#like its less 'looks in the mirror and doesnt like what he sees' and more 'looks in the mirror and sees someone else'
sleepybugeyes · 1 day
I read through all of Elias/Jonah's dialogue (as you do) plus some relistening and mentions of him, so here's a big list of some fun things and behaviors I noted!
I thought he made a lot of eye puns/jokes, but he only does it once in mag161, however he does enjoy making jokes. "Creativity never was their forte." from mag80, "You want my account? My sworn testimony? My statement?" from 82, "If you die, I’m afraid you probably won’t be able to claim your expenses." in 116 and "I only have two eyes, after all." in 120. no one ever laughs at his jokes only he finds them amusing
His last words telling Jon a sarcastic or mocking "good luck" are mirrored earlier as he also tells Basira good luck the last time he sees her, and Martin, as he's getting arrested
He loves gloating. "I forget how new you all are to this." from mag92, "Coffee is not as good for disguising tastes as you might think." in 98, "She’s hoping that even if I see it coming she’ll still be able to overpower me. She’s wrong, of course," in 102, "A masterpiece, isn’t it?" abt his panopticon in 158 and of course his whole monologue in 160
He does his budgeting on tuesdays and his scheduling on wednesdays
He also likes getting lost in work
in mag40 he makes up proper incompetency (said he didnt know how the fire system works, while he later admits he was actively waiting) just that once, but more so he acts like he doesnt get the full picture (doesnt know whats in the tunnels, whats strange about the institute) or acts too late and apologises (not stepping into jon's stalking behaviour). Which makes me think he is quite fine letting people think less of him but unless he has something to hide hes not actively looking to give the impression
in mag92 elias slides the papers for basira across his desk, but you don't hear him take them out before, meaning he prepared and got ready for this before he called the police
in general he's a very preparing man, Lukas steps in when Elias is arrested so has has control over who'd run it. in mag118 he says he prepared something to hurt martin (my speculation is that he likely has some trauma that could hurt you prepared for any person that could cross him, just in case he needs it). When he gets arrested he has something prepared so he doesnt get killed and ofc s1-4 is preparing Jon for his grand ritual
Elias admits the idea for his ritual kinda fell into place after Getrude didnt do anything about the people's church in march 2015. He shot Getrude and appointed Jon shortly after so "when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you." is pure dramatics as Jon was hired 4 years prior
also he got his ritual in 2018 so he managed to acomplish his life's goal in only 3 years, love his grindset 🔥
We never get a number for how many people Elias has killed in his ritual, the real life millbank has held over 1000 people at once, but id imagine his one panopticon held less than a whole complex
its really interesting to me in mag92 that hes SO sure they all know he's talking to them of his own free will. is he just that dead set on being in control or making sure they take no credit for his confession
there is a clock in Elias' office (but it's only heard in mag98)
He has killed people but Elias is very much not a blood thirsty person. Getrude and Peter are both surprised when he results to that. He's very much just ruthless and does not care, if to get his way he has to kill someone. It doesnt seem like he's ever happy to do so, maybe this is a quirk of being eye aligned and getting rid of any type of knowledge is painful (he does for example never want Tim to die at the Unknowing), or he just finds covering those murders up a hassle
for the Unknowing Elias books them all hotel rooms, how thoughtful
something cute to me that Jon was too good at the Eye that Elias couldnt meet him face to face post coma
In mag158 he implies that even Institute employees not in the archives are tied to it, at least enough that they could suffer or die if it burned down
between finding other people just as tools to watch and discard and saying empathy holds you back he was definitely a very very lonely man
He is a very breathy person. He sounds breathy when he talks. He takes deep breaths to ready himself and before he uses his powers. And he often breathes through his nose before speaking or during pauses
He has said Jon's name 62 times, only twice calling him "Jonathan" and called him archivist 25 times (24 in the mag120 statement, 1 in mag138 and 1 in mag161)(he also kinda calls him The Archive in 160)
other fun amount of words: know (65 times), see (42), martin (35), detective (20), eyes (20) and eye (9), afraid (9) and "bullshit" (1)
its still insane to me they added all of those sound effects of Elias' cuffs in prison, thats something fun to appreciate. It also means its canon he gestures quite a bit!
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termagax · 4 months
tldr "what does his face look like" that is his face. dont be rude.
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I've been thinking a lot lately about Delirium and the way she speaks. She talks around a concept, never hitting it head on but glancing off through a series of metaphors and related concepts that explain things far better than wording them straight might. It's very relatable, and I think that's why I like her; that's how I think.
To me, the world isn't composed of precisely defined concepts but a series of interconnected existences which can all, ultimately, be related to each other. I also experience things in the incredibly specific manner Delirium seems to. I have sensitivities largely untethered from aversions, meaning that while I don't often find things deeply unpleasant or intolerable, I still experience them with an unusual specificity which often defies concise explanation. The best way I can convey certain feelings or experiences is through other feelings, experiences, and concepts to weave together a series of approximations that through their similar and dissimilar traits narrow down to what I'm trying to describe. Delirium does this too, and it's treated as a part of her that's no better or worse than any other. There are those that don't understand and those that do, and those that at least try to are awarded for their efforts because finally and most importantly, she genuinely has something to say. Her speech patterns are deceptively rambling because she takes a long time to say what she means to say, while simultaneously saying exactly it.
Delirium is neurodivergent coded in such a cathartic way because of this. I feel her frustration and joy because I know what it's like to be the person trying to explain something that has no words to assign, asking all of the time if there's a word for what she's feeling as a rhetorical and genuine question so that she can explain something without explaining it and call into question why we feel everything must be precisely laid in the place of as few words as possible. She is incredibly intelligent, but loses track of all of what's happening in a far more obvious way than most because there's just so much to keep track of, which is also very relatable as a neurodivergent person. Without putting labels on the experience, she perfectly captures it. I just... I like Delirium quite a lot, and think she'd be very good at post-modern literature.
#i hope to god this comprehensible#im trying so hard to get this shit in a line exactly becaude of why i like her#theres jusy SO MUCH to say its very hard to keep it straight and many more things to focus on beyond it#i love that delirium is treated by the narrative as an intelligent and wise being that just conveys that in an unconventional way#shes like my mirror metaphor. no mirror can light upon the minutae without shattering and no shattered mirror can see the bigger picture.#shes shattered but knows from when she was whole what the full picture looks like but she gets lost in all of the fragments#which gives her an incredibly unique and valuable perspective#at a surface level it seems as if she's an offensive depiction of mental illness but once you go deeper you realize shes not for the very-#reason she at first seemed to be. she embodies what is looked down upon but its told through side comments and events that theres more to-#her than the seeming irrationality.#she picks up and puts things down as she remembers them but that doesnt mean any one thing is any less valuable than any other#the ephemeral quality of her attentions dont diminish their value.#i have a lot of thoughts about her i just. am very fond.#and the way she and dream truly demonstrate the dichotomy of mental illness and neurodivergence makes me froth at the mouth.#he knows what shes saying most of the time and knows where shes at whether he admits it to himself or not because shes just externalizing-#what exists solely internally for him. hes better at masking and that is their difference which makes Such a statement oh my god when you-#think about how each are treated and understood.#it took me like. two weeks to organize these thoughts btw. they float in little brain clouds <3#i need to watch everything everywhere all at once#anyway#delirium of the endless#the sandman meta#the sandman#raspberry rambles
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
dungeons and douchebags | eddie munson
where eddie munson kills your dnd character out of spite & you end up in the hospital in the same day. eddie, of course, blames only himself.
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full fic of this blurb :)
AN: i named the third guy keith bc he needed a name, and if his role was pre-established im SORRY but hes a mage. a lot of the dnd stuff im sure is wrong and doesnt work but let me live
also i love this so u should to
also also I KNOW ITS A SHITTY THING FOR A DM TO DO - thats the point
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Eddie’s annoyed with you when you’re not on time for Hellfire.
You know he’s sensitive about starting on time, but still you were running late again, even though this time you promised it would be different, and you would even be early.
And Eddie had foolishly believed you again. It hurt especially, because even though you were just friends, Eddie was so painfully in love with you. All day every day, he was pining, yearning, longing. You were on his mind all the time, and you... you couldn't even bother to be on time for Hellfire.
When he begged you to be on time earlier in the day, he had made sure to mention that it would mean a lot to him if you were on time. And he thinks that if you love him back, you'll definitely care when he communicates something like that.
He knows he shouldn't let himself feel like this, but every Friday he's reminded that he's not special to you. He's not the one person you're always on time for. Eddie thinks, somehow, that if you're on time for Hellfire, well then maybe you like him too. It's silly, but it's what he does. It gets more painful as time goes on and you're still not there.
The mood slowly shifts to something tense as time ticks on. You’re always a couple minutes late but nearly an hour? Eddie is painfully frustrated, and his feelings are hurt. Eddie has overthught himself to a dramatic conclusion that you've decided you're above Hellfire.
While the party chats on totally unaware, barely even recognizing that they still haven't started, Eddie thinks you've looked in the mirror and recognized that you're better than them. That you can, and should, have everything and everyone you want. He thinks you'll want to be with a jock. Or maybe a cheerleader. He thinks you've decided not to love him.
