#just ate some candy corn and starting thinking about Halloween again
Their favorite fall/halloween activities despite it being a couple weeks past halloween right now:
Giorno: likes to go for walks alone and look at the leaves! On halloween night he likes to use gold experience to turn a few pieces of Halloween candy from his neighbors into butterflies or something so he can get a huge stash of candy much faster than actually going trick or treating
Bruno: likes to use sticky fingers to jump out and scare people, or take off his head or something. Or like leave his arm somewhere like in a cabinet they go into often. And he would 100% try to drag a member of his team into the zipper void dimension thing when they weren’t expecting it. But he does all of this with a very stoic/serious expression on his face, like he didn’t purposely just do anything, like “oh, yes that’s my arm I was looking for that” or “oh, hello, did I scare you?”
-abbacchio: Uses halloween time as an excuse to buy tons of makeup to try out crazy halloween themed makeup styles. He is the one that decorated the house for halloween, with some help from Trish. But the decorations are very … abbacchio.
-Mista: he likes to carve a pumpkin, it’s very important to him that he gets to carve a pumpkin every year. Always has the basic “jack o lantern” face. The pistols eat too much candy and go insane. Watches scary movies every night of October with Narancia. Isn’t that scared of the movies unless the number four is mentioned at all in one for some reason.
Narancia: eats so much candy in October! Always either hand makes a super detailed halloween costume, or dresses up as the classic bedsheet ghost. Watches scary movies with Mista and isn’t able to sleep at all because of them, but acts like he isn’t scared. Killed a mouse with Aerosmith because he heard it running in his room at night and mistook it for a monster.
Fugo: Also enjoys carving pumpkins, and always has a super cool design he wants to try out. He takes pumpkin carving very seriously and always is very picky about what pumpkin he chooses to carve, observing each and every pumpkin for the perfect one. Sometimes it turns out really good, but when he messes it up he gets really mad. He always carves his pumpkin in a room where no one else is around so that he can focus better and gets really into “the zone” if you know what I mean. Everyone is too afraid to enter the room while he is carving the pumpkin. Also really enjoys corn mazes!
Trish: loves to decorate for fall/Halloween! Always has a cute costume each year! Likes to take lots of pictures of the leaves! And she loves to go apple picking!
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Seasonal Prompts  Fall/Halloween 2021
Who I write for
Requests: OPEN :) send them in!! xx 
Seasonal Prompts 2020  (check this out first so there isn’t the same ones over and over again!!) 
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Halloween / Fall (Autumn)
“It’s officially spooky season *insert character*, you know what that means” “Pumpkin everything?” “Pumpkin everything”
“Who ate all the candy?!”
“How much candy did you get?”
“You're not going trick or treating, you’re too old for that”
***“I plan on getting more than one kind of freaky tonight”
“What the hell are you supposed to be?”
“Nope, I’m not scared. Why would think I’m scared? I’m totally not scared”
“I’m pretty sure I have claw marks from your nails”
“This haunted house was fifty bucks, I better die for that kind of money”
“Supernatural marathon at my place later, you’re bringing the candy”
“Are we about to make out in a graveyard?”
“Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” “Hey, the knives are sharp”
“Pumpkin spice is the love of my life” “I thought I was the love of your life”
“Don’t you watch horror movies? Splitting up always ends up with someone dead”
“We should do a couples costume” “Yeah, no”
“Nothing in this world is more satisfying than that crunch when you step on a leaf”
“It’s staring at me, *character* why is the scarecrow staring at me?”
“You can jump in the leaf pile if you help me rake”
“How can you love Halloween but hate horror movies?”
“Yeah, bring out the Ouija Board, what could possibly go wrong”
“I think that zombie just grabbed my ass”
“First question; is that fake blood? Second question; if it isn’t is it your blood?”
***“The movie isn’t the only reason you’ll be screaming tonight”
“What are you gonna do? Burn me at the stake?”
“If you find an eyeball, don’t worry it’s not human”
“That better be fake blood.”
“Do you want to borrow my jacket?”
“Ten pumpkins seems a little excessive” “It’s not excessive, it’s festive”
“Did that scarecrow just move or have I had too much punch?”
“My fangs just fell out”
“Yeah, let's go for a walk in the woods on Halloween night. It’s not like anything bad will happen.”
“It’s official, the house is haunted”
“We can go pick some apples!”
“You won a pumpkin carving contest... with that?”
“No you can’t eat all those pumpkin pies.” “But it’s for a contest.”
“ You’re such a treat that I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.”
“I don't want your candy, what I really want is your number.”
“It’s starting to get chilly.”
“Apple cider sounds so good right about now.”
“It’s bad luck when a black cat crosses your path.” “But he’s just a tiny kitten.”
“Apple or pumpkin pie?” “Do you really have to ask?”
“We should wear matching flannels.”
“Pfft. I do not scare too easily.... AHHHH.”
“Please don’t make me go in there.”
“Don’t you have enough decorations?”
“I think that haunted house just put me into labor.”
“You’re going to turn into pumpkin spice.”
“Don’t you dare leave me here!”
“I ate all your Halloween candy.”
“You’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte?”
“You know there’s a killer on the loose. What are you doing out here in this corn maze all alone?”
“I don’t like pumpkin pie.” “Who doesn’t like pumpkin pie?”
“Is that my flannel?”
“Isn’t Halloween for kids?”
“You’ve baked either pumpkin or apple flavored deserts every day this week.” “But I haven’t baked this one yet.”
“Just shut up and hand out the freaking candy.”
“This is the perfect weather for getting cozy by the fire with the love of your life and a pumpkin spice latte. Any volunteers?”
“This house smells like pumpkins. Literally every room smells like pumpkin.” “I know I love it!”
“I have no one to go apple picking with…”
“Did you hear that?” “No.” “Yes you did. You jumped.” “I did not!” “Go check it out!” “No! You!”
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hrwinter · 4 years
the emergency room fic snippet took me out hgjgjghfh
Kara's not sure if it's the recently waking up from anesthesia or if she really is witnessing the most gorgeous creature to ever grace this planet seated, cross-legged in the outpatient waiting room.
"Hi!" she finds herself sitting right next to the woman and practically shouting directly into her face.
Smooth, Danvers, she thinks. What can she say, she's always had game.
The woman stares back at Kara's suddenly very close proximity, doe eyed, irises round and the most tantalizing shade of sea foam green Kara's ever seen.
"Did you just—" Kara points inelegantly back at the door a nurse had just ushered her through, "have a surgery?"
The woman eyes her, a little wary, before replying.
"An endoscopy."
Kara gasps, reaching for the woman's hands (a little cold) and holding them in her overly warm ones. She rubs them together in an effort to bring heat into the stranger's fingers. The woman simply continues to stare, perplexed.
"Me too! Did yours go well? What are you in for?"
"You're very friendly," the woman states bluntly.
"Oh, sorry," Kara pulls her hands away. "I'm Kara."
"Lena," the woman says, still a little stiff but a small smile forming at the corner of her mouth.
Kara makes a conscientious effort to keep her hands in her lap like an overeager child as she waits for Lena to answer.
"And I have an ulcer, they think," Lena says, touching delicately at her stomach. "Too much coffee and working, not enough eating."
Kara winces. "Those are painful, right?"
Lena nods. "What about you?"
"I ate four mega sized bags of candy corn."
The face Lena pulls is one of total, abject disgust.
"Candy corn? Why?"
"It was a Halloween dare from my sister," Kara shrugs. "My stomach hasn't been the same since."
"I should think not."
Kara laughs at the woman's impeccable diction, like she could be one of those reading voice models. Or a librarian. A sexy librarian.
"Honestly right now I feel more woozy from the anesthesia."
"Me too," Lena agrees, staring down at her hands and flexing them open and closed. Such lovely hands. Big, Kara thinks.
She's not sure how long they both stare down at Lena's hands, Kara's elbow bent on Lena's armrest, holding her chin in her palm, before she thinks to add,
"Can you believe they warned us not to gamble? Or buy a car? Isn't that crazy?”
"Although," Kara adds with an unnoticed slur to her words, her voice sing song pitching up and down. “If I could buy any car right now, I'd totally buy one of those sports cars with the butterfly doors."
"Like a McLaren?"
"My friend Bruce has one. I think I've seen it in his garage."
"Damn, is he rich?"
“I’m rich too,” Lena holds out her hands as if she's dropping invisible dollar bills all over the waiting room floor.
“But I'm boring," she says with a slump of her shoulders. "I always use a town car. My driver's name is George."
"George," Kara echoes. "Why do guys always get to be so flashy? You should get yourself a sports car for, like, female empowerment and stuff."
"You're right," Lena agrees with an unsteady nod of her head. "It's not fair. Let’s go buy one.”
Kara swoons closer, heavily encroaching over the boundary between their two respective chairs. The space between them is nearly nonexistent. The anesthesia side effects are definitely feeling more present.
“I think you’re my soulmate," Kara says, entirely uncensored.
Lena locks eyes with her for one boundless moment before she shakes her head hard, like a puppy trying to shake out wet fur.
"No, you wouldn't like me if you knew me. I am so scary," Lena tells Kara with such sincere earnestness, head bowed towards her. "Like so scary. I’m a CEO."
"That's cool!" Kara cheers, and before she can stop herself she's holding Lena's hands again. "And there's no way you're scary. You’re so nice and soft," she rubs Lena's fingers.
Kara's not quite sure what happens next. Lena sort of pulls at her hands, an unspoken invitation, and Kara's already halfway out of her seat, and it just makes… sense for her to fully get into Lena's lap.
The waiting room chair is perfectly sized for the both of them. Lena's hands anchor Kara, squeezing at her backside. It's heaven.
"You smell good," Lena comments dreamily, leaning forward to inhale at Kara's neck. Then suddenly she jumps back, jostling Kara in her lap.
"Oh my god, I’m gay!"
Kara stares at her, hypnotized by the river of small blue veins at Lena's temple and forehead.
"Oh," she starts. "Did you just… realize?"
"Yes—" Lena half shouts, then, "I mean no, I just had to tell you. So, be careful."
Kara laughs, wrapping her arms around Lena's neck. She massages her fingers into Lena's shoulders, and Lena sighs, reluctantly relaxing by degrees. Kara smiles, goofy.
"With what? Your feelings? Anyways, I’m bi."
"Oh." Lena mirrors Kara's words. "Are you single?"
"Give me your number," Kara replies in lieu of an answer.
They both scramble for their phones, Kara reaching into her back pocket and Lena fishing into an expensive looking hand bag. Kara sits backs on Lena's thighs and proceeds to ignore several texts from her sister. And what should be a simple swap of phone numbers becomes an impromptu photo shoot with lots of giggling and vaguely inappropriate touching.
"What is going on here?"
Kara pivots in Lena's lap, recognizing the voice of her sister coming from the open doorway.
Lena's head has snapped to the door, too, eyes narrowed.
"Who are you?" she says with a squeeze of Kara's hips.
Alex's eyebrow raises, challenging.
"Who are you?"
Kara might actually hear Lena growl then.
"Lena?" another voice joins them.
Alex swivels to look at a woman just over her shoulder, tall and stately with legs for days. She has curly brown hair and soft, bedroom eyes.
"Who are you?" Kara finds her own voice grumbling.
"Sam!" Lena glows.
Who is Sam?!
Sam's eyes rove over the pair of them, and she raises a hand to her mouth to cover a smile. Kara reluctantly extricates herself from Lena's lap, standing but keeping hold of her hand.
"Um, Kar," Alex says, eyebrows threading closer and closer together by the second. "We have to go, so maybe let go of the stranger's hand."
"She's not a stranger, this is Lena!" Kara announces. "And I want her to come with us."
Sam snorts.
"What? No, Kara, we're going home," Alex takes a step into the room, and Lena squeezes Kara's hand possessively. "You need to get some sleep and recover."
"You, too, Lena," Sam intones, still lingering in the doorway.
"No!" Lena practically shouts, standing too. "I feel fine. We’re going to buy a car, actually."
Alex's jaw drops open.
"No, honey," Sam steps toward the pair of them then.
"Honey?" Kara asks, back bowing.
"Down girl," Sam quips in her direction. "We’re just friends."
"No, I’m your boss," Lena snaps at Sam, pointing, but it's as threatening as a five year old making demands about bathtime. "I tell you what to do."
Kara giggles.
"See, I’m mean," Lena gloats to Kara.
"Oh my god," Alex pinches the bridge of her nose. "This is a fucking mess, we're leaving. Now."
Kara stands taller at the warning nature of Alex's tone, and what follows is an absolute spectacle. It involves Alex chasing Kara around the room, Sam laughing loudly, and Lena threatening her and the entire hospital staff. It ends with Alex rough housing Kara inside of her Tahoe with threats of 'you owe me for life' and 'I can't fucking believe you." But Kara doesn't hear any of it, asleep by the time Alex gets into the driver's seat.
The next day, Kara wakes up late. There's a gloomy dark space where her memory of the day before should be, but she can't worry about that now. Instead, she groggily makes her way outside of her room, in search of the delicious coffee smell emanating from the kitchen. Alex stands there at her island, a sentinel, as if she's been up all night and waiting for this moment.
"How are we feeling today?" she asks neutrally.
"Terrible," Kara pours herself a cup of coffee.
"So…" her sister trails off, drumming her fingers, and Kara gets the distinct impression she's not going to like what comes out of her mouth next.
"Remember when you mounted Lena Luthor in the waiting room?"
Kara gapes at her.
"What? No, I didn’t. And who?"
"Lena Luthor," her sister repeats. "You were full on in her lap."
"You're lying," Kara splays herself over the couch. "I don't—remember anything. And Lena Luthor? The tech mogul?"
Alex ignores her.
"I had to take away your phone, and then you threw up in the shower. You don't remember that?"
"I was under anesthesia. I can't be held accountable for my actions," Kara shoves a pillow over her face, hoping it will block out the sound of her sister's voice.
"You're telling me you don't remember this woman?"
There's a slap of paper on her coffee table. Kara moves the pillow away, cracking open one eye to gaze down at the cover of a Popular Mechanics magazine. It's graced by a woman with gorgeous black hair with eyes an endless emerald green. She looks familiar, but Kara's not going to let her sister pull her chain today.
"Stop messing with me, Alex, it's not funny."
Alex glares back at her. "You really don't remember."
Kara grumbles and places the pillow back over her face.
"Check your texts," Alex lobs Kara's phone, and it hits her square in the stomach.
"Ow!" she shouts, chucking the pillow at Alex who dodges it easily. She sips at her coffee smugly.
Kara unlocks her phone, eyebrows furrowing, and reads her last text.
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"When we came back to your apartment," Alex continues, enjoying herself too much. "You kept trying to make out with your fern plant. You kept calling it Lena."
"You tried to eat a frozen pizza."
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cortanaaq · 4 years
A/N: This came in later than I expected,it’s really long but I hope you enjoy it.
This is for the anon who requested nct or tbz spending Halloween with you. So I did nct 127 ;’) sorry for waiting 
**also thanks to @365nct, i used one of their incorrect quotes for the jaehyun one haha hope they don’t mind
  NCT 127 – Spending Halloween with you
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-He was not really used to celebrating Halloween if it wasn’t for the SM Halloween party
-So this year you got him unprepared
-but he doesn’t mind celebrating as long as it is with you
-he came with the idea to have a couple costume and that was ,,,,
-yup you guessed it
-Beauty and the Beast
-but this time he was the beast and you ofc,the beauty
-because he can’t repeat the incident from 2017 where he was dragged to dress up as Belle and winwin was the beast- anyways
-he glares at you every time you bring it up lol
-this time he pulled the uno reverse card tho
-because he definitely treats you like a prince/princess all the time,he went shopping for costumes with you
-he bought everything you wished for,even the crazy unnecessary decorations like a stupid flying skeleton or a witch dressed as a hooker
-like what even is that?? He wondered but laughed when you gave him puppy eyes
-“it’s funny tho,it would look good at the entrance “
-he snorted
-obvs taeil couldn’t resist those eyes and the pouty lips that he kissed in the end
-spends the whole night eating the candies you’ve got
-he likes to take a loooot of selfies so be ready to be bombarded with funny filters
-after you both get tired of all the dress up thingy,you too decided to watch a horror movie
-classic but he knows what he’s doing
-whenever you cling onto his arm or squeeze his hand he smirks and hums into your ear
-you know he’s teasing and he chose that movie on purpose so you occasionally punch his arm when he tickles you with teasing small pecks on your cheeks and neck
-but you secretly enjoy it don’t lie
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 -Oh johnny boy 
-I think for sure Halloween is his fave celebration because he always plans to visit Chicago in that period
-for this and for Christmas of course 
-he likes to celebrate it in the US cause the traditions are kept alive there 
-so he’s excited to take you trick or treating 
-You chose Corpse bride for costumes
-you were so excited to do his make up as Victor and he was excited to see you dressed for a wedding lmao
-While doing his make up before leaving for treating,he kept looking at you being so concentrated 
-“you look so beautiful like this babe”
-“johnny I look dead“
-he laughed and kissed you when he got the opportunity 
-and ofc he couldn’t contain himself from making cheeky remarks  either
-and you get mad at him for talking and smudging his make up by accident
-“you distracted me !!”
