#like luffy he is THE dreamer
franeridan · 10 months
can't stop thinking about that one post tumblr put on my dash that was like the main difference between luffy and teach is that teach is luffy without a dream..................... i mean it's cool to have our own understanding of the characters and all but how did you erase teach's introduction from your memory that thoroughly
#there's very few characters in op i dislike as much as i dislike teach I'll be honest#i don't like him i don't like his design i don't like his methods or anything he brought to the plot#but i DO find him very interesting ngl#his intro on jaya put him squarely in the same half of the characters with luffy#like luffy he is THE dreamer#at the same time though he's opposite to luffy on every single other thing which i find very interesting in itself#but not the reason why I'm interested in him#he spent decades on wb's ship keeping a low profile just to find the fruit he was looking for#AGES on that ship just for that fruit#and then he found it and his plan was put into motion immediately#that means that he had the whole thing planned out for decades that's low-key insane to me#what if someone else found the op before him? what if he died before he got the fruit?#what if the fruit got eaten by someone outrageously stronger than him and he just had to let it go? there's so much left to chance#but that's not even it the part that REALLY interests me isn't even that#it's how oda has been repeatedly saying that he's interested in history#he would be an archaeologist in a modern setting his past time is studying history#recently he kidnapped pudding you can't tell me it isn't so that he can read the poneglyphs#he wants to know about the void century for sure that's so at odds with the image he projects to me#why is he that interested? does he care about the one piece at all?#i get wanting to pit him against luffy by design but flattening his character is a disservice imho#the man has been devoting his whole life to his dream there's no doubt about that#the real question is what IS his dream
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nina-ya · 3 days
A/N: Zoro version lets goooooooooo i have some other characters planned for this as well so yeah!! Pairing: Zoro x reader CW: none WC: ~600 Other Versions: Luffy Zoro Sanji (more to come) • masterlist • ko-fi • discord server •
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Loving Zoro is loving someone who is a warrior and a dreamer. His ambitions burn brightly, and he is always chasing that final goal of becoming the world's greatest swordsman, and yet he never forgets about you. He’s that one person who you can count on to stay by your side and protect you throughout the night. His sleeping body is always ready to jump into action, at least more than usual, all so you can sleep soundly. He’s always there, watching over you even when you don’t fully realize it, ensuring you’re safe in a world that’s anything but. 
Loving Zoro is loving someone who is not afraid to be himself. He can be rough around the edges and sometimes abrasive, but there’s something nice about his honesty. He will never pretend to be something that he is not, and he will never expect you to either. He is simple, and straightforward, someone that you can lean on when everything in the complex world feels uncertain. 
Loving Zoro is enjoying the comfortable silence that always falls between you. No words are needed to feel close to him. You can sit beside him for hours simply watching him sharpen his swords, and feel more connected to him in that moment than anyone else. There’s always a peacefulness in his presence and you can’t help but cherish it. 
But Loving Zoro is also learning how to navigate those tall and tough walls he puts up. He’s not one to easily express his feelings, especially when it comes to love, and he’s much less likely to admit when he is hurting. His pride is very strong and sometimes loving him means giving him the space to figure things out independently. However, don’t confuse this with meaning he doesn’t need you. He won’t always say it, but you know he needs you when he leans onto you after a long tough day, or when he opts to have you tend to his wounds rather than Chopper. It’s his way of saying ‘i need you’ without having to utter a single word.
It’s understanding that he doesn't often declare his love for you through words, but he shows it in the way that he is always there. It shows in the way that he will train until his body refuses to continue, but he still takes the time to check on you. It is in the way that he will offer you the last of his water, even when he is thirsty himself. It is in the way that he is always by your side, promising protection in his presence alone.
Loving Zoro is knowing that he will fight for you with every fiber of his being, but he also expects you to be able to fight for yourself, not just on the battlefield. He respects strength, both physically and in character. He admires you when you stand your ground, even if he may disagree with the topic at hand. And no matter what, he will push you to be the best version of yourself because he believes in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. 
Loving Zoro is loving a man whose passions mirror the intensity of his discipline. It’s watching him train for countless hours on end in the birds' nest, sweat dripping down his body as he pushes himself to his limits and beyond, and just feeling in awe at the sheer determination that drives him. But it’s also those moments where he lets his guard down for you, when he leans in close, forehead resting against yours, and you can feel the depths of his emotions.
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blednokrov · 10 months
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I've been having lots of fun designing random OP fusions for a hypothetical AU where people can fuse... Feel free to drop a combo of any two Strawhats in my asks for me to draw a fusion of them (I'm only reading impel down rn so please no spoilers)
More on these:
Mickey (Nami + Franky) - ultimate Big Sibling fusion. She's very balanced in her sense of responsibility, desire to take other under her wing and general "fun but let's keep it sane and safe" vibe. One of favorite fusions of Strawhats as her appearance often means "supervised fun that is otherwise strongly off limits" and they just love her in general. Overall, Mickey's cool, fun and sexy (and not allowed in many public places because she only wears bikini swimsuits). He fights with electrocution.
Didja miss me? Well, now you can look at my pretty face all you want - we're gonna have so-o-o much fun~
U.V. or just Violet (Usopp + Vivi) - the big dreamer one. She is really sweet and emotionally open - probably one of most child-like fusions, but often gets timid and unsure when it's time for her to to stand up for herself. She loves fantasizing and excitedly ranting about all these ideas on how to make world a better place, but goes into very absurd territory without noticing. They fight with a sling and explosives.
No, wait, but listen. But what if The World Government, like, printed money so that everyone can have some, and- No, wait, i don't think this is how economy works. Okay, what if we all just...
Roro (Zoro + Robin) - arguably the most unhinged fusion of them all. With Robin's morbidly creative mind and Zoro's general disinhibition in most generally dangerous situations, Roro is pretty much unstoppable once he set his mind to do something reckless, dangerous and possibly really violent (as they both don't have any qualms about murdering or causing severe bodily harm). However when not in "focused on following through with an insane idea" mode, Roro is actually a rather pleasant company! They're calm, collected and thoughtful, yet shamelessly silly, especially with Luffy and Chopper who they adore. Most of the crew is rather cautious about them (except for Luffy who whines how he misses playing "multiarmed tags" with Roro) because they can cause much trouble without supervision. On the other hand, they're very strong. They fight combining swordfighting with generating extra limbs (which also means an arm slashing you with a sword can sneak on you from any direction).
Oh. I see. How about we send his head- okay, his fingers in a box to his captain as a warning?
Note: Luffy has the privilege of naming all fusions and usually just smashes names together until it sounds like an easy to remember name... Sometimes inner logic of how the name was made is lost even to him
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thebunnednun · 16 days
If you really love me, let me go [Preview]
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Parings: Red Haired Shanks x Vice Admiral! Reader
Hey Mami! Soo I've been thinking about our beloved Shanks x Vice admiral!Reader. Cuz why not? He's so carefree, so it would be nice to see him with someone who is the opposite of him. As usual, @orange-milky has me blushing and kicking my feet. So be sure to thank her when I finish this fic.
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The stars above stretched endlessly across the night sky, their brightness cutting through the dark canopy like diamonds spilled across velvet. It was your favorite part of living here—how open and vast the heavens always seemed. You found comfort in how steady they remained, unmoved by the chaos of life below. 
Sometimes, as you looked up at the twinkling lights, you wondered what it would be like to sail in the sky itself, drifting from planet to planet like the sea of stars was just another ocean. Luffy, ever the dreamer, always promised to make your wildest fantasies come true, and knowing him, it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. 
But what about you? What about your responsibilities?
Shanks' voice pulled you from your thoughts, though you hadn’t caught his words.
"Hey, are you alright lass?" he asked softly, his tone laced with a gentle concern.
You blinked, turning your attention back to him, meeting those familiar, warm eyes that seemed to hold a world of their own. 
"Sorry, no. What did you say?"
He smiled, that easy, carefree grin that never quite matched the weight of his words. "I was asking if you’d join me at sea again."
The idea hung between you like the scent of saltwater that always seemed to cling to him. You opened your mouth, glancing toward the town below, gesturing to the village that stretched out in the distance, its peaceful quietness versus the unpredictability of a pirate’s life. The flicker of lanterns from the homes and streets was like the heartbeat of the place you’d sworn to protect.
But Shanks shook his head, his expression unbothered by your hesitation. "Not for long," he clarified. "Just two weeks. I know you couldn’t stay forever."
His words were calm, non-pressuring, but the temptation lingered like a beckoning wave. You mulled it over, your mind swimming with the responsibilities that weighed you down. You weren’t young anymore, at least not in the way that counted. The youthful impulsiveness of picking up and leaving whenever you felt like it had long passed. 
Now, you had cadets who looked up to you, a village that relied on your protection, and a life you couldn’t simply walk away from. The thought of leaving—even just for a few weeks—and returning to disaster haunted you.