In a fit of self pity and rage, he decides to leave your character behind, so the party left you alone, sleeping in a cave.
"Attention," Eddie says, "the sun is rising. It's time to pack your bags and move on."
Dustin looks confused, "where's y/n?"
"Who knows?" Eddie tries to look unamused to hide his pain, but it slips, and ends up just looking angry.
Eddie rolls a perception check for you to see if you wake up. He rolls an 18. And with your build you would've noticed the group leaving without you. Eddie is still think about you in the arms of a jock. "She fails." Eddie looks at the group with an evil grin. "You leave the camp unnoticed."
As the game goes on, Eddie feels crappy. He's never cheated like that before. Like, sure, he's changed a roll or two to make the plot better, or to not totally kill one of his players because some random NPC got a nat 20. That was his right as DM. But... leaving you like that was less than cool.
But even worse, when they return to the cave later, you're stuck in a bandit situation. Eddie really, truly, genuinely expected the party to save you. Except, one thing led to another, and you were stabbed through stomach, making you bleed out. Normally, this is where you'd roll your life saving throws.
It wasn't really supposed to play out like that. But he didn't expect the party to roll such terrible throws, all of them accidently leaving you defenseless. Eddie kinda feels bad, but you hurt him first.
What he doesn't expect is Steve Harrington bursting into the drama room, looking frenzied, just a few moments later. The party halts. The last thing happening in the game was the party finishing off the last bandit, and running to your aid. But now, they were all just staring at Steve. Eddie approached his friend, worried about the look in Steve’s eyes.
Steve stood up straight, and cleared his throat. Weakly he says, “something terrible happened.”
And then Steve tells them all about your car accident, and Eddie feels sick. His knees buckle, and Steve has to hold him up. He’s totally disoriented by this news. He feels his heartbeat pounding behind his eyes, and his ears ring loudly, barely registering the panicked talking going on around him
“They're alive,” Steve was shouting, but because people weren’t letting him talk, he had to keep shouting it over the hundred questions. They wouldn't be able to handle it. Not again. Not when Max still hasn't woken up. “Eddie? Can you hear me buddy?”
But Eddie was in shock. He was blaming himself. He killed you.
“Can you walk? I'll drive you,” Steve says, as Gareth searches Eddie's pockets for the keys to the van. “Dustin, get over here, help me get Eddie to the car.” Eddie overhears Jeff tell everyone to meet at the van.
As soon as they get moving, the adrenaline starts pumping through Eddie’s body. He was suddenly able to break free of his friends' aid and pick up his pace, and the three of them ran through the school and into the parking lot. The dim light Steve parked by was flickering, putting a weak spotlight on Eddie as he tugged the door handle on the passenger seat
“Let me unlock it,” Steve snapped, fumbling the keys in his hand. He dropped them, the pressure of Eddie’s stare was kinda terrifying. He got the door open and unlocked the others.
When they were in the car, Eddie was finally alert, if anything overaware.
“What the fuck is going on?” he snapped.
No one said anything. There was nothing they could say that would make Eddie feel better, or calm down. Steve sped out of the parking lot, blowing the stop sign. He really shouldn't have, given the whole reason you were in the hospital.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut. This wasn't happening. He was wrong. He was being petty and he was hurt because he thought you were being a dick but you were - he was gunna throw up - you were somewhere bleeding. While he was busy killing you, you were actually laying on the asphalt after a violent car crash. And he was thinking you're an asshole
“Their character died,” Eddie said, “I've killed them.”
“It's not gunna happen,” Steve said, gripping the steering wheel. It was a statement he couldn't back up.
At the hospital, Eddie barely waited for the car to stop before he was running inside, tripping over his own feet as he rushed to get to you. dustin was hot on his trail and steve was parking the car.
Eddie saw Nancy with Jonathan over by the nurse's station, and when Nancy saw him, she came hustling over, putting her hands on Eddie's arms. Dustin spoke quietly with Jonathan in the background.
“Relax,” she said, “please breath. They’re okay right now, they’re in surgery, and it's going really well, okay?”
“Wheeler?” Eddie asked, eyes filling with tears he had no control over.
“It has to be fine,” Nancy said, “sit with me.” Nancy Wheeler was not going to lose another friend today. Not again.
And with no other options he listened, following Nancy to an uncomfortable plastic chair that squeaked when he sat. Nancy held his hand over the stiff arm rests, but he didn't find any comfort. He didn't think he would until he was with you again.
Jonathan sat beside Nancy, giving her a sad smile and handing her a bitter coffee. He sat quietly, letting Nancy give Eddie her attention. Dustin sat on the other side of Eddie, also opting to stay quiet. What was anyone supposed to say?
Honestly, the only thing Eddie wanted to hear was your voice.
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Nothing changed for the first two days. But on the third day, the only change was in Eddie. He went from sitting quietly by your side to scribbling stuff in a notebook like a crazy person. He would also dip out to go use a library computer, or "check on some things," as he explained to Nancy.
Her and Steve were mutually concerned about Eddie's state. He was constantly babbling about saving you, and how he's figured it out they just have to succeed.
Everyone else got a chance to be worried when they got a call Tuesday saying there was a mandatory Hellfire meeting and anyone not in attendance would be left behind, and unwelcome for the rest of the campaign. He couldn't risk a single missing member. Not with the stakes...
Tuesday evening, Gareth, Jeff, and Keith are the first to arrive. They are curious as to what the hell their bandmate had cooked up, but they were more worried than excited. Eddie hadn't exactly been himself the last couple of days.
They don't expect a set up even more elaborate than usual. The lights are red and blue, making the room feel eerie, and small.
"Welcome to Hell," Eddie said, grinning and holding his arms open wide.
Gareth and Jeff exchanged a look, but were too nervous to speak. Eddie didn't want to explain the objective twice, so he waited for the rest of the party to arrive before he said anything, but the look in his eye feels sinister. His friends suddenly realized how truly fucked Eddie would be if anything happened to you.... like... for keeps.
When the rest of the party is there, they look to Eddie expectantly, but he just continues to smile like a maniac and tells everyone to take their seats. Dustin is confused to see Steve Harrington sneak into the room and lean against the wall.
"I cheated," he says when he has the attention of the flock, "y/n didn't fail the perception check, and therefore their death wasn't fair. However, death is death. So we're going to have to bring them back."
Dustin notices that Steve Harrington's presence is not explained.
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Nancy sits at your bedside like she has for the better part of the last four days. She holds a book in one hand, and the other rests casually beside you, near your hand. She looks at you, and then her hand. She gets a supernatural chill.
She puts her book down, and speaks your name quietly, looking for any sign of life from you. One more day of your glass features and she was going to crumble. Nancy shakes the bizarre feeling from her head, and pats your hand.
She shocked when you're ice cold to the touch. She recoils, pulling away fast. But after the initial shock fades, she touches you again. There was no way that was right, right? You were freezing. What the hell was that about? Nancy starts a search for a blanket to warm you up.
A mage freezes your body. The party scavenges for anything that can help and then leave the cave, your frozen body in tow. Another player can't make life saving throws for you, so they were thinking outside the box. They would take you deep, deep into an ancient necromancer's lair, and steal the resurrection stone from around his neck.
Nancy returns with a simply grey blanket, and a very friendly nurse. They had gotten to talking, and Nancy has simply explained how cold you had been, having not thought too much of it. The nurse, Sophie, had decided to come check it out too.
"Oh my gosh," Sophie says, feeling the ice cold skin. "Oh my gosh, she's like ice!"
And leaves Nancy feeling a little worried as she scurries out of the room. It was like she'd never seen anything like it. Nancy feels uneasy, and makes a quick phone call from your bedside phone. Jonathan picks up, and as soon as he hears the concern in her voice, he's on the way.
Nancy hangs up, picks the phone back up, and calls Steve. He picks up on the first ring.
"Something is like... actually happening over here," she whispers, shocked to even be saying it.
"No shot," he says, nearly laughing at the idea. He whispers the next part so the group doesn't hear anything, "I thought we agreed Eddie was just crazy, and this whole 'saving her character will save her' was just to show him that he didn't cause all this."
"I know we did," she said, "but y/n is cold as ice."
Eddie's voice booms as he narrates the perilous journey. After trap rooms, fighting devil dogs, two gargoyles, and a Molydeus that nearly killed Mike. They had made it into the inner sanctum, but had all failed to roll perception upon entering, and set off a fire trap. One that melted the spell on you, leaving you warm enough to die. "Hurry!" Dustin shouted, "engage the necromancer! Hit 'em with everything we got."
Nancy is already back into her book, Jonathan sitting on the floor beside her, leaning his head against the armrest, while she dangles a dainty arm over his shoulder, letting it lay relaxed on his chest. A single beep draws her attention. She notices something different, but she can't say what. Your cheeks are rosy.
Nancy brings her hand off of Jonathan, drawing his attention too. She puts a cool hand against your forehead, and is again shocked by how you feel. You're burning up. You're fucking hot. Like boiling. Nancy runs to find Sophie again.
