#like it starts with bruno & then it’s mista & then narancia
pipartuuli · 2 years
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Gangstar pileup! Playing around with lineless and character interactions.
Featuring normal color palette version, Traitor's Requiem OP color palette version, and unsettling color palette version using color palette shifts featured in the anime.
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godborn · 9 months
i think a lot about that scene after the fight with tiziano & squalo where narancia ran to giorno & held him in his arms & thought “you’ve become our leader.” like we know narancia feels like he needs someone to show/tell him what to do deep down, he’s not really convinced he can survive on his own & bruno has largely been that person for him. i think when you consider that the scene is just so significant & really shows how deeply narancia trusts giorno & is starting to believe in the vision of him as a leader. like he knows that if they make it through to the end, giorno is the one that will carry them there & the one who will become the new boss.
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Their favorite fall/halloween activities despite it being a couple weeks past halloween right now:
Giorno: likes to go for walks alone and look at the leaves! On halloween night he likes to use gold experience to turn a few pieces of Halloween candy from his neighbors into butterflies or something so he can get a huge stash of candy much faster than actually going trick or treating
Bruno: likes to use sticky fingers to jump out and scare people, or take off his head or something. Or like leave his arm somewhere like in a cabinet they go into often. And he would 100% try to drag a member of his team into the zipper void dimension thing when they weren’t expecting it. But he does all of this with a very stoic/serious expression on his face, like he didn’t purposely just do anything, like “oh, yes that’s my arm I was looking for that” or “oh, hello, did I scare you?”
-abbacchio: Uses halloween time as an excuse to buy tons of makeup to try out crazy halloween themed makeup styles. He is the one that decorated the house for halloween, with some help from Trish. But the decorations are very … abbacchio.
-Mista: he likes to carve a pumpkin, it’s very important to him that he gets to carve a pumpkin every year. Always has the basic “jack o lantern” face. The pistols eat too much candy and go insane. Watches scary movies every night of October with Narancia. Isn’t that scared of the movies unless the number four is mentioned at all in one for some reason.
Narancia: eats so much candy in October! Always either hand makes a super detailed halloween costume, or dresses up as the classic bedsheet ghost. Watches scary movies with Mista and isn’t able to sleep at all because of them, but acts like he isn’t scared. Killed a mouse with Aerosmith because he heard it running in his room at night and mistook it for a monster.
Fugo: Also enjoys carving pumpkins, and always has a super cool design he wants to try out. He takes pumpkin carving very seriously and always is very picky about what pumpkin he chooses to carve, observing each and every pumpkin for the perfect one. Sometimes it turns out really good, but when he messes it up he gets really mad. He always carves his pumpkin in a room where no one else is around so that he can focus better and gets really into “the zone” if you know what I mean. Everyone is too afraid to enter the room while he is carving the pumpkin. Also really enjoys corn mazes!
Trish: loves to decorate for fall/Halloween! Always has a cute costume each year! Likes to take lots of pictures of the leaves! And she loves to go apple picking!
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ddarker-dreams · 6 days
missing scarlet ribbons so bad… brain food for SR: confined space stand that lowkey locks SR reader in a really small alternate dimension space with the bucci gang. like… chest to chest on top like “aughh sorry!! its so cramped in here :((“ and the guys r j internally screaming over it
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RETURNING WITH SOME SCARLET RIBBONS !!!!!!!!!!!! i love them your honor <33333333
[Scarlet Ribbons index]
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Although Giorno recognizes this predicament's unique benefits, he still prioritizes your well-being. He will check you over, ensuring no harm has been inflicted. Once that’s settled, admittedly, a few mischievous thoughts flit through his mind… none that he’ll act on, however. He accommodates you to the best of his ability. Ever the opportunist, he’ll gratefully accept any physical contact your shuffling around results in. Should you find yourself bored while waiting out the Stand’s effects, he’ll humor (most) requests you make of Gold Experience. And no, he won’t agree to create an elephant, no matter how passionately you plead your case. You’ll have to settle for a duckling or something similarly small. Capybaras aren’t off the table. 
Your level-headed leader, Bruno, finds himself unusually flustered. He recoils a bit too fast from any contact and dedicates a lengthy chunk of time to clearing his throat. He steels his nerves by asking if you’re alright, feeling any adverse side effects, etc. Sticky Fingers is summoned to check for a way out of this pocket dimension, an idea that’s proven implausible. You’ll both have to wait it out. Bruno gives you as much space as he can, to the point his contortions are stressing you out from how uncomfortable they must be. He almost chokes when you offhandedly suggest sitting on his lap to ‘free up space.’ Poor man. 
Fugo’s irritated over the fight’s outcome. He feels useless, since your presence prevents him from utilizing Purple Haze, lest you fall victim to the Stand’s abilities. He critiques your strategies and lists what you should’ve done differently. Don’t take it personally — internally, he’s berating himself for being unable to do more. The self-loathing steadily fades away as he recognizes how close these accommodations have you. Fugo cuts himself off mid rant, sputtering incoherent gibberish. His heart starts beating so hard, he wonders if he might be going into cardiac arrest. Your knees are brushing against each other. Why aren’t you panicking? Why is he panicking? … And why does he feel some gratitude toward the Stand User responsibles for this? 
Narancia considers this a golden opportunity to prove how reliable (and cool!) he is. Will most likely quote an action hero for maximum effect. He reassures you that he’s ‘totally got this’ and suggests shooting the walls with Aerosmith to bust out. You have to talk him out of this brilliant plan, reminding him that ricochet is a thing. Sitting still and waiting for the Stand’s ability to run its course hits him the hardest. He wants to be proactive, primed to pummel the asshole that got you both in this situation. However, your presence greatly decreases the likelihood he’ll do anything rash. At a certain point, he finds the whole thing kinda cool, like a secret base only you two know about. 
Mista used to pray for days like these. He’s thanking all the saints (that he can remember) for this gracious opportunity. Still, he’s mindful of your boundaries, doing his best not to intrude on your space. He will be inhaling your perfume, though. In copious amounts. While escape should be a high priority, seeing as neither of you are dying, he’s rather chill about the entire ordeal. You���re his favorite person to goof around with. He jokes about offering himself up if you’re stuck here long enough for starvation to kick in. You don’t get why his mind always ends up in a Hannibal-Lecter-esque place, but it’s a nice (?) sentiment. The Stand’s ability ends far too fast for his liking. 
Abbacchio is secretly grateful it’s you he’s stuck with and not some other schmuck. He might give you a hard time, but your presence is tolerable, even if you have a proclivity for yapping. The fact that you’re nice on the eyes is an added bonus. Considering his height, it’s impossible for you to have absolutely zero contact. Abbacchio’s always been tough on himself — he wouldn’t blame you if you were repulsed by him. So for you not to shrink away when your hands touch… it warms his heart in a way he hadn’t thought possible. He’ll humor your musings, adding his own dry wit on the occasion until you’re both freed. 
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that requests are open and I would like to know if you can write headcanons for (Risotto nero, Bruno bucciarati and leone abbacchio) with a fem! reader who is a caporegime of passion and has a stand capable of healing fatal injuries and capable of stopping time like jotaro and dio? Thank you so much.
Risotto Nero, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbachio x caporegime!fem!reader headcanons
Author's Note: Died while writing Risotto's part. I enjoyed this idea so much, thank you for this request and your patience. Hope you'll enjoy it! (GIFs are not mine, I'm thanking the owners)
Risotto Nero
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- He respects you for your being a caporegime but that doesn't mean that he trusts you automatically. He needs to know more about you, and he will find out more. He thinks that there might be a reason why he met you and he starts overthinking about it.
- If you decide to visit La Squadra more often, that's how you slowly earn his trust. More precisely, by how you interact with each member, and how you get along with them. He always observes from afar, with his usual familiar face. He likes that you don't seem to care about your rank and don't demand any special treatment from anyone. He also likes how you treat everyone with the same amount of respect.
- When you discuss mafia matters with him, you notice how uptight and tired he looks and it concerns you. Risotto is stunned when you change the subject to tell him that he should take care of his well-being just as much as he takes care of his men. He is moved by the softness of your gaze and tone as it's something that he thinks shouldn't exist in a mafia gang such as Passione. You turn his world upside down with this simple gesture.
- In time, exactly during those visits of yours, he starts to notice his somatic reactions to your presence. When seeing and hearing you, he's more aware of his heartbeat, the way he starts to feel hot under his outfit, and the way his body just seems to lean in (he corrects his posture right away though). Nothing gives him away.
- When learning about your Stand's healing ability, Risotto automatically thinks about how useful it would be for his team's safety. He will ask your permission to have you on speed dial if something bad happens. You surprise him again by accepting right away with no hesitation and you can tell it from how his gaze softens. His eyes are more expressive than he thinks.
- Prosciutto is the first to notice a change in Risotto as days go by and understands what is going on. He knows exactly what he's implying when he suggests to Risotto that you two should discuss those mafia matters and plans alone. Risotto sighs knowing that it's starting to get obvious but it's grateful for Prosciutto pointing it out.
Bruno Buciaratti
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- It might look like you have his respect right away but in reality, it takes some time to earn the genuine form, not the forced one. However, he will always treat you right, he's always a gentleman towards a woman like you nonetheless. He will always shake your hand or even kiss it briefly when you meet. This is also a way of trying to get some reactions out of you so he can read you.
