#like idk i have so many questions i have a hard time to articulate
keep-on-trying · 11 months
Y'all wanna bet Childe is there to bail us out, AGAIN?
Because it does look like jail is calling us lol.
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sully-s · 10 months
Seeing your art on my dash literally nakes my month oh my god so beautiful and stylish!!!
Idk if you've discussed this, but how do you find such cohesive and vibrant color palettes for big pieces?
Oh wow got to ask the hard questions huh. Lol I don't think I've talking about this. Becuase it's hard to articulate. A lot of what I do in art is just trial and error. I don't have a set formula or pretext color palettes for each mood or setting (tho I really should would save me a lot of time)
I mainly mess around with a ton of color layers in Photoshop on various blending modes at various opacity levels add in adjustment layers (mostly Selective Color) and play around with the values of the file and I let my artist intuition lead me to the atmosphere I'm trying to portray.
Here's a snapshot of just how many I used to get to the base color scheme for my Mueasume picture. ( and I used more later on in the piece.)
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But I know that doesn't help you so here are some tips.
Know your mood and your setting for your piece (Time, Weather, Indoor Outdoor, Sad, Happy, Angry, etc.)
Learn the color language for each mood and setting Pintrest is great for this. Make some boards.
If your colors are not cohesive and you working digitally make a new layer Fill that layer with whatever color is the main mood of your piece (red for anger blue for sad etc.) and set that layer to like 50% opacity and then just go down the list of your layer options until you find something you like.
You can repeat this step with other layers and become the basket case like me and also have 20+ layers in your file lol.
You could add a color fill layer set it to Hue, flatten the image, then cut that whole image revert back to before you made the color fill layer paste your monochrome picture on top of your original piece, and then play with the monochrome layer on different layer settings and opacity
And if you have the option to use Selective Color do it and play with the sliders. The ability to tone down a hue in each value is a game changer.
You can also use Hue and Saturation tho you need a light hand if you're going to play with this setting.
I hope some of this help and I'm sorry if it wasn't clear feel free to send me another ask or message me through the chat feature and I can try to clarify.
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gothhabiba · 1 year
(fountain anon) I guess the best way to say why I dont understand fountain is that I dont understand why people are so angry at it. Because that seems to be the crux of the piece, the negative reaction to it that continues to this day (part of the reason I find it hard to try look into is that it seems like every second result is some rant about how it should never have been made disguised as an actual article). Its like you say that it rubs against their idea of what art is, but I just dont get that. Even is someone dislikes it as a piece I dont understand why someone would say it doesnt get to count as art, which I guess does tie into the AI stuff as well. idk how well I've articulated that but thats one of the main things I dont understand about fountain, where that response seems more important than the art object itself.
Theres smaller things I dont understand which together make a large hole of many smaller questions but I cant list well all of here, like one being if the whole point of the work is that its "readymade" then why do the institutions seem set on preserving that one specific urinal like a holy relic but from your first response it seems like you have thoughts on that yourself.
If what's confusing you is why someone would get so up-in-arms about this, or insist that they get to dictate what counts as "art," then the context that's probably missing is an idea of how powerful the cultural and institutional orthodoxy surrounding "art" was at the beginning of the 20th century.
You could probably analyse that in a few different ways. To me, the crux of the matter is just what I've been pointing out—a capitalist understanding of "value" relies on a concept of "labour hours" and the attendent concept of "exchange value" in a capitalist market—plus, in the U.S., capitalist ideology and Protestant ideology are often entwined with each other insofar as Protestant ideology glorifies work and suffering as essential to moral "worth" or "value."
@auntbutch points out that the matter of who gets to decide what "art" is is a matter of power. In a concrete sense, the (majority of the board of the) Society of Independent Artists had the power to hide the piece during the Grand Central Palace exhibition despite the fact that the artist had paid the requisite fee to have the piece displayed, which constituted a rejection of the idea that the piece could consistute "art."
In a conceptual sense, the idea that there is "art" and there is "non-art"—because it relies on a distinction between the "artistic" and the "everyday"—must therefore rely on an idea of "value" that is conveyed by scarcity (see again: capitalist exchange value). Put another way: if everything is art, nothing is.
In order for art to have "value" (exchange value, moral value, "artistic" value), it must be (in comparison to the numbers of objects in the world) rare; in order for artists to be fundamentally different creatures than the rest of the masses of humanity, they must be rare.
You can ensure that artists remain rare, and that art consumption remains the province of the wealthy, by insisting that the production of "art" requires a good deal of time, and anything which did not require a good deal of time to produce (in addition to time spent learning the skills required to produce it, time spent networking and paying your dues before you are enabled to proceed in the field, &c.) is therefore not "art."
cut for length:
You can also ensure that "art" remains rare by insisting that art must not be useful. The early 20th century is a bit out of period for me, but I know that the concept of "l'art pour l'art" ("art for art's sake") had come into popularity at the end of the 19th century in reaction to a general culture that insisted on the moral value of art and its "purpose" in shaping minds and leading to good, moral habits.*
Where these discourses agreed is that "art" was not held to have physical, quotidian uses: a working-class woman knitting stockings for her family to wear because they could not afford to pay someone else to do it was not an artist, no matter how much time and skill and aesthetic sensibility went into their production; nor were any of the world's Indigenous peoples who were producing e.g. pottery, or ornamenting various other everyday objects.
This is the inherited distinction between "Art" with a capital "A" and a "craft." This keeps women, the working class, and non-Europeans out of "art," because they do not have the time, the distance from the everyday business of the maintenance of life, or supposedly the intellectual capacity to produce "real" art.
So art did not have a physical purpose. Rather, the purpose of art was to "exalt the senses"; to create exquisite sensations in the viewer as a result of the aesthetic skill of the artist. Depending on how overtly moralist a given theorist was, they might say it was to improve upon what had come before and thereby build on our (read: the white races') inheritance of the best impulses and accomplishments of humanity. (Actually Victorian concepts of eugenics had a lot to do with aesthetics—the purpose of art was to advance the (white) race morally, and thus to improve the hereditary material that they passed down when they reproduced.)
Granted, the context in which Duchamp first attempted to display "Fountain" was one in which you had had some heterodoxy of content—cubism, for example, which the Society of Independent Artists did seem to like. But ultimately, though cubism probably angered a lot of people for its loose approach to representation and thus the potential danger it posed to the future of "art" (again, not really my area), it was something that the Society could nevertheless recognise as "art," because it was clearly an object that the artist had spent time creating and that fell into a previously understood medium of "painting" or "sculpture" (not a lot of heterodoxy of form). Despite the fact that the Society's exhibition was supposedly "open," and that they were supposedly an "avant garde" group, it went too far.
The challenge that readymades posed was that they asked people to consider something that was not created but merely chosen and recontextualised by the artist as "art". They affronted the notion that art required time and skill (on the part of the artist) and therefore had a natural inbuilt assurance of scarcity.
But "Fountain" is by far the most famous amongst the series of readymades that Duchamp exhibited, probably because there's something about its being a urinal that is pretty confronting (whether it reads as "gross" or "disrespectful" or what have you). It lacked respect for the effort that "real" artists put in and the art world that circulated and displayed "real" art pieces and the seriousness with which they took their mission to uplift or express or represent humanity or whatever it was that they insisted art must do.
"Fountain" looked at a whole culture of people who deeply felt that they were doing something important to the fate of humanity—and, in some cases, had made careers and money out of creating and stewarding and judging "art" (not just artists but critics and museum directors and curators and the board members of independent societies of artists)—and said "actually, art is a receptable for piss."
You can see this same sort of attitude today very easily by scrolling through a few replies on any of my posts asking people to reconsider their easy equation of "time and effort" to "value" in their evaluation of art. A lot of people (especially people with money on the line) are very affronted by that request, and insist that art's function as something that binds humanity together and creates wonderful feelings in the viewer (sound familiar?) is dependent upon its requiring "effort" to create.
