#like i dont want it to be YA. its not a romance either. its about a relationship between teenagers but its not those things
raven · 1 year
i need to write again i need to revisit my story about the toxic teenage lesbians maybe that will fix me
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
Dreaming up the most aromantic romance I can
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fagcrisis · 1 year
i dont like books that have to justify their premise. this isnt even about a book im teading im reading bakunins confession like thats unrelated but ive been watching a lot of videos about bad YA while i bake, and i decided i hate it. when a book wants to have a premise for example a monarchy romance or a stalker romance okay these are mostly like vaguely smutty books. anyway and then theyre like the author is like aware that their subject matter is going to be under criticism so they put in failsafes. so its shit like the fantasy monarchy are actually elected leaders and its all ceremonial and i swear its not problematic you guys i swear. or the girl is into being stalked and the guy has POV thoughs about how stalking is bad actually its just justified in this one case
like, either own up to it and just write the whole thing without any twitter discourse failsafes, or, if these people had any ideology and not just the vague sense of being afraid of getting a callout post, they would write these stories and actually investigate and depict well the problems with the premise. but these ppl dont want to write smart books they just want tiktok sales
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pancho-pinto · 2 months
here to tell you that sweet talk is AMAZING and its my roman empire, very well written and though my brain DID get lost at a few parts (maybe its because im reading very late at night and woke up very early in the morning and i've been tired all day-) it was still amazing and thank you so much for writing it
you're a great writer and i hope this inspires you to write more fics in the future (going to check your other works after sending this ask because i havent yet)
your fic was exactly what i needed after a breakup, which i'll admit sounds a little odd because it was very romancy and i dont think it makes a lot of sense to anyone else but in my brain it does- idk it was my first relationship, plus i'm autistic so maybe some of that plays a role? im rambling its 1am and i've been awake since 6am- this is probably really hard to read- ANYWAYS love love loved and still love your fic, you're officially on the list of my top 2 fics (which isn't saying a lot as i havent read many) and i cant choose between yours and the first fic i ever read
i feel like i've rambled too much but i needed to gush about your fic somewhere and i deleted discord off this device a few days ago and have yet to reinstall it and cant be bothered, plus i cant log into ao3 right now to leave a comment i'm too cozy (even though the password book is literally 3 meters away)
aaand somehow after saying i rambled too much i rambled more.. oops
keep being you and keep being awesome!! (and mayhaps write more.. stares at you with beady little eyes /nf /pos)
-anon (they/them)
my response under the cut because i dont want to subject my friends to my rambling. they already deal with it plenty xp
THANK YOU SO MUCH. sweet talk is really gotten to be my 'that one fic' lol adored it though. it was such a fun yet stressful experience. one day i will learn to write multi-chapter fics i swear!!!
and yes, i dont blame you if you didnt understand some parts. honestly, i have plenty times i could still work on for my writing. but hey! we all start somewhere, and im very proud of how it turned out either way.
and this was my reaction when i saw your ask
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so yes. yes very much going to motivate me to write more. ya have no idea. i thrive on validation. dopamine rushes make brain and writing go brrrrrrr.
anon, sweet anon, i love rambling too. you are at home here! and i hope you feel better after that breakup. there are more fishes in the sea, and if you dont fancy fishing, there are more things to do like swimming, kayaking, walking on the beach and such. you will be fine. i believe you will because you kick-ass!!!!
and and and whoa!!! if i had a nickel for every person who told me im one of their fav writers, id have a couple nickels. which, crazy ngl. thank you. genuinely. that means so fucking much
you keep being plenty awesome yourself<3!!!
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godsofthecatz · 1 year
Excuse me if I come off as rude (I don't mean to be!) though I'm curious...
How do you get by the LMK fandom when you're a plumsynoodles shipper? A lot of people or either ships that or PeachyNoodles usually gets the door slammed on them? Do you not go through that? Or do you?
I mean, i dont think you're coming off as rude!-
I personally haven't gotten too much of it? (I was called a proshipper once, but that was also from me trying to ask them for details/info they said they had about it being gross) But it could also be that probably because I'm not too popular?
And I mean, I try to stay out of the drama-...I also just straight up say when i do post something related to Plumsynoodles that if they don't like it, they can block me or just block the tag! (if they still like what I post otherwise)... because I mean- idk- it's a whole topic on its own - i can actually talk about my feelings on ships in general below if anyone wants to hear about it!
I don't post too many different ships- though I did a small request for unusual ships on Twitter and saw a few different ones-...
I don't want to get people upset or mad at me...but if people openly start trying to call me something I'm not, I don't want to get involved with that-... it's not hurting anyone and again, I'm giving them a small note that if they don't like it they can block me! But hey! I'll gladly talk about it openly with an open mind if someone like you asks about it!
Personally...I don't mind what people ship or think of other ships, as long as your not shoving it on me I'm all cool! I'm not trying to shove my ships on others as well! (ill mostly be referencing lmk)
shipping fictional characters is to me- and like....I don't care what others ship- (one ship i dont like is Mei with *just* MK... i like to see her as a sister to him! But i still like Chimerashipping...) like iv been around people shipping Iron fan with Mei or someone else, while for one with the Mei is that she is around MK's Age- and two...if people really care about it 'she's married and the only cannon ship that's in the show-...there's a lot of funky ships that can scratch the "problematic" tag... like any of the demon/human ships- ...