Yet, here stood Shanks, the man who could never be caught, the one who had always captured your heart. He wasn’t crowding you, wasn’t demanding an answer. He was just… there, waiting, like always. He reached into his pocket and passed you a handkerchief. You hadn’t realized you still had remnants of your green face mask smeared across your cheek.
You took the handkerchief with a small, grateful nod, wiping away the last smudge of your mask. Shanks’ grin widened as he watched you, a mischievous glint lighting up his features.
"Lovely as ever," he said with that familiar charm.
You raised an eyebrow, disbelief clear on your face. "Really now?"
"Yes," he said, his tone softening into something more genuine. "Like the first day I saw you. You just keep getting better and better."
His words, while honest and genuine, cut deep. They were too real, too heartfelt for the situation you were both in. It hurt—knowing he meant every word. You let out a heavy sigh, your chest tightening as you voiced what was already understood. 
"That’s what makes this so painful, Shanks. We’ve been dancing around each other for years. How long can we keep playing this game?"
You both fell silent, a weight settling between you like the fog rolling off the sea. The unspoken truth was something everyone knew—from the Celestial Dragons to the mermaids deep in the ocean. Even the sea beasts you used to ride in your younger days knew: You and Shanks were in love. But there were laws to nature that even love couldn’t break. 
A bird and a fish could admire each other, even come to each other’s aid when needed, but they could never be together. One couldn’t fly, and the other couldn’t swim—not where it mattered.
"What a cruel twist of fate this is," you whispered, your voice barely carried by the wind.
Shanks nodded solemnly, his gaze never leaving yours.
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Here is the link to the official fic!
I own none of the images or art!!!
My usual tag list: @orange-milky, @thealtofvalleyxdoodles, @m0rona, @xxsliverwolfxx, and there's room for more!~
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
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hi, could you do a x reader oneshot on live action Roronoa Zoro from the live action One Piece series!
Roronoa Zoro x reader oneshot (Netflix live action)
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Summary: you tend to Zoro's wounds after he is hurt on a fight
Warnings: cursing, a bit suggestive, mentions of blood, me pretending to understand medical matters 🤡 (sorry about that, it was for fangirling purposes only ajskajakja)
A/n: hello anon! Thanks a lot for the request 🥰 this is probably set after s1? Sorry for any plot or grammar mistakes 🙏🏻 i hope you like it 🩷
The salty sea breeze hit your skin as you looked out the Going Merry trying to spot your friends.
The straw hats had left to a village to try to confront another crew. Apparently another annoying guy was threatening Luffy and he was not going to let that pass. It was stupid, you thought, but, when Luffy had something in mind, absolutely no one could convince him otherwise.
Luffy had asked you to stay on the ship in case anything happened. Being the crew's doctor, you had to be prepared for any emergency regarding the crew's well being.
Yep, you were the doctor in the straw hats crew.
You had met when Luffy saw you helping hurt people in the middle of a fight at the small island you lived. He was so impressed at how good you were, how you helped everyone with ability but also with a kindness in your eyes that he had never seen before in anyone.
Having lived your entire life with your doctor grandparents, you had learned from them and was just as skilled as them, so you were always ready to help those who needed.
But you were also a dreamer and wanted to go around the world meeting new people and new places, so when Luffy asked you to join his crew you happily said yes.
- we already have a navigator, a cook... we could use a talented doctor like you. I just know it's you. So, what do you say? - he asked, with that excited smile of his.
And that's how you became a part of this special crew. Everyone was so nice to you, so it didn't take much time for you to get along with them all, specially with their cute swordsman.
Yeah, it was like you clicked. You started getting closer, closer... and before you knew you were dating.
That's why you were specially worried today. You were really afraid your boyfriend was going to do something stupid and get himself hurt again (you still had nightmares about the whole Mihawk thing).
You were lost in your thoughts when you heard your friends coming back to the ship. You immediatly ran to check on them.
- is everyone okay? - you asked worried.
- we're fine, we were lucky. Can't say the same about your man over there - Sanji said and your heart dropped. What did this stubborn do this time?
- shut up, Sanji, i'm fine - you heard Zoro say as he entered the ship too.
You ran to him doing a quick check up with your eyes. That's when you noticed the big red stain on the side of his shirt.
- oh my gosh, Zoro, you're bleeding! - you said terrified.
- this? Nah, this is just a scratch - he said shrugging and trying to play tough, even though you could clearly see he was in pain.
- no, it's not! - you said, in a stern way - come on, we have to bandage you up.
You carefully led him inside and brought your medical kit to start tending to his wounds. He sat down as you began.
- take your shirt off - you ordered.
- Wow you're that eager, huh? - he said smirking, but instantly regretting and wincing with pain.
- Zoro! Will you stop being a brat and let me take care of you? - you said angrily - i can see you're in pain and you're not going anywhere until we fix that up!
You were usually a very chill person, but you couldn't stand seeing your friends and loved ones in pain. That activated a side of you people were even a bit scared of lol
- okay, boss - he said, a bit annoyed but finally giving up.
The way he called you 'boss' made you feel all tingly inside. You were sure going to have to talk to him about it later (and maybe share some ideas 👀) but now it wasn't the time. You had a wound to treat.
He took his shirt off and you couldn't help but take in a sharp breath at the sight (even though you had seen it before lol). Boy was sure shredded.
Focus, (Y/N).
You checked him and noticed he had a knife wound just above his hip. It was ugly, but you could do it.
You grabbed a piece of cloth to start cleaning the wound.
- my love, i apologize in advance, but this is going to hurt.
You started the cleaning.
- shit, that hurts! - he hissed.
- i know, i'm sorry.
You knew you had to do it, but you couldn't stand seeing the man you loved suffering like that. You had to distract him out of it so you could finish your work.
- umm baby, could you tell me again about that time you beat three pirates at once with only one sword?
- what? Now? Why? - he looked so cute furrowing his brows in confusion.
- it's just that... i like to work listening to your voice - you quickly made that up lol
Well, it wasn't totally a lie, you did enjoy listening to his voice, but of course it was mostly to keep him distracted ajskjakaja
He was still a bit suspicious but started telling the story since you asked him (trust me, there was nothing you asked Zoro he wouldn't do for you). Your strategy worked cause you cleaned the wound and bandaged it without him wincing too much.
By the time he finished the story, you had finished your work too. You also gave him some painkillers for him to feel better soon.
- there you go - you said softly and kissed his forehead.
He closed his eyes and melted under your touch, not only because of how tired he was, but also because he felt super safe with you.
- thank you, (Y/N) - he said squeezing your hand.
You smiled at him.
- now please lay down and try to rest a bit, or this thing won't heal - you said in a stern tone, but nearly begging for your boyfriend to take care of himself.
You gathered your medical stuff and were starting to leave the room when he said:
- (Y/N), wait!
- what is it? - you asked, worried he was starting to feel pain again.
- I... I might not be feeling 100% yet. I think you should stay and lay down with me just in case it gets worse - he said in a really nonchalant way.
You rolled your eyes at his completely obvious attempt, but couldn't help smiling and blushing a bit at the thought of the great Roronoa Zoro wanting you to stay with him.
- you're the worst, Zoro - you said playfully as you carefully laid down next to him and put your hand on his chest.
- yeah, but you love me - he replied with that smug smile of his and that deep voice that drove you crazy.
You chuckled at his response.
- yes, I do - you said smiling.
His next words came out merely a whisper, but were enough to give you a thousand butterflies in your stomach:
- and I love you more.
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assiraphales · 11 months
I love zoro saving luffy but luffy saving zoro will always have a special place in my heart, esp when zoro's surprised abt it. It's like a reciprocated sweet gesture that he never expects to get.
Like that one scene where they were fighting kaido and luffy stopped him from attacking zoro and said to zoro, "sorry... now you have no reason to die."
every time I wonder what luffy feels regarding zoro's sacrifice in Thriller Bark I feel that it's not going to be a sappy "why did you do it?!" or a pent-up anger of "you really don't have to!"