The museums that treat this specific urinal (actually a few approved replicas, the original was lost, my bad) like a holy relic are, in effect, absorbing (neutralising?) the critique that "Fountain" was levieing without 'understanding' it or behaving accordingly. Really, a museum can't 'understand' a critique of this nature or behave accordingly, because the critique cuts at the very concept of what a museum (or an art exhibition, or an art auction, &c. &c.) is for in the first place.
The climate surrounding art (in the circles of the intelligentsia, art students, rich people who want to be 'cultured," various other groups) has changed significantly in the intervening 100+ years since "Fountain" was made, to the extent that "modern art" frequently comes across critiques along the lines of "my kid could have painted that" (from the non-art-educated "public," who don't have the sometimes enormous amount of information needed to contextualise a given piece or movement. So you have a split between different groups' concepts of "art," where for a lot of people today it's still "looks nice and required effort to make," while a lot of the art-educated have moved on).
However, despite the fact that e.g. a readymade may be "easier" and take less time to create, the museums that feature them still rely on scarcity! Because their value proposition is that they collect and curate and display objects of extraordinary artistic or cultural or historical "value." What's inside of them must be different from what's outside of them for them to be worth keeping the lights on and employing staff and paying an entrance fee and accepting government culture grants. It's just that the scarcity may come from different sources (it's a rare artist who has the right connexions to get a piece or an exhibition accepted; it's a rare piece that has caused enough controversy to be historically significant enough to be "worth" displaying).
As far as I'm concerned, museums' accepting "Fountain" into the fold of "real" art by exhibiting it (putting money into storing and moving the original replicas and displaying them, putting the weight of their institutional cachet behind it, &c.) is one of the greatest ironies of the piece. Pinoncelli, who has attacked "Fountain" exhibitions with, on two different occasions, a hammer and his own urine, got much closer to the spirit of it.
*You can probably just about figure what these "moral" habits are: heterosexual marriage, the maintenance of virginity especially in women, adherence to the nuclear family, a sense of emotional "sympathy" for other people as strengthening the body politic, refraining from "indulgence" in drinking and gambling, avoiding miscegenation, &c. &c.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
Your post about Yang and Tai’s advice just showed up on my dash and 1) I love this show and 2) it really hit me how I didn’t really question Tai in that moment? He’s her dad, the adult to her child, and he was right about what He was talking about in the tournament specifically but not all of Yang. The idea that your parents can hurt you while trying to help you, how their love can take on an unfair or unhelpful shape. Wah. But also it had me thinking. Yang has yet to tackle her emotional side of all of this and still acted in self sacrifice to save Ruby. What’s the best way for her to address this? No one has ever mentioned it before in show so would the girls talking about it be the realizing or is it something she needs to see on her own? Or a combo of both. Yang telling Ruby she wanted her to be safe and maybe Ruby or Blake getting upset bc “what does me being safe have to do with me losing you? Nothing is worth losing you not even me?” I need this volume in my eyes so badly
😭 one of my FAVORITE things about rwby is how it just… lets characters be wrong. a lot of stories you’ll get this thing of—a character lies or voices a misunderstanding and the narrative almost immediately does something to signal that the statement is false, if not having another character jump in to correct them then rushing to a scene that establishes unambiguously what the truth is, or even just flagging liars by making a point of how suspicious they are. right? how many times have you read a story or watched a tv show and known within a matter of pages or minutes at most that a character just lied to you?
but rwby doesn’t do that! the characters make mistakes, jump to erroneous conclusions, hold preconceived notions that distort their perspectives of the present, and even outright LIE and the narrative just lets that happen without commentary—rwby shows an *enormous* degree of respect for its audience, an enormous amount of trust that its viewers care enough about the story to pay attention and really engage with it. and because it’s written with that trust it’s able to just embrace complexity and nuance and characters being wrong and stuff like that. idk i just think it makes the story feel really *welcoming* in a way—like, the narrative isn’t trying to hold our hands and tell us what we should think, it’s inviting us to think for ourselves.
not to get like sappy or anything gkgdjf
but god yeah. yang’s v9 arc!
the nature of void wonderland makes concrete speculation tricky—i’m pretty confident about the basic emotional and thematic trajectories i foresee, but there are so many unknown variables in this wholly new and bizarre setting that when it gets down to the question of WHAT will happen HOW it will occur is kind of just taking shots in the dark. we’ve already got emotion-reactive weather and talking mice who knows what other weird shit could happen.
that said, any time you stick a character whose biggest problem involves emotional repression into a setting where their feelings are literalized into the environment… i mean. lmao. it’s hard to bury your feelings when they’re literally bursting out of you to influence the weather, right? so i anticipate that playing some role in both ruby’s and yang’s arcs—they’re both very bad at articulating their unwanted emotions, ruby because she feels so much pressure to be the perfect leader and yang because deep down she doesn’t believe in her own innate worth, but now they’re in a place that is, literally, going to articulate their unwanted emotions *for* them.
(as a metaphor for how bottling up your feelings just makes them build up until they explode out whether you like it or not, this is of course very fun.)
the OTHER thing—with yang specifically—is that there has, in fact, been a major arc about a character falling into self-sacrificing/self-destructive habits, bleeding herself dry for the sake of protecting the world until her friend confronted her about it, showed her how counterproductive it was to exhaust herself, and begged her to take better care of herself. i am of course talking about blake in volume two—and in THAT arc, YANG was the character who saw this type of behavior for the damaging exercise in futility that it ultimately is and pulled blake out of her self-destructive spiral.
there’s a deep hypocrisy in what yang is doing to herself now, because as we saw in v2 this self-sacrificing bullshit is NOT something yang tolerates or supports when she sees it in people she cares about. she knows it’s harmful. she knows it’s not safe. and when she’s in a state of better mental health, like she was during the beacon arc, she’s even able to recognize that tendency in herself and make the conscious, deliberate choice to restrain it.
blake knows that, because she was on the receiving end of yang giving her exactly the kind of talk yang needs to hear now. so i think blake is gonna be coming at this problem not just from a perspective of having just seen yang fall to her apparent death after bodily shielding ruby from an attack, but also from a perspective of knowing that she just needs to get yang to connect the dots between, well, setting herself on fire for other people in both the literal and figurative sense and the kind of single-minded self-destructive behavior that they talked about in burning the candle. like, if blake can get yang to see that burying her feelings and never asking for support because she’s so focused on supporting her friends is the *same* as putting ruby in a wagon and walking through the woods for miles until she’s too exhausted to scream when the grimm attack because she’s so focused on finding her mom… it doesn’t feel the same to yang, because the former arises from a selfless desire to protect others whereas the latter arose from a self-centered desire to find her mother, but it is the same, because both are just yang sacrificing her own well-being for the sake of a goal she gives greater importance than herself.
i do think that—while obviously RWB are all gonna feel some way about yang sacrificing herself to shield ruby—the arc as a whole probably won’t focus very closely on That Specific sacrificial act, because:
1. if blake or weiss had spotted neo, or if neo had gone for yang and ruby had seen her, there’s not a single doubt in my mind that any of them would have reacted any differently than yang did: rushing forward as fast as they can to save their teammate from getting stabbed in the back. (see also, weiss shoving ruby clear of cinder’s explosion later in the same fight and getting her aura broken in the process.) for yang, that action was part of a larger pattern of self-sacrificial behavior, but in that specific situation, in the heat of the moment, she just did what *any* of them would have done.
