#like how entitled do you have to be to go send hate to someone creating content for a fandom and you to enjoy for FREE
lebrookestore · 2 years
i do not understand people
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Not sure if you can help but...
I used to write fanfic a lot (not just Johnlock, but other fandoms too) and I got a particularly nasty comment on a fic months back (almost a year ago now I think) that made me delete my entire AO3 and never write anything ever again.
But I miss it so much. And every time I go to write something, the magic is just gone and I get nowhere. It's like any joy I had in writing was just sucked out by one single comment. How do I fix this?
I'm so sorry that the "magic" feels gone, and I am so sorry that you had such a terrible experience because of one entitled asshole.
Unfortunately, I am not a professional in this regard, so please take what I say as just a grain of salt and as someone who adores and supports all creatives in this fandom... I've gotten lots of nasty comments over the years, and honestly... I take more joy that I continue on doing what I'm doing and that they're SO bloody bothered by me that I just ignored them... because really that's all you can do online. And sites like AO3 now give you the option to have your fics only be commented on by registered users only, so if you get that hate comment, just report it, block the user, and laugh at them.
I know that it's easier said than done, but to me it seems like you want to do start writing again. I've found that I just stopped caring about who my content is for, because at the end of the day, I'm doing my content for me, and it has the side effect of other people enjoying it too. I've lived long enough to just... not give a shit anymore about asshats online, because honestly they're just sad, bored people who get a sick thrill from riling people up.
BUT AGAIN, Nonny, this might be deeper than "just writing and forgetting about it" because that one comment WAS traumatic for YOU and that's VALID. I think talking to other authors might be beneficial to you to help you overcome that hurdle. FOR ME, I've found just... doing my projects with me as the primary audience does wonders. I love going back to my SUPER old stories and rereading them, because I take a lot of joy in remembering that these worlds were created by me FOR me. And looking at my old art and seeing how much I've improved often is motivation enough for me to carry on.
Actually, thinking back to my college days (OOOOOOF I'm old), we specifically had classes where the profs would rip apart our projects during critique sessions, on purpose, because in the real world, unfortunately, it is stuff you have to deal with in real life and they didn't want us to have our first experience be on-the-job. So I MIGHT be a bit more indifferent to "critiques" than most people, I'm now realizing, so AGAIN, please take what I say with a grain of salt.
That all said, you know what, Lovely? You have a lot more fans than you know, I'm sure, and they'd be thrilled to have you back <3 I REALLY REALLY wish I was better at articulating just how much I really want to see you happy, and how much of the best I hope for you. I know that my words aren't going to make everything better, but I hope they helped a bit.
If there's anyone who struggled to get over that hurdle themselves, please don't hesitate to reply or send me an anonymous message and I'll paste it here so Nonny knows that they're not alone.
And if you do, Nonny, decide to return and post up your stories, I am ALWAYS here to promote them and boost them for you <3
Please take care Nonny, and I hope you continue to write again <3 But KNOW that if you inevitably DON'T, THAT IS OKAY TOO. <3
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
//I’ve talked a lot about DRDT, and that’s because I’m honestly so blown away by how good it is and how talented the dev is as a creator. At no point have I ever meant to imply that my interpretation of DRDT or the outcome of the story is the only correct one, I’ve only been speculating on it based on the evidence in the text.
//And while I complain a lot about works from creators like LINUJ, that’s only because of writing decisions that either diminish the work’s quality, damage the story and/or characters, or harm whatever messages it’s going for. Even then, I still try to see the good in works I critique and how I think they can be improved, because that's what constructive criticism should be about. My criticisms have never been intended as personal attacks and I’ve been trying to go out of my way to ensure they remain professional and constructive.
//I really don't have a bad word to say about the creator or the fangan itself. I actually want to talk about something else here.
//To be honest, I sympathize with their feelings. The amount of times I've seen posts from people in the fandom taking the piss out of my Switch Theory, mocking it, calling it stupid and me stupid by extension, and spreading misinformation about it? It's a lot. To say nothing about my work on this blog.
//As a small creator myself, I’ve had to develop a thicker skin when it comes to taking criticism or getting hate asks. Early ones I got were pretty harsh, and it did send me into a malaise for many days or weeks at a time, and I had to learn not to try writing when I didn’t feel up to it. Now I have the confidence to challenge bad faith arguments, and I have help from co-creators and friends to improve things.
//I say this because a lot of those asks and a lot of that negativity did affect me and I had to learn to not let it bother me. I still get sad and frustrated, but it’s not a creator-killing attitude for me anymore. That's not always the case every creator, unfortunately.
//Obviously I’m not talking about every single person in the fandom, but I just want to make this clear for fans of any work: please, for the love of all that is good and kind and decent, think about what you say about creators.
//I’m not talking about calling out creators for unrepentant bad behavior, you can and should do that. I’m talking about harassment, entitlement, and even just thoughtlessness commentary that goes into things said about small creators who work on passion projects, who aren’t making money off of it and who are just trying to do their best.
//It can be easy to think your comments, your criticisms, or even your attempts to be funny will be perceived how you perceive them, but not everyone will take them the same way. Your thought processes are not universal, and something small and innocuous to you can really hit a sore spot for someone else. Some people are more sensitive than others, and that’s something you really to keep in mind.
//This is especially true if you’re saying things about a creator themselves. There’s a difference between something like “here’s where I think the creator’s work could be improved” and “the creator is so X.” You can hurt them with the latter more than the former, because that feels very targeted and personalized. Even if it's not true, some people are much more self-conscious than others.
//At the same time, the response to this sort of thing is not and should NEVER be “let’s gang up on the person who said that and force them out of the fandom.” That’s unacceptable, no matter the circumstance. I’ve blocked people who've tried to have that attitude about critics of my own story because I will never endorse that behavior.
//This isn’t meant to be a call-out post, just a PSA on why you should exercise some compassion and thought, and don’t make unnecessary commentary about creators who work hard on projects like these for no money, or for people who say things without intending to be hurtful. We creators do it because we have something we want to share, and as bad as bullying can get, comments like that are worse in their own way.
//Even if you don't intend it to be hurtful, thoughtlessness can hurt worse than open cruelty. Please keep that in mind when talking about other people, especially people you either don’t know or only know from their work or one bad action. At the same time, someone making one bad comment is not an excuse for you to declare war on them.
//Above all, just be kind to people and show how much you appreciate their work. Even small comments have gotten me through periods of bad depression, and when people need time to work on their health before they feel ready to get back to working on their projects, respect that. We aren't content machines, we're just as human as the rest of you.
//Finally, to the DT dev, I don't know if you'll see this, but I've been where you are and also had to take time off for myself. I feel lucky that I have so many kind people in my life, and I sincerely hope you do too. Take all the time you need, and know you've got my wholehearted support when you do return.
