#like its really good for drawing things that are meant to be colourful
astranauticus · 9 months
so turns out my newfound appreciation of hue jitter on brushes comes with a newfound need to name my custom brushes because i keep accidentally selecting the versions of brushes i made with hue jitter and then feeling like im losing my mind when the colours just dont come out correctly
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blobbei-art · 2 years
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Forcing myself to doodle more and it resulted in Werewolf!Descole because I like creatures and it’s halloween mood. Luke would definitely use this opportunity to the fullest to mess with Desmond
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 2 months
I love your animatronic toy OC guys so much, they have so much personality to them and their colours are really good (especially umbra)
Thank you! The funny thing about Umbra's design was that while I was developing it about two years ago and had some colors in mind, I described in text what I already came up with to an image generator for fun (shitty unconvincing old kind, vs now where it looks like shit but in a somewhat more convincing way) and it produced something so silly that I made her design better than what I would've settled with out of spite.
More details of my process and anti-AI ranting below the cut, so the examples given won't show up on search results. Google Images is getting polluted too much with slop to begin with.
Let's begin.
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In 2022 I was drafting up Umbra's design with mostly concrete details. At this time image generators were newer and much less convincing, and I was a bit less aware of just how unethical they were, so I fed one a text description of what I had drafted for her design out of curiosity. Something along the lines of, "doll of an anthropomorphic owl librarian in glasses, blazer/suit jacket, skirt, corset, high heels, sitting on a bookshelf" and probably a few more terms. Really specific, lengthy prompt.
I try to be open-minded and give new things a shot, but the results were Not Great. Ideally, I'd want to not share the AI pictures at all on-principle, but I feel like it's useful, transparent, and necessary to show them. Both as a means of not hiding anything, but also just to appreciate where the design is at in spite of it.
Outside of this particular collage of Weird Owls, no other pictures on this blog are AI-generated. AI Image Generation is harmful, and I am against its usage.
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But hey, two of the generated pictures look close, right? The top left is the closest, and bottom right is second.
That's because they started out worse, and I had to actually erase chunks of them and have the generator fill in the blanks to get anything remotely close to what I wanted. Misshapen limbs, unrecognizable anatomy, fever-dream clothing details, etc. They didn't even have a corset or proper legs until I slapped the generator in the face enough times to make it produce them. I was just using it to photobash, which was such an annoying process, I just went "this is dumb" and stopped. They're literally posed like that because I kept erasing and regnerating their limbs until they looked vaguely in-character. It literally only looks passable thanks to STRANGLING it with human input.
Before I used the image generator, I already drafted her to be night-themed with yellow eyes and something like purple, dark blue, or sky-blue as her main color; the generator making one owl yellow-eyed and purple was a happy coincidence, and the only thing the generative AI "came up with" that I didn't already have in mind or included in the prompt was the light blue shirt, which I did adapt into her cyan shirt and stockings/socks as well. That was a good call. You get One Point, Mr. AI.
...Which still meant that at its absolute best, it was a largely redundant step in the creative process if its contribution was worse than what a randomized palette generator or character creator could come up with.
That's already putting the ethics of it aside, like carbon emissions, data pollution, using artists' and photographers' work without credit or permission, the incentive to plagiarize, flooding sites like deviantart with slop, Willy Wonka Shit, etc etc etc. When people say "you can use AI as a tool though", this ordeal was enough to convince me that it's more trouble than its worth, even in its most ethical usage. I feel gross for having even tried. I wish I knew what sources went into the creation of those Weird Owls. It'd be better for research if the right people could be credited.
Nothing else on this blog is AI-generated or ever will be. The art below is purely my own (2022 vs a few weeks ago)):
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Actually drawing Umbra and solidifying her design was far more rewarding than having an image generator vaguely approximate my own ideas. I wanted her to look really special, so I used a black cape and pants, gold highlights and buttons, and blue undertones to make something more distinct. Also, neck floof. Very important. I wanted the head in particular to look distinct and original, going with bold black streaks to really help her look distinguished.
I also have certain inevitable Hydroisms for Fancy characters like her; most apparent in these designs for Chasey and Kaita from even longer ago, which were more of an influence than anything else. (Old art of mine from like 2021, Kaita ref looks wonky but Chasey still holds up nicely):
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Most of Umbra's other design elements were already commonly used with established ocs like Kaita, like her shape language, corset, skirt, heels, etc. It was my previous work with Chasey that inspired the use of gold buttons and highlights.
Umbra is also now a bluer shade of purple partly to distance the current design from that ordeal. All things considered, I'll probably make her more indigo next time. I already wanted her to have a wide color range from the get-go (Featured below is, again, purely my art from 2022:)
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I may use a different colored shirt and stockings in the future. I like to think she has many different shirts and clothes based on the different stages of the night sky, from dusk to dawn, and the painting I made in the top right there was an exploration of her range in different lighting.
All in all, it's frustrating. I'm proud of her design, but explaining all of this is annoying, because it's technically all relevant to showing how her colors were picked and how the design was made. I still technically have AI to """Thank""", in the way you thank a bad experience for encouraging you to make things better out of spite.
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ancientgreekyuri · 7 months
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Today marks three years of Dianthus existing! I made my first concept sketches for her on 11/20/23 💖 this also means it's been three years of Diathesterius! I sometimes use the date I uploaded Dia to toyhouse, the 21st, as the anniversary date just in case I'm late... but I managed to finish colouring this <3 I had actually wanted to do something for this earlier in the month, I even made some very elaborate plans for it... but it ended up not happening! Which is okay 💞 but I still wanted to draw a little wedding piece... so I did! I'll make something fancier when I have more time later on... 💝 I used my own handwriting here for authenticity, but at some point... I'd like to be able to rewrite in Greek for More authenticity <3 Uncropped version (and long rambling post) under the cut 💕 I get a little Vulnerable so don't read it if you're gonna be mean or else I'll like Get You or something
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I've made posts in the past talking about why Theseus and Asterius mean so much to me, but I don't think I've made one on why Dianthus herself means so much to me.. so for her own third year anniversary, I'll do that here! before I begin...! the fruit in dia's hair here are from the strawberry tree, arbutus unedo. I associate the tree and its fruit with Theseus but... it's honestly been so long, I don't remember exactly why! Just that, for some reason, I imagine thathis childhood home had a tree of these fruit blossoming just outside his mother's room, and thus he has fond memories of it. Lady Dianthus... she who loves all things pink, actively hates celery, and still has a job at the library despite being so fogetful and clumsy... she who met Theseus and immediately became obsessed because it was the first interesting thing to happen to her- not a parent or someone she's close to, but herself! her first time feeling as if she had a true purpose. She who didn't understand Theseus' obsession with Asterius until meeting he Minotaur, and promptly decided "he's not scary? he's not scary at all! he's just a cow!" I've made sona and the likes before Dia of course, but she was the first in a long time who was truly meant to resemble me in all ways (except for the setting, of course...). I made her design simple so I would easily be able to redraw her, and gave her one of my favourite palettes pink and green and cream and gold. At first I really didn't expect to get that attached to her... I went months without drawing her after her initial creation. but the more I drew her the more I realized how much fun I was having with her...! It's funny looking back on it... originally I had a much more comedic idea for her story, and di not intend to ship her with Theseus in any serious way. It was going to