinking she’d like it. 
She usually loved when he was a bit rougher and degrading but more in the sense of when he called her stupid from being drunk on his cock, not when he bullied her love language. 
He gets back into bed with her, hovering over her as she looks at him with the same sad expression she had in the drama room. He kissed her cheek and jaw, and down her neck all while she just laid there, a little sad but he felt too good to be too mad. He gets her out of her shirt and covers her chest in kisses, expecting he to wrap her legs around him and pull him in closer like she normally did but she didn’t. She didn’t even move her hands, they were still flat on the bed, “where’s my clingy girl? Come on, tell me how much you want me?” He teased. 
She sighed, “I don’t like this…” 
He stopped and pulled away, kneeling between her legs, “are you really that mad at me?” 
She nods, resting on her forearms for some added height, “yeah, you know I love you and that I like to cuddle and I told you it upset me when you yelled at me and all you did was get mad. And then kissed me like having sex solves everything? AND now you’re making fun of me for it?” 
“I’m sorry,” he finally says it. 
“I get that it was the wrong time to be so clingy but—
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, regardless,” he cuts her off. “It's not like you were doing anything different from normal, I should’ve just paused the game, I was too in character, I’m sorry, baby.” 
He reaches forward for her and cups her cheek, pressing himself against her as he laid her back against the pillow again, “how can I make it up to you?” He whispers, kissing her cheek and neck again. 
Her hands roam his back this time, smoothing over the hot skin under his shirt with a sigh, “I just wanna feel you… wanna be loved by you.” 
“I. Love. You. So. Much,” he reaffirms with each kiss to her face. Over her cheeks, forehead and lips, he peppers them all over, making her giggle. 
“Help me,” she says, tugging on his shirt. 
He pulls back enough to rip it off himself and give her access to his belt buckle. She gets it open, unzips his pants and starts pushing them off him. They’re in such a rush to get completely naked their clothes go flying and then they’re all over each other again. 
He once again sits between her legs, spreading them and tracing his fingers from her knees down the inside of her thighs, stopping right at her hip flexors. Keeping her spread apart as he rests on his stomach, keeping eye contact with her when he drags his tongue through her folds. Her hands shoot to his hair, brushing his bangs off his forehead and gripping right at the root. She wraps a leg around his shoulder, keeping him in place for her favourite pass time. 
He’s spent hours down there before, slowly making out with her slit, fucking her with his tongue and his fingers and even a vibrator a few times. Ripping orgasm after orgasm out of her, making her squirt on occasion, but mostly, he wanted to hear the noises she made. The little pleads for more and precious gasps when the pressure changes or her cute whines when he gave her too much but also not enough. 
He played her like an instrument. 
She loves the way he grips her thighs, he squishes and squeezes her skin, slapping her ass, and making her jiggle. He rested a hand on her tummy, he played with her boobs, and she felt him everywhere. 
He watches her chest heave and feels her hips start lifting off the bed, she pushes her cunt against his face more, begging for her orgasm. He holds her down against the bed harder, plunging 2 fingers into her pulsing hole, he curls them in search of her g-spot, rubbing her from the inside as his tongue massages her clit. 
Her body jolts forward as the electricity starts to run through her system, flushing every happy hormone through her bloodstream. Her thighs twitch rapidly, her ore tightens and her back arches as a moan rip through her. He pulls his fingers out, replacing them with his tongue, slurping up her release. 
He nudges her clit with the tip of his nose, overstimulating her slightly as she rode out her high. Balling something that sounded like “come here,” he kisses the inside of her leg and the cute little pudge of her stomach, and the delicious bit of skin between her boobs, taking a handful of them both as he drags his tongue along her collar bones. 
He hovers over her, face glistening with the remnants of her release, “still mad at me?” 
She nods, a smirk on her face that let him know she was lying, “yeah, you’re a meanie…” 
“Oh, okay,” he pulls back, straddling one of her legs and pushing her other knee to her chest. He takes his cock in his hands and taps the head against her clit, making her body convulse. “If I’m so mean then you won’t mind if I just use you?” his voice gets lower as he directs the head to her hole and slips in ever so slowly and then all at once. 
He lets her adjust for mere seconds before he pulls out enough to thrust back in, snapping his hips against hers, he fucks her hard and deep over and over again. She tosses her head back and moans each time he slams against her cervix. She reaches out for him, gripping his arm, “wait, wait…” 
He slows to a stop, “what, princess?” 
“Want you closer,” she whines, giving him puppy dog eyes, “please?” She tugs him closer. 
He knows her favourite position, so he slips out of her and lays down on the bed beside her, letting her climb on top and sink down on his cock once more. She wraps one arm under his back and runs the other through his hair as she makes a beeline for the crook of his neck. She lives there in her free time, breathing him in and leaving sweet little kisses behind his ear. She loves how soft he is, how much he smells like home… 
He fucks up into her, his large hands roaming her back and down to her ass, helping her bounce on his cock. “You feel so fucking good, baby.”
