#fugo is taking the picture
pipartuuli · 2 years
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Gangstar pileup! Playing around with lineless and character interactions.
Featuring normal color palette version, Traitor's Requiem OP color palette version, and unsettling color palette version using color palette shifts featured in the anime.
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yael-things · 1 year
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golden wind <333333
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Fugo: I got mad at Narancia for getting some math problems wrong. 5 minutes later, I saw Giorno comforting him while giving me this annoyed stare.
Mista: *laughs* Looks like Bucciarati's rubbed off on him, huh?
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sovereignjojoz · 7 months
Jumping into Bucci gang’s arms (sequel to Bucci gang carrying? Kinda????)
Pairings: Bruno x reader, Fugo x reader, mista x reader, Abbacchio x reader
Warnings: Bizarrely short?
Bruno Bucciarati
don’t even worry, rest assured 99% of the time this man will catch you.
The 1% is for times where such actions are not appropriate.
He’s lean, tall, and muscular, meaning he most likely won’t stagger back or anything even if you jump into his arms with such force.
Doesn’t love nor hate it but he thinks it’s cute.
Particularly enjoys it when you’ve spent time away from each other or when you just want to be extra affectionate.
Thinks it’s cute when you throw your arms around his neck and jump into his arms.
Pannacotta Fugo
When you said “Fugo, catch me.” He didn’t take it literally, he shrugged thinking you were bluffing about jumping into his arms from such a steep height.
So when you actually did it, he reflexively stepped to the side.
And alas you crashed into the cold hard floor, you literally watched him realise his mistake in real time and grasp for air.
“[name], I’m so sorry! I thought you were kidding but more importantly your stupidity actually astounding.” He huffs.
If you’re an easy crier he’ll cup your cheeks and wipe your tears.
Will make it up to you by offering a SAFER repeat.
Leone Abbacchio
Oh my gosh
He already “hates” carrying you
And now you want to jump into his arms too…you are such a hinderance.
Leech onto him like a koala.
He probably will catch you honestly, but then drop you after.
Then he’ll snigger at your incredulous expression.
just for the lolz he’ll let you fall.
Then he’ll laugh at you as you look up at him from the floor, he might even take a picture too.
The pistols (not number 5 but especially number 3) may join in his laughter.
“Sorry babe, the opportunity was just too good.”
After though, he’ll pick you up and kiss your face after, you won’t be able to get out of his arms.
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inkpot909 · 5 months
How They Text the Reader Headcanons #2
↳ Characters included are Giorno Giovanna, Pannacotta Fugo, and Narancia Ghirga. Gender neutral Reader; implied everyone lives AU.
A/n: Thank you all so much for the support on my last text headcanon list. It was so fun to write, and I hope that y'all enjoy the second-half of the main part five cast. Once again, I had a blast while writing this!
Warning(s): None.
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Giorno Giovanna
You expected him to be a dry-texter, in all honesty. Straightforward and to the point; only ever texting out of necessity. You couldn’t really imagine him as the type to sit down, and have a silly conversation over text.
And at the beginning, that was certainly the case.
Being introduced to the team all at once is certainly overwhelming, and although Giorno adjusted well, he still didn’t know you or the others.
Within the team’s groupchat, he only ever spoke up about important matters as that were being discussed. Whenever a more lighthearted conversation arose, usually because of Mista, he would grow completely radio silent.
Does he really read those texts at all? you recall yourself wondering, Or does he tune us out completely? Can’t really blame him if that's the case; this team... takes time to adjust to.
And eventually learning that he always read those conversations, it was one of the first indications you saw of his character. One of the first times you realized he can and will find his place on the team.
So, while you were in the process of just getting to know Giorno, you developed low expectations when it came to communicating with him over the phone. Hell, you hardly expected him to text you at all.
Oh, what a fool you once were.
As the relationship blossoms, Giorno still texts you as usual. With proper grammar and punctuation, as well as the occasional emoji or two.
But he's far from being a dry-texter. On the contrary, he’s rather cheeky.
And because of his position in Passione after a certain point, work soaks up a lot of his time. He’d much rather call you, but that’s simply not an option most days.
So he simply pokes and teases you over text. Sitting alone in his office, he almost always wears a tiny yet pleasant smile on his face when he reads whatever you send him.
Giorno doesn’t send memes or funny pictures often, but when he does, it’s either pure gold or ridiculously unfunny. Merely doing it every now and then to get a little bit of a rise out of you, of all things.
And he loves it even more if you’re the type to tease him right back:
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Pannacotta Fugo
Practically the inventor of double-texting.
He’s got no shame in it either, and if anything, he would argue that him sending multiple messages means you ought to reply. He’s not exactly impatient with you, though.
He usually uses proper grammar over text as well. More than that, he’ll lecture anyone case for not doing the same. He even once pointed out a simple mistake Abbacchio made.
It’s merely lighthearted teasing if you’re the type to not use proper grammar over text, though. Fugo wears his favoritism for you on his sleeve whenever he gets on Narancia’s case for the same exact reason.
That said, when he’s angry, forget about grammar- you just want to be able to understand him.
He complains to you over text... a lot. The outlet is good for him, in a sense. Fugo’s incredibly grateful to have someone like you who will listen to him so earnestly, and he expresses that often. Considering his temper, it really does mean so much more to him than he knows how to express.
It makes knowing whether or not he’s genuinely upset or just playing around easy for you to figure out, at least. Are his text messages legible? If so, there's no reason for concern.
Once, he was ranting to you about a disagreement that arose between him and Abbacchio. His texts were steadily becoming hard to understand, and you prepared yourself to talk to your boyfriend through his anger.
But before you could, he stopped texting you all together.
That was rather confusing, as he’s the type to continue blowing up your phone when frustrated. It wasn’t until almost twenty minutes later, when you saw Mista’s contact pop up for a phone a call, that you found out why.
It was Fugo on the other end, calling from Mista’s phone to bashfully inform you he chucked his own phone out of anger and ended up breaking it.
Later that year, you got him one of those expensive cases that could likely protect a phone falling from absurd heights for Fugo’s birthday. He seemed a bit embarrassed over it, but appreciated the gift nonetheless (He won’t admit it but it does come in handy).
You just cannot stop yourself from teasing him a little bit, especially over the phone. His indulgent reactions are worth it every single time:
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Narancia Ghirga
He’s bound to make you cry from laughter over text. Whether it’s his words alone or a meme he sends you from his vast collection (His phone is almost always on the brink of running out of storage), making you laugh comes naturally to him.
It’s a source of pride for him, so reacting bombastically over text is exactly what he’s looking for.
Narancia is also a major sucker for gossip, so he loves sharing everything he hears with you over text. From a random conversation he eavesdropped overhead while out, to drama taking place within Bucciarati’s group.
Doing the same in return is greatly appreciated, as he adores hearing your input.
He’ll also text you at random asking questions like “What did Buccarati want me to do again?” and “Do you happen to know where I put my notebook?” Whenever he racks his brain and cannot find an answer to a dilemma, he’s almost always going to voice his confusion to you with little hesitation.
He’s sent you those types of texts... while on missions. Snitching to Bucciarati is not advised.
You’ve tried telling him he could type those sorts of things down in his notes, but he either forgets to do so or wrongfully assumes that he’ll remember.
Narancia, Mista, Fugo, and you have a groupchat separate from the others on the team. Considering the madness that regularly occurs on it, Narancia’s proud to mention he’s the one who originally suggested the idea.
That said, as much as he likes to text you, he’s not the type to text you good morning and good night every day. Rather, he texts you only when “he has something to say.” Which... is often enough on its own.