- Because he knows how your presence is more than beneficial, Bucciarati will have his ways to tempt you to spend more time with his team but that's when the chaos unleashes. He tries to instruct all to behave when you're around and surprisingly, they do. No funny businesses. It only lasts for a few minutes because Narancia and Mista decide to do something fun. Everyone can guess how it went. Bucciarati is boiling on the inside for this happening while you're there but then he hears you chuckling. Turning around with a surprised expression on his face, he sees you smiling at their antics. Seeing how you don't mind it and understand it even, he smiles too.
- In time, as he notices more of those genuine reactions from you, he looks at you in a different light. He enjoys how you're not as serious as you seemed in the beginning. His heart skips a beat when your smiles are directed at him. Plus, the others are so happy to see you all the time, it makes him happy as well.
- Finds your Stand extremely powerful but starts thinking of ways to protect your back while you're using the healing ability on others. He's very invested in ways to keep you safe during missions. You two will even decide on secret signals to know what you have to do for each other. Bucciarati is relieved to have someone as capable as you in his proximity.
- It's not a surprise for the rest of the team to see him developing feelings for you, they all thought it was about time. No one even jokes about it because they have been waiting for so long. Abbachio will always be the one to tell the others to follow him somewhere else for whatever reason just to give the two of you much-needed privacy.
Leone Abbachio
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- At first, he thinks that being a caporegime in Passione might be a little too much for a woman. He's NOT a misogynist, no, but he sees it that way because in his time working as a policeman he heard many horrors women went through for being involved with the mafia.
- And so, because of this, Abbachio has questions about you, about the other caporegime, about your role. He wants to be informed, not just because he doesn't fully trust you but because he can't help but feel slightly concerned deep down. He just hopes that you can handle everything. When you prove to him how capable you are, without you even knowing, he starts to trust you more and respect you.
- However, Abbachio will never give you special treatment because you're a caporegime, he doesn't care about this title (even if later on, he starts to find it hot but he won't admit it, not even if he were on his deathbed). He cares about your true nature and how you deserve that rank.
- To Abbachio, actions definitely speak louder than words. After one mission in which he got severely injured, you happen to be there to heal him, despite his stubborn protests. Instead of getting frustrated with him, you kept your calm and helped him with great care. With this, he discovers another ability that you have, the ability to put him at ease and make him feel better inside. You've given him too much to feel. Your carefulness towards him makes him start acting slightly different to you, less disdainful and less distant. He can't deny the warmth he feels when you ask about him.
- To him, your Stand is as impressive as you, he expected it. He has questions about it and most of them are about the time-stopping ability. He thinks of ways you two can combine your abilities. When it comes to your healing ability, he just sighs and rolls his eyes thinking about the similar effect Giorno's Stand ability has. In reality, he is relieved that there's another healer that can help if anything goes wrong.
- Abbachio doesn't need anyone's help to get alone with you, he has his ways to get privacy. The others can only grin as they notice his tricks, too afraid to tease him about it. His favorite way is by lighting up curiosity. He'll make eye contact with you for a while and then whisper close to you that if you two eventually will be left alone, you should remind him that he has something important to talk to you about and then walk it off. You'll get so curious about it that you're the one who will get the two of you alone somehow. When you ask him about it, he'll just say that he can't remember at the moment but if you're already there with him you can talk about something else.
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randoimago · 5 months
starting this new month, and continuing? my other request, I was wondering if you could write about Jealous!Bucci Gang whose S/O is obsessed with a singer, like she talks about them all the time, and has a lot posters of them, how would the guys react to that?
Don't worry, you can post this request at any time, but preferably after you've posted the other request, or if you don't want to write it, feel free to ignore this, no problem!^^
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Abbacchio, Bruno, Giorno, Fugo, Mista, Narancia, Trish
Note(s): Here you go! Not all of them act stereotypical jealous but I hope you still enjoy what I wrote!
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I mean, with how Abbacchio is he might either judge your taste in men (cause his is so immaculate 😒) or be extremely self degrading. He's a drunk mafia man, of course you'd be more into some famous singer than him.
Bruno can't help being amused at all the posters and how often you talk about this singer. But he also reminds you that he's your S/O. He is happy to listen to your interests, but he does have a limit.
Fugo glares and threatens to tear the posters down. You really want him to hang out in your room with some stupid guy staring the whole time? His temper will get the better of him so he stays away until you get your fascination out of your system.
Like Bruno, Giorno is also happy to hear about your interests but he can only do it for so long. He will touch one of your posters only to turn it into a bouquet of flowers for you, stating, "I bet he can't do this, love." Doesn't truly care if you're upset, he'll use his mafia money to buy you concert tickets as an apology.
Mista rolls his eyes at all the posters and you talking about the singer. He'd be the one to say, "If you like him so much, why don't you marry him?" as if it's some kind of insult.
Narancia takes you gushing about a singer as permission for him to also talk about some rapper or artist that he's also really into lately. It becomes you both listening to their music together and commenting on the vocals and instrumentals and such.
Trish glances at the posters and immediately pipes up about some other singer being better. She's so nonchalant about it too. Does not care if it starts a whole debate or flame war, she's got her own bias and it ain't yours.
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@abellaheart-blog @joestarfoundation
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helenabuu32 · 27 days
Finally thought of some more headcannon ideas! So here’s my hc’s for who in the Bucci Squad is good at cooking!
Bucci Squad cooking + bonus cooking for their S/O or crush!
Of course mother can cook
For real though, he’s one of the best cooks in the group.
I can imagine a young Bruno learning how to cook with his mother, and after she decided to leave it was something he kept up and just kept getting better at
Could also see him going out of his way to cook food for homeless or elderly people around the city just because he loves helping others so much.
He loves cooking for the rest of the squad and likes to have nights where everyone gets together and he can just make a bunch of different dishes and have a great time with his friends. He always make sure that everyone has at least one of their favourite dishes on the table, even if it means spending the entire day in the kitchen
When he has a crush or is in a relationship, he loves cooking for them and secretly learning their favourite dishes so he can surprise them with a romantic dinner. Candles, red roses, fancy wine and music, the whole classic dinner date thing.
Excellent cook, but not as good at baking. Still good though.
This man burns water
He’s so bad. He tried to help Bucciarati once when everyone was supposed to come over and Bucciarati had to hide himself gagging. He then tried his best to fix the dish while Mista got distracted so he didn’t have to throw it out and make him feel bad…
…because of this, Mista thinks he’s a great cook.
Even when he makes something bad, he’ll try it and think it’s fine…I imagine he’s like Joey from Friends and will literally just eat anything
He cannot bake either, at all. Even if someone hands him one of those tubes of the pillsbury premade dough things that you literally just have to place on a pan, he will burn them
The first time he tried to cook for his s/o or crush he set the oven on fire
Proceeded to serve the meal after spraying everything with a fire extinguisher
They ended up ordering take out that night, but s/o or crush says next time they’ll help him because they can see how hard he was trying :)
Okay he’s still pretty bad but surprisingly not as bad as Mista
He’s not great with measurements and following instructions because he doesn’t read, so he kinda learned over the years what works and what doesn’t
He still often gets distracted or will put his headphones on and miss the timer, so he often overcooks or burns things…but every once in a while he actually comes up with something edible
He likes trying to help Bucciarati in the kitchen but gets frustrated easily and is known to just be like “fuck this” and go off and listen to music somewhere
He actually tries to bake for his s/o / crush the first time and the cookies look really good!
Until they take a bite and they realize he accidentally used salt instead of sugar…s/o / crush laughs it off and they make another batch together that actually turn out pretty good :)
Will leave the kitchen a mess for days after he’s done if nobody makes/helps him clean up
Boy can COOK
He actually might be better than Bucciarati…
But he doesn’t do it for everyone that often because he doesn’t like drawing the attention to himself. When he helps Bruno in the kitchen, everyone just kinda assumes that Bruno did most of the work. He doesn’t really mind as long as he knows deep down that people are enjoying what he made, he doesn’t care about being praised for it.
If the others try to help in the kitchen he gets annoyed and just starts drinking wine.
Will eventually get so fed up that he goes to the dining room table and continues to sip his wine while he listens to all the chaos going on in the kitchen so he doesn’t lose his shit at everyone (mostly Mista and Narancia)
When he first cooks for his s/o or crush he actually tries to pretend that Bruno made it or that he got takeout from a fancy restaurant “this isn’t even a date, shut up and eat.”
Obviously s/o crush can tell he made it. He forgot to clean up around the stove because he was actually panicking about them coming over. S/o/crush won’t out him but won’t stop going on about how DELICIOUS the food is…
…He lied, he loves the praise.
He’s actually a pretty decent cook!
He’s good at following instructions, so he’s naturally just good at following recipes. What idiot couldn’t follow a book….
…Oh. Yeah he’s not allowed in the kitchen when Narancia is there because once he got so angry at him that he broke a wine glass over his head.
When Narancia (and Mista tbh) aren’t there though, he really enjoys helping Bruno in the kitchen. He’s not on the same level as him or Abbacchio, but at least everything he makes ends up tasting good.
