#like hey man. everything is connected. i am just a series of tubes (like the internet).
seaquestions · 2 years
been having casual gender thoughts, and im feelin the word nonbinary more than i have before. its not a new revelation and this changes absolutely nothing really cos ive known the specifics of my gender for a long time.. im more just like… ive been sorting thru the many things that shaped me as a person. spring cleaning but with stray thoughts in my brain. figured its about time i truly let myself chill tf out abt being not entirely a man (but the not-a-man bit’s just for me to fully perceive and comprehend).
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sebastianstansqueen · 3 years
The King And His Queen 10
A/N: I don't have anything to say, feedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.
Wordcount: 2329
Warnings: Hospital stuff, Amnesia, and Angst, tell me if I missed something
Masterlist //  Taglist open // Series Masterlist
Tags: @cherryblossomskye - @babylooneytoonz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond - @lharrietg - @austynparksandpizza -
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Bucky walked out of the room to find Banner after you and he talked to you. “Banner.” Bucky said through gritted teeth.
“Yes Mr. Barnes.” Bruce nodded. “How can I help you?”
“I talked to Y/n.” Bucky told the doctor who perked up.
“That’s great, why are you mad?” The doctor asked the mob boss.
“Well other than the fact that she doesn't know me nore herself, and I don’t want Brooklyn to wake up and find out her mother doesn't know here.” Bucky told him.
“She must have sustained some sort of head injury that I didn’t catch yesterday but this was bound to happen if I found it or not, it can also be her mind blocking the troma from what happend.” Bruce to him. “A warning, don't feed her fake information.”
“Is she gonna be okay?” Bucky asked as both of them started heading to the room.
Bruce made a hissing noise through his teeth. “Well she could get better at remembering stuff and people but there's also a possibility that she doesn't get better and wont remember, and you have got to be ready for that possibility.” Before Bucky could say anything Bruce walked into the room. “I’m Doctor Bruce Banner, and you are Y/n Y/l/n, and this Is James Barnes, you can call him Bucky, you already met him of course.”
Brooklyn started to get restless meaning she would wake up any moment and that moment was now, she turned to look at you. “Mommy?” She said with a tired smile.
“W-who is she?” You asked.
Bucky walked to Brooklyn. “Look baby girl, how about we go to aunt Wanda's while mommy goes through a few tests.” He led her out of the room and to the hallway.
“But I wanted to stay.” She complained.
“I know you will see mommy later, but a big girl like you needs breakfast.” He smiled down at her.
The door of the diner rang as they walked in. “Oh no you are not allowed here Boorklyn and Y/n sure but you Barnes are not.” Wanda told him.
“Wanda I know you hate me, but Brooklyn needs you more than ever and so does Y/n.” He told the red-haired woman.
Brooklyn sat at the counter. “Hi aunt Wanda.”
Wanda smiled, then her brows furrowed.“Hey girly, why are you in the same closet you were wearing yesterday?”
“I’ll explain everything, just don’t get mad and get her what she wants please.” Bucky said.
“Alright.” Wanda turned around and told her brother like usual, then she came back and put a coloring book in front of Brooklyn to distract her. “What's going on?”
“Y/n got beaten up real bad by another guy-”
“A mob boss you mean.” Wanda corrected.
“Yes, and she had blood loss, some internal stomach damage and now a brain injury, which has made her forget everything and one.” Bucky explained.
“Why the hell am I serving food? We all should be at the hospital with her.” Wanda gritted.
Bucky nodded. “You think I don’t know that, Brooklyn needs food first. I'm not going to let her eat hospital shit.”
“Fine then I close up.” She tells him.
“It’s your dinner.” Bucky shrugged.
You sat looking around the room confused, yeah you knew your name but it felt wrong in a weird way, even if your name is that it felt off at least it did when you would call yourself that, you looked around this place this hospital room, it was also confusing why you had all the tubes connected to you. Then the door opened again, in came the man and little girl from this morning along with another woman.
“Mommy!” The little girl cheered, then jumped up onto the bed, you looked at her in confusion not knowing who she was. “Mommy? Are you okay?” You looked for help.
“Brooklyn sweetheart, come here.” Bucky said.
She ran to Bucky. “What's wrong with mommy?”
“I’ll explain everything to you soon, for now let's let mommy and aunt Wanda talk.” He told her, leading her out of the room.
Wanda smiled at you. “Hey.” She sat on the bed next to you, she moved your hair out of your face. “I’m glad you're okay even if you don’t remember me, I’m Wanda your best friend.”
“Hi, um who’s that little girl?” You asked.
Wanda sighed. “She’s your daughter with that guy out there, her name’s Brooklyn.”
“Daughter, she’s so little.” You said.
Wanda frowned. “Yeah, she doesn't understand what the hell isn’t going on.”
“I don’t understand what's going on.” You frowned.
Bucky sat Brooklyn down in the waiting room and was explaining what was going on with you. When the elevator opened, Bucky looked over to see your father and who he assumed was your stepmom and a little girl. “What the hell happened?” Tony asked.
“God.” He rolled his eyes. “Why are you here?”
“My daughter is in the hospital. I have a right to be here.” Tony told him.
“Wanda's visiting her right now and the doctor doesn't allow people I don’t allow.” Bucky smirked. “Besides I don’t even know these other people.”
“This is my wife Pepper, and my other daughter Morgan.” Tony introduced.
“I don't care, you're not going to go see Y/n.” Bucky said.
You sat up in bed and your face was written in discomfort. “Are you alright?” Wanda asked you.
“Yeah my legs are stiff at the moment.” You said to her.
“You wanna go for a quick walk to the waiting room and then back?” She asked.
You nodded. “Yeah.” She helped you off of the bed, and fixed the IVs and the heart monitor, as the both of you walked out.
Bucky and Tony had been arguing for the past few minutes, when the doors opened then closed both men went silent and looked at you. “Hi.” Your voice was quiet.
Tony looked at you with furrowed brows. “No snide remark, eye roll?” Tony looked at Bucky. “What the hell did you do to her?”
“Um...If you don't mind me asking who you are?” You asked the older man.
He looked at you with concern and walked towards you. “I’m your father Tony.” He told you.
“You're my dad?” You asked.
He nodded. “Hmm-uh and you and I are close, I rai-”
Bucky cut him off. “Y/n don’t listen to him, he’s lying to you, you told me stories about your childhood.”
Wanda nodded. “Yeah don’t listen to him Y/n/n, if I’m telling you to listen to him I mean it.”
The door opened, again. “I heard a commotion. What's going on?” Bruce asked.
Both Wanda and Bucky looked at Tony. “He’s telling her lies when her mind is literally basically moldable at the moment.” Wanda said.
Bruce looked at the older man. “I’m sorry sir but since you're doing something that could possibly harm the patient I have to ask you to leave or I have to get security.”
“But I’m her father.” Tony argued.
“Alright, but you still have to leave if you're trying to harm her.” Bruce said.
“Fine.” Tony rolled his eyes and left with a very confused little girl.
Wanda looked at you. “Come on, let's go back to your room.” You walked to the hospital room.
“When does she get home?” Bucky asked Bruce.
Bruce sighed. “Soon I just gotta do a few things, besides I do want her to go home for her own health. It could help her memory. I want to do what is best for her. I just gotta run a few tests and then you, Brooklyn and Y/n can go home.”
“Alright.” Bucky sighed.
After a few more days at the hospital, you’d been free to go, Bucky had brought some of your clothes-Pajamas- a pair of pants, a shirt, shoes, and a bra and underwear for you to put on. You and Bucky walked out of the hospital to three awaiting SUVs. Bucky opened the door for you, and you slid onto the leather seat. Bucky got in and shut the door. “Are you alright?” Bucky asked you.
You nodded. “Yeah I feel better.”
Bucky arched a brow. “Any memory’s come to you?”
You shook your head. “No, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” Bucky smiled.
“How is...Brooklyn? Taking this all in? hell I’m her mom yet I don’t remember a damn thing about her.” You said.
Bucky sighed. “She’s sad but surprisingly, taking it better than I expected a five year old to take it in.”
“Yeah, I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for her.” You frowned.
Bucky lifted your chin. “Don’t worry too much, she's a tough kid, and that's coming from me.”
Your brows furrowed. “What does that mean?”
“I technically wasn’t around when she was born, until recently.” Bucky told you he saw you still had a look of confusion. “You and I got into a fight and broke up right before you found out you’d been pregnant, and then recently I and you started talking again and you moved in with me.”
“Oh.” You said. “What happened between me and my dad that made him want to lie?”
“Your relationship was bumpy. He kicked you out when you were sixteen or seventeen.” He told you.
You looked at the man sitting next to you. “Bucky, you make me feel safe, and I feel like you’d never lie to me, so why did we get into a fight?”
“Our relationship at the time, was complicat you and I had a lot of sex and a lot of fighting, I think we mainly had sex to try and cope with the fighting, you were subbron and firy and still are and I love that about you, but at the same time i’m stubborn so it was like two oppocet sides of the magnat fighting to repel against eachother, but I loved you and still do.” He explained.
“Thank you.” You said.
Bucky looked at you with furrowed brows. “What for?”
“I know it must be hard having to tell me everything and help me remember, but you, Brooklyn and Wanda have been sticking by my side.” You told him. “And for that I should thank you.”
“You're welcome but you really don't need to thank me.” He said as he shook his head. The cars pulled to a stop in front of the huge towering building Bucky sighed. “And this is home.”
“Wow.” You looked at the house in amazement. “You lived here alone?”
“For a few years yeah.” He nodded, both 0f you walked into the lobby of the building, both of you got into the elevator.
The both of you walked into the penthouse. “Daddy!” Brooklyn ran up to Bucky, he caught her and picked her up, she smiled at you. “Mommy.” She said with a toothy grin.
“Hi Brooklyn.” You smiled.
She looked at you with a tilted head. “Do you remember anything?”
You shook your head. “No sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She said with a smile.
Bucky looked at you with a sad look knowing how hard you're trying. “How about we watch a movie?”
John walked into the office of one Alexander Pierce. “I need help with James barnes.”
Pierce tilted his head with a smirk plastered on his face. “And I along with many other people are willing to help with that pest.”
John smiled. “I know his weakness it’s a girl and his kid.”
“I know Y/n Stark but the kid? That's new, Anyways Stark sold some information out to me, Y/n had a head injury that made her have amnesia, I’m gonna send one of my guys-Brock Rumlow- to ‘help’ her remember.” He told the blond man.
You and Brooklyn were taken to Wanda’s dinner by one of Bucky’s men. “Come on mommy we alway sit up here.” Brooklyn led you to stools at the counter.
Wanda walked up with a smile. “I’ll get your usuals.”
“Cute kid.” You looked to your left, to see a dark-haired man with a scar over his eyebrow.
“Thank you.” You smiled.
Wanda came back up and looked at Brooklyn. “Has your mommy regained any memories yet?”
Brooklyn shook her head. “Nope.”
The dark-haired man and you had been talking while Wanda and Brooklyn talked. “It’s awesome that you, a single mom, can take care of her yourself on your own.”
“Not on my own in fact I and her father live together and are raising her together.” You explained.
The man smiled. “The names Brock.”
“Y/n.” You shook his hand.
You and Brooklyn ate your breakfast then went back home, Bucky was nowhere to be found for the first while, then you decided to watch another movie this time it was gonna be Beauty and the Beast instead of the little mermaid. Bucky came down the steps of the penthouse and into the living room a bunch of men behind him. “Hey, so it's Beauty and the Beast now? How did breakfast go?” Bucky asked, he kissed the top of your head.
“Good I met someone.” You told him.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed. “Who.”
“Uh I think it was Brock.” You told him.
Bucky sighed. “Meeting now.” Bucky demanded to, all of the men that had followed him down, they all grumbled.
“Um, is there a problem?” You asked Bucky.
He looked at you with a small smile. “Yeah, can you come up to my meeting room? I need to know what he was telling you.” You nodded and followed him. “Brooklyn baby girl, stay down here and watch your movie.” Natasha sat on the couch close to Brooklyn to watch her as you and Bucky went to the meeting. You explained to Bucky and his men what happened at Wanda's dinner. Then you went back down to finish the movie with Brooklyn.
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dothwrites · 4 years
Prompt for destiel where one of them saves the other from a calamity, au or canon/humans or human & angel, but they get severely hurt instead, and other gets to comfort them and help them heal, and they get to confess
It’s his fault. 
That’s all Dean can think as he kneels on the grimy floor, slick with Cas’ blood. His fault. 
He was the one who insisted on pressing forward with the hunt, who overrode Cas’ desires to wait. He should have listened. After all, it was just him and Cas, newly human and still a little fragile with it. He should have listened to Cas’ objections, should have listened to the little coil of unease in the pit of his stomach warning him that this was a bad idea, should have, should have, should have. 
It should have only been one demon. 
There had been more. 
The demons had fought with brutal efficiency; within a few seconds, he and Castiel were separated from each other. From far away, Dean had heard the struggles, the snap of electricity that signaled a demon’s death and the grunts from Cas that accompanied the sick, wet sounds of fists striking flesh. At least Cas was still fighting. Dean was less than useless, caught in a chokehold that slowly obstructed his airway. His joints screamed in pain while black and red crowded at the edge of his vision. 
“Dean Winchester.” His name was spoken in a sneer, contempt dripping from the lips of the leader of this little outfit. In a former life, her meatsuit must have been some kind of model--she was all lithe lines and sleek muscle and tall enough to look Dean in the eyes. Her eyes flashed black as her fingers gripped at his chin. Five bright pinpricks of pain blossomed across his cheeks as her nails dug in. Dean grunted, but wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of crying out. 
“You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you? The whole world, open for the taking, room enough for everyone to spread out now that you killed the man upstairs, and you still couldn’t let us be.” A thin trickle of blood dribbled down Dean’s chin as her nails broke skin. “Well, you should have kept your nose out of it.” 
She drew her hand back, silver glinting as she moved. All Dean saw was the wickedly sharp point of her angel blade. He remembered how it felt, skin and muscle splitting underneath the force of the blow, how easily the blade slid into his body. Looked like he was going to get to experience it again, except this time without the failsafe of the Mark to pull him out again. 
“Dean! Dean!” 
The blade started to plunge down and Dean closed his eyes. They hadn’t had enough time, him and Cas, and now he was leaving Cas to the rest of a mortal life, alone. I’m sorry, Dean thought, tensing in preparation for the inevitable blow. Cas, I’m so sorry...
The blow never hit. Instead, what hit was a dervish, a whirl of blows and snarls and yelps. Somewhere, in the mad scuffle, Dean recognized the shock of dark hair and the flash of Cas’ shirt. Seeing that gave him enough strength to break free of the hold. His own blade slipped into his hand and he plunged it into the gut of the demon who had been holding him. 
He’d had just enough time to feel triumphant before he heard the low grunt of pain. 
He’d known what it was, but he still turned around to confirm. His eyes landed on a nightmare. 
A demon stood tall, blade in hand. Crimson liquid dripped slowly off of the tip of the blade to splash upon the ground. Though it was impossible, Dean would swear that he heard the impact of every drop. A sick, twisted grin spread across the demon’s face as they looked down. 
Castiel staggered backward, hands clutching at his stomach. Already, a dark stain spread across his shirt. Horrified, Dean could only watch as Cas dropped down to one knee, before he finally collapsed to the ground. 
Dean’s still not sure the exact sequence of events. He knows that he charged forward, a pained shout erupting from his throat. He knows that there’s a dead demon. He knows that his fumbling fingers managed to find his phone and call Sam, leaving bloody smears on the screen. 
And he knows that Cas is dying. 
“You stupid son of a bitch, why the hell did you do that?” He won’t cry, not here and not now, but he wants to. Cas moans lowly in pained protest as Dean drags him into his lap. He ignores the sticky warmth leaking into his jeans from the ragged wound in Cas’ stomach the same that he ignores Cas’ eyes squinting shut in agony. He’ll deal with those later, push through those nightmares when Cas isn’t gasping for air right in front of him. Dean lays his hand on Cas’ neck, fingers pressing down on his pulse point. It’s thready and rabbit-fast. 
“You have to ask?” 
“Dammit Cas.” Dean bends down low over Cas’ body, as if he could shield him from the rest of the world. Too little, too late. He’d screwed up and now Cas was paying the price, like always. “You know that I’m not worth it. You know it.” 
“Dean.” Cas’ mouth moves like he wanted to say more, but all that comes out is a dribble of blood, leaking from the corner of his mouth. His hands grasp at Dean, but his grip is so weak that it slides off without ever making an impression. “Dean,” Cas manages to say, breathing in deep and forcing the single syllable of his name out with extreme effort. “I, I--”
“Don’t you say it,” Dean hisses, pressing down hard on Cas’ stomach. The sound of Cas’ agonized cry is enough to twist a knife in his heart, and the feel of warm blood gushing over his hand makes him sick to his stomach, but at least it forces Cas to stop talking. 
“You’re not fucking dying on me,” Dean almost snarls, voice wobbling towards the end. “You hear me, Castiel? Not yet.” 
Cas’ eyes close. He doesn’t respond.
Dean watches the skip and jump of the heart monitor and listens to the steady beats. Like a metronome, it counts the beats of Cas’ heart. Each rise and fall, each electronic beep soothes Dean’s rough edges, as it acts as a reminder. Cas is still here. He didn’t lose him. 
Twenty-two stitches. That’s what it had taken to save him. That and some very good surgeons, some impossible luck, and a series of driving maneuvers delivered by one Sam Winchester. Dean would doubt that his brother was capable of such driving, if he hadn’t been in the back seat with him for the full duration.
They’d cut the margin of error so thinly that it was translucent. Minutes, the doctors had said, with the vague whiff of suspicion that came from bringing in a stabbing victim. If traffic had been heavier or if Sam hadn’t been driving quite so fast and furious on the Fury Road...Well, Dean would have another corpse on his hands to burn. Again. 
Dean’s attention is caught by a low groan coming from the direction of the bed. Within seconds, he’s at Cas’ bedside so that he can see the exact moment that Cas’ eyes flutter open. 
He’d been so angry earlier. Furious, that once again, Castiel saw fit to throw himself to the wolves, all for Dean’s sake. He’d been ready to give Cas an earful when he finally woke up (once they discovered that he was going to wake up).  But seeing the hazy, pained look in Cas’ eyes vanish to be replaced with a slow, pleased smile erases all thoughts of rage from Dean’s brain. All it leaves him with is sweet, clear relief. 
“Hey sleeping beauty.” Dean cards his fingers through Cas’ hair, as tentatively as though Cas were made of porcelain. “How are you feeling?” 
Cas pauses to consider. “Numb,” he finally rasps. He glances to the side, where the IV stand drips down into various tubes connected to his body. “I assume that there’s a large amount of medication responsible for that?” 
“Yeah, you’re getting the good stuff,” Dean says. He can’t stop touching Cas’ hair. It’s a little gross--Other than a few quick sponge-baths from the nurses, Cas hasn’t bathed and his hair has taken the brunt of that. It’s a little greasy, but Dean couldn’t care less about that. Not when Cas smiles up at him through a grizzled beard. 
“Don’t be angry,” Castiel says. His fingers wrap weakly around Dean’s wrist. “I know that you’re probably furious with me.” 
“Damn right I am. How many times do I have to tell you, I ain’t worth--”
“Stop.” Cas squeezes his wrist. His grip is pathetic enough that it forces Dean into silence more than if Cas had managed his usual bone-bruising force. “Nothing you say will ever convince me that you’re not worth saving. Nothing,” Cas says, as severe as his voice will allow. He strokes over the soft skin of Dean’s wrist. His eyes look at something faraway only he can see. “I sometimes think that I was created in order to keep you safe. Please don’t deny me that.” 
And what can you say to that? 