The turn is Keith's, his mage more powerful than the others, but instead turns his attention to your character. "I cast flesh to stone on y/n!" the mage shouts. "She'll die if she stays like this." "Roll for it!" "18!" "Pass!" Your body is frozen again, this time encased in stone. Another stall, and Eddie knows the party is running out of time.
"You have to feel her head," Nancy says, speed walking with the bubbly nurse hot on her trail. Sophie complies, and gasps.
"It's not possible," she says quietly, "I'm getting the doctor. There's something strange about your friend."
Nancy looks down at you, and jumps out of her skin when the machines start beeping wildly. All of them making different noises, all of them loud. Sophie rushes back in, with more staff behind her. Nancy and Jonathan are ushered out of the room by a woman who explains that you're in a code blue, which means they have to resuscitate you.
Nancy looks around the white hallway. She's overwhelmed and underpaid.
"Stay here," she tells her boyfriend. "This is crazy!"
But she runs off before she explains anything else. She's after a phone, which she finds with no trouble. She fishes a quarter out of her pocket, and uses it to call Steve again. He picks up as fast as last time, desperate for something other than watching dnd.
"Whatever they're doing, tell them to hurry up!" she's shouting, drawing the attention of patients and staff around her. "Something's happening! She's not breathing!"
The necromancer stands injured. The party cornering him, making him cower. He trembles, and begs for his life. He explains that the party came to his home, killed his people, and now wish to rip off the very thing that keeps him alive. "I stab him through the heart, and I take the necklace." Dustin says. As he looks at Steve, he thinks he understands what's going on. "Roll." "For what?" "Dexterity." Dustin rolls his die. The table is silent. The little D20 lands. the group erupts when they see the Nat 20 he rolled, effectively grabbing the necklace and throwing it around your neck from a metre away like horseshoe. As it lands on you, the ground shifts under the party's feet. Everyone stares in silence, both in the campaign and real life. Your character opens her eyes, coughs, and rises.
The party roars to life at the table, cheering at a job well done and slamming hands on the table in excitement. But the cheers are short lived, silence coats the room but this one is different. It's serious, eery. They can see that Steve looks worried, and he's trying to get Nancy to answer him, but he's getting nothing. looking at Steve expectantly. Apparently, everyone had figured out what the plan was. They all knew they were trying to wake you up. Steve says nothing. Just hangs up the phone, looking up with a disappointed frown.
"The line went dead."
Steve is once again driving Eddie to the hospital. And he's a nervous wreck. You're like schrodinger's cat. Eddie doesn't know if you're alive or not. He chews on the side of his thumb during the entire ride. The rest of the club was waiting patiently in the drama room. Eddie and Steve promised to call as soon as they knew anything.
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Eddie can't fucking breath as he sprints down the hospital hallways, ignoring every sign and person telling him not to. He doesn't care. He has to get to you.
Wheeler is outside your room talking to a doctor, but with her back to him he couldn't see the bright, beautiful smile on her face talking excitedly about your miraculous recovery. Eddie runs right passed her to your room, and uses the doorframe to propel himself in, scaring both you and Jonathan who had been sitting quietly.
You look pale, and there are bags under your eyes. But you're sporting a weak smile, shaky hands holding a cup of lime jello. Eddie can't help but smile. You're awake, sitting up, and smiling at him. He has to laugh at the like, ten empty jello packages. Jonathan slips out the door without a word, and Eddie takes his seat by your bed.
"I was so fuckin' scared," Eddie says, tears falling from his eyes before he could even process it. He hadn't realized.
You hold your hand out for him and whisper, "Eddie," and he looks up, puppy dog eyes glossy with lingering tears, and heartbreaking to see. He takes your hand. "You didn't do this."
And he cries harder, leaning down and holding your hand to his forehead and begging your forgiveness anyway. "I did," he cries, "out of spite and jealousy, I tried to hurt you, and I did. I let them leave you alone. I made them and I cheated-"
"-and you should've seen the party-"
"-Eddie, seriously-"
"-leaving because you totally passed the, ow, hey!"
You had flicked him on the nose, his babbling giving you no other choice, but as usual he was being dramatic, you hadn't actually hurt him at all.
"Eddie, stop, and listen to me," you say, "you didn't do this. You're not actually all powerful, you know that, right?"
"But nothing," you say, smiling. "But Nancy told me that you saved me so no hard feelings."
Eddie smiles back at you, letting you wipe the tears leftover on his flushed cheeks. He leans into your touch and your heart swells. In your mind, you beg him to kiss you. You beg and plead and hope that this will be the time he makes a move.
He knows this is his chance, he leans closer to you, slowly, gauging your reaction. "Is this okay?" he whispers, when he's just an inch from your lips. You feel his breath as he speaks and you can't resist, pushing yourself forward to close the gap. And he kisses you like he's kissed you a hundred times before. Like he already knows everything you will like, even before you do. His lips are so fucking soft against yours, all plush and warm and taking over your senses.
"Well, I guess I can tell the others that you're fine," Steve says, and Eddie pulls away from you. His sudden absence is cold.
"I saved her," Eddie says, grinning. "Nancy said so."
the hair on the back of will's neck having a disco party during this entire fic
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sinning-23 · 3 months
Twice the Fun (Zoro x Reader x Sanji)
Because i need them both in a way that is concern to feminism and they could literally do whatever they wanted to me (respectfully) ahem. This ones for my sick, freak, nasty, touch-starved bitches It's really just prn with A LITTLE plot yall and a little more attention to detail.
18+ DUH?!
Warnings: Tagteam, creampie, gagging, choking, biting, scratching, p in v, unprotected, degradation, teasing, praising, spanking, double penetration (holy shit this is a lot even for me lol)
Hope yall enjoy (smut is a bit of a specialty of mine)
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What were you truly meant to do? Turn down the pair to try and make yourself look like less of a slut than you really were? Well, slut was kind of harsh. We'll say, more sexually inclined.
Yeah, that sounds classier.
Anyway, when Sanji and Zoro approached you in a more physical than verbal way, you couldn't decide whether or not you should say no to try and keep up an image they already saw past, or simply let them Eiffel Tower you. How the hell did you end up in this predicament in the first place???
___3 days ago___
You sigh, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you nudge the man beside you. You didn't quite care if he woke up or not, you'd just go to your other 'friends' room to fulfill your insatiable need for dick...and love and affection...but of course, Sanji didn't know that...and neither did Zoro and hell you'd like to keep it that way.
Perfectly balanced...sorta. Part of you feels bad though, you do love him...and Zoro too but damn it you just had to have them both. And with the way that two bicker and act like they can't stand each other, there was a fat chance you'd get your wish.
You nudge Sanji again, pressing soft kisses to his temple, and brushing his hair out of his face. He stirs, eyes slightly opening to reveal a set of lovely blues.
"Good morning. Pussy put you to sleep?" You tease, seeing him smile in recollection of the events of the night prior.
"Its not nice to tease." He groans, sitting up on his elbows and forearms to kiss your lips.
Its sweet, your heart stuttering with guilt. You know he loves you but this whole thing was supposed to be no strings attached. You pull away, noticing a brief hurt behind those eyes you just stared so lustfully into hours ago.
"Hurry up, youve got breakfast to make and I'm pretty sure someones getting a bit suspicious. You chuckle, pointing to the alarm clock.
He swears, shuffling a bit faster to find his briefs, dress pants, and shirt in a hurry. He doesnt forget to kis your temple before he leaves though.
"Come to my room again tonight, yeah?" He asks, and you nod. How could you not?
When you're sure he's long gone, you hide your face in your palms, groaning deeply before gazing into the mirror. Shit...he marked you up worse than before. You roll your eyes, that funny butterfly feeling filling up your stomach again. Damn him for making you love him. This wasn't the first time you'd have to cover up hickeys and it wouldn't be the last.
Your shoes echo down the hall a bit as you pass zoro's room now, curiosity getting the best of you. You crack the door open and there he is, pulling on that same old tan shirt over that damn gorgeous body.
"Good morning." You hum, slipping in and closing the door behind you.
He doesn't respond back, only nods in your direction. Zoro was more...blunt with these things. He thought he'd almost gotten perfect at hiding how he was feeling from you, but you had already clawed your way up and over the walls he put up. Essentially you could see right through him.
Before he can protest about you not knocking, you've got your arms around him in a hug, one he definitely needed seeing as he missed your touch far more than he would admit out loud. In his head, you were his girl. All his. He knew it wasn't true, this...whatever this was, being nothing more than a beneficial friendship. You weren't really his and it tore him up inside. He knows he loves you, but damn it if he admits it.
"Missed me? I see that look in your eyes Roro." You tease, knowing the nick name bothers him in th best way.
"I wish you would quit calling me that." He responds, letting his arms wrap around you to return the embrace, his chin resting atop your head. He needed you bad.
"Coming here tonight? Or do I have to drag you from your quarters to mine?" He smirks, making you laugh and bury your face in his chest. Gods he loved your laugh.
"How could I not?" You respond, swallowing a bit hard, knowing you were wrong for that.