He will also complain to you over text often as well. Although, it's not usually out of outright anger:
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 7 months
How the bucci gang sleep hcs
This has been in my drafts since January wtf
all over the place
there is not a single time where these two have woken up in the same position they fell asleep in
like they'll fall asleep spooning, then they'll wake up with half of Bruno's limbs zipped off and Abbacchio sprawled across the bed in a position that looks uncomfortable with her foot in Bruno's face
one of Bruno's legs is probably on the floor and Abbacchio is most likely cuddling one of his arms
they're just used to it at this point
"Leone can you pass me my leg?" "m'kay"
Narancia came in to wake them up one time and screamed because Bruno zipped his head off in his sleep
Mista and Trish teased him about it for weeks
anyway i bet on my life that Bruno and Abba bring out their stands in their sleep
just randomly while they're sleeping Sticky Fingers and Moody Blues pop out
they just look at each other, then down at their users, then back to each other
they end up cuddling too (SENTIENT STANDS SUPREMACY)
it's so cute when Bruno and Abba wake up and see that their stand are cuddling
also Bruno's hair may look perfect 24/7 but in the morning it's SO. FUCKING. MESSY.
he has to immediately brush his hair so no one sees it like that
except Abbacchio
when she wakes up her hair is also a mess
just slightly less messy
she has breakfast before she does anything else, then she immediately does her make-up
also don't be surprised if Bruno has Abbacchio's lipstick stains all over his body in the morning
it just means he sucked some girl dick last night
usually on those days Abbacchio wakes up with smudged make-up that she forgot to take off
also Abbacchio has frequent nightmares and often times wakes up in the middle of the night
she doesn't like telling anyone and calms herself down before going back to sleep
Bruno knows about it though
these guys are like the opposite of Bruno and Abba
they'll fall asleep cuddling and wake up in the exact same position
usually Fugo's the big spoon because he doesn't like being the little spoon
brings back bad memories y'know?
but anyway they sometimes also bring out their stands in their sleep
GER most of the time
it just likes to pop out to see what's happening
sometimes in the morning when Fugo wakes up, he'll roll over and see GER staring him dead in the eyes
he screams loud enough to wake everyone up
nara, mista and trish all tease him about it
"Did someone get scared~?" "SHUT UP NARANCIA! IT WAS JUST STARING ME DEAD IN THE EYES!" "Pussy lmao" "MISTA" "Nah the boys are right, you are kind of a pussy" "TRISH!"
sometimes purple haze comes out while Fugo's asleep
GER just pops out and hangs out with ph for a bit
anyway Fugo's hair is always a pain in the ass when he wakes up
as for Giorno... uh...
picture Dio's hair but longer
he looks like a younger version of shadow Dio too in the morning lmao
also Giorno bites shit in his sleep
and he's got some sharp canine teeth
the pros of being half-vampire
don't be surprised if when they wake up there's bite marks on Fugo's arms
or if Giorno's biting a pillow
if Giorno's had a stressful day he might move around in his sleep too
not much usually, but one time he ended up sleepwalking
Fugo woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Giorno wasn't there
he eventually found Giorno wandering around the garden and muttering to himself
it was really funny when Fugo snapped him out of it
then they went back to bed and Giorno bit Fugo's hand so hard it drew blood
true love at it's finest
sometimes Fugo has nightmares and Giorno has to wake him up
on more rare occasions Giorno has a nightmare and wakes up Fugo because he's trembling and shaking so much
that's about it
he'll sleep in any position there is possible and he'll be comfy in all of them
he's also the deepest sleeper in the team
this guy moves around a lot too
he'll fall asleep in fetal position against the wall, then he'll wake up halfway across the room with his blanket tangled in his legs
sleepovers with him are a nightmare because not only does he snore, but this man also sleeptalks
one time Narancia and Trish were sleeping in his room and they woke up to him mumbling about how far his ass is
they recorded it in case they ever needed to blackmail him
but yeah this guy is a mess
He sleeps naked too
Balls out and everything
Unless Trish and Narancia are sleeping over
In thy case he leaves his pants on
Also on hot nights he SWEATS
This guy naturally runs warm, he gets hot during the night
Bro sleeps like a baby
Nara just kinda sleeps wherever
He hardly even uses his own room unless someone carries him there
Honk mmimimimi honk mimimimimi
Also they sleep with their blanket wrapped around them like a cocoon
My guy is snug as a bug in a rug fr
This mf does not make ANY noise in their sleep
Completely silent
The amount of times people have thought they were dead because of this is quite a hefty amount
The missile is very sleepy
If they sleep next to someone they cling on for dear life
Also they're a blanket hog
They do not move at all either
She sleeps in a princess bed
Also a quiet sleeper
But she does move, unlike Narancia
Goes to sleep like she's in a casket at her funeral and wakes up face down on the opposite side of the bed
If she forgets to take her makeup off before bed she screams and tells Giorno to buy her self-care products
Live laugh love Trish
Sometimes she sleeps with Sheila E (I wish lesbians were real💔💔)
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just-a-shark333 · 4 months
Fugo tends to overwork himself as a coping mechanism, so, in order to get him to take breaks Buccerrati will give him books of math puzzles to do (like sudoku or those ones that are basically algebra with pictures instead of letters) and he doesn't get to continue working until he finishes them.
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what kind of social media would each person in the gang have (if they HAD to have it)
I’d like to think they would all have tumblr which is probably really cringe to say.
Giorno: has an Instagram account and posts nice outdoor related pictures with bugs and ponds and things, and he also posts really cursed memes.
Bruno: he has a YouTube account that he hasn’t started doing anything with. He wants to make “how to fish” videos when life gets simpler, the boys think he should make asmr videos with zippers.
Abbacchio: he has a Facebook account that he hasn’t used in years and all he has really done on it is like pictures related to the police. He regrets his past decisions. His family will tag him in things occasionally but he doesn’t know because he never checks. Was a MySpace teen.
Mista: he has a TikTok but doesn’t make TikTok’s, just watches things.
Narancia: has a TikTok for his rad dances. He also has a webkinz account, which I don’t think qualifies as social media but he counts it.
Fugo: he has a Pinterest account and has begged the others to make an account and follow him on it. They didn’t.
Trish: Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, she has everything that is popular and keeps them up to date. Lots of followers! But when they were taking her to the boss she wasn’t allowed to post anything.
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depravitymoon · 11 months
Random Yandere thoughts on the Torture Dance Trio (Rough draft)
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Author's Note: Random yandere thoughts I'll eventually make into actual posts.
Warning: Mention of violence, mention of blackmail, and verbal ab*se.
Why I think Narancia cant be a Slow Burn Yandere:
Canon Narancia is willing to give his undying loyalty to people he’s only known for a few weeks. He is NOT a slow burn. He just needs a ‘trigger’. Meaning, he needs to be given a reason to be loyal and he’ll stick to you. Wasnt Naracia hanging out with street kids since age 10 and went to jail at 14? That could mean he was with ‘Bro’ and his crew for YEARS, so a slow burn wouldnt matter. I think what Narancia realized is that ‘Bro’ and his crew only cared about Narancia being useful for them. When it comes to Trish, Giorno, Fugo, and Bruno, they selflessly cared for Narancia without expecting something from him.
The good parts of Yandere Fugo:
OBVIOUSLY, he’s violent! However, there’s a bright side:
He actually leaves you to your devices if you simply behave. He is not a clingy yandere at all.
Doesnt have baby fever. In fact, YOU have to be the one begging for the baby.
You’re his sugar baby, of sorts!…..
…..well, you’re more of a secretary, BUT GOOD NEWS! You’re allowed to walk around of your own free will.
When everything’s going great he seems like his normal polite self, just talking about intellectual topics.
Also, he's constantly complimenting you saying you're wonderful, you're the best he's ever had, etc.
The obvious bad parts of Yandere Fugo:
Beatings, duh.
He controls your finances and knows where all your family members live. You bet your ass he’s using it against you. He doesn’t need to lock you away, because he makes sure you know you’re stuck with him forever. Where the fuck you gonna go?
Keep in mind your ability to walk around free is dependent on how well you do your assignments. He believes in you! He knows you’re capable of doing it! Which means when you don’t complete the tasks, YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! BITCH!
Just remember, it’s not just him you have to worry about. He has Passione with him. Even if he can’t use all of Passione to his advantage, he still has Narancia and Mista willing to help him.
Remember how he use to compliment you constantly? Well, now you're a whore, you're a bitch, you're unfaithful, etc because you're acting up. He loves you SO MUCH, why would you do this.
Laidback Yandere head canons
((It's a rough draft of a general yandere but it can be applied to Mista since I'm making him a laidback yandere.))
Laidback Yandere doesn't seem yandere at all. 
Laidback Yandere lets you have friends.
Laidback Yandere lets you see your family and acts like he's part of your family.
Laidback Yandere even lets you go clubbing!
What a supportive healthy relationship you two must be in! 
Laidback Yandere know all your loved one's addresses. Just in case you try to run.