-but you like his annoying ass and would never be actually mad at him
 -plus he looked good even with smudged make up
-you think maybe it’s too smudged but he lifts you up and kisses you harder that before
-…and now you’re both smudged  but you don’t really mind as you kiss him one more time
-after all,you leave for trick or treating but realize you’re a bit old for this 
-he will not go home without corn candies tho so you’ll have to force him to do so -but because he looks around and sees mostly children,
-he suggests going to a party in the neighborhood 
-it was a party thrown by his friends ofc 
-and you were more than happy to show everyone the power couple you make together
 -he drives there,one hand on the steering wheel,one hand on your leg
 -occasionally caresses your skin and you blush a little 
-he knows your weaknesses tho
-you arrive at the party,everyone is in awe,,,he can’t really stop bragging about you
 -and you have a great time meeting his American friends for the first time
-seeing you tired after a while of being there,he comes closer to you and hugs you from behind
 -whispers in your ear how gorgeous you looked and how everyone loved you 
-and how he’s gonna take you home and spend more time as real ‘groom and bride’;;))
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 -this cute baby couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Halloween with you
-and not to baby him even more but his idea for the costumes was to dress up as among us characters
-yes,,among us characters
-specifically black and pink
-can you guess who’s who?
-he went full shopping mode with you and dragged you through  the stores only to find the perfect match
-and you did ofc
-you came with the idea to throw a party and invite the rest of your friends
-he checked the list of things you needed to buy for Halloween
-and you teased him saying he stressed too much and we should have fun instead of worrying
-“but baby you know if we throw a party,we need to have enough drinks and food”
-puppy eyes: checked
-speaking in tiny: checked
-how could you say no lmao
-and after you bought everything necessary (and unnecessary),,
-you came home to decorate and to put your costumes on
-tried to kiss but you forgot you had the helmets on lmfao
-you both giggled like two kids
-he looked so cute when he put his science goggles on his head
-and you made sure to capture every single angle of his cuteness
-too many pics ,,
-too many
-you had a lot of fun especially that you organized a costume contest
-and you didn’t win because you were the hosts pfff..
-it’s not like everyone voted you for having the coolest couple costume
-kinda sus if you ask me
-n ee ways
-the party was a success and everyone had fun
-you ended up eating so many sweets  
-even tho tyong told you to slow down
-he took care of you and bathed you in kisses and cuddles after everyone left
-“you eat too many sweets every Halloween,,do you even learn?” says as he caresses your cheeks and gives you a long forehead kiss
-“but I can’t help myself,,too good and sweet”
-‘”you’re too good and sweet”
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 -It was the morning of 31st October
-the only thing in your mind was the Halloween party at sm you and yuta were going to attend
-and ofc you didn’t want a lame costume,you wanted something cute
-but powerful
-and not to be a cliché but you asked yuta if he wanted to be dressed as anime characters
-man did he give you a look
-he chuckled lightly at your request but couldn’t say no
-“baby the fact that you’re Japanese makes it 1000x better”
-you cup his cheeks in between your hands and he laughs holding you on his lap
-after all he agrees and you go shopping for costumes
-as you thought,you didn’t want to be the basic anime characters so you chose a cute and powerful couple
-Kagome and inuyasha
-When you saw yuta wearing that long white hair-wig,your heart did a flip
-he smiled so large when he saw you wearing that pretty school uniform
-you made him take you in his arms immediately only to start smooching your face
-“baby my make up”
-you were pouting,but he was smirking coming closer to your ear
-“ I will make up for this later,promise”
- he said that biting your ear lobe softly
-oh boy you wanted to forget about the party only for yuta to “make up” for you but
-you could’ve handled that later that night
-you had a great time partying with the members and other idols at sm
-yuta held onto you the whole night feeling so proud to have such a gorgeous s/o only for himself
-but what you had planned after the party was much more exciting ;;)
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-This little sh
-that you loved to the moon and back 
-was a bit skeptic about partying for Halloween 
-for your sake tho,he prepared a horror movie marathon for both of you
 -he also suggested cooking something thematic 
-you actually caught him few days ago watching an instagram video of ‘how to make eyeball lollipops”
-You were like ???
-“I want to make these for Halloween because you don’t need to bake anything you know”
-“so we won’t burn the kitchen down? Ok!”
-you agreed faster than he thought
 -and that made him doubt his cooking skills for a bit but anyways 
-you too didn’t really have anything planned for a costume but you decided to surprise him
-with a bunny costume
-not an onesie,no
 -bunny ears and a bunny tail 
 -while he was concentrated on cooking,
-you showed up wearing a cute lingerie and that bunny costume on you 
-“ hey bunny,wanna snuggle?”
-you leaned on the door frame while trying not laugh
-in that moment he was tasting the jam
-but when he turned around and saw you LIKE THAT 
-he snorted and dropped the spoon full of raspberries 
-he was absolutely sure you wanted to give him a heart
-attack somehow
 -but he came to his senses and approached you with a smirk on his face
 -you couldn’t even think for a bit because in the next second he lifted you up to kiss you 
-“you made me drop the food and make a mess,,do you think I’ll let you go with that?”
-you blushed harder than you thought and suggested to help him clean up the mess 
-but he cut you off mid-sentence with a deepened kiss only to tell you with a low tone
-“those raspberries can wait,the bunny wants snuggles doesn’t it?”
-you tried so hard to keep your cool but who can blame you?? 
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 -Another Halloween enthusiast
-he couldn’t wait to dress up as Gomez and Morticia Addams
-you even helped him with the make-up,drawing a mustache on his face
-“haha very funny’’,
-he responds sarcastically every time you look at him and try not to laugh
-but damn the costume was pure gold
-you both looked amazing and he even managed to kiss your hand,up to your arm and neck
-just like Gomez kissed his wife every time he had the opportunity
-you both went trick or treating,along with johnny,mark and other members
-then came back to the dorms and ate so many candies
-jaehyun couldn’t help but stare at you every time he had the chance
-and you knew this costume was a perfect match because you could show him how sexy and elegant you were
-taeyong prepared some food for you all and you had few drinks
-told a lot of horror stories and felt like kids again but jaehyun was waiting to go home only to spend more time with you
-“ the food is too hot,I can’t eat it ::( ’’
-you complained while the others turned their heads to look at you especially taeyong who was about to apologize for the food being too hot
-jaehyun: ‘’you’re hot but I’d still eat-“
--he was cut off mid-sentence by taeyong who slammed his hand down on the table
-you all started laughing and looked at jaehyun only to see him grinning like a little bitch he is
-you knew how cheeky he can be so you got up and came closer to him to wrap your arms around his neck
-closer to his ear so you can whisper nonsense, that apparently got him happier that you intended
-he was one lucky guy for sure
-and the Halloween was once again one of his favorite holidays
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 -Jungwoo wanted something cute this year
-he was very excited to show you what costumes he prepared for you both
- he kept saying it was a surprise and told you not to prepare anything cause he will handle it
- so while you were preparing the candies for the kids, he snuck up on you and covered your eyes
- you could’ve sworn you felt something fluffy covering your face
- you touched his arms and tried to feel it
- and realized he was wearing paws
- ???
- “babe what are you-“
- he cut you off and turned you around to face him
- he was wearing a big Snoopy costume,with a red bowtie as well
- you felt yourself dying of cuteness
- because now you had THE actual snoopy as your boyfriend
- a bit weird but CUTE ok cute
- “do you like it?? the red bowtie is part of the costume so we could match”
- you looked at him all smiles
- his eyes were sparkling just like a puppy’s :,(
- He grabbed your hand and took you to your bedroom to show your costume
- it was the same snoopy costume but you had a red ribbon on top of your head
- you were excited to try it on
- and when you showed him the costume, he gently approached you to kiss your forehead
- “aren’t we the cutest?”
- after that, he helped you give sweets to trick-or-treaters and so many kids were in awe when they saw you two
- you took pictures to send to his family
- and in the end, you two ended up falling asleep
- cuddling on the couch surrounded by the candies left because you weren’t very active this year
- but still had a great time
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 -This year mark wanted it different
-he didn’t only wanted to crave pumpkins or go trick or treating
-he needed a break from every exhausting activity because being and idol
-and well,,
-being mOrk
-he was tired and needed an escape from that solicitant lifestyle
-he surprised you one day with a small trip to an orchard outside of Seoul
-you were so excited because you knew the weather was going to be in your favor
-plus you knew mark was a nonconformist and he wanted to make the time spent w you very special
-like every time
-such a cutie oml pls-
-you two took the train till there,admiring the view from the empty cabin you were in
-he was holding you close and your hand all the time
- occasionally he kissed the top of it
-but you always turned to give him a quick peck on his sweet lips
-you liked to see him all giggly and shy,rubbing his hand behind his head
-when you arrived there,you were accompanied by a guide
-showing you around the orchard
-you were so excited while looking around,looking at the different colors of the apples
-mark grabbed two baskets and offered to help you pick few red and beautiful apples
-you were picking them and from time to time you felt mark’s gaze on your body and smiled
-while he was distracted, you snuck up behind him only to see him startle
-you giggled when he picked you up,spinning you around
-only to leave a sweet kiss on your nose and lips
-after the apple picking,you went to a café that was only few miles away from the orchard
-ate apples on the way because you were a bit tired and very hungry lol
-at this cute café,you two spent some time chatting and just staring at each other
-because you were both cute little hopeless romantics <333
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 -Haechan was actually going to lazy around that day but nope
-you dragged him out of the bed
-telling him you want to crave pumpkins because otherwise
-you will bite his ass
-he gave you the most shocked look
-then managed to laugh
-“I wouldn’t mind,just bite the corner,,just a small bite”
-you rolled your eyes and puffed air from your nose pretending to get mad
-you walked out of the room and grabbed your coat and the car keys
-“yeah right then I’m going to buy the pumpkins myself”
-he came after you giggling and insisting it was a joke
-but you knew and were obvs trying not to smile
-he was a sucker for your pouty face so he loved pissing you off
-little cute shit
-you finally arrived at the local market and bought two big pumpkins
-so orange and tasty
-haechan took a tiny pumpkin and said he’s going to make it your child
-“haechan I’m not gonna shove a knife into our kid,don’t name it!”
-he knew if he names an object and something bad happens to it
-you get attached to it and get sad
-so in the end he didn’t name it but still got it home
-at home,you tried to look on pinterest for craving ideas
-and haechan laughed cause that was silly
-“cmon babe are you seriously looking that on the internet? Just do- *stabs the pumpkin in the middle and cuts out the lid* -this”
-he looks at you with a smile on his face and you just stand there
-like “I’m really dating a gemini huh”
-you try to cut your pumpkin but the skin was too hard
-and managed to drop the knife out of your hands with a loud bump on the floor
-haechan literally jumped thinking you cut yourself but you were just standing there,,
-bbq sauce on your tidd-
-jk jk
-you were standing there looking at the guts spilled all over the floor
-you sighed but haechan gave you a hug
-“you clumsy baby,gotta be careful. Let me do it for you,,you just scoop what’s left from the inside”
-and you did as he said a bit disappointed that he took the hard work
-even tho you wanted to show him you don’t need help
-but he knew you were an independent person anyway
-that’s what he loved about you actually
-after you were done with cravings,it was the tiny pumpkin’s turn to be cut
-you and haechan just turned to look at each other and he saw you giving him a trembling bottom lip
-“we can’t cut it baaabeee…” you whined
-“okay then just ..let’s draw a cool face on it,no harm”
-you agreed because obvs you couldn’t cut the child you had with him pff
-you took the marker and drew a caricature of your bf on it
-before showing it to him,you covered his eyes and suggested him to sit on the couch for few moments
-he was wondering what you were doing
-after a while you led him,eyes still closed,to the fireplace where you placed the pumpkins
-he opened his eyes and saw the tiny pumpkin standing between the bigger ones
-“see,these two are us and the tiny one is the kid”
-he gave you a look,his eyebrows rised but then laughed
-he hugged you and gave you a small kiss
-he then looked at the bigger pumpkins and stated nodding
-“damn we’re kinda ugly ngl”
taglist: @peachyhan​  --(who wants to be in the tag list,lmk!!)
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hiii! can i get some spooky halloween prompts? anything goes: supernatural, terror, costume party... thanks!
Sure thing! Normally I would have done these last since I do requests in order but since they’re Halloween themed I decided to do them first just in case I’m not done with the prompts in my inbox by the end of the month or something.
Dialogue Prompts
1) "Hey, I got us invited to a costume party but we've got to bring a live animal for some reason." "Were you invited by someone who sacrifices animals?" "You know, they mentioned something about a sacrifice but I just thought they misspoke and meant to say sack of ice." "Yeah, we're not going to that." 2) "Hey, I accidentally joined a cult again, can you come pick me up?" 3) "Were you making out with Person A?" "It was just heat of the moment!" "We thought we were going to die when you chased us around with that fake chainsaw!" "Does Person B know about this?" "DO NOT TELL THEM." "Oh...I'm gonna." 4) "Grab a shovel, idiot, we've got to raise another person from the dead." "Ugh, again? Didn't we just raise someone else?" "Yeah, and now another person is dead so we have to do it again." 5) "Great. I'm alone. I'm alone in the fucking woods dressed like this. I'm gonna get murdered. I am. I'm gonna get murdered because Person A doesn't know how to follow simple fucking directions. It's great. Perfect, just where I wanted to be." "Are you talking to yourself?" "Jesus fucking Christ! Don't sneak up on me like that. God! Should put a fucking bell on you!" "I've been behind you the whole time." 6) "Sun comes up in two hours, we have to go back home." "I don't want to be a creature of the night like you." "Yeah, well, no one asks to be but you are. And it's either hide or burn." 7) "Hey, my shithead relative's in town so we're taking their things and burying them in the woods, wanna come?" "Wont they notice things are gone?" "Yeah, but they think my house is haunted so it's fine." 8) "Person A?" "What? Did you hear another noise?" "There's someone watching us over there." "Get in the car. Quickly, quickly!" 9) "You absolutely cannot wear that costume." "Why? Cause I look fucking sexy as hell in it while you're dressed like some furry?" "First of all, I'm not dressed like some furry. I'm dressed like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. You know that. And Second of all, it's a Halloween themed birthday party for CHILDREN. No, you can't wear your sexy BDSM catsuit. We're going to celebrate a birthday not get hit on by single mothers/fathers." "Maybe you're going to celebrate a birthday. I'm looking to get some phone numbers." "Change." "God you're a buzzkill. Fine!" 10) "Oh my god, there's the killer!" "You know, they're looking kinda sexy in this lighting." "They've murdered six people." "Maybe I should ask if they're up for destroying my-" "Stop talking!" 11) "Oh no, I sure hope no murderers are out there looking for me, Person A, a sexy and single person who likes long walks on the beach and having a good time with fun, adventurous, sexy singles in my area!" "God. Can you just act like a normal person for five fucking minutes, please? Please? I am literally begging you." "What? I just want to let everyone know I'm not afraid of a little danger!" "People are dead, Person A." 12) "You're holding my hand." "I just don't want to get lost in the woods at night." "You keep squeezing it tighter when you hear a scary noise." "Okay, so I'm scared. What? You going to call me a chicken?" "No. I think it's cute when you hold onto me tighter." 13) "You look like you're going to vomit." "I am, I'm incredibly sick. I was gonna go home, but Person A showed up and they hate me so I swallowed a handful of blood capsules so when I throw up it looks like blood." "Why would you do that?" "Because I hate Person A and want to scare them." "But what if they don't care." "Then they look heartless in front of everyone. Basically a win for me." 14) "How'd swallowing blood capsules go?" "Turns out they're super toxic and I had to go to the hospital immediately. But I did find out that Person A doesn't hate me, they're actually in love with me but didn't know how to express that because they're bad at expressing feelings. So we're dating now." "Jesus Christ, I can't believe that's the story you're going to have to tell your future kids." 15) "Don't panic, but I have a knife in my chest." "You what?" "I fell when I was carving a pumpkin and ended up stabbing myself in the chest with a knife. I'm fine though." "You're not fine, you stabbed yourself." "I'm fine, I'm driving myself to the hospital right now." "You're driving?!?!" 16) "What are you going to be for Halloween, Person A?" "Myself." "That's a horrible costume, it'll never win the contest. Go as a dog." "Sound's like Person A already is!" "Fuck you, Person B!" 17) "Person A got hammered and threw up in a child's Halloween bucket." "That's okay, they said trick or treat. Not everyone can be lucky enough to get a treat. It's about time kids started receiving some tricks." "I'll go give them the rest of the candy bowl and apologize. You keep A here." 18) "HEY! DID YOU FUCKING BUY THESE WAX CUBES THAT SMELL LIKE CANDY CORN?!" "Yeah." "Don't you EVER buy these again. Person A just ate seven before I read the packaging." "Why didn't Person A read the package? They're a grown ass person and it fucking says wax cubes on the front of the package." "They're a dumbass, Person B! You know you can't leave inedible things that smell like foods around them. Remember what happened with the scented erasers?" "Yeah, that was a weird hospital visit." 19) "Why would you want to go on a hay ride when you can ride me right now?" "Never been disappointed on a fucking hay ride." 20) "Switch costumes with me. Person A and I accidentally ended up matching and if they notice and point it out to everyone and call us twins I might end up killing someone." "Person B, is that you?" "Oh fuck me..." "Person B!" "I have to go, distract them so I can get away!"