I feel luffy will let him do whatever he wants because he doesn't want to get in zoro's way of living. Including how he protected his captain, but he can't help feeling sad or lost at the idea of losing zoro.
one of luffy’s biggest expressions of love when it comes to his first mate is by understanding him. because he and zoro are, when it comes down to it, very similar. there’s a reason they fit so snugly within hours of knowing each other. they’re dreamers, they value their freedom, they find joy in adventure, they love the thrill of a fight, they’re a little silly, they’re good fiercely loyal and devoted. and luffy respects zoro so much. he respects his strength and abilities, but above all his choices. when zoro fought mihawk luffy stood on the sidelines watching until he was struck down and did not interfere. even mihawk comments on this, on how luffy let zoro have this battle, and it is one of the reasons he calls them a good pair. luffy would do anything to protect and keep zoro by his side, but it is always zoro's choice (and freedom) to put his life on the line (even if luffy isn’t happy about it)
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miisakee · 1 year
i really feel like all the straw hats were so perfectly cast and well-written. luffy is absolute perfection, of course, and i also think that sanji was really good too, considering that he was only in the second half. i think they really cut through to the core of his character, imo, he's fundamentally a deeply kind-hearted dreamer who's chasing a fairy tale, with a hard outer shell of hot temper and irritability, and they understood that, you know? they toned down the right things for a live action adaptation, without taking away from his core character.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I've been thinking for a while about why I like Sabosan so much as a ship (even though I don't talk much about them. My mistake, honestly. I should do it more). Because we all know that out of the ASL brothers, Ace and Luffy are the ones who seem to make more sense when it comes to shipping them with Sanji. But there's just something about Sabosan that makes me go insane...
(Long post)
Lusan is quite obvious: Captain x His cook. Cook who starves as a metaphor for selflessness and who's always giving instead of taking x Captain who devours the whole world because he appreciates selfishness and freedom but is willing to starve to save his cook. Careless x Anxious. Sun x Ocean. Both are always sacrificing themselves but Luffy is at least aware of the value of his own life while Sanji sees himself as dispensable. They both work so well together because Luffy sees Sanji as kindness itself and what a cook truly needs to be (keep in mind that food is crucial for OP's story and it represents happiness most of the time) and he makes him want to seek freedom and his own desires. Sanji is a dreamer and he's hopeful yet extremely pessimistic when it comes to his persona, and Luffy is equally as hopeful but he despises his nakama seeing himself as unworthy of being in his crew. They both get each other's weaknesses and strengths and, okay, Luffy might not truly get Sanji completely but he doesn't need to as long as he sees the kindness in him and realizes everything he does, he does it for others. While Sanji sees Luffy as an escape from the prison he's always been locked in. My beloveds. Perfect dynamic (not going to make a whole analysis because I already talk about them enough here).
The thing is, Ace is also a perfect match for Sanji for a lot of reasons: You see, I think we can see a lot of similarities between them, especially the ones Luffy can't understand by himself but can link to both. Ace's way of dealing with depression and self-deprecation is to lean on his brothers and find a reason to live on them. If they love him, then at least it will have been worth it being alive. The same thing goes for Sanji, I think. It's not that he's actively suicidal. I don't think either of them seeks death, but they do think about it a lot and what the world would be like without them. Sanji sees himself as dispensable while Luffy can't believe a word he's saying, but Ace? Ace understands. He's been years thinking he shouldn't be alive. That he was a mistake. And the same thing goes for Sanji, growing up in a family that constantly told him he shouldn't exist and even faked his death. Once again, same thing with Ace and hiding his identity from the world. Ace knows he's loved, even if he has a hard time admitting why people like Sabo and Luffy would love him. But they do. It's a fact, even if it's hard to believe. And he keeps going thanks to their love and to protect them. Ace, although his personality might seem cocky and selfish and careless at first (which it is, but you know), he's extremely selfless when it comes to the people he loves. He literally lives thanks to them. Sanji basically does the same thing. Both of them cope with sabotaging themselves and they don't really value their lives unless it's someone else (cof cof Luffy cof cof) the one giving them a reason to keep going. I think Acesan works great as a ship because, from a more psychological point of view, like- Ace was born to be a brother. His whole character is created and introduced as Luffy's brother. Of course, he's more than that, but his chill and laid-back personality with sprinkles of emotional maturity only comes from growing up too fast because he desperately needed to take care of his little brother. Sanji desperately needs that type of connection with somebody and instantly feels attracted to protective people because he has never been protected before. Sanji has only been hurt by his brothers, so of course it's natural that he's astonished when he sees Ace for the first time being oh so kind and loving to Luffy. That's what he wanted. And it makes his heart melt instantly. Besides, going for a more personality thing here, Sanji is pretty repressed (when it comes to his memories. His gender. His sexuality. His feelings) while Ace (although he hides a lot of issues) is wayyy more proactive when it comes to what he wants. Sanji is scared to walk on earth, and Ace takes the world as his personal playground because he wants to be something that people remember that won't include mentioning his father. He wants to do something for himself. And talking about fathers, even if their daddy issues aren't the same, they both have grudges. And you know what else they have in common? Their gorgeous, blonde, dead mothers who died for them. Instant bond. They fit perfectly.
Now, about Sabosan:
If we're starting with the things they have in common, this is gonna be a wild ride. Both are nobles born in a family that absolutely did not love them but wanted them anyway for different (failed) purposes. They both escaped from those families but people thought they were dead for a long time, and their parents easily just found a substitute for them without caring much about what happened. Saying they have trauma is an understatement. They both escape from those lives completely, form new bonds with new people, and start a family somewhere else. And then they have to deal with that again and, not only that but suffer from the beautiful survivor's guilt that comes from not being able to save their siblings. I know Sabo's survivor's guilt is even worse because his bond with Ace was way stronger, but I think there's a part of Sanji who feels awful for Reiju and what she chooses to be a part of when she's actively different from their brothers too. Once again mentioning the self-sabotaging behavior and self-sacrificing acts because they're extremely selfless and have strong morals that lead them to these things. It's fundamentally different because I think Sanji is way more of a feeler than Sabo, but-- But the core of their personalities really is being extremely protective of the things they love and their ideals. It's not only the fact that they could bond over their pasts (and could easily be the only people understanding each other completely) but also the fact that their personalities fit perfectly. They balance each other. They're not the most mentally stable people in the world, but I think Sanji's issues are more similar to Ace's, and Sabo would know how to handle them. While Sanji is a natural caretaker and would not hesitate to take care of Sabo's breakdowns and episodes (because, sue me for being realistic, I think this guy has a personality disorder and depressive episodes and a bunch of other stuff. Just like Sanji, really. I mean- To me they're a very people pleaser BPD haver who has probably an eating disorder and anxiety x very overprotective Bipolar insomniac with memory issues. Maybe that's just me and my headcanons).
I am not going to be a nerd about them. But I am going to be a nerd about them. *pulls out MBTI profiles*
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Sanji prioritizes connecting with other people. He's extremely empathetic and his core needs are to be liked and to help others. His ideals are focused on the suffering of others and how to help them. He's very structured when it comes to what he wants to achieve, but he often puts others before his own needs instead of actually taking what he wants, and that affects him negatively. Not to mention his sense of depersonalization and hatred towards himself and where he comes from. And how that makes him sabotage himself and think he's not worthy of the love people offer him. This is kind of exactly what Ace goes through too and that's why I think Sabo would be able to help him. He's loyal and trustworthy and he would do anything for his loved ones and morals. Something that, again, matches Sabo completely. His sense of ethics is very intense and focuses mainly on empathy. He seeks love, attention, and praise from others. And he's also extremely hopeful for his dreams. He never stops believing in the All Blue or Luffy, just in himself. Which shows his sense of trust and loyalty but also his low appreciation towards himself.
Sabo, on the other hand, is a more meticulous person. I know he seems like he loses control often, but he doesn't follow his feelings as much as it looks. He's more logical and he doesn't follow what he wants but what he thinks it's right for others and society. That being said, he also will do whatever the fuck he wants if he feels like it because he's chaotic like that. He has very strong morals and focuses on finding solutions to the world's problems. Instead of focusing on one thing, he sees the whole picture and specializes in many things at once and chooses what to fight for instead of following his feelings. He often has to make difficult choices regarding his loved ones, and even if he would do anything if Luffy was in trouble when it comes to the greater good, he doesn't hesitate to do what's more reasonable regarding his ethics. However, he has a strong sense of protection and his anxiety also is a huge part of his personality, so that's pretty much when he loses control. He feels mostly responsible for what happens around him and always wants to be the one in control and fears losing the ones he loves.
The main difference between them, I'd say, is that Sabo is pretty much revengeful and his personality has a strong part of hatred towards humanity and the ones who have hurt him and society. His whole thing is fighting against them, too. Unlike Sanji, who even if he is able to hate people, he doesn't seem to be able to actually hurt them in a meaningful way because his kind personality makes him unable to do so (unless the people he's fighting go against his morals. Like having hurt a woman or wasting food or whatever). Not that Sabo isn't kind, but he knows how to stand up for himself and his morality and he can tell perfectly between right and wrong in a very black-and-white sense, while Sanji (even if he goes to extremes quite a lot) lets himself be used and he doesn't harm others the way they harm him (not to confuse with "played with" because Sanji is not that easily manipulated. He knows what's going on all the time. He just lets himself be used if it will protect the ones he loves or if it goes against his kindness and morality).