Laidback Yandere has enough blackmail material on you to keep you complacent.
Laidback Yandere calmly punishes you without warning. He'll rationalize you deserve it because 'he's been so patient with you'.
Laidback Yandere calmly tells you how he disposed of the ones that were helping you leave him.
Laidback Yandere doesn't even chase you when you flee. He merely takes pictures of himself with your family and sends it to you with a text saying "I hope nothing being happens to them". 
Laidback Yandere has people watching you when he's not. 
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joestvr · 9 months
༺✮ atashi no kimyona jinsei // あたしの奇妙な人生 ✮༻
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༺✮ summary: five years after the fall of diavolo, you, y/n romano, who was sent away to japan at 11 to further your studies—find the courage to come back to naples after living out your schoolgirl & gaijin university student facade in morio-chou to see how your clan’s worsened—as well as become the “donna” of your father’s gang, il terrore, while your older brother is the real leader behind the scenes, just using you as a front. with plans to murder your clan, you seek the particularly handsome young don of passione for friendship. with your tyrant father’s intervention, your friendship with the don turns to something you never saw coming.
★ 1 // il terrore
★ 2 // bella
★ 3 // viva romano
You and Alima woke up at 3 am to prepare.
You decided to wear a red V-cut shirt lined with lace and a black miniskirt with a small slit on the thigh. As for shoes, you wore your favorite black Prada pumps.
You walked downstairs quietly, rubbing your forehead.
"Ohayo..." You yawned as you walked into the kitchen, Alima handing you a cup of coffee.
"Ohayo. How'd you sleep?" She asked, going to sit at the dinner table across from you.
"Fine, but I could hear talking from you and Alexander's room almost all night. The hell was that about?" You raised an eyebrow.
She laughed. "He was talking to Jotaro. You know they're best friends."
"What about?"
"The usual... How's the wife, how's Jolene, how's the old man... etcetera. Don't worry." She said reassuringly.
You sighed again and walked over to the library section of the mansion with her, running your fingers over some books until you found the right one, taking it out, getting a key from the empty space, walking to the next room, the tea room.
Your hands hovered over the side of the walls until you found the correct place, then put the key inside and turned it, the vault room behind being revealed.
The vault was filled with Stand Arrows, Requiem Arrows, guns, gold, silver, jewels, family portraits, pictures from your childhood.
"Get whatever you want," you said to Alima, "couldn't give any less of a shit on what goes."
You picked up a pistol, cocked it, then put it under your skirt, tucking it in your shorts, turning away.
It was already 5 am. You and Alima had at least 6 cups of coffee, and felt ready for the day.
You blowed out your hair, did your makeup, and tried to look like you weren't about to have a mental breakdown.
Vince and Alexander came downstairs together, laughing. Leo and Elena sleepily followed behind them.
Alexander went over to Alima and hugged her tight. "I can't come today. Have some work to do in the next town over..."
He looked at Leo. "Stay here and babysit your sister. You guys can go out, but BE CAREFUL." He raised his finger in his son's face.
Leo nodded and rolled his eyes. "Sure, old man."
Alexander scoffed then kissed Alima. "Bye, amore. Bye Sis, stay safe."
He waved then left, putting on his hat. You turned to Leo and Elena.
"What's up?"
"Your mother, Vince, and I have some work to do today. Go upstairs until we leave, okay?" You reached up to his head and ruffled his hair.
"Okay. I'll take Elena out later." He said, picking up Elena and going upstairs.
10 minutes passed, and there was violent knocking on the door. You rushed over and opened it to see Giorno and the others.
"Ohayogozai—" you stopped yourself then cleared your throat, "Sorry. Buongiorno."
"This girl is fucking Japanese. Why is she even running a whole gang?" said Abbachio angrily as they walked inside.
Bucciarati shot him a piercing glare and hit his shoulder.
"Fuck off, Abbachio!" said Narancia, then turned to you, "Sorry about him. He's just angry because you're an unconventionally pretty girl running a gang. He's not very popular with women..." He laughed.
Fugo smacked Narancia and he yelped.
"So.. Uh.. Why don't we head out?" you said abruptly, then looked at Alima as she walked upstairs quickly and came back down with her burgundy Chanel bag and your black one.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and grabbed your keys. The men watched in awe.
"You two are taking God damn purses to a mission? Bucciarati, tell me this is a fucking joke—"
"Abbachio, that's about enough." Giorno said, his voice stern.
"Can we get going?" Trish said from the back.
"What she said. Abbachio, it's 5 in the fucking morning, get inside the car." Mista said.
Abbachio scowled loudly and went outside into the car.  Everyone followed.
(seating plan cs idk how to explain it in words☠️ bucciarati is driving btw)
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"How long is the car ride going to be?" Trish asked.
"One hour," said Bucciarati, who turned the car on, "then it will likely take half an hour to infiltrate the place."
"Seriously?" Mista groaned.
The car went silent for the next 45 minutes, until your flip-phone started ringing. You struggled to find it as you dug through your bag.
You found it and opened it, seeing the contact name Hirose Koichi, then answered.
"Moshi Moooosh?"
"Yo, Y/n-chan. Did you arrive back in Naples safe?" He asked, speaking in Japanese.
"Yahou, Koichi-kun. Yeah. I'm in the car right now with some friends.."
Giorno's head shot towards you upon hearing the name "Koichi"
"Cool! Where to?"
"Etto... I'm on a mission, not sure where we're going," you cleared your throat, wanting to change the subject, "How's Yukako-chan?"
"Yukako is good. She's so busy with the wedding preparations, I'm afraid she's forgotten about me." He chuckled.
You laughed. "If only I could have a relationship like yours, Koichi-kun. Anyway, I've gotta get going."
"Alright. Good talking to you, Y/n-chan."
"Say hello to Jotaro-san and Josuke-kun for me. Ja ne."
"Ja mata."
You closed your phone and put it back in your bag. Vince was staring you down.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"How many guys are you talking to? Jesus, Y/n." He furrowed his eyebrows.
"How many bitches are you playing with?" You retorted.
"Shut the hell up!" He pushed you by your face.
"Hey! This foundation cost me 15,000 yen from the Dior store in Kyoto! Don't touch me." You gasped and took your pocket mirror out, making sure your foundation base didn't get ruined.
Alima leaned over and slapped the back of his head. He groaned. "Ugh, you bitch!"
You turned around to say something to Trish, but saw that Narancia had fallen asleep in her arms, her eyes were closed.
You smiled with pride, and noticed Giorno doing the same.
Your eyes met and you both blushed then looked away.
"Uh... GioGio, you don't mind if I smoke while we're in here, do you?" You questioned, reddening.
"O-Oh, go ahead." He grinned slightly.
You reached over Vince and rolled down the window. Vince looked at you and smirked at your suggestive position.
You cracked up a little and sat back again, taking out a cigarette, sticking it in your mouth, lighter no where to be found.
Vince lit one of his own, then pulled you towards him to transfer the flame.
Giorno was stunned.
I can't fall in love with her, he thought, look at what she has.
"Bucciarati, pull over! I need to piss!" said Mista.
"Yeah, me too!" shouted Fugo from the back.
"What the hell?..." Alima whispered. You giggled, smoke coming out of your mouth. The car pulled over by a gas station and the doors opened. Vince got out.
"I'm going to buy cigarettes." He said, looking at you.
"Can you get me a coffee?" You asked hopefully.
You frowned and the rest of the people who needed to go got out. It was only you and Giorno, Narancia and Trish, who were fast asleep.
You continued smoking silently, and Giorno sat there taking in your beauty. "So, Bella. Can I ask you something a bit personal?"
You turned to him. "Sure. What is it?"
"Are... You, uh... and Vince...together?"
You gasped and shook your head. "Ew, no! I would never!"
Giorno let out a sigh of relief and smiled amusingly. "Oh."
You sighed and leaned in closer to whisper, "He's not what you think he is, GioGio. Whatever he may seem to you, don't believe it."
Giorno grew flustered and could only stare at your eyes, then your lips. He snapped out of it and nodded his head.
"I see..." He managed to muster out.
Later, you and the group finally arrived at the warehouse docks you were supposed to bust.
Vince got out and was standing there waiting impatiently, "Y/n, get out!"
"I caaan't moooove... Pick me uuuup..." You pouted, holding your hands out.