“Gonna cum in me,” she doesn’t ask, she doesn’t tell him, she reminds him he doesn’t have a condom on. 
As much as it pains him to slow down, he stops, “fuck, you want me to put one—
“No, no I want you to fill me up,” she pulls away from his neck enough to look at him, she swipes his hair off his face and looks into his big lust-blown eyes. “I want you this close…” 
“We’ll deal with it tomorrow,” he gives in easily, fucking back into her gently, his eyes rolling back into his head at the feeling of her fluttering around him. 
She kisses his cheek lightly, watching his face to admire how fucked out he looked as she rode him. 
“Say it again,” he begs, “tell me what you want.” 
“I want you to fill me up,” she coos, she places a kiss under his ear and sucks the lobe into her mouth, she plays with it with her tongue and pulls back with a pop. “Love how close you are, you feel so good, I feel you everywhere.” 
His big hands spread over her back, pulling her in ever closer as he fucks up into her, “close, so close,” he warns her. “Last chance…” 
“Cum in me,” she pushes her hips down, not letting him leave even if he wanted to, and she clenches. 
Sucking him in deeper than ever, she feels him twitch inside of her as his breathing changes. He gasps and jolts his hips forward and she feels it happen. His hot cum spills against her cervix for the first time ever, all of him closer to her than he’s ever been before. She felt like she was 100% his now. 
She doesn’t care that she didn’t cum, it’s too euphoric just knowing it happened, but he has other plans. 
He flips them over carefully, getting back onto his knees with a huff, trying to catch his breath but still wanting to finish her off. He drags her hips forward and practically folds her in half, her knees resting on his shoulders. He holds her around the stomach with one hand and uses the other to rub her clit. Using his own cum that bubbles out of her hole for extra glide as if she wasn’t already soaked. 
“One more,” he orders. “You’re gonna cum one more time for me.” 
It’s so much pleasure all at once, so many feelings and love that she cums right then and there. Her muscles spasm as she grips the sheets for dear life and cries out. Tears slip down her cheeks when he doesn’t stop, pushing her towards a cluster orgasm, knowing that once she hit three he could coax even more from her. 
She sobs, it feels so fucking good but it’s way too much. “ed— fuck!” She pulls away, fighting against him. “I’m good— I’m good, stop, holy shit.” 
He laughs, letting her flop back against the sheets before him, “you’re good?” 
She reaches out for him, “yeah, I got what I wanted,” she pulls him close, kissing him on the lips after what feels like forever. Neither one of them care that they’re a mess, they stay there with their tongues down the other's throat, madly in love with each other. 
She sighs into the kiss, content with how much he’s apologized, she kisses him one last time and lays her head on his shoulder. “That was so nice.” 
He holds her tighter, “yeah, it was.” 
Part of her wants to get up and clean up, knowing they’d have to go out in the morning to get the pill from the pharmacy, but she doesn’t want to move or get up early tomorrow. “Would it be so bad if we didn’t deal with it tomorrow?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Like, if I got pregnant,” she whispers, “would that be a bad thing?” 
“Oh,” he really wasn’t expecting that. “I mean, I graduate in 3 weeks… I’ve been putting my resume out so I’ll have a job soon—
She pulls away abruptly and looks at him with wide eyes, “you’d really want to have a baby with me?” 
He nods ever so softly, “of course?” 
She cups his face in her hands and smiles so unbelievably wide, “you’d be the best dad in the world, Eddie.” 
“I doubt it would work this fast,” he reminds her, unable to take a compliment if his life depended on it. “But when it does happen… we’re going to be the happiest little family in all of Hawkins.” 
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princesspastel8 · 3 months
Chapter 52
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Third POV
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When everything settled, Eboni went to her room- opening her closet door. With a sigh of relief, Jeff is gone. Under any other circumstances, she would've wished that he had stayed. But right now- that would be too risky. With Alex having her room bugged, things are going to become difficult and uncomfortable.
Right now, Eboni is walking into an old video game store. Tiffany had given her another black card to buy whatever she wants- trying to make up for everything with money. She doesn't care much about crap like that. The only thing that matters to her is Jeff. Though, nothing wrong with treating herself from time to time.
However, Eboni isn't here for that. She glances around the store, noticing an old Wii hooked into a dusty looking tv located at the back of the store. She glances around before turning it on, smiling a bit at the game as it appears on the screen. A rather corrupt copy of the legend of zelda.
She begins playing the game, messing up on almost everything on purpose. Soon, the game begins to glitch, BEN flashing on the screen. The girl smiles, noticing how BEN attempts to try and jump scare her to no avail.
"Oh, cut the crap and come out. I need to talk to you, it's important."
That triggers BEN into realizing who's playing the game. The lights within the old shop begin to flicker as the screen to the old tv morphs - BEN's head poking out of it.