Regular Prompts
1) A and B are invited to a party thrown by someone they work with, Person C, but don't know them that well. They get there early and it's just them and Person C tells them to help themselves to food while they fix something outside. A opens the freezer and panics when they find a severed head. It looks real and A and B decide they need to leave. Just as they're about to leave the power goes out. 2) A's in an unhappy relationship with Person B. Instead of going to a party with their friends like A wants to do B insists they play with the new ouja board they got. A doesn't want to but B complains until A gives in. They accidentally summon a demon and while B leaves them behind, the demon, Person C, insists that B was a piece of shit anyway. A and C form an unlikely friendship and when A finds a way to bring C into their world permanentally the two decide to live together and C helps A get out of their relationship. The two then get together after getting to know each other and A discovers dating demons is way better than humans. 3) A and B are close friends who almost kiss but then it's interrupted when vampires show up and start terrorizing the town. The two begin a hunting spree with a few friends to take down all the vampires and the experience makes their friendship stronger and the two share a first kiss after they take down the last vampire together. 4) A and B are at C's house for a party, someone they've known their whole life. They realize halfway through the party that the locked basement they've never been in is unlocked. They decide to go down to see what's down there but immediately regret it when they turn the light on and find C surrounded by bodies and their hands and mouth covered in blood as they tell both of them they can explain everything. 5) A group of friends sneak into the park during Halloween even though it's closed and discover that the public bathroom has a body and the whole place is covered in blood. They decide to leave and call someone but they don't get a signal and now five people in dark cloaks are chasing them with knives. 6) A and B are known for being unscareable since nothing's ever made them scream out of fear. Their friends try to scare them throughout the whole day but they're unable to. The go to visit A's grandparents in the nursing home after A's parents insist. But when they go there they walk into the wrong room and find two old people doing it and A and B, along with the rest of their friends, scream in horror before closing the door. Unable to look at another old person they visit A's grandparents, but don't make eye contact and none of the friends make fun of them for it. They all just go trick-or-treating and agree to never speak of it again. They all forget about it until the next Halloween when they're sitting around watching TV and A's parents walk in telling A to go visit their grandparents. The group of friends simultaneously scream NO in horror and the story ends with them all shuddering at the memory. 7) A is unscareable so their friends hire someone to fake a news broadcast and pretend to be a murderer loose in their area. A isn't scared but when the fake murderer walks by and A sees them through the windows they all pretend not to believe A because A's a known prankster. A sees them more and more around the house with a knife but it isn't until A turns around and the pretend murderer is right behind them in the house that they scream. Everyone either records it or takes pictures before admitting to A it's just a prank. (Bonus if A already knew about the prank and hired the fake murderer to pretend to be murdered by someone A knows who actually just got out of prison. No one gets hurt but A definitely gets back at the others for trying to scare them.) 8) A group of friends find a giant pumpkin in the woods and when they find it has a door only Person A is brave enough to go inside. The door closes behind them and disappears and when someone comes towards the pumpkin they don't know they explain their friend is stuck inside. The person explains that the pumpkin is actually a carnivorous plant that digests the people who walk in on Halloween and that it can eat twenty people at a time. Before they can get worried or call someone Person A bursts out the side of the pumpkin carrying two kids and telling the others to come help the rest of the people inside. The others are still shaken from being inside but A tells the others they're going to need a chainsaw and a truck. A ends up saving more people and making sure it's empty before the friends help them make pumpkin pies for the entire town. A ends up getting a first place ribbon at a pie contest they didn't enter and the friends are hailed as town heroes. 9) A group of friends go camping and ask Person A and Person B to go find Person C, who's near the road and doesn't know where everyone else is. The two hate each other and end up getting into a heated argument where they end up wandering around and getting lost. Unable to get a signal on their phones or figure out how to use a compass they end up getting more lost and end up seeing someone watching them. The two are terrified and run away. The stranger chases after them and soon more people pop out of nowhere, terrifying them as they run around. When they finally see a light they run towards it and find out they walked all the way across town where the community had set up a haunted house in the woods for people to walk into. The two end up hating each other less but agree they're never going camping again. They end up getting a cab and just decide to get Person A's car and go to a restaurant for food. 10) Person A and B are dating when Person A gets their head stuck in a fake pumpkin and B has to call the fire department. A laughs at their situation and B just stands by, completely embarrassed by their significant other.
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lupienne · 4 years
The Reality - Negan and Lucille
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Hey guys, here’s a little Halloween fic of Negan and Lucille. I started it like two years ago and never felt motivated to finish it. So I finally sat down today on Halloween and wrote the end of it, and while I’m not really happy with it... whatever. Here it is anyway! I think it’s kind of bittersweet, but that’s just me. 
The Reality
Gourds were on porches, leaves on the ground, and the stores were filled with pumpkin-flavored everything. The crisp air was a slap to the lungs, in a good way.
I'd always loved Fall, and I'd always looked forward to Halloween. That night when reality wavered on the edge. When you could be dark or light, the opposite of yourself – when you could be anything for just a few hours.
I hadn't been a fan of the days passing by lately. Dread sat like a tumor in my stomach.
The reality was... that reality fucking sucked.
I watched my breath puff out white as I came home on Thursday. Maybe it wouldn't fucking rain this Halloween. We might get snow instead.
After dinner, I polished off a few apple cider donuts, then settled on the couch to watch TV with Lucille. She was quiet and sleepy-eyed as the clock ticked towards my bedtime. The holiday was days away, falling right splat on a Saturday.
“Tony said he found some fuckin' booze flavored like Candy Corn. I hope that's not all he's gonna have, because that's gross as fuck.” I yawned. “What do you think I should dress as? Fuck, I shouldn't have waited until the last minute.”
We always attended Tony Synder's party down the block. I wasn't really crazy about the guy, but I'm not gonna pass up free food or secretly laughing at the neighbor's costumes. (I always looked fucking amazing.) I liked to switch up my style, but Lucille usually dressed as a witch. And not some sloppy, warty green hag...but a hot fucking witch. Her slim figure in a black corset, her tits pushed up, her cascade of black curls falling over one eye. In years past, we'd come home from that party partly drunk and ripping each other's costumes off as we stumbled through the door. God damn. I was almost getting hard thinking of it.
Almost. The past few years, Lucille had me at arm's reach and I couldn't blame her. I was shit, I was an unfaithful piece of shit, but she-
That shit didn't matter anymore.
“He-Man,” she said with a chuckle. “I want to see you rocking that little leather harness.”
“Goddamn, that's right on the edge of indecent exposure. Isn't he practically naked?”
“Why do you think I suggested it?”
“I would make a hot blond.” I slid closer to her, and she nestled against my side. “You gonna be my Bewitching Beauty as always?”
She was quiet for so long I thought she'd fallen asleep.
“...think I'm gonna sit this one out.”
“But why?”
“I don't know. Just not up to it, I guess. But you go, have fun. Maybe you'll find a hot date.”
I swallowed hard. After everything....I couldn't laugh at those types of jokes.
“...Stop that shit. You're the only hot date I want. I don't wanna go alone. We don't have to stay long.”
“Look, Negan, they won't want me there.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Tony adores you, which is why I ain't his biggest fan, cause I know he's always wanted to stick his dick in you-”
She let out a laugh that was more of a scoff. “Doubt he feels that way now. Nobody wants a dying woman at their party, making things awkward.”
I felt like I'd been punched in the goddamn balls. My stomach went to my throat and I roiled with sudden nausea. Eyes burning with acid. I fought it, I fought it motherfuckin' hard . My jaw clenched like I was in rigor mortis, my body shuddering.
“Don't...don't say fucking shit like that.”
She nudged my ribs. “God, calm down, Negan. What about this, huh? I don't have any hair.”
“It's Hallo-fucking-ween. Everyone is wearing a motherfuckin' wig right now. You'll fit right in.”
She leaned her head on my arm. “I'm tired. I'll think about it. Ok?”
That meant no. But it wasn't official yet, so I was gonna stop at the party store and buy that fucking He-Man getup and the best witch wig I could find. She'd change her mind right quick once she saw me in that loincloth.
As she went to bed, I stared out the window at the orange light of our Jack-o-lantern. The nausea had settled back into my bones. A constant undercurrent, moving through my veins like poisoned blood.
Too many tricks, life. Not enough treats.
Friday night. I stopped at the party store. The cashier rung up my purchases, then looked me over with a twinkle in her eye. I refused to be flattered – ok, I was kind of fucking flattered. The wig for Lucille was the most expensive they had. If you squinted, it looked nearly like her natural spill of curls.
At home, I put my hand on the package, and felt a rush of fucking darkness come over me. I had to fucking sit there, like so many nights, fighting the thoughts that stung like needles. If I let them keep stinging, the tears would come – the fucking breakdown would follow.
So I fought it. I shut it down. I fucking locked it up, because Lucille doesn't like it when I fall apart – and why should she? I'm the man. I'm supposed to be her rock. She hates it when I cry. I hate it when I cry.
So I fucking smiled when I walked in the door. I smelled Chinese food. Lucille was already piling mine onto a plate – the sweet n' sour chicken I love. All she ordered was a tub of Wonton soup. I frowned, but said nothing. At least she's eating.
She looked at the bag in my hand, and she too, said nothing. “Dinner's ready. And I rented some Halloween movies.”
We ate and watched Child's Play and Micheal Myers and a leprechaun who makes bad jokes. I didn't mention the costume or the party, but I knew I'd be going alone. I spend the last movie wondering how I'll excuse my wife's absence, and how the fuck I'm gonna endure the pity in their eyes. It fucking pissed me off. That they're putting her in the ground already. That she's putting herself there.
“Honey,” she rubbed my tense arm. “You ok?”
“Yeah, babe. Just...indigestion.”
And damn this woman, she got up to make me a cup of peppermint tea. I sat there numb, wondering what the fuck I'm going to do without her.
“By the POWER OF GRAYSCALE, behold my glorious sword! ...and by sword, I mean dick.” I adjusted He-Man's fake-fur loincloth. Played with it, flipped it around. I wore some black boxers under it, but I was still worried about...slippage. I looked so fucking ridiculous.
I slid on the blond bob wig, examining the hot mess in the mirror. “Haha, oh yeah! What a fine motherfucker. Jesus H Christ. I am a glutton for punishment. Ok, babe. I'm decent! Come check me out before I head over there!”
“It's Grayskull, not Grayscale. Get it right, Negan.”
The bedroom door swung open and my mouth dropped. My Lucille stood there, the black wig cascading over her shoulders. Her body, slimmer than ever, hugged by a slinky black dress and purple corset. Glitter dusted her chest and cheeks.
“Goddamn, woman.”
“I couldn't miss out on that Candy Corn booze.”
I smiled, but we both knew she wouldn't be drinking that. She'd be spending the night over the toilet. I had to banish that thought fuckin' quick. She already spends too many nights over the toilet.
“I'll taste test it for you first. Let you know exactly how fucking disgusting it is.”
We headed down the block, passing early Trick-or-Treaters. The rain had come after all, but merely presented as a pathetic drizzle. The mist in the air diffused the street lamps into yellow balls of light. I wish I'd brought my coat to drape over Lucille's bare shoulders. Spooky music played from our elderly neighbor's house and he waved at us. Lucille waved back.
Tony's yard had become a graveyard of cardboard tombstones and dry ice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucy shiver.
“Want me to go back and grab a coat?”
“Don't be dumb. We're almost there.”
On the porch, Tony's tween kid sat in a lawn chair with a bowl of candy. No costume, how quaintly rebellious. She looked bored as fuck until we rolled up, and then she snickered openly. Dear fucking God. I hoped my loincloth was in place. My nipples were like fucking pebbles on either side of the plastic harness. I quickly banged on the door.
Tony opened it. “Negan! And Lucille! Very nice, very nice. Love the costume, although I'd never call you a witch. Or anything rhyming with it.”
We did an obligatory laugh. The tween rolled her eyes.
“You look cold, Negan. Better step inside. I got the lager ready to go.” Tony had the same damn smirk as his kid.
“Why did you pick this costume for me again?” I muttered. We passed through the entryway strung with a beaded curtain of bats and spiders. The living room was bathed in red light and Monster Mash blasted from the stereo. Tony's wife always went all-out with this shit. A skeleton sat in the armchair and fake cobwebs were every-fucking-where. I hoped the dry ice didn't affect Lucy's breathing.
Wifey Tanya came over, hugging Lucille and complimenting our costumes. I glanced down, wondering how they saw her. Did they know the shadowed eyes and gaunt cheeks weren't make-up? Did they notice the weight she'd lost?
I still saw beauty. The cut flower, vibrant and blooming –just don't think of the future, the withering-
Freeze that shit in time. I closed my ears to nothing but the soundtrack of screams and creaking doors, back-lit with the wailing of ghosts. Party guest voices blabbered over it all. We melted into the past. It was another party like the parties of years before. Slightly pathetic in that 'thirty-something's hanging out' kind of way. Laughing too loud. Secretly sizing each other up.
At least the lime green jello shots were good.
So yeah, it was just another lame party, and because of that, it wasn't. Because for a while...we were normal. Lucille laughed. I saw her smiling. Within her costume, she wasn't the Sick One. She was the mischievous witch, mingling with devils and cowboys and kitty cats.
Mrs Tillerman from school was there. She drank too much of that nasty Candy Corn atrocity. I caught her checking me out and I felt – for maybe the first time ever – ashamed. Other women looked at me too, making slightly-tipsy comments in my direction. I was glad Lucille was across the room, no doubt bored out of her mind listening to Ms Crouch talk about her fucking kids. And by kids, I mean her cats.
“Mmm, hello, He-Man. Nice sword. Remember that time after school?” Mrs Tillerman, winking and nudging.
“Sorry, He-Man has no fucking recollection of that.”
She'd sucked my dick once. Just once. That was really enough for me. I think I'd only allowed it because I could. Now, I saw what a fucking piece of trash I was. Hopefully, when she sobered up, she would too.
“You don't?” She took another swig from her solo cup and let out a burp. I quickly turned her in the direction of the bathroom. Just in time, because Lucille was drifting my way.
“Motherfuckin' crowd is getting drunk. There's probably going to be barf in the apple-bobbin' water. As if bobbing for apples isn't fucking gross enough.” I had to yell as The Addam's Family theme blasted from the speakers.
“Yeah.” She looked pale under the glitter.
“You had enough?”
I knew she had. We'd done it, we'd made our appearance, we'd given proof of life. I squeezed her hand, then found our host. I was tired, had papers to grade, been a great party...you know the bullshit, Tony.
We walked home silently. I wanted to ask how she was feeling. It was a lump in my throat. She'd probably just be annoyed. Say I was worrying too much. Say she was fine.
The warm glow of our porch washed over us. It sparkled the glitter on her cheeks, flushed pink from the cold. I wanted badly to kiss her. Instead, I fumbled in my He-Man boot for the house key.
Kids screamed and laughed on the street, swinging their bags of candy. It was just another Halloween in a long line of them, stretching out into our future. Maybe ten years from now, our kid would join the others.
Tomorrow, I wouldn't think like this. But tonight – fucking dammit, I was going to pretend we had years ahead of us.
I got the door open, got us in, shut it against the chill.
“Fuck. Don't know if that was worth going to. You have fun?”
The orange glow filtered in through the glass panel of our front door. Moonlight through the windows, silvering the interior. Everything was dark, but sharply edged with white. Lucille turned to face me. She discarded her witch's hat, the wig – no...her hair, looking real and soft and luscious, spilling onto her shoulders. She slowly drew one hand up my naked stomach and my skin shivered under the touch.
“He-Man,” she rasped. “I've put you under my spell.”
“It's Lucianna. Maiden of the Night. And I've cast my spell upon you.”
I imagined she'd gotten that crap from those dumb novels she liked to read. The ones with guys who wished they were as hot as me on the cover. “Oh yeah? What spell is that?”
Her hand drifted under my loincloth. I let out a breath. Shit. I hadn't felt her touch me there for weeks.
“The spell of Lust. I'm irresistible to you.”
She didn't need a spell for that.
She rose to her tiptoes, her cold arms against my chest. “...Negan. Make love to me. “
It's too strenuous for you. You'll be tired. I'm afraid I'll hurt you -
She didn't look tired. Her eyes were dark and wide, her skin sparkling. The chilled hands sliding under the plastic harness were strong and sure. Her lips hungrily pressed to my chin. “...Don't resist me, He-Man. Give me this night – a Halloween like we used to have.”
I fucking melted like the half-frozen rain under the burning Halloween moon. What could I do?
“By the power of Grayscale, I pull forth my sword, Lucianna!”
“That's Grayskull, He-man!” She laughed as I backed her to the couch, my hands fumbling at her corset. “Ooh, that's such a big sword you have. You sure you can lift that thing up?”
“Witch, I'm gonna impale you so fuckin' deep with my hard steel. You just fuckin' wait.”
“Oh, I'm waiting, but you still have your clothes on.”
Heh. Good thing He-Man was half-fucking-naked already. The witch was helpless to my brute strength as I lifted her and carried her into the bedroom.
To be honest, there wasn't anything rough or hard about it. Even on devil's night, I had to maintain some sense of restraint. My hands gently stroked ribs under frail skin, planted kisses onto delicate shoulders and licked along a ridge of collarbone. Lucianna, my withering flower, her beauty stretched across bones.
Her hands, digging hard into my shoulders, her legs, wrapping me like squeezing pythons – well, they felt anything but weak.
After, we lay breathing and nestled together. The light outside came and went, broken up by drifting clouds. Lucille's sharpened features were softened. Her wig was still on and still looked real as fuck – money well spent. Her eyes, half-lidded, were tired, but tired in a good fucking way.
