#like i spent TOO much time on this but it was rly fun so....
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"I think this is the most inhuman; and human, that I've ever felt.." MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN A YEAR. IN FIVE YEARS. A DECADE. imagine how much can happen in a century. just ONE (1). How will you grow? what phases do you find? even in 5 years, you will find patterns.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi the suckening#arthur bennett#HEY SO THE REALLY FUNNY THING THAT THE CHARACTER DID THAT SEEMED RLY SILLY N GOOFY IN THE MOMENT?#LIKE THE WHIPLASH BETWEEN SERIOUS N SILLY ALMOST PISSED YOU OFF? WHAT IF I FOUND A WAY TO MAKE YOU SAD ABOUT IT#this was meant to be a scribble that would be a bigger part of a bigger page.might leave it on that page.#but still. bc o that i nearly posted it onto my wacky side blog.BUT NAYY I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME N ENERGY N YOU GOTTA SEE IT#ARTHUR BENNETT DRIVES ME CRAZY. I FEEL LIKE ITS ODD FOR HIM TO BE SO TECHNOLOGICALLY OUT OF TOUCH#WHERE HAS HE BEEN. HAS HE BEEN IN WAR? IS THAT WHERE MAGNUS CAME FROM? WHERE WAS HE WHEN HE WAS WITH EDWARDS CREW?#ARTHURRR I HAVE QUESTIONS ARTTHUUURR!! HEY CAN I ALSO ASK; WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BECOME#DO YOU THINK HE HAD ANY IDEA HE WOULD VEER CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE MONSTER HE DESPISES. ALL BC HE DESERVES IT. OR WATEVER#HE FASCINATES ME SO MUCH. TO LOOK AT THE STONE COLD STOIC FOOL FROM THE START OF THE SHOW#AND TO FIND OUT THAT HE USED TO BE A BAD BOY.. A DELINQUENT... A LIL PRANKSTER.... MY GODDD THATS ADORABLE#I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE.... BUT I DOUBT THE LAST EPISODE IS GONNA ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS..i love arthur bennett so much....#AS FOR THE ART!! i mostly used the fire alpaca watercolor brush. tbh im not a brush guy. anti aliased default pen tends to be my main game#but LATELY IM SQQQUIRMIN OUT OF AN ARTBLOCK so expirimenting like this is helping#DONT LOOK TOO HARD AT IT!! im still proud tho. colors are fun :3 im also very proud of the backgrounds#I LOVE THE CARTOON THING where the background looks all fancy n painted but the characters are solid colors#what else can i ramble abt. OH YEAH. i looked up the bikes to make sure they were time accurate tehehehe. 1913 to 2012.#almost a century apart!! isnt that neat? ALSO FUUUCK CAN I JUST MAKE A QUICK CONFESSION. DOWN HERE IN MY TAGS.#only the strongest can read my tags anwyay. SO I REALIZED WHY I LOVE ARTHUR SO MUCH. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE#while arthur is a Stoic and Cool vampire w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORs#THERE HAPPENS TO BE A ROBOT FROM A BAND W A TITANIUM ALLOY SPINAL COLLUMN#WHOS A Stoic and Cool ROBOT w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORS#the fuckkkiiinnngggnn The Spine from steam powered giraffe. WHATEVER. i cant escape from my heart. i guess.#i think The Spine and Arthur could be friends. Arthur saw the band perform back when they were the Steam Man Band#EDIT: WOOPS I DIDNT REALIZE THIS WOULD END UP IN THE SPG TAG. HI GUYS DIDNT KNOW U WERE STILL ALIVE SORREE 4 THE CROSS CONTAMINATION
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
And now Fernando in all his historical AUs !!
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In order with relevant info: Nandopoleon Alonsoparte(x), King Fernando I(x), Napoleonic Hussar(x)
Again: let me know your favorite <3
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
damn I rly have another 4 weeks of holiday this year huh. I should start making some plans
#well maybe more like 3 weeks bc I wanna keep some to use for long weekends or day trips#but thats still kind of a lot..#my problem is i dont wanna take time off just to stay at home bc I do that most weekends. but im not sure I rly wanna go anywhere either#I dont mind travelling but its very much just a function for me. even when im travelling for fun + not bc I Have to it feels no different#Im v independent but I just dont rly have the adventurers spirit. plus im disabled so going new places alone is so stressful sometimes#ugh I dont wanna let my parents catch wind of how much holiday i have tho bc theyll be like come stay with us for a week!#i will Kill Myself no thanks#theyll probs already get christmas with me and thats an ordeal enough#its the expense as well idk how much its worth it. even if i can afford it like that money couldve gone into so many other things#ahhh.#my flatmate did suggest we go somewhere together but i feel like shes gone off that idea.. ik she doesnt get as much holiday anyway#id feel bad eating into it just so she has to spend more time with me even tho we already live together. nightmarish ik#there are maybe some landscapes id like to see but not alone bc id wanna hike but i dont rly have any friends into that kinda hiking#like i cant rly just fuck off into the mountains for a week by myself the risk is stupid#i dont knooooow. maybe ill just do myself a cornwall trip v early or late summer when kids are in school that might be nice#bc its just trains to get there. and ive spent a lot of time alone there before like it wouldnt be as stressful as a New Place entirely#i wanna do a music festival in the summer too but rly id only need 2 days holiday for that. and again i cant rly go alone#so i need to find ppl to convince to come w me#god i feel so lame for not rly wanting to go on proper holidays. but its never felt worth it to me sorry 😭#blame the childhood trauma or whatever#ill stew on it and maybe ill think of something we'll see. ive got a while yet before id need to book stuff anyway#gotta do some more cleaning today but the sooner i can get it done the sooner i can play elden ring 🙏🙏🙏🙏#.diaries
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Hi gamers guess who's thinking abt unit swap stuff again. Shiho and Saki discussing who would be best fit to play the cast in their musicals knowing full well they're going to assign Honami to the main character like they always do and the Saki will insist on playing the main villain like she always does and then Ichika gets stuck playing every other character while also playing the trumpet like he always does
#rat rambles#sekai posting#unit swap au#shiho initially only does backstage work when it comes to their actual shows but eventually they get talked into taking some on stage roles#also yeah Ive been fleshing them out a bit more but mostly in the concept department as unfortunately there rly isnt much more I can do#without fleshing out wxs too and Im too scared to and also have too few ideas#most of what I've said in the past of each of their general roles in production still holds true but Ive musicalified them#one thing I do want to do with them is have them make more and more connections with the other units as time goes on#so eventually what was initially going to be a 2 person project turns into a whole hord of ppl helping shiho and the gang#this is mostly because of my current vison of unit swap shiho and I think itd be cute to see them be surrounded by so much support#they still mostly insist on only having the 4 of them perform on stage but occasionally rui pops in to help with backstage stuff in shows#shiho is an actual actor in and plenty of folks will show up to help with set design#also fun honami struggling rly hard with acting until eventually it starts to click and suddenly the others keep asking her for advice and#she has absolutely no idea what to tell them because she doesnt even know how she started being able to stand on stage without trembling#let alone how she got to a point where others look up to her acting she just walks on stage blacks out and then wins#the secret is that in the dance club she joined to try to get better endurance minori pushed her into the deep end on accident#you see minori made the club along side airi to basically try to get a better grasp on dancing by teaching it since she had spent most of#her time just learning and practicing by herself and airi was like well maybe a good way to wrap your head around it better would be to#stop bashing your head into the same wall and try changing your perspective with it a bit#or smth like that again still in development stuff#and since minori basically threw herself in the deep end when she was first learning she tried to start similarly with the others#which had mixed results as it meant that they spent a lot longer on parkour than dancing during the first year dvskdhjd#all while minori continued to give everyone else heart attacks every meeting with her messed up cartoon luck#but hey all of this did absolute wonders for honami's physical capabilities and also for her confidence to a degree at least#bad news now saki always tries to write in unecesary action in every scene and shiho has to be like we are not making honami do a backflip#everytime she has a line#also Im sure you could put two and two together by now but yeah saki and shiho write most of the scripts together#ichika usually helps with the music composition and all of them work together to brainstorm and create the set pieces and costumes#they may have like zero budget but they have the power of ✨friendship✨ and also eventually rui#oh yeah and honami plans out most of the choreography with some imput from the others
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fairydustblossom · 8 months
encroaching promises
azriel x reader
summary: based on this request "I would love if you wrote something where Azriel was a dick and he has to GROVEL. (Angst feeds my soul) please and thank you."
category: angst (i just rly love it)
word count: 4.8k
warnings: slightly nsfw in some parts, emotional (not physical) disloyalty ?? maybe ?? kinda ??
notes: umm this was so fun to write! it came to me so fast like I didn't even have to edit it?? hopefully it's good lmao anways i hope you enjoy this @liddyr03, thank you for sending in a request!!
Something had shifted between you and Azriel. It had been a gradual shift, one you had felt coming on for some time- but you could have never expected the reason for the growing distance between you and your mate.
He had been working longer hours, waking up earlier, barely spending any free time with you and you knew the middle Archeron sister had a part in it. You had tried to ignore it, their growing closer. Azriel had taken a liking to her. At first, your heart had warmed at Azriel’s willingness to help. There had not been many opportunities in his life where he could help someone directly, not just in a battlefield or in an interrogation room. You witnessed the impact it had on him, you could feel his inner peace, the way he viewed himself, his self worth improving- and you were proud of him. You really were happy that Azriel was finally seeing himself in a way you had always seen him. You believed in kindness, in helping others, in going above and beyond for someone in need, you had always preached it to Azriel. It had been one of the things that had drawn him to you, seeing in you traits he wanted to possess. But now, it had gone too far. 
You had noticed Elain and Azriel growing closer and closer. You had pushed your wariness aside, opting to be kind to her, hoping to help her in the way Azriel was doing so. Maybe she could be a good friend to you both, you thought. But Elain had not been as welcoming to your helping hand. Instead, she had treated you as she had treated all other fae, like you were a monster, personally responsible for her family's misfortune.
You tried time and time again to be graceful, to brush off her rudeness. You chose to be understanding, to put yourself in her shoes. But still, she treated you poorly. When you would join Azriel in visiting her, you noticed the difference in treatment. How she would look at him, and how she would look at you, like you had something she wanted. 
Eventually, you stopped joining Azriel in his visits, finding it hard to control your feelings of jealousy and not wanting to come across as an irrational possessive mate. He was only helping her get better, you told yourself.
After you stopped going together, you noticed how his visits grew longer and longer. The longer he would be there, the more you would question it. What are they doing? Why is she keeping him there? Is it him that wants to stay longer?
The questions would run through your head until the moment he would walk into your shared chambers. You would lay your eyes upon your tired mate, but you would catch the gleam in his eyes, happy with himself for doing some good for once, and you would push aside all jealousy. How could you ever doubt your mate? The very same male that had worshiped you for years, that had vowed his undying love to you, who was bound to your soul. And so you would welcome him home with open arms, letting him fall to bed, little words spoken of his day.
It kept on like this, for months, till a whole year had passed and you no longer recognized your relationship with Azriel. You barely spoke anymore, going through your established routines around each other in silence. What had once brought you so much comfort, now left you fretting that something had irrevocably changed. You knew next to nothing about what Azriel was thinking, of where he spent his days, although you had a good idea of who he spent them with. You who had once been his closest confidant, wrapped in his arms till late hours of the night, whispering every thought that crossed through your minds to each other. You were barely having any sex. What used to be almost a daily activity, was now a hurried fuck in the dark, taking no time to explore one another's bodies, only looking for a quick release. You hadn’t actually seen your mate’s body in months. Had Azriel finally had enough of yours after all this time?
Elain’s smell had practically been imprinted on him. You never smelled any sex, no, and you thought, no you hoped, that Azriel would never do that. But it hurt all the same when you could smell her on his clothing, for that only happened when a fae was around all the time. 
You had decided to take matters into your own hands. You were waiting for Azriel to come home, wearing his favorite silk slip that you had surprised him with on the night of your mating ceremony. Determination drove you- you would not let him go to bed without first feeling satiated. 
And so you waited, your belly fluttering with parts equal nerves and excitement. You were excited because you knew your mate would melt at the sight of you, and love on you like you were accustomed to. You felt maybe all you and Azriel needed was one night to destress, to reconnect and everything would be back to normal. 
When Azrile came home, his eyes immediately darkened at the sight of you, he recognized the slip you were wearing, images of your mating ceremony flashing through his mind. He was overcome with need for you and it only took a matter of minutes before you were pressed up against the wall, lost in a hungry kiss. You sent all your excitement down the bond and he groaned into the kiss, sending his desire right back. You were elated, nothing pleased you more than the feeling of Azriel against you and feeling the bond thrumming with need.
Azriel was quick to pick you up and carry you to your shared bedroom, tossing you on the bed. You sat up on your knees, wrapping your arms around his neck, wanting to slow this down a bit. You could feel how badly he wanted you, not only through the bond but by the bulge pressing into your flushed bodies. The mother knew you wanted him just as badly, and any other time you would have given into your needs in a desperate attempt to chase the release you were craving. But you wanted to take him in, wanting to drag this out as long as possible, to drink in the sight of his glorious body that your eyes had been deprived of. 
You pressed your forehead against his, willing your breath to calm down. Azriel pulled his head back a bit, brows furrowing slightly and a look of confusion overtaking his eyes, “You alright, love?” a wave of worry flowed down the bond, his hands roamed your body, bringing you comfort and spreading warmth all over. 
You flushed slightly, butterflies erupting in your belly at hearing the pet name. Your ears perked, not having heard the endearment in so many months. Gods, you had missed him. You smiled shyly at him, and gave him a slight nod. Azriel felt his knees buck, so many years later and a single look from you could make him feel like the inexperienced younglin he used to be back at the camps. You looked so so lovely in that slip, the shy look you gave him, eyes shining with love, and the pink tint on your cheeks he had elicited all warmed his heart. He brought a hand up to your face, moving a stray piece of hair behind your ear, resting his hand at the base of your jaw all while staring intently into your eyes. When he saw your cheeks flush a darker red, he gave you a charming grin, amused and delighted by the sudden shyness in you. He loved that he still had that effect on you, as if you were meeting for the first time.
“I’m alright Az, just taking you in” you murmured, your voice sounding like honey to his ears. 
“You can take me in all you want Y/N, I’m all yours to look at” he murmured back, dipping down to place warm loving kisses on your neck. You were delighted by his words, breathing him in deeply, relishing in the smell of his arousal. You felt delirious and giddy all at once, yes, you thought, all mine. Wishing to remind him, you sent the possessiveness you were feeling down the bond, making Azriel growl and nip at your neck more feverishly, marking you as his. He loved when you claimed him just as much as claiming you, feeling lucky to have someone in his life that wanted him as badly as he had always wanted.
The feeling of Azriel’s nipping and sucking your neck urged you on to keep undressing him. Undoing all the clasps you had started unfurling downstairs, you removed the tight fitting top of his leathers. You ran your hands along his arms, taking pleasure in the warmth of his bare skin against your fingertips. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, trailing your gaze up his tattooed arms, to his chest, hands sliding along- when your eyes snagged on something just below his pec and you halted all your movements. Azriel buried in your neck still, stopped as well, feeling you tense up. You pulled back, taking a good look at what your eyes had seen. It was a tattoo. One you hadn’t seen before. 
Your heart sank, hurt overpowering any feeling of desire you had been feeling. The unexpectedness of the moment had left you vulnerable, leaving your side of the bond wide open for Azriel to feel the sudden shift in your emotions. He froze, suddenly panicked at why you were hurting and he pulled back, grasping your arms and holding you at arms length. He tried meeting your eyes, noticing they were locked in on his torso. When he looked down he saw what you were staring at. 
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the rose shaped tattoo resting on his right rib. You didn't know what it meant, but you had a feeling you knew what, or rather who, had been the cause of it. You thought of Elain and her precious garden. You thought of Elain and her treasured white roses. You couldn’t fight the tears that lined your eyes and you moved out of Azriel’s grasp to the other side of the room, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. 
Azriel felt his heart sink at the way you fled his touch, as if he had burned you. He saw the look in your eyes and felt his that his world was crashing down.
“What is that Azriel?” you asked, struggling to conceal the wobble in your voice, not actually wanting to hear the truth you already knew.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, looking down at the tattoo your gaze hadn’t drifted from and then looked back up at you. Forcing himself to look at you, even if it made him feel like the biggest dickhead.
“It’s… It’s a promise” he said, wishing he didn’t have to tell you and see the betrayal in your eyes. He had been avoiding this conversation, feeling disgusted at himself for having made the promise in a lapse of judgment.
He saw the fire ignite in your eyes, anger rising at his answer. You already knew it was a promise, and he was aware you wanted more of an explanation. He only hoped you could forgive him, for he did not know if he could forgive you if it were the other way around. Shame creeped up his spine and he mustered up the courage to confess his mistake. He had barely been able to look at himself since the tattoo had seared itself onto his skin and he had opted to ignore it all together- to pretend it wasn’t there. Azriel had done so much pretending, that the tattoo had been fully forgotten moments earlier when he had welcomed and encouraged you to look upon him.
At your lack of response, he cleared his throat and carried on, praying to the mother in his head, for he knew he was about to hurt you and he would hate himself for having caused you pain, “I made a promise. I-I made a promise to Elain.”
