#like it's grown on me so i think of it as an endearing ugly. but ugly nonetheless
nyxire · 1 year
hopeing totk doesn't pull something out of their ass to make zelda an actual person again bc honestly while i am all for the happy ending, i think i would enjoy a bittersweet ending like that a bit more.
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misstycloud · 4 months
Platonic. Fae father
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Fae father! Who loves you more than anything. He’d trade his immortality and beauty a million times if it meant saving you. It’s worth nothing if he can’t be with you.
Fae father! Who originally wasn’t very interested in you but simply didn’t have the heart to throw you to the wolves like he would if it’d been any other baby- you were his, after all. But as time passed, he found himself more enamoured with you for every second you spent together. Before he knew it, you were an irreplaceable part of his life. He can’t imagine how he managed to live for centuries without you.
Fae father! Who is very protective and while he knows you’re safer inside his territory than you’d ever be anywhere else, there’s still a possibility something could happen you you. He can’t have that happen! What if you accidentally trip on a root and scrape your knee? Sure he can heal you with his magic, but he’d rather spare you the unnecessary pain and tears.
Fae father! Is scared that you’ll leave him eventually. This is especially regarding when you’ll have grown up. He never hid your half-human side(you were bound to find out anyway, considering you didn’t have magic in the same sense as him, and your ears were slightly rounded unlike his purely pointed ones), but he’s beginning to think it was a mistake. His attempt at good parenting could backfire and you would become naturally curious as you got older. Then you would request to leave the safety and familiarity of the forest you grew up in, to go adventure beyond it and come into contact with your human side.
Fae father! Who thought about how horrible that would be. He knew the cruelty of humans. They were greedy beyond imagination and an ugly stain on the world; truly a mistake of creation. He thought about what they could potentially do to you, a wonderful, kind yet naive child. His child. You were part fae and that was obvious- if he had to be honest, he had always been happy you appeared more fae than human, it made him feel more connected to you- the price that you would go for on a market was immense. Fae father nearly faints at what kind of filth could be wanting to get their hands on you.
Fae father! Who wove to protect you at all costs- even lying and misleading you. The only way he saw to do that is to keep you in the forest; your childhood home and his domain.
“Father, what’s beyond the forest? Are there really human towns? The animals tell me they are bustling with life- and there’s so many strange and new things!” You asked your father. You two were in your favourite meadow, you sat up in the lush grass, making a flower crown.
Your father had laid down a while ago and was content with the relaxation the summer weather brought. However, the moment you began talking about humans and your curiosity for the outside world, his eyes snapped open and he, too, sat up.
He gave you a soft smile, “The animals told you that?”
You nodded vigorously. He reminded himself to warn the animals to not tell you about such things, afterwards. If he had to guess, it was most likely that damn squirrel friend of yours that didn’t know when to shut up.
“Well, dear-“ he said, finding the way you were hooked on every word incredibly endearing, “yes, there there are human settlements outside these woods. But I do not want you going anywhere near them, you hear? It’s simply not safe for you.” Your father ended the sentence with booping you on the nose.
“What? What do you mean?” You exclaimed.
He chuckled, “I am older- I have many tricks to defend myself with; you do not.”
Pouting, you crossed your arms and said in defiance, “Why would you have to defend yourself? You’re not fighting, are you?”
You father ran his hand through his long locks with a sigh. “Dear, I am afraid that might not be the case.” You looked at him in confusion. “You see, we- as in magical kind- have not been on good terms with mannkind for centuries- maybe even ever.”
You were silent, pondering over what this meant as your protector watched. Had it not been a serious subject, he would have thought about how cute you look whenever you are thoroughly grumbling over something. He took it upon himself to expand his reasonings while combing through your hair.
“We are rare, beautiful, immortal and have powers they could only dream of.” To prove his point, your father held out a seed in the palm of his hand. He closed it for a second and a green light flashed. Opening his palm again, the little seed quickly grew into a wonderful, fully grown flower in a matter of moments. “See, if they had the means to do this, then a new war would break loose every day. They are greedy and selfish and struggle because of it, while we live away from such mundane troubles.”
“But what about all those amazing things they have invented? I hear they sing and dance just like us. They have families too, just like us. They can’t all be bad!” You protested. If all those things your friends had told you were true, then you needed to know and find a way to see them for yourself.
Your father sighed once more. He appeared to be doing that a lot during your conversation. He grabbed a hold of your hand and squeezed it tight. “I understand your curiosity regarding humans- trust me, I do. I was young once upon a time, as well. You believe that I did not sneak away to peek at the towns myself?”
“You have gone there yourself?”
He nodded to confirm your question. “However, they are far from what your little friends have been tricking you into believing. They are not fun and do not sing nor dance. Like I said, they are selfish and horrible, you best stay away from them.”
“But-“ you tried.
He cut you off immediately. “-No ‘buts’. You stay away from the town, alright? Simply stay here where you’re safe. I won’t tolerate any violation of the rules when it comes to this.” He took notice of your gloomy expression and added, “It’s for your safety, nothing else. Oh, sweetie, I do wish the world was different. However, this is a truth we must face. You do understand, correct?”
Seeing your worrying father’s serious demeanor as he urged you for an answer, you looked down before saying, “Yes, Father. I won’t go into human towns. I’ll stay out of trouble.”
He sighed in relief. “Good child. Remember, I am only looking after you. I’m your father, I know what’s best for you.
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maxislvt · 2 years
okay you being bratty with vamp wanda and she grabs her phone and says something along the lines of “all it takes is one phone call and i’ll pull you from that school” “one phone call to have my little vampire friends have their way with you, and believe me. they aren’t anywhere near as gentle”
warnings: Mommy kink, typical vampire!wanda manipulation, bratting, uh accidentally exhibitionism? idk man just read it.
Patience. Something Wanda liked to think she had a lot of. She had to. Dealing with incompetent, untrained vampires required that. Blowing up in their faces and shouting until her lungs were raw was easy — teaching them and guiding them to better was hard. That same mentality had carried over to you. It was easy to throw you over her lap and spank your ass red, but molding you into her obedient little puppy was hard work. Her kindness and gentleness had gotten her very far with you. Long gone were the days of your escape attempts and awful tries at ignoring her. You were her perfect puppy and nothing else.
However, even the sweetest puppies needed a reminder of how to behave. You were no exception. It wasn't entirely your fault. Sometimes Wanda was too vague and would spark your curiosity or maybe she'd leave you unattended for too long without accounting for your need to wander around new places aimlessly. Those were cute little things she had grown to love and found endearing. What she could never find a place in her heart for was your stubbornness. Maybe it was hypocritical, but hearing you talk back and stomp your feet for independence left a bitter taste in her mouth.
Wasn't it enough that she paid for you college tuition, smothered you in gifts, and drowned you in affection? There was no need for anything beyond her and what she allowed you to have. Your constant need to make something for yourself all on your own had a habit of rearing its ugly head at the worst of times. As her luck would have it, she'd be suffering through one of those times.
You both were a little stressed. Your exams stacked high and Wanda's papers were stacked just as high. The lack of time together had started to drain Wanda and you needed a break from writing. So, Wanda made the executive decision to take you with her to work. She didn't bother telling, but you caught on pretty quickly. The attitude picked up the second you realized Wanda had taken a "wrong turn" and had no plans of correcting herself. It had only gone downhill from there.
You refused to wear your collar, didn't sit in your bed, and avoided Wanda's touch like the plague. The day was too busy for Wanda to correct you the way she wanted to. The second her lunch break started, she quickly snatched your laptop away. "Enough work, come sit with mommy. It's time to order lunch." She expected you to protest. Have a temper tantrum or stomp your feet as you make your way to her desk. What she did not expect was you to hit her. By no means did it hurt, but it was a clear sign you need to be taught a lesson.
"You asshole, I wasn't done writing that!" You shot up from your seat and quickly reached for your laptop. You were no match for the unchecked strength of a vampire, but the grip on your face didn't deter you from reaching your precious laptop. "You keep me away from class and then let me work? Bullshit," You were sure the workers outside could hear your telling. None of them were crazy enough to intervene on your behalf.
Your owner merely rolled her eyes and forced you to be over her desk. Her hand firmly pressed down against the small of your back, just firm enough to keep you from pushing up against her. She quickly unlocked her phone and clicked on contact uncomfortably familiar to you. Wanda placed her phone down in front of your face, making sure you could see the contact name as it rang.
"Wanda, what are you-"
"Ms. Maximoff, it's so nice to hear from you again! I sure hope my wife hasn't been causing any issues for your company back home."
Maria Hill, chancellor of your prestigious university and you were about stretched open and fucked sense over the phone.
"Oh, Romanoff hasn't been anything but a delight. When she's not trying to steal my precious pet away from me," Wanda said sweetly. The soft, professional tone heavily contrasted with the filthy, inappropriate actions. Her fingers worked quickly to get you naked and even quicker to bury themselves inside you. "Speaking of, do you know my precious little puppy was smart enough to get into your school?"
You frantically shook your head, but Wanda ignored you. They continued to talk as you got closer to the edge. It was wrong to enjoy something so sinful. Mrs.Hill was your chancellor and certainly wouldn't approve your actions, but god Wanda's fingers felt heavenly. Part of you was sure her ears had picked up on the sloshing sounds coming out of your abused hole, but that thought only added to your wetness.
Wanda and Maria talked for what felt like hours, but the timer on her phone had indicated only fifteen minutes had gone by. "Well, duty calls so I must go now. I hope all is well at the school." Maria had barely bid her goodbyes before she hung up the phone. She littered your neck with soft kisses before she nuzzled into it. "See that? See how powerful your mommy is?" She buried her fingers deep into your cunt, making sure to drag them out as slow as she could. "One phone call and I'll pull you from your precious little school."
You shook your head again, but didn't dare raise your voice to protest. "I'm sorry mommy, I won't be bad anymore. I promise…"
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johnny cade/curly shepard tim shepard / dallas winston
Tim loved Angela to bits, he truly did. But Jesus Christ she had not left the house in a week and it was actually going to kill him.
Darrel still wasn’t letting Dallas in the house on his own—he didn’t quite like him talking to the gang either. So now Tim still had the guy on his tail, but couldn’t do anything because his sister was always home. So, on a last ditch effort, he decides they’ll find somewhere else.
“Let’s go on a walk.” He says, tapping on Dallas’s shoulder. Dallas looked up from the couch—where he was no doubt flirting with Tim’s younger sister, the bastard—and gave him a weird look. They weren’t the ‘going on walks’ type.
”Huh?” He asks, looking at him like he’d grown two heads. Tim gritted his teeth, taking him by the jacket sleeve and dragging him off the couch. “We’re going on a walk.” He bites out, forcing the man out of the front door, yelling for Angela to lock it behind them.
They walked silently for a few moments—until, of course, Dallas had to open his big fat stupid ugly mouth.
“What the hell was that?” He asks, nudging him lightly.
“I need out of that house.” Tim sighs. “Usually Angela isn’t home for more than an hour. And now she’s here all the time because your girlfriend decided she was bored of her.” Tim groans loudly, enough so that a few alley cats come out to see what the commotion is. Dallas wastes no time in chasing them off.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard more complaints about my hygiene. God forbid there’s a single shirt on the floor.” Tim continues his complaints, not even sure if Dallas is listening. More often than not, he isn’t. “Usually she’s always on Curly’s tail. But now he’s never at home.”
“Maybe you should try bein’ cleaner.” Dallas shrugs. “Lord knows you need a few more showers.”
