#like hehehe we all hate female characters :)
devilsskettle · 9 months
idk something about this to me seems so like. idk. like you know how people will be like haha i like this bad cringe thing but ONLY ironically because it's cringe :) but actually they just like the thing and they're scared of being judged for it? this is like haha i support women and stand up to men who are being misogynistic but i also need to make it clear that i agree with those men and they're right to hate those women* (*fictional) btw please validate my thoughts and opinions because they still align with misogynistic male behavior while shallowly suggesting that i have a feminist belief system :)
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edit: actually though because it just becomes a way to say which female characters you fucking hate while feeling okay about it because it's just a jokey joke we're all feminists here :) and i see hashtag rey from star wars and it's like okay haha i get it she was poorly written by men and highjacked as a character by a notoriously vocal subsection of the fanbase because of a ship or w/e but then i see
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and it's like okay well. now i am about to defend a female character with my life after YOU said you didn't like her. why is skyler white a magnet for misogyny and vitriol, she's a fantastic character and she is 100% understandable in her actions given the circumstances she was forced into. fuck you fr
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yusume-the-writer · 8 months
Hello! I don't know if this is where I'm supposed to ask... About your Villain's day off post, I don't see any with that character so.. Could you please write fluff hurt with comfort for a female reader with Carpaccio Luo Yang pretty please? 🥹
Curse Cupid and win a date
Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Fem Reader
Request made by Anon, I hope you like it and I'm sorry for the delay
Not to mention that this was my third request about Carpaccio, he is gaining a lot of fans hehehe~
I was really inspired by this one, maybe reading stories about boyfriends and your best friends on Reddit helped...
Genre: Hurt from ComfortWarning: Swearing (Just once), bad boyfriends
Summary: (Name) wanted to go on a Valentine's Day date with her boyfriend, but it seems like he would rather spend time with his friend making her decide to break up, so she went crying about her terrible romantic life, but it seems like someone it was there... But don't worry!!! He asks her out!
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It was supposed to be a perfect day....
Today was Valentine's Day and (Name) wanted to spend time with her boyfriend on a very romantic day!
But.....He was busy....with his best girl friend....
Apparently they have a ritual of spending Valentine's Day together and they do it to the letter.
And of course she is not a girlfriend that prevents her boyfriend from having female friends or even a female best friend if he himself understands that his girlfriend is a priority.
But the problem was that he put his best friend first in everything.
Do we have a date at the amusement park? Let me call my friend since she's sad. Is there an item that (Name) really wants? I'm going to buy it for my friend since she deserves it. Shall we go shopping? Let him call her to accompany him and blah, blah, blah
(Name) couldn't take this anymore and to make matters worse, every time she vented about it he responded
"You're just being very dramatic" He says while staring at you with disdain
Here was (Name) and his boyfriend in an Easton hallway
(Name) wanted to spend Valentine's Day with her boyfriend but he was busy with her best friend, again...
And when she went to complain, he just says this
"Now if you leave me alone, I'll go see Amy" He says as he turns his back to (Name)
"If you're going out with her today, we're done!" (Name) says angrily as she sees her boyfriend stop
Maybe he would change his mind-
"Don't be like that, I'll take you on a date later" And that's all he says without turning to her and leaves
'Forget it...he hasn't changed his mind...' (Name) thinks about staring at her now ex-boyfriend
"We're done!!!" (Name) screams at the top of her lungs to make the whole school hear her and so she turns around and runs away trying to hold back her tears
And now here was (Name) crouched in a place forgotten by the students crying on her knees as she remembered the past events
She was a mess, there was a lot of crying that perhaps could fill a river, there was snot and snot that came down from her nose and went into her mouth making her spit and cough to get it out.
She looked like a crybaby only a thousand times worse
Suddenly (Name) lifts her head from her knees and faces the sky and tries to catch her breath.
"CUPID I HATE YOU!!!!" (Name) scream as soon as she catches her breath and continues to cry
"*SNIF* ARE YOU SHOVING THOSE ARROWS WHERE THE FUCK? *SNIF* DID YOU KILL YOURSELF OR SOMETHING?!?! *COUGH*" (Name) continues while trying to get the phlegm and snot out of his mouth "YOU USED YOUR ARROWS TO DID YOU KILL YOURSELF?!?!? *SNIF* *COUGH* *COUGH* *SNIF* AHHHHHHHJHH" (Name) still didn't realize that someone was getting close to her
"...(Name)....?" An unknown male voice appears causing the (h/c) girl to turn her head that could overcome the speed of light
Standing in the flesh was Carpaccio Luo-Yang with an expression that could resemble surprise as he stared at (Name)'s shrunken, crying form.
This was the worst thing that could happen to (Name), a close friend, facing her in her vulnerable state.
Suddenly the surprised expression changes to seriousness as soon as he sees (Name)'s condition.
"What happened...?" Carpaccio says in an angry tone as his face deepens into a frown.
(Name) trembles when she hears that tone of voice coming from him, and of course she's seen him angry about other things but this was completely different
It seemed like he was going to do something much worse than death to the point where his victim was begging to die.
"(Name)..." His face is suddenly closer to hers, making her jump in surprise and fear so she is a little bit away from him
Carpaccio didn't seem to like this little distance but he didn't say anything and continued to stare at her, wanting an answer.
"I....I broke up with him....." (Name) finally says something that surprises Carpaccio by the fact that she is single
"But why did you break up with him on Valentine's Day?" Carpaccio asks as he tilts his head to the side
If it weren't for the moment she would tease him by calling him kitten
"He was an asshole the whole time so I decided I wasn't going to accept it anymore and I broke up with him" (Name) summarizes
Carpaccio knew that (Name) wouldn't delve deeper into this subject so he decided to accept it
"And you're crying....because of him?" Carpaccio says as he pats (Name) on the back
"And I was going to cry for a man?!?!?" (Name) scream in disbelief and stare at Carpaccio with eyes that looked like he said the stupidest thing on the entire planet
Carpaccio is surprised by the repeated scream and looks at him with confusion.
(Name) realizing that Carpaccio only asked out of caution for their feelings to feel bad about yelling at him
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scream..." (Name) says as she sighs and puts her face on her knees, hiding her expression from Carpaccio
"It's just that... my relationships never work out, you know" She says in a sad voice without showing her face to Carpaccio "Every time I'm in a relationship something always happens and I realize that I've deluded myself once again. Like me I know that people have lives, friends and family outside of relationships, but it seems that people forget that their girlfriend is a priority, that I am a priority when we date, but every time I vent or try to talk about it, I always It would be dramatic, petty, I'm creating things, they always seem to want to make me the villain?!?" She raises her face and faces Carpaccio and then she raises her hands dramatically
"....But I don't want to be the villain...I just want someone to love me, respect me and understand my feelings or at least try to understand" (Name) continues as she lowers her hands and looks at the ground with sadness "I just want someone who every time I explain that I feel uncomfortable with something or someone and I tell them, they don't get angry and at least put some boundaries with the person and explain why they are so close to it , I don't want them to end a friendship of years unless it's necessary for their health.... but I want them to set limits.... Is that too much to ask?" (Name) says then she decides to stop staring at the ground and look at Carpaccio with sad and frustrated eyes because of this
Carpaccio was surprised by (Name)'s look, he didn't like it
He didn't like it when (Name) was sad because of something, some might know (Name) as someone who liked to get attention, but she wasn't like that at all, (Name) was a sweet person, always trying to make everyone's day. others are amazing, he saw it first hand
"I don't consider you the villain" Suddenly Carpaccio says as he takes his hand and strokes (Name)'s hair, surprising her "For me you will never be a villain, even if you are one I wouldn't mind, you are a kind person who You enchanted me from our first meeting and after that day I could never even stop thinking about you, I often spent days without sleeping or eating properly just because I tried to find the reason why you were so captivating and without realizing it I started to get closer of you but I never found the answer until I realized that it was love and admiration for you that I felt" Carpaccio declares while bringing his forehead closer to (Name) without breaking eye contact
"And because of this love I felt also came the pain of seeing you cry or sad for something or someone who doesn't deserve your sadness, this made me realize why others fear love, because of the possibility of having a broken heart something I've never had" Carpaccio says, closing his eyes and then with his other hand holding (Name)'s hand gently, this act was making her blush even more along with the declaration of love "That's why I'm going to be honest with you.. ." Suddenly he moves away from (Name) without letting go of her hand and then he opens his eyes and looks at her
"Would you agree to go on a date with me?" He asks the question
(Name) was speechless... she didn't know how to react to this confession of love she received from her friend
That was a surprise in itself, one of the most beautiful boys at the academy declaring herself in a place forgotten by students and teachers at a bad time in her life.
"Carpaccio...." (Name) says "I'll be honest with you, I don't consider myself ready for a relationship at the moment" She says while still looking at Carpaccio for an answer
Carpaccio seems to shrink sadly but doesn't seem to admit it
"However, I want to be able to be prepared to have a relationship with you" She continues surprising Carpaccio "Even if you have always maintained a neutral expression or consider the people around you weak, I can still see a sweet side of you. For I know we can work this out, I don't know how but I feel like we can, but at the moment I'm not ready to have a relationship because it's already ended and it would be weird to start seeing someone after it ends" (Name) speak while Carpaccio has to agree with the last part "Not to mention we don't really know each other's preferences, and I don't want us to be in a relationship just for fun, I want it to be real!" She exclaim
"That's why I want to go on a date and get to know you better" (Name) finishes, surprising Carpaccio
".... So that's a yes to going out with me?" He asks, trying his best to hide his excitement.
"Yes!!" She exclaims with confidence
Carpaccio didn't seem to express it but his atmosphere showed that he was very happy that it could work, if he had a tail it would probably be swinging at a speed that exceeded the speed of light
(Name) couldn't help but laugh at the scene "Hey, so let's go on the date?" She asks as she stands up and faces Carpaccio, still sitting, then she extends her hand to him.