Dean lifts Cas’ knuckles to his face, brushing a gentle kiss over them. “Way to make a guy feel guilty, asshole.” 
Cas smiles wanly. “Whatever it takes.” His voice turns thin and ragged around the edges. Dean knows that it’s not going to be long before he slips back into sleep. 
“But you have to try and stay around.” Dean takes in a deep breath. The words sit on his tongue, ready to taste freedom. “It’s not fair to make me go through this without you. I love you, dumbass, and if you go off and get yourself killed just because you were trying to save me then I’m going to be really pissed at you.” 
They haven’t said it. They’ve kissed, they’ve fucked, hell sometimes they’ve even done what Sam would probably call making love. They live together and they’ve died for the other. But they’ve never said the words. Dean had been convinced that he never would. Cas knew. That was enough for him. Everything else was window dressing. 
But there in the backseat, with Cas’ limp and bleeding body pressed against him, forced to listen to Cas’ pained wheezes, and his hand pressed against Cas’ stomach trying to keep Cas’ blood inside, Dean had been overcome by only thought. 
Cas is going to die and I never told him. 
The thought that Cas could die without knowing exactly how much he’s adored has kept Dean awake for several nights. 
Cas’ eyes are wide as his fingers clench reflexively around Dean’s wrist. “Dean,” he finally gets out. He blinks quickly, obviously fighting against impending sleep. “Dean, I--”
“Yeah. I know.” Dean brushes Cas’ hair off of his forehead and leans down to press a kiss against the clammy skin. “Go to sleep.”
“You’ll be here? When I wake up?” Cas’ voice is already slurred, sleep wrapping around him and tugging him deep into oblivion. 
Dean settles onto the edge of Cas’ bed, unwilling to release his hold on Cas until he absolutely has to. Cas murmurs happily, nonsense words that trail off into silence. 
Dean runs his finger down Cas’ cheek, bristly and unshaven. It’s warm to the touch. When he pulls away, Cas almost follows after him, squirming in his sleep until Dean takes his hand in his and laces their fingers together. Only then does Cas subside into peace. 
“Yeah Cas,” Dean says, despite the fact that Cas can’t appreciate his words. “Yeah, I’ll be here.
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sakuwriteshere · 5 years
The Apple Pie in My Life - Chapter 3
Summary: What happened between two best friends when someone messes with their lives? Can the past changes the future or can the future changes the past?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Female!Reader, OC Abbigail, OC James, OC Alex, OC Purson
Words count: 2277
Warnings: Mentions of wounds and blood (nothing graphic), violence
Square filled: Enemies to Lovers for @spndeanbingo​ and Angst to fluff for @spngenrebingo​ Those squares are used for the whole series.
A/N: As per usual, this is unbetated and I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes or error spelling. Please let me know what you think of it! I really hope that this new series will bring you as much fun as it does for me.I do not own the characters or the show.
Thank you to everyone who reblog, like or comment on this series. To be honest, I was thinking it would be a short series but the more I think about it, the more ideas are coming.
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Chapter 3 : The demon
You head hurt like a bitch. You knew a headache was on its way, judging by the quantity of liquor you drank the previous night. It seemed like a good idea in the moment. Now, not so much.
You were used to hangovers and you were sure that the throbbing in the back of your head wasn’t due to the alcohol. You tried to bring your hand at the painful place, but your movement was stopped and the rattling of chains increased your heartbeat.
“Great, you’re awake.” A voice said from the other side of the room. You heard the sound of footsteps against concrete floor coming your way.
“You don’t know how sorry I am. I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad.” The man said, speaking quickly as if he was stressed.
You cracked an eye open, you needed to see that douchebag who hit you, visibly kidnapped you and then apologized for it.
You opened your eyes, your vision a bit blurry at first, the hangover still present apparently. In front of you stood a man, worry written all over his face. Face that was strangely familiar. Your eyes then fell on your wrists, bounded against the armrest of the chair you were currently sitting. With a quick glance, your noticed that your ankles had the same fate than your wrists. Finally, you noticed a little red bag on the floor, with a red tube connect to it and when you followed the path the tube was taking you understood why you were feeling sick and lifeless.
“What are you?” You mumbled, your throat killing you from dryness. “Vampire? Djiin?”
The man’s face turned from worried to surprised. “What? N-no.” Then sadness covered his traits. “Y/N, you really don’t recognize me?”
You licked you cracked and dry lips, the need to drink something being more and more important. You closed your eyes, trying to get rid of the dizziness. Once you opened them again, you looked into those blue eyes. His face has a bit changed because of the years but when you thought about it, he almost looked the same.
James woke up with difficulty, the smell of coffee the only reason why he even tried to open his eyes.
“Good morning.” Sam greeted from his spot at the table, a bowl of fruits in front of him.
“M’ning” James mumbled, rubbing his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand. Then he focused his hearing on the sounds coming from the bathroom. The shower was on and with a quick glance on the other bed he noticed his sister wasn’t in the room anymore.
“You let Abby take the first shower?” He asked, a yawn leaving his lips.
Sam ate his fruits then shook his head, showing the number three with his fingers. “She’s the third one. Dean and I already used it.”
“Awesome.” James sighed, his forearm covering his eyes.
Sam choked on a piece of orange when he heard the boy’s words.
“Better leave some hot water!” James shouted, loud enough for his sister to hear him.
The sound of water falling stopped, and after a few seconds, a piercing shout came from across the door.
“I’m not deaf!”
Even though they were hiding something, Sam was certain that those two were siblings. He listened to their banter remembering his and Dean’s.
Shortly after, Abbigail exited the room, a heavy cloud of steam following her. James was right about the hot water. 
“Geez, it’s not like you could take a shower in your state anyway.” She said, walking bare feet towards the bed she used the previous night.
James used his hands to push himself in a standing position. “I can manage. I had worse.” He said before he winced at the pain in his stomach.
Abbigail gave him a bitch face, brushing her long blond hair. “No you hadn’t.”
“Whatever, Bitch.” James mutered. “Ow!” He shouted in pain as she threw her brush at his face.
Once again, Sam choked on his breakfast. The coincidences being too much. There were only two people he knew who said those words.  Abbigail came quickly next to him, giving a gentle tap on his back as she tried to help him.
“Sam, you’re alright?” She asked after a few seconds, worry visible on her face.
As he tried to breathe normally again, Sam’s eyes fell on the young girl’s face. Now that her face wasn’t covered with dirt he could see the freckles covering her nose and the top of her cheeks. Two big green eyes focused on him, checking for any discomfort. Her wet long blond hair framing her face, perfectly.
“Un-Sam?” James stuttered, as he came closer, painfully.
Still speechless, Sam watched James intently. How couldn’t he make the connection before? Y/H/C short hair, big Y/E/C eyes, and a cute little nose, just like Y/N’s. Sam switched from one face to another, his heartbeat rising up. He understood now. All the lies, the wrong feeling, the familiarity. But how? It was impossible, the age difference and everything. It didn’t make sense.
“H-how? W-Why? When?!” That's all Sam could articulate, his brain analysing everything and refusing to believe it.
Abbigail chuckled awkwardly, steeping back.
“I-I mean you- are you Dean-” Sam started to ask when the door opened and Dean entered the room.
“Dean! Hey!” Sam stood up abruptly, too cheerful of a smile on his face. “You’re back! Hey!” He added, clapping in his hands.
Dean lifted one eyebrow, his eyes glancing from his brother to the kids next to him. Both kids just shrugged, being as lost as Dean.
“Alright, second service. Eat while it’s still hot.” Dean announced as he put a paper bag in the middle of the table.
“Great! I’m starving!” Abbigail groaned as she put her hair in a messy bun before looking into the bag, taking out an egg and bacon muffin.She bite into it hungrily, moaning at the taste. “Bacon. Sweet, sweet bacon.”
Sam’s eyes widened, looking at Dean right away. There was no way he was the only one who noticed the similarity. However Dean only nodded, as if he agreed with her and bite in his own breakfast. 
“What? No pie?” James lamented as he checked the paper bag as well.
Sam once again looked at Dean. This time, for sure, he would notice. Right?
Dean only shook his head, the disappointment visible on his face. “They ran out.”
James sighed, grabbing a muffin instead. “Story of my life.” He said, sitting next to Dean.
“You tell me.” Dean agreed. Both boys munching noisily while Sam stared at them, speechless. From the corner of the room, Abbigail was silently munching on her breakfast, looking warily at Sam.
You fought with all your might to stay awake, but the loss of blood was hurting your body more and more. With tired eyes you watched Alex going back and forth in front of you. Obviously, it was the first kidnapping from this guy. He was all fidgety.
“I’m sorry for the blood b-but he said he needs it. I don’t know how many he needs but that should be enough, right? Right!” Alex said to himself before he decided to take off the needle planted into your neck. He came closer, and with his trembling hands he tried to pull it out. The metal double doors opened in a loud noise, making Alex jump.
“Well, well, well. What do you think you’re doing?” The new man asked Alex. You furrowed your brows as you tried to take a good look at the newcomer. You must be at a high level of blood loss because in front of you stood the same man. Twice.
“What the hell?” You whispered, the man looking at you, an evil glint in his eyes.
“You’re awake! Perfect. I’ve got a question or two for you.” He said grabbing your chin between his fingers, painfully.
“Purson, I don’t think-” Alex tried to stop him but he only received a slap on the face as an answer.
“Who asked you to think, Alex?” Purson roared, scaring his minion away.
Well, at least you weren’t seeing double. There was really two men in the room. Maybe they were twins?
“Now, my dear,” Purson’s attention was back on you, as he blinked his eyes turned from blue to pitch black. You could feel his nails digging into your skin. “Where are the kids?”
Who? Whose kids? What was he talking about? The more time you spend here and the less you understood what was going on.
“I’ll ask you again.” Purson said as he let go of your chin, your head falling against your chest, you didn’t have any forces left. “Where are the kids?”
As you still didn't reply, rage boiled inside his veins. “WHERE ARE THE KIDS, BITCH?” He screamed into your face, his hand slapping your right cheek, hard. The force of it pushing your face on the opposite side, the movement pressing on the needle inside your neck. In the corner of the room, Alex jumped, scared by the brutal force.
“I know they’re here! I know they followed me! They tried to kill me! So where are they now?” You could feel his spit on your face as he shouted.
“Bite...me.” You said. You didn’t know where those kids were, or whoever they were but if they tried to kill this psycho, there was no way you would help him to find them.
You thought he would slap you again or maybe worse but he just took a deep breath, rearranged his long black coat and stepped back.
“Whatever. I’ll find them myself.” He said as he walked towards the double doors.
“Oh and Alex, don’t take off the needle yet. We need all her blood.”
“A-all of it? Bu-But-” Alex stuttered, looking between you and Purson.
Purson stopped in his tracks, his face turning slightly, an evil smile curled his lips.
“I need a sacrifice for this kind of spell. A life for a life, as they say.”
Once the doors closed, Alex turned around and saw you closing your eyes, the loss of blood being too much. He looked back and forth between you and the doors. He had to do something and he just hoped that he was doing the right thing as he walked towards you.
"Hold on a second. I don’t get it.” Dean said as he waited for Sam to get in the car. The oldest Winchester turned in his seat, looking at the twins who were seated in the backseat.
Abbigail had explained how they ended hurt in their hunt for the demon. After he had tried to kill their parents in their home, he ran away and only warned them that it wasn’t over. Despite what their parents told them, the twins went after him and followed him until they ended in Fairfax, Indiana.
“Didn’t you say that you live in Kansas? How did you get here?” He asked for more details. He couldn’t believe the kids had traveled so much on their own. Granted they are hunters but even Sammy and himself weren’t on their own when they were the same age.
The twins glanced at each other, a silent conversation going on between them.
“We’re resourceful?” James smiled sheepishly.  
Dean rolled his eyes, wondering in what mess he was. Taking care of civilians, he was used to it and had no problem with it but helping two hunters’ kids tracking a freaking demon it was another story.
“So,” Sam started as he opened the door and climbed in the passenger seat. “Where are we going?” he finally asked as he closed the door.
The brothers turned their faces and looked at the twins. After pondering for a bit, Abbigail decided that the best place to start was the forest where the fought with the demon, they might find some hints there.
Dean started the engine and drove silently, some classic rock filling the car. He could feel someone staring at him and with one glance in the mirrorview he noticed a pair of green eyes staring at him.
“What?” he asked after a moment, feeling uneasy under such a stare.
Abbigail quickly looked away, her attention now focused on the road. “Nothing, it’s just…” She glimpsed at him once more. “You look tense.”
“Well, I don’t like it when someone’s staring at me.” Dean mumbled more for himself but the girl heard it anyway.
“Sorry.” She whispered, her head low. She smiled slightly at her brother when he grabbed her hand on his lap, the boy giving her a soft, sorry smile.
The tension filled quickly in the car after that and Sam was about to change the subject when his phone rang.
“Hey Bobby, what’s up?” He greeted but soon the smile fell when the gravelly voice over the phone explained something.
“What? When?” Sam asked, and the sudden change in his tone worried Dean who glanced at his brother, silently asking him what was going on.
“Y-yeah. Of course. Got it. Thank you Bobby, talk to you soon.” Sam ended the call and sighed heavily.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on or what?” Dean finally asked.
Sam’s face turned towards him, his face showing the worry he really felt.
“Plans have changed. We’re going to the hospital.” Sam said, hoping it would be enough of an explanation. Of course, it would be too easy knowing his brother. Dean’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“It’s Y/N.” Sam finally admitted.
TAPiML tags:  @fandomoverdose666​ , @eternaleviee​ , @slytherinrising​ , @vicmc624​ 
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The Day That Changed It All - Prologue
A/N: Hey all! So I started writing this AU the other day while I was having a bad night and I'm thinking of turning it into a mini series! Let me know what you think about it and if you'd for sure like to see more! 💕 This part is more of a backstory for the reader and how she meets Dacre.
Word count: 2k
Characters: Dacre x Reader
Pairings: Dacre x Reader
Warnings: suicide attempt, angst, major fluff toward the end
Summary: The reader is ready to end it all, strongly believing that her mental health will never get better, but after a failed suicide attempt and her stay at the hospital, she realizes she was very wrong.
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The tears wouldn't stop flowing. The pain in your chest from the lack of breath due to your sobs were unbearable, yet you still continued to cry. You were overwhelmed in the worst possible way and you just wanted everything to be over. You wanted the ongoing pain you suffered through mentally and emotionally to finally be done.
No amount of therapy ever helped you. Medication did absolute squat for you, so you were at a stump. You tried, every day you tried to fight the darkness inside you, inside your mind, but inevitably it slowly began to engulf you completely. This was the end for you and there was nothing that would change that.
Or so you thought. This was the day your life would change forever.
25 years. That's how many years of life lived you were about to throw away, but you know what? You didn't care. Your mind was just too numb for you to think straight, to rationalize. If you were being honest, your mind went numb years ago.
You lived all on your own, had nobody to get you through your darkest days. Your parents abandoned you when you were 3, left you in the care of your grandparents who loved and homed you up til the days they died. You were 16 when your grandfather died and 18 when your grandmother died, both times tearing a big chunk of your heart away.
You were alone from 18 to now, your mental health worsening each year that passed without your grandparents. Now, you were sat at the edge of the railing on a bridge which stood hundreds of yards above the water below, cars driving past as if you were invisible. You were shivering, the t-shirt and cardigan you wore not quite keeping you warm from the cool fall air. The temperature didn't bother you, though. It wasn't like you'd be alive much longer to care that you were cold.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly moved to stand on the edge of the bridge just on the other side of the rail, your hands still grasping the cold metal to steady yourself until you were ready to actually throw yourself off. As you were preparing to jump, you heard the sound of tires screeching and a woman's voice screaming not to jump, but it was too late. You pushed with as much force off the rail and let your body free fall into the freezing waters below.
You opened your eyes with a few flutters of your eyelids, the hospital room lights blinding you and making the throbbing pain in your head even worse. You looked around the room with a groan, noticing you were hooked to an IV drip. You moved to sit up, but the sharp pain in your ribs had you doing otherwise. “Ow, fuck.”
With a sigh, you found the call button and pressed it, relaxing against the many pillows beneath your head while you waited for someone to show up. You remembered what you had done the night before and realized why you were in this hospital in the first place. A failed suicide. Great.
After a few minutes a nurse entered the room, closely followed by a doctor. Your breath caught in the back of your throat at the sight of him and the lack of breath caused a lot of pain in your lungs. “Ouch!” You whined, taking a few deep breaths.
“Yeah you're going to be in a lot of pain, dear.” The doctor chuckled and when he neared you, you got a good look at his name tag. Doctor Dacre Montgomery. He gave you a smile, a smile that made your heart melt.
This doctor was the most attractive man you'd ever laid eyes on. His eyes were a piercing blue color, his face was sculpted so perfectly it was as if God himself made him out of pure marble. You could only imagine what lay beneath his doctors uniform.
“Would you like some meds for the pain?” Doctor Montgomery asked you, which you nodded at him in response. “Of course. I'll be back in a few. The nurse here is going to check your vitals in the meantime.”
“Thank you,” you murmured, gaze following the doctor out of the room. You didn't realize you were still staring until the nurse chuckled.
“He's a sight for sore eyes, huh?” She smiled, grabbing the blood pressure cuff off the wall and hooking it to the tube connected to the vitals machine. She wrapped it around your right arm and pushed the button to start the blood pressure reading.
“Yes he is,” you bit your lip with a smile, which the nurse noticed and chuckled again.
“He's the youngest doctor at this hospital,” she said as she removed the blood pressure cuff and recorded your readings. “He also happens to be single.” She winked, getting the rest of your vitals and recording them too.
You blushed at her words, knowing she knew you'd be curious about whether he was single or not. There was just something about him that made you forget why you were suicidal in the first place.
“Yeah?” You smiled. “But I doubt he'd have an inkling of interest in someone like me.” You shrugged your shoulders, earning yourself a shake of the nurses head.
“You never know. I'm pretty sure when they first brought you here, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.” She chuckled and you looked at her with wide eyes. “I don't think I've ever seen him work so hard on an attempted suicide victim.”
Just a few moments later Doctor Montgomery returned with your pain meds and a cup of water, which he handed to you and watched while you took them. “How were her vitals?”
“They were normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. I think, with your opinion as well, she'll be good to go home in no time.”
“Thank you, nurse. There's a patient down the hall that's looking for a snack, could you do that for me?” He smiled at the nurse who nodded and gave you one last smile before exiting the room. Doctor Montgomery looked back to you with a warm smile, taking the seat beside your bed. “How are you feeling? Mentally, I mean.”
You chewed your lip as you thought, not really feeling much of anything at the moment. “Honestly? I feel nothing. Not in a bad way, I don't have any negative thoughts or clouded feelings in my head. If that makes sense.” You sighed.
“It very well makes sense,” he chuckled, resting his hand over yours. “I'm glad you're feeling better. May I ask you something? If you don't mind.”
“Of course,” you smiled, heart rate picking up when he brought his gaze to your own. If you were hooked to a heart rate monitor, he would know for sure the affect he was having on you in that very moment.
“What drove you to jump off that bridge? Did something happen that drove you to it?” He only asked you this because he was genuinely curious. He wanted to know why someone as young and beautiful as you wanted to end her life.
You gave Doctor Montgomery a sad smile, explaining everything that you went through from when your parents abandoned you at the age of 3 to losing your grandparents at the age of 16 and 18, giving as much detail that you could. He listened to your every word intently, letting you get everything off your chest and even comforting you when the waterfall of tears came.
When you were finished explaining pretty much your entire life story, you looked at Doctor Montgomery with a sort of ashamed smile, which he shook his head at and wiped your tears away with his thumbs. Usually that was considered unprofessional in his field of work, but he didn't care. He wanted to show you he truly cared.
