#like its obvious that we have such a strong bond
hostilemuppet · 5 months
It’s the fact that creek actually like… cares. For realsies. He can’t beat the Has Feelings allegations ever again
creek is forced to accept that after being married to a guy for several years and having kids with him, he actually would prefer for him to stay alive
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johnbrand · 2 months
The Power of a Name
With @next-pharaoh
The power of a name is something more influential than most people realize. It created an individual, maintained their identity that had been crafted from the womb up until that very point. It interacted with the world around them, choosing their friends, their enemies, their brothers and their lovers. Names decide brains or brawns, cools or fools, the ins and the outs of every living thing. If it was not for names, then who would we even be?
So imagine the power of a name when it is used for the good of a movement, one that has been silently expanding for hundreds of years. While other cultures were fighting wars and attempting to outscore one another, this particular movement stealthily expanded its ranks. Lineage and ancestry can be traced back through countless generations of the male line thanks to this work. Of course, we are speaking of Arabization.
There are obvious reasons as to why this movement is so strong and only has the potential to further dominate. First and most importantly, the Arab-Islamic culture exemplifies masculine ideals, creating stronger men after every new breed. Higher testosterone levels, unbreakable fraternal bonds, governing genetic codes. Their desert-bound history created more aggressive, competitive, and territorial behavior; their strict religious conviction maintain higher levels of confidence and, by right, superiority.
But if this movement is silent, then how are we able to visualize its effects? Consider the following facts: While numbers in almost all historically-dominant religions are dropping, the current Muslim population is predicted to grow more than twice in size by 2060. Islam, and the core values of Arabization along with it, will surpass Christianity as the largest religion in the world in just 25 years.
Reflecting on a local level will help illustrate these details. The branch of mathematics most widely practiced, taught, and respected is algebra, a rhetoric developed into what we use today by Muslim scholars. Arabic speakers have increased by 276% since 1910, with English speakers at 221%, Hindi speakers by 118%, and Mandarin Chinese speakers only by 96% over the same period. The Arabic name Muhammad has risen to become the top-reported baby name in the entire world when all its spellings are counted together, with Amir, Malik, Nasir, and Xavier following close behind.
With all this in mind, how has the Arabization movement utilized the power of a name? How about we make this more personal. Consider the average man, 25 years old, 5’9, and weighs roughly 197 pounds. He is flabby and balding, already considered past his prime at such a young age. Works a meaningless job, lives a meaningless life. His pale skin is a reflection of the blank resume representing his past, present, and future. All this, until a guiding Arab brother calls him by the wrong name.
“Omar!” Omar? But that was not his name. “Omar!” He hears it again, this time from a local. Eventually it seems to resonate with the people around him. At first, this average man was puzzled, but the constant repetition of the name gradually begins to rub softer, washing over his body and smoothing out his ridges. Every "Omar" scrubbed off a piece of his past, better aligning him with a brighter, browner future. 
It could start somewhere as vulnerable as porn, the average man filtering through and discarding any videos that do not feature the Arab male. Perhaps his playlists begin to reformat with Arab music, its rhythms and verses constantly playing to further seep into his brain. This restructuring can appear in the home too with a space decorated by Arab imagery, and like a vine it delicately extends further inwards and invades the average man’s very place of rest.
Soon, his interactions with the world around him begin to change. A new Arabic word slips into his everyday language, his connections and role models shift to solely Islamic men, his clothing habits adapt to his beckoning lifestyle. Generic becomes expensive, branded athleisure wear, business becomes religious attire. Each time that new name is uttered, the “Omar” inside inches a little further out.
Eventually, that “Omar” has extended far enough that the results become visibly present. The average man grows taller, broader, his fat stretched against a burgeoning muscular glory. Arms bloat thicker, legs bulge wider. His skin bronzes into a shade of brown that can only be defined as perfection, his hair blackens and thickens across his entire body. The jaw stretches, the nose inflates, the brows and lips protrude. And so too does the average man’s package, its sole purpose to breed future Arabs with its potent seed.
And once "Omar" passes the point of resonation and reaches familiarity, the average man will vanish. The power of a name, his name, Omar, means “long-living, flourishing” in Arabic, his language. And he represents it. An alpha male, an Arab male, a purebred Muslim who understands his mission. So now, Omar takes out his phone and texts a complete stranger, another average man, and simply addresses him as "Ahmed". And the cycle begins once more, the power of a name exploited for the greater good of Arabization.
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calicoheartz · 5 months
Oh oh anddd...
Cait x wbbp!reader. Caitlin confesses to reader after their homecoming game because Caitlin realized that she doesn't want to hide her feelings anymore and possibly lose the love of her life.👀
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Hoco Hearts ; Caitlin Clark
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꣑୧ — summary | you and caitlin had been best friends since middle school , what happens when she decides to make you hers on the eve of your homecoming game? 💌
wc ; 805
— warnings | lots of romantic / sexual tension , a bit suggestive , mainly fluff (high- school au)
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : ugh ily anon. YOUVE BEEN KEEPING ME FEDDD W UR REQS! also sorryyyy its low-key kind of short :( Enjoy besties ◡̈
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Caitlin stood beneath the glowing lights of the basketball court, the scent of popcorn and excitement lingering in the air, as the sound of excited highschoolers filled her ears. It was homecoming night, a night pulsating with anticipation and celebration, as everyone gathered to experience the last basketball game of their senior year. But amidst the anticipation and excitement radiating both on and off the court, Cait’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions.
Her eyes glanced across the eyes before locking them onto a familiar and distinctive figure. You were a dedicated member of the girls basketball team at Dowling Catholic highschool, and had been playing varsity since your freshman year. 
You were always there, capturing every moment of the games with unwavering passion, and Caitlin couldn’t help but feel a flutter of nerves in her stomach everytime their eyes met.
Your history with Caitlin goes all the way back to middle school, with you two quickly developing and forming a strong bond, especially with your common interests such as basketball among other things. It was undeniable that you two had underlying romantic feelings for eachother, but the two of you never knew when the right moment was to bring these newfound feelings to light. 
There had been a number of situations where you two had almost shared a kiss, whether it was behind the bleachers after an intensive game,  or possibly alone in the bathroom at a halloween party; regardless, it was very obvious that the two of you were just more than friends.
But Cait was your best friend, she had been there for you when you got your first boyfriend, received your first heartbreak, and all the hallway crushes you had acquired over the years. And it pained her that you weren’t getting the hints she was giving you, the way she glanced at your lips constantly, or occasionally rubbing the inside of your thigh when around your friends, it was torture. 
You knew Caitlin liked girls, she knew that you liked girls, so why weren't the puzzle pieces naturally falling into place? 
That's why when their last homecoming game approached, Caitlin knew that this would be her last chance to confess her feelings before it was too late.
The game was intense, with both teams giving it their all. Caitlin played her heart out, her mind consumed with thoughts of you. Every time she made a play, she hoped you were watching, hoped you could see how much she cared, not just about basketball, but about you.
As the final buzzer sounded and the crowd erupted in cheers, Caitlin felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was thrilled that they had won, but on the other, she knew that the moment of truth was fast approaching. She had to tell you how she felt.
After the game, as the team celebrated their victory, Caitlin pulled you aside, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage, and looked into your eyes.
"Hey, can we talk?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, concern etched on your face. Caitlin led you to a quiet corner of the gym, away from the jubilant crowd.
"I... I have something I need to tell you," Caitlin began, her voice trembling slightly. "I've been keeping this to myself for so long, but I can't hide it anymore. I... I love you, Y/N. More than anything."
You stared at Caitlin, stunned into silence. You had never expected this confession, never even considered that Caitlin might feel the same way you did. Your heart soared with hope, but you needed to be sure.
"Do you mean that, Caitlin?" you asked, searching her eyes for any sign of doubt.
Caitlin took your hands in hers, her gaze unwavering. "I do. I love you, Y/N, and I don't want to hide it anymore. I want to be with you, if you'll have me."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you realized that your feelings were reciprocated, that the person you loved felt the same way. Without hesitation, you threw your arms around Caitlin, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"I love you too, Caitlin," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion. "I've loved you for so long, I just never thought you could feel the same way."
"I've loved you since I was 14.." the brunette whispered back.
Caitlin held you close, her heart overflowing with happiness. She had taken a chance, laid her heart on the line, and it had paid off in the best possible way. She was with the person she loved, and nothing else mattered.