Carpaccio willingly takes her hand and gets up so they both leave the place ready to meet.
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msbunnat · 28 days
thank you for your answer, in any case I was already very excited by your comic and I cannot wait to read more about it!
I honestly cannot understand the people hating on your work. I feel like fandoms has been invaded by a wave of purity/moral policy that shouldn't exist anymore. it's even more wild to me knowing you're working on a greek myth, and the greek myths are KNOWN to have many versions. that's the beauty of them in my opinion, the way these authors all wrote their own versions and they passed them to us. I love the fact you picked Ganimedes, and you decided to explore both Zeus and him. And the mystery you keep about your relationship really makes me wonder which take you will follow!
and speaking of take, I really enjoy yours on Zeus. Gods are complex beings, and sure they're problematic (like duh) and bad, and everything but it's funny how people will decide which pick for who. Like everybody love Poseidon but oh boy, he can be as bad as Zeus people. So yeah, I am actually excited to read the way you're gonna write him! I don't hate Zeus, sure he does seem one of the "worse" when reading most of the myths, but my favorite thing is the way you can love one god in one story, and hate him in another. they're immortal beings. they're not just black and white. so I happen to enjoy when authors write Zeus as more than just a big bad villain. But I also enjoy when they just don't make him a "sweet lovely daddy".
Oh by the way, I didn't know the version of Metis abusing him and I'll have to look into it! We had a more "feminist" vision of her myth in my class, so it's not something that was talked about hmm.
Also, my bad for saying he died. It was a sum up because of him turning into a constellation. I cannot say we studied this myth so unfortunately I don't have sources to help you on it! It's assumed he lives on forever young but the fact he turns into a constellation is why people think he died?
Thanks! I want to post soon, but I'm so tireeed ;w; I prefer to make people wait and do a good job tho.
About the hate... People re affraid (artists have to much power kkkkk) and we live in a time that you need to share your opnion to get validation. In my case, they need to say that Zeus is bad and hate on him and me so they know they re on the rigth side and have good morals. And even after all this, I think its a good thing they just warning people, that way I can get to my real target that can enjoy characters more complex that re not good or evil, but mess up beings (that includes Ganimedes). And even if people in the end critizied my aproach, its also fine, I dont claim to be perfect and just hope that even to the mad ones, they feel inspired to create their version as well. I think they forgot that, like, they can have their version and will be as valid as mine, dosent matter the story.
(I really enjoy everything about Ganymede, if people go and do their versions, its a plus to me! More about him is best for me heheh. I came across two versions of Ganymede on tumblr and I LOVE BOTH!! I really want to do a fanart of the second one, but I'm a lil afraid if they dont want to interact with me, which is fair, but I'm just judging by the dark aproach on the myth, as a horror story).
Thanks for liking my Zeus u.u I'm really more found of him, as I think about his past, but I'm trying not to focus to much on him! He steals the scene to much!!!
About Metis, its not a version, but a interpretation. I'm looking to see if I find a sourse, but anyway, its intresting, since they met when Zeus was still young. And there re some greek myths with female abusers, so... its something.
Oooh! I see. hm... I never see the constelation as a death, so its not clicking with me, but I understand. Any way, I kinda dont like the constelation, for some reason looks wrong to me, but its a valid version and Im totally using the aesthetic kkkk
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yuraimi-lee-bunny · 1 year
Hey OP, I'm really sorry you got your death threat message from a anonymous grahamfield anti, we may never know if it's from a Pricefielder or Amberpricer or Lis2 or LicTC stan who sent you that but you can ship who you want to ship. Grahamfield is literally the harmless duaric ship ever. The way people from Twitter responded to your evidence prove how toxic the Lis fandom is toward a fictional ship made me so angry how they lack empathy for someone just because they like a MLW ship and IIRC, Max is bisexual and I'm sure the fandom wouldn't hate on Warren is he's a female character named Willa.
And not all Grahamfielders are cishets. Majority of us are bisexuals because we do love a ship that involves a boy and girl because it's who we are attracted to AKA what the definition of bisexuals IRL are attracted to.
Hello! Sorry for only answering your question! I've been so busy that I finally took a little time to answer as many messages as possible!
Thank you for your loving words. That was in 2019, so it never really affected me, much less now haha (yes, I can assure you that it was really a Pricefield shipper who sent it to me. I know the modus operandi of those people who are haters hehehe)
Yes Yes! I love how no matter how much evidence they showed of how much hate some sent me here, IG and Twitter just because I liked (I still like) Grahamfield, those people on Twitter answered me with nonsense, but they did have the right to complain about those who "sent them hate" because SUPPOSEDLY for just liking Pricefield, when the reality is, they attacked them for being haters. That wasn't bullying, it was karma.
It was karma and that was it. And yes, you're absolutely right: those of us who like Grahamfield, most of us are from the LGBT community (Hello, I'm bi, demisexual and demiromantic. And no, my sexual/romantic orientation doesn't define my personality and criteria. I do know how to be a person with nuances) Most of us Grahamfield shippers like Grahamfield just because and that's it.
Again, thank you very much for your kind words and giving your honest feedback on this topic. And to be honest: since the LiS fandom is practically dead, I think this will be the last time I talk about this topic here hehehehe.
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - Hate Control: Chapter 16
Location: Tanabata Stage Characters: Mitsuru & Mao
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Mao: Putting that aside for now, one of the main features of this year’s “Tanabata Fest” is the fact that there are a total of seven stages.
For example, Venue 1 is in the Yumenosaki courtyard while Venue 2 is in the auditorium. There are similar stages set up in a variety of places.
Thanks to the establishment of ES and the new students multiplying campaign (?), it feels like there are way too many idols… There’s no way all of them can fit in one venue.
And there’ll definitely be idols who won’t get the chance to stand on stage. “Tanabata Fest” is an event that’s only held at night, so it’s possible the night can end without their turn ever coming.
But Anzu probably didn’t want that. She’d want to let as many idols stand on stage as much as they want.
That’s why we increased the number of venues. It’s seven times what we had last year.
Of course, that meant our work also increased sevenfold and I was THIS close to dying.
Mitsuru: Are you okay? You want to stand on stage too, right, Student Council President Nii-chan?
Mao: I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m used to the hecticness. This is nothing compared to the performance that became the trigger for our revolution – AKA the very first “S1” last year that no one knew how it’d turn out.
This is an event Anzu poured all her time and effort into making a reality – I know for a fact that it’ll definitely be a success ♪
I also know that it’s highly unpredictable and that it’s something unhead-of, so it’s possible something unexpected can crop up.
Mitsuru: It’s okay! The sky’s clear too! Tanabata is a day that’s all about making wishes come true, y’know!
Mao: You’re right. Haha, I feel better after chatting with you. “Ra*bits” is great.
Mitsuru: Heheh ☆ We’re doing our best to make sure everyone knows that, y’know!
That’s why this Venue 4 is one of our challenges.
Mao: Ohh~ This area is the art division, right? Looks like you guys can’t use your usual weapons, huh.
Each of the seven “Tanabata Fest” venues have a set theme, like cute things or western music.
…Or even a sexy theme.
Mitsuru: Why were you kinda hesitant to say that?
Mao: There are a lot of female idols making an appearance this time, so it’s, uhh, one of the last things I need to see.
Mitsuru: Nii-chan also told me that’s the one venue I shouldn’t get close to, y’know! Why not? Why not? I wanna challenge everything, y’know!
Mao: You’re still too young for that… But I don’t think Venue 4 is suited for “Ra*bits” either because the theme is based on art~ You guys would be unparalleled if it was the cute venue, though.
Mitsuru: Not exactly! It looks like the culture for female idols and their audience is kinda different, so Tomo-chan and the others were saying how we might have a pretty hard time, y’know!
But it’s fun ‘cause it’s hard! It’ll make this year’s “Tanabata Fest” worth it~♪
Mao: Haha. Well, I’m happy to see you’re enjoying yourself.
Oh, I was totally speaking like a “producer” there. I’m also an idol, so I’ve gotta do my best in that aspect too.
Besides, I’m not in a position to give any sort of advice pretentiously, either.
This time, each stage has a certain theme so we kinda stand out from the crowd in the other sense; “Trickstar” doesn’t really have anything specifically unique.
We don’t particularly specialise in one thing. We’re not like “Valkryie” which has an art theme or “Akatsuki” whose concept is based on a traditional Japanese style…
But on the good side, we’re a wild card. On the bad side, we’re just “normal idols” with nothing special about us.
In a good way, we’re like a commonplace meal that anyone can eat at a family restaurant.
We don’t have any weapons like the other units. I guess that’ll be our goal in the future, huh.
Mitsuru: Hmm~? Tomo-chan says similar stuff but you guys aren’t normal at all, y’know? In my eyes, you’re all special and unique people.
Mao: I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d like some sort of unique trait, so that everyone could see us that way. Actually, it’s always been my goal since I’ve never had anything that I could call a weapon.
That’s why, this time, we’ll break into all the venues with the mindset of learning what we can do in each of the themes.
If we’re in the cute venue, then we’ll fully embrace our cute side! If it’s the art venue, then we’ll show our artistic side! We’ll do our best and see how far we can currently get with each theme!
I feel so thrilled about it that I don’t think I can contain my excitement! It’d be nice if “Tanabata Fest” could go on forever ♪
Mitsuru: I think so too! No, I think everyone feels the same way, so I’m sure our wish will be granted, y’know!
Mao: Yeah. Anzu will definitely come up with fun events for us again, so we’ll be able to experience this happy feeling over and over again for sure.
We definitely have to work really hard and make sure this “Tanabata Fest” is a success first.
This is an event our “producer” created while thinking of us.
…Although, it does look like the things between the “producer course” and the “Peace Party” aren’t exactly straightforward. Well, it should be fine. We’ll do our best to back her up.
We’ve stood by her side and overcome our difficulties time and time again. It’s the same this time and it’ll continue that way in the future too – I’m sure of it.
