#like it's sweet and all that she tries to figure out what i'm struggling with but she's going in an entirely different direction 😭
tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Id love to hear ur interpretation and analysis on falin! She’s one of my favorite characters and and I was wondering what ur thoughts on her are
Man, I struggle to think of anything I could say about Falin that others have not already said. But she's one of my favorite things about Dungeon Meshi too.
So much of the story revolves around Falin, and she's not even there. Tumblr loves to talk about haunting the narrative, but Falin might be one of the best examples of it ever put to page. She's dead. She's alive. She's dead. She's alive. She's alive but she's missing, she's alive but she isn't herself. She's dead but she might wake. She's dead but she's frozen in ice. She's alive but she's sleepwalking. They chase her ghost and they chase her body all through the story.
I think what Kui does with her is fascinating. Not just as character with a personality we can analyze, but as an object in a narrative- that's why I say she's one of my favorite things about the story, because I also mean it in a mechanical sense. As a writer, Kui's really good at misdirection- that is, setting you up to believe or expect something about a character or a plot, and then turning that on its head. It's most apparent with Kabru, but it works really well with Falin too.
Because the precious little sister is a very well known character archetype, right? So is the gentle healer. The heart of the party. The white mage girl. The damsel in distress. The martyr.
And this isn't a Laura Palmer situation, where we find out that beneath her wholesome surface there's something dark and troubled. No, Falin truly is a kind and gentle person. That isn't where the misdirection leads (and that, too, I think, is another misdirection- it's not "Plot twist, she isn't as nice as you thought!", which would almost be too easy).
The misdirection here is more about structure than about character (but also, yeah- a little about character).
What I mean is, with these archetypes firmly in mind, along with a whole other host of fantasy genre expectations, I think anyone who goes into Dungeon Meshi un-spoiled probably expects Falin's rescue to be an endgame event; at least on a subconscious level, where you're not really thinking about it but in the back of your head you're already stretching out the story to place Falin firmly in the distance. Fire breathing dragon at the bottom of the dungeon is perfect final boss material, right? Slay the dragon. Rescue the princess.
And Falin is the perfect prize in the traditional old school fantasy that the concept of the titular dungeon is a send-up to. Blonde (white), soft-spoken, sweet-natured, beloved by everyone. An angelic figure.
Maybe that's why Ryoko Kui gave her white wings.
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It is sort of jarring when chapter 23 rolls around and it's already time to fight the red dragon. And it takes a few chapters, but they succeed. And then Falin's impossible resurrection succeeds. But by then you guess that this is not going to be the story you expected it to be.
I want to point out that Falin spends a lot of time getting, well, babied, post-resurrection. Marcille washes her in the bath, despite Falin stating that she's capable of washing herself. Marcille schools her about her mana use despite Falin demonstrating that she is not hurting for mana, and brushes aside Falin's explanations. Both Marcille and Laios refuse to actually tell her what happened. Laios scruffs up her hair like she's a little kid and scolds her for something she can't remember doing. Marcille explicitly calls her a little kid when Falin tries to talk about how much she's grown.
Of course I'm not saying that Laios was wrong to act like a big brother, or that Marcille shouldn't be worried about taking care of her shell-shocked friend in the bath. But the framing of it clearly shows a Falin who is struggling to be heard.
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If you'd like to address the big gay elephant in the room while we're here, I want to state for the record that- whether you read her as gay or not -I think Marcille is completely oblivious during this. Because Falin is her little friend from school. Her best friend, yes, but also the young tallman student she, in her infinite elven wisdom, had to mentor and look after. Marcille has not yet accepted that Falin is an adult now, nor has she accepted that she, herself, is only barely past teenagerhood developmentally and is not nearly as mature as she believes. Of course she'd scrub Falin in the bath and fuss over her.
Falin, meanwhile, seems more than aware of her own adult body and the inappropriate way Marcille is treating it.
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The mana-sharing scene is, I think, Falin trying to get a little of her own back. How do you like it, Marcille?
And she tries again in bed.
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Maybe she's wondering if their relationship will change now that they're grown ups. If Marcille prefers her as a little girl, or at least as a woman who lets herself be guided like one; if Marcille will react badly if Falin keeps trying to assert herself. She also might be subtly trying to signal to Marcille that bed sharing, like bathing, carries a different weight to it when you do it as adults rather than as children.
With all this in mind, the decision to turn Falin from the precious prize they rescued into to the vicious dragon they have to slay, hits a lot harder.
Falin with a powerful, monstrous, destructive body. Falin, who couldn't even stand to cause people pain from using healing spells, slaughtering half a dozen people in brutal ways. And that's not her, she's being mind-controlled, but as an object in the story she has completely flipped. From damsel to threat.
And I love that she carries a little bit of that with her when she's resurrected again.
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Because she's no longer the girl who's going to let herself be stifled by her brother's and her best friend's co-dependency, no matter how much she loves them. She's different now: stronger, eyes open, forging her own path instead of following in their wake. Falin is still going to come back to them again, but this time it won't be because they chased her. It'll be because they let her go.
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elizaleclerc · 4 months
Hi Max request here
He comes home to the reader flooding the apartment with bubbles from the washing machine and he looks at her like what the fuck.
this idea was so adorable i’m screaming!!! ty anon <3
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bubbles ✦
max verstappen x reader
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summary: max comes home to gf!reader and the mess she made
song: margaret by lana del rey
author’s note: really really short blurb to get me out a little slump and i simply loved this request so i had to!!
word count: 500
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Panic set in as you frantically scrubbed at the frothy bubbles clinging to your arms and legs. A sea of creamy suds overflowed from the washing machine, spilling onto the floor and creating a slippery mess. The air was thick with the sweet, heady aroma of lavender, adding to the chaotic scene. You couldn't recall how it had happened, but now the laundry room resembled a sudsy sea of chaos, engulfing everything in its path.
In the midst of your frantic cleaning, the sound of keys jingling by the front door caused your heart to drop. Your hopes to finish cleaning everything in time were dashed as you heard Max's familiar voice calling out, "Where's my beautiful girl?" The clinking of his keys was like a siren warning of his impending arrival.
“The laundry room!” You replied, “Don’t come in though!”
You heard his laugh that you had come to adore, “Why not?” You struggled to give him a proper reasoning, and soon his persistence got the best of him. His figure appeared in the doorway, pausing at the sight before him. You stood still, scanning his expressions for anger. His eyes seemed emotionless, seeming to try and piece together the scene he had walked in on. You felt like you could start crying, as you thought you had ruined Max’s luxurious apartment with the mess of the suds around you.
But then, Max started laughing. You stared at him in awe as he laughed so hard you thought he was struggling to breathe. Your composure relaxed, and soon you found the humor in it all. How ridiculous you must look right now, covered in foamy soap in the laundry room, surrounded by the results of your mistake. You began giggling too, no longer wholly embarrassed with yourself.
You giggled as you flung a mass of bubbles at Max, watching as he tried to swat them away with a smile on his face. He sighed and his gaze traveled back to meet yours, his eyes full of adoration.
"Even covered in bubbles, you're beautiful." he said, placing his hands on his hips and making your face flush with color.
"I'm surprised you're still willing to put up with me," you sighed, taking in the messy scene around you.
"There's nothing I love more than 'putting up' with you, my dear," he replied, grinning at you and sending warmth flooding through your heart. No matter how chaotic or untidy things got, he never got mad or held it against you; his love was unconditional and unwavering. “Now, let’s actually get to cleaning this up.”
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adventuringblind · 7 months
American Sweetheart
Logan Sargeant x Reader
Genre: Fluff and Crack
Summary: Max isn't sure about this new American rookie on the grid. Not that he isn't nice, just that he likes Max's baby sister. Featuring Lestappen being a married couple.
Warnings: Protective Max, sarcastically protective Daniel, Logan being a SIMP
Notes: Yay! Logan Fluff! I've not written for Logan yet, but I honestly love him... He's such a pookie...
Side Note: My requests are still open! If you've sent in a request, please remember I do this for fun and will try to get around to it when I can :)
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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Max looks at her with big pleading eyes. "Please tell me who it is?" He pouts, sticking out his bottom lip.
"No, because you'll torture him. I'd like to keep this one alive thank you." She puts the finishing touches on her makeup.
"I left the last one alive... barely, but that's not the point!"
"So if I tell you, then you won't freak out?"
"I swear it on my career-"
"It's Logan."
Max goes silent. Frozen in place as her tries to comprehend her words. The death stare at the ground tells her he's internally screaming.
She sighs, mildly worried that Max might actually scream profanities until Logan arrives. "Alright, what's your issue with this one?"
"He's American!"
She groans. It doesn't matter much where he's from, as long as he treats her right. Logan's been struggling since he came to the grid. It would make a difference if max accepted him and not just Oscar and Lando, by proxy.
"Give him a chance, please? For me?"
Max stars at her for longer than necessary. "Fine."
Logan appears at her door dressed in semi-formal attire. He takes in her appearance. "You look - wow..." There is a light blush on his face. It feels nice seeing as she's in something simple and modest. Just what she had to work with given she's living out of her suitcase.
They catch up on the paddock drama and how life has been going recently. Logan is a proper gentleman the entire time. She's not sure why she thought he would be any different. Logan has always been sweet to anyone he comes in contact with.
Their date goes incredibly well.
As does the second.
And the third...
Max stares at her as she sits in his room, giggling at her phone. She has no time to react as he snatches it from her hands. "Logan?! You're still talking to him?!"
She huffs and crosses her arms. "Yes, Max, I like him."
"He's American." He tosses the phone back at her. "Just let me talk to him." Max gives her puppy eyes. "Please."
"You can talk to him whenever, but if you ruin this for me, I'll break your wrists."
Max makes it his personal mission to figure out Logan through not talking to him. She has taking to simply rolling her eyes as Max drags Daniel around with him to stare at the poor boy.
Until he catches them in the paddock together and puts on the 'Mad Max' face. Logan immediately seems to shrink in on himself.
"Okay Sargeant, it's time you and I had a little discussion about your intentions with my sister." Max hauls him upwards by his bicep and Logan goes willingly like an injured puppy.
She throws him a reassuring smile and pray to Charles Leclerc that Max doesn't scare him away.
Max and Daniel sit across the table from Logan. He thought asking her out would be the hardest part. No, he was mistaken, this is far worse.
The Dutch has been staring daggers at him since they sat down. Daniel keeps wiggling his eyebrows like her knows something Logan doesn't. Which - despite it seeming playful - only puts Logan more on edge than he was before.
"So, Mr. America-"
"Is that really-"
"Quiet! I'm the one doing the talking here."
Logan wants to roll his eyes. He wants to run into next year if it means avoiding this conversation. "Look Max-"
"I need to know you aren't going to americanify my sister." He points an accusatory finger between Logan's eyes.
Logan reels, and Daniel finally breaks all composure. The Aussie is laughing hysterically. "Mate, what does that even mean?!"
"Look, your American ways are not ours. I will not be seeing her calling things like American football, real football."
Logan sinks into his chair. The relief evident on his face.
He's about to jump into a spiel about how he would never expect her to just assimilate into his culture. That was never his plan. However, he's doesn't get the chance.
A figure dressed in Ferrari red comes stomping around the corner. "Max Emilian!" Charles screams out for anyone to hear.
Max shrinks in on himself. Daniel is almost falling out of his chair as Charles stomps his way over. "Why are we interrogating the poor boy?" He crosses his arms like an exasperated mother.
"Because my sister-"
"Your sister was in my room pacing and ranting that you were going to scare away another boyfriend."
Max has a look of shame on his face. Cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. "But Charlie-"
"Nope. Not gonna work. Let's go." Charles grabs Max by the bicep and drags him away. The Dutch pouts until he's out of sight.
Logan looks at Daniel, who's finally calmed down. "Are they-?"
"Married? Yes, for like two years now. They are still convinced nobody knows." Daniel leans forward in his chair, and Logan once again is left feeling intimidated. "But seriously, kid, she's a good person. Max has always been protective over his sisters because of their home life. Just treat her right, yeah? She deserves it."
Daniel sends Logan off with an encouraging pat on the shoulder. He's never run away from something so fast before. Not out of fear, no, he just needs to see her. Reassure the female that Max is less intimidating when Charles is around.
He finds her pacing outside of Williams' hospitality. Logan runs right up to her, picks her up in his arms, and spins her around.
"I take it Max was nice to you?"
"Your brother is an interesting character, but nothing would stop me from loving you."
She blushes profusely. "You love me?"
Logan rests his forhead against hers. He can't wipe the smile off his face when he looks at her. "Of course I do! And nobody is going to stop me from feeling the way I do."
She hastily lands her lips onto Logan's , not caring about who's around to see. It's just them in their own little world.
She pulls away just enough to whisper against his lips. "I love you too, Lo."
Logan has never been happier than in this moment with her in his arms and Max screeching in the distance.
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ghostlyloversworld · 7 months
.。.。:∞♡*♥ making me love you! ♥*♡∞:。.。
Percy Jackson! X Fem! Persephone Reader
Idea! - the son of Poseidon and daughter of Persephone realizing that they aren't so different after all.
Waring! Cussing
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Song Get him back! By Olivia Rodrigo
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One, two, three Wait, is this the song with the drums?.
Percy groans as he tossed and turned in bed. He couldn't sleep that night, which was unusual for the demigod considering he's usually fast asleep drooling.
He pushed the blanket off him. He puts his feet on the ground, why was tonight so warm for no reason?. Gods he hated it ".. " his breathing steadily
I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring He argued with me about everything He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye He said he's six-foot-two, and I'm like, "Dude, nice try".
But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends And he would take us out to parties and the night would never end Another song, another club, another bar, another dance And when he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to France So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed 'Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down If I had to choose, I would say right now.
The son of Poseidon sighs as he walks to his bathroom. Tyson was fast asleep across the other hallway. He tried to find the light switch in the dark, but he struggles to find it for a good moment until the little 'click! ' noise when he found it he had switched the little switch up words.
He finally turns the water on. He let's it run for a good while before he finally splash water on his face. He turns the water off before grabbing a rag he softly pats his face with the rag. He took a good moment to look at his face, he sighs and runs his hands through his Raven hair.
But he wasn't the only one up. The daughter of Persephone was also up. But she was sitting down. At docks her feet swinging back and forth as she watched the water under her feet. Don't worry she had her shoes on making sure they didn't get wet with the water. She thinks that the water was just the right temperature but she wasn't going to try and figure out.
I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad Oh, I wanna get him back 'Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad Oh, I want sweet revenge And I want him again I want to get him back, back, back.
As she sits there looking at the water. She hears the smooth voice of the son of Poseidon. "Can't sleep? " he asked as he walked up to her ".. Are you stalking me?" She asked him as she looks at the water "what? no.. I don't stalk people" he laughs at her question
"Hmm m'kay.." She sighs before she looks up at the boy who had one streak of white in his hair. "You still drool in you're sleep.. But I don't say it to not let you down hardly" she smirks he rolls his eyes "oh shut up.. You're also not pretty when sleeping.. " he laughs. "Ah so you do stalk people" "no I don't I already told you this " he sighs "that's stalking when you watch people sleep" she stats.
But that was last night. Now it was Morning.. She and Percy stayed up talking about nothing important. Just being teenagers.. The usual teasing, just a hint of flirting and just being idiots. They were at breakfast. At their tables. So when the daughter of Persephone looks up from her plate.
She saw Percy shoved blue pancakes in his mouth. She smirks and rolls her eyes before looking down at her plate again. He sat with Tyson . His half brother the boy who was a actual big sweetheart who was scared of Satyr's she actually felt bad for Tyson. The poor Cyclops
But when she saw the way the Cyclops face lit up with happiness. She smiles she had looked up in time to see it
So I write him all these letters and I throw them in the trash 'Cause I miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh Yeah, I pour my little heart out, but as I'm hitting "Send" I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends Because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do He said I was the only girl but that just wasn't the truth And when I told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me I was trippin' But I am my father's daughter, so maybe I could fix him.
