#like he's a cryptid or something instead of an actual serial killer
allastoredeer · 7 months
Random Alastor headcanon comin' in hot!
I don't know if Alastor still has the aversion to dogs in the show that he did in previous iterations of his character, but if he does I hc it's because of the Rougarou!
For those who don't know, the Rougarou is a New Orleans werewolf cryptid that's been stalking the bayou since the 1700s!
I bet in the early days of Alastor being a serial killer, he used to take the remains of his victims out into the bayou and dump them in the water for the hungry gators to dispose of for him. Until one night he had a terrifying encounter with the infamous bayou Wolfman, only just barely managing to escape. From then on, Alastor avoided the bayou at night and instead started burying his victims in a forested area (I imagine somewhere in the City Park area). He's also had a strong dislike fear of dogs ever since.
WHOA! I didn't know that was an actual cryptid O.O
Also, did Alastor have an aversion to dogs in previous iterations of his character 👀 Like are you just talking about the fandom wide headcanon that he has an aversion to dogs (and that they're the one that gave him his scars--which is also a fandom wide headcanon)? Or was there, like, legit implications that he didn't like dogs in the pilot or something that I missed, because I would LOVE to see it.
But back to the main point, OHHHH I love that a lot O.O I like the idea of Alastor dumping the bodies of his victims in the bayou for the gators to eat, but after coming across what looks like the Rougarou, he nopes the fuck out of there and starts burying them in the forest areas.
Where he's ultimately mistaken for a deer and shot in the head. A moment of silence 🙏. Press X to pay respects.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
so i love laszlo, i would say he’s constantly fighting with guillermo for the spot of my favorite character on the show, and i just wanted to say thank you for bringing up the jack the ripper thing, it irritates me so much for so many reasons. as you’ve said, it was irresponsible on a meta level to include that joke and imo disrespectful as well. it’s doubly insensible irt the text itself bc laszlo does not have the character traits required to be capable of that (he’s bawdy sure but he clearly finds sex to be a beautiful thing!! why would he use it to harm and terrorize vulnerable women!) AND it doesn’t make sense chronologically. laszlo and nadja immigrated to new york in the 1860s i believe, the ripper murders happened in the 1890s, long after laszlo had promised he would never return to england. how would he have been there! i’m sure laszlo, nadja, and nandor came and went from the house as they pleased but i’m certain an absence like that would have been noticed. it’s just. EUUGGH. i’ll be the first to say laszlo is flawed and he’s clearly still unlearning a lot of stuff from his massively fucked childhood but like? no? his whole thing is he left england bc the ppl he was hanging around were being bigoted and xenophobic/classist to his wife? why would he be committing crimes that were a direct example of a mentality rooted in english classism and misogyny that made the murderer consider them to be less than human. he has some form of moral code, as skewed as it is. i HATE this joke with every fiber of my being and i hate that the public consciousness around these murders is not that they were uniquely horrific and should not be appropriated to be used in this manner.
sorry for taking a while to answer this, anon, yesterday was pretty rough for me, from a chronic/mental health standpoint, so I decided not to inflict myself on those around me. lmao
but yeah, I fully agree with all of this. I feel like the ripper jokes feel really tonally off from the rest of the show and don't match the characterization or timeline that ended up emerging as the show found its footing. some of that is the way that jack the ripper has been culturally separated from his actual crimes (which... I do not think is a good thing) and some of that, idk, might have been growing pains with the show...? I really don't know.
I have a lot of complicated feelings about true crime and the way we societally talk about serial killers anyway, but yeah, I would agree that jack the ripper has a uniquely weird spot in our cultural lexicon as like... almost a charming, mysterious serial killer? when the actual crimes were absolutely abominable misogynistic attacks against one of the most vulnerable segments of society. I think there's a dehumanization of the victims there that... idk, really bothers me. he's not a fictional boogeyman, and it bothers me when people treat him like he is because that relegates his victims to a sort of equally fictional facelessness. I hate that.
all that is to say... yeah, I cannot reconcile the actual historical ripper with laszlo for basically the reasons you've outlined here, and that's why I have to kind of headcanon those jokes away. I don't tend to be easily squeamish about dark subjects, but those jokes legit bother me.
like idk man there's fictional murder and there's real murder and one's a lot funnier than the other!
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
if you're in the mood for requests i would honestly LOVE to read some stern/indrid outside of the ot4... au where stern is sent to find the mothman instead of bigfoot? or the fbi hires indrid as a consulting psychic on a case and stern is obsessed with finding out whether or not indrid is a Real psychic? or indrid approaches stern as someone with the societal authority to actually prevent a disaster? or whatever else you vibe with
Here you go!
Joseph picks his way over the rocks, camera clutched carefully under his rain jacket and water dripping off his “Bluff Creek” baseball hat. Voices bounce off the trees on all sides of him, and he rolls his eyes; how is he, at eighteen, the youngest cryptozoologist here but the only one who knows to keep his mouth shut so he doesn’t scare off the find of a lifetime.
Mothman is not, traditionally, a Midwestern cryptid, so he was skeptical when the forums he follows started having reports of sightings around Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison. Two nights ago, user TinFoilCrown posted a photo that doesn’t sport the tells of a fake, and Joseph would stake his college fund on the winged figure in it being something other than a bird. 
It was when he arrived at the last known sighting point that his suspicions were further confirmed; in among the amatuer cryptozoologists were three or four people who looked like people dressed like they thought an amatuer cryptozoologist might dress. In other words, they looked like cops, or maybe even government agents. That means that the sightings are credible. 
He’s been out for well over an hour, it’s getting dark, and so far he’s scared up some deer, four dozen squirrels, and one perturbed owl. He scans the tree-tops, hoping for glowing eyes or giant wings. 
Which means he misses the edge of the embankment he’s walking along, and goes rolling down a slope to land in a muddy stream bed.
In the fading light, he sees tracks in the mud that are like nothing he’s ever seen; clawed, four toed, and huge. He follows them to a hollowed out section of roots, switching on his flashlight so as not to lose them, and then they stop. But just up the embankment are broken plants and chittering noises that sound almost like curses.
He hauls himself up into the leaf litter, and comes face to face with Mothman.
Mothman is not pleased with this turn of events. He hisses, poofing up his feathers and baring his teeth. 
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. I, I just want to take your picture.”
Another hiss, Mothman glaring at the camera.
“Or not. This is incredible, I can’t believe you’re real, you’re real, and you’re right here and you’re-” the flashlight beam falls on his right wing, where a patch of feathers is broken and bloody. 
“-you’re hurt.”
Voices in the trees, somewhere to his left. Instead of poofing up, Mothman shrinks in on himself. 
“Will...will something bad happen if you’re found?”
A frantic nod.
“And you can’t fly because of that wound?”
Mothman hesitates, then nods again. Joseph reaches into his small backpack, pulling out his first aid kit; they may not have let him into the Boy Scouts, but he still knows to be prepared. 
Carefully, he crawls across the ground to the wounded wing, watching the claws on the two sets of chitinous hands. He touches the wing and Mothman hisses, more softly, and chirps in pain. 
“I’m sorry, this might hurt.” He parts the dark, speckled wings, and rubs a disinfectant pad across the cut. The part of his brain that is freaking out over the fact he’s touching the Mothman gives way to the part that can focus on the task and on keeping the cryptid calm.
“There” he smooths down the bandage, “is that better?”
Mothman flexes his wing, winces, but then nods. The voices are getting closer, and Joseph turns, trying to see how close they are. There’s a whoosh of wind, and he whirls around to find the spot behind him empty. 
He sighs; the encounter of a lifetime, and he didn’t even get a feather or a photo. 
From above him, a lilting voice softly calls, “thank you.”
He blinks into the tree tops, hoping for a final glimpse, and murmurs, “holy shit. Mothman can talk?”
No one ever said FBI training was easy, but Joseph’s muscles protest every step as he climbs the stairs to his apartment. He’s only two months in, determined to become an agent for the department of Unexplained Phenomena, and that means vigorous bouts of physical training strewn between tactics for identifying serial killers. He knows for a fact there won’t be any discussion of cryptids or aliens until he’s in his department of choice. Even then, he’s not certain he won’t be seen as an oddball, either for his belief in the supernatural and unexplained or for the fact he’s more interested in studying them and learning how their societies interact with human ones, rather than seeing them as something with implications for defense or monetary gain. 
As he’s on the last flight of stairs, he realizes he’s out of muscle rub, and most of what he needs for dinner. He rounds the corner and, in front of his door, is a take out bag and a tin of tiger balm.
This isn’t the first time something like this has happened; a bag of cold supplies the day before he gets sick, a note on his car warning him not to take a certain route home. There’s no pattern, and there have been years between incidents. He has a hunch as to who his mysterious helper might be, but he’s never been able to prove it. 
Two nights later, he gets his chance. A fall storm batters the town, the windows of his apartment rattling with wind. Then rattling changes, becomes underscored with tapping. Standing on his dark, rainy balcony is a tall figure with glowing eyes. 
He slides the door open, and the Mothman steps inside. 
“Hello again. May I trouble you for a towel?”
“-An odd way to start this interaction. Yes, but you tend to prefer the futures where I don’t drip all over your floor.”
It makes as much sense as anything else about this moment, and so he grabs a towel from the bathroom and hands it to the cryptid. 
“Thank you.” Water drops flick from his antenna as he dries himself.
“You’re welcome. Um, you must be the same mothman I met in the woods years ago.”
“That’s right.” 
“And the one who’s been leaving me helpful advice or items?”
“Right again. It seemed fair to repay a large favor with several small ones.” He extends his wing to test its dryness. 
“I see. Um, what’s your name? Or is it even something I can pronounce? I mean, I assume your name isn’t ‘mothman’ because that’s a name humans came up with.”
The cryptid smiles, showing pointed teeth in addition to his mandibles, “My name in my native tongue is” he breaks into two atonal chirps followed by a trill, “but you may call me Indrid.”
“It’s nice to meet you again, Indrid. I’m Joseph.”
“I know.” Indrid pads down the hall, dropping the towel on top of the laundry basket. 
“Right. Um. Is there a reason you’re here? I’m, I’m not complaining, and this is incredible, but are you in danger? Am I?”
“Not exactly. I foresaw the storm knocking me into the capitol building, badly injuring me and exposing me to unwanted eyes. Taking shelter with you seemed the best option.”
It’s flattering, to know someone so remarkable trusts him, and he blushes before an issue occurs to him. 
“Indrid, you’re welcome to stay but do you know what I’m training for?”
A nod, “A job with the UP. A future I saw flashes of that night we met.”
“That did sort of...solidify what I wanted to do. Knowing that you, and therefore maybe other entities like you, are out there, that there could be connection between your world, or worlds, and ours. There’s so much I want to know.”
“And there is a limit to what I can tell you; some secrets are not mine to share. However” Indrid settles at the little kitchen table, taking a small, leather pouch from his upper right wrist and setting it down, “I’m willing to answer some.”
“Even knowing what I plan to do for a living?”
He could swear Indrid raises an eyebrow, “Do you intend to reveal my existence to your superiors?”
A cocked head, Indrid extending his wings in a casual gesture that also emphasizes how much larger and stronger than Joseph he is, “Are you lying?”
“No. I think I can learn more being your friend, and maybe do more good overall if we’re allies rather than if my superiors get a hold of you.”
“Very well. In that case, we can trade: a question about me for a question about you.”
“You mean about humans?”
“No” antenna twitch in the direction of the oven, where his left-overs are reheating, “about you, Joseph Stern. I’ve been on earth for some time, humans are familiar to me. I…” for the first time, Indrid sounds shy, “I’d like to learn about a new friend.” 
Joseph smiles back, “I can do that. So my first question is: what would you like to drink?”
Indrid’s appearances remain infrequent as the years pass, but he makes good use of what he learned with his last question the night of the storm 
“What’s your phone number?”
As the human progresses in his training, Indrid calls him with tips and warnings; he never reveals his fellow Sylphs, but there are plenty of strange happenings or disasters that Joseph may be able to stop without accidentally starting and interplanetary war. 
More than that, he calls him to catch up. Joseph tells him stories about his work, or about the book he’s reading or the restaurants he’s checking out, and Indrid tells him about his travels. The longer they keep in touch, the less Joseph’s questions center on learning about Indrid and other Sylphs and the more they center on how Indrid is doing, if he’s safe, if he’s staying out of trouble (and camera lenses). 
It’s nice, having someone who is so invested in his well-being. And it is nice to have a friend to look after. 
As often happens, Indrid is in an area where phone reception is poor. So he wanders down, quarters in his pocket, and finds the nearest payphone. 
“This is Stern” laughter in the background, and a glimpse of the futures show the man in a bar, smiling and a little wine flushed. His fellow newly minted agents flit about in the background, but Indrid only has eyes for his human. 
“Hello, Special Agent. And congratulations.”
The voice drops to a hush, “Indrid?”
“Yes. Don’t worry, Joseph, nothing about this call will get me carted off to Area 51.”
A groan, “Not you too. That’s not what Area 51 is for.”
Indrid chuckles; tipsy Joseph is always a bit grumpy about paranormal misconceptions, “I know. I merely wanted to congratulate you on your promotion.”
“Thank you, Indrid.” 
“You’re welcome, my dear. Have a goodnight.”
“You too.”
It’s only when he hangs up that it occurs to him: he called Joseph ‘my friend,” right?
The motel in the middle of nowhere, Arizona, is stifling but at least he gets to have the evening in peace. Agent Rogers was pulled, as Hayes deems this mission a one-agent job. 
Which is why the knock at the door is confusing. Opening it explains nothing.
“Can I help you?” He eyes over the man in front of him, taking in his silver hair, his wide smile, and his large, red glasses. 
“Yes” the man lifts a white plastic bag, “you can have this birthday cake with me.”
Peering out into the parking lot, he sees a weathered Winnebago. There is one person he knows of who owns such a vehicle and also knows his birthday.
The man nods, stepping inside when Joseph waves him forward. 
“Happy birthday, my friend. I stopped off at the last diner to get us dinner. You have spent your last two birthdays alone because of your work; I was in the area, so it seemed silly not to remedy that.”
“Did you make a human disguise just to see me?”
“No. This is how I am able to go about the world without being detected. I keep the disguise in my glasses.” he taps the frames, “don’t look so glum, special agent. This disguise is not on your behalf, but this is.” He produces a green, spiral notebook. Joseph opens it, finds odd, angular characters, beneath which are music notes, followed by a word or sentence in English. 
“It’s Mothman to human dictionary!” He gives a little hop of joy, knowing Indrid will not begrudge him a full on geek out. 
“A highly abridged one. But this seems more effective than relying on me alone to teach you.”
Joseph snickers remembering the last time they met in person; they got drunk on spiked eggnog and Joseph insisted that he would get Indrid’s name right in his native tongue. He managed it, then demanded Indrid teach him more, the cryptid chirping hysterically at his attempts. At some point, they ended up slumped side by side, a wing around Joseph’s shoulders as he showed Indrid pictures of his sister and niece. 