“Not a bad fucking Halloween, huh, Lucy?”
“Pretty damn good fucking Halloween,” she whispered.
She closed her eyes, and I watched her, drowsing there in the dark. Her spell was slowly melting away; her magic could only veil the truth so long.
But for a few hours, reality shifted and wavered on the edge. She was alive, she was here, and we would spend our nights beside each other, just like this.
For just the brief span of our last Halloween night, I could have it. It was my reality.
And the reality was... that reality was fucking great.
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thisislizheather · 3 years
June Jaunts 2021
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July always feels like one big long nap to me. There’s never really anything going on, kids are off school, adults seem to work less, it’s kind of great in that way. Maybe I won’t hate it this year? In any case, here’s what went down in June.
I compiled the best tweets of June over here and here.
I visited and wrote about the new Rockaway Hotel and pool.
I did Nathan’s podcast amidst his hiatus.
I recapped what I did from my spring list and made an upcoming summer to-do list, which I really encourage you to do on your own.
I read and reviewed The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Archor.
I’ve almost finished watching Living Single and seasons one through four are definitely the best ones. Love the episode where Kyle says goodbye to an old jazz venue that gets demolished, such a solid show.
I just saw the latest issue of the LCBO magazine and someone needs to pick me up that dill pickle vodka immediately.
Dying over how good the Strawberry Pound Cake candle smells from Bath & Body Works. Also picked up the Whipped Coffee candle for later this year from their semi-annual sale.
I went on an impromptu day trip to Connecticut.
I met up with Irene in Chinatown so I went early to walk around because man, I love that area.
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Above Photo: Chinatown NYC, June 2021
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Above Photo: Doyers Street, Chinatown NYC, June 2021
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Above Photo: Irene!
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Above Photo: Me!
I ate at dell’anima and it was insanely disappointing. It felt like being in a cafeteria at the mall, it’s just a terrible location. I wasn’t expecting much since I knew it was on 11th Avenue, but still. I had no idea it would be so deeply casual (which is upsetting for an NYC restaurant). The food was as average as could be. Also, can we stop with the plastic cups at restaurants? It’s time.
I also stopped by Anfora which is a pleasant little spot, especially before or after dinner.
I went to Daily Provisions and tried their roast beef sandwich and salted caramel brownie and does everywhere just suck this month? And I support Danny Meyer, but he truly is the master of overpricing food. Also - on what planet can a brownie taste bland?? Tell me??
I’m on the lash extension train again (I know, I’m weak) and I just got them done at Lash Princess in the city and they look incredible so I’m definitely going to return.
I rewatched Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding and yep, still great.
Love the stationary/toy store Modern State on the Upper East Side.
I’ve heard about cotton candy grapes for years and have never been able to get ahold of them, but I just found them and whoa! Everything you want them to be and more. Am I bothered by the fact that they’re 1000% modified and MUST be terrible for humans to eat? A bit.
I finally ate the Wednesday sandwich special at Mama’s Too on the Upper West Side and it was pretty incredible. It was a roast beef au jus with horseradish cream on top of their house-made pizza crust. It was a little heavy on the fatty pieces of meat, but once those were taken out, it was insanity to eat. Take a look.
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Above Photo: Roast beef au jus with horseradish cream at Mama’s Too, NYC
We saw A Quiet Place 2 in theatres and yes it’s an okay movie but it was too suspenseful for me after not seeing a movie in theatres for so long. I don’t think I want any more suspense in my life
We also watched The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It at home and meh. Patrick Wilson can still get it, though.
Yet another great song off of Olivia Rodrigo’s album.
I finally got a reservation at Forsythia and it was looooovely, I can’t wait to go again. The restaurant itself is beautiful and such a perfect date place, the chairs are gorgeous and comfortable, the service was flawless and the pastas were phenomenal (the garganelli was a standout for sure). And god knows how much I love a place that serves their bread with olive oil as well as butter, WHY DOESN’T EVERY PLACE DO THIS?
I had to try the panzanella salad at L’Artusi and of course it’s great, but it’s also just so genius to put the cheese ON THE BOTTOM of a salad like this one. (Also, I’ll forever support whatever this team wants to do.)
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Above Photo: Heirloom Tomato & Burrata Panzanella with Stonefruit, Sourdough, Basil, Yuza, Nigella at L’Artusi, NYC
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Above Photo: Bucatini with Pancetta, Tomato, Chiles, Pecorino at L’Artusi, NYC
I tried the new Milk Bar cookies at Whole Foods and they truly taste like the cake truffles at their stores, so watch out.
The two best gelato flavours at il laboratorio del gelato? 1) Peach 2) Ginger. I’m telling you.
I’ve been looking for the perfect navy raincoat for years and I finally found her at J. Crew on sale for $71.
I tried the gelato at Anita Gelato and even though the wild strawberry with ricotta & mascarpone was really good, there’s no way it’s worth waiting in line for twenty minutes.
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Above Photo: Wild strawberry with ricotta & mascarpone with a vanilla scoop, Anita Gelato in NYC
A great piece, with great photos on NYC reopening.
I made hash browns at home and does everyone do this already? It’s ridiculously easy and satisfying and I had no idea.
I’ve been on a real orzo bender lately and this tomato one was great. So was this lemon basil one (I added a ton of fresh parmesan and it was nuts).
This sketch is old, but I just saw it for the first time and man it’s great.
The new Halloween trailer is out and I want to love it but can’t we just let some things die?
This Target candle reminds me of Florida vacations and I want to buy ten.
I stupidly ate at Eataly (don’t do it, especially if you live in New York, you should know better) and of course it was bad. What a smart idea to eat at a place called Le Pizza & La Pasta, I’m a moron. Even smarter, I got the steak tartare and it was as bland as the day is long (and look I know I’m a clown for not even ordering pizza OR pasta when it’s in the name). The basil vodka cocktail was pretty good, though.
One thing that Eataly is good for, though, is selling really good dried pastas. I finally tried the brand Afeltra (the pasta as well as their canned tomatoes) and wowza. Definitely will be buying again. Best dried brand I’ve tried so far. Oh! I also bought this Ponti Balsamic Vinegar that tastes like candy, it’s so good. It’s thicker than other balsamics, so maybe it’s more of a finishing vinegar but I highly recommend.
I made these white chocolate apricot scones (and then later that week some white chocolate strawberry scones) and they were phenomenal. I did use cake flour because that’s all I had and I think that might be the reason they tasted so great. Also, it’s a wildly easy recipe to follow incase you’re intimidated by the word “scone.”
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Above Photo: White chocolate apricot scone
I started watching the new season of Dave and it’s so well done I could scream (do you remember how good this part was from last season?). Such a good show. I do sort of hate men more by the end of each episode, so I don’t know what that’s about but I think I’m okay with it.
Bought a new nonstick frying pan (the GreenPan) and it’s incredible. Sometimes the answer is new cookware, no matter the question.
Nathan bought a new filtered shower-head and it’s making me excited for every shower now. Just a powerhouse. Feels like I’m at a hotel in there.
Since it’s summer, I’d love to make these summer recipes:
Grilled Caprese Skewers with Halloumi and Sourdough
Pan-Seared Scallops with Chorizo and Corn
BLT Pasta Salad
Summer Coconut Chickpea Curry
Strawberry Crumble Coffee Cake
Some things that I’m looking forward to: I’m not usually into miniseries but Nine Perfect Strangers looks pretty good so I might watch that, we’re going to TWO weddings this month so that will be wonderful, and I really need to get back in a pool so I’m working on that happening.
If you have any interest in reading what went on in May, come on over here.
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cals-sunflower · 5 years
Spooky date? (Z.K)
You and the friend group decided to have a spooky szn small party. Of course the boys were the host and you helped set up for the night. When you first met the boys back in 2017, Zion was someone you always had a crush on, and to this day you still had the biggest crush on him. Everyone in the friend group knew but him, it was how it worked. But it was safe to say you both had really big feelings for each other and neither of you knew. Tonight’s activities were watching movies, carving pumpkins, making cookies and putting up fun Halloween decorations.
“Hey mamas, set the pumpkins over there please”, Z pointed at the table with the pumpkin carving utensils on it. You nodded and began setting the pumpkins up. Some of them were big and some were small, knowing everyone was gonna wanna do something different. Nick and Edwin started cooking some food to go with the snacks that was already set up. Making chicken, rice and vegetables being that it was meal everyone ate.
“Mm team work makes the dream work. Ed and Nick that smells so good!”, you bothered them with light hugs. They both smiled knowing at least one person appreciated their hard work. You sat on the counter eating candy corn because it was just that season. Zion comes and spreads your legs apart to stand in between them.
“Y’all look a little cozy there, hm?”, Brandon made faces at the two of you. Zion’s response was putting his arms around your waist and flipping off Brandon. You let out a laugh and rubbed his back like you always do when it’s just you two cuddling in his room or on the couch.
“Less talking more helping people”, Austin joked. You and Z pulled away, and he helped you don’t from the counter. Not that you needed help but it was just a better way of getting closer to you. After an hour the party was in swing. You and the girls were over by the pumpkins while the boys were dancing around to the playlist Edwin made and baking cookies. Or at least attempting to bake them.
“What’s up with you and Z girly?”, Maggie sparked a question. You sent a playful glare at her.
“Nothing is going on, we’re just friends”, you looked at the group. They all gave you a knowing looking basically saying “quit lying you like him and you know that”. You just decided to ignore them and smiled.
“Baby, what are you making?”, Zion came behind you and asked quietly.
“I’m tryna make a face but it’s not working”, you look up at him.
“You’re seriously adorable mamas”, he laughs and makes you stand up from the chair, after you stand up a little he sits down.
“Z, you can’t just steal my chair. I kinda need it”, you said.
“Do you want help or not?”, he pulled you down into his lap and began to work your hands around the pumpkin. Maggie recorded you guys and posted it on her close friends story with a caption that said “awe look at their spooky date🎃🧡” .
“And there you go ma, all done”, his eyes looked between you and the pumpkin you guys just got done carving.
“Thanks to you”, you turned around and smiled. Zion placed a small kiss on your cheek and grabbed you gently to get up so he could get some food being that it was ready now. As soon as he walked out of eye shot, the girls tuned to you with looks.
“What?”, you blushed.
“We’re just friends my ass. You guys like each other Y/n”, Izzy says.
“Oh stop it , that’s not true. He’s my best friend”, you blushed.
“Just best friends don’t call each other baby or mamas or love”, Haley winked. She has a point there because you guys do things that are not things friends do. Getting ripped out of your conversation by Zion calling out to you.
“Mamas !! Come here for a second”, Z yelled from the kitchen.
“Im coming Z, give me a second ”, you yelled back and rolled your eyes. You and the girls laugh at how needy he’s acting.
“Hurry yo ass up, come taste this because I know you didn’t eat”, he yells again. You get up and walk towards the kitchen, Zion he made your plate for you.
“Awe Caleb you made me a plate of food? Thank you bubba”, you kissed his cheek.
“Oh y’all dating dating?”, Nick looked between you guys. You and Zion give Nick a look and then continue eating.
“Y’all are deadass the same person”, Neviah laughs along with Twiggy and Brandon who’s cuddled up with Maggie on the couch.
“Don’t worry about us”, Zion winked at you. This is what confused you, does this mean he feels the same way or is he just messing around. After everyone else gets done eating, it was time to eat cookies and watch Halloween based movies.
“Hmm what’s the movie tonight?”, you asked everyone sitting either on the couch or the floor.
“Well me and you have a spooky date to get to which is just us time”, before you had a chance to think Zion picked you up from your spot on the couch.
“Caleb!”, you looked at him and he smiled walking up the stairs to his room. He dropped you on the bed and began looking for something, he pulls out a bag that had all your favorite snacks including some festive snacks for the Halloween season.
“Let’s watch a movie, yeah?”, he leaned down and kissed your cheek. Your heart started beating real fast and you thought quickly, before he could pull away you grabbed him and kissed his lips. You’ve been looking at them all night because of how soft they looked and one of your weaknesses about him was his lips and his dimples being a close second.
“Mm your lips are as soft as they look”, you bit your lip.
“I knew you were looking at my lips during the evening but I didn’t wanna say anything cause I thought I was tripping”, giving you that award winning smiling of his.
“Oh whatever Caleb”, you pushed his shoulder and he laughed. He sits next to you opening up the snacks and turns on The Nightmare Before Christmas knowing it’s a movie you enjoy watching. All of sudden Simba comes and lays with you guys.
“Hi baby, I haven’t seen you all night”, leaning and giving Simba a kiss on his head.
“Where’s my kiss?”, Zion pouts playfully. You rolled your eyes and kissed him once again. He squeezes your waist and kissed your forehead.
“Best spooky date ever”, he smiles once again. You nodded in agreement.
“Best spooky date ever”, you popped some candy corn in your mouth and layed with Zion’s arms wrapped tightly around you and Simba laying down near your feet.
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aquamarineicecream · 5 years
Rewind Sanders Sides Superhero AU - Chapter 2
Ao3 Link
>Chapter 1
>Chapter 3
Buying discount Halloween candy at five A.M. was always a good idea, especially when you hadn’t slept at all in the past twenty-four hours. The surprise on the cashier’s face was evident, but Remus disregarded it as he dumped the armful of candy he had been holding onto the checkout counter with a mischievous grin. That grin only grew as he watched the cashier take in his appearance, from the worn black pirate hat on his head to the machine gun strapped to his back.
“So, how much will it be?” Remus asked, moving the dark gray mask covering his eyes up to just beneath the brim of the large feathered hat. The teen behind the cash register just stared at him for a moment, still taken aback by all the weapons Remus had on him. Remus assumed the boy could only hope they were fake. It was only when Remus cocked his head slightly to the right and his expression turned impatient that the teenager quickly started scanning and bagging the candy in front of him.
“Since most of it is 50% off it’ll be, um - ” The boy paused to read the number on the screen in front of him - “$167.93.” Remus didn’t look fazed by the high cost as he pulled five fifty dollar bills out one of the four pouches on his belt and dropped them on the counter without even checking to make sure it was the right amount. He picked up the bags and turned on his heel to leave as the cashier scrambled to get the correct amount of change from the drawer. “Wait, sir - ” the teen started, attempting to call out to the customer before he made it out of the store.
“Keep the change!” Remus interrupted, shifting the six bags full of candy he had bought to one arm so he could wave goodbye to the perplexed boy behind him before pushing out of the convenience store’s glass doors. Remus adjusted the bags so he was once again carrying three bags on each arm as he marched out into the crisp autumn night. He loved the feeling of the cool breeze on his face. Remus decided that since it was never too early to start the day, he’d go to the park for a while to relax and enjoy his first meal of the day.
As Remus walked the short way to the park, he contemplated what he was going to tell the people who had hired him for his current mission. He had known the mission was cursed from the start, of course. No one ever paid that much money for his services unless they seriously meant business. Then again, it was hard not to mean business when you ordered a hitman to take out your enemies. Although he knew that logically he should be suspicious of the rich strangers, he never had lived a life led by logic, had he? And furthermore, he always enjoyed a good challenge; it was what kept his job interesting, after all.
Remus plopped down on a lone bench under an old willow tree once he reached the park. He didn’t particularly care that a middle aged man who appeared to be homeless had already been sitting there. Remus had no qualms about setting down the bags in the space on the opposite side of the man. He lowered the black cloth covering his mouth before talking.
“You changed, little bro,” Remus addressed the man in the thin, torn coat next to him while he started looking through one of the plastic bags holding the different containers of candy. The man glanced at him in confusion before Remus took out a bag of 3 Musketeers and tossed it into the tired man’s lap. “Here, eat up. I got your favorite.” The man frowned as he opened the large bag and took out one of the individually wrapped chocolates before speaking in a rough voice.
“I don’t know you.”
Remus cackled in response. “Oh c’mon, admit it. I know it’s you. I always know it’s you. I mean,” Remus paused mid-sentence to laugh again, “I may be getting a little crazy around the edges but ever since we were kids you couldn’t fool me.” Remus grinned at the ground for a minute before getting his candy of choice from the bag. The other man just unhappily unwrapped his candy before eating it. He didn’t respond until after Remus had eaten a few sour gummy worms, but this time his voice was much livelier and more arrogant than before.
“You do know that technically even though you’re twelve minutes older than me, we’re still twins, right? So it’s not fair for you to call me your little brother,” the man said, through a mouth full of chocolate. Remus turned to face his brother and smirked when he saw the young man was dressed in his usual outfit of a white suit that strongly resembled a prince, save for the bright red cape that had a large gold ‘C’ on the back.
“Twelve minutes still counts as older, Ro.”
“What are you doing here? What time is it even? And more importantly, how much money did you spend on just candy?”
“Hey quit scolding me! You’re gonna sound like your nerd friend soon. He always has something to say about me, too. I only spend a hundred something dollars. And it’s sometime after four, I think,” Remus said, as he gave up on the gummy worms, choosing to start attacking the candy corn instead.
“A hundred dollars only on candy?!”
“It was on sale, Ro, what else was I supposed to do? God, when did you get so booooring?” Remus rolled his eyes and ended up deciding to wrap a gummy worm around a candy corn before eating it so he would have an excuse not to pay attention to Roman’s noise of offense. “Oh yeah, it was when you decided to get all high and mighty. All princely.” Remus scoffed and ate his combination of candy.