"No! Bye." He walked off into the distance.
Giorno had already gotten out of the car and was outside the open car door, "Bella." He held his hand out, smiling.
Your face lit up slightly and you took his hand, going into his arms as he picked you up and helped you out of the seat.
As he put you down, you thanked him and looked at Trish, who was holding onto Narancia's arm.
"Word has it that some big dealer within Il Terrore would be distributing 15 kilos of coke at this warehouse, Romano." Abbachio said to you in a bitrer, condescending tone.
You only showed a reaction on your face when he called you by your last name, flinching slightly. You struggled to keep your composure at that.
Trish and Alima grew wary, knowing how you hated being called by your last name. You took a deep breath.
"P-Please, call me... Y/n." You said shakily, turning to him.
Abbachio was about to say something back, but Bucciarati sensed your discomfort and burst out, "Abbachio, enough of this! You need to respect the Donna or I'm calling a taxi and sending you home."
Abbachio scoffed and didn't respond.
"Y/n, look there." Trish suddenly said, pointing to the warehouse in the distance. You saw people going inside.
"Everyone, Let's split up." Bucciarati said, "Abbachio will come with me. Y/n and Giorno, you two go together. Mista, go with Trish. Narancia, go with Fugo."
"Vince, go with Alima." You said sternly.
"Why do I have to get stuck with this old lady, Tesora?" He whined.
"Vince, I'm going to punch you so hard you'll go flying back to Kabul to see your father. Have some respect."
"Fuuuck you!" He raised his middle finger at you while Alima crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
Trish looked at you, a bit worried, this was your first mission in a while. "Be careful." was all she said before Mista pulled her away.
Everyone split up and went different directions, Giorno was cautiously walking beside you.
"Do we know if they're stand users?" Giorno asked quietly as he held your hand going down the steep stairs.
"Probably not. I don't think there's been any new stand users within Italy since the fatass Polpo committed suicide..." You responded in a low tone.
Giorno swallowed dryly, remembering how he caused Polpo's death. "Ah, I see."
"Though I don't know what my father's been up to—" Your speech was interrupted as a bullet came flying toward your back, but Cheri Lady's arm appeared and caught it right as it nicked your shoulder.
Giorno gasped.
"Ita..." You hissed softly, putting your hand over the wound, blood gushing at a slow pace.
The bullet was dropped inside your palm, and you recognized the engraving inside. A heart and a star, with that same phrase you were so familiar with right next to it.
♡☆Viva Romano
Your anger grew within, blood boiling.
"Fuck..." you muttered.
"What is it?" Giorno asked.
"These bullets are only manufactured and given to established members of Il Terrore." You took your gun out from under your skirt, unloading the chamber, taking out a bullet and showing Giorno it, then the bullet that was shot at you.
Giorno's eyes widened at the comparison, they were identical.
"Viva Romano..." He said, then looked down at you again, "The phrase associated with Il Terrore..."
You grew nervous and started to scratch at your skin anxiously.
Ever since you were a kid, whenever you were at your wits end or you were apprehensive, you would scratch and pick at your skin until you bled.
Giorno noticed this, and you weren't stopping until blood started to gush out of your forearm and upper arm.
"Y/n—" He grabbed your wrist, stopping you. Your hand was trembling.
You furrowed your eyebrows, sweat trickling down your forehead. "Uragirimono... Traitors."
"Who do you think it is?" He let go of your wrist, but continued to hold your hand.
"I don't know. I don't know... I— I'm— How could this have happened?" Your eyes widened.
"Don't worry, Bella. Please." He squeezed your hand as you continued to walk again.
"Fuck this... I can't believe he allowed this to happen." You whined.
"Who?" He asked.
"Vince, that fucking bastard!" You hissed angrily.
Suddenly, Giorno yanked you under him and into a corner, his right hand reflexively going around your waist. You blushed.
"Gio—" He pulled his left hand away from yours and pressed it over your mouth, leaning in close to your face.
"Shh. We're right next to the entrance to the warehouse." He whispered, his golden hair falling off his shoulders attractively.
You were desperately trying not to moan. How could you have gotten turned on in a situation like this?
There were loud shots being fired, and Giorno flinched, going closer to you, his knee going slightly in between your legs.
Don't moan, don't moan, don't moan, don't moan... DON'T MOAN... was all that was going through your head.
"Mmph—" You moaned, gripping his shirt. He looked at you and removed his hand from your mouth, not noticing your lipstick transferred onto his palm.
"Sorry." He muttered, helping you up.
When the two of you finally managed to get inside of the warehouse, you made Giorno conceal himself behind some shelves, while you walked to the middle where there was a large crate sitting there.
Your heels clacked as you approached, Cheri Lady appearing and breaking the crate open. Packages with a white powder inside of them fell out. Each had to be at least 1 kilo, you thought.
You took a pocket knife out from your pocket and sliced one open, the powder pouring out.
You took a handful in your palm and sniffed it.
It smelled... sweet?
You dropped the handful and licked the tip of your finger. Of course.
You started to laugh quietly.
"You thought you could fool them with this shit..." You chuckled.
Giorno was horrified.
Bucciarati and Abbachio burst inside, then the others, seeing you so humored.
"Y/n, what the fuck is this?!" Vince shouted.
Your laugh grew quieter as your aura flared up, glowing a deep red.
Cheri Lady appeared from behind some other shelves, a man in her grasp.
The man, who you knew, was Vince's friend, Francesco Minardi.
"Y—Y/n?! You fucking bitch!" He yelled.
"Francesco?!" Vince gasped.
You sighed then took a deep breath, grabbing the man by his collar and making him stand up, then shoving him back to the ground again.
You took the gun out from under your skirt and started fidgeting with it in your hand. "Back in Morio-chou, none of the dangerous Yakuza families dared to step foot there because they were too afraid— Why?"
"I had struck a deal with the son of an influential clan within the Yakuza to stop the drug flow to the part of Japan I was living in. But..." You inhaled, "I found out soon after that he was plotting to murder me in cold blood and start up drug production again—"
Cheri Lady appeared and grabbed him by his collar, you leaned in. "I took a day off from school and delivered his head on his father's doorstep. And that was it.."
"You cold, unfeeling whore... Why are you here?! I thought you ran off!" He shouted, then groaned when you kicked him in the chest.
"Uragirimono," you said softly, "Traitor. That's what you are."
"I wanted out! I'm sick of your stupid family!"
"It's been 5 years, Francesco, and you still didn't grow the balls to call me and tell me you wanted out... I could've made arrangements for you... You betrayed me... Uragirimono..." You kept fidgeting with the gun. The urge to kill was making you delirious with longing for bloodshed.
"Your father is nothing but a tyrant who abuses his loyal subjects! Who wouldn't want to betray him?!" He shouted back, spitting blood out of his mouth.
You were shaking with anger. It was taking the strength of a million soldiers to not rip him apart.
"Oh really? What about me? The gem of the Romano family, the most beautiful?" You teased, making Alima sigh at your arrogant tendencies despite the situation. Giorno nearly smiled.
"Kill yourself, Y/n! I'm sure it won't be too hard, since everyone knows about your suicidal tendencies! Ha!" He screamed, laughing condescendingly.
You smiled and Cheri Lady disappeared, while he dropped to his knees.
You took a few steps away from him, cocking the gun, holding it to your head. "Let's see then, hm?"
Giorno gasped and tried to go after you, but Bucciarati yanked him back. "Control yourself. She knows what she's doing."
You pulled the trigger, a shot was fired, but you still stood.
In between your head and the gun, there was a ghostly red hand holding the bullet, then dropped it.
"Keep pulling stunts like this, Romano. You and your entire family will die brutally. Start off with your father..." He muttered, then laughed.
"Morte al Romano..." You whispered before firing once, blood splattering on your face, then throwing the gun aside as his body dropped.
You signaled for everyone to exit the warehouse.
Sticking a cigarette in your mouth as you approached the dim rising sun, you took out your lighter and lit your cigarette.
You took one last look at the engraving on your lighter then threw it onto the crates behind you.
"Morte al Romano." You murmured again as the warehouse was engulfed in flames.
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mxcahyuxinluvvvr · 1 year
Bruno Bucciarati x Bimbo! black!Reader
This is my first time writing hcs so I hope their good
Fem reader
-At first he was a little bit it concernd by the way you dress but now he’s more comfortable with the way you dress now that you guys are dating.