So I think (and this is the part where I explain how this relationship would work) that Sabo would be able to protect Sanji. It's not that Sanji needs protecting because at the end of the day, he can fight back and he can stand up for himself, but that's only when it comes to fights that don't have to do with him personally and only with his morals. Sabo has a very calm facade. A very gentleman-like personality, even if he's still as chaotic as his brothers. But he's more gentle. He's softer, too, in a way, because he analyzes what people need. He approaches things in a very protective but soothing way. Like, he could burn disgusting men alive for Sanji, turn around at him and say everything's fine and Sanji would straight-up believe him and then blush uncontrollably and then hit him for being reckless. In that order. I don't think Sanji likes feeling weak, because he has this thing in common with Sabo in which he doesn't like not being in control. But I think he needs this. He needs to be held and taken care of sometimes. He needs to let himself be weak around others. And Sabo wants somebody to protect because he couldn't do it with his siblings. I think Sabo would be gentle and patient with Sanji while also bringing silliness and the typical brightness the ASL brothers have in common. He'd be chaotic with him and Sanji would definitely get mad at him for stealing food or wanting to do the deed (keeping it safe for work my pals, but yeah, Sabo would be horny 24/7 and would not let Sanji cook. He wants to fuc-) while he's busy. But! But also Sabo would take care of him and would analyze the patterns. He would notice when he eats. What he eats. If he eats at all. He would worry about his sleep schedule and whether he's overworking himself or not (because surprise! He does the same thing). And Sabo would also love every part of him and have such deep hatred for the ones who have hurt him. I think Sabo would want to take revenge but Sanji would strongly refuse and Sabo would absolutely love that about him. "You're better than me, I would've set your family on fire. But this is what makes you so kind" type of thing. Basically, Sabo is fucking batshit crazy but he's silly and kind and talks like a revolutionary French man in the 18th century and Sanji loves him. Also, Sanji has a history with craycray people because Pudding is not okay mentally either and look at him, being down bad. Sabo loves Sanji for the same reasons Luffy does, he's just kindness itself and Sabo is so full of hatred that he truly, really needs somebody like him.
And Sanji? Sanji just absolutely loves how protective Sabo is. When it comes to his family and his friends and his morals and beliefs. After being surrounded by people who did not care about anything during his childhood and also being extremely scared of ending up being like them, Sanji appreciates that strong sense of protectiveness and the humanity that comes with loving something/somebody so much. That's what Sanji needs, basically. Sanji likes that Sabo is caring and gentle and always keeps an eye on literally everyone and everything. He likes the brightness and joy that comes with Sabo too, because he might be calculative but he's also impulsive when it comes to his needs and likes. Luffy might be the representation of liberation in a godly way, but Sabo is the realistic personification of freedom. And as much as I love Lusan and making religious imagery metaphors, I think those fit Zolu way more because Sanji needs to be realistic with this and Sabo is the one who can make him see life this way. He would also care a bit too much about Sabo's health because everyone knows it's fucked up and he's willing to die if it's for the revolution. It's not like he doesn't appreciate his life, in fact, he does. He knows he is crucial to society and can't die. But if it's for the greater good he would leave Sanji and Koala and Luffy behind and die. He doesn't want to do that to them and he'd desperately try not to because he values his worth, but... Y'know. It's not that he doesn't care about living, but he cares too much that he ends up hurting himself and overworking. And Sanji does that too, but seeing it from the outside with an empathetic personality like his is just... Painful.
So while Sabo shows Sanji how to be free and feels hatred for the both of them, Sanji is the kindness in the world Sabo is looking for and gives him something to put his mind at ease when it's filled with demons. And also, they get each other's pasts and trauma on a fundamental level that not a lot of people do.
I don't know how their relationship could start, really, but it could happen in a simple way such as: Sabo pays a visit to the crew (fuck the timeline btw, choose whichever arc you like or just ignore canon) and meets Sanji. Offers to help him cook (fails because he fucking sucks at cooking and he just wanted to help and actually he just ends up flirting with him and eating the ingredients) and stays with him to clean the dishes (something he can't do either because he won't stop talking and being overly distracted). And Sanji just- He's just so similar to both Ace and Luffy but in a more mature and gentle way, somehow? He brings peace to him but there's just something wrong with him deep inside Sanji can't quite catch, but feels connected to. Like they both just get each other, pretending they're fine but knowing they're not and also just enjoying each other's presence. Sabo feels captivated by the cook because he feels like there's just so much more he's hiding from him, and Sabo has always liked analyzing every little thing (<- writer behavior. We as a society need to talk more about how Sabo wants to be a writer canonically). Maybe Sabo starts visiting more often or stays for a while, but the thing is they grow closer because they keep wanting to know each other more. Perhaps a fight against some marines happens and Sabo goes full protective of him or Luffy and Sanji is extremely turned on by that (who wouldn't after seeing Sabo break skulls like eggs). And maybe they end up fucking, and it's not rough, but it's not extremely soft either? It's the perfect mix of possessiveness and care and somehow Sanji still feels in control all the way through. And I don't want to mention the cigarette of doom but Sabo lighting up Sanji's cigarette for him would be extremely intimate but also would make Sanji worry because every time this happens, he ends up creating a strong bond with that someone and something goes wrong. So they like each other a lot but there's always this layer of anxiety? Like they care too much for the other to say what they are but they refuse to lose each other. And Luffy either keeps telling Sabo to not still his cook or teasing Sabo for liking his cook, no in between. But yeah, let's make them go into a relationship:
Clingiest mfs on planet earth. Can't stand them. Sanji is down bad and is turned on by every little thing Sabo does but also can't stand him when he gets annoying and ends up yelling at him like an angry housewife. Sabo often takes that as flirting and starts teasing him more, being really into PDA and also being extremely soft. Sabo says the most romantic things in the world and expects Sanji not to fall for him??? Okay. But it's not only Sanji who blushes because then he keeps feeding Sabo his favorite food and smiling at him and Sabo suddenly feels dumb and weak in the knees and has the need to laugh like a high school girl in a rom-com. Sabo is extremely possessive and I think as a fandom we all agree on that, but it's not even in a toxic way. Sanji likes it. Let them be like that. And as I said, they'd take care of each other when one is overworking himself or having nightmares or not being able to sleep or function properly. They'd be each other's anchors and they would completely understand the other.
I don't know, I just think they fit perfectly <3 Killer Queen and Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy? Yes. Anti-Hero and Mastermind? Yes. Sky x Ocean? Of course, fuck other dynamics, this one hits different. They mean the world to me 🩵💙🩵💙🩵
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To end this, I gotta say that they also look extremely hot together. I think the post would've been shorter if I just said I want both of them to kiss because it would look good, but I love analyzing the shit out of my favorite characters.
Tagging my awesome mootie @tinukis because he gave me the idea for a Sabosan analysis!!!! Thought you might be interested <3 Also, here's the post that made me think about it !!!!
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one-idea · 10 months
Okay I’m fairly new to one piece still. (I just finished Enies Lobby in the anime and I’m half way through the live action)
But I just had a plot bunny that just won’t leave my mind. A devil fruit that can steal dreams.
We all know that Luffy has an unstoppable ambition. He’s going to be the king of the pirates. And his dream and his belief in it is what draws a lot of his crew to him. Not only does he believe in his impossible dream but he believes in theirs.
He knows Zoro will be the world’s greatest swords man. Nami will make a map of the world. Usopp will be a great warrior of the sea. Sanji will find the all blue. Chopper will cure all diseases. Robin will uncover the lost history of the world. Franky’s ship will sail around the world. (Forgive me Brook and Jinbei I haven’t met you yet but I long for you)
But Luffy believes in them. Even when they don’t believe in themselves. Or when others try to stop them or take their dreams Luffy is the first in line to defend them.
So what happens if Luffy loses his ambition. Obviously this wouldn’t happen under normal circumstances. But what happens if there is a devil fruit user that can steal ambitions or dreams. The loftier the dream the more power the user receives. And this user hears of the straw hat crew. This crew of dreamer. Whose captain has the grandest of dreams.
What if he attacks the crew. An out right attack from one man won’t do much against the monsters of the crew. But the user doesn’t need to beat the crew they just need to use their power.
Maybe they’ve watched the crew for a while. They know how protective the crew is. So instead of gunning straight for Luffy they go after one of his friends. And Luffy moves to protect them getting his dream/ambition stolen.
What will the crew do with a Luffy who has no drive. Who doesn’t believe his dream is possible or even real. How do you look at the man who inspired you to chase your outrageous dream, who now doesn’t believe in his own.
And they can’t just talk him into believing again. They have to get his dream back. What won’t the crew do to get Luffy’s dream back.
It puts the crew in such a rough spot. Luffy normally takes out the biggest threat. Not that the others aren’t strong but now they are fighting someone who can steal their dreams/ambition. A person who just got a power up from stealing Luffy’s dream. They’re fighting all the things that make their captain their captain. His dream/ambition/determination/stubbornness.