You looked up at him then, and the pain he saw in your eyes made him feel sick to his stomach, knowing he has caused it. “Y/N, I swear I didn’t mean to-”
You cut him off, your voice terrifyingly low “What did you promise her Azriel?” 
His cheeks were red and his body felt hot with shame as he replied, “I promised I would always be there to protect her.” 
His words, uttered barely above a whisper, felt like daggers to your heart. You flinched, unable to conceal the effect they had on you. The tears broke free, you managed to hold in your sobs by biting the inside of your cheeks, but you couldn’t hold back the tears. You were biting so hard you tasted blood, and the world felt like it was spinning. You couldn’t find any words, there was nothing to say. He had promised her something he was supposed to only ever promise you.
“I fucked up. I know I did, I’ve been working out a way to undo it.” He started to plead, taking a few steps to close the distance between you. You stepped away, not letting him get near, barely hearing his words over the rushing sound in your ears. “Rhys and Feyre have been helping me find a way to break it. We actually know how, the same way they broke their deal from under the mountain, we just need Elain to-”
You were done listening to him, his words only adding to the hurt you were feeling. Rhys and Feyre knew your mate had promised his protection to another? Did everyone know? Why hadn’t he told you? 
“Leave” you hissed at him. You didn’t care to hear his excuses, you were done. Never would you have ever spent so much time with another male, never would you have ever made such an intimate promise. 
“What?” he asked. He had been expecting you to react this way, for months he had been mentally preparing himself. But to hear you actually say it still caught him off guard. “Y/N, please, I can expl-”
“Leave” you said again, your voice strengthening with conviction. “Get out of my home, Azriel.” You felt if Azriel stayed any longer you would go mad, and you meant your words. This was not a home anymore, not with him in it. He had bound his soul to another, and kept it from you. If he remained here any longer, you don’t know what you would do. You could feel your power thrumming in your veins, begging for release. 
Azrile looked heartbroken, like a man that had lost everything he cared about in this world. He pleaded with his eyes, pushing everything he was feeling down the bond, hoping you would take back his words. When you only looked away as a response, he knew he had to respect your wishes. It pained him unlike anything else to leave you alone after the damage he had caused but he understood there was nothing he could do at that moment to make it better. He steeled himself, calling all his shadows to him, fighting with the ones that were wrapped around you trying to comfort you, and then he vanished.
You broke down when Azriel left, letting the pain of your failed relationship consume you. The image of the rose tattoo was all you could see behind your eyes and you ran to the bathroom to release the bile that had risen up your throat. You sat there on the floor, picturing all the interactions you had witnessed between Azriel and Elain. You could have prevented this, you couldn’t help but think, if you had only stepped in sooner. If you had only kept that girl away from your mate. If you had only shown her anything other than kindness. You had in a sense, lost your mate to another woman. For how could he spend his days with you when he promised to protect another for the rest of her days?
Azriel knew he had to fix this. He honestly had already been trying to, he wanted nothing more than to be rid of the promise he had made Elain. A promise that she had coerced him into. But to be rid of it, she had to be in agreement. Rhys and Feyre had helped him contact Helion and that is what he had told them. The High Lord of day had also told them it would cause great pain, which Elain had grasped onto in her refusal to break the promise. She argued she had been through enough in the past years to willingly put herself through more pain.
Azriel blamed himself, really. For letting Elain get so close to him, for having been there at her beck and call to the point she expected, no demanded, that treatment from him all the time. He had spent the last few months attempting to convince Elain to go through with breaking the promise. He was doing everything he could for her, hoping if he did enough she would come to her senses and consent to Helion’s spell. 
He kept telling himself she was only holding on to this because she had lost everything else in her life, it made her feel that she was finally in control of something- that she didn’t mean his beloved any harm. But Azriel had come to the realization that whether Elain meant to hurt others or not with her actions- she was being selfish with them. He was devoted to you and he would not let Elain cost him what he prized so dearly in his life. His mate, he kept thinking, he would not lose his mate.
Rhys and Feyre were curled against one another in the living room when Azriel winnowed in, looking distraught, wings drooped, and frantic shadows dispersing around the room- swallowing all light. He dropped down to his knees, tears lining his eyes as he looked up at his High Lord and High Lady. They were instantly alarmed, Rhys dropping to the floor to join his brother while Feyra went to Azriel’s side. Rhys grabbed Azriel’s face in his hands, quickly assessing him for any injuries, he tried peeking into Azriel’s mind and only saw your pained expression. Azriel dropped his head on his brother's shoulder, looking like a fallen angel, and he cried. “Please help me. Please, brother”.
For the next few weeks, you had isolated yourself- putting wards around the house to prevent any of your family from winnowing in. You had felt each of them attempt to come in, to console you, but you refused to let them in.
You couldn’t forgive them, at least not anytime soon, for having kept this from you. You felt embarrassed. You didn’t know how long ago the promise had been made, you didn’t know how long they had known- all the interactions you had with your family since the time Elain came were now painted in a different light in your mind. Had they all thought you a fool? To let your mate get so close to another female, when Elains affections for Azriel had so clearly been written on her face? You couldn’t bear to face them, knowing they had kept this from you. 
You had also distanced yourself because you weren’t sure of what you would do if you came across Elain. Your territorial feelings had only been enhanced and you were scared of what you would do to your High Lady’s older sister if you saw her.
Azriel had tried almost everyday to talk to you, but you remained firm in your decision, refusing to yield to his pleas. You had received countless notes from Rhys, the only one who could get past your wards, and had burned them all. Until the latest one. You had been reading when a note appeared on the page you were on. Unlike the other ones, this one did not come to you unfolded so you had no option but to read the words they said.  “It is done. Azriel is recovering in the infirmary.” The note raised your heartbeat and caused dozens of questions to rise within you. Suddenly Azriel’s absence the past few days made sense. He had been resolute everyday since you had kicked him out in gaining your forgiveness, staying outside the door to your home waiting for the day you would let him back in. He hadn’t pushed or attempted to break through your wards, and you knew he could, he was the spymaster after all; instead, he had patiently waited, accepting his punishment. Every night, for weeks he had waited, until a few days ago, when he had disappeared and hadn’t come back. You figured he had gotten tired, or given up- you were still too hurt to find out why he had left. 
Now, worry filled you. Was he okay? What did Rhys mean by “recovering”? You recalled the time Rhys and Feyre had faked breaking their bond, fooling everyone by breaking the promise they had made instead- you remembered their shouts of pain, and that was the High Lord and the High Lady, the two most powerful fae in all of Prythian. 
You quickly stood up, pacing around the room, trying to decide what to do. Deep down you knew even if you didn’t go right now, adamant in your stubbornness, worry would eat you and thoughts of Azriel would consume you. Acknowledging you wouldn’t be able to go an hour without knowing, you made your decision and winnowed to the infirmary.
When you arrived, the sight of Azriel made you gasp. He looked awful. You could see the stark dark circles under his eyes, his ruffled hair, the pain expression etched on his face even as he slept. He looked thinner too, as if he hadn’t been eating well- he hadn’t, you learned later on, too sick at his own actions to feel any appetite at all.
You rushed to his side, grasping one of his hands, they felt cold, almost lifeless, and you reached deep within to the bond that tethered your soul to his, the bond you had buried deep down within you and ignored for weeks. You sighed with relief when you found it and tugged on it. He was still there you could feel, but the bond was dulled, as if life had been sucked out of it. 
You burst into tears, never having imagined that the beautiful bond you cherished would ever be in such a weak state. This feeling you had feared, the feeling of Azriel fighting for his life, of barely being there overwhelmed you.
You cried for him, for your love, for everything that had happened until your throat felt hoarse and the tears wouldn’t come anymore. You had sat there by his side for hours, squeezing his hand and murmuring his name over and over, tugging at the bleak bond, willing it to go back to normal. 
All night you spent by his side, the sun was now rising over the mountains of Velaris when you felt a hand land on your shoulder. It was firm and gentle- Rhys. You didn’t look up at him, your head pressed against Azriel’s hand, cradled within your own. When your tears had dried you had resorted to praying to the mother, you were convinced if you prayed enough he would be okay and you wouldn’t let anything interrupt the prayers that tumbled out of you. 
“Y/N” Rhys mumbled, sitting down next to you, arm now wrapped around you. “He’s going to be okay.” 
When he realized you would not acknowledge him until you felt satisfied with your orison, Rhys pulled you into a hug, waiting for you to finish. He does not know how long he sat there next to you, only that the sun was now high up in the sky. You slumped against him, still not letting go of Azriel's hand and started crying again. “You knew” he heard you say, and he felt a pang in his chest. He realized now that not only had you been hurt by Azriel, but he had hurt you as well. 
He nodded, “I’m sorry for keeping it from you.” He said “I was only doing what I thought best. I will let Azriel explain everything when he wakes up, I want you to hear it all from him. But just know I am sorry” 
He felt your body shake more violently at the mention of Azriel. “What if he doesn’t wake up?” you asked, voice small and filled with agony. 
“He will, Y/N. He will.” He pulled you away to look in your eyes, making sure you were taking in his words. “Madja and Helion have both guaranteed that he will wake up, his body just needs to heal.” 
You nodded, calming down slightly at his words. “How long has he been here?”
At this, he looked down, embarrassed to tell you he had kept yet another thing from you in hopes that Azriel could go to you himself and tell you he had gotten rid of the promise. “He has been here a few days, I-I didn’t take it would take long for him to wake up. I wanted him to be able to tell you.”
You only nodded, having already guessed as much, piecing together Azriel’s absence outside your door with his unconscious body. Later, you would give Rhys hell for keeping it from you, but currently you had no energy to fight. You leaned into his hug further, needing the comfort he provided and resigned yourself to waiting. 
It took three more days for Azriel to wake up, Rhys had briefly explained that the impact had been greater than it should have been because they had manipulated Elain into consenting to break the promise instead of her going willingly into it. You could feel the anger Rhys felt towards his sister in law as he explained- making sure you understood they had coerced her in a way not too unlike how she had done to Azriel when he made the promise. Your anger towards Azriel had diminished, you still wanted to hear what he had to say, but you were ready to forgive him. All you wanted was for him to wake up.
You were sitting next to Azriel, head nodding off in sleep. After almost four days of little to no  sleep, you were struggling to fight it off. Your eyes had fully shut and you could feel yourself drifting when you felt the hand you were holding twitch.
Immediately you gasped and sat up, watching with wide eyes as Azriel’s eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to battle with himself to wake up and once he finally did you stood up grabbing a cup of water for him. He looked at you with daze eyes and croaked out, “I’m sorry”
Your heart melted, his voice was barely there and you shushed him, raising the cup to his lips, urging him to drink some water. He gulped down the water you offered, pulling back to catch his breath, then he looked at you again, eyes filled with sorrow before he whispered again “I’m so sorry, my love”
You only nodded, too overwhelmed with emotion to form any words. Instead, you pushed everything you were feeling down the bond and in return Azriel poured all of his love. You could feel how sorry he was, his love for you, his sadness. His eyes watered at feeling the bond thrumming again, he had been convinced he would never feel it again and he thanked the mother for blessing him with such an amazing mate.
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he kept mumbling, groggy from his week-long slumber and unable to form any other coherent sentences. 
You shushed him and cradled his face to your body, peppering his face with kisses wanting to convey how grateful you were for your mate. You stayed there, curled up against him the rest of the night, letting him know how much you loved him, your mate, who had risked his life to make things right. 
“I would do it again, for you, I would do anything” he murmured, head tucked in the crook of your neck, before drifting off into sleep again.
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eggluverz · 9 months
Dan Feng's disciple! Reader x Dan Heng IL Synopsis Idea: She tried to stop them from taking him away from her, she really did. But Jingliu and Jing Yuan were quick to stop her. She spent so many nights alone... Until she saw him. The man she loved and would give up her life for. She's not letting him slip away from her this time. Thank you~~❤️
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PAIRING. dan feng x f!reader; dan heng x f!reader
SUMMARY. you were the great imbibitor lunae's disciple. he trusted you with his life and you with his. but when the time came, you weren't able to save him. what happens when you run into his reincarnation years down the line?
SOF'S NOTE. i had so much fun writing this!! i wrote it 2 days ago now but i just haven't had the time to post it t-t but i'm finally moved into my new place and managed to squeeze this post in <3 i rly rly enjoyed writing this so i hope y'all enjoy reading!! and special ty to the anon who requested this!! ^-^
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The art of cloudhymn magic was difficult to master. Even as a high elder yourself, there were intricacies you could not figure out on your own. But you trained daily, practiced in seclusion, and read all the books passed down from the most renowned masters. 
Each day, your knowledge grew. Your natural talents aided you in perfecting your own personalized form of cloudhymn magic.
Still, Dan Feng noticed flaws in your execution. Movements that should be more precise, patterns that should flow more intricately. You noticed him silently watching you on the vast training grounds. He wasn’t much older than you, yet his magic was already intricately refined— The makings of a leader to the Vidyadharas.
He saw great power within you, he told you in passing as he took you under his wing. There was much you could gain from him, he promised. 
Years went by as you studied under Dan Feng. He has many supporters and people who looked up to him, but he only allowed you as his disciple. You were the only one who could rightfully address him as master. 
As he grew in his status as a member of the High Cloud Quintet and later the Imbibitor Lunae, you too grew in your mastery of cloudhymn magic. You were able to learn Dan Feng’s signature combat skill of deflecting iron, making arrows of most enemies fall flat at your feet. But your skill shined in the illusions you were able to create. Not even the Imbibitor Lunae was as skilled in that art as you. 
Your power grew and as such, Dan Feng recognized you as more of an equal than a disciple. Out of respect for all the teachings he imparted on you, you still called him master. There was no way you would reach your level of strength in this short amount of time without someone like him fostering your talents.
Along the way, you found yourself viewing him as more than your master. When he began treating you as someone who matched his power rather than someone with much to learn, you were able to feel confident in all your abilities.
One late night, Dan Feng took you to his sacred training grounds for a sparring session. He had just returned from a stressful battle and while the casualties were low, they were more than he felt comfortable with. 
“If anything happens to me, at least I will know the Vidyadhara will be in good hands,” Dan Feng commended as you blocked the tip of his spear from grazing the base of your neck. 
You quickly shifted your gears from defending to attacking, knowing if you let Dan Feng get too many attacks in, he would be almost unstoppable. Spinning your spear in your hands, you imbued the weapon with water and launched it directly at your master’s chest. 
A normal man would have fallen dead before even realizing you attacked him, but not the Imbibitor Lunae. He sidestepped, the scene appearing like a mirage due to his speed. 
“Nothing is going to happen to you, master,” you scoffed. “You’re the strongest Vidyadhara alive. Not even I could defeat you in battle.”
He hummed, tapping his spear to the back of your neck, signaling you lost this spar. “Battle is not the only way someone can fall.”
Wiping a bead of sweat off your forehead, you sighed, sauntering away from him and back inside his living quarters. “Continuously speaking of your self-proclaimed inevitable downfall is unbecoming of you, master. What would the people think of a disciple who follows someone without faith in his own ability to live?” 
Dan Feng chuckled softly. “A pitiful disciple, is what outsiders would say.” You nodded and he stopped you in your tracks, running his index finger against your jaw. His fingernail dug into the bottom of your chin to lift your head until your burning gaze met his sharp one. “But we never cared much about what outsiders think, did we?” 
You placed your palm against his chest, feeling the detailed fabric of his garments. They were thick yet light, a sign of great craftsmanship that only the highest of elders could afford. You allowed your hands to roam along his body before Dan Feng grabbed your wrist, his long fingers wrapping easily around its circumference. 
He smirked. “Wait until we’re indoors, my beloved.” 
“Yes, master,” you complied with a roll of your eyes before releasing the front of his outwear. You held complete respect for the Imbibitor Lunae, and you revered him as such. But those moments when it was just you and Dan Feng—just you and your partner—you weren’t one to shy away from meeting his biting remarks. 
This night, like many, led to moments of passion on the silken sheets draped over Dan Feng’s mattress. It was a mixture of love, respect, and the intense craving for more. 
Your master, the Imbibitor Lunae, a member of the High Cloud Quintet— Dan Feng was many things. But most importantly, he was yours. 
Until he wasn’t. 
No good thing was meant to last, Dan Feng once said during an endless night of reflection as he laid in bed beside you. Friendships, relationships, entire civilizations, built to be destroyed from the start. 
No good thing was meant to last. But he would fight his damned hardest to ensure they did. 
And for once, his hardest wasn’t enough. 
It was the middle of the night when your living quarters were barged into. You woke with a start and noticed Dan Feng quickly wrapping your robes around your naked body. 
The noises weren’t at the bedroom yet; you heard the thuds from outside and you immediately called for your strongest weapon. Noticing even the slightest of your movements, Dan Feng softly placed his hand on top of yours. Almost imperceptibly, he shook his head. 
Your eyes widened, wanting to ask what he could’ve possibly been thinking. There was a large group of men outside with hostile intent, did he not want to protect himself from an attack? 
“I am going to see what they need,” he said calmly, pulling you into his arms and leaving a kiss on your forehead. “Please, stay here for me.”
A few members of the High Cloud Quintet—Dan Feng’s closest friends that easily became yours as well—were staying at the guest chambers at the Imbibitor Lunae’s invitation. At the commotion outside, Jingliu came in with a groggy look on her face, tired from being woken up, but not an ounce of surprise in her. 