“This is amazing, Indrid. Thank you. And, um, thank you for trusting me with your human face. I know that must be high risk, letting someone be able to connect this you with the other you.” He sits on the burnt-orange bedspread, Indrid plopping down beside him. 
A cold hand brushes his cheek, “I trust you, Joseph.”
He’s so close, like this, and in his human form Joseph is actually taller than him. He could hug him, protect him from a world that they both know isn’t the safest for him. They could go on dates with Indrid like this and no one would know the truth but them. 
Indrid’s hand is still on his cheek, but when his eyes glance towards it the other man notices, and lowers it. 
“Now” Indrid grins wide, clapping his hands together, “let’s have that cake.”
This is one of those moments where, if Mama ever finds out he did what he’s about to do, she will lock him into a room at the Lodge so he cannot do something so foolish again.
The government agents only just arrived back at their hotel, having picked up one of their ranks outside of Forks, WA. He was one of two, and the only survivor of a run-in with something not of this earth. Indrid happens to know it was a fellow Sylph, gone feral. Because he was vampiric in nature, the futures show all case reports concluding he was human gone mad and bloodthirsty. 
Joseph was luck; he’d been searching another section of the forest, and only arrived in the aftermath of the fight. But what horrible aftermath; Indrid sympathizes. 
The hotel is non-descript, and nobody pays any attention as he walks the polka dot carpet to room 402. Footsteps reach the other side of the door, and then it’s hurled open and he’s yanked into a darkened room. 
“Are you out of your mind!?” Joseph hisses, “there are five agents here, not counting me, all on high alert.”
“And I have looked like this” he indicates his disguised form, “for the last day, just to be safe. I wanted to comfort you, not add to your stress.”
His words register as Joseph cards his hands through his formerly slicked-back hair. 
“You...you’re worried about me? Indrid, I, I’m a special agent, I’ve seen intense things before. I’ll be fine.”
Indrid almost buys it. Impressive. No wonder Joseph is so successful in his work. 
“We’ve been friends for years. I can tell you’re agitated. Also, I looked at the timelines, and in the ones where I didn’t come you had nightmares and a panic attack all night.”
Joseph stops pacing, sits heavily down on the bed. 
“It was awful. All that blood. And, and both of them looked afraid, laying there dead. Like his attacker realized in their last moments what they’d done. I keep seeing it.”
“I’m sorry.” Indrid says softly and sadly, sitting beside him. He is; he is sorry for his friend, frightened by what he saw. He is sorry for the other agent, and for his fellow Sylph, yet two more beings he failed to save.
“I don’t want to think about it. I keep trying to read, or watch T.V, but it doesn’t work.”
Indrid checks the futures, then removes his glasses, the bed creaking at the surprise change in weight. 
“I have an idea. You have expressed, in prior meetings, a desire to more closely investigate this form.” He spreads his wings in welcome, “perhaps that will distract you.” 
Joseph hesitates, then carefully holds the bottom of one wing and cards his free hand along the feathers, studying them. For a time he says nothing, then, “does your coloration serve any purpose?”
“No more than human hair color does, at this pointOOOH careful, ah, I forgot to mention that inner patch is sensitive.”
“Sorry!” Joseph starts pulling away, and Indrid catches his hands, setting them on his chest.
“No harm done, little human.”
Joseph’s eyes widen at the nickname, then he schools his face and runs his fingers through the feathers of Indrid’s chest and up to the fluffier ruff. 
“I knew this was soft, but I never realized just how wonderful it is to touch. It’s like bird down and rabbit fur mixed together up here.” He scritches and Indrid chirps, then purrs. The human does it again. Indrid lightly wraps his arms around him and lays back against the pillows, Joseph staying on his chest and moving his attention to his arms.
“Is this as strong as chitin?”
“More or less” Indrid combs his hair with his claws.
He runs a finger up to Indrid’s elbow, “Can you feel much through it?”
Indrid shudders at the soft touch, “Some.”
Joseph nestles closer, petting his ruff, “Will you stay the night?”
Joseph reads over the text from last nights date, composes a polite brush off, and sets his phone in it’s charger. The guy was nice, but he’s been having a problem lately; every time he fantasies about being in bed with someone, he sees red eyes and longs for feathers under his fingers. When he makes out with a date on the couch, he’s thinking of cold hands and an otherworldly smile. 
He’s trying to keep those thoughts from his mind as he cleans the apartment; Indrid is coming over tonight, and he wants it to be fun but to not pressure his favorite cryptid with his silly crush. 
The trouble is, Indrid seems hell-bent on exacerbating is feelings. He compliments him, purrs at him, licks his fork clean with noises that count as porn in no fewer than five states. And then, as he’s trailing a hand over Joseph’s back while he does dishes, he murmurs, “goodness, you’re all knotted up. Come along, cleaning can wait.”
“Indrid, I’ve seen your trailer, I do not trust your cleanliness standards.”
“Defer to me just this once, little human, so I can massage that sore back.”
“Okay. But just this once. I saw what was living in that travel mug on your dashboard.” He laughs when Indrid elbows him, flicks on the bedroom light. 
“Please take your shirt off and lay on your stomach.”
He complies, and Indrid chirps a laugh.
“Oh lord, the tattoo, I forgot-”
“That you have my likeness on your shoulder? I must admit I’m flattered.” The cryptid teases, and Joseph gasps as four clawed hands set to work on his back. 
“You, you were integral to my life’s work, and I got this well before we became friends. I never thought it would be something you’d see.”
“It’s not a bad image, though the coloration isn’t quite right.”
“Indrid, I saw you in the dark for a total of three minutes.”
“Is that being a formative experience also the explanation for that round mothman pillow you have?”
“That was a birthday present!”
“Suuure it was.” The claws add pressure and Joseph whimpers. Lord, it feels like Indrid is everywhere, studiously mapping his skin with his hands. Then the cryptid freezes.
“And that toy under your dresser?”
“Oh, shit” he buries his face into the blanket, “I thought I put that away. Please forget you ever saw it.”
“It’s supposed to be mine, isn’t it.”
Joseph keeps quiet. Then he yelps as Indrid flips him onto his back. The mothman cocks his head. 
“Or is it supposed to be my tongue?” 
“Yes” He squeezes his eyes shut, knowing he has a full-body blush from the admission. 
A cold, thin pressure drags from his navel up his stomach, and he opens his eyes as it hits his chest; Indrid’s tongue, long and vibrating with a purr. 
“Can your toy do that?” Indrid flicks his tongue playfully over his nose. 
“No. But, but you don’t have to, Indrid, really, I know it’s probably weird to know I feel that way about youOOooo!” He arches off the bed as Indrid pulls back his palps (not mandibles, he learned that years ago) to suck a bruise onto his neck.
“On the contrary” two hands thread into his hair, the other two play along his sides and chest as Indrid stares down at him, “it’s immensely flattering. I’ve had people attracted to my human form. But this one” he flexes his wings, smirks when Joseph’s eyes lock onto them “not so much.”
“I mean, I like moth you and human you.”
“Even better.” He helps Joseph sit up enough to kiss his cheek, hands resting in the feathers of his shoulders. 
“That came out weird. What I mean is I...I like you, Indrid.”
A tender purr, Indrid leaning in to nuzzle his face and neck, “What a nice thing to hear in real time, rather than just see coming. Because I like you too, Joseph. So very much.”
Joseph opens the dossier, listening as Hayes lays out his instructions for the mission. He tries not to focus on the phone call he got early this morning, Indrid alerting him to his safe arrival in West Virginia. 
“I have some business in Huntington, then on to Kepler after that.”
As he scans the case notes, the destination catches his eye, and he keeps his smile hidden under his professional veneer as Hayes finishes his briefing.
“Understood, sir. I’ll set off for Kepler first thing tomorrow.”
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statecryptids · 4 years
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Many towns in America have their own Lover’s Lane monster. Seems there’s just something about amorous couples in parked cars that draws hidden beasts out of the dark woods like moths to a porch light. Honestly, it’s a wonder anyone parked at those remote spots can even get to first base with all the vengeful ghosts, hook-handed serial killers, hairy hominids, lizardmen, and other supernatural oddities trying to get into their vehicles.
One of the more memorable of these voyeuristic creatures hails from Lake Worth, Texas. Described as resembling a seven-foot satyr covered in thick white fur- and possibly scales- the Goatman has been haunting the brushy hills and cliffs around the lake since at least 1969, when it attacked a car packed with three couples out enjoying the night.
Soon after that initial attack, crowds of people along the Lake Worth shore claimed to have seen the Goatman trudging through the underbrush. Cars were attacked in the dark, their metal chassis torn and shredded by inhuman claws. Several witnesses even saw the creature pick up a truck tire and hurl it 500 feet through the air. As is typical when any new cryptid makes an appearance, the Goatman's antics quickly brought in a rush of tourists, reporters, and self-proclaimed monster-hunters- the latter of whom became a public hazard as they prowled the scrub around the lake with loaded rifles.
One man, Allen Plaster, even snapped a blurry photo of a tall, hairy white creature emerging from a stand of tall grass.  Plaster, though, would eventually come to doubt that the thing he saw was an actual cryptid, theorizing instead is that it was merely local kids playing a prank.  
Indeed, many other folks around Lake Worth eventually came to the conclusion that the creature was nothing but a hoax, perhaps begun by bored teenagers on summer vacation. Still, regardless of whether the Goatman was real or not, it has become a fond part of Lake Worth folklore. The Forth Worth Nature Center & Refuge, located on the shores of the lake, has  even begun celebrating an annual Lake Worth Monster Bash, featuring an appearance by the infamous creature (or at least, a person in an impressively-detailed Goatman costume).
One can’t help but notice that the Goatman’s description as a hairy, possibly scaly hominid, and its propensity to attack and damage parked cars, are strikingly similar to the appearance and habits of the  Bishopville Lizard Man. Could both creatures be part of a Southern population of small, lightly-built sasquatches with an odd hatred of motorized vehicles? Or maybe both are just hoaxes drawing on classic American folklore about monsters lurking in the dark, ready to trash unwary vehicle, and perhaps their unlucky occupants if they aren’t careful.
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
A local news story about the history of Goatman sightings
Texas Hill Country story about the Goatman
A story from NBCDFW about the Goatman
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Can I ask for general Ticci toby hcs ? And how do you see him
This actually took me a minute to do!Toby is a rather difficult for me to write for or try to portray, while I like him as a character, I do not like writing him.
This is the best I could think of, sorry.
Dementedly cheerful on most occasions, though he switches through emotions faster than the weather changes in Florida due to his Bipolar disorder. 
(Toby has a dark sense of humor that he only finds funny, and uses generation z jokes despite it mostly like not being the appropriate time.)
(Most of his jokes about murder or death don’t really seem like jokes, in fact, it’s hard to tell if he’s joking about killing half the time. But if you meet him in the middle of the night, than it’s probably not a joke.)
He’s half-way between a serial killer from an 80′s movie and a ‘quirky yet clumsy’ protagonist from any 90′s kid show ever. Think if Lizzy McGuire was a serial killer from something like scream or Friday the 13th.
Despite being overly loud at most times, when ‘on the hunt’, Toby can become eerily quiet, even hiding himself well until all you can see of him is the occasional reflection of light off his googles, and all you can hear is a soft ticking you can’t quite place.
He’s an honest-to-god cryptid, despite being able to live with Slender-Man and has done so on random occasions, he prefers to camp out in the woods. 
(He’ll stop by Slender’s home every few months, startling whatever poor fool happens to be in the kitchen at the time, and then stifle around the fridge like a rabid raccoon before bolting off, not to be seen again until a few months have passed.)
Though Toby doesn’t really have a code of honor, anyone he feels like killing is killed unless they get away, he does tend to avoid children around 8 and younger, and often is more brutal to abusive parents.
(After a bad run in with Sally, a little girl who stays with Slender, Toby decided killing children wasn’t a good idea- They bite. Hard.)
Something sort of secret about him is his love of sweets, many think he just loves waffles but that’s not entirely true, give him anything even remotely sweet and he’ll love it though be prepared for a very hyper Toby since sugar amps him up even more. 
Toby is an absolute nightmare to face, especially if he’s in a place he’s intimately familiar with. Expect traps, violent and brutal ones, when he chases after you- And beware his aim, he’s got a freakishly good arm.
Relationship wise, Toby only gets along with a few other killers he knows but not all of them, mainly Jeff and BEN since their dark humor often matches his own.
(Eyeless Jack is easy to get along with if you can follow what he’s saying, but he prefers peace and quiet, two things Toby most certainly are not.Masky and Hoodie are a package deal, locked in a suitcase Toby would need to unpack before even trying to befriend, but he just threw the whole thing away instead. Seriously, they’re too ‘mature’ for his taste.There’s Jane, but that’s a hard no from him. She’s cool, and deceptively twisted, but there’s a whole lot of hate aimed at him and the others that kinda makes it hard to be around her.Kate is the easiest to be around but she doesn’t consider anyone her friend, though Toby doesn’t know this for sure since. She. Never. Talks.)
Toby and Slender’s relationship is odd, to put it plainly, he never acts like Toby’s father, thank god, or father figure and he doesn’t really act like a mentor either. He’s just…. There. Suddenly appearing to steal him away if Toby gets in too much trouble, giving him a slight nod whenever he mentions a well planned kill, even offering Toby a home despite knowing Toby wasn’t going to be around often.
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secretshinigami · 5 years
Masterlist of Demegawa-chan’s Special Prompts
A compiled list of everyone’s prompts from the exchange – thank you for letting us post them, and we hope you guys enjoy them! Prompts are organized by their submitter, so be sure to give credit if you use one.
Near and Light kissing
Mikami and Light in the rain sharing an umbrella
Misa in a suit
Domestic Mikalight
Matsuda confronting Near on the theory he brings up at the end of the manga
Nate and Light having an obtuse argument, but with romantic undertones
Light wearing a crop top, high waisted jeans and fishnets, and a choker. 
L having a nice day out in the park eating ice cream with Maki and Near 
Musical!Light smiling
Misa in a cute gothic dress doing a finger heart
L and Light wearing Misa Misa merch at one of her concerts.
AU in which Light is actually a woman. The fic would follow how Misa reacts to it and if she would still want to be her girlfriend.
Role swap au. Light as Misa and Misa as Light.
Light and Misa meeting a different way and actually forming a healthy relationship. 
L, Naomi & B shenanigans
Naomi, Wedy and Lidner as Charlie's angels (or L's angels?)