Tim turns to glare at him—sadly they were too far into the public eye to smack him. “Oh please, you take a single shower a month. There’s probably cheese growing on you dick, you nasty—“
”Wanna help me get it off?” Dallas interrupts, raising his eyebrows in at attempt to be endearing. He very much isn’t. Tim grimaces, walking faster just to get away from him. He spares a glance around, making sure nobody heard him.
Dallas catches up quickly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder—to any onlooker they’d seem like pals at best. Even if it wasn’t sodomy, Tim Shepard would never be caught hanging off of Dallas Winston like a broad.
“We outta get somewhere more private.” Dallas whispers, glancing around. “There’s been a lotta’ Soc’s runnin’ around our side of town lately.”
“Good.” Tim all but snarls, thumbing the switchblade in his back pocket. “I’m itching for a fight. ‘S been much too long, don’t you think?”
Usually, when either of them wanted a brawl they’d head out to the east side and beat the life out of each other. As of recently it’s just felt wrong to do—like they’ve gotten to close, their relationship is somehow more than just beating on each-other and stealing booze. Tim doesn’t know how he feels about it, he’d rather not look it in the face.
“Can’t.” Dallas mutters, pulling his arm off and shoving both hands in his pockets. “I gotta stay clean for the next couple a’ weeks. Darry still hasn’t let me back in and John’s worried he never will.” Tim can tell he’s upset—he’s probably waiting for Tim to ask about it—but he is no man’s solace, especially not Dal’s.
“Please,” Tim scoffs. “He’ll do anything if Cade begs him enough. You all bend at his will.”
It’s true, he knows it is. Dallas is the best example. When a kid like that has been denied so much, you don’t wanna deny him anything more. As much as people explained Dallas as Johnny’s keeper, Tim knew well enough to know it goes both ways. He found it funny—A little guy like Johnny having the ability to boss around a thousand pounds of man, but not doing it just because he didn’t feel like it.
“Do not.” Dallas frowns. “Darry’ll only listen if the whole gang begs ‘im. I already pissed Steve and Two off earlier this week, and Pony’s been on a hating streak since he met me.”
“Who wouldn’t be?” Tim teases, pushing past him. He’s sure Dallas rolls his eyes from behind him. “Whatever, you love having me around.” Dallas pokes and prods right back, he always does.
“Nawh.” Tim spares a glance back at him, Dallas raising a brow—he does that a lot now that Two-Bit taught him, he thinks it makes him look tuff. Tim thinks he looks constipated. “I like the beer you bring around, though. You got any?”
Dallas rolls his eyes, making two bottles clink from under his jacket. “Course I do. ‘Was waiting for you to ask.”
“Well? Hand me one.” Tim puts out his hand, Dallas pushes it away. “Did you hear anything I just said? I gotta look squeaky clean.”
Tim groans. The two push their way into the old car lot, it’s covered in trees and goes right into a deep forest where no one would find them. It’s not the best—its already freezing cold out as they get into the later months, the ground it wet and squishy from a recent rainstorm—but it’ll do.
Tim actually finds himself looking around to see if little Johnny Cade is spending the night outside again. He wasn’t sure when he started caring about what happened to him—sure, he’s a good kid, but he’s none of Tim’s responsibility. It must’ve been sometime between Dallas getting out of the cooler and seeing his dad chase him out with a hammer.
Angela lovingly called them ‘reluctant co-parents’. Tim and Dallas cared for their own like it was second nature—eventually they started caring for the other’s. Tim would make sure Johnny wasn’t rotting away outside and Dallas would make sure Curly didn’t sneak out for the sixth time that week.
It was weird but nobody ever brought it up. Johnny gave him weird looks when he drove him to Buck’s, and Curly was no doubt suspicious of them. But oddly enough neither of the younger boys seemed to care. Johnny spent more time at the Shepards and Curly finally started warming up to Dallas—they were about as warm to each-other as a winter in the Antarctic, but it’s as better than nothing.
They walked into the deep forest, blinking a few times to get used to the darkness. Very soon the two wished they didn’t go—while the beer helped, their wet shoes and the sound of clay squeaking beneath them got old very quickly. Tim was sure the bottoms of both of their jeans were soaked and dirty, but neither of them seemed to care.
“Tim, Look.” Dallas said finally, nudging him. Tim looked up from his bottle, squinting at something in the trees. Sure enough, a dingy little treehouse was nestled on a thick one, a long rope ladder swinging from it. The two shared a look.
Going into a seemingly abandoned tree house in the dead of night was most definitely not a good idea. But they were wet and cold, a little tipsy, and curious. Against their better judgement the two took slow steps forward—it wasn’t long before they could hear voices coming from inside.
“We should go.” Tim said, even as Dallas took hold of the ladder and tugged to see if it was secure. “This is probably some fucked up midget trap house.”
Dallas looked back at him and laughed. “You scared?” He asked teasingly, slowly climbing up. Tim didn’t say anything, but soon enough they were both clinging to the wet rope with a scowl— trying to climb as quietly as possible.
Luckily, there was a little porch that they could both climb onto—The treehouse has one tiny door and a window that was so dirty they had to squint to see through it. There was a light coming from inside, one that Dallas quickly investigated.
Dallas froze up the second he looked inside, wide mouthed with furrowed brows. He looked like he had just seen a ghost, eyes flitting around the room in wide-eyed shocked. “What?” Tim whispered, pulling himself onto the porch. Dallas didn’t respond—he glanced down at him, taking a step back so he could also stand.
Tim cupped his hands around his eyes and peered in—also rather shocked with what he saw.
”You’re such a momma’s boy.”
“Yeah? Atleast I have one.”
“I’d much rather have none at all than one that beats on me.”
A low blow, but then again the two were known for it. It was weird how the could make jokes about each other that no one else could. It was somehow less offensive when it came from the other.
Johnny and Curly were, once again, lighting up in their dingy little tree house. They huddled up together under Curly’s stupid leather jacket for warmth—Johnny had left his at his folk’s place and he wasn’t dumb enough to go get it. Johnny had his legs atop Curly’s, the two leaning into each other and nursing the second blunt of the night.
“Do you listen to a thing I tell you? She doesn’t beat on me.”
“She yells at you all the time and chases you out of the house.”
”That’s different.” Johnny frowned, not looking up at him.
”Didn't she lock you in a cupboard when you were little cus’ she caught you stealing bread?” Curly raised a brow, handing the weed back to him. Johnny didn’t take it, looking at him weird. “How do you know about that?” He asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.
“You told me. Like, last week. You were so high of your rocker you probably don’t even remember.” Curly laughed. Johnny deflated, finally taking the blunt and sucking in a long drag before blowing it back out in his face. “I gotta stop getting high with you. You know too much.”
”So do you. You know more about me than my own brother.” Johnny makes a weird noise, Curly elects to ignore it.
“Whatever.” He mutters, leaning slightly off of him. “But my mom doesn’t beat on me, that’s different.”
Curly just rolls his eyes, glancing down at him. “Whatever you say, Hansel.” He laughs so hard at his own joke he coughs, Johnny staring at him like he’s crazy. “Han—Who?”
”From Hansel and Gretel? That old children’s book about teaching kids to not steal.” The explanation doesn’t seem to help, Johnny looking more and more confused by the second. “You seriously never had to read that?” Curly asked incredulously. He remembered it only because Angela got so scared that she wouldn’t eat at restaurants for a year in fear that she would eat a witches food.
Fun times.
“Who’s gonna read it to me Curly? My mom?”
“…Fair enough.” He mutters, snatching the blunt from him in an attempt to busy his hands. They are quiet for a long while—Curly nurses the weed the whole time, it’s a miracle he didn’t choke. Johnny eventually gets tired of it, reaching over to try and pluck it from his mouth. Curly grabs it quickly, licking his fingers before he can pull back. Johnny makes a loud gagging sound, pulling away like it burnt him.
“You are such a freak!” He yelled, rubbing his hand in the boy’s shirt. “You’re gonna be on death row one day, mark my words.”
Curly leans in to him, smirking as he blows smoke into his face. “Nawh, I don’t believe in that.” He says—he’s just messing with him, but Johnny raises a brow and he feels like he has to keep talking. “I’m this close to becoming one of those hippies who go on strike for everything.”
“Are you going on a toothpaste strike too?” Johnny asks, looking down at Curly’s mouth. Curly pulled back, rolling his eyes. “Ha-fucking-ha. You’re hilarious.” He muttered in annoyance, trying to discreetly check his breath. Johnny just laughed, leaning back into him. “ ‘M just messing wit’ you. But yeah, I am hilarious, aren’t I?”
“I wasn’t—“
The door bursts open a moment later, swinging on its hinges. The two quickly turn their heads to face it. Curly doesn’t even realize who it is until Johnny yells.
“Dallas! What—“ He cuts himself off, pushing off of Curly.
They are both acutely aware that Dallas had no clue either of them were smoking weed. Especially not together.
This is where he dies, isn’t it?
Dallas takes Curly by the lapels, lifting him up off the ground. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?! You little—“ Tim quickly pulls him away, Curly hitting the ground with a thump. “Watch what you say.” Tim bites, barely loud enough for the two younger boys to hear.
”I’m sorry Dal, I—“ Johnny begins, trying to pull himself to his feet—probably to run. Tim holds him down, somehow being the level-headed one here. “I know you told me not to! I just—“ Johnny practically smacked Tim’s hand away in favor of pleading with Dallas.
Dallas freezes, interrupting him. “Told you not to? What?” He asks, incredulously. He and Tim share a look. He couldn’t remember ever telling Johnny not to—it’d be kind of hypocritical, seeing what he and Tim get up to.
“You told me not to—not to get high! Didn’t you?” Johnny asked, just as confused as he was. Curly and Johnny watch Tim and Dallas stare at each other. They both look at the younger boys, then to the blunt fizzling out on the ground, then back to them. Dallas breathes out a sigh that could only be in relief, practically collapsing to the ground.
“Oh, Thank god!“ He cries, putting his hand in a prayer motion. Johnny and Curly shared confused look, trying to understand what was going on. “Oh…” Tim mutters, looking between the two.
“You guys aren’t mad?” Johnny asked, furrowing his brows in an attempt to pick out what exactly is happening to Dallas. “Oh, no, I’m livid.” Dallas says, glaring at Curly. Tim kicks him lightly, hard enough to make Dallas finally stand back up.
“It’s just, we thought you were—“ Tim cuts himself off, seeing his younger brother’s red face. ‘Are you??’ He mouthed incredulously, Curly not responding.
Culry and Johnny share one more look before seemingly figuring it out—both of their faces burn red, immediately turning back to their older counterpart.
“You thought we were fucking?!” Curly yells, looking incredulously at his older brother.
Sure, they experimented—once or twice… but it wasn’t a set in place thing. They were both so high every time they did it that they barely remembered. Or maybe neither of them wanted to. They ever talked about it after it happened—not the first time, not the second time, not any of the times after that.
“Ew, Dal! You thought…?” Johnny frowns, kicking Dal lightly. Dallas shrugged, he and Tim were just as embarrassed as they were. “What was I supposed to think? You run off for hours at a time together, you come back wearing his jacket—“
“Wait—I didn’t know that.” Tim interrupted, raising his brows at his younger brother.
“I can’t believe you think that low of me! I’d never—gross!” Johnny rambled, seemingly losing half of his respect for Dallas. If he weren’t also roped into this, Curly would love it.
“Hey! I’m right here!” Curly frowned, glaring at the boy. Johnny glared right back. “So? Back up of you don't want to hear it.” He bites back, uncharacteristically sharp—at least, to Tim and Dallas. Curly was used to it. “You sure didn’t want me to back up when I—“
Johnny shut Curly up with a loud smack, sending the two into a long bickering match.