“I'm sorry you went through all of that. I'm sorry there's no one in your life who can help you through your dark days.” He wanted to say more, but his beeper began going off, signifying he was needed elsewhere. “I have to take this. I'll come see you before my shift ends. There's something I need to ask you.”
You were curious as to what he meant by that, but decided to wait until he came back to ask you what he needed to ask you. You watched as he left the room and for the first time in a long time, you felt a warmth in your heart and had the biggest of smiles on your face. You just knew, something was going to change in your life from this point on.
A few months had passed since your attempted suicide. You were holding in mentally, trying your damned hardest to get through your worst of days, but this time you didn't have to go through it alone. No, this time you had the boy whose heart you stole the moment you were wheeled into his ER. Doctor Montgomery.
Right before his shift ended the day after your attempt, he had asked if he could take you out for a coffee when you were out of the hospital and feeling better mentally. He admitted to you that you sparked something in his heart and he wanted to get to know you better.
You happily accepted his offer to take you out for coffee and after that day, he'd asked you on several more dates. He was a busy guy with his job at the hospital, but he did his best to make time for you. He truly did like you, a lot, and he wanted to make sure you knew that.
Currently you were sitting at home at your grandparent's house which you inherited after the death of your grandmother. They left you everything in their will since you were an only child, so you were pretty much set for life in the financial department.
Dacre was curled up on the couch with you in his arms, your head rested against his chest while the two of you watched a Halloween marathon. You grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bowl in your lap and held it up to his mouth. Dacre chuckled and leaned forward to grab it with his lips.
“You're adorable, you know that?” He smiled, pressing a kiss to your hair.
“Am I?” You giggled, something you hadn't done in years until Dacre came into your life.
“Absolutely.” His Australian accent came out thickly with that single word and it made your heart race. You absolutely loved his accent.
“Why thank you.” You grinned, lifting your head up to look at him. He smiled down at you, moving one of his hands to gently rest against your cheek. You leaned into his touch, softly humming out your desires.
“Y/N?” Dacre bit down on his lip, his blue eyes locking on your gaze.
“Yes?” You smiled, cheeks burning at the sheer fact that he was gazing so intensely into your eyes.
“I, uh, I like you a whole lot. And well, I was wondering…” He took a deep breath, eyes never leaving your own. “Will you be my girl?” His heart was pounding against his chest, scared you would turn him down since you had only known each other for a short amount of time.
“I thought you'd never ask,” you whispered, leaning up to capture his lips, kissing him with a passionate force that would make any person's head spin. Dacre was quick to return the kiss, his arms tightening around your waist to pull you closer into him.
“So that's a yes?” He chuckled after pulling back from the kiss, earning himself a happy nod.
“Yes, Dacre. That's most definitely a yes.” You smiled, leaning up to kiss him again, unable to resist the feeling of his soft lips on yours.
You were extremely grateful for Dacre. He didn't totally make your depression disappear, but he was there for you when you needed him most. He was a constant reminder that life DOES get better and you were looking forward to what your futures held.
Tagging: @hargrove-heaven @halefirewarrior
If anyone wants to be tagged in future parts, let me know!
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sweet-pea-channie · 6 years
Wind in my hair - Dylan O’Brien Series (Part 6)
Part 6: tough luck and some new people
Author: @herscrunchiehairtie
Summary: Y/N not feeling well and when things get worse she has to be hospitalized. What will Dylan do once he finds out?
Warnings: none, just some cute cuddles and mention of blood
A/N: Gooood, it took me weeks to update and I am so sorry... my Macbook was broken and I had to get it fixed since all of my work and drafts were on it... but here I am now!
Want to be tagged? Send me a message!
Part 1 - Part 5 - Part 7 - Series Overview - Masterlist
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28th May 2018
“Hey Y/N, are you okay? I haven’t’ heard from you since our date and I was wondering if I said something wrong or if you think we’re going to fast… I don’t know. Please, just text me, let me know what’s going on, okay?”
You knew that ignoring Dylan wasn’t the best choice and you couldn’t do it any longer but with the current state you were in, you didn’t want to see him. Your brother flew in the second he received the call and hurried to the hospital. Gemma took plane the day after; she couldn’t stay at home, knowing that her future family wasn’t doing well.
“You should tell him, Y/N. He deserves to know” Andrew said as he held your hand and listened to the voice mail. “He’s worried, thinking that he did something wrong.”
Two days ago, all of a sudden, you felt weak and sleepy and just needed to lay down but the fever that followed wouldn’t go down. You didn’t consider going to the hospital, you experienced it quite often but when you couldn’t stop vomiting blood, you knew that you had no other choice. You had called the ambulance and received the first blood transfusion on the way to the hospital, the second followed straight after. You were placed into care unit, your doctor knew what was going on the second you arrived. Your treatment wasn’t working anymore. The RCB count and related numbers were dropping. You were mildly anemic instead of borderline.
Having cancer sucks, it sucks to not be in control of your body or your destiny. It sucks to be tired all the time. It sucks when you have to sit down and pay all the stupid bills. It sucks that people can’t have a normal conversation with you. It sucks to watch people stare at you wherever you go and it especially sucks when you have to tell your family that you are in a terrible shape. So that’s what the nurse did, called your brother and granny as soon as you arrived at the hospital.
“I might be dying this time for real, Andrew. I… I don’t want him to get attached to me and then I just … vanish” you mumbled, snapping your fingers like Crowley always did when he killed someone on Supernatural.
“I know, Y/N. But wouldn’t you want to know if something happened to him?” Andrew asked while he rubbed his thumb against the palm of your hand. “If you don’t call him, I’ll do it.”
You sighed, knowing that Andrew wouldn’t give up. So you grabbed your phone and hesitated a little while before you pressed call on his contact. It didn’t even ring twice before he picked up, a little out of breath. “Y/N?”
“Hey Dylan.”
“You finally called, is everything okay?” he asked on the other side of the line.
You couldn’t answer, the clump in your throat got bigger and bigger, no words came out of your mouth. Dylan knew that something wasn’t right when you didn’t answer him. So the only thing he could say was, “It isn’t, right?”
“Dylan, I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I could’ve at least texted you. I’m… I don’t know how to say this but… I’m at the hospital, Dylan. I’m in care unit.”
“I don’t know if I will make it through it this time”, you told him.
It was the truth, though. The doctors told you that your chances were low. If your fever wouldn’t drop, chances were pretty high that you wouldn’t make it to the next weekend. Your organs were failing slowly and while you were in your common state, another therapy would end deadly as well.
“I…”, you interrupted him, “I don’t know why I haven’t told you earlier. I guess, I was just afraid.”
“Hey, hey, hey, Y/N. Everything will be okay, everything will work out. I’ll be on my way in a second. I won’t leave you alone, I never will, if this is what you thought. I’m staying right by your side until you’re doing better”, Dylan assured you while you heard him running around.
“Dylan, are you at work right now?” you asked him, your voice barely louder than a whisper, it was getting harder and harder to talk for you.
“I am, but I’m leaving now. They’ll understand, they have to,” he replied.
“No,” you shook your head, “I don’t want you to leave work for me Dylan. It’s not worth it. I might not… it’s not worth it.”
“Stop saying this, Y/N. You are worth it, okay? I don’t care if it’s worth it or not because in my eyes, it’s totally worth for. I’d rather spend the time with you, hoping that everything will work out while I hold your hand, while I am right beside you. I won’t and I can’t continue to work, knowing that you’re not doing well.”
You let out small giggle, not knowing exactly what to say. That’s when your brother grabbed your phone and talked to Dylan. “Hey Dylan, it’s Andrew, Y/N’s brother. I’ll be waiting for you outside, okay?”
Andrew nodded, probably because Dylan said something to him before he gave you your phone back. “Here. I’ll be waiting for him.”
You nodded and grabbed your phone, holding it against your ear before you let out a sigh. “I’m going to hang up, okay? Better you drive safe without a phone pressed to your ear, I don’t want to share my room with you.”
Even in your worst time, you could still manage to make Dylan laugh. “Oh I know you would love it.”
Andrew was sitting on a bench, right outside the hospital, waiting for Dylan to arrive. Even though, it would take him more than 30 minutes, Andrew didn’t mind. He had to clear his head. So with a coffee in his hands he waited for your friend, or should he say boyfriend to arrive. Of course, you were only dating, but Andrew saw it in your face, the way your face lit up when you heard his voice and especially the way he could make you smile, even in your current state.
Andrew rested one elbow on his knee and placed his head in the palm of his hand. His eyes were closed, burning a bit due to the crying. He knew that his eyes were still bloodshot but it was his sister we’re talking about.
“Sorry, you must be Andrew,” a voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Andrew rose his head, his eyes meeting the actor in front of him.
Of course, he google the man you were dating the second you told him that. He wanted to know if he was good enough for you.
“I am and you must be Dylan,” Andrew said, standing up while he held his hand out for Dylan to shake. “It’s not the right time to say this I guess, but it’s a pleasure to meet the man my sister won’t stop talking about.”
“How is she?” Dylan asked your brother once he let go of his hand.
“Not good. She will probably play it off cool in front of you, but she’s not doing well. She’s scared. She’s really scared this time. But come on, let’s get you to her, shall we?”
A soft knock interrupted the conversation you had with Gemma. Your heads turned to the door before it opened. Andrew walked in first and held the door open for the one person you wanted to see so badly. “Dylan.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Dylan mumbled and walked around your bed. He held your face in his hands before he pressed his lips to your forehead in a lingering way. In the meantime, Andrew nudged his fiancé Gemma and motioned her to come and wait outside with him.
“Do you see it?” Andrew ask Gemma as they sat in the cafeteria, getting some snacks. Gemma knew immediately what Andrew was referring to. It’s like they could read each others mind.
“The way he looks at Y/N? Yes, it’s just the way you looked at me when you fell in love with me.”
“I’m sorry, Dylan. I’m sorry I didn’t text you. You deserved to know,” you mumbled after you told him what was going on while you played with his hands. As soon as Dylan pulled away from his kiss, he sat down next to you and held your hand, never letting go.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I understand, although I was pretty shocked when you told me and I think my co-workers were as well. I dropped everything to come and get here as soon as possible,” he told you. “I almost ran a red light because I was so caught up with my thoughts.”
“Dylan,” you groaned and rolled your eyes at him. “I told you to drive safely. I don’t want you to lie next to me in this room.”
“Are you tired?” he asked out of the blue, ignoring your worries.
Your brows were knitted when he asked, you head tilted to the side. “Why are you asking that?”
“Because I can see it in your eyes. You’re exhausted.”
“I really am.”
“Then scoot over.”
Your brows were knitted once again, not getting what he was referring to. “Scoot over, I’m staying with you.”
You smiled at him, not believing how sweet and caring he was for you. You grabbed the tube that was connected to your port and placed it where it couldn’t get in your way before you scooted over and made some room for Dylan to join you in your bed. He got rid of his shoes before he tugged himself under your blanked. You smiled once more and rested your head on his chest with your arm around his waist while he held you close and he didn’t miss the rising beeping of the sound of the heart monitor. He placed a gentle kiss on right on top of your head where your favorite mint green cloth was wrapped around your head. It was the first scarf your granny gave to you when your hair started to fall out.
You remember the day clearly, brushing your hair became a nightmare for you. It happened one morning when you were brushing your hair, small pieces of hair were stuck in your brush and when you realized what was going on, you picked on more and more pieces  until there was a bald spot. Tears were streaming down your face, a sob escaping your lips before your knees gave up and you landed on the floor with a loud thud.
Your grandma pushed the door open once she heard you crying and saw the mess that you were, your hair gathered in the sink. “Oh darling,” you remembered her voice. She sat down next to you and held you in her arms. She said that “… even without hair, you are still the most gorgeous woman that I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
The day after, she got you the first cloth, saying that you could wrap it around your hair, that she saw it in a magazine. She helped you to put it on but you weren’t happy with it. Out of frustration, you ripped it off you head and marched to the bathroom, grabbing your brother’s old electric razor and cut all your remaining hair off. Your granny stood under the door frame the whole time, watching you with a smile on her face.
Once all your hair was gone, she grabbed your shoulders and pulled you in a tight hug, whispering the words in your ear, that made you cry. “Your mother did the exact same.”
“I don’t care how long you have to stay here, I’ll be with you the whole time,” Dylan’s voice snapped you back to reality. You moved your head, looking up to meet his eyes. “Thank you, Dylan.”
“There’s no need to thank me, Y/N. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy, too.”
You snuggled yourself even closer to Dylan, if it was even possible and finally closed your eyes. Dylan did the same, hoping to get a power nap that he absolutely needed. He couldn’t really sleep for the past two days, thoughts were troubling his mind. All he could think about was you and why you didn’t call him, he thought he did something wrong, that maybe you wouldn’t like him the way he liked you. Even though he met you only one month ago, he couldn’t get you out of his mind. You were all he could think about day and night. Your conversations were so easy going that he felt comfortable around you. There was always enough stuff to talk about, even in your text messages. You texted every day, even when he saw you for a few hours, he texted you.
And while Dylan and you were cuddling, holding each other, your brother and Gemma were watching you the whole time through the windows of your room.
Dylan woke up when something poked him. He groaned and tried to turn on his back so he could bury his head into his pillow but something was stopping him. His arm fell asleep; the tingling feeling was too much for him, so he opened his eyes slowly and realized that he was still at the hospital, his arm still wrapped around your body. A smile creeped up his face when he saw you laying on his chest. You were fast asleep. Your deep breaths gave it all away.
Dylan turned his head. Gemma was right beside him, sitting in the chair that Dylan was in not too long ago. “What time is it?” Dylan mumbled, still tired.
“It’s morning, Dylan. You were asleep for the whole night, more like twelve hours. It’s time for the doctors to see Y/N,” Gemma informed him. “I’m Gemma, by the way.”
Dylan smiled and nodded, showing that he was pleasured to meet her. A yawn crept up his tired face, his free hand covered his lips, “Wow, I didn’t realize that I so tired.”
“Did you get any sleep lately?”
“Not really, I was worried,” Dylan replied. “I was worried about Y/N. I didn’t know what was going on. I just couldn’t sleep and to be honest, I thought that- I thought that she didn’t like me the way I do and that she was going to ignore me. And to be honest, I wish that would be the case.”
“Why are you saying this?” Gemma asked, clearly shocked what he wished for.
“Because then she wouldn’t have to fight this.”
“You must really like her.”
Dylan nodded with his lips pressed together, forming a straight line. Gemma placed her hand on Dylan’s shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. “It’s going to be okay, but now we really have to bring her to the doctors, the nurse is already waiting outside.”
Dylan nodded once more and gently shook your sleeping form. A light groan left your lips, just like Dylan did when Gemma woke him up. “Y/N, you gotta wake up. You have your doctor’s appointment.”
“I don’t want to,” you mumbled half asleep.
Dylan sighed and put your scarf in place with his free hand. His eyes widened when he came in contact with your forehead. Gemma saw his change of expression and she jumped up from her chair. “What’s going on?”
“Y/N, I think your fever is going down,” Dylan exclaimed and looked at Gemma with hoping eyes. Gemma rushed to the other side of the bed and placed her hand on your forehead. You tried to snatch it away but Gemma shoved your hand away and put her hand back.
“You’re right. Y/N, he’s right. Your fever’s going down. You’re going to be okay, it’s going to be all okay.”
Part 7 is right here!
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Ten Things I Hate About You (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Fic): Prologue
A/N: Hey loves! So this definitely isn’t a new idea, and all credit goes to the movie Ten Things I Hate About You, and all character credit goes to Marvel, but I really just wanted to write this. I don’t know how everyone will feel about this, and I have NEVER posted anything I’ve written- like EVER.  Please like, reblog (but give credit, please), spread this! I would seriously LOVE help (especially since I’m practically a baby and don’t know what I’m doing. So help is appreciated and needed. Thanks a bucket!)
Word Count: 1,529
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Sirens. Screaming alarms. The room spins as you try and sit up from your rickety hospital bed, but your wrist stops you. The handcuff around it glints up at you, chained tightly to the bedpost and you frantically pull at it as the gunshots and yells get closer to you. A nurse runs in, holding an IV bag filled with a disturbingly clear liquid. She smiles without it reaching her eyes and grabs your hand that's cuffed to the bed. Pushing a needle into your fragile skin, she tries hurriedly to find a vein. She succeeds, hooks the needle up to the stand next to your bed and attaches the bag she was holding. Once this is completed, she smooths your hair down with a shaking hand. "Don't worry, возлюбленная, they will find you and help you. You will finally be safe from HYDRA," she says, and walks out of the room, leaving the door ajar. The realization hits you that you're alone and you try and sit up, but the drugs in your system kick in and you slip into unconsciousness.
Clint smirks and shoots an arrow into the throat of a HYDRA agent staggering towards him and sneering. "Hey Cap, we almost got everything cleared out. Have the upstairs rooms been checked yet?" He pulls a face at the- now dead- agent and waits for the crackling of the comms to reply. "Not sure. Et me finish clearing up the labs, you and Buck go check the rest of the upper floor," Steve's voice replies, followed closely by a thud as his shield hits yet another target. Bucky tips his head towards the door in a silent question, and Clint answers by shouldering past him and leading the way to the dark hallway of (hopefully) empty rooms.
The pair of men walk slowly and silently down the halls of the upper level of the HYDRA facility. Silence. Until... the faint, steady beeping of a heart monitor cuts through the eerie quiet. Bucky nods again at Clint and the archer willingly ducks behind the larger man. Raising his gun, he counts to three before bursting into the room, yelling, "Hands in the air!" He stops short, lowering his weapon when he sees the small frame of a girl with her wrist handcuffed to the bed. His gaze quickly jumps over the girl, looking for others in the room
A small, worried "holy crap" comes from Clint's mouth and he pushes past Bucky. He rushes over to the bed and inspects the IV bag, looking for the name of whatever fluid the crazy scientists pumped into their unsuspecting victim. Bucky stands by the door, scanning the rest of the room. As his eyes jump back over to the bed where he sees the wires and tubes connected to her, his face pales and he starts to stumble towards the bed, only to be stopped by Clint. "Let me help her, you keep watch. Who knows who else is up here." Bucky nods shakily and aims his gun at the open door. Behind him, Clint picks the lock on the handcuffs and checks her vitals. "Everything checks out except this bag. I have no idea what's in it. I'm gonna need you to carry her to the jet so we can have Banner take a look at her."
You wake up slowly, shapes and colors blurring together as your eyes adjust. Once they do, you're on high alert. The room is different- warmer, brighter, with a comfortingly low amount of HYDRA scientists surrounding you. The most alarming thing is the IV in your hand, so you move to rip it out, only to discover that you're strapped down- wrists and ankles. Makes sense, I'm dangerous. As your adrenaline starts pumping, your heart rate rises. A steady beeping fills the air.
You strain as hard as can against the restraints. There. A little bit of give, the leather stretching and ripping slowly.
The wrist bands pop apart and you get to work removing the various wires and tubes connected to you. Outside- a commotion, a panic of voices and monitors screeching.
You extend your hands and inhale. Your least favorite part. Sparks gather together in your hands, and you aim them for the machines surrounding you.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
A series of sparks and small explosions. Silence. The noise outside stutters to a stop and the world is quiet for a heartbeat. Then, a flurry of motion as the doors burst open, revealing a group of people in strange outfits; noticeable ones being a... flag, a completely metal man, a bird suit, and- wait. You know that arm. HYDRA. A battle cry full of fear and panic rips its way out of your throat as you hurl all the electricity you can muster in their direction, blasting the eclectic group across the hall. You turn and look at them, unconscious, before making your getaway.
