#like it’s a shitty thing but it feels like people are adding some extra extreme moral dilemma to it
mythicalwatch101 · 11 months
kromie is one of my Favorite characters Of All Time and if i see one more person horribly misinterpret her & her story & her motivations i am for real going to distort
(it's not about racism either. she's not "cyborg racist". god damn it.)
canto 3 is about
religious extremism & societal pressure
prosthetics in the pm world are pretty obviously NOT the same as prosthetics in our world, and using them to point towards kromer being ableist is one of the weakest arguments i have ever seen in my entire life. give me ONE piece of evidence of kromer being ableist that doesn't mention prosthetics i fucking dare you
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look at that. it's not about needing a missing arm replaced, or legs that you can walk on; it's about doing away with all of the inefficiencies of a flesh and blood body. you can get so much more work done if you don't need to eat or sleep!
unfortunately, there are many ways to be ableist and if she truly was, to the point where it was an important part of her character with an entire canto centered around it (like hating pm-prosthetics is), then i feel like maybe
just maybe
she would express this in other ways
that don’t involve slaughtering people that just happen to be made of metal.
just a thought.
which brings me to my next point
Prosthetics in the City are about class and money and the societal pressure i mentioned earlier
sinclair's family even turned their DOG into a robot for god's sake
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it's a fad! it's cool to turn yourself into a robot! it's the new thing everyone is doing, so now you have to do it too to fit in with everyone else! even sinclair himself acknowledges this when talking about his family
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also adding a ruina screenshot from this post i saw a while ago that i think you all should read
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was hesitant to include it because i wanted to make my point without dragging ruina into this, to prove that you don't NEED the context from ruina to understand kromer's beliefs and motivations, but like. look at this. what the fuck.
"adjust emotions" "completely shut off desires" look me in the eyes and tell me this has ANYTHING to do with disability. i dare you. this is some rich people shit
prosthetics are a LUXURY for some, and a TOOL for others; something for rich people to enjoy, and for poor people to either get a shitty version of, or to sell their soul to afford, so that they can survive in the capitalist's dream world! kind of reminds me of cars, actually
(the extra info abt prosthetics from ruina helps, but as someone who has mostly only played limbus & doesn’t have the full context of the other games, it’s obvious even to me that they're not a disability thing)
in conclusion;
kromer is not ableist
she just really really really likes flesh and is super weird about it
to paraphrase/add to something someone said in that post i linked earlier: the district has an "ideal form" for the human body, and kromer has an "ideal form" for the human body, but these "ideal forms" are not the same
she prefers the human body the way it is, and when she sees this "ideal form" that's like the exact opposite of HER "ideal form" starting to take over, she resorts to being a violent bloodthirsty cult leader about it because she sucks ass and is incapable of being normal
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she is a bad person and you are allowed to hate her ofc but please for the love of god hate her for something she’s actually done. stop making shit up
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bandit-o-s-oc-arch · 1 year
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Part of my old art backlog, the updated Lampface mask I put together. Halloweekend 2022 was uneventful but i felt extremely hot, powerful, and scary in this, i really felt like I awakened my innner slasher -- my inner Pyramid-Head lol.
I have this sorted out below the cut by the updating-process(see other posts with the mask via #lampface tag), then Halloweekend, Then Post Halloween because i felt like i didn't get enough good pics
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Starting with a pic I took after i first re-did the lighting apparatus from last year where i just had shitty LEDs taped to a paper face mask. TBH luckily the inside of the mask and the straps for wearing the thing were still in good shape, i only added more padding for the chin and the top so it rested easier on my face(amazingly i could see completely fine though I definitely got woozy from mild CO2 inhalation i think when i wore it out. Also including two small doodles i made of Lampface/Me in the mask just to kinda get back into the headspace. Also showing off the old paintjob before i went hard and fixed it up.
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Next-up we have some other bits and bobs, details on the gloves i also updated for the costume this year, i had extra LEDs that i strung around the hand which were kinda inconvenient but idk. i also think the fake blood mix i made this year with my paint turned out phenomenal on the gloves and mask itself. i did a lot more care to make it feel crusty, dried and cracking . the interior of the mask itself was also just as visible as last time but with more comfort and way cooler lights lol.
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here we have my fit for the costume on Halloween, the matching purple choker was a really good touch IMO. ultimately all i did on Halloween was walk around down town and creep out drunk people and get off on the freaked out attention. I think its a really good accent piece to other fashion things and this coming Halloween I'm gonna try and be a lot more creepy and ALOT more horny tbh i was too restrained this year, and overheated too much, i also have way better wardrobes for this year :>
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Last bit here -- i have ones that are tits out and way hot as shit. but i just wanted to take some hot pics with one of my fave accessories. I really feel like this is one of the biggest projects i haven't shared besides a painting from 2020 i never posted.
anyways enjoy the pics I'm trying to catch my backlog up BIG STUFF INCOMING THANKS FOR READING :>!!!!
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toxictac · 2 months
Got some of that "ai translator vs localisor" drama on my twitter feed, here is my unsolited two cents
On one hand i think is the undenyable that there are bad localisacions be that small or big, some localisacions directly or undirectly can change the tone and information a scene displays in many ways While it can be to the benefit of making it easier for an outside audience of another country to understand or simply add on some fun extra characterisation, it more than not it can and sometimes does affect how that dialogue is percive This can mischaracterise or maybe create a seudo narrative the original work did not have
This is the biggest draw back and what i feel most people are upset about localisations, because localisations by nature modified in small or big ways how the text is conbaveyed it can alter the original intent of the game/story This is potencially even more so when things like politics or lingo enter to the mix (as someone who lives in latino america and watched cartoons, i can atest the last point) I am not saying that "those damn localisors made the games political", but it is undenyable for me there are too many examples to not say there isnt at the very least a passing intent, whenever you belive its good or bad goes more out to the person
That being said the ai translation is dumb, just for starter i am not a suporter of making people lossing jobs (shocking i know), nor people getting payed less because of ai (double shocking) A lot of the time ai supporters, gravitated to the idea of translators being "lazy" or "buyest" to an idology they spray on everything they touch, while i feel there is a point to it, the idea that a direct translation is better is kinda bafeling to me I mean for starters direct translations arent always possible, sometimes somthing either doesnt have an equivelent or it does but it has multiple ways to be said or added meaning (or both) There is a sence of the belive of "sanctity" to the idea of the "original intent" to this people, which leads to an almost elist way to look at the work, kinda ironicly regardless of the original intent or the autors intent Not to even say even tho they sell themselfs as almost apolitical they are (more likely than not) people with extreme politcal views that will be angry if an ip does something they dont like
Then looking at both groups it is quite clear why that both groups are both right and wrong in some aspects, and there is a deeper discousion about the works as is, the way that lenguage changes its meaning, to what extend we can change what was another autors works to fit more in what is consider "correct" and many more that are always promply shove aside for the sake of our daily dosis of politcal drama Personaly, i am a very beliver of enjoying the autors works as is, meaning that i always prefer a more closer to the original translator, however i am able to conside with changes for the sake of reading compreantion, some changes can be fun and make the reading expirience better, some feel out of place and detrimental Overall my biggest problem always come with online discousion and to consilidate what a story does, because you need to make it compreinsible but to add stuff that isnt on the text carelessly or even more to add contridictory stuff to "fix it" is bad in many cases However ai translation is bad because it takes away jobs, give you a mediocer version of a translation, does not have nuence about things like intent or context and is just kinda a shitty thing to propose In my humble opinion, translation has to be done carefully and with the direct intent to not change the overall idea of the translated story, in my view if this is not meet, you should be told you did a bad job, however to amke it so all trasnlations are bad because a select few are bad is dumb
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ruff-ing · 1 year
hh ranting about wcue
i don't know a good introduction so uhh yeah if you don't wanna read everything i have a summary at the very end, also if i go into stuff i have experienced too deeply i apologize.
1 - clearing things out
2 - the problem
3 - how to fix it
4 - extra/summary
1 - first of all, I'm not saying warrior cats ultimate edition (wcue as ill be calling it) is bad, its actually one of my favorite games on Roblox and I've been playing it for probably years. its extremely well made and the graphics are great, but I'll be talking about the fandom for now.
2 - i've been seeing way to many people treat "lunas/unexp" role-players as lesser than a person who knows how to play, and this makes me fucking disgusted. i have seen time and time again of people telling new players to leave their roleplay at best, and make fun of them, make them the center of attention and belittle them at worst. this makes me fucking sick, and this behavior isnt just bad for the person being hurt, but the whole fandom, because if EVERY FUCKING SERVER YOU GO TO IN A GAME TREATS YOU LIKE SHIT- YOU WOULDNT PLAY IT. and thats shitty because wcue is just a fun game to just chill, be cringe and go on with your day. i wouldn't like to see wcue being seen as a toxic place.
3 - PLEASE, if you see someone making fun of a newer player, STEP UP and tell them its wrong. i feel guilty for not doing that for newer ppl when they were vulnerable, and i don't want that to happen again. seeing a fucking KID get disrespected just because they don't know how to play just baffles me. like they're just an object there to lift someone's ego. please, if you ever get the chance, teach some newer players the animations, how to get prey, how to get your own style of ads or rping and how to just roleplay nicely! (you could even give a morph, but i wouldn't test anyone). just spread kindness, and it'll make a huge difference.
4 - i'll make an anti-bullying group on Roblox on an alt in about december, but if i ever forget, remind me! i wont bite :3
so basically, wcue has a huge bullying problem that im planning to try and fix.
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shadowslocked · 2 years
Paimon buying Blitzo to entertain his son - acting as his first friend - is more the equivalent of hiring a person but in a shitty way given its Blitzo’s dad handling the deal and forcing Blitzo to go through with it
Comparing it 1:1 to slavery and saying it’s being romanticized is very eyebrow raising when we don’t see the Imps dealing with slavery but a major class divide
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manyfictionsmusings · 3 years
Pull Me Like A Ripcord
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This story takes place immediately after the events of X-Men Apocalypse, where Peter decides against going back to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, despite seeking his father’s attention prior. This fic will just be growing and “mutating” as I write but promising lots of Dad/son angst, hurt/comfort etc.
Chapter 1: AfterEffects
As naïve as it was, Peter had hoped Erik would somehow realize he was his son, now that idea seemed cold and stupid. Why would Erik magically know who he was? He wasn’t Charles, a mind reader, and this wasn’t a fantasy kingdom where the orphan got his father in the end of the story.
Peter pulled his legs up to his chest, or at least he would have if he could have moved his shattered knee, the pain, coupled with the emotional turmoil of the long day sent him easily to tears. He wasn’t used to losing, he wasn’t used to being physically injured. The finale of the Egyptian battle had seen the x-men triumph, but Peter himself had lost…lost another chance to connect with Erik, if only he’d been able to get the better of the Immortal it might have impressed his father enough to take note of him, but instead if it hadn’t been for Raven’s distractions, the Beast’s strength and his own father’s shift in loyalties, he would have been just another victim in the note book of Apocalypse.
Peter drew a shaky breath, trying to force the events to wash over him, normally things didn’t bother him, but the last few months he’d changed, the others here at the school, or what was left of the school…he didn’t want to call them family but that’s what they felt like to him. It scared him and it was too much to hope for, he’d been disappointed to many times to open up like that. Which was why he’d told Beast to take him to a regular hospital in Cairo and he’d make his own way home once he was healed.
Beast had had his reservations about it, leaving the scrawny, pale kid who’d been with them since he’d saved literally everyone at Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters seemed a shitty way to repay him, but he’d finally consented to it, only after Peter had gotten angry and started yelling.
He felt lonely now, in the hospital bed, with an oxygen tube in his nose and his injured leg casted and hoisted by a sling, a thousand miles from anyone he knew, but the pain was reminding him of his failures as one of the x-men and the isolation served to remind him why he didn’t bother with people, especially his father.
They always left. Or were never there to begin with.
He deserved this.
“You don’t deserve any of this, Peter.”
Peter jolted, startled for only a second by the gentle voice, there was only one person it could be, to know what precisely he was thinking. He hurriedly wiped tears off his face before Charles came any closer.
“I told Beast I was fine. I don’t want anyone wasting any more time on me.”
“Beast didn’t tell your secret, but I was worried about you, Peter. You think I was going to just leave Egypt without you? I wouldn’t leave here without any of you.” Charles stepped closer, softly he took his hand and squeezed gently.  “You all mean so much to me. I owe you my life, Peter.”
He removed his hand and crossed his arms. “I didn’t do anything, if…if Erik hadn’t stepped in, we all would have been killed-including you.”
Charles glanced towards the monitors attached to the young man, before his eyes roamed across the physical state of Peter, in contemplation. “It was a group effort; it took all of us.” He finally spoke after a moment of hesitation. “I know you seek his attention and yet you’re afraid of it…Lehnsherr is coming back with us to New York, he’s going to help me rebuild the institution.”
Peter glanced up, his eyes reflecting a youthful hope the professor hadn’t seen for some time. “I thought he left.”
Charles shook his head. “It’s a way to…perhaps earn his attention, little by little anyway. What do you think? Will you return with me?”
Peter grimaced. “I’m not in great shape professor, encase you haven’t noticed. I might swing in when I’m up and around.”
Charles raised an eyebrow. “I know all your pains, I’m sorry. I put your life in such horrific danger-”
“I came along on the mission of my own free will, no one forced me,” Peter interrupted.
Charles gripped his shoulder suddenly with an assertive intention. “Let me oversee your recovery, Maximoff, please, it’s the least I can do. I won’t leave here until you agree to be transferred to a hospital in New York, preferably close to Salem Center. You don’t have to be bothered by anyone from the school. But knowing you aren’t in Egypt would put my mind at ease.”
Peter sighed, he was feeling it again, the warm sensation that made him relaxed and somehow extremely uncomfortable at the same time. Family was something he would never be able to hold on to. He was going to mess it up, he knew that. He could already feel the threads slipping between pale, desperate, grasping fingers. But in the meantime, Charles cared about him enough to hunt him down in one of many Cairo hospitals, and he’d checked in under an alias. The professor cared enough to come back, or had he never left in the first place? His caring nature was beyond consolation to Peter’s broken, cold body, so comforting in fact he felt tears welling up again!
He sniffled and hurriedly wiped his brow before their return, nodding. “I’ll come with you.”
Professor Xavier had kept his word, medically and financially he’d arranged for everything to be taken care of, transporting Peter from Cairo to New York. He’d also arranged for him to have his own private room in Sheeran Hospital—a private hospital in upstate New York, forty-five miles from the current disaster of Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters.