She fixed her hair. She looks away not wanting to seem like a creep but it was a little to late because Percy had saw her staring. He smirks and rolls his eyes
I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad Oh, I wanna get him back 'Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad Oh, I want sweet revenge And I want him again I want to get him back, back, back.
Actually he already knew everytime she would look their way.
I wanna key his car (I want to get him back)I wanna make him lunch (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna break his heart (but then I, I want to get him back) And be the one to stitch it up (but then I, I want to get him back) Wanna kiss his face (but then I, I want to get him back) With an uppercut (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna meet his mom (but then I, I want to get him back) Just to tell her her son sucks (but then I, I want to get him back).
Tyson kept talking so happily. Not even noticing the staring girl. But it wasn't like she was trying to be rude. She just wanted to make sure they were okay. And laugh at Percy when he shoves blue pancakes in his mouth. God he was so stupid but she loved him. Wait what? She loved him?
I wanna key his car (I want to get him back) I wanna make him lunch (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna break his heart (but then I, I want to get him back) And be the one to stitch it up (but then I, I want to get him back) Wanna kiss his face (but then I, I want to get him back) With an uppercut (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna meet his mom (but then I, I want to get him back) Just to tell her her son sucks (but then I, I want to get him back).
So after lunch when breakfast had ended and everyone went their own ways. She finally found him training by himself. She walks up to him " jeez sea boy" he looks over at her "what flower girl" she smirks "oh just being my favorite as always. Mwah" he laughs "what the fu-. " she looks at him "don't cuss. There is kids around" she smirks
I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad Oh, I wanna get him back 'Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad Oh, I want sweet revenge And I want him again I want to get him back, back, back.
He laughs more "oh so you're so considered for the children. "Aye.. Those kids are innocent right now" she laughs. Great minds think alike. "Oh wow" he laughs so hard that his face was red "jeez you're blushing over me" she teased him "maybe " he shrugged. "Or maybe you're just to pretty for me" he shrugged.
I'll get him, I'll get him, I'll get him, I'll get him back Get him back, come on, come on I'm gonna get him so good, he won't even know what hit him He's gonna love me and hate me at the same time Get him back, girl, you better get him back I don't know I got him good, I got him really good.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 11 months
Pretty like the wind
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Previous chapter / Next chapter
a/n Part six! Right, who thought we would see each other here? In all honesty... I'm just so freaking excited because you all seem to enjoy this series. ✨🤍 Thank you for reading!🤍🫧
warning: lots of past trauma, Illyrian camp kind of trauma, anxiety, kids because some of you said it was a warning, same old things.
You were struggling to grasp the world around you. Trying to figure out where someone as small and meaningless could slot it. Crack through the broken pieces and allow the roots to form. You hated yourself for it. Hated the feeling that surrounded you. And for the very first time, you found yourself agreeing with every rule that Padme had set in this place. Hating yourself because you opened yourself to the inevitable. Made yourself believe and see things that weren't there. Hated it even more because, in the mix of all of this, you managed to lose the hold of your heart that had been safely locked away.
"Y/N", you blinked a couple of times. Being met with an eager hand flailing right in your face, "Mhm", you muttered. "You weren't listening to me...", Axel fell back on the mattress dramatically. You had slipped back into your room after that balcony fiasco. You couldn't. Simply couldn't look at Azriel now. And what were you thinking? Saying things like that. Kiss me...
You cleared your throat, "I was. I was. The purple looks nice", you nodded. Axel tilted his head to the side, "We figured that an hour ago", the boy frowned. "Ah", you exclaimed. What was he talking about? You had been so lost in your head that you had lost the line of his babbling somewhere along the sugar tree canes. Zofie crawled onto your lap. She was an empathetic child, managing to sense even the smallest dents in others' moods. Her questioning was silent; just her eyes managed to pierce right through you. But you kept your head high, a smile plastered on your lips. A fake one, yet it was better than a wobbling lip. You were about to ask Axel about the Candyland dream when the boy sighed, "You're no fun. Azriel actually listens".
You bite your cheek at that. Your whole body seemed to shut down at the mention of him. But it was infectious. The moment your body realized the familiar sound of his name, it seemed to burst with all the different sensations on its own. "That's rude, Axel; apologize", Zofie bit back, arms crossed over her chest. Her fiery gaze was enough to make Axel's shoulders droop. "I didn't mean it like that," the boy said, moving an inch closer to you. "I know, sweet boy, I'm not mad", you brushed your hands through his messy hair. Letting him snuggle into your side.
And nothing had ever felt more right than having them both wrapped up in your hands. They might not be yours, but you loved them as if they were a part of you. No big gestures were needed. You had found one another and clung to each other ever since. And Mother knows you had taken orphans from camps before. But these two were special. Special beyond anything else. The thought of someone taking them away The thought of having to let go of them so they would have a chance to be a part of a normal family...
"No", Zofie muttered, her tiny fingers paddling at your cheeks. Axel's big brown eyes looked right at you. "I'm okay, I'm sorry", you tried to smile at them. You were always great at hiding your pain and fears from them. But with so many things going on, so many things slipping through your fingers. You had lost the grasp of your shields completely. "You're lying", Axel stated quietly, and all you could do was cup his face. Zofie sent him a worried look. And even if she could power through others' pain, your sadness left her feeling hopeless. So Axel did the only thing that felt right to him in that moment.
"I don't see the necessity to rush", Azriel was talking to a swirling image of Rhys that flouted in his room. But not before he had called his brother a dramatic ass for showing up most extravagantly. "I'd send Cassian, but you and I both know how that ended the last time", Rhys huffed, and quite frankly, Azriel didn't want to recall the time Cassian had way too much fun in Summer. Yes, he was undeniably an amazing warrior, but dang, there was a child in that grown body that seemed to take over his judgment at times. "So, what? You're unlocking my cell door so easily?", Azriel shook his head. Rhys sighed. "You can hate me all you want. But you and I both know you needed to get away from Velaris", Rhys said calmly. Azriel wasn't an idiot; he knew his previous appearances were to monitor him. And even now, there was that inkling of hope in his brother's eyes. Looking for a change, trying to see if Elain was still something Azriel wanted to pursue.
"Look, I need to make sure...", Azriel stated right as his bedroom door burst open and in fell Axel. Yet the boy quickly picked himself up. Just his attention instantly got snagged by Rhys. "Wow, a flouting head... cool", he mussed. Azriel frowned slightly. "Axel, bud, what's going on?", he asked in a softer tone. "Oh, amm...", the boy's gaze darted between the two males. "It's okay. Look at me", the spymaster turned his full attention to the youngling.
And yet, no matter what Azriel was expecting, didn't prepare him for the world that left Axel's lips: "Am... Y/N is not feeling well". And it's as if Azriel's body reacted on its own. The male practically leaped out of his chair, moving to reach for the boy, "What do you mean? Did something happen?". And deep down, from the bitter taste alone, he knew that it was his doing. The conversation on the balcony was so unfair and stupid. He shouldn't have mentioned Rhys like that. Because that wasn't the case at the time. The boy shrugged his shoulders. "Just... come", Axel pleaded, moving to grab Azriel's palm and giving it a little nervous squeeze. And of course, he moved to walk right after the boy. "Yeah, I'll hang here", Rhys muttered, an amused smile on his face, but Azriel only called over his shoulder, "Shut it, Rhys".
Was Azriel worried? Yes. Ever since he saw you practically ran away from him. He was convinced that he had heard your heart-shattering, Azriel saw it in your eyes. That final undoing. That final decline. That was the final straw. Was he once again being selfish? Yes. Because he was mortified. He didn't want to go back; that alone scared him. But then he thought... What if he didn't manage to hold back? What if he wasn't yet all over it? What if he slipped up, and you all got hurt in the process?
Axel gripped his arms firmly and said, "And you will talk, and you will make it better like you always do", only now did Azriel realize that the boy was talking. Myst has been talking the whole way up the stairs. His breathing was uneven. "Hey, hey, slow down", Azriel tugged lightly, but Axel didn't give in. "This is urgent", "I hear you, but you need to slow down", Azriel stated calmly, and Axel finally stilled. His wings were always slouchy, but now they were practically dragging on the floor. The flicker of protectiveness flickered in Spymaster's chest.
"What if they are finally sending us away?", Axel's words were barely a whisper, but they knocked practically all the air out of Azriel's lungs. "What?", was all the male managed to mutter. Axel's eyes were big as if he was not supposed to say anything, as if this was meant to stay a secret. "Y/N has been getting in trouble for keeping us", he sighed after a while, his eyes darting to the floor. Azriel quickly hooked his finger under the boy's chin, "Hold up, Axel, look at me. Like soldier to soldier".
He was sure that he was not supposed to have this conversation with a kid, but... This was a serious thing. They can't be taken away from you. "She's not considered fit to be our caretaker", Axel said, eyes filling up with tears. "She's a summoner or something. She does this thing", the boy waved his tiny hands around, and Azriel just watched him, "And it's easier for them", Axel ended with a sigh. Them. Them? The sanctuary? That rusty lady? Azriel gritted his teeth, reassuringly squeezing Axel's shoulder.
When he stepped into the room you three shared, he was convinced that jumping off this mountain and falling to his death was less painful. Zofie was seated right by your side, her tiny fingers brushing against your cheek every time a new tear fell. You just seemed so small. So broken. Mother above... Azriel had wondered about the kids, but what about you? What was your story? Who said that you weren't a victim too?
"Azriel", that was a sound that Azriel knew he was never going to get tired of. He met Zofie's eyes from across the room. Eyes that were now almost pleading. "Hey, baby Z", Azriel muttered with a wink. Your body instantly shot up, an angry scowl on your face, "What are you doing here?". Azriel had never heard your voice so cranky and low. It ripped at parts of him that it shouldn't.
"Axel, take Zofie to my room; why don't you?", Azriel ruffled the boy's hair, and he instantly stretched his arm out for the girl, who was quick to leap off the bed. "No", you muttered, pushing yourself to get out of bed. "Y/n", Azriel pleaded, his eyes fixed more on the kids as they both hurried to get out. "Who do you think you are?", you were right in front of him now, hands reaching for the door handle, but Azriel blocked it off by standing in the way.
"Come on, let's talk", he said softly, but you only let out a huff. "No", you said, moving to shove him away, but in reality, you should have known better, taking into account that he was at least three times your size. You pulled back angrily. "You might be some big scary thing down there", you pointed at the window where the lights of Velaris could be seen. "But here... I don't care", you nearly whined in frustration. You moved to flick your hands out, the light instantly drenching them, but Azriel was quick to catch your wrists.
"I don't want to fight", he said in a calm, worried tone. You tried to yank your hands from his. Just like you tried to get away from him on the balcony, just this time he didn't buck. "I don't care what you want", you spat through gritted teeth. "You're leaving", and as angry as you tried to appear, the last part made your voice crack, and you instantly bit the inside of your cheek. Azriel let out a sigh before saying, "I never said that".
Your body seized. That same painful feeling of hope rushed through you, but you drowned it out almost immediately. Why wouldn't he? Why would he stay? You watched Azriel until your eyes were burning so much that you couldn't keep your composure any longer. "It's not fair", you muttered, but all you got in return was, "Why didn't you tell me?". You blinked a couple of times in conversation. "What?", you breathed. "That they want to take them away", Azriel's words pierced right through you. Igniting that same anger that was just starting to fade away.
"They won't", you snapped. They might try, but you would go down swinging if you had to. "You're sure?", Azriel bites back for the first time, and it's enough to make you pull away from him once again. "Fuck you", you hissed, "Who do you think you are?". You wished he would yell back instead of just standing there. Looking. Standing and looking. "You came in here after thinking with your dick and just stirred it all up", and you know your words hit the spot just from the way pain flashed in Azriel's eyes, but his face stays stone cold. Unreadable. Unapproachable. "You don't mean it, you're mad", he said in an utterly blank matter, and it only inched you forward. "Oh, I mean it, I so...", but you didn't have words; you don't have words for what you were looking to say. There was nothing. Because none of them were true.
"You...", you point your finger at Azriel. "Yeah, go for it. Pull out another name for me. I don't care what insult you throw at me. You're defending yourself because you're scared", and that's it. Those words were your final undoing. Your lip wobbled. Nails digging so deep into your palms just so you can keep yourself from sobbing. "I can't lose them...", you breathed out and Azriel instantly crossed the distance between you both, pulling you in and tucking your head beneath his chin. "We'll figure this out", "This doesn't involve...", you try to fight back, but Azriel ignores your words. "I've got you, love", he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. And just like most times when Azriel was near you, a warm flow seeped deeper into your bones, settling into your body. Your hands reached to hold onto his shoulders for support as you let yourself cry.
"You cheated", Axel gasped, making you turn your head back to your bed. Azriel was sprawled on it, with both of the little monsters on either side of him. They had both come back with a handful of sweets in their hands that they snuck in from the kitchen. For comfort, they said it in unison, and as much as you wanted to tell them off, all you had done was smile. Yet the empty feeling in your chest still throbbed.
"How does one cheat while reading a bedtime story?", Azriel let the book rest against his chest. "You read too fast!", "You didn't do voices", both Zofie and Axel said in unison. A deep chuckle slipped past Azriel's lips, "Two very different accusations here". His eyes darted to your frame. You had opted to sit near the fireplace instead of lying with them. "Judge?", he called out playfully to you, the two kids giggling alongside him. But your eyes didn't leave the dancing flame. "Y/N", Azriel called out softly. You turned to them with a hum, but your eyes alone said that now was not the time for games. You couldn't take it. A sharp lash of pain gripped Azriel's chest, making him grit his teeth. But your shoulders sagged in slight relief. As if Azriel had managed to take at least an inch of pain off your shoulders.
"How about we settle down?", the spymaster turned to the kids, quickly pulling the blanket all the way up above their heads, making them both fall into fits of giggles. Giggles that pulled even at the corners of your lips "Will you stay?", Axel asked breathlessly. Azriel stilled for a moment, "I don't think I...", the spymaster muttered quickly. "You're very warm", Zofie beamed, and for that alone, Azriel was willing to drop all of his plans. "Then I can't keep you freezing", his shadows quickly fluttered through Zofie's hair, making the girl squeal at the tickling sensation.
Azriel watched you for what felt like ages. The noise in the room had died down. With both kids asleep, the place felt quiet. Only the crackling of fire remained, accompanied by the light snoring. Azriel had managed to slip from in between the two younglings. As if by second nature they had found one another in between the sheets. Axel's wing draped over Zofie almost immediately. And Azriel had to crack a smile. Illyrian instinct.
"What's on your mind, sweet?", Azriel had walked over to you, both hands on your tense shoulders, as he finally broke the silence. "Sadder or a happier version?", you chuckled coldly. "Sadder", the spymaster muttered, because deep down he knew there wasn't a single happy scenario in your head at this moment. "How horrific it will be for them when you go back", you muttered. Azriel shook his head as a sheen of frustration ran down his face, "Why are you so fixated on it?", "You didn't just ask that", you huffed, turning to him swiftly. Azriel let out another sigh, "Why does every conversation between us end up in an argument now?" There was no anger in his tone. Pure sadness at its best. It hurt him, and even you couldn't ignore it. You looked away quickly, but one of Azriel's shadows brushed against your cheek, turning your head back to the shadowsinger.