Some of my favorites and/or views with ships-... I also really like Jin and MK! Even though they don't interact all to much- I like to imagine the interaction! Again, it's fiction!
With Plumsynoodles...though yes- Macaque is his own is a sea of problems- I mean...to me you can personally apply that to any ship he is in- kinda the same with Wukong... but I like to use the fiction and mix it up with my brain of MK would help Macaque be a better person despite everything that has happened between them... and one popular topic that effects both of the mythical monkeys with MK- is the teacher student thing-... for me, again it's fiction...and at least MK is an adult- I also personally don't see Macaque as a teacher to MK??? It feels like a week, and sure they tease each other about it- but ya know??? And with Wukong- idk- I like to think of the 'after math'...like once MK is no longer the student- and they have both improved!...(even once saw a really cool post about someone talking about how the two stones MK/Wukong were born from are different stones! I wish I could find it- maybe I could if I remembered where to look or who it was from! It was actually really interesting)
I love shipping and hearing people's ideas on romance, or friendship! Like...regardless on what it is- to *me* as long as they are not related, and both adults/ or around the same age...I really don't care on what you ship-
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gadunkie · 1 year
rant post about the online queer community
hey after going outside and talking to real life people for a while Ive come to the conclusion that most of the online queer community is just horrible for queer people. hi reddit today Im going to ramble on about how the queer space on the internet has somehow regressed back into separation under a more progressive and performative light. so after being on tumblr for like, fucking 7-8 years or some shit as well as experiencing other queer spaces on other social media platforms (twitter and reddit, mostly twitter) for only a couple years, Ive come to the conclusion that people are so caught up in their own asses that theyve completely misunderstood and forgot why the queer community exists. side note: I dont care how messy this post is or if the points made are all over the place, this is tumblr.com who gives a shit.
as far as Im concerned, a lot of non-queer and especially religious people really dont like us queers. unfortunately we were all born in a world where we suffer as a minority under laws and power that would really rather have us killed than working together. as such a collective of queer people started banding together under a community where we were finally allowed a space to be ourselves and live as people. the community consists of fags, dykes, transsexuals and whoever was in-between or outside of those terms. our relation comes from how we are rejected from living normal lives for simply trying to express romance or identity in a way that would finally make us feel alive. so it would only make sense to band together and make sure each of us finally have a home and a life we always wanted to live, surrounded by people who would finally accept us for who we are, right?
ya!!!11!!11one thats the whole point of the queer community, to band together and finally be treated as people. but the one problem that I see nowadays is that the current queer community just doesnt fucking do that. Im bad at formulating problems in an essay-like way so Im just gonna make a list of things and explanations underneath ok? :) :) :) 1. the queer community unfairly fetishes women: now theres nothing wrong with liking women sexually or romantically or whatever, in fact it doesnt correlate with the above sentence at all. Ive noticed in my time on using the internet, that queer people tend to hate or forget people who arent women. whether they are men, or nonbinary, or both, or none at all. women have a much larger audience than other queer people and its stupid. its gotten to the point where I forgot that the trans flag included women, men, and those who dont identify with either. I just got used to seeing them depicted with women or feminine figures that arent cis. I literally didnt make the connection until a few days ago that people other than women completely belong under that community as well, yet Ive seen so much trans discussion that only involve women and no one else. lets change that please, people who dont identify as women belong with the rest of the trans community. I feel ridiculous saying that because I shouldnt feel like I have to even formulate that sentence at all.
2. the majority of the queer community doesnt care about brown people: now there are a lot of online queer people who arent actively or intentionally trying to be racist but I cant help but notice that they tend to forget about brown people a lot, specifically black people now that I think about it a bit more. you guys remember when a new version of the pride flag came out and it looked the exact same but they added brown and black colors onto the flag? strange that at the same time the blm protests were also really popular and part of current events at the time as well, its almost as if it was simply a performative gesture to signify what should have already been obvious. even after those colors were added, black people were just forgotten again. Im not even going to sugarcoat it I dont think the majority of the online queer community would even care if black people just died, because they already dont. but this isnt just about black people either, anyone with darker skin tones, no matter the ethnic group, are either used for diversity gestures or completely forgotten about overall. it has been pointed out multiple times that tumblr staff has actively silenced or banned accounts belonging to brown people. actually the only time I saw tumblr even care about shadow banning was when they started doing it to trans women, what a fucking shit show. its so easy to care about people no matter their skin color its literally so fucking easy, why is it impossible for the majority of this community to do that.