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bloobluebloo · 5 months
Wrt that post from a few minutes ago. Listen I'm not saying that the gods created a man with the indestructabity of a Nokia to be an extremely effective scapegoat for everything they do wrong but
(Yes this has been said before but Imo it does need pointed out again just how fucked it is. I started playing WW and I'm so mad that he somehow STILL gets the blame)
(Pardon me, but if you would permit me to go on a tangent of sorts) It's funny because while we keep hearing that the story of LoZ was intended to be simple, a vehicle to let the gameplay take centerstage and shine, they still left behind hints and clues that tell of something deeper and something that is not so simple.
I was actually thinking of some of the elements that go into telling a simple story. One of those elements is to lean into well known tropes and stereotypes. For example, TotK's story gets away with a lot of things based on the idea that people know who the characters are already. Ganondorf's evil nature needs no explaining because in popular culture everyone knows that Ganondorf is a villain. Zelda, and by extension, Rauru and Sonia's intentions are understood to be for the good of Hyrule because we have established that the Hylian Monarchy always serves in the name of good. When OoT came out, designing Ganondorf as a thief originating from the desert was a decision that was very likely made because it was a recognizable stereotype for a villainous character. The story did not have to do that much heavy lifting to prove that he was an evil man because his background already pointed to it. Then we also have the unbridled racism towards the Gerudo seen in the game which didn't seem *so* strange because well, of course they're like that right? However, in the same game, we learn, without any filters, of Hyrule's crimes, of the inklings of what may have created a man like Ganondorf in the first place. Now what was the point of all this? I...really hate that we have reached a point in media literacy where, if you are not directly told that something occurred, that it must have not occurred. Someone who does not get the point after sending several unanswered invitations and still insists on sending them is someone who has entitlement. It doesn't have to be an act of violence to be *bad* or *oppressive*. Concentrating power that can wipe out the most powerful of armies in mere seconds in one family is not peaceful. Building extensive mines underneath and in the lands of others is not peaceful. Keeping the ruler of another nation close under the pretense that he is evil and must be leashed is not peaceful. The thing is by now so many people are conditioned to see Ganondorf as bad that they might not even want to imagine that his hatred and scorn for Hyrule have reason behind it. He is the source of *all* evil. He is the only one never afforded any grace or mercy, regarded as an illness that must be eliminated in the most violent way. He is always wrong, and he is the only wrong. I just find it...interesting that this scapegoating of his goes hand in hand with the fact that he is the only one who successfully upends Hyrule's monarchy and causes true damage to Hyrule.
So yes, he is a scapegoat. In my eyes, it's because he's the only one who has the balls to fight against his natural order in the world, even if it means he will be forever a loser.
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kalinara · 1 year
I'm so baffled by the way this whole thing has blown way out of proportion. People sending hateful messages to each other AND to the actors?? Totally unnecessary! It makes no damn sense.
Not to be an anti on main, but I genuinely believe that shipping changed somewhere along the way, into something that's a little disturbing.
I'm of course not going to say the old days were perfect. Racism, sexism and homophobia have always been issues and fandom has always been notoriously resistant to dealing with such things. And it's not like Shipwars are new. I remember the Ray Wars in Due South and fans older than me can tell fascinating stories of fanzine wars between Han/Leia and Luke/Leia fans before the Internet was even a thing for most of us.
But I still feel like a change happened somewhere along the way. There's this bizarre sense of entitlement now. There's this idea that a ship HAS to happen or it doesn't count somehow, and that we as fans can harangue the creators and MAKE it happen. (Voltron being the most extreme reaction I can think of).
And I mean, I get wanting representation, but it seems to go beyond that. Look at any 911 discussion thread about Buddie. Despite the fact that the show has multiple important queer pairings, they don't count because it's not the pairing the fans want.
I think this also plays into why we have so many puritan shippers. I don't agree that someone's ships reflect their real world morality. But I do get where a lot of younger fans are coming from, when so much of fandom seems to involve going "no, see, it will happen on screen and it will be AWESOME!". Not every show is Game of Thrones, after all. And nowadays, I do think a shipper probably does need to specify "no, I don't really want Thor and Loki to fuck in the movies directly aimed for kids", because of the rabid behavior of OTHER shippers. It's not fair, but we seem to have created this mess.
We used to joke about a "fannish hivemind" but nowadays, that seems less and less funny. I love shippy meta as much as the next person, but there's a difference between making an essay detailing all the moments that could be used to support a ship and making an essay detailing all the reasons why these moments ABSOLUTELY MUST MEAN MY SHIP WILL HAPPEN AND HOW COULD ANYONE POSSIBLY THINK OTHERWISE. And that attitude seems more and more prevalent nowadays.
We need to get a grip. We need to keep in mind that the creators of the show may not see it the way we do. We need to keep in mind that someone else makes the decisions about the story, and we might like or dislike it. We might want to consider, for example, that an actor who was once on Saturday Night Live, who repeatedly referred to a female co-star at that time as a "platonic soulmate" might actually not be setting up a romance between these two very tightly paralleled characters. That doesn't mean the characters WON'T get together, of course. I'm no mind-reader or oracle. But I point that out because nothing is a guarantee.
But seriously, there's nothing funnier than someone going on and on about their literary credentials when they write their long passionate analysis, because no one stops to wonder, do the creators share those literary credentials? What if all of these patterns really are accidents? Or they mean something else entirely?
And leave the actors alone, for heavens sake. They're just the face of the character. They've got nothing to do with any of this! If THEY want to engage, they're more than able to do that. Hell, the internet is anonymous, maybe they're here right now. But let that be their call. You wouldn't want someone coming up to you saying "I love imagining you and your co-worker having sex!" would you?
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
You know Jensen is never going to fuck you. The man has more class in his pinky than you'll ever have in several lifetimes you absolute bag of garbage. Danneel wouldn't wipe her shoes on your pathetic ass. You seriously need to get mental help. You are unhinged and dangerous.
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Do you need Jensen to "f***" you? Is that why you keep sending this same concept to everyone? If so, seek help. Jensen is married and has three children. He needs to focus on that and on taking care of the woman he impregnated, whether he meant to or not. It's disgusting that you would even remotely think sleeping with him is an option. The man doesn't compare in class to me and most of my friends and colleagues, he doesn't even open books and is oblivious to etiquette, especially that of his own industry. He also is less trained and schooled than me so who are you kidding? Yourself?
My as* happens to be more schooled, trained, beautiful and classy than Danneel's too, in fact, I'm beyond appreciated by highly valuable people. Not that that matters, whether good or bad feedback is just feedback and should never overcome someone's highest priorities. This is what it means to be self driven. Something you will never be as you depend on all people thinking the same way you do.