As you both stood there, lost in each other's arms, surrounded by the sounds of celebration, Caitlin knew that this was just the beginning of your love story. And she couldn't wait to see where it would take you.
ahhhhhhh omg wait I rlly wanna write more cc/pb high school au fics !!!! as always, thank you guys so much for reading <3
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midnightshade · 1 year
GojoHime: Evidence and Discussion
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Jujutsu Kaisen isn't a romance series. It's a horror action series that focuses more on platonic bonds and camaraderie between its characters. That being said, just as any shounen series, it has its fair share of ships, each with its own assortment of crumbs and small details.
GojoHime is a particularly interesting ship to look at. Being a massive fan of it myself,  it's fun to pick through the evidence that supports it. I'd like to share the evidence that I and many other GojoHime fans have found. I'll be starting with the smaller, weaker evidence first and working my way up to the strongest evidence.
Before I start in earnest, I want to clarify that this isn't made to attack any other ship. People can ship whatever they want, and no ship in the series is canon (aside from exceptions like Hakari and Kirara). I like GojoHime so I want to talk about it. That's really it.
With that out of the way, let's begin.
First, let's start with the evidence outside of the manga itself. This one isn't very compelling, but it is cute. In Japan, there is a chip brand called Bakauke. Bakauke has two mascots known as Borin and Barin, who are girlfriend and boyfriend. When Bakauke collabed with Jujutsu Kaisen, Utahime and Gojo were chosen to represent the Borin and Barin respectively, thus being depicted as girlfriend and boyfriend.
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Moving on to evidence found within the actual manga, we see that on the splash page for Gojo and Utahime, the print behind them depicts arrows known as a Yagasuri pattern. In Japan, this is a symbol often used for weddings. It's meant for good luck because "a shot arrow does not return," and therefore, a married woman does not (or should not) return to her parents.
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We also see depictions of them under an umbrella often used at weddings. Sharing an umbrella is also a common romantic trope in Japan.
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Other smaller evidence exists in the form of their phone call. This consists a beeper code, where the number of their call spells out "I like you" in code, and another interesting detail is that Satoru calls Utahime from his recent contacts, implying that he calls her often.
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Gojo and Utahime were made to be opposites. Aside from the obvious "opposites attract" trope, it creates a compelling visual story between them. Man and woman, strong and weak, modern and traditional, blue and red. Satoru hates alcohol and loves sweets while Utahime loves alcohol but hates sweets.
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Gege said Gojo only puts down his Technique with people he trusts, which we see him do with Utahime. He trusts her enough to have to actively put his Technique back in place after she throws a teacup at him.
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Moving on to some of the strongest and most convincing evidence, we have Waka Inoue, Utahime's very own technique, and Gege's past works.
Gojo had a picture of Waka Inoue as his background as a teenager. He clearly finds her attractive, as is common, considering she's a popular model, but the reason why this is important is that Inoue shares a lot of similarities with Utahime.
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Both women have noticeable bangs, they're the same height (166cm), and they share a love for alcohol, karaoke, and sports, specifically baseball. Waka is described once as a "competitive crybaby who hates to lose," and as we see in the Anime, Gojo has a way of firing Utahime up and she is also prone to being a bit of a scaredy-cat and a crybaby. We also see her more competitive side come out during the baseball tournament between Kyoto and Tokyo.
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Moving on to Utahime's Cursed Technique, as some Japanese fans have pointed out, Utahime's Soro Soro Kinku (Solo Forbidden Area) is based on a real love song about forbidden love with lyrics about a masked lover. The records from the singer, Akina Nakamori, are called Utahime records, and the singer even does Gojo's unlimited void hand sign during her live performances of her song, "Fin."
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The most compelling bit of evidence for me is Gege's past works. Two of his three one-shot manga have characters who are very similar to Gojo and Utahime. The male protagonist is usually cocky and teases the female protagonist, while the female protagonist gets annoyed at his antics but is otherwise down to earth and kind.
In Nikai Bongai Barabarujura, the protagonist, Noroma, reminds me of teen Gojo in appearance and behavior. He is "the strongest" who teases Nodoka, the female protagonist, for being weak but has an obvious respect for her drive and inner strength.
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In Kamishiro Sosa, we have a similar set-up as before. The male protagonist, Ganji, is very energetic and careless with the female protagonist, Rekko's, feelings, and is seen to have a very similar type of banter as Gojo and Utahime have.
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Gege clearly likes that type of pairing, which isn't surprising given the bickering couple and rivals to lovers is a popular trope in romance. It's not unusual for Mangaka to reuse old ideas, and that seems to be what happened with Gojo and Utahime. Even their appearances share similarities.
As you can see, GojoHime has a lot of thought put into it, and it's very interesting to see the little details Gege has put into their dynamic. There's definitely a reason why so many adore this pairing, and I'm glad Gege has paid attention to that.
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nocturnowlette · 2 months
How much does someone's perception of hypnosis affect the experience of being under itself? I've heard the common rhetoric of how if soemone's told they can't go into trance it'll make it harder for them to, but using the previous ask as an example:
If someone had been told, and truly believed that it'd be impossible for someone to lie in trance, would that make it less likely that they'd lie? Of course it wouldn't make them unable to, but could it get to the core of them easier?
Anything that is perception based to some extent can be altered through hypnosis. That is to say, a near incomprehensible amount of things.
The answer to the question in the second paragraph, if someone would be unable to lie in trance if they were completely convinced it was impossible to is yes. No ifs, ands, or buts. In this hypothetical scenario of someone so susceptible that they truly believe it with all their heart, their control over their ability to lie would be entirely overridden and they would be unable to do so.
It's deeply important to recognize the hypothetical nature of this. I have met, now, multiple subjects that are closer to the hypothetical perfect subject than I would have ever expected, but no such absolute exists.
...that being said. Several people I know, with the proper training and expertise, could be almost entirely rendered unable to lie or even unable to intentionally tell the truth, even if they try to fight it.
Many people like to hand wave trance as something entirely within our control, but this ignores the very very obvious fact that our perceptions are not even fully in our control. We are given worldviews that stick with us despite endless attempts to purge them, concepts and feelings are embedded into us that color every thought we have and we did not pick these out in a custom character wheel.
Perhaps one of the single most common demons of intelligent people is that despite their brain having more power to analyze and break down problems, this power can be just as easily (if not easier) used against the person. Many intelligent people remain locked in mazes of delusion, held strongly in place and made indistinguishable from actual reality by the pure strength of one's ability to compartmentalize, rationalize, and dissociate.
In practical reality, most things are not pure exercises of perception, but many are close to it. Lying is one I'd say is absolutely perception, and the same goes for our perception of what is correct and what is false. For most, this is not fully alterable, as our minds (much like conditioning itself) are strengthened around core concepts that we experience just by living in this world and existing on a day to day basis.
You could argue that we are literally conditioned by life to understand its common rules and functions. Our brain could be popped into a different reality with entirely different rules and we would adapt just fine. We're a thing that forms connections and strengthens them entirely through the information we are provided. Reality and day-to-day life is just so ubiquitous that it becomes our "normal".
This makes it so that a lot of things strongly imbued into our normal that are almost entirely to entirely matters of perception might be given a practical unchangeability threshold. However, that varies between brains.
Dissociation is literally the ability to detach from "normal" and from "reality". It's been found that those who experience dissociation have weaker conditioned bonds in specific parts of the brain, the amygdala for one, which plays a strong part in designating the strength of generating memories and connections. If you're able to detach more from normal, that means your sense of normal is able to be changed far easier. The most susceptible subject I've met, though only briefly, exists seemingly in a state of eternal dissociation. They don't feel connected to the world or their body and see it all as fundamentally separate. They are deeply, deeply susceptible.
The only reason why the idea of not wanting to go into trance doesn't work in absolute is primarily because we're always in a state of trance. There is no actual line, it's just a "noticeable" amount of difference in focus or feeling that one associates with the abstract concept of trance. We are always unevenly focused and always suggestible by nature of how brains function. We respond to information presented, that is all suggestibility is. That makes it so that someone can reject the concept and feelings one associates with trance while still being able to be affected in the very same way. It does make things tricker, though.
Hope this helps.
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ronearoundblindly · 6 months
Hi Ro! I know I'm late to this party, but can I get B and F for Steve?
Thank you! 💜
Never too late, darling! This is tumblr, not a job 😁
This one got away with me. It got weirdly sappy for the categories asked, but I went with general Steve from no particular universe here, plus a nondescript part of the timeline or beyond, could even kinda be AU--if you squint--except Steve is definitely famous in some capacity and was small when young. (I just think he happens to look very cuff-able in this gif so we roll with it.)
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These dirty asks from this game are aptly titled, so MINORS DNI.