“I can’t believe you’re still bitter, Remus. It’s been literal years!” Roman crossed his arms, looking annoyed. “And you still haven’t answered my first question, though I bet I already know the answer.”
“You’ve gotta remind me what that question was cause you know how bad I am at remembering stuff.” Remus was still smirking to himself as he treated himself to more of the delectable treats before him while Roman glared in his direction.
“You’re going after Virgil Messana, aren’t you?” Roman’s tone was accusatory but Remus didn’t bother looking up from the mixed Hershey's bag he was rifling through.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Remus.” Roman had stopped glaring for the moment and instead had taken to getting out another piece of candy. He missed the frown on Remus’s face as Remus finally looked up from his own bag.
“What gave me away? I was so careful that he wouldn’t see me.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Roman started sarcastically, “Maybe the fact that you hit me with a car while I was going after him!” Roman turned to glare fiercely at his brother.
“Wait, that was today?” Remus responded lightly. “Oops. My bad, Ro. But I guess you’re right. I am after him. I was hired by some shady fellas to get rid of him. I still don’t get why though. He’s just some skinny kid our age.” The container of Lemonheads on his lap was forgotten momentarily as Remus fidgeted with the edges of his fingerless black leather gloves.
“It’s weird to think that we have the same target again. And not a good kind of weird.” Roman ate another piece of chocolate before continuing, “But the good part about doing this my way is that I got to read Messana’s case file.” Remus looked intrigued before Roman had even finished speaking.
“What does it say? Who is this Mr. Nobody from Nowhere that everyone wants dead?” Remus looked borderline desperate, as though his life hinged on getting the answers to his burning questions. Roman, on the other hand, looked almost smug to have the upper hand over his twin.
“It’s getting late. I should really get going, Remus. The others will be worried if I don’t get back soon.” Roman flashed Remus his signature grin before grabbing a handful of chocolate and slipping it in a hidden pocket in his suit. He moved the bag from his lap to the bench beside him before standing up and dusting off his knee length cape. Remus grabbed Roman’s hand, looking at him like a child trying to convince his parents to buy him ice cream. Roman, however, simply pulled out of his grasp. “I really do need to go. I’d hate for Logan to wake up and see that Pat and Dee and I are all still gone. I’ll see you around. And you know I’d wish you good luck if we weren’t after the same target.” Roman hesitated for a moment before adding in a much softer tone than with which he usually spoke, “Take care of yourself, brother.” It was clear Remus hadn’t been paying attention or cared enough to acknowledge it though, so Roman turned around with a sigh, his sad expression only lasting for a second before it morphed into what felt like someone else’s face entirely.
“Ro, wait!” Remus called after Roman, after the former had already walked a bit away. Roman instantly froze in place, waiting with bated breath to hear what Remus had to say. “At least tell me why Messana is so important!” Remus shouted, causing Roman to release his breath. Roman should’ve known to expect another question about their target. After all, he had taught himself by now not to expect anything even vaguely reminiscent of fraternal concern nor caring remarks from his brother.
“They said that if he lived, this guy Virgil would change everything,” was Roman’s only response. Remus stayed silent, for once at a loss for what to say. The beaten down, middle aged man in the weathered brown coat walked out of the park without another word, disappearing in the light of the sunrise.
Next Chapter>>
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
Hiiii Maria! Seasonal Newmann u say? How about uhhhhh wine tasting + corn maze for them guys
Anonymous said: For the prompt meme,,, corn maze pls
from autumn fic meme here: 18. wine tasting + 27. (x2) corn maze
It was a bad idea from the start and destined to fail, Newt will admit that. At the time, though (after a long day of ingesting as much sugar as possible at the fall fest, rounded out with a genuine wine-tasting in a big spookily-lit tent) it sounded great. And Hermann agreed it sounded great. They’re scientists, Newt said. They’re some of the greatest ones of the century, probably. How many scientists have hooked their brains up to an alien hivemind and lived to talk about it? Exactly two–and it’s them. He’s pretty sure they can solve a stupid corn maze. Even tipsy. Shit, they could probably finish it in five minutes.
Twenty minutes in, the wine has worn off, the temperature is dropping with the sun, and it’s becoming very clear Newt overestimated their abilities.
Hermann is not amused. “We’ve passed that scarecrow already,” he says. “I’m certain. We’re walking in circles.”
Newt gazes up at the one Hermann’s pointing to. It’s hokey and cliche, just like the rest of the maze (with its jack-o-lanterns and fake cobwebs everywhere): creepy sack head, plaid shirt, pitchfork strapped to a hand that sways in the wind. If they were in a horror movie, it’d probably come to life and chase them. It doesn’t. Newt can’t tell if he’s disappointed or not. “I think they just all look the same, dude,” Newt says. “Look–” he points to a corner. “That pumpkin looks new.”
“It looks like every other pumpkin we’ve seen today,” Hermann says, scowling at its jagged, flickering smile, “because it’s the same one.” To really hammer in his point, he repeats “We’re walking in circles.”
“Even if we are,” Newt says, “which we’re not, at least it’s giving us some quality time together, right?” Hermann turns his scowl on Newt. Newt, unphased, inches over and takes his free hand. “It’s just you, and me.” He strokes his thumb over the back of Hermann’s knuckles, through his stupid-cute red mittens. Hermann’s scowl begins to twitch into a smile. “And that evil scarecrow.”
Hermann snorts, and doesn’t pull his hand away, which Newt counts as a win. “It is unsettling,” he agrees, and makes a face at the scarecrow’s sack head. It flaps sadly back at him. “Come on. I don’t fancy being stuck in here after dark.”
“Wait a sec,” Newt says. He digs around in the deep pocket of his overalls before finally producing a small brown bag of candy corn. At Hermann’s inquisitive stare, he adds, “I know it’s gross, but I’m hungry.” He needs the sugar rush. Get his brain working. The wine made him sleepy.
“You ate four candy apples today,” Hermann says, but takes a handful himself. 
Twenty-five more minutes pass. The sun sets. Newt’s pretty sure at least five bats pass overhead. They finish off the candy corn. They make out against a few hay bales for a bit until Hermann complains that it’s irritating his skin. Eventually, they reach a small fork in the path, which Newt thinks is probably a good sign, because they haven’t seen one of those yet–only four-way splits. “Well, babe,” he says, “left or right?”
“Left,” Hermann says immediately.
“Oh,” Newt says. He scuffs his boot against the dirt ground. “Uh. I was actually kinda feeling right.”
“Hm,” Hermann says. His voice gets the way it always does when he’s preparing to condescend to Newt. He adjusts his glasses. “I see. Only, you know, Newton, we haven’t taken any left turns yet–”
“Haven’t we?” Newt says.
“We haven’t,” Hermann says. “I’ve been keeping track.” (Probably why they got lost in the first place.) “I think we ought to take a left.”
“There’s nothing down that way,” Newt says. “There are more pumpkins down the right way. Look.” A row of more flickering jack-o-lanterns down that path, lining the corn hedge, more cobwebs. The left side is dark.
“Obviously an attempt to fool people like you,” Hermann says, “who take directions from pumpkins.” He gives Newt’s hand a sharp tug. “Left, Newton.”
“No, you dick. I’m not–”
Something moves directly ahead of them in the corn. Newt freezes. 
Hermann does not freeze. “Oh, what is it now?” he sighs. Earlier, when they’d done the walk through of the “Haunted Manor” in the main part of the fair (an old farmhouse decorated with more hokey Halloween stuff, employees dressed as ghosts leaping out from corners, and a foggy backyard full of punny styrofoam gravestones), Newt kept grabbing his shoulder and hissing boo in his ear to make him jump, so Newt has a feeling he’s all spooked-out at this point. And all patienced-out. Unfortunately, it’s not Newt this time.
He shushes Hermann and draws him a little closer. “I think there’s someone over there,” he whispers.
“I’m not falling for that again,” Hermann snaps. “Don’t–” More rustling cornstalks, closer to them, this time. Hermann jumps; he clings to Newt’s arm. “What is it?” he hisses.
Newt’s imagination takes that chance to run wild: one of the scarecrows, magically brought to life with nightfall and stalking after them. A giant monster with a pumpkin head. The ghost of someone who got lost in here years ago (just like them) and starved to death and is going to take its revenge. Aliens. “I don’t know,” Newt hisses back. Heart pounding, and for lack of seeing any better weapon, he snatches a dried and hardened corn husk from the ground and wields it like a sword in front of them. He nudges Hermann behind him protectively. “Stay there.”
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Hermann says, but Newt does anyway.
“Hey, asshole, what do you want!” he calls at the corn.
The rustling stops. For a second, Newt hopes he’s scared whatever it is off (definitely aliens, they probably recognized Newt and Hermann from how they handled the kaiju and were too afraid to try anything), but then it picks up–faster–coming right towards them–and then something bursts out at them, blinding them with a bright beam of light.
Newt screams (but only a little). Hermann swears. They stagger backwards, clinging to each other, nearly falling on their asses.
And then the light is lowered. “What are you guys still doing in here?” their assailant says, who looks less like an assailant and more like one of the minimum-wage teenagers in orange vests and flannel who have been working stands at the festival all night. Newt lowers the hardened corn husk and blinks, dazedly, at her. She’s holding a flashlight. “The farm closed thirty minutes ago.”
“Why,” Newt squeaks. He clears his throat. “Why were you sneaking around in the corn? You scared the shit out of us.” (Hermann mumbles something along the lines of speak for yourself, but Newt can feel the bastard’s heart pounding away even through his fifty layers of turtlenecks.)
“Some kid lost a cell phone in here and my boss is making me look for it.” The girl rolls her eyes. “We are closed, though, so–”
“Of course,” Hermann says. He brushes dirt off his sweater and tries to play it cool. “Apologies. We were, ah, having some difficulty figuring a way out of the maze…”
“Oh,” the girl says. She shines the beam of her flashlight to their left. “Go that way, and then take another left, and you’ll be out. Happy Halloween.”
Newt and Hermann return the sentiment, and, both red-faced and more than a little mortified, quickly scurry away. They’re out of the maze in minutes.
“I told you it was left,” Hermann mutters.
Newt elbows him. “Shut up,” he says, fondly.
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superiordragonlorde · 6 years
13 Days of Halloween
Challenge | Day 10- Word Challenge (Set 2) / “WHO ATE ALL OF MY CANDY!?” 
Category | Writing/Story
Day 10 for @bnhalloween-challenge ! Three more days to go!
I hope you guys enjoy this... whatever it is.
     Midoriya plopped onto the couch, laughing as Todoroki sat beside him.
     “Bro, chill,” Kirishima chuckled. “I told that joke, like, fifteen minutes ago.”
     “I know, I’m sorry,” Midoriya giggled. “But it was just so funny-” he snickered again, smile bright and wide. Todoroki watched him, a half-smile lighting his face.
     “I think he might have had too much sugar,” he stated. Midoriya gasped, dramatically placing a hand to his chest.
     “Todoroki, you wound me!” he cried. It earned him a soft chuckle from the typically stoic teen.
     “You nerds are fucking weird,” Bakugo huffed, setting his bag filled with candy on the coffee table.
     “Come on, Bakugo, lighten up,” Kirishima grinned, nudging him with his elbow. “It’s Halloween. That wonderful time of year where there are pumpkins everywhere-”
     “Pumpkin spice,” Midoriya added.
     “Spooky decorations,” Kirishima continued, giving an approving nod to Midoriya for his addition. “Scary stories, and the only time in the whole year where we can stuff our faces with candy!” Bakugo waved Kirishima off, smirking.
     “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He sat heavily onto the couch, dragging his bag towards him. Tipping it upside down, he emptied its contents onto the table, spreading the prized candy around.
     “Hey, Deku,” he grunted, chucking a package of candy from his pile towards him. “Here’s your shit.” Midoriya caught it, reflexes far sharper than when they were kids, and grinned at the sugary treat.
     “Candy corn!” he cheered. “Thanks, Kacchan.”
     “Bro, you said you wouldn’t give me any candy even if my life depended on it!” Kirishima pouted, pulling a kicked puppy expression. Bakugo rolled his eyes.
     “I hate candy corn,” he supplied. “But Deku likes them, so we trade.”
     “You two... trade?” Todoroki reiterated, eyebrow raised in disbelief. Midoriya nodded.
     “Yep,” he chirped. “Every year since we were kids.” He dug into his own bag, handing over a different package of candy to Bakugo, who took it with a gleeful expression.
     “Hell yeah!” he grinned. “Tyrant Habanero!”
     “Holy shit, you like that stuff?” Kirishima reeled back, as though the candy were a deadly disease. “That burns your mouth, man!”
     “It’s fucking great!” Bakugo tore the candy open, popping one into his mouth. Kirishima gave him a horrified look and scooted further away.
     “Bro, that’s so manly and scary,” he whispered. Bakugo flashed him a smug smirk.
     “Oh, hey, look who it is!” The four teens turned around to find Kaminari, Sero, Ashido, and Jirou entering the room. Kaminari was waving and grinning at them.
     “I didn’t know you guys went trick-or-treating,” he continued, coming over to lean on the couch Kirishima and Bakugo were occupying. “We could have gone with you!”
     “Would have rather died,” Bakugo grunted. Kaminari laughed, either assuming it was a joke or simply laughing at his Bakugo’s reaction.
     “Did you guys go to that super decked out apartment building about three blocks down?” Ashido asked, settling herself onto the floor. Midoriya nodded his head, sitting up straighter.
     “Yeah! It was so cool!”
     “You should have seen these two,” Jirou chuckled, pointing at Sero and Kaminari. “They screamed so loud Shoji, Tokoyami, and Koda all heard them from outside. Sero shrugged, sheepish, while Kaminari gaped at her.
     “Hey!” he cried. “That’s not true. I was the most heroic out of all of you guys.”
     “Sure,” Ashido drawled, chewing on a taffy. Kaminari scowled.
     “No, ok, listen up,” he ordered. “I’ll have you guys know, that was all just an act, ok? I wanted the monsters to underestimate me, so that if any of them were villains in disguise-” As he continued to ramble, Bakugo slipped his hand into Kaminari’s bag, extracting a handful of the candy inside of it. He placed the candies into his lap and put his hand back into the bag. The next handful of candy was shoved at Kirishima, who cautiously accepted them, still a little confused. He threw some at Jirou, who caught them easily, a wicked grin starting to curl the corners of her mouth. Most of the candy aimed at Ashido smacked her in the face and fell into her lap. She covered her mouth to silence her giggles. Sero shot a slab of tape towards Bakugo, who stuck the candies onto it for easier trading. The last two handfuls were chucked at full force to Todoroki and Midoriya, who both scrambled a bit to gather all the pieces.
     “So, no,” Kaminari finished, completely unaware of what transpired. “I wasn’t scared.” He gave a decisive nod as if he had made a valiant argument. Bakugo opened one of his stolen candies.
     “Sure whatever,” he grunted. Kaminari flashed a triumphant smirk and stuck a hand into his bag. The smirk fell.
     “Hey.” He looked inside his bag, brows furrowing. “Hey!” He flipped it inside out and looked scandalously around the room. “WHO ATE ALL MY CANDY!?” Most of the teenagers couldn’t hold their laughter back any longer.
     “Consider it payment,” Jirou snickered. Kaminari gave her a betrayed look.
     “For what?!”
     “For making us listen to your damn voice,” Bakugo growled. The laughter grew louder. Midoriya tossed the flabbergasted teen a bar of chocolate, sending him an apologetic look. Kaminari caught it, glaring at his friends.
     “That’s it,” Kaminari snapped, stomping to Midoriya and Todoroki’s couch. “I now only have one friend: Midoriya. He’s the only one that cares about me!” He perched himself on the couch’s armrest, slinging a shoulder over Midoriya’s shoulder.
     “We care about you two,” Sero argued, sticking Kaminari’s lollipop in his mouth.
     “Yeah,” Ashido added. “We want to make sure you don’t get any cavities.”
     For once, the blond who screamed “Fuck you” loud enough to shake the dorm building wasn’t Bakugo.
And... derp there it is.
Thanks for reading!
<Day 9  Day 11>
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foxesandferrets · 6 years
Stay Close To Me
After 12739812730 years, we finally filled our first request! Sorry for the wait, life happens a lot sometimes, but here it is :) The prompt was requested by an anon with the line “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Enjoy!
********                          ********
Halloween is one of Hinata’s favorite holidays, being surpassed only by Christmas with its presents and good food. He usually spends it dressed in silly costumes with Natsu, going to the small parade near their house where they get to see silly looking monsters in zip up suits and kids eating fistfulls of candy while their parents aren’t looking.
This year though, it’s a bit different. Sugawara had told the team that he, Asahi, and Daichi would be working in a haunted maze and invited them all to go. Without hesitation he accepted, excited to see his old teammates again.
It wasn’t a surprise for him that Tanaka and Noya were immediately down for it, and even if it took more work to convince Kageyama, he was happy with the way things were going.
How scary could a maze be anyways?
Looking at the big sign announcing the entrance to the carnival, Hinata realizes that at night and with real costumes and make up, a corn maze can in fact look pretty scary.
The sun was barely setting when they arrived, taking away from the atmosphere of the area. In the orange light the walls were just hastily painted particle board, the characters were just people in cheap grease makeup, and the corn was, well, just corn, with bits of light peeking out between the closely grown stalks. It felt campy and fun, and all around them was laughter and camera flashes as people took pictures with the characters patrolling around.