2. because of the first point, making that specific action the central focus gives yang something of an out: instead of being a conversation about how yang thinks she ALWAYS needs to be the one supporting them because she doesn’t feel DESERVING of their support in turn, it becomes a conversation about “well what would YOU have done? she was going to stab ruby! it’s not like i wanted her to kill me instead, i just wanted to protect my sister!”—and she’d be right, because taken in isolation yang really didn’t do anything wrong by getting between neo and ruby. it sucks that it happened too fast for yang to deflect the attack itself, sure, but in essence she saw an adversary sneaking up to stab ruby while ruby was focused on cinder and moved to intervene.
and while yang’s underlying mindset likely influenced how she intervened—using her body to shield ruby vs trying to tackle neo, or tackle ruby so the attack would miss them both—the act of intervention itself was the only right thing to do. the deeper problem, the thing that really needs addressing, is that underlying mindset, which expresses itself in yang’s ready willingness to take hits so her teammates don’t have to but also, far more critically, manifests as yang disregarding her own emotional needs for the sake of being the strong one, the shoulder to cry on, the supportive rock everyone else can rely on. so i figure RWB will be more focused on “we are here for you, we WANT to be here for you, please let us be here for you” than on like prosecuting the details of one specific incident.
and meanwhile yang has all this pent-up emotional junk she’s been drowning in since v4 that got exacerbated by her unsatisfying confrontations with raven in v5—resentment, anger, grief for the relationship with the mom she wishes raven could have been, frustration with herself for not being good enough for raven to stay, feeling helpless after a lifetime of wanting this confrontation and then getting the answers she wanted and it changing absolutely nothing, so forth—that has hitherto only bubbled up as flashes of intense anger at acceptable available targets (ozpin in v6, salem in v8) but is prime for a major eruption if she keeps trying to stamp it down. my guess is that we’re going to see yang become a lot more emotionally volatile in v9 as all this *stuff* she’s been keeping dammed up starts to spring leaks.
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kooktrash · 10 months
Is it really worth it to post ffs on tumblr? genuine question, because I’ve thought about it but at the same time the amount of toxicity n shit that’s on this app towards writers is insane. I’m not really affected by toxic people personally, but I’d like to know from your pov..maybe just a small list of pros & cons :)
hmmmmmm personally I think it is but I’ve always written fanfiction since I was like 13 and I’m 21 now lol 🤧
helps ease the disease that is deluluness bc if I’m feeling ✨ delusional ✨ I just make a fic out of it
honestly, once you connect with other writings blogs and become friends it’s so much fun to talk and just brainstorm back and forth. like you should see the messages between @joonberriess and @thvhoe and I. if it ain’t random we’re most likely helping each other brainstorm
ummm it’s a confidence boost to read people’s reviews and knowing that they want to talk to you
it’s pretty competitive only bc tumblr algorithm for the tags is just so willy wonky that if you want your fic to be read you gotta really make it stand out
it’s honestly a lot of work that I don’t think some people realize. you have to be decently articulate, you have to have a unique storyline or at least not a carbon copy of someone else’s work [which is very hard in fanfiction bc there’s only so many tropes used]
you’ve gotta deal with haters but they’re on anon so be like me and just assume they’re bots and not real people 💀
not a lot of ppl mention this but I’ve definitely heard rumors about joining writing networks and being in communities like that where it could feel sort of like a hostile environment between writers
idk just do it, stick to yourself and your readers and make it fun
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What's your opinion on the flanderization of the Eds during the later seasons? More specifically the school episodes.
I remember being so upset about it as a kid.
Double D and Ed are relatively reserved people with Eddy being pretty much the most extroverted of them. Especially in the start of the show. Ed is that weird kid that makes obscure references to TV shows and movies he's watched, he's so absorbed into science fiction comics and horror flicks he believes it's real. Double D is too weak for the other kid's games and too much of a know-it-all that'd it be a put off to most of the Cul-de-sac kids and Eddy was well.. small and a loud-mouth bossy but, he meant well. They all meant well.
He just wanted to fit in, they all did. (felt deep in my soul)
With Eddy, Ed and Double D had a sense of belonging, they had each-other and that's what mattered to them. They're social outcasts but they are outcasts that weren't alone. Them growing apart with the school episodes just made so hurt especially as I watched the re-runs while in Junior High/Middle School myself.
Am I going too deep into this? Probably. Thoughts?
Ooohhh I love talking about season 5/6!!
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Opinions under the cut bc this will probably get long. (You're afraid you went too deep but I've already dug to china, my friend lmao)
My opinion of it used to be the same as you way back in the day. I remember seeing the first new episode and literally turning off the television because I was so irritated. Everything was so different, I could tell the animation was different, they were going to SCHOOL... something I hated thinking about when I was a 14-15 year old teenager myself. I used to watch this show to get away from reality, not relive the experience. I didn't like change as a kid. Change is scary, but I've come to discover as I got older that change is inevitable, and the sooner we embrace it, the happier we'll be.
However, my opinion of the later seasons as an adult has changed drastically.
I actually really love the later seasons now. The characters are so much more expressive and silly. Sure, some of the episodes are a little cringy, but don't we all have memories from our childhood that make us cringe? Looking back at my own childhood, school was just a part of the experience. It sucked in the moment, but I have so many fond memories of my friends and I going through school that I will never get to relive again.
The one thing I've always admired about this cartoon is how much it reminds me of my childhood. And part of the reason I still love it today is because I get to relive the experience of being young through the Eds over and over again. It's not about magic, or spies, or superheroes... it's just three kids being kids. It's so simple, but so powerful.
I'm sorry, but I have to hard disagree with you on them drifting apart in the school seasons though. They're growing up, showing their differences, but what mattered at the end of the day was that they were still friends. I had a couple of friends since the first grade, we all grew into different people, but despite EVERYTHING we are still best friends to this day. That's how I see the Eds. That's how I want the Eds to be if there ever exists a canon version with them as adults. No matter who they've become. No matter where they are. No matter how much time has passed, they'll always be friends.
So, to answer your question: Seasons 5/6 are one of my favorites, actually. They're different for sure, but school is just another part of being a kid. And friendships are definitely tested in school, especially for such different personalities such as Ed, Edd and Eddy. But the bond they share is even stronger at the end of the day. That's how I view it.
Idk, maybe I've spend way too much time reading in between all the lines.
I hope I was able to articulate my thoughts well enough <3 Sorry if it wasn't the answer you were looking for. But thanks for asking!
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sevicia · 4 months
give me the movie recs instead! scary is ok
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Under a read more cause I looove talking, and the sections are ordered by like, priority of recommendation if that makes sense ... I also tried 2 actually rank them but I am not very good @ that LOL
Personal Enjoyment ONLY!!!:
No theme besides personal enjoyment "just for fun"/not relatable edition:
The Batman - I love it I just love it. I watched it bc my sister put it on and my pen's battery had run out. I was CLUELESS
Spree - That's my attention whore wife that would kill me for views !!!!!!
Jacob's Ladder - The best fever dream anyone could ever ask for !!! Everything about this movie is perfect. And this doesn't really matter TOO much ....... BUT …….. !!!! Tim Robbins in short shorts towards the end .......... save meeeee .................
Antiviral - I rewatched this one just before writing this LOL. It made me crazy when I first saw it back in 2022 and it makes me crazy now too!! The entire movie feels cold & sterilized but it's still Completely Sexual. Syd March I know what you are. OH also I like to think Mr. Cronenberg Sir is proud of his son bc this ruuuuules
Martyrs - This is like the ultimate "can't rec it as-is" movie bc of the amount of people that are genuinely disturbed by it & don't get me wrong I am one of them!! But there's just something here that has me thinking about it so often. The violence is amazing and the feeling in my stomach is horrible every time !!
No theme besides personal enjoyment mental illness edition:
Pulse (AKA Kairo) - Extremely close to my heart, the way loneliness relates to the internet & technology in general is such an interesting topic it would be enough to make this movie stand out for anyone, but I have such a personal fondness for it because of how much I felt it understood me. In a few ways.