You are the unhinged one for being abusive. You are committing violence with your words over a couple of Z listers. You're probably too daft to even realize the gravity of your post and the horrible paragidms it is feeding into. Which means that you lack awareness. Truly sad.
Being classy is all about someone's soul, how cultured, elegant and emotionally intelligent they are not just what they studied or how much they own, by the way, you keep raising the profile of a bunch of functionally illiterate toxic celebrities and mob anyone who tends to point out they are mediocre. Danneel and Jensen are lovely in their own way but they will never be high class or high quality and the fact that you fail to understand that shows how disconnected you are from what you are trying to reference. Let me translate that for you: you know nothing about class and the fact that you hail Danneel as classy tells us everything we need to know about your level.
I strongly suggest you steer clear of my inbox and seek professional help.
"absolute bag of garbage" must be how you feel about yourself, I feel deeply sorry for how broken you are. So broken you are viciously trying to tear others down in the hopes of feeling better but mark my words, someday you'll cause someone's life to end with your vicious, disgusting soul so I strongly suggest you wake up and get the help you need instead of sending these type of asks which you can, by the way, be charged for.
Lastly, Jensen is endlessly kinder and smarter than you so please refrain from calling yourself a Jensen fan or mentioning his name since, clearly, all you care after is "f*****g" him (your words not mine). Using that word, by the way, is dehumanizing towards him as you are objectifying him. You are creepy, abusive and clearly psychotic since you are purposefully sending hate asks to create a certain outcome. You are not entitled to anyone's sense of self, wellbeing or value and people are free to have different views.
P.S.: Jensen will never sleep with you, no matter how many hateful, vicious mobbing attempts you make. In fact, he doesn't even know you exist and, even if he did, he would be majorly creeped out.
"You are unhinged and dangerous" Just curious, is "unhinged" the only word in your vocabulary? Do you even know what it means? Because it perfectly describes the message you sent in. There is absolutely zero dangerous about people enjoying harmless gossip or expressing opinions with like minded others. What is, however, truly dangerous and "unhinged" are people like you who purposefully and hatefully seek to target others through mobbing, cyberbullying, threats and other virtual offenses all because the person on the other end dislikes your show or actor. If you are looking for dangerous then please look in the mirror, you are inhumane.
As for your trashy, classless vocabulary, I strongly suggest you save it for those of your ilk, if you absolutely must use it.
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myimaginarywonderland · 10 months
I did not think I would ever have to clarify this but here we go:
Almost 80-90% of what I do here is shit post that are jokes. Me making comments about how close drivers seem, certain ships, those are light-hearted and jokingly.
I in no way would ever try to speculate about actual drivers relationship or imply shit.
The drivers personal life is absolutely none of my business and who they are or aren't dating is only their decision.
I would never show them these jokes because they aren't made for the drivers, what I do I do for myself and other fans.
None of the "content" I create is ever aimed at drivers, team personal etc.
I do things here in a fandom space for fans in the knowledge that this is between fans.
If any of you try to push some shit to drivers, send them stuff, jokingly mention things that are created in a fandom space you can go fuck yourself.
There is a thin line that is already being towed and by doing that you are stepping over it.
Do not ever take any of the stuff that is made in fandom spaces obviously to entertain or joke as actual reasons to hate on someone, to believe or justify something.
Stop trying to get the drivers to see our content which no one is creating for them and pushing fandoms as weird.
This is our space and we are all aware that the drivers are completely their own person and not the version we might create of them here for entertainment.
No one is trying to break up relationships or shit like that. What the drivers do as people is not of concern to us and is also none of our fucking business.
They aren't entitled to our consent just as we aren't entitled to anything. I absolutely mean that.
A driver owns you nothing.
If some of you try to make fandom spaces weird by pushing a line, trying to get drivers to notice you and your "silly little content", you are the fucking problem and not the people who specifically create content somewhere that isn't meant for the drivers and kept far away from them.
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
okay so, first of all, i want to say I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going through shit all this time, and hurting your feelings was truly not my intention. I really mean my apology. I never meant to kill your muse either.
second, I truly meant that I love your work and your writing and that series, I wasn't trying to sugar coat anything by saying that. and I agree that writers don't owe us anything and are rather doing us a favor by sharing content for free. I've been a fan of yours ever since I found out about you, interacted with you on anon, reblogged your fics as well and I think it's only fair to do that for the time you take out to write fics for us, and I swear, hurting you was not my intention. I should've known that you might not like an ask like that. you decide what to do with your series, and how to write it. you do you ❤️
honestly, I'm surprised at the comments wishing me a shitty month ahead and people calling me a bitch, a cunt, entitled and whatnot. as long as i was supporting you and all of the other writers in the comments, and dropping lovely comments on their fics, i was a nice person. but for once when I said how i felt about a fic, I got all that hate. imo, when people create content, they need to be prepared to receive criticism along with appreciation, they both come hand in hand, they can't ask for appreciation alone. please understand, that i know the difference between criticizing and hating or bullying someone. I didn't mean to come off as hateful or rude or entitled, but I get it that you never asked for criticism, and I shouldn't have given that, especially since it wasn't constructive criticism. I'm no writer myself and I failed to provide a solution with the criticism, sorry.
and people who want a reason to hate will hate this ask as well, they'll call me names and find a problem with this as well.
thank you for everyone who wished for a shitty month for me and everyone who called me names. i hope you all have a great month ahead, and sending you all a hug 🫂
Listen, I do feel bad about how aggressive my answer to your last ask was, and for the name calling on my part, so I want to apologize for that portion of it. I do stand by the overall message I conveyed, but it could have been done in a softer way. I’m not going to apologize for all the other authors, because I did set the tone of the post, and I also don’t believe in censoring other people’s emotions, and I think the notes on the answer provide a little bit of context for how the writing community on tumblr is getting constantly bombarded by criticism they did not solicit.
The reason you didn’t know about the stuff I was going through is because I try to keep this place fun and light, and honestly when I’m having a tough time, I prefer to privately reach out to friends and mutuals to get through it rather than broadcast it to the masses. But that’s another reason why everyone should consider how something they plan on sending could come off, because so many of us don’t share all of our lives here, and you never know what someone else is going through.
I do appreciate that you love my work, and the point of my last answer wasn’t that you need to love every part of it. You are welcome to skip whatever parts of it you want to, and if something doesn’t resonate with you for whatever reason, that’s okay. But once something is posted, that’s kind of it. I’m not going to go back and make changes, so unless I have explicitly asked for criticism, it is going to come off as unwelcome, no matter the context.