Double booking a dick appointment was a big NO-NO. This leaves too much opportunity for one to find out about the other. But in hindsight, would that really be so bad? You wanted and loved them both, and being sneaky was starting to weigh on your conscience despite not being in an actual relationship with either of them.
"You alright?" He asks, cupping your face with his free hand. You drank up moments like these, it was truly a privilege to see the softer side of Zoro.
You nod, kissing him quick before making your leave.
The rest of the crew is already up and working on odds and ins of the ship. You managed your end of the chores, first mopping, then tying knots, and lastly laundry. You chatted with Nami, hoping a village is coming up soon but no luck.
Damn, the day had really gotten away from you. The sun was already setting and your heart sank to the pit of your goddamn stomach. It's sunset...which means night is right around the corner...
Oh fuck.
You scramble off the front deck and head straight to your quarters, skillfully dodging both Sanji and Zoro, who you had managed to have run into each other instead of you. Bad idea, because if you knew anything about Sanji, it's that he had a funny way of letting things slip rather sneakily. And if you knew anything about Zoro, its that he would easily catch a slick comment, and match it.
You lock your door, pacing back and forth in hopes of coming up with a plan. The truth? Yeah maybe tell the truth! You swallow your pride, taking a deep breath, only to head a kock at your door. Oh god. Your hands tremble, that sickly nervous feeling seeping into your pores. Its hot in here.
"Hey honey, um, how about we reschedule to tomorrow?" Sanji hums, something...off in his tone.
You pull the door open, that same facade over your face. You swallow, nodding at him in response.
"I see. I mean yeah we can. Something come up?" You ask, eyes shifting all over. You can bring yourself to keep direct contact with him and damn he can tell. You could've sworn that you saw someone turn the corner...was that Zoro. Nevermind that. Apparently, Sanji had said something to you but you hadn't heard it you were panicking so damn much.
"Uhh sure. You okay?" He questions, more smug than anything. He knows...
__2 days ago___
It was far too quiet for your liking. Sanji seemed to avoid you...and so did Zoro. Well, not really avoid you. In all honestly you were paranoid and reading into everything. You had FABULOUS intuition so when the energy was out of wack it went straight to your head.
They know. They have to. There's no way they don't. The two of them had gotten a lot bolder you noticed. It was all so clear to you. They were...competing almost. Zoro would leave his hand on your hip, and Sanji would roll his eyes. Sanji would pull your hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of your face when you were cleaning? Zoro would scoff and move on.
Okay, so they definitely knew. Now they were playing the "She likes me more game." That was the least of your concerns. If anything you were drinking up the attention. What you really wanted to know, was how they had found out about each other...the ship is small so that doesn't help the situation.
Today, you managed to find yourself in the kitchen while both your blonde and green-headed sneaky links were ALSO in the vicinity. You swallow hard, bidding them a good day whilst making your way to the fridge, which Sanji usually keeps locked up otherwise Luffy would get in it.
"Sanji, um, the key please." You ask, clearing your throat as the two seemed to watch your every move.
He smiles, stepping beside you, his hand trailing from your waist to the curve of your ass. He's grinning the whole time, his eyes cutting to Zoro before squatting down, using your leg as a means to steady himself to retrieve the well-hidden, key. His fingers dance over your thighs and inwards, just barely brushing over the crotch of your shorts. You yelp, tensing when Zoro gives a slight 'tch'
Sanji stands, plopping the piece of metal in your hand before returning to the stove from whence he came.
"Thanks." You rasp, fianlly feeling a pinh at ease before oepenign the fridge.
Too bad the peace only lasted for two seconds, becuse right when you had cracked it open, Zoro was already behind you, reaching for his desnated bottle of alcohol, his hand right at your waist, just where Sanji's had been.
Instead of squatting however, down to more or less 'politely' show ownership of you, Zoro opts to wind his hand back as far as possible.
You yelp louder, steadying yourself agaisn the fridge as you moan at the sting. There was no doubt there was a bit of a mark again toyu melenated skin now. Zoro only grins, all too smug at Sanji's enraged expression.
"Thats it. You just have no sense of respect do you." Sanji argues, Zoro standing a bit taller now.
If you hadn't been squeezed between the two now, they'd surely be chest to chest. Your body is beginning to betray you, heat flooding your face and between your thighs. This wasn't about them. This was about you and who you liked more...They each wanted your attention. Rightfully so, I mean not only were you a sweetheart with a smart mouth but that mouth could do a lot more than just talk shit. And either one of them would be happy to accept death between your thighs.
"If you knew anythign at all, youd kne she likes a little desrespect." Zoro shoots back, your eyes widening.
"If you knew anything you'd know she likes being treated like a princess." Sanji scoffs.
"Lets not talk about me like im not here-"
You're cut off when they shoot that same look your way. A look you'd seen one to many times, bent over, facing a conveniently placed mirror...or wit your back against the matress, one of them over you while your legs cramp up from being so close to your chest.
Damn fr two guys who seemingly didn't 'get alog' they sure had a lot in common.
In the heat fo the argument, you slide pst the pair and out of the kitchen. Unfortunetly for you, a head of orage just happened to be outside and heard part of the last three statements.
"I dont even want to knw what or how you're gonna get out of this. Youll figure it out." Nami half encourages as you groan.
Is that what good pussy did to a mf? Start wars?! It blew your mind but you had less than a few seconds process to the situation. Before you could even realize what was happening, Zoro exited the kitchen and scope you up. And right behim him was a very serious, looking Sanji....
oh you’re so screwed.
Authors note: HI YALLL ok so this one’s been sitting in the drafts for literally I wanna say a half a year now lmao uhhhhh let me know if you’d like to be tagged for pt.2 that’s where all the HOT SHIT HAPPENS! Anyway love you all! Drink water lol
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mothmage · 11 months
brienne and jaime are both just so gender. like you have one of the most beautiful knights in the realm, fair and golden-haired, who looks in the mirror and sees his twin sister, who has always done her bidding and centered his life around hers, who doesnt know who he is without her, and then you have the maid of tarth, the ugliest woman in westeros, who’s always been too big, too tall, too bulky, dreamed of being a knight while stifling dreams of being loved, being thought beautiful, who thinks her only good quality is her skill with a sword and even that has been an embarrassment to those around her, an oddity, something to laugh and jeer at. i just — it isnt even that they subvert stereotypes, its that they both allow each other to be nothing more or less than what they are, and everything that entails
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my-name-is-calypso · 8 months
Okag so this Au can be mainly used for everlasting trio (platonic or not), but you can use anything else
Alot of things are basically the same, EXCEPT this is halfa trio au, BUT THERES IS ONLY ONE PHANTOM/HALFA HERO! Or at least thats what everyone else thinks, BECAUSE SAM, TUCKER AND DANNY ARE ALL HALFAS
But theres something missing here right? How are they all halfas but theres only "one" ghost hero?
My friends...THEY ARE KINDA OF AN AMALGAMATION BUT ALSO NOT, their main form is a mix of the tree of them BUT they can also shapeshift a bit
Not enough to change their WHOLE appearence, for example:
if they are gonna deal with a ghostly tech (or magic) problem, the ghost will look more like Tucker, if its a nature the ghost will look like Sam (and other theme that you think will fit Sam, because i want to give at least 2 themes for each) one), if the problem is Space/Ice they will look more like Danny.
But it will still be a mix, only that more traits of each of them will appear more (if the problems is focused on the areas of only two, both traits will appear more)
And their thoughs? Can they each think separetly or not? Well i like the idea of their thoughs beaing separed, which will cause a lot of problems at their start on being a hero.
OH AND ALSO!! The main form will have 2 legs and 2 Arms, and the body will look human, but certain times, if 2 arms are -for example- stuck, at least 2 more país can appear, i think it will look good if that mainly happen with arms and legs, but fuck it, anything else works, like their head will just turn in a less fucked up version of like...v0ldemort face being on the back of that one professor head.
ANY WAY GETTING THIS OUT OF THE WAY, lets give more details!!!
The Start:
Their backstorys and family relations is all the same, danny parents are still the "crazy" scientists that believe in ghost, and all that jazz
We know how it goes, the portal gets ready, does not work, The Fenton parents get sad and bla bla bla (you can choose the details here)
But the trio wants to check it, they go see it and for whatever motive you choose they wnat danny to go inside the portal, AND THATS WHERE THINGS CHANGE
Because danny refuses to go unless the three of them go, they agree, take on of the others Danny's extra HAZMATS suits, and they go inside (they hold hands because its dark and they don't want to get hurt)
Their death:
The portal turns on with the three of them still inside, and well they go trough alot of pain and well they have one form and they are tripping everywhere and can't use their(?) body very well, and everyones panicking and hearing each others thoughs and crying and they see a mirror (you choose how they look like exactly but i think their form is changing constatly, and the faces is not exactly right ...until they open their eyes, and are all fallen in the floor, human, breathing and most important, normal!