be a completely one-sided love (with Dianthus taking the role of "crazed fangirl" - which she still is, in a way). I'm sure it isn't a surprise but it didn't take me long at all to start drawing ship art of them, creating artworks and writing of Theseus and Asterius was a self indulgent joy for me, so why not selfship art too? I ended up invested, of course. Using Dia I put a lot of my own feelings into a story; a sense of otherness, her loneliness, feeling lost and out of place. I had removed it later on because I felt uneasy with how vulnerable it was, but at one put I had placed one of the most traumatic events of my life into Dia's story- sometimes I think about adding it back, because I know giving her an oppurtunity to open up about it with her beloveds would be something beneficial to Me irl(!). But that's besides the point here... she's a stubborn girl, sweet but arrogant is my usual go-to descriptor for her; that's how I think of myself too, just based on what I've been told (I have a hard time thinking of myself as nice, though others always say so to me...). That may be part of why I tend to look for those features in (fictional!) lovers... something feels good to me about being able to butt heads due to this shared traits, but still coming together and making amends despite it. I do think it's a little funny that the sonas I've gotten the most attached to so far- Dianthus, and now Nerine- have some sort of theme of death with them. Dianthus is literally a ghost, and Nerine is metaphorically one (and maybe liteally, if I ever make up my mind...). Maybe that's just fitting for me, though... hmm... I'm not sure what else I want to say here... I think of Dianthus as "Me but in Hades Game / Ancient Greek context." Of course some events that happen in her life didn't happen to me, or, sometimes, I dramatize it (Dia's mother leaving her and her father to become the wife of a god was inspired by the fact that for the first few yers of my life, my parents were separated... but they always had a positive relationship with one another! Unlike Dia's parents), but she's become a big par
t of me all the same. Just as I am happy and hoping to spend many more years with Theseus and Asterius, I hope to spend many more years with her as well. i think that's all I'll write for now <3 if you read this thank you for being curious enough about me to be interested in all this 😭
btw, here's the first ever post of her... (yes thats my priv </3 i briefly unlocked it to search for this... don't try and follow me over there though it's crazy over there)
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consciousexe · 2 months
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so, I have a few things to say
141 power rangers somehow manifested in my brain without any remorse, mainly because I was pissed that two of the original zord powers/suits werent dinosaurs and were mammals. so now we got Ghost(Ankylosaurus), Laswell(Pterodactyl), Price(T-rex), Soap(Triceratops) and Gaz(Stegosaurus). I also switched the Pterodactyl colours because as much as I love pink, it is a little too on the nose with the whole stereotypical gender colours and also I dont think Laswell would appreciate that. Yeah anyways so the way that rangers become rangers is they have to die so that the government cant have any identification ties to the current rangers. If they die with the core values that rangers follow there is a chance for them to be ressurected as a ranger(if there is a spot open on the roster, and its not 50/50, more like 13/87, it can take a good 20-30 years for the roster to be full) where they get their body modified to endure the battles and become retroactively immortal(NOT PERMANENT, they can die from really severe injuries, but then they get ressurected again, but are put out of commission for like a good week(they can also die on the spot when they retire their abilities(this is for comedic purposes)) The suits have a catalyst item(usually an item that was on their person when they die) that the rangers must wear if they want their suits, which they can morph into the three different options on command, usually verbal, with Ghost as the exception(for plot reasons(trust me)) The very patterned suits are what they wear if they are doing like, public service, since the rangers do some o that in the series, with the whole like, entertaining the idea of interviews and putting on little shows for kids. Those suits arent meant for battle because I keep twitching while watching any fight scenes because the suit fabrics look so thin. So in this the suits are more to appeal to the public eye more if they appear because they are percieved as more friendly and approachable. And then there are the battle suits(which Ghost is wearing in the second drawing), those are fully armoured but still flexible for the battlefield. There are two versions, day camo(havent drawn yet) and night camo. oh yeah and these guys are shapeshifters, with or without the catalyst they can morph, contrary to expectations, small AND large forms are the hardest to morph into alone. They can also morph into a conglomerate and manage the form coodependantly while doing things independently so that less time is wasted on just one persons reaction time hindering an attack(This is my version of the Zords in this AU) anyways that is my yap fest over.
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yungchaeng · 1 year
if youre still doing the song requests, can you do chae's song? the one from the tour, it sounds so cute
My guitar (Twice: Chaeyoung)
genre: fluff - word count: 975 authors not: happy chaeyoung day to all <3, go enjoy this day, pluck a flower, draw something, play some guitar and eat lots of strawberries
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Chaeyoung beamed, smiled from ear to ear, and tugged excitedly at your intertwined hands when she first saw the instrument. Her antics made you chuckle, and under your breath, you muttered an amused “Dork.”
The blonde girl didn’t mind one bit. Once she saw that guitar for the first time, she was in awe. For days she talked about its curves, and raved on about its beautiful blue colour. By that sparkle in her eye when she talked about it, you knew she had to have it.
When you got it for her, she smiled from ear to ear. Within seconds you were tackled into a thankful hug, and within another few seconds your girlfriend seemed to forget all about you as she inspected the instrument. “Did you know…” she started, excited. “that it’s electric and acoustic?”
“Oh,” you raised an eyebrow as if she hadn’t said this about a thousand times before when she was chatting away about the guitar. “really?”
“Yes, it’s amazing!” Chaeyoung carefully placed the strap of it over her neck and held the instrument. The way she looked at it, as if it was the most precious thing that she would ever hold, made you laugh. “This way I can practice at home, and maybe…”
She trailed off, and for a second her smile faltered. You knew where she was trying to go, so you finished it for her. “One day you’ll play it for everyone.”
“Hmm…I don’t know about all of that.” Chaeyoung laughed, but her excited giggles from a while ago were only nervous chuckles now. “I’m not good enough.”
“Yet.” You added. Chaeyoung made a move to put the instrument away, but you stopped that with a soft hand on her arm. “Practice makes perfect.”
“Practice makes perfect.” She nodded, determined.
It took a few weeks for her to really get started. Although she seemed as excited about guitar as ever, she’d simply shake her head when you asked about her progress. “Not that good.” She’d reply. Her soft voice was thick in defeat, and you’d give her a sympathetic look. “It’s so much harder than I thought.”
One day when you saw the guitar in the corner of her room, patiently waiting for her as it collected dust, you countered her standard answer with “But is it fun?” She took a beat to understand what you meant, so you clarified. “Learning guitar. Is it fun?”
She softly hummed and looked at the thing. The pretty smile crept back up at her lips, just as you liked, as she said. “Yes, playing it is so much fun.”
“That’s all that matters then.” You encouraged. “As long as you’re having fun. You’ll make mistakes, but the greatest thing about that is that you’ll learn from them and become better and better.”
“You’re optimistic.” Your girlfriend chuckled.
“I have faith in you.” You corrected as you took her into your arms. “You and your hard work, your determination, and this sudden love you have for guitar. Dive into it head first and then see if it will work out for you or not.”
“Okay,” she gave in and wrapped her own arms around your waist and melted into you, she nodded. “I will.”
“Well, let’s see it then.” You motioned over at the guitar and after a little bit of her protesting, she picked it up and played.
To see her play was everything to you. The way her lips would curve into this shy smile as she strummed simple chords, or the way she’d give you a silent apologetic look whenever she’d get a chord wrong. She was so precious to you.
Seeing her develop this new skill (one she was surprisingly good at for the amount of time she’d been practicing) made you happy. It made you happy because it was so clear to you how happy it made her.
Practice makes perfect. Chaeyoung took those words to heart – you noticed that directly after you’d encouraged her to practice more. There was barely a waking moment outside of her Twice schedules, or her time with you that she didn’t spend with that guitar. The upside was mainly that you were awoken by the sound of her hesitant, yet beautiful playing almost every morning. However, the downside was that you might just be losing your girlfriend to an inanimate object.