Dan Feng nodded to her and a silent Jing Yuan that filed in behind her. “Jingliu, Jing Yuan… Make sure she stays out of harm’s way.”
“Of course,” promised Jing Yuan, a soft smile painting his lips despite the sad look in his eyes. 
As he spoke, the doors to the bedroom burst open, a trio of Vidyadhara Preceptors breaking down the defenses you and Dan Feng had set. Your spear was in your hand in an instant and you tightened the knot on your robe with your other hand. 
Dan Feng stood straight in high alert, though his expression remained as one of nonchalance and arrogance. “Can I help you?”
Without a single moment spared for niceties, the Cloud Knights charged in to grab the Imbibitor Lunae. The Preceptors sent chains of rope instead of metal to wrap around Dan Feng. Your eyes blazed as you immediately called upon your cloudhymn magic. Water danced around your spear in sharp droplets, and you pointed it directly at the Head Preceptor. 
He narrowed his eyes in your direction. “Stand down, or you will face the same punishment.” 
“That’s only if you can beat us,” you laughed with disdain. Despite the big group, you were certain you and Den Feng had the ability to hold them off together. 
“Don’t,” Jingliu called out, gently placing her hand on your shoulder. “We can’t help him anymore, Y/N. Not after what he did. Don’t get hurt in the crossfire.” 
You knew what Dan Feng had done. For Yingxing. And you both knew the crime he would have to commit to help his best friend, but you never imagined the punishment would be so severe. A crowd of Cloud Knights and even a group of the Vidyadhara Preceptors here, together, all to subdue the Imbibitor Lunae. 
But it didn’t matter the crimes he committed or the consequences he may have incited through his actions. None of it mattered because he was your Dan Feng. Your master and your lover who you would protect with your entire life. 
Unfortunately, Dan Feng seemed to know that, having gotten Jingliu and Jing Yuan here to hold you back.
Before you could move, Jing Yuan held your arm back and prevented you from using your spear. Your eyes widened in shock. 
“Jing Yuan…?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s too late for Dan Feng, but not for you.”
The Cloud Guards briefly turned their attention towards you and the members of the High Cloud Quintet. Their swords raised as they noticed the fire in your eyes. 
Dan Feng snarled when he saw their focus on you. “If you hurt her, you will all pay,” he warned, his voice a low growl that would’ve made an ordinary man quiver. He began to move his arms in a way that could only be described as the start of a cloudhymn spell and in an instant, all eyes were on him. The ropes tightened, restricting his movement in a way that caused immense pain. 
“I love you,” were Dan Feng’s last words as he was forced out of his own estate. “Take care of yourself, my beloved.”
“Why do you speak as if you’re going to be gone?” you cried, refusing to believe someone as strong as your master could be subdued even by a group as large as this. “I’ll come get you—!”
You felt the sharp point of a sword on your neck as you summoned your spear. The nick was only a warning, but it was enough to draw blood. Your eyes widened and you stilled under the mercy of Jingliu’s weapon. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “You cannot.”
Feeling helpless and pathetic, all you could do was fight to not lose consciousness as Jingliu swiftly knocked you out. 
Your eyes drifted open and shut, your hand that was wrapped around your spear instantly loosened and the weapon that contained so much power fell at your side like a dull needle. 
The next time you woke, you were at your own residence. You had left this place to have a sanctuary with Dan Feng. Your sanctuary that was invaded, attacked, and taken from you. 
You went back on forth between two states of mind. One was complete and utter numbness at the loss you suffered. The other was uncontrollable pain and sadness. 
You spent your days and nights crying, refusing to see a single soul. You turned your meals away even when your loved ones begged you to take a bite. There was a hole in your heart at the thought of your master’s punishment. 
In your eyes, Dan Feng’s own best friends betrayed him, betrayed you. And after that night, you knew you would never want to be in contact with any of them again. 
To save a life, to save a friend who no longer regarded Dan Feng in the same light… You never could have imagined the punishment would be forced reincarnation. 
Uncontrollable sobs racked through your body, throat hoarse from the amount of crying you’ve done for weeks straight. It wasn’t only forced reincarnation, but also torture and imprisonment you knew he was facing. 
You had the strongest Vidyadhara alive as a master, yet you failed to learn enough to save him. When it mattered most, you couldn’t help.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. Those thoughts ate you alive before you were able to finally continue on with your life. 
You were no longer a Xianzhou resident. You refused the help the Vidyadhara with any advances in medicine and combat, keeping any profound knowledge of cloudhymn magic that Dan Feng shared only with you to yourself. The Preceptors couldn’t be trusted with anymore power. They had made themselves and enemy to you. As did the Cloud Knights, and inadvertently, the Cloud Knight General himself. 
Still, you tried not to let the hatred consume you. Vengeance would only breed insanity. Your mind would be consumed with sorrow and pain and you would never be able to heal. 
Dan Feng wouldn’t want that. 
You had to continue to live, for the both of you. 
Using your privilege as a Vidyadhara, you were able to travel around to different planets with relative ease. There were so many things to experience, such beautiful things to see—when you weren’t tangled in constant politics and battles. Your only wish was that Dan Feng was here to explore the universe with you. 
There were places where he didn’t need to have the pressure of the world on his shoulders. He wouldn’t be Imbibitor Lunae. He wouldn’t be a member of the famous High Cloud Quintet. Instead, he would just be Dan Feng, and you would get to explore the world as such. 
You wondered if his transition into the modern world would have been as smooth as yours. As you reminisced about your past, a nostalgic smile formed on your face. 
As you walked around this new city, you stared up at the flurries of pink and purple in the sky. The scenery was amazing here. With vast bodies of water and a bustling area of commerce and entertainment on the shorelines, you couldn’t help but look around in awe. Amidst your sightseeing, you felt yourself run into someone, dropping the map you held in your hands. 
“Oh!” you gasped in surprise. “I wasn’t looking at where I was going. I apologize.” 
“I wasn’t looking either,” the stranger said in response, picking the paper map up for you before the wind could sweep it away. “Here you go.”
As he handed you your belongings, you finally managed to get a good look at his face. Surprised by what you saw—what you felt—you accidentally dropped the map once more. 
The man gaped at you before hesitantly reaching down to pick up your map once more. This time, he held it instead of giving it back.
“Would you like your map back?” he asked slowly, this expression unsure.
The memories of the past slammed into you as you looked into his turquoise eyes. The bright green burned into yours. This man in front of you did not have the characteristics of a Vidyadhara. He did not don horns, a tail, or sharp ears like he once did. But there was no doubt in your mind— This was Dan Feng. At least, the person that emerged from Dan Feng’s forced reincarnation.
Tears started flowing down your face as you wondered what to say. Should you even say anything? You didn’t want to lose him again, but you wondered if the man in front of you would even want to get to know you. Dan Feng was a high elder, a powerful one at that. This man must’ve had some dreams about his past life— What if they were bad? What if they were all of the punishment? The crime? What if no part of him remembered you?
As you stood there, stuck in your thoughts, you noticed the stranger staring at the horns on top of your head. Then, at your tears. 
Without saying a word, he seemed to understand. “I’m not him.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you felt choked up. You knew that. Of course a reincarnation wouldn’t be your Dan Feng. But would it be close enough? 
Shaking your head, you scolded yourself internally. This man is not Dan Feng, he said so himself. And it would be twisted to project the qualities of your lover onto him without even getting the chance to know him.
“I know,” you said sadly, a disdainful smile on your face. “I just…sensed some of him in you.”
He nodded, a guarded look on his face despite the tilt of curiosity from his neck.“What were you to him?”
You smiled sadly, clutching the map in your hands and relaxing again. “His disciple. A close friend,” you said. You gazed into his eyes with an unwavering look. “His partner.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
He hesitated for a moment, looking around the area. You were at the beachside with patches of sand, grass, and pavement lining the ground. “Would you like to sit somewhere and talk?”
Deciding it would be rather tiring for you to stand and talk all day, you agreed with his suggestion. Silently, you walked over to the sand with Dan Feng’s reincarnation in tow and took a seat. The ground was warm and soft as you ran your fingers through the rocky granules.
As you watched the waves crash against the shore, you felt your body relax. Cloudhymn magic often   well with the element, and you found you had a natural affinity towards it yourself. 
After a few moments passed, you figured that, since he wasn’t Dan Feng, it would be rather rude of you not to introduce yourself. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
He gazed out into the water before turning his head to you. “Dan Heng.”
Although you attempted to hide your amused grin, you felt the corners of your mouth lifting upwards. “Creative.”
He shrugged, fighting off a smile of his own.
“So, Dan Heng… Do you remember anything about your past life?”
“Some things,” he admitted, resting a palm on the sand behind his back. “None of them are good.”
You frowned. There was no doubt you blamed the Preceptors for that. Dan Feng lived years and years of life, love, and even sorrow. But for his reincarnation to only know him as something negative? That didn’t sit well with you. 
“Although, I have to wonder,” he continued, gazing at you with an inquisitive look in his eyes, “if he was capable of love and partnership, could he be more than the arrogant criminal my memories have painted him out to be?”
You softened. Any hatred he felt towards Dan Feng wasn’t his fault. And he was certainly struggling as Dan Feng’s reincarnation. 
“He was certainly more than a criminal,” you promised. “More than the Imbibitor Lunae, even. Dan Feng was a real person who experiences emotions and feelings, like any other.” 
Dan Heng’s brows furrowed, but he said nothing. 
“If you want to learn more about him, I’ll always be here for you to ask.”
“And if I don’t?” 
You smiled sadly. “As much as that pains me, it’s your right. Each Vidyadhara can choose how much of their past they want to remember or embrace— Or if they want to start anew completely.”
“I do.”
A long exhale escaped your mouth as thoughts of your past filled your memories. You made no mistake— The man in front of you was not Dan Feng. Dan Feng was deceased, and holding on to any hope would only be futile and lead to more main. 
Instead, the man in front of you was Dan Heng, a reincarnation of Dan Feng. A Vidyadhara who deliberately chose to not incorporate his past life into his current. And that was okay.
“I am remorseful,” you admitted. Dan Heng nodded in understanding. “However, I am comforted knowing his reincarnation is here, and he looks happy. Dan Feng would be happy for you.”
He laughed quietly. “I find that hard to believe.”
You gave him a look. “You don’t know him like I do.” 
“Yes, you’re right.” 
Dan Heng sighed in contemplation, conflict evident in his expression. You weren’t sure what exactly what he was thinking, but you sensed deep turmoil within him. It was only natural, you assumed, after something he had such conviction for was shaken at its very foundation. 
“Do you want to board the Astral Express with me?” he asked hesitantly. 
You blinked at the sudden question. “Pardon?”
“Sorry,” said Dan Heng, clearing his throat. “That was impulsive.” He paused before continuing. “From talking to you, I gathered that maybe you’re being held back by your past, too.”
Your eyes widened in surprised. You didn’t except him to be so blunt. Perhaps he had some similarities to Dan Feng after all. 
“If you’re lost or want a place to call home, maybe you can pay it a visit,” he offered nonchalantly. “We travel the universe and occasionally assist some planets. I have a feeling you’d like it.”
The Astral Express? You wondered how a place like that would be. For so long, you’ve been traveling alone, avoiding the Xianzhou and even some Vidyadhara who might know of your existence as Dan Feng’s disciple and lover. 
A part of you longed for a social connection again— A place to belong. 
After some thinking, you asked, “Do you want me there?” 
“Yes— As Dan Heng though,” he reminded firmly. “Not Dan Feng.”
You laughed in amusement. “Good. I’m interested in getting to know your new life, Dan Heng,” you said, extending your hand out for him to shake. “Thank you for inviting me in.”
He took it gently, his hand lingering on yours even after the handshake was over. “Maybe you can tell me more about Dan Feng once we arrive at the Express. The parts that aren’t so bad.”
The look on his face told you he was genuine. You smiled. “I’d love that.”
Understanding passed between the two of you as you sat there in contentment. The wind whirled around you and the steady sound of the waves soothed your soul. 
“I want to learn about Dan Feng’s life,” concluded Dan Heng, unwavering. “Still, I think it is best if we look forward to making new memories of our own more.”
You nodded in quiet agreement, eyes never leaving his. 
The past was something you held near and dear to your heart. Dan Feng was someone you would always love and respect. But perhaps the future would have more in store for you, if you only allowed it. 
And as Dan Heng smiled his small smile and offered you a hand up from the sand, you thought, This time, you would. 
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cyberpxnk · 1 year
jealous | song mingi (2/2)
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♡  part one
(can be read standalone.)
♡ pairing: mingi x fem! reader (afab) ♡ chapters: 2 out of 2 ♡ word count: 4.3k ♡ rating: mature/18+ (minors dni) ♡ genre: pwp, smut, established relationship 
♡ synopsis: Nothing could have prepared you for the ray of pink that was Song Mingi when you walked through the door at that moment. 
♡ warnings/tags: idol! mingi, pink! mingi, brief mentions of ateez, san + woo being lil shits, shameless smut, jealous behavior, possessive behavior, cock warming, slight somnophilia, pussy eating/cunnilingus, biting, hair pulling, minor overstim, size kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, name calling, breeding kink if u squint, creampie
♡ author’s note: 
kinda proof read but again, not rly... hehe :3
howdy again, friends! here is the conclusion to jealous. i hope you all enjoy as much as the first chapter! :3 i had a lot of fun writing this one. seeing all the support has really been encouraging!!
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When you step into the stylist's corner that evening, you aren't sure what to expect after overhearing the boy's discussions the previous night. Amidst themselves they chatted animatedly about the possibility of different colored hair. Their rush of words only left you with an undying curiosity as to what you would see today in the hair salon. Unfortunately, none of them seemed too keen on sharing with you, even after your insistent probing.
The time they spent with neutral tones was surprisingly short and they were all too soon being ushered back to the stylists for their new looks. If you had a say, you would have easily protested the idea — given how much you loved Mingi with natural looking hair… but alas.
And sure, most of them had practically gone through the entire rainbow at that point but nothing could have prepared you for the ray of pink that was Song Mingi when you walked through the door at that moment.
Eyes wide with surprise and bewilderment, you're bouncing over to the tall man, practically gushing and cooing as you take in his new appearance. His hair is shorter now, shorter than you've ever seen. The wisps that previously framed his handsome and sharp features are nothing but choppy and sporadic.
"Wow," is all that you can utter as your fingers card through his freshly dyed locks. A low hum of approval comes from him. You stand behind him, staring at him through the mirror he sits before. In the reflection, he's meeting your bright eyes as he beams with a newfound radiance, noting how smitten you seemed.
"Do you like it, babe?" Mingi preens, leaning into your gentle affections as you're stroking his scalp lovingly.
"You look... Uh. Wow." A deep laugh rumbles from his large frame upon hearing your lack of words.
"I look hot, huh?" Pursing your lips, you choose not to reply as you catch the teasing hint behind his words. His statement shakes you from your charmed stupor, as if you're just now remembering how your lovable boyfriend is also oh so insufferable.
"What about meeee~? Do I look good?" You ignore San's whine in the background.
Grasping a fistful of Mingi's hair, you give a playful tug and he lets out a pained noise of complaint.
"Ow! Sorry, sorry… You know I’m just joking."
"You're so annoying, Min." Smoothing out his rosy tufts, you pat his head once and step away to observe some of the others as they're scattered about the salon.
Only a few of the members are in today, most of them having opted to keep their more natural styles. Upon further inspection, you note that only Mingi, Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung are present.
The captain's head is tipping back and forth as he's snoozing peacefully within his chair. You can see they're still lifting his hair, him having fallen asleep as the light color processes. You smile. It would definitely look good once finished.
Not wanting to disturb his beauty sleep, you sneak around him and weave your way toward San and Wooyoung.
Akin to the devil himself San has his teeth bared in the widest grin, dimple showing as he tilts his head toward you, beckoning for you to pet him just as you did with Mingi.
"San, why are even you here? They didn't do anything to your hair."
"It's just a little styling and trimming. See!" The man kicks off the ground and swivels in his chair, spinning a bit to show himself off from all angles. You can't really tell any difference. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at him and snicker alongside Wooyoung as you both ignore his antics.
"It looks good, right? I'm so handsome, right?" San knits his eyebrows together and juts out his lips, offering you his signature pouty face.
"Right, right?"
"Yes, yes. You're so handsome, Sannie. So handsome with your silly little trim."  Though the sarcasm of your statements are blatantly obvious, he has never seemed more pleased. So pleased in fact, that he grasps your hand and places it atop his head before he begins nuzzling into your palm. He really did have some cat like tendencies.
You let out an exasperated sigh and open your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by your lover.
"Dude! Get your own girlfriend!" Having witnessed the entire charade from his corner, Mingi is on his feet now and you swear you can see steam coming from his ears. You know San's jokes are mostly for shits and giggles, but you do feel a little bad seeing your boyfriend so riled up.
It was only a few weeks ago you had your asses chewed out by management after what you and San planned. Not to mention Hongjoong was on his last nerve and would definitely limit your visitations if you pulled another stunt like that.
Despite knowing the repercussions, San chooses to ignore the rapper as he grins, hand cupped over his mouth while he's leaning over to his partner in crime, whispering to the other.
"Watch him wake up Captain and get into deep shit again." They both snicker.
"Aw, is the big pink princess jealous?" Shooting a look of warning to the pair, you rush over to Mingi.