"Eboni? Didn't take you as one to be interested in vintage games nor dumb enough to play a clearly haunted game." He snickers.
"Watch it, Elf. I need a favor."
"Ugh... you sound too much like Jeff, but go on, I'm listening. Though....you could've just reached me from your phone."
"Did you forget that the cops have it already? What the hell are you on?"
"Xanax. Lil' bit of weed. I was about to do a line of cr-"
"Fucking junkie. Anyways, Imma need you to follow me using the wires outside. I'm going to Luna's place."
"The witch's place? Why?"
"Long story. I'll explain later. I'm sure Luna has some spell or shit around her house to keep beings like you out. I just need you to get a good look at her address and hang back for a bit. When Luna spell is down just a bit for you to come in, do it. I'll explain more later. Can you do that?"
"Yeah, yeah, you owe me a weed session, though."
"Always. Now come on. I hear the store owner getting closer." Eboni grins before turning the game off and walking away, pretending not to have seen a thing.
On the trail to Luna's home, Eboni can feel this odd lingering in the back of her head. She swiftly turns around, scanning the area. Her senses are heighten- having become far more paranoid than before. Someone is watching her, more than one person. Gulping nervously, she looks up at the wires- noticing the green flicks of electricity right above her.
Eboni smiles thankfully, quickly continuing her walk to Luna and Iris's home. When there she knocks on the door, not having to wait too long. Luna opens the door, greeting Eboni with a warm smile. The blue haired witch moves to the side, welcoming her in.
"E-Eboni?" Iris questions with a shy smile, moving to stand.
Eboni sighs, opening her arms. She knows the girl wants a hug. Iris jumps forward, nearly squeezing the life out of her. She taps her shoulder, and Iris lets go and giggles.
"S-Sorry, I just... missed you."
"Yes. We were so worried. Apologies for not being able to see you."
"It's fine. I'm sure you both had your reasons. Anyways, Luna - I'm gonna need you to lighten your spell so BEN can come through."
"You're referring to that video game demon? Why?"
Eboni walks into the living room, moving to sit in front of the tv. "I'll explain later when everyone is here."
"When everyone - ?"
"Just trust me."
Luna sighs, her blue eyes glowing faintly as she waves her hands. Eboni questions if she's done or not, but her question is answered once the tv in front of her begins to glitch. BEN forces his way through, leaving his lower half inside the tv.
"Ooooooouch! Are you sure she lowered this spell!? My body feels like it's on fire!"
"Shouldn't you be used to that? Being a demon and all?" Eboni questions.
"I drowned to death, not burnt - you know all that! Just hurry up and tell me what's up! I feel like I'm being ripped apart!"
"Hm...kinda like seeing you in pain -"
"Eboni, come on!" BEN begs.
She grins, "Alright, alright. The cops are onto me, and I need to talk to them about it. Alex also bugged my room and I'm sure bugged the whole house. We can't meet up at my place anymore. It's not safe. So go get them and bring them here. Just give them the address, and they'll know how to get here."
"Ma'am yes ma'am! Be back in five!" BEN said, zapping back into the tv.
"Eboni. What happened?"
"Y-Yeah... did Alex hurt you again? Did Taylor -"
"Like I said, I'll explain when they get here. Sorry in advance, Luna."
After a few minutes, BEN returns, forcing his whole body through the tv. He pants, arms, and legs stretched out as he lay on the ground - completely out of strength. BEN glances at Luna, noticing an odd glint in her eyes that brings a chill down his spine.
"You enjoyed that shit... didn't you?"
The witch's answer is cut short by the sound of glass shattering coming from up theres- followed by shouting and lots of swearing.
"Damnit, Jeff! I t-told you to b-be careful!"
"And I told you to fuck off! I don't gotta listen to you ticking freak!"
"Th-That was o-one of her favorite things..."
"And I should give a shit why?"
"She's a witch that could quite possibly kill us with just the snap of her fingers, you smiling idiot."
"My girl wouldn't -"
"Stop arguing and get down here!" BEN shouts, still buzzed.
The three young women turn their heads to the stairs, heavy and loud footsteps getting closer. The first to appear is Jeff, a wide grin on his face until he catches sight of all the weird decor all around the living room.
"What the fuck? Creepy ass shit-"
Eboni giggles, "Yeah. That was my reaction when I got here for the first time."
Jeff looks at Eboni, his grin returning as he walks straight towards her- stepping on BEN in the process but doesn't care. He scoops the girl into his arms and kisses her deeply. Eboni squeals, happily kissing him back.
Toby moves towards Luna, giving the girl a light kiss before wrapping an arm around her waist. Hoodie goes to Iris, kissing the girl on her cheek and moving to sit on the recliner hair - his favorite spot. He pats his lap, Iris shyly going to sit on his lap- curling up against his chest. EJ sighs, going to BEN and forces the demon onto the couch, looking him over since he looks more drained than normal.