He kneeled in front of you, lowering himself to your height. "I'm not throwing this away. I said I'd teach Axel how to fly, and I will", Azriel said firmly, "I want to earn Zofie's love; I can't..", but you quickly cut in, "Don't", you muttered, "Don't make promises like that". Azriel watched you. Watched you because, no matter how much he tried, he knew he would understand the roots of the pain you carried. And then, against his better judgment or just simply because his heart was telling him to, Azriel muttered, "Come to Velaris with me". You let out a surprised gasp, scanning his eyes. "You don't mean it", you whispered, shaking your head, but Azriel only inched closer, "Then I'll prove it to you".
Taglist: @naturakaashi
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potatoplace · 11 days
Mastermind - Part 2
Dark!Feysand x Reader
Part 1 | ACOTAR x Reader Masterlist
Story Summary: Your friend of a few months, Feyre, invited you out for a celebratory drink over your new job, and of course her husband Rhys joins you. The night doesn't go quite as planned, and you end up back at their place with very few wits about you.
Warnings: non-con, abduction, being kept prisoner, smut, drug use (pot)
Words: ~5k
Author's Note: it's here! Feyre... you live in my head rent free so often... also this is just like a purely self indulgent fic at this point, I think it'll be a mini-series. Please read the warnings!
18+ only pls
You woke up with a headache and a confusing ache between your legs.
Your bed was comfier than usual, and so, so warm. Almost like you had a heated blanket going. You mouth cracked open into a yawn, and you stretched your limbs as far as you could-
Which wasn't far.
Both your legs and arms bumped into something solid and warm, surrounding you on both sides.
Your eyes flew open, very, very confused when you saw your friend Feyre laying to your right, and her husband Rhys on your left and-
You're naked.
Completely bare between the two of them, with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Your face flushed with heat.
God, what have I done?
Your tried to wiggle your way out from between the two of them, but one of Rhys's arms merely locked tighter around you, pulling you further against him.
He's naked. You could feel him hardening against you already as he stirred slightly, burying his face in your hair.
You struggled slightly, trying to move away from him, he's your friend's husband for crying out loud.
"What's wrong, sweetness?" Feyre's sleep heavy voice asked from your right. Her hand moved up your thigh and over your stomach, coming to rest between your breasts.
You pushed her hand off of you. "I'm so confused right now, Fey, why are Rhys and I naked? I should go," you said, moving to sit up, but Feyre's hand shot out to keep you down, and between her and Rhys you were powerless to move.
"You're never going to leave us again, darling," Feyre said, wiggling closer to you and pressing her body against yours- she was naked as well.
What the fuck did I do last night?
"Feyre, let me up," you demanded, doing your best to get her hand off of you, but in your struggle you must have woken Rhys up.
"Is there a problem, ladies?" His sultry voice sent shivers down your spine. Your always found it attractive, but now? Trapped between him and your best friend? You wanted nothing more than to bolt out of their apartment and back to yours and never come back out.
"Rhysie, she's trying to leave," Feyre said poutily, hand rubbing circles onto your stomach.
"And why would our sweet little kitten want to leave, hmm?" He asked, lips finding your neck and pressing soft kisses along the expanse of it. "You were so happy last night, sweet thing, what changed?"
You shook your head- this was wrong, all of this was wrong. And Rhys's lips had brought to your attention something wrapped around your neck snugly.
"This isn't right, I can't even remember what happened last night," you said, tears leaking from your eyes now, and you brought a hand up to your throat, fingering the fabric on your neck. Is it leather? Is it-
"You put a collar on me?" You asked, disbelief in your voice as your fingers attempted to tear the item from your body.
"I figured you might freak out, sweetness," Feyre tutted from beside you, a hand raising your grasp both of yours. "You're ours now, Y/N, you just need a little help realizing that. That's what the cute little collar is for, just to keep you from running away like the silly little kitten I think you might be." Feyre's voice was soft but condescending as she explained it to you, but you were still so lost.
"I don't understand, Fey," you cried, attempting to pull your body out of their embraces. "We're friends, you're married. This isn't okay."
Rhys shushed you, running his hands over your hair. "We might be married, but you're the secret missing piece we've been looking for, kitten. From the moment Feyre introduced me to you, I knew what she meant when she said she had to have you. Neither of us can resist how absolutely sweet and lovely you are." You went to open your mouth to protest, but Feyre's mouth covered yours in a heated kiss. "You'll realize just how much you can't resist us either, soon," Rhys added when he felt you involuntarily relax into Feyre's dominating hold over you.
"As for the not remembering last night..." Feyre started when she finally pulled away from claiming your mouth. "I think I know the perfect way to fix that," she said with a smirk, already moving down below the blankets and between your thighs.
"Feyre stop," you pleaded. "I don't want this, I want to go home," you cried, fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Really?" Feyre asked with a smirk, dragging a finger through your folds and collecting the wetness that had pooled there. "Because this sweet little pussy says otherwise."
Tears fell from your eyes faster, shame welling within you as Feyre sucked her finger clean, closing her eyes as she did so. Feyre lowered her mouth to your sex in the next moment, not wasting any time in working you up to your breaking point.
You were still so sensitive from whatever they had done to you last night, and with Feyre’s tongue working your clit like magic you could hardly keep yourself still, even as Rhys pinned down your torso. One of his hands was fondling your breast and keeping you in the bed while the other ran through your hair and kept your face tilted towards Feyre.
You could see her face well again, now that the blanket had slid further down the bed while you twitched and writhed in their hold and against the pleasure Feyre was giving you. Her eyes were locked on your face, taking in every detail as you got closer and closer to the brink with every delicious swipe of her tongue.
To you it was wrong, all wrong. You didn’t want to be reacting, to even be warming their bed at all, yet you were trapped here as the couple worked you into your first orgasm of the morning against your will.
The strangled moan that left your throat was enough to have Feyre smirking up at you from between your thighs.
“See? You love us, and what we can give you. And we love you, Y/N.”
“No you don’t, Feyre, this isn’t love,” you cried softly, too tired and ashamed to put up much of fight anymore.
“It is, darling. We love you,” Rhys reiterated, peppering your neck and face with kisses as if to prove his point. “Now, will you let us feed you? I imagine you’re hungry after all the work we did last night,” he said with a dirty grin, two fingers pinching your right nipple.
Feyre began to move back up the bed and you took the opportunity to roll to your right into the spot that she had occupied while the three of you slept. Feyre sighed.
“Rhys, you can go take a shower and then start breakfast, okay? I’ll get this one into the shower after a little more… persuasion,” Feyre said in a disappointed tone.
Rhys chuckled, but got up from the bed anyway and walked into the bathroom. “Tell me pancakes or waffles after I come back out, darling.”
Feyre’s hands were pulling your back against her front snugly, allowing no room for you to escape the soft press of her body. Once you’d calmed a bit, she let one of her hands snake down between your thighs, gathering a bit of wetness from your center and then rubbing quick circles on your clit.
So sensitive. Her deft fingers brought you to completion twice in the time it took Rhys to finish showering and enter the room for his clothing.
You were a whimpering mess by the time he rounded to the side of the bed you were facing, leaning into Feyre’s embrace as she forced you closer and closer to a third orgasm in such rapid succession.
“I see, you’re just more comfortable with Feyre, hmm?” Rhys asked as he pulled your lower lip between his thumb and forefinger. “I guess I’ll just have to spend every waking second of the next week getting you used to me,” Rhys said with a smile before heading to leave the room.
“Pancakes,” Feyre told him, right as her fingers brought you to your fourth orgasm of the morning.
“Got it, darling. Make sure to actually get her in the shower, okay?”
Feyre’s merely lowered her lips to the left side of your neck, sucking a pair of dark, claiming marks over the spaces that Rhys had left unmarked.
Your breathy, contented sigh shocked you so thoroughly you jerked from Feyre’s hold finally and landed on the carpeting.
“Oh, sweetness, still afraid of liking us?” Feyre asked amusedly, bringing herself to the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry, you’ll get over that in a couple of days, I think. Unless you decide to be a brat and fight your fate which, I might add, is useless. Rhys and I love you, Y/N.”
You shook your head at her words. “This is wrong, Feyre, you know it’s wrong. You can’t just keep me here,” you said indignantly, getting up from the floor on shaky legs and attempting to cover yourself with your arms.
“Why not?”
You scoffed. “Because, Feyre, I am a human being and not a pet. I have a life and people that care about me, you can’t just abduct me and get away with it!”
“People that care about you? You have me, Y/N. Your family is mostly dead and the ones that are alive, you don’t talk to! And you even told me that I’m the first friend you made in Velaris, you belong with me. You have belonged to me ever since I first saw you in that coffee shop.”
“What about my job? I have a job, Feyre, they will be worried when I don’t actually start in a few days,” you told her desperately, hoping for any shred of the kindness you’d thought your friend had possessed before today to shine through.
“At the marketing firm? Rhys owns it, sweetie, his cousin Mor manages it. She already knows that you won’t be starting, you have a much better life set up for you now.”
You stared at her in shock. Had everything about your life recently been one big set up?
"What did you do Feyre?" You asked her, despair lacing your tone. If she was telling the truth, then there was no way out of this for you. And-
Oh my god. Your apartment here. Feyre had recommended it.
"I didn't do anything, Y/N. I suggested the job at the marketing firm because you were working yourself to the bone at that coffee shop, dear. I couldn't stand to see you suffer," Feyre explained, prowling across the room to stand in front of you. You were backed against the corner of the room now, with nowhere to go. "And I suggested the apartment here because we have good security, and I've seen the way your regulars would look at you, like they were just waiting to snatch you when the opportunity presented itself." One of Feyre's hands comes up to cup your face, following you as you turned away, still finding its mark. She turned your face back to look at her, and her eyes held such a fiercely protective look, you almost couldn't get your next words out.
"How are you any better than them?" You asked quietly, instantly taking note of how her eyes darkened with anger. "You snatched me away, Feyre, not any of those men. So how are you-"
Feyre surged forward, cutting your words off by slotting her mouth over yours. The kiss was harsh, claiming as she pulled your naked body against hers even as you struggled and tried to pull away.
"I love you, Y/N. And I would never, ever hurt you..." Feyre trailed off as her fingers played with your hair once you'd stopped fighting her. You opened your mouth to refute that claim, but she started speaking before you could. "I am not hurting you, sweetness. You simply don't know what is best for you right now, and sometimes we just need to be shown the right path." You went to argue again- "Now, if you don't shower with me, you won't be given any clothes to wear for the next week," Feyre said with finality.
Fight her, continue to feel disgusting in the off chance that she doesn't still force you to shower, and have no clothes for a whole seven days, or don't fight her, deal with it this once, and have clothes.
You didn't fight as Feyre steered you by the shoulders into their grand bathroom, stopping by the large triple sink counter. She carefully removed the collar from your neck with some type of key, then led you straight into the massive shower that had four huge, separate shower heads- one on each of the three walls, and one overhead.
You turned around right as Feyre started the shower, turning on just the three wall spouts. Water hit you from three sides, and Feyre came at you from the remaining one.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" Feyre asked softly as she ran her hands over your body, passing over your nipples far more times than you felt was necessary. You shook your head. All that you could vaguely remember was getting to the bar Feyre had suggested. “That’s too bad, sweetness. You were very eager last night,” she said with a smile, and your cheeks flushed. “Don’t worry, at some point you’ll be able to admit to yourself how much you want us. For now we’ll just keep reminding you how much we want you.”
Feyre gently tipped your head back to wet your hair, taking her time to get it soaked in the warm spray. Her nails scratched lightly along your scalp, and you nearly sighed at the soft gesture.
This is not the same friend you’ve known all these months, you reminded yourself.
Before today, you would have never guessed you would be taking a shower with Feyre. A small part of you had maybe dreamed about it, but never would you have thought it would become a reality. Especially with the added element of you being forced.
Still, you couldn’t help but relax into Feyre’s gentle grasp and she shampooed your hair, then rinsed the lather from it, being careful to not get any suds in your eyes. The shampoo smelled just like the one you used before all of this happened. Strange. When Feyre began putting a thick conditioner in your hair, you realized it.
They don’t just smell like the products you use at home, they are the products you use at home.
Your accusatory glare hit Feyre once she was done rubbing the conditioner in.
“What?” Feyre asked innocently as she wet her own hair.
“Why do you know what products I use?”
Feyre smiled. “I pay attention, dear. I wanted to make the transition as comfortable as possible for you, so I got everything I could think of that you use regularly. Now, will you help me wash my hair?”
You didn’t move.
“Pleaaase, Y/N?” Feyre asked again, a pouty look on her face now, one that you were rarely able to resist.
“Fine. Which bottles?” You conceded, grabbing the shampoo bottle she pointed to and squeezing some out into the palm of your hand. You lathered it up, then set to working it through Feyre’s thick, golden brown hair. When you rinsed her hair, you wanted to let soap run into her eyes, but couldn’t let yourself for some reason. You repeated the process of working the conditioner through Feyre’s hair, and once you were done she turned around to fade you again.
“Time to rinse yours, cutie,” Feyre said, already tipping your head back into the water to rid your hair of conditioner. Again, her nails scraped along your scalp gently, just enough to get your body to relax more. When she finished, she grabbed a cloth and loaded it with body wash, one that smelled of lilacs and pears- very Feyre. Feyre soaped up your body slowly, lingering in the sensitive areas as long as she could before you started to fight her hold again. She helped you rinse off, then extended the cloth to you. “Do me?”
You shook your head. No. “I already washed your hair, Feyre, just let me get out please.”
Feyre sighed, and started washing her body. “You can’t get out yet, you still need to wash your face. I’d suggest it after last night,” Feyre said with a wink, and your stomach churned.
You don’t really want to know what that comment was about. But you wash and exfoliate your face nonetheless, using the identical products to those you had before, finishing just as Feyre was done washing her own face.
She turned the water off, and grabbed two fluffy towels off of the rack for the both of you. She wrapped one around herself, then patted you dry, taking her time to get every inch of skin and dry your hair as much as she could before she dried herself off.
Feyre went to the sink closest to the shower, and you spotted all of your skincare and hair care products lined up attractively behind the middle sink. Feyre was already doing her routine as you examined the bottles and jars, picking out what you wanted to use.
At least they’re giving you something normal.
Once the two of you had finished, Feyre locked the collar back onto your neck, then pulled you back into their bedroom, the massive bed lurking in your vision no matter where you turned. Feyre grabbed two sets of clothing, pulling on her own outfit. First was a lacy black set of lingerie that looked flawless on her, then a pair of black leggings, a rich brown sweater, and slippers.
She then forced you to let her dress you, slipping a pair of blush pink panties up your legs to settle snugly on your hips, and a matching colored bralette over your breasts, which she had for once refrained from squeezing. Your arms were lifted above your head to let a soft pink, long sleeved peasant dress fall over your body, and you were instructed to sit to allow Feyre to put white knee high socks onto your legs and slip your feet into cute pink slipper booties. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as Feyre dragged you out of the bedroom. You look cute, if you had to describe the outfit. It’s similar enough to the style you wear on your off time, though everything seems to be made of higher quality materials than what you were able to afford.
The door to the bedroom led to a short hallway, which Feyre led you to the open end of, coming out in the living room. The two of you walked to dining table, near the far end of the open concept room. There was already a good amount of food on the table, and Rhys was just walking away from the stove with a large plate of pancakes in hand, a large smile spreading across his face when he spotted the both of you.
“And I was just thinking I might have to come and get you girls,” he said with a grin. “Come and sit down, breakfast is ready.”
Rhys pulled out a chair for you, pushing you in once you’d sat down and repeated the gesture with Feyre, who was sitting to your left. Rhys then took the seat to your right at the head of the table and began piling food onto your plate. A couple of sausages, pieces of bacon, chunks of cut up melon, and of course pancakes.
You didn’t think you could eat.
If you had woken up in a separate bed this morning, all of this would feel normal enough. Feyre and Rhys had let you stay over once before, and the following morning had a breakfast similar to this.