"San, you directly contributed to our ‘deep shit,’ so I don't wanna hear it!" Stepping closer to the fuming giant, you run your hands along his arms, trying to soothe his anger. His own limbs immediately wind around your waist, pulling you against his solid chest protectively.
"He's just messing with you again, baby."
"I know," he says through grit teeth.
"I'll make it up to you tonight," you murmur into his ear softly, giving his lobe a gentle nip. Upon hearing your words, his eyes darkened considerably. He squeezes you once.
Thankfully, this seems to pacify his temper as he settles down, allowing you to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"You better."  Without another word, the man returns to his seat. The tension visibly falls from his shoulders, a pleased smile stretching across his features at the thought of your promise for later.
Unfortunately, you're left to deal with San's taunting again once Mingi comfortably slouches into his chair, ignoring everyone as he begins to play around with his phone.
"I'll make it up to you later," San parrots in a sickeningly sweet tone.
"You better." Wooyoung follows his mimicry and the pair burst into an obnoxious fit of giggles. Woo's laughter raises an octave higher as they're both slapping each other around and squirming hilariously in their chairs, making kissy faces.
Two grown ass men. You shake your head and sigh.
The commotion causes Hongjoong to stir. The smaller man rouses from his sleep, rubbing his eyes tiredly as his bleary glare lands on the troublesome duo.
"You two are so loud. You think I would be used to it by now."
Everyone falls silent when they finally realize their captain has awoken. His sleepy gaze sweeps over the room, eyebrows cocking up in surprise when he notes that Mingi seems to be the most behaved of the bunch. That was not typical, but he wouldn't dwell on it.  There's a curt nod in your direction, as if he’s giving you kudos for trying to keep the boys in line.
"Behave, kids."  Hongjoong leaves them a single warning, too tired to chastise them as his droopy eyes fall shut, the drowsiness overtaking him once more.
The bickering has died down now and everyone is left to their own muses, the previous playful encounters momentarily forgotten as a comfortable silence overtakes the room.
Another half hour passes by in a breeze and it's not long before you're all filing back into a company van to return home. Shuffling between each member, you're quick to buckle into your seat beside Mingi and no sooner is the vehicle veering out of the driveway toward the direction of the dorms.  
As the van takes off the street lights fade in passing, blurring beneath the night sky. The sight has your eyelids growing heavy, suddenly feeling a bit exhausted from your day's events. You don't seem to realize how tired you are until your cheek falls on your lover's broad shoulder.
Blinking at the sudden weight on him, Mingi turns slightly to look at you before a fond smile overtakes his face once he sees you dozing off. A warmth spreads within his chest as he takes in your delicate features, cooing lovingly before he presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Sleep tight, baby."
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The first time you awake that night you don't register the feeling of his lips trailing along your shoulder. Groggily opening your eyes, you're met with mostly darkness, only a sliver of the moonlight peeking from the window. You can feel the springs of a mattress beneath you and the familiarity of Mingi's lean body pressed to your back. Like most nights, he holds you from behind, effectively caging you in his arms.
Though you don't recall the man carrying you from the car to the dorm, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. This wasn't the first occasion where you had knocked out on the ride home. Mingi was all too used to hauling your ass back to his room and readying you for bed — which mostly just consisted of him stripping you to your undergarments and tucking you in.
With your current state of undress, the man beside you feels particularly restless. He fidgets once, then twice. You squeeze his arm gently and that's all it takes for his curious hands to begin roaming upon your bare skin, ghosting along your hips and stomach before he's cupping one of your breasts to fondle between his palm, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
A quiet and tired whine falls from your lips and you're soon shifting against the bed, your panty clad ass brushing against him. Feeling your movements he involuntarily bucks against you and even through the fabric of delicates separating you, you feel the weight of his half hard cock against your backside.  
His lips find purchase on your neck once more, eager to paint a pattern of his love bites on the skin. There are fading marks from days prior and he's readily retracing over the hickeys with teeth and tongue. The thrill of showing others his claim was simply his favorite.
Despite the desire that throbs between your thighs, you find yourself too drowsy to reciprocate, only just barely grinding yourself against him as he continues to grope at your body and rut against you.
"Fuck," he curses between wet kisses along your nape.
There is an air of impatience in his actions and he's hurriedly fumbling around with his boxers, freeing his erection from its confines. It slaps up against one of your cheeks and you can feel his precum leaking through your underwear.
Mingi is unable to help himself as he pulls your panties to one side, lining himself along your slit before he's slowly sheathing his thick cock past your walls, already wet and coated with your arousal. Even in your dazed state, you feel a surprised moan bubbling from your throat as you begin to clutch onto the bed sheets when your cunt stretches deliciously around him to accommodate his size.
Consumed by the feeling of your walls clenching around him, a pleased growl spills from your lover's lips. The grip he has on your waist returns and soon he's bottoming out within you, pelvic bone flush to your ass as he's relishing the heat that hugs his length so tightly.
Gods, your pussy felt like the heavens to him. Mingi knew he could come then and there if he lacked any self control. The position which you both lay presents him with a different angle to fuck you, dragging against your cunt in a way that has his length throbbing within you. His eyes nearly roll back at the feeling.
Though he's enraptured in a state of pleasure, he doesn't budge against you, only breathing heavily against your neck as his fingers stroke circles into your hips. Normally, there is an encouraging noise or movement from you after you adjust to his size, but the silence that follows has his concerns raising slightly.
It's only several seconds later that Mingi hears the sound of your light snoring. Unbelievable... With you having fallen back to sleep he resigns in defeat and hugs you closer to him, closing his eyes as he tries to follow suit, his hard cock still stuffed within you.
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The second time you wake up, it's still dark within the room but the beginnings of sun rising glimmer past the window curtains. Huh? You find your body is feeling unusually hot and you're panting softly, eyes heavily lidded.
Drowsiness still overpowers you as you’re blindly reaching around for Mingi. His body has since disappeared from your side and only now do you register the feeling of his weight against your legs.
A scratchy moan rips from your throat when you glance down. You're met with the sight of pink hair disappearing between your thighs and it sends a tremor of arousal through you, shaking you awake. The two of you had discussed this scenario many times prior, but you were beyond thrilled to finally have it happen.
“M-Mingi?” Your throat is hoarse and dry, though you don't know if it's from having just woken up or from seeing the sinful sight of your lover languidly lapping at your pussy. You’re unsure of how long he's been awake, but the mess that has accumulated beneath you was evidence enough — fluids having trailed down from your heat, seeping into the bedsheets.
The man hums in acknowledgement, his tongue delving past your dripping folds as he hungrily begins to eat you out. Now that you were awake, he wouldn’t hold back. His mouth moves with fervor, tongue swiping along your cunt as he greedily drinks in your juices.
“You said you would make it up to me.” Between kissing your clit and dragging the flat of his tongue against your wetness, he rumbles deeply against you. He just barely lifts his head and meets your stare with a heated look, pupils blown wide, the desire and want evidently swirling within his lustful eyes.
When he nudges his nose against your clit, your legs tremble, closing slightly as they tighten around his head, earning a pleased and muffled noise from him. Your hand finds its way down to his head as you begin to buck into his face, fingers gripping at the rosy locks.
His own hands palm at the globes of your ass, cupping each cheek fully as he lifts your pussy closer to his face. Mingi is ravenous as he eats you out. His mouth traces over every inch of your cunt, tongue sloppily laving against your folds, his actions akin to a starved man.
At this point, you're wide awake and squirming with pleasure. With his grip holding you up, your back arches off the mattress and no sooner you’re driving your hips into his face, shamelessly bucking against his mouth. He’s diving into you with reckless abandon and it's only when you feel his lips latching onto your sensitive bundle of nerves that you're turning your head to muffle your cries into the pillow under you.
Knowing how vocal you were, you had to keep quiet as the boys could wake at any moment. You couldn't risk getting in trouble again. Even so, your face is pressed to the pillow and you're biting the fabric of the pillow case as you're fisting Mingi’s hair. You can barely contain the lewd noises that Mingi elicits from you.
The muffled sounds that come from you grow increasingly louder when you feel him circling your clit with his tongue. The way he alternates between licking and sucking you has you seeing stars, your eyes rolling back in pleasure.
When your thighs finally begin to shake in his grasp, he knows you're close. Mingi’s mouth doesn't leave your clit even as you're grinding harder into his face. Swiftly one of his hands dips between your legs, two fingers fucking into you as he drives you to your orgasm. The combined stimulus pushes you over the edge and you’re cumming hard on his face.
You sob into the pillow, writhing wildly as your fluids spill from your pussy onto his face. His mouth finally leaves your swollen clit as he savors the taste of your release, groaning into your cunt while he begins to tongue fuck you once more. The taste of your essence is sweet, irresistible; and only for him to have.
When Mingi has finally had enough, you're already nearing your second orgasm. You’re breathing hard and trying to recover as the waves of pleasure roll through your body.  The man lifts his head from your legs and you swallow thickly at the sight of him.
There is still a carnal hunger that glitters beneath his stare. Your eyes trace the angles of his face, following down the curve of his nose until they land on his mouth, watching as his tongue darts out to lick some remnants of your juices from his lips. Even in the dark, you can see the way your own release glistens on his cheeks and chin.
The look he gives you has a wave of arousal pooling in your belly, burning so hot that you're already locking your legs around his torso. Mingi roughly cleans his face with one arm and wipes it onto his bedsheets.  
You’re about to protest, but the complaint dies in your throat as he begins to leave a trail of wet kisses up your body. He starts below your navel and ghosts past your ribs next. Similarly, his large hands stroke up to your legs as he holds them in place.
As he moves up your body, your pussy drags along the ripples of his muscles, leaving a line of your wetness down his abs. He begins grazing past your nipples and he teases along the slopes of your breasts before he reaches your lips. His mouth connects to yours, all too eager to taste you. Now that your bodies are level to each other, your thighs naturally rest around his waist.
From this position you can feel the weight of his thick cock laying heavily against your messy cunt, his length coated with your slick arousal. Grinding against each other, the friction between your loins has you both gasping out between kisses. His tongue finds yours all too easily, labored breaths against each other’s mouths.
When he parts from you, there is a string of saliva that stretches between you. After your first orgasm, you already looked so fucked out laying beneath him. Your breasts are heaving with each gasp of pleasure and your hips wiggle against his impatiently. He groans at the sight, cock twitching.
“Think you can take more, doll?”
“Please, Mingi…” Under his gaze, you're trembling with want and need. Mingi loves when he hears your pathetic whines laden with desire, especially with the way your voice goes up a pitch when you're desperate to have him filling you.
“Baby girl wants to be stuffed with my big dick, yeah?” A taunting smirk overtakes his features.
“Mingi, need you inside me. Please…”  You squirm beneath him, pressing yourself closer to his body, flush to the shaft of his aching erection.
“Love how you beg for me every night. You're such a slut for me, with the way your tight little cunt molds so well around my cock.”
The deep treble of his voice has you moaning softly, your body heating up from the dirty words that escape him. He feels the way you gush more fluids onto his length, growing more wet as he praises you.  
“Be a good girl and take my big cock, mmm?”
As the last word falls from his lips, he’s sinking himself into your dripping hole. Mingi is slow and calculated, enjoying the drag along your folds as you begin to stretch around his thickness. From this angle he sees the way your cunt swallows him, his cock buried inside you.
You both moan breathily as he fills you to the hilt, the head of his cock nearly kissing your cervix. The grip of your thighs tightens around his waist as you're trying to drive him deeper within you.
“God, such a good girl. You always take me so well, baby.”
“M-Mingi,” you mewl back at him, feeling entirely full from his large size splitting you apart. He doesn’t need to adjust this time, knowing your second orgasm still looms closely. You're high on the pleasure and you're already grinding into him.
“See how big I am inside you?” The sight beneath him is almost too much. Within you his dick is twitching and throbbing as your walls envelope him. He hovers above you just slightly, creating space between your bodies to give you a view of what nearly sends him into a frenzy.
Obediently your eyes flit down to follow his stare and you can see the outline of his big cock against your lower belly. Your cunt clenches at the sight and he involuntarily thrusts a single time.  
“So big… feel so full of your cock,” you gasp at him, eyes fluttering with pleasure as you're reveling in the feeling of his size. He pulls his hips back, slowly beginning to pump himself within you as you’re both watching the outline of his girth moving back and forth.
“Fuuuck.” Mingi throws his head back, cursing lowly as he begins to pick up his pace.
Your arms wind around his neck and you’re clutching onto him as you bury your face into his shoulder. The sight of him within you is forgotten once you're both beginning to chase your climax.
The grip Mingi has on your ass is bruising as he starts to pound himself within your pussy. His tempo has picked up speed as the pleasure continues to build. The sound of his cock squelching against your dripping folds is loud as is the sound of his balls slapping against your skin.
Each thrust has his pelvis dragging against your already sensitive clit. You're trying to meet his movements best you can, but you're so far gone with pleasure that you simply hang off him as he plows into your aching cunt.
“S-So… good,” you blubber out as you begin to drool on his shoulder.
His palms are suddenly hooking under your knees as he pushes your legs back, effectively folding you into yourself as he begins to fuck himself into you harder. Your hands fall from him at this new position and you're desperately fisting the bedsheets when he begins to slam himself back into you.
The new angle has his cock hitting your g spot, each plunge on his length sending you closer and closer into euphoria. You begin chanting his name, each syllable growing louder in volume until he has to silence you with his mouth.
You're both moaning through the lip lock, tongues entangled in a passionate dance as he rocks himself into you. You know he's close with the way his grip is beginning to slack around your legs. Even then, his pace doesn't let up as he begins to snap his hips harder against you. In between kisses, you begin to coax him closer to his release.
“Need your cum… please, Mingi!” The guttural moan that escapes him resonates through your core, fluids gushing around his cock as he starts fucking you faster.
“Fuck, baby girl… You want me to fill you up? Does my needy slut want to be stuffed full of cum?”
He’s merciless with his movements as he sets an unrelenting pace, desperate to chase his orgasm. The harder he ruts into you, the more your pussy clenches around him.
“Yes, Mingi. Please!”
Hearing your admission, you can feel the way his moves are no longer calculated — a sloppy and erratic rhythm overtaking his movements. Still, each push of his throbbing length slamming against your g spot has your entire body alight with fire.
The pressure is building within you, ready to snap at any moment. Only seconds later you're unraveling beneath him, your second orgasm flooding you as you thrash and moan whilst cumming against his cock, walls squeezing around him impossibly tight. Your juices flood around him, the sounds of your wetness growing louder as he bucks harder.
The feeling of your cunt gripping and convulsing around him sends him into a craze and he fucks into you harder and harder until he's pumping you full his release. Even as he's painting your walls full of his cum, he cannot help himself but to roll his hips a bit longer, riding out his peak as he pushes his seeds deeper within your cunt. The cum begins to spill over, drooling out from your pussy as he finally stills his movements.
After several seconds, he drops your legs and collapses on top of you. You grunt at his weight but bring a hand up to gently stroke his hair. Both of you pant heavily as you try to recover from the aftershocks of such an intense orgasm, exhaustion sweeping over you. His hands are carefully kneading around your hips while his head rests between your breasts, nuzzling into them affectionately.
“Love you, babe. Thanks for making it up to me.”
You kiss the top of his head.
“Yeah, yeah.. Love you too. Even if you did interrupt my sleep…”
You both knew the bed was in a state of disarray but you were both too tired to care at the moment, beginning to fall asleep in a pool of your mixed juices.
It’s not even ten minutes later that you hear a loud series of knocks on the door, causing you both to jolt awake.
"Morning, you sex fiends! Breakfast is ready!” San calls out from behind the door, an obvious hint of mischief in his tone.
Oh god, you were definitely too loud and you know you would never hear the end of it from him.
“Fuck off! We're sleeping in!” Mingi yells back, though his words don’t match the cheeky grin he sports.
You roll your eyes and gently nudge him off of you.
“Can we at least change the bed sheets first?”
“Sure thing, babe.” Fin~
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lightlycareless · 3 months
hiii i rly love how you portray naoya and i really like how you got naoya's character on point like...... HOW
but like im imagining this headcanon wherein y/n and naoya are lovers and naoya brought up the topic of having an "open relationship" and naoya ends up getting no bitches/loses them in the process and y/n ends up getting approached by men who naoya respects a lot or someone he really looks up to and naoya becomes jealous and very insecure even though he was the one who wanted to open the relationship (reminds me of what you wrote about naoya's jealousy towards nanami)
Hello anon!
Awww, thank you so much ❤️❤️ I spent a lot of time thinking how to make Naoya as realistically possible, how to redeem him and such, which was difficult, but satisfying at the same time.
Yet, something a-hole behaviors of him would remain, lol it has to, or it wouldn't be him, you know???
And the open relationship thing is soooo in character for him. Ugh that man, seriously... As much as I want to deny it, I feel like he would bring it up (but in a universe he isn't like completely devoted to you, like he has yet to realize just how much you mean to him—all paths point to the same destination, it's just... how he gets there that matters lol)
Anyways, here are the warnings of this oneshot 😏: y/n has a harem essentially. gojo, suguru, nanami, and an extra one I've been dying to write. :)))) mentions of infidelity, naoya is a bastard. and a sprinkle of smut. fluff, and angst.
Without any further a do, happy reading!!
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When the idea of an open relationship is suggested… the first of many fractures unwittingly struck your relationship.
First by shattering the image you had of him.