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B - Bondage
He can't exactly be tied up, not by anything commercially available, but Steve surprisingly likes the chance to sit still, take a backseat, and enjoy experiencing your enjoyment. He used to be so small. He assumed he'd never have the power he does now.
The restraints, as useless as they are, work as a calming tool to shut off his brain for a while. He's not responsible for anything. That's nice. Very freeing. The act of binding him is in itself roleplay; he's playing small and weak.
He's noticed something else, too.
Over the weeks and months you two have repeated this ritual of tying him up, and you both understand just how much it doesn't remotely hurt him, you've grown...more aggressive with the bonds. It's only when you're tying them--never an ounce of it in anything that follows--but he watches and realizes that you relieve frustration by pulling harder, knotting tighter, heaving around until their just so.
At this point, since Steve can do nothing else, he loves to see it. He's heard short and vague accounts from you, of shitty behavior, of innuendo, of back-handed compliments about how you do so well even with Steve. How his reputation must boost you. How you don't have to work so hard or be good because he'll carry you. How your accomplishments are all tied to him somehow.
It's not true, but they say it. They mean it. Steve can do nothing but let you physically yoke him down in your life, even for a few minutes. The weight it seems to lift from your shoulders is worth any momentary sting he might feel.
No. Steve doesn't mind the bonds at all. He even hates that you can't restrain him for real. He wishes he could give you that. Then people might see that you're just that powerful and you've always been that strong. He had nothing to do with it.
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Okay, one sec, let me pull myself together here. YIKES.
F - Food Play
[Fools Rush In Steve a.k.a. Sketch is notoriously anti-crumbs-in-the-bed, so he is 1000% not a part of this convo. Sorry, bub.]
YUP. Steve loves to feed you. It's a care thing. He always wants your opinion of all the food on the table, so you have to try everything. Here! Try this. The fork is already by your lips and he's smiling eagerly.
In the bedroom? Oh yes, he is very fond of licking sweet things off you and having them licked off him. It's one of the things that seems to tickle Steve the most--body and soul--and it's so playful. He even gets to lean into having a fast metabolism and needing calories after his workouts. If he drizzles honey or chocolate syrup on you, or hilariously fizzes too much whipped cream out of the canister he has not gotten the hang of yet, then that's a snack and a half. That's multitasking. That's just good time management, ya know?
Savory stuff is for meals and the table though. There's none of that that gets played with during sex. He's never outright said that's a rule, but it seems obvious when there's never been a crossover event.
Super random shout out to Steve having a bit of a thing for champagne and licking it off your neck after he deliberately splashes or pours it there. The bubbles tickle like hell and the cold is so shocking, but whatever, he loves it.
Thank you for asking!
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Ack, I can feel in my bones that the bondage one might end up as a one shot. I am in so much trouble.
[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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gojuo · 3 months
Maybe I don't have text interpretation skills, but I never understand when people say that F&B is a book biased in favor of the greens. For the love of God, on the contrary, every time I read it, it's as if the author was inducing the reader to root for the blacks
Daemon is described more as a hero than anything. Not a hero who saves people like Superman, but the badass Greek hero who kills the monster
Gyldayn says that Jacaerys is a worthy heir to the throne, even though he insinuates all the time that he is a bastard
GRRM put the fandom's favorite houses on Rhaenyra's side
Baela e Rhaenys badass
Mushroom has a sympathy and affection for Rhaenyra that Eustace doesn't have for any of the Greens, he even calls Aemond a kinslayer
And this becomes more obvious when you think it's a medieval war of succession based on a fucking medieval succession and Rhaenyra had more allies, when that's completely unrealistic! No king would choose his daughter above his son! The Anarchy was between Matilda and Stephen, they were not brothers, Mathilda's brother died and that's why she became heiress! After all, a king would still prefer a daughter to a nephew!
The only thing we have is Aegon& Sunfyre bond being so strong and their will to survive and win
but that's going to be ruined in this shitty show that only makes what was bad worse
At this point, if anyone calls anything in F&B Green propaganda I'm just going to assume that 1. they have never read a single page of Fire & Blood, or 2. they're a Targ Stan so the worth of their opinions or critical analyses of the text amounts to a total of absolutely nothing before all else. GRRM did not sit there and write a 700-page lore book with no truth to it in any corner. If you have even a basic understanding of his themes and quirks, it's easy enough to figure out what he was going for in F&B. And yes, he leaves enough room in the text to leave the details hanging in the air for readers to make up their own canon, but he's not writing an outline of the story and its beats that's false. Because what is the point of wasting time and effort to write F&B then in the first place?
Even when you look at F&B in-universe ... Rhaenyra's son becomes king and her other son Hand for the next 40 or so years. Why would a historian risk their career by writing about how the king's late mother (whose death was a huge source of trauma to him) sucked major ass? It's more likely that accounts sympathetic to the Blacks survived rather than those that weren't. We even hear about Baelor burning Mushroom's Testimony (was probably Viserys who ordered it though) for revealing a lot of the things Rhaenyra did, like Brothel Queens. Gyldayn in the text often dismisses Mushroom's writings because they weren't repeated in or by other sources, but who is to say that those other sources weren't burned? There could have been dozens of other accounts confirming Mushroom's writings about the Blacks and Rhaenyra but just weren't lucky enough to survive Baelor's purge. Or you can rationalize it away by understanding that those accounts were either never written by authors or kept/maintained by lords because they were too afraid of the king's wrath. For every pro-Green Septon Eustace account there might as well have been multiple other pro-Green authors who weren't protected by the organization of the Faith and couldn't get off scot-free for talking shit about the king's mother.
Even as I say all that, it's important to remember that the main source for the Dance was written by a guy literally held in a dungeon cell by the Blacks awaiting trial. It's only logical to me that he thought being most favorable towards Rhaenyra and her cause would mean leniency. So if anyone thinks that Orwyle was biased against Team Black and was writing down some mad shit about Rhaenyra, then like I said, they've never read a single page of F&B in their life.
People often repeat the idiotic "Maesters wrote F&B so of course it's pro-Hightower Greens!" lie but this take is so braindead that it could only be the crazed utterings of a worthless Targ stan whose opinions one should never take seriously anyways. If the Citadel wanted to slander Rhaenyra so bad according to these Targ stans, then Gyldayn would have had a ton of material to work with. Instead, he has to rely on one High Septon, one captive held in the dungeons by the Blacks, and a sex-crazed literal court jester who was Rhaenyra's #1 fanboy. Where are these so-called sources written by Archmaester Greenyle, Archmaester Fuckblacks and Archmaester ThreesomeswithMushroomwascanonys then? The Hightowers during the Dance were pro-Green, but eventually they all died and Lyonel became lord, who is explicitly said to be under the influence of his pro-Black wife Samantha Tarly. Lyonel made peace with the Blacks and was approving of Aegon 3 ascending the throne. So if any maesters wanted to talk mad shit about Rhaenyra (the sitting king's MOTHER), pro-Black Samantha Tarly would have just told Lyonel to stop sending money to the Citadel, which would have scared them off because they'd know this would happen.
Gyldayn himself wrote F&B during Robert "Kill All Targaryens" Baratheon's reign. It makes the most sense to me that he isn't pro-Green or pro-Black in any way, rather he's just anti Targaryen.
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wilcze-kudly · 7 months
The parallels between Lin and Opal
Young Opal was more like Lin than Su. And theres actually a lot of similarities between Lin and Opal as an adult, too!
The greatest value for both Lin and Opal is loyalty. They're willing to disregard their own moral codes to defend those they see themselves as caring/ responsible for.
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very weird that Opal wanting to break the oath to save her family from a ruthless dictator is seen as a bad thing while Lin breaking the law to save her subordinates from an insane cultist is cheered on but oh well we don't have time for the double standard rn
The parallels between Lin and Suyin's relationship and that of Opal and Kuvira have interested me for a while and I'm sure I've rambled about it many times already. And they're so obvious, but for some reason I only see people comparing Kuvira to Lin, which feels very surface level all things considered. Kuvira and Lin share their determination, however Opal is also prone to showing strong determination. I think most people just see Kuvira and Lin as "the loners of the family" or base the percieved similarities only off of both Kuvira and Lin being "against" Su.
Opal and Lin, however have very similar arcs.
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Both Lin and Opal dealt with having their needs sidelined and their hurt dismissed by their mothers in favour of the troubled kid who acted out with no consequences. Suyin's 'soft spot' for Kuvira is an interesting parallel between her and Toph which makes sense. Suyin's whole thing is second chances. She jumped at the opportunity of taking Kuvira back in.