Groans echo around the hall as each member of the team awakens from the blast of electricity they just received. Bucky is up first, trying to move his arm, only to discover that she shorted it out. Great. Tony's reaction is almost the same, but his suit is built to take a lot more than a little jolt of electricity.
Sam and Rhodey begin to stir, but Tony has no time to waste. "FRIDAY, lock all doors and disable all elevators on this floor. We have to keep her corralled." FRIDAY's chipper voice replies in the affirmative, and Tony sighs in relief that at least his AI is still up and running, never mind the fact that the rest of his tower has lost all power.
The members of the team who are fully/semi-functional split up and go on the lookout for HYDRA's panicking ex-science experiment.
Bucky sighs and tries to re-orient himself, taking into account the dead weight his arm has caused him by shorting out. Red lights are flashing throughout the medbay and a siren scream throughout the floor. All the doors to individual rooms are powered down and locked tight. The only available hiding place is the lab, straight ahead.
He sits close to the walls, holding his arm with his flesh one, breathing and stepping softly as to not scare. He hears a soft whimper as he steps into the open area of the lab. Gotcha. He moves towards the sound- coming from underneath a table. He removes his gun from its permanent resting place in his waistband and drops it on the ground, kicking it away from him. Sighing, he moves to the table and...
Sits. Leaning his head down against the metal railing on the side furthest from you. His face turns towards you, blue eyes piercing your own. The sirens seem to quiet down in the background. Your fear grips your heart again as he shifts, reaching into his pocket and you shrink back because what is he holding what is he holding what is he- he's holding a worn leather notebook and a pen.
His working arm extends towards you holding the writing materials. "I know when Steve and SHIELD rescued me from HYDRA, I didn't want to talk. You can use this because I know how scared you are, and all we want to do is help you- but we can't if you don't say anything." He shifts on the ground, pulling his arm closer to him. "We want to help you, but we aren't going to force you to anything. This way, you can choose what you want to say and when you want to say- no worries about blurting out your thoughts to just anybody." When you don't make a move to take the book, he sets it on the floor and slides it over to you. "I know how scared you are. It's okay." His words echo in your head. We want to help you we won't force you to do anything I know how scared you are...when they rescued me from HYDRA.... You blink. He was rescued from HYDRA? Relief hits you like a ton of bricks as you realize that whatever facility you're in, it isn't HYDRA.  
One heartbeat, then another. You make a decision- shaking, you reach for the book. Flipping past the completely full pages, you come to a stop on a blank one. Haltingly, you write two words.  
"Thank you."
He smiles as you angle the page towards him. He stands and extends his working hand towards you. You hesitate, then tentatively take his. He squeezes it gently and pulls you up. "Should we go see how everybody's doing? You probably need to get checked out by Bruce and then we can find you something to eat and a hot shower." You note that he doesn't mention you practically tasing the entire team. He glances towards your entwined hands and you pull yours away, choosing instead to wrap it around your opposite arm. A knowing look crosses his face and he simply nods his head towards the hallway filled with flashing lights and sirens. The hallway that leads to his team.
"Shall we?"
TAGLIST: (message me if you want to be added)
@thewinterhunter @smutblogmakerandcollector @izzy206-2001 @rodkrake @writing-in-winter @itlookslikeyouneedadoctor @thunderous-flower @theblueinyour-eyes @i-am-anthem-made @mamallama613 @moni-poloni @psychobitchgonepsycho @lilypalmer1987 @loki7ms​
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hysterialevi · 6 years
Lotus Final Part (Cure Ending)
From Alfred’s POV
Gazing at Bruce in a sympathetic manner, I stood under the pouring rain as my rifle trembled in my grip, and I felt the weight of the world crushing my shoulders. 
I couldn’t quite tell if it was selfishness, or perhaps just the mere lack of courage...but something in me absolutely refused to kill Bruce, regardless of how much I told myself it was the right thing to do. 
Despite knowing everything he’d done this past week, I still saw him as my child...and that was how I’d forever see him, no matter the amount of crimes he committed. 
I didn’t plan to allow him to continue his rampages, or let him run free, but I definitely wasn’t going to shoot him either. There had been enough murder in this godforsaken alley, and nothing was going to convince me to continue that tradition. 
Death...was the last thing we needed right now.
“...No,” I finally said, shaking my head. “I won’t do it. I will not kill my son.”
Bruce fell silent for a moment and stared at me, clearly surprised by the decision. There was a strange hint of gratefulness in the way he looked at me, but also a tinge of disappointment. 
He let out a defeated sigh.
“...There’s a thin line between mercy and cowardice, Alfred,” Bruce scolded. “Someday...you’ll have to let me go. Whether you like it or not.”
I put my rifle away and steadily helped Bruce up from the soaked ground, immediately pulling him into a meaningful embrace once he was on his feet.
“Someday,” I acknowledged, tightening my arms around the boy. “But not today. You don’t deserve death, and you certainly don’t deserve Arkham. We have a cure for you, Bruce. We can bring you back. We can give you a second chance.”
Bruce didn’t say anything in response, but I could tell he was thankful by the way he relaxed his head on my shoulder, and gently shut his eyes. It was unclear whether or not he approved of my choice, and I couldn’t deny that some part of me felt guilty for what he was about to discover once he was cured, but nonetheless, I was just relieved that the conflict between us had finally come to an end.
I held my son even closer, neither of us letting go as Lazarus uttered one last phrase.
“The dead don’t come back, Alfred.”
From Tiffany’s POV
Navigating through the hospital’s corridors, I anxiously searched for Blake’s room as doctors scurried all over the place, frantically attending to the other patients who had also been injured the previous day.
Things had been stressful enough in the last few hours, what with Luke and my mother nearly being killed by Lazarus, and the city almost being destroyed...but now rumors were circling around that Blake was also on the brink of death. 
Apparently, the man received a number of severe injuries from his fight with Bane -- and even though the Agency was able to save him from the beast -- he still wasn’t looking too good, despite their efforts. 
Part of me reminded myself not to worry, considering I knew how strong Blake was...but at the same time, the thought of losing him terrified me. After all, this was the very same hospital where he and I witnessed Avesta’s life slip out of her grasp, and I wasn’t sure if I could go through that type of situation again.
With Alfred always being busy, Bruce losing his mind, Dad being gone, and Avesta getting killed...it felt like Blake was my only friend. The only person who I could go to for some peace and quiet. And now, he was knocking on death’s door as well.
I just prayed he didn’t disappear, too. Life was difficult enough trying to cope with all these other losses, and I didn’t know if I could handle one more life being dropped out of the world. 
Slowing down to a halt, I finally reached Blake’s room which was located at the very end of the corridor, right next to a pair of tall windows that displayed quite a magnificent view of Gotham. There were many more people rushing around the city than usual, probably because the threat of Lazarus was gone now, and the sight made me suddenly realize how lifeless this place had been over the past week.
I had gotten so used to walking around dead, empty streets, and passing by buildings that looked damn-near abandoned, that I’d actually forgotten what Gotham was supposed to look like. It just seemed so...strange to see this place functioning like other cities. 
But I guessed that was the price of working with the Agency, wasn’t it? My life would never be normal again, and neither would my family.
Taking a deep breath, I glanced at the bouquet of flowers in my hand and softly knocked on the door before walking through, only to find a half-dead Blake lying in a bed which had been neatly tucked in the center of the room. 
There were multiple tubes connected to him, including a heart monitor, and judging by the collection of cards and balloons resting on a nearby end table, I wasn’t the first to visit him today. I quietly approached him, trying not to alert the man.
“Blake?” I whispered. “Are you awake?”
The agent’s eyes sluggishly opened to a slit, and a faint smile spread across his face at the sight of me.
“...Hey, Tiff,” he mumbled, lifting his head slightly. “I’m surprised to see you here. Figured the rest of the Agency would--” he let out a series of light coughs, “--would be dealing with Wayne all morning.”
I took a seat next to the bed.
“What are you talking about?” I asked. “You and Alfred rescued my family yesterday. The least I could do is pay you a visit. How do you feel?”
Blake chuckled, his laugh a bit strained. “About as bad as I look. Honestly, it’s...it’s a miracle Bane didn’t kill me straight away. I’m just glad he didn’t g-get anyone else.”
His gaze travelled to the flowers. 
“What’ve you got there?”
I shrugged, grinning at him. “Just a little something I brought along. But it looks like you have plenty of flowers already.”
“Well, no harm in having a few more.”
Reaching over to the end table, I added the bouquet to the already crowded surface as Blake watched me, clearly becoming weaker and weaker with every passing second. I gave him a concerned look.
“...Are you sure you’re okay, Blake?”
The man nodded. 
“...Yeah,” he croaked in a dismissive tone. “I’ve been through worse. Much worse. I’ll...I’ll be okay.”
Despite his optimistic temperament though, it was clear as day that Blake didn’t believe in what he was saying. His expression of content slowly disappeared like a lightbulb going out, and was replaced by the face of a man who knew his life was over. It wasn’t exactly melancholy or fear, or even regret, but rather...a sense of finality. 
The manner in which his eyes observed me -- it was his silent way of saying goodbye. He knew this would be the last time he’d ever get to see me, and so he savored every glimpse he got of the world around him, no matter how dull it was.
The folded cards, the vibrant flowers, the vast and sun-drenched view outside the window...he took it all in like a blind man experiencing sight for the first time. It was a moment I wished would never end, but also wished had never even started.
As if he could hear my thoughts, Blake suddenly brought his attention back to me and placed his hand over mine in an attempt to reassure me, just like Avesta did with him before she passed away.
“Tiffany,” he said at last, “the truth is...I’m not gonna make it.”
I frowned. “Don’t talk like that.”
The agent sighed. “Trust me, I’m not any happier about it than you are...but I’m not going to be here when that sun sets. I know it. I can...feel it. And I need someone to accept that, ‘cause these doctors certainly won’t.”
I leaned forward, looking Blake directly in the eye.
“And neither will I. You’re tough, Blake. You know that. When so many other people died this week, you were able to survive. You’re a fighter. So why give up now, when everything’s so close to getting back to normal?”
He didn’t appear convinced.
“Because that’s all my life is. Fighting. Just...one pointless battle after another.  Death...around every corner.” 
He gazed out the window for a moment, listening to the sound of birds chirping as the sun gradually floated higher in the sky. 
“If I’m gonna die, I’d rather go out like this: in a setting of peace, surrounded by people I care about, and accompanied by my good friend.”
Blake turned to me, beaming in a fulfilled yet sorrowful way.
“Do me a solid and make sure Waller knows it’s not her fault, okay, Tiff? The Director can pretend she’s emotionless all she wants, but I know for a fact she’ll blame herself once I...once I...” his voice trailed off, diminishing with the morbid realization of what was to come in the near future, “...well, you know. Just tell her to not beat herself up about it. And you too, all right?”
I gently held Blake’s hand in return, reluctant to come to terms with the inevitable as tears began to gather.
“I...I don’t know what to do,” I confessed, my words slightly shaking. “There’s just so much happening...all at once. First my dad, then Bruce, then Iman, and now you? What am I supposed to do?”
Blake’s expression strengthened with fortitude, and for the first time in forever, he gave me a full smile, still gripping onto my hand as his eyes fluttered closed, and his heartbeat started to wither.
“Be strong,” he answered. “Your family’s going to need you after what they went through. And so is Bruce, now that he’s been cured. You’re all he has left, and god knows Gotham’s not going to support him anymore, so you need to stay strong. Not just for his sake, or for the sake of your family...but also for you.”
I considered what he said and stayed quiet in response, still unsure of how to react to the whole situation.
“Hey. Don’t worry about me,” he comforted, noticing my hesitation. “I’m on my way to see Avesta. This...this is what I’ve wanted all along. It’s going to be okay.”
He let his head sink into the pillow and glanced up at the ceiling, his hand falling limp as he took one final breath.
A permanent look of solace spread across his face.
“...It’s going...to be okay. I...I promise.”
With his last words out in the open, the heartbeat monitor suddenly emitted a dreadful, flat beep and broke the silence, sending me into a state of panic as I realized what just happened.
“...Blake?” I called out, softly shaking his body. “Blake, can you hear me? Blake!”
But it was too late. He was already gone.
Slinking back into my chair in defeat, I mournfully stared at the floor and remained frozen, crushed with grief and regret as the shock settled in. 
I couldn’t believe it. He was...dead. He was actually dead. Just like that...within the blink of an eye. And I was still here, the only person who’d ever carry the memory of Blake’s last moments in this world. It felt...surreal. Like a bad dream I couldn’t wake up from.
Blinking away the tears that clung onto my lashes, I rose from my seat and looked at Blake’s motionless body, my ears mindlessly blocking out the monitor’s beeping as the world effortlessly carried on outside.
“Goodbye, Blake,” I whispered, mostly to myself. “And thank you. For everything. I won’t forget you. I promise.”
From Alfred’s POV
Entering the police station with haste, I eagerly searched for Waller as I snaked my way through the crowds of people, focusing on one thing and one thing only: finding Bruce.
Mere moments ago, I received a phone call from the Director informing me that Bruce had officially been cured, and that Lotus was finally out of his system. According to Waller, the boy had next to no memory of the things he’d done, or what happened to Gotham, and the burden of explaining all these tragedies fell onto her.
While I was ecstatic Bruce was back to his old self, I certainly didn’t envy Waller’s position, and could only wonder how this would affect the man’s mental health now that he was aware of his crimes. The idea of having my son back both relieved and broke my heart at the same time, and I wanted nothing more than to see him in person.
As I navigated my way through the precinct however, a surprisingly familiar face stood in my way and greeted me, closing the distance between us before I could venture any further.
“Mr. Pennyworth,” he acknowledged. “It’s good to see you.”
I stopped in my tracks, shaking the man’s hand. 
“Commissioner Gordon? I thought you were in hospital.”
The policeman gestured to the cane supporting him, clearly still in some amount of pain.
“The doctors weren’t too thrilled about me leaving, lemme tell you. But considering how many of our people are injured or...even dead, it just didn’t feel right sitting in place, y’know? I had to be here, especially now that Bruce is cured. It’s my duty.”
I hopped onto the subject. “Speaking of which, you wouldn’t happen to know where Bruce is, would you? I’d like to see him.”
Gordon beckoned me, leading me down a certain corridor as he explained things along the way, limping slightly with each step.
“Of course. He’s in one of the holding cells, and awaiting trial. I think it’ll do some good if you talk to him. He’s...” Jim let out a despondent sigh, “...I’ll be honest. He’s not doing too well.”
I quirked a brow. “How so?”
Gordon slid a fatigued hand down his face.
“Things have been rough this morning. You see, we administered the cure to Bruce as soon as you brought him back last night, and he fell asleep once the drug started taking effect -- passed out for quite a while, actually. When he woke up though...and you’re not gonna believe this: he thought he was still in the lab.”
My eyes sprung open with surprise. “The lab? His memory is that far back?”
“Yup,” he confirmed, “but Bruce had a feeling something bad had happened, just like Montoya after she shot Falcone...” Gordon paused for a little after mentioning Renee, his shoulders slouching slightly with gloom. 
He cleared his throat and regained composure, carrying on the conversation as he picked up his pace a bit.
“Waller had to explain everything to him,” he continued. “Listed off all his crimes. All his charges. And then he saw me walk by, cane and everything, and immediately knew he was responsible. I’ve seen some broken men in my lifetime, Mr. Pennyworth, but none quite on Bruce’s level. The man’s destroying himself with guilt. Frankly, I’m not sure if the cure helped or hurt him.”
“Sounds like you disapprove.” I concluded.
“No, not at all,” Gordon corrected. “I’m actually the one who suggested curing Bruce to the Director. It’s just...difficult to see the aftermath. I know Bruce is truly a good man, but now he thinks he’s the devil himself. That’s why I think you should see him. Bruce needs to speak with someone he knows he can trust.”
“And I appreciate you allowing me to talk with him. Though, I’m not sure he might feel the same.”
Gordon pointed ahead and brought my attention to the holding cell he mentioned before, staying behind as I continued on.
“Well, you can ask him yourself. He’s right up there. But be careful. He may be cured, but he’s not quite himself just yet.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Commissioner.”
The man turned on his heel, preparing to take his leave.
“Don’t mention it. Oh, and stick to ‘Jim.”
Wobbling away to another section of the station, Gordon left me alone to deal with Bruce as I slowly approached the holding cells, barely able to contain myself when the boy himself came into view. 
Bruce was sitting on a small bench with his head lowered, and I could see him fiddling with his hands -- the type of behavior he always displayed when he was anxious or frightened. His clothes were rather disheveled, and the closer I got, the more I could hear him muttering to himself. 
Like Gordon said earlier, it was...rather hard to watch.
Stepping up to the bars, I straightened my suit and braced myself, completely unsure of how this meeting would go. After all, there was no telling how Bruce felt about me now, and I highly doubted it would be as easy communicating with him as before. There had been so much conflict between us, so many mixed emotions. Only lord knew how we were going to get back on track.
Folding my hands behind my back, I adjusted my glasses and cleared my throat, suddenly feeling a bit tentative to start this conversation.
His head perked up at the sound of his name, revealing a pair of anguished, bloodshot eyes. He didn’t appear reassured in any way even though I was there, and it wasn’t too long before his head drooped again, hanging low like a dying flower.
“...You should’ve pulled the trigger,” Bruce condemned, his voice low and vehement. “You should’ve ended it. I don’t deserve to be here.”
Without even thinking, I tried to reach out to my son, only to remember the wall of bars separating us.
“Bruce...” I said, “it’s not your fault.”
That only seemed to anger him more.
“How can you say that?” He fired back. “All the people I’ve killed, all the lives I’ve ruined...this city is a living hell because of me. Dammit, why didn’t Avesta listen to me...? Why didn’t she just kill me like I asked...?”
“Because she wanted to save you.” I explained. Though, Bruce’s mind was difficult to sway.
“Well, I’m here,” he replied bluntly, unconvinced. “But at what cost? Avesta’s dead, the mayor’s dead, Montoya’s dead...and now, they’ve even just received word that Agent Blake has passed away as well. All of these innocent people are gone because of me...and you’re telling me it’s not my fault?”
“It’s not,” I reiterated. “The Lotus virus did these things to you. It turned you into ‘Lazarus.’ Your actions were not your own. I know you would never truly harm an innocent person...and you know it, too.”
But nothing I said seemed to console the boy. If anything, he only grew more dispirited, and I could practically see the motivation draining from him.
“It’s not just about the people I’ve killed,” Bruce admitted. “I’ve also been told that John’s rotting away in Arkham Asylum because I betrayed him. The one person who still loved me is right back where he started because of me.”
I paused. “John’s in love with you?”
“And the feeling’s mutual,” he confirmed. “Though, I doubt John holds any love for me anymore. I’ve ruined it. Just like everything else in my life. ”
“Bruce,” I said, gripping onto one of the bars, “your life isn’t over yet. In fact, your life was torn away from you, and that’s why I decided to give you the cure. Because I believe you deserve a second chance. Because I believe Batman isn’t dead.”
That got his attention.
Bruce’s mouth parted in astonishment, and a sense of atonement took over him.
“You think...I could still be Batman...?” He asked. “Even after all this?”
“Perhaps not in the exact same way,” I replied, “but there are still plenty of people in Gotham who need saving. Since Lazarus was the GCPD’s top priority for so long, other lesser-known criminals have flown under the radar and are still wreaking havoc across the city. What better way for you to make amends than to rescue the very people Lazarus once terrorized? If you could redeem yourself after the scandal about your father, I know you can pick yourself up after this, Bruce.”
As if on queue, a nearby television suddenly began to broadcast the breaking news as police officers rushed all over the station and Jack Ryder appeared on the screen, frantically rambling on about an incident involving none other...than the Joker himself.