"Her spell did this?"
"No shit sherlock ugh...Eboni get on with this meeting..." BEN grumbles, his glowing demeanor fading.
"I was only expecting Jeff and EJ to show...not those two."
"They overheard us talking and tagged along. Annoying, really." Jeff grumbles, moving to sit down and pulls Eboni onto his lap.
"Like I'd trust y-you anywhere near her." Toby frowns.
"If you haven't noticed, I got my own girl to sweat bullets for- fuck off!"
"Ok ok just stop it. Ugh, anyways I think I fucked up.." Eboni sighs, curling more against Jeff- the killer rubbing soothing circles on her back.
"How so?"
"They know we're connected in some way. Though I gave them a story that kinda...threw a few of you under the bus." She said nervously.
Toby raised a brow. "Y-You didn't tell them about us d-did you?"
"No! No way, that would drag Luna and Iris into this shit hole. I made up a story on Masky being the one that kidnapped me and, um....that it was EJ that saved me." She looks at Jeff. "I did say I saw you a few times during my captivity, but that was it."
Jeff laughs, shaking his head. "So you threw Masky under the bus! That means that trailer park trash knows what's up, too!" He snickers.
Toby chuckles, shaking his head. "Word does spread qu-quickly..."
EH looks at Eboni, crossing his arms over his chest. "Really?"
Eboni holds her hands up in surrendernce. "I had to make it believable so they'd get off my back! I went in without a plan... I'm sorry."
EJ sighs, "it's fine. I doubt they know much about me."
Eboni again looks around, averting her eyes from EJ's calculating gaze. The cannibal gawks, completely surprised. "....they do!?"
"They're smarter than you think."
"Told you, princess." Jeff sighs, flicking her forehead. "What else did you say?"
"I didn't deny my suicide attempt. I feed them the story on what Alex did. They didn't really believe me until I explained why Tiffany and Daniel didn't - ....can't take action."
"Wh-Why can't they?" Iris asks.
"His parents are their number one investors." Eboni shrugs. "Also...those cops seem to already be aware that there are more of you. They seemed more surprised when I admitted that you all may be connected."
The killers share a knowing look, Jeff grinning. "Good job, princess."
"Huh? What? Pretty sure I fucked up."
"You gave those fuckers something else to do."
"How we k-kill are different. Sl-Slenderman makes sure to give us all different sets of m-missions that fit our M.O."
"It's how the police have yet to figure out that we are all connected in a way. Working understand the same man." EJ shrugs. "I'd say you did pretty decent."
Eboni smiles from the praise she's receiving, which Jeff doesn't like at all. The only praise that should make her smile like that is his - no one elses. He's been itching to remind her of that and so much more lately- but the timing to do so never comes. He'll just have to continue waiting until the opportunity presents itself.
"Wait...hold on..Eboni, you said... that prick bugged your room?"
Jeff clicks his tongue, anger rising. "Yeah, that piece of shit is just asking for it!"
"Yeah, yeah, he did. So I'm kinda stuck. BEN, I want you to handle that, but you seem in need of a charge. So....I can deal with it a little while longer.."
Eboni lowers her head, picking at her nails. The thought of Alex watching her 24/7 is clearly uncomfortable. Jeff hates this tough act she keeps trying to front, especially in front of him. She should be able to let it all go with him, but she refuses. That only pisses him off more.
"You're more than welcome to stay here with us for a while." Luna offers with a kind smile.
Eboni looks up, hope in her eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah, I don't see why not."
"W-We know you're struggling. Pl-Plus, we know you don't want to be st-stuck in a house with your foster p-parents either." Iris stutters.
Eboni moves from Jeff's lap and goes to hug Luna. She smiles when she feels Luna hug her back in her motherly embrace, the feeling bringing calming memories of her own mother. Jeff watches, a frown edged onto his face. The killers notice how his hands seem to twitch as they rest on his lap. Jeff is, if not, the most overly possessive out of them off. Their surpised that he's managed to keep himself under control.
Unbeknownst to them, he's slipping. This self-control he forced himself to have is cracking away. The smiling killer hates how Eboni has others she can rely on, others she can trust. Why isn't he enough? He should be enough, but apparently, he's not. Just witnessing Eboni hug the witch like that is making his blood boil.
All she needs is him. All Eboni should long for is him. She shouldn't need others. Only him. Only Jeff. She's slipping from his grip, from under his control. He can feel it. Or maybe he's being paranoid, delusional even. Yet the way Eboni seems to attract attention and the likeness of others so effortlessly feeds his paranoia.
He opened up to her- gave himself to her. He became vulnerable only towards Eboni. He'll be damned if he allowed anyone else to get close to her, sweep her off her feet. There's no way in hell. Eboni Brown belongs to him. Her reason for breathing is because of him. He kept her alive, kept her around, and done so much for her. He should be enough....why isn't Jeff enough?