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re: writing characters who use AAC devices
so, I'm writing a yakuza thing where everyone is a pro wrestler and most of them are queer and/or disabled and/or neurodivergent, and at some point my brain went like "what if we made So Amon nonverbal who uses AAC device" (there's something about the Amons not being voiced (with the exception of Jo in 6, so he's semi-verbal) that made me go like "!!!!!!"). The first time So spoke I used something along the lines of "They hear a voice coming out of So's device", followed by what So's saying. And then in next segments I'm planning to refer to it as just "So said". That felt like most appropriate, because while I could have *characters* characterize the voice as "robotic", doing so in author speech felt wrong, and not everyone know what AAC device is (characters AND readers alike) so it felt best to leave it at "device" and elaborate later
(for context: I'm disabled and neurodivergent, but not nonverbal)
i love you--
HEHEHE yeah that's!! exactly how i think it should be done :) i think if you would describe, say for example, the way someone's voice is wavering, or how they pause to think - then it's fair to do the same with AAC, like describing the process of typing, if they're tapping angrily, slowly, etc. but for the actual dialogue tags, yeah, i prefer seeing/using just the same as everyone else gets, unless there's a narrative reason like highlighting the character's own feelings.
i think one important thing to establish about the device itself is whether it's word-based or picture-based; picture-based is what i use, since it supports my kind of difficulties best - on a day i've had a seizure or something i can't remember even basic words, so i can't just type them out. word-based is basically the same as typing on any regular device, but (often) with features specifically designed for retrieval of words and phrases and of course, reading them aloud
an example of picture-based in japanese is something like this:
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where i'd... assume? each of these is a folder leading into other buttons, rather than buttons on their own, because... well, 8 buttons communicates almost nothing. picture-based AAC should be able to communicate as much as any speaking person can with their voice - that includes vulgarity if they so choose, and especially includes anatomical words like penis. (there are actually people who think this is controversial. i hate those people!)
here on the other hand is a japanese word-based AAC device:
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i couldn't tell you what all of these buttons do LMAO but it looks like you spell your words out by kana, you have the dakuten and handakuten to modify, and i'm assuming the 小 allows for the typing of small kana for combinations like ぴょ
customisability between AAC devices can really differ with the program - the one i use has a collection of like... maybe 40 or 50 different english voices, in a variety of accents and ages, both male and female, and i can change the colour palettes and pictures for pretty much everything, but some will have more limits; especially the word-based above, i'm not really sure how that would be customisable. still, that can add some fun character too, in that a man could choose to use a female voice, or they might use cute character images in place of the default for words like "eat" and "happy".
...i went on a whole ramble hehehe.
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Ok after your whole “shintaro misogyny” “shinaya?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????!,!,?,?,?,?,?,,,” rant (loved btw, Jin stop making ur female characters rely on male counterparts, stop making your male characters hate women or believe they are incapable challenge), how do you feel about Kanoshin. I know you have talked about it before but like, idk, talk about it again lol.
Kano “I can fix him” Shuuya? Or Kano “I can make him worse” Shuuya.
man. kanoshin. i dont think they're an i can fix him or i can make him worse duo. i dont think they are together FOR each other, they're together for their personal gratification if that makes sense??? at least that's how it starts. like they rly feed off of each other's worst coping mechanisms and validate themselves thru that. but through doing this obviously cant help to get to know each other and shintaro is pathetically laughing at kano's jokes and kano is pathetically kicking his feet and twirling his hair at shintaro groaning pathetically on the ground abt god knows what (NEVER forget this novel 7 moment)
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also its so funny how often in the novels shintaro just physically throws himself on the ground to start moaning and groaning whenever he gets embarrassed. he's such a fucking freak. like who the fuck does that
shintaro and kano in the seventh novel are so insanely gay it's SO fucking good. THE BIT WHERE SHINTARO SMILES AT KANO AND KANO'S LIKE HUH...THAT'S HOW HE USED TO SMILE AT AYANO... HE ALWAYS HAD THIS SPECIAL SMILE FOR HER, AND NOW HE'S SMILING JUST LIKE THAT TO ME... like GIRLLLL *EXPLODES THEM WITH MY MIND* there is seriously no heterosexual explanation for any of that. god the seventh novel is so so so good. all of them are so good i wonder why it's the least consumed kagepro media they're SUPERIOR. the novels my #1 forever i fucking love them.
anyways. im normal erm kanoshin hehehehehehehhehe i think they're both far too terrified and disgusted abt their feelings for each other to consider stuff like "i can fix him" or "i can make him worse" YOU GET WHAT IM SAYING??? on this subject specifically, shintaros self hatred comes from well everything bitch hates himself but if we're talking abt kanoshin. 1. its ayanos brother. even if we dont even look at shinaya ever being romantically involved in the first place, THIS IS WEIRD TO HIM. 2. internalized homophobia arc☝️☝️☝️🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍💯💯💯
the fic i drew fanart of a couple days ago is SO *EATS IT EATS IT EATS IT* or also a soulmate au that i havent read in aaaages and also never finished but in that one shintaro was already out as bi... sadly both are aus WHICH DOESNT make them bad, aus are awesome but the things I'd do for content like that set post str. please. *bite bite bite bite bite* srry i bring these fics up cuz hehehe internalized homophobia shintaro is so good
maybe kano would eventually set for i can make him worse but it's in an attempt of scaring shintaro away. he's like im gonna self sabotage so much to make sure he stays away from me but shintaro is STILL here looking pathetic and kano's like god DAMMIT. erm. yeah.
btw now for me being crazy (tw me using shintaro as a stress toy to make me laugh): i think post str shintaro is not AS BAD with being absolutely fucking insufferable abt his whole guys rule girls drool thing because my man's had a little time to grow (ignores shinaya chapter in the eighth novel so i don't go insane with anger). i think post str shintaro makes 1 sexist comment and the entire mekakushi dan just fucking freeze for a moment. and give him an intervention and force him to say im sorry women and ever since then is more mindful of his actions. sorry i have to be delusional and believe this or else I'd just fucking hate his ass. im sorry shinaya i love you but *burns novel 8 shinaya chapter*
shintaro's messy relationships post str is my favorite stress toy btw. relationship with ayano crumbles. starts WHATEVER THAT IS with kano. in the self hatred confusion and internalized homophobia and etc the situation causes him (situation being gf dumped me bc im selfish so i hate myself / i kissed a boy a couple times so i hate myself) he desperately turns to the next closest Female(?) Counterpart with the following thought process "Pfff well i am so straight and SO capable of holding a normal relationship and i can PROVE IT there is one person who is 1. girl enough 2. apparently okay with me being a selfish asshole and consuming all their energy with my bullshit". so the solution is obvious to shintaro. just date takane.
turns out hitting on your best friend who also happens to be ur other best friend's gf is not good for either one of these relationships. so his friendship with not only takane but also haruka crumbles too in response and its so awkward. takane bc 1. i dont feel this way abt you and I'd treat the situation sensibly if i didnt know you well enough to know you dont actually like me that way and ur just taking me for granted like youve been doing all this time which WAS pissing me off and on its way to eventually explode but THIS....??? and haruka 2. YOU JUST HIT ON MY GIRLFRIEND?? (shintaro would be like maaan why did you tell haruka. and harutaka are like *slam door on his face*) situation drives shintaro to possibly end up kissing kano again. 🤨
its so hilarious. to me at least. ITS FINE he will get over it and makeup with everyone but i like making him suffer 👍 this is what you get shintaro. What do you have to say to the women in the world. apologize. say im sorry women. say it. say it and I'll leave you alone. sorry i went a little crazy in the end
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blossomxlush · 2 years
hehehe back at it again
Alright so the origin for this story (I have no idea why I said origin) was that I really wanted to see someone write an izuru Kamakura x reader story where reader was like yumemi yumemite (best girl) from kakeguri only to come to the sad realization.. nobody wrote a story like that So im becoming my dream and writing it for myself (and all my other lovely izuru simps) (tell me why I wrote Simps and it auto corrected to Simpsonville..) Anyways I'mma shut up now with the boring origin and get on with the story 😚 (damnit I said origin again - modhiyoko after finishing the story)
Izuru Kamakura with a S/O that's like yumemi yumemite
p. s this is so long I almost fell asleep before finishing it
another p. s I'm so sorry for my masculine readers but the reader for today's story is female Sorry!
okay so for this we know that you are the shsl popstar (aka super high school level popstar)
(I added that because my idiotic self didn't know what shsl meant until a few months ago)
also rl quick I'mma define who yumemi yumemite is rl quick
Yumemi yumemite is a popstar who only became a popstar because it was supposed to be a temporary hold until she became an actress but she realized that she went places she never thought she would have gone before by being a popstar (she actually said that in one episode) She realized that playing this character was really fun and worth much more then she thought she did hate her fans but even after getting exposed her fans still loved her but she has anger issues either way (like me 😘) so basically she's a batshit crazy popstar and you either love her or hate her because she's a Psycho but adorable (hope that explains it)
okay now I'm actually gonna start with the head cannons
(BTW this is all from my perspective and what I think would happen it's probably a little fannon instead of cannon
Starting off I'll say this everytime you were very interesting to him
on how you could hold up the sweet act for so long in front of a person who disgusts you
how you could fool everyone into thinking that you loved them when you absolutely loathed them
that caught his attention
what also caught his attention was your adorableness
but he could also perfectly see through all of that adorableness was anger and something not so sweet
(a lot of this next part is based off of the episode where yumemi goes up against her icon yukizome in a gamble)
he was for once surprised on how you would have the courage to break your own finger for an act
just to win a gamble
he was truly mesmerized by you
now this is relationship hcs
your anger issues where not a problem for him
he is very patient and is amazing at calming you down
(when she gets mad she litterly flips over tables in her dressing room)
so if you made a mess like this after helping you calm down like he would cuddle you and play with your hair of gently kiss you and bring you somewhere more quiet and alone (probably his dorm or something)
he would help you calm down more there
but he would refuse to leave you alone
he won't leave until your calm because he doesn't want you to go through something like that alone
and after your calmed down he would go back and help put every thing back in its place
if you tried to apologize for acting up
he would immediately shut it down and reassure you it's alright and not your fault for getting angered easily
also if your having trouble with stalker or creepy fans you got a bodyguard by your side
all in all this man loves you very much whether or not your a pretty little Psycho
I got one last little thingy for y'all hehe
am I going to tell you what it is NOPE it's a surprise one shot
(here's a hint if your a girl who loves flowers you'll love this oneshot)
One of yours shows was about to start and you where a nervous wreck why? because this is the first show your boyfriend izuru Kamakura was going to be at but even through all that nervousness you stepped on that stage ready to perform this wasn't a gamble show just one of your usual concerts but you were even more nervous about this rather then your gambles
but your going to give it your all
after the show
Hearing all of the people in the audience giving their applause you gave a bow and said your usual thanks for everyone coming walking into your dressing room you got a text from your boyfriend izuru Kamakura
izuru: I have something for you
you: oh?.. what is it?