When you jokingly asked her not to forget about you, Chaeyoung smirked and said that you brought it on yourself. Although she did reassure you that she’d love nothing more than you when she saw you pout, “Not even my guitar, however pretty it may be.”
Then the time finally came. The day she’d put all her practice to test and play the guitar for the first time in front of a crowd. Ofcourse, being in Twice, one of the most popular groups of all time, she didn’t have the luxury of having her first crowd being just a few people. Though Chaeyoung liked a challenge, which made her want to perform her own self-written song during the Ready To Be tour.
There she sat. She attempted to secure the guitar strap around her neck, but to no avail. Perhaps it was the nerves, but the laugh that came from the crowd seemed to calm her down. Under your breath, you wished her luck.
You knew she got it. With her self-chosen stage outfit and a stuffed animal that she designed along with her on stage, she looked totally in her element. So incredibly beautiful as well, and right before the music started she smiled. That smile that you loved so much.
Then she began and, just as you thought, all her practice she paid off. Her silky voice complemented the soothing chords she chose as she sang, and you smiled. Feeling prouder than you’ve ever felt before.
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pinkacademic · 10 months
Themes, Context and Problems of Studying Literature
We’re dealing with old books written by old people who had old views, so pretty frequently, we’re going to come across attitudes and language that… well, I hope none of you agree with it… but that’s not a bad thing. We should challenge our worldview, we should learn how to debate it eloquently, learn the context of why people thought the way they did, and learn how to discern between good intentions with bad choices of language, and bad intentions even with good choices of language.
I’m going to be coming back to Dracula a lot as my go-to example text because we all have ease-of-access to it through Dracula Daily, even if we aren’t participating, and I think its fair to focus on one we could all be reading for free.
Common Themes
Themes that come up a lot in any analysis of literature are always the major political issues of the world at the time the text was written, and that still widely apply eg racism and xenophobia, feminism/sex and gender, religion, environmentalism, class… Then, on top of that, there will be motifs that are specific to the book in question. For example, Wuthering Heights, as the name suggests, has a constant refrain that takes it back to pathetic fallacy- which means weather-based metaphor. And actually, the storms which can often in literature be forboding, to Cathy and Heathcliff represent thw call of the wild drawing them home to the moors.
It begs the question that many of you have probably encountered in that cringe Facebook meme about the curtains being blue.
Sometimes the character likes blue and has blue curtains and that’s it- and it is worth knowing that that can be true- but sometimes the curtains are blue because everything is blue and has been since the character’s mother designed the house, and blue is the oppressive colour of an old attitude but the main character wants to live in a modern world of yellow. Maybe, as soon as the mother dies, the main character is going to redesign the house that felt like a trap for so many years and the curtains will be yellow.
More on symbolism, metaphors, and other methods next week!
So, what are you supposed to do with this information? Well, pick an angle and defend it with your entire being. Here comes the Dracula because firstly, do you feel like Jonathan is a sexist because he expects Mina to be in the kitchen cooking paprika hendl for him? Or is he a true romantic who is thinking of her always on his trip to Transylvania?
This is the importance of opinion. Answering essay questions has, in my experience, always meant picking a side and gunning for it to the death. You have the evidence for your case. Look at this asshole Van Helsing being so condesceding to Mina, he’s so sexist! Alternatively, look at this feminist icon Van Helsing treating Mina as the only one with the brain cell.
It’s up to you, and that to me is the value of studying literature because it forces you to think for yourself. And the thing is, you can’t be wrong if you back it up.
I think it’s important to understand where the author was in their lifewhen they wrote their book when we’re analysing its contents. I think the content should be the dominant force in your interpretations, but understanding some of the context matters.
Taking our faithful companion Dracula, it is important to know that this story where the beautiful Lucy is viciously attacked by a creature of the night was written in 1897, and that the murders of prostitutes committed by Jack the Ripper were less than a decade prior. It is also worth noting that the predominantly English cast of characters were written from the point-of-view of Irishman Bram Stoker who supported Home Rule for Ireland.
It can be useful to familiarise yourself with the language of the time, particularly when referring to issues such as sexuality, class, and race, when looking at broad questions such as, for example “is Dracula racist?” Not really, it mostly just uses period-typical language, but Jonathan himself can be pretty xenophobic because he represents the typical Englishman of the day.
That is also one hypothetical interpretation- it’s not even necessarily what I think- so, always keep these things in mind too.
My point is, understanding the time period can help you understand the work in question.
Why it is Important?
Ok, girls, I’m about to start PREACHING! As I mentioned, I think the value of a literature degree is how much it forces you to engage with challenging material, understand the nuances of creativity, and messages versus enjoying art for art’s sake. I think the reason creative subjects and humanities are underfunded because (tinfoil hat voice) THEY WANT US STUPID!! But in all seriousness, take every opportunity to expand your media literacy, your worldview, and your understanding of what counts as art, a classic, literature, and something worth thinking about.
Ok, girlies, I’m leaving it here for this week. This is my absolute PASSION, so I could talk about it FOREVER, but I’ll stop now to focus energy on the actual study section for next week!
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rainyraisin · 5 months
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My artstyle changed a lot this year, especially after my shift from ibis paint to procreate after getting my iPad (drawing on an iPad is the BEST btw 100% recommend I love it way more than a phone and it didn’t die after a month like my old wacom 💀💀). I’m relatively happy with where my art is atm and I hope to continue to improve in 2024!
Explanation of all the silly art down below! (Mostly so I can tell y’all who the fanart is for but also cause I like rambling)
January: A drawing of my Rise Leo human design I did to test out a pixel brush I found for Ibis Paint. He’s very fun to draw hehe I need to draw him more-
February: I wanted to learn how to draw the future designs of Leo and Mikey along with CJ so I planned to draw them all together! I struggled with Leo though so I just got rid of him. Sorry Peepaw 😞😞💔💔💔
March: Fanart for @beannary ‘s TLP au! I love it so much so I had to draw smth for it hehe 😈😈💥💥💥 which reminds me I need to draw more at some point- might redraw it at some point cause I’m not super happy with how it turned out but I do like the idea a lot
April: The month I created Reticent! April’s Fools was the first episode I came up with so I drew a chapter poster! It ended up being very different to the chapter cover I drew a couple months later but it’s still cool :D Leo is being weirdly affectionate to Mikey though what the heck that isn’t like him smh. Although I guess it was meant to be purposefully exaggerated sooooo 🥰
May: Reticent Casey!!! I don’t have much to say it’s just Reticent Casey HDKSGXKSHD this wasnt a very good art month
June: Krangified Donnie is literally my favourite concept ever thats it that’s all I have to say dbskdbwkh I adore Krangified Donnie and if the Rise brainrot takes over the Reticent brainrot for a while then I will probably be drawing Krangified Donnie during that time sorry not sorry
July: Reticent Chapter 3’s cover yippee!!! Still my favourite Reticent cover although Chapter 8’s is a close second (I can’t wait to post it once it’s been betaread yippee!!!). The scribble over Leo’s eyes is literally just because I was struggling to draw his eyes and i was getting annoyed dbskdbskdb it’s actually a very common issue with him (common Ret!Leo L). Also Mikey being reflected in the mirror is a reference to Mirror Man by Jack Stauber which I’ve basically considered his theme song since @aaronymous999 introduced it to me ebwjcbkwhd thank you Mr. Aaronymous! Also somebody said he was in the barbie box and I still need to draw that to this day because Mikey would’ve killed to go see Barbie.