3. why are we fucking separating ourselves from each other: hi Im sure youve noticed that Ive been saying the word "queer" over and over again. first of all, if it bothers you, grow up. the queer community have fought for decades to reclaim phrases used against us dont give it power again. second of all, I prefer saying queer over lgbtqia+ because it unites us all under one word rather than an acronym pointing out each little category of queer people. theres nothing wrong with trying to create an identity for yourself that means a lot to you and makes you feel more comfortable for yourself, but I have to argue and say that certain labels just seem pointless and belong under ones that have already existed before their creation. yet I dont blame people for using different ones than the labels that have already existed because I think we collectively failed to inform people that those labels can have multiple meanings. bisexual doesnt just mean you like cis men and cis women, it means you like anyone you want to. transgender doesnt mean you are now the opposite of your assigned gender, it just means that you arent cis. it also doesnt mean that you need to have surgery done on you or that you wear different clothes than the norm either. although I see the point of creating extra labels, I ultimately think they do more harm than good. we have to stick together to survive, any more individual groups then we are as good as gone.
those are the general points that Ive wanted to make anyway. I would love to type more but I have a feeling that the reading comprehension on this site wouldnt survive the first two paragraphs.
the last thing I want to say is that you should find more ways to be together than try and exclude each other, because while youre calling yourself a "foxgirl bi lesbian enby demiboy" there are queer people in real life being kidnapped and mutilated for simply trying to exist.
please for the love of everything that keeps us alive and safe, find ways to stick together.
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hagatha-christie · 8 months
new year new reads and also i'm now consciously trying to read a book from every country plus places like Hawaii and Puerto Rico and Greenland that should be their own countries. Anyway here's what I read in January:
I've been pretty brutal about not wasting my time reading books I'm not into so hopefully I won't have any books that fall into the "bad" category this year. Also I did read 2 embarrassing romances and tbh i'm gonna keep those a lil secret because I dont really recommend either of them
The okay You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnam): I think it's good for its intended audience and it reinforced some of the stuff I've been discussing in therapy but I found it very repetitive and kind of surface level when it came to actual Buddhist philosophy. Like I wanted to know a little more than what he wrote.
A Fortune for Your Disaster by Hanif Abdurraqib: I am obsessed with his prose but unfortunately I do not think his poetry is for me! I read his other collection last year and felt similarly. I think in the future I'll maybe skip any other poetry collections that come out.
The good/great (this is always in ascending order, I feel like I need to specify that)
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor: She did a pretty good job of worldbuilding in the like 90 pages of this book, and it's part of a series so I'm really curious to continue it and read more books in this African-futurism genre. Took a minute to get used to the YA narration (is this YA? I don't know)
Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski (Poland): This was a little sad and a little sweet, and I liked it very much but wish I would've read in the summer because it really would've hit. More vibes than plot but still enjoyed it.
Monstrilio by Gerardo Samano Cordova (Mexico): Finally a book that was as weird as I wanted it to be! Loved the 4 POVs we got, loved how messy the characters were, loved the ending. Would recommend despite one plot point that I found so disturbing I had to put it down (the book wasn't that graphic I just let my mind run a lil wild and scared myself).
Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar: as good as everyone says. Read it.
Brickmakers by Selva Almada (Argentina): I started this book a couple months ago and had to put it down because it was soooo jarring and I wasn't prepared, which I think makes the book so effective given the themes criticizing machismo culture. It's crass and gross and really blunt but omg I have not been able to stop thinking about it, or about the final line of the book since I read it.
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youngpettyqueen · 2 years
Also since I didn't send one last time, anything about it's not chicken soup, but it's good for the soul!
YES I love a double ask I love it so much and I love to think about this particular fic
ok I wanna ramble about a particular sequence in relation to my particular writing style-
"“If you don’t kiss my forehead before you leave,” Hawkeye says, seriously, “Then I’m going to have a fit.”
Trapper snorts, raising a brow at him. “That right?” He asks. Hawkeye nods, still with that oh-so-serious look on his face, so he just smiles and pushes his hair aside again, “Alright, c’mere…”
He leans down and drops the requested kiss onto Hawkeye’s forehead. Then, for good measure, he also drops one on the bridge of his nose. He pulls away and hovers for a moment, savouring the sight of Hawkeye’s giddy little smile.
Cute. He thinks, again.
“Alright, I really gotta go,” Trapper says, even though he takes a quick second to press one last kiss in the space between Hawkeye’s brows. When he pulls back this time he gets up, collects the bowl, and turns to Hawkeye to tell him, “Send Radar my way if ya need anything. I’ll be back with your lunch in a few hours.”"
so a fun fact about me is that I am a romance writer (I am actively working on a romance novel which is on its third draft) and this fic was a fun exercise in writing domestic fluffy romance which is not my usual type of romance writing! I usually only write domestic fluffy romance with like, DND and writing stuff with mine and my friend's characters, so doing this in fanfic is overall fairly new to me. this particular exchange between these two was one of the main points of writing this fic- as ive said with this one it was written to make me feel better while I was absolutely miserable with covid, and few things cheer me up quite like straight up FLUFF
Hawkeye and Trapper really suit this fluffy domesticity for me because I dont read either of them as being particularly repressed. Hawkeye cant hide his feelings to save his life and Trapper really doesnt seem to ever try to hide how he feels. as a result these two are easy to write being fairly open (as open as the time and place will allow, at least) and very domestic and, well, cute. of course Trapper's gonna give him a kiss on the forehead, and then, even though he doesnt have to, he's gonna give him a couple more. and of course Hawkeye's not gonna hesitate to ask! theyre open with each other, theyre comfortable with each other- this is all canon, its just easy and convenient for me to use that in my Piercentyre agenda ksdjskjdha
speaking as someone who doesnt write straight up fluff very often, this was a very fun exercise in it. it flowed really naturally, it makes me want to write more of it, and it let me practice a style I admittedly dont practice as often. I definitely want to write more things like this, things that are sickly sweet and fluffy, and im definitely hoping to do more of it with Piercentyre specifically. writing them has reallyyyyyyy grown on me, I always liked them as a pairing but after rewatching the early seasons ive fallen even more in love with them
all this said the WIP I have for them currently is very much not all sweet domestic fluff and does in fact involve quite a bit of angst but honestly I might shove some sweet tooth-rotting fluff in there cause its just so damn fun to write. who knows, not me, I dont even have an outline for the damn thing fskjdfhskj
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You and your future spouses sex life💞👻
Hi loves! first post from brutally tarot witch.All my PAC will be an honest opinion of what my cards are saying.If you don’t resonate with the reading,you can pick another pile💞Anyways today‘s reading is about…Drum roll.