But everything had changed, you weren’t here because your friends were kind and invited you, you were here because they had trapped you here. You had a collar wrapped around your neck, that alone would be reason enough for you to want to leave.
“Eat up, darling,” Rhys said as he moved on to plating his own food.
You stayed still, staring down at the food that had your stomach turning.
Feyre’s elbow nudged you gently, and you instinctively looked to your left.
“Go ahead and eat, Y/N,” Feyre said gently. When you still didn’t move, she sighed. “Not eating won’t do anything for you, sweetness. Have just one of everything, please,” she begged, using her soft eyes that were so hard to resist.
So, even with your stomach protesting, you lifted a bite of pancake to your mouth, chewing and swallowing but tasting nothing. Maybe if you play along for a little bit, they’ll let their guard down and you can escape.
Feyre and Rhys chatted about their jobs as the three of you ate- Feyre about her studio, and Rhys about the various businesses under the Night Corporation umbrella. You choked down each bite of food, doing your best to keep attention off of you.
A phone ringing cut through their chatter, and Feyre sighed as she picked it up.
“What?” She asked, annoyance clear in her tone. “Can’t you deal with it? I have something important today,” Feyre said, shooting a smile your way. The person on the other end replied with something that made Feyre groan. “Fine, I’ll be there in a half hour.”
Feyre dropped her phone onto the table and ran her hands over her eyes. “Well, I have to go into the studio, apparently the art class has taken a drastic turn that only I can fix,” Feyre whined. “Will you be okay here with just Rhys, sweetness?”
You raised a brow at her. “As though I have a choice?”
Rhys chuckled at your words. “That’s true, Fey, she’s stuck with me for the day. I’ll take good care of her, don’t worry.” Dread pooled in your stomach at his words. You don’t want to know what type of ‘care’ he has in mind.
Feyre was still staring at you, like she wanted to say something, then looked away when she stood up. “I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour, but I’ll text you to let you know if there’s anything that will hold me up,” she remarked as she placed a kiss on Rhys’s cheek, and one on yours as well. “Love you guys!” Feyre said as she was walking out of the door, purse in hand.
“Love you darling!”
In the silence that followed the door slamming shut, the dread in your stomach grew.
“So, would you like a little tour?” Rhys asked, already stacking your breakfast plates together.
You stared at him. “A tour?”
Rhys smiled. “Yes, darling, a tour. You need to know your way around now that you’re living here. And don’t say no, this is mandatory,” he added when you shook your head.
He placed the dishes in the sink before smoking back to the table, pull in out your chair and extending a hand to help you stand. You ignore it, standing on your own, which made Rhys sigh.
“Right this way, darling,” Rhys said, pulling you by the hand back towards the hallway containing their bedroom. You dug your feet into the ground, unwilling to enter the bedroom with him. Rhys stopped walking and turned to face you. “What’s the problem, doll?”
“I am not going to take this sham of a ‘tour’ if it just means that you’re going to rape me.”
Rhys’s eyes softened at your words, and he pulled you into a hug even as your tried to resist his hold. “Oh, darling. You won’t have to worry about that. I won’t fuck you until you are begging for my cock.”
“Like that will ever happen,” you spat, finally wrenching yourself free of his grasp.
“Oh, it will,” Rhys said assuredly, smirking down at you. “Now, will you let me give you the tour?”
You sighed, but did feel mildly better knowing that he supposedly wouldn’t be forcing himself on you. “Fine."
He continued to lead you back down the hallway their their bedroom resided, but stopped at the doorway opposite it. He swung it open, and gestured for you to walk inside. When you did, your jaw dropped.
It’s as though they had gone into your mind and plucked your perfect bedroom out of it just to recreate it here. The walls were in a soft, dusty pink color with a pale cream ceiling. There was fluffy pink carpet on the floor, looking so soft and squishy you wanted to be barefoot on it. At the far end of the room was a large canopy bed, decorated in hues of pink and purple, with a mound of pillows against the wall. There was a dresser and large closet off to the left, and on the right there was a small sitting area gathered around a table with a tv on it, your favorite consoles already lined up and plugged in, along with stacks and stacks of your favorite games. There was even a cute pink mini fridge and little snack shelf, all filled with your favorites.
“Do you like it?” Rhys asked hesitantly from his place in the doorway.
“Do I-?” You stopped to laugh. “Do I like it? It’s like the two of your read my mind. How?”
Rhys’s cheeks colored slightly as he met your eyes. “Feyre had the idea to look through your Pinterest, and you had a board dedicated to your dream room, so she worked tirelessly to get this ready for you.”
The thought and effort would have been sweet- were they not keeping you here against your will.
You just sighed and shook your head. “Is there more to the tour?”
Rhys nodded and grabbed you by the hand once more. He showed you around to the various guest rooms, the guest bathroom, then to Feyre’s home studio and his office, and finally you were back to the living room. The two of you were stood in front of the couches, looking out at their pool and massive patio.
“Do you want to play a game together?” Rhys asked, gesturing to the double TV and console set up in front of you. “We can play whatever you want, you can even play alone,” he offered.
Strangely, this request put you at ease even more than him saying he wouldn’t fuck you. Almost like it confirmed that the Rhys you had known was still in there, just… different. Darker.
“I don’t know…”
“We could smoke a joint,” Rhys said in a sing-songy voice, having grabbed one out of a box on the coffee table. “Or two. Or three. Just something to help you get your mind of things, maybe?”
The offer was tempting. You could pretend like you were just hanging out at your friends’ house and playing a video game with him.
“Sure, why not?”
The feeling of smoke filling your lungs calmed you down, settling you into a sleepy state where you weren’t thinking about the situation and how fucked up it is, just the passing flow of the river of your thoughts. You and Rhys shared two joints together on the patio, passing it between puffs.
“You know that Feyre cares about you, right?” Rhys asked as he took the second lit joint from you. You exhaled the smoke from your mouth, watching as it was whipped away by the wind.
“I don’t know that I would call this,” you gestured around you and at the collar, “caring about me.”
Rhys sighed. “But it is, Y/N. I know we went about it in a twisted way, but Feyre and I truly want you to be happy and safe. And before you ask, no, I won’t let you go. Just give us some time, you’ll come see how nice your life can be here and how much we care about you.”
You took the joint back from him with a pout, annoyed with him now. Sure, they care about me enough to steal me away and lock me up, but not enough to let me make the choice myself.
“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
Rhys laughed sadly. “No, you don’t. But giving us a chance will make this much more enjoyable for you.”
You took another long drag before passing the joint back to Rhys’s waiting fingers.
“Will you… would you convince Feyre to not… touch me until I’m begging?” You asked hopefully, knowing that that day would never come now.
Rhys eyed you carefully. “I can talk to her about that, if it would make you feel more at ease around us darling."
A weight was lifted off your chest at his confirmation that he would wrangle Feyre in. He let you take the last drag before putting the joint out, and followed you back into the living room.
“Do you have Minecraft?” You asked hopefully, wanting to dick around and maybe build a cute house.
“Of course, darling,” Rhys said, booting up the TVs and consoles, passing a pink controller to you.
Within a couple of minutes, the two of you were as focused on the blocky game as you could be, your minds covered in a weed soaked haze.
Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff (let me know if you want to stay on the taglist for the mini series!)
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my girl 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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Forty minutes pass. The pizza has to be cold by now and your stomach is growling for a slice. You give in and text Isaac. You rarely do that. He barely says much to your face as it is. Not unless he’s making a dumb joke. 
'Where r u dummy?' 
You hit send and set the phone down. He's always been the type to wander off. When he was a kid, you remember helping your mom trawl the block for him. He would disappear into his room and never come out, only to escape through the window to find some trouble elsewhere. 
He texts back a couple minutes later. You can hear Sy pacing on the porch. You've never been alone with him. In fact, you're rarely in the house by yourself this long. 
'Ryan wants to hit up Barons. Gonna be late.' 
Frig. Why would he do that? Especially knowing Sy was on his way. This is going to be even more awkward. 
You’re not sure how to handle this. Usually, your mom takes care of guests. She’s so good at it. You just stay in the background with your books and help where you can. You live more in your head than you do out loud. 
You take the pizza and put it in the oven to warm up. You can't waste his kindness on Isaac’s ignorance. You go to the front door and peek your head out. 
"So er Isaac isn't coming." You say. 
Sy stops short and faces you, "oh. But... you're all alone." 
"Yeah, but that's okay. You can stay for pizza. I put it in to reheat. I mean you went to all that trouble." 
"Oh," he looks disappointed. "Too bad. If ya don't mind, I'm starving." 
"Of course." You smile. 
You feel bad. He came all this way and your brother ditched him. Now he's stuck with you. 
“Sorry about Isaac. I guess it must be important.” 
“Nah, don’t be sorry for him. Don’t you make excuses for him either. He’s that way, isn’t he? Unreliable,” He tuts. 
“Right but... well, he tries, right?” You say. 
Sy grumbles, neither in confirmation or denial. Why would he keep your brother around if he wasn’t good at his job? He hardly seems like the type to stand for that. You don’t ask. It wouldn’t be appropriate. 
You go back inside and he follows not far behind. He appears in the dining room without his hat and boots. You bring out the pizza and put a slice on your plate. You ask how many he wants and you dish him up two. 
Before you can sit, you pause. You almost forgot. 
"One sec." You raise a finger and stand straight.  
You flit out without explanation. His confused expression stains your vision. Living so long in your head, sometimes you forget to put your thoughts into words. 
You go to the fridge and grab two of the strawberry sodas. You return to the table and hand him one. He thanks you an examines the label. 
He twists the cap off easily as you struggle with your own. You forgot an opener. The ridges bite into your palm. 
"Want some help?" He reaches across the table. 
You hand it over and he uncaps it with a soft his from the bottle neck. He plunks it by your plate as you thank him. He offers a funny smile through his beard. 
You take a sip and he swigs. He hums and eyes the bottle again, "you're right. It's sweet." He sets it down and picks up a slice. "I like sweet." 
You nod and pick up the pizza. You nibble on the end as he takes a bigger bite. Where you make yourself small and unoffensive, he's large and unbothered. His eyes meet yours as once more your mind wanders to orcs and their burly figures. 
"It's nice. This. Uh, us. Um, what I mean is..." he stammers. "Not so bad without the rest, huh?" 
"No, it's not bad," you shrug and smile. 
"Did I say they're showing the trilogy down at the drive-in next month? Read it online." He says. You can tell he's just trying to fill the lull. You appreciate the effort. 
"That's cool." You say. You knew. Your mom was supposed to go with you. 
"Yeah, your brother wasn't so into it. Said he's busy." He scoffs. "Suppose I can make the truck bed up and drive down... lotsa room. If you're interested or something." 
You take another bite as you process. It takes too long to realise he’s asking you to go with him. You’re not as good at subtext in real life. 
“That would be really nice but you know, if you feel bad for me, you don’t have to go to all that trouble.” You chuckle nervously. 
“Feel bad? About what?” 
“I’m a bit of a loner. I know that. And my mom just left. I guess it would seem kind of... sad?” You say. 
“I don’t think your sad.” He brushes his hand over his head. “I think... I think you’re really smart and that.” 
“Because I read?” You wonder. 
“Guess so. I never read books like this before. I don’t read much, you know? But I thought...” His face pales and he folds his pizza in half and puts it down. “I dunno. Guess I was looking for new things to do. Don’t got much else, myself. Don’t think you’re the only one on their own.” 
He gulps and rubs his neck. He stands abruptly, startling you. 
“Think I said too much. I’m sorry. I ruined dinner and all that.” He reaches back to steady the chair before it can topple. 
“No, you didn’t...” you frown up at him. You didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. You really just didn’t want to be in the way. “Please. I didn’t mean anything. I was only letting you know, like, it’s not a big deal. It’s really nice of you to invite me.” 
“It was stupid.” 
“I don’t think so. Unless you do.” You force a smile. “I’d be really lonely eating dessert by myself, you know?” 
“Dessert?” He lifts a brow. 
“Oh sure. You ever tried Pocky? They’re kinda not much but I got a bunch of new flavours.” You offer. “But if you got to go, that’s fine too. You should take some of this with you. I can’t eat it all.” 
He looks down then at you again. His cheek ticks and he shakes out his hands. He makes himself sit and clears his throat. 
“I’m real sorry. I wasn’t meanin’ to act up. I just... I didn’t wanna be a problem.” He shifts in the seat. “I’ll stay.” 
“Not a problem. You brought dinner.” You say. Your mom would never let someone walk out like that. But you’re not your mom. You’re not a very good host at all. 
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shatcey · 13 days
My fiancé has become a child JP (Nokto)
Luke Licht Nokto
Strangely enough, there were no references to the main route in this story. Maybe I just didn't notice them. Nokto's habit of keeping everything to himself and not showing his struggle to anyone played a huge part in that story. I hadn't thought about this side of him before, and now I'm really curious to re-read his route to check.
Nokto came to the garden on a break from work and suddenly…
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First of all, I like that look on his face. I don't know why. I just like it. Secondly… I have to apologize. Initially, it was indicated what kind of tree it was. But… my translator told me that it was a "taru tree", and I thought I would figure out its meaning later, and did not take a screenshot with the original text. And now I have no idea what that might mean. So… Let's imagine that Nokto is not a botanist and has no idea what kind of tree it is.
He assumed that she was the daughter of some visiting nobleman, but was surprised not to notice her guardian nearby. He approached her cautiously and asked her what she was doing.
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She reminded him of someone. He thinks that maybe it's not the first time they've met. What's wrong with you, Nokto? How could you not recognize her at first sight?
But right after he found out her name, he just thought… Oh, yes, I haven't seen her all day, that explains why. So calm…
Emma asks him to play, but he says he has things to do, but after that they will play.
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I have no doubt what you mean by that.
In the library, Emma was amazed to see how many books there were.
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Emma asks what he was looking for, and after some thought, he decides to tell her. He tells her that there is a spell on her. And then she asks which one…
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That's so sweet of you to assume that, baby…
He decided not to correct her, but simply to agree with her theory. And he asked her to help to find a book about magic. She enthusiastically began to help. But after reading a lot of books, Nokto felt depressed because he didn't find anything that could help.
He looked at Emma and realized that she looked under the weather as well. When he asked her why.
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Well, this is Emma, she's an empath, she feels other people's emotions like her own.
He on the other hand assumed that she was just bored because he wasn't paying much attention to her. Suddenly the door opened, and Nokto hides the girl that she had not noticed the newcomer. Assuming that if she saw him, she would cry. And considering that this is exactly what happened in Luke and Chev's stories, it was very likely.
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I thought he would at least said something. Like… how did it happen? But Nokto didn't even give him the chance. He invited Emma to return to the garden. Don't you think your break has suddenly turned into a day off?
In the garden, he continued to be sad about it, and Emma handed him another book. Telling that this book is just about how to turn adults into children. He looks into it…
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Awww, it's so sweet of you to think about Clavis right now. I'm looking forward to this event with him. Assuming it's going to be his Belle… It's going to be the most fun. I hope I didn't miss it.
After reading this book, he decided to use everything that was indicated there as methods. He sings (I'd like to hear it. I thought he'd call Licht… he has a wonderful voice). It didn't work. The next one was a potion made from some rare flower. But the description of the flower made him doubt it.
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OMG! I like that look on his face. Serious Nokto is the most beautiful one. In fact, I liked the serious Keiji better too. Perhaps this is already a tendency.
So he decided to switch to other methods… Emma looked at him and asked him to play again. He asked her to wait a bit more… and she started crying
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Awwww, she's such a sweet kid!
While she "wasn't" crying, Nokto tried to comfort her as best he could. But he himself understands that he has failing. She seems uncomfortable in his arms.
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These are new complex emotions. It's a good thing. This is called growing up! You should watch "Inside out". Sorry, it's a different time period. Just take my word for it, honey.