Kageyama, however, was tense by Hinata’s side, and it only grew worse as that last bit of sunlight disappeared and the dim area lights were switched on, suddenly making everything seem just a bit more real.
“Well, we’ve got the House of Horrors or Circus Creepshow. Which one do you guys wanna hit first?” Tanaka asks, reading a flyer and pointing toward the entrances to both mazes.
“Which do you think everyone is working in?” Noya stands on his tiptoes and peers over toward the Creepshow entrance, as if he could see over the corn and pinpoint one of his senpai.
“Guess we gotta do both to find out!” Hinata grabs Kageyama’s arm and marches toward one of the lines, surprised at the fact that he doesn’t automatically pull away like usual. It must be his nerves, because Hinata can feel him slightly trembling beneath his grasp. He smiles mischievously to himself, hoping to get some good pranks in on scaredy cat Kageyama later.
The line for the House of Horrors is shorter, so they start there. While they wait in line the boys talk and laugh with each other, deflecting the anticipation of being scared with humor and false bravery, but Kageyama remains quiet save for a few grunts and one word responses. Hinata notices him nervously watching one of the characters, a clown with tattered clothes and sharp yellowed teeth, who walks up and down the line, sometimes stopping and whispering in people’s ears, making them scream and hide behind their friends. As the clown draws near them they reach the front of the line, and Kageyama lets out an audible sigh of relief as the group is shepherded into the corn and away from the clown.
The relief doesn’t last long, though. All four boys go rigid as they see the stretch of corn before them like unmarked walls. The noise from the crowd behind them seems to disappear, and they are alone in the dark with nowhere to go but forward.
“Let’s go!” Noya says, with much less excitement than usual as he begins to walk forward. The others follow, and Hinata feels Kageyama reach forward and grab his arm.
“Ow!” He hisses, and Kageyama loosens his grip but doesn’t let go.
“Sorry. Just don’t wanna get lost,” he whispers.
The corn stretches on for what feels like too long, making a voice whisper in the back of Hinata’s mind telling him that they took a wrong turn somewhere and now they’re really lost, miles away from the carnival and the safety of actors dressed as monsters. Out here it feels like real monsters could slip right in and never be found out.
After another turn, they come to a stop. A house sits before them, completely surrounded by corn so they can’t slip past, with the windows boarded up and the door slightly open.
“Looks like a nice little place,” Tanaka says, trying to hide the waver in his voice. “Go on in, you two.”
“What? You go first!” Hinata argues, taking a step back and bumping into Kageyama. “You’re the senpai!”
“That’s why we go behind. Like security.”
Hinata opens his mouth to argue back but freezes as something moves past a gap in the boards on one of the windows. Kageyama’s grasp tightens on his arm, but he doesn’t say anything.
“This is stupid,” Kageyama growls, “I want to go back.”
His words suddenly fill Hinata with a false courage, turning this back into something fun. If Kageyama is afraid then he can be the brave one, and everything will seem less scary.
“Oh? I didn’t expect you to be scared by this kind of thing,” Hinata says, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing as Kageyama glares at him.
“Fine, fine, we’ll go ahead,” Noya says, patting Kageyama on the shoulder. “Anything for our poor, scared, little kouhai.”
Kageyama doesn’t protest, just glares more in Noya’s direction, the expression falling immediately as he and Tanaka pull open the door and slip into the house. They watch their shapes move quickly past the window and disappear. A few seconds of silence pass, and Hinata opens his mouth to speak.
“We should probably he-,”
He’s interrupted by a scream deep inside the house, his heart crawling into his throat.
“That’s them! We have to go in!” He tries to run forward but Kageyama pulls back on his arm.
“What? No! We can’t go in there! What if something got them?”
“Then we have to help them! Come on, Kageyama!”
Squeezing his eye shut and shaking his head Kageyama allows Hinata to lead him into the house, his fingers digging into his arm so harshly it makes him clench his jaw. The house is dim inside, the furniture dusty and dirty, like someone had vanished from it years ago in the middle of daily life. Hinata sees the back door open just through the kitchen, but as they turn the corner the dining room becomes visible, stopping Hinata in his tracks. The table is littered with body parts, all strewn haphazardly across plates and in bowls, dripping blood onto the floor with heavy splats.
“Oh god,” Kageyama whispers, putting a hand to his mouth. “Keep going, just keep going, please.”
“Okay, okay,” Hinata nods, tearing his eyes away from the scene and shuffling forward, but before they can reach the door a man in bloodstained clothes pops out from the hallway, brandishing a rusty saw, just as messy and dripping as the table.
“Nice of you boys to join me for dinner,” the man smiles, walking towards them, “why don’t you have a SEAT!” On the last word he lunges forward, and Kageyama screams. Suddenly his grip is gone from Hinata’s arm, and he doesn’t know where to turn between the man laughing maniacally in front of him and his friend sprinting out the back door.
“Sorry, we ate before coming!” Hinata yells, turning on his heels and running after Kageyama. He figures he must have met up with Tanaka and Noya somewhere up ahead, but when he finds Kageyama squatting with his head in his hands, their senpai are nowhere to be found.
Hinata kneels down beside him, holding a hand to his chest to feel his own racing heart. “That guy really got me,” he says, smiling now that the threat is gone and he can just feel his adrenaline pumping. “Let’s keep going and see what’s next!”
Kageyama just shakes his head, refusing to stand or look at Hinata. “Go ahead. I’ll stay here.”
“You can’t get to the end if you just stay still,” Hinata laughs, standing and reaching for Kageyama’s arm to pull him up.
“Then I won’t. I’ll wait until morning when the sun is out and all the people are gone.”
Hinata puts a hand to his mouth to stop his laughter from escaping. He doesn’t want Kageyama to murder him and leave him here in the corn for the monsters to feed on. “Fine, stay here all alone then,” he says, putting a lilt to his words to make them playful. “All night all by yourself. I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”
He starts to move away but Kageyama still doesn’t move, curling tighter in on himself. If that didn’t work, Hinata figures he’ll have to pull out the big guns.
“I guess you’ll have to miss volleyball practice in the morning. Since you’ll be wandering through corn instead.” He expects Kageyama’s head to snap up, but he doesn’t act as if he heard Hinata at all.
Something must be seriously wrong, so Hinata returns to his side.
“Kageyama? Are you alright?”
Still no answer.
Hinata kneels now, concerned by this odd behavior and forgetting everything about monsters and murders. He hears Kageyama’s breath coming out raspy and sniffling.
“Are you… crying?” he asks, all playful tone gone. He moves and places himself in front of Kageyama, leaning down and trying to see his face. Maybe he was one of those people that cried when scared.
“No,” he finally says. Even with his voice muffled by his hands that small word is enough for Hinata to know that if he wasn’t already, he was close to tears.
Hinata tilts his head in surprise. He never expected Kageyama to be scared of this sort of stuff, but just like he feared snakes with all his being, Kageyama’s fear… isn’t all that strange.
“It’s okay if you’re scared y’know? But… why didn’t you say so before? You could have waited with Yachi and Yamaguchi outside,” Hinata says, voice calm as if he were talking to Natsu.
“And hang around with that ugly ass clown? No, thanks.”
Hinata holds in a giggle, not wanting Kageyama to shut down again. “Well, we have to get out of here sometime or more creepy dudes will come to scare us off.” Hesitating a little before reaching out his hand, he takes one of Kageyama’s arms and gently tries to pull it away from his face.
He doesn’t budge.
Pouting a little, Hinata thinks on his next move. At least Kageyama's breathing is even now.
“Hey, I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Trust me, just like I do when you toss!” Hinata smiles to himself. This is so weird; not bad weird, he feels like warm jelly inside, but it’s weird nevertheless.
Kageyama looks up, his eyes are glazed over and his nose is red, but he remains calm as he holds Hinata’s stare. He’s so defenseless, a completely different Kageyama than the one he’s used to see when playing volleyball.
“Here.” Hinata holds out his hands to Kageyama. “Natsu takes my hand when she’s scared, so…” he lets the words linger, hoping Kageyama won’t be weirded out by the suggestion.
“Are you fine with that?” Kageyama’s voice regains some normalcy, but the lump in his throat can still be heard.
“Yeah, as long as you want.” Hinata smiles warmly, cheeks a bit warm.
When Kageyama takes his hand Hinata feels like a million butterflies broke their cocoons inside his stomach at the same time. His hand is smaller than Kageyama’s, a little colder too now that it’s surrounded by it, but it feels so nice.
“A-Alright, let’s get going.”
Both stand and continue their way through the maze, creepy sounds louder with each step they take. Hinata walks a little ahead of Kageyama in case something jumps out, but near enough so their hands don’t get separated.
A laugh almost resembling a shriek comes from some kind of construction in the distance, and Kageyama’s hand squeezes Hinata’s, his body approaching so close Hinata can hear Kageyama's breath quicken.
“I’m sure it’s only a recording,” Hinata comments, calming both Kageyama and himself. His heart beats a mile per hour, spurred both by the uncertainty of what’s ahead and Kageyama’s closeness.
The shriek sounds again as they continue, getting louder and louder until they find the source: a long metal trailer with a door hanging off its hinges. The shriek stops as they approach the door, and Hinata gives Kageyama’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Ready?” He asks, and Kageyama gulps before nodding.
As they step inside, Hinata’s heart jumps into his throat, but he tries his best to swallow it down, he needs to show Kageyama he really can count on him. The trailer is pitch dark, even the dim glow of the lights outside streaming in through the broken door failing to cut through the darkness. They continue forward slowly, trying to ignore the growing tension as nothing pops out of any corners and no noise breaks the silence as they feel their way through the area..
Hinata sees a stream of light ahead coming from what seems to be the only exit, a skylight above a bathroom sink. He feels a little disappointed that the room wasn’t scarier, but pushes the thought away as he feels Kageyama breathe a sigh of relief beside him.
“I guess we’re supposed to climb out through here?” Hinata says, looking up and seeing the starry sky above them. “You can boost me onto the counter and then I’ll help pull you-,”
“Only one of you can make it out of here.”
Hinata’s blood goes cold, hot breath accompanying the words as something materializes from the darkness and whispers in his ear. He turns, seeing only a shape and a glint of something silver in their hand, and his stomach lurches.
“GO, KAGEYAMA, GO!” He screams, tugging on Kageyama’s hand and shoving him at the bathroom counter.
“But you’ll-,” Kageyama protests, eyes wide and reflecting stars like twinkles of fear.
Kageyama let’s go of his hand and climbs onto the counter, easily pulling himself out of the skylight above. Hinata scrambles after him, feeling hot breath across the back of his neck as he climbs onto the counter with less ease than Kageyama and grabs onto the rim of the skylight. He hops, grabbing onto the roof but only managing to pull himself out up to his shoulders, legs dangling in the trailer beneath him.
Kageyama grabs onto his arms, pulling him up and onto the roof of the trailer. He barely has a moment to catch his breath before the shrieking sound returns and they both bolt down the stairs on the opposite side of the trailer and back into a stretch of plain corn-lined path.
Hinata pauses to catch his breath, but Kageyama grabs his hand again and tugs him forward. “Don’t stop, let’s just keep running. Don’t look back.”
Kageyama’s eyes are wide, pleading, and Hinata nods. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Hinata takes the lead and starts to run, pulling Kageyama behind him. They don’t stop, bursting through the door of each construction in the path and rushing past monsters and murderers who barely get out half of their dialogue before the boys are out the back door and onto the next area.
After what feels like hours, their lungs burning and legs pleading for them to stop, they come to a large wrought iron gate. Beyond it, past more corn, they can see the carnival full of laughing people eating candy corn and skirting away from patrolling monsters; their salvation.
“The exit is right up there,” Kageyama says, panting. “Why is this gate here?”
“What if we took too long and,” Hinata pauses to breathe, “We got locked in?” He points to a thick metal chain holding the gate closed with a rusty metal lock.
Kageyama opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by the metal jingle of keys as a shape emerges from the corn. The shape steps into the light, revealing a plague doctor’s mask beneath a long, thick black cloak. In one hand it carries a ring of keys, twirling them on one finger to taunt them, and in the other it drags a long metal axe across the dirt.
Kageyama’s face turns white and he ducks behind Hinata, trying to make himself small enough to hide behind the smaller boy. Hinata’s heart pounds in his chest so hard he can no longer tell if it’s from running or fear. His words repeat in his head as he tightens his grip on Kageyama’s hand. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. He’d meant what he said, and he wasn’t going to fail with the exit so near.
The plague doctor steps closer, painstakingly slow, his axe making a horrible scraping sound behind him. Hinata steels himself, holding his ground as the gap between them grows smaller and smaller. The plague doctor stops in front of him, leaning down to bring his beak closer and closer, and Hinata jumps to action, kicking hard up and between where he thinks the creature’s legs should be.
The plague doctor lets out a loud, very human, “oof” and buckles to the ground, gripping it’s cloak and bringing its knees to its chest. The keys fly in one direction, and the mask in the other, revealing a familiar face.
“Daichi-san?” Hinata and Kageyama yell in unison, dropping to their knees beside their former captain.
The corn rustles beside them and they jump to their feet, but another familiar face appears as Suga emerges with a plastic saw blade in one hand and a werewolf mask in the other.
“Oh god, guys, that’s the best thing I’ve seen all night,” he laughs, doubling over and clutching his stomach with the saw blade hand. “Take the keys and get out of here.”
“But Daichi-,”
“He’ll be fine,” Suga laughs again, putting down his props and kneeling beside Daichi to put a hand on his shoulder. “You guys should go before another group catches up. Seeing some kids killing the plague doctor and werewolf isn’t exactly good for our branding.”
They nod, and Hinata mumbles an apology to Daichi before grabbing the keys and letting them out of the maze.
Breathing deeply as he closes the gate, Hinata turns and looks at Kageyama staring back at him. Hinata can’t hold back his smile that quickly transform into a grin, and then he’s laughing. Kageyama snorts, forgetting everything about what they just escaped.
When Hinata’s breathing returns to normal, they finally move, starting to search for the others.
“I never thought I’d see you kicking Daichi in the balls,” Kageyama comments, lips showing the tiniest of smiles.
“Neither did I.” He snorts. “For my sake and, uh, Sawamura-san’s, I think it would be better if we didn’t tell the others about it thought,” Hinata says, sheepishly scratching the back of his head.
“Yeah. And, could you, uh, also not...not comment about, you know…”
As if on cue, a cry comes from the maze behind them, startling Kageyama and making him frown.
“That you’re a scaredy-cat?” Hinata grins, and evades Kageyama’s hands. “Of course, we have a deal.”
“Also… thank you.”
“I appreciate you… helping me back there and not laughing.” Kageyama looks to the ground.
“You’re very much welcome.”
Kageyama opens his mouth to talk again, but immediately closes it as Tanaka and Nishinoya run to them, shouting questions about what happened in the haunted house and where they disappeared to.
Hinata tells them about the rusty saw man and the creepy trailer, but skirts around the parts where Kageyama got scared and Sawamura’s accident. Kageyama at his side doesn’t talk unless he’s asked directly, and seems relieved when Hinata finishes telling the story.
Tanaka and Noya also tell them about their experience when they join the others waiting for them, but Hinata can’t completely focus. He walks close enough to Kageyama that their hands brush once in a while, so he has to gather all his energy to stop himself from just taking it.
His cheeks feel warmer as he comes to a realization.
This crush has become a huge problem. I may like him more than I thought.
He glances at Kageyama, who is already looking at him, and immediately his eyes dart elsewhere, trying to focus on Yachi talking.
He’ll have to deal with that someday… but definitely not today.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Apple Pie & Corn Mazes
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Request: Ooh yes fall requests are great and I didn't even think about that! I would love a fluffy dean x reader where she convinces him to go to one of those Halloween haunted hayrides/maze/house even tho he's not too into the idea at first? Thank you!
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: none
A/N: Just some fun fall fluff...
“Y/N, if anything is ever going to be a testament of my love for you, it's this,” said Dean. He parked the car in the dirt field, glancing at you that maybe he could still convince you to do something else today.
“Come on, Dean. You said you'd give it a chance. I gave you one and now you have an amazing girlfriend,” you said, sliding across the front bench to kiss his cheek, earning a barely there smile. “Someone likes me…”
“No idea what you're talking about,” he said, your nose nuzzling his making him laugh. “I'm not going to blush.”
“But you're cute when your cheeks get all pink,” you said, pecking a kiss to his always soft lips. He tried to bite at his smile but you saw your own start to be mirrored on his face as he shook his head. “Cute boys get kisses.”
“I am a man, not a boy,” he said, deciding on wearing a smirk. “I still get kisses.”
“My adorable man,” you said. “My adorable boyfriend that would make me really happy if he spent the day having fun with me…”
“You're lucky I love you,” he said, pressing a fast kiss to your lips. “Let's do this before I come to my senses.”
“You’ve been a puppy dog in love from the second we met, Winchester. Your senses are long gone,” you said, sliding out of the car, Dean coming around to your side to hold your hand as you walked towards the entrance to the farm decked out for fall.
“Pfft, you wish,” he said. “You wore me down is all.”
“I wore you down when you blurted out at breakfast that I looked pretty and then tried to pretend you didn’t say it for two days? Oh yes, I had to throw myself at you,” you said, tilting your head up to get a kiss from him.
“I know what you’re doing, Y/N,” he said, smiling as he handed the girl at the gate ten bucks and she waved the two of you inside.
