#like if you want an adoptee just let the man be adopted he doesn't need to know his future korean wife by age 7 already goodness
dkettchen · 10 months
me, finally resuming my Her Private Life watch: I've had enough time to get over the confessing to your twin sister and the brother reveal thing and I'm sure they'll be done with their incest bait bs now
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Danny, on the run from the GIW decides to take shelter in Gotham because if the GIW have any sense they'd never set foot in there.
Even if Batman and the JL agree with thier opinion on ecto entities (as evidenced by their lack of speaking out against the anti-ecto acts) Batman was notoriously territorial and would have issue with a wildly incompetent government organization throwing missiles around his city all willy-nilly.
With that being said it was probably best for Danny to wear a disguise. Sure, they didn't know Fenton and Phantom were the same person yet but Danny Fenton suddenly turning up in Gotham after going missing in Amity is certainly going to raise some eyebrows regardless of the necklace he had that jammed his ecto-signature and made him untrackable.
Danny started off by going blond. Its something he's always wanted to do and now with ghostly shape-shifting powers he doesn't even have to worry about frying his hair or dying his eyebrows to match. After that all he needed to do was part his hair down the middle, add a lip ring or two and maybe a bit of make up.
Danny stared at himself in the mirror. He looked like a completely different person.
A completely different and very attractive person. He looked good. The newly blond man threw on a green jacket and went out to explore the town. He did not expect to literally bump into the Tim Drake. The Wayne adoptee just stood there mouth opening and closing comically. Did he offend him? Crap. He had promised Jazz he would stay off of the radar of the Waynes and the bats specifically and here he was angering one of them.
Danny decided to book it before it became a scene, ignoring the lovestruck Tim's crys for him to wait.
Back at his apartment Danny quickly changed his look to red hair tied back into a two inch low ponytail, green eyes and freckles that unbeknownst to anyone else was made up from the lesser known constellations.
The coffee at this Cafe smelled amazing! Too bad Danny wouldn't get to try it because the next this he knew freaking Red Hood was behind him asking to talk. Our favorite ghost boy wouldn't be embarrassed to admit he let out a small squeek before bolting out the door yelling, "I'm not even a criminal!"
It took Jason a few seconds to process that the guy he had tried to flirt with ran away in terror. Crap.
Day three and four were blissfully Wayne and bat free, though he did find out that Tim Drake and Red Hood were looking for his two false identities. Joy.
Day five he met the stabby Robin who very valiantly beat up two people who had been following him. Danny didn't even notice he was being followed and thanked the bird for saving him. Danny, who was shape-shifted into a very pretty girl at the moment, offered to buy him something to eat as a thank you. "Danielle" insisted and Robin allowed it. Danielle never noticed the slight pink on Damians cheeks as they went over to one of Damians favorite restaurants.
Day seven he had went out as blondie and got confronted by some girl named Barbara. She was nice and managed to convince him to come to a Cafe with her. He told her his name was David and he ran away from his parents with the help of one of his friends family members and that he was Jewish, which was true...except for the David part. He learned that if you wanna keep your story straight keeping to almost truths was your best bet. She in turn told him about Tim and how he's a friend of hers-uh oh- and that he's been looking all over for him.
Danny-David- tells her he's sorry but he didn't mean to offend Tim and doesn't want any trouble before laying down enough money to cover his half of the bill and the tip and booking it out of there
This repeats with most of the family trying to flirt with him or adopt him into the family when he's out as Danny.
Bruce Wayne approached Danny when he was waiting to board an elevator, "Hel-" was all the billionaire could get out before Danny cut him off "Hell no." And then he just got in the elevator and pressed the close doors button and was gone again.
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box-dwelling · 1 year
So l want to go full conspiracy theory about Phoenix's parents so I can figure out my own head canon for it. So indulge me
Disclaimer: this is deeply unhinged over analysis to come at what will only ever be a head canon. I'm not taking away other people's head canons or saying they're wrong. This is all fun. I just started thinking about this a lot and need to write it down
So there are really 3 main categories I want to sort between and then when I've narrowed it down to that I will extrapolate further into.
Theory 1: Phoenix's parents are fine and just chilling off screen.
This is the occums razor approach. We never hear about them so why should we assume they aren't just normal parents? My issues with this are as follows.
Phoenix has a massive tendency to form a found family at the drop of a hat. It is constant. Every single wayward kid he comes across he just fucking adopts and it barely even crosses his mind as a thing he is doing. He just sees a child in need and brings them right into the fold. I'm not saying this isn't a thing people with a functional family unit do, but it normally takes a little more thought than he ever seems to give it. His default seems to be thinking kids in need don't have a safe family to go to. The only time he ever strays from this is with Trucy, who he is both unsure he will be able to effectively care for after being disbarred, and is the only part of the found family he adopts legally. It makes sense to me he'd jump through those hoops when he didn't for someone like say Ema.
My other issue is his attachment issues. He bonds very close connections very quickly to people and I'm not even talking about his defendants. I think it's honestly best shown with his romantic connections.