I feel like he would be even better at baking actually, because I find baking tends to use a lot more numbers and measuring out ingredients to exact numbers. It’s like science and Fugo loves that.
The first time his S/o or crush tastes his cooking or baking, it’s actually because he brought it “for the squad”. He’s too embarrassed to admit that he just wanted to see if they’d enjoy what he made. He gets all flustered when they tell him how good it is and leaves the room. But then starts bringing stuff almost every week for them to try.
I feel like he’s on the same level or a little better than Fugo…
He always had to kinda take care of himself, so naturally he learned to cook for himself as well
Unlike Fugo, he doesn’t go by the book as much. He just picked up from restaurants and over time learned what worked together
He does also enjoy baking sometimes because he has a bit of a sweet tooth, but just basic things like cookies, brownies, etc.
He doesn’t really help Bucciarati in the kitchen because Abbacchio just glares at him the whole time. Leone hates that he’s actually okay at cooking. Can this kid just be bad at something wtf.
If Abbacchio does get fed up and goes off to sulk somewhere, he doesn’t mind stepping in to help out though
When cooking for an s/o or crush, he has a similar approach to Bucciarati. He likes to make it romantic but in a more light-hearted way? Like he prefers more upbeat music, maybe even sitting on the couch and watching a movie instead of at a table. He will always make sure to sprout a beautiful bouquet of their favourite flowers to be on display nearby, though.
Trish just doesn’t really like cooking
She doesn’t like how sweaty the kitchen can get, and hates how onions make her cry. Her mascara is expensive!
Just sits back and lets the boys take care of everything when Bucciarati has the squad over for dinner. Cooking is already stressful enough without 3 fistfights breaking out…
Although she doesn’t like cooking, she wouldn’t be terrible at it if she were in a situation where she had to.
She does on the other hand enjoy baking though!
She always loved baking with her mom growing up. Her favourite thing to make is cupcakes because it’s so much fun to decorate them with colourful icing and cute sprinkles when they’re done!
The first time her s/o or crush tries her baking, they’re just hanging out and she all of the sudden gets the idea to make frosted brownies. She has a lot of fun seeing the different approach they take to decorating them. They start to have weekly baking dates where they try something new every time, and sometimes brings the boys leftovers :)
Yaaaay another one done! I really do love making these. My asks are open so if you enjoyed reading this and would like to see my hcs for a particular situation, go ahead and let me know! I’m also always looking for more moots to talk about JJBA and other stuff with 💖
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especiallyqhere · 1 month
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JOJO GOLDEN ARROW AU | Ages & Stand Ailments
Bruno Bucciarati
Age: 24
Ailment(s): Bruno has a body ailment - Zipper marks on his skin when he uses Sticky Fingers on himself - Makes it very easy to attract attention by folk and enemy stands. Zipping on skin can lead to... Unfortunate bleeding...
Leone Abbacchio
Age: 25
Ailment(s): Abbacchio has a Mind and Body ailment - When Abbacchio rewinds time, he gets a tally mark on his skin (like a tattoo) for every minute he rewinds - So far, he has his entire left shoulder to wrist covered in tally marks with a few on his right arm already. If Moody Blues is used for more than 24 hours at a time, this can cause some memory loss...
Narancia Ghirga
Age: 21
Ailment(s): Narancia has both a Mind and Body ailment - If he uses Aerosmith for too long he can get severely painful migraines. When his stand lands, it makes tire marks on his arms and shoulders...
Guido Mista
Age: 23
Ailment(s): Mista has an Internal only ailment - He can get very ill if he hits himself with SexPistols and can have an insane hunger when he wakes up (The poor fridge)...
Pannacotta Fugo
Age: 20
Ailment(s): Fugo also has an Internal ailment - Emotions from Purple Haze can reflect on Fugo the more he uses it (frothing at the mouth/jaw + teeth/immense anger). It can be quite damaging internally to the point he coughs up blood…
Giorno Giovanna
Age: 18 (17 at the start of the AU)
Ailment(s): Giorno has a body ailment at the start of the AU- If he heals a certain body part of his, it knits the flesh weird. In the instance he heals someone, their injury can transfer onto him (non-lethally and more visual) but this can make Giorno very weak. To recover stand energy, he must drink blood (Discovered later in the AU). During the first chapter of the AU, Giorno is transformed into a Dhampir by a large energy blast caused by the stand arrows losing their powers and being so intrinsically linked to the Joestar Bloodline (DIO). He cannot go outside in the sun for more than an hour but during time in the sun, he feels like he is on fire...
Trish Una
Age: 18
Ailment(s): Trish has an Internal and Body ailment - Using Spice Girl (unknown/does not have at the start of the AU) her body can also become rubber too… Sometimes she needs to revert that quickly to avoid her heart from becoming rubber too...
FYI: They're all aged up to match the artstyle of the anime. They ain't 15 years old in this AU that's for sure😭(Don't worry guys I'm not gonna write or draw anything sus either!!!)
If you're interested in my AU, please click here to view my other AU works!
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appleinyoureye · 1 year
JJBA │ Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Sweetest
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Summary: Your parents forbid you from seeing your boyfriend, but who are you if not a rule-breaker. So you sneak out to see him.
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Characters: Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Bucciarati, Pannacotta Fugo, Giorno Giovanna, Guido Mista, Ghirga Narancia
Word Count: 545
Type: headcanons
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Leone is very grateful. He may not show it the best but you’re a very important person in his life, a glimpse of normalcy in this crazy place Bucciarati’s gang become. He doesn’t question your decision to stay with him until the very last second of your illegal meeting. He then nervously whispers a short are you sure? as he hugs you, and after your affirmation, Abba doesn’t need any more words.
Bruno is really happy, but the fact that he will be able to see you is not the main factor. He feels joy because you decided to choose for yourself, to screw your parents’ commands, and to do what you feel your heart wants to do. He fully supports your decision, even though he understands where your parents come from. After all, their kid dates someone from the mafia. But it’s your life, not theirs, plus he really loves you, so he doesn’t even think about questioning it.
Heck yeah! Screw your parents! For the past week he has been angrier than usual, not being able to see you, waiting for a word from you after your parents locked you up in the house. It was ridiculous! All these pent up emotions makes him tear up a bit. Not a lot, and when he notices that you see the difference in how glossy his eyes become, he hugs you tightly, nose buried in the crook of your neck. You’re his oasis, and he has to calm himself now that you are right by him, not going anywhere.
I’m not sure why but I feel like Giorno would be the only one to question your decision from the start. I mean, yeah, he loves you, he wants to be with you, but because of this, he agrees with your parents. Someone like you shouldn’t be connected in any way with the mafia, in particular be in a relationship with the head of it. He wants everything and more for you, and when you tell him that you’ve made up your mind, and he hears the confidence, the firmness your voice holds, he shuts completely up, a voice that acts against his common sense, celebrating that he isn’t losing you. 
Of course he celebrates! Picks you up, twirls around and peppers whole face in kisses. He doesn’t like your parents just like he doesn’t like stupid people that they definitely are. Who do they think they are to tell you who to date or not??? Mista even suggests that you move in with him, because this way you wouldn’t have to worry about sneaking out. He pouts a bit when you decline, and even tries to jokingly bribe you with marriage, but he knows when to stop. He's just happy that you’re choosing to stay with him.
He feels that you’re pranking him. And after you try to reassure him that no, it is not a stupid joke, he thinks that it’s a trap that your parents set for him. Only after five minutes or so, he believes you. And when he does, oh boi, the scream he scrumpts. SCREW YOUR PARENTS! Hell yeah! He even suggests that he can pay them a little visit, and you need to calm him down if you don’t want to become parentless. 
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a/n: hey! first writing posted on this account lol. pls don't be too harsh as english is not my first language! also, forgive me if i made the bois not so in the character. it's been a year since i finished watching the 5th part
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
Bucci gang beach day
Pairings: Bucci gang x reader
Summary: Bucci gang and reader go to the beach!
Notes-let’s go to the beach beach let’s go get away!
First of all, it would be very negligent of me to mention this excursion only happened due to Narancia’s insessant begging.
For at least three months straight, all Bruno would hear is “c’mon Bucciarati! Please, please can we go to the beach! ‘S not like anything bad’s gonna happen plus we all could use a vacation!”
He got on his knees and palmed at Bruno’s trouser legs, he even went as far as to start doing extra tasks around the house so he could appease Bruno.
Once Mista got wind of there being a potential beach day, chaos insures.
Bruno gets pestered thrice as much than he did before, when it seemed as though Bruno would say no the two teenagers visibly deflated, it was almost as though you could see sad droopy puppy dog ears on their heads.
Their capo thinks long and hard on the matter, tongue in cheek, before sighs, he finally relenting over dinner saying, “all right, just this once we’ll go to the beach, I suppose we relax a little for the time being.”
Mista’s plate and cutlery jolt as Narancia jumps up, hands flat on the dining table, looking at Bruno with astonishment.
“Seriously!” He yells excitedly, holding Bruno’s gaze and when the latter man nods he kicks his chair outta the way, walking towards Mista. “Heck yeah!”
In all of their teenage-esque the two friends enthusiastically dap each other up, meanwhile, unexpectedly, Trish smiles in excitement; attempting to cover it up behind her hand. Giorno looks on in intrigue as does Fugo, whilst Abbacchio acknowledges the statement but chooses to remain uninterested.