just then you heard a knock on your dressing room door your assistant offered to get it but you did instead you open it to find izuru Kamakura standing outside your door holding something
you were very nervous on his thoughts on the show but you were still curious about what he had for you
hello ízuru you smiled at him walking out the dressing room closing the door behind you
he didn't reply but he did hand you something
a bouquet of [insert favorite flowers]
you blushed at it then looked up him
he then spoke softly "I got these because there not only as beautiful as you but now I realized their also beautiful like your singing"
you were about to say something before he continued
"don't doubt if when I say you truly are beautiful and might I say adorable when you smile after your performance how you are so full of energy on stage how you don't fail to thank everyone for being there... it's seems I have found myself falling more and more Inlove with you each time you show me a new side of you" he said then smiled a bit before placing a kiss on your lips
i-izuru you said tumbling your words not being able to even tell if you were still awake
you felt like you were going to collapse or melt from all the sweetness
he pulled you into a hug once he noticed your blushing form leaning forward
"don't faint dear" he chuckled
I can't it's to sweet you replied
"you think this is sweet I'm just merely showing the surface of sweetness because -" he cut off before leaning down to whisper in your ear before continuing
"I have a lot more sweetness saved for you later tonight"
EEEEEEEK I hope this was a good enough make up for the last story I half assed.
who wants a NSFW part two? just me? alright 🥲
stay spooky-modhiyoko
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rosesfox · 2 years
To what that Anon said, beware im about to get some of similar complaints about ACOSF and Nesta’s growth too storm!
GOD I’m dreading Elain being ruined the way Nesta was for me too especially after how she developed her in ACOSF. Nesta being a warrior can fit any cold female character sure but a character who hasn’t gotten off her ass in the longest suddenly becoming this warrior, joining the blood rite, not having enough scenes with her sisters specifically Feyre and not getting a more in depth apology (Amren’s ass who didn’t even consider Nesta a friend and disrespected her like shit on a boot got a heartfelt apology from Nesta. ON HER MF KNEES. the hell did she do to deserve a better apology than Feyre, was saving her life supposed to replace proper apology dialogue? I guess so 🥴) suddenly knowing archery and it just made her look worse for doing nothing so what was it added to her for and after this long of no one mentioning she could do that? not even believably written, calling Elain a dog, suddenly being passionate about dancing, there being more smut than any Cassian growth or how it overshadowed the plot and proper relationship growth, disrespecting the honor of how and who joins and wins the Blood rite when with the Bat boys it was acclaimed to be so incredibly difficult and they just..won it with hiding “using logic that the men don’t” and magic bracelet manipulation by the queen as a cop out to give them Illyrian titles. I think she made Nesta’s friendship seem YA af too, they acted like middle schoolers in an…adult book. “let’s read smut hehehe” like what series am I reading? A bubble bath and baby Pegasus? Am I reading Percy Jackson or adult fantasy? Too many plot holes, retconning and just poor decisions that she apparently seems oblivious and careless about. Was the editor asleep and just let her write what she wanted to? Apparently yall 😵‍💫
I adore Elain and am worried I won’t like her growth or the way SJM writes her part of book…I’m expecting the same amount of girl bossing and smut as Nesta had no matter what we’ve known Elain to be like. I’m not saying she can’t be freaky but having her do too much does NOT fit her more modest personality. Because I know damn well she’ll write Az incredibly sexual probably even more so than his brothers considering his masterbaiting to even just a gift from Elain, MEDICINE for christs sake. Him being known to have secret lovers and SJM’s bestfriend hyping SJM up for super freaky Az? It’s going to be nasty in their book and let’s hope it makes sense and isn’t overdone like Nessian was and overshadowed proper growth and plot smh. Elain seems super secretive and I hope she doesn’t upset anyone and we have drama in the fandom over her.
All in all, SJM wrote a book I’ve never read so many inconsistencies or flaws in so yeah, I’m nervous that I’ll dislike Elain too. Feyre had the best damn trilogy and growth and I so badly want to love Elains but she seems to be writing worse now, even CC2 had a lot of cringe things, the oversexualization of Bryce and people claiming she’s meant to be a Queen when her maturity and communication and selflessness is barely there..
I went off 🥲 I’m sorry admin but so many people complain about this that imagine how cringe she can write Elain. I don’t even want to see her become a High Lady of Dusk like everyone so badly wants because…hy the hell would my girl become that? What has any other sister besides Feyre done to deserve their own court aside from being a Lady? I love Elain and can say that if she becomes a High Lady I will sell my book and only claim Feyre and leave fandom. This isn’t hate for Elain! that quick ass growth to a High Lady just makes no damn sense. Bring dusk back to life possibly that’d be exciting, heal it bring it back to life sure or do something to the prison but please SJM don’t make her a damn High Lady. That’s it..
i agree with everything you said. i hate it when they make acosf look like a decent book or as if nesta is sarah's most developed character when there are all these inconsistencies and sarah has managed to make the relationship between the sisters even worse.
all your concerns about elain are perfectly understandable. i'm also afraid that sarah's going to make a cheap, disgusting porn like she did in acosf, and that she'll ruin azriel like she did cassian. when we compare it with acosf, it's really scary. i hope she stays true to the personalities of both azriel and elain, as they both exude romanticism and affection and not just sexual energy (since, come on, nessian doesn't have the slightest romantic involvement and there's only sex in the book.)
i also find the oversexualization that sarah has with the characters disgusting and unnecessary. It's not empowering, it's just embarrassing. bryce definitely wasn't fit to be queen and it's not even the kind of development she's had. also, i don't think elain will become a high lady because that theory doesn't make sense and doesn't fit anywhere. helion is more alive than ever and i find it very difficult sarah to kill him for nothing.
my theory is that elain will discover herself as a seer, she will have to interact with azriel and do quests for night court while she makes her own decisions. i want to remain confident that sarah will respect the characters she has created and developed over the years and that it won't change everything.
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Savage Sunset Chapter 9S
9S is done before 9M, so you all get it early :) I was debating with myself what the effects of reading one chapter first or the other would do, but eventually I decided just based on the fact that I am impatient hehehe
Story masterpost
Complementary chapter
In this chapter: Lex and Ari decide they need to go behind the director's back, but their rescue plan doesn't go quite the way anyone was hoping...
Author's note: Remember that this story is set in, like, the 1980's, so $20k would be worth a lot more in today's money :)
Content/Content warnings for this chapter: Nonconsensual bondage/restraint/being trapped, gag/muzzle, aftermath of torture, starvation, nonsexual nudity, heavy emotional distress, mind control, I guess this chapter could also be considered light whump of a female character
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
“For the millionth time, this was your own idea.”
“Yeah, well it’s not my fault you needed someone to step in and tell you how to get from point A to point B.  You were just going to quit and walk away.  And then down the road when you were pissing and moaning about how guilty you felt leaving him there, it’d be my fault.”
“Ari, it’s OK to just admit you care.”
Ari’s hands tightened on the steering wheel.  “That creature is a monster that deserves what it gets.”
“Yeah, that’s why it’s so noble to want to help it.”
Lex could tell Ari viewed her own feelings of compassion as weakness.  As though she had to be as emotionless and cold as the creatures they fought.
“Twenty thousand,” Ari growled.  “That stupid vampire better be grateful.  Twenty thousand.  I've never been offered that much money for anything. I've never had that much money. I'm an idiot for doing this.”
“An idiot with a conscience.”
“I’m positive that thing is just going to try and kill us anyway.”
“Maybe he’s learned his lesson.”
“A serial killer does not learn their lesson, Lex, it’s a fundamental problem with the way they view the world and other people.  I’m not even sure if a vampire can think the same way as a person.”
Lex tapped her fingers.  “Well…I guess we’ll see.  He was pretty docile earlier.  What, ah…what are you thinking we’ll do, exactly?”
Ari sat in stormy silence.
“I don’t know,” she admitted grumpily.  “I haven’t figured it out yet, okay?  We gotta do something though.”
Lex bit her lip.  “Right…it’s not like we can just let him go.”
“And he doesn’t want to die–”
“And we can’t take the muzzle off–”
“And it’s probably not safe to take him out of the house–”  Ari sighed.  “Okay, so what’s our goal here?  Ideally, we want to stop Nick from torturing him.  Which is going to be a problem, because he’s here specifically to be tortured by Nick, because apparently there's no humane way to carry out the experiments.  What options does that leave us?”
“We could just steal him.”
“What, take him back to our house?”
“I guess?”
“That wouldn’t solve the problem of him being fucking starving, though.  We can’t feed him as long as he can’t open his mouth, which is something we need for our own safety. No persuasion from him. Absolutely not. Especially now that he has plenty of reason to hate all of us, if he didn't already."
“We could get a cup of blood and use a straw. It might fit through.”