And I’m going to ask you this because I am genuinely curious: what were you hoping to accomplish with your previous ask? It’s very hard for me to come up with a scenario where that wouldn’t have been poorly received, but I’m on the other side of it. So I really would like to know what the overall intention of the ask was.
Wishing you a good day, and I do appreciate you reaching out again, because you didn’t have to do that and I know it was hard with the response you got.
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manonamora-if · 2 years
As someone who really tries not to speak online without having anything relevant to a conversation or post, I am definitely guilty of quiet consumership. I really do enjoy the work that you and others put forth. But I do try to avoid interaction because I am scared of becoming the sort of entitled that comes from being strangers behind a screen. Like, so many people will just say whatever and not even try to at least be nice or polite about it. Like that person who asked if you were butthurt and hiding behind anonymity while they did. Literally could’ve just asked why you were passionate about that post. Or at least could’ve asked under their own handle. But too many people are content to be rude and nasty or even just inconsiderate on the internet. I don’t understand why they felt the need to try and belittle your message, it was a good freaking message, no matter what motivated it. They seem to forget that they can just mind their own business instead of coming into your space and being a douche. Anyways, sorry for the essay. I just wanted to say I appreciate you and really enjoy your work. Also that anon can literally go get wrecked.
Hello there,
You get an essay in response :)
First, your feelings are totally understandable. Can't say I haven't been guilty myself either. And I get the feeling of entitlement that can come with interacting with a piece of media you enjoy (I remember the fan wars on Tumblr...).
I still think there is a large space between interacting with a project and entitlement of that project/author's attention. It all depends on how you communicate/act. Asking politely the author a question is miles away from demanding the next update. Sharing your love for their work is widely different from asking them to include your headcanon in their work. Interacting with their work in a way that considers the author's wishes (fan art, reviews, etc...) is much more effective then spamming the author for attention. There are a lot of degrees. As long as the line is not crossed, you're good!
And yeah, being polite and nice goes a long way!
Side note: I was just so happy to get (lovely) asks for TTTT yesterday, I still ended up answering questions I would usally just ignore.
On the topic of anons, I'm not going to touch on that specific one (and not answering them either, they're not adding anything to the conversation anymore). But that won't stop me from leaving the anons enabled (for now). It is both a blessing and a curse.
Sure I get hate sometimes, and it sucks. And they get to me, otherwise i would just ignore them. They're just looking for attention (like me, lol) and getting a reaction from me.
But they are also not the worse I have seen in the IFs circles. They are not blatant attacks to who I am as a person or deny that parts of me are real (i.e. gender/sexuality/illnesses/etc...). And I have lovely people who let me vent when I get a nasty one. Right now, I'm good.
Still, I get enough love and interest for my projects that leaving it on is worth it for me (right now). I still want to give an outlet for people who are not comfortable sending a message with their handles or creating an account. Most questions/interaction I get are from Anonymous. I would love to put an avatar behind the question, but like I respect their need for anonymity. (I use anons sometimes to gush at authors I am too chicken to interact with otherwise)
Finally, thank you. I really appreciated your message ❤.
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spoonyruncible · 2 years
So, this one is gonna be controversial but I'm gonna talk about a trend I absolutely hate and makes me feel concerned.
I haven't seen "Thor: Love & Thunder" but I have seen people bitching that there was no trigger warning for cancer.
Here is the thing, my rabbits and my debutantes, cancer is actually a trigger for me. When my mother was literally dying in the hospital someone I considered a friend showed me the movie "Before I Wake". It's a wonderful movie, it even fits into a genre I call 'happy horror' where the monster is beaten and some end the movie better than they started it. But the villain is actually a (spoilers) child's trauma over watching his mother die of cancer, something he interpreted as a monster eating her which caused his psychic powers to create a monster that ate people who dared to loved him. I cried so hard I threw up.
See, the thing is.... I do appreciate trigger warnings. The site doesthedogdie doesn't exist for no reason. But demanding, insisting, on trigger warnings? Getting pissed when they aren't there? That's insane. This isn't a "I didn't have it so the kids today shouldn't have it either" kind of thing. I think learning to digest and select media is a vitally important aspect of growing up. I don't think I'd be a better person if, when I picked up "Daughter of The Blood" it had come with a warning that my 11 year old eyes were about to read the most fucked up shit they ever did see. I very much believe you need to develop the skills needed to say, "This isn't for me and I'm not going to enjoy it. I can leave at any time, it's only a book or it's only a movie or its only a show, but it is something I can walk away from. No one is holding me down and making me consume this."
This isn't a thing where I'm like, "Toughen up! Life is hard and you have to be harder!" It's just about being realistic about what the world will be. Maybe the smell of a creamsicle will send you running. That doesn't mean you get to ban creamsicles. Maybe fireworks scare you to pieces. The 4th of July and New Years will happen anyway. Perhaps sexual language upsets you, but even kids are going to say "Aw, balls," when they're annoyed. If you're hurt by ordinary moments then you're going to get hurt a lot. I wear headphones and tinted lenses because the world is too loud and too bright for me. I still get stung. But you're not going to win a fight trying to beat the world into the shape you want it to be, you gotta just figure out how to live.
It's that I do like that we're doing better about triggers, I really do, but I think insisting, demanding, is goddamn bonkers. Guardians of the Galaxy makes me cry whenever I watch it because I saw my mother look just like Peter's mom did and no one raised a single bit of fuss. Graphic depictions of cancer very much do suck if that's a trigger for you. But, for chrissake, it's legit fascist bullshit to whine every time you see something that makes you feel anything other than perfect. Nottajoke, I'm very serious that policing art and expression from the left is concerning. Marvel is barely even art, but this honestly reads identical to when the right flipped their shit over Baymax showing a transman buying tampons. This kind of handwringing nonsense is why there's no proper difference between TERFS and tradwives. I hate it. Once you start putting the hammer down on trigger warnings that's begging for book bans, Huckleberry Finn has the n-word, it has bad language! Lolita has child molestation! Books have words and concepts! Have you read Beloved? It's awful how many bad things happen!
Stories are there to be stories. You can pick and choose the ones you engage with, but you don't get to be mad if there's something upsetting you didn't expect. Sometimes the surprise is a part of the story that's important. Sometimes you don't know what will upset you. Freak out about anything other than fucking stories, please, there are reasons to complain about them but not because anyone is entitled to perfect comfort all the time every time.
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anthonybialy · 10 months
Promising to Break Promises
This world breaks government’s promises.  Arrest this rotten globe and drag it to The Hague.  Fear is framed as a product manufactured by greedy corporations to profit off offering weak cures.  Sadness hasn’t been banned because diabolical Republicans won’t send a passed bill to Joe Biden.  Enemies of your joy don’t want the cool grandfatherly president to get credit.