-gets jealous when the others flirt with you
-like this man is infatuated with you he’ll literally kill anyone for you
-bro brag to the others about how he pulled the most beautiful girl ever in this town.
-he could not keep his hands off you like he loves your waist, your face, your thighs, everything
-He is way too overprotective, he will not let nobody touch you
-his contact name for you is: My love<3 -if you’re a stand user, he will absolutely get terrified. He will not let you fight because he’s worried that you’ll hurt yourself and he will never forgive him if something like something bad happened to you
-The Bucciarti absoulty LOVES you
-I am a FIRM believer that Narachia and Mista are HUGE simps for you and Fugo will literally have to pry them off of you.
You are decide to make snacks for the bucciarti gang because you felt like they deserve a little break and that they deserve a break,You had gotten into your pink hello kitty bmw and drove to go see them. Let’s just say they were so happy that you had made snacks for them “THANK YOU Y/n” Narachia and mista yelled “GET OFF OF HER YOU DUMBASSES” Fugo yelled draging them off of you,they were really happy to say the least
-his lock screen is a picture of you and your pet.
- He loves you more than anything.
-Your probably friends with Trish
-His room is most likely filled with stuff you have given him or you probably left it at his house by accident and he always forgets to give it back.
-once he stayed the night at your place and left with a hello kitty hair clip and everyone noticed but didn’t tell him until Giorno told him and he was so embarrassed about the whole thing he made the whole gang not bring it up again
-he’ll take you on cute little dates like to the park, the beach, the movies, and sometimes the zoo ( he likes to show you the turtles) (hehe see what i did there😉😏😗✌🏾)
ok I’m done,I’m tired as hell💀
Pls send request😭🙏🏾
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 7 Group 31
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Dadvid & Momgwen: Max, David, Gwen
Bucci Gang: Bruno Bucciarati, Narancia Ghirga, Leone Abbacchio, Pannacota Fugo, Trish Una, Guido Mista, Giorno Giovanna
Submissions are still open!
Dadvid & Momgwen:
Max's parents are canonically neglectful and David and Gwen are like parents to him. I can't think of anyone in the fandom that doesn't want them to adopt him.
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Bucci Gang:
Well all of them were outed by their family or ✨society ✨. Narancia was falsely accused of a crime, went to juvenile because of it, his father never showed any love, disowned, and he got a horrible eye disease. Well Bucci found him in the streets, took him to a proper doctor, and got his eye cured. Abbacchio was a cop that wanted to be completely pure and guided himself by justice. But the city he worked in was very corrupt, so one day he decided to take a bribe. Well the criminal who gave him the bribe was later found guilty of killing 2 people and told about how Abbacchio took a bribe from him. Abbacchio was seen as a dirty cop and was unemployed. He turned to alcohol and usually wandered the streets. Well Bucci found him, and helped him become better. Abbacchio joined his gang too. Fugo was a perfect son. He was extremely gifted and was born into a rich family. Now this may seem like the dream but his parents never showed him love. He was only treasured because of his intelligence. He was so smart, he was able to go to college at 13. Well while he was there, his professor repeatedly SA him. One day, his professor came to him, and Fugo beat the man with a encyclopedia in an act of self defense. He was disowned by his parents and lived in streets for 2 years. Bucci found him, and let him join his gang. Trish is the daughter of the most powerful mafia boss in Italy. Because of this, she was hunted down by her father and La Squada( they’re a group of gangsters that want to take down such boss). Her father hunted her down because he wanted to killed her to keep his identity a secret. Well Bucci gang protected her and is a part of it. Mista was a regular dude. Always had an optimistic look on life. So one day, he saw a woman almost getting r@ped in a car and decided to shoot the r@pists. Well in court, he was ruled a murderer and not an act of self defense. Bucci got him out and he joined his gang. Lastly, Giorno was a gangster that wanted to eradicate drugs being sold to minors. So he joined the Bucci gang. Giorno was neglected by his mother as a child and was beaten by his step dad. Bucci himself was never really loved by his father. Now the Bucci gang is essentially just Bucci trying to take care of some confused teenagers and a gothic depressed man.
I could go on for a long time, but they were all somehow rejected by society for mental health issues, classism, abuse, and saw each other's worth.
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princelylove · 3 months
My Prince,
I don’t know if you’ve already said this, but would you be willing to tell the court who you believe would be your best match? Or if there’s nobody, who you think would be the least annoying?
I hope everything is going well for you.
Thank you.
Good ask, anon. I looove asks like these, I can only encourage you to send more of them. Perhaps I’m a bit self-centered. 
My favorites aren't necessarily good for me, and those I would find to be the least annoying… don’t inherently actually like me. There's different types of favorites, too- those I find attractive, those I like to write for, those I just thoroughly enjoy the design and psychology of- and yet none of mine would necessarily be my best match.
Attractive qualities don't necessarily translate into work-with-my-personality qualities. Is someone that is protective attractive to me? Yes. Will I get mad at them eventually and turn my location off? Yes. It's inevitable that I'd push a protective's buttons, but I'm not exactly interested in changing my sense of style for a possessive, either.
I’m the type of darling that is obsessive-attractant. Big personalities tend to attract those types. 
I've been told I'm very difficult. I'm pampered. I expect the prince(ss) treatment in relationships. Allergic to paying for my own things. Not even getting into my spoiled (and awfully entitled) behavior, obsessives tend to go for a darling that is worth obsessing over. What’s better than someone who thinks highly of herself, and won’t become just anyone’s?
It’s the fact that they’re hard to obtain. They’re put on a pedestal, either by the yandere or those around them. In my case, I put myself on it and don’t accept any other treatment. It drives them wild when they get a small taste, they’re hooked for life at the smallest of actions.
Even if the small action is accidental, or nothing at all. 
You’d think someone who devotes themself entirely to me, who spends all day focused solely on my pleasure, would be my perfect match. Someone who worships me. Someone like Vanilla, or Santana. I’d prefer a relationship like that- I love them, I thrive off of them, I want it. 
But it’s hard to tease Vanilla, it can become frustrating at times. Stoics are attractive, but they don’t give much of a reaction, suppose that’s obvious, to the things I need a reaction to. It isn’t fun to tease someone that doesn’t choke up when I lightly touch them.
Drool over me! Start hyperventilating because I leaned forward! Tremble because I took something out of your hand!
I love it. It’s great. To put it nicely, perverts and creeps that freak out over such small things adore me. And I love them. ♡
So I think it’s Pannacotta Fugo. 
Funny, I know. Of course it’s the repressed guy. 
It’s only natural that he’d catch feelings. I’d put my legs up on his lap and he’d just sit there, tense. Sooo cute. Is it flirting? Is she just doing this because her shoes hurt? Oh, God. Don’t do this to him. Panacotta’s anxiety always makes him spiral- he goes from thinking I’m messing with him on purpose to thinking about how awful my choice in shoes are to if I need my nails redone to shooting himself in the head for thinking about that. 
Maybe develop a less embarrassing fetish next time? Poor guy. I hit a lot of niches for him, it’s actually kind of unfair. Only kind of. 
He’s a bit of a voyeur- stalkers tend to be, it makes sense. He feels too guilty to take any trophies, or to take any pictures, so he usually just… watches. Like a freak. It’d be sweet if he wasn’t breathing so heavily, or smiling to himself for seemingly no reason. 
But that’s not why he’d be my best match. Pannacotta isn’t my best match because I could tease him to my heart’s content, there’s plenty of yanderes like that, he hits a niche for me.
Pannacotta… is the type to give his darling a bath, entirely non-sexually. It’s just because he wants them to relax, wants their hair to be properly washed, wants to show he’s not going to let you suffer. Or, me, I suppose. 
He enjoys when I’m bossy, and when I don’t want to be. Honestly, he prefers me better when I’m in more docile moods, and puts the effort in to get me in them in the first place, but he couldn’t live without some balance. It isn’t fun if it isn’t deserved.
He's the type to give me a pedicure, but grab my ankle when I start sliding my foot up his thigh. Oooops. He never wants to play footsies, it's a shame.