Imagine the guilt of the strawhat Luffy pushed out of the way. Who is it?
One of the weaker members? He saved Nami’s whole village, freed her from Arlong. He always believes Usopp and after water 7 there’s just so much to their relationship. Copper who he took from a life of loneliness and solitude.
Or is it one of the older members? Robin who owes Luffy everything, the man who made her want to live. Franky? Brook? Jinbei? (I still need to learn more about them)
Or maybe worst Sanji who already has so much guilt from Whole Cake Island (I’m not there but I already know a lot) or Zoro, loyal Zoro who dedicated his own dream to Luffy. Who’s already made so many sacrifices. His own dream is so tightly intertwined with Luffy’s by now what must it be like to see Luffy with out his drive.
Imagine how they would agonize over being the reason Luffy is so despondent.
Because this only works if Luffy has completely given up. No drive what so ever. Like won’t get out of bed, sees no point in fighting back. The opposite of how he has been everywhere else.
I just think it could be a really compelling story if done right.
Part 2
Part 3
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laughingsour · 2 years
The (Laugh?) Sad Tale of Joy Boy
(Spoilers ahead, don’t read if you haven’t caught up with the manga)
This analysis came about from me remembering the ending of Wind Waker and the line from Amphibia’s true colors: “That’s the thing about friends isn’t it? The more you love ‘em the more it hurts when they go”
I don’t think a lot of people have caught on to the truly heartbreaking irony in the title of Joy Boy. That, despite his cheery name, his story did NOT have a happy ending.
We already know that the 20 kings (and Imu, most likely) won 800 years ago and destroyed most of what Joy Boy and his allies and friends accomplished.
This not only means that the many races of the world were doomed to persecution and racism by humans but it also means that the technology of the world was regressed to the point that they can only begin to catch up after 800 years (and largely because the man responsible is said to be 500 years ahead of his time) and the people don’t even know what they have lost.
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Think about it, in the Jaya arc Robin examines a skull from the fallen galleon and deduces that they medically relieved him of a tumor by making a hole in the skull, without anesthesia. It’s a forgotten practice by the present time, but it still proves that medicine had to evolve to resort to less gruesome methods. And in the East Blue they mentioned that scurvy was only recently fully understood. None of these things are an issue for us because of current medical knowledge.
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Of course not every technological advancement is good and some of them have actually caused horrific results both in the One piece world and real life. But people have an unfortunate tendency to take for granted the good things science has given us.
Back to the original topic though, if the Ancient Kingdom had won the One piece world would be unrecognizable to the one we’ve come to known. We don’t know how much for the better, but the 20 kings were very much afraid that such a world could have existed and of a man who‘s implied to have had a pretty innocent dream
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When someone who doesn’t make sense to the rest of the world appears there’s two things that can happen with them. Either the world destroys them and who they are at their core, or the world is forced to change to make sense of them.
Joy Boy was definitely one such person in the past like Luffy is in the present. But unlike Luffy, when met with the violent nature of the world, he couldn’t beat it because of some cruel twist of fate. (Or perhaps betrayal? I think Imu knew the first Joy Boy or they wouldn’t keep the frozen straw hat).
Even if (when) Luffy wins and fulfills the original Joy Boy’s dream, the original Joy Boy didn’t, no matter how hard he tried.
But the 20 king were still unable to destroy who Joy Boy was at his core: a dreamer. The very reason that he had friends who loved him. And because of that, Joy Boy had to dream even further than thought posible and imagine that someone else would appear in the future who was like him. Surprise, surprise, that came true.
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But he still died without fulfilling his promise. And he and his friends, like all people eventually do one way or another, had to part ways.
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But no matter how much Joy Boy may think he failed his friends, they love him no matter what and believe in him. And go on to make sure Joy Boy’s dream of a new person like him appearing comes true. (And adopt the name D. as one of their methods?)
Even so, Joy Boy himself lost and his loss is felt by all who knew him because he is no longer there. Which isn’t the same as the memory of a person. Luffy may be the heir of Joy Boy, but he isn’t Nika (or whatever his real name was).
Imagine if Brook didn’t have the Revive fruit. Laboon would have kept waiting for someone who wouldn’t come back; and even if Luffy gave him a new reason to keep waiting, it still would be a very different person than the perverted-dad (skull?) joke telling-musical gentleman that Laboon knew, wouldn’t it? In this regard Brook is luckier than Joy Boy was.
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That always was one of the most horrible things about the World Government, thinking people are expendable. They are not. Galley-La couldn’t make a new Going Merry even if they had the original blueprints because the crew that sailed her would notice small things that are not there anymore.
Although his memory and dreams for a new Dawn in the world are very much alive, the fact he lost so long ago after giving it his all cannot be undone. Similarly the 800 years of abuse the Government, the Celestial Dragons and Imu have inflicted cannot be undone either and many people who dreamed to see themselves free did not live to see it happen.
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Is it any wonder then that a piece of the Rio Poneglyph, one of the only means of the Ancient Kingdom to communicate and perhaps the most crucial historical document in the One Piece world, is an apology letter from Joy Boy?
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His dream will come true after all in such a way that will be mind-boggling to the point of it being funny, no matter what the world has thrown his way, which may be why Roger laughed.
What I mean to say is that I’m sure Joy Boy’s story will be extraordinarily tragic and yet triumphant somehow. And in line with who Luffy is, he’s not unbreakable.
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But he’s not finished yet.
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brookstolemybrand · 4 months
Another thing I'm thinking about (and discussed with @dragon6125 who made some really good points) is the inevitable Blackbeard v Luffy fight
Namely, I'm wondering if what's going to happen is actually that Blackbeard, in his usual opportunistic style, decides to take advantage of Luffy keeping the Five Elders busy right now, and of Mariejois being currently weakened from the efforts of the RA, and decides to just forget about the One Piece entirely and go straight for the Empty Throne
And I'm thinking that narratively it would make a lot of sense if Blackbeard is the one who takes down Imu and becomes the King of the World
1. Luffy vs Imu doesn't sound like a particularly interesting fight and there's no real build up to it aside from Luffy being the successor to Joyboy which I don't think is enough (Oda could still add this build up but that would mean spending more chapters on it when he's already busy trying to wrap the story up)
2. Seriously this would save so much time lmao
3. It's a very Blackbeard kind of move
4. It's still someone with a D taking Imu down which fits thematically
5. We don't need Blackbeard cluttering up the race for One Piece which is already full of more emotionally resonant dynamics and Blackbeard would just feel out of place there since I don't think he even really cares about becoming the Pirate King when he could become the King of the World
6. I think we need to see Blackbeard succeed in his goals before he faces Luffy
7. It allows Luffy to become Pirate King without Blackbeard losing (losing would make him less impressive as the final opponent, which I'm pretty sure he will be)
8. Pirate King vs King of the World seems like a very fitting last fight for the series
Seriously, the parallel paths of these two ambitious dreamers, the themes of the new generation taking down the old, and the last clash between the resistance and the government at the same time still being a fight between two pirates
Which unites the two kinds of conflcts in this story: rebels vs the government and pirates vs pirates
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Okay, is it canon that Law doesn't want to go after the one piece?
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I always thought that scene when they were mid-time-skip, and Law basically said, "hold your horses, the one piece will wait" was an indication that he wasn't without interest.
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(that extra white bit is where Law's shoe invaded the frame). I know Oda was still trying to spook us out at these points, but I think he had/has ambitions.
The smack talk with Kid and Luffy at Sabaody about them all being dreamers but also enemies,
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and Kid and Law are definitely invested in Luffy's words there (above), when he declares he's going after the one piece. Kid states they'll all be enemies when they meet again in the first panel.
Aiming for the One Piece can be seen as a means to an end for Law, but I think it's one possible means to an end. I know we have his 'living every day until this moment' speech when he hopes to get revenge on Doflamingo, but at the same time, if his plan had gone to order, he wouldn't have been in that situation.
Facing Doflamingo front-on wasn't a thought-out consideration. I think it was designed to be a pitstop if things had worked out. Kaidou was gonna do the dirty work.
Anyway, back to now.
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Why would Law share the poneglyph readings with Kid in Wano, stating he'd be sneaking out to a head start if he didn't? A head start to what? Seems to me they're going after the same thing, because otherwise what advantage would Law have had over Kid?
Law doesn't want the field uneven between either Kid, Luffy, or him. Previously he had said he rescued Luffy to keep things interesting. It does maybe show less of an interest, because he possibly is not as ruthless as he should be if it was a major goal (but neither is Luffy). It is possibly an adjacent interest, but I don't think he's 100% uninvested.
And why would the three captains squabble about directions when leaving Wano if they weren't heading towards the same place, hoping to get the same thing? Even if Law's is a front, he hasn't said he's not going for the One Piece.