August: RET DONNIE WOOOOO he’s being bullied again!!! I drew that piece for a colour palette challenge request and realised I got the prompt wrong so I just made it into its own thing 💥💥💥 it’s usually a flickering light gif but I chose to just use the version with the light on for this post. The photos in the background were really fun to draw hehe either April’s or Mikey’s is my favourite.
September: MY 500 FOLLOWER DTIYS YIPPEE (/my 150 follower DTIYS for tumblr). This one took me. Forever to draw and I love it to pieces hehe it was really fun to design Mikey’s room and figure out outfits for the sillies and idk the concept of a sleepover just seemed really fun to me dbskbdkdb- and all the entries I got were so so awesome I loved them all to pieces!!! I still look at them all the time hehe
October: FANART OF @endlesslogo ‘S HUMAN RISE LEO DESIGN WOOOOOO!!! This was the piece I started rendering on hehe it was so much fun to draw!!!! Although I did have a fight with rendering the hair for over an hour svsjegksbdk HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT FR!!!
November: Me and my friends were working on a crossover between our TMNT iterations so I drew all of our Karai’s together!!! Confluence Karai is on the left, created by Salem and Marine, New Stars Karai is in the middle created by Starla, and Reticent Karai is on the right created by me! All our Karais have such cool designs AHHHHH literally dead over them constantly/pos
December: Most of December I spent drawing Christmas presents so this was my present for Salem!!! Confluence!Jonatello my beloved….
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newobsessioneveryweek · 7 months
Oo what is business as usual and sex, drugs, rock and roll 👀👀👀👀
I'm so glad you asked!
Here is an excerpt of Business As Usual for your viewing pleasure (unfortunately I haven't actually written anything for SD&RnR but I'll explain a little bit of what I'm thinking)
Excerpt start
“What are you reading?” came a sudden, soft voice. Loki turned to meet Hogun’s passive face. He was riding beside him. If he had been there the whole time Loki hadn’t noticed.
“Shapeshifting and Illusions,” he replied cooly, banishing the book to his pocket dimension. Hogun’s sudden interest was not unwelcome, just odd- his choosing to talk even odder. “Have you read it?” Loki asked dumbly. He would bet good money that no one in this group had ever glanced at let alone picked up a spell book, especially one that was meant to be locked away in Odin’s library, never to be seen or read.
“No,” Hogun said simply. He looked forward, wrinkling his nose at the conversation happening around them. Loki took note of the odd way he seemed both fond and exasperated. “But tell me about it. I doubt it’s worse than this,” he nudged his chin to where Thor and Volstagg continued to entertain Fandral with questions and comments while Sif listened disinterestedly.
Loki tried to quell a stab of disappointment. Of course, there was only personal gain to be thought of instead of genuine interest. But he indulged him nonetheless. “As the title so deftly put,” he deadpanned, “it’s a spell book on shapeshifting and illusions.”
“I gauged that,” Hogun said dryly. “Tell me more.”
What more was there to tell that he would be receptive to? “Well,” he thought, “contrary to popular belief, illusionary magic is intermediate at best, but often child’s play. I caught on to it quite quickly in my hundreds. However,” Loki paused, drawing in a tired breath, “shapeshifting is an advanced art, one that presents potential… complications if done incorrectly.”
Hogun hummed quietly. There was a beat of silence before he asked, “What would you deem advanced?” His head tilted a fraction as though he were actually intrigued.
“To put it in terms you would understand, it’s the equivalent of shooting a running target in the head from one hundred metres away on horseback.”
Hogun whistled lowly. “Have you ever tried?”
“Tried what?”
Despite himself, Loki laughed. Hogun flinched but his expression remained impassive. “Yes,” he confessed, holding back a sudden tidal wave of emotion and the urge to end the conversation at its zenith.
Why? Loki wanted to scream. He let the question marinate in the awkward silence it caused. He drew in a breath, held it, and exhaled at length. “Because desperate people do desperate things.”
Excerpt end
I might change some things about this wip. In my defense I wrote it months ago. But I hope it's got you hyped!
Here's a bonus because I couldn't resist! I can't keep it to myself🙈
“Curious,” he said, holding the bottle up to the light.
Loki rolled his eyes affectionately. “What is?”
“Red is my colour.”
“Then by association, this potion must make you devilishly handsome like me. You could use some. I’ll buy it for you.”
“You’re an ass.”
“I would be offended if that wasn’t a lie.”
Bonus end!
Now, SD&RnR doesn't reeeaaallly have a plot rn. I just thought it would be neat to explore Apollo's past of "living life to the fullest" in a protective bubble of perfection and indifference. The title is meant to allude to impulsive grabs for satisfaction and surface level pleasure that doesn't really treat the deeper parts of one's longing and desire (such as that of wanting to be accepted and understood by your family for instance).
So yeah, that's the idea behind it. I haven't written a word but it's coming! Bet your autumn harvest it'll be here!
Thank you this ask and for letting me talk about my babies☺️💛 you rock!
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notstinky · 11 months
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TIMING: Recent LOCATION: Wicked's Rest State Park PARTIES: Thea (@notstinky) & Jerry (@park-ranger-is-my-comfort-animal) SUMMARY: Thea is searching for a safe spot in the forest, Jerry is trying to protect his.
Thea called them ‘wolf spots’. Of course, she had no one to talk to and about half a friend so she called them that just to herself, but that importance of their classification still meant a lot to her. A good wolf spot was many things: remote, populated by sturdy trees, easily memorized, close enough to good bushes to pee in. Thea was sure Wicked’s Rest state park would have a lot of potential wolf spots for her. She’d even been proactive in bringing a map (that she couldn’t read) and a compass (that she didn’t really understand how to use). She was positive and hopeful that she’d find a good wolf spot for her next full moon. If anyone was asking, not that anyone was asking, she’d explain that it was important to scope them out early so she could bury extra supplies and memorize the trail to the spot and the area nearby in case her chains broke, and they did break most of the time. 
Branches broke under her feet as she wandered aimlessly under the trees. Crunch, snap. Thea stopped moving to stare at her swinging compass needle. Crunch, snap. Thea whipped around, narrowing her gaze at the empty space that lived between the vegetation. Her head snapped onto the air and her nostrils twitched. It smelled like dirt and leaves and bark and spring moisture. Crunch, snap. Thea whipped her attention around the other way. Again, she narrowed on the empty spaces; nothing stirred there but her own wobbling vision. “Um, hello?” Her heart thumped hard in her chest, throwing itself against her ribs. “Is anyone there?” 
From the deepest shadows between the trees, it watched, silently following her progress. Hunkered low to the ground, the beast moved with a lightness that belied its size. Powerful muscles bunched and tensed beneath pale fur as it crept forward, slowly drawing its bulk through the brush with fearsome claws dug into the fragrant layers of plant matter and moist earth.
The woman seemed to move without purpose or destination, as though she were searching for something but wasn’t sure where it would be. The figure stumbled as dry limbs broke under her boots with a sudden CRACK, but the sound was deadened by the surrounding forest as if absorbed by the trees themselves. The beast grunted to itself at the careless noise, before taking the sound and throwing it back at her. It reverberated along the edges of the trail, as if several pairs of feet all snapped branches at the same time, in mocking repetition of her own clumsy movements.
Lifting its snout higher into the air, the shroud-coloured creature sniffed the air. It was still too far away to hear her racing heart, but it could smell her fear in the breeze. Good, it thought, the unfamiliar human words feeling slow and heavy in the beast’s ursine brain. This clueless hiker didn’t know the danger she was in, as she continued to ignorantly wander closer to the clearing… The beast’s chosen place.