Tim and Dallas watched silently, sharing a knowing look. Sure, they didn’t beat each other like they did—but they certainly weren’t kind. “Jesus…” Dallas muttered, watching them. “They really are just like us.” He laughs, Tim agreeing alongside him.
That pulled both of the younger boys off of each other, once again staring at their older counterparts.
“Shut it, Macklemore! We are not!” Curly yells first, Johnny nodding in agreement. Dallas frowns, glaring down at him. “You little—“ Dallas begins, getting a smack on the back of the head by Tim. Tim holds Dallas back, giving everyone a moment to think and collect their bearings. Johnny and Curly share a petrified look—Tim bets they realized just how similar the four of them are.
Dallas doesn’t let them think about it much longer, circling back around to the reason they were here.
”You’ve been smoking weed?!” He yells, pulling Tim off of him and running up to Johnny. It’s not his turn to get grabbed by the front of his shirt—though he’s much gentler with Johnny. “With Curly Shepard off all people?!” He adds, making Johnny deflate a little. Tim sees it, placing a hand on Dallas’s shoulder, oddly pliant.
“Hey, at least they weren’t…” he trails off. Usually he has no problem saying it—Sex isn’t something to be weird about, especially not when you’re a Shepard. But it felt weird saying it now, hanging awkwardly off of his tongue.
“Stop saying it!“ Johnny yells—his cheeks are burning, trying not to look at anyone else in the room. Dallas let’s him go softly, turning back to Tim.
“Why are you so calm about this? I feel like I’m the only one yelling!” Dallas whispers to him. Tim glances back at the two, grimacing. “Who do you think he got the weed from? Besides, I already knew.” He replies, trying to sound casual. Which was, decidedly, the wrong move.
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell me?“ Dallas yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders. Tim lightly shoved him off, eyeing the door. The two step out onto the porch, leaving too very confused boys in their wake.
“I didn’t tell you because this is exactly how I knew you’d react! You’re scaring that poor boy shitless!” Tim whisper-yells. He doubted the two were sitting obediently inside—Sure enough, when he glanced at the window behind Dallas’s head he could see the two whisper to eachother.
“Why do you care? You said it yourself, Johnny is my responsibility. Not yours.” He says, pausing to glare at him. “I’ll make sure he’s okay how I see fit. You can worry about yourself.”
Tim sucked in a sharp breath. He really was hoping this wouldn’t be a topic the two of them ever touched on. So he did what he did best, deflect the blame.
“Yeah? Lord knows you aren’t doing a good job at it! He’s terrified of you!” He bites back, crossing his arms and straightening his back. He and Dallas are almost the exact same height—it’s hard to loom over him, which just so happens to be his only intimidation tactic other than beating.
“And Curly isn’t?”
Tim stops yelling to stare at him, brows furrowing.
“Curly and Johnny aren’t the same.” Tim replies defensively. “Johnny gets enough yelling at home—“
”So does Curly.” Dallas interrupts. He knows he’s found Tim’s weak spot. And like always, he was going to keep poking and prodding at it. “Don’t throw stones in a glass house, asshole. At least Johnny likes me. Curly stays cus’ he has no where else to go.”
”He likes that you don’t hurt him. You said it yourself, he’ll do anything for your attention.” Tim bites back.
Dallas scoffed, rolling his eyes. “We’re getting off topic.” He mutters. “Johnny and Curly have been swapping smoke for months, and you’d better not make me the bad guy for yelling at him.”
Jesus, they really do sound like a married couple.
“You act like we weren’t doing the same thing at their age.” He knows how dumb that sounds—he and Dallas are both only two years older than one of them. That wasn’t too long ago—the only thing that’s changed in the substance.
“Yeah? And look where that got us.”
“You’re a dick.”
”So are you.”
“Somehow I feel like we’re the ones who walking on something.” Curly mutters.
The two watched through the window as they went from bickering to shouting once again, Johnny covering his ears as he watched. Curly spares a glance his way, frowning.
“We outta get out of here before we get dragged into it.” He says, nudging him.
It’s an escape masked as an offer—a helping hand amidst the yelling and fighting that they are both so achingly used to.
“Okay.” Johnny mutters, letting the other help him to his feet. They try to sneak past—the older boys are too busy fighting to notice. Dallas has his back to the door and Tim is staring right back into his eyes. Unluckily for the youngest two—Tim spares a glance at the door just as they are leaving, making direct eye contact with Johnny.
He tries to angrily signal for the two to get back inside, hopefully before Dallas notices. That plan is foiled when Dallas immediately noticed his weird expression and spins around.
“Where the hell do you two think you’re going?” He asks angrily, causing Curly to stop halfway on the ladder.
He could run. He could drop down and run all the way home, Tim wouldn’t even be pissed. But leaving Johnny alone with an angry Tim and an even angrier Dallas didn’t sound like a good idea.
“Get your asses back inside.” Tim and Dallas say in unison—they don’t even seem to notice it. Curly spares a glance back at Johnny, whose prettified gaze in staring at Dallas and only Dallas. He lets out a sigh and begins climbing back up.
“C’mon John.” He mutters, the two of them shuffling into the room and shutting the door behind them. Johnny practically collapses to the floor—it’s not common for Dallas to be mad at him. It never ended well when he was. Curly knew that too, leaning back against the door.
“They’re so angry at us they synced up.” He tried to lighten the mood—it definitely didn’t work, but Johnny smiled up at him anyways. “Maybe their cycles are next.” He says between gasping breaths. Curly let’s himself laugh, falling onto the ground beside him. Soon they are both giggling together like little girls, acutely unaware of the two just outside.
Dallas was still whispering angrily to him. He didn’t care to listen, it was just the same shit over and over again. He stared through the window—at first it was to make sure the two didn’t make another escape attempt, but then he was just watching them. His gaze softened, the two joining each other on the floor and laughing together.
He and Dallas were like that once. Back when they were just two asshole kids. Before humiliation and anger brought they both to a fighting stop.
“I just—what are you staring at?” Dallas asks incredulously, annoyed that Tim wasn’t listening. He didn’t respond, staring longingly through the window still. Dallas eventually looks too, his gaze softening all the same. “Oh.” He muttered.
The two boys were huddled up together again, whispering to each other like little kids. They looked so calm, happy. Like they were meant to be like that. Like the world couldn’t see them.
“Look,” Tim sighed. “I get that you don’t want Johnny smoking, I really do. But if you want them separated—you’re gonna tell ‘em.” He said with a sense of finality, uncrossing his arms. Curly looked at him through the window, frowning but not pulling away.
Tim would’ve pulled away if the roles were reversed. Curly stays holding on.
”I don’t…” Dallas muttered, leaning his forehead on the wooden frame. “I don’t want them separated, okay? Johnny seems a lot happier—I don’t wanna take that from him.” He breathed out a sigh, glancing at Tim with pleading eyes. “I just don’t want him smoking that stuff. We both started with smokes, then weed, then beer, and then…” Dallas frowned. Tim wasn’t used to seeing him sad, he was too quick to anger. “He’s got addiction in his blood. Poor kid already worried about turning out like his father.”
”Really?” Tim asks, letting himself chuckle.
“I know. I don’t see it at all, even when he’s angry.” Dallas laughs too. “Still, it’ll save a lot of heartache if he stays off. Y’dig?”
“Yeah, I dig.” Tim smiles for the first time in the last hour. “I’ll back you up, man. I don't need Curly getting any worse.” He finally says. The two share an appreciative look with each other. Dallas barely reaches for him—almost like he’s going if for a hug—but he glances back inside and quickly puts his arms back down.
Tim rolls his eyes, opting to wrap an arm around him and lead the two back inside. Johnny and Curly pull away from each other when the re-enter, looking up at them. Jesus, they really do seem scared.
“I don’t want you smoking that stuff anymore.” Dallas says first, crossing his arm. Tim drags his arm off of him, crossing his arms as well. “You either, Curly.” He adds. Johnny frowns. “But—“ he begins, shut up when Dallas holds out a hand to silence him.
“We’re not mad, okay?” He starts—Tim wants to add ‘just disappointed’ for shits and giggles, but decides this isn’t the time. “You two can still have your little spot, just no more smoking weed, okay?”
Johnny and Curly share a confused look—like they’re a shocked there’s an agreement at all.
“You’re not mad?” Curly asks, almost incredulously. Tim and Dallas look to each other and nod. “Not unless it happens again.” Dallas says—like a challenge—glaring down at Curly. Curly’s brows furrowed, looking between the two. He places a hand on Johnny’s shoulder and they both stand.
“Tim?” He says finally. “Can I talk to you?”
Tim and Curly split off to one corner of the room, Johnny and Dallas whispering to each other in the other. Curly spends a long time just staring at him, like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. He speaks with a sense of urgency.
”You’re not gonna tell anyone are you?”
He doesn’t say exactly what Tim would be telling, but he has an idea what he’s eluding to. “Nawh.” Tim smiles, ruffling the boys hair. Curly doesn’t even attempt to fix it, furrowing his brows again—he never did that before he and Johnny met, it was the smaller boy’s quirk, not his.
“You won’t tell anyone about the tree house, will you?” He asks, again. Tim shrugs. “I don’t see why I would.” He pauses to glare down at him. “I’ve got no reason to tell. As long as you cut back on the weed, that is. I can’t defend you two if it happens again.”
Curly smiles—in the way every Shepard boy did when they didn’t want to be caught smiling. “Thank you.” He whispered, barely loud enough for his brother to hear. Tim ruffles his hair again, glancing back to Johnny and Dallas.
The two boys were hugging—he didn’t even realize the younger was wrapped up in Curly’s too big jacket. Tim spared one glance back at his brother, grabbing his by the shoulders and pulling his close.
Hugging each other wasn’t something they did. But at that moment it felt right. It felt right even as Curly’s ringed fingers gripped his sleeves, even as he buried his face in his older brothers chest.
There was a new air of hope when they all stepped out, climbing haphazardly out of the tree house. They joked, they walked through the woods light on their feet—Dallas and Tim trailed behind, pretending it was because they didn’t know where to go. They liked seeing the younger two boys poke fun at eachother like they used to.
“Y’know.” Dallas finally spoke, quiet enough for the other two not to hear. “I’m surprised you didn’t want them separated.”
Tim raises a brow. “Why would I?” He asks, though he knows the answer.
”Seeing as we thought they were, y’know…”
Tim shrugged, bumping into him purposefully. “It’s none of my business what they do behind closed doors.” A pause. “Though if I ever hear it, I’m definitely gonna ask them to get out.”
Dallas laughed, loud enough to make the younger two glance back at them.
”Besides,” Tim begins the second they turn back around. “Johnny cooks when he’s over. I can only handle so much of Angela’s over-cooked and under-seasoned chicken.”
Dallas smiled. “Darry was the one that taught him, y’know.”
”Yep. He learned just so he could make me a big ol’ New Yorkian breakfast for my sixteenth birthday.” Dallas says, pride in his voice as he watched the boy. Tim smiled as well, nudging into him. “I guess I have you to thank, then.”
Dallas smirked, leaning closer to him and taking one of his lapels between two fingers—tugging him closer.
“I guess you do.”
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shoko-komi · 7 months
The Komi Report - Communication 448
This week in Komi Can't Communicate...
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...class 3-1 is preparing for the culture festival!
Read It: Mangareader Mangakakalot Viz Media (North America Exclusive) Mangadex (English updates are dead, but there’s the backlog; and Spanish + Portuguese language updates)
We begin with a new character. Shota Kori appeared once before (very briefly) in Communication 429 - Year Three Sports Carnival...