So everything is the same, except some details, like when vlad sees danny, he doesnt see that danny is an halfa like him, but knows that he is not exactly normal, so he keeps his eyes closes to him, but nothing happens. UNTILL HE SEES PHANTOM (and think the name should be only one and still be phantom) and realizes that is danny, so he follows while hidden to talk to him, and sees the trio destransform
His obsession still has something to do with marrying maddie and adopting Danny (be it him wanting a family, and being delusional that only these two will love him), but he ONLY wants danny to be his halfa son, so he kinda wants to find a way to only have danny as an halfa (be it killing Sam and Tucker)
And then he goes to cloning, and Danniele is born, she is still mainly a clone of Danny, but she still has Sam and Tucker DNA (Vlad failed to truly get rid of these two DNA, so he stuck to having just the minumum of their DNA), they help Danniele (who chooses to now be named Ellie) and she goes to travel the world (in this, she has a phone, and keeps in touch with the trio)
Jazz still is the one to first fully alive person to find out their secret, she doenst change a lot, she just worries more because of the trio
Valerie still is Red Huntress and hates ghosts, but she gets a truce with phantom sooner and gets rid of her hatred of ghost earlier (her Dad still loses his job, and she gets kicked out of the A-Listers, and she still works a part-time job at Nasty Burger)
Amity park thinks Phantom is one person and just shapeshifts (not that crazy of an idea once you realizes ghost exists) and so does the ghost at their first meeting untill they se the trio destransfrom.
The G.I.W is not much of a joke here, because goverment, but they suck ALOT on catchin ghosts
If you wanna go with dissection, i have no idea what will happen so be creative
May add images later?
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mzblkauthor · 6 months
Warnings: Smoking, and cussing.
Summary: You decide to hang with Atsumu's friends and one happens to have the best weed you've ever smoked
Genre: I honestly don't know
You ain’t know what was wrong with you. Probably cause you were high as hell and had the munchies. “Girl lets go you bout high as hell,” currently you were at a party at Atsumu’s house and your bestie ,Kiyoko, was the designated driver and she couldn’t stand seeing you high out your mind while any nigga there would try to take of advantage of you. “Now you know damn well you’re the one that dragged me here. Don’t blame me for enjoying the party in my own way,” you told her scrunching your face up. But, you got up anyway cause ain't no way you bout to listen to her complain and blow your high. The music was fuzzy in your ears and every time you took a step it felt like you were walking on water. Yeah it's time for you to go home.
Yesterday… was something. You ain't have a headache but almost everything was a blur. Definitely got a little too high. Fuck. “I hope I ain't did something I regret.” Getting up to go get some food you heard your phone somewhere in your sheets. Then after patting down what seems like your whole bed you finally found it and answered the phone call. 
“Bitch wtf why you moaning my name. You must like me huh,”
“ Its aight babygirl I know you luh me. Less fuck then get eloped”
‘Whoa first off I gotta boyfriend so we can’t get eloped second what you need in your life is some dick you horny freaky kinky fuck talking bout marriage and fucking. Girl bye’
“Fuck that nigga Tanaka. I can give so much more but you over here worried bout that bald ass wigga jigga boo.”
‘Whatever I’m loyal to my man. We for real locked in tight like a bootyhole’
“Ew fuck off my phone with that nasty ass shit. Ain't nobody asked what Tanaka’s little freaky ass likes in bed. He prolly like to be fucked instead of doing the fucking.”
‘Shut the fuck up’
“You shut the fuck up”
‘Aight I gotta go I luh you’
“Aight I love you too”
Hanging up the phone you saw a big tittied bitch getting fucked  from the back. Woah. Your horny ass forgot to exit out of it yesterday “Damn I guess I do need dick in my life,” Closing the tab and heading downstairs you decided to make yourself some toast with hella butter cause that shit be hitting different when you first wake up. As you turned on the TV and got ready to chill for the rest of the day. You got a text message from Kiyoko.
Be ready in 30 mins We going to atsumus to hang   Why i need to go???? Cause Tanaka wanna go and i dont wanna b by myself Plus you know them That doesnt mean i wanna go There’ll be weed. Dam u makin me seem like a feen  Add in food and ill go Bet.
Groaning you got up and turned off the tv. After finishing your toast you went to get ready and chose a cute little outfit cause Atsumu be having fine ass friends. It was a spiderman crop top with jeans and your favorite spiderman beanie. You was looking mad cute but not like you was trying to hard. Cause you aint stunting no-mf-body. BEEP BEEP. “COME ON BITCH LETS GO,” the ghetto. You grabbed your bag and hurried to get your stuff. “Charger, phone, keys, pen, wallet, headphones” you told yourself going down the checklist of things you always put in your bag before you leave the house. You turned all the lights off and headed for the car after locking the door on your way out. “You know you coulda just texted me right,” 
“Yeah but I didn’t want to”
Straight facing  her you then nodded to Tanaka in the rearview mirror and closed the car door. No matter how much shit you talked about Tanaka you knew he was a cool dude yall just like to mess with each other hella. You put your headphones on and enjoyed the ride.
Before even walking through the doors you were hit with the smell of za. There wasn’t a lot of people, maybe like 8 and you only knew 3 of them. Didn’t really matter though cause they were to high too notice you for real. 
Well now they did. Atsumu’s loud ass had to yell your name. Bro don’t ever know how to talk swear, you awkwardly waved and sat on the couch closest to the door.  “What’er you doin here? I ain't knew you were coming, if I did ya know I woulda gotten ready or whateva,” he was high as fuck whenever you two would get high together he always would be a flirt way more than he usually was. That's why you stopped smoking with him. He was a little too flirty for your liking. “Boy please ain't nobody worried bout you. Where’s your brother?” you told him casually brushing him off and changing the subject. “He’s in the kitchen where he always is. But you tryna roll up?”  
This tall green eyed dude cleared his throat while looking at Atsumu with his face scrunched up. He was fine like something you never seen before. His tattoo’s were hot as hell in the lighting. It looked like a whole story on his arm and you wanted to ask about it but decided not to. And his eyes were somehow fox-like and the lips. God the lips. At this point you were just checking him out. Literally from the piercings lining his ears to his uncreased forces. 
Slowly tuning back into the conversation and looking at Atsumu you asked him “Why you always yelling?” 
“Maybe its cause you over there eye fucking Suna instead of paying attention,” he told you while taking a hit from the blunt. “Just cause I was looking that way doesn’t mean I was checking him out.  Jealousy isn’t a good look on you booboo now what do you want,” you said rolling your eyes. Honestly on the inside you were embarrassed hella cause who wouldn’t be. “Well I was gonna ask if you wanna roll up,” you turned back to ‘Suna’, looked him in the eyes and asked “If it's ok with you..”
He nodded and took another hit, eyes not leaving yours. Fuck. He was fine as hell. Atsumu passed you the tray which already had everything you needed on it. Then you were in your zone, starting grinding, pouring, then rolling it all up. His eyes stayed on you. You felt it and with chase Atlantic playing in the background it made the vibe feel even better. Next thing you knew you licked the paper and closed the ends. You did pretty damn good for it being on the spot. “Roller gets first hit,” some white haired dude said tossing you the lighter. You said thanks while putting the blunt between your lips and lighting it. 
Holy shit.
 After 3 good hits and 30 minutes you were already up there. It felt as if your whole body was tingling and you knew if you were to get up you’d probably stumble a little bit. “Is this shit laced?” you said to nobody in particular.
“Nah, Suna’s shit is just strong,” the white haired dude said laughing and shaking his head.
Then as if  he teleported in an apron Osamu called your name. “Y/n, I didn’t know you were here,”
You smiled up at him “ Yeah I knew you were in there cooking and I ain’t wanna bother you,” he kissed his teeth and then rolled his eyes.
Gesturing for you to get up he said “You know I don’t give a fuck about that shit next time come say hi. And gimmie a hug,”  You got up ,without stumbling, and gave him a big hug. You and Osamu were mad cool like literally yall would meet almost every week.
“How come you don’t greet me like that when I come through the door?” it was the white haired dude who said that. You ain't know who the fuck that nigga was.
“Whatever, ignore him. Did Atsumu already introduce everybody?” You looked at Atsumu who was scratching his head and then shook your head no.
After he introduced everybody you had the munchies and wanted the food Kiyoko promised. But looking over you saw that she was knocked out on Tanaka’s shoulder.  You put your headphones on and got up to go get some food low-key annoyed at the fact that you had to get up. You went to get water from the fridge and put some onigiri on a paper towel. Then sat on the counter as you got Brent Faiyaz pulled up. Whenever you were high you had to listen to music cause it felt like a journey that no one else could experience. Like the artist was talking specifically for you and only you. And Brent did that every time. So, it was just you swinging your legs on the counter while eating your onigiri while the music pulled you into a certain bliss that couldn't be replicated from anything else.
"Excuse me," you paused your chewing and stopped swinging your legs. It felt almost like a record scratch because the voice was deep as hell. You're gazed trailed from his feet to his eyes, it was obvious you were checking him out but, you were too high to give a fuck. "Excuse me," he said once again.
This time you answered, "Do you need something?" you asked while tilting your head and taking an earbud out.
He licked his lips and made his way to you "I was wondering if you wanted to come around next time we did something like this," now he was crossing his arms and leaning against the counter in front of you. He was confident. But, you couldn't tell if he was naturally like this or if the weed was a big factor of the way he was acting now. Fuck it, you thought. He was fine as hell but, you don't wanna seem easy.