He told her that they were done with it for the day and had to go to the castle. While he was thinking, he needed to find a way to cheer her up.
They are sitting in the living room. Picture books and toys are scattered everywhere, but Emma still doesn't look very happy. Nokto is trying to figure out what caused the sudden change in her behavior. Suddenly, the door opened…
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As we all know, Luke gets along very well with children. Who wouldn't like this cute ginger with a sweet and convincingly sincere smile on his face? So he'll cheer Emma up pretty quickly.
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Oh, he's jealous…
Luke even made a bracelet for her. Nokto thinks he will never win. He feels completely depressed because he can't take proper care of his own fiancee.
Emma, smiling happily, runs up to him and shows him her new bracelet. She looks at him and asks seriously
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Because of his constant gloomy expression, she thought he was in pain. As expected from the extremely kind and caring Belle… I'm sorry, Emma.
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Because he thought she was a child, he gently touched her and as a result began to feel fear of doing something wrong. And Emma felt it. She's really an empath.
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It sounds like a promise. Well, will see, I guess…
He asked if she still wanted to play with him. And she's so glad to hear it. I do not know what will happen next, because this is the end of the normal ending. Well, I guess until next time.
I'm actually very surprised at how collected he is, how much he thinks and analyzes. This is probably my first event with him. As I said earlier, I don't particularly like him. I'm a Licht's girl and probably can't feel sympathy for Nokto.
My previous theory about the dream doesn't work here at all. This Emma is definitely Belle. She is kind, sensitive and very sweet. I can't imagine Nokto being like this even as a kid. Sorry, night boy, this doesn't suit you.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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bangchansgirlsblog · 7 months
Sweet Angel 👼
Part three:
"Babygirl?" Chan knocked on her door softly trying not to startle her. "Can I come in?"
His heart was in his throat due to the state she had just walked into the house with. Her nanny had no idea what had happened and that made him so angry.
"What do you mean you don't know what happened?" He had asked and slammed the kitchen cabinets. This caused a few of the boys to jump as I.N had quickly made his way behind her.
"I pay you to look after her and you can't even do that?" He said walking back and forth in the kitchen.
"Hyung let's just calm down and figure out what happened. Shouting at her won't do anything for us." Han stepped in trying to calm him down.
"Fine." Was the only response he got out of his Hyung.
"Sir, I'm so sorry once again. I really tried-"
"I think it's best you leave love. We'll take it from here," Changbin cuts her off knowing that even if she tried to apologize, Chan would not accept it unless he had calmed down first.
She sadly nodded and grabbed her stuff before being walked out by Felix.
"Let me go talk to her," Chan quickly said grabbing his phone off the table.
"You should calm down first Chan, let I.N do the talking right now. We're all worried but she can't see you in such an angry state," Seungmin advised while he pulled him into a hug. He really needed it.
"Fine," he sighed and sat on the stool. "Is this my fault? I shouldn't have been so hard on her-"
"Hyung stop it, drink your water and calm down," Han looked at him worried. He simply nodded and took a sip from his cup as he patiently waited for I.N to come back.
"It's been 15 minutes and his not even-" before Chan could finish what he was going to say, I.N came back down the stairs looking defeated. His shoulders were slumped and the frown on his face could be seen from a mile away.
"What happened I.N?" Chan jumped out his chair quickly making his way over.
"She wouldn't let me in Hyung,"
“Okay..okay maybe u should go try-“ he rushed but was quickly grabbed by Leeknow.
“Let’s give her some time to calm down okay? Maybe another 30 minutes. She may just be angry. We don’t want to keep bothering her and suffocating her,” although Chan’s thoughts were foggy at this point, leeknow was right and he couldn’t disagree there, so he just let it go at the time being.
He nodded his head and sat back at his stool. His hands land on either side of his head as he slowly yanked at the hair of his roots while thinking. This was a sign for the boys to just let him be so they all decided to make theirselves busy by starting up dinner.
“Do you guys think it’s still early to go check on her now?” Chan sighed. It had been atleast 45 minutes and he couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to know what was wrong with his babygirl.
“Yeah mate, go on. Dinner will be ready soon,” Felix encouraged him. He gave them a small smile before he made his way up the stairs not trying to trup on his own feet.
The walk felt long until he was standing at her door and slowly knocking. No response.
He knocked again but still…No response.
"Babygirl?" He knocked on her door again but softly trying not to startle her. "Can I come in?"
She heard a few footsteps until the door finally slowly opened and Chan’s gaze slowly softened at the sight. Her hair was wet and it looked like she had come out the shower but her nose and eyes were red and puffy, looking like she had just been crying. The little sniffles confirmed it.
“Love? What happened today? Can I come in?” Chan was quick to question her. She just nodded and moved to the side.
She was silent as she tried to avoid his hard gaze. He struggled to come up with words, figuring out what to say and what to do.
“Hey,” he softly said towering over her.
“Hi..” she replied quietly.
His hand slowly wrapped around her. The warmth making her slowly melt but deep down she was still angry. She was still angry at him and the world so she didn’t bother hug back. She stood there numb and tired.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice was muffled by her hair.
“Not right now Channie, please.”
“Why not? Did someone hurt you? Did someone threaten you?”
“I- it’s just that. I’m still so upset at you. So just give me some space.”
Ouch. His heart hurt. He failed his own little sister. Her hand’s automatically letting go of her.
“Oh…look. Y/nnie I’m sorry for being hard on you but you need to understand-“
“That’s the thing . I don’t understand!” She snapped while taking a step back from him. The anger now boiling her blood.
“You’re still young Y/nnie. You will I promise..”
“I don’t think I’ll understand why my older brother keeps overworking me and making me feel like crap. I don’t think I’ll ever understand that!”
“Y/nnie…” he took a step to hold her hand but she shrugged it off.
“I understand that’s your angry at me. It hurts me-“
“No it fucking doesn’t Chan. Why don’t you get it. You’re so busy with being so in charge that you forget how to be a real brother.”
“Don’t say that please-“
“And you know what? Yes I’m being bullied. I’ve been bullied ever since I got here. I hate you. I hate your stupid job and I hate all you boys!”
That’s all Chan needed to hear before he fell to the ground holding his chest. A loud groan leaving his lips and he took deep breaths.
This took y/n back by surprise but her body reacted automatically by grabbing him in her arms.
“Chan?! What’s wrong? What’s the matter?!” She said panicked. Her eyes started to tear.
“Call- call the boys..” he struggled to say in between breathes as he clenched his chest in pain. His forehead sweating uncontrollably.
“Okay okay, just keep breathing- keep breathing Oppa,”
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isabel3710 · 7 months
I've dived headfirst back into my old Trolls hyper fixation with the release of the third movie. So I decided to write a little something for the idea of Branch being adopted by the Country Trolls.
I was inspired by some fan art by crunchy_coookies_ on insta and @rocksibblingsau's AU and a post they've made on this idea.
I would love to turn this into a full fledged fic one day but I'm already working on another trolls fanfic plus I got some (very loose) plans for another for when I'm done. But if I every have the time to write more I'll be sure to let you all know!
A little gray trolling sat on the edge of a dusty road, a worn looking bag sitting beside him. Branch held his ankle with both hands, it throbbed with pain and he was struggling not to cry. 
A few weeks ago Branch had decided to leave his tribe once and for all, he was tired of being bounced around from foster home to foster home. Full of people who either hated him or tried to turn him into something he wasn’t. So he packed a bag full of his prized possessions and any supplies he might need and snuck out in the middle of the night. 
At first things were great! And then he left the forest and made it to this desert of a wasteland, Branch did okay at first. He was careful to ration his food and slept with a knife in his hand.
Then today Branch had gotten his foot caught in some kind of hole and now his ankle really hurt. He had tried to stand up and power through but couldn’t without pain getting to an overwhelming degree.
He sniffed and whipped at his eyes, Branch didn’t know what he was going to do. He was stuck here with a hurt leg and he had run out of food last night. 
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by some strange clip-clop sound. Branch reached into his bag and pulled out his little knife. He was alone out here and who knew how many things out in this strange land liked to eat trolls. 
Dust had suddenly risen up into the air and got into Branch’s eyes, he tried to blink it away as the strange sound got closer and closer. When his vision had cleared he saw the figure that matched the clopping sound.
It was a troll?
The troll looked like one he had never seen before, she had orange skin and red hair which did remind him of the trolls back home. But that was where the similarities ended, for she had four legs with hooves and a fluffy looking teal tail. Her clothes weren't neon or pastel colored or covered in glitter, but fairly plain looking; with a few dirt stains and patches.
The woman seemed to notice him too for she started to walk over to him, the clopping sound following her. “Hey sugar” she said, her voice sounded strange. Nothing like Branch had ever heard before. “Why’re you out here all alone?”
Branch sniffled and tried to scoot away on his bottom, dragging his injured leg along the ground. The hand holding his knife shook a bit. 
“Hey, hey” the woman said, her voice gentle. “I’m not going ta’ hurt you.” She knelt in front of him “what happened ta’ your leg?”
Something about this woman felt calming, Branch hadn’t met anyone who made him feel this way since his Grandma died. “I tripped,” he said, tears running down his cheeks. “It hurts really bad.”
“I’m sure it does” the woman said “mind if I take a look?”
Branch hesitated before nodding, the woman carefully took his ankle in her hands. He winced a bit in pain but stayed still. The woman tutted softly “looks like you sprained it honey.” 
She pulled out a piece of dark green cloth and tied it around his ankle. “We'll have to put some ice on it.”
“I don’t have any ice,” Branch said.
“Not to worry,” she smiled at him, “town’s not too far from here.” 
There was a town out here… “how?” He asked, “it hurts to walk.”
“Climb on my back” she said “and I’ll carry ya.” 
“Won’t that hurt you?”
She chuckled “you’re sweet, sugar, but not to worry. I’ll be fine.” The women helped Branch sit on her back before slowly standing “hold on darlin’.” 
Branch held his bag in one hand and to the women’s shirt with the other. And she began to walk, the clopping sound following them. It was then Branch realized he had no idea what this lady’s name was.
“Ms” he said “I’m sorry but… What’s your name?”
She chuckled “no need to apologize hon. I’m Ms Delta Dawn. What’s your name?”
“Branch.” He said “my name is Branch."
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inkspiredwriting · 3 months
Endless Day
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Five Hargreeves woke up one morning to find that the day was repeating itself. No matter what he did, every night, the day would reset, and he'd wake up to the same morning, in the same bed, with the same tasks awaiting him.
It wasn't long before he realized that he wasn't alone in this endless loop. Y/N, a woman he'd only met in passing before the loop started, was also aware of the repetition. They crossed paths at the same cafe every morning, where she seemed just as bewildered by the situation as he was.
The first few loops were frustrating. Five tried everything he could think of to break the cycle: he traveled to different locations, interacted with different people, and even tried not leaving his room at all. Nothing worked. Each time, he would wake up to the same day.
One morning, as he sat at the cafe, head in hands, Y/N approached him with a tentative smile. "Looks like we're stuck in this together."
Five looked up, surprised but grateful for the company. "Yeah. I'm Five, by the way."
"Y/N," she replied, sitting down across from him. "Any theories on why this is happening?"
Five sighed. "Not yet. But we have all the time in the world to figure it out, apparently."
Days turned into weeks, and what started as a mutual struggle to understand their predicament evolved into something deeper. Five and Y/N spent each day together, exploring the city, sharing stories from their lives, and delving into conversations that lasted hours. They found solace in each other, a rare connection blossoming amidst the repetition.
One day, as they wandered through a park, Five turned to Y/N. "Have you noticed that no matter what we do, no one else seems to remember anything from the previous day?"
Y/N nodded. "Yeah, it's like everyone else is reset, but we remember everything. It's both a blessing and a curse."
"More of a curse," Five muttered. "But maybe there's a reason why we remember."
Y/N's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "You think there's something we're supposed to do? Some lesson to learn?"
Five shrugged. "Maybe. Or maybe it's just a cruel joke."
As the loops continued, they began to test theories and push boundaries. They tried altering their routines in significant ways, hoping to trigger a change. They sought out experts in various fields, but each morning, those experts forgot the previous day's conversation.
Despite the frustration, Five found himself looking forward to each new day. Y/N's presence was a constant source of comfort and joy. He admired her resilience and her ability to find humor even in their predicament.
One night, after yet another unsuccessful attempt to break the loop, they found themselves sitting on the roof of Y/N's apartment building, looking out over the city.
Y/N sighed, leaning against Five. "Do you ever wonder if maybe we're supposed to just... live in the moment? Appreciate what we have right now?"
Five looked at her, a smile tugging at his lips. "I think I've learned more about living in the moment with you than I ever have before."
Y/N smiled back, her eyes softening. "You know, if we have to be stuck in an endless loop, I'm glad it's with you."
Without thinking, Five leaned in and kissed her. It was gentle and sweet, a culmination of the bond they had built. When they pulled away, they both felt a shift, a subtle change in the air.
The next morning, Five woke up, expecting the same routine. But something was different. The sun seemed brighter, the air fresher. He rushed to the cafe, his heart pounding with hope.
Y/N was there, waiting for him, a smile on her face. "Good morning, Five."
"Good morning, Y/N, nice to see you again." he replied, relief flooding his system. "I think... I think we did it. The loop is broken."
Y/N nodded, tears of happiness in her eyes. "We found a way out."
They spent that day savoring every moment, knowing it was truly unique. As the sun set, Five took Y/N's hand. "Whatever the reason for the loop, I'm grateful for it. It brought us together."
Y/N squeezed his hand. "Me too, Five. Me too."
Together, they walked into their future, no longer bound by the endless repetition of a single day, but free to create new memories and live a life filled with love and endless possibilities.
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Oh sweet, sweet Peach 🥺 I just blew through your Dead Disco writing in a matter of hours and holy fucking shit I think it might seriously be one of my favorite fic series I’ve ever read in my entire fucking life. I am completely, utterly, irredeemably in love with the way you’ve captured their dynamic—I just want to snuggle up in their little world and never leave. I adore the way you’ve written about Darling’s insecurities in such a realistic way because I know if I were in her situation I’d struggle with the same issues. And the way Simon steps up as a dom to take care of his loves both in and out of the bedroom… cue open weeping. He’s perfect. Johhny’s perfect. Darling’s perfect. So perfect I can hardly stand it. And your writing overall is so beautiful; you should be beyond proud of what you’ve created ❤️
One thing I’d love to see if you’re still writing for this series is for Simon and Johnny to figure out what is going on at work that is stressing Darling out so much (maybe a coworker or superior harassing her and threatening her job if she doesn’t give in) and they just ‘casually’ stop by to bring her lunch and catch the coworker in the act and go all overprotective 🤤 God I love me some overprotective Ghost and Johnny!
Anyways, thank you for sharing your creations! You seriously should be so proud ❤️ much much love!
Hi! Thank you so much, this was so incredibly sweet of you. I've loved living in their little world so for you to say you could curl up inside of it too makes me so incredibly happy. I love them so much, sharing them with others who also loves them just turns me into a pile of sap.
Additionally, I was so happy to write this little snippet that takes place after "On a Slow Night", so thank you for the inspiration. I got to dive into Darling's life a little bit and it was so fun.
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Ghost x Soap x female reader Takes place after On a Slow Night This is CANON (weird I have to say this now but I dig it) for Dead Disco. Warnings-tags: 18+ Minors DNI. No smut but this fic contains mature themes. Protective Simon and Johnny. Possessive Simon and Johnny. Darling doing darling things. Anxiety. Eating and food related issues.
It was well past five in the evening.
It was well past five in the evening, and you were still at work, eyes straining across two monitors, comparing lists and numbers across two screens, estimates and bids and evaluations all jumbled together.