Wammy kids as Pokemon trainers
Matt gets the rest of the Wammy kids to play Smash with him
Naomi and L after the end of LABB, after he says his name is Rue Ryuzaki 
Drama!L and drama!Raye Penber bickering 
your take on A's gender and sexuality, bonus points if they're not a cis man and straight
Mello and sun imagery
Beyond Birthday and his eyes
Near with Hanahaki disease (pick who it's about if you want a specific ship)
Mello and witchcraft, if possible in the canon universe
Naomi interacting with Beyond (au or canon), if possible talking about L or the Wammy kids
L/Light being soulmates, in canon or in an AU
how Matt started smoking (I am comfortable with heavy drug themes)
L learning to garden, paint, cook, do taxes, care for an animal, or pay for a parking ticket for the first time
All the times L has cursed Right In Front Of The Task Force (poor Soichiro)
L alone, dressed for the cold, in a cathedral during midnight hours, gazing at the altar in silent contemplation
Aiber and Wedy at an evening gala on a mission
L and Alessandro Juliani warmly shaking hands
Young Naomi in a darkened room with red string and case clippings everywhere
What chain of events led to Quillsh Wammy deciding to adopt L and care for him?
Matsuda cant swim and he’s knocked into a body of water on a case, one of the task force has to go after him
The conversation that happened between L and Rem before he walked out onto that rooftop
L traveling somewhere exotic for a case, meets celebrity of your choice and becomes unlikely friends, takes down crime circle together 
Naomi and L interact side by side as partners during a seperate case  
16 year old Gevanni (normal day or family banter)
Naomi in modern clothing
the SPK in one of those cheesy family pictures.
Naomi thinking about LABB while in Japan
SPK found family stuff / domesticity
Naomi being with the SPK (with or without Raye is the author's choice)
Light and L in emo/goth clothes or in an emo band
Light in a crown on a throne
Ryuk doing something funny or playing a prank while invisible
L and Light on a road trip
Misa painting Rem’s looooong nails or giving her a makeover
Death Note characters as birds! 
Sayu gets a grumpy parrot and Light doesn’t realize it can talk until after he hears it repeat some Kira plan thing, so he has to adopt it to keep it from spilling on him
L and Light talk about something important that happened to them in their childhood
L has to deal with growing amount of Light’s products in their shared shower and tries some out of curiosity with disasterous results
Light accidentally eats the last piece of cake in Kira HQ and L can’t deal at 4am
Lawlight Apocalypse AU of any variety 
Beyond breaks out of prison after LABB, where does he go?
The task force with portentous umbrellas
Halle, symbolically framed between Near and Mello
Naomi kicking Light's butt after he attempts to use force
Matsuda gives Yamamoto a welcome-aboard to the former Task Force / 
AU where the drawer IS forced open
Misa has to shield Light from the paparazzi
Light and L in a crowded apartment, obviously lived in, playing piano next to each other
Light sewing something like his father's suit jacket or a shirt Mikami tore
Indulgent ask for my cryptid AU L and Light sitting in a graveyard having a nice time
Light having a smoke before he has to go tell his parents he's moving in with Misa
Light and Sayu having a difficult conversation where they're both saying they're gay without out loud saying it
Near goes to a Lego building event and meets a nice boy who isn't a Wammy kid
Wammy's kid(s) of your choice sitting on the roof, watching the sky
Beyond Birthday and Candy Guro
DN characters in a rock band, maybe the shinigami are their mascots
Draw a less appreciated character but try something new with your style/medium. (i.e. use different brushes, incorporate a traditional art/craft like painting or cross-stitch, make a collage piece, go abstract, etc)
L in prison
Misa and Sayu becoming friends/ hanging out
The legend of Kira, how has the story of Kira changed over time in universe? Do people believe it was something supernatural, a government conspiracy, a group of vigilantes, or perhaps it's faded to nothing but a cautionary tale for misbehaving kids
A DN character enjoys that thing you really like/ find interesting to learn about, and shares that interest with someone else. (i.e. Matt plays your favorite video game with someone, Linda teaches someone about gardening, etc)
A hot double date with BBxDemegawa and LxHiguchi
B meeting L (any context is fine).
Naomi and Raye getting coffee together, having a nice time.
L can see ghosts, but he chooses to ignore them. This becomes increasingly had to do when B’s spirit shows up during the Kira investigation.
An Au where L defeated Kira, grew older, and basically disappeared. Older Mello (mid 20sish, now a detective) follows a lead that takes him to the washed up L. 
Non serial killer, "Unprivate Detective" Beyond Birthday works on a case with Naomi Misora.
Misa making Valentine’s Day chocolate, perhaps while daydreaming about a fantastically unlikely result of giving them to Light.
Rem holding Misa as they fly over the city.
Meme redraws featuring Misa, Light, and L. Just go crazy. Any ridiculous meme image, shove these dorks in there instead.
Misa convincing Rem to take her flying, the feelings they both experience in the air together.
Misa and Mogi on a shopping “date” in which the unlikely pair manage to work together surprisingly well.
Light considers eliminating Misa from the equation many times, but there’s always something that stops him. Explore how he views her and the dissonance between how he views her versus how he views himself, as well as the reasoning for keeping her around longer than intended. 
Demegawa in a hot tub but instead of water its money
Mello playing soccer with the other kids (like Matt for example). 
Matsuda playing cookie clicker, because he's obsessed.
Young Demegawa when he first got his job, maybe a few months into the job.
Sayu studying for her big exam coming up so she goes to big bro Light for help.
Ryuk discovers sour green apples rather than just the red ones. Maybe Sidoh discovers dark chocolate/white chocolate at the same time.
High school age Mikami in a high school uniform.
MikaLight out on a date
anything L/Higuchi
A Sakura TV Documentary about the Kiras. 
MikaLight office romance, non-Kira AU.
Write me a fic about Demegawa. Can definitely be comedy, but please take the character somewhat seriously.
L and Light playing piano together.
L with a kitty
Sayu and ‘Ryuzaki’ meeting, and hitting it off 
Matsuda recieving a present or something from a ‘secret admirer’
A day in the life of Matsuda (away from the task force)
L and B’s first meeting (can be shippy or not, whichever my Shinigami prefers)
L tries to engage in punnery with the task force, but only one person engages (preference for Light, but surprise me!)
Sayu’s (or Sachiko’s) thoughts on Light’s new secretive actions as Kira becomes more and more active 
(All canon-compliant)
L gets first suspicions about a string of heart attacks which may be a new murder case for him
Light’s first day at To-Oh after L’s death
Light’s first day of work at the NPA 
Near tries to pick up L’s investigation
Why did Near go back to L’s original font for the “L” logo between chapter 108 and the C-Kira oneshot? 
A non-Lawlight rendering of the first evening of Light being chained to L after everyone else has already gone to sleep (preferably in keeping with the One Day one-shot) 
Light begging Ryuk for his life
Light’s funeral
The main characters (plus B) as DND characters
Older Near (like 25-30) with a bunch of cats he keeps for company
Roger bonding with Near after the Kira case.
Beyond Birthday faked his death in 2004 and now lives alone as a poor and pretty miserable theatre actor with a fake name. Oh, and also it's a Kira wins au.
Years after the Kira case has concluded, L takes on Near as an apprentice.
Matt takes Near on a tour of an afterlife-like world they both wound up in. It's more like a dreamscape than anything else but it serves as an afterlife.  
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@intearsaboutrobots asked oh g o s h, how bout forgetting to eat and ray (he's very busy ! doing science !)
This is for Bad Things Happen Bingo. This is my card. 
Bingo square: Forgetting to eat 
Content notes for grief and canon character death. Strangely enough, this is 70% comedy.
Guess We’ll Never Know
Ray is doing science.
Ray is doing science in silence, literally locked in the lab.
Less normal? That's debatable, apparently. 
Nate is convinced there’s something fishy going on here. Sara agrees. Zari and Mick both say to just leave Ray to do his thing. He’s a scientist, of course he’s going to lock himself in the lab sometimes, it’s not that weird. Nate and Sara counter that, yeah, that might be a stereotypical scientist thing, but it’s not a Ray thing. Ray loves spending time with other people, and he’s gung ho about living healthy, and when he gets really, possibly unhealthily, into something science-related, he usually at least tries to talk someone’s ear off about it.
He’s not the kind of guy who locks himself in his lab for nearly a week when there’s absolutely nothing even vaguely life-threatening going on, other than the Legends all living on the same ship, which might count.
Zari says that they’re being overbearing and they should just let Ray do what he does best, he can take care of himself and she could swear that she’s seen him in the halls a few times, probably going to get food or something.
This leads to the whole team trading Ray sightings and arguing as to whether they’re actually just making things up, right until Nate points out that they’re acting like Ray’s Bigfoot or something, and once you can switch out a conversation about your teammate with a conversation about a cryptid just by changing a single detail, in this case said teammate’s name, there’s a good reason to worry. He has a point, Constantine, who has no dog in this fight and has been playing both sides for a lark, says.
Mick says that this is all stupid, and walks away. Classic Mick.
However, in spite of Mick’s unceremonious exit, it can comfortably be said that at this point all opinions have been swayed towards ‘we should be worried.’
Well, not Constantine’s, because he cannot emphasize enough how he has no dog in this fight. He saves dogs for people he really cares about, and none of the Legends are there yet other than Sara. He quite likes Sara.
In spite of this doglessness, Constantine is the one to check on Ray, mostly because everyone else is debating on how to best check on Ray even though they could always just ask Gideon how he’s doing or go down there with no fanfare, two options that they have helpfully forgotten—much like how they have forgotten to be reasonable or efficient over what should quite frankly be low-stress decisions for a prolonged length of time—in the name of the continuation of the narrative.
Besides, they’re stir crazy without any actual missions. They’ll argue about anything at this point, and since Ray hasn’t been around (a pressing issue), there’s nobody to, say, arrange a catastrophic game night, which would at least get out everyone’s pent up energy.
…This is mostly because, while Constantine is a surprisingly affable and competent board gamer, he wins every game, and Mick is a terrible loser, Sara is a terrible loser, Zari is easily frustrated and also a terrible loser, Ray has the rules to literally every board game in existence memorized word-for-word and will not budge on them, and Nate, for all his ability to remember every single major fire in the United States since its inception, secretly still doesn’t really know how to play Monopoly, and is not above knocking the entire board to the floor to keep anyone from finding out his dark secret, even though fessing up would possibly spare everyone from having to play Monopoly, which would quite frankly be one of those acts of everyday heroism the Huffington Post is always on about.
(Mick knows about Nate’s Monopoly problem, though. How? Unclear. Mick just knows a lot of things. Why does Mick not tell? A mystery.)
Anyway, Constantine goes to see how Dr. Palmer’s getting on, mostly because he, like everyone else on the game nightless ship, is very bored and has nothing better to do. He is also a bit curious. He also feels a vague sense of doom about the whole situation, though that may just be the vague sense of doom he feels roughly one hundred percent of the time.
When he steps into the lab, he finds papers tossed everywhere, three whiteboards (well, ‘whiteboards’ is a little generous for what are more large plexiglass rectangles covered in scribbles, but that is not an issue at the front of John’s mind), and no less than thirteen empty cans of a drink called ‘Monster’.
He takes a step inside the lab (a can of Monster crunching underfoot), meaning to make his presence known to Ray, who currently has his back to him and is writing some equation on a fourth and comically large high fashion not whiteboard. (Too long, John has better things to do than think all those words over something so stupid.)
John is not sure when exactly this whiteboard was created or whether it did in fact exist before Ray went into this fit, because it really is excessively enormous, given that Ray is standing on a stool to scrawl mumbo jumbo on it, and Ray is six foot three.
“Hello, Dr. Palmer,” John says genially, only not fazed by this situation due to the fact that he consistently deals with different, more life-and-limb-threatening situations that border on the absurd, or catapult over the border and into the wide field of ‘what in the bloody fucking world is even happening, look like you know what you’re doing, John, you fear nothing’. He gauges that to be genuinely fazed, the cans of Monster would have to become actual small monsters.
Ray jumps and yet somehow doesn’t fall from his perch, even when he twists around to look at John, though he does sway dangerously, and John steps forward experimentally, wondering exactly how squished he will get if he tries to catch Dr. Palmer once the man inevitably loses his battle with gravity.
Ray’s hair is mussed and unwashed, his fetching chin is covered in stubble, his clothes are several days old, he’s shaking, and his eyes are full of the pure manic energy of a man who does not consistently drink large amounts of caffeine, and yet has made the unfortunate and currently inexplicable decision to replace half his blood with energy drinks.
“Constantine!” he says, voice both welcoming and edgy. His smile is so wide that John can see just about all of his teeth. The smile, paired with the general mad scientist vibe he’s emitting, makes him look like a serial killer, the kind that dresses his victims in fun outfits and then poses them in a whimsical manner while leading the police on a wild goose chase. He will never be brought to justice. “How’s it going?”
“You’ve been here for nearly a week,” John says. “Your friends are both worried and being utterly inconvenient about it.”
“A week,” Ray says, vibrating. “Wow!”
These are the last words he says before his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he falls to the floor.
John is briefly on high alert, given that eyes rolling into the back of the head is not a good sign in his line of work, but he quickly realizes that the good doctor is lying quite still and is happily unpossessed.
Wow indeed.
John wanders over to him to see if he’s just out cold or dead. He is thankfully just out cold, because even John would feel bad if Ray were dead. His gluten free cupcakes really aren’t so bad, and he very much enjoys winning all the games. He never wins against Gary.
Ray’s pulse is impressively fast. “Gideon, dear,” John says, “I think the others may want to see this.”
“Way ahead of you, Mr. Constantine,” Gideon says.
Of course.
It takes a matter of minutes—more than one, but less than five—for the others to rush in. Well, Mick doesn’t rush in so much as amble, brow furrowed in what might be annoyance and might be concern. (It’s both.)
Ray wakes up in under five minutes, which is good. He’s bleary-eyed and rubbing his head, and he’s discombobulated enough that he doesn’t really protest when Nate and Mick bodily drag him out of the lab, though he does give his enormous whiteboard a sad look, as if saying goodbye and promising to come back soon.
John stays behind, surveying the lab. He suspects that whatever happens in the medbay will involve feelings he’s not particularly interested in, so his work here is done.
In the medbay, Ray has finally found his voice again, and his voice isn’t happy about the saline drip he’s getting. He and his miraculously nonexistent concussion would rather take some laps around the ship.
“Actually, Dr. Palmer, I would suggest you eat,” Gideon says.
“Pish posh!” an actual human being named Ray Palmer says with zero irony. “You keep telling me that!”
“Because it keeps being true,” Gideon replies, dry as the toast that Ray could at least have tried to force down the past several mornings.
It turns out that, much like Bigfoot sightings, the Ray sightings were the product of wishful thinking. He really had not existed outside of the lab for all that time except to go to the bathroom. He even had Gideon make him seven six packs of Monster before going in.
And yet no food or water.
When Nate points out that astonishing oversight after hearing that Ray did prepare himself for his science fit, sort of, Ray shrugs sheepishly. “I forgot.”