"I don't know, I mean I don't even know you," you told him sweeping your eyes over his mouth "and if I do pull up. Will I have to pay? I don't wanna smoke up all your shit, that would be rude." This time you were staring at him in his eyes. Just like yours they were red and low. You knew what you were doing and so did he.
He smirked and said "As long as you roll up there wouldn't be a problem. I'm always the one rolling up it'd be nice for there to be a change."
You shrugged, "I'll think about it," telling him as you resumed kicking your legs. He pushed himself off the counter and in 2 strides was in front of you. He crouched down to your eye level and leaned forward to your ear.
"I don't think you understand," he was so close you could hear his mouth move "I want you there," his scent was overwhelming. You took a deep breath which caused your chest to press into him. You weren't wearing a bra. He noticed too, you could tell by the whisper of his laugh.
You brought your hand to his neck and slid it up to his hair. He moved his head away from your ear and stared at you, eye to eye. You bit your lip and clutched his hair at the nape of his neck.
Then tugging it lightly you told him, "I said, I'll think about it, I don't give a damn if you want me there or not." You gently pushed him back and jumped off the counter, then made your way back into the living room.
AN: Are yall messing with this? And should I make this into a series?
Cause I feel like only a little bit was really Sunaxblackreader.
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detectiveaku · 4 months
i know its probably too early for this but ive been thinking about what i imagine cwilbur's face/body to look like. its never been exactly like ccwilbur's but id definitely like to be able to think of him in a different way now so im gonna give some headcanons
in human designs for them i love techno and wilbur being identical apart from scarring and muscle/fat distribution. for his personality and just looking at him, wilbur's face is always a little too strong, his eyes are too thin, his brow bone is too pronounced. when he isnt posing his mouth naturally droops into a frown, so hes constantly straining to keep his eyes wide open and mouth curved in a polite smile to maintain this appearance as friendly. likewise techno has soft freckles and a slight blush, his cheekbones catch light in a way that is very flattering, his lips have a natural purse to them, and his nose is very round and straight. wilbur looks too much like a warrior, and techno too much like a poet. all of their features are identical, but so often they look at themselves and can only see the other in the mirror.
i think wilbur is quite tan. during lmanburg and pogtopia he doesnt get out but that doesnt start until september, i reckon until then he spent quite a bit of time in the sun, staying out from sunrise to sunset until he was burnt, fishing or foraging for treasure on the shore of the river.
i also think he has pretty wide shoulders, but hunches a lot. he does all his mining/farming himself, so even though he doesnt always eat well hes pretty muscular, though not nearly as much as tommy or tubbo much less the stronger members of the server. likewise his hands are calloused from swinging an axe or pickaxe.
for non-human im partial to fox hybrid designs: bushy eyebrows and a fox's nose with ears and a small tail. but i can never pass up magpie/crow/assorted bird designs.
feel free to add more if you want!
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honeyed-latte · 5 months
Fucked Up Pom Lore:
Totally up to yall if you read this, you have been warned, this WILL have emotional whump and it WILL handle very polarizing, kind of gross topics. Pom is an OC close to my heart now BECAUSE of the touchy subjects in her lore.
Its long as hell bc Im a yapper.
Due to how Tumblr works their blacklisting, I wont be censoring the words for the safety of those who have them blacklisted!
So, TW: Manipulation
TW: Religious Trauma
TW: Emotional Whump
TW: Accidental Incest (mentioned, no details)
TW: Suicidal Ideation
TW: Unreliable Narrator
TW: Emotional Cheating
Pom was aware of her family dynamic, Valka never hid that she had a very alive father and brother, but much like her mother Pom was of a mind that Berk was hostile toward dragons— unacceptable.
Thus, Stoick and Hiccup were unworthy of Poms consideration, let alone unworthy of meeting her at all. She is a dragon, they don't like dragons, it's simple math.
But thats not to say she didn't love them as fiercely as she was able, built by Valkas tales of her father and all the sweet stories of her brother. Her mother says the Gods have bigger plans for the women of their family.
Hiccup, during his year on Dragons Edge, prone to his love for cartography and adventure, finds himself on a unusually lush island to the north-east of Dragons Edge. It just barely skirts the Dragon Hunters typical stomping grounds and its a beauty.
He fully intends to map it, to scout it's dragon population and maybe make a few friends in the process. He's not fully aware he's being stalked by a human until he's a full day into his work and Toothless's prickly attitude tips him off.
The issue is he can't find them, he can't see anyone at all...
He decides to stay a few days, three maybe, just to get the full island and so far the presence isn't malicious, even Toothless's attitude mellows after the first day.
On the third and final day after waking earlier then usual, he finally manages to spot the person he theorized was stalking him. A young girl, around his age, bathing in the spring at the center of the island. The dragons milling around don't seem threatened or perturbed at all by her as she unobtrusively splashes her unruly, long hair and even with Toothless nudging him judgementally- Hiccup is a teenage boy, he is not immune to a pretty girl naked dripping in water.
He stares. Hard.
He does more then stare, fumbles out a journal and draws the seemingly feral girl. Splashing the water, grinning at the Wooly Howll that slapped her back with it's tail, and when she pulls herself out to dry on the rocks- spread out like a content dragon in the morning light.
She's braiding flowers into her red hair when he cracks a twig and she catches his eyes, a mirror of green. Hiccup runs, because he doesnt really know what else to do?
But he doesn't feel eyes on him for the rest of the day, he feels horribly guilty and creepy for looking and then drawing her, but she was strange and pretty and he's just a man???
He sleeps uneasy and wakes to a familiar flower tucked into his pauldron. Its more charming then alarming.
Poms never seen a man up close, Valka does any sort of battle needed with Hunters, and Queen Mala always meets them alone. So seeing the Howl Island suddenly have a stand alone man on it is....weird and exciting, his dragon is even more interesting- a Night Fury, probably the last one alive, what a find.
So she watches, and follows, and learns. His dragon, Toothless, welcomes her at their fire when his man sleeps, they talk. Toothless is a great conversationalist but she attributes that to his rider who also seems chatty.
It's less insulting or terrifying that he snuck up on her while she bathed, if he'd tried to hurt her SunBurn would have crisped him like a fish. But he didnt. So his fear seemed a bit of an overreaction....
So she tried to soothe any worry, putting a little Viking Pom in his armour as he slept, Toothless's wary eyes on her all the while.
Duties drag him home but he comes back swiftly, curious and perhaps a bit more.
He spends two weeks on that little island building tenuous trust with the feral girl, watching her free fall and fly with the Typhoomerang that had watched over her that morning, racing them, watching her bond with Toothless, he spends four days convinced she cant speak and doesnt understand him but he talks anyway.
She speaks, a rigid and proper way in fact with the most odd resonance, and tells him he's the only man she's ever seen. So he tells her stories, shows her maps, lets her put flower crowns around his head and stems tied to his fingers like rings.
Like they've known one another forever, he learns about her too. She learned her vocabulary from books, she lives with her mother, she isn't from this island and is only here to help the baby dragons, she was raised with dragons, the scar on her shoulder was from an injured Gronkle she saved.
It feels like a lifetime, just them. They just get one another effortlessly.
Other things take place as well, intimate things, often actually, and Hiccup only realizes they never exchanged names when he's hugging her goodbye for the final time. It feels right to not know, they'll never see eachother again after they part, if he knows he'll want to find her when the war is over- he can't do that. So they remain "Sunhair", what the dragons call her (apparently), and "Man".
Meeting her again two years later, as his mother (his mom!) drags him into a smaller rotunda of ice inside the Alpha's Sanctuary is not the meeting he had hoped for. Neither is he as elated by the acquisition of a sister as he was by his mother.
Valka doesnt ask, Pom doesn't tell, Hiccup ignores the disgust and dread in favour of battle and newfound family- then Stoick dies.
Its all a mess after that. He's Chief and his family was halved yet again, and the one person in the world who he felt was his truest equal is his sister because of course she is, that makes sense doesn't it?
The sudden fraternal feelings war with the memory of a girl he felt he could have loved under different circumstances, he figures Pom feels the same.
She's closer with Eret then him, and he tries not to be jealous about it, but he can't blame her when he can't even meet her eyes somedays.
Is it better if Eret is the brother she wishes for or the lover she can actually attain? Hiccup can't be either of those things.
Eret is Pom's bestfriend, only friend really, they're both outsiders watched warily by Berkians and especially Hiccup's friends.
He almost is like a brother, a proper one, one that doesn't stay from her like she's diseased or look pale when she hugs him.
Hiccup doesn't turn her away, he even welcomes her into his home as he did with Valka, but he doesn't seek her out unless he's truly troubled.
Astrid is another hurdle entirely, Pom doesn't like her. She's insubordinate, doesn't show the Queen of her nest respect even though she's to be his wife (thats something Pom avoids thinking about), she is meant to be a pillar of strength and confidence as Hiccup's mate where all can find comfort and instead she hurts them physically or insults them verbally.