A low growl rumbled in its throat as the creature considered what could happen if this woman found the things it had hidden there. Without conscious thought, the beast cast more illusions into the hiker’s path - deepening the shadows, summoning eyes that stared unblinking from the darkness, and calling up the memory of a wolf pack’s cacophonous howling - all to change her direction and drive her away from its own resting place.
Thea had always been full of fear; as a child she feared punishment, disappointment, hatred and ostracization. When she spoke, she feared she was too annoying. When she existed, she feared she was a burden. In college, someone was able to diagnose it as an anxiety disorder but Thea always knew it as fear. She had learned to live with it, make a house in its pounding domain and heavy breathing winds. She was familiar with the thump thump of her heart and the sweat that pooled and poured across her skin. She knew the tightening in her throat. She was friends with the churning of her stomach and the feeling of constricted lungs. In the worst cases, her vision darkened and lost its color; her brain seemed uninterested in oxygen. Her home was here, in the sweaty palms and dry mouth. “H-hello?” The shadows twisted and blinked at her. Wolves bayed. Thea shrieked. 
She tore off in one direction, tripping over a branch and catching herself on the ground with her palms. She looked up into the darkness again; it blinked, it howled. But underneath it all, she thought she smelled something else. Not a wolf, not a tree or leaf or patch of mud or frog sitting in tall grass. A little bit human, a little bit animal and not at all safe against a pack of wolves. Thea was fearful more times than she was ever brave. She faked illnesses to avoid group presentations and pretended to be getting phone calls when social interactions felt like too much. It was that fear she lived inside of that spurred an odd, defiant sort of compassion; she knew what it was like to be scared and never wished it on another soul. If there was someone there out there, she would sooner piss her pants than let them get chewed on by werewolves. “Is someone there?” She called out, rushing into the thickest patch of the darkness, sniffing the air wildly like the dog she was only some of the time. “Where are you? Call out to me!” 
What was the woman doing?!
The beast knew that she was afraid. It could taste her fear in the air that blew between them, and yet she was choosing to run into the illusionary shadows… towards the howling of spectral wolves! 
Uttering a quiet grunt of irritation, the creature narrowed its small eyes and watched as the figure stumbled blindly through a darkness only they could see, shouting out as if trying to find someone. It was sure that she’d come here alone, there was no recent scent of another person on them that the beast had been able to detect, and they searched anyway.
Chewing the inside of its cheek in an oddly human fashion, the creature lumbered forward, shouldering saplings and wild flora aside as it advanced towards the woman. If the illusions were enough to keep her away from its private place, then perhaps a more immediate threat would yield better results.
It started slowly, cautiously placing one fearsomely beclawed paw in front of  another, eyes fixed on the figure’s slight frame and groping movements. One step at a time, the beast gathered pace, moving faster through the trees and starting to be less cautious about making noise as it did so. Weaving more illusions around itself, the creature became a ghost animal with burning coal-like eyes, its translucent fur shining like a warning through the shadows as it approached.
All it had to do was get in front of her, turn the woman around and drive her away from the tree where its backpack was hidden in the branches. This was usually a good transitional spot to come and change. There weren’t any attractions or sights hereabouts and none of the trails wound this way… It was supposed to be his safe space, dammit!
Amidst the trees and wildlife, the bear-like creature that sometimes wore the form of a man added its own frustrated bellow to the choir of wolves voices it had summoned, and lowered its massive head as it charged to intercept the fearful woman.
Thea quivered, fear shot through her like the fluttering of hummingbird wings; her heart hammered and her throat tightened. She’d fallen over a while ago, clawing her way through the darkness and the chorus of barking and howling. The ground suddenly felt wet, clinging to her skin and infesting her nails with heavy globs of mud. It begged for her to join the ground and merge her body into dirt. Thea wept and under the wheezing of her breath, she muttered prayers she knew would never be answered. She prayed to find whoever was beyond the haze of darkness; she prayed they would be safe; she prayed the wolves would go away forever and that she’d wake up tomorrow in her parent’s home, eight years old, learning that everything that had ever happened to her was a terrible dream. When she looked up to find a creature charging at her, its thick paws sending plumes of debris into the darkness, she had accepted her death with a strange, hopeful finality. 
The night Thea was bit, what she truly remembered were the eyes: round, glowing, with pupils dilated to an impossibly small dot. There were teeth, gnarled and yellow. There was saliva, pooling from the wide maw like syrup. There was matted fur lit up by the street lights of Toronto and the unforgiving full moon above. It was the eyes that haunted every bright light and dark corner. There wasn’t any emotion there, nothing animal or human. When she was admitted to the hospital, she described two orbs flying towards her. When her friends took her out, they laughed about how silly it was that circles could be scary. She wondered if the last thing they saw was something round, glowing, with unnaturally small pupils. 
Whatever part of Thea still wanted to bite and snarl was lost to the fear. Thea closed her eyes and held up her hands. She thought about every full moon that she’d endured and every stain on her skin she woke up with the next day. She thought about the bits of skin and hair she was always picking out from between her teeth. She thought about how nice it would be if the next full moon was met with silence. 
And then, she waited. 
What was the woman doing now?!
The monstrous bear could taste the terror radiating from her like ambrosia on its tongue. Every staccato beat of her rabbit-like heart sent waves of delicious, beautiful, intoxicating fear out into the world, but the creature had already gorged itself and couldn’t feed anymore. What a waste.
And now she’d stopped running.
Her hands were held aloft. Not shielding herself or hiding her face, but it almost seemed like a motion of acceptance. It was charging towards her and, after everything this woman had endured, she accepted her fate. In her terror, she welcomed the end.
Your Papa will be so disappointed.
The voice rose unexpectedly out of memory. Its tone was tired and exasperated, and he could picture his mother wiping blood from his nose as a small boy, shaking her head as she spoke. He’d been eight years old, still wasn’t talking, still learning what it was to live with humans. The boy that he had been was hungry and had scared another child to eat their fear, the way he had seen others do it. That child had wet himself in front of their friends, who’d immediately turned on them and started teasing him mercilessly, as only a gang of kids can do. Every hurtful remark, every name he was called, every shove and poke that the child had endured, it was all on him.
Just wait until Papa gets home.
The child that he’d once been thought he understood what that meant, and knew his own fear at what came next. 
Burying its giant paws into the mud, the monster slid to a stop several feet from the cowering woman. Slowly, it dropped the illusions it had cast around her; quieting the wolves and lifting the ominous shadows from her eyes. Though dirty, the fur that encased its huge frame still looked mostly white even through the mud. It padded slowly forward and snorted, its heavy brows furrowed in a very human-like expression of irritation.
Brushing past her, the huge beast lumbered up to a tree that stood behind her and, standing almost 7ft on its hind legs, it carefully took the strap of a khaki colored backpack into its mouth from where it had been hanging, partially disguised by the sparse foliage.
Folks are scared all the time, Jer, he heard his father’s spectral voice as he dropped back to all fours. You don’t gotta be scaring them, just to get yourself a snack, son. I thought you knew better than that.
With another snort and a deep, low rumbling growl, Jerry padded sadly towards the deeper woods to find himself a new spot and maybe be alone where he couldn’t hurt anyone. 