Despite both being harmed and neglected by their mothers, Opal and Lin do both strive to please their mothers, believing that this will win them more of the affection they so desperately crave. Here, their paths divide significantly. For Lin, it's a straightforward "I'll be just like my mom, so she'll be proud of me" thing.
Opal, however was born a nonbender, and was unable to fully live up to what her mother might want of her. This also adds to the tension between Opal and Kuvira. It would be easy for a young Opal to see Kuvira, a talented metalbender, getting taken into the family sort of like having a replacement brought in. I'd be mad too.
Opal tries to please her mom in other ways, for example keeping herself from going to the Air Temples, despite this being something she so desperately wants.
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Lin even notices this and talks to her about it. (I adore Lin and Opal's relationship 😊 Lin is so awkward and doing her best Awwww)
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The one huge difference between Lin and Opal is their relation to family. Lin is an outsider, while Opal was very closely tied to her family. I find it interesting that Old Wounds (while not handling the Beifongs the best) has Lin and Opal 'moving' in seperate directions. Lin starts reconnecting with her family, while Opal finally flies the coop. Its fascinating to see how Lin's isolation and Opal's assimilation set them on different paths in life, yet ultimately still allowed them to be incredibly similair personalitywise.
I really like their bond and find it absolutely delicious how Lin and Suyin's unresolved trauma skipped down a generation.
Opal is one of my favourite characters of the legend of korra and I find that the fandom often does her a disservice. I've also never seen her very obvious connection to Lin explored.
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a3thernet · 1 month
Pairing: F!Reader x Simon Riley
CW: eventually a lil dubcon 
Wordcount: ~2k
Summary: This is a Dragonriders of Pern/COD AU. I have Ammeh on AO3 and her AU of a Fire Emblem game to thank for this brainworm. I’ve taken some liberties with the source material and this obviously won’t be canon compliant to the book lore but all you really need to know is that there is sex pollen adjacent content here eventually. 
The waves crash against the stone shores, roughly depositing cloudy sea foam across the rocks in layers. A fine mist breezes up from the water and brushes the skin of your face with salted fingers. 
Eparth tells me J’nor is angry with you, Kirileth hums, her soft voice seeping into your mind like syrup. You feel yourself grow irritated with the message but never the messenger, not when your eyes meet the glittering prisms of the young queen and she tilts the wide wedge of her head towards the thick oyster colored clouds. 
“Let him be,” you huff in reply, and she senses you reach for her, tilting towards you to allow you to run your fingers along the ridge of her eye and along the curl of her horns. “Tell him we eagerly await the arrival of your suitors.”
A puff of warm hot breath against your neck as Kirileth pushes at your shoulder with the wide breadth of her snout. The junior queen isn’t displeased with the idea of her duty here to replenish the long abandoned Weyr, but it’s obvious she is curious of who exactly might be in contention. 
“Bronze riders from several of the Weyrs, what few they could spare - if that doddering old fool is to be believed.”
Kirileth is amused by your snark, though she notes there is a twinge of fondness in the grousing towards the old rider. A roar cuts through the air over the clash of sea and stone as a Wing blinks into existence overhead, emerging from between. 
The bronze at the head trumpets its arrival in a fierce bellow, behind it are two browns, three greens and a blue. Two more wings appear in a blink, seven and eight strong respectively. You see at least four bronzes in total. Beside you Kirileth rumbles curiously, watching as they slowly circle their descent.
They've been arriving in waves, winking into existence from thin air. Like magic.
“Come then,” you muse at last, rousing from your seat against the rocks and climbing upon her slender neck, “Let us greet the newest members of the Weyr.”     
The caves are bustling with activity, the Weyr easily fifty strong, now bolstered by the myriad of Wings sent from across the continent. Taisa has prepared a welcome feast, dried meats and mugs of klah and she greets you down her nose with a frown. She’s chastised you a number of times on your willful nature, a nature your mentor, Lessa has fostered - one she told you reminded her quite a bit of herself in her youth. 
You meet the new riders in a flurry, their dragons crowded around perches high in the cave. They chitter, roar and thrum, forming new bonds and establishing the new order. The bronze riders come by your seat in turns, Gilnar, from the Southern weyr. Roenef, of Telgar. Tilikem of Ista. There are two more whose names you don’t recall and Simon. A name so dissimilar from the others it’s obvious he is not of your time.
He is tall and broad, standing easily a head or two above the tallest. His face is covered in a half helm, and only his nose and above are visible. He won’t meet your gaze though it’s obvious you seek his attention and he instead wanders to hand along the edges of the vast room, eyes raking the crowd as if seeking a threat.
“Simon,” you start by way of greeting and his eyes drift lazily to yours. Pools of darkened chestnut and lazy lids rimmed with starlight colored lashes. A silvered scar splits one of his furrowed brows.
You get the sense he is assessing you, and you straighten your shoulders, attempting to hold yourself as the Weyrwoman you are meant to be. He doesn’t ask your name.
“You are young.” He says in a gruff, low tone. His words form around an accent that is unfamiliar to you, strange but.. Interesting.
“Twenty and seven turns. Twenty and two when I was found in a Search.”
“Raised outside a Weyr,” a scoff and you bristle, “Interesting.”
“Long enough to impress upon a queen.” You snap defensively, your hands resting upon your hips.
“Luck.” That gruff tone, massive arms folded across a broad chest. 
“And what is it that you believed impressed your bronze?” Your eyes flick up to catch the curious face of his mount, larger than most yet still smaller than your Kirileth. His head is framed with a crown of wide, sharp, horns. He thrums low and deep in his chest. 
“Training. Ability-” a glance around the room before landing upon you again, his voice a low growl. “Blood.”
You scowl at the implication. 
“You believe your blood drew your favor?”
“In my time only Weyrborn claimed dragons, and now they let commonfolk from across the Holds impress queens.”
Common. Your blood is aflame.
“Then why are you here, Simon?”
“I was told there was a need for bronzes and their riders here, a queen would rise to mate soon.” He looks positively bored of your company. “I have a duty to my people.”
It’s your turn to scoff.
“There are more than enough bronzes here that should the quality of our blood disgust you so, I’m certain there are other duties you can see to.”
He doesn’t deem it necessary to reply to you, as though his intent was only to incense you with his mouth. You turn on your heel and storm off, but you note that Simon doesn’t move from his position the rest of the evening.
You see little of Simon outside of watching him train younger fliers from along the cliffside, watching as the riders wink from existence to between. You note he acts as though he is already Weyrleader, though he’s no claim to the title. 
Laisa attends tasks given to him by the mysterious rider who seems to exist only as some sort of phantom. Vanishing around corners before you can catch him, as though he can go between without even Raroth. It is as though the Headwoman respects his authority more than even your own. 
It wounds your pride.
It’s the morning after a storm that you peek from the cavernous window of your quarter to find the massive bronze steeply descending the cliffside, his wings tucked closely to his side opening to catch the updraft and soar along the waves. The membranes along the bronzes' back are buffeted by the wind when a swift wingbeat starts his ascent. 
“Where do they go?” you ask musingly, though you feel the stirrings of your bond. 
Raroth says they intend to hunt near the lake further south.
“Hunt?” you frown, “Are they displeased with the tithes we’ve received from the Holds?”
Kirileth is fully awake now, and when you catch her prismatic gaze you feel that soothing surge of comfort in the bond shared between you. 
It is their way.
You find yourself irritated in spite of yourself, there is something about this Simon that irks you and stirs the swellings of your curiosity. He is a marvel, and oddity, the only oldtimer sent to your Weyr in consideration for Kirileths' first mating flight and easily the most experienced flier. Lessa handpicked the bronze riders she’d sent to help populate the Weyr, did she know how much this one would vex you?
The long tendrils of the sun have barely begun their ascendence when you too, take wing. Kirileth leaping from the precipice to swoop low, the long curling fans off the end of her tail grazing the salt and sea below before her wings beat with mighty gusts to rise into the sky and into the cool mist of clouds swarming overhead. 
It is glorious when you are in the air together, she is glorious, you think, stroking a hand along the gleaming scales between your thighs. You have at least an hour and a half before Taisa notices you are gone, perhaps half that before J’nor wakes and Eparth tells him you’ve gone. Kirileth vibrates with pleasure beneath you.
Together, we are glorious.
You cannot disagree. 
It’s with distinct pleasure you note that Raroth and Simon have not gone between choosing instead to soar above the lush canopy enveloping the land extending from the mount the Weyr is housed within. You follow from on high, far enough back that Kirileth cannot yet be spotted, weaving between silvered clouds, her gilded sales not yet caught by an errant sunbeam. You soar past the lake where it appears Raroth has snagged a buck near the shoreline. Kirileth lets out a melodious little trill on approach and Raroth turns his spiny head skyward watching in admiration as she slowly descends, massive wings stirring dust and silt from it’s nest along the shore. 