He knows I'm happiest when my nails are done, so he checks them when I finally fall asleep for the night. If there's something wrong with them, he'll set up the nail polish and stickers for tomorrow.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Can you make a fugo alphabet fluff? I love your works, I hope you have a great month <3 (Sorry for my poor choice of praise and english)
Fugo Fluff Alphabet
notes - first of all, thank you so much anon!! your english was great, so don't even worry!!! thanks for the request and for the lovely compliment! ive had so much fun with these fluff alphabets and wanna do them for every character LMFAO thanks again anon and have a wonderful week!! <3
based on this post
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He likes to have chill times with you. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting in the living room with you and just reading a book or something. He also loves getting dinner, but prefers taking it home and eating it in the backyard like a picnic.
Your intelligence. He is a super smart guy and it doesnt matter how smart you are, he will always admire your brain and how you think. Also, physically, probably your legs lol, idk i just see it
This man has a lot of experience with his own panic attacks, so he would have to know how you need help first before he would be able to help at all. Before any of this, he would sit down and talk to you about how to help you in a tough situation. After that he would help in any way he can and also speak to you very lightly and kindly
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Somewhere comfortable where the two of you aren't stressed out. I feel like the one thing that is absolutely killing him is stress and knowing that you deal with stress too. He needs to know that you're doing okay and would love that to be the future between the two of you <3
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You have to order his happy meal for him. I think we know the answer to this one. He may be a strong dude, but like, he's definitely the lil baby in the relationship
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
This man, as we know, has some anger issues. Because of this, when he gets pissed at you, he stays pissed at you for a while tbh. Like he isn't just angry at you but at himself and he feels like he can't recover from the argument. He just feels like an asshole who hurt an angels feelings. I think you would have to initiate the forgiveness if you aren't too upset. During the argument he would probably get way too pissed off and start shouting and then he realizes he fucked up and avoids you. Let him know that everything is fine and he will be better <3
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful that you are here with him. You have helped him through a lot and to return that, he helps you through a lot. You have helped him realize new stuff in himself and even help him get over bridges he didn't even think he could cross. You are everything to him and he is so thankful for that <33333
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
If you don't know about him being/having been in the mafia, he would hide that from you. I don't think he wants you to know about the dangerous stuff he's seen. He also keeps his past a secret from you. Honestly, he keeps a lot from you, which you slowly pull out from him
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Oh, absolutely. You made him less angry and pent up. He had a lot of internal problems that affected him externally and you were able to help him through a lot of that
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
YES YES YES! Like I just feel like he'll get really self conscious when he sees you laughing or smiling with someone else. It's hard for him to be super confident, so seeing you around someone he thinks is better looking than him or something can really make him upset. To deal with it, he ignores it as best as possible and gets angy
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Oh hell yeah. I think at first, like the first kiss that you had after a nice dinner, he didn't know what to do. You kissed him and he didn't really know that there was a rule where he had to kiss back, so he was still as a statue. But after he got the hand of it, he is an AMAZING kisser. Very soft lips 10/10
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I think the two of you were reading or something at the library and he passed you a note that said: I like you. We should hang out. Shortly after, the two of you started dating
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
tbh, I really don't know. I think the idea appeals to him, but at the same time, he really enjoys where you guys are. He would have to think about it a lot down the road. But if he were to propose, it would be in private and I think he would prefer to get eloped.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Simple stuff like honey or darling or dear, but all in Italian
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He smiles a lot more. Like especially around you. He just has a constant little smile on his lips and it's really cute. It's kind of obvious to others, especially close friends since he acts relatively different, which isn't a normal Fugo thing, so they totally make fun of him. To express his feelings, he always tells you how much he loves you and it really means a lot
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
PDA is a big no for him I think. He prefers kisses and stuff privately. The most he'll do is kiss you in a park or something, but never in public. Like holding hands is a sometimes thing, but yeah he really doesn't like showing off his relationship in public
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Lots of care and understanding. He will give you space when you need it and always provide what you need when you need it
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I don't really think he's romantic or creative in any of these aspects. I feel like he just treats the relationship as it is. Sure, he'll take you on dates, but it's never anything crazy. It's more calm than anything
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He is always there to help. He will drop anything to help you out. He is your biggest supporter because dreams to him are very important. So know that he's always got your back
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He is definitely more routine. He needs to have his day go the way he plans because it makes his life easier. It's nice though because you have become a part of his routine <3
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He is VERY understanding. He knows you very well, so he knows when something is up or when you need space or even when you need him by your side. He is more than caring and you don't even need to ask him for things, he'll just be there
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You definitely mean a lot to him, but sometimes, he will put the others like Bruno in front of you. They have gotten him out of the worst of stuff, so he definitely holds them on a pedestal, but if you understand, that makes him very happy
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He always smells really good so when you hug him, he gives off this lovely sweet smell that you can't get enough of. It's like strawberry shortcake and vanilla
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Not really. He prefers getting that kind of love from you, he won't really start any cuddles or anything
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
You are a big part of his routine, so when you're gone, he has to reorganize EVERYTHING and that pisses him off so much. It takes him a while to get back on track without eyebags, but eventually things for him will get back to normal until you come back.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He's not a huge risk taker, so no. If you don't want the relationship anymore, he will understand and that's that. He will fight for you and protect you at all costs for sure, but if you really feel like things are over, it will end
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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denako · 5 months
Log 3:
It's been a month since Fugo contacted any of us.
It might just be me but ever since Mista started acting weird I've been having this feeling that something is very wrong.
I am probably overreacting. But even if, what's been done is done, i just can't let Fugo know.
I went to his house today. And since I didn't want to barge in without a warning I tried to take a look around the house, find any clues if he's home. Most of the "clues" was just me looking through windows.
Just so happened that his bedroom window was higher that the rest of the them since his house is built on a slope. And since they were so high I had to jump to take the pictures. All of which ended up blurry.
It felt very wrong to do so, but I got what I wanted. Just one of the images had this weird white and purple blur on them. The colors were the same as of Purple Haze.
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That was enough for me to try and get in.
Then once I got into the house, Fugo being so nice as to let me in, I noticed something.
The house was in disarray. Dirty dishes piled up, papers on the floor, some empty some had drawings on them.
The trash wasn't the only thing in that house. There was someone else.
It was confusing seeing him again, but I was happy to see that he's ok.
I took the both of them back to the hideout for observation.
I gave them seperate rooms since it seemed they lived together in Fugo's bedroom.
I heard a few bangs from Fugo's room but other then that. The night seems calm.
Im going to investigate what is happening tommorow. I'm way too tired for...
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inkpot909 · 1 year
First Love Headcanons: Pannacotta Fugo x Reader
↳ Gender neutral reader.
A/n: This was so much fun to write! Fugo is such an interesting character to write for that I couldn’t help but fuss over this one for a good while. I hope y’all enjoy it as well. <3
Warning(s): None.
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It started out innocently enough, as Fugo is not the type to fall in love overnight.
Curiosity itself is a perfectly normal reaction to have regarding a new member of Bucciarati’s team. Fugo is no exception to this, as he no doubt harbored questions about you when you initially joined.
That said, his approach is different compared to the others on the team. If you join after Mista, Narancia, and Abbacchio, they do just fine on their own intimating you at the very start.
Past the initial meeting, where some lighthearted hazing is likely to occur from everyone, Fugo sees no reason to contribute to any form of poking and prodding outside of missions. You already have to get used to so many strong personalities at once, after all.
He’s been with Bucciarati since the formation of his team, so he’s quite accustomed to getting used to someone new being around. Hell, if he wasn’t so closed off, he would’ve thought to feel bad for you.
Due to the walls he’s long put up, he prefers to remain observant from afar for a good while. Regardless of when you enter the picture, he’s going to keep his distance.
He’s not as good at reading people as someone like Giorno, but he trusts what he can decipher.
This will likely result in Fugo making some assumptions about you prior to the two of you finding equal footing. Whether or not his judgements turn out correct is unknown to you, as he doesn’t care share them with you to begin with.
This does lead to some aspects of your personality to be surprising to him. Nothing bad, just little details about you that he wasn’t expecting.
Your hobbies may be what’s shocking, or perhaps the type of media you prefer to consume. Little aspects of life and personality that unfold because of how much time the team spends together. The discovery of such things is what likely makes him feel more inclined to get to know you better.
Little by little, Fugo will eventually start including you in conversations and vise versa. Especially when Narancia and Mista are involved, he begins to turn to you it in an attempt to keep himself sane:
Mista and Narancia’s relentless chatter is still intimating.