Over the next two weeks physically Peter’s injuries slowly healed but mentally he felt wrecked beyond compare. He started having reoccurring nightmares that he couldn’t run; his ability had been fractured when the monstrosity had snapped his leg like a twig under his boot. In the dream he was trying to run away from someone, his first thought was that it was Apocalypse but a couple nights later he realized it was just a shadowy figure, one he could never outrun. Each time he fell, immobilized as pain shot through his leg, the sound of his own bones crunching reverberated in his ears, just as it had that day.
The nurses had unfortunately taken note of his mood, though Peter hadn’t put much effort into hiding his grim attitude, he’d slipped in a snarky remark about getting some extra drugs for an overdose. The nurse didn’t find his dark humor amusing and Charles suspiciously showed up the very next day.
He didn’t say much at first, just sat near Peter’s bed, looking out the enormous rectangle window that looked west, on a glowing sunset. “You have a good view though,” he finally spoke.
Peter pursed his lips. “I do appreciate your hospitality Professor, but I’m fine, you don’t have to check in on me. Just... really bored here you know, I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in one place this long…it’s wearing on me, I feel weird being at this speed.”
Charles turned his chair to face him, hands in his pockets, yet concern on his features. “Must be very uncomfortable to be forced to slow down. How’s physical therapy going?”
Peter avoided the older man’s gaze for some reason and snorted. “I mean it’s slow, I’m not the patience type or a patient for that matter…”
Charles nodded. “But the sooner you’re hobbling around, the sooner I can get you out of here.”
“And take me where?” Maximoff snipped with his signature deep-set frown.
Charles chuckled, “You’d be surprised what several telekinetic mutants can accomplish when it comes to construction. The east wing is already rebuilt, for now we’re using it for sleeping quarters. It’s a little crowded but…”
“…Anything is better than the smell of hospital?” Peter finished, trying to keep his mind in constant motion—moving from thought to thought. He didn’t know how much the professor knew about what he was thinking but Xavier had already noted his inward conception about seeking Erik’s attention in Egypt, so his guess was he was an open book, but Peter’s thoughts could be about as fast as his movement when we wanted them to be. “Well sounds like I need to hit therapy harder, if you’re actually going to get me out of here.”
As much as Peter didn’t intend to be shambling around a cramped wing in the school, Charles’ visit served to kick him in the butt about getting out of Sheeran soon, regardless of where he went afterward. And if he was being honest, he had never planned to go back to the school, though he also wasn’t ready to face his reasoning for not returning there.
No one was going to miss him, well not the one person that mattered, because he couldn’t even see Peter for who he was. A new plan had quickly formulated—get his leg in good enough shape to slip off before Charles came back for him and circumvent the entire situation altogether.
The nightmares continued to plague him, as day after day he added a little weight to the tender broken leg, between tears and a lump that had formed on his lip from how many times he had bit it to deal with the pain, he started making it all the way through the routes the therapist had set up for him. Once he realized he could make it to the end of the routine he had to mentally stop himself from trying out his true speed. He continually checked himself, forced himself to be normal, move slowly. He embraced the pain wholly, promising himself a whole box of Lemonheads when he got out of here.
A week and two days after Charles’ visit, Peter decided he was going. He’d woke up from his worst nightmare by far, clutching his throat, covered in sweat, his heart was beating hard enough his chest ached. His leg was throbbing with shadow pain from Apocalypse breaking it, only in this dream he hadn’t been saved before the giant mutant had slit his throat and tossed him aside like trash. His father hadn’t even noticed or cared.
Peter swallowed painfully, still tracing his fingers across the smooth, blanched flesh of his neck as he slipped out of bed. His x-men costume had been lost somewhere in the shuffle, or maybe the professor had taken it, either way Charles had been kind enough to replace it with his current pajamas and a change of clothing. Not the usual silver tinted clothing but considering he still wasn’t up to his Quicksilver speed, it seemed fitting to pull on the dark blue jeans and faded orange hoodie. Peter sighed in comfort at the velvety worn state of both items as they contacted his skin, though he tried to ignore how billowy the clothes were on him, he’d lost a significant amount of weight since Egypt—which the nurses had been lecturing him over—but what could you expect when there was only hospital food and no snacks to be seen.
Next Peter attempted to calm his silvery hair, by brushing his fingers through it repeatedly, which only seemed to make it worse. Between the wild shock of hair and the dark rimmed eyes, his reflection looked ghostly, coupled with the dim hospital lighting.
Peter exhaled calmly before grabbing the only items that had made it back with him from Egypt, his googles and his earphones, he stuck one of the foreign crutches under each armpit and silently slipped out of Sheeran Hospital…
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animedaddymilkers · 4 years
Kinkmas 2020: Day 19
Prompt: Praise Kink w/ Itachi
Genre: Smut/18+ || Tags: Established Relationship, Comfort Sex, Praise, Penetrative Sex || Characters: Itachi Uchiha, Female Reader || read it on ao3 here
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Another rag filled with blood was wiped across your forehead, the sweat dripping down your skin and burning the cuts you had. As the secret compound came into view your footing faltered but you couldn't stop now, you were so close to being home. Or at least, the place you considered home. The front door came not fast enough and you stumbled through, your legs milliseconds away from giving out. At this point, you were only standing and moving out of pure determination and spite. With your presence, a couple of other Akatsuki members appeared to investigate the commotion, Deidara making some smart ass comment about how shitty you looked. Your blurry vision could barely process things, the last thing you remembered was a sea of black enveloping you before unconsciousness came to claim you.
Hours later, you woke with a groan and a hand resting on your shoulder to prevent you from sitting up. Every possible part of your body hurt so you didn't put up a fight, laying back down. You blinked your eyes open, adjusting to the light slowly. As your brain was able to finally process things again you realized it was Itachi who was sitting beside the bed. The sight of him reassured you, sending a sense of ease over you. He smiled softly, thumb gently rubbing over the back of your hand. Without words, he was telling you just how much he adored you, knowing that if he were to talk now it would overwhelm you. A damp cloth was placed on your forehead while Itachi continued to attend to your wounds. Soft music was playing in the background and somewhere in your mind, you recognized it was the traditional music he tended to play when he was stressed. Knowing you caused an already anxious man more turmoil guilted you slightly, but before it could become overwhelming you fell back to sleep.
The next time you woke up, Itachi was still sitting next to you, though he moved to sit next to you on the bed. Compared to earlier, you felt infinitely better, ignoring his silent pleas for you to lay back down. You sat up, testing your limbs and the injuries you sustained. Nothing felt extremely out of the ordinary, just a bit of discomfort really.
"I used a salve. It should help with the pain," his voice broke you out of your concentration, meeting his gaze again.
"Thank you," you answered quietly.
A long pause fell over you two, just comfortable silence as you continued to look at each other. Itachi's eyes practically screamed that he had more to say to you, but the words wouldn't come out. Instead, he leaned forward quickly, gingerly locking lips with you. As his mouth pressed into yours his hands cupped your face, holding you close. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him even closer. The only time you broke the kiss was to breathe before hurriedly going back in.
"You're amazing," the compliment was muttered against your jaw where he was currently kissing, "I heard the details. (Y/N), you excel so far above everyone else. How can you stand to have me in your presence?"
"Itachi…," you breathed out, hands playing with his silk hair, "You're just as amazing as I am, if not more."
He let out a breathy laugh, as if the counter compliment was amusing to him, "No, dearest. You soar higher than anyone else. Don't sell yourself short."
His hand lifted one of yours to his lips and he kissed up your arm before continuing, "I'm glad you've come back to me. I was beginning to worry. Most others would have perished on that mission. But you- you finished it and more."
It was your turn to laugh softly, "Yeah, finished it and came back in tatters more like."
"You sustained grave injuries yet still made it home. Simply another testament to your abilities, love. Now hush, no more negative talk," his hands ghosted across your shoulders, bare from when he bandaged you up earlier.
The dull ache in your body was proof the injuries were bad, considering that even after medical healing you were still mildly in pain. Yet, Itachi was determined to kiss them better, gently caressing each patched up spot and pressing a kiss into it. Thanks to his affections you became more aware of your body, taking note you were only wearing shorts. His hands were all over your body, ghosting over your skin before returning to your face. He played with your hair, simply gazing into your eyes before kissing you again. You pulled him closer, taking his hair out of the usual ponytail it was pulled back in. A curtain of his black locks fell around your face, closing out the rest of the world from you two. His hands wandered to your chest as he continued to kiss you, fingers massaging your breasts and coaxing a moan from you.
"You sound beautiful, beloved. Let me hear you sing."
His soft fingertips tugged on your nipples, playing with them as he kissed you, happily swallowing each of the moans you gave him. Itachi was definitely a foreplay man, but this time his hands moved quicker than normal. Usually, he'd spend an hour just kissing and making out with you. Now, your shorts were already discarded and a hand rubbed softly at your clit. Granted, you were a bit needy yourself, tugging at his long sleeve shirt until he removed it. You ran your hands down his chest, his eyes closing at your touch. When his eyes opened again he took your hands in his as he went to sink down further in between your legs until you stopped him.
"'Tachi… I need you…," your words were breathy and to the point, knowing if he used his mouth your abs would be sorer than they already were from your injuries.
The brief look of disappointment on his face almost made you laugh, he was a giver in every sense of the word and sex was no different, "Anything you want, love. Just say the words and I will give it to you."
He kissed the pulse point on the inside of your wrist and knelt between your spread legs. Paying extra mind to your wounds he hovered over your body, propped up on his elbows as he slowly pushed into you. You sighed in unison, Itachi burying his face into your neck, his thumbs rubbing over your shoulders affectionately. Slowly, his hips pushed in further until he was in all the way, kissing your neck and brushing his fingers along your arms.
"You feel divine, love. So warm and wet for me. You make me lose my mind."
His mumbled words made you moan quietly, rolling your hips up to meet his. A hand gripped your waist as he thrust against you, whispered praises spilled into your ear with each movement. You whined at his words, the compliments only adding to your pleasure. When you could manage to get words out in between pants you made sure to return a compliment, adamant to let him know how good he was making you feel. He leaned his head back, hair falling down his shoulders, looking like a statue above you. Your nails dug into his shoulders and you pleaded for him to move faster. At first, he was hesitant, not wanting to strain your injuries, but after you breathlessly begged again he knew he couldn't refuse you. His hips moved faster, dragging his cock in and out of you. Each time he thrust he changed the angle of his hips until you gasped and dug your nails into his skin again. He grinned slightly, knowing he found your special spot. After that, he kept the angle the same, pounding into you.
"I'm going to make you feel good, darling. As good as you make me feel. Love, you look so heavenly like this…"
The pitch of his voice began to betray him, getting slightly higher as he tried to prolong his climax. Again, he was a giver and adamant about making sure you experienced the ultimate pleasure first. His pace quickened and a finger met your clit again, rubbing it in practiced circles. The only time his mouth stopped giving you breathless praise was when they were softly leaving marks along your skin. You arched your back off the bed, hands wandering his body before settling in his hair. Itachi groaned and his finger on your clit moved faster, noticing how close you were to the edge.
"Cum for me, dearest. Show me you're still alive."
The last comment was little more than a desperate plea and it confirmed suspicions you had earlier. Itachi must have been distraught over your condition when you returned. And rightfully so, having lost nearly everyone important to him, the thought of also losing you weighed on his mind constantly. Yet each time you had a mission you were determined to show him how capable you were, show him how you would always keep your promise to return to him. So, you had no problems with showing him just how alive you were, calling out his name and moaning as you let your orgasm claim you. Your pussy clenched around his still thrusting cock, making the grip on your waist tighten. Nails raking down his back he gasped your name and held you tightly in his arms. His hips kept moving, riding you through your orgasm before he groaned and came inside of you. The feeling was overwhelming and as each of you came down from your highs you held onto each other. Itachi kissed your temple and you barely remember him cleaning you both up as sleep yet again claimed you.
hope you enjoyed! remember likes & reblogs help me reach more people! :D
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taggedmemes · 3 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ Q-FORCE / 1.1 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'like i said, he’s the best of the best.’
‘none of you asked, but i’m sure as hell gonna tell.’
‘i look forward to serving my country with all of my big gay heart.’
‘you’re young, just hang in there. in ten years, you’ll be running this place.’
‘hey, dildo! just met the president. again. he’s, like, obsessed with me.’
‘you might wanna cover up, though. public nudity is a no-no in america.’
‘you’re a fucking genius. and i’m a fucking genius for recruiting you.’
‘i found that malaysian plane everyone was looking for way back when.’
‘would you like some chamomile, love? for your nerves.’
‘wait a minute, grandma rose is dead! trampled to death ten black fridays ago!’
‘i added 3.6 centimetres to my vertical leap.’
‘i’m sure you can tell, but just in case you can’t, the squad’s morale is lower than my wife’s singing voice.’
‘we won’t be on the sidelines forever. we’re too good.’
‘something’s gotta change, or you’re gonna lose the rest of us real soon.’
‘our lives are passing us by. and it’s time to do something about it.’
‘how’s my favourite tragic-story-of-wasted-potential doing?’
‘you’re positively radiant today, but also very young-looking.’
‘do i look like a pancake to you?’
‘stop buttering me up.’
‘you’re funny. you’re always funny. i’ve always liked that about you.’
‘you know i love you, but i can’t make any promises. i’ll see what i can do.’
‘her pasta sucks, and everybody hates her.’
‘opportunities don’t come on a schedule.’
‘when you showed up in my life, i was at rock bottom. but look at me now, i’m in a garage!’
‘technically, i have to do everything you tell me to do, or i’ll go back to prison.’
‘counterfeit crocs are flooding the market.’
‘before i can give you my pitch, what is your definition of treason?’
‘i met this guy last night who i suspect is a terrorist.’
‘okay, did you guys all know that raisins are grapes?’
‘i saw a metal briefcase cuffed to a wrist.’
‘i’m a little rusty, but i’m pretty sure his tattoos said, “anarchy will grow from the blood of the uninitiated”.’
‘sorry, i’m, like, extremely popular on here.’
‘respect my work-life balance. i’m trying to have it all.’
‘tell this one to go fuck itself, but in russian.’
‘sounds like two of your heart meds are fighting with one another again.’
‘i don’t misunderstand shit! never have, never will.’
‘call me so i can hang up on you.’
‘damn it, ____! want it less!’
‘ignore the call. once we solve this, which we will, spectacularly, she won’t even care about the missed call. you can’t argue with results.’
‘oh my god, you guys, we solved it! should we go out for drinks?’
‘now, for my plan to work, we may need a distraction.’
‘the gays love me, and i love them.’
‘weho sunset, no OJ, extra grenadine, two lime wedges, splash of soda, sugar-free cola, grapefruit bitters, 12 cherries, two frozen grapes, metal straw.’
‘what a hot accent you have.’
‘do not move one inch. i will make you pregnant so soon.’