The young queen dwarfs the bronze, but not by near as large a margin as many of the other bronzes Lessa brought forth from between nearly ten Turns ago. Simon stands at the water's edge, not sparing so much as a glance your direction and you bristle with annoyance at the slight.  
“You left early.” You say by way of greeting, sliding from Kirileth’s neck and to the ground, the soft earth shifting beneath your boots. Raroth inclines his head towards the queen first, then you and rumbling in pleasure when you scratch at the ridges round his eye - just the way Lessa had shown you so long ago. The bronze dragon's eyes slide shut and you swear that Simon glares at you from over a massive shoulder. The distance between you feels cold and stark on your approach.
Behind you, Kirileth and Raroth share his kill and the queen is producing a low hum while the bronze at her side continues to rumble low in his throat.
“They get on well.” You muse, watching the mist rise from the surface of the dark lake and curl phantom fingers into the cool morning air.
Simon only grunts in reply.
“He intends to fly her.” He finally says after a pregnant pause. 
Why does the thought excite you?
Lessa has instructed you in the intricacies of mating flights, to an extent - you glance over at the mountain of a man at your side. The broad of his chest and the silvered stripes of scarred flesh peeking from beneath the hide of his riding gear. The lower half of his face is still hidden behind the dark cloth covering his nose down to his neck. You cannot help but ponder the shape of his mouth, what it might feel like pressed to your own. 
Would that Raroth could catch me, Kirileth haughtily snorts from over your shoulder, though you sense a gnawing curiosity in her as well. 
“Does that frighten you?” 
Simon is closer than you expected, dark eyes boring into your own and his tone one of disinterest. A lock of flaxen hair falls into his vision and you suddenly want to brush it from his face. Your heart hammers a furious rhythm in your ears. You are not unfamiliar with the pleasures found in flesh, certainly, a tumble or two with the farm boys of the Hold that was your home before the Search that plucked you from everything you’d ever known. But a mating flight of your bonded dragon was.. Instinct - raw, uncontrollable - like a wildfire. Again, if Lessa was to be believed, but you’ve little reason to doubt your mentor.
“N-no.” You reply more quickly than you’d like to have and you swear you hear his mouth curve into a smirk beneath his mask. 
“I was told queens of your time do not fly other than to mate.”
“Not before Lessa,” You retort, again detecting a slight woven into his tone about the intelligence and capability of your people and therefore yourself. 
“Things have changed,” He mutters, finally unpinning you from beneath his hardened gaze and it is as though you can breathe again. “Curious. Let us see what happens then, when your queen rises.”
It’s clear from the posture the senior rider assumes that the conversation is finished and you take the opportunity to take your leave. You cannot help but notice that he’s turned to watch you and Kirileth climb into the sky - soaring back towards the Weyr. A glittering comet trailing across the horizon, her scales caught in the morning sun.
A/N: There will be at least a part two for this. If there’s interest maybe I’ll write some for the other guys. Maybe a Ghoap x reader addition? Idk. 
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galedekarios · 5 months
you mentioned a few days ago about how Eilistraee's connection to Mystra is part of what bonded Alton and Gale initially, can we hear more about that? sorry i'm just a huge Eilistraee fan and love your ocs so much so my ears perk up whenever they're mentioned at the same time
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i apologise in advance because this got away from me!
i already had something written up from a while ago, but your message gave me the motivation to polish and finish it.
thank you. 🖤
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"May I enter, my friend?"
Gale’s only answer is a ragged breath coming from the far side of the ruin. The small space is only illuminated by a single candle by the entrace, the dim light not enough to banish the darkness reigning inside entirely – at least not for his poor human eyes.
"...You may.” 
Gale steps inside the crumbling ruin Altonaufein had made his sanctuary right from the moment they had made camp a tenday ago, the stone walls a protection as much as at least an illusion of privacy, "I'm going to approach, Altonaufein. I have something for you."
Through squinted eyes, Gale is barely able to make out the shape of the drow: Sitting on the ground, back to the wall, knees half drawn up, both of his arms loosely resting on them. His short-cropped hair a stark contrast even in the low light.
It's dishevelled, tufts of white sticking up at odd angles, reminding Gale very much of his dear Tara – of when he was young and, to tease her, had brushed back her fur the wrong way. She’d complained, of course, though more for show, and unlike Tara, Altonaufein has twin scimitars resting close to his side. Gale has seen their deadly dance firsthand. 
The search for the Githyanki crèche had not gone well. They had found Zorru, yes, but what had followed had been a tense moment between his two companions. 
Lae’zel and Altonaufein – their relationship between the two was strained at the best of times – of which there aren’t many lately, Gale finds himself thinking ruefully – yet when Lae’zel had commanded that poor terrified tiefling to bow, lower and lower, to humiliate himself before her, the drow’s eyes had glowed like freshly spilled blood, scarred hand tightening on the hilt of his blade, Drowic harsh on his tongue. Gale had interfered before the situation could truly escalate, but the moment had stayed with him on their track back to camp all the same. As it had with Altonaufein, evidently.
So close now, he catches the red glint of Altonaufein’s eyes again, muted now, but still there. The flickering candlelight casts sharp angles on the drow’s face. Many fainter at heart would turn heel at the sight, run screaming for a mob, for pitchforks and pyres, but Gale finds himself not so easily cowed. 
He’s a wizard of Waterdeep after all and has dealt with far worse than a taciturn drow. 
“I took the liberty of preparing you a cup,” Gale holds up a warm steaming mug, its strong herbal scent gentled by spices and honey, “Peppermint and balsam with a dash of sweetness. It calms more than the discomfort of our current surroundings.” 
Red eyes flick from Gale to the mug then to Gale's face again. It doesn’t take someone particularly insightful to spot the distrust in them.
"Why do you keep doing this?" The drow’s raspy voice is low and rough, as if a hand had wrapped itself around his throat and squeezed too tight. Yet it was no hand, Gale knows. Its loneliness, isolation, its claws sunk deep. Altonaufein had held himself apart from the group since the beginning. And who knows of his experiences before all this, too. 
"Because you are in need of a friendly hand," Gale’s tone is so matter-of-fact, as if he was speaking a simple truth, obvious to anyone who would care to see it. As if he wasn’t talking to a drow, ruby-eyed with Lolth’s touch. A hint of a smile twitches his lips as he remembers the drow’s own friendly hand pulling him for the unstable portal, saving his life, grip strong and sure.
"Do I?" Altonaufein lets his head fall back towards what's left of the ruin's stone wall.
Refusing to let himself be discouraged, Gale still holds the mug, waiting for Altonaufein to take it. 
"Does the thought not bring you some peace, my friend? Having an ally in this journey that we have so unexpectedly found ourselves on?" Gale asks, brown eyes patient, free of judgement. He wishes to understand, but at times he feels like navigating conversations with Altonaufein is like navigating the waters of the Sea of Swords. In a rowboat. On a starless night. 
He doesn’t blame the drow for it. He’s heard hushed whispers at the Promenade, a few tales at the Yawning Portal, from a moondancer here and there, caught too deep in their cups, caught even deeper in their memories. 
"Peace?" Altonaufein's mouth thins, lips pressed together, gazing at the night sky. There is a pause and Gale almost thinks the drow will leave it at that before he continues, "It might as well be up there, with the moon and the stars. I'll never have peace." A breathy sound follows, one that Gale realises is a laugh, bitter as nightshade.
Gale frowns, brows drawing down. The thought doesn’t sit right with him.
Never knowing peace? No one deserves that, he thinks, his own hand unconsciously reaching up to lay over his chest, where, under the threadbare fabric of his tunic, the deepest of the bruised purple lines of his magical scar remain well-hidden.
Banishing the shadow that had crept through his mind like the sun rising over clear waters, a poem comes to him, a second nature, its words familiar, “Speak with me. Speak of the broken past, named and not. Speak of the uneasy peace we share. Speak with me, through the night, the night air, the breathing particles of other lives. Too much to carry around the heart. Speak free.” 
At the confused look in Altonaufein’s red eyes, Gale cannot help but smile. It seems a different strategy will have to be employed. Luckily, he has many at his disposal.
Ah well, it's no trouble at all.
Casting a minor illusion, a gentle moon appears between them, almost translucent; a faint purple glow illuminating their faces in the half-dark.