Ari groaned.  “I guess, but then what?  We just have a vampire in our house for the rest of our lives using us as a Caprisun?  Keeping him locked in the basement out of sight because we can’t let the hunter’s guild know we have him?  That hardly seems better than just killing him.”
“He might prefer that.  We could ask him.”
Ari banged her hand on the steering wheel.  “I fucking hate this.  I hate that it’s on us to figure out how to comfort this monster.”
Lex looked over and saw tears in Ari’s eyes.  Her thoughts were clear.  If we don’t, nobody will. 
And was that okay? If nobody did? It was gradually sinking in for Lex that she wasn’t okay with that, and clearly Ari wasn’t either, despite both of them instinctually feeling that a creature like the one locked in the basement didn’t deserve their help–and that it was probably stupidly dangerous to try and help, anyway.
She’d felt morally superior for walking out, but walking out had been the easy thing to do.  It’d just spared her from having to watch.  Out of sight, out of mind.  It’d helped her, but hadn’t changed the situation at all.  It made her feel cowardly and weak now that she realized the depths of torture she’d condemned this creature to for the past few months.  Not having the stomach to look the violence in the eye didn’t make her better.
Literally all he’d needed to move him to grateful tears had been a warm bath and loosening the muzzle one notch.
Maybe he’d changed.  Maybe he’d realized the harm he’d done.  Maybe he would just be grateful enough to Lex and Ari for saving him that he would listen to them.  Everyone deserved a chance. Surely torturing him more wouldn't do anything--either he'd learned to see the value of human life, or he hadn't.
And even if he hadn’t changed at all, no one deserved this, not even a monster. He was still a living creature. Besides…he was barely a threat anymore. He couldn't even stand on his own in the shower. And it’s not like they were going to let him go free, to hurt other people.  Just…try to improve the situation somewhat.
“I kind of wish we’d just killed him,” said Lex glumly.
Ari grimaced.  “Yeah…”
They both sighed, watching the car eat up the road in front of them.
Ari pulled down the visor to block the light as they headed straight into the setting sun.  “Well, maybe we’ll fucking figure something out.”
They were still arguing by the time they got there.  They normally didn’t argue this much, but they were both confronting feelings of guilt about the whole situation that’d developed over the past few months, and their own passivity in letting it happen, and were stressed out.
They fell silent as they pulled their van in front of the hunter’s compound, next to a white sedan they both recognized.
“What is…What is Nick doing here?” said Lex. It wasn't unusual for vampire hunters to be active at night, obviously, but Nick was the one vampire hunter in this compound that didn't have a partner and therefore was not allowed to go into the field, or be in the compound alone.
Ari stormily shut the car off, kicking her door open.  “I have a hunch.”
The front door opened as Ari got to the porch.  Nick tried to hurry out the door, but Ari blocked it with an arm.  “Hey, Nick.”
“Oh, ah, hello,” said Nick.
“What are you doing here?”
Nick held up a notebook.  “I was, ah, doing some late night work at home and realized I forgot my notes.  So I just came to get them.  In and out–”
“Because you know it’s not allowed for anyone to be in the compound alone.  Always at least two people together.  That’s the rule when anywhere on vampire business.  Too dangerous to be alone. Especially now that there’s a live vampire inside the place.”
Nick sweat a bit.  “Ah, I understand, but I really was just coming in quickly to–”
Ari leaned in, sneering.  “I know you weren’t here to try and get in some private time with your little toy in the basement, because that would be against the rules, and fucked up, and if that were the case, there would be consequences from the director, I’m sure, so you wouldn’t do that.”
Nick forced his face into a tight smile.  “Well, Ariana, if you recall, I don’t have the key to the coffin.  You have the key to the coffin.  So if anyone was going to open the coffin in secret, it would be you.  I’m sure the director wouldn't be happy about that.”
Ari’s eyes and demeanor were that of a demented heyena in the face of a wounded lion.  “Well, Lex and I aren’t breaking any rules.  Only one of us is breaking the rules, and it ain't us.”
“Call me Ariana again,” said Ari, slamming her hand on the doorframe so hard the windowpanes rattled, “and I’ll kick you in the balls so hard your grandchildren will feel it.”
Nick held his notebook up like a shield, frozen.
“Go. Home.”
When Ari removed her arm, Nick scuttled away into his car.  Lex slunk up behind Ari as his headlights came on and swung away as he backed out.  “Was that really necessary?”
Ari huffed.  “No, but it made me feel better.”
Lex turned the lights back on as she stepped into the base.  “Okay, um…”
Ari closed the door and locked it.  “Yeah?”
“We still haven’t decided what to do.”
This had never happened before.  Usually together they were able to come up with something, or if they disagreed, they just talked about it until one of them caved.
Ari clucked her tongue.  “Well…Maybe something will come to us.”
Lex pushed the basement door open and flicked that light on as well.  The ghastly, battered creature in the coffin was lying facedown, but on the cue of the light, he rolled over, whining pitifully and sticking his hands through the bars of the lid as far as he could, until the chain on the cuffs caught against the bar.
“All right,” said Lex, coming down the stairs.  “Don’t worry, we’re going to help you.”
When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she took one of the bony hands offered through the cage.  It was shockingly cold, but she kept it in her own.
Ari huffed, coming down behind her.  “All right, listen, Dracula.  I’m not Lex.  I’m not gonna bullshit you about how it’s all gonna be okay, but we know this fucked up and we’re here and we’re trying to figure out how to fix it.”
The relief on his face was palpable.
“I’m sorry,” said Lex.  “I’m sorry we let this happen.  This wasn’t at all what we were imagining when we brought you here.”
Ari knelt and unlocked the coffin.  He seemed to not want to let go of Lex’s hand, even as Ari tilted the lid of the cage open.  “All right, come on, buddy,” she said.
Valen looked at her with panic, both hands still reaching through the top, grabbing Lex.  It was like a cat crying to be let out in front of a door that was already open.
Ari sighed and stuck her hand in towards him.  “How about you take my hand?  Can you do that?”
He shakily let go of Lex and grabbed onto her, like a man afraid he would drown if not holding onto someone for too long.
“All right, easy now, just relax.”  Ari’s cooing was nowhere near as comforting as Lex’s, much more gruff and rough, but Ari knew from experience the combination with strong hands holding you could do a lot.  She hefted Valen up, moving him into a sitting position, then gently lifting him up under the armpits to get him to stand.
Lex supported him by the elbow and helped him step out of the coffin.  He quivered, a walking skeleton in their hands, shuffling with his ankles stuck together and his wrists bound in front of him.
“God,” said Lex, once again taking in the emaciated, ravaged state of his body.  “I still can’t believe this.  I can’t believe any creature could go through all this and not die.”
Valen flinched, trembling redoubling, eyes wheeling around the room.
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Lex soothed.  “Just relax.”
Ari pulled a chair out from Nick’s desk and turned it around.  “Here, go ahead and sit down.”
Valen’s bones creaked as he did so, awkwardly, as though he couldn’t remember how to use a chair.
“Hmph,” said Ari.  “The fucking furnace is still warm.  Just getting his notebook my ass.  I’m not leaving him alone where Nick can get to him again.”  She leaned forwards and put her chin on her hand.  “Okay listen, Dracula, I’m kind of at a loss here.  You know we can’t just let you go, and you know we can’t just take the muzzle off, even if you promise nicely that you won't use persuasion.  We talked to the director, and he said he’s not going to make Nick stop.  You already said you don’t want us to kill you, and we can’t just take you to our house, but we can’t just leave you here either.  So.”  She spread her hands.  “You gotta work with us here.”
The vampire fidgeted.
Lex sighed.  “Hey Ari, we both agree that thing Nick said about not letting him write was bullshit, right?  Like, that was definitely something he made up so Valen couldn’t communicate with us?”
Ari gave a disgusted sigh.  “Yeah.  For sure. He either made that up, or exaggerated it. I never seen any vampire use persuasion through writing." She hadn't seen many vampires write at all, since her only interactions with them were in deadly combat, but that was besides the point. The only kinds of persuasion she'd ever seen were eye contact, and spoken speech...and clearly this one couldn't do eye contact.
"Yeah...another excuse. I'm not buying it anymore."
Ari tore a piece of paper out of the notebook in front of her.  “Here, get a pencil out of that cup, would you?”
Lex retrieved a pencil from the cup of writing utensils, handing it to Ari. 
Ari took his wrists and unlocked the handcuffs, the chain tinkling as she set them off to the side. She slid the piece of paper and the pencil over in front of him. “Here,” she said, setting his bony hands down in front of the writing supplies.   “It’s been so long, I imagine you have a lot to say.”
He looked absolutely petrified, like they’d just threatened to shoot him, hands trembling but otherwise making no motion.
Lex slid the pencil into his hand, folding her hands gently over his clammy, emaciated fingers.  “It’s okay.  Just go ahead and write something. Any ideas you have for us, maybe? What we can do to help?”
He fumbled, the pencil clattering out of his hand and rolling over the desk.  He whimpered pitifully, groping for it, unable to muster up the dexterity to snatch it back up.
“It’s okay,” said Lex, sliding it back towards him.  “Take your time.”
Tears rolled down his cheeks.
“It’s okay,” said Lex.  “I promise it’s okay.  Here.”  She held the pencil steady for him until he was able to notch it between his fingers, then lowered his hands down until the tip was on the paper.
Ari suddenly got antsy and stood.  “Just in case,” she said, pointedly looking away.  “Just in case it wasn’t bullshit, just in case writing persuasion is a thing, I’m going to stand over here and not read what he writes.”
Lex nodded.  “Okay.”  She turned back towards Valen, whose shaky hand was working hard to produce a series of illegible squiggles.  “Why don’t you start writing out the alphabet,” she said.  “To warm yourself up. It's been a long time, and you're out of practice." And your hands have probably been beaten to shit and had all their bones broken, but let's not talk about that.
He let out a frustrated whine, scratching the pencil on the paper.  The alphabet started to appear in a shaky, uncoordinated font.