“What’s that?” you asked, slowing your walk to look around and decide what you wanted to explore first.
“You’re teasing me so I’m in a good mood,” said Dean, squeezing your hand. “I’ll try not to be grumpy, promise.”
“If you really aren’t going to have a good time-”
“I already paid. If you’re having a good time, I’m sure I will too,” he said, sniffing sharply. “I think I smell apple pie.”
“Let’s go find you some. That’ll make you happy.”
Dean had sniffed out the pie in under five minutes, grabbing a slice of apple and pumpkin for himself and a big glob of cotton candy for you to share. He polished off the pie fast as you wandered around and saw some of the animals, spotting a kids corn maze that he could practically see over top of.
“I wonder if they have something a little tougher for adults,” he said, getting his answer about two minutes later when the scarecrow in a chair by a sign moved and scared the shit out of him.
“What the hell man!” said Dean, the guy in the outfit chuckling to himself. “Oh, I bet that’s the best part of your day, isn’t it?”
“Pretty much,” he said back. “You two doing the haunted maze? Starts in about ten minutes.”
“What is it?” you asked, buttoning your flannel as the wind picked up.
“It’s the corn maze for adults but people will jump out and spook ya,” he said. “You guys want to do it?”
“What’s the catch?” asked Dean, missing your eye roll.
“He obviously doesn’t so, no thanks,” you said, grabbing hold of Dean’s hand, stopping in your tracks when Dean tugged on you, turning to face the guy.
“What’s the catch?” he asked again, the guy handing Dean a sheet of paper.
“You have to hit all eight checkmarks. You miss one and you don’t get your free ice cream ticket at the end,” he said. “Listen, it’s not really that scary if you’re worried or-”
“Come on sweetheart, we got a maze to bust through,” said Dean. You were surprised but he seemed genuinely excited to go run around.
“You know that follow the left wall trick isn’t going to work in here. It’s normally a shape or something,” you said, Dean humming happily. “What, your hunter senses going off?”
“You’re actually nervous. Tough little hunter scared of some guy in a mask jumping out at her,” said Dean, chuckling to himself as you came to a fork and walked down one road.
“Am not,” you said, wrapping your hands around his arm, flinching when you heard a rustling in the stalks.
“Uh huh,” said Dean, rounding a corner, spotting one of the checkpoints, a hooded figure right beside it. “A million dollars that’s a guy.”
“How about you give me your jacket instead?” you asked, Dean wrapping you up in a hug.
“Cold? You left your sweatshirt in the car,” he said, shrugging off his jacket and putting it on you. “That better?”
“Yeah. Thanks,” you said, helping him roll down his sleeves and button up his shirt so he stayed warm.
“Of course. Now you stay close so I can steal your body heat,” he said, wrapping a hand over yours, pulling you to move forward again, your feet staying firmly in place. “How about you stay here and I’ll go get the checkpoint, okay?”
“Good plan,” you said, holding a thumbs up as he went down to the trail and picked up the stamp to mark your sheet. The guy didn’t move and Dean shrugged, just as you saw a zombie jump out in front of you. You screamed and Dean spun around with wide eyes, the zombie slouching over the side so Dean could get by. “Hurry, hurry, hurry.”
“Yup, should have guessed that,” said Dean, walking quickly passed the zombie that snarled at him. “Okay, you just...do that then.”
“How many checkpoints do we have?” you asked, Dean holding up your sheet to show only two, the first one a gimmie at the start. “Why did we do this?”
“I’ll protect you-ah!” Dean shouted, nearly jumping into you as a witch appeared through the stalks and gave a wave before cutting through again to go scare other people. You raised an eyebrow as you laughed, Dean trying to fight back his own before giving in and resting his hands on his knees. “That might not have been my best moment.”
“No, you were great. I feel so safe now,” you said, tugging him along to continue on the path, wearing a big smile.
“Awesome. Your turn to get scared next time.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” you said, all eight checkpoints marked off as you made your way through the last zig zags of the maze.
“Why, because we haven’t seen any Freddy’s or Jason’s or Michael’s in the past ten minutes?” he asked.
“Yes, exactly that,” you said. “There better not be-Dean!”
Dean jumped too but he was laughing at how you’d physically cowered behind him, out of the way of the scarecrows that just crawled out the stalks, children of the corn style.
“Let’s go,” said Dean, chuckling as he got you to giggle, jogging down a path and another, finally spotting the end and breathing a sigh of relief.
“Here you go,” said the scarecrow from earlier, handing Dean two free ice cream cone stubs. “You might have been the fastest to go through this year so far.”
“See, sweetheart? I got this,” said Dean, jumping when one of the scarecrows from the maze shouted boo behind him.
“Oh, I love you so much for that,” you said to the guy, getting a high five in return. Dean grumbled but you could tell he was faking. “Would you mind taking a picture of us?”
“Sure,” they said, Dean putting on a soft smile as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “Don’t forget your free ice cream.”
“Thanks,” you said, taking your phone back as Dean started to head towards the stand, grabbing a cone for you each. “Thank you handsome.”
“Thank you beautiful,” he said, walking slowly as you ate. “I actually had fun doing this somehow.”
“I’m glad. The sun’s starting to go down though. You want to grab some dinner on the way home?” you asked, Dean glancing at the pie again as he finished off his ice cream. “Somewhere with pie?”
“Yes please,” he said. “Next weekend, I’m going to figure out something fun for us. How’s that sound? A date night?”
“Sounds perfect, Dean.”
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug @darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball @feelmyroarrrr  @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass @fangirl1802 @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke @ria132love @heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen @missmotherhen @smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester
@tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @bennyh @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione @jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx @ayeeitsemry @mac5323 @atc74 @captainemwinchester @nanie5 @idalinette @quiddy-writes @pureawesomeness001 @poukothenerd @af112992 @mickey-m399 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @upon-a-girl @amazinntay @akshi8278 @baconlover001 @flufy07 @jayankles @alilianamendez @batmanprincesskitten @uniquewerewolfsuit @whit85-blog @spn-ficfanatic
@zeusmyster @maddieburcham1 @moonstar86 @kathaswings @my-blogging-skills-are-rusty @arryn-nyxx @kickasscas67 @mrsbatesmotel53 @sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @i-ship-crazy-crap @untitled39887 @extreme-supernatural-lover @emilymorgan1994 @boxywrites @fallen-castiel @its-not-a-tulpa @pillow223 @jaelami @roxyspearing @fandom--shipper
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builder051 · 7 years
Okay but... can you imagine how sick Peter would be if he ate a bunch of left over Halloween candy thinking it'd be fine in the morning cause of his metabolism but then Tony called and he had to swing around the city for a while? He'd probably manage to keep it down until he got to the tower and then he'd dizzily stumble towards the bathroom but end up loosing it in the hallway on Tony's shoes since Tony was concerned about him and grabbed Peter's shoulder to spin him around or something...
Thank you so much for this!  It’s possibly the most excellent prompt ever!  And you @wiseinnerwhispers, you make the world go ‘round with all the support and love you give.  
So here you go.  I think I messed up the details a little bit, and I don’t even want to talk about the timeline.  But this does take place right after my last Spiderman fic, No sympathy.
Peter wakes and immediately looks at the clock.  It’s 6:59. His alarm will be blaring in a minute. He blearily reaches out to turn of the device before it can startbeeping at him.  May’s given himpermission to miss school if he still feels as sick as he did yesterday, but asPeter lifts his head, there’s no echoing throb. It’s a relief.
He slides out of bed and heads to the bathroom to wash hisface and brush his teeth, stepping a little harder than he normally would justto test his luck.  The resultantvibrations die out around his shins and leave his head alone, and the taste oftoothpaste doesn’t turn his stomach, so Peter decides he’s ok.  
He kicks it into high gear and goes back to his bedroom todress and pack up his backpack.  Petergrabs his suit from the back of his desk chair where he’d thrown it last night,shakes it, and gives it an experimental sniff. It’s a little sweaty, but the god-awful scent of homeless man’s potsmoke has dissipated.  He wads up thespandex fabric and tucks it into the bottom of his backpack.  
Peter barrels through the kitchen, almost knocking AuntMay’s orange juice to the floor as he throws pop tarts into the toaster andlooks for something to toss in his bag for lunch.
“Feeling better this morning?” May asks, looking up from thenewspaper.  
“Oh, yeah,” Peter says, still scanning the pantry.  “I don’t know what hit me, but I’m finenow.”  He spies a half-finished bag ofcandy corn and a handful of fun-size Milky Ways, and Peter sweeps them into hisbackpack.
“Maybe just had to clear your system,” May suggests.  Then, “Are you taking all my candy?”
“Um.”  Peter hastensto put a few of the chocolates back.
“No, go ahead,” May says, smiling to show she was joking thefirst time.  “You didn’t really get tocelebrate last night.”
“But, I mean, I could leave some.”
“Take it.  Or I will eat it all, and I can’t afford newjeans,” May jokes.  “I’d give a lot tohave that teenaged boy metabolism.”
“Hm,” Peter muses, feeling a little guilty that his growinghunger lately has forced an increase in the grocery budget.  He forgoes dropping cheese crackers into hisbackpack as well.
The toaster spits out the pop tarts, and Peter takes one ineach hand, clamped between his thumbs and index fingers so the steaming pastrieswon’t burn him.  “See ya, May,” Petercalls, transferring one pop tart to his mouth as he lets himself out the frontdoor.
“See ya,” May echoes.
Peter wolfs down his breakfast as he dashes to school.  He hadn’t realized the hunger gnawing at thecorners of his stomach, but now that he thinks about it, he didn’t have much ofa dinner last night, and most of it ended up splatted on a street corner and inthe toilet.  It makes the pop tarts tasteextra good, like the food of the gods. Which, who knows? Maybe they are.
His morning classes pass quickly, and Peter does his best tofocus on algebra and chemistry and history even though his mind is on otherthings.  He didn’t do that great of a jobof patrolling the neighborhood last night, and he forgot to call Mr. Stark andleave a message.  A mission report.  If Mr. Stark asks about it, he’ll just tellthe truth and say he was sick, which is perfectly valid reason for an excusedabsence.  But it still doesn’t seem likea great track record for a superhero.
During lunch, Peter hides out in the band room with Ned towork on the Lego death- star-in-progress. Ned has a treasure trove of Halloween booty to share, somehow includingthe diamonds of watermelon sour patch kids and multiple full-size chocolatebars.  Peter adds his candy corn andmilky ways to the pile and chows down, ruefully wishing he’d made butteredtoast for breakfast.  Or at leastsomething a little less sugary.  It onlytakes a few pieces of candy to sear his tongue with sweetness and make his teethfeel grimy.  But Peter’s hungry, and withhis current rate of calorie burn, it’ll only take a few rounds of the block inhis Spiderman suit to burn it all off.
The bell is ringing to signal the end of the lunch period,and Peter’s phone is vibrating up a storm in his pocket.  Pretending he’s on his way to class, he ducksinto the bathroom to check the messages.
Mr. Stark: There’s athing.  Can you assist?
 Mr. Stark:  Oh, you’re at school.  Nevermind.
 Mr. Stark:  But really, can you assist?
 Mr. Stark:  Happy’s on a Starbucks run.  Please provide own transportation.
Peter hastens to compose a reply.
 Peter: Yeah! Ofcourse!  I don’t have any tests today.
He considers deleting the exclamation points.  Decides against it.  Oh well.
Peter: To the tower,right?  What do you need help with?
 Mr. Stark: Yes. Excusethe boxes.  We’re packing for the move.
 Mr. Stark:  How’s your knowledge of local gang hangouts?
 Peter: Not fantastic?
 Mr. Stark:  Hm. Ok.  Scans are showing up weirdweapons tech.  Figured if it’s HYDRA,I’ll handle it.  But if it’s justbullies, you can give it a try first.  Ialso need you to model.
 Peter:  Always happy to slam some bullies.  Model what?
 Mr. Stark:  Your suit. Duh.  I’m working on a new microarmor layer, and I need you to put it on and tell me if it hurts when I hityou.
 Peter:  Ok…
 Mr. Stark:  Don’t just stand there like a dumb kid onyour phone.  Get your ass down here.
 Mr. Stark: I’m notswearing at you.
 Peter wonders if he’s supposed to reply, but he just throwshis phone into his backpack and exits the bathroom.  He glances up and down the hall a few timesto make sure there aren’t any teachers watching, then he dashes for thedoor.  
Peter dumps his backpack in the alley and quickly pulls onhis Spiderman suit.  Since he doesn’thave any cash for a cab and his metro card’s down to a few cents, webbinghimself across the city seems like the best option.  He supposes he could park somewhere and waitfor Happy to finish up whatever he’s doing, but what fun is that?  Peter usually gets a kick out of swingingaround.  Plus, he doesn’t get theimpression Happy likes him that much.
Once he’s situated, Peter scales the brick wall and sprintsacross the building’s flat roof.  Heshoots a web onto the corner of the building diagonally across the street andjumps, letting his feet skim the roofs of a few taxis on his way over theintersection.  
With this quick method of transport, it’ll still take Petera good ten or fifteen minutes to get to the tower.  He’s less than halfway through the journeywhen his stomach starts sloshing. Honestly, it’s not that unexpected what with all the junk he just ateand fact that he was sick yesterday.  Butit’s annoying as anything.
Eight blocks from the tower, Peter’s head starts isaching.  Not in the nice, polite,excuse-me-I-think-I’m-starting-to-get-a-headache way, but more in theplease-stop-I’m-hella-dizzy way.  The waythat demands a change in activity or dire consequences.  
Peter jumps onto a rooftop and sidesteps a skylight,doubling over with his hands on his knees so he can catch his breath.  He’s fine. He tells himself he is five or six times and swallows a sweet, chocolatyburp, then leaps back into free fall before he can second guess himself.  Once he shoots a web and starts to swing,though, the disgusting flip of his stomach starts up again in the worstcombination of overindulgence and motion sickness ever.  Peter’s fucked and heknows it.  He imagines he feels worsethan Steve Rogers did in that infamous story of Cap and the cotton candy andthe Cyclone on Coney Island.
He’s swallowing hard against rising gunk in his throat whenhe swings onto the block dominated by the Avengers Tower and, as it has beenfor the past few weeks, about a thousand U-Haul trucks.  Peter doesn’t want to let his feet hit theground for fear that his body will take it as a cue to turn itself inside out,so he webs himself to the balcony on the 21st floor, the one wherehe knows Tony’s lab is located.  Thesliding glass door is open slightly, and Peter shoves through it.  He pulls his mask up over his nose and mouth,intent only on getting to the bathroom before the inevitable happens.
“Hey, where are you going?”
For once in his life, Peter ignores Mr. Stark’s question andkeeps hustling, though his pace is slowing significantly as the motion sendshis stomach into frantic convulsions. He’s sweating all over.  He can’tfeel his face.  He can’t feel his feet.
“Yo, kid.”  A handcomes down on his shoulder and forcibly spins him around.  “I’m talking to you, you know?”
“Ohshit—” Peter manages to choke out beforeeverything’s coming up, running through the fingers of the gloved hand he’spressed to his mouth a moment too late. He can’t suppress the next spastic retch, and a heavy splash ofminimally digested candy and pop tarts hits the floor, soiling his red bootsand Mr. Stark’s black Converse.
“What the fuck?”  Tony leapsbackward, then seems to think better of his actions and comes up behind Peterto place a tentative hand on his shoulder and keep him from collapsing on hisshaky knees as his stomach continues to evacuate.
“Oh, god, I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter chokes out as soon as he cantake a breath.  “I didn’t mean—”  He cuts off with another gag.  “Sorry.”
“Um.  It’s ok,” Tonysays, sounding like he’s out of his depth, fishing for the right words.  “I’ll…call May to pick you up?”
“No, I…I can’t,” Peter breathes, scraping mucous and meltedchocolate off his tongue with his teeth. It seems rude to spit onto the floor, but there aren’t a lot of betteroptions.  
“Yeah, right, you’re supposed to be at school…” Tony remindshimself.  “Well, I have 23 guest rooms inthis place, so I guess it won’t be any trouble if you want to lie down for aminute.”  
Peter tries to say thank you, but the words turn into a wetburp he struggles to keep from turning into a heave.  “OhmygodI’msorry,” he exhales.
“You’re…gross,” Tony says. “But, come on.”  He uses the handon Peter’s shoulder to steer him down the hall. “Good thing I haven’t packed the puke-cleaning robots yet.”
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iamwhelmed · 7 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Chapter 11
All right... this chapter might entail some body horror and light gore. Just, uh, be warned I suppose.
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net!
Summary: When monsters start to invade Mayview, the morality of the connection between a medium and their spirit comes into question. Is killing a spirit any different from taking the life of another human? Relationships between club members become strained, and if Max thought the club was coming apart before, it certainly is now.
While the meditating bit had gotten, uh, easier, it still wasn't his… forte.
He'd fallen three different times trying to do yoga on one of the wooden slabs Master Hashimoto had directed him to. Why, oh why, did a "tree" pose have to be so, so difficult? It's a tree! It literally just sits there, being a tree! Ed huffed and tried once again to balance on one leg. He got as far as stretching his arms above his head before he felt his leg giving way to the front. Ed yelped on the way down, falling face first into the carpeted floor of the dojo.
Yeah, real manly, Ed. I'm sure Isabel would have loved to see that.