A mess. You were staring at a mess, a mess that you hadn't even begun to unravel, a mess that you had to fix before even thinking about going home for the night, the realization of that fact settling like a stone in the pit of your stomach. It unsettles you, sending unease surging through your veins, making your skin crawl with anxiety.
This was your dream job. So why didn't it feel like a dream?
You knew that answer, of course. It was because your new boss, the promote-from-within, the monster that walked these halls, despised you. She regarded you the same way she regarded a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her way too expensive heels, with disdain.
Johnny had tried, bless him, to encourage you to go over her head, to say something to her boss, even though you explained you couldn't.
"I'm just an assistant curator. I can't go over her head, her boss barely even knows my name yet." He had argued, tried to push, until Simon stomped his fight out.
"She can't violate the chain of command. You know that."
Besides, you weren't a snitch. You weren't going to behind her back, or above her head, just for her to retaliate against you later. Which she certainly would. You weren't willing to risk it. You were due to be promoted, and had been waiting. For over two years.
Your phone buzzes against the desk, the group chat lighting up your screen. It's the guys, with the usual questions; where are you, when will you be home, what do you want for dinner. It makes your heart ache, a little bit, makes your head spin, thinking about them at home without you, waiting. Standing by. Just as you do for them, all the time. You begin to type out a half hazard text, trying to explain how you're going to be late, again, when a shrill voice grates against your ears.
"Knock knock." She's standing prim and proper right in the doorway of your office, bony fingers folded around a stack of papers. Oh my fucking god, no way. "These need to be scanned and compiled along with your acquisition list from today." The pressure in your skull skyrockets and you fight the urge to pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Kelly, I've really got a lot on my plate. Is there a way I can-"
"Are you refusing?" Orange red lipsticked coated lips flex into a feline smile. A sinister smile. A smart one. Fuck.
"N-no. No, I wouldn't."
"Great. tonight then." She drops them in front of you with a thud, eyeing your taupe wool sweater with disgust.
"Okay, tonight." You slump forward in defeat. You wanted to go home. You wanted to curl up on the couch between the guys, and let run you a bath or give you a back rub. All of that... sounded a lot better than all of this.
I'm going to be really late now. You shoot off the text before putting your phone facedown and cradling your head in your hands.
How late? Johnny asks immediately and you grimace.
Have you eaten? Did you finish your lunch? You try not to wince at the direct line of questioning from Simon, who undoubtedly already knows his answer, based on how you were feeling this morning when they tried to feed you breakfast, and how busy you've been at work.
Don't know. Yes. Half of it. You fire back, ignoring the burn of the guilt from the lie, and then put it in your drawer. Less distractions means you'll get home sooner if you can focus and just get it done.
You don't mean to fall asleep at your desk. It's just, the heat kicks on, and the room warms to a very nice temperature, and your eyelids feel so heavy that you suddenly find yourself excusing it a little if you lay your head down for a minute.
It's a mistake. It's the worst mistake, and you know it, you feel the weight of your mistake sharply when there's a crone like voice shrieking near your ear and you're jerking up in a fright, eyes wide in panic.
"-eeping? While you're getting paid? When you're supposed to be working?" She's standing inside your office now, a foot from your desk, face twisted into a macabre mask of indignation.
"I'm sorry." You croak. "Didn't mean to." You palm finds your face and you rub, trying to get with it, and quickly, before she loses her mind. Your head is spinning, dizzy and clouded, and you curse yourself for not actually eating at least half your lunch like you said you did.
"And you think you'll be a curator next year? With this kind of lazy behavior." She scoffs, nose wrinkled, and shame licks against the skin of your jaw while you grind your teeth.
"Kelly, I'm sorry. I'm exhausted and-"
"I don't want to hear your stupid excuses. I should fire you, right now. Sleeping! On the-"
"What the fuck is going on here?" Everything inside you grinds to a halt at the sound of the deep, gritted Manchester accent. Oh, fuck.
Simon's standing just inside the office, Johnny next to him, holding a bag. It's got a Tupperware in it, you can see from here, still fogged up by the warm contents inside. They've brought you dinner. Your heart melts at the sight, and then swiftly hardens and drops like a stone when you realize 1. They're not allowed to be in here after hours and 2. Simon just cussed at your boss. When you don't say anything, still sitting there slack jawed, Johnny prompts you.
"Darling? Is everything alright?" You try to put a thought together, to answer, but Kelly beats you to it, turning on a dime, taking a few steps to where they lurk just inside your office.
"Who are you? You can't be in here after hours." She hisses, and while Johnny sneers at her before looking back to you, Simon's fist visibly clenches.
"Security let us in."
"They don't have the authority to do that, you can't be-" You stand, but the floor somewhat shifts beneath your feet, walls tilting, and your fingers grip the desk. It's enough for Johnny to disregard anything she's saying, pushing past where she stands with her hands on her hips to stand at your side, a steady hand on your elbow.
"Alright love?" The blue eyes search yours and you manage a nod.
"Jus' tired. A bit hungry." He looks back to Simon, who's watching you carefully, before he turns his irritated gaze back to Kelly.
"Did I hear you threatening to fire her?" His voice is cold. It's seeking, lethal, something sharp and refined that you've never heard. Johnny keeps his hand on you, thumb stroking soothing circles into your skin.
"She was asleep."
"Because ya've overworked her, you daft cunt." Johnny snaps, and her eyes widen in shock.
"How dare you! Who do you think you are?" She caws and Simon takes yet another step, this time close enough that she jerks backwards.
"She works outside her contracted hours all the time, and she doesn't complain. At your request." Simon cocks his head. "Sounds like a labor law violation, if ya ask me."
"Aye, it does." Johnny cheerfully agrees, warm palm sliding up and down your spine. Kelly looks between the three of you, something uncertain tugging at the corners of her eyes, before she's shaking her head in protest.
"She volunteers, she-"
"She's ours." Simon snarls it, and Kelly blanches. "And we're not going to allow whatever mistreatment is going on here to continue." Something warm simmers in your stomach, even though your mortified. Ours. She's ours. The words make boulder sized butterflies thrash in your stomach. You're probably going to need to find a new job, but this is kind of worth it. Kelly is sputtering at Simon, who's now standing with his arms crossed, glowering at her from the behind the mask, looking properly terrifying, while Johnny continues to rub your back, warm palm soothing you into a big yawn, one you fail to stifle. One they both see. He dismisses her, with one more promise of a phone call to the labor advisory, or worse, the board of directors. That threat alone is enough to shut her up, scaring her into pressing her back against the wall meekly, while Simon gives Johnny a subtle nod.
"We're leaving." Johnny declares, and Simon nods. He crosses the room to pull your bag from the back of your chair, while Johnny slides your laptop into it's sleeve and grabs your coffee cup. "C'mon darling, let's go home." He coaxes, and you let them lead you from the office, Johnny with a firm hand at your waist, Simon leading the way.
You don't look back at where Kelly stands in the hallway, gobsmacked and speechless.
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nqmonarch · 9 months
Good Boy/Girl [Pt 2]
Okay another post about like Good Boy/Girl because like. Some characters I just simp for. Last one was I want to make you extremely happy so I'll say it because I love you this one is when that one character that really flusters you says it.
Characters: Ningguang (Genshin Impact), Sunday (Honkai Star Rail)
Ningguang is always so busy, tirelessly working away, sometimes you have to remind her to take a break. When walking alongside her in the city of Liyue it's no surprise heads are turned and staring right at you.
More accurately, they're staring at her. If not for her fame as the Tianquan, then her beauty, the way her eyes pierce through every object and price she sees while shopping, calculating but not cold. The clothes she wears cling to her figure perfectly, they make her stick out but aren't gaudy. She is a God among mortals. You can't help but feel self conscious around her.
Your shoulders shift inward, and your back naturally slouches, hoping to appear as small as possible next to this colossal. You'd voice your worries to her before--
"What if people think I'm unfit for you? You can do better," Your voice lacked any confidence it normally had when you'd first met the Tianquan and flirted shamelessly with her, expecting to never be given a second glance.
"Does it matter? It is my decision if you stand by my side, and yours too," She replied confidently but her eyes gazed down at you full of warmth, a hand reaching out to your shoulder to hold it. An anchor, whenever your thoughts spiraled too deep that hand would be there.
You looked back at her, still worried, but moved your hand up to rest on top of hers. It was rather uncomfortable for you, and at the slightest change of your expression she moved her hand down to your heart. Your hand followed hers. A conversation with no words.
She smiled down at you, "Good Y/N."
You relaxed at the term of endearment, feeling your hand rest against hers which lay motionless on your chest. You looked up into her eyes, but you couldn't see any of Ningguang the Tianquan, you simply saw Ningguang, your lover.
-- "Y/N, what do you think of this necklace?" She suddenly asked you, pointing out one with a large gem in the middle. It was alright. You reached your hand out to hers.
"It's nice," You admitted, feeling your fingers interlace even through the gloves you could still feel the warmth, "It's not as beautiful as you though."
She let out a charming laugh, "Good Y/N."
Sunday (I love this man I can't wait until he comes out. Personality is going mainly based off of leaks.)
Sunday was lovely, everything you could want from an ideal partner. He was kind, caring, the epitome of perfection. Except he wasn't. You were one of the people that knew him best. Beneath everything he showed the public was a selfish creature.
"Y/N?" His voice was sweet, like an angels and you could trick yourself into thinking he was one if you tried hard enough.
You looked over at him wings fluttering from behind his head, normally calm and collected eyes holding a sense of anxiety. It was a stark difference from the Sunday you first met. Just that look of weakness on him made you want to forgive him.
You took your time with a pause, "What is it?"
You could see him struggling to form the words, shifting around uncomfortably. It wasn't often he had to speak like this to others, normally he would be the mediator, the diplomat, the leader-- not the problem.
"I'm sorry." It was only two words that were needed to soften your heart. You let out a long sigh, telling yourself to not let him off the hook just yet.
"For what?"
"It's just, there was an emergency meeting all of The Family was needed--"
Of course, that was his first reaction, Sunday was much to use to manipulating others. So, even when it no longer gave him pleasure or happiness, he'd default to it in a panic, "Save your excuses for later, tell me what you did first," You said sternly, "You told me to hold you accountable for the next time this happened."
He looked away from you for a moment, "I... I did tell you that, yes." His hands fiddled in his lap and you wished to take those gloves off and lay kisses on every knuckle. "I'm sorry for..." He closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't want to see what would happen next.
Sunday took a deep inhale and then almost yelled out, "I'm sorry for shoving you off the bed in the middle of the night! I didn't mean to."
You let out a small laugh and walked over, sitting down next to him, "I know. I don't know why you even made me do this," You said sheepishly, looking down at his knees, "It's impossible to not forgive you when you make that face."
"This one?" He asked, and as your eyes moved up you were met with puppy eyes. In order to escape them you practically dove into his arms, holding onto him tightly, and burying your face into his chest.
"I hate that you're able to do that on command," You grumbled, it made you feel weak.
You could hear the smile in his voice, "Thank you, for holding me accountable though."
"It's dumb."
"Interrupting my darling's sleep is anything but dumb!" He quickly interjected, "I deserve to--"
You leaned up and silenced your mouth was his, moving fast enough to cut him off but moving away quickly, not wanting anything to escalate. The warmth of his lips followed you and you could still see them after he was silenced.
"You deserve love." You rested your head on his shoulder looking out the window at all of the city below you. One of his wings poked your cheek and you leaned into the plumage.
"I don't deserve you." His words were quiet but mattered nonetheless.
You turned to face him, and found his face turned to face yours putting the two of you nose to nose, breaths intermingled. "You deserve the world," You replied.
He flushed under your words, and you got the satisfaction of seeing his skin blossom with color. "You're so good to me... Good Y/N." He rested his face in your neck. You thought it would've been uncomfortable for him since your chin still rested on his shoulder but he didn't show any sign of discomfort.
"My Good Y/N," He said voice soft as his wings, and closed his eyes.
I just want someone to love who will love me, is that too much to ask?
Also question, for nonbinary folks and other people that like going by they/them what do you think is a good gender neutral term for good girl/boy? I went with good (name), here since I feel like that's chill but if you can think of anything else I'd be happy to hear it! :)
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guilty-pleasures21 · 2 months
Interrogation practise
I am SO SORRY it took me so long!!! You don't know how hard I have STRUGGLED with this. BUT I've finally done it!!!! Tagging @millyhelp because babe, you were the only thing that me going some days 🥲.
Part 1 - the interrogation
Part 2 - the revenge
Part 3 - the roleplay
Warnings: explicit description of sex (male x female).
     He ran through the script one more time in his head as he sat on the rooftop above the street: she’d planned out what to say, his crazy little girlfriend. But only until he got all her clothes off - then she’d just scrawled the word ‘SEX’ in big red letters, even adding an exclamation mark to punctuate her point. She really was insane sometimes. He loved it. 
     She tried to control her smile as she walked down the street, eager to try out the roleplay she’d planned with her superhot vigilante boyfriend. Ah! He was so amazing! With his cheeky smile and his bulky muscles and that little snicker he’d give whenever he thought she was being insane. She was so lost in her daydream of him that she almost walked straight into the large figure that landed right in front of her. X looked up, startled, then relaxed when she saw that it was only the aforementioned boyfriend of hers.
     “You know, pretty girls shouldn’t be wandering the streets alone so late at night,” Jason began, backing her into the alley beside them. He walked her over to a wall, then placed one hand on the hard surface behind her, trapping her beneath him. “Where’s your boyfriend, sweetheart? Why isn’t he dropping you off?” 
     X gazed up at him, her thoughts a mess as the sound of his thick voice wafted through the air and into her ears. She could never concentrate when he got all soft and sweet with her like this. She tensed up as she felt the tip of his gun brushing against her waist, then did her best to stammer out a response. “U-Um … He … He's busy! He's … looking after the city tonight. Just like you, Mr Hood!” 
     He grinned beneath his helmet at the way she trembled against him, her small body so soft and perfect in his arms. He raised his gun to the underside of her jaw and leaned even closer to her as he began tracing her smooth curves with the cold metal. “Hmm, some boyfriend. I know I'd forget about the whole city if I had a girl as pretty as you waiting for me every night.” 
     She swallowed hard at his words, her cheeks heating up at his flattering praise. “T-Thank you, Mr Hood, I …”
     Jason chuckled as her hands found their way up his chest, her fingers curling around the edges of his jacket as she peeked up at him from beneath her curly lashes. God, she was adorable. “Why so nervous, sweetheart? You know I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to make sure you're being taken care of too.” 
     She bit down on a smile and tugged on his jacket, trying to bury her face in the well-worn leather so he wouldn't be able to catch her delighted expression. “I-I'm fine, Mr Hood. I'll be all right. My boyfriend always comes back before midnight.” 
     She looked up at him, her lips stretched wide into a proud grin, and he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight. He tucked his gun back into its holster, then reached up to brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Hmm, well, there's still plenty of time until then. I could always keep you company in the meantime.” 
     She turned away from him again and her teeth sank into her lower lip as her heart began pounding with excitement. Jason bent over her, pressing his hard chest against hers, and she felt herself starting to get wet at the feeling. “It's … It's really all right, Mr Hood.” 
     “Don't be like that, princess,” Jason murmured softly, his fingers drifting down her body appreciatively. “Let me take care of you, hmm, babygirl? Gotham is a dangerous place, you know; especially at night. I'd feel a lot better if you let me take you home.” 
     He dragged his fingernails up the back of her spine and X shivered, her eyes fluttering shut as her face tilted up to his. Jason let out a huff of amusement, then lifted his knee as he arched her back, grinding her against his thigh. 
     “J-Jay!” X whined, grasping onto his shoulders and wriggling against him as her body became more aroused. Shit, he was so thick and so big, his muscles so deliciously hard against her. Jason chuckled at the frustration evident on his girlfriend's cute little face, then he moved his hands from her waist to her ass, cupping her soft flesh in his hands. 