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...where he appears to be examining Komi's pom pom. A detail which is now surprisingly relevant.
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Good planning, Oda.
I enjoyed his segment. There's not much to say about him yet, but I see potential here. I think "perfectionist" would have been a more fitting word to describe him than "obsessive".
What I really like about Kori is his older sister.
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Queen. She alone would make his inclusion worthwhile.
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Interesting... a ramen stand feels anticlimactic to me. I'm not sure how many funny and interesting scenarios can arise from it; how will Oda find an excuse to put Tadano in a dress? But there's so many characters at this point that the project itself need not be too interesting. The festival can simply be a vehicle for character interactions.
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Upcoming Perro Rabioso performance confirmed??? 👀👀
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I really love this sequence of all classmates interacting with each other. Even characters I dismissed at first become more endearing when presented as part of the group (I'm not referring to Omakawa, of course. Omakawa has always been a legend).
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This guy, for example. I still don't think much of him, but he fits into the ensemble.
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This guy, though...... you be careful with statements like that, boy. There will be none of that while I'm around.
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This got me excited. Komis interaction with Shiina is very cute, and I ofc was hyped for SukiYama (EmoKida?).
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So good to see them as a team...... not a fan of those faces. This is very much personal opinion and I can't claim it's a big deal, but I find these kind of expressions unsightly. Maybe because it's so far from how they normally look; these aren't Emoyama and Sukida faces, if you know what I mean. Oda has developed a habit of these kinds of expressions - Isagi always makes an ugly face when the subject of NarAse comes up, for example.
Nevertheless, I love SukiYama.
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Tadano and his boys are cute. Komis just jealous.
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Wait a minute......
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(Communication 432 - Year Three Sports Carnival, Part 4)
Komata and the mysterious powder is an identical joke to what Saotome got. These characters were already extremely similar, now they're completely confused.
Skipping over the Komi foot noodles... asdlkansdlkansdlas
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uwa, tension arises. What conflict has Koris perfectionism caused with Ogiya?
Final thoughts: the ensemble chapters are always a good time. The looming conflict with Kori might be more interesting if we'd been properly introduced to him sooner, but I'm keen to see where it's going
I say this basically every time,,, but it's so good to see how Komi has grown. During the prep for the first festival, she was struggling to contribute. Now she's leading her class and making a vital contribution ^w^
Also I happened to notice that Kishi appeared in the title art but not in the actual chapter. Where is my Kishi?
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Stay safe! I'll see you next week!
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lazerv4 · 1 month
Thoughts on The Boys Season 4
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
The Boys is finally back after an extended break (I know we got Gen V in the middle but idk) and is here to finally show us what is going on with our favorite group of edgy vigilantes and the answer is not very much and what is there is kind of disappointing.
Season 4 is a mess, an ugly, brash and thoughtless disaster of random plotlines that I wish were better handled but as a set up season for the 5th and final installment it suffers greatly. 
Butcher who is performed phenomenally as always by Karl Urban gets a very interesting dynamic with a fellow comrade Kessler played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan doing a really good job as the guest this season (not to the extent of Jensen Ackles did last season as Soldier Boy but that is literally impossible to top) and is one of the more fascinating characters until it’s revealed he is just a hallucination and a lot of his potential is squandered. Hughie (Jack Quaid) for his part is almost entirely disconnected from the story till the incredibly controversial and disgusting with Tech Knight and some not very well handled parts with Erin Moriarty’s Starlight were their romance seems threatened and gives poor Annie a completely lackluster season between that and her underexplored Planned Parenthood-esque storyline. Frenchie and Kimiko get the worst this season as both their plots come out of nowhere and are dropped randomly so I’m gonna do the same, sorry Karen (Fukuhara) you were great but they gave you trash. And last but not least MM (who got a surprising transformation, good on you Laz (heh) Alonso) has an interesting will he wont he type story about if he will stay in the game or leave for his family and his own health which I hope continues into Season 5.
Now the bad guys which will frankly be shorter, Starr as Homelander is the same as always, a good performance that is kind of losing it’s luster a little but it still has a funny and terrifying aura when properly utilized and I’m really looking forward to his Donal Trump era next season.  Chance Crawford’s Deep and Nathan Mitchell´s Black Noir (version 2) start a funny and dumb partnership now that Noir can talk and they lightened up the mood significantly when they were on screen even if they are both horrible people. Jessie T. Usher is the stand out this season as A-Train gets an atonement arc that made him really endearing and frankly my favorite character this season which seems so bizarre when they show opens trying to convince you he is the biggest piece of shit but man has the guy grown, he is still a cocky asshole but he now tries to be a decent and even sometimes just a straight up good person and I really do hope he makes it out of this. And finally the newcomers Sister Sage and Firecracker portrayed bySusan Heyward and Valorie Curry respectively are a great addition to the cast both in being a cynical egomaniac that works behind the scenes and a new hate sponge that does everything despicable you can think of, specially with both of them being original creations they were implemented with great care and attention that just worked well with the dynamic of the show.
And now the neutral characters I guess? Caludia Doumit’s Victoria Newman suffers a lot from lack of commitment and bad character writing this season which is such a shame now knowing (for obvious reasons) that this is her last season while Ryan (who is supposed to be like 13 but Cameron Crovetti looks way older than he even is) gets something similar to MM with a will he wont he but poorly executed in comparison and it just kind of makes me dislike the character a lot.
There were other cool characters and cameos like Giancarlo Esposito finally coming back to play Stan Endgar but at the same time we got Maddie Philips struggling to act even with a character as one note as Cate is in this show.
The Boys season 4 was a big mix bag let down but it still has some redeeming qualities, hopefully a lot of it’s issues have more to do with the fact that it’s a set up season and less with the writers not knowing what to do anymore.
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meatsex · 4 months
with all the genloss content being revitalized bc of the 1 year anniversary i’m forced to remember how much the bucket hat (and just generally vinny’s fit) grew on me
i remember seeing it for the first time and thinking it looked so ugly but it has grown to me... its still dumb but in an endearing way, hes like a videogame character which makes sense
i love the bucket hat in particular too its so silly
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If we are “allowed” to talk freely I would like to share some things I don’t like about Jimin even though he is my one and only favorite member.
1. This is actually one incident, but Jimin seems to be the type of person who likes things going his way. Like when he didn’t like Jk’s bag so he decided to gift Jk a new one even though he didn’t ask for it and he even proceed to move his things in his new bag. That whole video makes me cringy so hard, I can’t rewatch it.
2. His temper in his first years of career. I know he was a teen and then young, but the way he expressed his anger through bursts of violance like when he looked like he wanted to punch Tae for covering the camera in that old video or even a more recent situation from 2018 when he wanted to write on Tae’s shirt, but he didn’t let him and he had such a weird strong reaction. I guess this is a good example of him wanting things to be how HE wants them. Anyways, he clearly can control himself much better.
3. He can be too whiny. It might be only for the camera, but I don’t like to see even children acting like this, let alone a grown man.
English isn’t my first language so I hope this doesn’t cone off as me saying Jimin is some dangerous man. These are just some things I observed at him which bothered ME.
Alright, let's do this exercise, I think it will further prove the point I was trying to make yesterday. I also believe that being realistic and sometimes critical over our own biases is a good thing. If we only see negative parts in others while thinking that the artist we like is perfect with no faults, then we're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
I don't want this ask to be an invitation to take every single member one by one and explain what is unlikeable. It would take over other topics that I personally wish to discuss and this particular conversation right here will show my perspective that applies to anyone, regardless of who they are. I also hope this won't be misinterpreted by Jimin fans as to me picking on him or let someone do it with me, while sparing the others. That's basic stan thinking and it has no place here. As anon said, Jimin is their favorite member, he is also one of my biases and that should be enough. No one is some "Jimin anti" here.
Looking at your list, anon, shows how easy it is for anyone to have their own interpretation over a person's behavior or their gestures. Just like I said about Tae, the things that I don't like about his attitude could just as well have an appeal for others. It's the same here. It doesn't mean you're wrong or that I am wrong, because it's all subjective. Especially because we're talking about people that we only see through a mediated channel. We can't have a conversation with them, we don't know much about their private life, so our perspective will always be faulty. But that's the nature of it and we can only formulate our thoughts based on what is visible.
Let's take this one by one:
1. To me, Jimin moving JK's stuff to the new bag was more endearing than showing that he needs things his own way and that others need to just go with it. Yes, I do think in general that Jimin has that type of thinking (I see myself in that as well), but his intentions were good. I didn't think JK had a problem, but given that him just being passive and not saying anything can be interpreted in various way, then your perspective could make sense. No, Jungkook didn't ask for it, but Jimin gave him a birthday gift. I was more like "This bag is prettier and better than that old ugly thing you keep with you. Be more fashionable and I will move your things right now because otherwise you won't do it later and I didn't buy it just to be thrown into some corner in your closet". I think our interpretation of it shows our own boundaries and what we believe those boundaries should be in a friendship, but also our personality. I wouldn't look in a friend's bag without their permission. It would be rude of me to do it, let alone take their things out. But that's me.
2. I too find his temper in early years a bit cringey. I think he was trying really hard to be some verified strong Busan man, perhaps compensating too much because he's not really like that entirely. And it was mostly for the camera. I think Jimin is assertive and likes things done his way, but those outbursts were perhaps more about someone really young trying to deal with how he is supposed to act. I still think that to this day, he's able to put someone in their place easily, but with a more "gentle" and subtle hand because he's more mature and he found more efficient methods. I also see those examples of him with Tae as very specific to their relationship and both being the same age allows them to behave in a way that you wouldn't see any of them be with other people. Both of them have their weirdness and Jimin is usually the one to have the upper hand in that friendship. All of this was more visible in the past. Not so much nowadays because they are older and with age, a lot of behaviors are left in the past.
3. This is perhaps the most subjective point and I'm not even going to "argue" on it. Being whiny can be very annoying to some people and in this case, my own bias towards him makes me not just tolerate, but to like that part of him. I'm perfectly aware of it.
So, there you have it. I understood the point you were trying to make, I don't think there's any way someone could see this as pointing out that Jimin is dangerous. It would be ridiculous.
I tried as much as I could to understand your perspective and also present my own views on the same events and behaviors. At a first glance, everything you said is something that I personally don't see or agree with, but it also doesn't mean I'm not able to understand where you're coming from.
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lesser-mook · 1 year
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Saw this back when it dropped, never finished an Anime movie so pissed that 2 hours were spend on what should’ve  been 30min. 
The movie overall could've been a cute short film, without the time skip and unnecessary side characters. Just self indulgence on full display.
And funny how I (a detractor) am talking about the film, thus bringing back into minor 5sec of relevance, when people who liked the film, (so far as I’ve seen) forgot it even existed. 
When pure raw emotion/ hype is your reason for liking something- when the emotions & hype fade, that’s the hill what you liked dies on.
Hype & emotions do not last forever. Same goes for relationships.
 The bullying aspect was executed “OK”, very mean stuff.
Though the entire thing was just a huge play on your emotions. Rarely have any female designs that stray from the “stock cute girl design”, no pronounced nose, heavy set, burns that don’t look like tattoos, overbite, sloped eyes, nope just 24/7 the cutest possible iteration. Because how could you feel empathy for someone that isn’t appealing to your Darwinian biases.
Typical presentation, the "insert your tears here" moments were cringeworthy (because you can tell they really, REALLY want you to feel something), didn’t work for me. Worst parts of the movie because it’s so extra and over the top.
Neon Genesis Evangelion had hard to watch scenes because in context they were supposed to be actual larger than life problems. But they were not this pedantic.