Human rules are perturbing, Astrid is allowed all of this and even excused it because..."reasons". In a nest, a real one, Pom would have made her dislike known and they would battle until one perished or was exiled in their failure.
Humans aren't dragons.
So she has to pretend to like the girl to "keep peace" and swallow back all the manners she learned from her people for the sake of her brother.
Her brother.
The brother that won't look in her eyes and won't break fast with her most days, the one that doesn't touch her unless she closes the distance and jumps away as if they're filthy if someone so much as glances them touching hands.
Its all a big joke of Loki's most likely or the Gods are punishing them, its likely her fault. She should have asked his name two years ago.
She debates leaving often, only soothed by Valka's frustration and Erets fretting, she would see herself away from this Tribe thats not hers and a brother that isn't a brother any more then Stoick was her father, she would stay in the Sanctuary like she always did.
--Or perhaps drop into the sea, allow SunBurn to stay safe among a nest with the Alpha.
Pom dreams of death more then she does leaving, more then she dreams of Hiccups hands, more then she has nightmares of Stoicks body and Dragos army and the fury burning in Hiccups eyes.
If she were to die then Hiccup's conscience would be freed and cleared, he'd not worry of others learning the shame he has, Berk would lose nothing and neither would her Dragons. Valka would mourn, surely Eret as well, but they're safe and they're whole and thats what matters. Hiccup, as a Chief and Queen, would rule stronger if she weren't in his shadow.
Hiccup disagree's with Pom's feelings even if he doesn't know them.
In fact its an ongoing source of night terrors; Pom leaving, Pom taking the plasma blast that killed his dad (she had actually tried to, and that doesnt help the nightmares), never having found her at all.
He's conflicted before anything else, they both seem to agree not to mention it but he suspects Valka knows, somedays he thinks Eret and Astrid might as well.
Astrid doesn't know and she never will if he has any say, his and Pom's tryst predated their relationship and in a normal circumstance he still wouldn't have told her, it would just be undue pressure.
Its stressful all the time, only finding reprieve in ale and in the early hours of the morning. It was an accident, it hasn't occured since, now that they know who the other is it'll never happen again. That's good, no sacrilegious temptations, except that he feels just as discontent with the idea that they'll never have that connection back as he is with the knowledge that it happened at all.
Loving her and being in love with her both feel damning, but its there all the same.
What a horrific joke this all turned into.
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sidesteppostinghours · 4 months
The Puppets
(picrew used to make this)
this is a masterpost on my main steps puppets and their relationships with them! all of their info under the cut.
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Hark - Caine Lynzal
hark is caines refuge. hes the one they turn to when they need to take a break from their telepathy for a while, or when they need to feel real again. harks snarky, flirty, and sharp. for all his bravado, he gets the job done well. whether or not that makes him more frustrating or less is up to you. he has an eerie sense of intuition, so its difficult to catch him off guard with anything. he has a cordial working relationship with dr mortum, but jake has his eye on him. as for ranger relationships, ortega flirts with him regularly, though chen is never quite so pleased to see him. he truly doesnt know why– a bruise at the back of the head is a much more agreeable outcome than a bullet in the gut, no? its strange to watch him, really. hark and caine are almost(?) different people; where caine prefers to stick to the shadows, hark revels in attention. caine rarely shows emotions, but hark uses them like a weapon. ortega doesnt have a clue that theyre connected. high puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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Argentine - Cyrus Becker
argentine is a tool. nothing more, nothing less. shes a useful asset to help cyrus gather information anonymously, but hes not going to sit here and pretend he cares for her any more than what she can do for him. she goes to meet with hollow ground instead of cyrus, and was stuck being treated in the hospital before dr mortum went to break her out (cyrus had no idea she was getting kidnapped, he was busy regene revealing to ortega while it was happening). she started out flirting with the good doctor in an attempt to manipulate him, but quickly came to realize she enjoyed his company more as a friend. the guilt of lying to him chewed on cyrus until he finally revealed who was behind the mask. dr mortum requested some time, but hasnt cut the chord completely yet. she flirts with jake, and spies on ortega under the guise of being his close friend. low puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices jogging.
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Ace- Cecilia Rider
ace lives lavishly. shes an excuse for cecilia to flaunt her wealth and have her own fun. it allows her to let loose in ways she cant normally indulge in. cecilia also hates being ace. every second she can avoid it, she does. it isnt her, even though they may think and act the same way. the prospect of hiding under the mask ace provides gives her hives. shes no coward, shes willing to face the consequences of her own actions, and she refuses to live her life in somebody elses body. ace is friends with dr mortum and ortega, though shes revealed to mortum. however, she has a strong tension with jake because of her tendency to get into fights whenever hes around. oops. high puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices boxing.
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Eden - Cynthia Garcia
eden is not cynthia. shes soft spoken and mostly reserved, but professional and polite. Technically speaking, the game registers her as a mirror image puppet, but thats not completely true– eden doesnt look like what cynthia does currently, she looks like how cynthia looked back when she was sidestep. sometimes, looking in the mirror gives her vertigo as she tries to remember who (when?) she is. eden avoids mirrors as a result, but she cant deny that this body feels better than her usual one. like shes turned back time. the fact shes dating ortega only exacerbates this (ortega also called eden 'cynthia' which. Ortega. could you please stop dating both at once and giving both(?????) your gfs an identity crisis). mortum considers her a friend, but theyre not very close, and jake couldnt care less about her. low puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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arjuna bby ofccc 🥺🥺🥺
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gonna wrap this up by doing arjuna and arjuna alter! shockingly the arjuna blog got a few entries for arjuna...incredible....
but yes, this is the last ask i'll be doing i did 11 of these so i think thats probably fair
favorite thing about them
everything. well
for arjuna i like that he feels pressured to perform perfectly at all times but still cant help resenting that that same performance doesnt come naturally to him like it seems to do with other people. i find it very relatable. i like the gap of him simultaneously being incredibly confident to the point of seeming smug in his abilities in things that he is familiar with/can practice, and his deep insecurity with basically everything else (especially when they're less tangible and unable to be practiced.) the fact that he seems to find himself unworthy of being loved if he isnt useful or helpful in some way is incredibly familiar to me, so it bothers me to see people miss that side of his character and brush him off as arrogant when a lot of it is overcompensating on things he knows he's good at so he can prove he's valuable. i find his sadness, anger and resentment that he masks and tries to downplay incredibly human and its been really nice seeing him grow out from his inital withdrawn confines.
also ngl i've wanted to shoot my older brother's head off as well but i know id probably react like him after. probably. maybe.
also i like his fluffy hair and pretty eyes
i also like how arjuna alter functions both initially as a mirror reflecting arjuna's own toxic perfectionism back onto the world around him, showing how the continuation of that ideal harms not only yourself but the people around you, and how he functions later as a glimpse into what arjuna was like prior to some of the most defining events of his life. what little glimmers we've seen of him are both incredibly compelling and incredibly tragic as someone who's lost their identity and reason for being the way they are. we know nothing of how he ended up the way he is, and hes a shell of the person he was. and yet even so, he was able to retain some small sense of self, and although he'll never be the same as his old self he can still have a life and form a new purpose
also i like how hes a cute kitty :3
least favorite thing about them
*passes the fate writers $5* write him interacting or thinking about literally anyone other than karna for the love of god
ditto for arjuna alter and also i want him to have more backstory bc i KNOW he could be really good its just. they wont do it.
favorite line
all of them. all of them
but also
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t. thanks. im gonna go. go cry for a little bit thank you
i also liked arjuna alter's voiced lb4 scene where he was dying bc he sounded totally fucked up then and it was awesome (painful) but i cant be bothered to look up a link atm
calling whatever he and parvati have going on a 'brotp' is probably not accurate but i do quite like their interactions. its very sweet.
other than that i also like his (canon) friendships/interactions with jason, circe, georgios, and orion. oh and martha and gorgon!
also i think he and karna would be funny as obnoxious siblings :p
arjuna alter is even less social, somehow, but its kind of funny to imagine him still hanging around limbo. 0 stranger danger radar. im choosing to decide hes more friends with cu alter as well to contrast with me making arjuna and medb hang out more. i mean they do show up in the same cbc so legally i can do that.
gudajuna canon fite me. i do have a bias for gay stuff but i still think its very sweet w gudako. i can and will ship basically anyone with arjuna which is why im holding back from just listing 70 people and i can come up w several more on the spot but tbh outside of the mc maybe like...his irl wivesandkrishna
also him and taking a fucking nap and chilling out. Tbh this over anything else I’m not primarily gunning for romance in fgo which may sound strange but c’est la vie
im going to fucking solo a hgw on my own just so i can purge the world of karjuna/junakar permanently thats how much i hate it
random headcanon
arjuna was totally invited to the 'religion group' by someone (georgios or martha probably) who was trying to make it less christian (sanzang attends its only fair) and remembered the bhaghvad gita exists.
arjuna spends like 75% of his day in spiritual meditation the game just doesnt mention it
arjuna alter has chronic fatigue
arjuna alter's horns have blood vessels in them. why not
unpopular opinion
he should kill karna again. fuck everything
stupid comment aside i wouldnt actually hate them revisiting arjuna vs karna again IF (this is a very big big if) they actually delved into their actual history with each other. like explicitly stated in text why they started beefing, mentioned the things BOTH sides did to each other, looked at the opinions of BOTH sides about their relationship just yknow actually give it some fucking depth other than them yelling at each other for what (to someone unfamiliar w the og epic) seems like basically nothing? except some vague jealous feelings on one side? which is hardly enough to keep beefing for over 2000 years but what do i know
for arjuna alter my unpopular opinion is they looked at him and were like 'we could do this better' and wrote morgan and i want them to go back to him and give him a backstory as well.
and also he should have a summer alt. he deserves it
song i associate with them
*activates my emo gland*
for arjuna
for arjuna alter
favorite picture of them
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theres so many of them tbh but atm ive been thinking of this one. whats even going on here. are they having a rap battle. are they assigning each other fursonas
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electricfied-wolf · 6 months
Electra is a great character and foil for two others, minorly he is another engine amoungst many who look down on and dismissed rusty and his dream.
but thats minorly as he's not really seeing or interacting with rusty outside of certain moments.
the main person he's reacting to is Grease ball, he's a mirror to grease ball's own beliefs and personality.