You and your future spouses sex life💞👻
Warning 18+ only!!!
There are three piles to choose from so choose carefully and intuitively ♥️
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Pile 1 🤤👀🕊
So loves this is for pile 1! based on the cards tbh I see a lot of selfishness.I don’t see it coming from your partner though..I see you being a bit selfish and authorative.Basically what I am seeing here is that you get what you want.You dont give two crap about sexism,you believe that you should be worshiped in bed and pleased with multiple orgasms.So the best part is I see your husband/wife/Gf/bf/fling is such a giver!! omg he/she is soo sweet.They would give up on their pleasure for you like omg they get off on satifying you!!! thats wonderful.But tbh a lil advice they do like when get down in your knees for them.Lyk they see you as this powerful person and you getting down for them is their wild fantasy.They also may have a humiliation or verbal abuse kink 👀.Have fun guys.They do love you though.Awe🥺
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Pile 2💀⛓♥️
Soo kinky people picked this pile,I know that smirk.You guys are kinky! so is your partner! Either one of is the dominant in bed for sure.But based on the cards I got I can see the emperor denoting that the male is the dominant one,you guys might be this bold ,fierce, feminst selfs in the outer world but you do like to be spanked,chocked and fucked sooo hard.Even if its a lgbtq relationship I do see that your partner is the dominant one here..you like to be treated like a rag doll.Your FS though will be a vanilla master/dominatrix.Lyk they will dominate you but still they dont wanna hurt you in anyway they want to protect you (Awww 💞🥺).They would have this praise kink,they will praise you as they dominate you saying stuff like good girl,good princess.Argg fifty shades of grey vibes Yall! Anyways this was soo cute and sexy at the same time,one lucky pile😚
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Pile 3
Soo my dearest hopeless romantics..I do see all the hopeless romantics pick this pile and you know what? you guys are seriously soo cute! believing in true love and romance is such a sign of purity! Anywhoo your sex life is soo romantic,candle light sex,fucking under the moonlight,satisfying each other! taking care after sex! omg!! so fucking cute🥰 So you guys will have an irresistible urge to make love all the time! you guys are like these magnets ,inseperable.You will have rough sessions too but there will be a profound amount of passion ya know ,sex is like a soul connection for you and your soulmate bruh.Which is soo pure 🥺.You guys will be soo loyal to each other and might even end up getting married in the future if you are into that!!!omg so adorable!!😫
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Anyways let me know of what other PAC‘s you guys would like in the future do support me if you like my content Y’all👻💞
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sourame · 3 years
Hii! I just saw you write for ParaLive:D Can I ask for some AKYR relationship hcs? (fem or gn s/o)
anon my beloved of course
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- you are his royalty, and will treat you as such.
- he is always buying you stuff. jewelry, clothing, he´ll get you anything you ask for.
- hes protective over you, and he´ll show that by keeping you close by while you two are in public.
- dates are incredibly fancy restaurants or private locations that he rented ot himself.
¨I love you a lot MC. Dont you ever forget it.¨ 
- cuddles with him are THE BEST oml. He makes you feel safe in his arms.
- his first priority is your safety and happiness. he'll check up on you often, asking if you want to hang out or go on a date.
- his first date with you was either a restaurant or a mall. either way, he enjoys every moment with you.
- he makes songs/rap about how much he loves you. what a sweet boy.
- whenever your birthday/Valentine's day rolls around, be prepare to be SHOWERED with gifts and love.
“Its nice staying with you like this. Promise me we'll do this more often?”
- he doesn't know how to act around you, you're just too perfect for him.
- he'll try and keep his tough guy personality when he's with you, but he really just wants you to hold him in your arms and pat his head.
- protective of you everywhere you guys go. he has his grip on your hand tightened whenever someone he doesn't know talk to you.
- a bit clingy, but he's still adorable.
- he probably got you one of those teddy bears that have an "I love you" voice messages inside it.
“ya know you're my first priority outta everything, right? can't stand the thought of loosing you..”
- his soft spot is his hair. play with it and he's instantly flustered.
- he is ALL over you. whenever you two hang out, he's straight up fawning over you.
- if you get him anything, he cherishes it for the rest of his life.
- he gets you sweets that you two can share together, because that's what couples do.