Sure, your feelings for Naoya remained, which is what made this ordeal far more painful…
But that didn’t mean you couldn’t harbor other emotions, such as anger.
“—just before we finally settle.” Is the lousy excuse he gives you when confronted, another stab to your heart. “Get it out of the system, you know?”
No. You don’t know, because for the past few years, Naoya is the only man you’ve had eyes for, to the point of imagining a future with him—and solely him.
It hurts to even consider he hasn’t been doing the same, probably already interested in some other woman, the reason behind his suggestion in the first place.
“I don’t want to…” you murmur, doing your best to not leave the table, or at least not shed a tear.
“It’ll only be a short time.” Naoya insists. “This way, we can know if we’re truly meant for each other. See if we don’t feel the same with others, hm?”
It’s stupid.
It really is—
Naoya’s suggestion… and your devotion to make him happy.
Because even after all the dumb things he said to justify the unjustifiable, you still wanted to please him.
“I guess we could go through restrictions or something, not that I have an—”
“No sex.” The rapid way in which you reply is something Naoya can’t help but find adorable, interpreting your eagerness as jealousy, overprotectiveness… before brushing it off as silly.
“Y/N—my love, you’re not seriously thinking we can reach a conclusion without that now, can we?”
Truth to be told, you didn’t want to find out. Not through this way at least, by laying in the arms of another…
Thus, could he really blame you for trying to fight it?
“Besides, don’t you want to try it out too?” Naoya smirks. “I’m fine with it, really. It’s a two-way street, after all. What’s good in me having all the fun?”
What hurts more?
That fact that Naoya wanted to pursue other women with your permission?
Or that he was pushing you onto other men, appearing careless to whatever you did or didn’t do with them?
It’s not that Naoya doesn’t care—far from that, really. He doesn’t like when men do as little as glance in your direction.
But he doesn’t worry because he knows there’s nothing to worry about.
Trusting that his hopelessly-in-love girlfriend would never betray him like that. Aware that your attention and devotion has been on him the moment you took him into your heart—and that no matter what, you’ll always come back to him.
It’s why he suggested the idea in the first place, because he’s long acknowledged that even past your limits, you still tolerate him.
Thus, unsurprised that you agreed to this change—Naoya leaving the apartment soon after that.
Looks like you were right in assuming he already had someone in mind to debut this new arrangement; willing to bet anything to prove he’s already on his way to her.
…Well, you hope that Naoya at least respects the only condition both agreed on: to not bring any partners to the apartment.
Not that you’d be there to see much of it anyways, opting to stay in your friend’s—Shoko— apartment for the time being.
“Can’t say I didn’t think him capable of doing something like that—but I guess I never thought he’d actually do it, not after dating you as long as he did.” She’d say, before taking a deep huff of her cigarette and exhaling.
You always found it endearing how she’d release the smoke to the side, as if it didn’t permeate the air around you… but at least Shoko cares enough to try. Not sure if you think the same of Naoya anymore…
“So much for having faith on him…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you say, offended yet intrigued by her implications.
“I mean, you knew of the rumors before dating him, Y/N.” Shoko adds, you sigh. That, you did. “I don’t want to say I told you so, but…”
“I guess I was hoping they weren’t real, either.” You slowly admit. “…What am I going to do, Shoko?”
A breakup isn’t exactly what you had in mind, certainly not what you wanted to do….
But why do that now when you could take advantage of this exploitable opportunity? An opening all too obvious to Shoko, which she doesn’t hesitate to let you know.
“Give him a taste of his own medicine.” She suddenly suggests. “He told you, didn’t he? That you were good to be with other men.”
“But I don’t want to.” You shake your head. “I don’t—I don’t think I can.”
“It’s exactly the same, just another face if that’s what you’re wondering.” Shoko explains, but to you, it was much deeper than that, always has been, for an emotional personal like you.
It’s why she was so angry that your beloved boyfriend was quick to disregard your feelings.
“Ok, sure, let’s say I agree.” You play along. “How do I even start? It’s been a while since I’ve been in the dating scene—I don’t even know if I’m still… desirable.”
Oh, if you only knew some were dying for this moment.
The first to approach you, and shockingly no less than a day after, was Gojo.
It was through an unexpected text, making you surprised he still had your number after all that time—or at all, considering you didn’t really text anyone outside of your family, close friends, and… Naoya.
Satoru once belonged to your social circle, but due to unknown reasons of his own, most likely to do with Suguru, he strayed.
Either way, you responded as amicably expected.
S: [Are you doing anything tonight?]
Y: [No… why?]
S: [Let’s get something to eat 😋]
Y: [Did you text the wrong person?]
S: [Wait, is this not Y/N’s number?]
Y: [It is…]
S: [Then I’ll pick you up later at Shoko’s apartment, 7 alright for you?]
Y: [Wait, how do you even know where I’m staying?]
S: [It’s a date, then! See you soon!]
It was good to see that Satoru remained as… well, pushy as ever. Not that you were glad to have been pulled into this outing without further precedent, but you eventually succumbed to the flow, and soon, you were in one of the fanciest restaurants of the city, sitting at a table Satoru had gotten through a reservation (difficult to do so given the status of the establishment, guess he can do anything that he sets his mind to), while chatting the evening away with just about anything that crossed his mind.
Regardless of how… oddly this situation came to be, you still found enjoyment in catching up with an old friend of yours. It had been so long since anyone had seen him, many even thought he had left the country all together.
Not that you had a way to know, since your connections were already limited thanks to Naoya—One of the many things you’ve had to sacrifice in to keep your attention solely on him.
Was your relationship with him always this consuming?
Well, you had lots of catch up with Satoru either way—it almost felt like you were getting to know him all over again! Happy to see that he essentially remained the same (somewhat irritating) goofball he always was.
But unfortunately, just as the good remained, the bad also prevailed, which you’d be reminded of when going for a walk around the city, just a few blocks down the main road when both were approached by a group of women, who upon catching sight of him and his undeniable attractiveness, knew they needed his attention.
That’s the thing with Satoru. Raised as the heir of a highly prestigious company, he just never got enough of it. Always wanting more and more, and not afraid to do whatever necessary to get it, careless if it was to the detriment of others.
Thus, you assumed it wouldn’t take long before he completely ignored you in favor of them, leaving you behind.
When talking about him, you normally wouldn’t care if he left you or not. He was just another friend, long accustomed to his ways. It was just… never like that.
But after all that happened with Naoya, it’s like your still-healing wound reopened, pain sharper when slowly reminded that even with a friend, you weren’t good enough to retain their attention, less their care…
Well, at least it was a good distraction, and you got to see Satoru again. You wonder how much would a taxi cost to take—
“Seriously, couldn’t you be any denser?? I’m on a date here!”
As if you’d been showered with a bucketful of ice-cold water, you freeze, blinking while slowly turning to see him and his angered face.
Did you… Did you hear him right?
“Get lost.” Satoru doesn’t even bother letting them respond before his hand is already on your back, gently pushing you forward and away from the group, leaving behind both the distraught, slightly spiteful women…
And your erroneous preconceptions.
As he goes back to the previous conversation you two were having, acting as if nothing happened, even suggesting getting something sweet to serve as dessert —your choice, he’d tease— all the self-doubt you felt for his actions immediately evaporates.
It was simple, more likely unintentional, but his gesture in defending your importance, highlighting the fact he wanted to be with you, against how he usually behaved…
Made you feel special, realizing that perhaps it wasn’t that hard to be somewhat of a decent person.
Yet, your feelings…
“It was a nice night out.” Satoru would say once parked outside Shoko’s apartment complex, signifying the end of your unexpected yet pleasurable evening with him.
“Yeah, it was… nice.”
“I hope we can do this again.” But you don’t keep your hopes up, not when your feelings for Naoya were still there, prickling at the back of your mind, inundating you with a sense of wrongfulness, for you were never one to offer the other cheek, regardless of what your estranged boyfriend was or wasn’t doing.
Unless Gojo were to do something to make you… well, not change your mind, but rattle your beliefs, if only for a moment, when he ruffled the top of your head, giving you a smile, before softly kissing your forehead.
Alongside the reminder that…
“You’re too pretty to be upset about someone like him.”
Albeit archaic, his words convinced you that perhaps… you could do with another day like this.
The second to approach you, yet again to much of your surprise, is Geto. Just a few days after Satoru did. Although his invitation was much more… palpable.
In other words, you were getting lunch with Shoko when he made his “sudden” appearance, joining the two for a bite, before driving both back to her apartment, only voicing his intentions when she was out the car, leaving you alone.
Although sweet, wholeheartedly intending to spend time with you, you could still that some of it lingered the realms of an unspoken competition between him and Satoru—which you didn’t know whether to be flattered by, or worried…
“—and let me guess. He spent the whole evening talking about himself.”
Somewhat, not that you cared to justify, really, for you were far more enthralled in learning all that he’s been up to since he left.
But it was the truth either way.
Geto sighs.
“We’ll do something better.” And so, is how the date begins, by first taking you to the mall, window shopping through essentially every store that crossed your path, while catching up with him—he too had disappeared for a while, motives unclear, although the common theory was that he had a nasty falling out with Gojo. But now it seems they’re on good terms given the way he occasionally mentioned him throughout the conversation.
Beyond that, you assumed Geto also took this visit as a good opportunity to go through some pending errands, maybe get something for himself as well—or… for someone else.
The things he was looking at were quite eye-catching, after all, very gift appropriate.
Regardless of who it was intended to, you were right to assume they were special to him if he was considering buying a diamond necklace…
But yet again, that’s what you believed—reality was simply much different.
Or obvious.
“Why don’t you try it on?”
“I asked if you wanted to try it on— I know it’ll look beautiful on you.” He’d say that, genuinely, with just about anything he deemed suitably for you, ranging from jewelry to clothes…
With your face flaring every single time.
“Oh—I—I don’t—” you stammer, struggling whether to decline his offer because this is all too luxurious for your taste…
Or because you were still processing the words that made you blush in the first place… alongside the fact that at one point, his hand had reached for yours without even noticing, intertwining his fingers with yours and staying that way while the two continued to walk around the mall.
Just… why did Satoru and Suguru decided to appear out of the nowhere?
“No, thank you.” Is what you eventually manage to say. If he’s noticed your nerves, he doesn’t say, instead, he simply gives your hand a soft squeeze, followed by another equally charming smile. “I don’t feel like trying out things either way.”
“Don’t worry about it, then. Perhaps another time.”
At his promise, you can’t hold back your skin from growing increasingly hotter, doing your best to instead focus on the movie the two agreed to watch, with little to no success, of course, considering Geto also took this opportunity to unconsciously drape his arm over your shoulders and move you closer.
While stereotypical, it still manages to fluster, and that’s how you’d remain for the rest of the date: even when getting something to eat, or when it was time to take you back to Shoko’s apartment once late enough.
But on the way back to the parking lot, you’re able to snap out of this trance when something catches your attention, just by the corner of your eye, effectively stopping you on your tracks.
Something simple, like a minimal black halter dress… unintentionally the same model you’ve wanting to try since forever, but never daring to do so, believing that your body was unbefitting of such style—and quickly, you moved on.
Your gaze didn’t linger much on it beyond a few mere seconds, certainly not for Suguru to notice, or so you considered…
But when the next day comes, a package is suddenly delivered at Shoko’s apartment, with your name on it, that by various personal reasons you open with great anticipation, growing distraught when seeing it had to do nothing with what you projected—
Quickly flustered upon realizing that the sender was Suguru all along, demonstrating his attentiveness by gifting you the same dress you saw last night, as well as his intentions of seeking something more with you.
“I enjoyed our time together. I wish to see you again—hopefully with this dress.”
You didn’t think you were too obvious when it came to your reaction, but at Shoko’s mention, you finally acknowledge you’ve been smiling, heart loudly pounding against your chest as you lovingly held the dress, moved by his gesture…
For when was the last time someone had gifted you something to your liking, without having to beg for it? Without having to justify why you wanted it?
Had it really been that long?
Just what else was missing in your relationship with Naoya…?
Or perhaps, not wanting to face?
Your feelings, to begin with.
Because as attentive and caring Satoru and Suguru had been, neither were courageous enough to acknowledge the situation that put you in their reach in the first place, opting to instead reap the benefits, but ignore the rest.
It wasn’t malicious, not at all. It’s been stated by now that they truly cared for you, always checking in on you whenever possible.
It’s just that… they didn’t feel comfortable doing so yet, believing they were far from appropriate, or close enough, to do so.
Judging by those characteristics, the only one worthy enough, and the one that would end up confronting you for that matter, was Nanami, who wanted to see you as soon as he found out the horrible situation Naoya had forced you to but struggled to do so thanks to his strenuous new job.
But once he was free, the first thing he did was call you, eventually meeting in Shoko’s apartment (she was gone for the day, for privacy matters, how convenient) and thus, everything else unfolded.
“Why are you even dating Naoya if he’s hurting you so much?”
“I—I don’t think that’s for you to discuss.” You objected, going through a roller coaster of emotions, a combination of unwillingness to speak of the matter, and fear of admitting the truth.
To talk about something like this was never an easy matter, more so when the situation was already deep in hot water…
Yet, his assertive nature didn’t come as a surprise to you anymore, nor permitted you to avoid it.
Nanami had always been this way, the one willing to speak about difficult things, rip the bandage, careless if you were prepared for it or not.
And let everything that is meant to happen, happen.
“My relationship is something only I should speak about! And when I feel ready for it…”
“Not when I see how much it’s hurting you.” He rebutted. “When was the last time you were genuinely happy at his side? Or where you didn’t have to sacrifice your personal life just to keep him happy?”
It’s obvious what he’s referring to—Nanami is another one of your friends you’ve lost contact with due to Naoya’s… jealousy. But different from Satoru and Suguru, he cared too much to just let you go, consistently reaching out to you whenever possible—even when you never answered.
“You don’t know what we agreed on—”
“I don’t think that losing your friends was part of that.”
“You don’t know him, you don’t know Naoya at all!’
“And you do?” Nanami counters, breath hitching at your throat, upset by his abruptness. “You once said Naoya was crude, but he’d never do anything to willingly hurt you—and yet, here you are, in an open relationship you clearly didn’t want.”
“Kento—that’s—” your voice trembles, his words too close for comfort. “That’s not—"
“Then why? Why do you keep tolerating him?” Nanami frowns. “Do you hate yourself that much?”
“What? No!” You shake your head, aghast by his accusation. “That’s not it, at all!”
“Then what is it, Y/N? What could possibly entail sticking around with a man that has done nothing but hurt you?”
“Stop it…”
“Seeing other women while still being with you? Is that your idea of a good relationship?”
“Kento, please—”
“It’s never my intention to offend you, but I can’t help believing you’re growing desperate—seeking for something you can’t have with him! So why? Why do you try so hard to make it work, when he clearly doesn’t deserve—"
“Because I don’t want to be alone, ok?!” You eventually shriek, tears in your eyes as his words stung your heart too deeply, too much to handle in silence anymore. “It’s just as simple as that!”
Nanami’s eyes widen, taken aback by your unexpected outburst and confession, yet, as surprised as he was, if not bothered, he was also very, greatly hurt by its meaning.
Your words unknowingly disregarding everyone else that had ever been there for you.
And such, he cannot believe it. He doesn’t—not when he’s been there all along.
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N.” Nanami insists. “What is the truth? Is he forcing you to this??”
“No, Kento, he’s not!” you objected. “I truly want to be with him, because he’s the only one that has ever wanted to be with me.”
“You know very well that’s not true.”
“Seems like our perspectives vary greatly.” You frown. “I remember attempts of trying to get close to people, only to be pushed to the side when someone better came along. Person after person, they all just… ignored me; either because I was overshadowed by my family, or because I was too mundane to compete with others.
Until… Naoya came along. He was the only one that saw me for who I was. Even though it was mostly because I fit the mold he wanted.
But even then… I was happy to play along, because it meant that for the first time in my life, I meant someone to something.”
“That’s what you think? That you didn’t mean anything to no one else?”
“It’s not what I think—It’s what I know.” You sniffle, doing your best to hold back the tears pooling in your eyes from falling. “…Even now I know I’m only relevant because I’m Naoya’s girlfriend… but once that’s gone, I’m sure no one will look my way—"
“That’s not true.” He swiftly interjects.
“…And how would you know that? How would you know that this time, fate wouldn’t be cruel to me, like it has always been?!”
“Because there is someone that cares for you.”
“Let me guess, my parents.”
“No—I didn’t mean them.” Nanami frowns.
“Then who—” you breathe. “Who are you referring to??”
And suddenly, thanks to his softening eyes and growing silence…  something clicks in your mind and all makes sense.
His anger, his protectiveness, his insistence…
There was a reason behind them all, only now does it become clear to you.
“…Why didn’t you say anything?” you softly ask, heart sinking when looking back at the dismissive way you treated him, always standing by your side, and yet…
“Because you seemed happy with Naoya.” Nanami adds. “Perhaps I was at fault too, for not having spoken of my feelings before, but… after seeing the way you smiled with him, I supposed it was for the best if I instead, supported you as a friend.
But because I’m your friend, I can’t allow you to go on thinking no one has ever cared for you. That no one has loved you for who you are… or will never do.
And most importantly, remind you that this—this isn’t what happiness looks like.”
At his open declaration, you couldn’t stop the wave of overwhelming emotions from washing over you, a combination of shock, sadness, and perhaps… longing, wondering what would’ve happened if you knew of his feelings back then.