His eyes become bloodshot from lack of moisture. He continues to stare, his nails digging into his palms and his smile stretching to sicking lengths. Jeff is so close to snatching Eboni from Luna's arms, especially when the witch looks at him, tauntingly.
He's right. Luna is trying to take her away, get Eboni back onto her feet, help the girl find her own independence, and become less dependent on Jeff. She did warn Eboni about Jeff, yet the killer sinked his claws into her by then. Unlike Taylor, Luna cares about her wellbeing. She saw the future, though in bits and pieces, she knows if Eboni stays with Jeff any longer- her fate will be detrimental. Luna will do all she can to prevent it.
However, Jeff....isn't one you want to war with. He's relentless, almost never ending when he has a goal dead set in his mind. And right now, his goal is to make Eboni devote her entire life to him. To laugh for him, smile for him, breathe for him, and live only for him. He'll accomplish that - not matter the cost nor sacrifice.
"She has five seconds to let go of my girl before I rock her shit." Jeff thought to himself, yet Luna understood his warning but wouldn't be backing down.
Though Eboni seems to sense the tension and lets go of Luna. She moves back to Jeff and onto his lap. The girl looks at him, noticing the shift in his mood. She tilts her head, placing her hands on his cheeks - rubbing his jaw with her thumbs.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine, princess.." he hums, leaning into her touch while wrapping his arms around her - caging her against him. He looks at Luna, Toby now wrapping his arms back around the witch protectively.
"I'm juuuust fine...."
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fairysteve · 2 years
wip excerpt from so close yet so far away (the distance is shorter than you think)
Eddie walks into Gareth’s bedroom, expecting it to be empty. Jeff has no interest in stick-and-pokesm and Frank had other plans, so it should only be the two of them. But standing by Gareth’s desk and looking through his music collection is no other than Steve “King” Harrington. And he’s looking mighty comfortable in a bedroom that he has no reason - no right - to be in. Just standing there reading the back of a casette, wearing the tightest shirt, tightest jeans, tightest everything.
Before Eddie can say anything however, Gareth walks in, completely unsurprised at Harrington’s presence. In fact, Gareth only pauses to close the door behind him and hand Eddie a Yoo-Hoo before walking up to Harrington to see what cassette caught his attention.
“I should play Bad Boy for you later. I think you’d like it.” Gareth notes, picking the Quiet Riot cassette out of Harrington’s hands and putting it aside. “Eddie’s here, so we can start.”
Eddie looks up from the bottle he had been opening when he hears his name, and offers Harrington something that might be a smile. It’s not answered. Instead, Harrington looks down at Gareth with a pout.
“You didn’t say anyone else was coming.”
“Eddie’s safe.” Gareth puts a hand on Harrington’s arm for balance before kissing his pout away.
Eddie did not spend two years lying about not having a crush on Steve Harrington for this to happen. He almost drops the bottle, his mind blanking at the sudden influx of information; Harrington has been okay with kissing guys this whole time, Harrington is kissing Gareth, Gareth is kissing Harrington, when the fuck did that happen, and did Gareth say earlier that Harrington would like a metal song?
His mouth must be hanging open. This can’t be real.
Harrington looks much happier when the kiss breaks, and finally acknowledges that Eddie has been standing there this whole time.
“I’m Steve. I think we had Social Studies together?”
They did. Eddie didn’t think Harring- Steve knew.
“Uh, yeah. Ms O’Donell. She hates me.”
“I think she hates everyone,” Steve gives a little laugh that shouldn’t be cute but somehow manages to be. “So, did you give yourself those then?”
He’s nodding to the swarm of bats on Eddie’s arm, and it takes a moment before it connects that Steve is there for stick-and-pokes. Eddie is really done with getting surprised by him.
“They’re a good warm-up.” Eddie shrugs off, and finally opens his bottle. He immediately gulps some of the chocolate milk down to avoid more conversation. He still can’t believe what’s happening. It’s almost more shocking that Steve is interested in tattoos than guys.
“You didn’t forget your lighter, right?” Gareth asks. He had been gathering the supplies they’ll need while Eddie and Steve talked, and has beginning to set up on the bed.
Eddie is about to find his own when Steve gets one out of his pocket and hands it over. Okay then. Better for him to save on lighter fuel.
“I’ve got the ink.” Eddie offers instead, putting the bottle under his arm so he has both hands free to go through his pockets for the small container.
It doesn’t take them that long to set before up, and Eddie finds himself sitting on the floor with his back against the bed, adding another bat to the swarm. Gareth and Steve are up on the bed, talking through something as Eddie works. He does his best to not listen, doesn’t want to hear them being all gross and in love. (He’s happy if Gareth’s happy, but… Steve. It’s kind of hard to see his long-time crush with someone else, especially when he used to think he had a crush on an asshole. But Steve is actually kind of awkwardly charming and it sucks.)