Same with that stair climax scene in Garden of Words, with the crying, and leaping on him & shit, the music swell, all over a misunderstanding. Just melodrama stupidity.
You’d think a mother fucker died or something.
This is what most Anime movies are, just unintentional Rom-coms taking themselves too goddamn seriously.
Cause the easiest road to 5 stars from Otaku’s is make a mf cry, that’s all it takes.
The voice acting was good, from all the cast. (SUB)
 The titular couple had little in common as people, let alone a would be couple,  she was a blank slate of nauseating innocence, but she was cute.
He remembered her & kept hounding her out of curiosity, guilt, intrigue and because he’s tall & endearing and she’s short & cute- we’re supposed to want him to succeed in re-entering her life.
Pure superficial aesthetic.
If she had a temper or something, an ugly laugh, sore loser, something/ anything resembling a flawed human being, that would be better. Hell if she went through a transformation and became like a UFC badass, that shit would be fucking badass,  and funny given she was bullied so that's how she'd cope. 
The joke would be you'd expect exactly what you got in the movie, someone whose ripe for romantic crap, but she ends up being the exact opposite, because why not.
But you see, this only works if she’s frail, “cute cute cute” and vulnerable 24/7- ya know the Japanese’ peak standard for a domestic infantile pet, Errr i mean a “WAIFU” guys, my bad. Got the two mixed up...
Otherwise how could the movie possibly end without some kind of contrived romance thread that realistically shouldn’t exist.
And all that time she & has no partner?
If they had any balls they’d made her like girls, instead of some side characters being subtly lesbian, so bold guys, very brave. 
So him getting with her is an impossibility and him making amends can be genuine in isolation outside romantic motivations, thus removed from the fact that he’s obviously guaranteed her hand after the bullshit drama is done. Because that’s the agenda of the events, not actual redemption.
 Him grown up, he was more vulnerable & apologetic due to him being bullied to balance out her innocent nature and that alone was enough to get them to develop feelings. Zero chemistry, just well drawn/animated/colored scenes of being in the same vicinity and being wholesome.
Wholesome isn’t chemistry, that’s the problem with Deku and Ochako, & it took me a while to figure that out cause it’s easy to think just being cute means that’s a recipe for success. 
 And because he became a victim of bullying like she was, another indicator that we’re supposed to  want them together. Despite the fact that he deserved that shit, she didn’t. 
You don’t get rewarded for suffering consequences of your own actions.  Stock syndrome is cute because the girl is cute, the movie.
Could've been better but could've been worse. never watched it again, but unfortunately the good animation burned it’s existence into my mind.
It was a nice/ “sweet” film for what it was. 
Overly drawn out, melodramatic; The entire story could've been wrapped up as a more concise short film. Under an hour.
Just watch Spirited Away, Mirai, “Flavors of Youth”
or the underrated Dareka no Manazashi (A good short film people forgot existed because it’s not highschool Tween melodrama bait)
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Gets the point across without holding you hostage for 2 hours.
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reignmaefall · 14 days
"I wish we could switch bodies so you could see yourself the way I see you" "my biggest fear is you seeing me the way I see myself" nah fuck that.
I wish you saw me the way I see myself.
So you weren't too blinded by rose-colored glasses to see my flaws. So you could see my beauty and my ugly coexist. I wish you saw the parts of me people don't get to see, how my eyes get red when I cry and it makes my irises look like crystals. How my hair looks when I get out of the shower, dripping down my shoulders and curling in ringlets before it dries a frizzy blob of half-defined waves.
I wish you saw my flaws the way that I see them. I wish you saw my skin, that's so pale I sparkle in the sun like a twilight character, as something beautiful and magnificent and fantastically magical instead of something I had to fix. I wish you saw my smudged mascara as a form of abstract art the way that I do instead of something I have to re-do. I wish you saw my short-temper as a reflection of my passion for things other people would deem trivial.
I wish you saw me the way I do. I wish you noticed the things about me only I do. How my smile is odd and crinkles my eyes unevenly. How my face is asymmetrically symmetrical, but so my brain, as cluttered and scattered as it is. How my face is always pink and it gets flushed when I smile. How my jaw is sort of funky and my nose is sort of thin and how my eyes are kind of sunken. How my freckles are light and scattered across my face. I wish you saw the freckles that only I've seen, because you have to look at my face real close to notice, like the one on my lip and the ones in my eyebrows. I wish you caught me counting my steps in 4's (one two three four, one two three four, one two three four..). I wish you caught me counting everything in 4's the way that I do. I wish you saw how poetic my mind is. How my mind is a never-ending factory of stories and hopeless romantic brain rot and a scatter-board of everything you can think of. How the vein in my neck bulges when I get worked up about something. How im always touching my face or my hair or fidgeting with something in my hands. I wish you saw my scars and thought of me as not a victim but a survivor. I wish you saw me as not a victim but someone in recovery and doing so well and having grown so much. I wish you saw me the way that I see me.
Beautiful. Because I am beautiful. And I know it. And I'm tired of pretending like I don't. I'm tired of pretending to hate myself because society says it's better than being self-obsessed. But fuck that. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself I love myself. I weird and odd and I can be obnoxious but it's endearing and I love that I try so hard to make other people laugh that I end up looking like a fool. And I love my appearance and fuck society for ever convincing me I don't. And I love my personality and fuck society for calling me narcissistic for that. I think im smart and funny and passionate and cool and beautiful.
I think that I am beautiful. Because there is so much beauty in this world. And we're only here for so long and people come and go but we have to stay with ourselves, we can't leave, there's no use hating ourselves. I love myself and fuck you if you think that's narcissistic. I'm beautiful and flawed and oh so human and I have spent so much of my life obsessing over my appearance and hating myself deep into my core that I missed out on so many memories and opportunities and so much of life, and fuck it because there is so much beauty in this world and I want to see it and I'm tired of pretending that I don't see it in myself. I'm human. And I'm perfectly imperfect.
So yeah. Fuck it. I wish you saw me the way I saw myself. Because then you'd see how beautiful I am
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floped · 2 years
high school crush woes
I wonder if you would care if I was gone. When I post I do it in hopes you'll see it. I dont know why I'm so hung up on you. You're just a pretty face, that's all you should be. A part of me thinks Id grow to hate you if we were together. Even then I want to pick you apart to see if there are any feelings behind the cold exterior you always front. I dont know why my feelings have grown, we don't talk anymore and even when we did it was mostly about you. You're selfish. You went on an on about yourself but would it have killed you to ask about me, the things I enjoy? I felt like you tried to impress me but maybe Im desperate and grasping at straws. At any indicator that showed you cared about me. You who clearly has no taste for fashion who cycles through the same 3 sweaters would stay up till dawn to comment on the dresses I would send you, even when you had to be up early for your dance lessons. You sent me pictures and videos of you showing off you 6-pack and while it was very impressive why would you send that to me If you weren't interested. Now that I think back, it been almost a year since then. I've grown so much but you keep a part of me stagnate. I think about you an unhealthy amount. If you knew you would probably be concerned. God I feel like a loser. Im a bad friend too. My friend liked you and you knew that, you rejected her but continued with your awkward middle school friendship until you ghosted her the next school year. I know this but I still like you and I know its wrong. At the same time since it was a while ago I feel like it should be okay. You never dated. I feel like she still has feelings for you or at least wants some type of closure. She has no idea I feel this way for you or that we talked for a bit. I'm scared that it might change our friendship and I cherish her. By the way you and her used to talk I bet you liked her. She's pretty, skinny, and smart-the holy trinity. Its not like I'm ugly but like any highschooler Im saddled with insecurity. I dress up on days we have class together and on days we dont in the hopes we randomly cross paths. I remember I came in the building and I saw you were walking to class. Even thought we have the same one we never get their at the same time. My heart fluttered as I rushed to get closer. I stayed behind you walking up three flights of stairs and holding my breath, I dont know if you knew If I was behind you but just being near you was enough. Its crazy I feel this way when I cant remember the last time I even spoke to you. I wish I could enter your brain just for a moment to figure out what you thought of me, a failed talking stage or something more. I was the one who ended up "Ghosting you" I dont even think it counts I just stopped initiating conversations and you just stopped. That really broke my heart but I guess I should have known better. I know I deserve better but theirs no one around me who is. I know Im young but Im sick of feeling unlovable. Since Its hard to come up to you and start a conversation Ill just sit by you and glance a couple times. Maybe more than a couple times but I dont think you even noticed. You always seem so wrapped up in your little world, which I find kind of endearing. Im always making a joke or talking and its ironic I would be this down bad for someone whose my exact opposite. If we're in the same room lll say any joke a little louder for you to hear, I looked over once and I saw a smile on your face followed by a chuckle. Blood rushed to my face but thankfully I had blush on. I secretly hope you stumble upon this even though you're definitely not on tumblr. This is my way of saying everything I cant to you. I love that you play piano, you played in front of me once and I thought it was beautiful. You said you would send me a video of you playing but you never did. I wonder if you think about that. I know you wont reciprocate my feelings, your probably not even aware of them, but I hope to find someone who looks at me the way I look at you, someone who thinks of me the way I think of you, and loves you the way I do
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Can you please do hcs for the gang with a clumsy S/O?
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A/N: Hey there! Thanks for requesting <3 you're super clumsy (love you anyways 💚) so I had a lot of fun writing this! Hope you enjoy it!
It’s both a blessing and a curse to be clumsy and dating Darry, there’s pros and cons here guys
Pro, he’s super big and super strong and will never have any problems picking you up if you’ve fallen or carrying you around
I totally see him telling you you’re safer in his arms than on your own feet and then carrying you around when he’s in a playful mood
Con, this man stresses out so much and he worries so much about you and your clumsy habits
Especially if you get hurt, he’s all huffy as he patches you up but he will kiss wherever you’ve hurt yourself and murmur reassurances the whole time
Will tease you for being clumsy? But it’s loving teasing, he’s just messing around with you and having fun <3 
He’s clumsy-ish too? But his clumsy only adds an extra endearing quality to him-
Soda’s compared to a colt in the book, very excitable and I can definitely see him like jumping around so fast he knocks stuff over and little things like that 
Sodapop, ever the gentlemen, is going to offer to carry everything for you so you have less of a chance to drop it
Like his brother, I firmly believe that he’d just scoop you up instead of letting you walk
The image of him carrying you, a bridal carry ‘cause we’re romantic, down the street because you tripped over yourself playing football in the lot and rolled your ankle-
He’d sit you on the edge of the tub and crouch down in front of you, wrapping your ankle deftly, cracking jokes and grinning up at you with that movie-star smile of his
I feel like Ponyboy’s very clumsy? But it’s like an ugly-duckling kind of clumsy
Like he’s only clumsy because he hasn’t really grown into himself yet and once he starts hitting some of his later teen years, he’s pretty suave-ish
So he’s used to the clumsiness and kind of tunes into your clumsiness?