“You, Mr. Three Square Meals a Day, just straight up forgot?”
“Yeah. There’s...I don’t have another answer, I really did.”
“Okay, so why did you go full absent-minded professor?”
Ray doesn’t answer the question, though a troubled look does flit across his face for about five point two seconds.
Instead, he decides to go back to the food thing.
“I’m not hungry anymore,” Ray says, clearly in a vaguely dreamlike and yet incredibly awake state. “I’ve transcended it.”
There is a beat as the others process the non sequitur and general insanity of that statement, and then chaos as everyone starts talking over each other about how stupid that very thought is, right up until Zari’s voice manages to break through.
“You’ve transcended hunger?” Zari parrots for about the third time. “Ray, take it from someone who knows—you’re just starving.”
“I feel kind of sick, actually,” Ray says in a polite rebuttal. “So there’s that.”
“Raymond, of course you feel sick, you’ve been overworking yourself and living off caffeine,” Nate says, all long-suffering hypocrisy.
“Oh, as if you don’t do the exact same thing, Mr. Do As I Say Not As I Do.”
“Yeah, I’m vetoing that nickname. And seriously, this isn’t really like you.”
“Actually, I was totally like this. I mean, I’ve been totally like this before. I missed work because I was so focused on work.”
“Yeah, but you’ve kind of...grown out of that. Or at least you weren’t like this about it other than when you were all imposter syndrome about your suit. I mean, buddy, I get being obsessed with your work, but you fainted. You’ve been mainlining energy drinks. It’s been six days. Even when you get weird and obsessed, you usually at least interact with...anyone. And energy drinks are like...caffeine and sugar. You somehow think both of those things are bad for you. Also, it’s been six days. This isn’t Ray behavior.”
“Oh, like you really know me,” Ray snaps.
His outburst causes only vague confusion. “...I do really know you, Ray. We all do.  We’re on the same ship and the same team. We have literally met you as a child.”
Ray flounders. “Okay, you might have a point. But I’m just...this is important! I’m brushing up on nuclear physics! I mean, not that I’m not good at nuclear physics, I’m possibly amazing—it’s healthy to recognize your own talents—but I’ve really been leaning on the engineering side lately, not so much the theoretical, and now without...” he trails off and swallows hard. “Without Marty, I’m catching up. There are some questions I never got to ask him and now...” his voice breaks, and he runs a shaking hand through his greasy hair, “I have to figure them out myself.”
Silence settles over the room like a shroud, and Sara, without even thinking, looks over at the corner of the room where no one is, half expecting to see a familiar form sighing in a put upon way and pacing back and forth like a ruffled chicken.
Maybe Stein could’ve talked some sense into Ray.
Sara clears her throat and Nate looks down at the floor and Zari looks up at the ceiling in the way people do when they’re trying not to cry and Mick just stares at nothing because he’s staring at memories instead—he and the professor made a weird amount of memories in this medbay—and Ray swipes at his eyes.  “If he was still alive, I could just use the temporal communicator to ask him, but he’s not, and I never got to ask him, and I don’t know if I’ll ever figure it all out.”
“He had more...time, Ray,” Sara says, and the words sound so ridiculous (he didn’t get enough time, he didn’t) she wants to laugh until she cries and then probably never stop crying, for Martin and Rip and Leonard and Laurel and even Jax, so far away and with half of him dead and gone. She doesn’t do any of that. She soldiers on. “He had more time to get it all figured out, and when you have...more time, so will you.”
And eventually, she absolutely does not say because no one says it, you’ll have even more time than he did, if everything turns out right.
Ray laughs a little. “That implies that I’ll ever be as good at theoretical nuclear physics as Marty.”
“Maybe you won’t be,” Zari chimes in. “But that doesn’t mean you’re not a genius and it doesn’t mean you’ll, what? Let us all down because you’re not him? You’re not him. You’re you.”
“He’s never coming back,” Mick offers in a grumbling undertone from where he’s leaning against the far wall. “You can’t replace dead people, and you suck at trying.”
He meets Ray’s eyes, and Ray remembers that time that they tried. He manages a smile. “I know.”
He sighs heavily and says, “I really went off the rails for a second there, didn’t I?”
Sara shrugs. “Happens to all of us.”
“I should eat,” Ray admits. “I can’t believe I forgot. I mean, I can, but that’s why I have alarms.”
“What happened to those?” Nate asks.
“I think I spilled Monster on my phone.”
“That checks out.” Nate heaves out a sigh. “Okay. Let’s go to the kitchen, big guy. You can go back to bothering us about three square meals again. And water intake.”
Ray agrees, because hydration is very important, no matter what the Ray who’d forgotten that Marty wasn’t actually just a call away seemed to think, and he only sways a little on his feet when he stands up after getting the saline drip out.
Constantine is in the kitchen when the rest of the team traipses in, sprawled on a chair and reading some kind of velvet-bound tome with his feet propped up on one of the other chairs. He looks up at the other Legends and says, “Ah, you’re back, then?”
Ray attempts one of his usual smiles, but it takes more work than usual. “I’m back.”
He wanders to the middle of the kitchen and just kind of stands there while the others wait for him to have a cardiac event or maybe pass out again.
“What should I eat?” Ray asks the world at large, waffling. He really is not hungry, and he really does feel kind of sick to his stomach, like one might after drinking eighteen cans of a brand of energy drink he remembered seeing on a billboard in Star City.
“Waffles?” Nate suggests. “It’s breakfast.”
“Yeah, bro. Six days after last time you ate breakfast.”
Ray sighs and murmurs, probably to himself, “I just haven’t been able to figure it out without him.”
Nate and Sara share a look. It’s not a happy look. Trace amounts of the absences on the ship have traveled into every part of it, including the oxygen, and sometimes it hurts just to breathe.
“Grapefruit,” Ray says decisively, distracting everyone from their separate waves of grief for just a moment. “I want grapefruit.”
Very suddenly, everyone realizes that they also kind of want grapefruit, even though none of them can remember the last time they had it. Still, all of them—other than Constantine, who’s feeling a bit odd about the whole vibe in the kitchen right now, from Mick’s surprisingly glossy eyes to the way that Gideon’s already prepared a giant bowl of that infernal fruit even before Zari comes around to ask for it—know exactly where the craving is coming from.
(It’s an attempt to at least calm that empty ache in their stomachs that isn’t hunger, the one for Martin, because grief makes everything revolve around what—who—just isn’t anymore and somehow still is everything, like all of them have become planets orbiting a black hole, only surviving getting sucked in and pulled to pieces by a miracle of metaphorical pseudoscience, or maybe just each other.)
Zari plops the huge bowl of grapefruit halves down on the table, and Ray’s the first to take one. He digs his spoon into the fruit and sighs in pleasure when he takes a bite, clearly coming to the realization that his miraculous lack of hunger paired with queasiness is indeed actually the feeling one gets when starving. He gets through two grapefruits before he slows down at all.
All of them realize, while eating their breakfast, that, objectively, they don’t like grapefruit.
It’s still somehow delicious—though, Mick says critically, his is a little tart.
(They would all be horrified if they knew that somewhere on their Earth lives a woman—one they know and love, even!—who eats her grapefruit with salt, but there’s no one here who can share that particular little anecdote, and so the story goes untold.)
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
BNHA Fic Recc List
Ok, so here's my fic recc list (AO3 exclusive) for Boku no hero academia/My hero academia. It's in no order but I order I bookmarked them. I'll probably come back and make edits when I find new stories.
MS- Manga Spoilers, so anything after season 2 in the anime. DFO- Dad for one story
Smile Again AU by Sevi007- a series of stories about mostly Dad Might and Izuku learning to work together and be a little family. Adorable. MS. Platonic/family pairings.
A riddle to guess if you can by PitViperOfDoom- All Might gives the new Number One a piece of his mind. No pairings.
Breach by ForgedObsidian- Toshinori's injury cause bad days but this one just might end up finishing up for good. MS. Family parings.
Solar Flare by jinkiess- The story that spawned my headcanon that young Toshinori was a bitter, angry young man. It's short but man I love this idea for Quirkless Young Might. No pairings.
Getting to Know You by TaurusVersant- The members of 1-A reflect on Midoriya Izuku and their daily interactions. Great characterization and I'm a sucker for people appreciating my boy. MS. Platonic pairings.
Barology by MissAquarius- A beautiful little piece exploring the Izuku/Iida/Urakara friendship. Platonic pairings.
A Shared Consequence by GuardianLioness- The cold causes pain for both Toshinori's old bones and Izuku's injuries. Family pairings.
Reunions, Of A Sort by ForgedObsidian- All Might joins the kids on a trip to a hero museum and reminisces on old heroes with a stranger. MS. No pairings.
Get Well Soon by brickboat- Jirou sometimes eavesdrops on her teachers while bored in her class and hears some interesting things about All Might. Really good, has 2 sequels if you liked. MS. No pairings.
Off Beat by ForgedObsidian- Jirou hears something wrong with All Might's heart. No pairings.
United in the Storm by theslytherinpaladin- The Villain Alliance becomes interested in Izuku and makes a statement by killing his mother leaving Izuku lost and alone. AU. Character death. No pairings.
Out of Character by PitViperOfDoom- Aizawa sees no problem with Endeavor talking to his son after the license exam but Midoriya seems worried. Dadzawa to the rescue. MS. No pairings.
count your blessings not your flaws by PitViperofDoom- probably my favorite Tododeku oneshot. The idea of Izuku thinking that Todoroki would joke about liking and Todoroki thinking that Izuku laughed in his face about his feelings hurts but then becomes sweet comfort
by you gotta get up at least once more by simkjrs- AU where Izuku follows the OPM training regimen and accidently becomes stronger than should be possible for a quirkless nobody. Sounds like crack, is actually about character development and Izuku's incredible perseverance. MS. A couple of hinted pairings (ShinDeku, TodoDeku etc) but nothing outright.
Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom-  Izuku is given One For All but he forgets to mention to All Might that he isn't quirkless and has the ability to see dead people. Amazing story that twists canon with the addition of Izuku's ghostly friends and enemies. Good depiction of Bakugou's past abuse. AU. No pairings. Some graphic descriptions.
U.A Unsolved by  kabukichou- a silly spin-off of YUTS where the kids at the dorm believe it's haunted by ghosts. Little do they know that it is but because Izuku lives there. Hilarious and a nice break from the stress of YUTS. AU. No pairings
United We Stand, Divided We Fall by CaptainKaruAndTheRedShirts- My favorite of the Mighty Family AU's I've read (All Might is married to Inko and Izuku's biological father). Izuku coping with his father's injury, later being outed as the Number One's son and coping with being a quirkless shame to his dad's legacy. AU. Toshinko.
One Life for Them All (If That's What It Takes) by AthanatosOra- Toshinori comes across a precocious 11 year old named Izuku and considers him for a successor. Little does he know it's actually an adult Izuku who has been sent back to his 11 year old self trying to relive his life, and maybe make a few changes. AU. Family/platonic pairings.
The thin gray line by A_ToastToTheOutcasts-  All Might may have shot down his dreams of heroism but Japan's former #1 vigilante believes Izuku can make a difference. Vigilante Izuku is amazing and wow, yes, so good. AU. No pairings.
know what i've made by the marks on my hands by simkjrs- All quirks are the result of guardian spirits. Izuku is the only one who can see them but he really wishes he couldn't. Sassy Izuku ftw, I love this so much. AU. No pairings.
Mr. Yagi by AoiMikans and Swiftwidget- the men and women who work at Might Tower have come to adore the tall sickly man who serves as All Might's personal secretary. Precious to the max. Minor Tsukauchi/Toshinori.
Erased Potential by theslytherinpaladin- Aizawa has enough going on trying to teach his lazy students but the quirkless middle school who showed up at his door, begging to be trained, shows potential. So so good. AU. Dadzawa.
Daymare by IntrospectiveInquisitor- Izuku lives his whole life pretending to be quirkless because it's better than acknowledging his nightmarish quirk. AU. Platonic pairings and hinted KiriDeku. Warning for graphic horror descriptions and violence.
break your bones not your promises by PitViperofDoom- Look I don’t even like fantasy but I really love Pit’s approach here. It’s a blend of modern life with the fantatsical realm all stuffed into bnha world. The characterization is really good and the worldbuilding captivating. AU
Atimy by milky- Izuku and Yaoyorozu hear a noise in the middle of the night and check it out. The real horror of the story is what's revealed in the notes at the end. MS. No pairings.
Moebius by PitViperOfDoom- Izuku, Urakara, Tsuyu, Iida and Todoroki head to a seaside town for a rest but end up caught in the midst of a deadly attack that repeats itself over and over. Minor Tododeku.
i'm proud to say i got you by taizi- Iida takes notice of the way Midoriya stutters and flinches and draws some unhappy conclusions about the life his friend lived before Yuuei. I'm a sucker for 'Izuku's past abuse is acknowledged and refuted' stories. MS. Platonic pairings.
It's Spelled 'Trader' Not 'Traitor' by JackobolTrades- Izuku is taken in by All For One and given his quirk. Instead of using it for villainy, he sneaks off and opens a quirk trading shop because even AFO couldn't steal his desire to help people. AU. Brief/Unwilling Toga/Deku.
starry eyed and history has its eye on you and another face in the crowd and know who you are and will I ever be more than I’v always been? and who lives, who dies, who tells your story and all the love i dreamt by aloneintherain- beautiful and amazing. Look into class 1-A 10 years in the future as heroes and friends. Various stories told through the eyes of the students and media. Wonderful beyond measure, can't reread enough. Tododeku, Kiribaku, Jiroruzo.
home is just a room full of my safest sounds by aloneintherain- Izuku and Todoroki end up in a cuddle buddy sleeping arrangement for various reasons but end up really coming to enjoy the peace they feel together, super cute.
Conversations with a Cryptid by AMournfulHowlInTheNight- After his capture, Izuku begins having weekly meetings with All For One to extract information but can he really handle the revelations? AU. DFO. MS. No pairings. Izuku's brains get the spotlight and hints at one of my favorite theories
Kidnapping of a Cryptid by AMournfulHowlInTheNight- The sequel to the above story. I can't really give any details without spoiling but this whole series is amazing and I recc it so much. I talk way too much about it but it's so good. AU. MS. Pairing I can't mention
Aphelion by ForgedObsidian- Izuku is kidnapped as a middle schooler by AFO due to his quirklessness. Luckily Izuku isn't alone in captivity and has the sickly Mr. Yagi to keep him company. If only All Might hasn't been missing for several years. AU. No Pairings
Patience and I Would Understand and You Found Me (on a summer breeze) and Guide to Getting Your Teacher a Date and Little Talks by yaanchan- The best 'Aizawa takes in Shinsou' fics I've ever read. I have? so many emotions. Made me ship Erasermic. AU. MS. Erasermic.  Try, Try Again is mostly in this series but Shinsou gets turned into a 4 year old.