Pearl - IDGAF how many people have gone "just like me fr" cause I am also one of them. I don't get the whole "female rage" thing that gets mentioned a ton (on account of me being some guy), but the theme of never being able to escape a life you hate ??? Absolutely fucking terrifying & hits super hard for me specifically
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - The RESENTMENT, the ANGER, the DESPAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It resonated w/ me a lot more in the past but not so much anymore, which is good LOL
Horror SERIOUS edition:
The Thing - certified classic I legit think everyone should watch this one at least once in their lives. The practical effects r amazing, the story is GRIPPING & many of the actors r hot. Literally what else could u ask for…..
Hellraiser - Huge DUH ….. The short story is so good too Mr. Clive Barker I owe you my life !!!!!
The House That Jack Built - Pretentious, yes! But also really fun/satisfying to watch. I've seen some people comment on this kinda movie being typical for the director? But IDK who that man is & I don't care either. Like at all.
Ringu - Just a classic. So creepy I have to hype myself up to watch it LOL
Persona - INSAAAAANE INSANE INSANE. I saw someone say it's toxic yuri which like. Yeah I think. But also it left me confused in a rly good way
Noroi: The Curse - honestly should be self-explanatory @ this point. GENUINELY scared the shit outta me
Repulsion - Also a drama (besides a horror), the way the main character's paranoia escalates is just .... haunting, I think is the word. There's some degree of irony in here, because of who the director is, that I can't really articulate.
Gorefest / not too serious:
Creep - INSANE found footage about a guy making decisions that seem questionable if not stupid to most people, but not to me. I understand him. (disclaimer that this one could also go in the prev. category ..... I don't knowwww)
Intruder - I was on a slasher kick a few years back and this was one of the better ones. The convenience store setting is so much fun & something I'd never seen before! Or since.
Rec - SOOOO anxiety inducing, there's a lot of moments where people r talking/yelling over each other & the part towards the end that explains the whole thing is just. 0_0. to me. Bc it's among the top 3 things I do NOT fuck with !!! (same disclaimer as w/ Creep).
Hostel - I actually really like this one & don't understand most of the criticisms besides the obvious misogyny. It irks me a lot that it gets called "torture porn" so often when it's just … not that bad ? As edgy as that sounds !!
Cube - go there. in the cube? go in the cube.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes - Zero excuses for this one, you just gotta embrace your shit taste sometimes
Terrifier - Separate from the 2nd one cause that one is different in more than a few ways ..... but this one is just like charming to me in a weird way. It 's fucking filthy like, visually tho cause of the abandoned building & other such things ....
Terrifier 2 - This one I also enjoyed a lot though it IS really really long, I found it fun! The whole family aspect of it I liked a lot bc fictional siblings my beloved :3 though Art's backstory is still rly muddy (4 me at least) I do think it's like, a fun silly slasher if you've got 2 hrs and a lot of patience LOL
Just fun overall!!:
ROBOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Oh my GOD I love this movie. I love this movie so much it's probably my favorite childhood movie. It's funny as fuck, really pretty AND has a good story. IK it may sound like nostalgia's involved but I just truly believe it's an amazing movie<3
Birds of Prey - This one is just a serotonin machine for me I love Harley so so muchh
Wendell & Wild - Visually insane I looove the look of this movie. It's also just rly enjoyable, I watched it multiple times at one point since it's on Netflix I think ? My mom got sick of it LOL
Bottoms - Absolutely bonkers it's such a fun movie. Gay and untalented and ugly and yet one of the most lovable movies I've ever seen ?? They need to print more of these
A Trip to Infinity - This one's actually a documentary on um. Infinity. Which is lovely because watching scientists be enthusiastic about their work and gush about it is just so good for my brain + it made me cry
The nostalgia I have 4 these ones is craaazy:
The Butterfly Effect - this was on TV SO OFTEN it was insane. I watched it so many times as a kid I always insisted on not changing the channel
The Voices - SO fun & silly I think of it so fondly .....
Paranorman - I love this movie so so much forever it's just so beautiful & funny
Zombieland - It's just fun man IDK what else to tell u
Sucker Punch - Another one that was often on TV, it's just embedded in my memory forever. I learned what a lobotomy was bc of this movie!!
These are dramas !!:
Parasite - Just watch it if u haven't. Everyone says you should watch it and they're RIGHT !!!
The Devils - I love horny church stuff so much
Let the Right One In - fucking loved this one. Freezing cold, very pretty AND probably the best vamp movie I've ever seen. Though I haven't seen a lot
Girl, Interrupted - insane behavior from the girls here but they're literally in a psych ward so who cares
These r good but I don't remember them much SOB:
The Eyes Of My Mother - this one gets called slow/boring a lot but I really don't gaf I still liked it
Wolf Creek 1 + 2
The Descent
Phenomena - The 1st game of the Clock Tower series was based on/inspired by this movie! Nothing else 2 say I just think it's cool lol
American Mary
A Clockwork Orange - I watched this nearly an entire decade ago but it goes here because of the fact that sometimes I still hear that dumb cunt Alex DeLarge go "I've suffered, and I've suffered, and I've suffered!" inside my head a lot. Also I have to mention that he did look good beaten up despite everything going on w/ him.
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septembersghost · 1 year
This is the hardest week or so that I've ever had as a longtime swiftie. I saw people say this can't be worse than 2016 but it is for me because back then we were on her side and knew she was being wronged, we could defend her, but this time it's us being hurt and we can't. it's marginalized fans being upset and other fans talking over and ignoring us. I've never felt this bad and I love her and her music so much but I don't know how I'll ever look at her the same after this, and I'm not holding her accountable for that guy's actions, but that she'd be okay with it is complicity and giving him more of a platform, mouthing "ily" (barf) onstage to someone who's views are disgusting? I'm sad. I'm sorry it's been really hard for you. 😞
i'm so sorry. i'm at the point where i don't have words to express it because it's just exhausting and is crushing my heart. and i know i shouldn't even look at comments for my own mental health, but i've read a lot of things in the sub, and it's...killing me to see fans feeling this way, especially bipocs/jewish/muslim/disabled (is there a marginalized group he hasn't targeted? :/) fans, that they are not only asking these questions about her, but that they are feeling unsafe and unheard in the fandom. this post was shared with me, and it's a difficult read but it articulates a lot about the impact here, as do many of the comments.
my emotions have ranged all over the place this past week, but where i am now is this deep sense of sadness because i don't know what to do or where to go from here. she is intimately tied to her music, in an unusual way (i'd argue she's more connected to hers in ways fans know about than many other artists), which makes it difficult to separate. and yet her music is also ours and has accompanied countless fans through their lives, sometimes for many years (like i've said, fifteen in my case!), and that matters too and is extremely hard to disconnect from - music is such a profound and precious thing, it's not only sentimentality, it's in the very wiring of our brains, it's in our core memories. knowing fans are grappling with pain from that and trying to reconcile it...it hurts me so much. and there's a realization that overall, anyone struggling is still in a minority, so it doesn't make that much difference - thousands of people being upset feels wrong and terrible to me, no one should be experiencing that, and yet that's such a tiny fraction out of millions, which i think is another part of why the ones raising their voices feel a bit lost. i'm also frankly sick of seeing pushback about how fans hurting right now shouldn't be allowed to speak, because some intense double standards are at play (praise her and never criticize her is not a fair or healthy environment tbh). every fan i've seen upset is very clear about why, they're not holding her responsible for his actions, they're not confusing their reaction with real activism or social justice, they are raising concerns, and they're grieving a safe place that brought them joy and comfort before. you can't underestimate what art means to people and how valuable that safe space is, to feel like it's been shattered is a deep loss.