- the first date is a carnival. he thought you two would have fun together and fall in love even more.
- if you'll allow him, he'd love to do you're makeup. not to say he doesn't already think you're goregous.
“you're so cute my heart can't take ittt!~♡ stay with me, okay?”
- slightly touchy with you unless you don't want him to be. otherwise, kisses, hugs, and cuddles happen on a daily basis.
- his first date was going out to get ice cream or something similar.
- he doesn't know the first thing about romance, so you can catch him using cheesy pick up lines in a desperate attempt to woo you over.
- ruffling your hair is his favorite thing to you whenever he sees you.
- whenever you two hug, he slightly grips the back of your clothing. a small habit of his, but still cute.
- his kisses are surprisingly good for someone's who's never kissed before. sometimes, those kisses turn into make out sessions. 👀 🔥
“You're.. really beautiful Y/N. Not to mention special too.”
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. lo hades def looks like he's into crypto, you know what I mean? especially bc you cant be taxed on it, the richer the better!
2. This isnt even just LO but why do so many of the romance comics have such a desire to sexualize barly legal young women who are of COURSE naive virgins (but also super sexy and horny and know how to flirt out of the blue!) and try and make us root for them to get into relationships with their Christian Grey knock-off bosses?? like Let's Play (spoilers I guess) thought it'd be funny to have the MC be in physical PAIN after having sex, like why are you showing your teen audience this???
3. Nah I feel the same way as other anon. LO is way too confused on whether it's a light hearted YA story or a serious drama for Mature™️ readers. Like the SA and (one) therapy session was more or less handled perfectly fine, but everything from the AOW to the Trial is either incredible goofy or tries way too hard to be "serious" with RS and her team both not putting the writing nor art skill into it to hold any weight. It just comes across as melodramatic and try-hard over genuine and well planned
4. There's so many "quirks" in LO's art that are bad but WHY is it a thing where when a character is just standing there their arms and legs are just glued to the side of their bodies like🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️🧍? that's not how even soliders at attention stand, there's still bones and muscles to account for but they end up with that end product? I just do not get how her and her team have probably 50+ years of art education and practice between them and yet they fail on such basic concepts every time.
5. I for one think that the differences between how characters slapping each other is depicted as either good or bad depending on who’s doing the slapping isn't hypocritical of RS: Hecate slaps Hades because she thinks he’s being predatory towards Persephone, this is a well-intentioned slap. Minthe’s slap on the other hand, is not justifiable because she was in the wrong in the context of that conflict: you don’t get to just stand your boyfriend up and hit him when he’s hurt by it.
6. it's just funny WT itself has a posting rule that your comic "cant show topics like incest or grooming" as if thats not the majority of the romance genre itself. yall ever read eggnoid? cmon now.
7. punderworld made a myth rec list and go figure some lo fans were in the comments saying "LO was all [they] needed" and its like how would you even know this episode happened unless you were subbed to punderworld, therefore proving they keep up with other myth comics? also the creator got upset at the lo fans being mad she didnt also rec LO as if its not the most advertised series on that whole site and she was promoting smaller creators. LO fans are so entitled even to other creators it's crazy.
8. I think the issue with the “let people like things” argument (and the fans do this so much) is that I’m All for that, I and every other critic isnt saying you can’t like, hell there’s parts of it I do like and wish there was more of! But if you go “just let people enjoy things!!” when it comes to legitimate criticism (ie misogyny, racism, classism, mishandling of trauma and assault to push a romance along, etc) you don’t care about others opinions, you just want them to like YOUR thing.
9. we already know rachel is a weeb but it's most obvious when it's a kissing scene because she does NOT draw lips but all of a sudden they get huge and glossy when theyre about to smooch but nothing else about the face adjusts with it and it's like what the hell is that 😭
10. i honestly dont blame lo fans for buying books of it even if the quality of it degrades rapidly after vol 1, once it ends (maybe in five years at this rate) webtoons will right away put it on daily pass which is notoriously a bad venue for rereads/new readers who missed when it was originally published and given how rachel has no sense of less is more, itll cost hundreds of dollars just to read the current 190+ episodes, much the many more shell milk out of it. might as well avoid that now 😵‍💫
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dershloop · 3 years
- his favourite thing to do when hes in a bad mood is to just. ball himself up in blankets nd watch megamind
-then if the bad mood is like angry he really struggles to get it out in a healthy way
-like he either goes so ham on the training dummies his knuckles bleed
-or he lifts way too much nd ends up injuring himself
-something like that
-did i talk abt how i hc kai as having adhd before?? i cant remember if i did but he has it
-he found out about audiobooks so now consumes books in the same way zane does
-bc i cant remember if i specified but i hc kai as having dyslexia
-someone put in the tags abt it nd it was like OH YEAH THATS WHY HE CANT READ lmao so audio books are great for him
-he used youtube at first but then also audible bc at this point amazon is so big that him not using it does not matter whether or not he uses it
-his fave genre is fantasy but like high fantasy
-so like game of thrones type beat
-he refuses to read game of thrones tho bc its so popular
- zane is like "its actually pretty good just give it a try-" nd kais like NO