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Law says that North-East is the most direct route, but to what? They're all trying to get to the same place, it seems, although maybe just into the general routes and passages of the New World, but for what aim? After all, Law can find out the meaning of the Will of D. and try his luck at the One Piece. It's the same path (seems to be).
I'm not saying he's not interested in the Will of D., cos' he obviously is, but I'd say he still has some investment in the One Piece, or had up until chapter 1081.
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Like, what's the point in being rivals if you're not rivals? I know the above is played for laughs where Law says he and the Straw Hats are enemies forever, and the Straw Hats respond by treating Law as the rival you're having when you're not having a rival, but at the same time, he set a path, he shared information, the captain trio were all aiming to reach the same destination, I think. Where?
Anyhoo, just my two-bits' worth.
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general-cyno · 8 months
Sitting here thinking about Luffy's blind faith in Zoro. I can tell a thousand reasons why Zoro's devotion makes even more sense, I mean, it's not like Luffy doesn't spend every moment unintentionally proving that Zoro was right to trust him. But Luffy's faith? Is it entirely based on the strength of Zoro's spirit? And I find that amazing. Crazy. Insane. Because Luffy canonically has no interest in those who don't have dreams but the only thing Zoro had when Luffy met him was his own dream and the conviction to hold on to it? And that was what struck Luffy the most, even before he knew that Zoro was actually a good person? And that Zoro is, for Luffy, probably the definition of invincible. Because he never gives up on his dream, because his way of joining the Straw Hats or sacrificing himself is to never give up on his dream but to make other dreams (Luffy's dream) part of his? I-
sorry for the late-ish reply anon! and hmmm. it may sound like I'm arguing semantics here but I don't really think luffy's faith in zoro (or anyone, for that matter) is blind per se. huge? heartfelt? intense? yeah, just not necessarily blind. for all that he's very trusting and prone to falling for tricks/underhanded methods, luffy is usually a very good judge of character and if he ever extends his trust or faith to someone it's bc he's got a reason for it or simply believes in their potential. if they fail to meet his expectations, it's their loss, not luffy's. he can take care of himself, and even if he's in danger he relies on his crew to back him up.
now curiously enough I've seen the "it doesn't make sense" argument for both zoro and luffy wrt each other, also that their relationship isn't very reciprocal from luffy's side and it's not something I really agree with. while their relationship does rely on more subtlety than people would think at first glance, I'd argue that as early as zoro's recruitment into the crew we can see why luffy trusts and believes in him as much he does. it's not solely about strength (mental or physical) because as interested as he may have been in zoro's reputation, luffy himself said he'd only ask zoro to join him if he turned out to be a good guy. though zoro had a cool dream, luffy wasn't exactly happy about how dismissive he seemed to be about pirates at first. ultimately, what persuaded him was witnessing first hand that zoro's the kind of person who'd eat dirt if it meant repaying someone's kindness, that he places great value in honor and is a man of his word even if those around him (like helmeppo back then) don't give him the same courtesy or mock him behind his back.
a dreamer just like luffy, someone who stays true to what he promises, who protected luffy, called him captain, became his first crewmate and long lasting companion, regarded him as his friend right away, pledged his dream to luffy's etc etc, how could luffy not have faith in him? not to mention zoro proved to be on luffy's crazy wavelength (to the point he understands luffy's reasoning and motivations to do xy without having to voice them out loud) and that he's as much of a dork too, on top of all that. if luffy's demonstrated why he's earned zoro's trust with his actions, either towards zoro or in general, zoro's also shown why luffy's had plenty of reasons from the beginning to have that much faith in him in turn, and those have only fortified with time, sometimes without luffy being aware of it (ie thriller bark). I've also mentioned it before and this kind of applies to his overall relationship with each member of the crew, but luffy's belief in zoro's strength, dream and so on is a reflection of zoro's in him. it's one of the many reasons I don't really see their mutual respect/devotion/loyalty as blind in either case. I love that about these two so much! everything about their relationship is so intentional, built brick by brick, sprinkled all over the story and their characters. so good.
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multi-fxndom446 · 2 years
Past lives
Zoro X reader
Summary: Zoro seems to save you from falling in multiple lives
Warnings: angst with fluff ending, maybe rushed ending idk
This is not completely accurate. I did this to the best of my ability I am only on episode 135 so I’m not even at the Sunny so plz be kind if I missed details.
Also I thought this was cute hope you all enjoy.
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Past couldn’t ever hold me down
Lost love is sweeter when it’s finally found
I’ve got the strangest feeling this isn’t our first time around.
Past lives couldn’t ever come between us
Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up
Don’t wake me I’m not dreaming
Don’t wake me I’m not dreaming
The moment you met Zoro it was almost like your whole world fell from right under you and you were left grasping for anything to hold onto, desperate to keep him close to you.
The first meeting almost went exactly as you felt, you were falling and he was the only thing you could see in your sights.
You gasped out a sharp breathe, reaching for something to hold onto. You felt your hands flailing around trying to grasp anything when you felt his arm and you clutched onto it for dear life.
His other arm was quick to wrap itself around your waist pulling you closer to him as you death gripped his other. “You okay?” He finally asked when he made sure you were steady on your feet.
With a few more gasps of breathe you swallowed your fear and nodded slightly, whispering out a quiet thank you and he backed away from you after he made sure your grip was loosened on him.
You looked around the ship, taking in the few other crew members that were present. All of them stood in shock at what they had witnessed. “Who the hell pushed you off that boat?” Another guy piped up, with blonde hair you noticed
Your thoughts were all over the place so much was happening way to fast. “What’s your name?” Another man in a straw hat asked as a red head girl brought a blanket over to you and you seemed to notice now how much you were shaking.
“Y/n.” You said softly glancing back at the man who saved you, your head spun with recognition. “I-I was hiding on the ship, they found me.” You motioned behind you as if to say ‘that’s why they pushed me off’
All you could remember was your heart stopping in fear when you realized the captain found you, then you were facing out towards the water close to another boat when you made eye contact with the man and his face held more concern then you would ever understand.
The next moment you felt hands pushing you and his arms saving you.
“I’m Monkey D. Luffy. Captain of this ship.” You nodded slightly, still unsure if they were gonna push you off as well. “This is Nami, Sanji and Ussopp.” Luffy smiled as he introduced his crew.
“I’m Zoro.” The man who saved you said. Your eyes couldn’t seem to leave him. Like something was drawing you to him, it was almost as if you knew this man before.
He seemed just as confused as you, his arms were crossed but his brows were furrowed in concentration trying to remember if he’s ever met you.
“Where are you trying to get to?” Nami piped in and you clutched the blanket tighter around you.
“Anywhere that isn’t this island.” You finally said and Luffy gave you a bright smile as he went over and patted you on the back.
“Well you’re in luck, we just happen to be leaving.” At the same moment the ship started sailing, some of his crew mates slipping away to go make sure everything was good for a long journey. “Though I’m not sure when we will stop next, are you okay with being with us for a while?”
Your eyes found there way back to Zoro who was still standing close by, arms crossed. “Yeah, I’ll help with anything you need.”
You were sat silently next to Zoro on the deck of the Going Merry. The swordsman was laying down, hands behind his head as he snored away.
You looked around at what everyone else was doing. Sanji seemed to be the only one doing anything in the kitchen while the other 3 were huddled around together playing a game of cards.
You lived for these moments with them. The quiet with little bits of laughter and just overall happiness in the air.
When Luffy told you they wouldn’t be stopping for awhile he wasn’t lying. Days had turned into weeks and weeks turned into a few months. But food was running low. You knew they would be stopping at an island shortly, the very same one you would be leaving them.
“You don’t have to leave you know?” You jumped when Zoros voice broke through the silence. “Your thinking to loud I couldn’t sleep.”
You smiled at that. He’d never admit he had woken up awhile ago you were to deep in thought to notice him watching you. “That’s what we agreed on.” You said softly and he sat up, shifting his weapons to move them in front of him.
“That was months ago you can’t actually think we were just gonna let you go?” He unsheathed one and started cleaning them carefully, one by one. “You’re part of the crew.”
“I can’t stay.” You sigh, watching him work. “I don’t think I realized how long Luffy meant when he said it.”
Zoro watched you from the corner of his eye, “why?” You looked up at him in confusion. “Tell me why you have to leave. What’s out there that you think you need to protect us from?”
“I-“ you paused, “just stuff from the past I can’t shake. I don’t want to Involve any of you, I never meant to get close to any of you.”
He scoffed. “You didn’t involve us. I involved myself when I saved your ass from dying, now you owe me.” He sheathed his first sword and pulled out the next. “I saved you. So In return you stay here, with us. With me.”
You watched him silently, eyes widened. He really wanted you to stay. You understood how he was feeling, you both never seemed to want to be to far from the other. But still..