‘i’m gay like your brother!’
‘i haven’t tested it get. and i made the jet engines out of parts from my air conditioner.’
‘careful, or you’ll call for me all over again.’
‘the way you just stepped out of those shadows? i mean, iconic.’
‘i was thinking that the time had come for us to actually do something with our lives.’
‘i did that for ten years and i don’t want to do it for another ten.’
‘this job came before everything. my family, my friends, my dating life.’
‘you don’t get it. people like us can’t break the rules.’
‘we have to work twice as hard and wait as long to get our shot.’
‘i’m sorry, what? you all foiled a possible black-market nuclear deal with a tie to the federal government?’
‘what part of “shit-canned” don’t you understand?’
‘yes, motherfucker, you absolutely do!’
‘you’re excused, but your behaviour isn’t.’
‘i put my neck on the line for you this time, and i don’t have another neck.’
‘don’t screen my fucking calls!’
‘she’d be such a gay icon if only her identity wasn’t top secret.’
‘oh my god, yes. that thing is a... lamp.’
‘i can stop hooking up with the coroner for free hair! now it can just be about the sex.’
‘nice office. looks like a shitty garage in here.’
‘my orders were “go babysit the sodomites, and make sure they don’t fuck up the entire world”.’
‘we don’t need you to babysit us.’
‘why don’t you just get the hell out of here and let us get on with saving the world?’
‘i don’t wanna be here any more than you want me to be here, but you brought this on yourself.’
‘i think you should have just let _____ hit him.’
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evakuality · 3 years
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Hanna, episode 8
1.  I know I’ve said it before, but these scenes with Hanna and Mia are so super gay.  Part of me still really really wishes that they’d gone there - I like the Jonas/Hanna reunion in s4 well enough (if we ignore the absolute travesty of stealing time from Amira), but I’d have really loved if Mia and Hanna had been the thing instead of adding in a random extra character for no reason.  Imagine the potential....  Also, Alex is still the worst.  Like I know he’s the worst because William was the worst.  But he’s still the worst.  Gross.  His sleazy manner is so offputting.  I hate that Mia ends up falling for this.  I do hope that unlike the original, Mia doesn’t lose all of who she is herself in her season.
2.  Ugh, I forgot how irritating Kiki is.  I really really like her by the later seasons (particularly in s5) but man in these early times she was not so great.  I know Kiki thinks they’re all being punished because Leonie hates Hanna, but as I said before Amira and Mia weren’t even with Hanna at that point, so that’s not likely.  Kiki’s need for control and to be liked is really coming out in some unpleasant ways.  This whole ‘what Hanna does reflects on our crew’ is so... bleh.  With every word Kiki gets more and more toxic, and then starting in on Amira as well, and wondering why she’s the bad guy?  She’s a young kid and she has this desperation to fit in and be cool and liked etc and I get that she’s not a dreadful person at the end of the day.  But she really needs to grow up.  Particularly given that she literally pursued Alex when he’s not exactly a saint about all this sort of stuff.  One thing I do love about this bit with Amira (and she repeats it when she speaks to Matteo in s3, which is a nice bit of character continuity), is how she leans forward and speaks very forcefully to Kiki as she explains her point of view.  The camera is tight up in her face, or rather she moves into it, and it doesn’t let Kiki or the audience move away.  And the call to prayer is a lovely touch right after, reminding of the ‘Muslim gangster world’ and what that’s really like.  Kiki needs to step out of her own sphere and realise that other people have their own thoughts and feelings and things aren’t always what she thinks they are.  Poor Hanna is suffering a lot, and instead of supporting her, Kiki chooses to pile on, focusing on her own ‘pain’ at the situation.  Which, in context, is really really petty.  And then she acts like she’s the hurt party?  Grow up, child.
3.  This little scene with Jonas is so painful.  The acting here is really nice.  Jonas’s sadness and hurt is so palpable, as is Hanna’s anxiety and tension.  It’s all so awkward and painful, and the way it’s shot with Jonas always at a distance and never really looking at Hanna just makes that all the more intense.  And I mean, I know Jonas is hurting and I know it’s hard for him, but this whole bit about how Hanna has no personality of her own is so mean.  In some ways he’s right (and correct me if I’m wrong, but in the original it was Eva herself who says this bit to her Jonas - I don’t recall every detail of Eva’s season as well as I’d like so this may be wrong, but what I remember is something similar to this line as part of why she choose to end it at the end, and if so I don’t really know that I like this change; it’s better from the character herself as a realisation).  But even if he’s right, it’s a bit unfair.  He told her to go and be someone outside of him, and now he’s like ‘I don’t know you at all’ and it’s really frustrating because I still don’t feel like ‘make out’ is an accurate description of what happened, and Sam is really the one who was pushing and pushing, and yet all the blame is being set on Hanna.  He says it’s not because of that, but of course it is.
4.  I always cringe at these scenes where the Eva character gets ‘slut shamed’ and basically panics.  It’s so hard to watch them go through it, and in so many ways this is the hardest episode for them.  Hanna is at a nadir.  Yes, Mia, Sam and Amira defended her, but with the tension with Kiki that support is falling apart, and then Jonas told her to call him when she gets a personality (harsh!!), and now she has someone in the school sending her messages in period blood.  It’s all pretty shitty.  And Kiki almost word for word repeating Jonas’s accusation about knowing ‘what kind of girl’ she is.  It’s totally understandable that she wants to get away from all of this stuff.
5.  Then this shot of her at the bottom of the stairs.  Distanced and lonely, and it’s even worse than it was at the start of the show.  Then, at least she was outside and had space around her, and the colours were much happier.  Here she’s closed, in, boxed out by stairs and the walls etc and it’s this dark, gloomy colour set.  There’s a bar of light, but she’s not even in it, she’s to the side of it, like she can’t even let herself have that.  Then we cut to literally seeing her through the bars of the stairs, like she’s imprisoned, which is effectively what everyone in the school is doing to her.  I do like the change that Matteo is here in person for this ‘you shouldn’t change schools’ talk.  There’s something about the interaction that changes when they have to do it face to face.  And yes Hanna, my love.  You start getting angry that people keep trying to tell you who you are.  Matteo’s lines here really do feel more like an overt attempt at reverse psychology than Isak’s did.  Again, I assume this is because we still didn’t know about Isak at all.  Whereas Matteo still feels more cynical and calculated.  His attitudes and the way he’s approached Hanna have felt different.  It’s really interesting to consider where his head is at in this season given just how low and disconnected we see him at the start of his own.  I guess when he’s called out for it over the next little bit it does change things a bit.  Plus of course the way his own life is about to be hit.
6.  The Hanna and Leonie talk is really interesting.  Up til now, Leonie has seemed much more dominant and Hanna much more timid.  And that’s been partly the way it’s filmed - they’re sitting or Leonie is placed above Hanna.  But here, Hanna looms over Leonie, quite literally, and it’s good to see her start to stand up for herself.  Leonie’s mannerisms are the same but they aren’t having the same effect.  And that’s partly because Hanna is at her lowest ebb.  While she seemed lost and lonely at the start of the season, that’s nothing on where she is now - now, she really has nothing left to lose so she can have this conversation and look!  Direct communication actually worked!  She got the results she wanted.  Also interesting is the choice to put Leonie in white and shoot against this wall - she looks diminished and washed out even after they were put back on the same level when they sit.  Until now it’s been hard to sympathise with her.  Yes, we know she’s been hurt, but she’s been so awful with it.  But it’s so clear here just how much of a toll all this has taken on her too.  And it’s so painful to watch Hanna have to admit to the things she did that have ruined so many of her relationships.  And the business with wishing we can change things but not being able to - it’s so human (and also this scene is so incredibly well acted!) and it sucks to have to admit that we can’t do anything about what we’ve done in the past.
7.  Somehow this bit with Jule doesn’t hit the way it does in Eva’s season.  I think it’s a combination of the way they’ve chosen to portray Jule - she seems a lot more standoffish - and the fact that Matteo has been a bit sketchy the whole time, with some clear hints that he’s not all he seems to be.  Also, possibly, because we do have Skam as a reference and so we did already know where this was going.  Either way, this last part of the scene falls flat after the very emotional bits with Leonie.  
Overall, I find this episode a lot more fluid than the previous one.  But this last day’s clips must have been a whole lot when watching live.  Poor Hanna goes through the ringer on this one day.  The way this one is lit is really interesting as well.  It’s either dark shadows or it’s really bright light, almost harsh with sun etc almost washing things out.  It’s an episode of extremes, which I guess is the point.  Hanna is going through some extreme emotions here, and the surroundings do tend to reflect that.
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
Random Dabi Headcanons
Everyone’s favorite raisin man les gooo
Due to growing up in a wealthy family with a strict diet, sometimes Dabi can be pretty picky with the food he eats. When he gets really homesick, he’ll only eat homecooked meals (and will often just cook for himself).
But at the same time, due to his heavily-suppressed urges to rebel against his father, sometimes when he’s feeling extra angry at society (or he’s in a sour mood because he caught Endeavor or Shouto on TV), he’ll binge in fast food as an extra ‘fuck you’ to dear old Dad.
Sometimes fast food makes him sick. A lot sicker than what happens to your average person. If he eats too many burgers or greasy things it will really fuck with his digestive organs and he has to be bedridden for a few days. He needs to be careful to limit his intake of unhealthy, processed food and mainly sticks to healthier meals.
Really prefers cold things to hot -- loves winter weather, favors colder things like ice cream and anmitsu, and is extremely sensitive to heat. If he eats something spicy, it messes him up for a while (think a trip to Taco Bell or Chipotle, then multiply the sting by 500x.) Hot things literally burn him from the inside out. If you’ve ever burnt your tongue on a hot drink, that’s what’s happening to the entirety of his throat.
He’s literally the only one in the League (besides Kurogiri) who can be outside in December in literally just a V-neck tee, sweatpants, and tennis shoes... and only complain of a ‘minor chill’. Spinner’s in the back literally fucking dying and all he says is “The breeze is kinda cold”.
Dabi, outside in his sweatpants and slippers: “Eh, pretty warm today”
Spinner, wearing two winter jackets and almost literally freezing his scales off: “???????????”
Sings in the shower. I don’t know why, but he definitely seems like the type of guy to belt the lyrics to some angsty ‘teenage rebellion’ song when he’s in the shower.
Adding onto that last point, I feel like he would unironically listen to Ke$ha. If nobody’s around you know he’s performing to ‘Blow’.
Likes to freak people out by tugging on the side of his cheek and opening his mouth unnaturally wide. You know the picture. It’s that.
He can only afford shitty-quality hair dye and has to reapply it every time he gets his hair wet. To date, nobody in the League has managed to catch a glimpse of his true hair color, but there have been some close calls.
Before you ask, yes, the curtains match the drapes. He gets really insecure about it and doesn’t like being naked around other people (especially considering his burns).
As time goes on, he gets fairly closer to Toga and is considered a stereotypical grumpy older brother: grumbling at her eager attention, teasing the hell out of her, sarcastically quipping at her expense. He keeps it muted though, given that he doesn’t really care at the end of the day. He’s not gonna go stand up for her, considering he knows she can handle herself for the most part (and would likely pull the “I’m not her keeper” line), but he would go to her aid if she was overwhelmed in battle because she’s a comrade.
Out of everyone in the League, I think he’d be closest to Twice. Twice kinda reminds him of Natsuo in a way -- and while thinking of his younger brother can make him a bit depressed, it feels nice to have someone so close to his outward personality around. He’s the only person Dabi doesn’t really mock (and given his own mental illness, I feel like he’d be a little more reticent on the ‘crazy freak’ jokes around Twice).
Spinner’s rampant fanboying of Stain kinda creeps him out a bit, as it reminds him of how some people used to idolize the top three heroes when he was a kid (and his own failures of living up to his father’s expectations). He can still remember some of his classmates dressing up in All Might and Endeavor costumes and completely gushing about how cool and awesome they were, and it’s just a bad memory all around that he wants to forget.
Kinda really hates celebrating his birthday, and really tries to keep the others from knowing what day it is. It’s just another reminder that he’s a failed existence and will never live up to anything or anyone’s standards. It really gets him in a depressed state for a while, especially when Shouto’s birthday is just a week or so earlier.
The thought of fatherhood keeps him awake at night in a cold sweat. That, and he doesn’t care much for kids. If he ever had a partner with a uterus, you know he would want them to be on birth control if they were smashing (or better yet, he would likely just go get a vasectomy if he could find a clinic willing to take him). He doesn’t even mind condoms, just as long as there’s little to no risk of pregnancy.
Literally just forgets that other League members exist sometimes. Like Mustard or Muscular will show up and he’ll be like “who tf is that??? oh wait they’re in the lov lmao”
Cannot fucking stand being around Moonfish. That man genuinely freaks him the hell out and he can’t be around him for long without his fight or flight kicking in. (Although isn’t that literally everyone around Moonfish, except for Muscular??)
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
summer love || kirishima x reader
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pairing; kirishima eijirou x reader
genre; fluff, because we all need some from time to time <3
words; 3k
summary; nobody understood why kirishima endured bakugou’s harsh way of tutoring when he had you. the few times his friends had met you, you seemed to be nice and patient. and they were correct; in fact, that was the main reason he avoided studying with you.
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。
“Hurry up, I don’t have time to spare” Bakugou grunted, staring at his friend as he struggled to put all his things on his backpack.
It had been a long and stressful day, full of revisions. The next day they were having their third-year midterms and Kirishima was determined not to repeat the past mistakes of his first year. This was his third year, the last chance he had to not end up with the worst grades of his class and he was going to take it, even if he had to submit himself to a round of extremely focused studying with his best friend.
“Why don’t you study with your girlfriend?” Kaminari asked him, a grin on his face. “I heard she has really good grades at 3-B”
“Who did you hear it from, your boyfriend?” Mina teased him, making the blonde blush.
“Shinsou’s not my boyfriend!”
“Yet” she laughed.
“He’s got a point, though,” Sero shrugged, looking over at Kirishima. “Why do you endure Bakugou if you have the option of seeing your girl and letting her help you? She seemed nice.”
“Because if I’m in 3-A it means I’m the fucking best option he has” Bakugou retorted, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but you’re mean,” Kaminari said, leaning on the frame of the door. “That’s why people prefer Momo’s tutoring sessions”
“And that’s what makes them fucking extras”
“Is Kirishima’s girlfriend really worse than this?” Sero interjected, making Mina laugh.
“She’s not bad at all” Kirishima assured him. “She’s really nice and patient but we decided a long time ago studying together wasn’t for us” he smiled, scratching the back of his head.
“Why not?” Mina asked, a curious look on her face.