“There we go,” said Lex, putting a hand on his back.  “You're doing great. When you’re ready, try to write something for us.”
He took a deep breath and tried to steady his shaking hands.  He started writing.
“What have you got for us?” said Lex.  “Any ideas?”
She watched the painstaking process as the letters came out.
“Attack?” said Lex.  Attack who?  Nick?  Nick, probably.  Surely he knew they couldn't do that?
“Who?” said Lex.
“Jesus, let him finish,” said Ari, still standing in the corner facing away.
Valen seemed progressively more upset as he wrote, lip wobbling as the pencil continued.
Fuck.  Fuck.  He’s writing Attack Ari.  That’s what he’s writing, he’s writing–
That was the point at which the persuasion kicked in, the exact moment it registered that he was giving her a command, as soon as she comprehended what he was telling her to do.  Attack Ari.
Persuasion was one of the most unpleasant feelings Lex had ever had the misfortune to occasionally be subjected to, and she felt panic lance through her as the hypnotic haze fell over her mind.  Her willful sensations dulled, her own thoughts and wants shoved to the side, as though someone had just pushed her out of the driver’s seat.
Her limbs moved in a dreamlike way–part of her knew she should be upset, that this was wrong, wrong, wrong, that she should be fighting through it.  She felt barely there, like she was looking through a frosted glass window into the situation instead of her own eyes.
She knew she had to attack Ari.  She didn’t understand why, but she had to.
Out of all the damn stupid things Nick hadn't been exaggerating or lying about, this one had to be true.
“What’s he saying?” said Ari, and then she whirled around at the sound of Lex unsheathing her hunting knife.  “Shit!”
The smaller woman moved at her with mechanical efficiency, no emotion in the lunging.  Ari hollered in shock, narrowly avoiding the knife, leaving a gash up her arm.  “Lex!  Fuck!  Fuck!”
Lex could see out of the corner of her eye the vampire had raised both hands to the muzzle, fumbling to remove it.
We’re done.  We fucked up.  I’m sorry, Ari.  I love you. We’re dead.  We’re fucking dead.
“Stop!” said Ari, locking Lex’s attacking hand in a pin.  She twisted her hand to strip the knife from Lex, tossing it to the ground, then struggling to pin her to the wall without hurting her as Lex started to kick and elbow.  “Fuck!  Lex!”
“Be still!”
The voice was scratchy and hoarse from months of disuse, hoary like dry bones being pulled through cobwebs.  Both women froze in place, a look of panic plastered on their faces.  They knew the power dynamics of the situation had just shifted dramatically, and not in their favor.
We’re either going to die right here or spend the rest of our lives as vampire thralls, because we cared too fucking much.  Holy shit.
“Turn and face me.”
They did, like puppets.
Why did I think he might be any different from the ones who almost got me to the blood farms? Why did I think he might be able to change?
Valen was still sitting, the muzzle unbuckled and lying on the table.  He had a red patch of skin around the lower half of his face where it’d rubbed him raw, in the shape of the muzzle.  His eyes were wild from beneath his stringy hair, set above his hollowed-out cheeks and gaunt features devoid of any fat or muscle.  His chest heaved, the skin sliding upsettingly over visible ribs.
With a weakened hand, he tossed the muzzle away from himself.  “D-destroy this.”
Lex wasn’t sure how her hijacked brain made the decision, but she found herself compelled to walk over and light the furnace.  Simultaneously, Ari walked over and picked the muzzle up, smoothly walking over and chucking it in.
They both watched it in the flames, the leather peeling and curling away from the metal, which started to deform and melt.
“You will–You will remove the manacles from my ankles.”
Ari knelt and unlocked them obediently.
“You will–will, you will destr-destroy this as well.”  He groped forward and gripped one of Nick’s notebooks from the table, the one with all the photographs of him in various states of torture, with grim captions lovingly transcribed under them all.  Despite the horrors of the book, Lex found herself sick at the loss of such a huge amount of work.
Into the fire it went, flames racing up the paper cover, photographs shrinking in the heat.
Valen had managed to stand, one hand supporting himself on the chair.  He pointed a gnarled hand at a device on the shelf, one with a light bulb.  “Destroy this.”
Ari walked over and smashed the bulb, throwing the thing onto the floor and breaking it into pieces.
The vampire’s eyes were glowing, mad with newly seized power, frantically scrambling for every hated object he could get his hands on. 
“Destroy this.”  Several lengths of chain from the ceiling and around the room.
“Destroy this.”  A spool of what looked like silvered thread, with a silver needle.
“Destroy this.”  Lengths of sharpened iron that looked like railroad spikes, rusty with dried blood.
“Destroy this.”  The handcuffs, the wrist cuffs, every device conceivable to hold him immobile. 
“Destroy this.”  A saw with silver teeth.
“Destroy this.”  Pliers, belts, scissors, knives, a variety of metal implements neither of them could even name.
The furnace filled quickly.  They were starting to run out of room.  Valen licked his dry lips, shaking growing.  “You will–You will remove this.”
He curled his hands around the metal collar padlocked around his neck, now the only thing gracing his naked form besides his tattered underwear.
The command short-circuited in Lex’s head, and the thought snapped shut as soon as she opened it.  Persuasion couldn’t make you do things you couldn’t normally do, and she didn’t know where the key for that was and did not know how to remove it.
Valen’s face sunk in desperation.  He repeated the command to Ari, who similarly looked at him blankly.
He let out a sobbing curse.  “F-fine!  Des-destroy…”  He looked at the coffin, but stopped the command halfway through.
Lex waited to see the result of his thought process with some fear.  What are you going to do with the coffin? 
“You.”  He pointed at Ari.  “Go–go, you will go lie down in there.  And you, you will lock her in there.”
No!  Shit, shit, shit, shit…  Panic rose inside Lex as Ari set the key on the table, then clambered into the coffin like it was the most natural thing in the world, lying neatly inside.
I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to do this.  Tears welled in her eyes as she took the key and knelt, closing the lid and locking it.  They locked eyes through the bars, knowing they were in deep shit, and they both shared one thought specifically:
If Ari was to be locked in the coffin to keep her here…what was his plan for Lex?
“You will help me up the stairs.”
Lex tearfully walked away from Ari and supported the vampire by the elbow, just as she’d done before, this time without gentleness, without emotion, without anything except mechanical obedience.
They went up the stairs one at a time.  As much as Lex hated Nick, maybe, maybe if he hadn’t listened and was still hanging around, they could still be saved.  Maybe they could avert the disaster that was unfolding, and she wouldn’t be found dead and her drained body thrown into a ditch somewhere in the morning.
Lex’s heart sank.  They hadn’t given him any reason to be merciful when the shoe was on the other foot.  None of them had.  After months of heartless torture, it would be a miracle if he didn't just slay every human he could get his hands on as fast as he could.
He ground his teeth as they made their way up the stairs at an agonizing pace.  Lex wanted to cast her eyes back to look at Ari one last time, in case it was the last time they would see each other, but she was under some spell that made it hard to do so, like swimming upstream against a current.
They reached the top of the stairs.  Valen doubled over, clinging to her, wheezing, out of breath.  Lex tried to suppress her horror, her terror at how close his ravenous fangs were to her vulnerable flesh.
“You will–you will take me outside.”  His voice was growing fainter, raspier, as though this much sudden use was taking a toll on it.
Lex went through the motion of opening the door, letting in a wave of fresh, cool night air and the sounds of the crickets outside.  Nick’s car was no longer parked out front.  Nick, for God’s sake, the one time I actually want you to be a nuisance and stick around.  I’ve never actually wanted to see you before this.
“You will o-open the door to your van.”  His voice warbled, with obviously increasing difficulty with each word.  “And–help me–inside–and then–drive me–to–the place where–you found me.”
He leaned over, on the verge of collapse, chest heaving.  Lex supported him and walked up to her van, opening the door and helping him step up into the cab.
She walked around, hauling herself up and settling into the driver’s seat.
Maybe she’d be lucky and the van would break down.  Maybe it wouldn’t start.  Maybe there wouldn’t be enough gas to get them the whole way there….But no, Ari was too much of a car person for that to happen.  Lex fought tears again as the car turned over and then started, and the dashboard indicators were all clear, the gas tank full.
She was going to drive this car all the way out into the middle of nowhere with a hungry, pissed off vampire in the passenger’s seat.  She had no choice.
She was, ironically, and unbeknownst to her, thinking the same thing Valen had been thinking when they’d take him.
I’m going to die, or something worse, because I tried to be kind.
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jokublog · 4 years
shortly I will open a casting for people who want to help in the dreamtale project. I need the voices in English to be able to align them and thus be able to start the rough animation very soon
if anyone wants to help please contact me here: [email protected]
I need a soft voice and something childish for Dream (boy/girl)
I need a shy boy voice and something insecure for Nightmare  (boy)
I need a deep voice, with a manipulative and ironic tone for Corrupt Nightmare (boy)
I need a mature voice and something warm for Neil the cat (boy)
I need a high-pitched female voice for Lanny (girl)
I need a rough and strong voice for quetzalcoalt (boy)
I need a honeyed (mellow) voice for a mysterious female character. (girl) We will only look for people who have already done dubbing (fan or not) before, I do not want novice people, because surely I will change them in the future for expert people and I do not want a problem with those people ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You need a good microphone, there can be no background sound or noise from the microphone.
You need to have done some kind of dubbing before, like fan dubbing or something for fun.
choose the character you want to play and send your test with these phrases.
For Dream’s voice:
1. (determined) "Nightmare, no matter where you are, I'll save you even if it's the last thing I do." 
 2. (beaming) "I don't think that's right, I mean, everyone makes mistakes, just give good feelings another chance." 