Ending guarantees which guarantee nothing seems like an obvious plan.  Well, that worked out.  But pretending any stuff you want is your right to be delivered with two-day shipping is inherent to certain identities.  Complimenting complimentary goods is too enticing a draw for true believers of a false narrative revolving around how government is good at anything.
The little matter of who’s going to pick up the tab is for squares who are into antiquated notions like compensation.  Handing out money without bothering to work made everyone wealthy, which is why the Biden times are packed with euphoria.  Notice fans of complimentary cash by how they call everyone who wants to keep what they earn selfish.
We should have learned by now.  In honor of collectivists who keep getting it wrong, pretend disincentivizing production s a group problem and not their individual foolishness.  A stubborn refusal to retain lessons keeps life fresh, although the tradeoff of widespread miserable poverty doesn’t precisely seem worth the constant intervention.  It’s no wonder liberals despise markets when they create such paltry benefits compared to agonizing drawbacks.
Why invade countries that are threatening America when you can do so in American lives?  A different type of defense is popular amongst neolibs.  The need to push values is part of the ugly urge behind imperialism.  The only thing that makes woke invasions worse is the hateful ideology they make others obey.
Statists’ religion must be imposed because everyone else sees faith in fighting inflation by handing out money never pays off.  Millions of hard truths learned by pretending things can be provided without cost are just added to the tab.  Our leaders are either unwilling to be taught or refusing to admit they sadistically inflicted concepts that’d get them laughed out of kindergarten.
It’s not as fun as you’d think to determine whether adherents can’t grasp patterns or think this will be the time for the exception.  Handing out currency is a much more sophisticated racket in these modern technological times.
Contemporary schemers are so much brighter than earlier dim suckers who thought they could get rich by printing money while taxing those who already got some.  Recent barons must have pilfered before fairness commissioners stepped in to create equitability.
An entire political philosophy based on telling others what to do creates widespread disobeying.  Trying to evade icky concepts like labor and value creates shiftlessness like it’s the desired product.  Advanced thinking leads to being horrified by the ghastly notion that humans trade what they can provide for what they’d like.
The hurters are here to help.  Every intervention, subtraction, and redistribution creates challenges meddlers claim to remedy.  It’s tough to ascertain whether grabby politicians are daft enough to think they’re helping or cynically making themselves appear messianic by creating crises for them to pretend to solve.  The debate reflects how we haven’t been able to escape prosperity since Biden blessed our nation by letting us elect him.
Acting as if an item is a right makes acquiring it even tougher.  I know it should be illegal for reality to break the law.  But the entitlement that results from proclaiming goods someone else offers is a right is as detrimental for keeping up quality supply as is unavoidable slacking when a provider knows business is guaranteed.  Irony unfortunately can’t be redeemed to purchase material goods.  But the supermarket is out of things like groceries, anyway.
Federal promises are worth as much as money.  A dollar is as worthwhile as a college degree. Mustering enough cash to obtain a luxury like any item somehow became futile once everyone got handfuls of it.  That’s quite the cruel trick.  Biden handing out bills like a creepy uncle was supposed to endear us and reality to him.
None of the paper with portraits of infinitely more successful governmental servants was his own, of course.  The whole reason he got into this government racket was to avoid dipping into his personal vaults, which can get pricey.  Biden just knew he could spread happiness while increasing his own popularity.  Now that he can dispense funds at will, Americans are cranky.  What is our problem?
Financial shenanigans end themselves organically.  Money can’t keep pace with its appraisal reduction. Noting a pyramid scheme can’t perpetuate indefinitely is racist against Egyptians.  Charles Ponzi inspires contemporary Democrats.
Please stop comparing a political philosophy based in government guaranteeing all your material needs will be met to communism.  It’s half sickle and half hammer.  Not letting East Germany fall because doing so kept it from enabling guarantees would have been the compassionate outcome.  In lieu of fixing history, Washington will find something new you should get without buying.  Stockpile food before it’s free and we starve.
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dietcokeplease · 1 year
Bruh youre so fucking rude and if you hate me and my house so much just fucking LEAVE ALREADY
Also like nice job forgetting to remove me from the gc until AFTER you bitch about me
Like i fucking care, make me out as the bad guy to your friends as much as you want, i have receipts and im not the asshole here
This shit makes me wanna start a reddit so i can make a post on AITA and send it to yall lolol
"They treat us like squatters just cause we dont pay rent" UHHH number 1: not paying rent (or even contributing to the household in a positive way) makes you squatters lol, and number 2: we treat you like squatters cause you act like squatters
Like, youre not entitled to my kindness or charity, stop acting like entitled brats
I literally saved you from homelessness (by your own admission) by inviting you into my home rent-free, gave you your own spaces and helped decorate and shit and told you not to worry about money cause i wanted you to feel at home and be able to save money to get back on your feet, but also never imposed strict time limits on how long you could stay) and in return you treated my home like some shitty motel that you can just trash and not do anything to contribute to the household like you said you would
Nothing in this world is free, someone has to pay for it, so i end up paying for you to live here through utilities (which youve also raised significantly by never turning electronics/lights off and leaving the front door wide open all the time), ON TOP of buying you groceries, your medications, and a bunch of non-essentials like video games and shit cause you're depressed and apparently not being able to play the newest video game makes you actively suicidal
Ive also driven you to multiple dr appts on 3+ hour roundtrips, also on my own dime, and volunteered to give you weekly injections so that you didnt have to remember to take a pill every day
I put up with you being straight up rude to me (comparing me to your abuser all because i said i wouldnt go out of my way to fix a mess that you created, hello??) and this is the thanks i get??
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Like, i even wrote out the nicest msg i could to be like hey pls stop being asshole roommates or you gotta go, with a detailed list of the shit you regularly pull, but i never sent it cause i was hoping that nicely asking about individual issues would be enough
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Specific examples not included- REPEATEDLY using my nice steak knives as regular knives (for shit like peanut butter, cutting brownies, etc) and leaving them lying around dirty despite the fact that ive asked multiple times to AT LEAST clean them and put them away right away, vaping inside and allowing guests to vape inside despite knowing the STRICT no smoking rule, repeatedly using other peoples things without asking and not at least putting it back where found (perfume, toothpaste, cologne, socks, hair bleach etc etc), eating the last of other ppls food (one time i got a dozen donuts and ate two, then when i came back not even 6hr later, the entire box was empty and no one had said a word to me, i had bought them for my sister who was visiting, who didnt get to have any), using the last of the toilet paper and instead of letting someone know or getting more, using paper towels (like were you raised in a barn?? Paper towels cannot go in the toilet), losing the only garage key when you shouldnt have even had it with you in the first place, and more that i cant even think of rn
So if you "feel like [your] at war constantly" then maybe stop doing shit that you know is going to start fights, aka stop stomping all over my boundaries
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raitrolling · 1 year
some thoughts on pedestal arc (contains spoilers for The Art Of Believing, so read that first)
this was my first solo plot (well, 95% solo), and i am not a Plot Writer as it is probably obvious. but, for what it’s worth, i feel like i achieved exactly what i wanted to do: create a scenario for velour that has decent stakes for him, without being too melodramatic or spiralling too far out of my control that i couldn’t write my way out of it. maybe it’s not the most exciting thing someone has ever written and in the hands of a more capable writer this could have been something bigger, but i like what i’ve done and will probably go back and re-read some things like i do with my other favourite drabbles
i say 95% solo because cloud and I did have some rps going on discord that related to velour’s whole predicament. i didn’t post them like i did with Ripple Effect because the moments were much smaller than what happened in the previous plot, but you can see small nods towards them throughout. velour mentions a discussion that he had with jamie and jikiro in Some People Have Got Their Theories, and the hack/security breach that’s mentioned in both veruco’s callout post and The Art Of Believing was done by jamie. unfortunately for him, his grand plan to distract her did not work and instead made her angrier, because she was not the scheming mastermind he had expected. whoops!