kelly (@butimnotseventeen) wrote a post about why this isn't comparable to 2016, and i think part of the conflict here is that, previously, it was always us with her, against the many who've torn her down and hated her unfairly. in this instance...that's not the situation. this is fans hurt and disappointed, and not being able to defend her, and it's also fans against other fans, which i think has made the anger worse. feeling attacked and shut out in a space you've cultivated and that makes you happy is terrible.
idk if we've reached the moment yet where we have to decide what we're going to do moving forward, or that moment likely will come at different times for everyone who's currently struggling. this is not something that's going to be addressed, and i think everyone needs to face the reality of that. we cannot demand anything from her personal life, and everyone knows that. if he apologizes, it will be because his hand was forced, and it won't change anything. if/when they break up, this still happened. anyone who leaves the fandom permanently is a drop in the bucket compared to how vast the fanbase is, so ultimately it's like...the decision you make should be centered on you and your well-being only. allow it to be about you, and your heart, because there's unfortunately no larger impact to be had here. is her music still meaningful to you, does it still make you happy? you're allowed to hold onto it. do you still love her and are you able to recognize she is flawed and contradictory and a wealthy white celebrity who lives in a world of privilege and never has to confront certain realities, can you reconcile that with caring about and enjoying her? because it's not wrong or hypocritical if you do. it's complicated. and if you want to step away for a while, or permanently, you're allowed that too. it truly is whatever is best for you.
selfishly, i miss coming on here and reblogging posts about her (and the beautiful things creators make) and being happy and excited, i miss coming on here and not feeling a sense of unease, and while i am in groups he targeted, and fundamentally am disgusted as a woman and human being, i cannot imagine what it's been like for bipoc fans. i've intentionally prioritized those of you who are hurt because you're important and you've been impacted in a way that taylor, who is not here seeing this, will never understand. she will never know how vulnerable fans feel. she will never have to read your pained and disappointed messages and try to counsel people through this. it makes me ache that any of us are struggling or experiencing that disconnect. i'm personally more affected by caring about other fans right now than i am by her, though i am worried about her to a degree too. we desperately need to hold onto empathy whenever we can.
her music has been such a light and carried me through so much. there's almost an irony to the fact that at any other time when i was hurt, i'd immediately turn to her music for comfort, and at the moment that's exactly where i can't go. it's very heavy and hard to say when that will fade. i just...i want you to know i've heard you and i love you and i'm sorry. i'm sorry you're hurt and sad. i wish i could do more. i wish i could predict the future and somehow tell you this will get better. i wish nobody felt this way at all. you matter and your safety and happiness matter. you can decide what brings that to you, and i hope you can keep finding it.
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steveharrington · 2 years
another rant about the crochet community and idk how to fully articulate this so bear with me but. you can acknowledge that crocheting takes time and patience and skill to learn while also being encouraging about others learning it. i feel like so many big accounts will constantly talk about crochet as if it’s like literally rocket science and there’s only a select few who were gifted with the ability to do it and i think it’s partially a sales tactic for certain people who have etsy stores because like. if you tell people that crocheting this amigurumi that’s really nothing more than a sphere with safety eyes can be done with honestly a few hours of practice and dedication, then they won’t pay you $20 for it. and this is where it gets dicey because i don’t wanna knock anyone’s hustle, i understand that people absolutely deserve to be paid for their time and labor and materials, but also i feel like that kind of rhetoric dissuades people from learning the skill. i saw a post the other day that was like “you think crocheting is easy? we’re making hundreds of little knots over and over again, we have to worry about yarn tension and choosing the right hook and designing patterns etc etc etc” and it’s like. some of that is true yeah. but some of it is intentionally taking something easy and accessible and trying to make it sound complicated so that someone who’s never tried before will be discouraged before they even start. choosing the right hook? you look at the little number on your yarn and it tells you which hook to use. boom. and i’m not saying crocheting is easy, believe me i cried when i was learning the magic ring, but at the end of the day i crocheted a (very janky very improperly done) octopus on my first day! everyone can crochet and idk why people who claim to love the craft want to make it a competition and try to scare beginners off of it because like. these skills used to be so so commonplace when sewing and crocheting and knitting and quilting was a necessity to making your own clothes/blankets/toys/etc. little girls were taught these skills by their mothers and they were passed throughout communities with a lot less resources than we have now like the abundance of step by step youtube tutorials. idk it’s just weird to me how many people who have success crocheting have this “don’t even bother it’s too hard” mentality when asked questions by beginners. yes it’s a skill and yes it takes time and effort but it’s accessible to everyone
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sophaeros · 6 months
3 13 15 20!!!!
3. humbug or tbh+c?
THIS IS AN EVIL EVIL QUESTION AND I CANNOT BELIEVE OP WOULD WRITE IT OR THAT YOU WOULD ASK ME THIS!!!!!! humbug is so very immortal for its moody unabashed horniness but tbhc is so..Is So.....when it hits you it really hits you. it's so cinematic and i can't help but love that. BUT HUMBUG..ITS PIVOTAL TURN AND OBLIQUE LYRICS......but also the narrative and Imagery of tbhc. i dont know i dont know i dont want to give a cop out answer. OK IDK MAYBE HUMBUG??it has a range of sounds that are nonetheless cohesive + i love how he switches between obfuscating clever wordplay and kitchen sink slices of miserable time. very hashtag inspiration. my new homescreen in progress is literally tbhc tho so WAILING EMOJI
13. what are some of your favourite lyrics alex has written? (doesn't have to be arctic monkeys, can also include tlsp/ other artist collaborations/the submarine soundtrack)
when the heat starts growing horns / she's thunderstorms
in the backroom of a bad dream (i'll feel bad if it turns out miles wrote this one)
like in my heart there's that hotel suite / and you've lived there so long / it's kind of strange now you're gone
is that vague sense of longing kinda tryna cause a scene?
LIKE FUCKIN..first one drives me insane forever i dont even know why. for one thing i'm forever in awe of how he slots words into melodies like i can't write music man maybe i'll learn this year but it blows my fucking mind how he makes them sound so good And that they rhyme. and his imagery is just off the charts like u listen to it and ur like fuck that makes so much SENSE even as ur hit w HOW THE FUCK DID HE THINK OF THAT. i can't even articulate what it is about shes thunderstorms that gets me so bad.
2 and 3 are just. idk i love how he conceptualises these abstract places. like it brings these nebulous feelings and vibes and locates them in a solid place but also with surreal imagery. idkidk it just blows my mind im so mad maybe i should make a compilation of lines like these
4 just hits hard bc it's saur relatable LMAO. just fuckin the phrase "cause a scene" with the vague feeling of longing.......URGH. song made for aimless artists having an identity and existential crisis.
15. favourite arctic monkeys b-side?
UMUM UM . SO VERY MANY. ok the on brand answer would be catapult but TRUTHFULLY i find myself always going back to too much to ask. every time it comes on i have to loop it at least twice. im just soooo very enraptured by how he captures the mundane and the slow frustration the impending sense of doom. the whole song has such a like..inevitable vibe. the song trucks on at a steady pace all leading toward the ending realisation that really you could already see coming from the very first line.
20. favourite record ender track?
GOD it's gotta be a three way tie between that's where youre wrong, i wanna be yours and the ultracheese. actually perfect sense is in there too. four way tie.
thats where youre wrong to me really encapsulates this breezy sense of melancholy thats so distinctive of the sias album. it just moves so lightly like a clear day when spring is shading into summer but it's so undeniably Sad. it coming after sias is the perfect one two punch of this exact vibe.