The end didn’t come for Thea. She waited for it, trying to still her frantic heart and urge her desperate lungs to relax. Panic remained stuck in her throat, reminding her of life and how much she didn’t want to lose it. When she finally opened her eyes, it wasn’t to the creature that had stolen her normalcy. The bear, as best as she could describe it, didn’t carry the same blind hunger. At least, when it reached over her, when she expected to be crushed between its paws, it pulled something from the branches instead. The wolves had stopped hollowing and the scent of animal and human vanished along with the strange, white bear. Thea remained, unsure of where fear was meant to go. She thought she should have been grateful, but she didn’t feel particularly thankful for anything. She figured some curiosity was needed, but as she turned and stared between the trees where the bear had disappeared, she couldn’t summon a single question about it. Calm came to her with a deadness; horror remained swirling under her skin, shifting her insides. On the outside, there was only the occasional hiccup, carrying the murky weight of what she held below. Thea was a still, dark ocean, watching the shadows and waiting. Each sound made her gasp, each flutter of wind had her jaw clenched—ripples. 
When she stood finally—a fish breaking the water—with the sky dark and the air turned crisp, she marched along with her swallowed terror and did her best not to drown. When she left the forest, she thought about what she would make for dinner. When she reached her bed, she decided she’d watch YouTube videos of snow monkeys sitting in Japanese hot springs instead of sleeping. When she dressed herself for work in the morning, she didn’t think about wolves or trees or howling. 
But when she stepped into the sun, watching parents load their children into cars with their swinging lunch boxes decorated by the likes of Spider-man, Elsa and Pikachu, she thought about the white bear and how neatly she would have fit into its mouth and how quickly her bones would have snapped under its paws. She wondered, for the first time, why it ever bothered to stop. 
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stormbite-art · 1 year
i feel morbidly curious since i've been looking at old sb art and stuff, what was the original story/first draft like? story-wise and character-wise? again, just curious
The original first draft, version 0.001, pre-alpha, unrendered version of Stormbite was a hot mess, but there are still some anachronisms of it in the published version because I loved messing around with it in its raw form.
RIP Version 0.001 - Circa. 2012~
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The first version was written by an angsty, unknowingly asexual, hyper stressed, nerd-ass teenager full of spite filled ambition, who had a little book/art club of other nerds who were into art, manga, video games, hyperfixations on birds, mushrooms, fish, and all other niche Ology zones, that they wanted to entertain and please. We all liked sci-fi and fantasy, non-human protagonists, were all raging angrily about how a certain series was going and the state of YA fiction at the time (it was those dark 2009-2013 years where all YA fiction was paranormal romance love triangle bullshit).
Because I was full of spiteful ambitious rage, and it was not my first rodeo in deciding to make a creative project of some kind, I decided to do my own story/comic with some characters created by my nerd club friends.
It was entirely what you'd expect of a teenager who did not fear cringe and was just wanting a good time to entertain friends. Plots were flexible abstract things, and canons were loose. Ships passed in the night, and AU's were golden and hyper modifiable to fit any scenario or adaptation. There was no lore or world rules, it was a free for all.
I managed to get through almost 20 pages of colouring this super rough comic, and doing what is essentially still the first chapter without really doing a script or any forethought into what happens next. Version 0.001's remnants still exist in chapters 1-5 and that is it, everything else after that came later when I decided that drawing took too long, and writing was faster and easier to change. Drawing out thumbnails of scenes did help in writing what happened and how a fight played out however.
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The original versions of the characters however:
Storm had the full anime works: She had a split personality with colour changing, glowing eyes, possessed by the spirit of her dead twin, a metal collar that couldn't be taken off, lightning and frost powers, nerdy t-shirts and converse.
Kat was originally a blonde-haired blue eyed white girl, with blue jay wings which changed. Her tail was cut off, she was a trained assassin who wore revealing ninja outfits, her and Amell was meant to be a thing.
Beth had a pet owl called Harrold who was a spy for her, wore a cavaliers hat and was a self-proclaimed technomancer who could hack anything and control technology, was cheerful and helpful, had all of her limbs, and was obsessed with blueberry muffins.
Wilny was pasty emo boy with scraggy hair and much greener wings. Also he could actually stop time rather than mess with perceptions to make it feel as though time has stopped.
Amell was a skinny, lanky dude, greek rather than kiwi, and had blue eyes, and could lift a car in flight.
Comet was more of a main character with a kind of disturbing backstory, long hair, reality manipulation powers
Raoul was a wolf-girl before she became Asena and Raoul his own person. Palmer didn't really fully exist.
Malana is more or less the same, but was meant to have horns at one point and was created in Risio but was a reject.
Sabre & Fell were generic bad guys. Rex was a good guy.
There was also a lot of other characters who either have been recycled into other minor characters (ex. Rai, Asena, the Varren group ((that was the first rodeo)) or Roux) or have been lost to time and cut completely.
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Of course, time goes on, you grow and change, develop and redevelop both what you like, how you work, what you can do and prefer, so of course it evolved a lot more and there was a lot of changes along the way.
Personally, I think they all look a lot better now.
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keepsmagnetoaway · 2 months
Amazing Spider-Man 92 (January 1971)
Stan Lee/Gil Kane & John Romita
We're continuing our swing (that's a Spider-Man joke) through the guest appearances of the cancelled-but-not-gone X-Men in the early 70s with this stunner of an issue. Its excellence has almost nothing to do with the fact that it somewhat incidentally features Iceman, but hey, it also does.
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Incidentally, this issue (and Marvel in general) calls Spider-Man "Spider-Man", with the hyphen and capitalisation, but calls Iceman "Iceman", one word. This kind of thing annoys me. But anyway, Iceman here is intruding on the golden age of Spider-Man comics, with Stan Lee still writing the series and legendary artists Gil Kane and John Romita drawing it. This issue, 92, comes just after the storyling in which Gwen Stacy's dad dies, a foundational part of the series' mythology (recently re-examined in Across the Spiderverse), and just a few issues before a then-pioneering storyline about Harry Osborn and drug use. The art is jazzy and bright but also dynamic, and the writing is - as always with Lee - wordy but snappy.
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There's also, as you can see, a political angle. In the wake of Captain Stacy's death, Peter is trying to throw Stacy off the scent after she starts to suspect that Peter is Spider-Man, so he decides to kidnap her and be really mean to her, since she "knows" Peter would never do such a thing. This is an absurd plan but whatever: Bobby Drake happens to be passing by and, believing Spider-Man to be behaving villainously (which, to be fair, he is), interrupts.
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This is basically all prelude for the real, and really interesting, plot, wherein sleazy politician Sam Bullitt is trying to get elected as District Attorney, using Spider-Man to create a law-and-order panic. Of course, nobody does law-and-order panic about Spider-Man like J Jonah Jameson, who had been suporting Bullitt..until Bullitt's thugs tried to threaten Peter Parker for information about Spider-Man, whereupeon Jameson got angry about an attempt to intimidate one of his journalists and the Bugle abandoned Bullitt. I'm explaining this at greath length but that's because I really like this plot and it goes to a really, really interesting place when Jameson and his long-suffering deputy Robbie Robertson get a visit from Bullitt.
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Holy shit! Actual politics! Robbie Robertson is, as you may know, one of the longest-established Black characters in Marvel comics, having been introduced in 1967, when he instantly became one of very, very few comics characters of colour to be depicted as anything other than a stereotype: instead he is and has always been a good guy journalist and ally of Peter's. And here we are with a villain throwing outright racial slurs and using hate groups and fascist tactics to get elected.
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It's extremely ironic that this happens to be an issue with an X-Men character in it since these are the exact kind of issues X-Men is meant to be about - fear, prejudice, minorities, politics - and almost never has been so far: but here's a Spider-Man story doing it, and doing it well.