i feel like a did a decent job writing veruco as an antagonist, as difficult as it was to do so. i knew i wanted to go with the ‘obsessive fan’ route as an obstacle for velour, but i always have a problem where a lot of the times ive seen this done have been very... mean-spirited? like, there’s some authors out there who write these sorts of characters and it’s very clear that they hate their own audience and are using this character to make fun of them. i have my opinions on fan culture, sure, but i didn’t want veruco to feel like a mouthpiece for some sort of Statement On People I Hate. what she did to velour was wrong, and her ways of getting revenge were equally as wrong, but i didn’t want her to be wholly unsympathetic. she was just a lonely girl who fell in love with a celebrity and felt scorned when he didn’t love her back, then resorted to uh. sending him and his other streamer friend envelopes full of razor blades as a warning, then used social media to publicly expose him for his misdeeds. so, probably not overly sympathetic in the end, but i don’t feel like she’s just a One-Note Evil Bitch Fan
i chose to make a tumblr blog for veruco because i thought that would be a fun way to reveal information, but also to humanise (trollianise?) her a bit more. yes, she was an entitled fan and a bit of a spoiled brat, but she was also a girl who loved lolita fashion and aesthetic pictures of tea and editing deviantart bases of her getting hugged by her favourite youtuber. there was originally a lot more posts in her queue (i’d queued up about 60 and was going back onto the blog every couple of hours to change how frequently it was posting), but then i ended up culling a lot when the art easter eggs were starting to get buried. i also didnt curate the queue as well as i could have, ideally i would have established what the red and blue heart tags meant and then have the combined tags start to post to make it obvious she was reblogging couple/relationship posts and imagining them to be her and velour. but i knew i was putting way too much effort into something that would only be relevant for about a week and only a handful of people would look at, and i’d already spent like an hour looking for a custom theme before i gave up and just used one of the default ones lmao
also, i had an idea to continue the sort-of-mixed-media approach i was taking with this plot by making velour’s apology written as a transcript, but i ended up writing it normally because i wanted to contrast his bold statements with his anxious inner thoughts. he’s very good at playing up the confidence on camera, but in this case he’s stumbling more than usual and very much aware of it
i purposely avoided reading any callout posts or watching any apology videos because i didn’t want to make any references to real-world events, intentional or otherwise. i didnt want people to think that i was making a commentary on a specific matter because i wasn’t, this format and arc happened to work well with velour being a content creator and having an extreme fear of his reputation being ruined. so i dont actually know if velour’s apology is a ‘good’ youtuber apology, i was writing what i thought he would say that also sounded pretty decent to me. he’s still carefully avoiding discussing certain things (mainly how heavily he was motivated by financial gain), and was also downplaying her behaviour a lot more than i personally think he should have, so it’s definitely not perfect
there were a couple things i had rewritten that i think ultimately worked out better in the end. originally veruco was going to lie more in her callout post to try and make velour look even worse (claiming that he got angry and acted violently so she could make it seem like his entire personality was a fabrication and this was his ‘true’ self), but i felt like that would have immediately ruined any of her credibility. viltau’s advice in Some People Have Got Their Theories was also going to be more along the lines of him telling velour no matter how far he fell he could always climb back up, but i got stuck trying to figure out how to end that drabble with that advice in mind. the concept of accepting inevitabilities to stop fearing failure felt like a more concrete tenet that velour could take with him as he continues to grow, and also it allowed him to think back to his feelings on viltau and jikiro’s actions in Ripple Effect which has been something that he has (rightfully) struggled with accepting. also, when aiolos messaged the callout post to velour he first said ‘what the actual hell is this’ but i changed it to ‘fuck’ because that was definitely more of a What The Actual Fuck moment
as for the ending, having veruco mysteriously die was one of the first things i wanted to do as a final twist, since i really did not want to go with the route that velour apologising magically fixes everything and as you’ve seen from me in the past i do not leave my npc antagonists alive. maybe it leans a bit too far into shock value and maybe it does feel a little unfair to velour, but eh. i left everything about her end to be up to interpretation so you can decide just how much he could be culpable for her death. was it murder, or was it something else? i think i left enough context clues for three different possibilities, but ‘viltau did it’ is a very obvious red herring LMAO
finally, this is just a little fun fact, but while i did listen to the song the arc name came from + each individual title was a lyric from (Pedestal by Charlie Lim) a couple times, i was mostly listening to Yellow Magic Orchestra, GHOST/Ghostandpals, and the new Fall Out Boy song while writing. i have literally no clue why those three bands in particular, i don’t choose the writing music it chooses me. through sheer force of will and cherrypicking lyrics like nobody’s business, Uncanny is a velour song now
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Honestly I don’t know why you’re offended you got removed. You say white people although there were a couple of POC reaching out to you and you sounded dismissive just because you’re POC too. Do better :)
I’m not that offended, really. I understand the mods have to do what they think is right. I just don’t think their reasoning stands up to par.
Again with the “dismissive” thing though. SMH. Clearly we don’t understand what true discourse means and we’re still riding the train of: there’s only one way to do things.
I have said again and again that I’m not stopping anyone from doing what they’re going to do. You want to create a blacklist and send someone a bunch of hate mail? Go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. I just don’t think that’s right either. I’m entitled to my own opinion. I don’t HAVE to agree with you. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m being dismissive.
I have listened. I understand. BIPOC don’t owe anybody anything and they don’t owe people kindness and you don’t want to hold white peoples hands. Fine. You do you. That’s your prerogative based on whatever you’ve experienced in your life. But that’s not me. That’s not mine. Talking to people, being kind, being diplomatic? That has served me well in my own life. Clearly it doesn’t work for everybody but it’s worked just fine for me.