Switched and Scattered by kazzarole- The typical bodyswap story but it's really well-done also absolutely hilarious. You'd think it'd be easier to impersonate each other when they're crushing so hard. Tododeku.
Conventional Taste by SoAshamed- Todoroki's grandparents are in town and he'd wish to avoid them so he agrees to go with Midoriya to QuirkCon, Japan's biggest hero convention. Queue Deku being an overenthusiastic fanboy and Todoroki being content just watching him. MS. Mild Tododeku
count your blessings, not your flaws by PitViperofDoom- Izuku has only ever been confessed to as a joke so when Todoroki says he loves him, Izuku can't bring himself to believe it. Tododeku.
a beacon in the dark by Nohaijachi- At 4 years old, Izuku woke up one day unable to see. Completely blind, Izuku does his best to survive in a world with both a disability and a supposed diagnosis of quirklessness. Really good guys, updates very often. Family pairings.
Re-Examined Archives by beachbb- 15 year old Izuku is thrust by a quirk 10 years into the future only to find out he was murdered several years previous by a serial killer. Now it’s up to Izuku, plus friends from the past and future to unravel the cold case and maybe prevent it from happening. MS. No pairings.
Save The Last Dance by Lesetoilesfous- Based off the Fantasy AU ending, Izuku lives in the town of Silvia, home to the great All Might. As the All Might’s successor, it is his duty to confront the evil storm that threatens the kingdoms. With his friends, and a few alluring strangers, they set off on a journey to defeat the evil. AU. Tododeku, Momojirou, Tsuychako, Bakushima, Erasermic. I may be missing some but everyone is gay so there.
Izuku is (Afraid) by sleepingugly- this fic haunts me, it’s SO good and it just put me on edge the entire time and I couldn’t stop reading because the tension was mounting and driving me nuts. Izuku is haunted by the ocean, he attends quirk counselling for a quirk he should have but doesn’t, something sinister is rising. AU. No pairings.
Choices by Fayah- Another AFO is Hisashi fic in which Inko dies in childbirth due to Izuku activating the FAO quirk during birth. Hisashi raises his rambunctious boy alone, all while feeding his son stolen quirks and avoiding an investigation into his activities. DFO. Love it. 
Fun at Hero Con by wolfsrainrules- Pro hero Izuku at hero convention where he’s so busy being a fan he forgets that he’s disgustingly famous. Any fic in which Izuku goes to hero cons and gives his fans heart attacks is the best fic.
Viridescent by darkfire1220- Izuku’s dad is a well-known villain who passed onto his Izuku his very distinctive green fire quirk. All Might still chooses to pass on OFA but Izuku needs to overcome his hatred of his quirk, his father and deal with everyone else’s suspicions. AU. Some Izuku/Toga
Future’s History by Neehl- I LOVE THIS FIC. It’s a super long shot but man, everything about it is stellar. An examination of captainkirkk’s OFA is known AU where everyone knows about All Might’s ability to pass on his quirk. It centers around Izuku trying to keep under the radar then later embracing his fame as the Ninth OFA user. AU
From Muddy Waters by HLine- Another dad for one fic, Izuku and Inko are trying to hide from AFO who they know is a supervillain. Izuku gets into Yuuei by hiding his AFO quirk behind a normal strength enhancing quirk. Someone give this boy a break, he just wants to be a hero and is so stressed out. DFO. AU
Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid- man what do I even say about this fic? The hero classes are split into hero/villain teams for a 3 day exercise to test strategy and teamwork, Bakugou the hero leader and Izuku the villain leader. Our green bean turns his brain to wickedness and the heroes sure are glad they got to Midoriya before a villain claimed him. Now has a sequel Hero Class Danger Days 
Do What You Will, If That’s What You Want by stanzas- After a few years of being a pro hero, Todoroki, the #5 hero, retires suddenly to follow a new path. He finds himself growing closer to Izuku who is supportive and all too adorable. Terrible description but its really, really good. Tododeku. Momojirou.
Something Borrowed by ThisCat- Izuku has the ability to borrow people’s quirks as long as he is looking at them. He rarely uses his quirk bc it frightens other people but still decides to try and be a hero, applying and getting into Yuuei and working to use his power for good. AU. Lovely idea well executed.
journey to the past by aloneintherain- do you want to cry actual tears and throw up from feels?? This is the fic for you. Izuku has been attacked by villains his entire life but was always saved by mysterious pro heroes who seemed to know a lot about him. He never understood until he reached Yuuei and saw those same heroes as teenagers. I ugly cry every time I read. 
Bloom in Winter by e_va- Izuku was taken by his father at a young age used used his insightful analysis for villainy. Izuku is forced to go along with this for years until, at 14, he’s enrolled at Yuuei to be a spy. He’s always wanted to be a hero and now he’s forced to betray his idols. Save this child. AU
Curse of the anime protagonist by masterdipster- Izuku has a quirk that allows him to sense when people are danger and rush towards them, it’s perfect for hero work, if only he wanted to be a hero. Thought this was crack? psych, it’s actually really heartfelt, hilarious with some stellar writing. AU
Victim of Circumstance by Chalcet- quirkless, orphaned and homeless, Izuku lives on the bad side of town acting as a vigilante to protect his crime ridden city the heroes overlook. He begins training to be a hero to try and change the system from the inside out. This boy, is amazing. AU
i am cold, can you hear me by midoizuku- Todoroki runs across a boy at a hero fight and soon realizes he’s stumbled upon All Might’s illegitimate child. They strike up an odd friendship as Todoroki view Izuku as both a potential rival and someone who can maybe understand his situation. AU. Going towards Tododeku.
Known Variables by pockettramblr- Another OFA is known AU fic which explores Izuku gaining the legacy quirk and how having other students and teachers in the know affects his early experiences at Yuuei. AU
Cardiac Arrest by AMournfulHowlInTheNight- During the battle of Kamino Ward, AFO topples a building in his fight with All Might which crushes izuku to death. AFO grabs the boy’s body and flees leaving the heroes mourning but maybe izuku is going to experience something worse than death. DFO. AU
and while we’re waiting by Kemmasandi- and absolutely adorable one shot exploring the early and good days of Nana and Toshinori’s relationship as Toshi grows from a small stick of a boy to a giant young man with enough power and heart to save the world.
Diametrically Opposed by Golden Wooly and Murky Muse- Most likely DFO story in which Izuku wants to be a hero and thinks he can when AM gives him OFA but his over-protective father sometimes gets in the way. DFO.
The Roots the Clutch by Laquearia- Pro hero Deku tries to stay in touch with old friend Todoroki even after he moves to New York and gets married but Shouto still carries a torch for his oldest friend and first crush. SO much angst my friends, so much goddamn angst. Future AU. Tododeku. 
I’ll carry the secrets, you carry by the umbrella by ArgentCross- Todoroki starts to notice there’s something weird about Izuku and his quirk and decides to investigate. Also may be realizing that he’s got feeling for his friend at the same time. Tododeku. 
Subject: A Comprehensive Report by BonesofBirdWings- AU where young Izuku realizes he can’t be a hero and interns with Nighteye as a hero analyst and shows off his heroic spirit by helping solve crimes with heroes and the police. A fascinating look at Izuku’s strategic mind plus the very hands off writing style interspaced by news articles and interviews is magnificent. AU.  
One Shot Wok by AMournfulHowlInTheNight- A crack AU born in the discord where future Izuku is transported back to his younger self and decides to take care of business by wrecking the LOV and other assholes with a Wok. AFO would be proud if he weren’t confused and terrified. AU. DFO.
The Long Way Around by redrobin1989- casually adding by own story cause why not? Izuku never meets All Might during the sludge monster incident but is inspired anyway to become Japan's first quirkless hero. Slow burn, lots of OCs. AU. MS. No pairings.
1K notes · View notes
13x11 watching notes
I take back at least 5 of the recent snide comments about Sam's jacket. D:
... aaarghhh being non-US is a pain. For having to rely on downloads, anyway. Pretty much just that :P 
well it's nearly 5 but I have a download which started with a bunch of static over Donna recap I don't need, and then in to a vampire recap...
I love that it shows us Dean being a vampire, and the time he was turned, just because it really ought to be more of a thing, even as a lighthearted "I got turned into a vampire once but I'm fine" like idk in 12x16 trying to reassure Claire or something :P Well, no, but you know what I mean. Typical Dean!girl complaint that they don't spend enough time harping on all the various traumatic things he's been through, even if some of them are 1 episode MotW things which don't earn mytharc "remember this?" nods 7 seasons later.
That was a very short recap, scratchy bit I skipped aside.
Well this is a horrifying open :D Nice serial killer basement you got there. The same playing music while doing something horrific thing as Athena in Davy's last episode, but she was just being an undertaker doing her job, and this is clearly the baddie of the week at work, with his serial killer wall and leaving blood splatters on all his dirty horrifying equipment.
Still, you gotta have music while you work.
I can't prove anything withthis level of CBA but the truck stop looks like the one Sam got snatched from in 2x21, just because it's small and single story and all. It's probably been a bunch of other things knowing this show, like, idk, 4x01 and 10x03 and no one's ever added it all up :P
Other thoughts: it's "manny's" but the Y is out turning it into "MANN 'S" which means once again I'm just gonna say toxic masculinity may be the bad guy and it's not exactly subtle :P
If this is Donna's niece I love her already because of her bumper stickers - anti-guns and "think globally act locally"... the anti-gun sentiment is especially amusing because of the jokes about Donna's arsenal... There's a social responsibility to actually advocate AGAINST guns, but the entire monster hunter subculture is indistinguishable from weirdoes in the woods with a stockpile of weapons, as Victor pointed out for us back in season freakin 2. As local law enforcement it's more likely Donna would have access to and comfort with weapons and an ideal scenario is that people know about monsters in general and are equipped to fight them, that is, the law enforcement like Jody and Donna and other hunter-cops who actually can turn it into a part of their regular job, with the emotional responsibility less about crazy revenge missions because no one else will do it... But you know, that and an anti-gun sentiment completely undermine the show's entire set up, which is why this show has a bizarre second face of being equally favourite of republicans and democrats, because the take-it-into-your-own-hands and collect guns for legitimate self-defence scenarios super appeals to them.
IRL there are no monsters except the ones we make, is all I'll say >.>
But in the context of the show, and especially as she's gonna get kidnapped, the fact this world has different rules aka legitimate danger to personal safety from monsters, means the show's social conscience is always going to be skewed and conflicted, and the fact she's against guns is potentially not going to look good given her status as an innocent civilian who has no idea of the irony of her stance being undermined by the existence of monsters and her aunt's legitimate giant gun and flamethrower collection being a lifesaving boon >.>
Oh, gross, close ups on eating, making it look really horrific, with red tomato soup (blood) and slicing into a steak with a squelch (self-explanatory).
This is gonna be an arty, violent, gross episode, isn't it? :P Mental note to try and catch the director. Because with this voice over about psalms or something there's definitely a sort of ~mood~ being set.
Christ, the population of this diner is basically the cast of The Adventure Zone's latest thing (which is playing some cryptids in the woods Supernatural D&D knock off literally called "Monster of the Week" and I'm gonna keep recommending it :P) - anyways if you've seen the fanart I've been reblogging there's literally a character people are headcanoning to look almost exactly like this person with the curly hair. Minus the bunny rabbit.
I like the Aliens Are Watching Us guy as well. There was a conspiracy guy in 12x15 (also Davy) so I guess he's not done with this concept of people enjoying the wacky stories without realising they're a shade off, Ronald Resnik style. (Perez is possibly competing to be the new Edlund, if Yockey is taking after Robbie in tone... aka gently petting existing characters on the head while introducing amazing one offs)
Anyways definitely feeling the vibe of Would Not Go In This Place Unless Truly Desperate they want us to get :P
Okay the cashier is super creepy up close, taking too much delight in his power over her ability to leave and his leisure to decide if her ID is valid or not and mocking her name.
(Pointing out that "Hanscum" is old English is asking us to go look it up and ponder how it relates, right?)
Oh boy and there's the request for her to smile that makes him a Grade A Creep whether he's the monster or not.
So many creepy trucks and vans, the "Jesus Saves" van looking anything but salvation, and probably ANOTHER fake out bad guy with the window washer, just here to scare her... Holding up the window washer thingy like an axe murderer.... Whether he is affiliated with the murderer or not, we get a lingering shot on him and a red STOP beside his head
Aaand someone slashed her tyre while she was there....
Oh no, caltrops. It's a trap :(
AAAAH scary masked guy!
not the same mask as in the promo pictures, just a bag over his head and goggles. This time referecing over to 13x05 and the plague doctor masks - the same huge dead eyed look they have without any of the style :P Theeemes for the season though.
Oh no, we start the episode on Sam trying to have a lie in... Already awake before his alarm then grumpily staying in bed another two and a half hours. #relatable
is he okay?
I mean I know in general he is Not Okay but I guess this is going to take some unpicking :P
OH NO he resisted PANCAKES.
Dean is up and about and enjoying being home with comforts around him, and Sam...
Is still in bed at 10. I may cry.
Oh thank god Donna is calling him to get him to move.
He's resisted food which means everyone narrowing their eyes at him not touching his lizard in 13x10 gets a cookie for pointing out his issues and how he handles them re: food. I know lethargy and not wanting to get out of bed are huge signs of depression but we rarely see that side of Sam manifest, and mostly just see him casually not eating or having much interest in food offered to him so I think it may be one of the first times the story is actually set up to genuinely call attention to him having a depression lie-in and refusing to come out and get pancakes that Dean is making to celebrate having a kitchen again.
Anyway, now we get Donna angst. Hearing her cry is the absolute worst.
It's such a sharp shock, tbh, to go from Wayward Sisters where she was shown off as the fun comic relief, and have her in the same coat and all suddenly speaking in such a tiny voice, and sitting helplessly in her great big D-TRAIN truck which was like the cavalry arriving and betraying a character that pretty much never DOESN'T want to make a fun entrance and lighten the mood...
Oh Donna. :(
(This is especially painful having watched all the WS episodes up to this point in the last few months)
"BREAKDOWN" appears over Donna pulled over to the side of the road, having her quiet breakdown over this, in an episode about serial killers engineering a breakdown on the side of the road, after we saw Sam having a silent breakdown this morning
Someone turned the angst dial all the way back up to 11 after the break it was taking.
The Impala rolls respectfully and quietly up to Donna.
She looks small :(
I'd guess she's apologising for calling them because it's pretty much The Next Day or thereabouts give or take driving time. Like, she'd be assuming they need their "Just back from a parallel universe" downtime.
Also because if we add any extra time instead of assuming it's been back to back since, like, 12x19, then the tension about Cas evaporates and they leave him for weeks.
So let's say they saw Donna like, 2 days ago max.