“Kirishima, let’s go,” Bakugou said, standing up and heading towards the classroom’s door. Knowing Bakugou knew the real reason behind his refusal to study with you, Kirishima was thankful he gave him an out. He finally closed his backpack and followed him, hearing how his friends were debating now how could his girl possibly be worse than Bakugou.
And the truth was, you weren’t. Both Sero and Kirishima were right, you had really good grades in 3-B and you were really patient with your boyfriend but, as he said, you were both in the same page about not studying together.
It all had started on the entrance exams for your third year. Kirishima and you had started dating the summer between your second and third year, after realizing the agency you were doing your internship at was in front of FatGum’s. There was a convenience store located close to both buildings and after running into each other many times, you had ended up making plans to purposely meet and go for a stroll downtown after both of you were done with work. You both knew each other from U.A. but never had a chance to talk as much as you did over that summer.
Those days you spent together you learnt he had one of the cutest smiles you had ever seen and that not only did he have a really strong quirk, but also was really determined about what kind of hero he wanted to be. Kirishima loved to tell you stories about SunEater and FatGum, and every chance they have had to fight together against a villain. You knew SunEater as you had run into him at the same store multiple times, but every time you said hello to him, he would mumble something you couldn’t quite catch and leave the store. Still, you admired how much he had grown as a hero since the days you saw him walking by the hallways of U.A.
One of the days you were waiting for him in front of the convenience store for one of you walks, Kirishima ran late. You didn’t mind waiting, but you wondered if something had happened to him. After twenty minutes of waiting, you saw him running down the street, waving at you from afar. You smiled at him as he finally stopped in front of you, panting from the run.
“I’m so sorry for making you wait!”
“It’s no problem, it wasn’t long” you assured him. “Where were you? I can’t believe you’re this tired from running a block from your agency”
“Yeah, about that” Kirishima started, scratching the back of his head. “We helped stop a villain at a movie complex the other day and they gave Tamaki-senpai and me a coupon for a free ticket. Today, he told me he really didn’t want to use his so I thought maybe we could go watch a movie together if you’d like?” he offered, a doubtful look on his face.
“I’d really like that” you smiled. “Still don’t get the running, though” you added, tilting you head to the side.
“Yeah well, he had his ticket back home so we had to ask FatGum for permission to leave earlier so we could go to his house to pick up his coupon but... the train ride took longer than I thought” he excused himself. You shook your head.
“No worries. Thanks for thinking about me for using your coupons!” you thanked him, looping your arm around his and walking towards the movie complex.
As you both walked, falling into casual conversation, you tried to hide your grin at how much Kirishima was blushing since you had taken his arm. Once you reached your destination, he let you pick the movie and bought popcorn and some sweets for the both of you. You paid for the drinks and guided him to your seats as he carried the tray with everything you had bought.
As the movie progressed, you let your mind wander if this was really one of your casual strolling dates or if Kirishima was actually interested in you. Asking directly would be too blunt, so you decided to try your luck. He was sitting on your right, holding the popcorn bucket between the both of you. When you noticed Kirishima put his hand inside to grab some popcorn, you did the same, softly grazing your fingers against his hand, your eyes fixated on the screen to make it seem casual. He didn’t seem to notice, taking popcorn to his mouth while looking at the screen as well. You tried this two more times before surrendering.
For your next move, you leaned your shoulder against his, again not looking at him, wondering if he would take the sign and put his arm around you. When ten minutes went by and he hadn’t moved a muscle, you rolled your eyes. Okay, so maybe you had misinterpreted his signals and this was just a friendly date. Sighing, you put your hand on the popcorn bucket and realized you were more than half-way done with them. Maybe you could get a refill? Just when you were grabbing some popcorn with your fingers, a jump scare appeared on the screen, making you gasp in fear and put both your hands in front of your face, throwing the popcorn bucket on Kirishima’s chest and lap in the way.
Once you came down from your fright, you looked over at your friend and realized he was covered with popcorn.
“I’m so sorry!” you whispered, dusting off the popcorns of his chest and he got rid of the ones of his lap with a small laugh.
“It’s okay! You were really scared, huh?” he teased you, making your whole face burn. You put the popcorn back to the bucket, even if it meant you couldn’t eat them anymore. A refill was definitely necessary now. “Thought you like horror films”
“I do, I really do, it just took me off guard. Had my mind elsewhere” you admitted with an apologetic smile. Kirishima turned to you and with an arched eyebrow, a playful smile on his lips. His new angle let you notice he had popcorn on his hair as well.
“Really? What’s on your mind?”
Not really wanting to answer his question, you started picking the popcorn left on his hair, making sure to be as meticulous as you could. When you were finally done, your eyes wandered down to his, finally realizing you had gotten really close to Kirishima’s face. You parted your lips to say something, but words never managed to get out. Confused, you blinked, wondering why he hadn’t pulled away but was still looking straight into your eyes. The small part of you that still had hope and was pleasantly rewarded when Kirishima pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was soft, almost as he wasn’t sure you would kiss him back. When you moved your lips against his, Kirishima smiled, making your heart melt. You let the popcorn you had in your hands fall to the floor as your left hand flew to his right cheek, holding it tenderly as the kiss continued. A few minutes later, you pulled away and smiled. When he grinned back at you, you knew there was no way in hell anyone could keep you away from that boy.
Until entrance exams happened.
It wasn’t like the time you both auditioned to enter U.A., but rather a theory-based exam to help you remember the past year. Knowing Kirishima had difficulty with those, you offered to tutor him. Spending time with him always brightened up your day, so you figured this way you both could be productive while also having each other close.
That Sunday afternoon, you were both sitting in his bedroom’s floor, planning on revising all the topics seen in second year so the next day both of you could get a good grade. Kirishima had bought some snacks for both of you and you had put music on low volume to make you both feel more comfortable as you studied.
“Babe” you started, flipping through Kirishima’s old second-year notebook. “Why are there notes saying ‘fucking idiot’ after an exercise done wrong? I know Aizawa-sensei is harsh, but I don’t think he’s--”
“Oh, no, no” he interrupted you. “Those are from Bakugou. He has a different method for teaching” he explained with a smile. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I got that when he didn’t make an effort in learning my name when you introduced me”
“Red’s chick isn’t that bad considering I used to be shitty hair” Kirishima reasoned.
“But I love your hair!” you pouted, running your fingers through his hair and he smiled. He leaned over and filled your face with small kisses, making you laugh like a little kid. When he was over, you pressed a kiss on his nose.
“C’mon, we have a lot of studying to do” you reminded him, earning a playful whine from your boyfriend.
“I know, but this is the last day of summer. Can’t believe we won’t have as much time together as we did before. We’ll have school every morning, our internships in the afternoon and will end up with no energy”
“We’ll still have the weekends. Don’t worry, we’ll make it work” you assured him, taking his hand into yours. His scowl turned into a soft smile and you fell on his lips once more. You playfully bit his bottom lip and chuckled against his mouth. “We have to start studying now”
“Fine” Kirishima sighed, pulling away and resting his back on his bed. “How do you wanna do this?”
“How did Bakugou do it?” you asked. “It helped you before, right?”
“Uhm… he basically just hit me until I got the correct answer” Kirishima admitted, scratching the back of his head. You blinked twice, waiting for the punchline that never came. Pursing your lips, you took your notebook and opened it.
“Okay, how about I ask you a question and if you get it right, I give you a kiss?” you proposed, making him grin widely.
“That works!”
And it did work. At least for the first five questions, because after giving him his reward, you both ended up momentarily forgetting your plans for the afternoon. Lazy kisses were shared while snuggling on the floor, and even you ended up turning the music a little louder. Kirishima took the chance to take a couple of selfies of the both of you, as a souvenir from your last summer day together.  Even if the definition of summer love was one that was destined to end as the seasons changed, Kirishima was going to make sure that wasn’t the case for you.
As the young man lying underneath you blew raspberries on your cheek, you couldn’t think of any other place you wanted to be. You knew the idea of Kirishima being everything that was good in the world was part of the honeymoon phase, but somehow, it didn’t feel like any time you have fallen in love before. A part of you knew the risks of trying to carry out a relationship on top of your other responsibilities, knew it was almost childish to think it would be easy to do so and that you’d probably be better off focusing solely on strengthening your quirks. Never the less, to your surprise, most of the time you couldn’t help but feel giddy every time you thought about the hero known as Red Riot.
“Hey, weren’t we supposed to be studying?” you teased him, resting your chin on his chest.
“What time is it?”
You checked your phone. “It’s 6:40 p.m. already.”
“Okay, then let’s start at 7 pm. It’s better that way” Kirishima said, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“How does that make sense?” you laughed.
“You have to admit starting at 7 has a better ring to it than starting at 6:40” he argued with an innocent shrug. You rolled your eyes playfully at him and kissed his cheek.
“Fine” you obliged. “But let’s make some tea so we have everything ready when we start”
The electric kettle beeped when the water boiled but was ignoed as you and Kirishima started dancing on the kitchen to the music on his phone, showing each other your favourite songs. You began playing around with the filters on your Instagram app, uploading embarrassing stories of the two of you making funny faces to your social media. Kirishima remember he had seen a video on your Instagram account when you were dancing to a happy song, so he insisted you taught him the steps, even if you insisted it was a trend and you had just imitated the dance. Laughter filled the room as he struggled to follow you, making up his own choreography along the way.
Your eyes darted to the clock on the upper side of your screen and gasped.
“Eijirou, we haven’t done anything all afternoon!” you told him, your eyes filled with worry. “I have to head back home soon, please let’s do some revision now”
“It’s difficult to do so when I have such a lovely girlfriend as you” he winked, making you smile. “We have to boil water again though, it chilled while we waited”.
“Fine, but then we’re studying,” you said, pointing your finger at him. Kirishima opened his mouth and bit the air near your finger playfully. Your loud laugh was muffled when he hugged you tightly against his chest.
Hours later, as you walked home, you felt guilty Kirishima hadn’t studied nearly as enough as he needed to. You did manage to go over the main topics but you knew he probably needed more. You asked him to please try and study on his own after you left, and he promised to do his best. You had no doubts he would try but wasn’t as sure he would succeed.
Unfortunately, you were proven right days later. The results came and Kirishima was, once again, on the bottom of the class. You excused yourself for not being more firm the night you tried to study together, but he was hearing none of it.
“It’s not your fault, babe! I played a part too. I guess I lose track of time whenever we’re together,” he explained, as you both made your way to the train station after your internship. You both were tired but had made a pact to at least walk together to the station two times a week after you were done with your respective jobs. 
“I know, but I’m still sad you scored so low. Maybe we’re not meant to study together” you reasoned, a small pout on your lips. Kirishima threw his arm around your shoulder and chuckled.
“Maybe, but we’re great for everything else,” he said, his bright and confident smile making you fall for him for the millionth time. You put your arm around his waist and leaned your head on his shoulder, letting out a sigh.
“But you do need help for the mid-terms. Bakugou’s helped you before, do you think he’ll do it again?”
“Yeah, no doubt about it! He’s really cool, even if he’s angry all the time” Kirishima assured you.
“Sure, babe” you laughed and rolled your eyes playfully.
Kirishima still remembered your laugh months later, as he walked alongside Bakugou, ready to study for his third-year midterms. They were heading to the diner they used to study at, which was a few blocks from U.A.. It was a good studying spot since Bakugou could be as loud as he wanted without being kicked out (as they were once from the school library). Bakugou was on his phone, barking back at who seemed to be his mother. Kirishima was surprised he was able to hear the woman’s loud voice from afar. Imitating his friend, he unlocked his phone as well, being welcomed by your smile on his wallpaper. He smiled back and then locked it again.
If he wanted to be a better hero, Kirishima knew he had to refrain from studying with you and getting distracted. Even if he’d rather have you snuggling close to him than feeling his head hurt as he tried to comprehend math questions, he would do anything he had to do to be the best he could be. Before he met you, he wanted to be someone who could save people, but now, there was a part of him that also wanted to make you proud. As proud as he always was of you.
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nakedmonkey · 4 years
2 for Annie x Nancy! 17 for Beth x Rio!
I no longer have the link for what this was for but I had saved the prompts, and look what happened! 
Annie x Nancy - with relief
“You ever feel like we give our bad decisions too much credit?” 
Annie says this as Nancy watches her get dressed, dressed in a robe herself. She’s home so she doesn’t have to wear normal clothes and that makes Annie feel a little pissed, because she could use a nap after the workout they’ve just had. 
“What do you mean?” Nancy asks, tilting her head and furrowing her brow the way it does when Annie says something she doesn’t understand, which happens a lot. 
“I mean, people do stupid shit and write a love song about it. You know? We romanticize everything to excuse shitty behaviour. Eric Clapton fell in love with his best friend’s girl and then wrote a song about how she rejected him and he persistently pursued her anyway, and it’s his most famous song! I mean, are we, you and I, shitty people?” 
Nancy smiles and gets up, stopping close enough for Annie to smell her shampoo. She begins to undo the buttons she’s just done up, and Annie is about to remind her Ben is due home from school soon, when she realizes she’s redoing them, lined up the right way this time. In her attack of neurosis, she’d missed a couple of them. 
“Have you been writing some songs about us?” Nancy asks, smiling down at Annie’s worried frown. 
“Then, I think we’re good.” 
“We shouldn’t be sneaking around. It feels wrong.”
“You’re right,” Nancy says, smoothing her palms up Annie’s chest and over her shoulders. “So, let’s stop sneaking around.” 
“I’m not ashamed of this. Maybe a little...surprised, but definitely not ashamed. Are you?” 
Annie smirks, already melting under Nancy’s soft gaze. Post-sex Nancy is soft. Who would have thunk?
“No,” Annie replies, wrapping her arms around Nancy’s waist, pulling her in close and tiling her chin up to kiss her chastely. When she pulls away, she sighs with relief, but visibly stiffens instantly at the thought of exposing their month long affair, or whatever, to Gregg. 
Ben has his suspicions. Annie can tell in the way he takes his time opening the front door when he’s seen Annie’s car parked outside Nancy’s house, and the way he takes extra noisy steps coming up the stairs. The way he smiles knowingly at them on movie night before excusing himself early to hang out in his room. But Gregg. Gregg is clueless, and therefore unpredictable. 
“This is good,” Nancy assures her, then, a fleeting spark of doubt in her eyes when Annie doesn’t immediately agree. “Right?”
Annie inhales deeply. 
“Unfortunately, your neurosis and obsessive nature haven’t yet surpassed how good you are at sex.”
Nancy rolls her eyes and gives Annie a playful smack on the arm as she turns away, but she’s pulled back before she’s all the way out of reach. 
Annie holds onto her, making sure she has her attention when she says, “You’re also a great mom. And the best at late night chats. This is good.” 