“Let me propose something to you,” voice slow and measured, Gale’s eyes hold the drow’s gaze, “You told me you look to the moon. What if I tell you about what I know of your goddess while you drink the tea? It'll keep you warm and chase away your worries – for a spell, of course. I promise, no magic in it, not even a whisper of the Weave.” With a chuckle, he adds, “Save perhaps for the magic of Mother Nature herself, I suppose.”
Where at first the drow had startled at the unexpected motions, hands reaching for the weapons at his feet, seemingly innately recognising the arcane power behind them, his shoulders lose their tension when he sees the illusion of the moon. 
Altonaufein's weary gaze lifts from the illusion hovering over Gale’s palm to search his face. They are the eyes of someone who is unused to promises given and kept, but he seems to find what he was looking for, hand deceptively sure when he takes the mug Gale is offering.
He was right. Gale knew there were the first fragile seeds of trust here, between the two of them, he was sure of it, and, by Mystra, he’s glad he had been right. He had had little cause for gladness in years.
Settling against the rough stonewall, too, only a arm’s width away from Altonaufein, Gale moves his hand in front of both of them. 
He’d startled the drow just a moment ago and he refuses to make the same mistake twice, “Let me show you something – or someone, rather. The moon you look to, the goddess that has guided you, is none other than the Dark Maiden, Lady Silverhair.”
The moon in front of them changes into a new form, one of a female drow, dancing, bare, save for the silver hair falling in long waves around her body like a long silver veil, a sword in her hand, a smile on her handsome face.
“When Corellon's wife, known then as Araushnee, tried to kill him, he forced her, and all dark elves, into exile. They were all expelled from his haven, Arvandor, with the exception of his daughter,” Gale cannot help the dramatic pause he makes, a storyteller before a grand reveal, “Eilistraee.”
There’s an undeniable spark in Altonaufein’s tired eyes as he leans forward ever so slightly, mug held tight in his hand. Gale catches the motion instantly for what it is: The drow is engrossed in the story he weaves.
“The Dark Maiden, compassionate, asked him to banish her, too, so convinced she was that the dark elves would need guidance to travel the surface and to fight this evil that would inevitably take form again, known later as Lolth.“ 
Eilistraee’s illusion is joined by another figure. A woman.
“Eilistraee became a friend of Mystra, the goddess of Magic and the Weave.”
With the mention of her name, Gale feels the by now familiar combination of sadness and melancholy, love and pain, twist his heart. Not allowing himself to linger, the wound still so fresh in his mind, he pushes on.
“She is and embodies the Weave itself. I used to see it completely, all around us, but now… Well, perhaps that is best saved for another time. Another story.”
With a flick of the wrist the illusion is gone, only leaving behind rolling waves of purple and blue.  
“This is the Weave, connecting us all, connecting everything through magic. During the Time of Troubles, the Gods walked among us. Eilistraee appeared to mortals, too. If my memory does not fail me, she appeared in Waterdeep, in a location that later came to be known as the Dark Maiden's Leap, a site of pilgrimage sacred to her. The goddess ventured there to rescue a group of drow refugees and lead them to safety. In honour of her deed, a temple was founded, the Promenade, safe in Waterdeep itself.”
As he tells his story, Gale shifts – the hard stone wall bothers his back, yes, but the story draws him in as much as it does Altonaufein – his shoulder almost touching the drow’s. 
“Now, that's something I can speak about first-hand: I visited it myself. The Promenade of the Dark Maiden is a sacred temple of Eilistraee, located in the Undermountain. It’s there that her clergy stops the horrors of the Underdark from reaching the city while, at the same time, helping all those in need. Slaves, escapees, lost souls.”
Gale steals a glance at Altonaufein out of the corner of his eye, “Admirable, really.”
Clearing his throat, he continues, “Eilistraee fought many battles and, in one of those battles against her mother, she was killed. Yet soon, she returned. After the Second Sundering, she was seen again in Waterdeep. Three years ago, we witnessed the Dark Dancer, near the walls of the city. In that year, Waterdeep welcomed an influx of moondancers.”
Over his outstretched palm, a figure appears once more, with silver hair, dancing under the moon, brighter than before. 
“It's said that the Dark Maiden has helped Mystra in containing and repairing the Weave for many years. You see, their friendship is very deep. They help each other, they share the Weave.”
With a flick of the wrist, the illusion is gone again and Gale tries to chase the wistfulness away that had risen up in him so sharply, almost stealing his words. 
Altonaufein's eyes are wide as he turns to look at Gale. There's wonder in them and longing and... hope?
That hope, that spark he sees, makes Gale smile again, soft and small and private, “The Dark Maiden and Mystra revel in freedom and in mysteries, in the little chaotic marvels that magic brings, in nurturing beauty, in embracing the happiness that living in this world, in beautiful Faerûn, inspires.”
The drow, who had been mustering him so intently before, drops his gaze to the floor in what Gale can only assume is a force of habit. It's clear to Gale that his words touch something inside Altonaufein so he decides to simply press ahead, “Now you know why I keep doing this. How can I see a follower of the Dark Maiden in need and not offer him a friendly hand? I want to honour our ladies' friendship, Altonaufein. Life is all about humble miracles."
Silence follows, but Gale cannot find it in himself to regret his words. He nearly makes to stand as only the steady rush of the waterfall sounds around them – then, quietly, "Thank you... Gale."
Words rough with emotion that have not been wrest back under control, still, it's the first time the drow has called Gale by his name. 
Not rivvil.
Not faern.
Not even a cautious abbil. 
Simply ‘Gale’ – and Gale's smile widens further with the realisation. 
"Don't mention it. I hope that my little story brought some comfort to you.” 
"It has," Altonaufein’s answer is curt, but there’s a gratefulness in those red eyes Gale can see as clear as day. Scarred hand reaching out, the very tips of Altonaufein's fingers hovering just over Gale's heart, drawing away before they can truly make contact. 
"You are... kind,” the drow’s words are halting, as if they taste odd on his tongue.
Gale doesn't move away, only glad that the drow is willing to break his walls – at least for today. He stands, rubbing his back, almost comically, exaggerating in hopes of winning a smile from the drow, "My, this wilderness takes some getting used to, I do so long for a proper bed with at least a dozen down feather pillows..." 
When he sneaks another glance at his companion, Gale sees that he has won this battle, too.
"I suppose I need to prepare dinner, otherwise we’ll have to suffer Karlach’s cooking. If you are in the mood, please approach the group tonight,” with that, Gale casts a final illusion before he turns to leave: The Dark Maiden dancing under the stars, Mystra at her side. 
“It will last a few moments, my friend.”
Altonaufein's eyes linger on Gale’s back a bit longer than perhaps necessary before focusing on the illusion the wizard had crafted, and his heart feels oddly light with it.
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On a night when the moon shines as brightly as this, the unspoken thoughts of even the most discreet heart might be seen.
—Izumi Shikibu, “On a Night—”, trans. by Jane Hirshfield with Mariko Aratani in The Ink Dark Moon: Love Poems by Ono No Komachi & Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan
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I'm just gonna say this, Blitzika and Blitzarolli are way better ships that stolitz ever will be.
With fizz, they knew each-other as kids and had a very strong bond to the point that Blitz had a crush on him and was ready to give him a love letter, and the reason for for their falling out was due an accidental fire that tore them apart for 15 years.
Verosika clearly loved blitz for who he was, not what he was, the only downside was that blitz was still fresh from dealing with the trauma of the fire that both maimed fizz, scarred him, and killed his mother. Tbh I really wish she knew about that because it might've helped her understand why he is the way he is even if if doesn't justify his behavior.
Stolas on the other hand has done nothing but constantly belittle and sexually harass blitz to the point where I feel blitz has every right to turn him down. Honestly at this point, I just want stolas to go through a more lethal situation than he delt with in western energy.
Yep 100%. The other 2 Blitz is arguably the one in the wrong - though well, I'd say that if anything the way those close to Fizz handled the accident, i.e not letting Blitz see him again are most at fault. Their relationship is one big tragedy which makes for delicious drama lol. Everything about it is interesting and enjoyable tbh and Fizz is just such a great character that seeing him interact with Blitz is always a treat.
Then Verosika and Blitz makes me go SO nuts. Verosika needs to heal and honestly let go but just can't I feel like and Blitz did so much wrong. You completely get why he did what he did and you still feel like he deserves to be happy even despite it, but God it was still shitty what he did, truly. They're so interesting and you root for both sides, you want both sides to be happy and reconcile even though Blitz is more in the wrong. Truly I love them.
Both of those ships tug on your heart strings, feel interesting, they're just so good!