Oh no and she feels the guilt of inspiring her to go off on her adventure, because she had fun and talked about it. This is not how fault works, D-Train :( You did nothing wrong. It's the serial killer who took her, no one else.
Sam tells her to just focus on the case rather than think about it which is A+ coping methods and how you end up like how Sam was this morning
Ew, Doug is here
Oh no Dean is leaving Sam and Donna together. Dean, no, you're the chirpy pancake-making one today - you have to prop 'em up :P
Oh boy, this is the real FBI isn't it? They were in the promo...
"First off, I'm not your son." Dean straightening up and trying to fake-authority figure bluster past the confidence of real authority.
Doug diving in to rescue him may be the only way out he has?
"Company man. You should have told me." "Didn't get a chance."
I think Dean doesn't know the codes to pass as FBI with whatever they'd immediately say to identify themselves with casual ease - like in 12x06 where at the hunter party he doesn't know not to say wendigo? There's just some stuff he probably can't know without, like, literally being the FBI and having their specific swagger and way of talking.
e.g. I don't think Dean would say "Company man" without sounding like he got it from TV
Oh dear, he doesn't have the field office - yeah he just diiiives around that one.
Not here on official business, the victim is my cousin, I'm just here to get some answers.
Makes Donna on a close family level to them - or at least that she's another branch of the same family officially like what Doug might think watching this exchange, knowing Dean is not Donna's brother/husband/whatever else on the closest level would make them share a niece.
... Obviously also a lovely message about how Donna's business is family business for them
"You and Donna are related!?"
How long was Dean chilling and making pancakes and not calling Cas??? Asmodeus has HAD to have had an accidental "is Dean trying to sext Cas?" confusion over the texts he's been getting in this time period.
... the fact that Cas is back next episode and for all intents and purposes the promo pics and premise would make me think it's Buckleming but it's actually Yockey and BL have 13x13 is like the one thing keeping me going :P
I hope I have that the right way around... Literally panic-checking my 13x12 tag before I continue, just for Cas's sake
"Amanda Tapping directed the episode written by Steve Yockey" Mmmmmmmm
Okay, soul soothed, continuing to watch Dean blustering through pretending Wayward Sisters was a family reunion, which is also adorable that Donna used an emergency family reunion as the excuse to go.
Well at least the FBI already seem to have done most of the work with having a map with red string, names and other victims. This parallels directly to the serial killer's collection, the red string mirroring the blood splatters that guy was leaving on it.
Pretty much gonna assume Mr FBI is the serial killer, or else as much of a problem as him.
Donna looks so tiny in this room full of men.
"Troopers got an anonymous tip" aka there's something fishy about it being called in - if Mr FBI is the killer, it makes his job more effective than waiting around for someone to find the car so he can get his rocks off on chasing himself around in circles :P
Bleeech Doug putting a hand on Donna's back to reassure her.
If you hadn't gathered I'm super not a fan of Doug being back because I think it's ridiculous to inflict another Doug on Donna, and especially when you're doing a dark episode actually doing emotional stuff with her for once, it's dragging out a joke that was from her first episode when we didn't know anything else about her. Defining her by her Dougs
Oh yeah her niece is called Wendy - I think that name was made up for Peter Pan? Or else boosted its popularity through the stratosphere to the point that you can make up a fake fact that the name was invented in Peter Pan. Either way, Wendy Darling associations - growing up, but doing the gap year before college is essentially putting off becoming an adult aka having a Peter Pan year...
If Mr FBI is the serial killer, calling himself "the Butterfly" is the most inconspicuous way to go about it, than "yeah I named him myself he's The Badass Slaughter Man" :P
It makes sense, as well, the way he migrates for the winter and back.
The pause before describing what happens to the victims and Donna saying "go on", not wanting to be talked down to or having her feelings saved just because she's personally invested/female and prone to hysterics/both
He's been chasing him for TWELVE YEARS without catching him
Aka this is the easiest thing ever: just get paid to suck at doing your job to find yourself :P
If he turns out not to be the killer this was at least a hilarious diversion imagining this
Oooh they've re-used the yellow panels for the motel screen which have a serious pedigree of being the yellow panels in the motel - but almost always in crosses or inverted crosses in the empty spaces between them. The new pattern doesn't really have any negative space image I can see.
Dean knows trucker lingo.
I assume this is something you pick up if you literally grow up routinely visiting truck stops and being exposed to truckers as the other wandering workers you'd find on the road most often as a hunter.
There's plenty of headcanons out there about Dean and truckers and picking things up as well.
He calls Wendy "Alice in Wonderland" which might be trucker lingo but also overlaps with the whole Wendy Darling then when talking about Victorian kids literature
Sam says it's stupid to use the trucker radio and then starts trying to argue down the case because he wants to go home and not-sleep some more. (ARGH it being a couple of weeks means Sam has spent a couple of weeks not sleeping)
He has a point about being fugitives and wanting to stay off the radar, but I kinda think he's just finding reasons and yelling about them because he's irritable (depressed, angry, no sleep) and wants to stop even though he couldn't say no to Donna to start with, now they're here it's time to start looking for exit ramps.
Dean says "Dad used it all the time" re: the radio so we're also invoking his ghost with some point to make on top of everything else :P
"So what do you want to do? Call up Donna and say 'sorry about your niece, these things happen! Later!' and head back to the bunker to mope some more?"
OH NO I mean of course Dean has noticed but holy crap he's actually calling it out immediately.
(Reminds me of season 1 when they had so little else going on they were constantly side-eyeing each other's nightmares and grumpiness levels and commenting on it - Dean especially while trying to work out what was wrong with Sam before he came out with the visions thing.)
Anyways we have it established in the same episode that Dean calls it out that Sam is moping around the Bunker, which honestly should not impress me as much as it does, except that they have had a very passive-aggressive last... 11 years :P
Dean thinks it's weird that Sam got up at 10 because he's Mr Rise and Freakin' Shine, and tbh there were people last year bitching about Davy's characterisation of these guys, but he has a very very direct way of exposing them and picking which bits to show up to catch them at their worst angles and I LOVE IT from a meta perspective, but perhaps it comes off weird to people who aren't primed to think of the characters in certain ways. Especially that they may act out of their normal patterns. In 12x15 Dean started the episode disgustingly dirty and not caring about the car or their home environment, which is obviously out of character. Sam "sleeping in" is out of character but this time we see it unfold and at least immediately have a clue that it's because something is wrong and have it called out far more obviously than in 12x15 where it was left for us to interpret, and some people wildly missed the mark by assuming it was just bad characterisation, instead of identifying past characterisation and playing with it as an exposure of something new
Also... Dean made pancakes because he knew Sam was upset. My heart.
I mean Sam didn't go for them, but again, 13x05, Sam trying to make Dean feel better, 13x11, Dean trying to make Sam feel better.
Uhoh. I am scared to see what Dean lists... "I know you're in a dark place. We lost Jack, Mom is... I think about 'em too. All the time."
He doesn't know Caaaas is lost tooooooo
my heart.
ALSO it's dramatic irony again, as it was at the beginning of the season - Dean not knowing about Cas's current state, in which we are wildly more equipped to tell him how he should be feeling...
I mean look at bisexualdemondean's inbox over Christmas with all the jokey needling from people reminding him to check on Cas or coughing into their sleeves about seeing what Asmodeus is up to, and obviously demon!Dean casually being like pfft whatever and paying it no heed because the very in character RP is savvy to this plot that Dean has no clue and seems to think he has no reason to worry, even if he hasn't seen Cas in a while. The show is making the same reaction as the anons who want him to look and the show Dean is obviously completely in the dark, minus the wink wink fourth wall break from the blogger behind the demon!Dean blog that they know full well what the anons are implying because they've seen the show...
why am I using this as an example? Because the show's been incredible with the dramatic irony this season and as a way of creating an emotive response from us it can not be overlooked as an element of the season, but also has a knife edge from causing a BUNCH of wank from people who don't get it that this is something Dean doesn't know, that the pain of watching him not knowing all this stuff is basically permanently setting up SOMETHING at his expense this season and constantly using what he doesn't know about what's happening to Cas as the lever to boot.
And idk I find it totally fascinating, and awesome, and really clever, but when the show is super clever the fandom as a mass entity seems to struggle, for whatever reasons.
Non-judgementally, it's like that MIB meme about panicky mobs of people aka fandoms, just as a mass entity. If you're reading this I assume you've been reading the other posts I made per episode where I've talked about this literally every time it comes up so as individuals you're probably not part of this :P
Oh heck I should not have pressed play. "You can't let it eat you up. Look when I was broken  up you were there for me. Well I'm here for you now."
I love SalmonDean in the exact right quantities and this is the sort of thing that makes my stomach hurt with affection for them
Dean gives Sam the same message of putting your head down and focussing on the work.
Repress repress repress!!!!!!!
I think the radio is going to put an end to this - yeah
lol Dean is midnight rider
sounds like a woman on the other end? the static makes it hard to tell but the dudes all laugh off Dean's request like it's a hook up request for Wendy or just don't care, then this woman radios in with info
score one vs toxic masculinity
"it's a date"
Dean says he'll go check it out and tells Sam to hang back, I think to enforce his obligation to Donna while also giving him a chance to rest until needed, which is a nice arrangement.
Sam does the "Look obviously I'm here for Donna" and doesn't have a "but" - though it's left hanging that he's struggling. Whatever else is going on, he is saying he doesn't intend to bail, despite his earlier attempt to argue to go home
aaaaand back to the serial killer basement.
More masks, and Wendy with her eyes covered too
Wendy screaming and getting screamed back at, and mocked silently with the serial killer miming tears at her - not using  his voice, definitely falling into this persona of the monster with a disregard for her feelings... the "Boo hoo" attitude again takes me back to toxic masculinity as the bad guy
And he tells her to smile (again if it's the UFO creep from the Truck Stop although honestly he looked too small to be this guy) - if it's not him it's once again just men being creeps.
"Sorry I'm late," Sam says, showing up after reluctantly dragging himself into work
my heart is breaking for this guy
Donna has been handed credit card history for Wendy so they'll probably be at the creepy truck stop soon - if that's not where Dean arranged to go already (I didn't catch where they arranged to meet)
Huh, Mr FBI called in Bible Guy who I assume had the Jesus Saves van, of all the potential suspects in that truck stop.
He's suuuuper creepy but I assume at this point, probably not the bad guy, if he's already here 15 minutes in.
Although he did have Wendy's bloody shirt so who knows... Doesn't look good.
He's called Pastor Diamond something or other which goes with how there's a diamond motel neeext episode... or 13x13. Yeah. Anyways, theeemes
He's already called out for having a history of lewd behaviour, then we add being creepy enough to keep a bloody shirt even if he isn't the killer.
(I assume the killer wouldn't be dumb enough to be caught with it)
OMG Dean's dressed as a trucker.
Which is to say, his normal plaid with a puffy vest over it.
And yaaaay it is mowhawk lady from the diner aka one of the main characters from TAZ Amnesty I mean what no she isn't a magician with a bunny. I'm so confused :P
Oh no, she didn't stop to pick Wendy up, and she made excuses to herself for why she couldn't stop and help out another woman in distress, and now feels the Guilt. Everyone feels very bad about what happened to Wendy but it's not helping her >.>
Donna has to stop to gather herself when they pull out Wendy's picture and start talking about how great she is.
Pfft and then Diamond whatever fuckhead is super racist about a guy with a Mexican-sounding name. Well he may not be the serial killer to be brought in so early but this is very much a story of how all the humans can be monsters if they try hard enough.
(I love the "Humans are the real monsters" stories and this one is great because who can you trust in that scenario, and it focuses on all sorts of things, like the trucker's responsibility to help and being a bad Samaritan etc is a lesser evil and she's definitely one of the nicer-seeming people, because she said Manny's gives her the creeps as well so she's on our side about it, but at the same time she's still mixed in with the social responsibility for allowing evil to happen... this probably isn't social commentary about current America at allllll)
Dean enlists Doug's help which is... great... and Doug shows up trying to be all shady in a hooded coat. Donna's adapting to the grittiness well... Doug sticks out like a sore thumb
I like that Dean's already staking out Manny's anyways.
Ewwww Doug just saying "I love Donna" blech
He's asking if Donna will be okay after never seeing her sad before but almost the first proper interaction Dean had with Donna seeing her as more than local police but as a person was seeing her deep dark pit of sadness about how Doug1 treated her, and told her she deserves better. He KNOWS Donna has a lot of sadness and self-worth issues she doesn't let on, and if Doug doesn't know about them after a year, he's not someone Donna opens up to. She opened up to Jody immediately, in contrast :P
"Not sure what you mean."
Doug lists some really superficial things they talk about as talking about "everything"
"I think she's hiding something from me"
Dean is like... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
He tells Doug he's going to be there for Donna and to trust her.
Maybe I just really hate Doug more and more but Dean's starting to remind me of the Lester conversation in 10x02 but just in bafflement about how Doug could possibly ~get~ Donna.
Meanwhile Donna looks like she's about to school Pastor Dickhead
He's sitting there with the lighting giving him a halo while playing butter won't melt in his mouth
And she's playing friendly cute Donna facade while telling him he's gonna be had for dinner for 2 days in the cells while getting him to talk
She's awesome.
Well that's super suspicious that the cashier closed early and chased after Wendy... We're halfway through so allowing for monster nonsense to get added in...
At this point because it took so long to get to a download, my mum insisted we watch the episode together while we ate so I now know everything that happened. D:
Ugh creepy pastor. ugh. the least he deserves is being reduced to crying by Donna while interrogating him.
Mr Totally Not The Bad Guy being like "But the shiiiirt" and Sam and Donna are too smart to think it makes sense for a moment. Sam says almost exactly what I would have done - hurr blurr I evaded capture for 12 years but here I am with a bloody shirt in my van
I mean the pastor is probably someone they were sizing up as potential eating and just hadn't got around to him yet, so he also worked as a fall guy
Anyway blatant "but if it isn't him who is it" cut to the cashier
The plot makes mores sense with hindsight that he cracks and shows Dean the video because they'd recognised the Winchesters' car and so he wasn't just playing dumb that he happened to know the website but his albi was being over here while the live cutting up was going on but that he confidently had the reassurance they didn't know he was a vampire so he could go along with whatever while leading them into a trap, and thinking that his day ended with packing up bits of Winchesters to go.
The "how they do it in the FBI" pathetic slap and then the Look that Donna gives Dean and the shifty look he gives back before turning to Doug and giving him another "but yeah it is" nod to back it up is an amazing silent exchange
Whoops Doug finds out about monsters. Dean has another "awkward" look caught between them
At this point Wendy being auctioned is really just bait to make them come
I will forgive Sam for not being more suspicious of Mr FBI on account of him having a very bad day but the point where he shows up and helps them investigate and Sam, now knowing it's monsters, doesn't fob him off harder but just says "alright follow me" is where I call impaired judgement
The caged halo lights are back and the creepy mask guy doesn't get to stand under one but one is directly behind Wendy in the video clip of her screaming
The trick with the radio is good because it works on us too knowing the torture is currently going on with that music playing.