Nancy looks at her like she often does lately; like she’s trying to figure out how the hell it is that this is actually working, and Annie doesn't blame her. She’s spent nights trying to figure it out herself, but she figures some things just don’t require an explanation. 
Her mouth opens and her breath hitches like she’s about to say something, but then she doesn’t and Annie waits, joke at the ready, teetering on the tip of her tongue when Nancy suddenly says, “I love you.” 
It’s Annie’s turn now to open and close her mouth like a fish, uncharacteristically speechless at the confession. Her heart races then, her palms immediately begin to sweat, and her brain is at a standstill, she can practically hear the record scratch before panic sets in. Why is she speechless? Is this bad? But then, she’s speaking, the words stumbling out of her before she knows what’s happening. 
“I love you, too.” 
And it’s like instant relief. As if the sound of the words alone set everything into place, and right. The nerves are good, the panic is good. Because for once, Annie can place it on something, and it’s not regret or impending doom. It’s the feeling of having something to lose, something to fight for, something to protect in addition to Ben. 
Nancy smiles and she exhales a laugh as Annie pulls her into her arms.
“Oh, thank god!” 
Nancy kisses Annie, holding her face in both hands as she does so. She then sighs, burying her face in the crook of Annie’s neck as they hold each other. 
Annie can’t help the dumb smile on her face, or the way she immediately inhales Nancy at given the chance. A year ago she wouldn’t have known what to do with the feelings doing so would stir, but now it just feels like home–like family. 
Beth x Rio - After an argument
They’ve fought before, but not like this, because it’s not really a fight. But Elizabeth’s been antsy, and sensitive. He’ll be the first to admit that they’ve said ugly things to each other before, and that he can be particularly hurtful when he wants to be. Certainly he’s said things to her that have made her flinch, but he’s never seen her just grow silent like this. There’s something in the way that she flinches at his words this time however that really and truly makes him feel like the scum of the earth–a feeling he has ever only associated with Marcus and the look on his face when he’s disappointed about Rio missing something important. 
He’s certainly used to sitting with the feeling, but what he’s not used to is the counter argument he expected to get in return but doesn’t seem to be getting. There’s no snappy comeback, or smartass remark, or now-it-all sass he’s used to getting from her and that’s...that’s an added blow. That makes him feel especially low. 
Beth has been obsessing over shopping for the kids a lot lately. So much so that she’s become distracted. She almost cost them a deal just the other day by excusing herself every five minutes to check her bid on some ridiculously expensive, extremely rare collectible for Kenny. 
The kid moved out of his mother’s house completely, has decided to live with his dad save for weekend visits, and even those have become sporadic. In turn, Elizabeth’s decided to shower him with gifts that do nothing except drain her bank account, which is what Rio says to her when the fight about the meeting is in full swing. 
“Why does it matter!” She snaps, face glued to her laptop. “It’s my money, so don’t you worry about it.” 
It’s been a long day. It’s been a long day and he should have walked away, but–it’s been a LONG DAY, and he is running out of patience, so as he loads the dishwasher, his back to her still, he opens his mouth and lets the words slip before he can filter them. 
“Yeah, well, buying him crap he’s going to forget about in two months isn’t going to make him magically hate you less.” 
The silence is not just deafening exactly, but painful. He looks up, ready to receive whatever she is going to dish out, but it never comes. She continues to stare at the computer screen, clicking idly, swallowing audibly, her eyes welling up and just before he can say anything to save the situation, she’s gotten up and quietly excused herself. Seconds later, the door to the bedroom slams shut, and that is how Rio’s found himself knocking, locked out for the first time in--well, ever. 
“Elizabeth,” he starts softly. “I didn’t mean that, come on.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he hears her say. “All he knows is I got his dad shot and then caused a divorce. I’m the reason he has to live in a tiny one-bedroom with a second hand pull out sofa.” 
And well, he doesn’t quite know where to start.
“He’s a teenager! Teenagers are dicks. It’s the natural order of things. He’ll grow out of it, trust me. And if dumbass Dean is half as decent as you keep saying he is, he’ll talk some sense into him.”
There’s silence in return, and he gives her a moment before giving the door another knock. 
The door opens a second later and she’s standing there, blotchy and teary eyed, and beautiful. 
“I’m a terrible mother,” she chokes.
“Hey, come on.”
He tugs at her hand, and again when she resists, finally holding her against his chest while she sniffles into his shirt. 
“I just want him to like me again.” 
“I hate to break it to you,” he says, pausing to drop a kiss on her crown, hoping it’ll cushion the blow, “but that might not happen until he goes off to college.” 
She groans before finally pulling back enough to look at him.
“Were you this horrible to your mom as a teenager?”
Rio laughs, “No. If I even thought about talking back I’d be in a world of pain.”
She frowns, and he finds himself tucking her hair back without thinking about it. 
“You’re a good mom.” 
“I guess.”
“You are and you know it. You want to take a bath? I’ll bring you a drink, light some candles.”
She smiles then and he thinks he might be getting her back tonight. 
“Co-baths are for after fights. That wasn’t really a fight.”
“I was thinking you could take one alone, but I like where your head’s at.”
He leans forward and drops a kiss on her neck, nipping her collarbone and getting a throaty laugh that feels like a victory. 
“Okay,” she says before meeting him for a chaste kiss. “Why don’t you start the bath…”
“But run it slow because this ebay auction ends in twenty minutes and I really think I’m going to get it.” 
“Twenty minutes!” She calls as she runs past him, back to her computer, but now in better spirits, so he relents, making a mental note to give the kid a talk the next time he gets a chance. 
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elfboyeros · 3 years
It Feels Oddly Domestic
Just a far warning there are going to be implied suicidal thoughts through the some of these little stories. I apologize if that tiggers or offended anyone I will put warnings at the beginnings of my stories if that is the cause!
Read the First Part
⚠️ Implied suicidal thoughts⚠️
“Mx. Paris there are other avenues that we could take.”
“Like what?”
“Well, the obvious one is to sue Callisto Merripen A.K.A Earthly Chaos,”
“Oh, come on you wouldn’t do that would you Cordelia?!”
“I don’t know!”
It seemed so outlandish, the idea of pro-hero suing another pro-hero. Especially when it appeared to be a horrible accident. Although the legal avenue for Cordelia to sue Callisto are more then sound.
“GAH, I don’t know what to do,” Cordelia huffed while in the shower, “I mean it does and doesn’t seem like a bad idea at the same.”
They turned off the shower tap, wrapping themselves in a towel and stepping out of the shower, “don’t fall again dumbass,” they muttered to themselves, “the last thing you need to do is all Aizawa or Hawks again to help you off the bathroom floor.”
They continue to think over the possible of suing the pro-hero that left them dying in the street, becoming more frustrated as the paced in their apartment, in an extra-large hoodie and boy shorts.
Cordelia turned to their bed seeing the fluffy gray cat sprawled out within a pile of blankets, “good day, Aphrodite,” they said with a smile going to pet the animal, “maybe I should talk to someone…”
“Thanks Aphrodite.”
Hawks was the first person they thought of talking to. He now the situation in and out he would give them advice.
Hey, I need someone to talk
Cordelia didn’t expect him to respond right away so they went to clean the bathroom to keep their mind of the choices they had to make. Although an hour and a half later they check their phone again.
[read] 4:23 p.m.
They frowned, knowing he was working. Although they wanted to be selfish this once. The possibly of making the wrong decision was eating them alive. They looked at the message list, Aizawa was under Hawks, the pro-hero 10 years their senior be the last person they texted. He had wished them luck in the meeting were the topic of suing Callisto came up.
“I can’t, he’s busy, it’s a weekday.”
Although they wanted to be selfish just this once.
Shota, do you got time to talk
It took less than a minute to get a response:
Is something wrong
Not extremely serious, but some stuff happened at the meeting today and I need advice.
If you’re busy its okay!
Do you want to do it over the phone, or in person
The fact that he had picked on how they like to discuss serious topics made them feel warm inside.
I would like to do it in person but this isn’t really about what I want
It actually is
Give me time to get there  
🙏I’m in your debt
Your not, just provide me dinner
What would you like
It doesn’t matter if it’s food
Yaki Udon?
 Cordelia smiled, heading to the kitchen to begin cooking while Aphrodite played with toy in the background. It felt almost domestic, making Aizawa dinner as he was returning from the school. He’s coming home if you will.
“Cupid, stop being an idiot,” they sighed, blushing, “he’s coming over to talk to you because you asked, this isn’t his home.”
Did Codelia Paris have feelings for Shota Aizawa, yes, Could it be because he was being he was being kind, possibly. Although the B.M.I Hero Fat Gum was kind to the young adult since the day they met, and they had no feelings for the 29-year-old doughboy. No, they had feelings for the 30-year-old tired teacher. But Aizawa wouldn’t have feelings for them, he was 10 years their senior and it’s not like he saw them as nothing, but a young pro and a possible friend.
“And know I’m thinking about Hawks,” Cordelia huffed.
The winged hero, that birdbitch, also had a place in Cordelia’s heart and out of the two men that Cordelia wanted to be with Hawks seemed more realistic, although that doesn’t get rid of the feelings for Aizawa.
A knock at their front door, made the jump, pulling them out of their thoughts, “it’s open!”
The door behind them opened, heavy and tired footsteps entering their apartment, “you shouldn’t leave your door unlock and answer it like that,” Aizawa stated, softly as he removed his shoes.
Aphrodite had waddled her way for to the cat lover, enjoying him picking her up and holding her like a baby, “I knew it was you,” Cordelia replied, back turn toward him.
“And what if I was a murderer, or something, huh,” Aizawa posed.
Cordelia chuckled, turning around and leaning against the stove, “you think I can cheat death a second time?”
Aizawa looked at them for a second, tired, upset, and depressed, but still trying to make jokes. Just like in the hospital a month and a half ago, “don’t talk like that.”
“You brought up, buddy,” they retorted as the would out bowels and utensils.
Dinner was state in front of them at the little circular table in the corner of Cordelia’s kitchen area. The element of sitting across from each other and eating dinner felt so domestic.
“So, what’s wrong,” Aizawa asked.
Cordelia sighed, “My lawyer said I could sue Callisto.”
“Yeah, granted no in the room looked happy with that opinion.”
“You say that as if you have other opinions.”
“I kinda do,” they sighed again, “I could ask for a public apology, which means the actual story gets out and a ruin a young man’s career. He could give me a small about of money, under the table as an apology. Or do nothing!”
“I was told that if I sue, meaning I could get both the money and the apology, but the Hero Commission pulled me aside after and said that was a horrible idea, and would have the wrong outcome for everyone,” Cordelia explained, “but I don’t see how that possible.”
“So, they don’t want you to do anything,” Aizawa remarked as a question.
“Basically, but right now my reputation is in shambles give the cover up job that they did,” Aizawa was silence for a moment, “what would you do Shota?”
“If it were me… I would do nothing,” he replied, “it seems like more trouble than it’s worth, but I’m not you.”
“I just want the people to know what really happened! I don’t care about the money,” Cordelia replied, getting up to place their bowl in the sink, “so I guess I’ll just ask for the public apology, I just don’t know what the right thing would be.”
“I can’t make the decision for me, Cordelia,” Aizawa remarked placing his bowl in the sink beside theirs.
“I know, I’m not asking you to make the decision,” Cordelia sighed, back leaning against the sink with their arms folded against their chest, “I just… I don’t… gah! It shouldn’t be this difficult to make this decision! And of course, I’m the one making it so difficult!”
“You are making it a bit difficult,” Aizawa chuckled, leaning against the arm of the couch.
“I guess I’m just worry about what people are going to think,” Cordelia huffed, “my brain is still stuck in my freshman of high school phase, I guess.”
“and I’m assuming that bad.”
Cordelia nodded, “a bit,” they muttered, “I was a people pleaser and worried about what everyone thought of me, stuff like that.”
“Sound horrible,” Aizawa joked.
“yeah,” they chuckled, moving to sit on the couch.
Aizawa soon followed, Cordelia scrunched up on one couch cushion at one end and the Eraser hero at the other end, “why did you want to please everyone,” he asked.
“I wanted people to like me,” they replied simply, “I wasn’t the rocking bombshell that I am now. I was a nerdy, chubby, kid in America with shitty parents. I was bully through out my American education career. When I got tired of it all, I made it so people would at least tolerate me so I wouldn’t be so alone.”
“So, what happened when you got to U.A.?”
“People were nicer. I found actual friends. Getting to meet Fat Gum and get chances to have a social life where I could be myself, helped me a lot” they explained, “and hey, I even lost a bit of weight.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes at the comment of their weight, which Cordelia didn’t notice, “I feel like since the accident I'm falling backwards,” they added, “as if I'm trying to keep those around me from leaving because “I’ve done something wrong." I know it's not true, but that want a part of my brain believes."
Aizawa was silence listening to them, which was him being polite although, of course, Cordelia’s brain take that way, “I’m sorry for rambling.”
“It’s alright,” he replied, looking at them scrunched up on their own couch, “you can relax, Cordelia.”
“Then my feet would be in your lap.”
“That’s your personal space,” they replied.
“and I’m in your home,” he added.
“I’m not putting my feet in your lap.”
“Too bad,” he huffed, pull at their feet, laying out their legs landing their feet in his lap.
It feels unbelievably domestic!
“Whatever… so tell me about yourself, Mr. Aizawa!”
He rolls his eyes, telling Cordelia very little about his younger ages, only because he didn’t feel like reliving his trauma at the moment. He spoke a lot about his time as a teacher, very little on his actual self.
“Come on, Shota, you gotta give me facts about yourself,” Cordelia chuckled.
“I mean there isn’t much,” Aizawa replied.
“Come on,” they groaned, “there’s no secret talent, or anything like that?!”
“Well... I can tap dance,” he answered.
Cordelia shot up, “dear god you are tell the truth,” they laughed, “THAT’S AMAZING,” they yelled falling back on the couch laughing.
Outside a center winged-hero was flying through the night sky, soaring to a center apartment. It’s not that he was ignoring Cordelia’s text, he was busy. Although the fact that he didn’t get a respond from them had him a bit worried.
“Come on, songbird, be okay,” he muttered.
Hawks landed on their balcony wall; he could see the light were on before he landed. Once he looked inside gave him the answer on why they didn’t respond to his text messages.  They were talking to 1-A teacher.
“Shota Aizawa,” Hawks muttered, “you keep stealing my thunder.”
Hawks looked down at his phone, opened on his messages with Cordelia.
Whatcha need Cupid
I’m sorry I was busy
I’m Flying by if you still need to talk
Cordelia please answer me!
[Delivered] 7:05 p.m.