“Well, folks, it seems like our moment of peace and quiet was short-lived, considering that Arkham Asylum is now in chaos since John Doe, also known as ‘The Joker,’ has broken free. Numerous injures have already been reported, including one casualty among the asylum’s staff, and according to witnesses, the perpetrator is heading straight for the city. He even left a disturbing recording on an officer’s body camera, baiting the vigilante who has been presumed dead for so long. Warning for the viewers out there: what you’re about to watch is extremely graphic.”
The news switched over to a dimly-lit video as the camera shook with John’s erratic steps, eventually reversing to film the man’s face. He was covered in splatters of fresh blood -- most likely from the casualty Ryder just mentioned -- and his signature cackle was the only thing that could be heard aside from the police sirens blaring in the distance.
John grinned widely at the camera, glaring at the audience in a feral manner. 
“Hey there, Batsy...!” He taunted in a singsong voice. “Miss me? Hehe! It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. Not a day goes by where I don’t reminisce about our fun times together. Oh, lemme tell you, things have been awfully dull in Arkham recently. None of the inmates are quite as fiery as you, and the fights I’ve had there pale in comparison to the rivalry between us.” 
His tone took a darker turn. “I know you’re out there watching this, Batman. Reveling in your freedom. A freedom that you stole from me! Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you did, old pal. You led me to believe we were two threads in the same stitch...and for what? To stab me in the back later on?! Old habits die hard, I guess, huh?”
The camera zoomed in on his bloodied, wrinkled smirk. 
“Let’s face it. You and I will always be enemies. A guy like you...could never be friends with someone like me. Instead, you’ll always just be the dark, benevolent vigilante chasing me through the night...and I’ll be the knife in your side. Isn’t that right...buddy?”
A morbid chuckle escaped him.
“Well, you better come catch me quick. You thought Riddler was bad? Penguin? Lady Arkham? None of them knew you like I do. I know just how to press those buttons!”
He let out a hysterical laugh, waving a casual goodbye to the camera. 
“We are going to have so...much...fun! ‘Til next time, Batsy...! HAHAHA!”
The video cut off right away, leaving me and Bruce to our thoughts as even more cops bolted out of the station, eager to find the missing inmate whilst phones went off all over the precinct.
Meanwhile, something about Bruce seemed different ever since watching the recording. There was a newfound resolve surrounding him, and his brow was furrowed in determination as he stared at the front doors in thought. I would’ve recognized that face anywhere. 
His eyes wandered over to me.
“Alfred?” Bruce said, sounding significantly more adamant than before. I felt my heart grow with excitement.
“I need you to find Waller. Those officers aren’t taking Joker down alone, and god knows what he has planned for them. They’re going to get killed! They need help.”
I beamed at him, filled to the brim with confidence.
“Of course. I’ll find her right away.”
“Thank you, Alfred. For everything. I mean it.”
Walking off to search for the Director, I glanced behind my shoulder one last time and smiled proudly at Bruce, my emotions all over the place now that my son was finally back.
“You’re welcome...Batman.”
Thank you for reading Lotus.
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Patient 743 - Chapter 3
The nightmares never stop. I can never get a good amount of sleep because of them. The night where I lost everything. I try not to think about it but when it comes to my unconscious state of mind I can’t control it. I was still in bed when I felt a tapping at my shoulder.
“Sorry, I just wanna wake you before one of the authorities do.”
“What would happen if they found me still in bed?” My voice cracked a bit and was raspier than usual, but I had just awoken and it was a normal thing. 
“Kill you.” Normani replied in an obviously joking tone.
“Very funny. I need to shower real quick, I’ll be back in a jiff.”
“Okay who the hell says jiff anymore?” Normani shot me a glance with a facial expression that was impossible to describe but made me laugh harder than I have in a while.
“I’ll be back.”
I got out of bed and ran my fingers through my hair, grabbing the provided towel and new set of clothes and made my way down to the halls washroom. When I walked into the room, I first noticed the nurse who was stationed in the room lay her eyes on me, and I instantly felt uncomfortable. I set my stuff on the outside of the half covered shower stall and began to strip myself out of my dirty clothes. I sighed deeply and wrapped my arms around my chest as I stepped into the stall, turning the shower on I grabbed the miniature shampoo they gave me and quickly ran the soap through my hair, rising it out just as quickly. The feeling of the nurse staring at me made me want to jump out of my own skin and simply disappear. I quickly grabbed the towel outside my stall and wrapped it around my body, changing back into the provided clothes before making my way back to my room and collapsing onto my bed. Why would my dad throw me into this place? I understand I tried to take the easy way out of this mess that is my life, but that’s no reason to throw me into this fucking prisio-
“You must be Lauren?”
My eyebrows knitted together as I sat up straight in my bed so I can locate the source from where the voice came from. My eyes scanned up and down the older man who was standing in front of my doorframe.
“How come everyone in this fucking place seems to know my name?”
The man responded by smiling down at me and shaking his head.
“You need to watch your language young lady. Did you already go to the dining hall and receive your breakfast?”
“No, I haven’t, I’m not hungry. I still don’t know who you are.”
“My name is Mr. Cowell. I am this wings counselor. It is time for our daily session. I will have someone make sure to bring you food once it is over. But as for now and every other day you need to come into my office from nine to ten thirty, understood?”
“Yeah, whatever, like I have a fucking choice” I replied as I got out of my bed and began following him around the building and into his small office.
“Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Since it is our first session I will ask you a series of questions so I can get to know you better. Go ahead and start by telling me your name and hobbies or things that interest you.”
I couldn’t help but think about how stupid this was, I just wanted to go back home and look after the one sibling I still had left.
“My name is Lauren Jauregui, but you already knew that. I play on my varsity softball team at school, and I like to draw I guess.”
“Okay, good.” The man was scribbling on his notepad. “Do you know why you are here?”
My facial expression completely changed from being annoyed to angry. I stared at him for a long moment before I snapped, “yes I do. Because my idiot of a father thinks it is easier to send me off than to actually act like he cares about me. He doesn’t fucking know what I am going through. He doesn’t even talk to me unless he needs a punching bag to exert some of his frustration.”
Thoughts of my brother began to race into my head, I felt my eyes getting watery but I couldn’t help it. Since the accident, I have been horrible with being able to control and deal with my emotions. I tried to shake the thought of my brother out of my head when I saw Mr. Cowell staring at me.
“Lauren, why did you try to kill yourself? Don’t you think your family has suffered enough with the loss of your brother?”
My eyes literally felt as if they were on fire. I needed to put out the flame. I let the events of that day rush into my head. I brought my legs up into my chest and buried my head into them, beginning to put out the flames in my eyes with my tears.
After a moment or two of crying to myself, I took in a deep breath as I lifted my head up so I could make eye contact with Mr. Cowell.
“I killed my brother.”
After I told Mr. Cowell I felt as though I was going to be ill, he dismissed me into the washroom. I sat by the toilet for a long moment before I began to vomit profusely into the bowl. It felt like I was puking up acid because it burnt the back of my throat. I felt like I puked up everything inside of me. I felt disgusted with myself so I weakly picked myself up to go back into my room, hoping a new set of clothes and a new towel were laid out for me so I could shower again, I felt disgusting. Thankfully when I walked back into the room the supplies I needed were there. I headed back into the showers and quickly rinsed myself off, standing under the cool water really did wonders to my body. After I showered I quickly changed, feeling the eyes of the nurse in the corner of the room watching me. I went to the small sink they had in the washroom and grabbed the plastic toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste they provided and brushed my teeth quickly. When I got back into my room I laid out on my bed for about half an hour before my mind began to wonder where Normani had gone off to. I picked myself up off the bed and went out into the main hall in search for her.
I walk around, gazing at all the young people who were being held here. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for each individual person, I wondered about their story, their past, and how they ended up here. I kept looking around before my eyes caught onto a girl who looked really familiar, playing a game of connect four by herself. Since I couldn’t find Normani I made my way over to the unknown girl.
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted someone to play with.”
The girl looked up at me, and I couldn’t help but think I knew this girl from somewhere.
“L-Lauren? Lauren Jauregui? Oh my god” She stood up, examining me.
“Yep, in the flesh.” I flashed her a small smile.
“I haven’t seen you since what, year seven?”
That’s when my mind instantly remembered her. Keana.
“Sounds about right. I would ask how you’ve been but since we’re here I’ll skip that part. Want me to kick your ass in this game?” I asked with a smirk.
“Psh, you wish.”
We started playing the game and discussed what has happened in our life since we last saw each other. Keana used to be one of my closest friends until she moved over a region. She was one of the best friends I have ever had but her father had been offered a better job position that required their family to move. Our conversation began to get to how she ended up here so I scooted my chair closer to hers in case she wanted me to comfort her.
“Well, I haven’t had my first kiss, and I had a complete mental breakdown.” She said in the most sarcastic tone she possibly could have, causing me to smile at her, rolling my eyes. I didn’t want to push her boundaries, so I went ahead and played along with her.
“Really Keana? A hot girl like you has never been kissed?”
She rolled her shoulders into a shrug and gave me a slightly seductive glance.
“That can be changed, you know?” I whispered to her so no one in the room could hear. Quickly glancing around at the guard who was staring at his feet, obviously bored before looking back at her.
She furrowed her eyebrows a bit as I kept my eyes connected with her own.
“Go on then.” She mumbled as I placed my palm on her cheek, slowly leaning into her my lips were centimeters away from hers as we heard the intercom sound. “Lunch is now being served, all patients report to the dining hall.”
I was still watching Keana closely as we both began to laugh and get up out of our chairs.
“Come on lover girl, let’s go.” I playful joked with her before getting up and heading to the cafeteria.
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Where Am I?
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Part 7 of Life Before Him
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 
Pairing: Liam x Riley 
Summary: …Riley's life's in danger but will Liam be able to save her? 
Word Count: 2913
Tagged : @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @drakelover78 @queencatherynerhys @devineinterventions2 @jayjay879  @kawairinrin @hopefulmoonobject @flyawayblue56 @gardeningourmet @blackcatkita @syltti78 @decisso @theroyalweisme @hhiggs @mfackenthal @bruteforcebears @pens-girl-87
  I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
 “come on riley” Liam whispered as he leaned down and repeated giving Riley mouth to mouth.
Drake watched in anticipation, scared to lose his friend. His heart in his throat.
As Liam pulled back he waited…and watched…never blinking in case he missed it.
His heart fluttered as Riley's chest rose and she gasped loudly trying to catch her breathe. Liam was like a waterfall, he leaned down placing a kiss on her head. tears fell from Riley's eyes as she lay with her eyes shut tight, Liam held her as close to him as he possible could.
“I’ve got you Riley, its going to be alright” he whispered as he placed kisses on her head
“li-Am” she gasped half way through saying it.
“shh shhh it’s alright it’s me, ive got you” just moments later the paramedics ran in with a gurney. They placed an oxygen mask over her mouth then ask Liam to place her on the gurney. Once she was on the gurney, and they had fastened the belts and secured her to ensure she didn’t fall, they wheeled her out to the ambulance with Liam and Drake on their tail, Liam never letting go Riley's hand. He passed Drake his keys and told him to meet them at the hospital, they put Riley in the back of the ambulance, Liam climbing in after her, then they shut the doors and took off, sirens blazing.
Once arriving at the hospital, they rushed Riley to get an MRI And a CT scan along with a scan to detect her brain activity, once that was done, they moved her to a private room, Riley was then connected to a ventilator, they attached a drip to her arm then dressed the wounds she had received from the fall from the balcony. Once that was all done the doctors and nurses all left the room leaving just Liam and Riley, it was about an hour after Riley had arrived at the hospital. She lay on the bed with the blanket over her, tubes everywhere, Liam gently pressed his hand on hers, then lifted it to press a kiss on the back of it. Liam was startled by a knock on the door, Riley's doctor walked in with a clipboard in hand.
“your Majesty” he bowed his head
“How is she? Is she going to be alright?” he asked panicking
“she’s a tough cookie, she has, in medical terms, brain hypoxia, which just basically means, her brain wasn’t getting enough oxygen. We won’t know the full effects of the diagnosis until she wakes properly, looking at her MRI scan, there isn’t too much damage, I am going to keep an eye on this though” the doctor pointed at a small dark spot on the scan picture. “it’s not something to worry about just yet, it might be from her fall, but I just want to keep an eye on it just in case. Her CT came back alright. By the looks of her brain activity, she stopped breathing just a minute or so before you got there, she was unconscious for a little while before that, but she was still breathing. You saved that woman’s life, your Majesty, I want you to know that, if you had not given her mouth to mouth, her brain would have totally shut down, she would have died by the time she got to the hospital. She’s doing great for what she’s been through, ive seen worse cases of brain hypoxia that others have come out of relatively alright. I have high hopes for miss Brookes” he stated.
“when will she wake up?” Liam asked
“well, your Majesty, that’s up to miss Brookes, from all of the oxygen deprivation, her body shut itself down, until her body feels it is ready, she’ll be like this”
“So, she’s in a coma?”
“yes and no, she can wake up anytime, it’s more like she’s just in a deep sleep”
The doctor checked all of Riley's levels and IVs then he headed out of the room, informing Liam he would return shortly.
Liam lay his arm on the side of the bed, placing his head down to rest his head for the first time since she was taken. He slowly drifted into a light slumber, not letting go of Riley's hand once.
It was about an hour or so later that Liam awoke to Drake nudging his arm.
“Liam” he whispered
“Drake?” Liam rubbed his eyes as he sat up.
“hey, you’ve been sleeping for the past hour” Drake stated
“I have?” Liam asked, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but from the rush of everything that had happened he was done in, he stood from his chair to stretch his legs a little.
“yeah, Maxwell and Hana are in the waiting room, the doctor wouldn’t tell me what’s happening…have they spoke to you?”
“her doctor said her brain activity was good, he said there wasn’t too much damage to her brain, there’s a small dark spot they want to keep an eye on just in case but other than that, they can’t tell exactly what damage has been done until she wakes”
“did they say how long she’ll be sleeping?”
“he doesn’t know, he said it’s up to her, she decides when her body is ready to be able to function again.”
“she’s in a coma?”
“the doctor said it’s not a coma, it’s just like an extremely deep sleep”
“right” drake frowned “so we just have to wait?”
“yeah…we just have to wait”
“have you spoken to the guards from the lot? Did they find those bastards?” Liam asked
“no, they weren’t there, riley was the only person in that building, they must have locked her up then left.”
“is Bastian here?”
“he’s outside the room, his men are doing everything they can to find them”
“of course,” Liam sighed, Drake gently placed his hand on Liam's shoulder
“she’s going to be alright”
“I swear…when we find them…they’re done, and I mean fucking done!” Liam walked over to the door, asking Bastian to enter. Bastian walked in then frowned when he seen Riley unconscious.
“Bastian…what’s going on?”
“we have a lead, detectives are pulling apart the lot, my men are following the lead, just outside the door to the room that Riley was in, they found a napkin with gum in it, the napkin was from the seacoast hotel on Hillsbury, just down from the lot, if they find anything I will let you know”
“thank you, Bastian, you and your men along with the detectives have done exceptional work today, it will not go unnoticed”
“your Majesty…we were doing our jobs”
“Bastian…take the praise” Liam patted Bastian's shoulder
“of course, your Majesty…thank you”
That evening Liam was left in Riley's room on his own, visiting hours had finished long been finished. He sat in the armchair, just talking to Riley, hoping she could hear him.
“I’m going to find them…if it’s the last thing I do! You deserve so much better than this Riley…so much better, and I’m going to spend my life making it better…I don’t care what I have to do.” He whispered placing a gentle kiss on her hand. “those…those people, I’m going to personally make sure that you never have to see them again” Liam leaned down, with his head on Riley's leg.
“I love you so much…more than you know” he whispered as he slowly started to drift off.
Liam stayed with Riley every night for the next week, he slept in the chair beside her bed, he either held her hand or he lay with his head leaning gently on her legs. Liam had the whole of the police force, the best detectives in the country, along with the king’s guard, all looking for Riley's parents, after following the lead to the hotel, the guards found out that the couple had stayed there but had left earlier that day with all their things. The guards had been following the couple around Cordonia, waiting for the perfect moment to jump on them. Liam had been arriving at the same time every night, he would spend an hour so during the day to check on her, then he would return to the palace for any appointments or meetings he had then he would return to the hospital, every night was the same…until this night…this night was different. Liam arrived at Riley's room, he took his coat off, unbuttoned the top couple of buttons on his shirt then undone the cuffs, he would sit himself in the chair, and talk away to Riley as if she was awake and replying, he would talk all through the night until he eventually fell asleep.
It was about three am when he felt something pressing on his upper arm, Liam mumbled then moved his arm a little.
Liam had been sleeping for a good forty-five minutes when he woke to Riley's whispers
“Liam” she croaked. Liam quickly rose his head, wiping his face.
“Riley!” he whispered full of relief
“what’s going on? where am I?” she croaked
“you’re in the hospital, it’s alright” Liam smiled softly as he handed her the small cup of water he had left on the side table
“why am I in the hospital? Liam…you…you shouldn’t be in here” she croaked
“what?” he asked confused
“if someone sees you in here…we don’t want a scandal”
“Riley…why would ther-”
“madeleine won’t like it…us being so close in public”
“madeleine? riley…”
“Liam…she told us we had to be discreet.”
“I’m going to get the doctor” Liam headed for the door, he opened it and asked for Drake to get the doctor. Just a few minutes later the doctor came in.
“ahh miss Brookes did you have a nice nap” he smiled
“it was a little distressing” she frowned confused as he walked over and started shining a light in her eyes
“Riley do you know what day it is?”
“okay, its actually Saturday”
“what’s your name?”
“Riley…Riley Brookes”
“do you have a title?”
“miss…” answered confusion written all over her face.
“miss Brookes do you know who this man is?”
“of course, that’s king Liam”
“who are you to king Liam?”
“a friend…a good friend” she whispered
“Riley…” Liam whispered
“miss Brookes…are you engaged?”
“no…” she sighed looking away from the doctor obviously upset by the question
“is king Liam engaged?”
“yes” she groaned
“who is his fiancé?”
“Madeleine!” she yelled “stop asking me all of these questions!”
Every answer Riley gave…Liam felt his heart break a little more
“miss Brookes, you have a small case of amnesia” the doctor informed her sympathetically
“your brain was deprived of oxygen and you stopped breathing for a minutes or so, you also hit your head a few times before hand, the amnesia could be caused by either one of the incidents, I can’t say how long it will last, however, it is short term memory loss…which gives me great hope that it will come back, I just can’t say how long it will take.”
“amnesia?” she asked worried.
“Riley…” Liam whispered, taking Riley's hand in his. The doctor left the room to allow Liam time to explain what Riley was unaware of
“sweetie…what’s the last thing you remember? From your memory what did you do yesterday?”
“um…we were in New York…we were at the United Nations celebration…we snuck out afterwards”
“Riley…that was a couple of weeks ago”
“Liam…what happened to me?” she asked
“should I start from the beginning?” Liam asked
“yes” she nodded
“may I?” he gestured to the space next to Riley on the bed.
“of course,” she whispered before moving up a little, Liam sat himself down beside her, holding her gently to his chest
“the day after the united nations party you, Maxwell and couple of our other friend flew to LA…you found Tariq” he smiled “you found him, and he released a statement stating that none of the scandal was your fault”
“I found him?” she sniffled overwhelmed.
“yes, the statement was released…I broke off my engagement to madeleine” he smiled
“yo-you’re not engaged anymore?”
“no…I am” he smirked “I’m engaged to you” he whispered. He felt his heart swell as the smile on her face brightened, she burst into tears.
“y-you and me?” she cried
“yes sweetie…you and me” he gently kissed her head.