And then we go to Doug being roughed up and turned because it's time to do all the reveals now we have the fake out, so Sam gets knocked out and Doug left as a distraction and the cashier to hold them up.
Oops Doug is a vampire. Doug growling is weird
Pfft and he just immediately attacks Donna. Dean is very quick thinking to immediately grab dead man's blood as soon as things start going.
"Well thanks for making it easy for me."
The vampire comes back to gloat and tell Dean that Sam's been got.
I love that Donna has no patience and just shoots the guy's knee out because we need to sort things out and Dean's showy machete waving ways aren't her style :P
"No no no get further back. He's a big boy, we need a wiiiide lens" I know it's terrible but I laughed SO HARD
"Hell soon as I saw that fancy car I knew who you were"
... we do always say is it a good idea that they keep driving it around? no. but will they stop? Never. :P
"The Butterfly" giving Sam a rough estimate of how many monsters there are - 100s of thousands - says the ones Sam and Dean see are too mean or stupid to "pass" which does lend itself to a double-edged fear of every day people being monsters... I think the implication with a corrupt FBI guy and the monsters we see all being white peeps is not a racist implication but more commentary on society being awful and so on, and I think using the racist preacher as the absolute scum of humanity is a good way to avoid too much weird implications about monsters - the BMoL had that creepy Brexit parallel which sort of cast monsters as immigrants which of course, considering they might well eat people, wasn't the neatest message.
I think this is a bit more tuned to 2018 anyway :P My concerns about the social commentary from earlier have mostly evaporated.
He thinks he's saving good honest American lives by feeding only people who won't be missed to the monsters - and he mentioned that the Mexican guy had a family which means he WOULD be missed - he's just racist too.
He's good at the whole auction voice thing though.
They really toned down the vampire cure thing because Dean barfed his guts up with it and now he's letting Donna give Doug the cure in the car as they drive.
In the *car*
"Let's begin the auction for Sam Winchester's HEART"
lemme tell you, even coming in at like 500k that's still not as much as it's worth. That is a priceless artefact there.
I absolutely adore the "you had no idea your aunt could do that" fight sequence :D
Like, she knows Donna's a cop, but having her just bust in and kill the guy...
What an aunt.
"There are many pieces to Sam Winchester but only one heart"
Honestly, devoid of context, I wanna see that on like 8 different artsy Sam edits.
Fake out Sam getting shot. "Since Dean's out there, quick and dirty."
Not quick enough.
Sam having a "huh, I'm not dead," moment. After we see the close up gunshot and that's why Sam and "The Butterfly" were both down to their white shirts, because there's just a mo where we aren't sure which one of them we're seeing even though it was aimed at Sam's head so it's clear just from seeing a shot to the heart that it wasn't Sam.
Also he wouldn't just randomly die, I say in a season where Dean randomly died already :P
Dean does those quips just for Sammy's benefit
I think Donna and Doug maaay not have been dating but she kinda realised she might like him now they've had a sort of adventure together...
"I was a vampire!" "For a couple of hours"
Ah well, bye bye Doug, thanks for breaking Donna's heart, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
This was a bit drawn out but I think it was important for Donna even if Doug is really annoying so I don't like watching him struggle on screen.
I think Donna really hoped she'd found someone in the life
Sam just sees it as completely inevitable and good for Donna that she doesn't have someone she cares about in the firing line.
Ow ow ow ow.
Oh Donna as well... :(
I'm just in so much pain for Sam and Donna. Dean needs to hug 'em both.
He just gives Donna the pat on the shoulder while she cries.
Buuut now she's Doug-free for Wayward Sisters, hurrah!
She and Jody can bond and discover something in each other they didn't even know they were missing :3
That Jody's name isn't "Doug" for starters.
Dean's still harping on what Sam said to Donna, both telling her to get used to having no one close to you and just in general, yikes it's never good to hear someone you care about talking that way about caring about people and he should know he's BEEN there.
This is like the dark opposite of 11x04's optimistic Sam and "someone in the life" stuff.
Sam angrily stands his ground because he's a grumpy goose today "Was I wrong?"
it seems like Kaia set off his latest mood but also in losing Jack in the process of looking for Mary, who, also, is still gone and not seen for weeks before that, presumed dead... I would guess the fact that he was miserable in The Bad Place was the start of this, before Kaia died, and losing her really just symbolised how shitty everything is, the cherry on top of losing all the people they care about over and over.
After Dean spent the first part of the season his terrible way, now Sam's got his overdue depression and breakdown (tiiitle drop) that has been lurking below the surface...
... if we're lucky, as Sam fans, this might not just be a one-episode thing but actually, like, something that's going to happen in an ongoing way for Sam??
Sam denies he's in a dark place because everything he's saying is true, but Sam normally does repress and get optimistic about finding ways to research their way out of whatever hole they get themselves into this time.
Which ain't healthy but is how Sam manages to skim over the top of being in a dark place most times, meaning this is really hitting him hard now.
He also mentions Cas in his list of having mom and cas back and helping jack, accidentally playing into the dramatic irony in another way, of not knowing Cas is currently in trouble now as well but still listing him among the ones they've lost and that he's lost hope over...
"This ends one way for us, Dean."
And with that, the ginormous, grimy, rusty cog behind the entire mechanism, finally clunks around a slot, turning it from Dean as the dying bloody mindset Winchester to Sam, for the first time in a long time, and in a very curious way that Dean, who states it all the time, is now forced to evaluate and to think, do I really agree with it? I say it all the time but WOAH THAT IS HORRIFYING TO HEAR COMING OUT OF SAMMY'S MOUTH WHAT THE HELL WHO BELIVES THAT?
Anyway then we end of that awful shot of Sam from the outside of the impala looking in on him which just makes us feel helpless about not being able to hug him, in my scientific opinion of what that shot is implying.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Horror Anime To Watch on Crunchyroll
One of the best things about October is how every content provider gets infected with Halloween madness and succumbs to horror-centric programming. Some networks even curate a full 31 days of scary content to prove just how gung ho they are about this spooky holiday. At this point you’ve likely already made a checklist for all of the big horror films that are on the horizon and all of the older classics that you need to catch up on. However, if you’re still starved for even more horror-based content, then look no further than Crunchyroll and their catalogue of frightening anime. 
Whether you’re a committed member of the anime streaming service or you’ve never checked out the site before, it’s likely that the service will have something that catches your eye. It can sometimes be rather overwhelming to sift through a whole collection of anime, especially when you have no idea what’s supposed to be good or not, let alone a series that’s actually scary. In order to make your Halloween a little less frightening, we’ve streamlined a list of some of Crunchyroll’s most notable anime series—both in terms of horror shows that go straight for the jugular as well as lighter fare that centers around a supernatural premise—to make the experience as easy as possible for you.
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 
How Many Episodes: 72
Sub Only
Yamishibai has steadily been trucking along for over six seasons and it’s turned into one of the more traditional horror anime staples in Japan. The series gets its inspiration from classic urban legends and ghost stories from Asian culture and distills them into brief four-minute bursts of horror. A lot of Yamishibai’s charm comes from its creepy atmosphere and short stories, but the anime’s quality wildly fluctuates over the show’s six seasons. Some episodes are more uncomfortable or strange than terrifying, and the show’s low production values may deter some viewers, but it’s a great source to learn about all kinds of creepy new stories.
How Many Episodes: 13
Sub Only
Kagewani looks at a desperate video blogger who attempts to find success by faking the appearance of cryptids and monsters in his videos. Before he knows it, there are real monsters that are loose on the city and a growing epidemic begins to sweep the community. This hapless blogger, Sousuke, attempts to eliminate these creatures, but the mystery he’s put himself in continues to deepen. Kagewani is easy viewing with its short seven-minute episodes and even though the art style leaves plenty to be desired, it features creative monsters designs and a mystery that holds up until the end. Dedicated fans can also check out the show’s sequel series, Kagewani: Shou.
Angels of Death
How Many Episodes: 12
Sub and Dub
Angels of Deathis a boiled down psychological horror title that throws its characters and audience into a high concept premise. A young girl named Rachel wakes up in the basement of an abandoned building and has no idea how she got there. It’s not long until she encounters Zack, a man who’s completely covered in bandages and has a penchant for waving a sickle around. Angels of Death explores the unconventional friendship between these two as they try to figure out where they are and how to get out. The prison that Rachel and Zack find themselves trapped in is full of unusual horror-friendly characters and the series understands how to make this action-packed mystery engrossing rather than draw out the adventure and withhold answers.
GeGeGe no Kitaro (Kitaro of the Graveyard) (2018) 
How Many Episodes: 97 (and still running)
Sub Only
GeGeGe no Kitaro is an anime series that’s actually been around since the 1960s, but every decade has featured some fresh attempt at remaking the series. 2018’s rendition of GeGeGe no Kitaro seems to have learned much from its predecessors and feels like the most polished execution of the anime yet. The series focuses on a number of yokai that are determined to keep the world safe from the more dangerous spirits that are out there. Each episode features a “yokai of the week” that must be handled, but a larger serialized story also courses in the background. GeGeGe no Kitaro has a wide cast of weird, enjoyable characters and even though it skews younger, it still manages to surprise. The basic premise behind the series may sound played out, but incredible art design and addictive storytelling help keep this anime on top.
How Many Episodes: 12
Sub Only
Anothertells an unnerving mystery that sees class 3-3 in a middle school turn into a hotbed for supernatural activity after a popular girl passes away in the ’70s. Now in the present, a new transfer student enters class 3-3 and he’s the only one that’s able to see Misaki, the girl who passed away over 20 years ago. Mysteries continue to grow and this transfer student forms an unexpected alliance with the mysterious Misaki to figure out what evil forces have ahold of their school. Another plays up the mystery and suspense angle over pure horror, but it still knows when to turn up the blood and guts when it’s appropriate. Another benefits from a concise 12-episode story and even though the series’ central mystery changes in some major ways in the second half of the season, it’s always engrossing. You truly want to see Kouichi, the transfer student, find some peace and hopefully be able to give Masaki’s soul some rest, too.
Parasyte: The Maxim
How Many Episodes: 24
Sub and Dub
Parasyte: The Maxim hits the ground running and is bonkers from its very first frame. The series revolves around a number of alien parasites that have landed on Earth and start possessing hosts. Shinichi Izumi is a mild-mannered high school student whose life drastically changes when one of these parasites possesses his right hand. This sets Shinichi on a dangerous journey to wipe out the other parasites that have landed on Earth, as well as figure out how to work alongside his new alien host, and if there’s a way to rid himself of this threat. Parasyte: The Maximoperates like a superhero series at times as Shinichi acclimates to the new strength and powers that his parasite gives him. The series also navigates tricky moral territory as Shinichi, who’s now a human-alien hybrid, must fight against the aliens that are now part of his biology (think Tokyo Ghoul, but with aliens instead of vampire demons). 
The path that Shinichi finds himself on gives the anime a strong narrative drive, but honestly, this is just a beautiful show to watch in motion. The fluid, bewildering effects that Shinichi’s parasitic hand puts to use are ridiculous and it’s just crazy to watch a boy partner up with an alien version of his hand for an entire series. H.P. Lovecraft would give this madness his full stamp of approval.
Junji Ito Collection
How Many Episodes: 12
Sub and Dub
If Yamishibai is the tame horror anthology that you can watch before going to bed, then Junji Ito Collection is pure nightmare fuel. This is not a series that should be watched with the lights turned off or even with a large amount of shade in the room. The series adapts some of the most disturbing stories from renowned horror manga artist, Junji Ito. Junji Ito Collection packs two sordid stories into each episode and the subject matter ranges from supernatural curses, to deranged killers, to some of the most extreme body horror you’ll ever see in an anime (can David Cronenberg please take on a live-action adaptation of “Honored Ancestors”?). Ito conjures up unbelievable ideas that are truly a rarity for horror and stories like “Greased,” “Long Dreams,” “Slug Girl,” and “Blood-Bubble Bushes” are all behemoths of horror.
Unfortunately, not all of the Ito stories that the anime chooses to adapt are winners, but the series’ unsettling art design still helps the weaker tales carry a strong punch. With any justice a second season of this will soon be announced to terrify anime fans well into 2019.
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How Many Episodes: 12 
Sub Only
Erased is a tight psychological thriller that feels like what would happen if David Fincher had written and directed Back to the Future. The anime centers around the pursuit of a child killer who’s been on the loose for decades while someone else has wrongfully taken the blame. This compelling serial killer mystery also throws in supernatural elements with how the central character experiences a phenomenon known as “Revival” that sends him back in time a few minutes to prevent incidents. The 29 year-old suddenly finds himself sent back 19 years and in his 10 year-old self with the opportunity to stop and catch the child murderer before his initial crimes take place. It’s an incredible mix of genres with a villain that’s genuinely scary and phenomenal characters that you want to see survive. Erased is only 12 episodes and not a single one is wasted as this mystery plays out and goes to dark places.
The Promised Neverland
How Many Episodes: 12 
Sub Only
The Promised Neverland is the kind of anime that M. Night Shyamalan would absolutely fall in love with. It’s a masterstroke of storytelling and it builds tension in amazing ways as it keeps the characters and the audience in the dark about so much. It makes all of the series’ payoffs become absolutely incredible. The anime is set in a dystopic vision of 2045 within an orphanage where an 11 year-old named Emma and dozens of other young children are given a cushy existence at the cost of never leaving the grounds and venturing to the outside world. Emma and company soon learn of the horrific truth of the world and the real reason that they’re being kept at this orphanage. It’s truly chilling and The Promised Neverland tells a gripping story where these children have no one to trust and are in way over their heads. A second season of The Promised Neverland is set to hit in 2021, so it’s the perfect time to jump into this series.
Death Note
How Many Episodes: 37
Sub and Dub
Death Note is a series that’s turned into a colossal hit and even though various live-action versions of it exist, there are none that compare to what the anime accomplishes. Death Note succeeds in taking something as outlandish as a magical killing notebook and an apple loving devil shinigami and tie it with a hard-boiled cat and mouse crime saga. Light Yagami’s plummet into darkness and L’s pursuit to apprehend him and keep the blast radius from increasing is really great stuff. It digs into the inherently scary nature of what misdirected rage can make people do. It’s such a different take on a serial killer and the anime remains unpredictable until the end, even though it takes a major turn after the halfway point that isn’t for everyone.
Other horror-centric or monster-based anime titles to check out on Crunchyroll when you’ve scared yourself stiff off of everything else: Jin Roh, The Laughing Salesman NEW, The Garden of Sinners, Interviews With Monster Girls, and Attack on Titan
The post Best Horror Anime To Watch on Crunchyroll appeared first on Den of Geek.