Cordelia to him was a friend and had been a friend since they had started being a pro. He had someone to flirt with that would flirt back, someone to joke with, someone to feel at peace with when near them. Although since the accident he knew that Cordelia wasn’t doing great, and the red winged hero was trying his hardest to be support, but granted he was never good at that.
Hawks’ eyes fell to the cat sitting, inside, in front of the siding door, giving her a little wave before leaving, “have fun songbird.”
Aizawa and Cordelia looked over at Aphrodite, who sat in front of the balcony, “You want out stupid,” Cordelia asked, getting off the couch.
“Don’t call her stupid,” Aizawa chuckled, watching the beaten hero walked to the door.
“Maybe she’d be called smart if she figured out how to open the door,” they joked, petting the top of Aphrodite’s head, before siding the door open and swiftly shutting it and turning back seeing Aizawa off the couch, “leaving?”
“Well, have a stay trip back to the school,” Cordelia replied, “and thank you for doing this, I’ll make it up somehow.”
“You don’t have to make anything up,” he replied.
“Maybe I could help you grade or train the kids,” Cordelia proposed.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Aizawa chuckled.
Cordelia smiled somberly, the tried teacher could tell something was wrong. Not like if he left something would happen, but just that they didn’t want him to leave, they didn’t want to be alone. He could tell by the smile and the look in their eyes.
“Please text me or call me if you need anything,” he added softly, “I’ll be here as soon as I can.”
“I know,” Cordelia remarked, “now go, Eri probably want you to read her a bedtime story.”
That confirmed from him, that they didn’t want him to leave, and that broke his heart.
“Goodnight, Cupid,” he remarked, reaching for the door.
“Goodnight, Sho,” they giggled.
Once he left things didn’t feel so domestic anymore, they unbelievably felt sad and cold.
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svnflowervol666 · 5 years
could u probably write one where h is dating a girl that’s a lil curvy? (You can look up someone like julia kelly and katya elise henry on ig/tumblr if u wanna know) and she gets a lot of comparisons from a few of his friends and fans, it kinda brings her down a bit bc idk man I’m a bit curvy too but i get so insecure sometimes knowing that people could be so judgmental but i know harry would love his girl no matter what 🥺❤️
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: smut-ish (at the end)
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Something was off with Y/N. Harry had known this for the past few days. It wasn’t that she’d been acting completely different, just so much so that being the caring and attentive person that he is, Harry had picked up on it.
At first, it was turning down second helpings at dinner. He didn’t think much of it aside from giving her the side-eye, because it was her favorite meal that Harry only cooked for her on special occasions. Next, it was her offering to pleasure him in the morning with her mouth instead of letting him take care of them both. Again, it was odd for her to turn down early morning sex, but he’d assumed she was just tired. Then came the nights when Y/N refused to sleep naked. Harry and Y/N always slept without clothes on, Harry claiming that it was just one more layer keeping them apart, which he hated. Again, he thought it was weird, but the weather had been particularly nipply lately so he’d chalked it up to her simply getting chilly throughout the night and needing the extra warmth.
The last and final straw, the whistle-blower that tied all of her off-kilter behaviors together, came to Harry when Y/N was in the shower. She was rinsing off after dinner, which she had only picked at anxiously with her fork without actually eating much of, and Harry was cleaning up the kitchen and living room to prepare for the movie night they had planned. When Harry went to move Y/N’s open laptop from the coffee table, he accidentally woke up the screen, and what he saw puzzled him to no end. It was an article pulled up on her browser, one from a tabloid company titled, “Reasons Why Y/N is Harry Styles’ Best Girlfriend.” The article was filled with photos of not only him and Y/N but of him and his past girlfriends as well. The point was to prove how much happier Harry looked with Y/N as opposed to his exes, but Harry was peeved regardless. Sure, some of these women had done him wrong in the past and left him feeling absolutely gutted, but he hated seeing them being put up against each other in this fashion.
Only adding to his frustration, the next tab over from the article was twitter account that Y/N and Harry had made one drunken night in order to spy on his fans and have a good laugh at how funny some of his followers were. They logged on and scrolled through the tweets together occasionally, but the tweets pulled up on the screen were all about Y/N’s body rather than jokes about how badly they wanted Harry to run them over with his car or memes made out of the horrid candids people had taken of him on stage. They claimed that Y/N was better than Camille because she “actually has an ass,” and that Taylor could never pull off a dress like the one Y/N wore on New Year's Eve because she didn’t have the right curves like Y/N did. Again, not necessarily negative comments, but this coupled with the other article Y/N had been looking at was enough for Harry to comprehend what was happening here.
It didn’t take much for Harry to put it all together, and it broke his heart when he did. She was comparing herself to the other girls Harry had been with. He wasn’t stupid. He knew what people said about Y/N and he knew very well that she looked much different than the other girls he typically went for. People certainly picked up on Harry’s “type,” seeing as he was always a hot topic for the press. Therefore when Y/N came along, everyone had tons to say on the matter. He avoided the comments as much as he could, but it was clear that Y/N was unable to say the same.
In the midst of planning how Harry would approach her on the subject, Y/N emerged from the top of the stairs and made her way over to the couch, dressed in an oversized shirt of Harry’s and a pair of her favorite underwear. Harry quickly closed her laptop and moved it into the kitchen as if he hadn’t just been snooping through her browser history.
“Alright,” she huffed as she plopped down onto the plush cushions of the sofa, wet hair sticking to the nape of her neck, “What’re we watching tonight?”
“Dunno,” Harry pondered, “Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find?”
“You know me too well, bubby,” she sighed contently.
A smile tugged at the corners of Harry’s mouth at the nickname she’d used. She appeared to be in a good mood, so he decided not to push his luck and try talking to her another day.
“Ye’ want some popcorn? Bought a new box at the store yesterday.”
“Uhh, no. I think I’m good. Still pretty full from dinner.”
You hardly touched your dinner, Harry thought to himself. He nodded (extremely hesitantly) at his girlfriend before situating his own self on the sofa next to her.
They settled on some independent film they knew they’d both hate, but that was the fun of it. Cracking jokes about how bad the acting was or about how inconsistent the main character’s accent was was almost more fun to Harry than watching a film that was actually good, which was why they ended up watching shitty, low budget ones on their designated, weekly movie nights.
Nearly halfway through the film, Harry absentmindedly slid his arm that was draped around her waist down to reach for Y/N’s thigh to place over his lap. He loved cuddling her this way, which their bodies morphed together and their legs intertwined under the coziest blanket in his house. Y/N loved it too, so Harry was shocked, but up until recently, not surprised, when she quickly pulled her leg away from Harry’s grip and off of his lap.
“Wha’s wrong? Ye’ don’t want to cuddle wi’ me?”
“What do you mean? I am cuddling with you?”
Harry huffed dramatically and rolled his eyes at his girlfriend’s feigned ignorance.
“Ye’ know exactly what I mean, baby. And it’s not just that. You’ve been acting weird lately. I know ye’ think I haven’t noticed, but I have. Ye’ don’t eat as much at dinner anymore, ye’ sleep with a t-shirt on. Ye’ don’t even want me touchin’ ye’ right now. Plus, I saw what was pulled up on your laptop while ye’ were in the shower. I’m not dumb, Y/N. Just wish you’d talk t’ me about it’s all.”
Y/N felt the embarrassment creep up her chest and spread to her neck. Her cheeks burned hot as she stared directly into his emerald green eyes that were begging, pleading for her to open up to him and tell him why she’d been so clearly obsessed with her appearance as of late. She’d had no idea that she’d even made a pattern out of her behaviors must less that Harry had picked up on them. 
“I-...Harry....I don’t want to talk about this right now,” her voice barely came over a whisper.
“Well, I do. What is it? Ye’ think your too big f’ me or somethin’?”
Y/N sighed frustratingly in Harry’s direction. 
“It’s not that. Not entirely anyway. It’s hard to explain. You’ll think it’s stupid.”
She tried not to look at Harry, but his burning gaze made it impossible to tear her eyes away.
“Baby, nothing ye’ say or feel is stupid. Talk t’ me.”
He placed his ringed hand on her kneecap. She was hesitant to not pull away from his touch, but she tried her best to relax against his grip.
“It’s just that...I don’t....look like the other girls you’ve been with,” Y/N chewed her bottom lip anxiously as soon as the words left her mouth.
Harry still didn’t see her point.
“So?” he questioned, “There’s a reason why I’m not with ‘em anymore.”
“I’m just...I see all of these comments about what people say about me...about us and it makes me feel weird.”
“Weird? Like wha’?”
“Weird like I don't really see why you’re even with me, H. I am the polar opposite of all of your exes.”
Harry had half a mind to be angry with Y/N for more or less accusing him of not loving her when that couldn’t have been further from the truth, but he was able to see things from her side and keep his urges to himself. He knew exactly what it was like to be under constant scrutiny from the press, but she didn’t. She didn’t ask for this, she didn’t deserve this, and she certainly shouldn’t be feeling the way she’s feeling right now. 
“Baby,” Harry cooed her, “Wha’ever it is that ye’ read or wha’ever ye’ thinkin’, ‘ts not true. I swear on me mum that you’re the girl I want t’ spend forever with. Ye’ don’t have to change anything about ye’self to get me t’ love ye’ any more than I already do.”
“But nothing,” Harry interrupted, “Promise me ye’ won’t read that rubbish anymore. And promise you’ll stop hidin’ ye’self from me, too.”
Y/N nodded slowly, feeling the tension built up in her shoulders slowly dissipating into thin air. Harry was her favorite person in the world, and hearing that from him meant everything. Of course, she’d still have her moments when she’d feel like she wasn’t good enough, but everyone had those. 
“Good,” Harry leaned over to press a chaste kiss over her forehead, “Now give me a proper cuddle.”
He leaned over to grab her by the waist and hoisted her up completely on top of him.
“Harry, no!” Y/N sheepishly exclaimed through embarrassed giggles.
“Y/N, yes!” Harry taunted her as he made them both comfortable on the sofa once more. 
He pulled the blanket up over their shoulders and wrapped his arms securely around her back so that he could pet her spine whilst they finished the movie. She nestled into Harry’s shoulder and breathed in his scent that lingered on his fitted, white t-shirt. Twenty minutes ago, she’d have felt like she was crushing Harry under her weight, but not now. She felt at peace knowing Harry loved her for who she was.
As movie nights typically go with Harry, he started to get quite handsy towards the end of the film. He was starting to shift about the sofa and his palms were navigating towards the supple skin of Y/N’s bum. At first, it was a comforting hand slipping in between the hemline of her panties and just resting there against her bare skin, but soon turned into Harry kneading teasing, firm motions on her ass. His lips had found their way to the sensitive patch of her neck, sucking and tugging the area lazily, but still intense enough to mark her up. 
“Angel,” Harry beckoned when he was able to pull his lips away from her momentarily.
Y/N hummed in response, too intoxicated from the tingling sensation caused by Harry’s tongue mouthing at her throat.
“Sit up f’ me,” Harry demanded, his voice dripping with lust and desire. 
She did as she was told, sitting up so she was still straddling Harry’s chest as she looked down at him. Harry kept a close grip on Y/N’s thighs as he slid further down the couch and his face was now inches away from her core.
“Harry, what’re you-”
“Shh,” Harry’s eyes were blown out and glassy as he switched from looking into her eyes and the damp patch that was slowly but surely forming at the front of her cotton panties. 
“Just let me love on ye’ for a bit. Come closer t’ me.” 
He tried tugging her thighs so that she’d sit down a bit more against him, but she tensed up.
“But I don’t want to-”
“Ye’ not gonna crush me or wha’ever it is that ye’ worried about.”
“I might,” she mumbled to herself.
Her self-depreciation caused Harry to nip the inside of her bare thigh with his teeth, which made her jerk in response.
“Hey!” she scolded.
Harry took advantage of her moment of disorientation and kissed her heat over the front of her panties so that he could taste the juices that had accumulated there. Her chuckles quickly died down into moans when she felt the beginnings of his stubble graze the part of her body where she’d always needed Harry the most. 
“Ye’ gonna listen t’ me now, pet?” Harry asked as he replaced his lips with his thumb, where he began rubbing tantalizingly slow circles against her clothed clit.
“Mhmmm,” Y/N mewled.
“Though so,” Harry finished off with his infamous cheeky smirk.
She settled down properly onto Harry’s face, hovering just over his plump, shining lips until he was ready to taste her again. When he pulled her panties to the side and latched onto her dripping, wet core, she sank even further down against Harry’s tongue, eager to feel him in every possible nook and cranny that he could reach. He drank from her like he’d never wanted anything else in his all of his days.
Y/N had no doubt in her mind that at this moment, Harry was being honest when he said that she was the only person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
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dweetwise · 4 years
yes hello, i’m back on my riconti bullshit again, this time with a cute prompt fill from @dailyau by @hcpelesshcney about fire alarms and sharing a blanket ❤️
i’m also trying something new with splitting a fic into chapters!
ship: felix x ace warnings: briefly mentioned internalized homophobia word count: 3700
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire (part 1)
It's surprising just how scattered the human brain becomes during a crisis.
When Felix was woken from his restless sleep in the hotel bed by a blaring fire alarm, he'd bolted out of the bed and scrambled out into the hallway without second thought. He'd probably even left the door to his room wide open, with his wallet, passport, phone and laptop all neatly arranged on the desk for anyone to walk by and steal.
And now he's standing in the parking lot in the chilly late summer night, dressed in nothing but his pajama pants and a t-shirt. His socks were drenched as soon as he stepped outside, running straight into a puddle while hurrying to get away from the potential fire.
At least he's not alone in the stressful predicament. There's plenty of other people around, looking just as lost and dazed as him, having been forced to evacuate the hotel in the middle of the night. Most have been sensible enough to bring their jackets and shoes, a couple of kids even huddling beneath a hotel duvet.
And since there's no sign of a fire or even any smoke, Felix feels like an idiot for not having the foresight to bring something to warm him up.
The firefighters have just arrived at the scene and are preparing to search the building for the source of the alarm. Felix tries not to shiver even more as he relents to the fact that they're still going to be stuck out there for quite some time.
The crowd in the parking lot is loud, families and partners gossiping amongst themselves, some people even arguing with the staff members about ruining their vacation. Felix wishes they'd just shut up, more than happy to forget this ever happened if he'd just get to curl back under the warm covers of his bed instead of freezing out here.
This trip just kept getting worse. Not only had he been forced to come on only a day's notice, taking over Lauren's business trip across the Atlantic when she'd unexpectedly caught a cold. He’d also had to take a shitty flight route with two extra stops, and his last flight had been no less than six hours late.
When he’d finally arrived at the hotel and started trying to sleep off the massive jet lag after barely getting any sleep on the plane, he'd been rudely awakened by an emergency. And now, to add insult to injury, he’s gone from the threat of burning to death to freezing to death.