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Eventually, of course, Peter and Bobby both realise what's up, and that they shouldn't have been fighting each other, and they team up, rescue Robbie, and expose Bullitt in the middle of a fancy fund-raising dinner.
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And that's that. There's almost no reason for Iceman to be in this issue, and it's sort of frustrating, again, that he never says "as an X-Man, this kind of hateful rhetoric against other minorities is particularly disturbing to me" because, again, that's sort of meant to be the whole point of the X-Men, but X-Men stuff aside this is a banger of an issue. Shame I won't be reading more of these, I guess.
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astranauticus · 8 months
ok one last post about the Project to truly exorcise it from my brain. just some process/design thoughts (also now that it's done if you want to read my liveblogged whinging for whatever reason here it is)
first off some stats because i kept stats like the nerd that i am:
time wise making this animatic took about 93.5 hours give or take (thanks procreate process replay) spread across exactly 2 months
anyway when i said i finished this project mostly through stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy this is what i meant lol like a lot of my thought process through this was just 'no way in hell am i letting some of these drawings disappear into my drafts forever'
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on average each frame took about 2 hours 45 minutes but thats a bit of an overestimate since i forgot to count some of the animated bits from the first two lines (so id guess the actual number is more like.. 2 hours 20 minutes?)
btw that line with the starry apparition fading away? 12 hours total
the single longest and most painful frame to draw was the one of the crew walking through tu'narath (5 hours 30 minutes) because a. perspective b. architecture design c. for some reason i put a lot of detail into rendering the armour on all the githyanki i drew why on earth did i do that
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(its especially painful bc that frame was one of the ones that didnt... feel like an important enough moment in the actual story of the show to be worth capturing the way the wish or even like, endellion is, i just needed to put that there for the storytelling flow or whatever of the animatic itself and it bothered me so much)
one other interesting little mishap was that i did all of these on canvas size 1080x720px (so that's why the youtube resolution isnt particularly high lmao) which is why procreate let me put an absolutely absurd amount of layers in one canvas (all 8 frames of with memories projected on the astral sea were done on one canvas. 159 layers) because the layer limit for that canvas size is 400 BUT. i accidentally started the starry apparition fade on an A4 canvas (my default canvas size for like all my normal fanart) and i only realised after finishing all the lineart and starting on colouring because i hit layer limit so i had to resize the canvas which did... interesting?? things to the lineart resolution
also if youre wondering how i drew K-LB that many times in something resembling timely fashion the answer is i sacrificed some... amount of sleep to 3d model and rig him in blender which. honestly? i consider it a roaring success
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splitting the frames by bar was a Choice and certainly a choice ive.. had doubtsTM about but thats the kind of thing you cant really change without bringing the whole project crashing down so if the frames seem to move a bit too fast im so sorry there was really not much i could do there
idk if people actually noticed the very very tiny drawings of the crew moving around on the ship in the 4th line especially since they sometimes get obscured by the subtitles but the REASON for that is in my original drawings the subtitles went in the top left corner but they kept conflicting with other stuff so i just gave up and threw them to the bottom (also i originally included the chinese lyrics but then i got lazy lmao)
anyway that little detail like VR-LA angstily looking at the sea reminiscing about the JourneyTM and the crew sort of appearing along with the memories of their adventures together was one of those things that seemed SO COOL in my head but once i actually execute it its like. hmmmm not sure if that worked out the way you thought it would buddy. also the tiny crew was EXTREMELY hard to draw so put that down as another point in 'me subjecting myself to deeply painful and out there compositions for no good reason'
anyway i called this my magnum opus but i do actually have some thoughts about another one (a companion piece, if you will) for another song by the same band because now that i know what capcut can do im.. really itching to try something a little different because this like powerpoint presentation style? fully a product of me using iMovie as my only available video editing software for the past like 7 years of my life
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soullmate au with Peter with the writing on the arm thing. Like they write something and it shows up on their arm and when Peter and El escape (cause they both need good things in life) they end up meeting somehow?
Happily Ever After
hi anon!!!!! sorry i took so long i wasnt sure how to make y/n and peter meet 😭 tysm for the request ilyyyy
Summary: it's in the ask basically
Pairing: peter ballard x fem!reader
Warning: swearing maybe? at this point its not a warning
Word Count: 1k
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As Peter sat with 011, he felt a strange sensation on his thigh. Strange but familiar. It was the feeling of his soulmate sending him a message. He was thankful that she had heeded his request of communicating to each other on only their thighs, because that was a spot that would surely not get exposed to Dr. Brenner, and Peter could not deal with getting punished again for simply talking to his one true love. 
Did he truly believe that this random person he shared a connection with was his one true love? Of course not, but it was fun to humour the idea. He was excited to go for lunch break so he could see what she said. 
But the feeling continued, spreading from one leg to the other. Peter checked the time. Oh, it’s because his soulmate is in biology class. He chuckled to himself. He had quite the artistic soulmate. She was always doodling over herself in pen, the simple drawings usually very good. 
He complimented her on her skills often, he was impressed. His strong suit (which was still not very strong) in art was colouring, so it was interesting to him to watch small lines appear on his body to form something amazing.
 As soon as his break started, Peter rushed to his room (more like a prison, really) and pulled his white work pants down enough to expose the black ink decorating his pale skin. Not only were there doodles and sketches, probably song lyrics as well, but a little note was left for him. 
helloooo how ya been? 
He smiled down at the now familiar, messy handwriting scrawled across his thighs. Peter quickly grabbed the black pen Brenner had given him for one of his birthdays, only because one of the children had asked him when it was and when the day arrived, some of the kids made a big deal of it and Brenner hadn’t wanted to seem like he didn’t care. 
Not bad, and yourself?
It only took a couple minutes for her to reply. 
i’ve been kinda stressed lately, just got a lot of homework
What subject?
ugh like all of them
You’re really not a fan of school huh?
gods no, the only bearable part is that theres this cute little cafe right by my school so i can go and get some coffee sometimes before or after school
And conversations like that occurred almost everyday. Messages by default stayed permanent until one partner made an effort to get rid of it. This meant that he had to make the effort to scrub off whatever was on his body before going into the shower room, a shared space with cameras in it, unlike his room. 
He was lucky that Brenner wasn’t interested enough in what he did during his free time to install security cameras in his room. 
But soon enough he wouldn’t have to worry about Brenner at all. Once his plan was in motion he’d never have to worry about stupid Dr. Brenner again. 
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“Peter, where will we go now?” 011 asked him as they walked out the back door of Hawkins Laboratory. It was absolutely crucial to his plan that the young girl never found out about that massacre. Somehow, after all this horrible place had done to her, 011 would still have felt some remorse for them. Certainly enough to persuade her not to join him. 
“You needn’t worry about that Eleven, I have somewhere we can go,” Peter reassured her. He was lucky that his soulmate lived in Hawkins. They had arranged the meeting a couple weeks ago. He was aware that she might not take kindly to the fact that he brought along a child with him to stay at her house, but he’d cross that bridge when they got there.
Now that he thought about it, his soulmate would certainly have many questions for him. Questions he could not answer, not without revealing his powers. Was he ready to tell her about those? Not yet, but… maybe someday. 
As he neared the shitty gas station close to the lab that he agreed to meet his soulmate at, he stopped and crouched down to 011’s height. “Okay, Eleven, there will be a girl in there that we’re going to meet. But she can’t know about our powers. Or anything about the lab, okay? So I was wondering if you had a name you wanted to go by? We can’t be calling you Eleven.”
“I need a new name?” 011 repeated, not sure she understood. 
“Yes, it can be anything you like.”
“I… don’t know.”