How can you even approach a guy like Mista? He’s more than proven himself to be the type that says anything and everything that pops into his brain. Although he is certainly the relaxed type, his words can be quite vicious if he’s in the mood to tease and you just so happen to be in his line of sight. Sit him next to a full-time enabler like Narancia, and the two can go off on pretty much any topic imaginable.
Their conversations at the dinner table are wild, spontaneous, and still- even after more than a month of knowing them -manage to catch you off guard. Sometimes it’s thought-provoking and other times… not so much.
Which leads to their current conversation, one you sincerely wish wouldn’t take place while you’re trying to eat.
“I’m just saying-“ Mista argues, waving his fork in the air, “If it promotes a soothing and relaxing environment within the human body, I don’t see why it’s so unbelievable that it could also theoretically resonate with your bowels as well.”
“Yeah, maybe-“ Narancia rolls his eyes, “But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna make you crap your freaking pants! That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not ridiculous; it’s psychology.” Mista retorts, raising a brow. His smug expression does nothing to convince you, or a bewildered Fugo sitting next to you, his knowledge on the subject. But it is enough to grind Narancia’s gears, which ultimately, is probably the key to his actual intent.
Still… you think, staring at your food with a pinched nose. It’s the brown noise. They’re actually trying to prove or disprove the psychological effects of the brown noise. Why on earth… no, how on earth can either of them discuss such a thing with a straight face?
“What kind of messed up psychoglogy-“
“Psychology,” Fugo cuts in with a sigh.
“-Yeah, whatever,” Narancia dismisses with a wave of his hand, “What kind of messed up psycho-logically are you reading up on?”
Grunting in frustration, Fugo drops his forehead onto the table with an exaggerated thud. Mista and Narancia continue to argue amongst the two of them, but you instead direct your attention to the grumbling blonde.
“Umm… Fugo?” you ask, hesitant to even address him.
He raises his head from the table, looking at you with desperation in his dark violet eyes. “Please don’t tell me you think this is worth discussing.”
You raise both your hands in the air. “Are you kidding? I just wanted to eat, but apparently that’s unheard of here.”
Sighing once more, he runs his hand through his hair. His hand stops at his neck and rubs the back of it. “Trust me, I don’t get them either,” he shakes his head, hand finally returning to his lap, “I’m glad you don’t encourage this nonsense, though.”
You let out a chuckle, a little surprised. Sure, you’ve spoken with Fugo before, but hardly ever this casually. The notion brings a tiny smile to your face. “I can’t believe you’d ever think I would,” you reply lightheartedly.
“Well, hanging around these two must be making me lose critical thinking skills… my apologies,” he replies. Despite his words, a smile crawls it’s way onto his face too.
Casual conversations held between the two of you opens the door to the beginning of a genuine friendship.
Unlike Abbacchio, Fugo knows better than to be contrarian to everything you say and do just because you’re new. Considering his intellect, he has always done his best to be objective. And there eventually comes a point where, upon reflection, he figures that you’re alright.
By then, off missions, he started asking you- quite bluntly -questions about yourself.
Although forward, he won’t overwhelm you all at once. From time to time, you might catch him staring at you thoughtfully out the corner of your eye (Do not bring this up to him; he will deny it to his grave). A round of questions often followed his stares.
And it’s when he feels he really knows you on a personal level that he’s able to truly relax around you.
He started greeting you with the same kindness and courtesy he offers the others. He gave you encouragement throughout both your private and work life… a lot of it. Turning to you during conversations comes to be as natural as it is for anyone else on the team.
Fugo’s caring side may be blocked off behind walls he keeps up for the sake of self preservation and the result of an unhappy childhood, but once you’re allowed to peek beyond them, his sweetness really knows no limit.
And it’s through his behavior that developing feelings start to shine through.
Fugo’s not going to at all realize his feelings toward you until the truth is smacking him across the face. But his actions show a certain kind of fondness before he himself recognizes anything.
His expressed love languages are most commonly words of affirmation and acts of service. This is very much so the case in the early stages of him developing feelings.
The words of affirmation were never explicitly affectionate, but always careful and supportive.
Fugo beats himself up over his temper often, so when he can think straight, he’s using his mind to its full extent. In other words, because he’s easily blinded by rage, he chooses his words very carefully whenever he can.
So after a particularly rough mission, he may get upset at one point or another. During the quiet moments after the fact, when adrenaline isn’t flowing any longer, he always gives credit where credit is due. He’ll gently comment on your work throughout the job, expressing he thought you did good with examples to boot.
Or it can be something as simple as offering you a job well done after making yourself a dinner.
From always holding his tongue unless he disagreed with your actions or input, to showering you with praise constantly. It comes to him so naturally he doesn’t even think twice.
And soon, even others in the group start to take notice:
“I don’t wanna do this right now… Fugo’s not even here yet, can’t I just wait?” Narancia whines.
His head is resting on top of an open notebook, his right cheek squished against crumpled paper. Pencil lead is smushed on his cheek, but pointing out he’s likely ruining his work would be a waste of time.
Resting your elbows on the table, you give Narancia a playful smile. “He’s supposed to get here with Abbacchio in thirty minutes. You know you should’ve gotten more done by now…”
Narancia let out an obnoxious groan, rolling his head onto his opposite cheek so he no longer has to look you in the eye.
“Narancia…” you sigh, smile falling. “I’m sorry if it seems harsh, but Fugo asked me to make sure you practiced on his recent lesson. He and Abbacchio are out doing the heavy lifting for the team right now, so it’s the least I can do.”
Narancia replies, but mutters it out so quietly you don’t pick up on his words.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” he says at a volume you can hear, half bitter and half teasing.
“I said,” he lifts his head from the table, “You think like that ‘cause he’s always so nice to you.”
“What?” you blurt, heart skipping a beat.
“He compliments you all the time,” he chuckles. The smugness in his tone only grows, and as he continues, heat rushes to your cheeks. “‘Oh, Y/n, you did such a good job today, Y/n.’ And, ‘Oh, Y/n, you’re so very smart why don’t you help out Narancia?’ And who could forget, ‘Oh, Y/n, you look very beautiful today. Why don’t you kiss me on my big fat mouth?’”
“H-He doesn’t say that!” you exclaim, absentmindedly pulling at your fingertips underneath the safety of the tablecloth.
“You gotta know what I mean, though!” he insists. Pausing in order to read your expression, another laugh escapes him. “What? You haven’t noticed?”
“Umm, well.” Your lips pucker out, unsure if you should feel intrigued or embarrassed. After a short pause, you continue, “Fugo compliments everyone; including you… you know? He believes you can do this. He wouldn’t put care into teaching you if he didn’t. And I’ve seen what you’ve accomplished myself too. I certainly know you can get this.”
“You’re changing the subject,” he points out.
“And that not what you’re trying to do?” you ask, gesturing towards his notebook.
Narancia blinks dumbly, bewildered by your response. For a moment, you become pleased with yourself. Seemingly, you’d backed him into a corner and couldn’t help but be a little proud of yourself for it.
“You really don’t know…” he utters, eyes suddenly brightening.
Wait, what? you think, confidence quickly dwindling.
A fit of laughter erupts from him, kicking his feet in the limited space underneath the table. The movement halts your hands. His chair creaks and squeaks in distress, quickly quieting down when he once again slams both feet back on the floor.
He eagerly hunches over his notebook, eyes wide. Snatching up his pencil, he finally begins scribbling on the paper once more.
You’re left staring at him in awe. “What…? So now… you’re good then? You’re just… you’re just going to continue your work?”
Narancia lets out another laugh. “Ha! Well, the sooner I finish, the sooner I can tell Mista about this. I can’t believe you’re so clueless!”
Narancia is calling you clueless… yikes.
The confusion you may have felt that afternoon is nothing compared to Fugo’s reeling mind when the others started pointing things out and teasing him over his supposed affection.
Fugo doesn’t remember when it started, but they didn’t wait long after noticing his feelings to begin teasing him over them.
He would cross his arms, turning away with an annoyed expression while a pool of denials flood from his mouth. With a reaction like that, Narancia and Mista especially enjoyed pushing his buttons on the subject.