Though, as of late, she didn't seem to be mad at him anymore, or was at least trying to hide it. She'd been acting funny since Tuesday morning, what with walking him to and from school- like they used to- asking him where he was going when he left for training (he lied and told her he was going to the library to meet with a tutor and study… which she clearly hadn't bought), even being right at the door when he came home with a bag of chips in one hand and a random video game in the other. It was almost too nice of her, like she was trying really, really hard to get him to say something. Maybe she was just mad he was lying to her? But she hadn't cared the first entire week! What could have possibly changed? Did she suddenly decide to forgive him? Was she using reverse psychology on him in the hopes that she'd suffocate him with her presence so much that he'd never wanna be around her again? And if that was the case, that meant she wanted him gone and she never wanted to be his friend again!
What. Was. Happening?
Ed grabbed at his head and rolled around on the floor.
Did she hate him, now? Did she love him again? Had Max been a disappointing New Best Friend? Or was he too good? Was she bad? No! Isabel was never bad! She was amazing in every way! Max would have been lucky to have her as a best friend! What was he even thinking? Maybe it was all in his head? Maybe Isabel was never brushing him off at all? Maybe she wasn't being friendly to him! Maybe he'd wanted her to be his friend again so badly that he'd started hallucinating?
"Ah! Enough! I have training to do!"
He slapped his cheeks and turned around, climbing back up onto the wooden slab until he was standing with both feet atop it. "Come on, come on! I can do it this time!" All of the other students had gone on break after meditation, leaving him the last standing pupil hanging, er, flopping, around. Concentration should have been easy! And yet; Ed nearly slipped forward again and yelped, catching himself by placing one heel right at the edge of the wood to balance himself.
"Is there something bothering you, Ed?"
He turned to see Master Hashimoto, sliding out the doors that lead to what Ed had deemed the "Tea Room", the only place in the dojo aside from the kitchen and dining room he let anybody drink anything, and it was almost always tea. His voice read friendly, but the narrow of his eyes and the sharpness of his shoulders spoke contrarily. He was a more patient man than Master Guerra, but somehow that only made disappointing him feel worse. He glided over to the slab and stood before Ed with a frown creeping at the corners under his beard and mustache. "Oh, hi Master Hashimoto. No, nothing's bothering me."
"Then why can you not balance?"
Ed shrunk and turned his head away, a nervous chuckle bubbling in his throat. "Oh, uh, honestly it's just that I've been doing it for so long. It gets harder over time, you know?"
"Then why did you not do it right the first time?"
The room feel silent, and Ed's shoulders slumped; he'd never been the best liar. He sighed and glanced to the floor. He was so, so stupid. All this time he'd been pushing himself to get better for Isabel, but the very thing that drove him was the thing messing him up again, and again, and again. How was he supposed to become a man for her when she kept confusing him? He was supposed to know her better than anyone else, and there he was wondering why she started talking to him again! Ed bit at the inside of his cheek; he really had been a horrible best friend, if even now he couldn't figure her out.
"You are letting your worries cloud your mind." Ed blinked, and looked towards Master Hashimoto, who hadn't taken his eyes off him for a moment. "The only emotion you need to feel in battle is drive, Edward- the drive to protect those you care about." He raised one hand and set it at Ed's shoulder, squeezing lightly. The touch was familiar, something, it occurred to Ed, Spender would have done. Master Hashimoto smiled at him, mustache rising at the corners, fluffing outwards. "Your love for her will make you stronger. Focus on that."
Ed nodded, and his sensei pulled away, folding his hands back into the sleeves of his robe.
Ed straightened up, bringing one wobbling foot to set upon the inside of his other leg, then began to raise his arms above his head. I remember meeting her the first time, how she smiled at me and called me "Newbie"; I already thought she was so cool, even back then. And I remember the first time we sparred! She tackled me so fast that we went rolling down the hill and Mister Spender had to chase after us! Memory after memory floated to the front of his mind- her smile, her laugh, her bloodthirst, her spirit- it all flashed by, one shared memory after another. I remember staying up late with her on our seventh Halloween together! She ate so much candy corn that she puked out the window and hit one of the students- the old man wouldn't let it go for, like, the rest of the year! I remember starting sixth grade, and getting so lost that she and I had to go back to the dojo and ask for a ride to school because we had no idea where it was. I remember the first time she won a match against an older student, and how happy she was, but mostly I remember her hugging me so tightly I couldn't feel my lower arms, or my hands, or my lungs- much of anything, really.
He stretched his arms and let his hands join at the top of his head, straightening his back to get the most out of the pose. Shutting his eyes, he smiled, knowing he was balancing perfectly.
He was tired, and beaten (if the bruises along his arms was any indication). Master Hashimoto was a pacifist, but his students were most assuredly not. Ed yawned and stretched his back out, hands at his waist as he leaned back. His backpack swung at his shoulders, but he ignored the weight against his sore body. There were other parts that hurt way worse.
He twitched at the memory of a younger student kicking right at his crotch area, and hunched forward as he walked.
After meditating, correctly, for two hours, he'd sparred for another three, and it was high time to get home and pass out until he'd wake up, go to school, and do it all over again. He grunted. At least his body was getting used it, he supposed.
Something passed by so fast he'd hardly noticed it, but he felt the slightest brush of something sticky and slimy against the back of his backpack. Ed halted and twisted around, eyes wide. "Hey! Stop that! I'm a spectral, you know! You can't scare me!" In hindsight, that might have been a bad thing to yell had it been a normal person playing a prank on him, but he had a feeling it was a mischievous spirit looking for trouble. Well, they've certainly found it… He glanced around, raising his hands in fists up to the front of his face.
When nothing jumped from the bushes, he let his fists fall, sneer falling to simply thin lips. "Huh, guess it was nothing." Ed turned around, shrugging his backpack further onto his shoulders, headed again in the direction of home.
"Maybe it was just a bird that flew too low or-" Something hot and slimy wrapped around his hand, and before he could register what it was, sharp pain filtered through his arm, all the way up to his elbow. He screamed and formed a larger fist with his spectral energy, slamming it down upon the mystery enemy with as much force as he could muster through his pain. "Get- eck, get off of me!" Two punches had it's latch on him fading. It yelped and fell back. Following it home, Ed could see it wasn't just a small, sharp-toothed animal that'd nipped him.
It was a tentacle with canines wider than the length of his shoulders, shrinking back to a monster much larger than five Ed's stacked together. Its body was but a clump of rotting human flesh, melting into its own chattering human teeth. It had no eyes for sight, but its nostrils sat wide and sniffing where its pupils should have been. It screamed, and all that came out was the horrified shrieks of a man in pain Ed had never known. He gulped. "A monster?" It slinked towards him, body sliding and leaving a trail of blood like a snail left slime, pausing every few moments to scream again. Ed took a step back for each inch it moved, fists once balled trembling at his sides. It continued to advance of him, and suddenly he could see there was more than one sharp-toothed tentacle rising in the air around the monster before him. Ed felt a shiver down his spine.
She'd heard the commotion before she saw it. Isabel had been in Ed's room, deciding whether or not he'd probably wanna play Pak Nam or the newer Final SciFi 10. She shrugged and figured that she'd just let him decide whenever he got home. Besides, she still had to prepare the popcorn and soda- preferably in taller cups with less aforementioned soda to avoid as much spillage as the night before. She snorted to herself as she set the games beside the TV. She wasn't sure if her plan was working just yet, seeing as he was still going over to the other side of town to train every night, but she hoped it was. The more time they spent together, the better.
She heard the front door to the dojo open, but there was no usual slam. Curious, but it didn't really matter. Isabel grinned and stood up, racing to the door of Ed's bedroom and throwing it open, eager to greet him from the railings. All that mattered was that he was home, and they could spend two hours, or hopefully more, wasting time on levels they'd beaten millions of times over in millions of different ways- the time Ed beat it with one leg tucked behind his head came to mind. She paid no mind to the hushed whispering she heard from the bottom floor, or the ghostly silence that befell when her voice rang from the second floor. "Ed!" She greeted as soon as she got to the railings, leaning over them so he could see her clearly. "Welcome ba-!" Her words died in her throat.
He stood at the open doors, yes, but he looked a little more than worn out. His glasses were semi-shattered, leaving only one eye covered while the other was squeezed shut, slick with the blood running down from what appeared to be a chunk of skin out of his forehead. Further inspection, and she could see deep bite marks, sharp and wide, all over his body, from his shoulder to his legs, to the holes in his shirt. One leg looked particularly worse for wear, jeans torn so badly that she swore half his calf was gone. Isabel stuttered, body feeling momentarily weightless as she parted her lips, hands clenching the railing so tight she could feel the wood splintering into her palms.
Master Guerra had crossed the dojo and hoisted Ed into his arms in moments, cradling him like a small child. "Contact Zarei immediately! We do not have time for you fools to waste! Make the call, now!" Isabel had made it halfway down the stairs by the time the other students had crowded around. "Ed!"
Master Guerra turned over his shoulder, eyes narrowing as she reached the last step before the infirmary. He muttered something to the older students that she couldn't hear, and they turned to face her. Isabel reached one hand out, trying to will her legs to move faster, get to him quicker, see him right then and there! "Ed!" Two arms from different shoulders blocked her path, one resting at her face, the other at her waist. She ran straight into them, smacking her face against muscled skin. She fell back, and another student wrapped their arms around her lungs, pulling her into their chest. It was the ghost, looking down at her with so much empathy that she wanted to scream because there couldn't be a reason to feel that for her- Ed would be fine!
"Let- let me go!" She looked to Master Guerra's retreating back, watching Ed's limbs dangling from his arms as he opened the Infirmary door. "Ed! Ed!"
"How is he?" Spender crossed his arms and leaned against the walls of the dojo, watching the students train, though with apparent less spirit than usual. They each threw punches and danced the way Guerra had taught them, but each movement was strained, too much force or too little. Matches waged on like that, where nobody really broke a sweat. They moved to and fro, batting at each other like children, eyes somewhere far away from what was going on in front of them. They had a lot on their minds. He took a glance at Guerra from the side; if he'd noticed, he seemed to understand.
"Mina says he will be fine- there was a lot of blood, but little of it was his, and the wounds were less severe than they appeared."
"That's good…"
"I have to say," Guerra stroked his beard and grinned. Had Spender not known him for a decade or so, he might have been unsettled. "I am impressed. The mooch has grown strong, hm?"
Spender nodded, small smile creeping across his lips. "He has. Master Hashimoto seems to be a good fit for him. Ed and Isaac had trouble earlier this month taking a monster together. The fact that he fought one on his own, at his age nonetheless, and managed to kill it- he's finally living up to his potential." Ed had never been the strongest of the club members, and he could have sworn Ed had known. It wasn't a bad thing. Not every soldier could be a warrior and all that. Isabel was the strong arm, Max was the mobility, Isaac was the secret weapon...
Ed was irreplaceable because he was the wildcard. The man that could guess Ed's next move was one with a psychic eye, and he'd become thoroughly convinced it'd been Ed's gift. Upon further inspection, their low-maintenance member very well might have had other talents hidden up his sleeve. Spender smirked. Much like the wildcard he was.
"That weak man must have some good qualities, then." Guerra mumbled. "Though, you realize your proposal…" they both fell silent, and Spender swallowed hard. "Its conditions have been met."
"Yes. I suppose they have."
"How is he?"
Spender was headed to his car when he heard her, and he paused in turning the keys in the door to look back. She was standing at the top of the hill, frowning down at him and they both knew why. Perhaps she was upset about not being allowed entry to the Infirmary, but he'd seen Ed himself- it wasn't for a child's eyes. It was traumatizing enough that it was, in fact, a child who'd been so severely injured; Isabel didn't need that image in her head. "He's fine, Isabel."
"Then why won't they let me see him?"
"I swear to you, Zarei has him patched up. He just needs to take it easy for a little while."
Isabel faltered, and he could see her wincing, squinting as she was trying to hold back tears. He turned to face her completely, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He didn't need to be home right away. "Isabel, what's wrong?"
He scowled at her, because he knew her far too well for her to lie to him like that, and she slinked back into herself. Her arms raised to wrap around her shoulders, hair falling into her face, and sighed. "It's just… I already lost Eightfold. I can't" Isabel took a shaky breath. "I can't afford to lose Ed, too, especially if it's my fault."
"You aren't losing him, Isabel. I've already told you." His brows furrowed and he smiled, because there wasn't much else to do. "He's fine. And it isn't your fault that he got attacked-!"
"But it is my fault that he's leaving!" He winced as she balled her fists, grinding her teeth so hard he swore he heard the bones colliding. "He's going to train at some other dojo an hour away, and I'm never going to get to see him, all because I wouldn't just freaking talk to him! Now he thinks I hate him! And yeah, I'm still mad, I'm still really mad! But I need him here! He can't just- he can't just walk out of my life like Eightfold did! I don't wanna grow up without him!" Her voice was cracking, and her cheeks were growing red and puffy from the salt she was harboring too deeply for it to well in her eyes. "He has to stay here! He's my best friend! If he leaves, he'll forget all about me-!"
"Isabel, that's enough."
She hiccuped and looked back at him, fists still clenched, but she'd taken to biting down firmly on either lip. He shook his head and took a few steps up to hill, toward her. "Just because he's leaving the dojo, doesn't mean he's leaving you." She flinched when he reached out to wipe at her cheeks with his thumbs, but didn't move away. She was hot to the touch, and he momentarily thought she might have worried herself sick. She stared up at him as he leaned forward and cupped her head in his hands, the way a brother might have done. "You're right. He is your best friend. That's why distance will only make the heart grow fonder." She smiled at him, and he nodded, his own way of reaffirming his words. Still, her face fell again, eyes falling to his chest rather than his face.
"I still don't want him to go…"
He sighed and pulled her into a hug, rubbing comforting circles into her back as they stood as still as could be, wrapped in emotion.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MF] Deciding which paper to write and new words
She sat there chewing on her eraser. It seemed like a fairly easy question. Should she write the eulogy or the Latino gender politics essay? The anger towards an untimely death seemed juxtaposed with the anger of American treatment on Puerto Rican homosexuals in the late 20th century. Yet, she sat there still. Half her mind in space and half of it very much here on the ground, in this seemingly unrealistic, yet somehow feasible moment. Let’s take a crack at the easy one, she thought — eulogy it is.
Okay, next question — this one somewhat harder. Where does one go to write someone’s eulogy during finals week? She didn’t think the library was appropriate. But then again, nowhere really sounded appropriate. And who writes the rules, she thought. Plus, even if somewhere is out there writing them, she didn’t really like what they had decided thus far for her week, so why bother abiding. So that’s how she came to find herself on a scuffed bench in the basement of the library, chewed up pencil fidgeting between her crooked teeth, attempting to form a jumbled thought web into words.
That messy chaos going on inside her head had to start somewhere; so she took a few leaps back. First things first, she told herself. Write down every memory that flits through your head; whether it be good, bad, scary, sad.
the plays in the cabin where the sheet would go up between the bunk beds and they would dress Brian up like a girl
when mom would dye their pancakes colors after soccer, blue was the best
how every time the girl ate green beans, she would choose one that looked like a snail that had to be thrown away
that time dad took her door off its hinges
when mom poured coffee over all the halloween candy and they snuck back out to see what made it
when they made a huge cardboard house out of their dad’s snowblower box
that time they drove to Stillwater just because the girl thought they have the best Swedish fish
when they were riding horses in Mexico and they were convinced that one cowboy was Joe Jonas
when she got her first period and the girl reluctantly showed her how to use a pad
the amount of cavities the girl got
number 11
candy corn
the shitty white alero with the basketball case of CD mixtapes
That’s it? That’s all she could think of? Twenty-two years and there were 13 things jotted down on her oddly dry paper. 13 random, unimportant, who-cares types of things. Those 13 things didn’t say anything about a person’s life, heck they barely even said anything at all. How was she supposed to take this trash and turn it into some eloquent bullshit about how beautiful a life was, how much this world will miss someone’s light, their laughter, yada-yada.
Maybe she should have tackled the Puerto-Rican homosexuality crisis first.
More thoughts began infecting her mind. New thoughts. Isn’t it odd that all eulogies tend to be the same? Every person, at every funeral known to man, talks about how their person had a “smile that could light up a room” and they’re in a better place now, how only the good die young. That’s dumb, she thought. Not to mention, she knew a lot of very good people that were definitely well past young. And, back to eulogies, if these people are already dead -- why not tell the truth? The girl’s life was not perfect, and a lot of the time she did not light up a room. In fact, it felt like a lot of the time she sucked all the light out of the room. And if she was gonna go full-blown lie detector mode on herself, a lot of the memories seemed to be bad. They appeared in a word cloud full of screaming, crying, drinking, hospitals, anxiety, bones, barfing. Those were the words that came to mind when she thought of the girl. Not heart, not laughter, not even smile.
She sat there some more. She thought about honesty, and how that would be taken at a funeral. But the more honest she got with herself, the more bare-boned and unfiltered the descriptions in her mind became — the better the outline of the girl was.
Bony, tears, alcohol, Christmas, running water, uncontrollable.
These were the first words. But somehow those words were what pushed the onslaught of the next words —
Proud, blue, unwavering, persistent, sparkle?, unabashed.
The scary brought forth the good, and with the good came the pleasant authenticity of these new words. She scribbled them down (good and bad).
submitted by /u/elizabethjo94 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/35YqIAQ
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