Almost as if sensing your hesitation he stopped cleaning and grabbed your hand. “I promise you I can take care of myself. We all can. So stop worrying for us and promise me you’ll stay.”
You felt your hand tingle where he held onto you, “okay. Okay I promise.” He smiled a smile you would never get tired of seeing and pulled away from you to continue cleaning his swords.
Past lives couldn’t ever hold me down
Lost love is sweeter when it’s finally found
I’ve got the strangest feelin, this isn’t our first time around.
Past lives could never come between us
Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up
Don’t wake me I’m not dreaming
The Sunny rocked gently on the waves. The sun was just starting to rise and you knew everyone else was probably starting to get up.
You knew you should probably get up and start helping around the ship but how could you when Zoro was sleeping so peacefully next to you?
He was facing you, his arm loosely thrown over your waist. You were laid on your side as your eyes scanned over almost every feature he had. Your fingers traced gently across his jawline and over his scar on his eye before they traced along his earrings, admiring the way they just laid gently on his neck.
“What’re you doing?” He grumbled, his arm pulling you tighter against him. Your hand fell just behind his head where you started to play with the ends of his hair. You could feel his goosebumps start running down his arms. “Your being to noisy.”
You laughed, “I haven’t even said anything.” You smiled as he finally opened his eye to look at you. “Goodmorning.”
“It’s to early.” He sighed in annoyance before he tried to turn over and go back to sleep but he couldn’t seem to look away from you, not when you were looking at him with so much love. “What are you even doing?” He asked again
“Just admiring.” You whispered softly. The two of you sat in silence as you continued to play with his hair and he watched you closely. “Hey.”
He hummed
“Do you believe in past lives?” He raised an eyebrow at you and let out a questioning ‘huh?’ You pulled your hand away from his hair with a sigh. “Sorry it’s stupid.”
You went to pull away from him but his arm held you in place. “No keep going I want to hear what you want to say.” You smiled as his determination.
“It’s just when I first met you, there was something about you that felt..familiar.” Your eyebrows scrunched in concentration as you tried to find the right words. “Something about you I just knew immediately I was meant to be with you.”
Zoro stayed silence while he studied you. He could see the look in yours eyes and he knew that look. This was something that must’ve been on your mind for awhile. “I dunno about past lives but I do know we were meant to be together.” He finally said.
“If you did believe in past lives..do you think we were together in those lives?” Your question seemed to take him back. He stared at you for a moment before nodding slightly.
“I’m sure we were. But it doesn’t matter,” he leaned forward to kiss your head before he rolled out of bed. “This is our present and it’s better then any past lives we may have lived together.”
You stared at his back in awe, “come on we better go before Luffy eats all the food.” You slowly smiled at the man before humming in agreement and following after him.
“Alright, everyone meet back here before sundown!” Sanji called out to everyone before they started departing from the Sunny to go into town.
This was the first town you had stopped at in weeks and you were hoping they had some supplies you’ve been looking for, for awhile. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” Zoro asked you for the third time.
Zoro watched you leave with a frown, he knew you could handle yourself but still, he couldn’t help but worry.
You split off from the rest the moment you entered town. Nami stayed with you for a few moments before she could hear the sounds of Luffy causing trouble and she split off.
You really didn’t mind, you only wanted to go to one shop. You had been looking for this piece to upgrade your weapon for weeks but no one ever seemed to have it.
Right when you were about to turn a corner a body collided with yours making you take a few steps back to balance yourself. “I’m so sor-��� your sentence cut short when your eyes landed on who was in front of you.
“Hm?” The man turned to you, staring you down. “You look familiar.” He had said and you took a step back, laughing awkwardly.
“I get that a lot. Im sorry for running into you!” You went to turn away before you felt him grab onto your wrist tightly.
“I do know you.” He smirked his eyes shinning in excitement. “The captain has been looking for you, I’m sure I’ll get a big reward for turning you over to him.”
He started pulling you with him as he weaved his way around the town. You struggled, pulling, scratching but he didn’t even seem to notice. “Let me go!” You yelled and he just yanked you harder. When you saw the Captain your eyes widened in fear and you became desperate but the grip wouldn’t loosen up.
“Captain!” The man called and your heart fell to the floor when he turned to the voice and your eyes connected.
Zoro sat on the deck of the sunny, taking deep breaths as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as if trying to force himself to meditate. It should’ve been easy to do with the waves rocking the ship lightly but with a sigh he finally opened his eye, giving up.
He’d never tell you this but he was no longer able to train peacefully unless you were somewhere he knew you were safe, usually by his side where he could protect you in a moments notice.
He hasn’t been able to be a peace for awhile now not since the day he was separated from his entire crew for too long, now he’s too scared the same will happen and he can’t let it especially when he just got everyone back, when he just got you back.
“Ah might as well go into town.” He sighed out, jumping from the ship but as he was about to start the walk to town his crew started appearing one by one in the distance.
They all started getting closer when he noticed you weren’t with any of them. “Where’s y/n?” He asked his hand already on his swords.
“I’m sure she’s just running behind she should be back in a few minutes.” Nami said while she pointed where Luffy and Ussopp could put down her bags.
So he waited. Everyone was on the ship putting everything away and still there was no sign of you. “She said she would be back before sundown.” Zoro mumbled when the sun finally disappeared out of sit.
“Still no Y/n?” Chopper called, eyebrows furrowed in worry when Zoro shook his head. “Should we look for her-?”
Right as chopper asked a loud explosion went off in the distance near the other side of the town and Zoro wasted no time taking off, letting Chopper call for everyone.
He needed to get to you.
Don’t wake me I’m not dreaming.
Zoro felt like his world was burning down, which it almost was. Everything around him was engulfed in flames practically cutting his crew off of any chance to escape.
Though he wouldn’t be leaving until he had you back in his arms.
He was breathing heavily, sword held firmly between his teeth and the other two gripped in his hands. He was exhausted, this guy was stronger then he looked.
Nami was on her knees behind him, clutching her arm while Sanji was stood protectively in front of her and chopper was next to her tending her wounds.
Luffy was stood next to him with a death glare aimed at the man who had you by the throat. You were scratching at his arm to the point he was bleeding but he didn’t seem to care he only laughed in your face.
“Let her go!” Luffy shouted while Usopp loaded his weapon and Robin got ready. “She didn’t do anything!”
“Didn’t do anything?” The man barked out a harsh laugh, “she sunk a ship filled with men and all of our treasure. She has to pay those berries back with her life, which she’s now worth.”
“She told me that story once.” Nami spoke up, “she sunk your ship after you burned down her village.” She seethed.
“I-I didn’t-“ you choked, Zoros clutch tightening. “I didn’t kill any of your men.” You finally said gulping in breathes when he loosened his hold enough for you to speak.
He nodded, “I killed them.” Luffys eyes widened even more in pure fury. “After you sunk our ship with the treasure you snuck on board the main ship to kill me. My men were foolish and they let you get away so I killed them. So really, it was your fault.”
He tightened his hold on you again and pulled out his sword. “You caused there deaths.” He seethed and everything after seemed like slow motion.
In the next moments the man pulled his sword back and Zoro watched your eyes widen in horror, while Usopp shot an exploding bullet. The explosion went off in the man’s face and his hold loosened as he dropped you to the ground and stumbled back in shock.
Zoro was running after that. Everything hurt but he didn’t care, Luffy and everyone else could take care of this guy but he needed to get to you.
When he got to you he was staring down at you in disbelief. You were on your side with blood pooling under you, the bloody sword still clutched in the mans hand. He fell to his knees and layed a shaky hand on your arm, pulling you to roll over. The moment he did he let out and anguished yell. “Chopper!” He yelled as he gathered you in his arms, rocking you back and forth. “Chopper!!”
Past lives couldn’t ever hold me down
Lost love is sweeter when it’s finally found
I’ve got the strangest feeling
This isn’t our first time around
Past lives couldnt ever come between us
Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up
Don’t wake me I’m not dreaming
Everything felt cold. Cold and dark. You could faintly hear Zoro yelling before everything went completely still. You thought you might be dead but then you saw a faint light ahead of you.
Everything in your body told you not to go towards it, but your feet carried you anyway. When you got to the light a sort of softness engulfed you.
You looked around to see you were in a small house, a very old one. One that didn’t even seem to be from your time. In front of you was a man with his back turned. Something about him seemed so familiar.
Before you could understand who it was your feet were carrying you towards him. When you were right behind him your arms wrapped themselves around his waist. You felt a sense of deja vu.
When you pulled away from him you went to take a step but tripped over whatever tools he had layed out beside him. The man turned quick and grabbed onto you. He mouthed something but you couldn’t hear anything. Even if you wanted to you were to distracted by the familiar face that stared back at you. It was Zoro.