Would you have accepted them? Or would everything continue as it does now?
Well, one thing is for sure—Nanami would’ve never suggested something like this; the thought wouldn’t even cross his mind!
But it’s too late now. You’ve made your decision and now, you were suffering the consequences…
However, you didn’t have to be alone anymore—and Nanami would reassure you of such by the following words, the same one’s he wished to have told you back then… and possibly save you from all this pain.
“I love you, Y/N. I always did, and I’ll always do. Even if we never see each other again—you’ll always remain in my heart.”
Because he would rather die than to make decisions that hurt you.
Leading you to unwittingly discover what it was to feel loved, for the first time in your life.
A heartwarming sensation, with no strings attached, just… someone that wishes your well-being above everything else, alongside your happiness, and nothing more.
And such, something grows inside you, something that pushes you to be closer to him, far beyond this day—
Coincidentally, he’s also the first one you kiss.
After Nanami’s visit, your days would slowly become brighter, although the grey cloud of Naoya’s seeming infidelity still lingered in the background.
But even then, your mind didn’t dwell on him for long, difficult to do so thanks to Satoru’s, Suguru’s, and now, Nanami’s interventions, as well as Shoko’s advice of enjoying the best of your new status.
The men involved didn’t seem to mind… too much.
Sure, their jealousy would sometimes rise to the occasion (from one person in specific) but as long as you continued to be attentive with them, they were willing to “share”, believing it was only a matter of time before you left that jerk-of-a boyfriend of yours once and for all, settling for on them instead.
Long story short, everything seemed to go on peacefully with your new routine…
Until the sudden appearance of a man you never expected to see, less set his eyes on you, since the only time you’ve seen him was that one instance you became acquainted with him thanks to Naoya’s business, never to speak again, disrupted all you held true.
While you might’ve seen this moment as expendable, forgettable even, to him, it was the fated day he knew he must have you—a growing desire to make you his when the time was right.
Naoya’s stupidity opening that door.
Sukuna was the owner of a rival company, a fierce competitor that always made the Zen’in uneasy whenever mentioned, constantly keeping them on their toes—because with a man as belligerent as him, to let their guard down, if just for the slightest, meant the complete loss of all they’ve worked for.
It’s safe to say that Sukuna had garnered the reputation of being aggressively intimidating, thus it was only right to assume that his approach would be of the same nature.
“I—I can’t” is what little you manage to muster through the fear constricting your throat; you still remember the eeriness you felt when meeting him that one time, never believing it could worsen… until you had him just a few feet away.
“I wasn’t asking.” He responds, the tone in his voice not only highlights his sincerity, but also warns you there won’t be a second chance.
Urging you to do what’s best for you, less…
Perhaps out of fear of experiencing his anger, some kind of retribution, or because deep inside, past your worry and hesitation, you were genuinely intrigued to know what a man like him might’ve found interesting in you… you accept.
Because after all was said and done, he was far different to what you were normally accustomed to…
As well as to willing to bargain for.
You don’t know what it was—maybe it was your blinding intrigue, your desire to taste something way beyond your reach… or because you took Shoko’s words a bit too literally, even though with him, she insisted you to be careful…
You ended up following Sukuna into his apartment; And not only that, but you also let him show you what true desire meant, in more ways than one, sure to never forget.
“Su—Sukuna—!” you’d breathe, whatever little you could muster through the tightening of your chest and the fuzziness of your mind, harshly gripping his arms, as he pushes you over the edge and into your release for what seemed to be the nth time that night. “Sukuna, please—I need—I need a break—”
“No—you will take it!” he groans, holding your waist and keeping you in place as his cock deep into your core, each time harsher than the last one, bruising that spot that always made you see stars over and over again; unexpectedly, a place that Naoya was all too ignorant of, Sukuna being amongst the few, if not the only, to achieve such feat.
No wonder you were reacting the way you were, losing yourself in pleasure, because just as he teased…
“This is the first time you’ve ever been with a real man, isn’t it?” He laughs when feeling you quiver against his hold, feeble against the sensations he’s relentlessly giving you, finding your numbing reaction, eyes rolling to the back of your head, mouth agape, and toes curling… to be quite adorable.
Doing all in his power to get more of this reaction—hopefully, beyond this night too.
“They simply don’t make the cut! —But how could they? With a cunt as lewd as yours, one isn’t enough!”
Sukuna doesn’t find satisfaction in seeing you with other men, less when you’re still “taken”.
But ever the one to seek advantage, even in the most uneven of fields, Sukuna was quick to see the endless possibility this opportunity provided—more than ready to exploit them…
“Don’t—don’t say that!” you’d moan, with such an exciting cry, Sukuna just couldn’t help prolonging this night. “That’s not—that’s not tru—ah!”
And keep you all for himself.
“I don’t want you staying at that hideous apartment anymore.” Sukuna would mutter the moment you opened your eyes; having fallen asleep soon after the strenuous ordeal, and suffering from its aftermath as soon as conscious.
“It’s not… nasty.” You groan, slowly blinking as you look back at him, doing your best to push yourself up from the bed, only to fall back down when resulting too weak to do so. However, even when dealing with the sharp pains across your body alongside unbearable drowsiness, you’re capable enough to defend Shoko. “…It’s a nice place.”
He chuckles.
“Yeah, I’m sure it is.” Sukuna then reaches over to the nearby bedside table, sliding the first drawer open and taking out a pair of keys which he’d give over to you soon after.
You look at it perplexedly, confused as to their meaning… before growing shocked, slumber completely gone from your body when listening the following statement.
“From now on, you’re staying in my apartment.”
“Wh—what?” First that, and now, this? Sukuna meant no joke when it came to you. “No, I can’t accept this!”
“You sure love making me repeat myself, woman.” He scoffs. “It’s not a matter of whether you can or cannot—you will.”
It’s an amazing talent of Sukuna to always sound threatening even when dealing with the most ordinary of things, but either way, you’re not interested in testing how far his limits went, and thus, (not that you had any other option) you accept the keys while silently wondering what the future holds for you by making this decision…
“Uraume will help you move your things. I better see you here when I come back after work—less you wish to be punished again.” He smirks, fingers sliding along your skin before pulling you close to him once more, a whine escaping your lips as you realize what is to transpire next yet again.
Guess you’ll find out soon enough.
As well as what Naoya’s been up to, for the day Sukuna allowed you to, you decide to go back to your shared apartment to pick up a few things to take with… him, now that you’re essentially living together.
It was a very awkward arrangement, if you thought about it, one that Shoko was strictly opposed to, but… well, you would be lying if you didn’t admit you were having a good time (outside of the painful pleasures he pushed you through every night) for a plethora of luxurious reasons. Far nicer than what you were used to seeing with Naoya.
Which you could openly enjoy due to Sukuna’s absence, rarely getting to see him due to work commitments, Uraume representing him instead… not that it was any better, for they were just as awkward as awkward can get.
And yet, not as much as what happened when you walked through the door of your shared apartment with Naoya, welcomed by the one person you did not expect to see there, believing him to be completely enraptured in his new freedom, given the silence he always responded with whenever you texted or called him.
“Naoya?” You asked, although confused, you were more… shocked to see his distraught appearance, almost as if he hadn’t been able to sleep for the last few days—or at all.
“What are you doing here?” you add. “I thought… well, I thought you’d be… somewhere else.”
“I can say the same thing about you.” He frowns. “Is it true that you’re staying with that woman?”
“Her name is Shoko…” you murmur; even when away, Naoya remains…
Either way, given his attention on her, it seems like he doesn’t know about Sukuna, yet.
Or Gojo.
Or Geto.
Or Nanami.
Because if he did, it would’ve been the first thing he mentioned; his jealous nature never one to take as a jest.
“But yes, I am staying with her.” You confirm. “What about… you? Where have you been staying?”
… and still, you can’t help but worry for him.
“Here.” He confesses, you blink.
“…Really?” Even when skepticism is evident in your voice, he doesn’t not say anything else. Instead…
“Yes. And… it’s time for you to come back home.”
“Why? What happened?” you fret, naturally fearing the worst…
Which you were right in assuming, just that… it wouldn’t be what you expected.
“You—you had enough fun.” Naoya unwittingly stammers, a scowl on his face, or was it sorrow? As he continued. “It’s time for you to remember you’re mine and come back home.”
“Enough… fun?” You slowly repeat, invertedly hurt by his words, as if he weren’t the one that set up this situation in the first place, yet, still overwhelmingly confused as to what he meant.
Suspicion that perhaps he did know about your flings after all begins to settle in your mind, but it isn’t until his following words that it finally takes roots.
“Don’t hide it, Y/N—I know you’ve seen others. And quite frequently too!”
“You’re… you’re doing the same thing.” You immediately respond, scurrying to defend yourself. “And you don’t see me complaining…”
Even if you wanted so much to do so.
“No, of course not—too busy with them, aren’t you??”
“Excuse me? You’re—You’re one to talk! You never answered any of my texts, or calls!” you gasp. “Do you even know how… how…”
Hurt I was?
Guessing by his absence, you assume not.
… Oh, how you wished Naoya kept silent. Kept his words to himself and went on acting as he always did, because maybe, you wouldn’t have felt this burning anger stirring inside you, created by the reassurance by those around you, the reminder that you were still deserving of being cared for, appreciated.
Far more than what Naoya has ever done for you in the past few years.
That much you see now.
“… Let me get this straight, Naoya… you want me to come back… because you don’t want me to see others, even though you did the same thing??” you say, and by the gloomy look in Naoya’s eyes, you could tell you guessed right, stinging a nerve while in the process.
Yet not a sentiment that insulted him, but rather… reminded him of the shocking truth he’s keeping away from you.
Hoping it stays that way, unless you place the pieces together yourself.
“Do not talk to me like that.” He warns, you frown.
“I’m just stating the truth—you went to see someone as soon as you left that day, didn’t you?”
“That’s not—why does it even matter at this point? You did the same afterwards!”
“Again with that—You were the one that suggested it in the first place!” you gasp. “Why does it bother you so much?? Didn’t you…. Weren’t you encouraging me to it?!”
“Yeah, but it’s not like I expected you to actually—”
Realizing the imprudence of his words, he suddenly goes silent.
“Expected to actually… what?” you frown.
Naoya doesn’t answer, all he does is scoff before looking away.
A few more seconds of silence, something clicks in your mind.
Anger finally taking a hold of your emotions.
Because just how foolish could you have been?
“Please, come back.” Is what Naoya eventually says. “I don’t want an open relationship anymore—let’s just forget about this and… move on.”
“And why would I do that?” you scowl. “Don’t you have other dates to go to?”
Silence yet again.
“I don’t. I… never did.”
The truth jolts you far more than you imagined, for it completely contradicts all that you once believed to be true, replacing the pain you’d been feeling since that day, the tears, the anger, and all your actions… with nothing.
As if everything you suffered… was void of any true meaning.
But that was only one point of view, you had yet to see Naoya’s. The truth as to why he hadn’t gotten any dates.
Or at least… successful ones.
Naoya did go out with women that caught his interest, having his go-to procedure ready to go when it came to impressing them, such as taken them to an expensive restaurant, gifting them luxurious jewelry, or simply showing off the privilege his family name provided— things he was sure would get him in their pants.
But when he thought it was only a matter of seconds before he got lucky, they would coldly ignore him, turn around, and… disappear.
It was difficult for him to understand why that happened, considering all that he “offered” …
What he failed to realize, though, is that one simple yet big problem stood between him and his ultimate goal: a personality many weren’t willing to tolerate, especially with the intensity he seemed to go on about, no matter the amount of riches he represented.
And soon, it wouldn’t take long before rumors of his personality began to spread into the circles he was involved in, not like it wasn’t happening already beforehand, Naoya was already well-known as a bratty heir with an equally explosive temperament—he just became more… popular.
Rumors he never had issues with, unbothered by them, because you… well, you seemed to not care for them. Willingly tolerating him instead, perhaps far more than he was deserving of, and keeping by his side, no matter what.
Giving him a false sense of confidence.
Unfortunately, he wouldn’t come to realize this until seeing you with someone else—whispers and sightings of your dates, far more successful than any of his attempts, and without even trying, was enough to ignite a fire under his ass and come rushing to you.
Falsely believing it was just a matter of calling it off for everything to return as it was—you by his side, and his blinding jealousy effectively gone. Because only he deserved to have you.
Failing to realize the damage he’s already struck onto this relationship,
Yet, he still came back, shamelessly expecting he’d be received with the forgiveness, compassion and care you unconditionally provided, no matter the gravity of his mistakes…
But what seemed noble, prophetic even, for him—
Was only insulting to you, and when the nature of his actions reveals itself to you, your anger transforms intofury.
Because a man like Naoya shouldn’t have the freedom to openly discard you, and then want you back when things aren’t going his way—without facing consequences.
You were not there to be a steppingstone of sorts, be there through every single step of the road, sacrifice your life… only to be replaced just because he wants.
It was painful, it was unjust…
And it was unpunished.
For him to make it up for you, he’ll have to face the repercussions of his acts, experience just how much you suffered…
Only then, would you consider going back to him.
“I’m sorry, but I have things to do.”
“What?” Naoya’s eyes widen. “What do you mean you have things to do, Y/N? What could you…—you’re going to see someone.”
“And what if I am?” you frown. “I’m not doing anything I’m not allowed to do.”
“I don’t want this anymore!” He gasps. “I don’t want you to see anyone else, just me!”
“…Then you’ll just have to wait until I’m done. Until I’m sure we belong together, you know? You said so yourself, I just need to get it out of my system before I make a decision—” At being served a spoonful of his own medicine, the color in Naoya’s face disappears. “Only then, will I’ll come back.”
If you ever do.
Because after what you have planned for the following weeks, Naoya would only be lucky if you even do as little as think of him.
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Shoko is the one that let everyone know of your new "single" life. Except Sukuna, that man has ears everywhere, and when he saw it as his moment, he rose to the occasion. Nice.
Not gonna lie, this idea has been on my mind for a while now, like, as soon as Y/N is single people begin to hound her. Everyoneeeeeeeee Naoya really does not realize the stupidity he committed until it's too late. :)
And there you have it, my take on an open relationship with him! I once read that open relationships don't work, unless you're talking about celebrities, and I'm honestly inclined to accept that...
But yeah, him doing this is like the worst thing Naoya could think of; there's just so many things that could go wrong—safe to say, in another universe 1) Naoya would never suggest it. 2) Y/N would never accept it lol.
Anyways, thank you so much for sending in this ask! I hope it was to your liking :> ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Take care, and hope to see you soon!
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orcelito · 24 days
orcelito's trigun fic recs!
making this for @trigunfanfic's fic appreciation week! this is a nonexhaustive list & not in any particular order (aside from the smut fics, which i separated into another section). just a few fics i rly love & think should get more attention!!
so Here are the multichapters (some of which have smut, but it's not the focus):
someone to last your whole life by catchatter / @needlab7
this one is sooooooooooooooooooooooo 🥺 i was reading it as it was being released and MAN it drove me insane. every bit of the post-trimax love and healing i couldve ever wanted. genuinely one of my fav trigun fics. it's just so well written & evocative. it really does feel like Vash and Wolfwood... and just. aughghghgh im gonna have to reread it sometime bc it truly is something special
CAUSE OF DEATH (See instructions and examples) by neatrogenous / @floofyfluff
this is the other post-trimax fic that Changed My Life. i read it all in one go in one euphoric hyperfocus. i felt every emotion known to mankind. it is just. slkdfjsldfjlskdfj god. i adore how Vash is written here. both of them, really. it just feels so much like them. someday, i will reread this one Too...
Make it to Daybreak by @hypermoyashi (on both ao3 and tumblr)
god. what to say about this one. honestly i have never watched Demon Slayer so going into this fic i was missing that context, but i never felt like i was actually missing out on much. Allen does such a fantastic job at bringing u into the world without having to know anything about it at all. i LOOOOVE demon vash sooo much. so very much. im a little behind on updates rn sldfsdfkj but im excited to catch back up bc everything about this au is just Sooooo fun. everyone potentially interested in Demon Vash should read this. Do it. Right Now. 🥺 pls
Trillium and Ivy by @shastafirecracker (on both ao3 and tumblr)
AUGHHHHHH omfg this one was one of the first fics i read for trigun, and MAN it really set a high bar for me. im a little picky when it comes to modern aus, but this one is just so.... WONDERFUL... i read the entire thing in the first half of my day one day and spent the rest of my day in a fugue state. it was just SO SO SO good. i recently reread it and even having read it before, it was just as wonderful to read. realistic relationship development, compelling Saverem drama, all of it. it's also probably my favorite fic for the depiction of Vash's injury & recovery. the first time i read it i was just blown away by how realistic it felt, right down to the trauma memories of watching bargain bin movies while he was stuck in bed. honestly i could rant for forever about this one lol. it truly is special.
Wildflowers, also by ShastaFirecracker
i actually didnt know these 2 fics were written by the same person at first lol. Wildflowers got linked in my trigun server & i checked it out bc Fuck Yeah trans wolfwood. and then had my world just blown away. it's SUCH a good fic, & i really am such a sucker for fantasy au. and i was just absolutely gushing about how realistic the depiction of trans wolfwood was even before i finished the fic. SUCH a great fic. so imagine my surprise & delight when i went back to reread Trillium and Ivy and realized -- OH FUCK, it's by the SAME PERSON !!! such beautiful writing, For Real. i really do love these 2 fics.