Abbacchio would partake in teasing as well in his own little way. Namely, he began making straight-faced comments and turning smug the moment Fugo’s voice raises. Bucciarati mostly keeps quiet on the matter, but no one could miss the fond grin he wears when the others get on his case.
Once, Giorno called you Fugo’s boyfriend/girlfriend. A bashed remote and a broken plate later, Fugo is shocked to learn Giorno wasn’t picking on him and genuinely thought the two of you were together.
The guy must be either super egotistical or is just not at all used to being wrong about this kind of thing, Fugo distinctly thought.
But of course he’s wrong about this! Everyone’s comments made no sense to him at all! There’s no way he felt that much towards you. That kind of thing… is not for him. He may take note when someone’s attractive, but he’s never really thought too seriously about romantic relationships. Just because you’re attractive, doesn’t mean-
Nope… nope, nope, nope, nope. He’s not touching that one with a ten foot pole. No way.
But by the next time he’s helping you with dishes the concept pops into his brain. When he’s dotting on you after a mission it’s plaguing his mind. And he can’t help but notice how meticulous he is when retrieving your additions to the group’s grocery list.
Fugo doesn’t know what to think. He really… does go out of his way for you at times. Well, okay, all the time. Looking back, he finds some of his actions to be a little embarrassing. And the more the notion is stuck in his brain, the more he starts understanding that he really does care about you more than just as a friend.
Which is a whole other problem. Fugo’s going to get completely stuck in his own head.
This is the very first time he’s felt this way about someone, and he’s a mess over his lack of knowledge on the subject.
Because what the hell is he supposed to do? Tell you…? Don’t be ridiculous. That notion is met with a mocking tone, as if the mere idea of doing so is itself far too absurd.
But still… there’s this overwhelming urge telling him he has to do something. According to the others he’s already doing something, apparently. But you’re not saying anything about it. Wouldn’t you say something about it if you noticed? What if you never notice on your own? You won’t know unless he makes some sort of move…. but surely that would cause the sky to fall and mark the beginning of end times.
It’s a real echo chamber of insecurity in his head.
Yet… he feels a weird compulsion to be closer to you despite himself. He gets a weirdly beautiful feeling when he’s around you and it flutters his heart so much he doesn’t want to just let it go. It’s brand new to him, and as much as he stresses, he holds onto his affection tight.
Even though it’s more annoying than not, the others are consistent enough with their jabs that it gives Fugo hope that just maybe…
One of the only times Bucciarati explicitly commented on it himself, he mentioned that he believes Fugo’s frustration with his feelings will eventually pass.
The tone he carried indicated that he must know something that Fugo doesn’t, which only made his mind run wild further. Because if you’re going to tell anyone on the team about your feelings, it would probably be him.
Regardless of how much Fugo begs, Bucciarati doesn’t confirm nor deny that hunch. He’s rather adamant that Fugo should just “Ask Y/n and find out on your own.”
And after months of pushing, the others begin echoing that sentiment.
The likelihood of him making the first move is still slim, he figures, but he does hold onto hope that he’ll get a chance one day. Daydreams and “what if” scenarios are a common occurrence for him.
He procrastinates waits for the perfect opportunity, but it never seems to come. Mista mocks him for it, laughing that “There’s no such thing as a perfect opportunity.” Fugo only grows more defensive in response.
I’m already so nervous about expressing myself to Y/n, Fugo fusses, I don’t know what I’d do if I mess this up. If I can’t sweep them off their feet, how can I even-
“Pannacotta?” you ask, pulling him away from his thoughts.
He blinks a couple of times, focusing his attention back on you.
When Giorno is absent, Fugo’s the best source of first aid on the team. All you had to do was walk up to him, apologetic and sheepish. Without a word, he eagerly jumped at the opportunity to help patch you up after a particularly rough mission. It’s the closest he ever physically gets to you.
He calmly led you into a bathroom, gesturing for you to sit atop the sink. His fingers were light and gentle as he worked with what he has on hand. You gave him reassurance that Giorno will likely return soon, so he has no need to stress.
A smile played on his lips, thankful that you know him well enough to guess his own worry.
But slowing movements and focused eyes told you his mind began wandering elsewhere. The cutely taken aback expression on his face after you spoke up is also more than enough evidence to confirm your suspicion.
“You with me?” you ask, playfully trying to get him to respond.
You’re not used to him being this quiet after you’ve gotten hurt. He either talks you through the pain or feels the need to give a lecture. Even when Giorno’s healing you, he’s right by your side whenever he can. Just the thought of his usual behavior can bring warmth to your heart.
“My apologies, you’re just distracting,” he says, hands immediately snapping from your person. Oh god, oh god, it’s not like him to speak without thinking. He stutters trying to cover up his words and only digs a bigger hole for himself in the process. “I-I mean you’re distracted- I’m distracted.”
You laugh, but it dies out fast as you clutch your side at the sting of pain rippling though your body. Fugo’s hands instinctively fly to your side as well, his fingertips brushing up against your own.
Slowly, he lifts his head only to meet your gaze closer to him than it was mere moments ago. You seem just as surprised as he is, and there’s a brief pause while both of you wait for the other to pull away.
Neither of you do.
He’s so close he can feel your breath fanning his face. Normally his face would burn red and he’d retreat to his bedroom as soon as he could, where he’d proceed to reply the moment in his head for the rest of the night. But your eyes… your breathtaking gaze is locked on his own so intently he can’t bring himself to pull away.
And they give him courage he never knew he has.
With a nervous gulp, he leans forward and plants a single kiss to your lips. His own lips are unimaginably soft and hesitant, yet linger against your own longingly. Even when he pulls away far too soon, his nose nuzzles against yours as he plays with the idea of brushing his lips against yours again.
Just to have felt you… to have the briefest taste of what it’s like being closer to you than anyone else he’s ever known before…
“I-“ he pulls himself away, joy dissolving into self-consciousness. You open your mouth to speak, but in his haste, he cuts you off by accident, “I’m sorry… I-I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You… didn’t want to?”
Your reply is spoken in a whisper, voice so faint not even someone standing in the doorway could pick up on it. Fugo’s heart thuds against his ribcage at the crestfallen look on your face. Are you… really disappointed? He’s understanding this correctly… right?
There’s no time to think, and once again he lets his mouth move faster than his mind. “Well, I… you deserve better, you know?” he reasons, “I should’ve explained myself first and then asked… not just go for it… you know. This- I-… I’m not doing this right, aren’t I?”
You adjust yourself on the sink top, glancing away from him for only a second. “If you were to have explained yourself… what would you have said?” you gently plead.
“I-…” he shakes his head.
“Please, Pannacotta, I want to know…”
“I-…” he starts again, taking in a deep breath, “I think I would’ve said… that I think you’re very remarkable. That I’ve never met someone like you before… someone who makes me feel this way… someone who makes me-… umm…”
A hopeful smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you finish for him, “Makes you… want to kiss me?”
He nods, clearing his throat for a couple moments too long. “Not just that, though… you know? It makes me want to take care of you and look after you if I may. I-I-“ he hesitates, “I’m sorry… I’ve thought about this for so long. What I’d say to you if… if I got the impression that you wanted to hear it.”
“I do want to hear it,” you tell him, still grinning from ear to ear, “Pannacotta… I’ve been wanting to say something too for a while now. But you’ve taken the words right out of my mouth.”
He would think he’s dreaming if it weren’t for your hand reaching out and holding his with a gentle squeeze.
“I like you a lot…” you softly confess, “And I need you to know that. It’s always really cute to see you so shy… but for a moment I got to see you push yourself a little. And I think that was beautiful.”
His head falls, staring down at your interlocked hands. Your words stir something within him, taking a tiny step forward in trying to grasp that burst of confidence he felt when he kissed you. “You’re beautiful…” he mumbles, squeezing your hand.
Just a quick glance your way, a brief view of the bright smile on your face, is the best reassurance he could’ve hoped for. He took the plunge, and not only is chaos not ascending to the world’s surface, but his eyes finally open to the affection you feel for him in return.
He ultimately had a love-hate relationship with the way he feels about you before anything concrete happened between the two of you, but that didn’t stop him for falling for you more and more.
And with hindsight, he’s a little timid over not having told you how he feels sooner. But it doesn’t consume him as it may once have before.
With you now at his side, you his and him yours, his heart can only flutter with joy at the prospect of finding his first love.
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