That doesn’t make sense so I’ll explain- Pony’s so used to your clumsiness that he knows when you’re going to run into things even if he’s not looking at you 
Like he can be laying on the couch, fully engrossed in a book and you walk in and he’ll immediately say something like “wall” and you learn to stop, step away from the the thing Ponyboy says and continue on
That’s his way of looking out for you, y’know? He tries his hardest to prevent any injuries your clumsiness may cause
Dallas with a clumsy S/O is actually the funniest and sweetest thing I’ve ever thought of
You’ve got Dally, calm, cool, and collected, leaning against the edge of buildings with a cigarette between his lips as he stares people into submission
And then there’s you, stumbling over the curb and falling almost onto your face when you tried to join him
You kind of ruin his ice-cold, bad boy image because he’s always having to reach out to catch you from falling and stooping to pick up what you’ve dropped but he can’t really bring himself to care
You’re a clumsy doll, but you’re his doll, and he thinks you’re awfully cute
He’s gonna roll his eyes and blow smoke in your face when you do something stupid like trip over your own feet and run into things but he does it all with the fondest smile
I think you’re gonna worry Johnny a lot, the poor boy is constantly keeping an eye on you and trying to lead you away from danger
But it's almost an exasperated kind of worry? Johnnycake just doesn’t understand how someone could be this clumsy
You drop things, run into stationary furniture, choke on air and trip over your own feet for crying out loud-
Johnny’s doing his best to keep you alive, okay?
This boy presses soft kisses to all of your random little bruises and you can’t tell me that he doesn’t
He winces every time he hears you fall and will call out to see if you’re alright, waiting patiently for you to reply before he goes to check on you 
Two-Bit is a clumsy mess. He just is. No room for debate here friends :)
He’s tall and lanky and sometimes a little drunk and he’s clumsy
The two of you are constantly holding onto each other so you don’t fall over but half the time you end up stumbling into each other's arms
But you guys are cute clumsy, you try to help each other out and it’s just really cute okay?
Both of you are constantly running into doors and dropping things
The gang just rolls their eyes whenever you guys trip over things or trip over each other-
Super worried part two! He’s concerned when it comes to your clumsiness and is worried about your safety <3
Will do his best to patch up any of your injuries but can’t help it if he’s a little rough, he makes up for it in kisses
I don’t think Steve would tease you for being clumsy?
Like- the occasional little remark about he can’t believe you did what you did, but he’s not gonna tease you like Dal or Curly or Tim
He thinks you’re cute baby! Really cute! Loves the way you smile sheepishly when you catch something you drop before it hits the ground
Steve just loves you okay? No matter what, no matter how clumsy, he just really loves you
To preface, Tim is the kind of guy who would watch you fall, not even flinch, and then calmly ask if you’re okay
If you are, he’ll silently offer you a hand to pick you back up with a wide smirk on his face
If you’re not? He’ll crouch down to your level and look over you, determining how bad it is before helping you back up
He’s surprisingly gentle if he has to patch up your cuts and scrapes and anything else you do to yourself? Very gentle hands
Tim’s gonna make so many jokes about your clumsiness but that’s a him only thing
Maybe he’ll let Curly and Angela get away with a joke or two, but if anyone says anything else, they’re getting a cold look from the head Shepard
The teasing is ruthless I tell you, absolutely ruthless and you need to learn to expect nothing else from Curly
All of the teasing terms and his jokes, he thinks he’s funny guys
If you’re the kind of clumsy person who has a tendency to walk into furniture and door frames (that’s me guys), Curly is going to laugh at you  
But in reality, Curly thinks you’re super cute, he can’t keep back the soft smile when he sees you catch yourself from falling and you just look so proud of yourself
Wants to hold your hand when you’re walking and always makes sure to put you on the inside of the sidewalk when you’re around town, keeping you away from the edge so there’s a lesser chance of you falling into traffic
He makes sure that there’s always a handful of extra bandaids and stuff at the Shepard household so in case you end up cutting yourself or something while you’re over, he can help you out
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saetoru · 2 years
okay, so first of all, gojo satoru… I feel like when he was younger, he would buy a ton of really expensive shit purely because it was from a designer brand. like, it could be the ugliest fucking thing ever, but he would still buy it just because he could LMFAO 😭 he definitely had a ton of really ugly but expensive shoes… he looks like he would. he probably didn’t even wear them all 😔
thankfully, as he grew a little bit older, he stopped doing that and started buying things that ACTUALLY looked good. (only exception is those fugly rectangular sunglasses 😦 what on earth. I bet that bitch wears them just to piss people off smh. by people I mean me ☝️) even though they’re still really fucking expensive, it’s still a good upgrade from his childhood PFFT
his mama is glad, and so am I 🙏
I also wanted to talk about how gojo and getou are. they’re similar, meaning you don’t really have to put in a lot of effort to find out that they’re rich. gojo is the kind of guy who clearly flaunts his wealth in the most obnoxious way possible, but at the same time it’s not just the things he buys that makes him seem rich. You can see it in the way he carries himself. the best way I can explain it is like this; gojo is like a peacock. he likes to show off his feathers, but he’s already so naturally beautiful that people are already looking??? he just looks grand, if you know what I mean. he’s almost always got that air of confidence and superiority surrounding him that it can make you wanna BEAT HIS ASS UP 🤬🤬 but he’s also weirdly endearing :( he’s loud asf but we already know that LOL
AND when I said that getou is similar, I meant that he also just feels rich. he’s what you would expect someone from a high status family to be like tbh. he’s polite, respectful and is just all around elegant?? but he’s also kind of simple if you get what I mean. think of him as a swan — they’re plain, but everyone sees them as this really elegant and graceful creature. they also bite. hard. holy fuck. he’s a lot more subtle. even though he���s definitely intimidating and looks like a delinquent (😭), his actions show otherwise.
so, honestly to simplify what I’m saying, rich bitched getou and gojo are different sides of the same coin. both rich, but one formal and the other informal.
im kind of annoyed because there’s so much I want to say but I literally can’t articulate any of it properly. that’s my bad. but I can’t believe you’re not a mind reader smh how dare you 😡 I NEEDED TO WORD VOMIT SO BAD EHEHENR THANKS FOR READING IF YOU DID u are my lord and saviour ily 😸 BYE MWAH MWAH
I went from talking about how shitty satoru’s taste was to analysing rich boys getou and gojo wtf. what happened
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CRYINF THIS WAS SO FUN TO READ BESTIE FKWKFKR OMG i love the rich boy! au so much
gojo definitely had a HORRID fashion taste LMAO like he’s grown to be a bit better after ppl have told him over the years 🥲 but i just feel like gojo naturally has an awful sense of coordinating outfits 😭 geto in contrast is so simple like u said and elegant like he wears a simple white shirt but it’s ✨fancy™️✨ jfjsjfjs
GOJO IS THE OBNOXIOUS TRUST FUND AND BOASTFUL RICH BOY and then there’s his best friend geto who’s sweet and humble and he helps people get around campus with a sweet smile and a little wave and gojo’s just like “oh are new here ??” with a horrendous smirk and he’s so gosh darn annoying omg djrksjfj
i feel like rich boy gojo has a good relationship with him mom he’s a mommas boy for sure but him and his dad have a rough relationship that’s why he’s so attention seeking and also rebellious low key LMAO he wants to piss his dad off at every chance and do things the opposite way but he also just wants to be acknowledged u know. and then geto’s just a sweet lil boy who minds his business probably has polite convos with his moms friends while they have tea he’s like their favorite little golden boy they all want their daughters to be his wife ndnfskjfd god i could go on i rly do love this rich boy au sobs
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elle-writes-things · 2 years
Blues and Reds
Pairing: Lex Miller x Reader/OC
Deadly Class Masterlist
Warnings: brief mention of killing and blood
Word Count: 859
A/N: This was very loosely based on the song Colors by Halsey.
This would be your first kill. The very moment you had sacrificed the last seven years of your life for. The validation of your education, and the start of your career.
And yet, your throat clenched at the thought. Of stealing the breath from their lungs. Watching the life leave their eyes. A breathless scream gasped out through parted lips.
"Rina." The call cut through the steel fog. A scarlet beacon shining through the mist. But as soon as it ended, the powder blue clouds swirled over you again, ice cold trickles of apprehension dripping through your veins.
"Rina." It was closer now, staining the edges of your vision with the juice of a mulberry. You could feel the floor again, a solid surface beneath you. But, it swayed under your feet, threatening to throw you over the edge, into the cerulean waves. 'Breathe,' you reminded yourself, gulps of air like lead in your lungs. 'Breathe'.
"Rina." It was right in front of you now. You couldn't ignore it any longer.
"Yes Lex?"
"Are you alright? I called your name three times." The concern on his face was comical. Eyebrows furrowed. The corner of a dark pink lip held captive between his teeth.
You wanted to scream. To tell him to catch you as you fainted. To tell him your feet had grown roots in the ground. To tell him you were drowning in the rushing sea of blues.
"I'm fine." A blatant lie. Because you couldn't express that much emotion in words.
"No you're not love. I can tell." There it was. Love. What did it mean? That he wanted you by his side for the rest of your days. A beautiful combination of rubies and sapphires, swirling together as tendrils of indigo. Or was it just another one of his foreign quirks? An endearment with the same worth as 'bro' or 'dude'.
"I have an assignment," you told him. As if it was no more significant than watering the flowers. "Privately contracted," you added. The roses are doing rather nicely.
"Congratulations," he said, as if your pain and fear were an achievement. 'But they were,' you reminded yourself. An unwanted success, but a success nonetheless. My violets are blooming wonderfully even though I have ignored them for six months.
"When is it?"
"Tonight." The deadline loomed close. An hideous monster that feasted on your pain. The weeds are horrible, but I keep watering them.
"Do you want help love?" There it was again. A promise of kisses by the sunset. Coral clouds sinking into midnight waves. A reminder of his joking personality.
"No." Another lie. You needed his help. Your hands were shaking too much to force a dagger through someone's chest.
"Why not?" No. If he persisted, you would give in, and black blood would stain both of your hands.
"Because this requires finesse and focus, none of which you have." An excuse. A plea. Stop. Stop trying to help me.
"Ouch love, that hurt." A passionate purple embrace in the darkest of nights. Hands branding fiery promises on the ocean of your skin.
"Could-could we maybe hang out after. I mean, I just-"
"Like a date?" The words died on your lips. 'Yes,' your heart begged, desperate for your affections to be returned.
"Don't act so horrified love. I might start to think you don't like me." No. You weren't horrified. You were thrilled.
"I-I didn't mean-"
"I know. I'm only joking." And your heart stopped beating, the glimmer of hope extinguished immediately. "The first one is always the hardest. It's nice to be with someone living after." Right. That's what this was about. The assignment.
You opened your mouth to say something but the words wouldn't come.
"Don't worry love. I'll wait up for you."
The whole ordeal was horrible. The man who you had been assigned to kill fought. He fought hard. And his death was ugly. There was so much blood. Enough to turn your entire field of vision into a sea of crimson. Everything was so red. Not a Lex-red. No, that red was bright and mischievous, and made you feel warm. No, this red was a twisted, ugly color, so intense that it made you want to cry. 
You didn’t even bother to wash the blood off of your hands before you went to find Lex. The blood on your hand smeared across the oak door as you knocked. It only took him a few seconds to answer, but those few seconds felt like an eternity. 
“Oh, Rina.” Lex stared at you, hands covered in blood and trembling. “C’mon love.” Gently, he grasped your arm and led you into his room. You move mechanically, sitting on his bed as he fetched a wet rag.
Swipe by swipe, Lex took the ugly red from your hands and replaced it with his red. Slowly, your vision turned from the ugly red to the shade of violet that it always was when you were in his presence. A shade of violet that wrapped you in its embrace and convinced you that everything would be alright. A shade of violet that was, undeniably, love.
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
You made me fall in love with fear, it's all just fascinating. The way you write is an aesthetic in itself! It's so beautiful and thought-provoking. If your requests are open, I would love to see your volume one Yanderes with a clumsy s/o. Like, she is accident prone, always injuring herself, etc. I wonder how they would react with such fragility? Thanks! Have a wonderful day! :D
yandere ! BNHA headcannons
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, dumbification, abuse, manipulation, ableism, anxiety, death, murder, drugs, drugging, kidnapping
He knew fragile things existed in the world.