Sun, Moon, and Stars by tragic_unpaired_electron (can't find a tumblr link on the fic or ao3 profile, so if anyone knows them feel free to share this with them pls !!)
WOW LOOK it's a fic that doesnt have VW as the main focus!!! unfortunately the only one of those on this list (i May be a tad predictable...), & it really earned its place here. it's just such a fascinating fic that answers the question of What If Tesla Survived? i adore the exploration of her strengths and struggles, as well as her sibling relationship with Knives and Vash. it's so INTERESTING, and it gets into the meat of fighting for the rights of Independent Plants (and plants in general) and just. man. i read this and wanted to devote my life to one Tesla Saverem. she is so precious and hard-headed and SUCH a good big sister. pls do read it, it's such a lovely fic
and NOW...
onto the smut fics lol.
there are Plenty of very good smut fics around, but these are the ones that really stuck with me. either for being Different than the norm, or just being very... well. ya kno lol.
dont worry about the picture this paints of me lmfaoooo
you'll never get enough by tagteamme / @phaltu
AGHHHHHHHHH oh my god this fic made me FEEL things. it's a boxer / gym au, and MAN does it do it well. u get the sweaty gym setting, u get the homoeroticism & horny pining, u get the blatant masochism that drives them both... im just obsessed with it. that stove scene is going to stay with me For Life. & the smut is of course VERY good, but the Vibes... oh the Vibes are so impeccable. obsessed.
there is a season for all things by SolidShrimp (cant find their tumblr on the fic/profile, but i Know ive seen them on tumblr 🤔 if anyone knows their url, pls do me a favor and send this to them!)
THIS ONE.......................... man. man. man. man. like i know xeno is The Average for fandom vash, except the normal flower "plantussy" doesnt really do much for me. im too much of a monster fucker for that i guess. it's not BAD, just not particularly exciting. this, though? now, THIS one left an impression. ive already gushed about it to the writer in the comments of the first fic (havent kept up with the sequel fics, tho i really should catch back up sometime) so i'll keep it brief here. just. such an UTTERLY delightful inhuman vash portrayal, to the point where his reproductive biology is just plain incompatible with Wolfwood & Meryl's (oh yeah, it's mashwood, which is WONDERFUL...). wolfwood and meryl are in over their head trying to figure out how to get vash off in his own way, but they do their Absolute Best!!! it's just rly sweet and i adore the way the writer went Full Ham into the inhuman aspects. utterly delightful.
Kick me once again, and say we'll never part by epsilontauri (doesn't look like they're on tumblr? there's just a link to their twitter on the fic. but if anyone knows them, feel free to send this to them!)
this one is. so. very. AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok i will be honest this is probably my favorite vw smut. and it's barely even smut. the sequel is definitely much more sex, but this one is. well. it's some extreme, dangerous, and barely negotiated S&M. as the saying goes, it's neither Safe Or Sane, but it sure is consensual! it's just so. well looking at just the tags sure does reveal it. horrible coping, it's an intense fic, but it's just so.......... DELIGHTFUL........... i really really really love fics that stick to their guns like this. and i love how even though Wolfwood had a GREAT time, we get to see how it kinda freaked Vash out (he did Not like hurting Wolfwood), so the sequel is good for a fic where they're both genuinely having lots of fun. this one is actually rather not fun for Vash. but it's just. it's about the Extremity of it. the Possessiveness. pushing someone to their absolute limits!!!!!!!!! this is another fic that i rambled in the comments about bc. yeah. yeah. it's. just trust me. if ur into fucked up dudes being fucked up dudes, this is the fic for you.
& OKAY i think that's my list. again, it's nonexhaustive, but ive had enough typing i think lol
hope u guys enjoy the recs 🥺
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rox-of-iu · 2 years
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just another one of the many, many NPC Shen Yuan AU's out there
this one is an author SY in PIDW, bingyuan flavoured very briefly about it under the cut if u wanna
ok like i said i'll go over kust the brief basic stuff cuz I'm not good with words. but basically its sy dropped in pidw like, mid endgame ig, with already blackened protag and no system. so he's like, this might as well happen and goes to vibe and explore bc he's been dropped with the basic necessities to live for a bit. after some time he realizes he's in PIDW and after the initial outrage decides to capitalize on it and uses knowledge from his days spent editing the pidw wiki for fun. so he's running along having fun cataloguing things into several bestiaries and herbals (and cartography stuff etc just compiling worldbuilding) and decides to publish them with an actual success and he becomes a bit of a well-known author in the encyclopedia scene. so he's living out his best life, traveling from place to place, using his meta timeline knowledge to stay clear of the places that are plot-relevant at the time, happy to stay clear out of the path of his blackened blorbo.
that is until someone publishes a binghe biography that is so bad and so 'conquests' focused that he cant help but write his own (leaving out too personal things that he's sure lbh wouldn't want out there) under a pseudonym as a deliberate critique of the other one, which he even clearly states in the prologue of it (that the work is a disservice and disrespectful to the lord and wives alike and much more flowery vitriol, just letting his old angry commenter out)
so its published and it doesnt actually do half-bad because over the years of writing he has gotten pretty decent and that's it for a while. Until it gets to the demon lord. it gets brought to his attention by his court which takes care of notifying him of any possibly slanderous works (lbh doesn't actually care that much about stuff like that but they insist on it and its less tiresome to just let them do whatever than to keep telling them off) so they're like, there's one book, which isn't technically, a critique of the lord, but does criticise the other one which sings praises to him to all heavens so?? technically? (lbh knows of the first one but thought nothing of it bc it was mid and mostly inaccurate but again, he doesn't acre about that stuff rly) so they hand it over and he skims through it and slowly realizes that there is a lot of things that no-one or just a select few should have any idea about so, ok much more concerning than any bad portrayal of his person, even if nothing actually too-secret didn't get exposed in it. its about the principle. so he first conducts a search of his palace and his circle of people if the author is any of the people around because, who else could know about all this (trying to ignore the stuff that no-one except from him should be aware off) but it turns out with no results. so he orders his people to try to find them but the lands are vast and there's authors of plenty so of course that is also almost impossible.
what i think would be funny tho is if liu mingyan was like can I take a look/help, skimmed through it and was oh yeah I've seen this before and is able to trace it back to sy because he used unconsciously a modified phrase from his previous world that is not at all common here that he already used in one of his previous works (or maybe in an angry review of a novel, to scratch that forum commenter itch, that'd be maybe more probable for my to come across) so she notices that immediately because the first time she saw it she was left puzzled so she was sure it has to be most likely the same person again. and so bingge is set to go get his man hsdakhj
idk rly about the rest, maybe he finds him in a forest sketching down demonic beasts so he shapeshifts and a demon hound to get to him and spy on him (idk if he can but he's op so I say he can) or maybe he just comes over and invites himself him Idk. and the plan at first was just to squeeze the information out of this pesky scholar of how he knows about the shit he knows so he doesn't have to stress about it, but the plan turns into "ok new plan I'm keeping this one actually" sajdhkh and i didn't really think of what of next so thats that, whatever floats your boat is next cuz this is already a few days old so new brainrot took its daydream place haha xD
......wait thsi was supposed to be brief why is this wall of text here how did this happen (also I'm not rereading it so if it doesn't make sense I'm sorry lol)
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cheswirls · 5 months
sa fic rec list [ENG] pt 3
preface: i have a public collection on ao3 of my favorite sa fics on there but not all of them are listed on the front-end so these are some unlisted ones, some i love that can't be added to collections, and one special fic on ffn for fun :)
past non-english language rec lists here and here. ao3 collection here.
1) Prince Sabo by drowningrat
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43683183 complete - T rating - 3k - au
this one is rly cute domestic fluff modern au goodness. will never get enough of it, rat's prose and dialogue are too good. ace finds out from a former uni classmate of sabo's how many people sabo's dated before him and gets unreasonably jealous and drunkenly confronts sabo about it at home much to sabo's chagrin. it's really. it's adorable. nothing i say will ever come close to how giddy reading the fic makes me feel. their dynamic is TOO cute they are tooth-rotting with how sweet they are. if you want a quick read pls give this one a chance
2) Song Of Genesis by Echaryn
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8544379/chapters/19587928 complete - E rating - 45k - au
this one is my most favorite saboace fic of all time. i cannot recommend it highly enough, it's that fantastic. this is coming from someone who doesn't read nsfw anymore and hasn't for years now – song of genesis literally is and will always be number one in my heart. if you also don't care abt explicit content, i can assure you it's entirely skip-able in this fic w/o losing any enjoyment or context.
SoG is a 'getting back together' type fic that stabs your heart at every angle and at every opportunity during the beginning. echaryn is a fantastic writer and handles the contents of the story so so so well. the break-up is ace's fault but he doesn't know why / the break-up is sabo's decision but he regrets it at every turn. they're still so deeply in love with each other and one turn of events late one evening is the catalyst to bring them back together.
there are horror elements in this in the background that are done spectacularly well. the tags on the fic itself pretty much cover the extent of it but i do wanna throw by two cents in that i don't think anything about it is particularly graphic. if horror isn't your thing this is toned down enough that you should be fine to skim thru or skip parts if necessary. it's good for a horror enthusiast but it's not over the top for those who could care less.
if you read anything from this list pls read che's #1 saboace fic rec of all time pls and ty
3) Red Moon by emygrl99 and leafyxthiefy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6703183/chapters/15330946 complete - T rating - 123k - au
red moon is still, six years after first reading it, the most interesting and well-crafted premise for a soulmate au i've ever heard of in my life. if you're familiar with a majority of soulmate bond types and know this particular one then you'll probably pick it up before the reveal, but if not ooooooooooo you're in for a treat. i won't mention it here to save the suspense.
i've never read another soulmate fic as good as this one, and the soulmate aspect isn't necessarily even the best part?? the atmosphere of the fic comes from character relationships and interactions. ace and sabo start out on the wrong foot and it takes time for them to change their opinions about each other, but as you can see by the length, the journey is done with patience and well worth the effort spent :)
as someone indifferent to a lot of the minor characters in this fic, i actually enjoyed them and their various roles a lot??? i guess the takeaway is that you should look at the character list and take it in stride (and the minor relationship that is tagged is v minor like if it's not your cup of tea pls still give the fic a chance). everyone is a joy to read and experience things through. also the world-building is so well done. i have not been into vampire content for many years now but i can say with full confidence that this one still slaps.
also as someone who enjoys like... not necessarily "slow burn" but like a natural progression of a relationship from people who just met into something romantic – this fic hits all those points for me surprisingly well??? my only complaint is that as long as it is sabo and ace barely admit their feelings for each other by the end. i live and breathe to see romantic relationships in fic and red moon is primarily build-up. the two have to be friends first, which takes time and is good! not knocking the fic for that. jus throwing it out there that it's one of the they-hold-hands-by-the-end shoujo-type stories.
maybe before this gets too long i should uh. TALK abt what the fic entails. it's a fantasy-esque story where sabo, a vampire hunter, is captured and taken prisoner by a vampire coven living in the mountains. while he's being held captive, he discovers luffy, the little brother he'd thought was dead for years, is living among the vampires and is the same age at which he supposedly died. this triggers some mixed emotions in sabo about the coven and its members, but most importantly gives him incentive to act iffy in regards to luffy's "father", ace, who is not intent on being at all friendly with sabo either.
4) Epiphany by Scarletsorceress
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30518460 complete - T rating - 5.5k - canon(divergent)
everything scarlet writes for acesabo is done immaculately. if you read this fic and like it, please do yourself a favor and read all of her other fics as well. there are some real gems she has in her collection, but this one has a special place in my heart considering i really don't read sa fics sets in canonverse all that much.
also because it paints a side of the one piece world that i like seeing a lot in fan content – specifically how gruesome it is and the dire straits average everyday citizens go to to survive above the waves. not even to have a peaceful or even "good" life, but just to life long enough in good health to make it count. one piece follows the strawhats as focus characters, which is why i've never been concerned about reading fic starring them. reading about non-titular characters that dont' get as many updates, or that oda teases the lives of without going into depth, has always been more interesting.
and to go with that, the revolutionary army has by far always been the most interesting group of people in the op-verse for me. any fic that focuses on them and paints a picture of their struggle is worth a read. the fact that this is saboace is great, and i love it, but it's also a bonus to a great fic concept in general, which is:
what happens to RA members when a mission goes south and people are killed as a result of their actions?
i don't think the RA gets enough credit for how well they individually hold themselves together. it's fine to portray a kind of "escapism" and have them be happy because they deserve to be happy, but fics like this where it dives into how much their actions (and failures) affect them are always, to me, taking the RA and stripping them of their masks.
also ace is really, really loving and caring and kind and supportive in this fic, which i love seeing. sabo is a miserable wet rag after a mission gone wrong and ace is there to pick up the pieces. bonus points to the dynamic of ace and koala i love them sm in this????? so so so much.
5) In the Morning with a Cup of Warm Tea by sleepymery
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17241962 complete - T rating - 2k - au
this is another from the back-end of the ao3 collection – jus a short and sweet modern au full of domestic fluff!!! that is my bread and butter especially for fics from fandoms where canonverse is so tumultuous and full of strife. which op definitely is!!!! also its not like ace and sabo's canon relationship is happy anyway /shot
this one is happy and cute. a typical morning w sabo and ace on an anniversary of sorts :) all of maery's sa fics are adorable. i used to come back to this one all the time several years ago.
6) How We're Made by paox
https://fanfiction.net/s/12624109/1/How-We-re-Made complete - T rating - 177k - au
i love this one with all my heart and soul. i was actually in the middle of re-reading it a couple years back when it got deleted from ao3 which is :( but it's still up on ffn so!!! ffn it is hehe.
paox at one point was definitely my favorite saboace fic writer and might still be. her prose and writing style in general is so phenomenal in my eyes. the way she writes asl individually and as a dynamic trio (and their various duos as well) really left a mark on me when i first got into one piece. she truly does understand their characters perfectly, and even in a dystopian au such as this, they stay true-to-form throughout.
side note, the majority of this fic focuses on asl and sabo and ace's relationship doesn't change until near the end. it's probably a minor spoilers to say it does but this is a sa rec list so. anyway i threw this up here bc i love paox's writing and this one is complete and more than a drabble. the way she paints sabo's character as a person broken down by an oppressive system, who rises to light the fire of revolution and never stops seeing the good in humanity, it's just perfect to me. this is the man oda brought back from the dead to play a crucial role in the second half of one piece. paox gets it. sabo is so well-written and so true-to-form that any other attempt at his character by anyone else is almost laughable in comparison. this is THE sabo fic of the list.
i have another paox fic (two i think!!) in the front-end list of the ao3 collection so definitely give those reads as well :) one is incomplete but will break your heart nonetheless, the other i think is a longer drabble that has my heart by the throat. i think all the ones still on ao3 are compiled under their old ffn account as well, so navigating to them this the HWM fic link might be a better choice. if you can read on ffn lmaoooo adblockers are your friends.
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gnoccigon · 11 months
Leo Valdez Friends to Lovers headcanons asf 😍😍 pt. 1
i luv the idea of leo having a friends to lovers trope. like it’s so cutie and makes me feel safe ig idk bruh
okie anyway
yes this mans is constantly flirting w people and wants to be a PLAYAH, but his intentions were never rly serious (until he met u 😏)
cuz ya know, abandonment issues :(
from the first time he saw you, he thought you were incredibly pretty
Leo brain: new girl at camp… new girl cute… hope not Hephaestus kid… she smiled at me… *passes away*
but from then you’d hang out with piper a lot and leo would be loitering in your guys’s general vicinity, until eventually you were introduced by her
cuz of that you became friends quick, which he cherished and didn’t want to ruin by pursuing you
but i meannn, let the shameless flirting begin. yall would throw pick up lines back and forth like there is no tmrw
the more outrageous, the better.
but it was also a genuine friendship you guys created; as well as being very honest with each other
a genuine friendship full of THICK sexual tension and longing… but real nonetheless :D
imagine: one time you, leo and ur friends went swimming and were hanging out on the dock
people were running around and splashing in the water
you were sitting on the edge of the dock with leo. he was messing with a fishing pole, trying to make it automatic w whatever scraps he found lying around (lil genius mechanic) and you were j observing him
and gods, did he look good.
he was shirtless, and after spending all day in the sun he had a light bronze glow to his typical tan.
a few more freckles dusted his face and shoulders
and his curly hair, dried from sun and the sea salt, gave it this messy beach vibe. he was focused on his project, blessing his face with the cute concentration expression he makes whenever he is working.
there was no denying that you found him attractive, but in that moment; the mix of spending such a fun day with him, thinking about how much you like him as a person, and just looking at him shirtless–
it was like he was magnetic
“you look really good right now” you say out of the blue
despite him being focused on his fishing rod, he turned to look at you in surprise.
“what?” he said, not really comprehending your words.
“I saaaid you look really good right now.”
and for a few seconds, he just stared at you with his mouth agape.