He mouthed something again something that looked like your name. “Y/n!” Finally you could hear him but it wasn’t from the one in front of you. Suddenly you were thrown in darkness again and you could hear your Zoro yelling out to you but your body was already pulling you another direction.
This time it was bright outside in what seemed to be summer time. Everything this time was bleary like it hasn’t actually happened yet. That’s when you see the familiar green hair in the distance, you want to go to him but everything suddenly became so cold again and your body finally succumbed to the darkness.
“Y/n!” Zoro yelled watching hopefully as your eyes flutter open. You’re pale, all life drained from your body as you gaze up at him.
You could see the tears in his eyes when he looked down at you but all you could bring yourself to do was smile softly at him. “We’ll be okay.” You whispered and he narrowed his eyes. “I’ll see you again.”
“What?” He held onto you tighter when your eyes started closing again, chopper sitting next to you helpless. “Hey, don’t close your eyes! Y/n!”
But it was to late. Your eyes closed and your hand fell limp at your side.
Dont wake me I’m not dreaming
There was no sound other then the waves crashing onto the shore. Everything was dull. Luffy and the rest of the crew made a raft while Zoro held onto your body as long as they allowed before Sanji came to take you away from him.
They stood next to the Sunny and watched Zoro. He stood next to the raft and looked out at the never ending sea.
He took a deep breathe and kneeled down next to the raft, his hand coming up to soothe over your hair while he traced every feature you had as if to commit you to every memory he could ever possibly have.
“You were right.” He whispered, “you were the love of my life in every life.” His eye clouded with tears so he layed his head down on his arm to try and stop it.
“If we found each other in all of those lives, I’ll find you in the next one. I swear to you on my life.” He muttered, lifting his head slightly to lean forward and press one final kiss to the side of your head. “I love you.”
Finally, he stood up and nodded at his crew. They all came forward and helped push the raft into the ocean while Zoro lit it one fire and they all watched you leave the world with tears in there eyes.
(In another life)
Zoro was walking next to Luffy as they looked at all the shops. The summer breeze was warm which felt nice to bask in for once.
Luffy was running up to every window in excitement when you came out of one. You both didn’t notice each other at first until you looked towards the green hair, which distracted you.
When you walked past him you tripped. He was quick to turn to you as he grabbed onto you and your grasped his arm tightly. His other arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him to secure you. The entire thing felt oddly familiar.
“Are-“ he felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest when your eyes connected finally and the puzzle pieces clicked in place. He was staring at you with as much intensity as you. “Y/n?” He almost whispered out, scared you were fake.
You took a moment to understand and then smiled, bringing your hand to cup his cheek. “Zoro,” you had tears in your eyes. “You found me.”
He pulled you closer and leaned his forehead against yours. Tears were falling from his eyes but he had the biggest smile on his face.
“Dummy. I promised you I would.”
You choked out a laugh and brought him closer, kissing him with as much love of you could possibly muster.
Luffy was long gone somewhere and at this point, long forgotten.
Hope you enjoyed <3
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loveanaox · 11 months
One Piece Live Action Actors Ideal types
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(Sorry yall I've been busy so a little inactive, but after I fix my schedule I will answer all the other requested readings on the kpop idols)
Inaki Godoy (Luffy)
Cards pulled out: Five of pentacles reversed, eight of cups reversed, four of pentacles reversed, the devil reversed, nine of pentacles back of the deck
So I pulled cards once but then I didn't like how they came out and it was really confusing to interpret but it seems like some cards just want to come out
So this what im getting:
He definitely likes someone who likes to improve their financial situation. Someone who's stable, got their shit together. Very independent and secure. Someone who makes him feel welcomed in a way. He might like that either seeing them healing from their abandonment issues, or he likes when they're not completely yk for commitment, like scared of commitment. Someone who is very open and generous, but someone as I said who's independent and very like green vibes. Like green and sweet. Someone's who's been in it for the rough but like reclaiming their control and becoming independent.
Jacob Gibson (Ussop)
Cards pulled out:Strength, king of wands, five of pentacles, the devil, page of cups
He likes someone who's very brave and Courageous, confident and friendly. Just like a "I am my own person" type of person. Someone who lives up to their own expectations and is just a funny, honest and just has a way with their words type of person. He wants someone who knows how it feel to be left out in the cold but then to become independent and detached from the world. He digs that. Someone very cheerful and optimistic like sassy but cute, someone sensible and emotionally mature. Very Youthful and a dreamer and actually works on those dreams.
Emily Rudd(Nami)
Cards pulled out: Six of pentacles, the hierophant reversed, nine of cups, ace of swords, knight of pentacles back of the deck
Someone who is very generous and kind, but also someone who challenges normal traditions, someone whi doesn't mind or believes in gender roles reversed. I saw a house husband lmao. Someone who's very optimistic and abundant. A person who has a good intellectual ability. Someone who can stimulate her mind and other, a person who believes in justice. Someone who can concentrate well and see things from outside the box. Someone who's like different from others but "far ahead in life" someone who can provide stability and materialistic things and bring in things and be able to build with her on a mental level.
Taz Skylar(Sanji)
Cards pulled out: Ten of swords, justice, chariot, the lovers, three of wands
Someone who has been betrayed or backstabbed before and just really ket down, causing that person to really believe in justice or karmic things. Someone he rebuild themselves and are now successful in life and victorious and those hoes can't even touch em. He wants someone where it can feel romantic and it feels like they're soulmates yk? Someone who he gad shared values with. Might like someone who travels a lot or a foreigner. He is attracted to someone who believes in themselves and someone who likes to experience life.
Okayy hope yall enjoyed the readings. I didn't do all the casts just bc I don't think you guys all wanted to see all the actors. I didn't to Mackenyu cause he has a wife if anyone was wondering.
But ja I will now continue with the kpop readings I need to finish.
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rize-said-so · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Episode 5 EAT AT BARATIE!
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It's hard being a One Piece fan. We celebrating the success of the series, then given the best episode in the anime and then the manga has just been serving.
Episode 5 has been my favorite episode in the season so far. But that may change soon cause I said I liked Episode 4 after I watched it.
I felt a little for Little Luffy in the flashback. Maybe because Garp was an actual human being and Little Luffy wasn't doing his cute little whine when his Grandpa was scolding him that I was actually sad for Luffy not having someone to support his dream of piracy.
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But Garp was still Garp and I know he cares about his grandson. I still cry during the flashback when Luffy was climbing up the platform to Ace. Garp was carrying Luffy home and Garp was apologizing for being such a cruel grandpa and that maybe he wanted a different grandpa. But Luffy just nuzzled his head into his grandpa's back and called out to him in his cute little tone and Garp said they'd have a feast back home because he took a lot from the marine ship.
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Damn. They're about to give Garp the Fist of Love and Galaxy Impact
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I could almost hear him say "As expected of my grandson"
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Luffy willing to stand up to his grandpa for his dream. Even if it meant that he may be arrested.
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I swear without Nami they'd be broke and lost at sea.
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The dynamic between Nami and Zoro, being the first two people Luffy ever recruited was so brother-sister looking after their younger brother coded.
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The set designer for this show deserves all the awards. Like seriously wherever they docked the real thing I want to see it.
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My favorite All Blue dreamer
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I wished they kept to the scene in the manga. Like Luffy's first impression of Sanji and why he asked him to be part of his crew was not because he was a good fighter nor because he liked his food, Luffy hasn't eaten anything Sanji made yet, but he asked Sanji to be part of his crew was because Sanji fed Gin when everyone else tried to kick him out of the restaurant. He saw Sanji's kindness and wanted him to be part of his crew.
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This is why there is a lock in the fridge in Sunny and giant mousetraps
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I believe in the theory that there's no one in Laugh Tale or they could be vegans. Cause Luffy would have found One Piece already if someone was cooking there.
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After seeing Arlong, Nami's happiness became very important to me
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He promised to pay with a treasure tab. He made the same promise to Makino. I really hope he returns to Foosha Village and pays that tab cause Makino's a mom now.
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Luffy and Sanji conversing about their dream with bright looks on their faces is very important to me.
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I love that this is what they're bonding over.
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I can't tell if this is Sanji's signature fried rice
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I liked Buggy's intro. BUT Mihawk's intro, destroying Don Krieg's fleet, became my absolute fave bounty intro.
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I know he and Shanks fought a lot over the years so he easily recognized the hat. And I know he knows about Luffy. Not by name. But because Shanks lost his arm to a boy in East Blue and he probably made the connection. So him mentioning the hat really got me excited.
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I love Zoro and Mihwak's duel. They perfectly recreated the battle and really did justice to the moment that defined Zoro's entire brain chemistry as a pirate, Strawhat first mate and Luffy's best friend.
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Den Den Mushi Appreciation
Love they're incorporating more designs to the Den Den Mushi. In the anime Garp had a megaphone so this was so in the world tone
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