At the end of the day, how you choose to combat racism is up to you. Who am I to tell you what to do with your life and your experience (though clearly you feel like you can tell me what to do with mine)?
And what do you want from me anyway? Do you want me to muster up a raging anger that I don’t feel? Do you want me to go send a bunch of hate mail in whoever-the-fuck’s inbox? Would that make you feel better? Would that make me somehow on the “right” side of this issue? Well I’m sorry but I’m not going to do it.
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marysuefacepalm · 2 years
This Blog Should Never Have Been Made
I am Ace and I am the original creator of MarySueFacePalm and I’d like to finally post my feelings on this blog’s run from 2012 - 2014. If you have, had, or currently enjoy my blog then I beg you to read this post and understand my perspective now. I will be going over:
What I did with this blog
Why it was wrong
Internet Influences and my misguided justification
What mindset I was in
What I did to change
How those changes impacted my view on the blog
How I conduct myself in fandom spaces now
The brief relapses into bad behavior and handling urges to relapse
Hopefully by the end of this post, you will understand why I’ve gone through all of the archive and deleted the vast majority of the reviews.
But first, I would like to say from the bottom of my heart that I am so sorry to everyone who I demeaned, talked down to, and knowingly hurt. Running this blog is one of my deepest regrets. I'm ashamed that this is part of my past.
I will be leaving up fanart people made of our mascot. I will also be leaving up any advice posts (posts that do not include original characters). They’re old and I can’t say I would still follow any of that advice from 8+ years ago, but they're not inherently harmful.
What I Did With This Blog
In short, I abused the power of influence. I used my following of thousands of fans to publicly ridicule people. My critiques were disrespectful, insensitive, cruel, and posted to a massive audience. Shining a negative light on something, mocking it, and then asking people to please not send the authors hate is just so backwards and unrealistic. Firstly, the post itself was hateful in that it was publicly mocking someone's work. Second, of course people were going to send hate. My posts directly led to young people online being dogpiled with cruel words from many strangers. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to come home from school, log onto deviantArt, and see dozens of messages mocking, devaluing, and degrading you.
I would not be shocked if some artists gave up a wonderful creative outlet as a result of my bullying. There's no way to undo the negative impact I've had on people's lives. Not only the people who were directly mocked, but everyone who looked on and saw OCs being dogpiled on for flawed writing. It no doubt discouraged young authors and artists from branching out, taking risks, or even harmlessly indulging in what they like. I made and created a culture of fear within this blog and I should have seen that in the timid asks I got such as "how can I write a good OC, I don't want to end up on a Mary Sue Blog".
I also participated in slut shaming. Characters with revealing outfits were tagged as "slutty". The point that I wanted to make was that I found the outfit choices to be significantly inappropriate for the setting. So why did I contribute to the use of a word that demeans and shames women? Internalized misogyny and a general "not-like-other-girls" attitude from high school that I was growing out of. I remember getting asked why I was using slut shaming when it wasn't even what I was trying to say, and I remember I admitted it was wrong, and kept doing it anyway. The only explanation I ever found was that I thought it was fine to do since the characters were fictional. That's incorrect. How we treat fictional characters can bleed over to how we treat people in real life. It's really embarrassing to look back on and not how I would ever conduct myself now.
Why My Actions (and How I Defended Those Actions) Were Wrong
I would often wrongly defend myself and my actions when receiving well-deserved criticism. I'm going to go over some of the most common defenses I can remember and debunk them.
I would sometimes say that I had every right to be rude and disrespectful and imply that nobody is entitled to kindness. While I suppose that is true, that's not the person I want to be and now I would condemn anyone who knowingly chooses to be cruel without provocation.
I would claim that anything posted online is subject to criticism; and the only way to prevent negative criticism is to avoid posting your work. A very "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" style argument. This is deflection. Nobody was saying that I couldn't criticize people's work. The issue people were trying to convey was the manner in which my opinions were being delivered (cruelly, and to thousands of followers).
I would claim that my reviews weren't hateful or harmful because they contained good advice. Whether or not my opinions were good/correct/helpful is irrelevant to why this argument is wrong and a deflection. A statement being good advice, and a statement being delivered with malicious intent, are two truths that can coexist. The people I bullied did not need to hear any good advice, and they certainly didn't need to be demeaned in the name of good advice.
I would claim that Fair Use gives me the right to use copyrighted material when critiquing something. It doesn't matter if what I was doing was legal or not. Nobody was saying I should be arrested, they were saying I shouldn't make these posts on a moral basis.
I was so focused on being factually right that I never stopped to ask myself if I was being morally right. I finally realized this when a therapist asked me "Why is being [factually] right so important to you?" and I was finally able to acknowledge that my behavior and justifications for my behavior were abnormal. To ignore the feelings of others so coldly in the pursuit of "dunking" on small artist with opinions masquerading as fact, is almost sociopathic. I could only stomach it because it was online and anonymous, so I could be harmful without having to deal with the consequences of my harmful behavior. I encourage anyone and everyone to always remember there are real people behind every post on social media.
Internet Influences of 2012
A big influence at the time was The Nostalgia Critic and other "angry, sarcastic, childish" critics. What I didn't understand at the time was this angry, sarcastic, and childish persona they adopted was a comedic character and not something to be emulated carelessly. Movie or Videogame writers/directors aren't going to be affected by a review from Nostalgia Critic or The Angry Videogame Nerd. This is because their influence and audience is much larger than that of the critics. Additionally, the directors/authors/etc. are adults who chose to create these movies/games as a profession. The games and movies are sold to the public and the public generally want to know if these commodities are worth their money. The critics in this case provide utility in this regard. The idea that a woman sitting online mocking young hobbyists with small followings in front of hundreds of eyes is even remotely comparable to videogame or movie critics is absolute lunacy. That I ever defended my right to do so by fancying myself a critic is shameful.
My Mindset in 2012-2014 and What I Did to Change
I was 19-21 during the run of this blog and I was going through my lowest point of depression. I wasn't taking care of myself, I was avoidant, I was in a fog, I dropped out of college, and I had aggression issues. Bullying people online was a coping mechanism to feel like I had control and a means to take out frustration and aggression. This does not excuse anything I've done. Coping mechanisms can be harmful to yourself and others; and should be addressed when found to be harmful. I've included this section so that someone out there might learn from my mistakes.