And he knows that the world was designed to chew such powerless things up then spit them out again.
And he knows he isn’t one of those frail things.
As a child he thought it was fair for the strong to conquer the weak.
And hell… he still thinks it’s fair.
Her brittle nature provides him with such a great excuse too, such a perfect explanation for him to justify taking her.
To justify keeping her in soft frilly clothes, locked inside a room devoid of walls where they have been replaced by cushions and pillows and blankets and furs and stuffed-animals and all things soft, soft, soft against the bruises and scrapes on her knees and ankles and elbows and chin. Keeping her all cozy and clumsy where she’s unable to keep her footing on the plushie asylum floor, reduced to vertigo, especially with that fluffy pink ankle-cuff chaining her down.
Sometimes she’ll hide when hearing Bakugo’s footsteps coming thundering from behind her door. She’ll wrap herself up in all those soft things she’s grown to hate, pray under the covers only to hear the cracking predatory humor of Bakugo’s laugh once he spots where the chain trails to.
He'll drag her out of hiding like a puppy on a leash, all for him to punish, all with that splitting frenzied grin on his face, the one that makes her head dizzy on the sight of seeing how sharp those canines of his are, knowing how they’re going to find her neck as though she’s some chew-toy.
He’ll always make it sound as though that’s what she wanted, that punishment is what her weakness begged him for, as though weakness is synonymous with wanting pain or needing pain.
He’ll sleep there with her most of the time, in the room he’s made so painstakingly clear was her home. She’s coming more and more gradually to the understanding that nothing in reality is hers anymore. Not the room, not the clothes, not her body.
She’s too weak to be allowed to be in charge of anything, better for her to just find comfort in knowing how she has no responsibilities, better for her to just be grateful Bakugo wanted her as his pet rather than his prey. Better for her to listen and believe him when he tells her that she’s safe, instead of thinking of all those crippling reasons as to why she is far from being safe.
Clumsy prey is a sport Shoto always believed to be too mediocre and boring, given how easily the dexterity of the predator can win the chase.
He didn't think he could achieve stimulation without a challenge.
But, he’s now finding that chasing someone who’s barely able to keep her own footing is a game he rather enjoys quite salaciously. Understanding now that it’s less about the quest, less about actually catching his prize, and more about the experience, those funny little moments leading up to it.
The amount of hungry pleasure he derives from seeing her stagger away from him is bottomless.
He doesn’t know why, but it’s the outmost endearing and lovable and precious and cute thing he can think of.
Seeing her stumble and fall, all in the product of mixing her clumsiness with her wild manic fear. Watching those beautiful swivel-eyes spiral as she looks up at him through the thick darkness of the poorly lit hallways, hearing nothing but Shoto’s inhumanly sadistic snickering and her own heavy panting as she tries desperately to drag herself further away. Yet, knowing and awaiting his massive biting cold hand to grip around her ankle to drag her across the marble-floor back into her dungeon, back into the soft bed, so that they can do everything again.
Most chases end up with her hurting herself and eventually aiding her own capture.
She’ll always wake up with bruises she has no recollection of when or how she got, yet looking at them she can tell that they’re way too mellow to be something given to her by Shoto.
It's funny, where he hurts her, he actually ends up saving her more times than most. Where her sporadic escape has almost led her to go tumbling down the stairwell, where were it not for Shoto catching her in her fall, things could have gotten really ugly.
He wouldn’t want her to actually break her legs after all, no matter how many times he might tease and threaten her with the thought. Broken legs would mean no more games, and Shoto doesn’t want that to end any time soon.
But, there are softer aspects to her silliness too.
She can be just as dopey and awkward with her rambling thoughts as him, where her inelegance with her mobility seeps into her skillfulness with words too.
If she’s proper blissed-out she can talk up storms of complete and utter nonsense, rambling on about her dreams and what animal the shape of Shoto’s scars resemble and how pretty his eyes are and how much her body is tingling in the aftershocks of what fun Shoto exercised on her skin.
Naivety really is bliss, isn’t it?
Not just for herself, but for him too.
To watch her, in all her clumsy glory, fall on her face, time and time again, never learning her lesson.
That’s the definition of insanity, you know?
Doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to go differently.
But, no matter how many times she tries to escape, no matter how many times she runs, or screams or cries or swears she hates him until her lungs burn, she’ll always end up right where she started off, right where she belongs, right in his arms, under his thumb, under him.
He doesn’t even have to put any effort in to prevent it.
He just needs to sit back and enjoy the show as she fails so spectacularly all by her very own, then pick her up off the floor and coo and hush and shush and tsk at her to calm down or else she might end up hurting herself all over again.
How has such fickle featherbrained maladroit messes managed to survive? How hasn’t evolution wiped them from existence yet?
Perhaps because other more evolved creatures found them to be such a perfect source for blowing off steam. Entertainment is important after all. Small little escapes through the day where you can forget what nasty troubles you’ll eventually have to deal with and simply just play with your silly little pet.
He saves the world every now and again, the world can allow him this much, to have his very own swivel-eyed toy. He deserves it. 
Besides, she needs him. If he hadn’t stepped in and helped her, saved her from her own mistakes, evolution would have done its job and she’d be dead already.
But, he doesn’t expect her bumbling brainless little head to understand that, she’d just get a headache from thinking about it too hard.
No, better for her to focus on other things… like how to entertain him before he decides to show her just how small a foolish little thing she is.
He’ll often play with her, make her turn all shades of hopeless because she’s too forgetful and too soft-natured to comprehend what’s happened.
He’ll give her things, small little trinkets as presents for her good behavior, mostly accessories such as hair-bows, necklaces, anything he can easily slip off her without her noticing, then pretend to be disappointed, scolding her as though she’s some child who’s unable to take care of her things, punish her and kiss her on that scared foolish little face as she splutters out her apologies, having not a single clue she’s right where he wants her, completely clueless to the fact that she’s perfect in every which way imaginable.
It feels so unexplainably good to hold something infinitely helpless and vulnerable and dainty in his destructive hands without it shattering like glass.
It feels so insurmountably meaningful and purposeful and godsend to save someone for once, even if it’s from themselves.
It’s nice being in the presence of true chaos, the true absence of order, a great real heap of a total clusterfuck. It makes him believe that even life requires a little death to scare them into safety, that even light requires darkness, that even love needs darkness, that even love desires darkness.
He used to think small things such as her were made up of cotton and all things soft like dandelion-fluff, but now he knows they’re made of breakable brittle things such as autumn-leaves, in desperate need of being wrapped up, suffocated, drowned in safety. He’s the one who needs to be soft like cotton, he’s the one who needs to be gentle and soft so she not crumble like the sweet pastry she is.
It’s cute. She’s cute. Unbelievably so too sometimes.
He feels like half the time he spends with her he’s teaching her how to walk properly, catching her when she falls or helping her up from the ground, dusting her off, wiping tears away from her face, patching up small scrapes and gashes, kissing her forehead, letting her know how it’s all okay, making sure she knows she’s no such thing as a burden, though not letting her in on the fact that he loves seeing her fail only for him to save the day.
He’ll take her outside more because of her ditzy nature, knowing how she’s far too dopey to ever manage an escape without pulling out a near miss unintentional suicide attempt, where which after a number of rescues from him she forgets why she was even running in the first place, now too caught up with being close to him instead, with feeling safe, feeling protected.
He’ll save her from wandering off into traffic, protect her when she says the wrong idiotic thing to the wrong batch of people, fight for her when her cuteness lures and pulls and ensnares other predators.
It’s symbiosis, if he thinks about it, if he tries justifying it.
She needs him and he needs to feel needed. She needs to be taken care of, he wants to take care of her, she needs protection from herself, he wants her dependence, he wants the safety of knowing how she cannot survive without him.
It’s hilarious.
She’ll break her own legs for him at this rate.
He wonders how many braincells could possibly be left in that thick skull of hers, with how much she trips and walks into walls and rolls out of bed, bumping her head on every possible thing, he can’t count how many times she’s head-butted him, whether it’s been on purpose or not. 
He wonders if she might just be blind.
If maybe she needs glasses…
Well… that’s too bad if that’s the case, no chance he’s giving up watching her agonize over every misstep that leads to her falling on the floor by his feet, her head tipping to look up at him with that ridiculous expression, that dumbfounded adorable confusion.
It probably doesn’t help that he keeps the room so dark.
It probably doesn’t help that he leaves things on the floor in hopes of her foot catching on them.
But, can you blame him for wanting to see her all cute and flushed? Watching her frustrate over herself, too caught up in being mad with her own inadequacy to bother being mad at him. So preciously hopeless as she tries to pick herself up off the floor, her hair always in a mess and bruises and scrapes littering her otherwise soft skin.
Pretty and stupid isn’t usually the type he fawns over, in fact: pretty and stupid is usually the type that disgust him, pretty stupid bitches that never spare him a second glance, pretty stupid bitches that are only worth one fuck before he dusts them.
But pretty stupid and sweet? 
That’s the perfect cocktail.
So stupid and sweet she doesn’t even know how pretty she is. So stupid and sweet that she’s surprised he gave her a second glance.
He wonders if he as well would be this careless and reckless if he hadn’t been gifted with that destructive quirk of his.
He wonders if she had been born with a heart made less up of honeycombs and more daggers like his, if she would also second-guess touching things as opposed to making it her mission to bump into every single thing in her path.
If she would be less trusting and more cynical like him.
He’s grateful she wasn’t.
He’s grateful that the only type of death she’ll ever get the chance to taste is him, that as far as she’s concerned… he is death.
Most of the time it’s cute.
Most of the time he loves watching her fall prey to her own absentmindedness. Watch her trip on nothing but her own poor footing.
After all, he does love catching her before she hits the ground. He loves being her hero, seeing that shocked expression on her face, that cute blush of embarrassment as he smirks down upon her jumpy skittish person.
Then of course there’s the less salvageable moments, yet still no less cute, where she’ll drop dinner plates or her glass or the wine bottle or the remote-controller, where she’ll get so frustrated with herself and her stubby fingers, her feet always needing bandaging where she always manages to step in her own mess of glass-shards.
Those times where she fucks up and fears Keigo’s temperance so much she’ll turn into a timid little ball of apologies and gratitude, where she’ll fear that any more screw ups will cost her his understanding attitude and awake something livid inside him.
She’ll be so sweet with fear as opposed to when she’ll jerk away from his touch.
So yeah, most of the time it’s cute, most of the time it’s beneficial.
But that habit she has of not thinking before speaking or acting gets her into a whole lot of trouble too.
Especially when she pushes him away or calls him something unsavory. When she acts like a brat, forgetting who’s in charge.
Keigo feels the need to teach her a thing or two about being a bit more careful and a little less brainless. 
He’ll pose her in the middle of the living room, with only red lace adorning her tiny frame, looking cold but not so much to be the reason to her shivers, he knows better as he can smell the fear laced in the air.
On top of her head he’ll put a perfect plump red apple and tell her to stand as still and picture-perfect as possible.
She’s pretty good at it too, at being still and quiet and pretty, speaking only when spoken to, at least until he starts sending knife-sharp feathers in her directions, creating her silhouette in the wall as the feathers fly just short of nicking her skin, where if she moves only a slight mere inch, the crimson edges will slice open her skin.
And if the apple should fall, well… if she can be sweet and apologize and show him just how sorry she is, he’ll think about making the punishment enjoyable.
Hitoshi can’t manifest how much awe he has for that ditzy nature of hers.
So forgetful, so clueless, so cute.