“Bruno?” Trish hesitates, clearing her throat. The sapphire eyed male averted his attention to the pinkette, curious as to what she wanted to add. He hummed probing her to continue; “is it alright if I invite [name].”
“Please do.” Mista added as Trish side eyed him, although he couldn’t help if he was just so excited at the prospect of seeing you.
Bruno chuckled, “Well, I don’t see why not. Would you all be alright with that?” He looked at his team expectantly awaiting their answers.
“Do what you want, I’m not coming.” Abbacchio commented nonchalantly, although he wasn’t appalled at the prospect of seeing you again.
Bruno looked at the others in the room to see if there was any verbal objections and when he was met with none it was decided you’d come.
So after Trish invited you, it was unsurprising you’d gotten a text from Mista inviting you somewhere.
Guido Mista
“Mista” lemme take you out swimwear shopping (major wink).
He just wanted an excuse to spend one on one time with you although helping you choose out swimwear is a bonus.
When you try on your favourite piece in the changing room and show him, his jaw honestly drops.
“Do you think this one looks nice?” You asked him, looking at him through your lashes. He grinned, “course babe, let me buy it for you, yeah?”
Eyeroll, cue you fanning Mista away with your hands as the pair of you walk over to the cash register to pay.
The sale assistant makes a little comment on “what a cute couple the both of you are,” and “how nice your boyfriend is for doing this.” You were about to refute the claim but Mista answered first saying “thank you.” Before pulling you by your hand out of the shop.
When you and all of the others finally arrive at the beach, Mista was a hog.
He literally picked you up the second you stepped out of the car and carried you all the way to the salty sea water, chucking you in with a dramatic splash!
You groaned, frowning at him laughing, so in your opinion it was very justified when you swam underwater and pulled him too, making you giggle when he slipped on his butt.
Chaos ensured and a water fight broke out between the both of you, you screamed running away cackling as he tried (and succeeded) in grabbing and splashing you.
You hung out with Mista for a little while until you got tried leading you to go to the sand again…
Narancia Ghirga
As soon as you stepped foot on land, you were pulled aside by Narancia, who dragged you to a sandy spot just slightly away from the others on land.
“C’mon let’s make a sand castle,” he told you, positively beaming, “okay!!”
You gathered sand in your hands, moulding it into a cylindrical shape as Narancia carved intricate designs on the one that already stood.
After a couple minutes the pair of you had made a moderately sized, but beautiful (at least to you) sandcastle, which gave Narancia the idea to have a sandcastle building competition.
You instantly agreed clapping your hands, running to get some sea water to build a moat for your castle.
You’d been working on building your castle for ten minutes, narancia had just finished his and you were just about to finish too until a horrific incident took place!
Narancia sabotaged you and stepped on your castle!
You were absolutely gobsmacked, mouth parted in surprise as his castle stood tall and proud.
So you reacted (retaliated) as any normal person would, by destroying his!
This led to a minor sand fight (bad idea).
But quickly realising this, you called a truce and opted to give Narancia a mermaid tail in the sand.
Or at least that’s what he thought, and before he knew it he found himself up to his neck buried in sand. You stuck your tongue out at him, pinching his cheeks and went away to find Fugo, that’s what he deserved for ruining your castle!
Pannacotta Fugo
“Hey Fugo, I wanna decorate the castle I made with Narancia, wanna help me look for sea shells?” You asked him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
“Why not go with Narancia?”
You shrugged your shoulders, giving him a knowing smile.
Abruptly, you stopped and started digging in the sand, enthusiastically blabbering away to Fugo when you found a gorgeous cerulean shell.
He smiled at you, patting your head, then bent down next to you and started looking for some shells too.
A vibrant pile of pale colours began to build up next you.
Fugo was just about to quit when he saw a peculiar shell, his eyes widened, perhaps it was a pearl shell, that seemed like something you would like.
He reached down and grabbed it, trying to open up the shell only to be sharply nipped on his finger.
He yelped, throwing the shell halfway across the beach!
Having seen the whole scene you stifled your giggles.
“Are you okay?” You asked him laughing.
He glared at you, “yes. I’m fine.” He snapped due to his pain.
Unexpected to him, you picked up his hurt finger and lightly kissed it. “There all better.” You beamed at him.
A light pink blush splayed across his cheeks, “thank you.”
“We’ll continue later, I’m a bit tired I’m going to go and rest for a bit.”
Leone Abbacchio
Firstly, Abbacchio didn’t even know how he ended up at the beach, after he had outright said he wouldn’t be coming.
Honestly he’s not really a fan of the beach, actually he hates it.
Outright refuses to go in the water, he’s not getting his hair wet or any disgustingly salty water in his mouth.
He opts to sit on a beach towel under an umbrella, reading and sipping on a fruity drink.
So when you trail up to him and plop down next to him, he hopes your disturbance won’t be too major.
“What do you want?” He asked, eyes still on his book.
“Nothing,” you stretched your legs and wiggled your toes. “I’m just tired.”
He hummed, uninterested.
You yawned and decided to test his limits, resting your head on his legs.
“[name].” He warned curtly.
You waved your hand sleepily, “m just resting my head, promise.”
You were not. In fact, one minute later you fell asleep.
Leone groaned, slamming his book shut. He looked at your peaceful sleeping face, he stroked your face and shifted you into a more comfortable position.
Abbacchio doesn’t know why, must have been the pesky goodwill of his heart, but he put sunscreen on your face too as it got hotter in the day.
You shifted in your sleep, snuggling closer to him.
He wanted to roll his eyes but his body betrayed him and he smiled.
Not long after, he found himself overcome with sleep, and when he woke up he found you gone, frolicking away with Bruno.
Bruno Buccarrati
“Hello [name],” Bruno greeted, “are you hungry? I know you’ve been busy enjoying the day.”
“Sup Bruno, not yet, I’m actually kind of hot.” You responded, “and I kinda wanna test out the snorkels, do you want to take a dip with me?”
He shrugged off his shirt, showing off his muscular, chiselled form. “Sure, let’s go.” He told you, leading you towards the sea by the small of your back.
You held up a pale pink float, decorated with sprinkles, “Ooh, let’s drift away in this doughnut float!”
He sat in the doughnut float first, pulling a snorkel over his head so it rested on his forehead. “Alright bellisima.”
Cue you squealing excitedly, dropping yourself onto his lap as the float started digging away.
One of his hands rested on your waist as the other skimmed against the water, similarly to your toes.
“Are you alright?”
“Uh huh! Let’s hop in, I’m sure we’ll see some cool fish!”
You marvelled at the aquatic animals, turning to look at Bruno, enthused.
Finally after around an hour, he extended his hand out to you and pushed you on the float to the shore once more.
After all that you honestly felt rather famished.
Trish Una
“Trishie, wanna eat?”
Trish cringed at the use of that ghastly nickname, you’re honestly extremely lucky the pair of you had been friends for a while because if you were anyone else she would have cut you off.
She pulled up her designer shades to look at you in the eye, “fine.”
“Great!” You ran over to the picnic basket Bruno had packed and grabbed a few snacks and sandwiches.
She extended a manicured hand, picking up a carrot stick.
Her eyes darted towards you when you exclaimed in delight, “oh my gosh, this is so delicious, here Trish take a bite!” You extended your hand out towards her, putting your food in front of her.
Tentatively and skeptically, she took a bite. “Mmm.” She agreed licking her lips.
“I know right?” You took another bite, “we should bake our own snacks and have another picnic sometime soon.” You told her.
“Yeah.” She looked up at the setting sun, “sounds nice.”
You squeezed her hand happily, “Alright, then it’s arranged!”
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno wasn’t really bothered about coming to the beach, although he also didn’t not want to come.
For most of the day he’s been enjoying and ice cream and doing some light tanning until you’d come up to him and asked if he wanted to make bracelets with you.
He nodded and sat down next to you, his knee touching yours.
You instructed him to make you a bracelet and you’d make him one.
He opted for a green and blue colour palette, resembling that of the sea, whilst you made him a red and white one contrasting greatly with his.
Then he made a silly joke about how yours is the exact opposite to his and how “opposites attract.” Causing you to roll your eyes and omit the shell heart charm from his bracelet.
This caused the blonde to tease you (Brando genes popping out) and say how you had his heart (charm) so why can’t he have yours?
You groaned, relenting and tied it on his wrist, he laughed to himself as you walked away from him.
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anatomyoflove · 9 months
Jjba Vento Aureo dying in their arms || Angst Headcannons
【 Headcannons 】
╭┈───────Triggers— Death, sad sthoff 】
「 BRUNO BUCCIARATI 🦢」 ▷ The group has been attacked by multiple stand users on a mission (This was before Giorno has entered Passione) ▷ Bruno and [Y/n] came out with a plan to lead all of them and to be thrown out of the cliff ▷ It didn't end well, as they underestimated the stand ▷ The stand ends up badly injuring both ▷ Causing [Y/n] to fall on the cliff ▷ [Y/n]'s stand had to do with something with alternate universes ▷ Bruno couldn't hold on to her anymore as he too was badly wounded, and the continuous attacks of the stand kept going as he was holding her. Leaving it more difficult for him to keep his eyes open ▷ [Y/n] reassured Bruno to let go as she knew that he couldn't go longer ▷He stayed silent, and gritted his teeth, furrowed his brow, stiffened his post, and tightened his grip trying to pull her up, but he was to his limit, he was badly wounded. ▷ [Y/n] was the one who let go, but before she did she said that it was okay because in the different universes she's been through she saw them having happy endings with him, and that she was sorry that it's not in this universe.