     “How about we-”
     “What the hell is going on here?!” 
     “F*ck,” groaned Jason when he heard the shrill - and unfortunately familiar - voice echoing down the alleyway. He lowered his leg back down, but kept one arm around his girlfriend, holding her protectively against him as he yelled over his shoulder. “Get lost, Harley! It's none of your business!”
     Harley narrowed her eyes and sashayed down the alleyway, her favourite bat slung casually over her shoulder. 
     “It is my business if you're trying to sexually assault young women in creepy alleyways!” she argued, trying to get a closer look at the girl the Red Hood had pinned against the wall. “I never thought I’d see the day when one of the bat boys turned bad.” 
     “I'm not sexually assaulting anyone, Harley,” Jason assured her, hunching over his girlfriend to keep her identity firmly hidden from the unpredictable villain. “I'm just … I just rescued her from some goons. Just trying to make sure she gets home safe.”
     Harley leaned over to try to catch X's attention, still not buying the Red Hood's response. “Is this man bothering you, sweetie? You can tell me! We ladies have to look out for each other, right?” 
     X glanced up at Jason, her lips curling into a wicked smile for just a moment - just long enough for him to tense up with worry at the thought that she might try to sabotage the little game they were playing. Then she rearranged her features into an expression of helplessness and returned her attention to Harley. 
     “Thank you, Miss Quinn, but he’s not bothering me!” X squeaked out, curling up against her big, strong boyfriend. She smiled as the familiar leather-y scent of him overwhelmed her senses and her voice was soft when she spoke again. “He saved me from some bad guys earlier.” 
     “Hmm, well, you better not be trying to take advantage of her, bat boy,” Harley warned him, starting to get a little concerned by the dreamy tone of the girl he’d saved. “I’ll be letting your girlfriend know that I saw you tonight!”
     “My girlfriend?” Jason spluttered, trying to figure out how the hell Harley freakin’ Quinn knew that he had a girlfriend. She couldn’t have known the identity of his girlfriend though - not if she hadn’t mentioned anything about recognising X beneath him.
     “Yeah. Nightingale?” Harley replied, her response causing a mixture of relief and confusion to wash over Jason. “She’s such a cutie. I don’t know what the hell you did to land someone like her! Or, well, she says you’re a real romantic though - a big softie at heart.”
     “What? What the hell are you talking about, Harley?!” Jason questioned, a little offended by her bewilderment as to how he’d landed someone as amazing as his precious little girlfriend. “Why would she talk to you about me?” He kept his gaze fixed on Harley, not wanting to look down at his girlfriend and accidentally give her away - no matter how furious he was at her right then. Harley raised an eyebrow, a hint of smugness beneath the curious look she gave him. 
     “Because! That’s what we do at our girls’ nights!” Jason clenched his fists, tensing up his entire body to fight the temptation to shoot his girlfriend a glare. What the hell was she doing having girls’ nights with Harley f*cking Quinn?! They’d be having a long discussion about this tonight.
     “Girls’ nights?!” Jason repeated incredulously. “What the hell are you doing going on girls’ nights with my girlfriend?!” Harley burst into laughter and waved a hand at Jason, dismissing his concerns. 
     “It’s a group of us!” she elaborated, delighting in the Red Hood’s confusion. “Me, Nightingale, Black Canary, Catwoman and Zatanna! We meet up, like, once a month.”
     Jason opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with a response to the unexpected revelation. “Why?!” 
     “Why not?” Harley shrugged. “We have drinks, smash a few things, watch some movies and complain about all you boys.” 
     “Us boys? What do you complain about?” 
     Harley pursed her lips as she replayed their past conversations in her mind. “The same things. Catwoman and Nightingale always use the same phrase to describe you and old Bats. What is it they always say? Emotionally constipated?” 
     Jason huffed, his blood reaching a boiling point as he digested Harley’s words. Him and Batman?! The same?! ‘Emotionally constipated’?! Why wouldn’t she just tell him to his face?! He grabbed X by the arm, his grip a little too tight, and shoved her in the direction of the street. She gasped as she stumbled out of the alleyway and Jason loosened his hold on her, feeling a little bad. Then the words ‘emotionally constipated’ ran through his mind and his anger spiked again as he heard them in the sound of Harley Quinn’s nasally voice. “Come on, princess. Let’s get you home.” 
     He pushed X in the direction of his bike then grabbed her helmet and tossed it to her before getting on. 
     “Bye, baby Bats!” Harley called after Jason as he sped off towards his apartment. “Tell Nightingale I said ‘hi’!” 
     X tiptoed after Jason as he stalked to his kitchen island, waiting for him to say something. He’d been silent the entire way to his apartment, his shoulders tensed all the way up to his ears as he’d stormed around angrily. Welp, there went her roleplay idea. She came up behind him as he shrugged off his jacket and slid her hands up his back, curling her fingers around his shoulders when she landed on them.
     “I know you're mad at me, Jay,” she told him, keeping her voice light. She squeezed his shoulders, then took a step away from him, giving him the space to turn around. Jason narrowed his eyes at her, trying to figure out where to start.
     “How could you … Why … With Harley?!” he exclaimed, waving his hands around wildly. “She's too unpredictable!” His girlfriend smiled up at him knowingly.
     “It's not about Harley, is it?” she asked, sliding her hands along his shoulders and around his neck. Jason's body reacted instinctively to the action, his fingers curling around her waist and tugging her closer to him. “It's the ‘emotionally constipated’ thing.” 
     Jason pursed his lips and slid his gaze to the side, not wanting to let her know how affected he'd been by it. But they'd been together for almost a year now, of course she knew exactly what he was thinking. X turned her face back to his and stretched onto her toes to press a little kiss to his nose. Jason huffed, still refusing to meet her gaze, but his shoulders relaxed a little and X knew he wasn't mad at her anymore. 
     “I'm sorry, Jay,” she apologised sincerely. “It was just stupid girl talk. I know how hard you try and I really appreciate all the effort you put into expressing yourself to me, even if it's in other ways.” Jason glanced over at her, not wanting to give in just yet. But she fixed him with that sweet smile he could never resist and he found himself grunting in dismissal as he pulled his gaze away from her. X grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then bit her lip as she slid her hands down his chest. 
     “So,” she began, her voice low and suggestive, “should we try that roleplay now?” Jason raised an eyebrow in response.
     “How?” he asked. “Harley ruined it.” His girlfriend gave a low chuckle that had a shiver running down his spine. Then she stepped away from him and began making her way to his bedroom. He waited by the kitchen island, curious to know what she had planned for him, and his jaw dropped when he saw what she returned with. 
     “Can you put this on?” she asked, holding his effing Arkham Knight costume out to him! “And give me your jacket!” 
     “How the hell do you have this thing?!” Jason exclaimed, eyes wide as he approached her. He thought he’d gotten rid of it after he’d reconciled with Bruce, but apparently his crazy little girlfriend must have stolen it from him at some point! 
     “I’m sorry!” she apologised, twisting her lips into a sheepish pout. “Your butt just looked so good in it!” He swallowed hard as he ran his fingers across the well-kept material. She hadn’t known him back then - she’d just joined the bat family, so they’d never met before. But that had been almost two years ago and yet … she’d been admiring his butt? Enough to steal his costume from him after he’d given up the vengeful persona? Jason shrugged off his jacket and exchanged it with the clothes in her hands. X grinned and disappeared into his bedroom, leaving him alone to get changed. 
     “So, uh, how long, exactly, have you been admiring my butt?” Jason called to her, peeling off his suit and stepping into his old costume.
     “Oh, since we met,” she revealed casually, as if it wasn't a big deal that she'd been crushing on him for almost a year without him even knowing! “Holy shit, Jason! You don't even know: I used to dream about you, like, every night!” 
     She gave a wistful sigh and Jason felt his lips curling at the ends in response to her dramatics. He had to admit that he'd felt a surge of adrenaline too every time he'd seen her in her cute little vigilante outfit, the skintight dark green material hugging her body in a way that had his blood rushing through his veins. Though he'd been too overwhelmed by all his trauma and grief to pursue those feelings back then. He zipped up his pants and turned to face his bedroom, his chest filling with warmth at how his girlfriend's constant patience with him had eventually brought them together. And then he saw what she was wearing and his brain lost the ability to form any coherent thought. 
     She stood in the doorway, one hand on the frame as she leaned against it, her posture intentionally accentuating her beautiful curves. She’d put on his jacket, but left it unzipped, exposing a strip down her bare torso to him. His eyes trailed from her collarbone down to the waistband of her panties, lingering hungrily on the soft curves of the edges of her breasts, and his entire body set aflame at the sight of her practically naked in his jacket.
     “The Arkham Knight?” X gasped, clasping her hands to her chest and fixing him with a nervous expression. “W-What are you doing here?” 
     Jason swallowed hard, casting around for something to say. The script! What was in the script again?! “Uh, I … Uh …”
     X snickered at his flustered stammering. “Say that you’re here to find out where my boyfriend - the Red Hood - is. I’m supposed to keep you distracted so that he has enough time to sabotage your plans.”
     Jason nodded, trying to regain his focus. He puffed out his chest and began walking over to her, sliding into the role of the character that came with his costume. “I’m looking for your boyfriend, sweetheart. I figured you might know where he is.”
     He slid his fingers under her jacket and around her waist and she tensed her muscles against the feeling of his calloused fingers brushing along her skin. 
     “I-I … I don’t know … what you’re talking about, Mr Arkham Knight,” X forced out through gritted teeth. Jason chuckled at her unconvincing tone and slid his hands lower down her back, dipping his fingers into the waistband of her underwear. 
     “Princess,” he murmured, dragging his fingernails along her soft flesh. “Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be.” She sucked in a breath at his lazy tone and gripped onto his collar as her knees went weak. Jason chuckled and tightened his grip on her waist, holding her upright against him. His eyes trailed from her lips down to her chest and X saw his pupils dilate as he took her in. He slid his hands up her sides and brushed his thumbs along the undersides of her breasts, and X found herself stretching forward in a desperate attempt to feel his body against hers. 
     “So eager, babygirl,” Jason snickered, the low sound causing his pretty little girlfriend to shiver in his arms. He waited for her to look up at him again, her eyes wide and her lips parted with desire, then he leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. “What would your boyfriend think, hmm, princess? Seeing you so eager for another man’s dick?”
     X let out a choked gasp, unable to believe the filthy words falling out of his mouth. How could he say that? How could he look her in the eyes whilst wearing that cocky smirk and say such a dirty thing? She swallowed hard, her mind going dizzy as he kept his lips pressed against hers. “M-Mr Knight … Don’t … Don’t say things like that … ”
     Jason groaned at how high-pitched his pretty little girlfriend’s voice had gotten. She was so cute when she got all whiny and helpless like this, whimpering softly as her p*ssy throbbed desperately for him. He sighed and shifted her to the side, propping her up against the wall and leaning one hand on the surface behind her. Then he bent over, touching his lips back to hers. 
     “Say what, princess?” Jason asked, mimicking her desperate tone. He chuckled softly when she furrowed her brow in irritation, then he slid one hand up her torso to her breast. X stumbled in his grip as he squeezed her appreciatively, then she let out another whimper as a stream of arousal trickled out of her. “Tell you what, you tell me where the Red Hood is hiding and I’ll give you a taste of this cock. Hmm? How does that sound, babygirl?” 
     He ran his hand from her breast down to her underwear and her entire body tightened in anticipation as his long fingers played with the waistband of her panties. But he refused to touch her where she wanted him to, delighting in the control he had over her. X swallowed hard and turned her face away from his, pressing herself back against the wall. “I … I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr Arkham Knight.” 
     Jason lifted a finger to the bottom of her chin and tipped her face up to his. Shit, she was hot, her lips parted in desperation, her eyes glazed over with lust. He pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger and lowered his mouth to hers. But he stopped suddenly and waited until his girlfriend's eyes widened in confusion before he rolled his hips against hers. X let out a choked gasp as her body tingled with excitement, then she bit down on a moan.
     “Was that enough of a taste for you, princess?” Jason asked, sliding his arm around her waist to hold her against him. “Or do you need more … incentive.” 
     She whimpered and gasped as he began grinding his hips against hers, letting her feel how hard he already was for her. God, he was big. So … So deliciously … fulfilling … She sucked in a breath as he slipped off her panties and lifted her onto his hips, his hands squeezing her ass appreciatively as he carried her into his bedroom.
     “You know, I was going to take it easy on you, babygirl,” Jason informed her, tossing her onto his bed and crawling onto it after her, “but if you’d rather do things the hard way …” He slid his hands along the back of her thighs and pushed her knees up to her chest, spreading her open for him. He licked his lips as his eyes fell to her p*ssy, already dripping and blushing for him, then held her ankles together with one hand and pressed his thumb to her hole, smearing her arousal all over her. Her body contracted in response to his gentle touch and she twisted her fingers in the bedsheets to try to ground herself. 
     “J … Ngh …” X sighed, biting down on his name before it fell from her lips. Jason snickered at her rapidly fading lack of control.
     “You like that, princess?” he asked, tracing his fingers and thumb around her hole and along her clit. His girlfriend squirmed against him in response, her hips bucking off the bed as more of her arousal began trickling out of her. Jason felt the saliva pool in his mouth and he released her ankles so he could straddle one of her legs instead, holding her open so he could slide a finger into her.
     Shit, she was so f*cking beautiful. Jason clenched his jaw at the look on his girlfriend’s pretty little face, then he sat back and began unbuckling his belt. 
     “Look at that,” he teased her as she yelped in surprise, so beautifully helpless beneath him. “Look at how wet you are for me, princess. What would your boyfriend think, hmm? If he saw how wet you were for me right now? If he saw me … If he saw another man’s fingers inside his girlfriend’s pretty little p*ssy?” X relaxed as he began stroking her gently, his long finger curling against her walls and beckoning her to come for him. Then he slid another finger into her and she whimpered before looking up at him with round eyes, purposely making herself appear as vulnerable as possible. 
     “You want this, princess?” he questioned her, shoving his trousers off and tossing them aside. “Hmm? Is this what you want?” He settled himself between her legs, pulling her soft thighs on top of his, then he lined the tip of his cock with her entrance. 
     “I’ll give it to you,” he reassured her, easing himself inside of her slowly. “I’ll give it to you, baby. I’ll take care of the Red Hood’s … pretty little girlfriend … while he’s out on the streets tonight.” He leaned over her and dipped himself in and out of her a few times, stretching her open and lubricating himself with her c*m. X whined as her body contracted with arousal at the gentle way he teased and prodded at her entrance. She wriggled around, moving her hips as her body begged him for relief, and Jason chuckled before shuffling forward and sliding himself all the way into her. X tensed up at the sudden intrusion and Jason sat there for a moment, letting her get used to the feeling of him sitting inside of her. Then she relaxed. 
     “F*ck,” Jason groaned, gradually losing his mind at the way her p*ssy was already throbbing and clenching around his dick. He moved his hips back, dragging himself out of her, then he began thrusting himself into her, hard and fast, babbling barely coherent praises as his brain began turning numb with arousal. “So … So f*cking perfect … Princess … My little princess … My sweetheart … My pretty little babygirl.” He reached for her hand and twined their fingers together when he found it, gripping her tightly as he continued shoving his thick cock in and out of her. 
     “J-Jay!” X cried, unable to stand it any longer. Her back arched off the mattress as her entire body tightened, quickly approaching her edge, and Jason felt a wave of pleasure overcome him at the sound of his name in her voice. 