Then you've got St*litz. Blitz is blamed blamed blamed and the writing keeps ramping up how it writes him to be an asshole to make St*las seem better. Every 5 minutes we have a poor poor wittle St*las scene. Its so obvious that they can't stop pushing the ship at us instead of letting it be more "natural" if that makes sense. We constantly have to be TOLD everything about it, instead of just... getting to see them interact. Whenever they do interact outside of sex its uncomfortable and usually Blitz is harassed. Its such an uncomfortable train wreck of victim blaming towards Blitz. The two hardly seem to have any chemistry or anything in common outside of sexual chemistry at times. Though, then again, its only that Blitz is good at pleasing St*las - not that St*las does anything back for him. Which makes sense when you remember to Blitz sex with St*las is a job that he didn't want but had to take... God. It fucking sucks. Its just such a shitty ship.
I'm really supposed to like that ship more than the tragic family destroying circus accident history Blitz and Fizz have together? I'm supposed to care more about St*las than I am VEROSIKA FUCKING MAYDAY? Not a chance!
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maomaop · 9 months
Finished KnH vol10 !
This was definitely one of my favs?? It felt so long and complete, I loved the pacing and how it was structured.
Characters like Rikuson, Basen, Lihaku, Chue, Tianyu and Lahan’s brother (god knows if we will ever discover his name.. what a shame!) getting more spotlight was really amazing I really enjoyed seeing their dynamic together, I hope we will get even more of it in the future!!
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Basen getting his character development arc thanks to ducks was unexpected but definitely NEEDED! His bond with ducks and mostly Jofu was hilarious and really unserious but it fits him so much😭
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The little meetings between Lishu and Basen were adorable, I love the route the author is taking for their relationship. They desperately want to be around eachother it really couldn’t be more obvious!! Thats how soulmates are, however they both decided to continue going their separate ways for now in order to become the better version of themselves. They need to grow up, mature, and gain experience and work on themselves for their distinctive reasons. Hopefully by then Lishu will be over the age of 18 and things will work out between them.
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I still have to talk about our stubborn man Basen, I appreciated reading the insights of his mind, getting to know more about how he sees some things from his perspective along with his takes on them. He thinks he has nothing really valuable about him outside of his brute strength but he’s much more than just a strong soldier to me. Regardless of his stubbornness he’s a very loyal and determined man, he stays true to himself while still getting the job done neatly and proudly because he has full trust in his superior.
Moving on to MISS CHUE!
I had to make this extravagant for her
Where do I start..? She’s SO likeable, there’s so much things to love about her
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As Maomao said she’s VERY characterful, and I must say its true that she doesn’t look like a married woman with child in the slightest!! She’s very unique and silly, her presence during this volume made things so much more enjoyable to me. She stands on business while keeping her silly side (except when her mother in law glare at her…) She’s smart, quick witted and have a wonderful personality? ALL IN ONE nobody does it like her
She’s just in her own world, and I absolutely LOVED how she handled things with Maomao from the beginning to the end. Their dynamic was to die for, I remember Maomao being weirded out by her in vol9 but I knew she’d get along just very well with her she just needed to give it some time, I CALLED IT!
Chue being married to Baryou is absolutely insane to me, I mean just finding out Baryou was a married man was shocking but imagine my reaction when I found out Chue of all people was his wife? They are polar opposites and this is why Im in desperate need to know more about their relationship… Chue keep talking about hanky panky with him and I just can’t picture that at all..? Maybe Baryou do have that dawg in him after all regardless of his social anxiety heh
In conclusion Chue is hilarious and easily one of my fav characters of this volume, thank you miss chue for making this volume an unforgettable and unique reading experience for me!
This volume was really an exceptional one, its just the beginning of the western capital saga but the result of the set up that has been happening for the last two volumes is perfect.
I’m a sucker for the lore of the windreaders and the whole thing revolving around politics: The empress regnant, the Yi clan and their connection to the windreaders along with them committing subterfuge with Shaoh. The ritual to prevent plagues involves domesticated birds, Shaoh being involved in this whole thing just couldn’t prevent me from linking it to the white lady. I talked about it here in details, this is all very suspicious but EXCITING!!! Gyoku-ou is clearly the one pulling the strings behind this chaos and scheming things in the absence of his father. I talked about it already here while reading the volume and the latest chapters just justified my doubts.
Chapter 8 was one of my favorites, Nianzhen’s story was very dark and sad, it lead us into thinking him and his tribe annihilated the whole windreaders tribe but it turned out to not be true after the CRAZY informations they gathered thanks to Kulumu in chapter 13 (which btw was also one of my fav chapters), everything and everyone seem to be somehow connected.
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Jinshi being used by the shameless Gyoku-ou, and Gyokuyou being toyed with… I’ll start reading part1 of vol11 but like Gyokuyou said in the epilogue her fight is just getting started so we’re in for s long ride !
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kataraslove · 1 year
katara isn't sutble at all in her interest in aang i think zutaras have their blinders on if they can't see how much she was into him. its why i find that fandom so frusterating i've never seen a pairing that was so obvious and yet they act like it was one sided.. when katara was all into him since ep 1 to wanting to run off with him when he got banished. if that dont scream girl is gonna fall in love with main character i dont know what does.
in order to understand katara’s feelings for aang, you need to understand katara’s character at a fundamental level. unfortunately, many, many people in the fandom do not and refuse to understand. for an example, a common misconception is that katara crushed on jet because he was the tall, good-looking “bad boy” archetype. while she did have an instant infatuation for jet because he was tall and good-looking, he was also brave, charming, and heroic and a natural leader to her - all components that katara’s described about aang throughout the series.
“You’ve been training for this since the day we met. I've seen your progress. You're smart, brave, and strong enough.” Katara in Nightmares and Daydreams.
the depths of katara’s love for aang can be seen in the ways that she speaks about him:
“Aang is the bravest person I know!” (The Storm)
“Please don’t go, Aang. The world can’t afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I.” (The Winter Solstice Part 2)
in the ways that she’s fiercely protective over him:
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in the ways that she’s physically affectionate with him:
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in the ways that she gets immensely happy when he acknowledges her power or calls her heroic:
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in the ways that she cries when they’re apart:
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and in the ways that she cries when they’re reunited:
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or when he tells her how much she means to him:
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I mean, after they get through a really emotionally charged moment, or overcome danger or death, just look at the way she looks at him. look at the way she hugs him.
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only in the atla fandom will someone look you straight in the eye and say that character A kissing character B (after the characters literally had an implied cave kiss) on the cheek before they’re separated isn’t meant to be romantic, but rather maternal.
and okay, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt: it’s true that katara’s feelings were intended to be “ambiguous” up until the climax so that we don’t get any canon verbal confirmation that she was in love with aang. i am critical of that. but nothing in the narrative suggests that katara ever viewed aang as a brother or worse, as a son. katara herself does not admit to that when aang brings it up in the ember island players episode, even when she had time to state that she did view him as a brother or, at the very least, did not see him as a love interest.
if you believe that the ambiguity of katara’s feelings for aang is far too much for you to ship them, that’s fine by me. but at the same time I’ve seen people say that katara had feelings for haru just from one blush. or feelings for zuko from their conversation wherein they bonded over their mother’s deaths in crossroads of destiny. if the hug at the end of the southern raiders can be read as romantic by these same people, why not the many hugs, cheek kisses, face touches, and emotional reactions katara feels towards aang? i do have to believe that the reason why it’s so hard to view these as romantic for people is because aang does not look the part of the stereotypical romantic lead, ie he’s bald, younger than katara, and shorter than her.