“i- um… thank you?” he said, keeping his same shocked expression
you kind of broke him in that moment, he couldn’t process that you thought he looked good. he thinks you’re out of his league by miles (no bby ur gorgeous) and couldn’t 100% tell if you were making fun of him or not… buttt
“i’m just being honest you dingus” you said to him, laughing lightly
“your hair is extra curly right now, it’s cute.”
twirling a stray curl around your finger, giving him an adoring look
“welp, i’m gonna go grab a drink, brb” you say getting up and walking inside
Leo was left sitting on the dock, stunned and red from something else besides a sunburn.
piper: hey! earth to leoo, did you get sun poisoning or some shit? you’re all red
leo: …
piper: percy can u help me with this?
percy: i gotch u
*tsunami wave* -drenched asf leo
moving on…
you and leo would randomly say what’s on your mind
more time spent together, more small habits abt each other you would discover and treasure
at that point, leo couldn’t deny it anymore, he might have developed a lil crush on u (cough the bigggggest crush on u cough).
He didn't know how to go about it though, so of course he confided in piper.
“i mean at first i thought I just admired her as a friend yaknow? like a super sexy hot friend who i wanted to be with all the time, but keeping our relationship as just friends.
Piper listening, definitely finds this whole situation funny. you guys are so painfully obvious, but also so fucking oblivious at the same time.
but in response to leo’s rant: “leo, i know”
“omg how did you know!?” 😦😦 he says genuinely baffled.
but as they talk, he makes piper promise to keep it a secret, even though she tells him that you’re interested too and pretty much everyone can tell.
alas, leo does not want to ruin anything, and decides to suffer in silence and keep talking about you to piper.
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sam wilson x teen!reader headcanons
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 634
request: yes / no
original request: omg hi!! i absolutely adore your writing 💕 would you be open to doing some headcanons for sam wilson and a teen!reader? have a wonderful day, love <;33
dynamic: sam wilson x teen!reader
characters: sam wilson, reader
a/n: heh inspiration struck so two in one day it is 😈😈 i LOVED writing this request omg. i'm totally obsessed w/ sam wilson so i was sooo happy this was requested!! ty anon :D
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
sam gives such older brother vibes to me
like no matter how old u are he’ll always treat you like a little sibling
well he and bucky both
at this point they’re a package deal
a lot of ur time is spent settling their argument
“hey, y/n. who pulls off this hat the best?”
“y/n!!! pancakes or waffles??”
“y/n tell bucky he’s wrong.”
theres a lot of that LMAO
anyways i feel like he would make u do stuff with him
like fun little adventures
y’all learned to crochet together
and u were pretty good ngl
but poor sam kept missing stiches
you made little frogs and his looked not rly like a frog
but u loved it anyway ofc
the two of you usually do grocery runs together
that’s like high time for ur gossip 😏
i mean guys this is sam wilson
he def knows a LOT of stuff
but he’s really engaged with like ur school & home life
he always makes sure ur ok
he is totally the type to text and call regularly
he would go to ur parent teacher conferences if u needed him to
and then he’d tell u all his thoughts about the teacher after 😭 
he’s rly perceptive with emotions
i mean he was a therapist like what do u expect
but whenever he senses ur down he’ll do something really nice
and like cook u something
bc sam can COOK
like COOK
and he’ll try to make you laugh
which always works because he’s actually hilarious
speaking of he’s so funny on missions too
he’s always talking on the earpieces and like he’ll just say the funniest stuff
and he swears like a sailor JUST SAYING 🤪
he’s so the type to swear in front of you all the time but then the moment u swear he’s like “what did you say 🤨🤨”
also he always is asking u fashion advice
“ok y/n. blue shirt red pants? or red shirt blue pants?”
“sam do you really want to look like one fish two fish red fish blue fish”
“yeah i guess you’re right 😞”
he always acts sad and then the moment you feel bad he’s like “GOTCHA 😜”
also whenever he’s away he’ll send you a ton of pictures
a lot of them are selfies of him and bucky and steve 
and they’re so funny
like he’s not trying to be funny but he literally is like a facebook minion meme mom
oh also no offense to him but he’s an AWFUL driver 😭 
like he goes way too fast and his music is so loud
but he lets u choose it so u don’t mind 🤩
it’s always kind of fun going in the car with him
you always text natasha a picture of u with him in the driver’s seat in the background and you say “if i die u know why”
and she just goes “have fun”
you and him go on runs together
and that’s rly fun
well ok ik running is hard
but as a runner its sooo much more fun suffering through it with someone else 🥳
whenever u run u do that like shareplay thing on spotify
and he always judges ur music like 😑
ok mr “i listen to the same album for like five months in a row”
oh he is so the type to take u on like one on one lunches and stuff
i think that’s smth the avengers would do with their younger members to make sure they’re alright
and he always does it with u bc ur best friends ofc ‼️
y’all are so petty to each other
but u do really think the world of him
and he thinks the world of you too 🫶
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johnslittlespoon · 14 days
fic/general updates bc i've been so quiet here, feel free to mute my yapping tag if ur just here for the brainrot posts idm one bit <3
dog coded fic ch4 is like 1/3rd done but it's a heavy one so it's taking me a bit aaa bear with me
I MADE MY FIC TAG SO SEXY i added moodboards to every single one. was this entirely self indulgent and unnecessary and an act of unintentional procrastination? yes. did it bring me joy while writing angst? also yes so
i have like 50 asks waiting for me again and I'VE READ THEM ALL OKAY and i've been losing my mind over them oh my god special mention to the anon leaving brainrot for my curtbuckbucky club au... you don't understand what you've done to me. i've almost opened a new doc so many times. i have Thoughts about what you've said and i will voice them and get back to as many other asks as i can soon!! just need an evening to lock in and sit down and reply, and there are so many fun prompt reqs to write too <3
i feel so fucking bad– i have not responded to ao3 comments or comments on my fics etc here for over a month and i reread them all so often and never want to seem like idc bc i DO they mean everything to me, literally the reason i stay motivated to write 😭💗 so i need to also sit down and go thru and reply to all of them, i just get overwhelmed by the love and sit there smiling like an idiot and then i feel the imposter syndrome and tell myself i'll reply later and the cycle repeats JDSGK <3
this week's gonna be pretty busy for me so i might still be a bit quiet, but after that i'm hoping i can get back to more regular brainrot in between writing my fic >:) me treating this like a job HSDGKJ jk i have so much fun here i rly do miss yapping all day :') anyway i think that's all, been making some edits too but i keep getting sidetracked before i finish them and i rly should be focusing on yad(iym) regardless smh! justice for pining bucky fr. but yeah if i'm ever not posting as much, just assume i'm either busy irl or focussing my energy on fic writing bc i'm so serious when i say every minute that i'm not busy irl is spent on these stupid men i'm literally plagued with thoughts of them 24/7 fml
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arolesbianism · 8 months
What if instead of posting abt the random card au characters that are actually from the medias I made the au for I just post more abt the ocs that don't matter at all and that no one cares abt. Anyways currently thinking abt the magic user that started the bond that An is a part of. Little autism creature that goes ehehehehheheeheeheeheeeeheheheheeehee
#rat rambles#random card au#they are a mad scientist basically and did the whole star soul bounding thing for funsies and because their star is a goat#they idolized the hell out of the guy who started the bond that arisa is a part of and saw him as a father figure#they basically spent the entire time he was alive being like hee hoo look at this fucked up slab of flesh I made conscious with magic#and hed be like why the hell would you do that and theyd just giggle for 15 minutes and then walk into the void#they also loved their star very dearly she was a fairly old goat that got bored of being expected to say things that made sense#she just sat in their lab screaming all day and they scream back and this is how theyd communicate all the time#needless to say stinky blond man found this very annoying but also his own star would constantly bark at nothing so he couldn't judge#he mostly recruited them to help with his studies because finding someone with loose enough morals to help him is quite rare#but they proved to be maybe a bit too much for him as they liked to find fun new fucked up ways to create life#he just wanted new ways to commit mass arson lol#he still enjoys their company tho even if he definitely cares way less abt them as they do him#after he dies the goat guy takes it rly bad and basically locks themself in the twos old hideout with the new kid he left behind#they were like 17 at the time tho so they were like doubly not in a state to raise a kid but luckily the two managed to get on better terms#once they were older and the two did more experimenting until they eventually died of unspecified causes rip#guy who giggles evily and guy who cackles evily unite
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
hi!! i LOVE how you write angst and i got this idea that i think you would KILL: im eddie thinking takes the reader to a concert after party where certain…unfamiliar substances…are present and she somehow ingests them by accident. she’s freaking out because she doesn’t know what’s happening and starts to have a rly bad trip. eddie finds her and helps her through it, taking her home, apologizing PROFUSELY because he feels like it’s his fault for putting her in danger, etc. ends in fluff bc he makes her feel better but eddie realizes he maybe should be more responsible?? im gonna be honest i know very little about that kinda stuff so i say go crazy creatively speaking but i think it would work rly well with his character !! don’t feel pressured to write if you’re not comfortable though !! ty :)
You were hesitant to come along to the after party but Eddie was still your best friend. Things had just been a little rocky between the two of you since you and him had gotten into an argument over something so trivial the week before. You couldn’t even remember what truly started the argument. You just remembered hearing him say the words: “No wonder no one wants to be with you. You’re too much of a bitch most of the time.”
And you hit back with, “You’re just always going to be a fucking lowlife drug dealer in this shitty town while I use my bitchiness to succeed.”
It lead to a yelling fight where you both hashed out mean words that neither of you meant. You left his trailer that night and didn’t speak to him for nearly three days, which was a record in the relationship you had with Eddie. You were usually inseparable. Even though you weren’t together, or not exclusive, you still had feelings for him.
Those three days made you miss him and you were the first to budge. You went by his house after school one day, walked into the trailer, sat yourself directly on his lap, and kissed him as if your life depended on it. You weren’t sure why you done it – well, no other reason than you were usually shitty with words and expressing your feelings verbally. He said nothing with his words, but the way he gripped you and pulled you tighter against him, and then fucked you on the couch, spoke volumes.
There were still hurt feelings – you both had said horrible things, but you were both trying to work past them because the friendship, and budding relationship, meant everything to both of you. And that’s how you ended up at Corroded Coffin’s after party, even though you rarely went to bars. You’d do anything for Eddie even if it pushed you out of your comfort zone a bit.
You had spent most of the night dancing with the group of friends you had, mostly girls by now as the guys were getting tired. Your feet were screaming at you though and you made you way over to Eddie who was sitting at the bar, beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, as he chatted with whoever was sitting beside of him. You placed your hands on his thighs and leaned into him as you spoke.
“Eddie,” you whined into his ear, “My feet are killing me. You still have those Tylenol in your pocket?”
“Sure do, doll.” Eddie said, pulling out the contents of his back pocket which had way more than just two little tylenols you had asked him to hold onto earlier. Several small baggies filled with different pills of various sizes and shapes blurred past you as he sifted through them to find the two pills.
He handed you the baggie with two little white pills that you thought looked a bit odd, but it was dark in the bar and you were already a little drunk. You trusted him, took the tylenol out of the bag, and popped them in your mouth without a second thought.
“You having fun?” Eddie yelled over the song that started blaring through the speakers.
“Loads,” you grinned, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before you pulled back, picked up your drink, and went back to the dance floor.
Eddie had noticed he hadn’t seen you in the last thirty minutes and that was odd. You knew how to keep yourself safe but he still liked to keep a check on you every few minutes – he knew how guys could be in these situations. They were all high, thanks to him, and he barely knew any of the guys other than his band members.
“Hey, have you seen Y/N?” Eddie asked, gently touching the girls arm that he seen you dancing with earlier.
“Yeah but it’s been a few minutes...said she needed some air and that she was getting dizzy.” She shrugged.
He scanned the room once more before he made his way out the front door. He found you sitting with your back against the brick wall on the far end of the building, your shoes sitting beside of you as you held your head in your hands.
“Y/N,” Eddie called out as he jogged closer to you, “Hey – you okay?”
“Somethings wrong,” you groaned, trying to look up at him but every time you moved your head, your vision seemed to blur and you couldn’t make out his shape.
“Hey, what’s up?” Eddie asked, squatting down beside of you, “You’re gonna get your pretty dress all marked up sitting on the ground like that.”
He got a closer look at you, seeing your smeared makeup and your pupils blown wide.
“I – I don’t know,” you said with an eerily calm voice that didn’t match your expression one bit, “I took the tylenol and ever since then...nothing feels like it’s moving, Eddie. Am I breathing? Are you breathing?”
Eddie racked his brain, trying to figure out exactly what had happened. And then it hit him. He hurriedly turned away from you and pulled the baggies back out of his pocket, sorting through them quickly. He felt his heart sink at the sight of the two tylenol’s still in the baggie that he was supposed to have given you earlier.
“Fuck,” he groaned and shoved it all back into his pocket as he tried to think of what to do next.
“How many did you take, Y/N?”
“Two. The two in the bag.” You nodded.
Goddamnit, Eddie. You’ve really fucked up now, he thought to himself as he stared at you.
“Okay. That wasn’t tylenol, baby. That was something much – much different.” Eddie sighed as he walked over to you, “Let’s go home, yeah? Maybe that will help if we get you in bed.”
He helped you into the van, making sure your seat belt was tightly fastened before he got in the drivers seat. When the car went to take off, you groaned and held your head as you bent over.
“I know, I know.” Eddie sighed, gently rubbing your back, “Just keep your head down. It’ll help.”
Eddie felt ashamed for the first time in a very, very long time. He wasn’t proud of the fact that he sold drugs but half of these idiots in this town would never become anything. They were all addicts and he could get by with the feeling of helping them because it was truly only the money he was after. But this? This sight in front of him crushed him.
You were a good girl. You rarely smoked weed. Sure you drank and had a little fun every once in awhile. You deserved to. Eddie had wanted this to be a fun night away from the distraction of work and school and here he was accidentally getting you high. You were a straight A student and you were a hard worker. What if they randomly drug tested you at work? What if this got you addicted? What if he just screwed up the trajectory of your life?
He should’ve just left you alone after the argument, told you to leave when you sat in his lap, restrained himself from touching you. He didn’t deserve any of that from you. You were a good person and he was just some lowlife drug dealer who didn’t deserve a shot at having a life with you. Eddie Munson had never hated himself more than he did in this moment.
Before you even realized what was happening, you were being pulled from the van as Eddie helped you walk, tucking himself under your arm as he helped you up the two small steps and then into the trailer.
“Eddie, what’s wrong with me?” You asked him after a few minutes of stumbling through the small hallway, “Why’d you do this to me? What did you give me?”
“I didn’t mean to,” he said as he choked back the tears that threatened to fall.
He helped you get back into the bedroom and you flopped down on the mattress face first, groaning the dizziness came back at the sudden movement. He sat down on the floor beside of you as you turned to look at him.
“What’d I do wrong, Eds?” You asked, willing the room to stop spinning as you tried to look at Eddie but he seemed to be floating in your vision.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetheart.” Eddie said, soothing your hair back, “This was just a mistake. I fucked up and I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Eddie?” You asked softly, feeling his hand on the side of your face.
“Why do you do it?” You whispered, “Can’t nobody like feeling like this...how do you...be okay with doing this to people?”
“Guess I’m just some lowlife drug dealer after all, hm?” He frowned behind his palm as he looked at you, watching as your eyes slipped closed. He soothed your hair back, trying to keep you calm until you were fast asleep. When your breathing slowed and you dropped your grip on his arm, he knew you were fast asleep and would be out for awhile. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, pressing his face into the mattress as he cried silently, body heaving as he sobbed. He would never forgive himself for this and he knew you wouldn’t either. He didn’t deserve your forgiveness.
When you woke up the next morning, you realized you had practically wrapped yourself around Eddie in a vice grip. You weren’t sure what happened but the last thing you remembered was being in the dance floor with your friends and asking Eddie for Tylenol.
When he felt you stir, he was immediately awake, gripping your chin and checking your pupils. He visibly relaxed when he saw they were normal sized and you were sentient now. You nuzzled into his palm, placing a kiss in the middle of it as you looked up at him.
“You okay, baby?” He asked softly.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Don’t remember anything that happened but I’m okay.”
“I…” he closed his eyes and sighed. He knew he needed to tell you the truth but he knew it was going to hurt when you got mad at him. “I accidentally gave you X.”
“X?” You looked at him in confusion, “What’s that?”
“Ecstasy,” he sighed, “I know. I know. I fucked up and I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N.”
You sat up a bit, pulling back away from his grip and he braced himself for the onslaught of anger. But you couldn’t be mad at him. Not with him staring at you with those big eyes and the sad expression. You knew him better than to ever think he’d ever purposefully give you something like that.
“So that’s why I don’t remember coming back to your place, huh?” You laughed softly, shocking him.
“You’re not mad?”
“I can’t be mad at you, Eds.” You sighed, reaching for his hand, “I thought they looked odd before I swallowed them but I didn’t think twice. I know you’re not going to give me something like that to try and hurt me, Eddie. I know that.”
He sat up and you leaned in closer to him, resting your forehead against his as he stroked your cheek. He wouldn’t bring up what you said to him last night. It hurt too bad to even remember the look on your face.
You could tell he was still fighting himself internally. The stress was elucidated on his face and you hated it. He didn’t do anything wrong on purpose.
“You okay?” You asked him.
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “You?”
“Feelin’ a lil hungover,” you sighed and nodded, “But I’m okay. It was an accident.”
He his hand around the back of your neck and gently kissed your lips, sighing as you moved closer against him until you were pressing him back down in the mattress and straddling his waist.
“I love you, Eds.” You mumbled, “Forgive yourself, okay?”
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