“what happened next?” she asked
“well…we came back, we got engagement photos taken, we had a home coming ball slash engagement party…you had a bust up with madeleine, she said some things that really got to you…you got upset…came back stronger” he sighed
“Liam…what happened?”
“you made one hell of a speech about your childhood…about your parents…what they put you through…it was televised which I think your parents seen because a few days later…you awoke to the news that they were at the palace, demanding to see you”
“my parents?” she stiffened “Liam…I-I don’t know …who are my parents?”
“you don’t know?” he asked confused
“I-I can’t remember…a-anything” she panicked
“what’s the first thing you remember? The most distant memory you can remember?”
“um…I can…I can remember being…20…I was working in the bar…and a couple of guys came in…they had a huge bust up, I-I tried to split it up…but I ended up with a black eye and a concussion…that’s the oldest memory I have…Liam I can’t remember anything before that!” she cried
“right…um let me get the doctor again…that’s not so good!”
Once the doctor came in Liam and Riley informed him of Riley's missing memories.
“I see this a lot in trauma patients, what we think it is, is that because miss Brookes parents seem to be behind a lot of her pain and hurt, her brain is trying to block those memories out, all of her memories with them are being pushed as far back as possible, I will keep an eye on it though!” the doctor informed them then left the room.
“finish the story?” Riley asked Liam as she wiped her eyes. Liam climbed back on the bed beside Riley then he finished what he was telling her.
“yeah, so your parents, you went to see them…shouted and screamed at them then told them to get out…they were escorted out…you were really upset and didn’t want to talk with anyone…including me so you went to our bedroom and you threw some stuff around…screamed cried…then you tried to take…some pills”
“what pills?” she asked
“pain killers…and lots of them”
“I tried to…”
“yes” Liam whispered sadly
“but we got you to the doctor, he gave you something that stopped the pills from dissolving in your stomach, so they didn’t reach your blood stream, it did make you extremely tired though”
“is that how I ended up here?”
“no, you’re here for a whole other reason”
“tell me”
“they took you…against your will” he whispered
“what?” she whispered
“they got in through the balcony…I don’t know what happened after they entered the room, all I know is they pushed you over the balcony, they carried you out of the security gate at the back of the Palace, after that I’m assuming they took you to the lot we  found you at…they put you in a room…a really small room” Liam whispered Riley didn’t say a word, she just looked at him.
“it was an enclosed room, they put you in there and deprived you of oxygen…they broadcast it all over tv…they wanted a hundred Million Euros”
“they…they stole me for money…for ransom?” she sniffled
“yes” he whispered
“did you pay it? Is that how you found me?”
“no, we found you before the time was up…I couldn’t pay it…you know-” Liam tried to explain that he wanted to…boy did he want to.
“Liam…it’s okay…I know why you didn’t…I know you would have wanted to …but I know why you couldn’t”
“when…when we got to you, you weren’t breathing…your heart had stopping so I had to give you mouth to mouth…I had to give you oxygen” he whispered
“y-you saved me?” she asked
“yes…” he whispered
“thank you” she whispered then gently placed her hand on Liam's cheek, feeling his stubble beneath her fingers she leaned up and kissed him.
“I love you riley”
“Liam…you said we’re engaged?”
“yes, we are” he smiled
“did I have a ring?”
“yeah it on your- Riley where’s your ring?”
“I-I don’t know…I can’t remember anything” she whispered
“they must have taken it!” he groaned
“Liam…” she sniffled
“hey…it’s alright, we’ll get it back” he whispered.
Riley cuddled into Liam's chest, she wasn’t sure what to make of everything she had just been told…how could they do something like that to her…how could she not remember any of it? Why did they show up? how can they disappear for sixteen years then show up out of the blue and use her for money… what happened to the parents she used to know…the ones that used to tuck her in at night…the ones that used to take her and her sister on a family holiday every year…they all used to have so much fun…what changed?
A million thoughts ran through Liam's mind, his main worry though was how Riley will handle it when her memory comes back…he worried for her, he seen how she coped when all she did was have an argument with them…take that and add all the emotions of the incident, it scared him just thinking about it.
If You Like It Reblog it! <3
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chalantness · 7 years
fic: Meet Me Under the Spotlight - Part II
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~5800 Characters: Steve/Natasha and the ensemble Summary: A continuation of that celebrity social media au no one asked for.
A/N: I hesitated about revisiting this story because the format was so unique and it flowed incredibly well and I wasn’t sure if I could replicate that. Also, in terms of the universe itself, I wasn’t sure what story I wanted to tell next that would still be fun to read through social media. With that said, I thought about it a lot and had so many things I wanted to add and other characters I wanted to include. I just planned on revisiting this ‘verse through headcanons or blurbs for you darlings, but I took another crack at it instead, and I had just as much fun writing it this time as I did the first time!
By the way, I’ve officially dubbed this ‘verse the Marvelous ‘verse. Because I will be coming back to it.
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‘Marvelous’ Season Finale Recap: “How the Mighty Fall”
May 25, 2017. 8:12 AM PST
SPOILER ALERT! This post contains plot details from the Marvelous season three finale, episode twenty-two, “How the Mighty Fall,” below.
Let’s start by getting this out there: no, we’re still not over it. And with three whole months between now and when Marvelous is scheduled to start filming Season 4, we’re sure the tears won’t stop flowing for a while.
Last night’s episode was the culmination of every heartbreaking fight we had to endure between our heroes, and every hasty action they took came back full circle with a sucker punch to our hearts! This was the lowest point the series has come to yet, and even after watching an entire season of everything falling apart, we still didn’t expect it to happen in such a spectacular fashion.
We’ll be back to get into the gory details soon, but in case you were too caught up in your tears to follow every minute of the finale, here are the highlights:
Black Widow’s betrayal that sent fans into a rage at the end of last week’s episode - episode twenty-one, “A Butterfly in a Web” - turned out to be for good reasons. Which we never doubted, but did you have to take such a hard shot at the Captain to do it?
Evidently, yes. Because not only did the Captain realize too little too late that she was protecting him, but his initial abandonment of her after their fallout ended in grave consequences. He barely makes it to her in time before she can bleed out to death, and when she wakes up, she has no recollection of anything. Not of what happened to her, not of betraying him, and not of anything that has to do with the Team at all. We’re not sure exactly how far this memory loss goes, but it was very clear from her confused and shaken expression when she wakes up that it’s pretty grim. And now that she’s without her memories, the Captain is more lost than ever. Guess it takes temporarily (hopefully temporarily?) losing every precious moment together to put things into perspective.
The escalating tension between Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch is irony at its finest: Quicksilver has spent the entire season as the overprotective older brother to Scarlet Witch, which unfortunately meant that Scarlet Witch has spent the entire season feeling sheltered and suffocated. She finally gets what she wants - a chance to put her newfound control over her powers to work, without Quicksilver hovering over her shoulder - and that left her open to being kidnapped. Understandably, Scarlet Witch could have avoided this with her eyes closed and both hands tied, but she had a little something else to deal with:
The Winter Soldier and Falcon, who have had no love lost between them this season, are quite literally at each other’s throats when they join Scarlet Witch to investigate a lead that takes them into the mountains to sniff out a secret bunker. Their fight last night had been the biggest and ugliest yet, and as expected, they don’t realize how gravely it would cost them until Scarlet Witch - too wrapped up in trying to keep them from killing each other - is snatched from under their noses. And no, it wasn’t the thing they needed to come to some kind of truce. If anything, it only made things worse.
Hawkeye and Thor had left in the previous episode to follow a lead of their own, and as expected, they also run into a nasty baddie of their own. And the blowout was far more fatal than you could imagine. When Agent 13 and Agent Hill were finally able to find them and bring them back to the safety of the Facility, they realized that Thor’s powers were completely gone - so it looks as if healing his eye isn’t something that will happen soon - and Hawkeye is in a coma.
Looks like we’ll need to stock up on tissues for now, because with no indication about how things will end up for another few months, we’re left with broken heroes and even more broken hearts.
What scene was the biggest tearjerker for you? Let us know in the comments below!
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On the Air with Phil Coulson: ‘Marvelous’ Co-Stars Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers Talk Season Finale and Summer Plans
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff standing under a floral arch, smiling to someone out of shot. She’s holding a blue and white bouquet and wearing a white dress with a crystal bodice and tulle skirt, a veil attached to her headpiece.]
carters13 Just got back to set and @nataliaromanov already has the best wardrobe! Glad to see some things never change.
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AUGUST 14, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, and Thor Odinson standing in a row, looking in different directions. They are all wearing tuxedos with matching navy blue ties and blue iris boutonnieres.]
ohsnapwilson First day of filming and none of us know what’s going on. Gonna be a long season. (PS. We paid attention during the table read. Mostly.)
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AUGUST 14, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff sitting down between takes. Steve is wearing a tuxedo with a navy blue tie and blue boutonniere, and Natasha Romanoff is seated on his lap in her wedding dress, the both of them laughing.]
MarvelousOfficial #Marvelous Season 4 is officially back in business, and we’re so excited about it that we’re getting a jump start on our #MarvelousSneakPeeks!
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AUGUST 14, 2017
The Late Night Show with Peter Quill @PeterQuillTonight -- September 28     Hey #Marvels did you know @therussianprincessnat is stopping by tonight? I hope she brings me a present
Marvelous @MarvelousCW -- September 28     #Marvels be sure to tune into @PeterQuillTonight and show @therussianprincessnat some love. Retweet if you’re watching!
Wanda Maximoff @littlewandamaximoff -- September 28      want to help a girl out #Marvels? @theothermaximoff says there’s no such thing as a @PeterQuillTonight viewing party :(
Sam Wilson @snapwilson -- September 28      so #Marvels got any plans tonight? mine include @PeterQuillTonight, a cramped apartment, and stale beer
Pepper Potts @twopeasinapott  -- September 28      hey #Marvels, the @MarvelousCW gang is back to watch @therussianprincessnat on @PeterQuillTonight! Wish you were here <3
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn -- September 28      Better get ready @PeterQuillTonight because @therussianprincessnat is a lethal charmer. You won’t know what hit you.
Just In: ‘Marvelous’ star Natasha Romanoff appears on The Late Night Show, drops exclusive Season 4 teaser trailer (September 28, 2017)
Everything You Need to Know About the ‘Marvelous’ Season 4 Teaser Trailer
September 29, 2017. 12:55 AM PST
Last week the Marvelous official Twitter announced that the show’s teaser trailer would not be included in the CW sizzle reel due to “production complications”, much to the disappointment of us Marvels everywhere. Little did we know that not only were we still getting that teaser, but we were getting it an entire week early!
When Natasha Romanoff dropped by The Late Night Show last night, it seemed like a typical guest appearance. But we should have known something was up when, just hours before airtime, the Marvelous cast and crew posted tweets upon tweets encouraging fans to tune in, then took to Instagram to post photos of the entire gang gathered in Nick Fury’s penthouse apartment to watch the show. We know this cast and crew love to show their support for each other, but all this seemed like a lot of fuss over a simple talk show appearance, right?
So. Wrong.
“I was so sure I’d get her to dish about her trip,” Peter Quill shared after the show, referring to the Hawaiian vacation where Natasha Romanoff and co-star Steve Rogers seemed to be closer and cozier than ever. Photos of the couple out and about across the islands had made fans swoon over their screens, but not nearly as much as the incredibly intimate photo the pair had posted to Twitter themselves! But if we thought that Peter Quill would finally get the scoop we all wanted, we were mistaken. “I was prepared for every trick Nat could’ve thrown my way except for this one!” Quill had laughed. “I still want answers, but, come on! How could you top that surprise?”
In case you’ve been living under a rock -- or if you want to watch it a few dozen more times like we have -- then here’s the Marvelous Season 4 Teaser Trailer that Natasha surprised the world with last night.
...Couldn’t get the video to load? Don’t worry, we’ve got all 1:15 minutes of it broken down:
We start with a black screen, and the Captain narrating: “When I woke up, they told us we’d won. That the war was over.”
Flashes of scenes in quick succession: Hawkeye in an infirmary bed connected to tubes, bandaging wrapped around his eyes; Scarlet Witch screaming, hands pressed to her head; the Winter Soldier and Falcon on a snowy mountain, both doubled over, blood on the snow; Agent 13 throwing Iron Man’s helmet across the room, nearly hitting Agent Hill’s head as it cracks against the wall.
Black Widow standing in her room, her back to the camera as she reaches for something on the desk, fading into a shot of the Captain watching her from the doorway as his narration continues: “But they didn’t tell me what we’d lost.”
Thor and Quicksilver in the training room, Quicksilver grabbing Thor’s arm and yanking him back as he says, “We have to go after her!” with Thor curtly replying, “If we do, she’s as good as dead.”
Scarlet Witch gathering her energy between her palms, her eyes glowing as men in the foreground aim their rifles; a quick second of nothing, then a shot of a bunker in the snowy mountains erupting into a red explosion, fading into a scene of Falcon and Winter Soldier watching it collapse from afar.
Agent Hill, Agent 13, and Hawkeye (his eyes still wrapped in bandaging) standing over a holographic table as Agent 13, clearly distraught, asks, “All that sacrifice and we only put a Band-Aid on the problem?” Agent Hill answers with, “Maybe, and it’s going to be for nothing if we can’t fix this,” to which Hawkeye scoffs and replies, “Look at us. We can’t even fix ourselves.”
An ominous shot of the cube-like form of energy used to seal Thor’s powers within it, currents of electricity sparking out from its core; then Thor wincing in pain before hurling a weight across the training room.
Black Widow and the Captain standing close together as she hesitantly reaches up to touch his face; then the Captain sitting on his bed, head down, as Black Widow kneels in front of him and asks, “Tell me what to do to help,” to which the Captain replies in a strained voice, “I don’t know.”
Scarlet Witch in the snow, surrounded by the debris of the exploded laboratory, and then the Winter Soldier lifting her into his arms as she tucks her face into his chest, her entire body shaking.
Falcon pressing a kiss to Agent 13′s hair as she closes her eyes, his voice playing over the scene: “So how do we do this?”
Then Falcon and Agent 13 startling as someone enters the room, Iron Man emerging from the doorway with his arm in a sling and a bruise on his cheek. A quick cut to Agent 13 crying as she throws her arms around Iron Man, his voice playing over the scene: “We start with my least favorite thing to do.”
Cut to black, with Iron Man finishing his dialogue: “We ask for help.”
Then a close-up shot of purple light passing over someone’s skin and dissolving into a black, textured material as it spreads. This figure turns around, revealing a complete shot of his high-tech, full-bodied, cat-like suit; then he glances up at the ceiling as another figure -- slighter and smaller in stature, in a blue-and-red suit with a spider across his chest -- repels from the ceiling, landing on his feet.
Best. Teaser. EVER.
And with Marvelous not returning until December, it’ a good thing that we Marvels know how to keep ourselves busy. Bring on the theories!
What did YOU think of the teaser trailer? Let us know in the comments below!
Related Articles:
Favorite ‘Marvelous’ Fan Theories for the Upcoming Season
WATCH: Can the Cast of ‘Marvelous’ Sum Up the Entire Series in Thirty Seconds?
WATCH: Peter Parker Almost Missed His ‘Marvelous’ Callback
Maria Hill @aproblemlikemaria -- October 10      you know you’ve been filming too long when @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn turn into an old married couple
Thor Odinson @corethor -- October 10      apparently on hour 16 of filming @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn start arguing in latin. about latin? idk
Peter B. Parker @pbandparker -- October 10     @therussianprincessnat just looked at @stevefrombrooklyn and said “get me donuts” and HE DID. pretty sure she’s a jedi
T’challa T’chaka @ttchalla -- October 10      @therussianprincessnat just jumps onto @stevefrombrooklyn’s back when she’s tired of standing. Think I might try it out.
Clint Barton @cbarton -- October 10      @stevefrombrooklyn went MIA. turns out @therussianprincessnat fell asleep on him and he didn’t want to wake her
Clint Barton @cbarton -- October 10      update: @stevefrombrooklyn and @therussianprincessnat held up filming for 15m and @nickfurry just SHRUGGED. i’m suing
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- October 10      @stevefrombrooklyn we need new friends
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn -- October 10      @therussianprincessnat i think you need another nap
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff and Peter Parker in their Black Widow and Spider-Man suits, with Peter resting his elbow on Natasha’s head.]
nataliaromanov @peterbenjiparker us spiders have to stick together, right?
View all 851 comments
OCTOBER 22, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers kissing Natasha Romanoff’s cheek as she laughs, holding a melting cup of ice-cream.]
stevenrogers I knew I couldn’t compete with @peterbenjipaker’s natural charm so I brought her ice-cream instead. #latenightshoots
View all 1,605 comments
OCTOBER 22, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff between takes on the training room set. Steve stands behind Natasha with his arms around her, leaning forward as Natasha whispers into his ear.]
peterbenjiparker Have you ever eaten something so sweet that it gives you a sugar rush and sugar crash at the same time? That’s what it’s like to watch @stevenrogers and @nataliaromanov on and off camera
View all 911 comments
OCTOBER 23, 2017
Just In: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff spotted filming in a downtown Toronto shopping mall, pose for pictures with fans between takes; when asked if the ring on her finger was important to the scene, Natasha coyly responds, “what do you think?” (October 27, 2017)
Happy Halloween! ‘Marvelous’ Treats Fans with More Insight on Upcoming Season
October 31, 2017. 8:25 AM PST.
SPOILER ALERT! This post contains on-set stills from Season 4 of Marvelous.
When we were kids, we gorged on candy for Halloween. Now, we gorge on spoilers!
(But candy would still be appreciated.)
This morning, the Marvelous official Twitter announced that they had a little something special for us Marvels on the show’s official site, and they did not disappoint! Not only were we treated to on-set photos -- confirmed to have been from the start of filming back in August -- but we were also given the official synopses of the first three episodes!
Bonus: none of scenes shown seem to be related to the scenes teased in the trailer.
Can you say, “more spoilers”?
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers in a tuxedo and Natasha Romanoff in a wedding dress, Natasha’s hand tucked into Steve’s elbow as they smile at each other. The seats behind them are filled with the main and recurring cast, dressed for the occasion.]
[Image Caption: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, and Wanda Maximoff driving through a snowy mountain in a jeep. Sam is at the wheel as Wanda and Bucky are shown talking in the back seat, Wanda wearing the Winter Soldier’s jacket.]
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff standing in the infirmary. Steve is holding onto Natasha’s arm, his eyes closed as he kisses her forehead.]
[Image Caption: Thor Odinson and Maria Hill sitting on a couch together with a mostly-emptied bottle of whiskey on the table. They’re both holding tumblers of scotch and angled toward each other as they speak.]
[Image Caption: Sharon Carter and Tony Stark in the infirmary set, Sharon seated at Tony’s bedside with a hand in her hair and her face wet with tears.]
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff in the gym, a punching bag hanging between them. Natasha has a hand on the bag, her expression concerned as she looks at Steve, whose fist lingers on the punching bag as he angles himself away from her.]
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff in the kitchen of a suburban house. Natasha is sitting on the kitchen island next to bags of groceries, her arms draped around Steve’s neck as he’s smiling at her.]
But wait: there’s MORE!
IN SOMNIS VERITAS - Season 4, Episode 1
As the Captain (Steve Rogers) struggles to deal with Black Widow’s (Natasha Romanoff) memories being lost, Agent Hill (Maria Hill) tries to pick up the pieces of the Team’s latest fallout, especially as Thor (Thor Odinson) starts to spiral without his powers and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) remains in a coma. Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) and Falcon (Sam Wilson) fear that their time to rescue Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) may be running out.
THE DARKEST NIGHT - Season 4, Episode 2
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) realizes that her powers are fluctuating due to the experiments performed by her still-unnamed abductor (guest star Edwin Jarvis), which she fears will have catastrophic side effects. Elsewhere, as extraterrestrial weapons continue to move between counties, Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) urges the Team to take action. Realizing the distress she’s causing the Captain (Steve Rogers), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) asks him to help jog her memories.