Eddie has been humming melodies as he worked, trying to figure out a bridge for a song he’s working on. Focused on the music and the repeating pattern of the stick and poke, he doesn’t notice at first that the others have moved from the bed. He almost drops the needle when he looks up and Steve is suddenly next to him, curiously watching the process.
“Does it hurt?” Steve asks, when he notices that Eddie’s paused.
“Not if you do it right. Unless you have a low pain tolerance.”
“Yeah, no, no need to worry about that.” Steve gives a little laugh again, but it’s much more bitter than the first one. Eddie doesn’t know what to do about the revelation that Steve Harrington has more layers to him than an asshole jock that peaked in high school. How the hell does Gareth handle this?
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Icarus Part 10
Just a little metal band Steve while the poll for what do with boy w/a bat and werewolf Steve is ongoing. Here if you want to vote.
Corroded Coffin is almost done with their album when the shit hits the fan and Eddie soothes away some of Steve's insecurities (and accidentally creates one more.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Eddie was grateful that with the album ninety-eight percent done the label had released Jeff and him from their jail sentence so that they could go out and be people again. Brian had also been released for good behavior, but Dr. Owens suggested that Gareth stay away from the booze and parties for awhile, so Gareth had chosen to continue the exile willingly.
So to say he was excited to see Steve without all that shit hanging over his head. It was like a rare cool breeze against his skin on a hot summer’s day.
He got a table at the bar he told Steve to meet him at and ordered their drinks. He looked around the room as his knee began to bounce. He didn’t think Steve would stand him up. Steve wasn’t like that. But what if something happened? What the new studio they got was in New York or London or Chicago? How could he suggest that to Steve? He nee–
A warm hand touched his shoulder and all anxiety vanished as Steve murmured his hello.
Steve tapped the center of his forehead as he sat down. “What’s going on inside that head of yours? I can tell you’re spiraling, you’ve got this wide-eyed panicked look to you.”
Eddie rubbed his forehead and pouted. “Everything.”
Steve sighed and tenderly took his hand. He brought it up his lips and kissed each knuckle separately.
“The music business isn’t a forgiving industry at the best of times,” he murmured gently. “But it’s really rough on relationships. All kinds of relationships. Family, friends, lovers. But you’ve got me, okay?”
Eddie let out a low shuddering breath and then nodded.
“So tell me about your day,” he said with a slightly crooked smile. “You talk to Robin and your friends?”
Steve looked around the bar and nodded. “Robin says she’s working on the change of scenery, but she’s not sure how long it’s going to take. As for the other thing... we’re split down the middle. Me and Spence want June, while Simon and Shane want January.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Why the split?”
“Spence and I have hope we can get the,” he lowered his voice, “album,” he raised his voice again, “done and want the time to finish it. While the other two are clawing at the walls, chomping at the bit, and just begging for a chance to travel again.”
Eddie sighed. “I’m sorry, Stevie. We’re pretty much into editing portion of the album and agreeing on the song order. But we can tour whenever. That’s the best part about being us. We can take six months to do five shows if we wanted to and our fans would eat it up. But if your guys want to wait until next summer, then we can do that. If your guys want to leave right after the New Year, fuck we can do that too.”
Steve sighed. “The record label is just pushing us to the limits and I think even Robin is beginning to crack. First there was the mix up with our contracts then this new thing, plus the touring and everything else. It’s a lot put on her and she’s starting to go mad.”
“They like to do that, unfortunately,” Eddie agreed. “I know Celeste is a good manager, but I think that The Fallen could use an actual agent, someone to take the load off of her back.”
Steve chewed his lip. “But won’t they have to be brought in on the secret if The Fallen were to get an agent?”
“Not if you don’t want them to,” Eddie said with a shrug. “A lot people use stage names they have to have contracts. So...” he waved his hand. “I’m assuming Celeste has control of all the fiddly business stuff for each member of the band?”
Steve shrugged. “Pretty much I guess.”
“They could work through Celeste if the band doesn’t want them to know,” Eddie said with another shrug. “But I recommend bringing them in. They can’t put out fires if they don’t know there’s more than just smoke.”
Steve rubbed his bottom lip. “Yeah...I don’t know. I’m not in the band so I couldn’t say for sure, I’m only a lowly peon.”
“Maybe, but they trust you,” Eddie scoffed. “Look I get that you don’t feel like you think the band can trust someone else with this, but agents are there to protect the band. They could lose all their business if they went around blabbing shit about their clients.”
“Maybe they should just get yours,” Steve joked. “Who is it?”
“Nancy Wheeler.”
The color drained from Steve’s face and he shook his head. “We’ll find someone else. I don’t–can’t trust her with a secret that big.”
Eddie tilted his head to side as he considered Steve’s odd reaction.