-yes that is projection but he also isnt a huge fan of like... YA fantasy bc while he enjoys the romances the pick-me nature of the protags pisses him off a lot
-HE DID HOWEVER rly enjoy the mortal instruments series nd defo made a shadowhunters oc
-he made zane read all the books too nd then zane was like "oh my god" nd they dont shut up about it
- shadowhunters spoilers but zane cannot get over clary and jace nearly being siblings but then not being siblings so while kai is a hardcore clace shipper, zane prefers Climon
-Kai also cried when alec and magnus broke up in the 5th book
-like hardcore sobbed
-ok ill stop talking abt books for now lmfao but he's stilla hothead
-i think that part of his character was droppef for some reason nd it makes me sad but hes rly easy to wind up so jay likes doing that a lot
-like if he needs kai he'll walk through the monastery shouting his name nd even after kai responds he'll keep shouting his name until he's like standing right by him
-my little brother does that. thats right MAX im calling u out u little shit. jk i love him. i say little he's 13 nd taller than me its terrifying but i just wanted to
-SPEAKING OF LITTLE SIBLINGS he still calls nya his baby sister
-or little sister
- but then shes there like 10x more buff than him
-like she could bench that fire twink nd hes like "ah yes my little sister. just a wee lass. look at my baby sister guys"
-he thinks fruit is the best thing ever too
-esp like. fruit flavoured shit
-sorbet's, yoghurt, smoothies
-he adores it
-if they ever go to a like bubble tea place his go to order is mango fruit tea with passion fruit bubbles
-i think i said that last time idk tho
-either way he also rly likes monster but his fave is either the monarch one w the butterflies on the can (tastes like peach ice tea) or the fruit punch one (the pink can, tastes like fruit punch)
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omegawolverine · 2 years
🙂🏛🐷💏🧨 ask game pog
🙂 - Should Dream get a redemption arc?
NO HARD NO LIKE THE STRONGEST NO I CAN GIVE there is literally no logical reason i can think of to give dream a redemption arc when like. we dont see his pov so how would he get redeemed? we need to see his motivations and why he wants to get better first but we cant rly do that without seeing it from his pov????? does that make sense? i hope it makes sense. also not every bad guy should be redeemable. some dudes should just be bad. like im happy to be a cschlatt enthusiast bc he does suck and everyone can happily agree on that point and nobody is arguing for him to be redeemed bc even if he had some good qualities/was an arguably kinda sad character in some aspects he was still bad and that is Okay. and i feel that same was about cdream! im not an enthusiast for him but im still happy to see him play the bad guy and i think its better that he is irredeemable!
🏛 - Should Pandora's Vault be destroyed?
nah idk why it would be tbh? like i dont see an issue with it being there. i dont rly get why people say it should be destroyed especially at this point in the lore (if someone wants to explain pls feel free to bc i gen dont know)
🐷 - Is Technoblade a good anarchist?
iiiii do not know much about anarchy tbh and everything ive seen about this topic has been very like. mixed. like its either people very strongly saying he is a terrible anarchist or very strongly saying he's actually a good one? and also one of the big arguments i see from the "he's a bad anarchist" side of things is that he's "too violent" but as far as im aware that isnt Wrong in anarchy...??? anyways from what i can tell he isnt a bad anarchist but maybe he doesnt have everything right, but then again, who does? idk who gets to say what is and isnt good anarchy? so ya, idk!! sorry
💏 - Is TNTduo /r?
yes fuck wilbur soot they r in gay enemies to lovers romances they r exploring their future as the most divorced married couple to ever exist they are picking out wedding rings to dramatically throw on the ground anytime they argue As We Speak, next!
(no but seriously uhhhhh i physically cannot view tntduo as Not romantic, they r so bad for each other but they could be good for each other if they got better or if things had happened differently and it makes me feel soooo very mentally ill)
🧨 - Who is most at fault for November 16th?
i slash gen dont remember most of the events of november 16th despite watching it live. like my brain just doesnt remember most of the shit that happened during that whole mess until its mentioned to me again. and i think it might be in large part bc that was the first dream smp stream i caught live bc before that i had been playing catchup via wilbur vods and videos from his channel so when i saw it live and there was That Much Happening my brain just went hm! no! and forgot it right after. anyways tho from what i can remember i dont think anyone can be named as "the most at fault" because of how much happened and how many different shit storms started and/or ended that day. all in all she was a fucking doozy.
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seawing-vibes · 3 years
you knew this was coming /j
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Damn !!!! Glory^2 !! Fine I guess I’ll talk about her ,,, /nm/lh I legit enjoy talking about her don’t worry hehe
favorite thing about them
Girl is very sassy and witty and I love it eheh. She has a lot of really good lines and tends to know when and how to joke around in an effective and fun way ! Although I have my,, g r i p e s with how she treats her friends, I do love how she treats Starflight when she dream sees him again, it was really cute how much she joked with him and understood how to calm him down. Despite how she treats them most of the time, she does take note of her freinds and their needs and will sometimes tend to them and their needs and thats really nice! Also I will say that the things that annoy me, I do enjoy, shes a compelling and interesting character due to her flaws, I guess what primarily annoys me is the way shes framed by the narrative and a lot of fans as a good guy, shes flawed and does a lot of shiny things, and that makes her a cool character!! I enjoy her due to her complexity and flaws :]]!