「GUIDO MISTA 🔫」 ▷ The group ventures through the waters, with Narancia finally catching up to the boat, and with Fugo standing still on the island. ▷ "We'll be fine" Mista brought up, reassuring [Y/n], that he always does that, he was always so caring. Even when she was way behind the line, he'd wait for her, he had a soft spot for her and she didn't know it ▷ As they travel back to Venice, they were attacked ▷ It was a water stand causing everyone to be immediately vulnerable ▷ The boat was immediately damaged, [Y/n] didn't know how to swim and as everyone fell off the boat, [Y/n] struggled to stay up ▷ Mista immediately went after her, however [Y/n] was the first target of the Water stand, ▷ She tried fighting back with her stand but the deeper she went the harder it was to breathe ▷ The same goes for Mista but his concern fueled him to go deeper and to at least get a grip of your hands was enough for him to take you back to the surface ▷ [Y/n] died of drowning before the stand did a final attack on her making sure she was dead ▷ As soon as the remaining Passione members defeated the water stand. ▷ Mista Carried [Y/n]'s body to shore and then rested her head on his shoulder as he hugged her from her shoulders as they watched the sunset as a final goodbye ▷ "You like sunsets right?"
「 NARANCIA GHIRGA 🛩️ 」 ▷ [Y/n] was assassinated in her sleep. With now their group being labeled as traitors for saving Trish ▷ A stand user was originally supposed to kill Giorno, with him being the new member of the organization and not being recognized easily by the other members, [Y/n] was unfortunately mistaken and got killed in her room before she could even react ▷ The next morning, Bruno, Giorno, Abbacchio, and Mista surrounded [Y/n]'s room. ▷ Narancia just woke up and decided to see the fuzz in the hallway ▷ "What's happening?" he rubbed his eyes as he tried to take a peek, it was just a blanket covering [Y/n] except that her arm was hanging down, along with blood dripping ▷ The four other members slightly bowed their head knowing already the context. ▷ Narancia ran in the room and took off the blanket to reveal the corpse, he started shaking the body ▷ "Wake up [Y/n], stop messing around" he started sweating profusely, he was nervous ▷The body was cold yet he kept shaking it, telling her to wake up and stop messing around ▷ He turned to Giorno and clapped his hands together in a praying position, begging for Giorno to bring her back. ▷He then begged towards the other members to wake her up and do something however everyone stayed silent knowing there is nothing to be done. ▷Narancia hugs the cold [Y/n] before they gave her a burial, and even at the funeral Narancia stayed staring at the tomb for hours
「GIORNO GIOVANNA 💛」 ▷ While in a fight with a stand, a falling building was unfortunately caused crushing some of the members, luckily most of the Passione survived with both major and minor injuries ▷ [Y/n] was not so lucky ▷ Giorno was the first to figure out that they were missing one person ▷ He immediately went back in the fallen building and pushed chunks of rocks, and cement ▷ There he saw [Y/n] lying down with no movements being detected ▷ Giorno tried healing her back up, but the body was hollow, there was no life in it anymore ▷ "Giorno" Bruno called from behind, implying that she wasn't gonna be back. ▷ Giorno kept pushing it, till he finally stopped, and accepted it. ▷ He stared for a few seconds at the hollow body, before he grew a field of flowers, roses, and sunflowers around the body, covering it and giving it a comfortable burial at least.
「LEONE ABBACCHIO 🎧」 ▷ In Sardinia, as Leone waits to get the image of their boss, [Y/n] sticks with him as the rest run off ▷ "I miss a warm bed" [Y/n] commented, before stretching, she liked annoying Leone because she knew that he got easily irritated with her talking about all sorts of things ▷ "Shut up" Leone told her to be quiet, she chuckled in reply ▷ Nearby kids wanted to get the soccer ball stuck out of the tree, and the noise was irritating him ▷ He finally told them to be quiet before hesitating and getting the ball ▷ "I'll do it" [Y/n] volunteered as she put the pieces together, she then climbed up to give it back to them ▷ As the little boys began running further away, the last boy eyed Leone ▷ [Y/n]'s stand (that had to do with auras) immediately detected a negative one about him, causing her to push Leone out of the way and push herself aside but not far enough for King Crimson to impale her within seconds ▷ It was quick and short, that Leone immediately went after the mysterious kid but then he suddenly disappeared. ▷ Leone didn't hesitate to grab her body and moved to a different place. ▷ Leone hugged the body closely to him as he hid behind the lighthouse ▷ "You're such an idiot" he mumbled, but grief was what reflected in his eyes, he knew that it could've been avoided if he was the one who got the ball, just not her. ▷ He blames himself for her death
╭┈─────── A/N: no Y/n's were harmed in making of this fanfic
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robinofinashiro · 10 months
prompt: “it's okay, you can touch me. i won't break."
characters/fandom: giorno giovanna x reader / jojos bizarre adventure
status/note: sometimes i listen to dumbass music while writing and was hearing the can-can so i guess that song inspired this fic for absolutely no damn reason LMAO bc it makes absolutely no sense lmao
pronouns used: she/her and afab!
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giorno had heard of you. you were the newest recruit into passione and damn did he hear the stories that trailed behind you. it wasn't that you were notorious for murdering people or anything but this sudden personality that sprung into the gang made him wonder how the hell you got tied into this lifestyle.
much like narancia, you were very loud, extremely extroverted at times, and even went out to seek thrills if you were feeling bored enough. all of this was brought to him by bruno who was informing him the new girls arrival.
he was away on mafia business on bruno's behalf for what felt like ages, so he knew he had to return back to Italy to see for himself. he knew the gang could use its silly moments especially if the situation called for it. he figured you, narancia, and mista were getting along way too well for abba's liking.
once he touched down in Italy, he had narancia and fugo waiting for him with his black car. he said his hello's to the two boys as they filled him on what he missed while he was gone.
"oh, and the new girl, she's so awesome!" narancia exclaimed. giorno's ears perked up in sudden interest, "she's from mexico i think but she grew up here but her spanish is so cool! plus, she makes good food!" giorno laughed at how fast narancia was talking.
he figured he must've been stuck to your side for a while if he knew this much by now. usually narancia wasn't one to know this much about others so giorno wondered how open you were about your life.
once they arrived, giorno made his way to his office to situate his things before heading to greet everyone. he had to file a few things and inform bruno about the specifics of his trip before he could think of relaxing even the tiniest bit but once he did, he made his way to the living area.
he saw the back of your hair as he saw you talking rather loudly with mista. the two of you were talking about some soccer match that had happened over the weekend as he made his way to the coffee area to make himself a cup.
you were still arguing with mista when he looked up and saw giorno, "hey, you're back!" he exclaimed. your eyebrows fluttered in confusion when you looked up to see who he was talking to, "this is ( your name )," mista said as giorno finally looked at the two of you.
giorno stared at you for a moment before composing himself, "giorno," he mumbled, his voice not as confident as it usually is. you gave giorno a bright smile, a part of him immediately wondering how the hell you wrapped yourself up into a lifestyle like this, "( your name ), nice to meet you don giovanna," you said excitedly.
giorno didn't know how to respond besides shaking your hand. you instantly went back to speaking to mista who was now smirking at his friend.
mista was able to read his boss like the back of his hand.
"gio-gio! we need to go like right now!" you said stomping your foot impatiently. the blond rolled his eyes but obliged. you were waiting for him as the two of you were now disguised in the outfits that demanded the two of you to enter a very prestige venue.
the rest of passione had gotten a head start but you had taken such a long time to get ready that once you were done, giorno had been in the midst of doing something else. he hadn't been able to look at your outfit or how well dressed you were.
giorno's eyes widened when he finally saw the outfit you had on. you were wearing a black dress that fitted your curves way too nicely. your hair was pulled back and pin straight, "does this look okay? i feel like i'm under dressed," you muttered to him.
he shook his head, dismissing the idea immediately as the two of you entered the car. the driver that was assigned to the both of you opened the door as he couldn't help but sneak a peek at you from behind. giorno immediately gave the man a look which made him shiver in fright.
it wasn't a secret to anyone that the don of passione had fell for the new recruit and although it had been months since your initial meeting, giorno still hadn't grown to the idea of formally asking you out and it didn't seem like you had any idea that he was interested in you. for a moment, giorno thought you were into abba as you were always by his side.
he was lucky that his stand hadn't manifested itself to be affectionate towards your own stand yet but he knew that if he didn't admit to his feelings soon, his stand was going to do it for him and that was the last thing he wanted.
once the two of you arrived to the venue, you saw many familiar faces. they belonged to those who you called allies and even friends. this dinner was a sort of meeting between allies and what could be done to secure the future of all of your gangs.
what had surprised you on the other hand was how surprised everyone was when they saw you walking out with giorno. they had never seen the don with someone let alone someone as gorgeous and beautiful as you.
you were immediately given a glass of wine as you started to speak to trish and narancia. bruno and giorno were off on business as you were basically told to look pretty and try to not cause a ruckus with narancia which bruno knew was hard for the two of you to do.
as bruno and giorno were away from everyone, bruno could see the longing gaze that giorno had for you, "even people like us deserve love, even if it feels like we shouldn't. i've seen the looks you've made towards her since the day you met her and i think it's time you make a move before someone else does it," giorno knew he was speaking about abba who seemed to have some sort of feelings towards you as well.
the night continued on as you felt giorno's stare at you. you weren't an idiot after all. although you and narancia constantly gave off dumbass energy on the daily, you were also a girl. a girl who could tell when a man was staring at you and seemed to do that a lot lately.
you shot the blond a smile and made your way towards him as he composed himself. his heart was racing a mile a minute as you stood in front of him.