BEFORE DAWN - Season 4, Episode 3
With the Captain (Steve Rogers) opening up to her and the Team reunited once more, Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) starts to get flashes of what she believes are her lost memories, though she hesitates to tell anyone. Meanwhile, the return of the Director (writer/producer, guest star Nick Fury) gives Agent Hill (Maria Hill) a new push to rally and regroup, while the arrival of Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) gives the Team the motivation to move forward.
While we now have a little insight on what to expect from the start of the season, we’re still wondering about those wedding photos posted by the cast back in August. Is it a dream? An illusion? A flash-forward?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
Related Articles:
Guest-Stars James Rhodes and Loki Laufeyson Return to ‘Marvelous’
Peggy Carter Expected to Direct ‘Marvelous’ Mid-Season Finale
‘Marvelous’ Newcomer T’challa T’chaka Scheduled to Appear on The Late Night Show
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff standing with her back to the camera. She’s wearing a Dodgers jersey and baseball cap, pointing over her shoulder with her thumb at the “ROGERS” stitched across the back of the jersey.]
nataliaromanov Told @stevenrogers that this was my funniest Halloween costume yet.
View all 1,143 comments
OCTOBER 31, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff on set, laughing with their arms around each other. Steve is in his Captain suit while Natasha is wearing Steve’s Dodgers baseball cap and personalized jersey.]
stevenrogers @nataliaromanov dressed up as me and then started hugging everyone on set. Don’t know whether to be flattered or offended.
View all 1,003 comments
OCTOBER 31, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers dressed in his Captain suit and Natasha Romanoff dressed in Steve’s Dodgers baseball cap and personalized jersey. They’re sitting on their set chairs with their backs to the cameras as they talk.]
iambuckybarnes dude wouldn’t let me try on his precious jersey when he got it, yet Nat steals it from his closet and prances around in it and he’s fine #messagereceived
View all 1,236 comments
OCTOBER 31, 2017
Just In: ‘Marvelous’ writer/producer Nick Fury tweets on-set photo of Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, and Sharon Carter sharing a warm drink between takes, and fans are quick to notice the diamond ring on Romanoff’s left hand; when his Twitter is flooded with questions, Fury responds with a cryptic, “you’ll see” (November 4, 2017)
The Official Twitter of Access Entertainment @accessentertainment -- November 13      Only one month left until the #Marvelous Season 4 premiere, but of course you #Marvels already know that.
The Official Twitter of Access Entertainment @accessentertainment -- November 13      To celebrate, we asked the cast what their favorite lines of the season are so far #MarvelousLineswithAE
James Buchanan Barnes @iambuckybarnes -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “It’s not about the fear. It’s about how you react to it. That’s what you taught me.”
Wanda Maximoff @littlewandamaximoff -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “Unlike you, I can still tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it.”
Sharon Carter @sharoncarter -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “I used to think that love got in the way of duty. But maybe love is our greatest duty.”
Sam Wilson @snapwilson -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “If I focus less on the blame and more on the hurt, it makes it easier to heal.”
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “There’s nothing and no one that could take your place in my life.”
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “That isn’t something I have to remember. That’s something I just know.”
Nick Fury @nickfurry -- November 13      #MarvelousLineswithAE “Please say yes.”
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- November 13      @nickfurry you sap                Natasha A. Romanoff Retweeted                @nickfurry #MarvelousLineswithAE “Please say yes.”
AE! Exclusive: Spoilers Straight from the Cast of ‘Marvelous’
November 14, 2017. 8:02 AM PST
SPOILER ALERT! This post contains plot details from the season premiere of Marvelous.
(If any of you Marvels successfully resisted the urge to continue reading, know that we are incredibly impressed.)
That’s right, Marvels. With the Season 4 premiere just a month away, Access Entertainment! received an exclusive invitation to visit the set. And while we were there, we sat down with some of the cast and crew to squeeze out juicy details on what to expect from the upcoming premiere.
(WATCH: Access Entertainment’s Entire First Look from the Set of ‘Marvelous’)
Ready for the spoilers? Yeah, neither were we.
1. The premiere will center around the theme of dreams, and Steve Rogers (playing the Captain) shares that the entire episode should be an emotional roller-coaster. Ready your tissues, Marvels.
STEVE ROGERS: There’s a very blurred line between dreams and nightmares and that’s something the premiere really plays on. We shot two or three, sometimes even four versions of the same dream scenes that were so tonally different from each other. There are really low points but there are really high points, too, and it’s just one of those things you know will have that punch and then keep on punching.
ACCESS ENTERTAINMENT: And we’re guessing one of the Captain’s dreams must involve Natasha [Romanoff, playing Black Widow] in that gorgeous wedding dress all over Instagram?
ROGERS: [laughs] That was actually the very first scene we shot of the season. We read the script together, so we knew it was coming, just not when. But it’s the first day, and we’re all in tuxes and gowns and they’ve got us in this beautiful church set. And I didn’t even see Nat in her dress until we started filming. Nick [Fury, the show’s writer/producer] still won’t admit it but I’m sure that was intentional.
ROGERS: Yeah, don’t let the guy fool you. He’s just a big softie.
2. We’ll pick up right where the finale left off. Which means throwing salt onto all those wounds that still haven’t healed; their wounds AND ours.
SHARON CARTER [playing Agent 13]: You can watch the finale and then the premiere back-to-back and it’ll sort of be one extended episode. That’s the idea. We put these characters through every circle of hell and back and we don’t want to just jump forward and make you fill in the gaps. We take you with us every step of their emotional journey like we always have, and I can’t share anything, of course, but it doesn’t take long for them to start bouncing back. It’s sort of our way of saying, ‘Hey, we broke your hearts and made you wait half a year because we suck but now you’ll reap the rewards.’
3. After watching an entire season of our heroes falling apart, we can look forward to them coming back together stronger than ever. It’s no secret that watching episode after episode of our heroes fighting among each other was heartbreaking. But Wanda [Maximoff, playing Scarlet Witch] dished that this won’t be the case for the upcoming season.
WANDA MAXIMOFF: You won’t have to worry about us being at each other’s throats nearly as much anymore. When you hit rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up!
MAXIMOFF: I know! [laughs] It’s always fun to play those kinds of scenes, you know? They’re very raw and real, and it’s cathartic but in a very safe way to channel all your emotions and let them out. But it’s still draining. We were all so tired from “fighting” with each other by the time we wrapped. We looked forward to having a little fun again and Nick absolutely gave us that
ACCESS ENTERTAINMENT: So we can expect a lot more smiles this season? Maybe even a few laughs?
MAXIMOFF: Absolutely! The first few episodes will deal with the aftermath of the finale, of course. You don’t just sweep that under the rug. But everyone has suffered so much individually, this season you’ll see them lean on each other to heal. At the core, they have a bond you can’t really fit into one type of mold and it’ll be what helps them turn things around.
4. This season will explore the dynamics between our characters in ways we thought we could only dream of. Which means, yes, Marvels. They are in fact listening.
MAXIMOFF: You’ll see characters share scenes together that didn’t have much interaction outside of the group before, and you’ll see relationships in new lights. Iron Man [played by Tony Stark] and Quicksilver [played by Pietro Maximoff] got off to a rocky start, and they’re in a civil place now, but you’ll see them develop a genuine friendship. Iron Man will really pull through for Quicksilver and that finally gives them some common ground. Agent Hill [played by Maria Hill] and Thor [played by Thor Odinson] have always butt heads here or there because they’re just so different. They’re almost the last duo you’d expect to come together and that’s the beauty of it. They end up leaning on each other and it’s beautiful. All of these odd, new dynamics will get their own spotlights and it’s so much fun.
There’s even some role reversal in key relationships. Like with Hawkeye [played by Clint Barton]. He was an important mentor to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and now with his condition he’ll turn to them for guidance. And with Black Widow, she really built up Scarlet Witch and helped her become confident in her abilities and now Scarlet Witch will get to return the favor. She’ll be there to help Black Widow get back on her feet. She becomes Black Widow’s biggest confidant, and that will be such a strong thing for Scarlet Witch, who is in a dark place at the start of the season. These more intimate moments - they’ve been my favorite to film so far.
5. Newcomers Black Panther (played by T’challa T’chaka) and Spider-Man (played by Peter Parker) won’t take long to join the fray. We learned that we won’t be seeing them in the premiere, but at least we won’t have to wait much longer! It’s confirmed that Black Panther and Spider-Man will make their debuts before the end of the second episode.
T’CHALLA T’CHAKA: I was surprised to learn during the table read that Nick wasted no time introducing us. He had us involved from the very first day of filming, even though Peter and I would traditionally not have been called to  the set just yet. We were very much included between takes. You would think coming onto a show of this magnitude, joining a cast so established - that would be an intimidating thing, you’d think. But as soon as I got the part everyone reached out to me on their own. We talked, not always about the show. I felt a fast connection. So when Peter and I were watching that first scene being filmed, when Natasha and Steve recited those vows, we were hit just as hard as everyone else. I choked up. I don’t mind sharing that, I’m not heartless. [laughs]
6. There’s a very good chance that every (well, ALMOST every) character that has crossed our heroes’ paths will make a reappearance before the end of the season. At least, it seems that way.
SAM WILSON [playing Falcon]: I’m just making guesses here, but with the way these last three months have gone, it’s probably a good guess. I think we’re somewhere between episodes nine and ten right now and we’ve already brought so many faces back. Sometimes we’ll walk onto a set or get rewrites, and we’ve brought back someone we thought had been written off definitively, and in these cool twists you won’t expect.
ACCESS ENTERTAINMENT: Any names you can hint at?
WILSON: Nah! No, don’t get me in trouble. [laughs] I can’t even hint at anything, but - trust me, it’ll be good. Fans will be excited to revisit these characters and see these shout-outs to old subplots. Some of it will be tying up loose ends, some of it’s just plain fun. Nick’s even got plans to have every guest director come back for an episode if scheduling works out. Don’t worry, I was allowed to share that. I asked. But Peggy [Carter] is already coming back for the mid-season finale and I think they’ve talked about her having a bigger hand in the second half of the season.
ACCESS ENTERTAINMENT: Oh, that’s exactly what we wanted to hear. She’s been involved in those episodes that make me swoon every time!
WILSON: Yeah, she knows how to tug on those heart-strings. She and Nick sat down, I think it was the middle of Season 2. But she and Nick sat us all down and we went around and said where we thought our characters would be in a few seasons and what we wanted for them. And it was all domestic. [laughs] No matter how crazy the world is, those same basic dreams are at our core, you know? And those are Peggy’s favorite stories to tell. Old romantics will be very happy with the intimate moments we fit into these episodes. It’ll be good. Real good.
7. Speaking of intimate: “It’s a very romantic season,” Bucky [Barnes, playing the Winter Soldier] shares. Cue squeals!
BARNES: Obviously the tone of the series will still be there, we don’t deviate into some kind of romantic drama. But you’ve seen the highs and lows of all these relationships, you’ve seen these characters go through so much and now they’ve earned this happiness. It’s a big turning point for our favorite couples, and rather than “will they, won’t they” you get to see them as a unit. That’s kind of the theme of this whole season, “us against the world,” whether it’s couples or friendships or the Team. It’s a great message.
ACCESS ENTERTAINMENT: Can you give us any hints?
BARNES: I wish I could, I really do. We just - we’re all having such a hard time biting our tongues. Each script is better and better and we want to share that with everyone, we want them to be excited with us. But I promise you, if you’ve sat through the last three years with your fingers crossed it’ll pay off. We almost jump the gun in a sense, because it goes from this slow burn to just diving head-first and it’s so satisfying. Even for myself, as a fan of this story and these characters, I see how far everything has come and I just get all tingly. [laughs] It’s great.
Well, there you have it!
It seems like this season will be the most emotional one yet, and luckily for us it sounds like it won’t be of the heart-breaking variety. Hopefully.
What are YOU most excited about for the upcoming season? Let us know in the comments below!
Related Articles:
T’challa T’chaka Talks Crazy First Week on ‘Marvelous’ and Addresses Rumors of Spinoff
‘Marvelous’ Co-Stars’ Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers Recap Season Finale, Discuss Their Sizzling Chemistry
YouTube Personality Skye Johnson Posts Adorable Video to Announce Landing Unnamed ‘Marvelous’ Role
[Image Caption: Close-up of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers at night. Steve is kissing her hair, and Natasha is smiling softly with her hand on her cheek, showing off a glittering diamond ring - different from the ring she had been seen wearing in an on-set photo that writer/producer Nick Fury tweeted.]
stevenrogers my favorite present has always been you
View all 1,965 comments
NOVEMBER 22, 2017
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers on the set of Marvelous, kissing, her glittering diamond ring resting against his cheek as he dips her. The cast and crew can be seen out of focus in the background, cheering.]
nataliaromanov I said yes
View all 2,110 comments
NOVEMBER 22, 2017
42 notes · View notes
kimtaehyungrykim · 7 years
Doctor I Need You: Chapter 3
Chapter Summary: After saving Choi Haru’s life the doctors really seem to respect you now. Except Yuta, he still hates that you’re his teacher. At the end of your shift, Taeyong asks if you want to grab a drink with him.
Tumblr media
Prologue / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / to be determined
a/n: Next chapter will have more romance (possibly smut? *wink wink*)
Warnings: Surgery and mentions of death
Genre: fluff, smut, angst, romance
Rating: M
Characters and their roles:
You (Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery)
Dr. Kim Jisoo (Head of General Surgery)
Dr. Kim Seokjin (Jin) (Attending Anesthesiologist)
Dr. Lee Taeyong (Head of Trauma Surgery)
Dr. Kim Taeyeon (Head of Neurosurgery)
Dr. Kim Xiumin (Head of Pediatric surgery)
Dr. Park Leeteuk (Chief of Surgery)
Dr. Jeon Wonwoo (5th year Surgical Resident)
Dr. Nakamoto Yuta (5th year Surgical Resident)
Dr. Park Rosé (5th year Surgical Resident)
Dr. Park Joy (5th year Surgical Resident)
Dr. Kim Mingyu (5th year Surgical Resident)
Songs to play while reading: I’ll point out where
My type - iKON
Fire - Taeyeon
Cosmic Love - Florence & the Machines (This song’s gonna appear a lot in the series)
“Unity is strength...when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved” - Mattie J.T Stepanek
(My type)
Ever since the night you saved Choi Haru’s life, the Heartstone doctors and Serenity doctors have really bonded.
Lunchtime rolled around, you sat with Xiumin, Jisoo, Taeyong, and Taeyeon.
“So Dr. Y/n, how’s working with Yuta?” Xiumin asks you.
“I’m actually impressed, he may in fact be the best resident I’ve ever seen,” You chuckled, “But I don’t think he likes me.”
“Oooh, he doesn’t like you?” Taeyeon laughed, “Well he did get the last 3 Cardio surgeons at Heartstone fired.”
“Yuta just needs a strong Cardio attending that’s all,” Taeyong assured you.
Taeyeon shook her head, “I don’t know Y/n, the last Cardio surgeon- OW! Did you just kick me?” Taeyeon glared at Xiumin.
“No that was me,” Jisoo raised her hand.
Across the room Yuta, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Joy, and Rosé were eating their lunch.
“Are you enjoying working with Dr. Y/n?” Joy asked Yuta, “I heard she’s a Cardio goddess.”
“Ugh,” Yuta rolled his eyes.
“Leave Dr. Y/n alone, she’s not used to working with you,” Wonwoo said.
Yuta scowled, “Why are you defending her? She went to a state school.”
“So did I,” Rosé pointed out.
“But she’s a Serenity doctor.”
“So am I,” Wonwoo pointed out.
“But she’s annoying.”
“So are you,” Mingyu said.
Joy was treating a motorcycle victim in trauma 3. Taeyong got her page and ran there.
“Fill me in.”
“Systolic is stabilizing but he’s still having multiple arrhythmias, I’m about to do a chest tube,” Joy said with confidence.
“Joy have you thought about what your specialty might be?” Taeyong asked her.
“No sir.”
“It’s trauma.”
You and Jisoo were in the attendings’ lounge drinking coffee.
“Isn’t it time for you to get a boyfriend?” Jisoo asked you.
“Isn’t it time for you to get a Jin?” You fired back.
“You know in cartoons when a bear is starving and it looks at an object and the object turns into a turkey?”
“I don’t look at Jin like that,” Jisoo scoffed, “What about you and Taeyong?”
“You know in cartoons when a bear is starving and it looks at a cute doctor?”
“Shut up,” You laughed.
*beep beep*
“Dammit, Yuta’s paging me, finish my coffee for me” You excused yourself and ran to the ER.
“Why’d you page me?”
“This is Jinu, 8 years old, asthmatic. Nebs at home haven't been working. He’s still having trouble breathing,” Yuta said.
“Jinu, I’m gonna take a listen to your heart ok?” You put the cold metal on his chest and listen for awhile, “Has Jinu have any other medical trouble?”
“A febrile seizure at 3 months,” Yuta informed you.
“Ok, page Dr. Xiumin and book an OR.”
“What why?”
“Because I said so.”
“He has asthma.”
“Cardiac asthma.” You corrected him.
“How do you know?”
“The seizure he had, wasn’t from a fever he had a heart attack then and he’s having one now. So book an OR because I’m your attending. When I tell you to book an OR, you book an OR.” You snapped at him.
(Play Fire)
Taeyong got a page from Joy, he ran to trauma 1 where Joy was performing CPR on her patient.
“What’s happening Joy?”
“I put in the chest tube but there was no blood. Tried another one there was no pulse.” Joy said.
“How long has he been down?” Taeyong asked her.
“20 minutes. Do I open the chest?” Joy asked him.
“Move on Joy, he’s gone. You can’t save him. Call it.”
Joy removed her hands from the man’s chest, “Time of death 4:55 p.m.”
Taeyong saw the sadness in Joy’s eyes, “You did everything you could. Trauma’s a team sport, you don’t have to be the hero. Just go where you’re needed.”
You, Yuta and Xiumin were in surgery.
“See the anatomy here?” Xiumin pointed, “the coronary artery is attached to the pulmonary artery.”
“It’s presented as asthma, but it’s actually alcapa.” You looked at Yuta.
“How’d you know?” He looked at you with astonishment.
“I saw some cardiomegaly on the x-rays and heard a murmur through his wheezing. You’ll know for next time. And after today, you’ll know how to fix it.”
“I thought you and Dr. Xiumin were-”
“Dr. Xiumin, do you mind if Yuta first assists me on this one?” You ask him. He stepped aside for Yuta. Yuta had a happy glint in his eyes and started the surgery with you.
“Let’s see Dr. Yuta’s handiwork,” You smiled at him.
*beep beep beep beep beep beep*
Xiumin stepped up, “The bleeding is behind the coronary artery anastomosis.”
Yuta frowned, “My anastomosis.”
“Ok Yuta how are you gonna fix it?” You asked him.
Yuta frantically tried fixing his mistake, “Help me Dr. Y/n”
“You can do this,” You assured him, “tell me what you want to do.”
“I want to defibrillate.”
“Then do it.”
Yuta grabbed the paddle and put it around the exposed heart.
“Charge to 20. Clear!”
The heartbeat normalized.
“Good job,” You praised him, “Now keep your eyes on the field and do exactly what I say. We’ll fix this without rearresting the heart. Are you with me?”
The surgery finally finished, your shift was over, you started packing up to go home. Taeyong walked in the attendings lounge.
“Hey, I heard you lost a patient today.”
“Yeah, nothing I could do to save him. But Joy, she’s gonna be an excellent trauma surgeon one day.” Taeyong said.