BUT I WANNA BE YOURS. MY BABY. I LOVE HER BADLY the simplicity of it the pure unadulterated longing and desperation. i would fucking do ANYTHING to be yours i would make myself so useful and devoted just for you to deign to say you need me. it just brings you to another dimension man. blast it on your headphones at 3am and you will unlock a never seen before depth of hell called longing. it just strips the whole am album down to its core (ie pleaesepleasepleaspelepalseplease text me back)
the ultracheese. lies down. it's everybody's favourite. and for GOOD REASON. the insanity of ending on a gutwrenchingly honest confession after an entire album about fantasy and escape. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT KIND OF ACTUAL FUCKING SICKO ENDS ON "but i haven't stopped loving you once." ARGHHHH and musically it's like it's so very tbhc. is the best way i can say it. the tbhc album's sound and atmosphere put to fucking Work.
perfect sense makes me want to walk off a cliff and lie down in the dirt forever and ever and ever. if ultracheese was a confession perfect sense is a rumination. i was going to say it's like relief if relief tasted like whiskey but idk if i can even really say relief it's just like. i think it's also quite special to me because i do sincerely believe that by and large things will work out in the end and something unremarkable in your past will come to be the perfect solution in your future and back then it appeared just as it was meant to. it's like going on a long journey so that you could learn that where you began is what you needed and that doesnt mean the journey was a waste because you needed it yknow. i know there were people being like ohhh oh no tc is their last album and like perfect sense has such end of movie vibes but only the kind of ending where you know the characters are going to continue on past the end of the reel. yknow.
so idk maybe i will say either perfect sense or thats where youre wrong because i listen to thats where youre wrong a lot but clearly i have Feelings about perfect sense
thanks for the ask bug!! <3
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
From the OC ask game for all of your boys: 11 and, for Ryder specifically (I'm not playing favourites ssshhhh): 33, 34, 35?
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
Oh boy … what a question Dx I'll try to hold it short:
In Common: huge love for sea animals since we were kids, 80s, retro fashion, ginger hair (mine is colored tho as I'm naturally brown), overthinking and problems to find sleep at night as thoughts run around in our minds constantly, on constant low energy as overworking outselves is 'daily life', undecided about everything (we always want to be Switzerland) different: smokes, his character is the opposite of mine as he's outgoing, loves to be around people. He always needs some affection/love or he will feel alone, he is good with computers/mathematics, understands the feelings of others very well, knows how to pep talk We would get along but not be besties. He would definitely call me often, try to lure me out of my cave to have some fun. I'd go but maybe I'll be exhausted. cannot do it everyday as Vijay knows too many people in the city. I would go nuts to know that many and have to talk so much. Though, he too has days he needs a bit lone time to load his battery due to the overworking habit.
In Common: being German and Hessian, all things black, definitely the perfectionism, some ocpd tendencies (his are heavier than mine tho), fast to get aggressive about the tiniest things (day is done then), not keen to start a conversation with anyone from our side, the judging gaze, always right and others are wrong, love for hard beats (techno, dark wave, industrial), only wanting to be around people when on a (rave) event/party, introvert acting extrovert in certain situations, low self-esteem (that got better with years of maturity, but can break), don't like to be really spontaneous (needs to be planned at least 2 days prior), dislike when someone is too late for a meeting, small circle of friends, problems to articulate how we feel, everything pistaccio, popsicles and lollipops, love to take pictures in cool outfits but hate when someone takes pictures in private, high interest in military and space. different: chain-smoker, relationsship with his family is bad (mine is not), heavy mobbing in the past happened to him (i got mobbed as well but for being different as I was allowed to dress like I've wanted - Ryder not, he was mobbed for being not good enough), when he works he is super focused (I'm not) as Beast steers him, he is probably funnier than I am and more outgoing too (again this is Beast's influence as well as 'real Ryder' used to be a shy introverted boy who spent time only with a small circle of friends), does lots of sport I think we would definitely love hate each other as we are very similar. xD As you can see Ry and I share the most in common, he is sort of a self insert but not a full one. Idk if I could be with him 24/7 but we would definitely get along and be somewhat close to besties. I never told it but he likes Hizumi very much as Hizumi is similar like him (and Hizumi is technially me). I bet he would drag me out more often as I spent too much time at home alone and I'd be the one who gives him a pep talk when he feels down – at least as good as i am able to bc, feelings and understanding them are ugh.
In common: Military clothings (olive, camo – I dig this so much), only talks when addressed, love for classical art (impressionism) and music. 60s/70s Rock('n'Roll), drinks alcohol only when going out, love for thunderstorms, bicycling/mountainbiking different: smokes, has ptsd and emotional numbing, knows what he wants, strong personality type, family bound (would even marry and have children, I do not) We would get along, but I'd have super huge respect towards him but appreciate his silent presence the most.
in common: doesn't smoke and never ever tried it out, taste for cool cars and all things cowboys, rowdyness (i may not be as rebelious as he is but I rebel against certain things and u can't change my mind), different: all what his brother above is plus careless what others think of him We would get along but I would have a hard time to have him around as he's so energetic in contrast of his lil brother xD.
In common: nonbinary, doesn't smoke, has my face, fashion style (a mix of visual kei, japanese fashion (e.g. sexpot revenge), 80s, loneliness, lazyness, loves to fly (airplane travel), interest for mysticism (yokai) different: can't think of anything as I haven't developed them much but I'm sure there are some as well. Hizumi sadly is the least developed as I do not have them as pixels yet and I tend to ignore my 'cospaly pics' always.
Tumblr media
So, Ryder is your fav u wanna tell me? :P
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
Vijay: "Ryder's a complicated dude, but a real lovely one. You can't hate him, even if you wished for it. Yes, he's got problems with his tonality an' is easy to erupt. If you only get to know him superficially you may not like him. It's not easy to become his choom, but if you are allowed to be — bro, he's the best choom you can have. Never met one as loyal as Ryder — at least not before meeting Thyjs — Ry's like that lil' pup phenomenon; the stray black lil' doggo you found wandering aimlessly in the streets and picked up to bring home with you. Result is a super loyal strong watchdog who will be alerted immediately once someone approaches. I can say of my own experience that he's extremely protective if you happen to be in his rather small friend circle. He will do anything to protect you from the bad. He's a good boy and therefore my best friend forever."
Thyjs: “I didn’t know what to think of him in the first place. He talked to me with such an arrogant tone, on top in German. Ik was totaal geïrriteerd. Unsure if I would like him. He's got quite some personality. But knowing him better now, I see who he truly is and when it is the ‘other Ryder’ coming through. There is something about him I did like from the very first moment: his honesty and straightforwardness and his strong will to withstand the pain he endures every day. I can only imagine how he must feel. So I decided to give him a chance. En ik ben eerlijk — he's one of the kindest people I’ve met. Ry willed to show me the city — he hardly knew me. He decided to trust me even though I served those who he despises most. He offered me to stay at his place, as I had none, until I made some eddies for an apartment. I enjoyed spending time with him more and more. He made me put down my strict soldier shell I usually keep up, allowing me to appreciate the more casual life now as I cannot pick up my soldier career anymore. Thanks to him I’m a little more of an outgoing person now too I guess. Ryder saved my life! I owe him my protection and he magically made me fall in love with him. It was the least I expected to happen. He helps me explore my own feelings as I struggle with emotional numbing even though he has a hard time to express himself either. In private he's the loveliest and most caring man I've ever met. You can only fall in love with him."
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
answered here.
35. do they ever return home?