"what has you looking so serious don giovanna," he chuckled at the formal name as he finally stepped forward and let himself make the move he had been holding back for so long.
"it's okay, you can touch me, i won't break," you murmured to him. he smiled as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. his hand found your lower back as your arms wrapped around his neck, "i am a mafia member after all," you joked.
giorno shook his head, "thank you for accepting this dance, i can tell many wish they were in my position at the moment," you rolled your eyes in slight annoyance, "i can tell but there's only one person allowed to even be this close to me at the moment and that's you," you whispered.
the two of you kept brushing your lips against each others until giorno finally deepened the kiss. you returned the kiss with the same energy as you ran your fingers through his slightly curled hair.
"and i better be the only one allowed to kiss you this way," giorno muttered, his slight dominance finally showing. you hummed in agreement, "the one and only don."
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
drop every headcanon of the bucci gang NOW!
--- pookie bear bruno hcs first <3
they just kinda live together
bruabba holds a special place in my heart
bruno's probably stressed out 24/7
hes got soft features yk?
probably spends like 3 hours doing his hair in the morning
I like to think that he legally adopted Fugo after fugso bugso joined that gang
poor guy overworks himself WAY too often
he also has the most gorgeous eyelashes you'll ever see
and they're natural, too
he's tired af half the time, idk what you expected
he tries to help fugo control his anger (bc he's a loving mother) (giorno does it better tho)
i reckon bruno's pansexual tbh, he just seems like he wouldn't give a shit about his partner's gender
he likes going fishing
brought Abbacchio along one time
abba got seasick and threw up
he likes to accessorize his hair (hence the mitochondria hair clips)
sometimes he'll let the others accessorize his hair, too
trish makes it look really cute
abba makes it look stunning (bc it's his boyfriend)
narancia just puts random shit in his hair
Mista sings loudly (and badly) to be a little shit while he does Bruno's hair (it turns out surprisingly ok)
giorno deadass just puts a shit ton of stars in his hair
fugo gets mad and almost rips a chunk of Bruno's hair out
Bruno's guilty pleasure is midnight snacks
abbacchio caught him eating a whole ass tub of ice cream while watching il postino: the postman at like 2 in the morning
they watched it together and cuddled afterwards
hot goth
gay for bruno
he probably watches those make up youtube channels
if he didn't join passione he could be a make up artist
lets trish practice on him
he's full on protective of nara too
i like to give abbacchio sharper features when i draw him tbh
also a larger nose
and while we're at it, let's hook that bad boy (the nose)
he and bruno go on wine testing dates
he has very frequent and reoccurring nightmares
(its why he sleeps with bruno)
his parents cut contact when they found out he was a dirty cop :(
this man saw narancia on his first day in the gang and accepted his fate as a father LMAO
he's a gay man and you can't tell he's not. Never felt attraction towards women
he feels like time moves by too fast. Everything happens so quickly and he wishes he could go back and just relive certain parts of his life over and over again because he feels like everything happens so quickly now that he's older and it overwhelms him (this definitely isn't me projecting what're you talking about)
moody blues is sort of the representation of this
Moody blues is curvy and i won't accept anything else
make moody look goddamn feminine
not too feminine obviously but like
moody looks like a woman compared to abbacchio
tells people he can't dance but he definitely can
just play the right music and give him enough wine and he'll be dancing like he's never danced before (only in private tho)
and maybe euthanasia by will wood too
not even kidding, abbacchio has the same body type as a greek god
also the strongest guy in the team
the guy that has a dream
I love this weird ass fucking guy
gay for fugo. that's all I'm gonna say.
not abba or bruno tho (they're too old for his taste)
remember that one seen where he and mista are up against cioccolata (fuck him btw) and they do that gay ass pose?
prime example of giorno being a little shit
putting his hand down mista's pants was an accident by the way, he just said "fuck it" and went with it
he probably showed the gang the thing he could do with his ear
they had very mixed reactions
one day (before the gang) he woke up and saw his roots were blond and he just went like "sigh, guess I have to grow my hair out and become barbie
also bc his dad is dio I like to think that he sunburns easily
he can also see really well and the dark
"It's so dark in here, I can't see shit!" "I can, there's a light switch over there."
everyone was confused as hell bc it was pitch black in that room
this man is gay. he likes BOYS and BOYS ONLY
i like to think Giorno's a mischievous lil guy
he does something silly then giggles and runs away
it's to make up for the fact that he didn't have a proper childhood
his hair is gorgeous and luxurious AND SO FUCKING CURLY
he uses about 20 hair products every day (21 if he's going on a date)
he can calm fugo down so easily too
"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU NARANCIA-" "Hi fugo!" "Oh, hey Giorno."
it's really scary (according to narancia and mista)
this man loves gardening
born to be a gardener, forced to be a gangstar
autistic (it runs in the family)
the stink
Mista is the type of guy who showers once or twice a week
he only washes his clothes when they get too dirty
I like to make this man a little wider honestly
he's muscular, but he's gotta have a little meat on there too
I like to think that Mista outright REFUSES to shave
the only place that he can grow barely any hair is his face
never shaved his face. He doesn't have much facial hair and he'll be damned if he ever has to get rid of the little that he has
bffs with trish btw
they make fun of each other all the time
in a friendly way
he honestly looks the least gay out of everyone
probably bi with a heavy preference towards girls (he had a boyfriend one time tho)
sometimes he shoves Narancia's face in his armpit for fun
I'm not even kidding Narancia probably threw up one time bc Mista stank so bad
older brother figure to EVERYONE
Giorno? that's his baby brother. Narancia? his favourite brother. Trish? his little sister. Fugo? that's his angry little brother.
I have so many mista headcanons it's unreal
his hair is so fucking curly istg
and it's black too
very short tho. also super greasy
his love language is physical touch, but not in the usual physical touch way
he won't really hug people or hold hands or just do something normal, oh no
my guy likes to pick people up and throw them over his shoulder
it's definitely not to show off how strong he is
everything about him is so crusty
he literally gets along with anyone tho
you can't tell me this guy DOESN'T smoke weed
not very often but like
once every month or two he'll get high to relax
he stopped after Giorno took over as boss (bc yk, drugs are a no no)
he probably thinks France isn't real tbh (but as a joke to annoy fugo)
angry strawb (lots of angst in this one)
fugo is deeply in love with Giorno (FUGIO FOR LIFE)
a little bit of angst warning btw
bc of his past, fugo HATES physical touch
if someone touches him he will flinch
very uncomfortable in crowded places
Mista's love language is physical touch, but he refrains himself from touching Fugo
it's really sweet
"HEY FUGO! Lemme give you a high-five! Wait, no, you don't like that. Have this cool rock I found instead!"
he's trying
Fugo really appreciates it
after phf, he let Mista be one of the two people who can touch him (the other person is Giorno)
Fugo just randomly hugged him one day and that was that
he was really distraught when he found out Narancia, Bruno and abba died
especially Bruno
like I said before, Bruno adopted him after he joined the gang, so he genuinely saw Bruno as a father figure
definitely called Bruno "dad" in private
He genuinely cried when he realized he missed Bruno's funeral
when he's a bad mood, he listens to music with Abbacchio (his dad's cool boyfriend who he looks up to)
will correct any and all spelling or grammar mistakes
nerd supreme
i like to headcanon that Fugo's albino
he's really sensitive to sunlight because of it
his vision isn't that good, too
it's not bad enough to the point where he can't read and all that, but it definitely bothers him
since it wasn't too serious, he got some glasses that corrected his vision
he only really wears them when he's reading now, but he used to wear them all the time when he was younger
sometimes he wakes up and there's just a bouquet of flowers at the foot of his bed (I WONDER WHO THAT WAS HMMMM)
Narancia's like a little brother towards him
he doesn't care that nara's a year older than him, that's his brother
genuinely will forget to eat if he isn't reminded (me projecting)
i have more but i'm gonna have to end it here
I LOVE NARANCIA I HAVE A NARANCIA PLUSHIE (and a giorno one but that's less important)
he originally had really good eyesight, but after his eye got infected his eyesight just kinda went bad
his eyes expired
but seriously though (woah no way, silly little guy can be serious?), he's almost blind in the eye that got infected
doesn't wanna wear glasses bc "they'll ruin his reputation"
he's also really short compared to everyone else in the team
he's really insecure about it
can and will fight anyone who says something even remotely teases him for his height
low iron for sure (me too bud, me too)
Abbacchio just took on the role as his father and makes sure he eats all his food
"But it tastes badddd" "Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat. Also, it has good iron."