“Hey,” a voice says from right beside him, making Felix jolt in surprise over being distracted from his internal pity party.
He sees a man standing next to him, wrapped in a hotel-issued blanket, looking up at him with curious brown eyes and a pleasant smile.
Felix racks his brain for if he knows this man or not, but draws up a blank, the tiredness and cold making his thoughts feel sluggish. The man is shorter than Felix and looks a little older, if the laugh lines and grey hair are anything to go by.
“You look cold,” the man says. “Wanna share my blanket?”
As the man lifts the fabric just the slightest bit in invitation, mortification hits Felix. Not only is his shivering noticeable enough to warrant someone taking pity on him, he's being offered physical contact from a stranger.
Isn't it a weird thing to offer, especially to another man? Does he somehow know that Felix is gay? Is he making fun of him? Or is it just an American thing? Wouldn't it be weirder for Felix not to accept, since the man has noticed how much he’s freezing?
“Alright,” the man says when Felix isn't replying, lowering the bedding in surrender. “My bad, I just thought—"”
“Yes,” Felix says, interrupting him.
“Uh…” the man says, understandably confused by Felix's social awkwardness.
“Yes, I want to sh-share,” Felix says, another full-body shiver wracking his body.
“Oh! Sure,” the man grins happily, and then he's suddenly very close, shoulder bumping against Felix's chest, and a corner of the blanket is thrown haphazardously over Felix's shoulder.
“T-thank you,” Felix stammers, both from the nerves and the cold, grabbing the soft cotton fabric and pulling it tighter against himself.
And causing the stranger to stumble even closer from the momentum.
“Sure, don't mention it,” the man grins, like he's not now pressed against a stranger's side from shoulder to hip.
Embarrassed as Felix feels, both the blanket and the person attached to it are warm. Felix has to stop himself from sighing blissfully as the other's body heat starts to warm him up, slowly working away at the chill in his bones.
“Well, since we're gonna be stuck here for a while,” the man muses. “My name's Ace.”
“F-F-Felix,” Felix manages through clattering teeth.
“I'd shake your hand, but I think we're past that stage already,” Ace jokes, and then offers a pleased grin as Felix huffs out a surprised laugh through his nose. “In any case, it’s nice to meet you, Felix,” the man looks up at him and smiles, and Felix's poor, gay heart skips a beat.
Yeah, this is definitely preferable to freezing to death.
“I wonder how long they'll take to find the cause this time,” Ace starts conversationally, while pulling out his phone from the nest of blankets. He sets to what looks like writing a text to someone, not seeming the least bit bothered by their predicament.
“You don't seem very nervous,” Felix observes.
“Not my first rodeo,” Ace looks up and grins. “Probably someone just smoked inside and tripped the alarm. Happens a lot in hotels.”
“D-d-do you travel? A lot?” Felix asks, partly do distract himself from the cold while he gets his body heat up, partly to divert Ace’s attention from his phone.
“You could say that,” Ace says. “What about you? Here on business?”
“Yes,” Felix says, with no small amount of annoyance over being reminded he still has work tomorrow. “Thankfully my meeting isn't until the afternoon.”
“Glad you can get your beauty sleep,” Ace says.
“And hopefully get rid of the jet lag,” Felix comments with a tired sigh.
Ace hums in acknowledgement before going back to his phone message. Felix tries not to take it personally; he knows he's not that interesting to talk to.
Ace is so warm, and it's a little awkward being pressed this close, but embarrassingly enough, Felix finds himself drifting even closer. Ace smells like whiskey and cheap cologne, but somehow, it's oddly comforting. He'd probably been drinking last night—well, technically tonight. Thankfully, he doesn't seem drunk, as Felix doubts he would have had the patience to deal with alcohol-induced rambling.
“Whiskey man, I see,” Felix comments. When Ace looks up from his phone in surprise, Felix realize how weird it is for him to admit to smelling the man.
“I reek that bad, huh?” Ace grins, taking the comment in stride.
“I didn't mean—” Felix flounders to explain.
Damnit, he should just give up on trying to make conversation.
“Wow, lighten up,” Ace says and elbows him playfully under the blanket, adding even more physical contact to their already borderline inappropriate situation.
Felix tries to ignore the fluttering in his gut when he feels Ace's hairy forearm brush against his own. This is more physical contact than he's gotten from another man… probably ever.
“Yeah, I had a few drinks earlier. I'm more of a wine man, but…” Ace seems to ponder. “Sometimes, you've got to try new things.”
Like huddling under a blanket with an attractive stranger, Felix considers.
Suddenly, he almost regrets the blanket blocking his view from seeing more of the man. His body feels firm against Felix's, and his shoulders look defined, though that could just be an illusion from the thick fabric covering them.
“What’s your poison?” Ace asks, following Felix's awkward silence.
“I don't drink much,” Felix lies, like he hasn’t been going through his father’s old liquor collection at an alarming rate for the past year or so. “Uhm… whiskey, I guess. And bourbon.”
He could really, really go for either one right now. Not only would the drinks warm him up, they'd also make him act like an actual human being instead of the stiff robot impression he's currently doing.
“Huh,” Ace comments.
“What?” Felix asks, trying not to get defensive.
“Nothing! I would have pegged you as a beer guy, is all,” Ace muses. “Maybe that's just the accent, though.”
“Sorry,” Felix apologizes. Now hyperaware of his bad pronunciation and extremely German accent, he tries to bury his face deeper into the blanket in embarrassment.
“Naw, hey, come on,” Ace turns toward him as much as the cramped space allows him to. “Your English is amazing! The accent only adds charm.”
Felix looks at Ace's encouraging smile and tries not to think too much about their thighs now pressing together. Ace is clearly waiting for him to say something, but all Felix can focus on is his warm body and striking features.
“Where are you from?” Felix asks instead, trying to place the hint of an accent he thinks he hears.
“Huh. Good catch,” Ace smiles, seeming surprised. “Guess!”
Felix flushes and looks at Ace's eagerly grinning face. It's nighttime, but Ace's skin seems darker than his own, and his features look Mediterranean, reminding Felix of countless business trips to Spain. But the accent…
“Italy?” Felix suggests, and Ace's smile somehow widens even further.
“Close!” Ace says. “Argentina.”
“Ehm…” Felix furrows his brow in confusion, thinking that surely, being a whole continent and world sea off doesn't exactly count as "close".
“My family hails from Italy, and it's my native language,” Ace explains. “So it was a really good guess!”
“Thank you…?” Felix says awkwardly.
“I'd ask what you were doing when the alarm went off, but…” Ace pauses, glancing up at his disheveled hair. “From your outfit choice and the bedhead, I'd put 50 bucks on 'sleeping'."
“You'd be correct,” Felix murmurs, self-consciously poking his hand out from under the blanket to run through his tousled hair. “I'm not very interesting.”
“I think I'll be the judge of that," Ace grins. “If, uh… you don't mind chatting to pass the time?”
“Not at all,” Felix says, hoping he doesn't sound too eager, happy Ace deems him interesting enough to talk to instead of whoever he was texting earlier.
They spend some twenty minutes chatting about mostly insignificant things. But as much as Felix usually hates small talk, he now welcomes it, because Ace is asking him interesting questions instead of just talking about the weather. He appears to genuinely care about Felix's story, and Felix might end up sharing a little too much, from the work stress and business trip he didn't even want to come to, all the way to his relationship that ended a few weeks ago.
Ace seems friendly and pleasant, taking Felix's awkward pauses and nervousness in stride, filling in the silences with stories of his own. Felix hears a lot about the different places he's traveled to, along with some hotel horror stories that make him feel much better about the current fire alarm situation. He manages a few laughs, some merely polite, but some genuinely amused at Ace's over-the-top storytelling.
Eventually, Ace's phone beeps again and he excuses himself and engrosses himself momentarily in the screen, and this time, Felix welcomes the brief break in socializing.
He realizes just how nice this is. It feels like a stroke of luck that only a few short weeks after ending his relationship with his ex-girlfriend and coming out in the process, he'd meet a handsome stranger this eager to cuddle up to him.
Not cuddle up—share a blanket, Felix mentally berates himself.
He glances at Ace out of the corner of his eye, seeing his side profile illuminated by the dim glow from the phone screen. Felix never really considered what his type would be, apart from the all-encompassing "men" that he'd only recently come to accept about himself. But taking in Ace's defined features and the smile that seems to be a permanent part of his face, he's starting to get an idea.
Quickly looking away before Ace catches him staring, Felix suddenly feels almost too warm. He shouldn't get ahead of himself; even though It feels like Ace is being a little too friendly, he hasn't actually made a move, seeming happy just with chatting to kill time.
Felix briefly toys with the idea of placing his hand on Ace's hip in a loose embrace, just to test the waters. He'd never be that brave, but if he was, he'd at least know for sure, even if it would probably end in Ace being disgusted and kicking him out of the blanket cocoon.
But… maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he’d smile even wider and return the gesture, just as eager as Felix to get even closer. Felix would wrap his arms around him, and they'd stand there cuddling and sharing even more body heat, maybe even kissing—
Shit. This is exactly what his therapist said he shouldn't do, the term "excessive daydreaming" flashing in his mind.
“Sorry,” Ace is saying, turning back to face him and pocketing the phone, completely oblivious to Felix's internal dilemma. “Where were we?”
“I, uh,” Felix stammers.
Was just thinking about kissing you.
“Did I tell you about the time a bunch of college kids decided to set off fireworks in the hotel room next to mine?” Ace offers, saving Felix from floundering for a topic.
“What—why would they…?” Felix asks.
“Well, I'd just gotten back from this extravagant New Years party—” Ace excitedly starts telling yet another story, and Felix keenly starts listening in.
Ace seems to be completely in his element, getting lost in talking about just how fancy the party was, followed by a dramatic retelling of some very incredulously sounding explosions that turned out to be fireworks. Felix keeps listening raptly, not entirely sure about the accuracy of the story, but enjoying seeing the other so happy. The blanket occasionally shifts as Ace tries to gesture with his hands to add to the narration, only to remember that he can't, looking sheepish every time.
Felix has never met someone with such effortless charisma. Ace's voice is rich and pleasant, and Felix briefly zones out while he imagines it talking him to sleep.
It's stupid, and he knows it. He's only known the man for half an hour, and even "knowing" him is pushing it. Felix is only in the country for two more days, and he’s very aware that pursuing anything would be pointless.
But he also knows that given the chance, he wouldn't say no to seeing Ace again. Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, the narrowly averted emergency, or simply being far away from home and realizing nobody would ever find out. Either way, he’s feeling more adventurous than usual, the adrenaline in his veins and butterflies in his gut keeping his tired body on high alert.
Too bad he's deathly afraid of rejection and would never dare to ask if the other is interested.
Suddenly, there's the screech of a PA system, and Ace stops mid-sentence, both of them turning to look at a firefighter speaking into a megaphone.
“The fire has been extinguished and the building is now safe. Please return to your rooms,” the fireman announces.
The horde of people immediately start flocking towards the hotel entrance at the same time, creating an annoyed crowd of freezing, grumpy people and managing to clog the entryway immediately.
“I wonder what the cause was,” Felix ponders out loud, not making an effort to move toward the commotion and get stuck between the shoving, complaining people.
“Who cares? We get to not freeze our asses off anymore!” Ace exclaims gleefully.
And Felix realizes they no longer have a reason to stay huddled up together. Reluctantly slipping away from under the blanket, he feels a disappointed pang in his chest over how happy Ace sounds to get rid of him.
“Thank you for lending your blanket,” Felix says, handing his side of the fabric back over to Ace and trying not to shiver as the cold of the night hits his warm skin.
“My pleasure! Thanks for keeping me warm!” Ace quips cheerfully, wrapping the item tighter around himself.
“Ehm… you as well,” Felix says, looking away so Ace doesn't see his face heating up.
“Come on, let's get you inside!” Ace prompts, and then he leans into Felix and shoves him lightly with a blanket-clad shoulder.
It's clearly in an intent to encourage Felix to move, but it still makes newfound hope blossom in his chest. They’re no longer forced to tolerate each other if they don't want to freeze, but Ace still seems far from repulsed by him.
“Right,” Felix says, starting the short trek to the hotel entrance that has thankfully cleared up from people.
“So…” Ace drawls, easily falling into step next to him. “Can I have your number?”
Felix glances at him and blinks in confusion. Is… is Ace asking him out? Or just being polite? Is he going to ask to be added on Facebook too, like all the weird colleagues Felix has met on business trips once and then never heard from again?
“For...?” Felix manages to ask when they arrive at the entrance, reaching for the door and holding it open for the man.
“Just wondering if you wanted to grab some drinks while you're still in town,” Ace says when he slips past Felix into the building. “I wouldn't mind getting to know you better,” Ace adds, looking him up and down with a smile that is definitely not just friendly.
Heat rises up Felix's neck from more than just the warm air of the hotel lobby. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one sensing the tension between them.
“Maybe,” Felix says, trying and probably failing to not seem way too enthusiastic.
“Oh?” Ace says, quirking an eyebrow. And then he's shrugging off the blanket, revealing a rolled-up, button-up shirt and—
Fuck. Broad shoulders and a lean build, that sure as hell doesn't make Felix's predicament any easier.
Felix definitely stares longer than appropriate while they continue walking to the elevator, Ace thankfully too busy with bunching up the blanket to notice his ogling.
“What…" Felix starts, making Ace look at him, cocking his head. "Uhm. What's with the sudden interest?”
“I mean,” Ace says, shooting him pointed look. “I was interested ever since I saw you there, shivering in your ridiculously tight T-shirt,” he winks.
Felix realizes that the shirt probably leaves a lot less to the imagination than the suits and blazers he always wears. He lifts a hand to his arm in a self-conscious manner, making an attempt to cover himself.
“But I didn't wanna freak you out,” Ace adds, giving a one-shoulder shrug. “Would have been pretty awkward if you said no, considering you were kinda stuck with me for a bit.”
That's… oddly sweet, and very much appreciated. Felix would probably have imploded on himself from embarrassment if Ace would have been this forward from the start.
“Thank you,” Felix says.
“No worries,” Ace grins, pushing the button to order the elevator. “So? Are you freaked out?”
Felix considers the question for a moment, only arriving at variations of "no", "I'm leaving in two days" and "help you're really hot but I've never been with a guy and don't know what to do".
“I think the word is…” Felix pauses in thought, trying to ignore his brain screaming insecurities at him. “'Intrigued'.”
Proud of managing to be smooth for once in his life, the ding of the elevator arriving is almost lost on Felix, because he's so focused on Ace's now downright lecherous grin.
But he obediently steps into the elevator, not wanting to keep the few hotel customers still lingering behind them.