Ryder often thought about going back home to Germany but he never did as the thought of making Night City a better place kept him here. Also he feels bound to the city as long as Beast has control over him. The fun fact is, if he would leave NC and a certain area, Beast would lose control over him as it is bound to Night Cities net only and he would be free, but he doesn't know that. It would be so easy. But Beast keeps him in his place. Thinking about it now I can imagine him and Thyjs going on a vacation back to Germany just somewhere into the forest. Can only be after their big story event because his father needs to be thrown from the Militech throne first (idk if he will stay alive or not) to make it happen, as Beast needs to be gone too. But if he goes back home (near Frankfurt am Main) he will do it with Thyjs. He will show him his favorite places he's been to and shamelessly utilize his families properties that are located in many places of Germany. A luxury wooden lodge in the Blackwood Forest to spend summer or winter vacation in. The Scharfenberg Isle at the Lake Tegel in Berlin would also be a nice place to visit as the family own a little summer house on the isle where Ryder learned to swim as a young boy. And of course he would bring Thyjs to the old tarmac at Tempelhof Park! The Scharfenberg Castle (Palatinate) would be visited as well – though it's just a ruin today but tied to his family crest as he's a descendant of Carl III of Scharfenberg. As well as Schloss Wanfried in Nord Hesse. These are all places tied to good memories of his rather bad childhood and places can the least for his family's toxic behavior. Thyjs is interested in history and wants to know where Ryder grew up so I imagine they would definitely visit some of those places and stay there for a while. I also hc right now that Ryder gets the idea to drive over to the Netherlands, give Thyjs the option to see his mother again. But this all can only happen a few years after the story events of course as Militech would get suspicious even though Thjys has a different ID now with a new last name. Ryder would even let his mother drive in to on of the places in Germany if he gets out any info about her (I bet Vijay and Jay would be glad to help out).
okay turned out to be longer than I intended :,D
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tineteenieworld3 · 1 year
As much as it’s highly possible, it’s so hard to believe that Mike actually thinks El commissioned that painting.
Like, there’s parts where yeah, he doesn’t have this belief that Will would lie to him because they just don’t do that, but there’s more to it than that. Like, Mike isn’t stupid, he’s such a smart character, especially when it comes to Will. I mean, for christ sake, in season 2 he was able to pick up the tiniest details in Will’s words and body language that no one else could.
“He’s quiet today.”
“He’s always quiet.”
Is by far one of my favorites, no matter how tiny the example is.
Or the, “you shouldn’t have upset him.”
Mike pretty quickly grasped onto the whole situation after that.
No matter the change he’s had in the last two seasons, he’s still that same character. He’s not that dense or oblivious, of course the actors say he is, but what we are actually seeing onscreen is different. Mike knows and sees a lot, I mean even in some scenes throughout literally any season, you can just see his mind working in the background or his eyes following something or other. He’s extremely observant and quick.
Idk, maybe I just don’t like the new characteristic that’s been thrown at his character from everywhere, that he’s this oblivious goofball that doesn’t know what’s going on (I feel like that can sometimes be us mixing up Finn’s other character Richie Toizer with Mike, which is totally fine! It’s gonna happen, but they are not that much alike. Of course there’s similarities, but Mike isn’t a side character at all OR comedic relief, he’s pretty serious overall). He just doesn’t actually seem like that in the show. Like in the source material he’s pretty different than the outside characteristics we’ve all given him. And I’m not talking about what Finn Wolfhard says about him, because that’s a completely different thing and he can’t actually say much, I’m rewatching and only talking about the writing of this character.
Anyways back to the program. I absolutely adore Mike Wheeler, first season he and Lucas were my absolute favorites. But going into season three, and season four especially, although it’s much quieter and backgroundish, Mike still has that same silent awareness of what’s happening. Yes his relationship with El doesn’t make him ‘dumber’ or less aware of other people, which is a whole other reason as to why they are so bad for eachother, but in general he’s not really that oblivious.
In season 4, in the fight we are informed that Mike was very very aware of everything Will was doing. I mean, down to the tiniest mannerisms. I do think he struggles to focus on like a million things at once, but if we’re just talking about the painting and Will, Mike is the smartest guy out there. He knows, he knows Will Byers like the back of his hand, we’ve been shown that time and time again. Mike is an emotional character, in situations with feelings he struggles to articulate his words in the heat of the moment, he gets brash and says before thinking. But with Will, it doesn’t take him long to think and get it together.
I don’t even know what I’m saying at this point. Mike can be very mysterious to me at times, I want to understand him better, but overall he’s not really that oblivious and he kind of lurks at times, but if you follow his face or eyes in scenes where something is happening, we can see that he’s paying more attention than his dialogue let’s out.
I do not have it in myself to believe that Mike actually thinks that painting is from El. But that raises the point many others have brought up, maybe he didn’t believe it until they were in that pizza place and Will was pushing him to give a love confession, maybe that was the first time he actually questioned it and thought ‘oh my god I don’t know my friend anymore, he was telling the truth’. Really I have absolutely no idea, this is just me spitballing.
Mike is not really that much of an oblivious character. And we have solid proof that he’s very very aware of Will and every little thing he does, so it’s hard for me to believe he’s just hopping around in la la land with no idea what’s going on. Mike wheeler is far from stupid. Give me a hammer so I can crap him open.
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
Hello Nemi 💞
I hope this ask finds you in a good health!
Before I start screaming about the chapter (whew and i have some very incoherent, illegible thoughts about it) let me thank you.
Thank you for launching this delight of a ghost ship, thank you for writing this story that was so kind and loving and let Tay hurt and let him heal in his own time.
I am so grateful I could be here for every update and although the story still will have more fics written it is technically completed so, I'm glad to be here for the end.
I have told you many times how I love and appreciate how you let Tay heal and become his own person here but what I really love is how by loving Tay you made him love himself too, you gave him all this space of love for him and it can be felt in every scene, how just beloved he is, not only by the characters but also by the writer and idk it just makes me want to hug you very badly.
I appreciate how you handled the theme of first and last loves. Because the fic was mostly about it. About Tay getting over his first love, Kinn getting to be with his first love and Porsche the lucky bastard having two of those.
No but I love how they are presented
Like Porsche with the sweetness of the first loves, of both that intense burning and the comfortable quiet love. He gets the privilege of never knowing how if feels to get over one.
And then Kinn with his first love being Tay (i love that it's not Tawan, like YEAH FUCK HIM EVEN FURTHER), it's that feeling of almost sometimes at the beginning, the kind of love that could have been, the first one, the experience that shaped you and stayed with you, a love that is always sort of there even if both of you move on to another people because there is always a part of you that belongs to that person, a kind of love that you gave a part of your heart to and never took it back
And then Tay with his learning how to move past his first love. The love that shaped him for so long and I cannot just tell you how much I cried at the Time-Tay talk because I'm so proud of Tay for coming along so far. Cycles are so fucking hard to break and I'm glad he broke this one, he deserves it.
So yeah, I laughed, I screamed and I cried to this story and I loved every part of it, thank you for writing it Nemi 💞
Now onto my incoherent thoughts (today we have less because honestly I cannot state how much mind blowing this smut was)
First, all the love for Yok and Yok-Tay interaction was not something i thought i needed but i got anyway and I'm so fucking glad I did because oh my god, give me more please
Just the possessive Kinn, the needy Porsche, the teasing ahhhhhhh
Like I loved the idea of Porsche and Kinn telling Tay what they are up to
Oh also the make-up scene - doing someone's make up can be such a personal and horny thing and we should really embrace it more
Also I loved the mention of every date 🥺
And oh my, when you got Porsche to dirty talk in the car I was like !!!!!!
And then Kinn tying Porsche up and oh my god just Porsche being only able to watch I'm 🥴🤤
Tay getting just all the love poured into him as he deserved was what I absolutely needed
TAY FUCKING PORSCHE, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god
I just ahhhhh enzisjsjsn
I am so very- just
Not articulate about this chapter but good fucking delicious smut, I loved it, it was emotional and loving and kinky and hot ahhh 💕💞💓
Anyway thank you for writing this chapter!