     “F*ck,” he breathed, trying to remember what he was supposed to be saying. But how could he focus on anything except how beautiful she looked, writhing around in his bed while he pleased her with his cock? He leaned closer to her, sliding her hand up the mattress and stretching her delicious little body out even more. Then he pressed his chest against hers, squishing her perfectly soft breasts against his muscles. “S-Screaming … Screaming your boyfriend’s name … while another man … f*cks you in his bed?” 
     He would have continued had she not reached her climax right then, a loud moan escaping her throat as his naughty words pushed her over the edge. Jason slowed the movements of his hips, letting himself enjoy the way she squeezed every inch of his throbbing cock. Then he pushed himself up to a seat again. 
     Holy shit! She didn’t know her boyfriend could be that filthy! How naughty of him! But also, so. Freakin’. Sexy! She blinked tiredly as her chest heaved with shallow breaths, still coming down from her high. But then Jason was flipping her over and pulling her ass into the air so he could stuff her back up with his cock, and X let out a confused whimper as she flopped over onto the mattress. 
     F*ck, she felt … so f*cking good. So wet, so f*cking wet, and so warm too. Jason groaned as he began thrusting his hips against her ass, her soft flesh bouncing against his abdomen every time he pressed himself against her. 
     “Mmm, f*ck. S’This … S’This what you want, princess?” he mumbled, spurred on by the adrenaline pumping through his veins. “You want to be f*cked … by the Arkham Knight’s dick? Hmm?”
     He lowered himself on top of her, bringing his mouth to her ear and murmuring into it lowly. “What would your boyfriend think, hmm, babygirl? Coming home after a long night of looking after the city and walking in on his girlfriend lying on his bed with another man’s dick inside of her p*ssy?” 
     X let out another loud moan as she imagined her boyfriend - her poor little boyfriend - walking into his bedroom after an exhausting night out, expecting his pretty little girlfriend to be waiting for him. Only to find her already stuffed full with another man’s cock, whining and whimpering with pleasure as he f*cked her to sleep. She reached behind her, trying to find her boyfriend’s hand, and he slid his fingers between hers, understanding her perfectly.
     “J-Jason …” she moaned, gripping onto his hand tightly. “I only want you, Jay! I only want you, baby! I love you! I love you so much, Jason …” 
     Jason gasped as he reached his climax, his entire body heating up at her tender declarations. He pushed himself all the way inside of her, his balls pressing against her ass as he released his c*m into her pretty little body, and X shuddered with delight at the feeling. Finally, they both finished, and Jason twisted over onto his side, pulling his sweet little girlfriend into his arms. X brushed his hair out of his eyes, admiring the sparkling green of his irises, then she stretched up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “That was so f*cking hot, babe!” 
     She giggled and Jason’s lips stretched wide in response, his heart fluttering at the happiness shining through her features. He leaned forward and pecked her lips quickly, then ran his hand down her torso. “You’re so … Ugh, you look so hot in my jacket. Can you just wear this from now on? Whenever you’re home?” 
     He mumbled the words in between soft kisses, his arms wrapping around his girlfriend to cuddle her close, and X let out another soft laugh at his pleas. 
     “You want me to wear your beat-up old jacket that you get random guys’ blood on on an almost daily basis?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow at him as she continued brushing the soft strands of his hair. Jason groaned at her argument and readjusted their positions so his face was buried in her soft breasts. 
     “Ugh, fine,” he relented, his words muffled by her body. “I’ll get you a new jacket.” 
     X snickered at his proposition and Jason smiled against her, his chest warming at how patient she always was with him. She bent over and pressed a kiss to the top of his head and Jason felt himself lulling in and out of consciousness as she continued tickling his scalp with her fingers. 
     “I love you, Jay,” she murmured quietly, the words causing his heart to swell in his chest. Jason pulled her tighter against him.
     “I love you too, X,” he replied, wrapping her up in a hug. They lay there for a little while longer, then X wriggled around, trying to push herself up. 
     “Thank you, Mr Arkham Knight,” she told him, treating him to a sweet little smile as she got off the bed and straightened the covers. “But I’m going to have to clean this up before my boyfriend gets back.” Her smile turned mischievous as she made her way to the bathroom, glancing at him over her shoulder, and Jason ripped his top off as he scrambled after her. 
     “I’ll help you! I’ll …” He shot her a cheeky smile as he caught up with her, and X felt her stomach flip as he pushed towards the shower. “I’ll help you get cleaned up, princess.” 
     X chuckled at his eagerness and slid her hands up his shoulders as he caged her in the shower. He was so big compared to her, his shoulders broad and his chest wide. She pressed her lips to one of his scars as he turned on the shower, soaking both of them in the warm water, and Jason’s stomach tightened at the simple gesture. 
     “Fine,” X relented, making her way across his torso. “But only because you’ve taken such good care of me tonight, Mr Arkham Knight.” Jason snickered and pressed his lips to hers, pulling her against him. 
     “Who said I was done with you, sweetheart?”
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willowrites · 5 months
Request for Steven Conklin.
Something sorta besties to lovers, but they keep friendzoning each other and getting confused until maybe she tells him she thinks she’ll invite someone else to the deb and he says no it’s fine he will and at the deb he confesses.
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PAIRINGS. steven conklin x fem reader
SUMMARY. even though it was a struggle, you got steven to escort you to the deb ball. but he did more than just escort you...
WARNINGS. nothing really, just slight kissing!
AUTHORS NOTE. thank you for this request! i had a lot of fun doing it! <3 i'm so tired rn its been a long day so ill proofread later!!
y/n/n: your nickname
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“y/n!” your mom susannah called out to you. “it’s time to go shopping for your deb dress!”
you shouted a quick ‘i’m going’ spraying some perfume.
your outfit consisted of a cute white tube top with flower detailing and some cute jean shorts along with doc marten sandals.
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you grabbed your phone and speeded downstairs.
“okay, so what are we thinking?” your mom asked you as you both headed toward the front door.
that day you went looking for your dress and luckily enough you found the exact one you wanted.
it was everything you looked for in a dress.
you had no complaints.
overtime the week passed by and you were planning and planning. belly was helping you as well since she was also being a deb. you both shared your experience especially because you guys were practically sisters.
you guys talked about everything …but when it came down to dates. you didn’t have a clue.
“i’m thinking of asking cameron to be my escort.” she gushed.
“hmm you really like him don’t you?” you asked taking a sip of your milkshake.
“i do y/n. he’s so sweet and kind. he’s selfless like he genuinely is a good guy! ugh..tell me to shut up.” she covers her face in embarrassment.
“that’s so cute. aww belly welly is in looooove.” you tease her.
“oh please, so who’s going to be your escort? anyone in mind?” she asked licking the whipped cream off the cherry from her shake.
“no. i have no clue.” you huffed licking the whipped cream off your lips.
“why not steven? come on y/n. you should just tell him.” belly knew about your crush on steven. ever since you guys were smaller.
she could tell by the way you looked at him.
“i could never. im too scared i’ll get rejected and then everything will be so awkward.” you groaned. “maybe i’ll just…i don’t know”
“okay, you don’t have to tell him. just ask if he’d be your escort! he’s your best friend! it wouldn’t be weird.” she told you.
“i mean i guess that is a good idea.” you thought about if.
“of course it is. it’s my idea.” she giggled.
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knock knock.
you were at steven’s door. fully prepared to ask him to be your escort.
“come in.” he grumbled.
he sounded like he was in a bad mood which almost made you chicken out.
“hey…watcha doin.” you asked first.
he made contact with you and a smile formed.
“hey y/n/n.” he said. “nah, nothing just tryna figure out some stuff for school. what’s up?” he patted his bed for you to sit.
“i just wanted to ask you something important.” you sat down crisscross.
“what about?” he leaned up off his headboard. he was concerned not knowing what to think. part of him wanted it to be about you two but he kept that thought himself.
“i was wondering since you’re my best friend and all…”
best friend? he thought. right.
“if you wanted to be my escort to the deb ball.” you were fiddling with your fingers as the question came out your mouth.
“uh…like that victorian shit?” he snorted.
“it’s not victorian.” you slap his arm. “it’s about a woman coming of age! and i need an escort.”
“are you sure it’s supposed to be a friend though?”
friend? you thought. right.
“i mean it could be anyone. there’s a girl bringing her girlfriend and my friend is bringing her friend from home.” you tried to explain.
“mmm, i’ll have to think about it. i told myself i wouldn’t get involved in that deb shit.” he shrugged off.
“okay well…um let me know then..?” you hesitated. you were kind of hurt by his answer. you thought you guys were at least close enough to do something important for each other.
you got up ready to walk out.
“where you going?” he asked.
stay; is what he wanted to say.
“oh- um i just don’t feel too well i’m going to lie down.” you said quickly before exiting the room.
as soon as you got inside your room you closed your door, locked it, and fell face-first on top of your bed sighing.
that went well.
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a few days had passed, well more than enough time for steven to think about being your escort. at this point, he probably forgot all about it.
“steven.” you said his name as he was relaxing by the pool.
“hey y/n/n. are you gonna get in? let’s swim together.” he called u over starting to stand up.
“no thanks, i was just going to ask you if you thought about what i asked you the other day…you know. the deb ball?” you were standing there admiring his shirtless stomach as he spoke.
“oh yeah, i don’t think it would be cool for me you know. like being in a tux n shit.” he shrugged. “thanks for inviting me though.”
your blood boiled.
being in a tux…and shit.
“no yeah, no worries. i was thinking about taking another guy anyway.” you couldn’t help but blurt out.
you turned and started walking away until he grabbed your arm to stop you.
“who?” he looked confused.
“oh just this guy i met at one of the bonfires.” you smiled trying to walk away again but he still had his grip on you.
his face twitched. “well, actually now that i think about it. we’re best friends, it’s only right i escort you. i didn’t think about it like that.”
best friends?
“yeah, best friends …should have each other's backs. which is why i don’t know why you’d say no.” you crossed your arms defensively.
“well, to be honest. i thought it was lame.” he admitted.
“wow i didn’t notice!” you sarcastically shot back. “please get your tux on time. it’s the only thing you have to worry about.” you said and you walked away.
two weeks later.
it was the day of the deb ball.
you were nervous and freaking out. you knew exactly what to do and what you were going to do for your makeup and hair, you were just nervous about the night.
you wanted it to turn out okay. more than okay actually. you wanted it to be everything you’d dreamed of.
susannah had people coming to do your hair and makeup in the dressing room of the country club which took the pressure off a little bit. you had told them what you wanted and thank goodness they exceeded your expectations.
you looked at yourself in the mirror and thanked the beauty gods for this good outcome.
the other girls were also getting their hair and makeup done but it was time to change.
susannah helped you along with laurel. they were awed at how gorgeous you looked in the dress.
“oh honey, you look so beautiful.” susannah said hugging you.
“thank you mom.” you hugged back.
“she’s right, you look gorgeous..” laurel said smiling at you.
“thank you, laur.” you hugged her as well before she spoke again.
“if steven ruins your night you let me know.” she eyes you.
“i will.” you smile back.
“okay, well we gotta head out but we’ll see you honey.” susannah rubs your shoulders. “you’re gonna be fantastic.”
you smile once again watching them leave. you take a deep breath. it’ll be okay.
and it was.
you say steven for the first time. he looked so good.
steven thought the same about you.
she’s breathtaking. he said quietly to himself.
you got announced and as you guys walked down the applause was non-stop.
you saw laurel and susannah waving at you from the table as well as conrad and jere.
you smiled so big your face was hurting.
as the night went on you had the best time.
now it was afterward when you were getting dressed back into your clothes and getting ready to head home.
you were packing up your bag when you heard a knock on the dressing room door.
you turn to see who it is and steven walks in.
“hi.” he said shyly.
you smiled. “hi! thank you so much for escorting me.”
he nodded and looked around the room before making eye contact with you again. he was biting his lip nervously and fiddling with his fingers.
“you okay?” you asked walking closer to him.
he was about to speak but he paused.
“steven…what’s wrong?” you said worriedly. he was acting strange.
“im going to do something but feel free to stop me.” he said and before you could think of what to say his lips were on yours.
his hands grabbed your face pulling you for a kiss.
your stomach exploded so the fire works.
he was kissing you. you didn’t know what to do. all you knew was that you had to start kissing back, so you did.
you molded his lips with his moving them along with each other.
you felt him smile and pull him closer but you felt him pull away leaving you wanting more.
“i wanted to do that for so long y/n. i’m sorry i didn’t realize my feelings sooner.” he whispered.
“im sorry i kept friend-zoning you.” you admitted.
“i forgive you. you forgive me?” he cheekily grinds.
you roll your eyes and smile. “sure why not.” you giggle connecting your lips in a chaste kiss.
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pupyuj · 1 year
Teasing shy/sub g!p yeji by walking around your guys’ apartment in super short shorts and “accidentally” brushing up against her when trying to get past. Realizing she has a boner as she tries to hide it because she’s embarrassed, you end up helping her out by giving her head.
YEJI MENTIONED EVERYBODY WAKE UP🚨🚨 this got a bit too long i was having too much fun,,, I LOVE MY YEJIPOOKS...
this poor baby is so confused, wondering why you're suddenly in such a mood to torture her🧍‍♀️you're walking around in those ridiculously short shorts and yeji's sitting on the couch, watching your whole figure but her eyes are glued to your ass 😭😭 and then she gets to thinking about how you would look riding her reverse cowgirl style and her brain short circuits,, 😵‍💫 yeji grabbing a random couch pillow and putting it on her lap, covering up her hard on but the pillow pressing up against her did not help at all so she's just,, struggling,,, trying her hardest not to cum in her pants bcs she knows she will never hear the end of it from you :(((
BUT LIKE maybe yeji is taller than you so you ask her if she could get something on one of the high shelfs for you,,, but it's not like you were short so you could definitely just tip your toes a bit and get whatever it was you wanted but yeji was so dang cute with her face flushed and her hands clutching that pillow for dear life <////3 reluctantly, yeji stands up and you pretend to not see the tent in her pants bcs she'll probably faint if you point it out LOL .
"m-move aside, (y/n).. i'll get it for you..." yeji says weakly, pulling on her pants as an attempt to not make her boner too obvious even though you've already seen it and are literally staring at it 😭
"i think i'm fine right here, yeji." you said, laughing at the helpless look on your girlfriend's face. she really was trying so hard to ignore what she was feeling. adorable.
yeji moving forward and reaching up to the cupboard while you're trapped in between her and the countertop,, her nearly dropping the coffee creamer on your head when she feels you grab her dick suddenly :(( "fuck, (y/n)..." her just leaning onto you, clutching your arm while you squeeze her dick through her pants :((( her whines would be so cute too </3
her just looking at you in anticipation while sitting back on the couch with you on your knees to the floor,,,, and you're pulling off her boxers so painfully slowly that she unintentionally looks at you the wrong way, all annoyed and impatient .. you didn't even know your shy and sweet girlfriend can make a face like that! (it was hot.)
"aww, did i do this to you, hon?" you teased while staring at her throbbing hard dick. "i guess i can't just leave you like this, huh?" and before yeji could even say anything more, you've already taken more than half of her cock down your throat,,, every time you go up, the way you dragged your lips up her cock drove her absolutely insane,, and she's moaning your name so loud you can feel yourself leaking through your shorts,,,
yeji being so sensitive that she can't even grab your head and control your pace herself :(( her hands are just stuck holding onto the couch while you're free to do as you like,,, she cums quickly bcs she genuinely can't help herself but that doesn't stop you, not one bit! overstimulating her to the point of tears,,, she's cumming down your throat over and over but she can't stop bcs your mouth feels too good on her ..
her cumming for the nth time and you finally pull your mouth off of her cock,, yeji thinks that that was probably all she had for the entire day but being the slut that you were, of course it wasn't over yet 😵‍💫 you laughing as you climb on her lap, pressing your now bare pussy against her limp dick,,
"get comfortable, hon... i'm not letting you go until you've dumped every single drop inside me."
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