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oodlyenough · 4 months
well i really enjoyed that! felt like a classic MOTW doctor who episode, in a way that none of the others this season really have (except maybe space babies... except i uh. did not like space babies lol). i think it makes sense that bringing in two new writers (women! hooray) would stick pretty close to the formula, and i think it worked well. as much as i love the experimental episodes, the formula done well is still a very good formula. that's how you get 60+ years of tv.
the one-off romantic interest for the doctor who tragically gets sacrificed to save the day shtick felt refreshing because it was a man this time, and also because it's in a season where the doctor and the companion haven't had any ship tease stuff themselves lol. also the kylie song playing reminded me of astrid, who had a very similar arc. wonder how intentional
i also liked ruby's subplot of bonding with the one girl, she felt very Companion in this episode
i thought the bridgerton cosplay angle was pretty hilarious and i enjoyed it. i haven't really been paying much attention to the "it's a tv show!" theory -- mostly i find it... more enjoyable to not create theories for myself on doctor who bc there's a 99% chance i'll be wrong and get disappointed -- but i have to wonder if that being the plot of this episode helps or hinders that idea.
also this. really felt like it was meant to be episode 2 of the season. sorry. i know i've been in a "devil's chord got swapped in its order" conspiracy theory this whole season. but space babies leads to the doctor meeting carla again and then we flash back to that conversation here. to prove her identity ruby only references TCORR and space babies. the 6 month jump in devil's chord and the obvious finale tease at the end of it, which was notably missing from this episode. i feel like rtd could personally pinky promise me these episodes weren't swapped in their airing order and i'd still be skeptical
overall, i feel like we've had a pretty enjoyable run of episodes. i've liked just about every episode, with space babies being my least favourite. 73 yards / dot and bubble / rogue is a really strong three ep run for me, had a blast with all of them for different reasons.
however, with only two episodes left in the season, i have to say fifteen and ruby as a team tardis feel quite... generic? they're both extremely likable in the role and i enjoy both characters and the dynamic they have. but there's not really any tension between them, i feel like we skipped so much of the getting-to-know you, i don't feel that ruby has any big character challenges to overcome which means there's not really a lot of growth opportunities for her development either. it's such a shame because this was always the RTD1 era's biggest strength. i think a lot of it is the reduced episode count, but i'm still surprised we haven't seen more of that characterwork that is usually his bread and butter.
sad there's only two episodes left though, i've had fun with the season
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prettymeredith · 2 years
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The Complete Guide to Becoming the Perfect Submissive Housewife, Section 2: Subjugation, Sub Section B:
~ Servitude ~
There are two words that often come to mind when one hears the word Housewife; Homemaker and Caretaker, with much more emphasis on the first. Cooking and cleaning without messing up your hair and makeup is only a fraction of the battle. Not only should you be fully dedicated to the fuctionality of the home itself, but you are in service those living in it as well.
Careing for any Domestic Superiods goes far beyond clean clothing, hot meals, and tidy living spaces. There is a connection that must be made on a personal level, and without this relationship you are no more than a simple handmaid with a fancy rock on their finger. Build a connection, and you shall find complacency in all that you do for your Domestic Superiors.
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Obedience - This piece is so crucial and so obvious yet it still needs to be said; Do as you are told. The power dynamic between you and a Domestic Superior is the groundwork that allows for ideal Submissive behavior. You will find yourself happiest in your role when you discover that big decision making is not part of your jurisdiction, and that by doing the simple tasks within homemaking and caretaking can bring forward more support and joy than one can imagine.
As Housewife, you do not question the motives of the Domestic Lead. The old phrase "Stand by your Man" is one that should be kept close to your heart. Questioning a Domestic Lead or superior is acceptable, as long as you manage to tread lightly and accept the answers rhat you are given. Being nosey and opinionated are not qualities of a good Submissive Housewife.
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Pampering - To pamper a Domestic Lead or Superior is a skill that takes time to master, and is different for each person. The intent is not to spoil a Superior, but to make them feel relaxed and cared for through both their physical and emotional needs.
Learning to give a great massage is a skill that can keep on giving. Knowing when to offer a favorite meal, snack, or beverage may also bring joy, served to them in a place like the bathrub or the bedroom. Little gifts of affection are also great little tools of pampering. Compliments can also go a long way.
Do keep in mind that there is a line between pampering and spoiling or babying. Yes a Superior will appreciate assistance with getting dressed, undressed, washed, etc. However these are people whom are perfectly capable of doing things for themselves; do not over burden them.
Bonding - Emotional support is a pillar that must hold firm, being perhaps the strongest piece of a healthy relationship. Which is why it is incumbent for you to take serious effort to bond with your Domestic Superiors, and most importantly your Domestic Lead.
Find out what their interests are, and show gunine self interest in wanting to know more about them. Having something to bond over is a strong foundation for more connection points to be made. What their shows, root for their sports teams, support their hobbies. Remember, its key to show interest and ket them open up towards you, do not insert yourself forcibly.
Home Decor - Now you may be wondering why a topic such as home decor is not listed previously somewhere with house keeping. This is because decor is what turns a place from anyones house, apartment, condo, etc. into a Home.
Dress the house like you would yourself; in things that your Domestic Superior likes to see. This task is easier done once more connection points have been made, and you have an understanding of who they truley are. This is their happy place where they should feel comfortable, surrounded by what makes them at most peace.
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Body Care & Worship - Least we forget some of the key factors of total and complete Submissiveness; Worshiping one's body. Body worship can happen in many forms, and different people enjoy different areas and styles over others. One common thread that is always found is that this humbling act is necessary to both empower your Superiors as well as remind you of your proper place.
As mentioned, there are many kinds of Body Worship. The most common arguably being Foot Worship. Every good Housewife should know how to properly worship a pair of feet, and it is encouraged to perform foot worship as often as comfortably possible. Both research and practice are encouraged to improve your skillset of Body Worship & Care.
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Sexual Gradification - As Housewife you have a certain, and many times unspoken, responsibility to satisfy your Domestic Lead's sexual deseries. It is your duty to not only indulge, but also initiate at times, sexual acts that are intended to gratify them. It is imperative to remember here that their needs come first and formost.
With only expressed permissions from your Domestic Lead may you ever take part is sexual gratification with another Superior. You are a Housewife, not a public Fuckdoll. Unless your Domestic Lead calls for you being that kind of support pillar, you are not to activley engage in any kind of activity in that manner with others.
Servitute is a delicate balance of responsibility, duty, and attention. It is not only about putting your best foot foward but letting your Superiors take lead in the 'dance' and follow along step for step. It starts with learning your Superiors, building that relationship foundation, and ultimetly growing. Be the Housewife that you want your Lead to brag about.
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Yes, I know what day it is. No, this isn't a joke post.
I was inspired to attempt designing a Mega Mew. It turned out to be a lot of fun, thinking about what would make sense. Now, this is my first concept, so any and all parts of it are open to reworking, but I like this enough to show and explain my process!
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I'll go in-depth about my choices below, but I'll warn there's potential religious implication--I kinda leaned into a connection to Arceus, but I don't know how much it counts as religion. It's mostly just the canon lore with a sprinkling of widely accepted head-canons and theories. (Religion may play more of a role if I decide to add this Mega to my story.)
As a disclaimer, this is all just for my own fun and I'm not claiming it to be canon in the slightest. I just felt like it would be more fun to weave the canon into it. :)
Without further ado, on with the word wall!
The Type: Psychic/Fairy--Connected with the choice of the chest decoration/gem. A few Pokedex entries state that Mew will only appear to those who are "pure of heart". Mega evolution is said to happen when the Pokemon has a strong bond with the trainer. Considering that, for a trainer to have SEEN a Mew, let alone catch it and have a bond strong enough to Mega evolve would be, in my humble opinion, the ultimate feat for a trainer. So I wanted to put in a symbolic representation of Mew opening its heart, showcasing its full trust in its trainer. It's also the center of Mew's powers, thus the wispy ribbony things. I felt that the Fairy type best fits with the whole bond thing. (The mischievous side of fairies also fits Mew, but maybe not so much in its Mega form, as I'll explain below.)
Body Shape/The Crown: It's probably obvious that I leaned into Mega Mewtwo Y for the general shape, and the head crest thing. But I took the crest in a different direction--As a connection to Arceus. This is where potential religion comes in, but again, it's mostly just canon Pokemon lore. Within the lore, Arceus is considered to be the first Pokemon/being. Mew is widely accepted to be among the first Pokemon created by Arceus, and many see Mew as the one to create the rest of Pokemon life. (Barring the Creation Trio and possibly the Lake Spirits--I don't know where the latter stand in the general lore.) So I took it in the direction of Mew being an Heir, giving it a crest that resembles both Arceus' head shape and a crown. In a way, I feel this Mega could also count as an Origin form (or a peek at it), if we were to see the Creation Trio and Mew as direct siblings. (Megas are theorized to be them tapping into their primal power, so I think it works.) If there is a reason other than Mega Mewtwo Y for the body, it would be that Mew is more "mature", and takes on a more grown-up and "regal" appearance.
The Colors: The main body of course is Mew's natural body color, while the white (gold on the shiny) accents are taken from Arceus. The purple is meant to be an "overflow stain" of its Psychic power, but also bleeds into...
A Connection to Mewtwo: Mewtwo was created to be the worlds most powerful Pokemon, and as such it makes sense to me that Mew's Mega form would be brought into the mix. For normal Mewtwo it mostly shows in the colors (although the chest bump could be a smaller-scale version of the heart gem), but where it really shows is in Mewtwo's Y form. Again, tapping into its primal power, but taking a slightly altered form.
HOO boy! HUGE thank you to anyone who read all that! This has been a very fun project! ^w^
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