he ate it, but was very pouty about it the whole time
mista will point at things made of iron and say shit like "that's what you need" or "you should eat that to get your iron levels up"
skinny but he's really strong
my guy has a six pack but looks scrawny as hell
Mista's jealous of him lmao
"Why do YOU get a six pack?!" "because you're fat"
Mista then forced Narancia to smell his armpits (they were rank)
he does a lot of shit with Mista lmao
partners in crime
he got high with mista one time and never did it again
oddly flexible
he's probably dyslexic
the girlboss
live laugh love Trish
lesbian fr
she practices makeup on Abbacchio
another one that sees abba as a father figure
they point each other's nails and go shopping together
Mista's bff fr
they do karaoke together
yk that one tiktok sound that was that like "OH SHIT IT'S IN KOREAN" and then starts singing it perfectly anyway
that's her and Mista
Mista's the one that sings it lmao
i don't have that many headcanons for trish tbh
she likes to try out new hairstyles a lot
they're always short tho
she doesn't like growing out her hair
says it's too much of hassle
we love trish in the household
she has freckles (from doppio)
yk those weird ass dots diavolo has in his hair? she has those but they're less noticeable
talks shit about people with abbacchio
she likes ranting about stuff to giorno bc he's a good listener
big fan of scented candles
gave mista soap for his birthday
she has frequent headaches (something she got from doppio, bc i hc that he has frequent headaches)
do you wanna hear about my la squadra headcanons? Doppio and Diavolo??? PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY GOOD HEADCANONS JUST LET ME RANT-
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Dreams (or nightmares) they’ve had that they can’t stop thinking about:
Giorno: had a dream that he was a rich kids pet dog, and he was running around having a good time. Then some guy, who kind of looked like him, jumped out of a carriage and kicked him
Bruno: had a dream that he worked a normal office job, but all of his co workers were bees
Abbacchio: Had a dream that he lived alone in the middle of the woods, and he couldn’t leave his house because it was surrounded by poisonous snakes and boa constrictors. He woke up when one of the snakes got into his house
Mista: had a dream that a dehumidifier was trying to hug him and was chasing him around the basement. This dream made him afraid to go into the basement for like six months
Narancia: had a dream that he was stuck in a building because of a tornado. But the tornado could talk and had one request, which was that Narancia found his long lost lover, a radish named Phoebe, and that he bring her to him. So the tornado gave him gas money so he could go find his radish lover, but the tornado made it super hard for Narancia to drive his car because the tornado was being super troublesome. Eventually Narancia found Phoebe the radish and reunited the two odd lovers and was free from the wind
Fugo: had a dream that he was at the grocery store. But every time he tried to pick up an item it would turn into a wet piece of cardboard
Trish: had a dream that she met her dad, and he tried to kill her with a nerf gun (pre-her actually meeting her dad)
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Scarlet ribbons but she is the one telling the boys how she thinks they are super pretty/handsome/etc.
(Ps love your writing sm, it cheered me up alot after i had a rough day yesterday uwu)
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WAHH WHAT AN ADORABLE IDEA.... it's what they deserve tbh... my favs from part 5 are like the only people who get to be happy on this blog hrjktmger and i'm so glad that my writing helped cheer you up, i hope that the past few days have been treating you better!!
Reader is referred to as girlfriend here!
[Scarlet Ribbons index]
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He gets the cutest blush that he tries to hide by covering his face with his hand and clearing his throat. Passione's Don, who remains unwavering in the face of death, can't handle his beloved heaping praises upon him. No matter how suave he may act, your relationship is his first foray into romance. There's a slight shakiness to his voice when he returns your compliment. It doesn't help that there's this glint in your eye that tells him you'll be using this newfound knowledge to your advantage. He supposes it's only fair, considering his penchant for teasing you whenever possible, but maybe he'll go easy on you after learning how it feels. That isn't to say he dislikes your kind words — more so that the temporary loss in his composure is a strange sensation. Strange, yet not unwelcome.
Your serious Capo melts on the spot at such ardent praise — he can feel Cupid's arrow piercing him in real time. He takes a moment to recollect himself, before wondering aloud what brought this on. When you point out that he compliments you all the time without any real reason, he puts his hands up in defense, conceding to your argument. If you're in public, he'll limit his response to a warm thank you. Should you be away from prying eyes, however, he'll pull you into an embrace. It serves a dual purpose. You won't be able to see the pink dusting his cheeks and he gets to wrap you up in his arms. You really are the light of his life, he'll tell you. As unconventional as the lifestyle you both lead is, it's moments like this where he delights in a shred of normalcy.
His overactive brain temporarily short circuits. Fugo is the type to blush up to his ears, no matter how vehemently he denies it. This poor guy considers you infinitely out of his league and immediately assumes you broke the espresso machine or something and want to soften the blow by using flattery. He sputters for a few moments before his tongue recalls how to properly form coherent words. He'll downright ask what angle you're trying to use here. He isn't used to receiving compliments without the other person having an end goal in mind. Once it's clear you just felt like letting him know, he takes deep breaths to calm his heart, which he can hear thumping loudly. Fugo then starts saying that objectively speaking, you are far more aesthetically pleasing, and starts lifting off some mathematical terms that fly over your head.
Mista points at himself and says "Me?" just to make sure he heard you right. This is a big moment for him. It isn't that he doubts your physical attraction to him, but hearing it confirmed out loud in your sweet voice is a real treat. He'll sling an arm around your shoulder and drops the line, "You're not so bad yourself", because he thinks it sounds cool. Mista wants to maintain his laidback air, but when you say stuff like that, his stomach does soumersalts and his hands start sweating. He has this big goofy grin and confident gait the remainder of the day. The one trade off (in his opinion) is that the Pistols start swarming about, insisting that you pay them equal praise. Chaos ensues until you appease their neediness for your validation. It is his soul made manifest, after all.
Narancia does a little fist pump and starts cheering internally. Although, if you called him pretty, he might pause and get petulant. He totally exudes machismo, he'll insist. He'll warm up to the compliment eventually, though, but he won't admit it. Regardless, he's hype about it. His energy skyrockets the rest of the day. He's all over you, peppering your face with kisses, picking you up and twirling you around, he's on cloud nine. He considers it his personal mission to shower you in praise and this only reaffirms the creed. He'll go up to random people in public, point at you, and say stuff like, "Isn't she so cute? That's my girlfriend, yeah, that pretty lady over there. Do you see her? Just look at her, she's amazing, the coolest ever, did you know she—" and on and on he'll go.
Similar to Fugo, he initially assumes that you're trying to butter him up. He'll wryly ask what you intend to cajole him into doing. When you huff and insist that this is a no strings attached compliment, he'll study you, since he knows the many tells that signify you're lying. Upon realizing you're being genuine, he'll grumble a few words of gratitude and leave it at that. Don't let his composure fool you — his heart is pounding away like he's a hormonal teenager again. He will lie awake that night, your words repeating on a loop without his Stand's assistance, floating in this warm and fuzzy sensation. Abbacchio might not be the best with his words, but he swears an oath to compliment you properly the next time he sees you.
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kimbap-r0ll · 10 months
Hello! Can I request the Bucci Gang (jjba) with an s/o who’s never smiled before due to past trauma? However during the fight with the Boss (Diavolo), their s/o gets fatally injured but right before they die, they finally smile for the first time in years at said Bucci Gang character and say something along the lines of; “Thank you, for everything you’ve done for me…” before passing away due to blood loss(?)
Can the characters be separated too plz? Ty!
Hey! Omg, noo this is so sad ;-; I love angst but I love these characters sm it's gonna hurt writing this haha. This started to get super long so I might need to separate this into two posts. Here’s the first three characters tho!
Giorno, Bruno, Mista x s/o who smiles for the first/last time
He knew you would survive, at least that's what he kept thinking to himself. You were witty, able to defend yourself against all of the assassins that were sent to kill the group, and you utilized your stand ability to make sure you would succeed. You had saved him once before too during the fight on the plane to Sardinia. However, he didn't calculate exactly how devastating King Crimson would be until it was too late
You joined the group at the same time as he did. Both of you were slightly reserved, not as chaotic as some of the other mafia members but also not too aloof. You two also got along because of similar interests. However, one thing he noted was that you didn't smile, he saw you laugh once when you saw the dance Mista, Narancia, and Fugo had been practicing before, but that was it. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel slightly dizzy when you stood close to him.
Giorno never asked you about your past, but it was brought up when you two were in the car with Bruno and Mista when battling the mad doctor Cioccolata and his partner Secco. You had mentioned you had something happen to you, perhaps you were left alone most of the time as a child like Giorno was, or you witnessed a horrible fight between two rivaling gangs. Whatever it was, you tried to brush it off by downplaying your childhood and saying "it's fine though, I'm feeling better with you all." Giorno was probably the one to tell you that you shouldn't be ashamed of what you had to go through, it was something that shouldn't have happened of course but you couldn't have the past haunt you forever. He was about to confess at that moment that he would want to go on a coffee outing with you, perhaps when the whole fight against Diavolo was over, but that was cut short with a corpse flying into the window of the car
Either way, here you two were now, at the Colosseum. It was fitting for a final duel, between the Devil himself one might argue. What made things worse was how Silver Chariot Requiem had switched all of your bodies around, and now you weren't sure who you supposed to trust and who was, well, the boss himself. You had taken the body of a random civilian that had made the poor decision to sneak into the Colosseum when the fight started. Just when it seemed like you could breathe and calm down from the chaos, you felt something grab you and throw you up against the stone wall. It was so fast, like time had skipped to the result of the assault that you could only feel a piercing pain coursing through your entire body. Then, you felt blood trickling down your face. It would be a few minutes too late before the rest of the gang found you.