least favorite thing about them
She completely infantilizes the Rainwings and is so fucking stubborn that she refuses to change her view on them throughout everything and only listens if they line up exactly with her vision, and THEN changed their entire culture and forces them into something they were vecerilly against </3!! and its treated like the hero for that!!!!! AUGH!!!!! Im sorry but the fact that she completely screws around with the Rainwings culture and refuses to listen to them or treat them as equals. She doesn’t even attempt to accept their culture outside of the small things and forces her own views on them blarg. I guess whats most frustrating is that it’s treated like a good deed in the narrative and not talked about,, like, it would’ve been something I actually would’ve been very invested in a story where they focused on Glory learning that she isn’t the ultimate right and needs to learn how to navigate this new culture even if it didn’t chop up to what she believed it would be,, I DUNNO!! Just thoughts bbhrbhhs
favorite line
"It's normal to be scared. I'm scared. You'd have to be crazy not to be — well, crazy, or Tsunami, which is basically the same thing. You just have to push that aside and do what you have to anyway." GILR YES, SUPPORT YOUR BROTHER YES PLEASE GREAT SIBLING MOMENT YEAH <333 I will accept the Tsunami slander here because it is true <3/pos
DEATHBRINGER AND GLORY SIBLING RELATIONSHIP PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE Deathbringer wanting to join the DoD’s cause and being roped into Rainwing politics and just vibing and being the comic relief for Glory, like having a guy outside of the main group to be able to vent to and just be buddies with. Like hes got the perfect personality for it and its so gross that it became a romance thing, plus room for them to be besties and him crushing on her brother and go from besties to annoying step-siblings,,,,,,, it could’ve been great,,,,,,,,,,,, if it stayed fuckin platonic, anger.
Okay but also Glory & Kinkajou in canon is adorable what a relationship so cute I adore them <333
I dont really ship her with anyone? It feels weird to ship her honestly because I feel like shes still developing as a person (dragon?) and throwing her into a relationship as shes still discovering herself seems off, plus I dont know any character close to her that would help her that way wail being a good romantic partner, ya know?? Most ships I see her with (outside of the obvious) are quite cute! I just don’t personally ship any of them is all :0
Gorybringer is gross and can die off please and thank you <3!!
random headcanon
Glory is overwhelmed as a Queen, she takes on two tribes in the beginning of her rule, knows nothing about either tribe, has been isolated her whole life so knows nothing about the world either, and overall just doesn’t know what shes doing (along side her crippling fear to speak to others about her issues) she finds it to be a very difficult time ruling on her own. Grander is not oblivious to this, and with Jambu’s help they team up to confront Glory with this issue, she is reluctant at first, and slowly but surly begins to agree and accept their help. After a year of rule they decide on a council system once again, Glory steps down from the throne to live as a citizen in both tribes for a while. She was very very against this initially but learns that its the best thing to do and takes it like a champ. For a few months she even works as a sub over at JMA to better understand a leadership role at a smaller degree. Through this shes still has a hand in royal decisions and politics, but shes not the sole head, she comes back to the role of a Queen after a year or two with a better understanding of her citizens and the rest of the world :]]!!
unpopular opinion
She shouldn’t have become queen at all, it wasn’t healthy for her or the Rainwings for her to rule and it would’ve been better for someone else to rule, I dunno who though its a messy situation ah
song I associate with them
San Cristóbal - Mal Blum
He song fits her so well I could analyze every line to fit her if you need me too, if I could animate there would be a PMV about her to that song immediately (I know the song is about a romantic relationship but it would be more about her self isolation from whomever she is interacting with, as she tends to automatically separate herself from others, either thinking shes above them or so different from them its not worth attempting interaction, its a very inserting trait and one I wish was explored more!!! This is not a complaint about her at all this is a fun assessment of her character Glory is so interesting)
favorite picture of them
Legit love this pose, I dunno why this pose makes my brain so happy
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aroaceconfessions · 3 years
Okay this one‘s going to be long and I really apologise for it.
So. I‘m an ace aro who grew up in a immigrant family where things such as sex and romance weren’t really talked about because „we“ wait till marriage. I never really realised i was "missing" something, because of that
Fast forward, I was 14 when I found out about fandoms and comfort characters. My first fandom was Percy Jackson and I remember I had a big crush/squish? On Percy
When I was 17 I found out I was asexual and was okay with it. No real problems, I had my comfort characters (who where 17/18 just like me)
When I was 19 I found out I was aromantic. Now that one was tricky. And I still have issues accepting it because of my family and being seen as a „failure“ just because I don’t want a S.O
My favourite characters were a HUGE comfort and still are. Cause if they don’t have a SO, it’s okay if I don’t have one right?
Now onto my question, cause the background information was important to understand my struggle.
I always grew out of my fav. Characters. Like with Percy Jackson, when I turned 18 I was like, he’s still 16, he doesn’t have the struggles like I have so I got new favs my age.
But the most important thing is: I never liked my faves romantically or sexual. I just loved them and still love them like I do a Family member. So even if I still find comfort in Percy jackson he’s like a brother to me.