There's not too much we can really decern from Feenie and Dahlia/Iris because we never really see how Iris was acting during that relationship but the guy is definitely very deeply attached to her. It could easily also just be a bad case of first relationship and young love but it could also be something deeper.
More interesting is Miles. He imprinted on that man like a baby duck. And let's be completely honest here even if he was madly in love, becoming a lawyer for your crush you haven't seen in a decade is absolutely unhinged. Again it is possible for him to do this with a happy family background but I also just don't see it. It seems like the kind of thing a kid without a family would do to the only person who ever stood in his corner. I don't think he act in such an extreme manner if he had a happy home life.
Theory 2: dead parents
So this is compelling and I like it. But my issue here is that he is surrounded by people with dead parents. Many of whom he's had to comfort through said loss or through events retraumating it. As someone who has a dead parent, when you are in that situation if you have personal experience to draw on, you fucking draw on it. You mention that you understand how they feel because you lost a parent too. Losing a parent at a young age is incredibly isolating and when you find someone who shares that experience you tell them because it's a thing only other people with dead parents can ever really understand. I think it would have come up given how many orphans he talks to.
Theory 3: absentee parents.
Spoilers this is my personal take. It explains his attachment issues, his tendency to automatic found family, and the fact he doesn't mention them when consoling orphans. I will devil's advocate and poke a hole though because it's only right.
He does also interact with a few foster kids and adoptees. But I do think this makes more sense than the alternatives. The three that come to mind being Apollo, Miles and Trucy. Trucy makes sense. They absolutely could have had that conversation off screen. Miles' being taken in by Von Karma feels atypical enough that I feel like Phoenix might not bring up his own issues when discussing it given the severity of Miles' trauma. Also if he was a kid that's as just in the system all his life I imagine it wouldn't feel similar to Miles ' situation. Apollo is more complicated but their relationship is such that I think Phoenix just not bring it up in a work environment makes sense. It's also not like he's a kid just enteringnthe system, he's someone else that grew up in it and is now out so Phoenix probably doesn't have much advice or support to offer. They're more in the same boat.
But absentee parents is pretty vague. And I think there's some stuff we can narrow down.
So evidence:
1) Phoenix is stated to be an only child in 2-2. So he is probably to an extent familiar with who his parents are. That's not really the language you use about yourself if you were abandoned as a baby. It also suggests he wasn't in permanent fostering where he'd likely not be as dismissive of having a sibling.
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2) the only reference to his mother I can see being made. I will warn you. I am going to examine the fuck out of this.
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So as far as I can tell this is the passing reference to Phoenix's mother that is listed on the wiki and in some fandom spaces. There's a lot to unpack her.
First off, this is a turn of phrase from oldbag. It's not an actual reference to the woman existing. However that is not what I find interesting here. It's Edgeworth's reaction. So at this point Miles is fully aware of Phoenix being the same person from his childhood. I've seen some fan places doubt he realises that but this line is from the end of the case and confirms it
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But after Oldbag says that, he's audibly unsure and uncomfortable. A part of that is most certainly to do with the case and I'm pretty sure that's as the intent but this is canon dialogue so I get to put on my death of the author cap and interpret wildly beyond what it is intended to mean.
To me at least, it also reads as the kind of discomfort you see when someone refers to a person's parent in a way that is untrue due to unpleasant circumstances. And this is from literally one of the only 3 people we know for certain have some awareness of Phoenix's home life. It sounds like he's made uncomfortable about a reference to Phoenix's mother, then tries to shake it off and direct away from it by talking about the case. This gives us a key bit of information though. Miles knew so whatever happened had to have happened before they were 9.
So my final head canon. Phoenix was to somee extent abandoned by his mother before 9 years old and likely when he was already old enough to have some familiarity with his family. I also think it's likely he wasn't in some kind of permanent foster residence where he might start considering someone being a foster sibling. This could be residential care facility or honestly more likely to me at least being taken in by either his father or other family members but ones who weren't particularly invested in his care.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
I keep prefacing these by saying I had a shitty day, and that somehow keeps being true. What a week. But in honor of my seven shitty days, let's review Chancellor Bradley's seven shitty children.
As I mentioned in the last post, every time Bradley needs to burnish his image a bit, he adopts a kid to get himself some good press. That's pretty much the extent of his involvement in their lives - he prefers to go for older kids in the foster system so he can leave them to take care of themselves. They have quite an age range, and I'll list them from oldest to youngest.
Also, they presumably have real human names, but I'm not making some up because that would only cause confusion.
Wrath - The oldest, in his late twenties and could have emancipated himself from his father's bullshit by now, but he hasn't. Has a steady relationship with a perfectly nice and extremely normal woman, and they're essentially parenting the latest adoptee (Pride) which is one reason why he hasn't picked up stakes yet. Spent some time in the military before coming back for a poli sci grad program. He's a good politician because he's used to kissing ass, and he's fine with being a yes man for administration. Most people find him quite charismatic, and the cute baby sibling he's often toting around doesn't hurt. One of the two siblings allowed to have a car.