“Well how about El, hmmm? Like the first part of your name, just without the even part.”
“El,” she said, testing out how she felt about it. “El is nice.”
“Wonderful, let’s go meet our friend now, shall we?’
The two entered the tiny variety store next to the gas station, Peter searched for whoever felt like his soulmate. It sounded stupid, but he had heard stories about the instant connection one was supposed to feel upon meeting their other half for the first time. 
And sure enough, the minute he locked eyes with her, an intrusive happiness filled his mind, yet strangely he wasn’t upset about it. He hurried toward her, holding El’s hand and pulling her along. 
“Hello soulmate, my name’s Peter,” he smiled at her, instantly amazed at her beauty. Her eyes seemed so bright and filled with joy, something he was not used to seeing. 
“Hi Peter, I’m Y/n. And who’s your friend?”
“This,” he gently nudged El toward Y/n, “is my sister. El.”
“Hi El! I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” Y/n bent down, so her eyes were on the same level El’s were. 
“Hello, who are you?” El asked, timid about meeting someone new. Especially someone dressed in such bright colours as the ones Y/n wore. It was strange. Good strange. But strange.
“I’m a friend. You and Peter are going to be staying at my house,” she smiled at the small child. Peter’s heart warmed at the sight. It seems his worries for El had been over nothing, Y/n was very welcoming to her. 
“Speaking of, we should get going.”
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Y/n drove the two back to her cosy little home on the edge of Hawkins, making conversation with the both of them. 
“Well, here we are! Home sweet home.”
“Thank you for this, Y/n, really. I realise that despite the whole soulmate thing, El and I are complete strangers and I appreciate you letting us into your home.”
“Of course. We are meant to be after all. And that makes you and El my family. And I’d go to the ends of the world for family, so letting you stay over is nothing. Besides, we’re like… together now. Aren’t we?” Y/n smiled shyly at him, staring into his pretty blue eyes. 
“If we are, does that mean I get to kiss you?” Peter asked, looking down at her lips.
Y/n leans in, pressing her lips softly to his. “Does this answer your question?”
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amoeba-shaped-rock · 1 year
A look at Playwright's design
This was meant to be an analysis but it became so unserious midway. And yes I'm using this whole thing as an excuse to tell everyone that Playwright wears high heels.
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Some elaboration (may contain spoilers for IS2) :
1. didn't have any space for it but need to note that he has beauty marks!! two of them.
2. he often draws blood for his blood ink, so he's probably anemic further suggested by his pale complexion and premature gray hair.
3. the gap in his sleeve is probably to make drawing blood easier
4. the low blood volume from frequent blood draws causes low blood pressure. tight clothes help improve blood circulation
5. he covers up most of his body parts, so we can't tell if he has any visible scars or more importantly, oripathy crystal formations. he seems to be infected though, based on the relic descriptions
6. gloves makes it unclear if he has any scars, corns or calluses. someone who writes so often ought to have calluses. it could be that his gloves themselves are to prevent calluses. Personally, I think writing with gloves on is very difficult. props to him for always writing with gloves on
7. Black and white hair. I think this is either indicative of his cat breed, a sign of stress or anemia, a reference to the black cat in Poe's short story Black Cat, or all of the above. You can refer to my previous post to know more about Playwright and the Black Cat.
8. Ribbons. so many ribbons. boy why do you love ribbons so much. the ribbons are mostly blue and black, but there are other colours too. he also ties the longer parts of his hair with them.
Interestingly, having a lot of ribbons is a characteristic shared by Ms Christine, another character related to Phantom. in Ms Christine's case though, it was Phantom who gifted her all the ribbons. Could it be that Phantom also gifted the Playwright all these ribbons? or the other way around?
10. trademark small_ryuzaki's hypnotic eyes. among all small_ryuzaki characters we have, this is the most apparent with Cantabile and Erato. he also has eyebags, implying that he hadn't slept well in a good while.
9. High heels - probably a fancy formal wear, but I like to think otherwise. HC that Playwright wears high heels because he doesn’t want to look short when standing next to Phantom, a towering 185 cm pole. Imagine Rhythm in Literature EP but Playwright is ~15 cm shorter. Wouldn’t it be cute? I love this shortie.
Update: he wears high heels (and so do most other Troupe members other than Blood Diamond) because tragic actors wear buskins
11. Blue quill - The Writer's Tongue, a relic that foreshadowed the Playwright's death. he never lets go of it because he never stops writing. maybe when he finally achieves his vengeance, he'll be able to let go.
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12. Blue accent - his design perfectly contrasts Blood Diamond's. I have been thinking, why the Blood Diamond outfit? why not Phantom's default outfit? This may be because the current default Phantom isn't the real Phantom, but rather a shell of who he used to be. To the narrative as a whole, "Phantom"'s character is meaningless without the troupe, so in order to fully grasp his character, you have to look at his identity within the troupe. "Blood Diamond" may be the troupe's puppet, but he's also their star.
There are other significance of the colour blue that I covered in this post.
13. "Tear of the Departed"
this relic that belongs to the dead/retired elite operator shares the same shade of blue, and similar themes to Playwright's: associations with fire and creation, and heroic qualities. I might be jumping the gun, but its an interesting food for thought
14. I actually don’t know anything about cat breed or British shorthair or whatever. He’ll always be a black cat shaped gremlin in my heart.
15. Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Phantom to try some on or Mouthpiece to try some on to replace his mask. We really need glasses to become a thing in the Crimson Troupe and start giving them away for free. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
That's about all, I think. Will add more if I find anything else to add later.
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fried-manto · 2 years
i don’t know if you where asked this yet- but opinions on each character?
If you meant each character, theres only really like, *counts fingers*-9 characters I care about in the OMORI game-
So I'll just give you a run down of my opinions for these 9 lucky peons starting from my least favourite to my favourite I guess.
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.. its complicated.
My feelings about Sunny is so turbulent that I honestly don't really know how to feel about him most of the time. This is the best I could describe it.
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He's cute, and his flower crown is so fun to draw and colour.
But I hate him. And love him at the same time. Most of all, I genuinely pity him for living.
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She's just too... she hits way too close to home.
Aubrey, like me, is a hypocrite who does things impulsively. I hate how I'd probably do the same thing if I was in her shoes.
And Headspace Aubrey just has this pretentious tone of speaking that I definitely have (no matter how sincere I try to sound), so I can't even tell if she's kinning me or I'm kinning her anymore
Also fanfic writers, except for the few exceptions, cant for their lives write her right. Like do you guys just write Aubrey in there for the Sunburn????
Now on to my top 3
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I draw her so much... way too much... 大姐我爱你。。。
TOP 2 is tied between
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Even tho she got her heart sweeped #heartsweep she's the queen in my heart 🎇
I'm probably like the #2 Sweetheart fan, right behind @lesleyn lmao
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Oh Hero... someone please feed me some Hero content PLEASE.
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So I didnt really care about him all that much in the begining BUT THEN
Hikikomori route.
S P A C E - E X H U S B A N D
And then there was this Spaceboy centric fic that's about him stumbling into blackspace and realising the truth and i-
You are too good for SWEETHEART, my queen is mine and you are mine as well.
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Just Kel.
The core of The Gang (sorry Mari, you got outshoned here)
Reblog if you agree.
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And then there was one. The king of headspace and my heart 🖤🤍
I actually dont know why I love him so much, maybe he really is just the better version of Sunny (IN MY OPINION) he just gives off this empty, empty, depressing feeling that I love oh so much
and maybe one part of me is just super bitter with the fact that A03 writers always write Omori as this villain.
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