The rest of the team had been split up from you without knowing where you were. Giorno, who was usually calm and collected, was starting to panic a little bit. Time skipped, he knew it because the blood droplets from his finger suddenly went from two to five out of nowhere. This worried the rest of the team, you would have to be close by. That was when Trish (who's soul had taken Mista's body) pointed at you and shouted someone had gotten hurt.
"Y/n!" The group rushed towards you, realizing it was you when you tried to pull out your stand but it immediately dissipated. "No, no, you have to stay awake. Hold on," Giorno was the one to rush to you first, he knew his stand would be able to patch you up, but at the same time, the blood loss from your wound could be even worse inside your body. Coughing, you tell him not to worry about you, that it wasn't likely you were going to make it out alive. Swearing in Italian, Giorno tells you not to give up, but you take his hand, telling him that it was alright.
"I like seeing you smile more," you coughed, clearly the impact was in your chest, you couldn't really see him because of you losing consciousness. That was when he saw you trying to smile, slowly pulling the corners of your lips upward in a sad farewell, you smiled at him. "Th-thank you...I'm sorry I wasn't able to do much, but I want you to know...I truly enjoyed spending time with you and everyone else. T...take care...take down Diavolo..."
That was the last thing he heard from you before you stopped breathing. He thought he could help heal the wounds but it was too late. Knowing that the fight wasn't over, he tried to hold back tears, placing a caste kiss on your forehead before standing back up and looking back at the team. "We know he's around, he shouldn't be too far," Giorno tried to sound level, but Trish noticed his eyes were slightly teary. If anything, Giorno wanted to make sure Diavolo received the worst punishment possible after what he did to you and the family he found.
He was a dead man walking when it was time to fight Diavolo, he knew his time was basically up. However, he didn't want to see anyone die, he wanted to be the last one to say farewell. After Abbacchio's passing, he swore he would never let anyone else in the team suffer a painful death.
He recruited you around the same time as Fugo, but you two had known each other before that. Both of you lived in the town near the sea, with your parents being local bakers and Bruno's father being a fisher. At first, he didn't want you to be part of the mafia world at all, you were too kind. But after an incident with a rivaling gang that you happened to be in the collision of, you insisted you would make a good team partner. While he wanted you to recover by staying out of the Italian underworld, eventually he agreed under the condition you two would help take down the drug dealing businesses.
He remembers you smiling from his childhood, but he was saddened that you never smiled after the run-in with the other gang. He still had a lot of conversations and a lot of good memories with you after that, but the only thing missing was that warm, peaceful smile. He hoped he would see it again, but until then remained focused on his work in Passione. Bruno's feelings likely first started before you two were part of Passione, but he didn't think about it too hardly. He would likely start wondering if he should really tell you how he feels after Giorno joins the team and after you two have worked for some time together.
Bruno never told you what happened in Venice when he suddenly declared he was going to betray the Boss. You followed him, but when you asked him what had happened and if he was alright, he gave you a soft smile and said not to worry about him. He would keep it a secret from you, and when you were in the Coco Jumbo with Trish during the fight against Cioccolata, he hoped you hadn't heard him talking to Giorno about how he was now a walking corpse. During the time after he was basically killed by King Crimson, he did wonder what it would have been like if you two were normal civilians, perhaps he would have asked you out on a date and you two might have had a stroll by the beach.
In the fight at the Colosseum, you split up with Bruno and you were with Giorno. When Chariot Requiem's ability came into effect, the first thing he did was make sure you were alright. He didn't know whose body you had taken, but he tried to call out your name. While he was looking for you on his own, time suddenly skipped. Diavolo was still close by. Bruno's known for being level-headed, but in this moment he started to feel panicked. Were you alright? Was Diavolo fighting with you and the rest of the gang? He got the answers to his question when he turned one of the corners of the many gates at the ancient structure. You looked like you almost had a whole to your chest only it was your shoulder that was agape. You were bleeding from your head and you looked like you were about to pass out. "Y/N!"
At first, you look afraid, trying to move away from Bruno because of his appearance as the boss. Even when he called out your name and tried to take you into his arms, you mumbled a "n-no" before coughing violently. After multiple times of telling you it was really Bucciarati, you allow him to embrace you. He told you to hang on, not to lose your focus and for you to keep close to him. Bruno looked around to see if there was anyone close by, but he couldn't find a single person. Surely Giorno, or Polnareff even, was close by, right? Carrying you bridal style, he now tries to find the rest of his teammates.
That was when suddenly he felt a cold hand tap at his shoulder. You looked so weak, you were losing so much blood. But it was here that you looked up at him with teary eyes and gave him what he had wanted to see for so long — your smile. "Sorry it had to be this way, I should have been...more careful," your voice was hoarse, like you were choked up from the tears. "I wish I could have gone back to the shore with you, but you'll have to go for me alone." "Don't say that, you're going to make it out alive!" Bruno knew it was a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless. He didn't want to give up, he couldn't see you leave him, not before he could tell you
"T-this isn't a goodbye...just a see you later...T-thank you for letting me by your side all these years, I really think...I fell in love with you." With that, you were gone. Before he could say anything, before he could give you a kiss you left with such a peaceful expression. Bruno's vision went blurry, tears rolled down. When Giorno and the team found him again, they also found you. Explanations aside, the team moved swiftly to once again track down the Boss. But while the rest of the team were busy looking for the arrow and the Devil himself, Bruno couldn't help but wonder, how soon was it really that he was going to see you again. You asked him to live long and healthy, but it seemed like he would be seeing you on the last train home too.
You had joined before Mista and the first thing he had done when he saw you was, well, flirt. He really thought he was going to get you blushing, but you just rolled your eyes and told him to leave you alone. While on most occasions he would have done just that and went about his day, you two were a. stuck together in the same gang, and b. he kind of liked your attitude.
Surprisingly, you two would start to get along. His jokes couldn't really get you smiling, but you did give a few laughs here and there, so he thought he was at least winning some of your attention. While he was planning to tell you how he felt with a more serious (and expensive) date, you were the one to confess you liked him, but you said "I like you as well" as if you knew what he was going to say. When asked about it, you said during a mission Number 1 told you in secret while he was too busy focusing on the rest of his stand.
The entire gang thought it was kinda cute. Would Narancia and Fugo tease Mista about it? Yes. Would Abbacchio as well? Yes. Either way, you two enjoyed each others' company a lot, but Mista wondered if you ever smiled. He didn't really ask you to, nor did he want you to force yourself to smile when you didn't want to, but he did ask. You tried to make it brief, that it was something from your family relations that snapped the ability to smile away from you. He promised he was going to make you smile again though, saying he would make sure those past nightmares don't keep haunting you. Either way, he wanted to be the most supportive boyfriend he could be. However, nothing could prepare him for what was going to happen.
With the introduction of Giorno and Trish, the direction of the gang started to shift. Soon enough, you and your friends were fighting the Boss himself and assassins seemed to follow your every move. You mostly helped Mista during the fights and giving his bullets encouragement (especially no.5). He definitely talked to you about a life after the overthrowing of Diavolo but before that he also tried to make you smile. He didn’t ask what it was that caused you to not feel comfortable smiling, but he promised he would make you smile one day. Mista just didn’t know that would be the last smile he would see from you as well.
During the fight, you were separated from the rest of the team. Diavolo had managed to find you and target you as one of the traitors he would make an example of. When you were least expecting it, a hand suddenly grabbed your hair and threw you upwards. The next thing you knew was your arm was torn off. It was like time was going in skips and you had a horrible feeling it had to do with the Boss. You tried to fight him but it was to no avail. Mista would find you as he ran looking for you with the rest of the team. “Y/N!” Everyone ran towards your almost lifeless body, Mista taking you into his arms and telling you to not lose consciousness yet. “You can’t die, Giorno can patch you up and���“
“It’s okay, the boss is near you guys have to finish the job,” you stopped him, your breath ragged and your voice weak. He looked at you with tearful eyes, shaking his head and saying he couldn’t let go of you yet. “I’ve had the happiest moments with you,” reaching up to his face, you cupped his cheek. “I love you so much, thank you for everything.” With that, you were gone, you smiled at him with tears sliding down your cheeks before you collapsed in his arms. He didn’t know what to say, what to do. Was he supposed to scream? He just sat there, holding you and looking with disbelief.
After the fight he would continue to work with Giorno. However everyone who talked to him would hear his voice in a slightly tired tone. He spoke of a special someone, talking about them with a sense of longing. He missed you everyday, talking about you to whoever would listen to him. He truly made you smile, but oh what he would do to see you smile once more.
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