Lust - Second oldest, the other sibling with car privileges. She is a trans woman, in her mid twenties, idk what she's studying but she has managed to get appointed on a whole bunch of university committees as a student rep. She hears things. She knows things. She occasionally steers things in the direction the chancellor wants, but she's not particularly devoted to him - when she realizes things aren't going Father's way, she applies to transfer to another school and takes Gluttony with her. A frat boy whistled at her Once. It did not happen again.
Greed - Similar age to Lust but he's getting his own post. I acknowledge that's exactly what he would want.
Sloth - Sloth spends most of his time either sleeping or high, and the instructors can't do much about it because he's the chancellor's kid. His assignments seem like the work of a precocious middle schooler and that's because they are - he pays Pride to do them for him. The football team captain (Alex Armstrong) keeps trying to get him to try out but despairs. The one time he threw a football at him trying to get him to catch it, it just bounced off.
Gluttony - Lust and Gluttony are actually bio siblings or at least spent some time in foster care together; they're one of the closer sibling relationships besides Wrath and Pride. Gluttony has some developmental issues and is enrolled in the special ed program at the teacher's college. If seeing Ling and Lan Fan is a cause for concern for the all you can eat dining hall staff, Gluttony's appearance is a red alert.
Envy - Like many unhappy people, Envy enjoys harassing people on the Internet, a skill they put to use targeting Maes Hughes to wreck Roy's campaign. Although it's hard to say they have 'friends', they have some level of LGBTQ solidarity with Lust. In winter weather, students will sometimes see Envy stubbornly stomping through the snow in a skort and crop top while Lust drives next to them yelling at them to get in the damn car already.
Pride - Pride is legitimately a little kid and has done nothing wrong. Except academic dishonesty I suppose.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
The Baby Project || M.YG || 9
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 708
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
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" Yes we are in love?! Are you serious?" You scream wishpered once Jaehyuk was fast asleep in the little toddler bed which has replaced the baby bed.
" Yeah, well what was I supposed to say? That we weren't?" He asked as if it was obvious.
" Yes Yoongi, exactly that." You crossed your arms.
" No, trust me Y/N. It's one of the few things that make kids like him happy." He shrugged as he sat down on the couch.
" What's that supposed to mean? What difference would it be if we had told him that we weren't in love?" You asked him, furrowing your eyebrows.
It wasn't that you didn't like Yoongi and you also saw that he was quite jealous when you would talk with other guys, but you weren't sure if that was because you are one of his few friends or because he liked you too. And what would it really matter if you two were 'in love' or not?
Yoongi sighed.
" Sit down. I need to tell you something." He said as he ruffled his hair, looking troubled.
You sat down quietly, curious as to what was so important about all of this and why it had such an impact on Yoongi.
" Please wait till' I'm done speaking and don't judge me." He said, a vulnerable look in his eyes.
You nodded.
" I understand that that's an important thing  for him, because I used to be an adoptee too." He started, taking in your shocked reaction.
" I'm from a rich family, but they couldn't get a son. They had decided to adopt and they chose me.... I was so happy once I was adopted, but they weren't in love. My father's a strict man, and he only cares about his business and money. My mother is a really kind woman, she raised me ever since I was five. Their marriage was only so my grandfather's business and my father's business could expand. I didn't know what love was, and I'm still learning. The only person who really loves me is my mother, she's still fighting for me to not be a part of my father's business. She wants me find love myself and marry that person because I want too, not because of whatever expectations are set for me, and if I'm honest, I want that too. I don't want Jaehyuk to end up feeling like how I've felt most of my life. I know that he isn't actually our child, but I want to cherish and spoil him like your family spoiled you." He ended, avoiding eye contact.
You sat a little bit closer to him and took his hand in yours. You understood what he meant. You came from an average family, and have 2 brothers and a sister, your family was and always had been filled with love.
"Thank you for explaining, and opening up to me. I didn't know it would be that important for him." You said softly, drawing patterns on his skin.
" Thank you for not judging me." He said as he looked into your eyes.
You smiled at him before leaning in and kissing his cheek, blushing afterwards and heading to the bedroom.
"Goodnight Yoongi." You said softly before closing the door, knowing that Yoongi was the type to sleep around 3 AM.
Yoongi blushed as the moment replayed in his head,  tracing his fingers over his cheek before smiling and shaking his head. He grabbed his notebook where he wrote songs in and finally managed to come up with a verse he was supposed to write for a song he wrote with his friend Namjoon.
Meanwhile you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in as you closed the door, tracing your lips before switching your gaze to Jaehyuk. Was Yoongi really once like him? You smiled as you walked over to him, tucking his stuffed animal giraffe back in his arms as he had dropped it before running your fingers trough his hair. You two will do well, you're now sure of it.
[ A/N: Yes, I am bored. So here's the third update this week lol. Any requests? It doesn't need to be in this story line or with Yin Moongi, I'm just incredibly bored and want to write more than just this story lol.]
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