 3. (fearful and negative) "B-but he's my brother... I-I can't do that to him, I don't want to do it... Please leave me alone." corrupted nightmare: 
1 “(mocking tone) Surely the best you can do is hide from everything and pretend that nothing is happening, it's normal ... surely anyone else would, after all you caused this ... how horrible it would be for everyone to know that the culprit is it you, right? ah, is that what I feel is fear ....? and some hatred, now you hate me for telling you the truth .... hehehe how pathetic you are .... but hey, not everything is lost, I can help you feel a little better, to open the eyes to those who  don't have your vision ... what do you say? Are you going to keep hiding ... or are you going to let me help you? “
1 "(slowly, sad) if I have not given up yet it has been because of him, because I owe it to him, I have been alive for hundreds of years looking for a way to save him... 2 "(serious and demanding) and I don't care what you have to say about it ... so give me that concentrated magic or whatever, and I'll go save him right now .... I don't care about nightmare or whoever, I'm going to bring him back ... he's like a son to me and I'm not going to lose another son, not again ... " Quetzalcoalt: 
1 "life and death, there is a very fine thread between one and the other, although at first glance it seems like there is a huge abyss separating them "
2 "I am not life, I am not death, they both came together to create me, my name? I do not remember, but some" mortals "from a certain universe named me Quetzalcoalt ... although their definition of me is wrong ... I like the name " lanny's phrases: 1 "(nostalgia, sadness) I miss her too much, I don't understand why she did what she did, but ... I don't care, she was the most important thing in my life"
2 "(serious, imposing) being a guardian is more than going from one place to another , smiling and throwing happiness like in a fairy tale, you must face the problem, fight for what you protect and give your life for it" normal nightmare:
1 "Dream ... do you think that what appears in the books is real? That in the end there are good endings?" 
2 "Hey little brother, don't worry about me, really, I want you to go with the others to have fun ... it's also part of your job, right? I'll take care of the tree" mysterious voice:
1 "Everyone tells you what to think, what to do, that you are a guardian .... but Dream .... you can't do any of that if you don't know one thing first .... who are you ?" 2 "Being a guardian is more tricky than you think and much more dangerous than you believe."
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rinadragomir · 3 years
Fairstairs is better than Jordelia
Sizzy is the second-best ship in TSC after Herongraystairs
Thomas is the most boring character ever but Thomastair is good
Matthew doesn't deserve the hate he gets from the fandom
Clary is actually a better female protagonist than Emma
What Happened in Peru was lame after all that buildup
I thought The Voicemail of Magnus Bane was uncomfortably pushy
The sobh ghost is Will because I love the crack material that would give my brain and no one can change my mind, not even CC herself.
I think Magnus or Clary will die at the end of TWP to symbolize the end of the series (Clary introduced us to the Shadow World and it ends with her, and Magnus is like Uatu the Watcher for TSC- he's in every series so no Magnus=no more series) and I low key want it to happen because I want to see the drama in the fandom *evil laughter*
I am now running to Antarctica
And oh- I almost forgot- GwynxDiana was better than any other ship in TDA except maybe KitTy.
I think even Antarctica won't save me from the Blackstairs fans now
I ship Jordelia way too hard for this shit😤But I can't disagree with Fairstairs having some chemistry. They could be amazing parabatai THAT IS UNPOPULAR opinion. I think Cordelia actually has some feeling for Matthew, but she's too used to be in love with James to acknowledge them. Ugh i really hate all this love triangle situation and i feel awful for James.😒
Best or not but Sizzy is one of the most realistic ships. Their relationship isn't too dramatic and they know how to talk about their problems☝️
😱😦😮😧😯😲😳🤯okay, all i can say that Cassie gave him almost 0 pages. And we don't know much about him. We have some cute facts on his wiki page but we don't see them in books. We actually, as a fandom, created Thomas and Thomastair. Like..... Thomastair have literally one page in choi...... it's well written but obviously not enough.....
Everyone knows I'm not a Matthew fan, but he doesn't deserve HATE, just a bit of healthy criticism👉👈hehehe OKAY OKAY I KNOW HE'S A COMPLEX CHARACTER AND LOTS OF YOU CAN RELATE WITH HIM, I just hate the way Cassie depicts him in chain of iron. She could have done a much better job👈 That's a fact!
I agree
I don't remember what happened in Peru😭
Oh🥺 maybe its a problem of not enough pages.... I think...... I loved it
Maybe Magnus will die. Or Tessa and Jem. I can actually see Cassie doing this. She sais that someone from TMI gonna die right? I might remember sth wrong. These 3 were part of tmi🤔 but at the same time NOT KIT, MINA, RAF AND MAX, CASSIE DON'T DO THIS TO THEM
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I loved Diana but not Gwyn. Their relationship was pure and amazing, but Gwyn is not a well written character.
MEOW 🌼✨💕
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deepdarkdelights · 2 years
🐜 Okay so I want to vent about something that I see a lot in fanfics (I don't remember seeing it in your fics though), but the reader being described as skinny or short when it's not precised makes me MAD, I am fairly skinny but reading "tiny waist" "small tiny body" "thin thighs" "petite body" makes me uncomfortable, why make it xreader if you're gonna exclude half the readers, literally just write xpetite! or xshort! reader, same goes for making the reader unbelievably short "he towered over you" hell nah I'm 169cm Taehyung is 178cm the only thing towering over me is his forehead PLEASE not every reader is 150cm, and this hate of heels and dresses for some reason ugh, anyways vent over hehehe 🐜
Hello 🐜 anon!
By all means, vent away! If there was ever a place to do so, it would be here.
I see what you mean, about how that can be frustrating. I myself am a short person but I am not petite so when I am reading a reader insert it can be quite jarring to read descriptors that insinuate that the reader is thin.
Typically when I reference the members' height I describe them as being tall because, well, they are vertically gifted 😂 I may have stated that they were taller than the MC in the past and that was my mistake because I was operating on the average height of females in comparison to their heights. BUT, I have tried to avoid doing that in my recent works because that is not the story for every reader!
I've tried to avoid describing hair length and texture and using the term "blushing." Typically with emotions like embarrassment and arousal, there is a rush of blood to the face but on certain skin tones blushing is not visible so I tend to reference "heat rushing to your face" or "heat rising under your skin." I hope that hasn't been mistaken as me giving the MC a light skin tone 🤔
But yes! Tagging is important and if someone is going to write a reader insert you must be cognizant of inclusivity because that is what a reader insert it - a blank canvas to project yourself on (of course we know that isn't always the case as we can have specific readers like plus size readers and POC readers! etc.)
I have also seen what you are referencing about the hate of dresses and heels. I've seen a trend in younger writers where there is some internalized misogyny about "feminine" articles of clothing or behaviors that would be considered "feminine." I would know this because I was one of those authors when I was younger and I'm glad I've moved past that! But if it's a random occurrence and not something expressed as a character trait (i.e. the MC is a "tomboy", prefers "masculine" clothing, is self-conscience, or has issues expressing their femininity etc) it can come across as problematic.
Oh...I've gone on a tangent. Anyways, thank you for venting and starting an interesting conversation with me! While I know you were;t referencing my writing, I still will use this to better my own writing and work to make it more inclusive 💜
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ifeelallwrite · 3 years
Let’s talk about Hospital Playlist. (KDRAMA REVIEW)
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note: does contain spoilers
When people ask me what is my favorite Korean drama of all time, with no doubt, IT’S HOSPITAL PLAYLIST. This drama has the comic relief, the emotional scenes, realistic characters-just to name a few. No toxic relationships and petty revenge fights. Nothing else will stop me for saying that this is the ultimate feel good drama.
SYNOPSIS: The drama shows insights into the daily lives of doctors and nurses working at Yulje Medical Hospital. It focuses on 5 doctors who have been friends since medical school, who also play together as a band.
This drama encompasses so many elements and characters so bear with me yo this might be real long 
Hospital Playlist is produced/written by the Shin-Lee PD and writer pairing, whose previous works were the renowned Reply trilogy and Prison Playbook (which are *chef’s kiss*) I really like that all their dramas really highlight humanism, and puts emphasis on creating a heartwarming and realistic series. There isn’t always a major conflict to be resolved, but instead it showcases how different people-in this case mostly those in the medical field-go on about their daily lives.  I also liked their reasoning to produce a medical drama which was that hospitals were where the most dramatic moments occurred, for example during births, deaths or sickness. And since we are still in the Covid-19 pandemic, it ties in greatly to be paying homage to all the medical personnel saving lives. Hence, props to those who were involved in this meaningful masterpiece <3
The drama is not the usual 16 episodes, but has 12 episodes for each season (SEASON 2 IS COMING SOON YAAS) Good thing is I felt that they were still able to weave a dynamic storyline in the first season even with lesser episodes. The writing was just top-notch with the witty humor bits. Additionally, the music is AMAZING. I love the concept of the main characters being a band and playing different songs every episode too.
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Okay, now onto the characters. I thought that every character in this drama was well rounded. Starting of with the main five characters, also known as The 99ers, whose distinctive personalities and natural chemistry make all of them extremely likeable. All main characters are professors of different specialties, and I find the male OB-GYN (Seokhyeong) and female neurosurgeon (Songhwa) very refreshing. Also, I like Shin-Lee dramas always have characters that might be realistic yet hardly seen in other dramas or films. For example, Professor Ahn Jeongwon. Despite being a chaebol (inheritor/heir), he isn’t depicted as a spoilt brat or a cold character, instead as a warm Pediatric doctor who uses his wealth to secretly support patients in need. However it makes him stingy to his friends LOL
To be honest, I really thought I was gonna dislike Junwan due to his cold and tsundere nature. I pretty much believed that he was going to be the party pooper type of the bunch, but with the writer being a master of character development, he turned out to be really sincere and hilarious at times. Same for Ikjun, who apart from his enthusiastic and happy go lucky exterior, cares the most about the people around him. Although Seokhyeong seemed detached and introverted, he shows a emotional side to his friends as well as his mother. Songhwa is literally a girlboss though haha she’s smart, capable and gets along with everyone well. And she’s the most sane out of the bunch. 