I hope you have a good day/night Nemi 💞
The fic in question: Last Loves
👉👈🥺You're welcome, but let me assure you, no thanks are needed. I just reaaallly wanted this OT3 to be a thing and to share fun stuff with people, and I'm SO ridiculously gratified that some people hopped on the ship! Besides, every fandom deserves an especially strong OT3.
And yessss, I adore Tay and just wanted to give him some space to come into his own! He's been hurting a lot time, and honestly he needed to get out long ago, and he kept making the choice not to leave. But I didn't want to punish him or Time for their bad choices -- I just want them to grow.
I appreciate how you handled the theme of first and last loves.
Funny thing, but when I was in the middle of writing Last Loves, I came across a post somewhere that ranted that not enough fic writers tackle non-first-love relationships. And I was like... heh. I got this.
And everything you describe about the relationships is SOOO GOOD. I like threesomes that feel whole, complete, and like each relationship stands on its own merit. Thank you for digging into how I decided to present the relationships in Last Loves!
Haha, Yok's non-advice to Tay. 🤣 You know, sometimes the best "advice" is just sympathy/empathy.
And MUAHAHAHAHA, yessss, very much with the kinkiness in chapter 4. 😍 I just wanted to have some fun with it.
As for the makeup scene, that was actually requested by @iffervescent, so you have her to thank for it!
Hehe, I like the idea that with Kinn and Porsche, Tay is going to discover how much he loves the switch life. Because sometimes you want a little of this, and sometimes you want a little of that, right?!
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belovedblabber · 1 year
the locked tomb! or if someone already asked, dragon age!
Thank youuuu for asking!
Favorite Male Character: It's John, we all know it's John. I stand by my cancelled wife <3
Favorite Female Character: I legit do not know how to answer this because that list is, so long and frequently neck and neck but today while zoning out I ended up thinking about Harrow and had a resurgence of how much I adore her so I'll say Harrow rn!
Least Favorite Character: I'm not sure honestly, I don't really think I have one? Maybe currently Paul just because we don't know them very well yet and also I'm so mad to have lost Pal and Cam so let's go with Paul
Favorite Ship: This is another tough one oh god. I love Harrow/Gideon, and Harrow/Ianthe, and Gideon/Ianthe in a 'gay sex won't fix this situation in fact it may make it worse but I think we should give it a shot anyway' sorta way fghj. Idk if that last one is a ship or a 'I think they make each other worse and I love that' thing. Also between Gideon/Harrow and Ianthe/Harrow I like. Gideon/Harrow more in terms of just pure shippines, I guess? I want them to be happy and kiss but I'm aware that may be a tall order. I'm terrible at answering ship questions especially with this series dfghj. Also the entire dios apate trio situation is just the absolute tastiest although I've been thinking a lot about John and Augustine in particular lately I think just because that's where my brain is kicking around atm. I love them, obsessed with that fucked up lil' jaugustine dynamic it makes my brain spin
Favorite Friendship: Gideon and Palamedes, I know we didn't get to see much of that dynamic but what we did see was so sweet and I love it. Also Harrow and Palamedes. I LOVE Palamedes he's up there as one of my fave characters
Favorite Quote: This one is just cruel I have so many I legit cannot pick. But currently I have the whole quote that ends in "Something will satisfy them eventually, but nothing satisfies me. Nothing" stuck in my head and am wanting to draw smth from it so I'll just go with that, John that was sooo sexy of u babygirl. (Also "Is that the truth, or the truth you tell yourself?" "What is the difference?" said God'" hit me like a sack of bricks the first time I read it and continues to do so. But I also have so many other fave quotes asdfg, I just need to leave it off here or I'll write a novel length list of them).
Worst Character Death (if any): This one is ALSO hard but I will say that the one that shocked me the most was honestly Jeannemary. After that it was hard to rattle me although oh god Gideon's death at the end of GtN did have me crying
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: When I read the NtN preview on amazon and saw that it opened with a John thing and I got so excited that I shrieked out loud alone in my dark room and then messaged my partner rapid fire while literally vibrating and then was so jazzed that I couldn't sleep. Because I'm a freak.
Saddest Moment: How do I pick? The one freshest in my head is the creation of Paul because OUCH
Favorite Location: Canaan house, I love the vibes in a way I can't articulate
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all-seeing-ifer · 10 months
For the movie asks :)
12. Which movie has your favorite soundtrack?
8. Has a film ever made you extremely angry? 
but more specifically -> angry not as in 'this movie was so bad/offensive it made me angry' or 'this movie covers a topic that is itself infuriating' but instead 'this movie made me feel things i don't know how to articulate, not even to myself, and it enrages me so much i feel like im chewing glass whenever i think about it'
HELLO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS i completely forgot i got this ask augh.
12. Which movie has your favorite soundtrack?
oh EXCELLENT question!!!! there are soooooo many film soundtracks I love it's very hard to choose. i love hans zimmer's scores for the lion king and the prince of egypt (idk what it was about 90s animated movies that motivated hans zimmer to write the most gorgeous scores of all time but i'm glad it did) and the prince of egypt is also probably my favourite movie musical and I adore the songs for it.
I'm also a big fan of michael abels' soundtracks for us and especially nope!!! I spent so much time listening to the nope soundtrack while working last year it's so wonderfully atmospheric. speaking of which little women 2019 is another film score i love listening to while working... which is probably not a great idea bc it also makes me Very Emotional
8. Has a film ever made you extremely angry? 
ok i gotta admit I don't know if I have a good answer for this one. I've definitely watched some films that made me angry bc they were so bad, but I don't think I've ever experienced a film making me angry bc it brought up too many feelings.
maybe the closest comparison I could make is birdboy the forgotten children. it's definitely the film i most distinctly remember making me feel things I couldn't really properly articulate, but I wouldn't say it made me angry! in fact it's one of my favourite films!! (sidenote - I would strongly recommend checking out birdboy if you can - it's an absolutely gorgeous and heartwrenching spanish animated sci fi/horror/fantasy film that I think is just. SUCH an underrated gem)
oh also maybe my feelings on captain fantastic come close? I don't think it's a bad film by any means but dear LORD does it dredge up a lot of feelings I have about how kids get treated by their parents and in society and I feel a lot of. very complicated things about it.
thank you so much for the ask sorry again for taking such a long time to answer it flkjsfjsljkdf
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the-paris-of-people · 6 years
I want to burst out crying I hate everything so much rn
#im super stressed about my social life#one of my bffs lives in the area but i feel like she isnt trying hard enough to make time to hang out with me#and that hurts me/makes me upset#bc she was part of my core group and all of my other friends here i dont know that well and it’s frustrating bc i cant open up to them#as much as i could open up with her#my other close friends from college live elsewhere#and it’s so hard to stay in touch/talk regularly bc of timezones#and idk it seems like my roommate is mad at me#which makes me nervous bc I am going to her friend’s bday thing on saturday#also i forgot to order my dad’s bday gift and i dont want him to get all passive aggressive about it#and work is murdering my ass#i have to present stuff tomorrow and im worried that i wont be articulate enough or that they’ll ask me super hard questions#and it’s becoming so repetitive sometimes i just space out and im like what am i doing#and I have no one to talk to at work#like i have no work friends and that SUCKS#and i have no idea how to connect with my colleagues to the point where my#manager thinks im antisocial#and im not antisocial!!!!!!#i love hanging out with people#but since i moved it’s just like i havent found many people who i connect with and im interested in being friends with#also my birthday is in a couple weeks and im really stressed out about that#bc we did stuff for my roommate’s bday#but since one of my roomie’s have kind of been distant lately idk!#and then i would have to invite their friends and idk#i want to spend my#bday with people i dont know all that well?#my uncle offered to visit me and i want to take him up on that#bc i hung with my family this past weekend and i miss them#ugh i just am rushing through until my college friends come#visit the weekend after my bday
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