“Oh shit.”
Steve laughed weakly. “Yeah, oh shit.”
Nancy was another one of Hawkins High’s alums. Bright and powerful, smart and capable. Steve could see why Corroded Coffin had gone with her. Only he couldn’t trust her to hand him a knife, much less a secret as big as this one.
They had dated before she decided that he wasn’t ambitious enough for her and dumped him for Jonathan Byers. But not before cheating on him with the guy first.
Nancy had stabbed Steve in the back once, he had no desire to give her the ammunition to do it again.
Eddie paid for their drinks, and then took his hand to lead him outside. He pulled them into a small alleyway, barely big enough to fit them both, where they would have some privacy.
Eddie took Steve’s face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together, letting their breaths mingle. Steve’s fast and panicked, Eddie’s slow and calm.
Eventually Steve’s breaths matched Eddie’s and Eddie sealed their lips together.
“You’re okay, baby,” he soothed. “I’ve got you. You’re safe in my hands. You know that right?”
Steve gasped, taking in air as if coming up from the bottom of a vast lake and break the water for the first time.
Eddie combed his fingers through Steve’s hair as the other man fought to get his emotions under control.
Steve let out one more shuddering breath and Eddie smiled. “There you are. I was getting worried for a moment there, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “Opening up our secret to other people is always terrifying, but Nancy? That’s monster level dread right there.”
Eddie continued to run his fingers through Steve’s hair. “I understand that, but do know what would happen if she did that? She wouldn’t just lose you as a client, she would lose her whole catalogue of clients. Corroded Coffin included. And not just because of who we are to each other. It would be such a serious breech of confidentiality that she would literally be scorch earth’ing her whole career.”
Steve let out a long breath. He knew that objectively. He knew that she also could just not take him as a client. Decide that The Fallen wasn’t worth the risk.
“What if we sent in Robin as Celeste Baptiste and see what she thinks?” Eddie suggested. “You know Robin’s instinct is killer. It’s why she’s such a good manager. Or even better, why doesn’t Robin meet with Chrissy and have Chrissy go over agents with her and see what Robin thinks? That okay?”
Steve smiled and brought their lips together. “You take such good care of me, Eds. I love you so much.”
“Back ‘atcha, pretty boy.”
Eddie’s phone rang and he picked it up.
He pinched his nose and sighed. “Yeah. How long?”
There was brief pause as he listened to the other person on the line.
“I’ll check Mancharo’s and El Dios and you check out that strip of bars a few blocks south of the hotel.”
Again he listened, his brows furrowing deeper.
“Then I’ll just hit up El Dios and let you know if I find him,” Eddie muttered and then hung up.
Steve rubbed the wrinkles between Eddie’s nose until his pinched expression soften.
“That was Jeff,” Eddie murmured when he was calm enough. “Gareth stormed out of his therapy session today and hasn’t been seen since. They thought he was in his room, but when they checked, he was gone.”
Steve ran his hands up and down Eddie’s arms soothingly. “I’m sorry, Eds. Do you want me to go with you?”
Eddie wanted to answer yes, but if Gareth saw Steve he would absolutely pitch the biggest bitch fit outside of literal toddlers.
“Nah,” he murmured instead. “You’ve had a rough day. I’ll call you when I have news, okay?”
Steve nodded. “I love you, babe.”
“Back ‘atcha, darlin’.”
Steve sighed as he watched his boyfriend hail a cab.
He pulled out his phone and went right to Gareth’s Instagram. His location was off but Steve almost recognized the background.
He called Robin and sent her the picture. “We’ve been here before, right?”
“Uh...” she said. “Yeah! Dustin’s twenty-first! The Devil’s End!”
“If you weren’t a lesbian and I wasn’t dating Eddie I would kiss you on the mouth!”
“Eww...” she huffed. “You going to tell me what this is about?”
“Meet me at the apartment and I’ll fill you in.”
Then he sent off a brief text to Eddie.
-Try The Devil’s End. It’s where we had Dustin’s birthday bash.
The reply was almost immediate.
-God I love you.
-On it, babe.
Steve smiled to himself as he put his phone away. He couldn’t repay Eddie back for how kind he had been tonight, but at least he could help with this.
He just hoped Gareth was okay.
He knew that this business could and would chew up the best of people and spit them back out again without a single care.
Having a double life helped keep Steve and his friends humble. But he had no doubts in his mind that that could change at any moment.
Because if it wasn’t the business that would do the trick, it would be the isolation of not being able to tell anyone about what they really do for a living.
If he was being honest with himself, had it not been for Eddie figuring out who he was, Steve would have bet on himself being the first to fall to the Beast.
Both of his parents were raging alcoholics and he knew for awhile there when he was in middle school, his mom had gotten into some pretty heavy drugs.
It was why his high school days were so lonely. Because his dad was either hauling her off to rehab, or going on long trips where he would cheat on her and the cycle would begin again.