“What's you floor, gorgeous?” Ace asks with a flirtatious smile, after pressing the number four.
Wow. How the hell did Felix ever manage to think he was just being friendly?
“Three,” Felix says.
“Looks like you're under me,” Ace flirts while pushing the button for him, making Felix choke on his own spit from the suggestive comment, embarrassed yet curious.
And then Ace clears his throat and averts his eyes as a woman and her daughter walk into the elevator with them.
They stand awkwardly next to each other as the elevator doors slide close. Felix’s thoughts are a mess of excitement, nervousness and embarrassment, not sure what to do in this situation.
He discreetly glances at Ace—
And the other catches him looking.
Felix's heart skips a beat as Ace's lips spread into a lazy grin, eyes shimmering with unspoken promise.
He wonders what it would be like to wipe that grin off the smug man's face. Felix imagines pushing Ace up against the elevator wall, picturing how the other’s eyes would go wide, maybe he'd even gasp, taken off guard at Felix's sudden boldness. Maybe he wouldn't have time to say anything, because Felix would capture his lips in a passionate kiss, and Ace would groan and drop the blanket to tangle his hands in Felix's hair—
Felix is rudely snapped out of his daydream by the elevator arriving on his floor. He realizes he's been spacing out while staring at Ace's face, and the smirk is gone from the man's lips, but his eyes are somehow even more intense.
“Good night,” Felix offers stiffly, forcing himself to break the eye contact before he gets lost in his own head again.
He takes a step out of the elevator, mentally scolding himself when he notices his racing heart and heavy breathing, getting himself worked up over a dumb fantasy.
Tomorrow, he promises himself when the elevator doors start sliding shut behind him. Tomorrow, he’d go out with Ace and could maybe, hopefully psyche himself up enough to make a move. He'd just text the man in the morning—
Except they never exchanged numbers.
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radishaur · 4 years
Hi there! can I request a Fire Lord Zuko x reader please? she’s his top advisor and yet 1 day before a super important meeting she fell sick, when Zuko saw the state that she’s in he doesn’t even think twice about cancelling said meeting and decided he would spend the rest of the day taking care of her instead (he got an earful from her though sort of like ‘why would you do this? this meeting has been planned for months and you cancelled it just because i’m sick?’)
“Sorry I ran out of wordcount, also Zuko is secretly in love with her because she has saved his ass many times in diplomacy! Thank you”
I love this idea! I do vaguely remember reading something similar so I’m going to do my best to make this different. I apologize for this taking so long but I was with family for the weekend so I’ll be writing more often again now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
- Zoe
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Sick Days (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Part: 1/1
Summary: See request
Things had been tough since Zuko’s coronation. It had taken a long time for the citizens of the Fire Nation to trust him. Half of them hated him because he overthrew Ozai and half of there were weary of what he would do. Would he be like his father or something else entirely?
It was quite safe to say that he had proven to be nothing like his father. Unfortunately this pretty much split the nation’s support of him. Most of them loved him for it, but there were still a fair amount of people who missed the days of Ozai’s reign. Nevertheless, Zuko continued doing what he thought was best for the nation.
The very first thing he did as Fire Lord was appoint me as his number one advisor. I had been hesitant about accepting his offer. The Gaang had assured me that I would be amazing at it, but I pointed out that I weren’t nearly as qualified as I should have been. Despite that, Zuko had eventually talked me into it. Turns out it was the best decision he ever made. I was an absolute powerhouse.
There had been countless times where my suggestions had saved his ass from a political disaster and many more times that simply just my presence on his council calmed him down. Plus, I actually loved the job.
To me, it came easy. Despite having no previous experience with being a political (and admittedly sometimes a life) advisor, I had proven to everybody that I was a perfect match for the job. I was punctual, polite, and smart while also being incredibly passionate and persistent. I knew what battles to pick and which to let go.
That was, until it came to my own well-being.
As I sat in the throne room, trying desperately to listen to what the other advisors were saying, I realized that it was a lost cause. I knew without a doubt that I was sick, but I didn’t care. My duty to the nation came first.
“Y/N?” I heard someone ask.
My eyes shot to the voice and I immediately scolded myself when I saw Zuko’s concerned gaze.
“Sorry, I missed the question,” I admitted sheepishly.
“I asked what you thought about the nation’s educational budget. I believe you were the one who brought up some concerns?” he repeated.
“Oh! Yes,” I said, immediately shooting into my detailed explanation about how many of the schools in impoverished areas were incredibly defunded and led the council through your redistribution plan.
The conversation continued from there, but I had to do everything in my power to sit up straight. I was beginning to feel light headed and I could feel myself sweating buckets. Even without the flames burning in front of the throne, the room had never felt hotter to me. I only prayed the meeting would end soon.
All I needed was to spend an hour or two in my room to recover. I needed to recover. Later today there was another meeting scheduled that had been planned for months. It was regarding the Fire Nation colonies and what to do about them, which I knew was a pressing matter. Zuko would definitely need me to be there, so I had to get better. And fast.
Finally, the meeting was over and I scrambled out of the room. I was making my way down the hall and using the wall to brace myself. My head felt light and I was beginning to see spots. I held my head up in my left hand and felt my knees get weak.
The last thing I remembered was someone calling my name as I succumbed to unconsciousness.
I woke up in my bed, still feeling extremely hot and uncomfortable but no longer faint. I cracked my eyes open and looked over to the side of your room where Zuko was talking with a few nurses. Upon realizing I were awake, he rushed over to my side.
“Y/N, are you insane? Why didn’t you tell anyone you felt sick?” he asked angrily, but you could tell it wasn’t directed at you.
“I’m fine,” I said, trying to shove the heavy comforter off of myself.
Zuko pushed my hand away and pulled the comforter back into its original position, muttering under his breath about how stubborn I was. I could tell he was worried and decided to let it go instead of picking a fight.
“I’ll be fine, Zuko,” I insisted, rolling my eyes and propping myself up on my elbow, “I just need to rest before the meeting later today.”
“There’s no meeting. I cancelled it,” he said, sitting down on the bed at my side.
I shot up at his words. Cancelled? I felt my stomach drop as dread began to fill me.
“Tell me this is a sick joke,” I begged.
“The meeting can wait. Your well-being is more important,” he insisted, pushing softly on my shoulder as a signal for me to lay back down.
“You could have just had the meeting without me. This has been planned for months!” I protested, moving his hand off my shoulder.
“Well, it’s impossible to be in two places at once,” he joked, signaling for the nurses to leave.
I watched them leave with a confused expression. I looked back at Zuko with my brows furrowed.
“What are you talking about? And why did you send away the nurses? I would have thought you would insist they take care of me,” I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest as I spoke.
“I would have if I wasn’t going to,” he answered, standing up and grabbing a wet towel from the table beside me.
“WHAT?!?” I shouted, my body immediately going tense as I glared at him before snapping, “Are you the one that’s sick? Because clearly something is clouding your judgement.”
Zuko rolled his eyes as he wrung out the extra water from the towel before placing it on my forehead and forcing me to lay down.
“I’m not just going to sit around while you’re unwell,” he scoffed, sitting back down on the bed.
“You have a nation to run! This meeting is beyond important, certainly at least more important than me being sick. You can’t just cancel it to take care of me! That’s just selfish,” I protested once again, although I still allowed him to pull the covers up once more.
“So what if it is? Can’t I be selfish just this once?” he asked, sending me a glance that filled me with guilt as he said, “You’re my best friend and my most trusted advisor. Without you, I wouldn’t be doing half as good as I am at being Fire Lord right now if not for you. You’ve saved my ass more times than I can count and I’m not about to walk into an important meeting without you there.”
I sighed. Zuko’s stubbornness could rival my own at times and I knew this would be one of them. He had a habit of doing incredibly stupid things to prove things and help those he cared about. I decided this was not a battle I wanted to fight. I rolled my eyes as he continued fussing with the covers.
“Fine. You can take care of me,” I huffed, watching him smile happily before continuing, “But,...I don’t want you making me any of your shitty tea. I’m not feeling well enough to pretend it’s improved.”
I giggled as he pouted and grumbled about how he was being unnecessarily criticized. I smiled as he finally relaxed once more. He shifted slightly so he was facing me and then coughed awkwardly.
“So, um....do you need anything?” he asked nervously, clearly realizing he had no idea what he was doing.
“I could use some soup and a nap,” I admitted, my throat beginning to feel dry as I added, “And maybe some soothing tea.”
“I’ll get right on that. And I promise I’ll have Uncle make the tea,” he teased, standing up to leave.
I laughed slightly at his joke. He smiled pleasantly before bowing with a teasing smile and then turned to leave. As the door shut behind him, I found myself drifting off to sleep.
When I woke up once more, I saw it was dark outside. The doors to the balcony were open and let in a soft breeze as the stars twinkled brightly outside. I had slept for a few hours. I sat up slightly and turned to my side to see Zuko asleep in a chair.
He must have pulled it up to my bed when I was asleep. By his side on the table was a tray with now cold soup and tea. I looked back at Zuko and couldn’t help but smile. He must have changed out of his Fire Lord garb before coming back because now he was wearing casual Fire Nation attire. He still had the Fire Lord’s headpiece in his topknot, but as his head was leaning sideways against the back of the chair, it was tilting slightly out of the knot.
He looked peaceful as he slept, snoring quietly due to his position in the chair. Some hair had fallen out of his top knot and was falling lightly around his face, framing it perfectly. I decided not to wake him up. He always overworked himself and I knew the sleep was well deserved.
I grabbed the tray of food and carefully brought it into my lap. I heated the soup with my fire bending and waited until it began to steam. I began to eat it eagerly, only now realizing how hungry I had been.
“You’re eating like you haven’t eaten in days.”
I smiled at Zuko as he repositioned himself in his chair. He looked incredibly tired as he smiled lazily at me.
“You should sleep. You look tired,” I said, now heating my tea.
“No, I said I would take care of you and I intend to keep true to that promise,” Zuko insisted, scooting his chair closer to my side.
He checked my temperature by pressing the back of his hand against my forehead. I waited obediently as he thought. I blushed slightly as I let myself relish in the warmth emanating from his hand against my forehead.
“You’re still hot,” he murmured, causing me to blush before his eyes went wide in realization of what he had said and stuttering, “I-I mean like you’re burning up.”
“R-Right,” I replied, a small smile breaking out on my face.
Zuko avoided my gaze as he grabbed the towel from my side and getting it wet once more. I continued sipping my tea as he laid the towel on my forehead again. The cool feeling against my skin felt nice, but I couldn’t help but blush as Zuko’s fingers grazed my own as he laid his hand down on the bed.
I let my pinky wrap around his and waited with baited breath to see what he would do. To my surprise, he took that as an invitation and held my hand in his. It was warm and soft in my own and I smiled.
“You’re warm,” I said softly, leaning back against the pillows.
“So are you. We’re both firebenders,” he pointed out with a smile of his own.
I chuckled but didn’t say anything more. I was still tired and sipping my tea to hopefully calm my nerves. Holding Zuko’s hand and laying in bed sick wasn’t exactly what I imagined my night to look like, but I wasn’t complaining.
Zuko was my best friend and, admittedly, the person I loved more than anyone in the world. To say I had a crush on him was an understatement. I wanted to tell him how I felt many times, but it just never worked out. Something always stopped me, wether it was his search for the Avatar or Mai. But now, I had an opportunity and I was too scared to take it.
“It’s nice to relax for a moment,” he finally said, breaking the silence.
“Yea, it is. Sometimes I forget what it feels like,” I joked, setting my empty tea cup on the tray.
Zuko unlatched his hand from mine to take the tray off my lap. I thanked him as he set it down on the bedside table.
“I’ve missed just spending time with you. Being Fire Lord is incredibly time consuming,” he sighed as he brought his hands back to his lap.
He looked at my hand, seeming to hesitate as he debated wether to hold it again or not. His nervousness made me smile. He had always had a hard time knowing what was comfortable or not in social situations.
I moved so my hand was palm up and wiggled my fingers a little bit to give him the nudge. He blushed, clearly embarrassed at being caught debating, but moved his hand into mine nonetheless.
“I’ve missed you,” I said, smiling while meeting his amber eyes.
I saw an unrecognizable feelings flash across his face before he covered it with a small smile. I could see a tint of red on his cheeks and neck.
He was clearly just as nervous as I was.
“I do too. I’m sorry it took you getting sick for me to spend some time with you alone. I’ve just been so busy,” he apologized sincerely.
I scoffed.
“I’m not sick,” I protested, “I’m just off my game.”
He cocked his eyebrow and shot me a look that made me roll my eyes and smile. I sighed, admitting my defeat.
“Ok, fine. I’m sick. But seriously, it’s ok. I know you’re busy. I know you still care about me,” I assured him, squeezing his hand slightly.
“But still. You deserve a better friend than me. You should befriend someone who can give you the attention and time you deserve,” he said, a sad glimmer in his eyes as he spoke.
“Zuko, I don’t want anyone else to be my best friend. You just cancelled a meeting we’ve had planned for months the second I needed you. You’re the best best friend I could ask for,” I responded, forcing myself to sit up slightly as I spoke.
“Y/N, that’s not-“ he began to say, but I cut him off.
I brought my free hand up to his face as I looked at him. He was shocked into silence at the contact, but didn’t move or protest.
“You’re the most important person in my life. I’m not going to replace you because you’re the Fire Lord. In fact, I’m so proud of you for everything you’ve done. The fact that you’re so dedicated to your job just makes me even more sure I picked the right friend,” I said, letting my thumb graze slowly across his cheek.
Before I knew what was happening, Zuko had moved up to meet my face and kissed me. His lips were warm and tasted vaguely of the jasmine tea he always had before bed. I didn’t get a chance to kiss back before he frantically pulled away.
“I’m so sorry. That was stupid. You literally just called me your friend, I just- I got caught up in the moment and-“ he hurriedly tried to explain before I cut him off with a kiss.
I cupped his face again as I kissed him, effectively cutting off his explanation. He melted into me immediately and didn’t hesitate to bring his hand up to my neck, his other hand still holding mine.
“I’ve been waiting years to do that,” I whispered against his lips.
“So have I,” he whispered back.
When he finally pulled away, we both had the widest smiles on our faces. To finally admit our feelings for eachother and have them be returned was so relieving. I would finally get to be with him.
Zuko spent the next few days nursing me back to health, much to my protests that he needed to get back to work. As soon as I was feeling better, Zuko finally scheduled the meeting.
It went fantastic. There were a few hiccups, but ultimately everybody left happy. A plan had been set in motion for the uniting of the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation citizens that would satisfy both sides. Zuko was so proud of himself for standing up for what he thought was right and I was the luckiest woman in the world to be the one he kissed in excitement.
Life had never been better.
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