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With all the main characters, we have the relationships. Junwan is the first to date seriously with Iksun (the dog or Micky? jkjk) who is Ikjun’s sister. When it first happened I was like not again Jung Kyung Ho (bc he dated his best friend’s sis in prison playbook too LMAO) I think their relationship was realistic and open. It also showed a more sensitive side to Junwan who would do anything for her. I especially liked how he said he didn’t need access to her phone because he trusted her. Yet as all couples do, they have their fair share of ups and downs. Like conflicts on getting married and a long distance relationship as Iksun moves overseas for graduate studies. I don’t really know how to take the ambiguous ending for these two, as Junwan receives the returned box (that has the ring he sent) I really hope nothing bad happens to these two though.
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I’m sure we all love Wintergarden couple though, tbh they’re kinda my OTP at the moment 🤣 It was pretty much a ‘will they won’t they’ relationship with a relatively slow build. I think Gyeoul turned out to be one of my favourite characters. Shin Hyun Been did a good job at portraying her as a straightforward but innocent Resident, who is pretty much openly crushing on Jeongwon. The scenes they had together were adorably awkward (and the scene where he gives her chocopies omg) And when Jeongwon battles his inner conflict to become a priest, the final decision where they kiss was beautifully shot, with the actors both showcasing their emotions extremely well. 
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Then we have Chihong who pursues Songhwa, his professor. Midway through the drama, it is also shown that Ikjun and Songhwa might have had romantic feelings for each other. Songhwa ends up rejecting Chihong’s confession. In my opinion, Chihong was quite a interesting character but I didn’t really like him at the end. (I like the actor though) He did a real jerk move during drinking games, insisting on Ikjun to confess his feelings towards her even though he is already trying not to put Songhwa in an awkward spot. Although his character did end up making a cool exit and when I thought about his incredible story of soldier to doctor, I kinda regret disliking him that much. As for IkSong, In the final episode Ikjun confesses to her one last time, and we are left waiting for Songhwa’s reply. As much as I love this pairing, I don’t think that the ship will sail or maybe not as quickly as we think. I believe Songhwa would meticulously consider the sacrifices to their friendship or other aspects and might not be able to bring herself to it, but I hope it’s otherwise. 
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Lastly not forgetting Seokhyeong and Minha, another Professor+resident pairing. This one’s a bit ambiguous though, mainly because there hasn’t been much romantic development. To me, the most impactful scene came from Minha who had been irritated by continuous night shifts and was on the verge of a breakdown. She ended up remarkably saving a patient, starting off surgery on her own for the first time. Oh man Minha was such a lovable character, I remember feeling so bad for her but extremely proud of her for her accomplishment. Although Seokhyeong seemed a bit aloof and distant (which was intentional bc he’s an introvert) I think the backstory and all the hardships he faced with his family really made me feel for him. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not so sure if the ship will sail because of the phone call from his ex-wife and Minha’s somewhat rejected confession. But who knows, they might pull off a twist 👀
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Apart from all these characters, there are more characters HHAHAH However, I think this is the killing point of ShinLee dramas. Unlike typical dramas which usually focuses on a main character and 2-3 side characters, they like to cast a diverse range of actors (especially those from theatre/musicals and lesser known drama/movie actors) while actually give their characters personality or a reason to be there. I’ve seen many dramas where extras or side characters were kind of irrelevant thus making me feel that they weren’t needed to build the storyline, yet ShinLee dramas hit different y’all. Every role, no matter how small, holds significance to the drama. It really seemed like a collaborative work that shows off every actors skills (and not forgetting staffs) and teamwork.
Anyways because there are way too many characters and too many scenes for me to mention them all, I’ll just talk about some honourable mentions heheh
1. Sunbin and Seokmin confession scene (ahh so cute)
I kinda sensed that they liked each other at the start but I didn’t know Seokmin would ask her out on a date at the end. Even though it’s kinda awkward that they are dating and working with each other though (both are in the same department) but hey the confession was cute and awkward and just warm and fuzzy 🥰
I think we all (would) love Mama Rosa because she’s a real one ☝️ (probably the coolest mother ever) She’s feisty, hilarious and kind to others. Plus her friendship with Ju Jong Su was just adorable and super wholesome. The scenes where they were supporting one another through tough times and hanging out with each other when they felt lonely always put a smile on my face. Oh and how Mama Rosa treated Gyeoul was extremely sweet. (as well as Seokhyeong’s mother) Despite her tough exterior, she’s a likeable character for being a strong but caring woman.
3. Just Do Jae Hak
I seriously love this guy so muchhh omg he’s so funny
Do Jae Hak has a funny amd clumsy personality, though it’s clear he’s been through a lot and is strong willed person. From admitting his indecisiveness to counselling Jun Wan on his love issues, there’s literally nothing to hate about him.
4. Uju and his dadd
The father and son chemistry between these two is so good omg. The scenes with these two are so adorable and heartwarming (not to mention hilarious) It’s amazing to see how Ikjun cares so much for Uju despite his hectic workdays while going through infidelity issues with his ex-wife. Uju is matured for his age and shows his love and appreciation for his dad too, making their interaction a great portrayal of a healthy family relationship💞
5. the food stealing the show🥘
Who doesn’t love food and when a show has great food scenes? Some of the best scenes are definitely when the 99s gather to eat. It really showcases each character’s personality with the tiniest details as well as highlight warm delicious meals. Just don’t watch this when you’re hungry at 2am in the morning guys you’ll be drooling all over your screens HAHAHA
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Of course there are way more aspects, like Hongdo and Yoonbok, Ikjun and Iksun’s pigeon jokes and raps, or Jeongwon drunk crying in the chicken shop with his brother (who was his coach in Reply 1994 when he played Chilbong LOL)
Most importantly, I think it is the themes and messages that you get from the drama that really create such a lasting impression. Not only does it hit you in the feels with the hardships of hospital patients, or the hardworking doctors+nurses who are working long shifts saving lives, it also tackles topics of friendships through the possibilities of platonic and friends-to-lovers relationships. However I think the biggest lesson for me came from Seokhyeong, who learns to live his life doing what he want, with the people he treasures. Although the drama might seem slow at times (mainly because there isn’t really a main plot line/conflict occurring), but this drama would still bring you on a journey where you would laugh, cry and finish the series, begging for season 2 ✌🏻
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mariamibbrahim · 2 years
Boku no Hero for the ask game hehehe
You don’t know what you’ve gotten these poor folks into 😂
Favorite Male Character: Ahh this one’s hard! My go to is Deku, he’s such a sweetheart and I love him and his development (second is Hawks✨)
Favorite Female Character: Uraraka 🪐. She’s so fun and I really like where her character has gone
Least Favorite Character: Mineta 🍇
Prettiest Character: Not sure how much you know of her, but Nejire Hado is arguably the prettiest character! Literally she’s like a fairy
Funniest Character: Denki Kaminari ⚡️. He’s such a goofball I love him 😂.
Favorite Season: Seasonnn.. 3! It’s a fun time with everything going, from the camp and the introduction of the League of Villains, to the start of Bakugos redemption
Favorite Episode: I actually really love the episode where Bakugo and Uraraka fight in the tournament. She figures out a way to get the upper hand and tries her hardest, it’s something to admire! And that whole scene with Deku tryna comfort her 🥺. ANd and when Bakugo acknowledges that she isn’t someone to take lightly. We love to see it, especially from hiM (considering how confident he usually is)
Favorite Romantic Ship: After much considerationnnn.. it’s split between Deku/Uraraka and then Denki/Jirou✨. No I will not choose, I love them both.
Favorite Family Ship: ummm.. Deku and his mom😌.
Favorite friend ship: The trio that is Iida/Uraraka/Deku aNd Bakugo/Denki/Kirishima
Worst ship: *uhem* aNything to do with All for One + aNYONE, because the scorched potato man is literal garbage?? Shigaraki + Deku because no, the man doesn’t need a relationship he needs thERAPY. Dabi + Hawks because as a manga reader I hate that pairing with every fiBER of my being, aaand those who ship any of the teacher with the liTERAL children.
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Some TB&TB Anons🐇! If you missed it, Part 11 was shadowbanned from the tags, so please maybe would you reblog so people can see it 🥺
1. I refuse to be like the CM writers and make one-dimensional female characters. Suffer!!!
2. I'm referring to the scene in the show where Spencer makes out with Cat in front of Max. Although a lot of people claim he was forced, the script doesn't say that. In fact, he goes out of his way to tell Max that he wasn't faking when he kissed Cat, which implies he not only enjoyed the kiss, he had genuinely wanted to do it.
I've always HATED that Max didn't seem to care at all (and then abandoned her family to go make out with him??? Make it make sense).
3. She really was. I couldn't write her like they did in the show because her character seriously does not make any sense. I'm really glad you enjoyed it, though! I know people were disappointed Bunny and Spencer didn't interact, but I just didn't think it'd be right to throw them right back into it. They gotta calm down and remember that they like each other first.
4. Yeah, I'm NOT a fan of Max in the show. I thought her character was bland, nonsensical, rushed, and entirely unnecessary. I wanted to give her some kind of personality/purpose if I was gonna write her.
5. Heheh. I didn't think this chapter was that bad... I was a little surprised people said it was as painful as they did. The next chapter is probably pretty close, although the ending is a lot more hopeful, and the chapter will include a Bunny/Spencer interaction, which I have been repeatedly reminded did not happen this time 😅
6. Please... I was laughing the other day about them years later celebrating Easter together. And I just imagined her putting bunny ears on him and he just gets so upset like... stop... this is wrong... put them back on you... please. But then she puts them on, too, and is like "We match!" and he just loses it.
7. They are listed in the Prologue!
8. I don't have any concrete idea of how it'll end. If I had to guess, it'll probably be a similar word count to H2M (200k, compared to TB&TB's 70k so far).
9. You are too cute!!! I can't handle it!!! Also, thank you, it was fun to make! 😋
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