But now, with Eddie to keep him grounded?
His bet was on Simon. Hands down. The guy was very insecure outside of his alter ego Asmodeus.
If Steve only knew.
Trouble was brewing on the horizon, just not in the way Steve had thought it would go.
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
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bogusboxed · 2 years
Boxtober -  Day 3:"Talking To A Brick Wall"
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Day 3: -Helen Otis X GN!Reader "Thick as thieves" x “That was not my intention.”
-I do not own "Helen Otis" and do not take credit for him.
You and Helen have always been pretty close. This may have been because you two were friends even before everything went to shit. But throughout the years, Helen had stopped talking completely. You still told him everything. Things like how you caused absolute chaos throughout the forest. You always told him every detail. Even if it felt like he wasn’t there, you liked to think he was. Helen was always painting, deep in an art-like space. A trance that he didn’t let be broken. Though it didn’t matter to you. You were going to rant whether he cared or not because he was all that remained of the good old days.
Right now you're running. You are running from yet another fuckup you caused on purpose. Another story to laugh about. Your shoes left heavy footprints in the mud as you ran a marathon away from Jeff. You could feel a smile creeping up on your face as you tried to make as much space between him and you as possible. This had to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done, and that’s saying a lot. You felt bullets of sweat run down your face as you heard cursing from behind. The fact that you were sweaty was the least of your worries. Maybe the fact that you pissed off the most notorious serial killer was one. You put a tracker on this man and gave the GPS tracker to Nina. It's probably one of the evilest things you've ever done. Of course, because Jeff was so stupid, he couldn’t figure out where the tracker was or even the concept of one. But he knew one thing. And that thing was that it was your fault. And he would stop at no cost to get his revenge. You forced the two of you to sprint ruthlessly through zigzags of trees. You could feel your adrenaline running low and your fatigue rising. You muttered under your breath, "Shit," as you rested your hands on your knees. You broke into a sprint as you heard him again.
You caused the air to turn into a cold breeze as you rushed to the one spot you knew was around here. Which was a small flat opening between the trees. And you knew Helen was probably painting there like he always was. Helen did happen to be associated with Slenderman, and you weren’t. So maybe Helen could get you out of this one. I mean, at least you could distract Jeff. As your clothes were lightly torn by the ruff bushes. You saw a man sitting on a stool. With short jet black hair and a dark blue jacket. You rushed up to him as he painted. He seemed to know you were there as you desperately tried to get his attention. To which he responded with a sigh. "Helen, I fucking pissed off Jeff’ ‘He’s gonna fuck me up" you pleaded to the man who voluntarily chose not to speak. You could feel his stare burn into you.
As you heard, the quick-paced rustling increased. A short, pale man with a blood-stained hoodie fell out of the bush as he quickly regained his posture. "You fucks.’ ‘Which one of you got Nina on me?’ ‘what fucking witchcraft-" Jeff pointed his kitchen knife aimlessly at the both of you. Almost trying to figure out how he was going to get to you. "I didn’t do anything she probably can just sniff your grease out." you fought back. "Oh, fuck you." he became more serious than was even possible for his unstable self. "Well, one of you has to pay for the shit you pulled." he seemed to not even be sure who was who anymore. Helen placed his paintbrush down into a small cup that sat by his feet.
"Woah, tough guy here." Jeff didn’t seem phased, but, to you, it was pretty surprising that Helen reacted. Normally, he just sat there any other time. Was he interested in what was going on or just tired of it? He got up from his stool as he stood tall. He wasn’t much taller than any of the other creeps who roamed the forest. But, still noticeably taller, standing at around six feet. "I’m not sure what happened, but that was not my intention.’ ‘Nina simply requested a tracker to keep you safe.’ ‘And I apologize for any inconveniences." Helen spoke quietly enough for you to hear him. It was unusual how normal he spoke. "Well you fucked me over and she won't leave me alone with this thing," Jeff complained, but you could sense a shred of surprise in his tone. Jeff tossed a small oval-shaped piece of plastic that had a tiny green LED on the inside. Helen took a step forward, crushing it under his weight. As he crushed it, you swore you could hear a sharp feminine cry come from somewhere. "Oh," Jeff looked at the device, stopping any efforts and very awkwardly turning around. He walked back into the forest, muttering cuss words and phrases to demean the both of you.
"Holy shit’ ‘You actually did it" you were so confused. Maybe it was the fact that Helen got Jeff off of you, or maybe the fact that he spoke. Helen sighed heavily as he went back to his stool. You smiled softly as you sat on the ground next to him. You began telling the story over again about Jeff making plenty of proud notes about Helen. He had begun to paint again, and you had a smile on your face. Smiling because he heard you. Because you hadn't been talking to a brick wall for all these years. And Helen seemed to not want to let you see his newest painting. You should piss off Jeff more.
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