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omgcpumpkins · 7 years
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This is the full list of prompts for OMGCPUMPKINS, as sent in by a wide array of anons and less-mysterious contributors. A big thanks to everyone who sent in something creepy - we’re sure they’ll be greatly appreciated by prospective content creators!
To participate in the fest, you do not have to use one of these prompts. If you do want to, however, send us a message (no anons for this, please) with which one you’ve chosen, and we’ll strike it through to let everyone know it’s been taken. This even holds if you’re just using a prompt as a starting point - we’d like to avoid too many similar works as the fest goes.
The fest will start posting entries on October 13th (which, yes, is a Friday), but will continue posting up to October 31st (obviously, Halloween). You’ll have until then to make what you want and shoot it through to us. For more details on submission, make sure to check the guidelines. If you still have questions, you can send us an ask (feel free to use anon for this one, though).
[full list of prompts under the cut]
Jack is a werewolf and his transformations are kind of painful/violent, so the rest of the guys help him work through it. Maybe Bitty’s a frog and it's his first time witnessing this? Or something later when Bitty has a crush on/is dating Jack? Either works! Bonus for mentions of other creatures CLAIMED
For Year 1 Halloween Bitty is dressed as Mrs. Lovett, so I'd like to see him have a weird obsession with making people pie (Zimbits, if it fits there anywhere) [see below for more direct alternative]
The Bittles are a family of vampire hunters, infamous in the South. When Bitty gets turned and flees instead of staying and turning himself in, they send a call out to every hunting family in the world. Wanted Dead. Jack Zimmermann of the Zimmermann hunting family runs across a sweet little baker that runs the night shift CLAIMED
Jack and Bitty come out, get married, and live happily ever after... until Bitty finds out that Jack is actually a serial killer. CLAIMED
There are things hockey players are never to do on the ice -- voluntarily shedding blood is one of them. One person cutting themselves on a skate starts a Grudge. If a Line sheds, it's a Rivalry. If an entire team does it, it's a Death Sentence. When Jack Zimmermann dies on the ice during a playoff run and the league protects the player who targeted Jack, Kent Parson leads the Aces in shedding blood during the Cup final. No one expected the ritual to summon Jack's spirit to exact revenge. (Zimbits overall)
Jack or Bitty is actually the vessel of some ancient and horrible multidimensional being that would make mortal men mad with a single gaze. They still fall in love. CLAIMED
Bitty is an angry/vengeful spirit who was murdered in a house Jack moves in to CLAIMED
Jennifer’s Body AU (Bitty survives some kind of campus tragedy/attack and comes back a very different person. While the team adapts to their newly bloodthirsty captain, Jack tries to figure out what happened to his boyfriend.)
Sweeney Todd AU
Person A is lost in the woods in the middle of the night when they come across Person B in the middle of murdering someone CLAIMED
Based on the text post: “flirting with death” fucking WEAK catch me sucking deaths dick in a burger king dumpster at 3am CLAIMED
Person A summons a demon to ask for a favor or a trade. The demon is Person B. It can go either hilariously or horribly. CLAIMED
Tater/Bitty or Tater & Bitty. Tater swears that there is something from Russian folkore stalking him at night. No one believes him. Except for from-the-most-haunted-state-of-Georgia Eric Bittle. Cue shenanigans or horror shenanigans.
Bitty/Parse, Bitty is a hedgewitch and Kent is more of a ritual type of guy. They have to band together when they are both accused of witchcraft by their town. CLAIMED
Person A takes Person B to their mountain lodge where they get snowed in. It wasn't going to be too bad of problem, just wait it out. Until they try to leave and realize that they are trapped on the mountain with a yeti that has destroyed their only method of transportation. CLAIMED
A and B have been BFFs since the day they met. They know everything about each other... except for one thing. What will happen when B finds out A's dark secret?
If you push canon back one year, then the night before Jack would have gone in the draft is the third and final night of the full moon. Newly turned Werewolf!Jack manages to stave of the transformation the first two nights by drugging himself, but goes on a rampage on the third when Kent finds him and takes him to the hospital.
American Mary AU (with Ransom the bodymod surgeon, and Tater as his affable supplier of clients)
Saw AU (Two people wake up alone in a room together. There's a gun on the table loaded with 1 bullet. The serial killer's voice comes over a speaker and says, "only one of you can leave here alive.")
The Haus is cursed to be haunted by a pair of ghosts forever and Mandy & Jenny will do anything to secure their replacements so they can finally be at peace. Anything. CLAIMED
Jenny and Mandy (the Haus ghosts) are actually holding back something much worse (writer's choice of something), but their power is fading, and on Halloween night, their seal breaks completely
One by one, the windows and doors disappear from the Haus, until the gang finds themselves locked in together. Where did the exits go? How will they escape? And was someone in the Haus somehow responsible?
Cryptid!Dex, but with less fun and more half eaten corpses at the bottom of Lake Quad CLAIMED
Jenny and Mandy are actually angry, vengeful, petty, and malevolent ghosts
A newly-created, anonymous YouTube account posts a video. It appears that it was originally meant to become a vlog entry on creating tasty campfire treats, but now contains the blair-witch-esque last moments of the Samwell Men's Hockey team members who went missing months ago.
Based on this post: Naked, Covered in Ram’s Blood, Drinking a Coke, and Feeling Pretty Good (SMH as a sacrificial cult) CLAIMED
Bad Bob Zimmermann didn't come by his talent naturally, and neither did Jack (not that he's aware). Bob made a deal (with a djinn, demon, faerie, whatever) and now they have come to collect their payment from the Zimmermann line. CLAIMED
Bitty has a recurring nightmare about the bullying he has received, except this time some kind of Monster!Bitty shows up and takes out his tormentors. He wakes up and there is some kind of ominous sign that he has in fact become some kind of monster.
The Haus is haunted, but not by Mandy and Jenny. The angry spirit wants SMH out of the house. CLAIMED
What We Do In The Shadows AU (perhaps with the frogs; vampires hiding in plain sight)
The Finals Girls AU (campy slasher setting with SMH)
Shaun of the Dead AU
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thestefidelly · 7 years
SUBJECT 204 (Chapter Five)
(fanfic) (ao3) (chapter one)
Story Summary: Belle is accepted into an exclusive internship at a facility that studies supernatural occurrences, gifted individuals and cryptids. Something about their methods rubs Belle the wrong way, but she tries to let it slide… until she finds out about Subject 204. [RedBeauty, very possible Swan Queen, Maybe Sleeping Warrior] [Regina, Emma and Mulan will be key characters either way]
Notes:  Thanks again to everyone who faved and/or reviewed. I appreciate it a lot! In today's chapter, we get a bit more Ruby, and a little bit of Mulan. Tomorrow will be when Emma finally makes her entrance.
Did they brighten the lights in her room?
She squinted and tried to bury her face in her arms. A pillow or blanket to hide under would be nice, but they gave her some excuse about how it could be a danger to her. All she had was a plain bed that was more of a thinly cushioned metal slab bolted to the wall than anything else. Sometimes she actually preferred sleeping under it than on it, to hide from the bright lights.
There was a reason for the lights being so bright in her quarters, but she couldn't recall what it was.
Grumbling, she fidgeted with the collar around her neck. The chain hooked to it was bolted to her bed. Likewise, the chains attached to her cuffs ended with her bed.
They usually gave enough slack in her chains to let her pace her room and even go under the bed. It was more so she couldn't lunge at them the moment they open the door. She understood where they were coming from. After all, she was a dangerous creature, highly unstable and prone to unpredictable aggression. That's what she heard them saying whenever they observed her and took notes.
But after the stunt she pulled with Dr. Whale, there was just barely enough slack in the chains for her to sit up. She was confined to the bed and probably deserved it.
Her stomach gurgled.
Maybe she should have just cooperated and eaten the meat.
She was so hungry.
There was a tingle in the back of her skull that told her the full moon was drawing near. Maybe in a few more days, she'd have absolutely no control of the wolf. It was probably a good idea then that she was confined like this.
At least this way, she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore.
The high school hallways were abuzz with excited teenagers, eager to chow down and stretch their legs and socialize. She was no different. Her attention span could only hold so much of the babble about chemistry and other sciencey things she didn't have any interest in.
If anything, the one class she enjoyed was home economics. The cooking part anyway. It reminded her of when she was a young girl watching her Granny prepare breakfast. And lunch. And Dinner. Those weekend trips to Granny's house were always the best time ever.
Something about being in front of the oven thrilled her and brought her back to that time when she felt loved and at home.
Then something happened and she just never saw Granny again. There were reports of her being a rumored serial killer but Mother would always shut the TV off or hide the newspaper. No closure ever came and Granny just became a memory. Some kids would point at her and whisper, but that was possible to ignore.
Sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder if any of that was true. If Granny really was a serial killer.
Whenever she was angry, she would entertain the thought that Mother was the actual killer. She was always hiding things and there were always those times when the house would smell weird. It was hard to pinpoint what the smell was, but it reminded her of scraped knees and elbows and raw meat.
"Yo! Daydreamer!" A voice boomed in her ear, making her jump. "Where were you this time?"
She shook her head, changing the subject, "Do you wanna meet me at the park tonight? I can tell Mother I'm studying with Dorothy."
Peter flashed that winning smile that just made her melt. "You mean meet at the park or meet at the park?"
Letting out a short laugh, she gave him a playful nudge, "You know what I mean." With a bite of her lips and a sway of her hips, she gave him the wink she'd been practicing in her room last night.
"Oooh," Peter's smirk widened as he put his hand on the locker behind her and leaned over, "So we're going to study?"
He smelled nice. She could detect the cologne he used and the gel he put in his hair. There was also a hint of shampoo and soap, but that was dulled by the gel and cologne. It was soothing to be around him. She felt safe.
"We could study each other maybe?" She waggled her eyebrows.
Peter did a little bounce. "Lookin' forward to it!"
Pain shot through her head, hitting her sharp and fast. She recoiled, putting her hands against her temples and screwing her eyes shut. Her skull was throbbing and there were lights flashing through her vision. She tried to blink them away and steady her breathing.
"Hey, hey," Peter had his hands on her face. Focusing on him helped steady her.
As suddenly as the pain hit, it subsided to a dull ache at the back of her skull.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." She shook her head as if that would shake off the throbbing. "I'm good."
There was concern on Peter's face. "Are you getting those headahces again? That happens like every couple of weeks. Are you sure you don't wanna get that checked out? I mean I could walk you to the nurse right now."
"NO!" She shook her head, grabbing his hand and clutching it tightly. "I'm… I'm fine."
"Are you?"
"Mother says it's nothing to worry about." She avoided Peter's concerned eyes. "She says it's normal and that I should just tell her when I feel it so she can prepare the basement for me. There's like some calming music and stuff there and it's soundproof and I dunno." She shook her head.
Talking about it was weird. It made her think of stuff. Strange stuff. Like pain rattling through her entire body. Like wrestling with a huge dog. Which made no sense since they didn't have any dogs.
"Look, I don't wanna talk about this." She wasn't about to let her monthly headaches mess everything up. She just wasn't going to go home tonight. Mother always seemed to know when the headaches were happening. The best option would be to just avoid home and wait at the park. "I'll see you after class, okay? Like maybe right after class."
Peter didn't look too convinced. There was still concern in his eyes. Like she was dying or something. Which she wasn't.
"Peter, please." She kissed his cheek. "I need this. Please?"
He sighed, "If you say so… Although I have practice after class, would you be okay to wait another hour?"
"Hey!" The stern voice of one of their teachers made them freeze. "Break it up, you two, or I'll give you detention."
Rolling his eyes, Peter turned to face the teacher and saluted, "Yes, sir."
That goofy charm was always going to make her giddy.
Jolting awake, she felt her heart skip several beats when she found a hand clamped over her mouth. Panic threatened to overwhelm her and she tried to squirm away but the assailant maintained hold of her, pushing her back down against the bed.
"Relax, relax. It's me."
As the initial panic subsided, she recognized the nice guard. Milan? Dammit, why was it so hard to remember anything anymore?
The guard tapped the name on her uniform. "Mulan Li, remember?" She was whispering and kept glancing at the door. "I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth. Can you be quiet for me, please?"
She nodded.
"Okay." Mulan slowly moved her hand away. "We don't have a lot of time, and god, if I'm found out, I'm going to be more than just fired."
Not sure how to respond to that, she just nodded again.
"Here," The guard reached into her pocket and for a moment of panic, the thought crossed the subject's mind that a weapon was going to be pulled out. That thought subsided when what instead happened was the smell of cheese and ham and bread. "Normally, I wouldn't recommend eating fast, but it won't be long before Gaston notices a glitch in the cameras."
Was this another test? She eyed the food. It appeared to be a half-eaten sandwich wrapped in tissue. How was this not a test?
"204, please." Mulan took the subject's hands and pressed the sandwich into it. "I'm sorry I couldn't bring you somethint nicer. Just… please. Don't make this risk be for nothing."
Hunger won out and she peeled back the tissue and tore into the sandwich, taking big bites and just barely reminding herself to chew. It was so good. The cheese was cold and not even spread evenly and the ham kept sliding out from under the bread but it was so good. It was real food. It was just. So. Good.
"There we go." Mulan's smile looked almost pained. "I'm sorry there's not more I could do… I mean… do you have any family that knows you're here? Anyone?"
A memory flashed of when she was surrendered to the authorities. Mother watched with a set jaw and thin lips.
The subject nodded.
Mulan looked alarmed. "Really? If my brother Shang knew I was stuck here, he'd tear this place down!"
She shrugged.
A beeping sound came from somewhere in the room. "Shit," Mulan pressed a button on her watch to stop the beeping. "Yeah, I've been here too long. I set the glitch to just last a few minutes and just… shit. Okay. I gotta go."
She reached over to take what was left of the tissue. She was leaving. She was leaving and she hadn't been thanked yet. She was the nice guard. She was Mulan Li. She was the nice guard. She was leaving.
Suddenly full of fear, she reached over and grabbed Mulan's wrist. Stay. Please. Those were the words she wished she could have said but she hadn't spoken in so long and the words didn't come easily anymore and she knew that Mulan would be in trouble if she got caught.
"I'm sorry." Mulan looked wracked with guilt as she pulled her hand free and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her.
This had to be a test of some sort.
From the other side of the door, Mulan was speaking to Gaston. His deep voice always had a hint of both arrogance and irritation. "Cameras wonked out just now. The prisoner-"
"The subject." Mulan interrupted.
"-whatever. Did she do anything weird? It's that time of the month and she's expected to go feral soon. I heard them saying she might be wilder than usual this time."
"Nothing to report, sir."
"Alright then. I'll go back and yell at Walter some more. Idiot must've pushed some button when he fell asleep on the monitors again. Fucking useless. At ease."
What if it wasn't a test and Mulan was just… nice?
Nice wasn't what monsters deserved.
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