In 2014, two of my closest friends (Gabe and Cherry) finally confronted me about my rages and anger issues. They completely cut all contact with me and explained why. I had been in denial about my depression hurting anyone other than myself up until that point. When I lost them, I finally realized I had made hurting people a part of my lifestyle and had become an abuser to my friends. I felt sick and ashamed, and I resolved to change. I enrolled in Intensive Outpatient Treatment (also known as IOP for "Intensive Outpatient Program") for my depression, anxiety, and anger issues. I spent months going to 5 hour therapy sessions 4 times a week. It was like a job, and I took it as seriously as a job. After that, I continued to go to weekly 1 hour sessions for a few years. Now, I still take anti-depressants, but I'm proud to say I've learned how to manage interpersonal relationships, how to manage my feelings, and most importantly I've learned healthy coping mechanisms.
While my mental state cannot excuse what I've done, I hope people can understand that this blog was a symptom of an unhealthy mind lashing out. It is not something to reflect on positively.
As a side note, Gabe and Cherry were kind enough to forgive me and give me another chance to be the friend they deserve.
A Retrospective Look at the Blog
The humor is dated, lacking, and lazily relies on reaction gif humor. It very much feels like a product of 2012-2014.
It also reads as extremely arrogant and conceited. The expression of my opinions on OCs was not more important than the feelings of others. My opinions never should have been elevated as facts or treated as law. Critique of creative pieces is valid, but the intention behind these critiques was not pure. As I was deleting the posts, I felt ashamed at the way I conducted myself. I considered privating the posts, but there's nothing here worth keeping.
How I Behave in Fandom Spaces 10 Years Later
Now in 2022 I do my best to stay in my lane. If I don't like something, I don't say anything unless specifically asked for feedback. Even then, I give my thoughts in a professional manner. I don't post "snarky" humor anymore because it was never funny, it was needlessly shady and mean. I keep that type of "omg look at this, it's ridiculous" opinion private between friends in DMs, where it can never hurt the author. If someone online posts controversial things to bait discourse, I try my best to move on and not take the bait.
The only exception is if something is harmful. If content is racist, ableist, or promotes risky behavior (s*icide/self-h*rm) then I express my opinions strongly. The key difference is intention. In 2012-2014 I was acting with malicious intent. Now, if I'm putting something down it is because I think it could harm people and needs to be questioned/taken down.
Relapsing into Bad Behavior and Old Habits
Given this whole essay, you'd think I would have completely learned my lesson and would never participate in OC or artist shaming ever again. I wish that was the case.
Around the spring and summer of 2020, Gabe, Cherry, and I made new friends in fandom spaces. We ignored red flags and were complicit in catty attitudes and behaviors that we don't normally condone. Suddenly I was back to wanting to post shady comments to make my friends laugh as we mocked "cringe" content.
But the toxicity festered to a point where Gabe, Cherry, and I finally realized what was happening. Disgusted with our behavior, we vowed to never fall into those old habits again. We also realized that the people you surround yourself with have an impact on your own behavior. It is your responsibility to choose your friends wisely because those are the people you will be receiving encouragement, social queues, approval, disapproval, criticism, and validation from. If your friends are toxic, it will rub off on you one way or another.
We immediately tried to express discomfort with those friends and explained our perspective, but most of those friends we no longer have contact with.
I feel like leaving shady comments online was only satisfying because I had people gassing me up and cheering me on and laughing along with me. It was like that in 2012 with the followers of this blog and 2020 with those former friends. I'm still learning, and my 2020 experience reminded me that you should always question be willing to question and think critically about your behavior. "Am I behaving like the person I want to be right now?"
A Note on the Other Mods
I could have tried to track down the other mods and asked them if they wanted to add anything for closure's sake. I didn't because at the end of the day I was the one who made the blog, created the format, and set the tone. While everyone is responsible for their own words, I was a ringleader and the responsibility of this blog should fall on me.
I know Gabe and Cherry also look back on this blog with discomfort at their behavior. I'm sure the other mods do to. We've grown up and can see this was all wrong.
Why Did You Post That You Would Restart the Blog?
For years now I've been trying to think of how to absolve and distance myself of this moral failure of a blog. In 2020 I briefly thought I could give MSFP a redemption arc of positivity and advice. It ended up not feeling right. It felt like a step backward instead of a step forward, or like I was sweeping my wrongs under a rug instead of acknowledging them.
My Future
I wanted to post this so I can finally put this old shame to bed. Admitting to my mistakes cannot undo the damage caused, and I'm not asking for forgiveness from anyone. I wanted to post this retrospective so I can finally feel like I've apologized and acknowledged this regret. I posted a journal on deviantArt back in 2017, I believe, but this needed to be done on the main platform and it needed to be done right. I was not pressured or cancelled. I just want to do this for my own mental peace. I hope people find a lesson in this. It took me years to figure it out for myself.
With love and respect,
- Ace
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Y’all caught me at a bad time so you’re about to get a mouthful.
You know what I am so sick and tired of? I am so fuckin’ sick and tired of getting on this website and seeing ANOTHER super wonderful, kind, talented content creator saying that they’re going to step away from something they love doing because tou crusty assholes feel so fucking entitled that you leave them messages demanding something from them - something which they provide for FREE.
I am fed up with people pouring their hearts and souls into content, again that they provide FOR FREE, and ignorant stupid cucks like some of y’all either
A) do not appreciate it whatsoever, thus tearing down that creator’s esteem and desire to continue creating
B) feel so fucking high and mighty about yourself, but not high enough to go off anon because god forbid someone know what a gaping fucking asshole you are, that you go into their ask box and leave messages that once again diminish their spark, their love, and their desire for creation.
C) steal someone else’s creation and hard work because you are a little twat waffle who isn’t creative enough to come up with some original ideas - perhaps because you don’t have an original idea in your smooth, dry, jellybean sized brain
STOP sending hate. STOP demanding things when said things are given to you FOR FREE. STOP stealing other people’s work and posting it as your own. The content creators on this site owe you NOTHING. They are working their asses off to provide content because what it loves to do and you fuckwad succubi are draining their life from them.
When someone responds to your demands with a little bit of an attitude?? GOOD, YOU FUCKING DESERVE IT. There are actual, human beings behind these accounts. They are not robots built by Jeff Butthole who sit there with the instructions to provide for your rude, hateful, entitled asses. They are humans with lives, troubles, anxieties, health issues, and so much fucking more. You coming on this site, again with anon on because you have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair, and add another tick to their already shitty day/week/month/year.
I couldn’t sit back and not say anything anymore. I am so fucking fed up with seeing talented, amazing creators leave because of yall. And don’t even get me started in the whole, “well it’s just some people not everyone is like that” yeah well one bad banana spoils the whole bunch - so sit the fuck down and think about that.
Be kind. Tell creators how much you love their work and what it means to you. Spread kindness like it’s your last will and testament to do so. If you can’t do any of that, and you are one of the troglodytes I mentioned above - do everyone a favor and unplug the fucking computer.
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