I just recently watched encanto and it really hit me (big family, kind of toxic sometimes, all that buzz) and I realised that this Camilo dude was my favourite. (I always had a soft spot for the goofball so it’s no surprise tbh) and I didn’t know his canon age until I googled it. I‘m Honest, I didn’t watch any trailers or anything beforehand so I just assumed he’s some kind of older cousin in his 20s
When I found out he’s 15 I was like, okay, not my usual comfort character because of the age, but well, I still love him like a friend (again, I don’t experience sexual or romantic attraction)
And then I saw many and I say MANY post talking about „these weird ass young adults simping for a literal CHILD and calling him hot and drawing him so weird!! Like wtf if wrong with u???“ ( I def. agree with the hot part and the weird drawings don’t get me wrong! It IS weird!!) but I still feel kind of hurt because I DONT see him in any romantic/ sexual way but I know everyone else will think that i do
And now I genuinely don’t know what to do! Cause now I’m 20 and it’s SO hard to find any characters my age who DONT have a S.O or sex. And this Is a whole new struggle cause with child characters, there rarely is any romantic let alone sexual tension so I prefer to find comfort in them rather than in older people cause they don’t get sexualised you know?
Oh my god I sound like a p*edophile! But I really don’t mean it like that, its just easier to identify with 16/17 year olds cause they don’t have Sex and im Sex repulsed so it just disgusts me
I know I could just read ace/aro books. But first of, I'm in the closet and do not plan on coming out anytime. and second.. it just limits everything. Most of the time the whole struggle of the book is the sexuality of the person. Why can't it hust be a fantasy book without anything? I remeber i read a young adult novel and i was so happy, i was like FUCK YEAH she's 25 I love it! and then BAM! 20 pages of smut. It ruined the whole book and I hate it so much that I feel so disgusted by it. and then again, I read a YA book (16-18) it still feels weird cause i don't really identify with them either? these are literal children and it's just weird.
I'm sorry, I really don't know what I expected myself when i began to write that question, I guess i just wanted to vent.
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
The next dragon age game should be out in the next few years and netflix has a dragon age show coming out (I'm nervous about that tho,knowing Netflix and their habits)
Also: ELDERSCROLLS ONLINE while they dont have as many lgbtq+ elements as the Dragon age series,they are trying. Its been a few years since I did a through play through, but there are many gay men and women in the game,the daedra are sexless entities who chose their own pronouns ( he/him,She/her) and there is an intersex god,though he goes by He/him pronouns, and there's a MtF trans woman in the Summerset Expansion who you go to find for her sister,but her sister didn't know that 1.she was trans and 2.She had used magic to fully transition. And while at first her sister Deadnames her out of shock,once she realizes that she has A Sister and not a brother,they embrace and they sit at the beach to talk to one another because the Cis sister genuinely loves her Trasgender Sister and feels that its time she truly gets to know her.
Honestly I'm so happy that as tome progresses,fantasy games get more and more inclusive and openly so.
Also in dragon age inquisition there are 4 main possible lgbtq romances I'm aware of
Dorian-Gay wizard,his dad tried to use forbidden magic to force him to be strait,when he caught wind of what his dad planned,he left. You can help reconcile the two,and if you're character is male, you can romance him(ive romanced him as a male character cause one of my closeted friends wanted to do so but couldn't risk getting caught,so I romamced him and recorded it for him on my phone at the time,and let him use my phone whenever he wanted,things are much better for him now btw) if you dont romance him,he dates The Iron Bull.
-The Iron Bull: Man or woman he don't care,if your a consenting adult,he will fuck you. I love his pick up line. "Ive picked up on your hints and its obvious you want to...Ride the Bull"(Like YES! YES I DO!)
-Sera: Lesbian mischevious Elf. She has alot of internalized racism to her own people due to childhood trauma but I have a soft spot for her. Shes passionate and while she may see things in Black or White,when she loves someone,she loves deep. Also I love her Tit jokes.
Josephine:Lady Josephine is the eldest child and has many resposabilities. She has great diplomatic skill and empathy. She's a little dense and it takes Liliana (lovingly) threatening you with harm if you harm her for her to realize you like her romantically (you also just gotta plane tell her) you can be either gender. Also you get to duel for her hand in marriage.
Anyway imma try and sleep,gotta doc apt. In the morn but thank u for letting ne ramble!
oof i dont trust netflix in the slightest and imma be he s i t a n t on that part
and honestly so far that sounds incredible!! gjkfdldkjfsd god d a m n so much rep right there, its makin me smile from ear to ear like a doofus <3 and im glad things are better for your friend, it sucks that ur friend couldnt get ‘caught’ like smh get caught what? Get caught loving another human being even IF that being is fictional? but at least things are better for your friend now and it was a v kind thing for you to do to record it for him!!
and HGJFKLDJFGDSL The Iron Bull sounds amazing too and im loving him immensely so just from desc alone rn Sera sounds lovely in her own right tbh- poor girl tho, childhood trauma- not,, not fun- can fuck up a l otta shit- and FUCK YES!!!! DUELING FOR HAND IN MARRIAGE- THATS THE GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! jfgkldfgnjds can you tell i love shit like that??
and got’cha, hope the doc apt goes well!! and no problem!! anytime ya feel like ramblin my inbox is always open!
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