She’s like a little girl, a child, a baby in a cradle, yet with the ability to get lost, wandering off at every slight distraction.
He’s tempted to put a bell around her neck if only to be alerted off when her curiosity has taken her out of his eyesight. She would look adorable with a little golden jingle bell around her throat, hanging on a velvet choker.
But then again… he wouldn’t have the joy of finding her all tousled and knotted up in her newest little fuck up.
Little Miss Forgetful forgetting all her lessons, all those rules Hitoshi’s taught her, forgetting her manners, forgetting her chores, forgetting how to be his good little girl or else suffer the consequences of being punished and becoming Master’s little puppet on strings.
Little Miss Messy making a total clutter in the kitchen when trying her best to get her hand on a knife, but only managing to bump into everything, shards of glass painting the crime scene with the culprit displayed and trapped all perfectly in the middle of her own mess, all for Hitoshi to come and catch red-handed.
Little Miss Bump with new bruises and scratches as she’s fallen yet again on the floor in the midst of her newest escape attempt.
He could go on all day about his sweet little Miss Silly, his little Miss Scatterbrain, his little Miss Stupid, who’s always getting into trouble, constantly needing Hitoshi to come to her rescue.
But, when he’s not home, he can get anxious.
Scared that she might actually hurt herself just a bit too much and he’ll arrive just a bit too late.
It should take a lifetime to die, yet she’s on the verge of death nearly every day, it only takes an instant and it’s over.
He’ll check in on her at home more times than he probably should throughout the day, praying before he unlocks the door and steps inside the quiet stillness of their house, picturing her having cracked her skull open when slipping or accidently managing to hang herself off of something or drowning in the tub after having fallen asleep, there’s no end to what horrors he can picture.
His anxiety only satiated when finding her still asleep on the bed, soft untroubled snores hanging off the walls. 
It makes sense with how much melatonin he slipped in her drink before she dozed off…
Just a little safety measure.
It manages to surprise him each and every time… just how much danger such a little thing is able to wrap herself up in.
It’s as though she chases the trouble, as though she wants the punishment that follows.
He doubts she ever really thinks anything thoroughly through.
She’s reckless, ruthless in her disregard for safety. Hare-brained and untrustworthy and in desperate need of his protection and his correction, or else she might just accidentally kill herself one day or worse… end up in the wrong set of hands.
It’s come to the point where he’s stopped gifting her with jewelry, because he gets so hysterically uneasy whenever she’s gotten her hands on anything sharp.
Before he’d get angry when she threatened him, wrathful, raging because she doesn’t listen, her foolish little brain unable to follow the simplest of directions. 
Now though, he gets scared because she’s unable to understand what’s best for her, because the only thing she'll ever manage to hurt with those sharp trinkets is herself.
And if she hurts herself, if she risks getting bacteria in her bloodstream, infections in her wounds, scarring and marring that beautiful body, he’ll have no choice, he’ll see no other option but to make sure she can never manage such a thing ever again.
He often humors the idea of simply tying her to the bed and feeding her with a silver spoon, only liquids so she not choke when she forgets how to chew properly.
He’ll act as though she’s a nuisance, but it will be a lie most of the time, while actually finding an inane amount of reassurance and relief in her whimsy, in her gracelessness. Where yes, she is a danger, but she’s far from deadly.
And besides, it’s nice getting a little break from all formalities, someone he can finally be a little rough around the edges with, someone he can let himself enjoy soft pleasures with, someone he can smile or even laugh with when the occasion calls for it. 
Sometimes he’ll place her in high-heels, only to watch her stumble around awkwardly like a little deer skating on ice.
She’s so determined too, determined to prove she isn’t a klutz, how she too can be elegant enough for a dance fit for the ballroom.
He’ll humor that fantasy, but she’ll always throw her heels off in favor of standing on top of his surgically white sneakers and letting herself get floated and swayed with how swiftly and precisely Kai has the established proper poise to enact.
He’ll smile then, when those flirty bubbling giggles erupt from her as she holds onto him, telling how him wonderful flying feels like.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 107- 108
se03, ep 6 is weakest ep in se03 despite it being tohru’s long waited focus & having the biggest plot keys & character impactful moments & one of the best pining hug scenes in anime history “ thro the laundry sheets at sunset”. Reading the chapter that starts this ep in the manga made me feel so happy & so angry.. I lament all the subtle yet effective changes & the powerful character-influenced changes that the anime ditched for cheap drama or unexplained wide shot.
-The Art of Subtlety: Power Resides in Words:
In se03, ep 6 when tohru tells kyo that Isuzu will be staying at Kazuma’s, kyo responds that” then Master won’t feel lonely”. Meaning after his imprisonment. Huge gut wrenching moment since kyo doesnt know that tohru knows abt his imprisonment.
The anime chooses to displayed it in their mandatory style of “ kyoru-moment inside shigure house : which is widen the shot so much to include yuki & shigure & flatten the emotional impact to include other characters reaction that has nothing to do with the moment itself... They never consider zooming into the kyo-tohru reactions to their words, then widen the moment o include yuki, shigure, the tv, the woods, kyoko’s grave or the moon if they want to.. Complete lack of understanding of the emotional impact. This isn’t abt romantic lovey dovey moment. This is abt character development. The biggest loser i this design is : Tohru’s emotions. God, I hate how bland she is in the anime in regards to situations that affect HER.
Also, the anime chooses to squeeze in another moment here, which is kyo’s reaction to tohru’s grave visit & still lacks in showing the emotional depth even here & opted for what? yup! you guessed it. Widen the shot to include yuki & shigure. At this point I wonder why kyo & tohru didnt adopt yuki & shigure & took them with them in their house by the end of the story. To complete the tradition of these two poor guys witnessing everything..-_-’. Jokes aside, This doesn't just affect kyo-tohru. But also reflects badly at shigure & yuki. They become an unwanted third-wheels without proper plot or character driven reason. In good story-telling “ forced-third wheeling has a purpose!!”, such as to transfusion to the 3rd character moment or to be later used for the 3rd character driving emotional moment. not just a reminder that characters X & Y live here & therefore see this & that.. This is an example of missing the impactful design of the moment. I dont even understand how can someone miss such basic story-telling devices... 
Lets look at only 3 panels from the manga:
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See how in the above panels in the focus is on tohru’s emotions. This is Tohru’s focus why not show her emotions instead of her stupid wide eyed, new eye lashes face & zooming out on tohru to include yuki for no reason!!!!! The anime is capable of focusing on characters pain, we saw that wioth yuki dozens of times. The anime is capable of focusing on showing facial emotions, we saw this with kyo in all his focused eps! Why can’t they give tohru half of that.. Just look, she looks like spacing out thinking of what to cook~ lala~ gotta feed the boys.!! zoom out on her & her purpose on the story~~~~~
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-The power of words is unbelievable~~
Kyo’s little sentence of being happy Isuzu will stay with kazuma, destroyed tohru. Look how the manga makes tohru continues to think abt it. You might wonder why will the author do this? The author is building towards tohru realizing her romantic love & uncovering her traumatic attachment to her mom. Reminds you of sth? the 6 or 7 eps that se02 dedicated to yuki where every sentence established his journey towards facing his emotions. In se02, yuki thought abt the words of many characters until he reached his conclusion. The anime refused to give tohru ONE sentence.
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-Powerful Character-Influenced Moments:
The manga made rohru leave screaming abt wanting the curse to break before spring. Why? because (a) tohru must be giving time to think abt HERSELF, not the cat or the curse, so tohru wander around thinking abt her mom, we saw that in the anime.  the the moment of shigure tells tohru abt the zodiacs ugly spirit & delight at seeing the cat suffers happens right before kyo finds crying tohru. Why? because (a) it was established that kyo will visit kazuma, so no weird out of no where lover finds lover in the streets for loving support moment, (b) to make kyo’s emotional support to tohru reasonable. In the anime, he saw her crying & comforted her assuming she cried cuz of the grave visit or sth, it was never hinted at anything, cuz kyo never gets any inner thoughts until it is his dramatic moments, but here he comforts her cuz he thinks she’s upset abt Isuzu, why oh why you write this thing out??????????????????????????????????
Not enough eps? but you gave motoko half an ep?!!! Why write off your main protagonist? I dont get it??? why intentional make tohru one-denominational character. Either yuki’s momma or a girl in love.... Is that what women are for the anime? a caring loving mothers & good lovers?
-Shigure’s words are to tohru are so watered down in the anime. Here he connects everything to the major plot of “ zodiacs turing into cute animals ” premise of the story, this is not sth cute as the early story made it out yo be. I love this!!!! why the anime cut it! Tohru screams when shigure brings an unavoidable question. Ask yuki & the the others whom tohru loves & believes they’re the kindest. Ask them of they KNOW kyo will be locked & are relieved! so cruel & shocking thing to thin abnt that shatters tohru’s world! shigure knows tohri will NEVER ask! so true to his character! epic moment! My best shigure-tohri moment! both of them NOT hiding anything & both in theit lowest moment!!  INGENUOUS WRITING!!! so plot-worthy!!! WHY CUT IT!!!
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Kyo finds tohru cuz he saw her sad! bringing the realistic aspect of story-telling & ditching the dunb superficial coincidence.
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Look at how tohru uncovers her trauma little by little:
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parallel between loosing her mom & loosing kyo. By showing this, the readers/ viwer will begin to be prepared to question tohru’s “ I cant love mom more than kyo”. The following chapters will for sure dive into this deeper, writing tohru as more understandably, more flawed., more real. Nothing like a the fixer for grown men, nothing like an angelic mom, nothing like the princess saved by the prince’s love. Basically, nothing like her shallow anime self.
Side Notes:
I was right abt the anime wanting to close Isuzu & Haru’s arc in ep 5, cuz in this chapter we have a lil scene that is the follow up with their plotline. Haru wanting to thank Kureno & asing Isuzu to never risk herself. It’s the little things that add depth to characters.. but I get it Haru in se03 can no longer support yuki cuz yuki have Kakeru, so his plotline is reduced to isuzu’s lover & that was closed in ep 5. Isuzu still had few things to add to the plot in ep 6 which is be tohru’s unfiltered deep talk partner. 
The sad reality of the anime focusing on wide shots lost us yet another good emotional impact besides kyo-tohru moments. This time, we lost kazuma’s reaction to isuzu being held in cat’s room & haru/yuki’s reaction to kazuma’s sadness.. The anime gives us wide shot to include all the room. so,Screw haru & yuki’s reaction???.. they dont care abt the cat? is that it? nope, cuz this reasoning requires emotional depth of hate & disgust. The anime just loves wide shots “ so artistic~” but the real reason, the anime is flying in bullet speed in this ep to include as much as it can to save place for the “ new added moment of kyoru’s united shock” & still include the intro & outro... yep, ep6 is the weakest ep in design...
More on ep 6 in the following chapters, I guess. I’ll stop here this time. I’m so mad.. I’ll calm down & read the flowing two chapters later to articylate proper thoughts.
 I hate hate how tohru was done so dirty! I’m loving everything abt her so far in the manga, but when I remember her in the anime! ugh! I still love kyo & yuki’s anime stories. But tohru, nope. I stopped loving her in se02 once the beach arc is over & she became a full mother to yuki & nothing more. I adore her character & she’s so endearing, but My God, she’s so bland in the anime, just the lightest version of her manga self... so light, it’s a shame she’s a protagonist...
I really wonder how manga readers feel abt the lack of tohru’s focus & lost emotional depth? is tohru even popular in the manga days? I know kyo is popular & i know lots adore yuli’s growth. but what abt tohru? I’m curious how manga readers felt watching her butchered arc in se03?
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