“I think I got Yuta to like me,” You chuckled.
“Wow, you’re the first Cardio surgeon to do so.” Taeyong laughed, “Hey doctor, are you coming to the hospital party tomorrow?”
“Are you kidding me? A no work day, I’m there.” You laughed, “Are you coming?”
“I’ll see you there.” Taeyong grabbed your bag for you and handed it to you. You moved your body closer to his and looked into his eyes. He looked back into yours.
The door slammed open. Taeyeon walked in.
“Guess what hap-WOAH,” Taeyeon looked at the position the 2 of you were in, “Were you 2 about to kiss?”
The both of you shook your heads vigorously, “No,” you said in unison. You grabbed your bag and left the room in embarrassment.
Yuta went into the residents lounge with a huge smile on his face.
“Why are you so happy?” Mingyu asked.
“Today I did a Takeuchi repair,” Yuta bragged.
Wonwoo looked at him in shock, “You did not.”
“Not all by myself but Dr. Y/n did let me do the coronary artery anastomosis.”
“Maybe she is a cardio goddess,” Joy said.
“Yeah,” Yuta agreed.
(Play Cosmic Love)
You walked outside the hospital and was about to leave when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Taeyong.
“It’s still early doctor, you wanna grab a drink?” He asked you.
“I have to drive Taeyong.”
“Who said it had to be alcoholic?”
“Alright,” You agreed.
The 2 of you started walking together, the sky filled with stars. It was quiet, not an uncomfortable quiet just quiet. Like an old married couple having late night walks staring at the beauty that surrounds them.
“The stars, really shine bright tonight,” You broke the silence.
“And the city lights the shine go so beautifully along with it. The moon looks wonderful tonight, wow. I’ve never really looked at the sky, can anything be more beautiful than the billions of stars shining so bright in the infinite dark of our universe?”
Taeyong laughed at your enthusiasm. You rolled your eyes at him as the 2 of you walked into a bar.
“What would the 2 of you like?” the bartender asks.
“Uh just iced tea,” You said.
“And for the gentleman?”
“The same please.”
You 2 sat down and started sipping on the drink.
“Can I ask you something?” You spoke.
“Why do you never call me by my first name? Ever since we met you’ve been calling me ‘doctor’ instead of my real name.”
“I don’t really call anyone ‘doctor’ except you,” He replied.
“Is that supposed to be flattering?”
“Ok, I’m gonna admit something,” Taeyong chuckled, “I’ve been practicing saying your name ever since we met. At first it was for me insulting you but then we became friends and every time I say your name it’s just…” Taeyong smiled, “nevermind.”
“Nevermind? What? You can’t tell me a story and end it with nevermind,”
“Nevermind, just drink your iced tea. Forget I said anything,” Taeyong changed the subject, “Are Jisoo and Jin like a thing?”
“I wished. You have a girlfriend?”
“No. Maybe it’s because I keep looking for the perfect woman, the one who loves my little quirks and mistakes. The one I connect to right away. My soulmate you know? Do you believe in soulmates?”
“Yeah. I think there are simply just some people in this world that we just have a connection to right away. The ones where you smile when you hear their names. You can’t get them out your head no matter what you do. And when you look at them, you just know it. Whether that be a friend, family, or a lover. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m such a hopeless romantic.”
“I think you’ll find your soulmate one day,” Taeyong assured you.
“Let’s hope.”
You both finished your iced tea.
“One more?” He asked you.
“Maybe a couple more.”
“…and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment…” - Plato
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mischiefandspirits · 7 years
Scales and Arpeggios
Part of the Cat of a Different Color series
While Allura’s resting from the Balmeran ceremony, the paladins go on a training mission. Meanwhile, the cats run into an old friend and see an enemy.
Part 6: Hiss-tory Comes to Haunt
“I see you two are just as disgusting as you used to be.”
<Maece!> Merla spat.
“It’s been a long time, my friend.”
“This is incredible,” Pidge muttered, shifting through the information she and Hunk had gathered so far.
Chip purred in agreement as she watched her paladin work from where she was lying on her back on Rover, just above and behind the girl’s shoulder.
“Maybe…” Pidge started typing in a program to test the energy frequency in comparison to a scan done on a sample from the Balmera.
“Pidge, please come down to the detainment room.”
Pidge groaned and Chip huffed at Coran’s call. The cat rolled over, but stayed on the drone while Pidge stood. The three traveled up to where they were holding Sendak. The others were already there, watching as Coran set up devices on the Galra’s container.
“Did you and Hunk get everything all fixed?” Pidge asked.
“Yes, it was mostly just a few circuits that had degraded after sitting around for so long,” Hunk answered for Coran.
“He’s not going to wake up, right?” Lance whispered.
“No, the process is easiest when the subject is unconscious,” Coran chipped in.
“How’s Allura?” Shiro asked.
“She was up visiting her father earlier, but now she’s resting.”
Pidge glanced around and frowned when she only saw Pua and Ryou, who Chip jumped down to join. “Where’s Merla and Blue?”
Keith’s mouth twitched into a smirk while Lance groaned. “Ryou’s making them patrol the castle because they fell asleep on guard duty, or something. I haven’t seen her in hours!”
So those two have been alone together, for hours, unsupervised? Pidge shared a look with Keith and could see he was thinking the same thing. Those two were definitely not patrolling.
She kept her mouth shut though, as did he.
“I still can’t get over the fact you two can talk to them. Like, really talk,” Hunk said, glancing over at Pua.
“Quite. The paladins of old never developed such a connection and they had deca-phoebs with the lions. We knew they were sentient, of course, but we never imagined they had this level of sapience!” Coran agreed.
“Maybe that was your problem. You didn’t give them a chance,” Keith pointed out.
Coran nodded. “That may be true. Your species seems far more at ease with attributing the most random of things with both sentience and sapience. Take Number Five’s little friend there.”
Pidge glared at the man and tucked Rover to her chest. “Rude! Don’t listen to him, Rover. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“You see. Ah, yes. Okay, guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up.”
<Ugh, this is stupid. The castle has alarms to tells us if there are intruders! Why do we have to patrol?> Merla whined for the hundredth time.
<You know your whining isn’t making the time go any faster, love,> Blue growled.
The cheetah huffed and looked away from the tiger. He eyes caught sight of the door to the bridge and her tail flicked. I know something that will pass the time. <Hey, do you hear that?>
<Hear what?>
<This way!> she hissed and darted into the bridge.
Blue followed at a more cautious pace, glancing around the bridge. She stopped a few paces in and cocked her head. <There’s no one here.>
<Exactly!> Merla purred. She jumped onto the tiger’s back and started nuzzling and licking her neck. <Just you and me!>
Blue snorted, but laid down so she could curl up with her soul-bound. <We are supposed to be patrolling.>
<We’ve been patrolling for forever. Break time!>
<Ryou’s going to be ticked.>
<Ryou doesn’t have to know.>
<We both know he’s going to find out.>
<Sh! Cuddle me!>
Blue snorted, but gave into the cheetah’s wishes. They stayed like that for a few minutes, cuddling and nuzzling and grooming one another until a laugh broke the silence.
“I see you two are just as disgusting as you used to be.”
The two were instantly on their feet, growling at the figure that had appeared atop the control center. She appeared to be comprised out of pure energy, crafted into a vaguely feline like form with long curling ears and a tail like a comet’s. She was mostly gold, but with a fuchsia halo of energy floating over her head and matching designs seemingly carved into her, jagged like lightning. Her only other features were the two silver spots on her face in the place of eyes.
<Maece!> Merla spat.
“It’s been a long time, my friend.”
<I am no friend of yours!>
<What are you doing here? How are you here?>
“No time to talk, unfortunately. Things to do. Organics to destroy. Until then!” the figure jumped over the two and passed through the door.
<Get back here you kwaila!> Merla hissed, taking chase. She got into the hallway, but didn’t see any sign of the figure.
<Merla, stop!>
<Stop?> Merla growled, turning to Blue. <Stop? Maece is here! We need to track her down and->
<And what? We are not strong enough to fight her like this! And you heard what she said! She’s targeting the organics.>
Merla froze. <Keith, the paladins, Allura, Coran.>
<Exactly. We need to find Ryou and the others.>
<Right, you go->
<No, we have a better chance against her if we stick together.>
<But…> Merla’s claws scraped against the floor. <Fine!>
Blue nodded and then took the lead as they ran down the hall in search of their paladins and pride.
They rushed down a set of stairs and Merla turned left. <I think Ryou is->
Merla jumped and turned to see Blue rushing off to the right. <Blue!> she called running to catch up. <What’s wrong?>
<Something’s wrong with Lance!>
<I don’t know. He’s just really afraid. Come on!>
Merla nodded. She could feel Keith in the same area. He was more angry than scared, but the fear was still there.
They rushed down the halls as fast as they could and turned a corner just in time to see Keith get knocked down by the Gladiator while Lance wailed at him for help.
From inside the airlock.
<Lance!> Blue shouted as Merla ran forwards and jumped onto the Gladiator’s back.
“Thanks Merla. Lance, what are you doing in there?” Keith asked, taking a second to breath and turning to Lance.
“I need help! Because if you don’t get me out of here right now, I’m going to be sucked out into space!”
“Three, two, one. Doors opening.”
Keith’s eyes widened. He glance back at the Gladiator and shouted, ���Blue, Merla, brace yourselves!” He slammed his hand on the airlocks door control and the door slid open. He just managed to grab Lance’s hand before the exterior door slid open and the hallway depressurized. Merla and Blue took cover behind a pillar while the Guardian they’d been fighting was sucked out the airlock. Keith pulled Lance in before shutting the door.
They collapsed to the ground and took a few deep breaths before Keith spun on Lance. “What were you doing out there?”
“Who was that guy?”
“He was trying to kill me!”
“Well, is he the Castle? Because that’s who’s trying to kill me!”
<The castle? We thought it was Maece,> Blue said as the cats came over to them.
<You sure it wasn’t Maece?> Merla agreed.
“Who?” Keith asked.
<An old enemy,> the two said at once.
“Well I didn’t see anyone. Just heard Coran calling for help and then the airlock shut me in.”
“I was just training when the gladiator turned homicidal.”
<That… doesn’t sound like Maece.>
Blue went still. <Maybe it wasn’t. We only saw her on the bridge and she just appeared. She didn’t talk like us and I thought it was just because of time, like Zylin, but she also didn’t respond to us either.>
<What are you saying?>
<I’m saying she might have just been the castle playing tricks on us like what happened to Keith and Lance.>
“What’s going on? What’s Blue saying?”
“She said that Mah-eh-see might have been the castle too. But how could the castle recreate someone from your memories?”
<We are connected to the castle. It has access to our memories,> Blue explained and Merla repeated it for Keith’s benefit.
“So, it really is the castle then?” Lance asked and they all shared a look.
<Not good,> Merla muttered.
The four took off running with a scream.
Shiro glared at Sendak through the glass of the cryo-pod and behind him his liger did the same.
“What was the first rank you held in Zarkon's army?” he asked, getting more annoyed with every question that didn’t receive an answer. “Where did you find the Red Lion? … What is Zarkon's greatest weakness?”
“What makes you think you can possibly defeat him?”
Both liger and human jerked at the sound of the Galra’s voice. They looked at Sendak, to see that he was still asleep.
<What was that? It sounded like his voice was coming from everywhere.>
Shiro glanced back at Ryou before turning back to the memory tube. “If you were to attack Zarkon, where would you strike?”
“Why strike at all when you can join him?”
Shiro staggered backwards glancing around before focusing on Sendak with unseeing eyes.
Ryou growled and stepped up next to Shiro, but was hesitant to touch him. He could feel the fear and trauma clouding his paladins mind, but he didn’t know what to do to help except to send as much comfort and reassurance across their bond as he could. <Don’t listen, Shiro. You’re alright. I’m here. You’re here. We’re safe. He’s locked away.>
Shiro began shaking and breathing heavily and Ryou’s heart ached.
<Ugh, food goo tastes even worse on fur,> Pua groaned as he licked himself clean of the mess caused by the malfunctioning dispenser.
<I don’t care what Merla says, I miss kibble!> Chip huffed, licking at a particularly stubborn spot on her hip. <It tasted fine and didn’t make a mess.>
<Agreed. I hope Coran fi- Woah!>
The two cats blinked as they began to float into the air.
“Hunk, did you accidentally hit the anti-gravity switch?”
“Uh, no. There’s no anti-gravity switch. Uh, is there?”
They turned to see their paladins floating off in Pidge’s workspace near the Galran crystal.
<Should we help them?>
<Nah, Rover’s got it,> Chip replied as Rover flew up to Pidge’s side. <Coran wasn’t exaggerating when he said this place was busted.>
<Maybe we ought to land somewhere. You know, before the vital stuff starts acting up. Like life support.>
<Good point. Let’s find Blue or Merla after this and tell them to suggest it.>
“It’s not working!” The cats looked over to see that Pidge, with help from Rover, had floated over to the control panel.
“What do you mean it’s not working?”
“I mean, I’m flipping the switch and nothing’s happening. Gravity on, nothing. Gravity off, nothing.”
<Well that’s not good. How are we supposed to get down now?>
<Maybe we ca- Ah!> Chip yelped as the gravity suddenly returned.
“How can you guys be taking a nap while this castle is trying to kill us?” Lance snapped as he, Keith, Coran, Blue, and Merla walked through the doors that had just opened.
“Taking a nap? We’ve been floating around in zero G! You know how scary that is?”
“That’s not scary! That’s fun! I was almost ejected into space!”
“Well I got attacked by killer food…”
Pua nodded as his paladin continued on. <We’re still covered in the stuff!>
<Why didn’t you just phase it off?>
<Yeah, okay, see, Merla, the problem with that is that it’s an excellent idea that I wished I’d thought of a half hour ago,> Chip growled before the two phased the food off.
“Well, I had a robot trying to kill me! And them two got attacked by some villain from their past!”
<Villain?> Pua asked.
<Maece. Don’t worry, we’re pretty sure she was just the castle,> Merla huffed.
<I wouldn’t even call it an attack. She just showed up, said some ominous stuff then disappeared,> Blue snorted.
“Sendak? Wait. Has anyone seen Shiro?”
The cats all shared a look.
<Oh man, if Maece is running around,> Pua whined.
<We need to find Ryou.>
The entire group rushed off towards the detainment room. When they reached it, Shiro was sitting against a memory tube with his arms wrapped around Ryou’s neck, shaking.
“Shiro, are you okay?” Pidge asked as they ran up.
“Where’s Sendak?” Keith asked, looking around.
“I-I had to get him out of here. I w-was hearing his voice. He-he can’t be trusted on this ship,” Shiro stuttered, looking up.
Ryou whined and pressed closer to his chest.
“It is the ship! I got stuck in a cryo-pod, then in an airlock. Keith got attacked by a robot, Blue and Merla saw some chick named Mah-eh-see, and Hunk and Pidge and their cats got attacked by food. It’s been a weird morning.”
<Maece?> Ryou asked, just barely holding back a growl for Shiro’s sake.
<She wasn’t real, we don’t think. Something’s wrong with the castle,> Blue explained.
<Very,> he huffed, turning back to his paladin.
A beeping started up and the group looked over to see a warning up above the door.
“What? How is that possible?”
“What is it?” Keith questioned, turning to Coran.
“The ship is starting a wormhole jump!”
The castle shook as they entered the wormhole and Shiro got to his feet. “We need to get to the bridge.”
Suddenly the screen went to static and laughter echoed through the room. The screen switched to a view of each of the lions’ hangers. Fuchsia, amorphous creatures were inside, trashing the hangers while the figure from before watched on from the Black Lion’s hanger.
Maece laughed again before turning to the camera. “Have you enjoyed my fun so far?”
<Maece!> Ryou roared.
“Hello, my love! I’ve missed you so much! Won’t you come play with me?” The screen shut off.
“My love?” Hunk asked.
“I’ve seen those monsters before,” Coran said, looking ill.
“We don’t have time for this. Keith, Hunk, Lance, you three head down to the hangers. Pidge, you come with Coran and I to the bridge.”
Ryou nudged Shiro’s hand and he looked down. Their eyes met and he nodded. “Go with them.”
Ryou nodded and the group split up.
Lance slowly snuck up to the door of Blue’s hanger. He held up his bayard and took a deep breath. He slammed his hand on the door’s control and darted inside. “Take this you… monsters?” Lance’s war cry trailed off and he lowered his bayard. “Uh, hey guys, Blue’s hanger is empty. No sign of monsters or star cats.”
“Same for Pua’s. It doesn’t look like anyone’s been here either,” Hunk agreed.
A growl sounded behind him and Lance jumped with a shriek. He spun around, only to find a grumpy Ryou at the other end of his blaster.
“Geese Ryou! Don’t scare me like that!”
“What was that scream?”
“I think that was Lance. You okay bro?”
“I’m fine. It was just Ryou and Pua,” Lance sighed. “I’m guessing you guys came up empty too?”
Ryou growled and clawed at the ground.
“Yeah, thought so.”
“Merla and Blue just got here. The red and green hangers are empty too,” Keith announced.
“What gives? How’d they all just disappear?” Hunk groaned.
“Because they were never here! The castle’s messing with us again! It split us up!” Lance shouted.
“We need to get back to the others!”
Lance nodded and he, Pua, and Ryou started to race out of the hangers.
“Shiro? We’re here. There’s no one down here,” Keith called.
“It was a trap!” Lance added.
“That makes sense. Allura’s piloted us towards a star that’s about to blow.”
“No time to explain. Get to the lions. We’re going to try and slow down the ship while Allura fixes the problem with the castle.”
“Alright, Shiro. Lance, sending Blue your way.”
“And I’m sending Pua and Ryou.” Lance turned to the cats and nodded. “Shiro and Hunk need you.”
The two growled and disappeared.
“You know, speaking of Voltron,” Pidge spoke up as the group headed out of the bridge. “What was with the evil-cat-star-thing? Where’d she come from?”
“Blue said the castle is connected to the lion’s memories,” Lance said.
“Wait, they’re not gonna go crazy like the castle, right?” Hunk whimpered.
Pua chuffed and nuzzled his side. <Don’t worry. Our quintessence is stronger than any computer virus.>
“Well that sounded comforting. Good. Back to what I was saying though, who was she? Coran, you said you’d seen her monsters before.”
“Yes, and I had hoped to never see them again,” Coran sighed, adjusting his grip on the princess. “I don’t have a clue about the lions’ little friend though.”
<She is no friend of ours!> Merla hissed at the man, causing him to jump.
“I don’t think friend is the right word,” Keith explained.
<Maece was the monsters’ creator and commander,> Blue growled and Lance repeated it for the others.
<Alright, I think that’s enough reminiscing,> Merla spat. <She’s gone now and she won’t ever be coming back, so it doesn’t matter.>
Blue huffed an agreement and nuzzled the cheetah as they left down a side hall.
Keith told them what she’d said and Pidge frowned. “What, but I still have more que-”
“Pidge,” Shiro said, setting his hand on her shoulder. “Leave it alone, okay. We don’t need to be stirring up bad memories. And I don’t think this… Macy is something any of them want to think about.”
The girl glanced over at Chip, whose ears were pinned to her head, and nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
“Good, now come on. I think we could all use a break after all this excitement.”
Chip watched the paladins for a moment before slipping over to nip at Ryou’s tail. When the liger turned to her, she slowed down so she fell to the back of the group.
Ryou quickly followed. <Chip, what is it?>
<Maece. She is gone, right?>
Ryou sighed and pressed close to her. <Yes, we locked her away. She’s gone forever.>
<That’s what we thought the first time.>
Ryou flinched and ducked his head. <That was different. The chances of that happening again… It’s not possible.>
<I hope you’re right.>
Me too.
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