Which greaseball doesnt like when its turns around on him (for good reason, what was said wasnt.... Polite in any form)
and we see what these behaviors wind up doing at the end of the race
Electra is very full of himself. He's like Greaseball in many ways but he has differences. He's very dramatic and out there, he puts on a show in a more theatrical manner. He even sings about how he wants people to adore him. His claim to his beauty is more the fact that he's an electric engine of the future than anything about his body the way Greaseball sings about. He's at the very least intrigued by C.B.'s offer in pretty much every production in which the two interact. From what we're show Electra *is* very petty and can be quite mean. Heck, No Comeback was originally just his song and not simply a tune played here and there, and that entire song was just him being angry about losing and telling everyone he's getting out of there. But Electra was never that unkind to C.B. now that I think about it. He simply makes a deal with him. And he calls for him to race with him in the final section as well. Electra is like the less physical version of Greaseball. He thinks his better than everyone else more genuinely, he's very strict about the trains he hangs out with if his components are any indication, he wants to win and he wants to be considered the best. He wants to be loved and adored. His acts of "villany" come more in the forms of showing off, snide comments, and small electric shocks. Whereas Greaseball pulls more major stunts and has his gang beat Rusty up pretty bad.
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bridgyrose · 10 months
Bridgadonna Rosabella... would you do me the honor of writing some Transy Ironqrow?
(Not gonna lie, concerned about the name you gave me, but enjoy)
Qrow winced as he put on his binder, trying not to feel like he was dying as he struggled to get it around his shoulders, stretching the fabric to its limit. He cursed under his breath as he heard the fabric start to tear, pulling it off and sighing. “Great… time for a new binder.” 
“Or you could just not wear one,” Taiyang answered, tossing over a baggy shirt. “Its not like you’re that big and it’d be easy to hide without torturing yourself.” 
“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who has to try to put on a good impression.” 
“A good impression, huh?” Taiyang asked with a smirk. “And who, exactly, are you trying to impress? Summer already knows you’re a dork for huntsmen, this isnt the first time Ozpin has asked to see us as a team, you could be trying to impress Glynda, but we all know how that’s going to go-” 
“It doesnt matter who I’m trying to impress,” Qrow interrupted as he grabbed some bandage wraps. “Besides, maybe this is a for me thing and not for someone else.” 
Taiyang shrugged and walked over to Qrow, putting a hand on his shoulder. “If I were you, I’d worry less about what others think and more figure out what I’d want.” 
Qrow rolled his eyes and started to use the bandages to wrap his chest, making sure not to bind too tightly. “Maybe this is what I want. Besides, I only need to bind for as long as we’re in that meeting. Two hours tops. And once this meeting with General Ironwood-” 
“Wait, you’re binding for him?” 
“Of course I’m not binding for him!” Qrow yelled with a blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m binding because it feels more like me.” 
“So it has nothing to do with him?” 
“Not at all.” 
“Then why do you care how you look around him? You dont know him and you certainly dont care to bind around the rest of us.” 
Qrow glared as he finished binding down his chest. He quickly tucked the loose end of the bandage and put his shirt on, adjusting everything so the bandages wouldnt show. “Maybe I'm just comfortable around you.” 
Taiyang grinned. “Or you’re hoping he’ll notice you.”
“Can I get dressed in peace?” 
“Fine, but dont be late. You know Summer likes it when we show up on time.” 
Qrow waved him off and finished getting dressed, pausing as he stared at himself in the mirror. He ran his hand against the stubble coming in, then looked over the rest of his body, feeling nervous at the idea of meeting General Ironwood like this. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, a lump caught in his throat as he tried to swallow. Minutes passed before he found himself starting to make his way to the door, leaving the dorm and walking through the empty halls of Beacon. 
“The meeting is down here, General,” Glynda’s voice echoed through the stairwell. 
Qrow froze for a moment as he listened to the footsteps, slowing back as he watched the shadows get closer. He held his breath as he watched Glynda and Ironwood walk out the stairwell, keeping out of sight as he watched the two of them walk, eyes glued to Ironwood. He could feel his cheeks warming and his heart starting to beat faster as he took a step back. 
“Told you you had a crush on him.” 
Qrow quickly turned and slapped Taiyang, doing his best to keep from jumping. “I thought you were already at the meeting!” 
Taiyang rubbed his cheek and winced. “I decided to wait for you instead.” 
Qrow sighed and rolled his eyes. “I hate you.” 
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                  “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.”                                                  “Perhaps.” You don’t know what you want, you don’t know where you’re standing Don’t know where you came from, (or) where you’re going You don’t know what drives you, what will remain in the end for you Why are you so pale, so cold, so heartless? You don’t know what you’re doing, don’t know what you believe in Tell me for what reason and if you still need me If it simply doesn’t work anymore If you really only hate me Why are you here, for what? What more could you want from me? What more could you actually want from me?
It’s MY headcanon and I DECREE that I can make all the damn Marvel parallels I want, nobody’s stopping me. I kinda hate how Kristoph’s eye turned out but fucking whatever I guess. I can sit here and pretend like I thought up the German all on my own but what I actually did was cross reference the English transcript of Thor Dark World with a German subtitle file until I got the Loki quote I wanted and I just fucked around and found out in Google Translate that I liked the reply of “Vielleicht.” dunno what else to tell you other than my German is incredibly rusty Okay so I kinda have my own thoughts, feelings and opinions about Klavier and Kristoph and how they still work after yknow, the Apollo Justice game concludes. So uh I saw the fandom yelling a lot about Klavier cutting his hair after the ordeal to be less like Kristoph and then someone was like “okay but consider Kristoph cutting his hair cause he wants to be less like Klavier?” And then the braincell in charge of my creativity slammed its hands on the defense desk and went “bOTH!! BOTH IS GOOD!!” Well, both. kinda. sorta. No wait listen hear me out;  these two, aside from brothers, are very clearly parallels to each other. So Kristoph gets the full “slice off my hair cause if I look in the mirror and see Klavier again I’m going to fucking sCREAM” breakdown scenario Klavier on the other hand takes a sabbatical after the game concludes and basically spirals into depression for quite a while and starts dressing in tshirts, hoodies and sweatpants and doesnt have the energy to care about his hair so it just does its thing and grows until some time before he’s reinstated as prosecutor he catches his reflection and is like “when the fuck did my hair get that long” and has it professionally cut back to a length he can and wants to deal with. thanks for coming to my TEDtalk 
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heart-aflame · 2 years
growing pain
So this was actually a story concept that came out of an idea that popped in my head. This would be a Toonjuice story, instead of musical like I usually have done.
The basic idea was that the Neitherworld is... like that, because Lydia as a living person, and also a 12 year old, has a certain amount of sway in how it looks. She doesnt understand death all that much, so she assumes it acts like the living world except everyone is dead. Things look weird but theres still a lot of fun chances for adventure because of her. The Neitherworld, and its magic, likes her.
It never changes fully though, not really, so while she's growing older everything there, including the people and how they interact, stays the same. The dead cant change and grow like a living girl can.
The story actually is about when she is 16 or 17, and she's forgotten that the neitherworld was a real thing, since she went less and less as school and the living world got more busy for her. To the point she believes its an imaginary place, and doesnt remember Toonjuice's name at all beyond being bug related.
It was an imaginary world, with her imaginary friend, and no one else ever brought it up or talked about it with her, so thats what she believed, and thought she had outgrown it.
Until graduation, when her mother asks about Betty and shows her a photo of who she'd believed wasnt real, and she sees someone she hadnt seen in the mirror for a long time, who she had made herself believe shed made up to help with the loneliness of moving to a new home.
Obviously itd be a bit of a sad fic, especially because shes still older and busy with things, and beej himself hasnt changed much in terms of the stuff he does, so it isnt like theyd get back to doing what they used to do when she was younger, so theyd have to adjust now that Lydia sees the imaginary place she had abandoned, and her friends, were actually real.
Thats why its called Growing Pain
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